#the power of fanfics will do that to ya
lupins-hehim-pussy · 4 months
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what's wrong with him (based on That Scene in the hit wriolette fanfic Love Will Find A Way, So Will Naked Mole Rats by noxetic)
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megaerakles · 5 months
To Whom It May Concern
Tim couldn’t stay. 
No matter what Bruce had said when he caught Tim in the act of laying the paper trail to establish his Fake Uncle, no matter how long Dick had sobbed into the phone at him during an inordinately expensive long distance (read: off planet) phone call, no matter how much Alfred had been fussing over him and insisting it was no trouble at all to care for him since Tim’s scheme had been revealed and promptly foiled, it just didn’t change the fact that Tim couldn’t stay. Truthfully, the Wayne family’s apparent sudden burst of affection for him actually made this whole thing worse because somewhere along the way, without even trying, Tim had failed to keep things wholly professional between them and somehow tricked them into thinking he belonged in their family! 
He couldn’t let it stand. For the sake of Jason’s memory, for the sake of preserving the sanctity of the true Wayne family, he had to stop this… this absurdity of pretending that Tim belonged with them from continuing! Tim had to run. Tim had to vanish. It was the only way to make things right again. Sure, the thought of never seeing any of them again, the thought of being done with Bruce and Alfred and Dick and Barbara and everyone in his life he currently held dear once and for all made it feel as though his heart was being ripped out of his chest only to be shoved back down his throat to stop the flow of air into his body—but it didn’t matter. He didn’t matter, not nearly as much as they did. This would be for their own good. 
Tim was leaving, and it turned out to be easier than he thought it would be in the end. Not emotionally easier, but logistically easier. Bruce had been extra attentive lately, so he thought he’d have to fake an injury and get ‘benched’ so that they would lower their guard long enough for him to slip away. But by some divine stroke of luck, a new player had waltzed onto Gotham’s criminal scene not too long after Tim’s Fake Uncle plan fell through and started making threats against Batman and Robin. They had apparently freaked B out enough to prompt him to send Tim off to Titan’s Tower to ‘focus on his team for awhile’. Tim had accepted the command with the requisite amount of complaint, planted some fake texts to make it look like he’d actually communicated to his Team that he would be there, shoved everything from his guest room in the Manor that he couldn’t bear to part with into a duffel bag underneath a spare uniform, gave Bruce what only he knew was a more emotionally charged nod goodbye than usual, and then poof. Tim Drake was zapped out of the Batcave for the last time ever. 
He let himself have one night in the Tower. Partly to catch a few hours of sleep in a familiar and secure environment, but mostly so he could clean up his room for its next occupant, sweep his belongings and his person for any extra trackers, and repack his bag more efficiently. He also took the time to grab a spare backpack and fill it up with emergency rations. While he was taking plenty of cash, he didn’t want to risk having to go into stores with security cameras for a while, at least until he’d cleared a suitable distance from San Francisco proper as well as implemented the first of his many planned disguises. He didn’t think a bottle of cheap hair dye and some colored contacts would be enough to fool Oracle indefinitely, but if he was appropriately cautious it might keep her from getting a confirmation of his location long enough for the Bats to either get bored looking for him or to actually realize they were better off without him around. 
When the early rays of dawn started to bathe the sides of Titan’s Tower in ember colored light, he was off. He left behind seven trackers pulled from his clothes and bag and one more from behind his ear; he’d kept the one he noticed in his favorite pair of sneakers because it was a type that wouldn’t start transmitting data until the Bats actively started tracking it and he was hoping to find someone who wore his size at the bus station he could pay to wear them so he could throw them off for even longer. If all else failed, he would just toss them in an out of the way trash can. He had also left a letter of resignation for Batman that he’d whipped up based off of an online template, signed and sealed and awaiting discovery atop the pillow in his nearly empty dorm room (he had tried for something more personal, a longer note of explanation for Bruce about why he couldn’t stay despite being asked, but—the words just wouldn’t come, and he’d been running out of time). His bag was heavy, courtesy of all of the extra supplies he’d grabbed in anticipation of having to evade not only Batman’s team but the rest of the Justice League. His heart was heavy, courtesy of emotional baggage that he wished was as easy to unpack as his actual bags would be when he finally found somewhere to settle. 
He boarded the first bus he saw after he’d gone a few blocks and took a seat towards the back, where he leaned against the window and stared back at the iconic giant T that he used to belong in, however briefly, until it disappeared from sight. And just like that, Tim Drake’s life as Robin was over. 
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter is to formally notify you that I’m resigning as Robin in Gotham City, effective immediately. 
Thank you so much for the opportunity to work with you all for the past three years. I’ve enjoyed getting to know the team and appreciated the opportunity to learn about vigilantism and hone my detective skills. I’m excited to take these skills with me as I pursue the next step of my career.
During the past two weeks, I have done everything possible to wrap up any ongoing cases and leave no unfinished business. The Robin suit as well as my spare have been cleaned and placed in the armory of Titan’s Tower along with any gear I have been issued. 
I wish Batman and team the best, but am afraid I will be out of contact for the foreseeable future. 
T. J. Drake
Red Hood stalked into Titan’s Tower with all the grace of a wildcat closing in on its prey, his vicious smirk hidden by his helmet, his unauthorized entrance hidden by virtue of the heroes’ own stupidity in failing to remove his codes from the database. Seriously—he’d thought gaining entry into their so-called fortress would be the hardest part of this little trip, and had only tried his access codes for the sake of checking the most stupidly obvious Plan A off his list! For them to work, to realize that there was nothing truly separating the precious sidekicks from the wrath of a vengeance minded crime lord, well… it sure made the message he was about to send feel all the more poignant. 
He had come equipped to subdue an entire horde of Teeny Titans without hurting them (much), but to his surprise, the tower was empty of kid sidekicks despite Robin having been sent to work with his team yesterday afternoon, a fact Jason had gleaned last night from listening to the mind numbing chatter of Nightwing being bored on a stakeout and wanting to chat with anyone over the comms Jason had hacked into. Which he’d done in order to better plan his aggressive takeover of Crime Alley, not because he missed hearing his family’s voices. Nope. 
(Since coming back to Gotham, it had been more difficult than he anticipated to stick to the plan when some part of his mind still stubbornly clung to those foolish, childhood dreams of belonging and family and a father who gave a shit and things like that, and kept popping up with annoying questions like ‘what if he revealed his identity to Dick or Alfred or someone just to see if maybe Talia had been right and they’d want him back after all. Clearly, the existence of a new Robin meant that they’d never really given a damn about him, so he was going to go through with this thing, just watch him.)
Truly this had to be fate, because the path to Robin was practically unfolding before him with no barriers. All that was left to do was find where in this gigantic clubhouse the itty little birdie was nesting. Jason tried the common room first. Then the kitchen. Then the rec room. And then the training floor. And the med bay. And then the armory, where he found Robin’s suit, but no actual Robin. He supposed the next place to check would be Robin’s bedroom, because even though it was well past eleven, Drake was a teenager and could conceivably be sleeping in, especially since there was no Alfred around to rouse him at a reasonable hour. Luckily, the doors on the floor with sleeping quarters were all clearly marked with either the name or symbol of the person it belonged to, so it was easy enough to find the one with that all too familiar stylized ‘R’. Jason paused to take a steadying breath before gritting his teeth and deciding to really make an entrance by kicking down the door. 
…To an empty bedroom. Like, not just devoid of Tim Drake, but also devoid of books, trinkets, photos, decoration, clothes, dishes, mess, et cetera, et cetera. It looked as clean and sterile as a hotel room, and if Jason hadn’t literally just seen Robin’s insignia on the door he would think he’d entered an unassigned room by mistake. He frowned and yanked off his helmet, as if looking with his own two eyes would suddenly change the scene, but no. Nothing. He strode into the room and yanked open the closet—empty. He walked over to the desk and yanked open the top drawer—empty. He yanked open the bottom drawer, and mostly empty except for—wait, was that a pile of deactivated Bat trackers? Fucking bizarre. When he stood up, he glanced around again, and this time something on the bed caught his eye. It had been easy to miss against the white pillowcase, but there was an envelope tucked up against the pillow. With a scowl, he stalked over and grabbed it. 
When Jason flipped it over, he noted that it was addressed to Batman, but decided that since he was a crime lord now he didn’t have to care about something as trivial as opening someone else’s mail. He didn't want to take off his gloves and risk leaving prints on anything, so he pulled out a dagger and used it to slice open the envelope. As he flipped it over to dump its contents on the desk, he had the fleeting thought that he probably should have put back on his mask in case this had been some villain’s ploy to poison Batman, but luckily all that fell out was a single sheet of printer paper folded into thirds. 
This he was careful not to damage as he unfolded it. It wasn’t a long note, just a few small paragraphs, so it was quick enough to read: To whom it may concern. This letter is to formally notify you that I’m resigning as Robin in Gotham City, effective immediately… 
Jason dropped the letter and took a step back, staring at the innocuous piece of paper with wide eyes and racing thoughts. Robin had—Drake wasn’t—Timothy—the kid, he was quitting? Leaving? Gone? 
It could be a trap. It probably was a trap. Except Robin shouldn’t have had any way of knowing Red Hood would be able to track him all the way to Titan’s Tower so why would he have set a trap for him in the first place? A trap for someone else, then? If it was, it was really, really stupid of him because the kid had signed his resignation letter from Robin with his actual name, and surely he wouldn’t have made it this far if he were that careless with his identity. So, it was either a very bad trap, or not a trap at all. And if it was not a trap at all, then… 
Then Robin had… resigned. Which, ok, Jason’s stated goal coming into this thing was to get Tim Drake to stop being Robin. So he should be happy about this, right? Except he’d not gotten to toss the kid around and work out his aggression at all so there was no satisfaction in it. Also, the timing was fucking obnoxious. Go figure that the very day he decides to do something about his replacement, the kid decides to peace out of the Gotham vigilante scene and… and go… 
… Somewhere. Jason had no idea where Tim Drake would go if he were no longer Robin. Given how he’d waited until he was alone and then left the note to be found on the other side of the country, Jason had a sneaking suspicion that returning to Gotham was currently off the table. The letter had said he would be ‘out of contact’ for the foreseeable future; Jason could read between the lines enough to figure out that meant he was running away. 
—Which, fuck. Another Robin was running away from Batman because of… well, Jason didn’t know what this kid’s issue with B was, but there were plenty of potential flaws in the man to choose from so Jason was going to play it safe and assume it was something Bruce did. Clearly, the man could never learn. And now, this poor dumb Robin was going to pay the price! Jason was more than familiar with the number of horrors that awaited kids who ended up on their own. He could starve; he could freeze to death; he could catch some disease like the flu, or get cut on a rusty nail and get tetanus, and then die from it because he couldn’t access medical treatment. He could get mugged, or harassed by cops, or snatched up by traffickers, or—
And fine; Jason himself had meant to hurt him. But that had been for ideological purposes, to prove a point about putting children in danger and not taking good enough care of them and stuff. It wasn’t like he was going to hurt him that badly, just bad enough to freak out Bruce a bit. But Jason was also the Red Hood, and the Red Hood’s mission was to do what was necessary to stop awful shit from happening to vulnerable kids. And this stupid, stupid letter was apparently enough to abruptly transfer Timothy Drake into that category in his head. 
Everything Jason had heard about the kid said he was smart, and the timing of his disappearance pointed to some thoughtful planning on his part. Jason could imagine that the little shit had some sort of plan in place to evade Batman’s attempts to locate him, and he probably could manage to run without getting caught by Bruce and the Gotham team for a while. Heck, the kid probably had strategies to get away from most if not all of the Justice League members, since B was sure to call in favors once he got frantic enough about the little bird. But one thing the kid likely did not plan for was being pursued by him. Ex-Robin, currently a crime lord, League of Assassins connections, and a bone to pick with Timothy specifically? (He ran away from home and left a fucking resignation letter about it? Does he not realize what that would do to Dick, to Alfred, to Bruce—)
After stuffing the letter into his pocket, Jason put back on his helmet and stalked out of Titans Tower as silently as he’d arrived, this time with a new yet equally furious purpose sharpening his steps. Sucked to be Timothy Drake, he thought, because the Red Hood got his message and he was officially concerned. 
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mae-i-scribble · 2 years
i’ve been rereading wings of fire because a friend was kind enough to gift me with physical copies of the first series and yeah, i do still love these books with all my heart. They have such genuine and compelling characterization, the way that the main five are a family first and foremost, each of them getting their own book to explore their perspective while not diminishing their presence in the other books. The ways that Sutherland quietly and not so quietly showcases the effects of war and trauma and being forced to fight for your life when our protagonists are children. There’s almost too much to gush about, almost everything about these books is something I love to pieces. Though I really do wish that not every book had a vaguely or not so vaguely romance subplot/possibility in them. The only one free of that is Sunny’s, and while some I like such as Glory and Deathbringer(their banter is cute i’ll excuse a 2 day romance based on that alone plus its not exactly a romance just crushing)/ Clay and Peril (less for romantic inclinations and more so how interesting their friendship is with peril’s one sided obssession/love bc it makes total sense from both their perspectives), the others are...eh. I probably wouldn’t mind them as much if they were like, the only romantic subplots but again, when nearly every book has a new one to throw at you I have to start comparing them.
More than that though, I’ve actually never read past the first series before. I’ve read Moon Rises about 4/5 times at least, I adore Moon and that book to pieces. But I’ve never actually read past it bc I could see what was happening with the love triangle setup, and after 5 books mainly focusing on found family with relatively little of the romance bs, I was dreading reading a main storyline romance with one of my least favorite cliches. But I’ve decided to start reading the rest of the series for the first time and I have to say this really does feel like the perfect follow up to the first series based on its plot and focus characters alone. Being so intertwined with dragons and plot threads from the first series is really working in its favor by picking up questions and plot threads and addressing/resolving them. The first 5 books are about ending the war and bringing the tribes together, these books look like they’re going to be about preserving it. Loosely speaking of course, bc these books are also about a number of things that the first and second series are mirroring each other in and I think that’s really neat. Now here’s to hoping that love triangle goes nowhere.
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ozarkthedog · 6 months
Awhile ago you wrote a fanfic of someone using their gold chain and pendant to keep you quiet and now that I’m staring at all this new Lucien content that’s all I can think about 😵‍💫
Dropping his chain into your mouth as he has you pinned up against that garden wall to help you keep quiet from the rest of the party goers 😮‍💨
yeah ok, babes, i got you. i moved them to a bedroom cause i think it’s naughtier. 🙃
18+ mdni — warnings: lucien flores x afab!reader. sex with a stranger. he makes you suck on his chain. feral sex. creampie. no spoilers. w.c. 486
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Another powerful thrust has your lips dropping open, a frantic moan bubbling from the tight confines of your throat as he harshens his hold on your hips and cruelly grinds the base of his pelvis against your clit.
Lucien tuts his tongue and shakes his head dismissively. The sound makes you feel small, like a child caught stealing.
“What am I gonna do with you?” He husks, leaning in to swipe his tongue across your lips, earning him another gasp. He tips his head toward his chest, his salt and peppered chin shifting as he clenches his jaw. From under his hooded, dark eyes, he burrows into your soul. “You wan' everyone to hear you fuckin’ a strange man's cock?
Your insides swirl with nervous arousal. This wasn’t like you. You’ve never fucked someone within hours of meeting them, but the moment you caught Lucien's eye across the small dining room, you knew you’d never be the same.
“As much as I love hearin’ you whimper,” he lets his words hang in the dimly lit guest bedroom before thumbing at your trembling bottom lip. “Open up, baby,” he commands, reaching for his chains.
You let him invade your space, parting your splayed thighs even wider and practically smothering you into the soft bedding. He drops one of his golden chains past your parted lips and into your mouth. “Thatta girl.” You suck on the small metal emblem without thinking. You’re so dumbstruck, and you only want to make him happy.
“Keep that pretty mouth shut. Don’t wan' anyone interruptin’ us.” He grits, forcing the tendons in his neck to swallow hard as your cunt swirls around his length.
He cants his hips and drives home, pushing past your tight, slick opening and deep into your warmth. Your eyes roll back as he molds your insides around him. He’s so fucking big you can practically feel him in your belly.
He snickers above you, shoving his hips harder as a muffled moan rumbles from your closed lips. “Lookin’ so fuckin' pretty with your holes filled.” he drawls, pawing at your hips and pulling you back onto his cock. Your cunt quivering at his words. “You like bein’ fucked by a strange man? Havin’ him take you apart in your friend's house?”
Blazing white heat erupts in your belly. He was right. You loved every depraved minute of this. Of him. Your core clenches, choking his cock as you come with a ragged, muted moan. He hisses, jaw clenching hard as he frantically thrusts his slick-coated cock past your vice-like opening. “You gonna take everythin’ I give ya, yeah?” he snarls, barring his teeth.
He doesn’t wait for a response before he comes. A deep, gravel-filled moan tumbles from his parted lips as he fills you to the brim and presses himself as deep as he can go until you’re a mewling mess around his cock and chain.
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feel free to scream at me -> 💌
be sure to follow @ozzieslibrary for fic updates!
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st4rymoon · 30 days
hi i have an idea 😋
can u do a fic where Steven and the reader are in a friend-with-benefits situation but she doesn’t know he’s a superhero so while she was reading fanfics on her new celebrity, the new white suit vigilante Steven saw her screen and had an idea to make her feel good 🤸
This was so fun to write HEHEHE😽 I have a feeling the suit would give Steven a boost of confidence… I see him getting more daring and touchy than usual. He just feels like he has a stronger power over you than usual 🙊
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☾˚⋆𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝘩𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑖𝑡
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✶ 𝘚𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘎𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘹 𝘍𝘦𝘮 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘹𝘵: After joking about how you think the white masked vigilante could kiss you better than he could, Steven decides to put it to the test.
𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: p in v, brattish reader, unprotected sex, creampie, language, sex! in Mr. Knights suit xx, dumbification on both sides, soft dom steven, friends with benifits, very slight choking
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"I wonder if he's cute." You smiled as the photos of a new vigilante flooded your feed. A white suit with moon-embroidered accents that was well-fitted on the stranger fighting off some robbers.
Steven sat beside you as you talked about how you'd bet money the man behind the suit was handsome. Unbeknownst to you, the man under the suit was, in fact, attractive and sitting right next to you.
Steven managed to keep under the radar from cameras and news outlets, but sooner or later, he knew he'd be caught when fighting crime. "And if he is cute, what then?" Steven curiously asked.
"Might have to kiss him, ya know, for keep us safe and all," you wink as you stand beside him. His eyes trailed with your form as you packed up your belongings. "You think he'd kiss better than me?" Steven asked with a teasing pout as he stood up and wrapped his arms around your waist.
His lips softly kissed down your neck and onto your shoulders as you tried to ignore the hard-on pressing against your ass. "Maybe, might even fuck me better," you teased. Steven scoffed at your words; he knew you were trying to poke his buttons, and it worked. Even when the man you were talking about was him.
"We'll just have to see about that, huh?" he smiled as you pulled away from him with an eye roll.
A few days later, you again ended up at Steven's flat. Waiting for him to return from whatever shenanigans he was up to today. You decided to kill some time and go on your phone, scrolling through your Tumblr as you came across a new writer appearing on your feed. Moonknight smut.
Moonknight? Is this the name of the new sexy superhero? You squealed as you turned onto your stomach and got lost in the reading. The story pulled you to the point that you didn't even hear Steven walk into the flat.
He tip-toed quietly to you and took a look at your screen. He followed along as you read without you noticing his ninja-like movements. Steven chuckled at the filthy words you read, deciding it was a good idea to announce himself as he summoned his suit.
You jumped as you heard a loud noise from behind you. "I've been told you're quite fond of my suit," you heard from the suited figure before you.
Your mouth dropped at the familiar voice. "S-Steven?" you gasped as you stood from the bed. "I'm not sure who Steven is, love. Whoever this fella is, do you think he'd kiss you better than I could?" With that sentence, you knew it was Steven.
"I'm not sure, Mr. white suit. Wouldn't I have to try it before making rash judgments?" you cooed as you walked up to Steven and ran your fingers up his chest. "I think you're right." the glowing eyes from his mask scrunched as he smiled.
Your eyes lit up as Steven's mask disappeared, putting you face-to-face with the handsome superhero. "Told you he'd be sexy," You teased as Steven's Hands trailed down your hips. You smiled as you took in Stevens's soft features. His soft lips curled into a smile as you traced his cheekbone with your thumb.
"And very handsome." you purred as you yanked him down for a kiss. The sound of your lips smashing against each other as you lapped at each other's mouths was intoxicating for Steven. He squirmed in his uncomfortable suit as his trousers grew tight. "In the suit, fuck me in the suit," you gasped as your nails dug into his forearms.
"Why else would I have this on?" he smiled, yanking your shorts down swiftly and the time it took Steven to unzip his pants was impressive, to say the least. "Look at me, darling, look at me," Steven hummed as he moved a pillow behind your back, arching you up perfectly.
"Does he kiss better, mmhm?" Steven teased as he bit down your neck, his hands moving to the back of your thighs and spreading you wide. "Yeah, and he'll fuck me better, too" You brattly replied.
"Acting like a brat, honey? Why? Does the suit make you want to talk back?" Steven hissed as he rubbed his leaking tip between your folds. “You can keep the attitude up darling, I don’t mind” he cooed.
"Mhm" you moaned as you watched his hips roll with each thrust. His thick tip rubbed against your clit ever so slight, purposefully teasing and riling you up.
Your eyes lit up as you watched Stevens's eyes roll into the back of his head as he pushed into you. You could see the veins in his neck bulge as he sunk deeper into your sticky cunt. "Feel's so fuc- ahh" Steven cried out as he thrusted into you.
Stevens's calloused hands groped you hungrily, his nails sinking into your plush thighs in desperation. Embarrassment filled Steven as a loud moan left his lips. Your cunt pulsing around him had him drunk. You smiled dumbly as you watched Steven's white mask appear in an attempt to save himself from embarrassment.
His glowing eyes stared down at you with a pathetic furrow "God love you always f—feel so good," he huffed as you clawed at his sleeves. You brainlessly bounced along with his deep thrusts as his hands gripped his bookshelves.
"Stev- stevenn," You sobbed as he threw your legs over his shoulders. Your content moans filled stevens ears as his public bone rubbed against your swollen clit. "Feels good, doesn't it love? Getting fucked by the guy who keeps you safe?" He chuckled shakily.
It was true, and you loved it, loved knowing the man who could pull multiple orgasms out of you was the man behind the white masked vigilante. "Pl- wanna see your face plea-" You sobbed as Steven's arms cradled your head for a better position.
You could feel him hitting the deepest spots inside you, and the moment his hand wrapped around your throat, your eyes rolled back into your skull. Steven's mask disappeared, and you were met with his puppy dog eyes admiring you as a desperate moan left your lips.
Steven couldn't help but smile as he watched you come undone on his dick, your white pearly slick making the sex all the louder. He could feel you pulsing around him in a way that had his saliva dribbling down his lips. "oh my g- bloody hell" Steven's guttural moan filled your ears as he collapsed on top of you.
You could feel your slick dripping down your thighs as Steven fucked his messy loads back into your cunt while you clung onto him for dear life. One last moan left Steven as you squealed in pleasure.
Steven's hands carefully lowered your legs and pulled out with a hiss. His suit was off in seconds, and you were flushed against his chest. You both bathed in each other's warmth before Steven ran a hand down your head "Surprise" he cockily chuckled as you sighed.
“Superhero vigilante is definitely a turn-on." You smiled.
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ghostieyanyan · 5 months
yandere ruggie bucchi!
hehe~~ i love writing about yandere beasts~ hehe~ this is a little shorter than some of my fanfics but I hope you like the art for it! (I’m proud of it ^^)
~The Bite~
Yan!Ruggie x mc
Warnings: yandere, bite marks, biting, stalking, chasing, pin down, struggle
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You always have to remember... you are human and magicless at that. You always have to stay aware of your surroundings. You always have to be careful with going out at night.
Of course you have grim, ace, and deuce. but they like to get themselves into trouble and sometimes you cant help them.
So tonight, you were walking home... alone. you didn't mean to, it was just you were helping Jack and Epel, then Dire Crowley needed help, and it just piled up for you. Before you knew it, when you finished, it was pitch dark outside. Only well lit lanterns here and there but still. It was dark enough for the long unnerving shadows to give you chills.
You took a breathe and started to head to the dorm... normally you'll have grim talking your ear off with food, or assignments, or the "just you wait, ill become the most powerful mage in all of twisted wonderland!!" speech.. but now you have to walk and just listen to your footsteps on the ground.
Beside it being cold, it was a lovely night. the sky was clear and you could see the stars and moon nicely. it definitely help ease your nerves.
Sadly that didn't last long..- you walked past some forest, right before your dorm, and you heard some rustling. you would have just thought it was just a small critter... if it didn't make a loud thud and have a gargling growl.
you felt your blood run cold and shivers down your spine. practically every fiber in your body told you to run! you were about to- but you then remember something that rook said a while back...
"Some animals, when they see something go by fast, their instincts tell them to chase it! even before they know what they're chasing~! isn't that fascinating~?"
In this moment, NO, its not fascinating!!!
so instead of doing a full sprint, you went for a speed walk? maybe whatever that thing is, it'll leave you alone?
Ohhh hahaha... your hopeful thinking. Ya, no. whatever that THING was, stopped whatever it was doing and you could practically feel it's eyes piercing right through you.
You could barely get another step in before you heard it rush towards you. your auto-pilot kicked in and you booked it home, you didn't even dare yourself to turn around and look behind you. you ran like you never ran before. your feet ached by how much pressure your putting on the ground. next time, Deuce and Jack invites you out for a jog. maybe you'll tag along next time... that is if you live.
you made it to your dorm and slammed the door behind you. your chest was practically about to pound out of your chest. it felt like you were gasping for air through a straw. you were sitting against the front door on the doormat. you had to give yourself a few minutes before you could do anything.
what were you gonna do..?
when you finally got enough air to calm your heart rate a bit. you peeked outside... all you saw were the lights of the lanterns by your dorm...
no one was there...
you quickly ran to find any unlock doors and windows and quickly lock them! you also grabbed the phone that Cater gave you and called Jack and Epel. it took a bit and they weren't happy to be woken up but after hearing your shaken voice and begged to come to the ramshackle dorm, their angry turned to concern.
they told you they're on the way and told you to sit tight.
so you waited.
what were your suppose to do as you wait..? you could recheck the windows and door? you could also get a weapon, too! ya!
you rushed to the kitchen to grab a pan, and checked all the doors and windows again. you even checked the upstairs windows. you were in a magical world, you are not gonna stop and think about logic on how anyone will get to the top floor!
Good thing you did check though... Well unfortunately, your bedroom window was wide open.
you felt the cold wind blow through the window, you held the pan close to you as you slowly stepped away from the window. but your back hit something.. it was definitely not a wall! this thing wrapped it's arms around you and pushed you down on the ground. you tried to fight this intruder off but it was met with your limps being pinned and your pan being thrown across the room.
you couldn't turn and look at this person but you knew they weren't human. their sharp nails dug into your wrist. their knees on the back of your thighs so you are unable to move.
This monster, lowered themselves to you and spoke.
"Shye he he...~ you're such good prey~"
he probably felt your body freeze in realization but he didn't give you a second to think about it as he took his chance and sink his teeth on the back of your neck.
you let out a painful scream until your voice eventually gave out and you've succumb to the pain. you felt light headed and your vision began to blur. your limps became cold from poor blood circulation.
but before you fell into unconsciousness you heard Ruggie whispers his parting words...
"see you next time, prefect~"
when you woke up, you were in your bed. you slowly sat up and felt the unpleasant feeling of blood rushing in your head. you noticed the sunlight shining through your room and that the window is now closed.
you thought to yourself. that was a horrible dream...
but if it WAS just a horrible dream..? why is Jack and Epel sleeping on the floor in your room..?
and why is your neck patched up....
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luvs4jhutch · 7 months
I had a vision...
Fanfic type: Blurb, smut. Pairing: afab fem!reader x Mike Schmidt Word count: 882 words A/N: I had some problems while writing this, I hope y'all like it. Please repost if u liked it, it would be very nice 🫶
Warnings: Creampie, p in v, smut with no plot, teasing, praising, overstimulation.
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And I shouldn't cry, but I love it...
✧ "Oh... oh fuck... Mike!" you called his name, rolling your eyes back. You were on your tiptoes, leaning as best you could on the kitchen counter. He had had you bareback for about 30 minutes and he didn't seem to want to stop.
You hugged his neck with your right arm, your back arched against his chest as his hands moved your hips against him to his own liking.
"Y' doing so fucking good for me..." he groaned to your ear. You bit your lip. Your mascara was ruined by crying from pleasure. You were so dumb on his cock and he knew it.
One of his hands caught your breast, while the other increased the pace of the thrusts. "You like to have me stretching out this tight, little pussy of yours, don't ya'?" he teased.
You leaned your whole body on the counter 'cause you didn't have enough strength to stand up straight, and Mike saw his chance. The hand that was on your boob earlier now grabbed your hair into a makeshift ponytail, while his other hand, the one doing the work, gave you a couple of playful smacks on the butt and dished out some sweet caresses on your butt, thigh, and lower back.
He was messing up your mind and your body and you could not do anything about it.
With each thrust, you felt your body melting. Mike brought his hand to your swollen clit, massaging in circles, practically embracing you from behind, which simply made you roll your eyes back and bite your own arm in an attempt to control the desperate sounds coming from your mouth, a melody for your lover's ears.
Your tights were slightly trembling at the point, but the overstimulation was so good to even say something about it.
In a couple more thrusts, you felt your third wave of intense pleasure with a loud moan accompanying it. Mike eased up to help you come down from the high, but you couldn't help moving your hips frantically and unconsciously against his.
"Js' look at you… so desperate for my cock," he said while observing your eagerness. You whimpered something incomprehensible (since you couldn't really think straight at this point) and Mike saw it as a signal to go back to the pace he'd set earlier.
He groaned in pleasure as he felt you tightening around him once more, your juices coating his length. He thrust into you harder and you couldn't help but feel your insides clenching around his cock, a sensation you never wanted to end. Every thrust sent electric shocks through your system, making you see stars and feel like you were flying.
It felt so good. So fucking perfect. You moaned as he began to move faster, pushing your body up against the kitchen counter for leverage.
The sensation of his hands gripping your hips tightly and pulling you back towards him sent shivers down your spine. You bit your lip, trying to keep quiet but unable to suppress the sounds of pleasure that escaped from your throat.
"You're so fucking tight," he groaned, slamming his hips into yours. He picked up the pace tightening the grip on your hips.
"I'm close," he warned. You could feel the head of his cock brushing against your sensitive areas with each powerful thrust.
Mike leaned in close, his lips brushing against your ear. "You want me to cum inside you?" he asked, his voice thick with desire.
You were totally out of it, your eyes half-closed, tears of pleasure welling up. You didn't even hesitate before nodding desperately in agreement. He groaned to your ear while he felt closer and closer to his release.
"Oh fuck," he growled, coming inside you. Your body convulsed around his as you felt the waves of pleasure wash over you.
You felt his warmth fill you up and with a loud moan, you came too, your body shuddering around his. Your juices dripped down onto the floor as he continued to pump his seed deep inside of you.
After a few more moments, Mike pulled out of you, his cock slippery with your juices. He stumbled back a step, panting heavily. You slumped forward, resting your forehead on the kitchen counter.
After a few minutes catching your breaths Mike picked you up gently, cradling you in his arms. He carried you to the bedroom, your head resting on his shoulder as he walked.
Once in the bedroom, Mike laid you down on the bed and cleaned up the mess you've made. Then he helped you put on one of his hoodies so you didn't get cold. He then climbed in next to you, pulling you close.
You both lay there panting heavily, feeling your hearts race against each other's. Mike's arms were wrapped tightly around you, holding you close. He kissed your forehead softly as he looked into your eyes, which were barely open.
"That was amazing," he whispered, his breath hot against your ear. "You're so beautiful when you let go like that."
You smiled contentedly, whispering back something like "I love you". Feeling safe and loved in his arms, your eyelids grew heavy and you drifted off to sleep, listening to the sound of his heartbeat as it calmed you down.
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artistidiot · 5 months
Stone x Scrap!reader headcannons
I know I said I wasn't doing any more fanfics but I just had to do Ramshackle since it has me in a chokehold rn 😭
Enjoy 😊
Stone is protective to his S/o. Can't change my mind. He would do anything in his power to keep you safe. Hurt or getting fixed up during a fight? He protect. Going out at night to look (steal) for dinner? He be standing in the shadows or walk with you. He ain't loosing his S/o.
He's very touch-starved but also not at the same time yk? Like he would give you hugs from behind from time to time when no one is watching. He also like when you hug him as well. But when there's people or when he doesn't want one, he won't let you hug him or vise versa. This also goes for cuddles and kisses.
He would NEVER hurt you in any way. (Hit, berate, ect.) He just doesn't want to hurt someone he loves. He would raise his voice at you if ya don't listen to him. But that's a rare sight to see. But don't worry, he still loves you ❤️.
FEEDS YOU FIRST BEFORE HIMSELF. HE WILL STARVE HIMSELF AND GIVE UP HIS FOOD TO YOU. CANT CHANGE MY MIND. But srs, don't let him starve. Poor boy is skinny to begin with.
YOUR PERSONAL HEATER. He's definitely someone who's warm all the time. When you get cold at night or lat evening, he WILL let you cuddle him. Even if the other two are there.
I feel like kisses will be a rare thing but it does happen. He will kiss ya when their alone but other than that ya ain't getting anymore kisses.
I'll probably make more Ramshackle x reader fics. Anyways- Skipp is next!
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erii-ya · 7 months
Punishing Female Trafalgar Law
A Valentine’s Special One Piece FanFic
CW: **NSFW, smut, bounded, finger-fudging, swear words, dominant reader, submissive Law, spoilers, not proofread**
WC: 1.7k
Dedicated to Anonymous (This may not be to your liking, but I thought of dedicating this story for you still. But I’ll make another one more decent. 😅)
“Y/N-ya… ngghh… s-stop this…” Law huffed. Feverishly squirming under his restraints while you take your time thrusting two fingers inside his wet sex. Choking back a sob, not wanting to accept the fact that you are in control this time and not him.
An unexpected opportunity arises, much to your luck. After getting hit by one of Blackbeard’s men’s devil fruit, Trafalgar Law was turned into a woman. The lasting effect of the DF power is unknown, so you took the opportunity before you missed the chance.
Restrained in your bed by seastone cuffs is your captain and partner, Trafalgar Law, in his female form, as you like to call it. Why you have a seastone cuff is thanks to you being a weird collector of unusual things.
You gave her a maniacal grin, “Aww, the princess wants me to stop?” you teased. Curling up your fingers inside him, hitting that perfect spot you know so well will make him see stars - or hearts.
Law writhed in pure bliss. He didn’t expect this to be too…good. Now he knows just what you feel whenever he does this to you. “Yes…nghh-no… ahh fuuuck.” and for the nth time, he squirted. 
Making a mess on your shared bed and on you, but you didn’t care. As if it’s not enough torture for Law, you played with his clit while he's at it, the same as what he does to you. Overstimulating him while he moans and spasms uncontrollably under you.
The way he looks right now, sweat forming on his forehead, the uneven pump of his chest, and his half-lidded eyes full of undeniable desire and excitement, made you even more eager to mess him up. You want him to experience the same things he’d done to you, how he played and bullied you down there.
Law was gasping for air, looking at you. He wants to say something, but his thoughts are still in disarray after another display of performance. Without missing a beat and to build up his arousal, you shamelessly suck up your fingers that were covered with his essence, licking it clean. You saw how his eyes widened and gulped down in anticipation.
You hover over him, giving him a sloppy kiss to which he hungrily returns. “Can you taste yourself? You tasted so sweet, love. Just how I like it.” you told him in between kisses. Law only moaned in agreement.
“Good girl…so obedient for me.” you cooed. You act precisely as how he is when he fucks you dumb, and you, in fact, are enjoying it. The feeling of being dominant over him for the first time in the course of your sex life was so satisfying it’ll be etched in your memories forever.
Breaking the kiss, you slowly descend to suck on his melons, going down to his sex, leaving a trail of bite marks and hickeys on his body. “Wh-what are you-ooohhh shit…” he hadn’t got time to finish his words when you started to ‘eat’ him out. 
You had never done this before, so you mentally followed how you remembered him doing it with you. Licking his folds while playing with his clit, seems to give him the same amount of pleasure as you experienced since he started to convulse again and was trying hard to squeeze his thighs shut. But he can’t because his legs are splayed out in restraints for you.
“You truly do too much work for me whenever you do this, don’t you?” you stopped for a bit, making him whine in dismay. “Oops, sorry. Were you enjoying it? Just want to appreciate you for a minute.”
“Y/N-ya… stop… t-teasing… m-me…” said Law, heavily breathing, lust covering his strained voice. “I-I want… to cu–ngghhh” moaning louder when you thrust your digits inside him again.
“You’re saying something, hon?” you asked, mischievously toying with him while you continuously pounded your fingers painfully slow inside him. You can feel him clench your digits in their every thrust, desperately clinging onto them for immediate relief until you see him starting to buckle up his hips, attempting to chase his climax.
Then you stop. Removing your fingers inside him.
Law glared at you due to your sudden halt. He was almost there, reaching his needed peak, but you mercilessly stopped and left him hanging on nothing. “W-wait.. Why’d you- why’d you stop?” he groaned.
Eyes lustful, you stared back at him; licking your lips, you asked, “Was it good?”
“Yes… yes, babe, so please… let me cum.” he begged. 
The surgeon of death BEGGED.
It boosted your ego so much that you can’t stop thinking how you’ll prolong this game with him. He’s not the only one on edge for a while now. You can feel your own wetness dripping down your legs. If only you could be turned into a guy right now, you’ll definitely fuck the lights out of him.
You walk over to his side, tracing your fingers on his sensitive skin. Sitting down, you gently wiped away his drool and tucked the strands of loose hair covering his sweat-covered face behind his ears. Slowly laying down beside him, giving feathery kisses on his cheeks, your arm snaked behind him so you could fiddle on his hardened nips, pinching them from time to time while the other hand reached down on his sex, your middle and ring finger alternating between circling his clit and lunging inside.
Law felt the familiar knots on his stomach again, heat building up along with it. “Babe…” he said breathily. “Please… let me cum…” pleading for an immediate release.
You stopped what you were doing and shushed him. Cupping his face with one hand, you close your mouth to his ears, licking it sensually as how he liked it. 
“You want to cum, hon?” Law nodded eagerly, lust drunk. “Me too. Can you feel how wet I am for you right now?” you cooed—placing one of his thighs in between your dripping sex and humping on it. The squelching sound it made was too much for Law to handle. Giving him shivers, and you feel his body tense against yours.
“This is so unfair, love.” whispering in his ears in a flirtatious tone. “As much as I want to play and tease you more while you’re in your female form, I wish you could fuck me senseless instead.” 
Hearing your remark made Law choke.
“Fuck me so hard the only thing I could do is scream your name.” you added. “But I guess it’s not my lucky day, so to be fair, cum for me instead… but only through my voice.” purring to his ears. 
As much as it pains him to admit, Law was actually enjoying this sadistic side of you. He was so thrilled seeing that confidence while you tormented him the whole time. And that dirty talk… hot damn. It makes him too impatient to go back to being a man so he can wipe that smug grin off your face using his cock.
Law’s already at his limit. Your voice sends a tingling sensation throughout his body, and it’s not helping him at all. He started jerking, trying his best to free himself from his shackles, and you’re enjoying watching him try.
To add more fuel to his now blazing fire of desire, you continued purring sweet nothings and dirty talking through his ears. Biting it, then licking, then moaning deliciously after.
“It’s alright, love. You’re doing great.”
“Ngghhh yes… yes that’s it… cum for mee”
“Can’t wait to have you inside me again. My pussy’s throbbing just thinking about it.”
“I am so hot and ready for you, babe.”
“I need you, Law.”
“I love you, captain.”
“Remember to pump me up with your seeds once you're back.”
“I want all of it. I want all of you.”
As soon as you said the last word, Law went on an overdrive—his slim female body spasms in delight with his successful release. Appalled that he came to a climax because of your voice. 
You didn’t interrupt him this time and let him chase down his high. Planting kisses on his face, neck, and shoulders.
“Such a good boy.” you said, wrapping him in a hug as he pants, trying to get even breaths.
You both stayed in that position; moments later, you heard his light snores. Seeing that he’s already out cold, probably due to your exhausting torture, you carefully stood up and removed the seastone cuffs securing him one by one.
There were red marks around his wrists and ankles, proof of him trying to unbind himself the whole time. Feeling a pang of guilt, you softly caress the marks as if it’ll help heal them.
“I may have gone overboard. I’m sorry, love.”
To appease him when he wakes up, you change your clothes to one of his since yours has gotten quite messed up earlier and go over to the kitchen to get him some water and whip up an Onigiri. 
As you return to your shared bedroom, you are so busy mentally thinking about the other things you must prepare to clean him up that you don’t notice the towering shadow in the room waiting for your return. You placed the tray you were holding on his desk near the entrance and were about to close the door when you saw Law –in his original, manly figure, in all his glory, closing in on you.
‘Oh no. This won’t be good.’
“Fuck. I forgot somethi–...” You frantically turn around to open the door when Law cuts you to it, pinning you in place between him and the door.
Feeling his breath in your ears, he whispered, “Why the rush, Y/N-ya? Didn’t you say you are so hot and ready for me?”
“I should’ve left you in cuffs until morning.” you whizzed. 
Law only chuckled; wrapping his other hand on your waist, he spun you around to face him. There, you saw golden eyes staring back at you, piercing your soul and your very core. You swallowed up a lump.
His eyes are still lustful; you know he’ll go feral any minute because you awaken the beast.
“Who would’ve thought this was YOUR lucky day?” mocking you for what you said a while ago. “I hope you built up enough stamina because just as you wished, I’ll fuck you so hard; not only will you scream my name… but you may also not be able to walk for the next. Three. Days.”
‘I am sooo dead.’
(*/ω\*) (*/ω\*) (*/ω\*) (*/ω\*) (*/ω\*) (*/ω\*) (*/ω\*)
A/N: Never thought my first Trafalgar Law fic would be smut. Not even sure if I intended it to be a dirty smut or a decent smut if that makes sense. Happy Valentine's to all!
My bisexual heart had never been triggered by a fictional character until this dazzling pirate captain came to my knowledge. Thank you, Oda-sensei! Thank you for making Trafalgar D. Water Law. I hope the live-action will do him justice, too.
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isabel3710 · 7 months
I've dived headfirst back into my old Trolls hyper fixation with the release of the third movie. So I decided to write a little something for the idea of Branch being adopted by the Country Trolls.
I was inspired by some fan art by crunchy_coookies_ on insta and @rocksibblingsau's AU and a post they've made on this idea.
I would love to turn this into a full fledged fic one day but I'm already working on another trolls fanfic plus I got some (very loose) plans for another for when I'm done. But if I every have the time to write more I'll be sure to let you all know!
A little gray trolling sat on the edge of a dusty road, a worn looking bag sitting beside him. Branch held his ankle with both hands, it throbbed with pain and he was struggling not to cry. 
A few weeks ago Branch had decided to leave his tribe once and for all, he was tired of being bounced around from foster home to foster home. Full of people who either hated him or tried to turn him into something he wasn’t. So he packed a bag full of his prized possessions and any supplies he might need and snuck out in the middle of the night. 
At first things were great! And then he left the forest and made it to this desert of a wasteland, Branch did okay at first. He was careful to ration his food and slept with a knife in his hand.
Then today Branch had gotten his foot caught in some kind of hole and now his ankle really hurt. He had tried to stand up and power through but couldn’t without pain getting to an overwhelming degree.
He sniffed and whipped at his eyes, Branch didn’t know what he was going to do. He was stuck here with a hurt leg and he had run out of food last night. 
His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by some strange clip-clop sound. Branch reached into his bag and pulled out his little knife. He was alone out here and who knew how many things out in this strange land liked to eat trolls. 
Dust had suddenly risen up into the air and got into Branch’s eyes, he tried to blink it away as the strange sound got closer and closer. When his vision had cleared he saw the figure that matched the clopping sound.
It was a troll?
The troll looked like one he had never seen before, she had orange skin and red hair which did remind him of the trolls back home. But that was where the similarities ended, for she had four legs with hooves and a fluffy looking teal tail. Her clothes weren't neon or pastel colored or covered in glitter, but fairly plain looking; with a few dirt stains and patches.
The woman seemed to notice him too for she started to walk over to him, the clopping sound following her. “Hey sugar” she said, her voice sounded strange. Nothing like Branch had ever heard before. “Why’re you out here all alone?”
Branch sniffled and tried to scoot away on his bottom, dragging his injured leg along the ground. The hand holding his knife shook a bit. 
“Hey, hey” the woman said, her voice gentle. “I’m not going ta’ hurt you.” She knelt in front of him “what happened ta’ your leg?”
Something about this woman felt calming, Branch hadn’t met anyone who made him feel this way since his Grandma died. “I tripped,” he said, tears running down his cheeks. “It hurts really bad.”
“I’m sure it does” the woman said “mind if I take a look?”
Branch hesitated before nodding, the woman carefully took his ankle in her hands. He winced a bit in pain but stayed still. The woman tutted softly “looks like you sprained it honey.” 
She pulled out a piece of dark green cloth and tied it around his ankle. “We'll have to put some ice on it.”
“I don’t have any ice,” Branch said.
“Not to worry,” she smiled at him, “town’s not too far from here.” 
There was a town out here… “how?” He asked, “it hurts to walk.”
“Climb on my back” she said “and I’ll carry ya.” 
“Won’t that hurt you?”
She chuckled “you’re sweet, sugar, but not to worry. I’ll be fine.” The women helped Branch sit on her back before slowly standing “hold on darlin’.” 
Branch held his bag in one hand and to the women’s shirt with the other. And she began to walk, the clopping sound following them. It was then Branch realized he had no idea what this lady’s name was.
“Ms” he said “I’m sorry but… What’s your name?”
She chuckled “no need to apologize hon. I’m Ms Delta Dawn. What’s your name?”
“Branch.” He said “my name is Branch."
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barbstail · 3 months
The Sunflower Jewel (A Michael X MC fanfic) part 1
(After Devildom falls under a mysterious non-stop snow storm, MC is borrowed by the celestial realm in exchange for a stone that can temporarily save Devildom.)
(MC goes by gender neutral pronouns.)
Mc arrived followed by their usual seven demons who all took their respective seats along the large table. Diavolo and Barbatos were already in their seats. It wasn’t long before Diavolo, with a stern and grim expression, spoke up. “You all know why you are here.”
“Who can I blame for this!” Asmodeus demanded, his hair had clearly fallen victim to the storm’s winds.
“Ya! Who ruined my money makin'! I was going to be rich!” Mammon protested.
“All the restaurants are closed…” Beelzebub groaned.
Before the rest could lay out their complaints they were stopped by Lucifer’s deadly glare. Silence fell onto the meeting room. Lucifer coughed, before meeting his attention back to Diavolo. Taking the small cue from Lucifer, the prince began to speak. “I’m sure all of you are aware of just how serious of an issue this is and just how important it is to find both the solution and source of this issue,” He went on “We have found no leads on where this storm might have come from and if we leave this storm as it is then-.” He was interrupted by a knock at the doors.
Barbatos answered the door and out came a group of familiar faces. There was Raphael, Simeon, Luke, and Solomon. Solomon with his typical smile spoke “Pardon, we can as soon as we heard.”. After being welcomed in by Dia they all took the rest of the empty seats, leaving only one chair left. Lucifer, taking note of this spoke up “Are we expecting company?”.
Diavolo looked over to Lucifer and did a subtle nod. “With this kind of matter, I asked for assistance from the celestial realm.” He answered before adding “He should be here shortly.”. Lucifer raised a brow “Who-?” but his question was already answered when there was a bright golden light outside the door followed by the meeting door being opened and out came a both familiar and unfamiliar face.
Mc gave the newcomer a curious look. It was so odd to see someone who shared so many characteristics of Lucifer but not at the same time. If it weren’t for the man’s white longer hair, blue eyes, tan skin, and outfit then it would be hard to tell Lucifer and the newcomer apart.
“Welcome, Michael. I’m so glad you come and join us.” Diavolo greeted.
“Archangel Michael!” Luke beamed, giving a smile that could practically warm up this entire cold room.
The rest of the crowd gave either a more positive or a more natural reaction to the reveal.
Michael gave a soft smile to the people around him, giving a small wave of the hand. “Hello again, I hope you’re all in good condition despite the situation.” His tone was professional but gentle at the same time. He walked over and took the empty seat beside Luke and Ralphael.
“Long time no see.” Solomon acknowledged. Michael gave a look of agreement. “We simply must meet up again sometime.” He responded but before any more familiar greetings could occur Diavolo cut to the chase. “Arch Michael, has the celestial realm agreed to assist the Devildom?”. The two gazes meet, and Michael is taken aback by the bluntness. “I do not blame you for being on edge, lord Diavolo. I know I would be too,” The Angel started “The celestial realm has agreed to help the Devildom in exchange for agreeing to our conditions.” After Michael finished his sentence there was a wave of annoyance from the demons in the room.
“Of course there are conditions,” Mammon muttered.
“Classic celestial realm,” Leviathan commented.
“What conditions?” Lucifer spoke up. The two shared eye contact before Michael reached into his bag and pulled out something that was clearly wrapped with care. With a careful hand, the angel began to unwrap it to show a beautiful jewel. “If you place this sun jewel in this castle’s tower it should create magic powerful enough to fight off the storm that has taken over the Devildom. We offer this as a temporary solution as I’m sure the answer to this storm will be found eventually.” He explained.
“That is…” Lucifer muttered under his breath.
Michael nodded. “The jewel from all those years ago, you could imagine how long it took to find it again.” The angel had a nostalgic look in his eyes as he looked down at the jewel. “As you can imagine, this artifact is incredibly precious to both the Celestial Realm and to me, which is why I cannot just let the Devildom just borrow the sunflower jewel.” He explained. “In exchange for this artifact, the celestial realm with borrow something or someone of equal value to Devildom.”.
Diavolo spoke up “We have plenty of artifacts to give.”
“I’m afraid it’s not that simple.” Michael frowned.
“Of course.” Lucifer scoffed.
The archangel coughed into his fist, getting Raphael's attention. “Raphael, could you please show them how we will ensure that we are getting something of equal value?” He asked to which Raphael stood up from his seat. Pulling out an oddly shaped stone, he began to whisper an incantation. The stone floated in Raphael’s hand, spinning round and round before suddenly bolting in MC’s direction.
MC flinched in response to the incoming rock, mammon being quick to shield them from the incoming blow. But just as the stone was about to hit, it stopped in place in mid-air. Mammon peaks over his shoulder to see the stone floating in mid-air. “Hey, what gives?!” He exclaimed in an irritated tone of voice. He still kept his arms wrapped around MC, not taking the chance.
“The judgment stone has found something of equal value,” Michael explained.
Mammon perked up. “Heh! I know I’m awesome and all but there’s no way I’m going to the celestial realm.” He said, looking ever so egotistical. He finally let go of MC, moving away from them but the stone didn’t move.
“It doesn’t want you, Mammon.” After Raphael said that, one by one it began to click to the crowd what this meant. MC would be the one that would be borrowed by the celestial realm.
“There's no way they’re going!” Mammon exclaimed, turning to look at his dear human. “Right, MC? Ya ain’t gonna agree to this are ya? Who knows how long they’ll keep ya!” MC furrowed their brow at their first man’s words, clearing thinking.
Diavolo, with his arms crossed, looked over to Michael. “Just how long will you be borrowing MC?” The prince asked the archangel. “For as long as you keep the sunflower jewel we will keep MC. Once the jewel is returned so will the exchange student.” With Michael’s words, Diavolo seemed to ponder the idea in his head. “Will MC be cared for?” He questioned. The angel nodded. “Of course, MC will be our guest after all. They’ll be treated like royalty, I presume you’ll treat our jewel with the same respect as well?”.
“I will do it.”
Everyone’s heads turned to MC. “I agree to the deal,” MC reassured with their typical look of determination in their eyes. Some of the demon brothers were about to protest but were quickly silenced by the celestial prince “Does this mean we have a deal?” He said, his blue eyes peering straight through the demon prince. Diavolo narrowed his eyes, before finally breaking his temporary silence “It’s a deal.”.
Next part
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albondiguilla007 · 6 months
I mostly opened this account to talk about Harry Potter with other fans. I need potterhead friends I’m begging you, take pity on me.
✨ First though, here’s a Marauders playlist:
✨ Profile pic by sophitil
Ok, so a bit about me and this blog’s contents:
✨ We don’t judge here, every ship is welcome
✨But if it’s gay better
✨ I love the golden trio, I won’t stand for ANY kind of SLANDER, not of Ron, not of Hermione, least of all Harry. They are human, and they are good friends with flaws who love each other very much. They are growing up, grieving, taking care of each other and learning about life. I adore their friendship, and fanfics that realistically explore their relationship will always be a soft spot of mine. (wholesome one shot)
✨ Hot take: If you have any fanfic recommendation where they are romantically together (the three of them, as in an actual relationship), I would appreciate it very much
✨ Drarry (please) 🥵
✨ Lily Evans is my queen and goddess
✨ Jegulus (depending on the mood) Jegulily thooo 👀
✨ Tomarry? I’M A SLUT FOR TOMARRY (please I need more time travel fanfic recommendations) Some very good ones tho:
Terrible, but Great.
you belong to me (i belong to you).
Of Kings, of Pawns, and of Men. (This one is not time trivel per se but its AMAZING I’m telling ya)
Wear me like a locket around my throat
(all of them are in ao3)
✨ My boy Harry is incredibly underrated on his own book, like...? He is amazing, I love him, I wish him all the happiness in the world. WE NEED MORE FANFICS WHERE ALL HIS MENTAL STRUGGLES AND GRIEVING PROCESSESS ARE PORTRAYED. (He’s gone through so much, I don’t buy the way canon just swept everything under the rug and moved on)
✨ Draco Malfoy is a power bottom, fight me
✨ Another soft spot of mine? Fanfics where Harry time travels to a time where his parents are alive or a different dimension all together.
To make it better
Devil’s White Knight
Across the universe
You’re somebody else
(all in ao3 except Across the universe, that’s a short story in fanfic.net)
Other recommendations
✨ My bedtime readings are hardcore Drarry smut with some very questionable dom/sub dynamics. RECOMMENDATIONS PLEASE 🙏🏻
✨ Canon Remus was a bit of a people pleaser with no personality, but I forgive him because fanon, obviously
✨Canon James Potter was a dick, but I forgive him too. He did change a bit after Hogwarts, but I keep hoping he would’ve matured more if he’d had the chance to grow up into an actual adult
✨ Aaron Taylor Johnson and every other version of James Potter is mine, no arguments
✨ NO SNAPE SLANDER. He is an amazing character, and a very complex one at that. He is not supposed to be a good person, but a complicated one with a gray set of values. Y’all do not understand that, and I’m tired of watching Marauders stans be so fucking hypocritical when it comes to him.
Crime and Punishment (an amazing severitus fic on ao3)
✨ August, Cardigan and Betty are about these three idiots (Lily, James and Regulus) and you can’t change my mind. If you have any fanfic recs I’m all ears.
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its-elioo · 3 months
Incorrect quotes Part 3 (RnM fanfic related)
Part 1, Part 2
Knock Out: I just can’t believe you would do this to me.
Rarity: I’m sorry, I had no idea…
Knock Out: It’s called a betrayal of trust. Does that mean anything to you?
Rarity: Of course it does. I didn’t mean to hurt you-
Knock Out: You don’t just get me a gift out of nowhere and I have nothing prepared for you! Now I look like a big old jerk!
Sideswipe: If your leg gets cut off, would it hurt?
Rainbow: Duh!
Sideswipe: How tho?
Rainbow: Cause your leg got cut off, foo.
Sideswipe: Where you gonna feel the pain?
Rainbow: In your le-…
Sideswipe: Exactly, bruh.
Sideswipe: How you gonna feel the pain—
Both: If your leg is gone!
Steeljaw: It’s really cute that you’re gonna defeat me with the “power of friendship” and all but again I am the devil from the bible so—
Sunset: You mf, you didn’t let me finish!
Steeljaw: Uh-huh, go ahead.
Sunset: I have all this power in my hands—
Steeljaw: Dadadadada— shut up, shut up, stfu- I’m the- I don’t care. I DO NOT CARE.
Predaking: Your existence is irritating.
Fluttershy: How so?
Predaking: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to you upsets me.
Reporter: Hello miss, did you witness anything strange in the area?
Rainbow: Wha- witness?
Reporter: Yes.
Rainbow: Is this camera on?
Reporter: Yeah, we’re live!
Rainbow, trying to distract her while Sideswipe is slowly sneaking away: Ohhoh- Oh nah, I ain’t seen nothing. Ha, I ain’t seen nothing. Matter of fact, I’m blind in my left eye. And 43% blind in my right eye, I don’t see much of nothing. A matter of fact I can’t even see you, sir!
Pinkie: And if I run and leap at Smokey, he will most certainly catch me in his arms. COMING IN!
Smokescreen: NO WAIT- I’M HOLDING ENERGO- [drops it on the ground and catches her]
Rainbow: Giraffes, they can fight.
Sideswipe: You’re more afraid of a giraffe than a gorilla?
Rainbow: Hell yeah, I’m more scared of a giraffe than a gorilla.
Sideswipe: Imagine you’re in a zoo, you mean to tell me you’d rather fall into the gorilla pit?!
Rainbow: Yes.
Rainbow: How tall am I?
Sideswipe: 5.7
Rainbow: How tall is a giraffe?
Sideswipe: Probably like 12ft.
Rainbow: Exactly.
Sideswipe: How strong are you? Very weak and fragile. How strong is a gorilla?
Rainbow: I could talk to a gorilla—
Sideswipe: You’re gonna TALK TO HIM?!
Ultra Magnus: I’m not going to lie, Optimus. I’m a little scared of your daughter.
Optimus: Sunset? She wouldn’t hurt a fly.
Ultra Magnus: Well, that’s reassuring--
Optimus: She would kill a man, however.
Rarity: Why are there little handprints all over the walls?!
Wheeljack, whispering: Why are there little handprints all over the walls?
The CMC: Because we have little hands.
Wheeljack: Because they have little hands.
Bumblebee: What am I doing wrong?
Sunset: You want me to answer as a therapist or your friend?
Bumblebee: Friend.
Sunset: Go see a therapist.
Applejack: What do ya think Wheeljack will do for his distraction?
Bulkhead: Who knows? He’ll probably throw a rock or make a noise that’s what I w-
(a big explosion appears behind them)
Bulkhead: …or he could do that.
Twilight: Can I be frank with you guys?
Grimlock: Sure! But I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help.
Pinkie: Can I still be Pinkie?
Smokescreen: Shh, let Frank speak.
Ratchet: We call that a traumatic event.
Ratchet, turning to Rainbow: Not a ‘bruh moment’.
Ratchet, turning to Sunset: Not a ‘major L’.
Ratchet, turning to Sideswipe: And DEFINITELY not an ‘oof LMAO’!
Sideswipe: Maybe you shouldn’t pick fights with people bigger than you.
Rainbow: Then I wouldn’t get to fight anyone.
Twilight: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, guys?
Ratchet and Arcee: No.
Fixit: I do!
Twilight: I know, Fixit.
Fixit: I’m sad…
Twilight: I know, Fixit.
Pinkie: Never stop wishing Smokey and all of your dreams will come true!
Smokescreen: [sarcastically] Even the scary ones?
Pinkie: [laughs]
Pinkie: [seriously] Yes.
Strongarm: Why are Rainbow and Sideswipe sitting with their backs to each other?
Twilight: They had a fight.
Strongarm: Then why are they holding hands?
Twilight: They get sad when they fight.
Sunset: Watcha doing?
Bumblebee: Looking for my will to live.
Fluttershy: [walks in]
Bumblebee: Ah, there it is.
Rainbow, listening to the radio: I really like Eminem.
Sideswipe: I prefer Skittles.
Rainbow: No, like the rapper.
Sideswipe: Why would you eat the wrapper??
Predaking: I only had Fluttershy for a day and a half.
Predaking: But if anything happened to her, I would kill everyone on this planet and then myself.
Fluttershy: PLEASE DON’T—
Rarity: You know, not every problem can be solved with a sword.
Wheeljack: That's why I carry two swords.
Pinkie: That’s one of my biggest fears. Like, if I ever woke up as a donut...
Smokescreen: You would eat yourself?
Pinkie: I wouldn’t even question it.
Bumblebee: What are you doing?
Fluttershy: Cooking pancakes for the squirrels outside.
Bumblebee: …why are you cooking for the squirrels outside?
Fluttershy: Because they don’t know how to.
Sunset: What is it called when you kill a friend?
Bumblebee: Homicide.
Twilight: Murder.
Sideswipe and Rainbow: Homiecide.
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simplydannie · 1 month
Haii pooks!
I know your busy, but when you get the chance, Fanfic about when Veneer and Neena first met? Maybe Nate cameo at the end 🫶🏼
Baii :3
Okay so here ya go!
A little context first:
Neena was an OC created WAY before my Under Rageous AU. So this story will not be taking part in that storyline and is completely separate 😊 She was created because I was curious how a HOH character would interact in this kind of world. Also being a V and V fan, my OC befriends them and actually knows them before their fame journey. Her and Veneer had a hard time making friends throughout high school but found each other and became the bestest of friends. Later Veneer would introduce her to Velvet whom she’d befriend as well. Her main form of communication for someone who doesn’t know sign language (like Veneer) is through a notebook which she carries with her everywhere.
A small cameo by @justnat3 OC!
Both drawings for the cover art were done by @skydiverdrawings!
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High school.
This was it.
Elementary school…bust. Middle school…bust. High school was going to be his time to shine…
Velvet and Veneer didn’t want to make a big deal when driving up to their new high school. Instead of the limo, they rode in a black SUV, their Bergen driver up front with his sunglasses up.
“You really think they won't make a big deal out of this?” He asked his sister as he adjusted his beanie.
“Really? This is high school and you're still wearing that stupid thing?”
“What? It was dad’s, it’s my favorite, AND I think it looks good on me.”
”Whatever you say bro…”
Velvet and Veneer Montegue. Their name rang throughout all of Mount Rageous as their father was a renowned businessman and CEO, in charge and overseeing all power industries in the city…basically everything that ran Mount Rageous from the ground up. Since grade school, EVERYONE knew. What made it worse, at least in Veneer’s eyes, was that it was hard for them to make any friends… The most powerful man in Mount Rageous, had the most lonesome children around.
The twins had spent elementary and middle school only amongst themselves. Veneer was the target of bullying, and his sister, well, his personal bodyguard. No one would hang out with her because of how afraid they were. No one wanted to be his friend because well, he was just different, at least in their eyes…
“...People just don’t know how to accept those that are different.” His mother told him one day. He had come home bruised by the beating of the kids at school.
So, all that time, it was always him and Velvet against the world…
“No more playing nice.” Their father had told them as the twins lay in bed one night. He took their face in each of his hands, “They don't like it when you’re nice. Fine. If they want hell, then give them hell.”
”Daddy! You said a no-no word!” Veneer gasped, placing his hand over his mouth.
Vaughn smiled, “Think of it as a motivational word….just don’t tell your mother.”
The twins giggled…
Veneer planned for high school to be his moment to shine…for both him and his sister… This was it. He was going to make friends! He was going to make the yearbook with something more positive on it!
The SUV finally pulled up to the entrance of the school. Both twins grabbed their bags.
“If they want hell…” The Bergen began to say.
“Then give them hell.” The twins replied in unison. They smiled after getting out of the car…The motto their father taught them. There they stood staring at the entrance of Rageous High…
“Ready.” Velvet said.
“No. Not really.”
“Good enough. Let’s do this!”
It has been three months since that day…
….And Veneer had yet to make any friends…
His sister on the other hand was flourishing. She had a whole group of friends now. Velvet would continuously invite him to sit with her during lunch, to hang out with them after school…but Veneer refused. He’d make an excuse; he didn’t want her to worry…For one, when his sister wasn’t around, they would bully him, but they were her friends, so he’d never tell her…He knew she’d choose him over them and he wanted her to have the best high school experience ever. She deserved it after all those years she spent being friendless because of him. He’d even lie to his parents.
“So…How was school today?” Their father asked. Velvet would beam at the time she was having, showing their parents the pictures she took with her and her friends. Veneer could see the relief and happiness in his parents…So when it came for him to speak…he lied.
“Yeah. There are guys from my science class and art class…We sit together at lunch and just kinda have fun.”
“Where do you sit? I never see you.” Velvet declared.
“We rotate. We mainly like to sit outside.” Veneer lied again.
“That's wonderful sweetheart! You are more than welcome to invite them over! Both of you.” Vivian smiled.
“...Well…They wont cause trouble will they?” Vaughn asked.
“Chill dad. You know I'd set them straight if they caused trouble.” Velvet smirked.
“That’s my girl.”.....
…Veneer walked down the hall towards his locker, his head hanging low, hopefully he’d be left alone, hopefully no one would look his way. He made it to his locker only to see the words “moron” written across it.
“Typical.” He sighed, opening his locker.
“Do you need something to clean that with?” He heard a voice call to him. He turned around to see a pale, light- blue haired Rageon standing behind him. He knew him, Veneer remembered, he had him in English class…Nate his name was.
“No…I’ll just clean it later.” Veneer said with a heavy sigh as he grabbed his books.
“….Don’t let them get to you.” The boy smiled, “See you later.”
Veneer waved. Nate was kind, but the people he hung out with weren’t so. He knew what they thought about him, so Veneer never bothered…better to be safe and alone…
Right now his focus was just to make it to science in one piece. A few boys walked by shoving him hard against the lockers.
His head collided with the door.
“Freak.” He heard them mumble, giggling as they walked away. Veneer waited till they were out of ear shot.
”Idiots.” He mumbled as he fixed his beanie. Grabbing his books, he closed his locker and ran off to class….
A Rageon girl sat on a chair at the front office, her mother inside discussing something with the principal. The girl had light, pinkish skin with medium length magenta hair. Her feet dangled as she waited…Today was her first day here at Rageous High. Her heart pounded. Would the kids be nicer here than the other schools? Would they have accommodations for her here? She fidgeted with the hem of her skirt. She felt a let tap on her leg, looking up, the girl saw her mother had walked out of the office…The girl adjusted her hearing aid.
”Read for your first day, Neena?” Her mother signed.
“No, I’m nervous. What if they’re mean here too?” Neena signed in return.
“…We have to try. You are strong, brave, and beautiful. Perhaps that one friend will be here waiting for you.”
Neena took a deep breath, “Okay.” She signed with her hands. Her mother bid her farewell as she was shown to her first class…science.
Veneer sat in the back. Out of sight, out of mind, he would tell himself. Today they were to work on some experimentation. Of course the others grouped up, leaving him to himself. He was intrigued in his project, writing down notes when he heard the door of the classroom open. Veneer looked up to see the principal walk in with a Rageon girl at her heel. Veneer had never seen her before, he was sure of it. Was she new?
The teacher signaled her to take a seat in the empty desk in the back. Everyone studied her as she walked, particularly the guys, smirking and smiling at each other.
“Pigs.” Veneer murmured.
She glanced around the classroom with a smile…a little cheerful she seemed to be. Looking at the others, she mimicked their actions as she took out her science book. Confused, she looked around the classroom to see where she could get the supplies for the experiment.
“Okay, Vennie, you can do this…make a friend, make a friend.” He was about to stand up when he saw a group of girls head her way already, “…Nevermind.”
“Hey new girl! Listen we’re going to do you a favor, not everyone in this school is cool.” She coughed and nudged her head towards Veneer.
“….Bitch…” He mumbled under his breath. The new girl stared at the clique in front of her then towards Veneer, she smiled. Flustered he looked away. Great, she’s going to think I’m weird to.
“So as a favor, I’ll let you join our group so you don’t embarrass yourself the first day. How’s that?” The girl smiled….
….Neena saw the lips of the girl moving in front of her, but couldn’t comprehend what she was saying. Nothing but mumbles were escaping the girl's mouth. She saw her signal to a green haired boy sitting towards the back. Neena naturally turned and smiled at him only for him to look away. The girl continued to speak, that much she knew…but Neena couldn’t hear what she was saying…The girl stopped talking, staring at Neena with a smile. Oh no! She must have asked me something! Neena quickly dug through her backpack to look for her pen and notebook, tucking her hair behind her ear…that’s when the other girl saw it…her hearing aid.
“Oh…You’re one of those…Ummm…” The girl said. Neena brought out her notebook and pencil, handing it to the girl with a smile. The girl grimaced.
“…W-w-writtte…” Neena attempted to say, but it must have come out too loud and sounded odd as others in the class turned to face her way. Neena had her mother teach her to try and say some words, especially the word “write”. But being deaf, Neena didn’t know whether she was saying right…or too loud.
“No. Sorry…Nevermind actually.” The girl waved Neena off and walked away… Not, again, Neena thought.
Veneer saw the whole thing happen, he heard the girl utter the word “write” a little too loudly and rather awkwardly. The girl and her clique walked off leaving the new girl with a sad look on her face. Out of all people, he knew what it felt like to be left hanging…
Okay, now is my chance, he stood up from his desk and walked over to her. When he approached her he could see the tears beginning to fall from her face. She quickly wiped it away when she looked up to see him. She gave him a small smile waiting for him to proceed.
You, got this…You got this….
“Hi,ImVeneer, woudyouliketobemypartner!” The words came rolling out like an avalanche, one after the other…word vomit. Crap!
Neena stared at the boy in front of her. He seemed shy yet kind. She saw his lips move ever so quickly, then stopped. Wait? Was he done talking? Did he even say anything? Neena couldn’t make out what he had just told her. It must have taken her a moment too long to answer because she saw his smile drop from his face. Oh no! I ruined it again! She thought to herself. As he began to walk away, she instantly reached up to grab his arm to keep him from leaving. She saw the look of confusion on his face and quickly withdrew. She signaled him to wait as she began to write something down in her notebook.
Veneer cocked his head to the side as she scribbled away. She gave him the notebook and pen with a smile on her face. Taking it in his hands, he looked down to read it…
Hi! I’m Neena. I’m deaf, so I don’t know what you were asking me :( Can you please write it here? If you want.
He looked at her…She seemed to have a hopeful glint in her eyes…Maybe she was like him…Looking for a friend… just someone who would understand her too…He smiled. Taking the pen, he began writing in her notebook…He slid it back to her.
Hi Neena! I’m Veneer. I’m sorry. I word-vomited, that tends to happen when I get nervous. Would you like to be my partner for this project?
Neena read his note, looking at him with a wide smile on her face, she nodded.
“Oh! Um, okay! Give me one moment.” He signaled her as he ran over to his desk to gather his things, moving next to her. Neena kept the notebook in between them so they could write back and forth to each other to communicate…
Do you sign? She had written. A look of genuine confusion crossed his face.
Sign like autographs? He wrote. This caused a giggle to escape Neena’s lips. She shook her head. Instead of writing, she made signals with her hands.
“Oh!! You mean sign language!” He said aloud. She saw the movement of his lips and understood what he had said.
“Yes.” She signed, “Sign language.”
“No.” He shook his head. Neena smiled taking the notebook in her hands once again.
It’s okay! I’ll show you! If you want?
He smiled towards her, “Okay!”
At the end of the day, Neena got into her mothers car…a smile on her face.
“You seem happy. Did everything go okay today sweetie?” Her mother signed.
“Do you think you’ll like it here?”
Neena looked down at her notebook. For the first time it was filled with notes and silly doodles from a friend…A FRIEND!…. Something she had waited so long for.
“Yes. It’s going to be fun!” She signed.
Veneer waited for his sister out front, a smile on his face…
“What’s with the goofy grin?” She asked as she approached him.
“Vels!” he jumped a little too happily. “I finally made a friend!!”
“...Wait…what do you mean finally…What about those guys you talked about from art and science?” She said.
“You little liar! So all these months you lied to me about making friends! You lied to mom and dad too!”
“I just didn’t want you guys to worry! You seemed so happy with your group and mom and dad seemed so proud when you finally told them.”
“Gosh Veneer! You’re horrible!” She sighed, taking in a deep breath, “Whatever….who is this new friend…If you’re even telling the truth.”
“I am!! She’s a new girl at school! I have her for my science, gym, math, and art class! Her name is Neena…she’s deaf. Some girls were already giving her a hard time..”
Velvet looked at him. He was always one to sympathize with people who had a hard time making friends, with people who would get bullied…
“So she doesn’t know what a complete weirdo you are yet?” She teased.
“Yeah!!...Wait…” He paused, finally realizing what she had said, “Oh, you’re cruel.”
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karmavongrim · 2 years
Love Spell fanfic idea
DP x DC fanfiction idea named "Love Spell" that I have been mulling over the past couple of weeks.
Klarion x Danny shipping (Chaotic Spirits) story, because why not and it would be fun to write about the chaos these two could cause.
Took some inspiration from this, this, bit of this and this.
Danny really didn’t know whatever he should laugh, cry or flip the nearest table he could get his hands on. He never really thought highly of the Justice League to begin with, hell, you would be hard-pressed to find anybody in Amity Park who did nowadays.
But this… this could just as well take the metaphorical cake of bullshit that has been piling up over the past three years.
He took a deep, measured breath before focusing back on his boyfriend. His sweet, lovable, very-much-chaotic-immortal-man-child of a boyfriend.
“...They think I’m what now?”
On the other side of this conversation sat Klarion, the witch boy extraordinaire, who was combing his slender fingers delicately through his precious familiar’s fur as he watches his beloved having a hard time grasping at the situation. And since he thought of himself to be a rather fantastic boyfriend, he repeated what he said.
“The League of Simpletons have somehow gotten in their heads that I must have enthralled you in one way or another in order to get my hands on some ultimate power, as part of my apparently evil master plan.”
Danny took another breath, this was just getting ridiculous. But then again what else was new, these people really knew how to make a mountains out of a molehills. Even Wes didn’t have this severe of an apophenia, he at least ended up being right more often than not.
“So they think you’ve put me under a love spell or something?”
Klarion merely shrugged in mock-helplessness. “Apparently you wouldn’t be dating me otherwise.” In all honesty he probably shouldn’t be enjoying this as much as he currently is, but he couldn’t help himself.
His ever present smirk widened when his beloved Starlight’s face twitched in irritation. “For Ancient’s sake… seriously?” A simple nod was enough for Danny to want to throw the next Justice Idiot who was stupid enough to come close to Amity Park’s boarders through the nearest window!
Calm down Danny, calm down. Just remember Jazz’s breathing exercise. One… two… three…
Wait a minute… would that mean- no way in hell way they’ve been…
“Wait a minute- Is that the fucking reason why they’ve constantly been ruining our dates these past few months!?”
Another nod.
Yeah, fuck being calm and shit, ya boy is absolutely livid! All this time they were doing it on fucking purpose!! He so is going to burn all of their ugly ass capes and dye all their ugly ass costumes pink! Better yet, he’ll paint their entire HQ with the most obnoxious and clashing colours possible.
Klarion let the halfa rage about for a good moment before interjecting. It wouldn’t do to have the lounge destroyed, especially when that energy could be used on something else he has in mind.
“We could have fun with this you know, at their expense.”
Danny stopped in his track and turned his inquiry gaze towards Klarion. He knows that smile and it could only mean trouble, trouble which he was more than willing to partake in. A smirk of his own began to grace his lips. “What do you have in mind exactly?”
Once again Klarion was reminded why he’s dating this gorgeous creature in the first place. Trust him to be able to match his chaotic nature despite his hero persona.
“Oh you are going to love it, my dear.”
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Aquarius’s Genshin Impact... MASTERLIST?!
☕️ Tip me an iced coffee?! :O
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* = IMPOSTER AU = NOT dark/yandere!
* = Art made by me for the post!
Turn on the background music?
(sorry about reformatting again guys...)
Your Birthday! (ft. cute platonic Bennett)
...Whatcha listenin’ to Player?
You’re a walking speaker (sounds from ur memories)
Latino! Reader, You're feeling a little homesick... (mostly Zhongli scenario!)
You introduce Teyvat to the lovely music of KPOP (check the reblogs!!)
You made your babes gifts! ALL Characters/PART 1 - Travelers/Dainsleif, Pyro, Electro, Anemo
^ PART 2, of the gifts!! ^
Childe reacts to his voice actor's song covers
O Aquarius, dead stars you are, what is my horoscope today?
Razor, best boy.
Bennett, ft. Razor (part 2-ish!)
Qiqi, best girl.
Headcanons of an Avatar AU (the fantasy movies)
TCG Genius Invokation... wait, they're your Favorite Card???
* Imposter! AU while parenting Razor (non-yandere/not-dark version)
* Possession AU! - you can still control your characters, but by possessing them! PART 1
* Possession AU! - PART 2
Neurodivergent!Reader, Ganyu my beloved!
* Strawberry Scarameow.
You're an Army Veteran and you brought the gun
Minecraft AU!! :D ⛏️
Costa Rican Reader spreads their culture <3
* Possession AU Fanfic, only AO3 (Ongoing)
Language Shenanigans!
OG Blunt Language in Teyvat AU! Post :) (check the reblogs for that post for awesome add-ons from followers!)
Blunt Lang. AU! Colorful Cussing
Blunt Lang. AU! Vine Boom every time you speak (+sprinkle of bilingual)
Blunt Lang. AU! Actually you’re just having to learn Teyvatian lang. that’s why ur blunt
Blunt Lang. AU! with a dash of Neurodivergent! Reader, your trying to be flowery... it’s not working...
Blunt Lang. AU! You're a writer! ...well now it's an ancient artifact and a bestseller.
Some more Blunt Lang. AU! fun AND more blunt lang. AU! fun :0
Paimon being rude in Sumeru
Audio Processing Disorder (Reader with APD) Shenanigans, (mostly Diluc scenario!)
Neurodivergent! Reader stims! ...and Teyvatians thought that was your language...
Neurodivergent! Reader is a child/different ages randomly ft. Non-native English speaker
Teyvat’s countries have the Simlish versions of Japanese, German, etc.
Your Native Language is holy... except you mostly cuss with it
Slang words don’t translate well... or texting lingo
Tumblr / 2023 Slang doesn’t translate well...
...Teyvat is trying to make your slang words translate...
You’ve yet to realize that Teyvat has multiple languages (looks at hieroglyphics) ...is this Loss. the oldest record of language... “sus”
You know sign language and help out a lost kid, Teyvat melts AQUARIUS got isekaied?! with my followers??!! (check the reblogs too!) Nobody wants to tell You (god) that you’ve mixed up some words... You’re really out here just speaking gibberish, ya trickster god
You sound like an Animal Crossing character to Teyvatians
Godly game of charades scenario
You give up translating and just start running around (encoded/cipher! post)
You're an Eldritch God of Teyvat... so ofc no one understand you (check the reblogs too!)
You know French. You use this power appropiately.
Reader only writes to talk!
You're multilingual! ...Alhaitham is outside your door.
You're Brazilian, Teyvat is calm about this.
Ancient tablets nice... oh god its a hurt/no comfort fic.
*Eldritch God Reader Fanfic (thanks for 1000+ followers!!)
^^ part 2 of the above, also an ao3 link!
Teyvat doesn't write novels, but you do lol
☆Taglists ☆
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche
Possession AU! ONLY
@justlostintheinternet / @assassinsnake101 / @sun-wokung
Wanna join a taglist for something? Just message me:
" pspspspssss tag me (insert taglist here) !! "
Hmmm... I wonder what you'll get if you send an ask saying "aquarius, oh dead stars, what is my horoscope today?"...°.•☆•.°?
Safe Travels,
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