#trauma programming
unwelcome-ozian · 3 months
i dont mean this in any agressive way im just curios..... how do you trust the info youre getting? ive seen enough to believe and know that the gov and organizations are involved in human trafficking/child trafficking and reading up on their confirmed mind control etc experiments i am certain they are still engaging in a lot of deranged crap. that being said, the book youre citing a lot - chainless slaves and many others, the authors have been discredited. a lot of it reads like fanfiction to me to an extent. again, i think there is a 98% chance such a thing as organizations inducing did in kids for a variety of reasons exists. i have seen enough to know code and symbols are used (my own father who trafficked me used a series of them). but all this info on different programming kinds alpha beta etc etc..... how do you trust the source of all this info? again sorry i dont mean for this to come across as some sort of way im genuinely asking and curious as to the validity of the information known
I spend time sorting through government documents, other research documents, and listening to survivors and their experiences.
You’re right I do quote Chainless Slaves a lot as a source. Interesting that it reads like fanfiction to you. I believe the author of Chainless Slaves to be a reliable source. I will work to find other sources to quote from. 
There are several sites that provide information on alpha, beta, delta…Etc. programming. I encourage you to do the research and come to your own conclusions regarding the information and sources.
As you stated you think there is 98% chance this sort of thing exists. You spoke about your own experience a bit. I’m not going to doubt what you shared. I’m not going to ask you to prove your experience. As you are a survivor of extreme abuse. Your symptoms are proof, your experience is proof, and your memories are evidence as well.
No worries about the ask. 
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the-bren-system · 2 years
hey there! if you dont mind me asking, what does programmed mean coming from a traumagenic system? ive only ever seen endos use that one so im curious what it means to someone who Legitimately has DID. /gen thank you! :-)
Hi, I'll answer this the best I can.
Programmed means that someone has undergone trauma programming. It's not exclusive to dissociative systems either - a singlet can also be programmed.
If you've been trauma programmed it just means that somebody has purposely used a more "organised" form of abuse to change or control you, and it leaves an imprint on who you are.
In systems this can mean having alters who behave in a way / have an identity that suits an abuser's preference, but it can also be done to singlets in small ways such as an abuser programming you to have a phobia of something.
But essentially, it's when an abuser has purposely used abuse and/or stressors to change the way you think or behave.
Honestly I don't know how an endo could claim to be trauma programmed bc that would mean they're not endogenic. To be programmed you literally have to undergo immense trauma that's how it works. But that's what it means anyway.
- Leo
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eyeofthenewt1 · 9 months
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-to be whole again-
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loungemermaid · 1 year
Thinking again about how Peeta gets sick from the train food, that it’s too rich for him, that he lived on stale and burnt bread, that he might have had materially enough food but not the right kinds. Thinking about how malnutrition is a spectrum, and food insecurity looks different in different households. That yes, he might not be one missed meal from starving to death, but that his teeth are probably weak. His mouth probably breaks out in ulcers when he eats fresh fruit. That he probably snuck down to the bakery when he was hungry and all there was were spoonfuls of sugar or jam. Maybe he had to take cake scraps to school for lunch, and how awful that would be, because it looks so luxurious but it’s not. How he probably loved when his dad bought one of Katniss’s squirrels because it was so fresh and alive, so unstale. Thinking a lot about food insecurity.
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chemicalcarousel · 1 year
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wynandcore · 18 days
Okay lemme go crazy for a sec
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Season 2, episode 9: Guilt
When Tron’s simulation machine malfunctions while he’s attached to it, Beck has no choice but to manually figure out what’s wrong, getting transported into Tron’s system. Time for a trip down memory lane.
As Beck travels through Tron’s system, things start to freak out, as it slowly starts trying to fit Beck into these simulations so as not to disrupt or alter them. This leads to him being put in some weird positions.
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When Beck finally gets to the dream simulation that led the machine to malfunction, he finds a horrifying sight.
If Tron doesn’t stop, he’ll end up not just hurting his subconscious.
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sys-thoughts · 6 months
Friendly reminder
You can choose to not have a stance. You don't need to have a stance on everything. It's okay to choose to not have an opinion on discourse. It doesn't make you stupid, or indecisive. It might just mean you aren't educated enough, or it's a topic you aren't really bothered with.
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unwelcome-ozian · 7 months
hello, hope you’re all well! I wanted to ask what kind of base programs would be used in a sophisticated/large child trafficking ring? I know your book chainless slaves focuses on government TBMC, so I wanted to ask what sort of programs other than the basic don’t talk and sexual programs would be used here.
There are a large number of base programs that are used. For example, here are a few of the programmes under the “A” list.
Access Programs- Allows access into the alter’s internal system. These programs allow the handlers and programmers to access the alter’s system through a specific alter. Access is achieved through triggers, hand signals, electronic tones, spoken phrases, and touch. Once accessed, other programs may be triggered and/or reinforced by the handler or programmer. (Base program) Access Denied Programming- Prevents unauthorised access both externally and internally. This program will often be reinforced by either or both suicidal/homicidal programming (base program) Alpha Programming- The system is trained to be in total alignment with the programmers’ agenda.The goal of this type of programming is to create the framework of ‘blank slate’ alters. Regarded as general Programming for internal programming alters. (Base Program) Amnesia Programming- The alters will be programmed with amnesia as a backup. Backup amnesia means the part doesn’t remember that they lost time, or won’t remember that they forgot what has occurred. (They won’t remember that they don’t remember) Two-way amnesia can be used, where neither part knows about the other's existence. Can also be used to disrupt therapy to make the subject forget their trauma or what they were attempting to share. (Base program) Anger Management Programming- Teaches the person to redirect their anger away from the handler and programmer. The individual will be provoked by one of these figures until they are angry. The question is asked, "are you angry?” When the person replies, in the positive an electroshock is applied. The individual will be brought to a high level of anger allowed to ‘cool off’ for 30 minutes. The individual and alters are taught to redirect their anger toward themselves. “When you (individual) are angry it is due to your weakness.” “You must___ (cut, hit, burn) when you are angry. Do you understand?” This message will be repeated with the question "Do you understand?" The person is traumatised until they are compliant. (Base program)
Here’s a Link to a list of some internal programmes.
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ram-like · 3 months
caution post on ethan/dreamkingdomaine
please read the edit 2 at the bottom
a few weeks ago, in the beginning of february, ethan messaged one of my friends on tumblr to ask if he wanted to make a private discord server to talk. at this time, ethan's tumblr said he was 41 years old, which he then confirmed in a message with my friend. his (my friend's) tumblr bio says that she is an adult, but doesn't dictate his full age.
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ethan messaged him on discord, again confirming that he is fourty-one, but stopped messaging & unfriended him when my friend said she was 18 & therefore they shouldn't be talking.
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however, ethan then changed the age on his account to 24.
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he then messaged me, asking a very similar thing, however whilst he claimed he didn't realise my friend was 18 (and in a later message, that much of the tumblr did community is <25) my age is very obviously stated in my bio (and I am 17 years old, making me a legal minor.)
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ethan has not messaged any of my other friends on tumblr, who state that they are adults in their bio, & i don't know the extent to which he has interacted with members on here.
his behaviour therefore is incredibly predatory seeming, particularly the changing of his reported age, & i presume he was operating under the assumption that me and my friend didn't know each other and therefore wouldn't discuss this.
ethan's discord user ID is 339913311573245954. i advise everyone who owns or moderates a server focused on did/trauma that's available to find on tumblr to preban him, especially if there are minors in your community, and block him on tumblr. this is not the behaviour of a responsible & trustworthy adult.
* edit/note: based on the blog history, this person has likely been doing this for YEARS. there are no other accounts with that name easily identifiable online, so this tumblr is likely a burner account. they have a year long post history of disappearing for a matter of months, and then coming back to ask people to DM them or message them on discord, presumably also messaging people in a similar manner to how they are now, originally in the roleplay community but more recently in trauma communities. and a reminder that again they are lying about their age after being told it was an uncomfortable difference by a young person they were attempting to privately speak too. please watch your interactions with this person.
* edit 2: as it turns out, this person has actually been a notorious predator in roleplay communities for years, with a long history of commission fraud & repeatedly requesting nsfw or rape-based plots. here's a post about his actions: https://www.tumblr.com/traumadreaming/743234181974425600/strngher-archived-despite-having-not-posted?source=share
please bear in mind the google docs in this post are EXTENSIVE and contain triggering materials at basically all points.
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Litteraly everyone in this podcast knows WAY more than they're letting on and it's driving me insane
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aiscapades · 2 months
the unnamed mc believed their curse formed a holy groupmind.
if mc's curse affects everyone the same way, is it too presumptuous to say they may have killed several people? maybe even hundreds if their temple served a larger population?
they may have used their curse haphazardly, convinced distorting the minds of others was somehow a good thing.
but what if the curse doesn't affect everyone in the same way? mr chokey was jeff-the-killer-ified due to it, but maybe that doesn't happen to everyone. if it did, why would any religious organization think it appropriate to use on its patrons? unless it's a very out-there cult, i suppose + it's also not unheard of for sermons to get a little crazy (speaking in tongues, exorcisms, snake churches, etc) so maybe unnamed mc's superiors thought the curse's effects appropriate after all?
so then how many people did they touch? just a few? dozens? hundreds? did all those touched have to be killed, or did they kill others? was every sunday at church a bloodbath???
how much blood is on the unnamed mc's hands????
did the alchemist and the hound have specifics like that in their background? lmk pls!!
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yb-cringe · 9 months
YKNOW WHAT not to throw out an idea to contridict my own idea but it Is interesting that qjaiden starts to panic only after she considers breaking the rules. she cannot do it, she starts to panic and back herself into a corner and sweat and shake and says she feels weird and not right somethings going on and has a pit in her stomach—
i just wonder if she physically CANNOT break the rules. like some part of her knows the consequences, can acknowledge how bad it would be considering just after this she talks about needing a game plan, needing to not fuck up.
its just a sudden switch that i genuinely i dont think she CAN go against cucurucho. like in some way or another she just Cant break the rules
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scavangers-daughter · 4 months
Transramcoa people stop cross tagging in RAMCOA tags challenge
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many-but-one · 6 months
is it okay to ask for advice with working with higher-ups/inner reprogrammers? we’re making good progress with one, but do kinda worry that we’re moving too fast or will screw it up
Yes, it's alright to ask this. And there are multiple asks with this similar question, so I'll use yours to answer all of them. I'm not going to go too deep into how to unravel the beliefs that IPs have because they can vary so much. This is more going to be related to how you can gain their trust so they are willing to begin the unraveling process.
How to work with higher ups/IPs:
The very first thing I will always say is radical acceptance. Parts don't do what they do for no reason, they do things because they were taught to do them, even if those things are bad. Higher ups and IPs are often some of the most traumatized parts in a system, who hold some of the highest forms of manipulation that the group did upon a system, and they deserve love, support, care, and understanding just as much as any other part. They may reject this at first, they may fear this at first, they may lash out at this at first. This is usually because they believe they don't deserve it, they aren't allowed to have it, or they feel guilty for the "bad" things that they have done and believe that they do not deserve redemption. This is not true. Helping them understand this is not true is important.
Make sure parts are less isolated from each other, if it is safe to do so. A lot of the times, IPs and higher ups stay rigid in their feelings and opinions because they are isolated in those opinions. If they are only around other parts who hold those same feelings and opinions, it becomes and echo chamber and all of those parts will not be able to unravel those beliefs. Some of our most successfully deprogrammed parts have deprogrammed because they had support from both outside of the system and inside of the system. We often assign them protectors or caretakers to be like a buddy for them, someone that can handle if they lash out and will understand that if they lash out, it's unlikely because of anything that part did but out of fear. Radical acceptance and love and care is going to be so important here. It's not easy, but you have to stick to it.
Help them find new jobs that benefit the system rather than harm the system. A common theme for our IPs is "well, if I don't do this, what else do I do? What else am I good for? I'm nothing if I don't do this" etc etc etc. Finding them a different job in the system will help them find a better purpose than causing harm. All parts do things for a reason, and if that reason doesn't exist anymore (like not being in contact with abusers anymore, or not needing a certain program to run for your own safety anymore) then they can feel very lost and confused. Parts, unsurprisingly, like being helpful and useful if they can be, they just need the motivation and support to be able to change course.
Remember that no matter how awful an IP is, what they do is out of protection of the system. Hear me out on this one, please. Yes, HC-DID systems were not made to benefit the system. They were made for benefit to the abusers. However, regardless of this, all actions that IPs take are to keep the child safe, even if those actions put the child in harm's way in the end. Some examples of this include: 1) a callback alter going back to the abusers because they believe that if they do not go back, they will be punished. They may not have the foresight to understand that going back will be harmful to them, their main goal is to not be punished for not going back, so they go back to avoid that punishment, 2) a beta (sex) alter allowing sexual assault to happen because if they try to fight back, that will cause more harm in the long run. If they are conditioned to pretend to enjoy it, they may even do that, because if they didn't back then, then they would have been punished. So while they are putting the body in harm's way by allowing SA to occur, they are also trying to protect the body because if they don't allow it to happen, even worse punishments will occur. 3) a gamma (loyalty) part is programmed to be loyal to the abusers. If they were not loyal to them in the past, they would be punished. So no matter how loyal they really are, they more than likely will hold a facade of being extremely loyal and wanting to serve the abusers to avoid any punishment that will occur if they don't.
Overall, it's very important to help IPs understand that this is the present day, and that you are away from the abusers, and that the abusers will never know that they aren't doing their jobs (unless you have active reporter parts, in which those need to be addressed before anything else) and that whatever the abusers told them to make them think they would know when they aren't doing their jobs is just part of a Big Lie to get them to be compliant. Reminding parts that they didn't deserve the pain they were put under and that they can change and that the system will accept them no matter what they've done is imperative. Holding grudges against parts who have hurt you is kind of par for the course, but still doing your best to accept them regardless of what's happened in the past is ***required*** for healing and deprogramming IPs.
Hope that helped a bit! :)
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requiemsystem · 6 months
TW for discussion of abuse and torture, including an example of physical abuse a discussion i had with my therapist inspired me to make this post, we were discussing my experiences with abuse and calculated abuse and at what point that becomes torture. i want to preface this post by saying that i dont want to make this into trauma olympics, trauma is trauma, regardless of if you experienced abuse or torture note that this is just my opinion, i am not the final judge on whether or not something is abuse or torture, this is just what i discussed with my therapist and the conclusions i came to as an abuse and torture survivor abuse is usually done impulsively or out of anger/frustration, such as a parent hitting a misbehaving child to get them to behave. it tends to be less calculated and a lot more spur of the moment. while abuse can have a goal, the goal is not as calculated and planned as in torture torture is much more calculated and is done with a specific purpose. this purpose can be anything, such as extracting information, punishment, or simply causing suffering. torture is planned abuse, all torture is abuse, but not all abuse is torture - grey
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sys-thoughts · 3 months
The problem with survivors who are still hurting making content about their trauma, is that they sometimes cannot understand what is okay and what is not okay to post online.
The community has sadly normalised and validated intense trauma dumping without the proper tws.
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