#this one is the most fragmented so far i think
itsjustwincest · 3 days
I'm gonna need some fic recs from you. I just know you'll know the kinda wincest I need 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Hi, anon! Sorry it took so long for me to respond to this, I was filtering through all of my stuff to decide what I was going to recommend first. A lot of these are kind of classic ones to read. They've all gotten a lot of hits, and for a really good reason.
I'll post more recs in the future, especially hidden gems, and maybe a list of Dead Dove (like, the dove died, was resurrected, and died again) kind of content, because I have a lot of those to reccommend, too.
All of these are rated E. Most of the things I've bookmarked are, ngl, but if you want some T or below fics, I'd be happy to do a list of those, too!
First up is The Little Spoon by leonidaslion. This is an established relationship fic. It's 2k words and is the perfect mix of adorable and slightly smutty. To his horror, Sam discovers that he's a stealth!snuggler.
Next is, in my opinion, a Must Read. It's Couples Counseling by MsImpala67. It's a getting together fic, which I have a particular fondness for, especially those involving a fake relationship, like this one. What better way to investigate a marriage counselor (who may or may not be responsible for the death of six of her clients) than to go to marriage counseling? It's just pretend right? No different than putting on the FBI suits. Of course, nothing ever goes according to plan, and Sam and Dean quickly get more than they bargained for. It's 18k words over 10 chapters, and very worth the read.
Fragments by arclucifer666 is a one shot. The smell of sex is still in the air, and all these memories are making his cock swell up. And he hopes there will be one more round before his guest leaves. Don't open this one in public, there is a porny gif at the end. Little bt of fluff, luttle bit of soft sex. CW for somnophilia.
I don't often do AUs, but A Fire Ever Burning by BewareTheIdes15 is a fun read. It's based on the world of Pern, which you don't need to be familiar with to read. It is a dragon riding AU that kept me absolutely invested from beginning to end. It's 16 k words of charming for anyone with a love for the fantastical. Sam and Dean have always been oddities among the dragonriders; the youngest man to Impress a Bronze dragon in a hundred years and a boy who turned his back on the riders to become a dragon healer instead. But when fate steps in a chooses a far different path for Sam, the brothers and all the Weyrs of Pern will have to come to terms with much greater changes in their traditions.
I want to add a bajillion more, but I am going to limit myself to two. I'm realizing I have a lot of Sam/Dean/other, but I will do those on another list.
I have to throw an ABO and a case fic in, so I'll give you a twofer. Opus Amore by Skylee is all of my favorite tropes wrapped up in one. Sam and Dean go undercover at a couples retreat for Alphas and their Omegas to root out a monster. Dean hates being an Omega so the fact that he'll have to openly be one and stop taking his suppressants pisses him off. Still, the more they pretend to be a happy Omega and Alpha couple, the more he starts to think that maybe being an Omega isn't so bad, not if Sam is his Alpha. It's all of my favorite tropes. Hesitant Omega Dean, fake relationship, getting together, clever monster hunt. 31k words over 17 chapters and I'm ngl, I read this in one sitting.
Finally, last but certainly not least, The Truth In The Lie by flawedamythyst. It's another fake relationship case fic. The side characters are fun, the hunt is fun, it's just another all around awesome read. Sam and Dean pretend to be gay lovers while they hunt a monster on a bus tour of Nova Scotia.
There you have it. My first ever wincest fic recommendations. As I said before, all of these are well-loved on AO3, with good reason. I want to do more of these lists, especially if any of you have something specific you want to read.
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ohbutwheresyourheart · 3 months
next up in fragments from the goggle docs: a fic with the working title "the best kind of v-day gift is a dildo in the ass", feat: wonka/oc couple being middle-aged and willy having a crisis about it.
It was a point of pride for Willy Wonka that nothing created within his factory was artificial.
Now, that might sound like a hefty claim for a man who crafted ice cream that never melted no matter how long you left it out in the sun, or chewing gum that could turn a little girl into a gigantic blueberry, or any other of the endless wonders that had come out of that factory over the years. But to Willy Wonka, the word ‘artificial’ was practically a curse; it called to mind noxious chemicals, toxic E-numbers, and that whole parlava a few years back over blue skittles.
No, nothing in his factory was artificial… he just had a different way of looking at what the Earth gave him naturally, and did some very interesting things with that bounty -- and if nobody else was smart enough to give Mother Nature a nudge here and there to synthesise a snozzberry, or breed sheep that grew cotton candy straight out of their backs, well, there was a reason he was the undisputed King of Candy and not those idiots over at Hershey’s or Nestle.
The trouble with that line of thinking was that a genius could be extraordinarily smart in one respect, and incredibly foolish in others; deeply susceptible to a colossal hubris that took to wondering -- if he could bend the laws of nature to his will where candy was concerned, then why not try… other… applications?
Light came slowly in the mornings; a gentle glow emanating from the lamps dotted around the factory to mimic the sunlight that rarely if ever penetrated the thick concrete walls. Colours spilling from the darkest twilight shades steadily brightening through scarlet, mauve, amber, and finally pale yellow, all gleaming through gossamer-fine hangings spangled with gold and silver embroidery, onto an enormous bed. Piles of cushions and coverlets were heaped upon it; velvet, satin, silk, Egyptian cotton, all in wanton, boudoir shades of scarlet and burgundy and royal purple, accented with flashes of black and ivory.
Finally, within this wonderland, the light illuminated two bodies entwined in sleep.
Conventional folk wisdom held that married couples grew, over time, to look alike, but the resemblances here were scant. One was fair-haired, with a cavalcade of blonde curls spilling over the pillows, the covers thrown back to reveal a skimpy black negligee, and a mouth still half-bloody with last night’s lipstick. Another flush of red bloomed on her chest. Madeleine found the climate of the factory hard to bear in recent years, although it was difficult to say who was the greater martyr: Madeleine herself for suffering the hot flushes of middle age, or her husband for the way he often found himself sharing a bed with a burning hot engine in human form.
Said long-suffering husband sported a bob of dark hair that flowed like melted chocolate over his cheek. Unlike his partner, he nestled comfortably into the covers (at least for now), but a flash of scarlet pyjamas was still visible. His eyes were ringed with a mixture of shadow and mascara, smudged where he had pawed at his face in sleep.
Actually, there was one similarity: both of them had hair streaked with grey, faces lined with joys and sorrows; signs of lives lived fully and well.
Last night was lived particularly full and well, at that. Charlie’s 21st birthday necessitated a full throttle bacchanalia in two parts: dinner for the family (crowned with a magnificent triple chocolate birthday cake crafted jointly by Willy and Madeleine), followed by a party hosted at Rapture. Given the occasion, and the fact that the elder Buckets had bowed out after the dinner, the night had gotten… rather wild. 
Which was why, as the brightening room stirred them from sleep, they groaned in unison at their throbbing headaches.
Madeleine was the first to stir properly, cursing under her breath and rubbing her temples with a grimace. Once she regained her sense of place, she groped towards the bedside table for the glass of water she’d retained just enough foresight the night before to place there. Levering herself up was a heroic exercise, rewarded by slightly stale, room-temperature water: in that moment, perhaps one of the most delicious things she had ever tasted.
“Are we dead?” Willy moaned only half-coherently, face buried into a lacy pillow, in his usual dramatic fashion.
“I think if we were dead our heads wouldn’t hurt so much,” Madeleine replied. Even with the water, her voice rasped; her tongue was inclined to stick to the roof of her mouth. “Drink your water.”
“I don’t have any water.”
“Yes, you do, I put a glass next to the bed for you last night.”
“You -- oh!” Willy raised his head far enough to spot his prize. “I love you, Maddy.”
Madeleine chuckled, reaching out with her free hand to ruffle Willy’s hair affectionately; her laughter only grew when he whined and ducked away like he always did. Even with bedhead, Willy was always conscious of his appearance.
“I love you, too. Did you have a good enough time last night to justify the hangover?”
“Ugh… ask me again after I’ve had a mocha and something to eat, I’ll give you a fairer answer.”
As if on cue, a polite knock at the bedroom door announced Sidonie arriving with the breakfast trolley. Normally, Madeleine made breakfast for them herself, but after late nights she gratefully handed over the task of feeding them to the expert. Sidonie was by now an old hand at hangover breakfasts and had a rotation of menus that perfectly balanced the necessary starch to soak up the lingering alcohol with the nutrition needed to kick start two middle-aged bodies back into gear.
Sidonie also had a knack -- much appreciated by her employers -- for managing to disappear within moments after delivering breakfast, sparing everyone the embarrassment of Willy and Madeleine appearing deshabille post-debauchery. Madeleine clawed her way out of bed, cracked the door open to confirm Sidonie had vanished, and then opened it further to pull the breakfast trolley inside.
A pot of hot chocolate: brewed strong, dark, and with a kick of chilli. A platter of french toast, another of scrambled egg and bacon, and a third with an artistic display of cut fruit. Madeleine and Willy inhaled gratefully, pouring cups of chocolate, fixing their plates, and then returning gratefully to bed with their bounty.
Breakfast came along with the morning post: a package for Madeleine and a stack of letters and newspapers for Willy. The former were business; the latter, despite Willy’s protestations to the contrary, were pure pleasure. Or perhaps it was more accurate to say they were pure vanity. The world’s greatest chocolatier liked nothing better than to bask in evidence of his own superiority, and hoarded all mentions of himself in print like a smug, self-satisfied dragon. He perused the papers every morning over breakfast, preening over the compliments and swearing violent, bloody vengeance on any journalist who dared to criticise him.
(Nor were these threats in any way idle: the still-unsolved mystery of Arthur Slugworth’s disappearance was testament to that. Ahh, good times… Making Slugworth pay for all he had done was one of Madeleine’s most cherished memories, and she was so glad she’d convinced Willy to let her salt him like the slug he was.)
Of course, Willy had extremely good cause to be smug and self-satisfied. Plus, Charlie collected the clippings off him to continue the scrapbooks Dr Wonka had left behind when a heart attack finally carried him off five years earlier. Madeleine was quite sure that Willy valued the scrapbooks more than the scant handful of pleasant memories he had with his father as a grown man, and she didn’t blame him.
Willy flicked through the papers, letting out a contented hum as he scanned the usual headlines praising Wonka Candies: they had released a new range of patisserie-themed chocolates earlier that week and they were receiving every bit of adulation they were due. Until, suddenly, he paused on a particular tabloid, blinked several times, and then emitted an ungodly shriek of indignation.
Madeleine, jumping in shock, cursed as her hot chocolate slopped onto the bedcovers. She grabbed a napkin and mopped the mess up as best she could, but distractedly: her focus was on her husband.
“What? What about retirement?”
“This!” Willy hissed, shoving the tabloid in her face, one finger stabbing at the headline. “They--they--they’re saying -- they think I -- and I don’t look like that, do I, Maddy?” he finished with a wail.
“Willy--” Admitting defeat with the coverlet, Madeleine dropped the sodden tissue onto her breakfast tray, set down her half-empty mug, and took the newspaper from him. “What is this?”
“They’re saying I’m old and ugly and I should go away!”
The article in question was not quite so blunt… but it wasn’t far off, either.
For more than thirty years, Willy Wonka (52) has ruled the confectionery world, an enduring fashion as well as culinary icon, seemingly as impervious to the years as his infamous never-melting chocolate ice cream. After seeing photographs taken outside Rapture, the bar owned by longtime partner Madeleine Berry (52),  however, it looks like the King of Chocolate is finally reaching his limit.
Was this just a rough night, or is there a reason why Willy Wonka spent most of his youth out of the public eye -- the better to sustain his apparently fragile image? Rumours have abounded for years that Wonka has chemical support in maintaining his electric personality and unyielding domination of Candyland, although he has always denied the allegations even after Berry entered rehab in 1990 and again in 2009.
Perhaps all candy lovers should be grateful that Wonka’s protege is ready to step into his increasingly unsteady shoes…
Story continues on page 5.
The photograph in question was indeed singularly unflattering: snapped at an angle, slightly blurred, it showed Willy stumbling on his way out of Rapture and leaning on Charlie’s shoulder for support. Bright fluorescent lighting from the streetlamp overhead mixed poorly with the coloured neon glare from Rapture’s sign, making Willy look more gaunt and washed-out than usual.
It had been such a brief, silly moment that Madeleine had forgotten about it: they were all drunk (they were celebrating Charlie’s 21st, for God’s sake, they were hardly likely to make it through the night sober), but not to the point of incapacity. Willy stumbled due to a loose paving stone on the street outside after they finally called it a night. Hell, Madeleine had already asked Robbie to hassle the council and get it sorted a few days earlier, but even the power and wealth of the greatest confectionery business on Earth was not enough to kick local authority bureaucracy into high gear.
Looking at the photograph out of context, however, it did look as if Willy was either frail, off his head, or both… and God forbid a sleazy tabloid pass up the opportunity to fling mud at a celebrity.
At least Slugworth was eight years in the ground, Madeleine reflected with grim satisfaction, or else the so-called journalist responsible for this would no doubt have gotten a gloating statement out of him. She was almost surprised they hadn’t dug up his corpse to interview it.
“Bloody paparazzi.” Madeleine sighed and folded the newspaper in half, hiding the offending article. “Don’t pay any attention to it, darling, you know what those bottom-feeders are like.”
But Willy was not so easily comforted. He hunched in on himself, turning a brooding stare into the depths of his hot chocolate, and ignoring the remaining papers.
“I mean it, Willy,” Madeleine continued, her tone softening from its previous briskness. She reached out, laying a hand on her husband’s thin shoulder. “They took a bad shot, which says far more about the photographer than you, and they’re trying to pass it off as if it means something, but it doesn’t. And anyone of any sense will see that, too.”
Willy just let out a low hum, which might have been agreement, or simply indicating a desire to move on. He was silent through the rest of breakfast, picking at his food or ignoring it entirely even when Madeleine tried to cajole him into eating. Madeleine was still finishing her french toast when he slipped out of bed and disappeared into his bathroom leaving only an indistinguishable mutter in his wake.
The satisfaction Madeleine got from tearing out the offending tabloid pages and ripping them systematically to shreds was paltry, but that didn’t stop her from doing it.
When they drew up the plans for the factory all those years ago, Madeleine knew the builders and architects thought the choice of his-and-hers bathrooms was at her insistence… Which it was, but not for the reasons they assumed. Having lived with Willy in that cramped apartment above the Cherry Street shop for five years at that point, Madeleine knew that the love of her life was a bathroom hog on par with the greatest Old Hollywood divas. If Madeleine ever wanted to start the day on time and looking her best, they needed separate spaces. Dear God, even she didn’t spend as long in front of her makeup mirror as Willy did!
“Willy?” Madeleine called as she knocked on the locked door of Willy’s bathroom. “Are you alive in there, or did you drown in the shower?”
Unease simmered beneath the jibe. Madeleine was normally the one who reverted to self-isolation when unhappy, while Willy was more likely to act out, pouting and whining and throwing a tantrum. For him to lock himself away meant this was more than mere unhappiness or passing embarrassment at an unflattering picture. Of course Madeleine knew how sensitive Willy was about the image he projected to the world, but for one photograph to have this impact was… troubling. It made her wonder exactly what nerve the photograph had touched, and how deeply the pain went.
Like toothache, she reflected -- ruefully, because she knew how much Willy would despise the comparison, but here it was apt. Pain flared up, but was it just a passing twinge, or a sign of a building rot that had so far gone unnoticed?
“Come on out, love. Tell me what’s going on in that head of yours.”
No reply from within the bathroom. Madeleine was just about to knock again when the door opened and out stepped a figure that made her breath catch in her throat; she actually took a half-step back in shock.
Willy had transformed himself. His hair was a sleek, uniform chocolate brown with not a single grey hair to be seen. His skin was smooth and even and utterly flawless; no crow’s feet at the corners of his eyes, no smile lines around his mouth, no dark circles from their late night. He was dressed only in his silky robe, but Madeleine was sure it was cinched tighter around his waist than it had been earlier, and the flash of chest above the burgundy silk looked… firmer.
As Madeleine dragged her gaze back up to her husband’s face, she was met by a grin. Not just any grin: wide, wild, and a little  manic. It was the absolute perfect example of Willy’s cat-got-the-cream smile, the smile that meant he was up to mischief, which meant this was more than her initial assumption of hair dye, foundation, and a couple of vitamin shots.
“Hi!” he cooed, striking a pose. In that second he looked nineteen again, happy as a lark after Madeleine lent him a dress and made him up for the first time. As if he was finally comfortable in his own skin. “What do you think?”
“You… You look…” Madeleine struggled to find the right word. Amazing leapt to mind, as did fabulous and gorgeous and all the other superlatives that aptly described a beautiful young man, but… Willy wasn’t a young man. He was fifty-two years old, and God she adored him, but he didn’t look like this. “...Different.”
“Oh, do I?” Willy patted his bob and batted his eyes. “In a good way?”
“What have you done?”
The smile on Willy’s face grew visibly forced. Madeleine could feel the pressure to bow to the narrative he was trying to craft in the air around her, squeezing her from all sides; not least from her own impulse, never quite erased, to make sure Willy was happy above all else.
“Can’t a girl just want to look her best?”
“You’ve got to try it, Maddy!” he finished, holding out the tiny pill with a flourish.
He looked so earnest, and so utterly certain, like a benevolent god holding out a miracle… and Madeleine recoiled from it; from him.
“I’ve got to?” she echoed. Her voice cracked halfway through the question as every single one of her fifty-two years suddenly bore down on her like lead weights; physically dragging down her flesh, hissing in her ear, every single one of the old insecurities rushing back to scream triumphantly that see, see, he never thought you were beautiful, you stupid bitch, you should have known he was just putting up with you, taking pity on you -- look at yourself, you haggard, ugly hag! Grey hair, wrinkles, sagging tits, sweating all the time with the hot flushes, you don’t even get as fucking wet as you used to, no wonder he wants you better, no wonder he wants you changed--
“W--well, I mean, don’t you want…?” But here Willy faltered. He looked her in the eye, and something desperate flashed across his own face, gone before she could categorise it, followed up with another wide smile. “You’ll feel so much better, Maddy, I promise! We both will! And then everything will be good again!”
“I thought we were pretty good already.” Madeleine crossed her arms defensively -- protectively -- across her chest, now excruciatingly aware of how the cut of her blouse highlighted the creping skin on her neck and how her breasts didn’t sit quite as high as they used to. “I didn’t realise me being an old hag was so offensive to you.” 
Charlie sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Right. Okay. I think I see what happened here. Willy, do you remember that time we talked about how there can be a… um, a gap, between what you say, and what someone else hears?”
“Uh-huh! That’s definitely what happened here,” Willy confirmed. “I said I’d found the most amazing way for Maddy and I -- and you, of course -- to look and feel perfect forever, and she heard some kooky nonsense about me not loving her any more! I just don’t know how to make her hear me properly.”
Charlie looked pained. Willy sympathised; it was never easy, running up against Madeleine’s spiky edges, where she wouldn’t hear a gosh-darned thing you said to her, and Charlie idolised her… Poor boy, he was probably realising now he was all grown up that sometimes idols weren’t infallible.
“Right… So maybe you -- we -- need to start by trying to understand Maddy’s point of view. I think she might be upset because it sounded like you aren’t happy with how she looks now.”
Chestnut hair streaked with strands of grey. A porcelain face carved with lines of both worry and laughter. Hands as delicate as scientific instruments, still pristine from age spots due to his habit of wearing gloves, but gloves could not preserve his skin perfectly from growing thinner, or stop veins standing out more visibly. A body softening from its previous youthful firmness.
And every single inch as perfect and beautiful and alluring as the day she first set eyes on him.
"Oh, stuff and nonsense!" he protested when she first voiced as much. Body twisting, looking away, cheeks aflame with colour. "Maddy, I… I know I'm not -- well -- what I used to be."
"That's enough of that," replied Madeleine, implacable as iron. "Nobody gets to say you aren't beautiful, least of all you yourself. Look at you, sweetheart… The most gorgeous girl I've ever seen, even now. Especially now."
"Especially how?" Willy demanded; not wooed, not yet, but betraying a willingness to be.
Madeleine capitalised by pulling him close and pressing a firm kiss to his pouting lips.
“So getting older makes you ugly?” she asked in a low voice. “Does that mean I ought to get rid of all that lingerie? If it’s going to waste on an old bird like me.”
How far they had come, that she could voice such an idea with nothing more than irony in her tone; that the idea she was hitting on a secret truth did not even cross her mind. Willy widened his eyes and instantly squawked a denial.
“No! No, no, you -- Maddy, you’re gorgeous!”
“Really?” Madeleine lowered her eyes, affecting uncertainty. “Even though I’m not as firm and tight as I used to be? And all this grey in my hair… it doesn’t exactly set off the leather--”
“No!” Willy interrupted her firmly -- no, desperately. He cupped her jaw in his hands and tilted her head up to kiss her. “No, no, no. That’s ridiculous, you’re beautiful -- just ‘cause you’re a little older doesn’t mean--” Abruptly, he stopped, leaned back, and narrowed his eyes at her; Madeleine smirked in response, and Willy huffed, throwing his hands up in the air. “Oh, gingersnaps, I hate it when you do that! Stop making me out to be a hypocrite if I don’t agree with you!”
Madeleine couldn’t help it: she laughed. “Well, stop spouting rubbish then, you silly boy!”
Willy huffed again, folding his arms across his chest. “You -- but -- that’s not--” Madeleine raised her eyebrows, wordlessly cutting off that line of protest, and Willy sighed. “Fine. So long as you promise not to get rid of the leather! Or the lingerie. Or anything else, ‘kay?”
“Oh, don’t worry,” Madeleine assured him, looping her arms around his waist to pull him close; he melted against her, belying his pretended irritation. “I happen to have some very important plans for all of those goodies.”
“Plans?” Pink suffused Willy’s cheeks as he looked up at her hopefully from where he was nestling his head against her shoulder. “Wh--what kinda plans? You know brainstorming is better with two, right?”
“Normally… But this happens to be a surprise.” Madeleine winked. “You know how good I am at those.”
“Huh.” Willy paused. Madeleine, sensing he wasn’t quite done, contented herself with nuzzling his hair as he percolated. “...You’re not just saying that because--”
“I’m saying it,” Madeleine interrupted him, knowing precisely where that was going, “Because you're gorgeous and I’m as mad for you now as I was at eighteen. Because every year you get more wicked and wild and wonderful than I ever thought you could." Madeleine chased kisses down his neck, smirking against his skin as he shuddered. "Lovely girl. You can't really think anyone could ever eclipse you? You're the most delicious creature I ever laid eyes on."
“Mmm… not that girly anymore,” Willy murmured, half under his breath.
Madeleine eyed him, surprised, but kept her voice carefully neutral as she asked, “You don’t want to be a girl anymore?”
“I’m not -- I’m--” Willy sat up, gesturing to himself, cheeks darkening. He laughed, though it was a hollow sound. “‘M just an old man now, Maddy.”
“You’ll be my girl until you’re ninety-five if that’s what you want.”
Madeleine spoke only the truth when she told Willy she loved him even more now than she had when they were young. Looking at him now, splayed out on the bed, pale and perfect in her eyes… The sight of him sent a sharp spike of desire through her core, leaving her breathless, in some ways even more so than when she was twenty. Now, his allure was as strong as ever, while the years had enhanced trust, dulled insecurity, and forged between them the certainty of commitment. Now, desire was the sugar of his skin on her tongue, without the bitterness of wondering if she was good enough for him. Now, she knew damn well there was nobody for either of them but each other.
As for that package she’d received the morning this all started…
Her intention had been to wait until Valentine’s Day, because she had a wildly romantic streak that she loved to indulge when the opportunity arose. Willy kept nagging at her, however, trying to weasel out her plans, which far from annoying Madeleine only made her more eager to get on with them, and in the end she only lasted until the end of the week before breaking out her costume and preparing their playroom.
Leather gloves. Cherry red satin lingerie. The high heels hadn’t been quite so high since her back started twinging in the morning, but she was taller than Willy anyway so it wasn’t the biggest loss. Otherwise, the routine was as familiar as breathing by now, and in this case familiarity bred the complete opposite of contempt.
“Kneel,” she ordered, and Willy obeyed promptly.
Nowadays they used a pillow for his knees -- memory foam was a glorious invention -- and Madeleine did not tie the bondage quite as tightly as she used to, out of respect for his joints. The blindfold still went on, though, and Willy’s mouth had only grown more devious over the years.
Speaking of which… Madeleine gasped, grabbing a handful of Willy’s hair as he made fabulous use of the opportunity afforded by her peekaboo knickers.
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My hyper-specific type when it comes to otome guys:
- Absolutely pathetic - Cannot speak to a girl normally to save his life - Tries to be calm/aloof, but turns tsundere when flustered enough - A good and pure man at heart, yet does some questionable things - ...Little Red Riding Hood???
#heart fragment#taisho x alice#otome#doofenshmirtz voice: if i had a nickel for every time i fell in love with a video game guy heavily associated to little red riding hood...#..i'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice!#i made this post basically as a way to announce i played heart fragment recently. and uh. it's REALLY GOOD#i probably do love clive the most (and i was immediately interested/biased considering his similarities to Red) but...#the rest of the cast is great too! I ADORE shannon and i am beyond ready to figure out what jasper's deal is#and honestly i'm into the mystery and the strained family relationship aspects too. just great writing all around even beyond the romances#this is one of Those Games that messes with you and the more you play it the more it sneaks new creepy stuff in#whatever the hell is going on with inigo in the dreams is unsettling. and i love it.#but seriously i'd recommend this to any otome fan and ESPECIALLY taiali fans considering the similarities go far beyond just this#you like fairy tales? you like exploring psychological issues and trauma? this is the game for you#also you can date guys AND girls which is a rare treat! again - i LOVE shannon. i just... love clive even more#but to be fair i think the hangup is that no matter what you're very close and friendly with shannon#so even if you don't romance her you still have a great relationship with her regardless#meanwhile with clive he's starting as a stranger and you basically have to be a jerk to him or blow him off which hurts my heart#and also clive seems to fall kind of fast and hard for you so the relationship developing in a romantic direction just feels. right IMO#i can accept being just besties with shannon (even though I definitely still love her romance outcomes)#but it pains me to spurn clive's affections#on an unrelated note i do intend to post my thoughts (basically a review) of winter's wish: spirits of edo#but i want to finish getting the sorrow endings for CGs and lore which means a second run through several routes
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arolesbianism · 3 months
Every now and then I remember that oni in fact will eventually have more lore added and I get so excited and scared for a moment and then I remember that it could take months until we see any of that and I proceed to forget abt it again and the cycle repeats
#rat rambles#oni posting#now it does sadden me a smidge that itll probably be in paid dlc but thats a problem for future me#the bright side of new lore is new lore#the downside of new lore is the eternal fear of canon jackie and olivia designs#not because Im opposed to them getting canon designs its just so scary#like what if klei made them white how would I move forward from that#and its not even a situation where I can say with any level of confidence if they would or not because god if I fucking know#like they have until very recently seemingly deliberately avoided including anything Too lore relevant in any animated trailers#but that can kind of just be explained by well. the fact that most of those updates didn't include any lore.#and those that do involve it stay strictly in the dupes perspective#so I can't rly use that as any sign that theyre deliberately avoiding giving olivia and jackie canon designs#I would highly prefer they dont get designs even without fear of designs I dislike mostly because narratively it just works better that way#but hey its not up to me so whatever happens happens#I mostly assume future lore is going to mostly relate to the dupe donors we havent met yet and elaborating on some of the ones we have seen#but dont see a lot of if anything at all#I hope they dont mess with jackie and olivia too much but I do think itd be nice to give jackie just a smidge more like Ive talked abt#and other than that I could see them adding maybe new story traits and if they're feeling real generous more dupe lore#oh and if we're mega lucky we could get a dr.holland first name#honestly I hope that for dr.holland specifically they either just do a hard name drop and move on or just dont touch him#rly my main concern with any added oni lore is I Really dont want them to start telling us too much#I really really like all of our information being very fragmented and unclear as it adds to the post end of the world vibe rly well#and this is in fact a problem that they had in older versions of the story that they seemingly went out of their way to solve#so I rly want to have faith that they wont fuck it up but I have been burned before and oni has yet to have fully earn my trust#its not far off tho just the scrapped logs themselves give me faith that they are aware what story theyre writing and what needs done#again the scrapped logs are cool but would have dampened the narrative quite significantly from how straight forward they are#so them being full one scrapped early on makes me hopeful that they realized that too#rly I just dont want too much expansion on the stuff we already know#some names and work ids would be splendid and Im all for new fragments to try to place in the timeline#I just dont want a log where nikola stares at the camera and monologues abt the duplicant project or smth
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good-frog · 5 months
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87 (there’s a bitterness inside of me)
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ihaveverything · 1 month
Limitless manifesting for beginners
part I - the basic concepts
part II - states, techniques, change
part III - mental diet, sats
part IV - daily life, time
ʚ part V - resistance, faith, the ''real'' world
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Changing your life can happen faster than you ever possibly imagined, but you first have to understand the basics of who you are. This goes beyond the common saying of “you don’t manifest what you want, you manifest who you are” into a deeper spiritual truth about our existence as souls and a reality far greater than what we see now. Each of us has many probable lives, access to infinite probable realities, and is truly the sole creator for our individual reality.
“First of all, a soul is not something that you have. It is what you are.” – Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul
To enter a state is not the most difficult thing. In fact, it should be rather effortless, until the factor of resistance and strain comes in. There is no benefit in affirming or visualizing against how you feel, because the latter will always be the victor. In fact, it only reinforces lack because of avoidance.
“There is a great difference between resisting evil and renouncing it. When you resist evil, you give it your attention; you continue to make it real. When you renounce evil, you take your attention from it and give your attention to what you want.” – Neville Goddard, The Power of Awareness
Since we live in a physical reality, we often identify with the part of us that is responsible for daily activities, and we barely give any thought to the unconscious portion of ourselves that is the basis for creating the experience around us. We rely on our senses to survive and allow the outside world to determine how we feel. However, the concept of us being more than a physical form has been discussed in both scientific and spiritual fields. As you have likely learned from Neville and / or Seth, our consciousness is far more than a production of the neurons in our brain. Our own physical form, which we have so strongly identified with, is just like a custom fitting glove that we are constantly creating to suit our needs. We are in the physical as Gods in training, learning how to use our thoughts to create our human experience. This gift is something we were born with, and although the Law is not common knowledge to most people in this world, the truth about reality and our identity is not hidden. It is displayed in each of our lives on a daily basis, with a perfect correlation between the states we’ve been entertaining and the events that occur.
“However, the understanding of the causes of your experience, and the knowledge that you are the sole creator of the contents of your life, both good and bad, not only make you a much keener observer of all phenomena, but through the awareness of the power of your consciousness, intensify your appreciation of the richness and grandeur of life.” – Neville Goddard, The Power of Awareness
Knowing this perspective of being a fragment of God, it is completely up to us to create anything we desire with our imagination. There are 3D circumstances that seem to hold us back, but if you really think about it, what’s more limitless? The 3D world or your imagination? And which comes first? The imagination. Sometimes we wish things were different, we hope this will change, we wonder if that can happen, but notice how none of these are a solid confidence in your experience now. You are the only one limiting yourself to your 3D circumstances. Breaking free of this mindset can be as simple as remembering who we truly are and what our purpose on Earth is. No one knows what your individual purpose for coming here is, but just as an example, let’s say it’s to learn how to create a long lasting relationship with someone you love because that was something you failed to do in the previous life. You chose this life and consented to your current circumstances as a second try, but when you surrender your mind to what you created in the first place, it’s really just disappointing yourself for a second time when you could’ve taken this opportunity to learn. Now that was just a probable situation, and it doesn’t apply to everyone, but if you accept a new view of life and allow yourself to feel connected to infinite possibilities, doesn’t that sound much easier and more powerful than feeling stranded in a 3D world?
“How many of you would want to limit your reality, your entire reality, to the experience you now know? You do this when you imagine that your present self is your entire personality, or insist that your identity be maintained unchanged through an endless eternity.” – Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul
“It is not that physical reality is false. It is that the physical picture is simply one of an infinite number of ways of perceiving the various guises through which consciousness expresses itself.” – Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of Soul
Manifesting is effortless because it’s a decision, not a chore. If you were asked to get from Paris to Tokyo without a plane, that’s gonna take a lot of effort. You were not asked to do so. The key points to making that mental decision effortless is understanding life from a creator’s eyes + playfully using your imagination beneficially + gentle reminders that creation is finished + repeatedly making the same choice for which reality you will experience without trying to change anything in the 3D. As the Seth quote above says, your physical reality is not fake, and it’s actually a misconception to believe so. The people you meet everyday are real human beings with the same feelings and consciousness you have. However, there are many different versions of what you can experience, so your goal is to select something new. Telling yourself that 4D is the only real world and 3D is fake can lead to delusion or inner conflict when everything around you seems so real (which it is), because it could cause a spiral. If your SP left you in this reality, it does not mean that they are a fake puppet who doesn’t have a mind of their own. All it means is that your circumstances are aligned with whatever states you were dominantly entertaining, but you can change that at any moment. People often get confused with how to view the 3D because it gives them the most resistance, which brings them closer to trying rather than effortless manifesting. Your experience is made of internal selections, choices, and decisions. Choosing something better for yourself should be as easy as second nature, because who doesn’t want a better life?
“You must begin to trust yourself sometime. I suggest you do it now. If you do not then you will forever be looking to others to prove your own merit to you, and you will never be satisfied. You will always be asking others what to do, and at the same time resenting those from whom you seek such aid.” – Seth, The Nature of Personal Reality
Everyone who reads Neville and Seth should have come to the realization that we are connected to God / source. There is absolutely no power outside of you that determines your reality, so there’s really no reason for us to trust anyone but ourselves. Seeking outside help for more knowledge is a good start, but ultimately experience and application is the breakthrough moment for most people’s understanding in the Law. Nothing beats the feeling of your first major manifestation coming into fruition and you start thinking what more you can do next. Sometimes the only thing that stops you from seeing manifestation as effortless is having one foot in and one foot out. If you take a step forward but keep looking back at where you were before, then you haven’t really bought the Pearl of Great Price like Neville says. No teacher, book, guide, or video can do the mental work for you. At the end of the day your biggest motivator will and should always be yourself, because you need the drive to change your life.
When considering the best way to manifest your desires, it’s important to recognize that if you were bound to the 3d limitations of this world, many fundamental concepts such as creation is finished, infinite versions of yourself and others, different probable realities, imagination is not fiction, etc wouldn’t exist. Having an intellectual understanding of these things is not the same as feeling an emotional connection. Since the Law of Assumption places faith in breaking free of limitations and opening our minds to endless possibilities, it would also be helpful to view ourselves from a different perspective.
When people spiral over circumstances or are feeling resistance when doing techniques or returning to the state of the wish fulfilled, it is often because they lack a sense of control. They may view the current situation as solid, or their beliefs are too deeply rooted so they can’t see how the things they put attention on aren’t actually objective facts about reality. They could also feel like they are at a disadvantage, or are unsure of what to do when met with undesirable events because they aren’t finding comfort or confidence in accepting that they are actually the sole creator of their reality.
“Do not judge after the appearances of a thing. In judging after appearances you forget that all things are possible. Hypnotized as they were to the reality of appearances they could not feel the naturalness of sanity. The only way for you to avoid such failures is to constantly bear in mind that your awareness is the Almighty, all-wise presence, who without help, effortlessly out-pictures that which you are aware of being. Be perfectly indifferent to the evidence of the senses, so that you may feel the naturalness of your desire–and your desire will be realized. Turn from appearances and feel the naturalness of perfect sanity and sanity will embody itself. Your desire is the solution of your problem. As the desire is realized, the problem is dissolved.” – Neville Goddard, I Know My Father
Essentially what Neville explains in his teachings is that it is beneficial to live life from “God mode”, or in other words, a perspective where you truly are the only cause for every external materialization in the 3d world. I understand that there are many religious people who also follow manifestation content, and their beliefs may not resonate with saying “I am God”, which is perfectly fine. Ultimately the goal of this perspective is not to claim power for vanity, but to gain confidence and understanding in knowing just because you are a human, it does not mean manifestation is a powerless being trying to do magic tricks to make a miracle happen. When we view the Law as an unbelievable or difficult promise, mental dieting becomes much harder because there is a belief that prevents us from seeing things as attainable, or even effortless and naturally promised to us. The “God mode” perspective is helpful because it allows us to feel more connected with infinite possibilities that easily dissolves doubts and fears surrounding circumstances. Think about it this way, would God worry about being blocked by their person? Would God worry about not passing a job interview or not having enough money? No of course not, so you shouldn’t worry either. What you can gain from the Law of Assumption is fulfillment of your dreams and desires, so aligning your perception of yourself with someone that is easily capable of getting such things will lift a weight off your shoulders.
When you are going about life attending to your daily commitments, it can be easy to forget this perspective, because certainly anyone would look at you weirdly if you claimed “I am God and you are too”, but if you treat this as a playful reminder and an internal understanding that benefits your manifestation, it won’t feel like you’re usurping power. If you are waiting in line at the store or cooking at home and your mind wanders to the unlovely things, observe how you’re viewing yourself. Are you surrendering to physical human senses, or are you taking control by confidently returning to this new perspective?
Resistance is often defined by the emotions and thoughts we have, but if you think about where they come from, the root is always a belief. All circumstances, no matter big or small, are no trouble if you start believing in things that allow you to feel more powerful. You cannot possibly feel upset over something when you know you are connected to God and things will change because you say so. View life from the eyes of God, and your circumstances will reflect that back to you eventually.
Additionally, faith is believing in the unseen. How do you know what is unseen and what is improbable? You need to test it out. People always want to rely on others for motivation and success, but your life is your life. You have full responsibility and control over it, and there’s no excuse for anyone to stop themselves from reaching success because they always want to hear about someone else’s story first. It does not do well to compare or to worry. All the answers you need are within you. Ask yourself before you ask someone else, and learn to give yourself the willpower you need. A leap of faith is not as complicated or scary as it seems. You will gain faith after you realize this works for me, I’ve done it and now I will do it again. Joy from seeing other people’s stories will never be the same as the feeling of winning on your own. It’s understandable to question the Law after a significant period of no results, but ask yourself this question, “Have I truly changed my beliefs?” If the answer is no, then there’s no reason to doubt the Law, because you haven’t met the condition under which your 3D will reflect your desire. If the answer is yes, then that means you believe with full conviction that you already have what you want. With that being the case, then you are someone new. Why would that new version of you question where your results are? The logic of the Law is that you won’t get hurt or disappointed from applying it. Success is inevitable, and if you’re applying it properly, then there’s no reason for you to feel negative anymore.
The ''real'' world
I’m sure many people have wondered at least once in their lifetime what the meaning of life is, why are humans here, and what happens after death. There are curious minds that think about this existential question frequently, and people who don’t care about spirituality and manifestation beyond achieving their own desires. And that’s perfectly fine. People hold different beliefs all around the world. From religious ones to scientific theories, there’s always been a central question of what is the true purpose of our existence. The Law of Assumption is closely tied to metaphysical concepts such as the multiverse theory, cognitive scientific conclusions that studies how the brain / mind alters and shapes our realities, psychological perspectives on emotions and their subjectivity, etc. Manifesting is not a baseless optimistic lifestyle, nor is it confirmation bias. The Seth Material has introduced an extensive and detailed collection of works that explain how we have come to this world to experience life as humans. We are learning and evolving, shaping our realities with our thoughts, beliefs, and expectations. Seth even dives into the afterlife to explain death, afterlife choices, and other planetary existences and communities. He explains our existence:
“I am telling you that you are not a cosmic bag of bones and flesh, thrown together through some mixture of chemicals and elements. I am telling you that your consciousness is not some fiery product, formed merely accidentally through the interworkings of chemical components.” – Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul
For the people who found this material intriguing, some may have come to the realization that the world is quite more complex than what we can perceive right now. It is not to say that spiritual findings and beliefs should take over our daily life and affect our ways of living by completely branching off into a secluded mindset that differs from any other normal social interactions we may have. From my perspective, it’s a proposal that may be beneficial to those who are feeling lost or powerless. To recognize and embrace life as an experiential game of choices rather than an unknown path of challenges is a way to understand effortless manifesting. The most limitless we can be is always within our imagination, because it’s truly a place of possibilities, freedom, and creativity, so enjoy it.
“Suffering is not good for the soul, unless it teaches you how to stop suffering. That is its purpose.” ― Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul
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moonstruckme · 4 days
I absolutely adore your roommate James series! It’s so tender and soft and sweet and it feels like the literary version of a hug 😭 you nail it every time!
Thank you sweetness!!! I am giving you a hug actually <3
cw: threatening with a weapon
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 │ part 4 │part 5 │ part 6 │ part 7 │ part 8 │ part 9 │ part 10 │part 11 │ part 12
roommate!James x shy!reader ♡ 1.2k words
Things have come to a point where James needs to admit to himself that he likes you as more than a friend. 
The problem is, he likes you as a friend so much. He’s no stranger to the dilemma of risking a friendship for something more, but he’s not a teenager anymore and you’re not Lily. James knows he wouldn’t be able to play it off as a silly, harmless crush with you. And, really, he wouldn’t want to. You bully your way into his thoughts all day long. Your sweet voice, the way you talk with your eyes, tiny moments like the way your lips parted when he’d first slipped and called you sweetheart. You’d schooled your expression into teasing exasperation almost immediately, but there had been a softening in your eyes that made him impatient to do it again.
If he told you all that, James would probably come home to find all your things gone. You can barely handle it when he tells you you look nice. He doesn’t want to lose you. 
So, against his wishes and all his instincts and proclivities, he’s going to let it lie. James wants to be your friend more than he wants to discover what else you could be together. He can love you this way, too. 
That doesn’t do anything to deaden the thrill that goes up his spine when he picks up his phone and hears your voice on the other end, though.
“Y/n?” He checks the number on his phone. It’s not in his contacts. 
“Yeah. Um, are you—are you busy?” There’s a wobble in your voice. James’ heart drops straight down to his stomach. 
“I’m not,” he says, stopping short of the field where his teammates are gathering and turning back towards his car. “Is everything alright?” 
“Yeah.” It’s clearly not, but he was silly to ask. Of course you’d say that. “I just, if you’re free, I was wondering if you could maybe pick me up?” 
That wobble hasn’t gone from your voice. James’ heart trembles in solidarity. 
He gets back in his car, starting the ignition with perhaps a tad too much force. “I’m on my way,” he promises. “Where are you, what’s wrong?” 
“I’m outside the Waterstones on Manor Road, you know where that is?” 
“I know the one, yeah.” 
Your voice sounds held together by fragments. “I’m sorry, it’s far.” 
“Don’t be sorry,” he says, then regrets it instantly. This is hardly the time for a good-natured scolding. He turns out of the parking lot. “I’m coming. What’s wrong?” 
“I’ve—I’ve had my phone and wallet taken. I don’t have my key to the apartment.” 
“Taken?” James’ head buzzes like a TV turned to the wrong channel. “By who?” 
“A man, I—I don’t know. Um, I’m borrowing this woman’s phone, and I think I should give it back.”
His lungs feel small, panic choking him. “I’ll be there in thirty minutes. Be safe, yeah?”  
“Yeah.” A breath crackles through the phone. James wonders if you’d been choking, too. “Thanks, James.” 
“Just be safe.” 
The sun has dipped below most buildings by the time he gets there. It makes it difficult to see you, but James’ eyes work like a compass, finding your shadowy form curled up on the curb. The bookstore looks to be closed or close to it, no patrons walking by you as you sit with your knees bent close to your chest. 
You see his car pull up, and he’s halfway to you before you’re even standing. Your arms come around James as readily as his around you, your face squished willingly into the fabric of his workout shirt. Your breath seems to stutter out of you. 
“It’s okay,” he says, grasping the back of your head. He’s not sure if he’s talking to you, or himself, or either of you. He’ll tell whoever will listen. “You’re okay, sweetheart, it’s alright.” 
“Sorry,” you squeak. “I don’t know why I’m crying now.” 
“You’re okay,” James says again, just for good measure. His lips find the top of your head. “What happened?” 
“I think I was mugged,” you laugh. It comes out warped, completely unlike the sound he’s spent months chasing after. “This guy showed me a knife, and told me to hand him my bag and phone, and I just gave them to him. It was right out in the open.” Another jagged, heart-aching laugh. “I feel so stupid.” 
“Why would someone else mugging you make you stupid?” James lets you go enough to give you a little space, but his arms stay around you, his hand rubbing firmly over your shoulder blade. “Did you call the police?” 
You gnaw on your lower lip. It already looks bitten to shreds. “No.” 
He nods, taking a breath. James isn’t typically the responsible one in his relationships. He’s not good at knowing what to do. It makes him think of being thirteen and seeing Sirius all bruised and broken, feeling his heart break and knowing that he had to fix things despite the both of them being too young to have any clue how to deal with something so huge. James is an adult now, but he still feels too young. 
“Do you want to go home?” he asks you. 
You bite down hard on your lip, but your eyes gloss anyway. “Yeah,” you say, voice breaking. 
James pulls you close and gives in to treating you the way he wants to, kisses pressed into your hairline and tender words pouring from his lips. He gets you into the car and takes you home. 
Throughout the rest of the evening, you’re at once more reticent and more talkative than you’ve ever been. You’ll stare into the distance for minutes at a time, but then you’ll speak up, seemingly randomly, about some small fact you’d forgotten or a thought that’s been pushing at your consciousness. You tell him that you don’t think you could describe the man well enough to the police. That you have no concept of how long you stood around before you thought to ask for someone else’s phone. That you sort of wish you’d refused to hand yours over, because really what was the worst that could have happened?
“Well, he could have stabbed you,” James says.
“Yeah, but how often is that really fatal? And he might not have. It’s embarrassing, all he had to do was show me the knife and I turned everything over. I probably would have been fine.” 
“I don’t think you’re automatically fine if you’re not dead, angel. You were still at risk of being stabbed.” 
“I’d still have my phone and everything, though.” 
“I think you’re worth a bit more than that stuff.” 
“Mm, agree to disagree.” 
James does things he doesn’t particularly want to do—phoning your bank, filing a police report online, texting your landlord about a new set of keys—and several things he really does want to do. Once you’ve changed into your cozy clothes he practically swaddles you in blankets, putting a hot chocolate in your hand and that show you’re always watching on the TV. He makes you dinner, teases you until he gets a real smile, puts your mum’s number in his phone and texts her to let her know you’re okay. James touches you amply, lips on your cheek and hand smoothing the hair from your face and one knee pressing into your leg through the blanket. 
And you let him. 
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yanderenightmare · 1 year
Yandere Satoru and Suguru sharing a darling is what makes me OwO
Gojo Satoru & Geto Suguru
TW: yandere, noncon, condescension
fem reader
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It wasn’t really that you were weak… You were just unfortunate.
Unfortunate – to have been placed in the same year as them – Gojo and Geto, the two most promising students Jujutsu High had ever seen.
If only you would keep a lower profile like Shoko – and not be so determined to become the best – you’d be better off and not wind up on your ass each and every day sparring with the two boys – who really were the best. 
But something about their high-and-mighty attitude just makes them impossible for you to ignore.
The way they taunt and jeer, grinning their shit-eating grins – grinding your gears to no end – forcing you to try about anything to just, at least once, come out on top. 
Like now, in the padded sparring room – where you, again, could only barely find a foot to stand on – with what ground you had managed to keep thus far, visibly only thanks to your cocky opponent allowing it.
“You sure you wanna be a jujutsu sorcerer?” Gojo asked nonchalantly, his lanky arms slung around your smaller body with ease, resting his chin off the nook of your neck – unbothered by how you tried and struggled to shake him off.
You were dewy-faced and panting already while he hadn’t even broken a sweat yet. And it only aided in making your head grow ever hotter with vexation. “Take this seriously-” You growled back at him.
But he ignored you – the same way he ignored whatever amount of cursed energy you tried fighting him with. “I mean… I’m sure there are a lot of other things you’d be better suited for.”
After all… the last thing you’d want is for him to take this seriously. 
“Tch- like what exactly?” You bit out, hating his suggestive tone though needing him distracted with the conversation – thinking it would be a good stall to give you some much-needed rest where you stood, trying to hide how tired you were – forcing heavy breaths into smaller ones that made your lungs ache for air and your cheeks burn with embarrassment.
Your weapon had already been thrown to the other side of the room – burst into a shattered broken mess of fragments you wouldn’t even be able to butter toast with anymore. And it hadn’t been the first one. In fact, the entire arsenal had been turned to splinters, leaving you to fight the boy who’d broken them all with only your hands to spare.
“Oh- you know….” He drawled, thinking it cute how you tried withholding your exhaustion from him. Pulling you a little closer to his chest – snuggling into you while thinking – his tongue out in concentration before calling out to the other boy. “Oh- help me out, Suguru.”
Geto sat waiting his turn next to the door, smiling like a cat with eyes closed. “Hmm… something cute…” He began before answering. “Like a maid.” 
You sneered – eyes lowering into a glare at the raven-haired boy who still, without a hitch, kept calmly smiling back at you.
Gojo offered a small snicker, adding to the ridicule, before whispering. “Or a housepet.” His voice, low and mocking in its whispering, yet loud right at your ear – with lips brushing your ear in a way you could tell he was smirking like his equally grating friend.
And it all just coaxed another spur of much-unrewarded effort where you once again tried your best at getting free – another growl spurring up from your gut with a vengeance. “Shut up-” 
“Don’t you agree, Suguru?” The white-haired boy ignored you again – though tightened his grip in correspondence – his long arms thrown in a cross around your front with slender fingers curling, now almost painfully, into the soft flesh of your midriff – having lifted your shirt enough for him to touch your skin directly.
“Mh, I can see it… doing laundry, cleaning the house, making dinner-” The other agreed, standing up with an unbothered sigh, taking slow and soft steps over the white padding to reach the two of you – his shape always much larger, growing like a mass of something menacing – dark and towering and shadowing like some great statue – making you feel so unbelievably small. 
Pulling his hand from his baggy pant pockets, you flinched as it thumbed your chin to make you look up at him – all your struggles gone and almost replaced with shivers instead – now with feeling the intense weight of being not just outmatched but outnumbered too. 
Feeling all but swallowed between the two, an inch of regret steadily crept about your gut, quenching what former fire used to fuel your spirit – leaving you with only an intense sense of defeat and fear.
His smile split with teeth, and you paled in light of it – breath thin as he leaned in closer.
“You’d look pretty natural wearing a pretty kimono… waiting for your man to come home.” He whispered, and you swallowed thickly in return, looking up into his slim eyes, who looked down at you with that small smile of his which seemed to carry a weight that felt crushing.
You tried keeping cool – tried grasping for any semblance worth of calm you could manage – even as Gojo’s hands, warm and soft, gently started messaging circles into your sides – his lips still at your ear in hot breaths and playful whispers. “Sure, it doesn’t pay the same way being a sorcerer does, but I’m sure a girl like you’d be grateful for pretty clothes and a big house.”
Geto hummed in agreement, his hand sliding from your chin to cup your cheek – with hot breaths fanning your face making goosebumps spring to the surface – adding to the statement. “And a warm bed to sleep in at night.”
You let out a whimper then, with lips quivering. The atmosphere had changed – turned thick with something else, something suffocating – something that left you faint, both speechless and breathless – whilst you warily looked up into the dark set of eyes above you and shivered at the feel of the teeth behind you. 
“All in exchange for some cooking and cleaning,” Gojo murmured against your neck, pulling your body closer while it shook unsteadily between the two of them.
“Don’t forget the other thing….” Geto hinted beneath his breath, his lips brushing your silently parted ones with a smirk, savoring that terribly troubled look on your face with an amused one of his own.
“Right~ The other thing~” Gojo purred, also enjoying your faltering, liking the feel of your heartbeat quickening beneath his fingertips.
“What thing?” You asked weakly – warily – as though scared of the answer.
Gojo snickered while Geto answered. “I think it’s better we show you this one.”
You were on your back the next second – your wrists pinned beneath the strength of Gojo’s fists where he kneeled above your head – his black shades slipping down his nose as he stared down at you with his smile and eyes gleaming in a look you could only call crazy.
Geto was kneeling at your other end, still towering over you – with big hands spreading your thighs, holding them tight to keep you from kicking. 
Your mind hadn’t really processed the possibility yet – hadn’t really allowed it to sink in – but it was dawning on you now – rapidly – while watching the boy lift your skirt up passed your panties.
“Hey! Stop-” You squealed, trying to bring your knees together to hide yourself. But you seemed smaller than you’d ever felt now, on the ground beneath the two boys who just dwarfed you in comparison.
“Think of it as part of training.” Geto offered casually while shuffling closer – his hands holding you beneath the knees, keeping you spread. “As a housepet, you need to learn these things.”
“And if you’re still adamant about becoming a jujutsu sorcerer… this is a realistic field exercise too.” Gojo added, his eyes big and ice-blue, glowing with something that seemed to seize you by the throat as he stared down at the growing hysterics on your pretty face. “I mean, with a face like this, I’m sure both curse users and curses themselves would want a taste before killing you.”
Geto removed his jacket, casting it aside. “We just want to help prepare you for what’s out there.” He excused, leaning over you with hands running over your chest, undoing button after button while you squirmed.
“No, please-” You shook your head, eyes closed tight in a desperate wish to wake up – the initial disbelief of the situation quickly leaving you every second of feeling hands touching more and more of your naked skin.
You choked on it, never having felt fear quite like it – soon finding hot streams of tears rushing down your face where you struggled to find air.
“We wouldn't want you going out into the real world thinking everyone’s going to play nice with you like we have.” Geto mouthed – eyes thirsty while looking at your cleavage – his large hands cupping your tits over the bra, making you squeak.
“Stop-” You sobbed, but like always, both of them ignored you.
“I’m sorry to say it-” Gojo cut you off, bowing down closer until his eyes were but an inch away from your teary trembling ones. “But the real world doesn’t care about you the way we do and won’t protect you like we will.” 
Geto’s hands slipped beneath your skirt – his fingers carding into the fat of your hips, smoothly hooking his fingers onto the band of your panties before slowly beginning to peel them down your thighs. “This is for your own good.”
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dinogoofymutated · 2 months
Hi! so far I've loved everything you've written about Kurt, Logan and Remy. 🧎🏻‍♀️
Could you write something about Kurt? where together with reader they are in the kitchen of the mansion because they can't sleep, and she finally tells him her concerns about the magnitude of her powers and Kurt with his heart of gold tells her beautiful things to calm her down and make her laugh, the rest to your imagination, I would appreciate it, you write great! Thanks 💙✨
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SFW! Nightcrawler/Fem!Reader
Ok so I will admit that I made this a leeetle self indulgent. I was trying to think of a power someone could really struggle with and a fun one that I thought of was having necromancy, but having such respect for life and death that it feels wrong. I thought it would fit well with a Kurt fic because it's something that almost feels sacrilegious, and it's good to have a fuzzy blue elf assure you that you aren't a monster :) I know its def not power ambiguous, but I hope this is okay :)
Also, I know my writing style is a little different in this one, And thats because the first few paragraphs set the tone for my writing when I start and tbh I think this one just flowed from my soul to they keyboard.
TWs: nightmares, necromancy, gross descriptions of rotting flesh. Extreme self-doubt and self-consciousness. Basically angst with a happy ending.
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You’ve been having nightmares again. They hardly seem to stop, but after a break in between the terror, you'd become too relaxed. Too comfortable. You felt defenseless when they started to begin again.
It’s always the same dream, different font. Bones cracking, flesh ripping as it’s forced into place, natural or not. Skin rotting off of once human bodies, sockets where eyes used to be. It was horrifying. You’d see your family, friends, acquaintances, everyone. Dead. Brought back to life by your power, the power you were still so afraid of. You were always afraid of zombie movies as a kid. Anything rising from the dead, anything breathed back to life in some sick and twisted fantasy. It was ironic that your very own strength was the thing you had always been the most afraid of.
Of course, as you aged and the professor took you in, the fear began to wear off. Mostly, it did. The professor not only taught you how to control your powers but also how to work around your fear. You can remember the confusion you felt when he had set a box of ancient bones in front of you. Fragments of titans, dinosaurs who had long since passed. Bones that would never be matched to an accurate set, parts of them being crushed to dust by the cruelty of time. Bones that only you could breathe to life, to bring them together as a whole again. It was convenient, the professor had told you, that you only needed a fragment to do so. He spoke as if it were a service to them. Most importantly, he brought you a box of bones that weren’t, and never had been, human.
He had taken the fear out of your power. Given you an option you had never considered before. Bones without flesh, without living family. Fossils that would serve you as you were serving them. You were… happy, with that. You were content. You could handle bones. You could revive these ancient skeletons without fear, and fight with them without worry. That didn’t change the horror of knowing the capacity your powers had.
    So the nightmares remained, and your sleep had become sparse.
    This particular night you were restless. Unable to sleep despite how tired you have been, but it’s hard to rest when there is only terror waiting behind your eyelids. After a while, you decide to give up trying.
The path to the kitchen is one you have memorized, even in the dark. You’ve always been told never to eat sugar before bed, but the only thing you want to comfort you at this moment is hot chocolate- so screw it.
    You try your best to be quiet while fishing out a pot out of the cabinets. The stove makes a click as you flick it on, filling the pot with milk before stirring it as it warms. The automatic task is comforting, falling into a routine you enjoy. You’ve just added the coco mix when the sound of a *Bamph* greets you.
    “Guten abend.” Kurt whispers, walking over to stand beside you. You give him a tired smile that he returns with a yawn.
    “I’m sorry if I woke you.” You say, face returning to a frown Kurt thinks you wear far too often. Maybe it’s good that he’s here because you realize you made far too much of the sweet drink than you had meant to. You get a mug for him, heart fluttering as his hand brushes your own when he takes it from you, thanking you quietly.
    “You did not wake me, Schatz. I promise.” Kurt says, pulling out a chair for you with his tail as he sits at the table. You nod silently, placing the pot in the sink and filling it with water before you join him, leaning against his shoulder.
    “Did you have another nightmare?” Kurt asks after a moment. His brows are furrowed in concern, and you fail to stop him before he takes a sip from the scalding coco, burning his tongue. He scrunches his nose as he sticks out his tongue, making you giggle for a moment. He thinks your laugh suits you much more than your frown, even if it happens to be at his expense. Your face falls slightly anyway, and he wonders if he could get you to laugh if he did it all over again.
    “...No. Not tonight.” The words come out as less than a whisper, and you doubt he might hear it if it weren’t the middle of the night. Little did you know he’d block the world out if he had to, just to hear you speak a little clearer. He hums in response, and you feel his tail slowly wrap snugly around your waist, the very tip idly stroking you in a comforting manner.
    “...Do you wish to speak about them?” Kurt asks after a moment. You huff slightly, feeling the hot steam from your mug warm your face as you do so. Still too hot, you think to yourself. Flashes of those horrid nightmares come to mind, and no matter how quickly you try to shake them off, they remain. You choose to think of Kurt instead. Sweet, kind, comforting Kurt. You want to bury yourself in his arms, sink into the feeling of his skin, and never let go, if only he would let you. He would without a second thought, if only you had known. You think carefully about your next words, and the visions of flesh and corpses hardly leave you.
    “Am I a monster, Kurt?” You hear a quiet, cut-off gasp from Kurt, and he turns to you. His face is pained, and he sets his mug down to place his hand around your own, still clasped around the hot cocoa. 
    “Of course not. Only a fool would think so.” His words, although comforting, only leave you with a worse sting in your heart. You can’t hold eye contact with him, staring at the reflection in your mug instead. Only a fool would think so. You halfway wonder if you count as a fool, then.
    “I, just… My powers, what I do. What I am capable of doing. It’s not right.” You take a shaky breath in, desperately trying not to break down here and now. “It’s disgusting. It’s horrible. Every time I find myself comfortable with myself I am reminded of what is possible and I spiral. I don’t want it. I don’t-”  
  “Liebling.” You let out a sob at the sound of his voice. Kurt is hunched over, pressing his forehead against your own as he desperately tries to catch your gaze- but you can’t. You can't bear it, and you close your eyes tightly. Kurt takes the mug from your hands. He cups your face as he wipes your tears, and you feel like even more of a monster as he does so. Sobbing as a man with a heart of gold wipes your tears away with love and care.
    “Please, look at me,” Kurt whispers. You try to stop the tears, embarrassed as you fall apart in front of the man you hold so dearly, but it’s hard. It’s so hard. Your chest stings, your throat is sore, you’re sure your nose is running, and yet he still holds you so gently. When your breathing evens out just a bit, you convince yourself to open your eyes again.
    Kurt’s gaze is simply concerned. There is no horror, no disgust, nothing but worry for you. Nothing but kindness. You wonder if you could be even half as good as he is. 
    “You are good. You are kind. You are strong enough to stand by your morals despite the nature of your powers telling you otherwise- and you have the strength to continue to use them and fight your fears anyway. You are one of the most incredible people I have ever met. Do not let your nightmares tell you otherwise.” Kurt’s hold is steady against your cheeks, and your own shaky hands reach up to hold onto his wrists. You sob again as he speaks. You know. You know this. Others have told you, but these words all felt like lies. All but the ones you’re hearing from his mouth. Your tears are slowing, and Kurt leans forward to press a kiss to your forehead, leaving the skin tingling. You whisper quiet apologies for crying, and he shushes each one, gently wiping your face with the soft sleeve of his pajama shirt.
  “I would not be here if I didn’t want to care for you, my love,” Kurt says softly. Your eyes widen, taken aback by his words. He called you many things. Liebling. Schatz. Love. But never my love. The words waken butterflies in your belly, and Kurt takes a moment to realize what he’s said. He swallows nervously, but he doesn’t pull away. You don’t either. The two of you are treading a line that you both desperately want to cross. 
    Kurt is the first to lean in. He does so slowly, toeing the line between you. His gaze remains on your own as he closes the space, nose nuzzling against your own as he gives you the time to back out if you wish. But you don’t. You want nothing more than to have what he is so freely giving. 
    Kurt kisses you softly, lovingly, and for once the horrors have quieted and are cleared from your mind. All there is now is Kurt, and his soft love. He kisses you a second time before he pulls away, still as close to you as he can be without falling out of his chair. You wonder how he can see beauty where all you see is terror. He wonders if you have any clue just how much of a good person you continue to be.
    He knows he would gladly spend the rest of his life showing you.
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thegnomelord · 8 months
sof and cute hcs of eldritch reader trying to learn how to people (and maybe some raunchy ones about learning how human "mating" works) hhhhnnnngggh
Imagine Learning To Be Human
CW: SFW and NSFW First TF141 with SFW, then NSFW headcannons, sexting, masturbation, sex toys, morning after (no sex), sexual nudity, nonsexual nudity, implied poly141. GN reader, 500-900 words for each blurb, so somewhere around 5.5k words. Imma be quiet for the next week or so as I prepare for an exam so I'm feeding ya'll :Dd
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Imagine SOAP— It's safe to say you're not the best with expressing what you think, especially not in this hollowed out corpse a tiny fraction of your consciousness inhabits. The more you try, the less human your attempts come out, only remembering that humans don't bend that way or don't do something after you've done it. You find yourself gravitating to Soap because he is the opposite of you, so open and responsive like an open book.
Imagine; observing Soap as he tries to piece together the fragments of a bomb, muttering curses under his breath as if the object had just called football 'soccer'. He's so concentrated he forgets the rest of the world exists, oblivious to you sitting across from him. But that's not a problem as it gives you a chance to watch and try to mimic what his face does; the slight hint of teeth as he nibbles on his lip, the furrow of his brows, the tenseness of his jaw pulling on his throat muscles…
You try to mimic every emotion he goes through as he tries and fails and succeeds and fails again to fit the pieces together like a jigsaw, but the hardest one to do is that smile of his. For some reason you just can't get it right, lips pulling back too far, teeth too much on display and brows too furrowed so you end up looking like an old savage.
Then as if to spite you, Soap looks up at you and immediately snorts. "What're yea doin' there Bonnie?" He coughingly laughs as your facial features return to your statue like state.
"Trying to look like you." You huff; at least you can do that correctly.
"Oh, look strapping don't I?" He snorts, doing what Ghost calls 'fishing for compliments' (though you're unsure how one can fish for abstract ideas).
"No more than the rest." You shrug and see him roll his eyes, though the corners of his lips are still quirked up, a hint of teeth on display and vestiges of dimples framing his mouth. "How do I do that?" You ask and motion to his face.
"Do what? Smile?" You snorts, already beckoning you over like you're a dog. "It's easy."
You lean across the table, tilting your head to indicate confusion but leaving your face a blank canvas. It takes all of your presence of mind not to give an earth shattering purr when his hands cup your jaw, distant stars quivering as his blunt nails scratch at your throat for a blissful second.
"Here," His thumbs settle at both corners of your lips, putting gentle pressure until he pushes the flesh back and up in a way that's natural to the skin suit but not you. "There yea go." He grins and pulls his thumbs away after a few moments, grinning when you hold the expression.
"Now yea're as dashing as me." He chuckles and you two must look like utter buffoons just grinning at one another; you wouldn't have it any other way.
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Imagine GAZ — You're not exactly alive, technically you're the antithesis to life and existence, so to you, simple rules like eating or sleeping are no more than chalk guidelines after a rainstorm. Gaz doesn't subscribe to this idea, he's always trying to get you to indulge in these human comforts and you always allow him, even if it does include eating more things in a week than most of your kin have consumed in a millennia, if that.
Imagine; wandering the halls on a lazy Sunday morning, no drills to run or missions to prep for, and being drawn to the communal kitchen by the sound of boiling water and banding pans. You find Gaz cooking breakfast for the boys; he's the only one who can cook (according to him) seeing as Price seasons his food with hope, Ghost burns everything into coal and Soap's not allowed into the kitchen after he'd tried to make tea in the microwave (which Gaz had later asked you to exorcise).
"Mornin'." Kyle yawns and smiles at you, dressed in shorts and one of your 'lost' shirts. You do your best to replicate his expression. "Help me, yeah?" He asks and nods his head at what he's cooking.
Your expression falls back to neutral. "You'll need to show me how." You admit as you get next to him.
"Not a problem," He chuckles as he shifts behind you, pressing his chest flush with your back with his hands hovering over yours. You feel his warmth when he rests his head on your shoulder, his hands firm and steady as he shows you how to chop tomatoes and sausages, how to hold the knife correctly and pulling your fingers back when the blade draws too close to the flesh, talking you through it until you can do it on your own.
After that he leaves you to your task as he almost dances around the kitchen, stirring a pot here then putting the kettle on there and so many more little things while you remain where you are because you, by nature, are slow; to adapt, to age, to change.
But you do it for him.
"Those look great." He grins when you're done and then herds you in front of the cooking pans, and you're a little apprehensive about the bubbling oil when he dumps what you'd cut up into the pan. But his warmth is at your back again, steady hands guiding you on how to cook the food without burning your skin and leaving you to it when you catch on.
Then you feel a tug on your shirt, his presence once again next to you, but this time he's holding a piece of sausage on the end of a fork, a hand beneath it so it doesn't drop, "Hey, taste this for me."
You contemplate arguing you can't actually taste food the same way he does, but he gives you a look that has you letting him feed you. Though it tastes no different from everything else, from his hand it may as well be sweeter than ambrosia.
"Tastes good." The way he brightens up at your words makes the food only taste sweeter.
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Imagine GHOST —You and him are similar in some ways, you both prefer to stick to what you know, who you know. It's harder for you to contain what you are inside your flesh body when there is so much life around you that every additional heartbeat pulls at the edge of your cold existence. So you stick to close to the people who's warmth has grown so familiar it's indistinguishable from the burning starts making up your real body.
Imagine; attending a celebration held by both TF141 and Los Vaqueros after a mission gone well, loud music and lewd lyrics blaring in your ears as men drink like teenagers at their first frat party. You're in a more secluded part of the bar next to Ghost, both of you nursing drinks while you watch the rest act like fools.
You're a little confused when you see Gaz and Soap move in a strange way, grinding against one another and pressed so close you'd think they're trying to mate, their hands roaming the other's body so roughly you're surprised no pieces of clothing come flying your way.
"Got a free show for my drink." Ghost chuckles next to you.
"What are they doing?" You finally ask when you can't contain your curiosity.
"Dancing." He answers and swallows the last inch of booze in his cup, setting it down on the bar. "For fun." He adds, already expecting the line of questioning, as if that's supposed to make you understand.
"They just look like they're trying to mate." You point out, receiving a long sigh in return.
"How 'bout I just show you." Before you can say anything he nicks the cup of untouched alcohol in your hand and swallows it all down in one go, putting the empty cup next to his before grabbing you by the arm and pulling you outside through the back entrance. You go along with him, but you're confused when you catch Soap's eyes and he wolf whistles at the two of you.
The world outside is calmer than the busy bar, the air much colder; closer to what you are. You turn to him once he lets you go, tilting your head and furrowing your brow to convey confusion. "So…what do I do?"
"Just follow my lead." A gravely chuckle escapes Simon as he closes the distance between you two, his rough hands settling on your waist as he begins to slowly rock both of your bodies along with the music, though his movements are more contained than what you'd seen, a steady push and pull compelling you to follow him.
"Why is this different than what Soap and Gaz were doing?" You ask, clutching his shoulders in return, your forehead almost resting on his chest as you look at your feet so you don't step on his toes.
You feel his chest vibrate as he chuckles, "They set a low bar." He rumbles and his hand moves to your jaw, tilting your head up so you two lock eyes, the intensity in his brown irises drowning out the sounds of the bar. "Eyes on me."
You nod. Your eyes stay firmly on him as you sway together to a tune he hums, finding a common ground in the way your cold and his heat mixes together. Above you millions of your eyes peer down at him, for as vast as you are, for this moment your attention is on him.
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Imagine PRICE — He can tell how tired you are, not physically but mentally; having to communicate and understand people without the use of a mental link, when even the most complex ideas can be conveyed easily, was starting to fray the edges of your control over your human body. He decided to do something about it.
Imagine; Price taking you and the boys fishing to a remote cabin next to a lake. Knowing you don't sleep he pulls you out by the lake at the ass crack of dawn, having you watch as he sits down on the dock, his pants pulled up to his knees so he can dip his feet in the water while he sets up the fishing rods.
"What are we doing?" You ask but follow his example and sit next to him, the cool water of the lake similar enough to the cold abyss your true body resides to calm your nerves, though you're unsure of what to do when he gives you the fishing rod.
"Fishing." He says as he shows you how to cast out the line. "You look like you need it."
You don't argue with him and just try focusing on fishing, letting him teach you how to watch the line to see when something takes the bait and when to reel it in. You’re unsuccessful your first few attempts, and you have half the mind to just jump in and wrangle the fish in the lake with liquid abyss, but he stops you.
"Catching isn't the point." He says as he smokes his cigar while he takes an old boot off your hook. "It's about relaxing, the fish are just a bonus."
You let out a low sound that vibrates the water, but you settle next to him and cast out the line again. You don’t know how long you sit there next to him, your sides touching with the fishing rod sitting loosely in your hands. After some time you manage to yank out your first fish, and you certainly don't gloat when you pull a few more fish out of the lake while he only pulls out seaweed, but the look of pride in his eyes makes it even better.
Any prospects of catching any more fish are dashed when Gaz and Soap wake up and take running jumps into the lake, scaring all the fish with their splashing. "Like school boys." Price remarks as Ghost comes up to you both, offering beers as he sits down on your other side.
"Summer vacation, captain." Ghost says and slips into the water, and you realize this is calming; in the way you haven't felt before, doing something familiar like watching Soap and Gaz trying to dunk each other in the water but feeling like you’re right there with them, laughing alongside them when Ghost scares the shit out of them by lunging out of the water.
“See sweetheart? ‘S not hard.” Price hums, adjusting his hat though his shoulders are already reddened from sunburns. He offers you his cigar and you accept it, breathing in the nicotine and smoke despite not having lungs or a circulatory system to be affected by it, before you give it back. “Taking it easy is good for you.”
You nod your head, content to sit next to him until something tugs on the line of your forgotten fishing rod and you scramble to reel it in. You give a small grunt as whatever is on the hook struggles, "Yank on it." Price tells you and you do, nearly toppling on your back when you finally win the tug of war. You blink as you look at what you've caught.
A Speedo.
"Well would you look at that." Price chuckles.
Judging by the way Johnny's suddenly bare assed and throwing obscenities in Gaelic your way, you assume that it's his.
“Caught a big one there.” Ghost notes, not yet laughing but his shoulders shake with silent laughter as he slaps Soap's cheeks (of his rear).
He yelps, confident enough to be naked in front of all of you, but not shameless enough to where his cheeks (on his face) don't redden from the way Gaz cackles and wheezes with laughter so loudly he nearly drowns. You give Johnny back his trunks before he can drown Gaz but, maybe you should fish any more.
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Imagine SOAP— If anyone ever asks Soap why he would ever send a dick pick to an ancient god, he'll blame anything and everything; on being stood up, on loving himself a little less, on mixing up the numbers, in being black out drunk…
Imagine; him being stone cold sober when the thought invades his mind and he spends the next hour trying to take a good picture: in front of the mirror, on the bed, no clothes, some clothes, the list of positions goes on. He doesn't want to come across like he's compensating by just holding his dick in his hand like some cunt; as silly as it is, he wants the picture to actually tempt you, to make you feel something, though the question of if you even can doesn't cross his mind. He ends up with a picture of him on the bed, the tip of his hard cock peeking out from beneath the band of his boxers.
He won’t admit he holds his breath when he sends the suggestive picture to you alongside a ;) , watching the text bubble appear and disappear multiple times before you just leave him on seen. He deflates and has half the mind to delete the picture and chuck his phone to the other end of his bed but he’s stopped when he gets a message from Price.
‘My office. Now.’
Turns out you were with Price when you saw that photo and without a second thought had shown him it and asked what it meant. Granted Price had seen more than just his dick, but he was less than happy about Johnny sending you unsolicited dick pics.
You quiz Soap for nearly an hour, stone faced and unbothered while he gets redder with every question (what can you send, what not to send, how much to send, etc.) and he gets the impression that's how his ma' felt when she gave him and his sisters 'the talk'. “So, yeah.” He clears his throat, whole face feeling hot. “Don’t do it ‘lest yea’r asked or yea like ‘em.”
Thankfully Price finally lets you go when you’re satisfied with his answers and Soap can’t scamper fast enough out of his office with his whole face in flames.
He deletes the photo soon after but you've already burned it into your memory where it will outlast the stars, and the idea to reciprocate festers in your ageless mind like rot until you find yourself in front of your mirror after a shower. You play with the phone for a long time, snapping a few blurry close up shots of your face while you attempt to change it from the front to the back facing camera.
It takes even longer to figure out what to send as Soap wasn't that clear with his answers. Your siblings give you pointers, and first you attempt to take a picture of your most private part — bones snap as your rib cage splits open into a maw, vines full of eyes wrapping around your ribs like ivy as tendrils of darkness unwind just enough for the anti-light of your very essence sucks up all the light in the room — but the mirror cracks and your phone just shuts off with a pitiful whimper.
After fixing the mirror you end up doing what you do best; you mimic one of the statues you'd seen the Greeks make, the towel wrapped just along the V where your thighs connect to your pelvis, exposed from the waist up with your skin still wet. Your body isn't as demure as the muses that sculptor had used, but you hope Soap will appreciate it as you snap a few more photos and send them to Johnny with the same ;) he'd sent you.
Soap nearly chokes on his spit when he gets the photo, all the blood in his brain flooding south as his eyes rake over every exposed inch of skin, every curve and every dip in the muscles making him drool and cock harden and he's racing to your room before you even have the time to turn your phone off.
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Imagine GAZ — For all of your pitfalls and misunderstandings he likes the little hints of inhumanity in your speech, in your mannerisms, in knowing you could be anywhere and anytime but you choose to be next to him. He couldn't imagine himself being enamored with an ant, yet you hang on his every word like he's revealing secrets you don't know, making him feel special; he feels so bad when his thoughts of you stop being innocent.
Imagine; He tries to keep things respectful, but his imagination runs wild when you do the simplest things. Bend down to tie your shoe? He's checking out your arse from the corner of his eyes. Stand behind him? He's suppressing a shiver just imagining your body draped over his in post-coital bliss. Check his skin for injuries? Gaz has to bite his lip to keep from begging you to touch all of him, to explore his body. Work out? Kyle's lucky if he doesn't start drooling imagining going over and licking the sweat off your skin, of feeling your muscles tense beneath his tongue while you continue to work out with him between your legs.
When he can't think of you without popping a boner he ends up having to compromise before the shame eats him whole. He goes on a random porn site; he usually prefers just using his imagination but when his mind keeps circling back to you he has no other option, and his conscience gnaws on him when he ends up finding a porn star with similar features to yours. It's not wrong if he's wanking off to a different person, right?
Heat's already burning in his stomach when he slouches in his chair, his back to his room and one earbud in his ear. Shame continues to eat at him when he's both delighted and disheartened by the fact the porn star sounds nothing like you, that his bones don't shiver like they do when you talk.
He keeps the volume low and instead focuses on rubbing and squeezing his cock the way the porn star does to a second actor, and he can't help imagining what you'd sound like; high pitched and whiny? Husky and low? Completely silent or animalistic? The idea of pulling sounds of pleasure out of your throat has him leaking. His head lolls back and he moans as he squeezes the base of his cock, his eyes open just enough to blur the fine details on the porn star's face so you two become indistinguishable.
His heart stops when you burst through his door, a random question leaving your lips before your ears pick up the moans and slick sounds coming from his direction. You're next to him in an instant, looming over his chair and caging him in with your eyes stuck to the screen. "What are you watching?"
"Get out!" He yelps and tries to push you away but it's like trying to move a mountain.
"Why does that human look like my vessel?" You persist, "And why are you watching humans mating when you told me it's wrong?" You tilt your head, luckily not seeing his hand on his hard cock, the porn reflecting in the blacks of your eyes.
“It’s on the net it’s different! People upload it for others' pleasure and-” He sputters and cuts himself off when he registers your words, freezing in place and that accidentally gets him to squeeze the head of his cock.
Your pupils widen like a cat’s when you hear the little moan escape his chest, your head automatically dropping down to see where his other hand is. "Oh,” is what comes out of your mouth when you see his hard weeping cock. “Can I?” You ask, making an odd motion with your head.
He thinks you're asking to leave and nods. "Yeah-" Gaz wants the ground to open up and swallow him whole, his cheeks burning red like he's a lobster in a pot. “-can you pl-please leave-”
He wheezes when your cold hand suddenly wraps around his cock, your hold firm and just at the edge of pain but still making him throb. A few more eyes spread across your skin to see him while you watch the video still playing on his computer, giving his cock a small pump and shaking the stars with your purr when he moans.
"What are-" He neck nearly snaps to look at you, a shiver raking his body and another moan escaping him as you squeeze the head of his cock, your skin like ice yet it makes him burn with arousal.
"Watch." You order and turn his head with your free hand so his eyes are back on the screen. You don't know why he's watching a fake 'you' mate when he could just ask you, but you know one thing; the person on the screen is competition, and by the way you roughly stroke his cock until he's whining and leaking like a tap, Gaz can tell— you don't like competition.
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Imagine PRICE — He never imagined he'd need to have 'the talk' with a god; sure, you may understand how sex works, but you're hopeless in understanding the nuances of it all. If someone doesn't directly say 'let's fuck' you assume any touches from them, even groping, is just them being friendly. It makes his blood boil, seeing you be taken advantage of like that.
Imagine; You're in the bar with the boys and Price is a couple of drinks in when he sees being felt up by a stranger and you're oblivious to his advances. A green eyed monster nips at Price's heels and he doesn't notice when he puts himself next to you, 'accidentally' shoving the other guy back with just his bulk. His presence, his demeanor, and the few harsh words spoken in a clipped tone has the other guy scampering off.
He doesn't remember much after that, only the way you'd looked at him — with the intensity of a ravenous void, like he was a bright star you wanted to devour.
What wakes him isn't his clock, but the rays of sunlight gently streaming through the curtains. He groans as he registers the awful ache behind his eyes before he even has a chance to open them. He feels his bed shift and his eyes snap open automatically, he nearly jumps out of his skin when he sees you laying on your side as you stare at him.
"Jesus!" He jumps up, nearly topples over from the sudden vertigo but your steady hand on his shoulder keeps him upright, making him realize he's nude.
"He's not here." You shrug and as you sit up his sheets pool around your waist, making him realize you're naked from the waist up, though he doesn't want to think if you're naked naked. His fists clench when his eyes roam over your exposed body against his will, settling on the various hickeys decorating your shoulders and neck.
His heart sinks. "What…what happened last night?" He asks and doesn't want to know the answer, his stomach churns with shame.
"Oh, uh, you got drunk, I got you home, you started kissing and biting me." You say, tracing the numerous hickeys and indents of his teeth across your human form like they're medals. "Then you pulled me into your bed and wouldn't let me go. Then you passed out." You say as if nothing's wrong, and even if no sex happened it's little consolidation to the fact he took advantage of you.
“Why didn’t you stop me?” He asks as he takes a shaky breath, shoulders hunched up around his ears and eyes downcast, bile burning in his stomach.
"Why would I?" You tilt your head and shift positions to face him fully, the sheets falling away to reveal you are naked naked. "I may not understand you fully, but I would have stopped you if you did something I didn't want."
Price hates himself for how he can't tear his eyes away from your body. "But you let me." He insists and tries to get you to see reason, to be as angry and disgusted with him as he is with himself.
“Yes.” You are growing annoyed as well, silently cursing the frailty of the human mind; things would be easier to explain if you could just use mental communication… “You are less than insects to my kin.” You sigh and move to straddle him before he can get away, pinning him under you. “You are a sun to me.”
Even calling him a sun doesn’t do him justice; suns die out like firecrackers when your immeasurable body passes over them, when you devour them, him, you want to keep, to protect, to wrap in your cold abyss until he’s warm and safe.
He sucks in a breath, the gears in his head turning as he tries to understand. “What?-”
“Can I touch you?” You ask, your hands respectfully on your thighs as if you’re not pinning him in place with your weight. There’s a dark intelligence in your eyes, the same ravenous void staring at him behind the black of your eyes. You are not a child, you are a god.
"Why?" He sucks in a sharp breath as he breathes in your smell, the scent of dying stars and burn ozone tickling his lungs. "You don't have to." He says weakly, because what would anyone, god or not, want with him?
"You left marks on me, I want to do the same." The way you say it makes him think of godhood; not the bleak madness you are, but the type humanity romanticizes. Your lips part as if you're thinking of marking him, bits of oblivion staring back at him from the darkness of your throat when he looks too closely at your mouth.
He submits so fast. "C'mere then," He pulls you close by your head, kissing you like he's trying to steal your ichor, his body burning hot when your hands grip him tight enough to leave moon shaped bruises in his skin — the first of many you intend to give him, until you've marked him as yours and yours alone.
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Imagine GHOST — Ghost prefers to show you rather than spend hours trying to explain things to you, he's more stricter with you when you try to do things you're told not to, both for your and everyone's safety. You never do quite learn.
Imagine; Ghost recently confiscated your phone when you tried to see what humans thought about you, or what they imagined you and your kin to be, on a website called 'Rule34'. Ghost had snatched the phone out of your hands before you could even click the link. After a week he gave you the go ahead to take it back, but got called to run a drill so just said to go find it.
Now, you've been told not to go rooting around other people's belongings, but while searching for your phone you'd fallen back into your old habit and snooped around until you found a small box in the bottom of his dresser. Thinking nothing of it you opened it and found…something. A lot of somethings; handcuffs, rope, weird egg shaped thing, a weird tube with a hole in it that squished like a stress toy but had a cunt molded at one end, but what drew your attention — was the dismembered black cock in the middle of the box.
You and all of your kin scratched your collective heads over the thing you now held in your hand, you'd been under the impression humans didn't carry around body parts anymore so you were stumped why Ghost had a dismembered dick and balls in his dresser. Besides the pitch black color and flat base it looked so realistic and the way it flopped when you turned it in your hand made you feel the same way humans did when seeing you.
So you got up and wen to ask Ghost about it, the thing held out in your hand when you found him with the rest of the boys. "Ghost, why do you a have body part in your closet?"
Your question made them all turn to look at you, Ghost made a strange sound like a strangled dog while Gaz and Soap fell over laughing and Price shielded his eyes with the rim of his hat.
“Fuckin’ ‘ell.” He snarls and before you know it he’s stomping over to you and dragging you by the front of your clothes, “What I tell you about snooping?”
“I couldn’t find my phone,” You try to argue but don’t struggle and just let him drag you somewhere like you're a kitten until you find yourself in his room with the door firmly locked behind him.
"Right." His tone makes it sound like he doesn't believe you, his rough hand pushes you down on his bed and he yanks the thing from your hold. “You want to know what this is for?” He asks and holds the the cock with the head pointed at you like a knife.
You nod your head and try to rise up but he pushes you back down, you're not even sure where he gets the handcuffs from but there's cold steel around your wrists before you can notice it. It's his order to "Sit and watch." that actually keeps you down, and you see the corners of his eyes shift to denote a smirk. "Do what you're good at."
You don't blink as you watch him disrobe until he's only wearing his mask, and your surprise is obvious when he sticks the thing on the floor and it stays up right. "This," He growls and sinks to his knees on the floor, a towel under him, "Is a fuckin' dildo." He reaches over and takes a small tube, squirting viscous liquid on his fingers. "You don't ever take it out of my room. Got it."
He leaves no room to argue and you rapidly nod your head. You find yourself breathless as you watch him reach behind himself and you don’t even notice how a bit of your oblivion leaks from your pores and spreads across the ground like spiderwebs, eyes blooming in the small pools all around him so you can see the way he roughly pushes a finger into himself, your hands clenching as his rim flutters around his large fingers.
"What is it for?" You find your voice, the sound ringing like the inside of a dead star the longer you watch him roughly stretch himself, pushing two then three fingers into his ass.
"Fun," He chuckles and feels so powerful when your eyes have all but turned black with hunger you've yet to notice. "It's a toy, for adults." He pulls his fingers out and squirts more liquid on the dildo, before sinking down on the toy in one fluid move that leaves him hissing at the stretch, his rim fluttering around the thick base.
Something about the way the toy is of a similar color to your real body has you wriggling beneath your human skin, the air vibrating as you groan and try to reach out to him, wanting to cover him in your body and have all of him feel all of you.
"No." Just one word has you sitting back on the bed like a dog, a pitiful sound rumbling across the void as you can do nothing but watch. "This is what you get for snooping." He's so smug with the way he has such control over you without even touching you, his thick thighs tensing as he slowly bounces on the dildo, "Now watch. Maybe if you're good I'll let you touch me."
You'll do whatever he says so long as you get to feel him.
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screebyy · 1 month
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Part 6: The Summit Prev | Next (Soon™️) | Start
Two parts left! sorry to end on a lil cliffhanger of sorts. also sorry i'm going to continue to be very mean to jolyon. also also sorry i will not be finishing this before tfs launches lol 🥲
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Panel 1: Wide shot of Crow and Jolyon sitting on a rock on the summit of a mountain, looking down at the dreaming city below. The sun is starting to rise over distant mountains, and the dreaming city is covered in taken essence, with black taken orbs hanging all around it. Jolyon is leaning forward with his arms crossed and his elbows resting on his knees, while Crow is leaning back on his hands. Jolyon: “Thanks for doing this with me.” Crow: “Of course. It’s been… really nice, catching up.” Jolyon: “Yeah…
Panel 2: Close up of Jolyon’s hand from the side. He is curling it into a tense fist where it’s resting on his bicep. Jolyon: “... Can I ask…”
Panel 3: Close up of Jolyon’s face in profile. He is staring straight ahead with a pained expression on his face as he speaks. Jolyon: “Why now?”
Panel 4: Side view of Crow as he turns to look at Jolyon. He has a curious expression on his face. Jolyon (offscreen): “A few years ago… I heard about what happened, with Savathun. That you had remembered your past life.”
Panel 5: Side view of Jolyon. He is turning away from the Crow, and his expression is not visible. Jolyon: “When you didn’t reach out… I guess I just assumed you hadn’t remembered me.”
Panel 6: Side view as Crow looks at Jolyon with a mournful expression. Crow: “I…”
Panel 7: Crow turns forward again, looking down at the ground with a sad expression. Crow: “I’m not sure I did, at first.” Panel 8: Flashback of the Radiant Accipiter, idling in empty space. Crow is visible through the windshield of the ship, he is hunched over in the pilot’s chair with his head in his hands while glint floats beside him. Crow (Present day): “He was so far gone at the end - whenever I tried to think about his life, it was like a bomb going off inside my brain.”
Panel 9: Close up of Crow looking down past the camera. He is clutching his face with both hands, one hand is tearing desperately at his hair while the other is covering his cheek, nose and mouth. He has a horrified, distant expression on his face, and a tear is running down his cheek. In the background, a cracked surface shows many scenes from Uldren’s rampage. One fragment shows a close up of Uldren’s eyes as he turns towards the viewer with a hateful expression. Black rivulets of corruption are flowing from his eyes like tears, and the sclera of his corrupted eyes are black and seeping into the iris. Another fragment shows several dead corsairs lying on a stone floor in pools of blood. Another fragment shows a close-up of Cayde-6’s face, staring up at the viewer defiantly. His face plates have been badly damaged. The final fragment shows a close up of Uldren’s hand holding the Ace of Spades hand cannon, with smoke coming out of the barrel. Crow (Present day): “Nothing made sense, all I could feel was… what he felt. The things he did…”
Panel 10: A wide shot of Crow lying in bed, bundled up in his blanket. The room is dark, and a window is open, with bright sunlight shining in through the curtains. Crow (Present day): “But eventually…”
Panel 11: A close up of Crow holding Glint with one hand. Glint’s eye is closed, and he is humming gently. Crow (Present day): “I was able to start picking up the pieces.” Panel 12: Closer shot of Crow lying in bed. He is clutching Glint against his chest with one hand, rubbing his shell gently. With his other hand, he is holding a golden ring on a chain. He is staring blankly at the ring with a sad, tired expression. Crow (Present day): “To put together who he had been before.” Panels 13, 14, 15, and 16: A sequence of fuzzy, incomplete memories. The first is a shot of Jolyon in his uniform, from his waist to his chin. Most of his face is not visible, but he seems to be scowling. He is partially obscured by a misty, dark blue background. The second memory is a shot of Uldren lying back in green grass on a sunny day, eating raspberries. He is looking to his right, at someone just offscreen. He is laughing lightly, and looks peaceful as he holds a raspberry up to his mouth. The third memory is a shot of Jolyon’s dark blue Supremacy rifle leaning against a wall, next to where his green cloak is hanging. The fourth memory is a partial shot of Uldren resting on his hands and knees above Jolyon, who is not visible. Uldren is shirtless, and a golden ring is hanging from a chain around his neck. Jolyon’s hand is reaching into frame, holding the ring in his palm where it hangs. Uldren is smiling down at him warmly. Crow (Present day): “You were… A puzzle that took me a long time to figure out. A face I couldn’t quite name, a feeling I couldn’t quite place.”
Panel 17, 18, and 19: Another sequence of memories, which are more clear than before. The first panel is a head-on shot of Uldren, staring up past the viewer with a confused, strained expression. The scleras of his eyes are black, and the corruption is starting to seep out of them. The second panel is a head-on view of Jolyon, staring down at Uldren with an intense, searching expression. The third panel is of Uldren, who is looking away to scratch at his right eye with the heel of his hand. His hands are cuffed together at the wrist, and he looks frustrated, and distracted. Crow (Present day): “When it finally came together, And I realized how terrible he had been to you… I was too ashamed.” Panel 20: In the present day, Crow is leaning forward, and staring distantly down at the ground, while Jolyon watches him talk. Crow: “To let himself fade away like that, to forget you, while you were standing right in front of him…”
Panel 21: Close up of Jolyon as he looks away, and stares sadly into the distance. His brow is furrowed and he looks conflicted and tired. Crow (offscreen): “I didn’t think I could face you, after that. I didn’t think you’d want me to.” Jolyon: “...”
Panel 22: front view of Crow and Jolyon sitting side by side. Crow is leaning forward heavily, looking down at the ground with a grim, slightly frustrated expression. Jolyon is turning slightly towards Crow, though he is not looking directly at him and is expression is sad and distant. Jolyon: “What changed your mind?”
Panel 23: Close up of Jolyon’s face. He looks slightly surprised and is looking directly at Crow, offscreen. Crow (offscreen): Petra.
Panel 24: Shot of Crow as he hunches away from Jolyon, rubbing his right arm self-consciously. He is glancing out of the corner of his eyes back at Jolyon with an uncertain, guilty expression. Crow: “Last week, hunting Riven’s eggs took us… Somewhere that reminded me of you.”
Panel 25:  Close up of Jolyon as he watches Crow out of the corner of his eyes. His brow is slightly furrowed, and he looks uncertain.
Crow (offscreen): “After we got back, I asked Petra how you had been, and…”
Panel 26: Close up of Crow. He is smiling lightly, staring down at the ground with a distant, soft expression and blushing faintly. Crow: “She talked some sense into me. Reminded me that I shouldn’t just assume you were better off never knowing me. That I at least owed you the chance to make that decision for yourself.”
Panel 27: front view of Crow and Jolyon sitting side by side. Crow is turning back towards Jolyon with a soft smile. Jolyon is also looking at Crow, smiling faintly. Crow: “I guess… some things haven’t really changed, right?” Jolyon: “Ha.”
Panel 28: Close up of Jolyon’s face from the side. He is staring straight ahead again, smiling faintly. Jolyon: “Right…”
Panel 29:  Jolyon looks slightly down, his smile has fallen and his brow has furrowed as his expression grows distant. Dark, scratchy marks are bleeding into the edge of the panel, fading out the edges. Jolyon: “...”
Panel 30: extreme close up of Jolyon’s eye, squeezed shut. Dark scratchy marks surround the panel, creating a chaotic background and bleeding into the panel. Voice offscreen: “Jolyon…”
Panel 31: A younger version of Jolyon turns towards the camera from the side, with a confused expression. His hair is pulled back into a bun, and he is wearing a light green sweatshirt. The background is faded purples and blues, and Jolyon is outlined in surreal surreal shades of pink and purple. The panel is outlined by dark scratch marks, spiky thorns, and black flowers outlined in vibrant shades of pink, purple, and green. The text bubbles appear to be glitching out, with scratchy fragments coming out of them. Voice offscreen: “Why’d you do it?” Jolyon: “What?”
Panel 32: Shot of Uldren sitting on a rock, from behind. He is leaning forward, resting his hands on his knees, and staring down at the ground. His hair is falling over his face, and his expression is not visible. The surreal lighting continues in this panel, and Uldren is outlined in pinks and purples with the panel being surrounded by dark scratch marks, spiky thorns, and black flowers outlined in bright colors. Uldren: “Why did you come with us, Jol?”
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summer-princess · 4 months
Far From Angry: Hardersson x Reader (Part 2)
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Summary: You meet a stranger and her girlfriend at a bar. Things escalate quickly. 🔞Smut. Mdni.🔞 Pairing: Hardersson x Reader Warnings: Threesome, fingering, strap-ons, dirty talk Disclaimer: Obviously fiction. Words: 2806 Notes: Thanks to @acornsquish for pointing out a little error in the previous part! Read Pt. 1 here
“I think she needs your cock, Magda.”
Magda turned her attention to you, raising her sculpted eyebrows. 
“Is that true, baby? You need my cock?”
You nodded, eyes pleading as you looked back at her. You could see her tongue as she spoke, the same one that had just nearly brought you over the edge, flicking across her lower lip as she considered the situation, imagining the gorgeous sight that would be you, impaled on her cock, taking everything she wanted to give you. 
Pernille, still seated beside you, leaned down to press a kiss to your lips. The older woman’s mouth, tender and dirty at the same time, was enough to distract you while Magda crossed the room, opening a drawer and pulling out a thick beige toy and the corresponding harness. As Pernille devoured your mouth, one of her hands splayed possessively across your chest, her girlfriend stepped into the harness, tightening the cinches.
“Don’t worry, lovely,” cooed Pernille, pulling back only millimeters to whisper against your skin, your hips rocking of their own accord against the air between your legs, your need for more beyond obvious. 
“Don’t worry. Magda’s going to fill you up.” 
They didn’t notice the way your eyes widened until Magda was back on the bed, Pernille pulling away from your head so that you could see her partner, hand stroking erotically up and down the sizeable strap between her legs, covering it with lube.
“What’s wrong, pretty thing?”
Pernille looked down at you, concern clouding the arousal in her eyes.
“I… It…”
Your eyes were locked on the strap hanging between Magda’s legs, a good inch longer and at least a half of a finger-width thicker than anything you’d taken in the past. You were pretty sure you could take it, but the task still felt more than a little daunting. 
Luckily, Pernille was once again able to easily interpret your fragmented thoughts, realization hitting as she followed your gaze.
“Oh, baby,” she cooed soothingly, her thumb still rubbing circles around your swollen clit. “Don’t worry, we’ll help you take it. Would it help if you took my fingers first?”
Scarlet, you nodded, the sweetness saturating her voice somehow making the words even filthier. 
“Mmm,” she groaned, exchanging a hungry grin with Magda, one that made you shudder. 
“Even after Magda licked you so nicely, you still need more before you’re ready to take her. That’s okay, pretty girl, just keep your legs open for me.”
You whined, the idea of closing your legs all but unimaginable. 
Settling herself between your thighs, Pernille took a moment to appreciate the sight before her. If she’d thought you looked pretty back in the bar, that was nothing compared to how you looked now, pussy glistening with your own arousal, legs spread shamelessly wide. Swiping two fingers through your arousal, gathering it on her fingers to ease their entry, Pernille pressed her digits against your tight opening, working her way in past the second knuckle. She grunted softly as your heat welcomed her inside, beginning to move her fingers before you were even able to register fully that she had entered you.
You moaned as the older woman buried her fingers inside your pussy and began to gently fuck you open, the slight stretch intensifying your pleasure. Pernille’s fingers were thin and nimble, able to locate your most sensitive spots with very little effort. The blonde smirked, taking note of your happy little whimpers as her fingers worked in and out, each thrust a little deeper, bringing you closer and closer to being able to take Magda comfortably.
“Taking her fingers so well,” Magda praised you, settling in to lie beside you where Pernille had been moments earlier, strap hanging from her hips, awaiting its chance to be used. Beads of sweat formed on your forehead as you turned your head towards her voice. Her breasts were tantalizingly close to you and, without stopping to think about what you were doing, you closed your lips around the nearest nipple. Sloppily, the peak stubbornly refusing to stay still as she sucked in a sharp breath, you mouthed at Magda’s nipples, your tongue swirling patternless motions across the sensitive flesh. With a groan, she tangled her hand in your hair and used it to pull you closer, keeping your mouth on her chest.
“Fuck,” came Pernille’s voice from between your legs where, in the midst of your distraction, she had managed to slip a third finger inside of you. 
“Babe, she’s clenching around my fingers. I think she likes it when you pull her hair.”
These women were going to drive you insane, you thought to yourself as Magda grinned, confirming Pernille’s theory with a sharp tug to your hair, pricks of pain throbbing in your scalp and making you moan into her skin, cunt locking down around Pernille’s fingers as they curled, stroking your sensitive walls, stretching you out.
You had no idea how long you lay there, rocking back against Pernille’s fingers as she worked them deeper and deeper, stretching you out, your lips locked around Magda’s nipples. The rhythm was both arousing and comforting, and you whined at the loss when Pernille, deeming you sufficiently prepared, slid her fingers free.
The loss of Magda’s breasts under your tongue was nearly as distressing, and the older woman made sure to press a comforting kiss to your swollen lips before she switched her position.
“Don’t you worry, I’m gonna fuck you now, pretty girl,” said Magda soothingly, taking Pernille’s place between your legs and rubbing the blunt head of her strap against your soaked pussy. You whined, nodding desperately- after taking Pernille’s fingers, you felt so empty, and all you wanted now was to be filled by them again. 
“So eager,” she crooned, holding your hips still as she slid inside, inch by inch. 
The toy was still a bit of a tight fit, and you had to suck in a quick breath as it stretched you out, your soaking cunt stretching to take it. Pernille patted you gently, encouragingly, on your side as she watched, enraptured. Her fingers, still wet with your arousal, prodded at your lips. Indulgently, grateful for the distraction, you opened your mouth wide and let the other slip them inside, immediately beginning to work them with your tongue, sucking them as you would a cock while Magda continued to move until she was fully seated inside your cunt.
“Good job,” Magda crooned, rewarding you with a gentle rub to your swollen clit. It had taken every ounce of self control she possessed to not start thrusting as soon as she had worked herself inside, wanting desperately to see how your hole contracted around her cock. Her gentle flicks to your bundle of nerves made you whine around Pernille’s fingers in your mouth, eyelashes fluttering. 
She only started thrusting once you wriggled on her cock, wordlessly pleading for her to take you. She rocked her hips gently, and the wrecked noise you made, barely audible in the face of Pernille fucking the remnants of your own arousal into your throat, could have almost made her come on the spot.
“Fuck,” cursed Magda as you clenched around her strap, trying to pull her further in. 
“Fuck, she’s still so tight.”
“She can take it,” said Pernille as if you weren’t even there, fingers still fucking the taste of your own pussy down your throat, relishing the little whines that managed to escape around her digits to fill the bedroom.
“You should have felt how her cunt was begging while I was fucking her with my fingers. She has such a slutty little pussy, Mags, she needs you to fuck it. Don’t you, honey?”
You nodded desperately, trying to make your agreement clear despite the fact that Pernille’s fingers were still pressed between your lips. The message must have been received, because the next thing you knew, Magda was dragging her cock carefully back, then rolling her hips and thrusting forward, the toy attached to her hips spearing your needy cunt and wrenching another muffled moan from between your lips. 
Her first few thrusts were experimental, but as she locked her eyes on the enticing sight of the beige strap emerging from your cunt, covered with your juices, she couldn’t help herself.
“Good girl,” praised Magda, thrusts speeding up as you whined in pleasure. “Taking it so good, baby.”
“So filthy,” added Pernille, pressing another open-mouthed kiss to your neck. “Such a dirty girl, letting Magda fill you up with her cock. Our dirty girl.”
The words made you flush even deeper, but they also filled you with a sense of pride- when you had first seen the strap on, you had been apprehensive, but now the toy was slamming in and out of you at a moderate pace, the older woman claiming your pussy for her own.
“Please,” you whimpered as Pernille finally freed her fingers from your throat. “Need it harder.”
Magda seemed all too happy to oblige, if the low moan that came from between her lips was any indication. You hadn’t quite picked up on it yet, but the strap she was using to fuck you included a vibrator, one which was steadily buzzing against her clit, spurring her onwards. 
“Oh,” said Pernille. “She needs it harder, Magda. She needs you to fuck her even harder, she’s that desperate.”
Magda chuckled.
“Hmm,” she murmured, thrusts tapering off as she pretended to consider your desperate plea. You locked your eyes on hers, pupils blown wide in desperation. When she resumed her motion, surrendering quickly enough to keep you from getting fussy, you kept your gaze locked on her body.
The older woman looked like a goddess, muscles rippling as she thrust into you. Her blue eyes were dark as she glanced back and forth between you, tits bouncing with the motion of her thrusts, and Pernille, who had started rubbing neat circles on her own swollen clit.
“Turn over.”
The sudden command had barely registered in your mind before she repeated it, combined with another little slap to your thigh. You obeyed, Magda pulling out momentarily so you could go to your hands and knees before thrusting back into your needy pussy, gripping your hips hard enough that you knew there would be a bruise in the morning.
You realized why you were in this new position when you caught sight of Pernille, leaning against the headboard with a pillow behind her back, legs spread. 
“Gonna use your mouth on me like a good girl?”
Her accent was stronger as she bit back a moan, the sight of your flushed face and swollen lips adding to her arousal. 
In response, you dove in without hesitation, finding her clit and flicking your tongue, lavishing the swollen bud with attention. One of her hands tangled in your hair, tugging at it as she guided you, hips jutting up into your touch. You tried to pay attention to what made her grip tighten, muscles seizing up in pleasure, wanting to make her feel just as good as you felt. 
You lost yourself in the pleasurable rhythm, Magda’s thrusts deep inside your cunt and her fingers rubbing your clit as you devoured Pernille’s wetness. You were surrounded by her, her muscular thighs on either side of your face, your breaths restricted by her pussy against your mouth.
Not that you minded.
You could feel yourself drawing closer to your peak as you lapped at Pernille, unaware of anything outside the taste of the older woman’s pussy on your talented tongue and the way her swollen clit twitched against it, the sounds of her moans harmonizing with your own, and with the sound of Magda’s hips slapping against yours as she drove her strap deeper and deeper inside your welcoming cunt.  
“You getting close, honey?”
Magda’s tone was sweet even as her thrusts retained their rhythm, deep and long and all-consuming. You couldn’t tell if she was talking to you or Pernille, but your head rocked up and down anyway, your nose bumping against Pernille’s clit as you nodded desperately.
“Yes! Fuck!”
“What do you say?” 
The hand holding you between spread legs now jerked you upward, forcing you to look at Pernille as she spoke, harsher than the sugary sweet tone her partner’s words had held before. When you didn’t answer, only moaning as Magda’s thrusts brought you right to the edge of the cliff, her other hand reached out and grabbed your chin, squeezing it tightly.
“What do good girls say,” she asked. “When they need to come?”
“Please,” you whined, licking the taste of Pernille off your lips as you struggled to hold back the tide, threatening to break the levees at any instant. “Please, let me come! I need to come!”
“What do you think, Magda? Should we let her come?”
Magda’s fingers, still rubbing maddening circles over your swollen clit, didn’t pause as she considered. You were nearly insensible on your hands and knees, bundle of nerves twitching beneath her touch as you tried desperately to hold back your orgasm, wanting to wait until you were granted permission. 
“Mm, fuck. I think she needs it, baby. Don’t you? I mean, the way this cunt is clamped on my cock I’d be surprised if she lasted another thirty seconds.”
As soon as Pernille released your chin, pausing to consider Magda’s opinion, it gave you free reign to continue licking at her, straining to try and reach the same spots that had made her moan the loudest. 
It was the pleasure building in her own core more than anything that made the decision for the lighter blonde as she admired the sight of you, licking at her like a starving woman.
“Okay then. Come for us, like the desperate little thing that you are.” 
Permission granted, your body wasted no time before seizing up in orgasm, the powerful waves of pleasure slamming into like a truck. You cried out, some combination of the two women’s names and nonsensical gibberish falling from between your swollen lips. 
As you crashed over the edge, the ecstatic moans were lost in Pernille’s pussy as she spasmed, coming apart against your tongue. You lapped desperately at her, trying to gather as much of her flavor on your tongue as you could while Magda’s hips continued to thrust into your needy pussy.
The older woman’s movements were almost involuntary as she rode out her own orgasm, the sight of her girlfriend coming on your tongue combined with the low buzzing of the attached vibrator finally enough to send her over the edge. The continued movement of the strap dragging along your sensitive walls extended your own climax, your brain unable to focus on anything except the pleasure in between your legs, how Pernille’s hips were still moving, covering your face in her slick. The hand not grasping your leg tightly enough to bruise continued drawing erratic circles on your abused clit. 
After a blissful eternity, your pleased whimpers turned to whines of discomfort, nerves overstimulated with how hard you’d come. With a chuckle and a pat to your flank that made you wonder, just for a moment, if you were truly that tired, Magda slid her strap out of your sopping pussy, quickly unbuckling her harness and setting both toys aside to be seen to later. Pernille’s soft hands stroked through hair, messy from where she’d tugged on it, and pulled the covers over the two of you.
With Pernille silent and Magda slipping quietly from the room, presumably on a quest for a warm washcloth or a bottle of water, the heavy realization dawned on you- now that you were done, they would probably send you packing.
The thought of walking home in the dark, especially with how warm and cozy you felt in Magda and Pernille’s bed, made you want to cry, but there was no point in prolonging the inevitable.
“Hey,” said Pernille, reaching out for you as you started to push the covers off of yourself, swinging one leg over the side of the bed and leaving it hovering an inch above the floor. “Where are you going?”
“No, you’re not. Stay here tonight,” said Magda as she re-entered the room, and your fucked-out pussy twitched in interest at the tone, one which demanded acquiescence. Not that you were going to protest. Obediently, gratefully, you flopped back onto the pillows and accepted the water bottle that she offered, taking two long sips. 
Magda climbed back into the bed and, their bodies warm on either side of you, you let yourself sink into the pillows. One of the women chuckled quietly, but you didn’t care which or why. 
All you cared about was drifting off to sleep, snuggled in between the pair. 
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heliads · 1 year
Ok so I saw how you said you wanted to write for narnia in your request guidelines so, imagine if you will:
Reader and Caspian with a sort of rivals to friends to lovers. Charting the transition from "My prince" (Sarcastic) to "My prince" (playfull, joking) to eventually "MY prince" (loving). Hope this makes sense, lots of love <3
when people check the request guidelines <333 also this request was so good that i had the people vote upon it. soldier reader for the win
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You’re not sure what makes you more angry, the fact that you broke your sword or that the prince was there to see it. If it were not enough of a ruination to your day to have your blade break in half like a child’s wooden toy, if it were not enough to have to retreat through the storms of other fights and clashing metal and skulk to the background to get another, you were witnessed by the one person you detest most of all.
You should not be hating Prince Caspian. He just makes it rather easy to do so. He is the physical embodiment of this world, the crown on high, the savior of your every waking hour, all because he happened to be born into the right family at the right time. It is not his fault that he is one of the most powerful men in all of Narnia, but it is not the result of his labor, either. He is simply the prince, and there is nothing more to say on the matter.
That is quite different from you, then. You had to claw your way up through the ranks, sacrificing skin and sweat so you could eke out a win time and time again. Your trials served you well, gilding your brow with the title of captain of the guard, but it wasn’t like anything was handed to you. No, not at all. Yet, by virtue of his predestined position, Caspian technically has control over every soldier in Narnia. He outranks all of your efforts by the crown put on his head when he was just an infant.
This is the way of the world, and the way that it has always been. It makes no sense for you to hate him so fervently over something he cannot control. Caspian is an easy scapegoat, though, a figurehead for you to heap your regrets upon like laurels. It is not his fault that he was made prince. It is not his fault that you despise him for being one.
You’ve had time to grow accustomed to your life of blood and sweat, however, and today should have been no different. This morning was an amalgamation of at least a dozen different mistakes, though, and that ruined your day before it hardly even started. You woke up a little too late, you snapped at your friends then regretted it half a second later, and now you’ve gone and broken your blade, too.
It wasn’t your best weapon, at least that counts for something. Your finest sword is your most prized possession, and lies in careful hiding back in your quarters. This was merely your practice weapon, one designed to be battered and beaten all in the means of furthering the skills of you and your men.
Still, it stings to see it lying on the dusty ground of the training yard, shiny metal fragments already beginning to cloud over with grime. You sigh, signaling to your partner that you’ll have to abandon the match for now, and carefully pick up the pieces. When you stand, cradling the shards of your sword like a child, you look up and see Caspian of all people staring at you from across the training yard. Evidently he’s arrived just to see your sword fail.
Wonderful timing as always from him. You have to marvel at how he does it. You half think Caspian carefully plans his excursions into the swordsman's arenas when he believes you to be least ready to see him. You meet his gaze for a moment longer, then turn, heading back towards the rows of equipment on the far side of the yard.
You murmur at least half a dozen curses as you go, running them over your tongue like a prayer. The broken pieces of your sword can be turned into the armorer in the hopes that something will become of them, but you highly doubt that. In the meantime, you’ll have to dig up the coin to buy yourself a new sword, and risk damaging your primary weapon in the meantime. How splendid.
A voice sounds from behind you, one that makes you grit your teeth despite the soothing intonations. “You know, if you’re stabbing our own men so hard your weapon shatters, I’m afraid to see what you’ll do to our enemies.”
You grimace to yourself, then turn around to face Caspian, expression resolute. “Fear not, my prince, your men will be spared from me today. I’m sure I’ll have plenty of time to break swords when a battle arises.”
Caspian arches a brow, perhaps at the tone you direct towards his title. “If you speak with that much thrill over the thought of war, I’m beginning to fear that you may not be my best advisor regarding the maintenance of peace.” 
As if he’d ever listen to you long enough to consider you an advisor. The two of you snap at each other’s throats every time you get within shouting range. “Perhaps I just like a chance to fight.”
“I think I’ve noticed that,” Caspian murmurs, bemused.
It takes great strength to keep from glaring at him, strength that fails you by the second. “You’ll have to excuse me, I must go to the blacksmith for repairs.”
His face falls. “You won’t be continuing in the ring today? I had hoped to best you yet again.”
His lips quirk up as he says it, making the insult lose some of its barb, but it still makes your temper flare. “I’m afraid not. Blades are not as easily bought by soldiers as princes, I must see if I can salvage this one before going to the trouble of a purchase.”
Caspian seems half a second of self control from rolling his eyes. “There are more swords in the yard, L/N. Simply select another and we can go for a round or two.”
He gestures towards the training yard expectantly, and you feel the weight of your difference in stations come crashing down around you. Caspian will not stop asking until you fight him, that is his birthright. He does not know what it means to be disobeyed. And, as the captain of his guard, you cannot argue. This you know to be true, even if Caspian is unaware of just how he’s wielding his influence. There is nothing you can do to circumvent him.
You force your expression to go icily cold, devoid of any and all emotion. Even the anger, which was sparking through you so readily before, vanishes from your disposition. Caspian blinks in surprise at the sudden change, more so when you abruptly drop the pieces of your broken blade to the ground, where they send up a small storm of dust.
“Of course,” you say, even-syllabled, “how could I ever think to do anything else? Your word is my command, my prince.”
You pack as much loathing as possible into those syllables. Caspian flinches as if you’ve hit him, and then his confidence is gone, his eyes downcast. “If you don’t want to–” He begins in a whisper, but you’re already moving briskly towards the rows of extra blades.
“I most certainly want to,” you answer him, the borrowed blade seeming to cut into your hand despite the smooth leather grip, “you have asked, and that is all the motivation I should ever need.”
Caspian swallows hard, opens his mouth to say something, but you swing your blade at his head before he can manage it. This is utterly wrong behavior for a soldier towards a prince, but Caspian has never seemed to have a problem with your actions before, no matter how challenging. It’s as if both of your prides are so strong that they could overcome any class barrier set in your way.
Caspian barely parries your sword before it cuts into his head. Grunting with effort, he twists his weapon, forcing you to step back as he disengages, striking towards you in return. Seizing the opportunity, Caspian presses his advantage, taking a few quick steps and maneuvering the two of you further into the training yard and into the designated spaces for fighting.
Words are clearly still clinging to his tongue, begging to be spoken aloud, but this is no longer a place for conversation. It takes everything in you to counter his attacks, to spot when he’s off balance and lunge with piercing precision towards every gap in Caspian’s defense. You may hate the dark-haired prince with every fiber of your being, but you cannot deny that he is skilled. He might be the only one here capable of providing a challenge to you. You might hate him even more for that, or worse, not at all.
Caspian feints to his left, then his right. You ignore both distractions and plunge your weapon straight towards his heart. Expecting your belligerence in regards to his ploys, Caspian parries the strike and returns it with one of his own. You move to take a quick sidestep, but the ground is slick beneath your feet with mud from yesterday’s rain and you stumble. It’s the slightest of missteps, but for someone at Caspian’s level, it is enough.
He lunges forward, and you feel the shadow of the stone wall on your back before he pushes you into it. The rock is cold against your back, driving the air from your lungs. You try to force your way towards the center of the yard again, but Caspian has his sword at your throat, and any movement would lead to you cutting your own neck.
Unwilling to yield quite yet, you stay silent. You and Caspian breathe in and out, the deep gasps for air first discordant and then slowly, steadily, joining in a shared rhythm.
Caspian speaks first, you know he’s been waiting for it. “You hate me.”
You scoff. “You hate me. This is not an exclusive feeling.”
He exhales harshly, exasperated. “Stop deflecting everything onto me. We could have been friends.”
You laugh, tilting your head back to give him a better chance to slit your throat. “You are a prince. I would never have been anything but nothing to you.”
Caspian’s eyes widen. He moves away from you unsteadily, first closer than he’s ever been, then gone, halfway across the yard in what feels like just a second. You let your eyes shudder closed, exhausted from the intensity of the fight but perhaps something more as well. When you open your lids, he is gone. He had just arrived, but he is nowhere to be seen now. That could be no one’s fault but yours. He is not your friend. But. He could be so, so much more. 
Three days later, a gift arrives in your quarters. You unwrap the cloth bindings to reveal a sword nestled within the folds. You can tell at once that it has been perfectly selected for you– the heft is just right for your level of strength, the grip matches your hands exactly, and the edges are razor sharp, ideal for those slashes towards the forearms you’ve been so fond of as of late.
It comes swathed in a rich purple cloth, the sort of color you’ve only ever seen decorating Caspian’s frame as he walks with his troops or speaks to his nobles. An angrier, more bitter part of you wants to reject the gift entirely, to toss it from your room like refuse or return it back to him at once. Still, it is a fine blade, and you know that were you to just pick it up, it would feel exactly right, an extension of your arm into shining metal.
So, the sword joins the rest of your collections, and the purple linen ends up tucked away in your desk, carefully folded into a neat square of color and creases. You cannot explain why you do either, not even to yourself. 
The next time you’re called out with your regiment to guard the prince and some foreign powers on a diplomatic mission, the sword is on your belt, your hand resting on its hilt. Caspian sees and something changes in his expression; a deepening of a smile, a pleased spark in his eyes. For some reason, you cannot hate him for being proud. Not today.
He finds you later, once the crowds have dispersed and he doesn’t have to be a prince, just a man. “What a fine sword that is,” he remarks pleasantly.
You narrow your eyes. “Don’t. Don’t even.”
Caspian spreads his hands, the picture of innocence. “I have no idea what you could possibly be talking about.”
“You had better not,” you grumble.
He nods solemnly. “Of course. Just a random thought, however, it really is a nice blade. It must have been picked out by an exceedingly good swordsman. Perhaps even the best in the castle.”
You should be irritated with him for being so bothersome again. Instead, you find yourself fighting a smile. “It’s a shame, then, that the only swordsman here worth his salt is me.”
Caspian’s mouth drops comically. “That cannot be true.”
“It is,” you reply as casually as you can, “I come to you with only the best information, my prince. Only the best.”
He starts to respond, but something stops him, something that makes him smile quietly. Your stomach flips with the unsettling feeling of having missed out on a joke, but for once, you don’t entirely mind it. Instead, the two of you walk all the way back to the castle, and only when the diplomats arrive again must you be parted. It is not the worst use of your time.
Caspian finds you again two nights later. You’re on a shift guarding a section of the castle walls, which gives you an excellent view of the foreign powers riding away into the darkness. They’ve been here for days now, testing Caspian’s patience like no one else, not even you.
He joins you soon enough, exhaustedly leaning his arms up against the stone battlements. “I think I hate politics,” he murmurs into the night air.
You chuckle, the quiet sound abnormally loud in the darkness. It should make you self conscious, and it does, but not as much as it would for anyone else. The hot prick of awareness in your stomach is both doubly strong and doubly weak because you are next to Caspian; why, you cannot explain, but it is true.
“You are a prince,” you point out, “politics was always something you would have to do.”
Caspian groans. “That doesn’t mean I have to like it. That’s why I always envied you, you know. You got to carry the banner and fight the battles without any political conniving.”
You stare at him in shock. “That cannot be true. No future king could ever want to be a mere soldier.”
He laughs derisively. “As if you’ve ever been a mere soldier. Not to me,” he adds on afterthought, and you’re not sure that it was even meant for your ears, “no, not to me.”
You shake your head slowly. “But I thought you hated me. All this time, you’ve merely wanted to join me in fighting without a care?”
Caspian’s brow furrows. “Hate you? No, no. I never hated you. I never could hate you.”
He straightens up, slowly walking over to you. There is no one else on the castle wall to see you, no one below. Even still, your eyes feel like more than enough of an audience to find some reason to stop this before the pounding in your heart blocks out your ability to breathe properly.
“My prince,” you say, a warning. It doesn’t make him flinch like it used to, a blow grown familiar, worn down to the weight of a feather instead of that of a blade.
Caspian sighs, the listless air leaving him and vanishing just as quickly on the wind. “Don’t tell me you haven’t wanted this. That you’ve never thought about it.”
“I couldn’t,” you whisper, and something in you cracks in half when his face falls, “but you could.”
Caspian’s eyes dart cautiously up to you again. “Are you sure?”
Neither of you have to specify what he means for you to know. “Yes,” you breathe.
You did not anticipate this night to end with you kissing the crown prince of Narnia. That being said, you would not want to have it any other way. There may be foreign dignitaries out there plotting the end of his reign, or political turmoils present to claim most of his time, but tonight, Caspian is yours and yours alone. It makes you smile into him. It makes everything that much better.
narnia tag list: empty for now!
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ctrlsht · 8 months
Fragment of the Past 02
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pairing: patient!jungkook x psychiatrist!reader genre: thriller & yandere au
summary: You are a well-known and respected psychiatrist and author. You start treating Jungkook, who suffers from PTSD after surviving an extremely traumatic incident. As you help him confront his traumatic past, he begins to act strangely, and you start uncovering something about him that will change everything.
chapter summary: after finding out that Jungkook is responsible for his own mother’s death, you decided to terminate him as your patient but Jungkook didn’t agree with that idea and pulled his cards against you.
chapter warnings: fraternity, hazing, blackmailing, ASPD, unstable mental health of mc, disturbing thoughts of JK word count: 8.8K
parts: (1) | (2)
note: this fiction will contain multiple mental disorders and psychology facts. I conducted my own research to avoid spreading misinformation, but there may be aspects I've overlooked, so I am open for any corrections.
As the words tumbled from his lips, confessing the heinous act, his expression transformed into something disturbingly demonic. In that moment, you couldn't shake the feeling that he was no longer the person you knew, or perhaps that was just the chilling façade he was revealing.
“You’re the one who did it.” It wasn’t a question.
“Is that what you believe, Dr. Y/N?” He tilted his head trying to prevent himself from grinning.
“You do know that it’s a grave offense, right?” 
“Is it?” He smirked before he poke the inside of his cheek with his tongue. 
Jungkook is messing around like he just didn’t confess his crime, like it was just a big joke for him.
“Are you aware of the consequences of your actions?”
He didn’t respond and just continued staring at you while he smiled devilishly. You weren’t prepared in this scenario because in your years of your career, you haven’t encountered a situation like this. Guess it will be added to your experience.
After a few moments, he looked at his wrist watch and returned his gaze at you.
“Oh no, we have already exceeded our normal session hours, Doc. We can just continue this for our next meeting, or do you consider my offer to you?” 
“Jungkook, this is a serious matter. We have to talk about it.” You spoke with hardness in your tone. 
“You still have your next patient, doc. Huh Yunjin, right? Diagnosed with persistent depressive disorder. It’s unfortunate that even though she has everything, she still suffers from depression. But I think it's all because of his useless and abusive boyfriend who keeps messing with her mental health. What a shame. Her work may be perfect but for her boyfriend, it was trash.” you were taken aback with his statement. He shook his head as he clicked his tongue.
“How did you know that?” You outburst as you stand up. He also stood up and walked towards the door. “Jungkook, I’m not done talking to you.” At this point, you were still containing yourself from being angry but you just can’t help yourself. 
“I’ll just see you next week, Dr. Y/N.” It’s his last statement before he twists the doorknob and steps out of your office leaving you dumbfounded.
You didn’t expect the outcome of this session and most especially, you don’t know how you will react with the information that he just said. From how he was the culprit of his own mother’s murder to how he knew about Yunjin’s boyfriend because as far as you know, you’re the only one that she trusts regarding her situation with her boyfriend unless he knew Yunjin’s boyfriend personally. 
You’re still at your position when Jungkook leaves you for a long moment until Soyeon knocks on your door informing you of the arrival of your next patient. You don’t know if you can still handle a new session after him but you cannot cancel the session in this late notice. 
“Tell Yunjin to give me a minute before she enters. We’ll start in 10 minutes.” You instructed Soyeon before you composed yourself. You don’t know how to face Yunjin with your condition but you don’t have a choice. You will just see how it goes.
You’re standing 5 feet away from an old house on the edge of town, all by itself. It’s surrounded by overgrown grass that hasn’t been cut for probably a year or two and there are no neighbors around. It looks like it was abandoned but you’re sure that there is someone living here. Mr. Jeon, Jungkook’s father should be here. 
You were observing the house for a couple of minutes before you decided to knock on the door and find out if there is someone inside.
“Hello? Is anybody here? Mr. Jeon?” You call out while you’re knocking but no one is answering. You’ve been knocking and calling for a lot of times already but there’s really no one answering. You take a few steps backwards and look at the whole exterior of the house. This is where Jungkook once lived along with his parents and this is where the crime scene happens. 
You take a deep breath before you decide to turn around to leave. Maybe Mr. Jeon isn’t around.
As you take a few steps towards your car, you suddenly hear a door open. You immediately turn around, and from where you are, you see Mr. Jeon standing beside his door with a cigarette in his mouth. You didn't expect him to appear in such shabby attire. Perhaps Jungkook truly despised his father to the extent of letting him live like this.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Jeon.” You give him a smile and walk towards him. 
“Who are you?” He asked as he inhaled his cigarette. 
“I am Y/F/N, a psychiatrist and I am handling your son, Jungkook.” You introduce yourself and extend your hand to give him a handshake but he only stares at it so you take your hands back.
“What do you mean? Has that bastard become crazy already? Actually, he did lose his mind years ago.”
“No, Mr. Jeon. Your son suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder after the incident that happened to your wife. I am here to ask a few questions about him to help him recover with his disorder, if you don’t mind.”
He looked at you with furrowed brows before he blew smoke from his mouth.
“Post-traumatic what? What kind of bullshit do my son is pulling? What, he had the audacity to be traumatic after he killed his own mother?” 
His father knew. But how come he didn’t ask for his statement? Or did you overlook it?
“Do you believe that your son killed your wife? What are your reasons? Why didn’t you say anything about it?” You didn’t know that you’re already asking multiple questions because of how desperate you want to know the answer. Mr. Jeon only looked at you as his response and after a few moments, he smirked and inhaled from his cigarette. 
“You act more like a detective rather than a psychiatrist, Y/N.” He blew a smoke before he continued. “Come in. Let's discuss your questions inside. It’s already getting cold and you wouldn’t want to catch a cold.”
The house doesn’t seem like a home. It only looks like a place where a person has to stay for them to be sheltered. Inside, vintage furniture fills the rooms, and faded wallpaper lines the walls. In the dimly lit living room, a faded armchair sagged, its upholstery torn and revealing the stuffing beneath. Only a few personal items adorn the space but you haven’t seen any family photo frame. 
Mr. Jeon lets you sit on a single couch, you haven’t touched the upholstery yet you already know that this hasn’t been cleaned in ages. But you didn’t mind because you’re here not to be comfortable. 
“I’m sorry, I can’t offer you anything. It’s only me in here and you show up unannounced so I didn’t  prepare anything.” You immediately shook your head with what he said.
“It’s okay. I’m fine. I’m just here for a few questions. I apologize for showing up unannounced.” 
He lit a new stick of cigarette and blew a smoke before returning his gaze to you. 
“So, what do you want to know?” 
You have a lot of questions that you want to be answered but you have to pick the most important one before you proceed with the others.
“How is Jeon Jungkook as your son?” He didn’t answer right away. He just stares at you as if his answers are in your eyes. Or perhaps, he’s just thinking the right answer to say. 
“Well… Jungkook is a smart kid. He has a passion for photography which I find a waste of time. But look at him now. He managed to build a studio and become successful.” He smiled like a proud father but it only lasted for a second before he was back with his seriousness. “I don’t know how you see him but there is a high possibility that he just built a personality that he wants you to see. You cannot trust him especially with what he says because most of them aren't true.” 
“Can you be more specific with your statement about him? Maybe, give a few examples on how you can justify what you just said.” You slowly grab your phone inside your bag and instantly open the voice record and hit the record button before you return your attention back to him.
“It’s complicated to explain and elaborate because even I cannot understand him. All I know is that he’s a dangerous man.” 
Just like what he said about his son, you should not trust him as well, especially now that he doesn’t even have any evidence to justify his statements. 
“You’ve mentioned that he was the one who killed your wife. Do you have any proof to prove that?” You asked him and he took a deep breath.
“I don’t, but I am positive that he’s the one who did it. I knew my son so well.” 
All his statements don't have concrete evidence and all pure accusations. Maybe that’s why he didn’t raise his accusations to the higher position because it wasn’t supported with anything. But you still ask, anyway.
“Did you try reporting it to the police?” 
"Yes, I did. But did you know they do? They showed a lot of interest in my statement about him and assured me they would stay in touch. But, after the following day, I didn't hear anything from them anymore. They didn't reach out, and when I approached them, they said that the case had been resolved and my statements weren't sufficient to prove anything."
Based on his story, if you’re the investigator of the case, you wouldn’t think much about his report because like what’s happening right now, his claims support nothing. But you knew better because Jungkook already admitted it to you. 
“If Jungkook really did it, what may be the reasons?”
“There are a lot but the major reason is he’s a psychopath.”
That's a serious accusation from a father against his son. However, you must allow him to explain because, no matter what, he knows Jungkook better than you do.
“I admit that me and my wife aren't the perfect parents for him. There are problems that we always argue about, like work problems and we also have a trust issue with one another, and he doesn’t deserve that. We try to separate our problems as husband and wife to him but every time we try to reach him out, it’s like he doesn’t want to be reached out. When he turned high school, that’s when I started to notice the major changes in him. He was always angry and he doesn’t treat us as his parents anymore. We’ve tried to talk to him but it only gets worse.”
He takes a long pause as he remembers everything that he’s talking about. He tapped the ashes into the ashtray and inhaled another smoke before he continued.
“The principal of his school wants to talk to us about our son but the message wasn’t sent to us because he finds a way for us not to know. We only knew when his teacher visited us here and we found out that he’s involved in an illegal fraternity. One of the initiations rites at his fraternity is making the people suffer before they officially become a member. He killed a lot during the initiation rites and he didn't look like he was bothered. He was still a minor at that time so he didn’t go to jail. I was relieved but right now, I wish that he just went to prison.”
His cheeks flushed, and his eyes glistened with the threat of tears. He’s looking away and he took a deep breath without making it obvious. He tossed the cigarette butt on the ashtray beside him and returned his gaze to you. 
“I was patient with him but he’s too much. I let him be, we let him be. But when things get harder, that’s how I realized that he has no hopes. We’ve lost our wealth and he was on the peak of his success. We tried to ask for help but he just threw us out like we weren’t even his parents. And when he killed my wife, I completely disowned him.”
You’re back at home after visiting Jungkook’s father and you keep on repeating the recording you had during the conversation. You believe in the story that Mr. Jeon has told you because of two things; first, he doesn’t look like he’s lying while telling his story and second, there are certain things he said that connect to how Jungkook describes him as a father. 
“He’s a horrible person and he doesn’t deserve to be a father to me. I never got to experience the love from a father because the only thing that he gave me is hatred. He always gets drunk and gamble and he cheated with my mom multiple times. I’m not going to be surprised when I find out that I have other siblings from different mothers. He’s the worst person I’ve known.”
Maybe the reason why they lost their wealth is because he’s a gambler. And he and his wife have trust issues because he’s cheating on her. 
“He only wants money from me.”
Mr. Jeon mentioned that he asked for the help of Jungkook after they lost their wealth. 
You have already got the perspective of both sides and Jungkook’s relationship with his parents has a big impact on who he is now. 
You were in the middle of your business when your phone rang, and when you saw the caller’s ID, your heart raced, thudding against your chest. You didn’t move and you just stare at your phone contemplating whether you will answer or not. 
After a moment, the ring stops and when you think that you’re already safe when it rings again. Your hands shake as you pick up your phone and slide the answer button. 
“Good evening Dr. Y/N! How are you?”
Jungkook greet in his usual energetic voice. 
“Jungkook, it’s already late. Do you need anything?” You ask in your low voice, hiding your nervousness.
“I just want to check up on my favorite therapist after I left her last time.” his chuckles erupted at the most unsettling moment.
“You walked out even though we’re not done talking. We can continue our discussion in our next session.”
“You surprised me, Doc. I thought that after our conversation, you'd go straight up to the police, but you did not. Instead, you chose to run to my father.” His words are sinister to your ears. Your heart is beating rapidly as you try to stay composed. The reason why he knew that, you don’t know. You want to ask but there are no words coming out of your mouth.
“Have you eaten your dinner?” he asked after a long pause. 
“I already did.” You lied. 
“But I haven't. You promise me that you’ll come with me for dinner, Dr. Y/N. It’s a perfect time for you to fulfill your promise.”
“Jungkook, I’m sorry but I really can’t. I have a lot of things to do.”
“Tsk Tsk. Your excuse is already overused, Doc. Do you have other excuses?” He laughed once again and continued. “But I won’t force you anymore. I’ll just see you on Tuesday. Goodnight, Dr. Y/N”
You were occupied through the following days already, thinking about Jungkook’s case. You’ve been trying to connect the dots by communicating with the people behind this case but unfortunately, no one is useful. You have to do it yourself and the progress was so slow that you’re about to give up. 
You got more important things to do but you left them behind for this and it’s not healthy anymore. You aren't a detective but a psychiatrist. Not a lawyer but a successful book author, therefore, you should stop this madness and go back to your track. 
Tuesday came and you should have a lot of patience to attend to and things to get done with but you cleared your schedule out just for the person who’s not worth your time. 
“Good afternoon, Dr. Y/N. You look so stressed out. What have you been up to lately?” Jungkook said as he entered inside your office. He wasn’t wearing his usual clothes when he visited your clinic for a session, on the contrary, he’s wearing the clothes that you used to see during your photoshoot with him. A casual long sleeve polo paired with tight black pants. 
He doesn’t look like a murderer. He’s very charismatic and no one will know what’s behind his mask. 
“I bought you a salad and orange juice to boost your productivity for today.” He places the paper bag that he’s holding on the top of your office table.
He acted like everything was normal and fine but deep down, you were terrified. 
You let him settle down on the couch in front of you before you spoke.
“Jungkook, we have to talk about everything. This is a very serious matter. I want to understand you as your doctor and choose what’s best for you.” You started before you pressed the record button on your phone and placed it on the top of your table. Jungkook glanced at it but he returned his gaze to you. 
“Are you the one responsible for your mother’s death?” You don’t want to ask it immediately but you’re itching to know the truth. 
He chuckled as he caressed his lips before he crossed his legs.
“I didn’t know that you’re also a detective, Dr. Y/N. Did you also ask that to my father?”
“Jungkook, I’m serious right now. Please, cooperate.” 
You were waiting for his response but it didn’t come. The whole room became deadly silent and Jungkook continued to play with his lips, looking at you with intensity. 
You only have 5 more sessions to go before the psychotherapy treatment will come to an end, but you don’t think that you can attend more sessions with him anymore. 
“I’m not stupid as you think, Y/N.” He finally speaks out, without addressing your title. You only heard him twice calling you without your title, during the photoshoot and now. 
“After I tell my heart-dying story about what happened, you won’t waste any second to go to the police and surrender the recording you had with me.” 
Your eyes widened in alarm as your lips quivered, betraying the anxiety building within. 
“What do you mean?” You try your best not to stutter as your words come out in fragments as your nervousness is disrupted.
“Oh, you know what I mean, Y/N. Don’t play dumb.” He intertwined both of his fingers and wiggle his ankle while his legs were crossed. His stares swivel from you to the phone that’s placed at your table. 
You didn’t move, afraid of what’s going to happen next. He slowly stood up from his seat and took a step near your chest drawer, looking at the different licenses, certificates and achievements that were placed on the top. 
“You become so successful within four years of your career while others take decades of their life to be where you are right now.” He caresses some of the frames standing. You didn’t move, nor say anything, letting him speak. “Are you proud of what you become, Dr. Y/N?” He turned his head towards you and you tried not to show any weakness to him.
“Yes. Yes, I am.” You answer with a low voice. 
“If you want to keep that way, then you should keep out of my business.” He smiled so sweetly, like he just didn’t say something to threaten you.
He took a step towards the door and opened it but before he stepped out, you spoke.
“No matter how fast and long you run, the truth will eventually come to you, Jungkook.”
"Can you believe how surprised I was when I read your message, inviting me for a drink?" You chuckled at what Taehyung said as he continued to drive to your destination. "It's such a rare occurrence, and I thought I must have read it wrong. But, damn, it's like a once-in-a-blue-moon moment when you're the first one to invite me for a drink!"
“Yeah, congrats to you.” 
Taehyung was right about you inviting him to go out for a drink. You don't usually do that, and most of the time, he's the one who invites you. You're used to being alone and doing things by yourself, so you don't often think of inviting him. But right now, everything is fucking you up, and you can't be alone with your thoughts because you might end up losing your mind.
You didn’t show any signs of your problems to him. You act like everything is fine and you just miss him. You don’t want to make him overthink. Just like you, he also has a lot on his plate.
You ask him to have a drink with you in Itaewon where everyone goes at this hour. It’s friday and it’s a perfect time to chill with someone you’re very familiar with.
The night is lit up with neon streets in different colors, and the sound of laughter and music filled the air. Everyone is having fun as if the city itself was a living as well. There are a lot of pubs and bars beside each other but you chose where it wasn't so rowdy. 
“Will people recognize you?” You ask him as you sip on your beer.
“Nah, and if they do, so what?” He spoke a little loud as the music became louder as well. 
“Do you mind when you’re out and people recognize you, asking to take a pic?” The crowd is getting louder along with the music so you have no choice but to speak louder as well. 
“I don’t mind. I’m cool with it.”
You did talk to him about his life and when the night went deeper, the crowd was becoming wilder as well. People started to recognize Taehyung and ask for a quick photo. You can’t help but smile whenever he interacts with people with so much energy and happiness. This is what he wants ever since high school, for people to recognize him and his music. Music is Taehyung’s language.
After a few moments, Taehyung joins the crowd and dances along with the ocean of people. He asked you to join him several times but you refused, content with your position right now. You just watch him become the center of attention inside the bar you’re in. 
You’re not a fan of parties and nightlife but right now, you embrace the music and the alcohol that’s influencing you right now. 
You were suddenly startled when a subtle but distinct crept up your spine, an unshakable sense that someone's eyes were fixed upon you. You tried to look around to find if someone’s looking at you but you found nothing. You’re about to brush it away when a familiar figure is standing 10 feet away from you. A pair of eyes bore into you, a gaze so penetrating it felt like a laser, igniting a trail of fire across your skin. The music and the crowd faded in the background and your eyes are fixed at the person while your heartbeat increases rapidly. A person blocked his view and when you tried to find him again, he wasn’t there anymore. 
You don’t know if you’re hallucinating or Jeon Jungkook is really around. 
You will terminate Jeon Jungkook as your patient. You have to terminate him. 
You have your reasons for you to terminate him and as far as you see it, they were valid. Since he first stepped into your office, there is something about him that you couldn’t understand. You’ve been brushing off that feeling multiple times already and now, you should have trusted your instincts.
Jeon Jungkook isn’t a victim. He was the one who killed his own mother at their own house. You don’t have a concrete reason why he did it but you’re sure that it’s about their relationship as a son and mother. Based on the two-sided perspective, Jeon Jungkook is capable of killing someone without showing any remorse. 
He pretended to have experienced trauma solely for his own benefit. His condition isn't post-traumatic stress disorder; instead, it's characterized by antisocial personality disorder, which is evident in his absence of empathy, aggressive and criminal conduct, and a background of lying and deception. Similar to those with ASPD, Jungkook possesses charisma, attractiveness, and above-average intelligence.
You can help him. You really can, but you were also affected by his condition. He crossed the boundary between a doctor and patient several times and you couldn’t tolerate that. If you’re going to keep him, there might be worse that can happen not only to him, but to you as well. 
You still have 4 more sessions before the final session comes to an end but you cannot wait for that day to arrive. When Tuesday comes, you must inform him already. So you are sitting at your swivel chair while he’s seated at the black couch in front of you when you finally say it without any hesitation. You want this to be done already.
“We can no longer continue your remaining sessions, Jungkook.” You started without stuttering. You try to stay calm and strengthen your mentality before you continue. “There are several reasons but on the top of all, you’re not improving with your mental state.”
His arms are on the top of the arm-rest while his fingers are intertwined. His legs are crossed as he wiggles his ankle while he’s staring at you with so much intensity like he’s looking at your soul. 
He’s not responding so you continue to your list of reasons why he’s being terminated.
“I also diagnose you incorrectly but I can still refer you to other doctors that can help you start up. I’m really sorry for failing you, Jungkook but it's best if you can see a new doctor to help you with your mental state.”
Of course, that’s not only the reason but you chose not to go further, afraid that you might trigger him. 
After a few moments, he leaned forward, not removing his intense gaze away from you. You know that this won’t be easy but you must proceed with it. 
“Is that really the reason, Dr. Y/N?” He slowly stands up from his seat and takes a step towards your countertop beside the chest drawers. From there, he looked at the instant coffee sachets, coffee grounds and a coffee maker before he took a mug and placed it in front of him. “I would appreciate it if you tell me the real reasons.” 
You didn’t respond immediately as you watched him make a cup of coffee using the mug that you always use. When he’s done, he turns around to face you and takes a sip of his coffee. 
“What’s taking you so long to answer?” He said after he sips his coffee. 
“That. What you’re doing right now is one of the reasons why we cannot proceed with the remaining session.” He wants to play like this? You will give him what he wants. “You cannot touch my things without my permission, Jungkook. Remember, I am your doctor, not a colleague. You should know what the boundary is.” 
“Oh? You will dump me just because I made a cup of coffee without your permission?” He raised his brow, as he smirked with the sarcastic undertone of his statement.
“You’ve been threatening me, multiple times. You’re making it difficult to maintain a professional relationship between the two of us. You know that to yourself, Jungkook. Don’t make me state every reason why because I want to keep my professionalism towards you.” You try to compose your tone but there’s still a hint of irritation. 
He rests his hands on the top of the counter and sip from his coffee.
“Uh huh. But what if I refuse?” 
“You don’t have a choice. That’s my decision and it’s legal.” A mocking smile tugged at the corners of his lips, as if you were the punchline of a cruel joke.
He releases another soft chuckle before he gets his phone from his pocket and scrolls down. Your eyes widened in horror as a shiver ran down your spine. Your skin prickled with goosebumps and waves of fear washed over you when he played a voice record coming from his phone.
“I started hiding my painting from Louie but he managed to find out about it and he kept telling me to stop painting again. He said that they were trash and I should just focus on my academics.”
“That’s unfortunate. You don’t deserve that, Yunjin. Your boyfriend kept on messing up your mental state. I’ve been telling you to break up with him.”
“I can’t because I love him—
“Where did you get that?!” You instantly stood from your seat. He looked at his phone and scrolled once again before he played another voice record. 
“He’s been stalking me, doc. He’s just finding the perfect time to kill me.”
“Mr. Park, you have tons of your bodyguards around you. He doesn’t have a chance to—
“Give me that!” Your eyes blazed with fury, as your voice erupted, a thunderous roar that reverberated through the room. You tried to snatch the phone away from him but he was too tall for you to reach. 
“Will you think twice about your decision when I decided to upload your illegal voice recordings with your patients on the internet?” His voice dripped with mockery as he grins. 
“Those are not illegal because I asked for their permission to be recorded.” You respond in your stone voice. He smirked once again before he played another voice record.
“How are you, Jungkook? Did you sleep well last night?”
“I did, doc. I even sleep so early. Thanks to the medicine that you prescribed me because it helps.”
“As far as I remember, you didn’t ask my permission to be recorded.” He smiles mockingly before he puts down the cup of coffee that he’s holding on the countertop.
“I can already see the headline for these voice recordings. Bestselling author and psychiatrist who records their patient without consent. That’s going to be number one on social media and in front of the newspaper.” He returned his phone in his pocket and took the coffee to sip from it. 
“Where did you get that?” You asked as you clench your jaw. 
“It doesn’t matter, Dr. Y/N. What matters most is the backlash you will get when I decide to upload these online. With how you quickly reach the top, that also determines how quickly you will fall down.” He smirks.
Your eyes bore into him with such intensity, a storm of anger raging just beneath the surface. Your anger has reached its boiling point and any moment now, the tears forming on your eyes will flow over your cheek.
“What do you want?” You ask with your teeth. His gaze softens as he pouts. 
“Come on, Doc. Don’t be so upset at me.”
“Are you kidding me right now?” Your voice was raising again as your right hand balls into a fist. “You stole my recordings and you are threatening me now!”
“You’re dumping me. I have to do something.” 
You take a step backward without removing your gaze from him. “What do you want?”
“It’s nothing big, Doc. You wouldn’t have a hard time.” His gaze softens before he continues. “I just want to continue our sessions. That’s it.” 
“For what? I didn’t see any progress from you. Your condition might worsen.” You cannot be in this room with him for another session. He’s too much. “I will refer you to another psychotherapist who is much better where you’re going to recover.” 
He shakes his head. “You were wrong. I do make progress, Dr. Y/N, and I would like to completely recover with your help. Besides, there are no ‘much better’ doctors beside you. I want you for me.” 
You didn’t respond and continue to stare at him, hoping to see any sympathy or even a change of mind, but you only see a demonic who’s in the body of a human. 
“Okay. But when the 12 sessions with you are completed, that’s it. Our business will end there.” Jungkook smiled devilishly and took the last sip of the coffee before he nodded.
“That’s all I want, Doc. To complete our session so I can get better and nothing else.” 
You can’t believe that Jungkook has something to hold against you. Everything happens so fast and you didn’t know why it had to come to this. You’ve tried to make him speak up on how he got the recordings but he never did, instead, he keeps on blackmailing you about what might happen when he uploads it online. 
“I wonder how your other patients will react when they find out that you recorded their most vulnerable moment. Will you ever get someone to trust you after that?”
You’ve tried to imagine what’s going to happen if he really uploaded it online. You can just simply tell the truth that you record your patient because it helps you to create a better book that will help a thousand people as well. That’s the truth, anyway. You can just accept your mistakes and move on. 
But that’s not the case. Even if you kneel down just for the people to forgive you, that won’t change anything. Your name will be ruined and you might lose your license for violating the patient’s privacy and confidentiality. The worse thing is, everyone will hear the recordings you took and you can be subject to criminal charges. 
Yes, you can blame everything on Jungkook but you know better. He got away from killing his own mother and he can also get away with this. You don’t know how powerful he can be.
You don’t know how to handle this. It’s so heavy that you can’t proceed with your daily routine. From waking up until you go to bed, that’s the only thing that keeps running to your head and it’s getting out of hand. 
You don’t know if Jungkook can be trusted that he won’t upload it online if you continue with the remaining sessions or he will betray you at the end. You cannot hold onto his promises. You have to do something before he completely ruins your reputation. 
“Your clinic became my second home at this point, Doc. It’s so comfortable already that I can practically sleep here.” Jungkook transfers from the single couch to the bigger one and lays down and uses his palms as a pillow. 
“How are we supposed to start with our session when you’re lying down?” You rolled your eyes and dropped the folder that you’re holding to the table. 
“We can still have a conversation even if I’m in this position. It’s not like I’ll be muted if I lay down.” He responded without moving from his position. You rolled your eyes once again before you face your desktop and pretend that you’re busy with something. It’s hard to deal with a patient when you’re irritated with them. 
You glance at him when you hear him laugh. He was laughing while he sat up from laying down. “You look so cute when you’re angry, Dr. Y/N. It’s a rare moment. Or this is really how you feel deep inside when you’re facing your patients.”
“Am I supposed to smile and clap my hands while you’re blackmailing me? You can’t even settle down properly to begin our session.” your voice dripped with sarcasm.
“And you’re being sarcastic too! How adorable.” He laughs, matching his grin as he returns to his original seat. He placed his arm on the arm rest before he spread his legs, looking at you with a smirk on his lips. “I just want to push the buttons and see who Dr. Y/F/N really is.”
You sip on your coffee and open the folder once again, trying to relax while staring at the folder. After a few moments, you take a deep breath and return your gaze to the monster in front of you.
“I’ll prescribe you with another medicine, although you can continue to take the medicines you have right now.” You said and listed down the prescription for him. 
“Thanks, Doc. I’ll take note of that. And thank you for accepting me once again. I really appreciate it so much.” He’s back with his sweet voice which you would be glad not to hear again. You’d prefer his demonic voice because you know that it’s his true nature. 
“No problem. As if I have a choice, right?” He chuckled and proceeded with his habit of playing with his lips. 
“Come on, Doc. You’re really helping me to recover. That’s really what I wanted because you’re so good with what you do.” 
“Uh huh.” You said while flipping the pages from the folder. “If that’s what you believe. So, do you want to talk about something that happened recently? What might be the reason why you think that you’re getting better?”
“There are a lot of good things that’s happening to me lately,” which you don’t deserve. “I have new investors for the growth of my business. It’s going to be a corporation. And I’m here, sitting on this couch in front of you.” 
“That’s good for you.” You said, trying not to sound sarcastic. “How do you feel when you tell me who’s really responsible for your mother’s death?” 
“That’s an excellent question, Doc.” He leaned forward before he continued. “I feel relief because I don’t need to fake my traumas, nightmares and anxiety because my mother died. I can finally celebrate it with you.” A twisted grin crept across his lips, eyes sparkled with a sinister delight. 
A shiver ran down your spine, and goosebumps erupted on your arms. But you still manage to take note of his statements. 
“I also plan on bringing my father along with my mother but I’ll save that for later. I’ll let my father live even though his life is useless. His existence only adds pollution to the earth, don’t you think? You’ve met him already.” A wave of nausea washed over you, as your skin turned clammy and cold. You can’t believe that he just told you his plan to kill his father like it was a normal thing he does.
“Jungkook, that is inhumane. You can’t talk about that during our sessions. Our goal here is to get your life back on track, not to plan on killing your father. You know that I can report you, right?” You lowered your voice in a softer way where Jungkook can feel that you’re really concerned with him.
“Come on, Doc. You’re so boring! And I know that you can’t do that because you’re putting your life on a pedestal.” He grins. 
“You said that you wanted to recover so you want these sessions to continue, instead, you’re doing the opposite. You kept on blackmailing me and telling me your desires to kill your father.” 
“You’re the one who said that you didn’t see any progress with me, so maybe, it’s better to talk about other things rather than talking about bullshit that only triggers me to do something worse.” His voice raises and his face remains completely lacking emotion while his gaze is penetrating that it feels as if he’s peering into your soul.
You froze on your seat as your body language reflected the overwhelming impact of what he just said.
“I am a psychiatrist and psychotherapist and my job is to help my patients with their problems and situations and not to tolerate their wrong behavior.” You close the folder that you’re holding and place it back on your table before you continue. “We’re not being productive here, Jungkook. As mentioned earlier, I would be delighted to connect you with one of my highly skilled colleagues who can assist you in making progress.”
He shook his head and he even used his finger movement to indicate that he disagreed. “No. We’re not going to do that.” 
“Why?” You said, almost losing your control.
“Because I want you, Doc. You’re the only one I wanted.”
The remaining 3 sessions with him were all the same; very unproductive and a waste of time. He kept on pushing to talk about his desire to kill his father and topics you never want to talk about. He insisted on discussing his desire to harm his father and other topics you'd rather avoid. He continued to blackmail you, leaving you with no choice but to wait until the final session ended. You allowed him to talk about whatever he pleased while you sat there, pretending to listen. You try your best to give him proper therapy but he was the one who kept pushing away the help that you give. It may sound tolerable but god knows how horrible you feel with every word that’s coming out of his mouth.
 “Nowadays, everyone seems so pathetic. I can't grasp why they constantly attempt to alter society, as if our lives are like a movie capable of transforming the entire universe in a single snap. They should learn to deal with it and adapt to what's happening instead of wasting their effort on making changes while acting like hypocrites themselves.”
“Individuals remain consistent throughout their lives. Scientific evidence indicates that our genetic imprints predefine our existence, our personality, and our decisions. If you're born stupid, you'll continue to live with your stupidity, and it will remain until the end of your life.”
During some of your sessions, you can’t help but to argue with him on how he sees things versus how you see them. You tried to let him understand that life is more than just existing. There is something that he hasn’t seen yet, but he was already the one who refuses to change. 
If your life is not in danger because of him, you will risk everything just to help him recover and change his perspective in life. But that’s not your case because you’re trapped in the palm of his hands. 
It's the last Tuesday of the month, marking the arrival of the final session with him. You've been anxious the whole day, eagerly waiting for it to end. The hours have felt agonizingly long, but you remind yourself that it's the last day, and you need to endure it just a little longer.
“Our deal is off. We’ve completed the remaining session.” You remind him before he steps out of your clinic. “Keep your promise, Jungkook.”
“Days are running fast, I didn’t even notice that it’s the last Tuesday of the month.” He smirked and twisted the doorknob. “See you again soon, Dr. Y/N.”
It’s done. You’ve managed to push him away, but you can’t stop thinking that he still has something against you. He promised that after the final session, he’s done with you but you can’t hold onto that because he’s Jeon Jungkook and dealing with him isn't as easy as you think.
And you were right, because one week hasn’t passed and Jeon Jungkook is already inside your office unannounced.
“What are you doing here?” You spoke with the hint of anger in your voice. “Aren’t we finished with our business?” Jungkook maintained a smirk on his lips as he sat on the black couch.
“Why? Can’t I visit my favorite doctor?” He spread his legs, his eyes met yours in a sultry, lingering glance and a playful smile graced his lips. 
“Jungkook, we have no business here. I have tons of things to do, so, if you still have a conscience left, please, leave already." You remove your reading glass and throw it on your table. 
He licked his lips and tilted his head before he responded. “As far as I know, patients can request additional sessions with their therapist, and that’s why I am here. So technically, I still have business with you.” 
You grimaced, deep furrowed formed on your forehead as your anger intensified. A sly smirk of amusement tugged at the corners of his mouth as he raised an eyebrow in a mocking arch. “You look upset.” He pouted in a mocking way. “It’s too obvious how you hate that idea, Doc.”
“We had a deal, Jungkook. Stick with our deal.” You said with a clenching jaw.
“Yes, it’s still ongoing. We have to finish our sessions and we’re done.” 
“We are done. We’ve completed your 12 sessions.”
“But I asked for another session and it’s legal. Therefore, our deal is still ongoing.” 
Your hands were shaking  while you breathed heavily as if you’re out of air. You want to stand up from your seat and pounce on him. You want to struggle him until he’s out of breath. You wanted to hurt him so badly for you to calm down but you kept your composure, concealing the simmering anger that threatened to erupt.
“You said that you’ll leave me alone after our deal.” Your words were delivered with restraint. 
“That’s true, but I asked for another session, so our business is not yet done.” He smirked.
“Get out!” You can’t control it anymore. It’s too much. He’s too much.
“Oh. You’re kicking a patient out?” He laughs and he gets something in his pocket. “How would people react if they found out that the psychiatrist and a best-selling author that they are looking up, is kicking a patient out.” He faces his phone for you to see that he’s recording the conversation. 
Your mind raced like a hurricane, breath came in short, shallow gasps as your hands can't stop trembling. 
“Why are you doing this to… me?” Your voice caught up your throat, and choked sobs filled the room as you began to let your tears flow from your eyes.
He stood up from his seat as he slowly took a step towards you, putting both of his hands on the platform of your table, leaning towards you. He looks at your eyes with so much intensity that he can practically read your mind.
“I’ve told you already. I just want to continue our sessions until I recover. Is that too much to ask?” He whispers as he pierce his eyes on you. He lifts up his right arm, slowly wiping the tears from your cheeks using the back of his fingers. “Weakness doesn’t suit you, Y/N. So I suggest that you stop with your tears.”
If you can only bring back the time where Atty. Kim Namjoon asked you to take Jeon Jungkook as a patient, you’d immediately refuse. If only you knew what kind of a living hell that you will live when you work with him, you would never wish to see him standing in front of you from the first time.
You know that your life won’t be easy when you enter the industry that you are in right now. Life will put you on a test and see if you will survive. You in fact did, not knowing that you haven't even experienced half of what you're going through now in the hands of Jungkook.
You thought that Jungkook was already at his worst, but little did you know that he could deteriorate even further.
His weekly ‘sessions’ became almost every four days. His supposed 90-minute session stretched into a painful 2 hours, and that went on and on. You don’t know when he’ll stop with his madness.
You tried to convince him to stop, but every time you do it, he will always pull his card against you. It’s too much that you can’t take it any longer. You’re getting tired already and it’s consuming you. You’ve already reached the point where you think that what he’s doing to you right now is much worse than what you’d experience if he were to post the recordings you took in public. 
If he can’t be convinced to stop, then you have to do something that will make him stop. You have to take action because if you let him continue to tie you up, you will no longer escape. 
You put your both hands inside the pocket of the coat that you’re wearing right now. It’s getting colder because winter is just around the corner.
Jongno Police Station
The police station stood tall with a large reflective window that had a sense of transparency and modernity. There are people that passed by and police officers standing outside the glass door with cigarettes in their mouth.
You took a deep breath before you took a step towards the entrance. 
“Hello, may I talk to detective Jung?” You speak to the male receptionist as you enter the station. 
“For what reason?”
“I just have to report something about the case he’s handling. I am Y/F/N and a psychiatrist.” You gave him your ID and when he looked at it, he kept on shifting his gaze to you and to the ID.
“Wait for a while. I’ll call detective Jung.” 
You sit in the waiting area as you wait for the person you’re looking for. The receptionist is on a call and you notice that he keeps on glancing at you while he speaks with detective Jung, as you guess.
When you saw detective Jung approaching you, wearing a denim black jacket with his ID, you stood up to greet him.
“Good afternoon, Detective Jung. I apologize for showing up unannounced but I just have to talk to you about something.” You greet as you extend your hand. 
He shook your hand as he smiled so wide, like a ball of sunshine.
“That’s okay. Come, let's talk inside.”
Detective Jung's office was a place for investigating, featuring a comfy leather chair and a sturdy oak desk in the middle. The walls showed years of hard work with awards, old news articles about big cases, and a bulletin board filled with clues and suspects.
He was the one who handled Jungkook’s case, and he’s with Atty. Kim Namjoon when they bring Jungkook to your clinic, asking for you to take him as a patient. 
A decision you wish you never made. 
“So, what brings you here?” Detective Jung asks you when you already settled down on his leather couches. 
“I’ll go straight to the point, Sir. I’d like to talk about Jeon Jungkook, the one you want me to handle as a patient, do you remember?” Detective Jung smiles before nodding so you continue. “He’s responsible for his mother’s death.”
You explained thoroughly on how it happened and he carefully listened to you. It's the first time you’ve talked to anyone regarding this manner and it was as if a heavy weight had been lifted from your shoulder. You wanted to burst out when you explained to him about your situation but you strengthened yourself and went further. 
Telling him gave you a sense of relief because you never expect that you’d come to this, reporting him. You know that the situation may escalate when Jungkook finds out that you’ve reported him but you don’t care anymore. What he’s doing to you is worse than the backlash you’ll experience if the recordings went public. There is nothing worse than dealing with him. 
You ask for a restraining order against Jungkook and Detective Jung assures that Jungkook will pay for his crime. 
You wanted to cry. You should’ve reported him a long time ago but you were overtaken by fear. You were scared of what could happen to you when Jungkook decided to carry out his threat but you can’t live your life with fear forever. 
There are several ways that you can do if the recordings go public. Ask for the help of a security specialist, confront your patients regarding the situation and even report Jungkook with what he did. 
You should focus on eliminating Jeon Jungkook in your life now, and deal with the consequences later. 
You’ve strengthened yourself with the situation that can happen. Asking Detective Jung for help gave you strength and encouragement to stand up against Jungkook.
He may be a psychopath but you’re Y/N, and you’re greater than him. 
Or that’s what you thought. 
Your hopes and courage crumble at your feet as Jungkook visits you the same day.
taglist: @iloverubberduckiez-blog @kingofbodyrolls @fangirl-death-rose @looneybleus @softie00 @yoonjinhusbands @ash07128 @kookiesbunny @cinnikoi @yluv-damara-13 @hoseoksluv89 @darkuni63
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whatsnewalycat · 24 days
Dave York x f!Reader
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Summary: Dave hypnotizes you.
Rating: Explicit (18+ only)
Word Count: 2.8k+
Warnings: hypnokink, not entirely good praxis of hypnosis, humiliation, implied infidelity, praise, smut, unprotected piv, D/s dynamic, dom dave, literal mind fucking so like a bit of body horror get into it
Notes: For @iamasaddie kinky May writing challenge. Prompt was hypnosis + Dave York. I found a lot of inspiration for this from a post in r/EroticHypnosis about mindfucking (can find again if anyone wants the link - lemme know!). Posting this in a hurry bc I am late to a thing so hopefully not tooooo many missed mistakes. OK THANK YOU FOR READING!!!
[ my masterlist ]
All your life you wished you could turn off your thoughts at will. 
Growing up, on those nights where your crowded head wouldn’t let you sleep, you would imagine twisting off the top of your skull like a jar lid and plopping your brain on the nightstand. It even worked sometimes, too, if you tried hard to convince yourself. When reminders of an upcoming math test or images of that cute boy in class crept into your purview, they had nowhere to go. They evaporated, and you slept. 
Dave says you’re too smart for your own good. Sometimes when you’re lost in thought, he tells you he wants to empty that pretty little head of yours. Not in a condescending way, although you can see how someone might interpret it like that. 
What he means is that he wants you to be with him when you’re with him. What he means is that he wants you to be present. Not thinking about the past or the future. Not reminding yourself of deadlines or analyzing the data stored in your brain or wondering what you mean to him exactly. 
The first time he suggested hypnosis, you balked. Even after he explained how it worked, you were hesitant enough for him to drop the subject. 
When he brought it up again, though, your skepticism swayed. You asked him for more details, so he dispensed the pros and cons and the step process. He could do it for you, he said. He knew how. He said he could rattle the bees from your buzzing honeycomb brain. All you had to do was trust him with this power. 
So you did. 
And you do. 
Your valiant beekeeper meets you at this hotel every other Tuesday night, except on holidays. This isn’t the only one-on-one time he dedicates to you, but it’s by far the most reliable. He doesn’t always hypnotize you, either. 
Regardless of whether he puts you in a trance or not, this standing date always starts the same. He slips you the keycard at some point throughout the day, only after he’s adorned it with a vase full of seasonal blooms and laid out something for you to wear. 
Tonight he left you lilacs and matching lingerie. Intricate floral appliqués embellish the pastel nightie he laid out on the bed. 
Opulence becomes you when you slip it on and pour a glass of champagne from the bottle Dave left to chill on ice. You mosey around the spacious high-end suite, sipping frosty bubbles as you admire the birds-eye view of downtown, the tall buildings and bustling city life all drenched in golden light from the setting sun. 
As the time nears eight o’clock, you empty your champagne flute and make yourself comfortable on the plush bed. Crystals hanging from the chandelier fragment soft white light into dazzling tiny spectrums, sparkling rainbow when the door to the suite opens, then closes. 
Dave enters the room with an air of authority that makes you straighten your spine and draw back your shoulders. After chucking off his jacket, he empties his pockets on the dresser and loosens his tie, then turns around to meet your gaze. 
His stern expression melts as he looks you over, seeming to appraise how your body fills out the lilac nightie. Heat sparks in the middle of you when he greets you, “Hey beautiful.” 
He approaches your side and takes a seat at the edge of the bed, rolling the sleeves of his dress shirt, “Comfortable?” 
Nodding, you sit up to pull him in for a kiss. His plush lips respond without hesitation, firm but generous as he slips a wide palm around your body and brings you even closer. 
When he pulls back, he asks, “Are you ready?” 
He cradles your jaw, searching your face with blatant admiration before separating his body from yours. You lay back into the soft embrace of the pillows and wiggle around until you find the sweet spot of comfort while Dave drags an armchair to your bedside and sits down. Once you’re both settled and still, he begins. 
“Close your eyes.” 
You close them. 
“Take a deep breath in…”
You take in air until you can’t. 
“…and slowly release it.” 
You exhale, rationing your metered breath through a straw-sized ‘o’ formed by your lips. 
“Good. Take a deep breath in… two three four… and slowly release it. Deep breath in… two three four… now slowly release it.”
Behind closed lids, you concentrate on the rhythmic ebb and flow of your lungs contracting and expanding. His warm voice surrounds you. Envelops you. 
“That’s it. Keep breathing just like this. Each time you inhale, draw the life from your breath, and exhale the rest. Notice how cleansing it feels to let it go. How the tension melts from your muscles every time you take a deep breath in…”
You inhale. 
“…two three four…” 
Hold it. 
“…and slowly release it.” 
Then exhale.
“Perfect. Keep doing that. Now imagine that every time you take a deep breath in, a warm wave washes over you… and as you slowly release it, the tide carries away tension, allowing your muscles to soften and relax…”
Each big lungful heats the tar holding your body together. You dissolve into the mattress as Dave’s deep, honeyed voice resonates through you. 
“Again, take a deep breath in as the warm wave of relaxation washes over you, two three four… and slowly release it as the tide carries away your tension, allowing your muscles to soften and relax. Concentrate on my voice. Recognize it as a touchstone. If your mind starts to wander, have it return to the touchstone, return to my voice, and relax even deeper.” 
Trees tower above you, stretching high into the pale blue sky. The moss-covered rock before you glows as he speaks. 
“Notice how relaxed you feel. Notice that every time the warm wave of relaxation washes over you, two three four… tension melts from your body as you allow yourself to sink deeper and deeper into the sensation. Allow the relaxation to seep from your muscles into your bloodstream… to course through your veins and calm every cell in your body.
“Focus on your face. All those tiny little muscles in your forehead and around your eyes, notice how relaxed they are. Notice how the relaxation melts the muscles in your cheeks and jaw, letting your mouth go slack. You might feel as though you want to speak, but find yourself so relaxed that you can’t. That’s ok, because it feels good and safe to let the words dissolve on your tongue. Doesn’t it?” 
When you try to respond, your lips don’t move. This fact doesn’t bother you. It feels good and safe in the forest, staring up at the treetops. 
You realize you’re floating in a pond. You hear birds peacefully chirping and know it’s just you and them and the touchstone for a million miles. 
Everything feels profound, but simple. You are small and big like a speck of dust or a galaxy. You are safe. You are at peace. 
“Doesn’t it feel so good to relax, darling?” 
Your fingertips rest against the soft moss of the touchstone. 
“Yes, it does,” you tell it. 
It glows with a satisfactory hum that vibrates through you.  
“Perfect. Continue to focus on my voice. Soon, I will ask you to open your eyes, then close them. When you close your eyes, you’ll notice a warm wave of relaxation washing over you, turning knots into snarls and snarls into strands, every muscle in your body gently untangling as you allow them to go limp and heavy…”
You understand and follow his instructions. 
“Open your eyes and take a deep breath in, two three four… and slowly release it, closing your eyes, letting the warm wave wash over you and pull you in deeper. 
“Soon, I’ll ask you to open your eyes again. When you close them, you’ll notice the warm wave of relaxation wash over you even stronger than before, pulling you even deeper. 
“Open your eyes, two three four… and close your eyes, sinking deeper and deeper. Good job. We’ll do it one more time, and when you close your eyes and relax, sink as deep as you can, all the way to the bottom. Open your eyes, two three four… and close your eyes.” 
You’re lying in a meadow of wildflowers outside the forest, looking up at the serene blue sky. The earth beneath you is solid and brings you an immense sense of comfort. 
“I want you to think about desire. Think about that warm, lush longing inside you. Concentrate on how good this sensation feels in your body, pleasure swelling thick at the center of you.”
His voice surrounds you, but you don’t see its source. The soothing timbre resonates from the wildflowers and the earth and the sky, from everywhere and nowhere all at once like how you imagine God sounded to Old Testament prophets. 
You bring your focus to desire. It does feel good. Amazing, actually. Tangible like a glowing ball of heat between your thighs that throbs with each syllable he speaks. 
“Allow the sensation to grow. Let it stretch and pulse and heat your skin. Let your mind empty of everything except this arousal. When thoughts arise, you let them fall away and arousal fills the empty space. You’ll let this happen over and over again until your head is empty of everything but arousal. Do you understand? You can speak now, darling, go ahead and answer.” 
“Try it for me.” 
You acknowledge the cognitions that populate your mind. When you think about how you need to put gas in your car, you imagine the reminder dropping away, then imagine the warm wanting glow of desire branching up through your body to take its place. You think about a work project, but it loosens and falls into an abyss. Desire floods the space in its wake, a thick hot liquid that glows with light like lava, spreading to each new vacancy with ease as the thoughts drop from your consciousness. 
“How does it feel?” 
“Good,” you breathe, voice faint on your tingling tongue. 
“Do you like how it feels, being horny and mindless?” 
Your husband’s face appears, taking up your whole mind, then falls away. Rich, bubbling pleasure surges through you to fill the gap. You have to suppress a moan to respond. 
“I like it,” you nod, “Fuck, it feels amazing.” 
“Good girl. Now, you might notice something interesting happen when I ask you a question. You might notice that when I ask you a question, you’ll try to form a thought to answer. When you do this, you’ll feel my cock enter your mind. It’s bigger and harder than you’ve ever seen it, swollen and thick and so fucking ready for you, darling. When you try to form a thought, it pushes forward into the wet hot folds of your brain, severing the connections that typically allow you to think, preventing a response from forming. My cock pulls out, and slowly thrusts forward again, pushing out the thoughts, over and over for as long as you consider a response to my question. It becomes impossible to focus. You might notice that this penetration feels like it would in your pussy. My hard cock rutting in and out, sending waves of arousal through your body, fucking the thoughts from your head. Every time my cock moves, you’ll try to respond but cannot make yourself focus. It feels amazing. You give in to the sensation, allowing it to overtake you completely. When you’re fully saturated with arousal and nothing else, my cock pulls out of your mind.” 
Your skin feels static and warm when you imagine him pushing his smooth, throbbing length into your brain. A shaky whimper croaks in your throat. Your heart thuds heavy within your chest, circulating desire, warm and wet, to every cell in your body. 
“You might notice that when I ask you another question, any attempts at thought or sensations that come up except arousal will be fucked from your head until you surrender to the arousal. It feels good to be dominated in this way. To let pleasure consume your entire being.” 
Licking your lips, you nod to show you understand.  
“Now when I ask you a question, you’ll allow your subconscious to follow my instructions. Are you ready, darling?” 
“How was your day?” 
When you try to recall your day and formulate an answer, the tip of his cock pierces the equator of your brain, splitting the hemispheres. He drives forward slowly, steadily, making you moan as he stretches you apart and tears all those delicate tissues that generate thought. Still, you try. 
My day, how was my day…
He drags his cock out, then drives it deeper inside you. 
Day… how was…
Your nerve endings buzz as he pulls out, gooey arousal shines on the shaft of his thick cock. He plunges forward into the hot center of you. You work your hips and whine. You can’t remember what he asked. It doesn’t seem as important as the pleasure clinging to your insides as he fucks you, so you give up. 
His cock pulls out of your mind completely. 
“What’s the weather supposed to be like tomorrow?” 
You consider the question. The tip of him breaches your brain, forcing out forecasts and clouds and sunshine. Fragments return as you attempt to answer again. 
The weather tomorrow…
He pumps in and out of you, obliterating whatever it was he wanted to know. It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters except the insatiable pleasure thrumming through you as he rubs against all your hungry nerves, giving them what they want. 
“Oh my god,” you hear yourself gasp. 
“How often do you think about fucking me?” 
Seeds of embarrassment sprout the tender beginnings of thought, then he fucks them out of your head until you’re rolling your hips, moaning and nodding for more. 
“Do you make yourself come when you think about fucking me?” 
Only a loading screen appears before he’s inside you again. His perfect, thick cock pumps you full of this throbbing heat. You wish it would never end. You want to feel this and only this forever. 
“That’s it, that’s my good girl. So horny and mindless for me. Letting my cock push deep and hard into the folds of your brain, fucking out all your thoughts, leaving your head empty to stuff you with arousal until you’re swollen and ripe, nothing else left but how fucking horny you are.” 
“Sssooooo fucking gooood,” you slur. 
“How would your husband feel if he saw you like this? In this hotel room, all dressed up in lingerie I bought for you, moaning and writhing on the bed?” 
A thought starts, and he pounds it out of you, merciless in its rhythm as each thrust pushes you higher and higher. Horny and mindless, that’s all you are. Nothing matters except this.
“Do you really think we’ll run away together? Do you really think I’d leave my wife for you?” 
A rotten sensation tingles in your chest before you feel him enter you from both ends, the cock in your mind working in tandem with the cock in your pussy. You choke out a moan and nod, body vibrating with a thick, hot sensation you can’t find the beginning or end of. 
“Fuck fuck fuck, holy fuck—” 
He groans, rolling his hips faster, fucking your entire being so hard and fast that you become pleasure itself. It’s everything and everywhere for eternity and you gladly accept this fact, wanting to forever exist in this moment. 
“That’s so good, darling. So fucking good. You want me to let you come, don’t you?” 
You nod frantically as the edges of you start to fray.
“Go ahead, come for me.” 
His permission completely unravels you, ripping away the last delicate thread holding you together. You sob as you fall apart into a thousand pieces. His hips stutter and he moans, giving you a few deep thrusts before pulling out. 
Your chest heaves as you try to catch your breath. You float in the peaceful pond, staring up at the towering treetops that kiss the sky. 
“Now in a minute, I’ll bring you back to your normal state. When I count to four and tell you to wake up, you’ll come out of the trance relaxed and refreshed. Your mind will feel spotless. You’ll know that I adore you and hold you close to my heart.”
You hear birds peacefully chirping. You know it’s just you and them and Dave for a million miles. You are small and big like a speck of dust or a galaxy. You are safe. You are at peace. 
“And one two three four… wake up.”
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harmonysanreads · 1 month
IM SO EXCITED FOR A NEW SUMERU BOYYY, honestly missed Sumeru sm, so glad to see my babies again (+ new friend!!! or foe? idk can't wait for Cyno's SQ :ppp)
Ohh, I have been thinking, thinking and thinking about this matter ever since he was introduced. But I waited till Cyno's story quest to reach a conclusion.
[ au masterlist ]
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Based on my observation, Sethos is well-spoken, quite charismatic and even though he may appear to be suspicious at first, he's actually a good person. A very promising leader who's determined to not be bound by the past, but, he's still on the path of understanding himself. There are many things he isn't certain of and I'm sure there are insecurities that plague him because of the divergence between him and Cyno. He does have the potential to be part of this chaos as a love interest, but I'm more interested in introducing himself as a red-herring.
[ Spoilers for Cyno's Story Quest Under the Cut ]
We do know that Sethos visited the tavern within Sumeru city and stayed for a while. In this case, him meeting you and having a casual conversation isn't that difficult. Perhaps you noticed that beneath the easy-going veneer, he's inherently troubled. Sethos will not share everything about his life on the first chat, yes, but he does seem like the perceptive kind. So, just you asking him would linger in his mind.
Now the problem starts with Wanderer noticing this transaction and if he was still thinking from the perspective of the past, he would've just ignored this. But seeing as how things with Kaveh turned out, he was determined to not have a repeat. So, he threw his fists the moment Sethos ventured out from watchful eyes.
Not the most elegant solution but it appealed to him the most at that moment. Unfortunately, as Sethos is in possession of one of the Ba Fragments, he managed to put up quite the fight and also discovered that the sweet-child behavior Wanderer dons in front of you is a facade. Wanderer wasn't panicked though, you don't even believe Cyno's accusations against him, Sethos convincing you is a far away dream.
Speaking of Cyno, Cyrus's case had to be the talk of the Akademiya by then, which our dear Wanderer caught on to. Luck does shine upon everyone and it didn't take long for Wanderer to devise a new plan. While Alhaitham and Kaveh were figuring the case out by themselves, Wanderer snuck in a picture of Sethos within the act, you, the unfortunate student and Sethos himself caught in one frame. How he got the picture is unimportant. As per Wanderer's expectations, Cyno assumed that the perpetrator of the scheme (Sethos) was planning on harming you as well and he immediately set off towards the desert. Seeds of further conflict successfully sown.
And the rest happened in the same sequence, except Sethos and Cyno's fight might've been more intense. While Wanderer may have made a good move this time, he still left himself bare to another eye. Sethos's arc is far from completion, so the chances of him cooperating with Cyno to expose Wanderer have been raised.
In conclusion, Sethos will not be an immediate love interest but he definitely will work in your interest in the future. The reason why his status is still uncertain is because of his unfinished arc. Hm. Maybe he might just manage to overthrow everyone else and win you in the end? Anything is possible :>
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