#two more sets to go o_o
holistichiatus · 2 years
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Standard Issue Helmets
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hina-hina · 2 years
Perhaps when you’re ready can you write a Ghost and Soft!Reader and their child?😭❤️ I love your writing by the way!❤️❤️
Hello friend!! This is such a cute idea to go along with the soft!Reader series!! I'm so happy with how well received that post is and I'm loving everyones comments and ideas (ノ*ФωФ)ノ Hope you enjoy this one, thank you for requesting and I'm glad you like my writing!! (I put aside my final paper for class so I could post this today o_o)
I guess this is kinda a series now so chronologically it goes Soft!Reader post, Ghost getting secretly married post, then this one!
|| Ghost and Soft!Reader with a Child ||
Warnings: cursing, labor mentions, some angst
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Ghost had been on deployment when you found out you were pregnant
You were shocked an unsure of how Ghost was going to react when he found out
but also really excited
Despite the two of you doing video calls whenever he could, you kept it a secret until he got back from deployment
You put the pregnancy test in a small gift box and wait for him to arrive
You are filled with anxiety all day, worried about what his reaction would be
When he comes in, you can already tell he is extremely tired so you don't want to bombard him immediately
So you hug him when he comes through the door, pull up his balaclava, and give him a few soft kisses
He immediately relaxes, happy to be home
You instruct him to go take a shower and he goes without fuss
When he comes back out in a simple black t-shirt and sweats, his wedding band still attached to its chain hanging from his neck, you feel your heart skip a beat
"Sit down," You instruct
"Awful bossy this evening, aye?" He teases, but does it anyway, small smile on his maskless face
You present the small box to him, biting your lower lip nervously
He raises an eyebrow, large hands coming up over the box as he shifts his eyes between it and you
He opens it gently, staring at the small device for a moment before his eyes widen
Sets the box aside and immediately stands
"Your being serious?"
You simply nod and his eyes shift down to your stomach before he grabs you into a hug
He would be scared and distant at first, he would need time to process
I do think he would be good with kids
Once you two talk it out, he would become completely on board
Ghost is a girl dad, fight me
Would be so nervous when he goes to appointments with you
He Is so used to the good things in his life being taken away,
When he learns its a girl, he becomes slightly uneasy
He's not sure how he's gonna be with a kid period but knowing its a girl? He is terrified
Nonetheless, he finds himself buying things that he thinks you would like for the baby anyway
would hate it if he had to go back onto deployment before the baby is born
You reassure him you'll be fine and he reassures you he will be back for the birth
An ultrasound picture is placed alongside the picture of you in his breast pocket
Eventually tells his team he's going to have a baby and they are in shock, even more so than before
Imagine you go into labor early and he almost misses it
He shows up still in uniform (minus the weapons bc there isn't anyway he is getting into a hospital with all that on) and black grease paint still smudged around his eyes
But, damnit, he's there
Is scared shitless during labor
He doesn't want anything to happen to either of you
But you deliver the baby and it's handed to him and she looks so small in his hands o(*////▽////*)q
Tears fill his eyes and he feels his cold heart thaw a little more
He gets leave for a little while to take care of you and the baby
He doesn't want to leave you two but you reassure him that you know his work is important
You make him promise to always come back to the two of you
The little girl grows up looking up to Ghost a lot and he feels he doesn't deserve it but loves it anyway
Whenever he comes back, he wants to spend as much time with the two of you as possible
He sends her letters that you read to her before bed
She helps you make care package and includes her drawings
A third picture is put into the pocket, one with all three of you
He brags about all of his daughters accomplishments to his teammates
Imagine one day he decides to surprise her at school when he comes back home
So after you drop her off, you go and pick Ghost up
The two of you go to her school and the teacher sends her to the principal's office
Ghost is waiting there with you, uneasy about being around so many people but when he sees his little girl? He is GONE
She comes in and immediately brights, running to her dad
Immediately drops to his knees to hug her when she comes running at him
Hugs her so close, then stands and goes over and grabs you too
He has never been this happy to be home
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dokidokitsuna · 8 months
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RWBY: Next Steps
This is just a design collection (remember when I used to do those? 'Winter Mission', 'Summer Tour'?? Fun times~)...and it may be my last. Its only real purpose is to give me something fun to draw for the NeverFell Projects wrap-up series. The recent Adam and Cinder designs are technically part of this collection, too. ^^
These were much harder to do than those two, though...I've spent ~2 months chipping away at this set, trying and retrying to address several different RWBY design criticisms while still making the girls look good. ಥ_ಥ I've finally begun approaching success, though, so I wanted to talk a bit about these ideas.
Ruby The only one I managed to design in one try. ^^; This was my answer to the question I felt was posed by Ruby's Vol. 7 design: i.e. "how do we do a new Ruby design that feels more 'mature'??" Because I never liked how the V7 design attempted to do that. :/
Between the new hairstyle and the new 'generic adventurer' clothes, it felt less like they were trying to evolve Ruby Rose and more like they didn't like her original design and wanted to get as far away from it as possible. V1-Ruby was such an iconic look (and STILL IS), and yet there's no trace of it in V7-Ruby. None of the goth-lolita style or playful edge that even V4-Ruby managed to preserve...instead they just scrubbed everything out to start from scratch, with a new design that's honestly 'meh' at best.
So what I did was stick closely to V1-Ruby, while adding just a few big changes to make the look distinct. You say a 'combat skirt' is too childish for an older Ruby? Well then we'll make it shorts...but shorts that are just as frilly and cute as the original skirt, with a similar overall shape. You say her original hairstyle is too boring and 'safe'? Well, then we'll change it...by simply shaving half of it off. It's a much edgier look that simultaneously preserves the original shape of her hair: from every angle except front and back, her silhouette will remain the same.
You say you want to give her new shoes, but don't want the fandom to make fun of you for covering them in dozens of belts again? Here's a wild idea: cowboy boots. ^^ A totally unexpected, unique item that still fits in with the antique-ish vibe of her goth clothes.
Basically, I just wanted to prove that you can do something dramatically different with Ruby without completely abandoning her fashion sense.
Criticisms: The details are still lacking; I think I should work some red accents into her corset and boots. Also, I originally designed this outfit with a white shirt, and I kinda want it back (she had the team colors! R, W, B, and Y! ;_;)...the problem is that it clashes with the sheer thigh-highs. One must go...I'm sure I'll figure it out
Weiss The toughest of the bunch: I did three different Weiss designs before landing on this one. ^^;;; The big epiphany came when I realized that Weiss looks her best when she mirrors Ruby. The girls' original design concepts share a lot of features; I feel like the characters were designed to look like they belong together, and figured I might as well honor that.
ALSO-- and this was the biggest priority for Weiss' design-- I firmly believe that she should not look like a princess anymore. From a character designers' perspective, it is ludicrous that they gave her the giant Disney ballgown in the same volume where they put classism at the center of the plot and have her send her bourgeoisie father to jail. That right there is the definition of mixed messages...
I thought the whole point of Weiss' character arc was to distance herself from the uber-rich parasites of her family and fellow 'Atlas elites'. I thought we cemented that when she officially lost her "heiress" title in V4. o_O I expected her next look to ditch the crown and visually show that she's past the point of 'rebelling'-- there's no more authority in her life for her to rebel against; she's free now! But alas...
So as usual, I had to do it myself. This Weiss outfit is definitely still fancy, with the coattailed vest and ruffled sleeves, but there's a lot less 'decoration'; fewer jewels, fewer details. The construction is straightforward and simple. And of course, no more tiara. Instead I decided to give her a li'l snow pea flower and ribbon, which ended up inspiring her new periwinkle purple-y color scheme. Like her original design, it's actually fairly colorful, but does its job and puts the emphasis on the white elements.
Criticisms: ...Not many, this came out pretty good. ^^ I might reconsider the black coattails, but if I do I'll probably just switch it out with the indigo inner vest. I like the idea of her outfit construction mirroring Ruby's, but her color scheme mirroring Blake's, since they have a closer bond in NeverFell.
Blake Blake designs are notoriously difficult; if you wanna hear some great reasons why, I suggest you check out this old Twiins iink RWBY design ranking video, which always helps guide me when I do redesigns for the main 4. Anyway, this phenomenon makes it hard to describe what I did...I guess you could say I tried to combine all the best elements of all her outfits, while clinging to the 'fancy action girl' vibe of her original design.
I'm most proud of her new hairstyle-- I dunno why, I just enjoyed working on it and making those decisions. ^^ It's hard to tell, but it IS shorter; now shoulder-length instead of back-length. We make up for this with additional volume, emphasizing the waves in her hair texture by pushing them outward. And most notably: she keeps the ribbon. She just wears it differently, using it to accentuate her ears instead of hiding them. This way, we keep the point of interest on her head while still showing her character growth.
Criticisms: Infinite, countless. This is a good look, but something is definitely still off. ^^;;; I think some additional detail in certain places (not sure where yet...) might help 'finish' it, so to speak. Maybe some extra yellow accents...? Also, the bow obviously gets lost in her hair this way. I've tried several color changes and don't like any of them; I think I may just have to texture it differently in the final product. Fingers crossed...
Yang Another tough one...I only made 2 design drawings, but the colors took several rounds of trial and error. I think my excitement over finally arriving at a good color scheme TODAY was what spurred me to make this post. ^^;
Anyway...there is a specific piece of Yang design criticism I hear fairly often that drives me up the wall: people commonly complain that she doesn't wear enough yellow; that she doesn't represent her character color well because all she wears is a yellow shirt. And the character designer in me wants to rip my teeth out whenever I hear this, because it blindly ignores the giant fairy-tale-inspired mass of yellow that is her hair, and the purposely attention-grabbing pops of yellow that make up Ember Celica. They're not "clothes", technically, but they're still part of the design! It's like saying a character with green skin can't represent the color green if all their clothes are black...without realizing that maybe their clothes are black BECAUSE they have green skin, in order to draw your attention to it...!! (╬▔皿▔)╯I just jifjkdsnfksahujknsjnfufh
...Anyway, anyway...the point is, it's difficult to take a character design with so much natural yellow in it and add yellow clothes and still have it read well. But because I like a challenge, I decided to take it on. I think the difference between the mustard leather and neon yellow hair is large enough to make it work, while still feeling casual enough for everyday wear. The champagne off-white she wears in her 'Hunter' outfit (which heavily inspired this) looks great, but it feels too 'classy' to me; like something specifically meant to dazzle the audience with her beauty for one special adventure, not for her to wear often.
On that note, my secondary mission with this design was just to make Yang look cute again, by following the structure of her V1 look, and even adding a little skirt on top of her battle shorts, which looks surprisingly natural considering she almost never wears one.
I don't know what happened in the canon to make the character designer forget the 'Yellow Beauty' part of her character concept; tbh even if her gender presentation gets more masculine she can still look pretty. Designs like Ozma, V7 Qrow and V4 Ren show that they understand this, but choose to cover Yang up in flavorless sheets of beige anyway. :T Making sure she always has a boob window isn't enough; the clothes themselves need to say something too.
Criticisms: ...Honestly, none? I think this might be solid. :> We'll see what happens when I draw it properly. I hope the white socks work out, because then she'll successfully be wearing the RWBY color scheme, which fits her (former, implied...) role as the glue holding the team together.
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calware · 2 years
TT: ‘Sup. TG: sup TG: this definitely won’t get confusing TT: Are you kidding me? It's about as downright comprehensive as it could ever get. TG: glad were on the same page TG: might as well be in the same paragraph with how on the same page we are TT: I’d wager we’ve even made it down to the exact sentence. TG: hell yeah we have TG: my brain is short circuitin here tryin to keep track of whos talking @_@ TT: Just leave the short-circuiting to me then, ok? TG: at least jas had the decency to change her color to a unique hex lmao TT: Of course. As if I wasn't civilized.
TT: You’re part housecat. TT: Emphasis on the “house” prefix. What sort of stray do you take me for? TG: O_O TG: woah lets back up on the snarky broad infighting and set the record straight here cause by scratching our session TG: we created your universe ie chronologically we take precedent TG: ie we get dibs TG: ie rose and i shouldnt have to change colors  TT: Oh hell no. Ain’t no way I'm changing my text color a second time. TG: yeah and u guys were made from our genes soooo technically we were here first TG: that may be true for you two but i *know* dirk made hal when he was 13 so ill keep chilling over here with the red text rights TT: That text has composed my entire nonphysical self for the past 3 years. I’d argue I’m more deserving of its hue. TT: Are we really just going to bicker the entire time? TG: Only ten minutes into a conversation and we’re already at each other’s throats. TG: hal tbf u started it lool TT: … TT: ……… TG: …………… TT: ………………………… TG: what r all tha dots 4……………… TG: WAIT CRAP TG: aaaughh dave u tricked me!! using proper punctuation and everythin TT: It seems there simply aren’t enough colors in the rainbow to sustain our familial unit. Pity. TT: Hey, first I’m losing my text color and now I gotta give up my beloved speech pattern? I might as well saw off my totally new and legit arms while I’m at it. TT: We could always switch over to hemotyping! TG: oh my god jas youre a genius TG: NOOOOOOOOOOO WHAT TT: Yes. That’d be hilarious. TG: signnn am i gonna have 2 double check ur initials every time one of u sends a message now… TT: Sure, you could. TT: But how can you be sure it wasn’t Dirk who just sent that? We still use the same account, you know. TG: GAHH ARE YOU KIDDIN ME TT: Don’t worry Rox, I’m just messin’ with you. TT: Or am I. TG: this family is a nightmare
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 months
Roger Barel Main Route - Blind Love Chapter 21
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. I’m doing this for archiving purposes and you can probably find a better translation out there.
If I cleared the final trial on the robin growth map, then I would formally be Roger’s lover—
While I was excited about this new goal set for me, I was ignorant to the seed of sorrow that was sprouting.
Alfons: I wonder if that man’s revealed something important to Kate.
Elbert: Something important?
Alfons: The cost that comes with that man’s egoistic way of life.
Despite the lack of wind indoors, the curtains far down another hall fluttered.
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Jude: …
Alfons and Elbert didn’t see the other man walking away.
—Roger and I started working making an antidote for the condemned.
Roger: Here’s the research materials I took back from the doctors and Privy Council.
I couldn’t help but feel relieved to see that all the files were back safely.
(Roger’s been seeking after this important information since he was a child. It’s basically his life…)
First learning about the Cursed while going through his father’s research at the clinic, interacting with the cursed Alec, and then, being cursed himself, joined Crown. 
These materials on his desk held his life’s work.
Roger: We can make an antidote with this.
Kate: Yes.
I held my breath as the means of condemnation began to form in Roger’s hands.
Roger: First—
Kate: If it’s the drug written in this note, then I already got the chemical from storage. I’ve disinfected all the equipment we’ll need too!
Roger’s eyes widened at how I had already prepared everything without being prompted to.
Roger: …O_O
Afterward—He ruffled my hair like usual.
Kate: Woah…That’s enough!
(I say that, but I still smile with happiness…)
Roger: I give praise when it’s due. That’s my policy. As expected from my dog, assistant, and partner. Hmm, you’re growing into quite the good man.
Naturally, I couldn’t be happier hearing that.
Kate: It’s not like I'm doing this for you, Roger.
I was aware that a grin was forming as I talked back.
Roger: Who’s the one wagging her tail here when she gets praise and a pat on the head.
Kate: I-I don’t have a tail!
Whether I want it to or not, our banter tickled my heart.
(He can give such a sweet smile, but he doesn’t make it easy for me to become his lover)
(I’m curious about what Roger’s “Final Trial” is about)
(Regardless of what it is, I’ll clear it!)
I pumped myself up…but then I realized something.
(That’s right. I want to be Roger’s lover)
When we first met, Roger didn’t believe in love while I was the opposite, so I didn’t think we’d ever fall in love.
(...Now Roger is all that’s on my mind)
Roger: What’s with that cute look? You thinking about me?
…Yes. +4 +4
Don’t be so conceited.
N-no reason!
Roger: No excuses this time?
Kate: Because I don’t have one…
Roger: *sigh* Damn it, I’d love to just make love to you.
Kate: …
I remembered the feeling of Roger’s lips, fingers, and his burning hot…The blush I thought had died down came back.
Roger: But abandoning everything for that would be a waste. I’ll just have to enjoy it after everything’s taken cared of.
(...That’s enough)
I covered my burning face with my hands and Roger chuckled.
Roger: Besides, it doesn’t sound like it’s just gonna be the two of us any longer. —I can hear them outside the door. Ellis and Liam.
As if on cue, two embarrassed faces appeared from the other side of the door.
Liam: We were just waiting for the right time to see if you needed help…Are we interrupting something?
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Ellis: You can go ahead and kiss or do something more if you want. We don’t mind.
(T-they heard everything!)
Kate: You two might not care, but I do!
As I said that, I smacked a grinning Roger on the back.
Kate: Let’s get back to making the antidote!
Roger: …Ow!
And so…Roger and I continued refining the antidote. 
We kept ourselves in the basement for several days, slowly losing our sense of time, and Crown’s members each took turns to check up on us.
Liam: Kate, Roger! How’s the research going? Wow, those are some dark circles you two got there.
Ellis: Are you alright? Have you been sleeping?
Kate: Yeah, we’ve been taking turns sleeping so we’re fine.
Some were concerned, while others brought food…
Victor: I brought my special meat pies. They’re very nutritious and you can eat them with one hand! And here’s lemonade. I’m assuming you’re still abstaining from alcohol?
With everyone’s encouragement, we were able to refine the antidote while referencing the materials. 
—But every time we got a step closer.
Roger: …Ah, this isn’t it. It’s incompatible.
Something was stopping us from finishing the antidote.
(Roger looks so troubled…)
Kate: …What’s wrong with it?
Roger: The doctors and the Privy Council used my formulation documents. If they followed it, then we should be able to make an antidote. Doesn’t seem to be the case though.
Kate: …Maybe there’s something not in your documents that they included.
Roger: Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking…Did they combine my research with “someone else’s”? Hmm, I don’t know!
Roger scratched his head in frustration…and then leapt out of his chair.
Roger: Alright, let’s take a break, Kate.
Kate: Hehe, I agree!
I looked up at the sky for the first time in days and saw the full moon shining as bright as daylight.
Kate: Wow, it’s so bright out. And we haven’t had such a big meal in days!
The food laid out on the table was all prepared by Roger—
From liberally seasoned chips to chicken stew to a calorie-dense dessert of biscuits stuffed with chocolate and cream…*
All of these dishes were appetizing to the exhausted mind and body.
Roger: Eat your heart out.
Kate: Okay, thank you for the meal…! Mmm, it’s delicious! I don’t know what seasonings you used, but the unique taste is really addicting!
Roger: The stew’s really tasty too. It’s a Barel family favorite.
(Roger said he has four younger siblings)
(Perhaps he helped his mother out with housework in place of his busy father)
Kate: You’re pretty good at cooking meals for Ale, so were you in charge of cooking back at home?
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Roger: Something like that. I took up cooking so that I could eat what I wanted. As you know, food’s necessary when fighting against despair.
~~ Flashback ~~
Roger:  I know you got a lot of things on your mind that make you anxious. But it’s times like these where you gotta work on yourself. Eat, sleep, play, laugh, recharge your energy. Otherwise you’ll easily get swallowed up by despair in this darkness, lil’ lady.
~~ Flashback end ~~
…I remembered the first time Roger took me to a bar.
Roger: Eat whatever you want, as much as you want. Human brains should be releasing happy hormones.
Kate: Oh, so it’s my brain doing that? I thought I was happy because I was full.
Roger: There’s also a thing called the satiety center**...Oh, Jude. Want some?
I looked back and saw Jude about to enter the dining room.
Jude: Some strange people actin’ so carefree while eatin’. I don’t want this souvenir, so here.
He tossed a stack of papers onto the table.
Kate: …What is this?
Jude: That guy will know.
I looked over at Roger and saw him staring at the stack of papers.
Roger: This is…
Seeing how surprised he was, I followed his gaze and saw— 
Kate: Research Material on the Cursed. Researcher, Alexander Taylor. Are these Alec’s research materials? Really…?
Roger: Yeah, it definitely is. It’s Alec’s handwriting. Back then his research materials were confiscated by the police. Jude, how’d you get this?
Jude: Make no mistake. Just a souvenir I stumbled on and didn’t want. Those guys at Gracefield Royal Hospital that’re close with the Privy Council were pretty helpful. They did a lotta schemin’ to get drugs for their research. They dunno who’s turf they’re on.
Apparently they incurred another’s wrath.
(Let’s not ask for more details…)
Roger: So with their crimes exposed, you took the chance to enter Gracefield Royal Hospital. Then you found Alec’s research and brought it back? I already told ya it was a coincidence. Not repeatin’ myself again, quack.
(If we compare the materials here to the results of the antidote we were refining…)
Kate: Roger, it’s possible that…!
Roger: Yeah, those guys combined mine and Alec’s research materials to synthesize a drug that would get rid of curses.
Kate: I thought so! Then with this research material,
Roger: We can make an antidote. …Never thought I’d meet Alec in some way “again”.
Roger looked happy, like he met an old friend.
Kate: Thank you, Jude!
Jude: So annoying. Thanks don’t amount to anythin’. I’m feelin’ thirsty.
Kate: Eh?
Jude: Fetch a drink for the guy who saved the day, will ya? 
(Normally I would have talked back)
Kate: Got it! Please wait a moment.
I borrowed a bottle of wine from the kitchen and headed back to the dining room.
(After this, we’ll finally finish the antidote)
There was a pep in my step as I felt a ray of hope in my chest.
(Also…I’m glad Alec’s research wasn’t used for some weird purpose)
There’s no doubt Alec had the same ambitions as Roger while researching the Cursed.
If Alec’s materials had been used for ill intentions, Roger would feel the most anger.
Roger getting hurt was more heart-aching than getting hurt myself.
(That’s why I’m gl—)
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Jude: —You’ve been shortenin’ your lifespan by testin’ on yourself.
*chips being french fries and biscuits being cookies here
**Satiety center: The ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, which signals fullness
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clumsyraccoon · 10 months
OK, here it is...
Kusakabe Atsuya (JuJutsu Kaisen) x AFAB!reader
Reader is afab but I tried to keep anything else as gender neutral as possible, so description of body should be ambiguous. "pussy", "cunt" and "clit" used to describe genitalia. No pronouns used.
Adding details: reader is a foreigner sorcerer, mentions of previous make out session (I said it was self indulgent… >.>”), mentions of alcohol
Smut (MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, THANK YOU): fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected sex
Words: 2630
[I swear to the gods I don't know what (or who) possessed me while writing this O_O It's honestly my first time ever finishing a smut piece, so if you have comments and/or constructive criticisms, as always I will be more than welcome to hear them! ^^]
[Ah, yes, not beta read, minor edit just to not post a complete mess XD]
The now empty boxes of your take-out are set aside in a corner of the table, to make room for all the preparatory paperwork for the mission. Forms, applications, and all the paperwork required: you also had to learn all the bureaucratic minutiae in order to become a full-fledged sorcerer. You flanked several professional sorcerers since you arrived at Tokyo JuJutsu High, to better understand all the various processes and to see how every individual had their way of doing the work, and for the mission at hand it was Kusakabe-san turn.
After the end of class for that day, you both opted go to the home of one of the two: as much as JuJutsu High provided rooms and offices for their personnel, the both of you wanted somewhere more cosy and relaxed, as winter was fast approaching and being in the office when it was already so dark outside spoiled the mood of the man paired with you.
In that first year in Japan, you had the chance to meet a variety of exceptional and extravagant people that left you almost without breath sometimes, first above anyone else the person that scouted you: Gojo Satoru. But Kusakabe was somehow...different. He was indeed a powerful and skilled sorcerer, a Grade 1 nonetheless, but his demeanor was so in contrast with people like Gojo or Mei-Mei that he seemed almost...normal. And that was kind of a relief, especially for a foreigner that has been oblivious about the jujutsu society for most of their life. He was a good teacher and when he came to you, he used the same patience and tranquility in explaining things: just as he didn't treat any of his students as stupid (maybe apart from the occasional times when they drove him nuts), he never made you feel inferior, putting you at the same level of every other sorcerer and explaining things calmly and clearly.
“Now, we begin with filling the Prearranged Team Management Form.” his low voice takes you out of your own thoughts, bringing you back to the delightfully bureaucratic filled present. He slides a blank folder under your nose, pointing with his finger the protocol number. “It serves to organise who will be in the team and leave a track of which exact people will be at which exact location. Obviously 99% of the time it is filled out after the mission is over, due to the lack of advance notice...but I have to teach you properly, so here it is.”
As much as he hates missions, he is a very thorough individual. Every paper is neatly placed in front of you, a small semi-transparent differently coloured post-it at the corner of every folder, a way to categorise them depending on their function and who they should be delivered to in the office. You nod, trying to memorise number and use of said form, while Kusakabe lends you a pen. “Experience is the best teacher – he says, a small grin appearing on his lips – so I’ll let you do the honor” Another nod from you, while you put all the concentration you’re capable of into filling the form out. He snorts at your face, a smile tugging at he corners of his lips “Don’t worry, you’re not under exam.”
A couple of hours later and the atmosphere is far more relaxed, thanks to the majority of the papers being taken care of...and also to the couple of bottles of red wine you had brought from your country.
“There - you say, stretching and lying on the floor, since sitting on a chabudai for too long was something your body was still not that used to – should be the last one, right?” The wine in your system is not that much, you would not call yourself drunk right now, but it leaves a pleasant buzz throughout your whole body, your senses slightly enhanced by the alcohol. There’s also a pleasant warmth that radiates form you and, even if you’re wearing just a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, you feel it slowly increasing. Turning your head towards him, you take the chance to glance at Kusakabe while he’s still preoccupied with checking papers: your gaze start from the hand on the floor he’s putting his weight on, then slowly trails up his hairy forearm (when did he took of his suit jacket and rolled his sleeves up?!?), the slightly unbuttoned shirt, revealing just a hint of his also hairy chest…
“Yep, everything seems fine to me”
...his neck and jaw, idly moving whenever he turned his lollipop around in his mouth...(his neck and jaw that you explored oh so well in an half-drunk yet very aroused state after Ieiri’s birthday party...)
You snap out of your trance and meet his questioning gaze, the warmth inside of you making a sudden surge. But, somehow, you don’t feel embarrassed nor guilty. You never felt like that with him, always making you feel at ease, as if he was something solid, something certain that brings stability in the frenzy of life.
“Are you drunk?”
A heartfelt laugh escapes your lips, while you pat the futon at your side, inviting him to join you on the floor. “No, just happy we finally finished all the boring stuff.” you answer, while he lies on his side near you, propped up on one elbow, hand supporting his head. You look up at him, trying to ignore the warmth that heavily radiates from his body as well.
“Thank you, Kusakabe-san” you murmur.
“Ah, I’ve already told you – he retorts, a small grimace on his features, while he takes the stick of his now finished lollipop out of his mouth – you can call me Atsuya.”
“Well, then... thank you, Atsuya.”
The way you say his given name is not even consciously intended, but it slips out of your lips nonetheless, taking down the raising heat by a couple degrees...but not in an unpleasant manner. Your own voice send a shiver down your spine, the way you said his name probably giving away way more than you had intended to, and you search his gaze, to see and assess how much damage you have done. His brown eyes are instantly locked into yours, a flick of hesitation already fleeting away to give space to...to… You don’t know how to describe what you see, you just feel the warmth of his body raising again and his already wide pupils taking over his irises completely, two dark pools you’re sure you’ll drown into, if you’re not careful. He doesn’t say anything, just exhales a tad too loudly than normal, while still not breaking eye-contact with you. His free hand slowly reaches for you and you don’t notice, still too enthralled by the soft, welcoming abyss of his eyes, until his fingertips brush against the exposed skin between your t-shirt and jeans, fingertips so hot they threaten to burn holes into your flesh, so hot they send another, more powerful this time, shiver up you spine. It’s your time now to exhale loudly, anticipation already making you squirm under his touch.
His name rolls out of your tongue another time, more shyly yet more pleading, a whisper that becomes a prayer on his ears and in his heart. How can he deny you, resist you anymore when you say his name oh so nicely? How can he find the strength to stop the both of you once again when you’re here, on his futon, looking up at him with that gaze, calling his name with that tone? How can he withdraw from your warmth? How can he suppress all that turmoil you cause in his heart every damn time he sees you?
He, simply, can’t.
So, finally, instead of fighting back what he now knows to be unbeatable, he surrender. He surrender himself to your smile that goes with your every “Good morning!”, he surrender himself to electricity that surges every time your hands brush by accident, he surrender himself to the optimism you sport every time you go on a mission together. He surrender himself to you, completely and undeniably.
The fingertips on your skin become a palm, sneaking under the hem of your t-shirt and gently caressing what’s underneath it. Your answer wants to be a soft gasp, but there’s no time for it to form before his lips descend on yours. The kiss is so sweet it is almost chaste, that first contact delivering all the feelings the both of you have tried to store away in the depths of your hearts, finally revealing what you have always been afraid to say. It feels liberating to finally let go, and you feel Kusakabe’s muscles relax in sync with yours, months of pining quickly dissolving from your bodies and souls.
One of your hand finds its way to his hair and gently tugs at it, with the result of making him part his lips and moan into your mouth, giving you the chance to deepen the kiss. The flavour of his lollipop floods your taste buds and you devour each other, almost like teenagers at their first shot at kissing, and your body already ask, no scream for so much more that you try to turn on your side to have a better position, but Kusakabe’s hand keeps you firmly in place. He pulls away just enough to look at you “Please, let me…” he murmurs against your lips. And in his tone there’s a plea that sink right into your heart and turns it into jelly. Replying with a nod you let yourself relax again on the futon, while his hand lifts your shirt all the way up, leaving your flushed chest exposed to him. He takes a moment to feel your erratic beating heart, palm pressed right in the middle of your chest, before resuming his exploration of your skin.
Despite the callousness of his hands, his touch is gentle, almost feather-like. Fingertips lightly brush against your skin, trailing around your nipples, but never touching them, down towards your navel, to your hips, up your sides. No haste nor hurry, but taking their damn time into exploring every inch of you, as if they were explorers into territory unknown to mankind up until now. They then skim just above the hem of your jeans, goosebumps now covering the entirety of your body, while his mouth descends to leave warm kisses on your chest. They are almost shy at first, sealed lips barely touching your skin, but as soon as your hand find its place in his hair again, they become more bold, tongue poking out to wet the path.
It takes a few minutes of kisses placed with utter adoration all over your exposed body, before Kusakabe muster the courage to latch on one of your nipples. And when he does, you start to sing. A moan finally fall freely from your parted lips, your body arching into his touch, craving him not only there, but everywhere on your burning body. Your free hand joins the other and entangles itself in his brown locks, instinctively squeezing every time you feel his teeth grazing against your sensitive flesh and receiving a pleased grunt from him in exchange.
There’s a trickle of saliva connecting your nipple to his tongue when he parts from you, and you look at it glimmering in the room’s light, almost enraptured by the vision, before your attention is diverted from it by the man’s hand. Slowly, he’s unbuttoning your jeans, his gaze fixated on you and, as you reciprocate his look, the thought that crosses your mind is that he’s insanely handsome. A blush covers the majority of his face and the tips of his ears, his hair is ruffled by all of your toying, and in his eyes you can see the real feeling he always nurtured for you.
Warm fingers slip past the waistband of your panties and push the clothes down enough your tights to leave your core exposed, the sudden chill air against you heated skin sending a shiver up your spine. Cupping his face with your hands, you kiss Kusakabe deeply, pulling him closer to you, while his fingers start to roam your tight like they previously did on your chest. Your focus shifts from his mouth to his neck (god how you missed it) and you unbutton his shirt, trying to spur him, but his touches are painstakingly slow, fingers too far away from where you wanted them most. Undaunted, you continue your attack, tongue tracing pathways of pleasure into his skin, teeth scarping and sinking, lips comforting and eliciting.
Circles are drawn on the canvas of your skin, smaller and smaller, until he finally reaches your cunt and you start to loose track of time, his fingers teasing your folds but never entering, caresses on your clit that never turns into that something more enough for you to finally cum. Squirming and whimpering through the sweet anguish he persists in doing, yet you hear the first signs of capitulations in his own grunts and moans.
Yet he persists.
Yet he persists.
Yet he persists.
Your breaths are hot and short against each other, the temperature of both your bodies so high now you might have a fever. Your face nuzzle in the crook of his neck, his ministration starting to make you see stars in your vision, while you desperately cling to his now exposed chest, hair soft under your touch.
Deft fingers continue to caress your sex, eliciting a new series of moans and cries out of your mouth, his tongue trailing from your ear down your neck, leaving the skin burning in its wake. And you know that, if he continues to torture you like that, it’s no long before you come undone under him. So, with the last remnants of your will, the leg trapped in between his tries to grind against his hard, still clothed, cock, while one of your hand tries to get a hold of his forearm, in a futile attempt to slow him down or hurry him up, you’re not even sure of what you want to do anymore. You just now that you will not resist a second more.
As if he reads your mind, Kusakabe finally finally push a finger past your folds and inside your aching pussy, your lewd cry of pleasure making his dick throb in his pants. There’s no need for a second digit, as your orgasm hits you suddenly and violently, leaving you shaking so bad you cling to him for dear life.
You stay like that for a couple of minutes, but as soon as the shivers start to subside, you look up at him “Need you...inside...pl-please…” is all you manage to say in between your broken breaths. A soft kiss on your temple “Are you sure?”
Just a nod from you and he’s unbuckling his pants, letting his cock finally free. Impatient hands pull him closer and he’s already lined up to your entrance and ready, but he takes his time to smile down and then softly kiss you, before entering in one go in your wet hole. It’s your turn now to moan into his mouth, while he hooks your legs over his arms, a mating press the best way to deal with all the too many clothes you two still wear.
It doesn’t take long for the both of you to reach your peaks, pent-up as you are, moans and cries being swallowed into hungry kisses, bodies trembling in unison. And as your breath slowly come back to normal and you both descend from your high, the way Kusakabe embraces you tells you everything you wanted to hear from him.
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saleeba · 1 year
reward ; gabriel martinelli 🌟
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summary ♡ after two beautiful goals during a match that you were unable to see in person, you decide to both apologise to and reward gabriel in your own special way.
pairing ♡ gabriel martinelli x fem!reader
content ♡ 18+ (minors dni), smut, established relationship, oral (m receiving), p in v, dirty talk, sub!gabriel, domme!reader, mr martinelli being so adorably obedient, cum eating, unprotected sex (pls practise safe sex friends 🫶🏽), praise (m receiving), marking, riding, tit play, kissing, pet names galore, some (google translated >.<) portuguese
a/n ♡ i’m in my slut eraaaaa 🤭 honestly i wanted to go down the fluff route when it came to my pookie but smth came over me o_O i just know this man makes the prettiest sounds when he’s being sucked off i just know it!!!! anyway this goes out to the lovely anon who asked if i was gonna write for martinelli,, i hope this doesn’t disappoint!! this fic is set right after the arsenal v everton match that happened on march 1st so almost 2 months ago 😭 but i think bc bae scored twice it had to be the one <3 anyway hope u guys enjoyyy !!! as always pls lmk if u have any feedback <3 requests are temporarily closed as of now but they’ll open up right after i’m done with my current wips !! :D
[ meu amor = my love // linda = pretty girl // meu anjo = my angel ]
4-0. a formidable result. and the love of your life shares half the score with two spectacular goals.
you’ve been watching the match from your shared living room — work assignments long forgotten — biting your tongue at every slip and trip but buzzing with pure joy when the whistle eventually sounds, concluding arsenal’s victory over everton. you instinctively jump up from the sofa to grab your phone and send gabriel a congratulations text, a ritual that the two of you have unintentionally become accustomed to whenever you were unable to watch him play in person.
congrats baby i’m so proud of you ❤️
you text his phone, not expecting a reply anytime soon since he’s probably still in the dressing room celebrating the team’s win. you smile at the thought of him cheering and dancing with his teammates, the mere mental image sending flutters to your stomach. i am so fucking lucky. a second barely passes before your phone pings with a notification.
thank you meu amor, can’t wait to get home to you ❤️
gabriel’s response comes some minutes later — surprisingly fast in your opinion. not that you’re complaining because it gives you the chance to text him back without missing a beat.
well don’t be too late i want to celebrate with you 🥰
he replies with a simple but sincere ‘🫡❤️’ which makes you laugh audibly. you’re intentionally vague about what you mean exactly, quietly thankful that your charmingly innocent lover doesn’t poke you about how exactly the pair of you are going to celebrate the win together, and that you have the opportunity to take him by surprise when he arrives home later.
you’ve been mindlessly watching some late night trash television for over an hour or two, maybe even longer, you have no idea because the thought of giving gabriel what you’ve been wanting to give him is the only priority in your mind right now. you glance at the clock on the wall to help you out. 11:57 pm, it reads.
you contemplate texting gabriel once again, starting to miss his presence more and more as the seconds pass. the sound of keys and the front door closing pulls you from your thoughts.
not even a moment after he passes through the living door, you practically leap onto him, arms and legs wrapped around his body in a style not too dissimilar to that of a koala. gabriel chuckles, throwing his house keys onto the sofa-side table and steadying you by the waist, hands clasped together on your back.
“i missed you so much, you did so good, my wonderboy, i’m so so proud of you.” you leave what feels like a million kisses across his entire face, not even attempting to calm down your affection for him. gabriel just lovingly laughs at your antics and welcomes it all in, planting a big kiss on your lips when he finally gets the chance to.
“i missed you too, my love. winning would’ve been even better with you there, though.” he sits down on the sofa, your form still clinging onto him, making you slip yourself into his lap. in the days leading up to the game, you’d been extremely busy with work, suddenly up to your neck in deadlines and assignments which caused you to break your long streak of going to see gabriel play live.
“i know, sweetheart, i’m sorry,” the tiniest frown is momentarily painted on your face. you genuinely do feel bad for not being able to see him do what he loves doing the most at every given chance but what were you to do? casting the small sphere of guilt aside, you lean in to mumble against his full lips, voice low and dripping with desire. “let me make it up to you, hm?”
he responds with a bashful nod, eyes turning slightly wider, his gaze even more doe-like than usual. you move your head from his line of view to start plotting kisses down his tender neck, each one more hungrier than the previous, evoking small whiney moans from the footballer. settling on a spot at the base of his throat, you go on to bite at the surface before soothing it over with your tongue and sucking to see a small bruise forming. the vibrations of his heightening moans make you smile against his now splotchy skin.
stopping yourself from getting carried away with the way his adam’s apple bobs up and down from how good you’re making him feel, you climb down from his lap and stand up, extending your hand out towards him. “come on, baby,” you make a small ‘grabby-hand’ gesture. “i want to show you how proud i really am of you.”
gabriel doesn’t hesitate to pull himself to his feet which allows you to take him by the hand and lead the both of you to your shared bedroom, where you ask him to sit on the end of the bed. you say nothing more, letting the actions of your lips do all the silent talking as you leave a burning kiss on your lover’s mouth, one that goes on for a couple of minutes as neither of you want to let the other go, even if it’s for just a second.
“help me take these off you, baby.” you request, shifting your hands to his shorts where you snap the elastic band against his heated skin. he hikes his hips up at your words, letting you slide the material down his legs and off his body before tossing them over your shoulder. the only thing between you and gabriel’s growingly hard cock is the cotton of his black boxers straining against him.
you triallingly palm him through his underwear, cock twitching upon first touch and you take this as a signal to swipe off the acting barrier between what you desire, flinging that in some random corner of the bedroom too.
gabriel is almost writhing under your touch now, your fingers wrapping around his aching cock to give it a drop of relief. your thumb circles the tip where pre-cum pools around the orifice, spreading the thick fluid over his dark pink head.
“oh my god, please.” gabriel pants out, eyes squeezing shut when you kneel down between his parted legs and kiss the tip of his weeping cock a few times, pre-cum now being shared onto your lips.
“sshh, baby boy, let me take care of you,” you part your mouth to allow your tongue to swirl around it now, knowing that this much stimulation would have him whimpering for so much more. gabriel goes to touch your head for both leverage and relief but you lightly scold him with an ah ah ah before placing his hands on his thighs and telling him to keep them there. you knew he would’ve used them to guide your mouth to where he wanted otherwise but tonight, you’re the one in control — and you made sure to let him know. “try that again and we’ll stop whatever it is we’re doing, okay?” it’s a harmless warning really, because you know there’s no way you could ever say an absolute no to the boy when it comes to things like this, but you still smile appreciatively when he gives you a slow, coy nod.
“good boy.”
you swoop yourself down to capture the first few inches of his cock in your mouth, head moving easily along that particular area. he’s girthy for sure, but it’s his length that’s outstanding; lips stretching as you go lower on him, still struggling to take all of him in despite being with him for years and doing this an unfathomable amount of times. you set your tongue to work to make up for it though, laying it flat against his boner as you drag your head up to the top, lips still enveloping him. you don’t let go just yet as you opt to test yourself on how far you can truly go.
in one determined yet unbroken sweep, you push your mouth to the base of gabriel’s cock, gagging around him instantly as the tip is forced into the opening of your throat. the oscillations coming from you have him moaning deeply, his hands now gripping the sheets. you feel proud for being able to deepthroat him finally, for finding the fuel to do so off of how much you want to see him rewarded for doing so good in that match and for being able to make him sound like an absolute porn star.
you continue on relentlessly, without pausing for breath, just to hear the constant stream of his moans and heavy panting. the sounds cause shockwaves to flood your pussy, rapidly becoming so wet that you doubt you’ve ever been this drenched before. certainly not while being untouched. the bobbing of your head on his shaft gets faster too; you’re now needing him to finish and get what he’s so desperately been craving for, what you’ve been so desperately craving for ever since you got your mouth on him.
temporarily pulling off his cock, you go back to jerking it off and his sounds get even more lustful. “that’s it, baby boy, you’re doing so good for me,” you tap his cock against the flat of your tongue, slick and wet with how hard you’ve been working it on him and he throws his head back with a throaty groan. “god, you make the prettiest sounds, gabi.”
you return to stimulating his cock some more with your mouth, pulling off every few seconds or so — only very briefly — to tell him that you need his cum inside your mouth, that he’s allowed to make a mess on your face, and that your pussy is absolutely dripping with how fucking angelic he sounds right now. once you put your lips around him for the final time, almost swallowing his length again, gabriel switches up the pitch of his moans, signalling that he’s so close to what the two of you have been looking towards.
“ah, ah, amor, please,” his face is twisted in pure pleasure, his full lips separated to let every hefty breath out into the air, face burning with complete determination to orgasm. “i’m so close, please, i’m gonna cum.”
you’re listening to every syllable pour out of that kissable mouth of his, your own one acting unstoppable in its quest to make your lover cum for you. the sounds emitting from the both of you would be branded as utterly obscene if anyone heard them, your tongue and mouth creating the most vulgar slurping noises and gabriel virtually screaming at the top of his lungs at the sensation of you on his cock.
your head delivers one bob, two, nearly two and a half, before gabriel floods your mouth with his cum, the viscous fluid all warm and slightly salty along your tastebuds, voice sounding strangled and overwhelmed as he lets the loudest mewl you’ve possibly ever heard him make escape this throat. you pull off his tip with a pop, taking extra care not to spill a single droplet of his cum on the floor. gabriel pants heavily, chest heaving up and down, as you audibly swallow, giving the corner of your mouth a wipe to tuck a stray drop past your lips, not wanting to waste one bit.
you stand up, legs slightly stiff from being bent at the knees for so long, steadying yourself by grasping onto his shoulders, rubbing them along the toned muscles to soothe his breathing. if he were to be completely honest with you, your actions only sped his heartbeat up, the way your fingers dance across his skin causes it to erupt into a million goosebumps.
“you reckon you can give me another one, sweetheart?” another request falls upon his ears. your voice is relatively hoarse from sucking dick for some time but its tone is so saccharine, gabriel wouldn’t ever imagine denying you.
“anything for you, meu amor.”
your heart almost burst at that.
biting your lip to keep yourself from squealing over how fucking cute he is, you motion to the other end of the bed where plenty of plush pillows lay against the headboard, ushering him towards it. once you watch your lover situate himself where you want, you praise him with a good boy, as he sits with his back against the pillow pile, legs stretched out.
still at the foot end of the bed, you take a step back to make sure gabriel has your full body in view, as you come to the decision of giving him a mini show of you undressing yourself. starting with your bottom half, you turn to face away from him, bending over in the slightest angle, skilful fingers taking off your leggings and underwear in one go, and putting your ass on display. gabriel’s breathing accelerates when he catches sight of your pussy, the way it glistens in the room’s dim lighting making him gulp in a mixture of anticipation and excitement. mind so fixated on imagining the feeling of your tightness on his still sensitive cock, he doesn’t notice that you’re now back facing his awaiting form, hands unclasping your bra and discarding it beside you.
you smile across at him, crawling onto the bed before you land on his outstretched legs, plopping yourself down onto his lap yet again, thighs on either side of him. the juices coating your inner thighs smear onto his own skin.
placing your palms on his flushed chest, you start to grind slowly down onto him, relishing the tiny moans that pass through his lips. “will you let me ride you now, gabi?” you ask, your core intentionally slipping right over the head of his dick and causing you both to gasp out at the deliciously cruel teasing. “oh god, need you inside me now, meu anjo.”
the switch to portuguese and the feeling of your soaked pussy finally enveloping his raw cock sends his mind absolutely reeling. a pair of indecent moans are ripped from the two of you as you set yourself on bouncing and grinding on his cock, not wasting any time on making you both savour the feeling of each other.
“oh my god, baby,” you moan out, head thrown back and hands now embracing his shoulders. “you fill me up so well, ah!” you scream quietly when his dick twitches up into you at the sound of your praises. you notice him clumsily gripping onto the sheets, fingertips seeming antsy to hold something else other than the thin fabric. you smirk to yourself before leaning into his face and leaving a small kiss on his lips. “you can touch me now, y’know.” you say lovingly as your hands bring his slightly sweaty ones onto the curve of your hips, essentially responding for him.
his fingers conform to the shape of you, palms slotting perfectly into place like the two of you were made for each other. gabriel’s whines and whimpers spur you on to move faster and harder against him, the friction of your tits on his chest fogging your brain, hardened nipples on soft, damp skin.
“oh fuck, baby, you feel so fucking good,” you pant out into his rifted lips, body rolling and shuddering on top of him. “stuffing me so deep, my good boy, i’m so proud of you,” you’re starting to babble now, words just spilling out of your mouth in sheer adoration and pride for gabriel, not even sure whether you’re talking about how well he’s taking you or how well he did in tonight’s match. either way, your words stand sincere and heartfelt. “so good at everything you do, baby boy, oh my god, so good.”
gabriel isn’t sure if it’s the newly gained feeling of his hands on your pretty body or the way your voice doesn’t stop singing his praises but something sparks his confidence, and he thrusts firmly up into you with a groan of achievement, you reacting with a sudden scream, swearing that you can feel the tip of his cock reaching your stomach. with your back arching on command at the extremely full sensation inside you, gabriel takes the chance to latch his lips onto your left boob, the plumpness of them engulfing the sensitive bud as he sucks gently. the antithesis of your forceful hips on him and his delicate mouth on you has your cunt flooding with even more wetness, your juices only encouraging you to keep moving on his big cock, granted how fucking easy it is to slide up and down him.
he moves onto your right boob, this time involving his tongue, swirling it around and around as if he’s intentionally trying to mimic sending your mind into a similarly spiraled frenzy. you clench around him dangerously, both of you knowing what that action does to gabriel.
“ah, shit!” he whimpers, own head now being thrown back against the headboard as you’re still persistent with your hips, sopping pussy rocking over his length. “i-i think i’m gonna cum, amor.”
“cum for me, baby,” you permit, feeling the high of your own orgasm on the horizon, hips racing to meet gabriel at his climax. “you’ve done so well for me, come on, gabi, i want you to cum inside me, sweetheart, please.” the tight bubble at the pit of your stomach threatens to burst, pussy so tempted to throb around the shaft it’s enveloping.
gabriel’s hold on you gets tighter, imitating the same strength your cunt is exerting on his cock, fingertips pressing into your flesh to give him some relief but the way you clench around him grants him exactly that. his orgasm crashes over him like a ferocious wave, mouth wide open to let strangled moans escape his throat. your own release comes seconds later, just as gabriel is panting out the lasting moments of his, your lips seizing his in an effort to drown your carnal cries of pleasure as his warm cum coats your walls, the feeling of being stuffed and filled with his seed making your face scrunch in ecstasy, whispers of my good boy and that’s it, baby and you did so so well flowing into gabriel’s ears. you both help each other ride out the aftershocks of your orgasms — gabriel’s hands still on your hips as tight as ever, as if to say please don’t leave, knowing that you’ll take your body off him if he removes his grip.
“stay here with me, meu amor, pleeeease!” he whines after you tell him that you need to clean yourselves up, showing off those beautiful doe eyes that make you weak at the knees. huffing at his adorable antics, you respond with a joking roll of your eyes. you both know there is absolutely no way you could ever refuse those big brown eyes.
“alright, alright, but just for 2 minutes, okay?” you poke at his chest as a warning. he smiles, bringing you down with him as he goes to lay on the bed, the two of you still connected down below. “you’re so insatiable, i swear.” you place a meaningful kiss on his tender lips, pulling up to see how his face beams in a post-orgasm glow.
gabriel sweetly yawns, the hustle and bustle of the day now wearing down on him, fingers taken to rubbing your back to soothe himself as his eyelids flutter close. you let him of course, knowing how hard he’s worked on and off the pitch tonight, hand falling amongst the dark strands of his hair as his chest slowly rises up and down. there aren’t enough words to tell him how much you love him, you muse to yourself. you feel so lucky to call him yours.
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babiestbubbles · 9 months
Across the Spiderverse Agere Beach HCs
I'm so insane about them /pos (I plan/planned on writing a fic, but I've lost motivation so have the ideas instead)
Miles, Pav, Gwen, and Hobie decide to have a fun little beach day, but when Pav gets a bit too excited and Gwen starts to get a bit too motherly... Hobie and Gwen find their hands full with two Spider-kids who can't sit still. While I love Miles and Pavitr being an iconic toddler duo, in reality i think Miles is a toddler and Pav has to be watched 24/7 or you'll turn around to him with a mouthful of sand. Gwen is built like those middle aged white-moms, when it comes to going to the beach She packs a HUGE sun-hat, an entire cooler she makes Hobie carry for her, 2 stuffed tote bags. Literally EVERYTHING. Like, they had to go with a car (Gwen or Hobie drove) bc miss gurl brought like half a house
The children (Miles and Pavitr) are so hyped but when they get there, Gwen makes them each stand in the parking lot and she COATS them in sunscreen. Pav literally looks like he's about to implode from the stickiness, Miles is just mildly inconvenienced by it.
When they acutally find a spot in the sand Pav and Miles ran straight for the water but before they could move 3 feet Gwen was like "ah ah ah. Get back here rn" and made them help her set up a whole ass tent and a set of beach chairs for her and Hobie and stuff
Also, Hobie overpacks/is a mom just as much as Gwen, he's just sutble/silent about it So his tote bag, has like, floaties for pav, a paci/teether, snacks, sippys, bottles he has AN ENTIRE BABYGATE in the car, in case they need to section off a place for pav so he doesn't wander off (Pav can very much swim btw, he can swim possibly the best out of all of them, Hobie's just super overprotective of his baby) [The gate is less for contatining him when he's a Spider on a mission and more when he's reeeeeally little and they don't want him wandering off into the water without supervision
It's also ENTIRELY UNNECESSARY Hobie is just, a first time mom and would rather overprepare than risk being unprepared] Speaking of Pavitr… He's so accidentally mischievous. Like, obviously he's cheeky sometimes, but most times he gets himself into trouble and he has no idea that he's done it
Gwen and Hobie: "Pav, don't go in the water without supervision" nods (10 seconds later, them finding Pav sitting in the shallows) "What did we tell you about going in the water?"
Pav, who doesn't know what 'water' is but wanted to go splashy splashy: O_O
By the time Hobie and Gwen have found pav and brought him back to the their spot in the sand, Miles is running around with a crab in his hands screaming for help and saying he picked it up bc he was curious but is scared it'll "Bite" him if he puts it down
NOW MILES Is the most chaotic toddler ever Gwen was so relieved when she found out Pav was a regressor bc she was like "Thank goodness I have a second caregiver to help me watch Miles at the beach or I think I'd lose him" She turns around for like two seconds and Miles is like half a mile away from her looking for an ice cream truck.
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ashascoven · 4 months
☽ ✯ venture x witch! reader pt. 2! ✯ ☾
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✯ anddd welcome again, to my first venture fanfic ever!!!
✯ here is part one, more parts are to be added overtime >:)
✯ this part is lowkey lots of yapping.. but, i tried making the dialogue fun!!
✯ i hope there's someone out there to enjoy this, happy reading and happy venture loving!
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☆ FANFIC DEETS! venturexreader ☆
reader is a female who practices witchcraft! i wrote her that way because i also am a witch irl! :,)
VERY lengthy build-up fanfic (LOTS of reading.. i type a lot i think?)
venture is referred to as sloan <3
lifeweaver is besties with the reader, referred to as niran!
everything related to witchcraft here may be exaggerated / inaccurate for fanfic purposes.. but i tried writing it all into an experience > just reading!!
eventual ritual smut....
feel free to hmu, hope u enjoy :D
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A doorbell going off ended up interrupting your moment with your companions, earning a startled jolt from you.
‘oh? who could that- oh my stars-!’
“i forgot niran was coming over! Σ(O_O)”
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You quickly set your pets down, practically skating to the door in your fuzzy knee socks.
“y/n, hello! it's a pleasure to see you again! :D”
“likewise! please, come in!”
You beamed, gesturing for him to come inside.
“man, your outfit’s nice, even on a rainy day! you always smell so good too!” 
You cheerfully spoke as he closed his petal patterned umbrella and stepped onto your welcoming ‘beware of rock eater’ mat.
“why thank you! i try to dress for the mood! today is.. comfortable, and despite the weather, bright. (๑˘︶˘๑)”
He bowed with his hands clasped together before following you in, immediately taking his shoes off and continuing.
A picnic basket hung from one of his arms, seemed to be filled with flowers and food.
He wore a baggy pastel yellow sweater with loose-fitted brown pants and sandals. His hair was also tied back, a peach colored flower clip holding it into a wispy bun.
You on the other hand… You just wore what you slept in; a dark purple nightgown that went down to your calves. 
No worries there though, it was just Niran, and you two were close anyway.
He came over every now and then, usually while Sloan was at work. You two would chat over tea and catch up on each other's lives, sometimes baking or even studying something together. 
One thing you really piqued his interest with was your love for witchcraft. In return, his notorious green thumb is what had yours.
Naturally, both of you working with the Earth and the life on it led to the blossoming friendship you two shared, being the best of spiritual friends.
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“i was just about to start brewing the tea for our chat today.. how's it going?”
You asked, leading him to your kitchen’s coffee table and quickly pulling out chairs for you both. You then stood by the counter, frantically pulling out mugs and boiling water for you both.
“i’m doing wonderfully! thank you, my friend.” He sat down gently, setting down his basket on the table to quickly pet the vase of roses at the table.
The growing buds on the plant seemed to like Niran, sprouting open as he touched them. He pulled his hand away, careful to not turn your entire kitchen into a greenhouse with just his fingertips.
The flytraps (and other plants) on the counter across also seemed to like him, slowly moving their heads to face him as if he were the sun.
“i brought some plants that were freshly picked from my garden! their flavors would compliment that delicious tea you always make. maybe you could use some for your spell work as well?”
He opened the basket, pulling out an assortment of different herbs and flowers. 
The smell of lavenders, jasmines, mints, lemon balms, chamomile.. It was an ongoing list of the smells that hit your nose, and you took them all in graciously.
“ah, thank you, niran! these are all so.. lovely! and they smell amazing.. i could sniff at these for ageess..!” You swooned, now standing over the table with flowers pressed against your nose, making Niran chuckle.
“anytime, my dear y/n! here, i brought some other things you might like too. there's some ginger, cinnamon, cloves, thyme..”
As he continued listing off each item and taking them out of the basket, you drooled.
“phew, it's like you did all of my craft's shopping for me! thank you so much, this is all so thoughtful, genuinely!” You cheered, throwing your arms around the silver haired man.
“really, anytime! i know you really enjoy what you practice, and your skills from it has helped me many times in the past. so, if anything, thank you.”
He returned the hug, patting your back with a close-eyed smile.
“ahh, you’re literally one of my biggest supporters! what would i do without you? how, uh.. how could i repay you? this is all too kind, ya know..”
You pulled away and looked to the side in embarrassment, your hands still on his shoulders.
He put a hand on top of one of yours, his smile still gleaming.
“well, if you really insist, how about a reading? if your energy is up to it, of course.”
You looked back at him, constellations in your eyes.
“you bet! i’d love to do a reading for you! let me just grab the decks from my room!”
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Niran watched as you rushed back to the table with your arms filled with decks of cards. 
He would have offered to help you with carrying them, but you seemed to have had it handled in your own orderly way..
“okay, so! this flower themed tarot deck is definitely speaking to me, let's set that one aside..”
You started separating the pile of decks on the table, mumbling to yourself over what cards you felt fit Niran’s energy.
“this lunar oracle deck can come out too! full moon’s tomorrow, and the cards are pink! so it'd make sense..”
“medieval themed oracle cards..?? ehh.. too classy and old, i dunno about that on-”
“OOH! but but but!! we HAVE to use these cherry blossom themed set of cards for you, niran! wouldn't you agree?!”
Truthfully, Niran didn't mind what cards or tools you used to read his energy.
“of course, y/n! those blossom cards are lovely. i trust whichever ones you decide to use, since your judgment has never once let me down.”
He chuckled, clasping his hands together with an accepting smile.
He's trusted your intuition for years, and your empathetic senses have definitely rubbed off on him too.
You've gotten him through hard times you didn't even think were possible for such a passive person, especially for one who is so in tune with their own frequencies to the planet.
He went back to sipping at his tea, watching how you quickly put the decks you didn't plan to use back in your room, returning with a box of incense sticks.
Something in the air felt a bit off to him already, but he wasn't quite sure what it was.
Your home felt safe and comfortable, but your aura felt.. bothered. It was written on your face as well, but he wasn't going to mention it right away.
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“hmm. since i have yet to ask you.. how are you doing, y/n?”
He asked, observing you as you sat back down and hastily laid out the three decks you chose for him.
“whew, how am i?” You repeated, pulling out a stick and lighting it, circling it around the card boxes on the table.
“i wiiisssh i could say i wasn't thrown off but.. niran, you honestly wouldn't believe what sloan did to me this morning..” You shook your head, knocked on the tarot deck box, and pulled out the cards.
“oh? that.. already doesn't sound good.” He crossed a leg over the other in his seat, taking another sip of tea.
“mhm. you know those jars of water i had curing under every full moon for 3 years? the long-term salted ones?”
He nodded, his eyes falling onto your fast hands, shuffling the cards face-down.
“well! guess who randomly decided to wake up this morning and take them to work? sloan did.” Your shuffling got quicker after a card flew out onto the table.
“what's even worse? they literally boiled an egg with some of the water! and FED IT TO ME!!” Two more cards flew out.
“goddess only knows what they took the rest for! could you believe that??! who even does that to a witch, ya know??!? what's the big idea?!?” You gritted your teeth, not noticing another card flying out.
The rain seemed to fall harder the more you ranted about your current frustration with Sloan.
Niran noticed this, taking a quick glance at how much darker it suddenly turned outside through the kitchen window.
You however, did not. Your eyes were closed as they usually were for card readings, in hopes of helping you focus more on what energy you were working with.
“it's just so crazy to me to think that we've been together so long, and i went over this with them before too!” Another card plopped onto the table.
“i told them ‘please don’t ever mess with any jars of water i leave around the house' when we first got together.. and what do they do?! they mess with it!!! what if they quit their job to go and boil eggs for other people with my fucking water!?” Your angry shuffling became difficult for Niran’s eyes to keep up with.
“they already made it to my himalayan salts AND my salt lamps! how do you think they broke their teeth? it wasn’t even a rock, it was a salt lamp, niran, a salt lamp!"
He was convinced the lightning would've struck through your house if you had kept going, but he didn't dare to interrupt a.. clearly agitated witch.
"..but my water?!? really?? salt is easy to get back, but not all of that moon's energy! i took my time preserving it because i take my waters seriously!” 
You smacked the last card on the table, getting startled by the thunder outside also slamming down in sync with your hand.
This snapped you out of your rant and back into reality, your eyes widening in realization..
“o-oh! wait- i-i’m so sorry! geez, the weather's really gotten to me today, huh?-”
“no, please, feel free to continue!\(٥⁀▽⁀ )/”
“..huuh? (〇_o)”
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Niran had reached across the table, gently taking the rest of cards out of your grasp and placing them aside. Then, he held one of your hands with both of his, that welcoming glow still on his face. (.❛ ᴗ ❛.)
“your craft is most effective when your energy is at its truest and realest display, am i right?”
“u-uh.. uh-huh..?” You nodded, surprised at Niran’s understanding.
“then please, if voicing your frustrations would help you connect more closely with your practice, i’m happy to listen.”
You looked down at his hands, then at the six cards laying out on the table.
“i- uh- sorry, and thank you.. i’m grateful that you get me so well.” You rubbed the back of your neck out of embarrassment and looked to the side.
“of course, y/n! you are always welcomed to let your emotions flourish around me.”
He held his face and leaned on the table in content. The soft smile he wore hadn’t left since he arrived. (ᵔ◡ᵔ)
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The six cards were laid out with their faces downward, three above the other three.
You flipped the first row of cards upwards, revealing the knight of cups, the fool, and the tower, all reversed.
“hmm.. the knight of cups is the protagonist of our reading today,” you closed your eyes again with a hum, “they are ambitious and filled with passionate energy for something, but they are also reckless and.. venturesome.”
“this leads us to the fool. they don't feel like a separate person, but rather, someone who the knight is on the path of becoming. their ambition leads them to.. a lack of direction, and forgetting the consequences of their actions.”
“heh, sounds familiar.” Niran chuckled.
“pshh, i know right?” You opened your eyes, rolling them.
“when they become the fool, they bring.. crisis, and they bring it very soon.” You rubbed your chin, your eyes dancing between the cards as if it were a movie only you could watch. 
“this is the tower card, and it represents some sort of inevitable disaster. we can see the fool is approaching it, so.. i say, the fool’s obliviousness is what will lead the tower to fall.”
“it doesn't feel like a mistake or.. anything malicious though..” You looked to the side, your eyes catching onto Sloan's ‘i can dig that!’ mug in the dish drainer.
“it just feels like.. destruction, one that is well needed in order to learn some kind of lesson.” Your eyes went back to the cards on the table.
“I see.” Niran kept observing your movements, choosing to wait until the end of the reading to speak his mind.
“the tower falling only brings change, and this can be both great and not-so-great. there's unavoidable loss, but also a new beginning to something.. naturally, the fool won't see that right away."
“it feels like they'll need time to process their guilt.. to understand that misfortune is a part of life, and that's where the wheel comes in.” 
You turned over the second row of cards, not needing to see them to know that the next one would be the wheel of fortune. 
All of them were also reversed.
“the wheel of fortune represents bad luck here.. sometimes, there's just some things that happen in life that you can't control, whether you caused its awakening or not, ya know?”
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Sloan had found themselves a beauty, one that they were sure their witch at home would love.
It was a palm-sized geode, just small enough to fit into the rims of the water-filled jars.
But, what made this geode special? With all of the other geodes and clusters of stones overflowing in their bag, what made the adventurer stop and swoon over this specific ore?
Well, they always loved it when crystals they planned on bringing home for you ended up having funky shapes, especially when mined in halves.
They've brought you star shapes, cloud shapes, diamond shapes, even animal shapes!.. but never a heart shaped one before, and that's what this one was.
It was a heart shaped cluster of celestites.
Celestine is a sky-blue mineral, said to be formed by pieces of the heavens that had fallen to the Earth ages ago. 
They knew this because it was on your master list of gemstones you wanted to add to your collection.
‘..moldavite, black opal.. star hollandite quartz, aventurine.. oh! would you believe that i have yet to own a piece of celestine?!..’
They memorized the entirety of your list, but that segment of it is what made their findings click to them. 
It wasn't the rarest or most expensive stone to own or anything, and they admired that you wanted crystals like it for its spiritual aspect over its worth.
That's apart of what made them fall in love you.
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Even when you guys first met, Sloan had all of the money in the world from their adventurous style of living.
People were more than happy to pay them for the joyful risks they took on their life in order to uncover artifacts from the past.
Despite this, money truly didn't matter to them. It never changed them as a person, nor did it change you.
That, along with the interest you two shared in rocks and bones is what brought together your relationship with them.
More specifically, you studied the spiritual and emotional attributes of crystals, and this opened Sloan’s eyes to a new world of caving.
Most of their life was spent being an archeologist after all, so their studies strayed more towards the physical attributes and formations of rocks than spiritual.
When you told them about how you practiced using crystals to align your energy for all sorts of occasions in your life, their jaw dropped.
It was like their life of eating rocky road ice cream was changed with you showing them more flavors.
‘duh?!? our planet is constantly moving at different frequencies, along with all of the things on it! that includes us, and the rocks that we live on.. i'm surprised you didn-’
‘what would happen if i hypothetically ate a rock that wasn't matching my vibe!?!’
The talks you two shared about how the origins of rocks and their metaphysical meanings correspond together just clicked buttons in your brains that decided you two were soulmates.
Sloan could listen to you rant for hours on how the colors and shapes of different crystals determined their meditative uses, all while confidently being able to explain how they were formed to you if you asked.
Of course, you'd ask with your ears wide open every time, happily willing to listen to them.
Each time you gave them your fullest attention and actually seemed interested in their rocky rambles, they felt their heart race even more for you.
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This turned into museum dates, fossil hunting dates at the beach, crystal shop visits, and even picnics where you two would go searching for bugs to keep together.
Sloan had never spent so much time tuning into their element with someone like this before.
Eventually, they found themselves in your house one day, laying on their stomach in your bed, shirtless and comforted by your aura.
You sat closely next to them, a bowl in your hand, filled with crystals that they had gifted you after every date.
Then, you started lining gemstones on their back, giving them sweet little back rubs and telling them about the chakra roots of each one.
(You also had to control yourself from not touching all over their muscles..)
In response, they spoke more slowly and calmly, which was surprising compared to their usual quick, excited talks with you.
‘..and this one? works really well with clearing your throat chakra, whether your sick or feeling shy, it works miracles in getting your words out-’
‘mmmh… is it.. a turquoise rock?’
‘yeah! :D’
‘hnngh, i figuureedd.. that one probably took millions of years to form, since water has to driiipp it's way into rocks, making oxygen go bye-byee.. (¯▿¯)’
They seemed so out of it, but it made you giggle to yourself, knowing you were doing your current job right.
‘thenn? it oxidizes and- ooughh, that's the spot..- it oxidizes and reacts andd.. boomm, bluee.. (o´∀`o)’
The magic you worked with your hands into the knots in their back made their eyes roll back in relief, struggling to focus on their words.
‘ahh, i could marry someone with.. haanddss like youurss~.. this is the liiifee..!’
‘wh- hello??? (ᗒᗣᗕ)’
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It took a bit.. okay, maybe a LOT of nervous apologies and indirect confessions for them to actually ask you out after that, but you guys got together in the end!
Even with the new titles of being romantic partners, the way you two bounced off of each other's energies never faded as time passed.
Maaayybee sometimes you'd get onto them for eating away at your salts.. and your incense ashes.. and your crushed egg shells..
But! They always made sure to bring home a new gemstone for you whenever they left the house, and that made your love for them never fade.
In return, you always keep their favorite ice cream in the freezer for them anyway.
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Only two hours had passed of them being in the mine, and they already scored their find of the day! 
Bonus points since they had the perfect plan for how they wanted to give it to you..
They hastily picked up their tools and jogged back to the entrance, wiping sweat off of their forehead with a ‘phew! ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)’
They stretched for a bit, before hovering over their belongings. 
First, they made sure to pack their tools and crystal finds into their bag, putting back on their jackets and dusting off their shoulders for extra ‘feeling accomplished’ measures. °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
Then, they hovered over where the jars stood, uncovering the dark cloths and lids off of them to carefully drop different clusters into them, including the celestine.
They held the jar of now-soaking celestine up to their eye, smiling at the thought of surprising you with it.
‘ i hope mi amor likes it!〜(><)〜 '
After refastening the clothed lids back on, they slid the filled jars into their jacket pockets, grabbing their things and zipping back up to their surface with their rope.
They planned on surprising you with what they'd like to call, ‘sloan’s super-duper charged jar of celestine!!’ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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Niran enjoyed watching you do tarot readings solely for the moments where you basically predicted the cards. 
It made the experience more eye opening to how in tune you really were with your practice. 
You didn't just read what was on the cards, you read what they were telling you.
“when the wheel decides the misfortune of this foolish adventurer, they'll stumble on five cups..”
“the five of cups appears here to highlight the pure intentions and forgiveness of the fool, but this causes them to clumsily knock over three of said cups.” You picked up the fool and sat it on top of the five of cups..
“they’ll mourn the falling of these cups, regretting their newfound knowledge of misfortune coming back to them threefold, but.."
“maybe it's just, a harsh lesson to be learnt?”
“their belief of the threefold law only stresses them out more, but the two cups left standing are to represent the people they still have in their life-”
“ah, so despite the fool’s despair, they still have support from the standing cups?” Niran asked in a seemingly curious tone, but really, he now had an idea of what, or rather, who your reading might've really meant..
“yup! does this.. resonate with you, niran? someone you know, maybe?”
“hmm.. i'm not so sure.” He was entirely sure, but he was waiting for you to figure it out.
“i see.. well, it feels like.. i'm being told that this person is very likely to beat themselves up over an accident, easily forgetting that they aren't alone.”
“if this reaches you, then the lovers card is here for reassurance, kind of?” You held the last card upright to show him, your other hand going over your heart.
“the lovers tend to bring harmony, but since they're reversed.. they represent conflict and pressure.” You placed it back down in its original reversed state.
“i would take them as a sign to take a break from something maybe? even the most hopeful changes in routine can throw off the balance of what didn’t need a change after al-”
“IM HOOOMMEEEE, MII AMOOORR~!!!! ⊂( ´ ▽ ` )⊃”
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✯ if you've made it this far, tysm for reading again!
✯ i tried to keep the writing immersive (im running on no hours of sleep), but despite all of this still being a wip / proofread, feedback is 100% welcomed!
✯ here is the link for part 3! anddd here are the borders used!
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✯ that being said, enjoy your day/night! stay hydrated, stan venture <3
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armory-rasa · 8 months
Bazubands part 1: A LESSON IN HUMILITY 🤣
So one of my projects for the winter break was to make a set of bazubands made for myself -- a middle eastern armor piece that provides all-in-one wrist/forearm/elbow protection, and the easiest way to get the coverage required for SCA fighting. (My garb is viking, but such are the exigencies of modern safety standards, that fighters usually wind up with a mix of armor types.)
Anyway, I packed up the necessary tools and materials and took them with me when I went to visit my parents, which is why the backdrop for these pictures isn't my usual workshop.
Found a pattern on google, cut it out of 10-12 oz veg tan, traced/carved/tooled it:
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(You can see why this is the easiest way to get elbow protection, it's WAY less fiddly than trying to do articulated plates around the joint.)
Soaked the elbow cop again (because it was starting to dry out by the time I was done tooling), rounded it out and stitched it up:
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Dyed it black, in my parents' backyard:
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(And if you use Angelus dyes, that's how you keep from spilling it -- the box has little perforations so that it can hold the bottle safely upright.)
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It doesn't show in that picture, but I have a metal bowl of wax (jeweler's casting wax) melting on the stovetop. I alternate between brushing it onto the leather, which looks like the picture above, and then putting the leather in the oven at ~200F, at 10-20 minute intervals, until the wax soaks in. Repeat until the leather is fully saturated and does not absorb more wax. (This often takes hours, so find something else to multitask with.)
But when you're done -- ta da!
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Your project will be thoroughly waterproof, very strong and hard, with a low lustre. It's functionally ABS plastic at this point.
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The next step was padding, so I got some sheepskin and and fitted it to the inside:
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(idk why it's so fucking orange, but the alternative was kind of a mint-mucus green. I think the orange is growing on me though.)
Time to pattern the other, simpler piece of the bazuband, because they're hinged to enclose your full arm:
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(I couldn't do this earlier, and therefore do both pieces concurrently, because I had no idea how much bulk the padding was going to add to my arm. I suppose you could wrap your arm in padding when you're measuring at the start.)
Slapped a quick design on it:
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(And carved & tooled it too, though I neglected to get pictures of that.)
And then--
I put it in the oven, and it lost its gd mind.
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Seriously, just -- words do not do this abomination justice. o_O
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Coming so close on the heels of the Khorasan pouch, which had turned out absolutely perfect and has been more widely shared and lauded than anything else I've posted, this was a humbling experience. 🤣 Like, yes you're good, Gabriel, but you're not immune to fucking up.
So what happened here? Why did the same leather as the bazubands, undergoing the exact same steps and processes, turn out like THIS?
I'd have to repeat the experiment to 100% confirm my theory, but I'm pretty sure the critical difference is that I was speed-running this one, and I didn't wait for the dye to fully dry before I started waxing it. It wound up with, essentially, wet leather hermetically encased in wax, and since the water didn't have anywhere to go, it did weird things to the structure of the leather fibers when it started heating up. And because I don't often work with wax, I had somehow never run into this situation before, and thus already learned that lesson.
Ah well.
It wasn't a huge amount of leather, and it was only like two hours of work, so I'm not that fussed about it. (More embarrassed than anything else, at what feels like a very rookie mistake -- and conscious that it could have been SO MUCH WORSE if that had happened to the larger bazuband pieces, which had a lot more time and materials sunk into them.)
Anyway, I'm going to tweak the pattern a bit, make it narrower at the wrist and a bit longer, and change the design to something that matches the dragon better -- and let it fully dry this time. 😂
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fishtail-tavra · 11 months
Dreamed of 1980’s animated adaptation of Age of Resistance (in the style of the last unicorn) and to be honest it was super fun
They pushed everything into one, hour and a half movie, so a lot of things that were secrets weren’t anymore and the set up got changed to move things right to the climax-
So everyone knows the Skeksis are evil and eating people, but the Skeksis are holding everyone hostage saying the Dark Crystal will die without them (taking all of Thra with it) and THEY will die without Gelfling essence, so from the very start tithes include sacrifices and the retuning of the drained people and
In my dream I cared more about the gays though, meaning Tavra and Onica.
Tavra got introduced arriving late to some big party Mayrin was hosting for the visiting Skeksis- no actually, it was for Brea? Some kind of coming of age thing?- anyway, Tavra trips and falls on her face coming in the doors and everyone’s very O_O; except her sisters who are already running over to say hi
She tripped though bc she saw ONICA in the crowd, disguised, and there were a lot of shots of her in the background during the main action of the party, looking worried and discreetly talking with Totally Not Onica while spilling things on herself absentmindedly or having to get tugged out of the way gently by Onica before she runs into/got run into by someone else
(there’s a morning scene later where we see them in bed together- very PG- both still fully dressed bc Tavra was up most of the night worrying- but Onica is watching Tavra sleep now, reaching out to touch her recently shortened hair (more on that later), and Tavra wakes up from that, smiling, and it’s the first time in the movie we see her really smile so)
In my dream I was mostly busy looking at screen caps and gifs of these two, but there was other changes I had fun with, like BADASS ARCHER NAIA
Naia showing up at the last big battle-
(right before the Skeksis get spooked into unleash the garthim and the clans all scatter desperately hoping at least one Gelfling survives the slaughter long enough to fulfil the Far-Dream that Onica led them into dreaming together blah blah)  
-with this MASSIVE bow, bigger than she is, (lots of cool shots of her arms and back muscles whenever she drew it) and to fire the thing she actually needs to be either standing on something (usually her brother) (or one time both Kylan and Amri stood in for a single Gurjin) or she needs to be airborne
She and Gurjin had this trick where he’d kneel down and she’d run and jump on him, he’d boost her up, and she’d use her wings to slow her fall long enough to get off a shot or two before landing again
She didn’t used it to kill anyone (except Arathim) bc movie Naia still was big on not having the Mystics as collateral damage for stopping the Skeksis,
But she did get a few really dramatic shots- once shattering a Skeksis’s jeweled staff when they were using it to hypnotized and then almost kill someone- and another where (after her own bow got broken) she picks up urVa’s bow (MUCH bigger than hers) and uses her legs while lying on the ground wounded to shoot a flask of essence out of a skeksis hand before they can drink it
In this adaption though Brea is the one who really gets the rebellion kicking, still by reading something, but not a book this time
The movie had Brea going through the trial by wing that her grandmother started as like a coming of age/proof of power to rule kinda thing, where the women who lead the Vapra have to fly the dangerous winds of Raunip’s Pass alone, reach this one high spot where Raunip left an inscription, read it and bring back a stone from the pile siting nearby
This rock pile and inscribed stone is actually the movie version of Lore,
only this time Lore was created by ye oldie Tavra (Raunip’s Friend) to keep her friend Raunip company long after she was dead, and as a way to show no hard feelings for the fight they had over the UrSkeks.
But when Raunip left for the last time (passing through the mountains of Tavra’s home and what would later get named Raunip’s pass) he left Lore behind in the cliffs overlooking Ha’rar, so the Dream-Stitched stone could watch over Tavra’s people even after he was gone
This choked me up every time dream me saw a dream post about it ngl
Anyway, Seladon the 1st, Mayrin, Seladon the 2nd, and Tavra had all just flown up there, seen some old oddly etched rocks, the dedication from Raunip to his friend Tavra, shrugged and grabbed a rock before leaving
(the size of the rock you could manage to haul back was also part of the trial and Seladon was feeling both worried for ‘airheaded’ Brea and insecure knowing her little sister was probably going to bring back a larger stone than Seladon- with her crooked wing- had felt safe carrying)
Only Brea actually takes an interest the ancient writing and the symbols and the odd carvings and she gets distracted clearing away some dirt and rubble
underneath she finds the Dream-Stitching, activates it, gets a lore dump from ye oldie Tavra’s memories AND gets Lore itself to wake up, when it turns out to be able to play recordings of Raunip’s voice etched into stone- Tavra’s real gift to him, a way for him to Dream-Stitch his memories and be remembered even without vliya- so Brea ALSO gets all of RAUNIP’S fears and confessions about his involvement with the second great conjunction and the UrSkeks and the shattering and how things have gone downhill since then and
Brea’s family is getting increasingly worried she’s taking so long, what if she got smashing on the rocks by the winds, what if she’s hurt and needs help-
and the Skeksis get a chance to be evil and manipulative commenting that if Brea isn’t strong enough to follow in her grandmother’s flight path then maybe it’s the will of Thra that she fails this challenge and never comes home
I think I remember this being one of those moments where you can see everyone’s different reactions in a single frame, and it went something like Mayrin: devastated, Seladon: flinching and cringing, Tavra: looking absolutely murderous.
This is when Tavra steps forward and when questioned says she’s going to go look for her sister, since it was the will of Thra that they BE sisters in the first place, and Seladon hesitates before also saying she’ll go with Tavra
But that’s when Brea comes home with an entire rock monster and sort of accidentally starts a rebellion by asking questions, so
The night BEFORE this, the party scene, with the tithing and the prepping Brea for her big day, there had been this moment when the drained Gelflings were returned home, and Mira was one of them
And so Rian had come too, because up until this moment the “crystal anointed” were kept in seclusion, hooded and veiled, to keep a general panic from breaking out, and they only were released back to their own family in the clan they came from
(an information isolation tactic, to help the Skeksis spread rumors of each clan paying more than the other, or of their offered Gelfling being less worthy of the Crystal’s light and THAT’S why they are Like That Now, but the other clans aren’t being effected, no no no it’s totally just you, and you’re also having to give more people because the richer clans are paying more in tithes to send fewer offerings, so really the ones you should be mad at are the OTHER CLANS, not the Skeksis, the Skeksis don’t care how they get their sacrifices, the Skeksis only care about maintaining the Crystal that maintains all life on Thra obviously-)
Rian followed them to Ha’rar (with Gurjin) (and Naia because Naia’s not letting her twin go off into maybe danger without her) to finally reunite with Mira, but she’s been SO badly drained he barely recognizes her and she DOESN’T recognize him,
Cue very sad scene of Rian trying to help her remember, and after a bit she does reach out to dreamfast, like its instinct, only nothing happens, and Naia (the healer) checks and declares she doesn’t have enough vliya to dreamfast with- in fact, she doesn’t have enough to stay alive with, even. She isn’t just old and drained looking. She’s dying.
Rian is horrified, Rian breaks down, Rian shouts at the Skeksis while crying and holding Mira close,
The Skeksis don’t like that and we get a fun dramatic party screeches to a halt scene as the General gets up and draws his sword
Dream me thought it was very fun that Gurjin still got his hero moment, causing a distraction by taking on the castle guards that came here with the Skeksis so Rian could get Mira away
(also callback to the first movie, with a drained and totally out of it Mira still managing to break her and Rian’s fall with her wings when he has to throw them off a cliff)
(he totally thought they were gonna die together and was fine with that)
(instead they land on a Sifa ship and WOOO YEAH TAE AND ETHRI ARE HERE totally not because Oinca had a feeling it would be good and convenient if they parked their ship in this very specific spot)
Back in Ha’rar, Gurjin is captured by the guard, a pissed Naia challenges and fights the general about it
(there was a scene were the Skeksis realize Naia and Gurjin are twins and get Excited about that)
So they make a deal with Naia, if she wins, her brother will go free, if she loses… they both will go to the crystal together.
And while all THIS was happening, BREA ran off to fetch Tavra, who’d slipped away at some point, and runs in on the secret that her big stern sister is very much kissing a Sifa, which these days is Very Very illegal, but Brea’s just shocked to see very serious soldier Tavvra actually kissing anyone-
She remembers to tell Tavra what’s happening at the party, Tavra dives out the nearest window to get there faster, Onica suggests she and Brea take a detour along the way
(the detour is to set up a small tricky sabotage that will let Naia escape in moment)
The first time we see Tavra do anything cool in the movie is when she breaks through a window, sword drawn, and slashes at the General’s hand to make him drop Naia when he has her by the throat
Tavra and the General duel, Naia uses this distraction to attack the guards holding Gurjin and they exit stage right pursued by more guards, Seladon is freaking out and Mayrin calls for Tavra to stand down-
And in the tags of one post about this, ppl talk about how earlier in the movie it was set up how Gelfling don’t normally cut there hair short, since hair is kinda like tree rings or roots to them, so getting rid of it is like throwing away your life up till then and wanting to forget/distance yourself from it
(a thing traditionally associated with criminals, outlaws, Gelflings who went against their families)
BUT lately short hair has ALSO been used by rebels, the rumored Gelflings who refuse to pay tithes or offer up people to the castle
So this scene comes up, Tavra's duel, where the General says something like “blah blah traitorous Vapra, blah, oath breaking Gelfling scum”
And Tavra’s just like, it’s not breaking a vow to defend the people I’ve sworn to protect- which makes the General so mad he tries decapitating her, only she just kneels in response and bows her head-
So the sword cuts off her braid of hair instead. Big crowd reaction shot and gasp
(also revelation that Tavra’s hair is really wavy/curly when it’s short and not tied back, I don’t know why dream me thought that detail was super fun)    
(tags on this post point out that this is kinda like, symbolism of how the Skeksis have being cutting Gelfling’s off from their actual old laws and traditions while making Gelflings bow to them instead)
And the other Skeksis sees this, hears the murmurs and muttering, sees the very bad PR image of a Skeksis about to kill a princess who is kneeling on the floor before him WHILE ALL THEIR PERSONAL GUARDS ARE MISSING and rushes in to pull the General back before he can split Tavra down the middle
The party ends… awkwardly, with the Skeksis placating the crowd by commending Tavra (through gritted beaks) for withstanding their ‘test’ of her loyalty and duty to her vows as a paladin, which they totally did on purpose, never would have actually killed anyone nope
They just barely restrain most of their rage when the guards come back (covered in odd powders that make them sneeze and slipping on boots covered in grease) to report that the three ‘criminals’ have escaped with their ‘abducted’ ‘prisoner’ (Mira)
annnnnnd they’re forced to accept Mayrin’s offer of Tavra leading her soldiers on the search, since they’re the only ones who know Ha’rar well enough to do it
(quick scene of Tavra directing her paladins to search the mountains and the cliffs and the village and the valley, and… no, not the seashore or the coast. Without the help of a Sifa they wouldn’t survive long there and would have to turn inland soon anyway. it’s not like there are any Sifa up here right now. Right? Right.)
I think I also remember that Deet gets introduced while she’s dreamfasting a giant taint-maddened nebrie-
(she can’t heal them, but as long as she’s dreamfasting with them SHE can take on the pain and horror of the taint, and when she sings while doing that they fall peacefully asleep, letting anyone nearby get safely away)
And it turns out she’s been working so hard to find out what’s going on with the tainted creatures of Thra she’s become sensitive to the presence of the taint, AND good enough at listening with her vliya that she can hear and understand what the Trees are saying, even though their voices have almost gone quiet
The trees lost contract with each other as the taint spread (some of them being taken over by it even) so Deet got sent out by her clan’s Tree to contact / warn / bring messages to the other trees and their clans
There was still that cool moment of Kylan dreamstitching the warning onto flower petals and everyone watching them fly off in a cloud so I guess Deet recruited him at some point… or no… maybe that was to summon the clans to what ended up being the big final battle?
I feel like there was a ‘lighting the beacons’ scene where all the clans lit their blue flames and a moment (echoing the opening of the tv show) where we saw their leaders all standing together in dreamfast on a map vision of Skarith land, reaching out to each other around a shared blue fire….
Anyway taking on the suffering of the taint was slowly tainting Deet herself, and she kept lashing out in pain more, or getting lost in the nightmare visions of the crystal’s breaking  
She got one cool scene at the end though.
After the Gelfling come together to Far-Dream the prophecy of how the Skeksis might fall and the Skeksis see this and, in a panic, unleash all their Garthim before they can even control them properly, leading to many Gelfling being killed instead of captured for draining-
Deet is one of the ones caught and brought back to be drained, but she’s laughing when they strap her into the draining chair, and when she calls out,
all the tainted creatures she’s helped over the movie wake up in time to cause havoc on any nearby garthim-
and so do the Trees, reconnected briefly THROUGH the spreading taint BY Deet as she’s being DRAINED by the crystal, and the connection lasts just long enough for their roots to soak up as much of the taint as they can while tearing up the ground around the castle, breaking the crystal (and the taint’s) direct connection to the rest of Thra-
The trees all die, burning up in a last blaze of vliya along with Deet, but the tainted creatures aren't tainted anymore, and outside the barren land around the castle everything else starts growing in healthy again
Turns out it was the world that was feeding life to the crystal, not the other way around
(another skeksis lie)
Which makes the skeksis ultra SUPER unhappy the garthim rampage killed off so many useful Gelflings before their essence could be drained
The stinger ending was Kylan finishing writing all this down and hiding the book just before garthim burst in, the shot of his hand desperately tucking the book away-
-jump cutting to Jen’s hand gently pulling it’s crumbling pages out of hiding who knows how many trine later
Final shot being a slow pull back and pan out of Jen calling to Kira about what he found, and her excitedly calling back that she thinks a small nearby sapling might have just talked to her, so maybe he could read the book aloud to both of them?
end credits roll over the scene as Jen reads and Kira clears away weeds from a young baby tree, while fizzgig gets chased around the clearing by a whole pack of little angry baby fizzgigs
And that’s it, that’s the movie adaption that doesn’t exist but I got to be in the fandom of for a few glorious minutes
The last unicorn animation style REALLY went well with the vibes. loved it.
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yourlocalracoon404 · 1 month
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thank you @brainrotqueen for requesting! (i actually did fluff and angst i hope you dont mind- o_O)
Paring: Luz x fem!Reader
Warnings: None
Request: Yes/No
A/N: hiiii guuyss.... sooo i finally crawled out of my cave to write? honestly the last few weeks were kinda stressful for me because i just started working and a new school so writing hasn't really been an option for me? BUT I'M BACK WHOO
Luz x Fem!Human!Reader
first of all, the question of how you got to the boiling isles
maybe you followed Owlbert because he took something from you like Luz in the first episode, or you just somehow stumbled upon the door and just went in
it's honestly up to you
second, meeting Luz
maybe it happened on accident, maybe you were looking for her because you heard of "Luz the human"
nonetheless Luz is happy to meet you, you both can relate to each other! she can teach you glyphs and you can meet her friends and family (Eda and King)!
Luz, who i think cannonically is, is a little oblivious to feelings she'd first connect the feelings to just being glad to meet another human
by the time she herself realizes those feelings aren't platonic, Hooty already planned a wedding for you two
just as in "knock knock knocking on Hootys door" he'd try setting you both up just like he did with Luz and Amity, how that plays out, the angst and so on, is up to you ^^
Dating her
Luz loves physical touch, she's always hugging you or holding onto you in some way, like hand holdin, hand around your shoulder, hand around your waist, ect.
she's also an cheesy type of romantic, she will quote Azura and/or something from the books just to make you blush or smile
she tries extra hard to repair the door to the human realm so you both can go home and so she can introduce you to her mom
dates consist of reading the good witch Azura books, studying phjillips diary, finding new glyph combos or just cuddling together and watching whatever is on TV/the glass ball
now to the angst >:3
so where you land after kings tide plays a big role
now, if you got stuck in the boiling isles, I don't think luz would forgive herself that easily
she'd work herself even more tired because you both should be back home not just her.
also an important thing is what happened to you, if you somehow got to hexside and not turned into a puppet, she'd feel so much better after reuniting, you can finally meet her mom!
a realy sweet reuniting with lots of hugs and kisses
If you got turned into a puppet?
she'd feel so bad and somehow responsible for it, she'd feel like she should've been back sooner
seeing you amongs all the puppets running crazy as the collector "saved" them just... broke her
the others had to hold her back just like Hunter did with Willow so she wouldn't run up to you
but if you got back to the human realm with her?
things would be better
she would try and convince you to stay in the human realm because she was so scared of you getting hurt or worse because of Belos or anything else
if you stay or not is up to you ^^
I hope you guys like this and i hope you guys have an great day/evening/night/whatever and don't forget to eat and drink enough!! ^^ <3
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tae-rambles · 14 days
i'm not feeling too well so my thoughts might not be worth much but here we go:
ppl are disappearing all over Wano... is Yams gonna look into it?
the Strawhats are so small! cute!
Nami's tired of their shit lol
Bonney! and Kuma's smiling i'm gonna cry ToT
oh no... if we're flashing back to this... is Barto gonna fight the Redhairs? the chapter's called "Taking Responsibility"... i'm scared
oh Barto...
deadly poison? ... hmm.... hmmmmmmm..... is this a test? this must be a test. i refuse to believe otherwise. Barto's gonna drink it himself, won't he?
and Barto drank it. i was right :D love you Barto!
I KNEW IT YAY :D Barto's so lucky Luffy and Shanks are friends lol
aww Shanks' so happy for Luffy :D
holy shit Yasop!
r.i.p. Going Luffy-senpai i guess... (i refuse to believe Barto Club is dead - the same way i refuse to believe Kid Pirates and Heart Pirates are dead - this is One Piece we're reading - but they do be dropping like flies huh...)
but also, seeing what Yasop can do... i doubt the Strawhats could match the Redhairs one on one
"we caught Garp" so he's alive as expected :)
get your filthy hands off Pudding this instant!
it's been a long time since we heard from Lafitte...
the Navy's corroborating w Umit, one of the emperors of the Underworld... the more we learn about how the WG and the Marines operate the more rotten they reveal themselves
also, is the port burning?
is Hachinosu closer te Egghead than Elbaf? or is what we're being shown happening over a couple of days...
i wish that slime just died already
"it's been two days" ... ok, so the answer to my previous question is "yes"
but that doesn't make sense? the giants set off from Elbaf to the Strawhats' rescue the moment they learnt about the blockade which can't be more than a day before they arrived. why is it taking them so long to get back to Elbaf? is there a problem? is it some Grand Line weather shenanigans?
and i was right once again :D i'm so smart even when i'm tired as fuck
but that also means we're gonna take a detour before Elbaf - i hope it doesn't turn into another Amazon-Lily-to-timeskip situation D: (i was so looking forward to Elbaf) but even if it does, i must have faith in Oda!
and the Sunny's missing...
and Luffy...
why is Nami dressed like that? did they accidentally arrive to Elbaf before the others? that would be hilarious
huh? what's going on. why does Nami have a sword on her back. is this gonna be some Elbafian trial? i'm looking forward to this new adventure :D
good chapter and no break next week :D
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nanuk-dain · 1 month
First Line Analysis
Rules: post the first lines of up to 10 of your last fics/chapters posted on AO3 or your WIPs and try to draw some conclusions.
Oh, that's interesting. I've never thought about that... Thank you so much @gorgeousundertow for the tag <3
1 - Mike keeps the 50-cal directed at the field to the right of the victor where numerous distant shapes in desert cammies and woodland flak vests are progressing at a slow pace. (From The World's Smallest Book Club Ch 33)
Okay, so we learn who the narrator is, that it's a military setting and that something is happening, but we don't know what. Those who know Generation Kill will also probably be able to place the scene even with the little intel we have.
2 - Gabe wakes because something is tickling his nose, and the first thing he realises is that he's lying on his ratty couch with his feet dangling over one side. (From Nocturnal Revelations)
What I like about this is that we're wondering what the reason for the tickling is, and we immediately know it's a civilian setting - two things that make it interesting to read on.
3 - "Ah, Ray... Is that Brad dragging the LT?" Ray looks up curiously at the sound of Walt's voice, because it's an interesting mixture of incredulous and concerned. (From Unit Ch 113)
One of the few times I start with direct speech, it seems. And the question itself is so unusual that I think it gets the reader curious right away, while we also know that it's Ray's POV and he's talking about Brad and Nate to Walt who's obviously having a hard time believing what he's seeing. I think that sets up the scene enough to draw the reader in, which is what I was going for.
4 - When Tim opens his eyes, the first thing he notices is that his head hurts, followed by staring up into a familiar face hovering over his own. (From Confluence Ch 1)
We end up smack in the middle of the situation here, and all we know is that it's Tim's POV and that something happened that apparently made him pass out and left him with a head that hurts. Enough to pique your interest, right? ^_^ This is in fact a collab with @mac-and-geese, but I think I can use it since I was the one who wrote the start of our fic.
5 - When Michael 'Budweiser' Brunmeier enlists in the Marine Corps, he knows that he's not straight, and he's okay with that. (From Origins Ch 1)
This time it's again setting just enough of the scene to make you curious. Just one sentence, but we already know there's going to be issues because being in the Marine Corps and not being straight at that time set you on a path of conflict with DADT.
6 - Sleeping in a tactical huddle is not gay. Chaffin knows that. It's a fact. Everybody in the entire military - no matter which branch - knows that. (From Tactical Huddle)
Okay, I notice a pattern here, because it's basically the same general issue set up here as in the fic before. Military, gay, DADT. Except that apparently our MC isn't nearly as okay with it as Budweiser XD
7 - Evan has no idea how it even happened. Because he's not fucking gay, and neither is John. (From Screwing Boundaries Ch 1)
Huh, again with the gay conflict, with just enough intel to get the readers curious. And again the scene's not set much beyond that we know who's talking and what the general issue is. I seem to do that a lot O_o
8 - Brad looks around and can't help feeling out of place. (From Welcome Home)
Oh, finally something a little different XD But again we only know who the narrator is and that something's up. Considering that Brad is rarely feeling out of place, that triggers the urge to know what situation he's in that he does feel out of place.
9 - When Rich returns to his victor after his tour around the perimeter of Alpha's watch posts, the firefights outside the walls of the cigarette factory are still going strong. (From Reassurance)
Okay, yeah, I definitely like leaving people with just enough intel to get curious. This is probably one of the more detailled settings of the situation, and again people who know Generation Kill will know from that sentence alone where we are and what the situation is.
10 - "The former patient rooms will do nicely as accommodation." Brad reports to Lieutenant Fick when they're walking towards the entrance to the large room that has been ransacked to bareness and where the men of Bravo Two are setting up camp. (From Sir)
Another first line that gives just enough intel to know where we are, whose POV we have and who is part of the scene. At least I have two fics that give a little more info than just a tease in the first sentence XD
Huh... So I guess I like throwing the reader smack in the middle of the situation while also making it clear right away whose POV we're experiencing. Seems I never start a fic/chapter with describing the setting, I just drop my main character into it and leave the reader to figure out what's going on alongside my MC. I never noticed I do that. And I'm not sure what to make of it, either XD And apparently I tend to try to create curiosity in the reader about what's going on, and give just enough of the setting to get you interested. That's kind of a common thread I noticed going over those first lines, and the funny thing is that I actually don't do that on purpose, it just happens...
Okay, since this was such an interesting experiment, I want to give the same opportunity to @anthrobrat, @mac-and-geese, @military-bluebells and @meganmoonlight. Have fun, my friends, and learn something about yourself and your writing ;D
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dailyoyo · 5 months
GGs ranked by how quickly they would resort to murdering their friends if they were stuck in a timeloop (Real edition)
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my sincerest fucking apologies to pseud for what ive done to their blog.
THAT SAID: on account of this being very long and very grim to the point that most of it is too grimdark to even be funny anymore i am putting it under a readmore. This is a half-joke half-serious post about the ggs getting stuck in a time loop and murdering each other so like. you get what you click on.
also these are all specifically based aroudn our interps/jet set radio paradox obviously so bear that in mind lol
RULES TO MINIMIZE VARIABLES: only one of them knows they're in a time loop, each is a separate scenario where the listed character is the one who knows and remembers. they do not know why the loop is happening and they do not know how to stop it. the span of time the loop happens is relatively normal, though dangerous enough events happen (maybe just normal jsr stuff) that people may accidentally die during it depending on the exempt character's actions. everyone who dies during a loop is alive again when the date rolls back over. everything is back to square one. no consequences. 14. Pots pots is a dog, even if a highly intelligent one. assuming he can even grasp the idea of a time loop (unlikely) i believe it is even further unlikely that he would recognize it as a bad thing. very possible he just stays in the time loop contentedly forever 13. Soda it takes like a week (or until the first "someone dies and comes back") for him to even notice he's in a timeloop (general apathy/depression?). but when he does notice he's pretty together about it. obviously he wants out but he's literally got all the time in the world, he doesn't need to do stupid traumatic shit just to see what happens. he's got this.
12. Jazz WHY WOULD MURDER EVEN BE PART OF THIS EQUATION WHAT THE FUCK? shes not gonna kill anybody and would think its super fucked to even raise the idea. how is that supposed to help. That said. she does keep repeatedly explaining she's in a time loop almost every loop and it is getting to the point that she kiiiiinda wants to strangle someone or two as stress relief because by god is she stressed. she Won't, she's got more sense than that, but. But…
11. Boogie i think she never really goes full murdermode or anything and the very idea of that happening would shock and disturb her, but surprisingly early on she gives into the impulse to push one of the other ggs into traffic (it doesn't matter anyway, right?) and watches them get ran over. and she's like O_O oh jesus fuck that was horrible. and she never kills anyone again during the loops but it HAUNTS her and makes her nervous abt the idea that she COULD do it again.
10. Gum she's mostly level headed, i think, so she wouldn't be quick to resort to madness. but give her enough time and she starts feeling desperate and does some scary shit in the hopes that maybe somehow they'll at least remember next time. like more than anything i think it's the isolation of it that gets to her. maybe she doesn't progress to outright intentional murder, maybe she only tries it once or twice to see if it fixes anything (it doesn't). while she doesn't go full-blown axe-crazy she DOES become incredibly dangerous and desperate to just not be the only one who remembers.
9. Garam while his nerves end up aaaabsolutely shot and he loses all his patience to see the same day happening over and over, i think it would honestly take a while for him to become a danger to the ggs. he'd rather take out his stress on Literally Anything Else. that said he'd reach a point where he accidentally kills someone for real (whether a gg or an unrelated party) and it fucks him up reallll bad, but whether it fucks him up in a "fine whatever i can kill people who cares" way or a "I NEED TO BE CAREFUL THIS NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN HOLY FUCK" way depends on the circumstances.
8. Beat honestly? unless something in particular causes him to suspect one of the ggs is responsible for the loop, it takes a while for it to even occur to him that killing his friends is an option. like maybe he might end up killing the GGs' enemies and maybe even rivals, but if you brought up the idea of killing his FRIENDS to him he'd be like "wait huh??? but why even????" that said, though, keep him in there long enough and he might develop a severe god complex and start doing it purely to power trip.
7. Combo putting him in a time loop i think would really be the last straw in his miserable life. maybe he deserves the right to kill someone at this point really. while he focuses intently on trying to find a way to break the loop, as it all begins to grate on him he really just stops giving a shit about much of anything. the murder isn't a constant thing, more like one or two good ol' kill em all style breakdowns, and obviously it only makes him feel sick to his stomach when the date rolls over, but what can he even do about it?
6. Clutch he tries to play it cool at first and not think about it too hard but it isnt long before a sort of prey animal panic is invoked in him and hes like. I gotta get outta here. I gotta get out of here. Oh my god i gotta get the hell out of here. and it doesn't help that hes really not close with these guys yknow. and any concern from the ggs he reacts to with escalating violence until he reaches the point he's killing them multiple times in hopes that gives him a way out. eventually he just gives up
5. Corn at first the thought of killing his friends doesnt even cross his mind but he becomes increasingly desperate to understand what's happening and soon enough it's a last resort. it's all very methodical testing the limits of the loop and himself, not explaining anything to anyone else because they'll forget anyway and becoming increasingly hostile and isolationist. he doesn't want to but He's out of options. He has to FIGURE IT OUT.
4. Roboy what bothers him more than anything else is the feeling of helplessness over the whole thing and even if the others COULD help him he's not going to try to get their help. he kills the other ggs to feel less powerless, like he has any sort of control over the situation, and all it does is make him feel worse and worse and worse. maybe eventually reaches a point where he starts deleting his memories of the resets in the hopes this breaks the vicious feedback loop but all it does is ensure the cycle never ends.
3. Yoyo If you put yoyo in a situation where nothing he does matters and none of his actions have consequences he will do increasingly crazy dumb shit because it's not like it matters anyway. and he will undergo EXTREMELY RAPID psychological decay that DOES end in him killing members of the ggs just to see what effect it has both on the loop and on others' psyches. and he will just assume that the loop is forever and ever with no way to ever break it.
2. Cube cube upon realizing she and she alone is in a timeloop will rapidly come to the conclusion that she is in actual literal hell. everything wrong with her will come to the surface at once. she will suffer a severe psychological break SO fast and the streets will run red. maybe she's enjoying it. maybe she isn't. but she is convinced this HAS to happen. and that she deserves it. 1. Mew As soon as Mew finds out that deaths don't stick she's going to massacre all of the GGs just to see how it feels. just once. to try it. it's fine. it doesn't matter. Where did she get that higurashi cleaver
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bonus: with the way i joke about zero beat maybe he doesnt even notice hes in a time loop until After hes maimed someone to death. i dont know man. im lying. who fucking give a shit
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quinloki · 6 months
Heyoooo, more wbp content yapping session because why not teehee
I just today started watching Chainsaw Man today,(sorta spoilers?) so like maybe reader is kind of like Power, where they need blood in order to do stuff like heal themselves, creating weapons and obviously drinking blood to stay alive? What if one day a fight breaks out and reader sees someone about to get hurt and end up defending that person while getting their leg chopped off, and Marco just freaks the fuck out while flying over to them and then reader just says, “Can I have blood please? I can magically heal myself with only blood,” and when Marco does give them some of his blood reader just suddenly regrows his leg and everyone is just, “What the fuck just happened :0”
This is a combination that can go really dark REALLY fast REALLY easily too (thinking about my yandere peeps) O_O
but I like the set up. Some kind of curse, maybe a devil fruit after all - that level of personal healing is normal for Marco, having a less legendary fruit and needing blood to make it work is well-within the lines of the universe.
Being a Chi-chi no mi, a blood human >.>
Imagine that fruit awakening and you're either turning things into blood, or ripping blood from the bodies of people around you.
Ah, that's a little gruesome, even for me XD
But, if we can keep the blood where it belong for the most part, it could be endearing. A good set up for any manner or hurt, comfort, really, intensely, heart-crushing angst.
beware below the cut.
Just imagine going through an entire story with reader and Marco - all the losses faced by the two of them as the WBP face all their canon hardships and losses.
And then
at the end of it all
Marco's holding your corpse, seastone cuff around his arm so he can keep dripping blood into your mouth, but the fruit that gave you your powers has already reformed, bright crimson red, the only slip of color left in his world.
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