#this is my feel-good au and damnit does it feel good
babydollmarauders · 1 year
part of the el!hughes au
summary: in which y/n (lovie) gives birth to their baby boy
warnings: reference to porn (?), birth
notes: THIS TAKES PLACE IN APRIL 2024! (2.8k words)
not my gif
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“five more days.”
Jack’s voice breaks me out of my reading trance, my eyes tearing away from my book that sits propped up on my overly large bump.
“hmm?” i hum, wincing as the baby pushes against my bladder.
Jack just smiles, he has one hand resting on my lower stomach, and the other holding our two-year-old to his chest as she naps.
“five more days,” he repeats, his sentence broken up by a yawn. “until his due date.”
“if he can stay in here that long.” i joke. it’s an ongoing worry of mine, that our baby boy is gonna come before his due-date like his sister did.
“he’ll do it.” Jack says confidently, looking down at my stomach. “right, little guy?”
our son, as though knowing his father is talking to him, kicks directly at Jack’s hand on my bump, resulting in a wide grin from Jack.
“told ya, Lovie.” he looks back at me, “he’ll wait. he just told us so.”
“go take your nap!” i laugh, pushing at his legs with my foot.
“okay, well i’m taking her with me.” he sticks his tongue out at me as he stands up, clutching Eleanor tightly to his chest with his good arm as he does so.
“that’s fine with me. peace and quiet.” i sigh, “maybe i’ll actually get to finally finish my book.”
“you mean your porn?” Jack teases, bending over to press a kiss to my forehead.
“it’s not porn! it’s romance!”
“porn with a plot!” his words are spoken with a dismissive wave of his hand in his post-surgery sling as he walks toward our bedroom.
“shut up!” Luke’s voice drifts out from his bedroom, and i can only imagine him with his pillow pressed against his ear. “i don’t wanna hear your freaky sex talk! some of us are trying to have a pregame nap!”
Jack throws his head back in laughter, the tips of my ears turning red at Luke’s assumption.
“go to sleep, before you upset my son.” i huff, waving Jack off.
“our son can’t get upset yet.” he reminds me, his brows furrowing in confusion.
“i know. i said my son.” i tell him. “Luke.”
“oh my god.” Jack groans, rolling his eyes before he turns and finally disappears down the hallway.
i hear our bedroom door click shut and let out a sigh of contentment.
Jack hasn’t given me any room to breathe for the past couple days. ever since we hit one week until the due-date, which is how early i had El, Jack has been hovering nonstop, just in case the baby decides he’s ready to make his grand entrance. but finally, it’s the last game of the regular season tonight, and with Jack, Luke, and El all taking naps, i get a couple hours to myself.
just me, my book, and the unborn child in my womb that is currently dancing on my bladder.
i heave out a sigh, bookmarking my page and shutting my book, letting it fall to the couch as i struggle to push myself up.
damnit, i should’ve had Jack help me up to pee before he went to sleep.
i finally, successfully, rise from the couch, waddling over to the bathroom and making it to the toilet just in time.
after washing my hands, i head into the kitchen and grab myself a water bottle and the tupperware of pre-cut fruit that Jack had prepared for me this morning, before making my way back to the couch.
my head is pounding, light pains in my stomach as i sit on the floor, waiting up for Jack and Luke to get home.
the Devils lost to the Islanders 4-1, and i know both the boys are gonna need cheering up. even though Jack sat in a suite the entire game and didn’t play, i know he feels the loss just as hard as the rest of his teammates.
El is wired from her two naps of the day, currently decked out in a princess dress with a lab coat over it as she plays doctor, checking my bump for any ‘boo-boo’s, but i don’t have the energy to fight her on going to bed.
El’s play stethoscope is pressed against my bump, her wild blonde curls falling over her eyes as she looks down.
“mama.” she whispers, standing up straight and cupping my face.
“yes, lovely?” i coo, tucking a curl behind her ear.
“baby heart!” she points to my stomach, bending back down to press her plastic stethoscope against the stretched out fabric of my shirt.
“yeah? are you listening to the babies heart?” she nods enthusiastically, the stethoscope bouncing from its connection in her ears.
she rips it out though when she hears the front door unlock, her head snapping up towards the living room entrance, waiting to see who it is.
as soon as Jack rounds the corner, her little legs take off; her feet slapping against the hardwood floor as she runs over to him.
“daddy!” Jack’s face brightens at the sight of her, a small smile playing on his lips as he bends down, allowing El to wrap her arms around his neck.
“hi, lovely.” Jack presses a kiss to her cheek as she pulls back. “what are you still doing up? how come mommy didn’t put you to bed?”
“mommy, doesn’t have a single ounce of energy left to fight her into bed.” i sigh, letting my head fall back onto the sofa.
“uncle Luke’s got it.” Luke swoops in, pulling El up into his arms. “c’mon munchkin, you wanna wear your Elsa jammie’s tonight?”
“dark vader!” El screams, making Luke wince as he starts toward the hallways to her room.
“what has uncle Quinn done to you?” he shakes his head as they retreat.
Jack sighs, looking down at me on the floor. he huffs out a chuckle and shakes his head at me as i stretch grabby hands out to him, walking over and helping me up off the floor.
“you okay?” i run a hand through his overgrown hair, staring into his ocean blue eyes.
“yeah,” he starts, pausing when he sees me flinch. “are you?”
“mhm.” i nod, gritting my teeth as a sharp pain shoots through my abdomen and back.
“are you sure?” he asks, flattening the back of his hand to my forehead as if checking my temperature. i swat it away. “Lovie, if we need to go to the hospital, just tell me. better safe than sorry.”
“we don’t-” i’m cut off by El storming into the living room in her Darth Vader onesie, Luke chasing behind her with her toothbrush in hand.
“we gotta brush your teeth Ellie-Bug!” Luke catches up to her with his long legs, but not before she can try and scramble up my body, her hands pushing against my stomach and causing me to cringe in pain.
“alright, that’s it, we’re going.” Jack announces, stepping back.
“no.” i stand my ground, crossing my arms across my chest. “i’m fine, Jack. it’s just a few pains. nothing i can’t handle.”
and my words would’ve been believable, if it weren’t for the gush of liquid that begins to trickle down my legs.
“fuck.” i curse, squeezing my eyes shut as Jack retreats to the linen closet to retrieve a towel.
“mommy! potty! go!” El screams, her little index finger pointing towards the bathroom.
“no, lovely, mommy doesn’t need to potty.” i lift a foot as Jack sets a towel down to soak up the liquid, oddly calm given the circumstances.
“hey, sunshine,” Jack’s voice is soft as he squats down in front of our toddler. “you know how mommy and daddy have been telling you baby brother is in mommy’s tummy?”
“baby!” El squeals, making to come and rub my bump like she usually does, but Jack holds her back.
“yeah, a baby!” Jack grins, “well now baby brother is ready to come and meet you, doesn’t that sound fun?”
my eyes water at the calm and gentle approach he has to explaining the situation to our sweet girl, and how excited she seems to get as she nods her head.
“okay, so mommy and daddy are gonna go to the doctor’s, and uncle Luke is gonna stay here with you. is that okay?”
“yuke!” she shouts, her head whipping around to find Luke, who’s currently attending to me as i waddle towards my bedroom to get changed.
“i’m right here, munchkin.” Luke switches places with my husband, probably the better choice, as i’ll need someone to help me peel these leggings off and put new ones on, and i think Luke and i would both rather he not be the one to do it.
Jack makes quick work of helping me sit on our bed, peeling my leggings and underwear off before he helps me into new ones.
“you ready, love?” i question, suspiciously eyeing him and his strangely serene demeanor.
“shouldn’t i be asking you that question?” he smiles, helping me off the bed.
“oh, i know i’m not. but are you?” he guides me back out to the living room, past El’s bedroom, where i can hear Luke reading her a bedtime story, and towards the front door.
“yeah.” he nods as he opens the door. “i’m ready.”
“oh good. then, can you push him out for me?” Jack laughs loudly, helping me into the car.
“unfortunately, i can’t do that.” he reminds me, my lips turning down in a frown. “but i’ll tell you what i can do.”
he pauses to round the car, sliding into the drivers seat. his hand slips into mine, lacing our fingers together as he looks into my eyes.
“i can hold your hand, and remind you that at the end of all that pushing, we’re gonna have our baby boy.” his forehead rests against mine, dipping down to kiss my lips before he pulls away and begins driving to the hospital.
“fuck you and your sweet words.” i sigh, gripping the car door and squeezing his hand as another contraction comes along. “shit!”
sweat drips down my forehead as i push. Jack stands beside me, his hand tightly clutched in mine as he whispers reassuring words in my ear.
“i want my mom!” i sob, tears streaming down my cheeks as i stop pushing, looking towards Jack, who’s eyes are welled up with tears.
“i’m sorry,-” he pushes my hair back from sticking to my forehead.
“i want Ellen!” i clarify, squeezing my eyes shut as another contraction hits and i’m forced to begin pushing again.
“oh lovie,” my husband coos, resting his forehead against the side of my head. “mom is on her way. i promise.”
we were lucky in the sense that Ellen and Jim had already flew into town yesterday to attend the boys game tonight and wait for baby boy to arrive. but my labor happened so fast, that he had just gotten ahold of Ellen before i was told it was time to push.
“okay, take a breath, y/n.” the doctor speaks, “i can see his head crowning so this next push should be it.”
i take three deep breaths before i feel another contraction, pushing one last time before the sound of infant cries fill the room.
Jack squeezes my hand as i fall back on the hospital bed, after labor chills making my body shake.
“good job, mom!” the doctor cheers, “you have a seemingly healthy baby boy!”
the nurse rests him against my chest, handing him over to me, and i let out another sob at the sight of him.
“oh-” i stare down at his sweet face, running a finger along his cheek. “Jacky, he has your nose.”
i glance up at my husband, who looks at our baby with so much love; as if he’s the greatest thing in the world. his tears have finally spilled over, his hand reaching out to hold the back of our son’s head.
“he’s perfect, lovie.” his voice breaks, catching in his throat mid-sentence.
“our perfect baby boy.”
“he’s an angel.” Ellen coos, staring down at the baby in her arms.
“isn’t he perfect?” i smile softly, still waking up from my nap.
its now eight in the morning, and after the four a.m. birth and then first feeding an hour later, i only got three hours of sleep before Jack woke me up and told me his mother was getting restless to see her grandson and he knew i wanted to witness the meeting.
Luke and El should be arriving any moment, so we’re letting Jim and Ellen meet him before they get here.
“absolutely perfect.” Ellen smiles, looking back at Jack and i. my husband lays beside me in the hospital bed, his head resting on my shoulder as he snores.
i can’t imagine how tired he must be. he stayed awake the entire time i napped, just admiring our baby boy and attempting to do some one armed skin-on-skin with the help of a nurse; who advised better of my husband than to use his other arm, which is still in a sling after his shoulder surgery just six days prior.
“he has Jack’s nose.” Jim chuckles as his wife hands the baby off to him.
“that’s what i said.” i grin, turning my head to look down at my sleeping soulmate. i crane my neck, pecking a kiss to his nose, which makes him scrunch it in his sleep.
the room door swings open, Luke stepping through with El clutched in his arms, and i carefully shake Jack awake.
“hmm?” he groans, his eyes fluttering open before he sits up.
“El is here.” i whisper, just before our daughter squeals.
“mommy! daddy!” Luke sets her on the hospital bed and she clambers up our legs, gingerly settling down on Jack’s lap and wrapping her arms around his neck.
“hi, lovely. did you have a good night with uncle Luke?” Jack asks, huffing out a laugh at the sight of her messily done ponytail. she nods, her curls bouncing on top of her head.
“her hair is wild, don’t blame me.” Luke huffs, taking the baby from his father’s arms.
“oh my god, he’s precious.” Luke smiles softly at the baby in his arms as he walks toward the bed.
“you see your baby brother, El?” i question, and her eyes widen as Luke hands my son back to me.
my daughter’s lips part, her hand reaching out to touch the babies foot.
“baby?” she whispers, looking up at Jack and he nods.
“yeah, lovely. that’s the baby that was in mommy’s tummy.” her eyes flicker between the baby and my stomach at his words, and i giggle.
“yeah, there’s nothing in there anymore, lovebug.” i tell her.
“baby.” she repeats, her touch raising to his tiny hands.
“hey, mom?” Jack calls out, Ellen looking over at him with raised brows. “you mind facetiming Quinny?”
“yeah, of course.” she nods, digging her phone out of her purse.
i feel a slight twinge of guilt as i hear the facetime ring, feeling a little bad to be waking Quinn up at five in the morning on a game day, but i know he’ll be excited to see the baby.
“mom? what’s up?” Quinn’s voice is groggy when the call connects, and instead of answering, Ellen just hands the phone to Jack.
“hey, Quinny.” my husband grins, letting El wave hello to her uncle.
“hey Jacky, hi El-Bell.” Quinn rubs his eyes, sitting up in his bed. “what’s going on? i have a game tonight, bro.”
“i know. but, i thought you might wanna meet someone.” Jack flips the phone around, pointing it to me and i hold the baby up better so that Quinn can see.
“oh my god.” Quinn’s seemingly more awake now, bringing the phone closer to his face. “you had him.”
tears well in my eyes, an overwhelming sense of longing for my big brother figure’s presence creeping up on me as i nod.
“i had him.” i confirm.
“he’s beautiful, guys.” Quinn smiles as Jack slots himself and El into the frame, showing off all four of us. “what’s his name?”
i share a glance with Jack and he nods, giving me permission.
“Elio Quintin Hughes.” i smile softly, my tears spilling over my waterline as Quinn gapes.
i hear Ellen let out a little sob, and i glance over to find Jim pulling her in for a hug.
“you named him after… me?” Quinn asks, and even through the phone screen, i can see tears glistening in his eyes.
Jack nods.
“it only seemed right.” i explain. “if it weren’t for you, Jack and i wouldn’t have met. you guys are the family that i desperately wished for growing up, and if it weren’t for you, i wouldn’t have it now either.”
tears stain Quinn’s cheeks, “i love you, y/n. and you too, i guess, Jack.”
Jack laughs, huffing out a “we love you too.”
we stay on the call for another hour, letting El talk to her uncle, and us telling him how the birth went, before he excuses himself, telling us he should probably get a bit more sleep before morning skate.
Jack hands the phone back to Ellen, who snaps a picture of the four of us squished together in the hospital bed.
my little family.
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gabessquishytum · 9 months
I’ve got another one!
alright this is me totally projecting here (hearing loss anon what what)
alright so….
human AU Dream does not make conversation, he doesn’t speak to people in crowded or noisy areas, it is very hard for him to keep a conversation if he’s forced to have one, he can’t socialise very well, and occasionally it��s hard for people to understand his speech.
Dream’s hard of hearing. He’s given up on having conversations with people because it’s so hard to hear them. His family won’t help him cause they just think he’s quiet he’s very disconnected from people. He’s never been treated and it’s only gotten progressively worse, it’s also why he got into art and not musical instruments like his other siblings. one day in the art room he hears something. it’s very far away “hi… hello?” It’s probably half way across the room.
“I’m Hob mind if I sit?”
there’s movement in his peripheral. he looks up. a man is smiling down at him. Assumedly the same man who asked him to sit down. he merely nods, no need to make conversation. “I'm new here is this sculpting?”
Shit a question, with missing information ok context clues, he’s never seen him before, probably new and wants to know what class this is. “You are in sculpture,”
“Thanks mate”
this Hob starts starts messing with a mound of clay talking the whole time Dream couldn’t understand him it didn’t matter.
“how’s your day?”
“I’m sorry, I asked what your name was?”
Dream blushed, he had fucked up again
“it’s uh Dream,”
dream nodded.
“you don’t talk much do you?”
shit shit shit Damnit fuck shit, Dreams gotta lip read. He looks up at Hob locking eyes with his lips.
dream stares at hob’s lips for a normal amount of time and nods when he thinks is appropriate and hopes Hob doesn’t ask a question it’s all going so well till….
“oh, you can’t hear me,” Hob says in the middle of his sentence so he scoots a little closer and raises his voice a little louder and enunciates more clearly, but not in a patronizing way just so Dream could understand.
“I’m afraid I cannot, how could you tell?” Dream asked.
hob chuckles, “you’re leaning towards me with one ear pointing at me which I’m assuming is your better ear and you’ve been squinting at my lips for the past ten minutes,”
Dream blushes.
“my sister’s deaf I pick up on things,”
so dream and hob keep talking, well hob does most of the talking but dream doesn’t mind, until hob stops.
“I’ll give you a break, you probably got listening fatigue,”
and he was right Dream was beginning to feel the affects of listening fatigue until Hob did something with his hand.
“what was that?”
“sign language, you don’t know sign?”
“no, I make do with what I have,”
“can I teach you?”
Dream of course leans in for a kiss.
“teach dream! Teach!”
they both laugh it off, he does however get that kiss later.
soon dream is proficient in sign language and is good friends with Hob’s sister. He seems happier and more outgoing. and in a couple years down the road…
dream and hob will sign their wedding vows.
AHHHHHH HoH Dream!!!!! This is just so wonderful and beautiful and I love it. Obviously hate the idea of Dream not having any means to communicate because no one has helped him learn to sign, but Hob!!!!! Hob’s gonna teach him!!!!!!! AND kiss him.
Not being d/Deaf myself, I won't add too much onto this except to say that I love it, and I know I'm going to be thinking about it for a long time. Especially them signing their wedding vows. Yes!!!! Please!!!!!
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vemaro · 8 months
how the tables have turned
Summary: “Are we seriously delaying our day so she can pleasure herself? Have you all lost your damn—”
He’s suddenly being yanked back by his shirt. On instinct, he pulls out a dagger, ready to attack, but Jaheira, the perpetrator, takes out her own and holds it at the ready. “Don’t tempt me with a good time, Little Star,” she says cheekily.
Pairing: Astarion x Tav (female Tav)
Word count: ~1800
Notes: Here I am on my day off wanting to write fluff and I end up writing about the whole Haarlep ordeal. That situation is bizarre and uncomfy, but full of so much angst. As per usual, this is written with the context of my AU, so Astarion and Tav aren’t actually together (yet) and this takes place within the context of the game plot. The vampy boy just got back from the ditching the posse in a hissy fit and discovers some disturbing changes.
“Rendezvous back here at the Elfsong when we’re all through, got it?” The party converges on the door of their suite, Tav at the lead, but just as it opens, she freezes. A tingle runs down her spine and a flush comes over her cheeks. No no no. Not now. Not again. “Oh no,” she mumbles before shoving her way past her friends and running straight to her bedroom. The door shuts with a resounding thud and a loud silence follows.
Karlach grimaces. “Fucking Haarlep,” she says, spitting the fiend’s name.
Astarion, who was at the back of the group, looks between Tav’s door and the tiefling. “What … was that about?”
No one gives him an immediate answer, but something about their silence feels off. He’s the only one who appears lost. In other words, they know something and they don’t want to tell him. Most likely as payback from when he left their group. Even he has to admit it’s somewhat warranted, but he’s here now, damnit. Then again, it’s been less than 24 hours since he came back.
Gale, unofficial second in command, awkwardly steps into the center of things. “Tav requires a, er, moment of privacy.” He clears his throat. “We should allow her that by going out and doing as she asked of us. Supplies won’t collect themselves.”
Astarion stares at the door. “But is she alright?”
The wizard falls silent once more, pointedly looking down at his boots and clearly done talking. Okay … Astarion can’t tell if he’s more annoyed by the situation or concerned for the person locked in the room. Fine. If they’re not going to provide him any information, he might as well get it from the source.
His expression must’ve given away his intention because Wyll grabs his shoulder before he can move. “Don’t, Astarion. Leave her be.”
“Don’t touch me.” He shrugs off the warlock's hand and continues on his way. Just as he touches the door knob, a noise escapes the room. A moan. A moan? And he knows that moan. He’s made people do it before. This—this can’t be right. He must be delusional. But then there it is again, a sound of ecstasy passing through Tav’s lips. “What in the fucking Nine Hells is going on in there?” he demands out loud.
Gale's face is bright red and he’s white knuckling his quarterstaff. “I told you she needed a moment,” he mutters, eyes pleading. “Now please kindly step away from the door.”
Astarion does move away from the door and gets right in his face. “Are we seriously delaying our day so she can pleasure herself? Have you all lost your damn—”
He’s suddenly being yanked back by his shirt. On instinct, he pulls out a dagger, ready to attack, but Jaheira, the perpetrator, takes out her own and holds it at the ready. “Don’t tempt me with a good time, Little Star,” she says cheekily.
As frustrated as he is, Astarion is in no mood to fight. Although he has apologized for his dramatic departure, he’s not so naive to believe everyone has entirely forgiven him. He stashes his knife and holds up his hands. “I yield.”
She snaps at the others. “You all have a job to do, don’t you? Shoo.” They all file out slowly, a couple of them tossing a final glance in Tav's direction. Once it’s just the Harper and the vampire, the former gestures signals for him to follow. “Come.”
He grits his teeth, but obeys. Jaheira leads him downstairs into the tavern. It’s still mid morning, so there’s not much business yet, only a handful of people sprinkled across the space. The pair bypass the bar entirely and find an empty table in a secluded corner. She sits down first then nods towards the empty seat. “Sit.”
Astarion doesn’t fancy being told what to do yet again. “Tell me now; are you actually going to explain or should I just walk away?”
In lieu of properly answering, Jaheira lets out a world weary sigh and instead asks, “You are aware that we now possess the Orphic Hanmer, yes?”
He rolls his eyes. Perhaps he should leave. “Yes, I’m aware. How is that relevant to this conversation?”
“You recall where it was being held?”
His patience is wearing thin. “The House of Hope; that devil, Raphael’s, domain. I was told you lot took care of him.”
“Indeed. Raphael was defeated by our hand when we tried to escape with the hammer,” Jaheira says plainly. “However, prior to that battle, there was an incubus, Haarlep. He agreed to help us, but it came with a steep price.”
He reaches for his dagger again. “Is he up there right now?”
She shakes her head. “No, fortunately not.”
“Then what are we even talking about?”
Jaheira has never been one to mince her words, something Astarion respected her for. So it isn’t a good sign if she hesitates before speaking. The elder woman clasps her hands together and rests them on top of the table. Still, she pauses first. “Haarlep gave us a code to a safe and the hammer in exchange for having his way with Tav.”
Astarion feels his stomach drop into the sewers. “What?” He bangs his fists on the table. “Why the hells didn’t you kill him?”
“Honestly, we weren’t around to stop it from happening,” she confesses. “Tav split off from the group at some point and by the time we found her, a deal was struck and the deed was done.”
He points towards the stairs. “That still doesn’t explain whatever that is.”
Again, she hesitates, which is very unsettling. “He is a shapeshifter, much like that bloodthirsty Orin girl. Whenever he uses Tav’s form to seduce someone, she can feel everything with her own body.” The High Harper scowls. “It seems he’s been using it quite frequently.”
Astarion comes to a horrific realization. He covers his face in shame for her and finally drops into the open seat. “So right now, he’s fucking somebody else as her?”
He doesn’t say anything for a long time. This is too much. This is too familiar. Cazador is dead. Cazador is gone. Astarion stabbed him himself. This isn’t even about him, it’s about her. That stupid, selfless woman. He always warned Tav that her acts of heroism and martyrdom would eventually bite her in the ass one day, but he never thought it would be something like this. This is so much worse. What was she thinking? Jaheira allows him some time to gather his thoughts. When he does, he lets his hands fall away. “And … how often does this happen?”
“If I had to guess, every few days.” She sighs yet again. “You know how she can be though. It could be more. It hasn’t happened during a fight.” There’s an implied yet that hangs heavily in the air.
By now, a few guests have started to trickle in. Their private conversation won’t be so private for much longer. “How is she? Really.”
Jaheira stands. “Well, with an incubus violating her body, a mind flayer invading her mind, and a vampire spawn who wished her dead, how do you think, Little Star?” She doesn’t give him the opportunity to answer. She just walks away and out the front door, leaving him to stew in his thoughts and emotions. Which can be perfectly summed up as what the fucking hells.
It doesn't take too long for the druid to descend the stairs. At the bottom, she scans the room and her eyes connect with a familiar red pair of eyes. For a split second, she breaks into the sunny smile she’s known for, but one look at his expression sours hers. Tav heads for the door.
“Tav!” Astarion scrambles up from the chair and chases her outside. “Wait!”
She does not wait. “They told you.” It’s not even a question.
He catches up and puts himself directly in front of her. “I was going to find out eventually.”
Tav starts stabbing him with her finger in the chest. “Hey, you don’t get to judge me. You weren't there and it was the only way that no one would get hurt and—”
He lets her do it. “Out of everyone here, I have the least right to judge you.”
She laughs, but the sound lacks any humor. “Out of everyone here, you’d have the most right to judge me.”
Astarion frowns at the accusation. “Why would I judge you at all?”
“Because I had a choice, and you didn’t.”
Technically, technically, she’s not wrong, but that doesn’t make this any less fucked up. “I’m not judging you, Tav.” Gods below, is this what it was like for her when she was trying to get him to open up? “Your body is being used in such a dirty, nefarious way against your will, the toll on your mind and body is unfathomable. I’m the only person here who truly understands that.”
“I’m fine.”
Her nonchalance on the subject is pissing him off, but a small voice (that sounds awfully close to hers) reminds him this isn’t about him. “No, you’re not.”
Tav crosses her arms. “You went through this for two hundred years. I’m not going to compare my tendays of discomfort to your literal centuries of torture.”
“By the Gods, Tav, it’s not a bloody pissing contest for trauma!” He wants to grab the druid and shake some sense into her. If the issue at hand was literally anything else, he would. “Whether it’s been happening for a day, a week, a month, or a thousand years, it’s a shit predicament for anyone.”
He notices her fists clenching and unclenching. She’s digging her nails into her palms. “I appreciate the concern, but it’s fine. I’m fine.”
That’s a lie, plain and simple, but he won’t push the subject any further. From his own experience being on the other side of things, specifically during their discussions, it made him dig his heels in the dirt and shut down. Ironic how the tables have turned. “Alright,” he concedes. “But if you ever need to talk, I’m willing to lend an ear.”
Tav closes her eyes, takes a very deep breath, and lets it out very slowly and loudly. When she looks back at him, she seems slightly less frazzled. “Thanks, but I’m—”
“Fine?” he says with a smirk.
She snorts. “I am.”
“Of course you are.”
With an unimpressed eye roll, she pushes him away in jest. “I am, for the millionth time. Now drop it and let’s go. We’re already running behind.”
“Coming, dear.”
As they walk side by side, Astarion can’t help but wonder when he became the emotionally mature one in their friendship. The one attempting to crack open the shell of the other person. Ugh, he fucking hates it. Being the petty and bitter one is much easier. And yet he wants to try to be supportive and open. For her.
The things you do for love, right?
Thanks for reading!
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thelargefrye · 1 year
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pairing : san x f!reader (background poly ateez)
genre : non-idol au, hurt / comfort, established relationship
warnings : langauge, being forgotten, some crying
suffer with me tag : @sanjoongie
in the rush of the moment, the boys forget something important on their way to their vacation.
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you woke up with an odd feeling in your stomach. why this was happening, you weren't sure. but you opted to push to the side as you got out of bed and made your way to the kitchen.
and then it hit you that the apartment you shared with eight other people – your boyfriends – was silent. there wasn't another soul in sight nor could you hear anyone but your own breathing.
where were they?
then you had a second realization that today you all were suppose to travel to the beach for a small vacation. san had been begging for you all to take a trip together. telling hongjoong and seonghwa that it had been years since they last went on one.
"we need to go on one now that y/n has officially moved in," that was what finally made hongjoong and seonghwa agree. the two eldest thinking it would be a good idea to go on vacation with you.
yet here you were sitting on the couch by yourself, alone. you didn't want to admit it, but was obvious they had forgotten you. you tried to bite back the tears that threatened to spill. it just an accident, you think to yourself, they didn't mean to forget you.
you reach for your phone, wanting to check to see if they messaged you, but only the black screen of your phone stared at you. dead. that explains why your alarm didn't go off this morning.
"oh? who had gummy bears?" seonghwa asks as he brings out the pack of gummy bears that was in their travel snack bag. seonghwa turned to look at his lovers who all looked at him in equal confusion. that is until wooyoung spoke up from the back.
"oh! those of y/nnie's! she loves those gummy bears!"
"isn't y/n in the other car though?" yunho asks from the driver's seat, looking at his lover through the rearview mirror.
"then why is her snack with us and not with the others?" seonghwa asks, seemingly getting more confused by the second.
that's when realization hit san like a truck, a loud gasp leaving his lips causing the other males in the car to look at him.
"we left y/n at home!"
"WHAT!?" yunho is quick to pull off on to the side of the road. him and seonghwa quickly turn to look at both males in the back. only seconds later does the car hongjoong was driving also pull over.
"what's wrong?" hongjoong asks, confused on why yunho pulled over.
"we have to go home!" san begins, "we forgot y/n!" he says, feeling tears start to brim his eyes at realizing how hurt you must be feeling right now.
"what? but wasn't wooyoung suppose to make sure that everyone was up and ready? she was your buddy wooyoung," jongho says causing everyone to look at the male could looked surprised by the information. in other words... he forgot.
"damnit, wooyoung!" hongjoong says, anger seething through him as he glares at his younger boyfriend.
"i'm sorry! i guess i just got distracted by everything else. and besides, you were the one rushing everyone out the door! you should have noticed she was missing too!" wooyoung says back.
"listen," yeosang begins, "we don't have time to be arguing like this. we all obviously can't go back, so why don't half of us keep going to the beach house, while the other half goes back."
"we'll go back," san says, and no one objects.
"try calling her and let her know you are on your way, okay?" hongjoong says and seonghwa nods before they are all getting back in their respective cars.
"i can't believe you forgot your buddy," san says to wooyoung as they are on their way back to the apartment.
"shut up! i already feel bad enough as it is," wooyoung says, another wave of guilt rushing over him.
"stop blaming wooyoung," seonghwa says, phone pressed to his ear as he's trying to call you. "we are all to blame for th– ah! baby, are you okay?" seonghwa cuts himself off when he hears you pick up.
"i'm fine," you say, but seonghwa can tell by your tone that you've been crying. the thought makes his heart break.
"listen, baby, we are on our way back to get you okay? we'll be there in about half an hour," he tells you.
"okay," you sound dejected and it makes his stomach twist. this was suppose to be a fun and memorable vacation. one where he would have taken pictures for the scrapbook you got him. it wasn't suppose to have such a heart-breaking start.
"let me talk to her," san says, leaning over and holding his hand out. seonghwa hands him his phone.
"hey pretty," san says greeting you, "are you okay?"
"y-yeah, i'm fine," he hears you take a deep breath, "happy birthday, sannie."
"thank you, baby. remember you told me last night," he says, not being able to fight the smile that appears on his face.
"i know... i just wanted to tell you again," you say, voice falling quieter near the end. "you guys don't have to come back," you say after a moment, "you shouldn't be wasting time coming back to get me. i'm fine by myself."
"yeah, well, we aren't fine knowing you're by yourself. this vacation is for all of us. you included, got it?"
"got it," you say softly.
"i'll see you when we get back," san says and he hears you hum out a small bye before hanging up. san hands the phone back to seonghwa before he's turning to wooyoung. "you better get on the ground and beg for forgiveness when we pick her up."
san is the first one to enter the apartment when they get back. the other three trailing behind him as they step inside. and san doesn't waste any time calling out for you.
the four of them hear your feet padding across the floor and you emerge around the corner. san can't help the blush that covers his face when he takes in how cutely you're dressed. however, before he could say anything, wooyoung is shoving him aside in order to run up to you. the younger male dropping to his knees, arms wrapping around your legs as begins to semi-fake cry.
"y/nnie, i'm so sorry. i didn't mean to forget my seat buddy. i love you so much, you know that right?" wooyoung says making you smile at him. you nod your head, running a hand through his hair to comfort him. "but in all fairness, its hongjoong's fault one-hundred percent."
"wooyoung!" seonghwa's voice is stern as he stops wooyoung from trying to pass the blame. you then see him look up at you with soft eyes, "we are all to blame, really. i'm sorry, baby."
"i'm sorry too, i know the others all feel just as bad," yunho says making you give them a sad smile in return.
"can i just... can i just have a hug, please?" all four males don't waste anytime in giving you a group hug. after that, san gives you an extra one while yunho takes your bag and the other three begin to head down to the car.
"i'm sorry we left you, y/n. i don't think i'll ever be able to forgive myself," he tells you, hiding his face in your neck.
"but you came back for me, didn't you?" you say, making san lift his head to look at you.
"yeah, we did," he says before kissing you. when he pulled away, san gave you a smile before linking hands with you and walking down to the car where you join the others.
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tag list (bold is unable to tag ) : @invuwrld @frankenstein852 @watamotee33 @kawennote09 @mixling-blog @marahleiwhen @kpopnightingale @harry-the-pottypus @rdiamond2727 @sanniesbum @marvelahsobx @khjcoo @mysticfire0435 @exfolitae @kryybebe @dementedaly @simeonswhore @moonm1st @nvmbheart @spooo00oky @frogogh @marsanhwa @kryukyustar @sookacc @seongwin @melomatz @ad0rechuu
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noturlondonboy · 4 months
Werewolf. Were… Wednesday?
Part 1
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair
Werewolf Wednesday AU
A/N: I really love this concept so I’m excited to see if others like it too. Enjoy!
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Enid had a bad feeling about today as soon as she woke up. For starters, it was her actual alarm that had her rousing instead of Wednesday's intense gaze inches from her face, and that in itself had her mood a bit jilted.
Breakfast proved another point. Yoko was sick and therefore absent to indulge in Enid's latest gossip, and Bianca wasn't exactly very chatty. This left the werewolf with Ajax and a very sleepy Xavier. The two boys were leaning into each other and giggling softly every time the artist would start to doze off against his boyfriend's shoulder, only for one of Ajax's snakes to poke at him through the beanie.
Damnit. Enid missed Wednesday. She couldn't handle being single in front of all this cute gay shit by herself. Where had her roommate gone? It was unusual for her to miss breakfast. It was the only meal they tended to share and the girl hated when her schedule got messed up, even a little.
It started raining as soon as she stepped foot outside.
"Great." Enid walked quickly across the quad in a mess of grumbling and wet blonde hair, and she shook herself out best she could before making her way to her first class of the day- potions.
Another thing about today being an absolute thumbs down. Enid sucked at this class.
But she perked up immediately once she walked through the door and spotted Wednesday in her usual seat, her soft squeal earning a confused smile from Divina in the back row. Wednesday heard her as well and turned to watch as Enid skipped her way to their desk and slid into her spot, grinning at her dark friend.
"Hi, Wednesday," Enid whispers excitedly, trying to be mindful of the fact that class was technically starting. Wednesday is just looking at her with her normally blank expression, but then the neutrality seems to lessen and she almost looks amused.
"You're soaking wet, Enid. You're going to have our room stinking of wet dog."
Enid beams at her. "Yeah probably."
That gets an entire eyebrow raise. "Have you fallen ill? You're happier than what I'm accustomed to and it's making me want to stab Xavier."
"Hey!" Xavier goes ignored from behind them.
Enid shakes her head but does make an effort to ring out her hair a bit more so she doesn't accidentally smack Wednesday in the face with a damp pink strand. "Nope, just happy to see my roomie after missing her all morning." Today was starting to feel a little less terrible already.
Something strange crosses over Wednesday's face but she's interrupted before she can respond. "Good morning kiddos!" Mr. Faroshti claps his hands to get everyone's attention, his fangs glinting as he grins widely.
That was a dangerous look when it came to him.
"We're doing something a little special today, and it's gonna be partner work- so if you're not happy with your table mate... deal with it." He shrugs and walks to his desk as a couple of students groan. Xavier and Ajax are making kicked-puppy eyes at each other from across the room. Enid just nudges Wednesday with her shoulder and wiggles around a bit.
Even if she was more likely to blow something up than not, Wednesday was always patient and willing when helping her as long as she was actually trying to stay focused. Everything would be fine.
Mr. Faroshti passed around a medium sized box to each desk and instructed them all to open it and get started on what he was only now calling a "mystery serum." Wednesday seemed rather bored of the activity, right up until she was halfway through reading the instructions and gave an actual smile.
"Good, it involves blood. That puts me at ease."
Enid grimaced, looking warily down at the open box and what could see of vials and containers full of whatever they were going to use. "Of course it does."
Wednesday almost starts to hum as she busies herself with carefully removing all of the ingredients, handing the instructions over for Enid to read. "You'll be fine, puppy. I'll handle the blood."
Enid doesn't know how to react to the name or the girl's thoughtfulness, so she just does as she's told and ignores the glow on her cheeks.
Halfway through the potion, Wednesday excused herself to the restroom and levels a stare that has Enid sitting ram-rod straight. "Get the next two steps done while I'm gone, they're relatively simple. A pinch of whatever animal essence is in that sealed bag, and a few drops of liquified bone marrow. Stir how it shows you." And then she's gone, her braids swishing lightly behind her.
Enid blinks, bringing herself back to the task at hand. The remaining ingredients are spread out over the table around their mini mixing cauldron, and she located the animal bag and bone marrow before starting to panic. Each box held a different animal essence for each potion, and it was just by chance that the one given to her and Wednesday contained a tuft of wolf fur. The problem was that it looked quite a bit more than a pinch.
But it wouldn't have anything in the box that didn't need to go in the potion, right? Enid looks at it quizzically for a moment before shrugging and dropping the entire bundle into the concoction. The fur sizzles for a moment, then dissolves into the steaming liquid, leaving it a deep brownish red.
The bone marrow goes in without a hitch (ignoring the fact that a fourth of it splashed out onto Enid's hands-it burned like hell for a moment) and then the werewolf carefully stirs the potion until it smooths out. Wednesday appears moments later, surveying the scene.
"You didn't catch your hair on fire. Good."
Enid scowls as her roommate sits back down. "That was one time!"
Wednesday glances at her, lips twitching. "Did you finish the next two steps?"
"I- yeah."
There's a nod of acknowledgment, and Wednesday takes over, measuring and pouring the rest of the ingredients in. Once the shimmering gold liquid is contained in a vial, Mr. Faroshti comes around from where he was helping a struggling Ajax to take a look at it.
"Excellent work, girls! That was done in record time," he beams, holding the potion up to the lantern lighting to peer at it. He hesitates, then frowns, turning the vial this way and that to get a better look. "That's strange..." He carefully holds it close to his nose and wafts the scent closer to him for a second. Mr. Faroshti visibly holds back a gag. "Hoooh boy, that's a strong Werewolf smell. And I think the gold shading might be a little off."
Wednesday's eyebrows shoot up on her head, and she turns to a nervous Enid. "Enid, how much of the animal essence did you put in?"
Enid feels the need to shrink in on herself, tugging anxiously at her damp hair. "Um, well, there wasn't very much of it so..."
"Ok, I added all of it!"
Mr. Faroshti whistles and shakes his head. "Yeah, that's why it looks weird. Go ahead and pour it back in and water it down to balance it out, and I'll take another look at it." He hands the vial back to Enid, who takes it sheepishly with her rain-wet fingers.
And promptly drops it as the glass slips out of her hands.
Said vial crashes onto the desk and shatters into a mess of glimmering gold liquid...
Right onto Wednesday.
Everyone in the room freezes, including Wednesday. She had her blazer off and her sleeves rolled to her elbows today, which meant the potion had coated her arms and splashed to splatter over her chest and neck, dripping onto her skirt. Her eyes were wide and she had her hands up off the desk, as if she didn't quite know what to do with herself. Enid was staring at her roommate with a horrified expression.
She's going to kill me.
But Wednesday turned to Mr. Faroshti, grinding her teeth. "Sir, what kind of potion were we making?"
He swallowed tightly, red eyes ping-ponging over the mess in the hopes of properly assessing the situation. "It was a temporary transfiguration solution. But it was too potent and it got onto your skin..." He shook his head and seemed to come back to life, getting the attention of the other students. "Everyone, Bianca is in charge for a short time while I take Wednesday to the infirmary. Please be very careful when reading the instructions, and leave your work inside the mixing cauldrons for now, until I'm back. Nobody touch the spill."
He hurriedly had Wednesday up on her feet and rushed her out the door, and Enid gaped after them, chest feeling tight. What was that potion going to do to her friend?
Ajax and Xavier slid onto her bench on either side of her to console the werewolf, but she barely heard them through the ringing in her ears. She just looked down at her now dry hands and tried to keep breathing.
Bad day it was.
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sillystringsimpsons · 18 days
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Pic unrelated. I just think they're cute here. Lol.
A short fanfic set in The Good Ones [AU], featuring Johnny and Frankie.
"Something is wrong."
As he speaks, his leg taps incessantly beneath the dining table: little creaks and the rhythmic scuff of his socks against the linoleum punctuating the syllables and iambs in his anxious words.
"Somethin's always wrong with yous," I mutter. My words are muffled as I lazily press a chunk of bread, drowned to limpness with pumpkin soup, into the pocket my right cheek. "What's the matter, coniglio? Jeez, is it the bread? Sorry, baby, I know you ain't a fan of them baked-in olives, but it's all the bodega had out when I got there-"
"Gio, damnit! I ain't a frigging toddler, I can stomach some damn olives!"
I like his skittishness. I know it sounds a little patronising, but it's endearing to me; the constant fidgeting and wriggling is as much a part of him as the borrowed trace-scent of my cologne in the crook of his neck and the way he gets little crow's feet by his eyes when he smiles. But this, right now, is more than his day-to-day restlessness: he's cagey today: more so than normal. I can see it in the way his eyes dart frantically around the room, the way those dilated pupils can never quite seem to sit in one place, caught in that same little loop of endless motion as his squirming lower half.
As soon as he breaks the silence, I realise I've been absentmindedly holding my breath in - as if, if I had let it go, some inappropriate response to his seemingly unprovoked outburst would have slipped out with it. But he's taken the weight of the reply off my shoulders, leaving me with nothing to do but give a barely audible, shaky out-breath after I choke down the food still in my mouth with an unwittingly stilted swallow.
"I... I, uh, don't apologise, Frankie," is all I manage to offer, at first. "I shouldn't 'a cut you off like that. My foul, alright?"
"No, Johnny, it ain't your fault, babe, I just... I just-"
Ironically, he's never been very good at expressing himself: it's no real surprise that the words he wants to get lost at the tip of his tongue, leaving him with nothing but stutters and frustrated little grunts - and once he's run out of those, all he has left to give is a big, defeated groan as he buries his face into his hands.
"It's just... Things have been good."
That confession, meek and padded by the hum of his lips against his calloused palms, is the absolute last thing I expected to hear.
"Too good," he whines, still refusing to look me in the eyes. "Everything is too damn good, and I feel like somethin' awful is about to happen. I can't freaking relax, Gio, I feel like- Damnit, I don't know, it feels like my brain is full 'a fluid, and- And my head is going to explode- Or somethin'-!"
"What, like, a fever? Frankie, if you got a fever-"
"No, no, it's metaphor-ismical, or freakin'- Whatever you call it! I just... It feels like there are a million bees inside my skull, Johnny. Does that make sense?"
No, not really. The bees, at least: I can't particularly envision something like that, I've never been all that good at creative thinking - or whatever the ability to picture insects in your head is called.
But, what does make sense is the look in his eyes as he raises his gaze: only slightly, just enough to meet my own.
There's a frenetic, anxious energy there, one that I've seen time, and time again: in the eyes of the lanky, up-town sixteen-year-old who'd ride past my shop on his bike a suspicious amount of times every day, in the eyes of the point of contention sat across from me at one too many impromptu meetings of DiMaggio's inner circle, in the eyes of the disgraced caporegime reluctantly settling into his new place among the ranks of my crew...
In the eyes of the man sat opposite me.
I give my best attempt at a sympathetic smile.
"Yeah. It does."
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lvrcpid · 2 years
Need need need more of the modern au
ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE. i made this in 10 minutes just for you 🤭
rockets and rollercoasters - modern!au
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includes : gn!reader, dad tsu’tey agenda AGAIN!, implied neteyam & ao’nung x reader , lo’ak being hilarious as always , use of (y/n)
at an amusement park with modern!avatar
— he wants to ride all the rollarcoasters
— but gets off crying after the first one
— eats hella junk food
— i’m talking cotton candy STAINING HIS FINGERS
— probably gets pissed off when it’s time to go home
— drags tsireya and you to that big ride where it drops you from like 50 ft in the air
— you’re enjoying it while tsireya and lo’ak are screaming for their parents 50 FT IN THE AIR.
— this sweetheart wins you the biggest bear at one of the stands
— he helps you name it ofc
— you guys name it rob.
— fuckin rob.
— attempts but fails to get his dad on rides
— he’s definitely a teacups kind of boy
— constantly making sure everyone is good
— poses for the pictures during the rollercoaster drops
— probably does the same ride over and over
— and he drags you along cause why not you know
— probably stops if you complain about feeling sick
— you weren’t you just didn’t wanna ride anymore TEEHEE 🤭
— probably didn’t wanna go , neytiri had to drag her to the car
— definitely wearing a sun visor like someone’s nana
— walks around the whole park listening to music
— my girl has a fanny pack and DOESNT CARE
— most likely got on a few rides with lo’ak to shut him up
— i see kiri as a churro girl so definitely spending all her money on churros and overpriced water bottles
— probably got a caricature just for funsies but really liked it in the end
— okay i’m stopping before shes longer than anyone here
— dragging jake to the kids part of the park
— “i’m watching baby” - a tired father who just wants a break and some water
— probably wore a swim suit under her outfit just in case the park had a water portion, which it did
— her seat was soaking wet when they got back in the car
— made neytiri buy her HELLA PLUSHIES CAUSE “i need them so my squishmallows don’t get lonely”
— our social butterfly made some new friends
— jake sighing cause he has to make new dad friends when he was content with tonowari and tsu’tey
— loves rollercosters
— and i mean LOVESSSS
— he just goes on the ones that are super high and go super fast
— you know how your stomach shifts when the drop happens
— yeah he lives for that feeling
— probably gets lost in the park and calls you all sassy and huffy
— “come get me damnit.”
— you hang up cause he DIDNT SAY PLEASE.
tsireya :
— probably just in the arcade getting scammed from a crane machine
— crying to her parents abt how she didn’t even get the plush she wanted
— doesn’t even walk near the rollercoasters
— why is she walking around with a turkey leg???
— someone please take that from her??????
— official mom of the group
— she has pain killers , sunscreen , aloe vera???????
— girl came locked and LOADED
— hung around with you until y’all went home cause that sun ZAPPED HER
— didn’t even wanna come
— your dad threatened to take away your phone
— you jumped your ass in that car so FAST
— you probably got lost too eventually and found ao’nung on your way
— probably eating 4 ice cream cones in 30 minutes cause it was SOOOOO HOTTTTT
— dancing to the music they’re playing cause why are they bumping tyler the creator at an amusement park??
— passing out on a rollercoaster
— okay maybe all of them
— you passed out on all the rollercoasters.
a.n// my first ask??? i love this for me??? just a quick reminder my requests are OPEN and i’m glad to see you guys like reading my modern au just as much as i love writing them . my next one has a LITTLE something to do with valentine’s day TEEHEE 🤭
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bepisbee · 6 days
ayy college au meet cute
read on ao3
Shadow was dreading today. He was already the odd one out transfer student. Now he had to use the damn library too? He took a big breath in and out, looking at the looming building. It was only for a semester, by then he would have enough saved for a decent working laptop. Most of his meager funding went to his rent and food. He refused to skimp on good homemade meals. Even if he only ate them once a day. They were made with real food damnit! Shadow shakes his head. The longer he stood there the more likely these overcast dark clouds would open up and pour ice cold rain on him.
He stepped in, a warm blast of air whooshing over him. The doors auto shut behind with a heavy thunk from the thick wood. Shadow made his way inside, all lights a dim yellow. Surprisingly not the kind that buzzed. He appreciated that. He walked to the counter, behind it someone in blacks and purples bent over to the bottom of a book cart mumbling. He seemed annoyed. Shadow stood there awkwardly for far too long before speaking.
“Um- h-ey?”
“Fuck!” The man shot up in surprise, skirt billowing as he did so. His cheeks flushed at the outburst. Shadow’s cheeks flushed for another reason entirely. He was beautiful. Near perfect dark complexion, stunning purple eyes behind glasses. His lips curved slightly thin on top and thicker on bottom, scarred from obvious chewing and biting them. A small scar across his eye and brow, making one eye a shade lighter than the other and missing part of the eyebrow. His hair, a warm honey, pulled behind in a messy butterfly clip. Shadow’s heart was thudding. Vio was also short as hell. The desk came up to just below his pecs where it was at Shadow’s hip.
“Uhh- ahem. M-my apologies, you startled me.” his voice was smooth, and Shadow faltered.
“I- I uh.” He is unable to look away. “S-sorry, Didn’t mean to scare ya.”
“It’s alright.” The warm smile does things to his insides. “What can I do for you?” Was it just him, or did maybe this guy also like him? Shadow sure hoped so.
“I need a library card to use for uh books and the computer, for school.” Shadow rocked on his heels, “Uh- please.” he tacked on. He felt the politeness necessary for some reason. He usually never bothered.
“Well I can certainly do that. Do you have your student ID? Or regular, either is fine but the student ID gets you longer book check out time regulations and reservation priority.” He dug into his side bag and grabbed the loose ID card, handing it over. Vio started typing on the computer.
“I’m Shadow… Uh- you knew that I just gave you my ID…” He flusters and Vio laughs.
“Vio.” he glances up from the screen, amused. “New here or just new to the library?” He takes mercy on him, continuing the conversation.
“Both. I Transferred. The arts focus here is a lot better than any schools in Lorule. The magic arts classes are really cool, they go into more schools than I could count.” Shadow falls into comfortable nerding.
“Ahhh, I see.” he hands the card back, brushing their hands. “Well, I hope I get to see you in my class then.” The librarian smirks at him.
“You’re a teacher??” He feels so embarrassed to already have a teacher crush.
“Haha, yes. Don’t look so scandalized! I graduated last year.” he raised the glasses to the top of his head, now that he wasn’t reading things. “Youngest professor here!” he beamed, “I bet you’re pretty close to my age, honestly. I skipped a few grades. I’m twenty-two”
“No shit?” He blinks. “I”m twenty-four. I’m older than you?” Shadow huffs a laugh.
“Wow, an older man? Now that's scandalous.” Vio teases, leaning forward on the desk. “Especially since we have a date this Friday, at the diner on eastside. At 2?” Wow that was smooth, Shadow turns pink again.
“Y-yeah?” his eyebrows shot up.
“Yeah,” Vio slides him his paperwork, the library card and a post it note with his phone number. “Just don’t be late~” Vio winks and turns back to his book cart, dismissed.
Shadow takes it with shaky hands and fluttering insides. Holy shit. He has a date with the pretty librarian he has talked to for five minutes.
Shadow looks around the empty library and goes for the computer, unsure how much work he can actually focus on now.
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amoneki-ramblings · 6 months
Also, your 'Amon stays in the CCG and works with Haise' AU is fantastic and should have been canon. Poor Amon misses Eyepatch terribly (he still has QUESTIONS damnit!) but doesn't want to get Haise (or Akira) in trouble, so he can't really say much, but he and Haise get suspicious of the CCG being corrupted. They investigate together, but they have to be discreet and they HATE IT, the CCG is supposed to represent justice! Inner!Kaneki drops hints and nags Haise in the background constantly.
In the context of my AU I think Amon would feel so let down by the emergence of the Quinx project. He's spent all this time investigating the CCG's suspicious sides and almost uncovered what they were really aiming to do and then it just gets. Announced, just like that. That they're putting ghoul organs in people to use as weapons. It feels wrong. Everything clicks terribly into place. But he can't say anything. And Eyepatch is gone already (or so he Thinks) It all feels anti-climatic, somehow.
Then he meets this new investigator, who shakes his hand and greets him cheerily. He's being mentored by Akira. They are to treat him as a human unless he loses control, to which they'll treat him as a ghoul. It's Eyepatch. It's Haise Sasaki. Amon has to stomach the thought of both working with him and potentially having to "erase" him if he remembers who he is. He likes Haise, even if he's different from Eyepatch, but Haise might not be around forever, for one reason or another. He's never had to kill a co-worker or friend before. (I think, similar to Akira in canon :re Amon would be assigned a big role in leading squads when the CCG has to keep Haise under control. It only makes sense, he's done significant damage to him before, in half-kakuja form no less, and managed to escape this guy even without a weapon. And he's also like, one of the Only Guys who has ever killed a ghoul with his bare hands before.) Still though, the thought of killing Haise, whether it be with a quinque through the heart or the snap of a neck, is nauseating.
The CCG higher-ups are suspicious, obviously, because Amon is the only one who truly knows Everything about Eyepatch, and he might screw with Haise's memories. They're keeping an eye on him and make sure they don't get too close, unless Amon needs to confront Haise, since Haise, even when losing control, just can't seem to hurt him. Not really at least (if it ever does happen he feels So Guilty) ((Also sidenote but Haise probably visibly winces when he first meets Amon. His head hurts and he's not sure why. He feels melancholic and he doesn't know why. He feels a flood of relief. But he doesn't know why. He likes Amon a lot and wants to get to know him. The white-haired ghoul in his head seems particularly fixated on him, won't stop looking at him. Haise somehow knew Amon's name before he was even told what it was. He surmises that it's just because Amon is so well-known in general. (He knows, deep down, that it might be more than just that)))
Haise has small recollections of memories, but he can't tell anyone, obviously. Sometimes he has nightmares of flower fields and battles under the rain. When he and Amon get closer he tells him a little about them. "It's probably nothing" he laughs, unsure, but Amon knows what they really mean. He sees Eyepatch in Haise and it hurts terribly. He fears the chance that he'll never get to ask the questions he had, almost as much as he fears the chance that one day he suddenly will. The answers he's wanted for so long are so close that they are literally standing right next to him, yet they're so far.
As things move forward they definitely try to investigate and figure out the CCG's corrupt system together. But they have to be careful, on the outside co-workers (including Akira) make comments about how close they are and what a good team they make but within the inner-workings of the CCG they have their careful eyes on them. Maybe Akira's a little weary about it, tells Amon as such sometime and Amon says he knows (but there are things he can't tell even her.) Maybe one time Haise and Amon talk briefly, maybe after or during Haise losing control of himself and he says something and it sounds hauntingly like Eyepatch. Haise had looked at him differently during that moment. His voice sounded different. It was pained, but not in the physical sense. Maybe it wasn't Haise at all, actually.
Haise has a dream once about a man shouting asking him if he really is just a ghoul. Somehow he doesn't feel like it's for him. (But surely it means something to Kaneki Ken). Maybe, like in that comic I drew, Kaneki is incredibly relieved that Amon is alive, but also terribly jealous that all he can do is watch from the shadows LOL
Ough sorry I got SO carried away I've just been meaning to list out some of the details of my AU thoughts for AGES this has been living rent free in my mind for MONTHS it's one of my favorite thoughts Ever
It's insane, how many parallels are setup between Kaneki/Haise and Amon, yet Haise and Amon never meet once, even though Amon is foreshadowed constantly during :re. To be fair there is so much going on in :re already but still, man. Man,
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safetycar-restart · 1 year
Note: this is an NSFW imagine with Dom!reader and sub!Mick. If you are under 18 or uninterested in this, scroll past. If you think you might like it, then click read more and maybe check out the rest of my blog!
Every day of October I'll be posting a different kinky concept with one or more motorsports people as well as discussing that concept more on my blog. So you have any thoughts, feel free to stop by!
(Boypussy is an AU often used in fan fiction where some men have pussies)
Mick is a virgin when he meets you, something which he doesn't tell you because no one would assume that. He's a virgin because he doesn't want to tell anyone the truth, that he's one of the few men born without a penis. He's had partners before who have shied away the moment he's told them, and it's just heartbreaking.
And then he meets you and he likes you so much! You go on dates and hold hand and kiss and you make him smile and laugh and cuddle him and even buy him flowers and holy fuck he likes you so so much.
Which means it's so much worse because he knows his heart will just break if you turn him down.
Mick is so shy about it, taking months of dating and soft kisses before he even considers telling you the truth. Originally he told himself he would tell you after the first kiss, but then he just couldnt because he couldnt help but think that you'd be upset with him and leave.
And the problem is that he gets turned on so easily with you? You kiss him and hold him close and kiss his neck and chest and he gets so turned on so quickly that he's genuinely surprised he hasn't leaked through his panties before.
And he's never had this issue before, has never struggled to keep control like this. But then you kiss him softly and call him a good boy and say how pretty he is and holy fuck he needs to excuse himself before he ends up humping your thigh.
Eventually he does tell you, but only after you sit him down and try to establish boundaries. You wanted to make sure you knew what was and wasn't okay, because Mick always seemed really into it when you were making out and then he'd pull away and become really shy. You just need to make sure that you aren't pressuring him or making him uncomfortable.
When you ask him, he just wants to start crying because he does want to do more than just kiss you. He wants to SO badly! He's so so desperate for it and he needs it so bad but he can't.
You see he's getting upset so you quickly shut down the conversation, promising him that you down expect sex from him and just want to know what to do to make him more comfortable. Which just... well now he is crying because damnit can you please stop making him feel so safe and loved he's gonna flood his underwear again.
So he tells you, well he sobs it out and your heart just breaks oh, oh this is all? He really thinks you wouldn't like that?
So naturally you kiss him softly and hug him close, promising him that you love him regardless and that you would feel so privileged to take the next step with him, but that it is entirely his decision.
He ends up just sitting with you for a little bit, cuddling against your chest until eventually he looks up and kisses you. You end up kissing for a little bit, until he starts to rub his thighs together a bit and that's when you ask if he's getting turned on.
He nods, blushing bright red and burying his head in your shoulder because it feels so good, and he wants so much more.
And well... there's no way you're gonna leave him hanging.
He's so sensitive? You have to be extra soft with him, softly stroking his inner thigh until he relaxes and then gently rubbing your thumb over his clit, listening to his high whines. Maybe you even have to hold his hand?
He's never had anyone else touch him there before, and he's so so responsive, shaking as he cries and cums all over your hand.
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theghostbunnie · 8 months
A concept I was yapping about in a server a few months ago I think I should share here copy n paste style bc I kinda cooked w it
Nurf thinking him and Ered were good friends but Ered veiwing him with the same closeness she views the rest of the campbell kids like "yeah we're all friends" but he's like but I thought *we* were friends together, like Nerris and Harrison and Preston? Like Max Nikki and Neil? Like -
"Dude you're just listing parties of three,"
"I'm listing people who were *closer* Ered"
And she's just secretly awkward like wtf do you want from me? What do you want me to say? You were..a different kind of annoying than the rest sometimes, maybe less? Constantly trying to challenge me to bets n shit was atleast entertaining?? I'm not gonna poor my heart out to you just because you ask me to. Wanna go have therapy in the open woods for children to laugh at??? Wanna make a big blow out scene??
But she doesn't actually SAY any of that she just thinks it and gives him absolutely nothing to work with and Nurf just feels more alone than before, literally all he wants is a friend and the one he thought he had apparently didn't view him to the same extent and it makes him feel so shitty.
And maybe he could chalk it up to "Ered's just like that" but if I may be really silly and say in this concept she's become friends with Tyrone n Mitchell already Nurf just feels straight up *replaced* and takes it out on those two FREQUENTLY keeping his real feelings as to why he's being a dick a secret for once.
He goes to punch somebody else and it's a whole monologue first how this is bc of his dadBut he just *insults* these guys and doesn't even laugh at his own words like he usually does after.
And it doesn't even!!!!! Effect them!!! And it pisses him off worse!!! Even using the most petty tactic he still can't get any of them to hurt like he does and it's so frustrating.
Mitchell n Tyrone (I'm picturing this was a years worth ongoing problem or they were already in a HS AU)) pick up on something being off and finally get Ered to give some information and like girl no wonder the guy has been a total angry piss baby I'd feel terrible too if the one person who was the most regularly talking to me and sitting with me all summer only saw me just as important or lack there of as everyone else.
"You're saying it like I hate him, I don't, but I am getting irritated with this whole thing.. I'm not gonna start being MORE of his friend because he's throwing a fit"
Tyrone's like "but he's really not..? He's been leaving you alone now if you hadn't noticed, and mostly just saying the odd insult to us."
Mitchell: "You don't have to be his friend if you don't want to be that's your right."
Ered: "THANK you. Finally someone says it."
Mitchell: "But he gave you *his* friendship for a very long time and you did sort of spit on it. There's kind of a obvious reason he respected you enough to never make you a target"
"Because I'm technically top dog and he's two notches away from bottom dog, socially atleast."
"Because he *cherished your companionship,* Ered. He's pretty fuckin' equal opportunist if you haven't noticed."
Ered, starting to realize: "..............crap" bc!! Damnit Nurf is a sweetie under all his layers and she knows that and the guilt of hurting him is kinda weighing.
Ered leaves to go talk with him and Tyrone and Mitchell have what I think is a little funny interaction where Mitchell light heartedly is making a comment on the exchange they just had.
" 'top dog' no way she just said that, what is this, prison?? Did I wake up in *prison*?"
Tyrone, just as confused, speaking over him agreeingly: I know I know
And Nurf's just sitting in his room when his mom announces he has a friend here and he's like 'whuh' and Ered just. Steps in and stands there.
".. what do you want.?" Bc when she DOES talk to him to hang out, it's something she wants to do, *he's* stopped initiating things. And Ered has multiple people she's "not really close with but she calls over to do specific hobbies with" since she has so many hobbies.
"Just here to talk."
Okay now she has his attention did somebody fucking die what
"I haven't been a good friend to you." She states it pretty neutrally and flatly like everything she says
Nurf's just looking at her. Girl it is a Thursday afternoon on god's green earth he is trying to do his homework rn. Half of the awnsers atleast.
She doesn't even say sorry. That was just the statement she knew was true now. "If you would like,,.. I can be a better one." She looks over once then nods her head simply.
"You're offering to be my friend just straight up like that?" Is this kindergarten.
"Feel free to decline, man." She shrugs, still neutral.
"No,no I'm not saying that" he puts his pencil down. "Can I just get an honest awnser why I wasn't one to you before?"
Ered sighs. "Promise not to tell?" Speaks a little quieter.
And he is listening SO HARD!!!!!!!
Ered inhales rlly slowly, sticks her hand out to reintroduce herself.
"Meredith Miller.
__Everything I do is to protect myself.__"
He just makes a little bit of a face like go on elaborate on that for me he is so confused and so intrigued and by what he's ASSUMING so far should he be offended.
"You're alot better person than you were back then, people don't give you enough credit for that."
The simultaneous embarrassment of remembering his hardcore bully era and the flattery of a genuine compliment like that being so rare from Ered to anyone.
"And I couldn't trust you that well then as I think I could now. Most of my friends sort of just learn this out themselves slowly but you're not going to unless I spell it out I guess. I'm not a vulnerable or open person, like, at all? Everything I do is to hide I'm flawed. Even *capable* of flaw. I build a reputation, so when I do make little mistakes, or have little quirks, people think I'm doing it ironically, or something, so people just *always* have the best assumptions of me. I abbreviate words over text I don't know how to spell off the top of my head and people think I'm just being cool. I still like how Capri moon tastes and people think I'm just too cool to even care what I have to drink because I'm so above judgement."
"So you're just.. constantly pretending?"
"No, ..sort of."
"I do it so I *can* be myself without it tanking how people veiw me, an actual genuine image of what I am I just work hard to make sure people are *nice* about it. Most of them atleast." Like a safety net built from a good reputation.
"Bigger mistakes though.. people turn on me.
And you were always turned against everyone, dude"
"It's fine. We've all got our methods." She understands his behavior comes from a really similar place.
"Nothing I said leaves this room." Pats her hand to his doorway twice as she walks out of it. "See you around."
Ered sort of stops herself mid-way going out the front door. "...Sure!" And is a little surprised he already wants to chill with her
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mitchywitchythings · 7 months
I Don’t Recognize You
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Summary: What happens when you leave a bunch of teenagers in a summer camp at an island? Not to mention that there’s something suspicious going on in that island. Chaos. Chaos is what happens.
Warnings: No Quirk AU, Cannibalism, Violence, Language, Angst?
Paring: Todoroki Shoto X Fem! Reader
Word count: 2,402
Chapter 11 : | Series Masterlist
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“Let me go!” Shoto kept struggling that he almost managed to break free
More and more guys had to come in, in order to hold him back seeing as the situation was starting to become somewhat handled by (Y/n), and (Y/n) alone. It was amazing how (Y/n) knew what to do immediately which was good. But it also indicated that she dealt with this before.
Shoto was forcefully dragged back far away from her and he was terrified. Not because of what you’re doing, killing the monsters left and right without hesitation. But because of what could happen to you, you’re his girl. He vowed to himself from the day he started liking you that no one would ever hurt you and now this shit is happening.
He won’t be able to defend you, and he fucking hates it. Yes, maybe you could protect yourself but that wasn't a guarantee that you wouldn't get hurt. He also had a feeling that of course, this had something to do with your past as well because if not then why were you so secretive and such.
As Shoto was super worried he did the only logical thing he could think of at the time and that was to punch and kick everyone who was holding him back from protecting you. However, getting out of Class 1-A's grip was easier said than done, especially considering that there are 6 people holding him back.
"What the fuck does Endeavor feed this little shit?!" Bakugo screamed out in anger as Shoto managed to punch him in the face.
"Todoroki-kun please consider that what we're doing is only the wishes of (Y/n)!" Midoriya tried to reason with him
“Get the Hell off me! That’s my girlfriend!” Midoriya almost received a black eye had he not dodged in time
“Why you little candy cane motherfucker!” Bakugo had received the punching blow that Deku was supposed to get.
Iida who was struggling to pin down Shoto’s right leg almost received a kick in the family jewels had he not jumped back, “Todoroki-san! (L/n) knows what she’s doing! So please trust her and us!”
Shoto took advantage of the fact that since Iida jumped back, his right leg was free and so he quickly kicked Kaminari who was holding down his other leg, resulting in Kaminari stumbling back. Bakugo and Midoriya, who were holding Shoto’s arms down, were struggling to keep the boy in control as he’s almost able to free himself.
Shoto twisted his body forcefully, making Kirishima, Sero, Midoriya, and Bakugo lose their grip on him. Shoto was able to free himself and the 6 boys who were holding him down began chasing him down after they quickly recovered from Shoto’s abuses.
“Fuck you, half and half bastard! Once I get my hands on you oh, you’re so dead! I’m gonna kill you, you little shit. Come back here!” Bakugo screeched, sprinting at full speed
“After them!” Iida grimaced as pulled him Kirishima from the ground
“Why can’t we have a normal camp for once!” Kaminari groaned running after them
“Kacchan! Don’t kill Todoroki, he’s just worried for (L/n)!” Midoriya followed after all of them
“God, what is with the camps going wrong for us?! They should really stop it! At least this time I’m a part of it!” Sero jumped up and ran, following behind the group.
Shoto paused in place in disbelief as the sight finally began to sink into his head as he saw you easily killing the creatures from left to right, in that moment he didn’t recognize you.
“Tsk. Now that the bitch finally revealed her true colors is when you start to question if you really know her?” Bakugo grabbed the back of Shoto's collar and pulled him back, “Damnit, Icyhot! Regardless of what she did! She’s doing it to protect us can’t you see, idiot?!”
Snapping out of it, Shoto realized what he had to do no matter what. And that was to protect you as your boyfriend.
(Y/n)’s P.O.V
I’ve always hated the metallic smell of blood, but more often than not, I’m the one causing that awful smell. It was ironic really. Right now, I’m also practically bathed in the disgusting smell and have splatters of blood all over my clothes that it was practically dripping. The only good thing about it is that it wasn’t mine. But that didn’t make it necessarily good, did it?
Bodies with holes in their heads caused by bullets littered the camp grounds. Blood seeping everywhere. In most cases they won’t get back up, but sometimes even I don’t understand, no matter how much you shoot them in the head they just won’t die. In that case scenario the best option is to burn the bodies or rip the entire head off, let’s just hope that it doesn’t come to that.
Principal Nezu walked up beside you, and stood there in silence for a moment. ‘He thinks I’m a monster, they all do.’ I thought in horror, my unemotional face that rivaled one of Shoto’s was practically unreadable. Despite that Principal Nezu was very much aware of how you were feeling, he could tell through your eyes. They were the windows to one’s soul. Your soul.
And it showed him the feeling of regret, despair, guilt, fear, sadness, and rage. Negative emotions just kept on swirling around your eyes. He only interacted with you a few times in your time at school but from what he gathered you seemed like the kind and polite type of girl, so it wasn't a wonder that you were dating the notorious cold hearted Todoroki Shoto, only you managed to melt his frozen heart.
However one thing he did notice about you was that you were never honest, Nezu was a genius of course he’d figure out you were hiding something. He just didn’t know what it was. Aside from that, you were his student at his school, his responsibility and so as the principal of U.A. he must take responsibility for you and your actions. And he could tell that you deeply regretted them. Putting a hand on your shoulder he squeezed it in comfort.
“Are you alright?” He asked
“Am I alright?” You replied in a whisper
“You did your best.” He took his hand off of you and stood next to you, calmly.
“I did? It doesn’t feel like it… I’ve killed people, my teachers, friends, and classmates… I don’t deserve forgiveness for taking away the lives of innocents.”
Walking in front of you, he gave you a bow in respect, “It was a sort of epidemic, wasn’t it. From what I understand, if the infected bites you, you turn into one of those inhumane creatures. So, because of that you risked your life to kill them and you did it to protect us, we completely understand. It isn’t your fault so don’t let those nasty thoughts get to you. And on behalf of everyone here. Thank you for risking your life to save us.”
Tears silently poured down your face, it was the first time someone thanked you for saving them. You felt good to be acknowledged for something, even if you’re sure you didn’t save them. But at the same time it didn't feel great at all, it didn’t diminish the fact that you killed people, the people you loved. The people who saved you from your Hell. It was tormenting.
Honestly it was strange, how could Principal Nezu bow you to and say thank you on behalf of everyone here for saving them, you didn’t save any of them. You just killed people, it’s the only thing you're good at doing. How come he wasn’t scared of you? How come he was so calm? Weren’t you a monster? Didn’t you kill his students? Don’t you deserve punishment?
I fell deeper and deeper into the darkest deep of my mind. As I began to count the countless mistakes and harm I’ve done to others. I truly was at my worse and I wasn’t sure if anyone could bring me out of it this time.
“Project Advance, do you understand your mission?”
“Yes sir!” Shinsou better known as the Mind Breaker yelled out
“Yes sir!” Tamaki better known as the Suneater yelled out
“Yes sir!” Mirio better known as Lemillion
“Yes sir!” Nejire better known as Spiral Nemesis
“Yes sir!” Me who was better known as the Grimreaper or in other words, Death itself
“Project advance.” The red Queen began as she presented herself in hologram form, “As you’re well aware of the Racoon city incident, let me explain in full detail what you’ll be up against in your mission…”
The names Shinsou, Tamaki, Mirio, Nejire, and (Y/n) were long forgotten. It was our past, and it will stay in our past forever, it’s part of something we let go the moment the Umbrella Corporation took us in. Our names, were our identities and that’s why it was changed.
Flashback ends
“(Y/n)! (Y/n)! (Y/n)!” I only broke out of my trance when Shoto began shaking me harshly while screaming my name
‘That’s right, I’m not alone here. Shoto’s here and he won’t leave, he promised me that much. Even if he hates me for what I’ve done.’ I thought. Snapping out of the trance, he isn’t one to break his promise so until we can sort this out later. We’ll have to push these thoughts aside and move our bodies.
“(Y/n)! Let’s go! Before they shoot us too!” He dragged me along with him towards the main building
The sun was about to set and hundreds of Umbrella Corporation men began marching at us. Shooting down some people who refused to go with them. They kept on shooting relentlessly. ‘Damn, Shoto must love me so much or he goes all the way to keep his promises that even after I showed how much of a monster I am he is still trying to save me.’
Grabbing his hand, I looked at our surroundings as we ran. More like me dragging him along until he caught up with me, almost tripping at my sudden actions in the process. A stray bullet almost hit Shoto had it not been for my fast reflexes. Pulling him towards me, effectively dodging the bullet and landing into my chest. I decided not to comment or feel embarrassed, he didn’t either as it wasn’t the time and place to do that right now Whilst we were running, I looked for my friends and classmates amongst the crowds of people.
“You were supposed to be hiding in the main building, what the Hell happened?!” I pulled Shoto in the direction of the cabins, specifically my own, “Head for my cabin!” I yelled towards Uraraka and Mina hoping they’d listen
“No time to explain!” Shoto yelled back
I ran as fast to the cabins and opened the door, nobody was there except for me and Shoto. I pulled out my duffle bag and opened it, only to be met by the sight of tons of weapons. Guns, knives, steel batons, and grandes.
Shoto gasped in surprise at the sight, but he wasn’t going to question you any further. He was smart enough to know that you were on his side. And that these weapons will be the only insurance of his and everyone else’s survival. I pulled out an umbrella corporation combat uniform and a bullet proof vest.
“Wear this now, it used to belong to a friend of mine but it should fit you.”
He didn’t question my authority, everyone was dying outside so he needed to suit up as soon as possible to help with the situation. Plus he’d blend in easily with the other umbrella corporation men outside. We could use it to our advantage. I pulled out a suit of my own, a black bodysuit with buckles for support going all over it. (The one Alice wears in Retribution basically)
We didn’t even have time to turn around for each other's privacy as the situation was very severe now, less and less screams were heard. We of course were very embarrassed over the situation but we had to do what we needed to do, and so instead of blushing around like idiots we helped each other out in pulling up the zippers and stuff in order to be more efficient. Plus hiding a small pocket knife in my shoe just in case.
I handed Shoto a simple handgun with some ammo already in it, he knew what to do after I taught him how to use a gun so I didn’t need to instruct him on anything anymore. Instead I pulled out a bigger gun and better gun of my own.
“Let’s do this, shit.” I said out loud, passing the duffel bag to him and heading out the cabin.
We ran for our lives, not even stopping for a second to take a breath. The situation was dire. Right now the zombies were the last priority in my mind. Bullets kept on shooting at us without any mercy, it was relentless.
“Shoto! Get behind me!” I shoved him behind me and shot back at all the umbrella members in my way with Shoto also backing me up, “Shoto, start grabbing people and head to the main building! We’ll be safer there!” He nodded and did as I ask
I backed him up and helped as many people as I could. But there were so many bodies and piles of blood left behind, both from our school and our killers. One by one I did my best to cut down their numbers, left and right I would shoot them down in the head or heart with a perfect aim.
Then eventually of course, I ran out of ammo so I would need to reload quickly, leaving a blind spot for me and Shoto. One that almost cost Shoto’s life hadn’t it been for Bakugo tackling the enemy down. Relief filled me as we began to work together with Bakugo, who said that they had the same idea and they’re gathering everyone in the main building.
“Good, now let’s get the Hell out of here.” I yelled while once again pulling the trigger.
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I don’t have enough brain power to create cool names for the team members in project Advance so you can either suggest some or just suck it up. Also since the last chapter was a bit long I made this one shorter. Also pic isn’t mine, credits to the real owner.
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huffle-dork · 4 months
Glitch into the Hufflverse Chapter 14: Curiousity Killed the Cat
Read Swapboys | Read Crystal’s AUs | Read CKTC | Read The Magnificent Series | Read Glitched Mind
Read SITCV | Read SATCV | GITHV Masterpost
They appear in a private hospital room filled with 6 empty beds. Bro hurries to go lay Alt down on one and Alt slumps against it, breathing raggedly.
“I’ll go get Schneep- o-our Schneep-“ Jackieboy says as he rushes out the door.
Schneep walks over to Alt's side, feeling out the area with his cane on the way. "That breathing does not sound good," he mutters.
Alt’s eyelids flutter and he blearily looks up at Schneep as he comes over. He smiles dazedly. “…’m okay… m…” His smile fades as he shudders, his other self’s glitchy laughter loud in his ears. 
"He looks really tired," Jackie reports. "I'm guessing he used a lot of energy."
JJ nods. Though, I... my magic may have... made things worse.
Schneep nods slowly. "Well... at least you got that Anti out of him." He shivers. "I cannot imagine having someone like that in your mind."
"Yeah..." Jackie mutters. "I've, um... had some mental magick stuff happen to me, but possession is another thing, yknow?"
Indeed, JJ agrees.
“Honesty… I’m surprised he’s still conscious right now. I passed out for a couple hours after it happened to me, I think.” Marvin mumbles, “You all weren’t kidding about him being strong.”
Bro looks to Schneep in worry and tries to lead him to a bed or a chair. “Hen… you hurt your ankle- you gotta keep off your feet…”
“I hurt my—ah!” Schneep suddenly winces and lifts his injured foot up.
Jackie bursts into laughter—though he quickly stops as it sends pain through his abdomen wound. “Did you just—forget that you were injured?”
“I suppose my concern outweighed the pain,” Schneep says, sitting down on the nearest bed. “And the need to explore a new place.”
“Jesus you two…” Bro sighs in concern. 
We can describe it to you, Hen, JJ says.
“Your spell for sign language has really lasted a long time,” Schneep says, impressed.
I told you, it wouldn’t take much power, JJ says. Though—seems this world’s version of me is also silent. That could be difficult.
“We’ll come to that when we come to that,” Jackie says, sitting down. “For now, Schneep, we’re in a hospital room. Six beds, one door, a couple windows.”
Marvin has gone to sit criss crossed on another bed but he leans forward in interest at seeing Schneep’s and his conversation. “Wait- you have a spell for Schneep to hear your signs in his mind? T-That’s so useful!” His eyes shine eagerly, “Do you think that’s something you could teach me?”
JJ laughs. Sure! But it's not as useful as you think. It only targets one person at a time. But to that person, as I sign, they hear a voice in their heads as if I was speaking nearby.
"It is very impressive, actually," Schneep says. "It even gets quieter with distance."
“Oh that makes sense- it’d be helpful if our Jamie ever needs to speak to us from far away!” Marvin grins.
I'd love to teach you! JJ says, smiling. I hope it will work with your magic—different universes and all.
Henrik bursts in through the door, rushing in and gathering up his supplies. “You all are hurt? Verr damnit- that Anti…! Who needs the most immediate aid?”
Jackieboy, Chase and Jameson all peek their heads in the door.
Jackie laughs. "S-sorry, I just—you're really reminding me of someone right now." He quickly becomes serious again. "Um—Alt was possessed but Marvin healed up his neck but he's still all... tired and stuff, I guess. Uh, I've been stabbed. Marvin and the other me got slashed a couple times, but maybe the other me heals fast like Bro does? And our Schneep's ankle is broken."
"No, it is only twisted," Schneep corrects. "That is very different. Much less severe."
“I’m okay-“ Jackieboy grins. “Superhero privileges~”
“Hey same!” Bro grins and shows the cuts on his arms are pretty much closed. “…should probably wrap these up though… but attend to Jackie and Schneep first.”
“Oh I see-“ Henrik nods. “Other Jackie- can I see where you got stabbed?” 
"Yeah, course." Jackie pulls up his hoodie and shirt, revealing his stomach. There's a new wound on top of all the old scars, a narrow stab wound. "I don't think it hit anything important?"
"I remember not aiming for anywhere important," Schneep mutters. "In that mind controlled state, I... wanted the fight to last." He reaches out and grabs his scissors. "This is what I used, if that helps."
"Yeah, your fucking... Genocide Jack scissors," Jackie mutters.
“Ayyy Danganronpa reference!” Bro grins.
“Man- I want Jack to play Dangan one day-“ Marvin grins. “I think he’d like it!”
“I dunno bro- that dialogue can get pretty repetitive,” Chase chuckles.
“But it’s such an interesting story!”
Henrik looks at the scissors then the wound and nods. “I will stitch just to be safe… though it does not look too deep.” He grabs his supplies and starts working on the wound.
"Ayyy." Jackie grins right back at the three of them. "I only discovered it recently. My boyfriend Frederick insisted that I try it. We were gonna play the sequel soon." He's talking to distract himself from the wound treatment. Stitches, huh? Wouldn't be the first time.
What are you all talking about? JJ says, looking confused.
"Sounds like it is a game of some sort," Schneep says.
"It's a visual novel thing about kids getting trapped in a high school and being forced to play a death game," Jackie explains.
"Ahhh." Schneep nods.
I should suggest that to my friend Anti, he likes those types of stories, JJ says.
“Ah yeah, your Anti would love that game!” Bro grins. “Alt likes it a lot too. It has a great way of being funny and fucked up. Plus the pink blood is hella aesthetic.”
Speaking of Alt, he has finally closed his eyes, letting his head loll to the side- his friends are safe, he feels like he can rest now.
Henrik makes quick work of stitching up Jackie and then wraps up his wound before straightening back up. “There. Just be careful to not do too much of the stretching and it will be right as the rain.”
"Thanks, doc." Jackie smiles. "Your stitches are much neater than the ones my Schneep makes." 
“Oh thank you! That is high praise.” Henrik laughs.
Jackie then sighs. "I hope he's okay..."
“Now, uh… the other me- may I see your ankle?” Henrik asks.
Schneep pushes down his sock and holds out his ankle. "It was a short fall that caused it. I must have landed wrong—which I suppose makes sense, as I could not see the ground beneath me."
“Oh yes I… noticed the cane.” Henrik says quietly and pulls out compression bandages to start wrapping up his ankle. 
"That is what the cane is for," Schneep comments, chuckling a bit. 
Bro looks over at Jackie with concern, “Oh yeah… a-any progress on finding out where your Schneep went?” 
Jackie sighs. "He was MIA for a bit, but then Jameson and Marvin found him again and brought him back to the hotel. I don't know what happened to him in that time frame he was gone, but it wasn't good. I'm not sure if it was worse than being back with them, though."
They're that bad...? JJ asks, a concerned expression on his face.
"Yeah. But, uh, clearly they're an exception." Jackie smiles at him. "I've met a lot of good Jamesons on this journey."
Bro shudders and nods, going to hold his arms. "They're... god. Jackie's Marvin and Jameson are..." He glances at this world's Marvin and Jameson, who are both sitting on the same bed, Jameson helping wrap up Marvin's cuts. "They're... a lot. Bad people but... definitely an anomaly in universes for sure." He smiles at JJ too. 
JJ also glances at the other Marvin and Jameson. He nods slowly. Yes... everyone else has seemed very kind.
Henrik finishes with the bandages. “This will help- we will also rest it up and get some ice.”
"Thank you very much,” Schneep says. “I will make sure to rest."
Henrik smiles at Schneep- then realizes he can't see him and flushes, "Oh yes- that's uh good. Here-" He helps to lift Schneep's foot to rest then hurries over and grabs an icepack. "Please take all the time you all need to rest." He says to Schneep, then turns to the room and calls out. "Alright- anyone else needs bandages?"
"Thank you,” Schneep says again, resting the ice pack on his ankle. "Ah, I believe I sliced Marvin a little. Other than that, Bro and the other Jackie heal fast. JJ, you were not hurt, were you?"
JJ shakes his head. Very luckily. Though... there is that magic... He trails off. I'm really sorry. I don't know why... He can't finish that. He just doesn't know why.
"I believe Alt needs food, yes?" Schneep says.
"Yeah, to help him recover his energy," Jackie agrees.
“Or something he can drain some electricity from,” Bro points out.
“Uhhh let’s not drain anything from the hospital…” Henrik points out nervously.
“There’s a vending machine outside! And I know a trick~” Chase grins.
Bro hurries over and gives him some cash. “Thanks other me! That’ll be awesome.” Chase grins and goes to grab some snacks.
"Right, yeah, we're in an... actual hospital," Jackie mutters.
Schneep raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean, 'an actual hospital'?"
"I'm used to less, uh... reputable places," Jackie says carefully.
JJ looks at him in concern. Is your universe OKAY?
"Probably as a whole, yeah." Jackie shrugs. "I'm just... not in the position to... go to public hospitals. Luckily, though, I know some magicians who can help with that sort of stuff."
“Oh yeah! ..wait why can’t you go to public hospitals?” Bro asks, blinking at Jackie.
Jackie freezes for a moment. "Uhhhhhhhh... cause I'm... a bit... wanted?"
"Like, criminally?" Schneep asks.
"Yyyyeah... people kinda... found out who I was..." Jackie squirms a little. "So, uh... if I go to a hospital... I'll get arrested."
“…oh.” Bro says in a small voice. “Well… it’s different now! …luckily you got Fredrick- he can heal last I remember.”
"Yeah." Jackie smiles softly. "He's really an angel."
I'm glad you have him, then, JJ says.
"What about you three?" Jackie asks, looking at Bro, JJ and Schneep. "I think I remember someone mentioning Alt having a boyfriend, too, but either of you have partners?"
I've always been too busy for dating, but I'm open for it if it happens, JJ says.
"I dated a woman named Greta for a time, but that was years ago now, I am not sure what happened to her since," Schneep says.
“Oh! I have a girlfriend,” Bro smiles, “Her name is Stacy. It’s still… kinda early? I dunno we’re both really busy… But I like her a lot and she makes me laugh. She’s real pretty too. Alt’s dating a guy named Oliver- used to help out Alt as a nurse! But he stopped once they both started getting feelings cuz you know- that’d be… bad- I think they said…”
"Aww." Jackie grins. "A real meet-cute for him, then. And Stacy? Huh. That's the name of Chase's ex-wife in my world."
"In mine too." Schneep nods. "Though they are still friendly."
I have a close friend named Stacy, JJ says. I don't think she was ever married, though, much less to someone named Chase.
“Yeah… I noticed that Stacy’s and Chases seem to be connected a lot… which is… weird? Cuz I’ve never seen an Ollie and Anti together! Though… only met one so far- but still! Why is my relationship the one that’s a constant?? Isn’t that weird??” Bro says. He then sighs and waves his hand. “Makes me wonder… if we’re just… destined to not last… which really sucks cuz… I think she’s amazing, you know?”
Jackie shakes his head. "If I've learned one thing in this early bit of a relationship, it's that it's always what you make it. You need to put in effort and communication, y'know? And honesty. I'm sure that as long as you guys have that, you can make it last. There's no destiny in love."
So I'm guessing you don't believe in soulmates, then? JJ asks, slightly amused.
"I believe that you make your soulmate, you know?"
Bro chuckles lightly, “I mean… kinda hard to communicate a lot with her though… I’m a superhero, you know? …there’s lots I can’t tell her… it kinda eats me up inside…”
Jackie sighs. "Well. Can't really help you out, there. But like... in comic books, the heroes always have to tell their love interests eventually. So... I dunno, keep that in mind, I guess? Do a lot of thinking."
With any big secret in a relationship, it will either eventually come out, or the relationship will end, JJ says. Not even just in romantic ones.
Bro sighs heavily and nods. “…yeah… I want to tell her it just… feels too soon. I dunno… it’s so complicated.”
"I'm sure you can figure it out when the time is right," Schneep says, smiling.
Chase hurries back into the room and dumps a handful of snacks and a couple of drinks on the edge of Alt’s bed. “There! That should do it, right?”
Jackie laughs. "Yeah, that should be enough! D'you think we should wake him up so he can eat, or should he rest some more?"
“I’ll wake him-“ Bro says and leans over to shake him awake. Alt sleepily grumbles and blinks open his eyes. Bro smiles gently and nudges him up. “hey bud- hungry? Other me got you some food.”
“Not much! Just- some jerky and crisps and some soda- stuff like that.” Chase says timidly.
Alt blinks at the food and then goes to grab the jerky almost desperately and starts to tear into it.
Jackie laughs again. "I guess that answers that question! Hey, someone pass me a soda, too."
Bro laughs and tosses Jackie one.
JJ turns to Alt. How do you feel?
"Probably not too good, hmm?" Schneep says. 
Alt looks up at Schneep and JJ and shrugs, “…I feel like my brain got ran over by a forklift… that was also filled with electricity.”
"Alt, have you met the others from this world?" Schneep gestures over to them. "They seem very kind."
Chase has gone over to his friends and has handed them soda and coffees which they take gratefully.
Alt blinks over at the others and then quickly turns his head away, curling up. “I-I don’t think they’d… wanna meet someone who l-looks like me…”
JJ raises an eyebrow. Well, this Jackie and Marvin already saw you glitch into Schneep to get Anti's power out. They didn't react much.
"They may freak out for a moment, but you saved me, surely they will learn, as me and my friends in my world did," Schneep says.
"Besides, I haven't had any problem with the Marvins, have I?" Jackie mutters, taking a drink of his soda.
Alt doesn’t say anything, just curls up tighter.
Bro watches this for a second before rolling his eyes and taking Alt by the arm. Alt glitches a bit in protest, “Chase! Hey!”
The others are all gathered around the bed Marvin claimed. Jameson is now helping Jackie wrap up his wounds while Chase and Schneep drink their respective drinks. Marvin blinks up as Bro comes over. Bro smiles. “Hey guys- thought I should let my brother properly introduce himself- this is Alt.”
Alt yanks his arm away from Bro, his ears turning red. “Um.. hi… t-thanks for… h-helping me and my friends…”
The egos all look at Alt. He squirms under their gazes- wishing he had his mask still. 
Jackieboy hums, narrowing his eyes- then he laughs. “You might look like Anti - but you sure don’t act like him!”
Marvin hits him slightly, “Jackie! Don’t be rude!”
“What?? That’s a compliment!”
Jackie laughs. "No, you're right—Alt couldn't be more different from your Anti! He's great." He smiles over at Alt. "Aren't you a superhero back in your world? Or, was it just that you were trying to be a superhero?"
"Really?" Schneep says. "I didn't remember that. But if today is any indication, Alt could be a great hero."
JJ chuckles. Indeed.
Alt’s face gets even more red- “I… I was… t-thinking about it but I… I dunno-“
Bro grins and throws his arm around Alt’s shoulder. “He’s a great fighter! And magician like you, Marvin!”
Oh! A magician! How delightful! Jameson signs with a smile.
Marvin smiles too, “Hey! Don’t get to meet too many… nice or heroic magicians so good to meet ya. Seems like you and other Chase are a lot like me and Jackie here!”
“Yeah! Like a crime fighting duo!” Jackieboy grins.
"Ha! More parallels!" Jackie laughs.
This world does seem to be fairly close to Bro and Alt's, JJ says. If we push aside that bit about them all being created by someone and having their life force tied to them. Everyone's just swapped around a little.
"Wait, what?" Schneep blinks. "They are what in this world?!"
"Oh, uh, yeah." Jackie winces. "Apparently here, some people have the ability to... make... people? Through... magic and imagination? And in this world, Jack made the whole group."
"...oh." Schneep leans back. "I suppose that would explain something Anti said. And it would explain that strange thing about all of their souls. That must be the connection to their Jack." He pauses, then nods. "Yes, I think that is what it is. But other than that one thing, they are all the same as other souls."
Alt’s eyes widen as JJ and Jackie explain how this world works. “What? You guys… just… creations? From someone else?”
Marvin huffs and crosses his arms, “Yes and no. That’s how we were born but we’re our own people! The only thing different from us is… well…”
“We technically can’t… die?” Chase says timidly.
“We fade.” Jackieboy says with a nod. “But as long as people still love our characters and give us attention… then we’ll come back.”
“T-that’s… that’s insane-“ Alt says with wide eyes. “To.. maintain that… that must take a-a lot of magic… or power-“
“Eh- Jack has millions of fans… it is not so hard to believe them to be capable. Human beings have a lot more power than they think. Even us.” Henrik shrugs.
"So it's the power of the collective, hmm?" Jackie nods like he understands this.
JJ nods in actual understanding. Of course. Spells are more powerful the more people who participate.
“It’s not as insane as what other Schneep said-“ Jackieboy says looking at him, “What’s that about our souls?? Can you… see them??”
Schneep smiles a bit. "Not exactly see them, I still cannot see anything. But I can sense them. It does come in handy, as I always know where people are. Some souls feel a bit different, a bit... I once described them as 'spicy.'"
Jackie laughs.
"That is what magic feels like," Schneep continues. "You all have a tiny bit of spice to you, though it is a different flavor than magic. That must be your connection. Of course, some of you do have that magic spice as well." He points at Marvin, Jameson, and Jackie.
“Oh! Huh- that’s neat!” Jackieboy grins. “Guess that comes in handy a lot!”
Marvin leans forward and bounces a bit excitedly on their bed. “Now that we have time to rest and stuff… can you all tell us about your universes? You said Alt’s and other Chase’s was similar but swapped? I wanna know more!”
Jameson nods too. Yes I’d also like to learn! How often do we get to meet ourselves who have their own different stories!
"Hah..." Jackie gives a weak smile. "Alright. Who wants to go first, then?"
I will, JJ says, smiling. Well, my home is also very switched around compared to you. My Jackie is a doctor, and my Henrik is a sort of hero—a vigilante, really. I have magic, as you can see, and I use it for preformances. My best friend is Marvin. He's a man from the 1920s who traveled here accidentally. Great man. We also have a friend called Anti—he plays games for YouTube. The five of us are all very close, though there are others, like Anti's cousin Jack, the previously-mentioned Stacy, Jackie's spouse named Rama and his daughter Michelle, Anti's son Will— He shakes his head. But I can't just list all my friends. His smile fades. There's also a... being... called Distorter. He's able to mess with people's minds, and he's been targeting our group for a while. But I'm sure that we'll be able to get rid of him soon.
“Oh wow JJ! Your world really is all switched around!” Marvin says.
Jackieboy laughs, “I-Imagine Anti being a gamer like Jack! God he’d hate that!”
I haven’t met anyone else out of time like me! I’d love to meet your friend some time, other me! Jameson grins, twitching his mustache. I wonder if his past is similar to mine!
“Pah! Imagine Jackie as a doctor… I’m never heard something so ridiculous- Jackie can hardly walk on his own sometimes.” Henrik snickers.
Chase frowns, “huh… there’s no Chase in your world… that’s weird… wonder why that is…”
JJ shrugs. Perhaps there is a Chase, but we do not know him. 
"That is a lot of talking," Schneep mutters.
You talk, then.
"Very well. In my home I am a doctor—or, was, I cannot do surgeries if I cannot see. I have since been studying physics in hope it will help me with a new job. My group of friends consists of Jack and Chase, who are both YouTubers, Jameson, a man who knows much about magick but is not exactly a magician, and Jackie and Marvin--Marvin is a magician, and Jackie used to be a vigilante as well." He pauses. "There was... an accident some years ago. Marvin and Jackie... we thought they died, but really they... it is a complicated matter, but you must know that somehow the two of them... were fused together with dark magic into a being called Anti. That Anti hurt me and my friends a lot, but we were able to defeat him and get our Jackie and Marvin back. Things are returning to normal for us."
Jackieboy and Marvin look a bit freaked out at the mention of Stitches and look at each other with wide eyes. “Woah other Schneep… that’s… honestly kinda scary. S-so close to how it is here…” Marvin says, thoughtfully rubbing some purple scars on his wrist.
“Luckily- we learned our lesson already when it comes to dealing with black magic,” Jackieboy tries to say cheerfully.
“Yeah…” Marvin replies, “I��m glad you guys got that fixed… that must have been awful… I-I can’t even imagine…”
Schneep sighs. "It was... a terrible time. But Jackie and Marvin have recovered, as have the rest of us." He smiles. 
Jackie sighs. "Guess it's my turn, then? Well... things aren't... so great where I'm from." He pauses. "I, uh... used to do a lot of bad things. A-and I got along with other people who did bad things. Those people were... Chase, and Schneep, and Marvin and Jameson. Jack was also a friend, sort of, but he was actually a good guy. We... ended up hurting him a little. And this friend of his, Anti—in my world he's a good guy, if a bit of an asshole—he got real mad with us. Been trying to get Jack back for a while." He shakes his head. "I-I don't... Things have changed a lot. My Marvin and Jameson are real bad news, they... turned on the rest of us. I-I since got away, and these guys helped me get Chase away, too. The two of us are working with Anti and some magicians to hopefully get Schneep and Jack away from those two."
The egos all blink at Jackie in surprise.
“Woah… t-there’s a world where… A-Anti is good and we’re all… not?” Jackieboy whispers. Marvin lightly hits him again, “E-Except for you other me- cuz you’re trying to be better! Obviously!” Jackieboy corrects himself, grinning nervously.
“Switched mortalities…” Henrik muses, stroking his chin. “That is… fascinating…”
Jameson deflates, Gee… I-I can’t imagine acting in a way that would hurt my brothers… that’s very scary to think about.
Marvin nods. “…I know I’ve… I-I haven’t acted the best here but I… I-it wasn’t my fault. I was… I would never hurt these guys on purpose…”
"I know you wouldn't," Jackie says, giving Marvin a small smile. It feels strange to do. But he tried.
Chase seems a bit uncomfortable and gestures at Bro and Alt, “Uh- what about you two?”
Bro blinks then grins, “Well! In our world- me and Alt are like- actually brothers, you know? People in other universes always seem surprised by that.” He laughs. “but I’m a superhero named Bro Fantastic! My best mate is named Jackie Mann and he’s a YouTuber too but he does cool parkour tricks! And he’s a dad! He’s awesome. We also got someone out of time too! Our Henrik! But we call him Henny. He’s deaf but an amazing actor! And our doctor- well he’s learning more first aid hospital stuff but Dr. J is a hypnotherapist! He’s also got a daughter.”
Alt stuffs his hands in his pockets, “I’m… a magician… learning more magic and stuff but I can.. glitch too. I do… illusion shows. Light stuff but a bit of magic too - they’re a hit at raves.” He laughs softly.
Marvin’s eyes sparkle, “Really? That's so cool! What about other me??”
Bro and Alt both pale at this. “Uh… well… our… our bad guy is… a guy named Magnificent.”
Marvin’s face falls and then turns very pale.
“D-Don’t worry about him though- he’s… our problem.” Bro tries to say gently. “He’s… bad for us but like- you have no idea how many great Marvins we meet…”
JJ nods. There are plenty of kind Marvins out there! Mine would love to come here and meet you all. He nods at Jameson in particular. 
“Woah… I’m a dad there too???” Jackieboy gasps.
“That might be even worse than him being a doctor-“ Henrik snickers. Jackieboy playfully punches him. “You’d be an awful actor then! You can’t even act nice to your older brother, bitch!”
Jackie laughs a little. "It seems like a lot of places we go can't imagine themselves as anything different. Which, yeah, I-I get it. It's hard to do until you see it."
"I never would have dreamt of a world where created people come to life," Schneep says. "I know that my Marvin and Jamie would be fascinated to hear about it. I will tell them all about it when I get home."
An interesting detail is that the three of us seem to come from similar worlds. JJ indicates himself, Schneep, and Jackie. We all live in the same city, for example.
"Out of curiosity, do any of you guys have an ABIM here?" Jackie asks. "The, uh... Association of British and Irish Magicians?"
"Oh! Yes, I am familiar with them." Schneep nods.
I have a friend who works for them, JJ says. Her name is Aoife.
"Hah. Yeah, Frederick works for them, too," Jackie says
Marvin blinks a bit at this then shakes his head. “No we don’t have anything like that… just the Magic Circle. They kinda govern the magic here.”
“Oh- we have one of those too. Bunch of pricks in my eyes though.” Alt smirks.
Marvin laughs, “I used to work for them so I can agree!”
“Oh yeah that reminds me we never asked! What city are we in right now? Still seems like Britain.” Bro hums.
“Oh this is Brighton.” Chase says.
Bro and Alt blink at this then both kinda rush to look at the window. “…bro no way?? This… did we not notice this is kinda like home?”
“I dunno Chase- I was kinda busy being possessed by a crazy glitch-“ Alt mumbles.
“Wait?? You guys are from Brighton too??” Jackieboy asks.
Jameson looks to the others. What city are you all from?
"It's a place called Mirygale," Jackie says. "I don't think that it exists in these guys' world." He jerks his head towards Bro and Alt. "Because we were there for a bit and no one seemed to have heard of it."
“Yeah I’ve tried looking it up and couldn’t find it,” Alt sighs. 
"Which is strange, because Brighton does exist," Schneep says. "In my world, at least."
"Mine too."
Same here. JJ nods. I performed there once. Lovely place.
"Worlds are very, uh... varied, I guess." Jackie smiles and looks back at Bro and Alt. "Didn't you guys go to some sort of fantasy world once? And there were the two worlds we were in before this, and all their scifi shit."
“Oh yeah we’ve been to so many different places! Everyone single one is just slightly different or like- massively different. Always the same people- we’ve been to one where we were all like preteens or teens- one where we all were like- in a facilityyy- one where we were mermen! Well… two of those now- wait… 3? I dunno the last two kinda… blended together.” Bro says scratching his head.
“That is… so many-“ Chase says with wide eyes.
“That’s not even all of them,” Alt chuckles.
“Well… in theory it makes sense,” Henrik says, “There must be… infinite possibilities. I suppose it only makes sense for it to be so in practice.”
“…how are you guys gonna get back to your homes?” Marvin asks with a bit of concern. “You mentioned those rifts but… I haven’t heard about something like that…”
Schneep sighs. "We are not sure, to be honest. These rifts just appear."
"Like black rips or cracks in the very fabric of the world," Jackie says. "Bro and Alt used to have this device called a TRVLR, made by this company called IRIS, that let them control where they went to. But, uh... apparently that got broken."
I think in order to get home, we'd need to end up somewhere with the magic or technology to make controlled jumps like the TRVLR, JJ says. It doesn't seem impossible. Isn't there an IRIS in all three of our worlds?
"Yes, though in mine they simply make technology," Schneep says. "None of this multiverse shit."
"That you know of," Jackie mutters. "Or, I mean... we could eventually get help from someone else in the multiverse. My Anti knows about it. In fact, I think he's been traveling around a lot recently? Though... I don't know how he does that, I don't think he was powerful enough to jump worlds casually. Maybe we'll run into him eventually."
JJ sighs. I do hate that this all seems dependent on chance. My friends are no doubt worried about me.
"Mine too." Schneep nods. "I... would like to get back to them... soon."
"We'll find a way," Jackie says. "There's... there's always a way. As this Schneep says, the possibilities must be infinite."
“Yeah I… I dunno if we have an IRIS…” Jackieboy hums in thought, “sounds like something Jack would come up with though…”
“Man- imagine being able to just jump to other worlds!” Marvin says excitedly. “That would be so awesome! Just think about all the awesome magic that exists outside of here!”
Alt chuckles, “Yeah it was… it was pretty great.”
Jameson notices something out of the corner of his eye. Then he starts to shake Marvin’s shoulder- eagerly pointing.
There’s a black crack forming on the back wall of the room. Once Marvin turns to look it cracks open a little bigger. “Uhhh- you guys said they were like black rips right?!”
Jackie and JJ both immediately look in the same direction Marvin does. Schneep does not, of course, but he says, "Don't tell me. You are seeing one right now?"
"Oh my god, we are," Jackie gasps. He gets up, wincing, and hurries over to Schneep's side, helping him up. "Everyone link up! It's time!"
Alt glitches up and Bro immediately grabs his hand.
JJ looks at the egos and smiles. It was lovely to meet you! If we can figure out some way to control our travel, I'd love to come back and visit you again!
"Yes, a shame that I spent most of my time here being mind controlled," Schneep mutters.
Alt lets out a bitter laugh, “I feel that, Schneep.” He goes to hold his hand.
Jackieboy holds Marvin and Jameson to his side as the rift cracks open more and starts to pull the boys in- dragging out their clothes. Henrik grabs Chase. “I-Is it gonna suck us in too??” Jackieboy asks with worry.
Bro hurries over and grabs on to Jackie. “You guys should be fine! It only affects people who.. are out of their universes I think.”
“Well then- f-feel free to visit if you find a way back here! I’d love to hear more about all of this!” Marvin says with a shaky smile. He gives JJ a meaningful look and nods to him. “Good luck with your magic… hang onto the light, okay?”
JJ blinks, then smiles sincerely. I will. Thank you. Then he grabs onto Schneep, holding his hand.
"Until we meet again!" Jackie says. "If we don't, then I'm glad I met you all for this short time."
"Good luck with your Anti," Schneep says. "I'm sure that if you all work together, you can figure something out."
“Hell yeah dude! Don’t worry about us- we got PMA on our side!” Jackieboy grins. “Anti can’t keep us down for long- we got each other!!”
Henrik chuckles. “It was good to meet you all.”
“Even if it was… kinda weird. But also kinda cool-“ Chase grins.
Good luck! Jameson signs with a big playful smile.
“Thanks for everything-“ Alt smiles.
Then, the pull is too much and the 5 of them are sucked into the deep nothingness of the rift.
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bitchysunflower · 2 years
part 1 / part 2
Part 3 of “I’ve been texting my friend for about a week now and they don’t reply but turns out i was texting a random person and there was some deep personal stuff i sent oh my god why are they calling me now?” AU
this is just little snippets of this au! there’s not laid out timeline so… enjoy!! :D some may or may not be real texts i’ve send my friends oopsie (steddie are dating yes)
[eddie is typing…]
eddie: went to sleep at 10:30pm yesterday and i’m still fucking sleepy today
steve: yeah messing up sleeping schedules does that to ya
eddie: i slept more than enough to fix that
steve: actually not necessarily, remember that day I slept from 6pm to 7am
steve: I was so tired the entire day after that
eddie: stop making sense pls i don’t like it
[steve is typing…]
steve: can you text me “Hey Steve, just wanted to let you know I tested positive for covid. You should probably get tested.”
eddie: Hey, just wanted to let you know I tested positive for covid. you should get tested too
steve: Hey, thank you. Hope you feel better!
eddie: wtf was that for??
steve: i just didn’t want to go to work
[steve is typing…]
steve: i like being bisexual but i do not like being mentally ill
eddie: dude it’s 3am
eddie: …but same
[incoming call from steve]
steve: dude this weather is killing me
steve: i have another headache
eddie: dude you need a neurological test…
steve: that’s mean…
eddie: …like there is no way there isnt something wrong with the amounts of headaches you get
eddie: wait, how is that mean??
steve: i tried making a joke, don’t worry about it
eddie: …
steve: to be fair is probably because of the multiple concussions i’ve had in high school
eddie: MULTIPLE????
[steve is typing…]
steve: my throat is killing
eddie: your fault for screaming so loud last night
steve: that was your damn fault, you rascal
eddie: not my fault i’m so good
steve: NO ONE
[eddie is typing…]
eddie: you’re so cute and adorable when your nice to me
steve: what am I when I’m mad?
eddie: hot as fuck
[steve is typing…]
steve: you’re a nerd
eddie: and you’re a loser
steve: geek
eddie: dork
steve: mine
eddie: that was so smooth, lord
[eddie is typing…]
eddie: can you bring my notebook when you come back?
eddie: and a snack
eddie: like an actual snack, that wasn’t code for dick
steve: damnit
[incoming call from eddie]
eddie: oh my god i’m dating you
eddie: you’re mine
eddie: holy shit
eddie: wowwww
steve: are you high?
eddie: very
steve: i love you
[steve is typing…]
steve: that’s it, i’m done
steve: i’m selling dustin on ebay
eddie: don’t be silly, he’s your kid you made him
eddie: sell him on etsy!
[steve is typing…]
steve: k
eddie: k
eddie: idc how much we argue you’re always gonna be my baby
eddie: keep the attitude i can handle it
this was so fun to write lol
tags: @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @estrellami-1 @wrenisflying @ilikechocolatemilkh @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @mightbeasleep @gregre369 @bookbinderbitch @stevesbipanic
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 6 months
what do you like most about writing each south park character?
Oh MAN I love this question! I’ve only ever written from the perspectives of Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Cartman, Butters/Marjorine, Craig, and Tweek, so I’ll be focusing on those seven!
Stan I adore making him a massive simp like ohhhh my god Stanley Down Bad Marsh my son hes kind of a loser sometimes and we love him for it! He’s definitely one of my favorites to write and I project onto him a good deal and have a few running gags with him, like a lot of the time I put him in clothes that I actually wear, have him reference media I enjoy, make him vegetarian every single time, just… Stan. What an icon. I love when he’s just so Done with the shenanigans around him too lmao
Kyle is my other favorite, easy, like he lends himself out so well to serve as the voice of reason and there’s so much to do with his character over every au! The majority of my Kyles are very empathetic to a fault, mostly idealistic in their worldview, very introspective, which is super fun to explore! It’s also fun to delve into his hypercritical side, when he portrays a false confidence that he doesn’t feel, when he’s everyone’s go-to. I really enjoy writing style because like yeah they’re in love, but they’re best friends at the root of that, and it’s important to me that their relationship is built off that bond.
Kenny! Dude Kenny is such an inherently complex character, whether you factor in the immortality or not, but he’s so interesting because he’s kind of a comic relief character on the surface, but holds this deep melancholy. He’s another favorite of mine to write and I have so many headcanons for him, like how he’s incredibly good at reading people, super good at making friends and cheering people up. Also I LOVE making Kenny unhinged as shit, like he is my vessel for inappropriate jokes and out of pocket comments, just so much eccentricity because he deserves it damnit! King shit. Or princess shit, perhaps ;)
Ok Cartman, I had SO many hang ups writing Cartman when I first started. I had absolutely no clue how to tackle him, because I don’t really like writing truly evil characters, and when I was super new to sp fanfiction I thought that was the only way I could really do him, that or leave him out. But YALL!!!!!! Once I realized I could write him as actually caring for his friends but just being an abrasive fuckwad for the hell of it, everything changed!!! He is SO GODDAMN FUN TO WRITE like the Cartmanisms are delightful to come up with and he is EASILY one of my favorite characters to include now! His commentary is fucking hilarious and he will deadass just say anything, I can’t BELIEVE I spent so long avoiding writing him bc he’s a blast and the most unserious guy you will ever meet also he absolutely reads fanfiction that guy is devouring dead doves. One of these days I’ll make a list of my favorite cartmanisms I’ve written.
Butters/Marj, so I don’t necessarily have more of an attachment to either version, but I think my favorite thing about writing them is the speech pattern! Butters has more of a hesitant way of talking and that’s honestly super fun to translate into writing. I like making them a really nurturing character, like as the station medic in ATLCTS, but also pretty gullible to shit like pyramid schemes like in the OrangeJuiceVerse. Another character that I hesitated to write from for a hot minute because I wasn’t sure how I wanted to go about it, but Butters/Marjorine is really fun to switch up the rhythm of the prose!
BY FAR my favorite thing about writing Craig is giving him pointless beef with Stan, like when this mf does not care about shit except his bf and stripe it’s so fucking funny to me. In In The Truly Gruesome I had SUCH a blast making him so quick with the comebacks and the nonchalance like bruh he is so damn funny for no reason that’s probably one of my favorite Craigs I’ve written. His relationships with people in his life are really cool to explore too, like in the later OJV he’s really good friends with Kyle, and their differences in personality that au are super cool to work with!
Similar to Butters, Tweek is fun to write because of the distinct speech and thinking pattern! His prose, the slight stutter and hesitation, like you can tell when it’s Tweek talking. That’s part of the reason I alternated chapters in Broken Bottles From Apartment 2 between him and Kyle, because of the juxtaposition of their ways of thinking and talking. Whereas Kyle is concise and deliberate, Tweek is more scattered and sporadic, which is an interesting contrast!
Aight man that’s it for this ask, I hope I made some semblance of sense, thank u for asking about this!!!
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carnivoreofthesea · 11 months
in your swap AU; how does pike wizard/amber, slime wizard/goobert and most importantly (the precious and need to be protected) lonely wizard would look like ?
are they now grimora's pupils now or still with mags but they are now undead ?
So with magmento (mags), I did originally plan to have his pupils be in the crypt but it was getting too long. They're grimmoras pupils traits, But they have His students names and a few key features.
Pike wizard -> Decapitated Scholar
"Do not pity me, It was all worth my while."
Being a mortician before she died, She had made new ways to cremate the dead and be preserved longer. However she ended up dying from a mixture of chemical poisoning after inhaling some of the ingredients used in said embalming and an unfortunate accident. Her skin had become more frail and she had restered her head on one of the spikes on her fence. Poor baby got impailed without even realising it :[. She hopes that she could use her body to make a less deadly way of preservation, To no avail yet. She looks pretty similar to normal Amber but instead of a helmet she wears a mourning veil! Also her little spike is a singular fence post that looks a lot more fancy. She has the same concept as Amber, Hurting herself to be more appreciated by her scrybe (although its more the concept of death she was trying to pay respects to) and still being in servitude when the player comes.
Goobert (my baby boy <3) -> Goo pile
"Please, Please! Arghhhh... Battle me! I'm promise I am more than just a gnarled mess!"
Died in a horrible accident, Something that contorted and squished him past being recognized. His death was more famous than the life he lived, So now he strives to be remembered for something other than his death! He's trying so hard, please just give him affection :[. a lil kissie on the head for always trying new things and working to be good at them! He looks pretty similar to goobert, if not more. Gross <3. I’M SORRY BUT HE WOULD BE NASTY… He would be a pile of just random sludge and liquids, if you’re lucky you could find bits of melted skin? Purrrhapes his ghostly body would piece itself together but even then he would look like a nasty little pile of grossness. I love you babay… but you are nasty.. I would still hold him though!! Just put the goofy goober in a jar again please.
Lonely wizard (ALSO MY BABAY!!) -> Loney Dominguez
"PLAY A GAME! PLEASE?! I need something to do!"
He was quite young when he died, Being a coma was terrible considering he was such a rambunctious kid! He couldnt see or hear or move, but he could feel his body and think. Even when he died, Magmento trapped him in his coffin out of fear. He's not good with kids... Especially ones that are 6 FEET TALL. That may have been related to his death but I haven't decided yet. Also think of just a huge coffin that's hidden away under the main room, the player finds it and he’s just like. “Oh yeah, that's the crazy kid, He bites. I think.” And then you just see the coffin violently shake and scream. He has normal anatomy and would just be a very VERY rotting body. Like yes, he has formed, just melty and turning into goop. Maybe a few bugs live with him so he isn’t as lonely… Also think it would be funny if he still had a hyper fixation about wizards out of spite. Let my baby like his wizards damnit.
James cobb -> James Hobbes
"Oh neat. A player, Let's do it."
A mellow player who died... How did he die? His tombstone says he drowned but he doesn't have any signs of it like the others do. In fact he might even tell you that it's fake. He won't tell you how he actually died but as long as it solves the puzzle who cares? He's probably the most normal guy you'll meet, Also is very tired. Like. let the guy nap. please. strangely modern. Uses slang and sometimes makes suggestive comments but he's a baby girl for that. He’s actually a fairly healthy corpse, Only slightly pale and occisonally goes stiff. His hands are deathly cold but at least his hair is still a bright red. Good for him! Good for him :].
James Cobb -> Kaycee Cobb
“Don’t you wonder what’ll happen? C’mon, I wanna find out.”
IM TALKING F. R. E. AY KAYYYY. SHE IS MY FAVORITE CAN YOU TELL BATTING MY EYELASHES SO MUCH WHEN I TALK ABOUT HER. ANyways she’s the sillayest wizard ever. She doesn’t take herself seriously and just straight up tells the player that she enjoys being stuck in there. Its literally her dream and she uses magic to fuck herself up. She can finally have gender goals of occasionally turb herself into whatever the fuck she wants! Don't like feeling of skin? SIMPLY BECOME A SKINLESS BEING FOR A LIL! god i love her sm… She definitely indulges in the whole wizard shit and has a whole over the top outfit. other than that still very greasy <3
Lonely wizard -> Royal Wizard (GOD I LOVE HIM)
Oh my god. Peek tism. Category five tism events. He's a pirate obsessed wizard who has a problem with summoning things. Specifically. a ford f150. vehicular manslaughter never ends. He's very confident in his skills and thinks he should be a head wizard or at the very least a card, However he can only do a few spells… God he’s so silly I love him. He's a low poly pirate that I’m thinking of making black. give mah boy some pirate dreads!!! Why? Because IT LOOKS COOL. Anyways he locked away in a ship in a bottle by Grimeth as a “final test”. He's never getting out.
Goobert -> Stinking mass
“Ohhhh… Yes… Perhaps I’ll cast a spell that will finally make me disappear..”
Oughhh… Gender dysophoria baby… I love you poor baby. Turned himself into a pile of… Something? Honestly he doesn't even know. His final test is to turn back, And he’s trying real hard! The thing is, It would probably be easier if he was going to transform into who originally was but he didn't like how liked he looked… He wants to transform into something better to prove himself to be better than how he looked. god my baby. i need to hold him.
Bone lord -> Eye.
Need I say more? Its a painted eye in a black room that speaks in fucking wing dings.
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