#though I don't watch much tv nowadays
Netflix only had a few of the seasons, it's scattered across streaming nightmares and Netflix took it off. Just use animevibe.tv with an ad blocker quq I hate advocating for free sites but it's literally the only option now unfortunately
ah alright 😔
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fun-loving-peach · 2 months
Warnings: Pregnant reader other than that pure fluff and Protective Ghost <3
Being 8 months pregnant Ghost didn’t let you do anything, cooking, cleaning, putting your shoes, not even go to the bathroom alone. He would stop you from lifting a single finger and do it himself. Like right now, you wanted to get a head start at setting up the crib, but Ghost was passed out asleep from a long work night. Not wanting to bother him you took it upon yourself to put it together. Not even halfway through, Ghost showed up behind you.
"Love, what are you doing?” His deep voice asks from behind you.
"Ah!!” You jump looking back at him. "Don't do that you scared me." You let out a breath as you hold your chest.
Ghost laughs, smiling gently at you. "Baby, why are you trying to put the crib together?"
"I just really wanted to do something." You say, not being able to do normal tasks because of how overprotective he is was taking a toll on you.
"Sweetheart, I said I'd do it for you," Ghost says, pulling you up as he turns you around pulling you close to him, gently rubbing your back. “You’re not allowed to lift a finger.”
"But I wanted to help, I feel useless not being able to do anything.” You say softly as tear’s were beginning to well up in your eyes because of your damn hormones.
Ghost immediately leans forward, gently wiping the tears with his thumb. "You're not useless. You're hardworking, and more importantly you're carrying my child."
"Then let me help, please honey.” You pout leaning into him.
Ghost sighs. "Fine, I'll let you set up the crib. But only if I can help. And no other chores afterwards." he says, tone firm, yet warm.
"You're the best." You kissed his cheek turning to the parts of the crib. “Let’s do this.” You say excitedly.
Ghost chuckle’s, he begins helping you, making sure to look over you from time to time.
After an hour or so, the crib is put together. He stands watching you admire it with a smile planted on his face.
"Awww, it looks so cute. It's gonna suit her so much when she gets here." You grinned proudly at your hard work as you move to stand beside him.
Ghost smiles at you, wrapping his arm around you. "Bet she'll be the most spoiled girl in the world once she arrives," he says with a grin, looking down at the tiny crib.
"She will, specially by her daddy." You laughed leaning into his side, a fond look rest’s on your face.
Ghost chuckles, pulling you closer to him and laying his head on top of yours. He sighs tiredly. "I think you're right. Maybe I've been going a bit overboard with how protective I'm being with you nowadays.”
"I know you mean well though. Just let me help from time to time. It gets boring when I can't do anything besides sitting in the couch watching tv." You say softly holding his hand as you played with his fingers.
"I know sweetheart…. Promise me you won't do anything too stressful on your body. No lifting heavy objects, no straining, and call me when you need help.” He sighs knowing he couldn’t keep you from not doing anything anymore.
"Deal." You leaned up pecking his lips, feeling content to move around more freely.
Ghost smiles back at you, relieved that you agreed.
"Now let's go lay down, you must be exhausted." He wraps his arms around you, leading you to the bed and laying down beside you, pulling you into his arms as he rub’s your swollen belly tenderly.
"I love you, sweetheart."
"I love you too, honey."
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smusherina · 2 months
yard work - chapter 3 (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: You'd been in the same class as Regina George since kindergarten. You'd lived on the same street even longer. Once upon a time, when life was sandbox disputes and who got the swing first arguments, you'd even been friends. Now, in junior year of high school, you doubted she even remembered you. The same couldn't be said about you. You definitely remembered her.
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 4
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"So, have you heard of the new girl?" Regina asked, twirling a lock of hair on her finger.
You were still sitting on the couch several hours later. It was beginning to get dark.
"Caty Heron or something?"
"Cady, yes. What do you think of her?" Regina bit her bottom lip, sucking it and chewing at it in her mouth. Back when you were younger, her mom would've chastised her. Mrs George was lax about a lot of things, but she could not stand fidgeting. Nowadays, though, you doubted she had the heart to say anything negative to her daughter.
"I..." You tilted your head, thinking. "I don't really think of her. We're in the same calc class and she seems smart. Talks to Aaron a lot."
"Does she?" Regina narrowed her eyes and huffed. "I thought so."
"What? Don't tell me you're still hung up on Aaron Samuels. C'mon." You scoffed. "That dude, pretty as he is-" You knocked at your head. "All fluff, no substance. Hollow."
"Oh, because you would know so much about guys." Regina crossed her arms and stared at you petulantly.
"Yes, I would. I'm practically one of them." You shrugged nonchalantly. "By the way, shouldn't you get home?"
Regina didn't answer and just looked at you. You looked back, unsure of what she was thinking. You glanced around, wondering if you'd missed something.
"You're still- I mean, you're... A lesbian." She said slowly as if it were a curse word.
You laughed before answering. "Yes, Regina, I am still a lesbian. Just like I told you I was back then." You frowned. "Is there, like, a problem?"
"No." She said simply, but it didn't seem particularly truthful. "You don't know about what happened with Janis, then?"
"No, I just know she had to switch schools. Why, was it something you did?"
"No." Again, didn't seem too truthful. "I don't have a problem with you being a lesbian."
Clearly, she was uncomfortable talking about it. Still, something was off. You were almost certain Regina had had something to do with Janis leaving. She was probably lying to you.
"You're not going home for dinner then." Better to drop it for now. It wouldn't do either of you any good to push her. "Will your dad be mad?"
"As if he even notices I'm gone," She rolled her eyes, settling more comfortably on the couch. "He's always on the phone."
"I have frozen pizzas we could pop in the oven."
"I'm not eating that processed shit. We're ordering in."
"Reg, I can't order takeout 'til dad sends me more money."
"I'm paying, dummy, don't even worry about it." She pushed off the couch and walked to the kitchen. You trailed after her. "Where are the menus?"
"There should be some in the cabinet over there."
The evening turned to night with you two on the couch, chatting and eating pizza. The TV was turned on eventually. Adult Swim was playing some anime about cowboys in space, but neither of you was really watching.
You'd missed her so much. You didn't like thinking about it much, but that was the truth. You'd missed her for even longer than the two years you'd been officially cut off from her life. She'd started pulling away long before the silent treatment began. You didn't like thinking about how much it had hurt, how you'd felt your world go bleak when she rejected you. You'd never been one for confrontation, that was Regina's job, so talking to her about the why and how of it all had never felt like an option.
You'd eventually gotten the hint. And now, after all this time, after she had left you so easily, you were letting her back in just as easily. As if you were back in that time, sitting in the sandbox peacefully making castles when she came up behind you, pulled at one of your pigtails, and demanded you share your buckets and shovel. You were helpless against her force.
There was probably something deeply unhealthy about your friendship. She was probably only coming back because it was convenient for her. She wasn't interested in making amends- hell, she probably didn't even think there was anything to amend, in the first place.
This had been the way you two had been since forever. Her ploughing through anybody in her way, you clinging to her as she went, just as much of a victim and a perpetrator.
The Regina you missed was the impression of a girl, braces on her teeth, grass stains on her sundress, and laughter on her lips. The Regina that perhaps, maybe, probably was still hidden somewhere in her, but at the same time was just not her. Who she was now, who you were now, were so utterly different from back then.
Watching her face, illuminated blueish by the light from the TV, so much older but still soft and young, framed by naturally blonde hair but bleached a lighter shade, you made your peace. You were probably being way too dramatic about all this, but it felt like a big moment in your half-baked teenage brain. You would take her back every time. You would let her leave every time. You would stay in place while she explored the world, and if she deigned to come back, you'd be waiting.
"Hey, Reg," You said, quiet but not exactly a whisper.
"What?" She looked up at you, just bent over the coffee table grabbing another slice of pizza.
"I missed you." You said, so earnestly it sounded jarring to even your ears.
She scrunched up her nose. "'Cause I bought you pizza?"
"Yeah," You laughed. "That too."
If you hadn't been looking so closely, you might've missed the brief lapse in her armour. It was in the softening at the corners of her eyes, in the slackening of her face, the give in her spine. Something like affection, like she'd missed you too.
"You're a weirdo."
You only laughed more.
The moment passed and you continued eating and talking and watching TV. You must've fallen asleep at some point after Regina went to remove her makeup. Eventually, you couldn't tell when, you woke up to the sun shining through the blinds right into your eyes.
Shit. It was Monday. You pawed around yourself for your phone, flipped it open, and checked the time. Shit, indeed. You nudged Regina with your toe.
"Reg..." She didn't even stir. "Reg!" You pushed harder, causing her to groan and whine.
"What? Five... M're mins..." She mumbled into the cushion, curling up tighter.
"We're late for school, Reggie, c'mon we gotta go." You momentarily contemplated if it was worth even going in. Your dad would be busting a lung at the missed calc class anyway. But did you want to give him more reasons to yell at you? No, not really.
"I gotta go, c'mon." You moved towards her and really shook her.
"What?" She grumped at you. To be honest, it was really cute. She had dust around her eyes, sleep still lingering in her limbs. You'd touched her shoulder, covered by the knit blanket you'd given her last night, but you could feel how warm she was.
"School. It's Monday morning, sleepyhead."
It took no more than that for the reality to set in for her. Cursing up a storm and running around like a headless chicken, Regina tried gathering all her things that'd somehow ended up scattered around the night before. Her perfume was in the alcove by the front, her charger in the kitchen, hairbrush in the bathroom.
"Do you want a ride?" You asked before heading upstairs to change. Couldn't go to school in just Spiderman boxers.
"I have nothing to wear!" She screeched, glaring at you as if you'd caused this. She was the one who wanted to stay the night, jeez.
You held up your hands in surrender. "You can borrow some of my stuff."
"As if you have anything remotely fitting. You dress like a hobo." She said all that while climbing up the stairs past you, heading for your room. "A hobo with a liking to grunge music, nonetheless."
You walked after her, listening but not feeling the need to add anything. Once she got to your door and you went to follow, she whirled around.
"Uh, I'm gonna change." She sassed, though the intimidation was made less effective by the bareness of her face and the messiness of her hair. You smiled and gestured for her to go on.
"Be my guest." As if she needed the invitation.
To her credit, it didn't take long for her to pick something to wear, wash her face, and do her hair. In the meantime, you used the hallway bathroom to freshen up yourself. She stepped out wearing the same white tank top as the night before, over it a short-sleeve button-down in a glossy, satin black, and a black skirt she'd probably found at the very back of your closet. The button-down was neatly cinched around her waist and the skirt discreetly rolled up to be shorter than it really was.
The shirt was probably the nicest thing you owned. Something a relative had gotten you for your birthday. Versace or something like that.
"I'm going to have to go to school in sneakers, jorts." She pointed at you accusingly, leaning over threateningly where you sat on the floor. You looked up at her and just shrugged. What could you do?
She rolled her eyes and waved you away. You took the cue that it was your turn. You didn't bother closing the door behind you. Some wash jeans from the back of your desk seemed clean enough. You sniffed them just in case. Not too funky, but definitely not fresh. They'd have to do. You chucked the hoodie, sprayed on some deodorant, and replaced it with a short-sleeve flannel. You looked into the mirror and checked your hair was okay before grabbing your backpack.
"Okay, let's go." You turned to see Regina staring at you incredulously.
"That's it? That's your morning routine?" Leaning against the doorway, you couldn't help but notice she looked fantastic. It was a real talent of hers, looking so good all the time.
"Usually, I'd eat breakfast." You herded her out of the door. "Do you need to get your things?" She probably didn't have any of her school stuff.
"No, I didn't unpack my purse before coming here." She said, checking said bag as she did. "I'll do my makeup in the car, drive sensibly."
"Psh, as if you need to tell me. You're the speed demon, from what I've heard."
"There's nothing wrong with the way I drive, grandma."
"Until you get your license revoked, speedster."
Needless to say, Regina was not impressed by your 2001 Corolla. And though she complained the whole way to school, she still sat in the front seat, doing her makeup, there was no heat behind her words. You arrived in the middle of the third period. Nobody was out and about, much to Regina's relief. You parted ways with a wiggle of her fingers and a finger salute from you. You sat in the car for a moment, just breathing and thinking.
She didn't say thank you, didn't say she had a good time, didn't even bother pretending she'd enjoyed your company. It seemed like a relief she was finally getting away from you. Was that how she felt?
Now that your friendship had progressed beyond small talk while you worked and pleasantries over dinner, being ignored at school felt a lot more hurtful.
It was sobering, how she could goss and laugh with you on your couch and then act as if being seen with you in public was social suicide.
What made it feel even worse was that it was true. If Regina was seen hanging around you, god knows what the piranhas that were the student body would do. It would end with either or both of you ostracized or worse. Regina could bend minds and shift opinions like it was a superpower, but even she had her limits.
You got out of the car, locked it, and ambled towards Spanish class.
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Taglist: @autorasexy, @wedfan2, @unadulterated-moron, @modernsapphicism, @9unknown0, @sage-rose2000, @massive-honkas, @nattys-swiftie
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jina1028 · 3 months
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Helping Hand
Yunho x fem!reader
Categories: roommates!au, smut, masturbation (fem), sex toys, fingering, oral (f rec), vaginal penetration, non protected sex (don't do this irl), creampie, Yunho has a big dick
You just got home from a "couples date" that your friend insisted so much you took part in because "Come on, you're single, I think I like him but it would be less awkward if there's someone with me, and he has a single friend as well who's looking for a partner... Pleaseeee". Your friend begged until you reluctantly agreed, how bad could it be if you faked a little interest during the dinner and then parted ways forever after?
You thought you could do this sacrifice for her but you couldn't imagine the dickhead that would be your "date". He introduced himself looking between your eyes and your tits, he talked about how he wanted a woman that could settle down giving up her career if she happened to have one, because "men and women should have specific roles in society, they should think about cleaning home and raising children" and complained about the difficulty of finding such women nowadays, to which you thought you had an idea why he was single. For the sake of your friendship you bit your tongue everytime he said something stupid and your friend would nudge you in the ribs to warn you.
She later apologized, saying she had no idea he would be such a moron, but that still left you bitter. If he wasn't the man of your life you could still find someone nice to spend lonely nights with, to satisfy you sexually at least, but he wasn't even worth sharing your name with in your opinion.
You huffed closing the door of your apartment and kicking off your heels. Your roommate, Yunho, said he was going out with friends that night so that meant you were home alone for a while. You called his name to make sure and waited in silence for a second, no response.
You strolled to the bathroom to take a nice shower and get ready for bed. When you finally layed in bed though you felt the need to steam off your frustration so you closed your eyes and dipped your hand inside your panties, starting to draw slow circles on your clit, your wetness soon starting to collect between your folds, helping in your task to get off. But it still wasn't enough so you reached for the drawer of your nightstand looking for your vibrator, still massaging your slick clit with the other hand. You found it right away and turned it on at a low setting, resting it on your swollen clit. You let out a whimper at the feeling, thanking the fact that Yunho was still out.
Yunho. He entered your mind in that moment. You actually always thought your roommate was attractive but never wanted to take the risk of ruining your relationship with him, it would be awkward if he turned you down. So you settled for simple glances whenever he showed some more skin or laying next to him on the sofa watching TV, gladly accepting his absentminded caresses on your calves or little innocent squeezes of his large hand on your thigh when you sat crosslegged next to him focused on some action movie. You actually thought Yunho was hot, with his deep but soft voice, his tall figure and broad shoulders, and his funny and sweet personality.
Your mind began spiralling with thoughts of Yunho and what you would do to him, setting the vibrator on a higher speed, little moans and whimpers slipping from your throat, until your orgasm washed over you, your thighs clasped together, short breaths leaving your mouth, your heart racing.
You took just the time to clean up and went to sleep feeling much lighter.
That night you dreamt about Yunho.
The next morning you were woken up by a knock on your bedroom door, Yunho's voice calling your name "Wake up, I brought breakfast from our favorite cafe" he sang from outside the door. You stretched, yawning and groggily getting up from bed, reaching for the door handle and pulling the door open. You were met with a broad chest in a lopsided oversize t-shirt and a sweet tight lipped smile on your roommate's face. You startled a little, making him laugh while he took your wrist and excorted you to the table where sat a cream filled pastry and a hot cappuccino waiting for you, along with his own breakfast.
"Sorry I scared you, I was just about to peer inside to check if you were still sleeping when you opened the door and found me there".
"It's ok, I'll let it slide this one time just because I really love this pastry" you joked before biting said pastry and taking a sip of cappuccino from your cup.
"Ahh thank you for your magnanimity" Yunho exaggerated his bow leaning with his forehead on the table and clasping his hands together above his head, at which you snorted, almost sending your chewed bite to the wrong side of your pipe.
"So how was your date?" he inquired while you gulped some water to make sure not to suffocate yourself.
"It went so bad I actually have no words, he was a real moron" you started, recalling the worst, most memorable sentences you had to hear the night before, Yunho reacting as theatrically as he could, seeing how much you were involved in your storytelling to try and lighten your mood and succeeding.
"When did you come back last night? I didn't hear you, maybe I was asleep" you asked wanting to change the topic of your conversation.
"Oh..." he hesitated, averting his eyes from your face, a light hue of pink tingeing his ears "I stayed home and played a bit on my PC, the guys cancelled our plans last minute."
You felt your blood draining from your face "Were... were you wearing your headset? You didn't hear me come home?" You tried to act nonchalant, like nothing happened in your room, looking casually inside your cup while sloshing the liquid around, missing the way Yunho gazed at you, a little smile threatening to manifest on his lips. "I did hear you come" he answered, his gaze finally locking with yours.
You tried to clear your throat and come up with something to say but suddenly you felt so self concious, your now red face and burning cheeks, your trembling voice, wide eyes, lip biting, how much did Yunho hear? Your brain short circuited, then Yunho said the least expected "Want me to help you next time?"
Did you hear that right? Was he serious? Was he trying to make fun of you? He liked to joke around, yeah, but he would never try to embarrass you like that, would he?
Seeing you struggle with whatever was going on in your head Yunho decided to make a move and rested his hand on yours on the table "Tell me if I'm wrong and we'll pretend like this conversation never happened if you want to, but I think I saw some signals from you all this time... And I honestly think you're hot and I was kinda jealous every time you went out for a date, and even more when you would send me a text telling me you were staying out the night and not to worry about you. I wished it were me you were spending those nights with." he confessed lowering his voice on the last part.
This couldn't be a joke, you were sure now, so you decided to be bolder and answer to his previous question with a question of your own "What if I told you I need your help right now?"
Yunho smirked standing up from his seat and approaching you, bending down to brush his lips on your ear while purring "I'll never deny you a helping hand."
Your lids fluttered closed while he carefully caressed your cheek. You followed the movement of his hand chasing it with your lips to softly kiss the tips of his fingers. Yunho took advantage of that movement to move his lips from your ear to tour jaw and to your neck, leaving a trail of feather like kisses, the little hairs on your neck standing up from the shivers that traveled down your spine, a little gasp escaping your mouth. He brought his hands to your waist, squeezing and pulling a little soliciting you to lift up. When you did he attached his lips to yours, inhaling your smell deeply through his nose. He started walking you backwards towards your bedroom, pulling and biting your bottom lip, slipping his tongue in your mouth. You weren't caught off guard though and took the opportunity to suckle on his tongue, sending a shiver directly to his cock, making him groan as he pressed you to your bedroom door. You could feel his boner rubbing on your hip while he fumbled with the door handle. You stumbled to your bed pulling Yunho down with you, still kissing and playing with his tongue. Your hands went to his hair on the back of his head, tangling your fingers in his dark locks and pushing him to deepen the kiss. When he pulled away for air he stood on his knees to get rid of his t-shirt and with your approval he helped you strip too, pulling up your pajama shirt and letting out a little gasp and a curse under his breath when he found out you weren't wearing a bra. He attacked your neck sucking and biting, while lightly grazing your breasts and nipples with one hand and pressing his knee between your legs, rubbing your clit and eliciting a moan from you.
"Do it again" he groaned, doing the same motion to earn another sound from you. He suddenly felt greedy, wanting to hear more sounds, so he made you lift your hips to remove your pants, being greeted by a wet patch staining your panties, sticking and outlining your pretty pussy, not leaving much to Yunho's imagination. He was in heaven, finally being able to be the source of your pleasure, if it depended on him you wouldn't have needed to get off on your vibrator anymore, he wanted to be the only reason for your beautiful moans. He buried his nose in your clothed pussy and nudged your clit, wanting to hear more of your sounds, pulling your panties to the side, slipping his fingers through your folds and experimentally pushing one digit inside. Your little moans turned to whimpers and sobs when he inserted a second finger and curled them up, hitting your sweet spot over and over again, his mouth latched to your clit, suckling.
"Yunho, stop teasing and fuck me already" you lamented.
"Wow, not even a 'please' or 'thank you', so rude" he chuckled but nonetheless he detached from you to get rid of his pants and boxers, freeing his hard erection. You ogled at it with big eyes, never having seen anything like that in real life, long, girthy, veiny, slightly curved up and already leaking precum, it looked delicious.
Yunho peeled your panties off, impatient to stuff your pussy with his cock when he remembered "Wait, I don't have a condom".
"I'm clean and on birth control" you reassured him, impatience taking the best of you.
"I'm clean too. So do I really get to fuck you raw?" he beamed.
"I'm waiting" you urged him, to which he launched himself on top of you, kissing and biting your neck, grinding his hips into yours, mixing your slick with his precum.
When he finally pushed inside he had to go slow because of his size, in order for you to adjust. Both of you groaning with every little push until he bottomed out, resting on top of you until you gave him permission to start moving. You were ecstatic, every time he thrusted back inside it felt like he filled you more and more, and his pace was just perfect, hard enough but not so much to hurt you, fucking you so good. You thought so until he lifted your legs hooking them in his elbows, his hands pressed to the mattress on your sides, pistoning in long, smooth motions, hitting your clit with his pelvis with every move, perfectly angled to reach your g-spot. That's when you felt like you were living an out of body experience, you were transcending reality.
Yunho tried to stay quiet in order to listen to your every grunt and moan, allowing himself to only let out little groans and huffs, until he felt your walls contracting again and again on his cock, splurting clear liquid around him and on the sheets, urging him to reach his own climax and making him come hard inside of you with a deep growl, spilling and spilling, pulsing and twitching until with a last roll of his hips he stilled, then finally let go of your legs, rolling off of you to collapse on your side, panting hard.
Both of you stayed like that for a minute, spent and sweaty, catching your breaths. You finally rolled on your side intertwining your legs with his, smiling up at him "I think I'll need your help pretty often from now on"
Yunho smiled back at you, kissing your nose "I was hoping for 'every day', but 'pretty often' is ok too."
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vetitiscripta · 4 days
Can you do sfw and nsfw headcanons for btd 2 ren? I love him so much he’s my underrated short king🦊
btd2 ren my beloved. ask and you shall receive anon (i might add more to this later but this is what i have for now)
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this man is the clingiest motherfucker ever. in the beginning, you can't walk from room to room without ren being on your heels. it was a new experience from him and he wanted to know all about you! now, though, his clinginess comes in the form of holding you too tightly when laying with you, tracing his name onto your skin with his finger, and telling you how much he loves you about 20 times a day. it's suffocating to be honest, but you would rather ren be clingy than be mad
speaking of mad, he doesn't get mad at you often. you've learned well enough in your time with him that making his mad was not a fun thing to do. ren may be small but he knows how to fight or to at least knock you down enough to remind you whose really in charge. but there's not really a need for that nowadays since you are so well behaved! he makes comments all the time of you two being the ideal relationship (you find yourself agreeing with him sometimes. maybe he's not so bad after all)
loves taking baths with you. it's probably the thing he looks forward to the most. there's just something so intimate about it that he loves so much. maybe it's the scented soaps and shampoos going to his head or the heat of the water. maybe its the way you fit so nicely against him and he gets to hold you close (there's not enough room, don't look at him like that!). sometimes he can convince you to let him wash your hair and the way you look at him as he's running his fingers through your hair is enough to make him die from happiness
50/50 on being the big spoon or little spoon. there are days where he wants nothing more than to hold you, face buried in your neck as his tail lays over you like a blanket. but there are also days where he wants to be held himself. those tend to be the days where everything floods back to him, the memories of when he was in your shoes. sometimes he just needs a reminder that he's okay now, that he's better now ("better")
he likes to win your affection with little things here and there. small things he picks up for you while out, letting you choose what anime to watch that night, but his go to is to cook for you. we can't deny that ren is an amazing cook and he knows it. you cook as well, but ren tends to cook most nights. he likes cooking and he loves it when you help him. but if he's trying to woo you (or to maybe erase some anger you feel towards him) he'll whip up your favorite meal and maybe even light a few candles
JEALOUS OF LITERALLY ANYTHING! showing more attention to the plant he got you last week? it mysteriously dies a few days later (he poured glass cleaner into its pot). mentioned liking a specific actor/actress from a show? the tv has parental locks the next day to restrict that show. all your attention belong to him and should be on him! nothing else! (sometimes you find it cute how jealous he gets and will go out of your way to make him jealous, but don't tell him that)
he's still trying to find his place in this entire thing. strade's gone now, but ren can't deny that he feels like he's missing something. like there's a gaping hole in his chest that's longing to be filled. because of this, he's not afraid to experiment on you. you wake up in the basement more than you would like, ren looming over you with a smile on his face but an almost empty look in his eyes. he's thinking, calculating what he'll do. the sessions always end with tears streaming down your face and ren understanding a little better where he fits in
nsfw (under the cut)
horny 24/7. cannot keep his hands to himself. you'll be watching tv together and then ren's hand is on your thigh- ok normal enough. and then it starts moving slowly upwards and your breath hitches when his hand finds the waistband of your pants. he teases you first, messing with the band and drawstrings, nails grazing the skin just below the band. he's not even looking at you, or at least you don't notice the sneaky glances he throws your way before turning back to the tv. but that doesn't last long as he can't take it anymore himself and throws himself at you right there on the couch
ren's big on eye contact. he wants you to watch him as he goes down on you. if you look away or close your eyes, his nails dig into your thighs hard enough for little beads of red to form. your attention belongs on him at all times, especially when sharing an intimate act. he expects you to keep eye contact when you go down on him as well. he doesn't care if his cock is in your throat and you're trying not to gag. he'll pull your hair hard enough for tears to form in your eyes
likes to roleplay every so often. his favorites are anime specific ones and maid/master. he loves it when you dress up for him, especially if it's in these big, frilly dresses or skirts (doesn't matter your gender, he loves to see it). he likes having you pretend to do something, only for him to come up behind you, sneak his hands under your skirts and mess with you. likes taking your attention away from your task and putting it on him
ren hates having to punish you but he loves the act of it. when he punishes you, he gets to do whatever he wants! punishments tend to be in the basement and he tends to get just a little heated every so often with them. your tear streaked face just does something to him and most of the time punishments end with his cock either in your mouth or with him fucking you
doesn't shut up while having sex. if he's not whimpering then he's moaning in your ear. if he's not moaning then he's talking to you, telling you how good you are, how great you feel. if he's not talking than he's whimpering
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IOTA Reviews: Action
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So, this is a interesting one to talk about. Not only is this the first episode in all five seasons to not be written or directed by Thomas Astruc in any capacity (though the other three writers on his team, Melanie Duval, Fred Lenoir, and Sebastien Thibaudeau still wrote this one), not only is it not connected to the ongoing plotlines of Season 5 in any way, but this episode was made with the help of the Breteau Foundation.
For those who don't know, the Breteau Foundation is an organization that works together with schools by giving children access to technology for their lessons, helping them with their psychological needs, and teaching them about ways to protect our environment. This episode was even made available on the Breteau Foundation's website for free in addition to educational materials meant to teach kids about recycling.
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Yeah, when we were kids, we got excited whenever the teacher played an old episode of The Magic School Bus or Bill Nye the Science Guy in class, but nowadays, TV shows are producing episodes of their shows specifically so they can be shown in class. And I'm not talking about those half-assed science lab worksheets with pictures of SpongeBob on them either.
The point I'm trying to make is that there was clearly a lot put into this episode, and it's all for a good cause to help teach children about how to protect the environment in order to ensure a better future... and of course, I'm still going to make jokes about it, because I'm just some schmuck on the internet who isn't backed by a major educational foundation.
Let's get into the 27th episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fifth season: Action
We start off with Marinette and Adrien heading over to the Liberty so they could be told about the pollution in the Seine River by their class' resident environmental activist, Myl—Nino, I mean, Nino. No joke, Nino gets more lines in this episode than Mylene does, even though ever since Season 2, Mylene has been established as the one to protest polluting the environment. I get that she already had a lot of screentime in an earlier environmental episode (Mega Leech), but why would you have Nino be the one to help spearhead this protest instead of Mylene? Hell, the plot of another episode started from him trying to get him and his friends out of helping Mylene plant trees for the environment (Party Crasher), so this makes even less sense.
I should also get this out of the way by pointing out a few continuity errors in the episode. For one thing, Marinette is stuttering around Adrien when she had mostly gotten over that issue after “Derision”, Kagami is now one of the avatars for the Alliance rings, something that had been established in “Revelation”, and the episode mentions that the Alliance rings are made of plastic when the season finale shows that they're actually made of metal. I don't want to harp on this too much, as this episode obviously wasn't meant to really tie into the main plotline so it would be easier for kids who aren't familiar with the show watching this episode, seeing how this was meant to be viewed as a standalone story. Besides, compared to other plotholes in the show like the ones I'll cover next time, these are fairly minor.
Nino tells Marinette and Adrien, and by extension, the audience, that the Seine River is full of pollution, and the Liberty has recently been converted into a makeshift water treatment plant. The problem is that with a recent increase of plastic in the Seine, it's becoming harder for the Liberty to filter out all of it. Hey, here's an idea: Maybe don't set up your homemade water treatment plant in the longest river in Paris.
The reason for all the new plastic comes from a recent ad campaign promoting some vending machines that sell these paper fans that were designed by Gabriel and are sold by a man named Bertrand King, who looks like a cross between Willy Wonka and Colonel Sanders, down to having a southern accent in the English dub.
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Nino suggests that Adrien talk to Gabriel himself, but as usual, Adrien doesn't think he'll listen, so the kids decide to go to Bertrand King's company while picking up an order for plastic containers for the Dupain-Chang bakery... even though I'm pretty sure most bakeries store pastries in paper instead of just plastic.
Nino has the others dress up in disguises, but like most of his plans this season, it fails miserably, so Marinette comes up with a little story about Adrien meeting up with Bertrand. The kids make an impassioned presentation to Bertrand, asking him to help change the way he operated his business like making his fans out of more biodegradable materials. Surprisingly, the man whose entire livelihood revolves around selling plastic doesn't want to listen to the people saying everything his company is doing is wrong.
Bertrand: This is all intentional. It's the wonderful cycle of throwing away and buying again that makes my fortune. If people didn't throw away and buy new items again then I, Bertrand King, would no longer be the King of Plastic! So, there is no way any of this is changing.
Wow, a rich person in Miraculous Ladybug turning out to be a total jerk? What an unexpected turn of events.
Bertrand points out how much plastic is used in everyday society, using pens and the Alliance rings as an example, and seeing how we cut to the next scene afterwards, we can assume he had them thrown out. Oh, come on, you couldn't even parody The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air like you did during “Migration”? The kids then try to go to Andre and Gabriel for help protesting the fans, but because one's a corrupt politician and another helped make them, they won't do a thing. Marinette tries to ask Nadja, the local news anchor, but because the ad revenue from Bertrand's company funds the channel she works for, she can't do a thing or else she'll be out of a job.
This leads to the kids deciding to do the sane thing and HACK THE NEWS BROADCAST SO THEY CAN MAKE A SPEECH ABOUT POLLUTION.
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Because it's not like Marinette and the others could have just gone to another news network with this story or uploaded it to the internet instead, right? And sure, scowl at the camera while you're giving this presentation too. That won't make you look like a bunch of eco-terrorists at all. The kids give a presentation about how dangerous plastic is, and how people can use fans made of more biodegradable materials like bamboo instead. Also, we get cameos from Jess, Aeon, and Fei, but they're pretty much there just to remind viewers that the New York and Shanghai specials happened.
Of course, the episode's following RWBY Volume 8 logic, so rather than view them as a bunch of lunatics who hijacked a news broadcast, the public immediately turns on Bertrand's company, arguably faster than what happened with Andre in “Mega Leech”. Speaking of, Andre and Gabriel change their opinions to make themselves look like they were always against Bertrand, and seeing how this episode aired after Season 5 ended, didn't really sit too well with viewers.
Bertrand calls out Gabriel for lying, but Gabriel doesn't care, secretly using this as an opportunity to akumatize Bertrand into King of Plastic through his pen.
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King of Plastic has a pretty underwhelming design. It's clear that the intent was to make him look like plastic, and there is a noticeable reflection on his body, but other than that, it doesn't really fit the anti-plastic moral. I think maybe if they did more to make his movements seem more stiff like a living doll, or at least make him look less like he's made of candy, it could work more. The Miraculous power this time is the Bee Miraculous' Venom, which he can use through one side of his lance to stun any victims so he can use the other side to turn them into plastic statues. It's sort of like the dollmaker episode of Arrow, only we don't get to hear the sound of anyone's esophagus hardening.
King of Plastic makes short work of Andre and the local police squad, and Adrien is forced to put teaching Marinette Mandarin on hold so he can transform into Cat Noir, while Marinette transforms into Ladybug as soon as she's alone. After he transforms Adrien's bodyguard into a plastic statue, King of Plastic fights Ladybug and Cat Noir, eventually transforming Cat Noir's staff into plastic too. Even though he was originally akumatized to get revenge on Gabriel, King of Plastic leaves the Agreste Manor and heads to the Liberty to get revenge on Marinette and Adrien's friends instead... for some reason. Even the episode points out how weird this is.
Cat Noir: Didn't you want to take revenge on Gabriel Agreste?
Ladybug: He probably has more than one enemy.
After following King of Plastic there with Cat Noir, Ladybug summons her Lucky Charm, getting a plastic bag. Because it's already made of plastic, it can't be transformed, which gives Ladybug an idea. She tells Alya to activate the Liberty's water treatment function, intentionally overloading it before Cat Noir Cataclysms the engine. This jettisons the collected plastic and overfills the deck of the Liberty, trapping King of Plastic so Ladybug can break his lance. So in an episode meant to teach kids about how dangerous plastic is, the day was ultimately saved by plastic. I'm sure that won't confuse any kids watching this in class.
Ladybug de-evilizes the Akuma, tells Bertrand about how dangerous plastic is, and he immediately vows to change his company's ways before Ladybug gives him a Magical Charm as useless as a plastic toy before she uses Miraculous Ladybug to fix the damage.
The episode ends with Bertrand funding the repair of the Liberty before vowing to change the way his company operates, as do Tom and Sabine, who now sell their products in eco-friendly containers. Unfortunately, with all the renovations being made to his company that come with moving away from plastic, Bertrand had to stop funding this groundbreaking cancer research institution in America in order to prevent his company from going bankrupt.
Anyway, this episode was pretty good. I honestly didn't have a lot of problems here. The plot was pretty straightforward, the themes of how easy it is to perpetuate companies that damage the environment were handled pretty well, and the main characters were pretty active.
Even the greedy corporate asshole meant to be a stand-in for real life executives was handled pretty well, having some quirks that make him stand out while showing how ignorant he is to the situation without making him completely insufferable. This episode could have easily gone the Captain Planet route with Bertrand, but they showed he wasn't intentionally endangering the environment because he felt like it, but rather, because he cared more about his company making money, even showing him ultimately realizing the error of his ways.
If there's one problem I had, it's with the way the Akuma fight was resolved. I get that any other Lucky Charm wouldn't have been immune to King of Plastic's plastic powers, but I feel like weaponizing the plastic the heroes spent most of the episode fighting against in order to stop the Akuma sort of muddles the message the episode is going for. It's not the worst way to resolve an Akuma fight, but it just bugs me personally.
While I still think “Mega Leech” did a better job with the environmental message, overall, this episode did a pretty good job teaching the moral it set out to teach.
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Shockingly, nobody really acted that stupid this episode. Yeah, the kids were pretty naive thinking they could make Bertrand change his company's way of production, but still took action when that didn't work. Andre, on the other hand...
While Gabriel and Nadja had their own reasons to support Bertrand (Gabriel for Monarch reasons and Nadja for financial reasons), the only reason Andre went along with the fans polluting the environment was because they happened to have his image as one of the designs, and when the public started to turn on Bertrand, Andre acted like he always opposed him, and when confronted with an akumatized Bertrand, begged for his life like a coward and said he would reinstall the fan vending machines. While I guess it's better than having Chloe be the primary supporter of Bertrand's company, I need to reiterate that this aired after the last few episodes of Season 5 tried to place Andre in a more sympathetic light.
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GFL girls watching a horror movie with their S/O?
yeah I rewatched emesis blue and I need to see other people get scared
(GFL) Kalina, Helianthus, G36, AK-15, RPK-16, Architect, Scarecrow, M16A1, G11, and HK416 watching a horror movie with their S/O
I just finished watching Stasis: Bone Totem for the past 7 hours personally. I'm sad now.
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Kalina happily snuggles next to S/O, eating popcorn as S/O held onto her for dear life.
She wasn't that troubled by the horror movie they put on.
Mostly because it gave her some fantastic ideas for Halloween this year!
(S/O) "K-Kalina, why are you smiling?!"
(Kalina) "Hm...I think I can recreate that with some of the T-Dolls, the way we can utilize our stealth tech can make one helluva haunted mansion!"
(S/O) "You're going to monetize ghosts?!"
(Kalina) "Heck yeah, I am!"
She does jump at a few of the scares but laughs them off.
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Helian can't help but wonder if this is what the younger couples did nowadays. Or rather, if they still did this kind of thing.
She sat with S/O in the darkness, huddled up next to them on the couch as the TV provided their entertainment for the night.
(Helianthus) "I doubt that this movie will be that scary."
It in fact, was that scary.
Some of the scares get Helian to scream, latching onto S/O.
Which she immediately tries to clear her throat and preserve some dignity.'
(Helianthus) "...Tell anyone about this, and you're a dead man/woman."
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G36 has to put on her glasses in order to watch the film properly.
She couldn't help but fidget a little, she wasn't used to just...sitting down and doing nothing.
But admittedly, it was a nice change of pace.
G36 flinches at some of the scares, but she can't help but laugh at least a little, making sure S/O was comfortable.
Or more accurately, not scared out their mind.
(G36) "You are shaking a lot. Do you require warmer blankets?"
(S/O) "N-NO! Just...s-stay here, don't leave me alone!"
(G36) "Necromorphs are not real-"
(S/O) "C-Can we make sure the vents are locked tight tonight?"
G36 just smiles at that.
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15 doesn't really understand why S/O is watching horror movies if they were scared of it.
If this was just some elaborate ruse just for 15 to hold them tightly, they could've just asked her directly.
Regardless, she obliges them because it made them happy.
She doesn't react in the slightest to any of the scares, finding the whole concepts of ghosts and spirits illogical.
(AK-15) "You know they don't exist S/O. Why are you so afraid?"
(S/O) "I-I don't know! It just freaks me out, alright?!"
She notices their heartbeat calms down at least a little if her arms are wrapped around them, which she comfortably holds them in her grasp the duration of the movie and night.
At least they trusted her strength so much, they believed she could punch a demon back to hell.
That makes her pride go up an substantial amount, though she doesn't vocalize it.
Otherwise, she doesn't flinch from a single thing in the movie, even the more grotesque parts.
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16 is highly amused the entire time, watching as S/O is latching onto her during the movie.
She also can't help but wonder why humans would make something so strange.
Did they want to be scared? Was the human race nothing but masochists?
(RPK-16) "Why exactly did we choose this type of movie tonight, S/O? You seem to be trembling."
(S/O) "Well, I thought it'd be fun..."
(RPK-16) "Hm, well it gives me a few ideas on how to get some interesting reactions out of you at least."
For the remainder of the night, she has a smug grin on her face as S/O squirms and yelps from the scares.
She began to ponder on what exactly S/O was afraid of. The girl with long hair, the loud noises? This was going to be a fun time experimenting!
She isn't affected by the movie at all, save for getting ideas to scare S/O.
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Architect is absolutely terrified with S/O, making her almost drop the bucket of popcorn and candy she has.
(Architect) "AGH! DID YOU SEE THAT?!"
(S/O) "W-WHAT?! NO, WHAT?!"
Like S/O, she gets way too immersed in the film and the both of them are shaking in fear.
When they go to bed, Architect has her weapon directly next to the bedside, with S/O making no complaints.
(Architect) "I-If any demon bastard wants to go through that door, they'll be blown the hell up!"
(S/O) "...Wait, this is my room. Why did you have that in here to begin with-"
(Architect) "For situations like these! I don't wanna be killed by some ghost!"
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Scarecrow finds this whole ordeal illogical. She doesn't get scared by anything, let alone by human entertainment.
The reason why S/O called her to watch these escaped her, but it's not like she had anything better to do.
She blankly stares at the screen as she feels S/O hug her tightly, her irises adjusting to the brightness of the screen.
Her voice remains monotone the entire time, slightly muffled by her mask.
(Scarecrow) "...Do I scare you as much as the scarecrow in this film, S/O?"
(S/O) "Um...Not really, you're a lot cuter.-"
Her eyes glanced over to S/O, noticing that they weren't teasing, mostly due to being afraid.
She finds amusement in their terror, but doesn't make a comment on their compliment.
(Scarecrow) "That is obvious."
(S/O) "UWAGH!?"
Scarecrow is held even tighter, making her sigh. Why are humans like this?
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M16 just smirks when S/O asks her to watch a horror movie with them.
(M16A1) "Don't worry, I'm so bad that not even any monster will come near me!"
She puffs her chest out in pride when S/O finds comfort in her arms.
(M16A1) "Psh, I could beat the hell out of that blue demon."
(S/O) "B-But that's a supernatural ghost! You can't shoot ghosts!"
(M16A1) "I can sure try!"
She has the biggest smile on her face, just getting to enjoy this moment with S/O.
She's not really affected by the scares in the movie, just finding it funny more than anything.
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G11 would be fast asleep if S/O didn't wake her up from their screaming.
The entire time, she is held like a teddy bear in S/O's arms, making her slightly annoyed.
(G11) "Loud..."
(S/O) "How can you sleep through that screaming and bloodshed?!"
(G11) "...It's not real."
(G11) "...Hm...I'm going back to sleep..."
She drools on their arms while S/O is never ever letting go of G11, for less romantic reasons this time around.
Not that she minded entirely, since it was comfortable.
Until S/O screamed and shook her awake, making her eyes groggily open before shutting again.
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HK416 obliges S/O in watching horror movies.
After all, nothing like having the best T-Doll protect them, even from something as mundane as a film.
She only gets scared, because S/O screamed directly next to her.
(HK416) "GAH! God damn-why are you so loud?!"
(S/O) "S-Sorry, it just scared me!"
She rolls her eyes when she feels S/O get closer to her. A slight blush came to her cheeks as she muttered something under her breath.
(HK416) "If you were going to piss yourself, why are we doing this?"
(S/O) "I...I thought I could look braver if I could watch this with you here..."
(HK416) "Heh, some job you're doing."
She's going to lord it over her S/O that she wasn't scared once from the movie.
Until the final jumpscare made her recoil into S/O's arms, turning the tables.
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starrykirsche · 10 months
oh my gosh your writing is so insanely good i dont understand how its gives me sm butterflies bro
could you mayhaps do a tom x fem!reader one again and they’re in like rival bands
maybe not necessarily rival bands but there’s like a lot of tensions between the members of each band and they’re kinda known for disliking each other but then like they get drunk one night and tom and r are alone and boom yk idk how to describe it im so sorry
thank youuu 💗💗
ugh ty 💿 anon, you’re basically keeping my motivation afloat rn. you’re requests are always so fun to dooo
sorry this fic has been like weeks in the making, i've been really busy :(
Make Friends, Make Lovers
Tom Kaulitz band v. band fic
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You are the guitarist of the famous German girl group "Engelsoase". With three other girls by your side, you've enchanted the nations with your music. The only catch is, you're not the only stars to come out of the humble roots of small town Germany. A band of combating popularity stands eye to eye with the four of you. They call themselves "Tokio Hotel".
Truthfully, none of you have ever met face to face. All of the tension between the two bands is mostly for publicity. The fans eat up every jab that's thrown between the two bands. Though, watching cute boys, that in any other situation would be your peers, poking fun at you and your best friends has made you distain the rivaling band in a way that's much more real. You'll often find yourself ranting to your bassist, Nadine, about how everything your band does nowadays has to be somehow related to this "Tokio Hotel".
"Listen, if you have such a problem with it, why don't you just ask Kim to do something about it?" Nadine says as she sets down her magazine.
You roll your eyes, "What would Kimmy do about it? Other than lecture me."
"Honestly," Nadine stretches her arms above her head, "I don't really care."
You groan and heave yourself off of the couch, "Fine," Snatching the magazine away from Nadine, "But I'm taking this with me."
Cautiously, you walk into Kim's room, where she's watching the television with your drummer Ines. You stand at the doorway for a minute before you sigh. "Kimmy? Can I talk to you for a sec'?" You ask. Almost in unison, Kim and Ines turn their heads to look at you.
"Sure thing," Kim turns to look at Ines, who's already begrudgingly getting off the bed. The small girl pats your shoulder as she leaves. "What's up?" Kim asks as she pauses the TV and turns to look at you. You shuffle into the room and sigh.
"Listen," You sigh as you fidget with the magazine you took from Nadine moments earlier, "This Tokio Hotel rivalry thing is getting so old. I don't know how much longer I can just be okay with being a boy band's duff." Looking at her, expecting her to be annoyed by your confession, only to find she's.. not. At all. Actually, she has a small smirk creeping up her face. You speak up, having noticed her mischievous demeanor, "What? Why are you smiling?"
"Oh, no reason." She says, turning back to the TV, "I don't think you'll have to worry about that 'Tokio Hotel rivalry thing' much more." And with that, you leave her room in confusion.
For the next week, it was radio silent about Tokio Hotel or anything of the sort.
But, that Saturday, getting lunch with the rest of your band, Kim dropped the bomb.
Swallowing down another bite of wurst, she clears her throat and speaks up, "So, girls, I'm going to be taking us to Berlin this afternoon." The questions spring out at an instant. 'Why?', 'Where are we going?', 'Do we need anything?'. But you stay silent, because Kim is smiling at you in specific.
She shushes Nadine and Ines and smiles devilishly, "This has been in the books for weeks, and everything is well coordinated." Kim beats around the bush, but you have a hunch. A hunch that you hope so dearly isn't true...
The car ride to Berlin is a quiet one. You sit in the back seat, with your arms crossed. Nadine sits beside you with her headphones on, Ines in the passenger seat and drumming on her thighs with her hands, while Kim drives. You know where you're going, and you know you can't do anything about it. You don't know why you're so upset about it, but you are. It's not really the boys' faults, you suppose. Maybe it's the media's fault, or the interviewer's. But it's so much easier to dislike four boys instead of disliking thousands of faceless reporters.
The car pool comes to an end at a high rise building that towers above the vehicle. Sun already beginning to set, the four of you walk in…
The four of you are greeted by tall boys with the same expressions as you. Kim shakes the tallest one’s hand and it’s easy to tell this was set up by the both of them.
“Well, make yourselves at home,” The tall boy says, his eyes dark as he looks at Kim, “We’re so glad we can finally meet you all.”
He turns to the rest of his bandmates and nods, they nod back. Your eyes meet the guitarist of the rivaling band’s, you watch as he looks you up and down and bites his decorated lip. “Gross,” You mumble to yourself. But it seems Tom heard you, his gaze softening.
It seems as if all the band members divvy themselves out to their “counterparts” at first. Not you. You take the glass of champagne that the tallest boy— the one with the makeup on— Bill, was it?— and you make a break for the balcony that overlooks the city.
You let out a relieved sigh as you not so subtly slam the sliding glass door behind you. Taking a sip of the champagne in your glass— huh, at least they have good taste.
There’s a light breeze out here, and the city lights, you find, are quite beautiful. It’s tranquil, and you almost forget that you were forced to be here. It’s not so bad, you conclude, they seemed hospitable enough. Maybe that Tom boy was a bit too hospitable for your liking, but it could be worse.
After a few minutes, you hear the glass door to your back slowly push open. Rolling your eyes to yourself, you turn back to look who it is. Strangely enough, it’s Tom.
“Mind if I join you?” He asks softly. This.. weirds you put a little. Tom was the bad boy, the player, but he seems quite gentle now.
“Uhh.. sure?” You respond as your turn back to lean against the railing of the balcony. He shuffles over beside you. Already, you can feel his eyes on you. “What brings you out here?” You ask, turning to look at him slowly.
His eyes are wide and full, he clears his throat softly and looks up at the sky. “It.. got boring in there.” He says.
“What’s with the change of personality?” You ask, “What happened to player-Tom? The bad-boy?”
He looks almost embarrassed at the question, “Well, I tried it but.. you weren’t even wooed, even a little bit.” He chuckles, as if in disbelief.
“So now you’re just gonna act like a kicked puppy?” You giggle, he looks at you fondly, still a bit embarrassed.
“Yes, actually. That’s the plan,” Tom says lightheartedly, turning his body towards you a bit more. As if he’s growing more comfortable with you.
2 cups of champagne each. 2 hours later. Giggling and evading each of your bandmates. You find, you really enjoy this boy’s company. It’s late, but you’re not tired really. Not at all. You both sit criss-cross, side by side, thigh to thigh, with your backs to the railing as you watch all your bandmates play a board game together.
“Y’know… I really like you,” Tom says softly, turning his head to you.
“Yeah, I mean, you’re so different,” He adds, “You don’t care about all that superficial stuff, you’re fun to hang out with.”
After a quiet moment you nod, “I could say the same about you.. unfortunately.”
The both of you chuckle softly. He places his hand on your thigh.
“I thought I’d hate this— or just like hook up with Kim or something,” He says, and you make a mock throwing up noise, at which he laughs, “But I was wrong!”
The two of you just sort of.. look at each other for a moment.
To your complete and utter surprise, you go in for it first. It’s sloppy, and half hazard, the two of you’s lips meeting like neither of you have ever kissed before. But you both quickly get the handle of it, dear god he’s a good kisser. He pulls away and looks at you with wide eyes.
“Cool,” He mumbles to himself and disbelief.
“Yeah…” You whisper back, leaning in again.
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 2 months
Btw I've been so shaken by the last episode that I don't think I've even remembered to say how grateful and emotional I am for the bi representation. Because I am. I am. I so am.
Umm. So. To tell a little real life story to explain why this bi representation matters to me...
I'm bi. Hi.
Took me ages to really wrap my head around it. Ages. Years. Even now, well into my adult age (yeah I know I sound like I'm 14 but no I'm not)...
I'm still not out to my family. And it's not that they're the most queer-phobic people in the world. They're actually pretty great.
The thing is... Bi erasure is real. It really is. Even today, bisexuality is not taken seriously.
The amount of times I've witnessed people dismissing bisexuals and bisexuality... Lost count.
Often the idea never even enters someone brain. They don't consider it to be possible. They miss every possible clue because to them, we are practically mythological creatures. Sometimes it feels like people expect to meet a bisexual about as much as they expect to meet an unicorn. Why look for one, they're not real, you know!
"Oh, they're not really bisexual, they're just trying to be trendy, to get attention! Everyone is "bi" nowadays!"
So many times I've heard people dismiss bi people who are out.
Some act like every out-of-the-closet bi/pan person is actually just pretending, that secretly they are 100% into the same sex and just say they're bi because they think that's more accepted.
Some will express that to your face. "Hey, you know that it's okay to come out, right? Just making sure! I'm fine with gays!"
And the amount of times I've witnessed people thinking that bisexuality is like a light switch...
If you're a woman and start dating a woman - you're NOW a lesbian! If you end the relationship and start dating a man - Did you hear? She's straight now! Or alternatively... She's dating a man now? Oh what a headcase, she went back into the closet! How sad!
How and when are we bi, then? Only in polyamorous relationships?
So... Let's just say that this repeated dismissive environment, this persistent refusal to take bisexuals seriously messed with my head.
For years, it kept me in the closet even to my super lovely and queer friends.
I just kept doubting my own feelings and reactions. Surely, I could not be bi, that's not a REAL sexuality! No, I must be just confused. This is what I told MYSELF. Even though I had actual out and proud bi people in my life, whose identity I never doubted.
And also... The representation.
Do you people even realise how widespread the utter ignorance still is?
Imagine trying to come out as bi... after you realise that the person you consider coming out to... May not even REGOGNIZE the word "bi"!!! Yes, SERIOUSLY!!
You know... Because this was a real life event for me. Fun times!
I was playing scrabble with elderly relatives. Realised I had the letters B and I, realised I could score very nicely if I played them.
I felt daring, and had a hunger for winning, so I played them.
Guess what the reaction was?
..."What's "BI"?"
Yes, really.
My elderly uncle did not even KNOW the word. I was so taken back and shaky when I realised this that I could not even manage to come up with a reply. Thankfully SOMEONE knew because man was the mood awkward.
And guess what. It made zero sense that they did not know.
This person who went "What's BI?" was not a person who lived out of touch with the modern world. Nope.
I'm from a nordic country!
My country is supposedly one of the "progressed" ones!
The laws are pretty inclusive,
the media has freedom of speech,
and I know for a FACT that my godparents watch the news EVERY DAY, and even not just watch the news...
They read newspapers. They watch tv. Including silly fictional series with silly queer characters!!
But he still freaking didn't know what "bi" means!!
So that's why representation MATTERS. These dumb fictional queer characters and stories make the real queer people understandable. Visible. Known.
And hopefully some day we won't have to worry if the person we're trying to open up to can accept or comprehend what we're talking about.
So yeah. I'm so grateful for the representation. THANK YOU FOR DOING THIS, darlings ❤️❤️❤️ I love you.
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95jezzica · 5 months
how do you think sweden is as a parent? any headcanons?
It's canon Sweden kind of spoils his kids quite a lot (with that I mainly mean Sealand and Ladonia, but to a degree this also includes Iceland). Not really spoiled in a bad way though? At any rate Sweden pays a lot of attention to his kids, constantly defends Iceland against Nor's and Den's teasing, and even pretends to lose wars against Ladonia. It's sweet, and I figure it's worth mentioning.
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As far as headcanons go, this also means I headcanon Sweden as a pretty chill parent in general. As long as they don't endanger/hurt themselves or others, he allows them to do a pretty much what they want (within reason) - but he's still able to put his foot down if he thinks something is going too far.
With that said, if they want a tree house to hold their micronation meetings in? Then you'll be damn sure he's going to build a gigantic treehouse for them. If they're hungry they can usually just go and eat something from the kitchen - though Sweden likely has some rules about what they eat and when.
(Example: If dinner will be ready in 30 minutes they're probably allowed to eat a quick fruit like a banana, but not stuff themselves full on sandwiches. Sweden would probably also tell them to avoid sugary stuff like candy until after dinner, but as long as they don't overdo stuff he wouldn't be too strict on which days they decide to eat their candy).
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For Sealand specifically I reckon Sweden & England have shared custody, and as a result Sealand technically has several rooms. (One in each house). To avoid Sealand having to choose between them on holidays they also make sure to celebrate major stuff together or alternate the days between them.
For an example Sealand's birthday is celebrated with everyone together. Meanwhile Sealand celebrates Christmas with the Nordics on the 23-24/12, then goes to that big party America is said to have (which probably is on the 25th), and then Sealand celebrates "Boxing Day" (26/12) with the "eyebrow family", NA-brothers and France.
They'd also have things they celebrate on their own, such as Sealand being with the "eyebrow family" to celebrate things like St. Patrick's Day, St. George's Day and Bonfire Night (Guy Fawkes). Then Sealand would be with Sweden and the Nordics to celebrate things like the June birthdays (Ladonia/Den/Swe), Midsummer and Lucia. Just to mention a few examples.
I'd say Sweden and England try to keep the days where Sealand spend his time time pretty even, but they also don't stand and count every minute to make it "fair". One year Sealand might spend a few days/weeks more with Sweden, and another year Sealand might be a little more with England. Living costs are similarly divided. For an example I imagine England was the one who bought Sealand a mobile phone when it became more necessary, but Sweden was the one who bought Sealand a tablet.
Sealand strikes me more as a boy longing for adventures. Sure, he enjoys to sit down and play games/watch TV from time to time, but he's also boy with endless energy. I can imagine him and Sweden doing stuff like going on hikes, building rafts to sail on the local lake - etc - as quality time when they're alone together. Sealand strikes me as someone who if they don't get to DO enough stuff in a day to run off some energy he'll have a hard time falling asleep in the evening.
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Now, Ladonia spends pretty much all his time living with Sweden unless he's having a sleepover with a friend or one of his many uncles. As a micronation who nowadays mostly functions as an internet nation, Ladonia has a lot of the latest technology available to him (through Sweden) since he's also more dependent on them.
Because of this Sweden obviously also make sure the house their family lives in has excellent internet connection. Though Ladonia mainly uses his own laptop while moving/traveling around, I headcanon Ladonia also has a robust PC inside his bedroom ("home base" in a sense) and a back-up laptop that he SOMETIMES let's Sealand borrow if they want to play games together.
(At some point Sealand got to choose between getting a computer, laptop or a tablet from Sweden. He chose a tablet).
I've mentioned in earlier posts that I headcanon Ladonia as literally having been born looking like a newborn baby, and as a result of that I think Sweden is/was very protective of him. Obviously Sweden is also protective of Sealand, but it's on a much higher level for Ladonia after Sweden spent YEARS not sure if Ladonia would even survive or how much "nation" Ladonia was since he grew at roughly the same speed as a human for the first 3-5 years of his life. It wasn't until Ladonia's aging slowed down a bit that Sweden could start to breathe easier.
Ladonia also has a big canon interest in Pokémon, so it wouldn't surprise me if he has most of the consoles and Pokémon games. Heck, some of the Quality Time stuff Ladonia and Sweden do together alone is likely a lot of video game playing, and they might even go watch tournaments and regionals being played. Sweden likely even ask Japan for favours to get tickets for the World Championships. I reckon Ladonia would enjoy amusement parks too, so that's another one of the few things Sweden can use to "get Ladonia away from the screens" for a few hours if Ladonia isn't having friends over. xD
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Originally I also wanted to write about Sweden and Iceland's relationship as a bonus, but this post is getting really long and I've already done a few posts with them before, so I think I will end here for now. xD
Thanks for the ask, and hope you enjoy this!
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harrisonstories · 2 years
Hey I've been thinking about this a lot and I wanted to ask you, do you think George was on the autistic spectrum?
Hi there, I apologise for such a late response.
You know, I've thought about that as well. A lot actually. I've been told I could be autistic but haven't been officially diagnosed, so I won't speak on that, but I am neurodivergent. One of the things which drew me to George in the first place was the fact I could relate to certain qualities he had which point in that direction. Namely the way he became obsessive about his interests -- immersing himself in research, watching the same films and tv shows over and over again, losing track of time, using them as a way of connecting with people, etc. and a strong desire for perfection in himself.
Examples of what I'm referring to:
"The thing about George -- and we all feel it strongly now that he’s gone off us -- is that he plunged into things. Whatever he got into, whether it was the sitar and Ravi Shankar or the Maharishi, he walked right in and never looked back." — Marianne Faithfull, Memories, Dreams and Reflections (2007)
"George had a really curious mind, and when he got into something he wanted to know everything." — Olivia Harrison, Rolling Stone (2011)
"When [Olivia] first met George she didn't know what George was talking about half the time, he was always quoting Python or ‘The Producers’. He used to say to Olivia ‘Ah my little Swedish bombshell’ which she explained she obviously didn’t look Swedish, but it was a line from the movie The Producers." — Olivia Harrison in Sydney, Australia (2005)
"Maybe there was just too much to do, but the house and the garden became an obsession with George. He found out everything there was to know about Sir Frank Crisp, how and why he built that extraordinary house and garden, why he wanted to re-create the Blue Grotto of Capri and build a mini Matterhorn in the Oxfordshire countryside. He wanted to get inside Sir Frank’s mind and fit into his old boots, and he seemed to want to do it alone. I can be obsessive, but then I get bored and need a change." — Pattie Boyd, Wonderful Tonight
Whether any of this actually means George was neurodivergent I don't know. It's always made me wonder though. It's difficult because not only do we not know George personally, the concept of there being a wide spectrum didn't become mainstream until after he died. There's such a lot of information nowadays which wouldn't have been available to him.
What you also have to consider is the influence of other factors such as experiencing extreme fame at a young age, growing up in post-war Liverpool, his family, and his introverted personality. He was often said to be very sensitive about his privacy and personal space, but I think most introverted people would struggle with that and being secretive was a common Harrison trait. He struggled to succeed within the school system even though he was smart, but he also grew up in a free-thinking household which would've made the rigidity of the outside world harder.
On the other hand you have quotes like this one from Olivia:
Q: Did George separate his private life from his life as a musician? OLIVIA: He didn’t separate anything, he knew no boundaries and was very open about everything, sometimes excessively so. Sometimes he said very funny, but rude things, and when I pointed it out to him, he just said, ‘I don’t have a private life, I just don’t know when you can say something.’ — Süddeutsche Zeitung (translated by Andrea of harrisonarchive) (2011)
What interests me about this is the last line where George says he "doesn't know when you can say something" and that he attributes this quality to being famous. The thing is, we know from various anecdotes he acted this way long before he was famous, and therefore it's unlikely to be the reason he had trouble knowing what was socially appropriate. His mum, Louise, had a reputation for her bluntness as well, so you could argue he got it from her, but I'm not sure that would hold up long into adulthood and after engaging in as many circles as George did. You also can't rule out the possibility of Louise being neurodivergent.
I've noticed all these parts of George come up repeatedly when his friends and family talk about him in every stage of life, and the suggestion he couldn't control it is mentioned several times as well, mostly by Olivia.
"When he opened up to you, he opened up completely. He didn’t know how to do things in half-measures -- which was really positive and sometimes really detrimental to himself." — Olivia Harrison, Mojo (2011)
"George really said everything that crossed his mind. I used to say, 'You really can’t get a thought to your brain without it slipping out your mouth.’ And he was painfully honest. It was an endearing trait, but sometimes you hoped that he wouldn’t be quite as honest as he was going to be." — Tom Petty, Rolling Stone (2002)
To reiterate what I said before, I'm by no means qualified to diagnose anybody and don't claim this to be concrete evidence. However, I hope it might encourage people to take a deeper look into understanding George's behaviour. I find that because there isn't a traumatic childhood to point to, he's not given the benefit of the doubt or afforded the same sensitivity as the other Beatles. People are much quicker to assume he acted out of spite and analysis of him is shallow.
Thank you for the question and giving me a chance to pull my thoughts on this together! If anyone would like to add their thoughts please feel free to share.
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jimintomystery · 23 days
DS9: "Past Tense, Part I"
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The Defiant delivers Deep Space Nine's senior staff to Earth, for a symposium about the Gamma Quadrant. But when Commander Sisko, Lieutenant Dax, and Doctor Bashir beam down to Starfleet Headquarters, the transporter beam sends them back in time, where they face the hellish conditions of, uh, approximately four months from now.
I don't watch this one much, because the dystopian nature of the Sanctuary District is a real drag. The whole point of Star Trek is the escapist fantasy that humanity will someday work out all its major problems (and find weird new problems, in outer space). Of course, the tradeoff is that every now and then we need to examine what those problems are, and why it's not easy to get from our present day to Star Trek's 24th century.
I've always been fascinated that this episode takes us to August 2024, roughly thirty years after the script was written. The standard move in a Star Trek time travel story is to visit present-day Earth, so the Starfleet officers can find our lifestyle primitive and barbaric. Star Trek seemed wary to look ahead to the early 21st century, perhaps because the 1960s TV series established lore about the 1990s that become awkward when the franchise survived into the '90s. At the time, though, I was confident that the '90s showrunners would be more savvy about looking ahead to the near future. I probably didn't expect to be sitting here in 2024, re-evaluating how well they did.
The key thing this episode gets right is not overdoing all the futuristic gadgets. The computer terminals and ID cards look like props from a an old cyberpunk movie, but they don't get in the way of the story, so it's easy to ignore them. There are no smartphones, and nobody seems to be Extremely Online, but it's just as well--most of the characters are too destitute or too overworked to stand around posting memes about the Drake-Kendrick Lamar feud. The most jarring anachronism, really, is that Chris Brynner--a Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur--is not a totally delusional, narcissistic asshole.
When this originally aired, the Sanctuary District concept seemed over-the-top to me. Nowadays, though, I think about "Past Tense" every time I read about Chicago's migrant shelters, or drive past a tent city. In the story's 2024, Sisko and Bashir are detained for the "crime" of being asleep outside and having nowhere else to go. In the real 2024, the Supreme Court is currently considering whether this is cruel and unusual punishment, and I'm afraid they're going to decide it's not. In 1995, I thought it would take some sci-fi plot device for things to get this way within thirty years. Now I realize the writers were extrapolating from societal issues that were building up before I was born.
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scintillyyy · 9 months
was finally able to watch some more firefighter show
listen this whole "balace the ledger" thing the captain has going on continues to be deeply unhealthy. he should not be in this profession. at all.
oh god i forgot they made him a dude whose blood has high anti-d antibodies, so he can donate to help make rhogam. thanks for your service, captain needs to quit. as someone who has gotten like. 4 doses of rhogam i appreciate your service. and he's bitching about it. actually dude, i don't want your anti-d. please keep it. (i know i'm supposed to feel bad for him, but i don't. i really don't.) (all respect to james harrison, though, the man from australia whose plasma donations have saved more than 2.4 million babies (including one of his grandchildren!)
okay. i hate to say it, especially as someone who hates trophy hunting. but they would still very much kill the tiger no matter what public sentiment said, sorry. i highly doubt that they would have done anything but shoot on sight.
okay. okay. back to the dumb blood plotline. so. i am a little confused here. like. 1) from the get go. why. why. why are these stranger bitches being let into the nicu (? i'm assuming that's where they're at). that shit is so locked down it's not even funny. they don't just. let people in to see the babies. not on l&d, not in the regular mother-baby unit, and especially not the nicu. even pre-covid, my cousin had a baby in the nicu and it was very. one person could go at a time and you had to be specially let in. 2) okay so maybe the dad did let them in because captain's blood saved their baby's life or something. like it is a blood donation, not an organ donation. you don't know whose blood it is, it's all pooled together. and even if he had special rhogam blood that specially went to this baby....that's not really how this works re: rhesus disease???? i have some questions.
(side note the absolute hilarity of that scale for that baby saying 2.268 lbs....i know you can't have uber premature babies on tv but that's a full 10 lb baby on there. also, that is such an arbitrarily low number, but if it was real, that baby would not just be getting blood. i cannot emphasize how much that baby would be hooked up to, including, most importantly. oxygen. and would likely be in an incubator. there's just so much wrong here.)
anyways back to rhesus disease, let's talk about rhesus disease. so rhesus disease nowadays is incredibly rare, because of rhogam. rhesus disease occurs when a mother becomes isoimmunized to her baby due to the mother having a negative blood type and the baby a positive one and her blood cells start to destroy the baby's blood cells in utero causing anemia and jaundice, in worst case scenarios stillbirth. prevention is key and we are very good at preventing it. the key is to give the mother anti-d, and tricking her body into thinking it's already produced anti-d so then the mother won't produce her own anti-d if and when her blood comes into contact with the rh positive blood of her baby. so with prenatal care you generally get blood typed at your first visit so they know if you're positive or negative. if your blood type is unknown, they treat you as negative because it doesn't hurt to get anti-d. you get anti-d with any potential chance you may have come into contact with your baby's blood. any bleeding in early pregnancy, you get it (you have to get in like 72 hours after bleeding). you also get it standard at about 28 weeks (because the anti-d lasts in the blood for about 12-14 weeks and should cover through the baby's birth). when you have the baby, the baby gets blood typed and if the baby has positive blood for sure, you get it again. this will almost always successfully prevent the mother from becoming isoimmunized for future pregnancies and protecting her next children from the potential for rhesus disease.
because firstborn children (like the one captain gave his blood to) don't generally get rhesus disease, because a mother doesn't generally become isoimmunized until after she's given birth to her first child and come into contact with the baby's blood for the first time (because that's most likely happen during childbirth). even if the first time mom got exposed during the pregnancy without getting rhogam, she generally won't have produced enough anti-d to meaningfully attack the baby's blood cells by the end of the prengnacy, but she will by subsequent pregnancies. so the firstborn isn't generally at risk for getting rhesus disease. another thing you get tested for in pregnancy is whether or not you are isoimmunized and if so, how badly. if it comes back positive for anti-d, your prengancy is monitored very, very carefully. they monitor how bad it is, and they can do in-utero blood tranfusions if necessary should the fetal anemia be really bad.
so yea. i am not only shocked by this firstborn baby's rhesus disease (because that would assume the mother was already isoimmunized for some reason, which i suppose is technically possible if she had a previous miscarriage, but we're getting into highly unlikely territory here because if it was an early enough miscarriage the embryo wouldn't have been producing it's own blood type yet and if it was late enough she would have been known to be rh negative and received rhogam-) i am also raising my eyebrows at the fact that captain's lifesaving blood got sent directly over to this baby with rhesus disease ~to save her~ because saving babies from rhesus disease has nothing to do with transfusing special anti-d blood to babies (which probably does nothing special for them) and everything to do with preventing rhesus disease from even developing by giving the mother rhogam. mr. james harrison's blood plasma hasn't gone to babies--it's gone to mothers. because giving a rh positive baby anti-d doesn't do anything special for them--it's the mother who needs it so her blood doesn't attack the baby! (what i'm saying is that they probably essentially wasted captain's blood by transfusing it to the baby--that baby can probably just get regular blood without special anti-d antibodies transfused to help with anemia, along with phototherapy for jaundice and ivig as needed). so what is happening here. why. (i mean, i know why it's so chim can show captain in person how his blood will ~save the lives of babies~ and it's not near as exciting as going to an ob appointment to watch a woman get a 5 second shot with a sourpuss on her face cause it burns like a mofo but what they did instead is really, really not how it works-).
also, let's talk about james harrison's blood. he um. he wasn't born that way y'know...his blood produces a vast amount of anti-d antibodies because when he was 14 he underwent a chest surgery and received 13 units of blood. my guess is he is rh negative and received some rh positive blood at this time and as a result became incredibly isoimmunized (so how is captain's blood a match for him, hmmmmm?), which mycauses him to produce a lot of anti-d and would produce even more following donation. also. he didn't donate blood. for the anti-d it was far more efficient to donate his plasma (in fact, rhogam is made from donated plasma, not blood), which he did. an average of once every three weeks from the time they found out about his blood until 2018 for a total of 1173 donations, when he became ineligible to donate more at the age of 81. captain, you will never be on his level.
not much else to say about the end of season 1 tbh except good old romancing the uniform.com. you know i do think it's realistic to have a first responder dating site. farmers only is a thing after all. and women love first responders, or as my aunt put it when she found out i was dating a firefighter - "you have to be careful, scintilly, because women, they see these pensions and these good benefits and they just throw themselves at firefighters and will try to steal them" (she had a bad experience with this happening to my cousin. i still joke with my husband about all the women who throw themselves at him. they're tumbleweeds.)
and finally goodbye and godspeed abby. get out of this mess. i mean, you were also very much a part of this mess. but still. can't wait for you to probably become the bad guy for moving on because your actress didn't continue with the show when i'm sure they could instead do a "we drifted apart naturally" as a way of writing out your actress.
anyways currently starting the first episode of season 2, and lol at buck talking like a 45 year old old guy about "respect". that's the energy of the drunk guy who would ramble on about nothing during my husband's virtual union meetings during the height of covid. eddie being former military is very realistic, there's a lot of preference to get former military on public jobs.
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You're My, Best Friend
Words: 850
Warnings: probably poor writing and OOC characters but whatever
DC Masterlist Main Masterlist 1989 (TV) Event Masterlist Join My Taglist
I haven't written for Tim in a while, holy shit, apologies if this is bad!
This is the "You Are In Love" part of my 1989 event!
Anywho, enjoy
Love Z <3
Throughout the entire night, Y/N kept glancing at Tim as they watched a movie in the dark movie room of the manor. It was their monthly movie night. But something felt different tonight. She wasn't sure what it was about. All she knew was that if you asked her what the movie was about, she would have looked at you, blinking like a fish.
But now they were in his car as he was driving her home. She fiddled with the buttons on the jacket he bought her a while ago. Not much was being said between them, small talk, mostly. But even in the silent moments as he drove her home, she felt it. That different feeling that she got whenever they were together nowadays.
He pulled up to a stop in front of her apartment, his headlights on the wall reflecting back into the car. The vehicle became illuminated, the chain on his neck (a gift from her) even had a glint on it. Her heart fluttered as their shoulders brushed and he whispered, "Look up."
His sunroof was open, something he did whenever they drove together (if weather allowed), and she looked up to see what he was pointing out. A soft smile on her face as she saw stars, something rare to see in the city.
She smiled at him, "I better get going." She unbuckled and opened her door. Grabbing her coffee she slipped out. Looking back at him, a gentle but tired look on her face. "Thanks for the coffee, even though it's midnight."
He laughed, "It'll get you up to your apartment and keep you warm." He nervously smiled at her, "Can I kiss you?"
For a moment, it took her by surprise. But then she smiled and nodded. The moment his lips fell onto hers, she felt calm. Nearly identifying that feeling she's felt all night.
When he pulled away, he smiled goofily at her, "I'll see you later, alright."
She nodded, "See you."
She carefully closed the door to his car and walked into her apartment. That feeling was still in the air. She wasn't sure what it was about. And for a moment, as she turned the lights out to her bedroom, she realized what it was.
She was in love.
"--I am just sick and fucking tired of being treated this way, Tim!" The rain and thunder outside nearly drowned out their screams.
"Then how do you want to be treated, Y/N?! Huh?! Because your history of men and friends really can't tell me shit!"
She felt her heart break at those words. Him bringing up her spotty past with ex-boyfriends and ex-friends. "I just want you to treat me as more than you do." She looked away, down at the shirt of his she had on. "I just...I thought...I thought that the kiss from the other night meant something."
She heard him let out a breath, "I'm sorry."
She looked at him oddly, "For what?"
"I'm scared that if I pursue these feelings I have for you, that you'll get hurt." His voice was soft and she knew that it was everything that had happened to him that was pulling his strings. Corrupting his thoughts.
"Timmy I--"
"I want you. I really do. I just don't want you to get hurt." He closed his eyes, "You're the only person who has been by my side forever. I just don't want to lose you."
She gently took his hand in hers, "And you won't. I promise you that you won't."
He nodded meekly, "Promise me?"
She smiled and kissed him, "I promise."
The moon was high in the sky. Tim had passed out a few hours ago, his burnt toast left uneaten by his bed. His TV was on as Y/N faded in and out of sleep. Her eyes however opened wide as she heard him push himself up. As she looked at him, the TV illuminating the room, she saw the odd look on his face.
He looked at her, "You're my best friend, you know that right?"
She smiled, he knew what he meant. He was in love.
Y/N shook her head as she watched the news play a video of her and Tim dancing around in the ballroom at Wayne Manor. That was all that people covered nowadays. Was about how Bruce Wayne's adoptive son seemed to have found someone that made him happy.
They recently found out that there was a photo of her on his desk at Wayne Industries and people went crazy over it. She found it all ironic. People being so obsessed with their relationship.
But...she couldn't say anything about it. As he walked through the door, coffee cup in his hand, tired eyes slowly blinking, she finally understood why people fought wars for people in the past. She understood why men started wars for a woman they loved. She understood why people would spend their entire lives figuring out how to put it into words.
She finally understood because she was in love.
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I had a flashback to "humor in the 1990s" tonight and just thought of shows I used to like / will remember or even look up and still laugh at that "kids these days" would find incredibly problematic. Hell, a lot of the humor back then is exactly the kind of stuff that could get you cancelled (especially here on tumblr) today. I remember in seventh and eight grade, it wasn't just the students, but some of the TEACHERS at my school who would make jokes about dead cult members (the Waco standoff happened at that time) and about Jeffery Dahmer's murder-victims (that was in the news, too). TV shows? Saturday Nite Live used to have a skit called "It's Pat!" - the ENTIRE JOKE, the ENTIRE FUCKING JOKE was "We do not know what gender Pat is." I think I saw one or two of these sketches? I didn't want SNL much? The Pat-sketches were made up entirely of people trying to find out whether the very androgynous, nerdy-looking Pat is a man or a woman. That was a source of humor back then. Now when I look back on it... (even assuming that Pat was cis) people hovering around you trying to judge your gender is... pretty creepy? I used to watch In Living Color - the Wayne Bros. minority-answer to SNL with only a couple of token white people. While from a minority perspective, some of their sketches were... would not fly today material. I remember one sketch making fun of Princess Diana's depression and suicidal issues. (A personal ick for me...when Iook back on it). There was a superhero character called "Handi-Man" who was a disabled superhero who was a champion of disabled people (but the humor was incredibly ableist). There was a recurring sketch about a homeless man that made fun of his situation... It was... funny at the time? I laughed then - as a kid? But nowadays, I feel kind of icky - and feel like "Yeah, it's best if people don't try to make stuff like that today." I used to also watch something called The Edge that was on Fox. It was... very twisted. Lots of humor revolving around gruesome, bloody violence (in a fake blood and gore way), but it was still... wow, I used to love that show and I guess that's why I'm so twisted in my humor today. I do think one recurring sketch would be relevant today, though: "The Armed Family" which was about a family of gun-nuts. They'd wind up spooking each other or mistaking each other for home intruders and shooting each other all the time (but coming out with "only flesh wounds" or "Good thing your Dad gave me this bulletproof vest for Christmas!") - Speaking of Christmas, probably their funniest sketch was the one where they killed Santa Claus (home invader)! It ended with a track of children crying. *Chef's kiss!* I mean... that is STILL funny to me, but I can't help but think of how "That...probably couldn't be made today." Then again, Robot Chicken is a recent thing and has that dark kind of humor... I guess I just thought if some people cannot take anime-light-perv humor that was common in the 1990s when they watch old anime, hoooo boy should they stay the Hell away from 1990s late night American sketch-humor.
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doberbutts · 1 year
Okay well I watched the first episode of Blood Origin and honestly my thoughts are:
I just don't understand why people are so resistant to changes/new plotlines/some lore breaking of *recent* franchises but gobble it up when it's older. People telling an untold portion of a common tale is well established in storytelling culture. The first example that springs to mind is Lancelot, who straight up does not exist in original Authorian legend and was a FRENCH invention when the myth spread. Nowadays, most casual enjoyers of King Author stuff don't bat an eye to Lancelot's presence. Lancelot, who comes to mind, because Sapkowski writes said Lancelot to be in love with Ciri, and we're totally cool with *that* but not with changes to Sapkowski's work.
It's really telling that there's such a bigoted negative reaction to this because honestly? The black people so far have been BLACK black, darker than me, darker than even my black family sometimes. I'm enjoying seeing melanin in fantasy don't mind me. And the hair on the sisters is excellent, I'm liking the costuming, and I *really* like Eile.
The accents are kind of all over the place. Both as individual characters but also as the actors themselves. Sometimes Fjall goes from generic American accent to some form of fake Irish to ????european???? and back and it's distracting and weird. HOWEVER I do like the Irish and Welsh accents in high born kingdoms, because too often those accents are for commoners and poverty only, and this sort of turns the trope on its head.
I'm not sure how much I like the pan-Asian vibe I'm getting from some of the props and architecture. Some things look vaguely Chinese while others solidly Arabic while others a weird fusion of Indian and Korean and it's just odd to me. At first I thought it was because of clan structures but then I saw that it's just sort of everywhere. I have 0% Asian in me so I'm not really a good authority to speak on it but it's a weird vibe, a little Orientalist to my eyes. I'll freely admit that I like the aesthetic since I was raised pretty pan-African but I recognize that most continentally grouped cultures don't love that and it's mainly the black diaspora that's embraced it because we don't really have much of a choice.
I STILL feel that doing away with this short-season "but the episodes are an hour long!" nonsense would help pacing so much. Literally every time I thought the episode was going to come to an end, it's been roughly at the 20-25 min mark, which a standard TV episode would have been ANYWAY. So there's not really much point to having this be 4 hour-long episodes when it could be done better as 12-15 20 minute episodes... which would be the eqivilant of a short season while 24-32 is a more "standard" season (instead of 8 hour-long episodes). It gives you more time to flesh the characters and plotlines out while also allowing you the chance to trim some of the long-and-boring content people get tired of watching.
I really do feel bitter that the witcher tags continue to be people making racist and misogynistic memes instead of a fandom happily discussing a pretty strong first episode that introduced a billion fantasy characters of color. It really sucks that black people in fantasy is received so poorly when my inner 10 year old is happy to see people who look more like me having fun with the genre. I long for the day when I can exist in a fandom space and happily discuss my favorite black characters without having to justify their existence every 2 seconds.
Oof that CGI is pretty rough though. Which surprises me because the S2 CGI was not this rough so idk what happened here. That monster in the first episode is, uh, bad. And the background in the weird magicky place is also pretty, uh, bad.
I don't understand why the first witcher being an elf would piss Geralt off except maybe because that means Jaskier knows more about witchers than Geralt does? All of Geralt's iterations- the books, the games, the show, the comics- are pretty chill with elves as long as they're pretty chill with him. He only pursues certain elves and elf-blooded mixed race people when they pose a direct threat to him or his loved ones. Same as humans. So I don't really get that line at all unless, as said, it was more a "wow Geralt's gunna be pissed that I know this story and he doesn't"
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