#thoughts rated: e
theadoptedfandom · 1 year
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i dreamed for days like this
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kacievvbbbb · 3 months
Zoro through out egg head has been;
Zoro: I’ll fight a child. Without hesitation I’d fight a child.
* points at s-hawk*
Zoro: especially if it’s that child
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epickiya722 · 11 months
I love that Bakugou didn't even know that kid was AFO and pretty much was like "I just attacked"!
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He was out of commission for, like, what? Some minutes to an hour or so? Have no idea what the fuck happened, woke up, him and Midoriya share a look, executed a rescue plan without words, and Bakugou not only grabbed All Might before AFO could kill him, but blasted his arms off.
He figured it just had to be AFO and it wasn't like he was wrong. Bro played a guessing game for like 2 seconds.
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mintjeru · 4 months
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i have no excuses for myself lol
✨ turning fanweek ✨
day 4 maid costume
open for better quality | no reposts
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404-art-found · 7 months
Hi it's come to my attention that not everyone who likes Buddy has read the fic series that spawned it? If I had a nickel every time I saw someone who either hasn't read the fic series or didn't know there was a fic series about it, I'd have 3 nickels, which is too many nickels
This is its origin story! How it met its crew! Trials and tribulations! It's 26k words worth of Buddy stories! So if you like Buddy please make sure you read the fic series that has its story and heart in it. please. please. pl
Also I've written other Lethal Company fanfic and do plan to write more so. Reminder I have an AO3 and I Write Things
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theadoptedfandom · 1 year
Stede grabbing the back of Ed’s neck to intensify that kiss!?!?
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Mon I hope you know this will forever be in my brain, all my thoughts, are going to be consumed by them.
Do you think inthe everyone lives au they'd want more kids or are they completely happy with their little surprise miracle? And in that vain, do you think Tim would yeet his uterus/ get his tubes tide after Birdie is born or like, again, maybe perhaps... holding out for the possibility of another....
(Don't mind me, I'm just a fiend with baby fever and the love of projecting onto my favorite guys)
Oh dude even in the 'canon' of Sorry, It's Locked Tim does end up with another kid.
The second kid is more planned than Birdie but still not entirely planned (as in, he and Brian have been talking about it and have been a bit less careful about using protection, but it still happens a lot sooner than they expected it to lol). They name this kid Jesse and it's a little boy, so Birdie gets a little brother.
In the 'everyone lives' AU I think I'd keep this. Around the time when Birdie is sorta 12-13 ish, after Brian comes back into their lives and eventually starts dating Lark and Tim, he and Tim have a kid as well, and again, that kid is Jesse.
Also Jesse is like, obsessed with his big sister when he's a baby. Like, he only wants to be held by her, he stares at her constantly, y'know? He just really loves his big sister.
Birdie is a bug autistic, she fucking loves insects of all kinds. Every type of insect, there isn't a single one she dislikes. However, Tim really doesn't like bugs much (blame that on waking up in the forest, lying on the floor covered in insects and insect bites) but he tries for Birdie. Like, she wants to raise caterpillars? Sure, they can do that... Except that Birdie releases the butterflies in his room one day and he almost has a panic attack so now he's gotta explain to 3-4 year old Birdie that she really "really can't do that because papa is very scared of bugs, even the pretty ones". Birdie gets it and is allowed to raise caterpillars again, but she does ask if that means she can't dress up as insects for Halloween anymore, if Tim is even scared of the pretty ones.
Obviously, Tim says she is the prettiest bug and only bug he likes. She is very happy and proceeds to dress as a shield bug for the next Halloween. Tim is just very confused by her choice 💀
Confused but supportive dad lol
I think I also forgot to mention some of how Birdie is in 'canon' S,IL while it's just her and Tim. Because even though Tim hides MH from her, he can't really hide the PTSD kinda stuff it left him with. He can't hide the nightmares that wake him up, he can't hide how scared he is when he forgets things, stuff like that. He and Birdie have this kinda routine where if he wakes her up with his nightmare she goes and sleeps in his bed with him. So she'll wake up because he's yelled or something in his dream and she'll go into his room (wake him up if he isn't already awake) and they'll cuddle until they both fall back asleep.
A lot of Tim's nightmares pot MH are about losing people, they're about losing Jay and about losing Brian, they're about killing Alex and lying to Jessica about what really happened and then never seeing her again, stuff like that. But they're also about losing Birdie. They're about sort of "what if" scenarios where he lost her before he even knew he was pregnant, where the fight with Alex at the end caused him to miscarry. They're about losing her to some horrible accident now that he actually has her to look after. They're about the Operator coming back and hurting her. They're about the Operator coming back and Tim doing to Birdie what his mum did to him, sending her away to a mental hospital and rarely coming to visit.
The ones about Birdie are the worst for him, the others he kinda knows how to deal with, he dealt with them during MH and also, they did happen. He did lose those people. In a way that makes it less scary, because it's just reliving the events in a way and he can kinda handle that. But the dreams about losing Birdie? They fuck him up. Some days even sending her off to school after a really bad nightmare about losing her feels like too much and can send him into panic attacks all day.
On days like that he and Birdie have an agreement with the school that Birdie can phone home at break and lunch, and if Tim really needs to he can phone and ask for her outside of break and lunch. He tries not to need that one, he doesn't wanna drag her out of class in front of everyone, he doesn't want the other kids to make fun of her for it, because kids can be mean like that. Birdie doesn't really care what the other kids think. She doesn't even realise that getting called out of class like that could be something to be embarrassed by. All she cares about is "my papa is sad and scared and I can make him feel better by talking to him about bugs" because on those phonecalls she literally just talks about bugs she's seen that day and Tim's just happy to listen and remember that she's alive and safe and strangely obsessed with bugs.
ALSO kinda on the same lines as this, even tho Birdie loves Brian as a teacher, she's kinda suspicious of him when he and Tim get together. Like, not massively, but the first time Brian sees Tim have a nightmare when he stays the night, he ends up getting kicked out of Tim's room by Birdie because she doesn't trust him to know how to help. She kinda gets one of those little kid power trips about being the only one who knows how to look after her papa when he has a nightmare, like, she feels all special because just being there or talking to him makes him feel better, y'know lol?
She gets all high and mighty with Brian and he tries to focus on how funny he finds it rather than panicking about whether Tim is okay.
When Birdie doesn't come out of Tim's room again Brian cracks the door to look in and absolutely melts because Birdie and Tim are sound asleep all cuddled up together. Brian sleeps on the sofa that night and ends up all manners of fucked up because it is NOT a comfy sofa to sleep on and his back is already fucked 💀
Many many spasms were had all the next day. That poor man was not having a good time. Birdie feels sorry for him and tells him that next time he can go and sleep in her bed instead.
He appreciates the offer 💀
It doesn't take much convincing from Tim for Birdie to let Brian stay after the first few times he has a nightmare while Brian is staying over, rather than her causing a whole palava kicking Brian out (cos that's not as simple as just, Brian gets up and walks out of the room, he has to transfer into his wheelchair and make sure he grabs his morning meds in case Birdie won't let him back into the room in the morning when he needs them, and make sure he brings his service dog with him cos she sleeps on the bed with him and Tim, y'know? A little less simple than "get up and walk out". Also his neck is also kinda fucked up from the fall so he has a specific pillow that he always uses, which if he doesn't he always finds his neck all kinda of fucked up in the morning, so he's gotta grab that too lol)
Anyway, eventually Brian just becomes part of their whole nightmare routine and Birdie realises that teaming up with him to look after Tim works way better than doing it on her own. So she and Brian cuddle Tim from both sides and he gets extra reminded that they're both still there. Also Brian's service dog is probably trained to help with PTSD, cos no way Brian isn't also a little fucked in the head after MH, so she can task and do deep pressure for Tim. She's a bit confused at first cos usually she does it for Brian, but she gets it very quickly. Birdie is delighted that a dog can be taught to cuddle on command.
Oh shit you asked about tubes tied and stuff as well lmao. Sorry I got so distracted.
I think after they have Jesse, Tim gets a hysterectomy and all that. He doesn't wanna go through pregnancy and birth a third time, so they get that done so he doesn't have to worry about it. He jokes that if Brian or Lark wants another kid they'll have to figure out which one of them is gonna carry it.
He'd be happy to have another kid, all three of them have pretty good jobs now (Lark's the big moneymaker for the family with Tim close behind, Brian's still a teacher because he adores kids) so they could support a third kid financially, but if they want another kid, they're gonna have to adopt or go through a surrogacy thing rather than Tim carrying it like with Birdie and Jesse.
Oh yeah also the kids names:
Birdie is "Birdie Amelia Wright"
Jesse is "Jesse Alexander Thomas"
Yes, I know it's dumb but I love it. Jesse for Jessica. Alexander for Alex. Amelia for Amy. Tim names his kids so that people who were lost to MH are still kept alive in a little way (yeah yeah Jessica is still alive, but Tim has no way of getting in touch with her so nyeh). In the 'everyone lives' AU that kinda doesn't work as well so Jesse's middle name would probably be different in that, cos Alex is still alive lol. But yeah.
@pianofirepirate helped me come up with the Kids full names :]
I've ranted to them about this shit so much recently lol.
SPEAKING OF RANTING TO THEM here's another thing we came up with:
In the 'canon' of S,IL Birdie does eventually find out about MH. Probably about when she's 15-17 I think? One of her friends tells her about it, like, mentions that her dad's look like two of the guys from this old YouTube horror series and shows her a couple things that people managed to save before Tim deleted the MH channel and all that, cos even in universe I like to think MH got relatively popular, with people thinking it was a fictional horror series. It starts a WHOLE conversation at home with Tim and Brian where they have to explain that yeah all that stuff happened to them, no they really don't remember a lot of it (especially Brian), yes people think it's fictional but it's not, etc etc etc.
Tim and Brian are upset that some 'random' kid at school showed MH to Birdie, but over all it's not a world ending thing. What it does do though, is open the floodgates on jokes about stuff that happened in MH. E.g. "can't believe you pushed me off a building" jokes. Brian uses that one so often and Tim just sighs dramatically and comes back with "First of all, you fell! And also YOU'D BEEN STEALING MY MEDS FOR YEARS AND I DIDNT KNOW WHO YOU WERE BEHIND THAT STUPID MASK!" And Birdie just sits back and watches in glee. She finds it hilarious.
Though the first time Brian accused Tim of pushing him she did go "you pushed him off a building!?!?" Like, completely taken aback and they had to explain the whole thing to her and they probably showed her the video so she could see what actually happened.
Honestly I think that maybe once Birdie is like, 18 they end up putting all the videos back up. Maybe they only privated them rather than deleting them idk. But yeah I think after a while they'd just silently put the videos back up and all the lost media people rejoiced, and there's just the unspoken thing that Birdie can watch the videos if she wants to.
She doesn't.
Like, she watches a little bit of it here and there. But she never actually sits down and watches everything, she just doesn't feel like it's something she needs to do. She watches enough to know who the people being talked about by her dads are (Amy, Jessica etc etc etc) and she watches a couple entries with Jay in them over and over and over again. But generally, she just doesn't want to watch the whole thing, y'know. She doesn't watch all of MH and she hasn't seen a single TTA video.
Wait that reminds me now again (sorry, I keep fucking doing this)
That whole thing with Tim sometimes needing to phone Birdie's school and just, like, make sure she's still alive. That doesn't fully go away when Birdie gets older and goes off to college/university. Tim's always been a bit of a helicopter parent and though he gets better at it, he and Birdie do make time to phone each other pretty much every night. Mostly it's just Birdie talking about her day and what she's been up to, and Tim listening. Occasionally he'll chip in with bits about his day, but mostly he's happy to listen to her talking about her studies. (She's gonna be a bug scientist. I can't remember what they're called. But she's gonna be a big scientist, specifically working in conservation of insects).
If Birdie misses a phone call one evening Tim will definitely start to panic a bit, but he makes sure he only sends her one or two texts to check in before he forces himself to put his phone down and go spend time with Brian and/or Jesse :]
Cos while Birdie's uni age, Jesse is only like, idk 10 at most? So Tim still has a lot to do, y'know? Jesse keeps him and Brian occupied and while he's looking after/spending time with Jesse, Tim manages to take his mind off worrying about Birdie pretty well.
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comfortlesshurt · 1 month
brutally reminded that somewhere out there is a physical copy of an absolutely terrible detective conan genderbend au i wrote when i was like 12
i am not thriving today so here's a tag rant
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naturepointstheway · 4 months
*Me, writing smut, checking where all the limbs are in a scene*: Why do humans need so many LIMBS?!
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lunar-years · 7 months
jamie 100% went to fyre fest lmao
Have you read the royjamie fyre festival au fiji for free ? Lol
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chaseprice · 1 year
Chapters: 2/6 Rating: Explicit Fandom: Life is Strange (Video Game) Relationships: Rachel Amber/Chloe Price, Victoria Chase/Chloe Price (Life is Strange) Summary: Find a thread to pull. We'll find out who we are.
hi over a year later i have decided to serve up some more heavily toxic precanon lesbian activity i hope at least someone enjoys this in the year of 2023 thank u <3
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
Steddie Microfic
July prompt: pool
442 words (I’m honestly not sure actually because the program I use has a word counter that says 442 but when I copy and paste into the word counter website it says 440 words? I’m not gonna count them but I’m gonna trust the program I use. Let me know if I need to use the website word counter, though, and I can add 2 words real quick!)
Rating: G
No warnings apply
Steve kind of hated his pool, after everything.
He hated the public pool, too, after the kids told him what they’d had to do when Billy was possessed. What happened, what almost happened.
He didn’t miss it, not really. Not usually. But there were some days he’d want to swim but couldn’t bring himself to. He’d spend hours staring at the water before shaking his head, sighing, and walking back inside.
One such time, Eddie found him.
He’d given Eddie a key a while ago, so him walking in wasn’t that abnormal. Nor was it abnormal for Eddie to wrap his arms around Steve once he found him.
He did then too, linking his hands on Steve’s stomach, resting his chin on Steve’s shoulder. “Penny for your thoughts?”
Steve sighed and leaned back, trusting Eddie to hold him up. “Just… the pool.”
Eddie hummed like Steve had said more than three words, had said entire sentences instead of a fragment. “Wanna get in?”
Steve thought about it. Slowly said, “I don’t know.”
“Wanna dip your feet in?”
“I don’t know,” he said again, then, “maybe. Yeah. I- I think.”
“M’kay,” Eddie said, and got to work taking off his socks and shoes, rolling up his pant legs. He looked up at Steve. “Well? I’ll be the only one out here, don’t think I won’t when I will.”
Steve snorted, breaking out of the fugue. “I know you will,” he argued back. It sounded like I know you, and based on the way Eddie paused halfway through taking off a shoe, he’d heard it, too.
“Yeah,” Eddie said softly, then smiled at Steve. “Hey. I’m proud of you.”
Steve paused. “For putting my feet in the water?”
Eddie shrugged. “Yeah,” he said simply. “‘S good.”
Steve paused. He had one sock on still, as Eddie finished rolling up his pants and stuck his feet in the water.
“Okay,” he said finally. Acceptance. Based on the way Eddie grinned at him, he’d heard it.
Steve finished taking off his sock and rolled his pants up, same as Eddie had, before sticking his feet in the water. It was cool, but not too cold. It felt good. He bumped his foot against Eddie’s, and when Eddie leaned over to look at their feet, smiling, Steve leaned forward and scooped up water in his hand, splashing Eddie.
In true Eddie fashion, he yelped and dramatically threw himself backwards. Steve laughed as he turned to look at Eddie, who was staring at him with murder in his eyes. Steve just laughed harder before leaning back, ending up face-to-face with a smiling Eddie.
“I love you,” he whispered.
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shinigami-striker · 3 months
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Rumble | Tuesday, 06.25.24
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Rumble is available now exclusively on Nintendo Switch.
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theadoptedfandom · 1 year
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put them in a room with me and see what we talk about (hint: there would be no talking)
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meownotgood · 11 months
yeah I'm... yearning so bad for aki today
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anna-pineappel · 3 months
It’s 2am, you know what that means…
It’s bedtime?
No, not even close
*opens AO3 and goes to OTP, sets rating to E*
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