#tho i doubt anyone has ever realized that
cuffs-crew · 1 year
I made a good reads to review riddles of epsilon that i read 13 years ago bc i think it has the greatest plot twist ever and i think about it all the time still and ended up also reviewing the entirety of the Seven Realms series bc i think that its the best book series ever and it reminded me of my probably most popular post ever that i made when i was in high school talking about it and you know what my points all still stand
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walpu · 3 months
hey, hey, I don't know how many times I've read your post "pre-relationship" especially aventurine part (omg i love how you write abt him 😭). I wonder how it will be once they are in a relationship and the kissing part please :3 thank u and have a nice day!
Hope you'll enjoy this post too💛💛💛
being in a relationship with Aventurine
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characters - Aventurine notes - gn!reader, fluff, hurt/comfort (do I even write something other that hurt/comfort for him lmao), no beta
can be seen as a part 2 of this post but it can stan on it's own as well
It would take quite some time for Aventurine to move from the pre-relationship stage with you. Will dance around the subject, throwing hints and flirty remarks but as for making an actual move? Oof.
Would cling to your side and shamelessly say something like "aww, can't get enough of me? people may think we're dating <З unless that's what you want them to think haha"
Pathetic. /affectionally.
But seriously, he really wants to be sure that you like him before making a move. That you like him, not his money, not the idea of him. At least that's what he tells himself. And while this is part of the reason, the actual thing is that he's simply... confused. He's already more vulnerable around you than he ever was around anyone else. And dating means being even more vulnerable.
While he yearns for this genuine connection he's also a scared of it. Tim Kreider wrote the line "If we want the rewards of being loved we have to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known" about him actually.
It would take some time for him to get used to being in relationship. In the previous post I've mentioned that he, most likely, had some short flings in the past. I seriously doubt that he ever had any serious relationship before you though. It's so new to him. At first it would seem like nothing has changed between the two of you at all. Surprisingly, it looks like he even became a bit more distant.
Aventurine doesn't want to attract any unwanted attention to your relationship since it will only endanger you. Plus he doesn't want to overwhelm you. Plus he doesn't want to overwhelm himself. Plus he is scared shitless.
He can't help but feel that he looses everything he holds dear. After all, it's been like that for all of his life. And he simply can't loose you.
Mini spoiler for his leaked character story, but there is a moment there when he looks at the aventurine stone Diamond gave him and he realizes that despite the fact that he worked so hard for it, now that he has it, it holds no real value since it doesn't fill the emptiness inside of him. Logically, he knows that this won't happen with you. He loves you too much. But there's this subconscious fear inside of him that he's just so messed up inside that he simply would not be able to love you like you deserve.
Be patient with him, this mans doesn't know what he's doing. Don't give up on him and he'll crawl to your side, holding onto you for dear life.
Once he will calm down a bit, he'll make it up for all those times when you were the one reaching out to him. Texts you, calls you, arranges spontaneous dates.
In the beginning of relationship would spoil you with expensive gifts. He knows what it's like to have nothing so he doesn't want you to ever feel this way. And the best way to prevent it? To make sure that you will have anything and everything. Maybe it's a subconscious way to bribe you. Maybe. Not like he realizes it himself.
Once he'll feel more stable and more confident, his gift giving tendencies will get less overwhelming. He still like giving you gifts but now he picks and chooses. His sugar darling deserves only the best, after all.
Acts all clingy, playful and unserious but actually listens to your every word and is ready to fulfil your every need.
Is actually very caring. Shows his care by pestering you and easing you tho.
If you feel down, will sit stay by your side. May randomly start tickling you, if you're ticklish. If not, will find another way to touch you in a playful and somewhat annoying way. After you cheer up a bit, Aven will put his chin on your shoulder and hugs your waist, softly asking what happen and why is his dearest darling seems sad.
As for kisses. Aven will loooove covering your face with butterfly kisses. And not only your face. Will randomly grab your hand and kiss your knuckles and fingertips. If you've made a mistake of exposing your shoulder then be ready for it to be kissed endlessly.
Adores kissing those parts of your body that are usually covered with clothes. It feels fore intimate for him.
And if you have freckles or/and beauty marks. Oh well. Will trace them with his fingertips, connecting them with some invisible lines and sometimes gasp playfully, saying that he found his constellation. Just a silly little guy being a silly little guy.
So touch-starved it's unreal.
Has very mixed feeling about his tattoo being kissed. Would feel... weirs if you would kiss it during your casual cuddling session. He exposes it for the world to see, yes. But still, when it attracts attention of someone who knows the meaning behind it... Makes him a bit tense, it catches him off-guard. However, if you kiss it after a lovemaking session or when he shares some painful memories with you, he will feel reassured.
Will slowly start crawling out of his shell when he's with you. Before he only shared some brief memories of his past with you, now he'll start slowly opening up about other, much more painful stuff.
It still happens randomly and out of the blue. He remembers something, he tenses up. But now, instead of repressing this feelings, he shares them with you.
Don't push him too talk, he'll slowly open up on his own.
Loves waking up next to you. Especially if you're still asleep. Seeing the sun shining on your face fills him with love and tenderness. Only with you by his side he feels truly safe.
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ren-the-gamer · 1 year
Tattoo Artist Hobie
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A/N: this came to me yesterday for no reason, i have bad hobie brain rot :(((
Warnings: very mild sexual themes in the sfw portion, slapping of the ass, tattoos (obviously), readers gender is not described or their genitalia but i made this with a fem reader in mind, mention of piercings, hinted towards nipple piercings, vibrating tongue piercings, sluttiness, BRITISH PEOPLE :(((
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hobie would be a master at his craft
i think his canon self knows how to tattoo, or has atleast given himself on at one point.
he would own his own little shop, his prices would be cheap so that anyone could afford them.
imagine the way is hands would flex while holding the tattoo gun
he would bite his bottom lip in focus, you thought he wouldn't notice you staring at him.
but when he smirks and says. "a picture will last longer, love." you realize his eyes have been on you the whole time.
he has decided that he is your personal tattoo artist
he's normally not that possessive, but a tattooing session between the two of you has so much pull on him he refuses to let anyone in on that high he gets.
he would love to just put random things across your body, putting graffiti like designs down your arms fills him with a sense of pride
it's like he has marked you and let the world know who you belong to.
sometimes, when he's giving you a tattoo, you can feel the cool metal of his rings glide across your skin
you shiver and he holds your flesh in the area he's tattooing.
"be still for me, can you do that, dear?"
ugghh this man ya"ll
every time he's done with a tattoo, he kisses you where you just got it.
i highly doubt that it's sanitary but let's just pretend for the sake of head canons
if he's giving you a tattoo on your legs or butt, he'll give a little slap to tease you every now and then.
he has tattoos that from up and down his arms and one on his neck and chest
his favorite places to give you tattoos are more scandalous places.
like the ones in the pictures above.
imagine him holding you by your hip bone as he works, his face and hands so close to your privates
you can't help but stare at him, the way he's staring at your tummy makes you think the tattoo isn't the only thing he's focused on.
he can sense how tense you are, the vibrations from the tattoo gun are going straight to your core, every time he moves closer down you feel like he's edging you
if you every get his name tattooed, he wants it to be in the form of a tramp stamp
when he's fucking you from behind, he wants to watch the ink bounce and jiggle while he slams into you or slaps your ass.
also, most tattoo shops also have piercings.
if you ever got a piercing in a sensitive spot, he would kiss and suck on it to soothe you
totally not just because he's horny, totally.
when it heals though, he is ruthless.
he's gonna bite and pinch the area.
you whine and moan for him to stop, but holy shit it hurts so good.
he also has a tongue piercing, you already know where i'm going with this.
it def vibrates
his tongue will go numb from eating you out for so long and the constant vibrations.
okay back to him being a tattoo artist tho.
on rare occasions, he will want you to just strip completely naked and just adore your body
he would kiss and mark your body in hickeys
also, you two have def fucked at least once in his shop
and during working hours
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the-ace-with-spades · 7 months
the silliest of silly ideas but---i just thought despite Mav totally not being Slider's type, they'd make good fwb, and Ice would hate it. (tw: non-descriptive/implied sex)
Ice is usually very reasonable, always thinking more with facts than feelings and that sets his views into firm, neat boxes — Ron knows this, loves this about him, really, and he'd never say a bad thing about it, even if sometimes it can be infuriating.
But apparently, that whole 'go by facts not feelings' thing can also turn into being both oblivious and in denial. Maverick seems to bring it all out in tenfolds.
He's never seen someone as in denial about their feelings as Ice is about his feelings for Maverick. It's kinda sad to observe — he doesn't get the extent of the feelings they do have between each other (romantic, but what kind? the off-on kind? the short-but-intense kind? the forever-and-ever-despite-everything kind?) but he knows it's a lot and it seems like a complete waste not to act on them.
And, okay, he's not a fan of Maverick, but he's growing on him. He's a good guy, all that anger and rebelliousness is just so intense for him because there's not much space to fit all in (he's a tiny guy) and Ron is kind of almost fond of it now. Never to the degree Ice is, but honestly, he doesn't think anyone can be as fond of Maverick as Ice is.
Maverick is also, well, trying. He's not as in denial, and definitely not as oblivious to Ice's feelings toward him, but all his attempts seemed to be either going over Ice's head or being subtly stirred away.
No wonder Maverick still goes for casual one-night stands when they go out to clubs — Ron sees all of it and he'd have also gone along with his life if his attempts at getting somewhere would meet with The Brick Wall of Denial.
"You've got feelings for him, man," he tells him, after another of Maverick's flirting attempts that Ice just swiftly averted, too fed up to bother with subtly.
"I do not," is Ice's automatic response. This time, though, he adds something more, "And even if I did, he's not going anywhere, is he? I can just wait until it's serious enough to do something about it."
It's more than Ron's got the past few months, and still so full of semi-reasonable thoughts that he can't doubt Ice has thought about this enough to convince himself he's right.
If almost two years of pinning isn't serious enough, Ron doesn't know what is.
"You do realize he's hooking up, like, at least twice a month, right? It's not like he's going to be waiting for you to make up your mind forever."
"They're all women and they don't mean anything to him. They're strangers, I bet he doesn't even remember their names."
He's not exactly wrong but— "Oh, so you'd make a move if he slept with a guy you know?"
"He's not going to do that, and even if, I doubt he's going to be telling left and right about it. " Then, when Ron doesn't stop giving him the side-eye, he adds, "No, this means no, I wouldn't."
Ice is right, Maverick isn't going to be telling anyone if he sleeps with a guy, but he can fucking tell Ice is boiling at the mare idea. So this formulates a plan in Ron's head — there's only one way for Ice to see Maverick sleep with a guy and that is if this happens in their own house.
At this point, he'll try anything, and it's not like this is going to be a hardship.
Ron is an equal opportunity kind of guy — or any opportunity kind of guy, more like — but he isn't able to say he's thought of Maverick that kinda way. One, because Ice is his best friend and although he's in denial, he's got dibs, and two, because Ron's type for guys is usually more of tall and lanky and more fun and laid back. Though Maverick isn't hard to look at and Ron can bet he's got the skill to back up all the hook-ups he's had, so well, again, it's not going a hardship, it's going to be a fun night. Sex always is, as long as whoever you're doing it with isn't a terrible person.
It's just a matter of getting Maverick on board.
Which is easier than he thought. He approaches him on Friday, leaning over Maverick's cubicle in the office, when everyone is already on their lunch break so there's no one around.
"So, you up for something casual?"
Maverick doesn't even look up at him. "What kind of casual?"
"The kind of casual you were going to have tomorrow night," he supplies. He's not going to try too hard.
Maverick raises his head, eyebrows up and he looks at Ron like he's lost his goddamn mind. "With—With you?"
And okay, he didn't need to say it like that.
"Yeah," he just says. When Maverick's expression doesn't change, he adds, "Come on, you can't tell me you don't like what you looking at."
Maverick leans back in his chair, neck straining as he gives Ron a long once over. He chews on his lip as his eyes go up and down as he judges whether Ron is up to some of his fucking standards.
Finally, he just says, "Time and place?"
Ron smirks. "My place, seven-thirty, tonight."
"And Ice is not going to... mind?" God, Maverick almost sounds hopeful that he would mind.
"Nah," he replies. "He knows about, you know."
He doesn't tell Ice anything, not even when they're back home. He only needs to say, "Hey, I'm going to have someone over tonight," and Ice just packs his book at around seven and shuts off in his room.
Maverick arrives on his motorbike and Ron takes him to his room as soon as they're inside. It's been a while since he slept with a guy and he's, well, he'd never admit it but he's a bit worked up for the night.
There are a couple of snarky comments about how Ron tidied up and how he's put fresh sheets on — Ron is nothing but classy, alright — and they set up some rules and dos and don'ts and Maverick goes straight to the point.
Kissing with their height difference is a bit difficult on Ron's back so they don't waste time and move onto Ron's bed.
He doesn't know why he's surprised that Maverick is loud, but he is, and he thought he'd find it annoying, but it's actually doing things to him.
It's not unusual for Ron to bring hook-ups to their house and Ice is used to it — but guys are sparse since it's simply easier and safer to have casual sex with women — so Ice only bangs on the wall they share at the noises once and then puts on a some jazz record way too loud.
All it does is make Maverick roll his eyes before they continue.
It is a fun night. Ron is surprised how not awkward it is — Mav is very good with his mouth and hands and hips and just in general. He responds to Ron's moves like they're fighting to prove who is better but it also gives Ron great, great satisfaction when he finally lets him lead.
He's in bed the same he's in a plane — overly passionate, making a competition out of something that shouldn't be a competition, and a bit crazy. Sex works for them as well as it could for two people who have no feelings for each other — they had a goal and were both amazing at fulfilling that goal. It's hot and intense and all the things Ron's been missing in sex in the past few months.
They do it once, fall asleep, wake up at around one in the morning, do it again, also waking up Ice with it, and then fall back asleep.
He wakes up in the morning and Mav is not there, but his clothes are. He meets Ice, coming out of the bathroom, wet hair floppy on his forehead, and when he gives him a look and asks, "Busy night, huh?" Ron only shrugs.
They notice Mav in their kitchen at the same time and he can see how Ice's whole body tenses up.
It wouldn't be that unusual of a sight — Maverick knows where their spare key is and uses it to let himself in whenever he and Ice go out jogging in the strangest hours of the day possible. What makes Ice freeze like a deer in headlight, or his cool and collected equivalent of it, is that Mav is wearing Slider's Dire Straits t-shirt only, which is way too big on him, the collar sliding down to reveal the hickeys Ron's left on his lower neck and collarbone. It covers him up to mid his thighs and this and his messy hair and distinctive lack of pants are speaking for themselves.
"Morning," is all Maverick says as he continues making his coffee.
Ron bites down the grin at Ice's clenched fists.
Ice blinks and then blurts out at Mav, "Why are you wearing Sli's t-shirt?" And nothing else, is kinda implied in the way his tone turns slightly higher.
"What? I wasn't about to wear my own, I smell like a sweat bucket and Ice was in the shower," Mav explains.
Ice takes a deep breath through his nose as he continues to give Slider a side-eye.
"You...stayed over," Ice says slowly, addressing Mav.
"At Slider's...?"
"Yeah?" Mav replies once more, a bit weirded out now, looking way too comfortable for someone who looks well-fucked-out and better than half-naked in someone else's kitchen. "I just forgot to bring a change of clothes, it won't happen again, duh."
Ice's face is blank as he asks, "... Again?"
Ron is nothing but a man of an opportunity and a shithead so he says, "I wouldn't oppose if we made it a regular thing."
"You're joking," Ice spits out.
"I mean, why not? Maybe try to buy some earplugs, Ice," Mav says, shrugging and taking his coffee. "I'm going to shower now."
"Next Friday?" Ron pops at him before he's out the kitchen doorway.
Ice slaps his side but he ignores him.
"Saturday," Mav counters. "I'm taking Bradley and Carole out on Friday."
He disappears in the hallway and Slider hears their heavy bathroom door opening and closing with a bang.
Ice's stare is perfectly leveled on him, the equivalent of a glare for him.
"What? You said you wouldn't care."
"Mav isn't just—He's my—I—him—I—" Ron raises an eyebrow at him. "Ugh."
He might be gloating, just a bit, because people rarely get The Iceman cornered, and he's managed it. He is aware there isn't anything Ice can say without sounding like a jealous, pinning idiot.
"I'll keep sleeping with him until you get a grip," he tells Ice when Mav is out of their earshot.
"Slider," Ice says through his teeth.
"He's really good in bed, so who knows, maybe it'll be months or years of fun?"
Ice's expression doesn't change, he's too collected to show anything but his face is red, just a bit, and Ron doesn't know if it's because he's pissed off or embarrassed, and he doesn't care. He needs to get a grip and ask Maverick out and in the meantime, well — Maverick is a good and very convenient lay.
"Speaking of which, I need to change my sheets."
Ice breaths through his nose again. Ron gives him a month and if he's still a coward in denial, he'll ask Maverick out on an actual date and see how that will work on Ice.
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snailstrailz · 4 months
Ok so I SUCK at comics and post-sleep clarity compels me to just outline my alternative ending for OATD. I'm kinda on the fence about the ending, but whatever AU where the night entities are real or whatever.
This is kinda long so it's below the cut!
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After Dark fades away Orion gets like super pissed at Light and yells at him for not stopping. Light weakly defends himself and flies off, leaving Orion alone to break down on the beach.
Cut back to present Orion and Hypatia, who's like "wow bummer ending dad" and Orion is like"I'm not finished tho!!"
The scene with the night entities realizing they fucked up plays out basically the same, but they all come together and have an argument about what to do. They all really regret just leaving dark but nobody has any ideas on how to fix things.
Finally, they listen to quiet, who suggests they go back for Orion, because maybe they can get Dark back though his memory.
The entities go find Orion, who's still hopeless. The entities all pitch in and talk about how he's helped, but it's not working. Finally dreams appeals to him by just stating the truth. "We need to get him back, or there will be nothing left for anyone."
Orion finally agrees and the whole crew goes into Orion's head this time, but searching through everything they can't find Dark.
This causes Orion to start having a panic attack and then the whole thing with the black hole happens pretty much the same with Orion deciding to face his fears. This dissipates the black hole and Dark is left behind in its wake.
He too, though is completely hopeless. He's reading the list again, crying.
Everyone tries to convince him to come back but Dark won't budge. Completely given up.
Then light shows up. He's like "dude, if you don't come back nobody will ever feel the cool, calm, dark again bro. It kinda blows when it's just me."
Dark turns around. "People have been terrified of me from day one." He turns to Orion, "you're still pretty afraid of me too. But... Maybe that's ok."
Dark gets up and declares that they're going to go fix the world and again the scene plays out pretty much the same.
Dark brings Orion home and they hug one last time. Orion goes inside and it fades to Orion on the field trip. He gathers his courage and talks to Sarah, and even though his voice cracks, he tells Ricchi Panichi to leave him alone.
In the present Orion and Hypatia are going back home. Hypatia doubts the story, thinking it's just made up. Orion knowingly smiles, before something for the poorly lit park from before catches his attention. Beyond the flickering street light, is Dark.
Hypatia is stunned and Dark is like, "long time no see!" Orion is elated to see Dark again, giving him a hug.
"I guess you're here to convince me you're not so bad now?" Hypatia says but Dark says "nah, I don't really mind." Sleep pops in alongside the others and saying, "it's past your bedtime anyway."
Boom title comes on screen credits roll yippee yay
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ultrone · 10 months
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─ ౨ৎ ‧˚ oldersister!nat who was kinda awkward when you were born, not knowing how to get along with you or how to act—until one day, she fell on her face tripping over one of your toys, and you burst your ass off laughing, staring down at her from your high chair.
“stupid baby,” she said with a frown, rubbing her forehead, but couldn't help joining in the laughter as she found your little giggles very cute and contagious.
that entire afternoon, she kept fake tripping just to make you laugh—by the time she realized it, her legs and arms were all bruised up from all the falling.
─ ౨ৎ ‧˚ sum random hcs
you’re the most important person in her life and she’d do anything for you. literally.
you’ve had fights before due to her drinking and drug addictions, but she promised you that she’d try her best to quit—or at least to do it less frequently. you try to go easy on her though, because you know it’s not easy for her after what happened to your dad. not only that, but since your mom isn’t really present either, she feels very responsible for you, which at times makes her feel stressed. she really is trying her best though, cuz she hates to feel like she’s disappointing you, it literally breaks her heart.
both of you take care of each other equally. she has no (stable) parental figure to rely on, unlike you, who have her as your older sister. so, even though you're younger than her, you always try to show her that you can take care of yourself and that you can always take care of her too whenever she needs it.
she often feels guilty about your dad's death, but you've always reassured her that it wasn't her fault. you've told her many times that no matter what anyone says or thinks, she's not responsible for his death, and that you've never ever doubted that.
she isn’t very verbally expressive but will show her love for you through actions or by randomly ruffling your hair or rubbing your arm/back.
type of person to say “if you need anything just give me a call and i’ll get there in a heartbeat,” and then proceeds to put her phone on night mode and goes straight to bed ☠️ she added a focus button for whenever you go out tho, so that way, if you text her late at night in case of an emergency, she’ll actually get a notification.
she gets mad when you call her natty in public—especially after you called her that in front of tai and she bullied the shit outta her 😭😭 being like “you tired, natty? 🥺🫶🏼” at practice.
she texts “:3” ironically ☠️☠️ also sends you lots of sigma and monkey memes on instagram.
“yo i found this restaurant the other day and they fr serve the best chicken in new jersey, you’ll love it” *takes you to jollibee*
you asked her for help on your homework once and literally failed the assignment ☠️ like, you straight up got a ZERO 😭😭 the worst part is that for the next assignment, you went over to van's trailer for help, and you failed once again 😭 it wasn't until tai came over to see van that you asked for her help as a last resort, and you finally got a B+.
not a morning person at all, she would wake up at least at 1 pm every day if she could. she gets very grumpy if you wake her up before that time on the weekends or when there's no school.
“there’s NO WAY your girl kisser ass is dating travis martinez wth 🤢😭 where’s lottie when you need her” *blocks you*
you gave her a leather jacket for her birthday, and it took you forever to save up enough money to buy it since it was an expensive one—but it was worth it, cuz she loved it so much that she literally wears it every single day.
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k1ngdom-of-thieves · 1 year
Can you do this https://at.tumblr.com/k1ngdom-of-thieves/hi-there-can-you-do-headcanons-for-the/qpbnbhv4sgel but with the vice dorm leaders?
Of course! Thanks for coming back :)
Vice Dorm leaders + Finding out reader is a girl
Trey Clover
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Poor guy genuinely had no idea that you were until you told him. Depending on if you told him during book 1 or waited until later to tell him, he’ll feel slightly embarrassed or absolutely mortified that he made that mistake.
He’d apologize anyway but will still feel really guilty about it. Let him bake you a pastry or something just so he can feel better over it. Those things look so good anyway.
He asks if the others in the Heartslabyul dorm know and if you’d like him to tell them. He doesn’t mind telling them, although he might be a little embarrassed if he was the last one to realize you were a girl.
“Is there anything specific you’d like me to bake? I know you said it didn’t bother you, but I still wanted to apologize somehow.”
Ruggie Bucchi
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Ruggie had a feeling that you were a girl. Your scent was different from the rest of the guys so he had a feeling. Still feels great to be proven right tho.
He won’t ask you about it because: 1 it’s really none of his business, and 2 there’s no guarantee that you’ll actually tell the truth when asked. So he waited for you to tell him, if you ever wanted to.
He’d ask if you told others about this before making jokes. If you said yes, prepare for the dumbest jokes you’ve ever heard. Almost constantly.
Ruggie’s gonna try to get you to do dumb shit with him just so he can’t get in trouble with Leona. He kinda forgot that only you wouldn’t get in trouble and he would still get his ass kicked.
“Hey (Y/N), wanna hear something fun we could do? How about we go into Leona’s room when he’s in the observatory and take a couple bucks?”
Jade Leech
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Jade was actually surprised that you were a girl. He never really thought about it since it was an all boys school, but he’s realizes it must’ve been obvious in hindsight.
His surprise only lasts for a little while before it turns into his signature off putting smile. He chuckles and comments on how difficult it must’ve been to be the only girl for a few miles. Bro do you know how terrifying that sounds.
Of course he wouldn’t try to do anything to you. yet He’s just letting you know that if you need anything, your friends at the Monstro Lounge are always here to help. For a price.
If you’re worried about someone harassing you, just ask Jade to help you. He’d be more than happy to stand threateningly behind you to scare away anyone who tries to get to you.
“Just remember if you ever need anything, you know where to find me. I doubt anyone would want to bother you after hearing we’re in cahoots.”
Jamil Viper
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Jamil did have the passing thought of you not actually being a guy. It wasn’t something he took seriously, it was just a random thought. ..right?
Until you told him that you were a girl. Even though he had thought about it before, he never once thought about it actually being true.
Don’t think that he’s taking this negatively, he’s just completely in shock. He’s actually really happy that you decided to trust him with this information.
He’s more than willing to help out with anything you might need. He has a younger sister, so he has a general idea of what to do if you get any pains or discomfort.
“I’m going to Sam’s shop to buy a couple of things. Would you like me to bring you a few things? Don’t worry, I won’t make you pay me back.”
Rook Hunt
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Rook 100% knew you were a girl before you even spoke to each other. How? Don’t question it, his answer probably wouldn’t make much sense anyway.
He wouldn’t say anything about it before you told him, he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable! Bro you cross that bridge a while ago. He wants to make sure you’re ok with others knowing that you’re a girl before walking around school announcing it.
Thinks it’s so beautiful how you manage to make connections while being so fundamentally different from everyone around you. He finds your stubborn strength to persevere inspiring!
Will tell tales of your efforts even if it was something really mundane. He just wants you know that he sees how hard you try, in his own odd way.
“Oh how have I been blessed to see the trickster and her companions beat the odds yet again!”
Ortho Shroud (Completely platonic)
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Ortho’s sensors initially told him that you were a girl, but he thought that there was an error and had Idia check them out. It was only after Idia told him there was nothing wrong, he finally realized that you were actually a girl.
He’s gonna be a little confused for a while, he didn’t know that it was possible for a girl to attend an all boys school. Then again, most schools don’t have robot younger brothers so he figures he’s in the same boat as you.
He doesn’t mention anything to you until you tell him, he doesn’t want to accidentally make a friend uncomfortable. Besides, he’s learned not to point things out before others tell him. Once he pointed out Floyd’s jacket was missing buttons. Didn’t end well.
Installs applications that help him understand more feminine topics. Even if you aren’t into traditionally feminine things, he just doesn’t want you to feel isolated.
“I hope I can help you when you want to have someone to talk to. That’s what friends are for, right?”
Lilia Vanrouge
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Lilia had no idea that you were a girl, but he isn’t that surprised. He’s seen a lot of different people in his time, so a girl in an all-boys school is honestly pretty mundane for him.
Aside from the simple change of pronouns, his treatment of you is really similar. He treats all of his friends the same, so he never needed to change how he acts around you.
He does get a little protective of you around some of the boys. Father’s reflex. With him on your side, most of the student body wouldn’t dare bother you.
Don’t be afraid to ask him if you need anything, he’d be more than happy to help. He may seem like he has a lot on his plate, with watching over practically everyone in his dorm; but he doesn’t mind doing something for you now and then.
“Well, I’m glad that you trust me enough to tell me. Let me know if you need someone to talk to. I’m sure that with my many years of walking this land, I might know something to make you feel better.”
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hyuukais · 1 year
Take My Time
You want to help but you don’t want to be alone. There’s just never enough time for the two of you. He’s got too much work, you’ve got too little, beginning taking up tasks no one has asked for. Maybe all you need is to take out each others time instead.
word count: 2.1k
genres: Prince!Taehyun x Fiancé!Reader, established relationship, some angst, some fluff
warnings: a little suggestive but nothing too hard, reader is referred to as a “fiancé” tho remains otherwise gn!
author: hello everyone!! it feels like it’s been a while, and it definitely has. i’ve been super busy as of late but i’m super excited to be getting back into a groove of writing! anyways, this is my submission for @kflixnet ‘s exchange event ! dedicated to the wonderful @byeolhyesisi (byu)! i wish i had realized earlier that you were a stay, so i could have written something more personal for you </3 either way i hope you still like it !!
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Silence echoes in the high ceilings of the dining room. Only the lonely sounds of your chewing break through. The grand table, decorated with pastries and meats and fruits from across the four kingdoms, surrounded by nothing but air. Your solitary presence takes up a minuscule corner seat. This loneliness is routine, simply another requirement to being the crown prince’s significant other. Each morning, the royal cooks and servants laid out extravagant meals, all to be enjoyed by the royal family and advisors. And each morning, you were usually the only one sitting at the table. Some mornings, the Queen would stop in for a moment, though she never stayed long; Huening was a frequent visitor, only ever grabbing a handful of tarts before skittering away. It wasn’t their fault. Ever since the king’s abdication coupled with your engagement, everyone in the castle was suddenly a lot busier. You seemed to be the rare exception. In the days, when Taehyun had been stolen away by countless court officials and the sight of his face seemed nothing but a faded memory, you so often found yourself in this very position; alone. The empty echo of grand rooms unfilled, the hollow thump of your feet in lasting corridors, the quiet page flip of a book almost finished.
Now, breakfast finished, you place down the little silverware you used upon your plate, readying it to be returned. The staff usually tried to stop you when you showed up in the kitchen; going on about you not needing to do their work, sometimes panicked as though they’d failed to do a far more incredibly important task than collecting your breakfast dining ware. However, you found it felt nice to help out in any way possible, despite most’ consistent rejection of your need to work. You’d even begun a quiet project of restoring the library’s most neglected corners, though you doubt anyone went in there as often as you to even notice. 
The click of your shoes follows you through the stoney stairwell down to the kitchen. Swirling around yourself, down down to the landing where the scent of fresh bread is permanent and heat permeates from the walls. The deep hum of conversation flies beneath the door; something almost familiar in the way it flows. You reach for the door, balancing the dirty dishes in one hand before it swings open by itself. The shock shoves you back a step, almost toppling the plates you were holding. Swift hands jump out to save you from the disaster, steadying your fall. The rough of calluses scratch at your skin with palms hesitant to touch you.
“Ah, sorry about that, your highness. I was in a bit of a rush.” The kind voice of Royal General Choi betrays some tremble of nerves.
“No, no, it’s okay. Thank you, General, and please, call me Y/n.”
“Well, then, please call me Yeonjun.” He breaks away from his fairly tense smile with a chuckle you join in on. “Have a good day, Y/n.”
He quickly brushed past you in a hurry. “You too.” A thought suddenly struck you, turning you around. “Wait, Yeonjun, do you know where Taehyun will be today?”
The man’s eyes go wide, very obvious in how you caught him off-guard. “Taehyun? Well, um, I believe he’ll be in meetings with the-uh-King’s Council all day. Yeah. Why, is there something you need him for?”
Your heart falls a little, as though you didn’t already know; he’s going to be very busy from now on, as is any king. You may be his fiancé but, unmarried, you were less than his consort. That was your sacrifice for a love you cherished more than anything. “No, no, just curious. Thank you, Yeonjun.”
The burning hearth warms your heart as you greet the young maiden tending its flames beneath a tray of exquisitely made sweets. She nods back, used to your presence down here. You move off toward the sinks, saying hello as you go, workers greeting you in return. They shuffle around with grand trays and brooms; the loud thump of those slicing up fruits and vegetables. Approaching the old woman hunched over a small bucket of water, you watched her shaking hands work into the already shining silver of a large platter.
“Good morning, Alice.”
She stops scrubbing, wiping the suds off on her apron and softly taking the dishes from your hands. “Oh good morning, dear.” The plates placed to soak in the soapy water, she pulls on your hands to have you sit on the stool beside her. “How was breakfast this morning?”
“Oh, well, nothing new. The muffins were very good.” Her wrinkling fingers rubbed slowly over yours.
She hummed before leaning over, a puckish smirk now stretched up to the glint in her eyes, “And? Any sight of his majesty?”
“Ah.” You find yourself looking away, suddenly much more interested in alleviating her of some of the china all piled high next to you.
“My goodness! You ate alone again?”
“He’s very busy, Halmeoni, he’s about to be King. The last thing he needs is to be distract-“
“Ah!” Her hand snatched yours out of the warming waters, “Don’t you finish that sentence. I cannot let you say that word. You are not a distraction. Excuse my disgrace, but King or not, you are his partner. If he cannot give you the time for a simple meal together, after you have left behind your life to come here and be with him. Then, my child, he is not worth your time.” Her kindly features wrinkled with her downturned brow, with the greatest strength she could muster, her hands squeezed into yours. Her eyes held wisdom beyond your years, locked behind a lifetime of lost chances.
“I-“ Some rotten feeling deep down inside of you knows she’s right. Still, the most rational part of you knew that nothing of this was purposeful. He was preparing to lead a nation, no simple feat, and yet. You had given up your relatively stable life in the village working as a florist, which is how you’d met Taehyun in the first place. When he kept coming back to your quaint little store on the edge of the capital, week after week, buying bouquets and arrangements, which he eventually confided all went in his private study. Things simply evolved from there; dates, dinners, walks, until he asked you to marry him, which meant moving into the palace. Of course you accepted and that’s where you were now; alone in the home he promised to build with you. 
“I’ll talk to him, Alice. I promise. Now let me help you with some of these dishes.”
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The musk of paper was shrouded behind the mounds of dirt filling the air. Particles fly, with every swish of your hand the haze gets heavier. Your rag has almost lost all its original color beneath a smooth coating of dust. Towering above, the delicate curves of the mahogany shelves are perhaps the cleanest they’ve been in centuries. Your small corner of respite, lit up only by artificial light, was slowly finding new life. This section, tucked in the very back of the library, past the rows and rows of classical titles and grandiose histories, was perhaps your favorite genre of all. Three wide-spanning bookcases, all piled to the brims with books on horticulture. Books full of plants and flowers and soils and meanings. One detailing the language of flowers, the most well-worn in the section, mainly from its use by you. As a florist, of course, you already knew much of the information here, but your heart yearned for everything to keep in touch with the knowledge.
You set down the dusting rag, taking a step back to admire your work. The rich browns, intricately carved with scenes of nature and gods, shimmer like they’re glossed and new. All of the books settled along the shelves are just as clean despite their varying states. Your hand reached for the one you’ve read time and time again, curling up in the armchair stuffed in between bookcases. Here, the world slips away. Taken in by the plush feeling, the woody scent, the low light, and the beautiful sketches laid out on the paper before you. You fall into a peace where this time alone is cherishable. Words swallow up your thoughts, sounds around you faded, and you forget everything. Until the soft thump of footsteps filters into the air. An odd sound, you had never seen anyone else coming in here before. The sound grows closer with its source soon rounding the corner.
A blue head of hair comes into your view. You take pause for a moment, reeling in a state of shock. Taehyun’s face lights up as he makes eye contact with you and begins walking forward.
He’s dressed to a tee, a starched suit dipped in midnight blues and dressed in accents of gold. Jewels and medals dripped down above his breast pocket. He looks amazing, expensive and royal and elegant. Yet, with the undone buttons slowly creeping further down, there is a sense of exhaustion in his stance.
You stand from the chair to meet him halfway down the aisle. “Tae-what-what are you doing here?”
You aren’t prepared for when he immediately took hold of your hands and brought his lips onto yours. In the rushed moment, his lips still land softly, hands slowly encircling your waist and ever so slightly tugging you closer. Your eyes stay open in surprise, hands not knowing where to fall for a moment. Yet, as he pulls you in tighter, your eyes flutter shut, succumbing to the heat his mouth trails upon your skin. When he pulls away, it takes a moment for them to crack open. Faces still so close, you feel every heavy breath he takes pounding in his chest.
The heady silence draws your words out into a whisper. “Love…what are you doing here?”
His breathing is replaced with a heavy sigh as his grasp around your waist loosens. Big, round boba eyes open up to meet you. “Do I need a reason to come see you?”
“Well-no, of course not. It’s just…” His eyes move back and forth, trying to catch yours as you look away.
“…I’m sorry I haven’t been around very much.” You shoot your head up to find the regretful smile he’d placed in his lips.
“No-no, Tae it’s not-you-you’ve got a lot on your plate! You-”
“I should never be too busy for you.” The delicate sweep of his fingers over your temple causes a swift thumping in your chest. “I’m being pulled in so many different directions at the moment and you’ve been so patient with me; thank you for that. I haven’t been taking the moments I’ve had to spend with you. I really am sorry. This King stuff is important, but before all of that should be the person I’ve dedicated the rest of my life to.”
His thumb rubs a sweet circle around your cheek. In a rush, you pull his face back down to yours, taking him by surprise this time. In the farthest corner of the least-traversed room, you took in his heat, his love, his time and gave him all of yours in return. Even startled, his hands wrap back into position, pressing you into him. The overwhelming smell of his black cherry scent melts you down deeper. His lips are rougher this time, pushing back against you with a new fervor. Your hands travel up into his hair, tressing through the blue silk. A sigh slips between your lips and there’s a noticeable relaxing of Taehyun’s shoulders.
You pull away first still bumping the tip of your nose onto his.
“So,” His breaths are heavy, “I guess that means I’m forgiven?”
“Tae, love,” The smile he wears is far lighter now. “You didn’t have to apologize in the first place. You’re busy with a lot of really important things; I understand that. And I was never mad at you, I-I was just lonely. I want to be there for you in any way I can, but I barely see you in my day-to-day. We just need to learn how to make the time. You know I’ll miss a few hours of sleep just so I can spend time with you.”
“I love you, Y/n, but don’t go missing sleep over me.”
You giggle while leaning up to his cheek. “I love you too, my prince.”
“I still have some time now, not sure how much. I lost the tailor and Soobin maybe, 20 or so minutes ago. He probably won’t find me for a while.”
“Wait-wha-Taehyun, you ran away from your tailor!?”
“You weren’t the only one feeling a little lonely.” He seals the words with one final kiss filled with laughter and love. Taking up your slowly ticking time together.
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tagging: @ibyeonjun
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mal3vol3nt · 11 days
What are ur thoughts about natla Azula
they misunderstood her. like they fully missed the mark
natla azula is desperate, pathetically so, for ozai’s approval. she pushes herself beyond her limits, working extensively and acting out of line to prove to him that she’s valuable and better than zuko. they write her as a daughter who just wants her father’s approval and will do anything to keep him happy. and they got that part right but what they did get wrong about it, they got sooo wrong
cartoon azula is grounded by her father’s approval because she knows—or rather believes—that it’s the one thing she has secured. ozai groomed her into who she is in the show, made her believe that his “love” for her is the only real thing she’s ever experienced. cause her mother left suddenly, seemingly with no care for her, and zuko has always been jealous of her being a prodigy and would probably bring her down too if needed. he made her believe that she was the only person who never failed him, and that he has his entire faith in her to carry out his plans. azula is a severely mentally ill girl because of her father and the approval that’s already been established there. he used her natural talent as a crutch to separate her from everyone else (mom and brother included—tho both of their actions, particularly their mother’s, aided in this as well) so that she’d rely on him and him only. he created an environment in which her worth was based on the fact that she’s his favorite. so azula comes off as very self-assured and put together because she is grounded in the belief that she’s the one who her father favors and trusts—not zuko or their mother or anyone else. it’s not until this belief is shattered and ozai leaves—abandons—her to take care of the fire nation as firelord while he does his loser “phoenix king” shit that we see her start to crack. because now everything she thought she knew was starting to crumble: fear and oppressive domination didn’t keep mai and ty lee from betraying her, and her constant work to earn her father’s love beyond his mere approval of her failed. because at the end of the day, despite being bestowed the title she’s always wanted, her father is still above her. the whole “phoenix king” bullshit just added another barrier between them and it proved that no matter what she did she would never ever be his equal. she was never going to be his equal and he knew that from that start. she was never his ally—she was his pawn. and that realization crushes her, sets her on a downward spiral
in natla she is practically crawling for his approval, wearing her heart on her sleeve in a way that is so unlike azula it’s uncanny. and while the insecurities she displays are accurate, it’s not azula. her trauma is so misrepresented and misunderstood in the live action, and it feels like they’re setting her up for a copy of zuko’s arc tho i doubt they’ll go through with that path. so it’ll just end up with azula’s character feeling even more unfulfilled and confused, because the writers are clearly confused about who azula is and why she is the way she is
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phoelipop · 27 days
I finally started reading Loveless and its been so painfully relatable like nothing I've ever experienced before
Back in 2015 was when I first learned about asexuality but I was in denial for a while because I didn't think it was real / just thought it was an internet thing. After learning more about it, I realized how much it aligns with my life and experiences I had growing up... but I didn't wanna believe that was me.
Around 2018 was when I fully accepted that I'm ace, I know that without a doubt. I never liked using labels for myself but once I found about asexuality it felt so freeing, knowing the way I am is perfectly fine and normal and that there are others like me.
And for the past year and a half I guess I've been having that same battle with myself over whether or not I'm aro too. I've never had an actual relationship (that i wanted to be in), nor have I ever really wanted one. Like others, I also forced myself or lied about crushes to fit in, never wanted to pursue a relationship with anyone tho. It's all what friends ever cared about, and yeah it's normal! But growing up not actually wanting those things made me feel very not normal.
But I'm human, I don't want to be alone. We're raised to believe romantic love is the one goal in our society and you're miserable without love. I've never been miserable not having a relationship, the only time i was was when I thought I had to and forced myself into them, just because someone liked me i thought I would start to like them back if i tried. I didn't of course and it was terrible. But I still wanted to be open to the possibility that one day I'll meet someone that will change all that. I don't really think that's possible for me and, I'm just starting to believe that's ok now.
Selfship always felt safe for me since it's fiction, and I did try to find friends and a sense of community through it, but again learned even in this I'm different. It's different for everyone though, but even with selfship sometimes I find it hard to relate to others when it comes to expressing love. I dunno… But I've always been happy with my fictional loves and my friends + family, that has always been enough for me.
This book has also made me want to be a better friend… I admit I've been so distant lately with everything going on in my life rn its been hard to see my worth sometimes and believe that I'm actually loved by my friends but trying to work on it… platonic love is just as important, even more so especially for us aroace-spec peeps
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wikiangela · 8 months
wip wednesday
tagged by @jesuisici33 @daffi-990 @weewootruck 💖💖
more of phone sex fic bc it's all I've been writing lately lmao (it's so close to being done istg, maybe this weekend? no promises tho lol) and I figured I'd finally make a tag list too while I remember haha - so if you wanna be tagged when I post fics, pls interact with this post
prev snippet
And he immediately lowers the volume to the lowest possible settings, because Buck gets so loud he’s still worried the sound will carry through his house. The video is just a minute long, and it cuts off just as Buck starts moving the toy again, hips jerking up. Eddie brings his phone back up to his ear, and is met by more of Buck’s loud sounds.
“Baby.” Eddie moans, his hand on his dick moving so fast his arm is starting to hurt.
“You like?” Buck asks, and Eddie swears he can hear his satisfied smirk.
“Oh, hell yes. I could watch you do that over and over again. Preferably in person. Watch you prepping yourself for my cock, making yourself feel good, showing me and teaching me what you like, so I can be just as good for you. Better, even.” he still keeps his voice low, which is becoming more and more of a challenge, eyes closed, the video replaying in his mind. “I’ll be so good for you, you’ll be ruined for anyone else.” It’s a promise that Eddie intends to keep. Buck is his, for as long as they live, and hopefully longer. He has no doubt that Buck is his forever. He’s never had any doubts, ever since realizing his feelings, always hoping, knowing that one day they’d eventually find a way to each other in this way, romantic way, too. He never thought that it’d start with phone sex, but here they are now, and Eddie is definitely not complaining. He does need to kiss Buck as soon as possible, though, he feels like he needs that more than air.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gayarthur @diazass @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @arthursdent @diazblunt @911onabc @eddiediaztho @housewifebuck @thewolvesof1998 @fortheloveofbuddie @lover-of-mine @gayhoediaz @callaplums @rogerzsteven @watchyourbuck @hoodie-buck @monsterrae1 @hippolotamus @loserdiaz @ladydorian05 @forthewolves @honestlydarkprincess @wildlife4life @spotsandsocks @disasterbuckdiaz @eowon @theotherbuckley @giddyupbuck
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mushiemellows · 2 months
You mentioned you had some tricks to better write brook? Did you mind sharing?
Tbh brook is still pretty tricky for me, I've only given him one attempt, and that was mostly uhhhh well if you know the brook fic you know. It is what it is. Here's how I prioritize the flow of words when I write from brook's pov:
Like Franky, Brook is an Isolation Monster. You're gonna close your eyes and put yourself back in like Winter 2020. Lose it a little bit. He talks to himself, and he talks to himself narratively. He offers his comments, he is actively internally commentating. He's telling this story to himself, not an outside reader. Blur them lines.
He is a gentleman before he's a perv. He's sweet, he's old fashioned, he's a boundary-less idiot, but in an old man way.
He thinks in music. I looooooove giving him a music metaphor. The comment I had about learning a lot from writing brook, I was thinking about because I've been writing Sanji this week. I realized I can lean on a similar instinct and focus a bit on Sanji thinking in food. Process, time, senses, courses, construction, etc. Brook's similar, so I did work to tie what I was writing about sex with music. Those are two of the most interconnected human sensations. Drums, tempo, instruments, volume, the sensation of playing, the sensation of listening. I do a lot of word association work when I set up my more metaphor heavy sections, and you have to be unafraid to take a metaphor two or three steps beyond the first association.
He is easily awed. It's the simple things that make him sit back and go "My goodness, how lovely." Brook (like, admitedly, Sanji) has a complex relationship to Lack and Desire. The longer he has been without, the more he treasures what he has. He Wants, but he doesn't want huge things. He wants friends, he wants contact, he wants a glass of milk.
THe fact that he asks to see big mom's panties is the most radical thing anyone has ever dared to vocalize in the entire series. This is key to his character. He is a Whore, but all he has are those gosh darn Pelvis Bones. He is genderless. He is bisexual.
when in doubt go Peepaw Mode. Oh peepaw, at it again. You're so funny peepaw. He probably Grandpappy Sneezes. He'll ask anyone to sit on his lap even tho there's no way you could. I'm begging him to pick up knitting.
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spoonsock · 10 months
1610e Miles x gn. Reader
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Synopsis: Miles with a super sensitive reader,, :,)
Warnings: well none I think? Reader has unstable mental health tho and is easily hurt I guess? I dunno I honestly d u n n o what this is.
Not proofread boo fucking hoo.
You didn’t know why you were the way you were. Whether it started when you hit puberty or maybe it was always like this? It didn’t matter anyway. All you knew was that you were very emotional.
And ever since you realized that it wasn’t quite normal for someone to react so much to things that seemed so little and simple to others, you worried that no one could take care of you properly and you’ll live your life unlovable and alone because, well, nobody will care enough to comfort you about stupid shit that upset you.
That was until you met Miles.
And you swear, you’ve never met anyone with such a kind soul. Funny enough, he swears the same for you.
Even though your friendship was never just a friendship, but always something more, Miles was, from the very beginning, a great friend. I mean he had an awesome personality, he was smart and funny and nice and practically perfect.
“Too good to be true”, how you described it then. Because no matter how sweet he was, you always waited for that moment. The moment he accidentally does something that upsets you and you isolate yourself and he realizes how sensitive you are over dumb things and calls you an melodramatic overthinker.
When something you thought would be that moment happened, you already braced yourself for the worst. You remember it all too well actually.
Miles had to cancel your plans to hang out for the third time. And guess what? You cried. As soon as you read the “Y/N iam so sprry i camt rn” message, you burst into tears. The other two times before that he promised he’ll make it, but he never did. Why? Hé obviously sent that message in a hurry anyway, proves just how much “important” you are to him. He really couldn’t even write a normal sentence huh?
Maybe he was mad at you? Maybe he didn’t want to be your friend anymore? He probably realized how boring you are. He realized you’re not special. You don’t mean shit to him.
And so you cried your heart out.
Unbeknownst to you, our beloved super hero was trying to beat a random super villain. After successfully webbing them up, the first thing he thought of was to come to you. He sent you a million messages of apologizing over and over, but you didn’t see any of them, so he sent one last thing before making a move.
“I’m coming over”
Your phone buzzed for the trillionth time that evening and you couldn’t muster up the strength to open it and read the texts he sent you. You knew it was him. And you felt bad for not answering, but you just couldn’t do it. You cried harder at the feeling of guilt that built up inside you.
Suddenly, there was a knock at your window. You thought it was probably a bird or something, not wanting to get up from your position on the bed. You head was buried into the pillows and you practically couldn’t breathe, but you definitely couldn’t- wouldn’t move so it was the most comfortable you’ll get.
Another knock. Actually a few of them. Each louder than the previous one. As much as you wanted to scream at the mysterious source of the knocks, you got up and opened it. Not really expecting to see Miles. Not hoping to see him.
But there he was, an apologetic look on his face which was replaced by a kinda shocked one at the sight of your own. Your eyes were bloodshot and puffy, cheeks flushed and wet, nose runny, lips swollen. You doubted you were a sight for sore eyes.
“Can I come in?”, he asked quietly. You hesitated for a moment before nodding and moving aside so he can pull himself into your room.
He came in and sat on your bed, but you sat on the floor, as far away from him as possible. He, of course, noticed. “Are you okay?”, you nodded again.
“Y/N, pleas-“
“Look, Miles-“
You both started at the same time. He chuckled and you smiled shyly, before telling him to go first.
“Y/N, I am so so sorry. I promise I’ll make it up to you! Whenever or wherever you want, we’ll hang out, just say it and I’ll be there!”, he finished, looking at you expectantly.
“I get it, Miles. It’s okay, I-I just overreacted and-“
“Were you crying?”
“..Yeah”, you answered slowly, expecting him to laugh at you or get angry. “But that’s just how I am! I cry over stupid things, I get upset over stupid things and I can’t control it and I don’t know why!”, you started tearing up again. But before you could continue, Miles sat down on the floor next to you and embraced you tightly. You grabbed his neck and cried into his shoulder before realizing you are wetting his shirt.
“Your shirt”, you pointed at it, trying to pull yourself together and wiping your eyes. Suddenly, he held your chin so lightly you could barely feel it, wiping away your tears with his thumb. You felt your face heat up at that, as if it wasn’t flushed enough already.
“I could care less about my shirt right now”, he told you seriously and you couldn’t help but giggle. You hugged him again, appreciating the comfort he was providing you. No one ever made you feel this way.
The two of you just sat in silence, holding each other.
Needless to say, from that day Miles started seeing you more. He almost never canceled his plans with you, and when he did, which was SUUUUPER rare, he would try to make it up for you by buying you your favorite candy and flowers. You couldn’t help but think about how that was a bit too…not platonic for a pair of friends.
Anyhow, as if he wasn’t caring enough before, he started being even more gentle with you. Constantly texting you to see if you were okay and if you needed anything. Sending you the silliest, cutest and kindest photos just to try to make your day.
Even if he had a bad day, he would try to be cheery around you. He wouldn’t want to affect you with his bad mood. And at the end of the day, acting happy for you turned into actually being happy. It was just something about you, maybe about your aura or whatever energy was surrounding you, that always made him feel better. Perhaps it was your empathetic and tender nature.
Oh and by the way, you were right. About the “too not platonic for just friends” thing, because after a few months of getting to know you, caring about you and constantly thinking of you, Miles realized he had to confess. And so he did.
He invited you to hang out, bought you your favorite ice cream and a rose, before telling you how he feels. About how happy you make him and how you never leave his mind. About how he wants to take care of you and how he’s willing to give you the world.
And guess what? You cried. Happy tears of course. You were just so overwhelmed with joy and how.. nice he was. At that moment you felt so loved and blissful and, in the heat of that very moment, you grabbed the collar of his hoodie and kissed him. Gently, of course. He wrapped one arm around you waist and the other one caressed your jaw.
Your eyelashes brushed against his cheek and one of your tears fell on his face. You noticed as you pulled away before apologizing, but he just laughed and pulled you back in.
As your relationship progressed, everyday you appreciated how much of a great boyfriend he was. He was flawless, quite literally. He never made you feel like your feelings were not valid, even when you thought so yourself. He was just so thoughtful and loving and perfect. The most perfect boy you could have ever asked for.
Guys this is so poorly written, but it has been in my drafts for weeks, I had to finish it. I do not know how to write for men. 😭
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asfateentertwines · 1 year
Neteyam is gay. Like, no doubts about it, man is a homosexual.
That takes him a long time to admit though; his entire identity surrounded being the oldest and a warrior, it wasn't until he reached the Metkayina that he finally had a moment to breath and realize why Ao'nung was so distracting to him
It's like he can finally breathe, not even for the sake of questioning his sexuality and more so cause he finally feels like a piece of the puzzle clicked together
Homie has identity issues galore
It takes Jake back a bit to realize Neteyam is gay though, in part due to internalized earth stuff but also just because he has to admit that Neteyam is a teenager and still feels teenager things in a war
It's him realizing Neteyam only grew up in war, that its already been his childhood
Spider is demiromantic, bisexual, and trans. He has almost zero preference towards gender romantically or physically but feelings take a minute for him to develop. However, when they do, he falls hard
I love trans!Spider but don't use it all the time cause it's a process to work in canon
However, FTM Spider was sort of a clumsy coming out
Na'vi are intersex, it's very fluid, even if some still believe there should be some version of a binary
So no one quite understand why the humans are so strict on their genders or why it's such a big deal for Spider than he is a he and not a she.
He just sort of breaks down with Lo'ak and Kiri who panic and try to fix things. He thinks it's a big thing and no one really gives a shit, he's still the little stray human, but some of the older teens and stuff realize how much he cares and make an effort to make him feel good about it
He worries it'll make him more of a freak but he has a gaggle of siblings, and later friends, who reassure him that they couldn't particularly care less
His coming out is what triggers Kiri's
Kiri is an asexual lesbian who uses she/they pronouns
Unlike the romantic preferences, being asexual is a little bigger of a deal but Neytiri specifically will shut down anyone who gives her baby any shit
Being ace is a bigger thing because there is so much emphasis on intimacy and seeing one another, however, Kiri very passionately proves to anyone that she doesn't need sex to connect with anyone.
Lo'ak has actively gotten into fights to help when people start shit with them
Kiri didn't really have a sexuality crisis though
They just kind of knew, something her brothers are endlessly jealous of
Tsireya is her first crush though
Lo'ak is the one who gets it bad but Kiri admittedly fell hard for her
She was gorgeous and sweet, cared about the environment around them in a way no one their age ever seems to
Plus she stands up for her and Kiri wanted to show her what she sees so bad it made her stomach curl
But she stepped back for Lo'ak, as bittersweet as it was, she felt so good just enjoying the innocent feeling
It just felt good to have normal teenage feelings in the midst of a war
Lo'ak is bisexual, however, he would tell you he is Tsireyasexual
He is one track minded
The most loyal partner ever tho
Like, if you're his person, he is honed in
Being bi was never really a huge thing for him but he was the last one of all the teenagers to come out
He just forgot
He was sitting with Tsireya while everyone hung out and Tsireya pointed out a cute guy to him and they took in the view together while everyone kind of just ??? this is new?
It wasn't, homie really just forgot to tell people
It was a given to him
Funnily enough, he has the same taste as Kiri
Tsireya is not the first girl they both liked
While he is bi, he does lean mostly towards girls
He's a sucker for pretty
It's bad, Tsireya flutters her lashes at him and he'll do damn near anything
A simp (TM)
Tuk is too young rn to really care but when she's older, I think she's pan
People her age are much fewer and she just likes friends
Her first crush is Rotxo's little sister cause she keeps following him to hang out when Tuk is a preteen
She's hella obvious and all of the older ones think it's hilarious to tease her, she's worse than Lo'ak when he first saw Tsireya
She's bringing her shells and little flowers, trying to show off in games and dress pretty
Tsireya and Neteyam take mercy and help her get her act together but nothing comes of it
Once it starts tho she's a hopeless romantic
She has a new crush every other week of her early teen years but never gets to be a better flirt
She's a mini Lo'ak that way
He tries to coach her and says she didn't get it from him but it's obvious
Ao'nung is demi. He leans towards men physically but he is almost as bad as Neteyam in terms of thinking himself responsible for everyone
Tonowari tries desperately to break him of that mindset and Ronal is constantly trying to take pressure off of him but it's just in his nature
So he, like Neteyam, doesn't think about relationships much
He has, however, been a hopeless romantic with a laundry list of brief crushes over the years
He falls hard for Neteyam though when he arrives
Mainly because he finally feels seen, he's a big one on emotional connections
No one at home understands the pressure on him so when Neteyam shows up, shepherding siblings and standing as his fathers right hand, he doesn't know what to do
He tries to cover it up, worried still for the safety of his clan, and scare them off
A little selfish part of him was afraid of the feelings and wanted them gone
Clearly that doesn't work but, once they realize they both like one another, it doesn't take him long to latch on
He and Neteyam become close rapidly and fall into a relationship fast once things are started (a genuine surprise to literally everyone)
A very devoted partner; he learned from his Dad and takes being a good partner seriously
it took him a really long time to feel confident in himself so once he and Neteyam are together, he's devoted to becoming a strong partner to demonstrate a strong relationship to his partner
Metkayina are extremely family based and he will not let them down
Tsireya is pan
She has so much love in her she doesn't know what to do with it
Falls hard and fast, Ao'nung has spent years trying to keep her from falling for everyone who she connects just a little bit with
Actually did have a crush on Kiri too, though she had one on Lo'ak at the same time
Might by poly but she never investigates it
She's very spiritual and spends a lot of time with the ancestors so her partner needs to care too
Like she makes Lo'ak ask the ancestors for their blessing when she accepts his courting
He was scared shitless and got teasingly (?) threatened by her deceased uncle
She cares deeply about helping others to the point of being naive - she has gotten hurt before because of it so she needs some reassurances in relationships
Lo'ak is not her first relationship but he is the first really healthy one
She's prone to trying to fix people honestly, she doesn't get what she puts in a lot
However, when she does, she's a little angel
Gifts, cooking, help; whatever she can do to show her love she'll do
Wants to be Tsahik so she's terrified Neteyam will take the job
He lets her happily, preferring to be a line of defense for his people regardless
Rotxo has no clue what he is
He just knows he likes Spider
He's a giant softie
Like gentle giant himbo vibes but fiercely protective of his family
Very proud of his home and his heritage
He has two moms so sexuality wasn't really a big deal growing up, however, he just didn't really care
He just likes who he likes
He had a bigass crush on Ao'nung for a bit but later realized it was just a deep platonic love
Unlike most of the crew, he doesn't fall easily
Like he has had maybe 2 crushes his entire life
So falling for Spider is a shock
But he's just happy to find his feelings returned
He's a big provider type, likes giving gifts and taking care of his friends
He has a lot of issues about feeling useful and needed; he grew up in Ao'nungs shadow and so feels like he needs to fight to be seen
Hence part of how he and Spider bonded
While very gentle, he's very passionate about being a warrior once he finally feels like he has a reason to be
Does a lot of soul searching after the Sullys come
He still has a lot to learn about himself but feels much more at peace now that he doesn't feel like just Ao'nungs best friend
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randomgentlefolk · 4 months
Hm, I wonder how Leelathae writes in her diary? I mean, does she write them in just dialogue, or narrative, or what? Either she is writes in dialogue, or she described the witch pretty well for Gwen to recognize who the witch is.
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I mean, I didn't expect these ingredients, but sure. Does this imply there's a cemetery near The Pastel Kingdom? Cause Leelathae isn't allowed to be far from home, right? And I doubt she would ask someone to get dirt from cemetery for her...
I wonder what Leelathae plan was? Cause she didn't get the chance to execute it since her portrait was stolen by Leland. Or maybe she did execute it while in the Plaid Kingdom?
I agree with the witch so much. The painters fr did Leelathae dirty 💀
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Huh. How does the ingredient turn into a paint-like liquid?? None of the ingredients are liquid based. Maybe the dirt?
This whole spell thing is sick man. It's so dang cool!! I wonder if anyone notices Leelathae sparkling?? I mean, one of the maids has got to notice right?
Also I've never knew there's tea inside snickerdoodles (chai is tea, right?). Well, it's not like I've ever tried snickerdoodles, but last time I read the recipe, I don't remember tea being in the recipe. But that was years ago so it might just be my memory.
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Well, the mystery of the portrait is finally solved! And yet there's another mystery.. what writing did Leelathae put behind her portrait? Yes, the diary is one of them, but there are other things too. Like those brown and green papers. I'm guessing it's a message toward her kids?
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Ohh, that's why!! Leelathae was glowy because of the spell!
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BRUH SO WAS IT LIKE, A MISUNDERSTANDING THIS WHOLE TIME?? I did kinda predict it in my really old post, but I was joking T_T
Something's kinda bothering me about what Leelathae said in her 3rd wish. Why is she only talking about her daughters? What about Jamie? Or is there a hidden meaning that I am not getting here? If someone would enlighten me, that would be nice.
Aw. It's actually pretty sweet when you think about how they didn't even know how to speak to each other at first, but they still fell in love with each other <3
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Oh. Oohhh....okay. This doesn't justify what Leland is doing right now, but it sure give a big reason for it. Yikes. Damn. That must've hurt.
Okay okay, let me just remember the past episodes to realize all the causes here.
Leland's parents died due to tragic carriage accident (didn't a carriage accident happen more than once? Tho I can't remember to who besides Leland's parents)
His best friend, Jack, didn't arrive to Leland's parents' funeral, which is the moment he needed him the most (not Jack's fault though, since he was literally stranded in an island)
Leland obviously has a little crush on Jack, which is why it hurts him when he found out Jack brought Leelathae to Pastel Kingdom (again, not Jack's fault). I think this is where he jealousy starts, the point where Leland thinks he has to be better at every love things than Jack.
He overheard Jack saying he didn't need him, which is probably the nail in the coffin for Leland. I mean that monologue Leland has? That's kinda internal mental breakdown right there. (I gotta say, this scenario is kindaaa similar to Gwen overhearing Frederick calls her ugly. I wouldn't say it's the exact same thing of course. It's just the overhearing that makes it similar)
So! Looking at these 4 reasons, it is highly likely that Leland has some problems (no shit sherlock). HEAR ME OUT. I don't know what it is yet. I was thinking of abandonment issues, but I have yet to read much about it, so i'm not sure yet.
HAH! Glad Leelathae decided to haunt his dreams tho!
OH SHIT OH SHIT. NAH LELAND NAHHHH. HE BETTER NOT. ....well at the time i'm writing this the next episode is already out so.. guess we're gonna find out...IN THE NEXT REVIEW!!
Yeah I haven't read the episode yet lol. I bet it's gonna be chaotic though.
That's it for now, until next time.
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts)
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faejilly · 11 months
i absolutely love your sh meta so i was wondering what are your thoughts on Alec’d relationship with his sexuality bc i always sort of read it as him knowing that he was gay but absolutely not saying it out loud
absofuckinglutely nonny
There's an excellent post by amorverus that I cannot find the original of so have my reblog HERE that articulates it really well
I even wrote a fic about it! #shameless self promotion [tumblr / ao3] (That is, in fact, one of my favorite things I've ever written.)
I do strongly believe that Alec knew that he was gay, and felt no shame about that in and of itself. He is not offended by Magnus flirting with him, would not, I think, be offended by anyone else flirting with him, regardless of gender. (Tho prior to Magnus I also think he just... wasn't interested, but that's a separate conversation.) He knew, however, that it was not allowed in his culture and it would hurt his family and not just him if it came out.
(This is why Izzy makes me so uncomfortable in s1 regarding Alec, tbqh, because she lives there too, but refuses to see the danger to herself and, more egregiously in Alec's mind, because obviously she can chose to risk herself for him if she wants, for all he doesn't like it, but she's causing risk for their little brother if Alec is outed, and that's unacceptable. Even if I'm quite sure Max would agree with her priorities.)
I do, however, think Alec felt a lot of shame regarding his attraction to Jace. Jace was hurting and was supposed to be his brother and yet... Alec felt an attraction that he knew Jace wouldn't return. So he's got all the societal pressure on him not to be gay, and all this personal pressure not to manipulate or abuse someone in a vulnerable situation (because Jace was, even if he wouldn't admit it), PLUS all the normal human issues with feeling attraction for someone who is important enough to you that you can't lose them, and you can legitimately be terrified that if you can't get it under control you MIGHT... (Even more so for him than a mundane romantic vs platonic situation, obviously, because there's questions of command and exile and punishment, not just ruining an interpersonal dynamic in a way it never quite recovers from.)
Plus Alec's kind of also Jace's commanding officer which is yet ANOTHER unequal power dynamic, and he's supposed to be protecting an entire Institute, not just this one person, but he can't stop thinking about it because it's fucked up and he knows he should stop and he can't.
(Because, he realizes with the benefit of hindsight after he meets Magnus, by fixating on Jace he was safe, he was never going to fall in love for real with someone he might have a chance with, would never have to actually choose between his culture and his personal desires, while still telling himself that he already had, that he'd chosen his family and it was fine, he was FINE.
(He was so not fine.))
And so, even though he truly believes there's nothing wrong with being gay in general, he does believes there is something Very Wrong with him specifically being gay.
But he still never has any doubt about it. He never tries to project heterosexual interest in anyone, is very up front with Lydia about the terms of their engagement. (It seems clear, even if we never see that conversation, that they're both aware that their marriage would never be romantic or sexual unless they mutually decided to go the so-called traditional route for children.) And she agreed to it! She, unlike Jace & Izzy, had zero illusions about her relationship with Alec, and I ADORE HER FOR THAT.
And I've totally lost the thread of this rambling, I'm not sure I have a conclusion for you? 😅😅😅
Alec is, imo, refreshingly self-aware about most things, and many of his issues are legitimately external stupidity punishing him into a life of self-recrimination rather than him having internal bigotry or biases against his own sexuality in and of itself.
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