#this is something im an expert on trust me
maliciousalice · 6 months
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@thresholdbb omg tumblr ate your ask but thankyou for asking!!!!
👕Character whose fashion you like.
Phoar! Startrek really isn't a show I associate with being fashionable. It's very camp isn't it? In theory a lot of the wardrobe is really cool and they wanted to gain that retro-future aesthetic. Did it work? I'm not sure. However it does make a statement. The Startrek aesthetic is really recognizable and that's important! I think that's where modern trek kind of looses the plot. It's not as careful about the unique visual design as a whole anymore and as a result it doesn't settle in our minds. Is it bad artistry? No but it's not as stringent. What I mean by that is older trek cared about nuance. For example every haircut was done the same way on men, or suits were tailored in a way to look sleek but practical (they weren't). Gaudy patterns were important to denote things like status. It looks ugly on the outside but when you're watching the show it envelops you and makes you feel welcomed into the universe.
I digress.
To answer this, the most fashionable character, hands down, is Quark! That mfer always looks good, and has the finest drip in the galaxy. Love that.
🥲 ST moment that makes you cry.
There are two moments that make me particularly sad. Kate's acting in the climax of Resistance is incredible. I read somewhere she had a special-wink-wink- relationship with the Director in the early seasons and she was being tested by this episode in some regard. I think it paid off. I treasure any time her captain-hood is removed, and the extreme vulnerability of Janeway is on display-MWAH MWAH poignant. This episode is beautifully intimate, particularly this scene. It's overall gorgeous and unique in how she whispers to him, as if there is nothing more important than to secure his peace of mind as he dies, and it's heart rending when it ends with her just crouching there, emotionally alone. I love how Janeway is forced into the father-daughter dynamic between her and Caylem, one that she would ordinarily resist (heh themes) because I think it inherently weakens her status. The back and forth throughout the episode of them taking care of each other's welfare is so it's terribly sad when it's torn down and we discover the truth behind Caylem's family. If you've dug around her character you know that her Admiral-Father has had impact on her life. She's haunted by him in both a figurative way by being a Captain, and literal sense later on in Coda. Much like Caylem, she looses her father in a violent manner that she has to carry around while she forges ahead. It also reflects well on Kate's relationship with her actual father, she recently revealed that she was never able to get him on her page, but in spite that she adore him with all her might. So a scene like this is really revealing-I believe she was able to draw upon those feelings and that's kinda neat to be so raw as an actor. SIGH.
This one just straight up made me cry fr because Prodigy s1 is a really mature, well done piece of (Startrek) media. Holo Janeway has an irony about it where in the end she is program designed to be a teacher, and she didn't expect to develop a strong bond with the crew. Her final moments are of displaying a huge amount of selflessness and courage to help the kids get out of trouble, similarly to how Janeway would approach dire circumstances. The music swelling and the ship activating is just OOOOF!!! I love how it parallels Dal's initiation of the first Protojump in a Moral Star. By that means It suggests how proud she is to get to do this for them. As a character she is really interesting to think about, in a way I can't entirely articulate. A lot of her moments are quite sad in general, she has to keep an active role so she isn't ignored, and help where help is needed, but at the same time she has constraints, one being that she manipulated by the antagonists. And In contrast to that, the kids do their best to help her feel like she is important and more than a command program to be used insincerely. She grew to love the Protostar crew, that's evident in her body language in this scene. She has a lot of depth overall. Equal to the real Janeway she deeply feels love, guilt and pain, but importantly she is transformed by the her time on the Protostar and while active, learns and grows with Dal, Rok-tak, Zero, Jankom and Gwyn. It's REALLY sweet that they care all care about each other.
I love her and I love JANEWAY!!!!
🥹 Favourite behind the scenes picture.
Ooooh I love all behind the scenes stuff. My brother in Christ It's super difficult to just name one thing and I'm very greedy!! I wish we had more BTS content for Voyager but sadly, it's a matter of grab what you can, however you can. Anyway, I have an inherent interest in seeing the cogs behind the wheel. I chose these samples because I think they're charming.
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The continuity polaroid's are so fun and a lost technique, I like to think about assistants having to pull the actors aside and asking them to take those. How daunting! Kate's grin in the one where she is offset is SO cute. So she must have been in a good mood, super Cheeky!
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Following that is a screenshot from a video of her having her makeup done. A rare catch. I like this because she often sooks about how much time hair and makeup was spent on her to become Captain Janeway. I get it's a huge time-sink, but love or hate it, the full irony is that her early season appearance is really iconic and in it's own right adds to Captain Janeway's sensibility. Silly goose Kate! Besides that, she looks hot checking herself out, haha.
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Moreover, I love on-set editorial photos of actors in costume. While we did have heaps of them in the Starfleet uniform, I wish we had a larger collection with clearer releases, it would have given an opportunity to see in things of interest better detail. Particularly the lower half of unique costumes. For whatever reason special outfits weren't often established or framed for us to see the legs in the show, so a nice big photograph would have solved that. Also I love that these style of pictures capture an impression of an episode without giving it away.
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Similarly, fly on the wall on-set photos are cool. They're way more intimate and candid than anything else and it makes me feel as though I am spying on the actors, but they're also a good way to document how things might have been on set.
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The Timeless one is interesting too because it's of a deleted scene, we never see Chakotay look at a dead Janeway (how deliciously macabre!), but at some point in time it was in the script and they filmed it.
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Hmm this bts picture of Janeway in the Cardigan is adorable! I believe it was worn by Kate for a Charity but look how cute she looks? Makes me wish we saw her mess around with things like that more because 7 Years is a long ass time to be in uniform everyday ( coming from someone who went to school in a Uniform and enjoyed it for the most part). Casual Fridays anyone?
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I love this gif. It's from the first shoots of Caretaker and Kate looks so radiant! Her smile is is breathtaking! Whenever I see this gif I get a sense of delight. Poor thing had no idea what she was getting herself into, haha. Really though, check out the original Caretaker photos, they're super-cool. The history behind it is fascinating; I'd love to see more footage from that version of the pilot episode. Unfortunately, it's probably not preserved well, much like lots of Paramount's historical material.
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On a similar trend, it's fun to see this set of pictures too. It's for the First Contact film / maybe the Universal studios ride, when she reprised her role as Vice AdmiralJaneway. Kate was genuinely delighted to do this cameo and it shows. As per her operandum she put her whole self into this small segment and that's so darling. It makes me wish we had more of this Janeway at that point in time. I love post Endgame chubby-Janeway. In a fictional sense it denotes that she is comfortable or stressed to be an Admiral (sadly it's the latter in real life) or whatever and I love that for her.
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These kind of pictures are fun because it's been said that at times it was the most playful set to be on. There are tales that the cast were not that serious all the time. You get that impression here, and it's probably why the majority of them are still good friends to this day. They're like a family bros!!! Having worked in media I know that wrapping up after working on something for a long time is really rewarding and I bet they had a good time at parties.
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Apropos previous, the opposite can be said. While they had fun, the hours were long and the scripts intensive. Kate was around for all of the episodes of Voyager in one way or another, and still managed to bring her A-game each time. She is truly admirable! Seeing her so exhausted is charming. She had a lot of weight to carry for the franchise and did an exemplary job performing her way through 7 years of weird and wonderful material. I wonder how often they fell asleep on set? I know I would. Get some rest queen!
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Finally, I've been following Prodigy bts as best I can, and because of my career in animation I get pretty interested in Production art. I love seeing the fast metamorphosis of a visual style. It's really impressive how much attention they applied to the designs, maintaining the older stuff, while adapting a new frontier. One of the lead artists made some pretty neat observations to get Kate's appearance right. It's so cool that they documented that journey, because from my dabbling I know she has a very beautiful, distinct face that isn't easy to capture.
ANYWAY Thankyou for reading my fat thesis fellas. tl;dr i love this stinky Startrek Voyager and by extension the franchise.
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sheryl-lee · 10 months
im sorry but the foolishness of being on a gif-dominated website that is barely functioning at all times and telling the users who have been making and posting those gifs for YEARS that "actually i know better about this than all of you" while saying things that are entirely false and laughably untrue. and making a fucking PSA like you're a genius for it like be fucking serious. be so for real.
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snekdood · 7 months
here's the thing about writing villains-
you're never going to get ppl to stop writing villains who want to control everything, who are evil for evils sake, who are manipulative and liars or whatever. who are just bad people who seem irredeemable- most peoples idea of a villain is whatever they fear most.
and just because there might be stereotypes about certain demographics surrounding these ideas doesnt mean they are inherently bad to have in your writing in general. the reason those stereotypes exist is because people wrongfully assume that a certain demographic is a certain way either through their own fears or from propaganda/conspiracy theories they're cooking up or have consumed-- which are all built around fear.
its normal to fear someone who wants to control everything. the problem comes in on whom you're projecting that on to and whom you think wants to do that. it's prolly not a good idea to make a villain- who wants to control the world and all of its money- jewish. its probably not a good idea to make a villain- whos a controlling manipulative abusive liar who will do everything to get their way in spite of who they hurt- someone with npd. it's probably not a good idea to make a terrorist-y type villain a muslim or of middle eastern decent. it would probably be a good idea to try to avoid adding stereotypes surrounding whichever demographic you're concerned about your character being misread as to your villain if you're already worried they're gonna be misinterpreted by uncharitable people online.
in my case, im making a vampire villain who wants to control everything. it would probably be really fuckin dumb of me if i added a bunch of jewish stereotypes to him along with that, considering theres a lot of antisemitism in how a lot of vampires in different forms of media were conceptualized and a whole ass conspiracy theory that jewish people already do control everything.
i dont think "wants to control the world" or even "secretly does control the world" is necessarily a bad place to start when creating a villain, it's all about what you do after that point. and its also all about keeping in mind different stereotypes/conspiracy theories/tropes/etc. around that idea that have harmed different people. it only becomes antisemitic if you draw the character the way antisemites draw jewish people, or add a bunch of conspiracy theory fueled ideas to the character, or add a bunch of jewish iconography around the character, or just make him in some way readibly jewish or just straight up make him jewish. the more you educate yourself on stereotypes/conspiracy theories/harmful tropes/etc. surrounding whichever demographic you're trying to avoid making your villain be misread as and actually avoid trying to make that character that way, i think the better off you'll be.
remember that those stereotypes/conspiracy theories/tropes/etc. all exist because someone wanted to make whichever demographic into a villain. those fears already exist in peoples minds, they just want a place to put them, and a lot of people will find a scapegoat to place them on to. it's not that those fears at their basic level are wrong or bad to have or wrong to use as a jumping point in your writing, it's that people sometimes project those fears on to other people, typically marginalized people, and again, for propaganda's sake or bc of their own fears of other people or whatever. if you avoid projecting those fears on to demographics targeted by said fears and thus avoid making your villain of said demographic in every way that you possibly can, the better off you'll be.
people will be uncharitable and read things in bad faith no matter what you do. if you're a creative, you already know the internet spends no time (and hardly any actual critical thought) in dismantling something they've deemed problematic, likely because they dont even like the thing they're critiquing but need to make it seem like its somehow a Moral dislike of the thing. ya gotta ignore it and have faith in at least some of the people viewing what you create to actually hear what you're trying to say. you also gotta take into consideration actual constructive criticism of what you create, because you might have a blind spot in this regard. try to avoid listening to people who seem off the bat antagonistic and demanding bc they likely dont even have a justified reason to be mad at you over if they're acting that way. if they have something they want to say to you bc they actually wanna change your mind, they're not gonna approach you apathetically, dismissively, passive aggressively, as if they know everything and are above you and are the most moral person in the room- people like that dont actually care if you change whatever it is you're doing and just want a self-justified reason to be mad at you that makes them look good for critiquing you, if they did want to change your mind they would try to approach you in the least confrontational way that that particular individual can manage.
ultimately, listen to people actually effected by these things so you know what to avoid and figure out how to not hurt them.
#i am by no means an expert on islamaphobia or antisemitism or anything. i dont think anyone is but the closer you are to being#effected by whichever -isms i think the closer u are to being an expert. so if anyone effected by said -isms more than I am thinks#im wrong about this i'd like to know. if im doing something harmful I want to know. so- unironically- please tell me if you#think something about what ive said here is wrong. i want to avoid hurting people and can only do so if ppl tell me how im doing it.#otherwise- if no one has any real genuine concerns of what im saying here-- i said what i said.#tldr; villain who wants to control the world? probably fine to make.#villain thats readibly jewish in many if not most ways and you made his motive controlling the world? most definitely *not* fine to make#whether that 'readibly jewish' means he's stereotypically jewish. he seems like someone who is plausibly jewish. or that his jewish-ness#is informed by a shit ton of conspiracy theories- doesnt make a difference. dont make a villain thats read as jewish in any capacity#with that motive. i'd only trust someone whos jewish + a good writer to be able to execute that in a productive & harmless way.#writing#the question isnt 'is writing a villain whos horrible in these ways bad' necessarily. its more like. whomst are you ascribing those motives#i mean obviously if you make a villain thats indistinguishable from how an antisemite might but just say hes not jewish... theres prolly#a problem. but thats why i say you need to actually EDUCATE YOURSELF on the shit surrounding x demographic so you know what to#avoid. the difference is you actually care enough to try to avoid it. shitty ppl are trying to find a way to do it w/o getting caught.
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dibbs-n-scribbs · 10 months
Just watched the fnaf movie and i loved it. Wish there was more of a horror element on screen but the subtle cues of as to what happened were also pretty cool. Anyways im gonna be ranting in the tags cause i dont have the energy to write a well thought-out review xp
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What if you just wanted to be forgiven.... even though you don't deserve it. Even though everything you are doing is making it actively worse. What if you spent your whole life trying to convince yourself you didn't want it and then someone just fucking does!! Unconditionally. Just like that. Like it wasn't even hard.
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blackknight-kai · 5 days
Let me start saying I love your blog, reblogs and headcanons, truly, all of the above🩷🩷
If you’re comfortable with the question, do you have any for the Destined One with a female virgin reader?
So I wanna say thank you 🫶🫶🫶🫶 I haven’t quite shared my own head canons much but I don’t have any issue sharing them 🫶 others do a much better job of it so I’ve left it to them. But! Your ask comes at a wonderful time as I needed a break from writing a fic 💀 (kill me im up to 20k)
Let’s get after it! Destined One & a female virgin head canons? I’ll give it a shot! There will be a nsfw section below sorry if that’s not your thing. I wasn’t super explicit on body parts etc but let me know if you guys want a Sun Wukong one? I’d try.
If you’re NOT in a relationship yet and he finds out? (Be it you told him outright or it comes out in passing conversation)
He’d would remain expressionless and quiet as usual. Not wanting to make a big deal out of it and remain respectful
But if you look closely you can see him swallowing thickly at the new information
Will NOT treat you differently
He has a LOT of feelings for you and knowing you haven’t shared yourself with someone else, while not a huge deal he’s never really cared one way or another, it’s something he finds himself thinking about often.
It makes him a little hot under the collar sometimes when he looks at you and remembers what you’d said.
NSFW - on the very rare occasions that he takes some time to himself or you’re not around, in the quiet he puts his goal to the side for just a moment and allows himself to think about his wishes and whims. Specially how he’d touch you and make it good for you because you deserve to be treated like you’re special and HE wants to be the one to do it.
If you’re in a relationship and it either came up naturally or during a more…heated moment.
Would absolutely freeze. Like body full on screenshot kinda freeze - only his tail would flick and twitch as he processes
Because honestly it hadn’t occurred to him before but it is NOW. He’s thought of you and making love with you but first or not first hadn’t been a topic of thought
He’d probably internally get flustered and his heart would race ridiculously but on the outside his expression would appear stoic or mildly surprised
Wouldn’t try to pressure you or make a big deal out of it, as though it doesn’t matter one way or another besides making extra sure you’re comfortable
His tail would eventually give him away though as it would be swishing behind him happy and interested as the information settles in his brain
Dude would be first and foremost HONORED If you shared that news with him and were giving him your first
Probably a first for him too ngl. I see him as someone who was so focused on his path that warming another’s bed wasn’t something he was willing to spare time on.
If it’s not a first for him too then it’s not something he’s done often and isn’t an expert
Would definitely thank you for trusting him with sweet reassuring kisses (if they are a little heated don’t blame him too much)
He is respectful! As I said no pressure. No rush. But would the information please him? Yes.
Definitely adds fire to his belly because HE will be your first
Sends a note of possession through him not because he’d “own” you but because regardless of being a first or not you’d be his and he yours.
Regardless of if you’re shy or ready to get the show on the road he’d be so gentle and would be careful, really careful.
Probably a bit unsure and might move a little too fast accidentally in his own lust but would immediately sooth you as soon as he realizes
Looks to your expressions and sounds to make sure you’re feeling good and safe
He wants to treat you WELL views it as HIS duty to make sure you’re happy
It’s a lot of pressure but he’d do his best and set his mind to it being nothing but perfect for you
I imagine at first his hands would be so feather light letting you get used to him and his touch as he undresses you piece by piece- he’d watch his claws unless he finds out you enjoy them grazing across your skin
He’d brush his lips across every piece of new skin revealed to his eyes unable to help himself
Finds out he really loves your chest, both feeling you & tasting you. as well as napping on you later
But over time as the act went on he’d be more confident, still tender but less unsure
He’d be enamored every time he got you to sigh or make a pleased sound
It’s his goal to hears those often
When he discovers how turned on he’s made you it would send waves of pride crashing over him, he had done THAT
Overall though he’d take his time
He probably won’t speak much if at all, but he’d make sure you’re ready every step of the way. If he does speak it’s not more than a few words here or there, low and only for you to hear as he nips your ear
Multiple check ins
He’s a giver, and while he isn’t practiced whatsoever he’d use his mouth and fingers to bring you pleasure, finding out exactly how you like it by listening to the way you moan or the way your body shivers and trembles with specific movements
He 100% will become VERY VERY good with his hands and mouth
His tail is sneaky, he’d use it as a way to hold on to your leg (holding you open while one of his hands is occupied) or would brush the the furry appendage across your skin just to see goosebumps rise in its wake
When you’re finally connected, after time spent letting you get used to him (and him you because let’s be real he’d be overwhelmed by the feel of tightly wrapped around him too) he’d roll his hips gently
He would make sounds, sighs and groans in your ear.
He’d love it if you cling on to him and tell him he’s doing something good
Full on shudders if you scratch his back or dig your nails into him - he loves it and he might accidentally thrust too hard when you do it
Wants to hear you 👏👏
Would keep control for as long as he could but would listen to your requests almost instantly if you asked him to move faster
Would love it if you moved his hand exactly where you wanted him to touch you
Would suck marks on your skin - thighs and neck, wherever he absentmindedly ran his lips. Would be shy about it later but would touch them possessively or when you’re dressed his eyes would stray to where his marks are on your skin.
Afterwards he’d silently but tenderly wipe you down and then pull you into his arms
Would nuzzle his face against you and breathe your scent as you both relax and come down from your high
Would massage any soreness you have that he could and feel pride at wearing you out, although his face wouldn’t show it
His tail would be like a vice around your thigh all night and trying to get out of his hold in the morning is a chore
He’d 100% take care of you especially for a first time is basically what I’m saying. After, he may be a bit rougher with his movements or may be impatient at times especially after a tough fight and adrenaline is still kicking but will always treat you tenderly as you guys build confidence together.
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roosterr · 1 year
white flag ✹ epilogue
note: im kinda sad to say, but this will be the final part of this series! im so so grateful for all the love and support for it, this was honestly so fun to write! i hope everyone enjoys and have a wonderful day/night!!!!<3<3<3
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pairing: ghost x gn!reader
wc: 1.7k
no use of y/n
reader's callsign is 'stingray'
summary: your night in date with simon :)
warnings: domesticity, so much fluff, soap and gaz are wingmen again, tiny bit of light angst
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of all the things in this world that could be considered intimidating, flowers were the last thing simon would put on that list; but the brightly coloured flora seemed to have a paralysing effect on him as he stands in the tiny flower shop.
with a quiet, defeated groan to himself, he dials johnny's number and presses his phone to his ear.
"what flowers am i supposed to buy?" he blurts no sooner than soap picks up, not even bothering to greet him in his haste.
"hello to you too?" johnny mumbles, his confusion evident. a moment passes before he registers what simon asked, "oh! wait," he laughs, his voice getting further away as he lowers his phone to call out, "gaz, get out here! lt.'s buyin' sting flowers!"
simon considers hanging up then and there, but he's severely out of his depth and unfortunately, soap and gaz are his only hope.
"oh i see, he needs an expert opinion, does he?" kyle's teasing gets louder as he approaches soap, and he can hear the smile in both the sergeants' voices.
really, simon should've known they wouldn't let him off easy.
"christ alive…" he keeps his voice as low as possible, pinching the bridge of his nose in the corner of the small shop. "just help me, you pillock." the cashier has been staring at him since he walked in, and honestly, he doesn't blame them; a giant man in a mask isn't exactly the regular clientele for a florist.
"uh, probably their favourite?" soap suggests, the sound of gaz's muffled chuckling just about audible in the background.
"they don't have 'em." simon replies, his eyes darting over the vibrant display one last time in the hopes that the answer would somehow appear.
"nah, you want roses, mate." gaz interjects, and he hears soap make an agreeing noise.
simon hums. "aren't they too… cliché?" he asks, stepping over to the large display of rose bouquets. it's the classic choice, he's aware of that much, but whether or not you'd prefer something more unique was weighing on his mind. this was something he never expected to have to worry about.
"no! they're romantic," gaz insists, his amusement still very evident in his voice, "trust me mate, sting'll love them."
simon contemplates his point for a moment, staring at the deep red petals and trying to imagine the look on your face if he gave them to you. you'd been happy with a handful of squashed flowers he'd stolen from the flowerbeds on base, so he doubted you'd turn your nose up at them. it doesn't take him long to make a decision.
"alright, cheers." he mutters, grabbing a lively looking bouquet of a dozen from the display and making his way over to the cashier – who was quickly trying to pretend they hadn't been staring.
"you'll need to give us a debrief–" soap begins, but he's cut off by simon hanging up and shoving his phone back in his pocket. he gets the feeling he won't be hearing the end of this for quite some time.
it's only when he's standing outside the door to your room that the nerves finally start to set in. he can't help but feel like an idiot, fidgeting on the spot about to knock on your door like a lovestruck teenager, almost crushing the stems of the roses with his iron grip.
he knocks twice, before he has the chance to change his mind and back out. not even a second later, you're pulling the door open and regarding him with that warm look that has his palms sweating.
you're wearing casual clothes, and so is he, as per the agreement you made to keep this 'date' simple. it doesn't matter what you're wearing though; he's seen you covered head to toe in blood, sweat, mud, and whatever else, and you still manage to be utterly breathtaking in every way.
with a nervous cough, simon holds out the rose bouquet to you, hoping you don't notice the way his hands are shaking.
"wha…" you blink in surprise at the flowers, taking them from him and admiring them with a tiny smile. "you bought these, right? didn't just rip 'em out of someone's garden?" you raise a teasing eyebrow at him, your smile turning more playful.
"yes, i bought them." he grumbles lightheartedly, a smile of his own forming under his balaclava. the way you effortlessly diffuse the tension has his anxieties melting away.
"thank you." you breathe, softly caressing the vermillion petals. "they're lovely, i love them."
simon let's out a quiet sigh of relief at your affirmation. "good; cost me a tenner, they did."
the laugh you let out is like music to his ears. "well, i'm sorry to bankrupt you." you grin, turning back into your room and carefully putting the bouquet in the vase on the mantle. after making sure the arrangement looks nice, you come to stand in front of him again.
simon's not sure how to continue, the nerves from earlier resurfacing as the conversation fades. the way you're watching him expectantly, he feels the urge to take you by the hand – and as if you read his his mind, you hold it out for him. he places his hand in yours, squeezing gently and leading you the short distance to the kitchen.
he'd set the table earlier, having found an only slightly discoloured tablecloth buried in the back of the cupboards. it's a little sad, but it was the best he could come up with.
"wow," you tease, the same playful smile as before on your lips as you meet his eyes, "so fancy."
he snorts, ushering you over to your chair and pulling out for you. "only the best for your majesty." he preens at your happiness when you laugh again, glad for the mask covering what he's sure is an obvious blush.
he occupies himself by grabbing the two plates he'd finished preparing a minute ago, just before he'd met you at your door.
"i made spag bol." simon mutters as he sets them down on the table. he keeps an eye on your expression as he takes his seat opposite you, anticipation of whatever response you may have.
"fine by me," you say, an easy smile lifting your features. "it's almost the perfect candlelit dinner, all we're missing is the candle."
simon blinks. "you don't like candles." he replies, a hint of confusion in his gaze when he meets your eye.
"no," you smile fondly, looking down at your plate. "i don't."
a comfortable silence falls over the room as you both start to eat. the warmth and normality of it all makes simon’s heart swell with affection. he's happy, content, being here with you, even doing something as monotonous as eating dinner. you make it worth enjoying.
"how is it?" he asks once you've both finished, once again waiting apprehensively for your reaction.
"it's great," you give him a lopsided smile, resting your chin on your hand as you look at him. "thanks for cooking."
simon quirks an eyebrow at you. "you don't have to lie." he mutters, feeling the tips of his ears burn under your intense gaze.
"okay, well, don't quit your day job." you chuckle, standing up and making your way over to the sink with your plate in your hands.
he huffs a small laugh, and joins you at the sink with his own plate. "you're crushin' my dreams here."
"sorry, chef." you grin and gesture to the washing up in the sink. "you wash, i'll dry?"
"if your majesty insists."
you turn on the radio for some quiet background noise, and the two of you start cleaning up in tandem. it's nice, how you can work together so seamlessly with no need for words. he's struck again by the thought that if he were alone this would be a chore, but with you beside him, he finds such a tedious job surprisingly pleasant.
simon hands the last dish to you, and as you take it your fingers brush against his hand. the way he flinches away from your touch is unconscious, and when he looks over to you he expects you to pity him, or be offended by his action – but your face holds neither of those things.
you're just drying the dish he handed you, the same content expression on your face that had been there all night, as if you didn't even notice.
"sorry." he mumbles, his gaze falling from your face to your hands as you work.
simon loves you. he shouldn't be afraid of your touch. he wants to touch you, and for you to touch him. he doesn't know why he reacted like that.
"don't be." you utter, soft and compassionate, and his heart feels like it's about to burst out of his chest. for the third time that night, he's hit full force with how wonderful you are.
there's no judgement, no probing questions, nothing. you understood him, even though you had no idea why he acts this way.
you turn away, your back to him as you store the dishes in the cabinets. you hadn't been looking at him before, but now he was sure you couldn't see him, he feels his throat constrict with the overwhelming urge to burst into tears.
simon takes your free hand and you pause, still facing away as you wait for his next move.
he takes a small step closer, minimising the space between you, and rests his forehead against the back of your head. with his eyes screwed shut, he takes a deep breath and inhales the familiar scent of you. his grip on your hand tightens slightly.
you lean back into him, a quiet sigh escaping you as you squeeze his hand in return. neither of you say a word, but you don't have to. he feels how you love him in the way you never expect more from him than he can give.
it's the most peace he's felt in years.
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taglist p1: @sofasoap , @siilvan , @mockerycrow , @i-love-ghost , @projectdreamwalker , @achelois-is-here , @adamsloverboy , @thatchickwiththecamera , @chickensandwich69 , @batmanunicorns523 , @tiny-kasper , @dezibou , @pampeop , @cumbermovels , @goth-boi-atlas , @berryjuicyy , @guiltgoreglory , @postmodernrevolutionist , @untoldshortsofthefandoms , @delilah-grimes , @sunflowerqueen1416 , @luvssemma , @sunshiinegaz , @imonmykneessir , @kenz-ee , @eistro-phobia , @rzmarona , @alanalanalanalanalanna , @cathnoneofyourbusiness ,
@madsothree , @geisterfvhrer , @lazyninjaphilosopher , @aliilium , @koi-feish , @chaoticgoblindev , @clear-your-mind-and-dream , @thrivig-n-jiving , @lesterous , @glitterypirateduck , @slu77ym4nw415ts , @livelaugh-light , @trulylavendedarling , @stateofcatatonia , @rivalriotrenegade , @yoichiislovie , @nirvanaaaonly , @ameliaamareeee , @batmanunicorns523 , @sapientiia , @thesecretwriter , @susanmukami , @ryze1113 , @stars-andfreckles , @spya1 , @tunaa-luvchrm , @tzutology
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mariacallous · 3 months
So wrt the chevron doctrine forgive my ignorance on the matter but is this like dobbs where congress could federally protect regulatory enforcement etc like w abortion? Or is the court somehow saying that there is no way the government can enforce its regulations at all - that seems like something the gov can just ignore to me like i dont understand how this one decision is doing so much!! Im also doing some reading about the topic but i noticed you posting so feel free to ignore the ask! Pls keep doing what you're doing!
The Chevron Doctrine said that the courts would largely to defer to the administrative agencies in terms of decision-making because they would be the most informed about the policy and topic. In other words, trusting the experts over deciding themselves, in interpreting the laws and regulations passed by Congress if there's uncertainty or ambiguity or a lack of specific direction.
Today's decision says that unless Congress explicitly states something in the law about what an agency can or cannot do, the courts will offer no such deference or consideration to the agencies and will essentially interpret any ambiguity or lack of direction themselves and without consideration of what the agencies may think.
It means that agencies will not be able to do anything not explicitly and directly laid out - which means more court cases and more curtailing of federal government powers to address issues and challenges, and raises the stakes for who controls the court.
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turnstileskyline · 10 months
fall river massachusetts late 1892-1893 dash simulator
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🥃 remember1794 Follow
lmaoo of course l*zz*e was a member of the temperance movement….. broads like that are always the worst
📿 godbeliever Follow
and??? are you saying that being against the overconsumption of alcohol is somehow akin to being a brutal murderer?????
🥃 remember1794 Follow
🪓 bordenupdates
dont bother engaging with remember1794 his entire blog is posts about the whisky rebellion of 1794 or about how much he hates women
7,394 notes
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👒 gibsons-a-girl Follow
look all im saying is that miss lizzie is unmarried and hasn’t had ANY suitors… and maggie is unwed too. im just saying!
👞 shoeshiningisawomansduty Follow
im so tired of you sapphists projecting your filthy disease onto everyone. no one cares.
👒 gibsons-a-girl Follow
thats not what your mother said to me last night
👒 gibsons-a-girl Follow
wait why is your blog just photographs of mens footwear
#wild ass site
1,808 notes
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❄️ alaskafan Follow
i think the uncle did it bc what the fuck kind of middle name is vinnicum
❄️ alaskafan Follow
AND hes a butcher ? might as well write murderer on his head lmaoooooooo
❄️ alaskafan Follow
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bordenupdates just vagueposted about me
#hope this is ok to rb op bc LMAO
9 notes
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🐋 righttowhale Follow
ever since the 1850s big petroleum has been working to destroy the whaling industry, backed by the naturalists who find a problem with the hunting of whales, despite there being an abundance of the beasts in the sea! do not reject whaling – trust when whale experts say that these creatures will never be at a serious risk, don't fall for the propaganda of big petroleum
⚓️ sunkenmen
what the fuck are you talking about. did a whale kill your parents or something.
🐋 righttowhale Follow
yes, actually.
⚓️ sunkenmen
. sorry
#sorry for your loss but your politics suck
94,726 notes
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📿 godbeliever Follow
i don't believe that women are capable of a crime so brutal. even when judith slayed holofernes, she did so by the guiding of God. her actions were virtuous in nature. women, being of the fairer sex, who serve God as lizzie does are not capable of a murder so foul. jezebel was able to do as she did because she spurned Him.
👒 gibsons-a-girl Follow
stop lumping sapphist lizzie defenders with these freaks.
#this discourse has been incredible #anyway block godbeliever
3,552 notes
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🕯 literate-lover-19
the adventures of sherlock holmes my beloved
2 notes
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🧺 thepoppypamphleteer Follow
theres nothing wrong an opium reliance.
🧺 thepoppypamphleteer Follow
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i always wanted to fuck her
437 notes
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🧵 spindlecity
does anyone wanna take me to the columbia exposition :( i know its in illinois but still
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sysmedsaresexist · 3 months
im a system trying to learn more about endos.
so far in syscourse ive only seen proof of cdds being traumagenic but they dont disprove non-cdd plurality, so what sources are there that have evidence of endogenic systems, if you have any?
Right now? There isn't any hard evidence that would satisfy anti endos. There's TONS of papers and articles talking about the recent emergence of endogenic systems, but they're mostly interview based. I debunked a lot of them when I was still anti. Small sample sizes, personal bias about dysfunction levels, all interviews. Those won't stand for those who are skeptical.
Now that I've calmed my gender neutral tits, though, I can look at where all this research is heading, and I can look back and find all the different terms that have been used to describe this same phenomenon. Those terms don't fall under psychology, they appear in journals about consciousness and self and philosophy, and they go all the way back to the 1800s, developing right alongside theories on hysteria and split personality, and the TOSD.
I don't need to do the work for you (/nm), just Google multiple self theory and fall down the rabbit hole. Trust me. One Google search, move at your own pace. It'll mean more when you find all this yourself and make the journey on your own. It was way more effective when I went alone.
That said, I'm not heartless.
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The most promising research coming out is the tulpa studies.
Tanya Luhrmann and Michael Lifshitz are incredible, but it's Luhrmann who really stole my heart. She has a long list of work on religious communication with God and "others", and was a huge part of putting tulpas, and several other different voice hearing, religious communities into the fmri scanners to see what's going on. The reddit AMA is being passed around now, and it's largely being ignored by antis, without understanding what it was.
The tulpa studies began... shit, 5 years ago? Covid put a hold on the project, but it's back up and running and they're working on the final paper. The AMA was a chance for people to ask questions to the lead researchers about the project, including whether they found anything.
And they did.
The brains of tulpamancers and other practitioners lit up in unexpected areas and outside of conscious control (very basic overview).
Luhrmann also wrote about how this kind of research can help other voice hearers, and could potentially point to some new therapy opportunities for those struggling.
No, Luhrmann and Lifshitz are not dissociative specialists. Endogenic systems have screamed for decades about how they don't have CDDs and we just refuse to listen. This research is occurring in other areas and specialities. They don't need to be dissociative specialists to work fmri machines and see there's something happening.
My hope is that once the final results are published, we'll see some very quick movements comparing CDDs and endogenic systems. We're not there yet, but I think we'll actually have firm answers within the next couple years.
And after looking into other areas of research, and seeing the potential positives, and that they DID see some unexpected things on the scans...
Not to mention that I've spoken with Colin Ross, THE dissociative expert, who in the 1980s, wrote about "endogenous multiplicity," a subsection of those with MPD that had no trauma history, no dysfunction, no amnesia, etc, and he still stands by that to this very day. I've spoken with several other experts. Go look at Jamie Marich on Twitter and see all her colleagues in the notes.
Anti endo is a dying stance.
Learn nuance while you can (CDDs and endogenic plurality are different, occasionally overlapping), and jump ship before it's too late to take the harm back.
Happy googling and good luck!
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driskk · 5 months
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this is my silly little smiler oc there are so many things wrong with him but he can fix you dont worry trust him let him correct you
featuring my boyfriend (@rkart221)'s smiler oc (he is the smiler guy and he got me into the smiler because he knows all the lore and he is the smiler expert and the smiler guy and i could never be the smiler guy because hes so awesome and cool and better than me in every way i am not being held at gunpoint to say this what do you mean i keep looking at something off screen stop telling me to blink twice im fine)
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soobibabe · 4 months
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tubatu world domination
6 members - 6 active
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soobin: do you guys ever think about beomgyu: no
soobin: damn can i FINISH my STATEMENT
you: to be fair you were typing like a snail i saw it with my own eyes
kai: i think what you were thinking soobin
soobin: thanks kai
yeonjun: wym 'saw it with my own eyes' ??? YOURE WITH HIM@:@::#*# PKSIMABOUT TOTHROW UP
you: i told you guys i was gonna go to the mall today ?
beomgyu: guys man or bear hehehhhhehehhhheeh>.<<<<<
taehyun: y/n reply to my dm pls.
soobin: because im just cunty like that. lolz
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you: @gyu ummm probably bear
beomgyu: HEHHEEHHEH you want me so bad
kai: what kind of bear
taehyun: y/n?
you: guys isnt that so weird!!! a blank chat keeps popping up!!!???
soobin: your phones probably broken
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brokxn like me... 🥀
yeonjun: i could take a bear
beomgyu: no thx peace and love but FOK no
kai: why isnt anyone questioning this odd taehyun behavior
you: who behavior?? never heard of it sry
yeonjun: taehyun like taehyun your bandmate... early dementia signs i fear now ditch soobin lets go get you checked up ^.^ beomgyu: shes upset because tyun said he was too busy to go out with her today
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taehyun: i really was busy. pdnim called me in for a meeting about the next Academy Reincarnation season.
you: k
soobin: me personally if i got hit with a k by txts silliest member i would kms lowk
yeonjun: i'd get hard idk
kai: can we put him on a speaking ban again
beomgyu: why hasnt soobin gotten one yet hes always talking anf talking anf talking and talking AND HES A NERD LIKE DAMN!!!!!!!!!! PICK A STUGGLE!!!!!!!!!!
soobin: yk youre so nice to me when were alone...
yeonjun: 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂
kai: 👀
taehyun: y/n reply to me me and i'll buy you whatever you want from prada
you: im their ambassador you twat
taehyun: right, yes sorry i forgot how about i bring you flowers and [your favourite food] to the dorm later?
you: deal
kai: HEY WTF ITS THST EASY? the last time you were mad at me you didnt talk to me for a whole SIX HOURS EVEN AFTER I APOLOGISED ON MY KNEES
beomgyu: guys if you weren't already an idol under bighit which bts member would you date
you: all 7
taehyun: jungkook
soobin: jin no wait hobi lowkey he's a cutie
beomgyu: you have to choose ONE y/n
yeonjun: jimin or tae kook is cool but i probably wouldn't be able to handle his fans
you: no ur so right actually i could not handle dating another idol LMFAOO
soobin: ???? wdym i spoke with ur mum already she gave me her blessings we can date :3 even as idols heheheheh you: she did not
soobin: did tooooooo
you: nuh uh when did you even meet her
taehyun: he's lying i was there
yeonjun: hahaha liar liar pants on fire
you: when the hell did you guys meet my mom
kai: well SOMEONE left us on a cliffhanger last week and didn't tell us who she was dating so we did the next best thing...
yeonjun:yea!!!!!!! tell them queen!!!!!!! why did you guys not invite me. fake fucks.
soobin: something about how she thought you were a lesbian so she doesn't even know what we're talking about
you: well shes not half wrong
taehyun: anywho she did NOT give ANY blessings to anyone however she did say that you were getting older and needed to get more serious about future planning cause all you put your effort into is work
soobin: that was basically her speaking in maternal code for "hey you can marry my daughter once contracts are terminated" trust me id know
kai: maternal code?
soobin: yep im an expert
beomgyu: what the fuck does that even mean
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taehyun: sometimes i wonder about the state of your mental wellbeing soobin: you just need to match my 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 you wouldn't get it. yeonjun: taehyun gets our freak soobin 💯 he's the one who suggested recording the killa with our shirts off.. fucking freak
you: i suggested that actually :3 but tyun suggested the lights off for tinnitus
beomgyu: you make me sick beomgyu left tubatu world domination kai: never a moment of peace in this household…
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A/N: this has been marinating in my drafts and i HATE it but i need to get rid of it 🤔🤔🙏🏼💯🔥 pls accept this scrap cause i may be a little burnt out 😭😭🤣🤣😜👊
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babygorewhore · 8 months
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You are the only Exception
Eddie is your brother’s best friend. Who often reminds you Eddie would never go for you. But one night on a last minute change, Eddie takes you to a concert. Where he finally confesses what he’s always wanted to.
Warnings. None! Less than 1k. (Who am I?) thank you to my love @take-everything-you-can for giving me so many adorable thots for this one!!!
Your brother's best friend was Eddie Munson, someone you’ve had a crush on for years but your brother wouldn’t ever let you be alone with him for more than five minutes.
“Dude, you’re a princess and he’s just not into that.” He would say, but you didn’t care. You still admired and obsessed over him.
Tonight was the night of the paramore concert, something your brother promised to take you for your birthday. You half hoped Eddie would have joined but you didn’t voice it. You looked at your outfit in the mirror, the cropped black paramore shirt and plaid pants. Your boots gave you a few inches and your hair was styled out of your face from anticipating sweat.
Your makeup was perfect for the hot lighting and you took a million selfies and posted them all.
But a knock at your door caught your attention.
“Hey um im really sorry but I won’t be able to take you tonight.”
You spun around, prepared to scream at him when your brother held his hands up.
“But before you freak out, Eddie said he would take you. He’s downstairs. And don’t be weird. I know you have some stupid crush on him.”
You threw a shoe at him which hit him on the arm as he rolled his eyes and left. You smooth your outfit repeatedly out of nerves. Oh god. Eddie was taking you to a childhood dream concert?
As you came down the stairs, you saw Eddie talking and laughing with your brother and his smile briefly dropped and turned into something softer before he snapped into place.
“Hey, rocker girl.” He greeted you as you came closer. He reached to play with your hair and your brother smacked his hand.
“Man, come on. She’ll throw a fit if you mess up all that hairspray. She’s living her emo kid fantasy right now.”
Although he didn’t mention that it also included kissing Eddie Munson, your eyes flickered to his full lips that were casually upturned. Eddie was wearing all black with an oversized jean jacket. To your surprise, he held up two wristbands. They both said paramore.
“Kinda hard to get ahold of these but I got them. Here,” he reached to slip it on your hand and you swallowed as his ringed fingers touched your skin.
“Shall we?” Eddie held out his elbow and you curtsied.
“Lead the way, sir.” Your brother turned up his lip and you gave him an innocent look as you both walked out of the door.
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Your heart thudded the entire drive and as you both situated in the growing crowd near the stage. You rose to your tip toes and back down to ease some of the anxiety when you felt Eddie’s hand go to your lower back. “It’s okay. They’ll be out soon.” He said to your ear and you felt goosebumps.
“Trust me,” he pulled back, speaking louder. “I’m an expert.” You raised your eyebrows as he started grinning.
“Oh? I didn’t realize you were such a superstar, Edward.” He put a hand over his heart.
“You wound me, princess. Playing for five drunks has made me way better than some punk pop band.” He playfully rolled his eyes.
You smacked his shoulder lightly as you heard the crowd roar. Spinning, you saw the band walk out center stage. You met their screaming and started jumping as the guitars played with their opening song.
“Are we ready??” Hayley called out and you started clapping.
As the show continued, you shed tears and your favorite songs from your teen years were played. Finally, your favorite song. The Only exception began. You raised your arms and then felt another pair wrap around your waist. You felt his jacket on your bare flesh and you turned your head. Eddie was smiling at you, his lips turned up in the lights. The shadows across his face did nothing to conceal the yearning in his brown eyes.
You leaned into him, enjoying every second as the years of pining came to mind. His hands gently traced your ribs. His cool rings pricking your skin that was hot.
“You are the only exception.” You all sang out and you instinctively pulled out of Eddie’s hold but his hand slid into your pocket. And then he started aggressively head banging.
You gasped and then cackled. But then Eddie leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. You turned and cupped his face. Meeting his kiss with parted lips as you briefly forgot about the crowd.
He pulled back and pecked your lips a few more times. “Let’s keep watching, sweetheart. Gotta face your brother when we get back.” He smirked.
“He can get over it.” You giggled and faced the stage again.
“Oh and by the way,” Eddie said against your ear again. “You’re not too much of a princess for me, sweetheart. You’re the only exception.”
Tagging @xxhellfirebunnyxx @lesservillain @emsgoodthinkin @reidsbtch @slvt4jamesmarch @marchsfreakshow
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howlsofbloodhounds · 15 days
I saw someone talk about Nightmare's shapeshifting today and, you know what would be a messed-up scenario that I don't see brought up too often? Nightmare shapeshifting into Killer to mess with the others.
He puts on Killer's face and uses it to lure Color into a trap. Or to dish out some punishments to the rest of his henchmen because they were getting a bit too cozy at the castle and he can't have them relying on each other.
And, I mean, Killer's the one who knows him best. He's the one others rely on to tell them if the one in front of them is Nightmare or not. It's hard to tell when you haven't spent decades studying all of the octopus' mannerisms. Because they do look identical. And now other people's trust in him is getting eroded so they don't even have the expert to rely on.
(Though I do like the idea of them realizing that's not Killer after a while, because, while they haven't studied Nightmare and don't know all his tells, they know Killer. Like, imagine Color after getting taunted a while just cringing and going "He would NOT fucking say that". That's his blorbo and he knows him better than this!)
Im sorry the idea of Killer being Color’s blorbo makes me giggle—these two just spend every hour together observing and trying to understand and memorize eachother, huh.
Wonder what Nightmare could’ve said to make Color cringe at him so badly. Would be hilarious if Color says something like Killer is more creative in his tauntings too.
But man i can’t imagine the dissociative hell Nightmare’s actions would tell spin Killer into. Everyone is getting mad at him or upset with him for things he apparently did or said, even though he doesn’t remember doing or saying that? And he tries to insist that he didn’t do that, why would he.
and everyone is getting more furious at him, demanding his stop lying and trying to gaslight them or something—and this feels very familiar to killer. maybe he did do these things. why doesn’t he remember? well he’s never had the most reliable memory anyway, he doesn’t even know who or what he is anymore. he can’t be trusted, everyone say so.
maybe he’s the liar here. and he should accept what he did. i can imagine it leads to killer just emotionally detaching from the group for awhile—stage 2 relying on his apathy. ‘they wouldn’t be saying it happened if it didn’t. it sounds like something i think i would do..so maybe i did it.
..whatever. it doesn’t matter. not my problem.’ obviously a little different than that, but if he can’t seem to take control by stopping it, maybe he assumes its happening because the players want it to and therefore there’s no point resisting—so he just basically takes control by greyrockiing and not caring.
basically a mass unintentional gaslighting like what happened with chara.
..and actually now that i think about it. itd be curious to think about how killers knowledge of/belief in players and us controlling everything effects his views of the world and the people across his Stages.
just how often does he view the actions and words of the people around him as just saying and doing what they’re supposed to say or do, if not directly speaking to him or punishing/rewarding him through others. (perhaps the last one is something more along stage 4’s thinking?)
{ @stellocchia }
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yellow-yarrow · 2 years
are uquizes still a trend? whatever, something possessed me and i created my first quiz, it will assign you one of my blorbos, trust me im an expert
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whorangi1104 · 8 months
Ghost AU: Frozen Hearts and Electric Souls
Chapter 1: FNG
Ghost observed the Scot chatting with Garrick from across the room. He noted how his mohawk seemed to crackle with light - maybe some sort of energy gift - and the glint in his bright blue eyes, possibly trouble, especially since he was a demolitions expert. He’d have to trust Price on his judgment for this one. He watched as he introduced himself to the team, striking up conversations easily, until his eyes finally landed on Ghost.
“Name’s John Mactavish. They call me Soap.” said the Scot with a smile and a slight accent, extending a hand.
“Lieutenant Ghost.” He responded and shook Soap’s outstretched hand briefly.
“Nice mask. Fits yer name.”
“Suppose so.”
“See ye around then, LT.” Soap said as he walked away to be given his room by price.
Ghost took a mental note to look into the Scot’s file sometime.
As Soap walked to his new room in the barracks, he noticed it was next to the one marked “Lt. Simon “Ghost” Riley”. Maybe he could try to crack his lieutenant’s cold exterior over time. As he pushed open the door to his own room, He put down his duffel bag and carrier on the floor and saw a simple setup with a bed, dresser, a desk in front of a window, and a few shelves along the walls. After closing the door, he opened the carrier door and watched as a streak of yellow and black fur flashed around the room once and settled on his shoulder, licking his face.
“Hey buddy, been pent up too long?” He stroked the cheetah cub’s head, static crackling at the touch. Of course, it wasn’t really a cub, he had no idea how old his prowler was, as there had never been a way to track their age since they seemed to shift however they wanted. Soap fed him a few pieces of dried beef from his bag before flopping on the bed and pulling out his sketchbook and started outlining the view from outside his window.
Simon stepped into his room, which was now unfortunately next to the new sergeant’s. It was plain, scarcely decorated and a few stray masks here and there, probably his prowler’s work as he had been away meeting the new recruit.
A cat the color of night with slightly frosted fur and eyes the color of ice came out from under the bed, another mask being dragged in its mouth, to be gently taken by Simon and put on the dresser. As Simon sat down to finish some paperwork, Phantom curled on the bed for a nap, calm, soft breathing, being the only sound in the room.
A while later, a knock sounded on the door, and Ghost paused his work and answered the door to be greeted by Soap with a regal-looking adult male cheetah on a leash. The cheetah had dark eyes like obsidian and a handsome mane running down its back that Ghost wondered if that was what Soap had modeled his mohawk after. 
“Felt like I never got to get in a proper introduction with ye as I did with the rest of the team LT, so maybe ye’d like to be the first to meet my prowler?” said Soap
“...Why is it on a leash? As far as I know, prowlers are loyal to their gifted?” questioned Ghost.
“Aye, but he’s more the energetic type, meetin’ strangers often excite ‘im,” answered Soap.
Ghost sighs quietly and opens the door further to let them in, observing the pair and taking note of the lightning-shaped markings on the cheetah’s wrists.
“So where’s yer prowler? Mine usually likes bein’ in view.”
Ghost looks over at the bed and notices Phantom is gone, and is now observing from one of the shelves, and swiftly leaps onto Ghost’s shoulder when she sees him looking.
“Here. Her name’s Phantom.”
“She seems nice, an’ a way better name than mine. Did I introduce Cheeto?”
Ghost raises an eyebrow, “... you named your cheetah prowler… Cheeto? After something that was named after cheetahs?”
“I thought it was cute, it was supposed to be temporary. Besides, he won’t respond to anything else now.”
Phantom eyed the cheetah with a suspicious look that could rival the way Simon eyed Soap and leaped off onto the desk where the cheetah followed in the form of a cub now, trying to get her to play. 
“What can you do? Your gift?” asked Ghost after they watched the prowlers interact.
“Electricity. Think it’ll work well with the team? Yer ice gifted right?”
A sudden knock interrupted their conversation as Gaz stuck his head inside.
“You two done here? Price is calling us to the debrief room for another mission, better hurry it.
“Aye, be there in a sec. Comin’ LT?”
Ghost nods. “Give me two minutes.”
“Olright, we'll be waitin’ for ye.”
Ghost closes the door after they leave and makes sure Phantom is situated and the masks put away before going to debrief himself.
short chapter since I want to post chapters on Sundays (soapghost Sundays lol) with a chapter a week, and I just started mid week.
also I’m going into this work blind but I’m planning smut and angst.
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