#this was actually supposed to be a quick silly sketch
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how to talk to short people
I'm chasing the vibe I attempted to portray here and here, so I guess all these paintings could be viewed as a series now
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xxplastic-cubexx · 16 days
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oh noooo or whatever
bonus aka The Real Motive Behind This:
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SURPRISE double bonus. textless ver of the first pic under the cut
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starsillys · 5 months
getting this out here so I don’t for get later because the tamagotchi au is fresh on my mind and I forgot to elaborate further (I can yap for hours on end)
Kinito was the first created out of the three and was admired by a certain somebody quite a lot,,, he was a beloved character, so much in fact a silly secret guy basically decided to make his oc real and put a lot of efforts and time and lots of passion into creating this tamagotchi by scratch,, like doing the programming and assimilation and stuff,, so you can imagine the massive disappointment when his friend suddenly started bugging out quite frequently and eventually had just. Stopped working for a long while afterwards! Heart broken and stupid, unable to find the cause for this (something silly like. He like. Slightly dislocated a wire after dropping it or something causing it to constantly just have a blank screen by accident and he was unaware of this.. idk I never had a tamagotchi bfore guys I don’t know how they wor’k) he sold the gotchi as it over time became just. A sad memory for him yknow. Anyway Kinito was still very much on. He was awake and aware during this time of accidental abandonment. He just didn’t know the SILLY reasoning behind why his creator and supposed best friend had just left him aside to collect dust,, all alone,,, with no interaction for years,,, and he couldn’t really come out just as yet because after all that time he still had faith. He believed his friend would come back to him. That he wasn’t forgotten and just needed to wait! No need to come out. What if he was busy? What if he just didn’t had time right now? no need to come out, friend will come back so just stay inside. [spoiled once he was being sold like years later is when he actually finally came to the terms that he had indeed been given up on, and had purposely became inactive everytime you (y/n) after purchase tried to interact by feeding or playing with him via the tamagotchi mini games because he was still like. Horribly devastated. Still going through grief but overtime became more grown to his new friend, you!! Because despite how many times he’s refused to go along with any of the activities you tried to do with him, you never really stopped and gave him hope of some sorts that you won’t really be too quick to give up on him as easily! So he kind of took it as a new opportunity to start new,, and now being a bit more expressive of his needs for attention and care, rather than just waiting for you to do it for him whenever it is convenient for you, he will let you know when he needs something one way or another; being more confident with this new friendship to even going so far as to literally come out of the screen! Wowaz!
also side note. Ummmrrr,, kinito was always a very self aware/conscious entity. Like even during development, while he wasn’t rlly all there to process things and what they meant,, he was always conscious and listening. He’s basically one of those guys who had literally remembered everything since like the day of birth. You know those guys with crazy memory. Never forgets anything. so,, m mmm playing into a personal headcanon his creator who shall go unnamed wink wink nudge nudge is kind of a silly goofy guy,, a lil silly,, who likes to talk a lot even when alone,, ummm,,, Kinito picked up on everything dude. Like he was yess yess mhm I agree and listening silent and supportively. Listening to everything his friend was saying. Admiring his creativity and knowledge with what ideas he’d blurt out or how he’d talk to himself when he’d work. He especially loved the idea his creator would constantly talk about regarding the creation other digital entities(fish oc) Kinito loved this idea because it would mean he’d have friends of his own to interact with, since he figured he couldn’t directly so much with his creator, unfortunately. He would listen and observe the sketches or hear about the ideas and early concepts of jade and sam. He absolutely adored his friends, despite not ever meeting them before.
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corishadowfang · 8 months
...Okay I wanted to get in on the silliness this time haha.
(Bagel posting here, here, and here.)
            “Alright,” Brain said with a sigh, rubbing the bridge of his nose.  “When I asked you to help with groceries, what, exactly, did you hear?”
            His—friend? Roommate? Science experiment?—his something gave him a sheepish smile, then nearly fumbled and dropped their armful of bagels.  Not that it would’ve really mattered; there were grocery bags of them already piled on the table, the counters, and lingering around their feet.  If nothing else, Brain was impressed that they’d managed to get everything back to the apartment.  “They were on sale?” they offered.
            “What are we going to do with a lifetime supply of bagels.”
            “It was a good bargain!”
            His friend moved, and it took until they were nearly dumped unceremoniously in his arms for him to realize they were being passed to him.  As it was, he had to scramble not to drop them.  “Hang on—I didn’t ask for these—”
            They gave him a smile that was decidedly unrepentant.  “You can give them to the Spirits,” they signed now that their hands were free.
            “They don’t eat bagels.”
            His roommate pointedly ignored him, rummaging through the bags and looking for places to put their newly-acquired hoard.
            Brain gave them a glare that he couldn’t quite maintain, then sighed, setting the bags on the table.  “You know we’re going to have to go back out and get actual groceries, right?”
            “And we’re going to need somewhere to put them,” he continued, pointedly.
            They hesitated, giving their kitchen a contemplative look.  After a moment of thought they turned to Brain with a grin that he wasn’t sure if he should be alarmed or amused by.
            -“Master Brain,” Sigurd asked, sounding slightly confused, “have you seen your friend recently?”
He only spared half a glance from his notebook, a quick sketch of his roommate’s rusted Starlight staring back at him.  “Nope.”  Though he probably would soon; they were supposed to be working on digging into their missing memories in roughly half an hour, though he wouldn’t be surprised if they got waylaid by their friends or Heartless or something.
            “Why do you ask?”
            “Well—several of the Heirs were complaining about them earlier.  Something about dropping bagels on them?”
            Brain lifted his notebook to hide his smirk.  “Probably someone else.”
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extralively · 4 months
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Gojo Satoru/Original Female Character Silliness, Fluff, Pre-Relationship, Satoru is turned into a cat, Crack Treated Seriously 3,782 words Also posted on AO3 Summary: Satoru gets turned into a cat, and Yura suddenly has to catsit the white furry menace until he turns back. (Normally I use images from the manga or anime for the banner above, but this time yes, I did just sketch out this Catoru doodle myself for this lmao)
.......So. I got a request to write a fic where Satoru gets turned into a cat, and while I didn't think I'd do it at first.... the ideas just came to me lmao. So here we are! This is basically just silliness and with minimal proofreading, and as usual, I ended up writing A Little Too Much of what was supposed to be something quick and stupid lol
This oneshot is part of a series, but it can be read as standalone if you just want to see Satoru being a furry menace. I also wouldn't consider this canon to the main fic (or maybe do if you want lmao), but it takes place *before* Satoru and Yura get together (so around 2014-ish). Enjoy this silly fun!
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“...are you being serious right now?” Yura asked, completely incredulous as she stared at the sight in front of her.
Shoko snorted next to her. “It does sound like a joke, doesn’t it?”
Yura stared.
Satoru got turned into a cat.
Satoru got turned into a cat.
“...Fucking hell,” she let out, rubbing a hand over her face.
“It’s temporary,” Shoko said, leaning against the file cabinet as they both stared at the white-haired, blue-eyed cat on top of her office’s desk. “Should clear up in a day or so. Apparently, the idiot met this guy who said he could ‘make you experience life as a cat’ and didn’t realize he’d meant that literally.”
Yura let out an aggravated sigh as her gaze met the small blue eyes of a cat who was, undeniably, the idiot known as Gojo Satoru. Even if she found it hard to believe the whole story, she could feel it was him there through their connection, which made the experience all the more surreal. “Now what?” she asked, setting her hands on her hips.
Shoko shrugged. “You take care of him.”
Yura let out a huff, shooting Shoko a look. “I take care of him?”
“You’re the expert Gojo handler,” Shoko said, her fingers fiddling with the pack of cigarettes in her pocket. “Also, I’m a doctor and not a vet.”
Yura only stared at the cat—Satoru. Satoru as a cat.
Honestly, of all things—
“Oh, and before you go,” Shoko started, moving to pick up something in her desk drawer and then moving in front of Satoru-the-cat. “Here.”
When Shoko stepped back, Yura was hit by the sudden urge to snort at the same time that she wanted to throttle Satoru’s furry little neck, because Shoko had placed tiny, round sunglasses on Satoru-the-cat’s head.
“...Where’d you even get those?” Yura couldn’t help but ask.
Shoko shot her a look. “You don’t wanna know.”
So Yura was supposed to take Satoru-as-a-cat home.
“Meow?” Satoru... meowed as she approached the desk, and he tilted his cat head at her.
“Why do you always drag me into your messes?” Yura half-heartedly complained, her hands on her hips again.
Satoru-the-cat got up from his sitting position, walking over—or rather wobbling over—to her. It seemed that he wasn’t exactly used to moving around with four cat legs instead of two human ones.
Yura suddenly had to bite her lip to keep a smile from popping out, because as much as she was completely exasperated at the situation... Satoru-the-cat actually looked really adorable.
“Meow?” he... said, looking up at her. One little paw reached out, pawing at the air to get her attention, and oh God that’s actually really cute.
So Yura reached out with a finger, touching the paw in the air and oh God it’s like a real cat.
“I guess... we just go home,” she eventually said, letting out a small sigh. “So how do I...?”
Her hands hovered above Satoru’s furry body, unsure how to... pick him up. She eventually took a hold of his... torso? Lifting him up off the table as he let out a surprised meow, his paws swinging in the air.
“Calm down, I’m going to need to carry you—” she started, but Satoru suddenly twisted in her hold when she brought him close to her, propelling himself up using her arm and torso as a jumping point to suddenly climb on to her shoulder. Yura had to try to keep him from falling off as he climbed up, but he then simply made himself comfortable there. “Seriously?” she asked as Satoru settled down on her shoulders, letting out a satisfied chirp.
Yura sighed again.
“Is that Gojo-san?” Ijichi asked with wide eyes as he stared at the white fur ball around her shoulders. As he recomposed himself, he reached out with a hand. “He’s actually kind of cute—”
“Rawr.” Satoru suddenly swiped at the man, somehow shooting Ijichi the same unimpressed look he’d often give the manager but in this tiny cat body.
“Now, now, be nice,” Yura chided Satoru, as Ijichi jumped back like he’d just remembered this wasn’t just any cat he was actually talking to.
“S-sorry, Gojo-san!” Ijichi stuttered out, rushing to get into the driver’s seat of the car. Yura had to ask Ijichi to drive her back to her place, since she didn’t think taking Satoru through public transit like this would go too well.
Yura climbed into the backseat, Satoru finally jumping down from her shoulders to sit next to her as she buckled up. He seemed restless, though, like he was still getting used to this new body, moving back and forth on the backseat, standing up on his hind legs to peer through the window, jumping down between her legs, and then surprising her by climbing up onto her lap. Yura could only blink down at the white furry mass on top of her thighs, watching him as he turned around in place until Satoru eventually seemed to settle down right there.
“Really?” she asked, amused, staring down at the white-haired cat that was actually Satoru sitting on her lap. Her mind suddenly pictured the human version of him trying to do the same, that tall giant of a man trying to make himself comfortable curled up into a ball on top of her thighs, and she snorted at the mental image.
“Meow?” Satoru asked, tilting his head up at her. But she only shook her head, looking out at the window.
“This is all so ridiculous...” she muttered, snorting again.
“Alright, here we are,” she said, letting Satoru jump off her shoulders again to land on her couch. They were finally in the safety of her own home, and all they could do was wait until Satoru went back to normal.
Satoru-the-cat started sniffing around the couch cushions, and she wondered what it was like seeing this familiar place with his new cat eyes. Wait, did his cat self still have the Six Eyes? Limitless? How did this even work?
“Do not scratch any of my furniture,” she suddenly felt the need to tell him. Satoru-the-cat turned his head to her, and even if she couldn’t see his little cat eyes behind the tiny sunglasses, she could tell the expression on his face wasn’t anything good as he menacingly raised a paw towards the arm of the couch. “Satoru,” she warned. But he only wiggled his paw, getting closer, and her eyes narrowed further. “Don’t make me pull out a spray bottle,” she told him, wagging her finger.
Satoru let out a whiny meow, lowering his paw.
Yura sighed, moving into the kitchen. She was a little hungry, and it reminded her that she probably should get Satoru something to eat too, right? But the problem was... what?
Pulling out her phone, she started looking up cat-appropriate foods. Meats, got it. But no sauces or seasonings of any kind. Also don’t give them milk because they’re generally lactose intolerant, and that one took her by surprise—you mean that all those movies and cartoons with cats drinking from saucers of milk had been lying to her this entire time? Oh wow.
Okay, she could probably cook up something simple for him.
Yura started moving around in her kitchen, vaguely noticing Satoru walking around her apartment—scolding him when he knocked something off a shelf—but focusing on getting food ready. And since she would have to wait to get her dinner ready, she decided to hold herself off with a couple of leftover cupcakes she had in her fridge from her last bakery run.
She opened the fridge, fetching the two chocolate pastries, and then placed them up on the counter—
And suddenly Satoru jumped up on it, surprising her.
“Satoru,” she called, watching as cat Satoru headed straight to something with his tiny mouth wide open in glee, something—
The cupcakes.
“No,” she said, picking him up off the counter. His four legs flailed around in the air as he let out an indignant squeak, but she paid him no mind as she placed him on the kitchen island instead.
And he then immediately jumped right back to the counter where the cupcakes were.
“Satoru, no,” she called once more, promptly picking him up again. Cat Satoru let out another frustrated meow, his paws trying to reach her cupcakes as she moved him away. “You can’t eat sweets right now, you are a cat.”
Satoru let out a loud, dramatic meow as she placed him on the kitchen island again. And he instantly tried to jump to the counter once more, but she caught him in mid-air.
“Satoru,” she chided him, holding him against her side. Cat Satoru looked up at her, and if he were human, she was sure he’d be pouting. “I don’t know how biology works right now, but you are a cat. So there’s a big chance that if you eat any sweets as you are, it might just kill you. Stay away.”
Satoru paused for a moment, and they just stared at each other. Then he started wiggling again in her arms, trying to reach the counter, and she let out an aggravated sigh.
“So a time out, then,” she said, walking out of the kitchen and to her bedroom. “Since you can’t behave, you’re gonna have to wait right here.”
Yura shot him a stern look as she placed him inside her bedroom, his little head tilting in confusion for a moment before she closed the door and left him inside.
“You stay there until dinner is ready,” she called through the door, snorting again at this absurd situation as she heard the whiny meows coming from the other side.
Because honestly, Satoru would absolutely eat those cupcakes given the chance, and considering they were chocolate—that literally might kill him.
Satoru scratched at the door, meowing in a very dramatic and Satoru-like fashion as she turned away, walking back to the kitchen and—
There he was, sitting on top of the counter, tail swishing behind him.
Hehe, she could practically hear from him.
“...You can still teleport?” she asked, incredulous.
“Meow,” he answered, looking like a very smug cat.
Yura was forced to put the cupcakes away again, and she made Satoru promise he wouldn’t try to eat any sweets unless he wanted to die in a cat’s body. That, and the fact that she threatened to make him eat actual cat food got him to actually settle down as she cooked some chicken and eggs for him to have as dinner.
“So,” she started once they were both done eating, letting out a sigh. “Now what?”
“Mrrh?” Satoru chirped, his cat tongue slipping out to lick around his mouth, his ears twitching.
...Okay, he’s very cute.
“Wanna watch a movie?” Yura asked. Might as well, right?
Satoru seemed to chirp in agreement, and he followed her as she moved to the couch, jumping up on it next to her. It was certainly odd, making herself comfortable to watch a movie with Satoru when he was a cat, but she could still feel his presence there next to her, assuring her that this really was Satoru. If she closed her eyes, she could almost pretend it was him back in human form, but then she suddenly felt two little paws on top of her thigh, and her eyes opened to peer down at him.
“What?” she asked, a little amused at the sight of cat Satoru half-standing perched up on her thigh, looking up at her.
“Meow,” he responded. She had no idea what that meant.
Satoru seemed to be sniffing at something in the air, his cat head moving around as he focused on something. Then he climbed onto her lap like he’d done in the car, and Yura stared down at him in amusement. “So you’re a lap cat, that’s what you’re telling me?”
“...Meow...” he responded... almost thoughtful.
Yura continued to stare at him, taking in the features of Satoru-as-a-cat. He was actually, truly, really cute, and she bit her lip as she stared at the way his tiny pink nose wiggled around in the air. When Satoru suddenly lifted a paw to swipe at his own head, purposefully knocking the tiny sunglasses off, familiar blue eyes blinked up at her. “Hi... kitty,” she called, and when Satoru’s tiny cat eyes narrowed up at her, she snickered. “Are you a good boy?” she teased.
Satoru let out a small huff, turning his head up. Yura wasn’t holding back the grin that spread across her face, and she ended up also not holding herself back when she got the urge to suddenly touch him.
She lifted a hand, slowly letting a finger touch his cat cheek. The whiskers tickled her skin, but as she finally made contact, the white fur felt extra soft to the touch, softer than when she would brush his hair sometimes. Ah, that’s right—Satoru was actually really fond of having his hair brushed, wasn’t he? So would he enjoy the same thing as a cat, she wondered...
She started to gently scratch at his cheek, watching as Satoru seemed to pause at the feeling... and then suddenly lean into it, his eyes closing as he pushed his head into her hand.
Yura’s smile widened as she started giving him scritches under his jaw, Satoru seemingly enjoying them and encouraging her further.
Then he started purring.
Yura had to bite at her lip—this was too much. “Satoru,” she called, moving her hand to rub at the top of his head. “You’re purring right now,” she told him, but he didn’t respond, his eyes closed as he seemed to enjoy getting petted.
Her grin widened.
Her other hand joined in, her thumbs rubbing at his cat cheeks. He only let out an appreciative meow, the purring never ceasing, and Yura kept indulging him, like she’d often do by brushing her hands through his hair after he’d make her take his blindfold off for him. But then Satoru suddenly moved forward, his front paws stepping on her stomach as he raised himself closer to her face, and she blinked down at the sudden proximity.
“What?” she asked, a little confused but also a little amused. Or a lot.
Satoru, as expected, didn’t say anything, only brought his head closer to her, nose sniffing the air. Yura blinked at him as his chilly little nose touched her chin, sniffing at her... before he suddenly started rubbing his head against her jaw.
She huffed out an amused laugh. “Satoru?” she asked, but Satoru only kept rubbing his cat head against her cheek, his fur and whiskers tickling her. He’d pause for a moment, nose sniffing at her again, before he went right back to rubbing his head against her... almost fiercely determined in his movements. “Honestly...” she huffed out again. Her hands had been hovering in the air, and she let them gently rest against Satoru’s white, furry back.
Was this a cat instinct of his? Well, she could indulge him on this, as long as he didn’t start humping her or anything...
If there was one thing she learned during this whole experience, it was that Satoru as a cat was really needy.
After he was done rubbing himself up on her, he settled down on her lap and proceeded to nap there as Yura watched the movie alone, letting her hands gently pet him every now and then. But when she had to get up to go to the bathroom, he did not seem to have appreciated being disturbed, letting out whiny meows as she told him that no, you can’t come with me.
Then after, when she tried getting some work done for the night, scattering a few reports on her bed that needed filling, Satoru said no. Or meowed a no, in this case, promptly sitting on top of the papers and refusing to move.
“Satoru,” she called, staring at him with a look that asked ‘are you serious’.
Satoru’s tail swished back and forth, silently responding with ‘yes, I am’.
She let out a heavy sigh. Honestly, this somehow felt so painfully in-character for him that she had to wonder if turning into a cat was what made him act more like one, or if he’d already had the soul of a cat deep, deep down.
It eventually got late enough that it was time to go to bed, so Yura started her nightly routine. She took a shower (and threatened to give Satoru a shower if he didn’t behave), and went to brush her teeth.
And Satoru refused to leave her alone.
“Meow,” he tried getting her attention, standing up on his hind legs with his front paws pressed against her leg.
“’m busy,” she said, spitting out toothpaste into the sink. “Just let me brush my teeth.”
“Meowww,” he whined.
Yura sighed. Weren’t cats supposed to be more independent or something?
“Do you want to go to the bathroom again?” she asked. At least Satoru was able to use the regular toilet, and she hadn’t needed to get a litterbox for him...
But cat Satoru shook his head, letting out a whine. He ended up jumping up on her washing machine next to her sink, perching himself up there and looking at her expectantly.
“Are you hungry?” she asked, but he shook his head. “What then?”
Satoru nodded his little head at her, his blue eyes sparkling in the artificial light of her bathroom.
Did he... did he want more petting?
Incredulous, Yura raised a hand—surely this wasn’t what he wanted?
But then he pushed his head into her hand, and Yura started giving him scritches again as she let out a huff.
This fucking cat.
At last, it was time to get to bed. But therein lay the problem: where was cat Satoru going to sleep?
Satoru had never really slept over her place, mostly due to the lack of space and he’d never had any need for it anyway. So should she make him sleep out on the living room couch? Yura felt a little guilty at the thought, the image of this tiny bundle of white fur staying all alone by himself out there making him look oddly vulnerable in her mind. And considering that he refused to stay away from her anyway... into her bedroom they went.
“Here,” she said, setting her fluffiest blanket into a small nest for him at the foot of the bed. “You can sleep here.”
“Meow?” Satoru let out, jumping up on her bed and investigating the makeshift cat bed.
It felt a little surreal, going to sleep with Satoru right there next to her, in the same bed... but as a cat. Well, the entire day had felt very surreal, to be fair, so it was finally time to end it and hope that tomorrow this whole thing would eventually fix itself at some point.
Yura settled into her usual spot on the bed, slipping under the covers on her side, her eyes then landing on the white furball next to her.
“You alright in there?” she asked, and Satoru turned his cat head to her.
“Meow,” he replied. That sounded good enough to her.
Yura closed her eyes.
And a few moments later, she felt the bed shift, a warm small weight settling right against her stomach. She cracked an eye open, seeing the white cat that was Satoru curling himself into a ball against her.
“Satoru?” she asked, but he only responded with a quiet chirp, curling further into himself.
Yura let out yet another sigh. She had read somewhere that cats had higher body temperatures and that they liked the heat, so maybe he was just cold.
She lifted a hand, rubbing a knuckle on the top of his head. “Just go to sleep, and maybe you’ll wake up human again tomorrow,” she told him.
“Meow...” he responded, and started purring again.
A smile spread across her face as she closed her eyes.
(When Yura had been halfway to sleep, she felt a warm thing suddenly start to burrow itself under her arm. It felt nice, and soft, so Yura brought it closer to her chest, holding it to her.)
Yura eventually started waking up, bit by bit.
And the first thing she noticed was the warm thing that was pressed against her—not unpleasant, just unusual. Her brows furrowed at the feeling, because this thing was warm and heavy against her side, something rubbing itself against her chest and making her feel funny.
So she cracked her eyes open and peered down, her gaze being immediately met by a headful of white hair.
Ah, Satoru, her mind supplied. But hold on—Satoru had been turned into a cat yesterday, she suddenly recalled. But hold on again—this was definitely a person-sized thing that was in bed with her.
“Satoru...” she called, trying to shift back to look at him. But no go, Satoru had a strong arm locked around her torso, keeping her in place as he rubbed his head against her chest.
Was he still purring or was that just her imagination...?
Yura tried pulling back again but Satoru held on tighter, a sudden realization that he was rubbing his face against her breasts making a wave of heat shoot up across her face.
“S-Satoru,” she stammered out, wakefulness finally coming over her as she pushed him back with more force. “You’re human again, get off.”
That seemed to have finally stirred him awake, his head eventually shifting up to blink up at her with blue sleepy eyes—human eyes now. His hold on her loosened, and she took the opportunity to push him away from her. Her eyes scanned his form, trying to check if everything was back in place now, her eyes going lower and lower—
Yura let out a loud squeak, jumping off the bed. “You are naked—”
“Me—ow,” he let out as she pushed him off the bed, ungracefully falling onto the floor with a bedsheet thrown over him. “…This is animal abuse.”
Yura let out a huff, welcoming back Satoru’s familiar voice after all those meows yesterday—at the same time that she wanted to smack his finally human face.
(And she tried very hard to ignore his very human bare chest as he only dignified himself to cover his bottom half with the fallen bedsheet, her face burning because yes, she had also just caught an eyeful of very human privates just a moment before…)
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End notes: (Yes, I did not know how to end this lol)
Anyway, this was just some silly side fun as I struggle writing some chapters of the main fic, welp. Turns out it's a lot more fun to picture Satoru as a cat instead! Bonus points if you're familiar with cat behavior and figured out what cat Satoru was doing rubbing himself on Yura lmao. And since they weren't together here yet, Yura doesn't know how clingy and needy Satoru can really get as a human because sis, that is just his real self showing through when he has the excuse of 'being a cat' to hide behind lol.
Thank you for reading this dumb oneshot!
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firecooking · 11 months
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(bruhstation) hey neil! thank you very much for supporting fortezza bigg city so far :] I really appreciate the thought you've put into analyzing bits of my silly little AU, and I've also gained a huge appreciation for your own works as well. it's so clear you've put a lot of thought and research into your AU and it really blew my mind because everything is so meticulously thought out!!! and I'm looking forward to more!!! here's a quick sketch of your gal zaffre! once again thanks :3 (also you're inspiring me to make my own z-stacks oc! haha)
OHHH MY GOD LOOK AT HER MY BABY GIRL MY SWEET CHEESE SHE LOOKS AMAZING AHHH YOUR ART IS SO GOOD I LOVE YOUR FORM AND VOLUME AND HOW YOU DO YOUR LINE WEIGHT WITH THE OPACITY AND LINE DYNAMICS your handle on anatomy and rendering is really interesting to me, reading you work in Fire Alpaca with a mouse is mind boggling to me, i remember when I was doing the same years and years ago and the skill you show is really fascinating and i am jealous, the way your art is put together is scratching my brain. i have been doing art studies of it and trying to dissect it, it'd have such a interesting feel for animation, you have a wonderful style for breaking down into a limited animation style with a emphasis on dynamics with animation in a 8s, 6s, and 4s with 2s detailing and a hard tweening style [<- just professional animator things lol] The way you render shadow and lighting is also ough. This Zaffre is genuinely so wonderful, new desk top background moments. I love her gesture and expression here, it really captures her as a character! Also the way you draw hands, augh, just augh I wish.
You, my friend, are a fabulous illustrator!
And oh my god your AU is scratching my brain in ways I didn't think possible! I know so little yet there is so much there. When I genuinely say that it is affecting me as much as if not more that @askthefamous8 that is the highest compliment I can muster [that AU has been one of my special interests since 2015,]. I am legit making a post it note wall over FBC just like ATF8 had when I was in middle/high school
You have the most loyal human AU fan on your team now, I genuinely smile thinking about Fortezza Bigg City all day long, my friends and partner are getting annoyed to death from me ranting. sorry dear if you are reading this: I know you hate tugs
Also thank you! I really love doing in depth research, its the autism at work. I am a proud vehicle autistic. I've said it before but working on a ship for a summer just to know the mechanics of how actual sailing works is probably the most unhinged thing I can say I've done for accuracy sake. Loved my Captain and fellow crew, very sad I got sick and had to leave. Honestly would love to be a sailor if my heath wasn't bungled up and I wasn't like $200k of debt in animation college.
My humanoid vehicle AU's are partially based on my sadly never going to be picked up pitch bible for a science fiction based historical vehicle show [my fatal flaw is niche interests] And it literally makes my day to sit down and work on the most expansive and historically researched BS on earth, my AU is both a lovely love letter to TUGS as the show it is and a Love Letter to what TUGS wanted to be! At the end of the day TUGS wanted to be it's days Steven Universe or MASH [something I am gonna elaborate in another format later] but unfortunately it just didn't have the right ingredients. Its the Same as the TUGS musical I'm working on, it's a love letter to what TUGS both is and was supposed to be along with being a love letter to the characters themselves
Join the Z-Stacks OC League, we have cool hats and crime
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did miss raven also join harveston? i think the traditional harevston outfit would have fit her like a glove! (i'm not 100% sure how a raven-turned-human would fare in the cold though)
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For each event, I like to think of an AU scenario where Miss Raven tags along for some silly reason to join in on the fun. I think she would really enjoy the hometown events specifically, as they give her a chance to explore and to experience new cultures and areas. She can sample Harveston’s specialties, learn about the agricultural community there, and help support and cheer on the NRC sledding team!
Epel’s proud of his hometown and more than eager to share it. Raven loves his enthusiasm and happily eats it up. She’s the one in the tour group that’s constantly raising her hand and posing questions to the guide. Epel doesn’t mind though—that just means she’s curious and knows how to appreciate Harveston!!
Miss Raven can go “big sis” mode when she’s dealing with Sebek. They usually don’t get along, but since the big guy’s susceptible to the cold she can hover nearby and make sure he’s sufficiently warm. “Blanket? Warm drink? Make sure you’re taking care of yourself, Sebek-kun!” (He shoos her off and shouts about how he’s a strong independent man that doesn’t need to be fretted over then he sneezes before he can finish his protest www)
Idia isn’t someone Miss Raven talks with a lot, but he’d probably be excited that she resembles one of the characters from Sled Over Heels in her Harveston fit. Maybe he asks her about cosplay in an attempt to make conversation and she just goes “???? What is that…” Idia gives up on attempting to socialize and crawls back into his quiet corner to be gloomy.
Jade… well, he’s Jade 💀 You can bet he’ll be bickering with her the entire trip as they take in the local flora and fauna. Miss Raven will want to try a little of every food and drink offered to her, but because of her small stomach she can’t possibly eat full servings. Jade can be her convenient human-sized food disposal bin more free food for him.
Ravens are actually quite hardy; they can survive in northern winters just fine (since they’re ready and willing to eat most anything they come across)! The birds that migrate do so for food and egg laying purposes; their warm-bloodedness and plumage often provide adequate insulation.
… Now that I think about it, Miss Raven doesn’t actually have all her feathers in her current form 😅 so she’s more susceptible to the cold at the moment; that’s nothing an Applepom/Snow Boa outfit can’t fix though! (Her thanks goes out to Marja and the kind people of Harveston~)
Here’s a quick sketch:
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It’s very similar to the outfits that Idia, Sebek, and Jade wear! Miss Raven’s variant has a poofy skirt and slightly different boots. You can’t tell from the sketch (because I totally glossed over the intricate patterns in it), but there are supposed to be scattered feathers and little sparkles included with the apple cross sections in the design. I imagine the overall fabric of the look to be dark blueish.
Her hat is most similar to Idia’s, with strings that resemble her braided pigtails. Somehow they magically manage to contain all of her hair… The new hairstyle is meant to resemble Princess Anna’s! There’s also a removable cloak which is meant to be a reference to Anna’s own magenta cloak. Miss Raven is suited for adventure; as you can probably tell from the sketch, she has a number of useful items in the pouch slung at her waist.
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
What if you had the rottmnt episodes happen more out of order? Like the season finales or major story beats are more or less the same. But in the original story the show started out lighter and got more serious (kind of). In the seperated AU it's kind of the opposite, because they're healing. Anyway I just thought of Post emperion Leo still not being able to use his ninpo and going through the Minotaur maze really funny (like it happens before his vision quest while he's still recovering.)
That is very basically the general idea. With a little addition of also pulling certain story lines from 2003 and 2012 that I liked as well, if I can manage to get even that far. But yes, eventually the boys will grow more comfortable working together as a team, which will allow for them to be less serious and more silly!
And I should say as well, Shredder will not be taken out in one big final battle right away. He’ll be more of a consistent threat that comes and goes. So this will also allow for the tone to shift back and forth. …and suppose y’all can always look at the little side sketches I do, to act as the funny filler, and the comic is the more serious plot heavy stuff? Most of those sketches—in my head at least—take place after Leo’s 2nd rescue, well the more lighthearted ones certainly do.
But I am planning some organizing and putting of everything on ao3, once we’ve wrapped up Three and Leo’s quick intro and the prologue is all tied up. Then a year time skip and Leo’s main story starts.
I’m not at all familiar with actually using ao3 to upload stuff, but I’m starting to realize tumblr is just not very good at allowing me to keep organized. So bare with me pls 😅. Maybe that’s on me for being horrible at tagging, but I think if I can just get the prologue done, I can set everything up in more of a structured timeline for everyone! 🤞
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deelavis · 9 months
Omgggggg im so excitded to hear your thoughts Mello 4 or 3 Near 9 or 13 or whichever you prefer i also just like to hear you talk🥺
I know these are supposed to be silly and quick I just have too many thoughts and I wanted to do all of them instead of one or the other *__*
3. Mello-Drinking Headcanon
I think Mello doesn't drink much on his own. Like he's not the type to just drink at home by himself (unless he's REALLY going through something) but when he's out on the town he will. And because of it I actually think he would be a total lightweight. And he just starts rambling like CRAZY when he's drunk. The guys in his gang never mention it the next morning because they're too scared to lose a finger, but Mello seems to have a lot of things he really hates??? Like SUPER specific seemingly unrelated things that he will just go on and on about. Like when their waiter had bleached silver-white hair he went on a 30 minute tirade about how people with white hair just think they're so special and pretty and they how they need to be put in their place. Or when the bar they go to has giant jenga and he loses so badly he goes on a tare about how anyone that is good at board games and puzzles are actually just big dumb idiots.
4. Mello-Angry headcanon
This one stumped me a bit because I feel like we see Mello angry so often in canon that it's hard to think of a headcanon for it. But the more I thought about it I realized that it's a big headcanon of mine that Mello fixates about things he gets angry about. Like even if he feels less angry after the fact he cannot stop thinking about it, even if it's to think about how stupid he was about getting angry in the first place. This will only take place in his head though, he will absolutely not be telling anyone that he is thinking he could ever be wrong.
9.Near-Childhood headcanon
I think when Near came to Wammy's he was VERY little. I don't have much of a headcanon about his birth family since I also think he has almost no memory of them, just flashes here and there that are more sense memories. Though I do headcanon him as half Korean and half Dutch (doesn't work super well with the entomology of the surname River, but fuck it we ball). When he's brought to Wammy's I usually think he's about 4-5 and non-verbal. He shows a lot of signs of heightened intelligence which is what lands him in Wammy's instead of a regular orphanage, but I think before they can figure out how to work with him, Near ends up having a lot of melt downs. With the way the orphanage handles things the other kids don't really see it but Near has a lot of screaming, crying fits before they find a reliable way for him to communicate.
13.Near-Sex headcanon
Idk if this will be a controversial headcanon but I think once Near has had sex a few times and becomes more comfortable with it after "solving the puzzle" of something new, he is absolutely insatiable and is the one initiates the most often. I really only see him with Mello so I always think that in a world where something happens between them and he gets to this point, the moment people leave the room and they're alone he gives Mello this look-
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(Please excuse the quick crappy sketch) and pounces on him. With just no regard to how soon people will be back. Truly he is a horny monster.
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bberetd · 29 days
Hey there! Since you also reblogged the post saying you want people to send you asks (actually I even reblogged it from you), here I am to ask you a question. A potentially very tough one. Ready?
If you had to pick only one (1!) favorite Mario character who would it be and why?
I'm just trying to get to know my mutuals a little better, y'know?
But most people seem to be using that 'send me asks' post as another opportunity to say mushy stuff to each other, so let me also do that! I'd like to remind you that I'm very glad that I'm following your blog. You're certainly a fun and kind person, and must say I like you very much 😀❤️ Thanks for always supporting my art, it really means a lot to me.
Also please teach me your ways to draw so fast, I just finally finished sketching my latest fanart today (yeah, that ambitious one) and it took embarrassingly long. And this one is supposed to have a proper lineart too💀
Oh, that reminds me: I'm really excited for your animations! Once I'm done with my current fanart, the next bigger fan project on my list is also one animation I've been thinking of, so I hope we'll be able to motivate each other a bit 😁👊
OH just oneeee? 😩
Whew, okay, well... while Daisy has a huge place in my heart (especially lately, as you can tell 😹), my all-time favorite will always be Luigi.
See, the funny thing is that I hardly cared for him before the movie, and even a little after I watched the movie. My first favorite Mario character was actually Rosalina when SMG came out, because I was SO obsessed with space when I was younger (and still kinda am), and blue was and is my favorite color (such a deep reason, right? :P)
I always tend to lean towards the underdogs of a franchise, yet I don't remember the exact moment that drew me to him. There were just a bunch of edits and videos of him flooding all of my social media pages when the movie hype was still fresh, and I guess one day I decided, "yup. that's my guy."
I think the moment that really solidified my love for him was when I replayed Luigi's Mansion (I kiiinda played it before, but I was 4 and just pressing buttons lol... it's strangely a core memory for me). His bravery throughout the game despite his evident fears and anxieties is just... so inspiring and real to me, genuinely. And a little bit of him shone through his commentary of some of the objects throughout the mansion, which was also endearing 😆 The game gets creepier the deeper I think about it, and I just can't help but give him more flowers for going through it three different times!
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plus, he's just so happy and awkward and silly. how could you not love him?!
But in short, he's my favorite because he's relatable to me, and I find his little quirks adorable and endearing.
yet despite all that, he knows when to lock tf IN. that's my hero <3
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Mugi!!! I couldn't be any happier that we're friends and moots! You've blessed my timeline with your gorgeously detailed art and commentary, and I'm so grateful you support my art just as much ♥️♥️ I admire and like you very much as well, you're amazing <3
as for quick art, basically-
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and thank you!! the animation might take longer because classes start tomorrow for me, and year 3 of uni is definitely gonna be more challenging and, er, expensive. 🫠 Hopefully I'll learn to manage my time better so I can make decent progress every day, but I do know where I want to go with the animation. Big yes to motivating each other!! I know that ambitious art will be PHENOMENAL when it's dropped, and I can't wait to see your style in motion! :))
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ryuichirou · 2 months
Some replies!
Anonymous asked:
I didn't realize it was possible to filter without tags. Thank you!
No problem, Anon! I’m glad we could help. Have a nice day!
Anonymous asked:
(this is about this art)
Hehe yeah…
I was looking at my first sketches of fem!Azul recently, and wow I draw her boobs bigger and bigger every single time. She wasn’t supposed to be this big… but alas.
Anonymous asked:
I feel like 2 bottoms and 1 top is more fun if the top has an extra dick situation going on, like 2 tops 1 bottom is great because humans come with AT LEAST two holes perfect for taking dick, and sometimes more 😌✨ so basically Ortho is the master dom of them all, but like, we already knew this ♥️
First of all, YES, this is usually our reasoning as well for preferring 2 tops 1 bottom, it’s just easier to navigate the holes and all lol But also you made such a good point??  Ortho absolutely would be able to have multiple of those, as many as he needs in fact! And also have a lot of different kinds of stimulation… wow, that’s OP. Ortho, your niichan created an unstoppable master dom…
Anonymous asked:
I just saw the Jellyfish post and the image of Silver bowing and pleading for others to golden shower him, so good
Lillia would love this, he trained his son so well, and he will of course give his cute son his pee as a treat
(this is about this post)
You imagined it!! I’m so happy, Anon. But also, sorry for that… (but also, you are welcome)
Poor Silver doesn’t even realise how it looks, oof… Lilia would almost pass away out of the sheer excitement and pride he felt at that moment.
Anonymous asked:
Kalim and idia would be a funny ship because idia could not handle how happy and positive Kalim is during the entire time they do it including aftercare
Awww, don’t be silly, Idia, what else should he do while doing it, cry?
Facts, Anon. Absolute facts. Kalim always behaves like this is the best moment of his life and it’s all about how awesome it is for him to be with Idia and to do what they are doing right now!!! How does one even react to that?..
But also I’m not sure if Kalim knows how to do aftercare... He is very used to just falling asleep afterwards and then suddenly waking up after a nap to continue the cuddles. Idia would suffer either way because he would try to carefully run away while Kalim is asleep… instantly waking him up and prompting him to start cuddling him with the widest smile possible!
Anonymous asked:
Hey Ryu! Hope you're having a nice day.
Real quick, what would Ortho do if he was replacing?
(I was doing some stupid shit on c.ai and it just popped into my head.)
What if Idia had a lover (you can use Azul or Lilia for this cuz we ship it. Or any other top that fits this scenario) and they died so Idia, just like he did with Ortho, tried to bring them back to life? Bc of this he became so possessive in an unhealthy way over them, shutting away the world like he did before, but that includes Ortho.
Hi Anon! I hope you’re having a nice day too :)
Ohh, interesting; honestly, it kind of sounds like an anxiety that Ortho could have. Similarly to how he usually treats Idia being in a relationship with someone: he is very happy, excited and supportive, but also very jealous because he actually really doesn’t want to share Idia with anyone.
In a way, I think he could make peace with Idia being with someone by thinking that what they have with Idia is special and totally different from what Idia and his boyfriend have. So if Idia’s boyfriend suddenly passes away, and Idia grief pushes him to shut away the world and focus on recreating that person, Ortho would feel horrible on many levels: both because of Idia pushing him away and because of Idia doing for that person something that was supposed to be special and their thing. And even though Ortho would recognise that Idia is hurting, and it’s probably selfish of him to be so against it, he might even try to act supportive, like “isn’t it cool, there will be the second one like me”, but he would probably hate that thing. I don’t know, I feel like it would end badly lol
Anonymous asked:
do you have any thoughts/ideas about a shroudswap au, in which ortho lived and it was idia who died? how do you think a human ortho like that would turn out?
Oof, I wonder if he would be better or much worse than Idia… I feel like Idia tortures himself for the most part (mentally), but with Ortho, even though he would still torture himself because of guilt, could also be more of a danger to others. At least because he is less secluded and more sociable in general.
Ortho was younger than Idia when the incident happened + he isn’t as insanely skilled as him, so I don’t think he would be able to build a robot and write an AI as fast as Idia (even for Idia it took a couple of years), but he would still try to do it. I think it would be his work-in-progress at the age of 16; he would just have a bunch of junk on his floor + an android torso with a silicon face that doesn’t move, because it’s not done yet. Ortho would still talk to it a lot.
I think Ortho would combat his grief and guilt by thinking that it’s up to him to honour Idia’s legacy, and he’ll talk about it a lot: about how he tries his best to be a good technomagician and a mechanic, and he would indeed be the best at his dorm, but not quite as good as Idia would’ve been in Ortho’s head.
Ortho would almost look like a normal guy, somewhat similar to Ace in the way he acts at times, but there would always be something uncanny about him because he is never 100% genuine and his heart is clearly closed from others. He would be the type to say “what? I’m friends with everyone” but have zero people whom he actually trusts. He prefers to talk to his half-built robot-brother more anyways.
Now, what I mean when I say that he is more likely to be dangerous is that while Idia is in terrible shape and his coping mechanisms aren’t the best, Ortho would bottle up his emotions more, as if he can’t allow himself to grieve properly because it is his fault. It would become very clear that he is still not over it once something triggers him and he becomes super resentful towards everyone and everything that isn’t Idia, or rather an idea of Idia in his head that gets more vague with every single day because he gets older, and he hates himself for “losing” him that way too. I think Ortho could express this frustration by being destructive because he would be in a very bad mental space…
Wow that turned dark lol
Anonymous asked:
I mean, that can be incorporated too!
My idea is that Azul is surrounded by a faceless mob and he is forced to sign contract after contract. None of them are for his benefit, though, they are basically trading away any and all of his skills and talents while the crowd laughs at him. After a few times, the contracts start ripping away body parts that correspond to his talents (I.e. singing would be his vocal cords, swimming would be his tentacles/legs, etc.) until there’s barely anything left of him. Whatever is left is then served up as delicious takoyaki.
I swear I do like Azul.
(this is about Azul’s danganronpa-style execution)
Wow, that sounds perfect, Anon. destroyed by the very thing that empowered him in the first place and reduced to what the most helpless form there is available to him: an actual snack.
I would love to see it.
Anonymous asked:
Did you watch the lyric video for No Me Diga or this one: https://youtu.be/UrFH772ytzM?si=yjd1dMNYhAPp6Ybf because the linked version makes the song worse with the visuals 😂😂😂😂😂
Yep, I watched this one lol
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pawseds · 6 months
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I convinced our Delta Green game master to have a play-by-post (basically text roleplay) section in our game's server and uhhhhh maybe I've been having too much fun with it. Writing is faster than drawing comics, what can I say?
(Long ramble about writing stories below hehe oops)
While we're here! A bit about writing: I like writing! I've written for loger than I've drawn for (because school). I think I'm better at writing than drawing for that reason (I'm more confident at least). I've written short stories. I've written short stories about TTRPG things. I've also written a ~100k word novel by hand for 2 years. While writing it, I had 'writing class' (technically AS/A level Ennglish Language classes). It was the only class I had confidence in and high expectations for.
With those 2 combined, I burnt out pretty quick LOL. Specifically, I had a big perfectionism issue because of the high expectations I had from my teacher and especially myself -- it was the one thing I knew excelled at in school, so I better do it well! After I was done with the novel and A levels, I was supposed to edit the novel. It's been years and I haven't done it yet, and I wouldn't write non-assignment stories (except 2) until now. Writing became more nerverwracking than it was fun, so why would I?
To get back to the PBP thing: I've been in a campaign that was fully PBP. With my mindset being the way it is, hey! This is just one big writing exercise, so I ran along with that and had fun with it. I saw how some players would make their own PBP and essentially monologue/have a scene only with their PC. That was cool to see.
And now, my current Delta Green campaign (tagged 'Helvetia'). Hrothgar (guy in drawing) and his kids were ported over from a previous D&D campaign (the fully PBP one!), so the crew had a very well defined background already. Of course I get tons of drawing ideas for them, except I don't have the time to draw them all (compsci hard). But since the server has a PBP section, I had like 2 weeks to kill between session 0 and 1, and I was bursting with ideas... I made a lot of solo PBPs that were essentially short stories.
It didn't quite hit me until some time ago, but the PBPs actually made me enjoy writing again -- enjoy it a lot more, in fact! I think the format of Discord threads and messages removed most perfectionism tendencies I had. I just had to fire the story away, message by message. It didn't have to be amazing, and it was fun! (Also I really don't know how to shut up with them LOL)
I'll definitely be cleaning these PBPs up and posting them here as stories. Some of them are just silly, fun, slice-of-life character sketches. (These were the stories I wrote after my novel... and yes, they were about my other set of Delta Green characters LMAO) (and I've posted them here under pawsedswrite btw!) But some I see as legitamite short stories that I would edit more heavily and present as a short story. They were the kinds I could see myself writing on a document rather than on Discord.
Well, I lied. 'I would edit' is false. I have already edited one, because I spent like 5-6h writing this one PBP (oops) instead of writing the draft for my short story class/elective (oops 2). I joked to my two friends saying that I could just submit it as my assignment. Apparently, they both really liked it and said the dialogued slapped. So I did!
I procrastinated like hell on it though, because I was very nervous to go back into the PBP with an axe to edit it. Being in a writing class where nearly everyone else has been formally studying writing for some years kinda puts some pressure on ya!
Like the last assignment (which I'll post here after editing), I had a lot of worries. But the feedback and grade I got from my last assignment, the peer review I got from the current one, and also the support from those two friends (shoutout @katastrofish <3) made me feel more confident in myself. And also the fact that I had a lot of fun editing the PBP!
Uhhh this ramble was way longer than expected LMFAO if you've made it this far, damn, thanks for reading! If you also write or have similar experiences, feel free to share em. And have a good day!
(bonus POV editing)
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thesketchyheartist · 6 months
Neon Genesis Evangelion (EP 8, 16, 24, 26)
I want to start off this post by talking about a new main character Asuka. It took me about 2 episodes to figure out she is Rei's opposite. Appearances: Blue hair and red hair. Long hair and short hair. Eye colors are different. One is soft-spoken, the other is vocal. One talks too little (from what I gather from the assigned episodes, I think Rei is supposed to be Eve or Lilith, but Asuka is like Shinji in that they are some descendants of the Evas or Angels or something that is not totally human, so this explains why she acts so cold), the other talks too much. Also the weird but true observation: one is indifferent to perverted accidents, the other is sensitive to perverted accidents; both may or may not [always] involve Shinji.
Asuka represents the tsundere stereotype, I think. I hear the "Baka, hentai!" comment from her a lot, but I can't tell if it's hormones or if she is actually attracted to Shinji. Shinji is a teenage boy, so I know he gets the classic red hand mark on his face, and it's rarely ever his fault. Those characters who are quick to anger and violence without listening to reason are often redheads, and I know it's a popular trope, but I realize as I am writing this the paradox of it all. Asuka is a young girl, and as a bit of a crazy anime watcher, I do believe violence is not always the answer, but it's wrong to assume violence is not an option. However, if every situation that triggers you is answered or resolved in violence, then it's rarely ever resolved. If Asuka even paused for a moment, she could tell Shinji probably did not even have the guts to pull harassment on any girl. To accuse him would make her the true culprit, not the victim. I know the children did not have parental figures to follow, but I guess their immaturity further proves they are really not qualified at all to be humanity's saviors. On the other hand, it is ironic that Asuka's hits can be overlooked so easily. Think about it, if a young boy suddenly had his p**is touched, accidentally or not, by a girl, he probably would just shove her off because if he hit her face, everyone would call him violent. Children who are used as child weapons are essentially taught that violence via their mecha skills is the ONLY solution to solve humanity's biggest problems, so quietly, it's the only solution for small misunderstandings.
Finally, the last episode was more philosophical than I thought. I didn't watch EP25 which I assume is the final battle because I don't think there is a sequel series. The ending didn't even explain what happened to humanity. But I think it's a good moral story to explain ego and self. The swap to 2D pencil drawings is a good way. Without depth, shadow, and background, a sketch exists limitless. I like how Shinji was always told what to do and how he should live. Even at his crisis, he asks people what he should do and how to live, they are the ones telling him the truth of how he should live. While I know the show is the one telling us the truth, to Shinji, it's still outsiders instructing him, even if they have his well-being in the best care possible. It was Shinji, experiencing the No Angels AU (that got to be an AO3 tag, if not, something like No Eva AU) or Middle/High School AU (love the silly shoujo reference with Rei, bread in mouth, "I'm going to be late on my first day of a school in this new city!", and headbumping ML, but not the accidental peeking), that he realizes the truth people have been trying to tell him this whole time. Funny how even his best friends care more about him than he does himself, and only when he really loves himself unconditionally, Eva or no Eva, even in a world where only he exists, that he can learn to actually love others, even his hated father becomes a person he can accept unconditionally. You realize after hearing all the voices, it's because they were people, not static faces with voices, that Shinji can compare his world and his self-image to everyone he meets in the show to find his true self.
It's such a roundabout way to explain everything. All anyone needs is a famous quote by a powerful warrior, one who transcended the mortal realm for his wisdom, bravery, and sheer popularity:
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I never heard about ATLA until COVID-19. Funny because if I had heard of this show when it came out, I would have had a very different childhood.
My favorite post-spring break gift from my professors is an exam (it's not.)
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Straw Hats (Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Ussop, Sanji) x Skilled Artistic Reader (GN) (SFW)
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What it's like using them as models
Their relationship with your art and art in general
Among other miscellaneous things 
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Doesn't stay still enough for good drawings, only quick sketches.
Only time you can get a well loving sketch of him is when he's sleeping, and when he wakes up and sees you he calls you "weirdo" in the most Luffy way, though he doesn't actually care at all
Will ask you to draw silly creatures for him and absolutely loves what u come up with, will clap his hands and laugh and want to show it to everyone in the crew
Will make his own additions of silly creatures to your sketchbook when invited to do so. And sometimes even uninvited to do so.
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Very neutral about art, doesn't really get it
Will pose for you with his swords if you ask for it. You think he's being a very good model because he's been standing perfectly still for the part hour, but then you realize he's straight up fallen asleep standing up. Which is impressive in its own way
Usually doesn't look at what you drew, but once when he did he said, "Pretty cool, so I haven't been posing all this time for nothing." And that makes your heart sing
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Impressed by your drawing skills, which is high praise from someone who can draw perfect cartography with pen and ink
Will let you into the map room and allow you to help her fill in the map keys with geographic details like trees and town regions
Lets you draw her in her favorite clothes, and sometimes in the clothes you pick, as a treat. Otherwise it costs berries ❤️
Her arms tire easily so you have to pick easy poses for long drawings
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Actually loves to draw too!
It's nice having someone to work parallel with at art. Ussop is especially nice to draw with because he's fine with both being quiet and filling the air with his stories, which keep you entertained while working.
He enjoys drawing nature and animals the most, but sometimes, you, when you're not looking.
He likes to choose the coolest most difficult poses to make when you draw him, and will stay in the pose until his limbs start to shake. Won't give up until you're done. Really appreciates your art.
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"Nude model for you y/n-san...?? Of course I will!!"
But no one said anything about nude modeling....
Is a good model besides the way he fidgets when you stare at him and the goofy expressions that crop up on his face.
A bit dumbfounded when he sees the result because you captured the unsavory look on his face instead of the suave one he was going for. Once he gets over it, he starts fawning over your artistic skill.
Tries his best to draw you in return. Attempts to ask if he can do a nude but Nami wacks him. Zoro bullies him when he's making it, commenting "Is that supposed to be y/n?? Hahaha!"
He wonders if he should even show it to you, but you coax it out of his hand. It's not perfect but it's very sweet.
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maretriarch · 1 year
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quick sketch of my delightful new bunnyhop. i love the pocket pony gimmick so much, its so silly. my bunnyhop doesn't actually have the bunny charm shes supposed to come with, but that's ok we'll just pretend he's on an extended disappearance act
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seariii · 8 months
I'm sorry things feel so overwhelming. I promise there's no being left behind! Everyone is doing everything at their own pace, no matter how it may look. You are right where you're supposed to be :)
While I'm here uhhhh can I hear about the girls kissing and holding hands!!!!
Hii lovely anon! Thank you... Yeah life is not a race and I really should chill about that heh... Thank you
About my girls, let's see... What can I tell you about them... Let me see if I have some old drawings! (After searching) okay some of this are bad but hey Seari was experimenting lmao
Infodump under the cut
Okay so, I was particularly thinking about this two girls, their names are... Well... I guess I should talk about context first
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(I did this quick sketches to explain lmao)
So, they are childhood friends (there is actually a third friend, it was a group of 3, but she has her own stuff going on). They are orphans, and well, grew up on an orphanage. The girl with the side ponytail arrived after an accident that took away her parents, and she, reasonably, was a crying mess and was badly depressed. The girl with the long hair kept insisting and insisting to look after her, to befriend her, and would pull her along on her silly adventures.... Actually I feel bad for not talking about the third one
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(old drawing) so, this is the 3
The girl with long hair is kinda... Hmm... Innovative let's say, and she loooooves nicknames, so she just calls herself A, and that's how the other two girls know her as, and a nickname that stuck the rest of their lives (her name is Arely). The side ponytail girl goes by M (Mimi), and the green haired girl is K (Karen).
A would always pull M along everywhere, and M is extremely grateful for that, she feels like she saved her. K was also dragged along and as much as she hated to admit it, she enjoyed the other 2's company.
K was serious and easy to anger, she had very little patience and would prefer to so stuff on her own instead of dealing with others, and used to be like that until one day after M's arrival she did something for her. She saw her struggling and without hesitation went and helped her. Later on M told A about this and A adopted her into the group, despite K's complaints.
Each of them have her own little details like how M loves to learn more about flowers, K collects different color laces and stickers, or A trying to come up with her own language.
Some more pictures
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But yeah, as they grew up, at some point they got separated, they went their own ways.
Even as an adult, M always missed the other two very much, she just wanted to see them again. She also noticed that whenever she thought about A she had a pain in her heart, but she wasn't sure what that was.
On her own life, A became a designer for a popular fashion magazine, while K is doing her own thing (quite literally has her own story, but she's some sort of wizard that helps to watch over the world).
One day because gay destiny, M and A finally cross paths again, they recognize each other instantly, despite how much they've changed. During the whole time they talked M kept feeling her heart beating loudly. They parted ways but not without exchanging their phone numbers.
They continued in contact after that, and at some point M noticed that she was badly in love with her childhood best friend, and as she started reflecting about it, she notices she had always felt this way about her and is like "I've loved her for all my life?!?" And gay panic lmao
A is REALLY DENSE and she's not gonna notice anything unless explicitly said, and even tho M is more confident, she still can't dare to do that and keeps trying to drop subtle hints. On the other hand, while A has less energy, she is still really affectionate and does some gay shit like placing her hand on M's cheek or playing with her hair, which absolutely kills M. Non functional lesbian lmao.
I don't really have a sexuality assigned to A, but the girl is obviously queer lmao. And I'm pretty sure she also likes M, but is unaware of it and just thinks it's because she loves her childhood best friend, will notice her type of love isn't the friendship kind when they meet up with K.
A: how weird... When I saw you I wanted to hug you
K: what?
A: yeah, when I saw M something in me wanted to kiss her, but when I saw you I just wanted to hug you
K: *looks at the non existent camera like "do you hear this shit"*
K: and why do you think that is
A: ... Maybe because you were always grumpy?
Poison: you're in love-
Poison is another character lmao but she's part of K's story. Anyways yeah
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Also, M has a framed picture of them together. My ginger girl is down bad and she needs to kiss her girlfriend lmao
But yeah that's them, the girls that need to kiss and hold hands
If anyone read all this, thank you, this are some of my gay babies and I love them very much
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