#tim alberta
quotesfrommyreading · 2 years
The fundamental problem, Meijer said, is that Republicans are offering no plans for improving lives and making the future a more promising place. Instead, the party continues to rely on grievance and fear—and misinformation—to scare voters into their ranks.
  —  What the GOP Does to Its Own Dissenters (December 2021)
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poolparty13 · 1 year
Battle of Alberta: Rapid Fire Trivia
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kelticangel · 4 months
not an ask but i have a suggestion, i just learned there is a popular brand named 'no name' and if you can find one please make xar experience it and try these perfectly normal foods that look so different then what you would expect
Bwahaha!! I love this idea! 💜 No Name brand is such a thing
For the uninformed, my buddy Xarrior is coming to Canada to visit me in 10 days. I'm going to try and give them as many Canadian experiences as can be managed including:
- going to a rodeo
- trying Canadian foods and snacks
- going to the mountains
- axe throwing
We're gonna be livestreaming the Canadian foods one and they might make a tier list as we go (if I can figure out how to integrate it)
If you're at all curious, please come watch!! Streaming from YouTube on May 25 from 9am until noon MDT
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thekanucklehead · 2 years
Canadians, remember those supremely shitty lids Tim’s used to have and how we all hated them? Isn’t it a cruel twist of fate they replaced them with even shittier ones?
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sonicmoremusic · 2 years
The 2023 Mariposa Folk Festival has Announced its Lineup
Tegan and Sara, Feist, Rufus Wainwright, The Wood Brothers, Rural Alberta Advantage, KT Tunstall, Wild Rivers, Judy Collins, Matt Andersen & the Big Bottle of Joy, Jeremy Dutcher, plus 39 more!  The Mariposa Folk Festival returns July 7 to 9 to Tudhope Park in Orillia with an amazing lineup.Nearly 50 acts were revealed today for the 2023 edition of the iconic music festival.Discover Your New…
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walrusmagazine · 1 year
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Why Alberta Is Bullying Its Cities
Progressive mayors in Edmonton and Calgary are being undermined for political gain
Punching at another government, party, or political opponent in response to criticism is standard fare in politics, especially in current times, where leaders like to zero in on people’s divisions. But what Alberta’s United Conservative Party government has taken to doing, unlike most other provincial governments, is punch downward at its big-city mayors as if they were opposition parties. Soon after the party’s 2019 provincial win, then justice minister Doug Schweitzer labelled Naheed Nenshi, who was mayor of Calgary at the time, as “Trudeau’s mayor.” In 2022, then premier Jason Kenney dismissed urbanites and city leaders who were vocally uncomfortable with his relaxed COVID-19 health measures as the “government-funded laptop class.”
Read more at thewalrus.ca.
Illustration by Jason Lin (@jasonlinillustration)
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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Why Alberta Is Bullying Its Cities Progressive mayors in Edmonton and Calgary are being undermined for political gain The post Why Alberta Is Bullying Its Cities first appeared on The Walrus. https://thewalrus.ca/why-alberta-is-bullying-its-cities/
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eyra · 3 months
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snapshots from a campground near mystic peak, alberta - Chapter 2 - eyra - Harry Potter [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 2/3 Fandom: Harry Potter Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin Additional Tags: Marauders Era (Harry Potter), Modern Era, Alternate Universe - Non-Magical, Summer, Road Trips, Canada, Mountains, references to Tim Hortons, Friends to Lovers, There Was Only One Bed, There Was Only One Tent, Camping, Photography, Bears The campground was fantastic: a wide and sunny meadow dotted with a handful of tents and surrounded by knobbly pine trees, tall as houses, and with a sweeping view out over the valley and the jagged mountaintops beyond. That big blue sky, and everything painted in such golden sunlight that the whole place took on a warm and Kodaky sort of hue, like Sirius might’ve already photographed it on film with his grainy old second-hand lens. It's a Canadian roadtrip adventure! The perfect summer, apart from the way Remus is doing Sirius's head in, and the way Sirius can't figure out why.
more mountains, more bears, more teenage petulance. x
🐻 playlist here 🐻
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socialjusticeinamerica · 10 months
I’ve told you this before but I’ll repeat it. George “Dubya” Bush began the practice of paying Evangelical pastors to preach against Democrats and in favor of Republicans.
After coming out of rehab for coke addiction “Dubya” became a born again evangelical. As dumb as he is he quickly realized that southern and rural evangelicals were poorly educated and completely uniformed bible thumpers that could easily be bought off and used as a political propaganda props.
“Dubya”, who had deserted the Texas Air National Guard and had many scrapes with the law, had his record expunged by his father who had been director of the CIA. Papa Bush helped Nixon open China to Republikkkan corporations and then as VP assisted Reagan in his war on the American middle class and poor. When “wimpy” dad ran for President, Jr fell in with evil brain bug Karl Rove who put the coke addict in charge of buying evangelical clergy. A fairly easy task because evangelical churches are independent, for profit businesses with no hierarchy to answer to like the mainstream Protestants churches or the Catholics. The effort brought in so many new Republican recruits that it continues to this day.
During the Obama years the Justice Department investigated and revoked the non-profit status of evangelical and Baptist churches that were preaching Republican culture war bullshit. This infuriated them and was largely responsible for the massive backlash against Obama and the Dems. Although this was highly underreported it was a very sore point for the GOP thieves. Even today most Dems think the overreaction by Republicans to Obama was purely racism (and let’s face it they are racist bastards) when in fact it was partly that Barry Obama had cut deeply into their lucrative propaganda/fundraising in the south and rural areas. Although it’s not entirely clear that Obama led this effort to undermine the fascist GOP it shook them to the core. They need the pastors to tell the MAGAts how to vote and who to donate to.
Today the evangelical fake Christians of the old Confederacy are the backbone of the MAGA cult and they have been groomed to accept Trump as a “mercenary” for their bastardization of religion. They are willing to overlook his embodiment of the seven deadly sins because he pushes their agenda, not because he believes in it but because he needs their money and votes. It’s a match made in the bowels of Fox News Hell. They’re aware he’s the biggest sinner in the country but he’s their last best chance to set up a Christo-fascist state. Something that wasn’t even on their radar until the Bush dynasty, Karl Rove, and the RNC came knocking on their doors. They think they’re driving the car but they’re just the limo drivers for the oligarchs and their GOP puppets.
It should be noted that there are some cracks in the armor as many college age evangelicals have been speaking up against the tidal wave of cruelty and evil coming from Trump and the GOP. Somebody must have introduced them to the New Testament and Socialist Jesus. For the most part however the old guard televangelist figureheads have been silencing dissent. The young on both sides, while very vocal, haven’t exactly turned out in the massive numbers we keep hoping for.
Republicans still rely on a coalition of evangelical bible thumpers, far-right Nazis, southern/rural gun nuts, the wealthy, and Deep South Americanized Hispanics. The Dems are still largely a coalition of adult African-Americans, Northeast/West coast progressives, the over educated, urban dwellers, and union members (except for police unions). Thanks for reading and following.
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briarcrawford · 1 year
Little Details For Writers To Make Winters Seem More Real ❄
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In the past I did the post “Writing Realistic Winter Scenes,” but it did not quite cover everything, so I thought I would add some more tips! I hope they help for making your stories more realistic.
Stomping Feet.
Only rude people don’t stomp snow off their boots before coming inside. Where I live, you will often also see people giving their boots a good stomp before entering a store.
Once inside a home, take off your boots and (if they have one) put it on a boot tray to stop puddling. If you are entering a store, many locations have rugs by the door. Once inside, wipe your feet a few times.
Holding a drink with both hands and no metal mugs/plates.
Tim Horton drinks are called “Canadian hand warmers” for a reason, so you will often see people waiting for a bus or city train with a drink in both their hands.
As for the metal mugs and plates, I learned my lesson for this one very quickly. When I was an Air Cadet (teens) we would go on weekend survival trips, and most the kids idolized military kits. So, many kids(myself included) would purchase military mess kits. Now, I am not saying they are not handy; plates, bowls, and even a tiny frying pan, all fold up together neatly and flat in your bag, so what is not to love?
Well, when you are camping in places below -25c, and you take off your glove for a moment, you may find your skin sticking to the metal of your plate(thanks to the cold, and steam from your meal). Now, this might seem funny, but if you are not careful, you could actually remove skin.
So, metal is great for cooking and great for the summer, but I suggest being careful if you plan on using them to eat with in the winter.
Bringing Your Animals In
In medieval times, farm animals were often brought into the house. Some houses kept them on the bottom floor while living on the top floor, others not so much. This is to keep the animals from freezing to death, but also to add some extra warmth in the house.
It was not just in the past, either. My past co-worker grew up on a goat farm, and said if it was too cold out, they would bring the baby goats in to run wild in the basement. She remembers it fondly, but it must have been incredibly chaotic for her parents haha.
New Water Source:
Creeks, lakes, and wells will likely freeze over, but luckily you may have another option: snow! Just look for a clean patch, scoop it up, and heat it. It is not a perfect system (during my wilderness survival training days, there were times of picking pine needles out of the water) but it was better than wasting energy to go cut into the ice every several times a day(the holes will re-freeze over).
If it is cold without snow, cutting the ice is exactly what you’ll have to do.
Tree Wells:
Evergreens — like pine trees — are built to shed snow off their triangle-shaped form, so often have little pockets around the trunk with less or no snow. This might not sound like a problem, but occasionally people on skis and other equipment die in them. People are on the move, fall headfirst into them, and their skis are pinned above in the snow out of reach.
Alternatively, these wells can be an emergency shelter from a storm or hunting hiding spot. Do note that you (for the obvious reason of wood everywhere) can not light a fire in these shelters.
Easy Tracking:
It’s not easy to hide prints in the winter, and they are more obvious. This could be good if your character is tracking something, but bad if they are trying to get away.
Some shows have the characters sweeping the ground behind them, but if the snow is over a foot deep, that wont really work.
Realistic Ice:
If you are on a lake, do not expect it to be quiet. It is always flexing and cracking, and sometimes this sounds like a pop, and other times it can sound like the lake is singing.
Ice can also look different. Some (like Abraham Lake in Alberta) is known for it’s frozen bubbles, while others flex so much while freezing that the ice breaches the surface into what look like frozen waves.
While we are on the topic of ice, crampons/ice cleats. Crampons are spikes that attach to your boots, and people here use smaller ones just for walking the dogs. They bite into the ice, making you less likely to slip. They are not a new invention, either. They have found archeological evidence of them that are thousands of years old in different places around the world.
If it is very cold out, sounds are louder. This is one part because there are no leaves on the trees, but also because noise travels through cold air easier. Both these are why any sound (such as the crunching of snow) can seem so loud in the winter.
Alternatively, the snow can muffle sounds (it is an insulator) but only to a certain temperature. This insulation can make the world around you seem almost unnaturally quiet as it muffles any surrounding sounds.
So basically, mildly cold with snow means muffled sounds, while very cold means traveling sounds.
Multiple Socks:
If you are hiking in the winter, it is recommended that you carry at least three pairs of socks to change into at some time. The reason? Your feet will still sweat even if it’s cold, and that sweat can freeze. As a general rule, if your feet start getting cold, consider changing socks.
Boots Near The Fire:
In movies, characters always put their hands near the fire, and that does happen. It is not just the hands, though. People often sit with their boots near the fire and they may start to steam as the ice and snow melt.
This can be so tempting, that there is normally that one person in the group who accidentally melts the rubber of a boot by putting it too close to the fire, or by resting their boot on the metal rings that some campsites have. While we were sleeping in lean-to’s, one kid even scooted too close to his fire in his sleep, and woke to his whole boot melting. It melted so bad, his boot had to be duct-taped together or else they would send him home.
Since people in the past would not have rubber/plastic on their boots, they would react differently to the fires, but you can bet people in the past did the same.
Pack Sled:
If the snow is deep, you may see people (especially skiers and snowshoers) with a sled that has their pack in it. This is to help take some of the weight off you, which stops you from sinking as far in the snow.
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Little Modern Details:
Shoveling the Walks
It’s a silly detail, I know, but it is never in books or movies. Here, you have to shovel your walks by law, but there are two other reasons as well. You need to keep the snow from piling up over your boots, and also to keep your vehicle from getting stuck. For this, people either own a shovel or a snow-blower, then put salt or gravel over the icy spots.
Our homes here are built with a roof overhang to keep snow and such from piling at the door, but homes that are not so lucky (such as places that don’t normally get snow) or homes that face towards the wind, might end up being snowed in if they don’t keep up with shoveling.
Prep your vehicle.
In movies and books in cold places with a storm, the hero jumps into the car and rushes away. In real life, they wouldn’t be able to see out the windows. The real process: Start your vehicle about 10min before leaving. While you wait for it to warm, brush off the snow and scrape ice from the windows.
If your character is in that much of a rush, they can put the window down (if it is not frozen) and stick their head out the window while they drive(100% not recommended lol. You can’t even use a seatbelt if you do this).
Fighting for the Register:
If you are a kid and you come in with wet boots, the fight for the spot over the heat register is on! Those with the lucky spot will have far drier and warm boots or mittens for next use.
Dead Batteries:
If it is really cold out and you have something like a phone with you, you had better keep it in your inside pocket(most winter jackets have them) closest to your body. If not, even a full battery can completely die out in record time. Batteries simply are not made to handle extreme cold. They sometimes turn on again if you warm them up, but other times you will have to plug them in and charge them.
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onekindredspirit · 10 months
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Eagles - Revisited
(a train journey across Canada in the months before the pandemic)
For Maria
“I reckon they’re eagles!” That’s Tim. He’s excited. The dining car is full of people and it’s loud. For some reason, if you put a lot of humans into a confined space they will yell at each other. Around our table there’s Tim, he’s a retired London detective, there’s a teacher from Newfoundland, an Australian and me. We’re somewhere in the Rockies of Canada and Tim thinks he sees eagles. Tim also thinks I ‘know things’, so I’m not totally convinced about the eagles.
“Where?” That’s the Australian. Her accent is a brutal drawl, like the sawing of a blunt serrated knife across the back of the hand.
“There! They’re big birds.” He’s pointing, very excited now.
I can’t see anything but I decide I need to contribute something anyway, “But are they real?”
Retired London detectives don’t much care for nonsense.
“Of course they are!” Tim snaps back at me.
Perhaps coming to my defence, the Australian decides to take him down.
“They’re not eagles … I reckon they’re crows.”
Tim’s hurt “They are!” The level of his indignation easily exceeds the pointlessness of the conversation and so the farce begins.
I tune out. A mind is a wonderful place if you can tame it … but good luck with that.
Suddenly I’m brought back – “He ‘knows things’ you know.” Tim’s making a public declaration and all eyes are on me.
“Whadda ya mean?” The Australian is sceptical.
“He ‘knows things’ I tell you!” Tim is my biggest supporter.
“Like what?” The Australian picks up the scent.
Now Tim has to prove I ‘know things’ … I hope it doesn’t go to a Senate Committee.
“Well, he knew how old I was.”
It’s true.  Tim had asked me, “How old do you think I am?”
I didn’t hesitate - “71.” My immediate reply stunned him.
“How did you know that?”
“I just do.”
Magicians don’t show their audience the secrets of their tricks, do they? But okay, in a previous conversation Tim had told me the year he’d joined the ‘force’ and I had then enquired about his age on joining … mathematics is also a wonderful thing.
But the Australian isn’t going to accept this flimsy story as evidence of my “knowing things”. She wants more proof. I expected that. Their entire culture was built on a challenge to authority. So perhaps I do ‘know things’ after all.
“Okay, whadda ‘bout this?” the Australian begins. Now it’s the big test for me. I’m feeling fit, I’ve been in training for months and my fighting weight is perfect.
The Australian continues “We were at a talk last night, in the observation car, about agriculture in Alberta.”
Tim nods “It was good.” I love his optimism.
“You weren’t there were you?” The Australian would have done well during the McCarthy era communist ‘witch hunts’ of the 1950’s.
“No.” I almost laugh. Of course not, I was someplace else on the train, enjoying my somewhat tamed mind.
“Okay then, tell us … how much do you think a combined harvester costs?”
I don’t hesitate “Between $400,000 and $500,000.”
The look of disappointment on the Australian’s face is kind of funny. Tim, on the other hand, is gleeful to be proven right after suffering such a bad loss over the eagles.
“See, I told you!”
The Australian narrows her eyes. She smells a rat. “You were there weren’t you?”
“He wasn’t!” That’s Tim, he’s still my biggest supporter.
“No, I wasn’t there.” I confirm.
“Tell him!” Tim is going in for the kill.
“$450,000 ...” Her voice trails off. The Australian doesn’t like being wrong.
So the wonders appear to continue but there’s no mystery here either. I live in a rural community and I have an inquisitive mind. One day I had asked myself “I wonder what a combined harvester costs?” You’ve probably asked yourself the same question at one time or another.
For the rest of the journey I wear the aura of a man who ‘knows things’. It’s an enigmatic position to take in life. In part, you are ‘messiah’. You walk the corridors of the train surrounded by a spectral glow, robes flowing, your hands outstretched offering benedictions and people whisper “he ‘knows things’ you know.” On the other hand, being ‘messianic’ is a lonely business but I don’t mind, I have my somewhat tamed mind for company.
Of course I made the ‘messiah’ bit up. I have a wish that life could be just a little more absurd than it already is. In truth, only Tim thinks I know things. The Australian thinks she’s been tricked and everyone else on the train couldn’t care less, which is how I like it.
Later … days later our train pulls into Toronto. My hotel is only 100 metres from the station so I linger in the compartment, packing, dreaming.
When I finally get to the baggage carousel I’m surprised to see Tim. He has his back to me. There is a younger man with him and they have the body language of two people who know each other well. Both are English and it’s obvious the younger guy was also on the train, judging by the baggage labels on his luggage. But this is the first time I’ve seen them together, which I find strange.
Then Tim reacts. I presume the hairs on the back of his neck have suddenly stood on end because he turns. Maybe that’s how he became a detective in the first place – he has good instincts.
Tim recognizes me and completely fails to disguise the look of alarm in his eyes.
There’s something about the younger man … and then comes that feeling, like the fitting of the final piece in a jigsaw, and I understand.
We all have things we feel we need to hide. Mostly the world isn’t looking but if you happen to end up on a train with someone who ‘knows things’, it’s very hard to escape the truth … some people just ‘know things’.
Tim hurriedly looks away.
I’m sorry to have unsettled him and all I really want to say now is “Tim, eagles are real”.
- One Kindred Spirit
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mayiwritesomething · 6 months
Love Is An Unfamiliar Name (pt. 2)
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Wordcount: 1,9 k
Warnings: none
A/N: hope you enjoy as much as i enjoyed writing it :)
Few months had passed since THAT NIGHT, you had finished two short movie scores. Like many composers, you occasionally played with a band, starting out as a sound engineer intern during your music bachelor's degree. It was during this time that you met the group who would later invite you to become their bass player for live shows. Almost fifteen years down the line, there you were, laying down bass lines for their next album.
As the session ended, you reached for your water bottle when your bandmate, Tim, called out to you. "Hey there, kiddo. I know you're taking some time off soon. Can I count on you for the upcoming tour? I'm planning just a few shows so I can spend more time with the kids," he mentioned while packing his gear. 
"Timmy, you know I'll be there! By June, I should have everything wrapped up so we can start post-production," you assured him. Tim happened to be Amy's husband, whom you introduced, and they had been together for nearly a decade.
"When are you leaving?" he inquired.
"Next Monday, I'm off to Alberta, then back to LA for a few days, off to Paris, then back to Canada, and on and on," you explained.
"The way you put it, it sounds like just a month or two," Johnny chimed in.
"Come on! I don't know why you're talking like that. Most of your work will be in post-production," you retorted, playfully pushing him. Johnny, a master in sound effects, was also part of your team, along with Tim, who excelled in translating emotions into music. Tim, however, would be less involved this time due to his newborn daughter. While he would assist on set some days, you had planned most of his work for the final score during post-production.
"I'll admit, I'm just as nervous as you are," Johnny confessed. "Things are getting real now."
"It sure is, and you're both in this with me. If you mess up, I'll fire you with no mercy," you teased, laughing.
"Remember when we met this girl man, she was 20-something, sitting shy behind a board working on synthesizers? Years later, she's our boss in the cinematographic world." Tim beamed proudly, resembling an older brother.
"Well, you know I'm here because you never let me fall," you expressed gratefully, recalling how they had always supported you as if you were their little sister, even during your toughest times.
"Oh, I forgot how cute and loving you can be sometimes." Johnny embraced you, joined by Jim and Lucas, the drummer who had just entered the room, unaware of the conversation.
"What would I do without you guys?" You chuckled, feeling a sense of belonging, and these guys made it feel like home.
On Sunday, you began packing your luggage, gathering everything you needed to feel comfortable in the hotel that would serve as your Canadian residence for the coming months.
Monday morning, you double-checked everything once again before meeting Jenny at the airport around 2:00 PM to catch your flight, realizing the scale of the project as the entire crew was set to travel on a private flight.
Spotting Jenny amidst a small group at the airport, you recognized familiar faces from the sound department. While conversing with your new colleagues and waiting to check in, you headed to the self-service area for snacks when a familiar voice caught your attention from behind.
"Just make sure not to take the Reese's, Mrs. Coordinator," the voice teased.
"I'm more of an M&M's kind of girl," you retorted playfully. "You can have it all; it’s not like I care... - Pedro," you replied, turning to face him.
"Wow, you can be quite rude sometimes. Has anyone ever told you that?" Pedro seemed taken aback.
"That's just my way of showing affection," you quipped, attempting to break the ice, the joke clear in your mind.
"Like a hedgehog, huh? Got it, Sonic," Pedro replied, retrieving his items. The mention of Sonic brought a smile to your face.
"Sonic?" you questioned.
"Yeah, the hedgehog, Mrs. Coordinator," he continued teasing.
"Please, stop calling me that," you insisted.
"Sonic?" Pedro teased again.
"You're incredibly annoying, has anyone ever told you that?" You fired back.
"A few times, but at least I don’t jump to conclusions about someone else's personality," Pedro responded, a hint of a smile appearing as he took a sip of water.
"What's the matter, dude?" Your feisty side emerged. "I already apologized for that, and now you're going to keep bringing this up every chance you get?" He was right; you can be very rude. "I mean... I'm not... I... 
"Nothing's wrong." Pedro's smile faded. "I thought you'd be okay with a joke about a stupid situation, one that, let's be clear, you created. Yes, I brought it up as a joke for the first and last time… ‘cause it seems we have different senses of humor," he continued earnestly. You found yourself agreeing with him, but you were too proud to give up.
"Alright, maybe we do have different humors. And you were the one who called me rude in the first place." You knew this time you sounded like a neglected child.
"Did I lie?"
"No," you conceded, trying not to sound stubborn. "But since we're going to be working together, perhaps we should try to understand each other better. I was joking about the Reese's incident, you know." You sounded just like your therapist now. “…And”
"FINALLY, THERE YOU ARE! May and I have been wandering around like two old ladies looking for their cats," Jenny chimed in, appearing out of nowhere like an angel to save you from yourself.
"Hey Jennifer, how's it going?" Pedro greeted her with a hug that got you thinking. You don’t hug Jenny quite as often as you should. "We were just discussing how we're going to make things work."
"Sure, we were," you muttered, a hint of annoyance in your voice.
"Ah, I see you've already experienced this girl's unique sense of humor," Jenny remarked, trying to lighten the mood. Though her comment irritated you, you knew she meant well.
"Unfortunately, he has, Jen," you replied, attempting to sound nice.
"Jenny, have you ever heard the phrase 'all bark, no bite'? It seems like your friend here fits that bill," Pedro observed with a cynical smile, not in a malicious way but more like a curious mind pondering your next move. Was he provoking you? You got confused...
"I can bite, but only if you ask nicely," you retorted, catching him off guard. His cheeks flushed, Jenny chuckled, and she made her way to the self-service area.
"What happened, ‘Mr. I have an answer to everything’? Cat got your tongue?" You teased him, noting his silence as he processed your response. You started to feel a bit foolish.
"Talking to you is truly a rollercoaster," Pedro remarked, attempting to sound confident, though you noticed his hand twitching. "That's a compliment, Sonic. Before you decide to pounce on me," he added shyly and genuinely. What just happened? Why did you do this to someone who isn’t your usual type? Well, you might be a wooden heart, but certainly you’re not dead. 
"See you around then?" He regained his confidence. "All bark, no bite." 
You were on the verge of responding that you hoped not, but before you could, he approached you and gently patted your shoulder, his hand resting there for a moment. A surge of electricity shot through your body so swiftly that you felt like a supernova had just exploded within you. Startled, you stepped back, fear creeping in. What was happening?
"Hey?" He looked confused. "Are you okay?"
You nodded in affirmation, and he smiled, remarking, "Quick reflexes, huh?” 
This time, you were caught off guard. Physical touch was something you weren’t used to. Your body language resembled that of a feral cat—life had shaped you into this defensive creature. Earth Calling. 
"Haha," you attempted to maintain the cool facade you had two minutes ago, "Isn't speed one of Sonic's powers?"
"I guess it is.”
"Well, are we cool then?" you asked, a hint of confusion in your voice.
"Why wouldn't we be?" he responded. 
"Pedro, we just..."
"It's okay," he reassured, moving closer as you instinctively stepped back, clutching your pack of peanut butter M&M's like a protective talisman. "Hey, it's really okay. You've said what you needed to say, and I've done the same. We're cool." Sensing your anxiety, he urged, "Trust me."
"Okay, I think we should head back.” You said. “Jenny and May are probably feigning indecision over their purchases to make sure we don’t kill ourselves," you suggested, opening your M&M's pack. He observed your delicate movements, ensuring the package remained intact.
"I’m sure of that... Just like how Jenny watches out for you, May prevents me from fucking things up," Pedro remarked with a laugh.
"Two grown adults with their babysitters," you joked, glancing over his shoulder at Jenny and May. You signaled for them to join you and Pedro, as he turned and did the same. 
"Hey, Hi!" May approached you enthusiastically. "I couldn't believe it when Pedro said he'd be working with you! I don't want to sound like a fangirl, but I love your music work! The last score you created was fantastic, and your work with Mended Fragments... I can't wait to see you guys perform live again!"
"Oh, uh, thank you... May," you replied, extending your hand. "I'm truly grateful to hear that,” you said shyly. “I must admit, I still don’t how to act in these situations, but I genuinely appreciate it." Your skin flushed with warmth. “We will play some gigs next year, i can get you some cool spots if you want”
"Really???" She was trying to hide how starstruck she was.
"Wow, enjoy it, May.” Pedro said, “She wasn't this friendly to me when we first met, and I told her I was a fan of her work. The very same day she called me the 'Game of Thrones guy.'" In that final sentence, he glanced at you like a cat poised to knock a cup of water off a table. He was teasing you, and he wanted you to know that.
This time, you didn't take the bait. Instead, you quipped, "You were on a date, Pedro, and my morals weren't the best that night. I'd rather not risk it." You chuckled, while Jenny smirked by his side.
"Come on!" He said it, feigning disappointment. "I thought we were due for another discussion," he glanced at you, "boriiiing."
"Guys, let's go. We have a flight to catch," May interjected, sensing the tension. The four of you made your way to meet the rest of the crew. Taking a seat beside Jenny, you found yourself smiling, and Jenny looked surprised at you.
"It's been a while since I've seen this," she remarked, her expression bright.
"See what?"
"This very one smile," she said, flashing her teeth.
"I'm not—"
"I'm not smiling. I don't feel anything. I'm the ice queen," she cut in, teasingly imitating you. "Everyone, look at how mean and bad I am." She continued…
"I have no idea what you're talking about," you responded, laughing and looking at the surroundings to ensure no one was paying attention.
"If anything happens between you two, you owe me 1000 bucks."
"Make it 2000, because nothing's going to happen. Deal?"
"Deal. I'm thrilled at the thought of being $2000 richer without doing anything."
"Keep dreaming," you retorted, picking up a book to read and acknowledging silently that she kind of had a point.
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heartlandians · 6 months
Season 18 Spoilers Masterlist (episode by episode)
Pre-production April 24 - May 13, 2024
Shot between May 14 - August 28, 2024 Hiatus June 29 - July 7, 2024
Season 18 premieres Fall 2024
OBVIOUSLY THERE ARE SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT, SO YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! I will update this post with all the new info we get.
The success of a family run ranch in the foothills of Alberta isn’t guaranteed even in the best of times, but when Season 18 begins Heartland’s future has never been more precarious. With new competition from a neighbouring ranch, and a drought threatening the health of the herd, the only solution is for the Bartlett-Fleming family to buckle down and adapt like never before. Amy’s work with horses continues to be her focus, but when she unexpectedly finds her heart pulled in two different directions, she’ll be forced to make a difficult decision. Lou will be more involved than ever in the family cattle business, often putting her at odds with Jack and Tim. But when it matters most, the entire family will come together and prove that no adversity is too great when you’re united. It will take courage, resolve, and strength of character to overcome the challenges ahead. In other words, it’ll take true grit.
18x01 - True Grit
Heartland struggles with competition from Pryce Beef just as Amy agrees to help Nathan Pryce in a sheepdog competition. Lou, Jack and Tim are feeling the strain as a water shortage is on the horizon.
Written by: Directed by: Dean Bennett (?)
Filmed between: May 14 - May 31, 2024 (Block 1) Airs: September 29 (CBC Gem) / October 6, 2024 (CBC TV)
Characters: Amy, Jack, Lou, Tim, Lyndy, Nathan. Guest stars: Animals: Plot points: sheep herding competition with dogs (Amy + Nathan), drought.
Music: Extras:
Preview | First minutes | 18x01 tag | Screencaps
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18x02 - Bird's Eye View
Caleb returns to help Amy with a mysterious Icelandic horse. Weather conditions force Lou to build a firebreak with the enemy.
Written by: Directed by: Ken Filewych
Filmed between: May 14 - May 31, 2024 (Block 1) Airs: October 6 (CBC Gem) / October 13, 2024 (CBC TV)
Characters: Amy, Jack, Lou, Tim, Lyndy, Caleb. Guest stars: Animals: Plot points: Caleb involved with a plane.
Music: Extras:
Preview | First minutes | 18x02 tag | Screencaps
Either episode 1 and/or episode 2: Characters: Katie, Nathan, Caleb, Logan. Guest stars: Shaun Smyth (?). Animals: dogs, horse: Spartan. Plot points: rodeo grounds, scenes at the ranch, Lou in riding/cowgirl gear, dinner scene with the family at the yard (7 characters involved), stunt work involving Lou and a horse, drone shots, house scenes with Lyndy, scene in the kitchen, Maggie's. * * * *
18x03 - (TBA)
Written by: - Directed by: Chris Potter
Filmed between: June 3 - 20, 2024 (Block 2) Airs: October 20, 2024 (CBC TV)
Characters: Amy, Jack, Lou, Lyndy, Guest stars: - Animals: - Plot points: -
Music: Extras:
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18x04 - (TBA)
Written by: - Directed by: Chris Potter
Filmed between: June 3 - 20, 2024 (Block 2) Airs: October 27, 2024 (CBC TV)
Characters: Amy, Jack, Lou, Lyndy, Guest stars: - Animals: - Plot points: -
Music: Extras:
Preview | First minutes | 18x04 tag | Screencaps
Either episode 3 and/or episode 4: Characters: Katie, Logan, Jessica, Rick, Nathan, Lisa, Brandon. Guest stars: - Animals: horse: Spartan, Champ(?), Hawk. Plot points: drone shots, Lou riding (stunt double needed), scenes with Lyndy, Logan, Amy and Jessica riding(?), Jessica helping with a polo horse, Rick at the ranch, Maggie's/Hudson, scenes with Rick at Hudson, Katie and Brandon by a library, Jessica and Katie by the Highwood Health Centre, flower shop, drought.
* * * *
18x05 - (TBA)
Written by: Ken Craw/ Mika Collins(?) Directed by: Michelle Morgan
Filmed between: June 21 - July 17, 2024 (Block 3) Airs: November 3, 2024 (CBC TV)
Characters: Amy, Jack, Lou, Tim, Lyndy, Miley, Logan. Guest stars: Skylar (?). Animals: - Plot points: fan day event/colt starting competition (Logan involved), barrel racing (Miley), Jack having trouble with announcements/Tim helping.
Music: Extras:
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18x06 - (TBA)
Written by: Ken Craw/ Mika Collins(?) Directed by: Michelle Morgan
Filmed between: June 21 - July 17, 2024 (Block 3) Airs: November 10, 2024 (CBC TV)
Characters: Amy, Jack, Lou, Lyndy. Guest stars: - Animals: - Plot points: -
Music: Extras:
Preview | First minutes | 18x05 tag | Screencaps
Either episode 5 and/or episode 6: Characters: Katie, Lisa, Peter, Parker, Brandon, Caleb. Guest stars: Animals: a young dog. Plot points: bisons, scenes with Parker and Katie at Dude Ranch, night scenes with the teenagers (and Peter), telescope, scenes at Calgary (Garland Foods involved?), dance or bar scenes (Caleb and Amy involved), rodeo grounds, scenes with Lou, Lisa and Amy, scenes at the ranch.
* * * *
18x07 - (TBA)
Written by: - Directed by: Melanie Scrofano
Filmed between: July 19 - August 8, 2024 (Block 4) Airs: November 17, 2024 (CBC TV)
Characters: Amy, Lou, Jack, Tim, Lyndy. Guest stars: - Animals: - Plot points: -
Music: Extras:
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/ / / /
18x08 - (TBA)
Written by: - Directed by: Melanie Scrofano
Filmed between: July 19 - August 8, 2024 (Block 4) Airs: November 24, 2024 (CBC TV)
Characters: Amy, Lou, Jack, Tim, Lyndy. Guest stars: - Animals: - Plot points: -
Music: Extras:
Preview | First minutes | 18x08 tag | Screencaps
Either episode 7 and/or episode 8: Characters: Katie, Shane, Nathan. Guest stars: Marcus Della Rosa (?), Gita Miller (?). Animals: - Plot points: scenes with birds (owl, hawk), Hudson, scenes at the ranch, police, Heartland Beef and Pryce Beef at farmer's market (Amy, Lyndy, Lou, Tim, Jack, Shane), Amy and Lou have a disagreement.
* * * *
18x09 - (TBA)
Written by: Directed by: Cazhhmere Downey
Filmed between: August 9 - August 28, 2024 (Block 5) Airs: December 1, 2024 (CBC TV)
Characters: Amy, Lou, Jack, Tim, Lyndy. Guest stars: - Animals: - Plot points: -
Music: Extras:
Preview | First minutes | 18x09 tag | Screencaps
18x10 - (TBA)
Written by: Directed by: Cazhhmere Downey (?)
Filmed between: August 9 - August 28, 2024 (Block 5) Airs: December 8, 2024 (CBC TV)
Characters: Amy, Lou, Jack, Tim, Lyndy. Guest stars: - Animals: - Plot points: -
Music: Extras:
Preview | First minutes | 18x10 tag | Screencaps
Either episode 9 and/or episode 10: Characters: Lisa, Jessica, Nathan, Peter, Caleb. Guest stars: Edward Simon (?). Animals: - Plot points: scenes in the barn, Hudson High Hornets, scenes by the river (Jack involved/fishing), Lou in comfortable clothes, Mustang Meadows, stunt work with Lou (thrown off a horse?/hurts her ankle), scenes in Calgary, scene with Lou and Peter standing next to each other at Heartland Open House, Caleb in a car (?), drone shots, scenes with Amy, Lou, Katie, Lisa and Jessica together in the woods/meadows (stunt work/riding scenes, Katie, Jessica and Lisa ride side by side), scenes at the attic room, Katie talking to a phone in the kitchen, Lisa in the kitchen, Amy and Caleb riding.
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aimeedaisies · 1 year
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The Princess Royal’s Official Engagements in June 2023
01/06 As Colonel-in-Chief of The Royal Logistic Corps, Princess Anne attended the Freedom of the City of Winchester Parade at the Guildhall to mark the 30th Anniversary of the Corps, followed by a Service of Thanksgiving in Winchester Cathedral. 🫡
03/06 Princess Anne departed from Heathrow Airport for Canada and was received at Calgary International Airport by the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta. 🇨🇦
As President of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Commonwealth Study Conferences, HRH met with delegates and later attended a Dinner at the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity. 🌍
04/06 As President of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Commonwealth Study Conferences, HRH attended the Opening Plenary of the Commonwealth Study Conference. She departed Calgary Airport for the United Kingdom and arrived back on 05/06 🇨🇦
06/06 As Royal Patron of Motor Neurone Disease Association, attended a Care Forum at Boughton House, Kettering. 🦠
As Master of the Corporation of Trinity House, HRH attended a Younger Brethrens’ Dinner at Trinity House, Tower Hill, London EC3. 🍽️
07/06 As Master of the Corporation of Trinity House, HRH attended the Trinitytide Anniversary Annual Court Meeting, Church Service and Luncheon at Trinity House. 🥗
The Princess Royal attended the Canadian Armed Forces Day Reception at the High Commission of Canada in the United Kingdom, Canada House, Trafalgar Square. 🇨🇦
08/06 The Princess Royal, as Honorary Air Commodore of Royal Air Force Brize Norton, attended a Parade to mark the retirement of C-130J Hercules and the disbandment of 47 Squadron at Royal Air Force Brize Norton. ✈️
Her Royal Highness, As Royal Patron of the Security Institute, HRH attended a Careers Fair at the Victory Services Club 💼
As Patron, International Students House, attended a Reception. 👨‍🎓
12/06 As Patron, of the British Nutrition Foundation, Princess Anne visited Washingborough Academy in Lincoln, to mark the 11th Healthy Eating Week for Schools. 🍎
As President of Carers Trust, HRH visited the new Facilities for Carers at the Carers’ Support Service at the Old Waterworks Office in Grimsby. 🩺
As Chairman of the International Olympic Committee Members Election Commission, HRH held a Dinner at St James’s Palace. 🍽️
13/06 Held an Investiture ceremony at Buckingham Palace. 🎖️
The Princess Royal, As Chairman of the International Olympic Committee Members Election Commission, held a Members Election Commission Meeting. 🤸‍♀️
14/06 Held two Investiture ceremonies at Windsor Castle. 🎖️
Received His Excellency Sir Rodney Williams (Governor-General of Antigua and Barbuda) and Lady Williams. 🇦🇬
15/06 The Princess Royal as Colonel of The Blues and Royals (Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons) carried out the following engagements;
Attended the parading of the new Sovereign’s Standard to the Regiment followed by a Reception at Hyde Park Barracks.💂‍♂️
Attended a Household Cavalry Council Meeting at Hyde Park Barracks. 🐴
The new Sovereign’s Standard to The Blues and Royals was presented by HRH to HM in the Quadrangle of Buckingham Palace and was received with a Royal Salute. After the new Standard was consecrated, The Parade subsequently ranked past HM and HRH. 🚩
As President of the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, attended the Fellows’ Reception at the Royal Geographical Society. 🌍
16/06 The Princess Royal, as Colonel of The Blues and Royals (Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons), presided over a Conference attended by the Colonels of the Regiments of the Household Division. HRH subsequently attended the Senior Colonels’ Dinner at Clarence House. 🫡
17/06 In her role as Colonel-in-Chief of the Blues and Royals and Gold Stick in Waiting, the Princess Royal along with Sir Tim and other members of the royal family attended King Charles first Trooping the Colour Parade as monarch. 💂‍♂️
His Majesty was followed by The Prince of Wales (Colonel, Welsh Guards), The Princess Royal (Colonel, The Blues and Royals, Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons) and The Duke of Edinburgh (Royal Honorary Colonel, 1st Battalion London Guards) on horseback down the Mall towards Horse Guards Parade. Duchess Sophie, Sir Tim and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester travelled in carriages and the Duke of Kent (Colonel, Scots Guards) followed by car. 🐎
The troops on Parade, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel John Livesey, Welsh Guards (Field Officer in Brigade Waiting), received The King with a Royal Salute. 🫡
After the Parade, the RF rode back to Buckingham Palace on horseback, in carriages and by car. The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment and The King’s Troop, Royal Horse Artillery ranked past The King on arrival at Buckingham Palace. 🐴
The royal family stood on the balcony of Buckingham Palace and witnessed a fly-past by aircraft of the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force. ✈️
19/06 The Princess Royal and Sir Tim with other members of the royal family and other members of the Garter attended a Chapter of the Most Noble Order of the Garter in the Throne Room, Windsor Castle.
They all later attended a Luncheon Party for the Companions of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. 🥪
An Installation Service was held in St George’s Chapel at which two new members were installed in the order. 🪶
20/06 As Colonel, The Blues and Royals (Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons), attended a Dinner at Drapers’ Hall. 🍽️
Unofficial Attended day one of Royal Ascot with Zara and Mike Tindall, Peter Phillips and Lindsay Wallace 🐎
21/06 Unofficial Princess Anne, Sir Tim, Zara & Mike Tindall and other members of the RF attended day two of Royal Ascot. 🐴
22/06 Unofficial Princess Anne, Sir Tim, Zara & Mike Tindall and other members of the RF attended Ladies Day, day three of Royal Ascot. 🐴
23/06 Visited the Royal Highland Show at the Royal Highland Centre in Edinburgh where she met exhibitors, farmers, animals and sampled local food and drink. 🐮🐑🧀🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
24/06 Attended the Icelandic Horse Society British Championships and Summer Festival at Washbrook Farm, Aston le Walls. 🇮🇸🐎
27/06 Attended the opening ceremony of the World Equestrian Festival, CHIO Aachen, Germany. 🇩🇪🐎
28/06 Toured behind the scenes and met team GB at the World Equestrian Festival, CHIO Aachen, Germany. 🇩🇪🇬🇧
29/06 The Princess Royal, as President of Carers Trust, accompanied by Sir Tim, attended a Reception in London SW1. 🦽
Princess Anne as Patron of United Kingdom Sailing Academy, accompanied by Sir Tim, attended a Founders’ Club Dinner at the Corporation of Trinity House. ⛵️
30/06 The Princess Royal presented Prize Day awards at the Royal School Haslemere. 🏆
Total official engagements for Anne in June: 40
2023 total so far: 262
Total official engagements accompanied by Tim in June : 6
2023 total so far: 56
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staticspaces · 2 years
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Coffee Time
You can find the video at the link below!!
Today, let's take a look at some overall shots of this abandoned coffee shop!!
In this week's post we will be taking a look at a Coffee Time restaurant that has been abandoned since 2009.  Coffee Time has been around since the 80s, it is a coffee shop that serves coffee (obviously), donuts, sandwiches and soups, among other things.  It has always taken a backseat to the more popular chains such as Tim Hortons or Starbucks and is similar to say Country Style in terms of sales and reach.  I personally have never been a fan of Coffee Time, their coffee was never as good as the other brands and their food always just looked less appealing as well.  Growing up before I had a car, the closest coffee shop to home was a Coffee Time and I have many fond memories of sitting in the restaurant till all hours of the night with friends...who knows, maybe their menu has improved since then!
With its headquarters in Scarborough, Ontario, Coffee Time operates over 100 stores throughout Ontario and Alberta.  Founded in 1982 by Tom Michalopoulos in Bolton, Ontario.  The first few stores were operated under license agreements until they began franchising the restaurants in the late 80s.  In October 2006 the brand's parent company, Chairman's Brand Corporation bought the Alton Food Group, which owned Robin's Donuts, 241 Pizza and Mrs. Powell's Cinnamon Buns.  Starting in 2014 Coffee Time began updating and rebranding their locations, apparently this location missed its chance by only five years.
As for this particular store, I think it closed mainly due to being in a bad location.  It was part of a larger building that housed other businesses, when the restaurant closed, they built a wall to separate it from the rest of the building and it remained in the same state, untouched for over a decade.  The building also appeared to be in really rough shape, the roof looks as though it was beginning to fail before 2015.  The McDonald's closed in late 2015, the gas station and go-kart track would later close in 2019 but more about those later in part two of the video.  Since then the building has deteriorated even further, the roof has developed holes and the vandals have taken over.  In the spring or 2022 the entire building now sits boarded up and likely awaiting the wrecking ball before the property is redeveloped.
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creepywrites · 1 year
Jeff the Killer- Swedish, Italian, Västergötland
Liu- Swedish, Chinese, Västergötland
Ben- American, Alaska
Sally Dawn- Canadian, Ontario
Sam Williams- Canadian, American, Ontario
Milo the Electrocuted- Italian, Lombardy
Lulu- Vietnamese, Vĩnh Phúc
Clockwork- French, Normandy
Zero- British, American, New Jersey
Jane the killer- American, California
Jane Arkensaw- British, Lincolnshire
Vailly Evans- Chilean, Los Lagos
Nathan the nobody- Filipino, British, Berkshire
Crystal- Filipino, British, Berkshire
Eyeless Jack- Uganda, Kampala
Kate the chaser- Australian, Perth
Rouge- Canadian, Alberta
Wilson the basher- welsh, Conwy
X-virus- American, New Jersey
Lazari- Ukrainian, Kharkiv Oblast
Kaidy- French, Corsica
Stripes- American, Alabama
Senora- Spanish, Girona
Nina the killer- Mexican, American, Louisiana
Puppeteer- American, Mexican, California
Zachary- American, Colorado
Rosemary- American, Maine
Emra- Italian, American, sicilia
Bloody painter- Japanese, Chinese, Guangdong
Suicide Sadie- British, London
Judge angel- Chinese, Filipino, Guangdong
Nurse Ann- Taiwanese, taipei
Randy- Spanish, Álava
Sully- Indian, Tamil Nadu
Keith- Australian, Queensland
Troy- American, Louisiana
Dollmaker- Russian, Moscow
Svetlana- Russian, Siberia
Vicky genocidal- Canadian, Ontario
Hannah the killer- German, American, East Berlin
Lily Kennett- Ireland, Connacht
Hung iris- American, Illinois
Lifeless Lucy- British, Yorkshire
Legless Eliza- Portuguese, Évora
Mucky Child- American, Colorado
Lacy Morgan- British, American, Arizona
Asylum Nancy- American, Maine
Chris the revenant- German, American, Hessen
Monday child- Ukrainian, poltava
Laughing Jill- British, London
Laughing Jack- British, London
Toby- German, Bavaria
Lurking Lyra- German, Bavaria
Killing Kate- Costa Rican, Alajuela
Lost Silver- Japanese, Hokkaido
Cata the Killer- Polish, Lodz
Rotten Abigail- American, North Carolina
The Hare- American, Arizona
The Doll- Mexican, Hidalgo
Raven- French, Île-de
Anna schurks- Romanian, Bucharest
Weeping forest- Puerto Rico, Adjuntas
Nightmare Ally- German, East Berlin
Red Death- German, Greek, Saxony
Gas mask maid- El Salvador, Cuscatlan
Tim- American, Georgia
Jessica- American, polish, Arizona
Taylor- Native American, Maine
Ellie- Japanese, Canadian, Chubu
Labrador- Romanian, Arad
Moth boy- American, Louisiana
Starved angel- Irish, American, Texas
Sketcher- Indonesian, Russian, Ural
Sarah Erickson- Chinese, Canadian, Nova Scotia
Hannya- Japanese, Tokyo
Rosie- British. Coventry
Hunter the proxy- American, Texas
Doctor Irina- British, Devon
Deborah- American, California
Lucy the cannibal- American, Ohio
Andie Rosslyn- American, Iowa
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