#this time its (drumroll please)
perfectlycleverduck · 3 months
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fr3sh-c0rn · 16 days
I've never been good at gauging the quality of a show before lol (when I'd watch shows with people and they said that the show was running out of ideas or was lower quality I'd get very confused). Like people will complain and I'll see their (very valid) points (that I do agree with) and I don't really care? Like yeah it might not be a cinematic masterpiece but I enjoyed it and it was fun to watch
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critterofthenight · 11 months
girl help my fixations are merging
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modernmutiny · 1 year
if lupus decides to make me randomly allergic to One More Thing im gonna McFreaking Lose It
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nereidprinc3ss · 9 months
omg i'm obsessed with the idea of spencer and a university student and i looooved the one you wrote with reader struggling with finals (i relate so much </3) i'm not sure if you write requests or not (if not, then i'm sorry and please ignore this hahaha) but i would love to see more of their dynamic? maybe spencer for once arrives earlier from a case and goes to pick up reader from university as a surprise? i don't really know but i would love to see more 💗 thank you and i hope you have a good day!
AHHHH omg you have NO IDEA how excited I was to open my inbox and see a request!! i am absolutely obsessed w spencer x uni student too
i kind of took this and ran w it so its a little angsty and random LOLOL but here is (drumroll)
spencer picking up reader after you fail an exam (sorry lol) and you are NOT in a good mood but he loves you so its fine
Tears, partly from the bitter wind and partly from shame, blur your phone screen as you exit the lecture hall. Another missed call from Spencer. It’s the third one today—you've been ignoring them in an attempt to remain focused on the final that you just bombed. Part of you now wants to keep ignoring them out of sheer embarrassment. How can you admit to your super-genius boyfriend that you are a bona fide academic failure? Still, you don’t want him wondering about you while he should be working. Your numb fingers fumble with the phone as you try to call him back without running into anybody on your walk back to student housing. 
It doesn’t reach the second ring before he’s picking up. 
“Hey,” he sighs. “I was starting to worry.” 
“I’m sorry, I’ve been busy,” you exhale, cutting through some trees as you approach your building. “What’s up? How’s the case?” 
“Well... that’s actually what I’ve been calling about. We wrapped up this morning.” 
“What? But last night you said it would be at least three more days.” 
“Rare instance of me being wrong, I guess.” 
“So when are you flying back?” you ask, not wanting to get your hopes up. You know sometimes his team stays behind to help with processing a case. He doesn’t reply for a moment. “Spencer?” 
“I’m... thirteen minutes away from your school. Twelve.” 
Your brain short-circuits as you process his words, the cold metal of the door handle biting into your fingers as you stop dead in your tracks. 
“You--are you driving here right now?” 
“Yes,” he begins, sounding embarrassed, “I kept calling because I wanted to ask first, but I know you had your last final this morning and you were going to come over when I got back anyway so I thought you might want to come stay with me for a few extra days. You can say no, obviously—” 
Some of the icy despair melts in your chest. 
“Of course, I want to.” 
“Good,” he exhales a laugh. “It would have been awkward if you said no. Can you have a bag packed by the time I get there?” 
You’re speedwalking through the lobby now, hitting the up button for the elevator more times than is necessarily effective. 
“Drive faster.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
By the time you blindly shove enough clothing in a bag, text your roommate to let her know you’ll be gone for the rest of the week, and make it back outside, Spencer’s familiar vintage car is already pulling up to the curb. He doesn’t even bother cutting the engine—just puts it in park and gets out, rounding the vehicle as you close the distance between one another. His smile is brilliant, and though you don’t feel particularly deserving of it, it’s for you. 
“Hi,” you breathe shakily as he loops his arms around your waist. 
“Hi, pretty,” he says, already leaning down to kiss you. It’s soft and sweet over too quickly, but then he’s gently pulling you into him. You drop your bag and bury your face in his jacket, trying to right yourself before you go into an emotional tailspin. 
As usual, he smells like lavender, clove, resinous amber. It makes your head spin. Right away you feel yourself relaxing; feel your guard slipping, like it always does when he’s around. 
“I missed you.” The words are quiet to begin with, muffled further by the fabric of his coat, but you know he’ll hear you. 
“I missed you too,” he murmurs, stroking your hair. “Everything okay?” 
Why are you always surprised when a man who works for the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI accurately analyzes your behavior? 
“Just tired. Can we go home?” You pull back enough to look up at him, meeting his fond—and just a little concerned—gaze, averting your eyes before he has time to discern your... omission of truth. 
“Yeah, angel. Of course we can.” 
He opens the passenger side door for you, making sure you’re settled before tossing your bag in the back seat and circling around the back of the car. 
“Is that coffee?” You say as soon as he slides into the driver’s seat. His eyes dart down to the tumbler in the center cupholder as he buckles. 
“It’s from the jet. You won’t like it.” 
Despite his warning you reach over to grab it, taking a small sip as he puts the car into gear and pulls out of the parking lot. You make a sour face. Spencer glances over. 
“I told you it was bad.” 
You yawn, putting it back in the cupholder. “It was worth a shot.” 
Jazz music plays quietly from the speakers and the heat is blasting, but you’re too busy mentally rehashing question 37 to find it relaxing. 
“You didn’t get enough sleep last night,” he states. Not a question. Outside, the brick buildings of your campus roll by. You wonder if all the students rushing about on the sidewalks and side streets failed any of their finals.  
“Couldn’t,” you mumble flatly, picking at your nails.  
There’s a moment’s pause, and you’re imagining all the things you could have done differently. You’ve never failed a final before. If you’d just studied a little bit harder—if you’d stayed in instead of going out last weekend, if you weren’t so— 
“I’m going to ask you something, and I don’t think you’re going to like it,” Spencer says. 
“Mhm,” you hum, too afraid to speak because your eyes are already stinging again. Honestly, you’re surprised you made it this far without him getting the truth out of you. He offers his hand across the console as you slink down in your seat, and you take it, allowing him to run his thumb over yours in soothing lines. 
“How do you think your final went?” 
You bite the inside of your cheek, the bare branches of the trees outside blurring as you stare unseeingly. 
“Not good. Like, I definitely failed, not good. I'm an idiot.” 
“You absolutely are not an idiot.” 
“You didn’t see me taking the test, Spencer. I literally just sat there staring at it for ten minutes before I even answered one question. It was pathetic.” 
“Did you sleep at all last night?” 
The question takes you by surprise. Your frown deepens. 
“What? I don’t—that’s not—" 
“Just answer the question. Did you sleep at all last night?” 
“Don't lie to me.” 
“Fuck you! I slept for like two hours and had coffee this morning!”  
He squeezes your hand. 
“That’s why you failed.” 
The first tear traces its path down your cheek, composure overwhelmed by the confrontation. 
“I hate when you use your stupid interrogation tactics on me,” you say, voice wobbling. And then the crying begins in earnest. 
“I know, baby.” 
His hand moves to rub your back when you let go to cover your face. Torrential evidence of your frustration and utter exhaustion well over, slipping through your fingers despite your best efforts to stop them from coming at all. Having an emotional breakdown in the passenger seat of his car is far from how you’d wanted to greet Spencer’s surprise arrival, but you’re too worn out to mask your emotions—especially when he is so adept at drawing them to the surface. 
A moment passes like that before you take a shuddering breath, raising your head slightly and wiping your cheeks with your sleeves in vain. 
“I should have been able to do it. I just—it was like I was reading the questions and I knew that I should know the answers, but I couldn’t remember anything.” 
“You’re exhausted. Sleep deprivation has an immediate, devastating effect on cognitive functioning levels. My recall and processing speed start to fail when I’m tired, too. It has nothing to do with how smart you are.” 
It makes sense—but it doesn’t make you feel much better. You wanted to ace this exam. Of course, Spencer wouldn’t understand because school was as easy as breathing for him. He barely had to try to get three doctorates. It’s possible, you suppose, that dating a genius has put an academic chip on your shoulder—maybe you’ve set impossibly high standards for yourself.  
After a few minutes the crying finally ebbs, if only because you’re running into supply and demand problems with your tear ducts. You rub your weepy eyes on your shoulder, leaning against the cold window and watching DC go by. 
“You know, the final isn’t as important as you think it is. You’ll still pass the class.” 
“It’s symbolic,” you mumble, breath fogging up the glass. Spencer hums, still rubbing your back. 
“I know. I know it matters to you, but I don’t want you to think one bad grade is a reflection of who you are. Do you understand why it doesn’t make sense to measure something as abstract as intelligence by a metric as one dimensional as a standardized test?” 
You shift in your seat, wiping your face with your sleeve and prompting Spencer to take your other hand once more. 
“Can your FBI friend hack the university database and give me an A?” you ask after a moment, sniffling. 
“Absolutely not.” 
“Pretty please?” 
“It’s like you don’t even love me,” you mutter, angling yourself away from him.  
He pulls your hand toward him and presses a kiss to the back of it. 
“I love you so much that I don’t want you to get expelled for academic dishonesty.” 
“It doesn’t matter anyway. I’ll probably just drop out.” 
You both know you’re just being overdramatic, but Spencer has a tendency to be sweet even when you don’t deserve it. 
“I’ll love you no matter what you do.” 
You blush, unable to come up with a sufficient reply. His eyes slide to you briefly and he smirks, clearly enjoying his ability to fluster you, and by extension, get you to shut up. 
“Eyes on the road, genius,” you grumble. But for the first time today you’re fighting a smile instead of tears. 
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nataliesscatorccio · 1 year
Dead cabin guy and his technicolor dreamcoat have haunted me since the wardrobe reveal in season two, and today im going to make it everyone's problem.
Travis wears the coat first. He and Natalie take the blessing and go out to look for Javi. Travis hallucinates (prophesies?) that Javi is dead and buried beneath the snow, but Natalie shows him it's only a fox. Travis finds the strange, mossy tree stump. The next day Travis has strong feelings about which direction is best to search for Javi in, and we don't see more of him until Nat reveals the bloody pants. Not that weird, all things considered. New season, new wardrobe additions. Hiking on a caloric deficit with PTSD, you'll probably hallucinate. Pretty standard stuff.
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Then Nat wears the coat. She takes it to lay Jackie's bones to rest at the crash site, and while she wears it she sees (hallucinates? prophesies? I'm not sure!) the white moose that they'll later lose to the lake (ergo the hunt, ergo Javi dies for real but more on that later).
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We get to Old Wounds, the hunting competition, and Lottie wears the coat now. You see where I'm going with this but just to be thorough: she enters the realm of death dreams, talks with Laura Lee, almost freezes to death.
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Episode five. Melissa wears the coat. Maybe that's not important! Maybe it's just to show that they all share the wardrobe, and that the side characters are as equally All In This Together as the main characters are. Or it could mean something that a peripheral character, wearing important wardrobe, framed in antlers (not unlike Travis in 2.01), has the line "maybe he did die, and that's his ghost." It's a little suspicious, and at this point starts to feel like a pattern.
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Who wears it next, who wore it best!? That's right baby, it's Paul! For his dreamworld drifter, hallucination hunk Coach Ben Scott. Nicholas Urfe himself. Ben spends almost all of his time in a dream, until *drumroll please* Paul, very pointedly, takes the coat and walks out the door. "Where do you think you are, Ben?" he puts the coat on. "You had to have known you couldn't stay here forever. [...] What matters now is that you aren't welcome here anymore." Following Paul means committing to death (to dream), and until interruption that's the choice Ben makes. Because letting Paul (and the coat) go would mean committing entirely to reality.
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Of course, the pièce de résistance is something I didn't even notice until I went looking for it. The first dozen times I watched, I thought that after Lottie's beating Shauna brought her a blanket. "Lottie's cold." But she doesn't. She brings her the coat. Lottie is laying with it when, in a fever dream, she witnesses/hallucinates/prophesies parts of the hunt.
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It's there again (on the back of the chair) when she sits by the fire and speaks for the wilderness, appointing Nat their queen. Ben watches, having woken from the dream himself, as they all bow to Natalie and leave reality behind for good.
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Of course, there are a lot of times when characters hallucinate strange things in the cabin while not wearing the coat, because they're all starving to death and traumatized. Mari. Shauna. Akilah. But in addition to that, it seems like a pattern worth noting that in each instance where a character wears the technicolor coat, the line between the real and the imagined seems to blur with more ease. Does dead cabin guy's technicolor dreamcoat help the Yellowjackets connect to the dream realm?
I'll be brief here with the biblical parallel: blah blah Joseph is the favorite son (you were always its favorite), his father gives him a technicolor coat (they're nothing special, they don't change color in the cold or anything). blah blah Joseph starts having prophetic dreams etc etc his jealous brothers throw Joseph down a pit (the wilderness chose) and bring his bloodstained coat back as false proof of his death (hanging on a branch. a couple miles back). You get my drift.
Does it mean anything? Who knows. But in a series where wardrobe is such an integral part of the storytelling, it felt worth paying attention to.
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elysiumcircusif · 4 months
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18+, content warnings for horror, fear and death.
Come One! Come All!
When the lady of summer graces the town of Dusklight, she brings a plethora of fun with her in the form of a circus known as "Elysium".
The residents of Dusklight can be seen spending their leisurely summer days in this dome of fun.
There are all the rides one can dream of! Rollercoasters, carousels, ferris wheel, hall of mirrors, fun house, house of horrors, teacups, you name it, Elysium's got it!
But of course, our circus won't be complete without its marvelous cast!
Let me introduce you to them:
First up, we have, drumroll please!
THE RINGMASTER! The runner of the show and the captain of our vessel. The ringmaster will ensure your safety but also guarantee your fun at Elysium. Keeping you entertained is their first and foremost duty. For I exist only for your pleasure, I will make sure you walk out thoroughly entertained.
Next, please give it up for, drumroll again please!
THE CONTORTIONIST! Watch in awe as his body defies the laws of gravity. He moves like he doesn't have a single bone in his body. Though some find him a bit strange and unnerving it's all hearsay. He will have your mind swirling with his moves. Watch me, watch me, are you getting confused? Are you getting sleepy?
Moving on, we have, keep the drums coming!
THE DANCERS! Please have a look at our enchanting triplets. Their dances are mesmerising stories of tragedies. As they dance in unison, the stories become more captivating to watch. They will immerse you in their performance. You won't regret buying a ticket to a show of our trio. Hold on dear brother, we might just make it out of here. Hold on dear sister we will see the sunlight soon.
And of course what circus is complete without- come on guys, I need the drum roll:
THE CLOWNS! There's two of them in Elysium. One of our clowns has his face painted to resemble a smile and the other has a permanent painted frown. Watch their skits to feel your belly twist with laughter! or perhaps it is nervousness that you feel in the pit of your stomach?
Let's keep the introductions going! More drumroll! Let's go and meet:
THE MIME A.K.A THE DOLL! Her face is made of porcelain. She'll entertain you silently with her gestures. Wrapped in a blue silk frock, her eyes the color of the sky at dawn, she is a beauty to gaze at. When she is not performing, she can be seen trying to get out of an invisible cage. Just another one of her gimmicks, I am sure.
And how can we forget the- drumroll!
THE FORTUNE TELLER! Hey there beautiful maiden, want to get your fortune told? Look no further! Elysium has a fortune teller at hand. Our old man is covered in a veil but his eyes are clearly visible. His eyes seem, sad and hollow somehow. He does not beat around the bush. Tell me oh wise man, what makes you so sad?
We are almost done with our cast, another drumroll, for-
THE TRAPEZE ARTISTS! Watch the young couple express their love to one another as they fly in the air. Stories of their love, romance and hardships all bottled into a trapeze performance are sure to catch your attention! Will we ever meet again my darling? Will I ever hear your sweet voice again?
And last but certainly not the least, ending drumroll please! Elysium couldn't function without:
THE RIDE OPERATORS AND THE FOOD STALL MANAGERS! They are the heart and soul of Elysium. Without them, we might as well close the circus! Though they don't speak much, they ensure that every craving you have is satisfied. Surely they don't believe that we don't know anything?
And that folks, completes the Elysium cast introduction! Thank you for your time and we hope to see you in Elysium this summer.
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wingsdippedingold · 4 months
@theladyofbloodshed made a wonderful post examining the usage of “bastard” in the ACOTAR series (with data!!!)
And to that I’d like to add my own two cents. Bastard’s technical deffiniton is an illegitimate child, and while that is heavily looked down upon in medieval/fantasy settings and is used with a negative connotation, the world itself is a classification.
Now the world is also used as a general way to describe a distasteful man. Aka just a general insult, a (less severe imo) male equivalent of bitch.
What I find curious is that Nesta never uses bastard towards Cassin in its actual definition, or even in reference to being an Illyrian, but merely as an insult:
Bastard in ACOWAR - defending him
“arrogant bastard” - ACOSF - Cassian wouldn’t let her go
Bastard in her training - ACOSF - he was forcing her to train
Cass & Az as bastards -AcOSF - they were chasing the obstacle courses
Who does use it within its actual definition/ to refer to birth status?
Rhysand & Feyre regarding Cass and Az, and initially Lucien, (a lot, it’s getting concerning)!
The IC! Its literally always them! Non-ic characters use it about 9 (vs the ic which is over 80) times throughout the series, and only 4 times is it possibly referring to a birth status
And… drumroll please… even though we all know the answer… Cassian! He uses it towards himself and Azriel to derogatorily refer to his birth and heritage as an illyrian. He quite literally calls himself a “bastard-borne brute” and says Nesta has called him that many times before, which she hasn’t. She never implied anything more than her distaste for him and his actions in general when using the word “bastard”
Nesta is not responsible for his feeling of inadequacy. Cassian himself views himself as unworthy and a “bastard”. Those are his own issue to work through, not ones that are imposed by Nesta.
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mochathelion · 4 months
hey goopers and gunkers, here is, drumroll please
All of them council quotes from my quotebook (ft markiplier)
"Your blood is worms" -slimecicle
"Eenie meenie miney fuck you" -gillion tidestrider
"This is not the becoming of a prince. This is the becoming of a monster" -shilo bathroy
"I have a lot of opinions, none of them matter" -chip
"You must have confidence in yourself peter. Only then will you slay pussy like you slay gods" -thanatos
"I've never met God, but when I do I'll break him." -William wisp
"Great rune of the unborn? What is that, like an abortion perk?" -slimecicle
"What if you were like oh let me just check if the floor is real and you kicked it one day and it just disappeared, you'd probably be like of fuck I shouldldnt have done that" -slimecicle
"What do you really want? And just say it so I can fight for it" -gillion tidestrider
"Welp, you know what they say! When life gives you wolves, kill them. Also what? " -slimecicle
"Oh my Lord I smell estrogen" -slimecicles chat
"I'm beans mother fucker" -slmccl
"Two Mommy?"-Gillion Tidestrider
"This Jesus guy seems really cool!"-Gillion
"I can't wait to k*ll myself!" -Jay Ferin
"That girl just bit me. and I think I was into it?"-Jay Ferin
"If you zoot one more time im gonna choke you."-Rumi
"Yippe"-Dakota Cole
"I'm just gonna kms and its gonna be your fault!" -Bizly ooc
"Ahhghduhiejbagci wa"-Kian Stone
"Julian the groomer… has a nice ring to it" -julian
"Its.. sewer ravioli!"-Dakota
"i didn't really think destiny was a thing before i met you, you know everything i had in life was just kinda a shitty hand . i really think it was you that made me feel like we were right where we were supposed to be, you're my friend you know- id drown the world for you" -chip
"That must have been a slant rime because she seemed pretty tilted" -slimecicle
"Be the beans you wish to see in the world" -slimecicle
"A vagina with fangs? Bitchin… What? It sounds stimulating" -grizzlyplays
"Even If it was all inevitable… I'm glad we were written into the same story" -Gillion Tidestrider
"Niklaus is making a deal with russian Goku rn"-Bizly i believe ooc if not Chip
"Fuck my fucking gay ass life" -condifiction
"SKIBOMBAY" -gillion tidestrider
"He looks like a stop sign and has an ass disorder Its not my fault" -William wisp
"Dude you've GOTTA get advantage on this, dude is built like an among us" -slimecicle
"Beans. Beans. I grow my own beans. They are local and they are green. If you taste them you won't be mean. Come on now and try some beans. If you mean business, then trust my bean business. Have a legume, it won't be your doom. Have a legume, you will enjoom. I see your attitude is kind of mean, but you know what cheers me up? My beans. I grow em in the garden, they don't grow far from my home. Beans. I'm in the BEAN ZONE." -slimecicle
"I am weaponless but not defenceless" -slimecicle
"Don't play the game, eat the dirt, win." -slimecicle
"You underestimate the power of SEX" -slimecicle
"aHgiA- FORTNITE" -slimecicle
Demonic rambling -slimecicle
"People will say eating chicken nuggets is bad for you, YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE IS BAD FOR YOU? BEING A LITTLE BITCH. WHAT ARE YOU SPONSORED BY SALAD?" -grizzlyplays
"That's right I got two extra hearts and a wooden sword what the fuck are you going to do about it god" -charlie slimecicle
"I'm grabbing bed knife and I'm grabbing bed spear and I'm duel wielding that shit" -markiplier
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ashmp3 · 9 months
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It is officially time for.... drumroll please!!! 9 selfies of 2023 🥳
I don’t think people do these anymore but i did it since 2016 and if i am anything its nostalgic...! i hope everyone spends today surrounded by loved ones and i hope 2024 brings you all happiness, health and peace. love from sweet sexy teo <3
i want to tag my sylvanian babies my darlings: @wantbytaemin @possession1981 @woozis @jaebeomtual @ningtual @deadbeatson and @moldavite … And whoever else is comfortable with posting their face (please tag me i love my pretty friends!!!)
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eyesofshan-if · 9 months
speaking of korean names, i think you got some of them wrong in your preset choices. I'm pretty sure the korean name for sky is haneul, river is kang, and ha is summer/sunshine. now I'm not a korean so i could be wrong but when i did my research when i was trying to search for my mc's name those are what came up for me. i hope i didn't sound rude, i just wanted to help 😅
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hello hello! i understand why you would think that, and would like to explain a little about why i chose certain names and paired them with certain meanings. now, i would also like to disclose that i am also not korean, but here is the reasoning that i have. if anyone is a native korean speaker, please feel free to correct anything or give additional comments!
and now, buckle up for a history lesson, everyone!
first of all, one thing to know is that for many korean words written above, they have both a hangul (한글) form - korean writing that we often see in modern media - and a hanja (漢字) form - chinese characters that were used as the writing system in korea up to 1443 CE. at that time, hangul was introduced in joseon dynasty korea during the reign of king sejong the great, in an attempt to make written literacy more available to the common people.
hence, when looking at the meaning of the words above, one must first know the hanja character that the hangul pronounciation refers to. many words with the same hangul can have the different meaning. their corresponding hanja, however, can be completely different!
let me explain this with some of the words that you have brought up.
while kang 강 does indeed mean river, its corresponding hanja has a variety of characters: 姜, 康, 強, 江, 剛, 㝩. the first is 姜, which is most common, and actually means ginger. the kang that corresponds with "river" is actually the fourth character, 江.
however, there is another hanja with a different hangul that is also translated to "river", but is used in different situations. that is ha, which i assume is the one that you think is wrong.
ha also has a number of corresponding hanja, but i'll only put the relevant ones here: 河 and 夏. both are read as ha in korean hangul, but the first means "river" while the second means "summer". in mandarin chinese, they are read as "hé" and "xià" respectively.
the last one, cheon 천, has three corresponding hanja characters - 千, 天, 川. 千 means thousand, 天 means sky and 川 also means... drumroll noises... river.
so, i hope this has helped you understand this a little better! and for everyone who stuck around until the end, here's a very pleasant 💓and 🍪 for you!
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amelie-isnt-french · 7 months
Against my better judgement, can I ask about the 24k word TMA conspiracy board?
I like how you already know that you might regret this halfway through, self-awareness is important!
Against anon's better judgement, I hereby present the Original TMA Brainrot Document! *drumroll*
I've only had comment permissions on this document since today, actually, so all my added nonsense is FRESH!
General layout is this: the doc goes episode by episode until mid s4 (as you, beloved people, can see below), and then we follow it up with conspiracy rants, entity characterisations & rituals. Not only confirmed rituals, but also Ali's speculations, which are delightful.
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Let's start out gently, shall we? First info we get on the document is about the Magnus Institute and its employees:
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Yes, I know this is Hannah-from-the-library erasure, but she's on maternity leave. Good on her. If you, like me, have no idea who Sonia is, please comment because I feel very silly that I cannot remember her for the life of me. Thanks o7
Every episode entry will look like an approximation of this, with more or less red string ranting and "ohhhhh I know that name!!" depending on the episode.
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What follows now is a highlight trip through things written by @alice-apparently and carefully chosen by yours truly.
Firstly, to highlight once again our different listening styles: Ali edited this document after pretty much every episode she listened to and I blazed through a quarter of s1 in one afternoon. Self-restraint? Never heard of her.
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Cross-referencing like the good academic she is:
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Ali's paranoia is rarely wrong, even when she doubts herself. Granted, she might run right past ginormous plot points, but none of the details shall escape her grasp!
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Fun fact: in s4, we turned Ali's "I'm so worried about Martin" into a whatsapp sticker, THAT'S how often she texted me those exact words
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Bone Apple Teeth. also something something DC Universe, help me out here folks bc I know zilch about DC save for Henry Cavill's Superman films (for shame, I know I know)
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Jurgen Leitner??? Stupid idiot motherfucking Jurgen Leitner-
No but fun fact, Gerry Keay (and Mike Crew/Ex Altiora) is the reason Ali even started this doc, so we are very very attached to Gerry in this house and only mildly upset at Leitner's demise. Ceci n'est pas un pipemurder.
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mag 39 "Infestation"
'nuff said
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Poll time: the two genders are as follows ->
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Michael's stabby shenanigans and not!sasha being, well, not Sasha. Rude.
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I've hit the max image limit, so wait for the self reblog for more rambling if you so please <3
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Hey I love all your dp x D.C (flipping autocorrect won't let me remove the period) prompts! Please accept my offerings of bones. What if Danny is in Gotham for some reason and he comes across... (*drumroll pls*) Catatonic!Jason!
Catatonic Jason? Let me see what I can do…
Big question first off is why Jason is catatonic in the first place? There’s so many possibilities… Jason fresh out of the grave, Jason after the pit, Jason as Robin but incredibly injured…
The time frame I’m gonna go with is mid Red Hood era. Jason has been away from a consistent supply of ectoplasm for far too long. Jason has been extremely I’ll for the past few months on and off and they haven’t been able to find a discernible reason for it.
Jason goes out as Hood against his family’s warnings and protests and his very starved core finally does a last ditch attempt at saving himself. A massive pulse of energy as a ghostly distress beacon is let out at the same time as Jason hits the floor. Body limp and unmoving. Fully in a coma. Danny comes across his body.
Ok so same shit as above but instead of the fucker going into a coma, his starving ghost core sends off that distress beacon and forcefully shoves the human part of his consciousness far far away so his core can use all of the body’s energy to repair itself.
Slight issue: since Jason isn’t a fully formed ghost, the self defense mechanism turns on him and puts him in a catatonic state. Eyes unseeing, body not responding to outside stimuli. Jason No Longer Present in his own mind.
Danny (lets say he’s older? Idk you can make him Dick’s or Barbara’s age or maybe Bruce’s age? That’d be neat) can feel the distress signal and flies to the location to find this shell of a halfa with a core that’s on its last legs.
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lurkingshan · 1 year
Finally, I thought of a question! What shows, if any, did you rate a 10 on MDL, and why? And if you haven't rated any a 10, why not?
Oh snap! Yes thank you, I will take the opportunity to promote some extremely well-executed dramas. First, a note on how I think of drama ratings: I try to always judge shows by their own standards and I think primarily about the execution of the story rather than my own personal emotional reactions. For me, a 10/10 means the drama executed its own vision and purpose with a high degree of fidelity and is virtually without flaws in that execution. So for me, a short kbl romcom can get a 10 and so too can a 70 episode cdrama historical epic. I am not comparing them to each other, but rather to the standards of their own genres and the scale of their own ambitions.
That said, I'm a stingy b (@bengiyo, @waitmyturtles and @neuroticbookworm can attest) and dramas without significant flaws are actually pretty hard to come by. Calibrating a story perfectly to fit within all the constraints of filmmaking is actually an extremely difficult balance of art and science. Drama creation is hard work! As I was discussing with @sorry-bonebag the other day, most dramas are either too short or too long and it throws off the pacing and results in some questionable story decisions. And there are often other motives and considerations that have nothing to do with art getting in the way (hello capitalism!) Some of my personal all-time favorites do not get a 10 because I have issues with choices they made somewhere in the storytelling (waves hello to my beloveds Bad Buddy and Coffee Prince). I have completed 346 dramas that are trackable on MDL (with another 9 currently in progress) and only 10 of them have received a 10 from me. There are a whole slew rated 9 and 9.5 though, and those are all excellent and you should check them out. And of course I must include the caveat that there are some rumored all-time bangers that I have still not had the chance to watch and may someday become a 10.
So, which 10 dramas succeeded in passing my very high bar for a 10/10 rating? Drumroll please…
Ein no Kinou (Eternal Yesterday)
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Go Ahead
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I Told Sunset About You
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Kinou nani tabeta (What Did You Eat Yesterday?)
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La Pluie
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Old Fashion Cupcake
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Our Dating Sim
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Semantic Error
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The Rebel Princess
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doumadono · 1 year
So, on the 30th of September, Tumblr hit me with the infamous shadowban out of the blue. They took a whopping 10 days to even respond to my initial email notifying them of the issue.
Their response was a real head-scratcher. Apparently, my account and one of my works had been reported multiple times in a ridiculously short span. As a result, they slapped my account with the ban and threw it into the "check and investigation for potential malicious activity" pit. My account got tagged as a potential harassment, hate speech source, and even suspected terrorism (seriously, what the heck?) Who knew I could be so potentially malicious, right? 😅
But here's the kicker – the most surprising twist in this tale came in the form of an e-mail I received yesterday, after the ban had been lifted. Tumblr had provided me with the identity of the individual responsible for this reporting spree. Drumroll, please... It was someone I was super close to, like 2 years ago. Well, I'm shocked but not surprised as I parted my ways with them in rather negative atmosphere. But man, seriously? Then, Tumblr did their Sherlock Holmes act, sifted through my account, and concluded that everything reported was a big ol' nothing-burger.
Now, here I am, still with a weird taste in my mouth over the whole ordeal. It's the first time something like this happened to me, and I've been around since 2016. So, a dear friend suggested I should have a backup account, and where else to start but the good ol' @thepaperpanda, where my writing journey first began. If you'd like to stay in touch or just show some love, consider giving that blog a follow - in case the shadowban monster rears its ugly head again, we'll find a way to stay connected.
And hey, this is the perfect moment to give a shoutout to those who've been my rock during this dark time. @crystalwolfblog - in my hour of need, she was the lucky first to field my frantic call regarding my account's unfortunate banishment. With unflinching dedication, she clung to the phone for hours on end, soothing my agitated nerves and embarking on a valiant quest to rescue my beleaguered digital presence ♥ @mrskokushibo - the second pillar of strength in my life, always ready to provide unwavering support and clever solutions to any problem. Her guidance proved invaluable, and I'm deeply appreciative of her enduring patience during those challenging days! ♥ @sanriokamabodo - her generous support and heartfelt words were like a soothing balm for my soul in the midst of this challenging period, and I can't help but feel privileged to have her as my friend ♥ @greenwitchsalem - oh boy, what can I say? His words have a way of working their magic on me, like a soothing balm to my soul. I find myself inexpressibly grateful for his presence during this challenging period, as well as for the abundant warmth, encouragement, and unwavering support he offers ♥ @serenesaku & @muzansfangs - I must say, your overwhelming support and warm welcome upon my return after the shadowban are truly appreciated! ♥ I'd like to extend a shout-out to all the incredible folks who reached out to me, even if you didn't make it into the list above. Just so you know, each and every one of you holds a cherished spot in my heart. The overwhelming wave of support I received, even during my temporary absence from this site, left me utterly speechless. I mean, we're talking a whopping 14+ messages in the DMs just yesterday! You all are simply amazing.
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adobe-outdesign · 6 months
Could I request a review of the Cybunny? They're my personal favourite, I have a tattoo of one! Would love to hear your thoughts 🐰
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The Cybunny is... drumroll please... a bunny. Strictly speaking it's fairly standard for a rabbit, but the face and proportions make it super cute. The addition of a colorful mane with uneven splotches also adds a lot to the design and gives it almost a permanent Easter-esq vibe. I also like the addition of colored paw paws that extend up onto the base of each foot, which match the primary mane color. Meanwhile, the pink accents in the ears, spots, eyes, and nose add a nice secondary touch of color that's not too overwhelming or distracting (unlike, say, the base color Wockies). Overall, these are some aesthetically pleasing, well-balanced bunnies.
As a side note, my only nitpick is that Cybunnies have these super subtle whisker dots around their noses which are so hard to see that I literally never noticed them until writing this review. Those definitely should've just been dropped.
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While the raised paw looks a bit weird, I think Cybunnies as a whole were improved with customization. The original art was starting to look slightly dated, and something about the head size and position looks better to my eye, even if it's hard to place why—it's like the original was hunched over a bit, if that makes sense. I also think the ears look quite a bit better.
Favorite Colours:
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Halloween: Vampires are a pretty obvious pick for Halloween and this is by no means a fancy design, but man does it look good. I'm a sucker for a good black/white/red palette, and the fangs, red eye shadow, red tail tip, and black cape and ears really all come together to make a great design.
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My only nitpick with the conversion of this one is that the cape shape got a bit lost in customization (originally it looked more like bat wings), and also we lost one of the all-time best Battledome poses (above). Also, there was a missed opportunity to make the mane spots look like bats or blood splatters or something.
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Maraquan: "What if a rabbit was a fish" is a valid question that has to be asked sometimes on Neopets.com, and TNT delivered with this one. The teal and magenta come together really well, as do the long fur and striped markings. The ears also have a really nice shape to them and are much longer than Cybunnies usually are allowed to have.
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Like the Halloween Cybunny, I do have one nitpick about the converted version, which is that it inexplicably lost the hair on top of its head. Why??
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8-bit: I went over this in my 8-bit colour review so I won't spend too much time on it here, but this is just a really nice colour. While not technically "correct" from a pixel art standpoint, something about the pose is super cute and it has a great retro feeling to it.
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BONUS: The woodland Cybunny is nice enough that I had to give it its own spot on this list. The flower accents on the mane are lovely and mimic the spots they usually sport, and the wood itself looks great—the grain contours correctly with the body shape and little details like the knothole in the ears really bring the whole thing together. (An honorary mention goes to camoflauge and Christmas, which didn't quite make the cut but I still like quite a bit.)
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