#u can tell i love dust bcs i love to angst him
meimeikyu · 7 months
i need to draw a scar chart for my dust so i can do them decently consistently but i have this issue called 'i love giving characters so many scars to a point that i cant actually do them consistently'
9 notes · View notes
forlix · 8 months
𝐜𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠・h.h.
— you're uninviting, there's no doubt about that, your resolve like unpolished diamond and tongue like broken glass. but hyunjin finds you're not half as impossible as everyone assumes you are.
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pairing・idol!hyunjin x female stylist!reader (inspired by this)
genres・fluff, angst, eventual smut so MDNI, some hurt/comfort, some humor, mc is a bad bitch and hyunjin is a #simp, enemies? to lovers, sexual tension, workplace relationship, mutual pining, slow burn, nonlinear narrative
warnings・reader vividly remembers an anxiety attack, alcohol is consumed, lots of compartmentalization and imperfect communication, complex people feeling complex emotions, smut warnings under the cut
playlist・farewell, neverland by txt・like crazy by jimin・black friday by tom odell・collide by justine skye・crying lightning by arctic monkeys
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a/n・call me victor frankenstein bc i've given birth to a MONSTER (except i actually love and care for mine ofc). this was easily the greatest challenge of my fanfiction-writing career and it feels like my magnum opus; i hope it's worth the wait! also a huge shoutout to sahar for being my voice of reason and my biggest supporter :’) i don’t deserve u i love u
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smut warnings・cunnilingus, overstimulation, creampie (practice safe sex!!), mild dacryphilia
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Present day. Cannes, France. 5:54 P.M.
You’ve long made peace with the fact that Hwang Hyunjin is incapable of shutting up for more than five minutes.
As it is, the man has a mouth that runs like a cross-country marathon; then throw in his uncanny aptitude for annoying you, and what do you get? A nonstop slew of terrible jokes and teasing quips, tailored according to his thorough mental manual of what gets under your skin hardest and fastest.
This is the reality you live in, presumably because you were evil in your past life, and you’ve steeled yourself to see it through.
But twenty minutes have passed since you and Hyunjin ducked into the back of a cab and gave the driver the show’s address—and, as stunning as the red rooftops and lazuline coastline of Cannes are, you find you’re more interested in Hyunjin’s peculiar silence.
You move your gaze to his face. He’s looking outside, his chin resting upon the palm of his hand, the afternoon sunlight dusting over his chiseled features like polish on pottery; his complexion an exuberant gold against the cream-colored linen that makes up his clothing.
Maybe it’s because you opted for a simpler makeup look today, leaving the most telling contours of his face warm and bare, or maybe it’s because you’ve spent the last year committing his every mannerism and expression to memory. Nevertheless, you see through his pursed lips and tight brow right away.
Hyunjin’s head swivels towards you with a small snap, like he’s forgotten you’re here. His lips fall open, their glossy peach color glinting with the small shift.
“No,” he replies reflexively, but then his facade flickers. “Fuck, maybe a little. It’s just hard to believe, you know?”
You do know. It was a huge honor for both of you when Hyunjin was named the newest global ambassador of Versace. For you to be attending the brand’s pop-up show in one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, among some of the world’s most prolific creatives, is truly incomprehensible. Even you’ve been feeling antsy since you landed; you can only imagine Hyunjin’s anxiety.
You have never been good at consolation. You think your mouth is too coarse, your propensity for honesty too strong. But you’ve always known just what to say when it comes to him.
“Just remember who you are.”
Hyunjin takes a few seconds to process your words, but his understanding washes over his whole body; straightens his back; hardens his gaze. You don’t see this change in posture, though. You’re too busy looking anywhere else, all of a sudden feeling quite embarrassed.
Nor do you see the private smile that disperses across Hyunjin’s lips; his eyes softening so, so marginally when they peer at your profile; his hand twitching where it rests on his knee, as if contemplating reaching for you with a mind of its own.
Thirty seconds. That is the amount of time you have left to bask in this otherworldly tranquility. And then he speaks.
“I want you to meet my parents.”
Your arm reacts before your mind can. Without having to turn your head an inch, you smack him squarely in the bicep, sending him crumpling against his door with a bark of a laugh; “please,” he adds, and you’re biting back a smile as you hit him again, with less conviction this time.
The cab driver nearly misses an exit, too busy wondering about the peculiar pair in his backseat and the nature of your relationship. He can’t tell if you hate each other or if you’re married.
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One year ago. Seoul, South Korea. 8:42 A.M.
“I still can’t believe you’re abandoning me.”
“For my newborn daughter.”
“Yeah, okay. I still can’t believe you’re abandoning me for your newborn daughter. What does that brat have that I don’t?”
“My genes, to begin with.”
“That’s unfair. She’s using—”
An important-looking pair of women step out of the nearest elevators, the clacking of their heels ricocheting sharply off the lobby walls. Hyunjin straightens his back so quickly he thinks he pulls a muscle. He and Seojun incline their heads in perfect sync, their “good morning”s prim and professional.
“She’s using cheats,” Hyunjin hisses the second the women are out of earshot again, and this wrests a laugh from the older man at last.
Around one month prior, Seojun confided in Hyunjin that he and his partner were expecting their first child soon, and that he would be putting his career on indefinite hiatus to welcome her into the world.
Hyunjin had never felt so conflicted in his life. On one hand, he’d grown closer to his stylist over the last two years than he’d thought possible, and he knew it was stupid to be anything but delighted for him and his expanding family. On the other hand, it was precisely because they’d become so close that he wanted to grab the man by the ankles and shake the decision clean out of his body. He couldn’t imagine a dressing room or tour bus without him.
Today is a Saturday, but it’s also Seojun’s last day with the company. Hyunjin dragged himself to the JYP building at half past eight with much less reluctance than he let on. He wouldn’t have missed it for the world.
“Fourth floor,” Seojun instructs after the pair enter the elevator, and Hyunjin presses a knuckle to the according number. “Thanks.”
The doors slide shut; the floor numbers tick upwards.
“What was her name again?” Hyunjin asks.
“Y/N,” Seojun returns. “Y/L/N.”
“Is she here already?”
“No, she’ll be here at nine.”
There’s a small pause. 
“I feel like I’m being married off to another family for political reasons.”
“God, I can’t wait to be free of your theatrics.”
At this, the two men make eye contact; exchange smiles. The elevator announces their arrival to the fourth floor, and they step through the doors.
“You’ll be in good hands,” Seojun reassures. “She’s the best of the best. I hear she’s basically running the industry these days. I’m surprised she agreed to take you on.”
“I’m surprised an old fry like you knows someone like her,” Hyunjin replies, and the look Seojun gives him is so withering that he thinks he pulls a muscle again with his apologetic bow.
“You’re not wrong, though,” Seojun concedes. “We happened to work on the same project back when she was still a small name, and we’ve kept in touch ever since. She’s a great kid. Ambitious, hardworking, strong as hell—”
They arrive outside their destination, and Hyunjin holds open the door to the conference room. Only to find that Seojun has stopped in his footsteps, temporarily stunned by a new realization.
She reminds me of him.
“He’s forgotten how to walk,” the him in question whispers like he’s narrating a nature documentary, and the moment is over. “Is this what fatherhood does to a man?”
Seojun kicks Hyunjin into the room by the seat of his pants.
The minutes pass slowly. Seojun moves his eyes between the door and his phone every few seconds, visibly antsy about the imminent meeting. In the meantime, Hyunjin makes the groundbreaking discovery that these office chairs are absurdly and almost suspiciously comfortable. All it takes is a chin upon his palm and a few seconds of shut-eye, and he’s suddenly slumped over the table, snoring softly into the crook of his elbow.
At 8:57, Seojun’s phone lights up with a new notification. At 8:58, he notices that Hyunjin is asleep, and closes his hand around the crumpled receipt in his pocket. At 8:59, he scrunches said receipt into a ball and launches it in Hyunjin’s direction. It hits him squarely on the head, and the boy is nearly knocked to the floor like a bowling pin.
“For that,” Hyunjin sputters, “I’m the godfather.”
“Absolutely the hell not.”
Then, it is 9:00.
When the door of the conference room opens, Hyunjin is still trying to gather his wits, wondering if the bastard is leaving the makeup industry to secretly pursue a career in professional basketball. He just barely notices the unfamiliar figure who steps into his line of vision.
“There she is,” Seojun greets warmly, rising to his feet right away. “God, how long has it been? Two, three years now?”
You’re not doing anything remarkable when Hyunjin sees you for the first time, simply walking across the room and bowing graciously in Seojun’s direction, but he is immediately under the vague impression that you’re cutting through space as you move, scorching the particles of air that dare obstruct your path. 
With his head cocked slightly to the left, like a fascinated puppy, Hyunjin watches the stunning smile that forms on your lips when you take Seojun’s hand; your finger as it tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear with the elegance of rippling silk. His mind feels impossibly slow, like you’ve tapped open his skull and robbed him of his ability to think.
Then, you toss Hyunjin a look over your shoulder, and he’s reminded of lightning forking towards the earth. Terrifying, volatile, beautiful.
“Something like that,” you say, turning back to Seojun, and time starts to move again. “It’s great to see you again, Mr. Lee. Congratulations on the baby.”
“Please, Seojun is fine,” he answers hastily. “And thank you. Thank you for all of this, actually. I can’t tell you how excited we are to have you.” 
“You’re too kind—I’m excited too.”
Upon uttering the word “we,” Seojun delivers Hyunjin a fleeting side-eye; he takes the hint and pushes himself to his feet, feeling uncharacteristically clumsy as he moves towards you.
The second time he meets your gaze, it feels wrong, almost, for him to hold it for as long as he does. Like he’s approaching your throne with his chin held high and eyes fixed forward instead of his head sweeping the ground.
Except he swears he senses a strange warmth within the rings of your irises, and he spends every second of eye contact following, chasing it, almost craning his neck with how badly he wants to get a closer look. Until he’s as close to you as is socially acceptable for a first meeting and comes to a halt.
He ends up losing its trail, but he won’t forget that it’s there. 
“My client, I’m guessing?” You say, extending your hand. “Y/N. It’s a pleasure.”
Your fingers are freezing cold where they meet his, and Hyunjin already knows that melting the permafrost that coats your flesh and guards your soul will be the tallest task of his life.
But he finds his next words accompanied by an involuntary smirk; he’s nothing, if not tenacious.
“Hyunjin,” he returns. “Pleasure’s all mine.”
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Nine months ago. Paris, France. 6:16 P.M.
Hyunjin isn’t sure why—maybe you forget that he can still steal glances at your reflection over your shoulder or through the gaps of your fingers—but he’s learned over the last four weeks that you’re different, gentler, when you’re doing his makeup.
Your cold hands request instead of demand that he angle his head a certain way or suck in his cheeks. Your syllables are rounder somehow, your voice never traveling above a murmur. Even your eyes mellow out when you move in really close, your pupils dilating as you detail the final touches to the fresco you’ve painted upon him.
Your expression doesn’t give you away (it never does), but his hunch is that there’s a sprinkle of doting somewhere among the intense focus. That would explain why he feels like a flower in the moments when your fingertips and gaze move so carefully over his skin, like you’re touching his petals, trying not to tear them.
Too bad you never let him daydream for long.
“Your eyes. Close them.”
His lashes have hardly brushed his lower lids when you begin to empty what feels like an entire bottle of setting spray on him. At the moist surprise, Hyunjin’s features scrunch up around his nose and he lets out a distraught hack like an old man.
A few seconds later, the barrage stops, and he cracks open a wary eye to scope out his surroundings. You wait until he does this to give his face one last spurt.
“Witch,” Hyunjin mutters, clawing back up the vanity chair.
“Thank you,” you reply, completely earnestly.
And whatever Hyunjin was going to say next suspends instantly on his tongue when you bring the pad of your thumb to the very edge of his lower lip and drag it across the soft flesh. He wonders if you know how hard he tries not to look at your mouth whenever you tend to his. He wonders if there’s anything you don’t know.
“You smudged your lipstick already.” There’s a small streak of coral pink on your hand when it falls back to your side. “See? That’s why we need the setting spray.”
“Uh huh.” And Hyunjin spots a ghost of a smile flit across your face, gone nearly as soon as it appears. The only evidence of it ever existing is the quickened heartbeat it leaves behind within him.
“You’re done, by the way,” you say, stepping aside. “Take a look.”
He slips out of his seat and moves closer to the vanity, peering at his reflection as curiously as if he’s never seen it before. But that’s how he’s felt since he started working with you.
Seojun was right: you are the best that the makeup industry has to offer. Hyunjin has come to understand this for multiple reasons. Your phone screen is incessantly illuminated by new notifications and incoming calls. The other stylists heed your advice like it’s the law. Brushes and pencils move like water when it’s you maneuvering them. And then some.
He would call what you have “talent,” but he knows it’s more than that. You show him a new version of himself every time you turn a mirror in his direction, like there are facets of him that are visible to you and you only. As much as he delights in the notion that you have such intimate knowledge of him, it should be impossible, considering you’ve only known him for two months. So no, it’s not just talent that you possess. It’s some combination of talent, hawkish perception, and raw artistry that is utterly inhuman—and sexy as fuck.
Speaking of sexy. Hyunjin’s look is relatively rudimentary tonight, the makeup light, the outfit a simple black tank top beneath a jacket and pants made of bright red velvet. But it’s the details that tie the whole thing together: the wide, loose sleeves causing the jacket to slip continually off his shoulders; the inner layer tight in all the right places. His face doesn’t look half bad either, with the sultry carmine powder that fringes his eyes and the intentionally mussed state of his hair. He pushes a hand through the dark locks, regarding himself with thorough appreciation.
You appear in his periphery as you start cleaning up your work station. “You can just take the jacket off when your sweat glands start malfunctioning, by the way. I thought you’d appreciate that detail.”
At this, his smize cracks into a laugh, the sound loud and uninhibited and uniquely yours to hear. “You suck.”
He looks away from his reflection just in time to glimpse another of your phantom smiles, and he thinks it’s so painfully on brand that the two times it’s appeared tonight have both been from you making yourself laugh. You might be the most insufferable person he’s ever met. He might be obsessed with you anyways.
“Well?” You implore. “What do you think?”
“No notes.” 
It’s the answer you’re expecting. You survey him from head to toe one last time, decide that you, too, are satisfied, and slip your makeup into your bag; hike its strap over your shoulder.
“I’ll see you after the show, then.”
You have an important conference call to attend before tonight’s concert, hence why Hyunjin had to come in early for hair and makeup. This is also the reason why the two of you have been the only people in the dressing room for the better part of an hour. 
It’s rare that he ever gets you alone, and he doesn’t want it to end. Not just yet.
“I lied, actually,” he calls. “I do have notes.”
You already have one foot out the door when you hear this, and you turn around so slowly and in such disbelief that he has to fight to constrain his laugh—the concept of imperfection is truly unthinkable to you. Insufferable, like he said.
“Do tell,” you say, dropping your bag back onto the floor.
“You have any jewelry for me?”
You chew on this for a moment. You did have a selection of necklaces prepared for tonight, but they were heavy and numerous, not exactly the best-suited for the group’s dynamic sets. You still like them, granted, and you know Hyunjin would as well.
You articulate all of this to him, and he asks if he can take a look at them anyways. “Come here, then,” you say, the words so tantalizing when they fall from your lips that nearly trips over himself trying to obey.
You take out a flat rectangular box from your bag and set it down in front of the lightbulb-studded mirrors. Hyunjin observes quietly as you show him its contents: three thick, gold chains with varying lengths and boasting different pendants, plus a beaded bracelet and an assembly of rings of the same material. His devious plan aside, he does love the selection.
“You’re sure you won’t be uncomfortable?”
He nods, and you pick up the longest of the three chains; turn to him expectedly. He takes this as his cue to move closer to you, except he overshoots a little, and he feels the tips of his shoes accidentally bump into the ends of yours; discerns the warmth emanating from your body against his own. He expects a withering glare, a kick in the shin, maybe, but you don’t seem bothered by the proximity at all, unblinking as you bring your hands around the either side of his neck and fasten the first necklace with a soft tap. Your fingers then brush over his collarbones to adjust the pendant, and he thinks your hands would have to be numb not to perceive the frantic heartbeat threatening to burst straight out of his skin.
Entire minutes pass before Hyunjin musters the courage to actually look at you. By then, you’re already working on the third and final necklace. It’s not a surprise that your face is mere inches away from his; he’s been watching your reflections out of the corner of his eye; he knows you’re closer to each other than you’ve ever been. But there are parts of you that the mirror doesn’t show—the soft curve of your lashes, the concentrated narrow of your eyes, the shapely protrusion of your pursed lips—and these surprise him so thoroughly that he slips and slides out of his right mind.
You are the type of beautiful that’s been around longer than humans have, the same as that of the true blue color of forget-me-nots. And Hyunjin feels enveloped, intoxicated by you from this minuscule distance. The idea forms numbly in his head that maybe, just maybe, he was put on this earth to admire you.
In this inebriated state, he makes a venturesome decision.
When you finish centering the last pendant upon the his chest, you are about to take a step back and review the updated look, but you’re debilitated by the feeling of fingers grazing over your hip—lightly, so lightly that you mistake them for a gust of wind at first, but the contact is enough to push the small of your back against the edge of the counter. Then, both of Hyunjin’s hands reach behind you, pressing flat against the marble surface, and, just like that, he has you right where he wants you, ensnared between cold stone and hot flesh.
And so begins an equilibrium so fragile that it’ll shatter if one of you so much as blinks the wrong way, your rattled breath fluttering against his lips, his eyes dark and hooded and out of focus as they survey the fine lines of your expression. It still doesn’t give you away (it never does), but he finds that in this moment he just doesn’t care.
“Let me take you out,” he murmurs. “One date.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” You reply under your breath.
“You know what I’m talking about, beautiful.”
Upon uttering that last word, he angles his head almost imperceptibly, the movement challenging, daring you to say something about it. But you don’t. You merely hiss out a whetted “you’re fucking crazy,” and that’s his opening to drag this on a little longer; push your limits a little more.
“About you? Damn straight.”
At this, finally, fucking finally, there is a semblance of something in your face that isn’t just your usual mildly-irritated nonchalance. Instead, he detects surprise in the whites of your eyes as you widen them; as you part your lips with a response that only comes much later.
And he’s surprised by your surprise. Surely, with your skills of observation, you would’ve noticed long ago how his world shrinks down to only you and your gorgeous voice and your confident glare and your shitty sense of humor whenever he’s been granted the privilege of your presence.
This might be the first time he’s admitted it out loud, but he hasn’t tried—hasn’t been able—to hide how he feels about you, not now, not ever. It’s been that way since the moment the sole of your shoe met the carpet of that conference room on the fourth floor of the JYP building.
 “Hwang—” You begin.
At the sound of a third, new voice, your arms tense like you’re about to shove Hyunjin off of you, but he only leans in further, so that his lips almost graze your jaw and your hands have nowhere to go except the taut surface of his chest. The surprise is gone; now you’re just pissed. He can feel the heat of your furious eyes and the tremor in your hands as you form fists around the fabric of his top. But he takes his sweet time in scooping up the bracelet and rings, and only afterwards does he pull away from you and straighten to his full height.
“Hey, Innie!” Hyunjin chirps, and Jeongin materializes in the doorway, looking thoroughly perturbed by the older boy’s sunny tone. “What’s up?” 
In the meantime, you turn around to snap the lid of your jewelry box shut, and it takes a singular glance in the mirror for a truly horrible realization to settle upon your shoulders. You don’t think anybody would be able to tell even if you announced it outright, but you know yourself and the little nuances of your face all too well.
You’re flustered.
You feel like a horror movie heroine breaking the fourth wall. 
“Nothing, weirdo. I was just announcing my arrival,” Jeongin says. Thank fuck you did, Hyunjin thinks to himself, completely unaware of the epiphany you’re having behind him. “Chan-hyung mentioned you were here already? Why?”
“She’s in high demand.” Hyunjin points out the she in question by jutting his chin in your direction. “The usual.”
Jeongin inclines his head towards you in polite greeting. You return his hello, but your expression starts to feel tight when his eyes dart between the strange smile on Hyunjin’s face and your awkward stance (still glued to the edge of the counter) as he drops his duffel by the couch. The boy isn’t stupid, unlike his older counterpart.
“I saw a vending machine on my way here,” Jeongin says, turning to leave the room again. “You want anything, hyung? Noona?”
“I’m okay, thank you,” you say.
“I’ll have whatever you have,” Hyunjin says.
Jeongin flashes a thumbs-up and dips out of the room, perhaps a little more hastily than he intends to come across. And then there are two. Again.
You wait until you can’t hear his footsteps anymore, and then you turn to glower at Hyunjin so intensely that he thinks you’re about to place a curse on his whole bloodline.
Then, your phone starts vibrating, and he knows he’ll live to see another day.
“You still owe me an answer,” Hyunjin calls as you turn around and leave the room.
“Don’t hold your breath,” you reply.
One day, I’ll break her, is the predominant thought that resides in Hyunjin’s head as he slips on the remaining jewelry; watches your figure disappear around a corner. One day, I’ll break his face, is the predominant thought that resides in yours as you stalk away. That’s the two of you, in a nutshell.
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Six months ago. Osaka, Japan. 3:03 P.M.
When you walk into the dressing room, you find Haeun hunched over an overflowing photo album with her hands forming fists in her hair, muttering to nobody in particular, “I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing.”
There’s an amused look in your eye as you set your bag down by Hyunjin’s empty vanity chair. She hasn’t noticed your presence yet; approximately three hallways down, the members are rehearsing for tonight’s performance on the main stage of the Kyocera Dome, and the music is so loud that you think you actually saw the walls vibrating while you were in the hallway moments ago.
You rise to your tiptoes and encroach upon her, waiting until she’s within reach to tickle the back of her neck. She nearly flies out of her seat with a shriek that can be heard over the heavy bass.
“Never gets old.” You hand her the photo album that went soaring also, and Haeun snatches it back with an affronted flourish.
“I can’t remember the last time you said hi to me normally, unnie.”
“Me neither, now that you mention it.”
Haeun and Han are your favorite stylist-idol duo in the world because they’re so eerily similar—and it’s adorable. They both illuminate every room they walk into; they both have grins too big for their faces, laughs too loud for their lungs. You always regret leaving your sunglasses at home when you catch sight of the effulgent pair.
But today you cannot detect the usual radiance in Haeun’s voice, nor so much as a hint of her easy grin. Then again, that’s another quality that she and her client share; they’re both well acquainted with the burdens that come with unwavering passion.
Every stylist has their own modus operandi. Haeun’s is a scrapbook of images that she cuts out and saves from catalogs, advertisements, newspapers, et cetera. You’ve seen it many times before, but never in such a state: messy handwriting stuffing the margins to their very brims, numbers and symbols like clusters of rainclouds over a sea of different outfits, arrows and circles and squares highlighting pant cuffs and cascade collars and dangling earrings. Telltale signs that Haeun hasn’t a clue as to what Han will be wearing tonight.
You gnaw on your lower lip, deliberating your next move. You end up placing a firm hand against the album’s cover and pushing it closed.
“Come with me,” you say. “We’re gonna try a new approach.”
Haeun opens her mouth to protest, but unfortunately you have an extensive track record of being right.
“What do you have in mind?” She sighs instead.
“You’ll see.”
With that, you stand up, tuck a small towel under your arm, and angle your head in the direction of the music.
The two of you make your way through the labyrinth of hallways that comprise the venue’s backstage. Eventually, the color of the floor changes from speckled white to solid black, and you step onto the part of the stage that is concealed from the audience by drawn curtains and heavy equipment. You say a quick hello to the group’s manager as you dip past him, and eventually reach the edge of the curtains, where you and Haeun have a good view of the eight members as they run through their setlist for tonight’s concert.
Haeun settles into the spot beside you, still confused as she follows your gaze. 
“Let me ask you this,” you say, just audible over the din. “Can you style a performer if you don’t know how he performs?”
And understanding seeps over her features like poured tea.
“I want you to watch him,” you continue. “Tell me how he performs.”
Han’s part begins, as if on cue. His voice rings out through the empty stadium as he ducks to the front of the formation, a microphone held loosely to his lips, his face taut with focus. Haeun stares at him for some time, silently trying to fathom her observations, but she sees you shaking your head in the corner of her eye.
“Don’t think, Haeun. Just speak.”
She blows out a deep breath before obliging. “It’s hard to picture Han doing anything but laughing or making other people laugh, he’s so goofy and lighthearted most of the time. But he’s like a different person on stage. He’s so intense, it’s almost intimidating. Not intimidating in a douchey way, though—you just get the impression that he’s very confident in himself and his music.
You don’t say another word, but don’t need to. She’s hit her stride.
“His voice and enunciation are so clear. It’s crazy how he sounds exactly like the studio recording. Plus, his delivery feels genuine; he’s not just reciting lyrics, but speaking straight from his heart.
“And this is gonna sound bad, but I didn’t know Han could dance. Like, yeah, I knew that he could dance, but not like this. His movements are so sharp that I feel like my attention is being—”
Right there.
She cuts herself off, reaching the same conclusion.
“It’s his turn to talk, and he wants you to cling to his every word," Haeun articulates slowly. "He’s demanding your attention. He needs you to listen. That’s how he performs.”
A satisfied smile bolts across your face like lightning. “Couldn’t have said it better myself.”
Haeun pictures her scrapbook again, and there are now only a few articles of clothing and accessories that fit the framework you’ve helped her forge. She’s almost dizzy with disbelief, tearing her eyes from Han to look at you instead.
“You’re brilliant, you know that?”
“I do, but I appreciate the reminder.”
She can’t help but giggle. It’s a you answer if she’s ever heard one. “Do you do that with all of your clients?”
Haeun asks the question arbitrarily, without thinking. But you respond in a way that she doesn’t think she’s ever witnessed before, and she’s momentarily baffled by the sight: you hesitate.
As the song’s final chorus approaches, Hyunjin is the one folding himself into the center of the eight-person throng. You can only see his back from this angle, but even then it’s palpable how expertly and effortlessly he molds his body to the modulations of the music; how much fervor and feeling he expresses with every jerk of his spine and flex of his hands.
Within a few short seconds, innumerable descriptors and sensations skim the surface of your mind—but one word knocks the rest clean out of the water, the way it always does when you watch Hwang Hyunjin perform.
“No,” you reply. “Not all of them.”
And where better to find inspiration than inspiration himself?
Haeun furrows a brow, understandably puzzled by this response, but you don’t elaborate. Partially because you feel like being coy, but mostly because you know that any explanation you offer will sound like a confession.
The song ends, leaving your ears ringing with the abrupt absence of sound. The members hold their poses with heaving shoulders, staring out into the empty stands until the stage manager’s voice comes through the monitors.
“And that’s a wrap! We’re all set for tonight. Good work, everyone.”
There is a ripple of movement around the stage as the boys relax. Jeongin jogs over to Minho, hoping to review a particularly challenging dance break; the manager asks Chan if he has a second to discuss travel logistics; Seungmin plops onto the edge of the stage and downs the rest of his water; Hyunjin beelines toward you the second he sees you, because of course he does.
You get a good look at him as he skips closer. Stray blonde locks plastered against his damp skin, tank top dyed several shades darker by the perspiration rolling down his neck, the muscles of his arms actually rippling as he swings them around stupidly, a shit-eating smile plastered across his stunning face.
You’re annoyed before he says a word.
“I didn’t know they were letting fans backstage now,” he hums happily. “Want an autograph, gorgeous?”
“Put a sock in it.” You whisk the towel you’ve been holding in his direction. “Wet freak.”
But he catches and tosses it over his shoulder straightaway, and your heart sinks to your fucking ankle. You’ve seen this movie before. You know how it ends.
“No.” You take a shaky step back. “No, nope, don’t even think about—”
The next thing you know, Hyunjin is lunging towards you and winding his arms around your waist, nearly sweeping you clean off your feet as he pulls you into his sweaty embrace. To your complete dismay, your face presses flat against the clammy plane of his chest. “Call me a wet freak again, go on,” he manages to say through his laughter. 
In response, one of your hands wriggles free of its slippery prison and snatches the cuff of Hyunjin’s ear with impressive accuracy. He yelps and loosens his hold on you, but doesn’t relent completely, not even when he catches sight of the murderous expression on your face and cackles so forcefully his whole head is thrown back.
You tighten your grip. “Wet,” you seethe, “freak.”
“Ow—okay, don’t make it hot, what’s wrong with you?”
“Wha—what’s wrong with YOU?!”
As the two of you dissolve into your fatuous arguing, Haeun is no longer sure that she’s still standing here. She’s not even sure if she’s in her right mind anymore. She thinks she might be hallucinating the way everything about Hyunjin softens next to you, or the way your biting tone only seems to nibble when it’s him on the receiving end.
“Psst. We’ve been placing bets on them. You want in?”
Han suddenly materializes next to Haeun, and she would have been jumpscared into a different dimension if she wasn’t so fixated upon the bizarre occurrence before her.
But what if she’s not hallucinating?
No, not all of them, you’d said, like you were disclosing a forbidden secret.
“Yes,” she says, and Han beams. “Absolutely.”
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Three months ago. Seoul, South Korea. 2:26 A.M.
On a tranquil Saturday night, you’re sitting at your desk, your knees tucked to your chest, the newest episode of your drama playing quietly on your laptop, a half-empty glass of rosé and open sketchbook laid before you. This is your happy place—a safe haven that the trials and tribulations of the real world can’t reach. But you think you’ve really gone and lost your mind when you find yourself thinking about your job.
Well, not your job, exactly. More like the man who makes your job feel fucking Sisyphean.
You know your way around fabric and foundation better than anyone, but you have never struggled with anything as much as you have trying to navigate Hyunjin. You show up to work every day ready to just put some makeup on the man; instead, you wind up stumbling around the potholes of his dimples and the hills of the veins that run over his forearms and hands like a hopeless drunkard. Scouring the creases of his smile and the oscillations of his voice like they’re topographical maps. Mentally replaying your interactions with him time and time again like you’re monitoring security footage, trying to detect illicit activity in every casual touch he leaves on your shoulder or waist; every babe or gorgeous he throws your way, seemingly without a second thought.
You’ve been trying to understand him and his intentions for seven months now, and your efforts have yielded no fruit whatsoever, save for a few theories that you feel insane for even humoring.
You down the rest of the blush-colored liquid, and as you set down your empty glass you notice your fingers itch with a familiar urge. The pen that you’ve been twirling over your knuckles stills, then swivels; its tip hovers over the last free corner of the sheet of cartridge paper below you. And then it presses upon the surface and starts to move, as naturally as if on its own.
When you were little, you came across a children’s book that you no longer remember the name of, about a little girl with a magical pen that brought her every drawing to life. You decided then that you would one day be that girl.
At some point, the subjects of your incessant sketching became almost exclusively runway models and makeup advertisements. You cemented that you wanted to work in fashion as early as your high school graduation, and by then you already possessed the conviction and charisma of the industry’s most experienced members. Your portfolio was stellar; your personality prophesied of wild success. So your career took off, propelled by the neverending positions and projects that various companies continually laid before your feet.
You stand and pad to your kitchen to refill your glass, only to bring the entire bottle of wine back to your room instead. With one hand, you flick the cap off and lift the whole thing to your lips; with the other, you seize your pen again, not wanting to lose momentum.
For the year or so after you joined the industry, you basked in your idyllic prosperity. Even the doodles you scrawled on random napkins during banal business lunches would appear on some of the world’s most renowned faces the next week. You had indubitably become the little girl from your story; made a career out of giving your imagination tangible form. And what a fruitful career it was going to be.
If only you knew how it would strengthen you in ways you never wanted.
The first time someone called you cold, it took you a while to realize that they were talking about you. The phrase was said so casually and lightheartedly that it sounded at first like a piece of unimportant small talk. But the whisper of cold bitch was then followed by a bout of stifled laughter and what was undoubtedly your name. Your heart stopped along with your footsteps, and you looked towards the source: two interns whose names you had yet to learn, while yours was already in their mouths.
You felt nothing until you were three stops away from your apartment, and then the bottom of the subway gave out beneath you and suddenly you were feeling everything. Only confusion, hurt, and rage at first, but then the other emotions that you’d been smothering tirelessly for who-knows-how-long tore free of their cerebral shackles too, and together they formed an amalgamation of anxiety that closed up your throat within seconds. 
As your pen studs details into a shapely jawline, you remember how you’d shoved your way off the subway and made a mad dash into the night air. You remember how you collapsed against a utility pole in an unfamiliar neighborhood, how your knuckles paled around the ashen wood, how your tears tumbled over your lips and salted your tongue. You remember wanting to go home so badly that you thought your ribcage would cave in on itself with the weight of it. You remember begging for air, for you.
By the time the oxygen had returned to your lungs, the streets were empty save for you, crouched on the curb, your face buried in your arms, spent, shattered, and alone. You were only nineteen at the time.
You are now twenty-two, and the word “cold” has become a regular guest in the lodgings of your heart. You never invite it over, but you’re no longer surprised to find it at your door. It’s a thief, swiping pieces of you when it thinks you’re not looking—a fragment above the fireplace, a scrap from the cracks between the couch—and you know whenever you’re being robbed, know that you lose parts of yourself upon its every visit. But better that than acknowledging what you lose.
You allow it to walk away with full pockets every time.
Hyunjin does not.
“Three words to describe yourself. Go,” he said a few days ago, the two of you heading back to the tour bus after a filming session. 
You were so used to these irrational inquiries of his that you didn’t bother trying to dodge this one. “You first.”
“Smart, sexy, suave,” he said immediately, but burst into a sheepish laugh at the sight of your weary glare. “Fine, fine, let me think. Ambitious, for one. Introspective, definitely—maybe overly so. And artistic. I’d like to think so, at least. Satisfied?”
The most creative person you knew doubting his own ingenuity was absurd to you, but you nodded begrudgingly. It was a good answer, for the most part.
“Now you.”
Honestly, the thief had surfaced the moment you heard the question, but you weren’t sure if you wanted to inform Hyunjin of its existence. Not because you didn’t trust him—you did, more than you had anyone in years—but because you didn’t know what you’d do with yourself if he agreed. You weren’t sure your heart would be able to take it.
When you met the boy’s gaze, though, the carob brown of his eyes was so curious and so comforting that you suspected that was never a possibility.
“Cold,” you mumbled. “I’ve been called cold before.”
There was a pregnant pause. You found yourself holding your breath. And then—
“That’s a joke, right?”
Hyunjin began to count off his fingers.
“Mean. So mean. Impossibly, infuriatingly confident. Talented, stubborn, strong. Funny, sometimes, I guess, though I’d rather you hit me with a metal pipe than admit that ever again.”
At this, you caved; a laugh erupted from your lips, leaving a genuine smile in its wake.
“Determined. Eloquent. Bossy. Some kind of evil, twisted genius. Contemplative, caring, compassionate. Fearless,” he went on. “You get my point. You’re a lot of things, Y/N, but cold isn’t one—”
He was about to say something mind-numbingly stupid. You could sense it in the air.
“—and not just because you’re hot.”
You smacked his bicep, the smile on your face now an uninhibited, helpless grin. And as he vanished into a fit of high-pitched laughter, you thought you sensed him crack open your door and slip your missing artifacts back to their rightful places.
Hyunjin began to climb into the bus, and you caught the cuff of his sleeve, your feet still planted on the pavement.
“Thank you,” you said.
The tremors of his fond chuckle traveled to your very core.
“Idiot,” he sighed softly.
Idiot, you write, and the drawings are complete. 
When you stand up, the bottle is mostly gone—and so are you. You splash some water on your face in lieu of your skincare routine and prod the inside of your mouth a few times using a dry toothbrush, and then you dive beneath your duvet and are dead asleep in minutes. Your slumber is interrupted only by dreams of a world where your theories about Hyunjin aren’t just theories.
If you’d had even one mouthful less of rosé, you might’ve remembered that you picked up your phone and opened your most recent conversation somewhere between steps two and three.
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[3:10 A.M.] To: Hwang Hyunjin (Stray Kids, JYP) Audio Message.wav
Hi. I’m drunk and I’m going to regret this tomorrow. But that’s tomorrow’s business. There’s something I need to tell you tonight.
After I moved to Seoul, I used to get these bouts of homesickness. Not in a standard ‘I wanna go home’ kind of way, but in a way that felt like a hole had opened up in the ground below me. I was always ready for it to swallow me alive. I would’ve been happy for it to.
But I haven’t felt that way since I met you. I realized this not too long ago, and it threw me for a fucking loop. I’ve never felt seen the way you see me. I’ve never been known the way you know me. Every time I look at you or hear your voice, it feels so much like returning home that I don’t have to dream of it anymore.
You called me fearless the other day, but you’re wrong. I’m terrified. I’m terrified that history is going to repeat itself, that another home will slip through the cracks between my fingers and there will be nothing I can do to stop it. And that’s why I’m so hesitant towards you, towards whatever this is, because I don’t want to go through that ever again.
So the thing I need to tell you is that I care about you. I care so much that I’m scared speaking it into existence will make it real and vulnerable to all the worst parts of the world. But it’s not speaking it into existence if I’m drunk, right? Maybe I have no idea what I’m talking about. Maybe you’ll never even hear this. So it doesn’t count. That’s how that works, surely.
Sorry if this was totally nonsensical. And sorry that I’m so bad at feelings. You must think I’m impossible, and I don’t blame you.
Good night, Hyunjin. Thank you, again.
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One month ago. Los Angeles, United States. 12:37 A.M.
When Hyunjin steps out of the hotel’s tall glass double doors, he’s wearing a teatree facemask, and his bags are draped over the crooks of his elbows like he’s an upper-echelon socialite on his way back from a lavish shopping spree. And then he sees you standing next to the curb, and the situation dawns on him in bits and pieces.
You’re the only one here. The vans that were supposed to take you to the airport are nowhere to be seen. Boarding begins in four minutes.
A soft flinch crimps his features. Oops.
“Tomorrow night,” you’re saying into your receiver, but your attention is on him only, your penetrative gaze putting the dead in deadpan. “The absolute earliest. You’re sure?”
When you finish listening to the manager’s response, you heave a sigh that sags your shoulders and end the call with a jab that should’ve splintered your screen protector.
Then, you start walking towards him.
“Hi,” Hyunjin says, his eyes pleading for mercy. “You are so talented and beautiful. I don’t tell you that often enough, do I?”
He expects you to grab him by the cuff of his ear again, to throw him a retort that’s twice as mean as it is witty, something along those lines. But you merely push your suitcase in his direction, and it is then when he notices that your face is hard enough to chip enamel; that your eyes are eerily, entirely empty. The tendril of warmth that’s always dancing among the subtleties of your expressions, that he’s always pursuing to the very borders of his dreamscapes, is nowhere to be seen.
A shiver travels down Hyunjin’s spine as he curls his fingers around the plastic handle.
Something’s not right.
“We’re gonna have to stay here another day,” you say. “Can you check us in? I have some calls to make.”
“Us?” Hyunjin repeats.
“Junghan could only reserve one room,” you reply, your phone already glued back to your ear. “The hotel is fully booked for the next few months.”
With that, you’re already preoccupied with the next thing, turning to the side to reschedule a meeting. But Hyunjin can only stare blankly at your profile, trying and failing to grasp that he’s going to spend a night with the subject of his every daydream. Though you might be leaning more towards the nightmare end of the spectrum at the moment, considering the way your head snaps back in his direction like a woman possessed.
Go, you mouth, and he obliges.
A few minutes later, Hyunjin is in the elevator by himself. He speculates it’s an ingenious, intentional choice that the lights are turned off, so that whoever’s inside can watch the psychedelic lights of Los Angeles sprawl further and wider the higher they go. But he can’t think of anything except for the subzero nothingness where your irises should’ve been.
Hyunjin’s initial guess was that he crossed a line with this missed plane, but the more he thinks about it the clearer it becomes that this isn’t an isolated issue. It’s the culmination of something bigger. Something continuous.
You have become as familiar to him as the lines of his eyes or the ridges of his knuckles. He’s learned where to look for your feelings when he can’t find them in your face; studied your words and the undertones of your voice like they’re verses of scripture. Yet, it was around two months ago when Hyunjin looked at your side profile and couldn’t recognize you. He’d blinked, startled, and then you’d asked why he was looking at you so strangely, and everything returned to normal. He wrote it off as a side effect of sleep deprivation and paid it no more mind that day.
Except it happened again a few days later; again, not too long after, and Hyunjin began to suspect that he was losing his mind. You didn’t seem all that different—a bit more taciturn than usual, maybe, but you’d been busier than usual, too, your workspace always full of empty coffee cups by the end of the day, the pages of your planner more colorful and crammed than ever. The minor variances never struck him as a reason for worry.
“Stupid,” Hyunjin whispers bitterly.
He replays your interaction one more time. You, shoving your suitcase against his palm, telling him to go check in. Him, fastening his hand around the handle, sensing the bottomless void within you, feeling like he’d been dismissed from before your throne.
As he steps off the elevator and walks towards your designated room, he doesn’t understand how or why—but he can’t shake the feeling that he’s failed you.
Nearly an hour passes. The room only has one bed, so Hyunjin turns off the lights, folds himself onto the armchair by the floor-to-ceiling window, drapes a complimentary robe over his shoulders, and tries to sleep. He doesn’t know why he even tries. He’s exhausted, but he knows damn well there’s no hope of him getting any rest until he has you in his proximity again.
He doesn’t look at the door when he finally hears it open, but the knot of tension in his chest comes undone as soon as your silhouette appears in the hallway. He takes out his first real breath since leaving you at the hotel’s entrance.
You hear the sound it makes. You fall still.
His heart physically aches at how tired you sound. “Yeah?”
“Oh, you’re awake,” you answer. “Move to the bed. You’re not sleeping on that thing.”
He remains where he is, his chin resting on the side of his fist, his eyes glued to the flickering panorama of neon lights below him. You crouch to unzip something, and there’s a heavy thud of metal meeting cloth, presumably your laptop being tossed onto the bed’s mattress.
“Hello? Did you—”
“Is everything okay?”
A short pause follows his interruption.
“I still have a few emails to write, but everything’s been rescheduled, so as long as you don’t miss tomorrow’s flight, too, we should be—”
The robe slides off his lap as he pushes himself to his feet. “That’s not what I mean.”
The only source of light in the room is the lone light above the entrance, but it’s enough for him to see your face and the surprise etched upon it. You open your mouth, utter one syllable, and stop yourself immediately after, stunned into silence by the sobriety in Hyunjin’s expression.
“Enlighten me, then,” you say finally.
“You really don’t know?”
“What is there to know? That you missed a flight and pissed me the fuck off? Trust me, I’m aware.”
“No, that’s not—”
“So what are you talking about, then? Why are you talking in riddles? Fuck, what is it that you want from me?”
There’s real frustration in your voice, and it’s the first time you’ve shown him any emotion in pure, unadulterated form. With this, Hyunjin understands that he was right; this conversation is heading towards a culmination of some kind, and so are you, with the devastating force of a natural phenomenon.
He wonders if you’re prepared to destroy yourself, too.
“I know how you are around me,” you whisper. “You’re always acting like you’re trying to unearth something, and I figure this ‘something’ must be wonderful, because you look at me like I’m made of stars; you speak to me like you’re serenading a lover. But I am constantly, ceaselessly haunted by the possibility that this ‘something’ doesn’t exist, that you’re looking for the wrong thing in the wrong person. 
“I know it’s selfish to ask for anything more than what you’ve already given me—you’re so kind, Hyunjin, and you’ve been nothing but since the day we met. But grant me one more wish, even if it is the last time you ever do.
“Tell me what you see in me,” you plead. “Otherwise, I will spend the rest of my life mourning the months of yours that you wasted on me.”
With that, it occurs to Hyunjin, falls upon and cracks open his mind like a piece of firewood, that you have never been aware of—never asked for—the throne you sit upon.
For an indeterminate amount of time, the two of you stay there, standing in silence on opposite sides of your dark hotel room. You haven’t felt anything like this in a long time, your chest heaving with your heavy breaths, your vision muddied by both the lack of light and the desperation searing through your windpipe. 
When Hyunjin finally begins to speak, his words wrest the oxygen from your lungs.
“After you moved to Seoul, you used to get these bouts of homesickness.”
Your mind careens; your heart reels. 
“They came in a way that felt like a hole had opened up in the ground below you.” He takes a tentative step towards you. “You thought it was going to swallow you alive. You would’ve been happy for it to.”
You never got to listen to your voice note. You were blacked out when you recorded it and horrified when you discovered it in your chat logs the next morning; the wretched thing was unsent so quickly that you couldn’t check for a read receipt.
But there’s not a doubt in your mind that these are your words falling from Hyunjin’s lips.
“You haven’t felt that way since you met me, though.” He is only a few feet away from you now, and getting closer still. “You’ve never felt seen the way I see you. You’ve never been known the way I know you.”
God, you said that? Did you propose to him too?
“You’re terrified that another home will slip through the cracks between your fingers and there will be nothing you can do to stop it.” Hyunjin flattens his left hand upon the drywall next to your ear; pushes you back ever-so-gently against the hard surface. “I must think you’re impossible.”
And he brings his face so, so close to yours; looks at you with so much adoration, so much tenderness, that you feel the final bulwark around your heart fracture—
“I don’t,” Hyunjin breathes, cradling your cheek, “because you’re not. And I want to prove it to you, even if it takes me the rest of my life. That’s what I see in you.”
—and crumble.
You form fists in the lining of his hoodie. Hyunjin’s hand tightens where it lays over the curve of your jaw.
When you crash your lips upon his, he tastes the metallic sheen of electricity and the salt of tearwater both; he witnesses crying lightning, for the first time in human history.
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Present day. Cannes, France. 9:15 P.M.
Hyunjin never thinks when he fucks you. 
One part of it is that he physically can’t; his cognitive facilities shut down when he has you quivering beneath him, like his desire to pleasure you is too overwhelming for his mind to bear. The other part is that he doesn’t want to. He’s afraid that the voices of cynicism and trepidation that plague his mind every waking moment will taint the actualization of his wildest dreams.
Lucky for him, you manage to erase his mind on a daily basis with only one accidental touch or an apparition of a smile, so he doesn’t stand a chance whenever you let him between your legs.
“Trust me?” He whispers, imprinting the words upon the inside of your thigh.
“More than anyone,” you breathe, and just this has him tenting against his satin slacks.
Hyunjin used to see you scolding managers or moving racks twice your weight and think that was you in your element—tonight, he learned otherwise. You were so confident that even just the way you puffed your chest out prompted heads to turn and low voices to ask for your name; so charming that even by the end of your self-introduction you had every guest you spoke to eating out the palm of your hand. 
Eating out your pussy, though, is Hyunjin’s privilege alone.
He wraps his fingers around the hem of your dress and pushes it upwards, creating a halo of red fabric around your midriff; slides your panties off your legs and tosses them over his shoulder. All obstacles out of the way, Hyunjin winds his arms around your thighs and pins your hips to the mattress, slotting himself between your knees as they fall apart. Your ankles fold over the top of his head, and you’re about to ask if he’s okay like this, but then you feel the hot muscle of his tongue trace over your dripping folds—and every word of every language you’ve ever known is dispelled from your brain and your mouth in the form of a stuttered, euphoric moan.
He teases you first, drags his mouth over you so that he’s lapped up all of your slick, and just when you feel your patience thinning he pulls you apart with reverent hands and begins to suckle on your clit, as attentive to your every solicitation as always. You arch your back so high off the bed that your ankles knock Hyunjin’s head down a few inches, but the new angle is even better; grants him access to more of you.
He reinforces his grip around you, presses his torso right up against the side of the mattress, and gorges: sluices your labia until you’re spilling from his chin onto the sheets; flicks against your bundle of nerves until it’s pulsating and swollen on his mouth; fucks his tongue against your favorite spot until you’re curling your toes, seeing the whole solar system. 
“Coming,” you blabber after some time. Tell me something I don’t know, he thinks to himself. “Coming, Hyune. I’m—fuck—”
Hyunjin is aware of the way you clench so hard around nothing that your pelvis hurts. He is aware of the way you’re so dilapidated from pleasure that you’re genuinely struggling to breathe. He doesn’t care. He wants to get the cadences of your climax tattooed into the gray matter of his brain, and there can’t be rests in the sheet music, can there?
He presses a hand flat on your stomach in preparation for your body’s protest, then returns his face to its place between your thighs; starts to leave kitten licks around the edges of your puffy folds before you can finish riding out your high. You press your tongue against the back of your front teeth, emitting a pained hiss as you draw a sharp breath, tears stinging at your eyes.
“Son of a bitch—”
“Trust me?” He asks again, his voice vibrating against your sore cunt, and your complaints quiet into whimpers as you bring a hand over your quivering mouth, and nod. 
At least Hyunjin bridles his thirst the second time he eats your pussy open, his lips smacking openly and slowly over your every inch except the one that would be truly unbearable for you right now. He’s so rough and so fucking careful at once like he can’t decide between obliterating and worshipping your cunt.
He’ll end up doing both.
Within a few minutes, your legs have gone slack on either side of Hyunjin once again, and another coil has begun to tighten behind your bellybutton, equal parts pain and pleasure—but he knows your pussy just as well as he does your person by now, and it’s not long before the former is compounding with the latter.
Round two has a faster ascent and a steeper drop. He finds your spot again with the precision and ease of a trained marksman and fixates upon it like a man starved. It has your cries devolving to incoherent profanities and, to his unfettered delight, your foot actually shaking, your heel tapping against the back of his neck every time it comes down.
As if referencing a metronome, Hyunjin matches the rhythm of his tongue to your accelerando. Only when your leg is nearly convulsing does he wrap his lips back around your clit; slide two fingers into the place he leaves empty and pumps them into you until you are liquifying, igniting around him, your mewls lamenting the second orgasm he plucks from your core.
After your body has stilled, Hyunjin lifts his head, his face drenched in perspiration and saliva and you. His eyes travel over the slopes of your arms and the hills of your breasts, over the tears streaming from your eyes and staining the pillow you lie on. It is this last bit that has him shrugging off his shirt and undoing his dress pants with one hand, palming his throbbing cock with the other.
He clambers over you, and the kiss that follows is filthy, your mouth falling apart when he rolls your nipples between his fingers, strands of spit suspending between your tongues before dripping down onto your collarbone. You can sense what he wants in his craving lips, his pleading tongue—and you know he won’t ask for it. He’s tested you enough tonight; he’d rather your comfort than his pleasure.
But you guide his leaking head to your entrance, returning his stupefied look with a watery smile.
“Love me?” You ask this time, for the first time.
There is not even a nanosecond of hesitation when he answers, “with everything in me.”
He comes inside you the moment he bottoms out, your name leaving his lips in breathless, desperate repetition like a broken prayer as he topples off the same cliff he’d dropped you from moments ago. You curl a hand in his hair as he stutters against you, bring your lips flush against his ear, and whisper that you love him too—and the sight of you beneath him blurs he also starts to tear up.
This is the reality Hyunjin lives in, presumably because he was a saint in his past life, and it would be his utmost pleasure to see it through.
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Two years later. Milan, Italy. 11:28 A.M.
For the last half hour, a ray of sunlight has repeatedly struck the diamond that sits between the second and third knuckle of your ring finger, and the Vogue journalist on the other side of your desk thinks he is slowly losing his vision. But when he asks his final question, your hand comes to a much-appreciated stop, the fountain pen you’ve been twirling around clattering to your tabletop.
“Where do you find your inspiration?” 
As the journalist blinks the phosphenes from his eyes, he finally manages to get a good look at the face of Versace’s newest designer, and he detects something ineffable and warm in your expression.
“My inspiration, hm?” You fall silent for a short time, thinking. “If you asked me this at the start of my career, I’d have said ‘people.’ Their postures, their expressions, their wardrobes. I knew I was a goner when I watched a fashion show for the first time and noticed how the models’ attire helped them harness their innate power and grace—I wanted to orchestrate that kind of symbiosis, too. In that aspect, nothing has changed, actually. I still find wonder in human beings, and not just the ones on the runway. I think it would be difficult not to, don’t you?
“Some time ago, a good friend of mine was having trouble with an outfit for her client. She asked me a similar question, and only then did I realize that it was no longer just people that inspired me most, but a singular person. I had always been skeptical of the idea of a ‘muse’ until I met him. But I could only spend so long denying how he ventured closer to my soul than anything ever had, how he knew me and saw me like nobody ever could. He understood my art. He was my art, so—”
Your eyes dart over your ring, and the journalist would’ve flinched out of habit if he wasn’t so mesmerized by your eloquence.
“—where better to find inspiration than inspiration himself?”
A few seconds elapse, and then you clear your throat and straighten your back, returning to your office from your trip down memory lane. 
“That’s the long answer, anyways. The short answer would be my fiancé.”
The journalist laughs, and he doubts you’ll give him this next piece of information—but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t try.
“And who would that be?”
He’s right. You don’t answer the question. But you do flash him an enigmatic smile, and for some reason it reminds him of lightning.
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koolades-world · 5 months
Ok so I've randomly had this genius idea and was keeping it in my head for a month or so. And i for some reason had an urge to find someone to make this thing. And YOU got unlucky to be in my FYP with open requests! Poor you, now you are cursed with this request! (Also ur writing is cool, but im suck at giving compliments~)
Imagine being a one of the most powerful demons in entire devildom, falling from heaven, going through a war.. and you just meet a human, who is crying because of a paper scratch! That's the request!:
Brothers with Pain-sensitive MC/MC with Algophobia if you prefer.♡
Ahem🤓👆, Algophobia is a phobia of pain. No one likes getting hurt, but algophobic person is afraid of it more than normal ppl. Also Algophobia makes all pain feel even more painful because if the fear🤓👆
These two are pretty much the same, but Algophobia one has more angst potential than just "Pain-sensitive"
This thing sounds just so hilarious in my head, imagine after MC does something bad Lucifer wants to punish them, but then he remembers that this human uses cooking gloves to drink coffee because "its way to hot" and ends up with existential crisis because all of his punishments will turn Pain-sensitive MC into dust😭
I saw a lot of ppl headcanoning that demons are like "well, humans are fragile and easily will die!" and starting to think that human is dying when they broke a bone. Thats funny, but imagine what would happen if it ACTUALLY were like that. Mammon wants to get MC to the casino, but then sees how they slip and fall to their knees and the crying because "FFFFF MY KNEEEEES HURT😭😭😭" And he is just like..."Damn, bro, how u live like this" and ends up way to afraid to bring them to the casino bc of "eeevil demons that would eat them!".
Also i imagine that Levi would do something similar, but, lets agree that him asking MC to go somewhere is an impossible scenario. I think he will do a good job tho.
Satan and MC hanging out in the garden with cats and this dude, who can easily broke the entire house if he gets angry, casually watching this piece of human struggling to pet a cat bc of their shaking hands. "Come on, just pet it, u got it, MC." "but cats have claws and claws are paaaainful!!!!"
Asmo is probably the only one who will have no problem with that, lol. This dude loves saying about being gentle. Yeah, not surprising that i simp for him. But dynamic between Devildom's biggest slut and a Human, who never kissed with anyone because "well, if i am kissing someone, I can't tell if the person is not gonna get a knife a d won't stub me! and stubbing ppl is painful!" sounds hilarious.
Beel is a big cinnabun, we all can agree. But yhis cinnabun is so big, that it can easily hurt MC accidentally! Even average people often cause ain-sensitive MC pain, and someone as big and strong babyboy like Beel? Damn, poor big man and MC, who waits for hot food to cool down for 15 minutes before eating it because "hot food is painful!"
Belphegor probably will do okay.. i mean, if we ignore 16 lesson.. he is pretty gentle boy so i guess he won't do anything bad. But, i can still imagine how this dude might hurt MC in his sleep and when wakes up and sees them, ouch-ing and rubbing their cheek, because "you were asleep and accidentally hit my cheek.." while this dude was just changing his sleeping pose.
So you can make something fluffy with brothers trying to not-hurt Pain-sensitive MC accidentally, you can do it in memes, you can do some angst with Algophobia. You can do whatever you want, i give the idea, you use it if you want!~
Damn, this think came out like a whole ass post. But i hope you didn't got bored halfway, lol.
Have a nice day tho!~~~
hi! haha I didn’t get bored you understand me!! I absolutely love when someone is just as excited as me about an idea :) this is exactly what I do when I have an idea I love so much I want to squeeze it in a good way
glad you like my writing 🥺 <3 please enjoy!
Mc with Algophobia
he knows right off the bat because it was on your paperwork (creepy) but makes accommodations where he can (loving)
essentially baby proofs the house right after you arrive once he realizes you’re being serious including padding on every sharp corner
always has a first aid kit on hand because he’s worried about you and won’t hesitate to offer you all the time off you need
finds himself unconsciously making sure you're ok
didn't take you seriously at first until you almost started crying upon reach into the freezer to help defrost Goldie yet again
wants to help you with your fear, and unveils all of his stupid fears to you, including his fear of public water fountains
when you're not together, he has his crows keep an eye on you for him to make sure you're ok
often opts to stay home with you if it makes you more comfortable
so so chill about it since he himself is afraid of many things, and while not paralyzing, goes out of his way to avoid all these things
lets you know the door to his room will always be open for you if you need a place to relax for the hour or day
protective of you in a way he never felt before
ready to listen to your woes and try to help resolve them for you
to some extent, he understands what it's like to be misunderstood and he goes out of his way to boost your confidence
knows some amazing professionals that might be able to help you out if you want
works on himself and his outbursts to keep you safe and unafraid <3
holds your hand as often as he gets the chance to reassure both you and himself that you won't get separated and avoid any potential problems
100% finds many excuses to kiss your booboos
finds all sorts of fun cute ways to make sure you don't get hurt and stay happy
if you get hurt around him, he's on top of it and upset too since he hates to see you unhappy
whatever you need, he's got you covered. he carries some of you things in his handbag that he always has with him in case you need it
doesn't understand at first, but is more cautious around you
he knows humans are fragile but he severely underestimated your fear
however, he's willing to do anything that you need from him
he knows his strength and always finds himself moving slower and more protective around you
at first, he couldn't have cared less but after he got to know you, he felt extremely guilty about what he had done
does everything to make it up to you and prevent you from getting hurt again
expect lots of gifts that include nice blankets and cute bandaids
finds his way to your room in the middle of the night often to make sure you're fine and then stays (he's totally not just sleepwalking)
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sh1-n0bu · 2 years
Hi love
I stumbled upon ur blog and ahh love ur writting i wad thinking maybe if ur requests are open that u could write a lil smth IF UR FREE OFCI
was thinking scaramouche x reader argument (angst to fluff :the ansgt shouldnt be brutal bc i dont hsndle it well)
Or if ur not comfy writting that u could doo
Scaramouche x reader scara accidentally confesses to reader??
Dont overwork urself and remember to eat <3
✿ 𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙞𝙣 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 ✿
characters: scaramouche x nb!reader
warnings: just a cute fluffy fic<3333, a bit of a namecalling and cursing but then again it’s scara we’re talking abt, yearning, scara don’t knowing what to do with feelings, i say traveler so you can think of it as either sibling you want, it’s more from scara’s and 3rd pov
notes: hi hi hi! absolutely loving the fact i’m getting requests ehe~ i thought of going with the argument one but i’m afraid it might get a bit too dark bc i absolutely love angst😔 i’m sorry luv. but i hope you don’t mind this one cuz i literally started working on it right as i got it lmaoooo. also the song mentioned is “rises the moon” highly recommend
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“wait, hold, pause. you’re telling me that you keep staring at [name] is because you love them??? as in??? love love?????? as in romantically??? “holy shit i’m feeling emotions” way??? as in-“
“godDAMMIT TRAVELER YES! I LIKE THEM OKAY!” this was definitely not how scaramouche wanted his secret infatuation with you to slip out. so if you’re wondering just what in the name of all the dead or alive gods’ is happening then let’s rewind a little bit.
you were always with the traveler and their stupid little pixie. constantly supporting them, helping people, traveling around teyvat, making friends and some enemies and accidentally stealing the the heart of a certain bowl-cut head.
he first met you during his plan in mondstadt to ambush the traveler. just as he was about to strike them, your claymore was thrown in front of him, blocking his path and the astrologist managed to escape with the traveler and the chatty girl. immediately sending electro strikes to your presumed location only to find a scorched jacket instead.
the second was during the delusion factory incident. when the balladeer charged at the weakened and drugged traveler, you appeared once again, protecting your companions and clashing against the harbinger. even after the traveler passed out and the drugs was starting to make you see hallucinations, you still fought earnestly. and that was the first impressive thing about you. the second being, you, a lowly mortal being able to fight toe to toe against a hundreds of years old merciless harbinger like him. and the third was how incredibly loyal you were. while he shot electro made weapons at you, the balladeer had briefly wondered if you were his friend, would you have protected him just like how you were protecting the traveler and their pixie.
the third time, he was no longer a harbinger but a god. the everlasting lord of arcane wisdom. since he has ascended to godhood, he would have followers and he had proudly asked you if you would become one. but you were headstrong and still disgustingly loyal to yourself and to your friend, the traveler. the everlasting lord has never felt more jealous of someone since his disposal as a failure.
after the battle ended and the dust cleared, his gnosis was taken away.
how dare they! how dare those weak, disgusting pests! how could the world be so cruel! why does it keep taking away things that are rightfully his! it wasn’t fair!
as he fell from the destroyed mechanical robot, the broken puppet felt himself being caught and cradled in someone’s arms. he was too tired to even care but he hoped it was you.
the fourth time was when he met you as the wanderer. not the manipulative, blood thirsty harbinger but simply as scaramouche, the wanderer. the boy who regained his heart. at first you kept your guards up. anyone who isn’t stupid would. yet slowly your little group began to feel more and more like a group of friends just traveling around the world together. paimon, traveler alongside yourself taught scaramouche about the humane side of things, while he would help with battle tactics, training and sometimes keeping guard during the night. it was oddly… sweet.
during your travels together, the purple eyed eccentric learned more about you. you liked slow dancing under the stars sometimes, you didn’t like the hot sun of the afternoon, loves to make silly, meaningless little things such as flower crowns and wood carvings. hates how your friends or companions would injure themselves during a fight. it was all so very strange but so, endearing.
one night, the traveler couldn’t fall asleep due to nightmares plaguing their mind and you hummed a gentle song to them. something about closing their eyes, going to sleep and the moon will surely rise again. he wondered if you would sing to him if he were to cry in his sleep or grew restless due to nightmares.
the wanderer would watch as you chide the traveler and paimon for walking into danger like idiots as you clean their wounds with the gentlest touch. he thought of how you would treat him if he was injured.
scaramouche saw how the traveler and their companion would joyously yell your name and throw themselves at you shouting “catch!” as you three would reunite with a hug after doing some commissions separately.
he wanted to be the one to be hugged by you instead. he wanted to push the traveler and their loud pixie away and throw himself into your arms. how warm you would feel, how you would remind him of a warm summer night filled with laughter and story telling, how he wanted to close his eyes and drown himself in your everything. your smile, gentle humming in the night, silly little antics, weird 3am thoughts, your kiss until every sense and thought of him is just filled by you and only you. only you and no one or nothing else.
scaramouche soon understood what this longing feeling was. it was called “love”. but how can a puppet ever learn to love? aren’t puppets just a hollow being made only to follow their orders and entertain? would he be no longer a discarded puppet if he were to feel emotions? would scaramouche be seen as human if he fall in love with you?
and he concluded that he was no puppet. he was no hollow husk of a being for he had a heart. he was no being made to entertain for he had cut his strings. he was no puppet for he had emotions. he was scaramouche. and scaramouche fell in love with you.
ever since he realized his feelings and his desires, he would always stare at you. his mind filled with daydreams of how it would feel like to kiss you. his body feeling a little colder without you to gently hold him. his heart feeling twisted whenever he sees you smiling at someone that wasn’t him. his hand feeling empty because you weren’t linking yours with his.
dammit all. he was hopelessly, foolishly in love. and that is where it leads to the current situation. the traveler noticed how the wanderer would always stare at you whenever you didn’t notice and they decided to confront him of it. turns out it was the complete opposite of what they were thinking. sadly it seems like the victim in questioning shouted a bit too loud because now you were standing beside them in your sleepwear, wide awake and clearing your throat.
you woke up because these three idiots wouldn’t stop chattering in the middle of the night and your light sleeper self had woken up. just as you were rubbing the sleep out of your eyes and grumbling curses under your breath you heard scaramouche’s not so secret confession. now don’t get me wrong, you had feelings for the purple eyed male but due to all four of you traveling together, you didn’t want to make things awkward. well, seems like that just got thrown out the window.
“ahem” three different reaction happened all at once. scaramouche looked like he wanted to bury himself right then and there, paimon gasped dramatically and the traveler gave scaramouche a knowing smirk. that little shit.
“traveler, paimon could you two please excuse us for a while?”
“sure. but don’t get too heated you two” oh that little pesky traveler. you’ll get them back for this. after waiting a while for them to disappear out of sight, you faced the tomato faced scaramouche. he didn’t know what to think, say or what kind of an excuse to come up with to save his life. so he tipped his head down, hoping you won’t see his red face but that hope was squashed when he felt you hand on his cheeks. tilting his head to look at you, he saw a smile on your face.
with the moon shining on you and him and the soft glow of crystalflies floating around, you looked even more ethereal. if true beauty were to be sculpted, it would be you. so incredibly flawed, humane but so incredibly otherworldly.
cupping his cheeks in both of your hands and tilting his face, you lowly whispered if it would be okay to kiss him. all he could do was nod like a meek, shy boy. and when you finally, finally kissed him after his months of longing it felt like all of the crystalflies around were now floating around in his stomach. his mind getting filled by the thoughts of only you and him in this moment and his heart racing miles a minute. when you pulled away, he chased after your lips like a depraved man. throwing his arms around your neck and pulling you back towards him, it felt like everything was right.
he is scaramouche. and he fell in love with you.
“awww, two lovers connected by fate. PAIMON WANTS TO BE INVITED TO THE WED - bonk”
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Babe pls if u listen to cute music like serani poji you wont be depressed pls i can change könig ALL THID PAIN IS NOT WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I am manipulating u)
okay but cleaning königs wounds after a rough mission, making engels tea less sweet because he knows she doesn't like too sweet thingies, stealing he underwear, have matching bracelets with her, torturing her with his horrible dad jokes, wearing her t shirts (his body convulsed bcs hes too big), he slipped and she hollered to the ground laughing, stealing her underwear (angst begone!!!!!!!!)
I'm telling you I'm so easy to manipulate
Cleaning his wounds? He would have a hard on in a second. Sorry, this was supposed to be fluff, but he would. He would be so proud and pleased if reader sank to her knees to check a wound on his thigh or hovered over him while he's sitting to clean a scratch or a scrape on his arm. If he came straight to her from a medic with a more serious injury, and reader would fuss over his health, force him to stay in bed while she treats him like a KING, he would be purring silently under that mask. (Finally, someone takes care of him ❤️) He might not be fit to make love to reader, but she could always take him in her pretty little mouth? Just to give him a warrior's welcome ease his pain.
And taking her underwear from the laundry bin again? He should be ashamed. But surprise, surprise… he's not. He never treats himself to them in front of Engel, though. Knows he would only get shocked, mousy looks. He brings them to his nose only when he's alone, to drive the smell of dry dust and acrid smoke and gunpowder and man-sweat from his system. Breathing her is like breathing the sun and honey and all things good. He's invigorated like he just downed a pint of pilsner.
The matching bracelets were her idea, and he allowed her to put it on his wrist – it looked colorful and funny, standing out against his black shirt and army olive greens, and it sort of itched and pricked, a new item that it was, pressing against his skin. But every time he looks at it he remembers her and all her cute jokes and silly little monologues. The other operators look at the new addition with their noses wrinkled and turned up. Thinking it's one of his oddities again... He doesn't give a fuck because they're stupid – they don't know it's an entire blessing he has received from his angel. That bracelet basically makes him invincible on the battlefield.
And of course he learns to prepare her tea just right in a manner of days. (It's a bit scary, how well he remembers every little detail about what she likes to eat, drink, wear, read, listen to...)
His dad jokes… Holy fuck. He tells her he was stopped at the airport for control and they asked about his occupation. He answered he's only here for work. ;( ((I can't do this lol))
Making him wear her t-shirt because surely it would look cute and funny? It nearly tears at the side seam, gets stuck in his huge head as if it was his mask now. The t-shirt is ruined by the time he forces his arms through, that little piece of clothing simply can't take those shoulders. He looks at her with a sigh – great, now it's ruined, and he looks even more stupid. What did she expect? Is this what she really wanted? Oh, she's laughing so much she bends over and has tears in her eyes. He feels warm and fuzzy, too. Perhaps it was worth it after all to entertain her like this. 💕 (But most of all he loves when she wears his shirts: she looks so small and cute inside them. Like a little pet... Not to talk of how the clothing smells after: the sweet scent of her caught on his tactical wear is yet another distraction when he's supposed to go to work.)
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nutal · 1 month
Okay, before i start to explain on what the HEIGH is going on inside my tiny little cranium of mine, the Adam angst (my headcanons) I invented is pretty much inspired by multiple stuff on tumblr, so it may not really be original + it may age as bad as milk (tho idk if it really matters, the angst was just made for fun and nothing else, im just here to share my imaginary scenarios with u + i started typing this whole ass paragraph essay at school + it may prob go against canon but these are just theories for fun soooo ye here we go)
T W: intense angst, may delve in some serious topics
Lemme start off my storytelling with the magical, splendid place that is so-called “The Garden of Eden” This is the place where Adam and Lilith were born from the very specks of dust (a very splendid way of saying that they just *POOF*, appeared out of nowhere).
Now since Adam and Lilith were God’s creation, it’s pretty obvious that the both of them would be prideful and childish, even if Adam and Lilith were created as adults (not really their fault, they were barely just created and are just babies in adult bodies about to be traumatized later on in life + they’re kinda in a forced marriage when u think about it)
While Adam (the dumbass) was like: “I do what I want UvU” in a dumbass, but funny way, Lilith was like: “I do what I want UnU” in a more subtle and feminine way.
I can just imagine Adam being like: “Yo, Lilith, I’m gonna climb up that tree bc i want to!” and Lilith being like: “Bro, no, you will literally fall off of it, because you don’t even know how to climb, you fucking dumbass.”
Adam climbs up the tree anyway and falls flat on his face and Lilith just face slaps herself bc Adam is a dummy.
One day, Adam and Lilith would meet the angel “Lucifer”, basically Luci wanted to visit the humans bc he was curious. Of course, the 2 would be really excited to meet Luci, and they would have a lot of fun together, playing games and such, especially Lilith, who basically all of her attention to Lucifer, ignoring Adam’s existence completely. Even to the point of ghosting Adam for days just to hang out with Lucifer. Adam would notice this, and decides to confront Lilith about this.
Adam keeps asking her why she has been so distant with him, but Lilith keeps denying, being like: “Dude, stop being so controlling! Mind your own business, and stop being so paranoid!”
In a moment of absolute annoyance and fury, she snapped: “WELL, MAYBE I AM! HE’S SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU AND I LIKE HIM WAY MORE THAN I EVER LIKED YOU!”
At that moment, Adam was just… stunned. Those words coming from Lilith hurt deeply.. and i mean, REALLY deeply, not only because it hurt his ego, but he actually really liked Lilith, so hearing this, it really just, destroyed him.
Lilith: “I NEVER NEEDED YOU ANYWAY!” As Lilith fled from The Garden, Adam yelled at her in the distance, trying to hold back his tears: “I NEVER NEEDED YOU EITHER!”, turning his back to the opposite direction and crying silently.
After the incident, God decided to give Adam a second chance, in exchange for a rib (Adam’s rib), and created Eve. His second wife. Now Eve, Eve was a little more special. While Lilith was more upfront and independent, Eve was the opposite, being dependent and really sweet. At first, Adam would be cautious at first, but eventually, starts to fall in love again, in fact, he fell harder for Eve than Lilith.
Lilith’s abandonment pretty much caused him to not only be really protective towards Eve, but also more affectionate and caring. Cherishing her more than his first wife. He was happy again.. at least for a while.
You see, in The Garden of Eden, there was a mysterious tree, to which there was something whom God warned Adam and Eve not to taste from: “The Fruit of Knowledge”. Not only did it grant free will to whoever takes a bite from the apple itself, but also show them the difference between right and wrong.
Eve, being as sweet as she was, was also very curious about the apple, but Adam would always warn her NOT to eat the apple. Ever. Eve would beg him to let her take at least take one bite from it, and maybe even Adam taking a bite too, to which Adam always said: “No.”
Eve: “Please?”
Adam: “No.”
Eve: “Pleeaassee?”
Adam: “No.”
Eve: “Plllleeeeeaaaasseee?”
Adam: “No.”
Adam: “No.”
Adam: “No.”
Adam: “NO.”
Eventually, one day, Adam would wake up to see that Eve was not next to him. He starts having a panic attack and tries desperately to look for her. Meanwhile, Eve just decided to stay next to a tree, being pretty upset that Adam wouldn’t let her taste the apple.
Then, Lucifer and Lilith see Eve. In Lilith’s mind, Eve is another victim of Adam’s controlling behavior, like her. So, to help her out, she tells Lucifer to give Eve The Fruit of Knowledge. Luci agrees, and shows Eve the apple.
Eve gets really enthusiastic, and despite Adam’s warnings, her curiosity got the best of her, and eats the Apple.
When Adam finds her, it’s already too late, Eve already ate the apple. Adam would be mortified to not only seeing Eve eating the apple, but also seeing his first wife, Lilith, and Lucifer. Eve immediately realized her grave mistake, but then basically, the roots of sin would reach earth and humanity as a whole, and from there, God would tell her that she’s banished from Eden and she falls down to earth… but then realizes.. that Adam fell with her.. even is he hasn’t ate the apple, he still decided to fall with her.
After Adam and Eve have fallen from Eden, they pretty much had to struggle to survive and it wasn’t easy. They had to actually hunt down for food, even killing some animals in the process unwillingly. Eve would start to become really bitter and cold with him. Adam also noticed this, but not wanting to lose Eve like he lost Lilith, he wouldn’t confront her like he did with her. But eventually, she leaves him aswell. Adam would desperately try to find her to no avail. He would start breaking down, his world would start spinning. Feeling as if.. as if he wasn’t good enough for anything… for ANYBODY… that he’s worthless… and has no purpose. Eventually he would die because of starvation and grief…
Then.. he wakes up to see that he’s… in the middle of nowhere. He notices that now, he has golden-like wings and a halo on top of his head. A tall silhouette would appear, revealing to be none other than “Sera”.
Obviously, Adam would be cautious at first, but the Seraphim would tell him: “Greetings, The First Man. I’m Sera, the High Seraphim. Congratulations for being the first human soul to arrive up in heaven!”
Adam would be surprised, but then ask: “Huh?.. wha?..But, what I am doing here..?”
Sera: “I’ll show you, follow me.”
Adam still being gullible as.. heaven? (PUN) would follow Sera, all the way to a… room. Then, Sera would show him his robes and his, uh, exorcist army (that just *POOF*, appeared just for his role), but.. most importantly.. his LED mask.
Sera: “You are now promoted as the Leader of the Exorcists, Adam.”
Adam would put on the robes, still not really knowing what’s going on, but he just accepted it. Then, Sera would explain to him in more details about what he’s supposed to do in his specific role (basically saying that he has a harem army of killing machines, that kill Lucifer’s and Lilith’s citizens [sinners] every year to quote on quote ‘protect heaven’, but saying it in a splendid way)
And.. this made Adam feel.. absolutely empowered, being able to take revenge on Lilith and Lucifer by exterminating sinners in hell every year, …and.. in his own twisted sense of mind.. he was able to have a purpose again…right? He eagerly puts the mask on, without even questioning whether this was even right or not, for he doesn’t even know the difference between right and wrong. (Nightmare moon phase coming up rq)
And because he felt.. like he had a purpose again, thinking that.. maybe he still had importance to someone or something, he truly respected Sera, and never even DARED to question Heaven.. bc thats basically his purpose.. and if he questioned it, its kinda game over.
The kinda disturbing part about this is that, if he didn’t eat the apple, that would mean he doesn’t have free will. Which basically, he didn’t even choose to do this kind of thing, he just went to heaven by default and becomes the leader bc ‘he dah first man’ without him actually having any kind of saying to this. Kinda like a puppet on strings, if you think about it. (but it’s a game theory so i digress)
Also like, considering that angels and winners probably just showered him with blind praise, not even really addressing his actual issues, so basically, his deep emotional wounds barely got any kind of healing (if not even more), and his narcissism (being his possible coping mechanism after just drowning in negative emotions for so long bc heaven doesn’t even really care for him that much) continued to grow stronger and stronger, until it was basically his other identity. Basically kinda like Nightmare moon, where Luna basically drowned in resentment and became Nightmare moon, Adam drowns in the negative emotions of “not being good enough”, so he creates some kind of ‘shield’ to protect himself from ever getting hurt deeply again.
I remember when I watched JaidenAnimations video: Why I don’t have a “face reveal”. That video alone.. it basically made me realize that people could be struggling without even having the slightest realization of what’s going on. This also reminded me of Adam, then I thought that.. maybe,.. maybe Adam also feels kinda the same way as Jaiden, lemme explain further:
So, in JaidenAnimations video, she basically explains on how her standards became so high that she was TERRIFIED of ever having a face reveal bc she had a deep fear of disappointing everyone around her. (I still thank u Jaiden, hope u doin well bro, i love ya 👍👍)
There could be a possibility that, Adam may have had such high standards for how he needed to look, since he didn’t really looked like other angels, he just looked like a normal guy, that it became an insecurity for him and he basically just hides his face with his LED mask, terrified of what others may think of his actual face.
god, this took a whole DAY to write this and i may have still not executed my ideas well, or may have missed some ideas cause i forgot, but hey i tried, im gonna take a breath bro- *inhales oxigen tank intensely*
OH MY GOD THIS IS CRAZYYY YOO HOLD ON??? Dude omg yes yes i def agree he would fall WAYYYY harder for Eve than Lilith and I absolutely see what you mean that Adam and Lilith were like a forced marriage type situation cuz i mean yeah they literally did LOL. Adam for sure genuinely cared for Eve though, they had something a lot more special and I can only imagine how badly that must’ve hurt for Adam when she ate the apple and left after him begging her to NOT do that!
And yes yes YES him feeling empowered after becoming head of the exorcists being able to take revenge in that way like RAAAGHGHGEHH HELL YEAH!!
And I have ALWAYS been a huge believer in Adam using his narcissism as a coping mechanism from the very start. Like that just seems very on point and canon to me. Because this man is very clearly insecure, you can just tell. Especially with the whole mask thing, which I’ve actually brought up in the past. But yeah, this dude does not like people seeing his face. He def def DEF feels very average or even below that so he covers up for it through constantly flaunting about how great he is n shit so that nobody’ll suspect a thing.
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jitzlemonade · 2 years
https://jitzlemonade.tumblr.com/post/680118986796630016/unnamed THIS WAS SO GOOD!!!!!! can we please have a part 2
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Finally got the inspiration to finish Unnamed Part 2 yay, but its more of a Zhongli's POV :D. I was quite surprise some wanted a part 2 bcs lol who hurt u. Anyway, enjoy.
Pairing : Zhongli x Reader (ft. Lumine)
Contains: Angst, heartbreak, not Traveller!Reader, assuming things, mental health issues (maybe?), etc
We know your side of the story, but what about from the man himself?
Tell me, what exactly was going through your head? PART 1 PART 3 PART 4
He finds himself wondering when and how did he fall in love with you. A petite, fragile person who somehow held all the good things in this world and became the morphine to all his pain. 
  Perhaps it was the way you light up with the brightness of the Sirius star itself when he comes near, or perhaps it was the way you treat him with such tenderness, the fondness flooding your eyes, that makes him swoon over you the way he does.
  He is strong. He may have weakened after he lost his gnosis and renounced the title 'Rex Lapis', yet it was an undeniable fact. He isn't fragile like annealed glass, no, he was far from it. He was forged and tempered in the flames of brutality and war. 
   Even now when he closes his eyes, memories appear before him. They belong to the far, far past when fresh blood would stain his hands anew every day. The lives he had taken were enough to form an endless river, some were fair and some were unjust.
   He would never deny that part of him,  even as he indulges himself in wine and poetry. Instead, he delves deeper into weaving tales in an effort to keep their stories, the core of their souls alive. Stories that had long been buried in the dust, existing only in his memories.
   Time is cruel, the brightest of legends would fade into a dull light. Even truths could be turned and twisted until nothing but lies and deceit are left. Time is cruel, to the worst and the best of us.
  Erosion held Azhdaha in a vice grip, rendering his old friend into a rampaging monster. His mind, however, was still clear. He was cursed to never forget, to remember things that no one else would until the end of his existence. 
  If he looks at it from another perspective, perhaps erosion had left its own personal brand of mark on him too, but in a different form. Corroding his soul from the countless burden he has to carry, to remind himself of the sins he could never undo, and of the people he would never see again.
 He doesn't need any delicacy, not back then and certainly not now. Yet why do your tender actions melt his heart so? Even as Zhongli, no one had ever perceived him as someone who needed protection, much less as Rex Lapis, the mighty god. It was the first time anyone had ever treated him this way.
   And just like that, you occupied a special place in his heart.
   When you placed your hands in his, you told him in a light-hearted tone, “I'm giving my heart to you, you can do whatever you want with it.” The way you said it could be mistaken for a joke, but he knows you.
  He knows clearly what this signifies for you, and he knows exactly what you're giving to him along with your heart. You will surrender your love, your life, your everything to him, free for him to break or make according to his whims.
  You had given him the privilege of making you a monarch or rendering you into a beggar. All of it, with just one simple sentence.
   How could he not love you? And so, protect your heart he shall.
   He remembers the beginning of your walks. Back then, you weren't his lover yet. Still, you draw him in like a moth to a flame, but you weren't scalding him, instead, a feeling of contentment swells within him like never before, filling up the cracks in his body and soul.
   He loves your presence beside him, to be able to hold your hands and draw you in close, to shower you with all the good things in the world. He wants you to be closer to him, to see him as how he sees you. In hopes that one day, when his hand reaches out, you would gladly place your own upon his.
  He wants to know you better, and he wants you to know him better too. After all, doesn't familiarity breed fondness, and thus love? Taking night walks together would be best, he mused, you could share your day about what happened and spend more time together.
Of course, the hint of privacy that the night provides would be appreciated as well. Thus, he tried his luck by extending an invitation to you.
   He could feel dread seeping into his bones when you stared at him with a blank stare. Ah, would you not accept it after all...? He thought the atmosphere was good enough that extending such an invitation would not be too sudden, but he was wrong. 
  The moment he was about to apologize for being too abrupt, your hands went to cover your mouth, face turning ruby red like glistening strawberries under the shade of the morning sun, tempting people to have a taste.
     Before he could regain his rationality, you began speaking at a hurried pace, mostly from embarrassment.
     “I— I— Is this a dream?? Am I dreaming—" 
     Your hand cupped your face, taking in a deep breath. 
    “Sorry Zhongli— ”
   The word 'sorry' was foreboding. He felt downcasted once again, his hopes tarnished. The corner of his lips hook up weakly, what did he expect? That you would gladly accept his offer? Thinking about it now, that was a little naïve of him.
   Seeing this, you panicked.
    “—I mean I like you very much! Wait no, that's not what I meant to say, I mean, it's not that I don't love you, please don't get it wrong that way, I do love you but that's another thing for another time..” 
   By the time you realized you were rambling, you calmed yourself down by slapping your face. The effects were quickly apparent, your tone became calmer in a blink of an eye, but the red handprint on your cheek was blinding.
    “What I meant to say is Zhongli, I would really like to go on walks with you..”
   Wait— you like him too? It wasn't just his hopeful thinking? Like your actions aren't just you being kind and polite but that you actually like him? His train of thoughts was running at full speed, surpassing even light itself.
   His line of thought was broken after you slapped yourself, he crawled out of the rabbit hole he was about to dive into, deciding to leave it for another time. Now, he was more concerned about whether your face hurt a lot due to how hard you slapped it.
  However, your next sentence threw his worry out the window, his brain submerging itself with an overabundance of dopamine. Yup, he is not getting his reason back anytime soon. He could feel the blood flushing his cheeks and quickly covered the lower half of his face with his hand.
  The palpitations of his heart were so fast he swore it skipped more than a few beats. His stomach feels funny, and he could remotely pinpoint said feeling was similar to the expression 'butterflies in the stomach'.
   Ah, so this is love?
  He caresses your hand in his, the way his hands engulfed yours awakens his need to protect you from all the evil in the world. Humans are fragile, he thought to himself as he traced the delicate bone structure of your hand, it just means he has to protect you better.
   He placed kisses on each of your knuckles as he looked at your face. Something else he realized was that he really adores the way your eyes flutter from embarrassment.
  He gazed at you, a smile hanging on his face, unable to extricate himself from the fondness welling up in him. Getting to meet you was luck in itself, but getting to be the one by your side, to be the one allowed to love and cherish you, it was a blessing he couldn't be any more grateful for. 
   If everything he had gone through was all to lead him right to this moment, then it was worth it. He would do it all over again because you are worth all the pain. He wonders how lucky he must be to have met you.
Before both of you part for the night, he leaves a kiss on your forehead. Instead of moving away, he wavers, his hand enclosed around your waist tightening just slightly, dragging out each second. He doesn't want this night to end, he thought to himself. It was clear you wanted the same, the way your hands clutched at his clothes, reluctant for him to go.
   Yet everything must have an end, they will come to an end, no matter what. His lips leave your forehead, but he proceeded to bury his face in your hair. He could feel your arms circling him, enveloping him in a hug. Just like that, the night drags on a little longer, with two lovers embracing each other under the moonlight.
  As Morax, he had dwelt upon this world for more than six thousand years. As Rex Lapis, he had ruled over Liyue for thousands of years.
However nothing last forever, even the most fortified mountains can be eroded with the passing of time. Drop upon drop, it penetrates the crust and leaves cracks behind its trail. He only realized it due to that one conversation he overheard at the harbor.
    "You've finished your duties, go ahead and call it a day."
     Funny enough, how can a simple sentence evoke such profound feelings in him? He stood motionless among the crowd, the words loudly echoing inside his mind, resonating deeply in him.
He asked himself, "Have I already finished my duties?" He fell into a deep trance, pondering over relinquishing his role. It wasn't impossible, but was Liyue truly prepared to face the tribulations that will surely come after all by itself?
   In this case, a test is needed to reveal the answer. His eyes opened to reveal amber orbs, knowledge, and wisdom always crystallized within them, but this time there was a hint of curiosity.
He wonders, what kind of Liyue would bloom after the upcoming tribulation? He finds himself looking forward to it.
   His scheme starts from the moment 'Rex Lapis' fell from the sky. The falling exuvia was reflected clearly within those amber eyes, now, it was time for 'Zhongli' to play his part.
   The result was so much more than what he expected. While Liyue is prosperous, he always felt something was missing. Now, finally, all the conditions and requirements fall into place, similar to a game of chess. Liyue had truly exceeded his expectations.
  The lump of coal resting in the hands of the Geo Archon — Liyue — has become a dazzling diamond of a city. The corner of his mouth hooked up, and a sense of satisfaction arises within him. A sense of pride fills him like a parent who had seen their child grow up into a splendid adult.
    They were no longer the people who begged him to save them in the distant past. They were no longer the citizens who could only rely on him to lead a safe life. Presently, they are more than capable of protecting themselves, fledglings that finally grew their own strong wings and took to the skies.
  It was time for gods and adepti to step down and for humans to take the stage instead. Truly, the age of 'mankind'.
    He never thought he would let go of Liyue which he poured so much of his blood, sweat, and tears into but life always has other plans. Just like falling in love, he mused to himself as you surfaced in his mind. 
   It was indeed time to settle down, he took a moment to admire the waves pulling to and fro the shore, how wonderful would that be? A life with you beside him every step of the way.
    His time as Rex Lapis had come to an end.
    Now, it belongs to 'Zhongli'.
   He wouldn't lie, the time he spent with Lumine was truly enjoyable. A bright lady who stands at the peak, one who had traveled across many different worlds and accumulated an abundance of experiences along with knowledge.
 Conversing with her would enable him to learn more about mortal affairs,  intricate details that he never considered for he was immortal.
It only helps that she came from an entirely different realm. Her adventures were eye-opening as well, and her having a good listening ear for his stories was just an extra bonus.
  Most important of all was that she was someone he could talk with without taking anything into consideration. Lumine knows he once was Rex Lapis, thus he has no need to hide anything that suggested so.
He could share his vast knowledge without someone questioning the authenticity of it. He could share tales of his old friends in their true entirety, without painting them from the perspective of a storyteller.
  For him, it was a time when he could be himself without the slightest pretense.
He is— no, he used to be a god. 
It was something he could never bring himself to tell you. How could he? Rex Lapis was someone who had almost single-handedly leaded Liyue to prosperity for many years.
  Rex Lapis was so far high up, and power always attracts envy or jealousy. The people either devote themselves to him or detests him. There was one thing both had in common, however, was that they fear him.  He doesn't want your eyes upon him to contain the same trace.
   While the time spent with Lumine may be liberating, in no way could it compare to the time spent with his love. Lumine was someone he could confide in as a close friend, but it will never match up to what you offer him.
You were akin to an oasis in the middle of a desert, providing shelter to the unfortunate people that stumbled around the desert, lost.
  You were the moon that hung in the sky, not as blinding as the sun, yet you give him an indescribable warmth. Your silence was enough to piece together the broken parts of his soul to become whole again.
With you, he truly felt at peace, the bitter memories of the past no longer clung onto him with a vice grip, and he could finally... relax.
  During his travels with Lumine, you never left his mind. Your presence and smile envelop him akin to the wind and sun itself, natural and comforting.
  Breathtaking scenes and mysteries that one could never imagine filled his eyes, and all he could think of was how much he wished you were there to share it with him in its entirety.
 It seems that the photos taken by Lumine would have to do in the meantime. He looked at the sunset, thinking of what you may be doing at this hour. No matter, he'll bring you here himself the next time. A smile appeared on his lips before he even realized it.
 Lumine called his name, and so he turned towards her with an inquiring gaze. She had a soft gaze when she looked at him as if she was reminiscing, or was it something else?
  “You really love them, don't you?”
  No name was mentioned, but there was no need for any. He knew well enough who Lumine was referring to, he felt his heart melt like snow in spring as he gazed back at the scenery once more.
    “Yes, I do.”
  Lumine smiled when she heard his answer. It was simple, but sometimes simple was enough to convey everything that are said and unsaid. 
   “I hope that after I have found my brother, I'll be able to experience a love like yours.” 
  Zhongli chuckled, his eyes curved into small crescents.
  “I extend to you my best wishes then.”
   He couldn't wait to go home to you.
  Distance indeed makes the heart fonder.
    The day you told him your apprehension, the worries that plague your mind, he felt his heart turn cold. He felt himself biting his lips until they bled. How could he have been so ignorant of your plight? 
  All he could do was hold you in his arms and placate you with words and promises he will fulfill. He felt how you cling to him as if it was cold winter and he was the only source of warmth.  His heart tightens in pain as he littered kisses on your forehead.
 Yet as much as he wishes to stay by your side, the contract with Lumine was sealed. He may no longer be Rex Lapis, still, he has to uphold his end of the contract, as Zhongli.
  Still, he tried his best. Every day when he couldn't make it, he would send you letters telling you about his day, what he did, even enclosing things he encountered in the letter. A violet grass, a glaze lily, and even a piece of cor lapis.
 He never had any letters from you though, but it was only reasonable. He was traveling, after all, it's ludicrous of him to think any letters sent would reach him when he doesn't even know where he will end up.
   It's fine, he would tell himself, tomorrow is the last day. He will be free after that. He'll spend the days by your side, pampering you with all the love he could draw out of his soul. After all, that is what you deserve, he thought as he smiled.
  He came home not to laughter but to your sullen appearance, your face blank, deep in thought. He falters, his hand attempting to hold you in an embrace.
 The wooden board creaks beneath him and you flinched, startled by the sound enough to pull you back into reality. You greeted him with a soft smile, but he felt something was off.
 Whatever is it that has you contemplating, it is weighing upon your mind heavily. Thus he does what he does best, inviting you out for a late-night walk. He hopes this will make you let down the walls in your heart, so you confide in him once more.
 The truth was the thing that burdens you was baffling to him. The fact you even asked whether he loves you was so outrageous that his brain couldn't comprehend it. How dare you question that when there's nothing else he could be more certain about?
 He loves you, and he loves you so much that you may never comprehend it. He would tread through the coldest of winter and the deadly heat of the desert for you, even facing against Khaenri'ah if it means protecting your honor.
 He would gouge his heart out for you, letting his blood dye the land and the sea a bloody red similar to rubies and roses, so they would serve as an everlasting memento of his love. He would prostrate before your feet, kiss the instep of your foot and worship you, for you were his salvation.
 He would adorn your body with gold and jewels, while only the finest of silks would clothe your body, he is confident that even then, all that glamour would pale in comparison to the beauty of you and your soul.
Alas, he was no longer Morax, he was just Zhongli. A mortal man like Zhongli could not lavish you with such riches, and that was his regret.
  Looking at your distrustful eyes he sighed, how could he ever let you understand the depths of his feelings towards you? He was tired and angry, and he could tell all of it stemmed from his sadness. He promises you forever and forever is the only road he will and could ever walk. 
  The next sentence that slips out your lips sends him spiraling into the abyss.
  “This isn’t Romeo and Juliet, this is real life and I can go on without you.”
  The love you shared with him of course wasn't Romeo and Juliet. They were a pair of ill-fated lovers, destined to part. Juliet was not you, and he was not Romeo, your love was meant to last, even if the sun itself ceased to burn one day.
  He has given you his everything, yet you believe you had nothing at all. How can he stand it? Especially when you had no trust in him? When the gravity of his feelings was easily dismissed by you as nothing? He bit his lips, feeling his own tears welling up in his eyes.
  Yet he could not let out his frustration at your inability to trust him, how could he when you look so dazzling under the moonlight? The way your features soften, and how the silvery hue compliments the tears that glisten on your face. 
 Then you suddenly fell. The panic overwhelms him, unlike anything he had experienced before. He rushed out towards you. All his bitterness seemed so childish now. He should have done better, he should have because you deserve all that and more.
 He wonders how could he have been so foolish in the first place. He dashes towards Bubu Pharmacy as your body feels strangely cold in his arms, the warmth he always felt absent. 
  Please, let everything be alright.
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vampsquerade · 2 years
Hostage roleplay anon back at it again! (that fic was friggin amazing btw)
May I get a fluffy fic of blitz finally winning over a very shy and reserved reader?
glad you enjoyed it, hostage anon! i hope you don’t mind but that’s what i’m going to refer to you now 😭 welcome back with another request for our flashy boi blitz, i hope you like it! i kinda went off script a little bit bc ngl yes i am in love with the “shy flower shop worker meets a loud and funny man” trope 😭
Blitz x GN!Reader: Breaking The Shell
Trigger Warnings: timidity, fluff, slight angst (kinda sorta barely), love confessions
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Having a job at a nice little floral shop was fun. You were a florist in training, as you hoped you would one day get to be in charge of your own shop one day. It was peaceful, and you met tons of people of all ages. The only downside you had was that you were pretty timid, especially around people you found were a bit too boisterous. Especially this one man that had come into the shop for the past month. He was German, guessing from his accent, and he really only came in because he seemed genuinely interested in learning more about flower language. He was nice, sure, but it was so hard for you to talk to him. Why?
Because he was honestly your type.
Not too tall, but also not too short. His hair fit his face perfectly, and he was always so nice to talk to. Sure, he was loud and that sometimes made you uncomfortable, but you found it to be pretty cute of him. As you were tending to the flowers, you heard the little chime of the bell that was attached to the top of the door. You dust your hands off on your gardener’s apron and hastily make your way up front, only to see the mysterious German there waiting for you. Your heart thumps loudly in your ears and you swiftly look away to compose yourself, only to realize that he was approaching you. “What a lovely day it is today, ja? How are you doing today?” the German asked.
You swiftly turn to him, eyes slightly wide as his abrupt entrance startled you. “U-Um, I’m doing just fine, thank you…are you here to learn some more about flower language..?” you ask sheepishly. “Nein, I'm here to ask about you for once. You know, for someone so mysterious and timid, it garners quite the amount of attention.” he said. “Well maybe I just think life is more simple that way…” you say. “Really? It doesn’t get boring to you, living a simple little life?” the German asked. You slightly narrowed your eyes at him, and the man put his hands up out of surrender, as if to reassure you. “That came out wrong, I’m so sorry! I-I mostly just meant if you find harmony in the simplicity of life, living it mysteriously and shyly away from everyone else!” he exclaimed.
Your eyes remain narrowed, and you huffed slightly, walking back towards the flowers you were previously tending to. The man followed after you, and he gently grabbed your arm, turning you around to look at him. “Please, I genuinely didn’t mean any offense with that question. I just…don’t really know what it’s like to live as a civilian anymore, let alone one as intriguing as you. It was a genuine question, and I’m sorry.” he said. His tone was much more gentle this time, something you had never heard from the man before, and it made you soften your expression up. “What do you mean by ‘what it’s like to live as a civilian anymore?’ What do you do for a living..?” you ask.
The man sighed, looking down before looking you back in the eyes, “My name is Elias. I work for the GSG 9 in a CTU called Rainbow. I’m not really supposed to tell that to anyone but…I feel like I can trust you.” the man, whom you could now identify as Elias, said. “Elias…so now we’re on a first name basis…” you say softly. “Well, we would be if you told me your name as well.” Elias said. You take a moment before deciding whether or not you could trust this man as well. He was really persistent in seeing you and the flowers, but now that you’ve heard of his profession, you felt you could trust him a bit more. “My name’s Y/N…” you mumble. “I’ve been waiting to know your name for weeks. Now then,” he said, letting go of you, “I’m not going to stay for much longer. I’m leaving for a mission soon” he said.
You give him a sad look now, “Are you going to miss me?” you asked. “Of course. I feel we’ve kind of grown close this past month. Granted I just learned your name, but it’s been nice spending this time with you. I’ve never had some kind of domestic friendship like the one we have.” Elias said. Flustering a bit, you look away from him and carefully pluck a flower; a pink tulip, and hand it to him. “We got the seeds from one of our Dutch customers…take this with you for today.” you say. Elias’ cheeks then turn pink, and he looks at you with wide eyes. You stare at him for a moment before turning away, “I won’t keep you any longer, I’ll see you next time…” you say. Elias gives you a nod and a smile, bringing a hand up to caress your cheek before walking out of the shop.
Once he’s gone, you sigh softly and shake your head. Elias came in less and less as the week passed by, but he spent most of his time actually picking you up from work and inviting you over, to which you nervously accepted all the time. You had met his colleagues, and thought they were nice people to be around. He was winning you over, as one of the instances in which he was breaking you out of your shell was by taking you out on a date. It was a pleasant date, and you wished you could have seen him come into work, but he was nowhere to be found. It pained you, having built up such a close relationship despite your timid nature only for him to leave again.
Suddenly, someone runs up to you and from the silhouette of his extremely wet hair, it was Elias. “Y/N! Look, I don’t have much time but I wanted to come see you. But I-” you cut him off. “Can I speak first..?” you ask. “Yes, just please make it quick.” Elias said. “I wanted to let you know that all the time we spent has made me come to realize that I have feelings for you…” you say softly. “Then my efforts have worked. I wanted to tell you that I had feelings for you, and have had them since I first came into the flower shop. I was really hopeful that this past month would bring us closer and it has…” he mumbled. Elias then pulled you into a kiss, one that you happily accepted. He was able to quell your prior timid nature, and you were happy that he did. “I’ll be back, I promise.”
You smile, moving his wet hair out of his face, “You had better be back…I’ll make a cute little bouquet for you.” you say. “That would be lovely.” Elias said. The honk of a car startled you both, making you pull away, “You done kissing your little partner now?! We have to go, Elias!” you heard one of his colleagues yell. It was Dominic’s voice, and he sounded irritated. “Okay, I should be back in two months. I have your number so I’ll text you the day before I come back.” Elias said, pulling away from you now. “Okay, I’ll see you then…now go, I don’t want Dominic to yell at us some more…” you say.
He gives you a nod before running towards the car they were in, “Oh, and one more thing!” Elias yelled as he stepped into the car. “What is it?!” you yell back. “Ich liebe dich!” he yelled and closed the door. You fluster slightly, and wave the car goodbye. Who would have thought that you being a timid little flower shop worker would have got you a boyfriend?
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invyou · 2 years
now we’re worlds apart (teaser)
PAIRING: miya atsumu x fem!reader
WC: 20k+ ??
DATE: dk
GENRES: heavy angst, fluff?? (barely), established relationship, tragedy
WARNINGS: major character death, depression, grieving, heavy angst, suggestive, arguments, physical violence (not sure yet), time skip characters
SYNOPSIS: it felt like any other day when you woke up next to your boyfriend, feeling like you had the entire universe in the palm of your hands. but today was different, a day that slipped unnoticed until its arrival. a momentary lapse was enough to snatch everything from your hands and now you had to witness the aftermath all alone.
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There’s a glass of water on the kitchen counter, half empty. You watched as your boyfriend retreats to the bedroom, not sparing you a glance. It shatters your heart, but you bite your lip almost drawing blood to keep your tears in. Its too early to let them out. The door slams shut, still gentle. Then the silence is unbearably loud again.
Everyday has been the same. He wakes up, god knows when, having lost all sense of time and routine — actually you don’t even think he’s been sleeping these days — and you only see his face when he walks into the kitchen or to answer the door, only after persisitent, relentless knocking. He’s still in the same set of clothes he’d been wearing the past week now. You hear the heart-wrenching sobs that make him choke up and it forms a lump in your throat. Its unbearable. He has locked himself away and you’re always greeted with red rimmed eyes the next time he walks out. All you wanted to do was to take him into your arms and comfort him, tell him it was gonna be alright.
But its not.
Nothing will ever be the same and it was your fault. He lost everything and there was nothing you could do or say to fix anything. The helplessness you’ve felt since following your boyfriend back into the house had been suffocating, enough to kill you twice. 
You had taken up the empty space on the velvet loveseat the one you had spent an entire month’s salary to buy. Your boyfriend — contrary to how others assume he was, regarding his spending habits, had chided you for it. This was your favourite spot in the apartment. You’d be there in a tangle of limbs, watching movies, reading, or just doing your own things together on lazy Sundays. 
Its starting to collect dust you notice, the blanket left in the exact same position you left it almost a week ago. It feels cold even as you’re sitting there.
Everything’s much colder and you know being in the familiar comfort of your boyfriend’s arms can make it go away. But that’s not something you can ask for anymore.
┈➤ A/N: i’ve had this idea in my head since earlier this year and it was originally meant to be an atsumu fic but i wanted to write for gyu so switches it up. i hope i finish this well bc the idea was great and i don’t want to disappoint myself :)
this will be my first fic on tumblr so it makes a me a little nervous, pls lmk what u think so far!! reblogs and feedback appreciated! i’m not sure if this will be a one shot, if it’s longer than i expect then i’ll split it but we’ll see.
i also don’t have friends on this at all tbh, so i’d love to interact with you guys <3
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suncakie · 3 years
[Writing Essays is fun]
w/ Tendou Satori x fem!reader (ft. Shiratorizawa Vball club)
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@randomarmy19: I was wondering if you could write for Satori Tendou in high school, where you have an unrequited crush on him. He doesn’t want to acknowledge your feelings cause he feels like “the feelings will fade, cause how can anyone stick around him” kind of thing. So he’s insecure despite you constantly confessing to him, but then you keep reassuring him and he finally sees his self worth and stuff?! Basically tooth rotting fluff/comfort/slight angst I guess…
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Warnings. VERY SHORT(around 800 words), Fluff, Crack, angst if u squint, comfort??, not proofread.
Notes. Ngl- i rlly wanted to rewrite this to a headcanon instead a fic- but school said no, so here's the draft of the fic that i completed 2 days ago- AND IM VERY SORY IF U DONT LIKE IT- ISTG FEEL FREE TO SHARE FEEDBACKS LOL
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Writing essays is fun if your writing about the one you love. You caught feelings for Tendou during your second year together, and bc of that, you will never forget the hectic things you did to convince Tendou to date you.
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You had caught Tendou's eye when the two of you were partnered up during Arts class ,with your bubbly and respectful personality who wouldn't? Though what really Tendou first noticed about you was how excited you were when you introduced yourself to him.
The pure enjoyment you showed while talking to the boy behind the canvas was intoxicating at first, because the redhead thought you were trying to be friends with him so that you could manipulate him or to leave him after you got bored with him.
Though it turns out, you were a talented artist, Tendou never asked the question out loud but you answered anyways, saying something about you being excited to actually draw him up close and his unusual style of hair.
"You know? i am grateful to be partnered up with you! I hope you don't mind if i ask you your number? Or email at least?" You grinned up at him, your own phone in your hand.
"Hm? Asking me out already? Sorry, Im not interested" Tendou chuckled but took your phone and typed both his email and number on your contacts anyways. You on the other hand, had your cheeks fairly dusted up with a soft pink tint but your smirk says otherwise "what a bummer, I guess ill play lazer tag with someone else" 
Tendou panicked when you snatched your phone from his hand and clung himself onto you like a koala, while repeating the phrase  "you know you love me, let me join with you!
It was in your second year when you realized you had caught feelings for your bestfriend, you had thrown hints here and there and your not sure if the redhead notices heck you even went to Ushijima for advice to only get a response like " just tell him"
And you know what you did? You told him when the two of you were alone- who am i kidding, you told him during the match between seijoh and shiratorizawa, midway through the game when Tendou was switched in from his senpai you had shouted the words Tendou wanted to hear since he met you.
"I like you Tendou Satori<3" which made all his teammates look at you then at he redhead, as Ujishima had a faint grin on this face, Tendou himself smiled and raised both of his arms to his head making a heart while screaming an "I like you more!"
When the game ended you didn't know what are you smiling about, the fact that your school will go to nationals again, or the fact the feeling you held were neutral, but at the end of the day you had the thought that the two of you were now a couple.
Which was stupidly false "what? Why?" Tendou shifted his eyes anyware but to yours as he spoke "you deserve someone more than me yeah? So how about we go  to an arcade after practice hm?" Your eyes held a shimmer of hope "as a date?" Successfully sitting you on the bench Tendou laughed "what? No! As a friendship restoration hangout!"
And so, after the 'friendship restoration hangout' you had somehow dedicated yourself to covince the redhead that he is perfect for you- by of course leaving love letters in his shoe locker, your name proudly written in the envelope with an 5000 word essay about why he is perfect for you.
Istg, your timidness said 'bye-bye' and made room for your newly filled confidence.
Whenever Shiratorizawa had a match nor a practice match, you would scream all your love and support for both the team and the redhead while your friends tries to drag you out of the gym out of embarrassment.
"Istg Y/n shut up"
During class you would pass out notes to the boy and whenever the teacher caught you, you would explain to them that Its for your french class and they would let it go easily, just don't get caught frequently.
"L/n-san care to explain what are you doing with Tendou-kun?" 
"Its notes for French class, we have a quiz today" 
And finally after the two hectic years of you practically convincing Tendou that he's the perfect boyfriend and reasons why he shouldn't be scared to date someone for the first time, around his third year you saw him waiting by his shoe locker waiting for you to send out your 5000 word essay on why he is worth your love.
"Tendou-chan! Hey! Your early"
"Y/n-chan pls go out with me"
"I- wah-"
"Pls go out with me"
"*sobbing* OF COURSE BBY"
Ig 2 years of compliments and reassurance and of course, loyalty really does the trick
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rukanrin · 3 years
Hello, may i give a request? Tbh dis is my first time giving request so sorry for my bad english :') Anyway can u do maybe a bit long hc dmc boys with their s/o who is like have dat mom energy? Like for example Dante gets nag (a lot) bc he's often leaves da shop messy etc. Maybe he earns (small) smacks on his head/arm. Also can add a bit angst in it? Where da boys came back home from a mission full with injuries & their s/o starts going blah blah blah & they sorta got sick of it but when they turn to see their s/o already shed tears cuz just really worry sick about them
Tysm! I've been reading ur hcs and i gotta say I love em all so keep up da good work :D Well maybe i have couple of more requests in mind but dat will be later uwu
Hello there! don't worry about your English,i understand the struggle :3 i had fun planning this out and it kind of turned into a small scenario on the angsty parts,hope you enjoy! -lots of love,Ruka
-oh....oh no!
-he would get scolded so much,about bills,the mess,and most importantly....the damned pizza boxes lying around everywhere
-he would play along with it saying stuff like 'ok mom' or 'as you with mother'
-if you clean the office,he will take a moment to calm down like 'why the hell is it so clean in here,who did this!?'
-will actually clean after that from time to time,not wanting to make you do all the hard work
-if you like reading action books,he will lay his head on your lap as you read out loud to him,both of you giggling if you try to do an impression of a character and you fail
-you're the one in the kitchen,don't ever let him cook,he tried once.....and lets say....eh....the kitchen isn't very 'un-burned'
-He once came back from a mission,covered in his and other demon's blood,he found you sitting on the couch, clearly paranoid,but once you started complaining about how reckless he is he turned around,only to walk back in to see you crying,to which he responded by quickly enveloping you in a hug,telling you over and over that he's ok, after that he still taunted and was playful during missions,but way more careful
-queue the choir of angels
-he likes the fact you scold the others, especially Dante for the state of his office,but when it comes to him,he will listen and try his best to fix whatever is wrong
-the only time he ever rolled his eyes at you scolding him is when you pointed out that the books on the bookshelf weren't placed properly like 'what do you mean books are ment to be kept in size order!?'
-He will melt if he comes back to a clean headquarters,but then it will be his turn to scold you for doing all that work,he couldn't even find a single speck of dust anywhere!
-He came back from a mission a few deep cuts still regenerating from the battles,then he saw your curled up form on his desk chair,followed by your anxious complaints and his huffing,but when he turned to face you,you were already on the verge of tears,without even thinking he embraced you, apologising a hundred times and reassuring you he will be fine.
-woooo momma
-he once found you fixing his ripped jacket,staring in pure shock,it looked brand new!
-if you scold him a bit too much he will give you the title of 'nico's non biological sibling'
-you once found a recipe for a food from fortuna,once he tried it,the poor guy started crying tears of joy,it turned out to be one of his favourite meals!
-after the qliphoth incident,he came back pretty wounded,only to come to you whining and telling him to be more careful,but that anger you were feeling turned into sadness real quick,using his wings and arms to hug you,reminding you that he's not fully human so wounds like this aren't fatal to him,but he tries to not get hit more often after that
-ya cant really scold this gothic poet
-you once got into an arguement with griffon over teasing V so much,which ended up in politely borrowing V's cane and giving the little chicken a good wack on the head
-try not to loose your temper if his familiars accidentally misplace something,they are really trying to help!
-he enjoys a clean house but he's worried that you may overwork yourself
-he came home after defeating Niddhog,having taken a few good hits,and came back to you,who tackled him to the ground,whining about how many battles he goes into,he grumbled but soon felt you tremble, signaling you were upset,followed by a lot of cuddles on the floor because neither of you wanted to get up
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loth-wolffe · 3 years
You ever heard the song "you are my sunshine?" The angst of Clone and Jedi lovers, I'm crying
it's one of my favest johnny cash songs and i just. i never thought about it between clone and jedi lovers but dude some galaxy brain here!!
i couldn't resist so i wrote a tiny piece based on it because im mean and you sent this ask to me which makes me teary and my heart full so. a this is a lil gift to you<3 (sorry it's so angsty u literally asked for it)
ALSO. I've heard a few people get mad when it's the sort of 'with ur fave clone fic' bc "you're taking their individuality away and u don't give them their place" and all. and i thought of rex while writing but you can think of whoever you like. not because they're the same, but because I think this scenario can be for everyone. just like the word you can be applied to millions when reading a fic, i guess him can be also applied to any clone without taking their nor our individuality away. still. if you don't like it don't read and that's cool too.
sad times under the cut
waking up was always the hardest part of it all, his hand always tried to reach out for you, but he could never find you, the cold spot where you used to lay always greets him.
it's always like this now. his new normal. without you.
sometimes he pretends you're there and tries to nuzzle into your warmth, tries to find the smell of your shampoo on the pillow and the lingering warmth of your body in the covers.
he never finds you, even when his mind plays him tricks and he dreams about that exact moment of you cuddled in his arms and his cheek on your head, and you give him a sleepy smile and kiss his lips.
he misses you.
mostly when he watches you walk through the halls, sometimes towards the bridge, or the mess hall, or the medbay.
it's hard when he sees the blue picture of you during transmission, talking to his general with and never to him, your eyes doesn't even spare him a glance and it breaks his heart ever so slowly, so softly, so quietly it's until he has to sleep that the lump in his throat tightens so that he can't breath.
life feels gray when you painted it with your colors, bright shades of yellows and pinks and blues and you, and when you left you took your colors too, his surroundings –no, his heart,– going back to the same shade than before meeting you, a cold gray, a few shades close to white, one that reminded him of the shuttles, and blasters. that was like dust and clouds.
clouds, for his days became less bright each day, for you were the sunshine that always cleared the sky. him a lost flower that flourished with your arrival.
he still waits for you.
he loves you still. he always has, he supposes, since he saw you, with your dirty robes and your face covered in smoke, lightsaber hold so tightly one would thought it might snap in half, your eyes fierce, unyielding, ready for a fight, to survive and make sure he survived too.
even when he remembers your teary eyes, puffy and bit red, your broken voice telling him you "can't keep doing this –not like this." not with secrets, not with worry. not when your rank is higher and not when there's so much to lose.
you could lose him, you had said, and that was what scared you the most.
"if someone finds out–"
"no one will." he interrupted. his last resource was to beg you, to plead you to stay. he has never been one to feel desperate and hopeless, but with the conviction in your eyes, he knew it was a fight he lost even before he knew it had begun.
"I'm not willing to risk that."
he knew the consequences since the beginning, but how foolish it was for him to think it would be enough to love you.
it wasn't, he should've known. in the middle of war, love is never enough. so you broke his heart instead.
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peaches-writes · 3 years
a hundred days of seo - of all places (pt. 1)
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member: changbin but this part is dedicated to besties hyunlix bc i said so  wc: 1.2k genre: fluff, angst, enemies to lovers au, roommates to lovers au, childhood friends to lovers au, neighbor au, college au, eventual friends to lovers au, slow burn, some besties seunghyunlix action hehe chapter warnings: explicit language, mentions of alcohol note: anon! the roommates part comes later pinky promise!
readers choose the adventure game! mechanics | requests checklist & series masterlist 
parts: prologue | part 2 (coming soon!) 
“If you guys really love me—” You groan exaggeratedly with furrowed brows, climbing up your wonkiest living room chair with a broom in your hand and violently tapping the ceiling with its handle end. In front of you, your two best friends are quick to approach closer with their hands outstretched in your direction in surprise and worry—Hyunjin, in particular, going as far as letting out a dramatic cry for you to come down which you simply ignore in your annoyance. “If you idiots care about my well-being, you wouldn’t go to this stupid party or, better yet, you would’ve made him take it somewhere else in the first place!” 
“But it’s Changbin’s birthday! As much as you’re our friend, he’s also our friend.” Felix pouts, cautiously taking two more steps closer to you and placing his hands around the chair’s head rest to steady you. “And it’s not that wild this time, just close friends!”
You fiercely glare down at the younger boy, making him gulp and flinch. Gesturing up to your ceiling and the muffled rock music, you then ask, “This is ‘just close friends’? Whatever, I don’t care! I need to study in peace and this isn’t helping me at all!” You protest, hitting the ceiling a few more times for good measure before jumping down the chair. Felix jumps as well and tightens his grip on the chair, scolding you under his breath for being reckless while Hyunjin finally beelines closer to your side and asks you if you’re okay. “Ya, Hwang Hyunjin, don’t you need to study too? We’re in the same Lit class!” 
“We’ve been studying the whole day, dumbass. We’ve literally studied the whole syllabus down for today! Tsk. Chill...” He points out, dusting off the imaginary dirt off of your pajamas in between warning you not to jump off chairs again. “Anyway, why don’t you just go with us? I saw the invite on your DMs! Just swipe a drink and go or something. You look like you need it—“
You redirect your glare at him who doesn’t waver, clearly your longer friend between him and Felix. “I have other things to do and we’re not friends. That jerk and I, I mean.” You grit stubbornly between your teeth. “He’s just stuck to me like a leech because of you two and Seungmin.”
“What’s worse is that he’s my neighbor starting this semester,” You quickly add before Hyunjin could argue back with another one of his bratty remarks. “I’ve seriously had enough of this guy. I’m definitely not giving myself more headache to go on his stupid birthday party!”
“But it’s free drinks?” Felix tries this time with a raised brow, making you slap a hand to your forehead.
“No. I already told you: the drinks aren’t worth it if it’s him offering.” You shake your head firmly, groaning and rolling your eyes when the muffled music intensifies above your heads as if in dramatic cue. 
“Why aren’t you even friends in the first place?” Hyunjin huffs, crossing his arms as if challenging you. “Seungmin won’t say anything, Changbin always changes the subject, and you’re always mad whenever we do as much as inhale to say Changbin’s name.”
The question sets you off even more, making you groan. “Just because! I really don’t like him, that’s all you need to know!” Sighing in defeat, you then push the two away from you and towards the direction of your door. “Ugh, I guess you three have chosen to be traitors to me tonight. Say hi to Seungmin for me if he turns up, I guess. He hasn’t dropped by so he’s probably gonna be late from tutoring or something. Damn it...” 
“Y/N!!!” The two pout at the same time, not even making efforts to stop you from pushing them across the floor and out of your mini communal area.
“Don’t be mad, please.” Felix adds with his best puppy eyes.
“We’ll tell Changbin to turn it down, then, swear!” Hyunjin adds after, nodding along with Felix in agreement. “And we’ll be civil tonight! Less drinks for us and no drunk stopovers here later, promise—“
“You said that a month ago at Changbin’s housewarming part 1 then two weeks ago at Changbin’s housewarming part 2. Not to mention when you stupidly stopped by my house drunk off your ass both ti—“
“Yeah, yeah, but that’s why Felix’s gonna remind me this time! Geez, Y/N.” Hyunjin frowns, flicking your forehead before pushing himself off of you and walking to the entrance on his own. “But swear, it’ll be as quiet as the campus library in a moment! We’ll really tell Changbin!”
“I wouldn’t even count on it at this point.” You sigh, directing Felix down to your apartment entrance to retrieve his shoes. “Just go, get out of my house. Happy birthday, Changbin or whatever.”
“You want us to pass that along?” Felix’s eyes immediately brighten optimistically while yours blow comically wild in disagreement. As you open your mouth to protest against it, the boy then wears his shoes back on and makes a run for your door. “Okay, Y/N, I’ll text you later what he’ll say!”
“Felix, no!” You call out for him helplessly, approaching Hyunjin who follows along haphazardly. “Ya! Ya! You fucking traitors!”
The music surprisingly quiets down when you hear Hyunjin’s loud voice upstairs three minutes later. 
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The soft ping of your phone over an hour later reminds you of the pain seeping up your neck from looking down on your notes, making you reposition yourself in front of your work desk as more follow in quick succession. Picking up your phone, you immediately hold it away from your lamp as the screen brightens with each message from your best friend. 
seungmo: how’s the party? 
seungmo: running v late! 
seungmo: im walking to ur place now tho !!!
seungmo: soojin gave me a headache today w her homework 😭😭
seungmo: but yeah u & changbin aren’t killing each other yet right? 
seungmo: pls don’t
Sighing, you quickly cap your pen in your other hand and type in a quick reply. 
y/n: i didn’t go
y/n: i actually feel even better now that i didn’t seeing as you still aren’t there
seungmo: why not? 
seungmo: i thought you were coming???
seungmo: that’s why i’m coming? 
seungmo: dude we talked abt this 
seungmo: ur like neighbors now it’s rude if u don’t greet him at least once
seungmo: & u opened the DM from jisung too so???
y/n: y would i go? i hate changbin
y/n: doesn’t mean we’re neighbors now means that i have to greet him we can just co-exist until he gets kicked out or something
When Seungmin uncharacteristically doesn’t lecture you over text about being civil and polite right after, you set your phone down with a scoff on the quick conclusion that he’s probably caught up with crossing the street or the lack of cell service on your building elevator. Sinking in your chair, you look up to the ceiling once, threatening to shake with the heavy bass reverberating from its other side, and heave a long sigh. 
Of all places, you think to yourself in frustration as you then proceed to close your books and notebooks with a sudden migraine creeping up from the back of your head. Of all places, he just had to move here! 
You look over your phone once more as you then stand up from your seat and finish clearing your desk, frowning when no more messages pop up. 
The intercom across the hall, however, decides ping after. 
readers choose the adventure game! mechanics | requests checklist & series masterlist | prologue | part 2 (coming soon!)
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ofthewilderwest · 3 years
Bway songs that vibe w these characters from The Arcana
Thiiiiiiis is gonna be a kinda long post bc I didn’t realize how ridiculously much I had to say. Anyways here u go.
Forever Yours (Once on This Island)- Asra being Ti Moune and trading their life for yours? Protecting you from death??? Also I said they would sing like Isaac Powell earlier so they could be either role tbh.
Hero (Ghost Quartet)- Portia angst abt her fantasies of being an incredible fantastical hero but still feeling like a background character in her own life (comparing to Julian, Tasya, Nadia, etc.)
Made of Stone (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)- Muriel…… pushing ppl away……. Thinking he’s incapable of doing anything good……. H.
As Long as He Needs Me (Oliver!)- more Portia angst sticking around on Julian’s side despite him pushing her away….. she just loves her brother :(
Come What May (Moulin Rouge)- Okay okay I said Julian=Aaron Tveit AND he says Come What May in his route THIS SONG IS LITERALLY HIS CONFESSION SCENE?????
Stronger (Finding Neverland)- Lucio u r so sexc give me your villain arc *makes out w u*
Kristoff Lullaby (Frozen)- Muriel….. realizing he’s in love??? Tears and crying.
Dangerous to Dream (Frozen)- SPEAKING OF FROZEN. Nadia??? Is Elsa. The end.
The Ball (Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812)- I want to talk about how Lucio and Anatole are so. Yeah they’re both sexy and dumb and blonde so uh.
Heart of Stone (Six)- Nadia. That is all. Get Down from Six is also her.
Right Hand Man (Something Rotten)- I think abt Portia a lot okay.
Til’ I Hear You Sing (Love Never Dies)- is there any way I can convince u this is Asra after MC died.
Before the Parade Passes by (Hello Dolly!)- Nadia coming back to the world after her 3 year nap and taking back her life and her love…… girlboss.
Once Upon Another Time (Love Never Dies)- Julian sweetie it’s okay to accept that some things can’t be changed and the past is in the past we just gotta live in the moment now.
Tango Dancer (Ghost Quartet)- Nadia reflecting on her dream premonitions and life before Lucio’s death.
The Phantom of the Opera (Phantom of the Opera)- They reference it in canon multiple times involving Lucio. “Why so Silent” from Masquerade is also him they LITERALLY quote it.
Something There (Beauty and the Beast)- this one (the show) is also canonically referenced in regards to Muriel so it’s a given.
It Takes Two (Into the Woods)- Julian is an idiot and is just now realizing maybe he needs to let others help him.
Dust and Ashes (Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812)- Julian fears death while also craving it? Drinking a lot and also Russian? Yeah babey.
Ti Moune (Once on This Island)- Asra in any route but his…. “Go and find your love, go and swim the sea, you know where we’ll be.” This concept makes me SCREAM I’m so sad.
Prayer (Ghost Quartet)- okay but this one is MC. “For not remembering, for not being in my body”??? Yeah.
Only Girl in a Material World (Moulin Rouge)- Lucio is hot and also spoils MC God I wish that were me.
In a Place of Miracles (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)- Lucio admitting MC changed him for the better and accepting their new life at the end of his route….. kisses him.
Yeah okay long post my apologies this has been in my drafts forever and uhhhhh hyperfixation OCD moment lolz here u go Tumblr. :3
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shotokimchi · 4 years
What If?
Summary: Everyone can fall in love, falling for Bakugo gave you a hard time but when you learned that he felt the same, it was too late. Because you were already married.
WARNINGS: +18 SMUT SMUT SMUTTTT! and a lot of Angst.
Note: Kiri called you pebble, did ya’ll see what i did there, nah? ok... (Yagami Yato stans where u at *cough cough*)
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“Y/n L/n, will you marry me?” Tears started to well up in your eyes the love of your life, Eijiro Kirishima was on his right knee with a black box in his hand, asking you to be his partner for the rest of his life. Eijiro was the kind of man that every woman would want in her life and you felt so lucky for that. It was your birthday, so Eijiro promised to take you out to dinner and when you got to the restaurant you noticed that bakusquad was there too, waiting for the both of you. After having dinner with your friends and your boyfriend, everyone gave you their presents and Eijiro suddenly stood up and read you his speech it was sweet but he started to get sentimental and it made you emotional as well. He held you by the hand and started to tell how he was so in love with you then in an instant he was on his right knee... “Y-y/n?...” Eijiro's voice woke you up from your thoughts, and you realized you still haven't given him a straight answer. He was starting to panic and you quickly smiled. “S-sorry, i...i’m just so happy Eiji.” he gave a sigh of relief and looked at you with those beautiful ruby eyes. “Yes, a million times yes...”  Eijiro jumped to his feet and hugged you with his strong arms “Wohoo!” Mina popped a bottle of champagne. Sero and Kaminari screamed with joy, but there was someone who kept quiet all night and his name was Katsuki Bakugou. When it came to Katsuki, you'd rather shut up. He was the kid you liked in high school. Even after you finished high school, you continued to love him, and your whole college life was about trying to forget about him.
You were sure Katsuki didn't have anything to do with you, he was very strong and had goals, love wasn't his area of interest so you gave up on your one-sided love and decided to see Katsuki as a friend. After Katsuki, things were getting better. You realized how thoughtful and wonderful Eijiro was, and after a long time, you started believing in love again. 
“Come on Y/n! This is gonna be our first time attending to a college party!” Mina was trying to persuade you to go to a party hosted by an upperclassmen and after 20 minutes of trying, she was successful. Jirou had bought you a sexy dress and Mina was ready to do your hair. You were so lucky to have Mina and Jiro. They were the only ones who knew about your feelings towards Katsuki and they always supported you. They also knew about your new feelings towards Eijiro and they were giving their all to help. You weren’t in love with Eijiro, at least not yet. Everything was happening so fast, after finishing high school and trying to forget everything about Katsuki you were only focusing on your training and your grades. Your new blossoming relationship with Eijiro was exciting, it was just a little crush nothing big.
“This place is on fire, lets dance!” Mina started swaying her hips and Jiro joined her on the dance floor, after complaining for fifteen minutes, you started dancing with your friends and for a short while you forgot everything that bothered you.  Mina found you a cup of beer and the three of you started drinking. “I think i saw Kaminari and Sero!” Jirou shouted bc of the loud music and Mina wiggled her eyebrows “That means Kirishima is here too! Lets go show him your dress Y/n, you look sexy and im sure he is gonna fall for you!” You covered your face with your hands and Mina laughed then you started to feel dizzy, you werent a heavy drinker after all but the feeling of the beat and the alcohol in your veins was urging you to dance some more, then your back collided with a toned one and the smell of caramel flooded your senses, your heartbeat quickened. You knew that smell very well but you didnt wanted to turn around and confirm it. Then you felt his hands on your hips “Katsuki...?” He rested his chin on your shoulder and the both of you started to move with a slow pace. “...Short dress.” It was obvious, he was drunk. But it wasnt impossible to form a conversation so you asked “My dress?” He nodded. “Why are you here Katsuki? I didnt knew that you were a party person.” He scoffed “Dunce face forced me to come here.” You smiled at the nickname that he used for Kaminari, he was the same Katsuki, it didnt matter if he was in high school or college. He was the same... So forgetting your feelings for him was the best desicion you have ever made. “Where is Kirishima?” He raised his head and you turned to meet his eyes but your nose touched his and a slight tinge of pink dusted your cheeks, you didnt knew if it was bc of the alcohol or not “He’s not here.” He answered but started to lean closer and closer... Then his lips were on yours, it was slow but hot then his tounge licked your bottom lip and your mouth opened, welcoming his tounge. “Lets get out of here...” He sighed into your mouth and you nodded. You didnt care about anything else, everything around you was about Bakugou. The smell of caramel, the warmth of his hands, you always wanted to feel him, always wanted to touch him. The house was big so Bakugou dragged you towards the stairs and both of you clumsily reached the 2nd floor, he opened one of the doors and when the both of you got in, he immediately locked it. There was a clean bed, it was untouched. He yanked off his black dress shirt and pushed you onto the bed, his lips crashed with yours and he earned a moan from you, that excited him even more, his hands found the hem of your dress and rough scarred hands slowly made their way towards your thighs. “Do you want this?” His crimson eyes took your breath away, his gaze was so intense and you only managed to nod. You wrapped your arms around his neck and inhaled his scent “I wanted you for so long...” That took him by surprise but he didnt took it seriously bc you were drunk. He really wanted to believe your words, he liked you for so long but didnt said anything bc of his goals and all he just didnt wanted to got distracted. On top of that, he was terrible when it came to expressing his feelings to someone else, especially to you since he was crazy about you but everything was going to be okay bc he was going to confess to you tonight. “Same here.” Your breath hitched in your throat, he wanted you too? No, this couldnt be true, he was saying this stuff bc he was drunk, just like you. “Katsu... come on.” The nickname made his heart pound, he started to leave open mouthed kisses on your jawline and he nipped at your neck, when you mewled into his ear he bit down, hard. “A-ah, Katsu...” Then he licked the abused spot and found the zipper on your back, when his eyes met with your matched lingerie set, he smirked “Naughty girl~” Licking your collarbone, he threw the dress onto the floor and unbuckled his belt. His grey boxer felt tight around his crotch, his long fingers found the wet spot that formed on your panties “Someone’s getting excited~” You averted your gaze and he grabbed your chin “Keep your eyes on me Y/n.” He slowly took of your panties and slid his index finger into your core, you gave a pleasant sigh and started to buck your hips he was relieved, even though he looked confident the last thing he wanted you to feel was pain, his thumb found your clit and you cried out. “F-faster, Katsuki!” His smirk widened and he added his middle finger and quickened the pace. “You are holding onto my fingers for dear life, sexy~” Your thighs started to shake then it came crashing down on you, with a loud moan you came around his fingers. You were panting and trying to get yourself together then you saw his fingers, he was playing with your juices “See this Y/n?” He shoved them into his mouth and sucked them clean, your body was on fire. “Get on all fours baby.” He ordered and you placed yourself on your elbows and knees, he pushed your waist onto the mattress. For a moment there was silence so you opened your mouth wanting more from him but a harsh smack landed on your ass. “Ah!” You shouted and buried your face into the pillow “Thats it baby, let me hear you!” Then he activated his quirk and landed a smack onto the other one. “K-katsuki!” Then he checked the drawers of the nightstand and luckily managed to find a condom package. Then you felt it, his tip was pressing into your entrance “Y/n, are you ready?” His breath was erratic and the both of you were so excited “Yeesh~” You moaned out and he chuckled, then with a swift move, he pushed every inch of him into your tight cunt. You screamed and he started to thrust with a stable pace “Feels good...” He managed to breath out and started to quicken his pace. The both of you were moaning like horny animals and the sound of slapping skin was filling the room “K-katsu please, faster!” Your moans and pleas only boosted his ego and he let out a pleased growl “Scream for me!” Then he thrusted into you with full force and it made you shove your face into the pillow, your moans got louder and louder, then your fingers found your clit and drew messy circles. Then he yanked you towards him and pressed your back to his chest, he squeezed your mounds and nipped at your neck “Katsuki, oh god!” Then you came around him and his thrusts turned messy “Fuck Y/n, fuck fuck FUCK-” with the last thrust, he came and both of you panted. He layed onto his back and pulled you to his chest, after gaining his composure he started to talk “Y/n i- damn it, i like you for years now and fuck- even if you tell me to fuck off i just wanted you to know.” He closed his eyes and prepared hisself for rejection but the only thing he heard was your light snoring so he sighed with dissapointment. “When the morning comes, i’ll tell you.”
But he couldnt, bc when he woke up, you were gone. After that night, the energy between you and Katsuki was very strange, you were always avoiding him, and Katsuki chose to leave you alone. After two weeks of avoiding Katsuki and getting advice from Jirou and Mina, you decided to give him a call and talk things out. You felt disgusting, leaving and avoiding him, doing things like this while starting to feel some things for Eijiro... But you and Eiji weren’t a thing so it was not a crime is it? Yes, it was a crime but for you. Loyalty was so important to you and here you were, gettin drunk and having sex with your old crush.
Katsuki was in the living room while Kirishima was making some protein shake, Kaminari and Sero were out meeting with some of their old friends. Kirishima noticed the weird atmosphere between you and Katsuki but didnt wanted to talk about it since you avoided the topic several times and Katsuki just told him to ‘fuck off’ he wasn’t offended, this was Katsuki’s way of expressing his emotions and they were best friends, so Kirishima decided to give him some space. When he finished preparing his protein shake aka ‘KIRISHAKE’ he walked towards the living room and saw Katsuki, looking out of the window with a thoughtful look on his face. “Whats up bro?” Katsuki turned and looked at his best friend and immediately felt bad, he was still smiling and doing everything he could to make Katsuki feel better even if he was acting like a jerk for two weeks. “Tch, you blind? Im sitting.” Kirishima laughed and a soft smile appeared on Katsuki’s face, he was so lucky to have Kirishima by his side, he hated himself for laying with the crush of his best buddy but he couldnt help it, he loved you too, no matter how many times he told himself to forget about you, it wasnt working. The guilt felt heavy on his shoulders bc today, Eijiro was supposed to took you on a date but you called him and postponed it and told him that you were supposed to see your relatives. “So Bakubro, lets play Mortal Combat!” Kiri’s voice woke him up from his thoughts and he nodded, but just when he was about to grab the console, his phone buzzed in his pocket. There was a message, from you. His eyes popped out of their sockets and he got up from his seat. “Bro?” Kirishima was looking at him with a confused expression “Wait here.” Katsuki dashed towards his shared room with Kirishima and slammed the door shut, he immediately unlocked his phone and read your message.
Y/n: Katsuki, can we talk? Im gonna send you a location of where i am, please come.
After wearing his grey sweatpants, he checked his appereance and immediately grabbed the keys of his car, just when he was about to open the door of the shared apartment Eijirou’s voice stopped him in his tracks “Bakugou, where are you going?” Kiri had a worried expression on his face and Bakugou’s stomach twisted with anxiety. “The old hag just messaged me, uh... I should leave.” Kiri grabbed his arm and Katsuki tensed “Bro, if something is wrong let me help.” At this point, Katsuki wanted to punch himself in the face, instead of gettin suspicious, Kirishima was still concerned about his wellbeing. Katsuki sighed and shook his head “I’ll tell you later, Kirishima.” Then he left.
You were sitting on a bench, playing with your fingers, waiting for Katsuki to come. For these two weeks you couldn't look Kirishima in the eye, you were disgusted with yourself, and you hated yourself for ignoring Katsuki. You’ve had enough so figuring things out with Katsuki was going to be your first attempt to fix things. Then you spotted a black car and immediately recognized it, it belonged to Katsuki. Then the front door of the car opened and you eyed his muscular figure, he was flawless. He spotted you and hesitated, then you gave a small smile, he relaxed and slowly approached you. “Hey.” you breathed out and he sat at the opposite side of the bench, then he gave a small nod. After some minutes of silence, he decided to break it “You said you wanted to talk?” You slightly jumped and turned towards him, he was already looking towards your direction so your e/c eyes met with his crimson ones. “Katsuki, i....i’m sorry.” When he didnt give a response, you took that as a sign to continue “I didnt wanted to ignore you but... i felt disgusting.” Then you saw something flash in his eyes, was that hurt? “D-dont get me wrong! I was disgusted with myself, it doesnt have anything to do with you...” His eyes softened and eyed your tired form, all he wanted to do was confess his feelings but just when he was about to open his mouth, your voice started to shake “You know that Eijirou and i are growing closer and... I felt disgusting because, i-i love him.” His heart stopped beating and after all these years, Katsuki Bakugou felt like crying. “You love him?” He asked and you hesitated, you were feeling some things towards Eijiro but... Was it love? It should be, right? “Y-yeah.” Then he remembered the thing you said at the party, when you were alone in one of the rooms. *I wanted you for so long...* So you told him that just bc you were drunk... “I see.” His voice cracked and he quickly stood up. “Lets forget about it.” Your eyes started to fill with tears and you only managed to nod. Your heart felt heavy and you felt like the same Y/n in high school, the one who was in love with Katsuki Bakugou. You forced a fake smile and nodded “Yeah, lets forget about it.”
After your conversation with Bakugou, he distanced himself. You wanted to talk with him, you wanted to be friends but you didnt wanted to force him. On the other hand, Eijiro took you out on several dates and you were falling in love with him but this time, it was real. Shortly after, Eijiro asked you to be his girlfriend and you happily agreed. You and Eijiro were so happy and everything seemed fine, but your best friend Mina was trying to make sense of Bakugo's strange attitude. As much as you didn't wanted to believe it, she claimed several times that Bakugou could have a crush on you. Mina wasnt satisfied so she decided to talk with Bakugo, she talked with Jirou and after getting her support, she dialed Katsuki’s number. Luckily, he answered.
Katsuki: “What do you want, Pinky?”
Mina: “Hey Bakugou! Its nice to hear your voice. Can we talk?”
Katsuki: “Hurry up Pinky, i need to go for a run.”
Mina: “No i mean, face to face.”
Bakugou sighed, he was running out of patience but judging from Mina’s serious tone, he knew it was important.
Katsuki: “Whatever.”
Mina: “Great! Let’s meet at the cafe that we used to go when we were in high school. I’m already on my way, see ya.”
“Bakugou, right here!” Mina waved, she was sitting at the corner with a cup of coffe in her hands. Bakugou scoffed but walked towards her and sat down. He was fiddling with the hem of his shirt, he was nervous. Mina immediately sensed his anxiety “Dont be nervous Bakugo, im your friend.” Bakugou’s eyes slightly widened but he quickly recovered. “What do you want Pinky?” Mina sighed and nodded “Listen, you are acting strange Bakugou whenever we are hanging out, you’re less talktive end energetic than usual.” Bakugou tched “You are making zero sense.” Mina raised a brow and smirked “You are my friend, i know you well enough. Everyone noticed the changes in your behaviour, Kaminari and Sero are worried especially Eijiro.” Bakugou kept silent and Mina decided to ask the main question “Bakugou, whenever you saw Y/n you always make an excuse to leave or keep quiet. Did you guys had a fight?” Bakugou panicked and his eyes met Mina’s worried ones. He shook his head “Nothing happened, idiot.” Mina’s suspicion was growing “Bakugou do you have a... um, i dont know how to say this. Do you have feelings for Y/n?” Bakugou jumped in his seat and knocked the coffe cup that was sitting on the table. “What the hell Racoon Eyes?!” His heart was pounding like crazy, was it too obvious? Mina’s eyes softened, he was in love. “Bakugou, its ok. Everyone can fall in love, even you.” Bakugou growled “What’s that supposed to mean?!” Mina giggled and her expression turned serious “Bakugou, Eijiro is my friend but you are too. But... to be honest, im so mad at you, arent you supposed to be an observer?” Bakugou was confused, so he continued to listen “Y/n... She was in love with you for 4 years.” Bakugou’s breath hitched in his throat, every bone in his body were shaking. You were feeling the same? No. It was in the past... But was there hope? Mina’s expression changed to a pained one, she was readin him like an open book “Bakugou no, you are too late. She is already in love with Eijiro, so dont ruin their relationship, Eijiro loves her.” And with that, she stood up and gave him a small smile, Katsuki’s mind was racing, he didnt wanted to believe the fact that you were over him. He immediately stood up, get into his car and started to drive towards the agency you were working at. When he arrived, he confessed everything to you and made things worse, your heart was screaming for Eiji but it was aching, what if you confessed at high school? Would things be the same? You cried and before you knew it, his arms were around you. Silent tears fell from his eyes, everything came crashing down on him. Pain, guilt, longing... “Katsuki, we’re too late...” It was like a whisper but he managed to hear it and his arms tightened their hold around you “Y/n...”
*End of flashback*
Eijiro was driving the car while singing happily to one of his favourite songs, his one hand was on the steering wheel while the other one was resting on your thigh. “Thanks for tonight, baby.” You leaned and planted a kiss on his cheek, he laughed “You missed my lips babe!” You started to laugh and grabbed his hand. “I’m so lucky to have you, Eiji.” 
“Eiji, i cant find the keys.” You were looking for the keys of your shared apartment then Eiji chuckled and you turned to look at him. “Are you looking for these?~” You pouted and tried to reach for the keys “Thats sneaky!” He laughed and his other hand grabbed you by the waist, your chest collided with his and a lustful look clouded his face. Your breathing was starting to get heavier, he leaned towards you and closed the distance, the kiss was sweet at first but it turned to something steamy and rough. “Ei~” You moaned into his mouth and he opened the door “Jump, pebble~” you hopped and wrapped your legs around his waist. He was nipping at you earlobe while walking towards the bedroom. He gently placed you onto the bed and just when he was about to take of his black dress shirt, you stopped him. “Take a seat, Red Riot. Let me take care of you~” He sat onto the bed and separated his legs. You massaged his thighs and started to unbuckle his belt, when your hand brushed against his crotch, he hissed and it made you smirk. When you got rid off his pants, his erection was poking through his underwear. “Dont tease me pebble come on~” He moaned out and you started to stroke him with a slow pace, just when he was about to tell you to go faster, you took him into your mouth. His precum left a salty taste in your mouth, after circling the tip with your tounge, you started to bob your head with a steady pace. “Oh, Y/n...” He gave a pleased sigh then started to move his hips. His right hand started to massage your scalp and slowly gripped your h/c locks. “You are amazing, pebble~” Then his hips started to move faster and it made you gag around him. “Just like that, oh- Y/n, look at me.” Your teary eyes met his lustful ones and he growled “Beautiful, so beautiful...” It only got rougher, he was  fucking your face in a merciless way. “I’m c-coming Y/n!” Your moans vibrated around his cock and with a powerful thrust he spilled everything in your mouth. You swallowed and opened your mouth to show him what you did, waiting for his praise. He chuckled, his thumb started to stroke your puffy lips. “You did such a great job, baby girl~” Then he layed onto his back and you crawled towards him, You sat onto his semi-hard member and started to grind your hips. Your panties were soaked, after throwing your dress onto the floor you unhooked your bra and Eiji’s hands immediately found their way to your breasts. “You are so wet, pebble~” Your load moans were like music to his ears. “Ei~ please...” He pushed your panties to the side and started to draw some firm circles around your clit. “Ei, i want you...” He smirked and the tip of his member started to push into you “Ride me, baby girl.” You sinked down onto his member and his hips started to buck. You placed your hands onto his firm chest and started to bounce with a fast pace. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck-” Your eyes were closed shut, the only words that leaving your mouth were some curses. “You’re clenching down on me Y/n, fuck-” Eijiro started to thrust from below and your movements got faster and faster, it was unbearable you wanted to cum so bad. Eijiro’s fingers were drawing messy circles around your swollen bud. A weird feeling enveloped you but you paid no mind and continued to bounce on your lover. “S-something’s coming, Ei!” Eiji interwined his fingers with yours and moaned encouragin words “Its okay baby, c-come on~” Then everything turned white and you screamed “E-eijiro!”, your juices coated his member “H-holy fuck, you just squirted! So sexy~” Then he gave some sloppy thrusts and came inside of you, painting your walls with white strings of cum. Both of you panted and you collapsed on top of him, his arms wrapped around you and Eijiro kissed your temple. “I love you, pebble.” A soft smile crept its way onto your face and you replied “I love you too.”
“I dont wanna do it, im so scared!” You werent feeling so well and decided to call your friends, Mina and Jirou. You were having terrible stomach aches and you were always getting dizzy, you just thought that it wasnt important but Mina and Jirou said something that made your heart stop. “No, what is you’re pregnant?!” Mina replied. Even though you said you didn't need to take the pregnancy test, they were not convinced. “Y/n, we are concerned about your well being” Jirou took your hands in hers and gave you a soft smile, sighing you grabbed the test and walked towards the bathroom. Your hands were shaking, what if you were really pregnant? Well, you always wanted to build a family with Eijiro but you guys werent even married, he was already busy with hero work and working on wedding preparations only made things harder for him. You didnt wanted to him to get stressed over the baby, what if he didnt wanted to have kids? What if he leaves you? Tears started to well up in your eyes and you took a look at the pregnancy test and when you did, your heart stoppped beating. There were two pink lines, it was positive. Your legs gave up on you and loud sobs were bouncing on the walls, your friends heard you and rushed in. “Y/n are you okay?!” Mina shouted and they saw your shaking form. Jirou quickly embraced you and tried to whisper calming things “It’s okay Y/n, everything is gonna be okay...” Your nails started to dig into her shirt and tears soaked her shoulder. Mina crouched down and started to draw calming circles on your back, “It’s okay just cry and try to relax.” Your paranoia scared you even more, you didnt wanted Eiji to leave you, he was the love of your life, your tears continued to fall like little raindrops. “Wh-what if he leaves me, i love him s-so much...” Both of the girls stopped their movements and shared a sad look, Eijiro was a good guy, he would never leave someone behind, especially the love of his life... Jirou took a deep breath and patted your had “No, im sure he’s gonna get surprised but Eijiro is not a cruel guy, its the exact opposite.” Mina nodded and tried to cheer you up “Yeah! He loves you as much as you love him, dont stress yourself with these kind of thoughts, its not healthy for the baby!” Your sobs turned into quiet whimpers and sniffles. “Lets choose a movie and have some ice cream!” Mina suggested and Jirou nodded, a small smile appeared on your face and the girls sighed with relief “Y-yeah, lets do that.”
When the night came, the anxiety made its way to your stomach. Eijiro was still working and you were trying to think about a way tell him that you got pregnant. Then you heard the front door and started to take deep breaths. “Baby, im home!” Eijiro’s tired but happy voice broke your heart, he was working too hard. Then you felt muscular arms around your waist and a muscular chest pressed itself to your back. “I got a call from your agency, why didnt you go to work?” When you kept silent, Eijiro started to get worried and tightened his hold on you “Y/n?” Your body started to shake, you couldnt wait any longer, it was eating you up inside. “Ei-eijiro” He started to pepper your neck with kisses “Tell me what happened baby, you can tell me anything.” You took a shaky breath and managed to croak out a “I’m pregnant.” When he didnt give you an answer, panic started to well up inside of you and you squeezed your eyes shut, preparing yourself for the worst. “W-what, are you serious?” You nodded and waited, it was over. But instead, his arms squeezed you tighter and he buried his face into the crook of your neck. “I... love you so much Eijiro. If you want to leave, then-” He cut you off “No! We did this together and im staying with you until the end, i know that its too early for a kid, we are about to get married but that doesnt mean that im gonna give up on our child!” His words squeezed your heart and you hated yourself for questioning his love and loyalty. You turned around and faced him, when he eyed your shaking form his eyes softened and he pulled you in a sweet meaningful kiss. “I love you Y/n and only you.” Your arms wrapped around his neck and you took a whiff of his scent “Thank you for always being with me, Eijiro.” This was your fiancé, Kirishima Eijiro. The sweetest man on earth.
When the weekend came, Eijiro left the house to meet with the boys of the ‘bakusquad’. He was going to share with his friends that Y/n was pregnant, he was very excited but nervous at the same time. He knew that his friends would never judge him but this was something different, he was going to be a father. When he got to the bar, he saw his friends sitting at the usual table, drinking and chatting. “Hey guys, having fun without me?” Denki and Sero welcomed him with a wide grin while Bakugou acknowledged his best friend with a nod. Kirishima sat down and after having a glass of beer, he decided to bring the ‘important topic’ to the table. “So, uh... You guys know that Y/n and i are getting married soon.” Denki dramatically sighed “Man, dont rub it on our face like that, we know that we are lonely as hell~” Sero laughed and Bakugou rolled his eyes. Kirishima chuckled and started to scratch his neck “The thing is, uh...” Bakugou raised a brow and started to observe his best friend, why was he nervous? “Just spit it out, shitty hair.” Sero raised a brow and eyed his redheaded friend “You okay man? You guys didnt get in a fight, right?” Kirishima shook his head and sighed “No, its just... Y/n uh she-” With the mention of your name, Bakugou gave all of his attention to Kirishima. “Y/n is pregnant.” Kaminari choked on his drink and Sero’s brain was having a hard time with processing his friends words. Bakugou’s heart shattered to pieces, he knew that he had lost you completely when you said yes to Kirishima but hearing the fact that you were pregnant was wrecking him. Before he could even think, his mouth opened by itself and let out a “What the fuck?” Kirishima looked hurt and Kaminari interfered “Wow wow okay, we know that you are surprised bro we all are but that was kinda rude.” Sero patted Kirishima on the shoulder and gave him a sympathetic look “How are you guys handling the situation?” Kirishima licked his lips and sighed “Well we didnt expect something like this to happen but im gonna be there for her.” There was gentleness in his words and Sero smiled “She is lucky to have you, Kirishima.” Bakugou clenched his teeth, Sero was right. Kirishima had something that he didnt, gentleness. Denki smirked and tried to lighten up the mood “You guys are pretty active huh~?” With that, Kirishima’s face turned red just like his hair “K-kaminari!” Bakugou didnt wanted to think the things that you and Kiri were doing, he didnt wanted to imagine you laying in Eijiro’s arms. “A-aren’t you gonna say something, Bakubro?” Kirishima’s question caught him off guard and he saw the pleading look in Kiri’s eyes. He wanted to hear his opinion, Kiri always came to Bakugou for advice and this time it wasnt any different. “Didnt mean to sound rude. Congrats, weird hair.” Kirishima gave him a soft smile “Thanks bro.” Katsuki’s eyes softened, he couldnt stay mad at you or Kirishima, you guys were in love after all and it was going to happen sooner or later.
After that, you and Kirishima quickly got married, all of your friends attended to the wedding even Mr.Aizawa was there, you were so happy and Katsuki slowly accepted the fact that you were now his best friends wife.You were in the 4th month of your pregnancy and Eijiro forced you to take a break from hero work. The bump in your tummy was visible but you were still going on walks to stay healthy, Katsuki was visiting you and bringin you some stuff for the baby, you didnt asked for it and seeing him regularly was weird but you two managed to grow closer and closer. It was just like in high school, joking and laughing together... Even he was so busy with hero stuff, he was trying to pay you a visit. Kirishima was so happy that the love of his life and his best friend was getting along well just like it was used to be. It was a regular day for you as usual, waking up, going for a run then taking a quick shower, reading your favourite book and baking some delicious cookies for your husband and friends. After baking some delicious chocolate chip cookies, you devorated them on a plate and left them on the kitchen island for later. It was already 3:00 pm so you decided to watch a movie but the knock on your door stopped you. “Coming!” Eijirou, Bakugou and the girls were still at work so you wondered who decided to visit you this early, when you opened the door, you saw the hotheaded blond with grocery bags in his hands “Katsu?!” The nickname you used always had an effect on him. “What are you doing here, arent you supposed to be at work?!” He rolled his eyes and smirked “What, you arent gonna let me in?” He was always teasing you and you were always falling for it, he loved the expressions that you made. “N-no, ofc not Bakugou, i love your company!” You moved to the side and he took off his shoes, just when you were about to take the bags from his hands, he scoffed “Dont lift heavy things.” You smiled and nodded, “I made chocolate chip cookies, want some?” He rolled his eyes “Geez Y/n, you are consuming too much sugar.” You chuckled and ushered him to the kitchen. You made some tea and handed him a mug, the both of you sat with comfortable silence. “So Ground Zero, mind telling me why you wanted to pay a visit this early?” Hearing his hero name from you, made his heart flutter. “Just finished some paperwork and wanted to see how you’re doing.” Your cheeks grew warmer and you gave him a goofy smile “Awww, thank you Katsu!” He averted his eyes and tried to blush on his cheeks, these four months were so hard for him, you were right in front of him but it felt so far away. He wanted to tell how he felt and he was going to do it. “Y/n, we need to talk.” You took a sip from your mug and nodded “Sure Katsu, you can tell me anything.” He took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose, “Listen Y/n, this isnt something easy to talk about, do you remember the night we had, while we’re in college?” Your eyes widened and memories from your past started to cloud your mind “W-what are you trying to say, Katsuki?” He sighed and looked at you with sad eyes. “Y/n im in love with you. It’s been fuck- like what 11 years?” Your hands started to shake and your breath hitched in your throat, what were you hearing? Was it true, if it was that meant the feelings you had in high school was mutual. Tears started to well up in your eyes, why was he telling you this, you were carrying his best friend’s baby, you were in love with Eijiro. But what if you were carrying his child instead, what would happen then, would you be happy? “K-katsuki...” He shook his head and sighed “No, Y/n. You dont need to tell me anything, if i knew you had a crush on me sooner, things could have been different, i had goals and i didnt thought that you were feeling the same.” His voice cracked and his crimson eyes shined with tears. Your eyes met with his and you slowly stood up. Even if you were in love with Eijiro, Katsuki was your first love and there was a part of you that still loved him. Your shaky hands grabbed his and his eyes widened “I’m sorry for being a coward, Katsuki.” He clenched his teeth “No! If i told you how i felt-” You cut him off by wrapping your arms around his torso and the both of you quietly cried for the loss of the years. “Y/n, let me...” He tightened his hold on you and rested his forehead on yours, you nodded and closed your eyes. He slowly lovered his face and his soft lips met with yours. Katsuki Bakugou was your first love and this was his way of saying goodbye, he didnt wanted to suffer anymore, he didnt wanted to feel the pain in his heart whenever he saw you with Eijiro...
The last five months of your pregnancy flowed like water and in the end, you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Her name was Kaori and she looked just like you but her red ruby eyes was just like his fathers. After Kaori’s 1st birthday, you started working again and your mother was looking after your daughter. Kirishima was the sweetest dad ever, he was doing everything he could to help you and Katsuki was protective when it came to the little girl. Mina was always buying her a new Red Riot onesie and Jirou was always singing her the best lullabies.
After dropping Kaori at your mothers place, you started driving towards your agency and texted Eijiro that you were going to be busy. When you got to the agency they immediately called you for backup. There were a chaotic villain group and you left with some of the pros. The buildings were on fire and some of the pro’s were badly injured, you even saw some of your old friends. Then you heard a scream, it belonged to a little girl. Her sobs were so loud and it was coming from a burning building, before you could think of anything, your legs started to move towards the building. Your quirk was called ‘Telekinesis’ and it made you control objects and sometimes humans. “Help me, mommy!” Your heart shattered to pieces and you quickly activated your quirk, after moving the rubbles to the side you managed to spot the girl but she was at the 4th floor. You ran into the building and started to call for her “Hey, little girl where are you!” you continued to shout and run, then you heard it “Im here, please help!” You kicked the door open and saw the girl, sitting on the floor. Tears were flowing from her eyes and you crouched down “Im gonna take you out of here!” Then just when you were about to carry her, she started to laugh and it turned to a scary one. “Ahahahaha!” Your eyes widened and the girl transformed into a scary man, “W-what is this?!” it was a trap, he was a villain. “Bye bye, hero.” Everything happened so fast, you felt something sharp in your chest and tried to look at it. Then your legs started to tremble and you fell to the floor, blood was everywhere, it was yours. The villain managed to shot you in the chest. A warm feeling surrounded you and the people you love came into your mind. Kaori; your little girl, Katsuki your first love and friend, Mina, Jirou then Eijiro, the love of your life, the best husband ever, the reason of your happiness. “E-eiji...” Tears fell from your eyes and everything turned dark.
Eijiro was trying to reach you for hours, the last thing he got from you was a text message, saying you’ll be busy bc of work. He was getting worried because there was a dangerous case going on and he knew you went there for help. Just when he was about to ask for permission to leave, his phone started buzzing and he quickly answered “Hello?” a woman started to speak “Hello, is this Mr. Kirishima?” His heart started to beat faster, there was an uneasy feeling in his gut. “I’m calling you from the hospital, we wanted to inform you about Mrs.Kirishima’s condition.” With the mention of your name the world stopped spinning “W-what happened to my wife?!” The woman sighed and there was a long pause “Mr.Kirishima can you please come to the hospital?” He quickly hung up, he didnt know what to do. What if something happened to you, what was he supposed to do? The only person he could call was Bakugou, so he did that. Katsuki tried his best to calm Kirishima down and both males started to drive towards the hospital.
“Bakugou!” Katsuki turned towards the voice, it was Kirishima. His teeth were clenched and he was running towards the reception. Bakugou came to the hospital before Kirishima and tried to gather some information about you but the nurses were so stubborn they were waiting for Eijiro to come. “Where’s my wife, where is Y/n?!” He started to shout and Bakugou grabbed his arm. “Bakugou, where is Y/n?!” Bakugou shook his head “Calm down, Kirishima. I know that you are worried but you are not helping.” Katsuki tried to sound calm but his voice was shaking, he knew something was wrong. The nurses werent saying a thing, he wanted to see you, he wanted to wrap his arms around you and never let you go. Then the doctor arrived, he had a melancholic look on his face. “Mr.Kirishima?” Kirishima and Bakugou turned towards the voice and Kirishima shouted “I want to see my wife!” When the doctor kept silent Katsuki’s blood started to boil “Say something, damn it!” They both wanted to see you, they both wanted to kiss you, protect you. “Mrs,Kirishima got shot by a villain and lost a lot of blood.” Eijiro’s heart started to ache and the air left his lungs, Katsuki was in shock he didnt know what to think, his eyes were wide, trembling. “We tried everything we could, im sorry...” And with that Kirishima collapsed to the ground, his painful sobs were echoing throught the corridors “Y/n!” His body was trembling, the love of his life were gone... Katsuki’s hands found his hair and started to tug at the blond locks. Tears were falling from his eyes, he let out a painful scream and hated himself for not being there to protect you...
When the funeral come to and end, Katsuki wanted to see her grave for one more time, there were flowers in his hand. “Y/n...” It was like a whisper, after crying for so long, he couldnt find the energy to speak. His heart was shattered to pieces, everything felt empty, the world wasnt colorful anymore, everything felt either black or white. “I thought you'd be here.” When he heard his best friend’s voice, he turned to see a broken Eijiro. He tried to smile but it looked more like a grimace, both men stood in silence then Eijiro started to speak “I knew that you were in love with her.” Katsuki’s eyes widened and he couldnt meet Eijiro’s gaze. “How?” He managed to croak out. “You are my best friend, i know you more than anyone else.” Katsuki felt like dying, these three days were horrible, he lost the love of his life and now he was going to lose Eijiro’s friendship too but just when he was preparing himself for Eijiro’s harsh words, Eijiro pulled him into a hug. “I cant blame you for falling in love with her, she was amazing.” Katsuki started to tremble and hugged him back, he was harshly nodding. “She left us a piece of her, i cant love anyone else but im not gonna let Kaori suffer because she doesnt have a mother.” Katsuki squeezed his eyes shut and continued to nod. Both men cried together for the loss of their love, for the woman they fell for. After calming down a little Katsuki opened his mouth “We’re gonna take care of Kaori, we gonna make her the happiest girl in the world for Y/n.” Kirishima smiled at his friend’s promise and nodded “For Y/n.”
“Hey Y/n, i cant believe twelve years had passed. It’s like you were here yesterday, our daughter is a beautiful lady now, she is so energetic and full of positivity, just like us. Everyone misses you so much, especially me. When i wake up, i want to feel your warmth beside me, i want to see your beautiful face after a long day at work. Your clothes are still in our closet, i dont want your scent to go away, our pictures are still on the walls of our house. Kaori always looks at them and tells me how beautiful you are. She is right, you are the most beautiful woman in this whole existence. Kaori loves chocolate chip cookies, when i told her that they were your favourite she wanted to make them and now we are always baking cookies with uncle Katsuki and aunt Mina. Jirou also visits us regularly and sings her the most beautiful melodies. Kaminari and Sero always make stupid faces to make her laugh, Midoriya and Shoto bought her some presents, you should’ve seen her face! She loves all of our friends but she loves Katsuki the most, she always calls him ‘Uncle Suki’. Katsuki and i promised each other to pay you a visit regularly. We missed you Y/n, we missed you so much. God, i wasnt going to cry but i cant help it baby, without you there is always something empty but i promise you that no matter what happens, im going to make our daughter the happiest in the world, you are her hero and she wants to be strong, just like you.”
-From, Eijiro
After putting the letter at the side of your grave Kirishima smiled softly and looked at his right, Katsuki was standing with a small smile on his face, then Kaori broke the silence “See you soon mom, i love you!” They both ruffled her hair and Kaori linked his arms with his father’s “Dad, uncle! Lets make some chocolate chips cookies.” Katsuki smirked “Dont eat too much sugar, brat.” Kaori pouted but laughed. Your absence was painful but they were going to make good memories, for you...
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coco96 · 4 years
LDAF - JB Romantic
Bare Left Arms (Bucky Barnes X Fem!Reader) Request: ... people have the names of their platonic soulmates on their left wrist/arm and the names of their romantic soulmates on their right wrist/arm ... R has REALLY long list of platonic soulmates ... Bucky ... isn’t on her left arm list, he assumes that it’s because he’s unlovable ... when Bucky fully lets her in for the first time ... then they get each other’s names on their right wrist ...
Losing Almost Everything (Clint Barton X Daughter!Reader) TRIGGER WARNING: ATTEMPTED SELF HARM Other warnings: Spoilers for Infinity War, death Request: Clint barton’s oldest daughter from a previous relationship. She’s enganged to bucky when the snap happens and goes into a deeper depression when she finds out from her dad and natasha that laura and her siblings were dusted and clint and natsha both stop her from harming herself just in time.
Old Thoughts (Bucky X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Coming out, mention of homophobia and not being accepted, yelling Request: Hi! Would I be able to request a Bucky x daughter where he finds out she’s a lesbian and maybe isn’t so accepting of it at first but at the end he’s understanding/accepting and just rlly fluffy? If you don’t want to do it it’s totally fine
Anniversary announcements (Bucky X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Mentions of past abusive relationship and swearing. Request: … Bucky and the reader has been dating for a long time and one day they discuss for something stupid and Bucky move his arms in a strange way and the reader gets scared (because of the movement, not because she is affraid of him) and Bucky gets very sad and the reader try to explain him that she is not affaid? Like a lit angst with fluff. Hope you could understand it..
I’m Here (Bucky X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Claustrophobia, panic attacks Request: Can you write one where Bucky and the reader are ok with each other but there’s some tension thrown around? Tony decides to make them work out what ever it is and lock them in a small room together. The room ends up being too small for the reader and she falls to the floor hyperventilating and Bucky tries to snap her out of it while cussing out stark cause he knows they’re on speaker.
Inspiration (Bucky Barnes X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Mention of past serious accident Request: … Bucky Barnes x reader where she was recently recruited after him and she has a similar prosthetic leg or something (you pick) and they bond over their prosthetics? Thank you so much!! 💕
You Should Know (Bucky X Male!Reader) Warnings: Bucky’s past Request: Hey! Could you please write a Bucky x male reader one shot where they’ve been dating for a while but the reader doesn’t know that he’s dating the Winter Soldier so Bucky tells him? Maybe some angst and fluff?
Bad Day (Bucky X Fem!Reader) Warnings: minor swearing once Request: … reader has had a really rough day at work and is really frustrated and when she comes home Bucky accidentally makes a joke that just sets her off? Can it please be really fluffy at the end? Thanks in advance!
Sisterly Assistance (Bucky X Male!Reader) Request: Can I request a Bucky x T’Chala’s!Brother!Reader where Reader is older than Shuri but younger than T’Chala… He was taking care of Bucky with Shuri, and developed a crush on the White Wolf… He decides to tell Shuri about it and she plays match maker with them, because she knows that Bucky likes her brother, too…
Good Enough (Bucky Barnes X Asexual!Reader) Warnings: Self-consious reader Request: An asexual gender neutral reader x bucky where the reader breaks down bc they think they arent enough for bucky? Xx
Movies (Steve X Fem!Reader X Bucky) Request: … Just where they’re all just snuggling together with the reader between the both of anthem because she’s the smallest + they’re talking about stuff thats been going on with the avengers; theyre all just really comfortable with each other + care about each other a lot. …
I Still Love You (Bucky Barnes X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Spoilers of Civil War Request: With the stark reader and Bucky one, can you do where he blames himself for the death of readers and Tony’s parents, but she still loves him, even though Tony doesn’t allow it. Eventually Tony and reader have a heart to heart and gives her his blessing. Bucky puts aside his guilt?
Learning To Love (Bucky X Fem!Reader) Request: … Bucky and the reader are in love but he avoid her because he hasnt remember how to be with a girl. So the reader confronts him and he tolds her that he is affraid of hurting her and fluff (love your fic, your amazing) <3
Part Of The Family. (Bucky X Tomboy!Reader X Reader)     |     Part 2 Request: Could you write something where Steve and Bucky live in a house and they have a spare room and put an ad out for a roommate? Reader is a college student with a crude sense of humor and she takes the room. She thinks farting and burping are hilarious and on weekends the 3 of them get together with lots of beer and sports on the tv. Because she’s one of the guys they say she’s the best roommate to ever have.
Pretty Woman (Bucky X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Mention of cat-calling Request: … Bucky x reader by the song “Oh Pretty Woman"by Roy Orbison?
Late Night Truth or Dare (Bucky X Reader) Warnings: Alcohol and drinking Request: … the avengers with reader play to thruth or dare (they had been drinking so its more funny) and they said funny things until they ask bucky and he confess he is in love with the reader, and all ask them to kiss? …
I Can’t Leave You Here. (Bucky X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Drug mentions, prostitution mentions Request: ... Bucky is dating a ‘normal’ girl but she’s never taken him to her place cause she’s embarrassed that she’s very low income? One day he follows her home and realizes how bad off she really is so he asks her to move in with him at the tower?
I Can’t (Steve X Fem!Reader X Bucky) Request: … ‘Having a secret crush on both Steve and Bucky’ would include and I was wondering if you could do an imagine based on that with fluff and angst maybe where they try to make her choose and she gets upset and doesn’t choose so she ends up with either neither of them or both of them. Thanks in advance.
Starbucks (Bucky X Male!Reader) Request: … reader is a barista at Starbucks. When the reader is on his lunch break, he’s meets Bucky for the first time after offering him a seat at his table (because all the tables were full). They hit it off really well and become good friends. Later on, Reader notices that Bucky starts coming to have coffee whenever reader is on break so they can hang out.
Memories In A Nightmare (Bucky X Male!Reader) Warnings: Nightmares, harm to character. Request: ... reader who has pretty galaxy/space powers calming down his boyfriend bucky? Extra fluffy! Maybe in his mindwahsed state bucky hurts the reader but reader judt loves bucky and is like no this isnt u!
A little Persuasion (Bucky X Reader) Warnings: Angry/ upset Bucky, flirting, jealousy. Request:  ... Bucky is in love with the reader but wont confess, so Pietro flirts with the reader trying to make Bucky jealous and it works out, and Bucky confronts Pietro in front o the reader and lot of fluff?
Surprise! (Avengers X Reader) Warnings: Sad emotions Request: … reader thinks everyone forgot their birthday but they were just planning a surprise party for them? …
Finally Complete (Bucky X Wife!Reader) Warnings: Infertility Request: ... They’re married and she finds out she can’t have a baby. So him and tony (her big brother) go adopt a little girl to surprise her. She gets in from work to see her super soldier snuggled up to a 4 yr old girl. She jumps up extremely excited and asks if your her new mommy. Reader is so happy she’s in tears.
Liebling (Bucky X Fem!Reader) Request: ... the Avengers make fun of the reader because she’s german and one day she pretends to insults them in german but actually she gives them cute nicknames? Maybe some Bucky x reader because he knows he’s got a special nickname? ...
I Brought Flowers (Bucky X Reader) Warnings: Mentions of PTSD and illness Request: Bucky X Reader
I’ll Kill Him (Avengers X Fem!Reader)    |     Part 2 Warnings: Mentions of Domestic abuse. Request: Reader is the Avenger’s assistant and like a little sister to them, and one day she doesn’t come into work and Bucky goes to her house to make sure she’s OK and finds out she’s in an abusive relationship and helps her.
Sleep (Bucky X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Mention of violence and fighting Request: ... reader kinda acts like a cat and is constantly tired, no matter how much sleep she gets! ... the reader have aerokinesis ...
Unfortunate Reunion (Bucky Barnes X Reader) Warnings: Spoilers of CW, Black Panther, swearing and death of character Request: Bucky angst here, maybe a break up? Or a reunion years later after a break up? Maybe reader death? Thanks!
New Member (Bucky X Fem!Reader) Request: ... Bucky x mutant reader? Maybe she has fire powers? She’s very shy when she first goes to compound too ...
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