#this makes me happy bc he has 100% seen these actions for what they are from a relatively unbiased perspective
I think my favorite detail is that Penn is the MOST suspicious of ‘Zelda’ like he will go “oh of course she had our safety in mind! …but why didn’t she just say that…”
I love his dedication to finding out the real story. That just. That makes my heart happy.
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irlrikomoriyama · 6 months
I actually want to congratulate you on your work because what I don't think a lot of people in this fandom understand is that Riko is a character that is FUCKING HARD to get right. Not just to understand, but to WRITE. You can't make him too unhinged or he's just a cartoon villain and you can't make his actions too light (If you're writing within canon) or he looks like a pathetic clown instead of the actual threat he is on canon and if you aim for the middle he can end up just bland (AND I WILL SAY the greatest offenders in this are Riko haters and not his stans). And even in your most redemptionest AUs you manage to write him in a way that is consistent with the existing characterisation. I have yet to come across from a post by you that didn't make me think "yeah, if things went different, he could have turned out like this"
I feel pretty honoured I feel like I just won fandom and riko is shipped to me in the post . I would like to thank my parents for making me fucked up enough to get him.
There is few things that contribute to it all pretty much. And I will use this as excuse to talk about them all its 7 am and I slept 4 hours let's goooo
I actually see riko as very pathetic and non threat myself and I'm pretty sure Neil and most foxes do as well because even on my first reading of the books something stuck out to me pręty severly
Characters who actually killed people in those books
Andrew Aaron Renee Neil ? The foxes are pretty hands on with murder
Riko? Riki never actually got his hands dirty it does separate him already in cannon as all bark no bite whose only way to be intimidating is to use family name and people who follow him menawhile Riko himself is scary only to Kevin.
Riko's buildup in narrative as threat is very good but I really wouldn't confuse it as fear of him himself.
Riko's roast perfectly sums it up
Riko is pathetic used and delusional
I'm sorry if this is spitting onto what you said I am happy you like my things but I truly believe that riko is pathetic and I say this fully loving his character and issues his character puts light on.
He is scary only if you give him power as abuser (wchih is what this fandom does a lot in their need to have black and white villian ) but as a person he is pathetic.
But seeing riko as pathetic is seen by people as " he is poor and sad and I don't want to feel this way about him BC he is bad person "
He is not pathetic little kitty
He is pathetic eaten by anger and frustrations and unable to cry from all the pain he is in I can see how killing him could be seen as mercy actually.
Another thing I think people don't get right
Is that riko is not 100% delusional about his value
He has skills and he knows he is worth something he is fighting to have his father acknowledge it not because he does not feel worthy but because he knows he has a lot to offer and wants a chance to show it
He does not feel worthles he is just frustrated that others see him as such
Also growing pains are important thing to show
I think saddest and my favourite thing about riko is that the better person you let him be the more unhappy he will be.being good person won't erase things he did in the past and hurt he caused and the further you go the heavier it will be on his conscience and this is balance in act and I have way too many versions of the story where I let him snap
So yeah riko is pathetic clown and he is scary only when you don't understand this I'm sorry to blow his cover like that !
Maybe my reading of character is different in the end we all base things we create on things we know and while I never did such horrible things I know how it feels to grow into being a better person than I used to be and I know how it feels to still not believe you did got better even when I have friends to prove. There is a lot of comfort in seeing someone so horrible get nice things not because I did those horrible things but because I know how it feels to not deserve anything nice and hate myself enough to self sabotage.
I could go on also to talk about difference between gloryfying physical abuse in fandom and ignoring psychological abuse but maybe that's a talk for another time.
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anti-endo-haven · 2 months
Tws:, gaslighting and manipulation, emotional incest (?), online grooming (Im so sorry if there's more I forgot, pls stay safe <3)
today's been a very stressful day so far, our step mother messaged the body's younger sister telling her how depressed our bio father was because we (us and our siblings) haven't seen/talked to him in a while, so the drama with my bio father has triggered a lot of memories that I hate, tbh almost any mention of him does, especially bc then we started talking about how my therapist thinks our bio father is a pedo, it doesn't help that I'm already a trauma holder for similar trauma, like it's brought up memories of the time our bio father would randomly just squeeze our hips, or the times he would grab us by our hips and pull us against him while we were cuddling, as well as the time he made me put on my bathing suit and basically model it for him to make sure it was "appropriate" it was a two piece and I had already tried it on, he made me do this in front of our siblings, it doesn't help that this happened around the time the trauma I hold happened, I hold our online grooming trauma, it happened from when we were around 10 until about 13, it doesn't help that because of this trauma ive been hypersexual since I was 10, I feel so disgusting and gross, I feel tainted, I want to rip my skin off but there's nothing I can do about it now, I'm sorry this was so long, I just needed to vent and get this off my chest
(💊 from the rainbow system)
It isn’t your fault that you’re not talking to an abuser. Your step-mother is in the wrong completely for trying to weaponize depression against you. He dug his grave, he can lay in it. He is disgusting and has hurt kids that he was supposed to care for.
Try and find some things that can help you destress and provide some happiness. I know it might not be much, but even a little help can do some wonders.
It’s vile behavior that he did and you didn’t deserve that. None of that was your fault. His actions are his own and you were trying to live and survive.
I’m sorry you went through all of that so young, the internet can be terrible and there’s so many people that will harm others. You don’t deserve to be hurt like that, you didn’t deserve to be hurt like that.
You’re not disgusting or gross, it’s sad that it’s a product of what happened, but you’re doing an excellent job. I’m proud of you. You’re good enough. You’re not a disappointment, you’re not a mistake, you’re not a failure. You’re a survivor and we will always stick together. If you need to cut your stepmother out of your life to be able to do better mentally, do so if you’re able.
If you’re able, see if a luke warm or preferred temperature bath can help. Add some music in the background. Bath bomb if you have one, use some body wash for bubbles, small things to make it a little better. Just to relax. This is completely optional and I know it doesn’t work for everyone. We use these as a more serene thing, saying that the water is washing away what we don’t want to be there, the bubbles are a form of soap which is helping wash it away. The music is to help ground us. Again, it’s completely optional and it might not help so 100% try and find something that can help ground you when you’re able to.
Much love from us! You’re doing everything you can and you’re doing great. ❤️
Have a cookie!
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mae-i-scribble · 5 months
Rewatching the first episode of komi cant communicate just reminds me of how much I wish this show was less a comedy and more of a serious drama. Like don' t get me wrong I think thr author succeeds largely at the absurdist comedy that is komo cant communicate but the emotional core of komi and tadano's relationship is so strong at certain points that I can't help but wish for more sections that veer away from the comedy.
I actually think this conflict between the comedy and the drama is a large part of why people despise that one yandere character. Her intro episode is a frankly bizarre clash of tone with the kidnapping played 100% straight and treated like the very serious crime it is while also letting you know that yes, tadano was in actual legit danger. Aaaaand then we just cut back to happy school fun times and haha isnt it soooo funny that this yandere makes concerning remarks and is so obsessive? Thats so funny? Also here is a genuine heartfelt scene of komi trying to push tadano away bc shes genuinely afraid of what will happen to him thanks to being friends with her, but tadano reaffirms that he wants to be friends with her far more than he is bothered by the actions of their fanish classmates. And now we're back to hehehaha fun times :D
Like. It was just fucking weird to watch the first time and has never gotten less strange to me. Its like the author couldnt decide what tone they wanted to commit to so they just tried clashing both and the result is everyone asking why the fuck was this yandere not reported to the police immediately and charged . And subsequently becomes far more aggravating bc her threats are a real perceived thing vs being just a cooky quirk like the other outlandish students. Bc she was taken seriously now trying to shove her character into this comedy box makes no sense.
Now with all of that said, Im still gonna bite the bullet and rewatch a bunch of scenes bc komi and tadano's friendship/romance is genuinely one of the sweetest I've seen. The chalkboard scene is such a beautiful thing- tadano reaching out to komi in a language she can reciprocate after komi spills her heart to him as she hasnt been able to talk to anyone in so long but tadano is the first peer to see her for who she truly is and ahhhhhhhhh
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angelkissesdean · 1 year
?????????????? People think Dean doesn't show or understand his feelings or those of others???????
I mean it is somewhat true. Dean doesn't usually show his real feelings to Sam. Bc it's like when you're a parent and you need to keep it together even when you're falling apart so your kid can keep it together. (Also performative masculinity.)
But like ??? This boy is constantly all up in his emotions and he understands them and he actually does talk about his feelings with other people sometimes. And he understands how everyone else feels and how his actions affect others. Like Dean is AWARE and cares. He just doesn't know what to do about those feelings or express them appropriately a lot of the time bc no one ever taught him how to regulate. Also he's TERRIBLE at using his words but we know Dean has issues w verbal communication, again, bc no one taught him.
Idk if you've ever seen like a little kid we'll say up until maybe idk age 7ish where they don't really have the words to fully express their feelings so they just like... get really pissed and throw things and scream and yell and hit and overall are unpleasant little human beings who cause problems at home and school and in my office lol. Like a lot of times they do understand they're upset and they understand they're making other people upset too but at that age it's "I'm happy" or "I'm mad" and not much else in between bc the words aren't there yet. Kids learn them through parents/caregivers/older siblings, peers, other adults (teachers, therapists, etc).
Dean had none of those people in his life in early/middle childhood (thanks to John). Actually I'm willing to say until Stanford era tbh. (Whatever happened in Stanford era was life changing for Dean and I WISH we knew more. S1 Dean is actually way too well adjusted.) So like that's not an excuse esp since ya know he's an adult now and should know better but it is a reason. Imagine being 22 and having zero emotion regulation or decent (verbal) communication skills and you're spending the rest of your life trying to catch up. Like that shit's got to be HARD.
Like this does not excuse any of his actions bc a lot of times he makes bad choices, but he does understand they're bad choices. And like he's supposed to make bad choices that's the point of a drama lol but we're supposed to see character growth over time and we DO. 15x19 Dean is not the same person as 01x01 Dean. (15x20 Dean however is more or less the same as 01x01 Dean, which is why the finale is fake.)
Dean does apologize when he recognizes he's done something wrong or hurt someone usually. Except Jack. Dean treated Jack so poorly and literally never made amends which is pretty messed up tbh I hope that gets explored and resolved at some point. Also Dean and Cas gotta work out their issues, they have some unresolved shit too (and this is aside from all the stuff with the love confession). And Sam I mean I think Dean and Sam will always have issues bc I don't think they ever really understood where the other was coming from. I mean they get it but don't get it, ya know?
Also they 100% should've talked more about the whole Gadreel situation like that was v much not okay. And I don't think Dean understood the full extent as to why. Which tbh given everything I think Dean should've understood. We talk a lot about Sam's issues with not being allowed autonomy from an early age and Dean has similar issues but it's more people expecting him to do what he's told and being forced instead of like a complete loss of control (I'm still getting to know Sam so pls correct me if I'm wrong.) But like it's similar enough that Dean really should've known better. Not to say that he necessarily should've let Sam die bc like, the series would've ended at 09x01 which would be sad. But they absolutely should've talked about it and Sam should've gotten way more mad at Dean for it.
The difference between Dean and John is that John chose to completely disregard his kids who were still alive and needed him and instead chose to focus on a ridiculous revenge mission that honestly wouldn't have brought Mary back anyway so like...why. And he dismissed Sam and Dean's feelings entirely bc he was training them to be soldiers and nothing more. (Ok that's reductionist, bc he did care for them just... not in the ways that actually mattered.)
Dean, while he does make bad choices, he ultimately does care for Sam as a person and wants Sam to be happy and safe. Dean's entire story is about breaking free from a narrative he never wanted to be part of, which is a 15 year extended metaphor for overcoming trauma. Dean wants Sam to be free from the trauma too like this is IMPORTANT so that Dean can feel comfortable in letting go of his past too. (Dean's character arc isn't complete tho like the fact that he got to heaven and immediately bailed to go find a diff version of his parents to save, instead of ya know... talking with his actual parents who live down the street... lol that shit is telling.)
Idk I'm tired, prob will have more to say on this later but like it ASTOUNDS me how some people are willing to flatten his character to the point where they misunderstand him???
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magicalgirlagency · 1 year
and another thing about the new velma show: is anyone else really weirded out by the fact that the adaptation where velma's not white is the one where they decided to make her a dollar general daria but worse bc the writers/showrunners seem to think being rude is the same as being snarky? someone on twitter said that this velma design is too cute for this show/script (which is a 100% true and based statement btw), what a waste
And just because Velma is the smart one, that doesn't mean she shouldn't be allowed to have fun and/or care for her friends. Have you ever seen OG!Velma? She's a hoot! Delightful to be around with! And her brainstorm helps the team solve the puzzles with much ease!
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Funny thing is that HBO's Velma has Mindy Kaling, a black woman, calling the shots... but the arguments on this tweet still stand!
And you're totally correct about the designs. Velma looks SO cute in the new show; she looks like ME now, I was supposed to be happy and euphoric about this, but they've wrote her to be this passive-aggressive bitch, it's so hard for me to root for her, or any of the gang.
Shaggy is a whole different character (who goes by "Norville", his birth name, and has to remind us all the time that he HATES drugs), Daphne is the stereotypical spoiled rich girl (with Velma attempting to murder her in the school showers, UNPROVOKED), Fred became the racist douchebag with a small penis (no, I'm not joking; the show goes on and on about a 15yo's genitalia), and Scooby himself is unexistent because he'd take away the whole edge of the show (despite the fact that Mystery, Inc. had him, and STILL had an edge to it).
And they still expect me to care about Velma, just because she and Daphne are now girlfriends.
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Oh, and Spoiler Alert: Their relationship is official on the second episode. No slow progress at all.
I'm sorry, but you cannot expect me to care for your black lesbian MC, if all she has ever done was being a major bitch to everyone, and shamelessly attempted to kill her future girlfriend in the pilot.
Do better. Pull an effort. Plus, the live-action movie had this idea before, so y'all ain't original.
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evildilf2 · 2 years
v interested in reading your thots about the jail ending
YIPPEE ok I’ll put them under a readmore so anyone who wants to avoid speculation can skip by. This will likely be incoherent, informal, and a bit all over the place, I hope you don’t mind LOL!
Some disclaimers: I trust that the bcs writers more than I would trust myself with the series haha, so this isn’t like… me saying this NEEDS to happen or anything like that, I’m just speculating! Also, know that this comes from someone who 1) is generally sympathetic towards Jimmy and 2) has only seen each episode once. (I’m saving my rewatch for after the finale!)
Let me start by saying this: the reason a prison ending appeals to me has nothing to do with wanting Jimmy to “get what he deserves”. This might make my perspective biased, but I’m an anarchist and prison abolitionist. I don’t believe in retributive justice, and honestly, while Better Call Saul isn’t a show ABOUT justice, I don’t think BCS is necessarily pro-retribution either. BCS seems to have a critical, and cynical attitude toward revenge and retribution: the world isn’t fair, and when people try to take matters into their own hands, they overestimate their ability to control the behavior of others, and they underestimate what people are capable of doing. I think this idea is present in most of the characters' stories. A lot of them have explanations for their behavior or motivations that I find sympathetic or arguably noble, but their quests for power and revenge only perpetuate each other, and bring about the gravest consequences for everyone involved.
In addition (this is kinda a non-sequitur but idgaf) I think in BCS, prison as a consequence isn't framed the same way that it is in BrBa. In Walter White's story, prison is quite blatantly portrayed as a punishment worse than death, but it doesn't seem to have the same stakes in BCS. Initially, I was averse to the idea of Jimmy getting a prison ending, as the depiction of prison in BrBa was still fresh in my memory & I honestly think he's a better guy than Walter ever was. But as you can see, I've thought it over and changed my mind.
So the way I see it, there are 2 probable prison endings (or categories, since I'm not going over every variable in this post): a pessimistic ending and a bittersweet ending. In the pessimistic ending, Jimmy would get caught, get sent to prison, and he takes Jeff with him. The way I understand his character as of now, is that being sent to prison involuntarily would only enable his current downward spiral. It would feed into this idea he has that the world is against him, and I honestly don’t think he would learn anything by being forced into a prison cell.
The bittersweet ending, which I honestly think is more likely, is that Jimmy turns himself in. What I suspect will happen, is that something terrible will happen to the man whose house he’s breaking into (maybe he dies from mixing the water bottle drugs with his meds), and when faced with the direct consequences of his actions, right after having that conversation with Kim, Jimmy might have a moment of self-awareness and be able to reflect on his (not inability) refusal to change his behavior. Turning himself in would be a huge moment of character growth for him as he is actively choosing to do the right thing, and I think an internal revelation and willingness to accept consequences for his actions would do more justice to the people he has wronged than forcefully imprisoning him ever would. I also don't think he would tell on Jeff in this scenario since Jimmy's the one who roped him into everything, & because Jimmy of all people should understand the value of second chances.
REGARDLESS of if he goes to jail or not though, I think he needs to make some sacrifices. I don’t think a 100% happy ending with a mcwexler reunion is in the cards for him, nor do I think it should be. But who knows what will happen! I’m sure it will be great.
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drunkengodsofslaughter · 10 months
i just spent however long reading all of your st posts and you're so right all the time! i adore steve and robin (and vickie). steve is my guy, my bitchy baby girl, my badass loser. robin is my girl, my awkward polyglot, my annoyed loser. stobins dynamic is top notch, they are soulmates, they're drift compatible, they want to combine into one person. and i'm so tired of people acting like anyone else can have this dynamic. i've seen too many posts (which any in the first place but it's been at least 6) in which people put eddie and nancy into the bathroom scene and it makes me want to pull my hair out. and there's so many things i want to put into this post ab how the fandom and st canon treats steve (overall, within his relationship w everyone, how they treat the concept of popularity (bc people like steve! he's a person people enjoy being around! he wouldn't be popular otherwise.), his intelligence (he's framed as stupid but his intelligence hasn't changed and he is, in fact, smart! and he's so emotionally intelligent and aware of everything) and how people say they love him and robin and stobin but don't actually like or understand any of them, etc.) and how vickie is amazing and vibes so well w robin and that she understands both robin and steve bc she has some similarities both personality wise and w her interests, and how people reduce robin to nancys (fanon) love interest or to bitchy autistic lesbian. (extrapolating on any of that would be like 6 asks and you've talked ab a lot of it already). and now i've decided that steves never done anything wrong bc he was genuinely in the right 98% of the time in s1, but people are acting stupid, so now he was always right. and honestly, i consider his s3 actions of letting erica and dustin go w them ooc bc in s2, he absolutely would've never, and nothing that happened between then and now would've changed his feelings on that. maybe i'm wrong on that, but it feels ooc to me. and he hasn't done anything wrong in any other season. also, i loved your post ab how steve became the person he is bc of trauma, how he doesn't freak out bc he knows he can't, he's the one stepping up to protect everyone and if he falters, he dies and everyone else is gonna be in more danger. any posts ab any of this make me go feral, so. anyways, sorry for ranting in your asks, i just kinda lost it a bit as soon as i started typing lol ✨️
thank you so much for taking the time to read all of them that’s so sweet 🥹
also this is long so going to put it under read more! :)
aww i’m so happy that you love these characters! they really are so wonderful and i love how you’ve described steve and robin <3 legit stobin means so much to me and you’re right i’m so tired of people acting like any other dynamic can have their friendship. ahh i hate when people put eddie or nancy in the stobin scene. or like even mention them because no no no you’re totally forgetting the purpose of this scene. which is funny because people have complained about steve stan’s not being respectful of this scene but like we high key are. but people want to make this scene about one of their ships when the whole point is about robin deciding to come out to steve. it has nothing to do with who her crush is on it’s about her own sexuality. and i’m sure you’ve seen me say this lol but it’s funny how the fandom wants queer representation meanwhile they completely bulldoze and ignore the wants/needs of queer characters. just to fulfill a ship they want.
everything you said about steve! i’ve even seen people legit put stars in steve’s name like this: st*ve which i guess do what you want but why can’t you even type a character’s name? i don’t want to keep repeating what you say so yes agree everything you said about steve’s treatment in fandom! i also 100% about vickie! ohh i need to talk about what you said about season 1 steve! people love to act like he was a devil or something but my dude just reacted to the fact that someone took pictures of him and his friends and girlfriend without his consent! then reacted to the fact that he believes his girlfriend cheated on him with the dude that took pictures of them when being a creep. like i would not act in a good way either. also like steve’s actions are on the same level as some of the other main character’s actions yet stan’s of their characters don’t have to say 24/7 the fact that their fav is an asshole.
about letting dustin and erica do that in season 3: i think it may be slightly ooc but also he’s faced against a kid who did go his own demands in a dire situation. i think after that he would realize that he can’t stop dustin from doing this so i think it may be easier to go along with it and steve can try to keep dustin and all of them safe. also we don’t know what happened between season 2 and 3 so i wonder if steve and dustin got caught up in shenanigans before
ahhh i’m so happy that you love that post <3 and yes yes exactly what you said about steve there. don’t say sorry because i love this rant! i love when people rant as i do it a lot lol and i love hearing people doing it. thank you so much for this!! :)
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nibbles-whispers · 1 year
okie so here’s the sit, it’s been 1 year 4 months and 24 days since me and bf have last shared a kiss (on ze lipz for convience further referenced as Kiss) 
Now there are many factors that have gone into this: he doesn’t initiate kisses 
he has said that i can ask and he will probs basically say yes but due to my embarassing performance on 1 yr 4 months and 24 days ago i have not felt comfy initiating a Kiss with him bc im afraid im going to embarass myself 
within this time frame my bf and i had a discussion in which i asked is there anything you want me to do more or less and he replied with what you’re doing rn is fine: further confirming emerging thoughts my bf does not want to Kiss me 
however wut r reasons why he doesnt want to kiss me anymore (or possibly never has !!!) 
-he’s ace, and while i am s o r t a on the spectrum i do enjoy kisses so i looked at forums to see what other ace ppl have said on the topic and surprisingly a lot of ppl described wut to be me and mysterious  bf’s situation. It was common to see that ppl would indulge their partners and Kissing them when they asked despite feeling neutral towards the action or even repulsed by it 
this was unfortunate to read bc now i’m 87% i’ve been accidentally coercing my bf to Kiss me and he is in fact relieved and is very happy I stopped asking to Kiss him. this makes me feel shitty and digusting and i have no idea how to broach the topic :3 
*disclaimer* if dis is the reason why he has not initiated a Kiss with me then I am completely accepting of that, its not like i need to Kiss him to be with him i just want to be sure i’m respecting his boundaries n stuff 
if reason above is not a reason then the only logical reason is that he finds me revolting 
Now he has said that he finds me pretty and that will not change 
however this statement does not mean i am pretty enough to Kiss 
for example I think flowers are pretty. i do not and have never wanted to kiss a flower 
this is where the experiment comes in
i have tried different lipgloss/lipstick combos and have seen no change meaning it must be my body, so my thinking is if i lose ~100 lbs then he will find me pretty enough to Kiss or better bonus points I will end up in the hospital and he might be worried about me and like hold my head and gibe me a forehead Kiss :D 
Anyways so that’s the background for the experiment 
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binunus · 3 years
sex with bin x eunwoo (m)
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also im so so sorry that i keep disappearing, every time I think I have a break in school, my professors keep going like sike here’s a new assignment and group presentation 🤡, but I swear I’m still working on all the requests, it’s just a real slow progression this time 😔
but thank you all so much for being really patient with me and my works, i legit wanna cry when I think about how sweet all you loves are ❤️
→ genre: smut
→ tw: threesome, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it lovies) dom!binwoo, brat!reader, light bondage?? anal, eiffel tower, oral (f and m receiving), fingering (f and m receiving), ~choking~ bc it’s me, squirting, v-voyeurism??
→ word count: 3.3k _________________________________
oh good fucking lord
I don’t even know where to start
just the thought of getting dicked down by these two immaculate men??? at the same time??? i would sell my soul
and just binwoo are literally my biases?? im still going back and forth between them (even though I think bin is the top)
alright so how does this little thing even start
this is a non-idol au, lowkey this request is giving me frat boy vibes oops i said it
bin and eunwoo are close, they’re best buds
they have fucked the same guy/girl before, but never at the same time
they just have the same taste in people wink wonk
sidenote: bin and eunwoo as bi kings??? so much power fuck
so you are a mutual friend
you met them both in college and have stayed friends since then
but relationships aren’t for you (not yet at least)
the streets™ are still your companion
yes you have fucked both bin and eunwoo before in college, eunwoo once when you were junior, and bin a couple times throughout senior year
you don’t talk to them often, but if something comes up on your feed or a monumental event happens to any one of you, of course you’d spike up some conversation
so you’re coming back in town for a week or so, visiting old friends and family
and bin hits you up like “hey, I saw that you were in town! we should get some dinner and catch up!”
and you were not about to say no to that, bin was a good part of your college years! it would be nice to hang out with him again
alright you weren’t expecting to get action from this dinner – it popped in your mind, yes, but it wasn’t the ulterior motive
but did you try to dress up a little to impress moon bin?? maybe so
and shit, when he showed up to the restaurant looking like a whole ass man?? 
like did his biceps look more appetizing than the food you were being served? a little bit
conversation was exchanged very easily, you and bin were always a bit flirty with each other, ever since college, but you both knew it never meant anything beyond sex
and so when he asked if you were dating anyone, you knew this was the invitation, and were you going to accept it?? 100%, you haven’t had sex in a while because of your job
and so you find yourself back in bin’s apartment
bin: hm? I guess eunwoo’s not home from work yet
you: eunwoo? as in cha eunwoo? you guys still live together?
bin: yeah, we like living together, rent was cheaper that way, and this place is equidistant from both of our work places...is that a problem??
you: no, I mean it makes sense, just...what if eunwoo comes back while we’re in the middle of fucking...wouldn’t that be weird?
bin shrugging: you’ve had sex with eunwoo in college too, and it’s not like he hasn’t seen me naked before either. who knows he might even wanna join?
he said that as a joke alright
but as soon as he mentioned it, your eyes dilated a bit
bin noticed immediately and he caged you against the wall, a little smirk playing on his lips
bin: you seem to like that idea, y/n. hm? you wanna get fucked by both me and eunwoo? didn’t know you were into threesomes
your cheeks are flushing, you felt seen: would you feel weird if he joined? you guys are friends and roommates
bin shaking his head: me and eunwoo have talked about it before, and honestly this seems like the perfect opportunity. we’re all friends here.
you being nervous a little bit bc a threesome?? with both bin and eunwoo?? those two 6 foot attractive men??
you tried a threesome before bc you were curious, but it wasn’t the best hookup experience
you: should we...? wait for him??
your cheeks are flushed a little, like how were you supposed to go about this
bin smiles bc you look a bit cute right now being all shy and he just pinches your cheek
bin: you got cuter since we graduated y/n
you: shut the fuck up bin, don’t make me tie you up again
bin smirks and his hand moves from your cheek to fully grasp at your neck, he squeezes your throat as he pushes you so that your back collided with the wall: baby, if anyone’s getting tied up tonight, it’s gonna be you
and god if you weren’t horny before, you definitely are now, especially with the way bin was cutting off your airflow??? your head was spinning in the best kind of way
bin slotting his thigh in between your legs as he just crashes his lips onto yours
and he’s still choking you when he literally shoves his tongue down your throat, you have to grab onto his broad shoulders just to steady yourself
making out with bin is so hot
he picks you up by your ass and you wrap your legs around his waist, you both are still making out as he leads you to the couch
you’re straddling him oh lord have mercy
you in between kisses: why don’t we go to your room? what, is it messy?
you moan as he spanks your ass at the quip: we’re gonna need to do something about that smart mouth of yours baby...and we’re here to give eunwoo a little show when he comes home. Why, you need a bed? pillow princess? last time I remember, you were fine getting fucked in the maintenance room.
you two go back to kissing, bin’s hands were gripping at your waist now, lifting up the bottom of your shirt so that you could take it off
never in your life have you been so happy to wear a skirt, you could feel the outline of his bulge against your underwear, the fabric of his jeans giving you just enough friction
and when you start grinding on him, he grunts into your mouth and bites on your lower lip
and fuck when bin removes his shirt? he was always built in college but the definition of his muscles now?? you were literally drooling
you: holy shit bin, isn’t your job in business? where do you find the time to workout?
he’s kissing your neck now: you can always find time to workout y/n, just make it part of your daily routine
exercise evangelist moonbin™
you’re tilting your head to the side giving him more access, bin’s sucking hickeys into your neck and it just feels so good
your neck’s a sensitive spot, if you couldn’t tell
and bin knows that so he’s paying extra attention to your neck, you don’t even notice when his hands go around your torso to unclasp your bra
the two of you are literally just topless on his couch, making out and feeling each other up, when lo and behold, eunwoo comes home
his eyes go wide and he immediately covers his face: jesus christ bin, go to your fucking room
bin starts laughing, you know his laugh where his eyes literally crinkle and he smiles so wide and his laugh increases in pitch, that one
you can’t help but laugh too, you thought you would be embarrassed, but this is a bit funny
you: you don’t have to cover your eyes eunwoo, it’s not like you haven’t seen any of this before
eunwoo: oh shit, hey y/n, didn’t know you were coming over?? well...uh if you guys aren’t gonna go to bin’s room, I’m going to mine and just let me know when you’re done
bin: you sure you wanna go to your room? y/n wants you to join us
eunwoo’s blushing a little bit (he’s not covering his face anymore) when you two meet eyes: are you sure y/n?
you get a bit shy again bc shit, eunwoo in a suit coming from work with silver-blue hair? sexy
you: yeah...if you want to, me and bin are cool with it.
bin’s back to kissing your neck as you basically watch eunwoo remove his jacket and tie
and oof him unbuttoning his dress shirt? y’all he’s a tease, they both are
bin: let’s take this back to my room
eunwoo: we can go to mine, it’s cleaner and my bed’s bigger
you: i knew it
bin bites your shoulder and you let out a mix between a yelp of pain and a moan
bin: eunwoo get your ropes, we need to teach y/n a lesson on being bratty
eunwoo chuckling as he leads the way to his bedroom
bin already made himself comfortable on eunwoo’s bed, and you’re standing to the side making conversation as eunwoo looks through his closet for the ropes lol
as soon as eunwoo finds it, there’s a dark change in his eyes and he smirks at you: why don’t you join binnie on the bed, y/n?
your stomach turns in excitement, eunwoo tosses the ropes to bin and he puts a hand on your back as he leads you to his bed, and before you could get on by yourself, eunwoo just tugs your skirt down making you gasp
you lie down and bin grins as he binds your wrists to eunwoo’s headboard, usually you would put up a little fight when you get tied up, but you just stayed silent, you were anticipating what would happen next
bin: you’re being oddly obedient y/n
you’re a brat okay, but in the past when you and bin used to hook up, your brattiness increased by like 100%, like you’re extra bratty with bin for some reason
~it is what it is~
maybe it’s because eunwoo’s here too that your bratty side has suppressed a bit
bin and eunwoo both start removing all their clothes and you’re like shit eunwoo’s built too
bin settles in between your legs and eunwoo leans in and starts kissing you
and mmm eunwoo’s good at making out like he legit be taking your breath away and then you start feeling bin take off your soaked panties and he just goes right in
you literally moan into eunwoo’s mouth and your hands are straining against the ropes bc you just want to hold onto something !!
eunwoo feeling up your breasts and tweaking your nipples while bin is sucking on your clit and probing his tongue in and out your entrance??? euphoric
you’re literally feeling so many sensations right now and it’s just foreplay woo
and then the edging starts
bin??? hella good at eating out, oof what that mouth do
and with the added stimulation from eunwoo kissing your neck and pulling at your nips, you’re reaching your orgasm faster than anticipated
and suddenly they’re both off you
you: what the fuck?
you’re like gasping and glaring at the both of them and they just give you smug looks
bin: I don’t know if you deserve to cum just yet, y/n. right, eunwoo?
eunwoo chuckling as he nods and flicks at your nipple: binnie told me that you like talking back, hmmm that won’t work with both of us here y/n
your submissiveness kicking in and you’re whining: i won’t talk back, I promise
bin: I don’t know if I believe you y/n
and then they switch places and now bin’s making out with you again and eunwoo’s face to face with your cunt and he just shoves two fingers in your entrance and starts scissoring you
and right as you’re about to cum, they pull away again
this goes on at least two more times, you’re literally so frustrated tears are pooling in your eyes and you’re whining hard as hell, your wrists already aching from the ropes 
eunwoo: do you want us to untie you, y/n?
you nodding as you’re sniffling back the tears
aww they feel bad so eunwoo unties the ropes and he’s like gently rubbing at your wrists
bin wiping your tears away as he pinches at your cheek again
bin: you okay, y/n?
you: I’m so close, please
bin: alright baby, who do you want first, hm?
you honestly didn’t know, you had no preference, you just wanted to get railed
eunwoo: why not both?
your eyes go wide a little bit, your ass isn’t even prepped
bin sensing your hesitation and he just puts a hand on your waist: if you don’t want to--
you: no, i want to...I’m just...my ass isn’t ready...
eunwoo laughing cutely as he pats your thigh: we’ll prep you baby, don’t worry
you start by going on all fours, bin enters you first from behind and the groan he lets out bc you’re just so tight wow 
he literally has to restrain himself from just ramming into you, your walls just fit so snugly around him, his nails were digging into the skin of your waist
you open your mouth in a moan at the stretch and in that moment, eunwoo shoves his cock down your throat you literally gag
for reference, they’re both above average, no surprise there, I’d say both around 8 in., but bin’s girthier for sure
and so bin’s fucking your cunt while eunwoo’s fucking your mouth
simultaneously, eunwoo tugs at your hair and bin sneaks a finger down to gather some juices from your pussy before probing at your asshole
bin’s prepping you real well mmmmm
he’s literally fingering your ass while he’s pounding into you, the tip of his cock hitting so deep in your cervix
on the other hand you’re so focused on sucking eunwoo off, you take him as deep in your throat as you could, letting your jaw slack as he just thrusted in your mouth
and also the vibrations of your moans around his cock every time bin hits deep in you???
eunwoo swears he almost busts a nut when your hands reach up to play with his balls
he’s panting as he pulls your mouth off his cock: I need to be inside you before I cum
and then he’s lying down on his back and you start to ride eunwoo, and then bin lines his cock up at your other hole and you start to tense
eunwoo bringing you into a kiss to try and distract you from the pain your asshole’s about to feel
and you start hissing as bin starts to push in, you’re clenching so hard around eunwoo and tugging tightly at the ends of his hair
eunwoo starts making circles on your clit so that you could relax a bit to make it easier for bin to enter your back hole
and then the three of you just stay still for a bit when bin finally bottoms out, you’re still trying to get used to feeling stuffed full, you haven’t been fucked in so long and now you’re getting railed by two cocks??
the two of them are both saying sweet things to calm you down and distract you from the pain
and it’s cute, you know from your respective past hookup experiences with them that they’re really good at sensing discomfort or pain and would always tend to your needs
oof baby but as soon as you give the okay for both of them to move
it’s like you’re taken to another dimension holy shit
they both hit so deep, you swear to god their cocks have to be touching or something, or maybe at least reaching your intestines
when people say rearrange your guts, it definitely must have been this
you’re trying to set a pace on top of eunwoo, but bin thrusting from behind literally makes your knees go weak until eunwoo just lifts his hips and takes over, matching bin’s speed
and imagine this: bin pulling your hair, making your head tilt back and eunwoo just reaches up and covers your neck with his hand before he squeezes at your throat
your eyes are literally rolling into the back of your head, you have never felt this good ever in your life
your head’s spinning again, and you know all three of you are reaching the tipping point pretty soon, your stomach is churning, making you clench hard around both eunwoo and bin
eunwoo biting his lip as he groans, his grip tightening just a bit more around your neck
bin’s still yanking your hair back and he starts spanking your ass, he’s moaning as well
you literally scream, throat feeling raw, as you cum, you have never orgasmed so hard before, your body was convulsing around both of them and you just collapse on top of eunwoo
you’re vision literally sees white and your ears are ringing as they both cum in you
you black out for a little bit
eunwoo and bin: o_o holy fuck
the two of them start panicking like...did they just fuck you dead?? put you in a coma??
okay but just imagine eunwoo and bin bickering with each other about what to do like
bin: do we call 119???
eunwoo: what do we say? we fucked our friend into a coma?
it’s okay because you regain consciousness soon enough and both boys let out the biggest sigh of relief
you: ...what happened?
eunwoo: you passed out for a bit there y/n
you start giggling, much to their surprise, and you try to sit up
bin: ...are you okay y/n?
you: yeah, I can’t believe I blacked out because you guys fucked me so well, that’s pretty hot not gonna lie
eunwoo goes into the kitchen real quick to get you some water and bin sits down next to you
you thank eunwoo when he hands you the glass and he sits across from you and bin
the two roommates exchange a look and just high-five each other
you roll your eyes as they just laugh at each other...ugh boys
bin teasing you: I’ve never seen you so submissive y/n
eunwoo joining in: yeah, didn’t know you could squirt as well
you almost spit out the water: i-huh? no way
eunwoo: yeah, my stomach was soaked, I wiped it off when you were out
your face flushes, you’ve never squirted before
bin: don’t be embarrassed! it was hot, y/n, really
the three of you then just jump into a casual conversation about college, keep in mind you’re all still naked
and then you feel the cum just like in both your holes and it’s just uncomfortably sticky
you: uh...do you guys mind if I shower? my pussy feels gross right now
bin, with a glint in his eyes: I can clean that up for you, baby
before you know it, bin’s eating you out again -- to be more specific, he’s literally licking the mixture of yours and eunwoo’s cum from your cunt
that’s sexy...
you make eye contact with eunwoo and he’s just smirking as he sits back and watches you two, no intention on joining yet
alright but you had no idea if you could take another round right now, the first one literally made you pass out
so after bin makes you cum again, you tap out for the night
the three of you shower -- separately -- and then regroup in the living room to just chat and chill
the two insist you sleep over for the night since it’s past midnight by now
were there also hints of a round two in the morning?? maybe
you sleep in one of eunwoo’s shirts, but end up sleeping next to bin bc he’s whiny and likes cuddling
you three fuck again in the morning oops until eunwoo had to leave for work
then you and bin fuck again afterwards
happy threesome
happy comeback :)
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lovee-infected · 3 years
This idea just hit me like a train. How would twst boys react to WAP from Cardi B?? 😂😂😂
I'm trying to ignore the fact that I might've never discovered WAP without this request...🗿
Warning(s): What should I even tag as the warning idkk ckcjxjsjsjdjdjck- Mentions of WAP's lyrics, mentions of nsfw, Warning for Idia's part bc I think it went a bit too far-
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Riddle Rosehearts
Heard of this song named WAP being trending between students -> Searched it up -> Riddle:... Riddle: *Turns off his phone*
Bans WAP from the whole Heartslabyul afterwards, and every student found listening to it will have to face Riddle's: "NOOOOOOO- NO WAP IN THIS HOUSEHOLD - GO TO HORNY JAIL OFF WITH YOUR HEADS YOU UNWORTHY CREATURES- "
Trey Clover
Searches: "What does WAP mean?" before wards and after reading the search results he decides that he doesn't really need to listen to the song itself anymore.
He just clears his browsing history and returns to baking cakes. Nothing has happened, he knows nothing.
Cater Diamond
He is the guy making those "Night raven college react to WAP!!" videos on magicam. His reaction videos get over 100k views and people from all over the Twisted Wonderland start following this dork for them.
Who cares about the WAP itself? As long as he can gain followers over these videos he doesn't care how the song is supposed to be.
But at last Riddle discovers his videos by finding other dorms' students laughing over them and forces him to take them down💀 Man, Riddle really did ruin his once-in-a-life time chance for becoming popular.
Ace Trappola and Deuce Spade
Riddle has banned WAP Heartslabyul so they're going to illegally listen to it. It was Ace's fault though, Deuce is innocent.
Ace searchs up the music video, Deuce just sees the thumbnail and tells Ace that he doesn't think that this is going to be a good idea but Ace cuts him off by asking him not to be such a chicken-
Though they had to stop because Deuce was all shaky and embarrassed after just 20 seconds :"Stop this-STOP THIS- I CAN'T DO THIS- WE'RE STILL TOO YOUNG" and Ace had to stop to shut Deuce because they could've gotten caught at any second because of his unholy screams.
[a few minutes later...]
Deuce: It was saying DOORS in this house
Ace: Bruh what the- we both know it was saying Wh*res.
Deuce: Y-you dirty minded bastard!! It was clearly saying doors in this house!
Ace: Why the hell would they say doors in this house!??? It was wh*res!
Deuce: Doors!
Deuce: DOORS
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Leona Kingscholar
See he might be a jerk but he hasn't yet gotten to the level of appreciating this way of presenting women in songs-
He's just going to pretend that WAP doesn't exist,but most of the Savanaclaw on the other hand are going wild because with WAP, now he can't even take a peaceful nap without WAP being looped in his brain.
Ruggie Bucchi
WAP isn't beyond his power, he's handled stronger songs.✨ He'd regularly rap WAP in public when he's feeling like it.
Now he goes around to recommend WAP to naïve students and taint their virginity by making them listen to WAP without knowing what it is-
Jack Howl
Catches Ace and Deuce listening to WAP and ends up listening to it because of them. He doesn't knpw what to say...
He isn't mad, just disappointed. Disappointed parent noises. Out of all these students, why should he best buddies which these two?
Time to drag Ace and Deuce to a corner and give them a long speech on why young men their age need to be focusing on mastering skills and achieving success through these golden years instead of violating rules and tainting their pure minds.
"Trappola-kun, Spade-kun, you've greatly disappointed me. You need to be more mindful of your actions as fellow freshmen of night raven college. Is this how the future's great magicians are going to be? How do you think your parents would feel about this new habit of yours? Have you thought of how despicable women are being presented through such songs? Are you going to support such a taboo message toward ladies?"
And Ace and Deuce end up having to listen to him and think of their bad actions for the rest of the day...
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Azul Ashengrotto
[Before listening to WAP]: He hears of this WAP song being super trending between students. What might it secret be? What kind of magic would make a simple song so hecking popular? He has to find out.
Azul thinks that by learning WAP's ways, he might be able to produce songs that are even better for mostrolounge and even start his very own music company! But before that he needs to listen to wap itself...
[After listening to WAP]: ...He discovers what kind of magic is making it so popular, but decides that it'd be better for him take a step back from the world of music for now. Yes, he's traumatized
Floyd Leech
"Hey hey koooeeebiii chaaannnn have you seen my new dance~?" ah yes, he's got the WAP dance and he's proud of it. These are the time when he's genuinely thankful for getting to have human legs.
But the WAP dance isn't his only target, he realizes that Jamil doesn't seem to want Kalim to know anything about WAP, but thankfully, Floyd is going to be kind enough to bless the young Kalim with his wealthy knowledge on WAP. ✨
Jade Leech
"My...my...that was savage," Jade is amazed, it's quite wonderful how these fragile creatures can go from Micheal Jackson's smooth criminal to WAP in a matter of years.
He's still having trouble keeping up with latest human trends and popular songs but, he's slowly liking humans a lot more than before. These creatures have already reached the level to make put p*rn in music, impressive.
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Kalim Al Asim
He hears students whispering about an epic song named WAP during the classes, and of course he'd be intrigued!
He looks up the song but Jamil has already blocked his access to any sources that he might find WAP in, yet Floyd was kind enough to lend Kalim his phone to let him listen to this masterpiece. Later on, Floyd tells him about the WAP dance and bam, Kalim is addicted.
"Everyone watch me! I've got the WAP!"
Poor Jamil doesn't know which is worse, having Kalim signing it loudly in the dorm or watching him showing off his skills in that WAP dance in public. It's time for Jamil to go on a long, long trip and never come back until Kalim graduates from this school.
Jamil Viper
Listens to WAP once, is going to spend the rest of his life pretending that he has never heard or watched it. The most ironic part about it is how he watches the music video instead of just listening to the song and...the snakes. Good lord the snakes- He isn't sure if he likes snakes anymore.
The snakes part seriously traumatizes him but not like Kalim does when he asks Jamil to learn him the WAP dance. And heck no Jamil isn't going to learn him how to dance like a wh*re. At this point, he decides to deny WAP's whole existence.
Kalim: At least tell me what a WAP is!
Jamil: Worship and prayer.
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Vil Schoenheit
Hasn't listened to WAP and refuses to do so. He's got standards.
Rook Hunt
"Bravo!!! These Mademoiselles have taken the art of music to a whole nother level! Beaute! 100 points! 💯" (...what else did you expect him to say?)
Just as always, no one can really tell if Rook really liked it or not but from the way he acts he seems to be... intrigued. Apparently WAP starts to get too famous in school and Rook would always be the first one to find out if a student is secretly listening to WAP in public, so he doesn't mind popping up and reminding the students not to listen to such a potentially stimulating song so carelessly: "Monsieur (x), it's adorable to see you appreciating such a glorious piece of art in this lovely day, but I don't think that all of these students staring at us right now are yet prepared for such a beauty,"
Epel Felmier
He just asked Ace for some music that'll make him sound more badass and Ace gave him the WAP:
Epel listening to WAP be like:😳😶😨😕😭
His face is redder than a tomato after the first 30 seconds of WAP, but Ace tells him that he'd be the bravest human being ever if he takes the urge to listen to this in front of teachers.
Tries to dance to WAP and make a video with it to upload on magicam, but Vil catches him in the middle of process.💀💀💀 The video turned out pretty good though. It looks just like a mother (Ehm- Vil) getting into her child's room (Epel-) and finding them doing some crazy shit.
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Idia Shroud
He's the silent and seemingly shy dude who's listening to WAP in the highest volume under those head phones during classes.
Divus Crewel: CaF2(s) + Br2(ℓ) → CaBr2(s) + F2(g)...
Inside Idia's headphones: " ~ Wh*res in this house~ there some wh*res in this house~ there some wh*res in this house~ there some wh*res in this house~"
Bonus: He once forgets to connect his headphones to his tablet before playing WAP:
[Wap is being played at max volume inside Trein's class]
Idia: *Thinks that the sound is coming from his head phones*
The classroom: "Beat it up, n*gga, catch a charge
Extra large and extra hard
Put this p**sy right in your face
Swipe your nose like a credit card"
Trein: 😳
Students: 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
Crowley about to jump down: 🤭
Idia still not realizing what the hell is going on: 'Lucy lucy baby~ hihihi- wait- why they all staring at me now...? Did they hear me internally flirt with Lucius?'
No need to say what happened to Idia after this...
Ortho Shroud
No WAP for him. You may find him reacting to "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands" if you're interested.🗿
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Malleus Draconia
Thank goodness he just finds the censored version of WAP... Listens to the whole song, but doesn't understand most of the lyrics. The "Put this cookie right in your face" part confuses him the most, he doesn't get it. Why would you put a cookie in your face? Is this something humans usually to do with their desserts? Like, would they put ice cream in their faces too?
Virgin dragon keeps on asking people, including Lilia, to tell him what it means to put a cookie in one's face, yet no one seems to give him any proper answers ):
Perhaps human music just isn't his thing, he's getting back to sad violin noises which he listens to when he isn't invited.
Lilia Vanrouge
WAP go brrrrrrr. Our sassy grandpa is legit in love with this piece of gold and all of the humans for achieving such a glory. The beat is superb and the lyrics are: Delicious, motivational and creatively written.
Even better, WAP has an unofficial but smexy dance too. Old man Lilia is never too old for performing a sexy physically challenging dance.
You can now hear savage rock sounds combined with WAP playing in the background coming from his room when he's vibing in the afternoon.
(I can totally see him wearing a neko maiden costume while dancing to WAP and you can't tell me otherwise)
Finds WAP in papa Lilia's playlist...
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Sebek Zigvolt
Sweet mother of love Sebek feels like listening to WAP has taken his virginity away-
He is a good boy, no, he once was a good boy. He's no longer the worthy man he used to be now that this unholy song has tainted his soul.
Legit feels guilty and and sinful after WAP, so you can find him praying for forgiveness to that Malleus portrait in his room every night.
"Oh young master forgive my thoughtless deeds, I beg for your mercy upon me now that I've sinned..."
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Dire Crowley
Not saying that a drag Queen Crowley dancing to WAP would be a thing, but a drag Queen Crowley dancing to WAP would be a thing- Everyone bow down to the Headmaster, the most gracious of them all 😩😩😩👌🏻
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Please, don't blame him. Birby is under too much of pressure after the very recent overblot cases and he needs a way to let go of the stress😔😔😔
Is illegally selling copies of the WAP because most of the dorms had blocked access to this song for the students...
"Helloooooo little demons I've got the WAP! In stuck now-"
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bratz-kitten · 3 years
attack on titan characters - birth chart analysis 🌙
Here is my take on the big 6 of Levi, Eren, Armin and Mikasa of attack on titan/shingeki no kyojin! I kept their sun signs since we know the day and month of their birthday and since I think they’re absolutely perfect. If you want me to do my take on the others (like Jean, Historia, Erwin, Hanji, Connie, Sasha, Reiner, etc) please let me know! (spoiler warning!)
Levi Ackerman
sun in capricorn - levi mf ackerman is fuelled by three things and three things only: LOYALTY, a strong moral code and power. he is seen by most people as a heartless, unemotional bastard but is canonically the most emotional character - he shows love through very indirect ways and he’s the peak of capricorn in the sense that he represses his emotions – he smiled literally ONE time in four seasons, and didn’t once shed a tear. he’s very hard to read. has a lot of respect for his superiors and follows the orders of only those he’s loyal to. he’s driven by his moral codes in the sense that the protection of humanity is his prime motive for fighting titans. like a true capricorn, is the master of his field of work and cares the most about being a survey corp member. please protect this tragic baby. 
virgo rising - two words: CLEAN FREAK. this man has a strong need to be presentable at all times and hates getting blood on his hands for the single fact that he needs himself and his environment to be clean. his obsession with being clean is very much due to his childhood trauma and how he lived in in poor conditions in the underground. he has many quirks that correlate with this: the way he holds his cup, the carvat he uses bc of his mother, and the way he always cuts his own hair because that’s the way his mother used to do it.  intimidating and demands respect. DRY HUMOUR. 
moon in scorpio - i think he has many similarities with mikasa, especially in the moon and venus. introverted and hates people but will go to the ends of the earth to protect the ones he loves and respects. represses emotions and internalizes his hatred until he has a mental breakdown - which happens in the form of extreme violence. VERY sensitive and emotional even if he doesn’t show it. he’s very intuitive and often acts based on gut; he’s secretive and vindictive. very wise and great at giving advice. doesn’t let himself get manipulated and uses shitty situations to his advantage (like with the reeves company). trust is the most important thing to him.
mercury in aquarius - levi is extremely logical, and hates when others involve their feelings in the making of decisions. his decisions are always backed up by strong arguments and others often see him as cold and detached. i saw someone  mention something extremely interesting about aquarius mercury’s/people with their mercuries in the 11th house: despite not being very sociable, others are drawn to them for friendships – and often they’re the introverts who get “adopted” by extroverts. this is 100% levi’s case, hanji and erwin practically adopted him. being very vulgar with his words and having a distinctive sense of humour, he’s very humanitarian and is actually really talkative but only when he’s very comfortable around someone. blunt, always tells it like it is – like when he tells eren he can’t know what the right choice really is and he needs to choose it himself. teases and insults his friends as a form of affection.
mars in scorpio - levi’s a fighter, a survivor. he knows what it’s like to come from nothing and have to build himself up. very confrontational. reclaims his power by exerting intimidation and mastering violence. others fear doing as much as make a joke at his expense. understands other’s motivations and characters very easily. he’s very intuitive. very serious due to his need for having an intense and demanding presence, for being respected and valued. he’s the one who everyone sighs of relief when things go to shit and he appears because you know he’s the strongest and most dependable person.
venus in capricorn - good luck getting this motherfucker to open up. his trust is very hard to gain but is necessary for working with him – he places his full trust in his comrades and demands the same from them. very work-oriented and takes relationships very serious; it’s really telling that he cares little for romance because capricorn venuses are the ones to date to marry, and will only devote themselves to someone once they believe they’ve met the one. they either want a more powerful and mature partner or they exude that energy (levi is the latter). slightly parental – we see this in the way that levi is pretty much the dad figure. it’s called squad levi for a reason, after all. very responsible. takes care of loved ones and often uses tough love as a form of discipline.
Eren Jaeger - im not even kidding with this one, he has extreme aries energy
sun in aries - eren feels the need to be very independent and he hates whenever he has to depend on mikasa and others, wanting to be strong enough to reverse the roles. he’s very self-confident, bold and direct. very impulsive, he’s quick to anger but is also very quick to forget - especially seen with his arguments with jean, fighting him is basically a love language at this point. aries suns are very fast thinkers and their strong energy may come off as intimidating. they have great intentions but that often becomes muddled with their impulsivity and the fact that they don’t think ideas through. eren is unabashedly himself and fights relentlessly for what he wants. his aries energy also makes him extremely motivated! he believes in the impossible and will make it happen no matter what.
aries rising – aries risings are the trailblazers. they ooze intensity. eren has very much a baby face and, due to his impulsivity and childish charm, people tend to baby him a lot – in the sense that he’s this kid surrounded by adults who needs supervision at all times or he’ll get into deep shit. aries risings are also marked by their extreme need for action, they’re the ones to do now and apologize later instead of asking for permission to do something in the first place. he is guided by his passion and is a natural leader who inspires everyone to fight alongside him. aries risings have a lot of energy which they need to express in a physical way, making them be prone to be very athletic and lead very active lives. he’s also extremely competitive and is driven by the force of becoming stronger than mikasa, and often feels angry when he realizes how stronger than him other people can be. at the same time, this pressure to be better is put solely on himself. he’s a dumbass with a good-heart and pure intentions.
moon in sagittarius – all this motherfucker talks about is freedom and seeing the world past the walls. he craves adventure and is extremely optimistic. but even if a sagittarius moon needs their freedom, they are still absolutely ride-or-dies and once they’ve commited to something, NOTHING or NO ONE can stop their determination. these are also the people to try their best to always appear cheerful and full of determination to hide their sad façade – like when he was nearly vomiting when talking about the titans to the other recruits when they began the training in the military but still forced himself to say that the titans aren’t scary at all and that they aren’t a big deal; he naturally inspires others and fills them with courage. but the way they put on this strong and brave façade leads to a strong emotional turmoil, violent urges and a sudden hostility to others. they are filled with surpressed anger that can lead them through very destructive paths – and the happy-go-lucky child might just lose her hope. we see this in eren in the most heartbreaking way.
mercury in aries – LOUD!!! eren speaks what’s on his mind with NO hesitation whatsover. he’s very quick to defend his friends and points of view, and speaks openly about his passions and dreams. he’s very assertive and tenacious. short attention span and not afraid to give a different opinion from someone else’s. very passionate about what he argues about. very expressive and when an aries mercury disagrees with you, you’ll know it immediately by their facial expression. confident and thrives on inspiring others. remember him being mad when it was discovered the possibility of all titans being humans because now he didn’t know who the enemy is and he NEEDS to hate someone and blame them in order to keep going? ARIES MERCURY ENERGY!!
mars in aries - people look to mars in aries to lead them. they’re full of energy and dynamic, and very athletic - eren exceeds at hand-to-hand combat and, in the other subjects where he’s not so good, his determination makes him push forward and become better. VERY hot-headed and confrontational, which is both the source of all their problems and their strength - they are not afraid of going after what they want and are willing to go through any obstacle to do so, and they’re also not afraid of upsetting other people in order to do so. eren is courageous, loves to take initiative and is very enthusiastic - something that is very contageous. competitive and hates compromise, he likes getting his own way. aries mars are also very individualistic and can have a huge ego.
venus in pisces - i know this is going to confuse a lot of people - like, how does he have so much aries energy, how is he so intense yet has one of the softest venus placements? i deeply believe he’s a pisces venus, and here’s why. his friends are EVERYTHING to him. pisces venus’ love very deeply and are very dependent on their loved ones, and eren is extremely protective of his loved ones and is willing to do anything to protect them. pisces venus’ are very vengeful, too, something that people seem to brush off about them - they might not do anything when you mess with them but as soon as you mess with their friends it’s game over. i also get a lot of “there was no other way, the word had to be fixed” vibes from this placement? like, this placement gives me the energy of someone willing to commit awful crimes under the excuse of it being for the greater good, which is something he dramatically experiences as he grows older and witnesses the cruelty of the world.
Armin Arlert
sun in scorpio - armin very resourceful!! he easily adapts to the circunstances he’s in and works his way around it. very intelligent and with great memory. extremely manipulative, cunning and perceptive. scorpios are known for their capability to be great investigators due to their natural curiosity, and armin has this deep need to see the world outside of the walls and he studies all there is to know about it with great passion. determined to succeed. 
cancer rising - armin just wants to achieve his dream and it’s so soft. cancer risings are very receptive of other’s emotions and incredibly sensitive, but it’s difficult for them to open up to others. his appearance is very soft and delicate. loves to help others and has a naturally warm presence that makes others feel comfortable in his presence. give off a very grounded and stable energy, but this is often because they try to hide their most intense emotions and don’t know how to deal with them/don’t want to bother others by opening up about it. 
moon in pisces - one word: EMPATHY!!! very compassionate. tendency to become a martyr and be very self-sacrificial. VERY imaginative, he is the strategist, after all. can feel others emotions and read them very easily. avoids confrontation but feels a strong need to take the weight off of others’ shoulders and to solve all their problems. very loving and giving, in tune with his emotions and emotionally intelligent. on the other side, this caring side of him can make him see other people through rose-colored glasses, and he is prone to believing in the best in people and giving them the benefit of the doubt. but when they’ve proven their true nature to him, he’ll see them for what they are and will no longer defend them, even if still feeling remorse. notice how he’s always like “this had to be done, we had no other choice” to justify his actions.
mercury in scorpio - bro armin’s eyes are so intense. when he gets on his manipulative bullshit it’s IMPOSSIBLE to look away from his gaze. he practically communicates through the eyes. armin is very sharp and his innocent appearance has everyone still thinking of him as a sweet angel as if he isn’t a whole war criminal. he easily psychoanalizes others to know what they want and uses it to his advantage, like how he used berthold’s love for annie to manipulate him to let eren go after him and reiner kidnapped him. scorpio mercuries be knowing shit, they be knowing everyone’s secrets and others usually confide in them as if they’re their therapists. 
mars in pisces - mars in pisces makes a person avoid physical confrontation at all costs. notice how armin’s first response to everyone wanting to kill reiner and bertold/the marleyans was “please let’s just talk about this first”? he hates violence and deems it not worthy most times. he is very physically weak and aware of his limitations, unlike eren and levi, whose first instinct is to use violence in order to get what they want. no, armin has developed a much more subtle and effective way to get what he wants without using violence: emotional manipulation. he is the KING of appearing innocent and naïve and having people feel bad for him and want to baby him and protect him, and due to his extremely intuitive nature, he knows EXACTLY what to say to someone to get under their skin. he twists his words and emotions to get what he needs out of people and it’s both incredible and dangerous. also, very self-sacrifical and his goals are based on his emotions.
venus in cancer - he loves so much and it’s so beautiful and heartbreaking. he gives everything to the ones he loves and thrives off of being helpful and keeping everyone safe. reads a lot into the behaviour of the people he loves. very emotionally intelligent, wants stability and to maintain peace and may bend over backwords to achieve that. needs to feel understood and has a soft spot for troubled people, those who are more demanding and assertive (eren and mikasa), people he can take care of and who can take care of him in return. very affectionate and communicative. warm presence, you can pretty much feel the love radiating out of him. 
Mikasa Ackerman 
sun in aquarius - if you get past the emotional walls of an aquarius that has them appearing detached and distant because they’d rather use intelligence than seem emotional, you’ll be met with an incredibly soft, loving and caring person. an aquarius strength is their ability to be very unique, individualistic and humanitarian individuals - they truly march to the beat of their own drum. mikasa possesses a great deal of determination and isn’t afraid of being rebellious, especially when her loved ones are in danger. 
capricorn rising - people with capricorn rising had to learn to be very independent from a very young age. mikasa is very intimidating but she has a very doll-like beauty, common to many capricorn risings. these people have had to deal with a lot ever since childhood, but they are fighters and their determination has them being able to survive even unsurmountable odds stacked up against them. capricorn risings tend to be serious and disciplined, and with a melancholic aura to them – which mikasa perfectly embodies. but the fact that these people have cancer in their descendant makes them strongly emotionally attached to their loved ones.
aquarius moon - even under the most stressful and dangerous situations, mikasa always remains in control of her emotions. she thrives in those situations, it’s the adrenaline of the moment that has her being so good at controlling her emotions until it’s safe to be anything but racional again. aquarius moons are feel very misunderstood and tend to racionalize their emotions a lot. however, it’s only due to their fear of vulnerability that they build this emotional walls, because they experience very intense emotions. i always think about that survey corp member saying “what did you have to go through for you to be like this?” when she was perfectly stable in a life-or-death situation. 
mercury in capricorn - mikasa is incredibly action-oriented and she speaks in a structured but confident way. although she’s on the quieter side and is reserved, she’s able to inspire everyone when all hope seems lost, and she’s taken up eren’s words of “if we don’t fight, we can’t win” and uses it constantly in order to keep going. she’s very hard to read due to her usually expressionless face, giving her a mysterious aura. she’s very ambitious, persuasive and determined. 
mars in capricorn - when people say that mars in capricorn people are the scariest when they’re angry, they’re not wrong. they act so calm and collected until suddenly they’re fixing you with a death glare and you’re rethinking all your life choices up until this point. mikasa might be extremely rational and calm, but as soon as someone threatens the ones she loves, she’ll stop at nothing to eliminate the threat. it’s like she fears nothing but ever being unable not to save them. she’s very responsible and reliable, with a lot of physical strength and stamina. very PROTECTIVE, grounded and GIVING 
venus in virgo - this is one of the things that makes mikasa so similar to levi, the way they love. this bitch is LOYAL to her very core. she knows very well where her loyalties are - eren and armin - and is ready to kill all her close friends and superiors in order to protect them. she threatened to kill historia if she got in the way of getting eren back home safely, jumped levi on sight when he wanted to save erwin instead of armin, and got pissed at connie for doubting eren’s intentions after the whole marleyan ordeal. acts of service are very much her love language - she constantly picks up eren’s and armin’s stuff and carries it herself or orders them to rest while she works. it’s very hard to gain her trust and loyalty but once you do it’s forever, she’s very selective about the people she cares for. she’s possessive, too - giving historia the coldest death glare in the world when she saw her with eren. i’ve also noticed that venus in virgo are very difficult to declare their emotions!! they’ll just wait for the person to notice their indirect acts of affection. very attentive to the needs and details of loved ones.  
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mae-i-scribble · 5 months
Rewatching the first episode of komi cant communicate just reminds me of how much I wish this show was less a comedy and more of a serious drama. Like don' t get me wrong I think thr author succeeds largely at the absurdist comedy that is komo cant communicate but the emotional core of komi and tadano's relationship is so strong at certain points that I can't help but wish for more sections that veer away from the comedy.
I actually think this conflict between the comedy and the drama is a large part of why people despise that one yandere character. Her intro episode is a frankly bizarre clash of tone with the kidnapping played 100% straight and treated like the very serious crime it is while also letting you know that yes, tadano was in actual legit danger. Aaaaand then we just cut back to happy school fun times and haha isnt it soooo funny that this yandere makes concerning remarks and is so obsessive? Thats so funny? Also here is a genuine heartfelt scene of komi trying to push tadano away bc shes genuinely afraid of what will happen to him thanks to being friends with her, but tadano reaffirms that he wants to be friends with her far more than he is bothered by the actions of their fanish classmates. And now we're back to hehehaha fun times :D
Like. It was just fucking weird to watch the first time and has never gotten less strange to me. Its like the author couldnt decide what tone they wanted to commit to so they just tried clashing both and the result is everyone asking why the fuck was this yandere not reported to the police immediately and charged . And subsequently becomes far more aggravating bc her threats are a real perceived thing vs being just a cooky quirk like the other outlandish students. Bc she was taken seriously now trying to shove her character into this comedy box makes no sense.
Now with all of that said, Im still gonna bite the bullet and rewatch a bunch of scenes bc komi and tadano's friendship/romance is genuinely one of the sweetest I've seen. The chalkboard scene is such a beautiful thing- tadano reaching out to komi in a language she can reciprocate after komi spills her heart to him as she hasnt been able to talk to anyone in so long but tadano is the first peer to see her for who she truly is and ahhhhhhhhh
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craigslistdiavolo · 3 years
Okay so the Brothers + Dateables reacting to MC who has soulless dead eyes but she’s the sweetest thing. Her eyes are scary and she’s been self conscious about them since she can barely make friends but her actions are so cute and sweet that it juxtaposes her expression (baking with Luke and giving it to the Demons, being polite to everyone, and enjoys cuddling). She has a beautiful smile if they make her happy enough too
omg this is so cute 💖
Warnings - Language
Genre - Fluff
A/N - Luke is platonic bc he's a child
Being 100% honest, you freak him the fuck out at first
He doesn't like that he can't see what you're feeling all the time
"I'm going to string you up from the ceiling"
*angrily walks away while his cape (coat? cloak???) thingy catches the wind making it more dramatic*
However 😳
The first time he sees you doing something very sweet, he just melts
He'll try not to make it obvious, but you can clearly tell by the blush on his face
He's gonna have a heart attack you're just too sweet
From that point on, his goal is gonna be to make you smile as much as he can
Also, if you cuddle him, he's gonna die
He loves you so much smhhhhhhh
If you start to feel self-conscious about your eyes, this man is gonna sit you down and give you a lecture about how amazing you are
He's really mean before he gets to know you
The first time he sees you being really polite to someone, he has to walk away to compose himself
You're just too cute, goddamn it!
And he definitely finds Luke kind of annoying but like if he sees you baking with him, he will cry because omg you're so precious
He loves you so much and he makes sure to remind you of that all the time now
Cuddle him, now!
Bonus points if you smile while cuddling him
He might cry because he just loves you and how sweet you are, and he's upset with himself for judging you at first before getting to know you
He's gonna think of you like some cool anime protagonist who hides who you really are or something like that
He honestly thinks your eyes are really cool
Literally passes out the first time he sees you being sweet
His mind couldn't handle the overload of sweetness he just saw
Rip Leviathan ????-2021 gone but never forgotten </3
Omg and if you cuddle him, he absolutely dies
This man loves you so much omg
He knows about you being self-conscious about your eyes, so he always tries to compliment them every time he sees them :)
You remind him of one of his favorite book protagonists
He makes you read the series so that he can point out every similarity between you and the protagonist
He thinks your eyes are just neat :)
Heart starts racing the first time he sees you doing something sweet
Loves how polite you are because people in this house need to learn manners smh 🙄💅
If you bake with Luke and give him some of it, he'll be really happy and appreciative
If you feel self-conscious about your eyes, he'll probably remind you that your eyes are like the one book protagonist, and that no matter he'll always care about you :)
He thinks your eyes are pretty interesting but he doesn't really like how dead they look at first
He'll give you some makeup tips to help brighten up your eyes a little because he knows that you're self-conscious about them
Now speaking of the self-conscious part, after he learns that you're self-conscious about your eyes, he's gonna do everything in his power to make you feel good about them >:)
If he sees you being polite or sweet, he'll probably tackle you and hug/cuddle you be you're so cute
The first time he sees you smile, he's just like (✯ᴗ✯) because your smile is so amazing
"MC~ smile for me more!"
When you're feeling self-conscious, he'll remind you that your eyes are really unique, and unique is good :)
He thinks your eyes are a little creepy, but he honestly doesn't care
MC: 👁️👁️ Beel: "cool :)"
If he sees you baking with Luke and then you give him some, he's just 😳🤩
Just make sure he doesn't eat raw batter or ingredients while you're baking
He really enjoys how polite you are because a lot of demons can be mean to you, but you still stay polite to them, and he admires that :)
Literally loves to cuddle so much, so as soon as he finds out that you look to cuddle, "it's free real estate"
If someone makes fun of you for your eyes, he will destroy them 💖
Also if you start feeling self-conscious about your eyes or appearance in general, he's gonna do his best to remind you that you look great and he loves you for who you are
His eyes are kinda dead looking too, so you guys have that in common
Really doesn't care that your eyes are like dead and souless
He thinks it's kinda cool
This man is a cuddling master, so if you have desires for cuddles, they will be satiated :)
He's also really clingy though, so you could be trying to bake with Luke, and Belphie will just have his arms around you and be sleeping against your back while you're baking
If you give him something you baked with Luke, he really appreciates it
If you're feeling self-conscious about your eyes, he's kinda just like "don't 💖"
He's not the greatest at offering comfort, but he'll try for you
Diavolo is like an excitable puppy, so he thinks that your eyes are really neat because he's never actually seen a human with eyes like yours
Loves your manners because people in the Devildom need to learn respect smh
MC: *is polite* Diavolo: Here's my list of reasons that MC is in fact the best exchange student, number one-
If you bake something with Luke and give it to him, he gets really excited about it because people don't give him things that often
This man loves to cuddle so much and will cuddle you anytime that you want
At some point he probably gets in trouble with Lucifer for putting off work to cuddle with you
It's hard to feel self-conscious when Diavolo is literally breathing down your neck telling you about how cool your eyes are, but if you do start to feel self-conscious, he's gonna tell you that he doesn't care that your eyes are dead looking because he thinks that they're unique and cool
Never makes a comment on your eyes
If you ask him about it, he's kinda just like "they're just eyes, what's the problem with them?"
He really enjoys the fact that you're polite
Finally, someone who can show some goddamn manners for once 🙄💅
He doesn't get to cuddle you often because he's so busy, so when he does finally get the chance to cuddle you, he's gonna give you best cuddles he can
If you and Luke bake something and give it to him he's so soft because Luke is like a son to him and you're his lover, so he really appreciates it
After that he wants to bake with you when he has the chance
If you start to feel self-conscious about your eyes he's still just like "they're eyes, I don't understand what the problem is." But he'll do his best to comfort you
Simeon is another one who doesn't really make a comment on your eyes
He just doesn't think it really matters that your eyes are dead/souless looking because everyone is unique and special in their own way, and your unique thing is your eyes :)
He likes to cuddle you while he writes because he enjoys the feeling of you being so close
And if you bake something with Luke and give it to him, he'll absolutely just die, he appreciates you so much
He's happy that you spend time with Luke :)
Some demons can be assholes, but he's glad that you're still polite to them
If you ever start feeling self-conscious, this is the man to go to, because he's gonna make you feel so appreciated and loved omg
At first he thinks that the reason your eyes are like that is because the demons did something to you, but he soon learns that is not the case
He feels bad for jumping to conclusions at first
He's so shocked by the fact that you're polite to demons
"MC, you do realize that you don't have to be nice to those mean demons, right???"
Please teach this boy some manners smh
If you bake with him, he'll be so happy
He's gonna give you all of his tips and tricks for baking, so hopefully you don't mind talking constantly lol
If you feel self-conscious about your eyes, he'll promise to beat up any bullies that are rude to you because of your eyes
Please keep this boy out of trouble omg
"Oh goddamn bitch!"
At first you thought he was afraid of your eyes because of his reaction, but no, he actually finds them quite interesting
This motherfucker asks if he can study your eyes 😐
Please, don't let him.
If you and Luke bake him something, he'll be really touched
However, he's also gonna ask if he can bake with you guys next time and for once you're gonna have to be impolite because this man should not be allowed into a kitchen
He likes to cuddle you while he reads up on some magic stuff and studies
He will 1000% have study dates with you all the time :)
If you start to feel self-conscious about your eyes, he's gonna tell you about how unique your eyes are and why he loves them
A/N - Tysm for reading and omg I'm literally about to turn 16 in a few minutes >:)
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noona96n · 3 years
the deal w/ Shu Yi’s dad
i will start w/ Shu Yi & his ‘non-existent’ reaction to the revelation bcs ive been in a similar position
a bit of bg info about me… im born & raised in a very traditional environment in SEA  in which filial piety is prized above all else from a child. i won’t generalize by saying that all asians grew up like that or that all asian have that sort of mindset but we do respect our elders a great deal. many still believe that the elders can do no wrong. and some elders genuinely believe that they know best and that whatever they do is right and their children will understand why they did what they did in the future when they’re successful. it’s stupid but it’s a thing.
ik what it's like to have to sit and listen to the people i love most tell me that the things that hurt me were done with my best interests in mind. and ik what it’s like to understand their intentions. their actions are unfair & their reasonings are illogical… it’s fckd up but they did it out of love… they did it for you and your happiness and your future. and ik what it’s like to have all of my justified anger melt away in the face of that love and still love them endlessly in return. 
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Shi Yi doesn’t not react… Shu Yi understands and he just… accepts that that’s the way his dad loves him. 
it’s wrong and it’s unfair to Shu Yi but he understands and he still loves his dad. and Shu Yi dad does love him a lot, very much, it’s just very convoluted and unfair and self-serving. and, i think, Shu Yi might explode later on when he finally confronts his dad about the shit he did to keep him and Shi De apart. 
(i also know what it’s like to look my parents in the eyes and tell them ‘no, im doing things my way, im doing things i want to do because that’s what’d make me really happy’. it’s daunting but liberating at the same time, the most nerve-wracking and monumental thing i’ve ever done in life… so, i understand why Shu Yi is so unforgiving of Shi De.)
i want to give major props to Yu for how his voice cracked when Shu Yi talked back to his dad... how he looks so resigned to his fate, how he still managed to nod respectfully at his dad when reassuring him that he’s forgiven if he leaves Shu Yi alone for now. Yu has so much talent, it’s insane. 
Shu Yi’s dad’s st00pid deal & where he’s coming from
i get where the dad is coming from  (x)  (x)  (x)  (x)  but i don’t agree with him. he hurt Shu Yi unimaginably in his attempt to give his son happiness and a good future. 
i don’t think he’s 100% homophobic… he might have some aversion to it as he said that wanted to marry a girl and give him grandchildren but he accepts it because Shu Yi is his son and he loves Shu Yi. it isn’t just a matter of homophobia (i have seen many parents, my best friend’s specifically, who are homophobic, turning a new leaf because of their kids). it’s also the issue of love that parents have for their children and wanting only the best of the best for their kids.
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Shu Yi is literally the heir of an enterprise, he is his dad’s little prince, his little starlight, literally the only remnant left from the woman he loves. he loves Shu Yi, there’s no questioning that, he only wants the best for Shu Yi.
meanwhile, Shi De is… normal. to him, Shi De an ‘outsider’ & ‘inferior’ to Shu Yi in terms of economic standing & social status. Shi De wasn’t groomed for greatness like Shu Yi… he wouldn’t understand or know how to operate in Shu Yi’s environment. therefore, he isn’t suited for Shu Yi in general.
Shu Yi’s dad is just thinking about Shu Yi… in a very convoluted way. 
this is also normal, this isn’t just a dramatic cliché, it didn’t happen to me (bcs my ass has always been single) but it happened to people close to me… i’ve witnessed 7yrs of romance going down the drain bcs the boy’s social standing isn’t suited for the girl. i’ve witnessed the girl being belittled by the boy’s family simply bcs she only has one parent. i’ve witnessed 2 people not being able to get married or move on to new relationships simply bcs they love each other but one of their parents don’t approve of the other party.
it’s stupid. real life is absolute shit sometimes.
(actually, before his whole speech about how Shu Yi’d have to face the shareholders/relatives, Shu Yi’s dad actually understand the magnitude of love that Shi De has for Shu Yi... rewatch the scene & pay attention to his facial expression. i think Shi De probably remind him of himself who moved from Japan to Taiwan to be with Shu Yi’s mom. he understands the love that Shi De has for his son, he just doesn’t think Shi De is suited to be with Shu Yi and support him in his life as the head of a company.)
also, the most telling thing about Shu Yi & his dad’s relationship are these 2 sentences: ‘I did it for you’ + ‘Only Shu Yi can dump you, you can’t dump him’. he loves Shu Yi, dotes on him, spoils him,and wants the best for his son but he is also strict and uncompromising with Shu Yi. (like... dad literally went ‘how fckn dare u cheat on my sweet child u heartless mtfck... he loves and dotes on Shu Yi sm it’s unreal, he’s just... convoluted with how he express  his parental love)
Shi De accepting the deal isn’t OOC
Shi De has always been the type to not share his burden. he doesn’t share what he feels or thinks openly, not even with his own mom. literally, the only times he was so open were with his mom, during dinner time in S1EP5 (even then we can see that he’s holding sth back), and with Shu Yi, in S1EP5, and he only did it to reassure Shu Yi. so yes, this is very in-character of him to just pile everything up on his shoulders and not share his burden  (x)
he also operates on the notion that he knows what’s best for Shu Yi & their relationship…. he does have this tendency (he removed himself from Shu Yi’s life as soon as Shu Yi said he didn’t want to fall in love with a guy. he took Shu Yi to the infirmary instead of letting Shu Yi go home (the stomachache, S1EP2 & S1EP3) and stopping Zheng Wen from telling Shu Yi about Bing Wei’s feeling for him. this might not seem like much but this is character building. in S2EP1 he disregards Shu Yi’s protest and made him dinner and even now, Shu Yi wants him to leave but he won’t because he’ll stay to take care of Shu Yi.)
also, idk if u’ve ever experienced it before but it’s not nice to sit in front of the person with utmost authority over the love of your life and find that they disapprove of you and your relationship with your lover. imagine the anger, the sadness, the self-hatred you must’ve felt to be told by their parents/loved ones that ur love alone will never be enough to make them happy and sated. 
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i have never seen Gao Shi De so incredibly small and so extremely withdrawn before so i’d give Shi De some slack for his stupidity and desperation. 
this series is too raw & too real for me &, despite its flaws and all the disagreement i have with it, i love it even more than i already it
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4dtk · 3 years
NCT 127: finding out you're older than them
“Hey, can I request an NCT127 reaction to finding out you're actually older than them when they thought you were much younger than them? (like you look really young despite your age lol)” thank u for waiting honey <3 ps i just used random years that are older than the members!
enjoy! this was fun to write ^^
→ TAEIL would have his mouth in an ‘O’, but more of a ‘ooh cool!’ way where he’s nodding repeatedly to nothing seconds after you’ve spilled the beans. it sinks in more later when he thinks of your birth years side by side and he’s like omg! i’m finally not the oldest and it garners a laugh out of you that you don’t mind being called old by him. honestly, you don’t mind being called old at all by the other members, since technically you are taeil’s s/o. the members are closer to the male, so when they call him old, you join in lol
“woah hyung/noona! i can’t believe you now take the place of oldest in our group,” mark says, although gets a smack from haechan for saying that.
“ack! sorry taeil-hyung and (y/n)-hyung/(y/n)-noona, mark’s mouth is a little big today.”
taeil waves it off, curling an arm around your waist to bring you closer as mark avoids eye contact. slowly the members crowd around the four of you, interested in the topic that’s taking place. it was well over 11pm in the practice room, and having just ended dance practice, they cooled down by taking part in the conversation.
“yeah! you finally can call someone else old!” another smack and a whine from mark accompanied by an apologetic look that wasn’t seen often on donghyuck.
“i’m sorry for them,” taeil whispers with a laugh, placing a kiss onto your cheek before taking a swig of water from his bottle. he takes your shaking head as acceptance of your new position of the oldest, pleased when you return his kiss with one to his lips.
→ JOHNNY is the one to pull a dramatic face lol. you know the one where his mouth is in a ‘O’ and his eyebrows are knitted. the expression is playful, but there’s a bit of genuine shock behind it. recovers from it quickly tho and jokingly calls you ‘daddy/mommy’ to annoy you. i can see him calling you the term later if you get married or have kids though, just in a third person kinda way - something like a running joke from when he discovered you were older years ago.
“no way, you’re born in 1992?” his jaw is dropped, eyes wide that makes you smile just a little, “holy shit you’re old,” there’s a fit of laughter when your hand lands on his back as a form of retaliation (“like you’re not!”), but you agree either way, shrugging nonchalantly at the year of birth.
“then maybe now i can call you daddy/mommy,” you groan at that, shoving him for real now as he lands on the sofa behind him and doyoung at the dining table contemplates whether he should interfere. he decides not to when you full on attack your boyfriend, although with half-assed punches as johnny continues to moan out theatrically in between attacks, “but for real though, next time, i wanna hear voices calling you.”
“the fuck? you mean in like a horror movie way?”
“nah, in the i wanna have a family way.” you gulp with a surprised expression and you launch a badly timed attack that hits him in the balls. you’re apologising with a fluster, johnny is groaning in pain. oh well, this could be story to tell your kids or adopted babies next time.
→ TAEYONG is making surprised noises. it’s so cute lol that you’re the one ending up teasing him about it. taeyong forgets it sometimes, so you have the pleasure of seeing him react like a couple of times bc it finally settles in his mind that you’re older than him. other than that, yong loves you all the same and sometimes acts like a baby just so you’d cave and take care of him. he argues that it’s only the right way! older s/o? you take care of me! i want to be babied.
“huh? you’re older than me?” taeyong asks, mindlessly digging through your stuff until he comes across your ID. he curiously sifts through the information on it, but the number of your birth year seemed to stand out the most.
you hum, placing the last bits of your mask on yourself as you turn back to your boyfriend with a similar look: hair band pushing his dyed hair back, with a mask like yours on his face.
a noise of approval spills from taeyong’s mouth, and you’re left giggling in confusion until he explains his reason for it. you nod through it, happy to give your boyfriend what he wants while he takes his place in your arms. “feels nice,” taeyong mumbles, loving the way you’re playing with his fingers before he asks a question with a small voice. “can we do this more often?”
“of course,” and now you’re glad for taeyong’s curiosity of your things, presenting you with the opportunity (and excuse) to hold your lover in your arms.
→ YUTA doesn’t care either tbh. he may be one of the ones to figure it out before the others - how? you don’t know either but i have a feeling he might’ve taken a look at your ID or something along those lines. mans just nods at the year. as long as you’re still yourself and don’t change how you act in the relationship obvi bc he’s dating you bc of how you’ve presented yourself so far. it’ll feel weird if you suddenly start to dote on him just because you’re older. still likes to take care of you <3
“hey babe? were you born in 1993?” yuta inquires one day at dinner, the whole table of members somehow going a little quiet at the revelation.
“mhm! how’d you know?” you tilted your head, placing a piece of fish into your mouth and ignoring the shocked faces on the faces of the different members.
“eehh- i just saw it on your ID accidentally the other day,” yuta smiles when wiggle your mouth around to feel for the fish’s bone, finally able to shoot your boyfriend a smile as you both go back to your dinner. your laugh is the one thing that’s heard across the table and the occasional clinks of chopsticks against porcelain, and you’re confident if you were on a sitcom, the camera would just have all the members staring into it in shock.
“is it that surprising?” you asked the members, some of them waving their hands and shaking their head, knowing that yuta would probably take it up to them if they happen to have a problem with it.
“so i actually needed to call you hyung/noona?! i’m so sorry!!!” mark exclaims, earning a giggle from you.
→ DOYOUNG would react a little intensely too, but more in a starstruck, quiet kind of way. he just has this wide eyed look that make you burst out in laughter at the discovery and his lips are making a funny shape. he nods it off calm and cooly, but inside he’s like oh my god wtf really???? why didn’t i know this holy shit are they going to leave me for not knowing you can see no thought behind his eyes but you know the man’s spiralling a little inside that you have to reassure him that it’s just a minor thing (he gets out of the dump pretty quickly). your age reveal doesn’t affect him much either.
“you’re- you’re older than me?” doyoung’s mouth dries, coffee cup hovering just below his lips as you drop the bomb without much care. it’s quiet in the early morning, having had just finished filming his relay cam, but you can practically hear doyoung’s thoughts. he’s brought of it when you place a hand on his wrist.
“babe, baby, it’s okay. i didn’t tell you anyway, don’t worry about it,” your smile is blinding, and it has doyoung smiling as well, agreeing along to your reasoning and slowly easing into his previous action of drinking his beverage before he halts again.
your head tilts in question. “what is it?”
your boyfriend waves it off with a shy smile, bringing your hand to his lips as he lands a kiss on the skin there, “nothing. just thinking about how much i love you.”
“did it change?”
there’s a blush on his cheeks when he says it, glad for the two of you being in the only ones awake. “no, not one bit.”
→ JAEHYUN would one way or another kind of know already, although he’s not 100% sure. he’s observant, sometimes content with watching you take care of the other members (poor guy gets jealous tho) or just cleaning up after him when he’s a little too tired to do things - like wash his hair and what not. even if you’re not a naturally ‘taking care of others’ person, jaehyun picks up on the things that he’s heard his friends talk about regarding their older siblings (since he’s an only child) or compares to how you act around the group that’s similar to taeyong or doyoung. i can see jaehyun being a little disappointed, but it doesn’t change much as long as he can keep the dynamic of the relationship (so him giving the affection with you in his embrace). jaehyun is a quiet kind of shock like doyoung.
“huh… you’re born in 1994?”
“sure am,” you’re filling out a form for a membership, pen scribbling with swiftness in order not to hold up the line. you pass it back in a minute as the cashier processes your membership, and you feel jaehyun squeeze your hand. “why, why? is it an issue?” you mumble a thank you to the cashier, heading out of the store hand in hand while you find a spot to talk to your boyfriend.
“no no,” jaehyun giggles, a low one that makes your heart flutter, and he leans down to place a kiss onto your lips. it lingers there longer than you expected and you feel his smile on your lips. “there’s no issue. it just kinda adds up, in a way. you’re such a natural at giving advice and taking care of the other members. i’m just… a little surprised, is all.”
you laugh at that, meeting his lips again in a loving peck, “okay, that’s good then!”
→ JUNGWOO says “woowww!” like video game commentary and claps. yes he claps, you’re not sure why either but he’s just so thrilled to learn of your birth year that he just nods along and gives you a thumb-up after. i can’t say he’ll be that shocked, more of like happy for you like you just told him you passed a test or something. when you ask him about it, he just shrugs and pats you on the back. it’s all part of his personality, though, and like taeyong/yuta, he wouldn’t care much apart from being able to call you ‘sunbaenim’ as a joke. sometimes calls you senpai LMAO
“woah, you’re older than me by four years?” jungwoo mumbles when you show him your old IDs, the topic of your birth year overriding the original goal of wanting to see your foetus pictures.
“hm? oh yeah, i guess i never really mentioned it, huh?” you continue with what you were doing, cleaning up the stray hairs sticking out from your hairdo before jungwoo comes back hugging with his long limbs and silky outfit.
“congrats!” he meets your eyes through the vanity mirror and proceeds to peck your cheek and your expression that follows next brings laughter to jungwoo’s chest. you can feel it move from behind you, hoping he wouldn’t mess up the hour you spent on your hair. “why congrats?” your lip is curled with a raise of your eyebrows as your boyfriend continues to hang off your shoulders.
he thinks, then replies with a dunno and leaves the area to settle back on the bed. the snap of his camera follows next, no doubt taking pictures of the serious face shots of your old ID cards.
→ MARK would be one of the ones that you think is over exaggerating, except he’s just that shocked. he would stumble over his words and texting johnny or whoever to tell him and be like “yoooo? huh? what?” mark would probably be the last one to make the connection and johnny is all like “yeah? u didn’t know?” and mark is like “HOW WOULD I KNOW THEY LOOK SO YOUNG?????!!” hysterical, this man. mark almost doesn’t believe it for a second and you have to take out your ID to show him lmfao
mark’s head snaps to you once he overhears you in conversation with the flyer distributor, catching your attention with something that was in line with your interests. mark tunes out the promoter explaining the features of the product, only coming back to earth when you mention your date of birth for a trial of their services.
“you’re WHAT? nah. no. no way, show me your ID.”
the other jumps back at the sudden exclamation while you just raise an eyebrow. sorry, excuse him, you mumble, and you’re dragging mark off to the side as you fumble in your bag to pull out your ID in exasperation. the timing is imperfectly perfect: mark bends down to inspect your birth year, you flip open the wallet a little too hard, it hits his head in a loud thwack!
“ow.” mark giggles, squinting his eyes to finally make out the fading ‘1998’ on your card, “oh! so the same as jungwoo hyung?” he giggles again, “he finally as someone to talk to!”
→ HAECHAN is shocked but would immediately mask it and go like “oh my! still so pretty, miss halmeoni,” he coos and you’re so ready to smack him. in a way acts like johnny but will not stop using the word on a daily basis (unless you tell him that you don’t like it). it becomes part of the pet names that he calls you, but he still likes the classic baby/honey/love. sometimes also like to whine with hyung/noona if he wants something, like a new video game or for you to buy food for him. other than that, haechan is pretty indifferent about you being older than him.
“hah?! you’re born in 1999?” haechan has his neck stuck out like a fish out of water, not posing that much difference since he’s just finished a shower. you make the bed with deftness, tucking in the duvet easily as your boyfriend approaches from behind.
he’s shocked, but before you can comment on it, he recovers quickly to deliver a quip through his toothpaste-filled mouth, “oh my! halmeoni, then you should take a seat!” your hands are on your hips, glaring at him while he only grins.
you indulge him, though, and take a seat on the newly made bed, relaxing into the softness of the sheets with elbows.
“if i’m considered elderly, then, you can do the housework for me, right?” the dread that slowly fills up haechan’s features make you explode into giggles, before pushing yourself up to come face to face with him.
“thought so,” you whispered, petting his head as you continue the clean-up of the room.
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