#tim hodge
nerds-yearbook · 1 year
In 2005, VeggieTales released their parody of "Lord of the Rings" titled "Lord of the Beans". Randolf is trying to guide the young Toto Baggypants who has come in posession of a magic bean and protect him from the unnatural Sporks. The production ran into issues when New Line Cinema tried to place a cease and desist on it. The release had rich animation and was the first of the the new 52 minute format. Keeping with the theme, the silly song featured an "Elfish (like Elvis) Impersonator". ("Lord of the Beans", VeggieTales, Video)
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galadanwolf · 1 year
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Made this following along with a course on drawing cartoon animals by Tim Hodge. So I can't claim to have come up with the idea/design. But it's such a good course, and Hodge is an excellent teacher. This is the first watercolor illustration I've done that I'm actually kind of happy with, even if it's not perfect.
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marleneoftheopera · 16 days
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Portraits from the original Toronto production! Photos by Laird Mackintosh.
Paul Stanley
Kim Stengel
Glenda Balkan
Melissa Dye
Brent Weber
Peter Barnes
Catherine Duff
Tania Parrish
Jill Filion
Donna Kelly
Harriet Chung
Philippa Hayball
Anita Bostok
Samantha Adamson
Mimi Pineau
Deanna Pidwerbeski
Lisa Gaasenbeek
Janet Coates
Gary Krawford
Gerald Isaac
Tim Stiff
Terry Hodges
Paul Mulloy
Brian Duyn
Bob Meilleur
David Playfair
Devin Dalton
Kirk Hansen
John Dodington
Kelly Robertson
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Following the Supreme Court’s elimination of the federal right to abortion in June, conservatives have taken aim at other fundamental protections, such as same-sex marriage and access to contraception. But some on the right are resurfacing a different, long-simmering project: stigmatizing divorce, including, in some instances, attacking no-fault divorce laws.
No-fault divorce in the U.S. was first adopted in California in 1969, and New York was the last state in the country to pass a no-fault divorce law, which it did in 2010. Although state laws differ, in general no-fault divorce means that one party can successfully dissolve a marriage without needing to first prove wrongdoing by the other partner – including adultery, abuse, or desertion.
Ohio Republican Senate nominee J.D. Vance praised the idea of staying in violent marriages in remarks to high school students in southern California last September. Vance argued “all of us should be honest” about how “making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear” by leaving marriages that were “maybe even violent” had negative effects on the children, according to Vice, which first reported the comments.
Although Vance’s comments were made before the overturning of Roe v. Wade, they’ve taken on a new salience amid a conservative movement that sees formerly out-of-reach goals as newly attainable. And Vance has lots of company in right-wing media.
Reactionary YouTuber Tim Pool recently discussed no-fault divorce laws on his show, titling the clipped segment: “No-Fault Divorce Has DESTROYED Men's Confidence In Marriage, Men Don't Want To Get Married Anymore.” The discussion focused on how no-fault divorce laws were to blame for what the panel perceived to be a rise in prenuptial agreements, which segued into a meandering discussion lamenting divorce in general.
“The courts are heavily biased in favor of women to an insane degree, especially with children,” Pool said, parroting a cliche often espoused by so-called men’s rights activists, an anti-feminist movement that claims men are structurally disadvantaged in divorce proceedings and family court. (Although it is true that women are generally granted sole custody more frequently than men, the reasons for that are complicated and have to do with men historically having higher incomes and sexist ideas about mothers being natural caregivers.)
Fellow conservative YouTuber Steven Crowder has also argued that no-fault divorce laws are disincentivizing young men to get married. In an unfocused June 24 rant calling for the Supreme Court to now overturn marriage equality rights conferred in Obergefell v. Hodges, Crowder said no-fault divorce laws are “a raw deal for a lot” of men.
“Oh, it’s no-fault divorce, which, by the way, means that in many of these states if a woman cheats on you, she leaves, she takes half,” Crowder said. “So it’s not no-fault, it’s the fault of the man.”
“There need to be changes to marital laws, and I’m not even talking about same-sex marriage,” he added. “Talking about divorce laws, talking about alimony laws, talking about child support laws.”
That wasn’t the first time Crowder has made the argument. After referring to “no-fault divorce states” using air quotes in an April 22 segment, he said, “It’s the only contract that I know of where one side is financially incentivized to break it.”
“If you’re a woman that comes from meager means, and you want to get wealthy – you’ve never worked, you didn’t get a degree, you have no skill set, but you’re good-looking – your best path to victory is simply to marry a man, leave him, and take half,” Crowder added. He later reiterated that “we need to reform divorce laws in this country.”
Some of the loudest anti-LGBTQ conservative voices are also the biggest critics of no-fault divorce, in both cases making an appeal to tradition and what they see as a God-given natural order while defending nakedly patriarchal power relations. Patriarchy depends on a rigid gender binary, with clearly defined roles and expectations; conservatives believe LGBTQ identities subvert this dynamic. Similarly, no-fault divorce laws upended patriarchal power, freeing women from de facto second-class status and dependence on men.
No one encapsulates this tendency more than the virulently anti-trans conservative pundit Matt Walsh. In defending Kanye West’s harassment and threatening behavior in March toward his estranged wife Kim Kardashian, who had recently filed for divorce, Walsh also argued that it should be more arduous to dissolve marriages.
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Walsh has made versions of this argument dating back to at least 2015, explicitly in the context of the supposed threat that same-sex marriage posed to heterosexual couples.
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Walsh’s Daily Wire colleague Michael Knowles made the same point last year.
“We see the weakening of marriage through no-fault divorce," Knowles said. “This is a very bad turn of events.”
“Do you think society has gotten much better since the social and sexual revolutions of the 1960s? Or has it gotten a little bit worse?” Knowles asked. “Are we in a period of ascendancy or a period of decline?”
Knowles’ line is increasingly common on the right. Senior writer at National Review Online Dan McLaughlin also sees the liberation movements of the second half of the 20th century as a locus of social disintegration, recently linking gay marriage rights and no-fault divorce as twin aspects of a singular problem.
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Some conservatives are even more overt in their playbook. The right’s successful campaign to overturn Roe should serve as a “path by which campaigns for social change must be patterned,” Katy Faust and Stacy Manning write at The Federalist. “That’s especially true for those still willing to fight the battle for marriage.”
Faust and Manning run Them Before Us, which describes itself as “a global movement defending children’s right to their mother and father.”
In their piece, they present a hypothetical back-and-forth that activists can use to field questions, such as:
“If you really think family is so important then you must be against divorce.”
• Correct, no-fault divorce is the original re-definition of marriage and it has devastated the American family.
(The two also oppose same-sex marriage on the grounds that “children of gay couples lose maternal or paternal love and half their heritage.”)
Others on the right downplay this trend.
“As for no-fault divorce, it’s not entirely clear that the policy — while a tragic mistake, from the social-conservative perspective—actually features prominently in the mainstream Right’s priorities. (Which Republican is campaigning on repealing no-fault divorce?)” writes Nate Hochman at National Review. To answer the rhetorical question: the Texas Republican Party, for one, which includes in its 2022 platform a proposal “to rescind unilateral no-fault divorce laws and support covenant marriage and to pass legislation extending the period of time in which a divorce may occur to six months after the date of filing for divorce.”
Justice Clarence Thomas’ concurring opinion in the Supreme Court’s recent Dobbs decision, which overturned Roe, made it clear that aspects of the right are interested in rolling back marriage equality and contraception rights. “We have a duty to ‘correct the error’ established in those precedents," Thomas wrote. It’s not difficult to imagine a movement built on patriarchy targeting divorce laws next.
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johnvenus · 1 year
We need a three way crossover between Knives Out, Leverage and Lie To Me.
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russovito · 2 years
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
Bruce: *sees a motorcade come up on his right* *ignores*
Timmy in the back eying the group suspiciously: ….
*tapping on glass*
Dick: B, there’s someone tapping on my side.
Bruce: Don’t roll the window down they could be-
Dick: *already rolling the window down* *GASP* ROMMEY?! ROMMEY! ROMMEY!!
A 45 yr old grizzled man with a smoker’s voice, nicknamed Rommey by Dick: heya Dickie, how it’s going kiddo.
Another motorbiker with a full claw scar down his face: what about the rest of us, kid? Forget about us?
Derrick-I take down mercenaries for fun but let a kid I like call me DERRICKA-Rolan: You little shit, why’d we not hear from you after you fucked off to neverland huh?!
Isabella-what? Someone went missing? I had nothing to do with it, it’s total coincidence that I hated him-Hodges: Maybe he doesn’t like us, Der. That right, Dickie?
Dick: *flabbergasted* No!! It’s a long story! After I left I ran out of gas and then some girl crashed into my bike and sent it flying off the cliff but I dove off it first and then I had to walk to the nearest motel on bare feet because I gave her my shoes and then I met this half bear half man and I’ll be pleased to tell you that it was a beary bearable encounter once he got his bearings hahahahaha- *progressively climbing out of the car as the story goes on*
Bruce: Dick! Get back in the car! *having one hand on the steering wheel and grabbing the back of his shirt with the other to keep his wayward son from falling out*
Dick: Wait- *accidently twisting too far and nearly braining himself on the speeding asphalt*
Rommey: DICK!
Bruce: DICK!
Rommey, Derricka, Izzy, and Manes: *grabbing the front half to prevent Dick from becoming like two-face*
Bruce: *letting go of the wheel to grab Dick’s bottom half for the same reason*
Tim: *high pitched screaming from the back* DICK! Tₕₑ Wₕₑₑₗ! ₜₕₑ Wₕₑₑₗ!!!
Bruce: *struggling to pull his son in while the motorcade struggles to pull him out to sit on a bike thus leading to Dick hanging in limbo out the window of a car going 80mph on a freeway* GRAB THE WHEEL TIM
Dick, Bruce, Tim, and motorcade: *furious screaming and shouting and panicking*
*2 hours later*
*Arriving at the manor*
Jason: damn what happened to you lot, you look like you went through hell and back.
Bruce and Tim: *drained, pale-faced, messy, sweating, and heaving*
Dick: *a curl of hair falling elegantly into his shining eyes* I just had the time of my life, Jay!
Jason who is well acquainted with Dick’s “Time of the life”s: ah. My condolences.
Tim: Never again. *flopping on the ground and cater-pilling his way up the stairs*
Damian: Father, this is such disgraceful attire! Fix yourself at once, mother would be embarrassed by such a visage! What in holy reincarnation have you been doing?!
Bruce: Never again, Dick.
Dick: it’s nothing Dami, they were just helping me.
Damian: Father, I am ashamed of you. Why must you devolve to such a state when you assist Grayson, he is perfectly capable of extraordinary feats without your input. I suggest you refrain from interfering with his success again.
Bruce: Damian, you-
Dick: Bruce. *smiling pleasantly*
Jason: *immediately sneaking off*
Bruce’s life momentarily flashing before his eyes: …..nothing. Go finish your homework. *trudging off to whine to Alfred about how no one’s gonna believe him*
Dick: *sincerely* what a great day! 😊
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This is a very silly/random idea but I think it would be funny if Tim started making all new aliases based off US states
So for anyone who doesn’t know, one of Tim’s disguises is Caroline Hill (Caroline could be considered a name based off the states N. & S. Carolina)
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(Images from Batman #626 & WFA ep 9)
So I think his next alias should be something like Georgie (Georgia) Summers or Mary-Lynn (Maryland) Hodges or Rhode (Rhode Island) Herring or Tex Rowland (don’t judge the last names too harshly please, I cared more about the first names being US states but a step to the left lol) etc etc
Idk I just think it would be a funny ongoing gag
Plus I know I’m not the only one who wants to see more Tim disguises so win win, I think lol
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thatpodcastkid · 2 months
Magnus Archives Relisten 6, MAG 6 Squirm
Sorry this is late, but hey, Worm Sex Guy! You hate to see it.
Facts: Statement of Timothy Hodge, regarding his sexual encounter with Harriet Lee and her subsequent death. Statement given December 9, 2014.
Statement Notes: Really one of the most destroyed characters in the series. Man works from home, pretty isolated, gets a few days off. Decides to go to a club and hook up with a cute girl. Immediately contracts demon STD and has to burn his house down. Absolutely crushing loss for the weirdo community.
Substances are brought up again in this episode. Hodge states that he does drink and use drugs, but wasn't drunk that night. This was particularly note-worthy in this episode because, while Jon usually cites someone's substance use as a reason to dismiss their statement, he believes Hodge encountered one of Prentiss' victims even though he admits to drinking that night. This proves that Jon was just looking for excuses to dismiss statements, not actually doubting the existence of the supernatural.
That verb, "writhe." That encompasses so much of the fear in this episode, so much of Jane Prentiss. That's what's always scared me about the worms: the way the crawl, and dig, and writhe. Jonny is such an incredible writer because he puts that image in your head well before you can even fathom Prentiss as a long-term threat. He makes you afraid before you know what to be afraid of.
Another motif that comes up in this episode is the sense of false security. When Lee enters Hodge's apartment, she calms down. Even though she doesn't have a real reason to, she thinks she's safer there. I think this is a really realistic element that Jonny Sims uses often. Real people know they're more likely to be killed by a friend than a stranger, that you're not safer just because the light's on, that the blanket doesn't do anything, but we let these things make us feel safe and secure anyway. It makes sense that a horror character would do the same thing.
Lee mentions that when she woke up after being "mugged" by Prentiss, there was no wound where she was "stabbed." Assuming this is where the worm pierced her, this means that they can burrow into people without scarring them. But they still scar Prentiss herself, as well as Tim and Jon. Is it because Prentiss has repeat exposure? Is it part of her identity as an Avatar? Were Jon and Tim scarred as a means to make them more afraid or just to cause them more pain? Was it because the worms were less developed? Could it have been part of the ritual?
Entity Alignment: Hmm. Hmm I wonder what entity this could be connected to. Such a difficult choice. Hmm.
In all seriousness, I love this episode as an introduction to the Rot. It not only sets up the rest of the season but also how Prentiss functions. Once again, you don't understand why you should be afraid yet, but you know you should be.
Shout out to the Desolation for Hodge burning down his house. Very interesting that most of the Fears can be destroyed through the Desolation. Although I'm sure their ritual was flawed, I do think they were second most likely to succeed, right after the Eye obviously.
Speaking of the Eye, Sims really effectively foreshadows the crux of things through the paranoia motif. While they're in the club, Hodge says that Harriett kept checking the doors and looking at the exits, and she kept nervously glancing around as they walked home. She knows something is coming for her, she knows she should be afraid. The knowledge of what is going to happen is what makes it all the worse. This is why I think it always had to be the Eye who would end the world; people need some level of awareness to be truly afraid of something. Even the horrifying lack of awareness that comes from the Stranger or the Spiral becomes simple confusion without a moment or two of clarity. The Eye makes everyone in the apocalypse keenly aware of what is attacking them, what will happen to them, and that is why they're all so deeply afraid.
Character Notes: Jon explicitly states that he knows Prentiss is an issue. He acknowledges that she has consistently attacked people and caused harm through supernatural means. Yet he still attempts to deny other statements. The fact that he keeps up this facade for so long really shows how it isn't just denial or pretending, but a defense mechanism. If he doesn't look to hard at things, they can't hurt him. But because he was Eye-aligned from the start, he has to keep looking at things. He can't help himself.
(He also established that Prentiss' worms are canonically an STD, do with this what you will)
Sasha's really collected evidence in these last couple of episodes. So much really could have been solved if they had her skills in later seasons. That's probably why the Stranger targeted her. I miss her.
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Events In The History And Of The Life Of Elvis Presley Today On The 21st June In 1974.
Cleveland, Ohio
Convention Center
June 21, 1974
20:30 [Evening]
Costume: Jumpsuit The
Peacock, Original Belt
Songlist: Set List:
2001 Theme C.C. Rider I Got A Woman / Amen Love Me Trying To Get To You All Shook Up Love Me Tender Hound Dog Fever Polk Salad Annie Why Me, Lord You Don't Have To Say You Love Me Suspicious Minds I Can't Stop Loving You Help Me An American Trilogy Brigde Over Troubled Water Let Me Be There Funny How Time Slips Away Big Boss Man Can't Help Falling In Love Closing Vamp  
Lead Guitar: James Burton Rhythm Guitar: John Wilkinson Bass: Duke Bardwell Piano: Glen D. Hardin Drums: Ronnie Tutt Acoustic guitar: Charlie Hodge
Backup Vocalists:
The Sweet Inspirations: Myrna Smith, Sylvia Shemwell, Estelle Brown JD Sumner & The Stamps Quartet: Bill Baize, Ed Enoch, Ed Hill Voice: Donnie Sumner, Tim Baty, Sherrill Nielsen Highvoice Singer: Kathy Westmoreland  
Symphony Orchestra:
Mr. Joe Guercio And Joe Guercio Orchestra
Elvis Presley Played An Outstanding Show Peformance Concert To 10,000 grateful people fans etc.. in Cleveland Ohio. And according to fans and audience members the highlight of this show was a very funky long version of " Polk Salad Annie" were Elvis Presley did a funky bluesy version as he announced to the audience we are going make it very funky and bluesy and he and is tcb and the orchestra did. rare live in action! candid photos seen here from this awesome oustanding show venue taken by fans and audience members.
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nerds-yearbook · 1 year
In 2006, VeggieTales released their 3rd instalment of their Larry-Boy adventures with Larry-Boy and the Bad Apple. It was the first VeggieTale that was only released on DVD with no VHS release. It was also the first to feature corn characters. The movie also inspired a PS2 game of the same name. ("VeggieTales: Larry-Boy and the Bad Apple", VeggieTales, Video)
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galadanwolf · 1 year
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Following a course on drawing cartoon animals. Feel like I'm learning a lot, just hope I can retain most of it.
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quotablefanfiction · 25 days
“Oh, Jesus Christ-” Dick came skidding into the office, panting. He looked down at Damian and Tim on the floor and smacked himself. “This is where they went? Damian-what the fu-stop biting!”
Dick is slacking on his babysitting duties (chp. 1)
Take Care of Business by TheResurrectionist (AO3) Batman/Superman – General – Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne #Alternate Universe #Crack #BatFamily #Parenting #Family #Sibling Bonding #which means fighting
Summary: Bruce has a conference call with Wayne Enterprises. Having it at the Manor was, in hindsight, a really shitty idea.
“I don’t have your phone!”
The two boys began trading hits, yelling at the top of their lungs. Bruce turned back to the webcam just as Damian leapt on top of Tim’s back, a high-pitched battle cry torn from his lips.
“Mr. Hodges,” he said cheerfully, unflinching as Tim threw Damian into the wet bar sink. “Have you had a chance to examine the chart I pointed out?”
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alchemistoftheend · 2 months
Squirm (Case #0140912)
Statement of Timothy Hodge, regarding his sexual encounter with one Harriet Lee and her subsequent death
Original statement given December 9, 2014
Date of Event(s): November 20, 2014
Harriet kept watching at the door
“I saw the nervousness in her eyes, maybe even fear?”
Im so sick of this just talk about the worms
She’s still nervous
She held his arm tightly as they walked back towards my street
halfway, she started scratching her arms
she was scratching them quite hard, leaving obvious red marks where her fingernails dug in
Harriet got mugged recently
On her way home (on Enthrone Rd in Archway) she saw a woman lying face down on the ground
“This woman wore a long red dress and Harriet said she could see it shifting in the orange glow of the streetlamps, as though something was moving underneath it”
Harriet called out, there was no response but all movement stopped and the red dress went very still
Suddenly, the woman leapt to her feet and sprinted towards her, grabbing her by the shoulders and pushing her back against a wall
her dress, a head of long, matted black hair and wide, staring eyes. The woman growled something at her, but Harriet couldn’t make it out
Harriet felt a sudden pain in her stomach, as though she’d been stabbed
She falls to the ground and immediately loses consciousness
When she woke up, there were no signs of a struggle, but
She saw that woman everywhere she went
Anyways when Tim put his head on her should he felts something move under her skin
She keeps itching
suddenly she doubled over and moaned in pain, clutching her stomach tightly
Not knowing what to do Tim was going to call an ambulance but then
He heard a wet, cracking thump and then the moaning stopped
When he returned to the room he saw a pile of pitted, warped flesh on the bed, which was covered in thick black fluid
Along every surface of the bedroom was a thick, moving layer of pale, writhing worms
He immediately sets his flat on fire and runs out into the cold undressed
In the police report, there was no evidence of arson nor human remains
Some kind of charred organic matter was found but the report doesn’t clarify what
The attack matches the description and last known location of Jane Prentiss
I know that all this shit related the gay worm lady and I don’t have much to add
The worms seems to burrow themselves into their victim’s bodies and colonize
I don’t know what the fuck that black goo could be
Maybe pus as a result of the infections they MOST DEFINITELY have 🤢
The organic matter found by the police could be just the worms themselves
This man took burning his house over worms is real
I’m pretty sure Jane was mumbling something to Harriet but I don’t have any guess
This is obvious related to the corruption
Filth, disgust, repulsion, and all that fun stuff
These woman who have their literal skin crawling
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aralana765 · 2 years
A situation for your consideration: after Prentiss and the worms die, Martin still isn’t comfortable going back to his flat. Elias, however, isn’t going to just let an employee (who isn’t Jon) keep living in the institute. So Jon, fully exhausted and traumatized, accidentally offers to let Martin stay with him while he finds a new place.
So Jon is desperately digging into his coworkers’ lives, stalking them, digging through their trash, the whole shebang. And Martin’s in the kitchen watching him mutter “Supplemental” and stare at pictures of Tim’s house or talk about following Sasha to Madame Tussaud’s or even laugh about Elias’ history as a “pothead”. He’s complained at work with Tim, done the intervention, and then finally one day when Jon is getting all up in his head about one red herring or another, Martin just.
“That doesn’t even make sense, you know.”
Jon, who had completely forgotten he had a flat mate for the time being, desperately tries to hide his recorder and notes. “Sorry, no, what?”
“Tim suddenly leaving a good job and getting into paranormal research doesn’t make him suspicious. It means he probably had an encounter. Like almost anyone at the institute who wasn’t just desperate for any job. It’s not suspicion.”
Jon stares blankly. Martin shrugs and goes back to fixing up tea for them both. “Coming up with crackpot, paranoid theories for how all of are out to get you is all well and good, but context is important too. Tim and Sasha were your friends in research, right? What would they gain by killing Gertrude? You knew them at that time, right?”
“Uh.” Jon, still shocked, starting to lean towards defensive, “W-well. Sasha would have made an excellent Head Archivist. She easily could have been given the promotion. Which…which could lead to my death in turn. Al-although I can’t rule out outside influences, of course.”
Martin shrugs. “Of course.”
“And Tim… well. He’s trickier to nail down. Whatever sent him here… it could be anything. And- and he was missing in the tunnels for a good long while. He might have moved Gertrude’s body to a more easily findable location.”
Martin considers that, bringing out a mug to Jon. “…plausible, both. But, you know them. Sasha is dedicated and absolutely willing to go to far lengths to get what she wants, but I’ve never seen her actually hurt someone.”
“She killed Timothy Hodge.”
“The- the worm man?! Yeah, you would have too. That’s not the same thing and you know it.”
Jon purses his lips and takes the tea. “…okay, maybe, but. Still. But Tim still has a lot of unanswered questions.”
“So you ask him. /Politely/. Or, actually, don’t. Not now. That ship has sailed for you. He’s pretty angry with you. But. He’s your friend, Jon. We’re your friends.” He sighs. “Look, you’re scared. We all are. But I’m not about to let you take it out on us anymore. So. You are not allowed to keep your weird paranoid theories just to yourself and your recorder anymore.”
“My- my what? I don’t-“
“I’m home a lot more than you think I am, Jon.”
Silence for a moment, a defensive tension, then a slump. “That’s…that says something about how little prepared I am, I think.”
“Yeah, probably. But I want you to bring them to me. We’ll talk them through together, and you can have someone to pull you back from the edge when you’re going too far.” Martin sips his tea. “I mean, I already told you my big secret, and I’m living in your flat, so you’re keeping a constant eye on me anyway.”
“That’s…that’s true. And, I suppose, an extra investigative force wouldn’t go amiss…”
“Probably not.”
Jon sighed, examined his tea skeptically, then sipped it. “Fine, yes, alright. I’ll keep you in the loop, if I must.”
“Good. And I’ll try to calm the others down, so long as you play nice. I’m not having you lose your friends, Jon. We’re all in a rough place. But we can still get better.”
“Hm.” Jon took another sip, less tentative this time. “It would be nice to cross people off the list. I don’t like watching over my shoulder all the time.”
“And you’re not that great at it, honestly,” Martin joked. Jon smiled weakly. “It’ll be okay, Jon. We’ll figure it out, get things back on track. You and me, yeah?”
Jon was quiet for a moment, then hesitantly nodded. “…Yes. Yes, I hope so.”
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elvis1970s · 10 months
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On August 16th, 1974, a rehearsal session was held at RCA’s Hollywood Studios, 6363 Sunset Boulevard, to bring some new material to the live setlist. Opening night in Las Vegas was on August 19th.
This might have been one of the last times that that a concerted effort would be made to work less familiar songs up to tight performance standard in a structured rehearsal, rather than actually on stage and in front of an audience. There was a sharp nod toward the commercial aspect as well, with a strong focus on promoting new material, either recently released or due out soon, the fruits of Elvis’ sessions at Stax Records, Memphis, in 1973.
The session personnel appear to be the core TCB Band; (James Burton, John Wilkinson, Ronnie Tutt, Duke Bardwell, Glen Hardin and Charlie Hodge) with backing vocals by Voice; Sherrill Nielsen, Donnie Sumner and Tim Baty.
Tracks featuring in this part of the rehearsal sessions are;
If You Love Me Let Me Know (More work on this track in Part II) Promised Land Down in the Alley It’s Midnight Your Love’s Been a Long Time Coming Goodtime Charlie’s Got the Blues.
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