#threat level pumpkin
eldritchmochi · 8 months
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d̸̨̜̒ǫ̴̤͋̈́n̴͉̔̚'̷̻̈́̏t̸̞͂ ̸̘̉g̷̙̦̀̑ḙ̷́t̴̙͌̚ ̶̙͝t̷̞̐͛ó̷̦̕o̷͖̺͘ ̶͙̀̎c̵̭̥͂l̴͓͌̍͜ö̵͓̍s̵̹̗̒̆e̵̫̒
self shot photos of the costume i put together for a work Halloween contest back in 2020. i somehow managed to lose and im still mad about it
the head was made via paper mache ala the ancient tutorial @drawkill made in like 2011 or something, which i have had bookmarked since forever because i desperately wanted to make one. it was definitely a bitch and a half but i really like the final product
dress and blouse are both from unique vintage, shoes are from strange cvlt
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spiralhouseshop · 10 months
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Check out our spot at Ghosts of Summer! at the Oregon Convention Center from 10am to 6pm Saturday and Sunday!
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angie-j-kay · 9 months
I made a proper, planned out zine, intended for publication instead of just scattering around wherever!
Here we go, a zine on the origins and intent of Samhain, its conversion into Halloween, and how we can celebrate both beyond the costume parties and commercialized garbage.
Oh, and there's a soup recipe.
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This is not the final product. This was a test to see how the layouts would work, and what I need to tweak on a printer. I'm considering adding some illustrations on the inside, and the cover will eventually be orange.
Also, this is ABSOLUTELY intended to be picked up by Evangelicals who think that Halloween is eeeeeeevil.
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bixbythemartian · 10 months
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we have a volunteer pumpkin patch and there's are four pumpkins growing!!! I'm so excited!
[id: four pictures of a different pumpkin, still young and green, growing in grass, with pumpkin leaves visible. the first pumpkin has fairly even coloring and is developing the grooves typical to adult pumpkins. the second picture is very blurry, more a round green shape. this and fourth pumpkins are both still smooth shaped but stripey in color, with somewhat uneven stripes of dark and lighter green.
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storm-x-crow · 9 months
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"hey Gale I know we just rolled Halloween out but can you be normal and focus on your job?"
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sp00ky-p00ky · 2 years
Today is August 9th, but as you can clearly see by my purchase below, it is now in fact
🦇💀👻 spooky season! 🎃💜🥰
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gothiccharmschool · 11 months
Reporting from the midwest, we have pumpkin sign!
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YESSSSS! THREAT LEVEL: PUMPKIN 2023! It looks like this is at Michael's?
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vaultofcult · 11 months
Threat Level Pumpkin: Halloween 2023. Terre Haute, IN 7-15-23. Joann Fabrics
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sserpente · 7 months
Memories to Enemies 🎃
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Synopsis: The TVA is no more—not like it was before, anyway. When the multiverse breaks free, Loki finds himself back where he belongs, on the verge of claiming the throne of Midgard and this time… this time he finishes what he started. But while he’s gained so much, he’s lost even more, for there was one thing the chaos of the timelines had not fixed—it hasn’t brought you back to him. You, the mortal he had refused to fall for until he realised it was too late all along. He never stopped searching for you after Thanos snapped his fingers and now, with so many timelines at the tip of his fingers and a tempad in his pocket… you were out there somewhere and he will find you. But when he finally does… he realises that not only are you the leader of the very rebels aiming to end his ruling, you are a Variant. And you don’t remember him.
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A/N: HAPPY HALLOWEEN, people! 🎃 Requests from two anons. There are no spoilers for Season 2 in this. I’ll have some more spooky Halloween Imagines coming up this week (I hope), I just didn’t manage to get any writing done as I had initially planned because I spent the whole weekend queueing at Comic Con, haha!
Words: 2407 Warnings: smut
Additional NSFW warnings: edging, very light dub-con
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“The rebels are causing trouble again, my king.”
“Which is to say you are unable to deal with a bunch of disobedient humans?” Loki looked up, legs spread on the makeshift throne in what used to be Stark Tower. He lifted his chin, his menacing glare all but intimidating the former politician, now reduced to nothing more than a lackey.
“N-no, of course not. I just thought you should know. They… they made it to the lower levels of the tower last night.”
Loki narrowed his eyes, leaning forward a little. “Who did?”
“The rebels, their leader… we caught her face on camera but… security managed to overwhelm them. I believe they were trying to plant explosives somewhere in the building.”
“Where are they now?”
“They’re being held in the cellars.”
Loki rolled his eyes. “You should have led with that, you fool. Send them up. No… bring me their leader. I believe it is time we have a little chat about where her… loyalties lie.”
The politician nodded and excused himself. Silence filled the room after he left and Loki sat back again and sighed. Those rebels were hardly a threat to him but if they had made it to the tower… he would have to up his game and patch the holes in his security. A spell or two should suffice. Possibly something that would make any uninvited guest grow mushrooms all over their body should they trespass.
If only… he sighed once more. If only he had you by his side. You had always loved this time of the year, made him hand out sweets for children and carve out pumpkins. After all this madness… he still had not found you again. You had been snapped away in the sacred timeline, so he had found out… and even though the now-forgotten Avengers had reversed the titan’s doing, you remained unfound, out of his reach. Wherever you were… he would tear every single timeline apart until he had you back by his side. Would you be overjoyed, to see him where he belonged? On the throne, ruling as he was meant to be?
“The prisoner, my king.” The politician returned after the metal elevator doors swung open yet again, dragging with him a young woman who carried herself quite regally despite her predicament. She lifted her head, her hair revealing her face…
Loki’s face dropped. It was you. You… you were the rebel foolishly trying to put an end to his reign? Desperation and relief paired with anger and disappointment, the sadness that had been residing deep in his heart after he had lost you not quite going away. Something was off.
“Leave her here. Get out.”
“No security, my king?”
“I can handle a mortal woman. Now get out.”
The politician nodded and left without another word all the while you kept on staring at Loki as if you were ready to plunge a dagger into his chest any moment. You probably were—and it broke his heart a lot more than he would have liked to admit.
Your eyes widened when he spoke your name. “So you already know me then.”
“Know you? I have been looking for you for years, pet.”
You blinked. “Pet?”
Loki’s face fell when he realised. You did not know. You did not recognise him. You did not… love him yet. It mattered little, now did it? He would make you love him again, he would restore your memories. Were you a Variant? Had you met him? Had Thanos’ horrors taken your memories? He had to find out, needed to find out.
“You will not believe me, of course. But you were in love with me. I lost you when Thanos snapped his fingers. My path, too, changed. That is a story for another time. Come here, pet. It is so good to see you,” he purred.
Containing his emotions and his excitement had never been so difficult. He all but longed to jump up from his throne and sweep you up into his arms, holding you close until you struggled to breathe. But he didn’t. He wanted you to come to him. Only you remained frozen in place. He could practically feel the defiance radiating from you.
“I’m not falling for your stupid tricks, Loki.”
The God of Mischief smirked. “Would you like me to prove it, pet? Ah, let’s see… I just so happen to know you love Halloween. Carving out pumpkins… handing out sweets to children… watching scary films and eating this disgusting snack you call popcorn… and of course, how could I forget, the hot chocolate with small marshmallows and whipped cream on top? It’s reserved only for months that have the letter ‘r’ in them, no?”
Loki watched with great satisfaction how your lips parted in shock. He stood, taking a step forward. “What else… ah…” He tilted his head. “There is a particularly sweet and sensitive spot on your body that has you absolutely feral for your lover. It is… right… here.” He took another step and brought his hand up to brush his thumb over the spot right below your ear. You shivered, clenching your jaw.
“Lies… y-you’re… you’re tricking me.”
“No tricks,” he purred, “only treats.”
To Hel with the restraint. With a low growl, Loki pulled you close, lifting you off your feet. Your rather pathetic resistance died quickly once you realised that you weren’t going anywhere. Loki was too strong—you’d do well to save your strength for when it truly mattered. But… did you want to?
Why, on Earth, was there a part of you that enjoyed his touch? The way he looked at you… so full of hope and lust… that could not be acted, could it? To win over the leader of the rebellion, make her compliant… was that his plan? Or was he telling the truth?
And if he was, then what would have ridden you to dedicate your life to stopping him at all cost? Heavens, last night, you had attempted an assassination.
Loki put you back down on your feet once you reached his bedroom. He had redecorated, of course. Everything was green and gold, even his bed sheets. It looked… beautiful. Homely, almost and faintly familiar.
A shiver brought you back from the depths of your mind when Loki sneaked his hand under your shirt, slowly pushing it up.
“Do you truly think it’s a coincidence you react this way to me?” He tilted his head, smirking when you flinched at his fingertips ghosting over your bare stomach. He was right. He was so right and you hated it. Part of you wanted him—right here and now. The other part was seething and then, yet another… wanted to give in to his advances out of curiosity.
“Why… why don’t I remember then?”
“Your guess is as good as mine, pet. We will restore your memories. You could be a Variant—a version of yourself from another timeline who has not yet met me. We will worry about this later. I missed you.”
He sounded so… genuine, so full of relief. It was not hard to believe him. But how could you? You hated this man, you loathed how he had taken Earth for himself and declared himself its ruler… you would never kneel before him… right?
Why were you questioning yourself? Perhaps… perhaps it was for when you gazed into his blue eyes, you detected just how troubled his soul was. There was more to this than tyranny. More than a hunger for power.
You ceased to resist when he pulled your shirt off of you. Mesmerised, dazed… perhaps even charmed, you lifted your arms for him to remove it and then allowed him to make short work of your trousers. Only a few more moments passed until you stood completely naked before him, breathing heavily.
His kiss was soft when he held your chin with two fingers, almost as if testing the waters. Your eyes… your eyes fell shut. Why… how did this feel so good?
“Give in to me, pet. Let me show you.”
You bit your lower lip. “I’m supposed to hate you.”
He chuckled. “Why yes… We can speak about your little rebellion after I have had my fill of you. You always longed to be by my side, pet. What changed?”
“I don’t know you.” And perhaps that was the reason. You did not know him. Did not yet see behind the mask. Would things be different if you did? You could have tried to kill him the very moment you stepped out of the elevator. So why hadn’t you? Would you, under different circumstances, support his cause? Aid in his rule? Rule… by his side? That was such a silly thought, wasn’t it?
And yet… even though the arrogant god kept calling you his pet… the way he looked at you made you feel like he regarded you as his equal. Maybe your subconscious knew that there was more to it. Maybe your soul had recognised him.
“Then I will make you know me again. You, my darling, are the one good thing that has ever happened to me. I will not give you up.”
You swallowed, unsure of whether you should regret the words that left your lips next. “S-show me.”
“With pleasure.” Loki smirked, lifting you up once more. The warm leather of his armour against your naked skin made you whimper but it was gone within a heartbeat, melted off his body in a green hue of his magic. It felt tingly, familiar… as if you’d felt it a million times before.
The God of Mischief crawled above you, spreading your legs as he did. Skin against skin, he towered above you like the king he was, his raven hair framing his handsome face. You resisted the urge to reach up and stroke his cheek—just about, for when he leaned down and assaulted your neck with his lips, you dug your nails into the soft bed sheets instead, fighting, desperately, for composure your body was eager to give up.
Every touch, every kiss… it felt right. And you were craving more.
A gasp escaped your lips when Loki sank his length into you with but one deep stroke—it was both out of pure bliss at his size and surprise at how wet you were. How had him undressing you slowly done that?
Deep and languid thrusts soon drove you to the brink of madness. No one… no one had ever fucked you as well as Loki was fucking you right now, and the fact that he seemed to know exactly what turned you on almost filled you with fear.
The intense eye contact, the gentle touches, the soft dominance radiating from him… without a doubt he would pin you against the bed if you so much as attempted to flip around and ride him instead without… without asking for permission?
You whimpered at the thought, eyes rolling to the back of your head. You were close already. Loki was working his magic… firm and yet gentle, you felt it teasing your clit, applying just enough pressure to bring you closer and closer to climax. Once he had you there, right on the edge, the delicious pressure eased, his rhythm speeding up.
“You’re enjoying it…” Loki purred—his tone smug, if anything. You groaned.
And then, once again… he pushed you toward that blissful cliff only to stop—again—right before you could fall. You realised soon enough what he was doing. He was edging you. No one… no one knew about your filthiest desires and kinks. So how did he? He really was telling the truth, wasn’t he?
You pretended to hate this but you loved it… loved how he was in control of your pleasure, able to take it away if he so wished… urgh.
“What is it, pet, hmm? Did you want something?” His strokes were relentless—how he managed not to rut into you like a beast you had no fucking clue.
“P-please…” you choked out, “…let me cum.”
Loki tilted his head. “I think you can do better than that.”
Another grunt on your end but this time, you were ready to throw hands—only the God of Mischief above you didn’t let you. The invisible force tormenting your clit wrapped around your wrists like invisible shackles, holding them in place.
“Please…” you repeated, “…I need to cum. Stop… teasing me…”
“Let me hear it one more time, pet. Scream for me.”
A groan of frustration escaped your lips. All helpless beneath him, there was nothing you could do but endure his torturing treatment. Your toes curled, that all too familiar knot in your lower stomach tightening…
“Oh, fuck, please, please, PLEASE! Just… LET ME CUM ALREADY!” Loki chuckled—he chuckled and then, finally, the delicious pressure on your clit returned. And this time… it didn’t stop again. You tensed up, all air knocked from your lungs as your orgasm washed over you. Contracting around Loki’s cock who did not stop rocking into you for a second, fucking you right through your moment of utter bliss until he too, came.
Loki’s moans were quite possibly the sexiest thing you had ever heard as he buried himself inside of you as deep as he could, coating your walls with his seed, twitching and jerking.
He rested his forehead against yours then, eyes closed—content, at ease… and so unlike what you had expected from a tyrannical ruler.
This… it had felt like your bodies were made for each other. Perhaps they were.
“I want to remember. I want you to prove to me that you’re not the evil tyrant I imagine you to be,” you said, breaking the silence.
Loki chuckled. “Hmm… ever so demanding, pet.”
“Why are you calling me that?”
“Because it turns you feral, am I not right?”
You bit your lower lip. Yes, damn it, he was right.
“We will find a way to restore your memories, I swear it. You are mine.” You shivered when he spoke your name. “You are the very reason I am not a tyrant. Whatever you see, whatever you believe… Midgard is in good hands—it is your home realm, after all.”
“So I’ll just have to trust your word? The word of a Trickster?”
Loki smirked. He knew. He knew that your heart already did.
"Yes. Now then... shall we carve a pumpkin together, pet?"
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A/N: Party hard tonight! 🎃
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ahrahrahraha · 8 months
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Your Hands Have Made Some Good Mistakes by @thenhewaswrongaboutme
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3B by @softlyspector
"Bucky is used to being alone, so is the girl living in apartment 3B. He keeps to his routine, to crossing off amends. But mutual loneliness forges an unlikely friendship. Alone and reclusive, sweet and incredibly strange, with deep secrets and regrets, 3B has more to reveal than meets the eye".
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Sugar by @softlyspector
"By a miracle of fate, Bucky Barnes does not fall off of the train. He does not spend decades as a brainwashed assassin. Instead, he goes home to Brooklyn to spend his life with a girl he adores, a snarky nurse that he met during the war.  Told through a series of non-chronological one-shots."
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
The Florist, The Beekeeper & The Pumpkin Carver by @softlyspector
Home & Better by @softlyspector
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For The Love Of The Game by @pellucid-constellations (college/baseball AU)
"Bucky Barnes was a menace. NYU’s top baseball player, he was used to girls falling at his feet and could smooth talk his way out of just about anything. You hated him. He couldn’t figure out why. So when the novelty of weekend parties and quick hookups finally wore off—and his feelings for you began to grow—he made it his mission to fix it." 
Pairing:  College Athlete!Bucky x Reader 
Undisclosed by @pellucid-constellations (lumberjack!bucky)
"Desperate to outrun a secret that could cost you your life, you seek refuge in a small mountain town. Its deep forests and small cabins make it the perfect place to hide, but the travel website hadn’t mentioned anything about the quiet, burly lumberjack that wouldn’t leave your thoughts. No one had warned Bucky about you either." 
Pairing: Lumberjack!Bucky x Reader
A Correspondence Of Obligation by @pellucid-constellations (prince!bucky)
"Obedience, duty, pristine smiles—raised as the princess of an oppressive kingdom, you knew nothing else. Your father signed your life away at the ripe age of five, black ink bleeding into a contract between nations, fate cemented with the flick of a quill. So when the time came to fulfill the promises you were too young to make, you expected much of the same in the land of Brookshire. But Prince James had other plans, as did the enemies looming outside the castle walls".
Pairing: Prince!Bucky x Princess!Reader (Royal AU)
A Million Reasons by @pellucid-constellations
"Bucky Barnes, with all of his trust fund money and family connections, gets assigned community service. You, as someone that's technically part of the community, have to put up with him. Every day. And he won't stop killing your plants."
Pairing: College!Bucky x Reader
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Never Let You Go by @bitsandbobsandstuff
"After losing the woman they love, Bucky and Steve make a desperate decision with unimaginable consequences."
A Love That Never Leaves by @bitsandbobsandstuff
"Sometimes when you go looking for the past, you find things you never expected. When an accident brings him face to face with something he never knew he lost, Bucky Barnes begins to understand an age old truth – it’s so easy, sometimes, to love the things that destroy us."
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Safe With Me by @bitsandbobsandstuff
"When an unknown threat enters your life, protection is offered at the highest level. As Bucky Barnes comes into your life, the game changes, and you realise falling for the man tasked with keeping you safe is the last thing you expected."
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Three Shades of A Man by @bitsandbobsandstuff
"It was different every time, what Bucky needed from you to survive himself. It was in these moments you saw the shades behind the mask he wore in front of the world"
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
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Guiding Light by @wkemeup
The Witness by @wkemeup (detective!bucky)
By Any Other Name by @wkemeup (FBI!bucky)
Sunrise by @wkemeup (armyvet!bucky)
Delicate Edges by @wkemeup (biker!bucky)
Sky Full Of Song by @wkemeup (pirate!bucky)
Pride & Privacy by @adrinktostopyourthirst
Feelings Are Fatal by @sunmoonandeddie
Appointments by @noctumbra
Codename: Lazarus by @sagechanoafterdark
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I'll Take Care Of It by @tellmealovestory
Something More by @tellmealovestory (modern au)
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It's a Deal by @justreadingfics
Looking For A Heartbeat by @justreadingfics
Bad Match by @justreadingfics
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Lumby & Bunny by @sweetdreamsbuck (lumberjack!bucky)
Florist Bucky by @navybrat817
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Biker Bucky by @angrythingstarlight
Soft Mafia Bucky by @angrythingstarlight
Chubby Baker Bucky by @angrythingstarlight
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The Two of Us by @bucky-bucket-barnes
The Five Times Bucky Saved You... by @buckysknifecollection
Tiktok Trend by @tuiccim
Snow by @delaber
Personal Pillow by @buckyalpine
Untouched by @buckyalpine
Wait, What? by @buckyalpine
Untouched by @buckyalpine
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Project V by @babyboibucky
"You ask your best friend Bucky a favor of a lifetime." Pairing College!Bucky Barnes x Reader"
What's Left Behind by @ussgallifrey
"The world turned upside down the minute you let your guard down and, despite it all, you just had to keep going because… what else could you do at a time like this?"
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Gender Neutral Reader
The Kids Aren't Alright by @ussgallifrey
"Nobody wants to hear you sing about tragedy but, between the three of you, there’s enough lyrics to write an anthem. You’re doomed from the start"
Pairing: Steve x named!Female Reader x Bucky
Updated 4/11/2023
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eldritchmochi · 8 months
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ereardon · 9 days
At Sea [Bob Floyd x Reader] Chapter 1
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Summary: I’ll be home in five weeks. That’s what naval aviator Y/N told her fiance before leaving for deployment in the Atlantic. But time ceased to stop when she met Bob Floyd, the ship surgeon. Shy and honest, Bob quietly slipped into Y/N’s life, creating a complicated dynamic on an already intense mission. Falling for Bob was not in Y/N’s plan, and as she continues to weave a web of lies, she must make a choice: return to the life she left on land, or forge ahead into the unknown with Bob. But before Y/N can decide, disaster strikes, leaving Bob to make the decision that will alter their lives forever. 
Pairing: Navy Doctor Bob Floyd x Female Aviator Reader
Warnings: Implied emotional cheating, lots of Naval inaccuracies
WC: 2.3K
Masterlist here
When you first stepped onto the ship, you didn’t notice him. You were too caught up with the running list of checklist items in your head. 
Is your bag too big? Did you bring enough pairs of underwear? Were there enough officers for a carrier of this size? What was the threat level of the mission? Were you wrong to say yes? 
You looked down. The two carat oval engagement ring glinted back. The ring you had dreamed about since you were a teen and first saw a similar one on a debutante. 
You just weren’t sure that the man who had purchased it was the man you had been dreaming of. 
Connor proposed three weeks before the carrier run. The two of you had met almost two years before, at a museum opening. He was a prince, for a while. But at some point, and it’s different for every relationship, the carriage turns back into a pumpkin. The prince becomes a pauper. The tux has to be returned to avoid a late fee. 
You had expected magic. And then you joined the Navy and reality set in. You were no longer the bright eyed Louisiana girl who believed in fairytales and princes. You were an aviator who witnessed death up close. 
When Connor placed the ring on your finger, nothing stood out. Tears didn’t choke your line of vision. Your hands didn’t shake, your stomach didn’t cramp, your pulse didn’t raise. 
The only thing that happened was you hesitated. For a split second, but a hesitation nonetheless. 
And then you smiled and nodded. 
And with that, you belonged to him. 
You grabbed the first bunk and tossed your bag on it. A five-week mission with barely any service, except for satellites. It feels wrong, but a part of you was relieved knowing Connor couldn’t contact you. 
At dinner, you entered the mess hall and sat at a table toward the middle when a round of laughter erupted from near the doors and you turned to look. 
There was a group of five men, all attractive in the way that large groups of men can be intimidating from afar. Four brunettes and a blond with wire glasses. Of the brunettes, three were wearing wedding rings that glinted beneath the fluorescent lights. Scoping out wedding rings had become a habit about ten years before, right before you left for college. 
And now, you were the one carting around the ring that said, Don’t talk to me. I’m taken. 
You must have been staring, because the blond turned and looked at you for a moment, the two of you locking eyes before you began to panic and ripped your gaze down to the overmixed mashed potatoes on your plate. When you looked up again, he had turned away. 
Later, once everything had been cleaned and your introductory meetings for the day had been complete, you found yourself wandering on the ship deck. The water was calm. You rested your fingertips on the rail and peered down. The blackness of the sky mixed with the blackness of the deep water, and on the horizon it isn’t clear where one ends and the other begins. You never liked water all that much. It’s why you chose to be in the skies instead. The deep ocean and how at night on a ship light this, you and the crew were the only ones for miles – the thought terrified you. 
It took a moment in the darkness to realize that the blond from the mess was standing not ten feet away, leaning on the rail and looking down at the water. It wasn’t until he sighed that you realized he was on a satellite phone. 
“Those aren’t good. Run another panel and let me know how it looks. Get back to me as soon as the blood work is done.” 
You heard the click of the phone just as you locked eyes. You gave him a quick smile before turning back to the water. He rested his head into his arms and let out a loud breath. 
After a moment, he lifted his head and said, “It’s not fair, you know.” 
You pushed yourself up off the rail and turned to him. “What?” 
“The fact that kids get sick. If an adult gets sick when they’re seventy or even forty, I feel bad, but it’s not the same. They’ve had lives. They got to grow up and find out what hobbies make them happiest. They fall in love, get married.” You noticed he wasn’t wearing a ring. Instinctively, you felt for your ring with your thumb, the diamond pressed against the fleshy part of your palm. It was too big, and you hadn’t gotten it resized. Unconsciously, you slipped your hand inside your pocket. “But kids,” he continued. “They haven’t really experienced anything yet. They have so much more to lose.” 
You gave him a quick once over. He was obviously distraught. He gave you a tight smile. 
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I must sound crazy to you. Just going off to a complete stranger. I promise, I’m not dangerous and I never really talk this much.” 
“I don’t mind,” you replied. “I don’t think you’re crazy. And out here, nobody can really be strangers for long.” 
He nodded and you could practically see the wheels turning in his head as he muled your words. After a moment, he looked over at you and you felt my heart start to race as his blue eyes smoothed over your face. The two of you were less than six feet apart now. Somewhere during the conversation one of you had moved closer, or both of you had. You weren't sure who made the move first. “Well I’m sorry, again, for interrupting you. I’ll let you be.” He made no move to leave.
You tilted your head. “Don’t worry about it. It can get pretty lonely out here. I don’t mind the conversation.” 
He was still looking at you so intensely that you had to look away. He was difficult to read. But the way his large hands were gripping the railing made you want to reach out and brush your hand over his and tell him it was going to be OK. To calm down. To relax.
He gave you a small smile. “Goodnight, then.” He had a long gait, neat. No uniform. 
You wondered what he thought of you. Sloppy, to say the least. Hair in a bun, pajama bottoms dragging down over ratty sneakers. 
Along the horizon, you spotted the light of another ship, barely visible in the thick darkness. Some reassurance that others were out there. 
On the second night, you were standing in nearly the same spot on the railing, hands pressed against the cold metal, peering over at the churning waves. The water was rockier, angry. It lept against the side of the ship. 
You heard his footsteps before he was within your line of sight. 
“Hello again.” 
You turned, the slight lick of wetness beneath the fabric of your sleeve. On a ship, everything is wet all the time. It’s nearly impossible to stay dry. “It’s you.” 
He took his spot next to you against the rail, closer this time. You reached up, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, silently sending up a prayer that you had put in an ounce of effort that night. It had been an educated guess he would come. 
A part of you hoped he would, however terrible that was to admit. 
“Can I ask what you’re doing here?” he asked. 
“Here, as in the deck at midnight? Or here on the ship?” 
“Both. Either.” The edges of a bright white smile shone through soft pink lips. “Neither, if you don’t want to talk to a stranger. Whatever you’d like to tell me. I’m a bit starved for conversation. It’s been a quiet day down in the sick bay.” 
So he was med corps. That tracked. 
“You seemed rich with conversation in the mess last night,” you blurted out. Regret flowed through your veins instantly and you wanted to smack yourself for letting onto the fact that you had been watching him. 
He gave a small laugh. It was rough and deep and forced a layer of goosebumps on your arms. “They’re good guys. But they can be a lot.” 
You tilted your head, waiting for him to fill the empty space. But he simply gazed out at the azure waves, letting silence envelop the two of you. 
“To answer your question of what brings me here,” you said, “why don’t you give me your best guess.” 
You could feel his stare all the way to the marrow of your bones. The way his eyes gently rolled over your hair, down your face, across your chest, over your abdomen, all the way to your feet. You felt a tingle work its way through your body. “Intelligence?” he guessed. 
You shook your head. 
“OK I give up,” he said with a small grin. 
“I’m an aviator.” He blinked in disbelief. “You’re surprised?” 
“Honestly?” he asked. “Yes. You look really young to be on this carrier as an aviator.” 
“I’m twenty eight. Not sure that’s considered young.” 
He groaned. “Trust me, it’s young.” 
“So how old does that make you?” 
“Thirty five.” 
“God, ancient.” You watched him grimace. “Being a grandpa suits you.” 
“People are living to one hundred now, easily. I’m young by those standards.” 
My eyes scanned him top to bottom. He was taller than me, with thick blond hair combed evenly to one side, soft blue eyes behind a pair of thin wire glasses. Nerdy in an unassuming way, but there was an energy that radiated from him. 
“OK, my turn to ask questions,” you said and his lips twitched into a smile. “What brings you here?” 
“The ship or the deck?” he teased. 
“If we’re talking about the ship – I’m a doctor. Peds. Someone had to drop out last minute and I got called in. That phone call you overheard last night was about one of my patients back home. I didn’t know I’d be here. Didn’t realize I’d be gone so long without seeing him.”
A doctor. You had suspected, but it fit. The sympathetic eyes, the large steady hands. The way he made you feel calm without even saying anything. 
“As for the deck,” he continued, “what if I said it was because I thought maybe I wouldn’t have to be alone tonight?” 
“Presumptuous,” you whispered. 
“A bit,” he murmured, round cheeks turning pink, “considering we’re not even on a first name basis.” 
You told him your name and he smiled. 
“I’m Bob,” he replied. “Bob Floyd.” 
“See? Now we’re not strangers.” 
He smiled, wire glasses sliding down his nose and he pressed them up with one fingertip. Behind him, a few security lights casted thin yellow halos, and you could make out the faint shape of a person on the other end of the long, flat deck. It couldn’t be more than forty degrees out, and you shivered in your thin jacket. “Are you cold?” he asked. 
“I’m alright, thanks.” You wrapped your arms around yourself, and in doing so realized you left the engagement ring back in the bunk after your morning shower. It had yet to become a habit to wear it. After twenty eight years with an empty finger, it’s an adjustment to slip on a ring every day and let it be one fact that the world knows about you before you even open your mouth. 
Bob shrugged off his jacket, a black Patagonia puffer, and held it out. “Here,” he said softly, blushing again like he was embarrassed to be offering it. “Please? I’d feel really guilty for monopolizing your time and keeping you cold while doing it.” 
You smiled and he held out the jacket as you slipped your arms into the sleeves. Bob’s hands lingered on the coat for a moment before dropping as he backed away. “Thank you.” His scent surrounds you – a warm woodsy pine, mixed with the sharp mint of toothpaste. 
You tapped your fingers on the rail, desperately racking your brain for something to say to continue the conversation. 
“What brought you out here tonight?” Bob’s deep, throaty voice punctuated the silence. 
“I’m not sure, honestly,” you replied. “I think I prefer to be out here as opposed to being in there.” His eyes followed your gaze to the cabin door. 
“I get that,” he replied. “Not a fan of small spaces either.” 
“There’s something about the ship at night that I really like. It’s quiet.” 
He gave you a sideways glance. “Sorry to be interrupting your quiet time.” 
“Trust me, I’ve had enough of that already and it’s only been two days.” 
“Where are you getting off?” 
“Quite a trip.” 
“Always is,” you replied. “Not really what I thought I was signing up for.” 
“It never is,” Bob added. 
You turned around, pressing your arms against the railing and propping up one foot. You watched as Bob ran one hand across the corner of his mouth before shoving it in his khaki pocket. The Atlantic wind penetrated Bob’s jacket and your shift, nipping at your skin. “You said you came up here hoping you wouldn’t have to be alone. Were you looking for me?” 
Your words are tossed out into the open like a gunshot. 
Bob stilled for a moment and you half expect him to make an excuse to leave. To avoid answering. But then he opens his mouth. “Yes.” 
That’s it. One word. Simple and complex at once. He is honest and raw in a way you’ve seen with very few men up until that point. A younger man would find a way to deflect. A smarter girl would have asked in a more coy way. Understated. Neither of which you excelled at. You’ve always been too pushy, too bold, too forward. 
“Why?” you pressed, embarrassed by how badly a part of you wanted this near stranger to want you. The neediness was unbecoming. And despite the fact that he was a stranger, you wanted Bob’s approval. It felt like an Olympic medal you had been chasing your entire life. 
“You were so kind last night,” he said, voice dipping down into a whisper. “I just, I wanted to learn more about the person who was nice to a complete stranger. That felt like someone worth knowing.” 
“You’re sweet.” 
Bob blushed and it spread to the tips of his ears. You could feel Bob’s gaze linger for a beat too long before he, too, turned back out toward the open, angry sea. 
“I should probably get to bed.” You stepped away from the railing, unzipping the jacket and handing it back to him. Instead of putting it on, he folded it over one forearm. 
Bob smiled. “Goodnight, Y/N.” 
Part of you wants more. Maybe it’s the chill of the wind and the sudden loss of warmth from his coat. Perhaps it’s your future, looming ahead. The unknown. Dark and uncharted, like the water the boat is struggling against. 
You wonder what Bob is thinking. His blue eyes searching yours, evaluating your next move. 
“Goodnight.” As you make your way inside, you resist the urge to turn around and see if he’s watching you walk away. 
A part of you knows that he is. 
Lying in the bunk, the cool dampness of the sheets on your skin, you curse yourself. What are you doing? You have a fiance at home. You have a life at stake. 
But who is to say that if you had met Bob before Connor that you wouldn’t fall into the same trap. Maybe every relationship is bound for it, eventually. Everyone boards a train headed in the same direction. There is no basis to say that one relationship is inherently more exciting than another. There’s every reason to believe that it’s because you grow older, more set in your ways. You get busier, drink more, have less sex, watch more TV, spend more time apart. That might just be life. And no matter how strong the butterflies are, it’ll eventually route back to that same destination. The end of the butterfly period, where everything turns into the inevitable. 
But that doesn’t explain why the last thing that crosses your mind before you fall asleep is Bob’s soft face, smiling at you from behind his wire frames. 
And how part of you can already feel him slipping away. 
Please follow my library page @ereardonlibrary
Tagging some people who I think may like this (but feel free to message me and say you're not interested and I won't tag you going forward!): @blue-aconite @bobfloydsbabe @horseshoegirl @clancycucumber230 @kmc1989 @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @spinning-away @bvbfloyd @startrekfangirl2233-writes @shanimallina87 @xoxabs88xox @xomrsalliej4787xo @sio-ina-bottle @joaquinwhorres @thedroneranger @gigisimsonmars @fanficfandomlove @callsign-magnolia @sometimesanalice @stargazer-88 @tomanybandstolove @laracrofted @iangiemae @teacupsandtopgun @palepeanutponyshoe @mrsjobarnes @desert-fern
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The Lifesteal cast has slowly forgotten how to enjoy good food. They don’t have the energy to trade for or make cakes and pumpkin pie, or wait for baked potatoes and fish to cook. Their go-to food items are always golden apples, steak, and whatever keeps them on their feet in a fight.
As you can imagine, this becomes a problem when they visit other servers. They see all the other players leisurely chomping on apples and intuitively think “wow, you’d be dead if this were in Lifesteal.” *turns to look at all the other players* “Dead, dead — no shield, even? — yep, all of you, dead.”
Or they’d look at utensils on a dining table (“who even has a dining table nowadays?”) and comment “why can’t you just use your hands?” They then scarf down their portion in thirty seconds flat without even sitting down. And if they do sit down with other guests, their bloody swords and shields lay in full view, within arm’s length. They ignore how much it unnerves everyone else. Small talk is near nonexistent, too. Their eyes dart around, expecting attacks from all sides. They blatantly do not care about so-and-so’s new balcony or pumpkin farm. Instead, they spend their time assessing the threat levels each player could potential pose, even though they know full well no one will kill them. 
They belong on other servers the way a bull belongs at a tea party, and often leave just as quickly. 
— 🌀 anon
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ernmark · 2 years
There's something so very satisfying about finding just the right word. One that works on so many levels that it feels a little bit like writing poetry.
Take synonyms for "cut", for example.
"Carve" is rough and deep. It brings to mind jagged lines, repeated motions-- sawing into a pumpkin, taking apart a turkey, forcing stone into unnatural shape, whittling wood away a splinter at a time. There's also the long "ah" like a grunt of effort, the similar sound to "curve", the R like tearing paper.
And then there's "slice"-- quick, clean, sharp. With food it is efficient-- a pizza that can be eaten without so much as a plate, peaches and apples devoid of their core and the threat of juice spilling down the chin. The sound begins and ends with sibilance-- as if the word is an onomatopeia, the beginning and end of a blade being drawn in the space of a single syllable. The emphasis on that S sound-- like sword, like snake, like slide, like strike.
And the real beauty is that most of the time, you're not even thinking about any of that-- the word's connotations, the music of its sounds, the suggestion of words that are just similar enough-- often for the writer, as for the reader, all those things are subconscious, the connections made in the blink of an eye, felt even when they're invisible.
And you don't know why. All you know is that they feel right.
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applestorms · 1 year
clawed my way through (some of) the epilogues and hs^2 again for dirkjake crumbs and i think there is a Genuine place for ultimate jake to fit into canon (or at the very least, lord jake english) since meat timeline jake never actually shows up visually in hs^2 and his final appearance in that timeline (minus a phone call or something w/ roxy? or was it kanaya fuck) is giving ult. dirk his spaceship and then proclaiming his undying love while desperately trying to get dirk to let him join him, to which dirk responds that he’ll “never let [jake] break [his] heart again” (ch39). agony.
two interesting things about the end of his arc in meat actually: for one thing, it’s kinda implied that along with giving dirk a spaceship, he also gave dave/karkat/roxy/kanaya/etc a spaceship to chase after him, so he’s at least taken some action to try to stop him. again though, we never see him after that point so like. the idea that he could just hope himself into becoming an ultimate self in the background is actually kind of a possibility?? like while the others try to chase dirk down, jake is figuring out how to brute force himself into ascension as a backup plan. second thing, dirk is very snarky in the narration about the fact that this dramatic goodbye he’s giving jake is the last time he’ll ever get to see him (jake see dirk, i mean) but ult. dirk also seems to lack power against alt. calliope when they fight over the narrative so jake ascending would actually pose a serious threat and might be able to override that, assuming dirk’s power over the narrative extends that far in the first place (thinking about that post talking about how narration is also a reflection of characters’ thoughts…)
candy timeline jake is also pretty interesting since he very notably starts being advised by BGD to be a kind of spy on the inside against jane’s. whole thing in that timeline. i actually completely cannot remember what jane does in the meat timeline, i think also some presidency bullshit, right?? that’s what the davekat thing was about??? but anyway BGD sounds pretty normal in all his dialogue, or normal for BGD at least, and is aware of both the game over timeline and ult. dirk’s bullshit enough to make fun of it so. idk maybe i’m just misunderstanding how ultimate selves work, but the fact that BGD wasn’t really “integrated” into ult. dirk feels significant to me, especially considering the fact that we can see caliborn/LE’s influence on ult. dirk so much (his narration in ch39 gives AR too, frankly, like the epilogues are obvs way more openly horny than hs proper but AR was always kinda like that too, especially about jake). hs^2 also ends super abruptly with some lore shit i skimmed half heartedly between calliope, roxy, and john again talking about his initial decision between candy and meat. that whole conversation pretty deliberately frames the decision between meat and candy as being parallel to terezi’s coin flip about whether or not to kill vriska, and roxycallie even tell john straight up that he needs to get vriska again to fix the story, perhaps assuming that’ll work again since it did when he was retconning the timeline? but imo, though maybe i’m biased cause i didn’t really review what vriska does post-canon again, it seems more fitting to me that jake would be the one to fix the bullshit timelines, considering 1. dirk is the one going bananas out of his fucking mind w/ control of the narrative, 2. thematically, pumpkins are the most logical, healthy alternative to meat and candy, fitting since caliborn explicitly aligns dirk and jake’s color scheme with them in the smut-drawing conversation and since (in the same breath) he establishes that he hates them and prefers meat/candy. but that’s getting into sherlock secret final episode levels of conspiracy, and i’m not sure i’m ready for that one
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gothiccharmschool · 1 year
There have been reliable reports of Halloween merchandise on the shelves at Home Goods, At Home, and Joann Fabrics!
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