#transition tattoo
transandproud87 · 1 year
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Today I went to Dodge City and sat for my 2nd tattoo session on my chest. 😁 I have at least 1 more appointment, but have 2 scheduled, just in case. 😊 there's not too much more left to go... I can't wait till it's done!! It's so awesome already.
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sydsixxftm · 2 months
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Thanks modern medicine for my transsexual body
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sualne · 5 months
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was checking my emails before going to bed only to find out my endocrinologist casually scheduled an appointment at long fucking last
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psihawaii · 16 days
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whatever. mashup week megamix if the host was awesome.
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erratickidd · 2 months
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no-more-rqs · 20 days
controversial opinion: dissomei is just as shitty as transid, but in a different way
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that-trans-lad · 1 year
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Bought a tattoo pen, watch um add up.
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
Bodily autonomy extends to people doing things with their bodies that you, personally, do not like.
One thing I am very tired of seeing is people spreading the idea that certain procedures or bodily adornments should be outlawed simply because they don't think it's "right." For example, I saw a person spreading a person's nose job result around, saying it should be illegal to do this procedure. But we have no idea why this person got it. You can absolutely criticize beauty culture without resorting to spreading peoples' image without consent, or shaming individuals who recieve certain procedures. Additionally, you can encourage individuals to reflect on their choices and why they want certain things, but you cannot expect them to ultimately conform to what you think is best.
We can advance the idea that all bodies are worthy inherently and no matter what, but we ought to continue to do so regardless of if that body has had changes made to it. "Your body, your choice" as an ideology extends to making choices others don't like.
Again: When you don't own your body, you own nothing.
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beevean · 11 days
The fact that after eight years I decide to relearn to drive, a skill I technically don't need as of now but will grant me the illusion of freedom (I can't wait until I'll be able to go to the beach by myself <3), and the fact that my mother has been complaining for three days that I cut my hair shoulder-length because "you should make yourself prettier, not uglier like this, I bet you only cut it because you're lazy and don't want to waste time drying it but you should let it grow ass-length because you'd be so pretty", are probably connected.
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marleylola · 5 days
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You all just missed a banger live on OF. 🥰❤️
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fenfuck · 5 months
What I need some trans folks and gnc folks to understand is that I totally understand havin pride in your scars and I think it's fuckin stellar to do so and by no means do I think that trans folks should HAVE to do cover-ups and shit but at the same time folks gotta stop criticizing folks for getting cover-ups or attacking them because they think it's giving into transphobia or some shit. Yes feeling the need for the sake of your well-being is terrible to have to deal with but sometimes it's mandatory for your safety. Alternatively sometimes it just fuckin looks cool. Some folks don't have the safety and privilege to "stick it to the man" and be openly queer. If you can that's fuckin kickass and awesome. Do it. I love that. If you can't? Doesn't make you weak or cowardly or complacent. Stay safe out there and have compassion for your trans siblings. Be visible for the folks that can't. Don't shame them for not having that same privilege.
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gideonthefirst · 21 hours
man i really. two years ago stars were awesome because they're stars but the audiences were lackluster it wasn't quite what i had invented in my head over eight years of loving them. but this was PERFECT....literally so extremely exactly what i'd always pictured for the past fucking decade of desperately hoping to see them someday....there is nothing like them in the whole entire world forever and ever i feel CRAZY!!!!!
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jelbertie · 2 months
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When I was 18 I got a snitch tattoo. When I told my mom she said “what if you don’t like Harry Potter when you’re older?”
I believe I was very clever in responding: “I don’t think it’ll matter. Harry Potter has had such a huge impact on my life, and this snitch can represent that.” After all, I was about to move to Scotland because of a friend I made at a Harry Potter convention. And it would only continue being more and more relevant - my best memories at university were in the Harry Potter society. I was the President. I met my future husband there. I learned so much about myself from my experiences in that community.
And even outside of myself, Harry Potter has always been a beacon of morality to me. The idea of love being the most powerful weapon, that it’s not who we are born that makes us who we are but rather who we choose to be.
Then JK Rowling revealed herself to be terribly transphobic.
It was like a trapdoor opened beneath me. This woman who had been such an inspiration for my whole life was spouting rhetoric that was absolutely revolting and that I fundamentally disagreed with. Not only that, but part of the reason why I disagreed with it was because of the books she had written.
I have met so many wonderful trans people through Harry Potter communities that are so strong, and inspiring, and funny. They deserve so much more than a series whose author seems determined to attack them at every corner. And it sickened me that other trans people may not read me as safe because of a tattoo I got on my ankle 8 years ago.
And so today I am covering that tattoo up. It feels like the end of an era, and like I am saying goodbye to a part of myself. But ultimately, it is worth it. My new ankle kitty is going to guide me forward to a place where Harry Potter can’t follow me.
And in the end, 18 year old me was correct. Harry Potter has had a profound effect on my life, and if it was just about ‘liking it’ then this kitty would be on another part of my body. But it’s bigger than that now. And I can’t stomach being physically connected to Harry Potter anymore.
So Harry. Goodbye.
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superbattrash · 1 month
My dentist: no new meds right?
Me: nope
Dentist: and you quit smoking, yeah?
Me: I lost my job actually so um I’ve kinda been smoking a little again….
Dentist: you know the speech
Me: yes ma’am
Dentist: keep it to a minimum, okay? How are you doing? That must be so stressful for you
Me: 🥺🥺🥺 ‘m ok
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balls-on-my-face · 2 years
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my buddy forever 🌟
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danothan · 8 months
me: idrc abt top surgery, i could go either way so why bother with the expenses if it’s not that important to me
the brainworm living in my head: but if you get top surgery, you could also get lightning bolt scar tattoos like barry
me: i could also get lightning bolt scar tattoos like barry…….
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