#trauma teens tm
computer-gummy-worm · 25 days
id love it if deltarune asriel had a bit of flowey in him. not in a KILL EVERYONE KILL EVERYTHING way but like, just a bit of that snarkiness, a bit of an attitude, some assholelery in that guy
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heirbane · 7 months
feel free to ignore if you’ve already talked about this before, but i was running prae recently and it got me curious about gaius’s feelings on livia / nero / rhitahtyn? or the xivth in general. :>
i have been roosting on this for. weeks? months? because i have Thoughts and not a lot of them are popular probably lol. long long post below. so!
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Livia and Lucia lived with Gaius after they were orphaned. The wiki gives like one sentence to say they were separated, but there's no linked proof. For the purposes of my canon, Lucia and Livia are identical twins, and fell into Gaius' custody around the age of nine or ten. (Mayhaps they had intended to separate them, but doing so to people so obviously two halves of one soul, as twins are oft believed to be, was cruel.)
Livia and Lucia were Gaius' first children. He was 39 and had spent twenty five years in the military already, a feat both telling of his ability and his early enlistment. Those who made it to twenty summers in the military had their futures financially secured for them. Gaius would never want for anything, and he now felt that he could offer himself up as a mentor figure to those younger... because as a child who had raised himself and had grown up in the military, he believed that all children needed was a safe home, plentiful meals, and education. His coin could provide all of those things.
Gaius scarcely remembered being ten years old. Not from lack of trying but from purposeful forgetfulness, a merciful omission made by his subconscious to truly forget the half-dozen winters spent trying to relieve his mother of her grief and fending for himself. He thinks he remembers being lonely, and cold, and scared. That, he thinks, he can avoid with the twins, even while he's on a tour of duty. He is so resplendently well-off and respected that the girls could attend private lessons and be dressed in the warmest coats.
(Providing the essentials - even to a level bordering on excessive, or stifling - is not a love children need. His first daughters were no better off than he at ten: they may have been clothed, in classes, and being raised by one of the military's finest, but they were still cripplingly alone. It is a knife he had handed all of his children, something he doesn't feel the blade of for over a dozen years.)
Livia was desperately, horridly lonely. Even before the death of her parents, she did not receive the amount of attention and love that she felt she needed. Her parents attention had always been split between her and her sister, and - as is often the case in multiple child households - Lucia was often seen as the more proper daughter. Upon their demise, Livia was left with a flurry of emotions she had yet to truly acknowledge and decode as one would growing up. Without a proper parent to idealize and a healthy, consistent environment to grow up in, Livia gorged herself on any and all attention, no matter how uncouth or unhinged. All attention was good attention.
She idolized Gaius to a suffocating degree. After her parents died, it seemed as if he swooped in and brought them into gilded luxury: she had everything she could have ever desired... but somehow - ... she still felt empty. But she felt loved and seen whenever he was home. She didn't know what she wanted, nor did she have the maturity to know there was a what: she simply wanted whatever scraps of affection he would offer... and never quite grew out of that. Trauma and emotional neglect is a bear trap one does not get free from on their own. Unfortunately, Livia was very much alone.
Lucia fled Garlemald at sixteen. Both girls were enrolled in the military at fifteen - one more willing than the other. Livia made leaps and bounds in a short few years, clawing her way to fight at Gaius' side, where she believed she belonged. Lucia focused on espionage, and used her adopted father's name to her advantage... and fled. Livia never saw Lucia after that, and died not knowing if her sister had ever found what she had sought in the savage lands.
Rhitahtyn, by comparison, was decidedly more a younger brother than son. A half dozen years his junior, Rhitahtyn entered the military not long after Gaius turned twenty-four. Not long after, Rhitahtyn was assigned to Gaius' very first platoon of soldiers ... as those from conquered lands were oft used as a new General's testing group.
Rhitahtyn and other Roe folk often used their native tongue to chitchat when in the barracks or otherwise not under the direct eye of Garlemald... or when they believed their superior to be ignorant of the language. Gaius had been in the military over a decade by the time they crossed paths and had chosen to learn the basics of the tongues spoken by those under his command. Needless to say, Rhitahtyn had choice words for his leader. (Needless to say, Gaius had his own in return. The floors of the platoon's bedquarters would never be nearly as clean as the Roe had made them that night as punishment.)
Despite the bad foot they got off on, Gaius saw promise in the younger man. He remained level-headed no matter the confrontation, already had years of work behind him as a mercenary, and had a sharp wit to boot. As time went on, their footing became less uneven, and Gaius began to see him as a peer instead of a recruit. Time and time again, he chose Rhi to be at his side, much like Nero and Livia.
Rhi knew the rest of Gaius' children. He met all of the Au Ri from Terncliff: he knew the Garlean orphans the man sponsored care for. They all came to see the Roe in a similar light to Gaius, despite the wide age gap between himself and them: to his children, Rhi was but another sibling. (It was Alphonse, still losing baby teeth and learning how Garlean names worked, who stumbled over Rhitahtyn's name enough that 'Rhi' came to be. Only the children dubbed him so. It was not a name Gaius would ever admit to using.)
As it is in canon, Gaius would not have sent Rhi to Cape Westwind to die. He would not have left the grounds to Livia and others. He did not believe the Warrior of Light so strong as to put down two soldiers he had trained himself: he had more faith in their abilities - and in Garlemald - than he had fear of the Warrior.
(As not many survived Westwind or after, it took Gaius many, many years to learn how Rhitahtyn perished - a fact only the Warrior of Light carried with them. He knew he had perished: he knew he had fought until the end. But to know that his brother-in-arms had fully intended to go down in flames with the Warrior of Light - ... to say he has regrets is but a sliver of the truth.)
In a perfect world, Gaius may have set up Nero with one of his daughters. In a perfect world, Midas would not have perished, and they would have happily co-parented Cid. Both Cid and Nero were born when Gaius was in his early twenties, and he sees both men in a similar light, much to Nero's disgust. A little competition never hurt anyone, and each boy's promise seemed to ignite fire in the other.
Much akin to Livia and Lucia, Nero is ... definitely the black sheep. While close to the age of his adult children, the man froths at the mouth when such is spoken, forever rushing to be great in his own right. Nero's sights for the future - his future, specifically - is both endearing and infuriating to Gaius, who sees his soldiers as part of a larger whole.
Unfortunately, no matter how infuriating or offbeat he is, Nero is a genius... but would have still come up short, had Cid stayed in Garlemald. Gaius knows this. Nero knows this, and he will fight until he is near dead to get out of the shadow Cid left behind by simply existing.
(Nero does not know why the shadow remains. He does not know why Gaius is soft-hearted for Cid, or why his voice is so fond for Midas. His relationship with the scientist is a secret only two other people were privy to: Midas' wife, and Cid. By the time Gaius meets Nero, Midas' widow has long since disappeared from under Garlemald's eye... and Cid is presumed dead.)
Had Lucia not fled and had Livia been sound of mind, he does think they would have made a fine lineage, all things considered. However, Livia only had eyes for Gaius... and Nero only had eyes for Cid.
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feiofthefae · 1 year
cw // vent post
my mom: "You need to go to church. Getting up earlier is a decision. If you need more sleep then just go to bed sooner."
also my mom: slept in and not only missed Sunday school, but also the main service
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lieu-rey · 17 days
Inéz Valenzuela, born circa 1882
A teen girl with a propensity to be stubborn, she has a talent for stealing and lacks fear for most things. Her mother, a nun, gave her up to a Catholic orphanage in Nuevo Paraiso, Mexico. The strict rules of the church clashed with Inéz's rebellious nature, and eventually she was forced out of the orphanage to find her own way. Observant and a quick learner with a desire to help people, she aspires to attend school one day and become a doctor despite the hurdles.
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fun facts!:
joined the van der linde gang when she was around 10-11 years old has been with them for 7 years now
has a crush on tilly and is useless about it. tilly has no clue.
close friends with javier. she helped him out alot when he first joined and couldn't speak english yet since inez was already bilingual
her favorite flowers are sunflowers
has some religious trauma(tm). her experiences growing up in a catholic church were,,, bad, to say the least. as a result, she has a complicated relationship with religion.
hotheaded, reckless, and puts on a tough exterior. she's always trying to prove herself since not many people take her seriously.
loves birds and likes to watch them wherever the gang goes
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pencilofawesomeness · 3 months
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The JJK x TWST crossover that started living rent free in my head >:'D
Random Doodle Edition
Ahem, so, uhh, turns out the characters of Jujutsu Kaisen fit pretty well as Night Raven College students, temperament-wise, and that was all the excuse I needed. Yes the ages get funky but whatever. Happy high school AU except they still get cool powers and Trauma(tm). Just less than JJK canon so I count it as a win.
I also may or may not have written an entire oneshot (here on AO3) for some freshmen Satoru & Suguru bonding, featuring me still bullying Satoru over his funky eyes.
Image Text (and me rambling more) underneath the cut
Gojo Satoru (of the Jupiter Clan)
Ignihyde Housewarden Year: Junior Species: Sky Dragon (Fae) Club: Movie Analysis Club Unique Magic: Six Eyes—pretty much just like canon Six Eyes. They can see far and wide and out of normal sight, and they can see magic in a highly detailed manner. They are also powered by magic that just, never stops ever, so he can decrease or increase the power/range at will to a degree, but technically, cutting off magic from them altogether will blind him. Also he has an inherited magic that he by no means asked for, which is, sad drumroll, Gate of the Underworld. (There are no shrouds in this AU, just me finding ways to forever make Satoru instrumental to the well-being of the world to his own detriment. I have waaaaay more thoughts about the "Jupiter Clan of dragons" and what that actually entails, but they are still jumbled and shifting, so. Maybe later.)
Geto Suguru (of the Draconia Clan)
Diasomnia Housewarden Year: Junior Species: Night Dragon (Fae) Club: Equestrian Club Unique Magic: Magic-eater—can consume and nullify any spell and gain its base magic. With minimum side effects. Mostly. :)
Satoru and Suguru are their usual brand of special-grade menaces, being the only two adolescent dragon fae in the world, buttttt they still inevitably become besties. With Shoko too, of course, who has no fear and will mess with them as they see fit.
Suguru is essentially Malleus in this AU, though in Suguru-fashion, he's way more stubborn when it comes to trying to catch up. (Translating him being new to sorcery to being new to technology was surprisingly low-hanging fruit.) Meanwhile I borrowed the Jupiter name/legacy because it was fitting and made the Gojo Clan into a long-lived dynasty of antisocial dragons who fist-fight and deal with Phantoms and recently accidentally became a tech empire, which is pretty close to the Sorcerer Family vibe a la TWST, if I say so myself.
There's definitely a lot of backstory I have in mind for the two of them. Neither of them beat teen parenthood (they are currently Malleus-aged, so 178 years old, but that's still teenagehood for a dragon/fae) and acquired children through various means, much to the consternation of their elders/court. I might develop/write more solid ideas later, but Suguru has a reverse characterization moment when he finds two starved/beaten human children (the twins) and begins his journey of losing all intrinsic racism via love, and Satoru still somehow gets his shit wrecked by Toji (probably a heist gone violent or something) and then finds out he had abandoned children: human Tsumiki and half-fae Megumi.
Nobara Orientation Comic:
Nobara: Obviously, I'm going to get ~Pomefiore~ because I'm elegant and graceful. (And a badass queen, of course)
Mirror: The nature of your soul is... Savanaclaw
(Nobara gets her reverse-Epel moment, but she adapts quickly. Especially because she still comes to have mad respect for Maki.)
Ieri Shoko
Ignihyde Vice-Housewarden Year: Junior Species: Merfolk (Nurse Shark) Club: Science Club Unique Magic: Reverse—rewinds a target to its previous state within twenty four hours. The longer within the range, the harder/more magic it will take, especially for larger targets, so realistically her range is less. (For example, if someone cracked a piece of glass 24 hours ago, Shoko could restore it, but a day-old wound on a living being would be much harder.)
Making Shoko a mermaid was a joke to myself at first but then I liked it and it spiraled and now Nurse Shark Shoko is unironically one of my favorite things that I have drawn. The joke was right there too, but it's mostly fun to me because nurse sharks are docile and apathetic creatures, for the large part (they are still sharks lol), and I think match her temperament well.
Also when Satoru pestered the previous housewarden enough times to accidentally gain the title for himself, he made Shoko his vice (mostly because he trusted her) to make sure he never had to do the paperwork and the boring parts. She makes him do it anyway. To the dorm, she is less of a vice and more of a "dragon wrangler," which is still extremely appreciated.
Zen'in Maki
Savanaclaw Housewarden Year: Sophomore Species: Human Club: Track & Field Unique Magic: N/A—Maki doesn't actually have magic of her own, but she is unnaturally resistant to most magic. She can, however, use magic/cast spells through a magic-capable familiar.
She befriended a phoenix when she was younger, having survived an encounter with a wild youth. (idk what I want the details to be but I think it would be cool if she had some related burns to it, with the idea that these creatures are rare and volatile and hard for normal humans to handle without high magic resistance.) His name is Torch because I don't think Maki would put that much thought into a name, so long as its not completely stupid sounding. I almost named the phoenix Jogo but I refrained for my own sanity.
Inumaki Toge
Savanaclaw Year: Sophomore Species: Human Club: Board Game Club Unique Magic: Reality Speak—pretty much just how Cursed Speech works but with a world-friendly name. Also it can apply to inanimate objects as well. The power and scope of the command is proportional to the magic required.
Toge gets an overall nicer time in this AU because he doesn't have cursed speech 24/7 and therefore can speak normally. Though the idea of him being able to affect people/bend reality with his words does freak people out. I imagine he had a rough childhood nonetheless, because why not, leading him to be less verbal than he would have been otherwise.
Okkotsu Yuuta
Diasomnia Year: Sophomore Species: Human Club: Board Game Club Unique Magic: Wraith Pact-maker—he can enhance/bolster a ghost's magic/presence through making a link with himself. It has to be mutual, and it can last for any duration of time, although actively using the link does require magic. The ghost in question gains magic and grounding from Yuuta, and Yuuta can use the ghost's magic, including their UM, if applicable. He can have multiple links, but the first and main recipient of this magic is his childhood friend Rika.
Between her longlasting connection with Yuuta and her brutal death, she is a more wraith-like and powerful ghost. Her unique magic was to copy other people's UMs, which Yuuta can use through her in short bursts.
I didn't have space nor solid ideas for unique magics for the Hasaba twins and the Fushiguros, so I didn't do full bios for them. Later, perhaps. All of the girls are sophomores and Megumi is a freshman. Tsumiki and Nanako are sharing their social brain cell and trading stories of stupid things their dragon dads/older brothers/untitled guardians have done, while Megumi is helping budding-gamer Mimiko learn Pokemon strats. I love the idea of them all being friends, maybe after minimal difficulty in the girls' first year, likely on account of the twins being a little Sebek-shaped, in terms of wanting to be The Best Guards for Suguru, etc etc.
I technically have way more ideas for other characters and other dorms, but, I will end this here, for now. I am trying to reign myself in lmao.
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emthepotatocat · 2 months
I talked about this during the live discussion but my theory for the reason the RatGrinders where so interested in the Thistlespring Tree and the soil is because by infecting the soil, they can infect the pollen of the plants of Elmville. Then, that infected rage pollen would be used to make the Devil’s Honey that Gertie was talking about. It will then be used to infect the whole school through the food trucks. In their state of rage infection (where they worship the rage god), the devil’s honey would cause their worship and belief to be much more stronger as the infected will have no doubt that they ever worshiped anyone else and will start believing the lie.
I agree with most theories that the party died in the Mountains of Chaos and were brought alive by the rage god, but I find it more interesting how this god is operating. I’m not too sure if they’re directly controlling the actions of the RatGrinders or if it’s by proxy and the RatGrinders can control themselves to some degree, but the theme of loopholes and fairness is still prevalent in this plan. We have seen other gods be changed by their followers, like Cassandra and Tracker’s goddess, but what happens if the followers are essentially mind controlled into worship a certain god? especially one that is unnamed and largely unknown? Their plan is to actively shape the identity of their followers into being rageful and make those followers believe in the lie that they have always worshiped this rage god. Is this a loophole to the way worship in the FH universe works? Because based on what we have been shown, all worshipers were in some degree willing participates in their worship of any specific god, only social pressures and manipulations to keep them worshiping rather than being literally forced. So is this god trying to essentially build a brainwashed rage army to worship them in order to become a powerful god rather than building up followers? Is this rage god buying bots to artificially inflate their follower count rather than posting good-quality shit posts and amassing a loyal fan base?
Going over the whole villain plan so far: KettlePitty CopperFucker already has preexisting rage and jealousy toward the Bad Kids and specifically Riz. Her rage stems from her understanding how she’s an NPC in a DnD game. She’s essentially she’s an incel, wanting the world to revolve around her but not doing what’s necessary and thinking her conflict free life is boring and wanting the trauma of the Bad Kids. The idea of it all was much cooler in Kipperlilly’s head than it actually was for the Bad Kids, and the Bad Kids actually were able to work through that Trauma, leading them to be who they are. Anyway, Kipperlilly is a vulnerable teen who got too lost in her own emotions, and drove herself insane with her own jealousy, making her into the easy target for the Rage God. The Rat grinders’ treck into the mountains of chaos was most likely KipperLilly’s attempt at replacing the Bad Kids’ cool adventures but something went wrong, they weren’t prepared as they lacked experience with big threats, causing themselves to die. They all then chose to be revived by Rage God (TM), minus Lucy who stayed dead and who they hexed into never going into the afterlife as revenge(?) for not following the Rage God. (Begs the question of why they brought her to the Elmville forest rather than leaving her behind?). Anyways they go back to Elmville and slowly begin their plan, consisting of 2 steps.
1. Expel the Bad Kids as revenge.
2. Make everyone worship the Rage God.
The second step is much easier to explain. Kipperlilly sets up the food trucks and establishes them as legit. Then, at Frosty Fair, Ruben was supposed to infect all of Elmville’s soil through his ritual at the Root Guardian, being the Thistlespring residents. As discussed earlier, this would have caused all the soil and thus pollen and thus Devil’s Honey to be corrupted with Rage God and spread amongst the Aguefort student body. This creates a super army of Angy Bois who would all worship this one god. Now I’m not to sure if the ritual actually worked, but this sure seems like the original plan. Also somehow all of this is related to Ankarna and Cassandra and their marriage but I’m not sure how specifically. The Rat Grinders going back to the Mountains of Chaos might be for a ritual or meeting of some kind and we might get to see the Rage God in action as the RatGrinders report how their plan is not doing great, especially with the Bad Kids catching on and surviving. Also the Sky Engine stolen from Fabian’s basement might have something to do with the expulsion plan, but I’m leaning toward it relating to their trip to the Mountains of Chaos.
Now the first step is much more complicated and visible. First time, they try to expel them using the robit principal and catching the Bad Kids doing drugs at the Frosty Fair. This fails due to robit murder. This also leaves a power vacuum and due to Aguefort’s dumbass and Aguefort (the schools) lack of plan Cs, the Class President becomes the true principal in case of emergencies, leading Kipperlilly into furiously campaigning for President to become principal. I’m not sure if this is because she wants to expel the Bad Kids herself, a gun for more power, or something relating to the Rage God plan, or maybe all three? Idk. She is also most likely colluding with Jace Stardiamond, who we can assume gunned for Kristen to be failed for step 1 and for the bot not to be rebuilt for the above. The failing of Kristen also forced them to the Last Stand-ard Exam, where Buddy was probably planted by Stardiamond at the request of Kipperlilly and where Buddy and the Bad Kids were probably were going to be left for dead, hoping they may take the Rage God’s deal for life in exchange for worship and further indoctrination. Stardiamond is may be rage-compromised or is just being manipulated idk.
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mysticstarlightduck · 5 months
Badly Summarized WIPs Poll Tag!
Thank you for the tag, @pluttskutt (here)! This is a really cool game!
Rules: Pick a bunch of your WIPs and summarize them as badly as possible
Tagging - @oh-no-another-idea, @writernopal, @tabswrites, @rickie-the-storyteller, @steh-lar-uh-nuhs, @little-peril-stories, @clairelsonao3, @jasperygrace, @jay-avian, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @aziz-reads, @doublegoblin, @gummybugg, @autumnalwalker, @olivescales3, @junypr-camus, @ashen-crest and @stesierra
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pigeonsgrame2 · 5 months
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Decided to make a complicated diagram of the main people in RB but it’s not gonna fit words so I’m writing everything here. All of the info is going to be the basic info for lack of spoilers and lack of time to write.
Long infodump under the cut:
Obviously, we have the siblings; Hamatos, Umigames, the step siblings. But how are they with each other?
The Umigame twins have a very rocky relationship with each other, but they do need each other and have been each others safety for years.
The step siblings… well. The usual. Kendra manipulates Jase etc. eventually Jase stands up to her though, after mutation.
The Hamatos are mostly the same, but now have new concerns for each other: Leo’s avoidant behaviour, Donnie’s smoking, Raphs meltdowns, Mikey’s tremors. Also, Frida isn’t a Hamato
Then we have the romantic relationships
Aris and Donnie go from strong loathing to severe codependency. They’ll get antsy if they haven’t seen each other for a more than an hour. Jason and Aris go from friends to partners, but Donnie and Jase are very jealous and often are competitive with each other, sometimes even after actually getting together themselves.
Kitsune and Chizu ran away together in their early teens, as Kitsune was homeless already and Chizu was suffering in the Neko Ninja clan. Very in love. They’re wholesome. Judge people together.
Leo and Usagi, the stars of the show, have a very shit relationship. They’re very loving and caring in human form, at first not knowing the other wasn’t truly a human person. Leo struggles with saying I love you, and it hurts Usa a lot, but he tolerates it for his comfort. But in their natural forms things are really… Okay they’re just really complicated and you’ll see
While also dating Sheena, Jennika eventually ends up with Frida and Plato as well. The two end up together as a frenemys to lovers first, and Jenny is an eventual addition. Jenny and Frida work as big mamas assistants together, Frida having worked for her since childhood
Other Relationships
Plato is best friends with Raphael. They wrestle, have feelings jams. She’s also the person she ends up sharing a room with when the Umigames are forced to move in. Aris, however, is intimidated by Raphael, and tries to leave her alone. She scares him.
Plato isn’t too close with Mikey, but they sometimes cook together. Aris also isn’t too close with them but they give him little Dr Feelings sessions, which he used to ignore until meeting Dr Delicate Touch.
Plato is also pretty close with Leo, but they tend to make fun of each other. Since Leo reminds Aris of his twin, he finds him annoying and doesn’t like his company… much. Sometimes he’s tolerable.
Plato doesn’t like Donnie at all. He went from hurting her brother and now he’s in his pants? Hell no! She annoys him a lot. He doesn’t like her either. She’s worse than Leo.
Leo and Donnie don’t trust Frida, and neither does Raph but she… tries to be nice. Mikey LOVES her and considers her family even though she isn’t related to them in the slightest. It’s a lot like the Draxum situation.
Aris doesn’t just not trust Frida, he HATES her. Which sucks, cause if he got past his Big Mama Trauma TM, they’d probably be close friends.
Mikey is very close friends with Jennika and goes to her for intel on Big Mama, Leo thinks she’s dope, Raph sometimes spars with her. Donnie doesn’t like her but they’ll tolerate her presence. She’s useful.
Everyone fucking hates Kendra. Except Kitsune, Kistune thinks she’s cool as fuck.
Donnie has Kitsune steal things for him, and he’s pretty good friends with Chizu because Autism to Autism Communication.
Gen and Raph are also pretty close! They met before the rest of their little teams met each other. Small world.
Mikey likes Usagi, but nobody else in the family trusts him. The boyfriends get NO trust in those families.
Gen took Chizu and Kitsune in when they were younger. His parents were never home anyways. Eventually he decided he was adopting Usagi as a little brother too. They’re family now. You can’t stop him from collecting siblings.
Aris and Chizu made out once when he was 15 and she was 16 and then never talked about it again. They’re casual friends now. Don’t really talk much.
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cosmik-homo · 10 days
Running here to say someone JUST told me they will read death gate, so the pyramid scheme is working :)
I'm really glad I read it, I had a lot of fun! The final books didn't quite hit the mark for me but as a whole it was a really nice series :) what are your favorite parts if you don't mind me asking?
Yayyyy my empire grows!
I've been really rotating in my mind how to answer this, for basically the whole day. There's very much a case here of "the thing you latch on to as a 12 year old is gonna stay with you forever", and this series helped me unlock a lot of things that have become central to my life, from grappling with sexuality and gender in my tweens and teens to. Very actively opening the door to question the Zionist assumptions I grew up with.
And I do think that despite certain pitfalls (looking at you pryan) the politics of the series are pretty cool, for a fantasy shlock- the validation of rage and vengence instincts on the side of the opressed as real and human (as opposed to bestial or barbaric) while also being unconstructive to creating actually better futures to any sides involved, and the necessity of solidarity and empathy and models of shared life and whatnot are all kind of relevant to what I believe and do with local circles.
But more than that, I really love the character dynamics. Haplo's arc is just a really good examination and deconstruction of fantasy masculinity tropes, and its beautiful and cool and explains how toxic masculinity as we refer to it today functions very well for something written before the phrase was coined.
And Alfred...
Ok, I am entirely incapable of being impartial about Alfred "dopamine creator in chief" Montbank but before I go down that rabbithole, i think what I really want to say here is I often feel the way i recommend or advocate for the death gate cycle in itself kind of ruins for others one of the things I like about it the best and the most and find delightful, which is the entire Bait And Switch ordeal.
It's unique, it's fun, it manages Layers, and it's so interesting in it's meaning.
AUTHORS NOTE: I am going to literally physically cut off the incoming alfred rant when it reaches 300 words. i will let myself write it as much as i want cuz god knows i need the serotonin, this is my version of chasing my own tail, and then just cut it at that cuff.
What Alfred means and represents and does and is in the books is so cool, and it's another thing that being fixated on dgc changed for me. I used to enjoy star wars the way a normal person would, once upon a time. It was Alfred-Majoring that made me c3po crazy. cuz its like, what kind of people are important to a story, what kind of abilities and attitudes and emotions and symptoms are "normal" and "good" to have on screen or page, as opposed to how we as people react to traumatizing or difficult situations in real life? He's an active expriment in discomfort with the pathetic in yourself and in others, in empathy, in being allowed to exist and be loved and meaningful Ugly and Weird. yeah in some ways its just an ugly duckling but. the whole swan/dragon side coming to the foorefront doesnt make the duck not there, hes just an extremly wonderful and powerful ugly, neurotic swan and its awesome.
The fact that being outside a system because youre too weak or odd to belong or manage to fit in it brings you unique opportunity to question if it's necessary or good.
I read a lot of margaret weis interviews and she never directly talked about writing alfred but she does often mention she doesnt read a lot of sf/f- her favorite authors are actually dickens and austen, and between that and the prufrock connection tm I wouldn't be surprised if alfred was purposefully designed to be a Literary character dropped into a SF/F story- and its sooo interesting in how it interacts with the genre convetions of power/magic/masculinity/trauma/danger etc.
OK that 278 words but I'm gonna cut it off now, I finished my entire coffee and then some crackers. normal behavior ensues-
On a less Analytical viewpoint of "favorite parts" I will say that the plot, dynamic and Imagery of fire sea is the one I find myself returning to most on a sf/f level - being reminded of it whenever necromantic societies come up, or Life Changing Enemies To Working Together Field Trips, or whatnot- Serpent Mage is i think the best constructed and I am often thinking about the social dynamics Alfred experiences there, and I have a deep and unbridled affection and obsession to the iconic mess of a jumble of a novel that is seventh gate because. sometimes, you just need dragontorture/ xars murderous paternal bedwarding / ghost handhold/ psychicthreesome/ dog based ressurection / closing the gate/ epilogue with children serotonin in life. that was balls to the walls the entire way through. and it rocked.
As i recently explained to a very cool person who ran a lecture on deathgate in a local convention: "When i was thirteen i was like oh i love basing my identity on dragonlance lets go for a fun ride. ooh its kinda slashy yayy. and then the existential teenage conditions hit and i started appreciating the Mental Health Representation, and then the panic attack representation looked me in the eye and said Become Leftist. NOW. we were not joking about the opening your worldview arc it isnt a metaphor this is directly about you. YOU need to fight the horrors in a radical kindness and peace way, even though you have crippling fear, right now. and then i did".
AND there's dogs, and dragons, and gay people devotion. so,
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spongek-squidge · 9 months
Maru Headcannons
Because she’s my wife and I love her :]
TW! mentions of trauma (Vague), the general issues surrounding that household ig
Has always looked up to and wanted to be like Sebastian, but he’s always pushed her away due to his own trauma regarding the whole step-situation with Demetrius
Definitely had a rebellious phase as a kid/late teen (like 15-18 range) but it was less goth (like Sebastian) and more ‘doing things that was cause Demetrius many heart attacks behind his back (eg: having boyfriends, probably having a smoke once but didn’t like it)
The Golden Child (tm)
Very aware and content with her bisexuality, but hasn’t actually had the experience of being in a relationship with a woman yet
Like 19-20 years old when the farmer first moves to the valley
Has definitely put something in the luau that messed up the soup a few times 👀
When she and Sebastian were kids/toddlers, Maru would always be getting into mischief, but Sebastian would end up taking the blame most of the time, even if he wasn’t there when it happened, which is a big reason for the strain in their relationship
Basically what I’m saying is they would’ve been close if Demetrius wasn’t there because they’re both lovable nerds that love technology
I love to imagine that one day Maru just has enough of her dad blaming everything on Sebastian and so goes off at him about everything he’s done to Sebastian and how it’s affected the whole families dynamic, especially between Maru and Sebastian. Robin and Sebastian would be on her side.
Shes definitely the sibling most likely to stand in the others bedroom doorway, say nothing, turn off the lights or throw a pillow, then swiftly leave again
Was definitely a child genius (see MARILDA as my evidence, literally made a sentient robot in her basement????) but stopped showing that in public because she didn’t like all the attention it gave her
This definitely didn’t help Sebastian’s jealousy issues tho, as he just saw her being handed everything on a platter
Which she was but she’s her mothers daughter and doesn’t like getting everything handed to her, she wants to work for what she was
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ao3feed-twiyor · 2 months
A Stella for Mama
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/etAQrb2 by miss__nothing His heart caught in his throat. Suspended in the joyful sight and sound, he found himself mourning a life never lived. An alternate reality that didn't exist, where Westalis buildings still stood proud and tall, and he and Yor met in similarly serendipitous circumstances: the same, but different. The same Yor, the same whoever-he-was, but without the baggage of wartime trauma and the weight of the world on his shoulders...   Yor and Loid reach an important milestone in their 'practice' mission. Words: 5994, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Once Daily Fandoms: SPY x FAMILY (Manga), SPY x FAMILY (Anime) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Loid Forger | Twilight, Franky Franklin, Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Anya Forger, Sylvia Sherwood | Handler Relationships: Loid Forger | Twilight/Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess Additional Tags: Drunk Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Good Uncle Franky Franklin, Good Wingman Franky Franklin, Fluff, Flirting, Light Angst, rated for smoking and drinking, they don't get busy yet sorryyyy, soon tm, First Kiss read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/etAQrb2
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danggirlronpa · 6 months
Which Future Arc fakeout death would you make stick: Aoi or Kyoko?
With (and because of) strong love for her character: Kyoko, in a heartbeat.
DR3 feels incongruous to the games for a lot of people because it centers around very different themes. Where the DR games use trauma and violence as allegory for the common traumas and process of radicalization in teens (in addition to more straightforward uses of violence to examine propaganda and torture porn), DR3 moves its setting to primarily an adult sphere. Teen life, including its abject cruelty, is presented through a lens of brightly colored, rotten-orange nostalgia - or, for the adults with bad high school experiences, presented as dull, gray, and faceless. Instead, it is the side of the adults that is given complexity, depth, and that TV-beloved Gritty Realism TM.
In service of this shift, DR3 doesn't use death in the same way as the games. In the games, death is used as a way of highlighting the tragedy itself; character arcs are cut off midway through and normal teen issues become murder scenes. In DR3, instead, the focus is not on the violence but on the character who is committing it.
DR3 revolves around reflection of - and closure for - the traumas endured as a teenager. To that end, all of the characters are either completely flat to fill the ranks (Daiki, Gozu, Miaya) or have character arcs which their death/survival is a direct part of resolving (Koichi fulfilling his promise to Jin, the tragic conclusion to Seiko, Ruruka, and Izayoi's messy relationship).
With this in mind, not only should Hina not die, she shouldn't have even had a fakeout. Hina's arc in THH is that of a girl whose love pushes her to the absolute extreme of despair - and whose love, similarly, revives her and motivates the enter group to finish the Killing Game with no more deaths. Hina is an emotional lynchpin to the culmination of THH. You'll notice she doesn't get much of an arc in DR3, and that's because Hina's arc has been completely finished; instead, we see her caring for and protecting the people around her, as she has learned to do for the survival of the group. Killing her spits in the face of her arc and removes a key component of what makes the THH survivors function. Which WOULD have a place in a different version of DR3. But in the version of DR3 we got, it's antithetical to the story's goal.
Kyoko's death, on the other hand, is, point-blank, the perfect culmination of her arc. This is doubly true if the series is paired with DRK, but since most English fans haven't read it, we'll just talk about THH on. Kyoko's arc is about learning to rely on others instead of doing everything on her own, and of the divide between logic and emotion. Kyoko is emotionally immature in THH. She overreacts with jealousy when her first friend has a secret, even though she knows it's hypocritical. She sees her father's bones with a detached disinterest, and is overwhelmed at the realization that he was not a one-note villain. For how incredibly capable she is, Kyoko doesn't understand how people work or how to rely on them, and she suffers for it. It isn't until she goes to save Makoto after his execution that we see her truly rely on others - continued into helping him save the Remnants in SDR2.
Kyoko's death in DR3 is the perfect culmination of this arc. An exact parallel to the version of Kyoko in THH who asked Makoto to accept his own death so that she could solve the mystery of the school. With the same cool-headedness that determined she would have to kill someone she cares for to survive, Kyoko makes the same judgment, but with the opposite intention - that she has to die for someone she cares for to survive. From a character who is repeatedly stated to not have an interest or grasp on morality, her life ends with the most selfless thing she can possibly do. It's tragic. It's hard to even consider. It is a perfect culmination of her arc.
And, importantly: it also serves into the greater theme of DR3, which is self sacrifice. Self sacrifice shows up Constantly in DR3 - Koichi for Kyoko, Kyoko for Makoto, Juzo for Munakata; right down to ideological sacrifice, like Chisa to encourage despair and Kazuo to encourage "hope." As the final self sacrifice, Kyoko's death is lent a narrative weight which closes out a story which she, ultimately, was one of the primary drivers of from the beginning.
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flightfoot · 1 year
Was watching a youtuber called Haze Clarke(just found recently) and listening to her reviewing/struggling to review Collusion as a real diehard lover of ML kind of brought into focus one of the things that makes S5 just feel... off?
End of Collusion: Chloé is the freaking *Mayor* something that is objectively ludicrous, objectively idiotic, and something we should be able to laugh at! We should enjoy it for its stupidity! If this were back in S1 or 2, we would be! It's over the top nonsense that you can turn your brain off for and enjoy.
But S5 wants us to take it Very Seriously(tm) at least the major plotlines. So, we're not supposed to find this hilarious, it's supposed to be *bad* and *threatening*, but it's just so... not? because it's so nonsensical. It's Monarch defeated by kids with paintball guns' silly, which is a *good* level of silly, if your show is sticking with the silliness.
Like, I get that this whole thing is supposed to be some critique of government, but when the government city is so absolutely broken in its representation it just doesn't stick. So, we're not supposed to laugh, but we are, or are we? but...
Derision/Mari's trauma falls into this in a big way. It was humor for 4 seasons now.. it's not? it's Serious! but.. it was humor. It was always *intended* to be humor, so, it's... it creates this cognitive dissonance.
Are you not supposed to find it funny on rewatches now? Is the bright farcical teen love drama supposed to be deep gritty trauma?
I'm hoping maybe once this huge wrap up of the Agreste plotline is done, things will settle more into an even keel.
Yeah I can see that, the tone's getting messier these days. I mean, Miraculous has always been a mix of funny and serious, but usually it's more clearly delineated what things are supposed to be funny and what's supposed to be serious, and with everything getting more serious lately, stuff that used to be played for laughs isn't as funny anymore, and situations that it's trying to play seriously don't actually present that much of a threat.
Though honestly I'm not sure how much of a threat Chloe as mayor is supposed to be, that's obviously not gonna last more than an episode. I think the real threat there is whatever Lila/Cerise might be able to accomplish in that time.
Reminds me of the situation with Steven Universe Future recontextualizing things that Steven Universe played for laughs, like it turning out that all those times Steven suffered physically for slapstick did, in fact, hurt him, with his bones breaking repeatedly, he just healed so fast that no one noticed.
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Round 1-
[part 2]
Team Seekers (@kjmellow) vs Mystique (@threedeemensional)

Hell Island (@apotheoseity, @desertpacificoctopi, @mushpuppies, @starsweets, @kyrinasha, @justabunchofpineapples) vs Apple Friends (@alex-just-vibing)

Dreamkin (@storm-of-silver) vs at first I thought it was an idea... (@a-sky-of-diamonds)

Vini and Bella (@siripedra) vs Idiots Stuck Together (@noodlegremlinart)

Macapen Siblings (@chronomaza) vs Star Teens (@thewikiplayer, @threedeemensional, @year2000electronics)

runaways of the woods (with religious trauma tm) (@totallynotanthony) vs The Devil (and her advocate) (@indextual)

The Aspects of Sin (@bonetrix-arts) vs The Gang TM (@that1randomname)

D.I.R.E. (Development and Innovation of Robotic Eclectomechanics) (@tikaaliker) vs Olivia and co. (@cabooseisneat)
Team MARC Or Something Like That (@conscharacterscentralised) vs Modded Quadrant (@polyboros, @encrypted-cryptid, @morphlingunderscore, @10ofhearts)

Glitch and Friends (@sandcastle-art) vs NEW on the SCENE (@hilowperfixations, @to-hell-with-good-intentions)

Alcoholic Minors (@aincretop, @thepickelini) vs Team Fool's Journey (@pinesented, @scremcoolname, @antasmunchi, @abluepatientsoul, @zecoritheweirdone, @mercifulmelo, @ascelhire, @the-goldenbot)

Cursed Crew (@redwineflowers) vs The Owl Gang (@cliban, @radioactive-dragonlover, @wiz4rdtower, @citruslllad)

Mafia Dawgz (@sai-nt) vs The Corgi Squad (@siripedra)

The Red Beach Squad (@sing-the-beginning-of-moana) vs The Midnight Crew (@knight-of-the-thorn, @guardian-instincts-bad, @fractal-quadrilioquy, @deadlock-fractals)
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honeysuckle-venom · 5 months
I'd be interested to hear how you found DBT harmful, if you'd like to talk about it....?
I remember all the mindfulness experiences and the ACCEPTS acronym feeling really frustrating + difficult + antagonistic, but for me at the time, learning about trauma therapy and actual physiological coping skills were overall helpful enough that I kept doing it
(Not trying to talk over your experience of it being *not* helpful for you! Just sharing what my experience was :)
Hi Anni! Thank you so much for this excellent question, I'm excited to answer this! I'm glad you mostly had a positive experience with DBT! To be fair, there are some elements of it that did help me, but overall and in the long term I think the effect for me was primarily negative. Some of that also has to do with how I was taught/the therapists involved and not exclusively the philosophy or therapy itself, but some of it is the philosophy/therapy itself. My answer is going to get very long, so I'm putting it below the cut.
Some background: When I was 15, I had a severe psychotic break/my schizophrenia fully manifested. Because it wasn't a super typical presentation (no prodromal phase, I didn't hear voices, most of my initial symptoms were disorganized and catatonic) no one really caught what it was. Instead it was just treated as a "nervous breakdown" due to stress at home/school and severe anxiety and depression. Because I was a teenage girl and engaging in self harming behaviors and expressing suicidality, borderline was also considered/something my mom's psychiatrist thought I had (this was 2012 and BPD was a popular diagnosis at the time).
I had already been in talk therapy for several years at that point, and my parents basically figured "well clearly that's not working bc look how badly she's doing." (Which was incorrect but that's a topic for a different post.) So they looked for other options, and found DBT. I started seeing a psychiatrist who specialized in DBT, and we also joined a group family therapy DBT program in which a few families learn DBT skills together and do a little bit of family therapy with them, which...bizarre structure to have multiple families in one room in therapy but okay. My initial reaction was "I hate this" but it wasn't that big a deal. I filled out diary cards, I learned about dialectics (a concept I actually kind of liked initially), I tried and failed to practice radical acceptance, I practiced using DEAR MAN to express myself in family group, etc. It wasn't really helping me much, but it wasn't hurting much either. I did like some of the distress tolerance skills. I did not like family issues being aired out in front of strangers. I found the mindfulness skills and breathing exercises quite difficult and sometimes triggering re: dissociation, but then I just kind of stopped doing those so much. It was overall a neutral experience. It was something I learned about a few times a week and at home I sometimes did distress tolerance skills and filled out my diary cards, but besides that I wasn't like...super in the DBT Lifestyle TM.
I slowly started to do better (not bc of the DBT) and eventually when I was 16 I went back to school. But I wasn't stable enough to handle it and after about a month and a half I became so unwell I had to be hospitalized again. First I did 3 weeks at a standard (though abusive) teen inpatient unit. After that I wasn't well enough to go home, and my parents got my rich aunt and uncle to help pay for me to go to a very expensive teen month long DBT intensive partial hospitalization program (basically inpatient with slightly fewer restrictions) at a place called Silver Hill. At Silver Hill I ate, breathed, and slept DBT. It was constant. The whole program is about really internalizing DBT stuff and just constantly using the skills.
That program was not good for me, on a number of levels. There were four main problems with it. The first was that the program placed a lot of emphasis on interpersonal relationships, which meant getting along with the other kids there. I was not very good at that, and in fact one time the psychiatrist spoke to me privately to tell me that I was "too weird" and it bothered the other kids. Like...sorry??? Whenever I messed up socially, I would have to fill out these worksheets with what I did/said wrong, what the response was, and what I should do differently next time. This was very bad for my self esteem and also wasn't the fucking point? I was there bc I wanted to kill myself not bc I'm awkward. It would have been one thing if I had been intentionally saying offensive things or something, but I was just made to do these whenever I was too strange, which...sucked. Very reminiscent of abusive autism treatment tbh. That's more on the specific people at this program than on DBT as a practice, but it did influence my view of DBT.
The next problem was the core dialectic that they always introduce you to: "I am doing the best I can, and I can do better" (also, and even more damagingly, phrased as "I am doing the best I can and I need to do better/try harder"). I heard this phrase dozens and dozens of times over the course of that month, and it was really damaging to me. I understand what it's saying, I understand what it's getting at, I don't need someone to explain how dialectics work to me. But I was 16 and drowning and had been pushing myself my whole life, and that phrase implies that what you are doing is NEVER enough. You can always be doing better. Even if you're doing your absolute best, you need to try harder. That mindset was so toxic and dangerous for me at that time, and it really hurt me. I had been abused, I had never felt good enough, I had always tried desperately to do my best in impossible situations, and now I was being told my best would never be enough, there was never a point I could reach where I could rest. "No matter how hard you work you have to work harder" is what that sounded like to 16 year old me. That was really bad for me.
The third problem was that I was doing DBT and DBT only. There was no trauma therapy. I wasn't doing it in conjunction with trauma work, I was just doing DBT. Everything was focused on specific immediate behaviors. There was very little room to talk about how past experiences played a role/affected me, and indeed it often seemed as though the therapists thought I was just using those as excuses for why I wasn't properly applying DBT skills. Over my month there I did learn and internalize some useful coping skills that helped me to, for example, avoid immediately going to self harm. But that should be the first step. It shouldn't be treated like that's the end of the road, once you've stopped the Bad Behaviors you're Cured. Sure, this was a specific inpatient program, and in depth trauma work wasn't the point. But they didn't even act like you should EVER do that kind of work/like when you left you should look into examining the deeper issues while continuing to apply skills. Everything was skill based, and so there was no actual chance to recover from anything on a deeper level. I could stop hurting myself but DBT was never going to teach me how to stop hurting. All behavioral therapies, imo, only address the surface level (behaviors and sometimes thoughts). In order to truly recover I needed to go much deeper than that.
Finally, although DBT is a potential treatment for schizophrenia according to the internet, I found it interacted with my schizophrenia in some negative ways. The core of DBT is dialectics, accepting that two (often seemingly contradictory) things can be true at the same time. I never had a problem with that, and did not need DBT to teach me that. I've never struggled much with black and white thinking. In fact, I had something of the opposite problem. At the core of my psychosis is a struggle with boundaries, particularly between the self and other and between fantasy and reality. My mom, with whom I was deeply enmeshed, lied and exaggerated frequently throughout my childhood, often about inconsequential things. I learned very early on how to hold multiple "true" views of reality; I had to, to survive in my household. It was kind of like doublethink, if you've read 1984? Here's the quote from 1984 about it: "To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, [....] to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself—that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word—doublethink—involved the use of doublethink." That's what my childhood felt like. I think elements of that are inherent to DID actually. Dissociation and psychosis worked together to make me excel at doublethink growing up.
And then I was told that the way to cure myself of my mental illness was to...do that exact thing? Hold multiple conflicting truths at the same time? Okay! I knew how to do that! But for me that wasn't a radical new way to view the world and avoid black and white thinking, it was a reinforcement of an unhealthy blurring of boundaries and lack of confidence in reality. A much, much more important thing for me in my recovery was slowly learning to actually trust my own thoughts and my own version of the truth over what someone else told me, to learn to have boundaries and a more stable sense of self and to trust my own memories and internal truths. Although DBT isn't meant to confuse people or blur their boundaries or make them struggle with the truth, because I came into it already in that place with a lifetime of gaslighting and dissociation and psychosis (and because I wasn't aware of my dissociation or psychosis enough to keep them in mind while doing this), dialectics were actually ultimately the opposite of helpful for me most of the time.
So yeah! Those are the big reasons why I don't like DBT. Also I find all the acronyms annoying lol. But really it just wasn't the right treatment for me and my situation, especially at the time.
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mysticstarlightduck · 5 months
Incorrectly Described OCs Tag
I don't know if this was done before, but I was inspired to make this by the "Badly Summarized WIP Tag" (:
Rules: Describe your OCs (personality-wise) as badly and weirdly as you possibly can
I'll go with some OCs from my WIP Mutant Inquiries for this one.
(Main Cast)
Becca Sillvers - middle kid with daddy issues and strong feral gremlin energy, basically becomes a computer virus after accident and has an overall bad time before deciding to pick a fight with the world
Cory "Diamond" Blythe - has only the power of anime, glitter and vodka on their side. basically made a deal with this world's equivalent of "rumpelstiltskin" (but not really) and regrets life choices.
Luka Stormme - guy with anger issues becomes vigilante during business days after a couple boxing classes. is the "soccer-mom" to his cousins and his friends when he's not fighting crime
Cass Holborn - dropout with a bunch of explosive chemicals in his garage builds underworld empire while successfully failing, but somehow managing, to raise sister
Nydia Tainnen - unstable ballerina with severe childhood trauma decides to become an assassin and give a middle finger to the government
Matthias Harke - runaway tries to keep his friends out of trouble when they decide to mess with the worst people possible, ends up having to take the lead.
Samantha Holborn - troublemaking teen who never learned the meaning of "none of your business" and had too much free time sneaks somewhere she should not be and causes chaos
Jym Callister - over-caffeinated insomniac takes up computer hacking as a way to avoid his problems and just be a menace
Alexey Morikov - cat parent who only wanted to mind his own business and read must get back into the fray after a bunch of unsupervised teens bring the problems he'd successfully been avoiding now knocking on his door
Killien Lux - government experiment and supersoldier develops sentience and starts developing free will while making it everybody's problem. is also a knife
Keilly Phaedre - is the Only Remaining Braincell tm of the team and is completely done with life
'Signor' Teague - pathetic guy with severe ego problems, who thinks he's the big man. would be the type of person to unironically listen to those bullsh1t "alpha male podcasts" and take notes like it's an essay
The Mutant Control Agency - bunch of "Karens and Kevins" in fancy suits with lethal weapons and a warrant to chase people around + practice illegal experiments in the name of ✨""""a brighter future""""✨
PHANTOM Industries - big tech company that thinks they're so hip and cool, and are the ones sponsoring the karens above. gives off big "13-year-old playing fortnite and threatening other players" vibes.
Tagging (gently, with no pressure): @oh-no-another-idea, @writernopal, @tabswrites, @rickie-the-storyteller, @steh-lar-uh-nuhs, @little-peril-stories, @clairelsonao3, @jay-avian, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @aziz-reads, @doublegoblin, @gummybugg, @junypr-camus, @olivescales3, @saltysupercomputer @unstablewifiaccess, @late-to-the-fandom and @lassiesandiego
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