#this was also before they added villagers so it was just empty villages with no one in them
jeff-the-kills-you · 4 months
i played minecraft on peaceful a lot as a kid which i think shaped my development; with monsters on, there's a present danger and something to be done about it. On peaceful? The world is finite and you are alone. The immaculate sense of dread (and loneliness) has stuck with me
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
"For generations, the people of Erakor village in the Pacific nation of Vanuatu would pass their time swimming in the local lagoon. Ken Andrew, a local chief, remembers diving in its depths when he was a child, chasing the fish that spawned in its turquoise waters.
That was decades ago. Now 52, Andrew has noticed a more pernicious entity invading the lagoon: plastic.
“The plastic would form a small island inside the lagoon, it was so thick,” Andrew says. “We used fishing nets to pull some of the trash out, but we didn’t know how to get rid of it all. We couldn’t conquer it, there was just too much.”
While residents were struggling to empty Vanuatu’s waters of plastic, the country’s politicians were considering another solution. Could they stop the waste directly at the source?
Small island nations like Vanuatu face a series of unique challenges when it comes to plastic pollution. Many rely on imported goods to sustain their populations, and receive tonnes of plastic packaging every day as a result. Ocean currents pull plastic waste from around the world into Pacific waters, which eventually end up on the shores of its islands.
Few Pacific island governments have adequate recycling or waste management facilities on their narrow strips of land, so rubbish is often burned or left to wash up in rivers or lagoons like the one in Erakor. It is estimated that Pacific countries generate 1kg of waste per person a day, 40% higher than the global average.
In an attempt to drastically limit the amount of waste generated in Vanuatu, in 2018 the government became one of the first in the world to outlaw the sale and distribution of certain single-use plastics – including a world-first ban on plastic straws.
In the six years since, the results have been impressive. Thin, plastic shopping bags are hardly ever seen, with most shoppers carrying reusable bags at their local market or grocery store. At festivals and outdoor events, food is more often served wrapped in banana leaves instead of polystyrene takeaway boxes. Now-banned items used to make up 35% of Vanuatu’s waste, but now make up less than 2%.
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Pictured: Pandanus leaves are now used instead of plastic bags at markets, but supply of the crop can be affected by storms and cyclones, vendors say.
The plastic islands that once choked Erakor lagoon are also shrinking.
“Since they started the ban, you can see the lagoon has become cleaner,” says Andrew.
It is a massive victory for a small island nation made up of just over 300,000 people across 83 islands...
In 2020, a second phase of the policy added seven more items to the list of forbidden plastics, which now covers cutlery, single-use plates and artificial flowers.
“It’s quite difficult to enforce because of the very low capacity of the department of environment,” Regenvanu says. “So we try to work with the municipal authorities and customs and other people as well.”
Compromises had to be made, though. Fishers are still allowed to use plastic to wrap and transport their produce. Plastic bottles are also permitted, even though they often litter coastlines and rivers.
Secondary industries have now developed to provide sustainable alternatives to the banned items. On the island of Pentecost, communities have started replacing plastic planter pots with biodegradable ones made from native pandanus leaves. Mama’s Laef, a social enterprise that began selling fabric sanitary napkins before the ban, has since expanded its range to reusable nappies and bags.
“We came up with these ideas to reduce the amount of plastic in Vanuatu,” says the owner Jack Kalsrap. “We’re a small island state, so we know that pollution can really overwhelm us more than in other, bigger countries.” ...
Willy Sylverio, a coordinator of the Erakor Bridge Youth Association, is trying to find ways to recycle the litter his team regularly dredges up from the lagoon.
“The majority of the plastic waste now comes from noodle packaging or rice packaging, or biscuit packets,” Sylverio says. He hopes the plastic ban will one day include all packaging that covers imported goods. “Banning all plastic is a great idea, because it blocks the main road through which our environment is polluted.”
The Vanuatu government plans to expand the plastic ban to include disposable nappies, and says it will also introduce a plastic bottle deposit scheme this year to help recycle the remaining plastic waste in the country."
-via The Guardian, June 20, 2024
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mxauthor · 3 months
Beginning of More
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Summary: Two best friends in a dungeon. They might kiss.
Word Count: 2,147
Warnings: fluff, secret mutual pining, brief mention of dead husband, mention of kids, Chilchuck and Reader being besties, sneak peak into matchmaker Marcille
A/N: I was thinking of making this into a little mini series or adding the other parts to this draft when I have them. Let me know what you think and enjoy!
Y/n and Chilchuck have been best friends since forever.  
Having grown up in the same village, the two of them spent most of their time together while they were young. And as they grew older, so did their friendship, they had been either best man/maid of honor at each other's wedding, first ones there after the birth of their children and became the god parents. They moved away from home and started the half-foot union together and began adventuring. It was very unusual for adventuring parties to get one without the other.
The two were thick as thieves. Always there for each other. 
So when Chilchuck had been introduced to Laios’ forming party, it was no surprise when Y/n also signed a contract with them as well. Starting together and ending together, that is the way both half-foots worked. Always going where the other leads. 
Marcille’s favorite genre of books are romance. Where a princess gets swept off her feet by a prince and they fall madly in love. Or when two people are forced to go on an adventure together only to realize that they began to fall in love during the journey. She couldn’t get enough of them, which had caused her to strongly lightly project onto others, specifically the two half-foot party members that seem to be insanely close with one another. 
It wasn’t hard to see the natural pull the two of them had with each other, or the instinct of making sure that one is safe after a battle with a monster within the dungeon. Marcille would catch glimpses of the two of them leaving when it came to getting water or heading off to the bathroom. Just always making sure the other is safe. 
She knew they were friends beforehand, it wasn't hard to keep track of the infamous half-foot duo despite her not being the most well kept with rumors. She knew that they have history before forming the party. And watching them now, after deciding to go and rescue Falin, she knew it was much deeper than just friendship. 
Marcille’s main focus is reducing Falin. But if she said getting the two together wasn’t a separate focus on its own, then she’d be lying to herself. 
Chilchuck sat irritably on his bed roll, gaze locked onto the door for night watch. After spotting the mimic in the room over he knew something was going to happen. Mimics have never brought them luck before and it sure as hell wasn’t going to bring them luck now. 
With an irritated huff, Chilchuck felt his stomach growl with hunger. “My stomach’s gone soft on me. I used to go two days without eating.” He reached for his water skin only to find it empty.
Chilchuck huffed to himself, before instinctively reaching for Y/n’s water skin, knowing she wouldn’t mind. He lifted it up to drink but only a few drops came out, “We need more water.”
He rose to his feet with the water skins in his hands. He turned towards Y/n, calling out her name. She groaned lightly, only turning slightly in the direction his voice is, Chilchuck huffed before reaching over and shaking her. Y/n groaned at the forced movement of her body. 
She turned her head, inhaling and exhaling deeply before speaking, “What is it hon’?” 
Her words came out muffled and they were laced with sleep. But it still rang loud and clear in Chilchuck’s ears. The softness of her voice and the endearing name was enough to make his face blush red. He’s heard her call her late husband that or her kids or even his kids, but never has it been directed towards him. And not once did he feel like it needed to be, but his heart still fluttered. 
 His face still flushed. He still stumbled over his words. “I-I’m going to get some more water.” Only a simple sentence and yet it was still hard to get out, her half lid eyes, seemed to be drawing him in. Almost like she wanted him to stay. 
“Want me to come?” Y/n asked, lifting herself onto her elbows. Sleep clinging to her eyes, Chilchuck watched her fight it. But it looked like she was going to lose. 
“Nah, I’ll be alright. It’s only in the next room.” He reassured, standing to complete his task. Gently he nudged her head, giving the indication for her to lay back down, “I’ll be back. Go to sleep.” 
“Yell if you need, I’ll hear.” She replied, before laying back down. Chilchuck watched as her breathing went even. He stepped out of the room, a single thought on his mind. 
“She looked really pretty.” 
Y/n shot up from her bed roll, the sound of a voice waking her from her sleep. She scanned the room only to find Chilchuck still gone. Panic swelled, Y/n quickly making her way towards the door. In her haste, Marcille had woken up. She watched as Y/n swung open the door and took down the hall. Marcille noticed the missing Chilchuck and quickly woke up Laios to come and help. 
Y/n heard the loud thump of a box hitting the ground behind her. She turned and saw the previously opened room was locked with bars. Turning around, Y/n raced towards the room only to see Chilchuck pressing the last brick before the gate opened itself. 
In his panic, Chilchuck didn’t register that Y/n was standing right in front of him nor did he slow his pace when he ran straight for her. Before Chilchuck could fully collide with Y/n, she quickly pulled the man into her, once he was within reach, giving a wider gap between the mimic and himself. 
Y/n watched as the metal bars slammed down onto the mimic's body, killing it. Y/n held tightly to the panting Chilchuck, just relieved that he was okay. She pulled back to assess him of any major damage, only to see the slight gash on his cheek. 
“I told you to yell if you needed help.”
“I had it under control.” Chilchuck laughed, knowing if he was patient enough, Y/n would’ve come running. Y/n smiled warmly, knowing that he would figure out a trap like that in no time. 
The door to the room opened to reveal a sleepy Laios being dragged out by Marcille, her panicked expression matching the one Y/n had on seconds before. 
“I saw her run out like something was wrong! And Chilchuck isn’t in the room! He must be in trouble!” The small group looked over and saw the two half-foots converting, Y/n pulling the pouch on her leg off to reveal a couple of needles and thread, Chilchuck following suit.
Laios and Senshi stared at the dead mimic on the ground. “Whoa! You bagged a mimic! Nice going!” 
Chilchuck groaned, sitting back as Marcille gave him a once over with her healing magic. “Thank you.” 
Y/n shook her head in disbelief before assisting his green neck warmer. Seeing how much she can sew right now, before having to add more fabric to it. “I can sew most of it, but I’ll have to add some of the spare fabric I have.” 
“Thanks, you’re a lifesaver.” Chilchuck commended, happy he could keep it for one more day. 
Seeing his happy smile caused Y/n to share a smile of her own, his relaxed nature making her heart flutter. Knowing he was only this level of relaxed with the two of them, their small bubble yet to pop even with the rest of the party around them. 
Even with the small trickle of blood on his face, Y/n couldn’t stop the thought that passed through her head. 
“He looks so pretty.”
Marcille silently observed the interaction between the two half-feet. She always had a leading suspicion that they held some sort of feelings for each other, but seeing the way they’re acting almost like it was only the two of them within the dungeon, Marcille knew it was her imagination. 
She could see that the two of them held the other close to their hearts, but seeing how close would be the fun part. 
Y/n watched as everyone settled around, ready to eat the dinner provided for them. She was a couple stitches away before Chilchuck’s neck warmer was finished. Which was about the time everyone's portions began to be served. Chilchuck sat next to her, holding the other end of the neck warmer so she could sew it more easily. 
Marcille continued to munch on her piece of the mimic before turning towards the duo, questioning them. “If you knew the mimic was in there, why didn’t you tell us?” 
“Because I’ve had nothing but bad experiences with them. The last thing I wanted to do is deal with another one.” Chilchuck grumbled. He flicked his gaze towards Y/n only to see she had finished mending the fabric and is folding it up to place it next to his pillow. “Anyways, I made a lot of bad decisions.” 
Y/n hummed in agreement, eating a piece of mimic as Chilchuck continued to talk. “The first was panicking thinking the mimic would eat the treasure insect.” 
“But mimics don’t eat treasure insects. Treasure insects eat mimics.” Laios announced. His small explanation going over the irritated Chilchuck’s and the amused Y/n’s head. Chilchuck grumbled as Marcille tried to pat his head, only for Y/n to slap her hand away. 
“You know he doesn’t like to be coddled.” She said simply. “It makes him feel like a kid.” She finished her plate of food and placed it down for it to be washed later. Marcille ignored her  words and turned her attention towards Chilchuck. 
“Tell me how old you are and I’ll never do it again.” Marcille compromised, “What happened to you today only happened because you wanted to be so secretive. Now come on and tell me how old you are.” 
“Fine.” He grumbled out. Hoping she’ll keep her word. Marcille’s eyes sparkled, before turning towards Y/n. Her face held an expecting look, almost like she was waiting for her to share the same details.
“What? You never asked my age. I would’ve told you if you just asked.” Y/n answers simply. It was true. She never hid anything about herself, like Chilchuck did. Just no one was interested enough to ask, or they didn’t think to ask since Chilchuck always refused to share anything and everyone always assumed that she was the same way. 
“I’m turning 29 this year.” Chilchuck grumbled out, seeing Marcille’s eyes land on him expectantly. 
Marcille groaned at the information, expecting to hear an age older than the one she got. “Man you’re just a kid after all.” 
“I thought you were way older than that.” Senshi said. Y/n laughed at their reactions, knowing that other races don’t fully understand half-feet life expectancy. Especially races with longer lives. 
Marcille watched Y/n chuckle at the scene in front of her, before lighting up herself, “What about you Y/n? How old are you?” Marcille asked. Excited that she’ll get the answers to some of her questions. 
“Me? I’m 30.” Y/n answered casually. Watching Marcille’s excitement withered slightly. 
“Really? You guys are so young.” Marcille huffed, leaning back onto her hands looking at the ceiling. 
“Okay then! How old are you guys! All other races look like kids to you races with long lives!!” Chilchuck shouted. Y/n laughed at Chilchuck’s faux anger. Knowing he was more irritated than actually upset. 
“There, there, Chil, those lifers will never understand our day to day struggle.” Y/n joked, watching as Chilchuck fumed silently sitting down and crossing his arms. Steam almost pouring out of his ears. “Come on guys, we should rest a little more before we start moving again. Especially since not everyone got a chance to sleep.” 
Marcille watched closely as Chilchuck’s body seemed to instantly relax once Y/n began patting his shoulder. And how Y/n’s touch lingered for a second more before she moved and began reassembling her bed roll closer to the new circle the group had formed. 
The party grumbled in agreement before dimming down the fire and getting back into their bed rolls. Most falling asleep almost instantly. Y/n turned over, her now face to face with Chilchuck. She reached out slightly and tapped his arm with her fist. 
Not enough to hurt, but enough to convey her displeasure with him, “Don’t go anywhere without me next time, got it?” 
“Yeah I got it.” Chilchuck replied, tapping her arm in return.
They two adults shared a smile before dozing off. Resting until they woke up naturally to continue moving down.
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𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝑳𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆 (Then I Intend)
Sesshoumaru x reader Part ||
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Masterlist.../ Previous part.../ Next part....
Summary: The Lord Daiyokai often shuts you up in an inn, every few days of the month, for the demons that are attracted to your bloodscent. It is one of the few graces he allows. You would think its for your safety, and truly it is. Because not only do you seem to forget that he is a demon, but also a man.
Rumors of a bloodhungry demon arise, one that prowls the edges of this ghost town, devouring its residents under the shroud of moonless nights; Of which steadily approaches. Under the dark viel of a new moon, all desires will be brought to light.
Content warnings: Misogny, A LOT of it, era apropiate sexism, (physical) assault, dismemberment (a little and not reader) non graphic.
A/N: A lot of the misogyny here is just characters reiterating what women of this era were expected to do, i.e be homemakers listen to men and whatever. However, the physical assault part will be put under a bar if you need to skip.
Length: 15.8K (This one got away from me bois gn)
Part 2 of 4
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What I'm trying to say is that, in this universe which sculpted itself from a baptism of fire, I am the moon swept up by your tendernes. You got me dreaming foreign words: gravity, ellipsis, perigee, until all i can think about is becoming ancored into orbit around the saltwater green landscape of your laughter.
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You had another strange dream that night, when you fell asleep.
Rin fretted, so you swung between a light and deep slumber, and the images that flashed behind your eyes were strange, to say the least. The remnants you remember play like a movie.
It's dark, the cloud of your body floating away from you like a mist in the darkness. White scales glow. Another man’s voice, frantic, angry almost. A familiar blade. Tenseiga flashes like the cold white edge of the moon, and then, silence.
And then warmth.
Were you just stressed? Was your mind just filling itself with nonsense after what happened– What almost happened last night?
You’re up before the sun, dawn just a lavender-pink bruise on the horizon.
Numachi-san must still be asleep, because no one stirs as you make a pot of tea, ginseng and ginger, like the old apothecary had intended. You’re not sure if they’re meant to go together but oh well. The earthy, warm drink is also spicy, and does wonders to help finish waking you up so early.
The slightest shuffle in the dim dark, and you whirl. Your Lord steps into the foyer, and you try to ease the sudden pounding of your heart.
He lifts a hand when you bow to greet him, barely sparing a glance and striding past. The breeze of his pace cools the sweat on your brow, and you reach out.
Figuratively of course. “My Lord, would you not stop for a cup of tea? It's…ginger and ginseng. It will help reduce stress for you.”
“I am not stressed.”
“Still, it wouldn't be, uh, very good to start the day on an empty stomach, my Lord.” He turns on his heel. And in the pastel colored dawn cringing its way across the sky, his eyes almost glow. They could be glowing, for all you know. The moment feels too trepidatious to really ask.
Your voice is soft. “...What are you doing today, My Lord?”
“...It is none of your concern.”
“I’m not concerned, I'm just curious. Will you tell me?” And you step forward. Just one tiny step but he tracks it.
“The demon, stalking this village.”
“So they’re real? Not a rumour?”
“Yes. It must have some measure of strength, I intend to test it.” A hand on his blade, not Tenseiga. That is for emergencies.
“So that's why you’re gone throughout the day. Are we... Will we see you at dinner?” He sighs harshly, suddenly, and turns where the foyer leads to the front doors.
“What is the point? Does it bring you some added comfort, my presence?”
“Yes, it does.” He meant that rhetorically, or sarcastically, you only realize. And you answered far too honestly. You backtrack.
“And Rin, too, as well. It would do her some good to know that you are still around. The last time she saw you was early morning yesterday; You leave signs of yourself even when we are on our travels, so I suspect she’s worried. And, that that's why she had a nightmare.” You wring your hands, you’re babbling too much.
Why are you nervous…? This isn’t new territory, not really.
There's always been some odd kind of tension between you and the Lord, even if you were hesitant to call it so. He’s been more lenient though hasn’t he? Besides the night before. He doesn’t really force you to walk on foot anymore when you forgo honorifics, and he’ll just ignore you when you get too obnoxious. Nothing crazy, but he’s already used to you!
You always just figured he wasn't used to company before, especially one such as yours, and there has always been some feelings of safety and attraction on your end. He is rather beautiful, though you wouldn't call yourself vain. Yesterday just breathed to life the embers that have been left smoldering for too long. 
Above all, you just want things to flow naturally.
He sighs. ���You so readily coddle the child.”
“Should children not be coddled?”
“No.” He pivots, eyes eerie and pointed. “How will she survive, if you spoil her so?” 
“That is different, she is a child, and the adults have the responsibility to care for and protect her. That is different from coddling.”
“That sounds exactly like it.”
“But it's not. She is still being taught what she needs to learn. And if you're so against this ‘coddling’, why did you let me leave to take care of her last night?”
And just like that, the breath in the room is sucked away at the slightest mention. Sesshoumaru goes still, still in that way that reminds you that yeah, this isn't a human. He isn’t a bomb, steadily ticking towards explosion. No, he’s a mountain, a breath away from a landslide.
But he doesn't say anything. The way he looks at you seems to be daring you to make mention of that again, and you’re not sure that that is such a good idea anymore.
“...It's just…she's a child, and I believe all children deserve a happy childhood and… I'm just eager to please her, My Lord.”
“And not I?” You both catch that at the same time, because when your eyes meet, you see the slightest, just the slightest  shock in them. A reprimand, for himself.
He clicks his tongue, sharp and flat. “Nevermind. You are–”
“My Lord,” You’re bold enough to cut him off, gods be damned. “I can’t even begin to imagine what I could do that would begin to please you, with our…differences. Should I start? You have to be clear with me.” You take another step closer, and when did you become so bold? His eyes flit to yours.
The silence doesn't just fall, it crashes, like a boulder landing, like a current pulling you under.
That came out… much more bold than you were intending. But you don't backtrack, you wait.
There are no distractions now.
“I ‘must be clear’, with you?” He steps forward, in that all too familiar way. It's like he’s gliding more than walking, and the proximity makes your heart pound. You hold your tea closer.
It's still a touch too warm, stinging your hands, but it doesn't seem to affect him when he takes it from you, sets it down; With his one hand he grabs your wrist, his hand large enough to dwarf yours, a thumb pressing into the lowest thrum of your veins.
“Your pulse is quick.” He murmurs, head dipped. He’s so close to you. You drink in those regal features, the way he’s so fixed on your hands.
He rubs over your wrist, slow, deep circles that slow your heart under their prudent care. You don’t say anything, you just breathe as he works, oddly…focused.
His nails, his claws, are hued red at the points, fingers long and defined and pretty. Not soft, calloused and rough, he is a samurai…but pretty.
He moves to rub his wrist against yours, and a slight shock of static makes you jump, but he’s too close for you to get that far. Not that you want to go far. You’re reminded of when your mother would rub lotion on your hands, or scented oil into your wrists. He does it once, twice, on both wrists, sliding his skin across your wrist, the inside of your forearms, before he moves to the delicate skin behind your ear.
You laugh and jolt away. “That tickles.”
“Just stay still.”
“I’m trying.” Not hard enough, you jitter away from his touch with breathy laughter, and with a breath of a mutter he cups the back of your head, and replaces the slow drag of his wrist with his teeth.
That stills you. It's…barely a bite, what he’s doing. But his teeth are there and you’ve never felt anything so sharp so close to your neck before. You quiet, under the conscious threat of being near something so sharp. But he wouldn’t do anything.
You're 80% sure.
He murmurs against your skin. “Are you going to keep still, now?”
“Uh, yeah?” you breathe. “Your fangs are at my throat, duh.” He doesn't rise to the bait, he just drags his teeth over the soft column of your throat, his claws tangled in your hair.
“What... are you even doing?” 
He clicks his tongue, and you can almost feel the wet heat of it. “Dense as always.”
“I am not ahh-” a staggered breath, just pushing a moan of your lips when he bites down, just above your collarbone. It's gentle, not even breaking skin, and that's what surprises you.
You’re clinging onto him, you realize, strands caught between your fingers. You lean back, but there's nowhere to go between where you were and him.
He just sighs against your skin, and leans into you more, so your back is arched and you’re melded against him, like a pressed flower.  There's a rumble in his throat you can feel when you squeak. 
Well, two can play at that game.
You reach, press into him with your body and return the favor; your mouth tracts the pointed shell of his ear. When you reach the pointed end you bite down, and he jolts. He actually jolts. 
Not away, mind you. But his teeth clamp down before he moves, leaving an imprint around that plum colored bruise.
You look at each other, caught in this twilight moment. And he draws away. You want to cling, but you have your pride, and reluctantly you let him out of your hold, white strands of silk slipping through your fingers.  His face is smooth but you sense a contentment? There, the slightest sense of smug satisfaction. 
You press your fingers to the spot his teeth were in, just seconds ago, when he leaves. There, just above your collarbone. If you had a mirror you could see it, but you’re certain.  A lavender pick bruise, delightfully sore. 
You press down, hard.
Breakfast is a normal affair, or abnormal, as you were the first person up which happened almost never. Breakfast was served anyways, and it didn't take much cajoling to get Numachi-san to sit down with you again, even if she only accepted a cup of tea, which she poured herself, after she served all of you. Must be a tendency of hers.
“Hey, Numachi-san, have you lived here in this town your whole life?”
“Hm? Oh, no, I moved here when I was quite young, no older than you, actually,” she tells you as she sits. You pout a bit.
“Oh, I was going to ask you some things about the Demon haunting this place. Like whether it's been here longer than you have or something.” She looks at you oddly, with her dark bangs. Her eyes and her hair.
“They've been here a few years before I came here, and the attacks weren’t as bad. They got worse over the years. This used to be a popular spot for a resting Daimyo on their travels, as it was a good spot to rest travel wise. One was eaten though, and his entourage, that's what made people stop coming here. If even a Daimyo isn't safe, no one is. People are too poor and sentimental to move. And some others were eaten, trying. Most don't bother anymore.”
“And…yet you chose to stay? Your sons were able to leave, why didn’t you go with them after you're husband passed, since I'm sure you don't get many customers nowadays…”
“Oh, because when I do get customers, they’re amazing ones, like you honored guests! There's the occasional weary traveler–but I get monks, samurai, swordsmen, hunters looking to take down a fabled demon…those folk hardly return though.
“I…you could say, inherited this place when I came to this town, after I left my village. It was when the Daimyo had been eaten, along with the samurai who protected him and the old inn keepers. I worried it would be too hard a job for me to fix, but my sons helped me. It’s only as furbished as it is now because they helped me with the more tedious things.” She delicately raises her cup to drink.
“How helpful of them. What are your sons like, Numachi-san? They’re visiting pretty soon, right? You must miss them a lot. ” She looks up from the tea in her hands, tilts her head.
“Oh, well, yes of course…I had twin sons, one would have been ideal, but having two...You might not know but twins are an ill omen. When I gave birth…It was either leave one or be banished. So I was driven from my home, and found my way here. No one cares about ill omens in a town that's already cursed,” she shrugs. “Now I’m here.”
“You said your husband stayed with you?” Her smile turns sour.
“Well, no, he…visited. He too believed in the ill omen of twins…and he was a very reclusive person, even at his most affectionate. So the visits dwindled until…he eventually passed away.”
“I'm…so sorry for your loss?” Even though he sounds like an asshole?
“Don’t be, it's a relief in some ways...” The bitterness surprises the both of you, she pauses, and then covers her mouth in horror.
“I-I mean…It's just–”
“You...don't have to explain anything to me, Numachi-san.”
“I don't want you to think I’m ungrateful,” she presses, daring to inch closer to you. Her hands tremble.
“You’re so kind, honored guest, and I’d hate to spoil your image of me. I am grateful for both my sons and my husband when he was with me. I'm grateful for this Inn, and the people in this town who are kind enough to not have chased me out like my birth family. Truly, I am.”
“You don't have to be grateful for the bare minimum.” 
“Hm?” She looks so confused, and the expression she wears nettles at you. You’re not irritated with her, just her attitude. She’s so….timid. Mellow.
“Of course you can be grateful for the blessings, all the good in your life. But it's okay to…not be okay with just the barebones. You don’t have to be thankful for the scraps.” You can be angry too, you know, you want to tell her.
You think of a girl, with twin boys, being driven from a village by her own family. Traveling alone for goodness knows how long, until she reached a cursed village and a dilapidated inn she would painstakingly restore. A husband who only visited ‘sometimes’. 
You would be livid. 
Maybe that’s why you’re always so hesitant when it comes down to the new, the change. A chance of failure is never completely zero. 
Maybe that’s why you’re always so hesitant to take a step forward.
But Numachi-san, unfreezes, and laughs, waving away your words like more than a too cool breeze on an autumn day.
“You’re such a strong-spirited person, honored guest. I admire your strength; and I am a bit envious too.” She rises, and takes the teapot with her.
“I think I’ll go brew a new pot, this one is no good cold. Excuse me.”  Even though her hands on the pot flush pink from the heat, you watch her leave.
Jaken shakes his head at the woman, bug eyes closed.
“That woman is far too meek and soft-spined for a town like this–no husband, no sons…Though, her attitude is the proper one a woman should have, nothing like your brashness and lack of manners and respect.”
“Jaken, can you kindly shut the fuck up?” 
“See! That's exactly what I mean!” 
“Rin.” Rin looks up  from the table she’s been staring intently at. People think just because she’s mute, she is also deaf. She hears much of the world around her, more than people realize. Her eyes are young and wide as you speak to her.
“...You don't have to rely on a man to define yourself. You can do what you want to do, anything at all, alright?” She nods but her eyes drift back to the table. You tap it with your knuckle to get back her attention.
“I'm serious. You have me. You have Sesshoumaru. A-un and Jaken too, I guess. If you need something….”
Jaken cuts in. “Go to the Lord, he’s much more capable.”
“For like...intimidation and murder and money. I got everything else.”
“Like?!” You shrug.
“Well, she’s going to grow into an adult one day..."
‘Like you’re a proper example.”
“I am!”
“Of course you are-’ And Rin breaks out into laughter, snickering behind her hands, eyes crinkled in delight.
You feel your heart warm, swelling three sizes and all, before you reach over the table to tickle the girl.
“Hey! What are you laughing at?!”
You might not be a parent, but Rin is the closest thing you have to a child, and you’re going to do right by her. Coddling and all.
In your musings it takes more than a full hour to traipse your way to the rice paddies from the inn. You've gotten faster at walking, during your travels with your little group, but it was still away, at the other end of town, at the bottom of a small mountain which a stream ran down from, and fed into the rice paddies. Behind that mountain, miles and miles past, you could just see the peaks of a mountain range. That was where Sesshoumaru wanted to go after all this. It was pretty far, on foot it would take at least…a week, or two? With A-Un, and the Lord, only two or three days.
When you went up to the little house on the hill overlooking the paddies no one answered, and you looked about for any signs of the oldman. 
Rice paddies spread out below you, and you look down the hill to check for any signs of life. Luckily, you did, a group of people working close by in the fields below. You went to meet them.
And promptly fell down the hill.
And oh no, you couldn't just trip and roll down like a normal person, or even bonk your head on a rock and pass out, which would be merciful. Instead, you do this stupid half trip, half wobble and catch-yourself-but-still-very-much-falling dance down the hill like a demented horse, before gravity finally lets you go; You collapse like a maiden struck by a curse.
‘Gods, are you there? Why have you forsaken your most devoted child?’
With an audience to boot. Well, at least you didn't fall into the water of the paddies, you landed barely a foot away from where the grassy hill turned into mud, and sloped down. A guy, thigh deep in the waters gapes at you. Three identical versions of him you see in your swimming vision as he steps forward and nudges you with a wet hand. You give him a thumbs up to show you’re alive. You think he calls back to the others you saw with him.
Some of the words swim in and out your hearing, your head too dizzy to focus on them, so you can only squeal as your world tilts, and you're suddenly held in the arms of the first man (or three) you saw, the world flashing in colors of blue and green and brown.
You try to protest as he starts carrying you up the hill but he doesn't listen to you.
“Excuse me?! I said put me dow–” 
“I can hear you.” His tanned hands are wet and warm from the sun and work, black hair pulled into a ponytail. He looks around your age, if only a few years older.
“So then put me down.”
 “No, that was a long, erm, fall.”
“It was nothing, please put me down.”
“Nope! What if you rattled your head and your brain comes spilling out your ears if you move too fast?” A beat of awkward silence, and he tries to laugh off that crazy ass sentence like it was a joke. 
You have to get out, you're in the hands of a madman.
“Uh… that, wasn't a good thing to say... sorry? Really though, if you’re hurt we should get you checked out–the Doctor is actually here for our father today, so she can just look you over real quick and then you can be on your way.” Finally at the top of the hill, he sets you down on your feet gingerly.
“Actually, what are you here for? Aren't you those fancy guests at Numachi-san’s honjin?”
“Uh, I guess. We’ll only be there for a few days, since we’re there to...recover.” Yeah, you’re not telling him the real reason. But he nods, looking over you, assessing.
“Traveling on the road, even with such a powerful Lord, must be exhausting for you two. Of course you should rest while you can!”
“Us two?”
“You and the child, of course.”
“Oh yeah, of course…”
The tense silence doesn't seem to bother him, in fact, he just waits…and waits. When no one tries to break it, he perks. “Yes!” He shouts and you jump. “How about I help you with what you need? Did your Lord send you to buy an order…?”
Couldn’t have asked that quicker? “No. I’m just running some errands for Numachi-san. Though that's not a bad idea, some rice would be good for our travels…”
“Our rice is grown from the melted caps of the mountain streams, you won't find anything better. Fit for your mighty Lord's tastes, I should say.” And he leans in, eyes gleaming. “Hey, please indulge me, for curiosity's sake… he wears a kimono with two sleeves but he’s missing an arm…did he lose it fighting some horrible demon?!”
He is a horrible demon. Technically. “I…suppose so? He left me in a village so I didn’t see the battle.”
“What about those markings on his face?”
“He was born with them, I believe?”
“And his chinese robe, very strange fashion, but he’s a demon right? Where did he get it, his sword, his armor?”
“The sword came from his father…? And I don’t know about the robe and armor, I’m pretty sure that's a result of his Yoki energy.” Did he make it with yoki or does he acquire it and then have to put it in his inventory, of sorts?
“I don't really know what I can divulge to you…?”
“Oh...” And, damn, the sad way he deflates endears you, like a kicked puppy, so you offer something else.
“I’ve seen other battles though, though they can hardly be called that with the strength of my Lord, if that would suffice.” 
“Yes! I am Takashi, by the way, forget the honorifics.” He bows, and when he rises he winks, ushering you inside.
“...So he swiped out with his poison claws, and the demon fell to ribbons. It was so quick, so precise, that no blood stained his hand. It careened in an arc in the air, the slice so clean it took a minute for the demon to start bleeding out. We just continued on our way then.”
“Amazing…” He breathes, awestruck. The tale is practically playing behind his eyes and you laugh.
“It must be amazing to be able to serve a Lord like that…”
“Honestly? It is.” Despite your troubles and woes, there are sights that have taken your breath away and moments that are seared into your memory. Even in your world, you doubt you would have ever seen as much, ever.
Takashi-kun, as he cheekily insisted you call him, tilts his head to the side in question.
“You serve him?”
“Yes, it's tedious, but I’m glad for the work, it keeps me busy.” Never let him hear you say that, he would hold it above your head forever.
“...No, I meant being his disciple, not his servant.”
“Yeah, that's what I meant.”
“You are his disciple?” 
“Yes…? The Lord is much too…dignified and proud, to name any disciples of his own. Still the imp wields the two headed staff, and Rin carries a tanto.”
“And you?”
“I can take care of myself, I have to,” you shrug. “I'm a woman, traveling. I’ve asked the Lord to teach us how to wield the naginata, but every weapon’s master we’ve seen never meets his specifications, so he won't teach us until we get the right weapon. ” you pout.
“Seriously, shouldn’t he put more priority on teaching us, if we’re to be traveling on the road with him?”
But Takashi fiddles with his hands, running fingers over some age-old scar there, looking down at it with a pensive expression. “Well why should he? Why would he? You’re a woman.”
“...Excuse me?” He gestures.
“I mean, even in this kinda’ place, we’ve heard of the Lord of the Western Lands. Such a strong and disciplined leader, it would insult him if you continued to pester him about teaching you how to wield an actual weapon, as if he weren’t capable of protecting you and the child.
“It's already awfully gracious of him that he allows the child the tanto, or that he allows two women to accompany him; I assume he provides you shelter and food and the like. Shouldn’t you be more grateful?”
“Huh?” There's this odd look on Takashi-kun's face, just beneath the surface, and the mischievousness that was present there is gone.
“No. No, I'm appropriately grateful. And there's only one woman; the girl is still a child.”
“Yeah, I guess you're more his type.”
You slam your fist down on the table. “Repeat that.”
You forget though, the men in this era haven't ever been taught to heed a woman. So he just looks at you oddly and says,  “I assumed that you served him as steward or maid, though I guess I was wrong.” He points towards the table, the pot of tea that has been sitting there.
“The pot has been sitting for a few moments now, and you have not served. I figured you were enraptured by the grand stories of your Lord, which is understandable. You are a guest here, yes, but as eldest son here it would still be rude for me to serve. Your Lord must be an odd one.” He sighs.
“Were you a sacrifice, from your village? Is the child yours? Oh, is she both of yours? Forgive me for my earlier comment then…Maybe that's what the Tanto is for–I heard Samurai give the Tanto and Naginata to their wives and daughters to defend themselves and the home from enemies. That must be the reason, right?”
“But again, he is a demon. Who is he to follow human conventions? Perhaps you aren’t a ‘wife’, exactly–” You stand so quickly the table is jostled, and he reaches out a hand to steady it, looking up at you unperturbed and confused at your outburst.
“...Do you not think before you speak?”
“Excuse you?” He frowns. “I’m making basic observations. You are really pretty, and not too old, so you must have been with him for some time, if the child yours. Are you his concubine? Your teeth aren’t black, obviously you’re not a wife,” he sighs.
You want to smash the chipped cup into his face. You want to pour the hot tea into his lap and burn him. He looks so satisfied with himself for this genius conclusion, not even considering the truth of the matter. You are a companion–not concubine.
But you breathe, you reign in your temper. Calm down, he doesn't know any better.
“I…am not a concubine. Nor a wife. No, I do not serve him in those…ways.  I am simply a traveling companion. Nothing more.”
“But you are a woman. What else do you offer?”
Just before you throw the tea pot into his face, an old frail frame strides into the room with purpose–and when you look up you stare right into the hard eyes of the apothecary, and the wrinkled face of the man who walks in with her.
“Oh, Father! Doctor!” Takashi-san rises to feet like he’s going to embrace one of them, but she just looks at him and he backs down. Her gaze turns to you.
“Ah yes, you, young lass. Put down that pot before you spill it. What are you doing this far from your hotsprings and futons and mochi?” You’re ready to snap at her but the old man speaks before you do.
“Oh, you’re that girl who came in with that Demon Lord, right? How about you sit back down and tell us what you came all the way here for.” His wrinkled face is spotted in moles and cherry, and you can’t help listening to the old man.
“Shh!” The old man hushes him, and Takashi-san rolls his eyes, playfully, but you see the exasperation in them. You all sit, and the apothecary is the one who pours. Takashi looks at you.
“I’m just running an errand for Numachi-san, I don’t feel right just sitting still and relaxing when she has so much to do.”
The old man gives a precious wrinkled smile. “Oh, what a kind girl you are. And what a generous Lord to allow his servant to help others.”
“I don’t think he did allow it, Father,” Takashi cuts in. “You weren’t there but I saw him; A Lord of that caliber wouldn't allow his… servants, to run off to do manual labor.”
“And what were you doing so early in the morning, before even dawn, that you saw them go inside the honjin, hm?”
“I…I wasn't! I was here, sleeping! I saw him after, when I was in town delivering!”
“Sure you were.” Old man Taiga, as you know he is, looks up at you, and so fast you almost miss it, winks. “Must have been taking mighty long if you had time to ogle at some demon Lord.”
“He's the Lord of the Western Lands Father!”
“Yeah, yeah, how about you go now and gather up that rice now for the good lady, and pack her an order too, for that Lord you so admire.” You like this old man. Takashi-san doesnt even look at you, he just grumbles under his breath as he shuffles from the table to go to fulfill his father’s orders.
The apothecary grins. Her teeth are white and straight as a US military cemetery. “One good thing about being a haunted town–at least we don't have to pay any taxes! We can eat all the rice and mochi we want and not have to worry about any Daimyo coming to raid the town.”
“A bad thing is that we don't have that many workers for the fields, so we often work more than we eat.” Taiga sighs, patting his back. He looks at you.
“The last Daimyo came to collect taxes since we had not paid for some time, and stayed at Numachi-chan’s inn– Well, it wasn't hers at the time. But he came with some few samurai, which were more than enough for a town like this. But not enough for the demon.”
The apothecary huffs over her tea cup. “I bet he ate well that day. And hasn't eaten that well since.”
She shrugs. “Female demons aren't so voracious. Or maybe they are–maybe she’s got a brood she needs fed.”
“What kind of demoness still feeds her kids for thirty, forty years? They’re grown and out now, if they exist.”
“If they exist. I'm betting it's a male demon though.”
“And how would you know?”
She slaps the table. “I’ll find out when I get eaten of course!”
“With how bitter you’ve become over the years? Ha!”
“And with how sickly and tough you are? You got a few good years before your time Taiga. And it won't be by demons!” They laugh, while you look at them over the rim of your cup. They seem to be pretty old friends, if the way they talk is any indication.
“Ah, I still wanna see my son and daughters get married though,” Taiga huffs. “Four daughters and one son…I wouldn’t mind if Takashi was sneaking about to meet a Lady,  but instead he’s training, like the next Samurai that comes in will notice his potential and take him on,” Taiga shakes his head.
“He thinks he’s gonna be the one to slay the demon of this place. He has more luck minding his business and keeping his head low. I’m still here after all, my children and all.” You notice no mention of a wife though, and tamp down your curiosity.
“Does…anyone know anything certain about the demon? Like, what type, or how old?” The apothecary and Taiga look at you, look at each other.
“Only the dead,” she supplies unhappily. “Though, we have seen the marks they left behind… the ones who fight back. And the wreckage the demon leaves behind, like the wrecked buildings in town”
“The demon seems cocky, to openly go into town and just into random buildings to eat people.” Like knock knock, delivery. Oh! You're the meal.
“Arrogance, yes, but no ones seen nor caught em’ yet. Been here for years and will probably move on when we’re all gone or eaten. A mighty demon to be sure, most definitely.” 
“But stronger than her Lord?” Taiga points his cup towards you.
“Lord of the Western Lands…I grew up hearing the myths of this Lord, never thought I’d ever be so close to him… You must be honored to be able to serve such a Lord.”
“Uh…I guess?” What was he, some God? “He’s actually pretty frustrating and pretentious but to each their own.”
That didn't give you the reaction you thought it would. Instead of chuckling, they gape at you, moon eyed.
“...I don’t think it would be wise to talk about such a Lord in that way… Imagine if he heard you, girl!”
“I’d say it to his face.” Again, that doesn't give you such a good reaction. They both just stare at you, though the apothecary’s eyes narrow.
“Hm, well…he must be lenient with his servants…very lenient! Maybe he just is unaffected by a human’s words!”
“No, he’d just tie me to the back of A-un, our demon steed, if you will, and make me walk a few miles. Or cut my food rations. But honestly, he needs to be taken down a few pegs. Everyone is walking on eggshells around him, singing his praises, he needs a dose of reality.” You grin sneakily. “Just a small dose though, so he doesn't realize I’m just blowing hot air and he really is all that.” The old man looks like he could choke, poor him, and the Apothecary shoots to her old wrinkled feet.
“Come on now,” the apothecary grabs your wrist, and with more force than you expected, drags you up and out. You’re only able to pull your wrist back when you’re leaving the front doors of the house, leaving old man Taiga behind.
“Hey! What are you doing?!”
“No, what are you doing?” She throws your hand back. “You’re dumber than I thought if you think you can get away with talking like that in front of that kinda folk.”
“What do you mean-”
“The only reason they’re not ganging up on ya is because they think if they butter up the Demon Lord’s concubine, then maybe he’ll slay the demon for them. Do you even know how rare it is for travelers to actually arrive here, intact, this close to a full moon? It's either intentional or luck, and I'm betting on the former, in your Lord’s case.”
You scoff, but you can't really argue with her words. You’ve seen this sort of thing play out before, so it's not implausible. 
You’ve seen plenty of desolate towns, both with and without your Lord, you’ve been driven out of a few of them. But with your lord, they always beg aid, offering up their most valuable goods, resources, wares…people. Your Lord has always rejected them all. It's very rare if he decides to take them up on their pleas.
Now that you think about it…wasnt it always whenever you were running low on something?
There was one time a rather prosperous village asked for aid in a demon that kept eating its women. Sessoumaru refused, and you nearly left, if not for one merchant, who offered some sweets amongst the things he could trade. You and Rin had perked, Jaken had scoffed, and your Lord...accepted. You and Rin were feasting on mochi for days.
The Lord had killed the demon quickly—but still called it a waste of time.
“I’m not his concubine…” She clicks her tongue at you.
“Yeah, it figures. I assume he wouldn’t let ya wander around on your own if you were.”
“He hardly lets me do that now,” you gripe. “He just always avoids me during these times so I got some leeway now.”
“You mean you can't let yourself get caught out here like this.”
“...It’s not that serious, I just don’t want to deal with him, that's all.” She coughs out a laugh, and slides a hand down her face.
“Oh girl…you might not be a concubine, but you must be something to have the courage to talk about him like that. Out or to his face.”
“Yeah, I’m a traveling companion.”
“Dense as a rock too.” Why do people keep saying that about you?! It's not true.
She waves a hand. “I know haughty types like that, and they’re not the type to take your kinda attitude girly.”
“How would you know? You know nothing about me.”
“Of course I know you, I used to be you.” She sighs and leans back against the walls of the house. You’re staggered into silence, and she takes the opportunity to talk again.
“Same attitude, same talk, same naivety. That's why you ought to take advantage of the things you have, and not leave them to chance. You got something going with that Lord of yours. Do something before he changes his mind–if not for yourself than that girl you got.”
“Rin? But he…” You know he cares. He brought her back to life for goodness’ sake. “He wouldn't do anything.”
“But he could. And if he could then there's always a chance he will.”
But you remember. The look in his eyes as you and Rin feasted on mochi. The almost teasing way he nettles at Jaken, who is none the wiser. The golden shade of his eyes in the lantern’s shine, in moonlight, the dim gleam of dawn. They way he murmured and breathed against your skin, like he wanted to–
You stop that thought right in its tracks.
Your fingers rush up to press against the bruise. The sore throb is a reassurance.
“But he wouldn't.” 
She pauses, and she coughs a little in her incredulity. “Oh, girl,” and her face twists in sympathy. “You’re in love with him.”
“...It's not that serious.” Was it?
“Well, so much for your bluffing, you’re already too far gone,” she scoffs, like you didn't say anything. 
She clicks her tongue, something lighter, and almost…fond? She walks closer, and starts fixing your clothing, like a grandmother would, adjusting things this way and that.
“Did you try the tea?”
“Huh? Yeah, I had some this morning.”
“Take some when you go back, It’ll be good for you.”
“I’ll take your word for it.”
“Hm. Then take this word of advice too girly,” and she wipes her hands down her front. “Besides talking about your Lord of course. Don't get too chummy with that innkeeper. You don't like being called a concubine, fine, whatever, you can afford that. But some people aren’t given that choice. She’s one of them.”
“What? She’s a widow. Her husband died.”
“By her own design. Why do you think her sons left her? Normally I wouldn't fault her–do you know how many potions I sold to all sorts of women? But her? I can’t forgive her. I won’t. ” With those ominous words and her hawk gaze, she walks away.
Takashi-san, whose Father insisted on ‘assisting’ you, who had insisted on carrying the rice bag because’ it’s much too heavy for you, you’d probably make it to the inn by sunset!’, nevermind that it was barely noon now, is annoying you. Damn chauvinist.
You didn't let slip the change in attitude he had, since you mentioned the Lord and the tanto thing. Before was the politeness and cordial attitude of a person talking to the servant of a nobleman or something. And yeah, you were used to that. That attitude, and even the cloying, patronizing way that this boy spoke to you was better than the outright venom that people spat at you with, when you dared to call yourself his travel partner…
It was still no less frustrating.
“Shouldn't we head to the inn as soon as we can?” he called to you, as you left him near the bottom of the stream.
“I wouldn’t want to upset your Lord because you’re not where you’re supposed to be.” A vein could pop from how tightly wound you are.
“I have chores to do, and then you can ‘escort’ me back. You followed me, so we’re going by my schedule.”
“Did your Lord grant you permission for you to be on your own?”
You pause, and turn to him slowly to show your displeasure. “...He doesn’t care. What does it matter?”
“But still…I should at least accompany you on your way.”
“You really shouldn’t. I'll be fine on my own. I've lived nearly the same amount of days on earth as you have, and I’ve definitely traveled farther. I'm good.”
“You’re very audacious for a woman.” And he wants a rock to his head, doesn’t he. “I'm offering my help. Even if you were being bashful, trying to deny me, you could be more pleasing.”
“...You have a shallow ego don’t you?”
“....Takashi-kun, I appreciate how kind you are, but I would be remiss if you were to aid me any further. I want to please my Lord by bringing something pleasing for dinner, but if you help me it would just ruin all my efforts. Please wait here for me, please?” You make your voice sickly sweet, and bat your eyes. Though his brow twists, he doesn't offer a rebuttal, struck dumb by whiplash.
…Is it really that easy? “That…does make sense. He’s already letting you stay at a honjin, you should do something to thank your Lord.”
“Yes of course. Now, I have to hurry so I’ll be quick, alright? I’ll be quicker on my own anyways, and then the Lord will praise you for your efficiency. I’ll call you if I need you Takashi-san!” And you scamper away with your basket and a wave, letting the wide smile you put on drain away as you roll your eyes. You were sooo fake, did he really not notice?
Twenty, thirty, forty or so paces upstream, just underneath a few big rocks, nestled in the low current, the traps lay. Just where Numachi-san told you. The current was lazy, about waist high as you hopped along the rocks dotting the banks. You set your basket on a tall rock. There, you strip to your innermost layers, and stride in to catch your fish.
You have to be quick, and careful, odd high waves often rolled over, Numachi-san warned you. There were also other animals that came here to hunt, so you had to scurry.
There are only three or four bright red snapper fish as you checked, and pretty young by the looks of it, barely over a foot long, and weakly trying to swim free; despite your sympathy you know it was your job to bring them back.  Alas, why must so many of the tasty foods come from things alive?
And then you realize something. Beyond the bumbling stream, you can't hear anything.
And no, the water isn't loud enough that it blocks everything else out, no. It's just silent. No birds, no shuffling, no wildlife. Silent.
Somethings here.
Your hair stands on end as you reach for your tanto. There's nothing on the banks, and no movement in the undergrowth but there– 
For a second, a blur races out of your peripheral vision. Cold dread followed by a flush of heat under your skin. You bring up your knife and whip your head to chase the sight, but it runs quickly and you only see a dark smear slither into the trees.  
A few moments pass in tense silence, before you hear the birds again. You untense, and lower your knife. The blur was pretty large, probably…a bear cub, wandering from its mother.
But that silence… Still, you need to hurry, lest you want to wrestle with some bears over fish. There's a specific way to untie the part of the net that would free the fish-of course, you grab onto the tail of one so it can’t slip away, already flipping around in your hold. But you can't pick at it.. You’ll have to go under to do this.
 So you hold your breath, and plunge.
The water is just hitting the edge of too cold as you go under; It's rocky and craggly under, and quickly you untie the net and grab your fish, one by one; The first two you grab by the tails and stride over, hurriedly tossing them into your basket and closing the lid after. The other two are harder. With extra room to move they fight, and you barely get the third in before you notice the water receding.
You’ve read enough to know when an incoming current is gathering. Quickly, you duck back down to untie your last fish, fumbling your fingers over the knot. You get it loose, but the fish, smarter than its brethren and slippery, darts around your hand and tries swimming off.
‘Oh no you dont–’ you turn under water to chase it, just grabbing the ends of its tail and holding on, but your foot gets caught in a crevice between rocks.
You get your face to break water right as the current comes in, knocking you back, hard. You don't land on the rocky bedfloor, but you’re thrown off balance, your foot stuck. You’re left floundering, you don't know how you don’t let go of the damn fish, but you don’t.
You try to reach up again, lungs burning, only to snort water as another wave smacks you dead in the face, pulling you back under. You’re losing air, and fast. You reach a hand, trying to break the surface, and kudos to your incredible luck, someone grabs it.
You are yanked out of the water, ankle scraping painfully against the rocks, choking on air on your way up.
“What are you doing?”
“Takashi-san?!” He pulls you up, your arm socket protesting the movement; He gathers you into his arms and drags you onto the banks.
“You followed me?!” 
“What was I supposed to do, leave you on your own?”
“Yes, that's exactly what you were supposed to do.” You wrestle in his arms, they way he just lugs you over to the banks like…like a bag of rice. Of which he had, now you cannot see. You look around and reach for your basket that teeters dangerously on the rocks.
“You thought you could sweet talk me into acting like some…some–!!”
“Some what, Takashi-kun.” You wipe the droplets from your brow. Takashi-san sees this, the inner robes you wear. You’re still in his arms. He goes red. 
“I knew you were just faking that demureness. How shameless.”
“Oh? And what gave it away?”
He drops you like hot coal.” You called me Takashi-san. Normally I wouldn't question this, it's only proper, but you’ve been calling me Takashi-kun. You slipped up.”
“Oh darn,” you roll your eyes. “And here I was thinking I could ditch you.”
 “I couldn’t just leave you be, you know there's a demon lurking around here–”
“Like you can fight off a demon?” You rub the hip you landed on, and grab your basket. Seems he tossed rice to the side, presumably when he went to rescue you.
“I’m more capable than you are?” 
“I'm not in danger of drowning now, am I?”
“Listen woman,” he hisses, his mirth replaced with irritation. He reaches out to grab your arm but you dodge out his way. “You’re a stranger here, you don’t know these parts. No one comes up here to fish, it's too far away and if you screamed, I wouldn't have heard you over the water.”
If you scream now, no one will hear you.
“Then fine, let me just grab my things and we can head back, alright?” 
But his eyes narrow, and he shakes his head.
“No. We’re going back to my father’s house, it's closer. Then you’re going to wait for your Lord, or that Imp to escort you back.”
“I am not a child, nor do I need a chaperone–”
“You were taking too long!” He keeps advancing and you keep retreating. “I was waiting, and the woods went silent. That’s never a good thing. I had thought a demon had gotten to you, and then what would I say to your Lord!”
You roll your eyes. “Glad to see you’re so worried for my well being.”
“Good! You’re welcome!”
A harsh sigh drags its way past your teeth. “I did hear that odd silence, that’s why I was rushing. But maybe if I didn't feel so rushed, I would have waited until the high wave rolled over.”
“But you didn't, instead you almost drowned. Should you even be out? I mean, hunting surely isn't your strong point.”
“And keeping your mouth shut sure isn’t yours.”
“Excuse me?” You know that drop of voice. You could recognize it in this century or the next. So before he could get on with his next tirade, you snatch your outer layers, hurrying them on and making your way back down with your basket.
“Where are you going?!” you hear him fumble with the rice, but he decided to carry it, so that’s his fault.
“Back to the inn, where else? Are you following me or not.”
“You need to do as you’re told! You're not going to–”
“Listen Takashi, you're a rather pretentious prick, so if you have nothing of value to say, then be quiet.”
“You are supposed to–” you whirl around and he stops in his tracks, brow furrowed and one hair away from a full blown scowl.
“I didn't ask you to be my escort, protector, or chaperone. You were the one who decided to take the roles on yourself, so don’t get upset that I'm not playing into your little fantasy of being some noble village boy helping the poor maiden. Who are you to tell me what I'm supposed to do? You, some village boy?” You would poke his chest to emphasize the words, but you’re not getting as close as needed for that.
“And for the record. The Lord isn't going to acknowledge you just because you ‘escorted’ me. I’m not his pet.”
“But you are a woman,” he grits. “And you are his. There are basic rules you must follow for order–”
“Rules are meant to be broken.”
“You shouldn't even be wandering out on your own. Look what happened when you did, you nearly drowned!”
“I didn't nearly drown because I'm a woman idiot, my foot was stuck in a crevice.” Your ankle which, now that you’re on land, smarts. You can feel the blood dripping, not yet clotted over.
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“Thank you for your aid in getting me out of that, honestly–Your attitude could use some work though.”
“My attitude?” And you turn away from him. That is your mistake.
A hand yanks you back by the back of your collar and you choke, dropping your basket. Your instincts kick in when he tries to wrap his arms around you. You drop, and while he fumbles with your dead weight you grab his ankle and topple him over. 
He must fight with his sisters a lot or something though, because it's hard keeping him down, even as you claw red lines into his face and skin, making sure he doesn't pin you instead. He seems to know where you’ll kick, the vital points you try and dig your fingers into. But you persevere, you get the upper hand when you get him face down in the grass and pin his arm behind his back, a knee in the soft dip of his spine.
He huffs against the dewy grass, a soft angry-laugh. “I'm going to make you regret this.”
“Oh yeah?” Your tanto knife looks deadly against the skin of his throat, and he stills. “Repeat that for me.”
“Your Lord–”
“Can you not imagine any woman’s choice or actions being independent of anyone? What about my Lord? If you've  forgotten, he’s a demon. He’d care less about me killing some human than whether it’s going to rain in the coming days.”
“Guess you don't know how crucial rains are for rice growing.”
“Save me the metaphors.” You huff. You tap the knife against his neck as you speak, if only to make him flinch.
“You know? I used the little blade on more men than I have demons. Isn't that something?”
“...I bet you don't even know how to use that.”
“That's for you to figure out. Try me. And do I really have to know how to use a blade to be able to stab you?” 
“Your Lord-”
“I call him that out of gratitude and habit, but he is not my Lord.”
“You still must obey him.”
“Because he offers me protection, shelter, food, whatever else I could need. Mostly, because he is a demon.
“ou and I are on two very different boats, in two very different waters. So. you’re going to get up, and pick up the things you dropped. You will walk in front of me. You will not speak and if you even try to pull a stunt like that again, I will make you bleed. How much depends on what you do, but you will bleed. Understand?”
And it takes him a moment to quell the hate in his eyes and swallow, but he jumps as your blade digs in, red dripping down, and stutters out a “Y-Yes.”
“Good. Thank you. You can do just that.” You stay close, in case he tries to get some distance on you for a hit or grab, but he just does as you told him, hateful eyes cast to the floor, and starts walking.
You follow him back down to the inn. You don't sheath your tanto.
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You don't parade Takashi through the streets, but enough people stop in their tracks to stare at the way Takashi walks in front of you, face stormy and pace brisk. He probably did that to spite you to run after him, but again, you’re used to traveling so it is no issue for you.
In no time at all you reach the inn, and Numachi-san is already pacing the entrance, wringing her hands in worry, she rushes up as she sees you two approach.
“I’ve had a few people come up to the inn already to tell me something odd has happened. J-Jaken went with the Lord into town and should be back soon. Rin is here…So is everything alright?” She rubs at the side of her neck, like theres a kink there. You shake your head.
Word does travel fast in small places. “Everything is fine.” You had long put away your tanto when you entered the village, but kept it in your sleeve, flashing it whenever Takashi looked back.
“We got the rice and the fish–”
“I would like to sit inside and rest, if I may, Numachi-san,’ Takashi cuts you off. His face is cool and he doesn't look at you.
“I’m tired from walking all the way from my home to here with such a heavy load. Will you let me inside?” Her dark eyes flash between you two, her hands worrying that spot on her neck. She meets your eyes, and you shake your head, warning her with your eyes. 
But she looks back to Takashi-san, the tense way he waits like a coil about to spring, and sighs. “Perhaps… just for a cup of tea, before you go?” You throw your hands in the air, and stomp after him as he walks in.
He settles down, and Numachi-san is ready with the tea quick enough. But he goes on talking, or stalling rather, and you’re not stupid enough to wonder what he is stalling for. You glare at Numachi-san, who only has the courage to meet your eyes for a few seconds at a time, keeping her head bowed to the young man.
For someone who might’ve killed her husband she sure is meek.
“I’ve never seen the inside of this place, but it's wonderful, Numachi-san!”
“Thank you, Takashi-san.”
“I mean, I was just a child when the last owners, erm, moved on, but the building seemed damaged beyond repair. The fact that you restored it, and ran such a thriving business before the demon attacks increased–just proves what a dedicated woman you are.”
“You’re much too kind Takashi-san.” She refills his cup and he sends you a pointed look, like you’re supposed to feel something other than annoyance. Out of the corner of your eye you see Rin poke her head into the room. She’s not sly though, and Takashi catches note of her.
“Is that the child that accompanies you? What's your name girl? You don't have to be–”
“You have no right to speak nor look at her, and I suggest you leave before you dig yourself in any deeper,” you shut that down real quick, and Numachi-san’s shoulders hunch up to her ears. 
But he just tilts his head at you, like he’s looking at a bug.
“Speaking without being spoken to, such base manners. I’ll be sure to bring this other point up to your master. I hope you’re teaching the girl to be better than that.”
“Am I supposed to be scared?” You take the pot closer to your side so Numachi-san can't refill his cup, knowing he wont do it himself.
“And it's still better than a prick who derives his worth from how well he can be served by a woman. Or one who attacks another from the back because their pathetic ego was injured.” 
Takashi-san slams his cup down. “Better than one who doesn't know their place or lot in life.”
“What place? What lot?” You laugh. “If anything, take your own words to heart. You just can't handle seeing someone else living your dream while you waste away in a place like this. You can't handle your fragile ego being challenged by a woman, no less. That's why you attacked me.” 
You grin as he leans forward. Your voice drops to a hush, a loud whisper. “I'll be sure to savor it more in your place when we leave.” You see Rin dart away from the corner of your eye, gone like a leaf in the wind. Good. Better she doesn’t see this anyway.
“You are so insolent. Your Lord allows this?”
“And you're a simp. Always mentioning ‘my lord’ this, or ‘my lord’, that. It’s like you’re the one that’s in love with him.”
“I’m going to–”
“What? Try me, make my day!”
“Please!”  Numachi-san cuts in, waving her hands between you two. “Let's just settle down now. There's no need to get so agitated. Look, the tea is getting cold.” She tries to take the teapot back from you but you don’t let her.
“I would love to Numachi-san, but someone has to tell this one that their manners are uncouth,” He grits, “Befitting of a low class sow.”
“Aha, you’re mad,” It's childish but you poke your tongue out. “And jealous too. It's not a very pretty look, you know?”
“Be quiet!”
“Make me!” 
“What is going on here?! ” Both of you turn, and Jaken stands there in his bug eyed glory, that eerie two headed staff in his hands, eyes narrowed. Takashi immediately gapes– for a resident of a town stalked for decades by a demon, he acts like he never heard nor saw one of one until this very point.
“Human.” He points the staff at you, and both Numachi-san and Takashi flinch. “Explain.”
“The boy overstays his welcome,” you drawl, “though he was never welcome to begin with. He took it upon himself to be my chaperone and insists on staying to meet the Lord.”
“Ha!” He squawks, and Takashi’s eyes dilate at the sound.
“You? Meet the Lord?”
“I just…I-I just wanted to, to explain! Yes, explain what happened today. His servant nearly drowned in the streams–”
“I did not–”
“And t-the silence… I just wanted to advise the Lord that maybe it's best that she remains…here. Women aren’t suited for manual labor, you know…?”
“I know?” Takashi pauses, gulps. “So I just…wanted to offer my services, is all!”
Jaken doesn’t look impressed, but he rarely does. “You’re trembling in front of an imp, and you think you can be of service to the Lord?” Takashi shoots you a baleful glare as you snort, and draws his shoulders up.
“Yes. Yes I do.”
You see Takashi-san tremble when Jaken smiles, perfectly too wide and uncanny, and on purpose. “Well good. You can plead your case to the Lord then, he is here.”
“And that's my cue to go.” You rush to your feet, and don't bother with bowing or muttering your goodbyes.
“Wait, excuse you?! Where are you–”
“Don't forget to tell the Lord how you tried to pin me down on the banks. And everything that we’ve said to the other. Everything.”
“Running, are you?” He grins. It shakes at the edges.
You just smile, really smile; Wide, and with your teeth, gleeful and mischievous, pulling at your cheeks and crinkling your eyes.
“You know, you’re much more tolerable, and cuter, when you keep your mouth shut. Remember that.”  And as the confusion settles on his face you go. 
You hear the sliding door rushes open, and you disappear around the corner quick enough not to be seen. You can hear the muted, frightened, greetings of the two you left, but that's none of your concern anymore. Numachi-san should have never let them in and he shouldn't have been such a sexist prick.
You bathe first, the day's dirt and sweat sloughing off your skin in the water, and you wash quickly, eager to soak in the hot springs. You clean off the dried blood on your ankle. You dip your toes in when you’re ready, it's a touch too hot, but nothing unbearable, and you dip into the water with a wince, then a sigh. The heat smooths away your aches and pains, and you sit in the spring, content.
You don't know how long it is, but moments later, you hear banging, and rushing, yells. A man’s voice, Takashi-san. It doesn’t sound like he’s being murdered. The Lord is efficient enough you wouldn't hear him scream. Maiming it is then. Takashi-san sounds high pitched and afraid, and you listen to the sounds of crashing and screaming throughout, and then, silence. Nothing. 
Nothing else. Rin appears, comes over to the edge of the pool you're in, toiletries in her hand.
“...You okay?” she nods. “Where did you go earlier?” She points back inside. “Went to get L-Lord Sesshoumaru.”
“That was you?” A nod. “He was actually c-close b-by.”
“...Okay. Okay, thank you Rin.” She hums when you pet her hair. “That guy was being a j-erk.”
“Yeah, he wouldn’t stop going on and on about what I should or shouldn’t do, because my Lord,” You groan and roll your eyes. “What happened after I left?”
“That guy told on you,” her breath is hardly above a murmur, but steady.  “You were in trouble at the stream. Wood went silent so he followed. Fought with you. He said you, y-you shouldn’t be on your own. No common sense. He said he could h-help.”
“Ha! Stupid.” You roll your shoulders as she lays out the towels.
“And what did our noble and regal Lord say to all that?” She gives you a look like you don't know exactly what he did. 
“Are you alright?” She nods again, then thinks, shrugs. “The Lord l-looks upset. He took his ear.”
“...I asked about you. Did you eat, bathe already?”
“Yeah. A-And Numachi-san gave me snacks. So it's your turn n-now.” You smile at your girl as she reveals what she hid in the bundle of towels, a cup of tea and some mochi.
“Wow, wonder where Numachi-san got Mochi from in a place like this.”
“She made it.” Oh. Maybe that's what the rice was for. Rin supplies. She sets down her wares and pats your arm. 
“Don't take too long, or you’ll faint. Dinner w-will be ready soon.” And her feet pitter patter away.
You don’t know how long you speak there, but the light dims from what peaks under the rag, oranges and red slowly bleeding into evening. You hear nothing save the water and crickets and the wind, Jaken on the inside scurrying to do who knows what. Rin said that dinner should be done soon, so Numachi-san is fine, and the Lord was either in his room, or long gone, back to find whatever demon was plaguing this town. You sink deeper into the water.
When you open your eyes, Sesshoumaru is there at the brim of the spring, staring at you.
You gasp, and choke, consequently.
He watches you flounder, as you hack up the water you inhaled.
“Almost drowning twice in one day. A record for you.”
“Not on purpose!” you flick water at him and speckle his cheek with water drops. But he’s unperturbed.
“I heard,” he drawls. “That something happened at the stream.” and his eyes, so they dilate?
“Tell me.” He leaves no room for rebuttal or refusal. So you tell him what happened at the Old man Tianga’s place, at the stream. You don't mention the odd silence, mainly because he didn't ask yet.
“....The boy is not wrong in what he said. But he put hands on my belongings; That warrants punishment.”
“You are my servant, and he deigned to put his hands on you.” He takes your wrist and pulls your arm, gingerly, out the water. He turns it, this way and that, and only now do you see the faint marks from your scuffle in the banks.
“They’re not that bad.”
“The problem is that they are there at all.” His eyes are bright, and angry. You only know that lookin passing–whenever you would annoy him too greatly. This is ten times that.
“Not only that, he insulted you, b y extension me. And to have the audacity to ask to be my disciple? I should have taken his hands and his tongue, not two simple fingers.”
“And an ear. Which I wonder about…you were lenient with him, my Lord.” 
“I was,” he lets your arm slip back into the warm waters.  “The child was watching.”
“Ah.” Rin was no stranger to gruesome sights- they were unavoidable with a demon samurai Lord for a master, but at least he had some discernment, if not compassion for the young girl.
“So why the ear?”
His jaw is tight, as is his voice. “The boy didn’t heed his senses. He continued to spout nonsense.”
“Haha! That's what you tell me all the time.”
“Yes, those inane tales you drivel on about… at least they serve a purpose.”
You cross your arms on the lip and rest your arms in their cradle, looking back at him. “What, entertaining Rin and staving off her nightmares?”
“No. Beyond that. You speak of the future–that I will live to see.”
“Like, wait what? That's… hundreds of years in the future, Seshoumaru.” You almost slap a hand over your mouth over the lack of honorifics, but he doesn't correct you.
“I will still live to see it. These things you speak of, skyscrapers, electricity, automobiles, public parks and libraries and sprawling cities. I will be witness to it all.”
You didn't think he paid any attention to the things you rambled about. You didn't think he listened. Or cared. “So what am I, like, your seer?”
“...I never thought of it like that.”
“Stop calling me that! I am not dense.” You huff and pout, but he ignores you, as he often does, choosing instead to lean over, looking into the waters for…something.
“You’re injured.”
“Huh?” What? He just saw your arm. It takes you a moment to realize he probably means your ankle.
“Oh yeah.” How did he know? You almost forgot. By now the wound wasn't so fresh, not yet scabbed over and just starting to heal. Soft and pink and shiny.
Sesshoumaru looms over you.. “Show me.”
“...?” How? Are you supposed to do a handstand underwater? He sighs, annoyed, and reaches down–
And suddenly he has you by the collar, pulling you up and out of the water to sit at the brim. You splutter, but he pays it no heed, just crouching down so he could inspect your ankle closer. Despite the furrow to his brow he sets you down so gently.
“It's fine, it's already started to heal.”
“That's for me to decide.”
“Oh really, of course, of course. Tell me when to breathe too, I’ll keep your words in mind.” And, quicker than you could blink he reaches for your ankle, pulling you forwards a bit. You almost topple back into the waters, your third drowning of the day, but right yourself in time, casting a glare at Sesshoumaru. Your ankle is bird thin and fragile looking against his pale hand. This touch too, is careful.
You're still technically in your underclothes. If he lifts your leg up any higher he's going to see something.
He just…stares at the wound, soft from the water, something pointed and uncanny in that gaze. He looks at it, this way and that under the mellow torchlight, evening deepening into a darker hue of blue, sunlight gone.
“I should have taken both his hands…”
“I think that would have been a tad too much.” Yeah, he's a prick but you didn't want his life ruined.
Sesshoumaru hums under his breath, a light note. “You defend him?”
“Like any good samaritan will do,” you respond cheekily. “Plus, he’s the only son of old man Taiga, so he stands to inherit the rice paddies.”
“So?” The tone he uses is still light, but dangerous for its levity. 
“If there's no more rice how will they make any mochi? This is the best we found in recent months.” You reach behind and snatch a piece from the plate Rin left you, humming at the treat.
“I can forgive any slight so long as I’m awarded treats in return.”
“Glutton,” he pushes out a breath. “I knew you were never loyal.”
Oh, was that a joke? You laugh. “What can I say? I have needs that must be satisfied.”
As he looks over your ankle you take the moment to look over the contours of his hand, the elegant wrist disappearing underneath the robe, the crips collar of his Kimono. Even here, like this, he looks so unruffled. 
“Needs?” And he lifts your ankle higher. “Do I not account for them all?”
“...My most pressing and immediate ones.”
“Hm. And seeing as those are met, which others might I satisfy?”
And your heart pounds into overdrive.
He brings your ankle closer to his face… and licks.
You flinch back in reflex, but that only amounts to an inch within his grip. His eyes flash over to you, but when he meets no more resistance his tongue darts out again, lapping over the wound. 
It doesn't hurt– his tongue is wide and flat, and thin, like a dog, you think, and just swipes over, cleaning the skin almost. But it feels weird, and you’re puzzled, and his grip tightens as you flinch back. 
You’re trying not to tremble, but when his mouth moves to the thin part on the back of your ankle you gasp. There's a pause he takes, before he bites down. It's just a nip really, but you gasp again, and then his teeth are trailing, up, up your calf– then he stops.
Well, only for a second. His hand moves, smoothing along the soft skin of your leg, underneath the wet cloth. It slides to your thigh, and he pulls up and back. He slots forward in the open space between your thighs, leans forward, and suddenly you're folded up tiny against the grass and his chest, one leg on his shoulder and the other pretty close.
You squeak, hands flying to his shoulders, while his nails trail softly over the back of your thigh, raising goose flesh, creeping on dangerous territory.
Something soft rumbles in his throat.
“You still smell like that boy…”
“O-oh?” you squeak, breathy.
“I don’t care for it.”
“Well, it wasn’t like it was on purpose.”
"I should hope not." And he moves even closer. The spikes of his armor press into you and he's all around you--His hair a curtain that blocks off the outer world, a few strands dipping into the springs. Like earlier, he goes straigh to your neck. He trails the tip of his nose along the conturs of your neck, the under curve f your jaw, dipping down to your collarbone and starting the journey over again. Almost like he's nuzzling you.
He takes slow, deep breaths through his mouth. He breathes in, holds it...and releases it steadily, like he's trying to make your scent stick to the back of his throat. You smell nothing on him but cold, and metal, and silk. But beneath that frigidness is something...softer. Not gentle, more refined, almost. fresh, not unlike linene, or fresh cut greenery. You like it.
But you can't really move, and it's getting hot, and not in a good way. You feel his weight, yes, but it feels more imposing thatn comforting. The gurgle of the water is all you can hear; that and the blood in your ears.
If you scream now, no one will hear you.
"Wait, wait," you gasp, your voice a pitiful breath. "I can't...wait a moment." For a second you think he's not going to move, he presses closer into you, further pushing the breath from your lungs. But with a growl deepening in his throat, he moves away.
You can't help feeling like his gaze is accustaory when he looks at you
"You breath is scarce. Calm yourself."
"I am calm."
"Hm." And he takes your wrist, presses his thumb to your veins. For a minute you think he's going to slide his wrist across yours in that soothing motion, he moves to, but he doesn't. Its disappointing.
"No. Your pulse is too quick." He lets you go. "I can smell your lust. But above that, your fear. I told you, I wont have a tearful servant girl in my bed. You must be willing or not at all."
He rises to leave, but you panic, leave, dont leave---you're confused between the two. But you grab onto his sleeve, and he stops.
"Im not...Im not scared of you, not exactly...not really."
"I can--"
“Just--!! I don't understand. Why do you want me? What do you get from me?” You scoot back.
“Everyone keeps calling me your concubine or wife but I want to hear you. You said I was your seer, but what is that? Is that all you want from me? I don’t think it is.” Beads of water stumble down the cradle of his jaw, and you watch them instead of his eyes.
“You said 'willing or not at all'… Why do you care so much if I'm willing? You can just take.”
“There's no pleasure to be had when it’s forced,” he says. “And there is no need for force. You wouldn’t have come to my room if you weren’t enticed.
“And are you enticed?”
“I am. But that's not the issue here.”
And you think he’s going to sigh harshly, glare, or worse yet, leave. You don't want him to leave now. You see his furrowed brow and his waning patience, and you want to huddle into yourself against the brisk cold he’s sure to blow your way.
And he does sigh, but he doesn't leave. He lends back, and lands you back your space. “Then what is?” 
"You're going to listen to me?"
"Because I want to."
The emotion that swells in your breast makes you duck your eyes, if only to hide the tears that have suddenly, embarrassingly, sprung. "Does a mountain need to heed the clouds?"
"The clouds dictate the skies. Even mountains are weathered by storms, and thrive in sunlight." He extends an open hand to you. "No more of this timidness. Speak plainly."
And so, you try.
“....I know this world is different from mine. In just the way I’m perceived. I am not your servant, your steward, or a disciple. I am not a companion, but a concubine. A wife if I’m lucky.” You snort.
“....But I’ve always been more than just my body, my Lord, and I do have my pride, meager though it may be. I've never belonged to anyone but myself. Whether this pride is at odds with you depends on your answer,” you sigh.
“I’ve named so many titles already. But what exactly am I to you?”
Torment. Lovely. Inferior. Endearing. Mine. Mine.
Damn instincts. Instead he asks, “...What need is there for specifications?”
“Forgive me my Lord, but…it is needed. What I am dictates what I can give.” You fumble with your hands, before clasping them together and holding them between your thighs, where he was moments prior. He should be back there, lapping at the slick dripping from your core, tasting it, tasting you but--- Ah, you're speaking. You said something. He has to listen.
“What do I give that is of value to this group? To you? Actual value, not those silly stories. I can neither set up camp quickly enough nor forage, fish or hunt better than the others can. My etiquette, or lack thereof is obvious. I'm much too insolent, in Jaken’s words. I take care of Rin and I love the girl to death but she’s mostly independent... She prefers Jaken anyways.”
Rin, who you took under your care and nurture, The same girl who could barely look him in the eyes or utter a sentence running in the middle of a dilapidated, haunted town to find him, for you.
“...So what do I offer you, that makes it so that I’m pulling my weight here? I don’t want to be useless.” And I don't want to be coddled either, he hears the unspoken words. So he answers you.
“Spring wears
A cloak of mist.
A thin fabric,
For the mountain breeze
Would, doubtless, disarray it.”
Your brow furrows.  “I don’t–”
“An exercise in subtlety,” he remarks. “And an answer to your question.” He gestures. “Go on.” Ariwara again? So you reply,
“In my yearning
I am fading completely as
The morning dew;
This morning to arise
Was beyond me.”
He ‘tsk’s’. “Again, with the dew?”
“I mentioned it, what, once last night? You can't fault me.” You say it a bit too defensively; You wish he would just answer you, or leave you be, but he does not. You just have to stay there and listen as he recites, your breath stuttering when his hand moves to your face, a finger over a cheekbone, nothing more.
“More even than the dew
From an illustrious house come
This chrysanthemum, so
The flower’s Mistress
Will live longer still, I believe.”
Chrysanthemums… Sunlight?
“The colour of this flower
Has already faded away,
While in idle thoughts
My life goes by,
As I watch the long rains fall.”
He responds back, just as quickly, 
"At Yoshino River
Waves crash high above the rocks
The rushing water
Swift as your
Lodging within my thoughts."
“...I nearly drowned today my Lord, is that not inappropriate?” 
“Something more tasteful then,” he comments.
“If it be so, Then so be it
I thought once, but
As white snow falling,
With the passing day
My yearning grows ever stronger.”
There's no mistaking the context of his words. But also not the roiling emotions in your heart. You reply,
“...An ancestral home
It is not, so
Towards me why
Is his heart
So cold and distant?”
His body language goes stiff, the ease in which he held himself something you hadn't noticed until it was gone. You are sorry to see it.
“...Don’t respond so hastily if you don't want to be answered in the next breath,” you exhale. You could wonder at your own audacity, and you might have imagined it, but he pauses before he recites another.
“A secret it is, but
When I feel love rise,
From leg wearying
Mountains, the moon
Sets out, and so do I.”
“...My Lord, please, don’t.” You don’t even know what he’s asking,  but he’s running his fingers over your neck, the dip at the base and pressing onto the mark he left. It makes you shiver. You notice it for a soothing habit, and it makes you wonder. But he continues.
“This world of men
Is such a place:
The gusting wind,
Invisible, as she I’ve never seen
And yet do love.”
“My Lord, w-wait--”
“Do you wish to reply?” He’s just petting you with that stray finger, and stuck between your passion and hesitance, you can't speak.
“...I, I just…” he hums a note, too low to be anything more than a vibration in the air.
“Night deepens
With the sound of calling deer,
And I hear
My own one-sided love.”
“It's not!” You rush, your hand coming to the one at your throat. You lean forward. “It's not!”
“Then why this hesitance? Why do you care so greatly for the words of others?”
How do you explain that kind of fear, that kind of insecurity, just like that? “...I’m scared that their words will prove right. That I'll just be another woman of circumstance.”
“You’re unlike any woman nor demon I’ve encountered in this era. If I haven’t killed you yet, what makes you think I would now?”
“...I’m scared of more than just death, at your hands any less. I’m wary of your ire, and the slow rot of my self under domestic subservience,” you admit. It feels like being flayed alive.
“You were never subservient,” He shuts that down. “Why would you start now?”
Why would you start now?
…Yeah. Wait, why would you?
"What...?" Wait...
“I can barely keep you tethered and quiet in one place for an hour, or keep enough sense in your thick skull to keep you out of danger. If anything, this is more work on my end,” he drawls. “So again, why would you start trying to be competent now?”
You start laughing, big, belly shaking laughs that have you holding yourself together. Yeah...yeah! Why would you?
And that, that realization, that relief, is like a breath of fresh air. What were you even worried about?
“What is this–”
You rush forward, laughing still, lacing your fingers in his hair and pulling him down into a kiss.
You rest easily, in his futon, under his sheets. He has no pressing need for slumber, now or otherwise, so he’s never used the bedding here. He regrets it almost–There so much you’re missing, that you don’t know. You deserve a nest–full of pillows and quilts and whatever strikes your fancy. Clothing articles, his, naturally. You don't have the same sense of smell but he’s sure it would be just as effective. Because even now, you burrow into his side and sigh contentedly in your slumber. 
A new bruise sits above the one he first gave, darker, and larger. They’re joined by others, varying colors of bruises. It's not a mating mark–not yet. He plans to give you it when you mate, so that the pleasure could override the worst of the pain. 
It doesn't matter if you're human or not. He has decided that he wants you. He finds the emotion is reciprocated, and thus, you are his. Honeysuckle scent and annoying behavior and all.
He smooths over the faint marks with a finger, under the curve of your jaw and your parted, kiss swollen lips. Your lashes flutter under his touch, ghosting over your skin and the scent glands right beneath your ears. He bit here too. Not as deep as he'd like.
You just sigh deeper, but dont wake, a steady wash of honey over him as he presses against the glands. He can still taste your skin on his tongue, the way you shuddered.
“Sleep here,” he demanded. But it was not forceful, because he knew you would agree.
“And what about Rin?”
“Tell her, and come hither after she falls asleep then.” He clicked his tongue. “You and your fretful worries…”
But he doesn't mind it. A faint scent of milk lays over your skin, and it’s endearing, for how familiar it is. It doesn't vex him as greatly as it should.
Alpha children are born with more mild versions of their scents, which mature quickly with age. The mild sweet milk scent fades a few weeks after birth. For betas, it stays a year or so, before settling into something bland and weak. For omegas, the scent lasts up to teenhood. Rin has barely finished her first decade.
Two omegas under his ward. What are the chances? He dreads the day of her maturing, twice as many demons following their trail. Perhaps you were right in wanting you both to learn swordplay. If anything, a person should be their own last line of defense.
And you two are especially weak.
He has to tamp down on that dark satisfaction that builds, in your case particularly. Rin is a child, he will ensure her safety and comfort. But you…He has to remind himself despite his instincts. You are not some soft, pampered omega mate he keeps in his abode. Your weakness is not what draws him to you. And neither will it ever, he detests the weak and aimless. It's your fearlessness he favors. Your mind, thick as it is.
A man threatened you and you didn't simper, you pinned him down and drew your blade against his throat. He’s disappointed in you that you didn't decide to draw blood, but he’ll take care of that on your behalf. The thought of the boy and his murky, spicy scent over yours makes his eyes bleed red. He insulted you. Put his hands on you. He cannot let this insult be.
He needs a proper lesson. So he slips away from your lovely warmth, your aroma, and slips outside.
It's easy to find the salt and musk trail of the boy, even easier to walk his way to the rice paddies. But the boy isn't there– He hears the struggling breath of an old man, and four sets of gentle, even breathing. Not there. There's a hidden path leading from the house, down to the streams and into a secluded area. It looks like only one set of feet made this nothing trail, and it's exactly who he’s looking for. Though, It's still close enough that should he scream, people will hear.
He plans to be quick.
He’s training, with a bamboo sword that must have been hand made, decent, despite its crudeness. Sweat and blood and the stressed scent of pain lacerates the air, his skin flush with exertion. He practises a basic set of moves, efficient, but lacking proper stance.
He stumbles, and when he pauses, Sesshoumaru notices he leans towards the side missing an ear, bloody bandages around his hands, gripping onto the makeshift weapon. He lacks talent, and manners, and dicipline, but holds no small amount of tenacity. Which unfrtunately will remain unrewarded.
Sesshoumaru stalks. He doesn’t crouch nor hide–he moves too fast for the discernible, human eye as he circles his victim, looking for the best angle to slice him. His nails and teeth lengthen. 
The wind stills and the animals silence themselves. Insects no longer cricket or tribble, and the birds still, ready to burst into flight at the slightest movement.
The night is at standstill. But he is not the reason why.
He steps away. His blade slips out its sheath like water poured out a glass. It rests above the pale throat of its target, the faintest red line rising underneath its honed edge.
The demon raises its hands, a Naga; White scales that would stand out in the pitch darkness, he must use demonic energy to hide himself. The scent of it is thin and acrid, rot-sweet. An alpha, but a weak one.
It spreads it's raised hands, not in surrender, but supplication. It tilts it's head down the slightest bit, even if it digs its throat deeper into the blade.
“You are the demon hunting this town.”
“That is I,” He expected a thin, hissing voice, but the naga sounds like any normal human male. Again, weak.
“And you are the Lord of the Western Lands, the Great Daiyoukai Sesshoumaru. I am honored to be in your presence.”
“And foolish.” Skin parts like butter under the blade, dripping a thin red.
“I let you live so long as you stayed out of my sight. Now you lose your head.”
“Ah ah!” It tries to placate. “I truly apologize, my lord, but If anything, I was hunting here first. You came to me.” It hisses low as Sesshoumaru presses. “And you came to meet your end.”
“Didn't you come here for the boy?” The naga points back. “I’ll, I’ll back off! I was planning to eat him and one of his sisters, or two, but I’ll go! You need not see my face again!”
He seems a pretty weak demon.
But the luminosity of those teeth and scales belied the cowardice It had shown. The wreckage left in the town discredited it further.
Strangely, there is soot over the wrecked buildings, like something had been burned. This would not be difficult to believe, if a demon trespassed into a home and knocked over lighted oil, but there is no sign of fire damage around the buildings; The grass is still fresh and green around it. The buildings are a few years old, yes, but if there had been a fire there would be more pressing signs, Jaken stressed.
“The female head of the staff spews water, and the old male head spews fire, so I know the destruction both could wreck,” the imp pondered. “All the buildings have soot, but very slight burn marks. With how close and tight the community is, there would have been more obvious tells. No one in this town seems to have any breathing problems, or limps, and with these many ‘fires’, this town should have been burnt down, no matter that they live so close to a mountain stream,” He squawked.
“Something is suspicious with this town…”
And he was looking at that something.
“Tell me, why should I not kill you now and ensure that future myself?” A hiss slithers in the Naga’s throat, but It doesn't bear It's fangs. It's tail slashes the air anxiously.
“Because…Because I have done you no wrong nor do I intend to.” The blade presses in and It fights, Sesshoumaru sees, not to lash out. It knows attacking means earning his ire, which is certain death.
In most cases, not yours.
“B-Because I have information!”
“Lower your voice,” he says in low tones. “What information?”
"You, you must swear not to kill me afterwards. I want your word as a samurai!"
"You have my word I wont kill you if its not useless." He gripes. "Now speak or lose your life."
“That, that innkeeper…she's an omega as well.”
“The hag?” He can't even recall the color of her eyes, her head always bowed, let alone if her scent had the telltale sweetness of an omega.
“She’s human, and a widow.”
“Yes, and old, so the scent withers off to nothing. If some desperate alpha re-mated her, it might make a reappearance.”
“Re-mated,” he said. “She was mated by a demon?”
“Well, humans couldn’t mate with each other even if they knew how. Yes. That's why she was driven out her village, and came here.”
“And you made her a widow when you killed her husband.”
“I ate him for power, yes, he was very strong. And delicious."
Hm. She does show all the typical signs of an omega, if he recalls. He just can't imagine her paired with a demon. She should have more a backbone, if so. She seemed a pretty meek thing when he confronted her after the boy had ran from the inn.
The boy drips blood and tears, sobbing pitifully as he staggers from the inn, holding his parts. When Sesshoumaru turns the innkeeper is kneeling in seiza, trembling, head to her hands on the floor.
“M-My Lord–” He tosses her the cut off ear, still warm and dripping.
‘You stand to lose much more if you allow anyone else inside.”
“M-My sons are coming to visit me, tomorrow or the day after, my Lord.” More nuisances.
“I don’t want to see them. I don't want to catch a scent nor sound. Understood?”
“Y-Yes, yes, my Lord. Of course, My Lord.” And so he goes to you.
"And what of her children?"
“Her sons?" The naga's nose wrinkles. "They are hanyo’s, half bloods…disgusting, I know. One of them is a beta, and the other is an alpha.” It casts a knowing look. “So I suggest you keep your little omegas from wandering about too far.”
His blood spikes. Yes, he has the demon of this town at blade point, but it was a weak and a coward, and now there were two others, no matter that they were the innkeepers' sons, heading straight for the lot of you.
So he sheathes his blade. He turns and shows his full back to the demon, a blatant insult.
“The next time I see you will be the last. You have my word.”
“Well, I sincerely hope it wont be,” he can hear the relief in it's voice. “And, were you not stalking the boy…?”
“Take him, his lack of situational awareness is his own undoing.” He thinks. “But leave the rest of the family be. Just the boy. That and your life is the reward for your information."
“The only thing better than a daughter is an oldest son,” the naga laughs. He bows where his waist tapers into scales.
“And it's always good to live one more day. Thank you, my Lord.”
“I intend to know the name of the next demon I kill.”
“Oh, my name?” the naga grins, each tooth pointed sharp and gleaming.
“It’s Shingetsu Numachi.”
Taglist: @tanspostsblog . @xmenteria,
Poetry links
Ariwara no Yukihira / Ariwara no Yukihira / Fujiwara no Masatada / Ono no Komachi / Ki no Turayuki / Ariwara no Narihira / Ise / Tsurayuki / Tsurayuki / Ono no Komachi
A/N: I used a lot more poetry in this one, but can you believe I cut it down? I wanted to add more but stuck with the ones that lent more to the plot. So I stood with the really romantic 'era accurate' poems (smh Sesshoumaru has to confess via poetry bc our mc really is that dense) lol.
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bimb0fy · 10 months
test your worth; part two of perfect girlfriend
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parings; monkey d luffy x reader, sanji & reader (platonic)
warnings; violence, blood, swords, kinda suggestive in the beginning.
summary; the crew, even after meeting you, had still refused to believe luffy's claims, that you were a fanastic cook and sword fighter, yet they had to be proven wrong now, don't they?
Requested by: @royaltysuite @avitute @ashers-bakery
ᵐᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡⁱˢᵗ!! | ⁿᵃᵛⁱᵍᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿ!!
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— You woke up to Luffy, snuggling you close after the exciting night you had, you stirred to the side, picking up Luffy's shirt that was lazily discarded onto the germ infested floors, grabbing your shorts from the other side as you took your bandana. You tied your hair before walking out to the kitchen.
It was a habit of yours to cook breakfast every morning, a routine you were not to break so easily. It kept you alert and in the repetition of the mornings, it gave you comfort. Waking up everyday to do the thing you enjoyed. You hummed to the song playing on the radio as you walked into the kitchen to find a black-eyed Sanji. You giggled causing him to turn around.
"Why hello there, I must say, its nice having company this early in the morning." Sanji smiled as he prepped the ingredients, flour, eggs, sugar, butter. He's making pancakes.
"Pancakes huh?" You smiled at the boy who laughed. You walked towards the island, grabbing a bowl as you cracked the eggs into them, beating them as you added the other ingredients.
"A cooker huh, guess Luffy was right." Sanji nodded as he stared at your methods, it wasn't at a beginners level, in fact, rather professional, he smiled as he found a new partner in crime, someone to assist in his duties. It was comforting knowing he didn't have to wake up everyday at 5 AM alone to cook for his crew.
"Yeah, I used to help cook for my dad's crew." You answered as he smiled, dealing with the dry ingredients. The two of you spent the next two hours, sharing stories and laughs as you occasionally threw flour at him as you baked the goods. As he looked away, you added your secret, ingredients to the batch. Cocoa powder and maple syrup, it always took the pancakes to another level. You turned to the clock, it was 8 AM. "Oh shit, I gotta go get my stuff!"
"I'll save some for you!" Sanji yelled as you smiled at him as you walked down the ramp in Luffy's shirt. You could see some of the dirty looks a few new villagers gave you. A devil fruit eater, what a waste. That's what they all thought, but Luffy was different and you knew it.
You walked into your house, walking into your bedroom as you collected your belongings in two travel bags. One for your outfits and another for your special belongings and gifts from Luffy you hold onto. You grabbed a photo of you and Luffy as children with your father in the back. I miss you dad. For a while, you regretted not joining him on his last voyage, but also felt some sort of relief. It was always dangerous, you were 8 and knew how to wield a sword like the great Mihawk.
It wasn't the life you'd expect as a child, it never was with your father, you smiled at the picture, placing it carefully into the bag before closing it. It was time, you were going back to your old life.
Just this time with new people.
— Luffy yawned as he turned around to find the other side of the bed cold. She must have gone to get her stuff. He sighed as he walked to find the shirt he had worn yesterday, only to find it gone. He smiled before walking to his drawer, he always let an empty drawer in hopes of this day, he grabbed his flower shirt as he walked to the kitchen where both Nami and Ussop stood. Zoro soon emerged after Luffy staring at the pancakes that were made.
"I had a little help from a new friend." Sanji smiled as Luffy smile grew wider, he quickly sat down, taking a few from to his plate as he took a bite, the familiarity exploring his mouth. Her secret recipe.
"Whoa, what did you add?" Nami asked the boy who seemed confused. "I guess she added it didn't she."
"It's Y/N's secret recipe, I recognise the taste." Luffy nodded as Nami and Ussop looked at eachother. "I told you, she was a better cook than Sanji."
"I actually believe that now." Sanji smiled as you walked in, your bags left on the floor as Luffy stood up, he placed a kiss on youe cheek before smiling at you. He carried your bag as you sat down, taking one of your pancakes.
"I'm sorry I changed your recipe." You apologized to the boy who shook his head, he smiled at you as he took another bite, the flavourful pancake made him explode, he was sl curious. "I could teach it to you."
"That'll ruin the surprise." Sanji winked as you as you rolled your eyes, Luffy joined you as he sat down beside you, a smile evading his face as he kissed your cheek, placing his arm around you as he fed you your meal.
"I'm gonna go practice." Zoro announced as he stood up, grabbing his swords as he walked out, only to be stopped by Luffy.
"Well, Y/n could help you out!" Luffy smiled as you shrugged. He looked you up and down before nodding. You stood up, grabbing your sword as you walked with him towards the deck.
You noticed the crew watching the two of you to see if Luffys tales were a reality. You sighed as you got into position, closing your eyes. You often found yourself using sound to your advantage. You heard Zoros scoff as he yielded his sword, waiting for you to attack.
You ducked down, going behind him before kicking him, successfully taking him aback as you attacked, he raised his sword, it colliding with yours before you back flipped and slid across, kicking his legs down as you continue to collid swords.
He stood up, sliding to the other side as he tried to attack you with the back of his sword, only for you to touch the blade with your hand before kicking him in the stomach. Luffy quickly jumped down, examining the small cut on your hand.
"Shit, you okay?" Zoro asked you as you nodded.
"I held the blade, it's my fault anyways, you're not to bad tho." You smiled at the boy who nodded. Winking at you as in a 'your not bad yourself' manner before walking off to get the medkit as Luffy held onto the small cut.
"That was stupid." Luffy scolded you as you rolled your eyes, bandaging the wound before walking to the figure head with Luffy, placing your head on his as you stared at the ocean. "I'm happy you're here."
"I'm happy I'm here too."
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hectic-hector · 7 months
The Gift ~ an Encanto fic
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[Summary: On her sixteenth birthday, Mirabel receives a gift like no other. Sequel to “Home” but also serves as a stand-alone fic.]
As the party wound down, Bruno retreated to the little alcove tucked into the side of the staircase. He sat at the empty table there, facing the courtyard. Though most of Mirabel’s friends had already gone home, Antonio and his buddy Juancho, fueled by sugar and coffee respectively, had no intentions of letting the party end anytime soon. Riding Chispi, Juancho chased Antonio, who rode Parce, in a wide circle around the remaining partygoers. Bruno chuckled. He wondered whether the capybara had had coffee as well, judging by how energetic he was. Or perhaps he simply enjoyed being the cat for once in the age-old game of cat and mouse. 
Maybe I should have had more coffee, Bruno mused. He looked down at the small package that sat before him on the table and idly drummed his fingers on the aged wood. He’d given it his best shot by attempting to actively include himself in the festivities for Mirabel’s sake. It was her birthday, after all. He’d wanted her to know that he cared enough to be a part of it, and to her credit, she had asked him several times throughout the day if he wanted to take a break. Coffee could only do so much, and spoons of sugar did not equate to spoons of social energy. Now that Bruno had retreated to the alcove, he knew that the party was officially over for him. Still, he’d managed to stick it out better than he had at his own birthday party five months earlier. It had been his first birthday with his sisters in ten years, but he hadn’t really been ready for it. With each family member’s birthday since his return, he made the effort to be in attendance, and though he tried to be inconspicuous, he felt like he could never escape the curious glint or distrustful glare of the villagers’ eyes.
And there were times, like right now, when Bruno would almost swear that he felt his father’s eyes on him. If he were to turn in his seat and peer up through the faded blue balusters of the staircase, he would be able to see Pedro’s portrait hanging up over the landing. On the back of his head, they seemed to cast an uneasy tingle, but whenever Bruno looked into those amber eyes, they were gentle. Compassionate. Wise. Patient. And sometimes it was all too much, and he would have to look away. Still, there was a strange comfort to this small section of Casita. As a child, Bruno had spent a lot of time on that landing and in the alcove beside it, where he was sitting now. Just to be near that portrait. Just to be close to the father he never knew. The package on the table drew his attention again, and he moved his fingers to drum on that instead. The paper it was wrapped in did not make the same satisfying sound that the tabletop made, but feeling the little gift under his hand gave him an added sense of comfort. Bruno turned his head to cast an apologetic glance at the staircase. He did not meet the eyes of the portrait. He didn’t need to. He felt his father’s approval. Now all he had to do was wait for Mirabel to approach him. Even without his gift, he knew it would happen soon. And sure enough, there she was walking up to him with a smile on her face and a plate in each hand. Bruno moved to stand up, but Casita was already pulling a chair out for Mirabel to sit down. “I saved you some merengón!” she said, setting one of the two plates in front of him. Bruno had moved the package to his lap when he saw her approach. He looked at the small mountain of merengue, whipped cream, and fruit that took its place on the table. He hadn’t even realized how hungry he still was, despite having food thrust at him left and right by his mother and sisters during the party. “Oh, gracias!” Bruno replied, picking the fork off the plate. He tucked his hair behind his ears before taking a bite of the merengón. Mirabel chuckled. “Looks like Dolores was right.” Bruno swallowed and gave her a puzzled look. “Right about what?” “About not having the biggest ears in the family.”
“Oh, heh. Yeah.” Bruno touched an ear self-consciously. “That’s why my hair is so long. To cover ‘em up. But then my hair sometimes gets in the way of me eating, and hair in your food is gross, even when it’s your own, you know?” 
Mirabel nodded. “Did you enjoy the party?” Bruno nodded back. “Yeah. It was good. I mean, as good as a big, noisy gathering of people can be, so kindaaaeehhhh… But anyway, shouldn’t I be asking you that question? It was your party, after all. So, did you enjoy it?”
She looked at him for a moment before answering. “Yeah. It was good.”
They finished their dessert in silence. Somewhere upstairs, the deep, pitiful meows of a jaguar could be heard. This was followed by the pleading voice of Antonio begging his mother to let Parce into her room for some reason that was drowned out by thunder. Moments later, a light hailstorm spilled over the upper mezzanine and onto the courtyard below. Parce must be acting like a big kitten right now, trying to butter Pepa up, Bruno thought. He and Mirabel were sheltered by the alcove, but he watched with a smile as the little marbles of ice bounced on the floor tiles nearby.
Bruno looked over at Mirabel as the two of them finished their merengón. “You’ve got a little something here,” he said, tapping the corner of his mouth.
Mirabel wiped at the corresponding spot on her face with a finger, then licked the dab of whipped cream from it. “Sorry. I was too excited for dessert to remember napkins.” Bruno chuckled. “Oh! That reminds me…” He picked up the package on his lap and placed it on the table. It was so lightweight that he had completely forgotten it was there. Bruno grinned at Mirabel. The look on her face told him exactly what he already knew: she recognized the parchment paper and the green yarn tied around it. The very same paper and yarn she had used to wrap her birthday gift to him the previous year. “Happy birthday, Mírame.”* Mirabel looked up at him in surprise. “I haven’t been called that since I was five.” Bruno’s face fell. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t think you’d mind. I mean, I’m fifty-one and I’m still being called Bru and Bruni and Brunito and hermanito. B-but if you feel like you’re too old to have a nickname, I completely unders–”
Mirabel reached out to Bruno’s wildly gesturing hands and squeezed one reassuringly. “You were the only one who ever called me that,” she said softly, with a smile as gentle as a sunrise. “Don’t ever stop. But maybe don’t use it around Camilo!”
Bruno smiled back. He picked up the package with his free hand and offered it to her. “Hope you like it.”
Mirabel undid the yarn bow and unfolded the parchment paper. Inside was a small scrap of powder blue fabric. It unfurled to reveal a handkerchief, not unlike the one she had given him for his birthday. Just as his handkerchief had his initials embroidered in opposite corners in gold thread, this one had two M’s embroidered in opposite corners in turquoise blue thread. The letters were off-centered and crooked. In each of the other two corners was a yellow and pink butterfly. They were different sizes, and one had asymmetrical wings. Mirabel stared at the handkerchief. Bruno rubbed his arm. “It’s been a long time,” he murmured, looking away. “I, uh, I started on it in November, but I knew it wouldn’t be done in time for Christmas because I’m out of practice, but –” “Wait, YOU made this?” Bruno looked back at Mirabel, who was now staring at him in wide-eyed shock. He couldn’t help but wince a little. “Y-yes?”
Mirabel’s stare seemed to intensify, making Bruno wince visibly this time. “Like I said, it’s been a long, long time, Mira. I mean, I mended my clothes all the time inside the walls, but I haven’t embroidered anything since –”
By this point, the girl sitting across from him looked positively maniacal. Bruno was sure she was about to pounce on him, but whether it would be to hug him or throttle him, he could not foresee. The one time he really should have winced, he found himself chuckling instead. “I thought you already knew! Who do you think embroidered the pink and purple flowers on that pillow over there?” he said, gesturing toward another alcove across the courtyard. In it was a sofa with several throw pillows. “And who do you think put the stars on your bedroom curtains?”
Mirabel looked from her uncle to the cloth in her hand. “I had no idea.” Bruno studied her. She hadn’t said a word yet about her gift, and he was beginning to grow uneasy. Did she like it? Did she hate it? Was she appalled that it was embroidered by a man? Surely she knew –
“I always thought that… Abuelo taught Abuela, and she taught me,” Mirabel whispered. She looked up at him questioningly. Bruno nodded with a smile. “I wanted to learn whatever my father could teach me. Even if he wasn’t there to teach me himself. I-I just wanted to make him proud, you know? To be just like him.” He looked at the cloth and his smile faded. “But I never got very good at it, as you can see. Not like you. I know you made him proud. But I –”
Mirabel’s sudden and crushing hug rendered him silent. 
“It’s perfect,” she told him. “Gracias, Tío.” Bruno hugged her back, relieved. “De nada,  Mírame.”
After a long moment, Mirabel finally let go, and Bruno took the handkerchief from her. He stood up and turned to face the portrait on the landing, holding up the cloth like a child proudly showing off the picture he drew in school. “Sorry about your shirt, Papá. I managed to save part of it, though.” 
Mirabel looked at him curiously. “Your abuela gave me all of his clothes when I came of age, hoping they’d fit me,” he explained. “Most were too big on me, and we had them tailored so I could wear them. I kept one shirt unaltered as a way to preserve it the way Papá wore it. Unfortunately, some of the rats found it while I was living in the walls and chewed holes in it. I would have been able to mend it if the holes were close enough to a seam, but there was no way to fix them where they were without using a patch to cover them up, so…” Mirabel gasped and grabbed the cloth from his hands. “Are you saying you made this from Abuelo’s shirt?”
Bruno nodded, blushing slightly. Eyes brimming with tears, Mirabel held the handkerchief to her heart. “This best gift ever just got even better.” Sharing a smile, the two turned to gaze up at the portrait. THE END
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[Bruno's handkerchief from Mirabel (from the fic "Home") and Mirabel's handkerchief from Bruno] * Mírame means "look at me" in Spanish. It sounded like it would make a cute nonsensy sort of nickname for Mirabel when she was little. Thank you to @moon-calvary and @jacarandaaaas for your suggestions!
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fermentedfanfics · 1 year
the cottage on the hill.
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hey cuties here’s another au fic, i feel like aus are the only things i write these days?? i just have a lot of ideas i want to insert loki into lmfao. ummmm i simply did no research on this genre whatsoever so i’m really sorry if it kind of sucks or is a little all over the place?? let me know what y’all think! <3 also, there’s going to be instances of mentioning of reader’s father’s initials on items, it will be done so as (F.I) thank you cuuuttiiiieeessss. this fic series is explicit and for 18+ audiences, minors dni.
summary: reader lives in the hills outside her local village, close to the fae border. after a fateful encounter with a black cat, she accidentally invites the fae king into her home. warnings: (for future chapters) fem!reader, smut, fear kink, praise kink, piv sex, unprotected sex, different time era, kinda obsessed loki? not kinda, he is obsessed, i’ll add more as the series progresses. word count: 4.1k tag list: @colorsunimaginable @huntress-artemiss (please reply below if you want to be added to the tag list for this fic series!) part two (will link once posted.)
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“You should move into the village.”
You’ve heard the sentence plenty of times, over and over again– and at this point it’s a nuisance. But the old woman in front of you, her serious tone, you know you cannot laugh and wave her off. Not Meredith. Your fingers dig into the handle of your woven basket, placing four nice, round apples (the last of her order) into her hands– she sharply thrusts the six copper and one silver coins it cost her into your hands. “The hills are not safe.” Meredith grumbles, her one eye that hasn’t gone blind is shooting beady daggers into your soul.
You thickly gulp and shakily nod your head, tucking the coins into the small pack sewn to the hip of your dress. “Yes, Meredith. I’m making arrangements.” You lie, and she knows you’re lying to drop the topic. But before she can barrage you again with eerie warnings of your home, your heels have turned and you’re on your way. You thank her profusely of her patronage, but you must be on your way. Household chores and the lot.
You’ve actually not much to do today, but you desperately do not wish to sit and listen to Meredith and her outlandish stories of the fae. You were smarter than she thought, you knew to stay home and never wander. Ever since the passing of your father, the village has grown more concerned about you living in the hills all by yourself.
With nothing much else going on in their lives, it’s expectant for them to bud their noses into other’s lives and gossip– you didn’t think this much though.
“Y/N!” Gareth, a tall townsman that you’ve found yourself day-dreaming about on multiple occasions, catches your attention just as you are to leave the village. His frame towers you, and his dirty blond hair is messy from work, sticking to his forehead in the sweltering heat of the day. “Heading home already?” He muses.
You smile, nodding slightly. “Only a few deliveries today.” Gareth looks you over, your basket almost empty, odd for someone about to head home. “May I walk you?” He offers, but before you can even think you’re declining his offer and absconding.
You aren’t sure what possesses you to isolate yourself from the town, but ever since your father’s passing you’ve found yourself uncomfortable with any sort of bonding the people of the village offer you. Even from someone you fancy.
It’s an hour's time from your home to the village, you hope to be home before the sun sets. While you aren’t afraid of walking home in the dark, your trusty dagger tucked to your hip and out of sight, you also didn’t want to deal with the troubles night brought. The warm, summer wind kissed your cheeks and cooled the sweat forming on your forehead, thankful you weren’t nearly as heated as you could be.
Following the brown beated trail from your house to the village, you kept notes of your surroundings. The birds that flew ahead, the rabbits that hopped around you– if you had your traps you’d make the effort to catch some for dinner. You thought of tempting one with kindness and taking your blade to it, but you didn’t want to waste daylight.
The forests around you whispered ancient tongues directed towards everything but you about you, just as they were taught to. Where you were, who you spoke with, what you were doing– they knew far too well who would be asking these questions. But they didn’t have to, he was already there– watching.
You listened to the crunching of the leaves and sticks below your feet, enjoying the day's walk. If you were in your right mind, you would have taken Gareth up on his offer to walk you home, but there was something different. Something wrong. You could feel it in your gut, and your father always told you to never ignore a gut feeling.
Picking up your pace, the strange feeling relaxed a bit as you could see the faded, moss-overgrown roof of your home. You could practically feel the comfort of your rocking chair once the stone fencing of your house came into view, shoulders slumping. 
Digging into your basket, you pulled an apple from it. Turning it to the side, you eyed the small, brown, bruise that made the woman that you tried to sell it turn it away. You felt lucky the apples trees lining the forest near your home had decided to bear fruit this soon, but a bit bitter at the expectations from the villagers. The trees were there when you were born, they weren’t going to be perfect every year.
Pulling your dagger from it’s sheath, you carefully cut the bruise from it and began to cut the apple in half, then into quarters and so on. You were left with dingy, but still edible apple slices, popping them into your mouth as you completed your trip. The sweet juice was satisfying.
Without warning, a sudden loud chatter pulled you from your thoughts. Your dagger slipped from your hands from the startle, looking down to see a beautiful, sleek black cat staring at you. He seemingly came from no where, or at least snuck up on you while you hadn’t noticed. “Oh!”
He was possibly the most beautiful cat you’ve ever seen in your life, your heart instantly swelling. Black cats were a parah amongst the villagers, harbringers of bad luck, death, and everything terrible. It wasn’t uncommon to see the instant death of black cats– it was one of the reasons you didn’t want to move to the village.
Squatting to your knees, you held your hand out to the cat, beckoning it. “Hello pretty kitty..” A smile curled to your lips as he dipped his head into your palm, purring. Oh, what a way to end the day. However, just as quickly as he turned sweet, he instantly turned sour.
The cat snapped at your hand, nipping your palm with his sharp teeth. You shouted, wincing in pain as you fell back onto your backside. “Fuck!” You cursed, looking down at the small bite mark in your hand, light dribbles of blood pooling from the wound. Well, suppose there was a reason people were wary of black cats.
Before you could react, he swiftly picked your dagger into his mouth, blade hanging out. In an instant, he was a black blur in the wind. “No! No, no, no– please!” Your voice immediately cracked, standing to your feet in an instant to chase. But it was no use, the minute the cat ducked behind the apple trees and into the forest your run came to a stuttering halt. Your chest rose, a burning sensation flaming across your skin and tears pricking your eyes.
Your father’s dagger, his prized dagger– the one he made himself and gifted you just days before his untimely death, it was gone. Just like that. Falling onto your bottom once more, you heaved at the sky. “Fuck!!” You shouted.
What would a cat want with a dagger anyway?
It was dark by the time you picked yourself help and dragged yourself into your home, tears streaking your cheeks. You cried hard and long in front of those trees, your grief gripping you by the throat with a strong vice. You’d thought you were okay. Yes, you were broken by your father’s death, alone with no one to protect or love you– but you’d stopped the crying weeks ago!
You were frustrated at how easily your sobs came back due to something so simple. Sniffling, you closed and locked your wooden door before heading to the kitchen. You needed to eat. A solemn expression settled on your face, and the ache that grew in your chest hummed painfully.
A soup would do good tonight, something comforting to pull you from this rut. Grabbing two large, chunky potatoes from the sack in the corner of your kitchen you placed them on the counter, ready to cut. Instinctively, you reached for your dagger to use and gasped when you felt it’s emptiness.
Tears welled again, and your crumpled to the floor like a wet rag. Nothing had ever hurt so much.
Your little home filled with the sounds of your moaning sobs, weak sniffles and frustrated screams. You felt like a child having a tantrum, and all you wanted was your father. But even he couldn’t come to help.
You cried yourself to a short slumber.
Thump. Thump. Thump!
You jolted. Eyes bleary from the tears, you confusedly blinked them. Was that the door? Pushing yourself up off the floor, you wiped your wet face with the sleeve of your dress. Seems you didn’t sleep that long, it was still dark outside– just how late into the night was it?
Thump. Thump. Thump!
“Gods! Who…who would be here..?” You whispered to yourself, picking yourself up off the floor as you tried to make yourself look presentable and not like you hadn’t just crumpled into a mess of a woman. Wiping your hair from your face, you quickly rounded the corner of your kitchen to your front door.
The strange feeling that fluttered your stomach on your walk home returned, making you hesitate in opening the door. Unsure of the feeling, you took a step back from the door, staring at it warily. Perhaps you had heard wrong?
Thump. Thump. Thump!
Christ your candles were still lit, they knew you were home. You didn’t wish to deal with an intruder or burgler, let alone someone coming in to do you harm. You didn’t have your dagger, but you surely had your kitchen knives.
Running back to the kitchen, you quickly grabbed one and slid back to the door. Hiding it behind the door, you finally slid the wood slab that kept it locked away and creeked it open, peaking your head out. “..Yes?” Your voice wavered slightly.
You were surprised at the stature of the stranger in front of you, noting how you actively had to look up. He wore a hooded cape that hid most of his upper torso, the hood settled atop his head and slightly covering his face. It was dingy and slightly torn, little holes littering hte hems indicating how long he’d been using it for. His boots were covered in mud, as if he traveled far. You squinted your eyes at him.
“Can I help you, sir?”
“My lady,” He grinned, cunning and wicked. Your stomach twisted.
“I’m terribly sorry to bother you so late into the night, but, I was passing– and noticed the initials etched into your home.” Despite his attire, he was eloquently spoken. You gripped your knife tighter, trying to keep a calm face.
“Are you perhaps, F.I?”
“I am. What is it to you?” You were stern, this caused him to chuckle. It was deep, almost mesmerizing.
“Then, I believe this belongs to you.”
The stranger then reached his hand out, and you tensed. You were expecting something terrible; a curse, a dagger ready to rob, anything bad that would befall you and make you meet your end tonight. You were correct, in a sense, but the dagger in his hand made you gasp.
You didn’t even think when you dropped the knife, the clatter not reaching your ears as you opened your door wider and grabbing it from his much larger hands. “My dagger!” You heaved, the smile of relief that washed over your features make him smile wider.
The handle was carved beautifully out of wood, wrapped in a thin leather for grip. But in the blade, an engraving stood out. F.I. Your father’s dagger was back in your hands. “Gods! I never thought I’d see this again. Sir, thank you! Where did you ever find it?” Your wide eyes looked back up at him.
“Well, I found it quite odd to see a cat carrying such a thing. It dropped it when I scared it, so I kept it– just in case. And on my travels to the next village over,” He motioned towards the one you had just came back from. “I saw your home, and your initials.”
Your heart raced with excitement and joy, pure, unbridled joy. The sadness you had felt had washed away, and was replaced with a happy melancholy. Your father was still gone, but it was like he’d returned home.
Your fingers grazed the blade, looking it over. It was undamaged, surprisingly. “How could I ever thank you?” You whispered, your mistake.
The stranger held back his wide smile, sharp teeth gritting with delight. He knew not to get too excited, not too giddy. Good things come to those who are patient afterall.
Dipping his head slightly, he cleared his throat. “If it’s no trouble to you, madam, would you be so kind as to offer this traveller a meal? To ready him for his continued travels?” He innocently asked.
Looking up at him, you thickly swallowed. A stranger, in your home. Your mind, body, and soul were on different paths. Your gut said no, turn him away and call it a night. But, your heart, oh your weakness. He had kindly given you back your beloved dagger, even though he could have kept it for himself because of how well it was made. A meal was nothing to you, nothing.
Biting your lip, you peaked at the knife on the ground. Norns. “Yes!” You almost shouted, clearing your throat. “One moment.”
When you shut the door of your house, you looked down at the dagger for a moment before tucking it into it’s sheath on your hip. You picked up the knife that had made it’s way to the floor and tried your quickest to put it back into the kitchen. You hadn’t even started dinner, but the soup you were to make would do just fine.
Back to the door, you opened it and this time fully opened it, allowing the stranger access to your home. “Please, come in.” You offered with a wry smile.
The stranger graciously accepted your offer, stepping into your small, cozy little home. Your scent engulfed him, and he had to turn away from you for a moment. You’d already turned your back to him, heading back to the kitchen. “There’s not many places to sit, other than the table and my chair. Feel free to get comfortable if you wish, I’ll be making dinner then.” You wave your hand at him.
He takes your advice and melts into your chair, almost radiating in the fact that it was yours. He was delighted, gleeful in fact. You’d been much dumber than he expected, but it was with charm. Your back turned to him, he greedily took in your backside and bottom as you began to chop away at vegetables; potatoes, carrots, peppers– anything to add to the soup. It wasn’t going to be much.
“So, my lady. What does F.I stand for?” He mused.
You bit your lip, rolling your shoulders slightly. “I’ll admit that I lied to you. They are my father’s initials, not mine.” You admitted, dumping the potatoes into a pot of water you had prepped before you fell asleep. You’d have to go out and get some chicken feet to add flavor so you weren’t just feeding him vegetables and water.
“Ahhh, a little liar on my hands?”
“Well, I didn’t know who you were!” You defended yourself.
“And your name?”
“What about it?”
He grinned, so you were a tad bit informed. “May I have it?” His question was so simple, and very innocent. He was good at making your skin crawl, your forehead sweat, and your abdomen warm. Strange, indeed. You remembered what Meredith told you. Never give your name to a stranger, they’ll take it for good. “No..” You sighed.
You jumped when he burst into laughter, haughty and loud. You’d almost nicked yourself with the knife when he did, looking over your shoulder with confusion. “You are very smart, madam! Suppose I should stop testing you.” Testing for what? You wondered.
“What is your name, my lady?” He finally asked, like a normal person. You were beginning to believe he wasn’t a normal person, and the thought alone made you shudder. “What is yours?” You asked instead.
“Loki?” You reiterated, it was a foreign name certainly. One you’ve never heard.
He liked the way his name rolled off your tongue, and the fact that you simply didn’t realize who he was by name only elated him. Were humans forgetting? Becoming more stupid? Loki revelled in the thought of what the future would bring.
“Yes, Loki. Now I’ve told you mine, you must tell me yours!”
You chewed on your bottom lip. “Y/N.” You huffed curtly.
Loki already knew your name, the trees whispered your secrets to him. It’s why he knew everything about you, why he loved you.
“I must step out to my coop for an ingredient, try not to mess with anything.” You simply stated as you walked across from your kitchen to the back door by the chair he had so comfortably plopped himself in. You wiped your hands onto your apron before opening the door and stepping out. You just needed some chicken feet.
When you returned, you instantly noticed Loki was no longer in the seat he was in. Before you could panic, you finally noticed him leaning over the pot of water and vegetables. 
“I told you not to mess with anything.” You almost scolded him, a hint of faux-ire in your voice. You tossed the chicken feet you’d acquired into the water, looking up at him. He seemed dissatisfied with what you were making, and it made you upset. Sure he returned your dagger, but he was a guest and you were genuinely going out of your way to feed him.
No traveller would be this picky.
“I was wondering if you’d planned on feeding me just water and vegetables.” He taunted.
“And I was just thinking no traveller would be this picky.”
His silence chilled you to your core as you picked up the pot, huffing at it’s weight. You struggled to bring it over to the fire hole in the center of your home. With effort, you were able to plop the pot right over the fire– it would be a bit before it was done. This left you with some time with Loki, and your skin itched at the idea.
You melted at the dining table your father had also made, a soft sigh escaping your lips. Loki joined you, sitting across. His hood was still on, despite his comfort in your chair he had not made any advances to relax.
“Where do you hail from, Loki?” You finally asked him a question, one you should have asked long ago. The strange feeling in your gut did not leave whatsoever, in fact it only worsened. The hairs on the back of your neck stood when he was near, and his voice sent chilly vibrations throughout your body. You weren’t quite sure if you were afraid, or attracted to him.
“Asgard, and I assume you hail here?”
You couldn’t tell if Loki was lying or not. With everything he said, you just weren’t sure what to take at face value. It was what bothered you the most about him, he was a wall you seemingly couldn’t knock down. You weren’t sure you wanted to.
“Yes. My whole life.” You admitted.
“And where is your father?” The question stung, and Loki knew it did.
You’d remembered and grieved your father’s death far too many times today, your face said it all. Nose slightly scrunched, brows furrowed in such a miserable sense– it almost made Loki want to jump from where he was and hold you.
With watery eyes, you coughed slightly to cover it. You looked away, over to the pot checking it hadn’t boiled over. “He’s dead.” You quaked. This night wasn’t how you planned and you wanted it to end instantly.
But looking over his figure, his large hands with long, delicate fingers– he’d overpower you easily should the night go awry. You admit you were scared of Loki, deeply afraid. His mere presence evoked a trigger in your flight or fight responses, and you wanted to fly.
“That is a shame truly, to leave a lovely daughter all alone. With no one.”
His words were a stab to the heart, breaking you down. You abruptly stood from your seat, clearing your throat. “The..soup.” You motioned over to it, your excuse for leaving. Hastily making your way over, you grabbed a large wooden spoon from the kitchen and began to stir. It finished much faster than you anticipated, but you were glad it was. The sooner he ate, the sooner he left– right?
Loki watched you carefully as you walked from the kitchen to the pot again like a ghost, two bowls in hand. You first filled his, the broth a nice brown-ish colour from the cooked chicken– and when you handed it to him you held up your hand for one moment.
You returned from the kitchen with a loaf of bread, breaking a piece for him. He gratefully took it. You then made your own bowl and joined him once again at the table, exhausted. Loki ripped a piece off the bread you’d given him, dipping it into the hot liquid before taking a bite. A hum escaped his chest, as if he were a starved man eating for the first time in weeks.
Starved but picky? His strange aura eluded you. “Much better than I expected, this will get me through the night, madam.” He grinned, almost as if he wanted to taunt you to anger– to do something not in your right mind.
What was the point in sharing names if he was just going to call you madam and lady? You weren’t even a lady, the state of your home made that clear. Tearing off a piece of bread, you silently dipped it into your soup and took a bite. Much to your surprise, he was right.
The soup was delightfully flavourful, instantly warming your core. Your mouth watered as you swallowed the broth soaked bread, picking up one of the smaller wooden spoons you’d grabbed for the two of you to eat with. You scooped up a chunk of potato, slurping it down with a bite of bread and as you chewed you began to realize there was something off about the soup.
You wanted to panic, to stop eating, but you didn’t. You kept eating it, because it was delicious. It was the most delicious soup you’d ever made, and you were a pretty good cook. Your mind ran wild with how something so simply put together tasted so good that you didn’t notice Loki had finished, and was watching you devour the soup and bread like you were the one starved.
When you finished the soup, you couldn’t stop the sigh of content that released from your chest. You felt warm, fuzzy, and sleepy. A tired you’d never felt before. You chalked it up to eating such a hot dinner on such an emotional night, but you knew you were going to sleep heavily afterwards. You looked forward to it.
Loki standing up pulled you from your daze, your tired eyes looking up at him. “Thank you for the meal, my lady. But I must take to the night.” He told you holding out his hand. Without much thought, you slipped your hand into his. Loki brought your knuckles to his lips, placing a chaste kiss upon them. Your brows flew up in surprise at the sentiment, the skin where he’d kissed feeling hot as well as your cheeks and ears. This was unexpected.
“Oh, it’s alright– please.” You awkwardly pulled your hand from his, stepping aside to lead him to the door. A part of you was jumping with glee that he was leaving so soon.
“If it’s no mind to you, when I am finish with my duties in the village, may this traveller come back for another meal tomorrow night?”
His question did not have time to linger before you agreed without thinking, wishing you’d bit your tongue. With a grin, Loki let himself out and was gone into the night. You closed the door, sliding the lock into place.
You stared at the door for a moment, then wavered to the bedroom in the back– it was your father’s bedroom now turned yours. You plopped into the bed, softly grunting as your body collided with the fluffy blanket. Your body was burning, and your head was elsewhere. That soup did a number on you, and as you thought back to seeing Loki leaning over the pot, you drifted into a deep slumber for the rest of the night.
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343 notes · View notes
acquity · 5 months
Hate Is Easy | Obito x Reader
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Summary: After the Fourth Great Ninja War, Obito survived and changed his ways. He was allowed to return to the Hidden Leaf Village where he met you. You were a kunoichi of the Leaf who was also a part of the Anbu. You had fought against him during the war. You were one of the few besides Kakashi and Naurto who didn't shun him giving him a second chance. The two of you started dating after a while and when you went on a mission you were almost killed before he came to save you.
Warnings: Mention of injuries, suicide, and death. Notes: First time writing Obito in a while, hopefully, I did him justice. Enjoy! :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You laid inside your bedroom tucked under your fluffy blankets with your boyfriend spooning you from behind. Obito's embrace was warm and comforting as he clung to you, burying his face into your hair. He was always extremely clingy always having a hand on you. You couldn't help but find it adorable and as of late, he got even more clingy when you two moved in together. When you first brought up the idea of him moving into your apartment a bright red blush coated his cheeks. His eyes widened and he tilted his head to the side asking you if you were sure. Thinking back on it now, brought a smile to your face as you shifted a bit to look at his sleeping form.
His eyes were shut and your eyes traced the scar on his right side before looking down at his arms that wrapped around your waist. He wore no shirt only boxers allowing you to feel his muscular body press against yours as he kept you warm. He held you like you were a priceless gem that even the slightest touch could cause it to break.
He was always so gentle and sweet with you that it was hard to believe he was once a hardened criminal driven by grief and hatred toward reality. But, you knew he wasn't like that anymore. He really had changed, and even though you were a bit biased as his partner you had noticed changes in him.
So did Kakashi, who when you last spoke, he commented how Obito seemed more like his old self. You let out a content sigh at the thought happy he was recovering even if many of the other villagers couldn't see it yet.
However, you were interrupted by your thoughts as your alarm clock went off on the nightstand next to your shared bed. You moved quickly to shut it off to avoid waking your lover up as you sighed again rubbing your brow. You knew you had to get up, the sun hadn't even risen yet, but you had a mission and that couldn't be avoided as much as you wanted to stay in bed with Obito.
As you went to get up, his grip on your waist tightened as he groaned his eyes flickering open as he looked up at you. "Don't leave just yet…" he spoke softly, "Stay with me a little while longer…." he added in a quiet and gentle tone his voice still a bit groggy from just waking up.
You smiled weakly as you gave him a kiss on the lips which he happily returned pressing his lips against yours in a gentle but passionate kiss as you pulled away with a chuckle.
"I wish I could but I have a mission." You moved your hand to his cheek caressing it before continuing. "I promise to get it done as quick as I can."
The former criminal reluctantly let his hands fall down from your waist- his arms felt empty without you but he knew you had a mission to get to. He soon spoke giving you a tired smile, he would always be your biggest supporter even if you had to leave him for a few days to go on a mission he just hoped you returned soon. "Just be safe out there."
You nodded, before sneaking in another quick kiss on the lips before getting up and going to change. You quickly changed into your Anbu uniform putting your mask over your face and your katana in a sheath on your back.
As you exited the bathroom you looked back at your boyfriend one last time before you left. He had fallen back asleep his chest moving up and down slowly with each breath. You were tempted to just write a quick note to Kakashi saying you couldn't go on the mission so you could crawl back into his protective embrace but you knew you couldn't.
Instead, you admired him a little longer before leaving heading to the gates of the village to met your unit.
A little over a week had gone by, and Obito was worried sick. Your mission was due to end three days ago you should have been back by now. He knew you could handle yourself but he couldn't stop himself from thinking the worst.
He couldn't lose you like he had lost Rin- you meant too much to him. Your bright smile and laugh were what gave him reason to keep on living after all the horrible things he has done. He knew if you died he would join you soon after as he would be incapable of going on without you.
So, he did what he does best making a risky decision by tracking you down. He had to know if you were safe, a lot of people would be interested in harming you to get to him if they knew how much you meant to him- he couldn't allow that. Even if you would be upset with him for going after you.
It was hard for him to track where you and your team had gone as Anbu missions were kept top secret. But, he pleaded with Kakashi and after seeing how distraught his old friend was gave him your general location.
He rushed there immediately wearing his usual kimono with the Uchiha Crest on the back unable to teleport as he didn't know the exact area you were only to find the bodies of your teammates. His heart fell to the pit of his stomach as his Mangekyō Sharingan spun into place as he feared the worst.
A feeling of dread and worry overcame him as he managed to focus his mind enough to sense you. He breathed a quick sigh of relief- you were still alive for now.
When he found you, you were falling to the ground. You were surrounded by ten enemy shinobi and by their wounds and a few others lying dead it was clear you put up a good fight but were outnumbered.
Obito caught you before you hit the ground cradling you in his arms and as he looked upon your unconscious face he saw red. It reminded him of when he held Rin's dead body in his arms. Your side was gashing blood and you had a cut caused by a kunai on your neck.
"You have made a grave error when you dared to even lay hands on her." He spat as he looked at the enemy ninja and they noticed the Mangekyo Sharingan and stepped back.
But, he wouldn't let them get away that easily after what they had done to his beloved girlfriend. Using his eyes he made swift work of most of them leaving only one remaining. He laid you gently down onto the grass as he grabbed the last ninja by the throat.
The shinobi's eyes widened in fear as he recognized Obito fearing for his life as he tried to fight out of his grip. "Wait- you are him! The one who started the war, you are supposed to be a heartless bastard full of hate!" He muttered. "Why are you here?"
"Hate is what motivated me in the past." he continued, "but that's different, this is different." 
His grip on his throat tightened more as he spoke. 
"You harmed my lover, my soulmate, the reason I still value living. I am not killing in the name of some plot anymore I am killing for her and her only." He paused looking into the other man's eyes with a cold look.
"You were just unlucky you encountered her, now I'll make sure your death is as painful as it could possibly be." He finished as he burned the man's face using his fireball jutsu letting him suffer for a few moments before finishing him off.
He threw the ninja's corpse to the side like a worthless piece of trash as he ran back to you bending down and putting an arm behind your head as he ripped off the sleeve of his kimono using his free hand to bandage your wounds to slow the bleeding.
When you lay there motionless your blood covering his arms and chest he lost his mind as tears fell from his eyes. He quickly picked you up hoping it wasn't too late to save you.
He felt like it was his fault you were in such a state. He should have followed you or not let you leave his warm protective embrace then you would have been safe. Now, he was going to lose you like he lost Rin- you too would die in his arms as he yet again failed the woman he loved with all of his heart as he prepared to teleport back to the village.
But, he soon felt your hand on his cheek and he looked down to see you smiling weakly at him. Your eyes reflected the light of the moon and you chuckled a bit as you spoke.
"You are definitely a sight for sore eyes, Obito." You whispered and he immediately felt a sense of relief that you were awake as he held you even closer tears still falling from his eyes as he responded.
"Don't speak too much, you are injured I'm taking you back to the village." He was not surprised the first words out of your lips were a lighthearted remark, you always cracked jokes and remained positive even in the worst of situations and he loved you for it.
"I was so worried about you... I am so sorry I should have come with you." He added as he rested his forehead against yours his tears falling onto you as you looked to see the dead bodies of your teammates.
It was a tragic loss but there was nothing you could do for them now, you had fought to protect them but in the end, you were outnumbered and probably would have joined them in death had Obito not come to save you. That would have meant their deaths would have been in vain anyway and you would have completely lost the information that was the goal of the mission in the first place.
"It's alright Obito, besides it was an Anbu mission I'm surprised you even found me." You replied as you moved your hand to wipe the tears from his eyes, you closed your eyes a bit wincing from the pain as you focused on him to distract yourself from the deaths of your teammates.
He looked at your expression with a frown. "Kakashi told me where you were after a bit of pleading." You smiled again at his words only imagining how your boyfriend had begged his old teammate to tell him where you had gone, it made you even more grateful for Obito and you would also make sure to thank the Hokage later.
"I'm still grateful you came for me." You whispered in response your voice a bit weak.
He sighed as he tightened his grip on you kissing your forehead as he prepared to take you back to the Hidden Leaf Village Hospital. "I'll always come for you, my love." You blushed at his comment as he quickly realized what he said a blush coating his own cheeks as he teleported you and himself back to the village hospital before you could question it.
He didn't regret it though, you were the love of his life. The words just slipped out before he could stop himself, but it felt right and if you were comfortable with it he would make sure to call you that more often. Besides, the blush on your face was adorable.
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itzgruvia · 6 months
Gruvia Week 2024
Day 6: Apathy.
type: Hurt/comfort, soft, happy ending.
characters: Gray Fullbuster/Juvia Lockser, Cana Alberona.
this fanfic is also available in AO3.
The Guild’s entrance doors were open with so much force that it almost came off from it’s hinges, the rowdy ambience was quiet down immediately once they saw the ice mage’s scowly face, not that he wasn’t grumpy all the time but he looked furious.
He looked at Cana who was drinking from her big barrel of wine, but stopped once she took the appearance of Gray who was marching to her.
“Hey, Gray” she said wearily, Cana never gets on Gray’s bad side but once she does, she prefers to avoid him as much as possible because he can be a bit hot headed.
“Is something wrong?” 
“What did you and Juvia drink in your mission?” he said sharply, crossing his arms as he looked down at her.
“Um..” she began to think and tried to connect the events of their journey yestereday.
Cana dragged her blue haired friend on a mission to find a burglar in a village, they accomplished it with no sweat and the villagers were more than happy to offer them a meal and some wine which Cana really had her fill.
 There was also a village woman who lived alone and offered to stay in her inn since no one really goes by their village, her hospitality was kind.
“I think wine?” she said hesitantly, her mind grew black after enjoying her party with the villagers.
“Be sure Cana! What did they give you in that village?!” Gray snapped, his tone was harsh and probably scared.
“I don’t remember! What’s wrong with you?” she replied, bothered by his sudden outburst; he breathed in, and pulled his black hair up with his hand.
“Gray, why don’t you tell us what’s happening first? Then we could try and solve the problem” Mirajane suggested gently, Cana nodded next to her, Gray can’t blame her for something she doesn’t know or wasn’t aware of.
Gray breathed in, and took a moment to answer.
“Juvia is not herself today” Cana’s heart dropped, did she miss something yesterday? But she was completely fine, they were talking and laughing with each other on their way to Magnolia.
“She seems emotionless, like nothing is making her happy or sad or mad” Gray continued as he sat down in the stool next to Cana, his fist tighten and his shoulders were tense.
“She doesn’t smile at all, it’s like when she was in Phantom Lord but worse” 
The guildmates were circling him now, Gajeel was frowning with concern, his arms crossed.
“There must be something she drank Cana, you have to remember.. Please” Gray pleaded, his eyes were frightened, of course he will be, Juvia is very dear to him and to see her emotionless suddenly will make him panic.
In fact, she currently feels scared for her friend’s wellbeing. So she sat straighter, her mind was still woozy with her endless drinking but she is confident she can track the events of their previous encounter.
“Okay i do remember a woman who owned an inn, she didn’t look suspicious or anything but her place was empty, we thought maybe because the village didn’t have travellers to walk by, it was very windy and we didn’t want to face a storm in our way so we got in” she explained.
Everyone was murmuring amongst themselves, it is very clear that the village woman had  something to do with it.
“Did she offer you something?” Lucy asked.
“Yeah, like two bowls of potato soup and wine, she gave me two of those big barrels but Juvia didn’t want to overdrink herself so she just gave her tea” Cana suddenly gasped, it finally made sense, the tea was the cause for her friend’s issue.
“ That bi-” 
“Let me go find something about this tea, she could have fused it with something” Levy suggested while she went rushing to the library.
“I’m coming too” Lucy added, she squeezed Gray’s shoulder as a reassurance before she left.
“ and we will find this witch and break her spine” Gajeel said, cracking his knuckles, Lily already on top of his shoulder ready to fight.
Noticing his friend’s silence, Cana put her hand on his shoulder.
“Hey, are you okay?” she asked. Gray sighed and closed his eyes and shook his head. 
“I can’t go with Gajeel, i have to stay with Juvia” 
“I wasn’t even asking you” Gajeel opposed him with his usual gruffness, and left without a word.
Cana rolled her eyes at his attitude.
“I have to go back home” Gray said, getting up from his seat as he sighed, he was stressed, Cana can see it in his frown, he is stressed and worried about her.
“I am coming with you” she added, abandoning her sweet alluring drink aside, which Mira’s eyes widened with surprise.
“You don’t have to” replied her friend, his gaze was understanding and tired as he looked at her. It twisted Cana’s heart, she hates seeing Gray like that, it made her guilt eat her up.
She should have known better, an old woman in an abandoned inn, what worse could happen? 
“ no i want to, it is kind of my fault anyways” she hooked her arm with his and dragged him to the doors, she didn’t want to waste her time arguing while Juvia is alone at home.
Gray smiled lightly, she can tell that he was grateful for her company, on their way out he received a couple of back pats and support, they know that Juvia will come back the way she was again.
“I’ll send you a message to your Lacirama once Levy and Lucy find something” Mira called out, and they waved back in response.
Once Cana stepped foot into their house, she felt a sense of coldness, it was an unusual feeling, Juvia and Gray’s house always had warmth even if it’s residence was an ice mage. It was unsettling.
“Juvia, I am home” Gray said their usual greetings, but it was met with silence. All Gray could do was sigh.
Once Cana was led to their living room she was shocked at the state of her friend, Juvia looked so broken, her face was blank, her mouth was hanging open slightly, and was her face paler than usual?
“ Is it just me or does her face look blue?” she asked, her eyes still locked on Juvia’s frozen posture on the coach.
“No, she does look more blue” Gray replied, her worry grew worse.
“Hey Juvia, do you remember Cana?” Gray approached her, and gently gripped her shoulder.
“She doesn’t remember us?!” she asked, and he nodded sadly, Cana was bewildered, how come a single witch affect her friend’s memory like that? 
Juvia didn’t answer.
She slowly walked over to her and bent down to her knees, she rubbed them gently, and all Juvia could do was just glance at her, emotions were long gone from her blue eyes, now she looked soulless.
Cana felt disheartened, no wonder why Gray was desperate, she felt disgusted that her friend was deprived of her own emotions..
“Don’t worry Juv, you will be alright” Cana assured, giving her a smile. There is hope for her friend, she will come back and act like she used to. 
She hopes so.
Gray wrapped his arms around her from behind the couch and put his head on top of her, caressing her arms. He didn’t care that Cana was there, nothing mattered to him anymore except for Juvia.
This all feels surreal to him, once he realised that she wasn’t moving this morning he began to panic, he thought some kind of bug crept into her head and messed with her system, she couldn’t even get up without him leading her.
Stripped from her own emotions, not even sorrow was visible in her eyes yet all Gray saw was grief.
Juvia was trapped inside a spell, and all Gray could do was wait, and he hated that he couldn’t do anything to bring his Juvia back, her enthusiasm, her smile, her love, her dramatic expressions.
It’s not fair, she worked so hard to get to where she is now, and they took that from her, they took it.
They took it.
Gray had to calm down, he could feel his anger creeping inside of him like hot boiled water, he wanted to break something, he wanted to hurt something, he wanted to kill.
Kill that witch.
But Juvia needs him the most, everything will be dealt with later, he swallowed down his feelings and breathed in the air to calm his nerves.
It took 3 hours for Lucy and Levy to dig out a clue, it turns out that the spell that made Juvia emotionless was called ‘Apathy’, once a person drinks it, he will feel like his senses are leaving him slowly.
It made Gray’s stomach churn with the idea that Juvia felt every emotion leave her mind and heart, it means that she was also scared, terrified that she could not feel anything.
It took a day to find a cure, but by the end of the day, Juvia finally had her senses back slowly, it started with fear. Juvia didn’t what’s happening to her or how it was happening, she was anxious, stressed and terrified.
It was very hard for Gray to try and comfort her every time, she always felt like something was trying to get her, his heart was broken in pieces but that didn’t stop him from being there for her.
And then sadness, and gradually she got her emotions settled and stable.
Gajeel came back after successfully ‘smashing her head with his iron fist’ which made the master question him if he really did that or if he was overreacting.
It turns out he didn’t kill her but he did knock her out.
Much to Gray’s disappointment.
“Juvia, you really don’t need to do this” 
His partner has been cooking plates of food and dishes with extra desserts, and Gray is grateful for it, he won’t deny any of her meals if only she gives herself a break from cooking everyday.
“This is the least Juvia could do because of what she did!” she refused to budge from her spot as she stirred a pot of chicken soup.
“That was not your fault” Gray sighed when she didn’t reply, hyper fixated on the pot in front of her, her ears were deaf.
He can already feel a headache coming. But he could have her screaming and yelling her love for him than having her sitting in a chair staring in the void like she was dead.
The warm hand on his arm snapped him from his circling dark thoughts, Juvia’s gaze was worried.
“Gray-sama, are you alright?” she asked.
Gray smiled warmly and brought her to his arms, she immediately reciprocated , giving him a tight hold of her own.
“Yeah, I just want you here for a while” he responded, enjoying the gentle warmth of Juvia’s body against him and living in the moment of blessing.
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13as07 · 6 months
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Tiggie #1
(Itachi Uchiha)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to StringDman94]
Requested by: Anonymous
Word Count: 3,847
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
The start is a bit different than your request. I couldn't think of a way to write it how you asked.
Also, this is going to be a two parter; maybe a three parter. Sorry!!!
     I'm hunched over on the ground, blood dripping from my mouth as I gasp for air. Why am I here again? Why are we in the Land of Demons? Where are my squad mates? Where's Captain?
     "I'm sorry," the older lady whispers, dipping her fingers into her eye sockets, popping her eyes out, blood trickling from the wounds she caused herself. The sight makes me dry heave, my body not knowing if I should keep panting for breath or heaving. "But there needs to be a backup plan, just in case Moryo and Shion both die. Just in case Shisui does not succeed. My home village will be safe, because of you."
     "Shisui?" I ask between two or three heaves. "Who's Shisui?"
     "Do not worry child, you will have enough to be anxious about later in life," the empty-eyed woman coos, taking slow but wide steps towards me. "I am gifting you my dojutsu. You shall see the future of all. You will save us all, will save my Village."
     "What? What are you talking about?" I shriek, crawling away from her, the aches of my body and the broken leg buried under my skin making it difficult to move away from her.
     I fail at my attempt to escape the woman. She settles in front of me, kneeling before shoving her eyes into me. I scream from the pain, my eyes feeling like they're on fire from her touch. "You will save the great nations," she tells me, backing away. My eyes sting as I open them, blood trickling down my cheeks, a mirror image of the person in front of me. "You will save my Village."
     The nightmare - more so, the memory - comes to an end when I shoot up in bed, my chest pumping with the same fear I felt a couple of weeks ago. When the white of the hospital walls registers I'm able to calm down a bit, my heart still pounding in my chest.
"Hey, it's okay," the honey voice of my squad captain says, tugging my eyes to the side of my hospital bed. Sitting in all his glory is the Dog, who I've nicknamed doggie, eyes squinted a bit, cutting off some of the glow from his sharingan. "Another nightmare?"
"Ya," I whisper, letting my head fall to my hands so I can rub my eyes.
"Well I have some good news," he mutters, adding a lightweight to my lap. "We figured out what's going on with your eyes."
"We?" I ask, rubbing my eyes once more before letting them open. Sitting in my lap is a folder, one in which I flip open instantly.
"Let's just say the Uchiha clan dislikes me even more now," he utters, sulking in the fluffy chair that engulfs the older boy, making the other file in his lap slip a bit. He's only three years older, but sometimes it feels like Doggie is thirty going on fifteen.
My eyes scan over the first page of the paperwork, making them hurt from being used. The pain has gone down in recent weeks but it still hurts to use the basic sense of mine. "Itachi Uchiha is why my eyes are messed up?" I tease, scanning over the file of my old classmate.
Itachi and I graduated at the same time, the boy being a year younger than me. Itachi went straight into being an active Shinobi, mentored under one of his own. I did too, but unlike Itachi, in the last couple of months, I've been working for the Black Ops. After graduation our paths have crossed a few times but not enough to keep up with each other.
"What?" Dog asks, leaning forward to scan the file in my lap. "My bad, wrong file," he grumbles, taking the folder from me and replacing it with the one that tried to fall from his lap.
"Why do you have Itachi's file?" I mumble, snapping open the correct file and scanning the words covering the first page.
"I'm recommending him as a recruit," he whispers, eyes tearing away from me to stare out the window.
"Is that what Fugaku wanted in return for information on the dojutsu? His son getting a position in the Anbus?" I ask, glancing at my captain before I flip the page to continue reading.
Doggie shrugs before looking back at me. "It's not my decision but if Fugaku wants me to mention it to the Hokage it's easy work for the payout. Why? What do you know about Itachi?"
     "Not a lot. We graduated at the same time but he was a year below me. He was pretty quiet, didn't talk much, didn't have many friends either."
     "Seems to be a qualification," Dog mumbles, eyes back out the window.
     "I guess so. He was my favorite person at the academy though," I continue, using our talk to help with the anxieties that are coming along with this 'dojutsu' thing stuck in me. "He was always nice when we talked and we usually ate together since he tended to freak people out and Genma had everyone at the academy in a fearful chokehold. Though, it was more me talking and him nodding along. Maybe when I tell him that I'm a fortune teller I'll finally get him to laugh."
     Doggie lets out an airy chuckle, eyes flickering back toward me. "Telling the future will be pretty cool. We'll just have to wait and see how your dojutsu acts. Different ones see different parts of the future."
"Talk about an upgraded sharingan." That gets an actual laugh out of the captain, putting some of my nerves at ease. I'm alive and my squad is alive, that's what matters. "Do you think Lord Third is going to recruit Itachi?"
"Damn, there goes my youngest anbu trophy." Another chuckle, this one airy again. Captain is back to having his walls up.
"I'm just saying, it wouldn't be a bad idea to start looking for a partner," Genma mumbles for the hundredth time, slowly walking the tree path he's taken me down.
He's decided to abuse his power as my guardian and signed me out of the hospital for a stroll through the woods, about 5 miles out of the radar the hospital 'struggle suggests' patience stay in when they're on family leave.
"I'm too young for that," I counter, waddling around on my crutches, making sure not to trip or put too much pressure on my leg.
Genma's eyes flicker towards me, as protective as ever as I slowly weave around the fallen branches and the surfaced roots of the forest. "I'm not saying get married. I'm not even saying get a boyfriend, or a girlfriend if you're into that. Actually, no dating, period. Just... a nice friend."
"Oh, so now you're calling me a friendless loser," I tease, eyes locked on the ground, set on not tripping and proving my older brother wrong. He insisted on carrying me through the forest because 'you're going to trip over something and hurt yourself worse'. Obviously, I'm not being carried so this is my time to prove him wrong.
"I mean... ya," he utters, stopping his movements as I work my way around a big branch. "You don't do anything except work. I want you to have a support system when I die."
"If," I correct, struggling a bit not to snag in the brush or the tree branch. Why did Genma decide a stroll in the woods was a good idea?
"If," he sighs, eyes glancing around the trees. "I don't want you to be alone if I die on a mission. I have friends, I have people to emotionally support me if something happens to you. You don't. That terrifies me more than anything in the world - dear Lord, let me help you," Genma groans, cutting himself off when my crutch gets caught, making me wobble a bit.
     His arms wrap around me, set on clinging to my hips to help steady me. When Genma gets a hold of me, a light flickers, coating my sights in a bright white before evening out again. Everything is the same, the forest is still present, my crutches still tucked under my arms, and the weight of Genma's hands on me.
     Well, all is the same until there are movements in the trees. "Genma," I call, leaning into him, my back bumping into his chest.
     "Did you hear that?"
     "Hear what?"
     There's more wrestling of the brush before four mute-colored - monsters? - jump out from the trees. My eyes trail over the spider-looking man with six arms, quickly trailing down the line of - rope waisted? - monsters.
     "Gen - " I start, turning my head to look back at him, but there's no Genma to be found.
     "What the hell is up with your eyes? Why are they purple?" My brother's voice rings out, followed by the feeling of fingertips brushing across my cheek.
     "Gemma?!" I scream, pulling back from the mystery voice and touches. I trip over the root I was trying to get around, falling flat on the ground.
     What the hell is going on? What do I do? What's up with the cult-looking monsters? What's with the damn ghost of my brother's voice? "Genma!" I yell again, struggling to get to my feet, pain shooting up my leg with the weight of my body being pressed into it prematurely. "I need you. This isn't funny."
     "I'm right here. Why are you freaking out? We're fine, stop freaking out, and get off your leg. You're going to set your healing back," the void lectures, sticks snapping as it moves closer.
     "Genma!" I yell again, high-tailing away from the man, the stitches in my leg giving way and making blood and a new ache leak down my leg as I run. It's probably not the best idea to run toward the herd of scary mutants but at least they're an enemy I can see.
     "Stop running away from me, you're hurting yourself. Come here!" The void continues to yell, the sound of snapping sticks increasing as it chases after me.
     Soft thumps fill the air as I head towards the four monsters, making me stall in my movements. I slowly turn around, being met with the sight of Raido, one of my older brother's coworkers. "Raido!" I yelp, heading towards him until I catch a glimpse of the shinobi by his side. "Genma!" I almost cry, turning directions to head toward my bandana-wearing jerk of a brother. "You can't just leave me like that!" I continue to complain, angry and frightened tears running down my face as I reach my arms out towards him.
     When my hands touch him, he puffs away, leaving behind a cloud of smoke before the bright white light flashes across my senses for the second time. "Genma!" I shriek again, hands shooting up to rub the pain of the light out of my eyes.
     "I'm right here, why are you yelling?" My brother's voice rings out again. Hands gripping my shoulders and before one jumps down to press on my busted stitches. "What is going on with you?"
     I'm shaken with his free hand, making my hands fall away from my eyes. "Genma!" I cry again, the sight of my brother falling into view again. I lunge forward, wrapping my arms around him and burying my face into his neck.
     "Hey," he coos, rubbing his hand up and down my back. "We're okay. Please calm down, you're going to give yourself a panic attack. You are fine, you are safe, you are loved. Repeat it, Peanut."
"I... I'm fine, I am... I am safe, and... and I am loved," I whisper back between hiccups. I continue repeating it as Genma picks me up, pain-dipped knives stabbing along my torn-up leg.
"Are you still in reality?" Doggie asks for the hundredth time, his fingers ghosting around my wrist as he leads me toward the locker room. This has become my captain's new thing, asking me if I'm having a 'flash of the future' as Genma calls it.
It's been almost two months since my first 'flash of the future', with a handful more happening since then. Curtsey of a lot of testing and educated guesses, the Leaf Council has concluded two things; One, there's no way to control it, and Two, the person I'm touching is what fuels it. No touching, no 'flash of the future'.
The council has also decided I'll continue working with the anbus since, and I'm quoting Lord Danzo, 'What use is it protecting a fortune teller that can't explain the future, let alone control her tellings?'. Fine by me, it's not always the best thing to stand out in our village, something my brother and I know all too well.
     Since the village elders think it's best to not focus on my lovely new eyes, they're keeping the knowledge of it under wraps as much as possible. Aka, everyone in the village is whispering about it but the elders, Genma, and myself aren't allowed to confirm or deny any questions.
"Nope, totally not," I mutter, shifting away from my captain. I don't like being coddled, and that's what Kakashi is trying to do right now. It's annoying.
"Oh ya? Tell what you see, Oh Wise One," he teases back, the faintest of smiles under his mask.
"I see... you getting your head shoved into a locker if you keep babying me," I answer, pausing for dramatic effect.
"You're not funny," the captain mumbles, opening the door for me, his hand motioning me inside. I do a little curtsy, fluffing out a fake dress before walking through the door. "Listen up," Captain booms, following me into the locker room. "Let's all welcome, Tiggie back!" He yells, playing on the tiger mask I was assigned during orientation.
"Welcome back, Tiger!"
"How are you feeling?"
"Are you going on the mission today?"
Different questions and greetings are thrown my way as I walk through the crowded place, the occasional person ruffling my hair or patting my back.
     "Hey, Tiger!" The girl known as 'Squirrel' says, greeting me as I settle by my locker. I'm locker eleven-A and she's locker ten-A, so I guess that makes us locker bodies. "Did you hear the news?"
     "What news?" I ask, focusing on turning my key in the lock and popping the wooden door open.
     "There's a new boy in our squad. He's called Weasel. Rumor has it he's younger than you."
     "Oh ya?" I mutter, tugging on my hair so I can tie it up before mission reports are given.
     Squirrel hums a yes, switching from my left to my right on repeat. "He got locker twelve-A so you two are locker buddies."
     "Jealous, Squirly? Worried the Weasel is going to take me from you?" I ask, glancing at my roots in the mirror I've hung in my locker. Flat, perfect.
     She giggles, finally opening her locker to get ready. "He's cute. The mysterious, dark shaded, gives off morally grey vibes, kind of cute."
     "If he's younger than me, he's too young for you," I tease, tugging my shirt off. It's half true, Squirrel is fourteen, which I only know because we went through orientation together. "Besides you have a boyfriend. A boyfriend that isn't anything like this 'morally grey' Weasel person you're talking about."
     "That's an upgrade from the 'emo boy' nickname you usually use," a soft voice says from behind me. I turn around to see who's talking, my eyes graced with my academy friend: Itachi Uchahi.
     My eyes widen a bit as a smile cracks across my face. I guess Fugaku got what he wanted. "Hey, It - er - Weasel," I greet, cutting myself off from using his real name.
     "Hello....?" He asks, tilting his head slightly to try and catch a glimpse of my mask.
     "Tiger, but the Captain calls me Tiggie."
     "Tiggie?" He repeats, focusing back on me. "That's... cute," Itachi mutters, a soft smile on his lips before he turns away from me.
     I suck my cheek in, chewing on it as I turn my focus away too, sliding back into a work mindset. The heat crawling across my face makes it hard to stay focused though.
     Squirrel wiggles closer to me, hands holding my shoulders as she whispers. "I think the Weasel likes you. The only question is how do you two know each other?"
     "Whatever," I mutter, rolling my shoulders to shake her hands off of me. "You're not allowed to ask non-work questions."
     "You're no fun, Tiggie," she teases, making her voice airy when she says my nickname.
"I told your brother I'd walk you home!" The captain yells at me, rushing to change out of his uniform as I head toward the door.
     "I'm more than capable of walking myself home, Doggie," I mutter, rolling my eyes at him.
     "Doggie?" Itachi's voice pipes up from next to me, startling me. I jerk away from the sound, turning my head towards the Uchahi boy. "Why do you call the captain doggie?"
"Because he calls me Tiggie."
He hums and another soft smile shoots my way. "How about I walk you home, Tiger? Would that be alright?" He asks, turning toward Captain for his second question.
Dog stalls in his movements, blinking slowly as he looks between the two of us. "I guess that's fine. I don't think he will care... maybe. Probably not."
"He won't," Itachi says, grabbing my wrist before walking out of the locker room.
I stroll after him, flickering my eyes around anywhere but the boy dragging me behind him. "My brother hates you," I mutter, trying to push down the blush threatening to climb up my face again. "He threatened to shove a kunai down your throat last time he saw you."
"That's because your brother has an unhealthy attachment to you and an even more unhealthy protectiveness over you," Itachi mutters, tugging me forward so we're side by side instead of me trailing behind him while we climb down the stairs. "Besides, your brother only threatened to stab me because I kissed your cheek at graduation. I won't be doing that in front of him again ." In front of him again. In front of him... again.
The words tumble around my head, making me lose my battle with the heat that's been threatening to climb across my face. "Why are you walking me home?" I murmur, blinking my eyes as I'm led outside into the natural light.
"Because your brother is unhealthily protective. He would tear the Captain a new one if you walked yourself home."
"Is that the only reason you're walking me home?"
"Yes." Damn, I guess Squirrel was wrong. Oh well. "You will make me a snack when we get to your home. It is courtesy."
Well, I guess Itachi never grew out of his demanding personality... or bluntness. "What do you want me to make?"
     "I don't care," he mutters, his thumb rolling over the veins of my wrist. It was probably an accident but I can't help but smile at the soft touch.
"You have to tell me how the Weasel and you know each other," Squirrel whisper-yells at me, her eyes flickering from me to Itachi who's waiting by the door to walk me home for the third week in a row.
"You're not allowed to ask non-worker questions," I remind her for the hundredth time today, shifting stuff around in my locker in search of my shirt. It couldn't have gotten that far away.
"Technically it is a work question, it just so happens to have a not work answer," she counters, eyes still racing back and forth. "Besides, everyone has kind of figured out you guys knew each other before the Anbus."
"Ya?" I grumble, finally finding my shirt and tugging it over my head.
"Ya, it's pretty obvious. I wish Kanji would walk me home every day. It would be so cute!"
"Just ask him too," I tell her, rolling my eyes at the romantic gushing about her boyfriend again.
"I don't want to have to ask him. I want him to want to, you know? Like Weasel is with you. He wants to walk you home so he waits for you every day."
"Weasel walks me home so my brother doesn't have a meltdown," I shortly explain, closing my locker and making sure it locks.
"If it was just about your smokin' hot, high-ranked brother, he wouldn't do it every day."
"I think I just throw up a little bit," I mutter, fake gagging as I walk away from my locker mate. "Stop trying to hit on my brother!" I yell at her over my shoulder, rolling my eyes before settling them on Itachi. Maybe Squirrel is right. If Itachi didn't want to walk me home he'd only fill in the spot when the Captain is busy. Or maybe he took my brother's empty threat to heart. Who knows?
"Stop having a hot brother!" She yells back, a string of laughs following her sentence.
     "Are you ready to go, Tiggie?" He asks, looking at me with his usual intensity. I swear Itachi always looks like he's trying to set stuff on fire with his eyes. It's a weird thought to have, especially since his clan specializes in fire jutsus.
     "If you are," I answer, getting my wrist grabbed like the new usual seems to be. When Itachi's fingers press against my wrist, feeling my heartbeat, he starts tugging me behind me, another new usual. "You do know that I know the path home, right?"
     "I do. You're not going home today."
     "I'm not?"
     "You're not," he mutters, slowing his pace a bit when he starts leading me down the stairs. "You are coming to my home today. My mother wants you to join us for dinner. I told her you would."
"You didn't say anything about a dinner with your parents to me. Why am I having dinner with your parents?" I point out, panic tingling up my spine.
I'm not dressed for a dinner party. I'm not prepared to meet Itachi's parents. I don't even know why I'm meeting them. How is Genma going to react when I tell him? Given, he's away on a mission and won't be home until tomorrow, but still. He's going to lose his mind when he finds out when Raido tells him. Oh Lord, how's Raido going to react when I show up at home later than expected?
"I'm telling you right now. Is that not good enough?"
"What if I had plans after our mission?"
"You would cancel them, but you don't have plans, so why worry about a hypothetical situation?" Itachi asks, opening the front door before using his hold to pull me out of it, quickly following behind. "My parents like to know who my friends are. They know Shisui, and now they want to know you. So, you are coming to dinner."
"Ah, okay."
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fictionfixations · 5 months
book 7 part 4
thats the wrong lilia D:<
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(from beanfest)
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dying inside because oh my god how is this gonna be added to the wiki
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what?? the rest are empty.. (they loaded in eventually but wtf)
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HOW IM SO WEAK IM SOFHJDUFJ FUCk. FUCKING FUCK???? how am i supposed to do this when each battle leaves me with very little Hp. so then i have to heal. but then im not at full hp so then im fucked with the next battle?? HELLO??
I WISH it wasnt stuck to just 3 extra characters besides silver and sebek
I didnt even HAVE a single sebek card until tsumderland 2 because you needed sebek as your study partner so i got his school uniform 😭
if i could choose any character then it wouldnt matter because i could go back to using the cards id already strengthened up for tartarus but like. i CANT. so im feusidfh SOBBING i think i understand how it works now but oh my god this. is. so painful i thought tartarus was bad but i had no idea
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im WEAK im SORRY (lilia's fight before this where you have to beat him to continue is so HARD i couldnt. i succumbed to using a retry ticket. I WAS USING THE STRONGEST TEAM I HAD and my strongest support buddy guy person i dont remember waht its called but i was still fucked oh my god)
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im sorry lilia
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oh thank fuck
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...yeah.... BECAUSE HP SAVES. and im so weAK
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OH MY GOD IT SAVES. (spoiler alert: I DIED. so thats why it says in progress. i healed them up and it fucked me over anyway because it doesnt heal all the way)
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(you can go back so i just. used my remaining cards which are weaker. but were strong enough to oneshot it after i took down a huge majority of their health..)
so then is it better to use the weaker cards. let them die but take the enemy down slowly. and then you can get your strongest cards to kill them in one shot after that?? but then you'll eventually run out. but also it doesnt seem like the maps are too big. ..yet. but still...
(i wanna do them all and get the 10 gems so i can pull for general lilia. i just need 19 more pulls sob.)
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oh my god silver
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oh its canon
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is this why lilias cooking is so bad? because they just had to make do with whatever they had (and learned on the go. and figured that shitty food was normal for them, and the really good food was normal for the rich people??)
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*flashbacks to sebek's stomach growling during lilia's farewell party*
(i. really dont like his grandfather. OKAY??? he disapproves of candy, he disapproves of SEBEK JUST BEING IN THE KITCHEN? LIKE HELLO??? WHAT?? this is from i think his birthday bloom(?) vignette, the candy thing i mean, i THINK. one of the birthday ones with trey as his interviewer.. and its mentioned in his apparentice chef vignette that baur doesnt like sebek in the kitchen. he gets this look on his face. )
i KNOW that baur doesnt know sebek is related to him. but. i just. dont like him. at all. AND IM BIASED BECAUSE I LIKE SEBEK and i dont want him hurt :(((
and okay. i get. it. that. baur doesnt like humans. and its reasonable because humans were assholes and like drained the resources dry (bro we do the same irl..) so then the direbeasts without their habitat anymore ran into the villages and caused havoc.
so theres a valid reason for them (although i feel like theres a HUGE misunderstanding. because fae see the ironclads as ruffians. but the silver owls see the fae as ruffians. or robbers or something wtf??)
and i get it. youd hate the enemy too if you saw what damage they caused. like how lilia isnt the biggest fan of humans either during his time as a general.
and i get that he's probably haunted by memories and its not that easy to get over it. but sometimes i feel like it needs to be known when its no longer healthy for someone to be around another. like, they can both equally love each other. can both care for each so much that they only want the best. but sometimes being around someone can only prove to be more unproductive and unhelpful.
and i know baur did a lot for sebek. but its also like. sebek shouldnt have to be so against humans, so against part of himself just because baur is, y'know? and i feel like if baur really wants to be there for his grandson, that he should at least try to accept it or something so as to not hurt sebek more. that like 'yeah, he's human (not that theres anything wrong with that ofc), but he's also family'.
i dont think im explaining it that well. im just very sad.
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comannder (typo)
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oh my god i dont understand anything i dont know geography
😭 they're just explaining where everything is and im just like 'wait what???? wait where????' im so lost… also is it briar valley or briarland??? what/ I dont get it at all
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OH. wait is that why malleus seems tame in comparison…. ah….
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wait a second
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MAJOR JP SPOILERS (this is from one lilia render i saw. scroll past this if you dont want to see)
we know malleus watches over dreams. how will he appear? we know he can take the form of himself. and id imagine he'd keep doing that but.... or will he change forms? or. like. baby malleus. would he be baby malleus? and then we have to be like 'LILIA ITS A DREAM MALLEUS OVERBLOTTED' and lilias just holding bby malleus protectively like no??? (ive seen an image of his like character render holding a baby dragon... and i assume that might be malleus... thats JP spoilers btw)
oh... wait. but we know malleus' parents are both dead right? (and only his grandma's alive)
OOOH. briar land was when fae territory was bigger (but then humans are encroaching n stuff) briar valley is much more smaller.
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maybe the drowsy spells are because his body is trying to get silver to sleep so he can dream travel? but whats the point of doing that?? nothing really.. happens. i mean he can sort of interfere but???
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WHAT?? i. two teams? HUH?? oh my god… im going to play this as safe as possible and get as many buffs as i can before going into fights. and then im going to try to go as close as i can to the end goal. because nothings stopping me from going back later. ..but i also want to continue the story… but i also wanna see it all……… i mean if i die (as in all my cards die) i can just. restart. i guess.?? but still…. im so happy. i actually have healers on my team now 😭 and buffs make fights easier
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ooh the tiles are actually related to where you are in the story
like theres this river. i did this battle to scare some ironclads away from the river. and then theres this blank tile near it which is also about the river. oooh. i see. ayway im out of mystium
i suddenly feel a lot more assured in my ability to fight them with buffs and other characters
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trans-duckling · 9 days
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A Slow and Tender Love: Realization
Words: 6,657 Summary: After the events in the Land of Waves, Kakashi needed to decompress somehow. Normally, sex with Gai would be his first option, but his friend was suddenly 'not interested' anymore. Except. He was apparently fine with going out with other people, looking for a 'slow and tender love'. Something Kakashi believed not being able to give him, since that was not what he wanted... Right?
A week after the incident in the Land of Waves, Kakashi’s mind and body decided to act on their own accord without asking him first. See, he had managed to ditch paperwork and instead train with Gai in one of the empty forests of the village. Of course, the other man had been the one to appear in his office and suggest a challenge, but the Hatake had barely registered a minute before agreeing. He needed it.
His body still felt tense even with his medication and nightmares continued coming at him every time he closed his eyes. Blood. Dead hostages. Gai asking him to let go. Ugh.
At the end, his distraction had costed him ending up pinning on the ground, his friend’s body holding him down. How he managed to have so much strength when one of his legs was basically useless, was a mystery for Kakashi.
What was not a mystery, though, was the warm feeling running through his body to a very specific part of his anatomy due to their position and the fact that Gai’s good knee was almost brushing his crotch. Evidently, then was when his mind and body decided to act by themselves. Just as he had done many other times in which they were in that situation, he thrusted his hips up, looking for contact, and freed one of his hands from Gai’s hold to bring him down in a kiss.
The spark of electricity was immediate, the Hatake feeling alive for the first time since the end of the War. Because —dear Kami-sama—, it had been that long since the last time he got laid. Sure, being Hokage he got a lot of admirers and propositions, but he was also too busy to manage three meals a day, so imagine trying to fit sex in the schedule. He had been lucky to have a few minutes a week to jerk off.
Going back to that wonderful moment… Gai’s response took a little bit longer than usual, just a few seconds, and Kakashi was just about to open his mouth so their tongues could meet when his friend pulled back. Uh, that was a first.
“Erm… I’m sorry, rival, I can’t.”
“You… can’t?”
“Well, I can, of course!” the taijutsu master assured, as if wanting to leave that clear. “I’m still very much capable of… You know. I just… I don’t want.”
That was a second first. How many surprises could Gai give him in one day? Normally, by then he would be pressed against a tree while their clothes were left behind.
“I see” he said. Then, because he was not sure of how to continue, added: “I’m sorry.”
“No need to apologize, rival!” the other man beamed.
To definitely stablish that they wouldn’t go through with what the Hatake had had in mind, the taijutsu master moved to stand up. With the mechanical orthosis attached to his right leg, he was able to more or less walk normally and thus was useful for training, even if he could still kick butts while standing only on one leg.
Smiling, Gai offered him a hand to help him up. Kakashi took it.
“So, this puts me ahead by one point, if I’m not mistaken” his friend said. “You better not stay behind, rival!”
What did he mean with ‘don’t want’? Gai had never not wanted to have sex. They had been at it for years with incredible results so, why would he…?
Right. Challenges. Points. Not sex. Gai was still his friend.
“Sure” he responded with a shrug. “I won’t hold back the next time.”
“That’s the… WAIT! What do you mean the next time?!”
Too late, Kakashi was already leaving. Of course it, had been a joke. He would never hold back against the other man unless he wanted to get injured, one or two functional legs aside.
Ten days later —no that the Hatake was counting—, he felt betrayed by Gai for the first time in… Well, forever.
Kakashi was on his way to Ichiraku with the intention of having at least one decent meal that week when he saw his friend coming out from a supermarket. He was too far away to understand what he was saying, but the wheelchair and green spandex kind of gave away it was him.
Surprisingly, Gai was not carrying any bag but instead turned his chair to wait outside for whoever he was talking to. Possibly Lee or Tenten, the Hatake thought, maybe even Sakura. But no. The person that came out from the supermarket was a man Kakashi didn’t know. About his height, slender, brunette… He was wearing civilians clothes and, whatever they were talking about, Gai seemed to be very happy about it.
Considering the Hatake’s brain stopped working as he assimilated the information, his feet refused to keep moving as well. Like that, he was only able to see the two men advancing in Gai house’s direction, still chatting and the other man carrying whatever they had bought.
Now, one could call Kakashi a paranoid, but he was also a very skilled shinobi that had worked in seduction missions at ANBU for quite some time. He knew what he was looking at. The slight inclination towards the wheelchair, the movement of his hands, the bright smile… The other man was clearly interested in Gai. And his friend was… Well, he was responding.
So much for not ‘wanting it’ he thought.
It was evident Kakashi needed answers. First, because he was sexually frustrated. And second, because… Because Gai was his friend. His rival. His… His. He had been for years. Whatever had changed between them, he felt as if he deserved an explanation at least, right?
So, he escaped from the office a little sooner that day. Theoretically, he had another meeting to attend and a bunch of papers to sign. Practically, this was way more important in the Hatake’s priority list.
By the time he arrived at Gai’s window, his friend was alone in the apartment. Still, the window was slightly open and that let part of the house’s essence outside and directly into Kakashi’s nostrils. Even if he didn’t recognize the smell of that other man he had seen with Gai, he could still detect it among the others.
“Rival!” the taijutsu master exclaimed upon seeing him at the window. “What are you doing there? Come on in! I have tea prepared.”
“Who is the man that was here before?” he asked, fully ignoring his offering.
The Hatake still entered the house, but stayed next to the window. There was an almost imperceptible change in Gai’s body —almost like a flinch— at his words.
“Oh! His name is Nosuke” he stated with a smile. “He’s an engineer and works at the hospital helping with innovation for handicap people.”
Kakashi’s heart hung at that small bit of information with hope.
“So, he was helping you with your wheelchair?” he asked, trying to sound nonchalant. “I was not aware you had problems with it.”
“No, no, my wheelchair is just fine” Gai assured, patting fondly at it. “Nosuke helped me carry my groceries back home after our date.”
Those words felt like a punch straight to the Hatake’s stomach, but he was trained well-enough to not show any sign of it. Still, he was angry at the whole thing. Gai didn’t need any help carrying bags, they both knew it so, he was… What? Letting that Nosuke guy do it to please him? And that was not even the worst part, no…
“I thought you didn’t want anything at this moment.”
In his mind, Kakashi deserved at least a little bit of honesty. If Gai had simply grown tired of him, he should say it to his face.
“Well, back then I was referring to…” the other man actually sighed. “Rival, we’re not sleeping together.”
It was evident there was a word missing at the end of that sentence.
“Yet” he punctuated.
“Kakashi” his friend grunted, more serious than he had heard in quite some time, “I don’t see how this involves you.”
“You don’t? A week ago you said you were not interested!”
Was he behaving like a little shit because he was sexually frustrated? Probably yes. Did he have a right to a proper explanation? He wanted to believe so.
“Rival! This is not the same!” Gai protested, his tone more tired than angry. “Nosuke actually wants to know me and spend time together.”
Kakashi couldn’t contain a huff.
“I know you already” he said. “And I’m probably the person with whom you have spent more time in your life.”
“It’s not the same, rival.”
“How so?”
The Hatake was equally confused and angry. They had a good thing going. A great thing. It didn’t make sense to suddenly want to break it off just because… What? Because Gai wanted to meet other men?
“What I want right now, Kakashi… Is not what we had” his friend carefully spoke. “After the War and my recovery… I love you, rival, but that’s not enough for me anymore. I don’t want quick meetings and empty promises in bed. I yearn for a slow and tender love, the kind you read so much about. That’s what Nosuke is offering me.”
Kakashi didn’t know how to answer. What was he supposed to say? What did Gai expect him to respond? It was as if clarity had hit him straight on the face, and with it a sense of panic. So, he did what he was used to when feeling overwhelmed: ran away.
He was out of the house in the split of a second and jumping from one roof to another in the next one. By the time he came to an stop, he was in the forest over the Hokage’s Monument. At least his ANBU guards had had the decency to follow his instructions and stop tailing him once he left the office, so he felt safe enough to take off his mask and draw a long breath in.
So that was why Gai had broken things off. It was not that he had grown tired of Kakashi, but worse, he had realized that what he wanted was something the Hatake could not give him. Why? Well, because… Because. What was the point of it, anyways? They were supposed to be always there for each other, what else could Gai need?
A slow and tender love, the kind you read so much about.
Those books were fiction. Shinobi didn’t live happily ever after. They trained. They fought. They prepared for war. Except, at the moment the world was at peace, fighting was unusual and training was dedicated less time to.
Kakashi let out a sigh, repositioned his mask and laid his back against a tree while sliding down onto the ground. What was he supposed to do?
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009720kakashi · 3 months
Hmmmmm…that was not good. Kakashi was standing in front of his open fridge pretty much staring into emptiness making a face. Damned… he really should have gone grocery shopping before his mission. For a short moment he entertained the idea of not eating and just go to sleep but dropped the thought pretty much immediately. He had lived on ration bars for the last couple of days. He needed a proper meal but then he also needed rest. He also very much was not in the mood for company.
“Well…I‘m a ninja ne? Should be able to evade people right?“ he muttered to himself and then sighed.
He closed the fridge door, put the mask and Hitai Ate back on. His hair was still wet from the shower and hang sadly over his eyes. He pushed it back and slipped into his shoes.
Kakashi had almost made it to the closest grocery store. Then his journey came to a sudden stop when he noticed Team 8 blocking the entrance to the grocery store. With the wind coming from north/ east neither Kiba nor Akamaru should be able to get a scent. So that was good. He hid behind the corner watching Team 8 and waited for them to leave.
“Why are we observing Team 8? Are they not Team 8 but infiltrators?” he heard Maito Gai’s voice close to his ear. It gave him such a start he pretty much jumped.
“Don’t do that! Who sneaks up on a Shinobi!?” Kakashi complained.
For a moment Gai just stared at him with concentrated frown on his face.
“We do that all the time actually” Gai replied.
“Hmmmmm…” Gai said and leaned in far too close for comfort.
“I have never managed to sneak up on Kakashi though…Kakashi is also on a mission…the hair is completely wrong as well…it’s more…fluffy…who are you and how did you get into the village?” Gai said getting into a fighting stance.
“Through the gate Gai…through the gate…I’m back early…also my hair not fluffy…” he replied.
“It sure is not right now…” Kurenai said, approaching with her Team in tow because of course they had noticed them now.
“You cannot use that much conditioner Kakashi…it makes the hair heavy” she added with a smile.
“That’s not Kakashi…I snuck up on him…he was also behaving very strange…watching the entrance of the grocery store” Gai said suspiciously.
“Sure it’s Kakashi…I sense no Genjutsu … Kiba…Akamaru?” She said,looking expectantly at the two of them. The young Inuzuka stepped closer and sniffed at him.
“I’m well aware of the fact that you do not need to do that standing this close to me” the copy nin complained glancing at Kiba.
“Have to be sure Kakashi sensei” Kiba replied with a smirk, giving a slight shrug.
“See” Kurenai said, looking at Gai.
“So…what are you doing Kakashi?” She continued.
“Buying food?”
“You will have to go in the store for that though…not lurk in front of it…did you try to avoid a conversation here?” She asked amused.
“I just want food and sleep” he sighed because he just did not have it in him anymore to discuss.
“That I do believe…Team 8 get Kakashi sensei something to eat…Gai bring him home. He might run into a wall as tired as he looks…”
“Yo” Gai said and then turned to Kakashi.
“I will better carry you” he added dead serious.
“Absolutely not” he said and started walking.
“But you might faint again” Gai said but did follow him fortunately without making an attempt to carry him.
“I won’t faint…I do not faint all the time…where does this rumour come from anyway?” Somehow people had this notion of him being prone fainting.
“Not all the time but…you know…it does happen…I had to carry you from Suna.”
“I was walking fine back then…you just could not handle to go at a low speed” Kakashi replied and the bickering went on till they reached his apartment. Maybe running into people was not such a bad thing after all.
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i want to know in excruciating detail how gojo babytrapped nanami the first time (with tsumiki and megumi) and what the siblings think of him. Like with shoko, shes def their wine aunt, but what about nanami? Another dad? A mom? He-who-they-respect-more-than-gojo? Did their relationship affect nanami's decision to leave jujutsu?? All in all i want to hear your thoughts on nanami.
I have this ENTIRE saga of the Teen Parenting Trio back then that I would give anything to have the time to write. I should have been an heiress. I would just buy little beverages and write my silly little tales all day long.
The Teen Parenting Trio’s backstory with them first trying to take care of Megumi and Tsumiki is very near and dear to my heart because the dynamic they had back then was extremely painful and messy. They were all grieving. They were all being taken advantage of in different ways. They were all lashing out at each other. They all just very desperate wanted to save Megumi and Tsumiki and make a better world for them and in a lot of ways they failed.
The thing to be understood is that Nanami had one foot out the door when Gojo showed up with Tsumiki and Megumi in tow.
He was never the same after Haibara. He isolated himself and didn’t even pretend that he wasn’t doing it. Haibara and Geto had been the real unifying forces of their group, is the thing, and once they were gone, the group fell apart. Nanami saw no reason to go out for food or to the arcade with Gojo and Shoko and pretend like they were all friends.
Haibara had been the one to pull Nanami out of his shell, initially. He was the one who first made sure Nanami was at group hangouts. And when Haibara died, it was too painful for Nanami to go and see the empty spaces Haibara had left behind, so he just told himself that he, Gojo, and Shoko hadn’t really been friends, that they were just hanging out with each other because they had mutual friends, and shut himself off from everyone. It was extraordinarily clear to all of them that when graduation rolled around, they’d probably never speak to Nanami again. If he stayed in the jujutsu world, he wasn’t exactly going to call them up for drinks.
And it wasn’t that they actually weren’t friends. If Nanami was being honest with himself, he’d admit that they had been his friends. It just hurt too bad to be there when Haibara wasn’t.
In my head, Haibara died in part to save Nanami, and Nanami has never forgiven himself for that. He always thought it should have been him.
Anyway Gojo was inexplicably lured by the siren call of the magic of teenaged fatherhood and then was less inexplicably confronted with the fact that being a parent of two is fucking hard and then showed up with two fucking kids in tow to be their village babies and no fucking explanation as to where he got them from. Like where did he GET them. gojo get back here and explained this.
He also may or may not have phrased the pitch for communal child rearing the way those failing straight marriages do where he implies that just adding a child will bring them together and fix their problems. and they have a lot of fucking problems, so he's adding two.
Anyway Nanami was only there initially to make sure someone was feeding them. And then he was going to fuck off.
In my mind, there was a period of time before the Zenin got custody, and that time was actually good? It was the first time since Haibara that Nanami remembers being happy. They were all spending time together. Gojo was taking a step back from his missions. Nanami wasn’t hiding in his room anymore. Shoko was achieving her ultimate form as wine aunt.
And they were really trying for the kids, is the thing.
Like, they were all horrendously enchanted by Megumi and Tsumiki. Two billion kids on the planet and they got the best ones. They were the funniest motherfuckers on the planet. Megumi was an absolute prodigy when it came to bitch instincts. They adored both of them.
It wasn’t perfect. They messed a lot of things up. Gojo may have decided on cake for dinner a few too many times. And there’s a lot that all of them said that they lived to regret.
Nanami once told Gojo that he had no fucking interest in replacing Geto Suguru for him. And Gojo told him that it was so goddamn hilarious that Nanami ever thought he could.
Haibara and Getos absence was really felt painfully when they were raising the kids, because they really were the ones out of the group suited for it. Like, Geto was the one with the most caretaking instincts, and Haibara was great with kids. The rest of them were just bitchy depressed teens who couldn't be gentle to save their fucking life. They were just hammering into this thing and trying to make it work, and all they could think was how much better Geto and Haibara would have been at this.
They weren't perfect parents. you could even go so far as to say that they weren't even all that good. but they loved their fucking kids. And they tried for them.
So Shoko used to tease Nanami and call Megumi and Tsumiki "the baby trap" because it was excruciatingly obvious that that was the only reason why he stuck around. The kids really did bring them together.
And then the Zenin got partial custody. And it all fell apart.
See, I'm gonna decline to put in explicit terms how exactly the kids view Nanami, just because I think if we put definitive labels like "dad" or "uncle" on it, it'll be better discussed in the fic. But Nanami was definitely viewed as more of a primary caretaker than Shoko, and that was in part because of the aftermath of the Zenin, and in part because Shoko was dealing with her own issues in their childhood.
Namely, the fact that the school got her addicted to drugs.
I won't go into detail here with it, because that's no the point of this post, but I do really want to emphasize that Shoko was a vulnerable kid who was very purposefully and meticulously addicted to drugs by the adults in her life who should have been protecting her. The higher ups did it on purpose. And shoko was a kid who didn't have strong adult guidance in her life, whose parents weren't involved, and who had just lost most of the presence of her only two friends--Gojo to his workload, and Geto to his cult leader aspirations. She was pressured into it, told that there would be no consequences she couldn't heal, and the higher ups did it to make certain that she wouldn't leave them.
As part of my epic Teen Parenting Adventures Saga, there was a period of time where the three of them just took Megumi and Tsumiki and low key ran. Negotiations about keeping Megumi had gone to shit, the Zenin were escalating to violent conflict, and so they decided to just put Megumi and Tsumiki on a plane with them and go. The only other option was Gojo just killing everyone; they decided to take a potentially permanent family vacation instead. Yaga brokered the deal for partial custody as a way of getting them to come back, and when they did, they all faced consequences for what happened. Shoko's was that the higher ups properly realized that she may leave, and they'd lose access to their only healer. So they got her addicted to drugs as a way of making sure she couldn't easily leave him.
She was in rehab for a while after the incident with the Zenin led them to go no contact and have a universal wake up call. Nanami, meanwhile, had stopped talking to either of them, but had demanded partial custody of Megumi and Tsumiki. So he was doing parent shit like making them dinner and helping them with her homework while Shoko was getting herself clean.
That's a big reason why Nanami and Gojo take the more affirmative parental roles with Tsumiki and Megumi, while Shoko seems to take a bit more of a backseat. She's less of a mom and more of an aunt because she spent a lot of their childhood trying to undo the consequences she faced after they took a stand and tried to run with the kids.
Nanami's relationship with them, while closer than shoko's, is heavily complicated by the shit with the Zenin clan. So many relationships got irreparably changed in the course of that shitshow.
I think Nanami would have liked to be their father. And I think Nanami isn't sure if he has the right to think of himself as such. He loves them as his own, with his whole heart, and he cannot forget how Megumi looked as a small child, beaten and broken and flinching from even him. He doesn't think he'll ever be able to forget how he looked after this most recent incident either.
That's part of the reason why he's so careful with how he treats Yuuta. he fucked it up the first time, in his mind. He doesn't think he could forgive himself if he did it a second time. He thinks they prioritized the need of the jujutsu world and to make peace when they turned Megumi over to them, and he'll never, ever forgive himself for that fact. His greatest fear when he agreed to take over Yuuta's care was that he would do the same.
Yuuta keeps asking Nanami to discount Yuuta's needs for Megumi's, and a part of nanami wants to. He doesn't want to hurt Yuuta, but it fucking hurts to see Megumi agonizing in a hospital bed when he swore he would never let the Zenin put him in another one. But he's trying not to repeat his old mistakes. He's trying not to let anything come before the vulnerable kid dependent upon him to make decisions in his best interest.
If he said "yeah, go ahead, help megumi all day long," he'd be sacrificing Yuuta's wellbeing for Megumi's. And he just. He can't do that to Yuuta.
He just wishes it didn't mean leaving Megumi in pain.
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breannasfluff · 1 year
Kakariko Village is as peaceful as it is quaint. After the emptiness of the fields and wetlands, Hyrule breathes a sigh of relief to see another town. The area where he grew up had few people, hidden in caves, but his wider Hyrule wasn’t quite so empty.
Wild led them up Sahasra Slope from the stable and down the winding canyon road to the village. It took a few days, even with the shortcut, and the Chain’s appreciation for the scale of Wild’s realm only grows.
Now, though, they’ve met Impa and settled into the inn for hot baths and real beds. Big as it may be, Hyrule is pleased at the level of comfort they had so far. The chance to stock up in the small stores is also a blessing.
Hyrule stretches, one arm over his head and the other grasping his elbow as he walks down the main road of the village. A painter hums as he dabs at his canvas, looking up at the main house as he makes adjustments.
“Good fortune,” he greets politely. “May I ask what you’re painting?”
“No need to be so formal,” the painter says with an easy grin. “I’m Pikango. With Link running around, formality tends to go out the window anyway.” His laugh is good-natured and he steps aside so Hyrule can look at the painting.
“It’s beautiful! I love how you captured the lighting on the roof.”
Pikango puffs with pride and pats him on the shoulder. “Thank you very much! Feel free to pass those manners on to Link if you get a chance.”
He seems to be only partly joking and Hyrule’s brows furrow together. Do the residents judge Wild for his social skills after all he’s done? No one at the stable batted an eye as Wild raced in and out, cooked food, and talked to every traveler.
Tucking the thought away for further examination, the Traveler gestures to the painting. “Have you painted here before?”
“Oh, one of my favorites comes from here.” Pikango reaches for the bag at his feet and carefully pulls out another canvas wrapped in oil cloth. “Link was kind enough to get me a photo I used as reference. It’s not perfect; he couldn’t wait around all day for me to paint, but look!”
The canvas he holds up is a riot of colors and impressionistic shapes; generally centered around a large open flower. Small dots of pink wink against the background; possibly with a mica added to the paint.
Hyrule steps forward, tracing details and a tentative hope rises in his chest. “Is this—”
“A great fairy fountain? Yes.” Giving it one more look, Pikango wraps it up again to stow safely. “There’s one just past the shrine there, according to Link.” He waves up the hill. “I’ve never managed to find it, even knowing where to go; but I’m happy with my painting. Ask Link to show you the picture if he still has it.”
Buzzing with excitement, Hyrule is edging on rude as he cuts off the conversation. “Thank you for showing me, I think I’ll go ask him now. Goodbye!” He scrambles for the winding path up the hill and Pikango waves absently, returning to his painting.
A fairy fountain in another time! It’s been so long since he had a chance to transform and see his cousins. A few hours away shouldn’t be missed. Ignoring the inn, Hyrule continues up the path, slowing to a trot as the incline takes its toll.
Read the rest here!
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gamingtrashbasin · 9 months
Current Stardew Valley ships
I'm including characters from Ridgeside Village and Expanded mods bc they are canon in my heart 💕
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Maru x Sam
Girl boss and her himbo, need I say more? They have to have interacted since Sam is Seb's friend! Classic crush on older brother's friend. Also I think Sam would be super creative and everytime he was like "what if-" Maru would try to invent the thing. Complete chaos. Demetrius tries to threaten Sam like he does the farmer but it completely goes over Sam's head. This pairing lives in my head rent free.
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Hailey x Leah
I can definitely see the two of them having multiple forest meet cutes and bonding over their passion for art! Just picture Hailey teaching Leah how to photograph and Leah teaching Hailey to paint and scuplt, both leaning new crafts together. They totally end up running a joint etsy and presenting their works at the fair! They make such a cute cottagecore couple fr if you think about it. I think they'd adopt a bunny don't ask me why. 🐰
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Jeric (RSV) x Alex
Yessss himbo rivals to lovers! Ever since I saw there was a mod for them to get together I've been sold. It's canon to me.
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Philip (RSV) x Sophia (SDVE)
Sophia enjoys anime, manga, and cosplay. Phillip has a secret geeky side and loves comics. I can totally see these two making awkward small talk at the Stardrop Saloon that turns into Gus politely asking them to leave because they got so enthralled discussing their favorites that they lost track of time and everything else going on around them and now the Saloon is empty and about to close lol. They end up having a slow burn geeky friends to lovers featuring them sharing copies of manga/comics and discussing the latest episodes of their favorite shows. Gus definitely ships it and gives them a nudge here and there.
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Flor (RSV) x Gunther
The slowest slow burn. They are both autism creatures. I can completely see them bonding over their special interests bc if you think about it, archeologists and psychologists both study people. Just imagine them infordumping to each other on coffee dates in the Log Cabin Café or discussing the implications of newly discovered artifacts in the museum after hours. They are basically married before either one works up the nerve to ask the other on a date. The whole valley quietly ships it.
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Shiro (RSV) x Harvey
Hear me out: Former paratrooper in recovery being treated by a doctor who wanted to be a pilot? There is no way they didn't talk about planes and Shiro's experiences. Shiro probably enjoyed that someone was talking to him about his interests instead of his injuries, it likely made him feel *normal again for awhile. I can just picture the moment when Harvey shows Shiro his radio equipment when he's well enough to go up the stairs, it's a big moment for them both for many reasons 🥺 Also, the added drama of having a crush on your doctor/patient...
*I'm not saying Shiro isn't normal, he has in game dialogue expressing he doesn't feel normal bc of his injuries. As a person with mobility issues myself I understand that mindset and how hard it is not to feel that way.
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