#this is our best option and as we know I am never* wrong
niobiumao3 · 1 year
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“I don’t think I’m straight.”
Steve had reached that conclusion exactly ten seconds before saying it out loud. Laying upside down on the couch of his house with his best friend draping her legs on top of him.
“Is that what you were thinking about?” Robin asked, not lifting her eyes from her book.
“Yeah, it just makes sense.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Steve hummed thoughtfully. Did he want to talk about it? Was it important enough? Did it change anything?
“I feel the same,” he said. “I thought being gay would feel different.” For a second, Steve was sure Robin would tell him that was a stupid thing to think.
“Are you gay?” Robin asked instead, because she is Robin. She was able to ask something in a judgemental tone without being judgy.
“I'm not straight.” he repeated.
“Pretty sure there are more than two options.” She explained with a joking tone. It was lucky, she thought, that she found a zine hidden in a library when she visited her aunt in Indianapolis.
“How do I know what I am?”
“I don't know, actually,” she said, putting her book down. “I've never seen what the big deal with men is.” Robin explained, crossing her arms. “That's how I knew.”
“I definitely see the big deal with women,” Steve responded simply.
“What about men?”
“I think I always saw the big deal, I just pretended it did not exist.” Steve explained.
“Oh, sweet old denial.” She teased. “How do you feel about this?”
“I would feel better if I had better taste.” Steve deadpanned, causing Robin to laugh and kick him. He slid out of the sofa dramatically to the floor. “Kicking me while I'm most vulnerable, Buckley? I see your game.”
“I have been bidding my time to find your weak spot, Harrington.” Robin joked lightly, jabbing Steve’s legs with her foot. “You will fall, Steven!”
Steve retaliated by pulling her into the floor.
“Look who's falling now?”
“Whatever,” Robin pushed herself to sit upward, sitting on the floor with her back against the sofa. Steve mimicked her with his back against the coffee table. “Who is the guy?” she asked.
“I don't wanna tell you,” Steve whispered, more out of respect for their tradition than anything else. “You’ll make fun of me.”
“Of course I will,” she whispered back. Steve reached for her hand to intertwine their fingers and she held him without batting an eye. “That’s kinda my job as your soulmate.” Steve chuckled. “I have to make sure whoever it is doesn’t mess up our vibe, you know?” He didn’t.
“I’m sure he won’t."
"Are you really gonna make me guess?" Steve lit up at the suggestion. Before he could speak, Robin continued "I'm not gonna guess, just tell me."
"Are you afraid of getting it wrong and looking like a fool?" He teased.
"It's Eddie." She answered less than a second later.
Steve did not respond, shocked at her quick response.
"Who's the fool now, Steve?" The smile on her face was infectious to Steve, who poker her with his foot.
"How did you do that?"
"By having eyes."
"What do you think?" She closed her eyes and hummed as Steve waited for her response.
"I think he looks at you the same way you look at him."
"I should ask him out."
"I can be your wingman!" She exclaimed.
"Oh, my god, yes!"
"We have to make a plan," Robin yelled. She jumped to her feet, letting go of Steve's hand, and dashed up the stairs. "I'm going to get some paper."
Steve stayed behind, sitting more comfortably on the floor, and removing the magazines they had on the coffee table off.
They made a plan, that ended in more of a disaster which is a story for another time. There is only one thing that is important.
Eddie said yes.
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redroomreflections · 2 months
Before She Cheats Part 3
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Natasha Romanoff x fem!eader
summary: the aftermath of nat cheating on r. Telling the kids
Angst !!!!!!!
The Loud House Universe
Note: As a child of divorce this was lightwork to write. Sometimes moments like this the words just flow for me. Crazy.
w/c: 3.1k
A legal separation. It’s what you proposed to her. You’re standing in your home office, whispering, using hushed voices as you discuss how to move forward. Natasha’s infidelity is what got you here. You knew this wouldn't be easy but you're here now, your resolve breaking, and you don't know what you want. Natasha's affair could have been kept a secret. She could have continued to lie to you. How long would you have been blind to it?
"Is that what you want?" Natasha asks. She looks over the paper. Her eyes scanning everything.
"It's not what I want, Natasha." You reply. "This is what's best for everyone."
"Joint custody?" She reads over.
"Yes," You nod.
"Visitation rights?"
"It's best," You reason again.
"Okay," She relents.
"Is there anything that you want to add?"
"No," Natasha shakes her head. "I don't want to sign this."
"You should read over it again." You insist. "The kids should get the option to choose."
"To choose?" She furrows her eyebrows.
"Who they would rather live with." You offer. "Cara is old enough. Charlie too. Making a decision like this without them is. It's not going to be easy. All of them are too used to bouncing around homes and I don't know." Your eyes water. You swear you wouldn't cry. "I can't do this anymore. I can't keep pretending."
"Y/n," She says softly.
"Don't," You shake your head. "Please just, don't." It's been a week since Natasha told you what was going on. She'd told you what she'd done. For the past week, you've pretending to be okay for the sake of the kids but you can't do this anymore. Your emotions are starting to boil over and you can't keep the tears at bay.
"It's okay," Natasha reassures.
"How can you say that?" You scoff. "This isn't okay."
"I know," Natasha agrees.
"Then what do we do?"
"I'll sign the papers."
"Really?" You wipe away a tear.
"If this is what you want," She tells you.
"Don't do that," You snap.
"Do what?"
"Act like this is something that we both wanted."
"Y/n,"She drops the papers.
"It's not okay," You sniff.
"I never meant to hurt you," She whispers. "I love you."
"You love her too," You point out.
"I don't," She frowns. She sighs before standing up. She runs a hand through her hair. "I just think we are moving too fast with all of this. A seperation isn't what we need."
"Then what do we need?"
"No," You shake your head. "It's time."
"It's not."
"Stop trying to convince me otherwise, Natasha," You push. "I think I am doing you a favor by asking for a seperation. "
"Does that mean you think we have a chance?"
"No," You furrow your brows. "You can't fix this."
"We can," She reaches for you.
"I need time," You step away.
"And when you get that time, what will happen?"
"I don't know, Natasha," You sigh. "I don't know because I've never had to deal with this. I don't know how to feel. I don't know how to think. You did this to us. You stepped out of our relationship. You lied to me. I've loved every single part of you since the moment we met. Every single part. I have never looked at you differently even after knowing what you've done for work. I was always able to look past it but I'm not stupid. I'm not this person you can just walk all over."
"I'm not," Natasha protests. "I'm not trying to walk all over you or hurt you."
"Then why do I feel like you are?" You cry. "You lied. I can't forgive that. You cheated. I can't forgive that."
"I'm sorry," She whispers.
"It doesn't matter," You shake your head.
"You have to understand where I was coming from."
"What is that supposed to mean?" You push your chair back from your desk. "Where you were coming from? You keep telling me it wasn't something I did to make you cheat. I know deep down I'm not the person in the wrong here. I've given you everything I have, Natasha. I don't want to keep having this conversation."
"What are you saying?"
"We're done." You say firmly. Before she can speak further there's a knock at the office door. You both had been too engrossed in the conversation to hear the pitter patter of little feet. You scramble to grab the seperation papers and stuff them into your desk. Natasha is opening the door as you quickly wipe the tears from your eyes.
"Hey, Moms, we were thinking that you could take us all to the skating rink today," Cara waltzes in carrying Luke on her hip. James, Paige, and Charlie all come following after her. They all look so normal. So unaffected by what's about to come.
"Sure," You clear your throat. "I can do that." You hold out your arms for James to come and sit in your lap. Paige occupies herself with searching for your Ipad. Charlie sidles up to Natasha to hug her. It's still so normal.
Cara looks between the two of you. She watches the way you hold onto James. The way you won't meet her mother's eyes. Something is going on. Cara knows there's something going on. It's been the same thing for the past week.
"Who died?" She asks.
"No one died," Natasha's quick to answer.
"Are you sure because I'm pretty sure that's a lie," Cara sets her brother down and sits on the edge of the desk. "If you don't want to take us skating that's cool. We could do something else. I mean we are moving to Ohio pretty soon. I figured we could soak up the city."
"That's actually something we have to talk about," You speak up.
"What's there to talk about? It's Ohio." Charlie frowns.
"Well, I know you guys were looking forward to moving there, but your Mama and I decided that it would be best if we don't," You say.
"Why not?" Cara asks.
"Because" You begin. You fumble for an answer.
"I think we need to talk," Natasha says.
Cara looks between the two of you suspiciously.
"Okay," She nods. You stand, helping James over to the small couch you have in the corner. That's where you gather the rest of the kids. You carry Luke in your arms now, bouncing him, hoping to settle yourself.
Natasha takes a seat beside Cara on the floor. Charlie sits down beside her. Paige sits across from you, playing with the strings on her hoodie. James lays his head on your lap.
"There's no easy way to say this." Natasha takes a deep breath. "Mommy and I won't be living together anymore."
"What do you mean?" Cara asks.
"Are you moving to Ohio by yourself? For a business trip or something?" James looks at her quizzically.
"No," Natasha shakes her head. "Your mother and I won't be living together, period."
"Oh, why?" Paige tilts her head.
There's a pause. Usually with gaps in the conversation one of you would fill in for the other. You don't speak this time. She has to be the one to say it.
"Mommy and I are seperating," Natasha bites the bullet.
"Like, divorce?" James clarifies.
"Like divorce," Natasha confirms.
"Wait, like a real divorce?" Charlie asks.
"Yes, sweetheart."
"But you guys are happy," Charlie protests. "You're in love."
"Things happen," Natasha tries.
"Yeah, things happen. Things like people die," James adds.
"Or people get sick," Paige says.
"Yeah," James nods.
"You're not sick right Mommy? You wouldn't leave Mommy when she's sick," James says.
"It's not that simple," Natasha explains.
"What's complicated about it?" Charlie crosses her arms.
"Nothing," Natasha says. "There's nothing complicated about it."
"So, what did you do?" Cara speaks up for the first time in minutes. "Or you? Who did something? Why now?"
"Cara," Natasha begins.
"I don't understand."
"Me either," Paige adds.
"We can still be a family."
"But you're getting divorced," James says.
"Why aren't you talking?" Cara demands. She looks to you.
"I'm not getting a word in," You try to lighten the mood.
"That's bullshit," Cara says.
"Hey," Natasha warns.
"It's bullshit. She's not saying a word." Cara argues. "Did you do something?" She demands.
"Cara, I didn't do anything," You shake your head.
"What happened then, huh? What the fuck could have happened to make the both of you throw away years of marriage."
"Language," Natasha warns.
"Cara," You say at the same time.
"NO," Cara stands. "You can't just drop something like this on us and expect us to sit here and take it. What happened? You can't just tell us you don't love each other anymore. We deserve more than that."
"Cara," Natasha stands.
"Mom, tell me," Cara pushes.
"Cara, enough," Natasha's voice raises.
"Tell me," She pleads. "Tell me what you did? Mom was crying when we came in here. Why was she crying? What did you do?" Her fists ball at her side. From the corner of your eye you can see Charlie begin to breath much harsher.
"Cara," Natasha snaps. "I said enough."
"Fine," She spits. She turns on her heel.
"Cara, please stay here," Natasha requests.
"Why? I'm not a part of this family anymore." Cara spits. "Apparently, neither are you. Did you hit her?"
"What?" Natasha's face contorts into confusion.
"You did, didn't you? Is that why she's crying? You did something," Cara's voice breaks.
"Cara, please, your mother didn't hit me." You offer to her.
"Then what the fuck is going on? You guys are being so cryptic and not telling us the whole truth,"
"Cara, watch your mouth." Natasha chides.
"Or what? Are you gonna hit me too?"
"Cara, don't," You frown.
"I can't do this," Cara cries.
"I cheated," Natasha finally says.
"What?" Cara freezes.
"I cheated," Natasha repeats.
"No, you didn't."
"You wouldn't," She shakes her head. "You wouldn't do that to Mommy. You wouldn't do that to us."
"Cara, honey," You say softly.
"This isn't fair."
"Why is C-Cara so mad?" Charlie gasps. "What does that mean?" You immediately spot what's going on and jump into action. You pass Luke to Natasha before kneeling in front of Charlie. She's not had an anxiety attack in years. Not since she first came home with you and that happened in the form of tantrums. This was different. She's afraid and confused. She'd never seen Cara so angry before.
"Charlie, Charlie," You whisper. "Charlie, breathe for me. In and out."
"She cheated. That means she was with another person. Someone that's not mom," Cara answers for the both of you.
"Is she okay?" Natasha wonders from behind you.
"You don't get to ask that," Cara snaps again.
"Cara, shut up," You turn and snap. You turn back to Charlie. "You're okay. We're okay."
"Breathe," She gasps.
"Just follow my breathing." You offer. You place her hand on your chest so she can feel how you're breathing.
"Mommy, I'm sorry," Charlie whines.
"Don't try and talk just breathe," You ask her to focus on you. You hadn't anticipated this.
From beside you, you can feel Paige gripping onto your shirt. She's afraid too. The tension is high in here.
"Mom, is Charlie gonna be okay?" James asks.
"She will be," You reassure.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
"Mommy, I'm sorry." She continues.
"Hey, Boo, you have nothing to be sorry for," You begin. It's then Luke begins to cry the tension in the room unsettling him.
"James, can you please go get a bottle of water for your sister," You ask.
"Is that okay, Mommy?"
"Yes," You nod.
"Come here," You tell him. You pull him closer and let him wrap his arms around your neck. You can't comfort everyone and keep Charlie calm. "I love you so much. I need you to go and get the bottle for your sister and we will explain everything."
"Go," You ask of him.
"Mommy, I'm scared," Paige clings tighter to you. You keep your eyes on Charlie.  Her face turning slightly paler.
"Natasha, dammit, help me," You practically scream.
"Right," She springs into action.
"Cara, come with me," She stands, pulling her daughter towards the door.
"No, I wanna stay with my sister," She pulls back.
"You have to listen to your mother," You tell her.
"Why, she's not my mom anymore," Cara says.
"Cara," Natasha's grip tightens on her arm.
"Let me go," Cara demands. She sidles over to Charlie's side.
Natasha nods. She expected this. Instead, she gently takes Paige's hands and pulls her aside. Paige instantly cuddles into her. James brings the water bottle back and watches from a few feet away. You crack it open and hold it to Charlie's lips.
"Charlie, Charlie, please take a drink," You beg.
"Mommy," Charlie whines.
"Please, for me," You ask of her. She slowly drinks. The color begins to return to her face. Her breathing begins to calm.
"I'm sorry," Charlie cries.
"Shhh, you don't have to be sorry," You pull her into your arms. You can't imagine the panic she feels. "It's okay, Boo. I'm sorry."
"I want you and Mama to stay together," She croaks. "I want us to be together."
"I know," You whisper. "We'll still be together."
"Not in the way you think. I know." You rub her back.
"Why can't you fix it?" She looks over to Natasha. "Why did you do that?"
"I made a mistake," Natasha answers.
"I hate you." Cara interupts.
"I know," Natasha nods.
"Cara," You warn.
"Don't you dare defend her," She snaps. "She cheated on you. She fucked someone else and you're trying to defend her."
"Cara," You shake your head. "It's not that simple."
"You're right," She nods. "It's not because if it was that simple she would've have done it.”
"Cara," Natasha warns.
"It's true. You would've walked away and thought about how it would affect us. You don’t care about us"
"That's not true."
"Bullshit." Cara shouts again startling Charlie. You brush a hand over her hair.
"Okay, Cara, stop," You raise your voice. "I know you are upset. You are allowed to be upset. Right now your brothers and sisters don't have the same understanding as you. I need you to take a deep breath. I need all of us to take a moment."
"Take a deep breath," You ask again. "Please."
She does. You hold your arm out for Charlie and James. They both climb into your lap. Paige holds onto Natasha but still watches you.
"I know this is hard," You swallow thickly. "I know it is confusing. Mama and I still love each other very much."
"You don't have to lie for her," Cara says quietly this time.
"I'm not. Mama and I still love each other. We do. Sometimes adults make mistakes. Sometimes, sometimes things are too much."
"She doesn't get to cheat and make mistakes."
"Let her vent." Natasha speaks. "I messed up. I hurt Mommy and I hurt the five of you."
"So, Mommy's not going to be your wife anymore?" James questions. He fiddles with the collar of your shirt. You're a bit overstimulated from all of the touching but you don't push him away.
"No, sweetheart," Natasha answers.
"And you won't live with us anymore."
"I'm going to be getting a place closer to the city," Natasha says.
"Will you see us still?"
"Of course," Natasha responds.
"I don't want to do that," Paige shakes her head. She's only three. Life for her has always been the two of you. She's never known anything outside of this family unit.
"What if I want to see Mommy and not Mama," Charlie crosses her arms.
"You are more than welcome to do that," Natasha says. She can't hide the hurt in her expression.
"This doesn't have to be forever." Natasha offers.
"You're going to take her back?" Cara asks. "Separation and not divorce. That means you guys will try to work it out first?"
"That's not exactly what it means," You shake your head. All of your years of experience in law is lost on you. You can't find the words to explain how all of this will work.
"That's not fair,"
"I understand you are mad and upset and probably really confused," Natasha stands and walks closer to you.
"No," Cara holds her hands up.
"I still love your Mommy," Natasha continues and you squeeze your eyes shut.
"You're a fucking idiot." Cara spits. She doesn't mean the words. She's just angry and frustrated.
"Hey," Natasha snaps.
"No, you don't get to say that," Cara stands. "I don't want to talk about this anymore. I don't want to talk to you anymore. I don't want to see you anymore." She stomps out of the room and presumably up to her bedroom where she slams the door.
"Let her be," You warn Natasha. "She's hurt."
"Are we really gonna leave her alone?" Natasha asks.
"For now," You say.
"For now." You repeat.
"How are you feeling?" You direct your attention back to Charlie. "How's your breathing?"
"I'm okay," She nods.
"Okay," You rub her back.
"I'm sorry, babies," Natasha attempts.
"You are going to have another wife now?" Charlie asks. "I don't want a stepmommy."
"No, that's not what any of this means." Natasha denies.
"You don't want us anymore?" Charlie questions. "Cory from class says his daddy and Mommy seperated and now his daddy doesn't see him or call him."
"Oh, sweetie, I would never stop talking to you or coming to see you," Natasha steps a little closer. Paige is still clinging to her, although loosely now.
"I want Mama to stay," Paige pleads.
"Hey, I'm not going anywhere. I'm still your mama and you are my baby girl," Natasha says.
"Mama doesn't want to be with us anymore," Paige's bottom lip begins to tremble.
"No, no, no," Natasha coos.
"It's okay," You try and help her. "Sometimes parents need a break."
"Why can't you have a break together," Paige cries.
"I want Mama to stay," James sniffles.
"You can stay here," Charlie offers. “You can just sleep in the guest room. We can get new blankets. One’s that aren’t itchy.” 
"Charlie, I can't," Natasha's heart breaks.
"Please," Charlie cries.
"Let's just stop this converation right here," You offer. This is too hard for them. You knew it would be. It's not going to happen again. "I'm hungry and I'm sure you are too. We can eat breakfast together. I can make french toast and strawberries."
"I'm not hungry," Charlie protests.
"Is Mama coming to eat too?" Paige questions.
"Yes, she can come," You relent. Only because you know a fresh bout of tears will happen if you say no. You stand, walking with two of the children as Natasha follows you into the kitchen with Luke and Charlie. You don't want to tell them after this morning she would be leaving. She would be singing the papers and their sense of normalcy would be gone forever. 
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starlightomatic · 4 months
ngl feel really really weird about the direction we've gone wrt internet safety for teens. when i was a kid it was hammered into us that we should never reveal our real names, our faces, or our ages on the internet. in fact it was extremely important not to reveal your age bc if you did, predators could target you.
now we've decided that the locus of potential sexual harm from adults is not predators who set out to target teens, but rather well-meaning adults who might accidentally let a minor see smut on their blog. so we make everyone broadcast their ages to everyone. which puts a target on the backs of teens who are now advertising to everyone that they're underage.
we also situate sexual harm of minors in "a minor saw sexual content!!" which, listen, im sorry to tell you this but teenagers have sex drives and want to see sexual content. a 16yo is not being harmed by reading a smut fic.
now i do understand why nsfw blogs don't allow minors to interact, bc the interaction constitutes an issue since that's on some level a teen and adult interacting sexually. but the issue is not that a teen saw something sexual, it's that you should not be having that interaction with them. still i am not convinced that that is riskier than giving predators knowledge of who to target.
i also worry what happens when all the well meaning people with best practices turn teens out of their spaces -- who does that end up leaving them with? i'm not saying the solution is to invite them in but there has to be some other, third option. i also think we need to understand the difference between a 17yo liking a sex-related shitpost on tumblr vs an actual intentionally predatory sexual interaction from an adult.
i don't think it's necessarily bad to set a boundary and not allow them to like the shitpost, but i don't like the idea that it was harmful for them to have even seen it. i think it's actually positive for teens to have exposure to adults who are talking about sexuality in consent-based, sex-positive, queer-informed ways to balance out all the shitty, sexist bioessentialist perspectives they're getting elsewhere.
also again, we should remember that the issue is sex-based interactions between teens and adults, NOT that teens are bad or wrong for being interested in sex and sexuality. if a really young teen is too interested in that it could be concerning but age-appropriate levels of sexuality are fine and good and i don't want kids to think they're wrong, dirty, or bad for experiencing sexuality.
i think there's a balance here where we need to make sure interactions are safe without diving headfirst into a spring-awakening-style world where we assume teens are too innocent and pure to know anything about sex which results in risky behavior, not practicing safe sex, and not understanding consent. and i get worried sometimes that the current culture around this leads us there.
i especially worry about this in regards to kink and bdsm because i don't know if there are any educational resources out there geared to teens. i do think it's a good idea to wait until you're 18 before doing anything hardcore or too intense, or even kink at all, but if they're going to anyway (and some will) i'd rather teens have a solid safety backing and knowledge as opposed to just acting on instinct because that can really be dangerous. and something i really worry about is people who turn 18 and immediately show up to play parties and start hooking up with people without having that background knowledge because they were prevented from accessing it before then, since it's so easy for abusers to exploit them. young adult women are already extremely vulnerable in those spaces.
i don't know what my exact solution to these issues is but i feel really concerned about where we're heading. i've been wanting to say something for a while but have been afraid that people would interpret this the wrong way. i'm sure some still will, but i hope this can at least start a conversation about these issues.
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starsluver · 6 months
One of your girls| Theo Nott
Warnings: making out, smoking, curse words, toxic relationship kinda, both people being HELLA bipolar
Summary: Theo decides to start hooking up with Mattheo's sister until she asks to be public..
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Being in love with your brother's best friend is the most complicated thing. Mattheo's already told Selena and Theo separately that nothing could happen between you two.
But did either of you listen? Fuck, no. Selena's been hooking up with Theo for the past two months. And fuck did it feel amazing, sure they weren't able to hang out publicly but that didn't stop them from going to amusement parks and malls together.
As soon as the sun went down they were able to have the moments they couldn't during the day, but how long did they have to do this for until they could be official? How long did Selena have to lie to the only person who knows her best?
Selena is by the window in her bedroom, smoking a cigarette that she stole from Mattheo's room until she hears a knock on her door. She quickly puts it on the floor and smashes it with her kitten heel slipper. "Come in!" Theo opens the door and steps inside, smiling.
He sees the cigarette on the floor, he chuckles a little. "you couldn't have just thrown it in the bin?" He remarks jokingly, shutting the door behind him. "I thought you were Mattheo," Selena says as Theo sits beside her on the bed. "Nope. Though I was wondering why he'd bother to knock in his own house." Theo leans on his arm, looking at Selena with eyes of lust and desire. Selena was always really hard to read but that didn't stop Theo, she said nothing back to him. He let out a frustrated sigh, "What's wrong?" "I don't know, you tell me" Selena says sarcastically, Theo rolls his eyes. "Okay, smartass..." He pushes himself off the bed and picks up another cigarette from off the floor. "I thought you said you didn't like smoking,"
"What are you gonna do? Tell my brother? He wouldn't do anything unless I tell him that his best mate is hooking up with his sister" Theo raises an eyebrow at her again like he doesn't believe what she's saying. "You seriously think he wouldn't care? He'd kill me if he knew."
"But seriously, what's wrong baby?" Baby. The one word that could make Selena completely break down. "Us! I don't know how long I can keep our relationship or whatever the fuck we are from everyone! I want to be with you! You make me feel all special and loved but the next day you're with my brother like nothing happened!" Theo runs a hand through his hair and bites his lip.
"Look," he says in a serious tone. "We've talked about this. We both know it wouldn't work. Mattheo's my best friend and it would just cause a conflict between us all if we-" "I saw you with Astoria" Selena cuts him off as another tear stains her cheek, Theo's jaw clenches. Looking away and then lets out a long sigh. "That's different...." he mutters
"How the fuck is that different, Theo?! She was all over you but when I talk to Cedric for a damn project, you punch him!" "Well- it's just- look, y'know you're different." He pauses, not knowing how to put it into words. "You'll never be just an option to me. She's just an option. I can switch from girl to girl but nothing can make me switch from you." Theo puts his hand on her cheek as the other runs through her hair. "but there's always gonna be other girls, right?"
"yeah..." Theo looks away. This wasn't the best time time to tell her but he couldn't lie to her anymore. "But there's no girl who can make me feel the way you do." "y'know that, Sel" Theo says as he grabs her chin and lifts her face to meet his eyes. "I mean why do you think I don't want to be with you? I don't wanna hook up with a bunch of random girls. I want you. I always have"
"then why am I a secret?" Selena says as her mascara runs down her face. "Selena....." Theo sighs "I just......." He pauses, thinking back to the conversation with Mattheo. Then, he wipes the tears off of her face. "I know that things are just a little complicated right now...."
“Can I ask you something?” he suddenly says, his tone now very soft and gentle. “why are you still trying to go on about us when we both know where this is going? you’re only going to end up hurting yourself.”
"but I want you, Theo. I want us to be the same even when the door isn't closed" Theo takes Selena into his arms as she curls into his lap." me too, Selena," he says in a sincere tone, taking her hands in his. “believe me, if there was a way for us to be together I’d do it.” he pauses, running his thumb along the back of one of her hands. “and do you think I haven't felt this way about you? I want you but I just can't ruin what I have with Mattheo..”
"you won't, he'll be way more mad that I'm hurting myself over you than being with you" Selena tries to convince Theo, He takes a deep breath as he rubs her shoulder gently. "Selena, you're gonna be okay," he says in a soft tone. "you're gonna meet some other handsome guy. and he'll fall in love with you and everything will work out. just not me."
"I don't want anyone else, don't leave. Theo, I want you" Selena panics as she begins to tear up again "…I want you too. but—“ he pauses, struggling to find the words to explain to her why he couldn’t be with her.
“I can't.” he takes a deep breath and starts to pull away. “I’m sorry Sel.” "Theo, please" Selena says as she hugs Theo tighter. he tenses up a little, not expecting the hug. But he hugs her back, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist. “we can’t do this,” He whispers into her ear, trying really hard to not feel anything.
"I don't care," Selena sobs, Theo lets out a heavy sigh and his muscles loosen. “Selena, stop…” He says gently, running his hand through her hair and pulling her face up to meet his eyes. “We talked about this. this isn't going to work."
"I wanna be one of your girls, Theo" Theo swallows hard, biting his lip. “I know you do…” he looks away, his eyes dropping down to her mouth. It hurt to hear her talk about herself like that but she wasn’t wrong.
a silence hangs between them, the only noise being their breaths. "then let me," “Selena…” Theo says almost pleadingly, pulling her closer to him. He wants to. More than anything he wants this. but.. “don't you see this is just gonna end badly?”
"I don't care if it ends badly, I just don't want to end now"Theo frowns, feeling his heart aching for her. If only he could be selfish right now. He closes his eyes and rubs his thumb across her cheek, pulling her closer to him again. “are you sure..?” Theo whispers into her neck. Selena nods,
"I love you, Theo" Theo shivers as Selena's words sink in. This wasn’t good. He could still back out of this. But he didn’t want to.
“I love you too.” Theo leans in, pressing his hands against her waist as he kisses her softly. Her lips tasted like strawberries, Theo slowly pulled her closer. His hands moved up Selena's back and held onto her waist. Every few seconds he pulls away to look into the depths of her brown eyes, Selena runs her fingers through Theo's hair.
He groans softly as he leans in to kiss her neck, pulling her closer by her hips until they both hear Selena's door creak open
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sleepsunawareof · 10 months
Well like many, the Loki S2 finale has me still reeling and I have had this little drabble on my brain and had to get it out. I am not really a writer, I've not written a fic since I was a teenager probably lol so be easy on me but alas, I hope this is enjoyed by those who also just couldn't bear the thought of Loki being alone at the end of time forever.
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Description: Loki uses his time slipping abilities to talk to you one last time before making the decision he knows he has to in order to save those he loves. But, you aren't so willing to let him condemn himself to an eternity alone, or yourself to a lifetime without him.
Word Count: 1367
Warnings: DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVENT SEEN LOKI S2 EP6!! Angst, sadness, happy ending mostly
"How are you doing this?", you asked as you watched strands of space and time float around you and Loki throughout A.D Doug's workshop.
"We're outside of time. Darling, I had to see you. I had to speak to you." Loki said, a sorrowful look on his face that you had never seen before. "The Loom, it was a failsafe all along. And no amount of scaling can account for infinite timelines. I thought we had it, I really did", he explained.
"Damnit, we should have known it would be...", you lamented.
"I spent centuries trying to figure it out, and it was all for nothing."
"Centuries?" you questioned.
"It's hard to explain" he responded. "Darling, there are only two options. Go back and kill Sylvie before she kills He Who Remains and allow the Sacred Timeline to continue--"
You cut him off. "You can't Loki! The Sacred Timeline is full of misery, injustice, and sadness - what the TVA stood for under He Who Remains was all wrong! We can't go back to that. And you know you could never kill Sylvie...not after everything we have all been through together."
"I know...", he said, a sad knowing in his voice and his eyes. "But there is one other way."
"And what's that?"
"What? You? I don't understand Loki..." you said cautiously.
"The finite power of a machine can never handle the infinite timelines of a multiverse, but the infinite power of a God can", he said as he watched your face intently for any hint of reaction.
It took a moment as you stared at him, blinking. "Do you mean..." you questioned, as the realization of what he was saying started to set in.
"Yes, my love. Believe me, if there was any other way, I swear I would take it. But there isn't. I know what kind of God I need to be, for you, for all of us. It's the only way."
"Loki, if this is what you have to do, then please, take me with you at least!" you implored.
"My darling y/n, you know I can not do that. I must bear this burden alone, and you must go live your life on the timeline, the one you deserve to have. I could never condemn you to an eternity of solitude at the End of Time", he said sorrowfully.
"But you'll condemn me to a life of solitude on Earth? Loki, I can't live without you. There's no life for me down there if it's not with you! Please, as long as our friends are happy, and I'm with you, that's all I'll need. Please let me go with you!". The last part came out as a sob as your emotions got the best of you. You couldn't believe what he was talking about doing, the sacrifice he planned to make for the ones he loved.
"When I go back there, to that moment in time, you won't remember any of this. You won't know you said you wanted to go with me," he reminded you.
"Loki, every version of me across space and time would go with you. Even into the abyss, if that's where you have to go. I will follow you, I know I will!" you fully sobbed out as you threw your arms around him. The thought of him leaving you was killing you.
"They'll stop you if you try to follow me, you know that" he said, speaking of your friends back at the TVA.
"Then tell them not to Loki! Please, I'm begging. My place is beside you, always and forever, no matter where that place is."
And then Loki was gone and everything turned to spaghetti.
Loki slipped effortlessly back to just the right moment in the Loom control room, having been here in this moment over and over for centuries. This time though, it was different. This time, it was the last time. Loki looked over at you and his friends with a sad and knowing smile on his face. And then with one last look, he turned and ran down the stairs towards the blast doors. He knew he could keep you from following, lock the doors behind him with impenetrable magic. But he also knew that in your heart, you would never want to be without him. You would resent him forever if he left you on Earth alone.
You, Sylvie, and Mobius ran down the stairs after him immediately, but he was already through the airlock doors. The three of you watched Loki open the blast doors with his magic and start to step outside, absent of any protective suit. As you reached out to open the airlock door and go after him, Mobius pulled you back.
"Mobius, I have to go! I have to get to him!!!" you screamed.
"You can't! The temporal radiation will kill you if you open that door and go out there, you know that!"
"But it's going to kill HIM!" you cried out as you watched Loki walk out onto the walkway.
But something amazing started to happen. As the temporal energy shredded his TVA clothes away with every passing second, something else began to take it's place. Flowing dark green linen draped his form, traditional and humble shoes appeared on his feet, and a horned crown adorned his head. He looked absolutely Godlike and regal. As Loki walked closer to the Loom - this imperfect piece of machinery that took so much from so many - he lifted his hands, called upon his magic, and destroyed it in a flash of bright green and white light.
Then, there was darkness. Loki wasn't done, though. He reached out to grab a strand of time and suddenly it glowed back to life, his beautiful green magic allowing it to thrive. He grabbed another, and another. You, Mobius, and Sylvie stood silently in the airlock, watching as Loki brought the timelines back to life, one by one, gathering them in his hands. Above him, a chasm opened in the sky, revealing the End of Time. Loki looked back one last time at the 3 of you back in the airlock. He had no idea if you would really come after him like you said - but he wanted to see your face one last time if it was truly to be the last. Your eyes locked, and you knew now that the temporal energy was gone, there was no threat if you left the airlock.
"I have to go with him." you said to Mobius and Sylvie. "His worst fear is to be alone, and he is going to condemn himself to a lifetime of loneliness to save us all!" you said as you opened the door.
"Y/n, please! Stop! You don't know what you're giving yourself to." This time, it was Sylvie who pulled you back, holding your arm so you couldn't run down the walkway.
"Yes, I do. I'm giving myself to love. I'm giving myself to free will, to choice, to hope." you said.
"Sylvie, let her go," Loki called out. "It's going to be okay." he assured.
Sylvie let go of you hesitantly, and you started your walk out to Loki. When you reached him, he could not take your hand, but you took his arm. Together, you began to ascend the invisible stairs to the End of Time as he held the reanimated timelines in his hands. As you both crossed the threshold of the chasm to the End of Time, He Who Remains' throne and the ruins of his citadel came into view. Loki walked forward to the throne, the one he never wanted but was always destined to have. The timelines took on the beautiful form of a tree - Yggdrasil, the tree of life - the tree of the multiverse that Loki would tend to for eternity.
"This is where I'll have to stay forever, darling. I can never leave, never move. Tending to the timelines is my glorious purpose, my eternal burden. Are you truly willing to stay here with me?" he inquired.
"Yes, my love", you answered without hesitation.
"For all time?" He asked.
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skzhua · 8 months
a price i'm willing to pay | part 14 - the sparklers.
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pairing: ceo!bang chan x entrepreneur!reader
genre: social media!au, arranged marriage, fake relationship, fluff, angst.
warnings: swearing, alcohol.
summary: following a scandal threatening the survival of your business, you have no choice but to associate yourself with a competitive company.
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"Wonhee will be there!" you exclaimed as you tossed your phone away.
Both Hyunjin and Minho looked at you curiously. "Who?" Hyunjin asked.
Minho was quick to hit his arm, causing the man to wince at the touch. "You've met her before, don't act like you don't know who she is."
"I would but I genuinely have no idea."
"Y/N's sister," Chan informed as he joined the three of you with a clipboard in hands. "We saw her at the bar last time we went."
"Right," Hyunjin hummed with a frown.
"Alright," Chan continued. "Hyunjin, we still have the pictures with Lix to take and then your part will be over. Jisung?"
The assistant hurried to his boss and smiled. "Here."
"Could you and Changbin change the background?"
Your best friend let out a grunt. "Again?"
"Do you want me to forgive you or not?" you said with a glare and it was plenty to shut him off and make him join Jisung at the task.
Things were advancing well with the campaign. You had much more positive feedback, even if many still believed you had tried to poison your clientele. Nonetheless, people were loving seeing you and Chan interact in such ways that they would have never thought of seeing ever. Still, he remained very unpleasant towards you, but you weren't any better so it was a fair game.
"Hair and makeup done!" Felix cheered as he walked in the studio, his GoPro pointed towards himself. "Y/N has chosen beautiful colours as you can see," he showed his eye makeup. "And, of course, Chan's new cream was used for my skin."
"Do you ever stop filming?" Jisung rolled his eyes.
"And we have our beloved Jisung who seem to be pretty grumpy this afternoon."
They continued to bicker in the background which made you chuckle as you moved on with sorting products out. You peeked at your checklist to make sure you had everything you needed and began to check the items. It wasn't long after that Chan leaned next to you on the table. With his rolled up sleeves of his black buttoned shirt, he perked an eyebrow as he watched you intensely. You did your best to ignore him but the man was not budging.
"Can't you see I'm busy?" you said between your teeth.
"Busy doing something totally unnecessary. Might I say, Y/N, I am disappointed," he said in a cheeky way.
"I prefer double-checking and being organized, is that so wrong?"
He shrugged. "I just think you're wasting time. Besides, the guys have the makeup on already. What's the point in checking?"
"In case we forgot, we can still put it– Why am I even bothering to explain this to you?" you groaned, dropping the list on the table and walking off.
This might have been the tenth encounter of this sort that you'd had with him today and knowing he was still going to be around until late at night, this was not encouraging in any way. Perhaps backing out and staying at home was a better option.
But having Wonhee as a sister meant she had to force you to come along, especially since you were the one to invite her technically. After you had went back home, washed up and changed, you were walking to the club with your arms linked. Jeongin was the one to change the destination, arguing that it would be more fun than a regular restaurant with alcohol on the side.
"So how many are we going to be exactly?" Wonhee questioned you as you were getting closer to your destination.
Your eyebrows furrowed as you counted in your mind. "Let's see... Well, Bin and Minho obviously so them plus us is four. Jeongin, that makes us five. Chan and his staff, so that's now eight... And with Hyunjin and Felix, that makes us ten," you smiled.
Your sister, however, looked at you doubtfully. "Chan's staff... Does it mean..?"
You chuckled. "Yes, Seungmin will be there."
She stopped on her tracks right away. "You didn't think of telling me that?"
"When I said everyone would be there, I thought it obviously implied Seungmin."
"Y/N, I can't meet him like this!" she shouted while looking down at her outfit.
"You look fine," you rolled your eyes.
Forcefully, you dragged her all the way to the club as she babbled about how ugly she looked — though she was very much adequately dressed for the occasion. As you walked in, it didn't take long for you to spot the tall Hyunjin who was chatting with the one you dreaded to see once again. Chan had, for once, decided to let go of his usual dark attires and wore a tight white shirt with oversized pants. His hair was slicked back and he adorned his ears with silver jewellery. You couldn't deny he looked fine as hell, especially with the lighting that emphasized the veins on his arms. The way he was leaning on the table and taking a few sips of his drink was insanely attractive.
"You're staring," Wonhee commented and you glared at her.
"I spotted Hyunjin, that's all."
She definitely did not believe you and was about to make another remark until her eyes fell upon Seungmin. Instantly, she froze on the spot with a gulp.
"Who's staring now?" you laughed and it was her turn to glare.
"And the Ko sisters have arrived!" Jeongin exclaimed as he came to join you along with Minho, engulfing you two into his embrace. "I managed to reserve a table for everyone."
He led you to where you had previously stared at and didn't let you say a thing before sitting you down next to Chan. You were about to get up and yell at your friend but a hand grabbed your wrist to pull you back down. Again, you were seated and Chan's grasp moved from your wrist to your shoulder.
He put a finger on your mouth, shushing you. "There are people around, we're a couple right now."
As you scanned the club, you saw how some people had stopped to greet Hyunjin and Jeongin while others took pictures. Right, you were surrounded with well-known models. You hesitantly snuggled into his embrace before he placed a small peck on the top of your head. It took everything in you to not puke right there and then.
"Get a room," Felix joked as he sat on your other side. "Since when do you kiss her?"
Chan sighed. "It wasn't a kiss. Don't you have more important things to do instead of judging me?"
"I do, you're right. So? Who's paying tonight? I need to get myself something to drink."
Seungmin joined in and took his credit card out. "I don't mind paying this time."
This caused Wonhee's eyes to glow and she rushed to the man. "Seungminnie, could I get something too?"
"Of course," he said with a smirk.
You noticed Minho — who had watched the interaction with much displeasure — rolling his eyes with one hand in his pocket and the other holding his newly bought cocktail. Poor guy.
"Could you please order my drink as well, Felix?" you asked the man as he snatched Seungmin's card out of his hand.
"Yeah, what do you want?"
To this, Chan's eyes darkened at his friend. Before you could give your answer, he spoke for you. "I'll pay for her drink, you may go."
Felix gulped, getting slightly scared of his friend, but nodded before walking to the bar. You scoffed at your fake-lover and removed his arm that laid on your shoulder.
"You really are a pain in the ass," you grunted.
"I should be the one paying for you, don't you think?"
"I can pay for myself."
He scoffed. "You say that now but asked for Felix to get you something with Seungmin's card. You had no issue with that."
"It's Seungmin, not you."
With that, you stood up and headed towards where Minho was as he was the furthest away from the man you despised so much. As he saw you approaching with fuming ears, his eyes widened.
"Woah, don't be mad at me, I did nothing," he hurried to say with his hands up.
"Where's Changbin?"
"No idea, he disappeared when we arrived."
You groaned out of frustration. "Great, it's always when I need him that he disappears."
Minho faked being hurt. "Am I not a good enough? You really prefer Changbin over me?" he cried.
You deadpanned at him. "Shut up, I'm pissed and he's the only one who can calm down. Besides, you're pissed as well, you wouldn't be much help."
"I'm not pissed," he muttered under his breath.
"Yeah, right. Don't tell me seeing my sister all over Seungmin doesn't fill you with anger."
That shut him up real quick and he pouted while sipping on his alcohol. From afar, the two of you looked miserable. You watched people on the dancefloor with a bored stare. It took only a few minutes for Chan to find you again and you couldn’t help but groan again.
“I’m going to find Changbin.”
Minho nodded at your statement as to say “good luck” and you took off. It was hard to walk through the sweaty crowd but, eventually found your best friend discussing with a woman who had definitely drank more than she could handle. He was quick to meet eyes with you and abandon the lady upon seeing how displeased you looked.
“What did I miss?” he asked while you stole his beer, drinking it in one go. “Woah, take it easy!”
“I won’t when this bastard is up in my ass.”
He sighed. “You can’t be saying this here.”
“Why? Because we are in public? Weren’t you the first one to disagree with this?”
“I was but it doesn’t mean I don’t care about how a small thing can ruin you again.”
You scoffed. “I’m only speaking the truth. Now, where can I get a shot?”
Changbin didn’t want to comply to your demands as he knew you would get yourself so drunk to the point you wouldn’t be able to stand. At the same time, you were so stubborn that it was impossible to get in your way sometimes. Felling guilty already, he brought you to the nearest bar and ordered four shots for the two of you. You chugged them not even a second after getting a hold of them. Wincing at the strong liquor, you still ordered one more, and one more after.
“How many has she had?” Jeongin asked in a concerned voice, watching you dance clumsily with Changbin.
“Who?” Chan said as he hadn’t really been observing what was going on.
“Your girlfriend,” Wonhee laughed as she pulled her phone out to capture the moment in a video. “Oh, she’s so going to hate me for this.”
Chan’s head shot up from his nearly empty glass to try and find you. When he did, his eyes widened at the sight. With your rosy cheeks, you were smiling admirably to your best friend who was trying his best to keep you up on your feet. He was glad you were not alone but the way you were holding to one another didn’t look as if you were only friends. It bothered him. Only because of your arrangement, of course. Before he was thinking, his body got up from his seat and he walked towards you. Without saying a thing, he separated you from Changbin and took over with holding you. You were probably too drunk to even process the change of dance partner, but Changbin only removed himself silently. He wouldn’t bother with protesting anyway; Chan’s eyes were enough to make him want to pee himself right there and then.
“How many did you drink?” he said into your ear, and you shivered.
“I don’t know.”
“I think you had too much.”
You pouted at him. “It’s your fault.”
“Mine? You were the one storming off.”
“Because you were annoying,” you cried, which made him sigh.
He dragged you all the way back to the table where the others were drinking reasonably. He sat you next to your sister, but she wasn’t much of a help. If anything, she was only laughing at your physical state and taking pictures. Sighing again, he took it upon himself to get you water to sober up. You already seemed to be a little better.
“They’re selling cakes with sparklers if it’s your birthday!” Felix said enthusiastically while pointing at the corner of the club. “We should get some.”
At this, you pushed the glass of water away from you and clapped. “Oh, for sure!”
Chan mentally cursed at himself before glaring at Felix. “Do you really want to fake a birthday only to get some cheap sparklers?”
You slapped his chest and his eyes widened from the contact. “They’re pretty.”
“So am I and you have me for free.”
Felix and Seungmin held back a laugh while you simply shrugged. “I’m getting some whether you like it or not.”
Before he could stop you, you were off with Felix, Seungmin and Wonhee to get sparklers. Who the fuck were selling these things in a club anyway? It was bound to be a disaster. He wondered if he should at least follow to keep an eye on you but the decision was quickly made when he saw you stumble on your feet, almost falling.
You felt a pair of arms holding you and you frowned. "Why do you have to act like I can't do things on my own?" you whined.
"Y/N, you almost fell face first."
Grumbling disapprovals, you still grabbed onto him for safety until you were at the cake counter. Felix was the one to discuss with the girl in charge of the cakes and they argued a bit as she noticed it was none of you's birthday. As they keot on bickering, Chan rolled his eyes as he knew he had to step in.
"Excuse me?" he cleared his throat grabbing the woman's attention.
The moment she saw he had just spoken, her posture straightened. "Mr. Bang," she almost whispered. "What an honour to have you here!"
"I understand my friends do not fit into your criterias for the cakes but I swear they only really want to play with the sparklers."
"I'm sorry, sir, but sparklers in a club-"
"I'll take them outside for when we lit them up, I promise."
By magic, this did the trick and the woman gave you about thirty of them. Seungmin went to get the others and you all went outside to lit them up. You, Felix and Jeongin were the most excited about them while Chan and Changbin were the most worried. Nonetheless, you took Minho's lighter from him as soon as he took it out of his pocket and hurried yourself to lit your sparklers up.
You admired them for what seemed to be an eternity until you ran out of them. Hyunjin declared this was enough for the night as he still had work to do the following day. The rest ended up agreeing and you all walked home.
"I'll take her," Chan said to Changbin who was not willing to let you go.
"I'm the assigned person to take her home."
"It'll be weird if a man other than her lover does it."
Changbin, for once, didn't budge. "Listen, Bang. I get you two have this thing for publicity but she is in a vulnerable state right now. While I do get your point, you're not the one who has known her for eight years and been there when she needed someone the most. Don't think because you are supposedly her boyfriend that you get to take this from us."
And he left with you.
This might have come from a deeper place than simply getting you home but Changbin had had enough. He couldn't risk you getting hurt by this man. Especially not when he had noticed how you were warming up to him.
taglist: @lenilla15 | @muddy-waters | @nanaspalette | @nattisbored | @popcatx0 | @vanblack95 | @aestheticsluut | @thanxxskz | @minhoino | @taetertotsv | @luvscrazy | @lethallyprotected | @foxinnie8 | @jisuperboard | @jihanlovic | @soobin-chois | @jinxwhore28 | @purplelandsworld | @yeojoongiee | @smugrogerina | @jaehyunicecream | @urmomlikeslinotoo | @syprosight | @thesassy-mia | @chaotic-world-of-the-j | @heartsforlevi | @miyakoa | @seungincore | @skzsilentcryy | @owotalks | @hanjsquokka | @evermourning | @bangchansbae | @qweebarse | @linosllvr | @kpopsstuffs | @tinyelfperson | @jabmastersupriseee | @imsiriuslyreal | @chrizzztopherbang | @ilovejeongin_007 | @lixie-phoria | @syds-dead | @yukichan67 | @farfromsugafanfic | @realrintaro
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Copyright © 2024 skzhua. All rights reserved.
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jacaeryslover · 8 months
the betrothal, a jacaerys velaryon one-shot.
summary: reader father (stark) accepts to make the betrothal between jace & reader official, jace misunderstands. angst (not really) & fluff!
Back in the old days, when you and Jacaerys were still little kids, Princess Rhaenyra proposed a betrothal between you two, having a Targaryen & Stark union would benefit the realm once she became Queen.
But your father denied it, you were both kids, so he told the Targaryen Princess to wait for them to grow to make it official. Both of you knew back then, the Queen spoke about it with Jacaerys, and he decided you deserved to know who you were going to marry.
—Hello, princess— You hear a shy voice coming from the back, it has to be one of the Velaryon boys, you thought, none of Queen Alicent's sons would speak so softly to a Northerner.
You were right, Jacaerys Velaryon was standing behind you, Princess Rhaenyra's oldest son and the next heir to The Iron Throne. You found a very good friend in him the weekends you stayed in King's Landing. The Velaryon boys felt like a breath of fresh air in these foreign and tense lands.
—Hello, my prince. Is everything alright?—Her voice was soothing, comforting, even for her age. Jacaerys thought he could listen her talk for hours. —Yeah princess, I'm quite alright. Actually, I wanted to talk to you about our betrothal.
—Our betrothal?— She asked, clearly confused. Maybe he should've said it differently.
—Yes, my mother talked about it with your father, he said he would agreed once we were of age. I'm sorry if you didn't want this. But I promise you I will take care of you, and you will be my one and only Queen.
Jacaerys was kind, and she knew that. None of the boys in King´s Landing were as nice as him and his little brother, so the thought of marrying him instead of Aemond sounded amazing. Besides, she knew her dad would never allow her only daughter to marry a monster.
—I have to say I did not expected this, nevertheless, my feelings for you are not those of hate, I will be the luckiest girl if I get to marry you in the future, my prince.
Jacaerys could not be happier, hearing those words from the girl he liked so much made him feel sick to his stomach, a feeling he did not hate at all, so he said the words he´d been keeping the last few weekends.
—Since this moment, I am loyal to you, with heart, body & soul, I am solemnly yours.
He knew she had to leave King´s Landing tomorrow, he didn´t want this, he wanted her to stay. But she also had dutties as Princess in Winterfell. So he waited, he waited days, weeks, months, years.
—Jace, did you hear about it? Your little wolf's father finally agreed to a betrothal.
His pacific temple crumbled, you didn't mention anything about betrothal proposals in your letters. But your father just accepted to marry you to someone that isn't him, he couldn't allow that. Not when he spend all of his life loving you.
—Are you sure?— He asked Aegon, he was known for being constantly drunk, so he wasn't a reliable source of information, and he wasn't the nicest person, so he could easily be just annoying him.
—Yeah, pretty sure I heard father talking about it, I guess you weren't the best option after all.
Maybe he was right, he wasn't good enough, maybe he heard the whispers, the whispers about his birth. He had to do something, he would fight for her once she arrives to King's Landing.
Later that day, she's finally here, in the same room with him, so he talks first.—Is it true? That your father accepted a betrothal?— His face clearly tensed, he felt like he was being stabbed in the chest, directly in the heart, waiting for your answer was agony.
—Yeah, he did. He made it official a day ago. I thought you knew.—
—How could I know? You didn't mentioned it in your letters, I don't know what happens in Winterfell. Tell me honestly, was it because of me? Was it my fault? Did I do something wrong? Is it because i'm a bastard?
—Jacaerys!—She would rarely use his full name, she was mad, or hurt, Jace could not read her right now, he's full with his emotions already.—Don't ever say that again. None of this is your fault. My father made official our betrothal.—Jace could feel her hands caressing his cheeks, he could feel her trying to make him feel better. He was hurt, but he already felt better, how could he forgot that their betrothal was not official yet? He was blind with his loyalness.
—You should´ve known that I wouldn´t agree to marry someone that it isn´t you. You are my only love. I sweared loyalty to you when I was a child and I did not regretted my decision a single time.
The wedding was set in 3 weeks.
She was the most beautiful woman he ever laid his eyes on, she walked to him by her fathers arm. Her dress had beautiful embroidery in honor to her house, but he couldnt wait for her to use the Targaryen colors instead.
—With this kiss, I pledge my love—.
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chaotic-fandom-writer · 2 months
Adam x Reader P.3 (Hazbin Hotel)
Warnings: Heavy cursing, violence, adult themes
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Chapters I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII
"As I'm sure most of you are already aware, we have a problem."
Countless of angels sat, circled at a table, in a glistening, golden meeting hall.
Sera took the head of the meeting, a meeting to discuss what the future of Heaven would look like, now that sinners can be redeemed.
"Sera, the masses are panicking."
"Heaven is a disaster!"
"Have you heard what people are saying?"
"ENOUGH!" The booming echoes of Sera's voice bouncing off the walls brings the entire hall to a complete silence.
"I am aware that there is some panic. But if we allow ourselves to succumb to it as well, then there may as well be no future for Heaven. We cannot let the city fall to chaos."
"But what should we do?" Another voice calls out.
"What can we do?" Says another.
Suddenly, the small figure seated next to Sera rises.
"I'm not sure what the problem is. The point of Heaven and Hell should be for people to redeem themselves. If they made it this far, they can't be that bad, right?"
Somebody scoffs at this. "Always the purist, Emily." The smaller girl glares back, not backing down. "As leaders of Heaven, we should be doing everything we can to support people making the right choices. Even if those people have already made some wrong ones."
Sera lays a hand over Emily's. "It's not that simple, Emily, and you know that. We have to protect our people first."
"So, what? You're just going to throw the sinners out? Without even giving them a chance? We haven't even met the new sinner yet, and they put in all that hard work just to be better people, you can't just-"
"Emily, there will be no more of that. I know what we are dealing with, and it's not for you to concern yourself with. You will not speak of or go near this sinner. This meeting is to discuss what we will do to preserve Heaven, and that's all."
Emily flinches. "I can't even meet them? I thought it was about the future of Heaven? I think that should include-"
"The meeting is about what I decide it will be." Sera shoots Emily a sharp glare, and she trails off, quietly sitting back in her seat. Sera's glare softens.
"I'm only doing what's best for all of us, Emily."
"So.. you have an idea?" Another angel speaks up.
"I don't. Not yet. But I'm going to discuss with the leader of the angel army, and see what our options are."
Another angel raises their hand. "Where is Adam?"
Sera's face twists with a flash of anger before she quickly composes herself. "He was supposed to be here half an hour ago."
"You'd better start making some sense right now Adam, or I fucking swear I'll snap your other wing in half."
Adam grimaces, reaching both hands behind his back to clutch his wings. "Don't fucking touch me bitch." He snarkily replies.
"Adam. Talk!"
"Alright, alright. Can we sit at least?"
You walk him to the couch, gesturing angrily before taking a seat on the other side of the room.
"Look, there's no easy way to explain any of this. Not with you having no memory of it."
"You are such a fucking-" Adam holds a hand up, cutting you off. "Just let me finish. Please."
There's a certain sincerity you've never heard in his tone, so you nod quietly, allowing him to continue.
"There are records of the memory wipe. And I would offer to show them to you if I had them, but they're not in my posession. Sera is in charge of those."
"Sera? The one I met earlier?"
Adam nods. "So why does she have them?" He swallows. "It's considered.. highly sensitive information. And I'm not allowed to have it because they think I'd be.. biased."
You notice he begins to bounce his knee.
"Because of our.. history."
"What history, Adam?"
He swallows again, hard, fidgeting with the edge of the couch, knee still bouncing.
"We were.. married."
You laugh. "Okay, good one, now seriously can you explain for real this time?" Adam says nothing, looking away from you uncharacteristically.
"Adam. You can't be serious, right?"
"Ev-" He cuts off. "(Y/N). I'm not joking with you. Why the fuck would I make some stupid shit up like that?"
"Because it's what you do! You're an asshole!"
He flinches. "Fuck you, that was rude."
"Rude? You know what you are? You're derranged. That's the conclusion I've come to. There's no way any of this is fucking serious, you're a psycho, get out of my room."
"Can you just listen, please? You didn't even hear the entire-" He pleads.
"Adam, I listened, and I'm over it. Get out." You cross your arms, turning away from him.
For a moment, all is silent, and then you hear the quiet rustling of Adam standing, and the door opening and closing.
You turn, making sure he's gone. You sit on the bed, practically collapsing into a heap of nerves and sweat. You fiddle with your fingers, willing them to stop shaking.
Suddenly, there comes another knock at the door. You sigh, rolling your eyes. "GO AWAY!" You scream.
"I'm sorry, but we need to speak." You hear the soft, yet stern voice of a woman. Opening the door, you find Sera.
"I saw Adam leaving the building. Was he with you?"
You nod. "Spouting off some insane bullshit as usual. Did you need something, uh, Sera, right?"
"Right. I was hoping to have a quick word?" She raises her hand, gesturing to the room. You step aside, opening the door for her.
She elegantly glides across the room, perching in the nearest chair, hands folded across her lap.
"What was your name again?" She asks. "(Y/N)."
"A pleasure. I'm sure you're feeling very confused right now, as we all are, I'm afraid."
"I just.. don't really understand how this was happening. I died fighting angels. If anything, I shouldn't even be up here right now."
Sera purses her lips into a thin line, a thoughtful look crossing her face. "Yes, well, it would seem you've done things to redeem your soul. Something we all thought couldn't be accomplished.
I have to ask you, (Y/N). I've been told you've been here before, for a.. meeting." She pauses. "Yes, that was it. A meeting. Do you have any recollection of ever being here before?"
"Well no, but maybe that's why Adam is confused." Sera's eyes narrow. "Adam? What did he say?"
For some reason you can't explain, you feel a pit forming in your stomach. You cross your arms defensively. "Nothing too interesting, just that we'd met before."
She studies you for a moment before nodding, suddenly rising from her seat. "Yes, I'd heard the same as well. He must be the one causing the confusion." She heads for the door.
"Was that all you needed?" You inquire. "Yes, just wanted to make sure there was no unnecessary rumors flying about. Of course you've never been here before. Right?"
She pauses at the open door, glancing back at you over her shoulder.
She smiles politely. "Good. Have a good day, (Y/N)."
"Are you out of your mind, sir? Sera is going to be pissed."
Lute stands in front of him, a scolding tone in her voice.
She had initially been thrown for a loop - she had no idea who (Y/N) was when she stabbed her, and after arriving back in Heaven, she and a handful of specifically selected people were briefed on who (Y/N) really is.
"You weren't supposed to tell (Y/N) anything. If she remembers who she is, it's going to cause absolute chaos throughout Heaven AND Hell. You need to-"
"Can you shut the fuck up for a minute please?" Adam waves his hand dismissively at her, turning away. "Sir. This is important! When Sera finds out, she's going to-"
Lute is cut off by a sudden pounding on the door. She opens it to find Sera, a look of rage twisting her normally graceful features.
"Adam. I assume you know why I'm here."
Adam sighs, rolling his eyes. "Because you know I talked to (Y/N). Well you can save it sister, she didn't believe me anyways."
"And what if she had? Do you know what that will do to us?"
Sera crosses the room, standing directly in front of Adam. "You need to start considering the consequences of your actions. You can't just do whatever you please all the time."
Adam turns, walking away from her. "You don't understand what it's like, Sera." He mumbles. "She deserves to know."
"She doesn't even remember you Adam! You're letting your feelings get in the way of things. If I have to replace you as leader of the angel army, I will. I won't let you bring down everything we've built here just because of your stupid crush-"
"Crush?" Adam feels a knot forming in his throat. "You don't fucking-"
Lute swoops in, grabbing Adam roughly by the shoulder. "Sir, don't."
He looks at Lute, swallowing the anger he feels bubbling up, along with any argument he had for Sera.
"Alright Sera it won't happen again. Okay?"
"No, it won't. That's why I am not allowing you near her."
Adam straightens up. "What?"
"You heard me correctly. You clearly cannot compose yourself around her, and it's turning you into a threat. You stay away, or there will be consequences.
For you, and her."
Don't forget, I'm always accepting requests!
Chapters I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII
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thegrimalldis · 4 months
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Maximilian: The Wedding - Part Three
𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠| 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬| 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 |
Transcript under the cut
[Xavier]: You look like you can use this more than me.
[Eleanor]: I think I made a mistake.
[Xavier]: Honestly, you're not the first royal bride to say that.
[Eleanor]: What have I married into?
[Xavier]: A circus. A very extravagant circus.
[Maximilian]: Were you ever going to tell me?
[Luna]: Tell you what, Your Highness?
[Maximilian]: Don't Luna. Don't do that. Is it...is it mine?
[Luna]: No, Alexander is the father.
[Maximilian]: You're lying.
[Luna]: You don't know that.
[Maximilian]: I know you. You can't lie to me.
[Luna]: What good would the truth be anyway? We both made our choices and we didn't choose each other.
[Maximilian]: I have a right to know! You shouldn't have kept this from me. My own child!
[Luna]: What would you have done? Huh? Call off the wedding? Announce to the entire world that we had an affair and the baby is yours?
[Luna]: That would scandalize not just your family but mine and the Stenhams.
[Maximilian]: I...
[Luna]: Nothing would have changed for us, Max. You know in your heart that's true. We are just their puppets.
[Luna]: No one can ever know. It's for the best.
[Maximilian]: For them?
[Luna]: For your son.
[Maximilian]: I wish...you would have gotten on that plane.
[Luna]: I told you, no one in the Lapré family ever marries for love.
[Maximilian]: What happens now?
[Luna]: Nothing.
[Stacy]: Your Majesty, it seems we are missing both the Crown Prince and Princess.
[Morana]: Which Princess?
[Stacy]: The bride, Ma'am.
[Morana]: Yes, the bride. Proceed with the fireworks. That will distract our guests.
[Maximilian]: We are missing the fireworks.
[Eleanor]: I don't care.
[Maximilian]: What's wrong, Eleanor?
[Eleanor]: Today was supposed to be the happiest day of our lives and yet...you barely smiled once.
[Eleanor]: All those times you left for Melide...you were visiting the Duchess of Valencia. Weren't you?
[Maximilian]: Where did you get that from?
[Eleanor]: Just answer the question, Max. Please.
[Maximilian]: I swear to you, it's over.
[Eleanor]: I'm such a fool.
[Maximilian]: Please, I want this to work between us. I...I need this to work.
[Eleanor]: All of it was a lie. Every moment between us.
[Maximilian]: No, I care for you so much. You have to believe me.
[Maximilian]: I never wanted to hurt you.
[Eleanor]: Is the baby yours?
[Eleanor]: I think I'm going to be sick.
[Maximilian]: I'm so sorry.
[Eleanor]: Do you...do you even love me?
[Maximilian]: Please, don't ask me that.
[Eleanor]: I hate you!
[Eleanor]: I hate you!
[Morana]: They told me you are planning to delay your coronation.
[Helena]: I am. At least until we handle this...situation with Lord Montgomery.
[Morana]: You are your grandfather's heir.
[Morana]: With your father's indiscretions coming to light, it's best that we push the coronation sooner. The people need a distraction.
[Helena]: Did you know about the affair?
[Morana]: Of course not. Your mother came to me shortly after the wedding.
[Helena]: And what did you tell her?
[Morana]: I told her, as one day you will have to tell someone you love...
[Morana]: Divorce in this family can never be an option.
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kitthepurplepotato · 1 year
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Week 10 - Now or Never
(Season 1 ending)
Summary: This awkwardness needs to end. You can’t really make it worse so you might as well just go for it.
How will Izuku react to your random outburst?
Warnings: Swear words
First Chapter Master List
This is risky fucking business.
This whole idea feels like a stupid game where you have 300 different options with 300 different endings with no hints towards what’s right or wrong. It also doesn’t help that there is a poor girl trying to sleep in your bedroom so yelling Izuku’s face off in a loving way isn’t an option.
To be fair, you kinda know what you want to do and if it’s doesn’t work then shit, it can’t get worse, can it?
You tried to go with the flow; that ended up with you kissing Izuku on his sofa for an hour; long story short, it was a fail.
You tried to be nice and understanding towards Izuku’s feelings and let him keep his distance, which ended with you two being awkward and miserable because you have no idea how to be “buddies” anymore. So, that also failed.
This is why…
You chose violence.
“Midoriya fucking Izuku.” You yell-whisper into the dark room and he jumps up to a sitting position like a frightened little bunny.
“What have I done.” Midoriya mumbles and you really try your best to not smile at his terrified face illuminated by the soft moonlight.
“The fuck is this.” You throw a few of your old notes into the poor guy’s face. “And this.” You put the frame down at the coffee table nicely. “And this.” You pull out the little polaroid from your pajama pockets.
“Stop hanging out with Kacchan…” Midoriya whimpers in a high voice and it’s so fucking comedic you really want to laugh.
“Kacchan has nothing to do with this. I am done, Izuku. Why are we doing this? Why are you sleeping on the fucking sofa when there is a bed big enough for us both in your room, huh? Huh?”
Midoriya blinks twice, utterly confused; and to be honest, so are you, but he doesn’t need to know that.
“I can’t keep doing this to you, it’s wrong…”
“What’s wrong?!” You yell-whisper again, jumping into his mumble. He’s frozen in one place like a deer in the headlights, not really ready for the emotional roller coaster but he takes it anyway, because he’s a good fucking boy.
“It means different to me than it does to you! And I can’t loose you because of this!” Midoriya’s voice is way louder than a whisper by the end of his sentence, but none of you really care at this point; you are quite sure your angry stomping woke Melissa up already anyway.
“That’s what I thought as well. That we don’t feel the same. But I’m 99% sure I was wrong about that.” You mumble and Izuku looks at you with a confused face.
“Midoriya Izuku, I’m my own person and my feelings are mine and mine only, so don’t try to guess and give me feelings I don’t have without asking me about them.”
“I didn’t mean to do any of that, Y/N, I…” Izuku’s hands reach out towards you but he pulls them back to his side after a few awkward seconds.
“You see, this is what I’m done with.” You point at him. “You called me Sweet Pea every single day for two months, my own name feels foreign from your lips. It feels rude. You stopped reaching out to me, you pushed me away, and for what? To save our friendship? Izuku, look into my eyes and tell me you are happy now.”
Midoriya doesn’t look into your eyes and doesn’t say a word. “That’s what I thought.” You grumble. “But there is something you seem to forget, Izuku.” He looks up at that, his face still terrified. “I don’t need to take this. I don’t need to give in. If you carve our relationship the way it feels right, then I can do the same. You can’t tell me what to do and what not. With that said…”
This is it. This is fucking it.
You can’t back down now.
It only takes you four steps and one aggressive collar-grab to pull Izuku close and another smaller pull to slot your lips together with his. Izuku makes a small stuttering noise but his lips don’t move, so you take the initiative this time; your lips start to move frantically as you try your best to convey all your frustration and love into one short but heavy kiss. Izuku stays frozen in place and your resolve wavers from the lack of response, so you jerk back, already hating yourself for doing that to him; he’s tired and there is a guest in your room, the timing is off, everything is wrong, this was a terrible idea…
“Okay, m-maybe that was a bit too far, consent and all, I’m so…” You start to mumble, ready to fall on your knees and beg for forgiveness but you don’t have time for that as Izuku suddenly reaches out and pulls you forward by grabbing your neck, your body falling into his lap with the motion. He doesn’t waste a single second; his lips find yours in the middle of your messy fall, his kiss deep and nothing like the small pecks you got a week ago; it’s hot and heavy, full of emotions he can’t convey otherwise, full of words he can’t say out loud; his whole body shakes as he pulls you even closer, his hand grabbing the back of your T-shirt as though he’s terrified you’ll run away, while his other one pulls on the back of your hair in a heated but loving way; the first few kisses are hot and wet, there are tears on both of your faces but none of you care to notice it in the heat of the moment. Izuku sucks on your bottom lips and you open you mouth in surprise; he invites himself in, his tongue slowly mapping out every single crevice as he joins yours in a slow dance; you whimper into his mouth, hot all over, but even in the scorching heat, Izuku is careful and attentive, passionate but kind, and it’s so endearing to feel him holding himself back as he pushes you away to take a deep breath, his eyes dark like the night sky as he stares into your soul.
The room is silent; none of you really know what to say or where to go from here; you sit down on the armrest while Izuku pulls his legs up and hugs them close, then hides his face between his knees to take a few more deep breaths.
“Give me a few minutes and I’ll come to bed, okay?” He mumbles between two heavy pants.
“Uhm, y-yeah. That’s a g-good idea. See you there then.” You mumble awkwardly while you try your best to not freak out in front of him.
You started this. If you back down now, it was all for nothing and that’s not an option; not after the scorching hot kiss you just got offered in exchange.
“Can I come in?” Izuku knocks gently on the door, even though he’s halfway in already; you can’t see his face in the dark but you are quite sure he has a shy, suggestive smile on his lips as he does that.
“It’s funny how you never knock on my door but you do on your own.” You retort, trying to ease the sudden tension with a good joke; because damn, there is something in the air, let me tell you.
You have no idea what’s going on right now, to be honest. Was that kiss enough for him to understand you want to be his and his only? Are you dating now? Or are you… exploring? Are you roommates who officially kiss sometimes?
You should have been more clear about your intentions. Okay, Izuku isn’t a person who would be into the whole “friends with benefits” thing but still…
“You did tell me I tend to have the orders wrong, so…maybe it’s a personality trait?” Izu giggles while reminiscing about his drunk shenanigans in the forest.
“Well yeah, I’m sorry to be disappointing, but I’m more the ‘court me, love me then wash my back in the river, naked’ kinda gal.” You snicker as he sneaks closer to the bed.
“I’ll try to remember that, Sweet Pea.”
… and fuck, hearing your nickname from his lips again does some things to your heart.
“You better do, Izu-Izu.” You mumble as he crawls under the comforter with you. He doesn’t come close yet; he lays on his back first then changes his mind and turns over to you while he shamelessly stares at your face illuminated by the moonlight.
“I remember the first night when I came back and you were sleeping on the table. You were so beautiful.” Izuku sighs. “I thought I only feel this way about you because I’ve never shared a flat with a woman before. I forced my feelings down to not make it weird, but they bubbled up, time to time, and by the time I realized I’m going overboard, there was no way back; it was all over for me when I felt you in my arms for the first time. I knew I will never be able to let you go, even if it’s the most selfish thing I’ve ever done.” Izuku’s hand snakes towards you until he finds your hand under the covers; his thumb caresses your palms while he mutters into the sheets.
“I thought I’m just being a fangirl and I tried so hard to keep it that way. It took me forever to realize I don’t see you as pro hero Deku anymore and it was so painful when I did.” You mutter back.
“Why?” Izuku asks and you can’t help but laugh.
“Because there was no way in hell you would ever look at me any other way, Izu. At least I thought you wouldn’t. Pro hero Deku was already my dream guy but somehow, Izuku… was even better, even more unreachable. Because Izuku is perfect in every single way and I’m just me. I thought this Izuku guy deserves the world but I’m just a piece of sand on the beach.” You sigh into the small space between you two.
Izuku stays silent for a few moments.
“So you didn’t realize you were his world all along?” He whispers, his hands moving towards your middle to pull you close. Your heart makes a somersault in your chest.
“It had not cross my mind.” You smile with tears pooling in your eyes.
“This Izuku guy needs to get his shit together and show you then.” He smiles, his eyes just as wet as yours.
“Can he start with a good night kiss?” You ask cheekily.
“He certainly can.” Izuku answers with a mischievous smile on his face as he closes the distance between you two and pushes forward for a slow, deep kiss. Your bodies slot into each other perfectly, not a single millimeter left between you two as he pulls you closer and closer with every single, lazy kiss until the sun peeks through the window.
The poor boy will have a hard time waking up tomorrow morning, that’s for sure; but nothing in the whole wide world can ruin the giddy happiness you both feel as you snuggle into the other with lips puffy, red and tingly from all the kissing, bodies warm and comfortable under the featherlight cover as you take in the other’s scent, knowing this is what you will fall asleep to every single day for the rest of your lives.
The End…?!
“Sweet Pea, wake up.” A pleasant voice chirps into your ears, but it’s way too early and it’s so nice and warm in Izuku’s embrace…
“Fuck no, go away.” You grumble at the pleasant voice, pushing yourself deeper into Izuku’s chest to hide your ears from the annoying chirp.
“Fuck yes, you are suffering with me today, love.” Izuku giggles, leaving small kisses on your cheeks and forehead to wake you up.
“5 more minutes?” You whine but the boy is ruthless; his arms disappear from around you and it’s suddenly so cold and the bed isn’t as comfortable as it was a few seconds ago… “You are so mean!”
Izuku doesn’t answer for a while but you can hear the rustle of his costume as he changes. You really have the urge to peek, but you decide to behave yourself; you’ll be able to peek whenever you want in the near future, there is no reason to rush it. One thing at a time.
“You might wanna take a shower and brush your hair before I introduce you to my team. Sleepy Sweet Pea is my favorite Sweet Pea, but I would rather keep this look for myself, if you don’t mind me being a little bit selfish.” Izuku sits back, his fingers playing with your frizzy hair. It takes you a few seconds to understand the implications of the sentence, but when you do, you jump up as though someone just electrocuted you.
“We are going to my agency. I’ll give you a complete tour. Then we will sneak into Kacchan’s agency to say hi.” Izuku fakes nonchalance but you can see the mischievous smile hiding behind his hands.
“OH MY GOD I’M GOING TO PRO HERO DEKU’S AGENCY OH MY GOD.” You jump into the greenette’s lap with zero shame. He giggles like a high school boy. You fucking love that giggle.
“You are literally in pro hero Deku’s lap right now, Sweets.” Midoriya comments with an incredulous look.
“Shut up Izuku and let me geek out!” You yell into the silence; Izuku winces from the loudness as it hits his sensitive ears but he can’t help the happy laugh bubbling up his chest.
“You haven’t changed at all.”
“Nope.” You grin as you jump off his lap to start to get ready. “Oh my god, okay, I need to shower, brush my hair, straighten it, put on some make up…” You start to mumble as you start running around in Izuku’s room in a frenzy. “This is not my room, fuck.” You giggle awkwardly as you look down at the random Deku hoodie you took out of his dresser by accident.
“You can wear that if you want.” Izuku winks and you are just about to become a blushing mess when a new voice joins the conversation.
“Come on, lovebirds, Mei’s plane arrives in an hour!” Melissa giggles outside.
“Oh fuck.” You laugh at your own shenanigans and make your way towards the main bathroom, but not before you leave a small, closed mouthed kiss on Izuku’s lips. “I’ll be ready in 10.”
“Minutes or hours?” Izuku retorts with his whole face red as a tomato; kissing in broad daylight is a new thing for you both.
“Oi, shut up, Mr. IWakeUpLookingPerfectAfter3HoursSleep.” You mumble under your breath as you sprint out of his room.
You don’t think you’ve ever been this happy in your whole life and fuck, it’s only going to get better from now on!
You can’t wait to tell Jirou about this and hug the shit out of her for forcing you to take a leap of faith and move in with a stranger.
You’ve definitely made the best decision of your life on that dreadful afternoon.
Click here for season 2!
Potato ramble:
- I can’t believe we are done with Season 1! I want to cry 😢 I hope you liked the “ending”. Obviously this story is far from being done hence why it might not feel like an actual ending. I have so many ideas and I really hope you guys will stay for season two!
- There will be a break next week then we are back in business! I already finished the new header so take a look!
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- I want to thank you guys for all your comments and likes on this one, it was so much fun to read them all and I absolutely loved answering your questions about the story!
- Season 2 might have some other ships mentioned as well, I hope that’s fine! I’m also working on a Kirishima x Bakugou extra as I’m quite sure you guys already had a feeling there is something going on with those two in the background 😂
- Season two will be slightly more suggestive but in case I decide to go further than that I’ll make it a separate chapter and make sure you guys know it’s 18+, but I haven’t decided yet so feel free to tell me your thoughts! (It won’t be as suggestive as the S2 of my Bakugou story, Izuku isn’t that kinda guy. 😂)
- See you guys in two weeks, I love you all! 💕
TL: @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @kastuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @thekookiecorner @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine
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genuine question: i thought communism ideology supported no states? what do you not support with communism?
Also: is PSL problematic/harmful? I hadn’t seen anything about them denying a genocide.
Apologies if this looks like I’m coming to you instead of research. Unfortunately research has lead my to discourse reddit threads and people speaking over another of what is true and right. It’s difficult for me to sort through what is actually backed and i always perfect to get first hand, personal opinions from individuals for conversation purposes! If this is inappropriate please lmk! I’m a fan of your blog and truly am just looking for more input and takes on our options and to know the best way to get involved in a community— and avoid getting involved with the wrong kind of people I don’t agree with!
Thank you in advance!! Hope your future doctor visits continue to treat you well!
So a classless, moneyless society is socialism.
There are branches of socialism the same way there can be democratic and Republican beliefs within capitalism.
So communism is socialism with a state/government. This is what PSL is and advocates for.
And yeah im stepping on a fucking beehive saying this but yeah, Marxists/Marxists-Leninists support a communist state. For this exact reason, they deny that China has been persecuting Uyghur people. They think if they deny the genocide is happening at all then communism will seem more "valid."
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Additionally, they think the genocide is little more than more anti-communist propaganda from the USA. Even Aljazeera has written about this.
Aside from that, yes PSL has organized with orgs like BLM before, but that said.... Ugh.
They speak over everyone. In fact, I've been told several times that they are now doing the same thing with the Pro-Palestine rallies they've been hosting, too.
As someone who worked with them closely during the BLM protests of 2020 I can confirm this with my own experiences. They're super organized, which is great for them. For the rest of us though, it means we have to work around their schedules. They spread their own parties propaganda at these events while making themselves out to be The Official Organization for the event which was almost never true. When they were at our events it's because they were invited by us, but everyone thought it was the other way around. They have a way of centering themselves which seems anti-thetical to their allyship.
They very much use minorities to boost their party's status. Which is not much different from how a democrat tries to get minority votes would.
I don't use Instagram but the USPCN and NAARPR posted about how PSL was doing this. I had just reblogged a post where PSL was calling for a strike in solidarity and was immediately informed to IGNORE it and boost actual Palestinians calls for action instead. They included a link to the Instagram post as well. I'll see if I can find it and reblog it after this.
Anyway, It was a good question and didn't bother me at all to answer, thanks for sending it!
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spectersgirl · 1 year
I just read ‘life’s like this’ and it got me thinking…. What would Harvey be like as a dad? Like I’ve never read of fic of Harvey being a dad to like a 6 year old?
Okay true and real and I’m here to answer the call 🫡
This was actually harder to write than I expected?? I also had no idea how to end it so I hope it isn't stupid lol ok hope u like it love u <3
First Day Fears
Harvey Specter x Reader
It was almost a full hour before your alarm was set for, but you couldn’t sleep any longer. Today was your daughter’s first day of kindergarten. You had been trying to play it cool, but you were anxious.
You sighed, finally getting up out of bed and getting into the shower. By the time you finished, you were glad to see that Harvey was awake.
“Morning gorgeous” he greeted you, his voice still thick and gravely with sleep. “Why’d you get up so early?”
“Couldn’t sleep. I’m so nervous for Y/D/N’s first day of school” you answered, sitting down on the bed.
“Y/N, you know she’s gonna have the best time. Our kid is a badass, I mean look who her parents are” He said smugly.
You were about to reply when the alarm on your phone rang out, letting you know it was time to go wake up your little girl. You quickly threw a simple outfit on, and walked with Harvey to her bedroom.
She slept peacefully, and watching her sleep brought you back to the days when she was just a tiny baby and you'd watch her sleep on Harvey's chest. Seeing the look on his face now, you were pretty sure he was taking that same trip down memory lane.
You nudged Harvey and nodded your head toward her, indicating for him to wake her. Gently, he sat down on the side of her bed, running a hand through her light brown hair. She wasn't a heavy sleeper, so she immediately stirred.
"Hi sweet girl, it's time to get ready for your first day of school" He said softly, a small smile on his face. She slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes, putting an arm out to ask him for a hug. He was, of course, happy to oblige.
You weren't sure if you'd ever been as in love with both of them as you were right now. These were the moments you'd dreamed about all those years ago when you'd first met Harvey.
"If Daddy wants to help you get dressed and ready, I can go make you both some breakfast" You offered, her eyes went wide and nodded her head aggressively. She loved your pancakes more than almost anything in the world. Harvey and you both laughed, and you left to get started on the food.
Harvey went to Y/D/N's closet, looking through the mostly-pink options to put her in for her first day. She sat quietly on the edge of her bed, picking at a loose thread on her comforter. Harvey frowned when he noticed.
"You okay baby?" He asked, sitting down next to her.
"Am I gonna make friends like at my old school?" She asked Harvey quietly, and he heard the nerves in her little voice. He knew he had to hype her up, and quickly, before it turned into tears.
"You're going to make sooo many new friends!" He said excitedly. "You're the funniest, smartest, coolest little girl I know, everyone's gonna be begging to be your friend!"
She giggled, and Harvey smiled a big smile of his own.
"What do you say we go brush your teeth and do your hair, and you can put on the new pretty dress you got?" He said, and she nodded excitedly.
Not an hour later, you and Harvey were standing together, watching as Y/D/N climbed the steps of her school bus, waving goodbye before disappearing into it. You looked up at Harvey, who was visibly holding back tears as he waved back at her.
The rest of the day dragged on for both of you. Harvey was secretly a wreck all day, unable to focus on his work as he kept an eye on his cell phone, worried he'd miss a call from you or the school in case something went wrong. The call never came though, and he was home just in time to greet Y/D/N in the driveway with you as she ran off the bus and into your and Harvey's arms.
The three of you spent the rest of the day talking about how much fun she had on her first day, and all the new best friends she had.
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Best and Worst of Both Worlds (Part 25)
Tw: Some harsh words from Yves, homewrecking allegations
short chapter guys
damn yall this was originally suppsoed to be a "yes" option, but beyond 21 voted yall voted for a 'no', guess u guys still simp heavily for Yves to sacrifice entertainment
but 2 be fair, the outcome is pretty similar to this
Part 26
"Well done, (name)." He praised, not out of malice or sarcasm, but out of genuine proudness. Yves was happy that you've been engaging with your critical thinking, that is something Yves does not witness very regularly.
You felt a load taken off your shoulders, finally, you have done something right today. That has to quell some of his anger, right? You hope.
You sighed and asked him if there was anything you could do for him now.
"I would very much appreciate your company. Your first class will begin 25 minutes later, I would love to hear your voice until then." His sensual, caring demeanor is back. You are so glad to hear him purr again. You agreed much to his delight.
You looked at Evangeline as she stared at you expectantly. You shook your head, gesturing that Yves does not wish to talk to her.
However, Evangeline did the unthinkable and snatched your phone out of your hands. You gasped, trying to grab it back, but all she did was pull it away from you.
She pressed the Speaker button so that you could also hear the conversation between her and Yves.
"Hello, Sir Yves? Yes, this is Evangeline. First of all, I would like to say (name) is a wonderful friend! They are also very lucky to have you as their partner."
Yves did not reply. You gave up trying to take it back, you paced around while letting her deal with the mess she created.
"Secondly, I am thankful that you have allowed my father to work alongside you. You have treated us well and we are grateful for that."
"Are you finished?"
Her blue eyes widened in shock, taken aback by the unexpected animosity from Yves. She cleared her throat and said yes.
You heard him pouring something into his glass.
"I find it quite interesting that you chose to forcefully take the phone out of their hands. You chose to switch their speakerphone on without consulting me beforehand. What was your rationale behind them?" She stiffened up a bit but eventually composed herself enough to provide a coherent answer.
"Well, I have been noticing that you and (name) are going through a rough patch. So, I offered to be a mediator. I was trying to create an open environment with adequate space for communication between (name), you, and I."
You are not sure how to feel about Evangeline's formally chatty side. You know this will not end well, because she did not once say an apology.
"Evangeline. I have worked with your father for years. I fully expected him to have taught manners. At least, fundamental ones. But I was proven wrong today by your audacity." Her smile completely dropped off the face of Earth, now replaced with a neutral but somber look.
"Deepest apologies for my offenses, Sir Yves," she spoke with clarity.
"How dare you attempt to meddle in our relationship, manipulate (name) into thinking you're helping, but all you did was nothing except drive a wedge between us? How dare you invade our privacy and touch (name)'s personal items without their permission? I am exceedingly disappointed with you, Evangeline. You were taught better, I am in disbelief that you have decided to disgrace yourself like this. To disgrace your father's name." Your jaw drops to the ground as you hear Yves dish out his scoldings to Evangeline. She seems to take it like a champ, though.
"I am sorry, sir Yves. I don't know what has gotten over me." She replied to his devastating verbal blow.
"I do, Evangeline. You take pleasure in appearing as the savior to everyone. Your intentions were never to mend or strengthen my bonds with (name), it was completely self-serving." Her gaze was downcast as soon as he told her his thoughts.
"You are too undisciplined, too careless to consider the consequences of your behavior. All was done in favour of feeding your inflated ego. You're selfish." He spat.
"You're right. My apologies. I will do better." You looked at her, she smiled back at you as if she's having a friendly conversation about the weather instead.
"I wouldn't be surprised if the rumors surrounding your homewrecking tendencies have their merits." She gasped at his remark. You did too.
"Sir Yves, I... I don't think it's fair for you to--"
"Stay away from my (name)." He interrupted her, mid-defence.
"Dear, turn the speakerphone off. I would like to talk to you in private, please." Yves reverted his tone back to the honeyed version that makes you weak in the knees, in a good way.
You did as you were told and brought the phone back up to your ear.
"(name), I do not like Evangeline nor do I trust her." Your eyebrows shot up in shock, you don't get to hear him express his disdain for someone so directly. Not even Montgomery received such hatred from him. "I want you to reduce the time spent with her."
You were expecting him to tell you to cut her off entirely, seeing that he suspected you were cheating on him with Evangeline earlier.
"I allow you to remain acquaintances, solely because you still need a degree of social interaction each day to maintain your health. You don't have friends on campus other than Jones's daughter."
The last point reminded you how awkward you are.
"It's not good to isolate yourself, (name). Even if it is just for a few more days." He added. "I would prefer it if you could befriend other students. Perhaps even join a club. But in the meantime, if you cannot help it, go ahead and interact with her. Remember not to take the friendship too far."
You told him okay.
"You still have 20 minutes left, (name). Tell me about your dreams last night." You thought it was an odd prompt. But regardless, you looked up and started to retrieve patchy memories of what you witnessed in your slumber. You began giving him the gist of it, then slowly built up until the conclusion.
That was all you remembered. You don't know what else he wanted.
"That's fascinating, dear. What do you think it all means?" You hummed and spewed out your theories, no matter how strange, idiotic, or random it is, Yves enjoyed listening to it. He was recording everything down, noting that you managed to take his bait.
Eventually, you found that you couldn't stop blabbering from topic to topic. It felt nice to let out your true thoughts, even the most atrociously boring ones-- these are things that you refrained from telling Evangeline about because you think she's probably not interested. Yves is like your journal and you still to this day could not comprehend how his influence managed to make you bleat like a goat. Like you had no shame.
The thought of Evangeline completely slipped your mind. You walked away as a chatterbox, A bag of now cold fried chicken and waffles in one hand, a phone in another.
The blonde watched you slowly disappear into a building where your class would be. Her lips are pressed into a thin, fine line. She pulled her phone out of her tote bag and unlocked it, dialing a number that you might have seen before.
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kaija-rayne-author · 1 year
Would you recognize an autistic or ADHD person if you saw one?
What about an autistic or ADHD fictional character?
Many of y'all will say, of course.
And you'll be wrong.
I'm not talking to hatched autistics and ADHDers. We can usually spot others like us and autistic/ADHD coded characters in fiction.
Definition: A 'hatched' autistic or ADHDer is someone who knows they're one or the other or both, AND they understand and accept that pretending to be neurotypical is bad for us.
It actually kills us, so, yeah, bad. The leading causes of death for autistics is unaliving or heart attack from the stress of living in a world that was most certainly not created for us. In some ways, this world is antithetical to us.
We also experience the stress of what's known as 'masking'.
Our average age of death is 36 years old. Think about that for a second. 36. And the rates of unaliving in autistic and ADHD kids is utterly obscene. The suicide watch for parents of autistic kids starts at 8 years old. 8.
(I don't say this for everything, but self-diagnosis is absolutely valid for autism and ADHD. In a world where people can still be institutionalized or lose their kids because of an autism diagnosis--this is fact for Britain and several US states. France is awful for autistics-- self diagnosis must be valid so we can figure ourselves out without endangerment.)
Masking is where a traumatized autistic (and I've also never met or even heard about an untraumatized autistic/ADHDer) will create a, persona, almost, that lets us function in the world.
It's rarely intentional, my youngest son started masking at 4 in pre-kindergarten because he wanted other kids to like him and want to play with him. Even though our home is very supportive of diversity, especially about autism and ADHD, y'all... he was *4*.
Being autistic and/or ADHD is so damned lonely. Especially if you don't know why you're different. So we do our best to adapt. That can cause issues.
Masking isn't meant as a lie. It's survival instinct. Because even though the world absolutely doesn't treat us like we're human beings, we still are. We want to survive and thrive as much as the next hominid. We have all the same needs and desires as any other human.
But what about the rest of all y'all? Can you recognize us?
Last week, a music teacher banned a 6 year old autistic kid from the school concert because 'they would ruin the experience for the other children' this is after making the autistic kid learn and practice the songs for weeks. 6 years old and that kid already has scars from discrimination about a genetic condition he can't help. It's cruel and so damned inhumane. At worst, the kid probably sang off key and maybe fidgetted a bit. But that would 'ruin' the concert. It's not the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, lady, it's an elementary school concert. It's absolutely not worth scarring that poor kid over. It also happened back in 2022, and again in 2017.
People will have seen 'Atypical' or 'The Good Doctor' or, gods forbid, Rainman and think they know what autistic people look like. (You should probably know that the majority of autistics loathe those shows because the rep is so bad.)
But here's the thing.
You can't see autism or ADHD. Not just by looking at us. It's purely a brain wiring difference. People don't even believe me when I tell them I am if they've seen me in person. And I'm professionally diagnosed as both autistic & ADHD.
Sometimes, there are co occurring issues, like intellectual disability, that are confused with autism, but they aren't actually the autism or ADHD part of things.
I'm an autistic and ADHD advocate. I have a consultant option on my Patreon for people who want advice either for themselves or so they do the right thing by their kids. I'm autistic/ADHD, my kids are too. I've been researching and learning about the topic for close to a decade at this point. I truly know what I'm talking about. I understand the different flavours and experiences of these two types of neurodivergency extremely well.
As an aside, while I have you here, ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) is never the right thing. You know how gay conversion therapy is bad? The same person (Ivar Lovass) came up with ABA, and it's meant to do the same thing. To torture people, most often children, into pretending to be what someone else wants them to be. It doesn't support or help the autistic person.
Almost unilaterally, ABA causes a PTSD breakdown of self coming into our 30s. I say almost, but I've never even heard of an autistic person who has been tortured by ABA who hasn't developed severe PTSD.
If you tried to use the methods used in ABA on a dog, you'd be guilty of extreme animal cruelty.
Yet, because it's practiced on human children, it's fiiiiine. Big money lobbying has even made it so that ABA 'therapy' is the only one covered by a lot of insurances.
We can thank Autism $peaks for that. They are a hate group. They fit every bit of the definition of one and then some. (So please don't donate to them at the till. They love to pollute stores like Toys 'R' Us.)
Adult autistics have been speaking out against them forever. But since most autistics (80%) are under or unemployed, we don't have the kind of financial sway we'd need to get rid of them. Yes, this even counts for 'the new ABA'.
You can't save ABA. Putting a 2 year old human child through 40 hours weekly of 'training' so that they can look and act neurotypical is just flat out torture. Making a child 'extremely hungry or thirsty' so that they will do what you want is torture. There's just no other way to slice that apple. It's rotten to the core.
But back to my point.
Recently, someone disagreed with my opinion on a fictional character. I feel the character is autistic/ADHD coded, the other person disagreed.
That's cool. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. And it's fiction, whatever. I'm not mad or upset. (I'm slightly insulted, because if you're not autistic/ADHD, [and a comparison they suggested made me think they definitely weren't] it's definitely not your place to disagree with one of us who says a character is autistic/ADHD coded. It's disrespectful and more than a little ableist. Simply because so many people have the completely wrong idea about both conditions.)
Regardless, the important part for a fictional character is that a person was able to see themselves in the character, to empathize with them. So it's not a big deal.
But it got me thinking about this.
Would most people recognize the subtle signs? They're almost always extremely subtle.
Ever hear of 'resting bitch face'? It's an incredibly common autistic trait because we either emote less or we emote differently than neurotypicals. In our world, it's known as 'flat face effect'. I have it, and I've been harmed many times because it looks like I'm pissed off even when I'm having a good time or I'm just deep in thought. I've got a firey temper, trust me when I say you'll know it when I'm pissed off.
So. You see a character (or even a person) who doesn't emote a lot? Or emotes extremely subtly? Wellll... that's a good clue.
So, X fictional character (or person) has odd or esoteric knowledge or hobbies. That's a good clue.
Are they nerdy or geeky in some way?
Most autistics and many ADHDers experience what's known as hyperfixation on special interests. Ever see someone get so fascinated by a topic or skill or activity that they get lost in it?
Forget to eat or drink?
Learn to do an obscure craft just because they wanted to know how it's done? That person is likely autistic or ADHD or both. It applies to fictional characters too.
Are they stand-offish? Many of us are for various reasons. One is that we're trying to figure out the 'rules' of wherever and whoever we're with.
Why all y'all insist on staring creepily at each others eyeballs is beyond me. I find it either too intimate, painfully so, or just ridiculous.
That quiet character (or person) who warms up slowly? There's a hint.
Another reason we tend to be cool with strangers is that ever present trauma thing. So many autists and ADHDers get to the point in life where we just don't have it in us anymore to keep trying to make social connections. A very common trait of both autism and ADHD is a lack of understanding of neurotypical social rules. And trust me, y'all have them.
Does the character or person fidget? Either subtly or more obviously?
It's called stimming. I had to learn to do it unobtrusively, so I'll suck air through my teeth (my dentist isn't impressed by this), circle my pointer finger around my thumb, tap the pad of each finger on my thumb in a rhythm, count silently to myself... the list is probably endless. I intentionally leave the cuticles on my thumbs rough, because I often rub the forefinger or ring finger of that hand over the rough cuticle as a stim.
Maybe they rotate their ring around a finger?
Play with their hair?
Stimming is something that calms us down and helps us regulate our emotions. (It's also one of the first things ABA robs us of. It's called 'quiet hands'.) It's really bad to deprive an autistic or ADHDer of stimming.
I used to click the button on a pen so much that I banned myself from having clicky pens because of how annoying it can be to others.
There are healthy stims and unhealthy ones. (Head banging is an example of an unhealthy stim.)
So a character or person who is just, always moving somehow? There's a hint. Or they're rhythmically moving a body part? Tapping fingers? Wiggling a foot or leg? Fussing with their clothing? Rocking?
Is the character or person 'a walking encyclopedia'? In other words, do they know a lot of information about either one or two topics or about many topics?
That character (or person) is often stereotyped as being a computer genius who can make any computer work just by looking at it for a few minutes. But it can honestly be any topic or combination of topics. That's another clue.
Many autists are almost hard wired to be painfully honest. Unless we've been traumatized into it, we tend to be shitty liars. I'm, unfortunately, a very good liar. It's not something I choose to do, because I don't want my trauma to change something so innate to me as my honesty. I had to learn to lie to survive. I don't recommend it.
Does the person or character truly believe in things like honour? Justice? Mercy? Peace? (Many neurotypical people will call these things social lies that keep the world working.) I'm talking a bone deep belief in honour etc. Are they a shitty liar?
I think I've blathered enough for now. I want to make it clear that I don't speak for all autistic and ADHD folks. I'm just one person attempting to share some of the more common traits with whoever wants to read about it.
A final thought.
Nothing can make someone autistic or ADHD. It's a genetic condition. Which is why so many parents find out they're autistic or ADHD when their kids are diagnosed. It's not more prevalent now, it's just that more people are learning about the actual parameters of it. Diagnosis is easier now than 50 years ago. It's been around since ancient Egypt and probably evolved as a way to keep the clan safe in prehistoric times.
We often have heightened senses. Sometimes we have what I call 'predator vision' which sounds awful but just means that my gaze is automatically drawn to movement. Our sleep cycles are also commonly very different than a neurotypical's. We probably ended up being people who would take night watch, stare at the stars for hours, or warn people when food has gone off so no one eats it.
I think we evolved right alongside neurotypicals because we're both needed for a successful society.
Many, many of the world's famed thinkers/creators are considered to have likely been autistic/ADHD based on records about them.
These people include:
Leonardo DaVinci
Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni
Nikolai Tesla
Albert Einstein
Thomas Jefferson
Charles Darwin
Emily Dickinson
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
William Butler Yeats
Vincent Van Gogh
Benjamin Franklin
People who are autistic or ADHD these days that you may not expect?
Dan Ackroyd
Darryl Hannah
Anthony Hopkins
Jerry Seinfeld
Courtney Love
David Byrne
Wentworth Miller
Satoshi Tajiri (creator of Pokemon)
There are also many, many people who have shown autistic or ADHD traits and haven't confirmed or it's impossible to confirm because they're deceased and we don't have the right records.
It's considered a massive faux pas to assign a diagnosis of anything to a living human being. So everyone living I've listed has in some way confirmed it. There are many, many other people (especially in creative industries or hobbies) I believe are likely one or the other, but I wouldn't label. That's for them to do.
If you enjoyed this or learned something and you can, please consider a tip or becoming a Patron. My work of words is my only income.
Every historical person is just a 'likely' because we'll never actually know. All we can do is point at the exhibited traits via records and say, probably.
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folkwhore1998 · 7 days
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All I do is try try try
I will literally never forget the first time I listened to folklore. I went for a walk around the pond outside in my neighborhood and it was cold as hell. It was such a vibe you guys. I would do anything to be able to listen to this album again. Take me to the ponds where all the poets went to die.
It is so different than anything else Taylor Swift has ever done honestly. I feel it is the lyricism of Last Kiss and All Too Well but they were introduced to depression and anxiety. Am I wrong? It is hard for me to say it is an album that divided our fandom because it brought in so many fans, but i also feel there are a lot of fans who prefer other albums over folklore.
I can totally see why and how folklore brought in so many new fans. #1 It is a completely new sound from Taylor (which is how I can maybe see why some people were divided) #2 We were all depressed during COVID and this album was a really good friend to so many people during this time. #3 It took people by surprise because there was no promo for the album. She just said "Here!" I think that there was a lot of curiosity that came with the release which brought in new listeners.
There are two songs on this album I will ride at dawn for: hoax and peace
YOU KNEW THE PASSWORD SO I LET YOU IN THE DOOR. YOU KNEW YOU WON SO WHATS THE POINT OF KEEPING SCORE? I'll admit, I was not always a hoax truther. It just didn't click. But one day I had the album on shuffle and there was a switch that was flipped in my brain and wow it is just so good. Like hello? DID YOU HEAR WHAT SHE SAID?
Peace is such a vulnerable song and we don't talk about that enough. It is like asking am I going to be good enough? but so much more than that. Taylor is a well loved celebrity and it isn't something she cannot change about herself. It is a major part who she is. "Will you accept the intrusive parts of myself and my life that I will never ever be able to change? I would literally die for you and I love your family as my own and I would do anything for you, but is my love enough? I'd also like to talk about epiphany. I personally don't relate to it a lot and I don't listen to it a lot, but I recently saw a video of someone saying "it's the worst song she's ever written" which absolutely infuriated me. Did I rank it last? Yes. I rank everything on how I personally connect with the song, not in terms of "I think this is a bad song." Just because I don't connect, does not mean it is a bad song. It is actually an incredibly deep song that I think resonates with a lot of medical professionals as well as people who lost loved ones during COVID. It talks about a loss so unfathomable or event so traumatic that you literally can't speak about it. And for someone to say it's the worst song she's ever written is honestly senseless and offensive and infuriating. (Respectfully)
☆ Fun fact: Whenever I am showing folklore to someone for the first time, I always play the LPSS version. The vocals are so raw and I feel like you can really feel the lyrics differently, and you can really hear what she just- which I find to be extremely important with this album.
Here are my rankings of
illicit affairs
the 1
my tears ricochet
this is me trying
the lakes
mad woman
exile (the live version is a different story...one of her best performances)
invisible string
the last great american dynasty
Folklore era favs:
actually sobbing. everything about this. they're all so appreciative and proud. sidenote: one of her best looks ever. dare I say it's my favorite?
no notes.
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if you know, you know.
Yes.. I know we need to get through Fall, but it's never too soon to start planning. Taylor said so!
☆ Here is the direct link to the folklore cardigan Christmas ornaments pictured above:
☆ Here is the direct link to the folklore stocking pictured above:
@taylornation @taylorswift
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