#tw: discussion of death
fable-creation · 1 month
Where is Icarus?
- @quixis-midas
I’d assume they would be with Violet? Why?
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{Ajax walks back and forth, he thought he was done with this place, this void? Is it even a proper void? The one that Emmie or even Helios is in doesn't hurt to be there.
The thunder has been nice, he had forgotten how nice it could be when you're not consistently losing sanity. Tho he doesn't actually know what's worse being here or back in EOD.... probably this, in EOD he knew what would happen if he ran out of hearts, of lives, here he doesn't know but he can assume death. He was close last time half of a heart, and he won't get that close again... hopefully.
He finally sits down on one of the edges and breaths, he'll be fine...}
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velichorus-k · 9 months
The second installment of this comic right here. In which the gang hangs out :) pages under the cut!
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conditionaljewel · 2 months
Tonight I'm not thinking about the Gods, or the Archmages, or the Weapon; I'm not even thinking about the bigger implications of it all...
No, tonight I'm sparing a thought for the Ars Elysia, and that couple who got engaged, who had just agreed to spent the rest of their lives together.
Did they know? Did they know it would only be an hour, two at the most? Did they get to share one last kiss before the city hit the ground? Did they die together, holding one another at least? How long did the Aeormaton last after the explosion, after the impact, after the destruction?
Of course not. You never know when it's going to end. You can never, ever know, even if you think you do. You can only hope, and wish that you do everything you hope to do in those moments before hand, but once it's done, it's done. So of course they didn't know. How could they know?
And how many other couples in Aeor met that same fate that night? How many were together in the end? How many were holding one another tight, wondering what had happened, what was going on? How many had a loved one by their side while the impossible became possible inside their fortress of a city? How could any of them know anything?
They all died that night, as did all of their stories. The nameless mages, the identities of the Divine mortals, all were seemingly lost to history, sure. But also, a great number also lost were people just looking for salvation and a new start on Exandria once the war was finally over.
Tonight though, I'm thinking about that couple in particular. I'm thinking about them, and I am hoping that when that fateful moment came that their last moments were spent together, and were full of love and peace, and they both had a chance to say goodbye. Gods, am I hoping.
I mean, that's all you can really hope for, right?
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myfandomrealitea · 8 days
I know this topic is extremely controversial and extremely nuanced and blah blah blah and I'm lighting a rock on fire and bashing my own skull in with it, but....
Sometimes. People are just ready to die.
That's it. I firmly believe assisted suicide, at absolute minimum for the terminally ill, should be a universal concept. People want to die with dignity. People want to die with comfort. People want to die feeling like themselves.
When someone is ready to die, peacefully, we should let them.
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polling-sonic-fans · 2 months
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Polling Sonic Fans for their opinions on all manner of things. Share good questions to indicate what you want asked. Submissions open.
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frownyalfred · 5 months
Jason knows that killing joker means him dying too but he still want to do it
HOWEVER- Bruce jumps in front of the joker at the last second bc he can't lose his son one more time
That's where I was thinking that idea would go too, anon. And so Jason and Bruce's conflict over the Joker gains a new edge, because not only does Bruce not want to take a life -- he doesn't want Jason to die again, like you said! Even if that's what Jason wants.
I could imagine a Jason who came back slightly wrong, who might be suffering from the Lazarus Pit still, who cannot abide by the Joker still being alive, who would be sick with grief, anger, and resentment.
And maybe, to add even more angst, Bruce wanted to kill the Joker too -- when Jason was still dead? And Clark stopped him. Now he can never kill him without losing Jason too. It's kind of like the universe mocking him a little bit, isn't it?
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vhvrs · 1 year
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...................................so. fusionfall 2008.
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bluebyrd-screaming · 10 months
I find it fascinating that Venra gave almost everyone a choice in their death, even if they were all doomed from the beginning
She told Perry that it's all better in the moment just before you get everything you want and that he doesn't have to pull the sprinklers. He still makes the choice to turn them on
She told Camille that she doesn't have to go back there, she literally says that she could have killed her in her sleep. She still goes to collect evidence that no one will ever see
She tries to get Leo to buy a different cat, she shows him all of the other options that are suffering and need a home while the black cat already had offers and wasnt for sale to him. He still chose to buy the black cat
She keeps telling Vic that she's worried about the human trials, can she please get confirmation from Ruiz that this experiment is safe, are you sure you want to go through with this. She still chooses to use the mechanical heartbeat
She just keeps telling Tamerlane to get some rest, even after Tammy keeps falling asleep in the middle of conversations and cannot function. She still chooses to go through with Goldbug and attack the voices telling her to rest
She asked Roderick and Madeline if they were sure, from the very beginning asked what they were willing to give up for all of the fame that they could ever want, she gave them the ultimate choice as to their fate. They chose fame and fortune for a short life over a long one with less certainty of money
But she didn't give a choice to everyone
While all of the other children got a choice in how they died, Fredrick didn't. But that's because he had already made his choice. He chose over and over again to be vindictive and hateful, to be drunk on power. He was willing to let his wife suffer just to see what was in her phone and when that didn't work he decided to slowly poison her and finally when he ripped out her teeth, then Venra said "enough". He made his own bed without any input from Venra because she wasn't the one asking him if he was sure, it was Lenore. Lenore asked at every turn if her mom was safe, if she was seeing specialists, if they could go to a fancy facility that could keep her safe. Lenore just wants her mom to be okay, and Frederick decides to rip out Morrie's teeth in anger. So yeah, he made his fucking choice
Lenore didn't. She was the only Usher that was never given a warning about not tempting fate, and that's because she was the only Usher who cared about someone other than their own bottom line. Lenore was sweet, and kind, and wanted to make a difference, so Venra didn't need to ask her if she really wanted to tempt fate. No, she needed to make her comfortable with the inevitability of her end. That her kindness wasn't for nothing. That she didn't go out in a blaze of self destruction like the others. Because Lenore didn't tempt fate, she didn't throw around daddy's money to get everything she could have ever wanted, damn the consequences. No, she died because of a choice that someone else made for her before she was a thought un anyone's mind. She died because someone else didn't care about the consequences of their actions as long as they could be rich and famous in the here and now
Lenore didn't get a choice because neither did any of the victims of the Usher family's rule
They just died as after thoughts, collateral on the way to ultimate power
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galaxygermdraws · 11 days
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More Boom. Because it's infected my brain. Uh. Featuring our headcanon for the origin story of The Mech, as well as designs for 2 of the Ancients, a design for Maria, as well as my take on Amy, Tails, and Shadow. I can't stop.
(reblogs with tags/comments are appreciated. Story for the Mech explained below the cut. Thankyu)
So basic story of the Mech, it was made for Shadow. After an accident involving Shadow and something the Ancients had made, they decided to create a mech to put Shadow in so they could use his power without risking being unable to control him. The mech has a failsafe mode that will attack someone who tries to break Shadow out, and Maria had tried to get him out. The mech suit ended up attacking and severely wounding her, which would result in her death. Shadow was sealed away in cyrostasis and hidden in the cave he would eventually reside in during the show). Uh. The reason Shadow doesn't remember anything about this is because the mech messes with the wearer's memories. The reason it even controlled Sonic was bc his energy signature was similar to Shadow, as they're both super powered hedgehogs.
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auset66 · 10 days
So I had this weird thought. Let's say we di3 somehow due to anything.... health problems or accident. Then like what about all the D9 charts and the predictions that were meant to happen in our life?
Look everyone has D9 chart has D10 chart right? Then what about those who d*e at birth? Or before marriage or in teenage years?
Like...... I don't know.... what does this make of astrology? What do you guys think? Let me know.
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w1lmuttart · 2 months
Oc sketch and rant incoming
Also trigger warning for blood and death
You know, I have always thought one thing was kinda odd whenever there's a story of characters from a modern setting having to battle supernatural beings. Whether it's isekai, urban fantasy etc. It's like the one thing that I don't question as much when it's a fantasy setting cuz i can imagine it being something that's part of the characters' lived experiences/lifestyles. That thing is: how come characters don't feel like using weapons to kill living beings viscerally uncomfortable? And I don't mean it in a "oh no I just killed, I'm a murderer now :(((" type of way but like,,, the sensation of it especially if the character is using a sword or other melee weapon. Unless you are working at a butchers, have dissected a frog in biology class or work as a doctor of any kind, you're not really getting to deal with this kind of sensation on a daily basis. Idk I feel like it's a bit of a missed opportunity to develop your character. With that being said
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This guy is part of an isekai story/parody thing I've been wanting to make, where I take both the "bland overpowered harem guy who thrives on this world" protagonist and "edgy survival game guy who will take any action to get home" protagonist and put them in another world together. This guy is the latter, and I wanted to explore his journey into becoming a lethal swordsman by having him train to get used to handling it by using small monsters as practice.
So uh ye tldr I feel like there's a little number of people in our current day who would be able to handle weapons against monsters and such without struggles, and I'm tired that stories (especially anime) pretend it isn't 👍
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infizero-draws · 8 months
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(daily affirmations) i can be normal about egg memo 17 i can be normal about egg memo 17 i can be normal about
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bamsara · 2 years
Please stop
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cryptid-paint · 3 months
yoo how does ben die in the evil rook au? what happened to him?
omg hiiii!! thank you for asking about the au, I'm having lots of fun developing it so be ready for me yapping!!!
-I'll answer the question under the cut since it delves into heavy topics-
(tw: talks about death and grief/ main character death)
okay! so to sum everything up, Ben dies fighting Vilgax. I wanted it to happen against his biggest enemy/rival since he's a figure who has been present through his whole hero career since Ben was 10 and who has majorly influenced the course that Ben's life took. Imo if there wasn't a Vilgax, Ben wouldn't be the hero he is today and I want to explore that on this au. Via Paradox and timeline jumping and Rook being kinda an equivalent of Eon.
The specific way as to how he dies I'm still not so sure (because it's not something I enjoy even imagining, it's painful to kill my childhood hero even for an au) but I think it would probably be through a stab wound or through asphyxiation. Hell maybe even both....Now that I'm writing this, I think Vilgax would pull one of those moves in which he grabs Ben, lifts him up, starts to choke him as he says something along the lines of "any last words hero" before eventually, killing him.
What I'm sure would happen tho is that after Vilgax kills ben, he would throw his corpse so hard against a wall that rubble would fall on top of him and that's how Rook finds him; half buried under rubble. (This bit I have kinda thought through for a while, mainly for the development on Rook's character, like, asking what Rook would do, how he would react, what would happen after, etc etc).
Also I don't even remember if I mentioned this on my first post regarding the au but, this au takes place on an alt. Ben 10k timeline where Ben and Rook have been married for a while, so loosing Ben is something that completely destroys Rook and sadly, change him for the worst. After finding Ben, Rook would just hold him, pleading desperately. Gwen would try to tell him and convince him that Ben is gone but Rook would flat out refuse, he would be in complete denial because Ben has been dead before, and he came back, so why can't he now?
Anyway I hope this answered your question and again, thank you for the interest in my au, it means a lot <3
(also sorry if there's any typos, English isn't my main language ;-;)
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
This might be controversial to some, but you cannot "tough love" your way to preventing suicide. You cannot have the attitude that people who complete suicide are selfish or are ungrateful or immature. If your mindset about suicide isn't coming from compassion rather than judgment, it won't help suicidal people. You will never help us with a slap on the wrist and a lecture about how we're awful for even thinking about completing suicide.
Suicide intervention starts with compassion and care.
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