#tw period pain
zeussim · 7 months
Pals with endometriosis, please tell me some of your symptoms because I think my doctor is incompetent.
She told me endometriosis meant extreme pain in the days before a period - I've had extreme, nauseating, on-the-floor-screaming, difficulty-breathing pains during my period and once around ovulation. And yes painkillers do not work.
Edit: read the updates on my tumblr. I had an endo cyst the size of a tennisball. It is gone now and I am all healed up.
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bobfloydsbabe · 4 months
Having the type of period cramps where the pain radiates down my legs and makes me unsteady on my feet 🙃
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gunkpup · 3 months
I'm so tired.. both because of my period pain and edibles,,, chrisT ist bed time!
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teetkmost123 · 2 years
On the worst days of period aka uterus lining shedding, I usually punch my gut "gently" to remind it to shut the fuck up and stop being so annoying
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aceofwhump · 3 months
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Nate Mann as Robert "Rosie" Rosenthal
Masters of the Air 1x09
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bitchesgetriches · 4 months
(tw periods) does anyone have tips for working while you have extremely painful-to the point it's debilitating-periods?
Oh my sweet baby I'm so sorry you're going through this. Bitch Nation: what are your words of wisdom for this darling baby bitchling with debilitating periods?
When I was in college, I once had period pain so bad that I literally couldn't make it from my classroom building across the park to my dorm without stopping multiple times to sit down and gasp for air. It was awful. I went to the doctor, who suggested hormonal birth control. After I got on the pill, my periods became FAR less painful.
I stopped having periods altogether about 12 years ago because of my birth control method (I'm 37 and have had an IUD since January 2017). The important thing is to consult a doctor. Here's more:
Blood Money: Menstrual Products for Surviving Your Period While Poor
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quinloki · 15 days
Hi Quin 💜
I once read that getting your guts rearranged helps against period pain.
Any thoughts which blorbo(s) would help his / their SO out during this time, even though it's a bloody mess down there?
asking for a friend >.>
I'm going to preface this with a bit of real-life advice - it does help for some, and for some it can exacerbate things. So if you're out there and trying this and it feels worse, don't think it's going to get better. What you're really after is increased blood flow - and you can do that with a vibrator and heat pads too.
But let's assume a nice deep fuck works in this case.
Sanji's for it, there's nothing about you that's going to slow him down, but unfortunately he tends to be a little too gentle. It feels better, but you really have to get him to work up to what you need with reassurance and guidance. He means well, but I imagine he worries about making it worse.
Don't worry too much, he'll get there.
Zoro's unbothered by blood and not one to hold back no matter the situation, so he's in there and taking care of you pretty quick. I think you might actually have to worry a little bit about bloodlust with Zoro. Which is to say he might keep railing you until you pass out because he's not going to register that you're begging for mercy and on your n'th orgasm.
The smell of blood is just a little distracting.
Eustass Kid isn't only into it, he's all for making an unholy mess of it, honestly. You look hot in red, whether it's his lipstick, or blood - and blood that doesn't require the risk of cutting? Even-fucking-better.
Good news, Aftercare King that he is, he's going to clean you up after he makes a mess of you. Few things top getting massaged in a warm bath to help keep the cramps away.
Killer's in a similar boat as Kid - at least in the aftercare section of it, but he's definitely into the gut rearrangement too. He's just less messy than Kid, but no less enthusiastic.
Marco's willing to do whatever he can to help, which includes cheating by sinking those healing flames into your abdomen as he's pounding you into the bed. There's no reason for you to suffer while you wait for the blood rush to make the pain go away. He'd much rather listen to you sing.
Sakazuki - since I know you - would be a great one-two punch, since he probably runs hot with that Magma fruit. I think he's putting down towels or plastic or something beforehand though - the blood doesn't bother him, but he's not wasting his time or yours trying to clean it up afterward. Alas, I think he's too tight laced to be kinky, so his aftercare game is lacking, but I think he'd be kind enough to his s/o to help them clean up. He's been shown to not be completely heartless, after all.
X Drake would do what he could to help, but I think he has Zoro's problem with blood and you're going to have him fighting to keep himself under control the whole time.
Though, to be fair, having him transform and knot the soul out of you might just be what you need.
And there you go, that's off the top of my head =3
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a-not-so-clean-blog · 5 months
Nu carnival x ftm period
Mentions of blood, general pain, dysphoria, and drugs
♦️Garu, Aster, Morvay
Boy is comforting by nature and he will do anything in his power to make you feel better. Warm soup, mint tea, any kind of comfort food; he'll make it all for you. If he needs to he will even fight the awkwardness and ask his grandma for advice on how to make “someone” on their period feel better. He knows better than to out you to anybody, even to the people he trusts most. He just wants you to feel better.
He's going to need some help. He heard that people like chocolate when this happens so he gets you expensive chocolate confections from your favorite bakery. If he's not too busy he might make some with you. Quality time is important to him and he wants you to know he's here to support you even if he's too awkward to express it with words. He will make time to try and comfort you as much as he can but it will be in all non verbal ways.
He will pray for your recovery. He sympathizes with you, he understands how much his essence imbalance hurts him so it makes sense that your hormone imbalance hurts you. It hurts him seeing you so uncomfortable and him not being able to help. He really doesn't want to leave you alone and it hurts him when he can't be by you to help. Even if it's simply grabbing something for you he wants to take as much of your burden as he can.
Quincy is big and I think he's very warm too, especially his right hand because of the gem. He cuddles up to you and uses himself as a hot water bottle. Resting his hand on your stomach and letting you use him as a pillow. If you have any kind of mood shifts he takes it in stride. It kind of reminds him of dealing with a cat; wanting pets one moment and biting his hand the next. It doesn't bother him much though and it's nice having a grounding personality like his around while you wait out the pain. He probably offers some natural pain killers if it gets bad.
He has a herb that he gives you to help. You don't know what the plant is but it helps. All the pain and discomfort are gone but it makes you feel weird in the head. You've tried finding the plant but no book or even Quincy knows what it is. Kuya just tells you not to worry about it and enjoy not being in pain. You should probably be more weary of him but the herb works so well that you can't really say no.
He freaks out when you tell him you're bleeding. He thinks you're injured and immediately goes into protection mode. You have to explain it happens to some guys monthly. That's satisfactory for his curiosity for now. It's best to just tell him what helps you manage pain. If you don't he will take the initiative to look up what will help…and he will want you to try the weirdest home remedies. So unless you want him asking you to put a frozen potato wedge cover in sesame oil in your underwear, I suggest being open with him very early. It's so hard to say no to his puppy eyes when he's just trying to help.
This gets a little weird so continue with caution. He smells it right before you start bleeding and it scares him the first time. It hurts your heart to have him look at you so worried for a week. You know he's just concerned but honestly it doesn't help the dysphoria at all.
He is confused. Normally if something is causing you pain he just breaks it. Like when you stubbed your toe on the table, no more table no more problem. However he can't just rip your guts out, that would just make more of a problem. He tends to keep his distance unless you give him a specific task, once the task is over he's going back to keeping his distance though.
He is no help. Honestly he has no idea what to do. Normally the guys he's around only bleed when they are stabbed, but at least he knows how to dress a stab wound. This however, is out of his league. When this time starts he will assign a personal assistant to you to help. They have full permission to get you literally anything you need. Dante doesn't want to know about periods and assumes you don't want anyone to know about yours either, so your assistant is also sworn to secrecy.
No help in the beginning. I don't think he's been around many AFAB people so you are going to be his first reference point. After this happens a few times though he actually figures out the best ways to help you. He will learn what makes you feel better in terms of painkillers vs muscle relaxers, he learns if any foods make you feel worse and avoids them. Yeah he treats it like an experiment but as long as it helps in the long run he doesn't think it matters. Also he memorized all the early signs and is fully prepared for when it actually starts. I'm not sure how skilled he is with a scalpel (or if you can trust him with a scalpel) but he may offer to remove the problem if you want.
I think he's the only one on this list who truly understands how much this week triggers your dysphoria. He will do anything he can help physically, but he is also extra protective of your masculinity during this time. He will literally fight anyone who misgenders you, and makes sure to give you lots of compliments. “Y’know most guys can't handle pain as well as you do. I've even seen knights cry at the sight of a paper cut haha!” He's very proud of you and will make sure you know just how manly you are.
Also kinda nasty so read at your own risk…. “Free meal”. He uh, gets pretty excited when it happens. He tells you stuff like “you look so handsome today~” and other masc compliments but it's all a ploy to get in your pants. Honestly he's more pushy than Morvay is when you're bleeding. It's just that the constant smell of your blood is impossible for him to ignore. He helps with pain management but is really only invested in the clean up.
He heard an orgasm helps with cramps… this is the only thing he will do to help, but being a service bottom he does it so well. He will bring you food in bed, let you eat, make you cum till you can't see straight and pass you, rinse and repeat for a week. He gets so pouty if you leave because “doctor Morvay” just wants to make you feel better.
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scary-friend · 14 days
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✨I’m not doing well✨
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zorosdimples · 5 months
choso is usually calm and laidback. caring for you is his privilege and duty—he never strays far, and is eager to help if you need any. but he turns into an overbearing fiend when you’re on your period; you aren’t allowed to lift a finger. it’s even difficult for you to get out of bed with his head buried between your thighs at all hours of the day. but it’s important for him to relieve your pain as much as possible. surely the cramps won’t hurt too badly if he’s wringing orgasm after orgasm out of you, right?
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zeussim · 7 months
I met with another doctor aka the good one and now I'm on my way to the hospital.
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littlemissomega · 1 year
I'm Here
steve rogers x endometriosis!reader
Summary: Steve Roger's girlfriend has endometriosis and gets her period
Warnings: chronic pain, reader has endometriosis which causes extremely painful periods, reader gets her period, throwing up, crying, little suggestive but not really (Y/N thinks Steve is gonna do something sexual for a second, but he doesn't)
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The sound of Y/N’s crying greets Steve as soon as he opens the door. He drops his back and dashing up the stairs, pushing the bedroom door open.
“Baby, what’s wrong? What happened?” Steve asks.
Y/N is laying on the bed, on top of a pillow with one heating pad on her stomach and another on her back.  Her legs are tucked under her; calves flush with her thighs.A small trash can sits next to her head.
“I-It hurts so bad,” Y/N sobs, pressing her face into the pillow, “Feels l-like I’m dying,”
Dread fills Steve, but he realizes what happened. He gently lowers himself on the bed next to her, pulling Y/N’s hair out of her face and tying it up.
“Did you get your period, honey?” he asks gently.
Y/N nods weakly, jolting as pain shoots through her.
“I’m so sorry, baby, I know it hurts. Did you take your meds already?”
Y/N nods again, sniffling.
Steve places a hand on y/n’s shoulder blades, causing her to flinch before melting into his touch. He rubs light circles in place.
“What can I get for you?”
“I…I don't feel so good,” Y/N whimpers before lunging forward, barely grabbing the trash can before she throws up into it.
“Oh baby,” Steve murmurs, “It’s okay, I’m here, just get it all out,”
Steve wipes the tears from her cheeks as Y/N heaves into the trash can. Her face is sticky and  hot
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Y/N chokes out between heaves.
“It’s okay, princess, there’s nothing to apologize for. I got you,” he soothes.
When Y/N finally finishes emptying the contacts of her stomach into the trash can, she collapses back against the pillows. Sharp pain shoots through her lower stomach, back, legs, and ribcage. She sniffles, shifting to try and ease the pain.
“I’m so sorry you aren’t feeling, well, baby. What can I get for you? I’m here,” 
“Ca-can you get me a cold w-w-wash cloth?” Y/N stutters.
“Of course, honey. I’ll be right back,” Steve voices, rubbing her back for more time before standing up. He grabs the trash can, “I’ll clean this up. Just holler or bang on the wall if you need me,”
Y/N nods into the pillow. Steve hurries into the bathroom, emptying the trash can into the toilet and cleaning it out. He grabs 2 small towels and wets them with cool water, wringing them out. 
“Steve?” he hears Y/N whimpers.
“I’m coming, baby!”
Steve hurries back into the bedroom, setting the trash can back down next to her head.
“I’m right here,” he soothes, using one of the towels to wipe her sweat-slicked face and lips clean. He takes the other one and presses it to her forehead. Y/N lets out a sigh of relief at the cool sensation. She reaches and grabs Steve’s hand, lacing their fingers together and squeezing tightly.
Y/N jolts forward again, whimpering into the pillow. Steve continues rubbing gently circles on her back.
“Can I try something, baby? See if it helps you feel better?” Steve voices.
“Uh huh,” Y/N nods softly, looking over at him.
Her eyes are swollen and pink from crying, and slightly glazed over. Steve pulls his shirt off and her eyes go wide.
“No no no no, not that, no that’s the worst thing we could do right now, no-” Y/N cries.
“Shhh, shh, it’s okay, baby, I’m not gonna do anything! It’s okay, darling, take a deep breath,” Steve soothes, gently slipping her hands under her arms and shifting her up.
Y/N starts to protest, but Steve quickly pushes the pillows from under her and takes their places. He eases her down over her so her heating pad is sandwiched between them and her knees are on either side of him. She lets out a content sound and sinks into him, wrapping her arms around his neck.
Steve strokes Y/N’s hair with one hand, using the other to rub up and down her back.
“Is that a little better, princess?”
Y/N nods into his shoulder, clinging to them.
“I love you,” she whispers.
“I love you too, baby,”
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alivinghorrorcomedy · 16 days
had a bad day
drew max having period cramps
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utterdrip · 10 months
cant believe im on my cycle without a vampire partner. seems like. hm. a waste
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wildmelon · 8 months
the way even close friends and family don’t give a fuck about menstrual pain. it’s “aw :/ i’m sorry you’re in pain :(” until you say you can’t do something and then it becomes clear they don’t actually believe how much it hurts.
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doodle17 · 1 month
Why am I being forced to go through insufferable amounts of pain for not being pregnant
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