#this is one of those posts where either someone made it already and I forgot or I made it and forgot or I just came up with it but deja vu
theburiedgay · 2 years
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Cats when they smell the stray cat you petted on the way home
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kanmom51 · 3 months
Missing Jikook today
Not that I don't miss them every single day, but just saying...
@wonsummernight Miss your edits!!!!!! I know there isn't any new Jikook content just yet, but if there was a time we were in dire need for some heart wrenching Jikook edits, this is it!!!
Basically, this is me telling you "PLEASE COME BACK". 💜💜
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So, I came today to cry a little, you know commiserating together with others takes the edge off a bit (note to self: keep telling yourself that, and you might start believing it too...), but also to remind y'all that SM is crap, a viper pit, a cec pool, where all the miserably unhappy ignorant assholes tend to flock to (this is about the assholes that have turned sm into such a place), either to create drama that will get them some much needed attention they aren't getting elsewhere, or to create a parallel universe where their dreams and wants come true, even if they have zero standing in reality. Oh, and I forgot those that are there to make some hard cash, by all means.
And why am I mentioning all of this, you may ask?
Well, because for some reason my hopes and dreams for a fandom cleanse are being shattered as we speak.
As you may already know, I've taken a step back lately. mainly distancing myself from SM, as it's been going downhill for ages now, but has become an even uglier place to visit in the past few months, I'd say ever since it's been known that JK and JM are enlisting TOGETHER and will be serving TOGETHER, basically being in each other's close vicinity 24/7 for 18 months (even if not sharing exact same duties within the unit) and spending off time together . And to clarify once again: Same unit, same posting (base), different duties within the unit.
You'd think that 3 months in, and after the initial shock, reality and truth would set in (even with the most delusional) that these two young men CHOSE to enlist together (free choice and steps taken by both of them to achieve this). And once again me reminding they are the only ones in the group to decide they want to do this and the only idols to ever do so.
But no. Who am I kidding? Probably wishful thinking on my part. You know, that these people will either wake up, smell the roses and just cope with reality, or plain and simply piss off (that's probably me being delusional at this point).
Point being, it's gotten even worse. Like who would have believed that would happen? Yeah, probably should have seen it coming though. When you have cult behavior, when you have those that profit off it (monetarily or otherwise), I should have known it would go this way. The need to dive even deeper into the filth of this earth, to create even dumber narratives, to, of course, spew even more hate towards either of them (depending what delusional team you are on).
Should have seen it all coming.
Sadly, instead of just leaving, tail between their legs, they are doubling down on their utterly delusional beliefs regarding these young men. Not without pain, I may add. Pain, that a small part of me, someone that tries very hard to be nice and good and positive, is now relishing (I lie... not that mall of a part after all). Their twists and turns, their made up shit to compensate for whatever shit JK, JM or Tae are throwing their way... kind of priceless. I mean, if they aren't going anywhere, should we not at least enjoy their demise?
Does that make me a bad person?
Honestly, I don't think so.
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And Jikook being away from most of this, lighting the fire and walking away leaving their haters behind to burn, was a nice touch.
Now we just sit here silently wait for our little travel show...
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box-of-roses · 4 months
'*•.¸♡ Machine Heart♡¸.•*'
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Characters: Sakusa, Y/N
Synopsis: Sakusa is going to learn why you don’t take things for granted in the most brutal way possible
Warnings: Vomiting, Blood, CHARACTER DEATH, Crying, Regret
Words: 2k
A/N: I was listening to music and found this song. It really sets the vibes if you listen while you read
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Valentine’s Day. How funny it all sounded to you now. You’ve been with the same person for five years. The first year was wonderful, he got you a bouquet of flowers and wrote you a wonderful heartfelt letter. The second year was okay, he still gave you flowers but ones you had already told him made your nose itchy. The third year is when it started going downhill and going fast. He worked, you can’t be too mad at him for doing his job…but he forgot. He had forgotten a lot that year. Your birthday, your anniversary. He hadn’t forgotten his teammates' birthdays. He hadn’t forgotten the anniversary of joining his team. He had forgotten you though.
The fourth year is when you started getting angry. Your lovesick eyes scanning the posts from friends of their significant others. The rings gleaming around their fingers. Why couldn’t he care again? What made him stop caring? You made a dinner and waited up for him to get home. When you awoke the next morning though you found his shoes by the door, the bedroom door closed and yourself still asleep at the table. Food ice cold and candles gone out. Light coming from the bathroom along with the sounds of running water.
The fifth year was when you started rethinking everything. You hadn’t prepared anything this year, too tired of being cast aside. So what if the flame of his love went out? You still had someone. It was when he posted a message for his friends telling them Happy Valentine’s Day. He couldn’t do something that simple for you? You started thinking of what you had done.
Your eyes kept staring at the simple post. Photos of him smiling with his friends. Telling them he cares about them even though he doesn’t say it much. That he didn’t know where he’d be without them and that he couldn’t live without them. You didn’t want to be upset at his friends. You’re not entirely sure that you existed. There weren’t any posts of you with him on either social media account.
He decided early in the relationship that it would be better if the public didn’t know. You just didn’t realize that also meant his friends. His family. You felt like you had wasted five years of your life. You couldn’t stop loving him though. He was still the light of your life. Even if you weren’t the light of his. That’s when you felt a tickle at the back of your throat.
You grabbed a glass of water and took a few sips. That didn’t help, it was a grainy feeling like you were swallowing sand. You rushed to the bathroom as the feeling went up your throat. Making it just in time you leaned over the toilet. As your body heaved flower petals came out of your mouth. So did blood. You had heard about this before. Hanahaki. You were going to die. You had been trying for years to get Sakusa to love you again. This was just the final nail in the coffin. Ha, coffin. You’d be in one of those soon.
Your body heaved again. More petals filled up the water. Blood splattered against the sides of the pristine white seat and walls. You knew you were going to have to clean it up before Sakusa got home. You wondered to yourself when he had become Sakusa again. When did he stop being Kiyoomi? Was he ever really anything other than Sakusa to you? More petals fell out of your mouth. It was getting hard to breathe and your vision went black.
You’re awoken again by the door opening. Your eyes fluttered to life. He was finally home. On Valentine’s Day. The day you realized you weren’t going to be alive for much longer. What a sick joke everything seemed to be. You flushed the toilet and began to clean up the mess you made. You heard a knock at the door. Checking your appearance in the mirror you took a paper towel and wiped away at the blood coating your lips and edges of your mouth. Opening the door you’re met with the man who caused this demise.
“I’m going out with my friends tonight. I trust you’ll be safe while I’m gone.” You nodded.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Go have fun with your friends!”
“I wasn’t asking permission. I just found out you were home and didn’t want to be questioned first thing after stepping through the door.” He turned around and you closed the door. Maybe this was for the best. He talked to you so coldly that you actually shivered. You didn’t want to just give up on life but you didn’t want to subject anyone else to your problems. Perhaps any proof of your existence was already wiped from the house.
There was one photo of the two of you in your bedroom. Not his bedroom. Your bedroom. You had been okay with having separate rooms in the beginning. You had a lot of things and so did he. What was so bad about having separate spaces and spaces where you were able to be together. Except you were never together anymore. There wasn’t a shared space. The house might as well be yours because of how little he was there.
You knew he wouldn’t be there often. I mean he had away games all the time before you moved in together. But it was different. You felt your eyes well up with tears as you reminisced about the past. At how sweet he used to be. The apartment seemed much colder than it had been before he came home. You didn’t dare leave your bathroom though. You didn’t want to run into him. He was about to go out and seeing you would ruin his day.
The pricking in your throat started again. At this rate you were going to be dead before the day's end. It was harder to breathe than before. You rushed to sit back down. You didn’t want to hurt yourself more than you were already. You should have left him. Maybe this wouldn’t have happened. But, you couldn’t bear the thought of leaving him no matter how much it hurt to stay. It hurt more to think about leaving. As flowers came out of your mouth you wondered who would be at your funeral. Tears ran down your face as you realized he would show up. But maybe he wouldn’t. Maybe he would pretend he didn’t know you.
What was he going to do when he found your body. It would be limp and grey, blood lost and flowers around your lips. They began sticking as the blood dried. You wondered if the flowers at your funeral would be the same ones you were currently choking on. This disease is poetic in a way. Love and flowers were both beautiful if taken care of properly. Love could sprout and blossom and cause more things to grow. Love could also hurt. It could grow thorns and you could bleed and choke and cry. Love could be just as deadly as it is life giving.
You knew that the next part was the thorns. The stems and sharp edges scraping your throat as they would come up. You couldn’t stop crying. Why you? What had you done to deserve this besides being unloved. Is it really your fault that he didn’t love you anymore. You felt it was unfair. Why didn’t he throw up flowers? Why couldn’t he feel what you were feeling? You were back to anger. The tears were hot as they rolled down your cheeks.
You picked up one of the flower blossoms. They were beautiful. Blue. White in the center. The disturbing factor was the blood that got caught in the folds and tears of the petals. The way it dripped onto your hand. The contrast of the blue and red. It made you think of the contrast between the two of you. Your vision started going in and out again. You grabbed the water you brought with you and drank more of it.
You tried to clean yourself up as you picked yourself off the floor. You looked terrible already. Because you knew what was going to end you left the bathroom and picked up your phone. The object that started this mess.
That observation wasn’t fair to your phone. It wasn’t the phone’s fault he didn’t love you anymore. You wrote messages to your parents and friends wishing them well. You set it up to send in a couple of hours. With how quickly this was developing you figured you’d be gone by then. Funny. The universe didn’t even try to give you a chance to fix this. It had as little faith in someone loving you as you did yourself. Your eyes no longer welled up with tears. You were coming to terms with what was going to happen. You wrote your last note and went back to the bathroom.
The letter was sat by the door. On the little table where you put your keys. You silently secluded yourself as you felt your lungs fill up with flowers that wouldn’t come out.
It was a few hours later when Sakusa finally returned home. As he set his keys down he noticed a note. He picked it up and began reading it.
‘I’m not doing this to make you feel guilty. I would like my funeral to be a small affair. Please let my family know this wasn’t their fault. I loved you. I’m sorry I wasn’t enough for you, you’ll find me in the bathroom. I wanted the least amount of mess cleanup for you because I know you hate blood. Thank you for caring about me in the beginning. I love you, take care of yourself.’
The paper fell through his fingers. What did you mean he would find you in the bathroom? His feet carried them to your bathroom. He was scared to open the door. When he did his fears came true. There you were flowers growing out of your mouth. Blood plastered around your mouth. And skin, your skin was grey and you laid there lifeless.
What had he done. He could have prevented this if he continued loving you. He should’ve continued loving you. He does love you. He loves you now that he can’t have you. He misses the things you would do for him. He misses you.
He sits in the bathroom for hours. Just holding your hand. Wishing he realized this would happen. He feels so stupid for requesting the things he did. He regrets not showing you off when he could. He regrets not loving you like he should. He wishes he could kiss you and you would wake up. He wishes he could wake up and that it was a dream.
He wishes he could love you like he used to. He doesn’t know how long it’s been when he hears a knock at the door. His stomach growls and his throat feels dry. His eyes are red and puffy as he swings the door open. Atsumu is standing there. He hadn’t heard from his friend for two days. Seeing his state he comes in and hugs him.
Sakusa pushes him off. “It’s my fault. I’m the reason they’re dead.”
“Who’s dead Omi?”
“Y/N.” Atsumu doesn’t ask who that is, he can tell that Sakusa cared for you. He’s curious why he had never heard of you before. He doesn’t want to push him right now though. They sit there for the rest of the night. In the couch in your home, surrounded by the things that reminded him of you. Atsumu only gets up to make them food. Considering Sakusa’s state he figured he hasn’t eaten. He wishes he could do more.
Sakusa tells him not to go into the bathroom in the master bedroom. Atsumu doesn’t ask why. Atsumu just hugs him and lets him cry.
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I hope you guys enjoyed! I got this request and thought it was perfect to post for Valentine’s Day. My askbox is open if you want to send in a request. Like this was, you can find that here. If you liked this consider checking out my other works! Love you guys!!! <3
Likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated
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raeofsunrise · 6 months
skate to me
pairing: clapton davis x gn!reader
summary: !BASED OFF A REQUEST I FORGOT TO ATTACH THIS TO! clapton was absolutely astonished when he saw that the person who skated right by him in the hallway was right here, next to him, in his science class.
warnings: light cursing, i think?? i’m not fucking sure at this point
word count: 1.0k
author’s note: so sorry it took me like a whole month to get back! 😭this has been crazy ass couple of months, and i just couldn’t get anything out if i tried. i honestly think that i might take a break on writing for clapton and characters like mike, simply because i don’t think i have any motivation to write for them. i don’t wanna let you guys down, but i also don’t wanna write crappy fics, either. i’ll say on a separate post who i’ll be writing for. thanks so much for your guys support! and with that, enjoy ☆
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clapton thought he was the only one who skated through the hallways of grizzly lake highschool. it wasn’t like he gatekeeped it or anything, but it was his thing. and everyone knew that.
so when he felt you brush against him in the hallway this morning, he barely got a glimpse of your shoes and purple hoodie before you skated away. it frustrated him—
wait, skated?
he thought he was crazy. he had to have hallucinated those rollerskates. but the sound when you rushed by him, those had to have been rollerskates. but nobody else but him did that. that was his thing. besides his ego being a bit affected, he was more excited than anything. maybe he could make a new friend. he’d never met anyone else who skated, especially at school. but where did you go? no, more importantly, what class were you in? clapton was not famous for being patient, so this would be difficult.
he begrudgingly made his way to science class, upset that he might not see you until passing period, where the hallway would be filled with what felt like thousands upon thousands of people. no way he was gonna see you during that. and if he tried to find you during lunch? he’d definitely look like a total creep. so this was a lose lose situation. he’d never be able to talk to the stranger with the skates.
this made clapton’s walk to class even more frustrating. throughout the whole day, all he could hope for was to hear your skates against the ground. but he didn’t. not once. it was the end of the day, and he was heading to his last class. clapton was just about done with everything when he saw a pair of skates next to a desk. and just above that desk was a purple hoodie. and even more above that was probably the most gorgeous person he’d ever seen.
he was practically just standing and staring in the doorway. of course you weren’t staring back at him, he thought. you were busy listening to music and getting ready for class, getting your notebooks and everything.
clapton didn’t move until another student shoved him out of the way so they couldd get through, muttering something under their breath in the process. clapton couldn’t care less, though. because there was an open seat next to you and what perfect timing was it that he was the only person who hadn’t sat down yet? this coincidence made him believe that maybe there was a god. maybe it was you.
his mood an entire 180 from how it was less than 2 minutes ago, he sat down right next to you, waiting for you to notice him like an excited child.
not noticing someone had sat next to you, you weren’t expecting someone to be right next to you. normally, as far as first days go, people liked to haze the new kid. so someone looking eager to talk to you was not a good sign.
“hi,” you say slowly, going to look at him.
“hey there, gorgeous.” he said. as soon as that came out of his mouth he knew that was a big yikes. (ayo?? 😟)
your eyes widened. what the hell was his problem?
“woah, coming off a little strong there, aren’t we?” you ask.
how could he save this already trainwreck of a conversation? if he could even call it that.
“sorry, don’t know why i said that. i just, uh,”
shit, shit, shit! think of something clapton!
“you skate, right? that’s pretty cool. i do, too.” he held up his skate board.
still suspicious and not at all buying this “no ill-intentions” act, you pull your skates closer to your desk.
“yeah, i do.”
he continues, “well i just thought that since we both skate we could—“
but he was cut off, as class had apparently started while you two were conversing and your teacher was not happy with either of you.
clapton heard the teacher say both of your last names, followed by a very stern “detention!”
this wasn’t anything surprising to him, but one look at you told him that this was not how you were expecting your first day to go.
you rolled your eyes and shot him a dirty look.
“thanks a lot, davis.”
so instead of a trainwreck, his attempt to talk to you was a total and complete fuck-up.
the end of class came painstakingly slow, and he saw you hurrying to head out so you didn’t have to walk to detention with him. i mean, could he blame you. he practically screwed over your entire day.
clapton always took himself as an optimist, so maybe he could still save this. right?
as you put on your skates, unaware that this might land you in even more trouble, you felt someone tap you on your shoulder.
there was nobody else left in the classroom besides you and the person who you did not wanna see. so you turn around, and with no surprise, there was the douche who landed you in detention.
“oh, are you here to get me suspended, too?” you ask.
he couldn’t help but laugh a bit.
“yeah, i deserve that. sorry about all…this, by the way. i really didn’t mean for you to get in trouble.” he said.
damn, you thought. he’s not a bad actor.
you smiled a not-so-friendly smile back at him. “sure, you didn’t.”
you try to skate away and out of the classroom, but he catches up to you on his skateboard.
“no, seriously! i just wanted to talk to you. i’ve never met anyone who also skates, and i just thought you were really cool and pretty and—“
you stopped skating ahead of him a while ago, but he didn’t notice that, so he kept skateboarding right into an open locker’s door.
you let out a laugh that definitely let every teacher in the vicinity know you weren’t where you were supposed to be right now, but you couldn’t help it.
clapton got up, rubbing the side of his face.
you walk up to him and pat him on the cheek.
“okay, i believe you.” you say, crossing your arms afterwards.
he lets out a smile that you’re pretty sure you’re gonna have to get used to.
“anything i can do to make it up to you?” he asks.
you take off your backpack and shove it in his arms.
“carry this for me?” you say.
“that’s the least i can do.”
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Okay, either the scientist knew she was preggo or they just thought she was going through hormonal changes or whatever, there is NO WAY CROWLEY DOESNT KNOW THE HUMAN IS PREGGO.
Also, how much should I bet that Cater is just going to keep the whole world updated with every single DETAIL.
Oh, Lilia is going to have a FIELD DAY WHEN THE BABY IS BORN, same for Trein, he’s probably going to love it.
Referring to this fic snippet here:
Okay, to be fair, I forgot to mention that the events take place shortly after Yuu's arrival. Probably between chapter 2 and 3 given the timeline we have, which puts it at about...two, three weeks after the prologue and shortly after Riddle and Leona overblot.
As for the scientists/researchers, while logically speaking they would immediately jump at the chance to come to the island to start their studies, they first had to make sure these pictures circulating on Cater’s Magicam posts were legit first. Once it is established through a video or two that was posted, that's when they reach out to Crowley to make the arrangements!
And they actually arrive a week after the pregnancy announcement, so you can bet that they are very eager to get some studying done as quick as possible! 😂
As for the staff not realizing that fem!Yuu is pregnant, they are aware of what a pregnant monster's scent is like for sure. But because there hadn't been a human in centuries, even if Crowley was old enough to have been around humans, it's not like he remembers the scent off the top of his head! The staff would all essentially be like those confused cats and dogs trying to figure out what this strange bump is and why their human smells funny before instinctively feeling protective.
Can you just imagine Crowley building a nest for Yuu without realizing just *why* he was doing it in the first place? Or the blank stare he'd give the moment someone asked him like, "...why am I doing this??" and it only becomes clear shortly after the announcement, in which he tries to pretend he knew all along 😂
I'm also reminded of this one post where OP's cat had had multiple litters in the past and was so excited when OP got pregnant that the kitty kept trying to show her to the nest she made for OP's "kitten", and it was the sweetest thing I'd ever read 🥹
Anyway, you can bet your bottom madol that Cater will absolutely be keeping EVERYONE updated on Magicam throughout the whole process, and he is getting flooded with baby picture requests 🤣 It's also sweet how mothers come across the posts and try to offer advice that they'd learned on raising their kids, which is nice, though not all of the advice would really be practical based on species 😅 But at least they're sweet enough to offer that and words of encouragement! I can even see some inviting Yuu to a mother's support group meeting ;;v;;
You can also bet that Yuu will be receiving a lot of baby shower gifts and such from Cater’s followers. At least they don't have to worry about needing to buy diapers for a while! 🤣
Ooooooh yes, Lilia is going to be ecstatic to be able to hold and care for a baby again! He will offer to help watch over the little one (hadn't decided on a gender or name yet for the new baby) so Yuu can take a break, though don't worry about him trying to feed the baby his cooking. He learned and knows that milk is important for the baby, so he makes sure to have the bottles readily available even at Diasomnia~ (though Silver and the others make sure to keep an eye on him when it comes to feeding time just to be on the safe side)
Trein has already raised two daughters, and while he may not be interested in raising another, that's not to say he won't wind up spoiling the little human baby like any grandparent would! He'll also offer a shoulder for fem!Yuu to lean on and reassure her that she's doing a great job as a mother ;;v;;
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fumifooms · 2 months
You're always so on point with your posts. On that note, it made me realize that; Considering the themes of desires in DunMeshi. It's also to say that what you think you want isn't what you actually want.
Like, Marcille thinks she wants the handsome prince from the novels she reads... But what she actually wants is someone maybe more like her father who she admired so much. Kind, virtuous, caring to a fault, a family man. Things she later finds in Chilchuck.
Because as traumatizing as it was to see her mother's spiral after her father's death; Her memories of her father itself are some of the most important to her. And it fits with her pursuit to increase her loved ones' lives, because she does want what her mother and father had.
Sipping. I do go over ‘what you think you want vs what you actually want + what you need’ in my (upcoming) Marcille & Chil arc analysis ;) It’s a part of Dunmeshi that I really like and is super fascinating, I’d honestly like to make an analysis-post on the topic: all the different threads and characters in canon that reflect that, desires vs wants and themes of idealization in Dunmeshi, but it’s one of those things that’s just so huge to make. See this is the freaking problem with doing Dunmeshi meta you start talking about the themes or a narrative and everything is so interwoven you get distracted with tangents BUT IT’S ALL COMPELLING AND RELEVANT
I know that’s something laimar does a lot too, the dad thing, with Marcille in a post-canon comic knitting beside him paralleling her parents and whatnot. I don’t know if I fully agree on the angle but there’s definitely stuff to dig at there…
Like I know that I’d like to analyze Marcille’s succubus more, it comes up in my analysis draft but it’s not the point I’m trying to make there so I focus on other stuff but… I always saw the focus of Marcille’s succubus as that she sought out an emotional connection most of all, it’s romantic and courtly in nature but more importantly there’s personality and behavior there and it’s a character she already loves and knows deeply from having read the series, so it’s not like Chil where it’s just a pretty face whose identity doesn’t matter. A friend of mine though, @room-surprise, goes with the angle that it shows she isn’t ready for a relationship and that the appeal is very self-centered, and I def think compelling points are made…
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Point I was trying to make, the succubus is definitely at the crux of figuring what it is Marcille wants and craves in someone I’d say, where she’s emotionally at wether consciously or subconsciously, or how she sees herself being involved in romance at least… It’s true Marcille is enthusiastic about romance, but always someone else’s, never hers, and she seems unwilling to examine her own relationships with people. She oversteps boundaries either obliviously or carelessly and doesn’t like change…
And then there’s how complex people’s relationship to fiction can be on top of that and graaaaah
Edit in bc I forgot I wanted to mention this like an idiot: OH and I do think the Daltian Clan serves a role in the general tapestry of Dunmeshi as well, sometimes in in depth ways that Room-Surprise will tackle in their research paper way better than me I’m sure. My understanding of the importance of general Hagreus in a more general narrative sense is that he reinforces the theme of idealization/fantasy vs reality that’s super present through the manga. Beyond just Marcille’s arc and his importance to her he’s designed uncannily close to Mithrun, it parallels real elves and their very flawed military system and the broken people it cultivates vs the romanticized elves put on an aesthetic pedestral in novels, especially considering it’s "general" Hareus
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To give some previews of the analysis wip: Thus the succubus targets Marcille’s wish for a perfect knight who could cherish her forevermore, someone safe and known and fantastical, just hers in a way, free to see and construct however she wants because he’s a character to interpret Dungeon Meshi is in part about resisting desires, the irrational cravings, mostly through the character of the demon. I mentioned needs earlier, and to ideals vs wants we also add vs needs, both emotional and physical. And needs alongside wants are what Dungeon Meshi wishes to promote for a healthier person. Dungeon Meshi illustrates very well with the dungeon lords that you can be a slave to your desires. Dunmeshi prones the important of balance for both a healthy body and a healthy mind, and the arc of optimism vs pessimism with Marcille & Chilchuck is one such case <3
Ouuuugh how flawed relationships with flawed people can still be made into somehing good and healthy that make the world brighter…
We’ve gone far from the topic of how her family shaped what she seeks in relationships haha, I think you put it well already though I don’t have much to add on that front Edit in 2: SIKE! I’ll add that there’s an interesting thread in the manga of Marcille maturing and becoming more like her mother, which would be interesting and fun to pair with the fatherhood of Chil. Because Marcille is sometimes a mother figure as well: she’s the mom friend. I go over it here, and since when I made that post I’ve seen more interesting analysis on the topic too, like noticing she hides behind her mother’s portrait in the nightmare chapter, perhaps the inspiration behind her more mature reserved academic persona she sometimes has. Her parents are def important to her so it’s interesting to see how all the dynamics and her own psychology fit into that….
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But yeah I think what she (thinks she) wants out of romance has a lot of layers, both conscious and subconscious… I haven’t gone into the bigger picture of how fiction affects her relationships here but it’s the central topic of my Marcille & Chil arc analysis so. She idealizes the trope of the prince charming and finds it attractive but is that what she would actually latch onto… Is it fully superficial, is it more about herself than it is about her potential partner... Is it mainly because she wants to get validation, from being special that she typically gets from high academic performance… We do see she can be rather insecure and worried about others’ perspective of her, that they think she’s not useful or capable enough, especially in the mandrake chapter… Unconditional love perhaps
What is your emotional landscape Marcille. How emotionally intelligent are you. I don’t think she knows what she wants romantically. I think she has a job so she don’t really care about that rn I’m just not sure if we can figure out what she ~actually~ wants on her behalf that might be too many levels of interpretation but idk idk, thinking on it still
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Hey there! Hekate has pointed me toward your blog and I just wanted to say hi 💞
I do have a question though, have you ever had deities help you with motivation and executive functioning skills? I've got ADHD and the "laziness"(🤢) or what I call "going slug mode" (staying in bed all day, no motivation to shower, etc) really commands my life.
My periods of deity work tend to coincide with my periods of productivity and energy, but I often fall off when, well, everything else falls off. So I guess I'm also looking for advice or at least to connect with someone who's had similar experiences.
(I've also connected with Aphrodite and Loki! Other gods I've worked with in the past are Mother Hathor and Brigid)
First off, I may or may not have had so many feelings upon seeing "Hekate has pointed me towards your blog" because the idea that my blog can be useful enough that a deity would go "go look at what that dude has to say" just brings me so much joy.
Second off, OH THIS IS ABSOLUTELY SOMETHING I SHOULD SCREAM ABOUT THANK YOU. I can't believe I haven't already made a post about this!!
I, too, am an ADHD motherfucker and I have always had so many issues with keeping up with my craft. I will absolutely be calling it "slug mode" from now on, that's the best fucking way to put it. I've had deities help me with executive function at times, but if I'm honest I've forgotten lately that I can ask them for help with that. More often than not it looks more like nudging me towards a task than giving me the energy- but that doesn't mean you can't ask! It just means I forgot I could, lol.
This is gonna be a chonker post, so I'm breaking this post up into two parts; 1, why accepting "falling off" was the best thing I could have done for myself and 2, how to still connect with your craft (and deities) through those times anyway.
So for one, you're not broken or a failure, and your deities fuckin' love you.
Call me philosophical, but hear me out; I've always worked in cycles. Cycles of insane productivity, cycles of tiredness, cycles of hyperfixation on one thing, then another, then another. I'm just someone who works that way, and I've always viewed it as a problem to be fixed. I've always viewed MYSELF as a problem to be fixed, which really started with the school system but that's an unrelated rant. So, apologies for getting a bit intense especially since this may not apply to you personally, but just in case:
You're not a problem. You don't need to fix yourself. The world works in cycles. Seasons, reincarnation if you subscribe to that belief, the water cycle, and a billion other things I've forgotten- working with cycles is just a natural way of going about life that I think shouldn't be forgotten. I have intense periods of growth in my craft, and I have periods where I don't do much and instead play my favorite video game for eight hours straight- and that's okay! One of the best things I did for myself and my craft was give myself permission to do that. I, and you, are not failures as witches for "falling off" and our deities love us anyway. Not in spite of it, either, because of it. They know how to work with the cyclic nature of things; people are no different.
So honestly, there's a chance that none of this will make sense to you- but there's a chance that you, and maybe others seeing this post, might find that giving yourself permission to go through cycles might be the best thing you could do.
Okay, now that I've yelled about that, here's ways that I keep myself connected to my craft and my deities during my less witchy periods.
I give myself permission to use witchcraft for "dumb shit." I have at least one post on this, but witchcraft can BE childish, playful, "dumb-" it doesn't need to be serious all the time. So I'm learning to let go of what I think it should look like and recognize that sometimes the way to stay connected is to lay in bed and draw a sigil on my phone as a mini-spell to manifest a nice little treat or a thing I want in a video game.
This isn't deity work, but it had been huge for me: SIGILS. Sigils my beloved. I don't often have the time, energy, or supplies to do what most people think of when they talk about spells. So instead, if I'm feeling like I could do a spell for something but that's just too much, sigils can be done on my phone or computer while just chilling. Also, if you're like me and a writer, I just write spells too. Literally the same way I write statements for sigils, but a bunch of 'em.
Personally I just talk to my deities. I would like to do this more, actually. You don't need to have a big reason for calling them in, just ask them to sit with you and talk about your day or infodump about a special interest. They're not going to deem it unimportant; you're important to them.
Turn anything into a devotional activity if you want. Any self-care. Not just the typical stuff; I mean food, meds, literally any sort of "maintenance" to keep your body and mind running! If you can't do those, play music you associate with them, or watch a show/play a game and invite them to just sit with you. Whatever you're already doing, you can just ask them to do it with you. If that's literally just laying in bed doing nothing but feeling crappy, I can assure you I've asked them to sit with me during those days too and they've been more than happy.
Literally most of my offerings are just random food. As we speak, I have a little tiny thing with a few sips of soda because I give Loki some when I drink some. If you don't have the time or energy to put it on the altar, literally just drink it with the intention that you're drinking it "for" them. When I did a reading and Kali visited for it, she asked for a graham cracker of all things. It doesn't have to be associated with them. Virtual offerings too! If you can, I've seen people just scroll through pinterest/google images and pick images to offer to their deities.
This might not be something you struggle with, but this is definitely something I would need someone to tell me so: ASK. PLEASE. ASK FOR THINGS. They're not going to riot if you ask for things!! Let them help!! Ask for things, unapologetically if you can muster it!!! I am using excessive exclamation marks for a reason, I swear. My deities are in a constant state of telling me to just ask for things.
Be gentle with yourself. Genuinely, I think one of the best ways to honor your deities doesn't even require them to be there at all; just try not to hate on yourself for being the way you are, because they wouldn't want you to.
Overall, my only advice is just... throw away what you "should" be doing and find out what you LIKE doing. What works for you? It's a hard question to answer, but it gets a lot easier when you start looking away from what "should" work. Your deities are working with you, they wouldn't be working with you if they didn't accept every single part of you. That includes slug mode.
As always, my DM's and asks are open if you have any more questions/just want to connect because being a neurodivergent witch sometimes just feels isolating at times! If you actually read this whole post thank you, I hope some of it helped!!
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huntinglove · 1 month
"they don't have the balls to come off anon"
Here I am off anon to tell you what a worthless piece of shit you are, you father fucking whore.
Now let's see if you have the balls to answer this ask, unless you are too busy sucking off you own dad or masturbating to child porn you fat walrus
Oh good evening, sweetie! I see your little crush is still going strong, huh? What a shame, I thought I've made it quite clear that I'm already married! But by all means, do indulge me, it's fun to have my own personal court jester!
Quite funny how you conveniently forgot to add the part where I said "[...] or post from their actual main blogs" though it's not surprising, for someone as cowardly as yourself. You boast about me not having your main account blocked then come over with your middle-school like insults thinking that that will bother me? Please be realistic, darling.
In no way, shape or form have I ever interacted with CSAM or CSEM, especially considering that the man you're so very willing to defend made many, many videos of me in that regard. And if you mean my selfships and the content I create for them, as you yourself have said, those are fictional characters, or did you forget, cutie?
You, however, seem quite fond of the mental image of an actual child being sexually abused by one of their family members. Tell me, is it purely a fetish or is it projection? Either way, your fascination with these fantasies of yours are quite telling of your character, sweetheart!
You know, I must admit that, in a way, you've inspired me! I was actually thinking about just leaving Tumblr all together a couple months ago, but seeing your dedication has been eye opening to me, so I've decided to stick around no matter what, my dear! If this blog gets deleted I'll just make a new one, and so on and so forth!
Have the night you deserve, my dear, and remember that I'll always be in the back of your mind like this. Stay obsessed with me, I quite like having you as a pet now! 💙 (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)
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itspbandjellytime · 20 days
And All The Girls Dream That They'd be Your Partner (1/?)
Plot: What happens when Yelena Belova and Kate Bishop accidentally bumped into each other on the way to their separate jobs at the end of November?
Ships: Yelena Belova/Kate Bishop
Words: 1.7k words
Notes: Hi everyone I am sorry for not posting on both Tumblr and Wattpad, I have been so burnt out for the past few weeks and my motivation has hit an all time low. So as a treat, here's a Bishova fic. I hope you guys enjoy this fanfic <3
New York City, Somewhere during the last week of November.
Yelena wakes up to the sound of her alarm going off for the second or third time in a row, she has lost count. She sits up straight and groans in annoyance as she stretches her limbs to the point that you can hear her joints pop, Yelena grabs her phone and once her vision clears she notices that it’s already a quarter to ten. She’s late, Yelena is late for work.
“Cука!” Yelena exclaimed as she realises that she’s late for work, Yelena works for Bon Appetite as a Chef and Editor. Yelena loves cooking and it’s her love language, whenever someone tells her that they’re gonna come over for lunch or dinner. Yelena would rush to the grocery store to buy the things she needs so she can make either a meal or some pastries while her friends are over. 
Yelena quickly grabbed her stuff and ran out of her apartment, seconds later she rushes back inside cause she forgot something, her set of kitchen knives. “Damn it, my knives!” She exclaimed as she grabbed her set of kitchen knives that she uses and ran back outside of her apartment.
As she left the building, she started brisk walking, muttering things in Russian looking around as the pace of her walking quickens and quickens as if she’s like Sonic the hedgehog.
Enter Kate Bishop, a personal trainer at a gym in New York. She is also late for work, but she’s riding a bike on her way to the gym. Her heart starts pumping like crazy as she quickly pedals her bike.
“The Mayor of New York should ban you from riding bikes!” 
Those were the comments she was getting from every New Yorker she got today, and all Kate did was look behind them and yell “Sorry!” then go on. While biking she was distracted by a piece of gum that stuck to the wheel of her bike and tried to take it off, when all of a sudden she looks up and collides with Yelena. Kate and her bike fall on top of Yelena, they both groan in pain. 
“Oh my God, I am so sorry!” Kate apologises as she gets up from her bike “Watch where you’re going, Jesus.” Yelena barks back, brushing  the dirt off her shoulders and stretching. 
“Excuse me, you watch where you’re going. You were literally running like a damn cheetah.” Kate answers back, Yelena lets out an offended gasp at Kate’s response. “I am sorry, I wasn’t the one who is riding her bike like I am in the Tour de France or something. Watch your tone!” Yelena grumbles, grabbing her bag from Kate and brisk walking away from her cause she doesn’t want to be late for whatever she has going on at work. Kate just stood there and watched Yelena walk away from her sight which made her zone out, she then realises she has to go to work as well “Shit.” Kate mumbled to herself not being time sensitive, she got on her bike and started to bike to the gym she works in.
Meanwhile at the Bon Appetit headquarters, Yelena makes her way to the meeting room dodging people in her way. Yelena opens the door and sees that the meeting has started “Sorry, I was late. New York was very… Let’s say… crowded.” Yelena says, sitting next to Helen. Quentin Quire, who is the CEO of Bon Appetit just side eyes Yelena’s excuse for being late “Yeah… Just don’t do that again, okay Belova? I don’t want us to be rotting in a meeting room that’s colder than Antarctica waiting for people like you, Moving on! It’s the last week of November which means next week is December, and you know what holiday falls on december? Christmas! I know there are people in this room who don’t celebrate Christmas, but still… Christmas.” Quentin says to the group, he turns around and starts to write something on the whiteboard. 
The sound of the whiteboard marker making contact with the whiteboard lowkey starts to bother and annoy Yelena, not to mention the freshly refilled ink is stenching up the room “Eugh.” Yelena quietly gags. “OKAY! I need plans, ideas for videos, the website, anything fire when ready!” Quentin says, snapping his fingers to grab people’s attention. “Belova, you.” Quentin points at Yelena who is jotting down ideas in her notebook, Yelena looks up and looks around the room and points at herself. 
“Me?” She asks, Yelena clears her throat and looks down at the notes “How about we uh… Make a highlight of different dishes and pastries of each holiday tradition on the website? And for the youtube channel, we do videos related to those different dishes and pastries?” Yelena suggested, tapping her pen on the blank page of the notebook she has. Yelena’s suggestion made the room quiet, the silence has never been this loud. Quentin just looks at her and nods in agreement “Okay, does anyone have thoughts on Yelena’s suggestion?” Quentin asks the people in the room, no one is saying a word at this point. 
“No one? Okay, if no one has any ideas left we’re sticking to Yelena’s idea. You are also one of the head chefs so try making some dishes and give it to the head writer and such, now will you excuse me I need to buy tickets for Dazzler’s Eons Tour, you guys should listen to her new album The Suffering Bards Ministry.” Quentin says with a shit eating grin, calling an end to this meeting.
After the meeting, Yelena along with Helen, Bucky, and his boyfriend Sam decided to go out for coffee at a coffee shop near the building. “Quick question, why were you late earlier?” Bucky asks Yelena, grabbing a bite of his Croissant. Yelena rolls her eyes, taking a sip of her coffee. “I overslept through my alarm and then Some girl who thinks she’s Lance Armstrong during Tour de France ran me over with her bike.” Yelena says furrowing her brows, Bucky and Sam look at each other and back at Yelena “Yikes, good thing you didn’t sustain any injuries.” Sam says.
“Yeah my butt just hurts, she fell on top of me.” Yelena mentions.
“Can I just say something?” Helen says, grabbing the attention of Yelena, Bucky, and Sam. “What?” Bucky asks, tilting his head.
“I liked it better when Scott was the CEO of this company.” Helen mentions taking a sip of her coffee, the three agreed to what Helen said “Totally, I am sick and tired of Quentin’s sorry ass being so righteous.” Sam comments, “I get that he’s trying to be a cool and hip CEO for the younger generations but he is failing at that aspect.” Bucky mentions looking around his surroundings “What about you, Lena?”
Yelena nods in agreement “No, I totally agree with everything you’re saying guys. Scott was a better boss and CEO, I’d rather have a cringey guy run the company than some pink mohawk hair dude with a superiority complex.” Yelena says, her phone lights up and it’s an Email from Quentin which made her groan in annoyance “Are you joking me right now? He wants the recipes sent to him within the week!” Yelena complains as she stands up “Now will you excuse me, I have to buy the ingredients I need for the dishes and stuff.” Yelena says, putting her phone back in her bag and leaving the others.
Hours have passed, Kate finally heads home to her apartment where Lucky has been waiting for her “Hey buddy!” Kate crouches down to pet Lucky and scratches his head “I know I missed you too!” Kate giggles and stands up as she walks around her apartment. Kate slumps on the couch letting out a sigh as she looks at her calendar realising it’s the last week of november “Can you believe it? It’s the last week of november and then next week it’s december then christmas is right around the corner.” Kate says to herself as she frowns, Kate is celebrating her first christmas after breaking up with some guy and she doesn’t have plans on visiting her parents this christmas as well. Kate could celebrate Christmas with The Bartons but Clint told Kate beforehand that they’re celebrating the holidays in Florida. 
Kate looks down and sees Lucky infront of her carrying his bowl, which made her smile seeing the dog hold it is cute in her eyes “Looks like we’re spending Christmas together, huh buddy?” Kate says as she stands up from the couch and grabs dog food from the counter for Lucky to have. Kate checks the cabinet and notices she has ran out of food, she only has one pack of ramen left. “Looks like I need to go to the grocery again.” Kate mutters to herself as she cooks the last pack of ramen, once that’s done she heads to the living room and spends her time watching the news all bundled up with Lucky.
Yelena on the other hand, is in her apartment busy with making recipes for Bon Appetit, her kitchen is a mess and so far she has done one out of the ten dishes and pastries she jotted down. “Damn it.” Yelena sighs, wiping the sweat off her forehead as she looks at her flour covered surface, her kitchen knives are all over the place, and the pots and pans piling up the sink from yesterday as well. “I am calling this a day, I will just message Quentin that I made one dish that I haven't tasted yet…” Yelena says to herself, grabbing a clean spoon from the drawer, she tasted the dish she made tonight which is a quiche and shuddered “...That's… Eugh… Doesn't taste good.” Yelena says, throwing the food down the trash.
Yelena starts to clean her workspace up, wash the dishes and place them in the right places. Yelena started to freshen up and took a shower as well, after that she sent the Email to Quentin and headed to bed for another day at work.
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stephiethewephie · 8 days
Chandeliers and Fireflies
So I saw a fan event from @starry-night-rose called Glimmering Soirée. And as soon as I saw it was a ball event based on Cinderella, I was like YES YES YES! WHERE IS MY COMPUTER! I HAVE TO WRITE SOMETHING! Here is a summary on the event to get some context for the fic. Synopsis: Piper and Grim have been tasked by Headmaster Crowley to help the chosen princes with their lessons as well as getting them prepared for the ball. This is going to be in multiple chapters that I will be posting on separate dates. Enjoy!
Chapter 1: A Job for us...Again
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After the announcement of the princes, all eyes were on the four in either shock, enthusiasm for the princes, or anger that they weren't picked. The four princes all had different reactions:
Malleus Draconia... was not there... probably forgot to come or was not invited again. But, luckily Lilia was there, and he seemed over the moon at the fact that Malleus was chosen as one of the Princes. He will have to convey that information to him once he sees him.
Deuce Spade was in a state of disbelief. Him? A prince? He honestly never considered himself to be royalty fit. He hardly knew any royals who were delinquents. However, as a dedicated honors student, he felt determined to take this role on the best he can and be a fantastic representative for Night Raven College.
Azul Ashengrotto looked like he had thaumark signs in his eyes. His mind was reeling with ways in which he can take advantage of this position for his gain in the market space. What networks he will get, advertisements for the lounge, poor souls he can swindle- I mean make offers with. The endless possibilities made Azul giddy to get out of the classroom and start writing up plans.
Kalim-Al Asim was ecstatic. He loved hosting events at home and at his dorm. So, the chance to host a ball for two schools is something he is definitely excited about. He's already thinking of the music, food, elephants, everything a party needs. It has not occurred to him that he has not participated in a traditional ball before.
"So," the headmage interrupted the stares. "Now that we have our princes, lessons shall begin tomorrow. In the meantime, everyone return to your dorms. Each one has been given an assigned task to complete before the Glimmering Soirée. Be sure to complete them in a timely manner, we don't want our school getting bad pre- I mean, we should be the best host possible for the ball! Dismissed!"
There were friendly teases and annoyed grumbles as those who were not picked as princes left. The four princes (minus Malleus) took the teases in stride, except for Azul who was trying his best just to leave, but the Leech twins made that almost impossible. They teased their little "Princey" until Azul shoved them out of the way.
Piper, the magicless prefect of Ramshackle dorm, was about to leave her spot with her Pooh bear and congratulate the princes until she heard a frustrated "Myah" from her feline companion.
"The choices were rigged," Grim said with a pout. "I should be one of the princes! Just look at me!" He smirked and crossed his arms. "I am the most dashing student here!"
"If by dashing, you mean dashingly unappealing, then I would agree," a cocky voice said behind them. The two Ramshackle residents looked to see Ace Trappola with a mischievous smirk of his own. Piper could swear Grim's fire ears started to smoke at Ace's comment.
"Grr... big talk from someone who didn't get picked either," Grim said, looking like he was going to pounce Ace. Piper was about to intervene before hearing another voice.
"Kock it off you two," a voice said coming towards the three. They looked to see the blue haired prince-to-be coming towards them.
"Well, look who decided to grace us with his presence," Ace teased his fellow Heartslabyul freshman. Deuce became flushed in embarassment.
"You come to rub your royalty in our face?" Grim asked, still salty about the results.
"Would you two quit it with that?" Deuce asked getting frustrated at the teasing. "Just because I was chosen does not mean I'm any less different than I was before. And besides, it was chosen by chance, so I'm no special than anyone if they were chosen."
"Ah come on Deucey," Ace played it off. "We're just playing around!"
"And Grim has a bit of jealousy over not being picked," Piper said with a giggle. Grim made a surprised, "mrah!," over the sudden call-out from his henchman.
"Oh," Deuce suddenly gained a smirk. "So that's why you're acting cranky towards me."
"I've had enough of all of you," Grim yelled. "Come on henchman, we're leaving!"
"Congratulations Deuce," Piper said in her chipper demeanor. "I know you'll be a great prince!"
"Ahh," Deuce blushed before giving a sincere smile to Piper. "If you really think so, then thank you Piper!" He raised his fist to his chest. "I'll make sure that I'm the best prince I can be!"
The four of them got up to leave. Before Piper and Grim could walk out the door, they heard another familiar voice calling to them.
"Ms. Finch, Grim, could you stay for just a moment," the voice came from the headmage. Sensing an important task was coming, Piper walked back to Crowley.
"How may I assist, Headmage Crowley," Piper said in a way that showed enthusiasm. Grim looked displeased with her response, but the headmaster gleamed.
"Love the enthusiasm, Ms. Finch," Crowley said with glee. "I've noticed that I have not yet given an assignment to your dorm. Luckily for you, I have chosen a special position for the both of you." Piper knew this would be another way for Crowley to get out of a task, but she was always willing to help anyway she could. Grim didn't look that willing. "The princes of the ball may need some assistance in lessons and preparation, I would like to ask you assist in the princes' lessons and preparation before the ball!" Piper looked excited and more than willing to help, but Grim still wasn't happy to do work.
"Nyah! I don't get to be a prince, and now I have to be their personal assistant?" Grim said with his pout again. Piper shook her head at the silly-ole-cat.
"Ah, don't think I have not thought of a form of repayment for your services," The headmage said trying to reassure the cat. "Those who assist the princes will have the privilege to attend the Glimmering Soirée alongside them. This includes formal attire on the school and early access to festivities, food, and the dance floor. Oh how kind am I?"
"Y-you mean," Grim said in shock. "I can eat all the good food before everyone else?!"
"Also," Crowley continued. "Working closely to the princes grants you a great advantage of becoming Belle of the Ball, which will be voted on by both faculty and the princes. The student who is chosen shall be given high honors such as a crown, scepter, and many others."
"A crown and a scepter?!" Grim said as his pout turned into a huge grin. "Mrah ha ha! I accept this assignment!"
"Silly-ole-cat," Piper said with a sigh. "I shall also be glad to help!" Piper responded to Crowley. She did not care for the rewards as she only cared for helping her classmates and her school.
"Splendid!" The headmaster beamed. "I shall see you tomorrow morning for the first lesson!"
With that Piper took Pooh and Grim out the lecture room. Determined to do her best to help out the princes in any way she could.
"Watch out Glimmering Soirée!" Grim said with a smirk, "Your Belle of the Ball is coming your way!"
Thank you for reading! I'll try to get the other chapters out as soon as I can, but I wanted to get this one out as soon as possible! I'm happy to be participating in this amazing event!
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Anti Bucktommy
Eddie deserves better than that raggedy storyline he was handed.
Don't read below the cut if you ship bucktommy because this is an ANTI-BUCKTOMMY ZONE!
Full Disclosure: Eddie is my favorite character and IMO the way he was charcterized in 7x4 was horrifically horrible.
It's been a few hours since the episode aired and I believe I'm finally at a place where I can articulate how damn angry I am about the way EDDIE DIAZ was treated throughout the episode.
Before it aired, I was still on the fence regarding if I should watch live because I didn't want Buck and Eddie to argue/fight but I sure as hell didn't want either of them to get injured. I really tried to keep an open mind about Buck’s storyline but I'm not sure how to process the fact that they made Eddie out to be the villain for the third time. First it was the lawsuit, then it was Buck's coma dream where he was charcterized as "Angry" and now this. He was the one injured but Tommy had to tell Buck to call Eddie and he was just like "ok" when pre-Tommy Buck would have taken Eddie to the hospital and stayed with him until he was better. But it appears everyone forgot how Buck dropped everything to take care of Eddie and Chris after Eddie’s breakdown since Buck finally kissed a guy.
So... first things first. Eddie FINALLY ADMITTED HE'S TAKEN but when did that happen because Marisol has been on screen for like 5.098 seconds in 4 episodes. Second, why didn't Eddie ask her to babysit Chris? I mean if they're in a committed relationship or whatever, then shouldn't he have asked her? That would have made more sense but if he had then he wouldn't have been able to ask Buck to do it. And finally, why was his actions towards Buck made to seem like he was intentionally being mean? The pre-7x4 Eddie Diaz wouldn't have done that because he knows how self-deprecating Buck can be. Reminder he called Buck Evan first and it wasn't like he was trying to put him in his place like Tommy was and will do. Tommy's actions towards Buck didn't show that he even liked him since he was dismissive but this isn't about that, it's about Eddie.
Now, I still can't tell if Eddie's actions were supposed to be funny or WTF but the way they had him acting like he was inconsiderate towards Buck’s feelings was just WRONG! Furthermore making it seem like he was using him and rubbing his nose in it since he had a new friend was NOT OK! FYI, the way everything played out validated some of those Facebook moms' thoughts because they've already posted that they believe Eddie uses Buck to babysit for him so he can go out and have fun 👀.
Additionally, Eddie was shown to be the one Buck’s affection... no fuck that, LOVE was directed towards only for Buck to literally injure him and ACT like he did it because he wanted to be with fucking Tommy Kinard? I call BULLSHIT and at this point I don't like Buck very much right now because of the way he acted in this episode.
Showing Eddie using Buck to babysit Chris and talking at him and ignoring him while he was hanging out with the guy who basically called Buck stupid and unbelievable to his face was just bad writing. Of course there will be those who say, "Let the story play out because it was just one episode" but the audience has been here before waiting for Buck to finally get it and nothing changed except he's dating a man now. None of this was ok and even though Maddie told him don't do it again, that was fine I guess but what in the actual fuck was this raggedy ass storyline? There was a better way to handle this without making Eddie the villian.
If all Tim Minear wanted to do was set Buck up with someone other than Eddie, then he could have picked a better character than Tommy. Also, there's an article that indicates he was planning to bring Lucy back for this storyline and it's ridiculous. She already put her lips on Buck without his permission and Tommy did the same thing and so did Taylor.
At this point, I don't know how to feel about Buck. But I do care about Eddie who was called "Angry" in Buck’s coma dream and who Buck actually fucking physically injured during a basketball game because he's jealous that Eddie was hanging out with Tommy.
I can't support a toxic relationship and that's what I saw happening between Buck and Tommy in 7x4.
IMO, The math ain't mathing and this is... not good storytelling.
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capricioussun · 1 month
I wrote this a few days ago and then forgot to post it ✌️
Some nice things for the uf brothers inspired by that ask, and since I'm more often than not too mean to them
> Back when Papyrus was a young teen, Sans found a walkman at the dump with some tatty earbuds. He cleaned and fixed them and found some tapes to gift it to Papyrus so he had something to help with his overstim whenever Sans wasn't with him (so long as he swore to never use it outside where someone could spring an attack while he was distracted).
> The first thing Papyrus did after becoming a guard was get warmer, sturdier clothing for Sans, and recycling their salvageable old stuff into extra blankets for him, too.
> Even though Papyrus was the one to make up a proper first aid kit, Sans is usually the one who restocks it on the DL, especially since Papyrus is the one getting hurt more often than not
> Not from either brother, but after Papyrus first joined the guard, and when Sans' drinking problem really took root, Grillby made a few unspoken gestures to reassure Papyrus that he'd keep an eye on him, and it helped probably more than Papyrus realized at first
> Sans would sneak into the labs despite his strong aversion from time to time to clear out any of the tabs Alphys kept on both of them, but predominantly for Papyrus' sake (and Alphys never really stirred any trouble about it because Asgore can keep his own damn tabs if he’s that concerned about them)
> Papyrus knows it's harder to be around monsters with LV after a judgment, and tries to avoid Sans/stay out as much as possible for a few days any time Sans has to perform one
> Mentioned it in the prior post already, but Sans mends any of Papyrus' clothes that get roughed up while working, barring the times Papyrus beats him to it
> In a similar vein, Papyrus was the one who made and stitched the patch onto Sans' jacket after Grillby gifted it to him. It's based on the dog unit's sigil (since they used to be part of it), and he used to have one too before he became lieutenant and started wearing (part of) his armor all the time
> Papyrus keeps careful track of Sans' expression/reaction whenever he "tries a new recipe" to see if he actually likes it, since Sans will lie and say he does no matter how bad it is (he keeps a list of the "recipes" Sans likes in a notebook)
> Whenever Sans scavenges, if he finds something for the both of them, he covertly gives the better quality/more functional one to Papyrus
> Papyrus will occasionally insult/shove/complain about Sans to discreetly reaffirm he still views him as his older brother, and Sans returns the favor by embarrassing/teasing/"harassing" him with jokes (because god forbid they just do those things because they are brothers)
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“Everything must be about zutara for them” you have no idea, HOW right you are!
Like, there were some posts I saw translated to my mother tongue with titles like “what would Katara/Zuko/Mai/Aang gain from zutara” (really, these last two will be sooooooo happy losing their loved ones, suuuuuure). You can imagine what kind of nonsense they are even without reading them. Just one example: according to them, Mai will gain “a boyfriend who really likes her” – Kei Lo from the comics. Setting aside that the comics are trash, even in them Mai explicitly said that she does not love Kei Lo, so I suppose it doesn’t really matter for her if he loves her or not. She doesn’t even need this “price” that zutarians are pushing down her throat.
After seeing these for the first time, I giggled internally about “where are posts about what Momo/Mechanist/June/the cook/Sparky-Sparky-Boom Man/avatar Kyoshi/Lu Ten/the herbalist/Bosco/Smellerbee gain from zutara” and forgot about it. And recently I came across the post on tumblr where one person seriously asked what will Hakoda gain from zutara, and the other person seriously replied with about ten points of garbage. There are also posts about Kya (two, actually – about Katara’s mother and Katara’s daughter), Suki, Sokka, Toph, Iroh, Azula, Koh, Ozai, the cabbage merchant, Appa and Momo and maybe someone else too. And no, they aren’t joking (well, aside from Koh and the cabbage merchant – I’ll be generous here), people suggest the characters for the posts, like and repost this plenty. And yes, this all is complete bullshit – to say the least, most of the things spoken of the characters can gain just fine without any zutara, and the rest they either have already or don’t care about or don’t want at all. And so, so many characters Katara is supposed to look after and care about… but her caring about Aang is horrible for her, don’t you ever forget it.
They are really doing this, spirits, they are. I only checked it for fun, I did not really want any of it!
Okay, I’m running to get some popcorn and throw up a little. Can’t be late for a “Sparky-Sparky-Boom Man gain” post.
God, I HATE those kinds of posts, not just from Zutarians, but even for some ships I like. Very few ships do genuinely, single-handedly, improve a narrative as a whole AND THAT'S OKAY!
A ship can just be "I think they look good together" or "Their interactions are fun, if they date they're gonna interact more, so I want them together." A ship can make sense narratively AND not be 100% necessary for said narrative to be good and coherent by itself.
And, obviously, as I have said many times, I do genuinely believe Zutara would have made the show worse if it had happened because:
1 - Zuko and Katara are clearly incompatible, so their romance would feel like a waste of time to me, even if it wasn't endgame.
2 - Legend Of Korra more than proved Bryke CANNOT write love triangles well. We really dodged a bullet when they decided "You know what, lets make Toph a badass blind girl instead of a buff dude and cut the love triangle with her, Katara and Aang completely", let's not put ourselves in front of the gun willingly, please.
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2cmtall · 1 year
what they admire about you
Context: as the title suggests, this is about one aspect that the characters admire about you.
A/n: I made a goal for myself this month at school to write a certain amount by the end of January and this is one of a few that I have completed. Thank you to those that have reblogged and liked my last post. Although it wasn't genshin related, it was well received by those who did like that other fandom.
Characters: Kaeya, Diluc ( I might have made Diluc's a bit longer than Kaeya's by accident but I hope people enjoy either way)
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Your sense of empathy and non-judgment.
▪ For someone who is considered shady and non-trusting by some, even by fellow colleagues, it's refreshing to know that you don't hold those same misconceptions.
▪ he was skeptical of you at first. You being a newcomer in mondstadt, kaeya naturally wanted to know if you were a friend or foe, but after a few chats and hidden observations, he concluded that although you withheld some info about yourself, you seemed far from a possible threat and he soon forgot about you.
▪ that was until he happened to see you near good hunter, and decided he would come to chat with you for a while to see what you were up to these days. He greeted you in his charismatic nature, and you answered politely, laughing quietly at his slight antics. As he kept chatting with you, he couldn't help but notice the difference in how you speak to him. No matter the teasing comments he made to you, you seemed to laugh genuinely and sometimes even answer back with a quick remark, your eyes full of mirth. Your smile seemed to get wider the more he asked about you, and you were especially interested to ask him about his day. He didn't realize it at the moment, but the way you talk to him always seemed kind and genuine.
▪ eventually he had to say goodbye and he turned to leave, but he suddenly stopped crept back to a corner at which he turned when he caught the voice of Amber, one of his dear colleagues. He already knew for sure what Amber could possibly want to talk to you about, especially right after he left, and usually he would let her little rumors slide, but this time he seemed intrigued despite himself to hear your response. Will your views about him change? Will you start looking at him with scepticism and maybe even despise from here on out? No matter what, he wanted to know.
▪ despite his worries, when Amber started berating you with warnings about kaeya, whom you just had a pleasant conversation with, that seemed to irk you and you felt the need to defend him.
▪ "y/n, I don't know why he keeps talking to you but you got to be careful. Kaeya can be somewhat. . . Shady. It's best if you avoid talking to him, for your safety of course." This is the part where Kaeya loses a potential ally. A friendly acquaintance. But when he peeked around the corner just slightly, what he saw pleasantly surprised him. Your brows were now furrowed and he can see that your mood has substantially shifted by the way your eyes settle in a silent rbf. And in a monotone manner you replied, "I understand that you have good intentions in warning me about potential dangers, but I'll have to ask you to stop. I agree that Kaeya may be something other then what he shows in public, and I'm confident he has secrets he keeps secrets under lock and key, but I don't believe you should look at him that way. From my perspective and interactions with him, Kaeya is someone I genuinely enjoy talking to, and will continue to talk with him if he so wishes as well. Thank you again for the warnings, outrider amber, but I dont believe I'll need it." By the end of your grand speech, you were smiling, your face filled with polite kindness. Amber seemed to pause for a good moment, stuck staring at you as she scrambled for a parting response. Seeing the whole ordeal and witnessing your proud face as his fellow colleague scrambles away, he could feel the curve of his lips as it formed into a smile. A smile that stayed on even after he returned to his office, passing by knights, not caring for their questioning glances. Maybe you were someone worth chatting with more. . .
▪ some other traits he finds he admires about you later on is your acts of service and honesty.
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Your plentiful rants about your passions
▪ most of us know by now that Diluc is not one to enjoy an idle chat, preferring to get straight to the point. You can't blame him, he is a rather busy man. For some reason though, people can sometimes see you yapping away (or talking in general) while diluc will quietly listen, sometimes also focused on his work (bartending, reviewing papers, etc), but he would also voice small comments to encourage you more and show that he's listening. There are even special moments where the both of you would be having the conversation because it's something you are both interested in. I believe some good topics to have with him are the art of mixing drinks and different tastes you like, chess, etc. Maybe talking about his business is something he would rather not have often because he wants to learn more about you (unless you were generally interested in business and the inner workings).
▪ I believe the reason you first met was because you happened upon him near the dawn winery when you first visited mondstadt. When you noticed the grand building and picturesque atmosphere, with the grape vines and crystal flies and the grand mansion at the very top (not to mention it was around sunset, the perfect splash of warm colors) you couldn't help but stay and be amazed. Eventually, when diluc had to leave his home to take care of something, he noticed you with an impressed sparkle in your eyes. Upon introducing each other and seeing how you looked genuinely interested, he offered to give you a special tour around the place after he was done with his duties. You thanked him and agreed to meet with him later. Even now, even if you were shy (unless you're not), he can already tell you had a friendly personality and appreciated how you held yourself.
▪ while giving you the tour, you couldn't help but ask him questions and with those answers, your rants would transform. You were always switching topics and giving comments about the things that spoke to you. You liked to speak of the existing knowledge you had and ask him for confirmation or further explanation. At first, he felt a bit. . . Apprehensive of the constant talking. He was used to short and quick answers, and usually upon introduction, he would say that he quite disliked chatter, but for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to say that to you. It's something in the way that your smile widens at every little thing that excites you, the giggles that escape when you're in the middle of telling a story, and the way that your eyes positively sparkle. Even if you're the type of person to be more reserved, he can still see your general excitement. And he enjoys that. Maybe he doesn't like idle chatter, but for you, he believes he can make an exception, especially when you give interesting stories, insights, and/or questions that reach a deeper level of interest than what he is commonly used to.
▪ for you, you continued to talk to him, updating on everything and nothing at once, ranting about the things you have seen or heard while diluc tended to his work. It took you a while to understand that he was listening you as you might be the type of person that enjoys the full attention from the recipient, unsure if diluc was even listening to you, but when you stop suddenly that's when diluc would ask "why'd you stop? What happened after. . . " and then you would happily continue on. This whole time you never knew about his general dislike for idle chit chat until one day you overhear a conversation between two strangers, their topic being about you and how you were seemingly the only one who can have full conversations with the stoic businessman. Curious you listened on. "Its crazy how y/n can rant on for HOURS with diluc, and he hasn't once told them to shut up." The other stranger pitched, "yeah! Especially when everyone here knows he hates that sort of thing. It's a wonder how he tolerates them for even a second. Honestly I'm quite jealous. . ." By then you zoned out of their conversation because of what they said. Diluc hates chatting? How come he never told you about it? Ugh and the fact that you were just ranting on and on. . . You were convinced he must secretly despise you were for always coming in the tavern or his study and talked. Inside you were in total turmoil mentally hating your past selves for not being considerate. Form now on you decided to be more mindful, and you wouldn't bother him when he was working (which was admittedly alt he time) and to only greet him in passing.
▪ and that's what you did for a while, deciding not to visit him at his work and only greeting him in passing, always leaving diluc perplexed as to why you were suddenly acting so differently. He tried to ignore it for a time, but he couldnt help but wonder if he did something wrong when  you would look at him with an apologetic face and leave shortly after a quick catch up.
▪ eventually he decided to confront you about it when your actions felt too forced, as if you were trying so hard to not speak to him (in a way you were. You would still say hi, but you were actively not speaking about your day, lest you start going on a tangent). He missed listening about your day and noticing the little nuances of your speech and body language, happy that someone (you) wished to share their day in detail to him. Before meeting you, he was fine with the silence, since he could focus much better with no noise, but now he felt the silence to be too distracting in a way, too different. It constantly creaked at the back of his mind that something was missing, and that something was your voice.
▪ when he confronted you, asking if he'd done something wrong, you were a bit confused. Wasnt the peace and silence what he wanted? And you said as much, "but I overheard from some strangers that you were widely known to dislike idle chatter and that I was the only person that kept ranting on and on to you. I wanted to be more considerate about your preferences and I decided to limit me talking. Dont worry, you didnt do anything wrong and I'm sorry i didnt think how the sudden disappearance would affect you." You felt just as guilty as you felt when you overheard the strangers, and you couldnt help but look away from his eyes sheepishly. That was until he spoke again. "Y/n, did I by any chance say I didnt like chatter directly to you?" You stared blankly at him for a moment, trying to remember a moment where he mentioned it to you but couldn't think of a time, "I. . . I dont believe you did. Why not?"
▪ he simply huffed, a small smile forming as he spoke, "well, because I quite enjoy your 'ranting' as you called them. Admittedly, you're right. I dont usually enjoy the concept of meaningless pleasantries and conversations, but the way you speak with interest and feeling makes me forget about my usual dislike. For you, I would like to listen to your stories more, no matter how silly or irrelevant it is. Promise you wont keep avoiding me?" He chuckled lightly, making a joke to snap you out of the blank daze you seem to be in. Shaking your head, you smiled greatly, "Haha, I promise! And thank you for allowing me to tell you these stories. Speaking of which, would you like to hear this crazy thing I saw someone do yesterday?!?" "Of course, but why dont we go to the dawn winery. I can have the maids prepare us a dinner and you can tell me all about it."
▪ he might also like someone with a sense of justice (even if you dont usually act on standing up for things and making changes, I think he would still appreciate some form of initiative)
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witheredoffherwitch · 8 months
i don't like where these leaks are heading...especially the part where daeron would be cut from the show. they're going to divide his book plot between aemond and helaena which will validate #those shippers. i will be honest that the show did give hints to a romance between them, but when the alys leaked audition was released i completely thought they scrapped that idea entirely. this is a HUGE change so if this happens, anything can happen. the characters and the plot will be wildly different...most specially aemond. to me it seems they're cutting him to give way for helaena. and sure i agree that it would be good for a mother to get her revenge but aemond would be divided between harrenhal and the reach. this leaves no room for alysmond to develop or happen. it only opens up room for helaena to be the one who has some connection with alys if alys has seer powers too and not aemond. i now fear that they're really making #that ship to happen because it would give aemond and helaena a good reason to commit war crimes and the revenge on daemon to make more sense. another concern is that they'll cut alys and aemond's son because this would mean he already has son who died and was relevant for the greens motivations. they'll just exciuse it because everything ends with aegon the younger's coronation.
i hate thinking about this at all but those writers would like drama like this. i just hope those leaks are dead wrong but these leakers have been reliable thus far
Hi nonnie,
I'm at odds with most of the opinions expressed here. This will be a lengthy post, so buckle up:
First, I don't think the show provided any significant hints about the Helaemond ship. People are citing two instances to back up this claim - the first one is of baby Aemond talking about fulfilling his duty, had his mother betrothed Helaena to him instead of Aegon. The second one is in episode 9 where the older Aemond busts out this incredible line of dialogue: "I am next in line for throne. Should they come looking for me, I intend to be found." Both of these scenes were set up to establish Aemond's primary characteristics which alligns with him being duty-bound all while having great ambitions for the throne. Now, why would Aemond assume that he was next in line for throne when Jaeherys exists? And to that I offer *in D&D's voice*: AeMonD kINd oF fOrGoT aBoUt HIs NepHeWS!
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It's a writing discrepancy and you will find many such inconsistencies throughout the series. Right from Laenor's age in episode 1 to episode 5, Alicent warning Aegon in episode 6 and then acting shocked when Otto says the same thing in episode 9, Luke acting self-conscious about his 'bastard' status in episode 8 only to laugh in the face of someone he maimed shortly after; and many more. Most characters have some major inconsistencies that can be attributed to post production rewrites and editing.
It's possible I'm mistaken, but it looks like people generally scoff at this ship beyond Twitter and Tumblr. On Reddit, the majority of comments are cynical or dismissive towards this pairing. Even those who think it might actually be canon have voiced their disappointment with the theory. In response to you mentioning the changes being made in the show, I completely agree - they are not favorable to TG fans. It appears that the narrative is now being heavily biased towards Rhaenyra's side, with the introduction of Dyana and the potential omission of Daeron from the storyline. None of these developments are positive!
Now with Daeron's storyline, I am sure it will be divided between Aemond, Gwayne and Cole in the chance that he is absent from the show. But I am confused as to which arc do you think will be adopted by Helaena here. I don't think they will have her fighting actively besides her brothers in the show either. They may have changed Rhaenyra's character development in Season 1 to make us think that may happen, but I am not sure about Helaena. She's a dreamer: she might serve a larger purpose later when it comes to predicting the Dance or even the possible demise of House Targaryen as they've already introduced Aegon's dream in the show. Other than that, I don't think she'll take part in any battle strategy.
Now this is obviously my point of view but once again, I am open to discussion. If anyone has taken the time to read through this post and wants to share their opinion, please feel free to contribute.
That's all! 🤗
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good-beanswrites · 10 months
And here's one with Weak for Fuuta and Amane, for anon! I've recently been going crazy over some ideas from posts about Fuuta and food and he and Amane's relationship, and they came together perfectly with the prompt -- thank you for the request 👀👀👀
“Can you be quiet for one minute?” 
Fuuta spun around from where he’d been complaining loudly about the food, with his mouth full of it, to find Amane glaring from beside him.
“I’ll do whatever the hell I want,” he said through bites. He paused to swallow, though. And take a sip of his drink. And then forgot was he was talking about anyway.
Amane returned to mouthing a blessing over her food. The annoyance in her expression melted away to serenity as she brought her hands together. Fuuta watched as she drew herself up. Then she ate calmly. He could have crumbled in shame, right then, at the thought of this tiny kid holding up better than himself. 
She, too, had experienced the punishments that came with their verdict. Restraints pulled so tight it’s hard to breathe. Long nights of maddening voices and watchful eyes. The smaller meal portions leading to shaky limbs. Fuuta spent every meal inhaling as much as he could as soon as he could -- and here Amane sat as if she had a perfectly content stomach. Through everything, she maintained her strong gaze and commanding voice.
Fuuta reminded himself she did have a few advantages over him. She still had all her eyes and ribs intact, for one. It was difficult to give someone a convincing stinkeye with only one eye.
While he continued shoveling down his meal, he noticed her separating things on her plate. The meat in the corner went completely untouched. 
The aforementioned treatment had made him irritable -- more irritable than usual, that is -- and he jabbed his utensils at her. “Hey, we talked about this. Eat your fucking meat. I’ve been eating my vegetables, yeah?” Not that he wanted to. He would have eaten just about anything they put in front of him if it kept the gnawing hunger at bay.
“It’s against my beliefs,” she said simply. 
“I thought suicide was, too.”
She raised her chin. “I’ve known plenty who have fasted and become stronger for it. This is nothing drastic.”
Fuuta grit his teeth. He’d witnessed his fair share of internet-goers who acted cruel about another’s religion. He wasn’t about to join them in being some piece of shit who forced her to do something that was against her code. But there was no way he was going to sit around and watch her starve herself, either.
He couldn’t blame Amane for how harshly she’d refused help from the others -- they coddled her, encouraging her with sweet talk, or tried an insufferable stern parental tone. Fuuta wasn’t cut out for any of those methods, anyway. What he did know how to do, however, was make threats. 
Even if Amane didn’t fear death, he knew there was one situation she would do absolutely anything to avoid. 
“Oi, if you get any weaker, Shidou’s gonna step in.” Her frown twitched. “He’s already harassed me and Mahiru about our meals. He saw my hand shake one time and hasn't stopped hounding me about it since. The minute he can tell you’re not eating enough, he’ll be all over you. And let me tell you, you’re not very subtle about it.” 
The final statement came out with more bite than intended. Maybe he was bitter that she was at least more subtle than him. Maybe he thought it was fucked up the way she, too, had grown visibly weaker. Maybe he was just hungry and tired of talking. He attacked another mouthful of food. 
Amane was searching her plate as if the answer could be found there. There was a long silence as she contemplated. Fuuta had thought he’d won until she shook her head. “No. I can’t.”
He rolled his eyes and head in an over dramatic show of exasperation. “So stubborn!”  When he was done chewing, he picked up his plate. “Fine.” He gathered up all that was left, dumping it onto hers with a flick. 
A fire ignited in her gaze. She shoved the dish away. “I’m not some weak child to be pitied.”
“Wha–? It’s not pity!”
“You think I’m weak.”
“I think you’re hungry!”
“You don’t know anything!”
Mikoto passed by, chuckling as they raised their voices. “Look at you two hotheaded kids. Do I need to break it up?”
“Go away!” they chorused.
“Alright, sheesh…” He kept walking, leaving the pair to stew in silence. 
Fuuta didn’t have it in him to fight today. He was tired. He ached all over. If she wasn’t going to appreciate his help, so be it. He was starting to get used to his good intentions being taken the wrong way. It looked like he was just the weak one, after all. He grabbed his empty plate and stood to leave.
“Fuuta.” Amane took a deep breath. “I am hungry.” She gestured for him to come back. Then she moved the meat from her plate onto his.
He eyed the offering, hoping his expression didn’t betray how desperately he wanted to scoff it down. “I’m not some asshole who’s gonna take your food.”
“You’re not taking it. I’m giving it. I would have thrown it out otherwise.” Amane picked up some of the vegetables. “In return, I will eat this. We both must stay strong for the ordeals ahead.”
After a moment of hesitation, Fuuta sat back down. He took a bite. Neither said a proper thank you. Neither needed one.
He glanced to Amane with a smirk. “Good. This way, we’ll both keep that geezer Shidou away.”
It was only for a moment, but for the first time since the second trial began, Fuuta could have sworn her lips slipped into a small smile. 
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