#tw// guilt
marenwithanm · 3 months
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You know Zelda, most Links actually were children during their adventures. Breath of the Wild Link Georg who was over 100 years old was an outlier and should not have been counted
As you can see, I'm still not over the idea of a younger Link and older Zelda in alttp. She feels so bad about dragging a little kid into this whole mess 😭
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konigsblog · 2 months
jealous, stepbrother-simon riley...
warnings: stepcest, non-con/dub-con, rape, guilt tripping, coercion, manipulation, dark content. dead dove: do not eat. MDNI 18+
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your stepbrother finds a sickening form of enjoyment by manipulating and guilt tripping you into getting whatever he wants. it's no surprise—or at least it shouldn't be—that your stepbrother can't help himself when it comes to you. he claims it's just him being overprotective with his beloved stepsister, but deep down, simon's gut churns with rage and jealousy when he sees that man, claiming his spot as your boyfriend.
you deserve better—deserve someone that knows you so well, that being simon. he doesn't enjoy seeing your boyfriend, and will snarl at the hickeys on your neck. it makes him sick, and he'll force tears to run down his cheeks, ranting about how lonely he is, how desperate he is to feel something, how being in the military leaves him pathetically lonely, with no time for relationships...
his pitiful sobs leave you feeling guilty, ashamed of yourself—as if you belong to simon. he'll convince you to ride him, or to jerk him off, or even suck his lengthy cock for hours to make it up to him. if you don't comply, he'll take it for himself, telling you through forced weeps how desperate he is—how cruel and horrible you are to refuse and reject him, as if you truly have a choice.
his large and calloused hands forcefully pry your supple thighs open, insatiable and hungry off the scent of your drooling, sweet pussy. the sight of your warm heat leaves simon beyond desperate, as he rubs his bulbous cock back and forth, taunting your clit before easing inside, his breathing quick as he holds you down and thrusts gently, shaming you for being ungrateful. he ‘protects’ you all the time, and yet, you refuse to simply repay him by spreading your folds and allowing him to sink inside that cunny of yours?
he layers your skin in bruises and hickeys, his voice guttural as he shames you for being with that man, for denying him of the right to fuck your pretty pussy. each harsh and deep thrust leaves your body shaking and trembling, tight cunt weeping and slick, morphed to fit simon's cock as you sob out at the ache.
you take him so well—you're all he wants and desires, lovie. what don't you understand? you're made for each other, give in to simon. :(
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martyr-inthedark · 21 days
Make your Whumpee tired.
Whumpees that have been deprived of sleep by Whumper, so much so that they don't remember how to walk in a straight line and can't figure out whether the recent appearance of little black bugs in their cell are real or a hallucination.
Whumpees that can't get a full night's rest. They doze off, only to be jolted awake by their own anxiety of not knowing when Whumper would come back. Perhaps they are awakened by phlegm-coated coughs induced by their illness. They are awakened by nightmares, or by Caregiver who is worried they may succumb to hypothermia, or by a thunderstorm, or the rough blanket scratching their open wounds, or so on.
Whumpees who pull all nighters to protect their friends or lovers.
Whumpees whose eyes burn when they finally can close their eyes. Whumpees whose muscles twitch, who can't stop yawning no matter how hard they try to stifle it. Whumpees with dark, glassy eyes. Whumpees who are slow to react or have a hard time keeping up with the conversation. Whumpees with throbbing headaches. Whumpees with brain fog and memory loss.
Whumpees who have been on the run and have over exhausted their bodies. Their muscles and joints continue to scream long after its over. Whumpees with extensive blood loss. Whumpees who are malnourished.
Whumpees whose survivor's guilt keeps them awake, wondering what they might have done differently, whether it was all their fault, or why they were the ones to live.
Whumpees whose bodies are in chronic pain or illness and who have to hide it, causing muscle and mental fatigue. They keep going with a smile until they collapse or pass out.
Whumpees who break down in tears, begging to be left alone so they can rest. Whumpees who sob when they are told that the bed in front of them is theirs to use whenever they want.
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i wish i could tell everyone how bad im struggling 
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sporeclan · 2 months
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Yet another just generally bad time for all of SporeClan :')
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akindplace · 2 years
The abuse you went through was not something you deserved, it wasn't punishment, it wasn't karma, it wasn't fate, it wasn't meant to be, you didn't manifest it, you didn't invite it. It was abuse. Even if people say you placed yourself in that situation, you still didn't deserve it, it was still wrong for others to abuse you and neglect you. It wasn't your fault. It was your abusers' fault.
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thisismisogynoir · 2 months
I love it when women hate men. I love it when women are allowed to vent to each other about how horrible and creepy men are. I love it when women form friendships with and prioritize each other over relationships with men(whether they're attracted to them or not). I love it when women put men dni in their bios and on their nude photos and on posts on their blogs. I love it when women refuse to mollycoddle and accommodate entitled male feelings with "but this doesn't mean I hate all men, I know a few men who are great, I love my father/sons/brothers/uncles/male cousins/guy friends" I love it when women complain about men WITHOUT "not all men" being a disclaimer. I love it when women avoid socializing with/refuse to be around/befriend/get close to men because they know men can't be trusted. I love it when women make "kill all men" jokes. I love it when women offer absolutely no concern or care for men's feelings and if their misandry offends men whatsoever because why should we, men are the oppressor class who have raped and killed and abused us and kept us as subjugated as second-class citizens for millennia, they regularly mistreat us and the women in their own marginalized communities still every single day and make this world so much harder and more awful for us to be in, and if we choose to hate them and not spare them any sympathy then so be it, and I don't just mean "men as a class" either, you can be a woman who doesn't want to have anything to do with any man on an individual basis and completely cuts off men from her personal life too and ykw I will love and fucking support you in that because men deserve absolutely NOTHING from us. If they're so tough and strong then they can handle it just like they can handle being lonely. If you are a woman who hates men, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE A LESBIAN AND/OR A TRANS WOMAN, then just know that I love you. I love you, I support you, and you are safe here.
#was going to make a post about how much i hate that women aren't allowed to hate their oppressors but i decided to spin it into something#positive instead#this is supposed to be the feminist site that makes reddit mgtow piss their baby diapers so let's go back to despising men and not coddling#their feelings and let's dye our hair blue while we're at it#i am so tired of this new wave of guilt-tripping and gaslighting women who hate men and don't trust or want to be around them#i hate how we're made into villainesses or the problematic ones for not valuing them in our lives or for wanting to guard ourselves or be#safe from our oppressors#and i'm tired of people who don't know the first thing about feminism being like 'BUT THAT'S TERF RHETORIC WHAT ABOUT X MINORITY MEN'#guess what women can also be x minority that you're trying to protect the men of and we get to hate men too#trans women are included when i say women btw and trans men are included when i say men#if anyone has the right to hate men more than anybody else it's trans women esp trans lesbians because they put up with so much shit#from men that even cis women do not and they especially know how vile men are behind closed doors#so#terfs fuck off#radfems fuck off#and if anybody tries to make this post more appeasing to men or 'not all men's this post you are getting blocked and hit with a hammer#feminism#misogyny#sexism#patriarchy#tw men#tw rape#tw abuse#misandry#terfs dni#radfems dni#feminists need to go back to being scary and unpalatable for men none of this 'but some of them are good!' bullshit#men are entitled to nothing from us#and if you try to prove me wrong then you are just proving my point if you have nothing good to say then simply keep scrolling#ok? ok.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 10 months
Autism & Guilt
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The Autistic Teacher
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lazylittledragon · 7 months
what’s the worst mental illness-adjacent take you’ve ever heard someone say because mine is the time someone told me i was fatphobic for having an eating disorder
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exclusivelyhomosexual · 11 months
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mud-castle · 3 months
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dm!Holly's reign was... an interesting time. Jayfeather often disapproves of her methods.
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konigsblog · 1 month
Stepmom reader with stepson simon, lactation kink with a touch of somno?
y’know he's just a single creep perving on his sweet stepmother... 🍼
stepmom!reader x loser!perv!stepson!simon riley. stepcest, somnophilia, non-con/dub-con, lactation kink, manipulation & guilt tripping. dark fiction — DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT MDNI 18+
photo credit: @ave661 🕸️
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you feel inclined to be nice to simon despite his perverseness. simon riley will use manipulation and coercion to get whatever he pleases. he refuses to get into a relationship, not bothering to put himself on any dating apps. he sulks and waits for you to sympathise and pity him, offering him a blowjob to cheer him up.
simon spends the majority of his year away at deployment, and god, he can't hold himself back from raping his poor stepmother, groping your fast asleep, limp body. you're stupid for leaving yourself vulnerable. simon doesn't waste a second, he's been dreaming of those titties, fantasising about your milk against his tongue and the familiar, comforting taste.
his calloused and scarred hands grope your soft body. you're left home alone under his perverted gaze, with simon eyeing you up like you're a meal, and he's a starved man. although there is some truth to it; he longs to feel your gummy cunt around his walls once again, unable to hold himself back from easing inside forcefully and brutally.
he plays with your hard nipples and watches as they weep, wet and glossy with your milk running down your breasts, your chest rising and falling with your face confused when you're awoken. you stumble over your words and attempt to protest against him, your attempts futile as simon pleads with you, yelling at you through tears for being selfish, for not allowing him to fuck your pretty cunt for the first time in ages.
you know your husband will be infuriated with you, that it's a lose-lose situation. if you're cheating on him with his son, you'll be thrown out. if you deny simon of your love, care, and affection, then he'll divorce you within seconds.
you need his wealth and care, keeping quiet so your stepson won't snitch on you.
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If there will be a part two for yandere online friend, once I found out im pregnant, I will cause a miscarriage on purpose and blame him for the lying, the cheating, the drugs, EVERYTHING. Tormenting him for his betrayal, because it’s not fair that he messed around with another girl while I was there for him when his own family wasn’t.
(I know i was aware high school love wasn’t gonna last but i love being petty and holding on grudges brings me joy.) 🥰💅
you're more fucked up than me dawg 😭 but at the same time it's understandable?? In a way?? But then again that isn't any better than the yandere... This will be the first, and last darkfic I will ever write
Tw: self abortion, guilt tripping, toxic relationship, mentioned non-con, this whole fic is a warning in itself, self harming, suicide. readers be warned,dead dove do not eat
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🥀no no NO! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS!? WHY WOULD YOU RUIN EVERYTHING HE WAS SO CLOSE TO ACCOMPLISHING?? you were supposed to love the baby.. all in all, he goes into hysteria when he sees you on the floor of the bathroom. Blood all over the tiles and toilet
💔calling 911 and breaking down, sobbing uncontrollably as they load you onto the stretcher and go to the hospital. When you wake up, he expected you to call the police or scream for help. But you just.. stared at him? No emotion..
🥀you stayed in the hospital for a week, he stuck to your side like glue. The nurses always commented on how much of a loyal boyfriend you had, but they were met with silence. It unnerved them a bit but they just brushed it off as you processing the miscarriage
💔when Damien took you back to his house, he boarded up the windows and doors. Adding multiple locks all while looking like he was hyperventilating. Images of you bleeding flashing through his head. the doctors said it was a miracle they even managed to save you
🥀he froze when he finally heard you speak for what felt like the first time in weeks.
"this is all your fault. You did this to me."
"d-darling please! Let's not go there.."
"you're a worthless pathetic bastard. I hate you."
💔he slowly goes back into his old destructive habits, cutting his arms and smashing solid objects against his thigh or legs. Making himself feel the pain you must've felt, always crawling back to you. Bloody and bruised, begging to be forgiven
🥀he starts making up stories. Saying the girl pushed herself onto him, or he wasn't thinking straight when it happened. He'd be so unstable you could even manage to get him to off himself if you pushed him farther, taking his money and leaving his bloody corpse in the shitty house he called a home. Did he seriously expect to raise a family here? Pfft, what a weirdo..
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oh, and did i mention attempted murder?
as you can tell, i'm gonna be using this meme format a lot
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ibrithir-was-here · 4 months
Rosemary is for Remembrance Part 5
Part 1
Part 4
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Part 6
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akindplace · 9 months
Abusive people often know what to say/do to make you feel at your worst. The hurt they inflict is their responsibility, always, and it's not a matter of "people can only hurt you if you allow it". In an abusive situation, you don't have control over the hurt they are inflicting. It's not "just words", it's not casual like someone making a critical comment. It's abuse. It's traumatizing. And abusers often taken control out of people and then gaslight them to making them believe it's their fault. The guilt you feel about yourself or the victim-blaming actions of others is very damaging, but the blame is never the survivor's, the abuser is always, always, the one at fault, and there is never any way around that fact, though people may say otherwise and you might feel guilt. Please don't blame yourself. Please don't dismiss your feelings.
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