#this is really nice to know aren
theowlwrites · 4 months
Shall we dance? // Bailamos?
Melissa Schemmenti x F!Reader
Cariño: Term of endearment, can be translated as honey/ dear/ darling.
~Just want to clarify that I love Mexican and Italian culture. 🫶🏽
Warnings: no physical description of reader, it is mention that her nationality is Mexican en 2 occasions, consumption of alcohol. Angst, fluff, and a little smut at the end?
Summary: Reader is the new Spanish teacher at Abbott, she goes to a celebration of 5 de Mayo at Barb’s house, were things turn interesting with Melissa.
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“Come on!” Janine was trying for the hundred time to convince you to go to this little get together at Barbara's house “It will be fun!”
Today was 5 de Mayo, and for some reason, in the States, they celebrated it. You have nothing against it, but back in México it goes like any other normal day. Despite that, seeing all the decorations with Mexican themes made you miss your home.
“I've already told you” You close the folder you were working on a look at her “I can't go, I already made some other plans”
The truth was that you didn't have any plans, you just don't feel part of the teacher group just yet. You are the new Spanish teacher at Abbot, just entered this year. Everyone has been nice to you, especially Janine and Jacob. You also have a good relationship with Gregory, but you aren´t really close. When it came to the older teachers, you have no issue talking to Barbara, she is really nice, she sometimes even asks you to help her with her Spanish. But Melissa, she was a different story, she isn´t exactly mean, but she likes to make clear that she preferred anything Italian over Spanish, and that Italian cuisine was better than the Mexican. You never argue, mostly because Melissa intimidates you, but not for the reason she intimidates the other younger teachers, but because you have the biggest crush on her.
So going to this 5 de Mayo party to Barbara's house looks like the perfect place for Melissa to tell you over and over again how Italians do it better. Not really something you are looking forward to.
“Leave the booze to me Barb, I know a guy that can get me the best tequila” At that moment Melissa and Barbara were entering the teacher’s room, interrupting you and Janine.
Barb looks directly to you, ignoring Melissa “Oh good, I was looking for you dear” She takes a sit next to you. “Please can you take care of the music? Maybe you can play some Spanish bangers in that Walkman of yours” She meant your Spotify. All eyes were on you know, making you feel the pressure. “You are coming… right?”
“You know Barbara… I… I don´t think I can make it, I have to...” You were avoiding looking at her, you couldn´t lie to her face, actually you couldn´t lie to anyone’s face, you were a terrible liar.
“Okay, what is it?” Melissa´s voice came from behind you, then she walked to your side and took a sit in front of you. “Why don´t you want to spend time with us?”  She had her glasses over her head, leaving a few strands of hair free next to her face, she was raising an eyebrow. She was looking hot.
“It´s not that” Your voice comes out weaker that you expected. “I don´t know, it makes me feel a little… homesick, I guess” It wasn´t entirely a lie, but you couldn´t tell the redhead that she makes you nervous to the point of almost forgetting how to speak English.
“Oh darling” You felt Barbs arm wrap your shoulders. Melissa was still looking at you, but this time with more gentle eyes that before “I can imagine how you feel, but I think this could do you good. You can show us a little bit more of your traditions, I would love to hear about that”
“Yeah girl… we can get to know each other a little bit more” Melissa winked and eye at you, which made your heart beat faster.
With a big sigh, you finally agree “Okay then, I´ll be there at five o´clock”
“You won´t regret it, amigo!” Janine says
“Amiga… with an a” You laugh.
“See you at five o clock then, dear. Don´t forget the music.” Barbara smiles, pleased that she convinced you to go and leaves the room with Janine. Leaving you with Melissa, who was still looking at you.
She stood up and grab her bag, carrying it on her shoulder. “See you soon… cariño” You were so glad that Melissa left immediately after saying those words, otherwise, she would have noticed how your face turned red as a tomato.
Later that day you were at home, putting together a playlist of spanish music. You added some ballads, some more mariachi music, and algo some dancing music, like salsa, cumbia and some bachata, just for fun.
At 5:15 pm you were standing outside Barbara´s house, you have already knocked twice and nobody answered. Maybe you had the location wrong, so you decided to call Janine, but just as you were going to press the call button, a voice from behind called you.
“Hey, cariño, it´s over here” Melissa was standing next to her car on the sidewalk, holding some bags that you assumed contained the tequila bottles. “This way”
You followed her to the back of the house, everyone was there, at the patio. No one was inside the house, that’s way nobody heard you knocking.
“Look what I found in your front door Barb” Melissa was referring to you, as she went straight to the table to settle the bottles. All eyes went to you, for second time in the day. Everyone was there already, with the exception of Ava, that preferred to stay at home watching Desperate Housewives than “going to that lame party” (her words). 
“I forgot to tell you we will be at the back. Anway, I´m very glad you came. You bring the music?” 
“Of course,” You proceed to connect you phone to the speaker and start reproducing your playlist.
“Now this is a fiesta!” Said Janine while trying to dance at the bit of one song.
You were standing next to the speaker, watching everyone enjoy the party. Barbara has offered you a plate of mini taquitos, that were actually really good. It was probably the music, the Mexican decoration and even the taquitos that made you feel nostalgic, so your mind started wondering through your childhood memories. All those parties with your family, how your father had taught you to dance in those parties, how you mom food tasted. You were so immersed in you thought that didn´t notice when the redhead went to stand right next to you.
“Penny for your thoughts” Her voice snapping you out from your own mind.
“I was just remembering some childhood stuff, that all” You didn’t dare to look at her eyes. And she noticed it, actually she had always notice it, how you would avoid looking directly at her. She always took those moments as opportunities to look at you with more detail. Melissa hadn´t admitted this to anyone, not even Barbara. but she thinks that you are very beautiful, she´s intrigued by you. She likes it when you speak Spanish, you make everything sound better. But she has no idea how to approach those feelings, so she decides to keep her distance too, by not being the nicest or most accessible teacher at Abott.   She wanted that to change, and she was going to start working in that today. 
“You know… I sometimes feel nostalgic of my home as well.” She drank from the plastic cup she was holding. “I have always lived in Philly, but I don´t see my family as often anymore, and we haven´t had a reunion or a party in so long… I miss that” You looked at Melissa. She was actually telling you something personal, without sarcasm. “But of course, it must be harder for you, being away from your country” She then looked you in the eyes.
“It´s not too bad” You were actually looking at Melissa´s eyes, for mor than 1 second, for the first time, and God they were beautiful, just as her. “I visit them once a year, and they sometimes come visit” There was a silence, both of you looking at everyone else enjoying the party.
“Would you like a paloma?” Melissa asked, with a mischievous grin.
“That´s what you are having?” She nodded. “Yeah, please”
Melissa served you a paloma (soda with tequila), and from that moment you never parted her side. Both of you kept talking, laughing, at some point you teaching her some Spanish, and she teaching you some Italian. It was probably the booze, but you started feeling how Melissa was getting more comfortable around you. She was being handsy, placing her hand around your arm, sometimes over your hand, and some other times around your waist. Soon she started leaning against you, caressing your hair, holding your waist longer. She was flirting. Neither of you were drunk drunk, you were still perfectly conscious and in you five senses, which made you very anxious but excited about this sudden change in Melissa´s attitude.
It was already 9:00 pm, Janine, Gregory and Jacob had already left, tomorrow was school day. Barbara, Melissa and you were sitting around the folding table in the middle of the patio. Your music still playing. The three of you has stop drinking like an hour ago, to sober up, and were just chatting. And even without the effects of the alcohol, Melissa was still being nice to you, maybe a little less handsy, but still very friendly.
Barbara excuse herself to go to the bathroom. A comfortable silence between Melissa and you, when a salsa began to play at the background.
“God, I love that salsa, I used to dance it all the times at parties, with anyone, even alone, I just wanted to dance it” You smile as you remember. Unconsciously you closed your eyes and started moving in your chair, humming the song. Unaware of the way Melissa was looking at you.
“Shall we dance?” You snap your eyes open. She offers you her hand to you, already standing up next to you.
“Bailamos?” She repeats, and this time you nodded. She holds her hand until you are standing next to her. She places her free hand on your waist, keeping you close to her, while her other hand holds yours at the level of her face. And you start dancing.
It´s a slow salsa, so it is easy to dance, but you have the feeling that even if it was a faster rhythm, Melissa would dance like if she had done it all her life.
You feel Melissa´s eyes on you, she´s smiling. She moves her arm, so it surrounds your waist. The sudden closeness makes you lose your balance a little, Melissa holds you tighter, preventing you for falling. You both laugh.
Her face inches away from yours, her eyes going from your eyes to your lips. She caressed your cheek with her other hand, and pulls you closer, closing the space between you.
The kiss is sweet, slow. You both take your time to feel it, you enjoy it. Your arms around Melissa´s neck, keeping her close to you. Soon the kiss turns a little more heated, Melissa´s tongue asking for permission to pass your lips, to which you happily submit.
You still can taste a little bit the alcohol from earlier, and you taste the sweetness of Melissa.  Really there is no other way to describe it, it feels and taste sweet to be kissing her like this.
You break the kiss until you realize you need to take a breath, but not breaking the embrace. You are still so close to each other Melissa can basically fell how your heart is beating fast.
“I never thought Italians were this good at salsa dancing” That´s all you said, making Melissa laugh.
“We are good at everything darling, but you do it amazing yourself, cariño, give yourself some credit.” She kissed you again. “Let me drive you home.” Melisas whispered to your ear, you just nodded.
You both said goodbye to Barbara, not without offering to help her clean, to which she refused. Once inside Melisa´s car she couldn’t stop eyeing you, she kept a hand in your thigh. You couldn’t stop looking at her either, and honestly, if it wasn´t for the seatbelt, you would be on top of her long time ago.
You arrive home, Melissa opens your door, helping you out. And before she could say anything, you were kissing her. This time was passionate, full of desire and lust. Melissa was against the car, her hands on your hips. You were leaning on her, your hand on her hair.
“Come inside, please” You didn’t mean to sound do needy, but you couldn´t hide it.
“I would absolutely love it cariño, but tomorrow is school day, and I need another change if clothes. I just wanted to make sure you arrive safe and sound.” She was keeping her hands on your hips, but this time with a stronger grip, trying to create a little more space between you tow.
“Please” You took Melissa´s hands away from your hips, letting you lean to her once again. “Por favor” (please) You whispered to her ear. Now her arms were surrounding you shole waist. You started kissing her earlobe, descending to her neck. Melissa was in a trance. “Te necesito” (I need you)
“You are making this very difficult for me, cariño” Now it was Melissa´s voice the one that came out shaky, which made you feel proud.
“It doesn´t have to be difficult, you can just come in”.
“Let´s make a deal, hon… I promise that tomorrow I will be here, with a bottle of wine, and we can do whatever you want, but you have to promise to speak I little more Spanish to my ear, deal?” That mischievous grin was back on Melissa´s face, and you loved it.
“¿Te gusta cuando hablo español?” (Do you like when I speak Spanish?) You said as innocent as you could.
“I have no idea of what you just said, but keep doing that you will pay the price tomorrow”
“Trato… deal” You agreed. She kissed you once again, this time keeping it less heated and shorter. You took a few steps away from Melissa, trying to pull yourself together, and trying to ignore you soaked underwear. If Melissa wasn´t going to spend this night with you, you had some plans before going to bed, and as if she could read your mind, she added…
“Oh, and cariño… don´t touch yourself tonight, It will make tomorrow more fun” She winked her eye to you. It wasn’t a question; it was an order. “You can do that for me, right hon?” You really wanted to release all this tension tonight, but you couldn´t say no to Melissa.
“I promise” you said
“Good girl” She went inside her car. “See you tomorrow cariño, sleep tight” She left, leaving you horny as hell.
God, you couldn’t wait for tomorrow…
Okay, so this idea pop into my mind while I was watching Shall we dance?, I really love that movie, and I love Lisa’s character. 🥹
Hope you like it, and let me know if you want a second part 🫣
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psychickiss · 11 months
crepe with extra feelings
— saiki kusuo x reader (no 3rd person pronouns, 2nd pov)
— summary: After a disastrous Home Economics class, Saiki receives a sweet treat from you.
— notes: i feel like i have to say everytime that my fics arent beta read. i kind of just trust my gut on this (not this time though) also this is in season 1 episode 20 (chapter 98)
— things: i made the reader pretty casual with their feelings for saiki soo you could take this as romantic or platonic
— masterlist | request form | retrospring
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“Psst. Saiki. Don’t go yet.”
Saiki anticipated your calling out to him. He had heard your thoughts as the both of you watched your other classmates exit the room. Normally, he would’ve been one of the first to go, but he felt compelled to stay and hear out whatever it is you had to say.
Now, Saiki turns to you, eyebrow raised. He knows you made him an extra crepe. However, he’s seen the ones Nendou made, if you give him savory crepes too–
You hold out the crepe to him without a word. Whipped cream, banana slices, and chocolate syrup (both white and milk chocolate).
“My group and I didn’t have much, err, ingredients to work with for the filling. Plus, we had leftover batter. It does taste good though, if I must say.”
You glance to the side for a second and think, I’d eat the leftover batter but that just sounds like a thing one can only do at home. Also, you seem disappointed that the ones Nendou made had tuna in it. You quickly look back at him with a small smile.
Saiki’s eyes light up as he takes the crepe.
You remove your apron. “I’m not a good cook, or baker,” you declare. “But I do enjoy following recipes. I hope you like the crepe.”
Saiki takes a bite of the crepe and smiles. It’s decided. You’re no longer a nuisance. It’s not like you were much of a nuisance from the start, anyway. He says to you, “Thanks for the crepe.”, although his words were a bit muffled. You figure it was the crepe’s interference.
You reply happily as well, “You’re welcome. You could eat that on the way back to class, y’know?”
Saiki nods, and the two of you walk out of the room together.
“You aren’t going to take off your apron?”
“I’ll do it affer I finish the crepe. It’s good, by the way. Just the right amount of sweetness.”
You sigh in relief. “I’m so glad you like it! I made it myself, actually! I’m so relieved to hear you like it, really.”
Saiki nods at you, too busy eating to verbally respond.
You two enter the classroom, and are quickly approached by Nendou, Kaidou, and Aren. You don’t notice the way Saiki stops eating the crepe to grimace at his friends.
“Saiki! Where’d you get that crepe from?”
Saiki points to you as the source and you awkwardly smile at the guys. “Yep... My group had extra batter.”
“Why not make one for yourself?” Asks Aren. Saiki looks at you, he’s hoping your response wouldn’t be something that affirms whatever romance-related thought Aren is thinking.
“Eh... I don’t really like crepes... I don’t know if any of you liked crepes, too...”
Saiki hears Aren’s thoughts, as well as Kaidou’s thoughts. Good grief. Kaidou hasn’t picked up on what Kuboyasu’s thinking but those two gossip a lot... I need to stop this.
Kaidou purses his lips, the same romance-related thoughts brewing in his head. “How are you sure Saiki would want one?”
“He was dressed immediately when he heard we’d be making crepes. Plus, we’re friends.” You cross your arms. “There’s nothing wrong with that, right?”
Saiki subtly smiles. Nice one.
“Even if it wasn’t a platonic crepe,” Nendou grins, “you and my pal would make a nice couple!”
You laugh and roll your eyes. “Okay. Excuse us, now. We’d like to return to our seats.” You quietly think to yourself, I wouldn’t mind that, though.
Saiki silently finishes the crepe and throws the wrapper away in a nearby trash can before removing his apron. He walks toward his seat and watches as you go tuck your apron away.
You catch Saiki looking at you and smile. “So? How was the crepe?” You ask before sitting down.
“It was nice. Thank you, again.”
“You’re welcome. I’d be willing to make you a crepe again sometime, just say the word. Or...” You drag on that last word, and Saiki pretends he doesn’t hear the slight panic in your inner voice.
Do I go for it? Am I asking Saiki to go out? I don’t even like him like that! We’re not even that close to the point we can hang out one-on-one. Ugh, he’s waiting for me to finish my sentence. Just say it!
“Or... I could just take you out to some place that sells crepes? They’d probably make it far better than I do.”
Saiki hums. “I wouldn’t mind doing that with you. While it’s possible that crepes done by professionals would be better than by students like us, I’d appreciate it more if you were the one to prepare the crepe.”
Saiki’s words catch you off-guard for a second. “Oh–! Does... Does that mean you’ll go with me, though? A friend of mine showed me a place with all kinds of sweets, like crepes and coffee jelly–”
“I’m free today. We can go after school.”
“Oh? That’s great!”
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ystrike1 · 9 months
Taming a Corrupted Slave Man - By Purple Village (8.5/10)
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Love is off the table. Everything is a lie. Constant mind games. It's exhausting. Our protagonist is kind of a sociopath but I get it. Being the only woman with healing powers in the country is crazy stressful. The problem is everybody is crazy, and all of the love stories here end in blood. There's a surprise twist yandere too.
Aren is the only daughter of a very special family. Literally only the current king knows she has healing powers. It's a rare thing. Her family gets tons of royal cash because her existence is so convenient. She's VERY sheltered and her father loves her VERY much. He refuses to have more kids, because he loved his wife who died in childbirth. He spoiled his special daughter too much.
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She dies at the hands of her fiance, Duke Daiman. He's a strong, brilliant Knight...with a heart condition. She cured his heart, because she fell for his good looks at first sight. Daimen took advantage of her. He is a genius with royal blood. He uses her family money to attempt to usurp the throne. He also brings in a lover named Lillian, because he thinks she's that stupid. He thinks she will let him have a lover, because she's so lonely and she loves him so blindly.
Her father died in war. Her fiance is all she has.
She stands up for herself.
She says she will not let another woman in.
She attempts to break off their engagement, and he stabs her in the back.
Well, he doesn't want her to marry into another family. She's too useful. Her healing powers are too valuable. If he can't use her no one can.
His lover smirks while she dies.
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Aren basically wakes up evil it's wild. She values her servants. She adores her father utterly. She will not let him die in war. The law dictates that a man from every family must go to war, so she decides to adopt a "brother" into the family. A meat bag to be used so her beloved father may live. There's not even a whiff of romance.
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Aren knows who the most talented swordsman is.
She goes out to pick him up.
It's a slave named Cassadim. He became a royal servant under the Crown Prince in her past life. He was known for his unreal beauty and his savagery in battle.
Aren feels a little guilty for like a second, but she uses the royal money she has to buy him. From then on there is zero remorse. Her father knows, by the way. She literally tells her father he should adopt a fake son to use, if he's still not willing to remarry. Aren and her father are both actually interesting because they're "nice" on the surface, but if you annoy them...well...bye? Aren is against(?) traditional slavery. Kinda. She doesn't like torture. She intends to let Cassadim live well as her brother. As a noble. If he doesn’t die in battle he will lead a charmed life...but omg buying him to take her dad's place is soooo messy. Evil ice princess dang.
(Also Cassadim was used for "night services" as a slave, so she does save him from that. She NEVER does anything sexual to him. She also uses her powers to fix his scars, and health issues that piled up when he was an arena fighter. He's getting a pretty good deal. A healthy body. The possibility to survive as a noble son. Yeahhhh. Slight problem though. SHE NEVER TELLS HIM. HE DOESN'T KNOW HE'S A WAR HORSE UNTIL IT HAPPENS. AH! but by then he is willing to die for the family so I guess...the plan worked...)
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By the way nobody knows Aren is a healer. She of course steps in to save the prince.
Cassadim doesn't know EVERYTHING, but he knows. He doesn't trust Aren. He's totally right to be suspicious. He also uses her. He mistakenly thinks the King is the one who destroyed his home country. So he uses knowledge he gets from Aren's medical book collection to create poison. He goes to the ball with her.
He poisons the prince, Leon.
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And now he's in love....not really. Leon thinks Aren is the most perfect and convenient wife. She says no and he gets pushy. Cassadim finally gets jealous. He likes living with Aren and being her brother on paper, but he doesn't know how to feel about her getting married. He starts to act immature for the first time. He has been spoiled, on purpose, by Aren. This is the way she wants him to be. Clingy. Protective. Willing to die for her.
She tells him she knows everything. She knows he poisoned the Prince. He did it because HE used to be a prince, but his country was burned to ash.
The King didn’t do it.
Duke Daiman's father did.
How convenient.
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Aren jumps on the chance. She convinces Cassadim to go against the Duke with her. She pins the blame for the poison on the Duke too. Her revenge is perfect...Cassadim snaps for the first time. He accuses her of being a seductress. A liar. Someone who will never care about him as much as he cares about her.
He's sort of right. They fall in love later, but Aren is totally obsessed with revenge for half the story.
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He actually attacks her.
Things get tense.
Then we get the classic yandere ramblings. Yes, after years of "love" Cassadim loses. He is putty in her hands. Unable to stand the thought of her getting married or even sleeping next to someone else. He starts begging her to use him when she has "urges", because he doesn't want another man to do it. The Prince, and actually lots of people, start to comment about how weird he is. His worshipful love is an open secret.
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Aren grabs her last puzzle piece. Tol. A slave that was tortured by Daiman and his butler. Aren does a great favor for Tol. His tongue was cut out. She grows it back for him. Tol is grateful and he agrees to lie for her. Someone must be blamed for the poison incident.
The plan is:
Aren pretends to be a foolish girl in love with the Duke, who visits him in prison.
She will then claim the Duke encouraged her to commit treason and hide signs of his crime.
Tol will pretend to be a witness, as he has been a slave in the ducal house for a while.
She unleashes the plan when Daiman thinks he is safe. When he's out of prison with an alibi, at the Prince's royal birthday.
It goes off without a hitch. Daiman freaks out and has a seizure in front of everyone. Then, all of his enemies know about his secret weakness. If he doesn’t go to jail that's fine. One of his many enemies will take advantage of that weak heart of his.
Aren gleefully laughs about how she easily could have been his savior. He had the LITERAL ONLY MAGICAL HEALER in his grasp, and he chose to abuse her.
He falls from grace, and even the prince acknowledges how scary Aren is.
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Plot twist.
Daiman was obsessed with Aren in their shared past life. He cut her off from the world. He kept her his secret and he coveted her power and he was madly in love...but he was a bad yandere. He was not openly affectionate. He enjoyed controlling every step of her day. He knew she loved him unconditionally, so he made her chase him and beg for his love when she was lonely.
He brought in Lillian, a random woman, purely to make Aren jealous.
When Aren lashes out for the first time ever Daiman stabs her because he sucks, and he doesn’t want her to leave him. He didn’t want Aren to hate him. He just wanted her to be lonely whenever he wasn't around. He stabs her the second she falls out of love with him.
Lillian desperately tries to seduce him to save her own life, but Daiman cruelly torments her before he kills her too. He blames Lillian for ruining his perfect Aren.
Cassadim is a little less crazy. He gets the right to wed Aren after he does well in the war.
The audacity.
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sumeruin · 2 years
i feel like i sped ran all of ur posts i’m in luv <33 do u think i could maybe… be…🫧-anon??
anyways here’s me little brainrot on scaramouche/wanderer bc i love him
pervy!scara who would hide u under his desk during fatui meetings and make you suck and kiss his cock, all the while you have to hold back whimpers in fear of being discovered :((
yandere!scara who would slowly isolate you from everyone else until you feel abandoned :( but don’t worry! he’s dealt with plently of betrayals, all you need is him!
thinking about a yan!scara x touch starved/traumatized reader scenario. reader genuinely loves scara, and all their past trauma just makes them that much more attached to him. they look past all the red flags and think that this is the best thing for them!! Of course, scara is happy to receive the love, and gladly gives them everything they want :)) scara controls readers surroundings just to make them that much more attached and needy for him and his help! what a good boyfriend he is!
minor writing smut, dni if uncomfortable!!!
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omg nonnie!!! ofc you can be 🫧 anon!!! i will write about these in order they’re just too good :(
tw: noncon/dubcon idrk which one of the two to classify this as, i think that’s it tbh
i love love love the idea of pervy scara!!!! and i think it’s just that much better when it’s not in an au or anything so that there’s the power difference of him being a harbinger :( he’d make sure he got to the meeting before anyone else just so that he could feel your mouth wrapped around him during the boring discussions that just seem to drag on for so long :( if he thought you were having it too easy he’d quickly thrust up his hips, just enough to make you gag around him though, he does still have a reputation to keep :(
tw: yandere, heavy stockholm syndrome, like really heavy, like that’s almost entirely what this part is about you’ve been warned, isolation
i think he’d be the most likely to do this out of all the genshin yanderes, he’s just so so mean and so so lonely (and tbh a little bit pathetic and soggy but that’s part of his charm) he wouldn’t want you to look at anyone but him :( i think if his usual punishments with pain and degradation weren’t working he’d even take it a step further and leave you alone in a room for however it takes you to break :( he’d bring you 3 meals a day and plenty of water though!! he’d just ignore you whenever you tried to touch him or even just talk to him :( he’d look at you like you like you’re just a disgusting speck of dirt to him, and that’d continue until eventually you’d break and end up begging him to talk to you, to touch you again, to just do something so that you know you aren’t completely alone :( i think if what you did to deserve that punishment was bad enough he’d let it go in past that point, waiting until you’re clinging to his clothes, full on sobbing for him to pay attention to you again, and physically not letting him leave, then he’d bend down and gently wrap you up in his arms, cooing soft praises and sweet little nothings at you while he reassures you that, “shh, shh, it’s all ok, i’m here now, you don’t have to be scared anymore. i’ll take care of you, it’ll be just how it’s supposed to be.” :( he’d run you a nice, warm bath and pretend like he wasn’t also the one who did this to you, still holding you in his arms and whispering sweet, comforting little words and phrases in your ear :(
tw: yandere, kinda sorta stockholmish??? definitely not as bad as the last one but it’s kinda there, toxic relationships
i think this one is especially good with scara cause i think he’d be just so sad whenever his darling is mean to him, so when you actually, genuinely love him for who his is, obsessiveness and all, he’s overjoyed!! and he’s even more excited when you seek him out yourself and ask him for cuddles or a kiss or even just to sit next to him for a while :( i think he’d try to test you in the early stages of your relationship, just to make sure you aren’t pretending to love him back while you secretly plan to leave him. poor scara has trust issues, can you really blame him? :( besides, he’s made all his red flags more than clear by now, if you’re dumb enough to ignore them then that’s no skin off his back. after he decides you’ve passed his tests he’d become a lot more comfortable showing his true colors with you, gradually adding more rules and restrictions to your schedule, not letting you leave the house unless you’re with him, adding a lock to the outside of your bedroom door and not letting you have a key, making sure to always keep some rope around “just in case” :( eventually, it’d turn into you not being allowed to leave the house at all, and you constantly being in his arms or tied up when he can’t hold you himself. he knows you won’t mind as long as he continues to ravish you with his love and attention though. you’re just so perfect for him, how did he get so lucky? :(
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aroseinasnowstorm · 9 months
I would die for some jealousy or protective HCs for Alucard and Walter! If you don’t want to do both, I have a preference for Alucard 🥰
No clue if you wanted old or younger Walter, you gonna give me details people or I will just let my daddy kink play into this okay-
TW: It honestly is in the title pals- Yandere vibes, especially for Alucard, self-doubts, depression mention, self-loathing...
Jealous/Protective Walter
I think Younger! Walter would definitely be more possessive in the sense of- honestly this guy would be insecure okay. He would be rather needy of your attention and affection.
Listen he pretens he´s the big boss by smoking and bossing Alucard around already as a CHILD, when he grows older definitely is less sassy as a whole but I think that still lingers.
I think he wouldn´t be shy to show you that he cares for you a lot, speaking gifts, doing nice little things for you... and honestly all he wants in return is your attention
He definitely is affectionate in public, once you showed that you are interested in him too, he just always has his arm wrapped around you
Once you are in a relationship I think it is going to decrease a little. He isn´t going to glare at everyone anymore who just dares to breathe the same air as you but he still doesn´t like it when you are too affectionate with others
Honestly I think older Walter would be vice versa somehow? Depends on your age really- If you are (a lot) younger than him I think he would try to not be too jealous
You are young! Your life is still ahead of you! Don´t waste it with an old man as himself!
But if you are his age or once you just made clear that you really want that old butler well I think things are going to change
He is going to become more jealous with time and definitely doesn´t like you being too close friends with people who are definitely interested in you
He just wants you for himself and competition in his old days isn´t really something he is keen of
Definitely shows his love through acts of service and proving you that you don´t need anyone else but him
Jealous/Protective Alucard
Honestly this man always gives me predator vibes as a whole
Even when he interacts with people he cares for it´s always just him pushing everyones limits and enjoying to make others squirm
He can be very much an asshole and I think he would be rather jealous from the start
Not that he doesn´t trust you! He just doesn´t trust everyone else and honestly, he doesn´t trust himself a lot either. I mean it is evident that he is suffering from depression and self-loathing so the moment he finds someone who can make him feel better about himself?
Consider yourself taken love
Maybe he actually would try to keep his distance at first, kind of same opinion about this as older Walter, though I doubt your age difference would be the first thing in his mind
Rather that he is a vampire and you? Well even if you were a vampire or something equally as impressive he still would be worried because he feels as if he destroys everything and everyone he ever felt affection towards
So once you managed to worm your way into his heart you aren´t going anywhere anytime
He is very jealous, of whatever takes your time away from him
It´s especially horrible with other people, he is just always going to loom behind you like a shadow which scares off most people. Maybe he likes that, that others avoid you a little because of him
He isn´t a good person, he never claimed to be, he doesn´t call himself monster just to be self-degrading but because it is the truth
But he very much loves you and he will keep you safe against any form of harm. So if you don´t mind having Alucard glued to your side 24/7 and spend most of your time with him... well then you will enjoy this relationship a lot
Check out my blog for more Hellsing headcanons! I even have a masterlist, fancy, I know Like, Reblog, Comment- honestly do whatever you want, I just hope ya enjoyed this!
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Mc ate Solomon´s food
he was ready to dial for every type of emergency services they have in the Devildom before you can even think about dying
but to his surprise you didn´t even flinch
and Lucifer came to the only viable conclusion, Solomon managed to clone and keeps the real you locked up somewhere while the clone has to manipulate him to say yes to a pact
but you keep insisting your the real you so he slightly believes you
but he still wants to know how you survived that and honestly no explanation will make him belief you
especially if it´s that it just randomly happened
he´s still convinced that´s just one of Solomon´s weird plans and you aren´t the real you
he was ready to play real life Romeo and Juliet when he thought you died because you fainted
but good thing you woke up before he could go through with it
and he´s losing it when you tell him you´re immune apparently
because that means you were ready to just deal with whatever this abomination Solomon calls food will cause
I mean he´s happy you did survive but he would have just preferred it if you just did not eat it and gave him a heart attack
and warned him beforehand that Solomon dumped his food onto them
who knows what would have happened if somebody didn´t pay attention and accidentally ate it
he thinks your a Zombie back from the dead to torment him for not stopping your Death aaand now you´re pissed of because he insulted you
which is a fair thing to say because the only thing that´s different is that you look a bit tired and that was Levi´s fault he demanded that you play games with him the entire day and night
but you also ate whatever Solomon made and left in the House of Lamentation so maybe it isn´t that far fetched to think you died and came back
at least Levi is sorry for calling you a Zombie but now he just wants to know if you achieved IRL god mode and just are unable to be killed
and no he will not accept that you´re just immune to whatever Solomon makes
it was nice knowing you, but Satan has to hurry or he´ll miss the ally Cats
there is plenty of time to mourn when he has time but he has priorities that are very time limited
and imagine his surprise when he comes Home hours later and your sitting in his room and glaring at him
I mean it´s great you´re alive and everything but now he kinda wished you would have died because you look very angry because he was willing to let you die just so he can play with Cats
and the worst part is that you didn´t get a chance to play with the Cats because he ditched you as soon as he thought you were dead
but sucks to be him because you saw Lucifer and told him what happened, shows him to just leave you just so he can play with Cats and not take you with him
he sacrificed you to Solomon so he doesn´t have to die, I mean he loves and would die for you but not like this, never like this
he promises he will lay a Rose on your grave every week and will coordinate your funeral himself
maybe… depends on when it happens he has a bunch of parties planned so he might not remember or won´t be able to to plan your funeral
but it´s a good thing he won´t have to! because you survived, yay!
wait why are you saying you´re going to leave with Solomon? oh come on it´s not because he said he won´t plan your funeral!? he´s a very busy Demon so you can´t blame him!
okay he takes it back he would plan your funeral just don´t leave with the person who´s neglectful behavior nearly killed you, I mean he wanted to sacrifice you so he can live but his point still stands
before you die you have to tell him where your secret snack stash is, just because your gone doesn´t mean the snacks also have to die
I mean he´s you´re going to die but he really wants the forbidden snacks, the only food in the House he can never find
and now he feels like he did a horrible mistake asking that because as it turns out you managed to survive and you aren´t happy he just wants you snacks
you even gave him the worst punishment he could ever get, you said you´ll refuse to talk to him for the rest of the week
in his opinion it´s far to cruel just because he ignored that you could have died and thought your Human world snacks are more important
he´s already planning your funeral when he sees Solomon forcing you to eat whatever he made
and imagine his surprise when you don´t drop dead or faint, I mean you look ready to run and empty your stomach as soon as you can but you´re not dead
but he doesn´t want to know how you can survive that because the only way that would work if you used forbidden magic or did something really stupid and he can imagine you doing anything, not to survive Solomon´s food alone but it would be in character for you
but he´s glad you didn´t die, would be hard to find a new pillow as good as you are
and he would miss you but the pillow part is the most important one
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Our love is god (modern!Heathers JD type!Aemond Targaryen x Reader)
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synopsis: High school is hell. Truly. However, the one person you think will finally make it better, only makes it so much more worse.
warnings: angst, making out, death, murder, faked suicide, sexual abuse, physical violence, gun violence, afab reader
word count: 6.4k
taglist: @hopelesswritergall, @urmomsgirlfriend1
(If you want to be tagged for a specific character/fandom/series or in general let me know in my asks, comments or DMs)
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King´s Landing high school. Your own personal hell as you liked to call it in your journal. You really thought joining forces with the devils that ran it would help you get through it, but all it did was make things harder. You left your real friends and unpopularity behind for a seat at the same table as the Baratheon sisters, only to help them bully the rest of the school and focus on your looks and parties more than anything else. You dreaded seeing them every day. Floris wasn´t as bad you had to admit, she was nice. A cheerleader, but in the end she still participated in her sisters doings. Cassandra was a more devout follower. The year book committee and the boob job that mommy paid for made her think she was more than she actually was, but even she couldn´t reach the tyranny of their sister Maris. She truly was a mythic bitch. Drowning in your thoughts, one makes its reoccurring return. College will be paradise if you´re not dead by graduation.
From the side you could feel an elbow get rammed into your ribs painfully.
“Ow. What´s your damage, Maris?” You spit out the words while rubbing the sore spot on your side.
“Stop whining. You are going to go to the big frat party with me this weekend. You should be thankful.” Just hearing her tone made you want to punch her in the boob or something. Gods, you couldn´t even think straight.
“Yay, great.” You can barely hide the sarcasm in your faked excitement.
However Maris doesn´t get the chance to say anything about it as right in that moment a commotion breaks out in the back of the cafeteria. With your old friends you would have been able to just ignore it, but with the Baratheons? No chance. The four of you turn around to see Cregan Stark and Qyle Martell harassing a student you think you have never seen before, which is highly unlikely as literally everyone here had been to kindergarten, elementary school and middle school together. Despite not recognizing him, you feel an immediate yet inexplainable attraction towards him. The whole ethereal beauty that he had going on was really working for him. So much so, that when the bickering stops and a gasp rolls through the cafeteria as the stranger pulls out a gun, you aren´t even that deterred. In fact you think it´s kinda funny how the two jocks pee their pants at being shot with blanks. They deserve some push back to their constant bullying.
But even that little moment can´t lift your mood long enough to get you over the party. When Maris picks you up in her dad´s way too expensive car you already feel like sending her away again. On the other hand you might as well end your own social life then. No.
“And don´t forget the corn nuts!” Maris yells after you as you walk towards the convenience store on your way to that stupid frat party.
“Plain or bbq?” You yell back.
“Bbq!” You get your answer in the middle of the door.
Rolling your eyes so she doesn´t see it you make your way through the store grabbing the snacks and looking around until you almost run into someone.
“Oh, sorry I didn´t look where I was going.” You take a step back feeling your cheeks heat in embarrassment as you recognize the stranger from school.
“It´s okay… You know, I´m not the biggest fan of your friend either.” He says as he grabs some snacks himself.
“What?” His statement catches you off guard quite a bit.
“I watched you… Today during lunch and how you rolled your eyes at her.” He explains as if it is nothing.
“You´ve been watching me?” You ask surprised, but with a smile on your face. “Should I be flattered or scared?”
"A little bit of both maybe?" He leans against one of the shelves. Putting on a half smile himself. A very handsome one at that. For the first time you really study him. The way his silver hair flows past his shoulders. The intense look of his right eye and the scar above his left one. The sharpness of his cheekbones, nose and chin. Until your eyes stick to his lips. Those perfect, pink lips with the sharp cupids bow.
"I can do that..." You whisper more to yourself than the lean person in front of you.
That's when the penetrating sound of a car horn and Maris screaming your name pulls the two of you back to reality.
"Better run quick. Your friend is waiting." He teases as you make your way to the Cash register. Your name rolling of his tongue in the most promising manner. Promising what? That is what you wanted to find out.
“I should.” You sigh. “But before I go… Since you know my name, it´s kind of only fair to tell me yours, don´t you think?”
“Aemond. Aemond Targaryen.” He finally introduces himself and upon hearing his last name you remember him distantly. You had talked to his sister Helaena once or twice a few years ago.
“Well, it was nice meeting you Aemond Targaryen, but I have to go appease the will of a high school tyrant now…” You shoot him a wink and get back to the car as quickly as possible.
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The party, much like you thought, is a total bust. The music is complete shit, the alcohol is cheap and Maris leaves you alone to do god knows what with some frat bro almost immediately. Leaving you alone to be harassed by his friend. It all together gives you a major headache and so you leave at the first chance. Walking home still is a better option than having to bear this any longer.
You arrive there late, but the fresh air helps the headache. To your further luck, your parents are already asleep so you can go to your room directly. Writing out all your frustrations in your journal.
While you do so there is a tap on the window. Jolting out of your seat, you see Aemond standing there.
“Greetings and salutations.” He says as you open up for him to come inside. An invitation he takes instantly. “So how was the party?”
“About as good as one would think…” You scoff, closing your journal as you turn towards him.
“Ah… I bet your presence was missed greatly.” He says, the words dripping with sarcasm and making you laugh. I was nice to really laugh for the first time in a while. The two of you talk some more and somehow end the night cuddled up naked under the blankets. Remnants of both of your juices sticking to your thighs as you talk about gods know what. You honestly can´t pay much attention. Yet even post nut clarity couldn´t give you the realization that he just found out where you lived and came in through your gods damn window. Probably because his kisses kept your mind far away enough from reality.
“Maris Baratheon is one bitch that deserves to die.” He sighs.
“Killing her won´t solve anything. I say we just grow up be adults and then die.” You reply in a quiet tone. Your faces so close to each other that there is barely even an inch between you. Perfect to pull him in once more. Locking your lips in a deep, passionate kiss.
The two of you fall asleep soon after. A tangle of limbs and your head tucked under his chin, on his chest. However when you open your eyes again you are alone. The only sign of Aemonds company the previous night being your own nakedness and a few marks he had left on you that would be easily covered up.
The real shock comes when you get back to school on monday. Meeting up with the Baratheon sisters as every morning, you are surprised to see only Cassandra and Floris. Who look tired. Well, Floris looks tired and quite sad. Cas looks as unbothered as ever, if not a bit happy.
“Where did you leave Maris?” You ask coming to a stop in front of them.
“Didn´t you hear? She killed herself two days ago…” Floris reveals with a quiet voice. Your heart sets out for a beat at the news.
“Yeah, where have you been all weekend?” Cas adds.
“I- I don´t know… I´m sorry for what happened with your sister. You put your sunglasses back on and leave them to find Aemond.
“Hey.” You great him with a small peck.
“What is going on? You look like someone just died.” He remarks, pulling you close to him and placing another peck to your cheek.
“My best friend just killed herself.” You murmur.
“Don´t you mean your worst enemy?” He replies with a small grin.
“Same difference.” Still bewildered by the happenings of this morning, you shake your head and then go to class with Aemond.
Only to learn then that you would all get a half day off. A half day seemed to be fairly less for a student just committing suicide in your opinion, especially one as influential as Maris, but then again she also enjoyed more fame than during her life. So at least she couldn´t complain. You felt a bit bad for entertaining that thought. Then again with how many lifes she had ruined...
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Going to school after that was even worse for weeks. Everyone was romanticizing Maris´ reign of terror, Cassandra silently took over what her sister had started, or at least tried to and you? Well, you only ever got away from it all when you spent time away from it with Aemond, who seemed surprisingly chill, if not smug about the bully being out of the way. The two of you get closer quick during that time. He is the most understanding boyfriend you could have ever wished for. Even his few quirks are cute. Yet he keeps his darker sides safely tucked away from you. At least for now, he vows himself. Who would have known it could get even worse.
When you enter the school building the next day, everyone is staring at you, talking to their friends in hushed whispers. At first you assume it was the usual whispers, but when Cas comes up to you, you quickly get taught better.
“You little bitch. I never knew you were that kind of person.” She says with a wide complacent grin firm on her face.
“What are you even talking about, Cas? What the hell is going on here? What is everyone talking about?” You hiss. Gripping Aemond´s hand slightly, who seemed just as confused as you were. Though he was more successful in concealing his feelings.
“Shouldn´t you know what you did? “ your supposed friend feigns innocence. It really makes you want to slap the holier than thou look off her face.
“Just. Tell. Me.” You make sure to put emphasis on every single word.
“Qyle and Cregan are going around telling everyone you blew them.” She holds her hand in front of her mouth to hide her giggle.
Without another word, you stomp past her. Running around the next corner, where Aemond stops you.
“Hey. Hey! Angel, where are you going?” He questions. Holding you by the shoulders.
“To those stupid… fucking…” You let out an undefinable sound of frustration. “They may get away with harassing the all the girls of this entire school, but not me.”
 “You have to take a breath and calm down.” He says in a low voice as to not attract any more attention.
“Don’t tell me to calm down.” You seethe, but at least you stop marching through the mass of other students.
“Calm down.” He reiterates. “I already have a plan.”
Right in that moment however the bell rings signaling the start of first period. And it is pure horror. The whispers all around you echo in your head even when it is entirely silent. Teachers drone on and on about topics that you couldn´t get less of a shit about. Cassandra and Floris arent´t any help with any of it either of course. With how nice Floris tended to be it was easy to forget who they were sometimes. Time stretches endlessly until you reach home. Sitting down on your bed, you wait for the telltale sign of Aemond coming over. By now the knocking on the window doesn´t even startle you anymore. The opposite is the case. Whenever you hear it, your heart instinctively skips a beat. Just like it does now.  You open the window and watch Aemond hop inside. Greeting him with one, two, three little pecks to the lips you pull him to the bed with you by the lapels of his leather jacket. Barely separating from him as you do so, you grin against his lips at the way his large hands grab your hips to pull your body close to his.
“I missed you so much.” He hums against your mouth between kisses.
“We haven´t seen each other for two hours.” You giggle. Running a gentle hand over his chest as the fingernails of the other massage his neck.
“I know and it felt like an eternity.” Aemond all but growls against your neck. Biting it lightly, before sucking a mark into the supple flesh.
You let out a trembling whine at the tingling feeling his lips chase down your spine. The needy sound followed by an amused chuckle from him.
“So, your still out for revenge?” He growls against your neck.
“Yes.” You answer just a bit more breathless than before.
“Good.” Aemond pulls away from you and throws two guns beside you on the bed. Startled by them, you jump back. Looking at the blond, who returns it with a smug expression.
“Aem, I want to pay them back not murder them!” You shriek, settling down a good bit away from the weapons. He on the other hand is eerily calm.
“Do you take german?” He asks as he sits down and takes your hands.
“French.” You answer still on edge.
“These are `Ich lüge´ bullets. My grandpa stole a shitload of them in WW2, they´re like tranquilizers. Only they break the surface of the skin enough to cause a little blood.” Aemond explains as he dumps a handful of bullets between the guns.
“So… It looks like the person has been shot, but really they are just unconscious and bleeding?” You ask just to be sure. The sight of the weapons made you feel all kinds of bad.
He nods. “We shoot Cregan and Kyle, it looks like they shot each other and by the time they regain consciousness, they´ll be the laughing stock of the whole school.”
“And what is that for?” You point to the folded paper that lies between the bullets.
“That is the cherry on top. A fake suicide note. Painting the whole thing as them killing themselves, because they knew they would never be accepted for being a gay couple.” Aemond snickers and you have to admit that the plan in all it´s simplicity sounds pretty good.
Taking your phone you send a text to Cregan. Luring him and Qyle into the woods behind the school under the guise of wanting to have a threesome with the two of them. Knowing full well it would get them where you wanted. Throwing your phone to the bed with a nervous giggle, you feel Aemond crawl on top of you. The weight of his taller frame pushing you into the mattress as his lips find yours again.
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When you enter the woods and Aemond kisses you one last time, before you hide your gun and he goes to hide in the trees, your whole body trembles with uncertainty.
“Hey, Dollface.” Cregan greets you.
The two guys come to a stand about five feet away from you. “So, how are we gonna start this?” Qyle adds to his friend. Wasting no time as always.
“I thought you two could start by undressing for me.” You flutter your lashes at them, voice like honey in their ears.
“Okay.” The two of them say in unison. Nodding before they all but tearing the clothes of their body, stripping down to their boxers. The three of you count to three and right as they want to rip off the last piece of fabric down too your plan sets in action. Aemond jumps out from behind a nearby tree, the pair of you whip out the guns and aim for the half naked and afraid boys. Aemond hits Qyle right in the chest and he drops to the ground right where he stood. You are less lucky, missing Cregan by only an inch. He turns to see his friend lie on the ground, in a growing puddle of his own blood and makes a run for it. Your heart starts pounding in your chest even harder than before, if that even is possible. Threatening to break out of your ribcage as you watch Aemond´s face contorts into a grimace of anger.
“Shit! You stay here, I´m getting him.” He barks, chasing after a screaming Cregan.
It´s silent where you remain alone. Making you wonder what is going on. In the same breath your eyes fall down to Qyle´s body. The blood still pools underneath his body, prompting your thoughts run off the rails with crazy theories.
It isn´t until Aemond chases Cregan back to you, where he finally shoots him as well. The burly body flopping to the ground like a sack of potatoes. With horror you see your worst theory come true. They are both dead. Aemond killed them. And you helped him. A scream leaves your lips and you throw the weapon in your hand away on instinct. Clasping your hands over your mouth as the shock seeps in.
“No. No, no, no, no.” You mumble more to yourself than anyone else really. You are frozen to the spot you are standing in and if it were up to you, you would fall to your knees then and there. But Aemond takes your hand and pulls you away from the crime scene.
You don´t come to until you are in his car, in front of your house. You feel empty, detached from reality. Your body functions on autopilot. Putting a cigarette into your mouth to even somehow try to cope with the stress of what you had just become witness to. However when you lift up the lighter, the flame licks at the skin of your palm instead. You let out an agonizing scream and tears immediately shoot into your eyes at the white, hot pain.
The funeral a week later is a rough one. Even rougher than Maris´. The way the Septon plays up the gay martyr part is unbelievable. Aemond´s presence by your side doesn´t give you any comfort any more either. You can barely look at him anymore. Over the course of the past days your mind had started to come back from what lead you there, but it also distanced itself from him. Only able to see that side of him that he had hidden so well. All you want to do is hide under your blanket for the rest of your life, instead you have to sit in that gods forsaken sept, feeling sorry for Floris and Sarah, Cregan´s half-sister and your ex best friend, who seem to be taking this the hardest. You knew that Floris and Cregan, despite him being a total goon, had been kind of on and off for a while. The two of them didn´t deserve this. Fuck, the bad conscience was eating away at you, making you nauseaus. Of course, Aemond is entirely calm. Not letting a single soul see behind the carefully strung up curtain. Even though you imagine to see the same small smug smirk in his face again that he had expressed while explaining his plan to you all those days back.
Repressing the urge to run out of the sept, you pick at the skin around your fingernails until they bleed.
Once the service is over, you get onto Aemond´s motorcycle and let him drive you home. No matter how hard it is to keep holding on to him and not dissociate the whole ride. Your mind makes up then and there, that this has to end. You have to end this.
That night when he comes over, you sit him down.
“We um… We need to talk.” You mumble. Still not meeting his eye. He had already noticed your inability to do so since that day, but until now he thought you would catch yourself again after an initial shock. A mistake he noted mentally to never do again.
“What do you want to talk about?” He feigns ignorance, though he full well has a perfect idea of what you want to talk about.
“I… We… I can´t do this anymore, Aemond.” You stammer out, your leg trembling under his hand that rests on your thigh.
“Cannot do what anymore, Angel?” His one seeing eye rests on you as intensely as ever.
“This. Us. I thought I could cope with what we have done, but I can´t. I can´t look at you like before anymore. The sight of their… bodies… still haunts me in my dreams.” You try to find the right words to express your feelings and still it feels like the severity of them doesn´t come out right.
“You can´t be serious about that.” He faltered. Despite having a feeling about what you were gonna say, he still feels floored by it. His heart hurting at your words.
“I am. I never wanted this. “ Your voice hardens as you get more confident about your decision.
“You wanted this too. You said you wanted revenge.” Aemond insists.
“Yes, I wanted revenge. I did not ask for this. Two people are dead!” You try to get through to him. To no avail.
“You didn´t seem to mind much when Maris died.” He blurts out. It´s entirely in the heat of the moment. And he regrets revealing it to you like that, but it is out nonetheless.
“What?” You shriek in response. “I thought Maris killed herse…”
The thought of the fakes suicide note for Cregan and Qyle enters your mind and you hide your face in your hands, fighting back the tears that sting in your eyes.
“Please just leave…” Your voice comes muffled from behind your hands. Opting to leave your face buried in them as you speak the defeated words.
“Angel, I am not just going to leave you. We can talk about this.” He takes your wrists in his hands and pulls them down to your lap.
“What is there to talk about? You killed three people!” You pulled your arms away from him, but his grip was too strong.
“Yes, but I did it for you.” He argues.
“How was any of that for me?” Your voice drips with disbelieve.
Aemond comes closer to you until he whispers against your lips. “They hurt you. I will never let anyone hurt you.”
Then he presses his lips to yours roughly. His tongue pushes into your mouth forcefully, stunning you into an overpowering inability to act, as he pushes you against the headboard. The way his lips move against yours is aggressive, making you cry out in search for help or to get him to stop. Just something, anything to make him stop. It takes several more moments for your brain to return to the situation, but once it does you start struggling with all your might. Biting his lip and kicking him away from you, finally sets you free from his assault.
“I want you to go. Now.” You say quietly but with as much certainty as you can put into your voice. He turns around and leaves. Surprisingly without another word. Yet your body stays on edge until long after he is gone.
Your arms wrapped tightly around your middle, you shiver from your nerves processing everything that had been revealed and happened. Unable to really cope with it yet. Despite not having really liked them your friends where dead and only the gods knew what Aemond would do next.
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That night you get haunted by him in your dreams.
You find yourself in the Baratheon´s dark kitchen. Aemond in front of you, looking for a knife. For some reason you know Cassandra is going to be his next victim. Yet, no matter how hard you try to speak and keep him from going through with his fucked up plan, you can´t. Not a single sound comes from your lungs. With panic you watch as he grabs a dirty knife from the dishwasher and goes into Cas´ room. In the complete dark you can´t see exactly what he does, you can only see the world go dark around you seconds later, feeling like you are falling into a bottomless pit, you wake up with a gasp. Sweat soaking your pillow and your chest heaving with short heavy bursts of breath while your heart threatens to break out if it. You know you have to stop him, before what the dream is foreboding becomes reality. He is incalculable, dangerous and whatever he does end up doing next, can´t happen under any circumstances. You spend the whole day trying to make out a plan, not paying attention to any of your teachers or Floris and Cassandra. Not a single idea your brain comes up with is good enough to work. Luckily it also makes you ignore the weird looks your friends are giving you over your unresponsiveness.
Saying goodbye to them when they drop you of in the afternoon, you plan to head to your room immediately. A plan that is thwarted by your parents, who await you in the living room, worried expressions on both of their faces.
“Darling! We need to talk to you for a moment.” Your mother speaks up first. Seemingly relieved to see you alive and well.
“Sure, what´s going on?” Your mind is still half busy with Aemond when you put down your bag in front of you.
“Aemond just dropped by. Saying all these things about how we should look out for you, that he was worried for you…” Your mom´s voice is shaky as she recalls on the memories of what had happened so shortly before you arrived.
“Did he say something else?” You say passively. Inside you are boiling already. Who does he think he is?
“He said you confessed some rather alarming urges to him. That you shouldn´t be left alone with sharp objects or… or that kind of stuff.” Your father holds your mother a little tighter to calm her down again. You truly feel sorry for them. How could they know that what they have been told was as wrong as it possibly could have been.
“I´m sorry… But I´m not… That´s not true. You know I´d talk to you if there was anything going on.” You assure them.
You try to spend more time with them, but once your parents start to believe you, you make your way back to your room. Your mind is finally made up on what to do. If talking to him wouldn´t help to get him to stop killing, maybe you could shock him into it. Hopefully. He did used say, that the extreme always makes an impression. Taking your bedsheets you tie them around your body in a way that allows you to make it look like you had hung yourself. For once it would come in handy that he had never stopped texting you. Hurrying to get done before you hear that accursed knock. Tipping over the chair you use in your preparations mere seconds before he lets himself in. No matter how much you want to move or even at least open your eyes, you force yourself to stay calm. No matter how unfamiliar the air under your forcefully relaxed feet feels and your lungs hurt from the flat breaths you can allow yourself at most to take. Blissfully unaware to the gun hidden in the back of his pants, with which he planned gods know what. While he doesn´t move or breath or speak for a short moment. Frozen in a shock not deep enough to hold him for long.
It seems you have underestimated his crazy. Mentally you curse yourself out aggressively so that you almost miss him beginning to speak to you.
I can´t believe you did it.” He says in a breathy tone and you can hear his hands slap against his thighs as if he had raised them in defeat beforehand. “I loved you. Sure I was coming in here ready to kill you, but… I at least would´ve wanted to tell you about this petition the whole school signed first. Of course they don´t know what they really signed up for, but that won´t be any of their concern anymore soon. Oh Angel, it´s a shame you don´t get to see this play out anymore. I have the perfect plan. During pep rally on Friday the whole school is gonna come down and everyone in there with it. Listen to this. We, the students of King´s Landing high, will die. Our bodies will be the ultimate protest against you. A society that churns out slaves and blanks. Fuck you all.”
He was even further gone than you would´ve thought or hoped. “It´s not very subtle, but a school blowing up, that´s big. The kind of big that infects a generation. The only place Baratheons and Snows can get along is in heaven. We could´ve united them together, you and I… you left me no choice. So I will do it alone if I must.”
By now he is breathless from the passion that is no doubt not only in his voice but also his heart. The clicking of a lighter registers over the ringing of sheer panic in your ears, followed by the faint footsteps and mumbling of your mother. Aemond is quick to sneak back out the window and you are just about to open your eyes back up and take a deep breath, when the door opens behind you and your poor mothers scream can be heard throughout the entire house.
Hurrying, you untie the bedsheets with shaky hands, hurting your knees in the process of falling to the ground, but you don´t care. All you care about is getting to your mom. Hugging her weak, sobbing form to your body as tightly as you can. Soothing her as best as possible, but the damage has been done you guess and you really can´t blame her. If you would have been in her place you wouldn´t have reacted or felt any other way.
“It´s okay, mom. I´m okay, I´m still here. It wasn´t real.” It´s safe to say, that after all of that you don´t sleep well. Or at all really. How could you after Aemond has told you what would happen next. You want to stop him, feel like you have to stop him, even more so now that your plan has failed so miserably. If anything you´re under the impression of having worsened the state his soul is in.
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For two whole days you have to watch school go by without anything out of the ordinary happening. Which just makes the bad feelings in your gut swirl even more intensely. Yet, at the same time, there is a strange calm inside your mind. There certainly, realistically, is very little you can do to keep Aemond from doing what he wants to do. But at least if, or rather when, you go down on Friday, you don´t go down by being by Aemond´s side, watching the smoke pour out the doors. Making s´mores over the burning remains of your dead school mates. This was sick. A whole parade of red flags. A perverted power fantasy, that you can´t believe you didn´t notice before. In those days you have more people than you are willing to count come after you, questioning how you are still alive. How did the stupid rumors always spread the fastest and furthest?
The poor guidance counselor is who almost suffers from you losing your nerves over it, on the day of. You are quick to apologize as well though.
“I am so sorry, I´d be glad to talk about this another day, now I really have something more important to do.” You let the man behind, that still opens and closes his mouth like a fish on land.
Marching through the masses of students on their way to the gym. Scared shitless, but still determined to put an end to this if you can. It was high time you pulled your shit together anyway. Finding Aemond in the boiler room, he is already busy setting up multiple explosives.
“Hey!” You pull his attention away from the dynamite.
“Greetings and salutations. Come to change your mind?” He inquired.
“No. Never! Gods, how delusional are you to think that anyone would join you in this madness! You are no better than your mother.” You take another step closer to him. The venom in your tone gets him to stay silent for once. However he still doesn´t stop fiddling with the bombs.
“Put that down, slowly and then put your hands behind your head.” You put your hand in the pocket of your cardigan to grab your fathers hunting knife in case you´d need it. Pulling it out you earn a genuinely amused chuckle, then everything goes too fast for you to react properly. Aemond kicks the weapon out of your hand, letting it slide out of your reach, and knocks you out with a few , for him very simple, movements. Sinking to the ground you barely stay conscious long enough to see him walk further into the basement of the building. Fuck. The already quiet sounds of the pep rally become even more quiet over the dull thudding in your head and then darkness claims you.
You don´t know how long you have been out once your eyes open again. Thankful for the low light of the rooms you are in, you tumble towards the direction you saw Aemond leave in. Holding on tightly to the wall or anything you can find to keep the dizziness from knocking you off your feet again. Too busy to hear your scuffling steps, you can grab the gun he had brought and laid down beside himself.
“I said put it down… and hands behind your head…” The sentence is broken up by your heavy breathing.
One of his hands shoots to the side to check for the missing gun. Raising them over his head almost immediately and turning around to you slowly.
“Angel, come on. You know you can´t shoot me so why don´t you just put down the gun and join me? I´m giving you one last chance.” His tone is still smug, but you can hear a hint of fear shine through the overconfidence.
Scoffing, you shake your head at his inability to even now be real with his feelings. “Just turn off the bombs.”
Behind his eye you can see his brain mulling over every possible outcome to this situation. Surprising you, by complying to with you have just said. Putting his hands behind his head, the feeling of the imminent danger of the situation subsides from your system and you finally hear the voices from upstairs again. Having had enough of talking you wave for him to go outside with the gun, which you hold safely in both hands. Due to everyone being still in the gym and none the wiser as to what was going on not too far away from them. In front of you Aemond pushes the big front doors open for both of you to step outside.
Standing still, he turns to you again. Eye half closed and so close to you that if either of you were to move, your lips would most definitely touch.
“You know what you need to do now.” He murmurs. The way his breath fans over your face so warm and for a moment you feel set back to the beginning of your relationship. When everything was still okay or at least as okay as it could be.
“I don´t want to have to do it.” You whisper back.
“There is no other way to end this anymore now. I am far too damaged, but you are not beyond repair. Please… Stand back now. You know it had to end this way. No matter how much you wished it didn´t.” Aemond takes a step back himself and stretches his arms out to the side.
You take a deep breath and as you take a step away from him remind yourself of everything he had done and wanted to do. Looking up at him you ask him in a voice void of emotion.
“Any last words?”
“I worship you. So much. I´ll trade my life for yours.”
With a heart heavier than it should be, you point the gun back at the man who you had thought was the only one to ever truly understand you. Then, before your brain can have the chance to think twice about it your actions, you pull the trigger.
The shot rings in your ears long after it is over. The sight of Aemond falling to the ground like a sack of potatoes, filling you with a great void of nothingness. Still you stay there for a few more minutes. Lighting yourself a cigarette and waiting for that atrocious ringing to stop. A part of you still hopes to wake up and have all of this be a nightmare, but you never wake up and the cigarette is entirely done. So you throw the damned thing away, drop the gun on Aemond´s lifeless body and get back inside where everyone is flooding the hallways.
Ignoring Cassandra´s comments and protest, you march past her, taking Floris by the hand and walk over to Sarah who is sitting alone on the stairs.
“Ladies, there is a new sheriff in town. And the way I see it, all three of us are still free tonight. So, I propose we buy snacks and watch movies at my place all night.” You say with a conciliatory smile.
The two girls look happy about the suggestion. About as happy as they can look under the given circumstances and together the three of you decide to cut the school day a bit shorter and go now.
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smutinlove · 6 months
Alexandrian Christmas │ Carl Grimes Fluff
Description - An Alexandrian Christmas was always fun. But now it was a day to be remembered.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
You had always favored Christmas over Halloween. As a kid, you'd always look forward to getting gifts over candy. And you preferred a nice Christmas dinner prepared by your parents instead of a cold and chewy turkey on Thanksgiving.
But everything changed when the world ended. You still remember that night. You were alone, running away from walkers as fast as you could. Then, a man named Glenn found you and took you to a place called the quarry. There, you met a lot of kind people. You also met your best friend there. Carl Grimes.
But all good things come to an end. Walkers. Death and screams.
And now you find yourself in a town called Alexandria. It was a beautiful place. It was safe for you and for your group.
But it wasn't safe enough for Glenn and Abraham.
"Nice hair, idiot," you heard. Someone threw a pea at you, hitting your eye. "You asshat! I'm gonna get you, Grimes. I swear!" You yelled. Where did he even get that?
"I love you too," he teased. Carl grinned before he quickly ran away. That was your husband. Well, not really. You had a crush on him but never did anything about it. Deep down, you knew you weren't good enough for him.
He was everything to you. And you were just Y/N Y/L/N.
You sighed. You looked out the window and realized it was snowing. It was snowing! You hadn't seen snow in so long that you almost forgot what it looked like.
You ran to the door, put on your boots, and grabbed a coat from the coat rack. Michonne wouldn't mind, right?
You opened the door and ran outside. "Oh, my God!" you squealed. You felt something hit you. "Hey, what the fuck!"
"Carl!" He winked. You grabbed a handful of snow and aimed it towards him, hitting his head. You grinned when you saw Carl wince. "Sorry!" You yelled, but he disappeared.
"Carl?" you called out. You sighed. "Carl, this isn't funny." Your soon-to-be boyfriend could sometimes be annoying.
You heard a scream coming from behind you. You turned around and saw Carl. He tackled you to the ground. He was on top of you. "Well, isn't this a sight?"
Carl looked up, finding a very amused Michonne. "Michonne. Hey!" Carl chuckled. He got up and extended a hand to you. You grabbed it, and he pulled you up.
"Michonne, it was not what it looked like. I swear!" Carl tried reassuring her. "I know," she said calmly. "You do?"
"And isn't that my coat?" Michonne asked. "Uh, no?"
Michonne narrowed her eyes, and that's when you knew you were done for.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
Carol had decided to throw a Christmas party. And you loved that for her. Carol was the sweetest woman you had ever met, and she deserved the world, as did Carl Grimes.
As you entered the house, you could smell the warm cookies and cakes. You smiled. And it made you so happy.
There was booze too. Enough for everyone on Earth, including the walkers. You grinned at the thought. You poured a glass for yourself. Hey, it wasn't like anyone was going to arrest you or anything.
You took a sip, and it sucked. "It's expired, by the way." You looked to your left and saw Carl standing next to you. "Great. Adds more flavor." You two burst out laughing.
You put your glass down. "Y/N, I want to show you something," he said with an innocent smile.
"Okay," you replied. "Close your eyes." You closed your eyes, feeling excited. After a few minutes, Carl told you to open your eyes. He was holding a small box.
Carl blushed. "So." He opened the box, revealing a ring. He got down on one knee. "Y/N, I have loved you for years. But I was shy and scared. But now I'm not. It took me awhile to admit it to myself, but I really love you. Now, I only have one question, and although we aren't dating, will you marry me?"
A tear rolled down your cheek. "Yes!" He got up and slid the ring on your finger. Carl looked up. "Mistletoe," he whispered.
You grinned. You and Carl got closer to each other until the gap between your lips closed. He kissed you softly. And it was like everything you had ever imagined, but it was even better.
This was an Alexandrian Christmas that was going to be remembered for years.
To fall in love is one thing, but to fall in love with your best friend is beautiful.
───── ❝ authors note ❞ ─────
How'd y'all like my Christmas special?
(I made it silly on purpose!)
Thank you to everyone for the most momentous year ever! Especially @jas2010 @carlsdarling @taylormarieee I love you all so so much!!!! This year has been wonderful and I hope 2024 will also be fun and exciting. Thank you and Merry Christmas!!
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silvyslayer42 · 1 year
saiki k headcannons (very very long post)
-kurumi + kuusuke have weird unnaturally sharp teeth that are lowkey scary if you look at them for too long. kusuo also has it but he hides it.
-if you think at kusuo, he can hear you no matter where you are. the psychickers (+ his family) know this and use it against him.
-kusuo is an unwilling empathy crier. if someone starts crying near him, he will at least start to tear up. he finds it an extreme inconvenience and does everything he can to hide it. this only really happens with people in his direct vicinity though, so no movie characters or random people in his telepathy radius.
-too many characters have similarly colored eyes, so here’s a lightning round with some eye color changes
akechi: periwinkle. it just makes sense to me ok?? a silly color for a silly goober. it grows on me more the more i think about it.
aren: dark magenta with a hint of red. i think it represents his personality better
toritsuka: dark grey. i like it and have no explanation for it. honorable mention goes to pink because it makes him match with saiki
also aiura has neon yellow eyes not green they are not green her eyes are not gre
-kusuo gets a pretty normal amount of sleep all things considered, in fact he probably gets maybe an hour or so more than average most nights because he just loves sleeping so much. kuusuke does not even go out of his way to get a bed for himself because the only sleep he gets is when he forgets to take his bi-hourly injection of whatever he’s using in place of caffeine and passes out on top of whatever he’s working on for ≈3 minutes before jolting himself awake and going back to work. if he really has to nap for whatever reason he claims the floor is plenty comfortable.
-kusuo has sedatephobia (fear of silence). while the peaceful tranquility of putting people’s thoughts on mute with the ring is nice, if he were to somehow be put into a situation with no noise at all or even just very little noise I think he’d be pretty freaked. he’s never had a truly quiet moment before, so it’s only a natural reaction to be uncomfortable with it. he would avidly deny it if asked though, even if he gets visibly anxious from it.
-kuusuke has never used bugs against kusuo directly because he thinks phobias are a cheap and uncreative tactic. the birthday card thing doesn’t count because that was only psychometry images.
-it’s not really a psychic power but all of the pk psychics have extremely strong intuitions. like they just Know things sometimes. this is basically canon for at least kusuo but that besides the point. the jury is still out on whether akechi also has the psixth sense or if he’s just weird but he is definitely on the same page as everyone else most of the time because of his near psychic analysis of his situation and surroundings
-kusuo can use transform on other people but it never comes up bc why would he do that when hypnosis is so much easier? something something genderbend episode
-kusuo had a very bad no good week like right before he got his limiters where his hair became uncuttable and he was forced to have a mullet until it culminated in kusuo willing himself into developing heat vision and cutting his hair with it to mixed results.
-each of the saiki’s think they’re the more normal one balancing out the rest of the family’s weirdness but no. all of you are weird there is no balance
-more of an opinion than a headcanon, but being average/“normal” was never really what saiki wanted. what he’s actually after is peace, and he just happens to associate those things with it. that’s why he changed the world to perceive his unusual attributes as normal when he was younger instead of changing himself to appear normal, what he truly wants is a world that he can be himself in and be at peace at the same time. the reason he refuses to admit this, even to himself, is because of his own lack of self-acceptance. you guys don’t understand he’s such an angsty and tragic character actually ! a poor little meow meow even ! listen to me !!
-kusuo and kuusuke NEED to have a “let’s take ibuprofen together” moment i will not be explaining further
-kuusuke works above board a lot, but he is definitely doing some “under the table” stuff when it comes to selling the shit he makes because he just does not care and wants money to fund his games. he is confident he will never get caught and even if he’s wrong kusuo is reversing that shit to avoid the trouble it would cause him.
-kuusuke does love robotics (specifically with making weapons but he does indulge in the gadget or two), and that is definitely his favorite to do stuff with and the thing he is most passionate about, but don’t be fooled, he does everything. any science under the sun and he is probably an expert on it. special mentions of things he knows a lot a lot about go to neuroscience, physics, biology, first aid/general medicine, pharmacology (technically canon because of that muscle relaxent from the cattank arc) and anything that you could realistically make a psi pun with.
-sometimes kuusuke randomly decides that a random ass guy is the person of the week he wants to piss off (to him it’s like being annoying to an animal, very amusing ^^). positive things about this: it’s normal a really bad person he decides to be a menace to like a rich guy or a corrupt politician. bad things about this: he has had to deal with hired hits on him before
-aiura can get a very accurate read on someone’s personality near instantly and has an encyclopedic knowledge on everyone. she knows your birthday and she knows what you want. teruhashi too but not because she’s psychic she’s just also weird.
-aiura has a very bad sleep schedule because she gets woken up in the middle of the night by visions of disaster. this is NOT THE SAME as kusuo’s visions !! kusuo is tormented in his sleep, she is kept awake. aiura also sometimes has visions of shit right before it happens and if it’s a bad thing she has to think quick on her feet to stop it.
-aiura does not stop helping people she just gets a little bit better at being discreet. eventually she goes freelance and owns her own shop for occult stuff good for her
ok that’s all i got for now. tune in whenever i decide to do this again for more bangers
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sugahbunni · 10 months
Your feet are aching from the previous day, all that standing up from baking and talking while pacing back and forth in Saiki's living room got to you. You're currently passing out cookies to your friends, as you have been wanting to do this for them for the past two months.
Kaidou and Nendou are shoving as much as they can into their mouths, their muffled thank you's coming out. Aren broke half of his and offered a piece to you which you hesitate at first, because well you already had about two yesterday. Well, what's the harm?
You thank him and force the cookie into your mouth, while Aiura and Teruhashi compliment you on your baking skills. You hold your hands out and shake them to show your humbleness.
"I can't take all the credit, Saiki helped me out".
Once you said that, you lock eyes with Saiki, who mouths the words "Don't mention it" in a snappy manner. Your cheeks turn red, your attention on shoving more cookies into Mera's hands. She gladly chomps on them, thanking you for feeding her as she hadn't had a real meal for the past two weeks.
You rub her shoulder in a way to soothe her, your guilt intensifying when you realize you should've made a meal for her. You're not too bad of a cook so making something for her shouldn't be too much of a hassle.
You get lost in your pondering, your empty container only consisting of crumbs as your friends devour your homemade cookies.
Saiki looks over, overhearing your thoughts about how you could help Mera. His mouth twitches, a small smile threatening to form on his face. He hates how you're actually nice well, not hate but he's confused as how you never lose your cool.
Especially when ..
Teruhashi gives you a bitter smile as she asks how your project with Saiki is going. You answer that you're excited to spend time with him and that he's not as distant as you thought he was.
Good grief, Saiki turns his body towards the window to avoid the awkwardness between you and the blue haired girl.
Teruhashi is not so subtle about her crush on me, hopefully Y/n knows how to handle her.
Before Teruhashi could torment you more with questions, you place the container on your desk. You go on your knees next to Saiki and place your arms on his desk, resting your head.
Saiki could sense your presence, he's just waiting if you have the guts to get his attention..
Of course you do, how could he think you don't ?
You tug at his short sleeve, whispering his name in a lullaby way. Which would have made a baby knock out in about a minute, but it irks Saiki. He finally directs his body to you, jerking back when he comes face to face with you. You give him pesky smile, your phone screen showing the time.
"Eight pm, remember, I'll pick you up" You confirm. Saiki goes "No" almost instantly.
"I'll pick you up".
Your face turns ghostly white, mumbling something about how your parents would flip at the sight of a boy. Saiki leans back on his chair, waving you off as you protest.
"I'll pick you up! Okay, got it?" You make an ok sign with your hand, stepping back and hoping he will accept it.
He just nods.
Relief washes over you, dropping dead on your assigned chair.
Really hope this goes well, Saiki chants to himself.
It's like the universe is trying to kill you and your chances of being close friends with Saiki. Nendou had called you up and asked if you were going to the drive in movie. You answer honestly which was your first mistake. Second was how you told him you were going with Saiki. Then bam, he invites himself along with Kaidou and Aren. Including the girls, which didn't bother you except for the fact he nagged about how you should all hop onto his truck.
You still decide to pick up Saiki, who has his phone in a tight clutch when he opens the front door. His eyes thunder with frustration as you try to explain what had happened. He still lets you in, surprisingly.
He strides down the hallway, then back to the couch where you're resting.
You give two thumbs up, trying to relieve the tension that is lingering in the air. Saiki whistles, checking his phone and seeing that Nendou and the others are on their way.
Not even five minutes later, a ding is heard throughout the house. You spring up from the cozy couch, playing with the straps of your tote bag. Saiki looks back at you with disapproval and you all you can do is flash him a grin. He opens the door once again, and there they are. Nendou and Kaidou have the sillist expressions on, exhibiting how excited they are. Teruhashi and Aiura give their brightest greetings to Saiki then to you. You struggle to stifle a laugh, waving at them.
Wow they really like Saiki, I mean he's nothing special so why ..
Saiki pushes past you, brushing your shoulder roughly with his. You stumble a bit to the side, Kaidou yelps and comes forward to your side. He places a hand on your shoulder and rubs his thumb on it.
"Did that hurt? Saiki, be careful next time!" He wails, he grabs your tote bag and slings it over his shoulder. Chiyo, who is behind the other girls, turns red. Not out of embarrassment, but out of anger?
Jeez, how many more girls can get upset at me for being close to their men?
You hear Saiki come to your side, noticing his eyes on your tote bag hung over Kaidou. He stares a bit, probably wondering why you're not the one carrying your own stuff. He goes "Huh" then follows the others who are making their way to the truck.
What's his deal?
In order to avoid being questioned by authority, you and the boys except for Nendou are laying down in the back of the truck. Along with Teruhashi, who is definitely not too happy about how she has to deal with the bumpy road.
"This isn't illegal right? I can't go back to being a delinquent" Aren says, side eyeing Kaidou who appears nervous. Maybe because Nendou is the one driving, and boy is he terrible at it.
You glance at Saiki, whose arms are crossed and he seems to be ignoring you this whole time. You frown, copying him and crossing your arms as well.
The truck slows down and parks backwards to where the screen would be playing. Nendou comes out and starts collecting the money from everybody to pay the movie upfront.
"Keep it coming, hehe" He creepily mumbles, grasping the money and counting it off. You offer to pass Saiki's money to Nendou and he declines.
It stings a bit but you brush it off by helping Aiura and Chiyo smoothen out the blankets across the truck bed. You plop down next to Aren who hands you a bag of hot chips.
"Oooh, the double hot ones?" You munch on a handful of chips, the cheeto dust powdering your hands in redness. Aren snaps his fingers, nodding.
"Yup those are the ones!".
The movie begins and the sunset is already setting in the background. You grab a pillow and hug it, your head resting Aren's shoulder.
And there's Saiki, watching this whole scene occur.
He sucks air through his teeth in annoyance, obviously not used to seeing you close with his friends as well. Kaidou is in a trance next to him, watching the movie scenes fly in front of him. Aiura and Teruhashi are not exactly focusing on the film, but instead are painting their nails and whispering to each other.
Chiyo's fighting with Nendou on who gets the sour strings, which really seems like its getting intense as they point at each other with menacing meaning.
His observations are interrupted when he hears your angel laugh. Okay, he doesn't think its angel-like but its how your classmates described it! Don't get the wrong idea, Saiki would never say your laugh sounds lovely.
He tilts in head in irritation, watching you share a bag of chips with Aren is ticking him off. He doesn't know why but he has an idea itching his brain. And he has to relieve that itch.
He shuffles out of the truck bed, and makes his way behind the projector. With a whistle or two, he uses pyrokinesis to lit it on fire. He immediately turns invisible, using the advantage to get back to the truck quietly. Now he knows he shouldn't cause harm, but he made sure to use forced telepathy to let the nearby firefighters know there's a fire occuring.
Surely enough, screams and yelps fill up the air, and firefighers in bright uniforms come to the rescue. Saiki smirks, coming to the side and seeing you're still in the truck's behind. He holds his hand out, a mischievous look playing on his expressions. You stare at him in confusion, the light of the fire reflecting off his glasses and brightening up his face.
"Grab my hand" He finally speaks up, and you clasp your hand onto his. He pulls you out and carries you bridal style to safety. Which is on the other side of the park where your friends are.
"Aren, why did you leave Y/n?!" Kaidou glares at Aren who is nervously scratching the back of his head. Saiki carefully puts you down and you're glad the sunset isn't hitting your face because he would be able to see the pink tinted on your cheeks.
"Sorry Y/n, panicked" He awkwardly grabs your hand and bows to you. You ruffle his hair, not noticing Saiki shooting daggers at Aren. He sighs, fixing his glasses and dusting of his cardigan.
What a pain , why am I acting this way?
Nendou insists that you all go to a ramen restaurant, and after that incident you all think that it's best to relieve the stress.
Saiki pinches Kaidou when he realizes that the blueberry boy is going to sit next to you. He rubs his arm in pain and scurries off to sit next to Chiyo. Who is failing to hide her excitement about it.
Once the waiter comes, he takes all your orders and you go last. You take a deep breath and recite your order.
"Large ramen, extra beef and sliced meatballs, put the vegetables to the side and make sure you give me lots of lime" You ramble, gathering the menus from everyone and handing it to the waiter with sparkling eyes.
The waiter just nods, making his way into the kitchen quickly as if hes afraid he'll forget your order.
You smile contently, everyone looking at you like you squashed a squirrel with your foot.
"What?" You ask in pure confusion, your face softening and your friends laugh lightly at you. Not Saiki, of course, but he manages to cover his mouth and smile discreetly underneath.
Once the ramen is served, the sounds of chopsticks clanging together fills the restaurant. You add tons of sriracha onto your noodles, slurping them up loudly.
Saiki blinks, wondering if you have any social awareness at all. He digs into his own food, ignoring your messy eating and slippery fingers squeezing the limes to juice up your ramen.
You nudge him tenderly, he turns to you and sees you holding up a sliced meatball in between your chopsticks.
"Want one?" You offer, your muffled voice being due to the stuffed noodles and vegetables in your mouth. He nods reluctantly.
He picks up the meatball once you set it in his swirl of noodles and eats it. Saiki tries not to watch when you slurp up the broth too.The night falls and Nendou begs everyone to let him drop them off at their house safely.
"Can I stay at your house for a bit ?" You chime in as others speak upon themselves. You're sitting next to Saiki at the back of the car and he knows he cannot say no to you.
He gives you a thumbs up and you perk up even more than you were a moment ago. As you hop off the back, Aren helps you by holding your hand the way down.
Saiki gives a side look to you both, but decides to open the door soon after you get on your feet.
You say hello to his parents and they try to reel you in with a bunch of questions but you assume Saiki gives them a death glare. They back off and tell you to go on ahead.
"So.. erm Saiki can I ask you something?" You crack your knuckles to calm yourself down. The pink haired boy nods, he seems too at ease despite you ruining his peaceful night.
"Why did you set the projector on fire?"
Saiki's eyes slightly widen, his actions pausing and rubbing his right temple to think up of an excuse to use.
There's no way Y/n could've seen that!
"I.." He trails off, obviously not aware that you might have been watching.
"And why did you hit my shoulder so hard before we left to the movie?" You demand with puppy eyes, upset and all.
Saiki tries to arrange his thoughts, thinking that yes he purposely nudged you with his shoulder but that's because he knew what you were thinking. You said to yourself that Saiki isn't special so why do Aiura and Teruhashi like him? Saiki had read your thoughts, that's why he bumped into you, out of frustration. He sighs, dismissing his thinking and coming to the conclusion to just confuse you with his words.
"Huhhh" He drags, narrowing his eyes at you because he knows so well that makes you nervous. You choke up a bit, clearly its working.
"The eraser incident! When we met! You have powers don't you? You set that thing on fire with nothing but your bare finger-" You keep rapidly spitting out incidents where Saiki was acting suspicious.
He sucks his teeth in aggravation, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. He knows he cannot tell you the reason why he caused a fire. Its all because he felt a bit jealous that you are close to his friends.
Nothing to do with you, he just actually likes his friends.
"Yeah, okay, I do and what about it ?" He asks, walking closer to you and stopping right in front of you. You stop blabbering and look up at him, he is still waiting for your answer.
"Powers? Really?" You laugh in his face but not in a rude way, more in a terrified manner.
"I have to go-" You begin, turning over to the door until you are met with your bunny drawing.
Floating in the air inches from your face.
You grab it and crumble it, throwing it at Saiki's chest but hes not too worried about your rude actions right now.
"Keep it a secret?".
"You do babble alot".
"Do not".
"Do too".
You scowl at him, wondering why he trusts you with this confidential information. Your eyes fall to the torn paper on the floor.
Jeez, that drawing was really good too.
"You can leave now, I just wanted to tell you" He says, sitting down on his desk and smoothing out the drawing against the wood.
You stand there, balling up your hands in fists but you can't really do anything at this point.
"Whatever" You mumble, leaving his room and making your way out.
Saiki looks back and sees his door is slammed shut. With a sigh, he restores your drawing of a bunny and tapes it above his desk.
"They're so annoying" He mumbles, his finger tracing the pencil lines. He hangs his head low, wondering why you won't tell him what's wrong. How your eyes look sunken and how your bruises fade so slowly. Plus, how your hair is thinning and why your nails look brittle.
He'll just have to pry the details from you later.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 7 months
thinking about engaged kubosai..
they probably get engaged straight out of high school honestly, you know how kuboyasu is... but they wait until theyre like 22/23 to get married..
mostly because saiki demanded they not get married as teenagers like his parents did, but kuboyasu definitely didnt have a problem with it because that not only meant that they could plan for 4+ years for the most perfect wedding ever, but also that he got to tell everyone he met about his FIANCÉ..
calling him arens husband will be just as nice, he knows, but when he says "fiancé" it always gets people congratulating him and asking ALL about saiki, when/where the wedding will be, how long theyve been together, etc...
aren definitely had shun take a shitty shaky video of him proposing, and they dont watch it until the wedding so its even more emotional seeing them YEARS ago before they really started their lives together...
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bomber-grl · 3 months
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Shun Kaidou x Reader who appears to be cold but is actually soft ❤︎₊ ⊹
Pairing(s): Shun Kaidou x Gn!Reader
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LOLOL this guys is so silly
He’s terrified and so intimidated by you, just as he initially was with Aren 😭
He’s so hesitant to approach you especially since he’s over here shivering and timbering in his boots but of course nendo approaches you
That’s what leads you to the group because Saiki couldn’t care less and Kaidou is this close 🤏 to shitting himself when he’s around you
Atleast at first
I mean you’d usually tag along with them but never really let go of your coldness
That’s what made it difficult for him to even connect with you- I mean how could he at this rate?
You’re always straight faced and seem to not care about, well, anything
Of course he’d be hesitant to even talk to you
But eventually you’re at school and it happens to just be the two of you
He approaches you just expecting to have some awkward small talk and when you compliment his “powers” he immediately perks up
He lightens up and immediately starts chatting away while you listen
After that you usually egg him on while he’s talking about his jet black wings alter ego and he likes it
A lot actually
But eventually he realizes he’s never talked to you fr
I mean most times he’s clinging to talking your ear off but it’s only when you’re about to get mugged does he realize how he had the completely wrong idea
Not only do you defend him but you’re so nice to him afterwards
Literally the beginning of his crush
And now let’s timeskip to when you’re dating
He’s so shocked about how kind and loving you really are
I mean one second you’re gaze is as cold as ice while telling off people for making fun of him then you’re gazing at him so warmly
Like he’s everything to you and he just doesn’t know how to feel about
You guys are so sappy and again, he doesn’t know how to handle it
I mean the moment he started dating you was almost an instant switch and honestly? He loves it
Not to mention how you aren’t actually even cold at all 😭
It’s all in Kaidous head and when he realizes it because someone tells him he’s sorta bummed (??)
I mean in actuality you’re always willing to talk to people just that you don’t look like you want to be there
Which Kaidou takes advantage of 😭
He’s pretty possessive in his own right
I mean after dating you how could he?
You’re so sweet and genuinely so funny and actually listen to him and treat his dark reunion thing seriously
Also helps when he doesn’t want to socialize while you’re out and when you run into thief’s or punks
A win is a win
Well anyway, he’d be nervous to introduce you to his mom
I mean at first she probably mistakes you for a thug or something 😭
Rightfully so but eventually even she eases up (if u meet her criteria 😒) and even congratulates Kaidou for finding someone as sweet as you
He probably uses you as a body guard to keep people away but you love him so it’s fine
Honestly you guys are just the cutest
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da-shrimping-station · 2 months
Intrusive Thoughts
tw: blood, mentions and thoughts of violence and gore
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Hyperfixating on wings isn't a bad thing, Aren thought.
Humans don't have them and one can only imagine how it feels like to have a pair. They know Lucifer knows that they have a certain interest in them. It's rude to stare, yes. But Aren thinks it's even more rude to just touch without permission. And it's not like they'd get permission to anyway.
So they stuck to staring and observing, eyes filled with curiosity. Just like right now. They sat on the sofa, fiddling with the keychain on their DDD. 
Lucifer and Simeon were talking, discussing something that flew over Aren's head because Lucifer was in his demon form, wings out and moving minutely in tandem with his other habits. It ruffled when he sighed, twitched when he seemed annoyed, and it drew close to his body when he was in deep thought. The pitch black feathers had a glossy sheen to it, probably some sort of waterproofing like the birds in the human realm but Aren could never be sure. It reflected the light from the fire quite nicely.
There's been a nagging thought that had bothered them from the very start. Other ideas started piling up on it too. Today must've been the day Aren couldn't keep it to themself anymore.
"Hey, Lucifer?" They call out softly. The eldest brother paused his conversation. He and Simeon turned to them in question. "How sturdy are your wings?"
"What?" Both men looked at them in confusion but Aren wasn't deterred.
"How sturdy are your wings? They're like a bird's right? Bone structure and feathers and all. Bird wings break and tear so easily. I'm just wondering if they're just as fragile."
Aren's imagination had run amok by then. How would it look like to see those wings break? To see those feathers being ripped off one by one? Would those bones be as fragile, snapping in half with just the right force and so easily torn off from his back? How much blood would there be? How would those feathers look, stained red with blood? 
How would Lucifer sound like were it to happen to him?
But he had torn his own wings off right? But then again, tearing your own wings off and having someone else do it is another thing entirely...
And then there's Simeon. They hadn't seen his wings yet. They doubt they will in their entire life but they could imagine how it looks. Pure white and silky, not a blemish in sight. Two pairs of glowing wings fitting for a virtuous angel like him. For him, however, Aren would like to take his wings off with as little damage possible. As exciting as it is to picture red stains on pristine wings, they think it's best to keep them clean. 
"Aren?" There was apprehension in Lucifer's voice, face set in a frown as he felt malice and violence rolling off of Aren in waves. "What prompted the question?"
"Are you alright?" Simeon must be feeling the same, walking closer to them with concern written all over his face.
"Ah, don't worry! I'm just curious, is all," they reassured with a chuckle, smiling brightly.
Lucifer's wings twitched, the sound of feathers rustling filled the brief silence. "Well, if you're really curious, angel and demon wings are very sturdy. Enough to be used offensively should the situation calls for it."
Aren hummed as they stood up. "A shame, then. Thanks for answering though! Well, I'll be off now. I gotta meet up with Solomon and Satan. Be back after dinner!"
Lucifer and Simeon watched with wariness as the human left the room with a spring in their step.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
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yandere-daze · 2 years
May you please write Souma, Madara and Adonis with a touch-starved s/o? Thanks so much:)
,Sure thing! I took quite a long time to get around to this but I hope you like it nonetheless ^^ I don´t know all of them too well yet so I hope what I wrote wasn´t ooc
gn reader
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Souma with a touch-starved s/o
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Is most likely very touch-starved himself. He comes from a very traditional and formal family - a long lineage of proud samurais- and I don´t believe he has had many opportunities to be physically affectionate with someone else
The first time you propose the idea that you would like to hold his hand or cuddle up to him, he probably freezes up and a red blush quickly covers his cheeks. I truly do believe that Souma would be embarrassed about displays of physical affection but the fact that you too aren´t very experienced in that area is what ultimately reassures him.
He´s very out of his element but he wants you to be happy and he´s actually kind of happy that you can both explore this aspect of your relationship together
More than anything, it takes time for Souma to get used to the affection but it´s not like he dislikes it. In fact, he probably enjoys it more than he would ever confess to but he still frequently lets you know that he really does enjoy being so close to you and feeling your warmth.
It´s nice and comforting and watching your content smile makes him smile all the more as he holds you close
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Madara with a touch-starved s/o
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You´re one lucky person if Madara is your boyfriend! He loves being affectionate with you so you won´t have to worry about being touch-starved for much longer
Madara is a very physically affectionate person himself - to the point that some of the other idols get annoyed at points for this very reason - so he´s very happy to know that you like it when he envelops you in a big hug or lifts you on his back to carry you around
He´s not at all shy so if he gets even the slightest hint that you might be craving some affection, he´s quick to run to your side with a cheerful smile on his face and his arms wide open as an invitation
I feel like he would be the type of guy to tease you a little bit about being so touch-starved but in the end, he´s just really happy to know that you enjoy his presence and that he has a partner that truly appreciates and loves him for who he is. And that includes him being very lovey-dovey
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Adonis with a touch-starved s/o
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Adonis I feel falls right into the middle of these two extremes, not being adverse to physical affection but also not as bold as Madara sometimes is. He´s a very kind person so when he eventually finds out that you´re touch-starved, he´s quick to offer comfort
He would ask you what sort of affection you feel comfortable with. If you aren´t used to it then maybe you might want to start by holding hands? Or would you rather him hold you close to his chest with an arm around you? No matter what, Adonis carefully listens and pays attention to your wants and then tries to keep them in mind when he spends time with you
Adonis loves you a lot and I think he also likes being affectionate with you, but your comfort and feelings are most important to him. He wouldn´t ever want to overwhelm you or push anything onto you that you might not want. So he always asks you in a gentle tone of voice if he may do something instead of simply doing it.
Would be quite stunned for a second but then smile softly if you were the one to initiate hugs or cuddles and very quickly gets the memo that you´re feeling a bit needy right now.
Well, he´s more than happy to indulge you because nothing could make him happier
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withacapitalp · 1 year
She's Still Here Pt 2
Pt 1 Link to ao3
“Hey. School today was pretty cool,”
Why would I care about school? School doesn’t mean anything to me now. I'm dead.
“Nancy was over the other day. She was crying a lot. I didn’t really know what to do, so I just kinda rubbed her back? I don’t know if she liked it. Did you ever help her when she was upset? Should I be doing something special?”
Nancy likes tea with lemon and honey after she cries. She also hates anyone watching her like that, so she probably loathed every second of it. You would know that if you knew her at all. 
“I’m going to the movies with Jonathan on Friday. It’s kind of weird that it’s just the two of us…I don’t think he likes me all that much, but I wanna try, you know?”
You were a total ass to him. He doesn’t owe you anything. 
“Tommy won’t look at me anymore. I think he’s decided the best way to go about things now is pretending I never existed. I think I understand a bit better why you were so upset that night. I should’ve been nicer. I'm sorry about that,” 
….yes, you should have. I also shouldn’t have ever come here. He shouldn't be treating you like that.
“Do you even want me talking to you? I can stop. If it’s like upsetting or…well, you don’t have to talk back, but I’ll keep hanging out with you. If you ever want me to stop, just give me a sign or something,” 
I don’t know. I hate you. You’re a jerk, and you’re not good enough for Nancy, and I died at your house. But I think I might go crazy if you stop talking to me, and I don’t think you have anyone else to talk to either. 
“Do you get cold? Do you maybe want to come inside?” 
I can’t feel anything at all...but I want to come inside. I just don't know how to move anymore. 
“Jonathan likes the camera. I gave it to Nancy to give to him. I don’t think Jonathan would accept it from me. He likes it though! He showed us a bunch of pictures he took. They were really good,” 
Why do you care so much? Why do you want Jonathan Byers to like you this badly? You already have Nancy, you don’t need to butter her up. 
Do you want to be his friend just because?
“Your parents started having me and Nancy come over for dinner once a week. It’s a nice house, cozy. Not saying like- your parents are just nice people you know? It’s sweet,” 
I miss my mom. I miss my dad of course, but I miss my mom so badly it hurts. Could you tell her what happened? I don’t want her to wait forever for me to come home. Could you bring her here? I want to be able to talk to her one last time, and you could help me with that. You would if I asked. I know you would. I just have to ask. 
“My dad told me if I don’t bring my grades up he’s going to make me wish I was never born.”
Your dad is terrible to you. Like really bad. It’s kind of crazy that Steve 'The Hair' Harrington has such a fucked up family. Either way, you shouldn’t listen to a word either of them says…and you should stay at Nancy’s the night report cards come out. They’ll leave again eventually, but till then it isn’t safe for you to be here. I hate that I just have to listen as they tear you apart. I hate that I can’t tell them to stop. I hate that the only person who would hear me is you. 
“Sorry I come out here so late. I just don’t sleep so good anymore,” 
I know. I hear you screaming at least twice a week. Is that why you don’t let Nancy stay over anymore? Maybe you just like her house better. You can come talk to me though. I should start talking back. I should help you. I think you need help. 
“It’s my birthday. I’m 18 today. I don’t feel any different. Mrs. Wheeler made a cake, and then Nancy and Jonathan took me to the movies. It was fun.  I- it’s gonna sound stupid, because I know we weren’t friends and you probably hate my guts, but I wish you could’ve been there. I think it would’ve made Nancy happy.”
I’m never going to get to have another birthday. You’re right. We aren’t friends. 
But I don’t think I hate you anymore. I know too much of you now.  
Tag List: @afewproblems @dilutedpondwater'
((Incase it was confusing the italics are Barbara's thoughts. She never actually answers Steve.....yet))
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trxppedmind · 4 months
First of all, English isn´t my first language. Secondly, please be aware that every Borderline Personality Feels different. Lastly, Triggerwarning! i am not sure how this affects others.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "I can handle your Episodes!" They say,
Until they experience the first Depression episode, realising that i may accept their hugs but won´t feel better. Perhaps trying to say nice words, unfortunately triggering a Rage Episode.
They realise, that they actually can´t really help and that (surprise surprise) Episodes do change the Personality. Until they experience the first splitting episode, realising that i won´t insult them or hurt them physically. They will feel like i hate them, because with this episode having the upperhand, i do.
until they realise that i am not the girl they started to like anymore, perhaps i don´t even know myself who i am at some points. And if i get back to the person they got to know first, back in the infinite emptyness i found comfort in and have my own mind back, feeling guilty and sorry. Are they able to handle it? every single day?
because i can´t. i am trying to help myself, get therapy, taking meds. i don´t want them to suffer because of me, i am scared of getting emotionally attached again. scared to loose them before i even got them.
But i don´t judge them for leaving again neither, because i am aware of how rough it can get. Yet i can´t change it, everything getting numb with a new episode. My own head yelling at me, insulting me on the worst way possible.
How could they understand without having it themselves? the feeling of fire inside of you, the pressure, the pain, the helplessness, the anxiety, the overwhelming emotion rolling over your body, daring to crush you.
so much the touch of others scares you to death, scared they would let you explode, their voices blurred and seemingly only there to judge even if they aren´t.
Its just to much.
Do they still think they can handle my episodes? even if, do they truly want to?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maybe, just maybe we all can figure our way out of hell alive some day. Find a person who can handle any of our personalitys, without letting it crush themselve. Don´t give up. Thanks for reading, have a nice day &lt;;3
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