#tumblr when I catch you tumbl
pixlokita · 4 months
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Collab trade featuring@cookieruma29 ‘s Grel AU where they grow up to be worse than Vanny
She colored and shaded it and honestly the radioactive glow is fire 👌
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daughter-of-the-dead · 8 months
*sobbing while watching episode 6 of percy jackson*
"P-p-poker face p-p-poker face nah nah nah ohoh oh oh oh-oh"
*more crying*
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒘𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒎𝒆𝒏
🕊️a whore's fairytale masterlist🕊️
summary - when snow white (you) escapes into the woods to escape the queen's order to kill, she learns that not all strangers should be trusted.
warning - smut, swearing, choking, under a spell, dubcon, creampie, slight angst, death, breaking and entering, jealousy, oral sex, kidnapping/entrapment, attempted poisoning and murder, group sex, groping, dark content.
18+ only please, the gif and headers I use aren't mine.
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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The Queen sneers, staring at herself in the mirror. “Mirror, mirror, on the wall.” Her eyes squint, and her back straightens. “Who is the fairest of them all?” The answer she was expecting wasn’t what the mirror gave her. 
“Y/n is the fairest of them all.” The Magic Mirror spoke, a live video of you playing before her, your sweet self hums to the animals, pulling a small bucket from the well, capturing the attention of the many people that pass by. 
“What?!” She screams, and her face becomes red with anger. “No one is more fair than I! The Queen must have the best of everything. Everyone knows that. What could be more fair?” 
“Y/n is the fairest of them all!” The Mirror repeats, not caring for the tantrum the Queen is throwing. 
“What do you know? You’re a mirror!” She huffs, rolling her eyes and storming off. A plan sets in motion as she heads to where the huntsman rests, ordering him to take you out of the equation. 
You had spent your time running through the woods, away from your horrid stepmother and the huntsman that she had sent after you. Your hands clutched your skirt, lifting it from the ground, and your bare feet dodged the many sticks and rocks. Your breath is heavy, and you can hear his footsteps catching up to you. “Little Snow! You can’t run from me! The Queen ordered me to kill you!” You gasp, picking up your pace, desperately trying to distance yourself from him. 
You squeal and cry as your foot gets caught on a root sticking out of the ground. You fall forward, tumbling for a few seconds until you end up on your back. Fat tears cover your cheeks, your eyes are puffy, your hair is ruffled, and your once-beautiful dress is ruined, ripped and dirty. You can hear your heart pounding in your ears as the huntsman appears in your vision, “P–please! You don’t have to do this! I–I won’t tell anyone if you let me go! Please!” You cry you beg, you plead. Your hands curl into the ground, crushing the dirt into your palms. You don’t notice the magic flowing through you and into the ground. You are so caught up in begging the man not to take your life. 
He shakes his head. “I have to. I was given an order.” His head continues to shake, clutching the knife as he desperately doesn’t want to kill you. “If I return and the Queen finds out I didn’t obey, she’ll kill me.” 
You squeeze your eyes shut, feeling the tears slip past, and your lips tremble. You nod, accepting your fate. You wouldn’t be able to escape this. “O–okay. If taking my life means you get to keep yours, okay.” You breathe in and out, a soft sob passing your lips. Your brows furrow as you are met with silence before a crunch and a groan follow it. You slowly peek your eyes open, wondering what caused the noise, and a shocked sob escapes you when you notice a giant black wolf on top of the huntsman. Yellow eyes stare back at you, and you feel oddly calm before standing on shaky legs. It’s as though the animal is giving you enough time to escape. “T–thank you.” You take off running again, the sky becoming dark as night falls, heading in the opposite direction of the castle. 
You happen to stumble across a wooden cabin tucked away in the middle of nowhere. You rush forward, rapidly knocking on the door. “S–someone! Is anybody there?! I need help, please!” The door is pushed open from your knocks, and you cautiously enter as you receive no reply, looking around. “Hello?” When you don’t get a response, you decide to take a closer look. “Such a dirty place…” You think out loud, “Maybe if I clean up a bit, whoever lives here may help me.” You nod to yourself and walk over to a broom that rests against the wall and grab hold of it. You get swept away cleaning and then cooking before you slowly make your way upstairs, noticing seven large beds, making you wonder who lives here. 
“I hope they won’t mind if I…” You ponder, going over to a bed that reads ‘CRANKY’ and sitting for what was supposed to be a second. The moment your body hits the mattress, your eyes flutter closed, and a deep slumber hits you with full force. 
You wake to someone or something poking you. Your eyes flutter open, blinking as you notice many different men surrounding you. You gasp, scooting to the headboard, pulling your knees to your chest. “Oh, please don’t kill me! I–I promise I didn’t do anything wrong!” Your bottom lip wobbles and your gaze shoots between theirs frantically, wondering if the Queen also sent them. 
A man with blue eyes and his hair in a man bun scoffs. He crosses his arms over his chest, and your eyes land on one of them being shiny. “Who are you? And what are you doing in my bed?” A growl practically escapes his lips, and his eyes scan your body with a lick of his lips. 
You gasp, “I’m so sorry! I didn’t know! I–” You're cut off as you try to get out, but a larger man stops you. His light blue eyes and blonde hair cause your breath to catch in your throat. 
He shakes his head with a soft smile. “Don’t listen to him, ma’am. We are just startled, is all.” He turns his head, glaring at his best friend before looking back down at you. “Now, why don’t you introduce your pretty self and explain why you think we would kill you?” He sits at the end of the bed, resting a comforting hand on your leg. 
“Oh, I do apologise. Where are my manners? My name is Y/n, but I am more known as Snow White.” The men are shocked, wondering what the princess is doing in their cabin. “The Queen is trying to have me killed, and I don’t know why. S–she sent the huntsman out, and he chased me through the woods until I was able to escape, and that is how I stumbled across your home.” 
A throat clears, and you turn your head to look at another man who’s built like a bear, with pretty blue eyes and blackish hair. “She wouldn’t be trying to kill you for no reason. Tell us what you really did. You can’t really be that innocent.” 
“I–I swear–” The man touching your leg interrupts you, giving you a soft look.
“It’s okay. You don’t need to explain yourself. I can see that you are innocent. I mean.” He looks around at the men with his brows raised. “What innocent person would break into someone’s home and decide to clean and cook? The breaking in part obviously doesn’t sound great, but look at her. She needs help.”
The man with the blackish hair speaks again while nodding. “You’re right. I apologise. We’ve been rude and haven’t introduced ourselves. My name is Clark, but these bastards call me Bossy.”
The man touching your leg smiles. “And I’m Steve, better known as Brawny.” He points to the man with a permanent scowl on his face. “That’s Bucky. We call him Cranky, though.” Bucky rolls his eyes, wondering why the hell they haven’t moved you from his bed yet. Though, he has been having a great time imagining you tied to it while he pleasures you.
Another man with a flirty smile leans against the bed, coming close to your face. “I’m Johnny, yet these guys call me Sleazy. No idea why. I would’ve said Flirty.” Johnny wiggles his brows, loving the shy look that crosses your face.
A man with a beanie and dirty face and hands nods. “I’m Curtis, known as Dirty around these wankers.”
Your eyes land on a man drinking what seems to be alcohol, and his eyes are half-lidded as he stares at you. “I’m Dean or Tipsy. Whatever you prefer, but I’m hoping to make you scream one of them later.” Your eyes widen.
Your attention is pulled away from Dean or Tipsy to a darker man touching your arm, looking at you with a smirk. “I’m Sam, baby. But you can call me Horny.” You blink, stunned, never having heard such words come out of a person’s mouth before, but you know that you cannot judge as you did break into their home.
“O–oh, it’s nice to meet you all. Such interesting names.” You fold your hands in your lap and look around at each one of the men. “I would like to cook you, men, some dinner as a thank you for not kicking me out.” You watch as they nod, and you give a soft smile to Steve, who helps you off the bed. You head down the stairs, and all seven men follow behind, watching your hips sway beneath the dress. They sit, watching as you start to heat the food. It’s magical to them. You turn around, the food nearly ready. “Please go and wash up before dinner.” 
“What? No.” Bucky growls, refusing to get up from the seat while the other men immediately stand and head out. Steve grabs hold of his best friend and drags him out, ignoring the shouts and yells. “Steve! Steve! Stop!” 
You shake your head, turning back toward the pot, stirring it before you turn off the stove and grab hold of it, bringing it to the table and setting it down. “Dinner!” You watch as the door swings open, and the men walk back in with smiles, smelling clean. “Don’t you men look dashing!” They thank you before taking a seat, watching you with wide eyes as you fill their bowls with the delicious-smelling stew. 
Clark tilts his head as you take the pot back to the sink, noticing that you didn’t make a bowl for yourself. “Are you not eating with us?” The other men stop with their spoons midair, looking between you and Clark. “Come, sit. You deserve to eat the food you cooked.” Clark pats his thigh, raising a brow when you don’t move. “I’m called Bossy for a reason. Now, sit.” You scurry over, taking a seat on his thigh, feeling a weird tingling sensation between your legs as you feel how thick his thighs are. “Good girl.” He nods to everyone, and you all begin to eat. Clark occasionally brings the spoon to your mouth, feeding the two of you. 
During the night, you get to know all of the men, laughing and listening to stories. Steve stands, clearing his throat. “I hate to interrupt this wonderful evening, but we have work tomorrow., and I think it is best if we get some rest” The others agree, and you get up to bid them goodnight, practically tucking them into their beds and placing soft kisses onto their foreheads. You are about to head back downstairs, needing to find somewhere to rest, but Steve stops you. “Y/n, here.” You spin, heading over to him with furrowed brows, wondering what he is talking about. He pulls back the blanket and pats the space next to him. 
“Are you sure? I don’t want to intrude more than I have.” You gnaw on your bottom lip, feeling like you’ve been a bother. “I can find somewhere else to sleep. I saw a blanket downstairs.” Steve gives you a look that makes you quickly crawl into the bed, and your body shivers when you realise how cold you’ve been compared to the warm man. Your body curls into his larger one, sighing as sleep takes over you before you can even register.
You wake to birds chirping and the sun shining through, your eyes flutter open, and you stretch your arms above your head. You slowly pull Steve’s arm off of you and get out of bed, making your way downstairs, and you decide to prepare breakfast for the kind men. You cook eggs, bacon, pancakes, and a fruit platter, wanting to give them a filling meal for their big day. You smile and turn as you hear the men bound down the stairs, dressed for work with hunger in their eyes. “Good morning! I thought I’d make you guys some breakfast before you go. I hope you don’t mind.” 
They smile, thanking you before sitting down. The same happens as the night before. Clark pulls you into his lap and feeds you some of his breakfast, ensuring you also get to eat. You stand once you finish, gathering the dishes and walking over to the sink, gently placing them down before walking to the door and handing the men their coats.
Clark is the first one to grab his coat, thanking you. “I hope you have a good day today.” You lean up, resting your hand on his muscular arm and kiss his cheek softly. Clark smirks, tipping his head before walking out the door.
Steve is next. Once his coat is on, he leans down for you to reach his cheek. “Thank you, Snow.” Steve turns his head and returns the favour, kissing your cheek and smiling as you become shy. 
Bucky huffs, “Can we hurry this up? We have work to do if you haven’t noticed.” But everyone ignores him, and he watches with envy as you continue to give each man a kiss.
Curtis gently takes his jacket from your tiny hands, closing his eyes as he feels your soft lips on his cheek. A smile on your face, “Have a good day, sweetheart.”
Johnny walks up next, smirking at you and already leaning down. You give him a soft smile and lean forward, but he turns his head last second, and you gasp. “I–I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to!” You freak, staring wide-eyed at the happy man. 
“Don’t worry bout it, Baby.” Johnny winks, giving your arse a smooth pinch before strolling out. You feel your body and cheeks heat up, eyes still wide as you watch him leave.
“Well damn. He did it before me.” Dean rolls his eyes, slapping your arse after you give him a kiss as well. “Doesn’t matter. Have a good day, Sugar.”
Sam pulls you close, tapping his cheek before resting his hands on your hips. He groans as you lean up and kiss his cheek softly. His hands move down and squeeze your cheeks, pulling you even closer. “Mmm, Snow. You make a man so feral.” 
Once Sam leaves, it leaves the last man, the crankiest of the lot. Bucky grumbles, going to reach for his coat, but you pull back slightly and give him a pout. He rolls his eyes, bending slightly, and when you gently kiss his cheek, his whole face grows pink. “Whatever.” Bucky clears his throat and quickly leaves, leaving you in their cabin all by your lonesome, not prepared for what is to happen next. 
You hum to yourself, beginning to clean the place. You don’t notice the magic swirling around you, calling the forest animals to the cabin, some even helping you clean. You wash the men’s clothes, and the birds hang them along the line. You are so lost in your own world that you don’t notice an older woman watching you from the shadows, a scowl on her face, but the older woman also doesn’t notice the large black wolf watching her. 
You giggle, leaning over to pet the cute little bunny that hops in your direction before you walk inside the house. Your hands become busy as you begin to prepare another apple pie, continuing to hum to yourself. “Excuse me.” You turn, hearing a knock at the open window and someone talking. You smile softly, walking closer to the older woman. “I–I’m so sorry for bothering you. I am just a poor old woman trying her best to sell some delicious apples.” 
You lean against the counter, peeking over the window sill and looking at the basket of apples. “That is perfect! I’m baking an apple pie and in need of some apples!” You give an innocent smile to the older woman.
She reaches her hand into the basket and grabs a big red apple that sits at the top. “Take a look at this big red apple.” She holds it up to your face, watching you stare at it in wonder at how perfect it looks. Your hands slowly reach up to touch it, but the woman jerks it back. “Lovely, isn’t it? But you cannot touch without a price.” 
You gnaw on your bottom lip, looking between the woman and the apple with furrowed brows. You desperately needed more apples to make the pie. It had to be perfect. “I need that apple… But I, uh, I don’t have any money.” 
She thinks, knowing that this apple contains something horrible. The Queen realised there was no point in a price when she would finally have you dead. That was good enough. “Oh, my dear. No need to worry for a first-time customer. I will let you have this apple for free.” You look at her, shocked, cupping the apple as she hands it to you. She watches you, desperately wanting you to take a bite out of it in front of her, but she doesn’t get her hopes up.
“Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! How can I ever repay you? You are so kind. Please let me give you something!” You go over and grab a plate of freshly baked biscuits, heading back over to her. She tries to refuse, but you persist. “Oh please, It wouldn’t feel right if I were to take this for free. Please take as many as you want.”
“Okay, thank you. That is kind of you, my dear.” The older woman takes one, bidding you goodbye before disappearing into the shadows again, wanting to watch what unfolds. Her eyes widen as she watches you begin to cut the apple, mixing it into the mixture of the pie. She thought the call of the apple would cause you not to resist a taste. “Oh, no, no, no! This won’t end well. You stupid girl, you should’ve eaten the apple yourself.” She huffs, stomping her foot. “The poison only works for those it is intended for… If she serves it to others, it can have side effects, and I do not need that in my hands.” She growls to herself, knowing that she will have to put a stop to this or kill more people than intended. 
Before the Queen can return to the cabin, she is met with the giant black wolf. Its teeth bared as it growled. She scoffs, waving it off. “Be a good puppy and leave. You can’t destroy the Queen.” Her eyes widen as your hums begin again as you place the pie in the oven, and she realises that you are the one controlling the animals, even if you don’t know you are. In the moment of shock, the wolf lunges, and your sweet melodies drown out her screams.
You are happy with how the pie has turned out, placing it on the window sill to cool down. You wait patiently for the men to return home, sitting curled up in a chair with a book between your hands. You’ve made the house more into a home, having gone out and picked some pretty flowers to put in a vase, gathering some wood for the fireplace, and keeping the food warm for when they walk through the door, their clothes all folded neatly. You stand when you hear them, their voices carrying through the air. 
Clark opens the door with a smile, “Hello, Little Snow. I notice that you’ve been busy.” He moves past you, brushing his hand across your hip as he moves to the pot, smelling the delicious scent. 
The rest of the men enter, Steve, being the second after taking his shoes off and giving you a large grin. “Snow! Did you have a good day?” You nod, giggling as he brings you into a hug. He lets go of you and walks over to the pot also, not used to coming home to dinner already prepared.
“Sugar!” Johnny enters, pulling you into him immediately by gripping your arse in his large hands, causing a squeak to fall from your lips. “You look so good. I could just eat you up.” He grumbles when Dean and Sam push him to the side. “The hell?” 
“You're hogging her,” Dean grunts, pulling you against him, and your eyes widen when you feel him grope you so freely. “Hey, sweetheart. You’re so tiny.” He blinks down at you, and you get a whiff of the alcohol already on his breath. 
Sam grows annoyed, pushes Dean out of his way and pulls you against him also. “Don’t hog Snow here. I want some too.” His large hands grip your arse, rubbing his bulge against you, groaning softly. “How you doing, baby?” 
Curtis and Bucky stand near the entrance, watching everything unfold. You smile softly at Sam as you let go, walking over to the two men and ignoring the shocked gasp they let out as you pull them into a hug, greeting them with your kindness. “Come, sit. Dinner’s ready, and I’ve made a pie for dessert!” You skip over, waiting for them all to take their seats before you grab the pot and serve the food. Dinner goes well, and it’s finally time for them to taste your sweet pie. You walk over to the pie, carefully picking it up before bringing it to the table and serving them a slice each. “I hope you guys enjoy.” 
The moment the pie hits their tongues, the magic begins to flow through everything and everyone, eyes turning a bright pink for a split second before they let out soft groans from the flavour that explodes on their tastebuds. You don’t notice anything that has happened. You are too happy to see that they enjoyed your baking. 
The atmosphere in the room has changed. Every single man in the room felt their heartbeat quicken and their breathing become heavier. Their eyes are half-lidded, and their members harden, growing rapidly in their pants. It seems their gaze is set on you, eyes darkening as they look you up and down, slowly getting out of their chairs and surrounding you. 
“That was a great pie, Little Snow,” Clark growls, getting closer. “But I want to taste something a little bit sweeter.” You squeal as Steve and Bucky hold you, ensuring you can’t move as Clark kneels, lifting your dress and letting out a thick groan when he realises you haven’t been wearing anything underneath, your folds slick with your juices. “Aren’t you a dirty little girl? Wearing nothing while staying with a bunch of men.” You moan as he surges forward, licking from your hole to your swollen button. “Fuck, she tastes so much better than that pie.” Your walls clench when Clark moves close again, gripping your thighs as he nuzzles his face into your soaking cunt, licking and sucking. 
You whine as Steve grips your chin, turning you to face him and locking his lips with yours, slipping his tongue into your mouth. Bucky groans. The hand that isn’t gripping you moves to your plump breasts and squeezes and fondles them. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as Clark begins to suck on your swollen clit. You whimper into Steve’s mouth before gasping as a finger softly pokes against your entrance, breaching into it with a slow thrust. Your head falls back onto Steve and Bucky’’s shoulders, not noticing the other men rubbing their bulges through their pants, watching the scene before them with dark eyes. 
A choked whine escapes you when Clark curls his fingers while Bucky and Steve suck on your hardened nipples, swirling their tongues around. Your back arches, hands gripping their shirts as your vision becomes white and your juices flow out of your sopping cunt, covering Clark’s smirking face. “Fuck, Little Snow. You taste even more divine.” He curls his fingers in, happily watching how you twitch, your arousal still flowing out. “Men, clear the table. We are in need of a different kind of dessert.” He commands, standing to his full height and stepping aside. 
Steve and Bucky pull you toward the table, carefully setting you down and stepping back. All of the men stand and admire how beautifully blissed out you look. Johnny stumbles forward, his hardened member already hanging out of his pants, and you gasp as your gaze falls upon it. “T–that won’t fit…” You begin to shake your head as he slips between your spread legs, pulling you flush against him. 
Johnny smirks, tapping your cheek. “Dumb little sugar. I’ll make it fit. You’re so fucking wet. I’ll slide in so easily.” He reaches down and grips his throbbing base, tapping his leaking tip against your swollen clit before lining up against your entrance. Johnny groans when he pushes in, gasping at how tight you are around him. “Oh god! You feel so good, Sugar.” His hands grip your hips, slowly pulling out before thrusting into you harder. A grin forms on his face at how your eyes roll to the back of your head, letting out a sob as his tip hits your sweet spot.
You are suddenly lifted, and your eyes widen when you feel something poking your already stretched hole. Your head turns slightly, and you notice Sam giving you a cheeky smile, “Don’t worry, Snow. I’m just gonna join in on the fun.” You gasp when he slowly begins to push in, stretching you even more alongside Johnny. Sam’s head falls back, and he groans, “Holy fuck! You’re so fucking tight!” His grip tightens on your hips, and the thrusting begins between the two men. When one pushes in, the other pulls out, and your screams fill the cabin. Johnny pulls you into a deep kiss while Sam grips your hips and pounds hard into you. “Oh man, can you feel how tight she is?” 
Johnny nods, groaning. “Fuck yes! I don’t think I’m going to last long!” His pace picks up, slamming harder and faster into you before he buries his face into your neck as thick amounts of cum spurt out of his angry tip. “Shit! Shit! Shit!” Johnny slips out of your stretched hole, sagging into a chair as Sam pulls you down, pounding into you from behind, thrusting Johnny’s cum deeper into you. Your mouth falls open, and your eyes roll into the back of your head as Sam slams into your sweet spot, causing your walls to clench around his thick member and your juices to squirt out of you.
“Good little princess,” Sam growls into your ear, slamming his cock harder into you before burying inside of you, releasing his cum deep into you. “Fuck.” Sam moves back, the magic draining out of him, and he sags next to Johnny, their eyes fluttering closed. 
You squeal when you feel someone grabbing the back of your head before you start gagging as Curtis shoves his thick member into your mouth, thrusting in and out. “Jesus.” His head falls back, and his eyes half-lidded. “You’re mouth is so warm.” His hands hold your head, and he pulls out slowly before thrusting in again. You moan around him, swirling your tongue around his swollen tip before starting to suck, loving the salty taste that lands on your tastebuds. 
Dean smirks, gripping his throbbing member and tapping his angry tip against your used folds. He lifts your hips before sliding in, groaning at how tight you feel wrapped around him. “Damn, sweetheart. How are you still so fucking tight? You were just stretched by two cocks.” He begins to set his pace, pounding into you, pushing you to choke on Curtis’s cock. “Go on, sweetheart. Choke on his cock.” He groans, fucking into you faster. His tip repeatedly hits your sweet spot, loving how you feel as you squeeze his cock. “Shit! I’m so fucking close!” 
While Dean is busy chasing his orgasm, Curtis holds your head down and thrusts into your throat. His head rolls back as you moan around his member. “Such a sweet mouth for a sweet woman.” Fat tears roll down your cheeks, gagging around him, and your eyes roll to the back of your head when Dean fills you, setting off your orgasm, causing your arousal to coat him, and the vibrations from your moans cause Curtis to groan and release deep into your mouth, gripping your chin until you swallow and show him. “Good girl.” 
You whine as both men pull out and watch through blurry eyes as they also sag into the chairs. Your head flops down onto the hardwood table, breathing heavily. “Do you think we are done with you, Doll?” Bucky steps up, a pink swirl in his eyes as he peers down at your used form. “There’s still three of us.” You gasp when he picks you up, wrapping your legs loosely around his hips while lining his tip with your entrance. Steve steps behind you, and his hand strokes his cock up and down. Your eyes roll back, and your head flops onto Steve’s shoulder as Bucky pushes in. A loud whine escapes you when Steve follows suit, slipping his giant cock through your tiny hole. 
Both men begin to take turns pounding in and out of you. Clark steps forward and grips your chin, turning your head to capture your lips with his. “Who knew Snow White was secretly a whore. You like being used by seven men, honey?” You moan, nodding and clutching onto whoever you can. Clark grips your throat softly, making your dazed eyes look at him. “Of course you do. Only a little whore like you would like being used. No wonder the Queen wanted to get rid of you.” He moves closer, smirking as Steve and Bucky pick up their pace, causing your mind to go fuzzy. “She couldn’t have any competition because you’d end up stealing the attention of men away from her.” You nod along, barely hearing anything that leaves his mouth, too focused on the intense pleasure coming from between your legs. 
Steve presses forward, his hands kneading your breasts as he buries himself deeper inside you. “You feel so good, Snow.” He begins to kiss your collarbone and shoulders, groaning as you tighten around him. He picks up his pace, feeling his balls tighten and his cock twitch, a loud groan escapes him as cum spurts out of him, filling you to the brim. “Fuck…” He pulls out, sagging into a chair, his eyes falling closed. 
Bucky moves you, pushing you against a wall and pounding hard into you. “Fuck, take my fucking cock.” He grunts, bouncing you against his thrusts, filling you repeatedly. “You better take my fucking cum, slut. It’s what you are made for.” His metal hand wraps around your throat and squeezes, feeling his cock throb when your eyes widen and your walls spasm, squeezing the life out of his cock. “Oh, what a dirty little slut you are. Who would’ve known you liked being choked.” Bucky smirks before he grunts, burying himself deep inside you and releasing large amounts of cum. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” The moment he pulls out, his body does the same as the others, and before you can fall, Clark catches you and gives you a dark smile. 
“Oh, poor Little Snow. You should’ve chosen another cabin.” Your eyes widen when his eyes flash, and his cock fills you immediately. Even though the Queen was dead, it didn’t mean her minions died along with her. They just now had a mind of their own, a darker, more twisted mind. Your moans and screams echo outside the cabin. Clark’s member was bigger than the others, practically splitting you open. He growls, gripping your throat tightly. “You better find a way to wake the others when I’m done with you because you are ours now.” You are suddenly bent over the table, surrounded by the sleeping men, your nails dig into the wood, and your eyes roll into the back of your head as Clark slams deep into you. 
Your vision goes white as he repeatedly hits your sweet spot. Your juices squirt out and cover him and everything around. Your head hits the table as he continues before filling you with his cum, mixing with the others. You barely have time to register Clark’s body dropping as the magic leaves him. You shakingly stand, your legs wobbling, and you grip the table beneath as you look around and take in the sleeping bodies, or so you thought. You stumble over to the closet man, which happens to be Steve and feel his pulse. 
Your eyes widen, and your body drops as a wail escapes you, magic exploding from your body as you release every emotion you’ve been keeping in. Your eyes begin to close, and the last thing you hear is the men coming back to life, their hands grabbing you and bringing you upstairs. 
Come morning. You would learn never to trust strangers. 
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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heartfullofleeches · 11 months
do you ever just feel like an old man browsing tumblr because youre so behind? liek everyone was fixtated on puppyboy reader and fast food reader and ALL the readers and i wasnt and now im fixtated on fast food reader while everyones now fixtated on lacey and lucy T_T
If u want to could u do a scenario where fast food reader gets kidnapped? Make it as short as u want i just wanna read smth fromyou lol
Bound and unable to move - you lay motionless on the dirty floor of some unmarked van; counting the blood splatters on the ceiling to pass the time. 32, 33, 34 - wow, these guys are really serious. Being kidnapped by hardened criminals would've gotten you a win on the bingo card of all the fucked things happen to you on the job - if you hadn't already been kidnapped twice this week. It just had to be a Friday too. Your boss will use this little encounter to drag you back in for the weekend due to "concerns for your safety" or whatever other bullshit they make up to keep you on duty. Speaking of staff - why haven't they saved you yet?
"They're too loud. Shut them up."
You're about seventy percent sure these guys aren't telepathic... It's when one of the crooks tells you they aren't that you come to the conclusion that you've been talking out loud this whole time. A faint riiip sounds from the passenger seat as the one sitting in it stands, duct tape in hand. You plant your feet against the wall, pushing yourself upright as they approach.
"Before you do this - just know the only reason you all are still alive is probably because my coworkers are placing rock paper scissors to see who gets to keep your spines. You'll honestly be lucky if you die here."
The kidnappers eyes narrow behind their mask. As their foot draws back, static coming from the radio stops them from bring it down on your chest. They turn as the driver findles with the radio as the static crackles and pops from its speakers, bashing his fist against the dashboard.
"Why won't this fucking thing turn off!"
A familiar voice overlaps with the static.
"Over come with guilt for their wrongdoings, the driver takes the gun from the glove compartment and places it against his temple - pulling the trigger. The employee closes their eyes, and keeps them closed until they are free"
Your eyes clamp shut right as the driver reaches for the glove compartment. They catch a glimpse of the man placing the gun against the side of his head - a loud bang causing you to squeeze them tighter. Chaos erupts soon after - as if there wasn't enough already. Before the surviving crooks had time to process what just happened, the entire van quakes with the reverberating boom of something large hitting it from outside. The back door is torn from its hinges, cold air seeping through like blood from a fresh wound. You hear the kidnappers raise their guns and voices in defense, weapons tumbling to the floor as as sharp metal scrapes along the walls of the van. A wet snout presses against your cheek - heavy tongue licking the sweat from your damp skin.
"I'm okay, Lambchop. The ropes are a little tight, but I'm unharmed otherwise. Please go easy on them."
The mascot snorts in response. At least you tired. Two pairs of hands pick you up off the floor of the van and drags you out as the first scream tears through the bitter night. You feel weightless as they carry you back inside and sit you down in a booth. One set of hands checks your face, hands and every exposed inch of skin for bruises or scratches. The others gentle cup your cheeks.
"Y/n, open your eyes."
"I physically can't until you untie me."
Your chest becomes lighter as the ropes fall off you. The first sight you see as you reopen your eyes is the janitor pocketing their pocket knife and the concern in the succubus' gaze as she removes her hands from your face. The Janitor is the first to speak.
"Are you okay?"
You rub at the rings around your wrist. "Probably would've had my chest caved in if the Storyteller didn't bail me out, but I'm okay now."
The janitor's hands tighten into fists. The succubus' eyes dark so deeply they turn near black, but she hides her anger behind a sweet smile.
"Well since you're okay we'd better it going. I'm sure the ball pit hands can help you relax better than you could."
"Where are you two heading?"
The janitor speaks up for her. "We're going back outside. I need to get my spines before Lambchop completely turns their bodies into paste."
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waldau · 11 months
flustered — jeon wonwoo | 1.7k | fluff
first ever work on tumblr for any fandom! yikes. gender neutral reader. no warnings.
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people often think wonwoo isn't the kind of person to express himself freely. you know how untrue that accusation is. wonwoo is far from emotionless. only his close friends know what actually makes him crack up, and you're one of the very few who knows what makes him cry.
but you have no idea what makes him blush.
ever since you've been in a relationship, you've never once seen him blush at anything you've said. compliments don't work, not when he accepts them gracefully and carries on like nothing's happened. he doesn't shy away when the band makes him perform silly antics for the fans, opting to do them with the small, ever-present smile on his face.
even mingyu is clueless when you ask him what it is that could possibly make wonwoo blush. teasing him about you never works because it just makes him smile even more.
so you decide to give it a go and try everything you can to make his cheeks turn red. it's silly, but it should be worth the efforts.
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wonwoo doesn't like waking up early when he doesn't have to, but when you wake up today morning, his side of the bed is empty. you get up and walk to the living room, careful not to make any noise.
sure enough, wonwoo's sitting on the sofa with his laptop on the coffee table and a notepad and a pen on his lap, occasionally jotting down something here and there. you watch him for a minute or two before you walk up to him and put your arms around his neck, bending down so your lips are right next to his ear. "good morning," you whisper in the most morning-y voice you can muster. you don't think your voice has ever been this low before.
wonwoo doesn't even flinch. he grips your hands with one of his and turns around to press a kiss to your cheek. "good morning, darling," he says, turning to the laptop to pause the video on his screen before he looks at you again. "did you sleep well?"
"till i realized you weren't sleeping beside me, yes."
he chuckles and takes his hand off yours, laying down before raising his arms to you. you've done this a hundred times before — tumbling over the sofa and onto his chest and into his arms, secure.
he presses a kiss to your head. "do you have any plans for today?"
"none, unless you count me wanting to spend the rest of the day with you." you can't see his reaction, but his heartbeat is steady as it always is. you can feel his smile against your head.
"that's what i wanted to do, too, but do you want to go to the museum today? i know you've been wanting to for a while. maybe we could catch a movie after that."
you don't have the heart to say anything but yes. it sounds like the perfect day, even if you didn't achieve your goal.
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the next time you try is when you get into an argument.
it's not an argument, not really. just a minor disagreement.
about a certain cat you want as a pet, and it reaches its final stage with wonwoo on his gaming chair and you standing in front of him, hands on your hips. "are you saying you're so heartless that you can't adopt the poor cat?"
"don't twist my words! it's not like i don't want to adopt it."
"that's the impression you're giving right now."
wonwoo sighs, running a hand through his hair. "i want a cat. and i want it with you. but don't you think it's not fair when i'm not home for a lot of time? i don't want you to raise it all by yourself. what if it doesn't know who i am?"
you stifle a snort. "that's your main concern?"
wonwoo tilts his head. "what else would it be?"
"you're afraid you're going to be an absent dad?"
"is that so bad?"
you let out a laugh. "no. not at all. but does that mean we can get a cat when we move in together?"
wonwoo hesitates. "yes, but i'd rather get it when i don't tour as much, you know?"
you sigh. "you just don't think it's cute enough, do you?"
"what? no! of course not! i was the one who showed it to you, not the other way round."
wonwoo looks cute like this, you think, arguing with you about the tiniest things ever. you hope you'll always argue about stuff like this. without a second thought, you move into his lap and hold his face in your hands, pressing kisses all over it. he lets out a confused noise before holding your waist and letting you do what you want.
"i love you, you know that?" you say earnestly, looking into his eyes.
"i love you too?" he says, frowning slightly.
"you look cute when you're serious. like you're trying to be angry with me, but you're not actually angry. and you also look a bit hot."
he blinks. "are you trying to seduce me into getting you a cat?"
you gasp dramatically. "why would you think that? i mean, what if i was?"
he looks at you for a moment before he chuckles and presses a kiss to your neck. "do you really want it that bad? i'll look into it, i promise."
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the third time you try is when you're at the supermarket a few weeks later. wonwoo prefers shopping late at night, especially on friday nights, because there's not many people around.
you don't mind. you like spending late nights out with wonwoo, letting time pass while the night bleeds into day. especially because the day in question is saturday.
you're currently in the dairy products aisle, wonwoo looking at two different brands of tofu and comparing their expiration dates when you suddenly wrap your hands around his waist, pressing yourself to his back. there's no one else around you, and you really hope there's no camera capturing your antics.
wonwoo doesn't budge, simply putting one of the packets back. "i think we'll take this," he says, dropping the remaining one into your basket. "you're going to have to teach me how to make that soup."
you don't respond, still pressed to his back.
wonwoo sets down the basket and tugs you off him, pulling you around so you're facing him.
then he tips your chin up, leans down, and places a gentle kiss on your lips.
you don't know what to say when he pulls away. you can't even tell if it lasted for a few seconds or some minutes. he's worn his nighttime pajamas to the supermarket and he still looks amazing. you know you look like an idiot when he smiles at you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
"you could have just asked for a kiss, you know." then he turns back to look at the other products like he didn't just steal your breath away in the middle of a supermarket close to midnight.
you were trying to get him flustered, but it's not like you're complaining.
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it finally happens, but when you're expecting it the least. you and wonwoo have just gotten back from the fair that's been open near your place for the past week, somehow having time off from work on the same day.
you've enjoyed yourself for the first time in weeks, strolling through the place with your hand in wonwoo's, sipping on hot chocolate, letting him win you a mario figurine (he'd wanted to try again to get you a plushie, but you found the figurine infinitely funnier), and just taking a ton of pictures with and of him.
you've also bought a lot of little stuff which has amounted to the two bags currently occupying your hands, which is why you sheepishly ask wonwoo if he can unlock the door.
he takes your keys from your jacket without question and opens the door, letting you in first. you're thinking about whether you should set the bags aside and untie your shoes or risk a little damage by just kicking them off, when wonwoo slides past you in your stupidly little hallway and switches on the lights.
his foot catches with yours and he ends up with his back to the wall, while you trip and turn in a desperate attempt not to fall on your face and break the little jars of various jams you've bought.
you get a little more than what you've bargained for when you stumble forward and land your hands on the wall, one on either side of his chest. you're just thankful neither of you is hurt, but when you look up, wonwoo's face is slowly turning red.
for the first time in the two years you've been together, wonwoo's flustered. you're glad he flipped the lights on, because seeing him with a blush on his face seems almost alien. his vision constantly flits between your face and the spot over your shoulder, unwilling to meet your eyes.
you don't know what to say. "wonwoo. i'll fall if i keep holding on any longer."
"oh," he breathes, "yes. right." he looks at you for a moment, unsure how to maneuver you to stand without making you lose your balance, and settles for his hands around your waist. you manage to stand with his help, putting the bags on the floor carefully before a grin makes its way across your face.
"of all the things i've been trying to do to get you to blush, that's what did it?"
he looks at your eyes and then at the floor. "why would you even try to do that?"
"i've never seen you blush! i had to."
"did you get what you wanted?"
he still isn't meeting your eyes. his glasses are halfway across his nose because of the angle you're at, so you push them up for him. "i didn't even plan for this to happen, you know. but it's definitely what i wanted. and you're pretty," you add, revelling in the redness of his ears.
he shakes his head and lets out a small chuckle. "is there any chance you'll let me off the hook anytime soon?"
"as if."
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theycalledhimastar · 2 months
if you are comfortable with writing Nikolai :
Can you write something similar like Neithboir price but with Nikolai?
Maybe reader being IT assisnat for 141 and having their car broken ? Or reader being new 141 Solider and needing help with something in their office?
Also bonus points if reader will be masc 👉👈
>w< anon~
Aaaaack! Absolutely! I have no clue why I didn't get a notification for this, tumblr is stinky like that! Let's get some Nikolai love up in here >:3
Nikolai x M!reader (Fluff!)
(Likely inaccurate but whatever, we ball you guys)
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☄. *.
Your day had already been a total shitshow, from the moment your alarm failed to wake you up. Tumbling out of bed, you already had a creeping feeling that today was going to be... a long one. Your boots just didn't feel quite right, your sleep posture probably wasn't right so now your neck was sore and stiff, and your mood was positively foul.
Morning Training wasn't any better, truth be told. You felt like a rookie all over again, practically embarrassing yourself with your clumsy performance. The fresh bruises attested to the morning's lousy work as you trudged to the showers. Where, of course the water was cold, you couldn't complain, but you wanted to.
The shitty breakfast felt worse than normal, the coffee more bitter and gritty than it was supposed to be. The coffee grinds trapped in your teeth making you cringe all through your afternoon routine. Why couldn't you catch a break? Nobody else seemed to notice what was so horrible, that only added to it all, really.
The straw that broke the camel's back, was when your computer simply refused to cooperate in the middle of your paperwork. Of course, because why the hell not? You buried your face in your hands, wanting to scream and throw the stupid device. Unfortunately, you couldn't do that, you needed it for other work matters. So you were forced to ask around to see if anyone could help you with the slow, laggy, uncooperative piece of shit.
Naturally, nobody really knew what exactly to do, offering a choir of "try turning it on and off again". That, or they just didn't care and opted to shrug off your issues. You were ready to give up, practically banging your head against the wall when a gentle hand on your shoulder interrupted your meltdown. You had seen Nikolai around base a few times, chatted a little bit here and there and you liked him well enough...
A normal amount...
"What's wrong sergeant?"
That alone was enough to make you start ranting about the horrible day you were having. Your alarm, training, breakfast, the showers, your computer, everything that had plagued you all thrown onto the older man. Nik just took it like a champ, nodding and agreeing every couple of sentences while gently ushering you back to your office so that he could fix your "stupid computer".
"I cannot help with the coffee, that stuff is always horrible. But I know a thing or two about computers if you would like some assistance."
You stand to the side, watching Nik type over your computer. You try not to let your gaze linger too long on his dexterous fingers as they swiftly move over the keyboard. Now is definitely not the time to make things awkward, but you can't help yourself. The fatherly figure has always been your type, and that accent has become your weakness the more time you have spent around him. You knew it was futile, he probably barely noticed you. You were new to the force and barely spoke to him for fear of embarrassing yourself horrendously. But still, one could daydream.
Meanwhile, Nik was more than aware of your not-so-subtle staring. He tried to attribute it to you trying to watch what he did to try it yourself next time. But when he realized you were staring at his hands and not the screen, he knew that wasn't it. While he was flattered by a young, fresh sergeant like yourself taking such interest in himself, he wasn't going to entertain the thought himself. Problems came about when you thought too long about that kind of thing.
"Alright, that should do it I think. These things are touchy sometimes. You just have to have that magic touch I guess."
He held up his hands with a grin, turning to stand up fully from his hunched over position. The way you stared at his raised hands sending a pang of pride straight to his chest. Maybe he could entertain it a little bit...
You stumbled over yourself to thank him, offering a favor of some kind, but he just brushed it aside. Ever the generous one, he wasn't going to expect anything for some simple computer fix. You silently wished that he would have accepted, you would've had an excuse to talk to him again later on. Alas, you would simply have to gather up the courage for another time. Although, when he patted you firmly on the back to leave and get to his own work, you very quickly decided that the day wasn't so bad after all...
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maehemthemisfit · 1 year
because tumblr hates me i'm posting it again. if you want to see the original ask/post it's here!
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he's so sly sometimes, and even when you catch on to his act, he blinks his pretty eyes and plays coy, feighning innocence with a hand to his chest at your accusatory tone.
no, no, no! that wasn't his intentions! he was solely focused on the trick and nothing else. if anything, he makes it seem like you're at fault for your mind wandering to such things. Is he really to blame if you're the one being distracted by his "unintentional" charm?
he chuckles at the way you get choked up over his words. he's just so good at twisting them in his favour that it's hard to think of a rebuttle.
in the mist of your flustered state, he takes the opportunity to shower you with affection, planting feverent kisses that bloom warmth across your face, his hands pulling you closer to meet his lips.
the harmonious tune of your laughter mixes together, cards long forgotten somewhere on the table as Lyney embraces you.
after his lips finally depart yours, those purple eyes of his gaze fondly into yours, halflidded and joined by a smile adorning his face. you swear you could see the stars in his midnight eyes if you looked long enough.
"so, what other tricks can you show me?" you mused, flipping his hat onto your head in one fluid motion.
Lyney chuckled, adjusting his hat to sit perfectly on your head while his other hand still laid comfortably on your waist. "well, if you want to learn more magic, you'll have to start adressing me as teacher," he teased, and you sputtered at his words.
with a smirk, his brows raised again, this time a mischivious glint in his eyes as he held his chin. "or maybe... master's more your thing?"
before he could marvel in your reaction, he found himself already outside your door, his body turning against the hand on his back that quickly guided him out.
"I t-think that's enough magic for today!" you hastily said, pushing his hat back into his arms before adruptly closing your door.
"h-hey wait! what about my cards?" he asked, despite having a plethora of them at his disposal. unfortunately, he was met with no response.
"oh well..." he sighed, shaking his head with a smile. with a snap of his wrist, he went to place his hat back on, only to be showered with cards atop his head. he couldn't help but chuckle as they tumbled down, realizing your little scheme. seems like you had a few tricks up your sleeve as well.
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Edit: All chapters up on Tumblr & ao3 :p
Okay, so I saaaaid 3 chapters. But like every good ending to a movie franchise, we going halfsies. ;P I will be dead honest, I have only seen the fist episode of FoP: ANW and have no desire to continue, because, as a 24 yo woman I should not feel this distraught about a cartoon. Also, I'm recalling things from the OG series by memory. So if things don't quite line up with canon or lore, just let me have the liberation that comes with fan fiction. Also, I know the show takes place ~20 years ahead, I like to think Timmy kept his fairies till he was 18 and so it has been 12 years since they have last been together.
Second Star To The Right And Straight On Home ⭐️ (Part 1)
Timmy had been working on this sales report for the first 3 hours of shift. His hands were cramping as his eyes strained at the screen. Maybe he needed glasses? Definitely needed to start taking magnesium supplements. Was he really getting that old? It wasn’t like he had done much in his life to feel old at 30. That was another thought, he hadn’t done much of anything. He’d been at this job for nearly three years, maybe a handful of failed dates, and spent his free time napping on the couch after eating room temperature pizza. 
  What am I doing?
  Introspection always vined its way like poison ivy through the ridges of his brain when left with his own thoughts.  
  I need fresh air, maybe take a walk, go grab a drink this weekend, anything to break up the monotony.
  Monotony: he never used that word. The world was starting to bleed into the black and white screen he worked with, smearing into something gray. This was torture, working under florescents when there was real sunlight. His cubicle was near the back of the office and closest to the windows. It magnified his gloominess by teasing the bright colors of the outside. He frequently cast glances to see streams of sun peeking through tree leaves. Most times, there was a finch sized bird sitting on the closer branches. Timmy noticed it the first time when, strangely, he was feeling watched. Or maybe he was desperate for attention. 
  Lately, when he’d go to check on the little bird, it was missing, leaving him discontent. It was a strange color, akin to lavender or periwinkle. No amount of Google searches revealed the species. It wasn’t uncommon for Cosmo and Wanda to take animal forms. Green and pink dogs were definitely harder to explain. There were no strange looks when they were pins on his backpack or- 
  Timmy’s brows furrow and he moves his hands to grip the arms of his chair, sitting up straighter. Though he was looking outside, all focus was on whatever was unfurling in his head. 
  Cosmo and Wanda .... did I ever have dogs? No. Definitely not a green one. I had fish, it's a wonder they stayed alive for so long. 
  Why did he think of those names? Why could he picture personified versions of everyday objects? Always the same color. Green and pink. Pink and green. Because he knew them. He knew they weren't pins on a backpack or an .... umbrella? 
  They were my fish. Right? But they were also people. No, that’s not quite right either. 
  They were his fairies. And he remembers skydiving. He’s never been skydiving. But how does he know the sting of wind on his face?  And why was his parachute talking? Timmy nearly knocks over his chair as he gets to his feet, heart rate increasing like the one and only time he went to the gym. A co-worker catches the sudden movement, sensing a source of panic. 
    “Yo, Turner, you good man?”
  Timmy barely registers the words and makes a noise in the back of his throat as a reply.
    “I’vegottogo.” He tumbles out, snatching his car keys and phone from beneath the desk. 
  He has to find that fishbowl. 
    The house had been shut up since his parents left on their yearlong Winnebago journey. Outside of Facebook posts and a few messages he rarely spoke to them. They were never really the attentive type. At least not to their son. Timmy has a hard time getting the door open. Images and dialogue clog up his concentration. It’s like their occurring in the moment and yet he’s recalling them from the past at the same time 
  Wishing for Christmas every day? Really immature Timmy.
  ‘We’re two halves of a whole idiot!’
  Wanting to be a girl for the day was a bad idea from the start. What was I thinking? Even if Trixie Tang was hot. Wanda did warn me though.
  'This bike stinks. I need one that’s cool as I am!’ 'This bike is as cool as you are!’
  'Did I really wish to be in the internet? Oh dear God I’m so happy it wasn’t the modern-day web.
  'And here's Wanda with the news: Vicky 's going to kill you when she finds out what you're up to!’
  His head pounds from the jumbled jargon he once knew as it takes meaning again. No wonder he felt so bored with his life now. He had fairies and dumb wishes with dumb, sometimes disastrous outcomes as a kid. Cosmo and Wanda were his fairies! There was a whole world of fairies, anti-fairies, and pixies and magic!  And there was a whole book of rules, all of them he sees himself breaking. As well as being the source of new ones.
  When the keys finally make it into the doorknob and he throws it open, not bothering to retrieve them or close the door. After he had moved out, his parents didn't do anything with his stuff. Just shoved boxes and the miscellaneous in as they needed. Everything was mostly in the same spot. Including the fishbowl.  
  It was right where it should be on his nightstand. Timmy went to reach for it but pulled back, staring intently. Dust had covered the glass surface, and he was afraid that disturbing any of it might cease the onslaught of memories. He wanted these memories, he wanted to know his life hadn’t been useless. That there were people who wanted the best for him and didn’t abandon him when there was a stupid decision to be made. Knowing that two tiny fairies said they cared for him. 
  His heart was pulsing hot bolts of pain at the thought of having lost them in the first place. At wondering why his god-parents left him and where they were now. 
  After a long moment, he tentatively reached out, bringing it closer, letting clips of childhood reflect off the glass. It was barely big enough for one guppy, much less three goldfish. Three. There had been three.   
  There was no cringe or embarrassment attached to this wish. In fact he remembered being the happiest he’d ever been in his life. It has been him and his god-parents for a long time, and he never thought it could get better. It was an overwhelming feeling of love that encompassed past and present. Cosmo and Wanda for once hadn’t warned him of the repercussions, despite them being epoch-making; they all knew it was so worth it. 
  Sadness has such a way of tainting things. It crept unnoticed as another memory took place. It was in this room. He felt a tight squeeze around his arm and saw Cosmo’s face pressed into his shoulder, muffling sobs, his dramatics matching the situation for once. A light kiss pressed itself into his temple as Wanda patted down his hair. Tiny hands pulled at his shirt and tears stained more than his clothes. Then there was nothing. Like it was all a dream that faded with the night and the sun was rising a now dull dawn.
  Timmy rubbed at the dust with his thumb, smearing a tear across it. He remembered the third one. His voice choked on something bitter as he saw through the eyes of his younger self, hugging the baby fairy when it all went away. 
    “Oh Poof, I - I’m so sorry.”
    “Don’t be. And it’s Peri now.”  
          💫 💫 💫
  Was that really the first thing to say after 12 years? The strain in his own voice prevented what Peri thought might be condescending. Call it intuition or an inference, but he knew Timmy would come back here. After Dev granted his wish, he sat there dumb struck until the kid asked him what happened next. Peri had pictured the reunion with so many different outcomes that, for a moment, he was scared of ‘next.’ Timmy was all the way back in Dimmesdale, across the country, though that was no problem with a little magic. Magic however, could be independent if left without clear boundaries. Peri had no idea how this wish would work out. Would it be instant? Would it come back in pieces? Would it work at all? He was sure he found a loop-hole. He could recall several times his magic went against Da Rules without the intention, and as dangerous as it was, this was his fail safe. 
  This was Peri’s first time shapeshifting into his human form that was not directly from his normal one. His little finch self has flown through the cracked window, its symbolism lost on him.  A human body felt clumsy, but it seemed like the right choice. What if he hadn’t remembered they were fairies yet? Granted, he was still trying to figure out the wings and crown, it was difficult to hide the markers of his true self.
  It would not have mattered if Poof appeared as a fairy or disguised as human, Timmy could see Cosmo and Wanda in him. He had just been a year or two out of his beach-ball stage when Timmy had turned 18, and the then young kid was already resembling his parents. Now, Timmy was struck with the resemblance to his god-parents. His little Poof had Cosmo’s smile and Wanda’s hair, but his eyes were uniquely his own and easily the most identifiable. Timmy had seen those lavender eyes glitter as they first took in the world. He hated anyone or anything that turned those eyes into blank spaces all this time.
  Peri might not have been going by his government name, but he made a noise akin to it when Timmy pounced on him. Petite as he was, something he got from his father (well, before retirement), he felt enveloped by the embrace. Even as a human, Peri was slight and though Timmy was no body-builder, he wasn’t a teenager anymore. The differences didn’t register as he felt the warmth of Timmy’s near crushing hold. His body recalled the last time they were like this, when it was goodbye. As his mind caught up to the haptic memory, the contrast between then and now made him break.
  My brother remembers!
 Relief was meant to be calming, coming out from a storm unharmed, but for them it was a tsunami. For all the bravado and charisma he showcased, over a decade of longing revealed itself. Timmy wasn’t much taller but it was enough so he could hide his face in his brother’s neck, for once not holding back the tears. He felt the human’s cheek press against the side of his head and it was the most contact either had in a time they had stopped counting. Timmy couldn’t believe this, he never wanted to let go, never wanted to forget a single second of this. How could any magic replace this?
  The moment could not bridge the years apart had they stayed this way for twice as long. Timmy had to force himself to push Peri back by his shoulders, one hand staying there and the other pressed against the back of his head to get a better look. If he still had them, he’d wish for the tears to stop so he could see properly.
    “Oh my God. Poof, look at you! You grew up! How-how could I have missed this?” He hiccuped.
   Peri didn’t bother to correct him, the name was childish but they had both been children when Timmy named him and if anyone had a pass to say it, it was his big brother.  The fairy took a shaky breath, attempting to blink away the kaleidoscopic effect of tears. 
    “Like -,” he has to step back, letting both of Timmy’s hands rest on his shoulders, or he might never stop crying, “Like I said, don’t be sorry.” He smiled pitifully. They could fix it now
    “We used to watch - oh what was that show? Sleazy and Cheezy! And you about got me killed!” He laughed, wanting to recall as much as possible
    “And - and remember the time mom was so mad because you were teaching me to shape shift!”
    “Tree and bee do sound the same!”
    “Okay but, you definitely stretched it with the bird and rocket mix up!”
    “Hey, I wasn’t gonna let you take the fall. You were already falling in on our roof.” 
  Reluctantly, Timmy let go of Peri’s narrow shoulders, the euphoria bottoming out. Peri saw the dimming of blue eyes, and an intense anxiety struck him. This time he was the one reaching out.
    “What’s wrong? 
  Timmy pulls away and moved to sit on the edge of his bed. A musty smell arose as the sheets crinkled under the weight. Peri watched as a perturbed look took form.
    “Why?” He finally says.
    “What do you mean ‘why’?”
    “I grew up, they wiped my brain. You could have lived eternity and forgotten about me.”
     Peri had a lightning-like shot of anger, “I could never forget about you. None of us could.”
     Timmy scoffed, “You’re telling me that immortal fairies, who have had countless god-kids throughout the centuries, would find me so important?”
     The fairy clenches his fist, stomping over to force the human to look at him. "You have no idea how hard they fought for you. Or how much of a hole you left for us. They haven't had a god-kid since you.” 
    “Really?” He concedes. It dissipates into something bitter and selfish when he sees Peri’s resolve falter.
    “Well -
    “I figured as much.”
    “No, you don’t understand.” He says the harshness leaving, replaced with empathy. He sits down next to Timmy. “It was very recent. And I was mad and couldn’t understand either, after all we went through.”
   “Thanks.” He says flatley. 
   “Will you just listen to me? When they met Hazel, they said it felt different from their time with you. Because they realized you meant more than being their god-kid. That it was the same feeling they have with me.”  
 They think of me like their son? 
  Timmy wills himself not to let go of another tear, but it has been an emotional day and having half your life re-written can be a little overwhelming.
    “Do they know, that, well, that I know ? ”
    Peri grins, a bit of debonair sneaking in, “Would you like to tell them?”
  He thinks of the first time he met his god-parents, at 10 it never crossed his mind to be skeptical because, hey, unlimited wishes. Now that he’s older, he realizes all the lessons he learned from them. And how he could get away with so much more with Cosmo and how Wanda would nag him like a mother. They were more his parents than his biological ones. 
    Timmy bumps his shoulder with Peri’s, “You realize we probably are going to be crying again?”
    “No doubt. Family reunions can be emotional.” He says with a curt nod, now wearing a full smile. 
  Family. His family. 
    “I gatta ask though, did you say your name was Peri?”   
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manicrouge · 7 months
Christmas Comfort
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[ꜱɪᴍᴏɴ ʀɪʟᴇʏ x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ]
[ᴅᴀᴛᴇ ᴘᴏꜱᴛᴇᴅ]: 25/12/23 (REPOSTED: 09/02/24)
[ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ]: After Johnny's death and a failed mission, Simon returns home to his girlfriend.
[ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ]: 3.3k
[ᴛᴡ]: hurt/comfort, angst, a somewhat happy ending (it will never be fully happy without soap I am sorry) possible mw3 spoilers (if you have been living under a rock please avoid)
[ᴀ/ɴ]: THIS IS A REPOST !! I've had few issues with shadowbans and have moved accounts a few times (tumblr thought I was a bot). I want all of my stories to be on the same blog so I apologise for the repost.
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Christmas this year is going to be tough.
You know it from when you open the door to him on Christmas Eve. 
Time has passed, he hasn’t been home for months and you were starting to convince yourself that it’s going to be years before you ever see him again.
When you were talking on the phone earlier, sometime during the middle of November, he had made a comment that he wasn’t going to come back home until he had made sure he had the pleasure of declaring that the enemy that had murdered his best friend was officially gone for good. While your chest tightened at his comment, you had nodded along and assured him that they would catch Makarov eventually; there were only so many places one man could hide before he’d revert back to familiar ground. 
You feared the same for Simon at that moment. In fact, even with him home safe, you still do.  
Of course, you would never say that to his face.
Despite his capability in combat, however, you often find yourself awake at night wondering just how capable he was when it came to processing and dealing with loss. Had he done what you assume he has done, he was most likely going to run from it instead of addressing it. Problems will build up and up until they came tumbling down. It’s a simple thought to construct during the late nights you have been spending alone since the news of what had happened to Johnny had found its way to you. Just as such a thought is easy to construct, you find that another one comes to you quicker than the former: where would Simon be when the building he’d constructed over the years fell to pieces? 
There were only so many places he man could hide before he’d refer back to familiar ground. Even if said ground was crumbling around him. Maybe in his misery, he would find solace in falling to his doom with the chunks of shattered earth surrounding him.
If that assessment is wrong, it doesn't matter; your brain has decided it before your heart even gets a say.
You have very little to go off of concerning with how he dealt with loss, the occasional comment about his mum was enough for you to know that he wasn’t the type to completely forget about a loved one. 
He's vague about his past. The less said about it the better. 
‘You keep pawing an’ clawing at my brain like a damn puppy,’ he said, trailing his hands through your hair. You were guilty, for sure you were. Curiosity was sure to be the death of you in that regard. He’d let small facts slip on occasion, although, you knew his accidental slip ups were most definitely intention. 
Of course, Simon Riley was no fool.
’Just tell me something,’ you begged, ‘like… I don’t know, what was your favourite food to eat at Christmas when you were younger? Ooo, I bet it was something like liquorice. You’d so make your nan pissed by robbing all the good shit out of the sweet tin.’ You laughed at the thought of a tiny Simon Riley climbing on top of a chair, his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth as he attempted to snatch the sweet, sweet treat of liquorice. 
‘Are you fuckin’ kidding me?’ he scoffed, ‘actin’ like I’m an old man doll,’ he snorted, ‘stop tryin’ to pester me f’r memories you have no business viewing.’
‘Is it illegal to be curious now?’ you asked with a playful smile. It was silent for a moment, and you lifted your head in an attempt to find his eyes in the darkness.
‘Yes, it is,’ he said, ‘you don’t wanna know me from the past, love,’ he huffed, ‘doesn’t matter now.’
‘You won’t even tell me what your favourite food was during Christmas?’ 
‘No,’ he reverted back to the same Simon you had seen when Johnny had been talking his ear off during the rare nights out you had had with 141. ’Now go t’ sleep, gonna be tired in the morning if you keep rambling on. My ears are burning with ya, doll,’ he teased, wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you firmly against his chest. 
Despite everything telling you to pull away from him, you maintained your closeness, the warmth of him far too appetising to refuse. Exhaling deeply, you rested your head against the pillow, staring straight at the wall in front of you. Your heart hurt at the very thought that he cared so little about his past that he fought to keep everything from his earlier life away from you. Even the smallest things. Of course, you would never had pried him, only the few passing comments in hopes for him to slip up as he had done a few times before. 
Another hard sigh escaped you as you close your eyes. He shifted behind you, resting his head against your shoulder. You thought nothing of his sudden movement; it wasn’t uncommon for him to do so while you were sharing a bed together. Only, he turned his head, his breath ghosting your ear. Inhaling, he swallowed hard. ‘Mum used to make us roast dinners,’ he whispered, ‘used to always slap my hand away whenever she was cooking cause I used to always rob the pigs-in-blankets while she was still getting dinner ready.’
A small laugh passed your lips as you turned in his hold, placing your hand against his cheek with a cheeky grin. He stares back, blue gaze gutting through the darkness, slicing your soul to pieces.  ‘Now, will y’ stop huffin’ and puffing and just go to sleep?’ He asked, placing his hand over yours. 
‘Soundly, Lt.’
Even behind the mask, you could sense the sadness, the loss. A flurry of emotions hits you when you first see him after what has happened. What can you say to him? Anything other than I’m sorry seems to be an insult to him and to the memory of the man that is sure to haunt him.
The mask hides his face, but it never hid his eyes, his tired and war-weary eyes. It's a brutal sight to see the man who had put the fear of God through you when you had first met reduced to this crushed soul. 
‘Simon,’ you say after a while of the pair of you just standing there, staring at each other. For a brief moment, it felt as though you had opened the door to a stranger instead of your boyfriend. Lifting his head, his Adams apple bobs beneath his balaclava as he steps forward. You take a step back, letting go of the edge of the door. Still, he doesn't speak, only standing there, observing you. ‘I thought you said you weren’t coming home until—‘
‘Don’t wanna talk about it,’ he answers, closing the door behind him.
His clothes are branded with the stench of war, and you take note of his bloodshot eyes. Has he been crying? You thought it impossible for such to be the case, he’d do no such thing. But, when he shakily inhales, grabbing the edge of his balaclava, your stomach dropped.
‘Place looks nice,’ he says, though his eyes don't leave you, ripping his mask from off of his face, shoving it into of his cargo pants. His words were shaky despite the stoic expression on his face. ‘You been alright?’
You look at him with wide eyes. ‘I- uh- yeah, yeah, just sorting out last minute things for Christmas,’ you answer, ‘how about you go and get a shower, get changed into some fresh clothes? I’ll make you something to eat—‘
‘Not hungry,’ he answers frankly, ‘appreciate the offer, doll, but I think I’m just gonna go straight to bed,’ he says. All the moisture in your mouth disappears and you’re forced to swallow a dry mouthful of air as you look up at him. 
‘Right,’ you nod, ‘I- I’ll be up right after you, just gonna turn everything off down here,’ you say.
He doesn’t answer you after that, dropping his duffle bag down on the ground by the front door as he traipses up the wooden steps of your home. The garland wrapped around the bannister winks at you as you watch Simon walk up the stairs, almost mocking you for ever think it was a good idea to decorate.
The entirety of your house is wrapped like a Christmas present, reds, greens, colourful lights- everything. Whether it was the right thing to decorate or not, you choose not to focus on it too much as you rush around the house, switching off the decorations and the lights, leaving the washing you had been doing on the counter in the kitchen. 
All of it can wait. But he can’t. 
So, with such a thought in mind, you busy yourself with your plan. What is included in that plan can be decided as you’re walking through the house, back to the staircase you have just seen your poor boyfriend walking up.
Jogging up each step, you decide that ultimately, everything that has happened in the past few months with be something he will not be willing to discuss with you; he made it clear when he walked through the door. Don’t push him on it.
When your foot hits the last step, you nod to yourself as you consider what you would do if he did want to talk to you about it. If he wants to talk to you about it, then you rejoice in his openness. But it isn’t necessary for him to have your undying support. No matter what he decides, ultimately, your heart is never going to fail on him. 
Before heading into your bedroom, you gulp when you feel your phone buzz in your pocket. Pulling it out of your pocket, your eyes scan over the message, a shallow exhale escaping your lips. 
Mum &lt;3: Can’t wait to see you tomorrow. made sure to grab extra pigs-in-blankets incase Simon decides to appear sometime. Love you xx
Begrudgingly, you stare down at the message before looking at the bedroom door. From beyond it, you can hear the running water in the shower and all you can think about is him. So, with a deep breath, you look back down at your phone and begin to type. 
From ‘me’: Slight change of plans but I don’t think we’re going to be able to make it there tomorrow. Simon’s just got home and he’s not good. Don’t think socialising is what he needs right now. Sorry, I love you xx
Choosing has never been easy, yet, when you pushed open the bedroom door and saw his clothes sitting on the bed the pair of you share, you decide that that choice was the easiest one you have ever made in your life. It isn’t a sacrifice when it is necessary. At least, not when it comes to Simon at least. 
‘I’m not going home tomorrow,’ you tell him when he walks out of the bathroom. Part of you feels bad for bombarding him with something as soon as he walks out, but the affirming text from your mother causes your heart to swell, and when you see him again, it bursts. His hair is damp and he pulls his face out of the towel with a surprised look. His scarred cheeks are branded with a subtle red tinge from the heat exuding from the bathroom. The heat works well to melt his features just enough for him to mould them into a dissatisfied sneer. ‘I don’t wanna fight you on this, Si.’
‘You can’t cancel on your family,’ he says, approaching his dresser. ‘Not right. I don’t want you to do that for me,’ he continues, grabbing a t-shirt, pulling it over his head. ‘Go spend time with them, am fine here.’ 
‘I already told my mum,’ you say, ‘she’s fine with it,’ you quickly reassure, far too aware that he very well may be a ticking time bomb.
Oddly, you request of not fighting on it seemingly works as he looks over his shoulder at you. There is simply no fight left in Simon Riley anymore, you conclude it from the way he shrinks as he exhales, padding up to the bed. It was as though he had left the house as a grenade left the hands of a soldier. Upon his return, the body of what made him him: his danger, his determination, and his strength had all been lost and you find he has been reduced to the pin pulled from the grenade. 
Looking up at him, you find that it is up to you if you’re going to discard it or keep it as a keepsake.
Pulling the edge of the duvet, you pat the side of the mattress, ‘c’mon,’ you say gently. He doesn’t wait to climb into bed beside you, resting his weary head against the pillow. It’s as though someone is pressing down on his chest as he heaves a sound unlike anything you have ever heard. Exhaustion was clear, but grief was easier to identify in his eyes. Leaning over, you turn the lamp on your beside off, trying your attention to him, lying on his side. 
There’s nothing to say. Not to him, not for him, not for yourself. You just lay there and stare at him hoping something will come to you. Anything said will be a bittersweet lullaby, you’re convinced. Nothing is going to put him to sleep. ‘Your minds running; faster than mine, sweetheart,’ he says. His eyes are closed when you look at his face. ‘Don’t want you doin’ stupid things ‘cause of me.’
‘Nothing is stupid when it comes to you, Si’,’ you weakly state.
At this point, you heart is racing, your tongue tangled as you contemplate every single word on the edge of your tongue. ‘Mum said she’ll bring us dinner tomorrow,’ you say with a weak smile, debating on whether or not you should spoil the surprise. ‘We can eat it and watch something… if you want to.’
‘What’s she bringing,’ he asks.
‘A roast,’ you answer, ‘it is Christmas after all.’
He’s quiet for a while, almost as though he doesn’t even want to think about what day it is. December 24th. Christmas Eve. You’re unsure how exactly the holidays work in 141, only noting that he had been away a few times during Christmas. Oddly, this is one of the first ones he’s home with you. His second Christmas since knowing Johnny that he isn’t with him. Your heart weakens at the realisation, your brain cursing you with the knowledge of something so agonising.
They had spent Christmas together.
And now they won’t and never will and it isn’t just because of the distance between Manchester and Scotland.
Rather, it’s because of the distance between this life and the next.
Your eyes well with tears and you close them. Your heart hurts for the man lying in front of you, and when you hear him clear his throat, you find it difficult to contain your own sorrow. ‘Doesn’t feel like Christmas,’ he tells you, his voice trembling as he does. ‘Haven’t slept at all since ‘cause I can’t stop thinking about him just… lyin’ there,’ his throat tightens and his tone grows pitchy as he inhales deeply, swallowing hard. ‘I shoulda done something, I should’ve been there f’r him.’ 
He’s crying at that point, but not sobbing. In fact, you only know he's crying because, when you place your hand against his cheek and the pad of your thumb wiped away a tear that falls past his eye. ‘You were,’ you choke out, ‘even in death, you were loyal to him, Si’, don’t you dare go cursing your own name for something you were not responsible for,’ you demand. ‘You’ll get him.’
‘We’re fallin’ apart without him,’ Simon sniffles, ‘bet he’s sitting up there pissin’ himself seeing me like this,’ he utters. The pair of you share a laugh at the thought and you move close to him. ‘I just… I told myself after everything that happened to mum and Tommy, I wouldn’t feel anything ‘cause that fucked me up, but then I met Johnny a- and I met you.’
You hold your breath. 
‘And what if I can’t keep you safe? I’ve failed at it so much and that fucking pricks got me doubting myself now—‘
‘Shut up,’ you firmly say, ‘I don’t wanna hear it, Si’,’ you utter, ‘and neither would Johnny.’
You press your thumb against his cheek, ‘doubt is a killer, and it’s not me who you’re not gonna be able to protect if you keep thinking the way you are, it’s yourself,’ you continue, licking your dry lips, ‘and… and if you die, then who’s gonna steal the pigs-and-blankets on Christmas Day?’ 
Whether it was time for humour or not, you’re unsure. But, as you thinking for a moment, you recall the tales told to you by Simon during his time away, particularly his time with the Shadows. 
Two goldfish are in a tank… 
‘You still remember that?’ he asks eventually. You feel the muscles contort in his face as he smiles at you. 
‘Always,’ you respond, ‘mums got them with the dinner tomorrow ‘cause I asked her too… said she got extra incase you planned on robbing any of them.’ You feel bad telling him such information knowing that you had chosen to cancel the holiday. If anything, you’re worried about the guilt you’re causing him by rambling on about the stupid fucking pigs-in-blankets. ‘My point is Si’,’ you take a deep breath, ‘I need you here with me so you can fulfil your duty.’
He shifts and pulls you closer, wrapping his arm around your waist, pressing his face into the nape of your neck. Your hand brushes through his hair, melting in his arms as his hot breath fans against your neck. ‘Wanna see your family tomorrow,’ he says, ‘I’ll go with you.’
‘Are you sure—‘
‘’Ave been stuck in my mind for nearly two months,’ he confesses, pulling away from your neck. ‘Fighting with myself over everything, I’ve hardly spoken to Price or Gaz,' he says. You press your lips together, the thought of him being alone nauseating. ‘Be a waste of money as well if I didn’t try pinching the food your mums made, wouldn’t it?’ 
You feel him smile as he presses his face back against your neck, his grip on you so tight its almost painful. But you relent, allowing him to have the comfort he so deserves. Resting your head above his, you close your. Whatever awaited you in the future can wait, you conclude.
‘I'm proud of you,’ you whisper, pressing a kiss onto his head. 'Never gonna let you doubt yourself ever again, not on my watch,' you continue, 'now sleep. We can talk more when you're ready.'
He smiles again.
'I know I can sleep soundly now,' he utters against your skin, 'got you beside me.'
With that, the pair of you fall into silence. You don't sleep, not until you feel his breathing steady against you skin, the subtle rise of his chest as he keeps his arms around you. You keep running you fingers through his hair before eventually, you find your eyes growing heavy and you drift off.
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reallyromealone · 1 year
Hey hey hows ya day, can I get a smutty fic of Alpha Jing Yuan going into a rut so Omega reader helps out, for some bit of spice can I get biting, choking/throat grabbing, and some spanking perhaps, please and thank you for the delicious meal🙏 (If tumblr doesn't send this again it's because they're racist🤬👊)
How dare tumblr smh
Jing Yuan x male reader omegaverse
Nsfw - biting - knots - light choking - nsfw - smut
(name) felt hands move across his body as he slept, grunting as lips move down his chest before biting down on his hip "ah!" (Name)s eyes snapped open to see glowing golden eyes that belonged to his alpha "already..?" (Name) looked at the feral alpha who locked eyes with him.
(Name) was pulled closer as the Alpha grinded his erect cock, fangs on full display and (name) whined and pulled the Alpha close, Jing Yuan biting his neck, rumbles escaping his throat while he gripped the base of the omegas neck, pressing only slightly.
(Name) whined, submitting to his mate who rumbled happily before flipping him to mount him, pleased at (name) submission while leaving bite marks on his shoulder and neck; everyone needed to know who (name) belonged to.
When Jing prodded his ass with his cock, (name) shivered in pleasure as Jing slapped ass, pleased at the ripple and proceeded to grope and gently slap his ass as his cock rubbed against the others hole, slick and pre-cum mixing together before Jing pushed in with a growl, (name) whining as he was practically split apart by the other and came right there.
Climaxing didn't stop the Alpha though, the white haired man slowly bottoming out before pulling out and slamming back in, long hard thrusts as he kissed (name)s neck in a subconscious way to make his mate relax more and was pleased at (name) melting into his touch as he let out little chirps, knowing Jing wouldn't react much to words but rather Omegan sounds.
(Name) was laying down as Jing rolled his hips into the the other, breathy moans and low grunts filled the air with the smell of sex heavy "oh!" (Name) tightened up as Jing hit his prostate and the feral alpha was silent before grabbing his neck and lifting him up so he was sitting in jings lap and cock deeper than it had been prior "f-fuck..." (Name) whined as Jing held his throat in his large hand, wordlessly pistoning his hips to get more of those sounds from his mate, eyes glowing in the darkness as (name)s let moans tumble out of his mouth, the constant movement making them come out shaky and uneven.
"Fill me with pups!" (Name) cried as Jings thighs met (name)s ass, the two absolutely ravenous as (name) moved his hands to tug at the others hair, trying desperately to keep up with the harsh but pleasuring thrusts and the soft pressure against his throat.
Even when feral the white haired alpha was considerate about how much he hurt him.
"Oh! To much!" (Name) whined at a particularly harsh thrust and Jings lizard brain processed the words before continuing those harsh and fast thrusts, watching moan after moan tumble out.
"Oh god oh god!"
(Name)s tongue was falling out as he moved slightly to kiss Jing, the feral alpha understanding that much as they kissed, little nips here and there as Jing Jackhammered into him, cum and slick mixing together as the alphas knot formed, slowly catching against the rim and Jing have a particular hard thrust as the knot finally caught and the white haired man came deep within his mate, biting his scent gland and locking them together, (name) loved the sensation of when his mate but his gland.
It made him feel light headed.
(Name) was covered with cum and filled with it as Jing kissed him, his alpha trying to soothe his mate "thank you alpha, we gotta get liquid into you when your knot dies down" (name) said gently kissing the Alpha who looked confused but liked the sound of his mates voice as he lifted him up, knot still in the Omega and walked to the grand nest that took up a portion of the room, expensive silks and and such weaved together "thank you alpha" (name) knew saying things like this were the equivalent to calling (name) pretty words during his heat so he made sure he told his feral mate how much of a strong alpha he was during this.
It was proven to give confidence post heat.
When the knot died down (name) shakily stood up and tried to leave but the Alpha held him close "alpha we need food"
The word food made it through and Jing pushed his mate in the nest and wandered out, clicking the door shut.
(Name) should have known he wouldn't get to go out himself.
Thankfully (name) kept a first aid kit near his nest and cleaned up any wounds hissing slightly, best to get it done before his alpha got back.
Jing was a deeply overprotective alpha during his ruts.
(Name) just hoped he could survive his mate at full libido.
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chosotallgf · 13 days
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🔙 previous chapter Next chapter🔜
SYNOPSIS y/n is a third year college student who is about to intern for the top business company in Japan in a week, what happens when she unknowingly cross paths with her future boss not knowing he's hiding a secret.
WARNINGS mafiaboss toji x fém!reader, geto x fém! reader, alcohol, moderate au, sexual activity, criminal activity & behavior, naoya is his own warning, angst & fluff (not really lol) not proof read
p.s my work is only on A03 & tumblr!
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Fast forward arriving at the club, shoko usually gets us in faster by talking to the bouncer. So happen she found out he was the guy she fake flirts with at the gym she ‘occasionally’ goes to. She said he landed a job here not so long ago, that he needed the extra money and was helping out a friend. Finally stepping into the club it was pack as hell no wonder utahime wanted to get here as soon as possible.
This is one of the main popular clubs in the city, surprisingly it’s not just made up of college students in the area but locals come here as often too. As i squeeze through the crowd trying to keep up with my girls I can feel the loud bass of the club music in my chest. turning around shoko grabs my hand “come on I hear the the DJ is playing lots American of music tonight” she said while smiling. I haven’t listen too much to American music in my life time but if I had to pick it would be ‘Les’ by childish Gambino to be played at least once.
Reaching the other side of the club where the bar is utahime puts in a few orders of drinks than shoko, we usually always order something stronger each time we come here. not paying attention to what she was saying I happen to look down at the bartender hands, oddly his knuckles were bruise and you could tell they had been bloody by how dark they were from his pale skin but I guess that’s what happen when you work at a popular club with crazy drunks who don’t care. snapping out of my glaze when he clears his throat and utter “and what would you like ma’am?”
Now Looking up at his face trying to get out of my head “um can I have 3 margaritas and 1 rum coke pls?” I rely but soon enough utahime & shoko look at my funny they both know I have a low tolerance when it comes to drinking but I still do it anyways.
“What?” I question them “aren’t we suppose to have fun tonight like we planned, so I say fuck it” utahime smiles wides “you sure? You know you can just start off-“ but she gets cut off by the bartender guy “if she wants to have that much to drink let her life short” I nodded in agreement with him “see? nothing wrong that’s tomorrow me problem” “fine but don’t call us when you feel miserable from a hangover” utahime mumbles. “You should go find us a free section, we will bring the drinks out and find you” shoko slaps my shoulder from behind.
Off and further from where I left, I can’t find a free section maybe ‘maybe I should try the other side this club is huge tho’. Not looking forward I bump straight in to the chest of a man? I tumble backward but luckily before I could fall he catches my back. Now we are super close chest to chest i get a clear vision of his face despite the all black hoodie he’s wearing. dark dead eyes with a noticeable cut on one side of his lip. He’s staring back into my eyes This feeling of closeness is getting intimidating I wonder if he realizes his hands are clutching more firm on my lower back. I start to panic
“Omg I’m so sorry” I can feel heat in my face now. I can tell he was lost in thought too because as soon as I said that he quickly turned his face and pulls his hoodie down over his eyes and let’s go making me find my balance again. “Pay attention next time” he speaks in an aggressive but low tone. “I know I know I was just looking for a sect-“ he cuts and moves me out his way saying “tch, whatever” he mumbles as he walks to the private section area. how fucking rude I think.
Im surprise the club didn’t kick him out for being suspicious with a hoodie on in here, they honestly should after that. next think I know shoko is now in front of me yelling over the loud music clearly trispy “y/n stop standing around and come over here we found a spot” shoko starts pulling me along with her.
I get to our own section i assume but see two guys, both of them I recognize as utahime and shoko childhood friends. “since you couldn’t do a simple task I had to ask this dickhead here to let us sit” “you should be lucky, I wasn’t even planning on being here tonight, my usual dealer been Mia and I need stuff for next Thursday party” he wines.
“Anyways let’s get to drinking we’re wasting time” I grab and drowned the 2 cups of margaritas “well someone is in a hurry” I hear the other guy next to gojo say “I’m suguru geto” he reaches his hand out to me to shake. I do the same “I’m y/n and yeah I just wanna let loose tonight” his hands are so soft and firm I wonder if his long hair feels the same. “No judgement here me and satoru are about to do the same” “sooo shall we finally get started or what?” shoko utter as smoke leaves her mouth.
author note ~ if you are seeing this when it’s first posted I will post chapter 3 later on during the day it’s 5am rn for me and I can’t sleep lol. if you wanna be tagged in that just lmk :) 9/8/24
likes and reblog are appreciated
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viirtualvoiid · 2 months
frosted kisses
You're beginning to regret agreeing to a snowball fight. You should have learned by now to not accept Ajax's offers.
childe/gn!reader wc 0.9k a/n: 1st post on tumblr! decided to start posting my works here. i'm not super proud of this one but oh well :') read on ao3
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You’re beginning to regret agreeing to a snowball fight. You should have learned by now to not accept Ajax's offers. You crouch down behind a rock, the cold air biting at your face as the wind blows your way. Looking around and listening closely, you watch for signs of him. He could be here, he could be anywhere.
Heart beating fast, you swallow and ready yourself for an attack. You look up, snow dancing down onto your face, wincing when a snowflake lands in your eye. You’re just gathering a snowball when you watch one narrowly miss your face, coming behind you/ You whirl around, and there he is, grinning and giggling a bit, breaking into a run. Damn it. You didn’t even hear him coming. It’s a bit scary, how skilled he is at making himself hidden if he wants to be.
Rushing after him, the freezing air nips at your face, but you’re determined. You throw a snowball at him and miss, as he ducks it with a smug smile. You gather more snow and run after him, cursing him, as he evades your wrath. Tossing a few more at him, you manage to hit him a few times, but he’s fast, losing you quickly. You make yourself run fast, faster, though you have a feeling this is a battle you’ll lose. Ajax is faster, and he's more adjusted to running in these temperatures. You, however, have far less stamina, and, with this being your first visit to Snezhnaya, feel like your lungs are frozen. He runs towards the forest and you curse to yourself, knowing you'll have to be mindful of roots now. As you dash through the forest, the trees lining the sides becoming a blur, you shout, "Ajax, I swear, I'm going to kill you!" Laughing breathlessly, he calls back, "I'd like to see you try!"
You run until you can't take it anymore, just as you reach a clearing. Finally deciding to stop, you look at him, and upon hearing your steps cease against the snow he hesitates and looks back. Taking advantage of this opportunity, you spring towards him, and tumble into him, catching him off guard as he falls backwards. You both collapse into the snow, you laughing as you both fall. A smug grin forms on your face. You catch your breath, holding him down as you remain on top of him. You take in your surroundings. You spot a snowman, wrapped in a scarf Ajax brought, and your heart melts at the sight. It's so childish, so innocent, so sweet, that it makes you fall for him all over again. He must've built this earlier, when he was bored hiding. You're snapped out of your thoughts when Ajax starts struggling, but you quickly grab handfuls of snow, dropping them on him. When you drop some on his face, Ajax lets out a yelp, sputtering and rubbing his eyes. “Does this mean I win?” You quip with a smile, and he pouts. “Fine. You’re lucky I was going easy on you.” He says bitterly, bottom lip in a cute pout. You roll your eyes, though it may be true. You’ve seen how he throws an arrow, you can only shudder to think what a snowball at full force from him would look like. Ajax speaks again, voice whiny and reproachful “You'll see. I handed you that win, I want a rematch. Next time, I-”
You shut him up with a kiss, gently pressing your lips to his. His eyes flutter shut and he takes in the feeling of you, moving a hand through your hair. His lips are warm, soft, and you think you could stay like this forever, lying in the soft snow with him. You deepen the kiss and he makes a soft noise, letting you consume him, his mind full of only you, you, you. Eventually, you must pull away. You peer down at him, admiring your conquest, looking at his red face, flushed from the cold. The blush spreads out beautifully on his cheeks and nose, like paint, and freckles scatter with them. You want to trace every one of them, map the constellations on his face, for even all the stars in the sky couldn’t compare. Your eyes drift to his, which open again. and he blinks a few times, embarrassed.. You admire the beautiful blue color to them, like the water he controls, and the way his long and pretty lashes flutter, as well as the small bit of red eyeliner he’s carefully applied. He clears his throat and you snap out of it, raising a brow.
“So. A rematch.” He says with a grin. “How about it?”
You sigh. “Maybe later. I want to go inside.” He frowns, disappointed. “Tapping out so soon? You’re no fun, I expected better.” You glare at him, knowing he’s trying to rile you up. It won’t work. “I wanted to play with your siblings anyway.” you murmur, kissing his cheek. His expression brightens at that, a fond smile replacing his smug one. He loves how you interact with his family, how you seem to love them just as much as he does, how you treat his siblings as your own. “Fine. I’m still gonna beat you, though. Even if you all get on one team. Just watch.”
Standing up, you extend your hand, and he takes it. “We’ll see.” You say, and as you walk through his frigid homeland with him, you still don’t think you’ve ever felt warmer.
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thefreakandthehair · 11 months
@eddiemonth prompt, oct 23rd:  Mixtape | Nothing Else Matters - Metallica | Earnest a/n: steddie, getting together, first kiss, mixtapes as a means to communicate your gay crush ao3 masterpost | tumblr masterlist
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“Did you make me a mixtape?” Steve asks, expressionless and deadpan as he holds the tape in his hand and stands at the front door of Eddie's trailer. 
Eddie’s heart tumbles into his stomach as his stomach falls to his feet. Maybe leading the mixtape off with Bruce Springsteen’s Letter To You and ending it with Metallica’s Nothing Else Matters was a bit too on the nose, a bit too obvious. But who can blame him, honestly. He’s never been known for his subtlety. 
“Yep,” he responds simply and shrugs. “Got a lot of time on my hands, y’know? If you don’t like it, you can chuck it.” 
Steve steps around him into the trailer, tape still in hand, and reaches around Eddie to close the door behind them. Eddie’s bracketed against the door on the receiving end of a look he can’t quite place. It all happens so fast, the reverse in position, the door closing, Steve’s lips on his– 
Steve’s kissing me, holy fuck. 
Eddie’s frozen on the spot, arms rod straight at his sides and lips in the same ‘about to ask what the fuck is going on’ position they were when Steve cut him off. With his lips. Because again, to review, Steve Harrington is kissing Eddie Munson. 
He gasps when Steve pulls back and feels himself grow warm under his gaze. 
“Did I read Letter To You wrong, or are you gonna kiss me back, Munson?” Steve grins and threads a hand through his hair. 
Eddie catches his breath and nods, grabbing Steve by the waist and pulling him in against his chest, lips colliding and moving against one another until Steve guides them to the couch. 
It’s a rare thing, Eddie being grateful for his earnest impulsivity. But as Steve climbs on top of him, bracing himself on his forearms on either side of Eddie's face, Eddie’s thankful he isn’t known for his subtlety.
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angelicglib · 9 months
‧₊✩ Christmas Comfort ✩₊‧
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[ꜱɪᴍᴏɴ ʀɪʟᴇʏ x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ]
[ᴅᴀᴛᴇ ᴘᴏꜱᴛᴇᴅ]: 25/12/23 (REPOSTED: 28/12/23)
[ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ]: After Johnny's death and a failed mission, Simon returns home to his girlfriend.
[ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ]: 3,252
[ᴛᴡ]: hurt/comfort, angst, a somewhat happy ending (it will never be fully happy without soap I am sorry) possible mw3 spoilers (if you have been living under a rock please avoid)
[ᴀ/ɴ]: This is my first story here, please be kind I beg <3 also very sorry for this but I had the idea and thought it would be quite a bittersweet story for the holiday season !!
THIS IS A REPOST !! I've had few issues with shadowbans and have moved accounts a few times (tumblr thought I was a bot) so, if you would like more stories from me, my new blog is @manicrouge !!
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Christmas this year is going to be tough.
You know it from when you open the door to him on Christmas Eve. 
Time has passed, he hasn’t been home for months and you were starting to convince yourself that it’s going to be years before you ever see him again.
When you were talking on the phone earlier, sometime during the middle of November, he had made a comment that he wasn’t going to come back home until he had made sure he had the pleasure of declaring that the enemy that had murdered his best friend was officially gone for good. While your chest tightened at his comment, you had nodded along and assured him that they would catch Makarov eventually; there were only so many places one man could hide before he’d revert back to familiar ground. 
You feared the same for Simon at that moment. In fact, even with him home safe, you still do.  
Of course, you would never say that to his face.
Despite his capability in combat, however, you often find yourself awake at night wondering just how capable he was when it came to processing and dealing with loss. Had he done what you assume he has done, he was most likely going to run from it instead of addressing it. Problems will build up and up until they came tumbling down. It’s a simple thought to construct during the late nights you have been spending alone since the news of what had happened to Johnny had found its way to you. Just as such a thought is easy to construct, you find that another one comes to you quicker than the former: where would Simon be when the building he’d constructed over the years fell to pieces? 
There were only so many places he man could hide before he’d refer back to familiar ground. Even if said ground was crumbling around him. Maybe in his misery, he would find solace in falling to his doom with the chunks of shattered earth surrounding him.
If that assessment is wrong, it doesn't matter; your brain has decided it before your heart even gets a say.
You have very little to go off of concerning with how he dealt with loss, the occasional comment about his mum was enough for you to know that he wasn’t the type to completely forget about a loved one. 
He's vague about his past. The less said about it the better. 
‘You keep pawing an’ clawing at my brain like a damn puppy,’ he said, trailing his hands through your hair. You were guilty, for sure you were. Curiosity was sure to be the death of you in that regard. He’d let small facts slip on occasion, although, you knew his accidental slip ups were most definitely intention. 
Of course, Simon Riley was no fool.
’Just tell me something,’ you begged, ‘like… I don’t know, what was your favourite food to eat at Christmas when you were younger? Ooo, I bet it was something like liquorice. You’d so make your nan pissed by robbing all the good shit out of the sweet tin.’ You laughed at the thought of a tiny Simon Riley climbing on top of a chair, his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth as he attempted to snatch the sweet, sweet treat of liquorice. 
‘Are you fuckin’ kidding me?’ he scoffed, ‘actin’ like I’m an old man doll,’ he snorted, ‘stop tryin’ to pester me f’r memories you have no business viewing.’
‘Is it illegal to be curious now?’ you asked with a playful smile. It was silent for a moment, and you lifted your head in an attempt to find his eyes in the darkness.
‘Yes, it is,’ he said, ‘you don’t wanna know me from the past, love,’ he huffed, ‘doesn’t matter now.’
‘You won’t even tell me what your favourite food was during Christmas?’ 
‘No,’ he reverted back to the same Simon you had seen when Johnny had been talking his ear off during the rare nights out you had had with 141. ’Now go t’ sleep, gonna be tired in the morning if you keep rambling on. My ears are burning with ya, doll,’ he teased, wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you firmly against his chest. 
Despite everything telling you to pull away from him, you maintained your closeness, the warmth of him far too appetising to refuse. Exhaling deeply, you rested your head against the pillow, staring straight at the wall in front of you. Your heart hurt at the very thought that he cared so little about his past that he fought to keep everything from his earlier life away from you. Even the smallest things. Of course, you would never had pried him, only the few passing comments in hopes for him to slip up as he had done a few times before. 
Another hard sigh escaped you as you close your eyes. He shifted behind you, resting his head against your shoulder. You thought nothing of his sudden movement; it wasn’t uncommon for him to do so while you were sharing a bed together. Only, he turned his head, his breath ghosting your ear. Inhaling, he swallowed hard. ‘Mum used to make us roast dinners,’ he whispered, ‘used to always slap my hand away whenever she was cooking cause I used to always rob the pigs-in-blankets while she was still getting dinner ready.’
A small laugh passed your lips as you turned in his hold, placing your hand against his cheek with a cheeky grin. He stares back, blue gaze gutting through the darkness, slicing your soul to pieces.  ‘Now, will y’ stop huffin’ and puffing and just go to sleep?’ He asked, placing his hand over yours. 
‘Soundly, Lt.’
Even behind the mask, you could sense the sadness, the loss. A flurry of emotions hits you when you first see him after what has happened. What can you say to him? Anything other than I’m sorry seems to be an insult to him and to the memory of the man that is sure to haunt him.
The mask hides his face, but it never hid his eyes, his tired and war-weary eyes. It's a brutal sight to see the man who had put the fear of God through you when you had first met reduced to this crushed soul. 
‘Simon,’ you say after a while of the pair of you just standing there, staring at each other. For a brief moment, it felt as though you had opened the door to a stranger instead of your boyfriend. Lifting his head, his Adams apple bobs beneath his balaclava as he steps forward. You take a step back, letting go of the edge of the door. Still, he doesn't speak, only standing there, observing you. ‘I thought you said you weren’t coming home until—‘
‘Don’t wanna talk about it,’ he answers, closing the door behind him.
His clothes are branded with the stench of war, and you take note of his bloodshot eyes. Has he been crying? You thought it impossible for such to be the case, he’d do no such thing. But, when he shakily inhales, grabbing the edge of his balaclava, your stomach dropped.
‘Place looks nice,’ he says, though his eyes don't leave you, ripping his mask from off of his face, shoving it into of his cargo pants. His words were shaky despite the stoic expression on his face. ‘You been alright?’
You look at him with wide eyes. ‘I- uh- yeah, yeah, just sorting out last minute things for Christmas,’ you answer, ‘how about you go and get a shower, get changed into some fresh clothes? I’ll make you something to eat—‘
‘Not hungry,’ he answers frankly, ‘appreciate the offer, doll, but I think I’m just gonna go straight to bed,’ he says. All the moisture in your mouth disappears and you’re forced to swallow a dry mouthful of air as you look up at him. 
‘Right,’ you nod, ‘I- I’ll be up right after you, just gonna turn everything off down here,’ you say.
He doesn’t answer you after that, dropping his duffle bag down on the ground by the front door as he traipses up the wooden steps of your home. The garland wrapped around the bannister winks at you as you watch Simon walk up the stairs, almost mocking you for ever think it was a good idea to decorate.
The entirety of your house is wrapped like a Christmas present, reds, greens, colourful lights- everything. Whether it was the right thing to decorate or not, you choose not to focus on it too much as you rush around the house, switching off the decorations and the lights, leaving the washing you had been doing on the counter in the kitchen. 
All of it can wait. But he can’t. 
So, with such a thought in mind, you busy yourself with your plan. What is included in that plan can be decided as you’re walking through the house, back to the staircase you have just seen your poor boyfriend walking up.
Jogging up each step, you decide that ultimately, everything that has happened in the past few months with be something he will not be willing to discuss with you; he made it clear when he walked through the door. Don’t push him on it.
When your foot hits the last step, you nod to yourself as you consider what you would do if he did want to talk to you about it. If he wants to talk to you about it, then you rejoice in his openness. But it isn’t necessary for him to have your undying support. No matter what he decides, ultimately, your heart is never going to fail on him. 
Before heading into your bedroom, you gulp when you feel your phone buzz in your pocket. Pulling it out of your pocket, your eyes scan over the message, a shallow exhale escaping your lips. 
Mum &lt;3: Can’t wait to see you tomorrow. made sure to grab extra pigs-in-blankets incase Simon decides to appear sometime. Love you xx
Begrudgingly, you stare down at the message before looking at the bedroom door. From beyond it, you can hear the running water in the shower and all you can think about is him. So, with a deep breath, you look back down at your phone and begin to type. 
From ‘me’: Slight change of plans but I don’t think we’re going to be able to make it there tomorrow. Simon’s just got home and he’s not good. Don’t think socialising is what he needs right now. Sorry, I love you xx
Choosing has never been easy, yet, when you pushed open the bedroom door and saw his clothes sitting on the bed the pair of you share, you decide that that choice was the easiest one you have ever made in your life. It isn’t a sacrifice when it is necessary. At least, not when it comes to Simon at least. 
‘I’m not going home tomorrow,’ you tell him when he walks out of the bathroom. Part of you feels bad for bombarding him with something as soon as he walks out, but the affirming text from your mother causes your heart to swell, and when you see him again, it bursts. His hair is damp and he pulls his face out of the towel with a surprised look. His scarred cheeks are branded with a subtle red tinge from the heat exuding from the bathroom. The heat works well to melt his features just enough for him to mould them into a dissatisfied sneer. ‘I don’t wanna fight you on this, Si.’
‘You can’t cancel on your family,’ he says, approaching his dresser. ‘Not right. I don’t want you to do that for me,’ he continues, grabbing a t-shirt, pulling it over his head. ‘Go spend time with them, am fine here.’ 
‘I already told my mum,’ you say, ‘she’s fine with it,’ you quickly reassure, far too aware that he very well may be a ticking time bomb.
Oddly, you request of not fighting on it seemingly works as he looks over his shoulder at you. There is simply no fight left in Simon Riley anymore, you conclude it from the way he shrinks as he exhales, padding up to the bed. It was as though he had left the house as a grenade left the hands of a soldier. Upon his return, the body of what made him him: his danger, his determination, and his strength had all been lost and you find he has been reduced to the pin pulled from the grenade. 
Looking up at him, you find that it is up to you if you’re going to discard it or keep it as a keepsake.
Pulling the edge of the duvet, you pat the side of the mattress, ‘c’mon,’ you say gently. He doesn’t wait to climb into bed beside you, resting his weary head against the pillow. It’s as though someone is pressing down on his chest as he heaves a sound unlike anything you have ever heard. Exhaustion was clear, but grief was easier to identify in his eyes. Leaning over, you turn the lamp on your beside off, trying your attention to him, lying on his side. 
There’s nothing to say. Not to him, not for him, not for yourself. You just lay there and stare at him hoping something will come to you. Anything said will be a bittersweet lullaby, you’re convinced. Nothing is going to put him to sleep. ‘Your minds running; faster than mine, sweetheart,’ he says. His eyes are closed when you look at his face. ‘Don’t want you doin’ stupid things ‘cause of me.’
‘Nothing is stupid when it comes to you, Si’,’ you weakly state.
At this point, you heart is racing, your tongue tangled as you contemplate every single word on the edge of your tongue. ‘Mum said she’ll bring us dinner tomorrow,’ you say with a weak smile, debating on whether or not you should spoil the surprise. ‘We can eat it and watch something… if you want to.’
‘What’s she bringing,’ he asks.
‘A roast,’ you answer, ‘it is Christmas after all.’
He’s quiet for a while, almost as though he doesn’t even want to think about what day it is. December 24th. Christmas Eve. You’re unsure how exactly the holidays work in 141, only noting that he had been away a few times during Christmas. Oddly, this is one of the first ones he’s home with you. His second Christmas since knowing Johnny that he isn’t with him. Your heart weakens at the realisation, your brain cursing you with the knowledge of something so agonising.
They had spent Christmas together.
And now they won’t and never will and it isn’t just because of the distance between Manchester and Scotland.
Rather, it’s because of the distance between this life and the next.
Your eyes well with tears and you close them. Your heart hurts for the man lying in front of you, and when you hear him clear his throat, you find it difficult to contain your own sorrow. ‘Doesn’t feel like Christmas,’ he tells you, his voice trembling as he does. ‘Haven’t slept at all since ‘cause I can’t stop thinking about him just… lyin’ there,’ his throat tightens and his tone grows pitchy as he inhales deeply, swallowing hard. ‘I shoulda done something, I should’ve been there f’r him.’ 
He’s crying at that point, but not sobbing. In fact, you only know he's crying because, when you place your hand against his cheek and the pad of your thumb wiped away a tear that falls past his eye. ‘You were,’ you choke out, ‘even in death, you were loyal to him, Si’, don’t you dare go cursing your own name for something you were not responsible for,’ you demand. ‘You’ll get him.’
‘We’re fallin’ apart without him,’ Simon sniffles, ‘bet he’s sitting up there pissin’ himself seeing me like this,’ he utters. The pair of you share a laugh at the thought and you move close to him. ‘I just… I told myself after everything that happened to mum and Tommy, I wouldn’t feel anything ‘cause that fucked me up, but then I met Johnny a- and I met you.’
You hold your breath. 
‘And what if I can’t keep you safe? I’ve failed at it so much and that fucking pricks got me doubting myself now—‘
‘Shut up,’ you firmly say, ‘I don’t wanna hear it, Si’,’ you utter, ‘and neither would Johnny.’
You press your thumb against his cheek, ‘doubt is a killer, and it’s not me who you’re not gonna be able to protect if you keep thinking the way you are, it’s yourself,’ you continue, licking your dry lips, ‘and… and if you die, then who’s gonna steal the pigs-and-blankets on Christmas Day?’ 
Whether it was time for humour or not, you’re unsure. But, as you thinking for a moment, you recall the tales told to you by Simon during his time away, particularly his time with the Shadows. 
Two goldfish are in a tank… 
‘You still remember that?’ he asks eventually. You feel the muscles contort in his face as he smiles at you. 
‘Always,’ you respond, ‘mums got them with the dinner tomorrow ‘cause I asked her too… said she got extra incase you planned on robbing any of them.’ You feel bad telling him such information knowing that you had chosen to cancel the holiday. If anything, you’re worried about the guilt you’re causing him by rambling on about the stupid fucking pigs-in-blankets. ‘My point is Si’,’ you take a deep breath, ‘I need you here with me so you can fulfil your duty.’
He shifts and pulls you closer, wrapping his arm around your waist, pressing his face into the nape of your neck. Your hand brushes through his hair, melting in his arms as his hot breath fans against your neck. ‘Wanna see your family tomorrow,’ he says, ‘I’ll go with you.’
‘Are you sure—‘
‘’Ave been stuck in my mind for nearly two months,’ he confesses, pulling away from your neck. ‘Fighting with myself over everything, I’ve hardly spoken to Price or Gaz,' he says. You press your lips together, the thought of him being alone nauseating. ‘Be a waste of money as well if I didn’t try pinching the food your mums made, wouldn’t it?’ 
You feel him smile as he presses his face back against your neck, his grip on you so tight its almost painful. But you relent, allowing him to have the comfort he so deserves. Resting your head above his, you close your. Whatever awaited you in the future can wait, you conclude.
‘I proud of you,’ you whisper, pressing a kiss onto his head. 'Never gonna let you doubt yourself ever again, not on my watch,' you continue, 'now sleep. We can talk more when you're ready.'
He smiles again.
'I know I can sleep soundly now,' he utters against your skin, 'got you beside me.'
With that, the pair of you fall into silence. You don't sleep, not until you feel his breathing steady against you skin, the subtle rise of his chest as he keeps his arms around you. You keep running you fingers through his hair before eventually, you find your eyes growing heavy and you drift off.
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peroxiddeprincess · 2 years
✭ Dumbification with Simon “Ghost” Riley. Fem!reader
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CW: dirty talk, daddy kink, teasing, praise, degrading, dumbification (obvi), objectification, thigh riding, mentions of breeding, overstimulation
Note that is is NOT age play. I don’t write that weird shit.
A/N: i am SO down bad for dumbification. Simon has the perfect voice for it too…. This is nowhere close to realistic, but this is Tumblr, baby! Nothings realistic. (ALSO THIS IS THE FUCKING THING THAT TUMBLR DELETED HALFWAY THROUGH LIKE 4 TIMES.) ANYWAY! Hope u enjoy my babies🥹🫶
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You sitting all pretty on his lap, gazing up at him. His balaclava is still on, and you’re too far gone to tell whats going on underneath. He’s definitely feeling powerful.. You could feel the dominance radiating off of him.
“Baby,” He coos, “You didn’t answer me.” Your pout slowly turns into a confused look, cocking a brow. “..What?” You mumble. You can tell he’s grinning now.
“What’d you do today?” He questions once more. “I.. I uh..” You search for words that just won’t pop up. You’re getting frustrated. “I did.. I did things. P-productive things..”
“Yeah? Like what? Paint a clear picture for me, love.” You barely register what he says, panting. “Y-yes..?” You answer. “Yes? That’s not what i asked. Details.” He sounds demanding, yet gentle, making your mind fuzzier than it already is.
You whimper. He sighs, taking pity. “Okay, okay.. No need to talk or move.. Let yourself melt in daddys hands..” He shifts you a bit, holding you in a tight grip.
“Yes daddy..!” You mewl, causing him to shush you. “Tsk, tsk. Shh shh. Keep quiet baby, and listen to me.” He says, you nod.
“Good girl. What a good little girl you are…” He praises, “Dont you worry, princess. Daddys gonna take good care of you.”
This elicts a soft whine from your throat, gulping quietly. “Such a pretty, dumb thing, aren’t you?” He questions. You nod again.
“Oh… Such a stupid, dumb little girl. Can barely form a sentence.” He pities. “I wonder what would happen if i were to let go of you… Would you fall, would you catch yourself? I’m almost curious..”
His hands loosen their grip, and you tumble a bit to the side. “S-simon! Don’ let go.. Don’t wanna fall..” You beg. “Please..!”
He chuckles at your needy voice. “I was just teasin’ you baby doll. M’not gonna let you go, you’re not goin’ anywhere. I’ve got ya’.” His grip tightens again and he straightens you upright. You shake your head with a pout.
“Meanie..” You mumble, barely audible, but just enough for him to hear. “I don’t think i’ve been too mean just yet. I can show you mean, my princess..” He leans in close to your ear, voice dropping a couple octaves. “Since you think i’m so mean, why dontcha’ tell me why you think so, hm? Use your big girl words.” He taunts.
“I- um.. Daddy was gonna let me go! T-that’s why!” You huff softly, tugging at his shirt. “Off…” You mumble. “Off?” He questions. “Daddy.. Off..” You tug at his shirt, making him grin.
“Ooh, i see. Baby girl doesn’t want her daddy to let her fall..” He’s ignoring your request, making you frustrated. “Daddy..! Off, please!” You beg, pulling on his shirt harder.
His eyes narrow. “You want me to take my shirt off, angel?” He cocks his head to the side. You nod enthusiastically. “How am i supposed to hold you and take my shirt off at the same time, hm? Thought you didn’t wanna fall.” He teases. You whine and kick your feet a little.
“I wont fall, daddy, please!” You beg once more. He obliges, Tugging his shirt off and throwing it to the side as you watch in awe, leaning your head against his chest to feel his muscles underneath you.
“Such a smart little one you are.. You managed to hold yourself up..” He’s sure to emphasize smart, catching you completely off guard as tears start to form in the corners of your eyes. “No..! Not smart, Daddy, Take it back!” You whine, shaking your head quickly as a tear rolls down your cheek.
“Oh, my dumb baby girl,” He says, hands moving up to your waist. “You don’t like when daddy tells you how well you put that pretty mind to use?” He interrogates.
“No!” You shake your head again, letting out a soft cry and digging your nails into his chest. “Poor thing..” He sympathizes, giving you faux puppy eyes. “You know you’ll always be daddy’s dumb, pathetic princess.”
You bite your lip. “..P-promise daddy?” You hold your pinky out. He wraps his pink around yours. “Yes, baby. I promise.” He moves his hand to grab your chin, forcing you to look up at him. “You’re so, so cute.” He praises, pushing his thumb into your mouth. You quickly start to suck on it, making him curse under his breath and press down on your tongue.
“Yeah baby, that’s right. Focus on keeps daddy’s fingers nice n’ warm.” He groans, staring at your lips. You start to slowly grind on his thigh, moaning quietly around his fingers as your arousal pools in your panties.
He takes quick notice to what you’re doing, bouncing his thigh gently making you moan a bit louder. “Oh, good girl. Good fucking girl.” He rubs your back with his other hand, swirling your tongue around his thumb and speeding your movements up.
Him rubbing your back quickly turns into his hand back on your hip, making you grind into him faster.
“Trying to get off in my lap, yeah? What a stupid whore i have on my hands.” You cry out at the pressure, mumbling begs and pleads around his finger and gripping his shoulders.
“Your brain is leaking from your pussy, all over daddy’s lap…” He says, “That’s okay, my princess. Feel good for me.” You start to drool all over him, dripping down onto his chest and all over his hand.
“Can’t think of anything but bouncing on daddy’s thigh and keepin’ his fingers warm. Trust me baby doll, i know, i know..” He says against your forehead, hot breath coming through the balaclava.
Your thighs clench around him and you cum in your panties, whining and grabbing at his wrist to shove more fingers in your mouth. He happily obliges, replacing his thumb with his pointer and middle fingers. He continues to make you grind on him, bouncing his thigh a bit more and shoving his fingers to the back of your throat.
“Good girl, baby. Making a mess all over me..” He says, voice thick and sultry with arousal. The gagging and pressure quickly makes you cum yet again, not even 30 seconds apart from your last orgasm.
“Cumming again for me so quickly, god baby. You’re just the perfect little toy for me, arent you?” You nod, twitching and digging your nails into his shoulders.
He slows his thigh, loosening his grip once again. “Such a drooly baby, you are. Oh, what a mess..” He coos. A fresh batch of tears begin streaming down your hot cheeks.
“I know you want more, sweetheart. Whatcha’ want? Cant give you what you want unless you tell me..” He says, making you tremble.
Dragging your head away from his fingers, you moan, “Breed..” He chuckles, pressing you against the back of the couch.
“You want daddy to breed you?” He says, and you nod quickly. “Well then, baby,” He starts,
“You’re in for a rough fuckin’ night.”
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veren-cos · 4 months
Alex (sdv) x gn!reader
Alex giving reader his jacket because they are cold and damp
Inspired by a request! (Acc mentioned in comments because Tumblr is deciding not to work with me rn)
The day started out perfect! You woke up, the sprinklers had already watered the crops, you fed the animals, and gathered the crops. All by 9am might you add! Now the only thing left on the agenda was to go on a date with your cute boyfriend!
Alex decided it would be a great idea to do all of the planning, so you had no idea what you were doing with your day. You just hoped it would be inside as it was a bit chilly, and looked like it was going to rain.
*knock knock knock*
You opened your door to see Alex stranded with a small bouquet of flowers in his hands. "Hey babe!" He shot you a smile, "you ready?" And of course you were! You wore your cleanest clothes in preparation, but even then they were still a little worn from the farm.
Once you put the flowers into a vase, he slipped his hand into yours and led you across the town. You passed by Sam, and Evelyn, and Jodi on the way to whoever knows where. They all either gave polite smiles or waved. Everyone knows you and Alex were going out now, and they were all SO happy for you.
Eventually, you arrived at the town Library! Alex took your other hand, "Today, we are going to pick out a book for the other to read! I want to know what kind of things you like, or at least, more than I already do."
Oh my gosh it was so cute!! You wandered off near the back to stay out of Gunthers way. He helped you reach things on the top shelves. Not even because you couldn't reach, it was just because he wanted to prove he was tall-
The two of you each grabbed your favorite book for the other to read. The cover of yours was super pretty, so Alex was already pumped to read it.
"Now onto phase 2!" He exclaimed
You laughed, "There are phases in this date? And here I thought you were making things up on the spot." He led you back to his place where he grabbed a large wicker basket. He then proceeded to take you by the arm and lead you to a large tree.
He took out a blanket and laid it by the base of the tree, "ta dah! A perfect picnic, just for you." He began to bring out cookies and bottled drinks and just all your favorite snacks.
"Oh my goodness, Alex, you shouldn't have! This is so sweet!" Everyday he surprised you. He was always extremely considerate, and remembered all the tiny details about you. He loved to spend time with you and make you feel loved.
The two of you ate and chatted when the clouds started looking dimmer and dimmer. "Alex, babe. Do you think we should pack up?" He looked up at what you were seeing.
"Uhhh it should be fine?" But then it started to sprinkle. He grumbled a bit, "mmm a little mist is fine, right?" He went to look at you when suddenly it started downpouring.
"Shit shit! Babe get up I'm taking you home right now." He shoved everything into the basket and started running, leaving you baffled and catching up to him.
"Babe wait up!" When you finally caught up to him, he shoved everything into your hands.
"Alex!!" You laughed as you sprinted towards the farm, "what are you doing??" He was ripping off his jacket, but failing to multitask and nearly tripped while he ran.
"You wore short sleeves! And this rain is making it cold!!"
"I'm more worried about you getting wet!" He succeeded in getting his jacket off of him and started running next to you. He held the jacket directly above both of your heads, but both of your shoulders were still getting soaked.
You quickly arrived on your porch. You fumbled with your keys, and finally finally got the right one. You shoved the door open and you both nearly tumbled into the house.
"Oh my Yoba I haven't run that fast in my whole life."
"I have run that fast since high school!" Alex started laughing, "Oh that was fun!! Here." He wrapped the jacket around your shoulders and grabbed everything from your hands.
The blanket barely fit back into the basket with no folding, so Alex began wringing it out above the sink. You spoke, "I take it you didn't look at the weather yesterday?"
He paused, "..no.." It was so quiet, but when it registered you cracked up.
"Oh that is so like you!!" The look of your hair drenched, laughing, and with his jacket on made you-
"So beautiful" He caught you off guard.
"I'm sorry?"
Alex started to blush. "That was meant to be an inside thought!!" But he laughed it off a bit, "you're beautiful. You should keep that on."
"Oh this?" You actually slipped it on and gave him a little spin, "yeah, I think it suits me!" It wasn't exactly your size, but it was cute!
"It really does." The two of you continued trying to dry everything. It was a comfortable silence with him. "Can I stay over tonight?"
You snorted, "you thought I was going to kick you out into this weather? Alex, you know me better than that. Of course you can stay!" You jabbed him with your elbow.
He called Evelyn, just letting her know where he would be. She gave him an earful about watching the weather, but she was glad to know he got inside safe.
The two of you ended up watching movies in bed until you fell asleep, you wrapped in his arms, and in his jacket.
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