#to go through that medical stuff
solomon-tozer · 2 years
Okay so I have my cats back, which is such a massive relief. I need to keep an eye on them in case the toxin has a delayed effect/onset, but I really truly hope that this is the end of the ordeal (minus bloods next week to check they're still okay).
As to what happened? A certain someone I live with didn't bother to close the kitchen door. I woke up to find they'd managed to eat human food containing onion. Utterly terrifying (and expensive, but I'll figure something out).
Please be so careful as to what your pets eat and have access to.
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hercarisntyours · 2 days
transformers go go is reviving me after transformers one tore my heart to shreds, taped it back together, put it in a kiln and threw it off a cliff where those pieces then get destroyed by corrosion and smashed into by a blind shark, WHY ARE THESE SO SOUL SUCKINGLY CUTE
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rileys-battlecats · 26 days
If you haven’t already answered this yet, can I ask why MicaClan chose the territory they currently live in? It seems like an interesting decision to choose such a different area to try to survive in. Although the more lush area probably means less droughts and higher elevation could possibly mean less flood risks, avoiding the two major issues that caused them to move in the first place. They still have to relearn everything though in such a different area. Or was there less thought behind it and it was more just get to higher ground to avoid the water and then they got tired of traveling and decided to stop once they were sufficiently high up?
Also can I ask what kind of border threats they faced when establishing their new territory? Were there other groups of cats? Was it mostly predators and dangerous animals? Did dogs or twolegs pose a challenge to their borders?
Sorry I kinda have a lot of questions haha I just really like your story and characters and settings and everything and wanna know all I can about them and get a deeper knowledge of everything
You're right that there were material aspects as to why they chose to settle where they did; the mountain seemed like a good place to avoid any more catastrophic floods with the high elevation, the spring-fed stream that runs through the territory also seemed like a guarantee against any future droughts, and the area had plenty of prey to feed the clan. But the real deciding factor was the soil!
The idea was basically that they found a place where the very ground seemed to be blessed by Starclan. I've written about this on the blog before, but it was wayyy way back and I haven't mentioned it again since then HAHA, but I based Micaclan's territory on a place I used to hike every now and again. The area used to be the location of a mica mine, and the ground there still sparkles with all the tiny shards of minerals in the ground (which is actually why they're called Micaclan; I gave them the name before I'd fully decided on the clan not being from the area originally lol). So they basically were like "if this isn't a sign from Starclan then I don't know what is" and set up camp! It ended up being the right choice in the end, because they found the Moonmirror in the abandoned mine on their territory, which gave them much needed access to Starclan (even if they can't use it outside of emergencies).
For border threats, I imagine them dealing with all sorts of things, especially in the beginning when they were just establishing their borders. I think of micaclan's territory being far enough from human civilization that they don't have to worry about construction or cars or anything, but close enough that they have a human hiking trail acting as one of their borders, or at least having a hiking trail close enough that they have to deal with the occasional stray dog or human. In addition to this, predators like black bears or coyotes would make trouble for the clan, and maybe a mountain lion drifted through the territory at one point (which would have been a harrowing time indeed).
As for rogues or other groups of cats, I think they might've brought that trouble with them! It's hard to conceal a big group of cats traveling in search of a new territory, and I think they drew some unwanted attention on their way up to the mountain. Maybe other groups noted them, and decided to let the strangers do the hard work of staking out a good territory before swooping in to take their place? I don't think there were any other cats living where Micaclan ends up, so they wouldn't be contesting land with any other resident cats. Those that threatened their new borders were usually looking to try to take their place. Basically they were like "so the weirdos you pegged as 'death within the month' 5 moons ago are actually now thriving and looking well-fed and healthy living on the mountain? I guess it can't be THAT dangerous, why don't we live up there instead? they can find somewhere else again, they're obviously good at finding nice territories."
the general gossip on micaclan as a group through the years basically goes like this: I heard there was a big group (a clan?) passing through looking to set up a new territory, hope they don't settle here -> apparently that big clan that passed through a few moons back is living further up the mountain? wonder how long it'll be before they're eaten by bears -> there's a big group of cats living further up the mountain, maybe the mountain makes for a good territory after all... -> there's a weird cat cult up the mountain and if you step on their turf they will Kick Your Ass
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thelien-art · 2 years
Day 2: Maglor of @feanorianweek
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Poppy = Sloth | Manipulation
I do think Maglor mourned when Maedhros got himself captured, I just also read Maglor as a manipulative power hungry character.
He probably convinced himself that Maedhros had died and ignored everything that proved otherwise, both as a poor coping mechanism and, subconsciously, seizing the power of being a king, although he never named himself one as that would give him trouble. He differently enjoyed the power and mourned, when Maedhros came back, for the power loss. He was happy to have his brother back of course. I don´t think he spoke against Maedhros choice to give the kingship to Fingolfin, even if he wanted it himself, as he did except Fingolfin to do something stupid and get himself killed eventually, and by agreeing he seemed more "civil" and the friendliest of his brothers, which would end up giving him political power, giving people the illusion that he´s the innocent and harmless of his family.
Maedhros | Celegorm | Caranthir | Curufin | Ambarussa | Nerdanel and Feanor
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brainrot-stitch · 2 months
How 2 do well in school, which is starting soon, no glue no borax
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Why has Barnaby made TWO hospital visits in one year??? What was the first one about??? [<-Talking about the Human AU]
no yeah the first one was Howdy's brief stint (a couple hours) for the whole smoke inhilation minor injuries from the fire thing.
the second one was for Wally's festive lil car crash where he comes very close to Fuckign Dying!!! and. well. technically there are many different visits for that one cause he's in the hospital for a hot sec, but yk. technically only two hospital-worthy events
#barnaby: oh man howdy being in the hospital was terrifying!#barnaby: i sure hope i never have to experience anything like this again!#and- whats that? WHY ITS WALLY DARLING WITH A STEEL CHAIR-#its a very distressing event for everyone!!!#a long night of a bunch of colorful Very Stressed friends in a waiting room followed by several weeks of equally stressed visits#its a Bad Accident#like a 'its a borderline miracle that wally survived' accident#the rest of the au is pretty feel-good and the angst is more mild & normal/expected#this is like. just the Big Dramatic Event that fucks everyone up ahaha#i needed to include at least one!!!#its very detailed in my mind...#from the call getting cut off to barnaby sobbing his heart out in the hospital parking garage to etc etc etc#rambles from the bog#wh modern human au#its fun! for me. and anyone who enjoys this flavor of Fictional Drama#ive been going through reddit threads & articles & sites all morning researching medical stuff#as i am wont to do when thinking about characters getting injured <3#usually its for stuff like stab wounds and disembowelment and hypothermia and lung collapse and- you get the picture#car crashes Surprisingly are rarely in my wheelhouse of angst! for some reason! theyre very juicy!#anyway i like to get everything as accurate as possible in my head#and then take Creative Liberties bc this is fiction#but! they're purposeful (mild) inaccuracies! if im gonna do something wrong im gonna do it Correctly!#do the. do the something wrong correctly. do the wrong thing Right! on purpose!#so that if people go 'well uhm acktually' i can say with my entire chest I Know! I Did This On Purpose! Thank You!
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thevioletcaptain · 1 month
#so one half of the couple i'm house/dogsitting for had an unexpected medical emergency on their trip#which -- i won't go into details but it culminated in a pretty serious diagnosis and emergency major surgery#and now they're coming home today after getting medevac transport back to california#and have asked me to stay here for a few more days while they settle in#as the one who had the emergency needs 24/7 care during recovery but is being released from hospital to recover at home#and they need someone to basically keep looking after the dog/keep her from getting in the way while they figure out what care he needs#anyway i agreed to stay a few days like they asked#which means i'm trying to finish my coursework before they get back later this afternoon but man my focus levels are LOW#and honestly they have been for several days at this point because once again it seems that waiting to hear about medical stuff has become#somewhat of a panic response trigger for me since the extended nightmare of february this year with my dad#and mostly i've been able to compartmentalize but the energy that takes has truly wiped me out#to the point that i'm genuinely shocked it hasn't set off a fibro flare up (touch wood)#also i really don't know this couple very well at all -- they're mostly friends of my parents-in-law#i've looked after their dog for them several times over the past couple of years#but obviously that's been while they aren't home#and i've only had fairly brief interactions with them#so i do feel a bit awkward about being here while they're going through something so serious and personal#but they're nice people and they need the help and i'm able to provide it so i'm gonna push past that#anyway just a tag post venting thing
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fitzrove · 3 days
former classmate shared several PETAcore instagram posts w their own caption going "here are a few good reasons that your plate should never have meat or milk products on it" SHUT UPPP<333
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nobuverse · 1 month
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"It is I-! Emerging from the great depths of darkness to come bring terror and jealousy to all those who oppose me! Tremble before me! The great! The mighty ! The one and only: Nobuuuunaga !"
And what was a great hero without ae dramatic entrance?! Hell yeah!
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entirelysein-e · 19 days
September is a rough month for me. Coming to terms with missing my dad and that it's been a year without him which I shouldn't care for since we never had a (good) relationship.
Now my moms in hospital again too. I just really don't wanna anymore. I love that woman to the moon and back and I don't want anything to happen to her too. She gets a life changing surgery next Monday (if she's better by then). It's not good, she's been crying for an hour now but perhaps her body will get better and can actually recover like that.
Idk what to do or if i'll disappear again for a week or two or if I'll yap excessively to distract myself. Sorry either way.
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I saw a new GI on Monday and she was amazing. The first thing she did was let me talk! Completely uninterrupted for a long time. Then she asked clarifying questions about what I had told her. We went over my last colonoscopy and some previous medical history and how things look to her and what is my take on them. After like, legit conversations, she told me she wanted to do full bloodwork, stool tests (both those are normal for me to do) - but also, a vitamin panel. Guys, I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO GET MY VITAMINS CHECKED FOR ALMOST TWO YEARS NOW. And she instantly was like yes, we need to do this bc this may help with some of your energy and fatigue issues. She also wants to do an MRE to check parts of my small bowel that may not have been checked on my colonoscopy, since my ulcers basically doubled in size over the last two years, even while on biologics. I still need to go in and do my stool test - my inflammatory makers were all normal on the blood tests, so if my stool is normal, it is likely that I have IBS in addition to IBD but that would actually be a good thing bc something like Imodium would help in that scenario. Apparently normal people don’t have any diarrhea at all on a regular basis? Sounds fake, but whatever 🤣
As for the vitamin panel, my deficiencies are vitamin D and iron, so I have supplements for that now. She also told me my bilirubin was abnormal and that she wasn’t too concerned about it since it usually comes back as normal, but I do have to retest in a month to make sure 🤷🏻‍♀️
AND! This doctor uses an app to communicate with her patients. So no more awful phone tag with the reception staff and nurses! AND my full medical history is in the app. I can view ALL OF IT. This is going to make my life SO MUCH EASIER!!!!
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danielnelsen · 1 month
things aren’t going well with peach. while i think my dad’s very right to be concerned that she hasn’t eaten anything in nearly 60 hours (obviously i am too), im becoming increasingly concerned that she hasn’t slept at all in around 36 hours and prior to that she was under anaesthetic, which isn’t exactly restful, so it’s closer to 48 hrs
like dad took her back to the vet today and we’ve got injections for her painkillers now because she’s not eating, and also injections for fluids (because she doesn’t drink; she only gets water from her food), so the not eating is Bad but also kinda under management, but if she doesn’t sleep soon i’m extremely worried. dad was like ‘if she doesn’t eat by tomorrow afternoon we’ll take her back because the injections will run out’ but like. if she doesn’t sleep tonight we have GOT to take her back first thing in the morning so they can sedate her or something
#her pain doesn’t seem to be too bad now that she’s got pain relief so idk what’s stopping her from sleeping#she won’t even lie down unless i’m sitting next to her. she just sits there staring out the window#her pupils are also taking up her entire eyes and have been all day#that’ll be a side effect of the medication and maybe the lack of sleep? but it won’t be making her feel any better#she can probably barely see at this point#like imagine you’ve been awake for 2 days after surgery and you’re in a lot of pain and haven’t eaten since before surgery#and are also on strong painkillers. and you also have no idea what’s wrong with you or why everyone’s doing things that hurt you#bruh your brain would be COOKED. there’s no way she has any idea what’s going on rn but she’s clearly feeling terrible#personal#like i think she’ll be ok in the long-term but she’s gotta somehow get through all these immediate issues#last time something like this happened she stopped drinking and never started again#not eating or sleeping don’t have workarounds as simple as putting water in her food#it really doesn’t help that there’s so much other shit going on rn#i’m doing a whole bunch of stuff with my phone and computer that’s taking a lot of work#but also my sister’s going on a long overseas trip that she’s leaving for tomorrow#so the combo of dad and sister coming and going constantly and also like 6 random deliveries for tech stuff in the last 2 days—#has the dogs really wound up. so georgie’s been howling at absolutely everything#and it’s rainy so my clothes aren’t trying and they’re hanging on a rack hooked on the hallway door so the door can’t close#which puts one less door between my room and the dogs so they’re waking me up every time anything happens#and i sleep during the day so that’s ALL THE TIME. i’ve had like 8 hrs of sleep between the last two afternoons#my sister always has so much random life stuff she wants to talk about and was getting really annoyed that i wasn’t very receptive#like ‘im about to go away for 3 months’ sorry i know its a big thing but i can’t just reschedule peach’s medical emergency
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simper-fi · 1 year
now I need to remember how to get it to behave with Windows 10 :’)
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paranormeow7 · 5 months
steaming hot take but there are just some things self diagnosed people just can’t talk over professionally diagnosed people about
#actual sugar post#don’t kill me for this I’m autistic#and I’m not completely anti self dx either#the medical industry is awful and has the power to take away the benefits my diagnosis allowed me to access at any time#and I’m not going to pretend that professional diagnosis is always the most reliable option because there is a lot of ingrained bias#but at a certain point#if you are self diagnosed you have to understand that you and I are different#and you have to be willing to listen to us sometimes#and hell. sometimes you’ll even have to listen to a doctor on the subject#sometimes their input can be valuable when they’re not calling you a fat hysterical bitch and asking you to cough up thousands of dollars#I’m not denying your symptoms and experiences as a self diagnosed person. i don’t know you and im not living your life#but maybe a second opinion from someone who’s been diagnosed is a bit more valuable than you think it is#we’ve had a lot of experiences that you haven’t#besides. You don’t need a label to acknowledge something you’re going through or validate your problems#for example it doesn’t NEED to always be autism if you show a few traits. you can just tell people you show those traits#do whatever makes life easier for you. you don’t need all these labels to have these issues#I’m going to get the worst anons for this I just know it#idk#sugars opinions#self diagnosis#professional diagnosis#autism stuff#autism#actually autistic#neurodivergent#adhd#audhd#actually audhd
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zazagundam · 7 months
i fucking miss my husband
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mangedog · 1 year
there's a post i reblogged recently about trans people and reproductive disorders and forced outing, and it reminded me of my own experiences as a trans man with a “female” reproductive disorder.
very long rant disguised as an info post below the cut:
so, i have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). it's a horribly named syndrome because polycystic ovaries - which are just one symptom of PCOS - aren't required to have PCOS, and you can have polycystic ovaries without having PCOS.
it's also badly named because it shifts the focus immediately to the “female” reproductive system, when PCOS is a complex, genetic, multi-system syndrome that affects the neuroendocrine, immune, digestive and metabolic systems. it's actually primarily a disorder of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis... not a disorder of the ovaries. i mean, i don't have ovaries anymore, and i never had cysts, but i still have PCOS.
it has a lot of subtypes and varieties (some researchers think it's actually different disorders all being misdiagnosed & lumped under the PCOS label), some of which can be considered intersex variations.
the other reason it's so badly named? dyadic cisgender men can have PCOS too.
and yet... absolutely no one recognises this. only (some) researchers actually acknowledge that PCOS isn't just a reproductive disorder and that anyone can have it and that its intersex. and the people who ignore it the most are the women with PCOS.
(yes, women with PCOS, because it's [almost] always the cis 'wouldn't touch the intersex label with a ten foot pole' (white) women who push the PCOS female reproductive disorder narrative the most)
PCOS spaces are almost invariably full of stories from women who are upset at their 'lack of femininity' and 'losing their bodies' to become fat, hairy un-women. the kind of people who go on 800 calories per day diets because they're so desperate to lose weight, even though PCOS itself makes this near impossible (as a metabolic disorder). and there are so so many snake oil websites (that are always pink and flowery) that are selling the magic cure for weight loss - hirsuitism - femininity all rolled into one.
all these PCOS women reassure each other that they're still women, even though they're fat and hairy and can't get pregnant - which , sure, if that's what you need to hear then there's no shame in that. but... not all people with PCOS are women. some are trans men, some are cis men, some are nonbinary, some are intersex women or men or nonbinary people... and sure. i don't expect every person looking for community support with their PCOS to read scientific papers on cis male PCOS, or to be aware of the existence of nonbinary people or trans men (though if they have an internet connection i'm sure they've heard something lol), but some thought would be nice.
i mean. the r/pcos subreddit explicitly states they're inclusive of LGBT people with PCOS but every second post begins with "ladies" or "cysters"... and there have been many posts and comments outraged at the notion of PCOS as intersex. (many supportive, too, but the overall vibe is definitely the latter). that's just one space on one social media website, and there will be spaces that are better than r/pcos ... and spaces that will be worse.
my point is, PCOS is a very complex syndrome that is terribly named, not restricted to the reproductive system or dyadic cis women, and community spaces need to reflect that.
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