#tw conventions
destielmemenews · 9 months
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Wikipedia page for Genocide Convention
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juiche · 1 year
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⚫🔴 b&w version of my Bucky illustration
get your own print here ❤️
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captainhysunstuff · 2 months
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Watari and his employer. Had to drag him out of a candy shop to reach the meeting on time.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 10 months
Justin Bieber was a secret geek at a convention. He played me at Street Fighter and when he lost, he hit me in the back of the head with a bag of coke and set the convention center on fire.
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shipyardghostman · 2 months
I don't care how much "Dashcon 2" monitors it you could not pay me to trust or step in that ball pit.
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wanologic · 1 year
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Effect and Cause
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
The frustrating part about conversations like "should people with self-harm scars warn others before showing off their body?" and conversations like it is how nobody would tell me that my scars are obscene or should be hidden despite, literally, being self-harm scars. They just do not know because people literally do not know what self-harm scars are and what self-harm is.
Our bodies are not vulgar or gross. We deserve to live our lives, and if our scars make you uncomfortable, we can be compassionate about that, but that doesn't mean that our bodies are Bad and should be Locked Away. Treat us like we belong, because we do.
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hunterevie · 2 months
Something non-Destiel related for a bit. But it is related to Supernatural.
I’ve mentioned a couple of times my dad died. It's only been 6 weeks and it doesn't feel any easier. I'm thinking about him a lot at the moment, and how engaged he was when I spoke of the show and my convention experiences.
I started watching Supernatural as soon as it aired in the UK. I’m a horror fan so it was right up my street. I normally watched it on my own late in the evening.
There was a day when my dad watched it with me. His first words were ‘oh that’s why you watch it.’ Literally as Jensen and Jared popped on the screen. Obviously, teenage me denied it profusely. I did genuinely watch for the story, but two cute leads also helped.
It was the only time we watched it together before I fell out of love with it in my 20s around S5.
I started watching again when I was in my 30s after Jensen was announced as being on The Boys (I love The Boys!). During the rewatch, I fell in love with Cas and started to understand Destiel.
I attended my first convention in 2023. I had missed out on Jensen being in my home town, so thought I'd take a holiday to Dusseldorf to attend Purcon 7.
I told my dad I was planning on attending this convention, and he remembered it was a show I enjoyed as a teenager. He seemed shocked it lasted so long, and that I was watching again. But happy that I was doing something I would enjoy.
I attended 4 conventions over the last year, and he’d always be the first to ask how they were. Wanting to know if I had a good time, what it was like. Whether the actors were nice. If they said anything about the pieces I got signed. Stuff like that.
The weekend before Purcon 8, I was with my parents. My dad was still in the recovery stage of his radiotherapy and was ill, but pretty bright otherwise. I remember telling him I'd visit again in a couple of weeks and tell him all about the holiday and convention. Hopefully give him something a bit more positive to think about for a little while.
I didn't know that it would be my last conversation with my dad.
He was put into an induced coma 12 hours before I was due to fly to Germany. That morning I had conversations with my mum, who told me to go. That we didn't know at the time what would happen and I would just be at home worrying about him. So I did.
It was on the morning of Purcon 8 that I found out he had brain damage caused by a mistake in A&E. That he wouldn't come back to us and it wasn't even because of the cancer. I was in pieces. I found a corner of the hotel and just sat there crying because I couldn't get the strength to do anything else. I somehow found it when I needed to get my auto with Misha and photos with Misha and Jensen though.
I managed to ask Jensen for a hug, because I needed one after that news. Not Misha though. I love the guy but he still intimidates the living shit out of me sometimes, and I'm convinced he may not like me.
When I did get home my dad was still in a coma and I did as promised. I told him all about my holiday. About the convention. How I summoned the courage to ask Jensen for a hug, and tell Misha about the promotion I got working on something really important politically.
Afterwards, I cried because I knew it would be the last time I would get to talk to him about one of my favourite shows, and my convention experiences. It broke my heart.
Anyway, I don't really know where my point was with all this. I just was reminiscing. If you have read, thank you for letting me get it all out, and here are some photos of my holiday I could never show my dad. (Which is even more gut wrenching, as we did share a love of photography).
If you've never visited Dusseldorf and the surrounding cities, I recommend it. It's so beautiful around there.
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humming-fly · 1 year
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I've been vicariously reveling in @post-it-notes7's recent foray into their version of dark meta knight's No Good Very Bad Day, and naturally have had a shitpost bouncing around in my head the Entire time
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onlytiktoks · 2 months
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destielmemenews · 2 months
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"Harris is Black and Indian American. When asked if he agreed with comments from some Republicans who claim Harris has political power because of “diversity, equity and inclusion,” Trump falsely suggested Harris has changed how she discussed her racial identity.
“She was always of Indian heritage, and she was only promoting Indian heritage,” Trump said. “I didn't know she was Black until a number of years ago, when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black. So I don't know, is she Indian or is she Black?"
Harris is a member of a historically Black sorority, attended Howard University, one of the most prominent historically Black colleges in the country, and was a member of the Congressional Black Caucus when she was a U.S. senator from California."
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jojo-schmo · 11 months
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This is not a criticism of people who make Kirby merch from memes!
But as someone who likes the entire franchise and it’s many characters other than Kirby, this is simply an observation I’ve made lately as a regular patron of artist alleys in the United States lol
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pinkeoni · 1 year
Writing Byler into the Narrative: Chekhov's Lie
Am I making a post about a topic that has already been talked into the ground and needs no further explanation? Yes! Because it's my blog and I get to talk about whatever I want.
So when discussing whatever the biggest "byler proof" is, the easiest and best answer is simply "the narrative." But what exactly does that mean?
Well aside from the characterization and themes tending to point in that direction, there's also a major literary rule at play— Chekhov's Gun
So this is Anton Chekhov.
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Famous Russian playwright. Prolific short story author. Very important to the dramatic and literary world.
Chekhov sees one of his colleagues plays and writes him a letter that says "Hey, if you're gonna go through the effort putting a gun on stage, just make sure it goes off, okay? Otherwise, don't put it there." or something to the effect of that.
"Chekhov’s gun is a dramatic principle that suggests that details within a story or play will contribute to the overall narrative. This encourages writers to not make false promises in their narrative by including extemporaneous details that will not ultimately pay off by the last act, chapter, or conclusion. Chekhov’s gun has become a highly influential theory of effective writing that mandates noticeable details are integrated into the plot trajectory, character development, and mood of the work."
Here's a simple example of Chekhov's gun used in the show:
Chekhov's Purple Palm Tree Delight
While burying Hero Agent Man in the desert, Argyle get's stressed out and Jonathan tells him in supposedly a throwaway line to smoke some Purple Palm Tree Delight to help him feel better.
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And then later in the Piggyback when they need to distract the Argyle clone in the Surfer Boy Pizza, BAM. Jonathan pulls out a fresh Purple Palm Tree Delight.
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What serves as a small detail in one episode, serves a larger purpose in a future episode. It's a very simple yet effective plant and payoff. The gun has been Chekhov'd.
What happens if the gun does not Chekhov?
For this I'll use an example from a different show, here's a scene from Euphoria season 2. (spoilers, btw)
At the start of the scene, the character Nate loads a gun from inside of his car as he is going to confront his dad. We have seen this gun before. Oh my god, is Nate going to kill is dad? The audience may wonder.
Nate then puts the loaded gun into his right pocket as he enters the building where his dad is staying.
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Later in the scene, we see Nate reach into his right pocket and pull out the gun he just loaded.
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We then see Nate put the gun away into his left pocket, reach back into his right pocket, and pull out— a flash drive?
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Granted this flash drive does have pre-established importance, but why the fuck did Nate have that gun with him, if he wasn't going to use it? The most basic rule of a Chekhov's Gun?
I know that it was likely there just to build suspense for the audience, but considering that Nate's gun has already been established (and used) earlier in the season, the show didn't need to build-up the importance of the gun earlier in the scene if it wasn't going to payoff. If we saw Nate putting his hand into his pocket in a threatening way, there might be enough there for the audience to suspect he has his gun in there before doing the twist with the flash drive. It would have given the same effect of suspension and subversion of expectations without it feeling like a shitty non-payoff.
I can only speak for myself, but when this happened I was just baffled and annoyed. What was the point of all that? When a Chekhov's Gun doesn't go off, it feels super unsatisfying.
Another good example of a gun that never Chekhov'd is the Jules-cheating storyline that became inconsequential, was not the reason Jules and Rue even broke up, was seemingly forgotten and forgiven by the end, and did nothing but give fans a reason to hate Jules.
And Now: The Van Scene
We've all seen it and we all know it. Will gives Mike the painting we saw earlier in the season, the one that's supposed to be for someone that he likes, which was a Chekhov's Gun in itself. We saw the painting earlier in the season and now it's being revealed. The gun is Chekhoving.
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Really the painting itself has already payed off, but what this scene does is establish a new Chekhov's Gun that has yet to go off, and that's the lie that Will told Mike— that the painting was from El, not him.
Even if this wasn't the "friends don't lie" show, I mean, a lie in a tv show that goes undiscovered and has no major consequences? I mean come on. It's almost too obvious.
Did this gun already Chekhov?
Technically there is still somewhat of a payoff to this lie being told, even if the reveal that it was a lie hasn't happened yet. We see the consequences of Will's lie in this scene here:
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Ah yes, the monologue. You know the one, where Will is over Mike's shoulder the whole time, the one spawned by Will remarking "your the heart" which is a reference to the van scene we all just witnessed in which Will pours his heart out to Mike under the guise of it actually being El's feelings? Yeah that monologue.
Contrary to popular belief I am of the opinion that Mike's monologue is NOT the reason El lost to Vecna, however Mike finally confessing immediately followed by El losing does not make it look any better for them. I don't think that the lie had world ending consequences, but it definitely had emotional ones.
The reveal of the lie can lead to one of two things happening (not all once)
Mike finds out that Will lied to him about El commissioning the painting. Mike and El stay together despite it all, Will accepts that Mike doesn't love him back.
Mike finds out that Will lied about El commissioning the painting. El and Mike do not stay together because the feelings of love are not genuine. Mike and Will, despite Will's expectations, end up together since that what Mike's feelings of love are in response too.
The biggest difference between the first scenario and the second scenario is that the first one is already happening right now.
Mike and El are still together by the end of the season, and Will already thinks that he doesn't have a chance with Mike.
Why cock the gun if setting it off is just going to keep things the way they were?
Of course this Chekhov's gun isn't the only "proof" working in byler's favor, and I wouldn't have suggested the second scenario if the show didn't also give Mike an arc where he couldn't say I love you to his girlfriend, make him act weird around Will, actively push themes of non-conformity, among other things.
Combined with everything else, I do still consider Chekhov's Gun to be the biggest proof of byler. Not following through with one of the most popular rules of dramatic writing just to hold together a weak relationship? OK
tl;dr: Byler canon because a Russian playwright said so
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one-time-i-dreamt · 5 months
Someone tried to convince me to join their cult at a furry convention.
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rapturemctro · 4 months
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The haul from our convention today! Most of the Dungeon Meshi stuff I was looking for was sold out, but still got some cute stuff!!
A super sweet vendor drew my husband and I while we were sitting there talking with them and their friend, and I ended up commissioning them to draw my Fursona Mothra on top of that!
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jarchivism · 6 months
Fearpocalypse Avatar Meetup!!
As the clock strikes midnight, I think we're all aware of what day it is now. I've got all the party supplies in the corner, all readied up. I'm not the best artist, but this is what it looks like so far.
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We’ve got:
- Way too many doors. (Much more outside this image.)
- A suspiciously raw meat plate.
- Crickets
- Brownies (From someone who said they would bring baked goods. Probably the forever brownie.)
- A lot of sky. (Understatement of the century.)
- A feeling of slight isolation and vertigo.
- The smell of ozone.
- I may or may not have summoned the eyepocalypse.
Almost all contributed by the avatars who came into my askbox as of late. Thank you for bringing stuff to the potluck.
May our convention go well!
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