#this took long bc i was listening to some guy argue with someone on the phone from my balcony (dont kill me im a noisy dude)
strawbs-screaming · 2 months
waiter! waiter! more bald bull brainrot please!
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lanaswritingbook · 6 months
I can’t tell you 2/2
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oh wow guys this is embarrassing… I’ve been in a bad writing block for like months now. And I felt really bad for not finishing this part 2 bc I hate when ppl do that to me so I hope you enjoy 😭 (it’s rushed but i’m trying to get started again)
Dave Lizewski x Black!Plus Size Reader
Pt. 1- https://www.tumblr.com/spenceswife/712542712672452608/i-cant-tell-you-12
The gym door slammed loudly as Dave watched Yn storm out the gymnasium.
His chest tightened as he thought over their conversation. How could she think he was cheating?
But could he blame her? The scene was… misleading.
Dave shook his head while combing through his curly hair anxiously. He had to make it right.
It had been 3 days since Yn spoke to Dave. He texted her everyday and tried to get her attention in school but she constantly blew him off like he did to her previously.
His friends wondered why they didn’t see the touchy couple together anymore so they decided to confront Dave and the comic shop.
When the bell rang hinting someone entered Dave found his group at their normal table arguing about something.
“Hey guys” Dave spoke swinging his backpack in the booth.
“You look like shit.” Marty spoke making Todd slap his chest.
“Wrong approach but he’s right. What’s wrong with you dude” Todd crossed his arms ready to listen.
“Yn thinks I cheated on her…” they both look at each other surprised.
“Well did you?” Marty asked in shock
“Hell no! I love her with all my heart I could never. It was really a misunderstanding I just can’t say what.” he took a breathy sigh clearly in distress.
“I mean I believe you dude, but that’s some sketchy shit. I don’t know she’ll forgive you.” Todd furrowed his brows.
“How about this you know Jessica?” Marty raised his brows with a smirk
“Yeah why…” Dave asked more confused
“Well she’s at Yn studying and gonna meet me here in about 30. So how about you trap your girl and apologize the right way.” Lizewski stared his friend down thinking of the idea.
“… I have nothing else to choose from so fine. Wish me luck” He grabbed his bag standing up accidentally bumping into a counter while walking towards the door.
Dave snuck through her window, luckily she had a fire escape so it was easy for him to enter.
She wasn’t in her room but her bathroom light was on meaning she was still home.
He passed shortly back n forth thinking about what he wanted to say until he heard a voice breaking through.
“Why are you here Dave?” Yn walked towards her bed sitting not even looking him in the eye.
But Dave couldn’t help but stare he missed seeing her like this. Comfy.
She was wearing a long shirt and shorts with her curls going every direction. She looked perfect to him
“Look please listen to me. I would never hurt you and that includes never cheating. I love you so much and I would love to tell the reason of what you heard, but I just can’t right now it’s too dangerous. I’ll tell you eventually but I just have to figure this out first I promise i’d never hurt you intentionally baby please…” Yn saw the glint in Dave’s eye that he was telling the truth.
And she didn’t see the nervous tic he does when he lies so she caved and wrapped her arms around his neck.
He closed his eyes thanking the angles above for giving his own back.
“You’d never hurt me?” Yn whispered playing with his loose curls as her face was stuck between his neck and shoulder.
“Never in my life, you’re the one I protect the most. Literally…” her face scrunched at the last part but quickly forgot about it as she was happy he was in her presence.
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sweet-villain · 2 years
Let You Down~ E.M 
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Anonymous asked:
Your angst is top notch babe. Would you do some eddie and reader angst where they are dating its readers birthday but he forgets and is instead is hanging out with a girl he used to hook up with (no cheating though he's innocent) but she's someone who matches his type to a T. Anyways you come home extremely late bc robin and nancy decided to make your day special even though eddie forgot. So when you get home he's pissed at you and you guys argue but it ends with fluff.
Sun peaked through the window of your bedroom making you groan as you rolled around in bed. You yawned as you sat up and rubbed your eyes. A smile graced your face as today happens to be your birthday. You threw the covers off of you as you stood up from the bed making your way into the bathroom.
Today was going to be a great day. At least that's what you thought.
You took a shower, got dressed, put on make up on and braided your hair. The door bell to your house rung and a smile widen on your face hoping it was your boyfriend at the door. Eddie and you have been dating for a couple of months now, he was your best friend too. The two of you met through Gareth who introduced you to Eddie. It was like love at first sight when those brown doe eyes met yours.
You hopped down the steps and reached for the door throwing it open. Your smiled dropped a bit seeing it wasn't Eddie at the door.
" Happy Birthday Buttercup!" Robin smiled as she entered your house throwing her arms around you. You giggled seeing Nancy trailing behind her as she circled her arms around you too.
" Happy Birthday, pretty girl" Nancy says.
" Thank you so much, Robs and thank you Nanc" you pulled away from them.
You were happy to see your friends but deep down you wanted Eddie to be the first person you saw on your birthday. You haven't seen him yesterday because he was working and then he had Hellfire. It ran pretty late.
" Come on, we are taking you shopping. Whatever you want to get, it's on us" Robin says. Nancy threw her a look but nodded because it was your birthday. They wanted to make it special.
Going store to store and trying on outfits, giggling with each other was turning out to be a better birthday than you expected.
" You look so pretty" Nancy gushed as she made you do a twirl for her. You were trying on different kinds of skirt and dresses, you picked some that Eddie would like to see you in.
" I feel so pretty" you giggled doing another twirl. Robins gaze wasn't on you anymore. It was on something or someone rather and she had a deep frown on her face.
" Robs?" you called out to her to get her attention. She snapped out of it as she turned to look at you. She offers you a smile. Your eyebrows knitted as you turn to look to what grabbed her attention.
Goosebumps ran up your arms and your throat felt dry seeing Eddie walking around. But it's not that he was by himself. She was with him. His ex girlfriend was telling him something and he was looking down at her listening to her every word. His face told you a whole different story. He had the smile on his face. The smile he would have when he looked at you.
His ex girlfriend wore band shirts, skinny jeans and even her hair was in different colors. It was long and it looked pretty. She had similar interest as Eddie did, she also played guitar. You remembered how Eddie and her used to play together at the HideOut, she used to play with Corroded Coffin as a special guest of some sort. She used to be part of Hellfire as well, she had her own character and she sat next to Eddie. You knew this because one time you sat in and watched. They broke up because it just wasn't working out with them and then you cam along and Eddie was smitten by you. But you weren't too sure anymore from the way he was looking at her.
Your heart sank to your stomach. Did he forget what today is?
You let out a whimper with your hands on the skirt you were wearing as you watched with teary eyes at them as they walked past the store. Not even once Eddie had looked over to see you there. He hasn't called or anything.
" What a dingus" Robin says bringing you out of your thoughts. Nancy put her hand on your shoulder, " Forget about him. He's a dick. Let's go get some ice cream and have a girl day"
You silently nodded going back into the dressing room. You didn't even want to be at the mall anymore. You didn't want anything. You just wanted your Eddie.
Nancy and Robin ended up getting you more dresses than you imagined. Nancy did your nails at her house and Robin decided on the music you would listen. She couldn't help it but touch Nancy's stuff too. She was in awe of everything even though she had been there. A girl day turned into Steve coming over, he had brought the kids too along with them.
They all got you gifts.
Steve got you a new walkman. Max got you a new Metallica album. Dustin got you new comics. Mike got you some new posters of the bands you like to put on your wall. El got you some new skirts. Lucas pitched in with Max, she elbowed him with a grumble that she had to drag him to get it.
You had your friends to enjoy your birthday but one person that meant to you the most wasn't there. The frown on your face told them that you weren't happy.
" Did you not enjoy your birthday?" Steve asked. Robin nudged him with a look on her face telling him not to ask. Nancy and Robin both knew what was wrong. You sighed with your shoulder slumped, " No I did. It's just out of all people, he forgot my birthday" your voice cracked as you look at your friends with glossy eyes.
" Eddie forgot your birthday?" Dustin asked with wide eyes. You nodded, sniffling and wiping your nose with the back of your hand.
" What an idiot" Mike says as he shakes his head. " Big idiot" El adds making you laugh.
" He was also with his ex girlfriend today" you added. Eyes wide and gasp were heard around the room.
" What?" Dustin asked getting up. He was ready to race out and find Eddie himself. Steve was ready to put on his jacket and grab his keys. You stood up and shook your head.
" No, I just wanna go home and get some sleep. Thank you all for today. I love you guys" you tell them.
" We love you too" they all said all together which was weird. You laughed.
" That was weird but I'm going to go now" you threw on your jacket. " I'll come back tomorrow to get my gifts, is that okay?" you asked Nancy. She nodded getting up and pulling you into a hug.
" Eddie is such an idiot" she says pulling away and grasping you by the shoulder giving them a squeeze. " I'll be okay" you nodded. You wouldn't though.
You made your way home. It wasn't far from Nancy and it was getting late. You headed inside, opening the door hearing it squeal a bit as you took off your shoes.
A tap on the floor indicated that someone was there. Your eyes spotted the familiar Reeboks as your eyes rose to an unhappy looking Eddie who has his arms across his chest.
" Where have you been?" He asks. You shrugged off your jacket and hanged it in the closet as you made your way up the stairs.
" I'm talking to you, sweetheart" the nickname made you halt on the steps as you glared down at him. It made him frown as you glared at him.
" I'm full aware you're talking to me Edward" he winced as you used his real name instead of Eddie or baby.
" Why are you angry? Who pissed in your cereal this morning?"
" You did" Eddie puts a hand on his chest as he blinks. " Me?" You rolled your eyes as you continued up the stairs to your room. Eddie wasn't having this as he followed you.
" We aren't done talking" He says as he walks into your room.
" I am" you simply said as you walk into the bathroom to remove your make up with Eddie following you. He watches you in the mirror as you take off your make up and then unbraid your hair. He eyes you for the first time. You looked really nice.
" You look really pretty. What is this for?" your hands gripped the sink as you took a deep breathe through your nose.
" What's today, Munson?" it was simple question and he was suppose to give you the correct answer.
" Saturday" he answered with his eyebrows knitted. He doesn't know what was so special about today. You turned around and glared at him.
" No not just Saturday. It's my fucking birthday, you dick!" his eyes go wide as he hears the words come out of your mouth. He shakes his head as he grips his hair.
" No that's next weekend" he says. You pushed past him not wanting to argue with him or start anything as you start to take off the dress you were wearing. " Sweetheart" he calls out to you.
" I saw you today" you tell him. " At the mall with her" the words are dry and sour in your mouth. You don't even want to mention her name. He knows the two of you didn't get along. His ex girlfriend had became jealous of you.
" Saw me where?" he removed his hands from his hair dropping them off to his side. " At the mall, dingus! You were walking with her and looking at her like she hung the moon!" you threw your hands up and faced him with tears in your eyes. " It looked like the two of you were more than friendly and my heart broke just by looking at you two. Fuck, it hurts" you sniffed as you looked away.
" Nancy and Robin saw too, they were there for my birthday making sure I was in a good mood then I saw everyone else at Nancy's house wishing me happy birthday and showering me with love. But one person, the one person I wanted the most there had forgotten my birthday" your voice cracked towards the end.
Eddie's eyes soften. He wants to fix this. He hates that he is the reason your hurting right now.
" Baby" he makes his way to you as he takes a hold of your hands in his. He runs his thumb across your knuckles as he kneels a bit to catch your eye.
" I'm such an idiot for forgetting your birthday, I'm so sorry sweetheart. Can I make it up to you tomorrow? I'll spend the whole day at your feet, by your side and giving you everything you want" you shrugged because he hasn't addressed the issue where you saw him with his ex girlfriend. He winces at your silence as his thumb continues to rub against your knuckles.
" I'm sorry what you saw at the mall wasn't what it was. She was telling me about how he's moving to California to pursue her music. I was happy for her, and she told me she wanted me to be happy. I told her my happiness, my life, my soul was being happy with you. Baby, I love you to the moon and back. You're my biggest supporter, my cheerleader, my everything and the whole reason I continue to smile."
He brings your hands up to his lips as he kisses them then places one of your hands against his cheek as you feel how warm he is underneath your fingertips. Eddie ran like a furnace. Your hand travels to the back of his neck, to play with the small hairs there as he looks down at you.
" Baby, I'm so sorry for hurting you today. I didn't mean it and I'm the biggest idiot to walk in this town."
" Stop that" you shook your head as you placed your other hand on his chest. " You're my idiot" he gently smiles down at you as he leans down brushing his nose against yours.
" I'll do anything to make you happy, sweetheart"
" Anything?" you asked, with a slight smirk on your face. He matches your smirk as he knows what you want. He slides down to his knees as he looks at you with those brown doe eyes grasping onto your panties and pulling them down.
He looks up at you, licking his lips as he's asking for permission.
" Get to it, pretty boy"
He does and he does make up for missing your birthday all night, the next morning, in the shower and in the kitchen.
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Can you write going on an aquarium date w alejandro balde and you just giggle at him most of the time bc of how childish he looks when he sees all the animals and stuff😭 sorry its kinda vague but i need the balde fics out here😣
Summary: Finals are coming up and your general marine biology class has got you all types of worried. Balde to the rescue! A trip to the aquarium never hurt nobody.
A/N: I know you want to beat my ass right now for how long this took, but I was having some personal issues so I had to be away for a bit. I should be all alright now though! You probably already got someone else to write this but I still felt like I owed you this at least. That aside, there really is a lack of fanfiction for some of my best boys. So here’s one for the bestest of the best boys: Balde himself. I took a little bit of a spin on this so I hope you don’t mind, Anon.  Also, shout out to women in STEM! (Also I don’t own any of these pics or video so credit to the original owners)
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“I should be at home—studying,” you started to complain. It was futile to try to argue with him once he got so riled up about something, and as you stood at the start of the aquarium it was clear that it was a lost cause.
“Why do that when you could be here, with me; your awesome boyfriend,” he wiggles his eyes in an obnoxious manner that only serves for you to scoff in fake annoyance.
College life was definitely not easy and while you're confident in your choice of major and your ability to succeed, it’s hard not to get nervous. Especially when it’s just the beginning and your general studies classes are already throwing you for a loop. 
You had initially planned to be cooped up in your house all day doing nothing but going over the material, reviewing, and then reviewing some more. Then, when that was done, take the longest nap of your life. 
That had been the plan. That was until you received a text at 9 in the morning that effectively threw those plans out the window.
Baldie 👨🏾‍🦲💖
Be prepared in an hour. Wear something nice. I’m coming to help you study😼
Going to watch Spiderverse again
will NOT help me study.
Babe No…
Just be prepared☝🏾😼
As you walk hand in hand through the entrance of the aquarium, an immediate sense of wonder lit up Alejandro’'s eyes; as the soft, pillowy blue cascaded across his features it was hard to decide what would occupy all your attention: looking at him or figure out what exhibit to look at first. 
He was like a kid in a candy store, or in this case a kid at an aquarium. His excitement was palpable, and you couldn't help but giggle at the way he bounced on his toes, his enthusiasm infectious.
The first exhibit you come across is a vibrant coral reef, a living breathing tapestry of colors and textures. Alejandro's gaze darts around, absorbing every detail.  
“Woooahh! That looks like a brain,” he points dramatically at the various Australophyllia wilsoni that you both had the pleasure of stumbling across. Balde, in his infinite wisdom, presses up as close to the glass as he can to imprint every detail in his mind’s eye. 
You were in just as much awe as he was, but you definitely went about it in a more formal way.  
“That’s actually the Australophyllia wilsoni, or a Wilson’s brain. Like all coral, these guys are super important for the environment with keeping the Ph and oxygen balance within the water.”
He turns to you with a grin, eyes wide, and asks you to continue on about the different types of corals and their natural habitats, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. You humor him. With a chuckle, you launch into an impromptu lecture, weaving scientific names and geographical locations together like a basket, and you the expert weaver. Alejandro's fascination only grows, and he listens intently, occasionally gasping as a particularly striking fish darts by.  It was clear that he was overcome with a sense of eagerness; he may not have understood every single thing you said but he would sagely nod and act like he did. 
The enormous tanks all appeared to be their own living, breathing universe, packed with colorful marine life. A complex tapestry of coral and other organisms. As you move from tank to tank, his excitement never ceases.
The jellyfish exhibit captures his attention next, and you find yourselves lost in a world of languid, mesmerizing movements and ethereal effervescent lights. Alejandro's laughter rings out as he playfully imitates the up, up, up movements of the jellyfish, almost like a dance meant to capture anyone who witnesses it. You can’t keep up your professional facade anymore and you go up, up,up, moving your arms like you were floating. You immediately feel the joy bubble up within you, making you light, and yeah, maybe you were floating.
You were glad that particular exhibit was empty though, because you both probably looked real crazy. 
You have to remind yourself to never talk about fish around Alejandro because once you got started–he never wanted you to stop. You could see why though. The aquarium fish were everything and more. Their colors danced in the ethereal blue light, casting mesmerizing reflections on the glass walls of their world. Behind the glass, they felt so close, yet sooo far away.
“You know I once caught that fish with my bare hands” he points to the nearest fish as it darts past you both and makes the gripping gesture with both of his hands out.
You follow the direction of his finger, see a suckermouth catfish, and playfully hit him on the arm.
“Boy, be so for real right now.” You have to immediately walk away though because, in your laughter, you had said that entirely too loud. 
“I’ve lived many lives, woman.”
The rays in the touch pool become the next unfortunate victim in his boundless energy as Alejandro all but races you over to the waters. He reaches out to touch the sleek backs of rays gliding through the water, his eyebrows going impossibly higher up on his face as he fails to contain his pure delight. You can’t help but snap a picture as he squeals, or manly show his appreciation as he would put it, the perfect embodiment of elation.
As you explore, you find yourselves in the tunnel under the massive shark tank. The world above you transforms into an aquatic ballet, with sharks and rays gliding gracefully overhead. Alejandro's grip on your hand tightens as he whispers in awe, comparing the canopy to a majestic underwater sky.
“Am I not like, the best boyfriend ever?” You look away from him for a moment and see a pair of sharks, presumably a couple if their size difference and proximity are any indicators, and hum thoughtfully.
“I don’t know. Lemme pass this test first and I’ll get back to you on that,” you stare into a different pool, his eyes this time, and immediately get pulled in. It’s hard to keep up your cheeky game when he’s that damn fine. 
“How bout I give you a kiss and we’ll go with yes,” you have to hold on to the railing of the enclosure to keep yourself from falling in.
“That’ll work too.”
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viviennevermillion · 2 years
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Cuddling Headcanons
notes: reposting bc I’m deleting my archived sideblogs
contains: azul ashengrotto x gn!reader
warnings: none
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First off Azul is touch-starved™ and receiving affection especially if it’s early on in the relationship will make him melt.
Secondly, you don’t believe how easily this man cries out of happiness. He doesn’t want to but more than often he will shed at least a few tears when being showered with love. Especially if he had a stressful day. Especially if it’s during long cuddling sessions. Especially if it’s late at night because he gets sappy when tired.
Poor guy comes back from a dorm leader meeting with everyone arguing for a solid hour and a half and Crowley going on a long rant about how generous he is; so Azul’s all the more glad when he finds you having fallen asleep in his bed after waiting for him to come back. You have your own room key which is technically not allowed in NRC but we must not forget that Azul was somehow able to bribe Crowley so one room key isn’t going to get him into trouble.
He didn’t intend on waking you up, but you did when he put his arms around you. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-” His apology gets cut off by your lips softly pressing onto his own. Kisses already make him melt but getting them unexpectedly makes his heart beat faster and makes him lean into your touch even more.
You both smile into the kiss and you run a hand through Azuls hair, helping him unwind after the dorm leader meeting.
He’s laying on the side, pushing himself up with his lower arm and slightly leaning over you; gently laying a hand against your cheek and putting soft kisses to your forehead.
This is the point where one of you tells the other you’ve missed them. Sometimes you end up speaking in unison.
You look into each other’s eyes with a smile on your faces and you press a kiss onto the tip of Azul’s nose, which makes his smile widen.
You pull him down into your arms and he wraps his own arms tightly around you. He starts quietly telling you about his day or the dorm leader meeting or his work for a while with you occasionally placing kisses onto his forehead and running your fingertips across his back.
At this point he’s still the smooth talker he presents himself to be in public; smirking a lot and adding the usual level of drama to his voice when he tells you about something.
Azul talks a lot when you cuddle, unless he’s overwhelmed. He enjoys getting his thoughts out to someone he can trust in a comfortable setting and it helps him de-stress at the end of the day. You listen to eachother attentively while being tangled up in each other’s arms.
At some point your sentences become more quiet whispers. You talk about your feelings, saying you love each other and throwing in the occasional compliment. Once Azul knows he can trust you and that he can be open with you, these things come easy to him and he never gets tired of them.
Ever since you two got together he doesn’t lose his composure anymore when being confronted with lots of compliments or being teased by you. Before that verbal affection used to catch him off guard and occasionally make him flustered.
A very different story, however, is anything that involves his octopus form. It took him ages to even be willing to show you this form or get comfortable being around you like this and it’ll take him even longer to stop being a flustered mess and calming down when he’s in his octopus form.
It’s always the same thing over and over again: he transforms, you start reassuring him that he’s beautiful and that you love him while holding him tight and he’ll eventually start to ramble about how “maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all” or awkwardly trying to cover his tentacles with the blanket in an attempt for you not to see the form he dislikes. It usually ends with him turning onto his stomach and burying his face in the pillow so you can’t see his flushed cheeks.
Place a couple of soft kisses between his shoulder blades and you’ll make it worse. He loves it so much but he’s still self-conscious about his merman form and the goosebumps on his skin aren’t making it any better.
So he’ll eventually turn around and bury his face in your neck instead, wrapping his tenctacles and arms around you.
Which is great because Azul has 10 limbs. He can hug you with 10 limbs instead of two.
Azul Ashengrotto also lowkey reinvented the concept of massages because again, the man has 10 limbs and 8 of them are highly flexible. He doesn’t even need to change his position to do that, he can just keep being wrapped in your arms comfortably and kissing you while he’s massaging your arms, legs and back all at the same time.
Azul is a very affectionate partner, for one because he’s so touch-starved and on the other hand because he needs a lot of validation and love to heal from his past. And he might get embarrassed easily or struggle to wrap his head around the fact that you love him no matter what but receiving care and kind words when he’s in this form helps him a lot in getting more comfortable in his own skin and putting a few positive comments about it into his mind in contrast to all the negative ones he so vividly remembers.
Kiss one of his tentacles and he’ll break. In, like, a good way. I headcanon they’re really sensitive and receiving touch like this to a part of himself he has struggled to accept for so long and still struggles to accept in addition to being emotional overall in this form and also in love with you will make him a mess™. This is the point where he starts crying. It’s as much of a contrast to his usual calm and witty facade as his state after his overblot was to the shady business man people knew him as.
So there you have Azul Ashengrotto, curled up in your arms and pressing his face into your shoulder while he’s letting out quiet sobs out of happiness.
“Please don’t stop”, he mutters quietly, face flushing red immediately when he realizes what he said. Azul apologizes and you reassure him that there’s nothing wrong with what he said and that you enjoy making him feel loved.
After a while he’s just shaking his head and repeating “I love you” at least once every 2 minutes because he’s feeling so much and can’t put it into words but he needs to express it somehow.
If you’re as emotional as him it happens that you two just end up smiling at eachother with tears in your eyes, unable to comprehend all you feel for one another. (crying together can in fact be a bonding moment)
You always notice when he’s having doubts about himself or his octopus form and you’ll make an effort to reassure him that he’s perfect for you the way he is.
“I will love you until you learn to love yourself, Azul” “How about after that too?” You smile at him. “It’s a deal.”
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velvetcloxds · 1 year
if you're too shy- send me a character and a scenario and I'll write a little baby blurb for it
sam wilson + fake dating bc reader's parents really just won't leave her alone or the reader really needs a plus one at her cousin's wedding and also bc the reader doesn't want to be teased about how she "can't get some"
word count: 0.6k
warnings: two oblivious idiots, pretend sam isn't outside in the gif lol
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"I'm sure they didn't mean it like that," you're pacing, missing the sympathetic smile on your best friend's lips as he watches you from your couch, cold beer in hand as he waits for a reply, knowing you're not even truly listening to him.
"Like why would they assume that I'm coming alone? Is it really that unbelievable that I could find a plus one?" you paused, eyeing Sam for his reaction, pouting at him, silently begging him to set your mind at ease. "I could, couldn't I?" his eyes were soft as he nodded at you, beer abandoned on the coffee table, hand gently taking hold of your wrist to pull you towards him.
"Of course, you could, baby," he was convincing, the friendly nickname aiding in his plea as he guided you to sit down on the table in front of him, thumb brushing over your pulse point in an attempt to keep you settled long enough to actually hear what he's saying. "Look at me," he insisted with a little scoff, waiting ever patiently for you to stop being stubborn and meet his gaze and it took a second, a minute, but you finally looked up from your knees, pout very present still as you did. "Don't let this get to you so much, you could get any guy you want if you tried."
"Oh, I'm sure."
"Well, I am," he wasn't pleased with your objection, finding it very much offensive that you'd question his word when he considered himself a very honest and straightforward man, very rarely wrong but he'd never tell you that. "You want me to go with you? Haven't been to a wedding in forever, plus the world should get the chance to appreciate my dancing."
"I don't want a pitty date, Sammy," you sighed, carelessly taking his hand into your lap, fiddling with his fingers, tracing the lines on his palm, something you would've questioned in its casualty if you weren't so comfortable with him. "I want someone to want to go on a date with me because they like me, maybe cause they find me pretty."
"I like you," he argued with a scoff. "And I think you're way past pretty," he added and you were the one to scoff, narrowing your eyes at him, demanding some contradiction to his statement and receiving none as he shrugged. "Come on, you know I like seeing you all dolled up and looking fine, it'll do my ego good being seen with a stunner like you," his tone was teasing yet the way his eyes roamed your features made it clear that he was sincere. After all, you were his girl in every way but the way he wanted, his best friend, his human, the only person he'd be caught being so soft with, and even though he always thought there was more there, he wasn't going to force it, not until you showed any sign of wanting the same.
"You know my mom already thinks we're secretly hooking up," you mentioned and he shrugged again, smiling as you looked down shyly, heat rising up your neck at how casual he was being about this. "The rest of them would eat their hearts out at the sight of someone as good-looking as you walking in with me," you were starting to cave, seeing the pros to this little ruse and selfishly, you always enjoyed the way Sam pulled you just a little too close while dancing with you.
"So, you going to let me take you then? I'll buy you a corsage and everything," he offered and you laughed, not fighting against the grip that pulled you onto his lap, booping your nose as you giggled.
"That's for prom, Sammy, not for a wedding," you smiled, content as his arms wrapped around you in a platonic embrace, a comfortable position as you reached over to bring his beer back to him. "Will you go dress shopping with me too?" you quipped, watching with curious eyes as he took a slow sip, following his adam's apple as he swallowed, cursing the way it made your stomach flutter.
"Course, I will, you could give me a little fashion show while you fit them."
"Then yes, you can definitely be my date."
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strawbrygashez · 1 year
I WAS INSPIRED TO MAKE A POOSTALL DUDE & DOE HC LIST!!! SO HERE IT IS! THO… I stillll don’t know if I hc them as siblings or best friends but I like to imagine their just bffs so I’ll be sharing hcs based off that!
•They share a trailer home together. It saves them both on money and since they like being together so much, it was kinda a no-brainer. The trailer is Poostalls though.
•They first met at work. I think they work together bc of the building they are in when u first get on the game?? Not really sure what it is but I think maybe some kinda store maybe 🤷‍♀️ anyways they both hate it but becoming friends made it soooo much more bearable.
•They don’t really slack off exactly but when business is slow they just sit somewhere together and read the stupid magazines that come in, chat n do each other’s makeup, listen to the radio (a rock station) or just kinda gossip in general at the check out counter.
•They aren’t mean to ppl who deserve it but they love to also complain about shitty customers together. If someone is bothering the other, somehow the other just knows and pops out of nowhere to help. (I feel like ppl get freaked out by them just a tad so ppl don’t argue with them for long)
•Both are bi!! But Doe leans more towards girls & Poostall more towards guys. Doe is a little shit n picks on Poostall for the guys he’s into tho, especially if it’s a buff guy.. she says shit like “oooh~ you want a big strong man to keep u warm at night?” 🫤 smh.
• Both have autism n a couple of the same mental illnesses. Poostall usually has to remind Doe to take her meds since she forgets a lot or just doesn’t want to. If she doesn’t want to he’ll mess around n bug her about it until she does.
•They share the bed together (NOT ROMANTICALLY!) They only really have room for one bed unless someone wants to sleep on the couch (which one will sometimes will. Usually mostly when they have been arguing). Most mornings they wake up with the other haven took most of the blankets. That or the other kicks in their sleep enough to make the other fall out of bed 🙄
•They don’t have a dog! They have a black kitten they picked up from someone wanting to get rid of them bc they needed to move. It was free!! They love their cat sooo much :,)
•They love going to concerts! Their music taste is pretty much the same. They both love metal, rock, and grunge.
•They both like the same kinda foods. They r picky eaters bc autism.
•They both dress similarly (not just their main outfits). They both have tons of band shirts, black clothes, boots, & cool jewelry !!
•They really mean the world to each other but won’t really say that unless something happened where they feel like they need to say that. They pick on each other a lot but they’d probably die without the other 🤧 They platonically love each other so much!!
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mikareo · 6 months
OMG MATCHUPS ARE OPEN (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) (i'm frantically typing HELP)
Desired fandom, gender and age would be bllk, male and teen (sfw)
I'd say I'm quiet / shy (around friends I can get talkative tho), honest (to the point I sound mean at times), observant and apparently I'm sassy at times too. My star sign's scorpio (idk the other ones), my mbti is intp. My favourite hobbies are reading, writing, listening to music, playing badminton and (sometimes) studying. I love eating and going on walks (especially by the ocean or when it starts getting dark). Ideal date would probably be a bookstore one (I've never dated before so I have no clue on what I exactly like or don't like)
I hope this wasn't too much jsjshs (If I can find something nice I'll send them in for the appearance match up)
💌 ✮⋆˙ love letter to...kitorin!
i think this is actually the fastest i've ever done a matchup just bc i was like giggling at how cute u guys would be together :3 i hope you like this character souta!!!! i think he's a sweetheart n you two would work rlly well as a pair,, also!! i just saw me on ur carrd ily!!!
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[ ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ ᰔ ] your complete matchup results!
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congratulations . . .‧₊˚🍂✩CHIGIRI HYOMA₊˚🍁⊹♡
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ chemistry analysis . . .
i'm ngl it took me a good like five minutes of thinking to figure out who i wanted to match you with n i argued w myself on three options until i landed on chigiri. the other matches were very similar to you and i realized i wanted someone more extroverted rather than an introvert...so here's why i picked chigiri!
off the bat, i think you two would connect on that level of honesty you have. chigiri is a very blunt person and always says what he's saying when he's thinking it. knowing that you also tend to be on the honest and blunt side of things, i think that you two could communicate together without that judgement there may be w/ other people, n have a really great foundation of trust that is essentially unbreakable. he'd definitely really value you since you keep him on his toes, n make sure that he's sticking to his goals n constantly improving (after all, you're there to tell him if he's not)!
i consider chigiri more of an extroverted introvert. i didn't want to match you with a total extrovert since i didn't want you to drown in their outgoingness or obnoxiousness; so i think chigiri is a good fit in this case. he enjoys his quiet time, which the two of you could fondly share, but also gets out of his comfort zone when he feels himself settling down. he'd constantly check in w/ you to make sure that you're okay with wherever you are/whoever you're with, n puts you're comfort first. if there's ever a situation that you feel like you want to get out of to escape for a little bit of peace and quiet, he's right by your side and holding your hand until you're away from the crowd.
his character analysis also matches extremely well with your hobbies and interests! as stated, chigiri really enjoys "drinking tea and eating sweets". he'd surely love to take you out to the new restaurants in town or even the local コンビニ to pick out your favorite snacks for a chill movie night in! on his off days, he prefers to read— so he'd happily visit the bookstore w/ you and sit in there for hours so long as he has his favorite drink by his side, laughing at whatever sassy remark you throw at him. he'd think of these quiet moments on the field when he needs to focus or concentrate on a shot; you being the thing that relaxes him and calms his heartbeat.
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ memories on the wall . . .
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ a treasured moment . . .
how loud does he have to slurp that damn straw?
you've only been at the bookstore for maybe ten minutes (?), and chigiri finished his drink in the first two. it was some sort of tea— maybe an iced jasmine with honey— and it was good when he let you have a sip! but it was only a sip; and then suddenly it's just ice and a plastic straw. your boyfriend enjoys his sweets, his treats, and especially his teas. you, however, enjoy some peace and quiet when you're trying to find the perfect book.
"you sound like a vacuum." the eye roll you send in his direction is deadly. he's practically shot on sight "i mean that in a bad way."
"i should've gotten the extra large, right?" he shakes the cup, frowning as he realizes there is absolutely zero drink left. he's so cute, it's annoying.
without glancing in his direction, you toss him a book or two that you're debating on adding to your shelf— which he, of course, catches with ease and balances on top of one another. his agility is outstanding on and off of the field, but sometimes you wish he'd miss...just for the laughs. "you would've finished the XL...what...ten seconds later?" he really is like a human vacuum.
though your tone is laced with irritation, you hand him your glass. "don't make me regret it." to which he happily sips on with a smile on his face.
so cute.
if there was an award for the prettiest, red haired, japanese, youth, male, potential striker, football player in the world; chigiri would definitely win. yes, that's a very specific title— but also it's the only way you know he'd win.
“i love you,” you murmur under your breath. you do love him, you really do…
…but you take back your words when that damn slurping sound returns.
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quodekash · 2 years
okay there’s these guys on YouTube called super Carlin brothers (or scb) and they’re brothers (woahhh such a surprise) and they make theory videos (among other things but theories is there main thing) on Disney, Pixar, Harry Potter, Marvel, Star Wars, and Name of the Wind. And I’ve watched almost all of their videos and every single one of them is basically canon to me at this point
but there’s this one series they did a couple months back, What If Harry Potter was in Slytherin?, and it’s my favourite thing ever. it’s new canon in my mind basically.
(other than the fact that they ship harmione so for some reason they decided that Harry being in slytherin means Harry then gets with Hermione. And then to make up for it, Ron gets with Luna, for some reason. And near the end they couldn’t figure out who ginny would’ve ended up with, and they brainstormed putting her with Draco. So basically they took my three favourite ships and pulled them apart and mixed them around and I don’t appreciate it)
Anyway, they accidentally put so much drarry in it it’s outrageous, and I’ve written many rambles in my notes about the Drarryness in the series but have had no one to share it with cos no one would have a clue what I’m talking about cos it’s not canon (it appears the tumblr scb fandom is non existent which is just so great) and I’ve created fictional stories within their fictional version of a fictional universe but I have no one to share it with other than my one friend and I want to share it with heaps of people but I can’t cos, lemme say it one more time, no one would have a clue what I’m talking about
But yeah. Scb are great and they support the lgbtq+ community, but they never actually put the queer rep into their videos which sucks, cos it’s so clearly t h e r e but they don’t acknowledge it, and cMON J AND BEN HARRY AND HERMIONE ARE BASICALLY SIBLINGS SO SHIPPING THEM IS INCEST (no hate to harmione shippers I think you’re very nice I just personally (along with everyone I’ve spoken to) think they’re more like siblings and gosh men and women can be friends - and close friends at that - without it being romantic. I mean if you have some nice hard evidence for me and a calm tone, I will gladly have a good old fashioned friendly debate with you where we acknowledge each other’s thoughts and opinions without hating each other cos people argue too much, I am merely suggesting a friendly debate where we hear each other out and take the time to understand each other as human beings and to know that each other’s opinions aren’t completely illogical and not sprouting from misogyny or sexism or homophobia or anything like that. If you have reasons and I have reasons, I’d like to share mine and hear yours, without causing world war 3 because listening to others talk about something they’re passionate about is really interesting to me)
sorry that went on for way too long. Basically scb are great and please watch their series on Harry in slytherin bc I need someone to share my thoughts with pls
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half-doomed · 2 years
- we got to the venue at 2ish and set up camp
- we were around the 21st in line (dont remember exact #s but it was low 20s because somebody else had started a numbering system)
- we met somebody who we played uno with but we didnt really talk to too many other people that day other than to give the people in front of us an umbrella
- we ended up at the barricade to the far left of the stage
- savannah conley was funny and has a great voice but i wasnt super into her music (I tried listening to her set beforehand but i didnt rly like the vibe)
- joywave was incredible live and daniel has a great stage presence. Their set was so high energy right from the start to the very end
- during tongues dan pointed the mic at somebody in the crowd who shouted the line and his face was priceless (pretty sure this is a fan inside joke but I'm not the expert on them)
- their visuals were also on point
- idkhow time!!!! Their visuals were also super cute and everyone looked like they were having a great time
- lights go down and heaven is a place on earth were not on the set ):
- BUT someone gave dallon a trans flag ((:
- during jw's set dan told us to cheer as loud as possible when dallon did his bit at the end about forgoing the crowd chanting for encore and playing peekaboo so when we heard the word peekaboo the crowd went insane. It was very funny and dallon thought so too
- dan did his own verse for nltob, it was very funny. I had avoided the videos of it til that point
- after the show, we met daniel who had seen my tour bingo card on twitter so he took the card and checked off everything that had happened on tour so far. He also signed the card and tour poster i made
- I almost argued with him about one of the things he checked off because i forgot that a letter is technically an unreleased idkhow song 🤦🏽‍♀️
- I asked him if clibbus could open for dallas and he called beef over who said he would for $3000 but unfortunately he has a job to do so the answer was no 😔
- I also forgot to get a picture with dan bc i blanked but he was wearing an HHM shirt
- then anthony came out and i gave him the gift i made him and he talked about some gross strawberry water he had earlier that day
- he also commented on how me and my friend had matching strawberry shirts but it actually wasnt planned lol
- Ryan had run off as soon as we had gotten to the buses and anthony said he hadnt seen him since he got off stage
- he had said he would get the other guys their gifts but then dallon came out so i asked if i could give him his and he jokingly was like "you dont trust me?"
- dallon was very sweet, he was on vocal rest so couldnt talk but i gave him his gift and his appreciation was very clear through what i could see from his face (he was masked) and body language
- I'm an idiot and didnt even take pics of the completed gifts but trust me they were cute and when he heard how long they took to make his eye went wide (this is bc i only decided to make gifts after tour started and i saw they were meeting fans lol)
- I asked him to write out a lyric for a tattoo and told him that i've been a fan since basically the brobecks days and he made a motion like when i was little which i thought was rly cute
- he also wanted me to wait and think on it for a year before i got the tattoo
- he was incredibly nice and i forgot to ask him for a pic with his gift bc i was frazzled but i did get him to also sign the bingo card/poster
- We got there around 2 again but this time we started talking to more people and made a few friends including some people i knew from the jw discord server and one of my twitter mutuals
- The time went by much quicker when we had started making friends
- We saw ryan and anthony walking across the street at some point and they waved. I'm pretty sure anthony recognized some of us
- I wore glitter dots for this show and then right before doors I got sweat, makeup, dirt, and who knows what else in my eye so i went to the bar next door to use their bathroom and had to rush out bc they started letting ppl in
- We ended up barricade again on the right side this time
- Savannah's outfit was cute, and her music had started to grow on me at this point
- Joywave usually has a car on stage with car wash outfit/uniforms but the stage was too small so they instead played some older stuff from content which was a really special set just for us <3
‐ They also had everyone tweet about them being the best punk show that had ever played the venue
- Also this venue does not have a physical barricade and so we were pressed right up against the stage to the point where my friend got dan's sweat on her
- Overall a very fun silly intimate vibe
- Dan said this was the smallest venue on the tour and we'd be able to reach out to touch dallon's toothpick legs and he ran out on stage to whisper in his ear
- !!! He was in the shorts !!!
- During sound check i asked val if he got his gift and he said it was above his bunker 😭💖 i almost asked him or eddie if they could give me a setlist but didnt wanna bother them while they were working. We also kept making awkward eye contact with beefus lol
- During idkhow's set anthony recognized us and gave us picks (:
- He was also wearing glitter! <3
- I'm pretty sure dallon heard us chanting die die die during choke bc he kept smiling in our direction
- When he said peekaboo a lot of us that were at the previous show cheered
- It was a very intimate show and not just bc dallon was showing off his legs lol
- Dallon was a lot more talkative and silly at this show!! He poked fun at guitar players and anthony's face was great
- Since lgd (and heaven is a place on earth btw) was back on the set he introduced it as they were playing an older song that was on the EP (he misremembered but none of us caught it til we were talking to him in dallas the next day) (more on this later)
- We also brought roses for both bands which will also be important later ! Some beautiful and iconic pictures came out of that, you can thank my roommate and i for getting dallon those flowers <3
- We didnt wait after the show to meet them bc we had a long drive the next day but we should have bc ryan was meeting people 😭
- We left late, then got stuck in rly bad traffic on the way in but dallon had a twitter q&a at that time so it made it just slightly more bearable
- We ended up getting there at like 5:30ish, about 30 mins til doors
- We actually still ended up 3rd row back from barriers and saw all our friends we made from the previous day (:
- Savannah's set was very enjoyable and her cousin and some other people were there
- Many ppl from the jw server were there so we went rly hard for their set and made plans to take a group photo with dan after the show
- I cant even remember much about jw's set bc i was going so hard but it was extremely fun. 3 nights in a row seeing them and i was still blown away each time
- We sat down in between sets bc we were all tired as hell and a lot of ppl joined us. I told them dallon would be very supportive of sitting in between sets. Everyone around us was very friendly <3
- Dallon was extremely silly during this show! The vibes were immaculate
- I'm actually gonna skip straight past the show bc i wanna talk about meeting them afterwards and I'm fighting for my life to stay awake rn
- We finally got to meet ryan!! I forgot to take a picture with him but my roomate got to talk with him and i got my cds and poster/card signed. I'm pretty sure he and paul got high after the show bc he completely misheard what i said when i asked if he got my cross stitching gift lol but we were both pretty out of it
- Like it literally took me 5 mins to realize dallon was standing near us bc i was busy talking to daniel
- I brought a the hoodies cd and he told dallon that that was his brobecks and that he would've hated them bc they were emo lol
- He signed my roommate's razzmatazz cd (lol) and i introduced him to my friend who shares his name
- I told him about how a lot of us from the server were there and he agreed to get a group pic with everyone
- Paul came out at some point completely zooted but i didnt get to talk to him bc i thought he was busy meeting other fans but he signed my roommate's hot dog bucket hat (we all had bought matching hats and dan was given one as well for the group photo)
- Dallon signed my pick that i got from anthony bc i didnt get a chance to talk to him again ):
- I did finally get a solo pic with dallon and he wasnt on vocal rest anymore so he stayed for a pretty long time to chat with everyone which was very sweet
- I did have a slightly personal question for him but i completely blanked and freaked out a tiny bit and he told me to wait a few minutes and it finally came back to me. I had wanted to ask him if he ever got my rose/gift card/letter in houston back in february. He said he didnt remember but that if he did it was probably in his house with the other letters he's gotten. He was very reassuring that he remembered faces and that having adhd made it hard to remember names but he always remembered faces. I said smth along the lines of it's great that he's learning more about himself since his diagnosis. Then he told me that he really appreciated the flowers (the ones from san antonio were in the tour bus) and that he enjoyed my presence and i didnt know what to say to that. I dont really know what happened immediately after that because that kind of a compliment coming from him completely scrambled my brain.
- He also talked about how he screwed up the lgd intro again in dallas and my friend mentioned that she thought he was introducing absinthe and that they should put it back on the setlist and he agreed. He talked about how lgd was supposed to be on the ep but they flipped a coin and got diatt i think instead
- He also told us that he was very excired about the idea for the new album and that it just needed to get recorded but he wouldnt give us any hints about the title or anything
- All my friends i had made at the previous show were there as well and we had a group pic taken with him. It was all so special and it was genuinely one of the best weekends of my life and I'm so sad that it's over 💔
And if you read this far thank you and I'm sorry
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rsmrymnt-tea · 2 years
「 🐳 」 hello! i haven't forgotten about your response—i was unfortunately hit with a series of ✧˖˚ unfortunate events ˚˖✧ (yes... pun intended for the sake of lightheartedness <3) shortly after the response, and i needed time to recover. i've decided to join you along the ride for the obm asks!
1.) how did you first get into obey me? personally, i was playing swd games for quite some time before obey me was released in december of 2019, so once i saw an ad for it i told myself, “well! another silly otome game from them to pass the time”, ahh i was so wrong with just how much flavor it had in all of it's terrible, atrocious glory.
satan was the first one to cause me to go into a miserable spiral once i had a revelation of what his birth actually meant, and thus, began spewing my silly little analyses to the small fandom at the time. i no longer go on longer tangents about satan as much as i do solomon (and recently, mephistopheles due to how noble his values are and how little people seem to realize it), but if i dare see someone in favor of obsessive cat-lover satan i have no issues with bashing their head against a digital brick wall and arguing that he is the least likely of the brothers to be obsessive over anything that falls into that category.
16.) what is your intimacy level with each character? i've often gotten a lot of teasing remarks from friends for my levels, but,
lucifer — 25
mammon — 17
leviathan — 20
satan — 34
asmodeus — 18
beelzebub — 19
belphegor — 20
diavolo — 15
barbatos — 22 (slowly but surely making his way up there)
luke — 14 (i am so sorry you are below diavolo, dearest luke)
simeon — 40
solomon — 42, but nearly 43
“i wonder who their favorite is” gee guys thanks i do whatever i can for the sake of my mc's lore ♡ thank you very much /lh
as always, feel free to include dolasach for whatever reason you feel like if something i said reminded you of her hehe~
Whale nonnie!!! So good to see you!! I'm glad that you got to bounce back from whatever happened to you!! I hope it wasn't too bad and that you're fully okay now >w<
Oml the first question though
1. how did you first get into obey me?
THE WEDDING EVENT oough man I don't even recall how I ended up watching videos of the wedding event but I did and Satan's pulled me in so bad that I downloaded the game >.< flavor in the midst of atrocity is such a good way to describe the game dfhkdfg
Also??? Nonnie now I'm curious if I've ever seen your posts omg? I feel like you'd have such good posts on all three... I've got this feeling that I've probably seen a Satan post or that a Mephisto post of yours helped him rise up my ranks >.<
And I feel you so much on thinking he wouldn't really obsess over anything that simple, even more so to the point of it clouding his judgement and rendering him useless in important moments... Just so counter to the core of his character that aspires towards being well-rounded and useful? Anyway I'm trying to stay mostly positive here hdsdfg
16. what is your intimacy level with each character?
GOSH I had to check...
Lucifer - 24
Mammon - 11
Leviathan - 17
Satan - 33
Asmo - 16
Beel - 16
Belphie - 23
Diavolo - 18
Barbatos - 25
Solomon - 31 (only because it took forever to get a Solomon UR I liked the art of, otherwise he'd be the same as Satan lmao probably higher since you can actually get big hearts with him without gifts...)
Simeon - 23
Luke - 2 (dsfjkhsdf sorry I just never use any Luke cards and using him in Jobs feels weird bc ykno... child labor >.>;;)
Surprisingly representative of how much I enjoy their character...? Except that every brother + Simeon needs to be higher than the royals sdhfkjg Barb's bday UR is just too pretty to not use...
Nonnie I feel you with needing the levels for more lore... The calls!! I need the calls!! But it takes sooo fucking long to grind for intimacy
I feel like each time you drop by I get more and more shocked and curious about who you might be... I'm still listening a lot to the playlist you sent and each time I hear Bird Song I think about you suggesting it and what you said about Dola shdkfhdsfg insane really....
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heartandfangs · 2 years
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GENRE Roommates AU, Playboy!Jake, Virgin!Reader, Heavy Smut, Slight Angst, Fluff (if you squint)
PAIRING f!Reader x Jake/Jayeun
WARNINGS 18+ ONLY, Arguing, Cursing, Possessiveness, Jealousy, Implied one-sided feelings, Unresolved/hurt feelings, Flirting, Slight slow-burn, Morally-grey characters, Sexual inexperience, Making out, Breast worship, Nipple play, Spit play, Light biting, Dirty talk, Praise kink, Dry humping, Clit orgasm, Squirting, Cum eating, f!Receiving, Switch!Jake, Dom!Jake, Switch!Reader, Sub!Reader WORD COUNT 6k+
SUMMARY What’s life like when an aloof girl with a grumpy streak and a guy who’s the human personification of charm become roommates?
In which a kiss on the cheek turns into a kiss on the lips turns into more than you bargained for from your playboy roommate.
AUTHOR’S NOTE I recommend reading the part one drabble for context, and if you have— welcome to the second NSFW installment! I've been working on this one in my drafts bit by bit for the past several months as I had no clue if I'd ever publish it (I was just planning on keeping it to myself bc of how horny it is ha). You can thank a particular aussie for wrecking me big time recently.
This has a lot of typical tropes for its genre, but I don't think boobs get enough love in fics around here (at least for my tastes), so enjoy. Like/reblog this fic and leave me some feedback if you enjoyed it and want more. Maybe it won't take me another six months to come out with another chapter.⚰️
Part I, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Masterlist
© 2022, Heart and Fangs. All rights reserved. Do not translate or post anywhere.
You padded over to your door in a haze and swung it open, nearly running into your roommate, Jake.
“Morning, sleepyhead,” you winced as he tapped his knuckles atop your head, passing you on his way out.
You scoffed, rubbing sleep from your eyes. Evening naps always made you feel groggy and even more exhausted than before you even rested. You glanced at your phone screen, then shoved it into your short pocket. 
“It’s 11 P.M. You’re going out?”
“Actually, I’m having someone over.”
All trace of drowsiness fell from your face as you shot him an incredulous look, but he didn’t seem to notice with his attention on the glowing screen of his phone.
You gripped his wrist firmly, causing him to go wide-eyed.
“I thought we agreed on no visiting and no visitors since that terrible flu is going around right now,” you reminded sharply.
“I… I completely forgot.” You raised an eyebrow at him as he continued. “It’s just been so long, and… force of habit.”
Is a week so long for Jake Sim?
You sighed, “It’d be nice if you thought about your roommate’s well-being for once. I can’t afford to get sick at this time of year with how busy I am.”
A look of guilt flashed across his face. 
Huh. So the guy can feel some shame.
“I do care,” he shot back, “Seriously, I forgot. Otherwise, don’t you think I’d be going out instead of blatantly having someone over if I were trying to go behind your back and see someone?”
You sighed, “Fine, but a deal’s a deal. Say what you need to get her to leave, alright?”
He nodded while staring elsewhere; you followed his line of sight to your grip encircling his wrist. Quickly retracting your hand, you moved past him to the kitchen pantry. Jake was usually the one who initiated contact with you, rarely the other way around so you felt a bit subconscious about touching him.
While you rummaged quietly for some midnight snacks, you listened closely for any sign of the door opening. To your relief, it remained silent, except for the tapping of his phone screen.
“There, I sent her off,” he said dejectedly.
“Thanks, I know this isn’t easy for you.”
He detected the sarcasm in your tone and crossed his arms, leaning against the countertop. With your back to him, his eyes slowly took in your mussed hair, that signature oversized shirt you’ve owned since you were ten, and those sweat shorts that barely cleared the tops of your thighs. You’d definitely worn them for the past three days straight. Indeed a homebody, he found your rare company refreshing despite how abrasive you could be at times.
“You’re a terrible sympathizer.”
“Am I?” You turned around and tore open a pocky pack, sticking the biscuit stick past your lips.
The sudden calculating look in his eyes was slightly unnerving, but you stood your ground. Upon approaching you, he snatched the pack out of your hands and strolled into the living room. You momentarily stared after him in disbelief.
“That’s mine,” you followed behind him closely, trying to reach around him to reclaim your snack.
“Well, I’d like some. Do you mind?”, he kept it out of your reach and blocked your path with his broad shoulders, keeping you at his back. He leaped over the couch and landed on a cushion with a bounce, shooting you a smirk, your midnight snack held captive. 
You placed your hands on your hips. 
“That’s the last pack left! Don’t act like a child and try and get back at me for something we previously agreed to, Jake.”
“But as you already know, this whole abstinence thing isn’t easy for me,” he shot back, snapping a biscuit stick in half in his mouth.
You rolled your eyes and squinted at him as he offered you a piece, beckoning you closer. 
“I’ll give it all back if you sit down and watch something with me. C’mon ___, humor me on this terribly lonely night. You're always alone in your room.”
That’s because you have obnoxious company over more often than not. 
You huffed but found yourself leaning forward with an unamused expression.
“Ah,” you parted your lips.
Jake bit his lip, stifling a fit of giggles as he stuck a pocky into your mouth.
Annoyed, you pressed forward further, taking nearly the whole biscuit into your mouth. Before your lips touched Jake’s fingers, your jaw snapped shut with an aggressive crunch.
“Gosh, you’re scary, you know that?” He tossed the remaining end of the biscuit into his mouth. You averted your eyes at Jake’s daring act, finding it difficult to ignore how he licked the chocolate and crumbs off his fingertips, all with a pleased grin.
“Just with people who annoy me.”
He handed you the pack, which you snatched out of his grasp. You plopped down on the cushions at the end of the sofa, intending to keep to yourself for the rest of the night.
Jake shook his head, “I’m messing with you... Is it weird I find that side of you endearing?”
You adjusted the cushion behind your back. “That’s the first time I’ve heard that. You might have some sort of issue if that’s the case.”
Jake looked off to the side. “One issue amongst many. Regardless, I’d want you on my side if I got into a fight or something.”
A slight sense of pride swelled in your chest at his words, but you showed no sign of it. “Yet, here are you are on this fine night, trying to pick a fight with yours truly over some snacks.” 
He laughed, quickly reaching over to brush the knuckle of his index finger against your side ever so lightly in jest. Your breath caught at the electrifying sensation across your ribs; it disappeared as he pulled back.
“How else am I supposed to get your attention?”
Jake propped his elbow up on the couch arm and rested his chin on his palm with a small smile, his eyelids lowering slightly.
“Maybe just use your words,” you murmured, feeling a flush work up to your neck.
“What’s that?”
Distracted, you returned to munch on your Pocky while Jake began to flip through the TV guide. “Alright, what do you wanna watch?”
“What makes you think I wanna watch something with you? I’m just here to finish my snack.”
He pouted.
“I’m sure you'll be wide awake for the next couple of hours since you took a nap. And since this is my new reality now,” Jake gestured at the space between you two,” You should take responsibility and keep me company tonight.“
You slowly turned towards him.
“You owe me, remember?”
“Ah, you’re right, I do,” he nodded as though recalling your deal after you were generous enough to lend his one-night stand your underwear. 
“You’re the youngest person I know to have dementia, dude.”
Jake opened his mouth to retort, but your terrible joke did have weight to it.
“I admit… so what’ll it be? Going to dump chores on me for the month? My treat for Door Dash this week? Or maybe a new matching lingerie set?” He glanced you over teasingly.
Your cheeks reddened at the memory of you shoving your underwear at Jake and shooing him away, then his lips pressing against your cheek unexpectedly. And, of course, the flash of his bare skin, which was surprisingly not a common sight in your flat despite his nightly activities. 
“I’m joking. Well?”
“I mean, I figured you’d count pausing your hook-ups until flu season ended as the favor repaid, but if you’re not…” you glanced over at him, and he looked at you expectantly. A bit surprised, you rubbed at your wrists self-consciously. “I’ll think about it and let you know.”
Jake flashed you an easy smile, then stretched his arms over his head, tucking them under his neck. “Alright then. Just let me know, ___.”
You nearly kicked yourself for staring at the way the thick cords of muscles in his arm flexed; it was a bit fascinating to you as someone who drew for a hobby. Sometimes you forgot just how in shape the guy was, but it made sense for an athlete like him. Some mornings, you’d bump into him after he came from an early run– the sight of him breathing heavily, covered in a sheen of sweat while shooting you a smile in the kitchen was always a difficult image to forget, and one you'd never get used to.
Nor were the sounds of his groans late at night. For whatever reason, it never made a difference to him and his partners if you were in the flat when they did their thing. Again, you chalked it up to a lack of shame. Thank god for noise-canceling headphones, although some nights your curiosity got the best of you, as did your lack of self-restraint. One too many times, but you would never admit it.
Part of you envied Jake for living so freely and without self-imposed restrictions; the other loathed him. Between the two of you as roommates, you were always the uptight one who most resembled a responsible adult, but you secretly wondered what it might be like to be the girl on the other side of the wall.
The thing is, you've been that girl once. Just a couple years ago, you thought you'd met the one, and had given away precious firsts in the belief of that.
Oh, how you were led astray.
Your brows furrowed as your mind attempted to shove the memories down; they were trying to resurface against your will.
Even though you led a very different lifestyle than Jake, you couldn't blame the girls who cozied up to your roommate so easily and in flocks at that. At least not entirely. You understood loneliness but instead subjected yourself to it ever since the day 'love' took on a completely different meaning to you. The solution of solitude and the pursuit of your career has done you well, so far.
You dragged your hand over your face and directed your attention to the TV, hoping Jake hadn't seen you staring off into space. Random dialogue from a show filled the room a long couple of minutes before either of you spoke again.
“New shows sort of suck,” you complained, tossing your trash onto the table. You'd have to restock your snack pile this week.
“Yeah. How about one of these?” He tapped on the remote control. “Choose your pick, supernatural beings, psychological thrillers, true crime, hot serial killers–”
“Yeah, sure. Wait a minute–” you narrowed your eyes at Jake.
Has he been snooping on your Netflix profile?
Despite the new selection that was way more to your liking, your mind drifted again, not having counted on Jake actually granting you a favor. 
What could you possibly ask of him? You didn’t want to waste it delegating your chores to him or food. You could easily take care of things on your own. For some weird reason... you wanted to make it count.
However, your mind drew a blank. You turned on your side and eyed Jake across the couch, whose attention was on the screen, shadows and light dancing across his relaxed features. His legs sprawled over the sofa while you huddled under your soft blanket. You watched him unconsciously run his tongue over his lips out of habit. Christ.
Feeling stiff, you stretched your legs against his side; he made room for you. 
“This is probably the stupidest thing that’s gonna come out of my mouth as a fully grown adult.”
He chuckled. “Ditto, it’s past midnight. What is it?”
“I just…” you hesitated before slowly speaking, “My first kiss was terrible.”
That drew Jake out of his TV-induced stupor. Jake snorted at first, but he didn’t miss the myriad of emotions that flickered across your features– something akin to anger, sadness, disgust, and embarrassment all at once. He flashed a look of concern in your direction.
“I-I don’t know why I’ve been thinking about it recently…” your fingers brushed absently over your cheek. “Maybe because you kissed my cheek that morning, and it brought back memories.”
Lost in thought, you missed the way Jake’s eyes darkened. He was curious about the details you were withholding from him and weighed pressing the matter. You really sounded like you needed to talk for the first time since living together. 
“How bad was it?” He asked.
“It was a complete shitshow, honestly. I thought I was giving away my first kiss to someone I’d spend the rest of my life with. It was a silly thought,” you laughed, “A first kiss might mean nothing to you. I thought it meant something, but my friend was just… curious. He had me convinced and was pretty awful about how he went about it.”
Why am I spilling all of this to a flagrant playboy?
“If you want to share more, I’ll listen,” he reassured.
Although you were a bit startled at his response, you decided to continue, “He was sort of pushy about the kiss… even commented on how weird my teeth felt,” you laughed but it rang empty. 
“Clearly he was just using me. Actually, the way he got me to even kiss him– amongst other things," Jake noticed how you quickly skimped over the details, "–In the first place was because he told me he wanted to marry me. It was ridiculous, but despite all the red flags, I told him I loved him, and he said he felt the same.
He took it all back the next day and still wanted to be just friends. Our relationship got even more complicated, and I eventually ended it. Best decision of my life, but also the hardest. I was naive, but we’ve all had our hearts broken at least once by a terrible person, haven’t we?” You joked.
Unable to look Jake in the eye, silence filled the room, and you decided this was the most self-conscious you’ve felt in your entire life.
“I unloaded a lot on you right now, sorry. It’s pretty embarrassing,” you said, trying to swallow a lump in your throat. 
Fuck, this feels pathetic. I just thought I’d be honest with the guy for once, but I sound like I’m vying for sympathy. And with the way I’ve treated him tonight, I wouldn’t be surprised if he just started trolling me–
You felt a warm hand slide over your own, giving you a comforting squeeze. Your wide eyes met Jake’s steady gaze. 
“Being vulnerable with someone isn’t embarrassing, ___. Not with me.”
First your eyes widened, then a small smile pulled at your lips.
“Thank you,” you said ever so quietly. 
Jake’s breath caught at the sight of your expression softening– although he knew he didn't deserve your vulnerability, he couldn’t help himself.
“I don’t want this to mean anything. I hate being haunted by the memories, but I know who I am right now isn’t conducive to developing a relationship with someone. To override those memories, that is,” you explained, “Still, I wish I could forget my shitty first kiss above everything else, I hate that it’ll be in my head for the next decade.”
You wondered if he'd catch on, figure out your unvoiced request.
“You don’t want ‘what’ to mean anything? I’m not entirely sure what you mean.”
“Are you gonna make me spell it out?” You whispered.
You clutched your knees to your chest as Jake shifted closer, his arm resting across the back of the couch frame, his hand moving from yours to toy with the edge of your blanket. Immediately, you missed the heat of his skin– you've been missing it ever since that morning he kissed your cheek.
“You’d leave it up to someone like me to guess?” Jake brought the knuckle of his index finger to his lips, eyes trained on you, “What if I’m way off base? Would you hold me to it?”
Despite your nerves going awry, you held his stare, tried to speak in a steady voice, “You bet I will.”
Jake's hands traveled up to your knees; you let him part them slowly as he shifted between your legs to lean over you. He steadied himself with a hand spread out near your hip, the other brushed your hair back from your neck, sending chills across your skin.
The barrier of the blanket did little to lessen the deep impression of his touch on your body. You had expected him to pounce on you with his signature zest, but his movements were relatively slow yet insistent. Different than the eager way he'd stumble to his bedroom while sucking hickey's onto a random girl's neck and accidentally open the door to yours.
“You bet I will,” Jake repeated, tipping your chin towards him, “That’s my girl.”
His girl.
You would’ve been at his neck at any other point in time for saying something so outrageous, but you were currently far from caring.
He watched your eyes flutter close, the way your body shivered at his words. 
It was bizarre how you could go from being at each other's throats to invading their personal space without a second thought. It didn’t take much from either side to get here, but then again it wasn’t easy for you to be so open with him. He must've sensed that.
You could almost feel his lips hovering over your own, but then he paused– only to press a chaste kiss to the corner of your mouth.
The couch dipped, and he pulled away. Eyes shooting open, you gave him a confused look. He wore an expression of... apprehension?
“You’re messing with me," you accused.
“I’m... I'm not. I don’t kiss, at least not on the lips.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh, a little disheartened. Although, you could never recall him making out with any girls he had over. “What? Why?”
“Kissing just… makes you feel things about the other person that you wouldn’t feel otherwise. Feelings that can complicate things. It’s proven science.”
So much about that line he delivered on vulnerability. Was he playing me?
“Right. Spoken like a true fuck boy,” you began to turn away, chest aching for some reason. 
To your embarrassment, Jake held your chin to keep you in place. You tugged at the edges of your shorts; the blanket had fallen somewhere on the carpet. He looked to your lips, then met your eyes with a searing gaze.
“You know what I’m about, ___.”
Heat crept across your chest and up your neck. 
“We’re worlds apart,” you stated.
“Are we?”
Is he offering what I think he is?
“We both know it,” you insisted, “Yet… why do you stare at me like that when you know I can’t give you what you want? When you know we both want different things.”
“What do you think I want from you?”
Your head was beginning to spin both from the proximity between you and Jake and the jumble of thoughts in your head.
You considered your motivations; were you really just hoping for a kiss? Or more?
“Obviously, what you want from any other girl–”
“There was no other girl tonight,” he interjected.
You hesitated before shaking off his hold on your chin. “You just made that up? Why?”
Jake sat back against the couch cushions, hands spread across his thighs. He released a heavy breath. 
“I figured I’d make an excuse to get your attention and to hang out with you. You don’t really bother to spend time with me even though we're roommates, especially when it’s just us in the flat.”
He wanted to hang out with me that badly, just to get into my pants? To the point where he was willing to leverage our temporary agreement? 
“You’re unbelievable lying to me like that. You're the one who always has people over. Now what, am I supposed to keep you entertained? Do you realize how childish and attention-seeking that sounds?”
“I do,” he nodded, “But sometimes you see right through me, and other times I feel like I’m in my own echo chamber,” His words carried a tinge of frustration, “Honestly, your request is over the top, but I haven’t been hanging out with anyone as of late because you asked me to. Can you blame me for wanting some human interaction?” 
“We should be trying to avoid the flu, so that’s just being a decent human being on your end of the deal. Also, it’s incredibly user-friendly of you to suddenly start wanting to hang out with me when you can’t have one of your girls over.”
“___, it’s not even about that. I just want–”
“Anyone with a sense of self-respect would acknowledge and accept this,” you refused to hear him. He wouldn't even apologize for deceiving you.
Jake fell quiet, expression crestfallen. What was he so down for?
Just when you thought you'd have to snap him out of it, that unnerving stare of his was back– an air of stubbornness radiating off of him. Still, you sensed a lingering hurt in his eyes.
“You should know I’m shameless.”
Your hand curled into a tight fist. What was he getting at now?
“I’m well aware. You just want me because I’m not your typical fuck, don't you?”
“So sure about that. Aren’t you?” His low voice was barely over a whisper. 
At his challenge, uncertainty seeped into your thoughts. You considered Jake’s obstinate demeanor and realized you felt even more irritated than before. He didn’t flinch when you shifted forward to twist his shirt collar in your grasp, unrelenting. 
“Yes, I am. And I will not be used again,” you scowled at him. “Are you gonna prove me wrong, or will Jake Sim, the notorious playboy, prove me right?”
Jake swore under his breath. 
“Use me then.”
He watched shock spread across your face as you froze in place. 
Jake quickly pulled you into his lap by your waist, your hands steadying yourself on his shoulders. His warm palms slid over your neck, thumbs brushing against the flesh of your cheeks.
“What the hell are you talking about—“
“Don’t make me repeat myself,” he began to press open-mouthed kisses against your neck, to the curve of your throat, nipping at your jaw. Unable to help yourself, you moaned softly at the sweet sensation while your hands pushed at his shoulders.
Jake held you flush against his chest, “Use me.” You gulped at the sight of Jake staring up at you with such a ravenous look. “Or would you rather it be the other way around?”
Anger flashed like lightning behind your eyes.
You roughly cupped his jaw and dragged his plush lips against yours despite his initial wishes, and he let you. Without hesitation, you licked into the heat of his mouth, and it was pure sweetness bursting across your tongue. Jake groaned against your lips and caressed the small of your back underneath your shirt; he seemed to like that just as much as you did. Somewhere, in the back of your mind, you couldn't believe Jake was letting you kiss him. And that you were allowing him to touch you.
A peculiar surge of power flickered through your body, as did the unmistakable heat of arousal. 
Jake was generous– letting you scrape your teeth against his lips and shove your tongue against his as you pleased. You were winging it with the mindset of just making up for the terrible first kiss you had given away so carelessly—and making Jake pay for giving you a hard time all night. 
Your shitty excuse of a first kiss never stood a chance.
He angled his head to deepen the kiss further, surprising you with his passion and confidence. It was incomparable to the sweet way he had kissed you on the cheek and even closer to your lips just moments ago. You’d always imagined what he was like as a lover, and it was something else entirely being on the receiving end of his fierce advances.
For someone who doesn’t make out much with other people, he’s incredibly good at this.
But then something in the air changed the moment you sat back and settled yourself on his lap. Jake ground his hips up into your core, and to your surprise, you felt his hardness through his sweatpants. You gasped, nearly breaking the kiss, but his hand at your neck kept you right where he wanted you.
At this point, Jake was beginning to dominate the kiss, clearly more experienced in keeping pace. What was breathing again?
You finally managed to pull away, but he chased after you, catching the wet string of saliva that connected your lips on his tongue. The symptoms of a dizzy spell quickly clouded your mind.
“Wait– holy shit,” you panted, “Why…?”
Jake thumbed at your lips which were glistening and several tints redder than before, while his free hand moved to knead the soft flesh at your hip. 
“No reason at all.”
“Jake,” you dragged your palms down his firm chest, “Fuck you, you’re not making any sense. You even egged me on…”
“C’mon, gorgeous,” he began to drag the pads of his fingertips back and forth just below your collarbone, “Do what you do best and use that brain of yours to make sense of this.”
“Stop playing with me!”
He still managed to tease you even in your overwhelmed state, pressing a wet kiss just under your ear. “You’ll kiss and tell once you’ve figured it out, won’t you?” 
“I hate you,” you muttered, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Oh, I'm sure you do. Better tell me what you want– properly this time.”
Memories of your terrible series of firsts threatened to resurface, and you willed them away with all of the spite you’d bottled up after these past couple of years. You decided that they would be buried in your psyche by the time morning came, never to be reminisced about again. You sincerely hoped for it.
No, you’ve never slept with someone. But the little girl who had hoped to give her first kiss away to her prince charming grew up and had a change of heart. Up until a mere moment ago, you thought a kiss would satisfy you and help lay those awful memories to sleep.
Had you been wrong? You and Jake– maybe you two weren’t as different as you first thought.
“What’d you do to that girl that made her cream her panties so badly?”
Jake chuckled, “Why don’t I just show you?"
“You'd love to, wouldn't you? Fine,” you held Jake’s jaw firmly and looked him in the eyes as you said this, “My shorts stay on, and don’t even think about shoving anything inside me tonight. I don’t care how hard you are.” 
His cheeks grew a shade darker, “Yes, ma’am.”
“One more thing. You were holding back when you were kissing me, weren’t you?”
Jake ran his hands up your sides. “What if I was?”
You leaned forward, and he met you halfway– the sugary taste of your tongue sending him into a frenzy again. He lapped at your lips and prodded around the heat of your mouth, obscene sounds filling your ears.
This time around, Jake’s grip on your neck kept your lips together until he deemed fit to let you resurface for air. A privilege you had willingly surrendered as he stole your breath, the insistence of his tongue causing saliva to spill down your chin.
You moaned against his slick lips due to how messy the kiss had become, and he took the opportunity to trace a nipple through the fabric of your shirt, causing you to shudder. His fingertip circled the bud several times before squeezing the hardening tip between his middle and index finger.
You jerked against him, finding that you were unable to control your body's reaction to his touch. He scrutinized your every reaction, finally breaking the kiss.
“You’re so, so sensitive. Like the way, I play with you, baby girl? The way I fucked your mouth with my tongue?”
Falling into a complete trance and unnacustomed to dirty talk, you could only nod in agreement. Jake didn't seem to mind and all the while, your underwear grew wet at his words and the attention he gave your chest. You watched him take your breasts into his hands as he alternated between rubbing and flicking at your clothed nipples to massaging the mounds as a whole. 
Gasping, you stared at his hands, and fought the odd urge to trace the veins protruding across them with your tongue. Jake watched your dazed expressions, completely enamored with your reactions because he's never seen such a side of you before.
And oh how he longed to see more, having imagined you more than once to be entirely at his mercy at night, or perhaps the other way around when you were just a room away, buried under your books. Wondering whether you were experienced or not; it hardly mattered to him. His charming, homebody roommate who he could so easily rile up and then appease in the ways he did best, now that you were finally letting him. 
“You’re fucking adorable,” he whispered against your ear. 
“M’not,” you insisted. 
You licked your lips, breath stuttering when he focused on flicking a swollen nipple back and forth with a single finger, nearly making you faint before he dipped his head to envelope your clothed breast into the wet heat of his mouth. 
“Oh my god—“
The ceiling above you spun, and your pussy gushed with arousal. Jake hummed against your breast, while his free hand toyed gently with the other. As he sucked at it, his saliva soaked into the fabric of your shirt, allowing his tongue to lave across your nipple, the friction only adding to your pleasure.
“You are. Bet you’re so, so pretty under this...”
Jake switched over, taking your other breast into his mouth, tugging at the fabric with his teeth. He lapped at the bud while his hand finally slipped under your shirt, spreading his saliva that had seeped through across your skin. You moaned aloud, surprising even yourself with desperation in your voice. 
It felt amazing to feel his fingers glide against your bare skin; you were desperate to feel his tongue against it too. His lips released your nipple with a smack, causing you to whine. 
You rolled your hips against his abdomen, seeking friction. You were going crazy— your fuck boy of a roommate was making you go crazy. 
“Talk to me, baby girl,” he looked up at you from under his dark lashes, his pupils blown wide. His hands ran over your thighs to roughly grip at your hips. You hiked up your shirt and tugged his head back down onto your chest, causing him to groan against your skin.  
“More, please—“
Jaw falling slack, you could hardly form another word when he spat against your chest and watched it run down your skin. He captured it on his tongue, dragging it up the underside of your breast and then fitting as much of you as he could into the tight, wet heat of his mouth.
Your clit throbbed, and your eyes fell close at the immense pleasure. Jake was taking his damn time, tongue laving over your nipples while his lips stretched over each of your breasts with a pop, one after the other.
“Jake,” the way you moaned his name sent a jolt straight down to his hardening cock. It was damn near impossible to ignore the way you were rutting against him, but he’d neglect the urgency in your desperate little thrusts for just a moment longer. Having you fall apart in his hands of all people was affecting him more than he’d ever imagined. 
“Need you to touch me more…”
He hummed and sucked harshly before letting your swollen breast drop from his mouth. Strands of saliva hung between his lips and your glistening skin, breaking once he spoke. 
“Gorgeous. I wonder just how wet you are, ” Jake pondered, his voice husky against your ear.
The moment you met Jake’s eyes, he recognized the deep unbridled craving in them; they reflected his own. In a moment of boldness, you spread your legs for him to see your dampness spread all across your shorts. 
“Shit,” he breathed. 
You yelped when he pushed you down onto the couch and fit his knee against your core. He watched you press up against him, rolling your hips against his hard, flexed thigh. Pleasure visibly shot through your body.
His eyes narrowed in the dark, and he roughly shoved his hand against your stomach, gripping the soft flesh below your navel. Your hand moved to squeeze his own, causing his heart to skip a beat at the sheer tenderness of your touch. 
The thought that he was being too rough for your first encounter together crossed his mind, but the greedy look in your eyes dispelled any sense of doubt.
“You're so eager. That feel good, sweetheart?”
You nodded slowly as your words got caught in your throat. Jake immediately fit himself against your side to drag his middle finger up and down your core, amazed of the way it glided over your soaked shorts due to your slick. 
He brought his damp fingers up to your lips, “Be a good girl and get them wet for me.”
You obeyed, sucking his digits into your mouth, slightly taken aback at the foreign taste of yourself. He used his free hand to cradle his arm around your neck and tug your shirt over your breasts before sliding your saliva over your pert nipples.
Oh god.
Jake’s hand squeezed at your breast while the other dipped back down between your legs. The pads of his fingers began to circle your swollen nub just like they had over your nipples, but this time his movements were tighter, harsher. You were so wet under your shorts that the moist sounds filled Jake’s ears and spurred him on to bring you to your release. 
“Feels so good…”
Your hand gripped his wrist as you felt your pleasure build, and the other tangled into his shirt. You trembled against him, and he soothed you with a wet kiss on your neck. You continuously ground your core against his thick fingers, the unrelenting pressure against your clit causing heat to spread over your skin and deep within your body. 
“Oh fuck, I’m gonna—“
“Say my name when you come,” he urged.
“Jaeyun,” he corrected sharply, his teeth scraping along your neck. 
He sped up his hand without warning, rubbing your clothed pussy and your eyes fluttered shut, all of the pleasure gathering in your core before snapping with a sharp jerk of your hips. 
“Ja—,” you gasped, “Jaeyun!”
Starlight burst behind the darkness of your eyelids while warmth and euphoria spread through your body in waves. Your thighs clamped around Jake’s hand, but that didn’t stop him from palming your entire pussy and rubbing as much of it as possible, taking you through your high. 
“Yeah, that’s it, baby girl. Make a sweet little mess for me so I can taste you.”
His sweatpants were painfully tight at the sight of you absolutely wrecked in front of him, his cock twitching against your thigh at you calling his name while your cum seeped through your shorts onto his fingers.
He let your nails dig into the skin of his arm and watched as you stretched the fabric of his shirt in desperation. A deep groan vibrated through his chest as he drew out the sweetness of your orgasm with insistent fingers, your trembling moans the perfect indicator of your pleasure— and his own.
“Good girl, such a good girl,” he praised against your ear.
You panted against him; your eyes still screwed shut from the immense toll of your orgasm on your body.
The sensation of your high was indescribable. Having someone touch you was different from touching yourself, but despite reaching your climax, you ached for something to fill you up. 
Still in a daze, your hips followed his movements. He slipped his hand past your waistband, dragging his fingers against your sensitive folds and clit, gathering your slick. 
You let out a whine; the raw contact of his skin against your own made your toes curl and hips buck. It felt amazing and you so badly wanted him to keep his hand down there a little longer.
“I know, baby,” he hushed. 
You shuddered, your core clenching at the way Jake's tongue wrapped around his glistening fingers, his eyes shutting tight as though he were relishing your flavor. A deep sound of satisfaction rumbled through his chest. His hand snaked around your throat, squeezing it lightly while capturing your lips in a deep, intoxicating kiss.
Jake took in your blissed-out expression, a pair of unfocused half-lidded eyes staring up at him. He stopped himself from taking things any further. 
“___. If you don’t want me to fuck you right here and now, then get out of here,” he warned.
“What?” you asked in a daze.
He pulled back from you, eyes unmistakably full of longing. “Get out of here. Now.” A tense moment of silence passed before you came to your senses. You pushed past Jake and scrambled to your feet, running to your room and shutting the door behind you while your body screamed to stay.
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unluckilyimnot · 2 years
Helloo!! Could you possibly write a part 2 to your rindou angst marriage fanfic u wrote? You could write about slowburn,angst,fluff,however you want to continue with it! I just wanna hear more of your thoughts abt it cuz it's been my fave fic these days and i keep reading it every time i need some inspiration 👉👈
Hiiii I can absolutely do that (even if i took forever to do so) I'm really happy to see that you thought that much about it and hope it's not to late haha Thank you sm !
type: slow burn (ig), fluff
Words count: 4.7k || Pt.1 || Pt.3
note: I can’t count the number of mental breakdown I got bc of this. I never ever wrote slow burn and then suddenly I’m doing one with an awful base, great idea Mia. Anyway, here’s my first slow burn (if it can be considered as one), hope it’s not too bad for the time it took.
I would really appreciate feedback back for this one so feel free to comment or send a message, thank you !
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Rindou was thinking a lot since the last time you two argued. It wasn't the first time for you to take care of him like this, but neither of you ever speak your heart like this and he has to admit that his mind didn't want to let it go. The way your hand was so gentle towards him, patting his cheek as if he was still a kid. It's been a long time since you did that and, this time, he could remember your touch on his skin without hating it. It's been what, one or two weeks now ? He couldn't understand why he wasn't getting over it yet. It was poisoning his brain. Overthinking the whole situation like he never did before. Was it because he was too angry to face it before ? Or just to try to know you ? This was messing with his mind and he doesn't like it at all. It never was important, you never were, so why now he was thinking about how dirty he did you ? That was pure nonsense. Just like you.
"Rindou are you listening?" Ran's voice rises and Rindou lifts his head. "Yes, I am," answers Rindou but his lost eyes show that, in fact, he wasn't at all. Shaking this whole situation out of his mind for the next few hours. He was worried that this would take too much space when he had to work but at the same time, he couldn't find a way to resolve it. So he'll ignore it til the end of the day or Ran would kill him if he has to call him out one more time.
Ran obviously noticed how his brother's behavior changed since that night but he just couldn't figure out what happened since Rindou doesn't talk to him about it. Which he finds weird in the first place because they usually talk about everything together. He was curious to know what was happening to his brother. As the two of them go on their meeting, someone suddenly comes inside after a firm knock. The two Haitani were sending daggers to them for this audacity but cut it out when they saw a pretty woman enter the room.
Leaving for work this afternoon, you noticed a pile of files on the kitchen's table as you passed by to take something to eat on the way. Seeing your last name on it, you assumed that it was Rindou’s files and that he forgot it this morning. You knew you didn’t have the right to take a look at all, it was confident stuff most of the time, so you simply grabbed it and decided to pass by the Bonten’s building before going to your own after putting some sweets in your bag. Driving to the place, it almost seems like a normal company you said to yourself as you stop in front of it. It must be insane for someone outside of this world you guess. But yes, for people like you, it has always been normal to carry top secret papers and a gun in your bag while playing innocent. Entering the building as if it was yours, you were surprised to see two guys coming to you and asking for your matter. You don't come around a lot but still, you weren't anybody either. But you can't know everyone, right ? So you let it go and smiled at them.
"I'm bringing papers to my husband, he forgot those this morning," you said with a little smile, trying to be nice as you showed them in your hands.
"I've never seen you around with anyone though..." Imply one of the men, making you quirk. Not coming around everyday doesn't mean that you're lying. You don't have to do so just because of your previous last name in fact. You never needed to be a Haitani to be respected. You sigh as they didn't let you pass even after reading the name on the files.
"Don't make me call him, he won't answer anyway," you explain. Rolling your eyes, you push them aside softly to go on anyway. One of them roughly catches your arm and tries to get you out. A fragile sigh leaves your lips, your cool was more than down and you didn't have the time for this bullshit. Being late is one of the things you hated the most in life and being taken for an idiot too. The thought of killing him right away crossed your mind and the gaze you sent to this poor man made shivers go down his spine in terror when he catches your eyes. "Don't touch me," you instructed, not feeling like playing the sweet wife anymore.
"Oh Miss Haitani, it's been a while since the last time you came," says a young lady passing by with a smile. Her voice calms you down immediately and the man lets you go for the sake of his dear life. She was new the last time you came and you guided her through the building because she couldn't find an office. She was such a kind memory to this place you don’t necessarily appreciate that she calms your nerves. At her words, the two men finally let you live and you go on to the elevator to find Rindou.
Clenching your jaw as the door closes, thinking that a simple lady working here has more value than your words drives you mad. You'll talk to him about it, if you can ever see him. Leaning on the wall as you were alone in the cage, you thought that maybe you wouldn't even have to see him today. Your strict expression falls for a second, replaced with a morose one. You hoped you could, you didn't see each other often after all, but you're always happy to speak with him. Even if it's fighting or just a hello, it warms up your heart. He was right, you're stupid to love him, but hope make you live right ? So you'll continue till it kills you. The doors open in front of you, taking you out of your thoughts before you straighten up when people come in. Going down to the right floor, you walked to the room Rindou is usually in with his brother. As you were about to knock when someone stopped you again and this time you didn't take any of it. You knock and open anyway, a blank expression to contain your anger.
Rindou was surprised. He never expected you there and almost never saw you when you were ready to work. You stand out immediately from anyone in this room, black and red outfits flattering your skin. For the first time in his life, he finds you pretty. Your prideful gait and straight face flutter him a bit as you lay his papers on the desk.
"You forgot this," you simply said as you looked him in the eyes, not waiting for anything but a kind of fondness in it. He answered a little thank you, not shutting your gaze and he had to blink a few times before he could. Leaning his gaze on the other men around the table, their looks on you slightly irritate him. Do men usually look at you that way ? He never expected it. Maybe because he never saw you like a woman but mainly like a kid stealing his freedom. You were in fact a beautiful woman, he had to admit it. You nod and turn around to leave and go take care of your own business. Everyone followed you as you stepped back out of the room. Looking at him one last time, you showed the man next to the door.
"And tell your men about me please, the next one who touches me is dead," you add firmly before definitely passing the door without a goodbye. You weren't a kid anymore and Rindou started to realize it only now. Ran looked at his brother's stun reaction as you left, thinking about what must have happened for him to react like this. Looking through the papers, Rindou realized he actually needed it later on for this meeting and should have been more thankful. But that can’t stay on his mind for too long, immediately coming back to work because it needs to be done and resolved by the end of the day or Kokonoi would kill them. He was thankful, but you still weren't that important. A message would be fine.
By the end of the day, as you were still at work, your phone lights up, showing his name on the screen. You opened it, surprised to receive a text from him because it rarely happened during your three years relationship. It was a simple thank you, nothing less or more, but it made you blush like a high-school girl. Making you think that it was really helpful and worth it to stop by before coming here and proceed to go back to work so you could come home soon.
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“Say Rindou,” Sanzu doesn’t even have finished his sentence that Rindou wanted to quit it. He doesn’t feel like talking or arguing with him today. His nerves were nothing to play with right now, tiredness showing in his eyes. Last night’s mission was longer than expected and he just wanted to cool down with someone to fill his mind. Forget everything for a while. Glaring at the pink-haired boy, Rindou really wished this would be enough for him to shut up but the only answer he got was a mischievous smile.
“I saw your girl the other day,” the world he used made Rindou hiss. You’re not his girl, you’ve never been and would never be. He despises the fact that Sanzu keeps on calling you like this.
“She’s freaking hot, I don’t understand why you bother to find some girls here and there when you have this at home,” joked the guy while resting on the back of his seat with a smirk.
“Shut up,” spited Rindou, shutting Sanzu’s month only for him to smile, amused.
“If you really don’t want it, at least share-”
“Enough !” screamed Rindou, “stop being fucking horny for a minute and leave her alone.” His strict tone surprised everyone, he never acted like this, maybe because they usually don’t bring you on. It’s been a while since anyone jokes about it, and it was better that way. Knowing that people think of you that way made him angry in a way, he doesn't like the idea. In his mind, you’re still so young so he doesn't understand how anyone could want you or find you attractive. Even if he faced it the other day, his mind still doesn’t want to see you as a grown up woman. But it’s the case, and maybe you’ll change your mind one day because you will understand that him, and this marriage, aren’t worthy to you. He will come back home and you won’t be there - or there will be someone else here with you. Rindou never dared think about it but, this too, makes him kinda angry. He’s just used to you being at his place when he leaves or comes back.
Thinking about it only now, Rindou wonders why he never got to see you in that kind of outfit before. Of course, he leaves before you most of the time and also comes home late, if he ever comes back. He never saw you leaving or coming back from work. You always seem to be at home. He never really cared but that was normal for him to act like this. Even though Rindou was acting weird lately because of that day and now Sanzu’s words.
“If one day she changes her mind, tell her to call me,” jokes Sanzu again, not knowing when to stop.
“She won’t,” answered Rindou quietly, desperate himself.
“You’re so full of yourself,” adds the pink-haired boy, now bored by his answer.
“I’m not, she’s just like this. I want her to change too…” Rindou suddenly seems a bit numb, angriness gone and only his mind even more stuffy. He doesn’t want you to stick him to death like this, he’d love it if you were able to change your mind, but not to go with someone like Sanzu. And as long as you stay at his place. It might seem to be contradictory, but in his unstable life you're the only thing that hasn’t changed in years and maybe he minds it more than he expected. After that, Rindou leaves the place alone without adding anything, leaving some of them annoyed or concerned. Ran doesn’t really get why his brother is now so concerned about you, but he really wanted to talk about it now.
Rindou comes home with someone that night. He never really does that because he knows he can meet you and doesn't want it to happen at all, but in his head it was clear that you’re rarely here on Thursday night. He never sees you anywhere in your shared apartment and so thought it would be okay for once ; he didn’t want to sleep over tonight, too tired for that. It's better to send her home when he’s done than to himself get home later. Everything was calm, nothing could be heard beside their footsteps and that was all he could pray for. As the girl entered the living room, looking around because she never gets to see where he lives even if they saw each other a few times now, she was more than ready to have some fun here. The place is big, tidy and the overall atmosphere is just perfect. She was already loving it.
“I really like your place, you choose all of this ?” she asked, mentioning the decoration and softly letting her hand go on the couch to feel the texture.
“That’s all you care about ?” answer harshly Rindou. Of course it was not him, this whole place is based on your tastes and he knows you have good ones since everyone told him that his place is so well decorated. It made him sick at first, but now he’s just used to it. She wasn’t there to look at the decoration but him and suddenly, he was off. All he could think was you, again. Following her to the living room anyway, being sure that his mind will change again if she shuts up, he notices something unusual. The door or your office was slightly open, a little lamp glowing inside but mostly you leaned on your desk. Your hair was still up in a ponytail and he couldn’t see your face but was sure that you were asleep. Chills drive down his back at the thought of you waking up to him fucking someone else here and his mind quickly get a conclusion. Grabbing the girl’s arm, he pulls her to the door in a rush.
“My wife is here, you have to go.” His tone looks like you didn’t know any of it and that was better that way or else she wouldn't let him alone easily.
“So we’re going somewhere else ?” she asked, sure that he will follow her. “No,” he simply said before pushing her outside.
“Don’t call me,” was the last thing slipping out of his mouth before he closed the door in front of her face. Rindou was confused at his own behavior. He could follow her at her place but it just doesn’t feel right anymore. Leaning his back against the door for a moment, a sigh leaves his lips before heading to your office. As he passed the door to check for real this time, you were certainly sleeping, an open window with a planned meeting for later on the screen. He never comes to your office before but you always seem to get out of there when you greet him when he’s back. Based on all the files that were accumulated here, you probably mainly work from here and that explains why he rarely saw you in the kind of outfit of the last time. Rindou doesn't dare look at your papers, knowing too well that you’ll never look at his, but still lets his gaze go around your desk, observing your workplace. It was like learning things about you and, to his surprise, it wasn't that bad. You look really invested in your work, have a photo of your younger brother on your desk and even a post-it to call your mom regularly. As he looked at all the things you had around your screen, he found one with when he comes home regularly and even important dates of the month, probably so you know when he comes back or not. That was showing that you cared without stepping on his intimacy.
His eyes fell on your sleeping figure, it definitely was bad for your back to sleep like this and he finds himself hoping that it doesn’t happen too often. You weren’t the little girl that wanted to follow him everywhere anymore, too curious about his job even though your dad did the same and teaches you everything you need to know. You learned to stay in your place and were now respected for sure based on your attitude outside this place. Maybe Rindou was wrong. Yet he won’t tell you that. So, before he leaves, he puts your jacket on your bare shoulders so you won’t be cold when you wake up and closes the door behind him to be sure to not wake you up.
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“So both Haitani have to go, make sure to find someone to go with you because I don’t want to do it this time,” Koko warns while searching for the next subject of the meeting in his papers. A little chuckle leaves Sanzu’s lips, happy that it's not him but even more ‘cause it’s them. Rindou isn’t a big fan of events like this but if Mikey is asking for them, there must be a reason. Or not, they’re just there and he probably doesn’t want to send Sanzu or he will make a mess. Still fair enough to Rindou to not sigh at the thought. He just has to find someone, but someone was already on his mind. Plus, he understands Koko’s point : last time, they were both awful because they had to go instead of Sanzu and Kakucho and the poor girls had to go through their bad temper, no matter what, the whole night. This time wouldn’t be the same though, and it’s gladly appreciated. Ran likes those, and Rindou never mind coming with his brother when it's already planned like this. Everything must go well as long as no-one is acting like a jerk around them. It rarely happens in that kind of meeting but, there’s always some person for whom it’s the first time and so they can’t behave. Anyway, Rindou was praying not to cross their roads. He has something else to deal with first.
As Rindou was leaving the meeting with his brother when it finally came to an end, the older one offered him a ride home so they could talk about it further. Ran waves at the others while leaving , smiling but finally happy to have some time with his brother. Plus, they were both busy lately and didn’t get to talk to each other a lot, and since he knew something was off, Ran couldn’t wait to be in his car to talk. Walking to where Ran's car was parked, they both sat in silence before driving out of the parking lot. Ran felt like it’s been an eternity since this happened.
“What’s wrong Ran ?” asking Rindou straight away, knowing his brother too well to know that something was on his mind. His eyes were looking through the window, his chin in his hand, waiting for him to talk but he was obviously busy thinking.
“I want to know what’s on your mind lately,” answered the older one, looking at the road. After a short break, Rindou added a little “nothing” that could never convince his brother and he knew it. Ran sighs before shaking his head a little. Why was he always like this ?
“You can talk to me you know, we’ve been together for life,” he assures, looking sideways at him but he wasn’t moving. “You’re just weird lately and I’m worried. Is it because of Sanzu’s joke the other day ?”
Rindou clenches his jaw at the memories. Simply imagining it makes him want to kill him, and that fact shows how much he changes already. Acknowledging you was something that shakes him deep down, and he doesn't want anyone to joke about it anymore.
“Or is it just about her ?” adds Ran carefully after watching his reaction. His intuition was right, that time when you came to their office really did something to him, as if it was the first time he really saw you. Rindou knew it was impossible to hide it from his brother and sigh before leaning on the back of his seat.
“Just her,” he whispers, like it was a crime to say it out loud. Doing that made it real, and it was still hard for him to admit it. That you were on his mind, that he was kinda worried for you now, sometimes. He hopes you had enough sleep after your late meeting, that no one is bothering you anymore and even asks himself if you remember to eat since you work alone most of the time. It feels stupid and ridiculous, he never did that for anyone and he never thought he will for you but there he was, thinking about sending you a message at 2pm to asks if you’ve eat today when he almost never texted you.
“I feel like a child,” started the youngest, covering his eyes. Ran hum in response, encouraging him to go on. “She’s been on my mind a lot, I started to feel bad being like this with her. She always did a lot for me without me realizing it.” He cuts himself to breathe. Acknowledging that he was wrong seems harder than any mission he ever faced and Ran was ready to wait and listen to him like he always did.
“She’s not a kid anymore,” Rindou finally said but those words were cutting deep in his throat. He probably was the only one to not see it yet, too blinded by the view he had of you, of the child who cuts his freedom and who would always be useless to him because you were too young and immature.
“Better late than never,” answered his brother with a bit of sarcasm. No need to say that it wasn’t welcomed by the youngest who sent daggers at him. “I’m kidding,” chuckles Ran, “What are you gonna do now ? Accepting your marriage ? Considering her as your wife for real this time ?”
“I don’t know, I’m still thinking about it. But I stopped seeing other girls and she was the first one that came to my mind when Koko said we have to come with someone,” admit the youngest. A small and prideful smile appears on Ran's lips at his words. Rindou always blamed you for not being mature enough, but with time, he was the immature one in this relationship and he was ready to go on and face it. Finally.
“So you will ask her ?” Ran couldn’t contain his happiness, he always finds you cute in fact, and thinks that you suit Rindou pretty well in the end.
“Don’t be so happy about it,” pouted Rindou but still nods at his brother’s words. Yes, he will, even if he was anticipating your reaction.
Rindou tried to act normal as he came back home but his hands were sweaty. He stressed about it more than he thought. He rarely talked to you, besides arguing, and it feels weird to suddenly ask you to come with him at a big meeting as his date. Maybe he should apologize first. Thinking too hard about it, he doesn’t realize that he was now in front of your office door and, after a deep breath, he takes his courage with both hands and knocks.
The sudden noise makes you flinch. No one ever knocked on your door here and, for a second, you forget how to respond to that. You regain yourself fast and get up with a little “coming” before opening the door. There was Rindou, freshly coming back from work but without that annoyed expression he always has. Questioning yourself, you tilt your head to the side, not knowing if you should be the one speaking first or letting him since he was the one - kinda - asking for you.
“Do you need something ?” Yes, you talk first by reflex in the end, even if it never ends well. But for some reason, Rindou standing oddly calm in front of you made you feel calm too ? It never happened yet, he was always aggressive around you. Agreeing to your words, he was now searching for his words or how to say it and you never thought you'd be blessed enough to see Rindou like this. awkwardness showing in his attitude and looking away with a frown that didn’t seem hard at all. You wanted to chuckle, but kept your mouth shut and instead smiled politely.
“Just tell me, don't be ashamed,” you added sweetly. Rindou sighs, realizing he was probably ridiculous, he just decided to ask right away.
“I have an important meeting in a few weeks and I wanted to know if you could be my date for the night,” he said quickly, and if you weren’t used to your co-worker speaking so fast you probably wouldn’t have understood a single word. But you did and your cheeks grew hot immediately. You were touched by his offer for sure, but at the same time couldn’t believe it. Rindou never wanted you around him, to hear about you and was angry to get here because that means seeing you, why was he asking you this now ? He clearly saw the misunderstanding in your eyes and decided to speak up.
“I was the childish one in the end, but I want to make it up to you. That doesn’t mean that we’ll be a happy couple tomorrow,” he warns you. “But I’m ready to try to know you better…”
Your heart flutters at his words. It felt like you’ve waited all your life to hear those words. Your hand that was left on the door to keep it open falls slowly as your brain processes them and a lot of things come to your mind.
You didn't even think of nodding in agreement but were already retracing your schedules in your head to be sure you were free. Rindou was waiting for your answer, worried to the bone. You didn’t know, but you were so serious that he was sure you’ll smack the door at him soon because it was way too easy to come to you like this. Instead, you signal him to come inside with you so you can check the date and secure it for him.
“You’re okay with it ?” he asked, confused. Sitting at your desk, you looked at him surprised. “Of course I am, you’re asking so why would I say no ?” It was your first wife's duty, and you were more than glad to accept it. Even more since he was the one asking. So with a smile, you show him to come to you once again so you two can check together.
Rindou looked at you in disbelief, you sure were weird. He still doesn’t get you, and he doesn't really know if he will one day. But he will surely try from now on.
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It took me some times, I’m sorry. I was, at first, in an exam period, but since I’m positive to covid I use that time to write and rest
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sanzusbestie · 3 years
Hello !
Can i request relationship (fem! reader) hcs of Shinichiro ? I dont really know what i want, is that okay ?
Have a nice day !
♡ Pairing : Sano Shinichiro x Fem! Reader
♡ Warnings : None
♡ A/N : I'm so happy to finally have a request I might cry lmao, thank you so much for requesting anon <3 sorry if there's any mistake, English isn't my first language and it's my first time writing, I really hope you'll like it
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You guys have known each other for several years
You needed money and one of you classmates told you their neighbour was looking for someone to babysit their siblings for a day
This is how you met Shinichiro
He straight up asked you out 🙃
You straight up rejected him bc fair enough
However you two became good friends
You immediately liked the way he took care of Emma and Manjirou
You often have coffee together in the morning
You used to swing by his shop when you were bored but it quickly became part of your daily routine
You love listening to him talking about his passion
You realized your feelings after some time
And you finally said yes !!! (Seriously what took you so long ?!)
Hugging, kissing, cuddling, you have it all with him !
Often buys you random gifts, could be a pen but hey it's a ✨ glitter ✨ pen
And you love it
This boy is jealous
Not in a toxic way where you couldn't wear what you want or have other male friends
He just don't like when some people look at you in a not so friendly way
In those times, he'd put his arm around your waist and kiss your cheek
But let's not forget that he's THE Sano Shinichiro so not a lot of person would actually try to hit on you
You guys often facetime
Dates, dates, dates !!
He takes you absolutely everywhere (anywhere your pockets allow 💀)
You two don't argue often
But when you do it's serious, like you don't talk to each other for 2/3 days
Or he's being a brat, like if you pretend not to listen when he's talking about something he won't talk to you for the rest of the day (in a playful way)
He's like "ArE yOu SeRiOuS ?"
And then boom !
Girl, you do not exist anymore 💀
You often sleep at his place
He likes holding you while you sleep
Kisses your forehead and plays with your hair
When you're not feeling good, he'd wait for you two to be alone to talk to you
Sometimes you can't answer and you just start to cry
He IMMEDIATELY takes you in his arms and strokes your back
He'll try to tell you some jokes to make you feel better
His jokes are horrible 🗿🗿🗿
Overall, he'd be a perfect boyfriend <3
223 notes · View notes
robinofgothamcity · 3 years
♡ scenario: meeting dick's ex girlfriend and it going awkwardly well
♡ characters: jason todd ( red hood ) x fem! reader
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes / i'm sorry but have yall seen that comparison of Jason Todd from Titans to the comics that the DC Titans twit made? bc every time i look at it, it takes me out. my twitter groupchat have slaughtering it all night :').
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you in Dick's apartment, fiddling with a few of his weapons as he sternly told you to put it down before you hurt yourself. you, clearly not bothering to listen, continued to fiddle with the batarang as it managed to hit you on the nose. in between Dick's laugh, he wheezed out an 'I told you so'.
"fuck off, when are we going to your dad's place?" you asked, "I want to get back home before we get back to our apartments later than we already are," you mumbled, getting up and grabbing your keys.
Dick ushered you out the door, murmuring that he'd buy you a coffee on the way to Gotham as compensation for helping his family out. you were Dick's ex girlfriend and although the two of you ended on friendly terms, you managed to know his families secret and thus, you decided to help Dick out with his hero work in Bludhaven.
the two of you had realized a while into the relationship that neither of you were really into each other romantically. it felt a bit forced with the kisses and dates and a part of you saw the way Dick felt about his ex still. you weren't mad at the way he felt about Barbara but you could tell that he still had feelings for her and you didn't want him to deny his true feelings for her anymore.
both of you hopped into your car and made your way over to his father's place. you had met Bruce a while back when you were dating Dick and by extension, you had met Dick's younger brother Damian. he was still a bit of a prick to you every time you met him but Dick had told you that Damian was just that way with everyone. you had a few interactions with Duke and Cassie from time to time but it was only when they stopped by. the only two you had yet to meet were Dick's two younger brothers, Tim and Jason.
you had heard stories about them it wasn't anything too crazy. all you knew was that Tim was a bit on the shyer side and Jason was the one with the crazy backstory. they hadn't told you everything about Jason but you did know that Jason was dead at one point and managed to come back. how? you didn't know and frankly, you didn't want to know. knowing that this world was filled with superheroes from out of this world and held supernatural abilities was enough for you.
by the time you arrived to Bruce's place, you had Dick take in your back pack as you sipped away on the Starbucks he had bought for you. Dick entered through the batcave, waving a hello to everyone as you saw Damian and gave the little gremlin a smirk before chasing him for a hug.
"get away from me you peasant," Damian screamed, grabbing his blade and pointing it at you. you laughed, sitting down on his chair, "aww, and to think I thought you'd be happy to see me!" you giggled, taking your laptop out of your bag with a few other things.
you noticed that there was another person in the room that you hadn't familiarized yourself with and got up, "hi, I'm ( your name ), Dick's work partner," you said, stretching your hand out for him, "and the pain in my ass." you rolled your eyes as the man chuckled, "I'm Jason," he replied. his voice alone made the hair on your arms raise in goosebumps as you found his voice extremely attractive, "pleasure," you responded, trying not to sound nervous.
Dick wasn't the smartest of all brothers, clearly but it didn't exactly take an idiot to see the way you immediately acted around Jason. he noticed the way you pulled yourself back a bit as Jason stood up to give you a proper hello. when he first met you, you were instantly the confident person you always were but this time, you were pulling yourself back a bit.
"so, how did you meet Dick?" Jason asked. you laughed, "we're partners at work and I even dated the asshole for a while," Dick whipped his head around as you heard Damian hollering from laughter, "I'm right here!" he exclaimed. you rolled your playfully, "please, I heard the way you talk about me to Barbara," you pressed, making Dick slump down in his seat in shame.
Jason laughed at the way you managed to make Dick fall back. he had never seen someone do that to him before and frankly, he kind of liked the way you poked at Dick a bit. everyone knew he was the easiest target to mess with but it seemed as though you were professional at it, just like Damian was.
"so, who are the ones on patrol tonight?" Bruce asked, getting up. Damian and Dick raised their hands as they all looked to Jason, "you're still hurt from your previous run in so you will be sitting this one out Master Jason," Alfred spoke up. you saw the way Jason wanted to argue but Alfred gave him the 'you better not try it' look.
"you can stay with her," Dick offered, slipping into his suit, "she's helping out with communication tonight since Tim is off doing work with the Titans." you gave Jason a wave of encouragement as he agreed, not as excited as you thought he'd be. you shrugged it off, waving everyone off with a 'be careful' lecture.
the batcave went silent as Alfred had offered to bring the both of you coffee for the long night. you were sitting across from Jason, your legs crossed as you slipped in your headphone into one ear to make sure you could hear what Damian, Dick, and Bruce were saying clearly. you cracked your neck, trying to make it unstiff as you gave the three of them their coordinates of where they were to meet if they all separated....which was the first thing they did.
"so, why did you and Dick break up?" Jason asked suddenly. you lifted your head up, "oh, we just realized we were better off as friends," you replied, "everything felt kind of forced and a bit weird so we figured it was best to just be friends before it got any weirder."
Jason nodded, smiling underneath his stoic face. he knew he wanted to make a move on you but realized it was a slimey thing to do so quick. he hadn't known the real reason to the break up but figured since you were still friends with Dick, it clearly meant that there were no hard feelings, especially when Dick was trying his time again with Barbara.
the two of you remained silent, sipping away on water and coffee. a few yawns crossed your face as you tried to keep yourself awake. this wasn't the first time Dick had you doing this but you hadn't went strictly from work to Dick's place and didn't get the chance to take a nap before leaving. Jason saw the way you were fighting off your sleep and chuckled.
"tired?" he asked. you nodded slowly, "long day and an even longer day tomorrow," you replied. you saw your phone ping up with text messages as you let out a groan of annoyance, "something wrong?" Jason asked, seeing the way messages came in left and right.
you flipped the phone over, "it's dumb. some guy I was seeing hasn't stopped messaging me ever since I gave him my number and even when I told him I wasn't interested, he still kept going," you confessed, wanting nothing more than to chuck your phone against the wall to make it stop.
Jason thought for a moment. he could play this one of two ways. one: trying to give you mature, adult advice or two: being the petty teenager he used to once be. "wanna try to get him back?" he asked, quickly checking the communicators and cameras to make sure everything was still okay. you nodded your head a bit slowly, not knowing what he was hinting at.
Jason grabbed your phone, quickly taking a photo before writing a few thing down and sending it. your eyes widened, seeing what he wrote out.
"might wanna stop texting the girl who has no interest in you."
you gave Jason a look as he laughed, "what?" he asked, going back to the cameras and communicators. after a while, you got a message that they were heading back to the cave as others took their place. you clapped in tired happiness as you shut the computers down and put every thing into your bad so you and Dick could head out as quickly as possible.
"leaving already?" Jason poked playfully. you smiled, "I have work in the morning and I doubt you'd want to spend anymore time with me," you joked back. Jason grabbed your phone again, this time putting his number into your phone before shooting himself a message.
"you couldn't even wait a day?" Dick said as he got out of the batmobile. you shrugged playfully, "what can I say? your brother is hot," you responded, waving your phone with his number in it. Jason choked on his spit as Damian gagged, "gross, keep that shit to yourself," Damian yelled, slamming the door of the batcave as he made his way to his room.
you gave Jason a wink goodbye before getting into Dick's car.
"see ya soon sweetheart."
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atlabeth · 3 years
hold onto me (im a little unsteady) - sokka x reader
i was listening to the song when i came up w this so feel free to listen to that if you want
summary: a late night with sokka reminds you that even on the worst days, you always have someone in your corner.
a/n: lmao this is 100% self indulgent i have no excuses. my parents are getting divorced and almost every time they're together they argue and so this is just a comfort fic after it happened again tonight bc GD i wish i had a sokka. this one goes out to all my divorce babies or people with parents that never stop arguing. you are very loved<3
wc: 1.7k, this got away from me lol
warning(s): mentions of parents arguing n shit, like the tiniest mentions of implying sex and problems with consent (in general, not with them), but this is all fluff
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hey. i know you’re probably asleep right now but could you come over?
It was far too late at night when you sent the text. A question asked on a whim, an offer that would most likely go ignored due to the boy on the other end being asleep.
But goddammit, you really didn’t care. Even if he didn’t respond, just hitting ‘send’ made you feel slightly better. You had already taken refuge in one of the sweatshirts he had left at your house (read: one that you had stolen and refused to give back) and as your eyes fell on the glow of the digital clock on your bedside table, you were once again reminded of how stupid this was.
But you heard the telltale buzz of a notification and all but lunged for your phone, an uncontrollable smile tugging on your lips. You didn’t know why you ever doubted him.
sokka💙: you know i never sleep babe
sokka💙: a curse of my genius
sokka💙: im omw
you’re the best thank you love<3
A pair of fuzzy socks and a refilled water bottle later, you heard the sound of something hitting your window. Though you tensed up at first, a roll of your eyes was all it took before you remembered just who you had invited over. Another smile took over as you pushed yourself off of your bed, pushing the curtains aside in time to see another pebble hit the pane.
A physical effort took place to stifle the laugh as you pushed your window up, and you leaned against the sill on your elbows to get a better look at your ridiculous boyfriend.
“Throwing rocks at my window? I think I’m stuck in a bad romcom.”
He grinned and let the remaining pebbles fall to the ground. “It’s what’s to be expected from your Prince Charming, right? Besides, I’m assuming that your parents wouldn’t just let me walk through the front door at this hour.”
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks. Just the sight of Sokka was always enough to make you feel better, and tonight was no exception. The vice on your heart was already starting to loosen. “Right as usual. Think you’ll catch me if I jump?”
He laughed and made a show of looking up and down the distance and then at his arms. “I’d like to say so, but I think we’d have better luck if I climb up.”
“You sure you can do that, big guy?” you asked with a teasing grin. He rolled his eyes with the same sentiment.
“Of course I can. I just thank nature that there’s a tree so close to your window. It’s saved me from a lot of embarrassing falls.”
You chuckled and backed away from the window, the slight chill from the night air beginning to get to you. “I’ll leave you to it while I get things ready.”
Truth be told, your room was a total mess at the moment. You knew Sokka wouldn’t care, especially not now, but it put you slightly more at ease to have something in your life that you could control. You were in the middle of shoving some previously strewn-about clothes into your closet when you heard the click of your window closing. When you turned around, you were met with your boyfriend’s smiling face.
“You’re so pretty,” you murmured as you walked over to him. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you kissed him lightly on the lips, unable to stop the blossoming smile nor the warmth that the action gave you. “Thank you for being here.”
“Of course.” The softness of his words were in stark contrast to the joking bravado from only minutes earlier, and as you stepped away from his embrace and pushed yourself onto your bed, he joined you on the other side. “And not that I’m not happy to be here, but I just wanna know. What’s going on?”
You sighed, letting one leg hang off the bed as you tucked the other in. It was a testament to Sokka’s power how quickly he had gotten you to forget about the new mess of the night. “The usual showing of fuckall and fuckup. I’m more impressed by how they never run out of things to scream at each other about.”
Your bad joke didn’t get a laugh out of him, which you were secretly glad for. Instead, he snaked an arm around your back and tugged you closer, a contented sigh falling from your lips as you nestled your head into the space between his shoulder and his head. “I’m sorry,” he murmured. “You know it’s not your fault, right?”
The phrase had gone in one ear and out the other more times than you could count from your parents, but each time Sokka said it, the words held a different weight. You knew it wasn’t your fault in the first place, but guilt didn’t care all that much for logic. You knew he meant it though, and once more the vice loosened.
“I know. But it still helps to hear it.” You glanced up at him, reaching a hand up to twist a loose strand of his hair around your finger. “You should wear your hair down more often,” you mused. “It makes you look like a prince.”
He chuckled, amusement glinting through his ocean eyes. “I did say I was your Prince Charming, didn’t I?”
You smiled, slowly uncurling his hair from your finger. “Yeah.”
“That means I’ll always be there for you. Especially to save my royal from their evil stepparents.”
Another laugh bubbled in your chest at that, and you leaned closer into him. “Thank you. The more I visit your place, the more I want your family to be mine. Hakoda is like, the nicest man I’ve ever met, and your mom? She actually makes me want to cry with how sweet she is. I think I know where you get it from.”
He grinned and bumped your leg with his own. “You know you’re welcome over there any time. But maybe you shouldn’t — I think my mom might actually adopt you with how much she loves you. That… that would be really weird.”
His joy was infectious as you planted another kiss on his cheek, something that earned you a, as you liked to call it, dazzling Signature Sokka Smile. “I’ll make sure she holds off on the adoption papers for now.”
“I’d like that.”
And though the happiness you felt at the moment was almost overwhelming, that was just what caused that tiny sliver of doubt to come in. When people invited their partners over at three in the morning, it usually wasn’t to sit on the bed and talk about their problems. It was… it was for more, and you didn’t want that right now. And because you were an expert at it, you decided to put your foot in your mouth and start talking.
“I— I’m sorry that I called you over here so late, for no reason. I know you probably expected something else than me ranting, but…” you sighed, drawing your knees closer to your chest as you brought your other hand to Sokka’s resting on your shoulder. “I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong idea.”
He sighed at that, but you knew it wasn’t one of disappointment. “You know I’m here for you. I don’t care if you just want to sit in silence for the next five hours while we stare at the wall, or if you want to watch sappy rom coms until your eyes bleed. I’m more than okay with staying like this. I didn’t come over here because I expected anything from you — I came over here because you needed me, and so I’m here.” Sokka smiled, an image you didn’t think would ever stop making you melt, and intertwined your hand with his. “This is perfect. You’re perfect.”
You were so stunned at the brazen declaration that your voice got stuck in your throat for a moment, holding back tears. (Happy tears. They were never anything other than happy tears with Sokka.) It hit you then that you didn’t really know what it was like having someone get close to you without an ulterior motive.
“Thank you,” you murmured after a moment of comfortable silence. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You knew he was smiling, even without having to look up at him. You could hear it in his voice, feel it in the kiss he pressed to your hairline.
A comfortable silence hung in the air for a long time until you broke it. “You know… my dad kinda ran off to a motel for the night after this whole thing, and my mom leaves early in the morning. If you were serious about those rom coms…” You allowed the unsaid question of staying the night to fester so Sokka knew he could say no if he wanted to, but he didn’t even hesitate.
“Of course I was serious. I mean, I’ve gotta get the ideas for our future wedding from somewhere.”
You laughed, a sentiment that had occurred more times in the ten minutes he had been here than the past week, and picked the remote for your little box TV off of your bedside table. You clicked through various movies until you found one Sokka liked, and then you cuddled deeper into his side to prepare for the ride you had ahead of you.
Thirty minutes into 27 Dresses, he had fallen asleep, arm still around you and one of his legs slightly intertwined with one of your own. But it’s not like you minded — the familiar weight of Sokka in your bed had caused all your worries to melt away, if only for the night.
You didn’t expect him to last past the first movie, but you were sure you would at least get through until Katherine Heigl got the man. But there was an overwhelming feeling of safety permeating the air with Sokka’s arms around you, and you ended up knocked out before she could even get through all twenty seven dresses.
It wasn’t lost on you how fortunate you were — he didn’t expect anything like that from you, he just wanted you to be safe. He was there for you. You would never understand how you had gotten so lucky with your boyfriend, but you would never stop being grateful for him.
this is the most self indulgent thing ive ever written and i am NOT sorry
perm tags: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77
atla tags: @marianne1806 @brown-eyed-thang @akiris
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