#this isn’t hate i just thought it was funny
jrow · 2 days
May Prompts (16)
Day 15 here.
“It’ll be an experiment!”
He grimaces. Linda’s over-the-top cheeriness hardly breeds confidence, but she is his favourite nurse so he’ll give her a bit of leeway.
His recovery is going decently well, but his amnesia around the evening of the fall persists. It’s hardly surprising or worrying—these things take time his doctors keep saying, and it’s only been a couple days. But, his inability to remember what happened is eating away at him. He knows Sherlock isn’t sharing the full story.
He had mentioned his frustration to Linda and her eyes had lit up. She claimed to have had some success with helping patients with memory through guided visualization and said she would be happy to help John.
It’s funny that her calling it an experiment is what got John to finally agree. It reminded him of the type of argument Sherlock would make (although he would be far less peppy).
Linda lowers the lights before asking John to close his eyes and focus on his last memory from before waking up in hospital.
“I said goodbye to the staff at the nursery and Rosie and I started towards the tube.”
“Good, good. Tell me about what you remember about that moment.”
“The street was busy.”
“With who?”
“Oh loads of people. Looks like people going home from work.”
“Good, good. What’s the weather like?”
“You can do better than that, John.”
A sigh. “It’s chilly, of course, but no wind. There hasn’t been a cloud in the sky all day. It’s nice…good weather. I hoped it would stay like that.”
“Why did you want it to stay like that?”
“Why wouldn’t …” A pause. “I’m nervous about rain.”
“Why, John?”
His heart starts racing. “If it rains, or god forbid snows, it’ll take longer to get to Baker Street. I don’t want to be late.”
“Late for what?”
“Meeting Sherlock for his birthday.” He tries to push ahead in the day, tries to remember meeting Sherlock, but he can’t. He hates it.
“Stay there, John. I can see you’re getting frustrated but it’ll come. You’re doing great. Just focus on getting to the tube.”
“I need to wrap his present before I go,” he blurts out without thinking. “Oh god.” He opens his eyes. “Sherlock’s birthday gift.”
“Are you okay?” Linda asks, gently, reaching out and gently touching his shoulder.
“Yeah, I just …” John says before trailing off. “I just remembered something,” he adds after a pause.
Before collecting Rosie he hadn’t been sure he’d have the balls to give Sherlock the gift, but in that moment he had decided. And once John Watson was sure of something … well nothing could have stopped him.
Nothing except a fall off a roof possibly. Possibly?
But, Sherlock said they met at the flat before heading out for cake. Which means John must have brought the gift. Which means …
There’s no way Sherlock opened it before John fell because they didn’t have cake. Gifts after cake, that’s the rule. So, either Sherlock opened it sometime in the last couple days and or it’s sitting unopened in the flat.
Either way Sherlock hasn’t mentioned it. That can’t be good, right?
“Why don’t you rest,” Linda says, interrupting his thoughts, knitting her brow.
“No, no, let’s keep going!” he says, closing his eyes tight. He needs to remember!
Linda chuckles. “Not now. Sadly, I do have other patients. And you should rest. I promise rest will make it easier.”
He huffs, but doesn’t argue. He opens his eyes and Linda gives him a smile before opening the door.
The constable who’s standing guard outside the room—he’s there on Greg’s orders officially, although everyone knows Mycroft is pulling the strings—pops his head in. “How are you doing, Mr. Watson?”
Linda tsks. “Better than fine, I’d say. He is starting remember a bit. Not the events before the fall, but it’ come.”
“Oh?” Says the constable, eyes darting around the room. The man is visibly surprised and wonders what Greg has been telling the Yard about his injuries.
Linda smiles wide. “Only a matter of time.”
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Loona x female!bird!soft reader headcanons
Hehe! Awww! I haven’t written for Loo-Loo yet! Pretty excited to see how Loona is with an opposite-personality gf, all for Bisexual Loona!
Loona- Fuzzy Kisses
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You are Loona’s bisexual awakening and she doesn’t know how to feel… she really thought she liked only men and liked only Vortex but all of the sudden, you scooted into her life and now, she can’t stop blushing at the sight of you
Loona struggles to court you at first, like… a lot but eventually with support and some months of friendship, she ends up winning the heart of the beautiful bird demon girl called you and now… you’re dating and it both terrifies and excites Loona to her core
Loona refuses to admit it but she loves how feathery and warm you are. So, she’ll just sneakily lay her head on your lap whilst glued to her phone so she can deflect you trying to point it out… she isn’t doing anything!
Loona’s a fluffy wolf Hellhound and you’re a soft raven bird demon… the irony is there but also precious. She is the predator but she’s defeated by merely how beautiful you are
Loona will absolutely use her tail to keep you warm. If you’re cold or uncomfortable, suspect to feel Loona’s fluffy long tail curl around your body whilst she is still scrolling on her phone or reading an margarine quietly
Loona is quiet, she’s antisocial and doesn’t do the best at parties but if you want to go out to abnormal date at some restaurant or café, or just want to go enjoy a Beelzebub house party, she’ll accompany you to ‘protect you’ but mainly to make you happy
Loona also tries to deflect anybody mentioning she is dating you… she isn’t trying to refuse the relationship, more push off the embarrassment of it being thrown out publicly. It’s just so humiliating that people find her affection for you funny to point out
Loona is a hard Tsundere at heart. She never means to hurt you when she acts all tough and harsh, she just gets flustered so easily and she doesn’t know how to handle her feelings well… be patient with her, she does love you
Loona will genuinely try to comfort you should she accidentally make you cry when being a bit aggressive, since you’re just… so beautiful and it hurts her heart to know you’re upset or scared of her. She’ll try hard and she tries by peppering you with presents and blankets and cuddles, even offering her tail for you to play with. Whatever she can to make you smile again
Like her adoptive father, Blitzø, Loona does struggle with openly expressing herself but she does try since you always do so much for her. She does and she is getting better with telling you what she wants and how she feels
Loona loves it when you brush your hair, she tries her hardest to not show it but she can’t stop her tail thumping on the ground and her ears drawing down. It feels so good, your hands raking through her pretty messy soft hair with the brush… she hates people touching her but you’re the only exception and Blitzø
Loona actually kinda likes the whole opposites girlfriends thing you and her have. She’s cynical and barky, you’re optimistic and gentle-hearted. She’s hard as nails, you’re softer than a cloud. She’ll protect you with her life and you’ll calm her down effortlessly
Loona only really trusts Blitzø to talk about her infatuation with you and talk about how much she likes you, her adoptive father always listens to her so she can just simp as much as she wants without being judged
Talking about Blitzø, Loona takes a while dating you to feel comfortable enough to introduce you to her father and when you come over to the apartment to have dinner with him, the Imp immediately jumps into treating you as his daughter-in-law since he is confident his Loony-Toony has found herself her soulmate
Loona will also let you do her makeup and if anybody says her makeup looks shit, she’ll personally rip their heads off for daring to insult your work. She looks beautiful, thanks to you and she won’t take any shit. Her precious girlfriend did this and little things like that means a lot to her
You supporting and defending Loona like Blitzø does strengthen her growing trust and growing desire to open up. She doesn’t have both with you right away but everytime you do something for her, the more she feels like she can be attached to you with nothing going wrong
Loona is so afraid you’ll end up replacing her with somebody else that her insecurity sometimes bleed out the rare times you two argue. She needs reassurance that you only want her… a lot
Loona values anything you give her. Even give her a simple phone case and she’s using it the next day. She likes to picture that your heart is inside the gifts you give her and it makes her feel… well, happy. Since it means she has you with her, even when you’re not in front of her
Loona defends you and your personality. You’re purer than any angel up in Heaven and she’d be damned if she let anybody rip up your spirits. You’re such a likeable soul that she will happily listen to you chatter for hours
Loona is a deep listener, as confirmed with her knowing Blitzø so well, and remembers very small details so well, she can identify how he acts. Your little habits or behaviours, she picks them up and she can read how you feel at times or what you may mean fluently
Loona out here using her precious sparkly puppydog eyes on you so you’ll try on goth/emo style for her, just to make her mentally drool over you. Wow, you look… well… hot
To sum it all up, Loona isn’t the BEST girlfriend in Hell, nobody is but she loves you deeply and she’ll try her best for you, since you always do it all back for her. She knows you and she feels like you understand her so well, the opposite personalities don’t matter to her. Who you are matters to her, she is just in love, nothing more to say…
Loona doesn’t know how to feel when she sees your bird mannerisms. She often just thinks ‘cute’
“Eh— you… want to go to that shithole for a party, Babe? Uh… I guess… ugh. Okay, okay. Fine, fine. We can go but stay with me, alright? I don’t want any creeps or that fucking honeycomb Sin touching you. We can dance together”
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physalian · 1 day
What No One Tells You About Writing #7 —The Editing Edition
Today’s list is all about the post-draft process, as I slog through another round of it.
Part 6
Part 5
Part 4
1. No one cares about your book baby as much as you do
Trying to say this as objectively as possible, but it remains an ugly truth. Your WIP might very well be the most important project on your mind for months. Unless you have a significant other totally and completely invested in your writing journey, no one else will have the same priorities you do concerning your beta readers and editors. They all have their own lives and jobs to think about.
Whether it’s your editors not approaching your book with the same level of emotion as you do, or not working on your timetable as quickly as you’d want them to, your book’s biggest cheerleader will remain you, the author, and no one else. Doesn’t mean your book is bad, niche, or boring, it’s just not as special to anyone else as it is to you.
2. Your editors will have their arbitrary hills to die on
I have said this in other ways before, but editors aren’t robots (or at least they shouldn’t be), and we all have our own reasons for not liking books, and those reasons probably aren’t reflective of you as an author. You can have an editor with moral objections to some of your themes and characters, but who is still quite competent at critiquing pacing and flow.
Or one who just fundamentally dislikes a side character or a romantic subplot, while agreeing that it is well-written. Or one who does not agree with how a scene should be told, what elements it should include, what they deem offensive, etc. This is why it’s important to have as many eyes on it as you can for a full spectrum of opinions. One editor might hate a scene that five others love. You can’t please everyone.
3. This is where you will hate your own narrative the most
The amount of times you will read over the same lines of dialogue, the same jokes, the same introspective pining, the same gushy romantic scene, can be incredibly frustrating and demoralizing. You’ll second-guess yourself constantly. You’ll wonder if it really is that funny or that romantic or that compelling. You’ll convince yourself that it’s dumb or pedantic or pretentious and consider deleting entire scenes and characters.
When you’re neck-deep in cleaning up crutch words and fixing syntax and arguing with yourself over the placement of a period or a comma or whether or not to use “said” or a different verb, there’s not much fun to be had. Go slow, step away from the project when it gets too much, and come back with fresh eyes later. You do your book baby no favors editing with an attitude.
4. Your favorite elements will end up on the cutting room floor
This is why I think it's important to archive your deleted scenes. Some characters, important lines of dialogue, or themes and motifs get axed as a byproduct of deleting the scenes that contain them. You can either shuffle those beats around to other areas of your book, or save them for a later WIP, or a sequel.
Sometimes your book isn't what you thought it would be, and that doesn't make it any lesser for what it is.
5. However long you think it’s going to take, guess again
As mentioned above, no one works on your time table. Beta readers can be very hard to find as the definition of what beta reading looks like isn’t very set in stone. How I beta read is very different from the work delivered by some that I hire as we all have different elements that we focus on.
Some try to edit your book into a story they want to read, overriding your voice as an author. Some only give line-edit feedback where you’re looking for more big picture notes, or vice versa. Some give less feedback than you think the narrative warrants.
Some skip entire scenes and leave you unknowing if there was just nothing special to say about them. Some will miss important edits that later editors slap with valid criticisms. Some just quit, and you have to start over. Some will give you vague feedback, or contradictory feedback, or feedback that just isn’t helpful and you have to do your best with what’s been given to you.
Editing is a very long and tedious process and vetting editors can get mighty difficult when we all have our own stipulations for what we think a quality edit means. It costs a pretty penny, too, if you’re like me with WIPs that consistently top 100k words.
In the end, editing remains vital to any story, original or fanfic or otherwise, if you want it to be as successful as it can be. I don’t think there is a perfect, flawless narrative out there, even by the greats. You’ve already dedicated so much of your time and effort into your work, do it justice by giving it the TLC it deserves.
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silly-little-gooses · 20 hours
my controversial tig opinions
(not in any specific order)
we shouldn’t be shipping lyra and grayson yet. they barely know each other and we barely know who lyra even is. there is so much fanfic and headcanons for them, even though they are practically strangers.
avery isn’t boring! she’s an intensely deep, complicated character who many can relate to, which doesn’t often happen with main characters in these kinds of stories. she’s just a teenage girl who’s been dealt a bad set of cards, which is both very realistic and engaging.
max is hilarious. I’ve seen people say she’s cringey, but they are simply wrong. she’s charming, sarcastic, and I love her fake cursing. I will accept no max hate.
libby and nash is an underrated ship. they’re so adorable together and they’re complete opposites, which is what makes them so good together. goth x cowboy, who could’ve expected that? similarly, stop sleeping on nash! he’s responsible, he’s a gentleman, he’s a feminist, he’s a great guy.
xander's trauma is so overlooked, it makes me sad. he thought everyone hated him for his entire life and people are still thinking that he’s just the happy go lucky funny guy.
eve doesn’t deserve forgiveness. idc about a redemption arc, she is a bad person. I’m not the biggest grayson fan, but I’m on his side in this scenario. she had no right to abuse him like that.
alisa ortega is hispanic. this is how i imagine her, especially since her last name is spanish. people who fancast a white woman as alisa or draw alisa has incredibly light-skinned are portraying her wrong. everyone is allowed to envision characters how they want, but I think this one is obvious.
in the beginning, rebecca was annoying. she has gotten better over time, but at first, all she did was whine and cry and be angsty. I’m glad she’s found love and has grown into a strong, resilient young woman.
that’s all I’ve got, pls don’t cancel me! these are my opinions, I’m not saying anyone else’s opinions are wrong, this is just what I believe. you can believe whatever you want <3
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caph-fiene · 9 months
is anyone else on tiktok rn and is watching them make an indie horror film that they’re convincing everyone is real?
sounds kinda familiar ngl…
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caughtonwebcam · 3 months
Kyman doodle?
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I really don’t love kyman but art block is kicking my ass so I took a few creative liberties lol
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nofacednerd · 9 months
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Another sketchbook doodle of these fuckin guys
Someone on here pointed out that they would be SO sad when they realized they missed the SNW musical pandemic by like a week so I took it as an opportunity to draw sad people
Bonus boimy bc his face is covered up:
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softestepilogue · 8 months
full offense but fandoms are unbearable because y’all are unlikable. y’all are so weird and i will die on that hill.
this is like the third time i’ve been in a fandom where a white male SIDE character is heavily favored by the fandom and they start jumping through hoops, and grabbing reasons out their asses, to prove why the main poc character is a terrible person. they will also ignore any wrongdoing of the side white male character.
it’s so fucking weird and exhausting.
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sappy-detective · 4 months
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feudalobo · 1 year
I love that Kouga’s sword is so goddamn inconsequential that his ultimate weapon is something entirely different
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thatgirlonstage · 7 months
I get that “the family that moves into the haunted house doesn’t trust each other enough to believe each other when one of them starts saying shit is haunted” is one of those genre tropes that’s like, it needs to be that way to make the story go, but I think you could do an interesting subversion/genre bait-and-switch by making a couple that pretty early on goes “no, okay, it doesn’t matter if you’re hallucinating or if the basement really did try to eat you, the person I love doesn’t feel safe so we’re getting the fuck out”. Idk it’s just really rare to see romantic relationships survive horror films and I think you could do something fun with it.
#I am still thinking about burnt offerings after it wrecked my shit last weekend#and like the context of that film is that all those people hated each other’s guts both in the story and irl lmao#so it would never apply there#but it got me thinking bc#‘would you leave for me? even if it was all just in my head?’#has the potential for incredible romance between characters for whom the answer is an unequivocal YES#I was ALSO thinking about that film#in the context of like. it Seemed Important that it was a nuclear family with a kid#so what happens to that story if the impetus is really#we’re renting this house out in the middle of nowhere in the country#so that when we quietly invite my husband’s FRIEND Dave to come join us#no one needs to know or be asking awkward questions about why Dave is spending the whole summer with us#this is partially me being like. mmm.#I think if I thought about it more you could Say Something Interesting#about the fragility of nuclear families and how the individualist mindset behind them#cuts you off from perspective and support#with this kind of story structure#and partially me being like#I think it would be funny if the house that eats you is defeated bc it doesn’t know what gay people are#just bamboozled. why is there another guy here. get rid of him. why isn’t he leaving#ALSO to be clear#in this scenario the wife is a beard#but that DOESN’T mean she’s expendable#it means she is these two men’s single most trusted friend and confidante#and that they are gonna fight tooth and nail not to let a house eat her#the house trying to sow distrust by manufacturing a scenario where it looks like the wife is cheating: WHY ISN’T THIS WORKING
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hashtag-anthems · 3 months
Me getting ready to romance Wyll in this run and then Astarion goes and gets a nat 20 getting Gale out of that portal like he’s trying to impress him or something 🙄
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philzokman · 1 year
brendon boyd urie ur record label is PETE FUCKINF WENTZ
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skhardwarevers1 · 7 months
me when I let my five co-existing universes interact
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I don’t give a shit that they all take place in wildly different worlds and time periods it’s funny to me
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xxxvomitboyxxx · 8 months
I need to stop being automatically trusting and also stop assuming people will be always good. Sometimes people are bad 👍🏼 !
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sscrambledmeggss · 1 year
I can always tell who hates glee but has never seen it, because they don’t know it’s a comedy 🧌
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