#tysm for translating everything!!
caramelmochacrow · 1 year
guess who's sick and cant go to school!!?!?! :DD (my throat is still not good, but it's bearable a bit lmao--)
0 notes
riiwrites · 6 days
“dancing in the dark.”
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summary : when the BSD men catch you dancing.
includes : chuuya, dazai, fyodor
request : “i was thinking what fyodor, dazai and chuuya would react if their s/o is actually a dancer and keeps it a secret from them!” - 💙
a/n: thank you so much for the request, angel!! i really tried to fit the description as you requested in your og ask, i hope it’s fit to your standards :) also tysm to my lovely poe for being my russian translator for the nicknames that fyodor uses in this fic! show him some love, they’re so so great <3 @cherrymoka222
masterlist | main page | daily click
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• Chuuya truly thought he knew everything about you. From your likes to dislikes, your personality traits and little silly habits. He thought he had you figured out.
• That was until, he caught you in the garden.
• Moving elegantly but so swiftly, he was in awe.
• He didn’t dare to disturb you, thinking this moment was just so perfect to ruin.
• And he thought, if you were to hide such a thing from him, how would you react if he knew? So he never confronts you about it.
• That is until, he has a better idea.
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“Right, baby..I’m gonna head to bed.” Chuuya announced with a yawn, making you turn your head as you nod softly, smiling at him.
He begins to walk out the room, as soon as he reaches the doorway however, he takes one last little glance at you and smiles to himself before heading off.
An hour or so later, the normal time you would often “head to bed” came around but in reality, you’re heading to your escape in the garden.
As you head towards the back door, you couldn’t help but have a sneaky feeling that something was different about tonight.
Oh how you were so right.
There stood Chuuya, still in his normal work attire with a big smirk on his face as he watched your little suspicious look turn into one of shock.
“Hey.” He says.
“..Hey..” You repeat, slowly making your way towards him. As you did, you noticed the scenery around you.
The bushes surrounding and sculpting the area were lit beautifully with fairy-lights scattered across them left to right, with a little boombox sat on a nearby table with slow jazz playing softly in the background.
“..So you know..?” You ask.
“Oh I know.” He instantly says, letting out a chuckle as he saw your flushed face out of embarrassment.
“Come now, doll..why the face? You shouldn’t be embarrassed.” He says softly, walking towards you and creating the distance between you both smaller and smaller with each passing second. “I think it’s beautiful.” He whispers as he reaches out to touch you, lifting your chin up with his gloved fingers.
You shyly locate your eyes to find his, a little hesitance in your voice as you whispered “Really?”
He nodded, his smirk now changing to a soft and comforting smile as he whispers back. “Really.” The tone in his voice sounding so sincere and full of genuine honesty made you feel giddy.
He leans in and kisses your lips ever so gently, before pulling away after a few seconds to hold out his hand towards you.
“Can I?” He asks.
You smile, nodding as you put your hand in his, and he slowly walks backwards and guides you throughout the garden, spinning you around and dancing with you in the dark as if time was nonexistent.
• This smug bastard already has a pretty fine idea about your talent.
• He’s already onto your every move.
• Why? Because he sees the way your eyes light up once anything dance related shows up on the screen and you look so engrossed with it.
• He thinks it’s adorable, really. He’s always known you’ve had a liking for dance.
• But, catching you whilst you’re actually dancing just like the stars on TV? Moving so graciously with your legs as you slowly make the garden your own.
• He could watch you for hours, and he did.
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You walk on water like it’s fragile to touch, the little ripples appearing just below your toes as you tread ever so lightly but dance with such a powerful impact that could make everyone stop and stare.
Well, it made someone specific stop and stare.
“Wow..” You’re instantly snapped out of your thoughts as you fall straight into the water, snapping your head towards the sound of your disturbance. You shoot him a glare.
“Whaaat? Can’t I watch my beautiful bella dance like nobody’s watching?”
“Well someone’s clearly watching.” You scoff as you stand up, your lower half now drenched in water.
“I’ve been watching you for hours, Y’know~” He chimes, smirking as you step out of the water and shake your legs to remove any excess water.
“How did I not notice your eery gaze carving holes into the back of me..?” You whisper to yourself, but Dazai answers your rhetorical question anyway.
“I’ve actually known about your little talent for months now, you just haven’t spotted me. Until today when I was oh so rudely interrupted..” He sighs heavily.
“Okay, one, Joe Goldberg, cool it.” You retort as you walk towards the back door, to which he was standing in front of. “And two, you interrupted me! I would’ve kept dancing if you kept your mouth shut..”
“Oh?~” He says, his smirk only growing wider. “Is that an invitation, dear?”
You couldn’t help your blush as you look up at him, smiling a little as your annoyed facade fades. “..Maybe..”
He smiles, hopping off the steps leading to the back door and placing a kiss on your forehead. “Aren’t you just the sweetest when you’re not mad at me?” He says, then, he flicks your forehead.
“Ow!- dick..” You murmur as Dazai walks past you, giggling to himself as he reaches the bit of the garden to which you were dancing on.
“Well? Show me the VIP experience, bella.”
You couldn’t help but smile and roll your eyes as you rush to the pool of water as Dazais eyes follow you, waiting patiently for you to begin.
As you begin to dance and return to your concentrated look. Dazai stares with the biggest smile on his face as he watches you take the night away with your actions. God, how lucky was he?
And he could’ve sworn he fell in love with you all over again, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
• Like Dazai, he knows about your liking towards dancing.
• But, he doesn’t know you actually do it, he just thought it was something you enjoyed to watch.
• You tried your hardest to hide it from him, simply because you didn’t want to bother him with your interests whilst he was busy working and didn’t want to be a distraction.
• He suspected something the moment you started acting suspicious around him, you could never hide anything from him.
• He eventually found out about it one day when he was reading and then suddenly heard piano music being played from outside.
• His interest was piqued almost immediately, as he closed his book and slowly made his way throughout the house and out to the garden.
• He had his suspicions, and as he reached the door and opened it quietly, they were confirmed.
• There you were, dancing ever so beautifully and spinning heavenly. Why would you hide this from him?
• He wanted to find out, and he was going to.
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Soon, the music came to an end, putting an end to your routine as you descend from your tiptoes and onto the ground flat. There were a few seconds of silence until the area was filled with sounds of slow clapping.
You could’ve swore you heard your heart stop.
“Myshka..why’d you stop?” He says with a little smirk. You turn around slowly as your met with your lovers strong gaze.
“Oh..uhm..because the song..ended..” You stammer, looking down at your feet as you could practically feel your inner self growing smaller and smaller with each moment of silence.
Fyodor walks towards you, hands clasped together. “What a performance, lapachka..You move so elegantly.” He compliments you, to which you blush and move your hands to your face.
“You weren’t supposed to know..” You muffle out, and he can’t help but chuckle at your cute actions. He gently takes your hands and pulls them from your face, giving you the same smile but this time, it looked comforting.
“And why not?” He asks.
“I just..” You pause, becoming careful with your words. “I didn’t want to bother you with it..”
His gaze becomes softer as he appears a bit confused, and also..saddened? It only lasts a second though as his smirk returns and he strokes your cheek.
“You could never bother me, dear..” He whispers as he kisses your lips. You close your eyes and kiss him back, going up on your tiptoes to get a better angle. He pulls away and continues stroking your cheek, before pulling away and walking past you and heading towards the music player himself.
You raise an eyebrow as you turn towards him. “..What are you doing?” You ask skeptically. He switches on a channel of classical music, looking up at you with the same look on his face as he extends a hand out towards you.
“Come.” He says, and you instantly follow.
He takes your hand and you both begin to way to the music, his feet moving just the same as yours as if he was an expert on what he was doing. You were surprised.
“How are you so experienced with this?” You giggle.
“I’ve adapted to the area of dancing in..every lifetime let’s just say..” He replies, spinning you around slowly once before going back to sway with you. You smile, making Fyodor chuckle just a little.
You both danced for most of the night, and being in eachothers arms made Fyodor think he was one of the luckiest men in the world.
Maybe living in this lifetime wasn’t so bad, as long as it meant being with you.
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TAGLIST : @forgotten-blues @ruru-kiss @texas-bitch-yee @lvstyangel @is-therelife-onmars @atlasnessie @101strawberries101 @reesesnieces @suzurans-world @heartsfourdazai @nomnomventi @silverbladexyz @inojuuy @boarcide @cherrymoka222 @kissesmellow21 @aliyahgracedrawing @chuuyathehatrack2 @boredwithwrath @rainy-dazie @lone-ray @ishqani @fun-cats @wefureko-blog @hoicacti @seikkoh @famousfoxkingdom @morrie-rose @underscoredaniii @monmush @night-dazai @s1eepybunny @minomikn @pinkdaises @lalalanddddddddd @mayaaluvvvv @probablyzombiedinosaurs @rinismahname @starrs20 @just4notherhumanbeing @little-miss-chaoss @drowningfishy @saeandscaralover @minniepresents
✿ riiwrites 2024 ; please refrain from ever plagiarising or reposting any of my works without crediting.
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simplybakugou · 2 months
Hi hi, wonderful!!! How are you on this fine *insert appropriate time of day here*? Could I maybe request dad Bakugou and how he'd react to his son saying something mean to female reader wife? Like, I know Bakugou is really aggressive with his own mom, but I was thinking maybe it'd be a little different when it comes to the mother of his kids?
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⋆ PAIRING: dad!bakugou x fem!reader ⋆ WARNINGS/TAGS: swearing; teeny tiny bit of angst; fluff ⋆ WORD COUNT: 2436
A/N: my first written work on here in almost three years . Forgive me if i’m a little rusty lol. Tysm for requesting and i hope you enjoy :)
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For a majority of your life, you thought becoming a pro hero would be the hardest thing you could ever do. From attending the illustrious U.A. High to working through the ranks to be in the top three pro heroes, second to none other than your husband, Bakugou, you never would imagine your life to be more difficult than that.
That is until you became a mother.
Only a year into your marriage, you found out you were pregnant with your son, Katsuo. It was difficult to come to terms with being a mother in the midst of your rising professional career but you knew taking care of your son was always going to be your number one priority, just as it was for Bakugou.
Despite the physical complexities of giving birth and being pregnant, the hardest part came afterwards: raising your extremely temperamental son.
Katsuo, ever since the day he was born, was never one to shy away from vocalizing if anything bothered him or made him upset. To screaming and crying on the top of his lungs as a baby to whining and throwing tantrums as a toddler in public, you felt yourself struggling to parent your son who made it his life’s mission to give you a hard time.
Who did Katsuo not give a hard time to? Bakugou.
Times where Katsuo would throw a tantrum, screaming and kicking his feet as he laid on the floor, all it would take was a “Stop that” from Bakugou to get Katsuo to cease his actions whereas it would take the whole day for him to listen to you. It was a frustrating ordeal but it never made you love your son any less. You knew this was a phase… at least you hoped this would just be a phase. 
Just as you thought there was a lull in his behavior after he turned five, you became pregnant and gave birth to your daughter Suki. To say Katsuo was not thrilled was an understatement. He hated the attention that went to Suki instead of him. He hated that his parents had to take care of his baby sister that he didn’t want and he never hesitated to vocalize how much he didn’t want a sister.
“Can we get ice cream, too?” Katsuo asked excitedly, kicking his feet while sitting in the shopping cart that you were pushing. His little index finger pointed at the box of fudge popsicles.
“Will you share with your sister?” You asked, eyeing your son for his reaction.
As expected he was not pleased as he crossed his arms over his chest and huffed. “Fine. Whatever," he muttered curtly.
You smiled, grabbing the box from the freezer and putting it in your cart, knowing full well that his brief reaction would be the closest thing to a compromise that you'll get out of him.
As you were pushing the cart into the checkout line, your phone buzzed in your pocket. You answered your husband’s call, holding your phone in between your shoulder and your ear as you scanned the items in your car. “Everything okay, Katsuki?”
You could hear your now two-year-old daughter wailing in the background, repeating the word “Nana” as a very frustrated Bakugou expressed, “Please tell me you know where Suki’s fucking banana toy is.”
“Her toy should be on the sofa in the living room like it always is.” You adjusted your phone into your hand as you began to pay for your groceries.
“It’s not there and I’m about to lose my fucking mind.” 
“Honey, I’m not sure where else it could be. Suki always keeps it there so she doesn’t lose it.” 
As you grabbed the receipt from the little printer, you saw Katsuo giggling to himself from the corner of your eye as he was listening to your conversation. “Katsuo, what did you do?”
“Did that little shit fucking hide it?” Bakugou asked angrily through your phone.
“Katsuki, I’m almost done here. I’ll be home soon.” You sighed as Katsuo continued to laugh, his hands covering his mouth as if this were the funniest thing that could’ve happened for him. 
“Katsuo, did you hide your sister’s toy?” You asked sternly, pushing the cart towards the exit. Katsuo simply shrugged, ignoring your question.
All you could was sigh as you loaded your car up and drove you and your son home.
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You stood in front of the door to your home and before you could knock, it swung open, revealing an exhausted Bakugou holding Suki who was still crying.
“Still no luck?” You asked as Katsuo ran inside, almost knocking you and the bags of groceries in your hands over.
“No,” Bakugou said with an exasperated sigh as he closed the door. 
“Nana,” Suki cried softly.
You set the groceries on the dining table before rushing over and taking Suki from Bakugou. “I know, sweetie. We’re going to find Nana for you, okay?”
She rested her head on your shoulder, tiring herself from wailing earlier as she rubbed her eyes. You turned to Bakugou who looked like he needed a nap immediately.
You caressed his face. “My poor babies,” you cooed as you teased him.
He glared at you before taking Suki back in his arms. “You better get Suo to confess where that banana is.”
“Me? Where are you going?” You questioned, watching as Bakugou took Suki upstairs. 
“Sleep,” He said plainly. “Exhausted.”
You sighed, going back to the dining table to put the groceries away. “Suo?” 
Katsuo stuck his head from under the table, two of his toy cars in hand.
You sighed. “Katsuo, I’ve told you many times not to go under the table.”
He crawled out and stood to his feet. His vermillion eyes, identical to his father’s, watched as you went back and forth from the table to the refrigerator. “Why?”
“Because you could hit your head. And we have rules and you have to listen to them.”
“Does Suki have to listen to them?” He uttered his sister’s name with as much disgust as his seven-year-old body could muster. 
“Suki is still a baby. She’s two, Suo, and she can barely speak.”
“Well I used to be your baby, too, before she came,” Katsuo grumbled under his breath, fidgeting with his toys.
You smiled at him, understanding the feeling of being jealous of your sibling getting all the attention. You crouched in front of him and ruffled his ash blonde hair. “You’ll always be my baby.”
Katsuo nudged your hand away, turning away from you. “Whatever. You don’t mean that.”
You stood to your feet. “Katsuo.”
Katsuo spun around quickly, dropping his toys to the ground as he raised an accusatory finger at you. “You always say I’m your baby but it’s not true! You care about that stupid baby more than me!”
He turned around again as he started to sprint and make his way upstairs. You went after him as you exclaimed, “That’s not true, Suo!”
Katsuo turned once more in the middle of the staircase, his brows furrowed and his lips overturned into a frown. “I said I didn’t want a sibling and you still had that stupid girl! You’re the worst Mom ever!” 
He continued running upstairs and into his bedroom, slamming the door loudly behind him. 
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Bakugou, who so desperately needed and wanted to take a nap, stood to his feet immediately following the sound of Katsuo’s door slam shut. Fortunately Suki hadn’t awoken, allowing him to leave and somehow patch this situation up. 
Katsuo did this often, yelling at his mother and storming off into his room. However, he never insulted you in the way he did that day, and Bakugou knew you were going to take his words to heart.
Bakugou quietly made his way downstairs, peeking around the corner of the railing to spot where you were. You were sitting at the dining table, your back to him. He immediately noticed your shoulders shaking as you sniffled and wiped your eyes profusely.
“Y/N…” You spun your head at the sound of your husband’s unusually soft voice. 
“Katsuki…” You wiped your eyes to get rid of any stray tears, not wanting to worry him. You attempted to muster a small smile, ultimately failing to do so. “What’re you doing awake?”
He sat down in the chair beside you. He stared at you, taking in your features as he raised his thumb and swiped under your eyes to catch your tears. “Don’t cry.”
Your lips quivered and the tears you were attempting to hold back spilled out. “I feel stupid for crying but-but his words hurt, Katsuki.”
Bakugou leaned towards you, his arms maneuvering you onto his lap. He held you close to him as you wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your face into the crook of his neck. “You’re not stupid for crying. He said some fucked up shit, and he shouldn’t have.”
He pulled away, brushing your hair away from your face with his hands as he kissed you softly. “You’re not a bad mom, Y/N.”
You let out a humorless laugh, wiping your eyes again. “I know. I just… don’t know how to validate his feelings.”
“Don’t worry.” Bakugou moved you back onto the chair as he stood to his feet. “I’ll talk to him.”
“Katsuki.” You reached for his hand, looking up at him. “Just don’t yell at him, alright?”
“I know. I was seven once, too, y’know?” And like that Bakugou made his way back upstairs, his footsteps echoing through the hall. He made it to Katsuo’s door and knocked.
“Go away!” Katsuo yelled from the other side.
“I don’t care what you want, I’m coming in,” Bakugou stated and opened the door. 
He was met with a soft pillow to the face as an enraged Katsuo yelled, “I said go away!”
“Katsuo!” Bakugou exclaimed. Katsuo immediately stiffened, his expression twisting into fear from his father’s tone. Bakugou closed his eyes and sighed, calming himself down before speaking to his son. He didn’t want to go about this the wrong way.
Bakugou picked up the pillow as he sat on Katsuo’s bed beside him, placing the discarded item back onto the bed. “Why did you yell at Mom?”
Katsuo crossed his arms over his chest. “‘Cause she wasn’t being fair.”
“So she deserves to get called a ‘bad mom’ because of that?”
“No…” Katsuo mumbled after pausing for a moment. 
Bakugou sighed, lifting Katsuo and repositioning him on the bed so that he was facing him. Katsuo kept his eyes glued down, not wanting to make eye contact with his incredibly intimidating father. “Suo, look at me.”
Katsuo hesitated but nevertheless he looked at his father. “Why did you call Mom a ‘bad mom?’”
Katsuo fidgeted with his thumbs before upsettingly blurting out, “Because she’s always caring about Suki more than she cares about me!”
“And did Mom say she doesn’t care about you?”
“Katsuo,” Bakugou paused to make sure his son was looking at him. “Do you know how much your mother loves you?”
Katsuo simply shrugged. Bakugou shook his head slightly, reaching behind in his back pocket to grab his phone. He opened his photo album, one with just you that contained hundreds of photos in fact. He showed a picture where you were very pregnant with Katsuo, your hands cradling your swollen belly as you grinned at Bakugou’s camera.
“Here’s Mom carrying you in her belly before you were born.”
Katsuo’s eyes widened at the sight of your stomach, looking up at his father. “I was in there?!”
Bakugou nodded, this time swiping to a video of you holding a newborn Katsuo, tears streaming down your face as you looked down at your son. Your sobs were audible, looking over at Bakugou who was recording you. “Katsuki!”
Bakugou’s laughter was heard on the other side of the video and Katsuo watched as you looked back at his baby self in the video. “My baby,” you murmured, kissing his cheek and pressing your forehead against his little one.
“I was her baby,” Katsuo whispered astonishingly. “I thought Mom was lying when she said that.”
“Katsuo, you’ll always be our first baby. You’re our first born. But now Suki needs Mom’s attention, too. Did you see how little you were in that video?” Katsuo nodded. “Well, Suki needs Mom’s help to grow big and strong like you. But she’s lucky cause she has a big brother to help her, right?”
“I guess,” Katsuo huffed. “I’ll start being nice to her…”
“Good,” Bakugou patted him on the back. “Now go apologize to Mom. You didn’t mean what you said, right?”
Katsuo shook his head aggressively. He jumped off his bed and stood to his feet. “I’ll go say sorry.”
Before leaving, he crawled under his bed to retrieve something. When he crawled back out, in his hands was Suki’s missing banana toy that Bakugou had been tearing the whole house apart to find. Katsuo handed the toy to his father, threw open the door, and rushed downstairs until he stood in front of the dining table. His chest rose and fell quietly as he caught his breath from moving so fast. You turned around, not expecting his presence so suddenly. “Suo!”
Katsuo frowned at the sight of your slightly puffy eyes, understanding that you had been crying. And it was his fault that you were crying. He looked down at his feet. “I’m sorry, Mom. I shouldn’t have called you a ‘bad mom.’”
You smiled softly, looking at your son lovingly. “It’s okay.”
He shook his head. “It’s not okay. I shouldn’t say things I don’t mean. I just… I was jealous of how you’re always with Suki. But I know that she has to be big and strong like me.”
Your smile widened as you reached out and caressed his cheek. “It’s okay, baby. I forgive you.”
Katsuo perked up. “So am I really still your baby? Even if I’m not little like Suki?”
“Of course.” You pulled him into your embrace, his little arms attempting to wrap around you as he hugged you back. “I already said you’ll always be my baby and I mean it.”
You pulled away, kissing his cheek which caused Katsuo to break out into an even wider smile as he threw his arms around you into another embrace.
You laughed, hugging him once more, holding him onto your lap. You looked up, noticing a smiling Bakugou holding an asleep Suki in his arms. He sent a wink your way as you smiled gratefully at him.
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yuuuhiii · 2 months
can i get a jjk matchup for a reader who always tends to put herself down in order to make others look better; she does it out of the kindness of her heart, but everyone’s got a sneaking suspicion that she genuinely thinks of herself as less. even so, she’s usually the one to bring life to a party, and is often described a ball of sunshine :3 TYSM
i match you with SUGURU GETO ᥫ᭡
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You had a habit.
A habit that Suguru never liked.
When he wasn’t goofing off with Satoru he’d be reserved and in his head.
Or his favorite, admiring you.
He’d always watch from afar as you’d converse with Shoko or Nanami, a small smile on his face. It’s not like he never talked to you, he did, he made an effort too. He didn’t really have to because you were a bright person. Always so positive and caring.
Suguru found everything about you endearing. Yet he hated how you viewed yourself. You’d talk so highly about your comrades, however when it came to yourself you never had good things to say. Always saying you needed to improve in this or were terrible at that.
He wished you could see yourself how he saw you. You were truly perfect to him and he’d do anything to protect you.
Suguru read you like an open book. He probably knew you better than you knew yourself. You were like Satoru, in a way at least.
You weren’t obnoxious and loud. You were kind and thoughtful. A smile that lit up his world and any room you were in. But he could see through it, the act you’d put up to disguise the ugly thoughts you had of yourself.
It pained him to see how sometimes you’d be laughing your heart out with Shoko, just to turn around and look almost empty.
Night creeps around and you were practically third wheeling with Suguru and Satoru. He was showing off, as usual. Proving how much cooler he was than Suguru.
“That’s amazing, you’re really strong Gojo.” He flicks his white hair and Suguru rolls his eyes.
“Don’t feed his ego. He doesn’t need it.” You gaze at him and Satoru laughs.
“You jealous Suguru?” Suguru would pout and turn away.
“I could teach you how to do it, you know, personal lessons.” Satoru gazes at you with playfulness, a small grin on his lips.
“Oh no! It’s fine, I wouldn’t be able to do that, I’m not strong.” You laugh but now Suguru is pouting for another reason.
“Well obviously, no one’s as strong as me.” He laughs again and you laugh along with him. However Suguru is staring straight at you, his brows furrowed. Satoru announces he’s gonna shower, trudging down the hallway.
“Why do you do that.” You turn to him and he’s upset, something you rarely see, at least towards you.
“Do what?” You softly smile and he almost caves.
“You’re always putting yourself down, like you’re lesser than us or something.” Your eyes widen just a bit, your hands fiddling with your shirt.
“No I don’t.” You laugh awkwardly.
“You do.” He says more sternly and you look ashamed.
“You’re a beautiful girl, inside and out, I wish you’d see that.” He says, a small blush on his face. You’re blushing as well, just the both of you sitting on the couch in the dormitory.
“I like you.” He mumbles and you turn to him.
He’s blushing even more and you feel yourself heat up. Then he turns to you with such gentleness in his eyes you’re captivated.
“I’d like to show you or prove it to you. If you’ll let me.” He whispers and you smile.
“I’d like that.” He mirrors your soft smile, the both of you leaning closer and closer.
“I’m gone for 10 minutes!” Satoru yells and the both of you shoot apart.
“I gotta say I didn’t think you had it in you.” Satoru laughs, rubbing the towel over his hair and the rest was history.
Suguru made it up with a nice date the next day.
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© yuuuhiii 24 : don’t plagiarize, translate, or post my work on other platforms
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eveninggstar · 6 months
can I request a fic where reader and Jake go to the beach and he rough houses with her and they just have fun?
Beach Day
Summary: you and your boyfriend, Jake, go to the beach on a whim.
Warnings: fluff, slight sexual innuendo;), beach fun time, kissing, reader has hair that can be flicked passed shoulders, readers looks not specified,reader intended to be female,no use of y/n
A/N: pretty cute request by anonymous tysm! Hope you enjoy it. Also tysm for all the love on my first Jake Webber fic (I just wrote it off handedly didn’t expect the love it got)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
When an outsider looked at you and your boyfriend, Jake, it wouldn't be hard to tell that you were irresistibly in love with each other. With being a youtuber, he had a more upbeat personality and was a kind soul. Luckily enough for you, all of those attributes translated into off-camera Jake.
Today, you had suggested to take a day off and just chill at the beach in the hot, June weather. Jake, as always, immediately agreed.
Sitting in the passenger seat of his car, you were blasting a song to get you ready for the beach. The windows were all rolled down, giving you the perfect breeze-as Jake went slightly over the speed limit. You were wearing khaki green shorts over your bikini bottoms and left your bikini top out. At the exposed part of your legs, your left thigh was currently being grasped by Jake with the occasional squeeze.
Finally, you arrived at the beach. You took the liberty on picking up the small bag that held all of the essentials, yet you had a loving and caring boyfriend.
"Excuse me," Jake interrupted your actions, pursing his lips with his eye brows raised and a open and closing hand. "That's my job." He then accompanied his faux irritation with a hand on his hip.
"Oh i'm so terribly sorry, how can i ever get your forgiveness?" You rolled your eyes as you hauled the bag with two hands into Jake's one hand. Obviously he lifted it with ease.
"Sorry ain't gonna cut it sweetie." He jokingly glared at you, then (quite literally) strutted off with his hips swaying.
"Please, i'll do anything!" You begged, your voice going more breathy as you continued. Luckily no one was at the car park that overlooked the fresh waters. At the sound of your begging Jake stopped and slowly turned towards you, with a dark sultry look.
He walked closer to you, readjusting the bag, "Anything?" He questioned and brushed your hair behind your shoulders. The deep sultry voice he had matched the way he looked at you. The quick fleeting brush of his calloused skin against your bare shoulders ignited sparks beneath your skin.
You bit your lip and nodded as you looked up at him. Hopefully this conversation will go the direction you were hoping. Jake leaned in close to your face, noses side by side and lips millimetres away. "Will you play mermaids?"
The tingly feeling that Jake gave you had almost distracted you from the absurd question. "Yeah-Wait what?" You pulled a face as he started to giggle in a childish manner.
"I love you~"He dragged out, pouting his lips ready for a kiss. You left him hanging for a few seconds, before he realised you weren't going to kiss him. "Fine!" He sassily exclaimed before reaching down to your knees and flipped you over so your front was down his back.
After setting up everything, you both took the time to rest together. It had been a stressful weak. Jake seemingly recorded everyday and it drained him the slightest, whilst you had the title of being the pretty girlfriend weighing on your back.
Your sunbathing was interrupted by Jake with a bucket and spade in his hands with a cheeky smile. Opening your eyes, you saw that Jake was practically buzzing to do something.
"Yes, Jake?" You pushed yourself into a sitting position.
"So, i was wondering if-" he started swaying side to side, "We could build sandcastles..." he stopped swaying as he looked at you.
You paused, a finger on your chin, "Um..." he dropped to his knees, being level with your lying figure and brought his hands up in a prayer motion. "Of course, baby!" you smiled and brought him in for a quick kiss.
"Awww, yow know how tow make a girl blush!" He smiled with his country accent and his cheeks having a slight pink hue to them as he flicked his wrist at you.
After building sandcastles, and apparently making homes for the multiple crabs Jake has miraculously found, you and Jake headed for the sea.
This is wear Jake's attitude flipped. Suddenly the sweet, patient boyfroend you had gotten used to today had gotten bored. Now you had a funny, erratic boyfriend! But he was still sweet.
You suggested that the two of you could jump the waves. Jake seemingly enjoyed this idea, only that he had started to go deeper into the sea with you. You had sat down in the deeper waters and began to play with the sand beneath your fingers.
Realising Jake had been quiet for an awfully long time, you looked around for the black haired boy. After looking around three, even four, times you began to worry.
Jake wasn't the strongest if swimmers, only elevating your concerns. You repeatedly started yelling 'Jake' hoping he would hear, answer, and be okay.
Your worried calls were interrupted by you getting lifted out of the water and being spun around. Looking to your side, you saw Jake’s shaggy black hair drenched in water. He set you down and held your hands and swayed them.
“Hi.” Jake smiled, the golden hour shine perfectly accentuated his perfect smile. He squinted a little because of the sun, yet still looking perfect.
“Hi,” you reciprocated the smile, hopefully giving Jake the same feeling that you felt beneath your skin every time he smiled, kissed, or even looked at you.
He pulled you into his wet chest, holding you close as the two of you looked out into the sunset. His chest vibrates as he said something, you were too caught up in looking at the pink to blue in the sky to realise what he said.
You lifted your head up and furrowed your brows. He leant to your eye level, not breaking eye contact. “I love you.”
The feeling was back. The feeling a young school girl would get with their crush, but you weren’t a school girl with her crush. You had found the love of your life .
1012 words
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educatedsimps · 7 days
— bonus headcanons, iwaizumi hajime
≪ back to fics masterlist main fic here!
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iwaizumi hajime x gn!reader
a/n: idea dump based on this iwa request (main fic) so this is basically just everything i wanted to put into the fic but i kinda lost the energy and the bandwidth to write everything up to the standard i wanted so now this exists HAHA hope u like this and tysm for reading! :)
headcanons under the cut!
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You remember asking him once, "Hajime, why do you do that?"
And he replied "Do what?" with deadass the most confused look on his face.
"Kiss my wrists and palms all the time," You clarified.
"Oh," He stopped. "Yeah, why do I do that-"
ok so basically, Iwa finds the wrists a very delicate part of the body, and given his experience as a volleyball player, and the nature of his job, he takes extra special care of them.
he remembers his coaches always reminding him and his teammates not to injure their wrists during training, which translates to "YOU BETTER HAVE GOOD FORM WHILE SPIKING, SERVING AND SETTING, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"
anyway, i think he started noticing wrists when he was in high school, especially since he was seijoh's ace and had to use his wrists a lot to spike. he probably injured his wrist(s) once and has always listened to his coaches ever since.
now that he's a professional volleyball trainer he makes sure that his athletes don't injure their wrists either.
so i think all of this adds to why he pays extra attention to your wrists especially.
bonus if your job requires you to use or rely on your wrists a lot, eg. musician (like me), athletes, surgeon, author, artist, etc... idk.
YOU CANNOT CONVINCE ME THAT HE DOESN'T GIVE THE BEST 👏 FKING 👏 MASSAGES 👏 ON EARTH 👏 and at the end of the massage he'll always kiss your hands and wrists and idk why but it just feels so chivalrous. like ofc it feels intimate when you hold his face in your hands and he plants kisses on your wrists/palms and but sometimes it just feels so chivalrous and gentlemanly ykwim?
OMG WHEN HE PROPOSES TO YOU like after he slides the ring onto your finger AND THEN KISSES YOUR WRIST/HAND AND IT FEELS LIKE YOUR HEART COULD EXPLODE 'cause i know mine would actually explode if he did that.
anyway some instances i thought of adding to the fic (but couldn't cuz i don't have the ability or capacity to write them out well) include:
waking up in the morning together or when you hold his face and kiss his forehead (these two are in the main fic linked above!)
when you're cuddling on the couch after a long day and just watching a show together or napping. if you're laying on him and touch his face he'll 100% kiss your wrists/palms
when he hugs you from behind and you reach up to run your fingers through his hair (like when you're cooking dinner together or something) and he'll pull your hand down to kiss your wrist
when you hug him with your arms around his neck and he catches your wrist before you pull away
when you shower together (SFW, DON'T WORRY) and you're facing each other and he's tilting his head / bending down while you wash his hair or massage his scalp and when you're done washing it he'll give your wrists a gentle kiss before returning the favour
BONUS: when he holds your face in his hands and you decide to give him a taste of his (very sweet) medicine. you’d twist your head to kiss his wrist and then his palm and he'd be BLUSHING because he's usually the one who does that AND HE'S SO CUTE he's like, "hey... you can't do that. i'm supposed to be the one doing that for you." while blushing and smiling and getting a lil shy and everything and HE'S JUST TOO CUTE FOR MY HEART 😭😭💕
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a/n: ok that's all for the iwa brainrot ... i'm kidding, the iwa brainrot will never end. THANKS FOR READING THOUGH and thank you anon for sparking my two week long obsession with iwa once again
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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bbyquokka · 2 months
1:30 pm (lmh)
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 | lee minho x gender-neutral reader
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 | lovers to friends, timestamp, suggestive – 18+ is strongly advised!
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 | lots of kissing, grinding, love bites, reader and minho are desperate (aka horny) for one another
𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒 | 0.9k ~ (923)
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 | song inspiration for this lil piece below ! i hope u all enjoy ‹3 tysm for reading !! ‹3‹3
♡ m.list — ♡ you can also read it on my ao3
dont repost. dont translate. minors, ageless & default blogs; dni! feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
bodies pressing against each other. hands tangling in each other's hair. your fingers rake along his scalp whilst he tangles the strands of your hair around his fingers.
heavy pants and moans swallowed by one another. the desperation for more kicking in slowly but surely. you both pull apart for a brief second to allow oxygen to enter your lungs. 
minho’s kiss bitten lips attaching themselves to yours once again giving you little to no time to gather your thoughts. the small space of the closet makes you both feel small and claustrophobic. the heavy bass of the music outside ringing in your ears.
all you care about is him. the man that is currently taking your breath away. his hands slide down your sides to hold your waist where he soothes and strokes you from over your clothing.
his body is pressing against you. his chest against yours, one leg between yours to keep your legs parted as you hover over his strong thigh. you grip onto his shirt, hot breath mixing together with saliva.
skin hot and sticky. the air is humid and suffocating from the small space. your heart thumping so heavy and hard, it rings in your ears and drowns out the background noise.
minho's hands dip under your clothing. his hot yet soothing and gentle fingers caress the skin of your sides causing goose bumps to rise to the skin. 
it makes him chuckle. it makes him love that he still has that effect on you. his head tilts to the side to allow himself to deepen the kiss even more. his tongue gliding along your swollen bottom lip. as you part your lips to allow entrance for him, he pulls away slightly to speak
“missed you.” he mumbles against your lips. you whimper softly, unable to speak because he doesn't give you a chance. he takes advantage of your parted lips to slip his tongue past them to meet your own wet and hot muscle. they both collide and tangle, a battle for dominance which you loose. minho swallows every breath moan, every drop of saliva that spills from your lips.
to him, its like honey. you taste and sound so sweet to him. it makes him tingle with excitement and adrenaline to pump through his veins. his shaky hands move from your waist to the small of your back where he pulls you even closer to him.
you'd be lying to yourself if you said you didn't miss him. since the break up (which was on healthy terms), you've missed him more than ever.
right person, wrong time. the stars were just not quite aligned back then. both of you have different aspirations and goals. the beginning of the relationship was good but once the honeymoon period was over, you both found yourselves fighting over anything and everything due to stress and the pressure to maintain the healthy relationship, so when it turned unhealthy, you both mutually agreed to break up.
you'd rather have him as a friend and still in your life than not at all. the same applies to minho.
“minho..” you gasp as you feel his lips peppering soft and gentle kisses on your neck. he sucks and gently bites the skin, leaving small love bites. his crotch now pressing against you which allows you to feel how excited he is for you.
and if that was enough of a tell-tale sign, he slowly starts to rub himself against you.
“‘m sorry yn. it's been a while and i’ve missed you so much.” his hot breath fans against your hot skin, making you feel shivers.
he vowed to never get attached to you. he promised himself but one touch, one kiss was all it took for him to fall deep in love with you. you're all he ever thinks about. after the break up, he thought he'd be able to spend more time focusing on his dreams and goals but instead, his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of you causing him to become severely distracted and desperate for you.
he slowly grinds and rubs against you. his head dipping and forehead resting on your shoulder as he pants heavily and desperately. like an animal in heat, he grips onto your waist with a small amount of force and his moans soon turn deep, long and frequent as he fluidly lets them slip past his lips.
you grip onto his clothing, desperation kicking in for the both of you as you grind and rub against one another. you match one another's tempo, moans mixing together and becoming one. minho kicks his head back a little, exposing his neck to you as his eyes flutter shut and lips part, hair sticking to his forehead and back of his neck.
“yn.. fuck, yn.” he moans softly. you close your eyes slowly, lips parting as you allow the pleasure to rush through your veins like adrenaline.
his touch, his sounds. it's all making you feel tingles. his nimble fingers that's caressing your skin is setting your skin on fire. his moans ring in your ears. the butterflies fluttering in your stomach make you feel giddy but also nauseous. everything about minho right now is making you feel dizzy. but strangely, you've missed these feeling. 
as you open your mouth to speak, to beg and ask for more, to take this elsewhere due to the intense amount of lust and desire you both have, you're rudely interrupted by a knock on the closet door.
“five minutes is over!”
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julsvu · 2 months
hiiii :3 can i request blue lock bachira x f!reader hcs where his s/o is really sweet and all lovey-dovey towards him or maybe just bachira boyfriend headcanons in general? he’s so cute i’d conquer the world if he asked…‎ ( ˶˘ ³˘(⋆❛ ہ ❛⋆)!♡ love your account btw~ thank you and have a good day/night!!
fem! reader
💬: hi!! tysm for requesting, i love bachira so much :3 i hope you have a nice week anon (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡ you are so real I'd conquer the world if bachira asked me to, too
📒: fluff
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meguru bachira boyfriend hcs
no shame at all. he WILL be all over you even in public, giving you cheek kisses and hugs especially
he always does it with a big goofy grin on his face too
if you return his energy, his grin would somehow be bigger?? he's the human embodiment of ":D"
LOVES LOVES rambling to you, or telling you random stuff in general
probably spams your texts a lot
he's the type to try loads of random filters while on video call
u could be telling a story and he'd be having a tiger filter on (he also makes random facial expressions to test how much the filter can go)
VERY VERY TOUCHY, if u dont want him giving u kisses in public, he can stick to holding your hand and literally glueing himself to you, when you guys sit beside each other, he makes sure your thighs or legs are touching
mans is the type to wait for you outside the bathroom
loves giving you his sweaters, and vice versa!!
sometimes he steals your hoodies
he'd be all "I don't know, love! i hope you find them soon, though :D" when you ask him where your hoodies are
his friends, esp isagi, knows absolutely everything about you
he rambles about you a lot 😭😭
"did you know (name) is really pretty? and!-" cue him infodumping for at least 45 minutes, take a huge deep breath and proceed his infodump once again
he's vv supportive in whatever u do
if u like soccer like him, he always teaches u how to do tricks and stuff
he gets so excited whenever he plays with u too
mans is having the time of his life
wants to own a small apartment with you and your future 50 cats (half of them are named meguru jr...)
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© 2024 JULSVU. all rights reserved. please don't plagiarize, translate, put in other websites or copy my work without permission. ty!
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hxjikonn · 1 year
Could I request Vil, Rook, Kalim, Idia and Jamil with an s/o that speaks their (the boys') native language when flirting?
A/n: This idea is rlly cute but a small warning y’all, I do not speak German, French, or Arabic😭💀 I’m gonna be using apps, websites, and google translate to help me so if you speak any of these languages feel free to correct me, that would be VERY MUCH APPRECIATED! Also I’m sorry I had to cut this to 4 characters only ;-; I’ll try to add Idia’s one in a separate post if I have time!
(@/l1ttleclouds helped a lot with the french, @/hivequeenb33 for the corrections in german and @/sugary-bluebell for the corrections in Arabic tysm🥹♥︎)
Say that again…
☆Staring☆: Vil Schoenheit, Rook Hunt, Kalim Al Asim, and Jamil Viper
Synopsis: Their reaction to GN!Reader flirting using their native language.
Warnings/Heads up: I do not speak any of these languages and am using translators, it might be cringe cuz I’m using phrases off google💀😭
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Vil Schoenheit
Vil was stressed about a photoshoot, usually he loves them, the flashes of cameras, praises from the photographers, people crowding around him to make sure everything is perfect, and the clothes. But as of now he’s frustrated because of Neige Leblanche stealing his spotlight, people praising him just sounded like noise in Vil’s ears.
You watched him fumble around his vanity mirror, fixing his hair, retouching his eye shadow, “Can you believe it potato? I was the only one who’s supposed to have a photoshoot today, then he came, ugh suddenly everyone’s attention was on him…” he said the tone of bitterness lingers in his voice.
“My attention isn’t” you pouted, walking up behind him. He expression softens, this only happens with you, he picks up another make up brush but you stopped it with your hand, slowly putting it down “Put it down…” you said “I’m not done potato I need to look-“ “Liebling, Du siehst umwerfend aus” you interrupted him and kissed his cheek
He froze, blinking a couple of times and snapping his fingers making sure he was awake… “What did you say?” He looked back at you, spinning his chair to see you better, you giggled “I said you looked stunning” you were about to walk away but then he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back “No that wasn’t what you said…” he replied “It was!” You defended “Yeah but not that way…” he stood up in front of you “Say that again…” he stared down at you softly…anticipation bubbling in him…
“Liebling…” you started, “Du siehst umwerfend aus” You finished pecking his lips right after earning a smirk from him. He completely forgot that he was mad at something… “see? you don’t even need the blush” you teased pointing out the fluttering pink painted on his cheeks….he chuckled “oh is that so? Well…I think you need a little color on your lips…” he cupped your face as he bent down slightly to kiss you. “Vil! You’re up!” the photographer called out, Making him pull away as he rolled his eyes “Ugh…wrong timing” he half yelled
You laughed softly, “Go…” you motioned him to leave you for now, he smiled “Alright, hold on, let me just reapply my lipstick” he called out, still looking at you, your lips now tinted with the lipstick he put on earlier…you placed a featherlight kiss on the back of his hand as a form of an unspoken ‘good luck’ and he replies with a smile squeezing your hand before he lets go and walks to the photoshoot while applying lipstick.
Needless to say he did very well even if there was a photo where he and Neige had to be in one shot, when he sees you watching in the background, remembering what you said to him, he doesn’t even care anymore. He has all your attention, and he knows it.
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Rook Hunt
It was sunset, and you two were still practicing, you couldn’t let yourself give up without hitting that red dot in the middle of the target…he readjusts you posture again…lifting you arms slightly, as he looks forward to see if the angle is right, while his hands rested on your waist…
No wonder you couldn’t hit the damn target…Rook is a very distracting teacher…he noticed that since you lost your aim again…he adjusted it back, tilting the bow upward a little with one hand…while his other hand still rests on you waist. “Mon amour, Concentre-toi…..” he whispered slightly teasing you of course, he knows what he’s doing.
“J'aimerais bien, mais tu es trop distrayant” you whispered back firing the arrow, he was caught off guard, staring off into the distance in shock, as your arrow hits the target he snaps out of his trance. “YES!” you cheered “I DID IT!! SEE???” You pointed happily to the arrow that pierced through the red dot on the target, excitement coursing through your veins.
“Mon ange….” He called out to you while slowly walking towards you “Did you just speak french or was I just too hypnotized by your beauty that I started hearing things?” He asked, you giggle and cupped his face… “Oui, je parlais français..” And kissed his nose, he felt like he was shot by cupid once again, Rook Hunt, was love-struck…
“Oh mon Dieu! I think I fell in love with you all over again” he said to you while also cradling your face in his hands…you swore you almost saw hearts in his eyes, he pulled you close to him as he leaned in to kiss you “AGHHH CAN YOU TWO KISS LATER I’M HUNGRY!!! Y/N PROMISED ME TUNA WHEN THEY FINALLY HIT A BULLSEYE” Grim shouted…
You both broke into a fit of laughter, “Awww poor kitty” you went to Grim and teased him scratching behind his ears “Stopppp!! I’m a powerful mage you know???? I can set you on fire!!” He said while swaying his paws back and forth to shoo you away “Monsieur Fuzzball is hangry, we should get him his promised tuna” Rook said while picking up the arrows on the grass and putting it back in his arrow quiver.
“Yes! Yes you should do that right now! Then you two can kiss for the rest of the day and I wont bother you, sound good?” Grim negotiated “Yes that would be quite pleasant Monsieur Fuzzball” Rook laughed as he grabbed you hand “We’ll go get it right away, won’t we Mon amour?” Rook said to you, you knew he was a little upset that he didn’t get to kiss you so you chuckled and nodded “yes.”
“GREAT! Now stop making googooly eyes at each other and lets go!” Grim shouted as he ran, thrilled by the tuna he has yet to receive. You two laughed and followed behind him, hand in hand.
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Kalim Al Asim
You are fighting for your life right now…Kalim clinging on to your waist stopping you from walking out of Scarabia’s doors as he weighs you down while you drag your and his weight attempting to leave.
“Kalim I have to go” you said clutching on to the door frame “Why??? Scarabia is much more comfy than Ramshackle just stay with me” he whines, “Grim’s gonna go hungry, can you live with yourself if my cat dies of hunger??” You guilt tripped him, hoping he’d let you go.
“I’LL ASK JAMIL TO BRING GRIM HERE JUST PLEASE DONT LEEEEAVVEEE” He practically yells as he begs for you to stay “I’ll come back to tomorrow…” you got tired and plopped on to the floor as he further tightens his hold on your waist, burying his face on your lap, “I’ll go a whole night without you here, if you can sleep knowing that than do I even matter to you??” He dramatically says, muffled because he still has his face on your lap.
You sighed and ran your fingers through his hair… “ ‎أَنتَ تَعني الكَثير لي حبيبي (You mean so much to me, my love)” you softly whispered to him, he looked up at you, letting go of your waist and sitting up right to meet your eyes. You were smiling at his expression.
A pigmented flustered hue shyly shows up on his cheeks and his eyes were filled with a whole rollercoaster of emotions, you let out a small laugh and a pecked his lips to bring him back from the love struck void he was falling into
“Kalim? You there?” You asked chuckling while cupping his face with both your hands, “Marry me.” He blurted out without warning, you stiffen for awhile not expecting that, but you saw his eyes twinkling and you burst out laughing earning a pout from him.
“I’m sorry you just looked so cute أميري (my prince) ” you apologized, he felt like melting, He crawled his way back into your arms, nuzzling into your neck, he could feels like his heart could beat out of his chest at this point. “Now you really cant leave…not after you said all that.” He protested.
You sighed in defeat, “Okay…Alright…I’ll stay…” you said, playing with his hair again “Forever?” He asked “For the night, Kalim, I can’t move out of Ramshackle” you laughed “I will marry you one day yknow?” He said, “I know” you answered kissing the crown of his head. “أحبكِ (ily)” he says to you, “أنا احبك (ilyt)” you say back to him.
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Jamil Viper
It was a normal day for you two, well to be honest a “normal day” is rare in NRC, with Jamil having to deal with his responsibilities to Kalim, and you being Crowly’s erand runner, you two rarely have time to see or spend time with each other.
Right now though is different, for once you two had somewhat of a day off, Kalim went back to his hometown to attend an event for the royal family, and Crowly surprisingly didn’t have anything for you today. It was nice…you two sitting in a couch, your back against his back and he has an arm on you shoulder
Both of you are each reading a book right now, it’s quiet, not much words are exchanged but it’s fine you two liked the peaceful silence for once. You’ve just finished yours and you plopped it down your lap with a contented sigh. “You finished it?” He chimes, not looking away from his book, “Yup! All done, you?” You stared up at him “Just 4 more chapters” he said focusing on his book, you just hummed in reply, not wanting to disturb him further.
You shifted you position and laid your head on his chest and he lets you get comfortable again, his other hand tracing circles on your back as you played with the ornaments near the ends of his braids. Your gaze slowly found it’s way back up to his face again, though he feels your stare, he doesn’t really mind but the corners of his lips lift a little.
You admiring you boyfriend and suddenly remembered that one phrase you asked Kalim to translate for you ‎“أَنتَ وَسيمٌ جِدّا حبيبي (you’re so handsome my love)” you mumbled, you were just trying to remember what Kalim said the translation was so you weren’t aware of speaking it outloud.
It hasn’t really registered in his head yet either, so he continues to read his book, “شكرا لك حبي” (thank you, my dear)” he replied simply…you blinked and realized you said it outloud, but you’re happy he heard it so you hummed back happily snuggling into his warmth, but when he heard you hum he finally caught up with what you said earlier
He slowly puts his book down as your words sink into his brain, you looked up at him again questioningly this time “You’re done already? I thought you said there was 4 more cha-“ “Love what did you say just now?” He abruptly cuts you off putting a hand on your cheek looking down at you “I was asking if you were done with your book?” You said confused, “No no before that…” he anticipated your answer…
You made an ‘o’ shape with your mouth, you knew what he was talking about, you thought he fully heard you but his expression seem to say otherwise. You smiled up at him and kissed the palm of his hand that was cupping your cheek
“All I said was, ‎أَنتَ وَسيمٌ جِدّا حبيبي (you’re so handsome my love)” you repeated it to him “I thought you heard it cuz you said thank you after” you added giggling.
He huffed in amusement, “Well there goes my book…” he says while putting the book away “what do you mean? you can still read” you said to him, he smiled, pulling you closer to him with his other arm that rested on your waist “No I don’t think I can, you have all my attention now” he mumbled, a soft blush dusted his cheek, an effect from your compliment to him earlier “You’re blushing~” you teased poking his cheek, he chuckled and inched his face closer to you
“Yeah? You don’t say?” He asked sarcastically before kissing you breathless, once he pulled away you were the one blushing, he grins at the sight “there, now we’re even.” He teased as you hit his chest lightly and hide your face in the crook of his neck while he laughs at your expense, you two continued teasing each other for the rest of the day.
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Edit: WTH TYSM FOR 1K 🥹♥︎
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snowsonlylove · 3 months
hii!! i commented about making a fic of coryo w or about the song haunted by beyonce, i was thinking maybe something smut if ur comfortable! if not its okay but the fic could be academy!coriolanus x academy!reader and theyre school rivals both working hard to beat each other and theyre obsessed with each other but they hide it with the fact they wanna win but they j wanna fuck (or get together) maybe theyre both possessive and jealous or coryo is the one thats really extra with it,, the story could go rlly slow too and then theres just a part where the facade and tension goes away and theyre needing each other so badly at that moment rushing everything, just like how the song goes idk if i made any sense :o im so excited to see the result!! this song just gives me coriolanus vibes
You Must Be Haunting Me..
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a/n note: hii!! yes, i loved your idea and i mostly stayed with your vision, only changing some minor things so the situation makes sense and dw i managed to deliver 🫡 hopefully you like it!! tysm for your idea and i look forward to seeing if there are some things you want to expand on (maybe with little blurbs on this dynamic bc i absolutely LOVE this trope!) & i'm totally comfortable with smut so dw about sending me kinky asks or requests. i totally accept them!!
Pairing: Academy!Coriolanus Snow x AcademyRival!Reader
Summary: Y/N Y/L/N and Coriolanus Snow have been academic rivals ever since the beginning of their journey in the Academy. It’s no secret that both Y/N and Coriolanus are the two top students of the Academy, both of them only being able to beat each other, the rest are just no competition for them. However, they genuinely have no idea why they're doing this constant battle against each other. Little did they know, both of them always think about each other behind closed doors and are obsessed with each other, each equally impressed at the other at how intelligent they are. One day, things just boil over with how Coriolanus constantly riles Y/N up and they explode in a huge fight which results in a turmoil of deep, rough and passionate sex. 
Fic Type: Smut (NSFW) 18+, Enemies to Lovers trope, dramatic behaviour from both of them, a wee bit of angst (mostly derived from the name-calling but in my head this is more funny than it is angsty 😭😭😭)
Warnings: unprotected sex (don’t do this guys, use a condom. reader is on birth control), rough pushing, harsh words used from both Y/N and Coriolanus, degradation (use of whore), cunnilingus (female receiving), squirting, lmk if i missed anything else
Word Count: 2k
I do not own Coriolanus Snow or Y/N Y/L/N (cuz it’s you, boo). All credits go to Suzanne Collins and her team. Song credits also go to Beyonce and her team. 
I do not allow my works to be republished or translated under any circumstances. Any instances of this happening and YOU WILL BE BLOCKEDDD. 
Also, ageless and empty blogs will be BLOCKED as this is a 18+ fic. Report my fics and you’re blocked cuz if u don’t like it, LEAVEEEE.
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Y/N Y/L/N and Coriolanus Snow began this disastrous journey from the age of 11-12. Both students entered the Academy with an air of poise and elitism about them as they knew what it took to defeat the competition in the Academy, most students not even being a possible candidate to them. It was all fine and well, until one year, Y/N and Coriolanus were put in the same class for the year, and the rivalry then started..
The first assignment of that year was an individual project on what each student thought the Capitol looked like during its earliest times. Each student was tasked with coming up with a drawing with their thoughts on said topic. This was their chance to go up against each other. Both Y/N and Coriolanus would stay up in the library after school and collect piles of books and do their research and by the time the task was due, Y/N and Coriolanus obviously submitted the best sketches.
After acknowledging this, the professor asked the class to vote for who’s sketch was the best. Small pieces of paper were given out to write either Y/N’s and Coriolanus’s names and as the professor then collected the papers, making both students anxious. As the professor counted the votes, Y/N’s heart was beating out of her chest, Coriolanus’s as well. It was then announced that Y/N won, which made Coriolanus furious as he spewed a full speech on how much he hated her. “You’d never be as good as what they say you are. You’re just dirt under my feet. God! You’re such a bitch!” He screamed as the professor and the class started at him in astonishment as they’ve never seen him lash out before.
Y/N was heartbroken when she heard this as sometimes when Coriolanus wasn’t looking, Y/N would sneak glances towards him and she started to be enamoured by him. Their time together after hours in the library would usually end up in them having conversations about their day and this time together helped them bond better. With this in mind, Y/N truly thought Coriolanus was at least civil enough to be respectful towards her. Y/N felt tears well up in her eyes as she ran out of the classroom, the professor telling her to wait.
Coriolanus, still blind with rage, kept on screaming and yelling obscenities about Y/N as he stormed off to his seat, his face red and his whole demeanour fueling with rage. Unfortunately, this fateful day was what started the vicious rivalry between Y/N and Coriolanus as the two would fight over who got the better grades, which teacher favoured which student more, the differences in their scores in each assignment every single day.
As of current, both Y/N and Coriolanus are 18 and in the midst of graduating. One of their last assignments was unfortunately a pair assignment. Dr Gaul once scoped out the Academy and witnessed one of the fights between Y/N and Coriolanus and she noticed how by getting them near each other, she could make them into the power couple of Panem and have them continue the Hunger Games, which inspired her to whisper in the ear of Dean Highbottom to get them to be in the same class and for them to share a table together until they graduated. Both Y/N and Coriolanus were very unhappy about this, both choosing to ignore each other while they were in their seats. 
With both of them getting older, both Y/N and Coriolanus started noticing certain things about them. Coriolanus noticed how Y/N’s facial features were more prominent, how her ass got bigger, her breasts more plump, making him unable to control a certain urge at times which led him to mastrubate thinking about her sometimes. Y/N also noticed a few things about Coriolanus. How he started to grow muscles, how they cling to his academy uniform whenever he took off his academy jacket, how his jaw was sharper, how his nose was becoming more emphasised, how he lost his baby fat. She can honestly go forever and forever about how attractive he is.
That being said, there was one particular day where everything just blew over the water. Y/N and Coriolanus were taking notes during Dean Highbottom’s lecture when Y/N felt Coriolanus’s elbow dig into her arms whenever they got to writing. This obviously made Y/N frustrated as she harshly whispered to Coriolanus to stop a few times, which led to a hushed debate between the two before it grew louder and louder until they were screaming at each other, making the whole class look at them and Dean Highbottom staring at them in shock before yelling for them to stop and stay after class for detention.
Both Y/N and Coriolanus felt embarrassed as they were lectured by Dean Highbottom after class before an assistant of Dean Highbottom requested him to join Dr Gaul for a meeting about the Hunger Games. Dean Highbottom sighed as he looked at the two young teenagers, “Look.. I feel that you two are now old enough to know what is acceptable behaviour in class. I’ll be back soon, do not kill each other while I’m gone.” As Highbottom left the classroom, the tense atmosphere began to build as the door closed behind him.
Almost immediately after he left, Y/N and Coriolanus stared at each other with the most hateful expression ever. Y/N menacingly glared at him while saying with gritted teeth, “See, Coriolanus! If you’re long ass elbow didn’t fucking dig in my arm every single time, that old fart wouldn’t lecture us for one fucking hour! My god, you’re truly dumb!” Coriolanus glared at her before stating, “It’s not my fucking fault that happened with you were taking over the whole goddamn table with your arms everywhere! Geez, Y/N! I thought you’d be more modest!”
Y/N looked at him, shocked, “ME?!! You’re blaming ME for something YOU did! That is so fucking misogynistic coming from you, a man! I swear to god, this is discrimination towards women at its core! Grow the fuck up, Coriolanus! We’re not children anymore! God! I’d be spending my time with Sejanus right now if it weren’t for your stubborn ass!” Y/N huffed while rolling her eyes. Coriolanus stared at her, his face full of jealousy before gritting out, “Sejanus? What the fuck are you doing with Sejanus?! You’re such a fucking whore! Ugh, you’re such a bitch!” Y/N looked at him, offended, “Bitch, weren’t you just fucking Clemensia a few weeks ago? Yeah, I heard about that! Everyone was practically talking about it! Don’t pretend to be so innocent, Coriolanus!”
Coriolanus looked at her, his expression turned dark as he stalked towards her, her taking a step back until her back had hit the wall. Coriolanus leaned towards her, lifting one of his arms to go above her, bringing the other hand towards her chin and lifting it. At this point, the height difference became very apparent as her head was tipped far back, her still glaring at him. “Are you baiting me, Y/N? You talk so much for someone who just fucked Felix Ravinstill of all people a few days ago..” Y/N continued to glare up at him, “At least I had the decency to keep it in my pants longer than you! God, I hate you!” Coriolanus looked taken aback as he muttered while leaning in to cup her cheeks, her face wiggling to be let out of his grip, “Well, I hate you too, sweetheart…” 
Coriolanus leaned in as he captured Y/N’s lips with his, their mouths fighting for dominance as they kissed each other as if they needed each other to breathe. The previous tension broke into a more sensual type of tension as Coriolanus wrapped his hands around her hair ravenously while Y/N’s hand made friends with the back of his neck. One of Coriolanus’s hands found its way to Y/N’s waist as he dragged her away from the wall, pushing her towards a nearby desk before propping her up on the desk and spreading her legs, allowing him to be closer to her, not once breaking their kiss. Y/N broke their kiss as she moved her lips to Coriolanus’s neck and trailed them down his Adam’s apple while taking off his blazer and unbuttoning his shirt, Coriolanus doing the same to her.
As they undressed each other, they continued to slide their tongues against each other, the sound echoing around the classroom. They managed to undress each other down to them both only wearing underwear before Coriolanus kneeled down so that he was face to face with the apex of her thighs. Coriolanus leaned in and captured his teeth to her underwear as he slowly pulled it down, revealing her aching, dripping pussy. Coriolanus licked his lips as he roughly shoved two fingers in her cavern as he curled his fingers in and out her folds, creating a beautiful sensation as he found her G-spot with no difficulty.
Y/N moaned as she threw her head back and slid her hands down to Coriolanus’s hair and tugged on it while pulling him closer to her heat. “Oh my gosh.. Coryo, it feels so good…” As he kept pumping his fingers in and out of her, he suddenly attached his lips onto her clit as he sucked on her clit and pumped his fingers harder, each movement feeling more and more intense for Y/N. He kept on going as he curled his fingers one final time, which made Y/N yell out as she squirted and covered his fingers with her wetness.
Y/N sighed in satisfaction as she helped Coriolanus up and gave him a deep, passionate kiss while tugging down his underwear and hooking her legs on the bottom of his back, Coriolanus leaned in closer as he aligned his erection with her heat, tapping his dick on her clit a few times before pushing his hardness in her heat. He only pushed in half of it when Y/N suddenly exclaimed, “Coryo, it’s too much! I can’t take all of it!” 
Coriolanus leaned down so his forehead was laying against hers before whispering in a comforting tone, “It will fit, Y/N. Trust me, trust me..” He closed his eyes as he leaned in to capture her lips with his as he pushed in slower this time, now being able to fill her pussy with his cock to the point where their hips were against each other. Coriolanus groaned as he slowly pulled out before thrusting in again, “Fuck, Y/N… You’re so good. Such a good girl..” 
Y/N moaned at hearing him praise her as he started to thrust his dick in faster, each time harder and rougher than the last. The room started to echo with the sound of her moaning, his groaning and the sound of skin slapping. Y/N closed her eyes as she moaned, her mouth forming an “O” shape as she threw her head back once more and arched her back, needing to feel closer to him. Coriolanus wrapped his arms around her waist as he pulled her in closer and kissed his way all around her neck, leaving furious red hickeys which would soon turn purple.
The pace in which he was fucking her got rougher each time he would thrust his aching hard dick into her dripping pussy, the slapping sound really turning them on and his balls slapped to her ass, their moans becoming louder and louder each time. The furious force in which he was fucking her started to reach a boiling point as Coriolanus moaned, “Ugh.. I’m fucking cumming, Y/N. Oh.. You’re such a good girl. Such a tight and wet pussy..” 
“Ohh.. Coriolanus… So good, so deep… I’m gonna come, gonna come.. OH MY GODD!!” Y/N screamed as she came. Coriolanus groaned as he came inside her, sighing as he tried to bask in the afterglow of his orgasm, holding Y/N tight against his chest in the process. Y/N left kisses and hickeys around his neck as she looked up at him with a dazed but satisfied expression and kissed his lips however, this time the kiss shared between them wasn’t one full of hate, it was one full of love.
As they pulled away from each other and started to get dressed, Coriolanus faced Y/N and said, “You know, if you wanted to fuck me, you could’ve said so.” He said with a smirk. Y/N turned to look at him, acting shocked as she huffed in feign frustration, “Oh shut up, Coriolanus!” She smacked his chest as both of them gave each other a silly grin before hurling in laughter.
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hopeluna-archived · 1 year
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── ❊ Request: Hey I love your work you’re one of my favorite writers on tumblr!! If you want to I have an Idea! Could u do obey me headcanon or fic on an mc who is sick? TYSM!! __
── ❊ Characters: Lucifer x reader
── ❊ CW: none! Except me being dumb :D 'cause at the end of writing this, I realised that I read the request wrong and thought that you had requested a Lucifer fic with sick reader so excuse my dumbness and I hope u like this <3
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"Lucifer, I really don't think I need another bowl of soup- no don't give me that look, I feel just fine I promise"
Lucifer had turned into a complete mother hen from the moment he came back to the house from RAD and learned from Mammon that you had caught a cold.
He was on you in a second, arranging the bed with fluffed pillows, making sure there is a warm cup of tea on the table beside the bed and occasionally glaring at his brothers when they make too much noise, warning them that you have a headache.
The last 30 minutes had been spent on Lucifer insisting you to have some soup as he was convinced you hadn't eaten enough, ignoring the fact that he had made you eat three bowls already.
"You need to have a full stomach, MC- its important to have your strength back" Lucifer gives a firm nod your way, gesturing to his raised hand with a spoonful of broth, ready to handfeed you if thats what it took.
"Fine! But this is the last one" sighing, you took a mouthful of the warm food, you had to admit it did feel good to eat it and have it soothe your aching throat.
Lucifer sat there for a while, making sure you were actually going to eat everything and not try to skip over stuff, when the incessant shouting of his brothers outside the door reached him. He made out the words "Solomon", "food" and "MC" before he quickly made his way outside the room.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
It took almost an hour to convince Solomon to hand his cooking over to the brothers, insisting that they would give it to you and that there was no need for Solomon to stick around as "we're pretty sure you've got other important stuff to do".
When the wizard finally relented and made his way out, Mammon and Levi were tasked to get rid of the food. "Throw it away, bury it, just get it away from me!!", were Asmo's exact words.
Lucifer tiredly rubbed the bridge of his nose in the middle of all the bickering and chaos. Not one peaceful day in this house.
Deciding to ignore the brothers, he entered the room once again to check on you, just to find you asleep, with a light snore and a empty bowl on the table.
Taking off one of his gloves and pressing the back of his cool hand to your forehead, a little frown made way to his face on finding yours still flushed with warmth.
Just as he went to pull his hand back, with a sleepy incoherent mumble, you grabbed his hand to snuggle to your heated face. I can stay a bit here, I guess.... and with a last look towards the door to make sure one of the brothers didn't stab another one, Lucifer took his shoes and coat off and carefully got under the covers, the movement receiving an appreciative hum and more snuggling from you.
The next morning when you woke up feeling refreshed and headache gone, the smile on your face was definitely worth it to Lucifer to get sick.
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© hopeluna. Do not copy, translate, modify or repost any of my work in this or any other site. Do not steal or modify my ideas/concepts either.
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sadie-bug345 · 2 months
the gang on a road trip :3
i love this request sm!! LETS GO👇
i feel like he’d try to read but when they’re all in the stupid MINI VAN TOGETHER HE CANNOT GET PEACE
also like reading on a drive can kinda make you carsick
and pony seems the type to get carsick i’m sorry😭💀
BUT i myself get carsick so it’s not bullying🫶
anyways he’s probably chill until someone mentions playing some roadtrip game like I Spy or smth LMAO
he seems the type to get actually triggered and annoyed during that game cause people *cough* dally *cough* choose stupid stuff (more on this later🙏)
probably sleep or smth low maintenance
i just feel like johnny doesn’t need constant attention to feel appreciated yk
anyways he’d also just seem the type to carry on a goofy convo throughout the drive
like just RANDOM and it lasts for like hours LMAOO
people probably voluntold him to sit in the middle seat 😔😭
he the type of kid to yell the most random stuff out of context in the back of the bus😭😭😭
so that kinda translates to this
his brain goes like a billion miles per hour so if you aren’t steve or two bit chances are you don’t even know what they’re doing at this point
finds ANY source of entertainment
usually bothers darry with steve LMAOO
darry drives cause no one else is trusted😔
maybe lets steve drive cause who else is gonna take over at night🧐
anyways he drives and definitely gives the annoyed dad
and then everyone’s good til dal loses a game of travel uno and punches his seat out of anger
and everyone goes quiet like 😟
and darry’s tweaking but ITS OK THEY STILL MAKE IT
rides shotgun
just a menace honestly
i feel like he dislikes being cooped up and bc of that he just is even more of a jerk
like pony thought itd be fun to play i spy and dally’s like “what a stupid game 🙄”
and then says “i see something….blue”
and everyone’s like “uhh the sky”
and just guessing EVERYTHING and dals like
eventually he says “it’s the blood in everyone’s veins rn😀because blood is actually blue before it hits the air and oxidizes and then it turns red🤷‍♂️🥰”
and everyone’s like 😐
and he is just like “well last week pony had a bio test and he wouldn’t SHUT UP ABOUT THAT FACT SO”
honestly just doesn’t stop. talking.
which is ok cause my guy is funny ASF
BUT for people on their last thread like darry he’s just like 😤
anyways two is just making fun of EVERYTHING
like isn’t it funny that pony’s seatbelt still has the child lock on it
and that dally is getting found out for actually caring about what people talk about (ie the random fact he remembers pony talking abt)
honestly a blast
he suggests a lot of games and lowk destroys
just goofs off w soda CONSTANTLY
which is really funny
i feel like we underestimate how funny they are together
probably talks abt cars the majority of the way there to no one in particular LMAO
it’s ok cause when the curtis car inevitably breaks down halfway there he goes into
and saves the day🫶🥰💞
TYSM FOR REQUESTING!! my requests are opennn🫶🫶
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so, i was listening to lover by taylor swift and that made me create a fictional scenario in my head (again) well the part where taylor says "And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me" reminds me of george weasley 😭 😭😭 (I'm still in love with him 🤧)
I would be very excited if you wrote a one shot where the reader is a friend of hermaione and they spend all their time together with harry and ron. At one point fred notices this and befriends the reader (let's assume george was not there when fred approached the reader)
In short, the reader is someone quite funny and has a really charming laugh. At a time before one of snape's classes begins. Harry Ron and Mione next to the reader burst out laughing and as almost everyone was silent some turned to the group responsible for such a "rumble" the twins looked attentive and one of them (cofcofgeorgecofcof) was perplexed to see someone as cute and adorable as the reader will laugh like this, ""the most beautiful laugh you've ever heard""
As the days go by, George gets Fred to include him in a conversation with the reader to get to know each other more.
George and the reader become good friends and whenever George has the chance to be around the reader he doesn't miss it.
The reader is the type of person who also listens to everything the other says (and since the reader had a secret crush on georgie he was comfortable hearing him tell any bad joke or funny anecdote.)
Once in the great hall at howarts george and the reader were talking animatedly. Fred noticed how the reader smiled more and more every time George spoke to him and he also saw how her brother looked at her as if she were seeing the most beautiful thing in the world.
Anyway, at the Christmas ball, George stumbles over her words when he wants to invite the reader, which she ends up accepting.
They dance together, have fun and have their romantic moment when at that moment Fred enters throwing hints at her brother and her friend to confess her feelings.
When the party ends. On the way to the rooms. The reader and geoge end up confessing in a somewhat embarrassing way stumbling over their own words as well. (I love these cheesy 😭💗💗)
And the reader steals a kiss on the lips from George before going to sleep. Leaving georgie with a face the color of a tomato.
I would like the reader to be female if it is not so much to ask hehe.
I'm sorry if he is too dense to read, I hope you can understand what I wrote, my native language is not English and I'm literally translating this, I'm so sorry 😭😭
At first I was embarrassed to request this because of how corny it is but OH GOD HOW I LOVE THE FRIENDS TO LOVERS TROPE 😭😭😭😭😭😭
P.S. I love how you write, it's very beautiful 💓
s m i l e s
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- george weasley
a/n: tysm for requesting this with so much detail, im gonna attempt it to do it justice and thank you for taking the trouble to write this all out for me
p.s i love you and this literally has me giggling and smiling
requested- yes
warnings- none i hope
Fred Weasley was a trouble maker. He was a see it and do it kind of learner. His sense of eyesight has never failed him and it never will. So what he saw infront of his eyes must be true, dear Georgie was falling in love.
You were maybe two years younger than the Weasley twins when Fred came running behind you to return your quill you forgot in the great hall. This caused a freindship to blossom and set the path of when the both of you would be in laws.
Hermione Granger had spent all day teasing about the wrong twin who's going to fall head over heels for you.
the five times Fred Weasley took notice of Georgie falling in love:
(1) shared portion class-
There were many things you couldnt do that would get you in trouble in potions with snape. But the one that lost you 10 points from your house was your laugh.
Last period on a hot friday evening was potions, but not just any class but the infamous joined classes with your senior year used to finish shared portions much quicker and that was the time where snape was most insuferable.
Sitting next to the trio was trouble in all kind of ways. When you couldnt contain a smile and laughed at everything indiscriminatley. Ron had retorted to one of snape's remarks had you giggling.
And that was when a certain weasley came into view or you to his. Georgie's head turned to the adorable laugh that filled his ears to face the most adorable girl he'd ever seen. Her nose was scrunched and shoulders lightly shaking and the prettiest smile stretching her lips.
And for once in his life he was speachless at the prettiest thing he's seen for all he could think was how he'd get drunk on that laugh everyday if he could have poured it all into a bottle and kept for himself.
As slick as georgie tried to be, fred noticed hid brother asking around for you, creating very difficult methods to get your attention and making the dumbest possible excuses to talk to you. That was the day freddie decides to play match maker.
(2) corny jokes-
"What did the fish say when he swam into the wall?" asked georgie looking very proud of himself. Fred did not know if it was because he managed to convince harry to let him beside her or of his new horrible joke he thought of all night.
"What?" you replied, looking as curious to hear. You took your concentration off your notes and paid attention.
"Dam, get it?"
You had tour head tilted back laughing that same damn way you did the first time and holy god.
(3) the look-
It was a saturday evening and almost no one was in the great hall. most on their way back from hogsmedge while a few stayed back. George and you had found your place is the corner of the grand table with the most exiting extanges. Freddie was maybe a few feet far, they 2 could never stay apart too long was having a great laugh with his batchmates. Turning around to share the joke with George he noticed the two extanging smiles and laughs and the twinkle they had in their eyes.
her smile could'nt get any bigger
and he couldnt look at anything with so much love
(4) dates-
You were a woman of many admirers, so why were you turning everyone down? Fred was hurting his head wondering if this would increase Georgie's confidence or inflate it.
To speak for you, you had made up your mind. if it wasnt Georgie then why bother?As much as you tried not to lead yourself on like this, how could you imagine anyone but him beside you. he'd be the only one you'd want to talk to when you're sad, the first to tell when you were happy over something, the someone who'd you'd hug and dance and twirl with. how could any other man compare when he was infront of you.
But when it comes to him it leaves you to be the confident one while he's a stumbling mess
"so uh..like i know..ball-"
"you asking me to the ball weasley?"
"uhr, not like that-"
"then like what love?"
"i mean like as- just us-"
"yes darlin"
(5) dancing
Swaying and stepping on eachother's feet kept both of you to keep bursting up with fits of laughter, but the star of the night? Fred.
He was always looming around dropping his comments to both of you playing the double agent.
"she looks so pretty in that dress, makes u wanna oohlala"
"georgie's eyes are so gliterry, you could get lost in them"
"her lips are pretty nice eh, you keep wandering around there"
"georgie is more than a nice arse, he could be your nice arse"
His words of aproval kept looming over eachother's conciousness. was it time, would i regret it? one thing leading to another, both of you found yourselves at the end of the night and the both of you were ready to take a leap of faith in the all might merlin who watches over you
"so-uh you know that you were- i mean are-"
"before you say anything, i uh-"
"m trying really hard here woman, you're- I like-"
"me- you like me georgie"
and with that he was utterly confused. how did she know? who told her? and then hit his realization. you liked him back too.
"you like me back"
"no shit sherlock"
you were trying very hard to keep your cool but georgie looked so kissable didnt he? and why not take a chance, might as well
you pressed him to a wall with your palm flattened next to him, caging him even if he was towering over you. with the other, you pulled his tie, pulling him in to a kiss to last a few mere seconds and walked away, leaving georgie looking as similar to a tomato
holy shit she kissed me
she kissed me
i have just been kissed-
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simp-4-sasuke · 10 months
you_and_sasuke_get_along_(too much ?).txt
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anon asked :
Can you write how'd ltachi react to yn being friendly and close to Sasuke?!? Or any of guy bestie?!?
-> omg first ever request yayyyy ! Tysm for requesting ♡ I chose to write it with Sasuke and hopefully I did that well ^^ I'm not new to writing but I am with making headcanons so this might look all over the place sorry ˙◠˙
# itachi×f!reader
#fluff, slight angst
# no tw here, slight jealousy that stems from insecurity on Itachi's side.
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▪︎Itachi was well known for being a strong man that stood straight in his shoes, despite all the obstacles life had thrown at him.
▪︎And he had little to envy to his teammates or the other masculine figures around him.
▪︎But knowing that wasn't going to be enough anymore, it seems...
▪︎When Itachi met you for the first time, he just knew you were the one. He'd never forget the way your Chakra tingled his skin when you walked up to him with a smile.
▪︎And just like the universe had planned it, you two got together.
▪︎fuck how cliché that sounded, Itachi couldn't find any other way to describe it : it felt like his life only really started once you came into it.
▪︎Of course, he just had to have you meet his little brother, although a bit expectantly. Sasuke was one of the most (if not the most, let's be honest here) important persons to him, and the possibility of him disapproving your relationship had cold sweat sticking on his forehead.
▪︎that wasn't fortunately the case. At all, actually. Since you and sasuke ended up growing closer to each other in the span of a month.
▪︎Itachi was relieved, of course, but also surprised : he didn't know his brother to be so... outgoing.
▪︎he guessed it was for the best. There was no one he trusted more than the two of you, and never did the thought of you betraying him even cross his mind.
▪︎Itachi knew you'd never do that to him, neither would his brother, but...
▪︎apprehension left its place to surprise, then to relief and finally to something he wished he'd never feel towards sasuke : jealousy.
▪︎Itachi would drown in shame for thinking like this, never saying a word about it to you because, in all honesty, it was stupid.
▪︎but although he was aware of how unrational his jealousy was, he couldn't help it.
▪︎you'd tell him about what sasuke and you talked about today, and he'd listen with a gentle smile on his lips, though his eyes were like black coal, hiding the envy pinching at his heart. He wanted to have you talk about his fights with awe, too, have you brag about how amazing of a ninja he was...
▪︎you'd somehow notice and take advantage of a warm bath together to brush your fingers through his hair, combing it as you kissed the rough skin of his shoulder, slowly making your way to his ear.
▪︎Itachi simply stopped breathing, body stilling in fear that even a shiver from his side would make this unexpected blessing vanish into thin air.
▪︎his heart is pounding, pounding like it never did before, and itachi feels an uneasiness constric his throat as the realization that he has a heart, pumping, loving, aching, made him somehow emotional.
▪︎he listens with closed eyes the words you whisper to him.
▪︎"I love you, all of you," you mutter and he's glad you can't see his face as you press your lips against a pinkish line on his back. "Every scar, every flaw, everything, Itachi. I love you."
▪︎he exhales a shaky breath and his tense muscles relax, inching his head back until it rests on your shoulder. And he smiles, his ears catching the regular beating of your heart.
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© simp-4-sasuke 2023 ‎♡‧₊˚ do not copy/translate/repost
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gyuletters · 9 months
🎸 𖥔 ݁ ˖★ FUCK IT, IT'S FINE .ᐟ | BEOMGYU
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gn!reader ، wc: 1.9k ، genre: ex2l, a tad of angst, toxic relationship, cussing ، tw: suggestive but nothing to explicit.
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beomgyu always looks so mysterious, like his aura was painted with dark shades of blue and black. the spotlights only enhance all of his mythical presence. no wonder why you fell hard. so hard that you didn’t notice all the bruises it left on your heart.
when everything ended, you only wanted to forget him. endless nights of crying, throwing his stupid baggy shirts in the trash and for the grand finale burning all the paper sheets filled stupid songs he ever wrote to you. 
you were a mess. the most painful and heartbreaking mess.
so why are you here now? why are you standing in the middle of this crowd getting lost in his hypnotic voice and skilful techniques with the electric guitar? maybe you liked to make yourself go crazy.
beomgyu is like a siren: singing you into temptation and making you surrender yourself to him. maybe you could never really get over him. even after screaming the most cruel words, you find yourself lost in his antiques again.
that’s when he notices you in the middle of the crowd - all poisoned up, looking like a lost puppy at him. you looked like the most gorgeous prey.
he decides to show himself, like an inner scream of victory, and does his solo even more powerful than ever. the whole crowd grows crazy but you know that you’re the lucky one to get all of himself for you.
the concert ends and you’re finally able to put yourself together again. why are you here? wasn't it to make him jealous or something? honestly, you don’t know anymore. if anyone looked at you now, they would think you had one too many tonight.
your phone buzzes with a text from an unknown number: “meet me backstage, NOW!”
you know what’s coming next and for you it feels so right. 
there he is -  standing in front of his own dressing room, all sweaty, long hair sticking to his forehead. he mouths “come here”, gesturing with his fingers for you to get closer. there’s a part of your brain screaming at you for being so easy to him, for not making him regret leaving you but instead making you regret leaving him. 
all thoughts shut down when his mouth touches yours and your back is pressed on the now closed door. you may hate yourself in the morning but when he says “ i missed you, y/n” with that fucking whispery rasp voice, you know you’re fucked up.
seeing him tonight was a bad idea, right?
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★ taglist: @itz-yerin @sunoooism @itgirlgyu @soobunnii
★ status: taglist and requests currently open! send me an ask or comment to be added.
© gyuletters, 2023 - do not repost, copy, or translate. // hi! so i’m back with a new fic after god knows how long. 😃 i was going through a phase that i honestly wasn’t liking anything i wrote and started to think all of my fics were boring af lol. so i decided to change a bit (both layout and the way i write) to something more closer to what i personally would like to read. so we’re getting a bit more of a tension, slow burn and maybe suggestive things. BUT my romantic fluffy lovey dovey heart is still here because it honestly will never go away. anyways… that was a venting LMAO if you read until this very end, tysm!! ilysm!! ❤️‍🩹
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harry-styles-obsessed · 9 months
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Daddy to the rescue
Request: hii! Could you write something with Harry as a dad?! Please and thank you! I LOVE your dad! Harry fics THEYRE THE BEST!!! TYSM ILY
This is a pretty random one and pretty short too but it’s cute sooo enjoy!(:
©️ please do not copy or translate my work.
“Hey,” Harry’s voice was sharp and stern yet remained soft and careful as he gently grabbed his oldest daughters wrist, pulling her gently back towards him. School had just kicked out and his youngest, Lola was happy but tired but his eldest, Sophie was unhappy and clearly struggling through something so had just yelled at you. You were surprised of course but Harry was quick to deal with the situation,
“we don’t shout… do we? Use your inside voice sweetheart. I don’t know what’s wrong if you don’t tell me… we just want to help.” Harry searched her eyes Sophie’s bottom lip trembling as she stared at Harry for a while before finally breaking down into loud painful sobs, Harry pulling the small girl into his arms, holding onto her securely as he rubbed up and down her back “shhh shhh I’ve got you. I’ve got you…” he soothed gently the girls body trembling as she sobbed into his T-shirt her hands fisting at the material of his shirt. “I hate school!” She soon cried out making Harry’s heart drop as he slowly stood up lifting her up with him “hey… shhh… why’s that?” He asked carefully tears streaming down Sophie’s cheeks before Harry took a seat, sitting Sophie down onto his knee as he looked at her, you standing with a very tired Lola in your arms your eyes full of worry and concern. You hated any of them being upset… it tore you to pieces.
“Talk to me…” Harry spoke “please,” he whispered more softly hand rubbing up and down her back. “w-we had to write a story about our best friend..” the girl hiccuped out emotionally “I wrote about Millie…” her shoulders jerked as she tried to control her cries. Harry listened eyes growing more worried and concerned by the second “m-Millie was first to read her story… i-… I wasn’t in her story…. She’s got another best friend… not me…” the girl was completely distraught Harry’s heart aching as he pulled her into his arms
“Ohhh baby girl… oh shhh. Shhhh sweetheart. Hey listen… listen to daddy for a second yeah?” He made her look at him, using the pads of his thumbs to wipe away her tears as he smiled sadly at her “I have lots of best friends! You can have lots too… likewise with Millie… you’re one of her best friends… she has lots… and you do too I’m sure huh?” The girl shook her head eyes full of sadness and Harry sighed sadly, there wasn’t much he could do. He couldn’t go force other kids to be friends with his children and so instead, he immediately thought of a plan B: divert the attention to something else.
“How about mummy, you, me, and Lola go out tonight yeah? Get McDonald’s?” The man offered knowing the little girl always cheered up with a happy meal and a toy the girl nodding her head “yes please daddy.” He smiled and stroked her cheek gently “how about we be extra naughty… you go get your pyjamas on…. Mummy and I will do the same… we can go on a midnight drive yeah?” Of course it was only early but still… it was about making it fun and exciting Sophie’s attention now on the happiness she was about to experience as she sprung up off of his lap sprinting up the stairs to get her pyjamas on “super hero..” you teased with a small smirk before kissing his cheek gently.
The drive to McDonald’s was fun, a lot of singing, and Sophie and Lola just being happy. They went through the drive through as Harry didn’t fancy getting spotted by anyone and so he ordered what everyone wanted and once the food had been collected he handed out everything to everyone, Sophie immediately tucking in, her toy being a little Lego superman
“Daddy!” The girl spoke fry in mouth, the man looking back at her “yes sweetie?” “This is for you!” She spoke with a happy smile and he took the small superman figurine “because you’re my superhero!” She exclaimed immediately melting Harry’s heart… oh what else could a man wish for? He had everything he wanted and needed… but the one thing he was especially grateful for was the beautiful little family you and him had created.
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