#though maybe his bros are the ones taking care of his hair
orangeheliophile · 22 hours
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Dating Puerto Rican Bakugou
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Contains: Puerto Rican Bakugou x Latina/poc! reader. Bakugou also wears hearing aids in this one. Second!year Katsuki, mentions of after war, Hispanic! Sero mentioned.
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●I like to think you both were best friends since you were kids, always sticking together and not just because your mothers were so friends, but because Katsuki had a humongous crush on you and you thought he was the coolest person in the world. Since growing up in Japan, there weren't a lot of people who spoke your language, so another reason you both stayed together.
●His skin would look tanner, maybe have a few beauty marks and more visible scars. Other than that, he's still the same. The same, explosion pomeranian boy with rabies.
●He is a surprisingly great dancer, being an expert in salsa, merengue, bachata, cha-cha, and tango. He's got the hips for it.
●When he grows the courage to ask you out, he would confess to you in Spanish, whispering promises to you that you have his entire heart and soul. (He's secretly a hopeless romantic, but the Hispanic version.) Bro has rizz when he wants it.
●When he asked you out, he said, "Can I be your boyfriend?" Instead of, "Will you be my girlfriend?" Because he only cares about being yours. He belongs to you, and you only. You're not an object, but if you're comfortable, he'll definitely brag to others how you're his.
●His cooking is absolutely divine. If you want something to eat, sit down and look pretty. If he weren't going to be a hero, he would definitely be a chef. He would make you sopita when you're sick, dulce de leche when he wanted you to cuddle him, and he would make all of your favorite foods for you. Just for you, and nobody else.
●He would call you nicknames such as: corazón, amor, bebé, mí cielito, princesa, mamí... and your heart would skip a beat every time. You will definitely return the favor, though, watching his face turn redder than Kirishima's hair.
●He cusses in Spanish a lot, inheriting his mother's anger as well as the attitude. Whenever he watches fútbol, he gets even more passionate about the sport.
●Speaking of his mother, she loves you more than she loves her son. She always demands asks Katsuki to tell you that you're always welcome to visit and that he brings all the snacks she makes for you. She also wants you to marry her son so she doesn't have to deal with his bratty ass. But mainly because you would be her daughter-in-law!
●He always takes you out on dates, sticking your hips together using Sero's duct tape. He's really clingy, always rambling how you're going to get cold, or that you shouldn't be away from him where he can't see you.
●If he doesn't know where you are, he's running around looking for you like a headless chicken. He's secretly a lovesick puppy, constantly craving your attention, and if he doesn't get it, people find it best to back away from him so he doesn't explode.
●He usually hates hearing extras talk. It annoys the hell out of him, making him want to throw out his hearing aids so he can finally get some peace and quiet. You, however, please don't shut up. Your voice is absolutely music to his hears. He loves hearing you ramble about anything. His heart melts at the sight of you mixing up your words while having the happiest smile on your face.
●He knows how to knit and crochet. So whenever it gets cold, he always makes you sweaters, scarves, and blankets to keep you warm. He always makes sure to add things you like, just to make you happy and want to kiss him some more.
●He needs at least five good mornings/good night kisses, six hundred hugs, a ton of cuddles, seven billion 'te amó con todo mí corazóns,' and a bunch of more besitos just to survive and hour. Yes, an hour. Give him what he wants.
●He will never admit it, but he secretly enjoys some telenovelas. His mother always watched them when he was younger, and most of the time, it seemed pretty stupid to him. But he enjoys some of the drama.
●Whenever you want to cuddle and watch a movie, he makes hot chocolate, already having baked cookies as he tucks you into a blanket burrito while sitting you on his lap. He's already kissing your cheek, playing with your hair as you sip on your warm drink and munch on the homemade cookies.
●He wants to take you on vacation to Puerto Rico, show you the streets of San Juan, go hiking with you at El Yunique National forests, and of course introduce you to the rest of his family.
●Of course, he plays the drums, but he likes playing the Spanish guitar as well. He would definitely play romantic songs for you when you're both alone.
●If you have curly hair, oh, he would definitely help you with your routine. He will always search for the best products and be extremely careful not to mess up your curls when he plays with your hair. He loves curly hair. It's so unique and badass in his opinion.
●He's always kind of had a thing for women with dark skin. He finds it pretty when their skin practically glows in the sunlight.
●We all know he gets temper tantrums, but he would act like a whiny/angry toddler when you don't give him affection. And since he cusses a lot and is already dramatic, he would be even more dramatic when he complains in Spanish and acts like he's dying of heartbreak.
●Not only is he an expert at fighting, but he also knows the way of the chancla. The most dangerous weapon of them all. He protects, he attacks, and he most definitely doesn't hold back. Especially when it comes to you, just say the word, and he'll obliterate the person to smithereens.
●Even if he's going to become the future top hero, he knows he would be the perfect malewife. This man can cook, clean, is multi-talented, and would he great with your kids. He would make sure you're always pampered and spoiled with his love.
●He may not seem like it, but he's also a good singer. So if you're in the mood to listen to romantic mushy Spanish songs, he's already swaying your body with his as he sings softly into your ear while dancing in the kitchen with you.
●He definitely has a Puerto Rican banner in his dorm room, right next to an All Might poster and a picture of you. He's not ashamed of his heritage, and he won't ever deny his love for you and admiration for All Might.
●Whenever he's feeling down, he likes to drink Coquito and cuddle you for the rest of the day, watching a romance movie as you play with his hair and give him healing smooches.
●When you both were younger and one of you got a small scratch or bruise, you would definitely do the "sana sana colita de rana" and then kiss the others' boo boos better. Over time, when nobody's watching, you both still do it. It's the best remedy for healing! Besides besitos y abrazitos.
●If you're feeling insecure because your body isn't "stereotypical" to your culture or that you can't speak your language very well, he will do everything in his power to change your mind. He'll scoop you in his arms, sit you on his lap, and do his best to say comforting words to you because his princesa deserves none of this! Eventually, he helps you love yourself more, and step by step, you're both growing closer to one another by how supportive you both are.
●Sero is also Hispanic, being half Mexican made the both of you have someone to talk to. Katsuki and Sero would definitely gossip to each other about the other students. Katsuki's arm would be around your shoulders as the two give judgy looks to people doing stupid things. (You're just doodling on your coloring book while they gossip.)
●Since Mina and Izuku have curly hair, they would absolutely help you whenever you were having trouble with yours. Even if Katsuki threw a temper tantrum every time he didn't get to do it for you. But he will never admit he appreciates them being there for you.
●If you didn't think he was clingy before the war, he's suffocating you even more. Although his right arm is damaged and his heart needs to heal, this boy is constantly stuck to your hip thanks to Sero's duct tape, and you feel the same way, too. You will occasionally give him healing besitos all over his injuries and will reassure him that everything will be okay.
●Just like how you steal his hoodies and shirts, he does the same. Since you like to wear oversized clothes sometimes, he won't hesitate to steal them and wear them proudly. Boasting to others how he's yours.
●You both wear matching layered necklaces resembling each other's quirks. He wears a small explosion charm with another pendant resembling your quirk; yours is the same way.
●Since you're both too young to marry legally, he bought you both promise rings. Having a combination of your quirks engraved on the ring. Don't worry, you both already married when you were five. (He proposed to you with his grandmother's wedding ring. Mama Mitsuki was not happy. But she was happy when she saw you in an adorable frilly dress!)
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I wanna write more of these scenarios, but I want to finish a request in my drafts and I've been working on it a lot, and I want it to be good and I want people to like it and, and-😭😔
Anyway, I had fun making this one! :)
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keeryd · 10 months
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He does have hair in Mutant Apocalypse sooooo
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daytaker · 8 months
The Gang React to You Petting Their Hair
"I am only going to say this once: stop."
You get one warning. One. If you do not cease and desist, he is throwing you out of his study, so help him Diavolo's Dad. No, he does not like it. No, not even a little bit. You really aren't going to stop? You're just a glutton for punishment, aren't you?
....You're very lucky he's too busy to hurl you bodily from this room. He'll just endure it for now.
"Hah?! What's the big idea?! This is the revered hair of THE Great Mammon, I'll have you know. So that'll be 100 Grimm a touch, thanks! ....Hey, no, wait, why'd you stop?"
Once he's done turning bright red and clearing his throat, he'll try to capitalize on this whim of yours by offering you a discount on hair touches. A very poorly-planned scheme, because you're not going to pay to do something he'll start begging you to keep up as soon as you stop.
Oh, so Mammon is willing to let you touch his high-value hair for free? You're so honored. What a good boy you are, Mammon. (You can expect a bit more sputtering and some denials that he is anything like a good boy, but bro's into it big time. If he had a tail, it would be wagging.)
*shrieks in confused, touch-starved otaku*
Wait, no, he didn't say to stop! What's with these mixed signals? Petting his hair then stopping just because he shrieks a little bit? Did you want to touch his hair or not? Is it greasy? Oh god, when did he last bathe? ...It was only the other day. You have no reason to be disgusted. You're just a bigoted normie who assumes all otaku are crusty and gross!
Ahhhh?!?!?!?! Again?! Fine! Just don't change your mind again, because that's super confusing! And yeah, obviously he's blushing, you're petting his head and it feels nice and kind of tickles! ....Mm.... You know, once he's settled into it, it's really relaxing, actually...
Fast forward an hour or two and he's probably conked out with his head in your lap, drunk on affection and mostly asleep.
"What exactly do you think you're doing?"
It feels weird. Why are you doing that? Wait, you're petting him? Like he's....a cat? Hmm. Interesting. He'll allow it. But you should do it properly. None of this mussing his hair around with wild abandon. You have to be gentle and use small movements. Maybe use your knuckles? Gently though. There, that's it.
So this is what it feels like. Admittedly, he probably wouldn't take kindly to this if anybody else was doing it, no matter how well they imitated proper cat-petting technique. But you're a special exception, so in the future, if you feel the need to do this, just let him know. And for the love of all things unholy, don't breathe a word about this to his brothers.
"Oh, you like my hair? Isn't it soft? I'll show you the conditioner I use."
Asmo loves having his hair played with! Or brushed, or combed, or tugged (just not too hard, please!) His hair is silky smooth thanks to a mixture of his natural good looks and his shampoo/conditioner combination. He'll let you borrow them if you're interested. Your hair will look amazing! And it'll feel even better!
This is cozy. He'll just settle in and let you do this as long as you want. Careful you don't get too handsy; he knows how irresistible he is.
...Well, maybe if you're a little handsy he'll let it slide, but just because it's you.
"Are you....petting me?"
Kind of weird, but it feels nice, so he isn't complaining. It's a little bit embarrassing, just because it makes him feel a little bit like a puppy, but then again, who doesn't like puppies? He'll be able to continue to go about his day not minding you petting his hair now and again. The only awkward part is how damn tall he is. You might need to keep a step stool handy.
"Nnngh, knock it off...! ... ... ...I changed my mind, do it again."
His initial reaction to being woken up to you stroking his head is annoyance, because dammit, he was sleeping. But once he shakes the cobwebs out of his brain, he'll realize that it actually felt really good and he could absolutely fall asleep under these circumstances.
He'll wait a little while, hoping you'll give it another try of your own accord, but if you don't, he'll eventually cave and grumpily ask you to do it again.
"Hahaha... That's enough, now."
He isn't actually a fan. Maybe it's the fact that he's a prince and has been acting as an autocrat more or less for centuries, but being stroked like an adored pet feels really degrading. Of course, he won't hold it against you, but seriously, stop.
"Are you finished playing around quite yet?"
Another one who isn't into this at all. He's more than happy to spend his free time petting you, if that's what you're interested in, but he is a petter, not a pettee. Read into this what you will.
"You're so forward!"
Solomon likes it very much. Too much, possibly. Are you flirting with him? There's something incredibly intimate about touching someone's hair, don't you think? No, please, continue.
"Um, what are you doing? ...As long as you're enjoying yourself, I guess!"
Simeon is more bewildered by this than most. Like, are you trying to scratch an itch for him? Is this one of those "viral memes" he's heard so much about? Well, it feels nice, and it isn't as if it's hurting anybody. He'll indulge you for now.
A little to your left, please. Ahhhh, that's the spot...
"Hehe, that tickles... Hey! Is this a Chihuahua joke?!"
It feels kind of nice, but as soon as he takes a second to think about it, he realizes that you're treating him at best like a little kid, and at worst, like a dog, and he isn't having any of that. He'll scold you for treating a Celestial being so casually, remind you that he's actually a lot older than you, technically, so who's the real baby, and secretly pine for more pets for the rest of his life.
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folkloresthings · 1 year
in which the world’s favourite pop princess becomes tangled in the life of a certain formula one driver, flipping her entire world upside down.
( charles leclerc x singer!au )
track one: lonesome. track two: fast times. track three: nonsense. track four: opposite. track five: how many things. track six: bad for business.
✩⡱ warnings: like one curse word
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liked by oliviarodrigo, charlieputh, and 738,928 others
yourusername baby’s too pretty to be put in the corner
view all 56,914 comments
landonorris BARK BARK
user mother is mothering
sza i’m so in love with you it’s silly
charles_leclerc pretty indeed
⤷ user unhinged charles spotted
⤷ user he’s making moves people!!!
lewishamilton are y’all seeing what i’m seeing
yourusername added to their story!
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the pre—race buzz was electric in the ferrari garage, your phone pinging with messages beckoning you to the mercedes garage on the other end of the paddock. you knew lewis wanted to see you, he’d been the one to invite you to the race in the first place, but there was something pulling you to the room filled with red. someone.
“hello again,” your smile widened across your face as charles dodged past mechanics to find you by the wall. his decorated race suit adored his lean figure, but his head was still free of his helmet, despite the clock ticking closer to when he needed to be in the car.
that godforsaken smile of his mirrored your own, knees wobbling as soon as it graced your gaze. without thinking, his arms pulled you into a hug. a friendly one, to be sure. a happy to see you, no matter how your heart yearned for another reason. the emerald in his eyes shone down at you, that same look he’d given you when you’d first met all those weeks ago backstage before your show.
and now here you were, after weeks of texts and late night calls, staring at each other through a fog of tension, waiting with bated breath. he speaks first, and you try so desperately to ignore how his gloved fingers brush your wrist when he does.
“what are you doing tonight?”
you blink, his eyes hopeful for an answer. your head shakes, shoulders shrugging, brain nagging to be an ounce cooler than you were being right now. “i don’t know. why?”
“let me take you to dinner. it’ll be my prize, if i win,” he speaks quickly, as though he needs to say it before hesitancy can change his mind. that familiar lump of nerves turns in your stomach, one you hadn’t felt in a long time. not since austin first asked you out — a feeling that had ended in catastrophe. could you face that kind of tumble again?
“charles, you have to go!” a voice nearby urges, every other driver already behind their wheels. urges him to move, and you to answer. his feet are moving backwards, slowly, but his eyes stay trained on you, awaiting your reply.
“well, you’d better win then.”
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liked by carlossainz55, yourusername, and 762,629 others
charles_leclerc P1!!! so happy with today’s result, thanks to everyone who got me there ♥️ time to celebrate (even more)
view all 467,333 comments
scuderiaferrari YES! 🍾🍾🍾
⤷ user bro thinks he’s slick
yourusername congrats again!! super duper proud 💌
⤷ user the hair in the pic looks so much like hers oml
⤷ user she literally just got out of a relationship like five minutes ago
yourusername i think i trust you enough to teach me to drive now
⤷ charles_leclerc only now? ouch, my heart ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
⤷ lewishamilton STOP FLIRTING
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liked by nicolacoughlan, zendaya, and 889,201 others
yourusername what the fuck is patience?
view all 661,820 comments
charli_xcx damned if i know
pheobebridgers a man? 🤢🤢🤢
⤷ yourusername so true bbz
user SQUINTING to see who the guy is
⤷ user maybe it’s just a friend?? who cares
⤷ user puh lease he got her flowers
charles_leclerc nice flower arrangement
⤷ yourusername i know a sexy florist, want his # ?
user I MOVED
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writer’s note: they’re getting there 😭 i’m emotionally attached to this fictional couple i can’t. fyi this is just a filler to move them along there’ll be drama soon dw
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mochinomnoms · 9 months
Hello I saw your event and got interested! I was wondering if you could do #24 with Idia (romantic, fluff, and suggestive if possible) with fem!reader?
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idia shroud x f!reader [tags] – romantic, fluff, suggestive [wc} – 3, 241 prompt 24: “I'm so happy that you confessed first.” “Why?” “If I had to dig out another hydrangea petal from my teeth, I was gonna lose it.” notes - the only way to write idia is kind pathetic like a wet cat. i love pathetic men a floral inconvenience
According to legend, a Japanese emperor gave blue hydrangeas to the girl he loved, to apologize for neglecting her and to show how much he really cared for her. Their petal shape resembles a beating heart. 
Idia thinks that he was cursed in a past life for doing something awful. Maybe he kidnapped someone’s kid and tried to kill them. Maybe he tried to overthrow the gods and take over himself, but failed miserably. Or maybe, worst of all: broke someone’s limited-edition, vintage Tokyo Mew Mew Ichigo figurine. 
He sure as the underworld that he did something, why else would he be puking up hanahaki flowers like some cringey Canon x Reader fanfic? 
“Big Bro! You really should go to the school infirmary, the petals and stems can cause irritation and damage to the trachea and nasopharynx if not treated properly!”
Ortho was currently hovering over him, fretting like a mother hen over her chick. How ironic, Idia thought as he picked at the petals still in his teeth, it was for the little brother to be caring for the elder. 
“Why do that when I can just have the school delivery bots bring me medicine. Then I won’t have to interact with anyone, I’d literally DIE if anyone saw me like this…”
Especially if the Prefect saw him. The image of her sweet face, and beaming smile…like a scene from a shoujo manga, flooded his mind. He could practically hear her voice, full of concern, asking, “Are you okay, Idia?”
Idia fell into a sneezing fit, petals flying from his mouth and nose as his sneezes continued, one after the other, until he was also thrown into a hoarse, wet-sounding cough. 
“Big Bro! That’s it, you’re going to the nurse!” Ortho, despite being quite small, grabbed Idia by the back of his striped pajama shirt, much like one grabs a wet cat by the scruff of its neck. 
“UUuuuuuuuuuughghuguguguhidonwannaaaaaaaaAAAAAHHHh!” Idia cried out in a whiney, high-pitched tone. 
His brother, perhaps taking pity on his brother, took the shortcut to the infirmary, cutting directly pass the buildings and fields as Idia’s arms and legs loosely flew like cooked spaghetti noodles. Flying through the window that Nurse Goethel often kept open for fresh air, Ortho plopped Idia into a spare bed, who collapsed like a ragdoll into the thin mattress. 
“I’ll go check you in with the Nurse, I’ll be right back, please make yourself comfortable Idia!”
Idia gave a muffled grumble as a response, shoving his face further into the hard surface of the bed with a sense of dread. He could hear Ortho speak with Goethel at her desk. 
Well, he thought, at least she won’t see me looking all gross and lovesick like some normie—
“Idia, oh my god, are you sick?” 
A shrill, ear-splitting shriek left his mouth as the flames of his hair blew up into a blazing hot pink. Idia bolted him, a sharp pain hitting the top of his head as he heard you yelp. As he rubbed the pained spot, Idia noticed that you too were rubbing your chin. Oh Sevens, he hit your chin with his big, stupid head. 
“Ooowwwww, damn Idia, you hit hard…” you hissed, though you gave him a sweet smile in reassurance. 
“It’s fine, I shouldn’t have scared you…though why are you covered in flowers?”
Idia froze, debating on whether or not he should open his mouth and potentially say something damning, or just stay quiet and hope you’d just get weirded out and leave. 
“Because he’s an idiot who didn’t come to immediately see me at the first petal cough!” 
The nurse came up to Idia with a disapproving glare, handing you a clipboard and pen before slipping on a clean pair of gloves. 
“Prefect, please check the boxes for every symptom I find. I believe I know what it is, but we need to check all our bases.” 
Idia peeked at you from the corner of his eye as you smiled at him, waving your fingers as the nurse whispered a spell to turn her magic pen into a makeshift flashlight. 
“Now, open up and say ‘ah’ so I can see what those flowers are doing to you.” 
Following her instructions, Idia tried his best to be a cooperative and willing patient, if just to get out of here faster. Unfortunately, your presence only seemed to make it harder to do so, as hydrangea flowers bloomed from the pores of his skin, focusing particularly around his hands and neck. 
The nurse, he’s sure, could also see the magic sparkles forming as a new bouquet formed through his throat and shot up his mouth. She tsked, leaning back to allow Idia to hack out the now decent sized hydrangea bouquet. They were a vibrant blue, much like his hair. 
“Ah, go, go on and let it out.” The nurse waved a hand at Ortho. “Dear, please fetch your brother a cup of the tea I have brewing at my desk. Prefect? Please note that the patient has no evidence of root growth in his throat.”
“Root growth!? Is my brother going to be okay?” Ortho worriedly rushed over, the tea spilling over the rim of the foam cup. “Is it a curse or disease? Is my brother growing a plant in his lungs!?”
“Ortho, you scanned me earlier this week, remember?” Idia hoarsely replied, taking the tea to gingerly sip at it. “Nothing in ‘em, or my stomach ‘cept ramen noods.”
“A WEEK?!” The three of you flinched at the shrill gasp of Goethel, who was glaring daggers at Idia. “Mr. Shroud, you’ve been sick with an unknown flora disease and you didn’t even bother to let the staff know? What if you were contagious!!”
Idia shrank into himself as he whispered, “It’s not like I leave my room…” 
“Bateria or the pollen could’ve gotten into the air vents and infected the rest of your dorm, ugh.” The nurse sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose before addressing you. “Miss Y/N, if you mark down the lack of root growth, fever, and magical origin of the flowers, what do you get?”
He watched as you flipped through the clipboard, smile slightly faltering as you read one of the papers. You cleared your face briefly, before smiling politely back at the nurse and Idia.
“Based on everything, it seems that Idia most likely has the flower sickness, also known as the love sickness, petal fever, or, most commonly, hanahaki.”
Idia cringed at the cold, monotone sound of your voice. Now he’d done it. You knew, somehow you knew that he had the biggest, fattest, most twitterpated-full crush on you. No, crush was understated. He had dreams of you, the cringiest, domestic fantasy-based shit where he’d imagine you, waking up in bed with him back at the Island of Woe. You had given him a sleepy smile as you curled into side, naked. With a smile and a kiss to his lips, dream you turned over to hover over him, trailing small kisses and love bites down his body, further and further as you whispered to him, over and over, “I love you, Idia—”
A queasy, dizzying feeling fell over Idia as a particularly painful croup caused him to double over and vomit last night's dinner alongside blue, heart-shaped petals. 
“Big Brother!”
“Shroud—Prefect, hold his hair back! Ortho, grab the trashcan, I’ll go get some cleaning supplies and new sheets.”
Nurse Goethel barked orders to the other two, who quickly jumped into action. Idia could feel a shiver as he felt your hands softly grasp his flaming hair, fingers grazing his cheek as you tucked his bangs behind his ears. He could barely make out your coos, no doubt comforting him. You must be disgusted seeing him like this, having to care for a sopping wet cat of a man. Ortho was holding the trash can, right on time for Idia to hurl some more flowers and stomach acid. 
“Oh, Idia…you poor thing.” You whispered into his ear, unintentionally causing his body to warm up and a chill go down his spine to settle in his abdomen. He was very aware that if he turned his head to look at you, he’d get a faceful of your chest like some harem isekai protag, the thought making him warm further and his tips pink again. 
“I didn’t realize you were feeling this bad, Idia…” Ortho murmured, guilt in his voice. “I should’ve brought you sooner…”
“N-no…” Idia gravelly replied, wiping his mouth clean. “It’s not your fault Ortho, don’t beat yourself over it.”
Ortho still looked guilty, but nodded in affirmation, glancing at briefly at the Prefect. His gaze flitted between the two, and Idia could briefly see Ortho’s eyes go blank, as they did when searching through his knowledge database.
“Miss Prefect!” Ortho chirped, voice now perky much to Idia’s concern. “May I ask for a spare infirmary shirt for my brother? He must be very uncomfortable in his soiled one!”
Idia was now firmly and acutely aware of your hands still on him, thumb rubbing soothingly into his temple. 
“Oh, of course Ortho.” You moved away, hands hovering for just a moment, as you replied, “They’re in the storage, I’ll be right back!”
Idia watched as you walked away into the infirmary storage. Ortho did as well, waiting until you were out of earshot to excitedly whisper, “Idia! I know it’ll be an easy fix!”
“Huh?” Idia rose an eyebrow at his brother, confusion setting in.
“It’s a love sickness, and you love the Prefect—Idia stop looking at me like that—so if you confess to them, the flowers will go away!”
Idia was still giving Ortho a horrified look, as he continued. 
“Based on the timing of your reactions in correlation with close proximity within the Prefect, along with your increased heart rate at their touch, speech, and glances, and the fact that the Prefect stated on December 15th at 11:18:53 pm that she likes hydrangeas, she is the cause of the sickness. Right?”
“Ortho!’ Idia hissed, grabbing at his brother to shut him up despite Ortho not technically having a mouth. 
“Quiet down, this isn’t some otome game where I can cheat and look online for the right responses. Did you see how she reacted earlier when she found out it was hanahaki, how disappointed she looked? There’s no way Y/N—I mean the Prefect, didn’t connect the dots. 
“But, Big Brother!” Ortho whined, “Based on her heart rate and increased body temperature—”
“No is no, Ortho! It’s not going to be such an easy fix, I’ll just get rejected!”
“Technically speaking—” Idia and Ortho both jumped at the nurse’s voice, who was coming back from storage with clean linens. The Prefect followed with a new shirt.
“—you don’t need your beloved to accept your feelings, just confess them. Though it’s quite rare that it’s not reciprocated.”
The nurse motioned for Idia to get up as the Prefect handed him the shirt. She began taking the sheets off as the nurse addressed the two brothers. 
“Mr. Shroud, if you are insisting on keeping this sickness intact for fear of rejection, then I will have to ask Professor Crewel for some more potent ingredients for your prescription. Little Shroud?”
“Oh, yes Nurse Goethel?” 
“I could use your assistance, please come with me, Miss Y/N will tend to your brother,” She had a smug tone and smirk as she said this, motioning for Ortho to follow. “Mr. Shroud, please have no worry, she makes an excellent student nurse!” 
Idia let out a defeated, low, whiney groan as he moped over behind one of the privacy screens. You remained quiet as you collected the dirty sheets. He could hear Goethel’s footsteps and Ortho’s fans fade away as they left further and further down the hall. Idia yanked his shirt off, slipping the clean one over his head, noting it was a tad bit too small. He grumbled in annoyance as he pulled the shirt down to cover his stomach. 
“Eeep!” Idia yelped, your voice coming from right behind the screen. “Y-yes?”
“Are you done changing? I can take your shirt to the hamper.”
He hummed in response, peeking his hand from behind the screen with the shirt in hand. As you took the shirt and walked away, Idia slowly moved to look at you. Once he was sure your eyes were firmly ahead (and briefly taking a look at your ass), he launched himself back into bed, the smell of clean linen filling his nose. 
Idia sighed, a faux exhaustion settling into his bones as he sunk into the bed. He tensed as he felt you sit on the edge to this right. 
“Idia?” you hummed as he closed his eyes to focus on the darkness behind them, instead of you worried expression. 
He hummed in response. 
“Nurse Goethel said that the remedy is actually quick and easy, right?”
He hummed again.  
“You’ll just keep coughing hydrangeas until you do something, right?”
“...Yea.” Idia replied in a monotone voice. 
You sighed, a bit in frustration he thinks. “So?”
“Why don’t you?” You stretched out the last vowel with a questioning sound.
“Why don’t I?” Idia mimicked you. 
"Why don't you just confess?"
“Wha?” He yelped, looking at you like you’d grown heads like a hydra. “W-what do y-you mean, confess!? Are you crazy?”
You rolled your eyes and sighed, “It would help, wouldn’t it? And Nurse Goethel said it’s rare for it to not be reciprocated, so what do you have to lose?”
“First of all, what’s left of my dignity. Second, I’m not some ML in a romance manhwa. And, third!” Idia straightened up to look you in the eyes, a burst of confidence filling his veins in pure frustration and annoyance. “There’s no way that anyone would be interested in some loser like me, so what’s the point—”
“But I like you!”
Silence fell between you two as the realization of your words settled into both your minds. You, with a growing blush and look of embarrassment, and Idia gaping at you like a fish out of water.”
“I said,” You murmured, twiddling with the ends of your hair. “That I like you. A lot. I think you’re really fun to be around, you’re even though you're shy and kinda geeky, you’re really passionate about the stuff you like. Idia.”
Your hand reached for his, hesitantly like you were afraid you’d burn him. As you laced your fingers together, Idia felt a lump form in his throat. He kept silent though, watching as you smiled shyly. 
“You’re sweet to your brother, and I notice, to me sometimes too. Did you think I wouldn’t notice you coming out to class more often so we could hang? I missed you this week…it was really lonely without you, even with all my friends.”
Still holding his hand, you leaned in closer to his face, looking at him earnestly. Was this real? Did he unlock a secret route with you without noticing? Why did you keep looking at his lips? OMG WAS THIS REAL—
“Idia,” You snapped him out of his thoughts as the distance between you two kept closing. “If the person you like doesn’t return your feelings, then they didn’t deserve you in the first place. I’ll be there to support you, even if you don’t like me the same way, I’ll always care for you as your friend—”
“But it is you.” Idia blurted out. Whether it was due to a mysterious burst of energy or just a slip of the tongue, he didn’t know. 
“W-what! Idia, you don’t have to try and make me feel—” you tried to stutter an excuse, cheeks pink like the fiery tips of his hair. 
“It’s you! I got this cause of you, cause I knew—I thought,” Idia started to ramble, getting up to grab you by the shoulders and shake. “I thought that you couldn’t like some weirdo like me. Are you telling me I could’ve snatched an SSR level kiss scene with you at any time??!!”
It was your turn to be shocked, a bewildered look in your eyes and Idia rapidly spoke, taking little breaths between sentences.
“Do you know what you do to me?? The thoughts, the dreams I have about you? I see you and get all hot and bothered and you’re telling me that I didn’t have to be some maidenless normie this entire time? I could’ve been lockin’ lips and getting my dick we—”
A sharp shriek leaving Idia’s mouth was muffled as you shoved your lips into his, effectively shutting up his rant. He whimpered as you swiped your tongue along his lips, deepening the kiss as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Idia, perhaps in the throes of passion, or not wanting to miss out on this once in a lifetime pull, reciprocated, albeit with a nervous hesitation. 
You seemed to approve, pressing your chest against his as your mouth moved against his, tongues dancing and moans being shared between half taken breaths. His hands hovered over you until you let go of his neck to guide his hands and place them over your hips. An arousing moan left your lips as your hands gently pushed his chest. 
Idia’s world slightly shifted as he fell back first into the bed, your hair creating a curtain as you separated from him. A line of shiny spit followed you, breaking as he gasped for breath while you leaned back down to press kisses against his neck, flowering the disappearing hydrangeas. 
He yelped as your teeth scraped a particularly sensitive spot, opening his mouth to blurt out, “I'm so happy that you confessed first.” 
You let out a breathless giggle, turning your head and resting your chin on his neck to look up at him with, he swears on the Star Rouge sequel, hearts in your eyes. “Why?” 
“If I had to dig out another hydrangea petal from my teeth, I was gonna lose it.” Idia chuckled, “I’m sorry you have to deal with such a coward like me.”
“Idia.” You firmly responded, “Don’t. I like you as you are. We’re both young, we have time to grow. I’ll grow with you, if you’ll have me?
Looking down at you, practically on top of him, Idia opened his mouth to tease your softness, and suddenly froze. The mortifying, though wonderful he had to admit, scene was dawning on him as his entire body heated up and turned red. 
You effectively shut him up with another kiss to his lips, smiling as Idia was shocked into silence with a dopy, wobbly smile forming on his lips.
“Relax, Idia, I’ll take the lead on all the romance stuff until you get the hang of it. For now you can be my player two!”
Idia snorted, smirking at you as he teased, “That’s such a cringey thing to say~”
“You say things like that all the time!” 
The two of you shared a soft laugh, unaware of the audience of two at the door watching. Ortho recorded the memory for the wedding he was already planning in his head, while the nurse muttered to herself about wasting time gathering ingredients for a prescription potion she no longer needed. Despite this, she smiled, happy that her little words of encouragement to the Prefect earlier worked. 
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faithfulren · 4 months
care in every explosion
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the reader takes care of bakugo when he's injured, showing him a different side of their relationship. despite his initial gruffness, bakugo slowly warms up to the reader's care and companionship. as they spend more time together, the barriers between them begin to break down, and they share moments of laughter and understanding. one evening, bakugo surprises the reader by thanking them for everything, showing a rare moment of vulnerability. the reader realizes how much bakugo means to them, and they both acknowledge the growing bond between them. despite their differences, they know they can rely on each other and support each other through thick and thin.
the sound of bakugo's gruff voice filled the air as he hobbled into the dormitory common room, his face twisted in a grimace of pain. you glanced up from your book, concern instantly etching across your features as you took in his disheveled appearance.
"what the hell happened to you?" you asked, rising from your seat and rushing over to him.
bakugo waved you off with a scowl. "it's nothing," he muttered, though his slight wince betrayed his words.
you weren't convinced. "sit down," you commanded, gently guiding him to the nearest couch. "let me take a look at that."
grumbling under his breath, bakugo complied, allowing you to inspect the injury on his leg. It was a nasty gash, deep and bleeding profusely. your heart clenched at the sight, but you pushed aside your unease, focusing on the task at hand.
with practiced hands, you cleaned the wound, ignoring bakugo's protests as you worked. despite his tough exterior, you could see the tension in his shoulders ease slightly as you tended to him.
"there," you said finally, applying a bandage to the wound. "all done."
bakugo's gaze softened as he looked up at you, a hint of gratitude in his eyes. "thanks," he muttered gruffly, though his tone lacked its usual bite.
you smiled gently, brushing a lock of hair away from his forehead. "anytime," you replied softly.
over the next few days, you found yourself spending more time than usual by bakugo's side, helping him with everyday tasks and keeping him company during his recovery. despite his initial protests, he seemed to welcome your presence, a fact that didn't go unnoticed by either of you.
as the days passed, you found yourself begrudgingly tolerating bakugo's presence more than usual. his explosive personality seemed to mellow in your company, and you discovered a side of him that few others got to see. you shared sarcastic banter and competitive challenges, finding an odd sense of camaraderie in your constant bickering.
one evening, as you sat beside bakugo's bed, he reached out to take your hand in his, his grip firm yet oddly comforting. you raised an eyebrow, surprised by the uncharacteristic gesture.
"thanks," he grumbled, his voice rough but sincere. "for not being as annoying as usual."
you chuckled, giving his hand a playful squeeze. "you're welcome, i think," you replied, a smirk playing on your lips.
in that moment, as you sat together in grudging companionship, you realized that maybe, just maybe, there was more to bakugo than met the eye. and as his grip tightened ever so slightly around your hand, you knew that despite his rough exterior, he valued your presence more than he let on.
together, you would navigate the ups and downs of hero training, supporting each other in your own unique way. because in the end, all that mattered was the bond that held you together, strong and unbreakable, just like the friendship that blossomed between you.
btw to the person who told me i shouldnt use x readers if the character isnt attracted to them pls tell me what should i put bro like damn u dont gotta call me an asshole n shi 💔💔
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riotlain · 2 years
Could I request the Batfam (Batman and the Batboys) separately reacting to you falling asleep on them?
guess whos sick. meee
im sorry if this is short (duke thomas is here hooray🎉🎉)
Bruce Wayne
Depends on what hes doing
If hes working at home and youre leaning against him/on his lap? He'll probably carry you to bed.
Cant have your spine being fucked up💀💀
If you 2 are on your way home from a gala, meeting, ect and fall asleep on him in the limo he'll ask Alfred to drive slower and make sure the ride is smooth
(As smooth as it gets. Gotham roads arent the best)
He overall finds you falling asleep on him endearing (and a bit concerning. Are you not getting enough sleep??)
Dick Grayson
Im surprised you managed to fall asleep on him😭💀 like mans cannot sit still
Unless youre asleep on him ofc
Def the type to stroke your hair and take pictures of you (with filters at times)
"When did you take these??" "When you were asleep😊"
Has drawn on your face
He dont mean to be creepy bro😭😭
Will attempt to carry you to bed 💪💪
Or put his head on yours (maybe fall asleep if he can)
Goodluck napping by a napping Dick. He snores
Jason Todd
Not used to ppl falling asleep on him and he's all alert when he feels your head on his shoulder
Calms down when he sees you though
He probably takes you to bed the soonest bc that position cannot be comfy 💀
Denies he carried you if he did
"I didnt fall asleep here." "You.. sleepwalked."
If youre one of those people who stop breathing in your sleep he will freak the fuck out💀💀
Tim Drake
You probably try to stay up with him and fall asleep on him after a while
Normal occurrence
He usually keeps you there for a bit and then wakes you up to go sleep on the bed
(Sometimes he goes to bed with you but like💀💀)
If hes too lazy he'll probably just keep working with you drooling on his shoulder
Has taken atleast 1 picture of yall
Damian Wayne
Not used to people being so comfortable around him to be honest. Well people other than Dick I guess
Like when he feels your head lean against his shoulder he'll slowly turn over (bro frozen ngl)
Yea he doesn't know what to do tbh
Very flustered
He thinks you trusting him and being comfortable enough to fall asleep on him is nice tho
Gets lowkey (highkeyish) upset when someone wakes you up (Especially if its TIM)
Duke Thomas
Sees this as an opportunity to cuddle with you more
Like mf will lay his head ontop of your or reposition so yall comfy
Doesnt care if you drool (he prolly does too)
Has probably pranked you atleast oncee but anyways
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nebuliias · 4 months
— hope is a thing with feathers!
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ft. sunday and robin as your older siblings (headcannons)
cw: youngest sibling in the fam, gn! reader, family fluff, reader is between ages 12-14, PLATONIC, i went silly on some of them, reader is a halovian but no specified appearance other than halo and wings
a/n’s note: sunday and robin’s relationship mean sm to me its not even funny like HOYO PLZ MAKE THEM REUNITE I WILL SCREAM IF THEY DONT :((( honestly wish i had them as family yk
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— even though he’s the leader of penacony and doesn’t have time to always spend time with you, sunday always makes up for it when he can.
— if you ever need help with an essay or math homework, he’ll assist you with it. even if it’s fucking 2+2, bro would still help you. heck at this point, he’ll do the whole worksheet for you. sunday loves you that much dawg.
— sunday would be rlly supportive for you, no matter what!! he’d encourage you to pursue your dreams, whether that’s becoming a nameless, a performer for the iris family, or something else entirely, he’ll be there alongside you every step of the way :3
— he’d be a bit strict with you, since you’re still young. would probably give you a curfew for when its night, like making you go to bed at 9pm at least. maybe a little later on the weekends. (does time even exist in the dreamscape i dont remember.)
— if you ask sunday VERY politely, (he’ll still oblige), he’ll sing you a lullaby for when you have trouble sleeping. tuck your blanket under your chin too while he’s at it, hehehe.
— like i said, he IS protective of you and will go on a rampage if they’re toxic or hurtful to you. :)
— btw, if you watched robin’s trailer, you can catch a glimpse of sunday polishing her halo. and yes, he would polish your halo too, since you’re also halovian, sometimes even preen your wings too if he’s not too busy.
— if you take band or theatre arts in school or figure skating, acrobatics or just SOMETHING that includes performances, sunday doesn’t give a shit if he has something to do, he will find a way to go to every single one bc he doesn’t wanna disappoint you as an older brother :(
— pats your head. a lot. literally a mom-sibling, you can’t tell me otherwise. will occasionally pick your outfits and asks for your opinion before you go out or make sure your school uniform is crisp and unwrinkled. (if your school has uniforms.)
— overall, sunday is a doting and compassionate older brother. he loves you with his whole being. <3
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— the best, nicest, loving, caring older sister you will ever have in your entire lifespan.
— like sunday, she would help you in any way possible. but she’s not the best when it comes to math homework :(( if you want, she’ll give you a pep talk though!! and trust me, robin gives out the best ad most encouraging pep talks ever like..
— if you do something hella devious, even if its 101% your fault, she’d side with you no matter what. this girl hardly gets to be silly due to her superstar reputation but when she has the chance, plz just let her be. (yall can be devious together.)
— would brush your hair for you!! it doesn’t matter whether you have short or long ass rapunzel-looking hair, she will somehow find a way to style it.
— definitely sang you songs during your childhood, and she still does! robin would hum a tune when you can’t sleep, or you simply just wanna destress and don’t feel like doing anything else. <3
— also like sunday, since she travels a lot, she’ll always make up for the lost time by brinking trinkets and gifts, maybe even bring you along with her during her one of her tours!
— also incredibly supportive in your passions! want to become a performer like her? she’ll be there rooting for you on the sidelines! wanna learn to sing and follow in her footsteps? sure, she’ll gladly teach you for free! (not like you had to pay anyway teehee.)
— robin would be somewhat protective of you as well, just not too strictly. after all, you should experience as much of the outside world as you can. 🎀
— i feel like she’s a horrible money spender.. (same..) if robin sees you glance at a piece of jewelry or smth hella expensive for 0.00001 nanoseconds, suddenly it’s in a gift bag at your desk when you get home from school with a little note from her along with some pastries she thought you’d like.
— if you gift her something, whether its handmade or you bought it with your own money, chances are she’ll keep it for the rest of eternity and repay you with a gift of her choice as well!!
— overall, robin is a sweet and soft older sister and is always there for you, no matter the distance that separates you!
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all rights reserved © nebuliias. do not copy, re-upload, or plagiarize my fics. if you see anyone doing this to my work, LET ME KNOW.
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cowboyfromh3ll · 11 months
Could we get some sex hcs for Dutch, John, Charles, and Arthur (maybe even both sides of the honor spectrum) for how they are in bed and what kinks you think they'd have?
Kinks HC
(Dutch Van Der Linde, John Marston, Charles Smith, Arthur Morgan)
Warnings: smut, size kink, mommy kink, lactation kink, foot fetish, bdsm dynamics, daddy kink, sadomasochism, asphyxiation
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Arthur Morgan
Size kink for sure
If you're especially smaller compared to him it drives him crazy
Would use his strength to his advantage and carry you while y'all fuck
Pins you down with his weight, holds you in place, carries you around, etc
Grips the head board...
Has probably broken a bed or two
High honor would mean he'd be a lot more considerate of your pleasure and what you want. Much gentler and passionate. Sex with high honor Arthur would feel a lot more like love making, but if you have requests for something a little rougher he'll indulge you in that. He'd be mindful of his size relative to you but it'd still be a huge turn on for him
Much like with high honor, low honor Arthur would also find a huge turn on in the size difference. Though he'd be a lot more selfish with pleasure. Not to say he wouldn't keep your enjoyment in mind, but he'd always get his nut in no matter what. One way or another. Also this man FUCKS, not necessarily makes love. Rough as hell and he finds enjoyment in your debauched flace and pleads. Will probably mock your moans for enjoyment.
John Marston
I said it before. Mommy kink. Let me elaborate.
Definitely a tits man, so he'd probably have a lactation kink too. Would beg to suck on your breasts when you're pregnant. Handles your chest like they're some treasure he needs to be careful with.
Aboslutely awestruck by the way your breasts increase in size throughout your pregnancy.
Gets antsy and hot and bothered whenever you lactate through your shirt.
Practically BEGS on his KNEES just to get a taste
As for the mommy kink, this is when he's submissive in bed
Probably likes it when you're rough on him when you're domming
I'm talking hair pulling, slapping, ordering him around
Calls you mommy the entire time and tries to get a nipple in his mouth whenever he can
Motherless behavior
Also feet, but that's a fetish. I can just see him frequently asking for foot jobs.
Charles Smith
I feel like he'd be pretty vanilla, but he'd still be flexible depending on what you like and what he's willing to do
One of the things he'd be more willing to do is asphyxiation. A gentle squeeze of your neck to putting you in a choke hold while he flexes
Is iffy about it but once he sees your red face and your eyes roll back he's all for it
Also praise! Any form of positive reinforcement in the bed room is a green flag for him.
Uses the most gentle and flowery words to take and make you feel comfortable
Also wouldn't mind letting you dom him once in a while. Would be down to be tied up. Thinks the trust aspect that comes with it is super attractive.
Dutch Van Der Linde
Roleplay 100%. Think it's fun to pretend to be other people. Supplies costumes, jewelry, props, anything to make it more realistic. Will even do location changes for it.
Wants to be called sir during sex, any other title or name and he'll view it as deserving of punishment
Brat taming, so be as bratty and bitchy as you want, he'll find a way to break you
Likes blindfolds, gags, bondage, leather
I can also see him pouring candle wax on you. Gets a rise out of inflicting these things on you
Likes to command you to do things such as laying down, spreading your legs, getting on yout knees, etc...
He sets the scene and everything, rose petals, candles inside his tent, slow music, he puts thought into EVERY detail
Now that I think about it maybe a daddy kink. For times when he's feeling dirtier and rougher he'll want you to call him daddy.
Thinks its so scandalous and it makes him feel so giddy
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nanaosaki3940 · 10 months
TokRev in Final Timeline (Kazushi Yamagishi's Wikipedia)
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Credit: Marin (@RanHaruchiyo) on Twitter. The original Twitter post - Link
Toman's Commander - Manjiro Sano aka Mikey
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I asked Mikey-kun if he had ever lost a fight and he said, "Only once. To a guy with a regent head who would never give up."
Toman's 2nd Commander - Takemichi Hanagaki
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He sometimes makes eye contact with Mikey-kun and gives him a distant look like he's lived twice his life. Feel irritated, even though he’s Takemichi!!
Toman's Vice-Commander - Ken Ryuguji aka Draken
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He fights with Hanma once a week. Seems like he had 48 victories out of 52 fights.
Toman's 1st Division Captain - Keisuke Baji
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He and Chifuyu sometimes talk about the old vice-captain (Ryusei Satou). "He was very flirtatious and a jerk." Both of them laugh.
Toman's 1st Division Vice-Captain - Chifuyu Matsuno
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He’s close with Takemichi even though he's not in the same squad and don't have much contact with him.
Toman's 2nd Division Captain - Takashi Mitsuya
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I said, "Mitsuya-kun, you get along with everyone, don't you?" and he said, "Except you." Maybe he is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Toman's 2nd Division Vice-Captain - Hakkai Shiba
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He often gets into fistfights with his big bro, Taiju. How can you defy a monster like that?
Toman's 3rd Division Captain - Haruki Hayashida aka Pah-chin
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The first squad has a lot of strong fighters. One of them, Osanai, who’s cared about by Pah-chin, is said to be strong at the captain level.
Toman's 3rd Division Vice-Captain - Ryohei Hayashi aka Peh-yan
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He has an alliance with Senju and Kazutora who want to win Mikey-kun. Senju’s the only one who seems to be taking this alliance seriously, even though he’s the one who made it.
Toman's 4th Division Captain - Kazutora Hanemiya
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He and Akkun have been together every day since the Mizochu Incident when they had a one-on-one fight, and I'm a little bit jealous.
Toman's 4th Division Vice-Captain - Atsushi Sendo aka Akkun
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The vice-captain of the fourth squad, Sendo Atsushi!! He’s the savior who put us in the fourth squad.
Toman's 5th Division Captain - Haruchiyo Akashi
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Mikey believer. He is often banned from meetings because of his bad character. NOTE: the person to watch out for When I followed him, I found that he often meets with Mucho, one of the big four of Tenjiku. He is a traitor definitely!!
Toman's 5th Division Vice-Captain - Senju Akashi
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The captain of the 5th squad substantially Finally I witnessed his cheating!! They were both eating chocolate mint ice cream from Seventeen Ice, and Takemichi looked good as he said, "We finally made good on our promise.” I have to report this to Hina-chan!!!
Toman's 6th Division Captain - Nahoya Kawata aka Smiley
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He recently changed her hair color from apricot to nasturtium orange. He was angry that no one noticed.
Toman's 6th Division Vice-Captain - Souya Kawata aka Angry
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Apparently, there is a band and he is the leader. The vocalist is Mitsuya, the guitarist is Kazutora, the bassist is Akkun, and the drummer is Angry.
Toman's Strategist - Tetta Kisaki
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BAKAmichi’s partner. I wonder what it is about each other that attracts them even though he’s so smart like that?
Toman's Assistant - Shuji Hanma
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He's still growing in height, apparently.
Black Dragon's 10th Generation Leader - Taiju Shiba
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He's so strong in fights that he's like a wild gorilla, but he gets top grades in school apparently.
Black Dragon's Elite Guard Captain - Hajime Kokonoi
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I was following him to try to get some information about Koko-kun, but on the contrary, he took advantage of my weakness.
Black Dragon's Attack Squad Captain - Seishu Inui
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Inupi-kun apparently always keeps Koko-kun's wallet, who is careless with money. My fave from BD! He looks like me somehow huh?
Tenjiku's Boss - Izana Kurokawa
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Unlike BD and Toman, Tenjiku is under his dictatorship. Apparently, he considers his members slaves.
Tenjiku's 1st Heavenly King - Kakucho
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A prodigy in fights. He can compete with Mikey or Shiba Taiju in a one-on-one fight He is my fave from Tenjiku! Perfect! I strive to be like him in the future.
Tenjiku's 2nd Heavenly King - Yasuhiro Muto aka Mucho
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The most “personable person” in Tenjiku.
Tenjiku's 3rd Heavenly King - Ran Haitani
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When he talks to someone, he immediately starts talking at a distance of one centimeter. As a matter of fact, he seems to be very short-sighted.
Tenjiku's 4th Heavenly King - Kanji Mochizuki aka Mocchi
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He seem to like Yukimi Daifuku.
Tenjiku's Executive - Rindo Haitani
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I watched him all day long. In the morning, he drank in the park. In the afternoon, he drank with the homeless. In the evening, he drank with people in the off-site betting office. Finally, he drank in the nightclub at night!!
Tenjiku's Executive - Shion Madarame
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He often gets sick to his stomach.
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coco-loco-nut · 2 months
Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus
pairing: logan sargeant x reader
summary: not all best friends are lovers.
masterlist ttpd masterlist
Logan has been your best friend since you were in elementary school, and even when he moved away to further his career, you stayed close friends. Logan even sublets a bedroom in your Miami apartment so he stay with you when he’s in town.
It was obvious how much Logan cares for his friends, and maybe that’s why you couldn’t stop yourself from falling in love with your kindhearted friend. Oscar always said that the two of them needed you to be social for them, and that they should hire you to be their social media managers. You always refused, asking what an accountant would know about that.
It’s the off season now, and Logan is back home. The cozy apartment feels more like a home now, and the navy blue throw pillows don’t bring down the vibes as much anymore. You are on the phone with Oscar and Lily when you hear the front door open and close, two people stumbling in.
“You need to tell him, you are only hurting yourself,” Oscar says, reading your body language, watching the way that the blue LEDs in your bedroom reflect the sadness in your eyes.
“I’m okay, I have a date tomorrow,” you plaster a smile on your face. Lily doesn’t buy it, and neither does Oscar, but they play along.
“Keep us updated, that’s so exciting,” she says, hoping to take your mind off of what’s happening across the hall.
“Good night?” you ask Logan when he emerges from his room the next morning. The hurt in your heart pushes through the freeze that creeps in, a lingering hurt from one drunken night years ago.
“Did I wake you up? Sorry,” Logan runs his hand through his hair, you look away because despite him being your best friend you just can’t bear to see him. Despite everything, you can’t help stop the growing ice over your heart towards him.
It’s like every day you realize how much you have changed yourself for him, only for him to not care. He’s too addicted to the drug that is his current lifestyle to care about his best friend. The past ten years have been like this, and in your mind it was time to put yourself first.
Logan doesn’t notice your red dress, with your hair and makeup done perfectly, and if he did he never said. He did see you out on your date by accident though. He stops on the sidewalk, staring at you through the window. He calls Oscar on reflex, holding the phone to his ear without looking away from you.
“Osc, Y/n is on a date,” Logan says, processing what he is feeling.
“A likely place for her to be. She has a life outside of you, just because we are your best friends doesn’t mean she needs to dedicate every second to you like she has in the past,” Oscar replies, a little tired of Logan basically ignoring you.
“That’s not true,” Logan protests, but the hurt he’s feeling says otherwise.
“She’s changed so much for you. She wanted to move to Canada, but stayed for you. She’s defended you online against people who still say you don’t deserve to drive, hell, she’s stopped dating a guy because you were coming home. You have this idea of her that just isn’t true anymore,” Oscar rants, every word like a punch to the gut. Logan will always need his best friend, but he is realizing the truth behind Oscar’s words.
“This guy looks like he would’ve bullied us in school,” Logan watches as you laugh at something the guy says, and as much as he hates to admit it, you look happier than you have since he’s gotten home. Said guy is tall, taller than him, with the body of a gym bro but polished enough that he seems well educated.
“Good for her, she deserves to be happy, I’ll have to call her tomorrow and ask about it. Lily will want to know too,” Oscar’s tone changes, clearly happy to move away from being a middle man.
“You knew?” Logan asks, wondering why you didn’t say anything.
“Have you thought to ask? You live with her. Surely you noticed she was dressed up,” Oscar questions. Logan just watches you with someone else, not understanding why his heart hurts.
Logan thinks back to every time you changed, it was always related to something he said, and when it raised concerns in his mind, he simply brushed it off, not until you started being cold. You would’ve stopped, you wouldn’t have started to push him away if he said he loved you the way that you were, even as a friend.
Logan can’t help but wonder what it would be like to be the guy sitting across from you, your coldness broken away. Little did he know that the thought would shatter you if you knew, like ice breaking into millions of pieces.
Logan looks away, noticing you have that look in your eye, the same one from your belated 21st birthday. Sighing as he walks down the street, he plays back that night, traveling through the passages in his mind to find the memory.
You had drunkenly stumbled into him, impaired by the copious amounts of alcohol and newfound freedom. The next the both of you knew, you were in his bed, wrapped up in one another. Logan called it a mistake and you moved on, not wanting to dwell on it, lest you get hurt.
Logan goes back to your apartment, waiting for you to get home. He doesn’t know why he hates the idea of you being out with another guy, maybe it’s because you are his friend. He perks up at the sound of the front door opening, watching you walk in with a cheerful glint in your eye. He lets out a deep sigh before plastering on a smile.
“How was the date?” Logan asks as you sit on the couch across from him.
“I didn’t realize you noticed,” you warily say, confused why he is asking.
“I saw you at the restaurant you were at and Oscar told me,” Logan says slightly accusingly and you can’t help but shake an irritated feeling.
“Well, maybe if you cared more about my life and not just me as your socials manager, than you would’ve known,” you defend yourself. Logan feels a bit like a kicked puppy, especially since your words are true. “I’m going to bed, we can talk about it tomorrow,” you turn away, heading to your room.
The next morning comes faster than you’d like. Logan wakes early to get coffee and pastries, hoping to ease the tension.
“I can’t be your social media manager anymore. I need to do what I am really good at, and what I spent my time getting a degree in,” you say a little abruptly during the conversation.
“But I need you on race weekends,” Logan says, a bit crushed.
“Oscar hired me as his personal accountant, so I could still come to races, but it lets me spread my wings and start my own business,” you tell him, sipping your coffee.
“Let me hire you then too,” Logan offers and you quickly shoot him down.
“No, you struggle to separate me as a friend and me as an employee. We need to fix our friendship first,” you double down.
“I don’t understand, is everything okay?” Logan asks, his concern feels like a stab in the heart.
“I- I just need some space to focus on me. I love you, Lo, you are my best friend, but I can’t be your friend like that and also your employee. It doesn’t work well for us,” you say, lying about why. You just can’t stand to watch him take a new girl home every race weekend, and you need to crush your crush. You can’t keep wondering what would happen if he chose you.
So you do just that, in the next few months you sell your Miami apartment and move to a small beach town in New England. You and Logan are still close, but everything is different now.
Aside from the occasional paddock appearance with him or Oscar, you focused on yourself. You stood at his side while he married an influencer, you helped babysit when he had kids. You floated in his orbit, a close friend but no longer his best friend. Logan and Oscar stood by your side when you got married to the same guy you went on the date with before you left Miami.
The only thing that would’ve stopped you from getting married would be Logan’s intervention. He would object, saying he always loved you, and that he will always wonder what would have happened if you had dated. Little did you know, that the only thing stopping him from doing just that was the gold band on his ring finger and the kids sitting beside his wife.
Even now, as you lay in bed beside your husband, you can’t help but wonder what if.
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l4long-winded · 3 months
lip falling in love with his best friend and he feels like he’s going crazy. used to hate when you’d get cold and want to borrow a jacket/hoodie, now he’s jumping at the opportunity to give it to you. used to tease you about guys staring at you and now he’s getting pissed. used to get off on anything but now he has to find porn with someone that looks like you if he squints hard enough, finds himself looking in the ‘girl best friend’ videos. bro is just pissed about it, because how fucking cliche.
lip isn't really sure what love feels like. or more so, he doesn't know if what he's felt counts. he cares for and loves his siblings, but that's a given. a trauma bond they conjured. romantically...?
that's a different story. he's more resistant to it than he will ever be to accepting it. he's not in love with anyone. not his best friend... even though no one brought you up, and here he is denying it in his head.
"what does it matter if guys fucking stare at me?"
"they're looking at you like a piece of meat!"
and no one is sinking their teeth in if he could help it. he manages to crash a few dates, draw guys away, comfort you when you're upset over the ones he forced to stay back.
lip helps you with your papers when you start community college. he's debating finishing his time at school, amusement in his gaze seeing you stress out when he sees the answers you're looking for. he won't tell you until you ask him. he respects you. he doesn't want to make you feel dumb. he'll joke about it, but he likes watching your thought process. he wants to get to know how you think, every aspect of it, despite all the time you've spent together. there's still more.
to make matters worse, he loses his mind whenever you casually change in front of him. the two of you are always together. including says where you lounge in his cramped room. it's far too hot, so you get up wordlessly, taking off the pants you came in with to pull a pair of his shorts on to get more comfortable.
he shouldn't look. he shouldn't. and, he doesn't... until your hair gets stuck in your bra clasp when you shed your shirt off, opting for one of his. he has to help you since you can't see. he breathes in sharply, recalling those videos when he comes up behind you, calmly trying to slip your hair strands out of it.
then, his eyes dip lower. to the panties peeking out of his shorts. hugging your hips in lace. now, as your best friend, he has no choice but to convince you out of that underwear. maybe make some lie up about getting cooler.
he did convince you one time to let him teach you how to kiss. that was a fun time. he should ask for a benchmark exam soon.
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havocskies · 8 months
bro pls pls pls pls 🙏 do an NSFW alphabet with hobie ill do anything?!!!
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i am losing my self respect day by day.
anyway im also sorry for not posting ive been flirting w this dude for the past few days he is so cute but that will not stop me from writing for yg xoxo
╭──╯ . . . . . ༶•┈┈୨♡୧┈┈•༶ . . . . . ╰──╮
- hobie is an absolute GOD at aftercare n i wholeheartedly believe this. especially when he knows he can be a bit much at times, there’s never a time where he skips out on aftercare. i think he would like to just relax, cuddle, and talk for a bit after he cleans you up thoroughly. then probably get a little treat, but he always likes to make sure you actually had fun as well. he’d put all of his attention on you way before he started worrying about himself, you’re always his priority
- i think hobie doesn’t have a MAJOR preference for anything but he seems like a thigh kinda guy. doesn’t matter the gender or size, he’s a thigh enthusiast. not always in a nasty way, he also just thinks they’re comfortable and whatnot. wear anything that shows your thighs and he is all for it 🙌
- im sure hobie keeps up w his health and cares for it, so i don’t think he’d taste horrible. he’s considerate guys 😭 idk if he’d really have a preference for where he cums either. probably asks beforehand or just knows what you prefer but if you’ll let him he’ll switch it up for funsies
- hobie doesn’t really keep secrets much, and i don’t think he’d be doing anything vile enough to really have to keep secrets anyway 😭 he’s just a normal dude imo but thoughts wise ?? he’s definitely imagined some things he’s too scared to talk abt im sure (take that how u will)
- im sorry ik yg see him as like a sex god manwhore but i cant see it 😞 he’s spiderman he’s a nerd and he’s goofy, like yes he’s hot but he definitely fumbles without knowing the opportunity was even there LMAOO but regardless i think his body count is VERY low if not even zero. that doesn’t mean he’s ignorant, though. he’s figured out enough to know what he’s doing and what to do, he’s considerate and never wants his partner to be left out of thought
- i can’t really see him having a favorite position i think he would’ve had little to no opinions but the moment yg find one you specifically like a lot he LOVES it. loves anything that makes you react the most, he’s such a pleaser yg cannot convince me of anything different
- yg write him to be all serious n i dont like it 🙁 he’s hobie he’s gonna crack a few jokes, especially if he’s nervous or he sees you’re nervous and he wants you to relax. probably jokes about how he’ll try his best not to send you to the hospital or wtv (he is not that confident)
- hobie probably isn’t always clean shaven so he believes you don’t have to be either. still he’d at least be trimmed just to make things easier and whatnot. just his preference, whatever you do w yours he could not care less. other than that i think if sony was allowed he’d have a happy trail but unfortunately sony are pussies (im kidding)
- i think hobie would prefer intimacy over anything else. he’d see sex as less of a pleasure thing and more of something to be shared when you’re extremely close. i don’t think sex w him would ever be meaningless, he’s always trying to show how much he loves you
- hobie’s probably just an average dude. doesn’t do it too much bc like ?? why would he when he has you. ofc, if you’re not up to it yea he’ll go somewhere or just deal with it, you’re never obligated in his eyes. i just think he’d prefer you over anything else
- he’s gotta be a little freaky. like i say a lot (im sorry) he does joke abt biting, so he probably has some small kinks but i doubt anything serious. maybe at the most a very minor corruption kink, but its only about introducing you to things if you’re entirely willing. something about knowing he’s the one introducing you to it makes him wanna do it more
- hobie doesn’t strike me as a very public kinda guy. like maybe on occasion, but it’d have to be somewhere he’s pretty sure yg won’t get caught. i do think he’d prefer in your or his own home though, makes it more intimate and less stressful. he would however joke about fucking near someone yg don’t like out of spite
- you’d probably have to be actively trying to get him going, sex is never really the first thing on his mind. ofc it can very well happen unintentionally. i think gestures, positions, anything that shows off something ALONG WITH the clear intent will make him realize. maybe. i still wholeheartedly believe he’s pretty oblivious most of the time, he can be wanting it but he won’t realize you’re trying to make him want it. he’s a little dumb bear with him. he also just doesn’t associate revealing clothing with you wanting sex, so you’ll have to find other ways to get him to realize you want him. anyway i think mostly anything that shows off your thighs will get his mind wandering. anything that shows off their shape or just shows them off in general
N = NO
- in no way ever will you get this dude to do cnc (consensual nonconsensual) he gets sometimes its a trauma response but yg also have to remember he’d have to be getting off by pretending to assault you and i just can’t see it. he couldn’t do it, he’d rather try and help you with that trauma in other ways
- happy to give always 🙌 he sees it as no different than you giving. even so, i don’t think he’d ever ask you for head. he’d see it more as a bonus, not something that’s expected in a relationship. if you’re never comfortable giving or even receiving head he will not be losing sleep whatsoever
- probably likes to switch it up. while i do think most of the stuff he said in his intro were jokes (runway model, inconsistency, labels, etc) i do think he does like to switch things up. he doesn’t like being limited to one thing, he likes to explore a bit and keep you on your toes xoxo
- hobie doesn’t strike me as someone who cares much for quickies. he’d much rather take his time, show he actually loves you. if both of yg are REALLY struggling then yg are going home, end of story. if you were to suggest a quickie he’d be unsure but he’d be willing to try at least
- hobie’s big risk taker im sure, but sex is a lot different than everything else. it’s a lot deeper and meaningful, so he doesn’t want to risk upsetting you or causing problems. idk if he’d even wanna risk being caught bc that’s just an inconvenience to everyone else 🙁🙁 only if it’s inconveniencing someone neither of you like i suppose
- pretty good stamina. not crazy or anything, but he can definitely go for a while. i think he finishes fairly average time but he can go multiple rounds, yk ?? like i said not a sex god guys
- im sure hobie isn’t against toys at all ☠️ kinda goes back to what i said w introducing you to things. he’ll definitely try anything (as long as it’s humane 😭) and really doesn’t have much shame. take that part how u will.
- hobie definitely likes to tease, no doubt. not all the time ofc but he can be an asshole just for jokes. if you’re genuinely upset he’ll stop. plus i think edging and overstimulating would count as something that deserves to have a conversation over first, not everyone’s completely into that and he knows full well
- i don’t think he’d be loud. not a whimperer probably but definitely a groan kinda guy. he has no shame breathing and groaning in your ear if he’s really goin (with you ofc he is)
- switch. i think by default he’s more dom leaning but if you take that position he won’t complain, he thinks it’s hot as hell. would probably let you do almost anything to him 😇
- he’s pretty tall guys, it’s not small that’s for sure. i think honestly he’d be around 6-8, anything above is just scary in my full opinion so that’s not what he has ummm. i do think he’d be pretty normal girth. and, ofc, if he is pierced he would’ve done it himself. a stranger handling and piercing your dick is not for the weak im sure
- probably a pretty normal/average drive. he didn’t think much about sex before you so going without it isn’t a problem for him at all. i don’t think he’d be like horny 24/7 around you, most of the time he’s just happy to be around you
Z = Zzz
- like i said w aftercare hobie prefers to stay up with you and spend time. even if it’s late at night he will try his absolute best, he’s not sleeping until he’s sure you’re comfortable and completely cleaned up. unless you like emptied his balls or destroyed him or something, then aftercare is on you i guess 🤕
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
Your blog and headcanons are living in my brain since i got here, and i just want to say, thank you, i love your work 💕 also, i saw this in other posts (i was in the monster fucker side and end up in the lover side, but im not complaining) about demon relantionship dynamics and i have a question, who of the demons do you think would use an accesory made of something of MC?
TW: blood and hair being used as accesory, demon dynamic being a little disturbing.
Like imagine if with magic MC (safelly) could make jewells with their blood, or in a more victorian way, maybe a bracelet with a lock of their hair. In my mind there would be Satan and Barbatos who have the jewellry always on them but are discret, and then there is Mammon and Asmo who show whatever MC gave them with pride.
Thank you so much anon!!!♡ It's messages like these that keep me motivated, I'm honored!!! 🥰 I hope you don't mind I changed it to just items with blood 😎 I was gonna keep this short originally but ended up getting carried away. This was seriously SO fun to write! I rly think they all would!
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Giving Them An Item With Your Blood (Obey Me!)
Tags: Blood, Fluff, Demon Bros, Barb, Dia, GN!Reader, HCs
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Lucifer: "Hm? It's from ___."
If someone happens to catch a rare glance at it & are curious enough to ask, he has no problem proudly answering he got the bloody vial necklace from you. He's not shy or ashamed about it, but prefers to keep it between you & him. It usually stays well hidden behind his high collared shirts. Sometimes when he's at home in his office & shirt unbuttoned, he will fidget around with it while doing paperwork. He loves it but won't ever tell you or anyone else how very attached to it he is. ♡
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Mammon: "This one!? Not up for betting, scram!"
When isn't Mammon flashy??? The day you gave him the ring filled with some of your blood was basically the day you got married (in his mind) & he went around showing everyone. Of course some of his buddies asked if he'd bet it for a chance at clearing his debt but even that's one bet Mammon refused. He has a ritual of kissing his ring everyday, he thinks of it as his good luck charm even when he's actually having a bad day. He makes you kiss it to add extra luck (love) to it too. ♡
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Levi: "I will guard this with my life."
Let's be honest, he doesn't care what it is & would wear/take whatever you give him. Your hairbrush? He will cuddle it.
When you presented him a blood vial bracelet, he got all teary eyed & nearly fainted from excitement. It easily became his most prized possession, he takes such good care of it. He wears it openly & you can see him fidget around with it when he gets anxious. Sometimes he will lightly rub or hold it against his cheek, calming him down when he's overwhelmed. ♡
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Satan: "That's what you get for touching things that aren't yours."
His smile was radiant, blinding. Satan's gift is unique just like him & he appreciates the thoughtfulness of a handmade blood infused bookmark. It's one he takes care of & makes sure it doesn't get lost in the mess of his room. He did curse it (you'll get a hand burn) so no one else can touch it except you & him. From time to time he gets distracted by it when reading. He wants to ask if you'll attach a blood charm to the end of it too. ♡
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Asmo: "My outfit isn't complete until I put this on!"
He squealed, cried, & wouldn't let you go for the entire day after gifting him the little box of jewelry. He went on to rub it in everyone's faces & showed it off on all his socials. The main gift was a gorgeous charm, the blood swirled, glittering inside. You made sure he could pop the charm into the ring, necklace, or bracelet you also gave him in the box. He was impressed you went to such lengths just so he could always choose how to wear it each day. Even if it was a single piece though, he would've worn it no matter what, even if it "clashed" with his outfit. ♡
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Beel & Belphie: "We promise to never take it off." "You promise too ___!"
The twins immediately pulled you into bed & cuddled with you, happily accepting their gifts. You gave each a pendant, a sun for Beel & a moon for Belphie, the middle of each pendant holding your precious red liquid. You even got a star pendant for yourself to match with them although your pendant remained empty; something they noticed quickly. They happily offered up their own blood; they never minded sharing as long as it's with you. ♡♡
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Barbatos: "I'm...at a loss for words, thank you."
He kissed your cheek before turning his attention to the golden pocket watch you gave him. He handled it delicately, admiring the ancient designs etched onto it before opening it. It was a gorgeous watch, one of the inner side walls swirled beautifully with your blood. He enjoyed the hidden surprise inside for his eyes only. Truly, he was moved by your gift & made a mental note to give you something in return. ♡
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Diavolo: "An absolute treasure this is."
He gave you a tight hug, nearly cutting your air supply off. He's received many gifts throughout the years but the custom pen you gave him was now at the top of the list. Only a see-through compartment of the pen held your blood, floating around. The actual ink inside the pen was regular but refillable for permanent use. He found himself smiling a little more even when filling out the piles of paperwork on his desk. It also finally fixed his habit of losing pens, making sure he always has it on him for quick signing (& Barbatos thanks you for it). ♡
Also I like to think that if they really miss you, they'll hold their object close to their nose to get a whiff of your scent ♡ alakskfgllsskfkg
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⬦You might also like: Coffee Shop︱Two A.M.︱Pick-Me-Up
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mustainegf · 5 months
Could you maybe write something about james like caring for his girl when shes on her period and then she tells him that orgasm can help cramps so he fucks her gently in lotus position :))
Bro this is so cute wtf
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I groaned into the pillow, clenching my stomach. I hated being a woman. Stupid fucking period. I hated it.
There was no way around it. It'd been two days since it had started, which meant I still had at least two more days to go before it would be done.
"Mm, what's wrong sweetheart?" James cuddled up to me, searching for my gaze.
I groaned against his chest, wishing this would all go away. "Cramps." I muttered.
"What can I do?" He pulled back, his eyes full of concern. The man was so caring. "You can make them go away."
I rolled my eyes at him. "No, seriously. What can I do? I have ibuprofen in the bathroom. Do you need some?" He rubbed my back, still holding me close.
"No, they're too hard on my stomach"" I mumbled, another cramp surging.
"There is one thing that could help, but it's kinda gross..." I averted my gaze.
"You know I'll do anything to make you feel better, what is it?" He carefully stroked my hair.
I cringed slightly, making knowing eye contact with James. He seemed to understand what I meant.
"I don't know if I want to though, you're gonna think I'm gross," I mumbled.
"I won't think you're gross." James scoffed, shaking his head. "It's going to be weird," I whispered.
"Hold still honey, I'll get a towel. I'll make you feel better." James kissed my forehead, quickly sitting up out of bed and going to the bathroom.
I was already regretting what I had mentioned. I'm bleeding for fuck sakes, how is he okay with that during sex?
A knock sounded on the door. "I've got it!" James called out from the other room. I laid there, staring at the ceiling, wondering what I had gotten myself into.
"You're so pretty," James smiled, laying the towel down on the bed.
I looked over at him, narrowing my eyes at him as I sat up. "Thanks." I said slowly. "This isn't necessary," I mumbled. He took my hand in his, gently pulling me towards him. "Trust me, it's okay.
Let me help you."
He carefully pulled my shirt up, I wasn't wearing a bra so I was left bare. "I promise I won't think you're disgusting. I don't care about some blood."
James got into bed, stripping himself of the lazy clothes he'd slept in. He was so gorgeous. "Take 'em off sweetheart, it's alright," James nodded, motioning to my shorts.
I hesitated, but my thumbs eventually hooked around the waistband of my shorts, carefully pulling them down.
My underwear followed next, James smiled, watching me with eyes full of love. "Trust me, this will help your cramps," James he'd his hands out helping me climb into bed and on top of him. My face was burned hot with embarrassment, not wanting him to look at me like this.
"I know, I know, you're nervous. Just trust me." He ran his fingers through my hair. "Look at me babe." I reluctantly made eye contact with him. "Do you trust me?" I nodded. "Then let me help."
His strong arms wrapped around me as I sat in his lap. I cringed again, remembering why I wanted to avoid this whole situation, but I couldn't deny that he made me feel safe. "Shhh, relax. Just relax."
He placed his hand over my stomach, trying to rub the cramps out of my abdomen. His other hand guiding his tip through my folds. I was terrified of how he might react, but he seemed completely unbothered.
"How are you feeling?" James asked. "Scared" I admitted. "That's okay. Look at me." My eyes went to his. "You aren't gross to me. You never are."
I nodded, laying my head on his shoulder.
"Are you ready, love?" James whispered.
I nodded, staring down at our connection. He slid into me, my eyes closing at the slight stretch. He was gentle, careful not to hurt me. I gasped as he filled me completely.
I knew he was worried I might have been uncomfortable so he didn't move, just allowing us to sit there. "You okay?" He whispered. I nodded, nuzzling into his neck. "Yes," I whispered. "You're sure?"
He brushed my hair out of my face. "I wouldn't lie to you." I said softly.
The corner of his mouth curved up. "Good girl." I blushed slightly at his compliment.
We stayed like that for a while until I started moving, rocking against him. He gripped my hips, holding me in place as he started to move.
He was so slow, so gentle, and I loved every second of it.
"Taking it so well, that feel good?" James panted softly.
I whimpered, so engrossed in the feeling of him sliding inside my sensitive slit. "Y-yes, James..."
James growled lowly, holding me close to his warm chest. The cramps were subsiding, replaced by the ecstasy of his cock.
I leaned forward again, resting my head on his shoulder, both of us still whispering endearments to each other.
This man made me feel so loved. He made me feel like I could do anything. I knew if I died right now, I would die happy. James was more than enough for me.
He tilted my chin up, staring deep into my eyes. "I love you. So much." He kissed me. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck, letting him carry me away on his tender lips.
He made the slowest, sweetest love to me, his mouthing showing every inch of me it's attention.
"Mmm... Oh James, yes..." I whined, feeling his tip graze my g spot over and over.
"I'm so close, James," I begged, slightly bouncing now, desperate for more friction.
He moved faster, his hands squeezing my hips harder, demanding I meet his thrusts, knowing that would send me over the edge. He rocked faster, faster, faster. The familiar knot in my stomach exploded as I came with a cry, flinging myself on top of him.
"Fuck!" He yelled, cumming along with me, spilling himself inside me. He held me tightly, his hips twitching. "You always look so pretty when you cum," he sighed.
I caught my breath, feeling James' cock soften inside of me. "How do you feel now, darling?" He asked breathlessly.
I felt relaxed, sated, and quite frankly, a little drowsy. "Perfect. That did it." He laughed at my words, kissing my head.
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iloveyanderes · 2 years
Yandere idea but longer: warning mature and sexual themes
Imagine a darling that is like gorou or tighnari and has animal ears and tail. Everyone consistently teases them, most of the genshin characters would think of darling as a pet, not a human being. They baby darling and infantilize them to the absolute max.
In mondstadt darling would probably have the most freedom, though you do have to worry about albedo trying to turn you into a in actual animal so he can trap you and pet your ears whenever he wants. Kaeya would constantly tease you and surprise attack you ears and tail whenever you least expect it. Jean and Lisa make sure you never have to work and all of your needs are taken care of like your their dog. Diluc is probably going to trap you in the dawn winery and keep you as a house pet. Pray you have cat features so venti can't go anywhere near you, in a way he is worse then kaeya never leaving you alone, your best bet is diona as she'll take you under her wing.
Liyue would be a financial nightmare for darling, you've got the Richie's like ningguang,Childe, and yelan constantly trying to convince you to wear a collar, ningguang constantly send you gold and diamonds while Childe and yelan may or may not consistently hire treasure borders to kidnap you so they can show up last minute to save you and appear like a hero. Xiao would probably not kidnap you but he would watch you at all time, anytime you try to leave liyue he's suddenly their. For zhongli it really depends if it's morax or current day zhongli. Morax would most likely trap you underground and pet your ears while he's In a meeting with the adepti, Zhongli would probably just blackmail you to lay with him as he monologues about random stories. Baizhu would probably drug you and then inspect your ears for hours.
Now for inazuma, how inazuma I've got the biggest brainrots for this ever and it all comes down to one single man: ayato. This bish is a sadist, gentleman, and Infantilizing person ever. Bro would never talk to you as if you were a human, to him your a pet and he's going to make sure you never think of yourself human again. Have fun being punished whenever you try to speak English, being forced to eat straight from a bowl with your hands tied behind you back, he'll love to push all of your sensitive spots until your nothing but a whining mess as he mercilessly scratches your ears. Yae Miko would probably be the second worst in inazuma despite being somewhat of an animal herself she would still find a way to tease you, maybe pulling another miss hina with you and blackmailing you into going to one of her "fun" public events, where you ears and tail definitely don't get groped by people. Thoma would probably be the best, he would constantly want to brush your hair/fur all the time and bath you, he loves animals so it be amazing. Ayaka would keep you as a handmaid while secretly making you play pet and master behind doors. I really can't think about anything for kokomi but for gorou he would take you as a mate and protect you with his life. Heizou would also be a big tease, he would also make sure small crimes get pinned on you just so he could "interrogate" you and tease yourself until you pass out. Itto would drag you to places and shinobu would probably take pity on you, helping you escape. Ei would drag you to her place and keep you their forever.
In sumeru tighnari would be like gorou but he would never let you out of the house and to collei you would be like an emotional support animal you always calm her down, al-haithem would monopolize all of your time and kaveh would love to dress you up, kind of like how people put outfits on dogs. Cyno would probably share you with tighnari and get really angry whenever al-haithem comes within a 100 mile radius of you. Nahida would be platonic and think of you like a childhood pet. Nilou would make dances dedicated to you and raise money to get you things. Candace and deyha would also team up to keep you in the desert and basically work together for everything.
Beidou, kazuha, and her crew: your officially the cabins pet, people are allowed to pet your ears and brush your tail whenever they want. People play card games to see who gets you the night but most often beidou or kazuha win. Beidou likes to baby talk you while kazuha uses you as a muse for his poems.
Harbingers (not Childe, pierro, captino or puncellia sorry if I spelt it wrong )
Dottore would experiment on you all the time and find ways to morph your human mind into an animal one.
Columbina would sing you to sleep and pet your ears, placing little clips in your hair, don't you dare get up from her lap when's she's singing, bad things will happen.
Arlecchino is automatically your mistress, you follow her orders or else. Anytime you disobey she'll swap you on the bottom with a whip, she mainly makes you take care of orphans and if you ever take off the collar she gave you bad things will happen.
Scaramouche, fatui scaramouche would torture you endlessly with electricity and humiliate you, wanderer would be clingy as heck never letting you be alone or leave.
Sandrome would most likely turn you into a puppet or make puppets of you, don't piss her off she had a bad temper
Signoria would automatically hide you in a house, she's like arlecchino in the way that she's your mistress but unlike arlecchino she never lets you do anything, your only job is to be like a pet and pay on her lap as she does business.
Pantalone would spend billions on you, making sure your clothes were expensive, you haven't worn anything but still for years, he's also very monopolizing, paying people lots to stay away from you and set the two of you up.
Sorry I didn't do all of the harbingers, Pierro and puncellia are to old for me, I really don't feel capitano, and I did Childe in the liyue one.
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