#tw; corrupt police officer
terrence-silver · 2 years
Since you have done posts before about what TIG's characters would be like as yanderes, what would Cash be like as one?
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Cash the stalker. Cash the observer. Cash the eavesdropper. Cash the dirty cop turned career criminal extortionist on the downlow for an extra profit. He undoubtedly knows about you far before you ever know about him, you see. Might've spotted you somewhere, someplace, out in public, minding your own business, literally in the most mundane of places doing the most mundane of day to day tasks and simply put, the encounter (one sided as it was) was fascinating for him enough to have him start regularly watching you to kill time. It is the randomness of the decision that is daunting. Work. Coming back from work. You taking out the trash. Grocery shopping. When the light in your windows clicks on. When it clicks off. There is always a car parked on a corner of a dark street not far from where you live and he watches from dusk till dawn. By the time you're out and about, Cash has long since drove away.
You're none the wiser, of course.
There is almost a certain passivity to his pathological stalking --- at least at first. It could literally drag out for months with him never acting on it. It becomes routine for him. Habitual. A hobby, if you will, which in line with all the other things he does might come off as pretty harmless. Well, somewhat --- only comparatively. More so if he indulges in some good, old abuse of power and simply parks his police car on the street. An officer minding his business, on the job. Carry on. Nothing to see here. Coffee breaks with his elbow slung through the open window. He watches. The radio station buzzing with suspicious activity a few blocks away. He watches. His partner, Dave, being on the seat next to him and chances are, Cash still, to an extent, watches for your backyard, your drive-through, your lawn, your windows and your front door, waiting for you to walk through it, never really interacting with you significantly beyond that.
He feels he acquires all the knowledge he needs just fine as is.
Starts becoming a little less passive when he begins looking into information on you, basic folders and files in the station archives and anything and everything confidential he can scope out on you. Old ID photos. Driver's licence documentation. Intel on anyone and everyone close to you. Your very blood type, if at all possible. Thing is, he hoards everything he finds, discovers and uncovers, no matter how fascinating or wholly ordinary like it is the most precious gem in the world. Isn't entirely out of the question that during his excursions conveniently patrolling your street corner, he wont snap shots and the occasional sneaky picture or twenty five he keeps for his private collection, regardless how quick, hasty or blurry the quality ends up being --- he almost likes them more for their natural spontaneity. Caught at your most unaware. His apartment is undoubtedly riddled with the stuff.
Tapped phones while you're away from your home?
Installed hidden cameras?
Additional ways he can have you close?
Covertly rummaging through your home?
Stealing the occasional item as a keepsake?
Stopping you on the street while he's on duty to ask something random, as a conversation starter, anything at all, made up or real, purely to hear you speak to him. Interact with him, thinking he's a stranger. The quiet neighbourhood officer. Never realizing you're actually talking to your secret admirer who has been making himself more than familiar with your own bubble and life. Of course, this serves as a prelude to scope the place and surrounding area out and tactically decide when and how would be the best way to break in. Have himself a little home invasion. Funny how he does this to other people for the blackmail money, but with you? Beloved sunshine. Oh, entirely for the pleasure of it. In fact, if Cash could be the one paying for the satisfaction of holding you hostage, he gladly would. Having observed your routine, comings and goings throughout many long months of dedication, Cash dons his mask, his gloves and he goes in for the kill when he knows for a fact you'll have your guard down, at your most vulnerable.
Naturally, this is a labour of love.
You'd struggle, you'd kick, scream, but eventually, you'd subside.
And he'd keep you prisoner for as long as it takes for you to soften.
When the neighbours call the police reporting a disturbance, suspicious activity and noise...well, how frightening would it be if either him or his partner came to inspect a disturbance they themselves were behind?
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[Alt text:]
Nicola Bulley: police will not face action over release of information
Watchdog’s decision follows criticism of Lancashire force after it made public details about missing woman’s private life
PA Media, 14:02, Tuesday 9th May
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) will not be taking any enforcement action against Lancashire police over its disclosure of missing woman Nicola Bulley’s personal information, the force has said.
MPs and campaign groups voiced their disapproval after police elected to put elements of her private life into the public domain during the search – including her struggles with alcohol and perimenopause.
But the force said the ICO had concluded its investigation and informed police it would not be taking any enforcement action.
full article
just in case you needed yet another refresher of how awful uk police are, besides the unlawful arresting of protesters and targeted arrests of women with rape alarms due to a 'conspiracy to disrupt peace', the lancashire police will not face any consequences for releasing nicola bulleys personal information.
for context if you dont know about this incident: 45-year-old mother nicola bulley went missing on the 27th january near the river wyre. her body was recovered from said river on the 19th february and confirmed to be her the next day. a cause of death has not yet been established. (x)
throughout the investigation, police were widely criticised for a myriad of things, with their media strategy being a fairly large part. i would say the largest criticism came from their decision, on the 15th of february, to announce to the public that nicola was struggling both with alcohol and the menopause. there was no reason to do this.
and we now know that they will face no consequences for this. they released very personal details about a missing person for literally no reason and the ico has decided this warrants zero consequences. it is being pushed under the rug with all the rest of the misconduct, as usual.
if youd like to support the family, i believe their go fund me is still open
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methylphenidatedreams · 5 months
*deep sigh* dream time before i forget:
First of all, this was all Tom Taylor’s nightwing. So, Barbara was batgirl and dick was a himbo. Anyways, babs had decided to infiltrate a gang against dick’s warnings that it wouldn’t end well for her but the gang decided to use her as a patsy because she was a noob/posing as a gang member’s girlfriend and set her up for a murder. Dick being his cop self was given point on the case (after gloating a bit that he was right) and was trying to prove her innocence. Also i think he was meant to represent her in court because dream logic? Anyways babs had managed to get a bunch of other cops on her side and get them to help her prove her innocence. Like, she got a conference room despite being in police custody, that’s how good she is. Dick was helping but also being a bit of a nuisance and cracking jokes/trying to be the center of attention/cheering up babs. Which is when i realized this was meant to be a romcom and i found this so ridiculous i woke myself up.
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serxinns · 3 months
Platonic Yandere EraserMic fam dealing with a fem teen that's an anti-hero? Like the couple is tasked with watching the wayward adolescent, because she was really close with taking down the hero commission ( let's not pretend to not know how shady they are ). But before she can fully execute her plan she was taken down by the Pros, the couple in question included. Now the two heroes and their family has to play babysitter/ temporary foster family to the little rebel. Because even though they've done more good than harm in most cases, taking down villains and corrupt heroes a like. Most of the main figure heads can admit that her taking down something as big as the hero commission will cause a major wave of distrust for the hero society. Which compared to the little ripples of distrust their vigilante causes by exposing the corrupt heroes that dwells behind the scenes of the hero society, taking down something as big as the hero commission will possibly cause a tsunami and leave behind collateral damage. So to stop the carnage before it happened, they caught their darling slipping last minute and used it to stop them. Ever since then the vigilante has be under near constant surveillance by the two heroes ( and possibly more-- ). But enough about that, what's life like with the EraserMic fam and their little anti-hero?
P.S. If you can't tell, the darling quirk has a lot to do with water. She can manipulate water, her voice can enchant and control others, and she can even turn into a mermaid.
Yandere Erasermic family x Reader!
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Tw: Blood, mentions of Abuse, Threats of violence, graphic violence, mentioned cheating, unhealthy obsessions, Death, Murder scenes, and more if you aren't comfortable with these types of stuff don't read, please
"THEYRE RIGHT THERE" one Hero ordered the police as they chased down the person with the white fox mask down the alleyway carrying a suitcase, not long before they found the body of Fire Ranger The famous pro hero that can shoot fireballs out of his body
he was discovered in what recently seemed to be a flooded basement hands and feet chained up connected to a ball and his skin was covered in blisters and scald burns, the only thing the culprit left out was a single video posted on his phone on his Social media labeled "the truth of a filthy hero" Aizawa grabbed his phone and searched up video and decided to watch it
the video showed the hero, hitting his poor girlfriend until bruises showed yelling at her calling her cruel and disgusting names, saying awful and pretty offensive statements in public at times, and a video of him with multiple women touching and flirting with him while they all make cruel jokes about his girlfriend the video was labeled "is this the hero you root for?" With a single smile
the smell and the video were so sickening that the cops had to run outside the house to puke it was such a disturbing site...
Aizawa couldn't believe his eyes who would've done such a horrific act he didn't care for heroes ofc but was making up theories of who could've been, it quickly stopped when he saw a figure running from the crime scene with a suitcase in hand and that's how they ended up here
Shouta aimed their capture weapon towards them and shot but the focus mask completely dodged it with their swift movement, the chase went on and on until the perpetrator later climbed onto the roof and sprinted away he watched I'm shocked and angry "crap..." he said simply irritated "Sir what should do now we have to follow them!" A female officer spoke out to the hero whilst replying with a huff, "retreat they got away" he nonchalantly said as he slowly walked past them defeated once again
Later that night Aizawa was in his office observing the files of the now 5 cases in his hands he looked closely to see every one of them all single their deaths it's been their 5th top hero death in the past 6 months and nobody seemed to be knowing who would've done it observes more trying to see the pattern of these deaths and why they were killing top pro heroes ever since the 3 pro hero's has been confirmed dead publicly the hero society started to collapse...
You watched from above on a roof with chaotic glee, popcorn in hand while some kids started to vandalize the statue of Striker, another pro hero who got killed a month ago, drawing dick shapes onto its forehead, the word liar onto its chest, and a clown makeup planted straight onto their face while making cruel jokes at her, after a while they walked away proud of their work
You climbed down to examine the masterpiece the boys did "It's such a shame how such a pretty face was just a mask to hide what you are~" you teased at the statue as If she was standing right there glaring daggers at you, oh how you remembered the way her prideful smile dropped as you showed her pictures of her bullying and harassing her employers, never giving the hardest worker the deserved pay, and overworking them to the core where some of them committed suicide due to the constant bullying.
The way she pleaded with her life the same way her victims did when she was all high and mighty as you kept dunking her head into the water until the point she was coughing and throwing up water the way she finally took her last breath looking at you with the fear in those eyes it made your spirit flare up in some sort of sickening and gleefully sensation
After that, you decided it was time to go back to your hideout so you went to plan your next attack after all a big day was waiting for you! And you needed to get ready!
Days after Fire Ranger got exposed for his wrongdoings and announced dead, the citizens grew more suspicious and resentful of the heroes..., most of them would shame them for "hiring such disgusting people", you giggled at the fact that citizens were now making up rumors and theories that the hero commission was only hiring people with higher power and look it became so bad that the citizens were now Booimg harassing other famous heroes to the point they had to take a long mental break and on the brint to quitting
"Shouta, baby you've been in your office for the whole afternoon hour, Eri has been worried about ya, " Hizashi said with a plate of a cream baegal and some dark coffee with a cream heart on top just the way he likes it, he planted a kiss on the man's cheek he looked over and formed a small smile and sighed "It's just that it's been months and the culprit hasn't been found yet, 5 deaths in six months and we don't even have any evidence, clues or even a single suspect of who's doing it"
Aizawa laid his head on the desk in exhaustion mic was about to say something but noticed something like some sort of pattern...he moved shouta grabbed the files and looked closely and his eyes widened "Hizashi I know what the killer goal is..." hiszaahi looked up at him strangely his eyebrow raised "You know how every time every victim isn't innocent here right ?" Hiszashi nodded interested to hear him out "And every time we get there a video is posted on their account showing their true colors and dark intentions right?"
They both stared at eachother intensity when shouta said the final part
"The killer isn't after Heros just innocent heroes... They're after the corrupted ones. ...And they're getting their background information"
"COME BACK HERE YOU BITCH!" The villain shouted as he and other groups of criminals chased after her, woman shuddered at the booming voice as she ran, turning and twisting in any direction while panting heavily and sobbing she shakenly grabbed her phone trying to ring the police but a bullet shot the phone making the glass shatter in her face She yelped, bits if glass piercing through her face but continued running as her legs ache and her remaining adrenaline supported her
She quickly ran to the alley where she was met with a dead-end she frustrating cried out as she dropped to her knees the villain leader and his goons chuckled darkly as they cornered her she scattered and backed away, the villain then grabbed her harshly by the arm meeting an evil grin plastered on his face, "you gave us quite the chase there kid I must admit" his other hand grabbed her chin harshly and yanked it making her look at him "but you and father already made a deal and you belong to me now" "FUCK YOU!" The girl spit at the villain's face
In anger, he threw the girl down hard making her sprain her arm and grabbed a knife in his pocket and pinned her by her neck against the wall shoving the knife into her mouth "I had enough of that filthy mouth of yours why don't we cut off that little tongue of yours the girl's eyes widen as she closed her eyes ready for the pain coming to her...
until she suddenly felt his grip loosen and a thud seeing a hole in his chest as he collapsed lifelessly, the other goons started freaking out aiming their weapons and quirks waving them everywhere until another water-like arrow shot another goon in the head, "WHAT THE WHATS GOING ON!?" As one goon question as the others started panicking out there minds, "I should be asking the same thing you scums"
Behind them was a fox-masked figure holding what seemed to be a spear made of water, the goons backed up and aimed their weapons at them but the fox-masked giggled "This was way too easy your leader was such a pain I swear wish I could've tortured him..." she said as she rolled her eyes "but Oh well! Anyways can you hand me that girl please just throw her towards me and no one gets hurt"
the goons all glared daggered until one goon signal another and decided to be extreme and grabbed the injured girl and put a knife around her neck she squealed in pain as the knife pressed into her neck "TAKE ONE MOVE AND THE BITCH GETS IT" he grinned sadistically the fox masked yawned unamused at the man's threat "can you villains say anything original these days? Thats such a cringe statement"
You then disappeared into a puddle of water, the goon was confused and alarmed they all aimed their weapons in every direction, the fox-masked jumped out of another puddle, and stab the goon behind holding the girl she was then dropped onto the floor and scattered towards the wall behind you with all her energy, goons started getting angry and started to attack out of fear and anger charging towards you but a bullet has met their heads before they could even touch you, up on the roof was a rabbit-masked person with a sniper,
you and Homura then savagely killed each of the goons one by one trying to leave no one behind a goon then tackled you from behind and pulled off your mask "Y/N!" Homura called out and aimed her gun at the goon and shot the man directly in the head falling on top of you, "thanks" you pushed the body off, quickly putting back on your mask and cleaning yourself up, all there was left was 2 shivering goons and a shivering injured girl Homura went up to the scared girl and started confronting her while you could take care the last two "and then there was two~" the two goons flinched at your teasing voice you smiled sadistically as you held your weapon up ready to attack them until you heard footstep...
Hero footsteps
"Fuck.. and I was having the best for last..." you whined feeling defeated "COME ON WE DONT HAVE ANY TIME" Homura yelled you quickly put on your mask as Homura summoned a portal and the two of you disappeared,
when the pros and police went around the corner they were all met with a very gruesome scene..they later arrested the two goons and let the teenage girl call her grandma while the police investigating one of the police found a hair...
A single h/c hair...
"Whew, that was fun!" You said exciting out the portal and into your and Homura's secret hideout, you and Homura decorated the hideout that used to be an abandoned modern house everyone ignored the two of you stayed and lived in that hideout for years making plans and more the hideout "and dangerous you could've gotten us caught you know that right that villain pulled off your mask revealing your identity!" You rolled her eyes at her "But we killed the dude and the other two goons are in jail so they can't do anything we'll be fine" You brushed her off but she was still glaring at you anyways I'm gonna go plan another assassination!
"We already took down 5 isn't that enough?!" Homura glared as you were once again researching for your next victim "I know but I'm feeling a bit confident these past months they haven't caught us now and they never will" Homura groaned at her friend's stupidity checking who were you gonna target next untill you heard a faint knock on the door
The Both of you froze and stared at each then back at the door Homura signaled you to the portal she summoned when you were about to take the 1st step the door was smashed open revealing a few pro heroes and police officers yelling at the two of you to put your hands in the air you were about to activate your quirk until a red-winged hero held a leather like sword on your neck "I wouldn't do that if I were you kid~" you glanced at the man and suddenly started smiling
"Ah you right I should have I'm sorry" You caught the hero off guard in time to turn around and kick him in his groin he grunted in pain while you started running towards the exit Homura urged you to come on but you were wrapped around in strong like fabric on you, "ILL COME BACK Y/N!" Homura said as she quickly went into the portal you watched sadly but were glad she escaped "y/n you are now being detained the handled by the police you're coming with us" the man with long black and red eyes said as you were escorted with quirk cancelation cuffs and into the police car
At the police station, you were questioned by a lot of police officers, they were surprised when they found out about your age "A fourteen-year-old!?" One police officer examined the picture making sure that was true "How can a 14-year-old be able to kill 5 of our top heroes in 6 months!?!" Another said shocked "And their quirk is really strong so their skills are above average than the average teenager"
officer Tsukaucki and his colleagues started talking and bickering about what were they gonna do with you while they investigated, they couldn't put you in jail the hero society would've gone on a hunting spree to try and free someone as young as you, and villains would've tracked you down so their hands were tied at the moment, so they had one remaining option...
While you were sitting in one of the waiting rooms for criminals hawks were in charge of watching you which you disliked but kept quiet you noticed how the red-winged hero was staring at you for a long time "I'll be right back" as he went to the vending machine getting two drinks one some iced coffee and an f/d (fav drink) walked over and handed the Drink to you, you stared for a moment as he calm smiled at you, you silently thanked him and slowly took opened it taking a sip,
it was refreshing at least..
the two of you started making conversation about goals dreams weird stuff just anything honestly keigo noticed how you were very secretive with certain stuff but he didn't care it was kinda of nice talking to people and it feels kinda nice honestly...
"Y/n l/n" a voice called the two hawks escorted you out of the waiting room there you met a giant rat or mouse creature wearing a suit and tie with a permanent scar on his eye he smiled warmly at you "So is this the culprit? She seemed so young mr Tsukauchi?"
"Yes, this a the culprit behind the deaths Mr Nezu we are still under investigation at the moment and we dont know what to do with the girl " Tsukauchi exclaimed nezu walked closer to you and examined you for a moment looking you for a moment and writing something down "now tell me what is her quirk? " "Water manipulation sir she can also change the temperature of the water and add pressure onto it and can make weapons out of her water"
Mr. Nezu smiled brightly as he was impressed "ok I think I may my decision" he said as you looked up at him "L/n San I'm gonna give you two choices on what to do with you" You glanced up at him with a blank expression "you'll be in watchful of the pro heroes pro heroes with having to go to UA for your rehabilitation process or you can go to juvie that's islands away from Tokyo with very great security until you are trailed as an adult choose wisely my dear" he said still in a gentle bright tone
You glared at him you wanted to protest how you were doing the right thing but you knew you weren't gonna have any freedom if you picked the 2nd option so in a quiet tone
"I pick the 1st choice" Nezu smiled brightly again "Wonderful! I'll go make a quick phone with a dear friend Of mine they already have 2 wonderful children you won't be that lonely! while the police will gather up your stuff! See you next week!" Nezu gave you a quick wave as you were escorted into the waiting room again
While you waited for your fate to come to started making conversation with Hawks more he was a pretty chill guy in your opinion kinda funny too but you didn't trust him at all just wanted company
"Eraserhead! So pleasure to meet you!" Nezu greeted the tried underground hero "It better be good nezu" Aizawa said "Well we caught the culprit! And it's a 14-year-old teen" Aizawa's eyes widen choking on his drink "A what?" "Yes yes, a 14-year-old They are very skilled and their quirk is fairly powerful water manipulation was their quirk" Aizawa couldn't believe his ears at the moment how could someone that young take down 5 of the best pro heroes? "And we decided they're going to stay with you and your family for the time being!"
After a bit of convicting and deals with Nezu he reluctantly agreed he called Mic and asked if they had a spare bedroom and thank God they did, after signing some papers and agreement forms they gave you your stuff and gave you to him you were his and his husband's responsibility now...
The drive back to your new "home" was silent Aizawa processing everything like he just decided to take care of a vigilante teenager when they pulled up at the house he broke the silence "We're here" You glanced outside of the car window, outside was a fairly big house not so big but not small either just big enough to keep like a family of 5 in there and there was a small little garden in the front with pretty flowers
When the two of you walked to the doorstep you could hear a little girl giggling inside with cats meowing "You have cats?" You glanced at the pro "Yes 4 of them 2 girls and 2 boys is there a problem are you allergic?" You nodded your head sideways the two of you made it to the front door he glanced at you for a moment "You ready?" You took a deep breath and nodded
The door slowly opened and you were meeting with a very cozy environment the house looked very clean and tidy the living room was filled with some dolls a console under the TV stand and a cat sleeping on the couch "Shouta!! Your home" you were then met with a man with long blonde hair tied into a bun with an apron with cats on it the man over and kissed shouta on the cheek and then he met your gaze "Oh hello! You must be y/n aren't you?" He then a warm smile plastered on his face he took his hand out to shake as you were a bit hesitant to
"I... I know you might be a bit nervous cause you're going to be living with a bunch of random people for a "different" reason" but that doesn't mean me and my husband are gonna treat you any different than my kids!" he reassured you making you calmed down a bit "speaking of the kids! Hitoshi Eri come down here for a second!" Two kids were later revealed to you one with long white hair and red eyes with a red dress and boots and another kid that was close to your age with lavender hair with a white t-shirt and pants
"Now this little lady right here is y/n she will be living with us from now on!" Eri then did a small little wave with a shy smile as you did the same while Hitoshi lazily waved at you as well "Hi!" "Hey.." they both said as you did the same "now why don't you give y/n a house tour! While me and your father make dinner " The girl smiled brightly as she took your hand and excitedly leading you up the stairs shinsou following behind them as the couple chuckled to themselves
For the past 5 days you have been living with the eraser-mic family your bonds with each other got stronger each day
Aizawa can relate to you on a certain level so he doesn't judge you completely, honestly the more he spends time with you the more he thinks you are his kid, Aizawa would watch detective movies or investigation channels when everyone else sleeps on the couch with a half sleep dad and his very talkative child talking over the show and making theories but he doesn't mind, he prob would teach you a thing or two about the types of flowers in their backyard are they and do little scavenger hunts for you Shinso and eri to make yall bond a bit, he would also throw in random cat facts of the day whether be weird, funny or even disgusting
When your walk out the street if anyone looks at you the wrong way or talking he's sends a death glare in there way, when you comfortable enough he would give you hat pats here and there and
Hizashi would make you watch him cook and even let you help him at times! Which makes his heart warm he would practically do group hugs with his children always including you in it no leaving you out he loves to watch over each of his children whether be playing dolls with Eri or gaming with Shinsou even if you just doing nothing he watches over you and never gets bored he's the type of parent to even watch his children when he sleeps, he teaches you how to garden certain stuff like strawberries, raspberries, just anything you like!
But there are times when he can be overbearing when one of the sassy cats accidentally scratches you and Hizashi kinda freaks out running to get a band-aid and kissing it, he LOVES to spoil his kids so don't be surprised when he comes back with your favorite things!, Is very clingy he would give you big bear hugs
Shinsou was a bit suspicious of you at 1st didn't trust you at 1st but when you found out he was playing your favorite video game that's how the two of you bonded over each other, Shinsou and you would pull small pranks at the family, like swapping salt with sugar, making hizaahi accidentally dyed your hair and recording and the both of you laughed, he's very protective of his sister so seeing you and Eri get a lot makes his heart warm, if you ever tried to sneak and do something he would be a snitch or not it depends, very protective of you as well will glare at anyone you talked to
Eri is just the cutest of all she is just so excited that another girl is in the house she would beg you to wear her dresses (even tho they're too small) and do little tea parties with caramel(one of the cats) Shinsou and her, she loves to go put the garden and tells you all about the flowers and how pretty they are, heck even one day she saw a flower that looks just like you and said your as beautiful as this flower (it was a weed) but let's just say you kept it in your room for a while
And then there was the 1st day of school you had to wear a different type of uniform (basically a UA uniform but a bit darker like a darker gray basically)
Aizawa and Hizashi wanted to make your 1st day of school amazing so Hizashi made you your favorite lunch and snack with a sticky note saying "Have a great 1st day of school!" While Aizawa was giving you some simple rules-a-day tips about his classmates
1. No talking about vigilante stuff infront of them
2. No dating untill 34
3. Stay with Shinso at all times
4. Don't ever try to talk off the quirk canceling cuffs unless you have training (but don't worry you have good combat training even without your quirk)
5. If any of the classmates start bothering you let him know and etc
6. When we go in this building reframe to me and Hizashi as Mic and Mr. Aizawa or Sensei or present Mic
"And no dissing the Ua security system or telling anyone how to hack them," he said sternly looking at you "Aw but Mr shouta they do suck-" "I know the w kid but just brace with me here" he huffed "Fineeeee" You whined Mr Shouta wasn't any fun
Shinsou sadly couldn't walk you to your class because the two of you were gonna be in different classes but he told you to let him know if a grape dude came up to you flirting with you
When you arrived at the school you were gawked about how big the school was and groaned when you realized you had to walk "do this school have any elevators?" "No unfortunately we're gonna have to walk" "UGHHHUUH-"
When the rest of you got out of the car Nezu was in front of the entrance with a smile that looked a bit too excited "Ah y/n welcome! Why dont you follow me to your class" Nezu said leading you and Aizawa away, Eri, Hizashi, and Shinsou waved bye to you while eri held mic's hand
When the 3 of you were heading to class a couple of students looked at you with mixed expressions, some scared, some in envy, and some in awe at your appearance, but you didn't think any about it and just kept walking, you arrived at your class you stared up at the sign for a bit ignoring nezu's guide to the school untill he gently put a hand on your shoulder
"You ready to come in?" Nezu and Aizawa both stared at you for your answer You mentally prepared yourself and nodded, the door slid open as you walked into the class, the classmates were now silent and were now on you "Class please welcome our newest addition to the class please introduce yourself" you mentally rolled your eyes and placed yourself in the middle
"Hello my name is y/n l/n and im a proud vigilante and my quirk is water manipulation" "Wonderful! Now you go have a seat behind yaoyorozu san!" Then a girl with a ponytail raised her hand up as you walked towards your seat you felt every eye on you which made you uncomfortable momo gave you a little wave and you did the same
At lunch, you searched around to sit and you saw Shinso you walked towards him and sat at his table "Hey loser have fun " he teased you rolled your eyes "Ugh no class was so boring, I met with a couple of students a green hair, a frog girl, some girl with pink skin and some hot head blonde, was annoying me trying to me it was so overwhelming and your dad (hizashi) was so embarrassed waving to me with that cheesy grin on his face" shinso chuckled laughing at your "suffering "Well dad can be embrassing but he means well just at the wrong time"
It was training time and it was probably one of your favorite class periods, exercising was a piece of cake, and sparing oh SPARRING was the absolute favor you were up against the the boy who fried his brain every time he used his quirk named Denki he gave you a little wink which you rolled your eyes, everyone else staring at the two of you wondering what was gonna happen
"Sorry if I hurt you too bad princess~," he said as he blew a kiss at you, you faked a gag finding it funny while Aizawa glared at him causing Denki to gulp nervously, as the sparing began you lifted Denki the air and slammed him down you saw put him in several positions making him plead for mercy everyone else eyes were admired and were mesmerized by your skills that's when they all knew they wanted to get to know you by the end of the day
Timeskip cause I'm damn lazy asf
At the end of class, you quickly went into Aizawas car where the rest were waiting for you "Hey y/n how was school" You looked over to the two heroes Eri smiling at you with a candy apple in hand while Shinsou smiled eating up all the cute expressions you were making (as siblings shinsou is platonic) "...it was crazy"
Shouta, Hizashi, and Shinsou all snickered while you glared at all of them and eri was munching away at her treat "so how about we go out huh? "To celebrate your 1st day at school" eri smiled as she clapped her hands excitedly in her car seat "I wanna go to the {preferred restaurant}!" "Ah ah eri you picked last week lets give y/n a go!, so y/n what kind of restaurant you wanna go"
You stopped for a second and thought about it now realizing this was your fate for now you were gonna stay with a crazy family with a bunch of crazy students from now on you then blur out the answer "yea that restaurant seems nice.."
Shouta and Hizashi already had a strong bond with you, they already considered you as part of the family even Shinsou and Eri agreed they loved their new sister/daughter you were the family light in their life!
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hobiebrownismygod · 11 months
Hobie Brown/Spider Punk x GN!Reader
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Summary: A protest turns to a riot and the riot turns into a massacre. You narrowly escape being murdered by a filthy pig, thanks to the one and only Spider-Punk, oh wait, Spider-MAN of Earth-138.
1.6k Words!
A/N: I don't see a lot of people talking about this side of Hobie's universe, so I thought I'd write something about it
TW: Mentions of blood and death, gunshots, tear gas, policy brutality
"Shit, my bad"
You hear the words slip out of your mouth as you take a step away from who must be the third person you've accidentally bumped into in this crowd. Usually your clumsiness would draw attention from people, a couple scowls, maybe even some harsh language, but right now everyone was too focused on yelling their lungs out, pumping their fists in the air and shoving their decorated posters into the faces of the numerous pigs that were trying to hold off the crowd from entering one of Norman Osborne's many luxurious mansions.
It was another protest, this one specifically against Osborne's bright new idea to pass a law allowing corrupted corporations to decrease the pay rates even more, which would send hundreds of thousands of the already struggling blue-collar workers of London into worsened poverty. Run by punks and many others, this protest was turning from peaceful into something pretty nasty. Slurs, pebbles and even bottles were being thrown from both sides of the front line, just begging for one group to break before the other.
By break of course, you meant turn incredibly violent. Protests like these always did. They were meant to convince Osborne, maybe even force him to turn these laws, these policies, his horrific mindset, but they never did. The most that would happen was a death or two, either of a protestor or a police officer, and the next day, it would be like nothing even happened.
As you make your way through the crowd, trying to get to the front of the lines, you find yourself colliding with the chest of an abnormally tall man. You grabbed your nose, a sharp pain spreading from the tip. "Piece of-" You stop yourself as you look up at him, watching a slightly confused expression spread across his face as he towered over you. "Sorry 'bout that, peng. You a'right?"
"yeah, I'm fine" you grumbled, trying to move past him. "You trying to get the front, lass?" He asked, a slightly amused look on his face as he watched you try to push your way through the dense load of people standing in front you both. "I was" you replied, giving him another look before you successfully squeezed in between the group of people that you'd been trying to infiltrate before. "Be careful. Its not safe up there" you heard him call out to you, his tone sounding a bit patronizing yet comforting at the same time, like he cared at least a little bit about your well-being. You turned to reply, but he'd already disappeared through the crowd, his head and wicks visible over the top of the crowd due to his height.
The yelling had gotten louder and the protestors had begun throwing sticks at the cops near the front who were yelling right back, threatening to use force if necessary. They wouldn't dare on a crowd this large. There was no way.
You had made your way near the front, not caring enough to be gentle at this point and practically shoving past some of the people in order to have a better view at the front. A chant had started and you joined in, determined to make the most of your presence.
The chant repeated over and over, getting louder and louder each time as more people joined in, more and more bottles getting thrown over the makeshift fences, the cops getting frustrated, trigger-happy fingers moving closer and closer towards-
Screams and shouts flooded your senses as your body automatically ducked, your hands flying to cover your head. The yelling intensified, deafening slurs and shrieks sending sharp ringing sounds through your ears as you felt the people around you begin to move, some bursting through the officers' defenses, others scrambling to find safety from the guns and, oh god, the tear gas. A gas meant to be non-lethal was being sprayed directly into the eyes and mouths of those unlucky enough to be in the general vicinity of the officers, the pigs having no mercy towards the helpless protestors stuck in the struggling crowds.
The gunshots didn't stop, and you felt yourself fall back as someone shoved themselves past you, your elbows being scraped by the rough, cold pavement. You winced. That was gonna leave a nasty scar. You scrambled to your feet, but found yourself met with the head of a pistol, pointed directly between your eyes. "Scum of the earth." You heard a man mutter, his uniform decorated with multiple medals and badges. You felt your body shaking with fear as you slowly got to your feet, the man's hands trembling as his fingers moved toward the trigger. If I die, I die on my feet.
A flash of red and blue passed you, taking the psychotic pig with him, your eyes catching a small glimpse of his mask right before they were both slammed into the wall. The masked man slung his guitar off his back and smashed it against the cop's head, effectively killing him in one hit. The one and only Spider-punk had arrived.
He wildly turned to look at you, the eyes of his mask widening when he saw your bleeding state, but he didn't have time to focus on you. He swung toward the small huddle of police officers that were still terrorizing the crowd, leaving you behind to find safety. But of course, being the stubborn idiot you were, you weren't going to do that.
A young woman was sitting with her back against the wall, her leg all bloody and misshapen, her eyes swollen from the tear gas. She'd been shot, probably more than once from the look of it. But Spider-punk was busy, so you'd have to take care of her. "Hey, its gonna be okay" you said in a soft voice, trying to calm her down and snap her out of her crying state. She babbled, obviously in shock of what had happened, muttering incoherent sentences full of slurred praises for you as you helped her to her feet, letting her lean on your as the two of you limped away. There were cops everywhere, yelling and shooting, the tear gas flooding your eyes and your throat, making it difficult to breathe. But you had to help her. Because if you couldn't, what was the use of being here?
You helped her toward a small group of other protestors that had gathered, trying to help people out, handing her over for them to drive to safety in their cars which had only just arrived in order to get people out of there while Spider-punk did his job.
You turned around to watch as the masked man smashed his guitar against their heads, kicking, punching, throwing. It was a gruesome sight. My hero, you thought to yourself.
You were snapped out of the confinement of your thoughts when you noticed one of the cops approaching you, gun in his hand. Not this again. Thinking quickly, you grabbed a broken part of the fence, a plank of wood and rushed him with it, luckily dodging the bullet he shot at you and hitting him over the head, effectively knocking him out. "Shit" you muttered, chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath, adrenaline coursing through your veins. You dropped the plank and removed the gun from the pig's hand, holding it in yours as you continued to where Spider-punk was. Maybe you could help? After all, most of the others were either injured or busy...
You approached him, but he had already finished the job, your eyes settling on his figure using the web to tie the still breathing cops together and sticking them onto the wall. He'd annihilated their backup, but there was no certainty that there weren't more on the way. It was time to leave.
A web shot at you, the gun knocked out of your hand. You defensively raised your hands in the air, eyes widening as you watched him turn to look at you. "Not a cop" you said quickly, taking a step back. "Yea, I can tell" he replied, walking towards you. It was a fairly frightening sight, seeing a 6'3 masked man covered in blood and grime walking toward you, but something about him felt surprisingly friendly. "You a'right?"
"As good as I'll ever be" You lowered your hands slowly, still keeping your eyes on him. He put his hands on his hips, looking you up and down. "Saw you hit that cop over the head back there. Good job."
"Thanks..." his ripped shirt caught your eye. "oh" you left the soft realization escape your lips as you saw his wound. He'd been shot, pretty badly from the looks of it. "Oh this?" he asked, gesturing to his side, blood dirtying his shirt. "Don't worry about it, lovey"
"Y'should probably head home. Don't know when more of those pigs 're gonna show up" he said, his tone darkening slightly as he reached out his hand toward you. Suddenly he faltered, pulling his hand back. "Right, sorry. Can't take you home when there's other people needing my help." he sounded a bit sheepish as he kept his eyes on you, hands shoved into the pockets of his jacket. "S'alright" You replied, feeling a bit awkward. "I live close by."
"Yeah? Be careful out there, lass. Take care of y'self" he said with a playful salute before walking right past you. "Yeah. I'll see you around, Spider-punk" you said, looking back at him, feeling a bit confused at the interaction. "Oi, don't call me that. s'Spider-MAN not spider-punk." he said cockily, turning back to look at you.
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murder-cookie-dust393 · 6 months
How would the cookies react if Y/N got arrested?
Bonus points if it's some serious crime like murder!
We HAVE to do Almond, okay? Like it makes sense.
Tw: murder, burning cookies, poisoning cookies, manipulation, framing the innocent, corrupted law ig
Imagine MC is already in a relationship with Almond, and Walnut's 2nd parent. They work in a typical office, constantly being berated by their higher-ups. Since they're so sick of their work environment, they lit the whole office building on fire. Resulting in mass murder and lots of injuries.
Almond of course is right on the case when he hears his spouse being held accountable for mass murder and arson, he's quick to find any evidence that can prove MC isn't the culprit.
He will also manipulate Walnut into trying to find the person who framed her parent, which will further make things go hell in court.
"Don't worry. We'll get you out of there and back at home soon, sugar."
MC is convicted of mass poisoning a town by putting in all kinds of poisons into their soda and jellies. They literally just have a grudge against the townspeople for bullying them.
Pomegranate is gonna be so proud. She's surprisingly praising them quietly while also pecking their cheek a couple of times. That is until the police somehow tie them up and drive away with them.
She is furious and will use her magic to control some beastly entity to rescue them and take them back home. She doesn't give a single fuck about morals and the law.
Back at home, she'll be quiet, but she's very soft; cuddling up to you and won't let you get away. She just loves it when you go berserk. It's very attractive to her.
"Please do go kill some more cookies...I wish to be in your arms tainted with strawberry jam."
I don't know what MC does here. Maybe killing an important leader or something.
Langue de Chat is a real one. He will be your lawyer, and try his absolute best to defend you. Even if he is losing, he will try to get the punishment much less severe.
If MC does end up in prison, he'll visit them every day no matter what. He will negotiate visiting hours too. He keeps promising he'll make lots of money and bail them out so they can get back home.
"Sweetie, I promise I'll make so much money that I can bail you out at least three more times! Until then, I brought a puzzle for you."
(Those were the cookies I could think of for now. I didn't want to add Cappucino, because I doubt he would really do anything except make the punishment lighter)
- Celina
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narcissarina · 7 months
Darkened Desires
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Prologue and Chapter 1: The sun || Chapter 2: The moon || Chapter 3: The moon || Chapter 4: The sun || Chapter 5: The sun
Pairings: Mafia!Scaramouche × Barista!Reader
Word count: 1,373
Tw: praise kink, degradation, kidnapping, tourture, dub/non-con, forced breeding, dismembering, gore, deaths, age-gap, corruption, use of force, trauma, use of drugs, stalking, mentions of human trafficking on the near chapters, slowburn.
Warning: This fanfiction may contain kidnapping, torture, dub/non-con, forced breeding, dismembering, age-gap, corruption, vigilante Scaramouche, use of force, trauma, use of drugs, stalking, and more. This fiction will continue grow darker as chapters goes by.
Your mental health matters.
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I took her to a familiar flower shop, base on her files—I coincidentally made her meet up a friend, I watch her laugh, smile, and tease around with her friend. I get constant glance from her friend, who seems to be suspecting something but didn’t say anything.
I could only smile, not just an ordinary friendly smile. I smiled with intent of possible murder, dark and twisted smile that gave her friend a shudder.
Funny enough, I could stand for a minute or so until a figure I caught in my eye stood out, they were rushing and sweating, a boner in his pants as he disappeared in the alley across the road.
I lean down to my sunshine to excuse myself, she could only nod and hum timidly, fuck. How I could just fucked her in the car right here and there, but patience is virtue right?
Left and right, I look at passing motorcycles and cars as I made my way down the road. I rush a little, not wanting him to get out of my sight, I turn left and saw him went through that door. I took my gun out, held it firmly in between my fingers, my other hand on the knob—turning it and using my body to rush in.
It was dim, but not too dark.
“Hands up and on your fucking knees!” I said, wow. I sounded like a shitting police officer—I am not doing that again. And it fucking smells here, as if someone just got done emptying their balls.
Of course, fucking sickos.
I shot the ground, the sound ringing in every corner of this room. I see a girl whimpering from pain as a grown ass man was gripping the poor girls hair tightly, “let go of her,” I said, pointing and threatening to shoot.
He listens and the girl came running at me, “good boy,” I shot him. Right in the leg while covering the girls ear and hugging her tightly close to me, “fucker.” I curse and turn to the girl, I heard the man scream—calling a backup huh? I hear footsteps come running down, I put the girl outside and held her shoulder, “hey, little girl. Run and take a right, go to the lady that’s sitting on the flower shop. She’ll help you, and tell the guards that’s stand behind her that I need help. Can you do that?” I spoke in a soft warm tone.
She nodded and gave a quick hug, “thank you, mister.” She said, poor girl. “The big bad man hasn’t touch you nor harm you right?” I quickly asked, just to be sure because I’ll hurt him back. She nodded, “just pulled my hair..” she said and told her to go now, that was all I need to fucking know. I’m going to have fun fucking this bastards up.
“H-Hey!” someone shouted, holding a baseball bat, I turn when I’m assured that the girl finally ran and disappeared out of my sight—knowing that she’ll be safe in my sunshine’s arms and guidance.
Gun in hand, I smiled, “what’s up gentlemen?”
“Don’t get involve here, don’t think you know us!”
“But I do… Know you.” I point my gun to him, as I whisper those two words, that I know them. Although I plan on fucking them up later, I never thought I would have a last minute change of plan. How laughable.
I should make this quick, and I hope those guards hurry up or else I’m not giving their payment. Don’t want to worry my sunshine.
He started running after me as I quickly shot him in his knee perfectly, he yelled in pain, “what you all standing there?! Get him!” he yelled, I could only scoff at how weak they are. Not to mention they’re a little taller and intimidating than me, while I’m only a few inches shorter and a baby faced… I want to burst out and laugh at how pathetic their attempts are.
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This is getting annoying, earlier I was having fun fucking them up but they keep on coming, not accepting defeat—how much I fucking wanted to put a bullet on their fucking shitty head. All of them on the ground, his team unconscious and knocked out cold, no I didn’t used force. Why is that? Because I knew she’ll call the cops, I’ll make sure to put a bullet in each of their head when they’re in prison.
I sigh and groan, mother fucker manage to stab me right on the abdomen. Taking deep breaths as I make my way to that pedophile that’s been with the poor girl, I crouch down and position my gun in his head, he whimper and cries—pleading for his life.
“Aren’t you the one who abuse your wife? Instead of pleasure, you bruise her and cause her great pain in intercourse, where you only think of your fucking dick.” I said, pushing my gun harder into his face till it bruises, “y-yes, yes! That’s me, if saying this would make you have mercy at me then I confess!” he said, I click my tongue, my finger threatening to pull the fucking trigger.
“Who said that I’m going to let you go?”
“Sir! Sir!” one of my guards called, they entered the room—rushing and sweating, “you’re all late.” I said, they bow and apologize repeatedly, I stood up and held my stabbed abdomen. One of them went pale and starts to panic.
“I can still walk, no need to carry me.” I assure in advance, clothes bloody and filled with sweat. Each walk I softly groan until I finally see the light—my light. She was talking to the police and the girl was clinging to him. She’ll be a great mother, I knew that—why? She’ll b filled with my children and she’ll be the one carrying them for nine fucking months.
She noticed and went pale when she saw that I got hurt fighting off those pedophiles and abusers, the guards help me cross the road and sat me down to the chair.
The police were horrified on what they saw and immediately took action and went to the alley where I beat and knock them all up—well, except for that one man who I put a bullet in his head.
“Let’s take you to the nearest hospital, sir.” One of the officer said, inspecting my wound.
“It’s just a stab, it’ll be fine.” I sarcastically remarked and rolled my eyes, my gaze went to the girl and smiled at her. She started crying and flew into my arms, “hey there.”
She kept apologizing again and again, “It’s not your fault”
“but you got hurt.” She sniffs.
“if getting hurt means saving you, then I’ll do it over and over again.” I pat her head and turn to the police officer, “you know where her parents are?”
They nodded and said that they’ll be right here, rushing.
I look at her, her eyes filled with pity and anger. She’s so cute, I could burst and have her kneel to suck my dick. But I can’t, I’m injured too, maybe I could make her nurse me.
The thought made me smile a little wickedly.
Yeah, it’ll be fun.
So fun that I didn’t noticed the girls parents, they thanked me for saving their daughter and they waved goodbye—before leaving, the girl looked back at me once again before driving off to her home. Where she is finally safe and with her family.
“you look kinda familiar.” One of the medic said, I raise a brow and smiled at him. “Oh?” I snicker, “aren’t you a mafia?” my heart sank but I kept a straight smiling safe, “now that remark wound me, sir. How could I possibly a mafia?” I asked, sunshine is just beside me—piercing me with her stare.
“quit it, John. Can’t you see the poor man injured? Not to mention he saved a little girl and five abused women in that house.” One officer smack him at the back of his head, “sorry. I hope I didn’t offend.”
“none taken.” I smiled and look at sunshine.
“Are you mad?”
“fuck you.”
“love you too, sweetheart.”
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Chapter 7: THE MOON
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honeybelleee · 6 days
Stabbed, You’re Next!
| Chapter One |
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When Y/N's best friend, Wonyoung Jang, is brutally murdered after uncovering a corruption scheme involving the school's staff, Y/N finds herself pulled into a dangerous game. With only a cryptic email and a folder of incriminating evidence, Y/N must team up with Wonyoung's boyfriend, Mingyu and a tech-savvy loner, Jake to expose the truth. But as the body count rises, Y/N realizes the conspiracy goes deeper than she ever imagined-and the killer is always one step ahead. Trust no one, because in this game, anyone could be next.
Jake Sim x F!reader (It will progress rily slow)
Mystery, thriller, crime, heavy angst, slowburn fluff
This story contains themes of violence, murder, and death, including graphic depictions of a stabbing and blood. It also explores corruption, fear, and grief, as the characters deal with loss, danger, and being stalked by a killer. Themes of paranoia and emotional trauma are present.
First fic posted on tumblr, ignore the details of the text messages places (its unorganized)!
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I hurried down the empty halls of Riverton High, my footsteps echoing in the silence. My heart pounded in my chest, a mixture of fear and determination driving me forward. I clutched my phone in one hand, the last message from Wonyoung glowing on the screen. "Meet me at the lab. Hurry."
I had never seen Wonyoung so frantic, so terrified. It was unlike her to be anything but composed and in control. Something was very wrong, and I needed to find out what.
As I approached the science lab, the silence seemed to grow thicker, more oppressive. I could feel a chill in the air, the kind that raised the hairs on the back of my neck. I hesitated for a moment, my hand hovering over the door handle. Taking a deep breath, I pushed the door open.
The sight that greeted me was something out of a nightmare.
Wonyoung lay sprawled on the floor, a pool of blood spreading beneath her. Her eyes were open, staring blankly at the ceiling, and her once-vibrant face was now a mask of terror and pain. My breath caught in my throat, and I dropped my phone, the clatter echoing in the stillness.
"No," I whispered, my voice trembling. "Wonyoung, no."
I stumbled forward, my legs feeling like lead. I fell to my knees beside her, my hands hovering over my friend's lifeless body, not knowing what to do. Tears streamed down my face as I reached out to touch Wonyoung's cold hand, the reality of the situation crashing down on me.
I had to call for help. I had to do something.
I scrambled for my phone, my hands shaking so badly I could barely dial. I managed to press the emergency number, and the operator's calm voice was a stark contrast to the chaos I felt inside.
"112, what's your emergency?"
"There's been a murder," I choked out, my voice breaking. "At Riverton High. In the science lab. Please, hurry."
As I waited for the police to arrive, my mind raced. Who could have done this? Why would anyone want to hurt Wonyoung? I looked around the lab, my eyes searching for any clues, any sign of the killer. But all I saw were shadows and the lifeless form of my best friend.
The wail of sirens broke the oppressive silence, growing louder as they approached the school. I sat by Wonyoung’s side, my mind numb, my heart shattered. The lab was now a crime scene, and my life, once filled with mundane worries and school dramas, had been irrevocably changed.
Police officers and paramedics burst into the lab, their professional detachment a stark contrast to the horror of the scene. They quickly assessed the situation, and a paramedic gently guided me away from Wonyoung’s body, wrapping a blanket around my shoulders.
Detective Lee, a seasoned investigator with a keen eye for detail, arrived shortly after. She surveyed the room, her gaze sharp and assessing. Her eyes softened slightly when they landed on me, recognizing the trauma etched on my face.
"I'm Detective Lee," she said gently, crouching down to my level. "Can you tell me what happened?"
I took a shaky breath, trying to gather my thoughts. "I got a message from Wonyoung," I began, my voice barely above a whisper. "She said she found something and needed to talk. When I got here, I found her like this."
Detective Lee nodded, her expression thoughtful. "Did she mention what she found?"
I shook my head. "No, just that it was urgent. She seemed really scared."
Lee's eyes flickered with concern. "We'll need to take you down to the station to get a full statement. Is there anyone we can call for you?"
I thought of my parents, how worried they must be. I nodded, giving the detective their contact information. As the officers continued to work around me, collecting evidence and photographing the scene, I felt a deep sense of helplessness.
Hours later, after giving my statement and being comforted by my parents, I returned home. I couldn't sleep, my mind racing with unanswered questions. I sat at my desk, staring at my laptop, determined to find out what Wonyoung had discovered.
Whatever it was, it had been important enough to risk everything. I logged into my email, hoping to find some clue, some piece of the puzzle that Wonyoung had left behind.
In my inbox, I found a draft email from her. It was addressed to me, but never sent. My heart pounded as I opened it.
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"Y/N, if you're reading this, it means something has gone terribly wrong. I found out about a corruption scheme involving some of the school's staff. They're embezzling funds and manipulating grades. I have evidence, but I don't know who to trust. Be careful. They're dangerous."
My breath caught. Corruption? Embezzlement? It all seemed so surreal, so out of place in our high school. But Wonyoung had never been one to make baseless accusations. I read the email again, my mind trying to process the enormity of what it implied.
I knew I couldn't do this alone. I needed help, someone I could trust. My thoughts turned to Mingyu, Wonyoung's boyfriend. He might know more about what she had been involved in. And then there was Jaeyun Sim, or mostly known as Jake, the tech-savvy loner who could hack into just about anything. He might be able to find digital
traces of Wonyoung’s investigation.
I stared at the screen, the words blurring as the weight of everything hit me again. This was real. My best friend was dead, and I was the only one who could finish what she had started.
@heeseungspookie @woorcve @sumzysworld
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slushiecookie · 8 months
Tw: Badly drawn gun in 4th & 5th images!
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Hi y'all! So I've been developing my story SYMMETRY a bit, and I finally made some designs for these guys! I was just kinda playing around with it and ended up having each of them holding an object for cohesion's sake lol
Anyways, first off is Fowl Feather, the wealthy owner of a successful makeup company; he's prim and proper, as well as charming, but easily overlooks details of things. He's not good at blackmail or likes to do anything that would get "blood on his hands," so he uses his charm and money to manipulate others; only sparingly, though. Going with this, he's also very wimpy and is not physically fit, so he tries to make his appearance as confident and elegant as possible in hopes of deterring anyone from getting physical with him
Next up, French Toast, an ex-cop who now lives his life in blissful solitude as a mechanic; he's collected and quiet but is very stubborn and judgemental. He worked in a station filled with corrupt police and seeing all that injustice changed his mind on all cops. He's got an injury from an explosion that happened on a case and is half-blind, but that doesn't stop him from living his life. The only cop he even lets within a mile-radius is Kiwi, who he despises (in a childhood friend kind of way)
Lastly, Kiwi, a cop who loves to make the world a better place and stop criminals; he's very observant and determined, but can easily act reckless and let his emotion cloud his judgement. Both him and French Toast aspired to become officers, but while French Toast quit, Kiwi was determined to not let the corrupt nature of his coworkers dictate what he believed was right. He firmly believes that criminals should have their rights stripped like they did to others, which has gotten him in a bit of trouble with the law and his higher-ups; however, he's a vital asset because of his agility and small size, what he lacks in physical strength he makes up in swiftness and quick-thinking.
There's what I have of these guys so far! ^^ I'm gonna try to avoid saying any spoilers! So these descriptions are intentionally very vague, I hope to have more to show you guys about the story soon! <D
(All this stuff is subject to change btw, since it's very early in development for the story ^^')
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azulsluver · 1 year
Slasher! Au crumbs plz
First one coming in hot - heartslabyul ^^
tw. murder, unhinged characters, police brutality mentioned, stalking, cannibalism, unfair use of authority role.
Slasher!Riddle’s first kill was accidental. His patient was a favorite who he failed to save because he performed cpr wrong. Reason? Absolutely flustered because their heart was shallow under his touch, the look of fear of dying had him stunned in shock.
Slasher!Trey and his town are insane. Is what a normal person would say, but basically the whole town is like one big family and Trey is one of their leaders because he feeds them. They crave the unthinkable, human flesh, his pastries are a cover up to normal tourists or new neighbors. If they don’t convert to the towns ways they get eaten.
Slasher!Cater targets cute people who have a good sense of style. It could be anyone that pipes his interest, the way they smell or react to things they wouldn’t notice themselves. But he tries to not go for well known folks because his type of hobby is getting rid of them for views.
Slasher!Ace is a biker who enjoys charming his way into innocent people near bars or clubs. Typical bad boy serial killer with a metal bat and finds pleasure in bashing peoples head open. Doesn’t get caught because he’s buddy buddy with the system. Some don’t know yet others are just as corrupted as him.
Slasher!Deuce is a police officer who excuses his hobby of killing “bad guys”. Actually thinks he’s doing the right thing. Not mentally ok yet lies his way? No one would suspect him because he’s such good help to the community….joins up on Ace’s killings. More corruption within the system, might as well make it a sport.
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daydream-cement · 1 year
Heavenly Aether Ch. 1
Miranda Hilmarson x Reader
Cults, death, and corruption are in store as Constable Hilmarson, with the help of a nosy reporter and her trusty partner, Robin Griffin, attempts to take down a powerful organization before more people die.
I hope you are all ready for another twisty-turning installment of falling in love with Miranda Hilmarson. Thank you to @booitsrue for helping me get started :)
TW: cults, suicide, death, corruption, brief descriptions of violence
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January 15th, 1996
Sergeant Don Marshall had enough of your bickering, finally standing from his desk and pointing towards the front doors of the police station. With the most hateful scowl and through gritted teeth, he gave you his final warning, “For the last time. Get out of my office before I charge you with misleading an investigation.”
He hadn’t listened to a word you had told him. Three days ago was the third time a group of five had ended up dead in honor of their religious organization: The Church of Mithras. The first time five died in connection to the church was April 1, 1995, the second time June 9, 1995, and now… five more.
The specific details of the gods, religious context, and true beliefs of The Church of Mithras were a true mystery to you. There was no documented evidence of the church's activities or beliefs. Everything occurring within the organization was kept a complete mystery to those who were not binded to the religion. All of the information you had gathered was based on your own assumptions combining the name of the church with the dates of the mass deaths.
Your research assumed this cult was a reinvention of the Cult of Mithras, a Roman mystery religion centered on the god Mithras with connections to astrology. The messy, weblike collage at home on your wall best depicted the complex symbolism and Gods the religion utilized to justify the harm that befell their followers. While it was challenging to gather information on this ancient cult, they recognized a torch-bearing icon named Cautes who you found to be in connection with the Roman god Caelus and the Greek god Uranus.
All of this was information you had tried sharing moments before, but it was obvious the detective wasn’t listening. Slamming your hands down on Don’s desk, you hope if you showed enough urgency, he would understand the seriousness of the situation, “Detective Marshall! You aren’t listening to me! Each of the dates matches up with Uranus entering different zodiacs! The Church of Mithras is copying the Cult of Mithras! There are connections to-
You wouldn’t have bothered Detective Sergeant Marshall about any of this if you doubted any bit of your evidence. Just as he had done in June of ‘95, he ordered you to be escorted from the station, “That’s it! Butler! Lee! Escort this woman out of my office!
At eighteen, you knew you were more overzealous than the other reporters for The Sydney Monitor, but it was your gumption and bite that gave you the job in the first place. You become more desperate, needing Marshall to listen to you, only for a moment. It was a matter of life and death, “More people will die in 2003! Don, you can’t-”
When a hand came down on your shoulder and another grasped your forearm, you twisted about to make eye contact with two constables. Attempting to pull your arms away from them, you growled as they followed after you, grasping you even tighter as they dragged you from Sergeant Marshall's office, “Let go of me! Let go!”
The two officers pulled you to the front of the station, the rounder of the two following you as you were pushed from the building, “You need to go. No one is interested in arresting you, but if you keep coming back here, we will.”
You glanced at his name badge, which read ‘Butler,’ and by the look of the markings on his sleeve, he was a senior constable. Looking back to his face, you narrow your eyes at him, ignoring the kindness in his voice. He was still one of the people who stood in the way of getting justice for the 15 who were dead and the many more who would follow if things continued without intervention, “There is blood on all of your hands.”
He sighed and shook his head, turning away from you to head back inside the station.
You shook this failure of obtaining police intervention from your mind, knowing if you wanted the case solved, you would have to do it all on your own. You needed more information on the cult and the only way you were going to get this was through insiders. The next step was getting people to talk.
February 6th, 2023
“Robin… This case is currently open. Why would the files for it be kept back here where no one can find them?” When Miranda asked the question, she was well aware the files were in this backroom far before Robin’s arrival to the department, but as her mentor and partner, Miranda wanted the brunette’s advice before she assumed the worst. The box was labeled: ‘The Church of Mithras’ with the opening date of the case being April 1, 1995.
Last week, Miranda and Robin solved yet another large case, breaking nearly a dozen rules and laws in the process, relegating them to various clean-up tasks around the station as punishment. Today’s assignment was organizing the back storage room, leading to the discovery of the open case box with an absurd amount of entries with such little evidence to go along with it.
The mass suicides of The Church of Mithras were something Miranda was well aware of, the first of them happening when she was 14 years old. It was absurd to her that there had been 11 occasions where members of the church had died in groupings of five, and now that she was looking at the files, it was obvious no one had ever looked into the case.
“I’ve heard about this church. They are responsible for the deaths of 55 people.” Robin glanced up to Miranda before reaching into the box, thumbing through the few pages that existed within the files. “I can’t understand why there is no evidence. After nearly 30 years, you would expect something more than the general documentation of the event…”
Miranda pulled out a few of the pages, skimming them for any inconsistencies or patterns. One thing she recognized from all of them was a name. Your name. She offered the page up to Robin, pointing out your name to her, “This name keeps coming up in each of the files. Maybe we could talk to them on our lunch break?”
“Are you asking me to shirk our duties here at the station so we can go research a case that has been deliberately ignored for decades?” Robin smirked as she asked her question, obviously pleased to participate in another round of rule breaking with her partner.
“Maybe.” The constable gave a coy shrug, rolling her eyes and glancing up to the clock. Their typical lunch break was in a half hour, just enough time to look up the name and find a possible place of employment or home address.
Griffin turned her head back down to look through the files. She needed to familiarize herself with the case if they were going out to interview anyone, “Are we taking your car or mine?”
Over the past three decades, your journalist work kept you attached to the world of true crime, but with no true momentum with The Church of Mithras case, you had to diversify your interests. Working for The Sydney Monitor had been a fruitful career, and you were well aware you were able to write and research in a way that left you fulfilled. There was always a gaping hole left in you from the case that always went unsolved.
You still kept the dates of the mass deaths and their correlated astrological events written in the inside of your notebook.
April 1, 1995 - Uranus enters Aquarius June 9, 1995 - Uranus (Retrograde) enters Capricorn January 12, 1996 - Uranus enters Aquarius March 10, 2003 - Uranus enters Pisces September 15, 2003 - Uranus (Retrograde) enters Aquarius December 30, 2003 - Uranus enters Pisces May 28, 2010 - Uranus enters Aries August 14, 2010 - Uranus (Retrograde) enters Pisces March 12, 2011- Uranus enters Aries May 15, 2018 - Uranus enters Taurus November 6, 2018 - Uranus (Retrograde) enters Aries
The death toll was far higher than you ever anticipated. After each event, you gathered more information, and set off to the police station where you had been escorted out each and every time.
At some point, you would have assumed someone would have taken you seriously. Don Marshall, who kicked you out as a sergeant, was now the deputy commissioner, and Adrian Butler, who had escorted you out as a constable, was now a superintendent. Both of the men had continued to climb the ladder of success, regardless of the number of lives that had been lost due to their negligence.
You knew the next event was in four weeks.
Four weeks and the death count would be up to 60.
Or… at least, you thought the death count would rise to 60, but that was until Constable Hilmarson and Detective Griffin appeared in your office doorway.
For once in your career, the police wanted to hear what you had on The Church of Mithras.
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Things I noticed the nth time watching Nimona:
Knight armour can get sliced through like nobody's business (Balister's arm), but can take a laser hit without serious, body-altering consequences (Director hitting Ambrosius with a laser made from the same one that apparently has the power to wipe out half the realm, or kill an Immortal being who doesn't feel severe pain from an arrow wound)?
...is this because Ambrosius' armour was made to be more protective than Balister's?
"She manipulated BOTH of us." Ambrosius says this about Nimona, who he had very few interactions with aside from her very blatantly fucking shit up for the institute. How did she manipulate HIM?
I guess it probably makes sense when you consider he was going to arrest the director, implying that he believed Bal AND Nimona, but I dunno. The little rat in my head started running on its brain-powering wheel at all the possible fanfic plots this could lead to.
Nimona as Ambrosius grabbed the Gloreth statue when they fell to the ground.
On the one hand, this could just be actor!Nimona putting dramatic emphasis on how even in death, the leaders of the realm will cling to their hopes and beliefs, or the golden boy finally getting to join his ancestor.
On the other hand, we could make it deliciously angsty (yum yum) and say it is Nimona's personal desire to grab the statue of Gloreth for reasons such as: taking down the monster-killer image of her former friend out of anger and sadness because she never wanted that image to be so true in representing one of the few people who ever cared about her even briefly;
OR, While trying to think about how she would act if she were actually dying, she reaches for the closest thing to a friend that she has, but this is her staging a false death, as that particular friendship was false so this is just fitting, isn't it?;
OR, They wanted it to spread a message that with the fall of the director, would come the fall of the corrupt system they live in, as well as the fall of this narrow-minded view of both Nimona and Gloreth's story as well as Gloreth and Nimona themselves.
Nimona freaking out about the arrow in their leg in the comic vs Nimona treating it like a little scrape not to be worried about in the movie.
This is really interesting to me. In the comic, it's played up for humor like Nimona is almost overreacting, then having Bal take care of her because he does care about her. This shows it as a bit silly, but so very meaningful.
Then you have the movie where Balister is freaking out and it's kind of funny because clearly Nimona is relatively fine about it, so he doesn't really need to make a big deal out of it. Then he helps her and is still very careful about it like with anyone else's arrow wound, and asks her questions so he can better understand them. Again so very important.
I love both versions of these scenes, I just am so curious about why they made such a drastic change.
I love this movie so freaking much. (I knew that already, but it bears saying for the thousandth time. It's just so fucking good.)
For this last one:
TW: mention of police brutality (discussed as a theme in the movie, nothing specific outside of the Nimona movie)
"He's got a weapon." It's not a weapon. It's a phone. But Todd (and who knows how many of the other knights) didn't choose to see it as anything other than what the director told him it was, and destroyed it as he was trained to do. This screams messaging about the stupid, dangerous, and harmful actions of too many police officers who don't check the situation for themselves before acting on "information" they gathered from insufficient data and/or unreliable sources, and combine that with profiling to make decisions that so often end up being harmful and even fatal to others.
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mysticstarlightduck · 15 days
Villain Crimes Tag!
Let's go with the main villains from What Lurks In The Hollow for this one. Again: given that this is a post about very, very bad people (after all they are the villains of this WIP) it will contain TWs for some pretty nasty things.
Rules: List all the real-world crimes your villains are guilty of committing!
Mayor Samuel Whitaker
Serial Killings/Multiple First Degree Murders (most of the victims were minors, ages 5-17, but some adults as well)
Demonic Rituals + Ritualistic Sacrifices of Human Beings
Ritualistic Torture, most notably the torture of a 15-year-old (Jace Donovan, Savvanah Hahn's stepbrother who went missing kidnapped by a "mysterious psycho" was actually held captive by the Mayor himself, and only died 6 days later to bloodloss + ritualistic stabbings, his body was never recovered)
Multiple accounts of kidnapping
Abuse of Power, Corruption
Sending his henchmen to vandalize and damage property belonging anyone who stands in his way
Insider Trading
Environmental Vandalism
False Imprisonment
Harassment/Having his henchmen stalk his "rivals"
Blackmail and Threats
Brainwashing and Cult Activity
Using Dark Magic to maintain influence over an entire town, gain longevity and make people adore him through the power of his venomous words
Bribing and Lobbying
Assault & Battery
Stalking Minors
Mrs. Adelaide Draycott
Harassment of a Sexual Nature
Attempted Sexual Exploitation (At multiple points in the story Mrs Draycott tries to get Dylan, 23M, to sleep with her or "fall in love" with her by using blackmail and trying to corner him into situations where he wouldn't have a choice. Luckily he manages to avoid all her attempts.)
Persistent Stalking
Breaking and Entering
Emotional Manipulation (Gaslighting/Blackmailing/Threatening)
Indecent Contact/Unwanted Touching
Damaging of Property
Intimidation of a Minor (Mrs Draycott often implies to Amy, Dylan's 16-year-old sister, that Dylan is gonna get hurt if he keeps being "stubborn" and that he is already an outcast to the town so no one would care if something happened to him or Amy herself)
False Accusations/False Complaints/Perjury
Sheriff Isaac Clarke
First Degree Murder, covered up
Abuse of Power (as a police officer)
Excessive Use of Force/Police Brutality
False Arrest
Criminal Conspiracy/Colluding with Criminals
Obstruction of Justice/Aiding and Abetting (covering up the literal serial killer crimes of the Mayor in exchange for a hefty paycheck)
Threats of Violence
Misuse of Surveillance
Wrongful Seizure of Property
Fabricating Evidence (against someone completely innocent)
False Search Warrants/Invasion of Property
Fraudulent Reports
Manslaughter/Second Degree Murder
Attempted Murder (of multiple people, including minors)
Torture (disguised as interrogation)
Soliciting Bribes
Aiding in Racketeering
Branden Heddam
Extreme Child Abuse & Child Neglect
Child Endangerment
Abandonment of Parental Responsibilities
Threats of Extreme Violence/Threats of Death
Psychological/Emotional Abuse
Attempted Kidnapping of a Minor (While Zach, his stepson, is on-the-run from him and hiding at Amy & Dylan's place, Branden and his biker gang attempt to kidnap him)
Multiple Accounts of Assault & Battery
Attempt to Contribute to Minor Delinquency
Aggravated Assault/Battery of a Man in front of his ward + Intentional Psychological Trauma
Gang Activities + Gang Involved Violence
Drug Dealing
Bearing Illegal Weapons
Illegal Hunting/Poaching
Environmental Damage
Reckless/Drunk Driving
Cathleen "Cath" Edwards
Economic Duress
Blackmail/Emotional Manipulation
Attempted Title Deed Forgery
Rent Gouging/Unlawful Rent Increases
Loan Sharking
Illegal Fees and Charges
Predatory Lending
Debt Bondage
Coercive Collection Practices
Conspiracy to Commit Murder/Conspiracy to Commit Kidnapping
Blackmail of a Minor
Disturbing the Peace
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @wyked-ao3, @topazadine @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid @thecomfywriter
@thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @amaiguri
@cherrychiplip @thecomfywriter @thelovelymachinery @bookwormclover
@differentnighttale, @leahnardo-da-veggie
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asharkapologist · 9 months
This has been a WIP for quite some time, but I have finally finished the OC sheet for my Mysteries of the Past player character, Ethel Evanoff! (Note: she's not the same player character as the rest of the games). Tagging @chelleinyy as asked! Information about Ethel is found under the cut. Spoilers for Mysteries of the Past, and TW for mentions of mild sexism, physical and mental illnesses, and war.
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Born in the United States, parents were immigrants from the Russian Empire
Always wanted to be a police officer/detective, but no one in her local departments wanted to hire a woman. However, she’d heard of Concordia’s progressiveness and willingness to give women opportunities other cities were not, and so she moved to Concordia and worked with the Concordian Police Department.
Over the years, grew irritated with corruption and laziness in the police department, and therefore showed great interest in the Flying Squad when it was formed, and was hired by Arthur at age 28 in December of 1897.
Always tried to be a mediator between suspects and the police, not very prone to anger--the “good cop,” if you will. However, this kindness while still being professional led to her growing quite fond of many suspects and liking them as people. This led to her being more affected than other detectives/officers when they died.
The events of Sinner’s End, Coyote Gorge, and Crimson Banks very negatively affected her. Seeing the Flying Squad’s complete inability to catch the Scarlet Slayer in Sinner’s End until she’d already killed countless young women, being unable to protect Vinnie after promising him protection, and being unable to prevent innocent civilians, including children, from being often fatally dragged into the gang war caused immense guilt, and her mental health began to suffer.
After Capital Peak, she was depressed and traumatized, having lost a friend she cared greatly about and not being able to save enough people who counted on her during her career. Her depression worsened when her parents both died in the early 1900s.
After her parents died and not feeling capable of working in a job where she was never able to prevent death, she retired from the Flying Squad, although she remained friends with her former colleagues.
Instead, she began to train to be a nurse, hoping that while obviously she couldn't save everyone, she would atone for all of the lives she couldn't save during her career by being able to actively work to help and save lives, hoping saving lives would assuage her persistent guilt.
Being a nurse didn't "cure" her depression by any means, but she found more purpose as a nurse than she did as a detective. She always smiled when a patient recovered from an operation or illness and was able to return home, and patients loved her for her ability to listen and her care for each individual in the hospital she worked. Additionally, she was able to befriend several coworkers.
Of course, when doctors failed to save patients, she felt the familiar sting of grief and guilt, even if she had nothing to do with the patient's conditions and any operation that failed to save their lives. She continued in her work, working herself to the bone to do her job as best as possible.
When World War I broke out, she was asked to serve as a nurse, considering her background in being more familiar with blood and violence than other nurses, and her high quality of work. While reluctant, she agreed, influenced and swept up in all of the pro-war, guilt-tripping propaganda constantly bombarding her (and everyone else in the nation), and at least hoping that she could still continue to save lives on the warfront.
While serving as a nurse, she was bit by a rabid racoon that wandered into her encampment. It was able to be put down before biting anyone else, and she was able to get a rabies vaccine before she contracted the disease, saving her life.
The war greatly disturbed her, making her PTSD and depression worse. Although she was indeed able to comfort and help many people in the war, the horrific injuries she saw on young men in the war never left her and joined her nightmares, along with images of particularly bad crime scenes she’d seen in her life. 
However, what worsened her mental health most of all is the fact that all of her brothers--her only siblings-- served in and died in the war.
During the war, she fell in love with one of her fellow nurses. They courted, and he was able to bring some happiness, and companionship to her. They wrote letters while stationed in different places, which was a small comfort through the death of her brothers.
He proposed near the end of the war. However, before they could marry, he died in late 1918 of the Spanish flu, leaving her even more grief-stricken and heartbroken.
After the war, she spent time in urbanizing cities, appreciating the hustle and bustle/noise of industrialization over the quietness of nature, where there was little to distract from her troubled thoughts. She frequently painted as a way to cope with/distract from the death and blood she had seen for years, and frequently painted her would-be husband and family.
When war broke out again in 1939, she was in failing health and could not be a nurse again, and struggled to express herself in her art due to her poor health. Hearing of the violence happening again, on an even larger scale, throughout the world greatly distressed her and brought back disturbing memories of the death she had seen in her careers and personal life.
Kept letter correspondence with friends and colleagues throughout her life, but died alone in 1940 at the age of 71.
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This day in history
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On June 20, I'm keynoting the LOCUS AWARDS in OAKLAND.
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#15yrsago Student challenges prof, wins right to post source code he wrote for course https://memex.craphound.com/2009/06/10/student-challenges-prof-wins-right-to-post-source-code-he-wrote-for-course/
#15yrsago France’s three-strikes copyright rule is unconstitutional and hence dead https://www.laquadrature.net/en/2009/06/10/hadopi-is-dead-three-strikes-killed-by-highest-court/
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#10yrsago How Heinlein went from socialist to right-wing libertarian https://newrepublic.com/article/118048/william-pattersons-robert-heinlein-biography-hagiography
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#10yrsago Texas school bans sunscreen because a child might drink it https://web.archive.org/web/20140608074518/http://www.keyetv.com/news/features/top-stories/stories/san-antonioarea-school-district-do-not-bring-sunscreen-school-18590.shtml
#10yrsago Small town sheriff buys tank: “the United States of America has become a war zone” https://www.indystar.com/story/news/2014/06/07/police-officer-safety-surplus-zeal-military-equipment-spurs-debate-mrap-military-vehicle/10170225/
#5yrsago A grandmother is suing the TSA for strip searching her to get a look at her panty liner, on Mother’s Day https://professional-troublemaker.com/2019/06/06/tsa-strip-searches-grandmother-on-mothers-day-for-over-feminine-hygiene-product-gets-sued/
#5yrsago A trove of leaks show that Brazil’s “anti-corruption” task force was secretly trying to oust Lula and install a far-right strongman https://theintercept.com/2019/06/09/brazil-archive-operation-car-wash/
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#5yrsago Competition can fix Big Tech, but only if we don’t make “bigness” a legal requirement https://www.economist.com/open-future/2019/06/06/regulating-big-tech-makes-them-stronger-so-they-need-competition-instead?fsrc=gp_en?fsrc=scn/tw/te/bl/ed/regulatingbigtechmakesthemstrongersotheyneedcompetitioninsteadopenvoices
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#5yrsago The NRA begs gun nuts for donations, spends lavishly on its board of directors and execs https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/nra-money-flowed-to-board-members-amid-allegedly-lavish-spending-by-top-officials-and-vendors/2019/06/09/3eafe160-8186-11e9-9a67-a687ca99fb3d_story.html
#5yrsago On Grenfell’s second anniversary, 60,000 Britons are still living in firetraps clad in the same deadly, decorative materials https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/grenfell-tower-fire-material-high-rise-buildings-flat-block-a8946276.html
#1yrago Links, dumped https://pluralistic.net/2023/06/10/in-the-dumps-2/#do-the-humpty-dump
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virgo-mess · 10 months
Good Cop, Bad Cop
I forgot to mention this is a request from @karatekels!
And there will be three parts to this! Next chapter is dubcon and should be up hopefully tomorrow evening or possibly early morning depending on how quick I can crank it out for you. This part is on the longer side, but I felt like reader and Cash needed a little more development.
TW: Abduction, Vague mentions of abuse, mentions of unhealthy attachment styles, depression, bleeding, pressure points, police corruption, tiny bit of fluff in some areas but it's slightly manipulative so....... 😂 I think maybe Cash actually does mean it, but I honestly can't decide what do you guys think?
Chapter 2: Romantic Cop?
Reader’s Pov
            You take a deep breath as you stare up at the ceiling in your childhood bedroom. Debating on whether you wanted to get up today or not; you knew you had to eventually Daisy wanted you to go to her last fitting with her and try on the two maid of honor dress options she had picked out for you. You found that without having to go to work getting out of bed was hard for you now. You guess the post break up blues are finally catching up to you; the emotional numbness you had felt for so long was finally starting to disappear. You knew you’d be sad, but you hadn’t expected to feel so lonely.
            “Y/N” comes your mother’s voice form outside your closed bedroom door. You let out a soft sigh knowing that she’s coming to have one of her signature heart to heart discussions. You knew one was coming, your boss had told her about your panic attack in the office last week. You were surprised she hadn’t tried to force one on you the day you had got there.
            “You can come in” you replied softly as you moved yourself into a sitting position. Your mom opened the door slowly and walked over to your bed with a tray in her hands. She gave you a loving smile and a kiss on the head before setting it on your lap. It was filled with all your favorite foods and a fresh cup of tea. “Thanks mom” you said picking up a cinnamon roll and taking a bite.
            “You’re welcome pumpkin. We should really talk, you know. I know you don’t like to, and I think that’s my fault.” She admitted, your eyes snapped towards her in surprise. You furrow your brows taking a quick sip of tea before responding.
            “Why would you think that? It’s not your fault Jack cheated and left me for her…” you trail off trying not to think about it too hard because thinking about it still hurt even after two years. Your mom sighed placing a reassuring hand on top of your leg.
            “I know that’s not my fault, that wasn’t your fault either. I’m talking about the way you’re choosing to handle it being my fault. You already know I’ve talked about you in therapy, and we got to talking about what might cause your avoidance behavior. He said it usually all comes down to attachment styles that develop in early childhood.” She said slowly, you resist the urge to roll your eyes and take another bite of your cinnamon roll to prevent a groan from escaping your lips. You hadn’t planned on having a therapy session this morning and suddenly wished you had forced yourself out of bed to take your morning walk. You were actually supposed to go on it with Cash but left him a text message saying you weren’t feeling well and that you’d see him at the fitting later. You and Cash had been spending the days before the wedding catching up and hanging out. You find it a bit odd Cash has all but glued himself to your side, but you can’t bring yourself to mind because you actually enjoy his company. The last few years in New York were so lonely, most of the friends you had were friends with your ex-boyfriend first so when shit hit the fan not many picked you in the “divorce”. Being with Cash was helping you sort through all your feelings in a weird therapeutic type of way. All your alone time had defiantly rekindled your childhood crush, you were starting to feel butterflies when he smiled at you again. You never had the courage to act on your feelings back then and you weren’t sure you were ready to act on them now, it’s not like he was going to stick around if he knew anyway. You were sure that when the wedding was over, he’d go back to Cleveland and disappear for another twelve years. You weren’t sure if you could handle him abandoning you a second time.
            “And what did he decide my attachment style was?” you ask just to humor her. Your mom gave you a knowing sort of look as she watched you take another sip of tea.
            “He said it sounds like you have a disorganized attachment style. He can’t be sure unless he sees you, have you reconsidered therapy?” she said, you furrow your brows at her again. You didn’t know all that much about attachment styles, but you did know what that one was usually caused by.
            “Mom, you and dad didn’t abuse or neglect me” you said finally, you honestly didn’t remember that much about him anyway but what you did remember wasn’t scary.
            “The abuse doesn’t have to be done to you. I did my best to shield you from it, but your father and I had a very violent relationship and there were defiantly times you were afraid of him. That’s why I got sole custody” she said honestly. You slowly nod your head even though you don’t agree with the assessment.
            “You did great mom. I know you did your best. People cope in different ways, and I know the way I chose to do it wasn’t healthy, but I don’t think it has anything to do with an unhealthy attachment style. What brought you to this conclusion?” you asked, trying to understand what she was getting at.
“Cash Ewing” she said simply, you feel a deep blush creep up on you suddenly remembering you told her you guys had been meeting up for your morning walks.
“Cash Ewing made you think I have a disordered attachment style” you said in disbelief, this time you don’t resist the urge to roll your eyes as you take a sip of tea. Your mom gives you a long knowing sort of look that makes you want to shy away from this conversation.
“Yes, Cash Ewing. You guys were always so smitten with each other, everyone always thought you were going to be high school sweethearts just like Pete and Daisy. You never could tell him how you felt about him back then and you still can’t seem to tell him how you feel about him now. Why did you cancel your walk this morning?” she asked, you let out an exasperated sigh as you finish your breakfast before forcing yourself out of bed.
“You’re being ridiculous mom; I just wasn’t feeling well this morning. I feel a bit better now, so I’ll walk over to his mom’s house and see if he’s still in, ok?” You said, avoiding eye contact with her as you head to the bathroom.
“Okay, pumpkin” you can hear the note of defeat in her voice, and you hear her shuffling around before she finally leaves your room without another word.
After a quick shower you decide to get dressed, you rummage through your suitcase for a long while. You let out an exasperated sigh when you notice a large chunk of your clothes are missing, you were sure your mom took them to wash them but a lot of them weren’t even worn. You settle on a pair of denim shorts and a crop top before slipping on a pair of white sneakers. You glance at yourself one more time before heading down the stairs and out the front door to head over to the Ewing house. Before you even make it to the door Cash pops out with a big grin on his face and you can’t help the way you blush because he had to have been waiting for you to change your mind. Probably sat in the armchair watching out the window the same way he used to do when you were kids.
“Hey Y/N, are you feeling better?” he asked, walking down the front steps in long strides towards you. You nod your head in reply taking in his outfit for the day, dark jeans, and a blue button-down shirt. You wonder how he still manages to look like he just walked out of a magazine spread in such a mundane looking outfit.
“Yeah, I know it’s a bit late, but we can go to the fitting and then go for a walk or grab lunch if you still want to” you said trying to keep the hopeful tone out of your voice. Cash gives you another smile, but you see something dark flicker in his eyes again. You haven’t been able to figure out what that dark emotion is. Sometimes he still comes off as the innocent carefree Cash from your youth but other times he comes off dark, brooding, and dangerous. The darkness honestly terrifies you, but you still can’t help how much you want to be close to him. You assume it’s just because you’re feeling a bit overly emotional these days.
“Of course, I still want to, Butterfly. I want to be wherever you are” he said nonchalantly with a comforting smile on his face, but his words send a spine-tingling shiver down your back. You feel your cheeks heat up now feeling slightly nervous as you gaze into his icy blue eyes. Cash gives you a coquettish grin that you find a bit arousing in the moment; you feel his long fingers trail gently down the length of your arm before they lace with your smaller ones. Everything in your head is telling you to pull away but you can’t bring yourself to do it.
“Okay, my car is in the garage” you said coyly, looking down at your laced fingers in bewilderment. You hadn’t held hands since you were ten, you find that holding his hand makes a wave of happiness wash over you. The happiness is soured by you reminding yourself that he’d be abandoning you again soon, but you can’t bring yourself to pull away because you still want to be close to him.
“Why don’t we take mine, you don’t have to use all your gas on me.” Cash said giving your hand a firm but gentle tug towards his truck. You give him a nervous sort of smile, something is still telling you to pull away from him, that going with him today wouldn’t be a good idea. That you were going to regret ever allowing yourself to enjoy being with him because he was going to hurt you in the end.
“Okay” you replied timidly, Cash gives you a smile that takes your breath away as he guides you to his truck. He opens the door before tenderly scooping you into his arms and setting you gingerly on the seat.  “Thanks Cash, but you didn’t have to do that” you said blushing furiously. Cash let out a deep chuckle before shutting your door and heading over to the driver’s side.
Cash’s Pov
            “It’s my job to protect and serve, Butterfly. Can’t have you hurting yourself” Cash said flashing you another dazzling smile, appreciating the way you flush for him. Watching as you rolled your eyes at him playfully.
            “I know how to get into a truck without hurting myself Cash” you said with a cute giggle. Seeing you this happy made him feel slightly bad about what he was going to do to you later. He had planned on waiting to make you his until after the wedding; he was just going to sneak into your hotel room and seduce you. Make it all romantic even with flowers, champagne, and some long-winded declaration of love. He supposed he could still do some of that when he cuffed you to the bed and The Wings Neck Lighthouse would still be romantic. His words would be true, but you might have some trouble believing them when you were under duress. He was still trying to make it good for you at least, he did want you to be happy, he just didn’t want you to be happy without him. You really left him no choice after you promptly cancelled on him this morning, you didn’t even have the nerve to call just sent a half assed text message. Cash gazes at you for a long moment before pulling out of the driveway, he remembered what happened the last time you canceled on him out of the blue and he wasn’t about to let it happen again.
            “Well, I can’t be too sure about that, you broke your arm four times. I wanted to nickname you Fragile, but Butterfly seemed a better fit for you.” he said teasingly enjoying the cute giggles you give him in response. He was relieved you didn’t seem to notice all the bags filled with groceries, his clothes, and your clothes in the back of the truck. He charmed your mom before she went up to your room giving her very vague information about what he planned for today. She came bounding down the stairs with a duffle bag filled with more clothes than you were going to need; he hadn’t planned on holding you hostage forever. You both still had to be in the wedding after all but that was a couple days away. He could do what he wanted and then clean it up in time. He wasn’t technically abducting you, you got in the car pretty willingly for him and didn’t ask any questions about where he’d be taking you. He’d give you little bits of information right up until he couldn’t anymore, if you tried to run, he’d simply use a few compliance pressure points to subdue you. It shouldn’t be hard his size was his advantage after all. From the outside this all just looked like a grand romantic gesture, and something told him you wanted him as much as he wanted you. You were just too afraid to make a move, luckily for you he wasn’t anymore.
            “Why is that?” you asked curiously, staring at him with big eyes. Cash feels a smile tug across his face, he always loved when you looked at him that way. Like he was the best thing to ever grace the planet. Under these circumstances, however it makes him feel bitter, if he was the best thing to ever exist then how did you leave him so easily? He was sure he’d be getting all his answers tonight whether you wanted to or not.
            “Because they’re delicate and beautiful and I thought you were too” he said nonchalantly, and because he felt them in his stomach every time you were around. He glances at you one last time to see you looking a little sad. “You still are Y/N” he said, hoping to you smile again since it might be the last one you give him for a while. Hopefully you weren’t going to make tonight too hard on him, he’d be getting what he wanted either way. You were going to finally be his, he didn’t care how you guys got there, all he cared about was finally ending the day inside you. Cape Cod was the perfect place to do it.
            “Thanks Cash” you said with a timid looking smile and rosy cheeks.
Reader’s Pov
            You make it through your fitting quickly with Daisy deciding on a satin slit dress with floral detailing to set you apart from the other bridesmaids. You blushed furiously when Cash showered you with compliments, you awkwardly threw a few back at him when you saw him in his suit. You hadn’t seen him in one since prom, which you sadly didn’t even go to together. You did notice he was being even nicer to you today than he usually was, romantic even. There was even a moment where you thought he was going to kiss you. You of course shied away and played it off because kissing him would make him abandoning you again, harder to handle. After the fitting he told you he made a reservation at your favorite restaurants down in Cape Cod and said he had another surprise for you after. You and Cash had spent so many summers down in Cape Cod running up and down the sandy beaches often with Pete and Daisy in toe. You missed the way things were in those innocent years, those ones before the dread of awkward adolescence crept up on you both.
            “I should call my mom” you said awkwardly, feeling flattered but skeptical as you reached in your pocket for you cell phone but realize it isn’t there. You try to remember where you left it, and you grumble bitterly to yourself when you realize trust issues are a sign of a disorganized attachment style. You suddenly hated your mother for bringing this to your attention; you’d rather be blissfully unaware because that would mean you didn’t have to address all the real reasons you never told Cash how you felt. “Have you seen my phone?” You asked, looking over at him curiously. Cash shakes his head at you but doesn’t take his eyes off the road, this immediately sounds alarms in your head, but you don’t push further.
            “No, you don’t need to call her anyway, I already told her all about it this morning” he said nonchalantly as he pulled on to the express way. Cape Cod was only a half hour drive from Plymouth anyway and you did trust Cash just not enough to open up to him.
            “Is that why she came in my room with a tray full of my favorite foods?” you said narrowing your eyes at him, you see a small smirk twitch on his lips.
            “Maybe” he shrugged keeping his eyes trained on the road. You make it to Cape Cod around 1:30 and share a late lunch at the Belfry Inn and Bistro. You’re a bit surprised when Cash agrees to shop with you for a bit around the village because he always hated going shopping with you before.
            “Okay, what’s up?” you asked, narrowing your eyes up at him suspiciously. Cash furrows his eyebrows at you for a moment and you’re too focused on your little interrogation to be bothered with him wrapping his arms around your waist tightly.
            “What do you mean Butterfly?” he asked as he stopped you both in front of one of the flower carts. You give him a weighty look; Cash keeps his eyes focused on the cart and you start to feel a bit uneasy.
            “Why are you going shopping with me? You hate shopping and you’re acting weird” you said sharply, Cash lets out a long sigh and you don’t miss the way his shoulders tense as he tightens the grip he has around your waist. You squirm a little trying to create a little space between you, but you freeze in place when he shoots you an intense stare. His eyes soften up when you stop but his tight hold doesn’t let up.
            “I don’t mind shopping now, people can change” he said simply giving you a soft smile. You can’t help the sudden wave of jealousy you feel when it crosses your mind that he probably doesn’t mind now because some girl he dated also liked shopping. Of course, this change wasn’t prompted by you because you weren’t important to him in that way.
            “Gee, I wonder which girlfriend finally broke you in. The sex had to have been amazing if she coaxed Cashton Ewing into shopping with her willingly” you sneered, yanking yourself out of his grasp. You ignore his calls as you stomp into the next store. You can feel Cash lingering behind you as you frantically pull random items from the rack. Before rushing to the dressing room, hoping to create some distance between you two after letting your mask slip. You try on about twenty pairs of clothes as you try to figure out what prompted another mini meltdown. You didn’t have the excuse of being stressed. Your time back home had been quite enjoyable. You were having fun up until ten minutes ago. Maybe it was better if you just went back to your mom’s house. You let out a sigh, settling on a dress and a few skirts before getting redressed and walking up to the register. You avoid making eye contact with Cash, who is standing awkwardly at the end of the counter with flowers in his hand. You feel a wave of guilt pass through you as you hand the cashier your credit card, accepting your card and the bag she hands back to you.
            “Here Butterfly” Cash said softly reaching out to hand you the flowers when you make it over to him. There’s an unreadable expression on his face as he looks down at you with soft eyes.
            “Thank you” you said as you awkwardly accept the flowers from him. “I’m still not feeling that well, my stomach hurts I think I might be coming down with something. I know you had something planned so I can just take the bus” you said avoiding eye contact.
            “No” Cash said grabbing you by the arm firmly as he tugged you out of the store. He’s practically dragging you and you find it hard to keep up with his long strides.
            “What do you mean no?” you asked trying to keep yourself from falling over feeling nervous with how quickly his demeanor shifted. You can’t see his face because of how far you’ve fallen behind him, but you can tell that he’s angry.
            “No, you’re not going home. You’re getting back in my truck and you’re going with me” he said sharply, before wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you from falling down. You scowl at him in disbelief.
            “No Cash, I want to go home” you said feeling yourself shudder against his side when he throws you a menacing glare.
            “I don’t really care what you want Y/N. All I’ve done my whole life is care about what you want. Now it’s time to care about what I want” he hissed; you feel a genuine wave of fear washing over you as you see his truck coming into focus. You start thrashing frantically, trying to free yourself from his grip; you had never seen him act this way before.
            “Please, I just want to go home Cash please take me back home. We can watch movies on the couch” you begged still trying to free yourself from his grip.
            “We can watch movies on the couch where we’re going too as long as you’re a good girl for me, Butterfly” he said teasingly as he yanked the car door open. You let out a gasp of surprise, realizing what he’s implying as he tries to lift you into the truck. You kicked back at him with a force you didn’t know you were capable of connecting with his knee. Cash lets out a hiss of pain but he lets his hands fall from your waist quickly. Without his arms there to steady you, you tumble to the ground and feel one of your knee’s scraps roughly against the gravel on the ground. You watch as blood rapidly flows from your new cut, and you look up to see Cash glaring at you with dark eyes filled with equal amounts of lust and sadness.
            “Just get in the truck, Y/N, please.” He said in a pleading tone as he reaches down to help you up, you shake your head feeling tears brim your eyes.
            “Only if you take me home” you demand hoarsely, you’re not sure why you allow him to pull you back to your feet, but you do. Cash brings his hands up to gingerly wipe the few tears that do manage to escape your eyes.
            “No, we have to talk about this. I’m not letting you run away from me again. So, get the fucking car, Y/N” he said in a soft threatening tone. You let out a whimper as you try to pull away from him again sharply, but Cash only tightens his hold on your face.
            “Then I’m not getting in the fucking car” you hissed giving him the coldest stare you could muster with tears streaming down your face. Cash lets out a pained sort of groan as he stares deep into your eyes, before sharply turning you to face the open truck door. Before you can even wonder what he’s doing you feel one hand cradle your chin firmly and his other thumb trailing to a tender spot on your neck right below your ear.
            “I’m sorry, Butterfly” he whispered before firmly pressing his thumb into your neck. You feel a shocking amount of pain flow through your jaw, and you let out a loud, high-pitched shriek. Cash takes the opportunity to hoist you into the truck before rushing to the driver’s side and locking the doors. You look over at him, feeling dismayed and cowering away from him when he moves in to comfort you. Sobs racking through your whole body. Cash shushes you as he runs his fingers in comforting circles up and down your legs. You hate the way your body seems to immediately relax into his touch.
            “It’s okay, Butterfly. Everything is going to be okay. You’ll see.” He croons placing soft kisses on the pressure point he just assaulted. Cash gives you one last charming smile before pulling out of the parking lot. You start to feel dizzy as your vision starts to blur in and out of focus. You faintly feel Cash wrap an arm around you, he gives you a gentle tug, and your head plops against his thigh. You look up at him with dazed, tired eyes.
            “It’s just from the stress, Butterfly. Go ahead and rest, we’ll be there before you know it” he said stoking your hair gently. You let out one last whimper before your whole world goes black.
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Part 3 Part 4
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