#today i felt well enough to do dishes and get the calendar going
rexscanonwife · 8 months
Hi yall! It's 1am and I'm still sick 🤧 (at the tail end of it tho!) And just letting u know thanks to the sheer amount of self vs self insert memes I got tagged in I'm gonna throw em all in a queue to post a few times during the day!
They'll be tagged as both 's/i meme' and 'queue queue kachoo' in case u don't wanna see em
Ok that's all ily guys byee 💖🫶💖
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ros3ybabe · 1 year
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Daily Check In - September 28th, 2023 🎀
did not do much today by my standards but I’m still recovering from this cold plus my allergies are acting up so I’ve been in bed a lot of today. I did accomplish some things tho so it was not a fully unproductive day for me!
🩷 What I Ate Today -
Breakfast - boiled chicken potstickers, hash browns with ketchup, and a coffee
Lunch - bowl of spaghetti with two pieces of buttered bread
Dinner - two slices of dominoes handmade pan pepperoni pizza and three slices of cheese bread
Extra - three more cups of coffee and not near enough water, half a green smoothie made with frozen fruits, spinach, and almond milk
I have not been eating the best recently and I know that, but I think that’s due to my hormones being messed up at the moment, my current sickness, my extreme fatigue and exhaustion, and a lack of physical activity in my life. However, I decided I’m going to try to go to the gym and get on the treadmill (maybe do some strength training if I’m feeling confident enough) at my university activity center at least three days a week so that way I can start getting some of my energy back and gain some more discipline and control in my life. I’m hoping I get to the point where I can be a runner again, I miss my 8 minute mile time, my running playlist, and how free I felt when I’d go running. So that’s a new goal of mine as well! My boyfriend even said we can go jogging together when I see him next weekend, so I’m looking forward to that for sure!
🩷 Personal Accomplishments -
Did the dishes
Brought my laundry from the dryer to my room (have yet to put away clean clothes)
Night time skincare
Studied Duolingo/Busuu for ~20 minutes
Skimmed through first Genki lesson in preparation for actually studying from the textbook
Showered and washed my hair
made a tentative workout schedule in google calendar for next week
🩷 Academic Accomplishments -
completed and submitted extended assignment for psychology class
completed and submitted lab report for anatomy lab
began paper set up for first section of research study paper for psychology class
again, not a super productive day but I’m still happy with it. I got a decent amount of stuff done and I have some stuff I want to accomplish tomorrow, which I will list below.
🩷 Academic Goals for Tomorrow, Sept 29th -
Complete a rough draft of first section of research study paper before 10am psychology lab
Begin taking notes for module six for my health for sport and fitness class
Complete practical assignment for health for sport and fitness class
~20 minutes japanese study using apps
🩷 Personal Goals for Tomorrow, Sept 29th -
Morning and Night skincare
morning and night guided journal
work on content for RD mentor instagram
Go to bed by 10pm (be asleep by that time!!!)
Drink at least one liter of water
Only two cups of caffeine
Don’t buy anything from the university food court!
wake up early <3
not the most specific personal goals but still things that I know I can achieve! I’m super tired and it’s not even that late and I haven’t done much this week. That’s how I know I made the right decision to take time for myself. always have your own best interest at heart, in a positive and healthy way! Don’t push past your limits and don’t let yourself burn out! It’s easier said than done but taking care of yourself is so important! That’s something I need to continually remind myself!
til next time lovelies 🩷🤍
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hillbillyoracle · 8 months
Sidekick Journal Setup
Wanted to make some notes on how I set up the newest version of my sidekick journal. It's still an A6 Leuchtturm 1917 notebook- though this time I'm using a dot grid, not ruled, version. Still using a Traveler's Notebook Monthly insert in the back as well. Past that, I've adapted it to loosely use the PARA framework by Tiago Forte that I've had luck using with my digital notes.
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Much like last time, I still have a today card for tasks on the front. Some days I pick some out at the beginning. Some days I just write things down as I go. Not much has changed there.
It's worth noting that this journal springs open if I don't keep the strap on it. I use the strap to notch in a gel pen (currently trying to find one of my spare fountain pens to use instead). I don't personally mind this but I know it bugs some others.
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On the back side of the front cover, things have changed more. I still have a next card to jot down tasks that don't need done today that come up throughout a day, but underneath is the P in PARA - projects.
Each project gets it's own card. I like this because things were getting lost in my notebook and I can more easily see what I've committed to so I don't overcommit. Tiago Forte recommends 10-15 projects but I am disabled and have issues with energy so I shoot for 5-10. I think currently I have 9 which is a little on the high side.
They all fit nicely under the black clip here and I can shuffle through them each day to see what I want to work on.
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I have a To Read, To Watch, To Listen (podcasts), and To Listen (music). I occasionally have people recommend me things and they tend to get lost in my phone. So this is just a space to jot those down. My complete TBR is still kept in Storygraph atm. My TBW is on Letterboxd (kind of). I don't listen to a lot at the moment but I'm hoping to change that.
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For the first A in PARA - Areas - I set up topical indexes. I know a lot of people tend to have a lot more but I group my stuff under Personal, Home, Work, and Ria (my partner). Personal is just me. Home is anything shared with Ria. Work is mostly writing and freelance projects at the moment. Ria is for anything that is just for Ria. Anything that doesn't fit in the categories goes in the main index that comes preset up in the notebook.
This way I can jot down whatever notes I want in this notebook but when I'm looking for something specific or just want to see what's going on in a given area, I can flip to that index.
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This is just an example of the kinds of things I tend to use this notebook for. I did a menu plan and wrote down the order of steps to make a new dish I wanted to try (came out really nice). It's mostly to just order my thoughts and help my brain let go of things.
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This is the Traveler's Notebook Passport Size Monthly Insert I really enjoyed last year. I've set up the first few months and will set up a few more. I need to go back in and add events/holidays.
A big reason why this still felt necessary is that I'm looking at switching to a dumbphone which means I won't necessarily have access to Google Calendar on the go. So I plan to keep this as up to date as possible. I might use it for some light memory keeping as well.
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Lastly, I flip the notebook upside down from the back and this is where my commonplacing will go which will be how I manage the R in PARA - resources. I have 3 categories I tend to like jotting down information about to start with but there's room for more. I won't keep the markers with me but will periodically add circles for ease of reference.
For the last A in PARA I'm planning on storing these in a nice box when I'm done with them.
I don't really intend to journal in this though I suppose I could. I have a separate "bullet journal" that in all honesty I don't use super often. I do stream of consciousness journaling on 750words.com. It's mostly to jot down notes and get things out of my head quickly. I like that it's small enough to toss into most bags.
Hope this is interesting to someone!
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starglimmersfw · 2 years
Simple Celebration
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Childe/Lumine
Summary: It's hard to keep track of your birthday when the calendar's not the same. Good thing Lumine's got friends to remember for her.
This work is absolutely inspired by Susu's lovely gift for Seelie. It's so cute and sweet! What better way to celebrate one of my fave creators than a bit of birthday comfort and care? 💖
Lumine woke up slowly, her eyes quickly adjusting to the wan pink light of her bedroom. She stretched only to find her bed otherwise empty except for the blankets bunched at her feet. That would explain the chill she felt. 
A rhythmic scraping sound could barely be heard from the floor below her. Childe must have gotten up to make breakfast. Or at least, the sharp grumbling in her stomach had her hoping he was making breakfast. She dragged the blanket off the bed, wrapping herself up as she walked down the hallway to the head of the stairs in her teapot abode, pausing when she heard a chirp.
“Good morning to you too, Seelie.” The glowing pink orb gently nudged her shoulder.She laughed and rubbed the spot between their ears, smiling at the soft purrs they were emitting. 
“Should we see what that madman is up to in the kitchen?” They let out an affirmative trill and floated behind Lumine as she slowly made her way down the stairs. With each step the smells and sounds intensified, but it turned into a joyful cacophony when she rounded the corner into the kitchen.
“Hmmm Paimon thinks the berries need more sugar.” The fairy helped herself, sprinkling more sugar over a glistening pile of golden berries. 
“Hey, save some for the rest of the dishes unless you want to go buy more!” He grabbed a spoon and tested berry. “But that should be enough sugar. Since these are almost ready, can you bring me some plates?” Whipping a dishcloth over his shoulder, Childe turned back to the stove and carefully began flipping something sizzling away in the pan. 
“Why don’t you go buy sugar, hmm?” The fairy floated over to the shelves and grabbed a few plates, floating back to Childe and placing them on the counter next to him. 
“Are you planning to finish cooking all this food while I do?”
“Well, no. Paimon doesn’t know how.”
“Then leave the seasoning to-oh, good morning starlight!”
“Hi. What are you getting up to?” She could feel Seelie pushing her gently into the kitchen, “I’m going, I’m going!”
“I swear, they’re getting smarter and smarter every day, I’m surprised they didn’t wake you up too!” 
“Mmn.” Lumine stood behind Childe, leaning against him and pressing her forehead against his back. “Woke up ‘cause I was cold. What’re you making?”
“These are syrniki, crispy little cheese pancakes that get served with fruit. I thought it would be a nice birthday treat.”
“Oh that’s nice. Whose birthday is it?” She tried to recall the calendar but it was too early. She trudged over to the other counter, finally seeing the steaming pot of coffee. She carefully poured herself a mug with a splash of milk before sitting down at the table.
“Paimon can’t believe you forgot your own birthday!” 
Lumine nearly choked on her coffee. “Since when is it my birthday?”
“Don’t you remember, we talked about it weeks ago.” Childe slid a plate of steaming hot pancakes in front of her while Paimon floated over with the berries. 
“I don’t remember but-” she yawned widely and pulled the blanket tighter around her shoulders, “but it’s a little early.”
“You said you didn’t know when your birthday fell on our calendar so I asked what happens around your birthday and you said it’s a warm transition season.” He shrugged, “I suggested it could be about now, and I thought you agreed.”
“Hmm.” Lumine took another sip of coffee. “I guess today is as good as any other day.” Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Paimon practically vibrating with excitement, trying to hold back from shoveling her whole plate of pancakes into her mouth. Lumine dolloped the berries onto her plate before sliding it over. 
She took her first bite and hummed softly as she chewed. The syrniki were crisp and toasty on the outside and the inside was fluffy and creamy, with a little bit of tang from the cheese. 
“Well?” Childe watched her intently, forgoing his own breakfast while he waited for her reaction.
Lumine had just swirled a piece through the tart-sweet berries and tried to talk around the rather large bite. “S’good.”
“Paimon thinks they were delicious!” She sighed and leaned back against her chair, putting her hands over her stomach. 
Finally swallowing, Lumine spoke up, “these are delicious. Thank you for making them, but you didn’t have to go to all this trouble.” She couldn’t help the guilt twisting in her stomach. If it was her birthday it was Aether’s birthday. What was he doing today?
“Well, I’ve got dinner prepped and a bottle of firewater to go with it, and there’s just too much for one person. Besides, I can’t have my best comrade spending her birthday alone.” His voice softened, and a certain understanding hung in the air between them. 
Lumine quickly rubbed at her eyes. “Thanks. Both of you.” Seelie let out a soft noise and rubbed against her leg. “You too, Seelie.” She smiled down at the glowing orb and gave them a quick pet. “So if you made breakfast and planned for dinner, what about the rest of the day?” She smiled and stretched her leg under the table, nudging him with her foot.
“It’s your day zorya, you tell me.” He smirked and directed his attention to his own plate, carefully eating while he waited. 
Looking back and forth between her breakfast companions, Lumine was torn. On the one hand it’s clear Paimon and Childe actually worked together to plan this, and the thoughtfulness nearly overwhelmed her. And Paimon probably wanted to spend time with her. On the other hand, Childe just gave her an open invitation, and she wasn’t about to pass up an opportunity this good.
“Y’know there have been a lot of repairs around here I could use help with, especially from someone so capable and tall.” She returned Childe’s smirk with one of her own. “But I would hate to impose.”
“Really?! That’s what you want to do on your birthday, housework?!” Paimon screeched from the stove where she finally took it upon herself to grab more pancakes. 
“Yeah, I mean, I keep putting it off, so I might as well get it done if I’ve got the time right?”
“That sounds so boring. Why not have some fun?”
“It would be fun not to have to worry about surprise cold showers, don’t you think?”
“Zat’s twoo!” Paimon replied around a mouthful of pancake before swallowing. “The water heater’s been weird for months.”
“I know it’s not the most fun though, so it’s okay if you don’t want to stick around Paimon.”
“You might be right. Y’know, Kiminami-san was asking for more recipes, maybe I can visit her!”
“That’s a great idea!” Childe stood up and started collecting plates. “Don’t feel like you have to rush back, it sounds like what you want to do is way more fun, and you know repairs like this can take a while.”
The fairy’s face wrinkled in a grimace, “yeah.” She looked in between the two of them, a spark of realization on her face. “The way you two fix things, I might um, visit Yoimiya too, and then maybe see what Thoma and Ayaka are up to.”
“If you can’t make it back for dinner, we’ll be sure to save you some varenyky. You helped with assembly after all.”
“That’s right, I did!” She floated in the air with her hands on her hips. “But it’s Lumine’s birthday, she can spend it how she likes and Paimon will be back to celebrate it some more!”
Lumine stood up and pulled the fairy into a tight hug. “Thank you for everything Paimon.” She whispered, hoping the break in her voice wasn’t too obvious, “I can’t wait to celebrate it some more with you when you come back.”
Paimon returned her hug, “yeah well, don’t let Mr. Moneybags eat all the dumplings, I really did help you know!”
Lumine let her go with a laugh. “You have my word.”
As soon as Paimon disappeared with a twinkle, Childe’s arms were tight around her waist. “Got you something.”
“Besides delicious food? You really didn’t have to.” She spun around in his arms to face him. “Or any of this, you could have just, I don’t know, bought me dinner?”
“I buy you dinner at least every Monday.”
“I’m a simple woman with simple tastes.”
He barked out a laugh. “You are ferocious and brilliant and beautiful. But not simple. And I wouldn’t have it any other way, zorya.” He pulled her into a tight hug, and she could just feel the warmth of a kiss on the top of her head. 
“Let’s just celebrate for a change.”
They stood in the kitchen, the warm air enveloping them like a blanket. Before long, Lumine sighed and pulled away. “Okay. We’ll celebrate. But first, we’ll clean up.”
“Oh no, it’s your day, no cleaning up for you.” Childe wrapped her in the blanket and scooped her up without a second thought. Out of the kitchen, up the stairs, both of them laughing, he dropped her into the bed and quickly pulled his apron off before following.
Lumine felt herself getting more and more breathless as she watched him crawl over her, muscles cording in his forearms. He kept her caged in and gave her the softest kiss. “Whatever you want, whatever you need, just ask.”
“Hmmm I could get used to this.” She kissed him back, sighing as his tongue found hers, muscle memory betraying her desire as she wrapped her leg around his waist without even thinking. 
He groaned and pulled himself away. “That kitchen won’t clean up itself. I’ll bring up some more coffee when I’m done?”
“That sounds nice.”
She sighed and cocooned herself in the blankets, a cozy, sleepy haze settling over her after the unexpected indulgence at breakfast. If she could do what she wanted, she could indulge in a little nap. The rest of the day would be there when she woke up, to do with as she pleased. 
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wakaoujisenhime · 3 years
I’m home - Bakugou x reader
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Synopsis: Day after day you return home from work to either find your apartment empty or your husband asleep. Your last joint day off is also quite a while back, so you can’t help but feel rather lonely. And as if that wasn’t enough, you read an interview where your man had to give an insight on his married life with you and the questions he had to answer weren’t as pleasant as expected ...
tags/warnings: Bakugou x reader ✅  fluff ✅  (more or less) some domestic bliss ✅  minimal angst ✅  
crossed off square: Take a day off
A/N: This has been in my WIPs for waaay too long, so I’m finally happy to have finished it. Hope you’ll enjoy it! (°◡°♡)
→ BINGO Event masterlist
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“When was the last time our day-offs were on the same day?”
You unlocked the front door to your apartment and stepped in as you silently announced that you were home, waiting for an answer which sadly never came.
So he’s still at work, huh?
With heavy steps, you slowly moved towards your living room, fully expecting to see your husband lying utterly exhausted on the black sofa. Much to your dismay, the only thing you saw was his Ground Zero themed jacket you had surprised him with on Valentine’s day last year.
A sigh escaped your mouth as you let your eyes scan the emptiness you called home, and that’s when you noticed something peculiar peeking out of one of your trash cans. 
Upon taking a closer look at it, you realized that it was the latest issue of the monthly ‘My HERO!’ magazine, you always made sure to buy so that you could keep track of what your husband, as well as his friends, were up to.
“Katsuki, you dummy, I still haven’t read it yet, you know?” you mumbled to yourself while you took it out of the waste-paper basket and glanced at the cover picture. 
A tall and bulky man whose red shirt emphasized his toned muscles perfectly took up almost the entire space of the booklet. His long black hair was tied up in a high ponytail, and if one looked closely, it was evident that there were still some red streaks left from back in his student days where he used to maintain a completely crimson hairstyle. 
There were some of this issue’s top stories listed on the front page, so you skimmed through the short extracts.
Earphone Jack: A life between a hero and a rockstar
“With Sensei’s help”: The way someone from the general department became one of the TOP 20 heroes
ICY-HOT: How to not only follow into your father’s footsteps but completely obliterate them
“Let me show you how it’s done”: Red Riot’s guide to becoming the manliest hero of society and women’s hearts
Some of these headlines were quite funny to you, but that positive mood only lasted until you saw your husband’s name.
Exclusive interview: How is Katsuki Bakugou’s married life going?
Even though the title wasn’t anything exceptional, you couldn’t deny that it felt a bit suggestive and provocative at the same time. Curious as you were, you immediately looked up the corresponding pages and began reading through them.
The questions didn’t differ that much from other typical Q&A sessions with other prominent figures of society. Still, some tried to imply that Bakugou didn’t seem as happy as some other married pro heroes, and that implication was making you quite sad. 
At some point, this little questionnaire got quite personal, and even if your husband was trying his best to maintain at least some kind of privacy, the reporter just couldn’t take a hint and continued prying. You could’ve only imagined just how mad he must’ve been at this point, but what interested you most were his answers.
Q: So, how are the two of you managing the housework?
A: It heavily depends on who comes home first, but both of us are trying to take as much load off as possible from the other.
Q: Do you suspect there might be a different reason for your wife’s late returns?
A: I don’t know what you’re trying to point at, but no, I don’t. She might not be a hero like me, but she’s still a very busy woman, and there are some days on which she even comes home when I’m already asleep. 
Q: Aren’t there times when you wish to come home and see that everything’s been taken care of by her?
A: If I wanted a maid, then I would’ve simply hired one.
You angrily closed the magazine and stomped towards the sofa, where you plumped down and began pouting like a small child. 
Now I know why he threw it away…
Those questions were nothing but pure incitement from the reporter who tried to subtly accuse you of being unfaithful and imply that whatever you were doing was insufficient for such a great hero like him. 
Exhausted, you lay down and held onto your man’s jacket, the mix of his favorite cologne, and his scent instantly managed to calm you down a bit. You began imagining how he was kneeling in front of you, running his fingers along your hair while trying to calm your raging heart down by saying that these people knew nothing about his or your private life, and slowly but surely your eyelids grew heavy until they completely closed. 
“I’m home.”
After quietly announcing his return, Bakugou disrobed his coat and kicked his shoes off his feet. Upon noticing your footwear, he immediately headed for the bedroom to see if you had already gone to sleep, but much to his surprise, you weren’t there. The thought that you were still at work crossed his mind as he scratched the back of his neck, a disappointed sigh escaping his mouth.
He dragged his feet across the floor and headed for the kitchen. When his red eyes fixated that magazine he had thrown away some hours ago, the unpleasant memories returned.  
I thought I threw that garbage away.
Just as the man was about to repeat what he’d done today, a particular figure caught his attention.
Looking at your sleeping form while tightly holding onto his jacket was both calming but saddening as well. The question you asked him some days ago was still haunting his mind.
When was the last time our day-offs were on the same day?
He knew that this question wasn’t supposed to hint at something, but he couldn’t help but feel guilty. In truth, Bakugou had always requested that his day-offs were on days where you would work so that he could at least help you out even a little bit with the housework. The happy and surprised facial expressions you did when you saw just how much your boyfriend had done around the house always filled him with enormous self-satisfaction, so he figured: why not continue that way?
But now that this stupid interview had planted a small seed of doubt in his mind and after seeing you desperately clinging onto a piece of fabric that bore his smell, it made him realize that he’d lost sight of something quite more crucial than just simple relief of fewer dishes to wash.
His calloused fingers gently caressed your cheek while his red eyes focused on your slightly parted lips. He’d given everything to wake you up with a kiss on the lips, but there was no way he could cope with the guilt he would’ve felt from robbing these small but much-needed minutes of rest. Instead, he carefully picked you up like the princess you were for him, gently leaned your head on his shoulder, carried you to the big and fluffy bed the two of you had picked out together some years back. He was relieved to see that he’d been successful in not waking you up while he’d laid you down as carefully as possible.
After tucking you in like a cocoon, Bakugou shut the door behind him and pulled his mobile phone out of his jean’s pockets, frantically searching for a particular man’s number, and when he’d finally found the one he was looking for, he made no halt. He straight out called it while completely disregarding the fact that it was almost 1 AM. 
A tired and grumpy voice picked up after the fourth ting, demanding to know just what the blond needed at such an ungodly hour. 
“A favor...it’s about this week’s day-off.” 
The next day you woke up to someone gently poking your cheeks, and when you finally managed to squint your eyes open, the first thing that stood out to you were spiky blond hairs.
“Katsuki..?” you asked in a silent voice, still unsure whether he was truly standing before you or not.
Said man changed his tactic and softly moved some of your hair from your eyes as he answered: “Yeah, it’s me. Now stop dawdling and get up or you’ll be late for work.”
Just as he was about to make some space for you to get out of bed, you wrapped your arms around his waist, which almost made the both of you fall over...almost.
“You little...what do you think you’re doing, huh?”
A muffled giggle was your answer to his rhetorical question, and no matter how hard he tried to get you off of him, you refused to let go, so for better or worse, he had to return your embrace and stay that way until you were satisfied.
After that short but wholesome cuddle session with your husband, you finally started doing as told and prepared for the upcoming workday.
“Alright then...I’ll be leaving,” you announced half loud, conscious of being a possible disturbance for your still sleeping neighbors while looking back at the already dressed up man behind you. Bakugou was standing there, and after seeing the desolate expression on your face, he immediately spread his arms, initiating the embrace you were so desperately looking for. While his arms rested on your back, rubbing it ever so gently you took his scent in, kissing his neck ever so gently, and wished him a good day.
“I’m home.”
You took a look around your dark apartment smiling sadly at the fact that your husband hadn’t come back yet, so you did what you always do on lonely evenings such as these: prepare some dinner, run a bath, surround yourself with soft blankets and watch your favorite shows and movies until you eventually drift off to sleep. The last thing you did before sleep caught up to you was check your phone’s calendar and check whether your partner’s day off matched yours and it sadly didn’t.
Alone tomorrow as well, huh…?
You had fallen asleep on such a sad and rather negative thought that it had killed your entire motivation for the following day. The moment you opened your eyes you immediately wanted to fall asleep yet again, so you turned yourself and were now facing your lover’s bed part. Suddenly something rather peculiar caught your eye. His bedside was way messier than when you slept alone, which could only mean that he had come home at some point and that’s when you heard a silent thud coming from beyond your room. 
Could it be..?
You slowly got up and when you opened the bedroom door you were greeted by a rather funny sight. Bakugou was holding onto the kitchen counter with one of his hands and with the other he held his foot and was swearing silently something about how the ‘shitty counter’ had been in his way. He at first didn’t notice your presence but the moment you giggled softly his red eyes darted back to where you were standing.
“S-Shit…! Sorry babe, I didn’t mean to wake you!” he apologized in a silent voice. Instead of answering you simply jogged up to him and wrapped your arms tightly around his neck. This gesture was all he needed and his former anger was instantly blown away. 
His strong arms glide along your back while his lips plant multiple gentle kisses on your temple. This gentle way of treating you wasn't something so uncommon and every time he did it it made you incredibly happy.
While you cuddled a sudden question crossed your mind that you couldn’t help but ask.
“Say Katsuki...it’s not like I’m ungrateful for you being here, but...isn’t your day off tomorrow?”
You expected him to get grumpy or insulted, but his reaction was quite the opposite of what you braved yourself for. The grin that appeared on his face was one full of pride and satisfaction, it was as if he had waited for that question. 
“Well, what a coincidence of you to ask! Best Jeanist called me yesterday and said that he has to reschedule my free day for today, so I figured that I’d surprise you with some pancakes and grace you with my presence!”
His arrogant way of proclaiming this was a rather exaggerated attempt to hide the fact that he was actually the one who called up his superior at 1 AM in the morning, requesting the switch in days. 
Normally such a sudden change wouldn’t be possible, but Best Jeanist had a hunch that his sidekick’s decision was most likely because of that interview he had a few days. The pro hero still remembered the way the blond had stormed into his office, screaming something about the audacity of the interviewer, about how these extras were lucky he held back, and how he’d make sure to ‘accidentally’ blow up their main building the next time he fought a villain. Considering his outburst, the older one figured that the questions must’ve been entirely different than anticipated so he decided to wait for the magazine’s next issue to release so that he could have a look as well. 
You simply smiled to yourself and pressed your cheek on Bakugou’s trained chest, while the soft and pleasant smell of pancakes and sandalwood reached your nose. The two of you stayed like that for a couple of minutes until your husband gently pet your back, a subtle signal to signalize that it was time for the two of you to let go. With his warm hand still on your back he softly navigated you to one of the chairs he’d placed around your kitchen island and waited until you sat down so that he could serve you his fluffy creations.
“Et voilà! Katsuki’s extra fluffy and freshly prepared pancakes...hope you’ll enjoy them” he announced in a warm tone and kissed your cheek. 
Looking at these soft goddesses you couldn’t help but lick your lips in anticipation, but you decided to wait for your beloved to join you so that you could dig in at the same time. It took a short while to persuade the blond who insisted that you start without him so that he could enjoy your blissful expression, but he yielded in the end.
His red eyes studied your positive reaction to the warm breakfast he’d prepared and a loving smile adorned his lips as he listened to the countless positive comments you uttered in regards to it.
Good thing I managed to escape her grasp this morning, ‘cause this expression is so worth it.
While you happily ate one bite after the other, Bakugou recalled today’s morning and how you had subconsciously wrapped your arms around his body and were cuddling up to him. The temptation to just lie there with you and shower your face with kisses until you woke up on your own was truly big, but he repeatedly told himself that your expression when you met him in the kitchen would be ten times cuter and more satisfying...and he was right.
“Hey (Y/N)...I love you, I really do” he said in a silent and almost soothing voice as he gently wiped off some crumbs from the corner of your mouth. You looked at him with slightly widened eyes. Your husband wasn’t that good with words as some so you often had to read between the lines and yet, this time you knew exactly what brought this sudden confession on.
The interview…
After swallowing that small bite of pancake which you’d been chewing on for a tad too long, you got up and walked around the edges of the island that separated you from your loved one.
The blond seemed to follow your line of thought and got up from his chair as well, already spreading his arms and readying himself for your embrace. When you were standing face to face with him you instinctively went for a hug and squeezed him as hard as you could while he placed his forehead on your shoulder and took in your pleasant smell.
It was at times like these where the thoughtfulness of your usually brash and impudent husband came to light and managed to cosy you along with his actions rather than his words. 
While you were clinging onto his shirt the trash bin at the corner of your kitchen caught your eye and you couldn’t help but smile to yourself as you recognized the familiar and slightly wadded front page of a certain magazine… 
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halloweenbitch2764 · 3 years
It's A Scream, Baby!
Part One
Billy Loomis x Fem! Reader x Stu Macher
TW: None
(F/C)- Favorite Color
(H/L)- Hair Length
(H/C)- Hair Color
(Y/F/N)- Your First Name
(Y/L/N)- Your Last Name
(Y/N)- Your Name
Chapter One
I let out a sigh and dusted my hands off as I carried the last box in from the moving truck. I heard the muffled voice of my mother thanking the movers and I ran my fingers through my hair. A fresh start. Something new. My mother had gotten a job opportunity and moved us from my comfortable hometown to Woodsboro, California. Before my mom told me the name of the town, I had never heard of it. That was to be expected after I found out that it was a fairly quaint town. 
I opened the box and started unloading the things that would be in my bedroom. Some magazines and books, my bedsheets, posters of my favorite bands, etc. Things that made my room uniquely me. The move wasn't as stressful as I thought it would be but I already missed my friends. My friends were people who I'd grown up with. Now the only contact I would have with them is by phone. It's okay. Little contact is better than none. However, there was one thing that had yet to determine if the move was worth it. Will I make any friends? I've always had such a hard time doing it. My old friends were just always there and I didn't really make any new friends. Maybe one here or there but nothing like this. 
I sat on my bed and looked through the box beside me. I pulled out my phone and plugged it into the wall, setting it on my desk. If I get lonely tonight maybe I can call one of them. I tapped my fingers absentmindedly against the phone before snapping out of my thoughts and continuing to unpack. I was tired from the drive to Woodsboro, but wanted to set my room up a little at least. I hung a calendar on my wall beside my desk and looked at the red, circled date. New school. I would be starting school tomorrow. I think the school said someone would help guide me around, right? Fuck I hope so. I know I'll get lost. 
I glanced out the window and saw the sun had almost completely set. It didn't necessarily surprise me, but it didn't ease the nervousness of the fact that school seemed fast approaching. Wish I could have gotten more time to unpack. Then again, the sooner I get this done the less time I'm going to spend worrying about it. It's like ripping a bandaid off. A soft yawn tumbled from my lips as I grabbed my backpack from the corner where I had set it, double checking I had everything I wanted. Folders? Check. Notebooks? Check. Pencils? Check. Once I knew I had everything I'd need, I set the (F/C) bag by my desk. 
I continued to unpack the necessities before feeling my eyes start to become heavy again. A knock from my door woke me up.
"Hey sweetie, how's unpacking going?" My mom questioned. She looked tired from everything and I assumed I did as well.
"It's going fine. I unpacked what I needed. I think I'll just unpack the rest tomorrow. I'm really tired." My mom nodded sympathetically. 
"Well get some good rest for school tomorrow." I nodded in agreement and she gave me a nod before leaving the room. I got up and closed the door behind her, setting the box on my bed on the ground and away so I wouldn't trip over it. I pulled the covers back and dressed in my pajamas before lying down. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep.
I woke up to the annoying buzzing of my alarm clock. I rubbed my eyes and clicked the off switch before sitting up after a second of letting my eyes adjust. Sunshine filtered in gently through the curtains I had put up. I pushed myself out of bed and grabbed a simple yet cute outfit. One that never failed to make me feel confident. The more confident I feel in the simple things, the more confident I'll feel in myself. I walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower before drying off. I dressed in the clothes and hung the towel up before heading downstairs. 
"Good morning." My mom greeted me and I gave her a smile. I was still tired but the shower had managed to wake me up slightly.
"Good morning." She was finishing up a plate of pancakes before setting them on the table.
"I made breakfast." She said cheerfully and I sat down, digging in.
"This is really good. Thanks mom!" It was nice to have a real breakfast. Most of the time breakfast was a granola bar or something similar. Cereal if I was lucky. She smiled and made small talk while I ate. I cleaned up the dishes and headed upstairs to finish getting ready. I styled my (H/L) (H/C) hair and checked over everything, adding a little makeup and grabbing my bookbag. 
"I'm leaving for school!" I called out to my mom.
"Alright, be safe and have a good day!" She yelled back. I left and started walking to the school. It wasn't much of a walk, only about five minutes or so. I looked at the school and the nervousness returned, making me nearly feel nauseous. I gripped my bag and walked into the school. There were already a decent amount of kids, all gathered in their respective groups and chatting while they waited for the bell. I walked into the main office and waited, the receptionist soon looking up and giving me a kind smile.
"H-Hi, I'm (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N). I just transferred here." I mentally cursed myself for stuttering.
"Oh, Ms. (Y/L/N), yes. Here's your schedule." She handed me a piece of paper and I swiftly skimmed the words and times. 
"Sidney, would you please show (Y/N) around?" A brunette girl stood from a chair not too far from me. She had her bag over her shoulder and a textbook or two in her arms. She nodded to the receptionist and then smiled at me. 
"Hi, I'm Sidney Prescott." She introduced herself and I did the same. "Nice to meet you! Guess we should start looking around before the bell rings." She looked at the paper in my hand. "Oh, Mr. James? He's your homeroom teacher. He's pretty nice." She explained and we started to walk around to the classes. I'm really happy she seems so nice. This is already making this whole thing a thousand times easier. The whole tour didn't really take too long and when we got to the final class she smiled. "We have History and English together. We also have the same lunch. If you want you can hang out with my friends and I today." I smiled shyly. 
"O-Oh, thanks! Yeah um...I'll probably sit with you if you don't mind." If she minded she wouldn't have offered. She waved her hand and smiled.
"It's no big deal." She reassured me and I nodded. "We usually sit by the water fountain in the front of the campus. Just meet us there when you want." She smiled and I nodded. Suddenly the bell rang, signaling that we needed to start heading to class. 
"Alright well, I'll see you later." I smiled and she nodded with agreement before we both left to go to our homerooms. As I walked I felt like someone was staring at me. I turned and looked around but nobody stood out. If anyone's looking it's probably because I'm new. Don't really know why anyone would stare otherwise. I made my way to the class and took a seat at an empty desk. It was more secluded but I was happy about it. Just want to sort of fly under the radar until I feel comfortable enough to start making friends.
I was pulled from my thoughts when a noisy boy entered the room with other boys behind him. He was definitely tall and he seemed energetic for it being so early in the morning. He high-fived the boys and I caught something about football being talked about. Figures. I set my bag by my desk and grabbed out a notebook, copying my schedule into it in case I lost mine. The second bell rang and signaled the start of class. I saw someone sitting at the desk next to mine. Why would anyone sit here when there's plenty of open- oh. Him. The same tall boy I had seen earlier had now planted himself at the desk beside me. 
"Hey!" He said in a louder tone than I had expected. I looked at him.
"Hi." My voice was much quieter than his and less energetic. 
"So you're the new girl, huh? Sid kept talking 'bout how someone new was coming to school." I raised my eyebrow a bit. I guess he's friends with Sidney? I nodded in response to his question. "So what's your name, sunshine?" He asked in a playful tone.
"(Y/N)." I said and smiled so he knew I wasn't trying to be rude. My answers sound short even though I don't mean for them to. I'm just awkward. He smiled brightly and nodded. He gives me puppy dog vibes. 
"Well nice to meetcha, (Y/N). I'm Stu."
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pillow-anime-talk · 4 years
mistletoe. {pt.2}
synopsis: Killing cursed spirits with Satoru, winter prom with Metori and sincere conversation with Juuzou.
# tags: scenarios; christmas!au; current relationships & crush culture; romance; fluff; a bit of angst; sfw
includes: female reader ft. satoru gojou {jjk} + metori saiko {saiki k. no psi nan} + juuzou suzuya {tokyo ghoul}
part one {click}
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“... Y/N-chan, on the left!”
“... Hey, hey! Look up, sweetheart!”
“... Oi! Behind you!”
“... Behind you too! Kick their asses, Satoru~!”
“... YEAH! Here’s my super strong girl!”
You two have been in the forest; for over twenty minutes you dealing with killing smaller or larger curses that frightened mushroom pickers or wild animals. You had a lot of fun doing it, all the time competing to see who killed more evil creatures. Of course, your boyfriend was winning so far, by three, but how could you know that some of them would come out of the forest litter, literally letting the white-haired man kill them all in a few seconds? Well, but at least you killed about twelve curses yourself, and that was a really nice result.
On the one hand, you enjoyed spending time with Gojou like that, because it was very rare for the two of you to be together on a mission, but on the other hand... It was the time of Christmas that you wanted to spend in your own home, surrounded by delicious food and desserts, hot wine or beer, loved ones, including your boyfriend’s cute students or your mutual friends. From a long time, that is, from the moment you became a sorcerer, you didn’t spend any holidays, birthdays or anniversaries as you would like. There was simply no time and energy for it because every day, apart from some Sundays, you worked to make life better for vulnerable people. It wasn’t a bad job, but sometimes... when you looking at ‘normal’ couples you envied their ignorance to the fact that some evil had appeared around them. You envied them that they could spend their free time together doing stupid things or relaxing in front of the TV.
So you sighed softly, raising the hand in which you held the small pocket knife. Small as your anti-curse tool was, it was also extremely effective and dangerous. Therefore, you cut the throat of one of the evil souls without any problems, thus defeating the last enemy.
“Ahhhh. Finally...! You’re not hurt, baby?” The young man said in a cheerful voice, and you shook your head in disapproval. Second later, you cleaned the little knife and then, hid it in one of the pockets of your black pants. “Would you like to get some hot chocolate and cake?”
“Huh? Have we finished all our work for today?” You asked in surprise, and the man just bit his lip with joy, putting his finger to his mouth after a while.
“Yes, although you forgot one thing, love.” You raised an eyebrow at his amused words. However, Satoru quickly got rid of your unawareness as soon as he raised his right hand and pointed at something above with his index finger. For a moment you were sure that he meant a curse that hadn’t been killed before, but as it turned out, it was mistletoe growing on one of the tall trees; you were surprised that during the fight he was able to additionally notice a small, green plant. Anyway, you just chuckled lightly as you stood on your tiptoes and tugged at the twenty-eight-year-old by his jacket.
You were happy that at least this one, very sweet Christmas moment could happen to you during the winter season. Thanks to this, these holidays weren’t so bad and devoid of spirit.
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Every year there was a winter prom at your school; it was the third time for you, while for Saiko, who only joined your class this year, it was something new. Of course, he was skeptical about it from the start and generally discouraged by the very idea of ​​spending time with all PK Academy students, classmates and teachers. That’s why he immediately told you that if you want to go to the prom, he can arrange whatever prom you want; he literally said if you wanted Beyoncé he could call her.
But you just smiled warmly and said that school party is enough for you and you really like it. So he couldn’t refuse you... after all, the gray-haired young boy had a huge, indescribable weakness for you. Plus, even though you’ve been dating for a few weeks, Metori still couldn’t understand how... gentle and simple you were. You weren’t interested in luxury, his money, where his father worked. Instead, you asked every day if he had breakfast, if he would like to go for a walk with you, if he would like to come to you for dinner because your mother cooked a delicious Mexican dish. It was something new and nice for a teenager who had grown up in prosperity and splendor throughout his life. It didn’t bother him, but the prom... it was quite strange and mysterious. But he agreed, so he couldn’t take his words back because he didn’t want you to get sad or disappointed.
Thus, he bought a new, well-fitting and expensive suit – one that would fit perfectly with your delicate dress, which at the same time matches to the color of your shiny eyes. He also paid for new shoes, a watch, and a hairdresser visit, but even that couldn’t compare to your soft, natural blushes and the sweet facial expression you gave him when he came to your house with his butler.
“... You’re stressed?” You asked quietly as you sat in the car and he squeezed your little hand between his much larger ones.
“I’ve just never been at a prom... public... especially at school.” He muttered, and though he turned his head, you could see a hint of blush on his nose and both cheeks. So you chuckled lightly as you cuddled up against his shoulder.
“I’m pretty sure you’ll like it.”
The school hasn’t changed much; only a few holiday decorations have been added here and there. However, the gymnasium took your breath away because it was magically decorated. But before you had time to take your seats on the other side of the door, your physical education teacher stopped the two of you.
“Couples enter after payment.” Mr. Matsuzaki said, and the Santa Claus hat on his head added to the charm of his muscular figure.
Of course, Saiko was already taking out his wallet, but you quickly stopped it, pointing in a specific direction. It was, obviously, the smol mistletoe, which was the aforementioned entry ticket for couples who decided to show up at the ball together. So you smiled slightly at your boyfriend and he looked at you confused.
“What is it?”
“O-Oh, you never kissed under the mistletoe?”
“Kissing under it has any meaning?” He asked, still surprised, and you just moved closer to his face, stealing a short, really sweet kiss.
“It’s a tradition, love. You have to kiss under every mistletoe if you notice one.” You said happily and then thanked the teacher for going inside the gym.
Of course, Metori in his head was already calculating how many tons of mistletoe he should buy so that you could continue kissing him as sweetly as you just did.
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You put two cups of hot, beautifully fragrant chocolate on the table; one was with two white marshmallows and the other with six. Of course, it was easy to guess which portion was for Juuzou and which was for you. Nevertheless, you smiled gently and then sat down next to the white-haired boy, staring at him out of the corner of your eye.
“... About what did you dream, Juuzou-kun?” You asked softly, taking the purple cup between both hands. The warm ceramics pleasantly burned your all fingers, which made you breathe blissfully. “Of course, if you don’t want to, you don’t have to tell me. We can just sit in silence and drink our sweet cocoa.” You added after a brief second so as not to put unnecessary pressure or general stress on the nineteen-year-old.
“It’s no big deal. I dreamed about my mom.” He admitted hesitantly, also taking his dark-green mug. “When I woke up and looked at the calendar I realized we had Christmas time and... Well, my mom never gave me any, not even a small gift, nor did I ever spend that time like other children my age. It hit me a bit. Not that I regret it, but... what Christmas really is?” His short speech made you look at him with a very sad expression on your face and after a quick while you just put your warm chocolate on the table, getting up from your wooden chair and walking to a random cupboard in your smol kitchen.
This year you didn’t have time (because of work) and no idea (because of fatigue) for presents for loved ones, and even more so for the unexpected guest – Suzuya, who loved to sleep in your house because, as he once said, ‘He felt at your place very safe’, but you managed to come up with a little surprise fastly; you wrapped a red ribbon that was in the cupboard with needles and scissors around an unopened box of nut cookies. You also managed to find a piece of paper and a black pen, so you wrote a concise but sincere wishes to the inspector, which ended with a tiny heart and a star. Out of the corner of your eye, you also noticed the mistletoe lying next to the clock, which was a little joke your dear friend had made to you two days ago. So you took everything and went back to the quietly sitting Juuzou, smiling slightly at him, even a bit silly.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think about gifts before, but... I hope that’s enough. After today’s work, we can go to the gallery or the park to see the decorated Christmas trees, you will surely like them. Happy Holidays, Juuzou. I hope next year will be a good one for you.” You said shyly as you handed him ribbon-decorated cookies. At the sight of them, the boy only blushed, then looked at your other hand, which was still gripping a little twig. “Ohh... it’s... such a small tradition where you get a kiss under the mistletoe.” You picked up the plant and then placed it over the white-haired young man’s head, bending down after a while and giving him a short peck on the left, smooth cheek. “Merry Christmas once again.”
“Merry Christmas to you too and... thank you for that.”
You only smirked, reaching for the mug of already cool drink. However, you weren’t disappointed in drinking the cold cocoa, because the honest, slightly timid smile of the boy you liked from the beginning of your work at CCG warmed your whole body better than any other hot chocolate, tea or coffee.
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harrysweasleys · 3 years
in this house, you are safe // s.w
summary: seeing sam for the first time after the events of the tfatws finale
warnings: obviously, tfatws spoilers!! mentions of food, alcohol, language, death
word count: 3k
a/n: i wrote this because i love sam wilson with my whole dang heart and i will forever. also yes i am sorry i’m so late on making my mcu taglist but i will make the form this weekend! :) x
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After a few days, you had begun to feel at ease in Louisiana. The small town by the water had become a second home, and the people were some of the kindest you had ever met. Sam really hadn’t been joking when he said they’d welcome you with open arms.
Before he left for Latvia to hunt down Karli and the rest of the Flagsmashers, he had told you to go stay with his sister and nephews. So, unwilling to argue with him while he was already stressed, you agreed, and were now occupying the spare room in Sarah’s home. She had been impossibly sweet since your arrival — helping you settle down, driving you if you needed to go anywhere since you didn’t have your own vehicle with you — and you had repaid her by doing the chores. The cooking, the cleaning, the dishes, the groceries, things of that sort.
As a single mother with two boys and a family business to run, you wanted to bring her as little hassle as possible. The last thing you wanted was to make things harder for her.
Plus, all of these things served as a good distraction while Sam was away. Though you trusted him and knew what he was capable of, the constant nagging worry in your mind never seemed to ease. That’s what it was like to be engaged to a superhero, right? Never knowing when they were going to come back — if they were going to come back.
The last you had seen him, he had been fixing the boat with Bucky who had handed him a ‘gift’ from Wakanda. Sam didn’t show you what was inside it, but from the smirk that was on his face when he left with it, you had a feeling that you might know what was up.
So, you had been rather glad that there were so many things to keep you occupied around town and in the house, as you would most likely be losing your mind otherwise. You barely slept full nights, and every time you heard from Sam, whether it be by text or phone call, you always wondered if it would be the last. And that very thought prevented you from getting a good night’s sleep.
As another afternoon rolled around, your hands covered in dish soap as you scrubbed the plates from this morning’s breakfast, you couldn’t help but wonder when he’d be back. He had left earlier yesterday after realizing Karli might be planning an attack in New York, but you weren’t sure how long that was going to last. You hadn’t heard from him since him and Bucky had walked out the front door.
You were cut short of your panicked thoughts when quiet footsteps from behind alerted you that Sarah had entered the kitchen. You knew it had to be her as the boys had already left that morning for school.
“How are you holding up?”
You turned to face her, furrowing your eyebrows at her question, “I’m alright, why?”
She sat slowly onto a kitchen chair and patted the one next to her, “With Sam being away. I know it’s been tough on you. Now with the boys being out of the house I figured we’d have some time to ourselves to talk. You know, as future sisters-in-law.”
You dropped the towel you were using onto the counter and walked over with a small smile on your face, drying your hands on your pants before taking a seat, “Oh, that. I’ve been alright. I mean, it can’t be worse than him being gone for five years, you know?” A humourless laugh escaped your lips and Sarah gave a small chuckle.
“I get that,” she nodded, “I’m just letting you know that I’m here if ever you need anything.”
“I don’t want to burden you with all of my thoughts,” you grinned, leaning over the table, “You’ve got more than enough on your plate, super mom.”
She beamed at the nickname, shaking her head as she let out a small laugh, “You two are lucky to have each other. And I swear that boy will get an ass-whoppin’ if he ever makes you feel like you’re not a part of this family.”
“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that,” you grinned, “He’s always made sure that I feel welcome. You really have an amazing brother, you know?” you could feel your cheeks beginning to get sore as you kept talking, “He’s never once made me feel like I didn’t belong. And it’s one of the reasons I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him,” you began to toy with the ring on your left hand, “Because I know that no matter where we end up, it’ll feel like home.”
The kitchen was silent for a moment and you felt a bit of embarrassment at the fact that you just blabbed all of your lovey-dovey nonsense to your fiancé’s sister.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to rant,” you apologized, tilting your head so that you were looking down at the ring. In the shimmering light of the diamond, you could see your entire life with Sam. From the moment you first met him, to the day he got down on one knee, to the distant future where you two would be struggling to help each other off of the couch after watching game shows all day.
She placed her hand on top of yours, “You're part of the family now, and I think the boys really like you too. Yesterday they asked why you weren’t the one who was picking them up from school.”
Warmth spread through you at her words and you felt your throat being to sting as a wave of graduate flooded over you. You were a little overwhelmed, but in a good way. Sam’s family has been nothing but open and accepting since the moment you met them, and you couldn’t help but wonder what you had done to get so lucky.
You let out a small chuckle, “I can pick them up today, if you want. Saves you the drive.”
She raised her hands in the air, not arguing with you one bit, “Oh, you know I won’t be saying no to that. They finish at three and the keys are by the front door. Thanks, Y/N.”
You shot her a thumbs up, “Don’t thank me, super mom.”
As she stood and walked out of the kitchen, you could hear her laughter echoing down the hall, bringing a smile to your face as you made your way back to the sink.
The sun had set on the gorgeous town by the docks, and that meant that it was another evening where you found yourself wondering what Sam was up to. You hadn’t heard from him in over a day and your mind was running alight with possible scenarios as to what could have happened to him. This felt like a regular occurrence nowadays. It was as if the only thing that was written in your daily calendar was “8 o’clock: worry. 10 o’clock: worry.”
Luckily for you, though, tonight you had a distraction. As Sarah was tucking the boys into bed, you made your way over to the kitchen to grab a bottle of wine. She had bought one today in hopes of sharing it with you as the two of you watched crappy television after an exhausting day of cleaning up around the house. You two deserved it, as she kindly put it.
You grabbed the bottle, along with two glasses, and made your way to the living room. They were quietly placed onto the coffee table as you flopped down onto the couch, grabbing the remote and flicking it on.
The first channel that was on was the news. Usually you wouldn’t care and would just flip it to another channel, but your attention was caught rather quickly and you nearly dropped the damned remote to the floor.
On your screen, donned in a white suit with red and blue Stars and Stripes, stood Sam. His previously-destroyed wings appeared to be fixed, sticking out of the pack on his back as he lowered to the ground, holding the body of a young girl in his arms. You looked at what he was wearing and immediately you knew that your intuition was right; Bucky had given him a new suit.
“Holy shit,” you muttered, mouth hanging slack, “Sarah!”
She entered the living room nearly immediately as you called her name, shushing you by bringing a finger to her lips. However, she dropped it as soon as her eyes caught sight of the television screen.
“Is that…?”
“Yep,” you nodded, standing up and stepping closer to the screen. Sam was surrounded by cop cars and ambulances, but he wasn’t the one in danger. If anything, it seemed like his instinct was right about the attack in New York.
He lowered the body onto a stretcher and right away, you could tell it was Karli. Her face has been plastered nearly everywhere so it wasn’t difficult to identify her.
Both you and Sarah were silent as the stretcher was pulled away, the cameraman following Sam as he walked up to a couple of Senators — who you figured were probably the ones in danger.
You felt as if you were about to collapse as you watched him in the Captain America suit, both concern and pride bubbling in your chest. Your entire body was numb and tingly and your heart was damn near about to burst out of your chest.
It was hard to tell if Sam felt successful or not — a frown was etched onto his face and his eyes held a level of intensity that you rarely saw in him. You knew the whole John Walker situation had been difficult for him to deal with, but that really only made this moment that much sweeter.
He spoke to them for a couple of moments, asking a few questions about their future plans, before you could tell that he was about to snap. You couldn’t know what he had just been through, but you knew that he didn’t classify Karli as a villain. That she was just someone who got the shit end of the stick in a world that was struggling to reform. He didn’t want to kill her, he wanted to save her.
“You have to stop calling them terrorists,” Sam finally said, shaking his head a bit before facing the man across from him.
“Well, what else would we call them?” he asked, clearly unimpressed at the fact that he was currently being told off on camera. He started defending himself, but Sam quipped back. He had always been so well-spoken and intelligent, and that clearly wasn’t changing now that he was Captain America.
You slowly sat back down as you listened to Sam speak. You had always known him to be inspiring, caring, loyal, and strong. But now the world was going to see that too, and you couldn’t be more proud. Once again, you began to absentmindedly play with the ring upon your finger, twirling it and fighting a massive grin as you watched your future husband stand up for what he knew was right.
Sarah sat next to you, and neither of you could take your eyes off of the screen. You couldn’t even bring yourself to blink, too worried you might miss something.
“A few people have just as much power as an insane God, or a misguided teenager. The question you have to ask yourself is how you’re going to use it,” Sam’s voice was lower than usual, and there was no hint of amusement on any of his features. It wasn’t often that he was like this, but now that he was representing something bigger, something more, you could already sense the change.
You could feel the corners of your lips curve up into a small smile as you watched him walk away and join another familiar face; Bucky, who nearly looked as proud as you felt. The two of them walked away and the cameras panned back to a building, cutting off the conversation that the Senators were now having. You wished you could hear it so you could recount it to Sam, but at the moment, you were too filled with adrenaline and pride to even remotely focus on anything anyone was saying.
Sam was now officially Cap.
Your Sam Wilson was Captain America.
Somehow, Sarah had managed to make her way up to bed and sleep. After seeing what you two had just seen, you weren’t sure how she could even bring herself to relax. Because you on the other hand were extremely worked up — pacing around the living room, sending Sam a text every now and then, munching on any snacks you could find, and waiting anxiously to see if he’d be coming home tonight. Your mind was struggling to come to terms with the events of the last few hours and you weren’t sure what you wanted to do right now.
“Come on, pick up,” you mumbled, holding your phone to your ear as the dial continued to ring, signalling that he hadn’t answered your call. You knew he was probably insanely busy after what he just went through, but you were desperate to just take a minute and talk to him.
You let out a groan when his voicemail message popped up for the seventeenth time that night. He’d probably pick up his phone in about an hour and freak out at the amount of texts and missed calls, but who cares? You just found out your fiancé had become Captain America — you had the right to reach out. And you almost felt bad in advance for the amount of questions you were going to ask when you finally got the chance to speak to him.
The cushion of the couch felt soft as you sat back down, pursing your lips and glancing down at your phone screen on the off chance that Sam had sent a text within the last few seconds. Of course, there was nothing there, as expected.
“Sorry I couldn’t answer sooner.”
You jumped off the couch as a quiet voice spoke up behind you. Instinctively, you grabbed one of the unused wine glasses and launched it in the direction of the voice, but a hand came and snatched it out of the air.
“Sam?” you asked, struggling to keep your voice down and hoping to god that you weren’t about to get attacked, “Is that you?”
He stepped out of the kitchen and into the open room, goggles off and a bright smile on his face. He was still wearing the suit, having probably flown over not that long ago, but he looked a lot more at ease than he had on the television a few hours prior.
“Holy crap,” you exhaled, rushing over to wrap your arms around him. The suit felt unfamiliar under your embrace, but he smelled the same, and his skin was still warm under yours. You had a feeling you might be squeezing a little hard, but he didn’t seem to mind. His own arms wrapped around you, his head resting against yours.
“I saw you on TV and…,” you pulled away and placed your hand against his cheek, “Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did you win? What happened? And is this what Bucky gave you? It looks really good.”
He chuckled at your rambling, “You think the suit looks good, huh?”
You nearly scoffed at the way he wiggled his eyebrows.
“All of those questions and you choose to respond to just the compliment,” you laughed, bringing your lips to his cheek and placing a quick kiss, refusing to let go of him. A small part of you was worried that if you did end up letting go, he’d have to leave again.
“I’m kidding,” he let out a small chuckle and brought one of his hands up to caress the back of your head, gazing into your eyes, “We can talk about all that tomorrow, I can’t do this tonight. But I do have to say this: I honestly couldn’t have done any of this without you.”
You frowned, furrowing your eyebrows, “That’s not true. You’re an incredible man, Sam. You deserve all of this.”
He nodded, “That’s not what I meant. You know that expression; behind every successful man is a successful woman, or something along those lines? Well, that’s you. You’re the one who has always pushed me to be better. You’re the one who has been there when I’ve failed. The one who was there to help me back onto my feet and keep pushing, keep believing in myself. I may be the one in the suit, but I think you’re the real superhero here.”
You felt a warmth creep up through your body at his words and you had to bite your lower lip to hide the smirk that was threatening to take over.
“I guess that’s why I’m wearing this, huh?” you raised your left hand, twiddling your fingers to show off the ring that sat there.
He leaned forwards, pressing a kiss upon the diamond, and grinned, “That’s exactly why you’re wearing that.”
You were certain that your cheeks would hurt tomorrow due to how much you were smiling, but that was just the effect that Sam had on you. He was alive, he was safe, and he was in your arms. And honestly, you couldn’t ask for much more than that.
“Now, I’m exhausted from kicking ass all night,” he let out an exaggerated sigh, “What do you say we head off to bed? I’m pretty damn happy that I got to come home to you, and all I want to do is go get comfortable with my princess by my side.”
Leaning forward on your tiptoes and pressing a light kiss against his lips, you mumbled, “I strongly support that.”
He removed the wing pack from his shoulders as quietly as possible and sat it on the kitchen table, following you upstairs with his hand linked in yours. His fingers held you tightly and you knew that he was more relieved than ever to be home.
Finally, you’d be able to sleep well, knowing Sam was safe and sound by your side.
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dragonsareourfuture · 3 years
Death Note/GN!Reader — Pick Up Lines
A quick little scenario in which your Death Note sweetheart uses a terrible pick up line on you! I feel as though these all kinda suck since I write this a while ago but it’s fine. It’s fine.
Staying up late every night and watching security footage was not fairing well for Mello. Dark circles started to form underneath his eyes, and you pointed out that he was turning into L, all he needed was black hair and a haircut. He simply responded “The day I cut my hair short is the day the world ends.”
Usually when Mello got tired he would turn into a grumpy, adorable gremlin but, mixed with the excessive amount of chocolate he consumed due to boredom, he had turned loopy. Matt had relied on his headphones to keep him sane, whereas you were left with no escape from the babbling blond.
Mello rambled on and on about how he was going to beat Near with every fiber of his being, slowly getting sidetracked into a conversation about sheep.
“They’re so fucking fluffy. Standing around, eating grass, taunting me.” The blond mumbled, his head resting on your lap as you stroked his hair, listening with genuine interest.
“Mhmm, how do they taunt you?” you inquired, wanting to know more before your boyfriend fell asleep and you never got to find out why he felt so threatened by white, fluffy animals.
“They just...do  .”
“Well, I’ll always keep you safe from the mean, mean sheep.”
Mello shifted so that he was gazing up at you. He lifted his hand to your face and gently smacked your cheek with his palm, rubbing his tired eyes with the other hand.
“Aw, babe you’re so sweet when you talk like that... You make me melt like chocolate in the summer~ ”
“I do what?”
Before Mello could answer, unconsciousness grasped him and pulled him down into the dimension of sleep. You sighed, disappointed that you wouldn’t get to hear more, yet also relieved that Mello could finally get the sleep that he needed.
“G’night, Mels,” You whispered, brushing his bangs to the side and kissing his forehead, “You make me melt, too.”
Matt’s been acting strangely clingy all day. As soon as you noticed this fact, you immediately figured that it was an anniversary or either one of your birthdays and it had slipped your mind. However, upon further inspection of your phone calendar, today appeared to be nothing special.
You were seated on the couch, watching a bit of television while Matt washed the dishes. You had insisted that you could handle that task yourself, but the goggle-wearing sweetheart had insisted that you relax.
Suddenly you heard the sink turn off and footsteps lead up to the couch. You turned around to see the redhead wrapping his arms around your shoulders from behind.
“Hey, I lost my phone number...can I have yours? ” He asked with a sly smile.
“Matt, you have my number. Is that a pickup line? You know we’re already dating, right? Is my number not working?” You interrogated, grabbing his phone from the coffee table and calling your cell from it to ensure that your phone number still worked.
“No- it’s... you’re supposed to go along with it!”
“Well, come up with a better one next time, dumb ass,” You tossed Matt’s phone back at him, the device landing in his lap. He pouted and shoved it into his jacket pocket, getting up to return to the kitchen.
“You’re no fun.”
The room grew dim and increasingly empty as the hours ran further into the day, eventually turning to night. Despite the signs that you should be on your way home, you stayed with the only detective who thought it appropriate to work into the ungodly hours of the night.
You glanced over at L, back turned to you with his nose practically pressed against the computer screen. You rolled your eyes and switched on the main light of the room, saying, “You’re gonna ruin your eyes reading in the dark like that.”
L did not respond but, at the looks of it, kept on reading the minuscule words on his screen with intent.
“Do you need anything? Water? Maybe some cake?” You asked, giggling at the end of your words for no other reason than the tiredness getting to your brain.
“No, thank you.  I already have you, and you’re sweeter than cake, anyway,” L droned matter of factly, not even tearing his eyes away from the luminescent screen.
“Awww! Oh my god, L!” You squealed, running up to L and enveloping him in a bone-crushing hug.
“Ah...(name), I c-can’t breathe...”
You could practically hear the blood flow to your brain as you spun around in a desk chair at painful hours of the night. The screens that filled the SPK headquarters shone in your eyes, keeping you awake along with the unhealthy amounts of caffeine you had consumed.
Your white haired boyfriend sat crouched on the floor by your feet. The clicking of building blocks rang throughout the otherwise empty room as he stacked them on top of one another, paying no mind to anything else.
You sighed, placing your chin on the palm of your hand and deflating on the spot. No amount of caffeine could keep you here as late as Near always stayed, no matter how much you wanted it to. You hated that he was here alone all the time and, even though he always tried to convince you that he didn’t care, you knew it took a toll on his mental state.
You shifted in your chair, about to heave your body up when Near’s monotonous voice kept you still.
You waited for him to continue, and spoke up when he stayed silent, “What’s up, babe?”
“Do you like LEGO ?” Near inquired. His eyes finally met yours as he twirled a LEGO piece in between his fingers.
“Uh, I guess—“
“Because I want to build a world with you... ”
You froze, wondering if the caffeine was getting to your head or if Near had actually used a pickup line on you — and a goddamn adorable one at that.
A weak smile tugged at your lips. You slid off the office chair and dropped to your knees on the cold tile beside Near, throwing your arms around the boy without another word.
Though he stiffened at first, Near melted under your embrace. He buried his face into your shoulder and wrapped his noodle arms around your torso. You stayed like this for either a minute, or an hour. It was so quiet that you could hear your hearts beating in sync. Everything was so perfect, so loving, so-
Your heart nearly burst from your chest at the sound of a door banging against metal and the rough tone of Rester calling out to you.
Near grumbled and shoved his face into your neck, trying and failing to escape the booming echo of footsteps that approached your little heap on the floor.
“Yeah,” your voice came out ragged and small, but enough for Rester to hear and follow, “right here.”
“You both look exhausted! Come on, let’s get you to sleep.”
When Near barely moved a muscle, you took it upon yourself to pick up his limp body from the floor bridal style and carry him to bed. Though you almost dropped the poor boy more than once, you’d say you did a fairly good job. And, once you were both snuggled up in bed, you got a good nights rest of a solid three hours of sleep. It was the most Near’s gotten in weeks, so you were not complaining.
Though you were already in a relationship with Light, the cheesy lines and swooning from him never ceased. You wouldn’t have to fend him off with a stick but he loved to be all over you even when he already won you over, and you loved that about him.
This was mainly exhibited when you two were alone together, him finding public displays of affection to be childish and overall unnecessary as everyone you hung around with at school respected your relationship quite nicely.
The two of you were strolling on the sidewalk after a headache inducing day of school. His arm was resting lazily over your neck as you walked while all attention was focused on you and you alone. You ranted about the difficulties of the day and, although they were mostly all minor inconveniences, they really got under your skin once all added up.
When you had finished, you huffed and rubbed at your temple.
Breaking the silence that followed, Light blurted,  “How would you like to be the goddess of the new world?  You wouldn’t have to deal with that crap anymore.”
You laughed, reaching up to lace your fingers with the hand that dangled by your shoulder. “Dude, I barely know what taxes are. I don’t think I can handle being a goddess.”
“Aw, that’s a shame,” Light pouted jokingly.
The two of you came to a stop in front of his house, him pulling you flush against him and just staring wistfully (up/down) at you. “Do you want to come in? I’m sure Sayu will be delighted to see you.”
“Oh, I’d love to but I don’t want to intrude—“
“Nonsense. Come on.”
And so, Light guided you into his home, his mother and Sayu cheerfully greeting you at the door and whisking you away into a night of wonderful conversation and a lovely dinner.
You took advantage of the daylight, working nonstop so that you wouldn’t have to stay after hours to get your unfinished work done.
Through your tireless efforts, you failed to notice a pair of familiar eyes glancing back at you every so often. You only noticed a change in your boyfriend’s behavior when he came rolling up to your desk in his wheely chair, resting his chin on his elbows and looking at you expectantly.
“Hey, what’s up, Teddy Bear?” You greeted, barely tearing your eyes from the papers splayed out all across your desk.
Matsuda grinned from ear to ear every time he heard that nickname. It made him feel wanted and loved whenever he was around you. Sometimes, this caused the filter between his brain and his mouth to thin, allowing whatever he’s thinking in that moment to slip out.
“Do you have a map? Because I’m getting lost in your eyes... ” he said dreamily.
Your head shot up in an instant, puzzled by the seemingly random affection, only to see Matsuda covering his lips as a dark blush began to rise on his cheeks and the tips of his ears. “Th-that’s not...I-“
“Honey...” you shook your head and sighed, placing your pen down flat on the desk, “That is the literal worst line ever but it sounds wonderful coming from you.”
“O-oh. Thanks?” He chuckled nervously, massaging the back of his neck as his skin became slick with sweat.
You leaned over the desk and pecked his lips before collecting your paperwork in a neat stack, placing it all carefully in your shoulder bag, careful not to bend any corners. “Why don’t I finish my work in that nice little coffee shop across the street. Join me?”
“Y-yes! I’d love to. It’s getting a little stuffy in here, anyway.”
“Ughhhhh I’m so tired! What a day!” Misa exclaimed, stretching out her arms above her head as she walked over to her folding chair. The white, feathery wings fastened to her back smacked people and equipment as she passed them, but you saw her as nothing but elegant.
Your girlfriend plopped her butt down into the fragile chair, giving Matsuda a scare when it nearly toppled over. With beads of sweat trickling down his forehead, he handed the girl her coffee.
“Aw, thanks, Matsu! And you too, (Name)! I wouldn’t be able to do any of my scenes without you guys cheering me on!”
You chuckled, cheeks turning a dusted shade of pink at Misa’s praise. “Dont give us all the credit, babe. You’re the one giving your all up there.”
Misa twisted in her chair to grab at your hand and intertwine her fingers with yours. “You’re too sweet, honey! Y’know, if it were up to me, you’d be the one wearing these wings!”
“Oh, I don’t know, I couldn’t take your place!” You said, gesturing to the fountain where Misa’s scene had just been filmed.
The blonde giggled and brought your fingers to her lips, giving them a couple kisses before shaking her head. “I meant I’d have you in these wings because you’re an absolute Angel , silly!”
Before you could even begin to respond, Matsuda beat you to it. “Aww my gosh, you guys! Could I be the best man at your wedding?”
“Hmm...” you pretended to ponder while tapping your chin with your index finger. “How do you feel about being the flower boy?”
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A delicate touch
Ao3 | 3k | Rated: Teen | Hurt Carlos / Tarlos 
Summary:  Carlos gets injured at work and ends up at the hospital before being sent home, TK comes home to find him in need of some TLC and does what we know he would do and takes care of him
Tropetember Day 3: Hurt/Comfort / Sickfic / Whump
Of all the ways Carlos expected his day to go, he wasn’t expecting this.
Though, how could one expect to be chasing down a perp on foot in the late hours of the afternoon to an abandoned building where they could be hiding anywhere. He radioed his position for backup and his partner was already circling her way around to the other exit.
Carlos couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease over the situation as he stepped inside the threshold to assess its interior. There were sheets of opaque construction plastic hanging from the ceiling. Portions of the wall, incomplete in its framework, still in need of drywall. From where he was standing, Carlos could only assume that through the door ahead of him, he would expect to see much of the same throughout.
Maybe he and Mitchell should have stuck together.  
At least then he would have the backup for what was about to happen.
The man they were after came charging out from behind the plastic sheets in a side-on assault from the doorway where Carlos was standing. He didn’t have the time to react before a swinging hand connected with the side of his face, hard enough that Carlos knew it would instantly bruise.  
It didn’t help to know that the man in question was a known bodybuilding steroid user and had the muscles to boot. Carlos couldn’t even get his gun around before a hand grabbed on the front of his uniform and he was literally lifted off his feet and thrown several feet into a stack of metal beams that were hidden behind more sheets of plastic. The impact causing his breath to escape him all at once.
He lay there in a stunned stupor for a moment as he regained his breath, pain blossoming along the left side of his ribs and back. With a groan he rolled from his back off the beams onto his hands and knees, eyes following the retreating silhouette of the perp exiting through the door and steeled himself to get back on his feet and give chase.
He was prepared to ignore the lancing pain each breath sent to his ribs and winced with each step it took just to get back to the doorway. He breathed out a shallow sigh of relief upon seeing the flashing lights of the requested backup had already arrived and were taking the perp into custody, thankful he wouldn’t have to send himself on that painful mission. Watching them struggling with four officers to get him in the back of one of the patrol vehicles, provided Carlos with some modicum of relief from his innate sense of embarrassment from being overpowered so easily.
With an arm wrapped around his side, he radioed for Mitchell with an update and moved towards the corporal who had taken charge of the perpetrator’s apprehension. When she caught sight of him, she moved to meet him, eyebrows raised in thinly veiled concern at his appearance.
“You’re looking worse for wear Reyes. What happened?”
“I stepped inside one of the entry points to assess where he could have gone and he charged me, ma’am,” he said, gesturing to his blooming cheek, where he felt the drying crust of blood which he hadn’t noticed before, “knocked me, before throwing me into a bunch of metal beams.”
“I am not surprised he managed to do that, considering how much manpower it took to get him under control,” She gave him an appraising look, “report to your CO, let them know what happened, then I’d strongly suggest getting yourself checked out at the hospital. I’d imagine your CO would say the same.”
“Yes ma’am.” He responded with a grimace and turned to leave, seeking out Mitchell who was waiting back at their patrol car and did as the corporal ordered. He wound up at the Emergency Department with his partner in tow, following the same recommendation reiterated by his CO.
By the time he finally got home it was dark. All he wanted to do was wash away the day and fall into bed with an icepack attached to his side. However, thinking about doing those things and actually doing them did not factor in how much torso movement was required.
It was easy enough to get out of his button-down uniform shirt at the station and had assistance to get out of his APD undershirt when being examined but now that he was home, the muscles surrounding the offending ribs had seized up and were spasming with every movement. All he could do was stand in the bathroom half out of his shirt while continuing to remain clothed from the waist down, looking mournfully at the already dark bruises in the mirror that made it near impossible to bend over without pain.
So preoccupied with the task before him, he didn’t hear TK arriving home.
*  *  *
TK entered their home in the late hours of the night, firehouse duffle bag on his shoulder and exhausted from a long and busy 24-hour shift. He knew that from the calendar of their work schedules hanging by the kitchen that Carlos’ own shift would have ended not long before his own, meaning that his boyfriend should already be home, likely already passed out from his own long shift.
With a yawn he dropped the bag by the door, noting with a furrowed brow that the entryway was bathed in darkness, an unusual occurrence for the two of them. It had become a regular habit for them that whoever got home first would leave a light on in welcome, especially if they knew the other would be arriving home in the dark hours of the night.
knowing the man was home after seeing his car in the driveway and keys in their customary place by the door, he called quietly, “Carlos? You still up?” not wanting to wake the man if he was indeed asleep,
He padded through the house, noting that there were no lingering smells of reheated pre-made dinners prepared for such an occasion as nights like these. Toeing off his shoes by the stairs, TK felt the cool temperatures of the wood seeping up through his socked feet as he made his way upstairs to the bedroom.
It’s not until he’s partway up the stairs could he see light filtering from the partially closed bathroom, indicating that Carlos was not yet in bed. Just as he stepped on the landing TK heard the quiet hiss of pain from the man he was looking for.
Concerned and curious at the same time, he peered through the crack in the doorway to see Carlos’ reflection. His eyes were immediately drawn to a deep purple bruise decorating his cheek that had stretched to shadow around his eye as well. He couldn’t contain the small gasp at seeing Carlos hurt and pushed the door wide open, startling his boyfriend and causing him to turn towards him with a pained wince, catching a hand on the basin with a white-knuckled grip.
TK pushed past the door, stepped into the bathroom, and sucked in a breath as he saw what he couldn’t before. The mottled bruising wrapping around Carlos’ side to the back of his ribcage which he could now see in the mirror’s reflection.
“What happened to you?” He asked, ghosting his fingers over the blossomed bruises as his eyes catalogued the small cuts and grazes adorning Carlos’ shoulder and forearm.
Carlos shrugged in the barest of movements with a bite of his lower lip. “Got thrown into a stack of metal beams by a guy I was chasing down today. Bruised some ribs.”
TK could tell that Carlos was brushing over the details, but what he said was enough and the main takeaway TK got from it was that his boyfriend got hurt and was in a decent amount of pain just from the small movement of twisting his body. It was then that he took in Carlos’ appearance, taking note of the shoes still on his feet and the half-worn t-shirt.
Slightly bemused, he bit back a smirk, “You can’t get undressed, can you?”
Carlos just gave him a pained expression as he huffed out a short breath sounding defeated, “No, it hurts and spasms every time I try to move.”
“Come here,” TK said softly turned Carlos enough so that he could easily manoeuvre around him. From here he helped to finish the undressing process, making quick work of removing the shirt, shoes, and pants, minimising the pain dramatically compared to Carlos’ attempts by himself.
TK stood up when he was done, eyes lingering on the bruise to his boyfriend’s face, “Shower?”
“Yeah,” Carlos breathed out shallowly.
TK moved past him towards the door, “I’ll leave you to it,” he paused by the door, half turning, “unless you want some help washing.”
Carlos waved him off, “I think I can handle it.”
“Alright then, I’ll have ice packs and bruise cream for you when you’re done,” he said over his shoulder as he stepped out, eyes already scanning blindly as he tried to remember the last time they had used the bruise cream, and where they would have put it last.
It didn’t take him long to mentally replay the cream’s last use and found it in his bedside table drawer. Triumphant, he put it on the bed along with Carlos’ pyjama pants. Having already showered at the end of his shift, TK got dressed in his own pyjamas before heading back downstairs to retrieve two icepacks from the freezer and two clean dish towels to wrap each of them.
By the time he was back upstairs Carlos was already out of the shower, attempting to dry himself with minimal bending or twisting. TK smirked slightly, rolling his eyes as he picked up the pyjama pants and rejoined his partner, seizing the towel from his hand. He quickly finished drying the spots that Carlos was reluctant to reach before grabbing the pants and wordlessly crouched down, offering each leg hole for Carlos to step into.
“Thanks,” Carlos murmured when he stood up and moved back to stand beside the bed. TK responded with an acknowledging hum as he picked up an icepack offering it with an outstretched hand and a soft smile, “Come on, I found the bruise cream.”
He watched as Carlos stepped towards him, accepting the icepack, and sat on the edge of the bed as he brought the icepack to his cheek with a wince. TK folded his legs underneath him as he sat behind Carlos and untwisted the cap of the tube. He rubbed it between the fingertips of his hands in an attempt of warming the viscous cream and started lightly applying it to the dark purple bruises adorning Carlos’ back and side.
Carlos stiffened slightly at the touch and his breath hitched in obvious pain, “Sorry,” TK murmured and lightened his touch as he smeared the cream over the mottled skin and gently rubbed it in.
There was a sense of quiet intimacy between them as he worked. It wasn’t often that their roles were reversed with TK being the one to take care of Carlos, having been on the receiving end of numerous injures since they’ve been together. In a way, it was nice to finally be able to return the favour.
He could feel Carlos taking quiet measured breaths beneath his fingers, definitely not taking full breaths as he should. TK hummed, “Babe did you go to see a doctor?”
“Yeah,” Carlos breathed out in a strained exhale and shifted uncomfortably.
“And did they say anything about how you should be breathing?” TK probed as he finished up his ministrations to Carlos’ left side, already knowing what the answer should be.
“They did.”
TK scootched up close behind Carlos and wrapped his arms loose and low across his waist, pressing his cheek to the side of Carlos’ neck, “And are you doing what they said to do?” he asked warmly.
“I suppose not,” Carlos admitted in defeat, clearly aware of what TK was alluding to.
“They prescribe any meds?”
“They said to take some Advil if I needed it and they gave me a prescription for some stronger stuff if it doesn’t help.”
“Trust me, I know you want to tough it out but you’re better off taking them so you can breathe properly, I don’t want to see you get pneumonia.” He pressed a kiss into Carlos’ neck and moved off the bed.
“You know?” Carlos asked, concern colouring his voice as he turned his head to look around at him.
TK shrugged nonchalantly, “I may have fallen through an unstable floor once back in my second year on the job, got some nasty rib bruises like you have. It sucked.”
“Oh gee, thanks for making me feel better about it.”
“You’re welcome.” TK leaned in and pecked Carlos on his uninjured cheek, and then picked up the other ice pack from behind him, gently pressing it to the worst point on his ribs, “Hold that, I’ll get the Advil.”
Carlos replaced his hand holding the icepack in place and called quietly to him, “Should be somewhere behind the mirror,” as he walked back towards the bathroom where they kept the medicines. Finding it where Carlos had said, he returned with the box and picked up a water bottle left on the dresser before taking up his place back in front of Carlos.
Carlos abandoned the icepack he had been holding to the right side of his face in favour of holding out his hand to which TK distributed two pills from the blister pack. He popped them in his mouth and took the bottle to wash them down, scrunching his nose as he swallowed.
TK looked at him questioningly as he picked up the bruise cream again and Carlos answered with a simple, “stale water.”
He let out a huffed laugh and shook his head at his boyfriend’s dramatics as he started dabbing away at the now icy skin around Carlos’ eye, making quick work of rubbing the cream into his skin before gently caressing his cheek below the contusion when he was done, “There, how’s that?”
Carlos gave him a soft smile, “I already feel better.”
TK stepped in closer between Carlos’ legs, bracketing his arms around his head and kneaded his fingertips in the back of Carlos’ head as he tilted his face up, giving him a kiss on the forehead, “Much as I would like to believe you, I can’t imagine that the ibuprofen has kicked in just yet.”  
“Well, maybe it’s because of your excellent caretaking skills.” Regardless of his words, Carlos couldn’t completely hide the pain and discomfort from TK. It was plain to see in his eyes.
“Mhm hmm, I’ll take your word for it,” TK said, humouring him as he continued to lazily scrub his fingers against his scalp, “In any case, we should get some sleep. It’s late and we’ve both had long days.”
He stepped back, leaving Carlos to sit on the end of the bed as he turned on one of the bedside lamps and turned off the bedroom and bathroom lights, and flipped back the covers of the bed. With an assessing gaze, he turned back to his partner, noting which side the bruising was on. “How do you want to sleep?”
Carlos cleared his throat slightly and immediately winced at the action, “Definitely on my side.”
“Thought so. With me in front or behind you?”
Carlos stood up with a grimace, “You in front of me, I think, I don’t think I could handle anything touching my back right now.”  
TK nodded understanding what he meant, “In that case, you sleep on my side of the bed.” He offered.
Carlos gave him a tired smile before his gaze slid down to the abandoned ice pack and made a move to pick it up, forehead creasing as he bent over, grunting slightly at the action. He collected the ice pack and cream from the bed and straightened back up, removing the second icepack from his side, and returned it to TK with the other items, an unspoken request for him to put the icepacks back in the freezer downstairs.
“You didn’t want to keep them for tonight? We’ve got a couple more in the freezer to rotate through.”
Carlos shook his head, “Nah, I think I should be right. Think the Advil is starting to kick in.”
“That’s good.” TK shook the packs slightly, “I’ll be right back.”
He returned from the kitchen to find Carlos gingerly easing himself beneath the covers on his side of the bed. He slotted himself in on the other side on his back, allowing Carlos to properly turn onto his side and nestle against him. His top side was slightly leant forward pinning TK’s arm against his side, and a firm arm snaked across his waist, hand tucked under TK as far as it could go like an anchor to keep himself from falling backwards in the middle of the night.
TK craned his neck slightly to look down at Carlos who had his head angled just so on his shoulder that his cheek wasn’t touching anything but air. “Comfy?”
“As much as I can be,” mumbled Carlos, voice already heavy with sleep.
TK reached over to the lamp switch and turned it off, sending the room into darkness. He placed his hand over Carlos’ arm and turned his head against his pillow until his cheek was resting against the top of Carlos’ head. Feeling the steady and fuller rise and fall of Carlos’ chest against his arm.
They managed to stay like that all night, both somehow falling into a deep and heavy sleep. The following next few days had a repeated similarity with TK doing what he could to assist and accommodate Carlos limited movement. Their nights ended the same as the first unless TK happened to still be on shift, then he was replaced by a pillow, in the same position until Carlos could move more freely as the tender muscles around his ribs healed.
Carlos couldn’t remember the last time someone looked after him that wasn’t his parents, it was nice, and he appreciated TK’s diligence even if he went a little over the top with his caretaking. He supposed that’s what you get when your boyfriend is a paramedic who knows what it’s like from his own misfortune. And that’s something that he will always love.
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love-and-monsters · 3 years
M sairosapien X F human, 6,429 words.
This story does not have a reader-insert because I wanted to focus a little bit more on some characters that I came up with. This involves an established relationship, some fluff, and four tiny velociraptors. Enjoy!
The sun was blazing hot in the sky, so much so that it was uncomfortably warm even in the shade. A heavy mugginess hung in the air, so much so that Grace felt like she was inhaling through a damp rag. Sweat soaked through her loose ranger clothes. Even with her sleeves and pant legs rolled up, she was still overly warm. Fortunately, the trees were closely clustered enough that the sun only peeped through in tiny patches, dappling a few small areas of the ground.
Despite being so hot that she barely wanted to move, her tiny pack of velociraptors was running around like their tails were on fire. Rococo was perched in one of the trees, chattering furiously at Boho, who had her head stuck under the roots of one of the larger trees. Minimalism was hunched behind Grace’s legs while Maximalism oscillated between chattering at her and trying to snatch one of the tiny amphibians crawling through the damp undergrowth.
“C’mon babies!” Grace called, her voice higher pitched. “We got hunting to do!” She lifted her clicker and pressed the button a few times.
Rococo hopped out of the tree and skidded to a stop in front of Grace. Boho was right behind her. Maximalism fell into line next, chittering eagerly until Minimalism crept up next to him. Grace cooed to them. “Good, good! Okay, here. Sniff this.”
She crouched until she was on their level and held out a chunk of eggshells. Rococo’s nose was there in a second, snuffling intently. The other three were less enthusiastic, but Grace made sure they all got a good sniff before she stood back up. “Okay, babies! Go hunting!”
She clicked the pointer three times in rapid succession. Rococo placed her nose to the ground. A moment later, she gave a triumphant croak and took off into the trees. Boho and Maximalism fanned out on either side of her, with Minimalism bringing up the rear.
Grace ran after them. Despite only being the size of cats, the raptors were fast. Only the rustling in the undergrowth ahead of her let her know where her pack was. They called back and forth, little piping noises that blended with the usual cacophony of the forest.
Running was easy for Grace. Her body settled into an easy rhythm, burning with exertion, but not agonizingly so. She kept up a steady pace, keeping her raptors just in her sight. They worked best when she wasn’t crowding them.
After about fifteen minutes, Boho sent up a hooting signal. The rest of the raptors peeled off, following her lead. Grace followed them, slowing her pace as she approached so she didn’t trample over anything important.
Her raptors were chittering excitedly when she came upon them. Between the four of them, barely concealed in the branches, there was a nest of off-white eggs. Grace crouched next to it, voice hushed. “Okay, come back, babies. Yes, yes, good job.” Treats were passed out to the whole team, with a special helping going to Boho. She chittered and preened, giving the rest of the raptors superior looks. Grace laughed. Their little competitions inspired them to work harder, and Boho and Rococo had a particular rivalry.
Treats dished out, Grace reached into one of her back pockets and pulled out a notebook. She jotted down her rough coordinates, the size of the nest, and the number of eggs. Donning gloves, she prodded and poked at the eggs, rotating them and checking for unusual shell weakness, cracks, or any other signs of disease. Satisfied, she returned the eggs to the nest and carefully covered them once more. She walked over to one of the nearby trees and scored the bark before applying a sandy substance made from a mixture of crushed insects. The bitter, acrid smell was sharp enough to make Grace shy away, but it wouldn’t bother the mother of the nest and it would let her raptor pack know they had already visited that area.
The nearby undergrowth rustled. Grace drew up stiff, her raptors circling around her. Rococo sniffed at the air, head twitching back and forth. Then she dropped out of her alert posture and chirped reassuringly to the others. The rest of the raptors relaxed and Grace followed their lead. They would only be this relaxed around someone they knew. So, the person coming through the trees must be-
A flash of green and pink darted out from between the trees and skidded to a stop. He stood just as upright as a human, but he balanced on large, bird-like talons. His tail swung behind him, acting as a counterbalance. A massive hot pink crest of feathers covered the last quarter of his tail and crowned his head. Fangs glinted as his mouth stretched into a smile.
“Gracie.” There was a slight rasp in his voice, a noise that traced deliciously through Grace’s head and sent tingles along the back of her neck. “I’ve been looking all over for you.”
“Howdy,” Grace said, tilting her hat back. “You could have just waited for me to head back to town. I’m kind of working right now.” No sooner had the words left her mouth than Rococo charged their visitor. The rest of the pack followed her, working their small, feathered wings to propel their jumps so they could attach themselves to his chest. He staggered under the unexpected weight and sank to the ground, lifting his tail awkwardly to prevent his crest from getting dirtied.
“Seems like these guys want a break,” he said. Minimalism chittered wildly from her position on his lap while Boho buried her face into his head crest. Rococo, perched on his shoulder, made an attempt to corral her subordinates that was cut off when Maximalism started snapping at her tail feathers.
“Seems more like someone’s being a distraction,” Grace said. She gave a sharp whistle. Rococo, Maximalism, and Minimalism snapped to attention and formed their line in front of her. Boho kept her face pressed into his crest until Rococo rounded back and drove her into position.
He carefully got back to his feet, brushing dirt off his clothes. “I’m surprised you’re working,” he said. There was something deliberately airy and casual in his voice. Too casual. Grace paused, taking her attention off her raptors.
“Why are you surprised?” she asked carefully. She tried to rack her brain. Was she forgetting something?
“Oh,” he sighed, scanning the trees around him. “It’s nothing major. Only that you told me last week you were going to take a day off so we could actually spend some time together.”
Ah. Shit. Grace felt her face go hot with shame. Oops. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to- I totally forgot what day it was!” She considered blaming it on her unfamiliarity with the Sauriosapien calendar, but that wouldn’t have been true- even with the standard human calendar, she was always mixing up dates and forgetting things.
He frowned. His crest was pulled tight against his head, feathers tucked in to display his irritation. That was far worse than the aggressive puff he showed off when he was really and truly pissed; this was more akin to someone saying ‘I’m not angry, I’m just disappointed.’
“Look, I really am sorry. Uh, hold on. Let me take these guys back home and get a little washed up, and maybe change into some nicer clothes and I’ll be right there.”
He shook his head. “Don’t bother. You’re already out here and in the middle of work, and these guys are already all wound up.” He gestured to Boho, who was practically twitching with the effort of staying still and in line. “I was just coming to make sure nothing happened to you.”
Grace felt her shoulders droop. “Oh. Thanks for that.” Her eyes were stinging slightly with humiliation and anger at herself. “I’m sorry you came out all this way. Maybe we can go out tomorrow?”
He shook his head. “I took off work today.” Irritation was thick in his voice again. Grace slumped her shoulders. He worked in a particularly popular boutique and getting specific days off was always difficult for him.
“Are you sure you don’t just want me to go home? I can always do this tomorrow. I’ll just let everyone out in the yard and they’ll run themselves out,” she said.
He gave a snort, his lips twitching into a half-smile. “You remember what happened the last time they were in the yard for more than an hour without supervision.”
Grace grimaced. As many times as she reinforced the fence and made it taller, the raptors found a new way to get out. The last time, Rococo and Boho had managed to dig underneath until the chicken wire had come loose and had squirmed free. Everyone but a very lonely Minimalism had been gone by the time Grace made it back, and she’d spent much of the night tramping through the forest looking for them. “Then they can go in the coop. They’ll destroy it, but I can clean it up later.”
“That’s not fair to them,” he said, and despite the situation, Grace felt her heart surge with affection. Even pissed off, even if it would benefit him not to, he cared for her raptors. “You’ve already wound them up for work. Just let them continue.”
“Are you really sure?” Grace asked. He waved a hand at her dismissively.
“I’m sure.” He gave her a smile, though it was clearly tense and tinged with sadness. “I know you have a lot of difficulty with remembering dates and things that aren’t on your schedule, but… well, I really would like to spend time with you more often than a couple evening every week. And it’s frustrating when you don’t remember these kinds of things.”
“I know. I’m really sorry. It’s not that it’s not important to me. It is! It’s just… if things aren’t part of my schedule and I don’t have reminders, then I tend to forget them.” She pulled her hat off and ran her fingers through her hair. “You know I missed my own birthday a couple years ago?”
He looked at her a little blankly. “Er… that’s important?”
Right, egg-laying people didn’t think about birthdays the same way. “Uh. It’s like forgetting your hatching day, I guess, but birthdays have more cultural significance to us.” He nodded slowly, though he didn’t seem to understand. “Days just kind of all blur together for me. Time is a flat circle and a total scam and I don’t know dates very well and I’m sorry. That’s what I’m trying to say.”
He stared, but his lips were quirking like he was trying to hold back a smile. “We’ll have to work on this in the future. I just came out to make sure that you were all right.” He turned, waving a four-fingered hand over his shoulder. “I’ll see you when you’re home from work.”
“Velly, wait!” He paused, looking over his shoulder. Grace swept her had back up onto her head and offered him an apologetic smile. “I, uh. I feel bad that you came all the way out here for nothing. Why don’t you stay a little bit?”
Vel paused. “You’re working.”
“I know. But I mean, the pack knows you pretty well. You probably won’t be much of a distraction for them.”
He tried to give her a serious look, but his lips were twitching again. “I’m pretty sure that you’re not supposed to be on a date during the work day either.”
“No one will find out. We’re in the middle of the park. You just need to head back before I go to the ranger’s center. And it’s not like you didn’t already sneak in.”
He laughed. “Well. Yes. That’s true.” His crest fluffed up, his tail swinging back and forth. “Are you going to have to take me in?”
“Hey, if you give me any trouble, I might have to cuff you,” Grace said with a grin. She didn’t miss the little shiver that moved through Vel’s crest. “Maybe I’ll just restrain you and leave you in the woods for anyone to find…”
Rococo, apparently irritated at being ignored, took that moment to nip at Grace’s boot.
“Okay, okay! Come on, let go.” She shook her boot and the raptor detached. Rococo trotted back to the others, but Grace could tell her patience wasn’t going to hold for much longer. “Like I was saying,” she continued, turning back to Vel, “I can’t trust you to leave on your own, so I guess you’re going to just have to come with me. No trying to escape or anything.”
Vel grinned. “No, ma’am.”
Grace turned back to her raptors and clicked her clicker. They all skittered back into formation, looking up at her expectantly. “All right. We found one. Go get another one!” She clicked the clicker rapidly and the raptors took a moment to snuffle at the ground before plunging into the trees. Grace took off after them, Vel following her.
The raptors pulled ahead again, stunningly fast for such little animals. Grace followed at a small distance, careful not to go at much more than a jog. She was fast, for a human, but she couldn’t maintain the speed for very long. As long as she could trace their path through the trees and hear their calls back and forth, she could track them.
The bigger concern was Vel. He was already starting to lag, even after only a minute or so of running. He was not as well-trained as Grace, nor as fit, and no sauriosapien was as good of an endurance runner as a human. He might be able to outrun her in a sprint, but the further they went, the less likely that was.
Vel looked to be on the verge of collapse by the time the raptors called out again and came to a halt at another next. Grace, slightly winded, leaned on the nearby tree. Vel hunched over, making wheezing noises like his lungs were going to come out of his mouth.
“You good?” Grace said. He gave her a thumbs-up, then sagged all the way to the ground.
“I can see why they like humans to do this job,” he said. He rested one of his hands on his chest as he panted. “I think my heart’s going to explode out of my chest.”
“Hey, humans may be better at endurance running in general, but a sauriosapien could do this job,” Grace said as she bent down to uncover the nest. “Don’t throw your whole species under the bus because you’re really out of shape.”
Maximalism had found the nest, and he was crowing over the others, holding his second treat in his mouth like a prize. Minimalism crawled up next to him, chittering anxiously until he allowed her to take a tiny nibble of the treat, then he gulped it down. Grace waved them off, checking the size and integrity of the nest.
Vel, having recovered slightly, rolled onto his side to watch her. “What exactly are you doing with that nest?”
“I told you about this the other night,” Grace said, not looking up from the nest. Vel pushed himself up into a sitting position, shifting his robes around him.
“Yeah, but I had a hard time figuring it out. I’m better when I can actually see what you’re doing.” He crept closer, though he paused a short distance away, like he was concerned that his presence would disturb the nest.
“There’s a few species of microraptors whose nests have been damaged recently. There’s some kind of disease that’s been going around and causing all sorts of problems with the shells.” She covered the nest back up and scent-marked it. “I’ve been trying to tag the number of nests there are and making sure the eggs are in good shape. If we find any nests where the eggs look weak, we’ll tag them and collect the eggs. Hopefully we’ll be able to raise them until they can hatch and be returned to the wild.”
“Oh,” Vel said. He crept a little closer. “How’s this nest doing?”
“All good. I haven’t actually seen too many bad eggs in the past couple of days I’ve been doing this. Hopefully that means that the disease hasn’t been spreading too much.” She gestured to the raptors and clicked at them. They circled up around her. “And we’re keeping our eyes peeled for any rat dens we find. If we locate those, we-”
Minimalism let out a loud peep and darted out of the circle. She plunged her narrow muzzle into a nearby bush, snapping wildly. There was a squeak, some thrashing, and Minimalism withdrew her head. A rat dangled from her jaws.
“Oh, good girl!” Grace got down on one knee. Minimalism ran over, giving up the rat in favor of another treat. “Yes, you’re a good girl! You’ve done very well!” She carefully placed the rat into a plastic bag and eased that into her pack.
“What do you do with the rats?” Vel asked. He looked mostly recovered from his mad dash, his crest perking up once more.
“Send them to a lab. They usually run some tests on them, try to do a blood panel and figure out if they’ve got any diseases they’re spreading. There’s been some concerns that the rats are actually spreading the disease that’s causing the nest weaknesses.” Grace got back to her feet, her knees cracking loudly. “Ugh, I’m like an old woman.”
“And yet, you’re still more fit than me,” Vel said. He clambered to his feet and shook his robes free of leaf litter and debris from lying on the ground. “Do we have to run again?”
Grace laughed. “I’ll see if I can slow these guys down, so we can give you a break.” She clicked at the raptors a few times. “All right, slow, babies.” Rococo chirped in confirmation, then turned and chittered at the other raptors. Satisfied her message had been conveyed, she took off, the others fanning out behind her. Grace straightened back up. “Come on.”
This time, they went at a light jog. It barely winded Grace, but Vel still struggled to keep up. At least this time, he wasn’t wheezing so alarmingly when he breathed, so Grace didn’t have to be constantly worried he was going to collapse.
Vel was at least able to keep up as they tracked down and assessed the nests. The frequent breaks they took while Grace examined the eggs seemed to be helping him keep up, but by the middle of the day, he was definitely flagging. Even Grace, with her much better stamina and training, was starting to feel the beginnings of exhaustion.
“We’ll take a break,” she said, signaling the raptors. They were starting to look fatigued as well, mouths hanging open as they panted and their feathers drawn tight against their body in an effort to calm them down. “I need to eat lunch anyway.”
Vel collapsed next to her as she spread out a mat and set down her packed lunch. “Here. I brought some dried meat with me.” She offered him a package wrapped in paper. He opened it and pulled out a jerky strip.
“Thanks.” She knew it wasn’t his favorite, but he ate it without complaint.
“I don’t have much for you,” she said, digging through the pack. “I know running around all afternoon must be making you hungry. Er, I might have a few hard-boiled eggs.”
“I don’t want to take your lunch,” Vel said as he snapped down another strip of meat. “You need to eat more than I do.”
Humans, thanks to their endothermy, needed to eat much more frequently than sauriosapiens- at least three meals a day, nearly two thousand calories, compared to the typical two-meal, thousand calorie diets of the sauriosapiens. The sauriosapiens were only selectively endothermic, with their bodies heating up with exercise and cooling down when they were inactive or sleeping. That meant their bodies could manage with far fewer calories, though after running around for a while, there was quite a large loss of energy.
“Missing one meal won’t kill me. I’ll be fine.” Grace pulled out a couple of hard-boiled eggs. They were large enough to fill her palm, much larger than the chicken eggs she’d been used to at home. She passed one to Vel, who hesitated for a moment before cracking the shell with his claws.
“Thank you.” He took a bite out of the white, eyes drifting half-shut as he tasted the rich fattiness of the yolk. A lot of food in sauriosapien culture was fixated on fattiness and oils. It was an easy way to get calorie-rich food, considering that they couldn’t taste sugar and were fairly carnivorous. Grace hadn’t eaten much in the way of refined sugar since she’d arrived, only managing to scrounge a few pieces of fruit that she grew herself. She took a piece of dried fruit from her bad and chewed idly on it.
The raptors gathered together, chittering and playing with each other. Grace watched as they tumbled around, hopping over each other, nipping at tails, and generally enjoying themselves. She could see Vel giggling at them out of the corner of her eye.
“Thank you for coming with me,” she said. Vel licked some egg yolk off his finger as he turned toward her.
“Well, we were supposed to have a date today,” he said. There was a slightly sarcastic edge to his voice. Grace ducked her head, a flush of shame touching her cheeks.
“I really am sorry about that. I’ll make it up to you,” she promised.
“I knew what I was getting into then I started dating you,” Vel said. “Remember when there was a holiday in the middle of the week and you tried to go into work anyway?”
Grace pulled her hat down over her head to hide her face. “Ugh. Please don’t remind me.”
Vel laughed into his hand. “You were messed up for the rest of the week. Kept thinking you had days off when you didn’t… and the raptors were confused too! Poor Rococo, she started yelling at you, trying to get you to go out and then you started to think maybe she was right and not you…”
Grace swatted his shoulder. “Keep teasing me and I’ll make good on my threat to tie you up.”
“Will you?” Vel asked, his voice dropping into a lower register. Grace pressed a finger to his forehead and pushed him back, causing him to break into another fit of soft giggles.
A shaft of sunlight broke through the trees and fell across Vel’s face. His green scales gleamed under the sun, glossy as ocean-smoothed glass. Grace took a moment to just take in his face. His teeth gleamed, sharp as knives, but somehow also attractive. His eyes were glistening, beautiful gold. Grace swore that when the sunlight struck them, they illuminated like a chunk of pyrite. His feathered crest twitched and flared. The motion of the feathers was always fascinating, the way they ruffled in response to his emotions. Touching them was always a wonderful experience. Feeling their slight motions against her fingers was grounding, the reassuring contact of another living being that trusted her completely.
Vel was attractive, by both human and sauriosapien standards. The human standards would be satisfied by his reasonably tall stature with smooth, lithe muscles, his flowing grace, and his fine-boned face. The sauriosapien standards were satisfied by the bright green of his scales and the brilliant pink of his head and tail crests. Not only were they an incredibly vibrant pink, but they were thick and full and expressive. Grace had seen the interested looks of other sauriosapiens when they walked through town together. Whether or not they approved of his relationship with her, she wasn’t sure. She could observe their attraction to Vel with a sort of clinical detachment, but when it came to how people viewed her, she had no idea.
“Are you still hungry?” Vel asked. She looked down. His head had migrated onto her lap somehow, and the side of his face was pressed against her middle. “I can hear your stomach growling.”
“I’ll be fine,” she said. “I know a place-” She trailed off. Huh. Maybe she could really make up for screwing up their date.
“You know a place?” Vel prompted, lifting his head. She turned her attention back to him and scratched along his crest in that just-right spot. He made a trilling noise and went nearly limp.
“Never mind. We need to get moving.” She carefully tucked any wrappers and containers back into her bag and swung it up onto her shoulders. Vel got to his feet, shaking some leaf litter from his clothes. They were in typical sauriosapien style, which meant they looked a little like a fancy hospital gown to Grace’s eyes. They were essentially robes that clipped together in the back, which gave ample space for their tail. She’d seen a few sauriosapiens try to put on human clothes before, which was always amusing. The head holes were never big enough to accommodates their stiff crests, and the pants were just a complete disaster, what with their digitigrade legs and tails.
On the other hand, humans who wore sauriosapien clothes, along with the inherent indignity of the outfits nearly always being too big, tended to have their asses hanging out through the tail hole, so it went both ways.
They started through the forest once more, this time with Grace reigning her raptors in close. A series of whistles and click signals kept them close by, though she couldn’t prevent them from running ahead at least a little bit. They jumped in and out of the undergrowth, scaling the trees on occasion and snapping at insects that settled nearby.
“Are we still looking for nests?” Vel asked. Despite the slowed pace, he was still panting a little. Going to slow was nearly maddening for Grace, but she slowed down a hair more.
“We’re going to put a pause on that for now,” she said. “There’s somewhere I want to check out first.”
“Oh,” Vel said. He fell silent, devoting most of his energy to walking. Grace focused her attention on watching the raptors jump around. Rococo snapped a bright flower from a nearby bush and bolted back to her, chittering furiously.
“Thank you,” Grace said. Rococo relinquished the flower when Grace offered her a treat in return and immediately bolted back to the others, chirping with excitement. Within moments, the other raptors were gathering up flowers and offering them to Grace. Her arms filled with the sweet-smelling blooms, the raptors chittering and hopping up and down around her.
“All right, all right, that’s enough,” Grace said. She waved her hand at them, dismissing them. They plunged back into the undergrowth to find some other game to play.
“Did you train them to do that?” Vel asked, looking at the flowers with amusement.
“No, they kind of trained themselves,” Grace said. “They know that performing certain behaviors will get them treats. If one of them sees another getting a treat for something, they’ll all repeat it until I stop giving treats. They know that when I make the cut of signal, though, no more treats are coming and they need to stop. I don’t want them completely stripping the forest of flowers to get treats.” She gathered the flowers in her arms into a bouquet. “Here.”
Vel blinked as she thrust the flowers into his arms. They were a cacophony of bright colors that complimented his brilliant pink crest. “Oh,” he said. He wasn’t able to blush, thanks to his scales, but his tail whipped back and forth so fast it knocked down a sapling. His crest flared, feathers spreading into a brightly colored crown. “Thank you.” He adjusted them to sit in the crook of his elbow. “I’ve never gotten flowers before.”
“Really? I find that hard to believe. You’ve got a lot of admirers, you know.” Not only was he handsome, but his shy, slightly submissive personality was considered the height of masculinity to sauriosapiens. Sure, males were typically expected to make the first move in relationships, performing display behaviors with their feathers and showing off for any females they were interested in, but Vel would have had enough admirers that one of them would have taken it upon themselves to ask him out.
“I don’t know about a lot,” Vel said, his crest twitching with embarrassment. “And we don’t really give flowers as gifts. Carved bones or teeth are more likely. But I know flowers are more important to humans.” He removed one of the flowers with the longest stems and turned to tuck it into Grace’s hair. His claws were sharp enough that any touch against Grace’s thin human skin was dangerous, but she’d never felt any sort of threat from him. He didn’t even cut a hair as he slid the flower into place behind her ear.
“Really important is an exaggeration. But it’s a common gift.” She carefully adjusted the flower so it wouldn’t fall out. “Here, let me.” She plucked another flower from the bouquet, picking a pale yellow one that would offset the hot pink nicely, and tucked it into his crest. He made a soft rumbling noise in his chest as her fingers trailed along the edge of his crest.
There was an irritated chirping at her feet. Grace looked down to see Rococo and Maximalism peering up at her. Boho and Minimalism were only slightly further back, also staring. Their impatient gazes made Grace realize that she and Vel had simply been staring into each other’s eyes, not moving at all.
“We should keep going,” she said. She waved her hand to the raptors. They took off into the trees. “Come on.” Without thinking, she linked her fingers through his and pulled him along after her.
Vel struggled to keep up with her still, so she was very much dragging him through the undergrowth. He clutched her hand with both of his as he panted. “Uh. Hah… Could… Gracie, could we please slow down a little?”
She slowed her steps just a bit and he stumbled into her, letting his body weight fall onto her. She bore it with only a little effort. He was almost exactly her height, but all sauriosapiens were light-boned and limber, so he weighed less than he appeared to. “Do you want me to carry you?” she teased, thought she knew he would say no. It was probably for the best. She could have lifted him for a while, but it was awkward carrying something the same size as her and she couldn’t carry something even only three-quarters of her body weight for a long time.
“No. You just gotta stop moving so fast. I feel like I’m going to have a heart attack.” Vel lay a hand over his chest as he straightened up. Once he’d managed to regain his breath, he glanced around the forest in curiosity. “Where are we?”
The trees were thicker around them, their canopies clustered close together so their leaves blocked most of the sun. The humidity of the forest was thicker, but the lack of sunlight added a little coolness to the air. Without as much sun reaching the forest floor, the undergrowth had mostly cleared. The raptors hopped around the enormous tree roots, even darting under a few particularly enormous ones that bulged up from the ground.
“We’re closer to the middle of the forest. Come this way.” Grace picked her way over a few of the larger roots. Vel followed, his hand still gripping at hers. The ground grew damp under their feet the further they went. Vel managed it a lot better than Grace did- his feet were broader, allowing him to balance well on the spongey ground. A couple of times, his grip on Grace’s arm saved her from falling face-first into the muck.
Grace picked her way over the crest of a small hill and stopped. “Okay. We’re here.”
Vel peeked over her shoulder and his breath caught. The raptors, chittering with delight, hopped down along the sloping ground in front of them until they hit the waterfront.
In the middle of a circle of trees, covered with tangled green vines, there was a crystalline spring of water. Lily-like flowers dotted the surface, adding splashes of bright color in the green.
“Oh!” Vel said. His crest flared and his tail whipped back and forth. Grace couldn’t help but smile at the look on his face. “Oh, it’s gorgeous. I’ve never seen this place before. I didn’t even know it was here.”
“Technically, we’re not supposed to be here. It’s in the restricted section of the park, because of these.” Grace crouched down and pointed toward a particularly thick patch of lilies. Under the plants there was a tiny, darting crowd of fish.
“Because of fish?” Vel said, crouching next to her. The fish were small, barely longer than the first two joints of his finger, and mostly tail. They had mostly dull coloration, except for a brilliant red splash on their backs. He reached his finger toward the water, like he was about to stroke them, then pulled back with a cautious look at Grace.
“I wouldn’t touch them,” she said. “They’re sensitive little things. And they’re not actually fish. They’re the tadpole stage of a kind of amphibian.”
“Like a frog?” Vel said.
“Sort of. A little more like salamanders, actually. They’re about this big, only as long as your hand, and they’re pretty similar in coloration to these little guys. Mostly greenish-brown, with a big splash of red on their backs. They’re pretty uncommon in the area, though. Most of the time, they lay their eggs in the rainy season, when a lot of temporary puddles form. When they fully metamorphosize, they find a damp spot and bury underground until the next rainy season, when they can find a mate and lay their eggs.” Grace indicated the circumference of the pond. “This spot’s the only place where you can consistently find them. It’s fed from an underground spring, so it’s here year-round. Every year, you can find a few tadpoles here. We use it to keep an eye on the population.”
“How come no one’s allowed to know about it?” Vel asked.
“Uh, the tadpoles get hunted a lot. See the red spot on their backs? That secretes a kind of hallucinogenic substance. It’s deadly to sauriosapiens, and to most other species here, but to mammals, it acts more like a slightly milder form of acid.” Vel gave her a bewildered look. “Uh, it’s like a euphoria-inducing drug that can give you really nice hallucinations. Humans like it a lot. There’s a big underground market for it, so smugglers try to catch the tadpoles every year. But because the nests move every year, they need to look for them. We’ve done a pretty good job so far at keeping this spot safe- as long as they can’t find a regular spot to pull the tadpoles from, their hunting shouldn’t put too much of a strain on the population.”
Vel nodded. “It’s a shame. It’s beautiful here.”
Grace nodded. “It’s one of the prettier locations. If you stay here for a while, you can usually see some animals come through to drink.” She let her hands hang at her side, pinky finger just barely brushing against Vel’s. “Thank you, by the way.”
He glanced at her. “For what?” “For forgiving me. For coming along with me on my work day. For being understanding. For letting me speak about the tadpoles. I don’t often get to discuss these things with other people.”
“Oh. You don’t need to thank me for that. I like listening to you speak. You have a very soothing voice.” Vel was quiet for a second. “Oh, and you’re welcome.”
Grace hummed and threaded her free hand through his crest. His eyes drifted shut. He leaned back against her. A soft rumble sounded through his chest, almost like a purr. Grace felt her eyes closing as well. It was beautifully warm, and if she shifted a little and dangled her feet in the water, it added a cool, soothing element. Vel shifted a little to wrap his arms around her.
And then about twelve pounds of velociraptor cannonballed itself into Grace’s stomach.
She jerked, limbs flailing involuntarily. Vel’s head, previously resting on her shoulder, shot up. The soft dirt at the edge of the pond crumbled under their sudden movements and gave way. Vel barely had time to shriek before he slid sideways into the water.
Grace, sitting on a better-structured patch of dirt, didn’t slip, but was soaked anyway by Vel’s panicked flailing. It calmed within a moment when he realized the pond was only about five feet deep and he could stand pretty easily. He shook his head, spraying water from his crest.
“Ow,” Grace said. Boho, the raptor who had launched into her stomach, blinked innocently. The three other raptors watched with the wide eyed interest of children whose sibling had just broken a prized possession.
Vel spat out a mouthful of water. “Are you all right?”
“Nothing I haven’t been through before,” Grace said, fixing Boho with her sternest stare. Boho’s crest drooped and she crept off of Grace’s lap like a scolded puppy. “Are you all right?”
“Wet,” Vel said. He braced his arms on the bank and heaved himself up. “But not harmed.” He shook himself off like a wet dog. The water cleared fairly easily from his scaly skin, but his crest and tail were saturated, as was his outfit. Grace’s clothes were similarly soaked.
“I was going to suggest that we headed back,” Grace said, “but I suppose it makes more sense to wait here until we dry off.”
Vel smiled, sharp teeth glinting. “Maybe we should get out of these wet clothes, first? It might help them dry quicker.”
Grace lifted an eyebrow, but she couldn’t help a tiny laugh. “I suppose.” She smiled at him as he stood and started to undo the straps of his clothes. “I love you.”
Vel paused in his undressing to kiss her forehead. “I love you, too.” His grin widened and became wicked. “Now strip.”
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Real Life Tasks With Ransom Drysdale
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An Advent Calendar Of 24 Normal Human Tasks As Performed By A Huge Man Baby
Day 14: There Is Only One Way To Load A Dishwasher
Warnings: Bad Language Words
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Reader
A/N- Oh we are getting closer. And this particular scenario happened between my father and me one night. Luckily no one cut themselves, but we were in a severe disagreement as to how sharp knives were to go into the dishwasher. Turns out I was the logical one. Don’t forget to keep an eye out for @what-is-your-plan-today​ and @ohthankevans13​ for there updates. 
Series Masterlist
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There was the loud sharp sound of laughter from the outdoor patio, which Ransom joined in as well with his own genuine laugh while having a firm hold of your thigh under the table, his thumb sweeping back and forth over the soft material of your leggings while your hand was clasped over his in reassurance, easing his hand loose to weave your fingers through his. 
This evening a couple friends of yours came over to the house to visit and have dinner, which you knew Ransom had been a bit apprehensive with. Not that he didn’t like your friends, sure he did, they were perfectly nice people you had grown up with, Rick and Sandy. But they weren’t like Ransom’s usual friends, other people in the same arrangement he had been, trust fund kids who didn’t give two shits about anyone but themselves. Perhaps that was a good thing. He was still learning how this whole being married thing worked. 
So Ransom was a bit nervous all damn day, brushing it off though as in ‘He was Ransom Drysdale and did not give a shit what anyone thought about him.’ You knew this to be a lie, that he actually wanted to make a good impression on them. Just from the way he was acting all day, double checking there was enough wine and beer for your guests. That the house was generally picked up looking. He even offered to go pick up dinner, which you were not going to say no to. Writing out a list with a firm “Just pick up this list, NOTHING ELSE.” 
And it just raised your suspicions when he came home with steaks. High end expensive steaks that had been hand cut by the butcher at their local shop. You gawked at them as you had actually put burgers on your list. You peeked in the rest of the bags. There wasn't the buns, chips or anything else you had written. But the ingredients for grilled veggies, potato and garlic bread. 
“You didn't have to do this Ransom. I thought you were going to stick to the list?” You remarked as you looked at the steaks he so carefully let laid to rest on the kitchen counter before taking them to be grilled. 
“Well if we're going to entertain, we’re doing it right.” He responded and that's when it clicked, this was his way of showing he could take care of his family, be something more than what everyone thought him to be, so you dropped it. Going to your tiptoes, you pecked his cheek with a thank you, and went from there. 
Now it was the end of dinner, you felt Ransom relax more and all four of you enjoyed a fun conversation, some of which was Rick and Sandy filling Ransom in on some of your younger years, a devilish grin would spread across his face. “Oh trust me, she's still just as bad, just better at hiding it.” 
“Hush I'm an angel.” You made a move to gather some dishes when Ransom sprang up to take them from you. “You are the one who fully corrupted me Ransom.” you smirked at him, which you could see a bit of color rise in his cheeks and his eyes crinkling in the corners with a grin. 
“Something I take great pride in Princess. I got the clean up, you continue visiting.” He offered and you smiled a thank you while settling back down. Rick and Sandy gathered their plates, with nothing but praises for the whole meal, especially those perfectly grilled steaks, which you glanced at Ransom to see a slight satisfied smirk tugging at the corner of his lips before you turned back to your friends. 
Ransom headed back into the house from the patio with the plates and utensils, listening while you restarted the conversation. He didn't bother shutting the door, leaving it open to let the conversation flow into the house as well as the breeze of the evening. Flicking on the overhead light, he popped open the dishwasher and started to randomly put plates in wherever they fit as the dishwasher was already half full from the night before’s dishes as well as their breakfast ones. Then he started dumping the utensils into the tray lining the side made specifically for them. He wasn't paying attention though, forks were going in tines down or up, spoons shoved in any spot they would fit and the wickedly sharp steak knives went in handle down, their points glinting maliciously face up, ready to strike any unsuspecting hand. 
Which Ransom did, when he grasped another bundle to shove in, and his palm, slid along the tip of the knife along the meatiest part, near his thumb. 
A blossom of red spread on his hand, as well as a sharp surprising pain, making him jerk back and clatter the handful of forks across the dishwasher and floor. “Son of a Bitch!” He yelled rather loudly in shock as red droplets dripped over the dirty dishes and across the tile floor till he got to the sink and turned on the tap. He could feel a wave of naseau wash over him as his vision blurred a moment and sharpened seeing the red swirl down the sink. 
You happened to hear Ransom yelp and curse as the door was open, as well as Rick and Sandy who looked with concern towards the house. A glance over your shoulder showed Ransom standing at the kitchen sink, and you could see from there that his face was tensed and almost in pain looking. “Excuse me.” You said hurriedly and pushed from the patio table to rush inside. “Ransom? Oh god what happened?” You grabbed a hand towel to press against the gash on his hand to get the bleeding to stop, his face whiter then usual. “Breath Ransom, don’t pass out.” You tried to draw his attention to you instead of at the red welling up again before you pressed the towel against it. 
He hissed when you pressed down from between clenched teeth. “Fucking knife got me while I was loading the dishwasher.” 
You glanced at the dishwasher and could see the mess that it was left in. Knowing you would have to set it straight, especially the knives, as half of them appeared to have been tossed in point up. 
“Christ Ransom, you gotta put the knives point down for this reason.” You said hurriedly as you pried the towel up to take a peek at his hand. “We have to take you to the emergency room, this is pretty deep. You are going to need stitches.” 
“Nah- I should be alright.” He started when he wobbled a bit, his other hand grasping the edge of the counter. Its that moment Sandy poked her head in. 
“Do you guys need any help?” 
You were immediate before Ransom could protest. “How about a rain check on Cards Against Humanity? I think we need to get some stitches for Ransom.” 
Sandy then came in fully to take a look at Ransom's hand. “Let me take a look? I’m a nurse, and can tell you if they will give you any stitches.” 
Ransom lifted the hand towel once more and she hummed while looking at it. “Yup, looks just like the cut Rick had a couple years ago. Steak knife get you?” 
“Not fucking intentionally.” Ransom growled a bit, getting agitated now feeling he was under scrutiny. 
“Ha, Rick said the same thing.” Sandy chuckled and her husband came in, happening to hear her.
“Well I forgot I put the knife in the water when I was washing the dishes.” He came to Ransom’s defense with a dumbass excuse and at this point Ransom was ready to go to the emergency room, just to get out of this curve of a disaster the evening took.
Sandy dabbled at the wound with the cloth when the blood welled up again and Ransom this time felt his head swarm. “Im going to...” and thats when he slumped, you and Sandy trying to catch him and Rick managing to get his arms under Ransoms armpits and ease him down to the floor. You straightened up with a hand against your lower back and one pressed to your baby bump, sighing. 
“Ransom can’t handle blood... I’m hoping this isn’t whats going to happen with shitty diapers to.” 
After You managed to get Ransom to the emergency room, and he was once again patched up and left alone, you were sitting nearby, counting your fingers and muttering to yourself. 
“What are you doing Y/N?” Ransom winced as he flexed his hand a bit, and you smirk at him. 
“Counting how many times we have been to the emergency room in the past 6 months. This makes three times. You are like a walking talking disaster Ransom, I’m a bit surprised it has been this long since we’ve last visitied.” 
He glared at you while he stood and took his coat from you to shrug it on. “Eat Shit Y/N, I never visited the emergency room till I hooked up with you. What does that say?” 
You shrugged. “That I’m not as much as a dumbass as you Ransom, but that’s okay. I love you anyways.” You tuck into his side as you two leave the room. 
“Yea yea, Love you to Y/N.” He rolled his eyes, wincing as he dug his injured hand into his coat pocket, looking for the Beamers keys.
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danversxluthor · 3 years
Glasses (Pt. 1)
Part one of a possibly three part story. Kara finally decides to take the plunge and plans to tell Lori and El about her secret identity. Lena is fully supportive but worries about how the girls will handle the news. As Kara continues to delay the news, Lori comes to some troubling, yet wrong, assumptions about her parents. 
Kara and Lena had avoided having this discussion with their girls for as long as possible. Originally, they had planned to sit Lori down when she was in middle school and have the talk, but that was pushed back once they realized Lori didn’t know how to keep a secret from El. Then, they decided to have the talk with Lori and El all at once, the old two birds with one stone rationale. But, then life got in the way. Lena was launching a new branch of L-Corp directed at humanitarian efforts, while Kara was busy with Supergirl duties in both National City and Metropolis ever since Clark and Lois moved off planet. Not to mention both Lori and El were busy being high schoolers. Lori was popular and well-liked by her school mates; so much so that her social calendar rivaled Lena’s work calendar at times. And, El, well, to everyone but Lena’s surprise, El was thriving in high school. Sure, she wasn’t like Lori with a million friends, but she found extracurriculars she enjoyed like chess club and mathletes. 
“We have to tell them.” Kara blurted out as she and Lena laid in bed. Lena knew something had been bothering her wife the past few days and clearly Kara was ready to spill. Lena carefully marked her page, set her book down, took her glasses off and shifted to give Kara her full attention.
“What's going on Kar? You’ve been tense the past few days. Talk to me, babe.” Lena placed her hand on Kara’s thigh, rubbing gentle soothing circles as she patiently waited for Kara to respond. 
“They’re both in high school now! And I mean, gosh, Lori’s already 16--she can drive Lee. And soon she’ll go off to college, and El, I mean she’s already becoming so independent, and--” Kara was rambling, a clear sign of worry.
“Kara, love.” Lena cut off. “Just breathe.” Lena took a deep breath encouraging her wife to do the same. Kara took a few seconds before continuing.
“We need to tell the girls who I am.” Kara finally said. “That… that I’m Supergirl.” Lena had been waiting for Kara to bring this up again. Even though she was extremely hurt when Kara finally told her about being Supergirl, Lena also respected that Supergirl was Kara’s secret to share. She never wanted to pressure Kara, even though she was concerned about how the girls might take the news. 
“I can’t have them live their entire lives without knowing me. They need to know who their parents are, Lee.” Kara looked at her wife with determination and apprehension. Lena could tell Kara had been holding onto some guilt about this.
“Kara, I love you and our girls love you. And you’re right, they deserve to know you and about where they come from.” Lena places a chaste kiss on her wife’s cheek, eliciting a small smile from the hero. “This is your choice, however you want to do this, I will stand by you.” 
“Lori! Come on, get a move on!” Kara yelled up the stairs. El cringed at the sound as she stood in the driveway. Despite having her noise cancelling headphones on, the sound still got through and rang in El’s head. 
Lena was just finishing packing up the car for their weekend trip to the beach house, when she saw El adjusting her headphones. 
“Ok, there Ellie?” Lena wanted everything to go smoothly today. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much she or Roa could do about Lori not being a morning person, especially on a Saturday. El gave a timid nod before clamping her hands on her headphones once more to the sound of a slamming door.
Out walked Kara carrying Lori fireman style over her shoulder. To Lori’s credit, she didn’t kick or scream or pout, she knew this was a losing battle and at least she could sleep in the car. 
El let go of her head phones and gave Lori a little wave good morning. Lori didn’t understand how El could manage to be so nice so early in the morning, especially with the noise. 
“Hey, weirdo.” Lori greeted El as Kara put her back on the ground. 
“Lori…” Kara warned. 
“Sorry…” Lori mumbled as she got settled in the back seat. 
The ride to the beach house was mostly uneventful. Lena drove well over the speed limit to Kara chagrin, but somehow never got pulled over. Lori slept most of the way, only waking when they stopped for breakfast. And, El kept her headphones on and sunglasses down as she looked out the window at the passing scenery.  
By the time they arrived at the beach house, Lori was finally awake and caffeinated enough to help Ellie unload and Kara and Lena opened the house up. Kara and Lena took the quiet moment away from the girls to relax on the back deck facing the ocean. They purchased the house back when Lena was pregnant with Lori and it always brought the couple back to the early years of their family, when life was far less complicated and their babies were still babies. 
The family enjoyed the rest of their day at the beach. Lori and Kara were able to go surfing while El and Lena stayed in the shallow water. Lena was still apprehensive about the ocean ever since her mother died. Even though El liked that her mom stayed with her in the shallow water where El could keep her headphones on she also looked longingly out at her sister as she rode a wave. It was amazing to El, how something as loud and vicious as the ocean could make a person seem like they were flying on air. 
“You know you can go out there with them if you want. I’m sure Jeje would love to teach you how to surf.” Lena pointed to Lori who just caught a wave. 
El shook her head and nervously pushed her sunglasses up her nose. The nervous fidgeting reminded Lena so much of Kara. As El had gotten older, Lena started noticing more and more of Kara in her. Sure, El had Lena’s black hair, emerald eyes, and intelligence but personality wise, she was all Kara. Lena marveled at how El, despite her challenges, could be so kind and empathetic to a world that often wasn’t kind to her. 
Lena put her arm around El, who only tensed for a moment before allowing her mom to pull her to her side. The pair watched as Kara and Lori laughed and splashed one another. It was a nice break from their usual yelling. 
That night Kara decided to build a fire in the firepit on the deck. It had been a good day, beyond what she could have dreamed, and now she just hoped the news wouldn’t ruin it all. Lena could tell Kara’s tension was building and decided to take the time while Lori and Ellie were finishing the dishes to check on her wife. 
“Hey, love.” Lena wrapped her arms around Kara’s waist from behind and rested her head on her wife’s shoulder. 
“It's been a good day.” Kara took a deep breath. “I love you babe.” The couple would’ve stayed like that longer, but their kids were promised s’mores and the fire was picking up. 
After everyone had had their fill of gooey chocolaty goodness, they all settled in. After a long lapse, Lori finally broke the silence.
“So, this has been fun and all, but why are we here?” Lori asked genuinely looking between Lena and Kara. 
“Well…” Kara started, she had played over and over again in her head exactly what she wanted to say but now it all felt wrong.
“Oh my god, are you and mom getting divorced?” Lori asked with panic in her voice. 
“Well…” Kara’s brain was still trying to figure out how to address the entire reason for the trip. Luckily Lena quickly jumped in.
“No darling, we’re not getting divorced.” Lena gives Kara a very annoyed side eye, signaling for her to pull herself together. “Your Jeje just has something she’d like to tell you.” Lena looked to Kara who took a deep breath.
“And, I think it’ll have to wait for tomorrow.” Kara nodded toward where El was sound asleep on the chair wrapped up like a little burrito with her headphones and sunglasses still on.
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Real Life Tasks With Ransom Drysdale
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An Advent Calendar of 24 Normal Human Tasks As Performed By A Huge Man Baby.
Day 16: A Vicious Assault
Warnings: Bad Language words, some minor smut (18+, NSFW)
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Reader
A/N:  As if we are 16 days in already. Only 8 more instalments left of mine, @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ and @jennmurawski13​ ‘s Real Life Task tales. In today’s episode, our poor reader has a cold…and it falls to Ransom to play Nurse…
Series Masterlist. 
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“How are you feeling?” Ransom asked, placing his hand on your forehead and you gave a groan, turning awkwardly onto your side on the sofa, head resting on the arm, your right hand laying feebly on your bump.
“How do I look like I feel?” You coughed, irritation lacing your tone and Ransom hesitated.
“Is that a trick question?”
“Well, last time you asked me that and I said ‘like shit’ you slapped me.”
You blinked and then shrugged, he was right, you had. “No, it’s not a trick.” You coughed again.
“Well, if going off how you look is a measure then you must be feeling pretty bad.” He sighed, not an inch of teasing in his tone as his hand brushed down your cheek. “Can I get you anything?”
“I can’t take anything thanks to you impregnating me.” You wheezed, sighing. “This sucks.”
“Why don’t you go back to bed?” Ransom suggested.
“I don’t wanna.” You pouted a little childishly “I’m sick of laying in there.”
With a sigh, Ransom settled on the sofa and guided your head onto his lap, his hand running through your hair. You knew he could tell how sick you felt with the lack of ‘whilst you’re down there’ quips he made.
“Try to get some rest, Princess.” His deep baritone was soft, his fingers running up and down the back of your neck in a soothing manner as you shifted a little, another cough wracking your chest and you let out a groan of frustration. But with Ransom comforting you and the warming heat of the fire, it wasn’t long before you were lulled into sleep.
Ransom felt Y/N’s shoulders relax and he glanced down to see his wife’s eyes were closed, lashes fluttering against her cheeks. He hated seeing his girl sick, she was normally the one soothing him when he was dying of man flu or SARS or some other horrific, tropical disease that he beat normally in a day or so of moaning like a bitch. But he was at a loss. She wouldn’t take Tylenol or anything else for that matter because she was pregnant so other than keep her supplied with water, cuddles and the occasional hot, sweet tea there wasn’t much…
Oh. Oh. Oh. Ransom Drysdale was a fucking genius.
With a little smile he gently lifted Y/N’s head from his lap, placing a cushion where his legs had been, before gently lowering her back down and quietly making his way out of the room, throwing one last glance over his shoulder. Closing the door to keep the heat in the lounge he pulled out his phone and walked into the kitchen.
“Ransom?” his mother’s voice was surprised on the other end of the phone. “Long time no speak.”
Ransom rolled his eyes, he couldn’t be fucked with listening to her moan about his lack of contact “Phones work both ways, Linda.” He drawled and smirked as she gave an annoyed tssk on the other end at his use of her name.
“What can I do for you? I mean I’m assuming that’s why you’ve called, you need something.”
“Not me, Y/N.” he clarified “She’s full of a bug and won’t take anything because of the baby but I was wondering, when I used to get sick and Grammy was around she used to give me a hot drink. What was in it?”
There was a pause and he heard his mom take a deep breath before she spoke again “Yeah, she used to give that to me, Walt and Neil too.” And whilst Ransom couldn’t see her, he could tell she was smiling “It’s just hot water, a good squeeze of lemon, a drop of honey, a tiny pinch of cayenne pepper-although that isn’t necessary, it just helps clear your nose- and a teaspoon of sugar, if needed. Depends how sweet Y/N takes her tea I suppose.”
Ransom crossed to the little blackboard on the wall in the kitchen that was used to list the shopping requirements on and quickly jotted it all down, reading it back to his mom. “Water, lemon, honey, pinch of cayenne and sugar. Got it.”
“Was that everything?”
“Yup.” He said simply, cutting the call without so much as a thank you or goodbye.
He set about looking for the ingredients, and was pleased to discover they had everything. There were a few fresh lemons and a bottle of lemon juice for when those were used up, a jar of honey, a little glass spice shaker of cayenne and even though the sugar bowl was empty he knew there was a replacement packet in the cupboard as he had unpacked the shopping that had been delivered a few days or so ago. He smirked as he remembered Y/N’s face when the truck had shown up, her hands on her hips as he’d turned to her smugly and informed her that she’d told him he needed to DO the grocery shopping, not that he needed to GO DO the Grocery shopping.
He loved loopholes.
Locating the sugar, which for some reason was contained in a clear plastic bag, he tore it opened and filled up the bowl before he headed back into the lounge to find Y/N was still fast asleep. Deciding that a nap wasn’t that bad an idea, after all he’d done a load of laundry, made the bed, cooked a passable attempt at eggs and toast for breakfast (Y/N assuring him the reason she hadn’t eaten a lot was because she felt like crap, not because it tasted bad) and cleared all the dishes, taking extra care to make sure no stray knives slashed his hand to pieces as he loaded the dishwasher.
Yup, he’d earned a rest.
Picking Y/N’s head up once more he placed the cushion against his thigh, his feet resting on the coffee table as he allowed her to sleep, his hand gently rubbing between her shoulder blades as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes.
**** “What is it?” you asked as he handed you the mug. You peered down at the floating slice of lemon, trying to spot what was in the drink. You’d normally take a sniff but seeing as your nostrils were at the moment about as much use as Donald Trump’s hair stylist you had to settle for using your eyes.
“It’s something my Grammy used to make for me when I was sick.” Ransom explained, sitting back next to you. You looked up and your heart fluttered a little at the boyish hope on his face. “You won’t take anything to help so I called mom to ask what was in that and-“
“You called your mom?”
“Yeah.” He shrugged and you smiled, your hands curling around the mug even more now you knew exactly what he’d done to make you the hot drink, called his mother. Something you knew was a last resort for him, he’d rather stick pins in his eyes. “It’s just lemon, honey, sugar and a tiny pinch of cayenne. It used to work for us as kids.”
“Thank you.” You spoke softly, and you meant it. He smiled, leaning back on the sofa, eyes fixed on the TV as you took a sip, instantly gagging on the drink. You tried not to make it obvious as you took another sip but the liquid assaulted your taste-buds, quite literally, your mouth going instantly dry.
“Shit, Ransom, I…”
“What? Is there too much pepper?” his face fell and you shook your head.
“No, it’s salty!”
“Salty?” he frowned, taking the mug from you and dipping his finger into the liquid. He sucked it off and then gave a grimace, “I don’t understand though, I didn’t put any salt in.”
“Well, maybe something was cross contaminated from breakfast?” you offered and he shook his head as he set the offending drink on the coffee table.
“The kitchen is spotless, sweetheart. I cleared up after breakfast and wiped down the sides again after refilling the sugar bowl, even though I didn’t spill much.”
“Wait…” you stopped him, giving a little cough. “You filled up the sugar bowl?”
“What with?”
“Sugar.” He rolled his eyes.
“You can’t have, we’re out. It’s on the list for the top up shop as I forgot it the other day.”
“No, we have a packet.” He insisted, “I found it.”
“Was it a clear, plastic packet?”
“You dumbass!” you squeaked, breaking out into a hacking cough. “That’s salt!”
“Pretty sure it said sugar on the label, Princess.” Ransom rolled his eyes.
“Okay, go check.” You shrugged at him. He paused for a moment before he stood up and headed into the kitchen. You waited for it, and sure enough…
“Son of a bitch!” came the loud groan and you smirked to yourself, looking up as Ransom walked back into the lounge.
“In my defence,” he raised his hands, “they both begin with an S.”
“True.” You chuckled, as he picked up the mug peering into it, his shoulders slumped as he was crestfallen he’d failed.
“I just wanted to get you something to feel better.” He sighed and you took a deep breath.
“Babe.” You said softly and he looked at you, his blue eyes a little sad and you smiled. “I already feel loads better than I did before, but why don’t you make it again, leave the salt but add an extra little drop of honey. It will be more than sweet enough anyway, you know I don’t like tea when it’s too sweet.”
His lips curled up into a soft smile at one side. It wasn’t a smirk, or a smug grin, it was a genuine smile, one that always melted your heart.
“Sure.” He said, dropping a kiss to your head before he grabbed the mug and moved to leave the room.
“Oh and Ran?”
He paused and stopped in the doorway, looking at you questioningly.
“Empty the sugar bowl. I’d hate for anyone else to get a-salted.” You grinned, as Ransom arched an eyebrow at you “Geddit? Assault, a-salt…”
“Yeah, I get it Y/N.” he rolled his eyes, leaving the room as he shot over his shoulder “I just happen to think your jokes are about as funny as AIDS.”
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browniefox · 3 years
Color Theory
@wrightfamilyweek Day 2 - Investigation/Hijinks
In which an anniversary is coming up, so Trucy makes some plans.
You can also find this on AO3 right here :)
“Have fun at work, Daddy!”
Trucy runs up to Daddy and hugs him around the stomach. He kisses the top of his head.
“Mmhm, I expect your homework to be done and you to be in bed by the time I get home, alright? No exceptions!"
“Of course!”
“And no trips to Germany, alright? I’m sure you can hold off for another few months.” Daddy teases. Trucy sticks his tongue out at him and he ruffles her hair before going out the door. In a few months, she is going to actually get to go with Daddy on one of his trips to see Miles, a reconnection between the two of them since Trucy's own little trip a year ago.
As the door closes, Trucy runs over to the window and waits until she sees Daddy riding down the street on his bike, officially out of the building. Her homework is already done, most of it finished during class time and the rest of it finished up during recess and on her way home from school. Walking while writing had made her numbers come out a little odd, but it didn’t matter, because now she had hours and hours of time to work.
She stops by the fridge, staring up at the calendar. It’s four weeks away from the date circled in red, and two weeks from the date that sits ominously empty. It’s plenty of time, though.
Trucy makes a lap around the office, double-checking that the windows are locked just like Daddy does every time before leaving. Everything seems safe and sound, so she grabs her backpack and leaves, making sure she has the spare key and locking the door behind her. Daddy won’t be home until late, but she’s still going to make care to be home with plenty of time to spare. The meer idea of putting him through the same fear of last year sits in her chest like a promise.
It’s a few bus-stops to get to Gummy and Maggey’s house. They’re both out at the moment, so Trucy finds the spare key in the fake rock and lets herself in. She’s spent a lot of time over here by now, and the couple has spent alot of time over at the office, the big and towering man she’d met at the airport transforming into a familiar and lovable family friend.
She skips over to the closet, pulling out the supplies stuck in there. Streamers and confetti, magic wands and fake flowers, tumbling out from where Gummy had helped her shove them in last time. She looks down at the supplies and begins organizing it into the different acts that they’re associated with. There’s a lot of pieces, a lot to get over to the Wonder Bar eventually. Keeping so much of it over here makes it harder to practice back at home, but that’s kind of the point, even if it’s really annoying.
Gummy and Maggie came home after an hour, setting their things down and chatting about their day while Gummy starts dinner. The smell fills the house, warm and comforting. Trucy likes the Gumshoe house. It’s not too big, but not too small either. Gummy and Maggey used to clean it up before she came over, but they’ve stopped making that special little change for her, and so she gets to see it all lived in, a sock strewn here, a few dishes left out, pillows lying wherever they were last placed. Small things that make the place not a house but a home. She’s never had a home like this one, and oh there are sometimes where she’ll be lying on the couch and imagine what it would be like to stay here.
She knows she could.
Daddy has made it clear that if she ever felt dissatisfied with the cramped office, with him, all she has to do was say something. Gummy and Maggey have mentioned, before, that they’d be willing to take her in if anything ever happened to Daddy. Gummy had laughed about all the sorts of injuries Daddy tended to accrue, recounting a story about Daddy getting amnesia before a case - Trucy knew that one, she’d read it a bit ago.
Trucy doesn’t want to leave the cramped little office.
After dinner, Trucy uses Gummy’s phone. Gummy and Maggey know how to set up her stuff for a performance by now - they’ve already agreed to be her stage crew for the performance. While they’re doing that, Trucy calls up Aunty Maya.
“How’s my favorite magician doing?” Maya answers, and Trucy can hear the smile in her voice.
“Working on her next trick.” Trucy replies. Maya makes a humming sound.
“Well, things are going well on our end over here. Are you sure about the color? You don’t want to go darker?” Maya asked.
“Nope! It’s, well, there’s a reason for the shade.” Trucy says. She can hear Maya hum in understanding over the receiver.
“Well, I’m almost finished with it, although I’ll probably come up soon just to make sure everything is right. Pearly says hi, by the way.”
“Oh! Is she there?! Is she there?! Hi Pearls!” Trucy shouts over the phone and gets a distant and soft ‘hi Trucy!’.
“When I come down I’ll bring Pearly with me, don’t worry. If I didn’t,she might just run the whole way over there anyway!” Maya laughs and Trucy laughs along.
“If everything’s working out, then I’m gonna have to go. I need to make sure the rest of the show is ready to go!” Trucy says.
“Alright, alright, just say you’re afraid I’m going to start prattling on about the new season of Rubber Samurai. But you know there-”
“Love you Aunty Maya bye!” Trucy hits the end call button still chuckling to herself. She hopes that Aunty Maya makes true on her promise to come back down and to bring Pearls before the big day, but if she doesn’t then Trucy guesses she can wait that long, even if it’ll be agonizing.
She stares at the next number for a long long while before finally hitting the call button.
The phone rings once, twice, three times before he picks up.
“Gumshoe, this had better be fucking import-”
“Hi, Miles!” Trucy chirps. There’s silence on the other end.
“... who is this?” Miles grumbles.
“Trucy Wright!”
“Trucy?!” Miles sounds a little more awake now.
“Ms. Trucy… why are you calling me at… three in the morning?” Miles groans.
“Th… three in the… OH!” Trucy gasps, feeling her face flush in embarrassment. She’d completely forgotten to take into account time differences. “Oh my god, Miles, I’m so sorry, it’s pretty late here and-”
“It’s, it’s fine Ms. Trucy. Just tell me what you were calling about… from Gumshoe’s phone? Is your father alright?” Worry creeps into Miles voice.
“Oh, yes, Daddy’s fine! Daddy’s just at work right now, and I went over to Gummy and Maggey’s! We had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner, and then we’re gonna play a card game, and then Gummy is gonna drive me back to the office ‘cause it’s all dark now!” Trucy says.
“Ms. Trucy, I don’t mean to sound rude, but again, it is three a.m. here…” Miles sighs.
“Right! Right, um… Mr. Edgeworth, do you think you could help me with a little something.”
“I’m going to need a bit more information than that.”
Trucy rattles off her little plan into the phone. Miles stays silent for the entire explanation, only grunting here and there to assure her that he is still awake and listening on the other end.
“... this is very short notice.” Miles says.
“Oh,” Says Trucy, looking down at her feet, “Well, that’s okay, I’m sure together, the rest of us-”
“I never said I wouldn’t do it, just that next time you’re planning something like This, please, tell me about it a little more ahead of time.”
“Okay! Yeah! Next time! And this time… you can do it?” She double checks.
“Yes, you can count on me, Ms. Trucy.”
“Thank you! Um, I’ll let you get back to sleep, thank you!”
Trucy skips back into the kitchen, where Gummy and Maggey have set up a board game. She still has her show to practice a bit more, and even now thinking about it she’s a little nervous, but she’s found she’s more excited. It’s coming together.
“Please, Daddy, please, come and see my show tonight? Pleaseeeee?”
Phoenix lets out a long sigh. Trucy is bouncing around in excitement in front of him. She’s already done her stage makeup, and he’d helped her put little weaving braids into her hair. Most of it will be covered up by her hat, but there are usually moments during the performance where the hat comes off, and so she needs to look amazing no matter what’s going on. Phoenix is fine to help her with this, but on today of all days, all he wants to do is sit in his office, read through old case files, and mourn what he has lost.
He was disbarred two years ago. That both feels like too much and not enough time. For the most part, he likes to think that he’s been coping with it well. He’s been working, and raising Trucy, and he’s had some other little things in the works, but on today of all days, it’s so hard to focus and not feel the ache of what was taken from him, of what he’s lost, of those who have come to his door in the past couple years looking for help and having to be turned away.
“Trucy, baby,” Phoenix starts, trying to let her down easy, but Trucy stomps her foot.
“No, Daddy, please, just, just come? To the show? Please?” She begs.
She’s been 'off' all week, too quiet and then too talkative in bursts that serve to confuse Phoenix. Now, there’s something almost akin to fear in her eyes, and it tugs at Phoenix’s heartstrings.
“Alright, sweetie, let me just,” He looks down at himself, still in sweatpants and a hoodie. He’d meant to get dressed today, but even now he’s struggling to find the energy to get into something better, and eventually he just says lamely, “Put some shoes on.”
He gets a pair of beat-up sneakers on and walks outside with Trucy, who is still vibrating with energy. He considers for a moment that perhaps he should buy a new pair of shoes, but then he sees Trucy’s cape, starting to look thread-bare in places and sitting so much shorter on her than it did two years ago. It used to fall to cover her almost completely in a mysterious sort of way, but now you can see her entire hands. Trucy has told him before it’d be fine, her cape had been too long anyway, but maybe he should start to consider how to get her something new and nice. Things for himself could be put off as long as they needed to be.
The ride down to the Wonder Bar is quiet between them, Trucy sitting on his handlebars with careful balance. The first five times they did it, Phoenix had been worried about her falling off or something, but now it was routine if they had anywhere they both had to be and didn’t have the time to puzzle through bus schedules or the budget for a taxi.
Phoenix recognizes some of the people in the Wonder Bar, and Mr. Wunderbar himself comes over and greets.
“Ah, Ms. Wright, so glad to see you! Your assistants are already backstage.” Mr. Wunderbar says. Phoenix’s brow furrows.
“Assistants? You mean the your staff?” Phoenix asks.
“Alright thanks Mr. Wunderbar Daddy find a seat love you bye!” Trucy says in one breath and runs over to the stage.
“This way, Mr. Wright. Trucy asked that we have a table upfront reserved just for you.” Mr. Wunderbar leads the way to one of the tables close to the stage, which does indeed have a a ‘Reserved’ marker on it. Phoenix feels suddenly self conscious in his outfit. He’d been planning to sit in the back, where nobody could see him, and he feels like everybody in the bar, waiting for Trucy to perform, are staring at him.
Mr. Wunderbar took his order and then slipped away. Phoenix drumms his fingers on the table, a cowardice sweeping through him with such force that he almost gets up and walks away. Something odd is going on, and it's making him even more nervous.
“Oh good, Trucy was really worried you wouldn’t show up.”
Phoenix jumps at the familiar voice, and spins around to see Maya and Pearls.
“Wh- hey, what are you two doing here?!” Phoenix jumps up and hugs both of them, “And especially what’s Pearls doing in here?”
“Mr. Wunderbar says that so long as nobody at our table orders drinks, he’ll allow it this once.” Maya says, sitting down, and Pearls sits on the other side of Phoenix, sandwiching him between the Fey’s.
“But why are you two-”
“Now Nick, do you really think we’d let you spend today on your own to mope?” Maya sets her hands on her hips. Phoenix looks away. He doesn’t point out that they didn’t last year, because it’s not their responsibility to look after him. Maya has her own life she’s living. She had texted and called him, though, regularly, throughout the day, at random intervals. She threatened that if he didn’t pick up any of the times, she’d be coming over right way, “I’ll admit, though, clearly we came mostly to see Trucy perform. Right Pearls?”
“Yeah! She’s so amazing, Mr. Nick! And we also had to bring the-” Pearls starts to say, but Maya puts a finger to her lips and shushes Pearls, who’s mouth slams shut.
“... alright, enough of this, what’s going on?” Phoenix asks more plainly.
“So she still hasn’t seen fit to tell you yet?”
And then, slipping into the fourth seat at the table, is Miles. Miles, in California, in the flesh, in the Wonderbar.
“M-Miles! What are you doing here?”
“Your daughter had a simple request, and I obliged.” Miles sniffs, “You look,” Miles regards Phoenix and Phoenix looks away, wishing he’d brought something to cover his head as well, “Alright, all things considered.” He ends.
“No need to sugar coat it, Miles.” Phoenix laughs bitterly.
“I’m not. You seem to forget you’re not the only one who has gone through some trying times.”
Before Phoenix can formulate anything to say to that, the lights in the bar dim. The curtain lifts, but there’s a sheet behind it, so that all once can see of Trucy is her silhouette.
“Now introducing… Trucy Gramraye!” The announcer booms, and there’s some applause, even though nothing’s happened yet, Trucy still not seen.
“There are times that we, in life, come to a crossroads,” Trucy’s voice booms through the speakers over a mystical sounding soundtrack, “ Where we our lives take sudden changes.”
Oh, Phoenix thinks, heart plummeting to the bottom of his stomach, a theory forming in his mind, She wanted me here for her Last Show. Did something happen that made her want to stop being a magician? He’s tried to be supportive, even though he’s had some trouble keeping track of the supplies she needs, and how to help her out, with her teaching him far more than he can possibly teach her about this stuff. He’s offered to get in touch with Max Galactica, but Trucy had made it plain her opinion of that magician.
“Sometimes, you need to say things. And sometimes actions - and appreances - speak louder than words.”
Phoenix almost wants to stand up, to shout at her that no, he doesn’t want her to give up her magic just because she thinks it’s going to make him happy, but he’s frozen in his seat as the sheet of paper hiding his daughter from view is torn through and fog comes rolling out… but she’s not there.
In a puff of smoke, Trucy appears on top of his table. She winks down at him, the spot light finding her.
Her red hat and cape and bag are all gone, replaced by pale blue versions. New, lovingly crafted, and Trucy puts her hands above her head in a pose.
“I am Trucy Gramarye, but your little witch in red is now a magician in blue. Sorry if I startled anybody by coming… out of the blue like that?” Trucy says. She smiles, twirls around, and in another puff of smoke she’s gone. The room goes dark.
The spotlight finds her back on the stage, still in the strange blue uniform.
“Wh-what- when did she-”
“You know, in Kurain, we have to make all our own clothes.” Maya says with a mischievous little smirk.
“You mean you-”
“She wanted to put together something to make sure you weren’t too sad today.” Maya explains, smiling.
Phoenix does his best not to cry so that he doesn’t miss any bit of the show.
When it’s done, Mr. Wunderbar brings over another chair and Trucy sits with them. Phoenix spends the evening surrounded by his friends, by his family, and staring at Trucy’s new outfit. Blue, just like his old suit, he thinks.
“Do you like it?” She asks, surprisingly shyly, right before bed. Phoenix grins, picks her up, and twirls her around.
“You look amazing sweetie. You know, you didn’t have to go through all that just for me.”
“I didn’t do it just for you.” Trucy defends, “I did it because I wanted to! And because I love you!”
“I love you too Truce.”
Tomorrow morning, reality will set in again. He’ll have work, and maybe all the grief he was able to put off today will make a forceful comeback, but tonight he knows he’s loved, and that Trucy wants to be a part of his world, wants to be a part of his broken little family, and maybe that’s all that really matters in the end.
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pokegeek151 · 4 years
@fowlblue This is your fault (based on this)
(Read it on AO3!)
Artemis did not have a good track record when it came to birthdays. His parents had always cared more about them than he did, and the combination of time skipping, cloning, and the monotony of encroaching adulthood made keeping track of his birthdays a tedious process. He had a tradition to uphold, though, which was how he ended up sprawled in an armchair in his flat, just over halfway through a bottle of expensive red wine as the clock inched towards four in the morning on September 1st. 
He heard the glass door to the balcony quietly slide open and shut, though he did not look up. The faint shimmer in the air told him exactly who had come to bother him on a day he'd prefer to be left alone. 
 "Did Butler put you up to this?" he asked the empty air. 
 A few moments later, Holly materialized in front of him. "I got a surface visa, finally, and I thought I'd say hi. What did Butler supposedly put me up to?" She looked him up and down briefly. "Are you...drunk?"
 Artemis lazily swirled what was left at the bottom of his wine glass. "Drunk is a strong word. Impaired, certainly." He took a long sip and drained his glass. "Would you like a drink? I do not have the constitution for a full bottle, and whatever is left will go down the sink tomorrow."
 Holly did not do a good job hiding her confusion, or concern, or...whatever she was feeling. "Human alcohol doesn't--"
 "Yes, yes. Fairies are unaffected by -OH alcohol. But your tastebuds can still appreciate a fine vintage." He tilted the glass towards him and examined the faint, pinkish residue left behind. "Or perhaps a decent vintage. Sommelier...ing was never a talent I cared to cultivate. The clerk said it was quality, but I have read enough studies to know it doesn't matter."
 She hesitated, then asked, "Where are the glasses?"
 The chair Artemis was draped over faced away from the kitchen area, so he gestured vaguely over his shoulder with his free hand. "Top shelf in the cabinet with the other glasses." 
 He listened as Holly dragged a chair to the cabinet in order to reach the uppermost shelf. When he heard her coming back, he slowly dragged himself into something approaching a proper sitting position. 
 She sat in an armchair across from him and picked up the open bottle. "What's the occasion?" she asked as she poured a bit of wine into her glass. She pointed the neck in his direction, and he wordlessly held his glass out to her to be filled. 
 He leaned forward, perilously close to falling out of his chair, and tapped his glass to hers. "L'chaim," he said over the gentle clink. "To life. To my life, in fact." He leaned back, nearly fell back, into his chair. "It is my birthday." 
 "Is that today? I lose track of the human calendar sometimes." Holly asked. Artemis didn't have the energy or capacity to evaluate her microexpressions. 
 Artemis took a long sip of his wine. He didn't take time to savor the taste; he liked wine well enough, but he was past the point of caring about this particular bottle. "It is indeed, and you have intruded on my annual ritual."
 She raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Getting drunk alone in your flat?"
 "I am not drunk," he repeated. "I am impaired."
 "Fine, fine. Getting impaired alone in your flat? That doesn't seem like a fun birthday tradition."
 "It's not." He finished his glass, then glanced over at the bottle on the low table between them. He'd already had quite a bit (calculating how much was beyond what his fuzzy mind could do quickly, and if he couldn't do it quickly, he didn't care enough to), but he had cleared his schedule for tomorrow in anticipation of quite the hangover. Holly reached forward at the same time he did, and because she was closer, she was able to slide it a few inches out of his grasp. He rolled his eyes, but he conceded and fell back into his chair. 
 "Birthdays are supposed to be fun, right?" Holly asked. "I'm surprised you didn't spend a ransom's worth on a party with a champagne hot tub or whatever it is you rich people are into."
 Artemis nearly gagged at the mention of a party. "Absolutely not. I have had enough birthday parties to last the rest of my life." The beginnings of a headache were beginning to set in, making him grateful that Holly had taken the bottle. He really had reached his limit, at least as far as tomorrow would be concerned. 
 Holly took a small drink from her glass. "Oh yeah?" she prodded. 
 "My mother always liked to throw these...massive parties for my birthday," he explained. The alcohol had loosened his tongue, but he didn't very much care at the moment. "They were more about her than about me. Everyone would get drunk, even my parents, and leave a huge mess for Butler to clean up."
 "So now you get drunk instead?"
 "Not drunk. Impaired." It took some effort, but he managed to reach over the wide arm of the chair and place his empty wine glass on the floor. After a few precarious wobbles, it steadied without tipping over. "Have you ever been impaired, Holly? It is quite lovely."
 She chuckled, just a bit. "Yes, Artemis. I've been impaired."
 "I am operating at full capacity at all times, and it is exhausting. I know everything, all the time. Well, perhaps not everything. But most things. Sometimes, on special occasions, it is nice to not be in full control." He felt in his memory the weight of his mother's arm around his shoulders as he, stone sober, practically carried her to her room on the night of his 19th birthday. Idly, he wished he had another glass of wine. 
 "I'll drink to that," Holly said, bringing Artemis back to the present. She motioned like she was performing a toast, then drank the entirety of her glass. "This stuff is so bitter," she complained. "Why do humans like wine?"
 "I haven't a clue," he said. The sound of water splashing into a sink full of abandoned dishes played in his head, and he realized they had reached the wallowing part of the festivities. "Thank you for helping me to finish my wine. You're welcome to leave. I plan to go to bed before I start crying and feeling sorry for myself."
 Holly set her glass on the table with a quiet clink. "I'm not leaving you like this, Artemis."
 "Like what?"
 "Drunk. Impaired," she corrected, exaggerating a posh accent. 
 "I am capable of taking care of myself," he protested. 
 "That doesn't mean you have to."
 Artemis didn't have a response for her then, and he did not think of one as she extracted him from the armchair and helped him stumble into bed. As the sounds of her rinsing and drying the two wine glasses filtered in through the partially opened door, he wondered if she would still be there in the morning. 
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