#trump is not your savior
yamimichi · 10 months
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captainzontar · 2 months
MAPA - make america pray again, hahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahhahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahaha
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qqueenofhades · 3 months
what's been particularly vile to me is this group of white online leftists who insist that anyone who cares about more than this one issue for the election is a bad person, like, as if us black and brown people are making up reasons to be afraid and not.....believing the gop when they say they are coming for us. believing trump who has said previously that he does not bluff, that he will do the things he's said he will do (i hate what social media has gone to the word gaslighting but it feels like gaslighting. we lived through four years of trump. we saw the damage. stop treating us like we're being dramatic). it must be great to not have to worry about that i guess? "life won't change under trump" is such a telling admission because maybe theirs won't but mine will. and so many others' will.
and it is often again these (white) online leftists that love to call anyone who disagrees with them a white liberal (derogatory) because they know it would be racist (bad) to be this shitty and condescending to poc but they don't want to actually listen to anything black and brown voters are saying. it's easier to just call us white liberals and throw our opinions out, to ignore the work of black people for decades to gain the right to vote, to disregard the weight of telling them to not do that. it's genuinely appalling. they care so much about racism until it's time to engage with poc who have different opinions than their online echo chambers, then we're just stupid liberals with terrible opinions like..... wanting to live. not wanting four more years of trump. so sorry for that.
sorry for this vent in your inbox, i'm just so fucking tired of white people trying to rewrite history as if trump wasn't that bad. he was for my family and countless others and i am terrified for what's to come if he wins.
The thing about (the often-white) Online Leftists is that they have become just as much as a radicalized death cult as the diehard Trumpists. If you don't want to die for The Revolution and/or sacrifice your life, friends, family, the rest of the country, etc., then you're Insufficiently Pure and must be Purged. (Which I think is just complete BS, as none of them could actually handle sacrificing anything, but it's increasingly the only kind of performative rhetoric that is acceptable in leftist-identified discourse spaces.) This is functionally identical to "if you aren't willing to lay down your life for our Lord and Savior Donald Trump and the Great White Christian Nationalist Dictatorship, you're a liberal cuck," but with the names and justification changed. It doesn't change the underlying radicalization, nihilism, and insanity of the premise.
Another thing the Trumpists and the Online Leftists have in common is that they are busily rewriting just how bad Trump was in order to serve their Ideology. Ever since January 6, 2021, the Republicans have thrown everything they have at revising and whitewashing any suggestion that it was an "insurrection," and the Online Leftists have done the same, in an attempt to "prove" their insane point that Trump "would be better" than Biden. This is embodied in the recent ultimate-brainworm-nonsense maximalist-online take that "Biden has to lose so the rest of the world will see that the US rejects genocide!!!" That's right, the message that the rest of the world would take from Biden losing to Trump is that the US rejects genocide. Never mind if Trump literally wants to commit all the genocide possible and to install himself as a fascist theocratic dictator. In the deeply twisted minds of the Online Leftists, this is the only possible interpretation of Biden's loss, so they'll push for it as hard as they can! The Trumpists and the Online Leftists, at this point, are working pretty much in concert to damage Biden for similar insane reasons and get Trump elected. Etc etc., one Nazi and ten people at the same table is eleven Nazis.
Like. Sure. Four years ago, when Trump was president and people were dying by the thousands because he didn't want to wear a mask because it smeared his bronzer, just to name literally one of the terrible things he did every single day (and not even mentioning how much worse a second term would be) we were absolutely better off. Super-duper great. (Sarcasm.) Either that or "there is suffering and evil in the world and the only solution is to drastically increase the suffering and evil for everyone and to destroy what progress we have managed to make because It Does Not Fix Everything Now" is an absolute moral imperative, and either way, yeah. I'm calling bullshit.
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decolonize-the-left · 5 months
WW3 will be white supremacists vs everyone else.
Not a singular Western country in support of Israel is innocent of colonization, war crimes, treaty violations, or having white supremacists in politics.
Each one of them has been ignoring protests and strikes in their own countries for human rights and protections. Human rights and protections that have thus far been denied btw. Meanwhile they give themselves raises and protections against protesters and so called "terrorists." They inflate military budgets while their people grow more agitated and they don't care.
Not a single one of them have a thriving, happy people.
Historically they've been awful for Black, indigenous, and immigrant populations despite many of their countries being founded on immigration. And even in modern times all of them currently have trials going on to combat state violence such as genocide, rights violations, or police brutality.
None of them have ever been paragons of human rights. None of them represent the world's moral compass least of all Germany.
So why and how is it that you can look at the USA and German support of Israel and your thought is "finally!" instead of seeing a red flag.
White supremacists are teaming up in a Big way.
And this time they're letting white Jewish people count as white which seems to have short-circuited ur brains so let me remind y'all that Nazis hate Jewish people but not every white suprmacist is a Nazi. And white supremacists have a long history of providing white Jewish people with conditional white privileges
For example here in the USA while white men who owned some land could vote, the same could not be said of white Jewish people who were barred from it in some colonies by language that stated you needed to accept Jesus as your savior. But white Jewish ppl could vote & could own land elsewhere when Black and native communities couldn't do that anywhere at all.
White supremacists exploiting white Jewish people for their vote or political support is nothing new and continues to be no surprise.
We can look at Trump's attempt to do exactly that as recently as 2019. We know he isn't an ally of any Jewish person anywhere and yet here he is trying to get right-wingers hyped up with virtue signaling.
The same article addressed how this right wing rhetoric and trying to incite it among Republicans is itself antisemitic and careless.
The past 24 hours have cemented President Donald Trump's reputation as America's "racist in chief." After tweeting a hateful diatribe about how four Democratic congresswomen of color should "go back" to where they came from, the President attempted to justify his racism with accusations that these members of Congress are anti-Israel. On Monday morning, he tweeted that these lawmakers "have made Israel feel abandoned by the U.S." and cited South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, who called them all "anti-America" and "anti-Semitic."
[...]And despite his feigning concern about anti-Semitism, nearly three-quarters of Jews feel less secure than they did two years ago and the majority of Jews attribute their rising insecurity to Trump's policies. More specifically, many are concerned about Trump encouraging right-wing extremism and Republicans tolerating white nationalism within their ranks. In fact, according to a March Gallup poll, more than 70% of Jews continue to disapprove of Trump and only 16% now identify as Republicans.
....then Biden supported a fucking genocide in the name of trying to establish a safe place for Jewish people. When we all know his interest is actually oil in the middle east.
There is no fucking way either of them or the USA cares about any Jewish people or had their best interest in mind.
So that entire argument aside....
We can't keep letting white supremacists play these identity politic games and turning us on each other so we're keeping each other oppressed instead of helping each other be free.
Right now there are white queer people in my asks calling me (an Ojibwe) a Russian psyop for not wanting to vote blue.
That's the shit I'm talking about.
At the end of the day I don't want anyone except white supremacy and white supremacists to be decimated. I want a liberated and free people all over the globe.
Is that what you want too?
Then we have got to start focusing on the big picture. You are not my enemy and I am not yours. Our enemies are the same and they are unified.
We should be too.
International solidarity against white supremacy for the first time, for forever.
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fitsofdespair · 4 months
i have hesitated to say anything before now. in part because i removed myself from fandom discourse and really from actively discussing iwtv a year ago. i consider it all a lose-lose situation.
but also because i’m generally of the opinion that black fans don’t need people to be their white saviors, least of all me. black people have never been saved by white people. they were never just given anything when it comes to strides in equality, they fought for it and still fight for it, against constant violent pushback every step of the way. only instead of the good ole’ days when racists just called those fighting for equality uppity, they’re now “bullies” for daring to call you out on your shit after the repeated condescension and the resulting harassment you’ve exhibited towards them.
in this day and age the word bully has zero meaning anymore. i mean come on, melania trump calls people mean about her husband bullies. elon musk thinks he’s being bullied by twitter users, though he clearly holds all the power and is absolutely the problem. its become a meaningless word that goliaths use to call davids because they won’t use the real word they actually want to say. some of these popular blogs are not being bullied, they’re being held accountable for their own actions.
it’s pretty disgusting the number of you who decided to identify strongly with these users that not only fail to question their own racial biases but have gone so far as to suggest black people don’t face racism anymore. this is so fucked. tbh it can be argued in many ways white people, especially in the deep south where i’m from, are inherently raised steeped in racism, even if its not direct. just because your family aren’t ostensibly racist doesn’t mean they didn’t bake their own little prejudices into your upbringing and being raised in your environment didn’t encourage them. even if you don’t see yourself as racist, you have to unlearn all this shit, even if it never once occurred to you that you are part of it. just cause you believe in equality and don’t hate people for their color or cultural background does not make you free of perpetuating microaggressions against them. this applies to fans across the world of course. (like for you white euro iwtv fans, you may say you have no problem with black people but i’ve heard some wild things some of yall have to say about the turks.)
i understand that probably half or more of you are not usamericans. but no matter what environment you live in, no matter where you were raised, there is no excuse for your behavior. just because YOU don’t see racism in your day to day life or are in the more likely situation, too blindly comfortable in your place in society to notice it right in front of your face, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist as a constant presence in other parts of the world or isn’t deeply ensconced in online rhetoric.
so for you white iwtv fans who can’t be fucked to mention let alone defend people you, in many cases once called friend, against the absolute horseshit your current comrades are spewing wrapped up in their nice safe cocoons of victimhood, i hope you do some serious soul searching to figure out if this is who you are, a person too cowardly to call out a friend because it might cost you their friendship. a person quick to condemn others on hearsay because you couldn’t be fucked to wonder am i on the right side of this? and if you do manage to get wise and change your mind, remember its not unforgivable to say, you know what? i was wrong. i wrote in an old post that the hallmark of being a functional adult is changing your views accordingly when you learn new information or even just ruminate on what you know (i myself was a little bitch about ep 5 when it first dropped until i had to sit down and ask myself why i was actually feeling some kind of way about it). dying on a hill is not all its cracked up to be. being told you’re wrong is not always a personal attack and its often an opportunity for improvement if you can be bothered to genuinely hear other people out. an alarming number from all walks of life never figure that out. for my part, i am still learning and hope i never stop learning.
while that sentiments all nice and gooey (i mean them, but i understand its still sacharine to put out there), i am still guilty for not having directly written anything about this until now. and thats on me and i earned any flack i get for that. again, i am more of the mindset that black people don’t need white spokespeople, but that doesn’t mean they'll mind allies. and as a sidebar, going out of your way to say you are rising “above the noise” or “ignoring the drama” is absolutely your right, but it does not make you superior. it just makes you complacent with the status quo. i mean as long as you get to squee!! about anything and everything who cares about other people, right?
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seneon · 2 months
senation lore part two : ice kingdom
WAR AFTER WARS... the kingdom of senation remains powerful and strong under the leadership and ruling of king sen, their mighty and conquering king. however, one day, the king felt silly and decided to venture away from his piles of paperworks. no weapons, no nothing. just a silly little letter addressed to his loyalest greatest servant.
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so he ventured as he said he would. for hours he walked in the forest like a baka, not knowing where to go or what to do. just keep walking, tripping, and praying to the lord that he didn't even get up from his throne. he is lost. oh but! there's a giant magical portal there 😧😧😧
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mighty king sen is curious. he then ventured through the magical blue / white portal in the middle of the woods. why? all out of the interest of skipping paperwork duties. he might be a might king in battle, but irl, he's lazy about paperworks. anyways.
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a white light flashed before his majesty, revealing a beautiful woman in all glistening white. there is a flower in his hand, coincidentally, so he knelt down and offered the flower to the beautiful fairy. however. when she took the flower, she immediately FROZE. then the king flashed his eyes opened.
"heavens! what a realistically artistic image of a maiden in completely glorious and heavenly white garment that i just hath in my brains!!"
fast forward ⏩⏩⏩
people of the ice found the king venturing alone in the snow. of course, he is confused. however, they explained to him and said "great lord! you are our saviour! save us from cold hell!!!" and the king replied "of course! i am conquering sen overall! i shall save thee kingdom!!" he realised he has some cool gears on with an ice sword that never breaks, and realised that this.... is his time to shine. literally.
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the ice people then prepared for war and they summoned their secret trump alpha monster card to assist king sen in the war. one of them then led the king to the ice palace, where the evil dark ice lord is.
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together, they set out for war after regathering with the rest.
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in the end... dark ice lord lost with the @saewako ice blade struck through his chest... and the ice nation...?
mighty and conquering sen once again saved the world (a land he didn't know how or why he got involved in but it's ok it's all good.) the ice people then thanked him and helped him prepare for his journey back to senation.
they bid each other goodbye, and that is the end of it. back in senation, general @milyz found the king stranded in the forest and immediately took king sen back to his palace. while king sen told the story to the general, the general laughed it off as the king being exposed too much poisonous plants in the forest and all that he needs is rest.
does the king know he killed the only king of the ice kingdom while all the ice people are evil...? well. that is for you to figure out.
𝖑𝖔𝖓𝖌 𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖘𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖔𝖓.
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STARRING. @milyz @saewako @amourlyns @wishmemel @saelestia @atrirose @rinzsu @omitea @hyoismbbg @todorokies @kaiser1ns @rizzmin @steleir @noirflms @peaktora @iluvies @sugurustattoo @bfajax @saturvue @honeydewsblue
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note: hope u guys enjoyed pt2 of senation lore. read part one here. once again, this is pure crack 😭😭 pls don't kill me btw i spun the wheel to determine your roles mooties
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suratan-zir · 18 hours
Hi. I wanted to ask how you have those among Ukrainians who believe in russian propaganda. I just met one refugee from Kharkov, and he told me that Putin is fighting for the Russian world, and it was the United States that started the war. He reasons that since he speaks Russian, he should support Russia's actions. And this despite the fact that his city was bombed, and he and his family were on the verge of life and death.
Hi. I can't really answer this. I mean, I can try, but I'm not good at answering vague questions. I'm not well-spoken enough.
How come so many USAmericans worship Trump and see him as a savior of the poor when he's the exact opposite? How come far-right parties all across Europe gain more and more popularity, with people believing that fascists in power will resolve all their problems? Hell, we can take it a step further and ask how come people become anti-vaxxers and flat Earth believers? The answer is only one - propaganda. People fall under the harmful influence.
Russian propaganda has been extremely active in the southeast of Ukraine basically since we gained independence. Russia has been spending millions upon millions on brainwashing Ukrainians. The propaganda became more and more aggressive since the Orange Revolution. It was everywhere in the Donbas, you couldn't even wear a piece of orange clothing without risking being beaten up.
I was only a middle-schooler, but I remember it in detail. Propaganda materials such as leaflets were distributed everywhere. I remember one with Viktor Yushchenko (pro-European presidential candidate) against the background of the US flag and Uncle Sam who's saying, "Yushchenko is our pResident." I remember asking my mother what it meant, and she said it means that Yushchenko is a very bad person. This stuff was wild. And it only got wilder.
Russian propaganda claims over the years varied from the statement that "Donbas feeds the entire Ukraine" to "pro-European politicians and the US will make concentration camps in the Donbas for the Russian-speakers and will populate the territory with people from the West instead." I don't know how, but people believed in this purely artificial conflict. Not only were there never any persecutions against the Russian-speakers, but you would actually feel more comfortable speaking Russian in Ukraine. In most regions, the Ukrainian language was considered a "redneck" language and would get you nowhere. Of course, the Ukrainian government is also to blame for letting Russia control the narrative. But for most of these independent years, Ukraine was basically externally managed by Russia. During Yanukovych's presidency, we were like Belarus is now - a false "president" taking instructions straight from the Kremlin. So the brainwashing was getting worse and worse.
I told this story several times, and I'll tell it again. Before the "referendum" in Donetsk, most people laughed at the idea of the "republic." It was supported by some local lunatics, but mostly the whole thing was done by russian mercenaries and russian military. During this time, my aunt told me that those who support this are crazy and they're calling war into our homes. She was a reasonable person. She had a job, a nice apartment of her own, a happy family, and a bright future ahead. In 2015 they fled from Donetsk to russia, along with my grandmother. Why to russia? Propaganda. Then they got russian citizenship and used it to vote for putin. I asked how they could vote for him after what he did to them, after they lost it all. "We're thankful he gave us a home, gave us citizenship," was the answer. At first, he took everything from you, ruined your life, then let you restore a tiny bit of it - and you're grateful. I don't know how this works. It's not like they were welcomed in russia, they faced a lot of prejudice and oppression for being from Donetsk. To the point that my cousin was bullied at school for being from the Donbas, not only by kids but by teachers, despite being an excellent student and graduating with honors. Russians are outraged that their state "rescues" and "helps" those Donbas khokhols instead of helping "true" russians.
In the second month of the full-scale invasion, my grandmother proposed that I move to them, to the moscow region of russia. "This is the country that is trying to kill us all, how can you ask me to move there?" "What difference does it make which country to live in? It's safe here." So along with pro-putin brainrot comes also apoliticalness, passivity.
I'm rambling at this point. I don't want to go on about this forever, like I know I can. Let's leave it at this.
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etoilesbienne · 6 months
When I was pointing out fandom racism toward Etoiles a few months back, it was absolutely not a criticism of only English-speaking viewers. I saw that nonsense in every language from fans of most streamers to the point I cannot name them all. To my knowledge, the only CC to directly say that it was wrong for people to be coming after Etoiles like that was AyPierre. It was and still is a QSMP community wide issue.
People in MCYT fandom get way too settled into seeing certain POV fans as the bad guys in situations, and, like, there are absolutely bad apples in every fan community, but I see a surprising amount of people getting way too comfortable at pointing at one group or community and saying they are the issue, creating this Us vs. Them mentality, rather than looking around their own communities for racism and bigotry to deal with. This especially goes for white US Americans self flagellating over how much they hate other white US Americans. It's embarrassing at best and reeks of white savior complex at worst.
Please, like, care about streamers of color and by extension the characters they play in MCRP outside of reducing them to a side character to build up your main white guy, or being used as a trump card to pull for criticizing another character. Stop using Etoiles to throw other streamers/characters under the bus in out of context clips and moments when you do not watch his streams or POV. It's frustrating and tokenizing.
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yourtongzhihazel · 2 months
"Please you filthy sand people know nothing about Iran even though you live there, allow me, an enlightened westoid, to help you understand because you're clearly dumb and I'm very smart and Western "
Calm your Western savior complex down, sorry you're a westoid but unfortunately your opinions don't trump those of the actual citizens under authoritarian rule, and the fact that you think they do is proving your colonial mindset and the idea that you believe, unconsciously or not, that western views are superior to their that actually live in said countries.
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> "westoid"
Opinion discarded
"Sadam Hussein is an authoritarian and thus the forcible removal of him and the millions of dead Iraqi's is good actually" go fuck yourself imperialist walking dog. I bet you love the non-authoritarian open air slave markets in Libya too fucking class traitor.
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creature-wizard · 2 years
What Are Starseeds? A Brief Intro.
Allegedly, a starseed is an alien soul incarnated into a human body for the purpose of helping Earth enter the New Age, the Age of Aquarius, the Fifth Round, the Fifth Density, or whatever you want to call it.
There are a number of worlds and factions these souls are said to come from. Some of the most common ones you'll hear about include the Pleiades, Sirius, Lyra, Mintaka, Orion, and Arcturus, though depending on you who ask you might hear about other types of aliens as well.
On the surface, the idea of starseeds is a romantic, idealistic belief, and it offers many people who feel like they don't really belong here an explanation for their feelings. However, there's a lot of shit beneath the surface.
First, the mythology of starseeds is inextricably linked to the ancient alien hypothesis, which basically only exists because some racist white guys refused to accept that POC could actually build sophisticated architecture on their own and made up a bunch of reasons why it was supposedly impossible. (Actually, you can do a lot with so-called "primitive" tools, especially if you have the power of math on your side - like the ancient Egyptians did.)
Being part of New Age beliefs, starseeds are inextricably linked to a general assumption that sufficiently "enlightened" people know what other people's spiritual traditions are about even better than they do. Since most starseed believers are white, and most of the traditions they try to explain and thus assimilate are from non-white cultures, it's racist as balls.
Another key aspect of the mythology is that for thousands of years, the world has been manipulated by "dark" or "regressive" entities - specifically, the reptilians. The specific version of this they subscribe to comes right out of David Icke's The Biggest Secret, which is basically just a bunch of old antisemitic conspiracy theories with space lizards thrown into the mix. (The antisemitism is often easy to miss because most proponents use dogwhistle terms like "globalists," "bankers," or "the cabal.")
The whole thing is deeply tied in with QAnon and Satanic Panic, including vaccine conspiracy theories, the idea that Trump is a savior figure, and that Democrats are harvesting adrenochrome from babies.
Alleged starseed characteristics are often characteristics associated with neurodivergence, and some believers have outright said that all neurodivergent people are actually starseeds. Positive ableism is still ableism, and nothing good can come of promoting the belief that neurodivergent people inherently inhuman.
Believers sometimes claim that ancient texts talk about starseeds and alien beings more broadly; but when asked, none of them are ever able to provide any texts that genuinely do this. Instead, you just get excuses like "deliberate mistranslation" and "the Vatican is hiding them." They might also try to shift away by suggesting that you meditate or try to access the Akashic Records or whatever. So in other words, all these claims of textual evidence are total BS.
You will often hear statements like "starseeds are here to raise Earth's vibrational frequency." What this actually means is that the purpose of starseeds is to convert other people to New Age beliefs. So in the context of the belief system, they're basically missionaries from space. When you think about it for more than half a second, this narrative is quite obviously lifted from the idea that "primitive" (read: non-white) cultures needed "advanced" (read: white) cultures to enlighten and civilize them.
So yeah, that's a lot of the issues with starseeds in a nutshell. There are more issues that I could go into, but I want to keep this post fairly short. Thanks for reading through!
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oillampslit · 8 months
🎺☁️ JESUS 👑 IS COMING!!! 🎺 ☁️
✝️ Please accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior! ❤️ ✝️
1 Corinthians 15:52
“In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”
King James Version (KJV)
#kingjamesversion #jesuslovesyou #jesusiscomingsoon #endtimes #endtimesprophecy #prayersforisrael #israel #jesusisnotreligion #jesusisarelationshipnotareligion #kjvbible #kjv #oillampslit #lastdays #corinthians #choosejesus #choosejesustoday
Oillampslit 🪔©
Prayers for Israel ❤️ 🇮🇱
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tomorrowusa · 3 months
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^^^ Actually, "MAGA Mike" acts more like the Pharisees than Moses.
More seriously, you cannot be a GOP office holder these days unless you accept Donald Trump as your Lord and Savior.
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antholozities · 3 months
heyyyyy guyssss, not to get all political on ya this fine st. patrick's eve, but vote. vote, vote, vote, you have GOT to vote.
it feels gross. absolutely, it does - biden is geriatric, a supporter of genocide, but we cannot deny that he's better than trump. can we agree on that?? i am sitting across from you at the family dinner table and i am begging you to agree with me on that
some of us want to withhold our vote because voting for either candidate feels like a betrayal of our core sense of morality. you know who DOESN'T feel that way?
trump supporters!! yeah, those guys. they've got their cheeto puff lord and savior right there on the ballot - and if we don't vote, he isn't going to have any competition.
it sucks, this system blows and we are inevitably going to do something about it, but now? now you get out there, you appreciate the beauty of the outdoors, you say hi to your neighbor, and you drop by your local polling office to help stop the fake tan antichrist from directly causing more bloodshed across the globe.
unless you're voting with a mail-in ballet - in that case, go ahead and have a bowl of ice cream while you're filling that bad boy out!
please, don't let donald trump win the presidency by default.
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singsongraptor · 13 days
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Pulled some screenshots off mastodon that rather aptly describes some of my feelings concerning the way white people are acting about this election. Don't tell Black folks we're responsible for the rising fascism like we haven't been voting for harm reduction since we got the right to vote. That's the same bullshit as claiming rape victims are at fault for being raped because they went to the bar in a skirt. Like frfr go fuck yourselves. Who are y'all to tell us that Trump winning will be our fault if we don't vote when 55% of white women voted for him?
Talk to YOUR people to get them out to vote since it's *white* people refusing to vote that is the issue, not us, and with respect and community, not that condescending, victim blaming sheisty shit y'all been on. Get YOUR folks to do the work of joining advocacy groups with the intent to be good hands rather than fake heroes and false leaders (because y'all love to reinvent the wheel and try to bulldoze your way into leadership positions for the gram and your fucking egos and cry crocodile tears and show you aren't actually dedicated to justice and are only in it for the savior complex).
Get YOUR people out to vote, because I PROMISE niggas got ourselves covered and the issue is YOUR people going out of their way to stymie us. Fuck off. We've always been doing our best and your complacency and self centeredness are the reason we're staring down fascism and have to vote between "old ass dickhead bankrolling genocide who has spent his entire career harming BIPOC communities and refuses to restore public health or invest in infrastructure and other dire needs of the country, thereby allowing it to continue to collapse by neglect" and "old ass twatwaffle who bankrolled genocide, destroyed public health and isn't going to do any better, the 'worse' he'll do is pretty much only worse to white folks because Black and indigenous folks have been living under apartheid and fascism this whole time anyway".
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1eos · 4 months
I’m actually so insanely sick watching “democrats” and liberals and late night show hosts talking about Biden like he’s our savior against trump and being made to feel guilty when I say what’s the point in voting, because when it’s Kids in cages everyone is, RIGHTFULLY, enraged but when it’s Palestinian children dying from US provided military arms, when it’s the US vetoing ceasefires, it’s VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHAT. So attractions are only atrocities if the other side commits them in office? At what point will white liberals realize the old farts they’ve put into office are just conservatives with blue paint???? Sorry I’m just so so upset about all of this and want to scream at my democrat friends who are telling me to vote blue even after all this…
alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll of this. its actually very very disturbing. like the average democrat can't actually understand that human rights violations are bad unless a republican is in office when they're enacted? like if trump were president he would be giving aid to isntreal and all the ppl who are acting like biden can't be criticized would be raining down entreaties on trump. its been obvious for the past decade or so but the american two party system is just picking which vernacular you want your fascism to be loaded with. our current foreign policy is even more barbaric than when trump was in office but now its wrapped up in rhetoric that's only quietly racist and zionist. enough so that white ppl who want to feel good abt themselves and believe theyre committed to social justice can blow genuine concerns off as 'fear mongering' or being a 'psyop'. i just saw something the other day where someone asked a biden official what they had to say abt arab american voters and the bitch said some shit abt how isntreal has a right to defend itself??????? and if that isnt deranged and evil enough the vote blue no matter what dipshits will deadass look u in your face and act like blue is the better option. huh???????? the american voting system is the epitome of illusion of choice bc you're getting fascism regardless
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This One Needs To Be Bilingual Because Holy Fuck/Toto musí byť v oboch jazykoch, lebo do matky do piči...
So, let me get this straight. We have one decent politician in Slovakia, that being our president. She is smart, dignified, accomplished, ready to step up when our dumbass parliament folds in on itself, AGAIN... And how do we treat her? We label her a “western shill” (or other similar things, honestly insert misogynist invective and/or antisemitic dogwhistle of your choice), blame her for everything and drive her away from politics. And then we hail as our savior some blockheaded scumbag whose six-year reign was mostly remarkable for its massive corruption, culminating in a murder of a young journalist and his girlfriend. But he’s Putin’s friend, so I guess he can do no wrong... Or so he claims, honestly this dude’s convictions are about as deep as Trumps’s... Either way, fuck this country and all of the people in it who made this happen. I don’t care how much of a “devoted Christians” (read fundamentalist whackos) you are, none of y’all who were harassing Zuzana Čaputová are seeing gates of heaven. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.
Takže, či som to pochopila správne. Na Slovensku máme jedného slušného politika, to jest našu prezidentku. Je múdra, schopná, pôsobí dôstojne, je pripravená zakročiť keď sa náš debilný parlament ZASE zloží... A ako sa k nej zachováme? Označíme ju za “zapredankyňu západu” (alebo iné podobné veci, ako domyslite si sexistickú invektívu a/alebo skryto antisemitský výraz podľa svojho výberu), dáme jej za vinu prakticky čokoľvek a vyženieme ju z politiky. A potom ako mesiáša oslavujeme nejakého tehlohlavého hajzla, ktorého šesťročná vláda bola pamätihodná najmä pre všetku tú korupciu, vyústiacu do vraždy mladého novinára a jeho priateľky. Ale ten hajzel je Putinov kamarát, takže asi je úplne dokonalý alebo čo... Alebo aspoň to tvrdí, ako presvedčenia tohto chlapa sú asi také pevné ako Trumpove... V každom prípade, do čerta s touto krajinu a všetkými ľuďmi v nej, ktorí toto spôsobili. Je mi jedno, aký ste vy “tvrdí kresťania” (rozumej švihnutí fundamentalisti), všetci si zaslúžite horieť v pekle. Kurva. Kurva. Kurva.
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