#tony stark fanficition
capsicletho · 6 years
I Can’t Make You Love Me
…if you don’t. You can’t make your heart feel something that it won’t.
a Tony Stark series; author: @stvrktony | epilogue
trigger: happy ending for reader and tony (but sad w steve ):) mentions of anxiety, PTSD, murder, spoilers of CACW
word count: 2k
summary: Reader and Tony found comfort in each other while they were trying to mend their own broken hearts.
a/n: AAAAND IT IS DONE! Finally completed this series and I hope you guys like the ending. If you want an alternate ending, message me and I will come up with a few things! Btw, I’ll be seeing you is a reference to chapter 7.
masterlist | ICMYLM masterlist | previous chapter
You held on to the letter pursing your lips and turning it over in your hand. You pondered on whether you should open it or not, but you were honestly not ready. You did not want to see what he has to say for himself. You knew that after all that happened, Steve was loyal to Bucky and he would expect you to understand, just like he did when the two of you were still together. But you could not. You could not just forgive him nor Bucky for what he did to Tony. Steve would not have understood what Tony went through; and ultimately, the captain would prioritize his best friend’s feelings more because he understood Bucky’s predicament more than he understood Tony’s.
But you understood Tony. You were there through his sleepless nights, his anxiety attacks, the bouts of PTSD that would hit him the hardest at night. All the nightmares and the feelings of betrayals––you were the one to pick him up, hug him, comfort him, and even cry with him. His relationship with his parents were not the best, and you knew well that Tony would never expect his parents to be taken away from him that quickly.
Even if Howard was not the best dad out there, you knew that Tony loved him. Tony would have given everything in the world to get just a few minutes with his father to tell him he loved him before he passed away. The nights that were filled with regret were the worst; there was nothing you could do to help make it better. When it’s an anxiety attack, you were able to help him regulate his breathing. When it’s a nightmare, you were able to hug him and let him know that it was just a dream. But regret, it is the one thing that you cannot fix.
“Hey, babe,” Tony’s head poked into your office, holding the door ajar. You shook out of your daze and looked at him. “You ready to go?” He asked.
“Yeah, let me just get my things,” you said and stood up, slipping the letter inside your bag and then shutting your laptop down. You grabbed your coat and walked towards the door, Tony holding it open for you. You kissed him before heading out, holding hands and swaying them to the rhythm of your steps as he told you about his day.
You could see the genuine smile on his face and it had been months since you last saw it. That smile was contagious, encouraging a smile on your own lips because you knew this could only mean one thing: the support he made for Rhodey was working.
“A Fed-Ex guy called me Tony Stank today,” he said with a little grin.
You looked at him and laughed, your laughter echoing through the the hall along with his.
“He was a bit old, I would not blame him, but Rhodey is never letting that go, ever,” Tony explained, the tone of his voice picking up and it warmed your heart the way he sounded so happy.
“That’s hilarious,” you laughed. “I’m siding with Rhodey on this, I am never letting it go,” you chuckled. “Who Fed-Exed you?”
He looked at you and his face was a bit sullen, “Steve,” he said as he reached into his jacket to give you a letter. You saw that it was the exact same one as the one you received, a white envelope with only Tony’s name on it. “Read it,” Tony gestured you to just as the two of you reached the orange Audi. He opened the door for you and as you settled in the passenger’s seat, you began to read Steve’s letter to Tony.
You analyzed every single sentence and word over and over. You had mixed feelings in the pit of your stomach, but you did not say anything to Tony. Instead, you slipped the letter back inside the envelope and then handed it back to him and just smiled meaningfully before you proceeded to tell him about your story.
After that, you decided not to read your letter. The letter Steve sent to Tony was basically him asking Tony to understand what he had to do despite him saying sorry, you were not sure that he really was sorry for what he did to Tony.
It took you a long time to get your Tony back to the way he was and you were not going to let that one letter get Tony down again, so after you kept the letter inside your bag as well, you changed the topic and the entire ride home was filled with the two of you laughing and talking to each other, Tony holding your hand affectionately while one hand was on the steering wheel.
That night Tony was already asleep, but the thought of the letter kept you awake. You headed to your study, and turned on the lights. You sat on your chair, opened your drawer, and then took out the letter. You were scared of what you were going to read; you were afraid it was going to break your heart. Like it or not, Steve was still holding a small part of your heart, and no matter what it was you cannot just let that little part of your heart go.
Exhaling hard, you tore open the envelope and then pulled the letter out. Only four words were written on it:
I’m sorry. For everything.
You did not know whether to be disappointed or to be grateful that he did not write too much. You wanted to know what he was sorry for; you wanted to know whether he was sorry for breaking your heart, whether he was sorry for putting you second when you clearly deserved more. You placed the letter on the table and looked up when you noticed a figure at the doorway.
You inhaled in shock, goosebumps grew all over your skin; you were not terrified, because even though you cannot see his face, you knew who it was.
“What are you doing here?” You asked and stood up, wondering how he managed to get through FRIDAY.
He appeared from the shadows and you could see that his hair was longer and he had a beard––something you had never seen on him before. It took you quite a bit to adjust to his new look, but then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper folded together. It looked like he had been carrying it around with him for a long time considering the state of the paper––dog-eared and a bit stained.
“I want you to have this,” Steve said, his voice a bit raspy.
“What is that?”
“A proper apology I should have given you a long time ago,” he extended his hand to offer you the papers.
You did not take it, so instead he placed it on your desk.
“You just apologized,” you responded, lifting the white paper containing four simple words you had just read.
“It was not enough,” Steve insisted.
“And what about your apology to Tony? That was enough?” You asked, your tone a bit like you were challenging him.
Steve did not answer, instead he just sighed and looked at his feet.
“Don’t answer that,” you immediately said, not wanting to even know what he had to say for himself. “You have to go.”
“Alright,” he nodded, knowing that he must have put you through a lot and understanding that you might not have forgiven him yet just from a brief two-sentence apology. “Please read it. I owe you a lot of explanations, and that is the best I can give you. I hope you’ll forgive me.” Steve turned around and began to leave.
“Steve,” you called out one last time. “Would you still have done it?” You asked. It was a question that has been running through your mind when you were fixing Tony up at the quinjet when you picked him up. His creased forehead told you that you have not given him too much context to go on. “I mean if Tony’s arc reactor was still attached to his body to keep him alive, would you still put your shield through it to stop him?” You clarified.
He stood there and looked at you. You could see that he was thinking hard, and it was the most painful thing you had to witness that he did not just say that he would not have done it. The fact that he was thinking to answer it told you that he would have gone through lengths to stop Tony and helped Bucky––even if that meant killing Tony in the process.
“Don’t answer that either,” you choked out after about fifteen seconds, although it did feel longer than that, your eyes tearing up as you looked away from him to hide it. Steve swallowed a little and then just turned around and left.
A tear slipped out as you sat back down on the chair. You decided this time that you really did not want to read the apology he gave you, so you unlocked the drawer of the things that you rarely open because it contained a few of your important things and stored the paper there.
“Hey,” Tony walked into your study and you looked up. “Why are you not in bed?”
“Hi,” you smiled. “Bad dream,” you lied, but you stood up and then went over to hug him. You stayed like that for a bit, your head buried in his chest as he hugged you tight.
“You wanna talk about it?” Tony asked.
“No. I just want to go back to bed,” you replied, your voice muffled by his shirt.
“Okay, let’s go,” he kissed your hair and the two of you retreated back to your shared bedroom.
Steve’s letter dated a month after you and Tony were together.
(Y/N), there are a lot of things I wanted to say to you that I cannot fit in these papers. There are a lot of things that I have regretted over the last two years and I wish I could turn back time. You are one of the most important people in my life and I let you hang on to our relationship alone and not catch you when you slipped away.
I wish I did.
I should have been with you all the nights that I did not. I should have taken you out to dinner when you won the three cases .
I should have been with you when you were sitting alone in our room, crying because you could not visit your mother on her birthday.
I should have been with you to take you to bed every time you fall asleep on the couch.
I should have been with you every time you woke up in the middle of the night because of a bad dream.
I should have been with you all the nights when you slept alone and made you feel safe.
But when I see you with Tony, I know that what you had with him was what you deserved. The way he treated you is the way I should have treated you; but if I did have to lose you, there is no better man than Tony for you and I’m glad that you are happy with him. You deserve that. You both deserve to be happy.
You know that Bucky meant a lot to me. When I got out of the ice, I had lost everyone I loved and when I knew Bucky was still alive, he was the only thing that I can hold on to. I’ve lost Peggy, my parents, and everyone else in my life. Knowing Bucky was out there, I cannot just leave him alone under the influence of those people. I have to bring him home.
I have not succeeded yet, but I hope that when I do, you will let me make things up to you.
I know it must be hard for the two of you to forgive Bucky and until you do, I don’t think you will understand why I go through these lengths to bring him home. Bucky hurt Tony; I know that. No matter how much I hope the two of you understand that Bucky would never have done that if he were not under the influence of HYDRA, I know that it is not something that you can just accept and I understand.
But in some ways, Bucky did hurt you too. Unintentionally and indirectly, of course. And I want you to know that it was none of his fault and please do not hate him for what I did. I was the one who left you––he did not ask me to, and it was all my choice. I take full blame for what happened to us. I know that I probably won’t ever be able to make it up to you, but please let me try.
I want you to know that you are still holding that piece of my heart with you and no matter what, I will always love you. I am here for you if you ever need me. I’ll be seeing you.
Love, Steve.
@thevanishedillusion​ @welcometomyworldwithoutrules​ @plan3tmadison​ @tonystarkismydaddy​ @poemfreak306​ @memyselfandandrea @jenniseiblack @sophiatomlinson23 @lilulo-12
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A Hot Water Bottle
fandom: Stony (Steve x Tony)
summary: Tony doesn’t feel too well and is having a hard time to ask Steve for some comfort.
length: 865 words
a/n: inspired by this prompt, which I slightly changed, but didn’t realize until finished writing... hope it is okay! feedback, reblogs and likes are welcomed and needed!
A Hot Water Bottle
"Uhhh... Steve..."
"Mm? What's up, babe?"
"Uh. I am not feeling well."
"What? Why?" Steve closed his book, frowning at the words. It wasn't like Tony to complain that he felt sick. Usually, Tony popped some pills and got back to whatever he was doing, claiming that he was too busy to feel sick. It showed in the way he had been standing in front of Steve, with a long face and hunched over, clearly out of his place.
"Come here," Steve urged, calling the other man closer. With some effort, Tony climbed into the bed next to his husband and Steve put his arms around Tony's waist, pulling him close. He put his lips against brunet’s forehead, looking for traces of fever, but the skin wasn't hot. Just normal temperature. Still, Tony had this pained look on his face and gave off some miserable vibes.
"Will you tell me what's wrong?" Steve asked, cradling his husband close. It was rare for Tony to come to Steve in his moment of sickness. His whole life Tony had to rely on himself, achieved everything by his own work and will. Sharing in the moments of vulnerability was hard for him, even with the people he loved and trusted. He was the protector and defender, not someone who needed either of these things.
"Ummm," Tony fumbled, hiding his face into Steve's neck. "My stomach hurts."
"Oh. Did you eat something that could cause it?"
"Nah... I don't think so."
Steve went through a mental list of what he and Tony had eaten since waking up. Scrambled eggs for breakfast, chicken and potatoes for lunch, sandwich with hummus and vegetables somewhere in between... Steve had the same and he was feeling fine.
"Maybe you ate too fast," Steve said, cradling the back of Tony's head and gently messaging. Depending on the day, Tony could sit down and enjoy his meal, but sometimes he just inhaled it, not wanting to waste time - Steve doubted he even chewed, he just swallowed it up, like a duck.
"Maybe," Tony said groggily, taking a deep breath. "Uh, Steve... Could you -"
"You want a tummy rub?" Steve filled in with a smile. The cute thing about Tony, among other things, was that he really, really liked having his belly rubbed. Steve found it surprising at first, but it quickly became one of his favorite things too. There was something really sweet about the way Tony's face relaxed and his whole body became soft just from few strokes over his stomach. Heck, Steve wouldn't be surprised if this whole thing was a trick to get a tummy rub, because, for some reason, Tony couldn't ask like a normal person.
It was even more surprising, when Tony shook his head, denying the offer. It didn't happen often, or more like, never, and was alarming. Tony had to feel really sick.
"Uh, but could you instead - " Tony said shyly, moving his head up and whispering something in Steve's ear, feeling too embarrassed to say it out loud.
Steve listened, his eyes widening a little bit, but then he nodded in agreement. That was new, but Steve was willing to give it a go to make his boyfriend feel better. Or maybe not exactly new, just new in the given circumstances.
Steve took off his shirt, Tony doing the same, and then lay down in bed, flat on his back. It could be sexy, but none of them thought about it, and then Tony followed, lying on top of Steve, lining himself in a way that his stomach was on top of Steve's. Tony let out a relaxed breath, sinking into his husband’s heat and closing his eyes.
Steve began to smile, finding this very endearing. He could feel that Tony's belly was a bit harder than usual, suggesting some discomfort, but soon it would relax, soothed by Steve's higher body temperature.
"You know that you could get the same results with a hot water bottle?" Steve joked, moving his hands up and putting them at the small of his boyfriend's back.
Tony snorted, his shoulders jumping with the movement and belly twitching. "Don't cut yourself short," Tony joked, patting Steve's left peck, as he used the right one instead of a pillow. Steve should be offended, but he was used to Tony's jokes and Tony getting some of his snark back was a good sign, showing that he already felt better. "This is nicer," Tony added in a sweeter tone.
"Yeah, it is," Steve agreed, moving his thumb along the lower part of Tony's spine, very gently and Tony hummed delightedly, a small, hitched-out laugh escaping now and then from the light tickle. It was nice. Tony was a lovely, warm weight on top of him, his softer belly was pressed to Steve's muscled one and it was a great contrast. The gentle touch continued, until small, regular puffs of air on his chest and the rhythmic, calm way in which Tony's belly was moving, told Steve that he fell to sleep, lulled in by the warmth. Steve smiled, continuing to brush his fingers over his husband’s back, letting him sleep as long as he needed.
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gabby227 · 3 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies), Captain America (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Characters: Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Logan (X-Men) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers, Tony Stark is Good With Kids, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Slow Burn, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Established Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanov, Steve owns a Bed and Breakfast, Tony Stark Has Issues, Parent Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers Friendship, Past Tony Stark/Tiberius Stone, Past Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Tony Stark is a good parent, Pansexual Tony Stark, Bisexual Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes & Peter Parker Friendship, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Protective Bucky Barnes, Science Nerd Peter Parker, Precious Peter Parker Summary:
Running from his abusive boyfriend, Tony needs a place to hide out. When he asked Rhodey where he suggested, that's when he found himself in Brooklyn. The Rogers Bed and Breakfast wasn't his type of place to stay, so maybe Tony would be safe here.
But he didn't picture falling in love in the process.
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ironmess · 6 years
every enemies to lovers fic ever
tony: what a jackass with an incredibly beautiful body
steve: I'd tap dat
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cynicallycritical · 5 years
Do ya’ll hate Steve or what?
Something weird that I noticed in a lot of Stony fics is the subtle power imbalance that is depicted in Steve and Tony’s relationship. 
Now it's not all stories and there are plenty of them that don’t show this imbalance but to me, some writers can show a certain hostility when it comes to writing Steve’s character. 
I wrote before why I think fans (especially Tony stans) can perceive Steve as a morally ‘bad’ or misguided character, but I don’t think I got my point across very well.  
In these Stony fics that I read, people often try to portray Steve as having PTSD or some form of debilitating trauma which he must struggle through with whatever else is going on in the story. That’s fine. Great. 
But it is when Steve’s trauma has to compete with Tony’s trauma that the problem comes up. Steve always comes off as a bad guy in these stories because when compared to Tony’s trauma, his trauma is inferior. 
I’m sure writers doesn’t do this on purpose, but it is so common in these fics that it has basically become a trope. I don’t want to point out specific stories or call anyone out, but it seems to me that even the most popular fics are problematic in this way.
Steve has PTSD, but Tony has a traumatic childhood or he also has PTSD. When Steve lashes out due to his trauma, he has to apologize, or he is made to feel guilty about his actions due to his trauma. Tony lashes out due to his trauma but he is instead coddled and comforted. 
This is especially true when Steve lashes out and it affects Tony in some way, that Steve still is made to guilty about his actions. And I’m not talking about Steve’s character is just so morally good that he has a guilt complex. I’m talking about other characters flat out reprimand Steve for not being able to deal with his emotions in the face of his trauma. I’m talking about the writer going out of their way to make sure Steve gets a talking down to when if it was Tony who has lashed out, suddenly everyone is sympathetic and bending over backwards to get Tony to be happy again.
It’s even worse because when both of them have problems it always turns into a competition to see who has it worse off and, spoiler alert, Steve never wins. (It shouldn’t be a competition in the first place but that is beside the point.) For some reason, writers think that while Steve has a traumatic episode it somehow gives them leeway to make it so that it can only exacerbate Tony’s trauma, therefore, diminishing Steve’s trauma to make Tony more sympathetic. They turn Steve’s trauma into a character flaw so they can make Tony into more of a victim.
If that’s not shitty I don’t know what it. 
Again I’m sure Stony writer’s don’t actually hate Steve, but when I read some of this stuff, I really do begin to wonder what if anything they do like about Steve other than his looks because about 90% of Steve’s depictions in Stony fics are walking talking punching bags.
This is why I say there is an imbalance in the relationship. Tony gets a lot of sympathy and therefore gets away with a lot of stuff in the fandom. And Steve doesn’t get nearly enough and is more often than not dogged by Tony stans even though they ship Steve with Tony. I don’t know what it is, but I love Steve and I love Tony, but this Steve hating trend is just discouraging to see and read about. 
What do you guys think?
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bbparker · 5 years
Prompting Story Night!
Thats right in the midst of writing fever (I've literally been editing series’ all day lol) I want to post some things you guys want/need at the moment. SO!
Send me:
1. a gif (not gonna use it I just like them)
2. a character (any of these)
3. One or two prompts from this HERE or send me one sentence of your own!
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Don’t want this to flop lol:
@saharzek @nerdyandexhausted  @iamwarrenspeace @jahanana  @asexualmarauder @theharrisontomytom  @shippingfangurl  @ironmanlover24 @come-with-me-and-imagine  @alwayshave-faith  @savmontreal @somebody-stuff  @wildefire  @geeksareunique @realgreglestrade  @httpmcrvel @esoltis280  @kenzie-cold-greenkale  @ldyhawkeye @fuckthatfeeling @fanderrawr @shaririii
@magellan-88 @curious-trickster @bonza-bear @bittersweet97blog @willow-days02  @arawynn   @adventuresofnight @mymourningtea   @nightcrawler0213 @somebody-stuff @aqswdefrgthzjukilop @puffellumps @jasura   @magmas @dumpsterofsin @trilloku-blog   @pokemaniac1 @childishmonster05 @anise-d-castle6 @antisocial-psychotic-life   @loki-laufey-son-blog  @say-my-name-assbut @somniare-spiritus @tangle-of-ivy  @littlelunaticfringe @gigglesforme @a-spot-of-who-lock @cuteandnerdythings 
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marvelgirl7 · 5 years
Going to try and get a couple more chapters of Little Star to you all before I leave for the weekend! Going camping Sat-Monday. Gonna do my best to get you all chapters today and tomorrow ❤️❤️
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txnystarkimagines · 7 years
Pairng: Tony Stark X Reader
Words: 1742
Requested By: @sybil-howlett
Summary/Request:  After CW: The reader is a vigilante mutant but blind and she uses echolocation, she protects Tony from a bunch of attacker and battle them off with her staff and her earth powers. ((let grow ivy and vines and chain the bad guys with it.)) She turns to Tony and smiles at him. "Are you alright?" He nods with an awed face while the reader chuckles and vanishes when she hears police is arriving. Tony searches for her and finds her at Charles Xaviers school as teacher. with an happy ending, please
Author’s Note: Sorry if it isn’t up to the mark,because that i feel,  feel like I could have done much better. :( Anyways hope you like it if not feel free to asked me to make changes. 
Permanent Tag List: @palaiasaurus64
It was a cold December night. New York as always was awake,while those sane enough were asleep. Tony Stark, however, decided to go fo a walk.It was weeks after the events of what the media deemed as the Civil War. The Avengers who once stood united,had fallen divided. Captain America and his team had gone into hiding, Stark, on the other hand, responded in such a way,which none of his friends had expected. Except for the occasional drink or so,he did not opt towards his old alcoholic and play boyish ways. Instead, he focused on training better and taking an active role in being a part of his own company. Meaning he was back to being the CEO of Stark Industries. Today had been a tough day. The board meeting was a disaster, everything that happened was reminding him of the awful day in Siberia.
To clear his mind Tony decided to go for a walk. As much of a genius he was, he left behind all his devices,and suit gadgets for an escape,for what threat was there now. A mistake this was. Walking down the streets in Manhattan a few hours after midnight he took a deep breath. The street lamps illuminated the foggy streets,in this deserted part. He had been walking for quite some time now thinking about various things. He was confused over what do,his best friend of decades could walk no more because of him,an android who didn't know what feelings were,a teenage hero to mentor and a spy who came and went from the compound as she wished. After signing the accords he was made the head of Avengers,while this was not verbal or official at all,it was clear there was no one as suitable as him to do the job as long as Cap didn't come back. Coming to that,he still wasn't sure whether he would be able to forgive Steve or not. He thought they were friends,they had fought together,lived together,laughed together,they had saved each other during missions numerous time, so how he could he have done that? Him not signing the accords was a completely different thing,it was his choice and he would never have forced him to do so.He understood his point of view and somehow stood with him on that matter;But as Natasha had said,having one hand on the wheel was better than one.
What hurt Tony the most, was the fact Steve hidden such a big truth from him. His whole life after his parent's death had been a lie. They had not even died a natural death. They were murdered in cold blood and he was clueless about it. All these years without them,could have been the other way around. If not killed Tony would still have had a family,Dad would still have been running the company,Obadiah would not have betrayed him,he would not be Iron Man and his friend would still have been able to walk on his own. He admitted that he acted in rage in that bunker in Siberia,but he was willing to apologize if Steve was willing to do. Think about what had happened upon his return a few days later he had realized that it was not Barnes fault as he was under the influence of HYDRA.
Tony was swept out from his mouths by hearing a bunch of heavy footsteps echoing behind him. Alarmed he vaguely fastened his pace in a way for the people to notice. He knew for sure there were people behind him,but not if they were muggers or anything. Plus they won't even risk it,he was Tony Stark after all. Would they? Realizing it was a deserted street,with only himself to protect,well,himself and no suit he stopped in his place. He turned around only to see three burly men walking towards him with the kind of muscles one can only get from Steroids.
"Gentlemen." Tony nodded.
"Give us what you have right now,or we will do things to you can't imagine." The man in the middle shouted at him.
Tony pretended to pat his pockets,before shrugging."Sorry,I guess it's just, not your day I forgot my wallet at home. "
"You are Tony Stark,and you expect us to believe it?"
The third man immediately took out a knife and lunged towards him. With the knife to his neck, Tony was put in a critical situation. Good thing he was an Avenger and not a mundane. With enough force to throw him off Tony gripped his shoulder from his left arm and pushed him back, turning around 360 degrees to head butt him,resulting the mugger to fall back in shock. With that, the other two came running at him as well. He defended himself against the the the three who had no skill. While Tony had been taking training this did not mean he was up to hand to knock out three men as big as Thor. Fighting them was not as much of a problem as much it was to hold them off,after all, it was three against one.
"Hey! You! Break it off!" A feminine voice distracted the mugger from the fight.
It was a young woman clad in jeans, and just a jacket. How you weren’t freezing in so little clothing they had no idea. You looked weird to them as wearing glasses at two in the morning. Who does that?! One man came running towards her only for her to use the wooden stick she supported herself with her,in a flash it turned to what seemed like a staff which she spun in a perfect circle before hitting the man with it on the knees. A sick crack echoed throughout as he fell down to his knees with a scream.
This diverted the second man's attention towards you as well,successfully enabling Tony to knock out the first one with the back of his own knife. With all eyes now on you the man ran towards you. You raised you right-hand in front of him,and astonishing thing happened,shocking even Tony,Roots began to spring out from footpath wrapping around the mugger's feet as they slowly traveled up towards his tight,traveling over to his other legs. You swapped your other hand in the air, which seemed to have moved the man in the direction towards the wall which he hit with a loud thud. There Ivy Leaves miraculously began to grow out for the brick wall wrapping themselves around the mugger's arms and legs,enabling him to move until at least the police found him or one of his partners woke up from their positions from the curb.
“Are you alright?” You turned towards to an awed Tony looking at you with his wide and brown puppy dog eyes.
He only nodded as you felt you way closer towards him. You held out your hand to him to shake. “Y/N,Y/N L/N.Nice to meet you..”You trailed off, in the end, not knowing his name nor his face.
“Tony Stark.” He shook your hand. His hands were calloused and rough from all those years spent in the lab.
“Iron Man.” You stated more than you asked.”Why did I have to save Iron Man from muggers?” You chuckled.
“Yeah about that. Thanks.”Tony scratched the back of his neck.”Perhaps a better way to thank you would be over coffee?” He asked confidently. He was Tony Fucking Stark, for crying out loud, why would anyone ever refuse him.
“Some other time,” You smiled the darkness that had forever impaired your vision. “Can you give me my walking stick? I can’t see it.”
Tony hurriedly grabbed it and handed it over to you. “A pleasure to meet you Mr. Stark.” You smiled one last time at him before you tapped the stick cum staff on the floor and vanished with a whoosh and a gust of wind. Tony couldn't believe it, you had literally disappeared into thin air. How was that even possible? He thought to himself, “At least give me your number!”He shouted out to no one. Had this been all a hallucination? No, it wasn’t looking at the man still tied up against the wall proved it.
With a new purpose, Tony walked bak to his tower,this time without any occurrences. He was dead set on finding you with only a name.
*a few days later*
Tony proved himself and was successful in finding you.After days spent in his tech lab,he used all his databases and all of SHIELD'S to stalk you down to the hospital room you were born. While this may have seemed creepy and stalker-ish to others,ton Tony it was either all of nothing. His research led him to your workplace, where he was determined to meet you and take you out on a date.
In other words, it led him to The Xavier Institute of Higher Learning formerly know as Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. No, you were not a student there but actually a teacher there who taught Botany and Economics. It was a weird combination, but  it was yet another thing which motivated Tony to find you and meet you again. So here he was standing outside your classroom waiting for the class to be over. Tony had called Xavier before to inform him of his arrival,hence why none of the security was alarmed. The bell rang and out stamped a group of teenagers pushing and shoving at each other. While most did not pay heed to the legend standing beside their classroom door, those who did whisper amongst themselves. Used to the stares and the whispers Tony ignored the kids and entered the room once it had cleared out.
It was a simple and spacious classroom with plant covered shelves and other various things. Exactly opposite the door were panoramic glass windows to let in enough sunlight to illuminate the whole room as well as a door in it which led to the greenhouse. When Tony entered your back was turned towards him. You heard someone coming into the room and passed it off as a student, who probably forgot something while you cleared out the board for your next class. A throat being cleared caught your attention and you raised your head to where the noise came from.
"Hello again."Tony greeted.
"Hey!"You greeted back, surprise evident in your tone.
You sensed him walking towards your desk where he halted.
"Perhaps that coffee now?"He asked with any hesitation what so ever.
You threw back your head in a laugh. After all this time he still wanted a date? But you also sensed a certain hopefulness and determination in his voice and so,you said yes to the billionaire standing in front of you.
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tu1i · 5 years
Hickory Dickory Dock
Summary: [Y/N] Stark learns how to deal with her father's death- but it’s very hard for her. 
Requested: Nope
Word Count: 2,700+
Pairing: (Platonic) Stark!Reader x Tony Stark and Stark!Reader x Peter Parker
Notes: MY FIRST FANFICITION. ignore all the grammatical errors and my past/present tense difficulities. my first post got deleted and it had 102 notes so PLEASE SPREAD THIS AND SHARE THIS! everything italicized is a flashback!  
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Hickory, dickory, dock, the mouse ran up the clock; the clock struck one, the mouse ran down, hickory, dickory, dock.”
The poem repeats in her head as she watches the blood drip down the drain. It trickles down her arm, tickling her fingertips. Her eyes, once filled with hope, is as soulless as it could be. She stares at herself through the mirror. The pain is gone once again—at least until it isn’t. There are loud bangs on the door, a faint male voice telling her to open it.
“[Y/N]- please open the door!” His voice cracked with fear. He is begging her.
“Daddy! Daddy!” A high-pitched voice exclaims. She sounds excited.
“Yes?” A calmer voice answers the young girl, walking towards her. She was tucked into bed.
“Sing the poem again!” The little girl demands. It was her favorite nursery rhyme. The man chuckles.
“One more time [Y/N], and then it’s bedtime.” He assures the child as he begins to recite the poem.
“Hickory, dickory, dock, the mouse ran up the clock;” Her father paused, smiling at the child before continuing. This was it. This was all he ever wanted in his life.
“—the clock struck one, the mouse ran down, hickory, dickory, dock.”
Both the father and child giggled together. Joy filled in the room. The father stands, kissing the child’s forehead. She wanted to protest. To tell him to stay forever with her. But she didn’t. She remained silent. He closed the lights and walked out of her bedroom, shutting the door behind her.
“Go to sleep, or I’ll sell all your toys.” She hears her father faintly behind the door. The little girl giggles and tries to fall asleep.
Silent cries escape the poor girl’s mouth. The pain has settled in. Not the physical pain, but the emotion. The physical pain doesn’t hurt her. It’s a pain she’s dealt with before. She’s immune.
It’s the type of pain that fills the void.
The type of pain that numbs the heart.
The type of pain that lets her forget.
“N-No...” Her voice trembled as she ran over to her father. She can’t tell what he’s propped up against. [Y/N] stared at him. His eyes looked soulless. But he seems scared. She can tell he’s not ready to leave.
“We won Mr. Stark, we won...” Peter said to his mentor. His voice cracks as he looks at Tony Stark. Pepper helped up Peter and then kneeled down to her husband.
“You can rest now.” She whispered But he can’t. It’s not fair. Pushing aside Pepper, [Y/N] leaned down.
“No daddy...you can’t go!” She sobs into his chest. She’s 16 now.
“Hickory dickory dock, the mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one, the mouse ran down—“She began to recite. So silent that only he can hear.
“—Hickory dickory dock.” Her father whispers as his last breath escapes his chest.
“I love you 3000.” She sobbed louder, repeating “I love you” silently in her dad’s arms. Peter helped her up, embracing her as tight as he could. She couldn’t breathe. That’s what real pain felt like.
That was one week ago.
“[Y/N]..please...” The voice is softer now and she can tell who it is. She bandages her arm slowly, unlocking the door. She hesitates to open it but reluctantly does.
Peter Parker.
The love of her life. They together vanished when Thanos snapped his fingers.
They were on a bus, heading toward god knows where. [Y/N] rested her head against Peter’s body—his arm wrapped around her. [Y/N] ’s eyes were closed, but she faintly heard something. She looked out the window to find a spaceship shaped like a donut.
She looked at Peter and watched his hair rise on his arm. He quickly looked outside and then immediately at [Y/N]. They both knew what they had to do.
Peter tried to grab Ned’s attention by tapping on him. Peter couldn’t take his eyes off the spaceship.
“Ned, hey, I need you to cause a distraction.” Ned took out his earphones and looked outside.
“Holy shit. We’re all going to die! There’s a spaceship!” All the students stood up and looked outside. There was fearful chatter about the spaceship. [Y/N] and Peter both escaped the bus when they found the chance. Peter jumped from the bus and swung from the bridge and into the city. [Y/N] touched her necklace which turned into a full body suit, similar to Pepper Potts. She flew into the city, trailing behind Peter.
Loud cries escape her throat. It was uncontrollable. She collapses in Peter’s arms, looking for some sort of comfort. He strokes her hair letting her cry into him. She pulls away from, letting her arms rest on his chest.
“I-I’m s-sorry...!” She was full on weeping.
They arrived as quickly as they could. They both saw Tony about to get attacked in the park and rushed toward him. Tony was against the ground when Peter stopped the alien’s shield from impaling his mentor.
“Hey man. What’s up, Mr. Stark?” Peter asked. Tony looked to see Peter saving him from immediate doom. [Y/N] chuckled at his causality and tried punching the gigantic alien. It lost its balance for a moment.
“Hey, dad!—“She was cut off because the alien threw her across the park.
“—Guys where’d you come from?” His voice was laced with concern.
“A field trip to Moma!—“Peter said before he was chucked as well and fell on top of [Y/N]. She groaned but flew in the air when Peter stood up using his web shooters to grab onto the alien.
“That was today?” Tony asked himself.
“Uh, what is this guys problem, dad?” [Y/N] asked while both she and her father used their repulsors to blast the alien.
“Uhh he’s from space, he came to steal a necklace from a wizard,” Tony spoke.
“A what now?” [Y/N] asked, watching the monster throw a car toward her and then Peter shooting webs at it to redirect it back to the alien.
He knew the pain was terrible. But he didn’t realize that it was this bad.
“Shhh...” He whispers in her ear. His heart broke as he watches her cry. Tony Stark meant everything to her, and now he was gone.
“Daddy? Daddy? What’s happening?” [Y/N] asked softly. She was crying, looking at her hands and then to Tony.
He turned to his daughter. Bits and pieces fell from her. He ran toward her, wanting to hug her.
“[Y/N], please don’t.” He whispered, a tear falling from his eye. He wished he never let then come to space. He wished they stayed on Earth. Because at least on Earth they would’ve been surrounded by everyone they love.
He wanted to protest. He wanted to tell her to stay forever. But he didn’t. He knew there was no use. She collapsed to the ground.
“Hickory dickory dock.” [Y/N] whispered as she started to fade, looking at her father. He knew that it meant, “I love you.” She didn’t know what was happening, all she knew was that she was disappearing. She was going somewhere, and she knew she wouldn’t like it.
“No—no, no, no!” Tony screamed as he tried to catch her remains. More tears fell from his eyes. Then he heard Peter.
Peter stood there as he watched the love of his life vanish. He felt empty, but he knew he’d be joining her soon.
“Mr. Stark.” He paused. “I don’t feel so good.” The words escaped softly from his lips. His voice was cracking, tears filled his eyes. He tried to walk to Tony. He looked at himself, wondering if what just happened to [Y/N] would happen to him.
“Are you alright—“
“I don’t know- I don’t know what’s happening...” Peter cut him off as he collapsed into Tony’s arms.
“I don’t want to go, I don’t want to go...Sir please, I don’t want to go—we have to save [Y/N].” Peter was crying now.
“I don’t want to go.” He repeated as Tony helped him down. Peter’s eyes were puffy, and he looked at Tony.
“I’m sorry,” Peter whispered as he vanished. At least he would be with [Y/N].
Peter is in grief as well. He woke up with night terrors but [Y/N] always was able to soothe him back to sleep. [Y/N] never shows grief in public. She was numb after it all—or at least that’s what everyone thinks. She was there to calm Peter, that was it. He matters more than her, that’s what she believes. All Peter could do was hug her again.
Everyone was at the dock. Except for [Y/N]. She was near the lake, watching them float her father’s reactor. She was under a tree watching her mother clutch onto Morgan, her little sister she met days ago. Everyone was there. Steve Rogers, Peter, even Harley made it.
It said, “Proof that Tony Stark had a heart.” But he always had a heart.
[Y/N] looked down. She played with her necklace, looping the chain between her fingers. He made it especially for it. It was her suit, after all.
On the back of the small reactor, it was engraved.
“For the best Iron-Girl in the entire universe.”
She giggled, remembering when he gave it to her. It was the first time she smiled in a while. It was a birthday present, of course. He always gave her the best gifts. She took a deep breath and inhaled.
“Hickory Dickory Dock. The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one, the mouse ran down, hickory dickory dock.” She whispered to herself.
She always wondered why her father would recite the poem to her. It was something that stuck between the two.
This was the first time he saw her cry about his death. After the funeral, she didn’t speak for days until, today. Though she was there for Peter she never physically spoke. It was too hard for her. She knew that if she did, she would break down crying. She couldn’t put Peter under that pressure to make sure she was okay. She wanted to be strong, but instead, she just crumbled slowly.
It was just Thanos and Steve. Everyone was down. That was at least until the first portal opened. Thousands of Wakanda’s mightiest warriors stepped out. More and more portals opened up. Tony stood watching everyone in awe.
And then [Y/N] and Peter walked from a portal, ready to attack. A determined look on both of their faces ready for the war at hand. They stole glances making a note to themselves to give each other a kiss after it was all over.
As they fought both [Y/N] and Peter found their way to Tony.
“Hey!” Peter gasped for air as he smiled jumping toward Tony. [Y/N] chuckled, as she flew to the ground, helping her father up.
“I bet you missed me, right dad?—“
“Holy cow you will not believe what’s been going on.” Peter cut you off. [Y/N] rolled her eyes at Peter’s awe. He tried to catch his breath before continuing. They might’ve been dating, but Peter still idolizes Tony.
“You remember when we were in space? And we both got all dusty? We must’ve passed out because we woke up and you were gone.” [Y/N] couldn’t help but laugh at Peter’s rambling. It was adorable. She squeezed her boyfriend’s shoulder as he continued to talk.
“But Dr. Strange was there, right? And he was like ‘It’s been 5 years, come on they need us!’ And you know that sparkly yellow thing he does all the time? Wait, what’re you doing?” Peter asked as Tony ignored everything Peter was saying to hug both of you.
“I’m guessing that you did miss me.” You said, signing into the hug.
“Huh, this is nice,” Peter said as he let go of Tony. Peter left to go help get the gauntlet.
“We’ll catch up later!” He yelled running into the distance.
Before Tony went back to fighting, he looked at his daughter and smiled. He squeezed her shoulders, he couldn’t believe she was there.
“Take a photo, it’ll last longer.” She commented. He chuckled.
“I can’t believe you’re here.” He said.
“So what, you had another child after me? I have a little sister—or least that’s what I’ve heard.” She smirked at her father. He nodded.
“Her name’s Morgan.”
“Morgan, huh?” [Y/N] smiled. Tony then clapped his hands together.
“There will be time for pictures after. We have a war to fight.” [Y/N] presses her reactor for her helmet to come back on her head. They together flew up into the sky.
“[Y/N], why did you do this to yourself?” Peter asked in the silence. He was still hugging her.
She pulled away from him.
“I wanted to be with him.”
[Y/N] watched her father try to pry the gauntlet off of Thanos. She wanted to get up, and help but she couldn’t.
Thanos flung Tony off of him as if he were a bug. She silently gasped, trying to stand up.
“I am, inevitable.” She heard Thanos say.
“No...please no.” [Y/N] whispered, closing her eyes and clutching onto Peter, hoping not to get dusted again. Then he snapped his fingers.
Nothing happened. She opened her eyes, and nothing had happened. She stood there confused, and let go of Peter.
Thanos looked at the gauntlet. The infinity stones were gone.
Then [Y/N] looked at her father. She covered her mouth as she watched the stones burn him. It was hurting him, but he didn’t care. He let the power consume him. Everyone knew Tony wasn’t powerful enough to take the damage to the stones.
“Please no...dad...please.” [Y/N] mumbled.
“And I,” He paused.
“No.” [Y/N] said.
“Am.” She shook her head with disbelief.
“No.” [Y/N] repeated.
“Iron Man.” Tony finished his sentence. [Y/N] shrieked as he snapped his fingers.
“NO!” She cried, running toward her father. Peter held her back, knowing she could get caught in the crossfire. She collapsed on the ground but was engulfed in a hug.
“It should’ve been me. I had the gauntlet last. I should’ve worn it. I should’ve snapped my fingers.” [Y/N] cried Peter’s arms.
Then, she looked up and ran over to her father.
That was the one time, she wished he wasn’t a hero.
That was the one time she wished that her father stuck to making weapons and that was it.
That was the one time.
“He’s in a better place now, [Y/N].” Peter murmurs into her hair as he hugs her. He pulled away again for a moment to look at her.
“I promise,” Peter said and took her hand. All she could do was weakly nod. Together, they walk into her bedroom where they sat on her bed.
Peter pulls out a USB. [Y/N] wants to question what it was, but all she did was watch him. Peter plugs the USB into the computer and presses play to the recording that comes up.
“Hey, kid. You were dusted away. And so was Parker. Now I’m stuck on a ship with the blue girl, and she’s been no fun. I bet if you were here, you would kick my ass at paper football.” Tony paused, laughing. “I left you Stark Industries. Can you believe that? In my will—I left you Stark Industries. I knew that being a superhero had its price, but I never imagined losing you.” He shook his head.
“Don’t worry. I will get you back. And I’ll get Parker back. I’ll get all of you. I swear.”
[Y/N] knew he was crying now.
“Hickory Dickory dock, kid.”
He really did try to get you back at first. But everything he tried didn’t work. He had to move on. He knew if he didn’t, things would only get worse.
“Where did you get this Peter?” [Y/N] looks at him.
“Pepper gave it to me...” He says looking with sad eyes. [Y/N] nods at him and hugs him tightly.
She understood now. Why she and her dad always said “Hickory Dickory Dock.” When she was younger, her dad used to tell the poem when she was mad. Not a lullaby, but instead the nursery rhyme.
Instantaneous it calmed her down. The poem reminded her of her dad. When she grew, it stuck. Sometimes they said it jokingly, but sometimes they meant it as “I love you.”
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skeletonwoman · 8 years
Falling (Avengers)
this is a fic that is about the avengers as a group and it was going to be a three part but at this second i’m only confident on one part so expect nothing. thanks.
You grimaced, staring at the white of your thigh. It’s likely very bad that you can’t feel this, can’t feel the searing heat that should be there or the little leaks of blood that’re escaping. Only a couple leaks, luckily. That’s the point of burning the flesh, so the blood doesn’t leak out. Not that you’d been bleeding before you’d been hit with a flamethrower to the thigh at point blank range.
Not the point. What’s also not the point is that you definitely shouldn’t have tried to take on a flamethrower guy on your lonesome, as Steve has so succinctly pointed out over comms at least a dozen times already, but it’s always best to set the scene.
Maybe that’s a bad thing, thinking you’re setting a scene. It’s just your head, and there’s no one else around, nor are you even speaking aloud. And this isn’t a show or movie or book or anything like that. Do burns effect the way a person thinks? Is it like when you go mad with pain? Strange considering you can’t feel any pain. Or not much. There are little shallower burns around the edges but that’s not the point.
“And I swear, every time we let you try and fight without a buddy something goes wrong! How- Dammit- How are we supposed to trust you on a mission if you can’t keep yourself from getting wounded to the point of needing time off?” Steve roars in your ear, the twang and screams elicited by his shield as it flies from point to point wherever he is the background to your undressing.
The twang and screams elicited by his shield as it flies from point to point wherever he is the background to your undressing? Now all you can think of is doing a sexy strip tease to a backing track of Steve in battle. A hip bump with every grunt, arms flying high and sliding down your body to the sound of a dying mans scream.
“Lay off the kid, you know she’s still learning.” Tony pipes up, his voice sympathetic but you’re barely focused on the conversation right now. An ant is crawling up your hand.
Bullets tear up the earth a few feet from you and you frown at the sight. Why does man have to destroy the earth? What has the earth ever done but feed and clothe us?
Tsunamis, tornados, earth quakes and volcanoes.
“Ha! That’s right.” You giggle, cringing at the high pitched noise of your laugh. Like a keen or a squeak. Hysterical sounding, almost.
“What the hell kid? I’m trying to stick up for you.” Tony snaps and you shake your head, trying to refocus on the conversation through the comms.
“Sorry? What?” You mumble, raising a dirty finger and lowering it slow motion toward your burn. Maybe if you prod it, you’ll feel something. A crumb of dirt drops from your palm, landing on the cloth left covering your thigh and someone shouts across the field.
“She knows she’s being an idiot, she admitted it.” Steve growls and you blink at the empty field.
“Steve, shut up.” Tony snaps, worry in his voice. “Kid, what’re you thinking about right now?”
Steve’s voice starts up again, only to be shushed by Tony once more and radio silence fills your ear.
You rack your brain, what do they want you to say? Are you supposed to provide humour for the group? Is this a sombre moment? You were barely listening.
“It’s strange how geese have teeth. I’m not sure if ducks have teeth but it’s worth looking into, don’t you guys agree? Oh, and there’s an ant and he was on my shin before but he’s on my knee and I think he wants to eat my delicious crispy flesh.”
“Please tell me you haven’t eaten any of your burned skin?” Clint begs, the sound of someone gagging coming through the comms.
“No, I haven’t. Should I? Is that… Is that how I’ll be able to feel again cause right now it’s like my leg is… It’s like my leg is dizzy.” You wonder, hearing a soft curse run through the line in your ear.
“I’ll see you in one minute, Y/N, and we’re gonna get you on the jet. Where are you?” Tony asks softly, his voice soothing and you yawn at the cadence. Nice.
“Same spot. Never left, I sort of felt vomity so I sat down and then everyone sort of ran off. Probably didn’t want me to be sick on them.” You laugh, only for the sound to die and your eyes to go wide. “Help, guys. Help.”
“What? What?”
“The ant is nearly at the wound; it won’t heal good if there’s an ant bite on it. Hurry!”
“Oh my god.” Natasha groans and you can’t help softly and bitterly mimicking the sound. A thud sounds as a red and gold robot appears before you.
“Hello, are you real?” You frown, beaming as the bot nods its head. “You’re an AI, you’re so cool!”
“Please be still, Miss.” The automated voice rumbles, kneeling and scooping you into its hard arms. “My scans show you have received third degree burns to two thirds of your left thigh. I have been instructed to take you to the jet, do you object?”
“Nope.” You smile, patting the robots glowing heart happily and trying not to squeak as you’re jostled into the sky.
“You do realize that this could be grounds for you to be taken off the team.” Pietro sighs, and you pout at him. What’s the point of having a beautiful boy on your bed if he’s gonna talk?
“Of all the things I could live without, fighting for my life on a weekly basis- if I’m having a good run, is high on the list.” You shrug, running your fingers through his hair and gazing at him. How is he so pretty? It has to be the hair with his dark eyebrows. Art.
“You’d leave the team?”
“No!” You laugh, the offense and outright amazement in his voice comical. “I’d never leave the team while they’d have me. But I hate running all the time, I hate being so bad at this, I just hate being constantly sick.”
“You love bed rest!” Pietro counters and you laugh, flopping back against the pillow and trying not to visibly wince.
“I love bed rest because I am loved. What I don’t love about bed rest is being in pain. Even lying here with you, mostly still and doing nothing but talking, is utterly exhausting and it feels like someones running lines along my thigh with a dull razor.” You mumble, your eyes drifting around your bed before you push against the mattress, sliding yourself further down the bed and setting your head on your pillow. Pietros eyes meet yours levelly on the other pillow and you avoid his gaze.
“Y/N.” He mumbles softly and you shrug, holding out your hand and interlacing your fingers.
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When Monsters Attack
fandom: Stony (Steve x Tony), post MCU Avengers Infinity War
warning: THIS CONTAINS SLIGHT MCU Infinity War spoilers - although it doesn’t give away more plot than the bits you could learn from official movie spots and trailers,
summary: The fight in Wakanda left an impact on Steve, and his mind decided to play a trick on him.
length: 825 words
a/n: inspired by this prompt! I was thinking for a long while how to write this and I think that in the end I wrote a half decent fic. good job, me *pats own back*. hope you like it!!!
When Monsters Attack
"Cap, if those things circle the perimeter and get behind us, there is nothing between them and Vision."
"We better keep them in front of us."
"How do we do that?"
"We open the barrier."
Steve's breath stopped. He looked over at T'Challa who was already giving an order. If they opened the barrier… Steve didn't want to think about it. They had one thing to do. Keep Thanos away from the mind stone. It was the only thing that mattered. He was meant to die a long time ago, but he kept surviving… He will survive this too.
"On my signal. NOW!"
A small opening appeared in the barrier and hoards of alien creatures started to pour in. They had only one mission. To kill.
Steve ran to the front, seeing T'Challa with the corner of his eye. Black Panther rushed into the battle, taking aliens on his own, vibranium claws clashing against the tough exterior skin. A wide mouth, full of sharp teeth. Four arms, ending with claws. The aliens were out to kill.
Initially, Steve mistook it for screams of pain and battle. The more monsters made their way through the barrier, the more clear the sound became. It wasn't screaming. It was…
It was laughter.
He saw his friends and Wakanda's soldiers, tackled to the ground, the aliens on top of them. Four arms roaming over the bodies, making their way under the armor and clothes, not to tore the flesh but to tease it. Some aliens used one set of hands to hold their victim down, the other one to torment.
Steve looked around the battlefield, seeing their forces being taken down one by one, in a midst of screaming and laughter. No one was standing a chance.
And then he saw an alien charging right on him, taking a leap. Four hands reaching for him and an ugly smile full of sharp teeth.
"WAH!!" Steve jolted up, covers falling down. It was dark and cool and yet, he was sweating, the screamed out laughter still ringing in his ears. It was just a dream. A nightmare.
"Honeeeey. It is okay," a gentle voice and a warm hand guided him back to bed. Steve lay down on the pillows, wiping the sweat off of his forehead. Just a dream, just a dream.
"Tell me what happened," Tony asked, turning on his side and stroking Steve's heaving chest soothingly. Sometimes it was better to let it out as quickly as possible.
Steve took a long breath, feeling the covers around him and being soothed by the darkness and the person next to him. It was in the past. The battle did happen, but it was nothing like his dream. They were safe now.
"Remember the fight in Wakanda?"
"Um. No, not really. I was in space back then, remember?" Tony asked, sounding minimally amused with Steve forgetting that they had been apart, fighting their own battles.
Right. "Uhm, well. I told you we fought aliens in Wakanda, right?"
"So… I saw it again. I was there again."
"Oh, baby," Tony said softly, moving closer and draping himself over the soldier, fitting his face in the crook of Steve's neck. "It is fine now. It is all in the past. We all are safe."
"I know," Steve gulped. It took a lot of effort and sacrifices, but Thanos was no longer a threat. They all were safe. They were Avengers once more. "Just… It was different this time."
"How different?"
Steve gulped again, already feeling embarrassed. He told the story.
"Tickle monsters?!" Tony screamed out, sounding a bit too amused for Steve's liking when he had finished telling his dream. Steve sent him a dry look and Tony smiled sweeter in apology. "Sorry. Ah, I don't know what you ate before going to sleep, but you won't have any more of that."
"I know, I know," Tony apologized again, rubbing Steve's flank soothingly. "It was just a weird dream, Steve. A very weird dream."
"It was weird."
"Even if it was just a dream, I am happy I wasn't there."
"Me too," Steve agreed, closing his eyes to sleep and feeling calmed down. Talking did help. "You would be the first one to be taken down."
"Heey!" Tony laughed, pinning his fingers into Steve's side and squeezing quickly, getting a short burst of laughter out of the soldier. "You are not immune yourself, you know!"
Steve twisted a bit to look better at Tony and at the shining smile in the darkness. He pecked his boyfriend's nose, hearing a small, happy giggle, and held Tony closer, calling it quits for tonight. Tony let out a content breath and hugged to his soldier, just happy with the closeness. They were together once more, and no matter if it was an alien dictator or a tickle monster, along as they were fighting side by side, they had nothing to fear.
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usernamesarebitches · 6 years
Can anybody hook me up?
I need some good, wholesome, fluffy (for the most part, maybe a little angst), Tony Stark imagines/oneshots. Recommend a series if you want but I need some good Tony stark fanficition imagines. Not the reader is tony's daughter and is dating Peter. I've seen hundreds of those. No i want Tony x reader. Please recommend either imagines or bloggers who post really good ones. Anything, I'm desperate. Help fill this empty fluff needed hole in my heart.
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ironmess · 6 years
fanfic writers: fuck that trailer was angsty.... but it could be angstier 😈
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hymn2000 · 5 years
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road - Alternate Ending to Avengers Endgame - for snarkofstark - C1
Alternate ending to Endgame, aka The Film That Should Not Be Named. This was done mostly to the headcanons @snarkofstark sent me about what happens (should have happened) at the end of Endgame. I have put my own twists on it, as per this disclaimer:
I have never written Pepperony before. Ever. I’ve hardly ever even written Pepper. As some people may know, my main fanficition verse is Frostiron and Spiderson, so there’s clear reasoning there. So, please excuse Pepper’s characterisation errors, and see this also as reason for Peter’s heavy involvement/presence. (Because, at the end of the day, when given free reign, I’ve gotta do my own thing). Also this was a bit of a rush job, and it’s probably not what you were looking for, so apologies on that front too. HMU
Oh, and lastly - Akki - this DOES mean you have to listen to Goodbye Yellow Brick Road by Elton John. More than once (it gets better the more you listen to it) (and this is far from being the weirdest song I’ve ever sent you)
You can also find me on AO3
Warnings/themes: alternate ending, illness, injury, PTSD (mentioned), family, recovery, hospital stuff, general mental health stuff
Chapter 1 - I Should Have Stayed On The Farm
The bright white light of the hospital room was almost ethereal. Everything seemed fuzzy at the edges. 
Tony became aware of the weight of someone sat beside him, and opened his eyes properly. He managed to focus, just for a moment, before tears blurred his vision. 
"... Pepper..?" 
"Oh Tony" Pepper's voice cracked as she spoke. "Hey. Hey darling, I'm here. I'm here" 
"... What happened?" 
"You saved the world" Pepper said, kissing him on the forehead. "You're ok, you're here, I'm here. You're going to be fine, I promise"
"Are you hurt?" 
"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Let's focus on you. You always did like being the centre of attention"
Tony peered up at her. “...Thanos?”
Pepper shook her head. “Everything’s ok. We won. You won”
Tony looked at her, searching her face for any trace of a lie. Despite his reservations, he believed her. He looked round the room, at the monitors next to the bed and the power strip on the wall above it. He knew this was a hospital.
“Where’s everyone else? Who else was hurt? Oh god, was-”
“Tony” Pepper put her hands firmly on his shoulders. “Tony, everyone’s fine. That fight? It was a month ago”
“What? How could it have been a month ago?” he struggled to sit up, and then cried out at a shooting pain in his right hand. 
“Tony! Tony, listen to me. You’ve been in a coma. You collapsed after you used the gauntlet”
Tony blinked at her. “A coma...”
Tony looked at his hand. It didn’t look too bad, truth by told. Shiny, deep red in places, obviously on the healing end of serious burns. Scarred. He could see that, the closer he looked. The scars round his wrist were deeper, more obvious, branching further up his arm. He couldn’t stop looking. He touched the scars gently with his good hand, grimacing at the feeling of the crevices and the unnatural smoothness. He ran his fingers up his arms, trying to work out where the scarring stopped. He reached his shoulder, and could still feel the scars. 
“...I need a mirror”
“Pepper, I need to see”
He touched his face, his fears confirmed as he felt the scarring on his jawbone, extending under his ear and down his neck. He looked at Pepper.
“Pepper. Please. I’ll have to see some time”
“I just don’t think this is a good idea” 
Even so, she took a small compact mirror out of her bag, and hesitantly handed it to him. Tony took a deep breath, and held it up. His breath caught in his throat as he looked at himself. It wasn’t just the painfully obvious scars at his jawline, or the thin scar across the apple of his cheek that was a shock: he looked dreadful; pale and sickly and thin. Oh, but those scars. Sure, they could have been worse. Sure, they could get better over time...
His reflection grew shaky and blurry, and no sooner had the first sound escaped his lips than Pepper’s arms were round him, holding him almost painfully tight. 
“It’s ok. You’re ok” she said, trying hard to be reassuring despite her own tears.
Tony didn’t believe her this time. He just clung to her and cried. He felt so wretched, so mixed up and so sick, and so ashamed.
"May! May, I need your car!"
"Peter, you can't drive" May said, and then saw the look on his face. "What is it?"  
"H-he's awake..! He's awake!" Peter said shakily, phone in hand. "Ms Potts - uh, Mrs Stark, she just called" 
May hugged him tight. "Oh Peter, that’s fantastic! But are you sure you shouldn’t give them some space?"
Peter shook his head. "She said I could come down. May, please. I need to see him" 
May held him at arms length, looking into his tired, pleading eyes. She smiled slightly, and nodded.
Peter felt sick as they approached the hospital. Truly, dreadfully sick. 
“H-hey, maybe this isn’t such a good idea” he said. “Maybe we should-”
May took hold of his hand, holding it tight. “We’re here now. It’ll do both of you some good to see each other. It’s been a tough month”
Peter looked down at their clasped hands, took a deep breath, and carried on walking.
Peter didn’t seem to notice the monitors. He didn’t seem to notice the tubes and wires and charts. All he saw was the person propped up in bed, who seemed to have sat up just a little bit straighter when the door opened.
“Mr Stark?” 
All of a sudden, all his words caught in his throat. He’d been rehearsing what to say for weeks, and now he was here, he forgot everything. May gave his hand an encouraging squeeze before letting go. Peter looked at her, and back at Tony.
“You’re awake.. You’re awake! How are you? I’m sorry I haven’t got anything for you. I thought I should, but I didn’t know what” he found himself looking frantically between all three adults. “You’re supposed to, aren’t you, if you visit people in hospital? Maybe I sh-”
“Peter” Tony interrupted. “Come here”
Peter looked at May first, who nodded. He went over obediently, although his legs felt like jelly and he was surprised he didn’t trip.
“Mr Stark, I-”
Before he could finish his sentence, Tony had reached his good hand out and pulled the boy close, hugging him tight. Peter wasted no time in hugging him back, burying his face in Tony’s right shoulder. He was trembling all over. With some effort, Tony just about managed to wrap his right arm round the boy too.
“Hey, are you crying?”
“Maybe a bit” Peter admitted, taking a deep juddery breath inwards. “I’ve been so scared”
“Stop it: you’ll set me off” Tony said. He closed his eyes, just for a moment. “You can’t get rid of me that easily”
Peter laughed tearfully. He wasn’t sure what he was feeling. He moved back slowly when Tony released him, staying on the edge of the bed. Tony looked at Pepper, who hadn’t moved from his side. He reached out and held her hand in his injured one.
“Thank you”
“I knew you’d want to see him” she looked at Peter. “Thank you for coming”
“Wild horses wouldn’t’ve kept him away” May said, approaching the bed.
Tony looked up at her. “Good to see you again, May”
“It’s good to see you, too” May said. “You gave us all a scare”
“Yeah... Thank you”
“What for?”
He nodded at Peter. “For bringing him”
He noticed Peter hadn’t taken his eyes off him, and he suddenly grew self conscious, remembering the scars on his face.
“What are you staring at?”
“I’m just so glad you’re ok” he swallowed hard. “I-... I love you, Mr Stark”
Tony felt Pepper squeezing his hand. He glanced at her, and then rested his good hand on Peter’s cheek, stroking his cheek bone gently with his thumb.
“I love you too”
Peter leant into his touch, putting his hand over Tony’s, not daring to speak again. 
Peter looked at Pepper. “I’m sorry”
“Hey, it’s ok” she said. “I’ve barely stopped crying all morning”
Tony suddenly startled. 
“Mr Stark?!”
Tony looked at Pepper. “Morgan”
“She’s with Happy. They’re on their way”
As if on cue, the door opened. Peter stood up, moving out of the way. 
The little girl ran across the room, jumping onto the bed and straight into her father’s arms. Tony held her as tight as he could without hurting her, making sure her head rested on his left shoulder. He squeezed his eyes shut, but the tears still leaked out under his lids. 
“Have you been good for mummy?”
“Uh-huh” Morgan said. “And for Happy”
“Has he been taking good care of you?”
“Yep. He bought me cheeseburgers”
Tony laughed slightly. “Good”
Happy rested a hand on Peter’s shoulder, making him jump.
“Hey, it’s just me” he said. “It’s... Well, it’s good to see you here”
Peter nodded tearfully. “It’s good to see you, too”
May put an arm round Peter’s shoulders. “Come on”
Peter looked over at Tony hesitantly. 
“He needs to be with his family” May said. “We’ll visit again soon”
Happy gave Peter’s shoulder a squeeze, and offered him a slight smile. 
“See you in a few days, kid”
Eventually Morgan tired, and Happy took her off. It was late. Tony lay in his hospital bed, Pepper close at his side. They were quiet for a while, deep in thought, just grateful to be there together. 
“What are you going to do now?” Pepper asked eventually, her voice sounding strange after the long silence.
“Focus on getting discharged” Tony said. “I’ll think about the rest later”
He rested his head against hers, breathing in her sweet scent. He hadn’t known anything while he was unconscious, but he’d still managed to miss people, and things. Muscle memory, he guessed. It didn’t matter. He’d undone Thanos’s attack. He was alive. Bruises, scarred, different, but alive. His family and friends were alive. That was all that mattered. From now on, that was all he should focus on. Everything was going to be ok.
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fanaticwritings · 7 years
Fanfiction Shenanigans [Steve Rogers x Reader]
Requested by: @luxdxvine (I can’t tag you for some reason??) :: The avengers bring the reader and Steve together through fanfictions written for just them.
A/N: I couldn’t stop writing this fic and it’s kinda dragged and veryyyy long, therefore brace yourself. I apologise in advance and thank you for bearing with me. (Criticism welcome.)
Tony Stark strutted into the common room of the avengers, a place where they all hungout when nobody was on a mission. His patent smirk was plastered on his face as he sauntered into the midst of the other avengers, with the exception of you and Steve Rogers.
“What you got up your sleeve, man?” Sam asked, noticing Tony and his grin.
Bucky, Natasha, Clint and Vision looked up at the philanthropist while Wanda busily dealt cards to everyone.
“What I’m going to tell you is more fun than any game of cards you’ve played,” Tony declared, whipping out his phone.
“Please, Stark, we aren’t interested in the new tech you’ve come up with,” Natasha commented.
“It’s not tech, although that would be something. Anyway, it’s about Capsicle and Y/N,” Tony divulged.
“..Really? The fact that they’re attracted to each other? Old news, Grandma,” Natasha said casually.
Bucky looked at Natatsha in horror. “WHat?”
“Ol’ Buck doesn’t know,” Sam interjected.
“Everyone knew? Why didn’t I?” Bucky questioned.
Everyone shrugged at the soldier who looked a little angry.
Tony cleared his throat and continued,”Well it is obvious they’re in love but they’re not doing anything about it and it’s making me crazy. I decided that we must take matters into our own hands.”
“We’re listening,” Nat and Wanda said in unison.
“That’s the spirit,” Tony said, a wider smirk playing at his lips.
You entered the room to find the avengers sitting huddled around Tony who was talking. Your eyes automatically started to look for a particular avenger but you shook your head. You had to stop.
You walked to the huddle and everyone whirled to look at you, a grin on most of their faces. Your forehead furrowed in confusion. “What’s up?”
“It’s nothing,” Tony blurted quickly, starting to put the phone he’d been reading from into his pocket.
Just then Steve entered the room and you stiffened. Why he had this effect on you, you’d never know. But one look at him, his perfect greek-god like built, his kind blue eyes and perfect lips and you were a goner.
You turned your focus to Tony, trying to no think about Steve who walked over to stand beside you. That wasn’t helping.
“I want to know! What were you guys reading?” you demanded.
“It’s nothing, Y/N,” Bucky said, sounding unconvincing.
“Do you want me to use my power to take it from you, Tony?” you commanded.
“Alright alright,” he deadpanned. Steve looked at him questioningly. It was very unlike Tony Stark to give into commands so easily.
“We were reading Captain America into Psych fanfiction,” Tony admitted.
Your jaw dropped. Did Wanda tell everyone? Only she knew about your little crush on Steve. So this is what it felt like, being stabbed in the back with a knife.
“What’s a fanfiction?” Steve queried, his brows knitting in confusion.
“Well..it’s something people or rather fans write. They write fictious stories about people or events that they would like to happen,” Natasha explained.
Steve still looked puzzled. Meanwhile you were sure you were going to drown in embarrasment.
“We were reading fanficition about you and Y/N,” Sam added.
You almost expected Steve to start laughing at this absolute stupidity but all he said was,”They want me and Y/N to happen?”
Where was the nearest balcony? You ought to jump off one.
“Yeah well,”Tony said, trying to keep fom smiling.
Steve glanced at you and judging you by your neutral expression he said, “Well it’s not like it’s real or anything.”
Whoever said about words not harming anyone. What he said made your heart clench with sadness, you always hoped he’d like you back but here was the truth, waving at you in your face.
Hurt, you managed to croak,”Yeah, keep reading Stark, this should be fun.”
That’s right, hurt yourself more.
Tony, obviously enjoying this, obligied immediately. The other avengers sat themselves around him, while you found a place next to Wanda and Steve squeezed himself between Bucky and Clint.
Clearing his throat, Tony continued where he’d left off, “Y/N lay in Steve’s arms, as the soldier whispered silent prayers into the night. Y/N was barely breathing. Steve brushed her hair off her face and caressed her cheek. ‘Please, don’t die,’ the avenger said. ‘Please, Y/N, I love you.”
Tony paused for a second and you wanted to strangle him. Steve glanced at you and you looked back, his face, unreadable.
Why were they doing this? Was this a joke to them? Steve clearly didn’t know and didn’t share the same feelings. It was merely a passtime for him. But hearing everything you wanted to happen aloud, was humiliating. But you were brave, you couldn’t let Steve know.
“Why are you reading soapy, dramatic stuff? Isn’t there anything that’s fun?” You asked, putting on an impassive face.
“Ooh the lady wants fun,” Clint said, grinning at you. You smiled back at him, hoping nobody could hear your heart thudding against your chest.
“Here’s something fun. Do you want me to read smut?” Tony questioned, his eyebrows arched and mocking.
Bucky, Sam and Clint burst out laughing, Nat following in a second later.
Congratulations, you played yourself.
“What’s smut?” Steve asked, earning a groan from everyone.
“It’s sexual intercourse and everything​related in writing, Mr. Rogers,” Vision piped and Steve’s eyes widened at the mention of the word. His ears redened and he couldn’t bring himself to look at you. Nor could you look at him.
“Not​ that. Go on to something else,” Steve muttered.
“C'mon Capsicle,” Tony urged and before waiting for an answer, started to read. “Lust and love blazed in Steve’s eyes as Y/N stood before him, dressed in satin lingerie.” That earned some giggles. Your head was going to burst, you thought.
“Pining Y/N against the wall, Steve planted small kisses on her neck and moved onto her jaw, illiciting a moan from the beautiful maiden. Y/N pushed herself against the soldier, her hands grasping at his hair. Steve slid his hand up her thigh and Y/N shuddered at his touch.”
Wild fantasies involving the blonde soldier were storming in your brain one after one and if anyone read your mind they’d take you to be christined immediately.
Just when you thought​ things couldn’t get worse, Steve said,“ That’s not how I’d do it.”
Everything went dead still. You looked at the avenger and blinked. He wasn’t looking at you.
And then the other avengers started to scoff, Bucky whistling and Natasha winking at Steve.
You chuckled a little but your mind was already racing with the thoughts of what he would do and you hated yourself for it.
“Wanna write your own fic as to how it would go, Stevie?” Tony teased.
“No thanks,” Steve said, blushing.
You tried to gather yourself for what was yet to come.
“Y/N ripped the shirt off the Captain, and drank in the god-like built of her lover. She pulled him closer, biting at his lower lip. Steve slipped the satin straps off Y/N’s shoulder, his touch burning her skin. Steve trailed kisses down her neck and moved to her bre-”
You couldn’t take it anymore. “That’s enough,” you said through gritted teeth.
Steve looked at you, he looked a little humiliated too…and was that sorry written on his face?
Tony looked scared for a second and then joked, “Atleast the fictious Steve’s getting some action.”
Steve’s face redened. You almost laughed but caught yourself…the others however, not so much.
“Steve, c'mon man, there’s got to be someone you like,” Sam asked, punching him playfully.
Steve remained silent. So the others, obviously moved on to the next victim, you.
“And you, Y/N?”
Of course there was someone. Of course you wanted to be with him. And obviously you couldn't​ ever have that.
“Yeah, there is someone,” you muttered.
Steve looked at you, a puzzled look on his face. You glanced at him and saw something like jealousy flash over his face. You blinked. All this fanfiction reading was playing with your mind.
Bucky scooted over to you. “Is it anyone we know?”
“Uhuh.” Why were you answering?
“Is it anyone in this room?” Clint piqued.
They all knew. Traitors.
“Uhuh.” you breathed, not looking up.
You managed to glance at Steve. He was absolutely still and watching you carefully.
As if noticing your glance at the Captain, Natasha plodded, “Is it our beloved Steve?”
You were going to die. “N-no.”
You could swear Steve looked crest-fallen. He cleared his throat and said, “I just remembered, I have some work to do.”
He stood up and left, heading to the balcony.
As soon as he left, Wanda scrambled over to you and exclaimed, “What are you doing?!”
“Go talk to him you stupid thing!” Bucky cried.
All of them were talking over each other, asking you to go confront Steve. Tired, you stood up and reluctantly followed Steve outside.
“Can we talk?” you called after the broad soldier.
He turned around and squinted at you. He nodded and beckoned you over.
Without thinking about the consequences or anything you marched upto him and began, “Listen, you’ve been a great confidante and friend. But everything I said back there was true except for the fact that.. that it is you, Rogers. I’ve been hopelessly in love with you for sometime now and I understand if this is not the case for you but all this,”-you gestured vaguely- “just made me want to tell you everything. I’m sorry if this is too awkward for you.. I just had to do it.”
Steve looked taken aback for a second. He blinked a couple of times before his beautiful blue eyes crinkled as he smiled down at you.
“I was heart broken when you said no to what Nat said and couldn’t take it anymore that’s why I had to walk out. The truth is Y/N…I’ve been in love with you for quite some time now too,” he confided.
You couldn’t believe your ears. The man of you dreams was actually in love with you too? You could almost cry. You, however, hugged him instead, burying your face in his hard, warm chest.
“FINALLY!” you heard Bucky scream from the door to the veranda. You heard a roar of laughter and giggles errupt from his side.
“Oh give us a moment​, you guys!” Steve hollered but he was smiling.
Just as Steve leaned down to kiss you, Nat yelled, “I think I’ll write a fanfiction about this!”
You smiled against his lips and kissed him.
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silverspiderwrites · 6 years
new fic!
hey i wrote an angsty fic about peter dealing with the loss of tony!! 
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