#thursdays reading arc
irisvienna · 8 months
i got a new book yesterday it's called small favors by erin a. craig :))
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a-b-riddle · 5 months
Part 2
Can't stop thinking about reader finally cutting them loose.
For three days there was nothing but radio silence. In those three days you had told yourself that it was a grace period. Time for Simon to cool off and realize how much of a bastard he was for saying all those things he obviously didn't mean. Johnny coming back over with a bouquet of flowers and endless apologies and cuddles.
Simon didn't apologize for his harsh words.
Johnny didn't call you later, as promised.
For three days you jumped at every single notification, silently hoping it was one of them. Any of them.
But it wasn't.
And you, unfortunately, got the answer to the question you had been asking yourself for months.
Did they still want this?
The answer was clear.
You didn't let their unofficial dismissal get to you. You still had shit to do. A life to get on to. A book signing to go to.
A book signing. A book you wrote. A book that was being published and released the day of the expo. You weren't expecting a huge line because this was your debut novel, but with the help of some ARC readers who had took to social media, there had been a bit of a storm brewing.
You had listened to John when he had mentioned writing under an alias. Don't know how crazy people are out there. They'd do anything to get close to you, Dove. Just better to protect yourself where you can. You almost hated yourself for listening to him now. Now you would just have to keep writing under your pen name.
You were getting ready to close up shop early when your phone finally pinged.
Of course it was Kyle. The one who hadn't treated you like you were constantly bothering him. Not the one who made you feel guilty for agreeing to your arrangement. Nor was he the one who fucked you and left you. No. He was just the one who just wasn't there.
Maybe that was just as bad.
What are you up to today?
That was it. Almost two weeks of radio silence and that's all he had to say? It just added more evidence that you were making the right call in ending this now. It had already carried on for too long.
You had two things on your to-do list and you wouldn't let Kyle's sudden reappearance deter you.
E-mail the publisher back.
Change the locks.
You didn't have the strength to face them again. If they groveled, it would be too easy to take them back. One against four wasn't much of a fair fight. And if they didn't care to fight for you... you don't know if you could survive it. Coming face-to-face with the proof that it didn't bother them to give you up even though it was killing you.
No. Cutting it off completely was the best thing to do.
So you didn't respond.
You left Kyle's text unanswered as you e-mailed the publisher back that everything was set for your flight on tomorrow morning. You would spend Thursday adjusting to the time difference and Friday you would rest up before the expo this weekend. She assured you that you would need to rest up your writing hand. Whatever that means.
You left Kyle read as you closed up shop several hours earlier than usual. You needed to drop off the bank deposit before you started on task number two.
You didn't bothering responding to Johnny when he had texted you when you were leaving the hardware store, purchase in hand. Asking if you were free Friday. Promising dinner. 'In or out. Your choice.'
It was almost second nature when you got home to pull up your phone. Ready to text one of them to see which one of them could come over and help.
Fixing a leaky sink? Nothing Johnny hasn't seen before. Need help moving furniture? John won't mind when you change your several times on what should go where. Kyle would always come in with take out the moment you mentioned you were hungry and whenever you felt like going for a walk when it was a bit too late in the evening, Simon was the first to volunteer as your personal guard dog.
But asking them to come and change the very lock you planned on using to keep them out seemed... counter productive, if not downright petty.
You were almost done with the lock when your phone sounded off. Only this time it wasn't a text. Someone was calling you.
You almost faltered when John's name came on your screen.
That almost got you.
You almost answered it.
You clicked on the 'Sorry, I can't talk right now. Options, before finishing up your work.
And just like that, you were done. No help needed. You had changed the lock. Even adding on a deadbolt. Replacing the flimsy chain Simon had taunted you about. If someone wanted to get in here, that wouldn't stop them.
Well, now you didn't need to hear it anymore.
Not that you would really hear it again...
Your flight was in twelve hours. Although that seemed an ample amount of time you hadn't even begun to pack. You had luckily narrowed your outfits down, but now was the task of folding it nicely into your suitcase rather than just stuffing it in there.
On my way. We need to talk.
It was too late for talking. Three days too late. Several months too late.
The last message sent was four weeks ago. A new Thai place had opened up close to your apartment that you were wanting to try. All of them had given you excuses.
Not my taste, Dove.
Cannae do it tonight. Next weekend? Next weekend didn't happen either.
I can do tomorrow. Kyle ended up bailing. You forget the excuse he used.
Simon hadn't even bothered to reply.
The final nail in the coffin of your relationship. Almost two years wasted with nothing, but a broken heart to show for it. And the worst part is, they had all chipped away at your heart, leaving you to deal with the final blow that would shatter it.
Im sorry. I can’t do this with you anymore. wish you all the best.
Your fingers made quick work in blocking their numbers. It was best. If they wanted to reach you, they couldn't. On the other side of the coin, if they didn't care to reply, you wouldn't spend countless hours crying over the fact that none of them had been affected the same way you had.
You would deal with getting them their belongings that they had left behind another time. You had big things, great things happening for you. You were cutting your loses. You were cutting them loose.
You just hoped you didn’t regret it.
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pakhnokh · 4 months
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House of Gentians returns with arc 3!
The updates will happen every Thursday, like before.
The cover image is already available on my Patreon, and will be posted here next week :)
Or you don't know what House of Gentians is, it's an ongoing wangxian AU comic. You can start reading it here
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timelesslords · 2 months
Hello I have written a clone wars fic <3 It contains (or will contain):
Ahsoka being adopted by Satine to give her immunity after the temple bombing fiasco
overprotective anakin
disaster lineage openly expressing their feelings of love and affection for each other (obi-wan nearly throws up)
Mando!Ahsoka nearly giving Satine Kryze a heart attack because being Mandalorian and an ex-Jedi AND raised by Anakin Skywalker is a combination for chaos and impulsivity not previously experienced by man or beast
conspiracy theories surrounding Korkie Kryze's parentage
everyone being in love with Cody and Cody hopelessly pining over everyone else bc he won't listen to his brother
relatedly, Rex being Tired
obi-wan having two hands and one braincell (aka cody/obi/satine but it takes a LONG time to get there)
Anakin not slipping to the dark side bc he learns to trust his family instead of palps
jedi council redemption arc speedrun
updates are mondays and sometimes also thursdays. read here!
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writeroffantasy03 · 5 months
Loved 4-Sided Dive last night (especially that hilarious card game at the end). But I appreciated what Matt said about Dariax being on the ace spectrum and seeing Dorian as someone he admired and aspired to be like, like an older brother figure, because that’s exactly the vibe I got from him the entire time. (Wow, he’s good at acting, who could have predicted this.)
I guess it’s just nice to see that not everything has to be romantic, especially when many aspects of a character’s story and personality often feels read through shipping goggles. I say this as someone who has only clocked and shipped the canon pairings throughout the whole of Critrole (and is also on the ace spectrum). Sometimes it’s nice to appreciate the platonic relationships between characters, which are just as valid and important.
Other notes:
- We all knew Orym had feelings for Dorian, right??
- Aimee is hilarious. I need to see her in more games.
- Loved that Dariax would have stayed until the end to save Opal. (Glad she forced him to leave.)
- The whole CK arc and what BH just experienced is going to make for an interesting episode this Thursday.
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wolfjackle-creates · 8 months
Ghost!Robin Arc 2 Part 2
Ghost!Robin won this week's poll as well! So have a little bit more of the fic for WIP Wednesday. *resolutely ignores the clock that informs me midnight was an hour ago so it is clearly Thursday*
Check out this week's poll if you want a say in what I post next.
Story Summary: Everything changed the evening Jason met Jazz's brother. Danny introduced him and his entire family to the ghost that is, apparently, haunting him. The ghost of the Robin he had been.
The ghost of the person everyone he's ever known wishes he still was.
All he wants is to make it go away.
First, Previous
Word Count: 1.2k
Jason did not sleep that night, spending his time beating up a punching bag instead. What sleep he did get was laid out on the mats in the workout room. Even that was plagued by nightmares.
So it was with The Joker’s laughs still echoing in his ears that he finally dragged himself to the kitchen to start making breakfast.
Danny was no where to be seen—probably sleeping—but the ghost was. He was staring out the window not doing anything.
“Shouldn’t you be sleeping?” grumbled Jason.
The ghost did the head motion every Robin learned to indicate they were rolling their eyes. Can’t he signed.
Jason grunted. He…probably should have figured that one out. “Well go read a book or something and don’t bother me.”
The ghost gave him a very deliberate look before flying to one of the bookcases and reaching for a book. Only for his hand to go right through it. He glared back at Jason.
“Oh.” Jason did not feel bad for the creature. He was the interloper here. But the silence in the room was not helping anything. Not with his nightmares so close to the surface. He hooked his phone up to a portable speaker and pulled up his audiobook library. Today was the sort of day for an old favorite.
Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence…
Jason hummed in satisfaction and turned his attention to the fridge. What to make for breakfast? He resolutely ignored the ghost who’d settled in his living room.
A few hours later, Jason was finishing the homemade fruit sauce when arms wrapped around his stomach and a head rested against his back.
“Mmmm, smells good,” mumbled Jazz, her voice rough with sleep.
Jason patted her arm. “I remember you liked the strawberry topping. Figured we could have it over pancakes. Batter is in the fridge.”
“Best boyfriend ever,” she said. She rested her head against his back and Jason felt himself relax in a way he hadn’t since he’d stepped out of the dining room and saw the ghost. “You left early.”
His stomach sank. Of course she noticed. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“Jason,” she said flatly, a hint of warning in her tone.
He sighed. “I just couldn’t sleep. Too many thoughts going ‘round my head.”
“Hence the Austen?”
He chuckled. “Hence the Austen.”
She yawned and pushed away from him. “I’ll go brush my teeth and get Danny up.”
“He was up pretty late himself; might need to sleep in.”
She groaned. “Of course he was up, too. Well too bad. He could’ve gone to bed earlier and I think we need to have a talk about what to do next.”
“He said something about doctor yetis and a place called the Far Frozen,” Jason said. He stirred the strawberries and lifted a spoonful to test it’s consistency. Perfect. He turned off the burner.
“Oh. And you agreed?”
Jason shrugged. “Doesn’t seem like I have much of a choice if I want that”—he jerked a thumb at the ghost—“gone.”
“Jason…” her voice had gone soft and he winced.
“I know,” he admitted to the stove. “I know it’s gonna be more complicated than that.”
She was silent for a moment before sighing. “I love you, Jay,” was all she said before walking away. Presumably to the bathroom to get ready.
Which meant he had to start the pancakes. He pulled out the griddle, added a wad of butter, and turned on the heat.
By the time Jazz and Danny returned, Jason had made a pile of pancakes large enough to satisfy a speedster. Next to it sat the strawberry topping and a jar of syrup in case that was Danny’s preference. On an impulse, he grabbed the chocolate chips, too.
Chocolate and Austen, the perfect combination for a crappy day.
Unfortunately, breakfast passed much too quickly for his tastes and soon enough they were packing away the leftovers in the fridge.
“Jazz, you’re so lucky you found someone who could cook,” commented Danny.
Jason had to laugh. “Yeah, not one of her skills, is it?”
“Not one of either of our skills. Has she told you about what our kitchen was like growing up?”
“After your knife comment last night, I feel like she may have left some things out.” Despite everything that had happened since, he hadn’t forgotten that little tidbit. Jazz was so tight-lipped about her childhood that Jason made a point to horde every detail she let slip.
Jazz groaned. “Nope. I’m full of delicious food and happy. I do not want to have to remember the hell that was the Fenton kitchen.”
From the corner of his eye. Jason could see the ghost looking at them with interest. He glared at him; the ghost glared right back.
“That’s enough, you two,” ordered Jazz.
Jason broke eye contact and stared at the floor to mumble and insincere apology he knew wouldn’t fool Jazz.
Luckily she took pity on him and didn’t push. “Danny, Jason said something about you taking us to the Far Frozen?”
Danny nodded. “Yep! Frostbite might be able to tell us what happened and have some ideas on how to help them.”
“Well, Jason, Robin,” started Jazz and Jason had to force himself to not wince at the way she addressed them both. “When do you think you want to go?”
“Now,” said Jason immediately. “Or as soon as possible. I want to know what’s going on.”
The ghost nodded his agreement and made more of those chirping noises that Danny seemed to understand.
“Then let’s get going,” said Danny.
Jazz sighed again. “Hold it, Danny. Jason, you and I should go get changed. There’s a reason it’s called the Far Frozen.”
Jason took her advice and dug deep in his closet for the heaviest winter gear. Before too long, Jazz declared them both dressed in enough layers to satisfy her. They returned to the living room.
“Do you need us to do anything?” asked Jason.
“Nah.” Danny raised his hand and made a slashing motion with his fist. “That’s all it takes. There’s some benefits to being the Ghost King: my ring can open portals anywhere.”
Following the motion Danny had made, a tear formed in the very fabric of the universe. Though it, Jason could see a swirling sky of Lazarus green. Over his years as a vigilante, Jason had seen many strange and impossible things. But that tear unsettled him on a more visceral level than most. It reminded him of the pits, he wanted to run away. It felt like home, he wanted to run forward. Instead he stared, transfixed by the way the bit of sky—was it sky?—through the portal appeared to flow like water.
Jazz grabbed his hand and squeezed it.
Danny didn’t hesitate and flew right through, transforming as he did. The ghost followed right on his heels. Both turned to stare at him and Jazz.
“Come on,” she said. “We’ll be perfectly safe.” She walked forward and Jason followed, half a step behind.
His conflicted feelings got stronger with every step, but he kept pace with Jazz until they were through. No ground existed wherever they were, but he and Jazz were able to float in place.
Behind them, the portal disappeared. Taking with it his only hope of retreat.
They've made it to the Infinite Realms! And Jason still has Feelings™️ about the ghost that's following. (Do you notice he never refers to Robin, even mentally, as anything other than "the ghost"? That's a very deliberate choice.)
The strawberry topping is a thing I make semi regularly. I will sit there and eat it with a spoon it's so good. But over pancakes? Absolutely decadent. (The recipe calls it a pie filling, but eh. I'd rather just eat it with a spoon. Or over ice cream. Or pancakes.)
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fthostevts · 3 months
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Fairy Tail Week 2024
Thank you very much to everyone who helped us decide how to run this and future events! Our interest check form is still open for upcoming events, so please fill it out!
Mark your calendars and get ready for a double celebration! We're bringing back the beloved Fairy Tail Week, along with the 18th anniversary of the manga's debut.
Event happening from 28th July to 3rd August.
Each day features three prompts, you can choose just one or all of them. Feel free to let your creativity run wild! Just make sure to indicate which prompt you've chosen.
一 Day 1: 28th Jul (Sunday) Favorite Magic | Favorite Fight | “More fun together.” 一 Day 2: 29th Jul (Monday) Favorite Character | Favorite Minor Character | “Surprise!” 一 Day 3: 30th Jul (Tuesday) Favorite Arc | Favorite Guild | “Where are you going?” 一 Day 4: 31st Jul (Wednesday) Anime or Manga | Favorite Movie | Party 一 Day 5: 1st Aug (Thursday) Favorite Villain | Favorite Character Development | Movies day 一 Day 6: 2nd Aug (Friday) Anniversary | Free Choice | Crossover (Hiro's Work) 一 Day 7: 3rd Aug (Saturday) Favorite Moments | Favorite Bond (otp/brotp/relationship) | Alternate Universe
Please, read the Rules and F.A.Q (mobile here). Feel free to send your questions in our ask box!
Please include the tags #fairy tail week, #ftweek2024 and #fthostevts in the first five tags of your post. If possible, mention our blog @fthostevts;
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Any content that might be triggering for viewers needs to be hidden “under a cut” and tagged accordingly.
Have fun, and we wish you a good luck in all your creative endeavours! Every contribution is valued!
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kitspindles · 1 year
I’m in no way bashing on people who have already finished TSatS and say they hate it, are disappointed, etc., because I myself have not gone past chapter seven. My friend let me read some today, but I won’t have my own copy until Thursday, so maybe my opinions will change. I will say, however, that if you read 400+ pages in less than a day, maybe give yourself some time to process the entire plot first?
In any case, I can’t help but wonder how many people went into this book expecting one version of Nico and Will, only to be hit with something else entirely. And I mean like... expecting the fandom’s versions of these two, rather than what canon has previously shown us up until this book.
It’s my personal opinion that the PJO fandom’s worse enemy is their own mischaracterization of the characters at times. And I don’t mean like little head canons and stuff. Everyone has done those at some point. There’s usually no harm in those. I’m talking about people who created their own versions of Nico and Will and have been running with these visions for years through different fan fictions and what-not online.
For years we’ve known basically nothing about Will aside from the fact that he’s sarcastic, likes Star Wars, his mom is a country singer, he can glow in the dark, and he’s better at healing than fighting. (And he has questionable fashion choice at times). Like, that’s all we’ve had since his initial introduction in The Last Olympian over a decade ago. Everything else? Online and fan speculation. And again, there is nothing wrong with that! I just feel like a lot of people went into this book holding onto their own pre-conceived visions of what Will Solace was and ended up disappointed the authors made him... different? But not really different, because he didn’t have a lot of in-depth personality or backstory before this.
Me personally? Yeah, I’m not that far into the book yet but I’m loving how Will is portrayed so far. He’s still sarcastic, but he’s shown his fair share of level-headedness as well as frustrations just within the first couple chapters. He is in no way the overly-optimistic sunshine-y boy who only exists to help Nico that the fandom has portrayed him to be all these years. His character arc is already headed in a way deeper direction (more on that when I finish the book). The whole bit where Will had coffee spilled on him and spent the next couple paragraphs in the scene trying to be unbothered while actually giving off “This is fine” fire dog energies? I loved that.
As for Nico, can I just say I adore how he’s written in this book? Aside from his PoV in Blood of Olympus, this is the first time he’s had his own narration. And it’s actually about him and more in-depth than previous times. I’ve heard people say that he’s “out of character,” and while I can see a little of what they’re all saying, I just want to know... what version of Nico have you all been reading? Did I miss something?
Up until this book, what exactly did we know about Nico? That he’s displaced in time, his sister and mother are both dead (and he feels alone), he harbored repressed gay feelings from his upbringing as a Catholic guy in 1940s Italy, and he’s been through the ringer more than once (so, trauma, basically). Oh, and he’s a bit of a nerd (Mythomagic and knowing all kinds of ancient creatures). That’s... about it. Everything has been speculation and projection from fans.
In previous books he’s always been portrayed from first- or third-person point of view (usually from people who don’t know him well and just think he’s “creepy”), leading to the idea that he’s distant and low-empathy based on some interactions he’s had with demigods who weren’t thrilled to be around him, during a time of great pressure. But he’s not exactly uncaring. He’s been shown to care a lot, actually (Bianca, Hestia, Bob, everything he’s done for Percy, his friendship with Reyna, Hazel, etc.)
But what about when he was ten? He was an excitable, curious kid who liked to have fun. And what did we see briefly in Trials of Apollo (before Jason died, at least)? We saw some of that energy return, particularly in The Hidden Oracle.
So, yeah, I’m personally thrilled to see him making cringe-y jokes and have some self-deprecating humor. It’s very “#OnBrand” for a traumatized teenager who’s just trying to cope and live life without any godly wars forcing him this way and that. Can we really say it’s “out of character” if we’ve never seen more than one side of Nico? (The under pressure side, from other character’s PoVs, in books not about him where he’s basically been a side character?) I’m just glad to see him cracking jokes, laughing, and acting more like a normal kid.
Now, is this book different from Rick’s other ones? Uh, yeah. I won’t say it’s not. But it’s not bad. It’s supposed to be different. It has slightly different intentions than the other books (re: explicitly working through trauma and relationship bumps). Also, it’s co-written. Co-written books always read slightly off from the original author’s work, but dam if it isn’t hard to meld writing styles and copy another author’s particular voice. But I think Mark did a very good job at imitating Rick’s style (again, from what I’ve read so far).
Will I change my mind on all this the farther I get into the book? Maybe. There’s a lot to read and take in. All I’m saying is don’t let the negative reviews warp your opinion of the book if you haven’t read it yet and are on the fence if you should or not. Wait for the PDF to drop, or for a library copy, and read and see for yourself.
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irisvienna · 2 years
just finished the first hunger games book and i think that was the one i was spoiled the most for idk whats going to happen in the next books!
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staytinyville · 10 months
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ATEEZ poly!ot8 x Reader
Cowboy AU / Wild West
Series Masterlist
Warning: none (No taglist next chapter)
A/N BETA READ (@mariana-mmtz). YOU GUYS! Sorry for not updating last thursday. I was on vacation so I wasn't really on here. But we are back to regularly scheduled updating. There are only 8 chapters left for Arc one by the way!
Staytinyville Permanent Taglist
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There was something about the atmosphere that made everything feel tense. At least to your father it felt that way. He had patrons already waiting in the saloon for the afternoon, all talking in hushed whispers as they gossiped about something having to do with city hall. Your father frowned, opening the door to allow them all in for an afternoon drink.
“What's going on?” Your mother asked, watching as the men cheered about some things while others ordered drinks they normally wouldn’t. 
“I don't know.” Your father shrugged. “A lot of people started coming in all happy and talking about something that happened.”
“A miracle is what it was.” Someone overheard your parents, inserting themselves into the conversation. 
“It wasn't some miracle!” Someone else scoffed. “It was the work of the mayor! Always knew that Klein didn't do anything for selfish reasons.” He turned to your parents grin on his face as he thought about their precious mayor.
“You haven't heard? He returned all the money from the extra taxes he's been adding. At least to the less fortunate.” He explained. 
Your mother’s eyebrows rose, quickly pulling together as she thought about the small pouch she had found in the back office. Looking over at your father, she pulled him along. “Excuse me.” She said to the customers. 
“(F/N) where did we get all that extra cash from?” She quietly asked.
“I honestly don't know.” Your father shrugged. “It was just left in a bag in the mail.” He looked at the men who were talking. “Should I return it? We aren't in desperate need of it.”
“I think you should give it to the hospital. I'm sure they need it more.” Your mother spoke up after a moment.
Your father hummed a bit, thinking about how you were fairing. “Do you think (Y/N) needs it? Maybe we can give her money for her new home.” He told your mother. 
“Maybe just a little.” Your mother smiled softly. She suddenly frowned as she thought about where she would have to take the money though. “She never told us where she lived.”
“Maybe (S/N) knows.” Your father told her, causing her to nod. They went back to their work positions, your mother quickly finding your sister doing some laundry out back while you little brother watched.
“Do you know where (Y/N) and Yeosang live?” Your mother asked her, causing her to look up with wide eyes. “We were going to give them some money for their home.” 
Your sister didn’t really think your parents would approve of you living in tents in the middle of the woods. She kind of hoped you would have found something by then but knowing what it was the boys did she was sure you wouldn’t have a stable home for a while. At least not here in Cromer for the time being. 
“They live in the wood-”
“Some wooden cabin a bit ways from here.” She cut off your brother, wiping her hands off on her skirts. Glancing at the small pouch in her mother’s hands, she gave the woman a smile. “I can take it to them.”
“It's alright!” Your mother waved her off. “We'll all go.”
“No, mom really.” She shook her head again. “I should do it!”
Before they got the chance to argue more, commotion in the distance stopped them. A crowd was forming at the church they would go to every Sunday. It was at the end of the street, with a long driveway that doubled as a lawn where gatherings were held. 
“What's going on?” Your mother frowned, beginning to make her way over. 
Your siblings followed along, eyes casting over the mob that was taking up the church’s driveway. There were confused people as well as angry. The orphans who were being taken care of by the nuns were all huddled behind them, trying to hide from the people yelling. 
Some men had tried to reach the children, one succeeding in grabbing a hold of a little boy's arm. 
“Stop!” Your mother screamed. “Leave them alone!” She rushed forward and quickly shoved the man away. 
“Can't you see they're just children.” She screamed at him.
Your father had rushed forward, pulling your mother back to keep from having the aggressive man do something to her. Your eldest brother held back your siblings, trying to keep them from harm. It was clear where it was you got your heroic spirit from, your sense of justice coming out when there were people in need. 
“Children to criminals!” The man sneered. “They took our money to keep for themselves! All of them!” He screamed. 
A few of the people murmured to themselves over the speculation while less agreed with the man. Your father looked over the people who lived in the church, frowning his eyebrows as he took in the three nuns and 6 children. The father of the church made sure to huddle them all behind him, pulling the little boy who had gotten grabbed into his side. 
“They are children!” The father scoffed. “How dare you think that of them!?”
“They were found with the money taken from the vault.” Someone shouted out. “These nuns are not as innocent as they claim.”
“God will strike you down for the lies you tell.” One of the nuns yelled back. 
“And for your sins, sister?” They continued to argue. 
“Do not speak to her that way!” Your father walked over to the church people, sticking an arm out to defend them. 
“Where could they have possibly gotten all that money? It's an orphanage!” 
Some of the town’s police had turned up, moving people away from the crowd to come up at the front. Our sister noticed the sheriff hiding amongst the people, watching the arguments go down with a harsh stare. She furrowed her eyebrows, before turning to look at her dad.
“And where did you get it? Cheating your way through gambling?” Your father sneered back, looking at the man with a harsh glare. 
“They're probably hanging around the wrong kind of people. Probably have to do with those boys working at your hotel.” The man retorted, turning everyone’s attention onto your family. 
They began to murmur again, this time the sheriff looking at your father with an upturned nose. Your sister swallowed her spit to relieve the dryness in her throat. She had a bad feeling about all of this and had no idea how to solve it. The only one she thought of was you. 
“I hear they are friends with those officers from the capital. They're probably crooked cops.” The man continued.
“That is my son in law you're talking about.” Your father looked angry, walking up chest to chest with the man. “You better watch yourself.” He added.
“You defending them?” He asked your father. “Don't tell me you're involved.” He scoffed. 
“I wouldn't open my mouth if I were you. I know things that can ruin you.” Your father threatened. 
“Threatening me now?” He huffed. The man turned around to face the crowd, eyes catching sight of the sheriff. They gave each other nods of their heads, understanding where things were gonna go.
“We'll see how that ends for you, (L/N).” He told your father. 
Your father gave the sheriff a look before calmly walking over to your siblings and mother. Your mother pulled him into a tight hug. As your sister watched the sheriff talk with the man who was arguing, she turned to look at her parents. 
“Dad.” Your sister called out, her tone full of worry.
“Give all the money to (Y/N).” He whispered over your mom’s shoulder and towards your sister. “She'll know where to hide it.”
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Series Masterlist
@thefrog3223 , @iarayara , @0rangemilk , @explorewithd , @detectivedoodle , @bangtanxberm , @a1i33a , @loveforred , @drunken-deitence , @0325tiny , @the-ghostest-with-the-mostest , @atinyreads , @atinytinaa , @lexiigom , @smilingtokki , @mismatchfluffysocks , @brain-empty-only-draken , @sousydive , @alex-tinyy , @h3arteyes4mingi , @onedumbho3 , @popcatx0 , @blue1amory , @mommahwa1117 , @sunnyhokyu , @cloudieclair , @puppyminnnie
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calypsolemon · 1 year
okay let’s try and analyze anthy’s reactions during duels and why she sometimes is just completely still and other times she’s like “utena watch out!!” and other times she’s full on interfering. also how her relationship with utena and vice versa changes during the whole season
Lune you had no clue how much you were asking for when you sent this partway thru our watchthru lmaooo
I think the easiest question to answer here is "why she is completely still sometimes" and well it's that... most of the time she doesn't need to do anything. Anthy has been acting as the rose bride for what is clearly a looong time, and her "job" (her real job, as commanded by Akio, not what she presents to the duelists) essentially amounts to subtly manipulating people into projecting their desires onto her, so they will fight to own her. Usually, by the time they are at the arena clashing swords, Anthy has already done everything she needs to - the pawns are in place so to speak, she only needs to watch them play out their parts.
Beyond that, Anthy is generally emotionally disconnected from what goes on in the duels, despite the fact that they influence who she is going to have to live with. Though some duelists may, on a surface-level, treat Anthy better than others, and that might lead her to attempt to subtly push duels in her favor when she can, she ultimately sees her abuse at the hands of duelists as an inevitability, just another Thursday in the life of the Rose Bride. Therefore, apathy is the default Anthy emotion for any given duel.
So lets talk about the times when she is Very Much Not Apathetic
From the very first duel, she actually does express shock at Utena winning the duel with just a wooden sword. I will be honest, I dont actually put much weight onto this moment. I think its just sort of a natural reaction to someone so uninvested in either Anthy or the power she represents, winning the duel in such a dramatic way. I'm not even sure at this point she's clued in to Utena embodying Dios.
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More notably, we have Miki's duel, which is the first true sign of mid-duel intervention by Anthy. By this point Utena has had an actual moment of "Dios coming down from the castle to possess her," which... depending on your reading means either Anthy, Akio, or both see some sort of potential in Utena. So she blatantly throws the duel for Miki by directly contrasting the idea of protecting her she's purposefully built up till this point.
The most notable reaction from the first arc, though, would be in the second duel against Touga.
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This is after we get one of the only direct confirmations in this arc that Anthy is actually beginning to care for Utena; the scene where she is sitting alone, imagining Utena across from her at the table. In this moment, when Utena is fighting for her princely ideals despite the risk of actual death, Anthy is (for lack of a better term) triggered into recalling when Dios was gravely injured and still attempting to act as prince. And whether it is through the protective instincts of those memories, or just straight up being pulled out of concentration of what she's doing, it causes her to accidentally throw the duel for Touga, by rescinding her power from his sword.
So, we basically have two precedents set for Anthy reacting during duels: She sometimes consciously interferes as a strategic move, and she sometimes has a genuine emotional reaction, usually in relation to her memories of Dios being triggered and/or potential care for Utena. I don't actually think these two things are mutually exclusive, however, and they become muddled as we move into the Black Rose Arc.
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Anthy definitely begins to be a lot more lively during these duels, from interacting with the objects on the tables, to giving Utena's sword the blessing, to yelling for her as she catches her mid-air. Is this because she genuinely cares for or is concerned about Utena? Is projecting Dios onto her? Or is it just because Utena winning is what is necessary for the duels to function? Maybe some combo of all? Who knows
The most notable Black Rose Duel reaction, to me personally, is when Anthy downright demands Utena pull the sword from her against Wakaba. Its very uncharacteristic of her, and I believe its because, despite the Black Rose Duels being something she has a hand in, she may genuinely be concerned for her own life here, as she has built up Wakaba to be actually, murderously jealous of her personally, and Utena is actively refusing to fight.
As we move into the final arcs of the show, we get one of the most blatant Anthy duel disruptions to date:
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The sword of Dios disappears mid-battle, and instead of remembering Dios in the face of fighting against impossible odds, it is now Utena's words of friendship that spur her to jump in front of her, and draw her own sword from her chest. I really think this is one of the most significant mid-duel actions Anthy takes besides the final duel. It shows that Anthy's emotions are no longer being spurred on by simple relation back to Dios, but rather by the genuine care that Utena is showing her. Even if their relationship is about to be mired in turmoil thanks to Akio's interference, it was starting to become something real, and it was also starting to break down Anthy's carefully built walls.
I'm getting eepy and also this is getting long, so I'm going to stop the analysis train there. I could get into the final duel but quite frankly I think thats an essay in and of itself. Anthy's reactions during duels is really a fascinating topic and you could probably go on forever talking about it (just like everything else in this show)
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detectivereads · 3 months
Delicious in Dungeon vol 6 by Ryoko Kui
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This post is for fan entertainment, I’m not being paid.
Dungeon Meshi Thursday!
Ok part 2 of the Red Dragon Arc, we need answers of what happen with Falin. I do have a lot to say about certain characters so this might be long.
I may rehash a rant that I had in Vol 5, just because it shows up a lot in here. I will get into it when it’s in full swing. But I also have some thoughts on what Laios did as well. I would like to apologize if I tend to go on a tangent about Shuro. This volume has a lot of drama.
Ok, Vol 6 it picks up where Laios’s group meets up with both Shuro’s group and Kabru group, after some friendly-ish banter between everyone, and getting a meal ready to eat.
I have issues with Maizuru, yes, I can see her as the brains of their group, however I don’t like how she comes off as superior towards Senshi. (I don’t like people being mean to Senshi. Senshi is a precious bean.)
With that aside, I did like Chilchuck in this volume, thinking which of the two people Laios and Senshi he needs to stick by in order to do damage control if they irritated someone of in the new groups, he picks Senshi. I can see with his enthusiastic nature towards dungeon cooking.
However, Chilchuck picked the wrong person to keep an eye on, because while that was happening Laios had given a play by play to Shuro on what happened, how Falin was brought back from the dead. Shuro freaks out, and when looking at the method of using old magic when it has been forbidden a non-magic person would freak out about.
I can see both sides.
Laios wanted his sister back and Marcille could do a spell that could bring her back. Now, Marcille knew what she was doing, and even said that the spell was nothing nefarious.
While Shuro being a non-magic user hearing this and obeying the law of black magic is outlawed, would immediately end relationships with Laios and Marcille.
This is the start of Laios being moved down in my favorite character tier. Laios was almost expecting Shuro not to tell anyone top side. Granted, I understand that Laios told Shuro out of respect towards the man.
Ok more drama happens with Chimera Falin entering the fight and totally whoops everyone, but at one point she retreats.
With a good chunk of the group dead, they bring back the magic users, but refuse to allow Marcille’s help fearing that she would cast black magic again.
Ok new rant time
Shuro had traveled with Marcille I want to say a for a while. Shuro should know Marcille by now she would cast powerful magic only when she needs it too. Marcille also probably could also read the room that everyone is on edge about the ancient magic she casted to bring Falin back.
I also understand since Shuro is not a magic user he and the other non-magic users have more of a reason to be a bit wary.
I am sorry, Shuro is one of my least favorites at this point when he does get into a fist fight with Laios. Shuro complains that Laios was unbearable to be around that he never takes the hints that Shuro wanted to be alone.
This is another thing that bothers me, again traveling with Laios and the rest of the group before the first red dragon fight. Shuro should have picked up that Laios to put it bluntly is not the brightest blub in the box.
My friend made a nice comparison, that when Chilchuck is getting annoyed with Laios he will tell Laios without beating around the bush. Laios then understands and backs off. Shuro doesn’t voice his issues with Laios. Some people may not pick up the hints that person A wants to be left alone, you have to be direct about.
Ok, rant over.
After the fight and some planning Shuro and Kabru’s group are going topside to tell the lord that there is a more powerful monster in the dungeon.
While Laios’s group is going to defeat the mad mage of the dungeon.
Laios group runs into some shapeshifters, that have taken on the form of the group. As the whole group agrees that Laios is Laios, they locked up the fake Laios and some very obvious fakes of the 3. Everyone agrees that Laios should be the one that figures out who is real and who is fake.
Now we meet a new character, a beast person named Izutsumi, ok I will tell you know I really didn’t like her when I first met them. She is demanding and she threatens the group if they don’t help Izutsumi, she will murder/hurt them.
Izutsumi wants Marcille to take the beast part of her curse off and keeps threating if they don’t help, she will kill them.
 Senshi being the generous soul that he is, makes her some risotto.
But Izutsumi is not really well versed in how to whole eating utensils, having issues holding a spoon but is still shoveling the food down quickly. I can overlook that no one is perfect, but Izutsumi doesn’t like mushrooms (Ok, I don’t care for mushrooms either.) But she lets them fall to the floor.
Senshi has the patience of a saint, but it looks like Senshi patience has run out (psyche! Senshi is a sweet bean) But then Izutsumi’s curse is activated and a Japanese looking ghost (I’m sorry the name of the ghost with a oni looking mask and craving knife escapes me at the moment.)
So, once again Senshi giving so wise wisdom and being a bad ass taking down the ghost/demon, why using utensils a certain way will maximize the usage.
However, Marcille breaks the news to Izutsumi, her curse is not going to come off. Which crushes Izutsumi. (Or Marcille is unfamiliar with the process of the removal, she also goes into detail about the different types of ancient magic. While she specializes in one type she doesn’t know this type.)
The last chapter, I got newfound of respect for Marcille.
Marcille is facing a nightmare and Laios goes into her dream and tries to help. Through his adventure, Laios understands the fear that Marcille faces being part elf.  I will leave it at that.
Ok I know I had some rants throughout this volume, but that doesn’t mean that I didn’t like it. I have my favorite characters (if it’s not obvious) while throughout the journey I get new respect for others or others are moved down on my favorites list.
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sambuckylibrary · 7 months
TFATWS Anniversary Event 2024
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The @sambuckylibrary will be holding a The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Anniversary Event! The event will start on March 18th and run until April 28th. During that time, we will be reblogging and sharing the work you guys create here on our blog.
This event is not just for the creators, but for the commenters. You can post fanfiction, art, moodboards, edits, podfics, fic list recs, comments, etc. It’ll be a low-stakes event. No need to sign up. Just remember to tag @sambuckylibary in your post for each fill, and we will be tracking #tfatwsanniversary2024 for reblogs.
If you are posting on AO3, please add it toTFATWS Anniversary Event 2024 Collection.
Each week will have a different theme with prompts from Monday to Friday. Each prompt will also come with a badge you may use for it when you post. The weekly themes and their prompts will be:
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For the text version of the information above as well as the FAQ and rules, check the information under “keep reading”.
MONDAY: “I don’t think he’s the kind you save.”
TUESDAY: Sam Searches for Bucky
WEDNESDAY: “Can you move your seat up?”
THURSDAY: Team Up at the Airport
FRIDAY: On the Run
MONDAY: Laying Low
TUESDAY: Reunite in Wakanda
THURSDAY: Victory Party
FRIDAY: 6 Months of Ghosting
WEEK 3 (April 1 - 7): The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
MONDAY: Couple's Therapy
TUESDAY: “Let me just walk you through a hypothetical.”
WEDNESDAY: Madripoor
THURSDAY: “You’re just gonna set me up like that, huh?”
FRIDAY: The Cookout
WEEK 4 (April 8 - 14): Post-TFATWS
MONDAY: Meanwhile, on the Boat...
TUESDAY: Divorce Arc
THURSDAY: Better Thunderbolts Ideas
FRIDAY: Better Captain America 4 Ideas
WEEK 5 (April 15 - 21): AU Week
MONDAY: No Powers AU
TUESDAY: Period Piece
WEDNESDAY: Sci-fi/Fantasy AU
THURSDAY: Based on a Movie
FRIDAY: Ghost/Zombie AU
WEEK 6 (April 22 - 28): Sambucky Week
MONDAY: Didn’t Know They were Dating/Friends with Benefits
TUESDAY: Redwing
WEDNESDAY: Hurt/Comfort
THURSDAY: Separate, Long Vacations
FRIDAY: Dealer's Choice
What is this?
It’s a SamBucky event.
Is there any pressure?
No pressure at all.
Can I fill more than one prompt with one piece of art/one fic?
Yes! You can fill one prompt with one piece of art or fic. You can try to fill all five prompts that week at once with one piece of art or fic. You can do any number in between.
Are there any prizes for making anything for this event?
Just the satisfaction that you made something cool.
Is it just SamBucky?
Yes please, just SamBucky. There can be side ships, but the main ship should be SamBucky.
How long will this event run?
It will run from March 18th and run until April 28th.
I heard there are badges I can use for each fill?
There are! You can find the badges here.
What are the guidelines for the bingo?
I will be borrowing some of this from the MYSU Valentine’s Day Bingo 2022 Guidelines, since they were fantastic.
For Everyone:
1. Remember to @sambuckylibrary in the post as well as #tfatwsanniversary2024.
2. Please also tag the prompt you’re filling (for instance, if the square is “Redwing”, use “#redwing” as one of your tags when posting about it on Tumblr).
3. If you’re uploading to AO3, please:
a ) Say somewhere which prompt you’re filling.
b ) Add it to TFATWS Anniversary Event 2024 (TFATWS_Anniversary_Event_2024).
For Artists:
1. Create at least one piece of new art that can’t have been posted anywhere else before this.
2. All visual art forms are welcome:
a ) Gifsets, at least 3 gifs.
b ) Aesthetic boards or moodboards, at least 4 images each.
c ) Drawing/painting, that is not a sketch.
d) Fan video.
e) Graphics edit.
For Authors:
1. At least 500 words.
2. Posted on Tumblr or AO3.
3. Can be part of a series, but should work as a standalone.
For Podficcers:
1. The podfic should at least be 5 minutes long.
2. It should be posted on either Tumblr or AO3.
3. The podfic can be of a fic made for the event, a fic not made for the event while still adhering to the prompt, or a notfic.
For Fic Rec Lists:
1. You must have at least five fics or podfics on the rec list.
2. Make sure to give brief descriptions of the fics or podfics as well as their rating and wordcount.
For Commenters:
1. Any amount of comment counts, from a heart emoji (“❤️”) to an essay.
2. We would rather this be about what makes you happy and joyful about reading than any scathing critiques.
Things to be mindful of when creating:
For Sam
Avoid framing Sam only as a caretaker or emotional support for Bucky. Be mindful of Sam acting angry or aggressive in an out-of-character way and falling into the angry/sassy Black man trope (check out the MCU source material to help with character traits).
Avoid decentering Sam as a main character and refrain from focusing entirely on Bucky.
In art: avoid whitewashing Sam’s skin and research drawing Black characters.
General disclaimer: Race affects every aspect of his life, including interacting with police/government and the white structures of the world when it comes to performing his duties as Cap and simply being a Black man that lives in the U.S.
For Bucky
Avoid phrasing “flesh/normal/human hand” to refer to the contrast between his prosthetic arm and his right arm. The phrasing is ableist. You can simply refer to his prosthesis when relevant, otherwise use “right/left arm/hand”.
For more information, please check out this document suggested by @ninesdb on how to write Bucky as an amputee. @ninesdb is also open to questions if you have any queries not answered by the google doc.
Specific Tags:
Avoid tags in AO3 like “Sam Wilson is a Gift”, “Sam Wilson is a Saint”, and “Bucky Needs a Hug”.
Have fun and we look forward to your TFATWS Anniversary fics!
- The Mods
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yinyuedijun · 6 months
not to fire discourse shots on a thursday noon but I think it's absurd to love a character whose entire backstory and character arc revolves around the trauma of slavery and racism and then set arbitrary limits on writers who wish to write about those aspects of his characterization. like I'm not saying you HAVE to write or read content about this aspect of his character to appreciate him, but I think it is a little backwards to decide that the things that give him complexity as a character are exactly what we should not be writing about LMFAOAOFLSNSM
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Buddie: Eddie's 'Vertigo'
This makes me stand by my "Buddie Crack Theory" even harder than before.
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I've been posting for weeks about how off this season has been and the release of this poster leads me to believe my "Buddie Crack Theory" holds even more weight (for me at least) since TM the showrunner had to go to this extreme and post another late night cryptic message to Buddie Shippers. Please understand the GA doesn't follow social media in this manner to pick up his "Buddie clues" so he's doing this specifcally for those who 'ship Buddie.
BT bones incoming!
Now that I've had my LOL moment, I'll explain how I'm not going to get into the similarities between the original movie and TM's wacky depection of it since it's been done multiple times on 911blr, TikTok and other platforms. But I will say it's extremely suspicious that he's doing this now following everything that's happened since 7x7 aired.
Additionally, it's very interesting that he made a whole "movie" poster about this to help viewers understand what's in his mind🙄. He didn't do this for "Poseidon" or "Speed" or any of the other storylines he ripped off from blockbuster movies so there's that.
IMO, TM has been reading comments since Thursday (I think he's been doing it all season) about how much most veiwers f~cking hate this storyline for Eddie and he's trying to do something to corral Buddie shippers since a lot of them gave up on Buddie after the episode aired and they read the latest interviews.
If a storyline is this complicated then maybe TM should have reconsidered it. Based on the comments left on post mortem articles, not even the GA liked the cheating arc for Eddie so this is even more telling (something similar happened in season 5 with the introduction of Lucy D. after she kissed Buck in 5x11 and it's been speculated they cut her scenes in later episodes). Reminder, TM said it himself that he has to produce a show for everyone including the network executives and the GA not just Buddie shippers but he ships them too so... what's his motivation here? Apparently, he doesn't want Buddie shippers to give up but is he too late for those who already have? Possibly but only time will tell. Furthermore, IIRC, he's been wanting to include Devin K. back into the series since he killed off Shannon's character and now it appears he has his chance.
Finally, I'll say this... if you follow me you know that I've been posting since the season began that I believe Buck’s still in his coma dream. It's my "Buddie Crack Theory" and I haven't elaborated on it yet because I wanted to wait until the season progressed. But now I'm even more convinced it holds merit and I might elaborate on it with CANON proof now that TM has released this poster. Possibly later this week if I feel up to it.
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cozage · 1 year
The Daughter's Return: Part 3
Chapter 1: Sick with Dread
Part One | Next Chapter | Table of Contents | Read on AO3
There are a lot of new people here who may not know I have an ongoing series, so here's a little info about it. It started as a request and quickly grew into a multichapter fic (the longest one I've ever created!) The reader is Whitebeard's Daughter, who has a volcano devil fruit ability and who has been away for two years, only to return and meet a familiar spunky fire user. There's nineteen chapters before this, so you might want to go read those first for some background information, but we've just entered the start of what leads to the Marineford arc, so things are about to get real. It's a commitment, but I believe it's worth it if you're looking for a character-centric in-depth story!
If you're keeping up with the story, releases will be on Monday and Thursday unless I say otherwise!
Characters: female reader x Portgas D. Ace Word Count: 1.5k
You were fairly certain you were about to die. Jinx hadn’t left you alone for days. Jinx, who couldn’t stand you or your presence. Jinx, who only saw you as competition from the moment Ace saved her from that stupid box and she claimed him as her own. 
That cat had hated you from the moment it saw you. But now she was curled up on your chest, sleeping soundly. You could’ve sworn she was just waiting for the moment your heart stopped, so she could boastfully sit atop your corpse. That’s just how Jinx was. 
You couldn’t blame her; you were an easy target right now. The Spring ecosystem you were in had completely messed with your allergies. It was only a matter of time before she would be able to smother you and completely get away with murder. Some days you were so sick, you couldn’t even get out of bed to go throw up. Today was one of those days. 
You were sick from allergies and sick with worry. It was one day past due for Thatch to report back to the ship before the crew would have to send in a second team. He could’ve been caught, or killed, or tied up and made a mockery of. You had plenty of time to think about it, since you were basically bedridden at this point. 
You were certain the commanders and strategists were all thinking of a plan to go find out what had occurred, but it would take at least two days to mobilize them. And in that time, Thatch could be taken away or sunk to the bottom of the ocean. It hurt to breathe just thinking about it.
The door opened quietly, and you heard Ace’s voice from the doorframe. “Are you awake?” he whispered. “I have someone here for you.”
“I’m awake,” you said, your voice scratchy and raw. You almost got your hopes up about the visitor, but Ace sounded solemn, which was a good indicator that the visitor wasn’t Thatch.
Marco stepped inside instead, and you groaned at his appearance. “Just let me die, Marco. Leave me alone.”
He hummed, frowning over your body as you laid in bed. “I’d really like to run some tests,” Marco said. “The concept of fever and colds are completely foreign to your body, and yet something is clearly off. You shouldn’t be this sick for so long.”
“Or maybe the substitute cook has been cooking so badly he gave me food poisoning that’s lasted the past two weeks,” you shot back. “I want Thatch back.”
“I know.” Marco sat down on the bed next to you. “He’ll be home soon. In the meantime, let me get some bloodwork to check out.”
“No,” you hissed, pulling your arm away from him. “I told you, it’s just allergies.”
Marco looked at you with skepticism. He knew that it wasn’t just allergies, and you did too. 
“Allergies don’t make people throw up,” he reminded you gently. 
“Worry does,” you argued. “And so does food poisoning. So leave me alone.”
“If you’re not better by tomorrow, I’m taking your blood by force,” Marco said, getting up and heading for the door. He gave Ace a knowing look, as if to say “Good luck!” and then left you two alone. 
Marco had dealt with your varieties of illnesses over the years, and he knew you were too stubborn and whiny to listen to any of his advice. But for Ace, this was relatively new territory. You had been sick a few times over the past few months, but it had never been anything serious. Not like this. But you had been sick with worry ever since Thatch left. Something just didn’t feel right about this mission. 
Ace laid down next to you and began to brush your matted hair from your face, but instantly pulled back. 
He scowled at you. “I know you’re upset and want to be alone, but you don’t have to burn me.”
“I’m tired and I want to rest,” you groaned, turning away from him in bed. “Just let me sleep for a little bit, please?”
Ace sighed and got up from the bed. It was clear Marco must’ve given him some pointers. 
“I’ll let you know if I hear any news about Thatch, okay?”
“Thank you,” you whispered, trying your best to sound normal. 
The door opened and with a soft click of the door handle, he was gone. 
You hadn’t meant to burn him, but you couldn’t let him know that. Your powers had been a little haywire recently. You were overloaded on stress and high emotions, and though you had thought you had gotten that mostly under control, it seemed that your powers sometimes had a mind of their own. 
You’d be more concerned about it, but you were so damn tired that you fell asleep before you had time to think too hard. 
You weren’t sure how long you were asleep, but you woke again to Ace’s voice, jostling you awake.
“Y/N,” he whispered, shaking you lightly. “Thatch is back.”
You sat up immediately, looking around the room. The sudden motion made Jinx hiss and bolt away from you, but you didn’t care. At least she was acting normal again.
“Where?” you asked. 
“Out on the deck.”
You jumped up, ignoring the queasy feeling in your gut, and took off towards the deck. As you emerged, the setting sun illuminated the ship in a golden glow. You scanned the ship, desperately searching for him. He was here, somewhere. He had to be. 
And then you found him, his pompadour hair making him stand out from the crowd. 
“Thatch!” You screamed, running towards him. 
His eyes moved over to you and he broke out into a massive grin, holding his arms open to catch you. 
You slammed into him with such force, the two of you almost fell to the ground. But he kept you steady, like he always did. You did your best to keep the tears out of your eyes, but you were so relieved that he was okay. 
“I told you I’d be back,” he said, rubbing your back.
“You’re late,” you sobbed into his chest. “You promised two weeks.”
“Will you forgive me?”
You pulled away from him, wiping the tears from your eyes. “I guess I can this time. Just don’t do it again.”
He smiled and gave you a nod. “Yes ma’am. You have my word.”
You had been so happy to see him, you hadn’t realized he had come back with a prize. 
“You found a devil fruit?” you asked, looking at it skeptically.
“I did!” Thatch grinned, holding it out for you to see. “Take a look!”
You took the fruit from him and examined it. It was a small purple fruit that looked relatively unimpressive. There was no real indication of what it did exactly. But still, finding a devil fruit was a great feat, even on the Grand Line. 
“What are you going to do with it?” you asked, still checking it over for any indication of what it could be. 
“Not sure yet,” Thatch admitted. “I’m not sure I want to lose my ability to swim, especially if it’s a lame power. I might just sell it.”
You nodded. “There’s no good way to tell what it does, really. Probably better selling it than taking a risk for a lame power.”
“Pretty cool though, huh?!” He stood proud and tall. 
“You’ve got color again!” Marco called, walking over to the two of you. “She was sick with worry, you know.”
Thatch laughed and pulled you in for another hug. “It was definitely a challenge. You were right, we were better off taking a few members from Division Two. But we made it work.”
“I knew you would,” you said, giving him a tight squeeze. “I’m glad you’re safe.”
“Alright,” he said, pulling away from you and addressing the crowd. “Let’s eat!”
He took his devil fruit back from you and headed for the kitchen. Your appetite was back now that your cook was back. All felt right with the world. 
“You look better,” Ace said, grabbing your hand with his own. 
“I feel better,” you admitted. “God, I was so nervous. It feels so silly looking back on it.”
Ace pulled you in, dropping a sweet kiss on your lips that tasted like cinnamon. 
You pulled away from him, grinning giddily. “Did the commanders do Welcome Back shots?”
Ace gave a nervous laugh. “Maybe two or three,” he admitted. “You weren’t the only one who was nervous today.”
That was a little bit of a relief. Everyone else had kept such cool demeanors, you were worried you had been overreacting. But everyone had been nervous, they were all just better at hiding it. But now the anxiety that had covered the ship was nothing but a fading memory.
“Let's go eat,” you said, pulling him along with you. You were excited to finally have food that agreed with your stomach again, and finally felt like you could eat in peace.
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