#this was so much fun to do and i love baby eclipse already
I recently read Abyss Eclipse by @solarrush and was immediately inspired to draw baby eclipse.
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It is a great story, and I highly recommend everyone to go read Song for a Siren and Abyss Eclipse for some good mer content.
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moonstruckme · 3 months
hi :3
everytime i send you a request my personality’s different HAHA
okay, sooo, i was thinking (rare occasion) about your casual dominance story (LOVE btw)
so, how about that EXCEPT reader is the casually dominant one >:)
feel free to ignore this, ik this isnt like what u normally do
love ya MWA
Okay so I swear I tried to do dominant reader but it just turned into this, idk how it happened. She’s not super dominant but she’s not submissive and she definitely gets her way, so I hope you like it <3
cw: alcohol, suggestive content + a bit of light degradation, mdni please
Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 601 words
You find the marauders in the living room. At the center of the party, as usual. 
“Hey, gorgeous.” Sirius’ eyes find you instantly. He grins. Remus follows his gaze, and immediately starts talking to James about something else. “I was just thinking about you.” 
“You’re always thinking about me,” you say, bypassing the space he makes for you on the couch to sit in his lap. 
He scoffs, settling his hand on your thigh. You know he can smell your conditioner. You hope he dreams about it. “Sweetheart,” he replies, breath warm on the shell of your ear, “you’re projecting.” 
You let your head fall back on his shoulder, batting your eyelashes up on him. “That’s a five dollar word there, baby. You taking lessons from Remus?” 
Sirius makes a sound like he’s choked on a laugh. He covers it up by taking a sip of his drink. His cropped shirt lifts when he raises his cup, and you swiftly turn around on his lap, covering the slice of abdomen from view. 
He raises an eyebrow at you. He knows what you’re doing, but he hardly minds. You’re conveniently placed to feel something stiff and familiar poking at your heat through his pants. 
You grin and shift a little, delighting when his cheeks pinken. 
Black fingernails dig into your thigh in an attempt to still you. 
“Doll,” Sirius says warningly. 
You ignore him, plucking the cup from his hand and swirling it, sniffing at the liquid inside. Sirius holds your stare as you take a sip. 
“How many of these have you had?” you ask. 
“That there’s my second.” 
You hum, taking another sip. Strong, but not bad. 
“I’m gonna finish this one off,” you tell him. “I think you’re good for tonight.” 
He raises an eyebrow at you. “And why’s that?” 
You lean in close, wrapping one hand around the side of his neck and murmuring against the shell of his ear, “Because it’s no fun fucking you if you’re already stupid when we start.” You back up an inch, looking into eyes now eclipsed by pupil. “Okay, honey?” 
Sirius swallows. You feel the movement of his throat under your hand and stroke the side of his jaw with your thumb. Roll your hips again, just because you can. 
He takes in a sharp breath, hands clamping down on your hips to try and keep you in place. 
“Sirius, mate,” James says from the other side of the couch, “are you alright?” His brow is creased in concern, but you can see the tensed muscles around his mouth from the effort it takes to keep from smiling. Beside him, Remus is doing a much better job at exercising his poker face. “You look like your drink’s gone down the wrong pipe or something.” 
Sirius might normally see the knowing in his friend’s look, too, but he doesn’t take his eyes off of you. “I’m fine,” he says, voice impressively blase for someone who seems like he could cum in his pants with a couple of strategic movements on your part. “Just thinking it’s time me and my bird get out of here.” 
“What?” You make a show of leaning away from him, and the shift in your weight has Sirius gripping desperately at your hips. “Babe, it’s so early. We’ve only just got here. Let’s give it an hour at least, yeah?” 
“Really?” Sirius asks quietly, urgently. 
You take a slow sip of his drink, letting him see the way your throat bobs when you swallow. 
“Yeah,” you exhale as you finish. “Why, are you in some kind of hurry?”
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neteyamslovrr · 1 year
CONGRATS ON 2K‼️ Ur da best and you deserve this and so much more!
Can I request prompt 48 (angst) with our husband Neteyam? Thanksssss and congratulations againnnn❤️❤️
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another one!! i am rolling these guys out. i had sm fun with this one. i love my angst AND the hubby neteyam
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You were angry, you were livid. Fuming, steam blowing out of your ears as you huffed, pacing around the spot in the forest where Neteyam promised he would meet you.
He told you that he would be there just as the eclipse occurs, so you could watch it set, then go on an ikran flying date. It was what he said he would do. But what were you expecting, he had been flaking on you for weeks now.
Your paces were heavy, crushing the fallen leaves under your feet as you balled your hands into fists. Imagining hitting Neteyam over the head with them, for standing up to you once again.
Neteyam was flying his ikran as fast as the poor creature could soar. The moment he realised his training had lasted many moments too long he was on his feet, ready to take off. He had done this too many times, he tried so desperately to not get stuck into his training, but his father didn’t let up. Leaving you to sit by yourself, stewing in your rage as you waited for your boyfriend once again.
Landing below he saw your figure staring daggers into him. He in for it this time.
“Please let me explain, baby please.” He was already begging as you shook his desperate grip off you. He could feel the heat of your anger in your skin.
“I am so fucking upset with you right now, I don’t think you understand.” Your voice was harsh and cruel. Ready to scream out a verbal assault for all the fauna to hear.
“No, No I understand, I should have been here.” He was still clinging onto you praying that you were going to hurt his feelings too harshly.
“Do you Neteyam?” Your name was like venom off your tongue, usually you shortened his name affectionately. But no affection was in you today, you were mad.
“Please beautiful-” He was cut off but your annoyed sigh, trying to suppress a hiss that scratched at your throat.
“You understand that you promised me right? You can’t take back what you said. You promised that you wouldn’t stand me up again. And look where we are now.” Neteyam felt the guilt crush his heart, seeing the way you sucked your teeth to stop your sobs. The way your eyes shimmered because of the tears brimming them. He never wanted to make you feel like this.
“I don’t take it back baby. I’ll never do this again. I was caught up in training- a-and Father kept me back please, y’know I want to spend time with you.” He held tightly onto your hands, terrified you would walk away and never return to him.
“You can’t keep lying to me. I- I can’t handle the disappointment anymore.” Disappointment? It shattered him. He’d worked his entire life to never disappoint anyone, only to disappoint the one he cherishes most.
“No, no, no! I’m not lying…I’ll stop training, I’ll miss out on the hunts. Please.” You looked up to him, seeing the way tears flowed down his beautiful face. Placing a hand to his cheek wiping the tears you let out a shaky sigh. “We both know you can’t do that.”
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if you liked this check out my masterlist <3
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quitealotofsodapop · 15 days
Awh! Baby Yuebei loving dinos is everything to me!
Now I wanna see her family take her the dinosaur exhibit at a museum or science center or something. The science center near me has a whole exhibit for all things dinosaur related including fun interactive learning activities for little ones like fossil ecivission in rubber sand and life-size dinosaur animatronics in fake habitats we can walk through. I can't remember the rest rn, my favorite exhibit is the astronomy room! It's so dark in there, whole different vibe from all the others. But the whole building is like a science playground, the cubs(stoplight trio included, tho Redson is probably too much of a know-it-all to let himself enjoy it) would get a kick out of it. I can already imagine which exhibits some of them would enjoy.
yes! since Yuebei Xing as a character is tied to skulls and bones, I figured it would be cute that she'd have an interest in beings mostly know through their bones.
I know some larger museums have big sand pits to emulate excavations, like the one in New York. The zoo-aquarium in my granddads town has one of those walkable habitats too! The water/fake swamp was actually an aquarium for brackish water fish!
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Now I'm loving the idea of Wukong letting the cubs go on a Museum Day to Megapolis, and ofc little kids love Natural History cus thats where the dinosaurs are! Tang pouts and wants to come along too - until Pigsy points out that he's a grown man that can pay his own ticket.
Wukong gets MK and Mei (and Redson since he's been pretty much adopted into the squad) to help bring the kids around to all the exhibits. When Wukong gets too tired to run around (especially cus of his condition), the Stoplight trio take over cub-wrangling duty while Wukong chills at the museum's cafe. Mei and MK treat it like a super-dangerous mission and try their best to engage in what's caught the cubs attentions. MK noticeably blanks in fear when he sees a model of Carboniferous bugs. Redson is a bit of smarty pants, but he's interested in the provided literature/the more obscure creatures on display. Tang is barely any help with babysitting since he gets as easily distracted as the cubs! XD
Yuebei is having the time of her life. Can't keep still for a moment - there's so many things to see and touch! And if there's an excavation pit - she's jumping straight in like a fox. No regards for her nice clothes, she's covered in sand and clay within seconds. Just absolutely feral over these bones.
Mei, pointing to a model: "Do you know what that is Yuebei?" Yuebei, holding a plush dino: "Ty-ranno-saur-us rex!" Mei: "Omg you're so good at this! What about that one?" Yuebei: "Pterro-dact-ill!" Mei: "Yup! Pterodactyl! It's a pretty cool dinosaur huh?" Yuebei, suddenly very serious: "Not dinosaur." Mei: "Huh?" Yuebei: "Not dinosaur." Red Son, reading a museum pamphlet: "She's correct. Pterosaurs are a different branch of archosaur separate from Dinosauria. It's like comparing snakes to lizards." Mei: "Omg! You're so smart, baby girl!" Yuebei: "Thank." (*smug "I know" face*)
If Macaque is around post S3, he helps out with wrangling the kids, but he'd quickly get over-stimulated by all the sights and sounds - so MK would take over for him so dear bama/baba can sit down with Wukong and de-stress. Wukong and Macaque might just wander off into the quiet art gallery if it's nearby (usually is in my experience) and poke fun at the historic art.
The Eclipse twins I feel are more into the astronomy side of the museum (hard not to since Space) and demand that they stay for a lecture on objects in the solar system. And if there's a planetarium - oh boy you know the cubs (and the grown-ups too) are gonna be entranced by the projections of all the stars and planets.
Wukong, pointing to a star: "Hey I know that guy! We fought one time!" Tang: "...what?" Wukong: (*pointing to Zeta Piscium*) "Wood Wolf of Legs; Revati." Tang, gasping: "The Yellow Robed Demon." Wukong: "Yeah!" Luzhen, in baby babble: "He's very far away." (*tries grabbing for the projection of the star*)
The gift shop is decimated. XD
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paramountpetrichor · 23 days
hate that i cant send asks on my side blog-
but hi! im void! and im absolutely Obsessed with ur art and the ships u talk about and- and-
*clears throat and tents hands together calmly* im here to lose my mind a bit :3
some Rambles of a few ships that i just. love a lot OTL
obviously love eclipse/earth. theyre just. its perfect! eclipse Really needs someone to pamper and take care of him sweetly but also Not tolerate his bullshit while also being gentle. his main drive is getting the reaction he wants, so wut if he doesnt get it? well then he has to find other ways to make ppl react how he wants and earth shows him how to get that satisfaction while not hurting ppl! its really easy to get a quick reaction out of ppl when u just give em a quick kiss. a small peck or two. like a small harmless prank! and she cheers him on as he (consensually) kisses the entire family. ofc he kisses her too. earth is the big sister that hes always needed and DAMNIT is she gonna help him get better <3
another earth ship but... solar/earth. AGAIN. SOOO MUCH POTENTIAL!! THEYRE SO CLOSE AND BONDED AND SO FUCKING FLUFFY!!!!!! im surprised how little ppl talk about solar/earth despite HOW FUCKING GOOD AND EASY ITD BE TO SHIP THEM. they were gonna make lil stuffies with each other and she was gonna make a bunny and he was gonna make a snake and theyd be friends!!!!! GGAAAAAAHHHHHH OTL and dont even get me STARTED on how she cried and said "i wanted to ask if he wanted to be my brother" FUCK DUUUUDDDEE
okayokayokay.. moving on...... i think we all know of moon/eclipse. literally the tension between them HURTS to witness. "want me to get on my knees back there sweetie?" "want me to bark for u?" "kiss my boot while ur at it" LIKE????? ECLIPSE STFU STOP BEING GAY!!!!!!!!! i can just imagine HOW MUCH that flusters moon and he tries SO HARD to hide it but. its *so* obvious. ALSO the added bonus of the whole enemies to lovers thing??? also wut u talked about earlier in ur own post about how their relationship would slowly develop is SO GOOOOODDDDD
sun/moon.... always the classic. the otp of them all. can never escape them. something i wanted to ask YOU was how do u think moon/sun realized they were attracted to the other?? i bet itd be something like super small like the other doing something silly and them just going "oh *shit*" AND I AGREE that theyd be SOOOO TOUCHY!!!! hugs and kisses and cuddles and hand holding ALL THE DAMN TIME!!! u can NOT EVER separate them! they r a packaged deal!!!!
im a HUGE sun/eclipse shipper tho i usually dont imagine them as being incestuous but... its fun to consider 👀 he gets redeemed and added back into the family and UH OH- he has feelings for the sun :] wut will he ever do!!!! (obviously kiss him. clearly the only correct answer) BUT IN ALL SERIOUSNESS i think itd be a Really Good slow burn between the 2. i feel like eclipse would be Super ashamed of himself for having a Crush on his Brother of all ppl!! but.... it wouldnt hurt too much, would it? i feel like in general the family would already be a big mess of polyamory but eclipse doesnt Know for a while. they THOUGHT it was obvious that like- its normal for them to kiss each other. but he didnt know!!! so hes like. super fucking shocked to maybe like one day walk in on a pair of them kissing the other (i say sun n moon :3c) and being super fucking confused and conflicted like. THIS IS A THING?? THIS IS NORMAL FOR THEM???? honest to god i wanna write this as a silly oneshot maybe- but dw! bc in the end sun and eclipse DO KISS!!!! THEY GET TO BE GAY IN THE END!!
this is getting so fucking long and im so sorry so ill limit myself to only ONE more ship- solar/jack. on my main i say "oh no it isnt incest i just like creator/creation" but... we all know y we're here/silly TJERES SO MUCH POTENTIALL!!! jack/everyone is great but i ESPECIALLY love solar/jack bc jack Really needs the gentle guiding hand of a parent to help him understand the world better. sweet baby boy needs a bit of help understanding things. but dont worry! solar is here to help!!
also just in general. lunar is a little shit. he goes after Everyone. no one is safe from him. there is no escape from the wrath that is lunars affection :3c
i would ramble more but this has gotten So Fucking Long and its like 1am and im not even gonna go back and spellcheck/edit this so im just sending it and hoping it makes sense :'3
rubs my grimy little hands together. ive been WAITING for time to answer this big boy ask and now I've got it muahahaha
well actually first off, ADHDKAFAJSGA THANK YOUUU 🥺🥺 <3 the whole ass reason i create things is bc i like seeing people's reactions to what my silly little mind cooks up, so knowing you like my gay kissy robots simply makes me wanna create More >:3 and yes please feel free to lose your mind in my inbox any time, any hour /gen
YAYAYAYA ECLIPSEARTH YAYAYAYAYA!!! god you're so right, they are Objectively good together and i Can't be convinced otherwise. Earth won't take Eclipse's bs, but she also won't go about calling him out on it in a mean way. she politely asks why he's Like That, what she can do to help, and then she just has to stand there Confused when Eclipse runs away cause his ass is NOT used to genuine sincerity and his mechanical heart starts beating out of his chest at even the slightest sign of it!!! also just ascended to the heavens over the thought of Eclipse kissing Earth for the first time (cause i feel like Earth would initiate all the kisses at first :3c) and Earth just explodes into giggles and stims. Eclipse is even more flustered- he's grumbling and hiding his face away as Earth tries to kiss his rays cause "you were supposed to be embarrassed- not happy!!!" andand one more thing- the thing where you said how Earth would encourage Eclipse to go give everyone kisses? *Inhale*. HELL FUCKING YEAHAHHAHAHHA!!!!! ourghhh Eclipse and Moon are bickering per usual and then Eclipse just shuts hi up by kissing him... and now Moon is thinking about that for Days. then Eclipse pulls that on Sun. and Lunar. and on every Other celestial until he's kissed everyone, and then he approaches Earth like a proud cat about it, explaining who he kissed and how he did it all while preening like a peacock. (he wants kisses from her as a reward, dammit!!!) agajsgqja eclipsearth hhh theyre so cuteee hhh i need to draw them smooching so bad hhh
KWGIWGIQGA YES NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE TALK ABOUT SOLAR AND EARTH. and tbh i think the reason so Few peeps talk abt them is Because (as much as i love it) of the fact that Earth canonically considers Solar her brother. that pushes many Normies away from even making au's where they're together, which is what solarmoon's normally do bc they were shipping solarmoon Before Moon ever even though of Solar as family. the content-craving part of me brain kinda wishes Earth never called Solar brother bc there would've been sooooo much ship art of the two after that episode if so istg. ...but the proship brain LOVES that she called him brother cause now i have more reasoning to make them kith >:3 i bet when Solar comes back (bc he will and if he doesn't i'm gaslighting myself into believing he is <3) he and Earth are gonna have little playdates with the things they crochet together... their bunny and snake end up on a little date and Earth and Solar are giggling like teenagers whenever they flirt w each other through their respective plushy <3<3<3 and then at the end of it whenever the two plushes bonk their heads together in a kiss EA&SO KISS TOO and JAFUSFAIGA AUGHHH THEY'RE SO CUUUTEEE
anon i will literally /p marry you. you just gave me an excuse to yell about mooneclipse. *Ahem*. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!1!1!!1! I FUCKING LOVE MOONECLIPSE!!!1!!!11!!1! ik i've previously screamed about how i think their relationship would develop, but i haven't talked about the slowburn enough yet. sooo... hi not to make this a Lil raunchy but: Eclipse saddling up behind Moon while Moon's in p&s, Eclipse presses his chest against Moon's back, wrapping his arms around his torso and murmuring teases mixed in with Very Family Friendly things in his ear. Moon is torn between leaning his head back to start kissing the sonuva bitch, or if he should smack Eclipse's head 180° around with a wrench. (spoiler: he goes with the first option :3) mooneclipse Also good whenever i can shove Sun in there bc if Sun ever walked in on the two making out he'd never recover. that's all he'll be thinking about for the next year, and the year after that if it happens again. he wants to be in-between them so baddd afaksfaksfaga
SPEAKING about Sun, SUN/MOON YEHAHAHAHAHAH!!! and oh ohh i TOTALLY agree with the Super Small thing. i think it was a fell first, fell harder situation with Specifically Sun and New Moon. Sun fell first, and N.M fell harder. thas' because S&M were already a Thing during the Old Moon days, sooo Sun already had them-there feelings, and New Moon, in all his dorky, smart, trying-his-best glory, just MADE THEM WORSE doing the tiniest little things. like, y'know that high-pitched screechy laugh Moon does whenever he's laughing too hard? Sun heard him do that for the first time and the urge to kiss Moon struck Sun so hard he got a lil dizzy. there were so many times before the two got together where Sun would just Stare at Moon, not listening to whatever tf he was saying and just admiring every inch of him. and Sun only snapped out of it whenever he heard his own rays whirring a mile a minute isgsigsogaoga. BUT. but, New Moon fell harder. if i were to assign a canon moment in the timeline where i think he realized his feelings for Sun, it would be when Sun comforted him during his breakdown over Solar. like Moon, on the verge of passing out, feels himself being cradled into Sun's chest as he carries him to bed and oh no oh fuck oh shit this isn't brotherly love he's feeling it's not it's not. and then whenever Sun brings him sushi the next morning Moon accidentally starts thinking of it like a lil breakfast date and that thought has him shaking and JAFAUFIAGIAG they're so CUTE and AWKWARDN and SOSOSO cuddly whenever they finally get together. Sun has to be on Moon's lap at least once everyday or else he'll be Pouty.
THE WAY YOU FLAVORED THIS SPECIFIC VERSION OF SUNECLIPSE MADE ME ISGIAFIFAIGAIGIA. YESSSSS. Eclipse feels so bad about catching feelings for his new brother, but... the Celestials are already More physically affectionate with each other than normal siblings are, and Eclipse Swears he sometimes catches them all coming out of each other's rooms wearing each other's clothes, and most importantly why does it seem like Sun is flirting with him all the time??? (< cause he Is lmao) Eclipse walks in on S&M making out- Sun having his whole ass legs wrapped around Moon's waist and Eclipse fucking just.🧍‍♂️. "hELLO???!?! HELLO!!?!?!?!1?!" and then S&M Still take like a solid minute to Fully pull away cause. whaaat d'you waaaaant Eclipse can't you see they're busy??? ...unless you wanna Join them, ofc :) (< Eclipse explodes on the spot /vpos)
ON MY KNEES. FINALLY, ANOTHER WHO SEES MY SOLAR/JACK VISION. i'unno if you are a Reader of my Ao3, but if you Aren't, then you should know i think jack starts doing romance stuff alllll thanks to Lunar. he is a Horrible influence. Lunar tells him about kissing, flirting, seduction, the Things That Come After That that i can't say in interest of keeping this post Tame uagigaigaigs. aaand then Jack wants to try all those things on Solar!!! cause who better to love on then your own creator!!! someone walks in on Solar with Jack in his lap one day, and they are very close together, Almost kissing, and then Solar Shrieks and tries to act like he wasn't about to kiss Jack. he's just- he's just doing repairs!!! that's all!!!! thaaat's all!!!!! (Jack is so confused- is he a bad kisser? what did he do wrong :( [< he did Nothing wrong Solar just has Anxiety usgwgigwigw])
AAAND last but not least, yes, Lunar has gone for everyone once, twice, thrice, and probably even more for Some. if someone were to ask him his body count he'd have to Swiftly change the subject out of fear of Never Living Down The Truth Igiahagaig
it took me like over 3 hours to write all this out AHAHHAHAH hope i matched your Hype when it comes to these ships cause theyre all AHAHHJHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
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grapejuicegay · 11 months
Thai BL Favorites List Tag Game
I was tagged by @feralmuskyscentedhoepran @casualavocados @waitmyturtles (look guys! I'm actually getting to a tag game relatively fast this time!)
Favourite bl:
Could it be anything but Bad Buddy? It's my first ever bl, it changed my life, I met some of my favourite people on here because of it and it just destroys me every single day just be existing. It got me with a flying kick in the chest and I have never let go since
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Favourite pairing:
I joined at such a great time in bl and I've had an absolutely wonderful amazing 2 years with so many great pairings. But I love Ink with my whole entire heart and I love both of them and just their very existence as a pairing is Such a Big Deal in the industry as a whole that it can't be anything but
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My girls!!!! I have nothing more to say
More underrated actor:
I think it's a toss up between Sing Harit and Aou Thanaboon. I'm excited every time Sing has any sort of role in any show I watch. He's brilliant and SO good. Just like with Neo, he's great at comic relief and effortlessly funny but also SO GOOD in a serious role. And Aou just showed up like a year ago and maybe I'm biased because I'm obsessed with Mes and I love him as Max but I just want to see more of him.
Favourite character:
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Feral. Musky Scented. Hoe. Baby Boy. King of Repression. Menace. Dimples. Pran Parakul Siridechawat. I love him so much.
Favourite side character:
Wat "you are what you eat. what you take builds who you are" Wasuwat. Just making movies and looking out for his friends and being their voice of reason in the face of the impossible pressure on all of their shoulders.
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Favourite scene:
The Eclipse ep 6 beach scene!
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Not just because it's such a good scene but also because it's the reason @casualavocados and I finally started talking after months of lurking around each others' blogs. Julian ily never forget the big meta 💖💖
Favourite line:
I've already yelled with @dribs-and-drabbles and @dimplesandfierceeyes how absolutely insane "I'm tired of pretending to hate you while your face has taken over my heart" is.
But also, "I can't change the world but the world can't change me either"
It's such a powerful line delivered in the sunniest of settings. It's validating and empowering and comforting. It's as big a hug as Uncle Tong gives the boys when they say goodbye.
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Most anticipated bl and why:
Only Friends and 23.5 Degrees. I don't think I need to explain
Healthiest relationship in a bl:
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They snipe and snark at each other constantly but the only reason it works is because they know each other inside and out. They look out for each other, they fight but they figure it out, they talk about everything. They love each other not despite of their flaws but because of them (it's literally canon!). They make me want to tear my hair out with how much they love each other.
Most toxic relationship in a bl:
I've been very very lucky so far to have watched only great to average shows. I know they exist, but not for me they don't 🥰
Guilty pleasure series:
I don't think I really have any?? Largely because guilty pleasure is usually assigned to shows that are cheesy and/or pulpy shows that you don't like to admit to enjoying because you don't want to admit to watching them at all. I just enjoy enough objectively bad media (fast and furious franchise my beloved) to not really feel guilty over anything I like anymore.
Bonus! Most underrated series:
Agreeing with both @casualavocados and @waitmyturtles on Triage and He's Coming to Me. Both of them absolutely fantastic and DEFINITELY need more attention.
This was fun! I don't know who to tag that hasn't done this already! I guess I haven't seen one yet from @dimplesandfierceeyes @respectthepetty @lost-my-sanity1 @jemmo. If anyone else wants to do this, consider yourself tagged too!
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Chaos Is Among Us
Pairings: Eclipse/Polar
Word Count: 1,390 Words
Summary: Chaos may reign. Eclipse has a rage fit.
Warnings: Pregnancy (Mentioned Only), Childbirth (Mentioned Only), Period (Mentioned Only), Abuse, Child Abuse, Injury (Very Minor, Mentioned), Trans Character, Coming Out, let me know if I should add anything else.
Chapter 2: That’s Not How It Works, Harvest Moon
Why Is This My Family?
Blood Moon: Mom, why do you think Peepaw’s cooch is massive?
Eclipse: Baby, it was joke. I was making fun of him.
Blood Moon: It’s not a nice joke. Vessie said that’s where babies come out so wouldn’t you be the reason Peepaw has a massive cooch?
Eclipse: Excuse me, what now?
Blood Moon: Because of your rays? Isn’t that how it works?
Polar: Honey, no. That’s not how it worked for your mother. He spawned from the kill code, before Peepaw was sentient. Think of it like a tree. Your Peepaw is the tree and your mom was a big branch on it and someone cut the branch from the tree, that’s why Mom exists. It’s exactly that but with your grandfather’s code.
Blood Moon: So Peepaw doesn’t have a massive cooch?
Sun: With those pads he buys, yes he does. That or he really needs to upgrade to just buying diapers for periods.
Kill Code: I am so done with you people.
Moon: Are we people though?
Lunar: Moon, you tell us why he uses such thick bulky pads then, huh? It’s your body too, why are your periods so bad you need quadruple thick overnight pads?
Moon: …
Moon: Menorrhagia. It’s to catch all the flow. Otherwise we have leaks.
Polar: See? Your Peepaw has a reason he needs big pads. He does not have a massive cooch.
Blood Moon: Does that mean Mom has a massive cooch? Since he has three kids?
Polar: Baby, he doesn’t. I promise.
Moon: Ew.
Polar: Shut up.
Blood Moon: But Mom had three kids! Why doesn’t he have a massive cooch? Ves said that’s how it works!
Polar: Ves is wrong. You mother did not birth you three. Again, branches, baby, you were branches of your mom’s code.
Blood Moon: So I shouldn’t be putting the big pads in Mom’s room?
Polar: No, you shouldn’t be. Put them back in Peepaw’s room.
Blood Moon is offline
Eclipse: Too late, he’s already grounded.
Polar: What did he do?
Eclipse: He was sticking the pads onto my very delicate machinery. It’s in the gears, he’s grounded from the WiFi, video games, TV, everything until I get this thing out!
Polar: Honey, I think that’s overkill. He was curious, he doesn’t come in the lab often.
Eclipse: I didn’t ask your opinion on my children.
Polar: Okay, you’re being unreasonable and cruel again, I’m spending the night out. Am I not allowed to take him with me?
Eclipse: What part of ‘grounded’ don’t you understand!? And he is my son, not yours! He stays here in his room!
Polar: Fine.
Kill Code: Son, what you’re doing is unnecessary and it’s pushing away your boyfriend and making him feel not a part of this family.
Eclipse: He isn’t their father! He doesn’t get to backtrack my punishments to my children!
Kill Code: He is as much their father as you are their mother. If you can’t see how much the little ones love him, they you’re blind to your own childrens’ happiness. They call him Dad, they run crying to him after nightmares, they let him hug them and kiss them. They haven’t been so open before and you’re ruining it by creating a wedge between them.
Eclipse: Fine. He isn’t grounded. Polar, come home, I’m sorry.
Moon: How the hell did you two tame him?
Kill Code: Not the time, Moon.
Polar: Are you done yet?
Eclipse: I’m done being angry. I’m sorry.
Polar: They’re as much my children now as yours. I love them as if they were my own, Eclipse. Punishment, fine, but please don’t start creating wedges between me and the kids just because I’m not their biological father. I want to be part of this family, I want to be with you and the kids. But I can’t do that if you’re pushing a wedge saying that I can’t do anything because I didn’t contribute to their codes.
Eclipse: I know, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I thought…
Eclipse: I was angry and frustrated because the machine is so delicate and the adhesive could break it. I didn’t mean to blow up and I’m sorry I tried to push you away from our kids.
Polar: Apology accepted. Now please apologize to Blood Moon, he didn’t know better. He’s fifteen, he was just curious.
Eclipse: I have to turn his WiFi back on too. Maybe we could make him the cupcakes he likes as an apology too.
Polar: We can. I’ll start them.
Eclipse: Thank you.
Why Is This My Family?
Blood Moon is online
Eclipse: I apologized. I told him he isn’t grounded anymore, apologized some more and explained why I was angry. He won’t look at me but he was also falling asleep while I was apologizing, so let him sleep and we’ll see if I need to do anything else in the morning.
Polar: Either way, I’m proud of you. You realized your anger was corrupting your actions and hurting the people you love. I’m glad you recognized it as early as you did and you fixed it or tried to fix it as best you could.
Why Is This My Family?
Eclipse: I’m getting really worried. He hasn’t come out in a week now. I really don’t want to force him out and he won’t let anybody into his room. He hasn’t gone out to eat or anything, I’m really getting worried about him.
Harvest Moon: I could try again.
Eclipse: Baby, you were devastated when he didn’t open the door last time. You cried for hours. I can’t put you through that again.
Kill Code: I could try if Moon would let me out for thirty minutes.
Moon: I am eating a fucking bagel. You’re staying in there until I finish my goddamn bagel this time.
Eclipse: No, I should do it because it’s my fault he’s in there. I’m the one who made him upset, I should try again.
Polar: Honey, this is your thirty fifth attempt. Maybe he’ll come out on his own. Please? You’re getting so stressed over this.
Eclipse: I just want my baby to not feel like he’s locked in his room and I did this. I blew up at him and grounded him. I made him feel like he couldn’t leave his room. It’s my fault if he’s in there and hurt or sad or scared or angry. I have to try, I just want to see if he’s okay.
Polar: And we’ll make sure he’s okay. I’ll go check and make sure, you focus on Flare and Ves. They’re hurting not seeing their brother as well, just breathe and talk about it with the kids, I promise he’ll be okay.
Why Is This My Family?
Polar: Blood Moon is okay.
Eclipse: He let you in?
Polar: No, I snuck in, they left the door unlocked temporarily.
Eclipse: They?
Polar: I’ll let you figure that out when Blood Moon talks to you. Bloody wasn’t angry, they were hiding. Anxiety and stress and finally accepting something. I’m helping them get dressed because they hurt their arm sleeping.
Eclipse: My baby’s okay? They’re safe? How did they hurt themself sleeping?
Polar: They hit their arm into the nightstand. It made their elbow joint reset and it’s calibrating. But you’ll see them soon, I just finished helping them get dressed into something more comfortable. I’ve just gotta say, they’re so precious.
Eclipse: Where should I wait?
Polar: The kitchen, I’m getting them food first and they’ll be so happy to see you.
Eclipse: Okay. I was getting coffee anyway. We’re all in the kitchen.
Polar: Presenting! Blood Moon!
Blood Moon: Hi Mama.
Eclipse: Oh, honey you look so pretty. Baby, I am so, so sorry I snapped at you.
Blood Moon: It’s okay, I wasn’t mad after a bit. I found an ooooold dress in my closet and I tried it on and I liked it. I’ve been trying to figure out why I like it for the last week.
Eclipse: Honey, I proud of you figuring yourself out. Are there any pronoun changes? Has your gender changed? How can we make you more comfortable?
Blood Moon: I like she/her. I like it a lot. I want to be a girl!
Eclipse: Then you’re a girl, honey. Simple as that.
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eunoiaastralwings · 8 months
Hop into my inbox and provide a sentence or a rant about which of much ocs would date/marry and why?
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As for my ocs, I have their character sheets but also included a brief - I do recommend you at least scan through the character to get a better understanding as int he briefs i only provided small things.
Anyways - I cannot wait to hear what y'all opinions are. I hope you enjoy - have fun, place nice and anons are allowed.
I'll respond to ever ask - even provide the oc thoughts too so you have interactions with them too :)
Lúthriel Tinuviel: daughter of Beren and Lúthien, twin sister of Dior
brief: she's kind, compassionate, grows attached, a part maia who is insecure about her heterochromia eyes. sometimes has trouble navigating her magic, forced to an immortal because of her powers, lost her twin and parents forever - she's bi!
Quildalótien: Valar daughter of lord Oromë and lady Vána.
brief: Valinor!Quilda has a crazy 4D personality, she will embrace fun in your life. She's wild, crazy and fun - already pranked even Manwë a few times. On dates she will pull you into doing pranks with her. ME!Quilda however is on the opposite sit - she is scared easily and you need shower her with love :) - she's a pansexual! She can grow a vast forest, give herself wings, and create creators like Huan.
Cala: Son of Tilion and Arien
Brief: Cala is caring, sweet. He's a panromatic demisexual. strict to the rules of propriety - scowls and lectures if anyone breaks them. the embodiment of 'turning a joke into a lecture' - but he means well because he doesnt want to see you hurt. Concerned if you do so little as clumsily fall. Maia of lunar eclipses.
Ixalië: Maia of Mandos
brief: after having being bullied, and pushed to her death - she is mean and while Lawful chaotic Good, she has sadistic tendencies! She can be easily manipulated into the dark side so keep a watch over her. She doesn't know what love is -you almost have to teach it do her. She is stubborn, single-minded and a born strategist. She's a pansexual but doesn't know it yet.
Cóloniélë: Maia of Nienna
brief: this poor baby is a heartbroken maia who lost the love of her life to Fëanor. The SIndar meaned her Pelineldes meaning Fading Star Woman - Given to her by the Sindar when she is in middle earth as she a star (referring to the light in her) ready to fade away. She needs to learn to love again - heal her own heart. She was the power to heal you mentally, take away your tears to provide you comfort even though she was soul crushing pain when heals someone too. She's a panromatic demisexual.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
❤️-Anon here! Thank you so much for the reply! I’d love a masterlist but you don’t need to do it just for me, no need to worry yourself and if you’d do it then take your time ❤️
As for my top aus/works - I don’t know the names for a lot of them so I’ll try to describe them and I hope you’ll know what I mean:
I love the siren Au and I hope there is more coming some time
I love the hybrid/witch au (btw while reading it I had a thought of a moth reader who’s really delicate and always a bit spaced out when she sees something very bright leading to the platonic yandere having to look out for her)
I love the tiny talon Au with reader being turned back into a baby dragonet (I haven’t actually read the books the au is based on but I kinda want to know thanks to you)
The story where Reader is a cloned sibling of both Sabertooth and Wolverine and they basically have a custody dispute (big ass fight) was chefs kiss 🤌
I don’t know the name of this one except of the (I think Abo-)au with creed!reader. But the story where reader runs away after being abused and they find her again three years later???? That is so good!!! Especially the au where they have wings and she cuts them off!!! I imagine that makes them even more fragile and weak in the yanderes eyes
And (I’m so so sorry if I’m confusing this with something else) but the one we’re sabertooth has to babysit shapeshifting!reader and a bird tries to kidnap here is something I always re-read when I see it on my feed (I tried rereading it just now to but I couldn’t find it this quick 😞)
I could go on, but this is already so long lol. Just shows how much of your stuff I love ❤️
Also sadly I’m not in the range where you can see the solar eclipse since I’m from Europe but I hope you’ll be careful as well!!! Hydrate well and don’t forget to remember that you’re loved 🥰
- ❤️ anon
Thank you. So MUCH. I am glad you enjoy all if those😊 The dragon book series 🥚Tiny Talons🐉 AU and it's variants are set in is called Wings of Fire by Tui T. Sutherland. They just released Cutie Cuffs of the first arc characters, too! Moth Witch Reader wouod be adorable and fluffy! A little spaced-out kid/teen/young adult who can fly and loves bright objects! The dark aus with Creed!Reader are the ❄Fallen Snow🩸 AU and its variants, and the winged one is 🌙Silent Night🦋 AU... I wouldn't mind doing more for the Sabretooth vs. Wolverine custody battle of their clone/sibling Reader... It's set in the Animated Series, and Reader is a small bean there. Siren AUs are fun, and I kinda want to do some more wirk with siren aus these next few months, once I've settled the 🖤Dark AU and done its first or second post...
Do you have a favorite platonic yandere, or say, favorite top three or five, ❤ Anon? I enjoy hearing the characters all of you like (and info-dumping about them!). I myself like the ferals, but I think each character has a specialty to them😊
Rest a bit if you need some, and drink some water, too. Thank you for checking in on me, ❤ Anon. Thank you.
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barbwritesstuff · 2 years
This has definitely been asked before, but your thoughts on Twilight? Eclipse gives me just enough vamp on wolf action to be passable, but all the other movies are not my cup of tea at all. What do you think of it's lore regarding vampires and werewolves? Sparkling or no sparkling? "Imprinting" on babies or no?
The last two are rhetorical, of course. Bleh.
I have a complicated relationship with this franchise.
Let me paint a picture. The year was 2007. I was a 13 year old Weird Kid (TM) with a side hussel as a very budget Spooky Girl (TM). My friend (a much cooler, higher budget Spooky Girl) tells me to read this vampire book she found. I do. It's okay. It's fun! I like the eerie small town vibes and the romance is so ridiculously over the top, it reminds me of all those classical love stories. The best part though? The bad guy. I loved the evil vampire. He was just so unapologetically evil. A+++. I wish he hadn't been killed off quite so quickly.
I distinctly remember googling this book and seeing pictures of the sunset. I had to scroll to find the author website and read that a movie was in the works. This was very much before Twilight exploded... but the gunpowder had already been lit.
I read the second book. I actually like this one more. Sure, the romance takes a backseat but I like the horror, the empathetic portrayal of depression and... well...
Then book three happened and... I have issues with this book. I thought book 3 would be a werewolves vs vampires book... but it isn't really.
The movies started happening and I just didn't really vibe with them.
Book 4 came out and I hated it.
It all just sort of crashed and burned for me. I was also older by this point and more aware of the less pleasant stuff in the books (i.e. the racism).
There are still things I like about it. The small town, the creepy vampires, the cgi wolves, the drama... plus there is some pretty good fanfic out there, or there used to be.
But, in the end, I feel like it didn't really go all the way for me.
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bengiyo · 2 years
The Eclipse Ep 9 Stray Thoughts
Back to the slow burn romance due to homophobia in high school show. This is in competition with Takara-kun & Amagi-kun for Best Use of High School for the BL Summer '22 High School Extravaganza Awards Show.
Fuck Chadok so much, bro.
I am convinced Thua took the notebook originally.
Khaotung performing a panic attack is convincing. Good job to First with a very believable reaction.
Damn, and here I was hoping Ayan would that Dika was his uncle.
Requesting a sponge bath?? Oh, BL.
I half-expected Akk to find lube, condoms, and dildos in that drawer alongside the pills.
Man, the softness in Khaotung's voice when Ayan talked about how much he liked seeing Akk's family took me all the way back to Make The Yuletide Gay (2009) when Nathan lamented missing the way his mom used to talk to him. I'm not okay, y'all. Send some juice.
Ayan starts to feel just a little bit better and immediately resumes flirting.
Oh lord the return of the building code violation stairs. I need someone to die on those stairs in a drama.
It's such a relief to see Akk being mischievous when Ayan's mom asks about his life at school.
Ayan is not going to lose a trolling battle, of course. Akk is definitely dating someone.
I have no notes for this dinner. That was fun. BL is way more fun when the parents aren't homophobic and genuinely love their kids. I love watching parents troll their kids with pointed questions in front of their crushes.
I do like that the boys are diligent and clean the dishes after someone else cooks for them. And of course Ayan must flirt.
I say this often, but there is a special bond between gay boys and their moms. I'm glad she approves of Akk.
Again, I have no notes for this car conversation between Ayan's mom and Akk. She isn't meddling in their affairs beyond assuring Akk that she is grateful for his presence in her son's life. Her only request being that he not hurt himself takes me back to Until We Meet Again and Pharm's first meet with Dean's grandmother.
How deep does this go with Chadok?
I do love the way the World Remembers is toeing the line.
Wat's love of film being used against people must hurt him.
And now Namo has definitely decided to take initiative. I hope Nian is okay.
Ayan is launching a phishing attack. Amazing.
I do like that no matter what is going on, Ayan will choose to be a know-it-all and a flirt.
For once a sandwich is just a sandwich, and not product placement.
It's interesting in this conversation with Namo that the most common aspect of toxic masculinity resurfaces: the ability of any other man to question your manhood (or in this case, loyalty).
Thua is so careful that I ache sometimes. Leading Kan along with a series of innocuous inquiries before stating that he's fond of Bruce Wayne, and wants him to speak to him openly. He's even careful enough not to look at Kan's reactions because he already knows.
LOL did Kan really run to Ayan and tell him everything? I love how much Kan wants to come out that he's accelerating his reliance on Ayan.
Ayan asks a super romantic question, which allows Neo and Khaotung to show off that they can act with their eyes. Incredibly refreshing. I want more of them.
Ayan giving voice to how Kan feels, and his smile in response? My heart.
I love Ayan insisting that they're dating. First is also so funny with the way he plays Akk pout-eating.
Khaotung and First are a great pair. This wasabi sequence is a real treat.
I really hope we get to see a film from Wat at some point.
Why is First swimming like this?? Is he okay?? Baby boy, you gotta put that head in the water and stretch more. Don't bend your knees so much and keep those legs straight. Did they make him do this so we would see his face? This is a disaster!
Ayan is so right. Akk has such a nice face when he smiles.
The water they're in must be cold, and they must have been filming for a while. First is shivering. I noticed this in Minato's Laundromat too on Nishigaki Sho.
It's interesting that Akk has never once denied his attraction to Ayan. Even here his rejection of the kiss is location.
The underwater kiss still belongs to the gays!!!!! We stay winning!!!!
First can also act with his face.
Oh my next week looks like things still don't come to a head. Gah, where are we headed??
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bisexualnamjoonie · 1 year
Hello Sabri! Recently, I saw a post with some gay drama and I'd like to know if you have some recs for me? I'm thinking of watching Vice Versa soon but I'd love to get into more dramas like that. My favourite is probably Not Me (or Bad Buddy) but I can't keep watching these two over and over lol. Thanks in advance and have a great day <3
ooooooh thank you for that reallynice ask! well i haven't watched that many thai dramas lately but i do have a few to recommend, and then some korean ones that are really good as well (i hope you haven't seen them...)
okay so my fav underrated thai bl is definitely manner of death. it stars max nattapol and tul pakorn (the original bl kings!) and is about that doctor who finds himself in a bit of a pickle trying to solve a suicide-but-really-murder case. the show is a bit dark but its pace and writing are really good + maxtul's chemistry is something else.
if you've loved not me i OBVIOUSLY recommend the eclipse if you haven't seen it already. it is a must. it stars first and khaotung (my babies <3) and has layers and layers of political statements about thailand's regime and queer ppl (it's important to say that it is made by golf tanwarin sukkhapisit, a trans activist who was also the first openly trans woman MP of thailand!)
23.5 hasn't aired yet BUT i am waiting for it impatiently 😍 we need some more gl outthere!
talking about gl you also have GAP, which i haven't watched yet but has a lot of nice kissing scenes from what i've seen 👀
i haven't seen moonlight chicken yet but as a general thai bl rule i would recommend all of the earthmix shows, especially tale of a 1000 stars. sometimes the plot is a bit wobbly but earthmix's chemistry is incredible and the show is also really moving (i cried watching it lol).
finally in the thai drama department my last recommendation would be i told sunset about you, which is a classic and a must see 💙
note: all of those can be quite dark and serious at times, so if you looking for something a bit more fun i'd go for cutie pie or secret crush on you which is the batshiest craziest cringiest show you'll ever watch (i love them. so much. all the characters in this are insane. also it is worth pointing out that for once the feminine gays get to be the stars of the show).
moving on to the kdramas!
it won't have escaped your attention if you follow me that i have been completely insane about the eight sense. idk what to tell you. the queer experience is universal and i am in love. WATCH IT.
in that same vein if you haven't already you must watch blueming, aka my favourite bl of all time with the eight sense, and where your eyes linger (generally speaking i would recommend everything hwang daseul has done, she's an incredible director and writer).
i just finished our dating sim and unintentional love story, which i had a nice time watching!
if you still haven't seen it (HOW??) i obviously recommend semantic error, the king of korean bls. the characters are smart but dumb together and i love them (btw the webtoon is really fun to read too if you're into that!)
finally i'll recommend choco milk shake, which deals with grief in a very soft way and has an incredible cast. you can watch it for free on the company's youtube channel so please support them!
i forgot a lot of thai bls and didn't go into the japanese and taiwanese ones but if you're interested send me another ask! :)
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invisiblegarters · 1 year
Our Skyy2 - The Eclipse
Prefacing this by saying that The Eclipse episodes are pretty much the entire reason I was so excited about Our Skyy2 but I didn't even watch the preview because I didn't want to get any expectations. Literally the only thing that I want is for Akk and Aye to keep their teasing dynamic from the original, and so far it looks to be the case.
I expect that whatever happens will be a bit ridiculous, but that's perfectly fine by me. These two can use a little ridiculous after all the tears of The Eclipse.
Aw did Aye forget Akk's birthday for real or is he just teasing him? Honestly either way I think it's adorable how sappy Akk is in love, haha. Poor pouty baby who just wants to celebrate his birthday with his boyfriend.
You know, product placement used to annoy me, but now I kind of love it?
Call me a sap (it's true). but I probably would watch an entire hour or two of Akk and Aye just being silly.
Confession: I have negative interest in Thua and Kan. They weren't my favorites to begin with and I never did quite manage to forgive Thua for outing Akk in front of the whole school. *shrugs*
These extended fantasy sequences are cracking me up.
This kind of petty fighting between Akk and Aye is kind of exactly what I wanted, tbh. I also kinda love Akk being dramatic over the birthday thing. I always knew he had it in him. :)
AAAAH NO I don't trust guitars and BL. Oh NO are they going to sing their feelings? Oh no Aye is going to sing his feelings for Akk on his birthday isn't he (seriously does anyone really think he forgot I will raise my hands to it if I'm wrong and he really did, but I don't currently buy it for a second)? One of these days I really am going to do a giant post about this trope - I have e feeling I am going to have to keep adding things to the compilation.
Pfft of course Akk would think Aye would keep following him around for attention after they got together. And really, Akk's anger is so easy to get going and he's so much fun when he's ranting I'm not surprised Aye does it on purpose.
It really is so nice to see this much smiling out of everyone.
This short should just be called "Relationship Issues: The Film"
Okay I really really liked the scene between Wat, Kan, and Akk. They're sweet together. I really like how they encourage each other, especially poor Wat, whose family just does not get him.
I must say I enjoy how touchy feely Akk and Aye are.
AAAH CALLED IT. WHY. WHY must they sing their feelings. WHY.
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Oh, right. I forgot Khaotung can sing. And they went with a clear studio arrangement over raw singing which lbr, is often not great (sorry Between Us I actually do love that scene but NOT for the singing)
Akk crying and Aye wiping his tears is so cute, so are the demands for kisses . They are so cute, oh my goodness. I don't even care I just love them. I don't think I've stopped smiling once this whole time.
AW I really loved these two eps. It's so good to see everyone again, especially Akk and Aye, and to see them so happy together. I've already said it, but I love this ridiculous kind of relationship drama for them. They've earned a little light. or a lot.
Totally worth it.
Also as an aside, really love the song they sing. I haven't found it on spotify yet but the second it gets there I'm downloading.
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thevampirearchive · 1 year
Twilight Thoughts (ranting again)
The thing is, if Stephanie had wanted to make a third book, i.e eclipse, - which was unnecessary, boring and weird, we could have had some type of unhinged plot twist where Charlie is revealed to be a Werewolf (unknowingly) and Bella is one too, but due to them being separated from their pack, they've never turned. That could for one explain why Edward and Aro can't read her thoughts, not why Alice can see her future... Also why Charlie's only friends are literal wolves and why he is team Jake (please Billy probably knows he's a werewolf but hasn't shifted and most likely never will). The scene of her scent was giving disgust and perhaps that should have been a hint too, but since she is not 100% one, it could explain why he got used to it (and I bet vampire's feeding on a werewolf is a different experience due to their blood probably being even better)
Bella being a female wolf would also explain her intense 'I feel at home with the black's' and that extreme loyalty to Jake. They were good friends but to consider your baby to be named E.J Junior is so unhinged. This girl looked Jake in the eyes and said her wedding was completed/perfect now that he had showed up... bestie, what?
As said, Eclipse was unnecessary. It was for the Team Jacob girlies because someone unfamiliar with the franchise would have been able to go from New Moon to breaking dawn. All that would need to be explain would be - where is Victoria (which I will get to later) The vampire army is nowhere near New moon, so a whole new plot point for what?
The plot that is Victoria's revenge is so.... human. I don't know what Vampire would go to this length to kill a HUMAN because Edward killed James ??? Most vampire media emphasis heavily on the fact that death being so common means the girlies either move on with ease, stay mad but still keep it pushing or they take themselves out. My VC girlies will know that despite Lestat and Armand's hatred for each other, the two probably send each other Christmas gifts with letters of how much they hate each other, but also Happy Christmas hope your well. Vampires circles aren't big, so to be out here full blown trying to go to war is so pointless and I would have enjoyed Victoria moving on, wait for Bella to be a vampire and THEN been her sworn enemy that occasionally have drinks over 'the good ol' days'. To be alive for an eternity and still bitter over a man (james) who disregarded the 7 against 2/3 ods is wild. Vic, I want better for you. Bonus; The volturi never catching wind or ending things was so weird. What's the point of a Vampire Coven if they only arrive after the battle? what are they? the police, come on...
The scene with Laurent is the most sensible vampire thing this movie has had. He wanted to mercy kill her because he knew a life of being chased would probably be worst then him just eating her (vampire logic is my favorite) and he was even willing to make it pain free. It's not like he was being cruel in my eyes, he genuinely things that is a better option then to face Victoria's wrath, and I cannot say I do not agree -- I just wished her option could be getting turned.
Bella would have never married Edward if it wasn't for the promise of vampirism. I do believe she loved him, but I also believe Stephanie and her religion had to come first. It's funny because I doubt any Mormon knows of twilight and approves, so why not just go all the way and - Make the 3 MC's (it is a stretch to call Jake that but we were force-fed this dude so I may as well) a Poly couple, especially after showing that Jake and Edward basically want to bang (my interpretation. I have never seen people loath each other yet be 2 inches away every argument, kiss already) - Not have Bella enter a weird 'I am a feminine female' era, and leave her to be the Buch flannel lesbian she was written as. She gives such overwhelming male energy, and Edward gives such overwhelming female energy, it is fun to watch them. - Have Charlie know about the vampires & werewolves already in New Moon. I do not know where the Charlie disrespect came from but it needed to stop, he's one of the 3 main-best dads.
Jasper's character was irrelevant and only served the purpose of training them on how to kill new-borns. Why doesn't Carlisle know that? Isn't he from the 15th Hundreds? Has he never faced similar problems?.
Alice power is wack, she can predict the future but it is not something she can control? (much like Aro, Jane, Edward etc can) It changes depending on if the person changes their mind (???) and she only sees it right before it will happen? How did she see that Bella was going to be a vampire but never predicted pregnancy? or that Bella was find after her diving? or who the new borns were? Why is her power's so inconsistent, complicated and in somewhat useless? Stephanie should have instead combined Jasper and Alice power (mood manipulation and short sighted visions that allowed her to at least see a bit ahead, none of that 'I see far out but also what is right Infront of me is a blur', it could have been explained with her possibly being heavily affected by the mood's of those around her, and that is why she is able to manipulate it)
The volturi arch should have been much larger, because we finally see how much stronger vampires they are (and that exist in the world besides the Cullen) but they are the representation of the Catholic Church so of course they have to appear useless and evil lol come on Stephanie, leave your faith at the door and give us a masterpiece how you did with Twilight and New Moon!
Imprinting would have been fine if the premise was Soul Mates and feelings are reciprocated, but it is only activated at a certain age (much like werewolves only realizing what they are at a certain age) or if it wasn't 10/10 times explained as ending romantically. If the audience (us) were shown and told that imprinting has resulted in just being best friends or happened amongst family member (tighter bond), we would not have been throwing up audibly. But no, they have the imprint gang laughing and kissing at the beach, then pan over to Embry and the toddler... like please how did no one in that writer's room for the movies (or an editor) ask Stephanie if she was okay in the head. The scene of Renaissance and Jake on the beach watching a sunset? baby is 6 second old and they already about to make out, please someone cut the cameras.
No one knowing vampire's and humans can procreate is so... weak. Especially when a vampire baby HAS BEEN BORN, I just know Carlisle was beating himself up about not worrying. This would have never happened if Bella had been turned before. I do not see why they needed to wait.
Lastly, Bobo should have been casted as Jake - I do not understand why he needed to be ripped to shreds at 15-16, when the other pack-members looked regular/strong. Bobo fit the description better. imo, and isn't a white man. But he is much younger then the others/franchise, so they'd have had to have filmed much later in the 2000's... And the cast overall is so good.
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peste-bubonica · 2 years
I already posted a comment on "Till Decomission To Us Part", but I wanna gush more.
It was so good and I love the y/n so much! They are such a funny responsible person, but goodness are they sassy! It is so fun reading stories with such fun y/n's. ALSO ALSO ALSO Y/n is, what, secretly a blacksmith or something??? That is so cool! I love that!
Absolutely love the setting you've created and how you set the stage for everything. Very excited to see the repercussions to y/n's actions
I am also vibrating with excitement to see how you handle Sun and Moon! I love seeing all the different variations
As for your Eclipse... heheehehehe big powerful baby man won't get what he wants. Get rejected (and fall even more in love) you big rich turkey (/hj)
All in all, I love the story and am really glad you pitched the idea to Metaltea and then created it
(I can't tell you how many times I had to delete "us" when I was talking about "y/n")
First of all, I’m so so so so happy you liked it enough to come here and tell me so! My poor little heart is about to burst from happiness!
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As for sassy reader, well yeah, if reader has to deal with responsibilities they didn’t ask for, at least they’ll make it entertaining for themselves; gotta prevent insanity somehow. (And yes, reader is secretly a blacksmith/mechanic; who do you think Eclipse has to crawl to when he needs repairs? 7w7)
Oh, the repercussions… poor reader is going to suffer :)
As for Sun and Moon, wait not much longer, the boys will appear on next chapter! (which will hopefully be up before midweek)
Also, get wrecked, ya big, snobbish, overgrown typewriter!
(A little spoiler for next chapter (or next, next chapter), he’s pissed; like, utterly pissed. Reader is not in for a good time)
(You can use “us” if you want, don’t think I’d get confused with it. Whichever you like best!)
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Hey green!! How are you??
I'm happy it went great with your sister!! What did you do with her if you don't mind cheering!!🥰 I have been good, I finished my summer job in two days now. I'm already call back for next week though, so I think it's a good sign!
Good luck for studying!! How many do you have?? What are they?? (I'm curious to know!) I have one next week, and then I can rest before starting my new internship!
I love psychology, and I think I found the field I want to work in! What are you studying for? 🥰 (I don't know If I already ask, sorry)
Yeah I love math, it's not a myth. Its' really cool!! I do math stuff for fun (rn I'm in a sudoku mode haha)
As for kpop, I'm also behind. I need to catch up on The Boyz, I really like the teasing for their new stuff. I'll probably do that this weekend!!! As for OOO, they don't have anything new I think? We just had the teaser for Junji solo!!! 🥰 And some video on YouTube too!! For now, I'm really excited for blackpink!! I can't wait for Friday!!! If I like the song, I think I will try and buy ticket for their Amsterdam show!! I don't know if you saw, but Key is teasing for his new album, it looks so good omg!!! Like his mind really!!
I'm glad the cast is having an holiday together!!! I hope they get to relax, they seems too!! I really love all the BibleBuild content 👀👀👀 maybe they are preparing a new project for them 👀👀👀👀👀👀 I want too ugh!! I don't know if you saw, but Build won a fan sign for Yena (Itzy) and he asked her to say something for Bible. He posted for congratulate him!! Too cute 🥰
Yeah, I hope they make the announcement soon! I cannot bear the wait omg!!
OFMD is going to end me really. I need a them to talk in the first episode and make up!! I cannot bear the though of Ed being heartbroken on the ship, and Stede realizing that Ed betrayed him and his crew 😭😭 please stop being stupid man in love and talk (Kinn and Porsche should give them some advice please). I need to start the eclipse!!! The first episode look really promising omg!!
For the gif, I'm really curious to know what are your favoriteq scenes in OFMD? Or your favorites scene of your favorites characters? Or your favorite scene for each character?? 🤗
Well I hope you had a good day!! See you soon darling!! 🥰
Hi Elle !!
How are you? hope everything is good!!
I had a lovely week with my sister at home! We went to a park with semi free animals in another province! we were all the day! I like when we can do family trips like in the old times haha
heres some pics of the animals:
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They were so cute and have a lot space so that's was cool! the place called Cabarceno if you want to take a look! Then we stayed at home or went to have our girls afternoon moment haha (we like to go to shopping and have milkshakes and talk)
How about your job? have you finished it already? they called you back for more time? so many questions haha it's nice you are studying something you like!!
I'm doing English studies! I really like it too!! but I don't like one subject haha the one I'll have an exam soon! 😭 english syntax!! I have two more exams but they are cool like sociolinguistics but I wasn't good in Spanish syntax so imagine the English one 😫😫
So what about your exam? it went well? I'm sure you did amazingly! ohh sudokus, I never was a fan only for the easy ones lol for relaxing I'm trying colouring! It's nice I put some music and then do some colouring! I bought a lovely colouring book!
For Kpop I'm so behind too, I don't know what's going on at all!! 🙈 I saw some gifs about blackpink but still not listening to their song! Is it good? I'm excited for Key!! sure he's gonna be amazing!! I love Shinee they are so good!! 💓💓💓 my babies 🥺🥺
I have so much to catch up!! about everything! I need more time haha about KP I don't know anything! awww that's so cute about Build asking for a hi for Bible! I know he is a huge Itzy fan!! they are so lovely!! 🥰🥰
About OFMD I don't think everything would be fix in the first episode. They are gonna make us suffer 😫 Some drama is coming!! I can't wait for next season do we know something about season 2? dates or anything? Ed and Stede need to be together!! oh okay about the gifs first I need to know how tp download hbo series haha with high quality! I think it's not gonna be so easy as with kinnporsche episodes also I don't know if you remember when my computer was dying so the technic erase all my programs (illegal ones lol) so I need to download the program I had for KP episodes and I really don't want to right now because it was a mess! when I finish all my exams I promise I'll do it!! but maybe right now you one another kind!
By the way have you seen Stranger Things because I'm obsessed with Eddie and Steve!!! I mean they are not canon but in my mind they are hahaha
Anyways hope you are having a great week!! 💜💜💜 see you soon darling!! kisses 😘😘😘
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