#ugh just imagine begging- pleading with someone you love to let you remember them
cyanidespideycup · 5 months
While The Amazing Spider-Man duology is about the hope of Spidey, the MCU trilogy is about the suffering of Peter Parker (and the need to keep going).
In Homecoming, he sacrifices his reputation, his idol's respect, and his relationship just to take down Toomes and stop the weapon-trading. And he keeps going.
In Far From Home, his identity is revealed, he's framed for murder, and his reputation is in turn tarnished. And he keeps going.
In No Way Home, he finally loses everything he loves. May, Ned, MJ, Happy. His superhero relationships are erased and he is literally wiped from existence. And he gets his GED, he makes a new suit, and he keeps going.
And then the Raimi trilogy is just like "holy fuck look at how cool he is".
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glowingbadger · 3 years
Okay, so I had a thought for our dear fox boy, Kurama.... Imagine, "trying" to tease him by going down on him only to suddenly switch it up and go down on you instead, especially when you least expect it as revenge. You're on the phone with your best friend and suddenly he's there between your legs, but you can't say anything or let your friend know.
Oh-hoo, a most excellent concept, friend- and actually plays into a couple things I've written about Kurama before too, so I guess I should have seen this coming xD
Also this all just reminded me that I HAVE to do some sketches of the YYH boys in late 90's fashion. Ugh, what absolute icons.
Kurama (YYH) x AFAB Reader
NSFW 18+ v
Kurama's hair splays out across the pillow, making him look for all the world like a lounging ingenue in a romantic painting. Still, those emerald eyes level on you with a sharp cunning that tells you clearly where you stand. He wears a subdued smile that someone who didn't know him might find pleasant, charming- but you know what the grin of a fox spirit really means.
"Feeling rather bold today, aren't you?" he says, his tone light and conversational, even as your hands run down his chest and the toned contours of his abdomen from atop his clothing.
"Well, it doesn't seem fair for you to call the shots all the time," you reply from your position straddling his hips. You like to think you sound the part of the confident seductress, but your heart leaps every time you meet Kurama's calculated gaze. You may be in the "dominant" position, but you know you haven't nearly tamed him. For now, you'll just have to try to push him a bit further.
You kiss a slow and deliberate path down the center of his torso, undoing the buttons of his shirt one-by-one, and revelling in the feeling of firm muscle shifting and flexing at your touch. Kurama lets out an openly pleasured sigh, and doesn't shy away in the slightest as your hands reach the front of his jeans. With a playful little hum, you run your hand up along the bulge of his stiffening cock beneath layers of fabric. Very subtly, his hips shift up towards your touch, and you bite at your lip as your eyes flicker up to his yet unreadable expression.
"You must be much more sensitive than you let on, Kurama," you tease, tracing his length with a single finger, "You're already this hard, after all."
Just as you'd started to feel sure of having the upper hand, he props himself up on an elbow to observe you between his thighs. One hand reaches down to caress your cheek, ending at your chin, where his thumb runs the curve of your lower lip.
"Of course I am," he replies bluntly, "It's only natural when I desire you so ardently. Besides," he goes on, his grin curling into a smirk, "If your aim is retribution for all that I've done to you, then I imagine I have quite a thrilling evening to look forward to."
So much for flustering him, or even just getting him to act a little bit shy. Your cheeks burn hot, and you mumble,
"Should have tied you up. And gagged you, while we're at it."
"Hm. Perhaps you should have," Kurama replies casually.
This bastard. Is it really this impossible to gain the slightest bit of ground on him?
Impatient for results, you undo the front of his jeans, and tug them down with his boxers, freeing his impressive member from its confines. Kurama continues to watch you comfortably as you take the base of his cock in hand and slowly drag your tongue up the underside of his shaft. You can feel it twitching and swelling in your hand, hardening to its full size before too long. Frankly, you've half a mind to climb onto his lap and ride him then and there. He does so love to tease you- the chance to have him now without the usual exercise of restraint is undeniably tempting. For the time being, you satisfy yourself with gently licking and kissing his twitching manhood, letting the warmth of your breath and fleeting touches gently stimulate him.
He is clearly enjoying himself; aside from the soft murmurs of pleasure he grants you as your tongue circles the crown of his cock, his direct gaze hasn't wavered for even a moment. Still propped up above you, he absently strokes your hair in one hand as half-lidded eyes watch your attempts to provoke him.
"You mean to tease me, I see..." he says softly, his tone only hinting at his amusement. Even better concealed is the heady arousal building at his core- his desire to break this arrogant facade you've put on, to see you crumble back into obedience at his hands.
And as if by divine providence, his opportunity arrives.
The phone at the bedside table rings, and you pause to glance up at Kurama. Only the glint in his eye hints at his plan at first- but then, as you watch in disbelief, he picks up the phone before it's finished its third ring. He sits upright as he greets your friend on the line, and your body feels hot and cold all at once.
"Hm? Oh, yes- right here, in fact. One moment."
Kurama meets your eyes with a smirk and offers the phone to you with his hand cupped over the receiver. Your face is burning red, and you grumble near inaudibly,
"No fair!"
He gives a short laugh, tucking away his still-hard cock and then fixing his clothing with his free hand as he says,
"I apologize if I have ever given you the impression that I am 'fair' by nature." All at once, he catches you around the waist and pulls you down onto your back on the bed. You resist crying out in surprise, if only because when you look up at him and see the smouldering heat in his eyes, your breath catches in your chest. Then, without a word, he hands the phone to you. Biting nervously at your lower lip, you take it from him, clear your throat, and say,
"He-hey! How's it going?"
Your friend immediately launches into an excited ramble about the finale of a show she's been following obsessively for the last year and a half. Honestly, you should have expected this call- stupid of you to think you'd have the evening free with the finale airing. As she goes on about how "so many of her predictions were dead-on," Kuramas hands run indulgently down the contours of your body. Your heart races, and you can't help tensing, arching up against him just a little. Then, he's working your pants down off your hips, and you give him a pleading look that he meets like a stone wall.
"-- I mean, can you believe it?! It's like, exactly what I said would happen!!"
"Yeah, that's, uh," you struggle to keep up, but your eyes are fixed on Kurama lowering himself between your bared legs, "that's pretty wild..."
With a placade grin on his face, he kisses a trail down the inside curve of your thigh, his touches delicate and yet unreserved. Your eyelids flutter half-shut, but you force yourself to- more or less -follow the thread of your friend's rant. That is, until you feel the sting of Kurama's teeth at the soft flesh far up the inner curve of your thigh. He sucks a dark love-bite to your skin- one that you know will remind you of his presence there for days to come. Still, you manage to camouflage your gasp of shock and pleasure into a sudden cough.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, totally! Sorry, don't mind me- go on!" you babble out your reply in a hurry, knowing you won't be able to trust your voice when Kurama continues this torment. He chuckles silently behind his hand, and you pout uselessly at him. Rather than acknowledge this, he refocuses on his task as the phone rant continues. You do your best to keep a consistent stream of "Oh, yeah?" and "Wow, crazy!", all while elegant fingers spread your lower lips and warm breath teases your over-sensitive body. Then, without warning, his tongue glides firm across your aching clit. Your thighs twitch in around his head and you arch up from the bed.
"Woa--! That's... incredible!" you translate the gasp you desperately want to let out into a perhaps overly-enthusiastic reply. Fortunately, your friend is too caught up in her finale recap to police her own excitement, let alone yours. Still wearing that cocky smirk, Kurama pushes his hair back behind his ears, then returns to tease your clit with the tip of his tongue.
He doesn't let up after this, and frankly, your impulses are torn. Part of you wants to be as subtle as possible, to silently endure the slow, luxurious movements of his lips and tongue pulsing against your cunt and stiffened clit. Another part of you- the part you're fighting to subdue -wants to grab onto that silky red hair and grind against him, to rush yourself to your climax and to spare yourself further torture. But you and Kurama both know you won't be able to keep quiet if you do. So you fuss anxiously with the phone's tangled cord, shifting and squirming on the bed beneath him and biting back pleasured gasps and whimpers.
Your legs are trembling around him and you're positively soaked with your arousal and his saliva. Leaning back on the pillow, you scrunch your eyes closed and take a deep breath.
"Oh- you remember that one voice actor I told you about?"
"Yeah, uh," you struggle to pull your thoughts together, but Kurama nudges the flat of his tongue rhythmically against your clit, and your body is begging for release, "This show... was his first big on-screen thing, right?" you manage to choke out. As though pleased by your performance, your lover gives a soft hum that sends his breath fluttering over your vulnerable skin, then presses more firmly into you. His skillful tongue teases your entrance for a moment, rubbing into you while your muscles tighten, instinctively longing for friction, for something inside, for something to cling to. You're panting silently, biting at your finger to keep quiet while your friend tells you all about her latest celebrity crush.
So close. You're so dangerously close to the rush of your climax. But you hold on, every inch of your body aching with need and restraint. Kurama can obviously sense the desperate state you're in, and you know that he's savoring it. And yet, when you glance down to watch the erotic movements of his mouth, the way his eyes devour you, the way his hands grip at your hips- you realize that you don't have it in you to care about your pride anymore.
"Anyway, they're airing an interview with the cast soon, so I gotta go so I don't miss it."
The words are a beacon of hope, and while your friend apologizes for cutting out so suddenly, you assure her again and again that you don't mind.
"Really, you should... go- uh, go enjoy the thing!"
Kurama's lips seal around your clit and the dearly sensitive surrounding flesh. His tongue flicks across the hard little bundle over and over, his hands firm at your hips, holding you strictly in place. He's not holding back anymore. Your eyes roll back and your body burns, but you keep yourself silent. Just a little longer. Don't let him make you cum- not yet. He feels too good- and you know he wouldn't care if you screamed his name for your friend or anyone else to hear.
"Oh, also, we should totally grab coffee or something soon!"
"Yeah- that sounds really good-!" your back arcs up from the sheets.
"Cool! I'll call again soon, byeeee!"
You hear the click of the receiver on the other end. Your arms go limp, dropping the phone to the floor. Kurama leans over you, pushing himself against you while his tongue works your clit and you gasp aloud for him.
"Kurama! Ohhh... Oh, God- I'm-!"
A tingling, sparkling wave of pleasure explodes from your core and rushes across the surface of your skin. You can't remember the last time you came this hard, and you imagine Kurama can feel what he's doing to you. Your taste coats his tongue, one shaky hand weaves your fingers through his hair as your hips buck towards him. With one last desperate cry of his name, you relax back onto the bed, your boneless limbs making you feel like a puddle of mindless bliss.
Panting, practically gasping for breath, your unfocused eyes gaze up at the ceiling as the last tremors of your climax pass through you.
"Haa... Mm, Kurama..." you whimper out as he places one last kiss to your now soaked folds.
He crawls up atop you, and a gentle hand turns your face to him. His smile is warm and openly affectionate, and he caresses your cheek like a groom at the altar. Looking at him now, it's hard to imagine he's the same man who just put you through that unique form of torture. You're still catching your breath, and when he kisses you with all the tenderness in the world, you can hardly even reciprocate.
"Well done, my love," he says at last, "Do you think you can continue to behave for me tonight?"
Some distant part of your mind realizes that you've been manipulated- that he's utterly dismantled your attempt at dominance. You should be frustrated. You should try to regain the upper hand and show him that he doesn't always gets to be in control. Instead, your half-lidded eyes meet him and you murmur,
"Yes... I'll be good..."
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Imagine Requested!!!
Imagine : Sirius black x daughter! Platonic obviously)) where the reader is about to start another year at Hogwarts but she doesn’t want too go because they’re finally a “proper family”
Auhtor notes: I love Harry Potter and I’m stunned I haven’t wrote many Harry Potter imagines (maybe a handful) so this was fun! I did change the narrative slightly! I loved writing this and I hope you enjoy it!
Did I proof read : 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 slightly
Rating: pg13 mentioning of sex.
Fandom : Harry potter ⚡️⚡️✨⚡️✨
Word count: ........ I honestly dont know
Hope you enjoy!
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“Sweet Pea we gotta get a move on it if we are going too make the train”
Hearing your dad on the other side of your door, you huffed out, hating this - you hated that you finally got everything you wanted. Too have too leave for school! The irony didn’t lose you, you lose too consider Hogwarts you’re home then your dad found you. Now it was just a evil reminder that your leaving your home.
Laying on your bed you covered your head with the blanket rolling over you had No interest in going back too Hogwarts!
Hearing the door knock again you grumbled too yourself hearing the door open knowing your Dad popped his head into the door looking around seegin your messy room- you weren’t packed, you had Nothing packed up . Your Cat Caspain was curled up on her little cat tower chewing on her favorite toy mouse that your uncle Remus gave her last year.
Sirius blacked stepped into the room seeing the destruction of your room- the last time he was in here- it was cleaned.. you were packed and Even Caspian had her favorite little bling collar on. He’s eyes burrowed seeing the lump in the bed. He stepped over as he reached over grabbing your leg shaking it weakly, “Come on sleepy head.”
“I’m not going.”
You stated as you curled up more into the bed. Sirius would be a fool If he said he didn’t see this coming. Before he broke out of Azkaban he knew your situation- Remus fought for custody but with his condition No one thought he was a suitable parent. The women (who both you and Sirius refuse too your biological mother) was a Awful women. She was a true follower too Voldemort- and only had you because you would be a pure-blood and she was planning too give you too the Dark lord as a gift. She wanted too be the Dark lords wife and used Sirius and his heart too achieves that. Thankfully for everyone involved. Voldemort had No interested in having a daughter. So she tossed you away- where you were found by the Longbottoms then giving too the proper authority and then Sirius was arrested for the murders of Lily and James potter and you were shuffled too one foster home too another. The last one you went too before you started Hogwarts you were basically a slave. Having 9 foster siblings you cooked, cleaned, did everything for your foster parents and All you Ever wanted was a family. Then school started.
Once at school you found Hogwarts too be your home- then Remus arrived and he told you stories about your Dad.- from the first story you wished and Wished for your Dad back so you could have a real Family.
The wish was granted- the summer was amazing even hiding with Remus and Sirius you had a Dad. Even Remus became apart of your family and it was perfection but School! School was going too Ruin it.
“don’t you want too go back too see your friends?”
Grumbling you said No as Sirius chuckled, “well I. know two boys who’s heart will break if you don’t return.”
That got you too uncover your face looking at your dad as you spoke, “how you know about that?”
Sirius grinned brightly seeing his daughter face she looked so much like him it still stunned him sometimes seeing her. The same brown hair the curious eyes. Only thing different between the two was that you werne’t much into getting in trouble. But being best friend with Harry Potter you were always in trouble. Espically after last year when you left with Sirius- when Harry confessed his feelings for you.. and So did Neville longbottom.
How your dad knew about that was stunning. He spoke, “moonie talks.”
“What a gossip!” You frowned covering your face again as he chuckled grabbing the blankets pulling them down as he spoke, “what about Hermione? She can’t handle the boys alone-“
“Hermione has Ginny.- she’ll be fine.” You said grabbing your blanket again. Until he pulled your blanket off again. Looking at you. “Why don’t you want too return? You love Hogwarts.”
Sitting up you looked at him as you spoke, “I Just got you back! I don’t- I don’t want too leave- can’t I take a year off or- home school? Remus can teach me.”
He sighed heavily as he spoke, “It’s not safe- we barely got by this summer- your safer at Hogwarts”
“Dad- I don’t want too leave.”
He reached over grabbing your hand softly as he spoke, “I don’t want you too leave either but you have too- I have too take your oo the train station- I want a normal life for you y/n. And a normal experiences. And Me waving you goodbye at the train station is normal. I can rest easier if your at Hogwarts Safe.- you will come. Back for Christmas.- then this summer- hopefully I can get a safer situation for us.”
“Dad-“ you pleaded as he stood up as he pulled his wand out as he packed your bags.
“I’m going too cry at the train station don’t’ make me cry now too! Making you go back too Hogwarts is hard on me too kiddo. Besides I will write letters and we can talk whenever you want.” You sighed knowing you lost the battle as you nodded your head shifting up too your feet as you left.
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“How is it possible you went a entire year without deciding between Harry Or Neville?” Hermione asked as you both sat up in your room- after the tri wizard tourment everyone was on high alert and your home has turned into the base for the order. Too get too and talk about plans. It was a busier summer then you expected. The door was opened you were happy Harry wasn’t here yet- a break from the heartthrob that is Harry Potter and the Sweetness of Neville Longbottom was something you needed. Too give your head a break.
“I don’t know! But it’s – did I tell you what Neville- Oh hI dad.”
Catching your dad grinning at th doorway you looked at him. Sirius craved this. A Normalcies. He has always wanted a large family too have a family like the potters. Whenever he visited it wa full of light and happiness and having you home- and even those the world was trouble it was Nice too stumble upon you talking about boys. Even those he didn’t want you too Date EVER! It was a normal thing for a teenage girl too talk about. Espically too her best friend. Y/N even with having Harry as her best friend was a Ray of Light. The only goodness in his life and hearing her laughing with Hermione and having the house full of the weasleys kids running around making what was once a awful place too be full of fun. Y/N got in as much trouble as the twins when it came too cleaning up the place on Molly’s request but this. Quite day where the meetings ended early and everyone was getting ready for Harrys’ arrival too hear the girls gossiping he couldn’t help but be happy that you weren’t tormented about what happened.
“dad!” You asked as he shook his head, “you know Harry’s arriving today?”
“what really?”
You said as he nodded his head, “so maybe keep the love talk about him too a minimum especially if the door is open.” You groaned reaching over grabbing the teddy bear that you have had since forever you were found with it. Sirius remembers buying it for you when you were born. You threw it at the door as he chuckled closing the door before he got the blunt of your attack. You had a wicked arm.
Twelve years later****
How! How can he be so late?
Being late was one thing- but too be late on a blistering hot day making you wait outside in the blistering hot sun and the humidity was cruel. Where is he? Looking around not seeing your fiancé anywhere. Ugh! You thought. You were suppose too be at Ginny’s and Harry’s house already too celebrate a birthday of their son.
Your eyes were closed too Shield ourself from the sun as you waited . All of the sudden you felt soft lips press on your neck. Knowing exactly whom it was. You smiled letting Neville kiss your neck.
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“sorry I’m late love.”
Opening your eyes looking over your shoulder seeing Neville. You smiled, “why you late babe?”
He smiled kissing you on the lips. “Because I’m a stupid- stupid man making someone like you wait”
You couldn’t hold the laughter in hearing him say that. He chuckled softly realizing how corny that sounded as you got up wrapping your arms around his neck.
It’s been over twelve years since your dad died. Going thru that portal. Leaving you a official orphan again.it was hard too move on. Harry after Sirius died. Shoved you away. He didn’t want you involved in anything that involved the Horcux’s or anything with Voldemort. The only saving grace was Neville. He’s Soft soul, his determination too protect the Hogwarts students when Severus took over as the headmaster. Being the last too the party too realize you loved Neville all along was typical. You never understand your own feelings. It’s why it took so long too agree too marry. Neville asked yo right after the battle of Hogwarts and you laughe.d and it got too the point that he said you had too ask. Wanting the whole nine yards. The romantic gestures the roses, if Neville had he’s way he would have you writing in the clouds how much you loved him. What really happened was you both were fighting over something silly and you blurted out how can you have such a stupid husband. Then he corrected you and your big eyes grew larger as you told him too fix that then.
Then Neville lunged towards his nightstand pulling out he’s gran wedding Ring. That he had tucked away for 11 years. Waiting too have it on your finger.
With Remus Gone, Sirius Gone, even Dumbledore you asked Hagrid too walk you down the aisle. Who was deeply honoured. You and Neville convinced / begged headmisstress mcCgonal too allow you too have a small wedding at Hogwarts. Which she gladly accepted. The wedding was next week.
‘whoa- that is some bull if I ever heard it.” He chuckled kissing you quickly wrapping his arms around you. “I was getting you a push present.”
Your head titled looking up at Neville, “babe- Push presents are for when I givebirth too your baby.”
He realized his mistake as he groaned covering his face with his hands freeing you. But you freed his hands from his face as he spoke, “I meant a wedding gift- I found you a push present for when you give birth.” You chuckled hearing that. Smiling, “oh yea? Thinking about that already huh?”
He chuckled getting more at ease letting himself forget the embarrassment he just caused himself. Leaning his forehead too yours. “I’ve been ready since we graduated” you chuckled hearing that stealing a kiss. “I know. But you know my motto- first comes love. Then comes marriage then comes-“
“me with a baby carriage I know- you know that motto is a bit shorter by this time next week. Just me with a baby carriage. Next.” You chuckled reaching up kissing him. “Come on Daddy we gotta go. Were already late.”
Neville blushed hearing that as he grabbed your hand as you appriacate too Harry’s home.
You didn’t see him.
A black dog was sitting in the alley watching you listening into your conversation with Neville. The dog strolled into the alley and disappeared.
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“How long until Neville is begging for a baby?” Ginny asked as you laughed standing in the girls bedroom, your old bed was in the corner. Thankful it was summer so the schoo was empty. the boys were getting ready in the boys room. You laughed as Hermione stood up pinching at your dress. “It’s a bit stug” you bite your bottom lip worried about that you figured it would be but also hoped it wouldn’t. Ginny stood up walking over helping too close the clasp of your dress. “Impossible!”Hermione begin a genius waved her wand and fixed your dress as you turned too them. As Hermione looked at you. “Oh goodness- he can’t beg can he- are you pregnate?” Your eyes grew large as you spoke, “How-“
“that glow-“
“you mean that buckets of sweat!” Ginny commented looking at you. Seeing it herself. She was stunned as you spoke up, “Neville doesn’t know! So Zip it!”
They huddled over hugging you tightly as you hugged them. Getting too your reception tent you stood in there waiting for the wedding too start you felt a twinge of sadness thinking about your dad. You wished he was here. But Hagrid wore he’s best attire and was telling you stories about your first year at Hogwarts.you smiled until you heard a voice you haven’t heard in years.
“Sweet pea- your breathtaking.”
You turned fast seeing your dad as you gasped dashing over bulldozing your dad as you hugged him. “Where you been?- how- you died/“
Hearing the music starting Hagrid said it was time. As he walked out. Knowing it should be Sirius who walks you down. You looked at your dad stunned as he offered his arm. “Can I please.”
You nodded your head, “I have so many questions.”
“I’ll answers all of them- later this is a big day.”
Stunned that as all you were so was everyone at the wedding. And at the reception everyone begged for details espically Harry who tested Sirius like Lupin has done in the past, Sirius answered every question and he promised too tell you all tomorrow but tonight Sirius wanted too enjoy the wedding. Seeing you happy was his happiest, when the mother and son dance started Sirius asked too dance with you, of course you accepted
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*****Bonus telling Neville and Sirius your pregnate****
Men are clueless- Every women at your wedding Knew what was up when you refused any adult beverage. Neville assumed you didn’t want too forget a thing. Which he thought was Sweet. Nothing else. Even Sirius did’t clue in. Molly Weasley, the headmisstress Every female congratulated you on both a marriage and a baby. You had too tel them all too shut up cause Neville didn’t know yet.
That was a week ago. You wanted too tell Neville sooner but with your father coming back too life, and your Honeymoon where Neville barely let you out of bed. Since the boy wanted a family with you for years, and the only thing stopping you was the fact you wanted too be married first, and after years of begging he finally got his wish, and you wanted a family too. But being pregnant already you felt slightly selfish with not telling him. But it was a GOOD HONEYMOON! So it wasn’t the time. But now you were home. Sitting with Neville and your dad as you spoke, “I should of told you- sooner.. espically since Everyone seems too know now..”
“what’s wrong?” Neville asked as he reached over grabbing your hand. You grabbed his hand with your free hand as bluntly told him. “Ive- I’m two months pregnate.”
You expected Neville too bulldoze you and hug you. What happened was he fainted you gasped as Sirius stepped over hugging you tightly. As you gasped asking if Neville was alright.
After a few moments Neville woke up as he spoke, ‘How- months? How? We were careful.”
Looking at him stunned as you spoke, “aren’t you happy?”
“babe. I am- I just0 how?”
Rubbing your head as you spoke, “remember that musical we went too see- the-“ you clinched your face not wanting too bluntly say you had “sexy” time in a alleyway because neither of you could wait too get home, you did NOT want too say that Infront of your FATHER!! Neville face went blank as you spoke, “good effort at the honeymoon those.” Sirius chuckled at your awful joke as he spoke, “I am so happy for yu sweet pea”
Looking at your dad you spoke, “Don’t you dare leave again- I will never forgive you”
“I wont.”
A baby!’ Neville said again before fainting for a second time. ‘
“Oh Nev.”
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This is an idea/scenario I’ve had for a good while now pertaining to Arkham Knight Riddler. I don’t know if it’s any good -- it may be too “fluffy” to be in character -- but I wanted to write it down and get it out there, see what people think. Ironically, the idea came from a similar one involving Telltale Riddler, and I may post that one someday, too, but this AK Riddler one is...very different. Different in regards to a lot of headcanons, imagines, drabbles, etc. about him.
So, the scenario is like this: Someone wants to fuck with this poor guy -- not Batman, not one of the Bat family, not even one of the Gotham Rogues. It could be some random new villain, someone who is maybe more sadistic than any of the Rogues (save for Joker). I thought about this antagonist kidnapping AK Eddie’s s/o and holding them hostage …
But with a twist.
Catwoman has nothing to do with this because she’s not evil, but I thought about the explosive collar Riddler put on her in Arkham Knight, and what if this antagonist -- to really mess with Eddie -- decides to put such a collar on his s/o? And Riddler has to show up and complete some tasks (dangerous puzzles and riddle-based traps most likely), or else, his s/o loses their head.
Of course, Eddie shows up because he’s panicking. This was never supposed to happen! Nothing was supposed to happen to his s/o. This is beyond anything Batman had ever done. This is so sinister, so vile, so abhorrent, Eddie can’t even begin to comprehend it. At first, he bargains, offering money, tech, robots, his hacking skills -- even offers himself up to wear the collar instead because he can’t take the sight of his beloved wearing something that could blow their head right off, right in front of him, and leave him emotionally and mentally broken for life.
But the antagonist doesn’t want to bargain, even when Eddie begs -- like, really begs to the point of tears, asking for mercy and pleading with the antagonist to let his s/o go free. They have nothing to do with any of Eddie’s work. They’re innocent, and they’re too important to him! He can’t let this happen!
The begging amuses the antagonist but once again, it’s not enough. Eddie has to do the challenges, and if he completes them all correctly, the collar comes off. If he messes up, then his s/o dies. Eddie reassures his s/o that everything will be just fine, he’s got this under control, they’ll be out of trouble in no time so don’t be afraid.
It’s difficult to not be afraid when you have a bomb around your neck and a sadistic psychopath with the trigger. As bad as Eddie can be, he’s not THIS malevolent. He has some humanity left in him. But this person, they’re just out there to make him suffer because it’s “entertaining” to watch him squirm. 
As you know, by this point in his life, Eddie is very mentally unstable and could have a mental breakdown if pushed even just a little too far. His s/o is the only thing keeping him grounded, the only reason he has to keep his sanity (or what’s left of it), and this is the only person who has ever cared for him despite the fact he knows he’s not worth it. If he loses his beloved, then what would he have left? There would be no recovery from such a thing.
So, Eddie completes the challenges, although he is internally freaking out the entire time, partly because he doubts himself and partly because he has no idea if the antagonist will just press the trigger and kill Eddie’s s/o without warning. By the time Eddie is done, he’s a nervous wreck and on the verge of a breakdown, but he hopes that, by enduring all this, by letting this person watch him squirm, sweat, beg, cry, and panic, that maybe it’s enough to end this madness without his s/o dying.
But the antagonist doesn’t care that Eddie completed all the tasks. In the end, it’s about making Eddie suffer horribly because watching a nearly broken man finally break -- shatter -- is the point of all this. So, the collar has a 30 second timer set, and as it counts down, Eddie obviously freaks out, hyperventilating as he tries to plead once again for his s/o’s life, offering himself up again in their place, and yet, it’s not enough (kind of reminding him how he was never enough for his father, even if he agonized over pleasing him). The antagonist just laughs at Eddie’s mental breakdown and tells him he better use the remaining time to say goodbye. And no funny business. If Eddie or his s/o attempt to remove or disarm the collar, then it will detonate. 
Eddie’s s/o, despite being terrified does their best to put on a brave face and they tell him it’s ok, it’s not his fault, just don’t look, look away, it will all be over soon, he has to keep going for them...Eddie doesn’t know what to do, and seeing as he now has 10 seconds left, he does the only thing he feels he can and should do, and he grabs his s/o despite their protests and holds them tight, crying and saying over and over how sorry he is, he’s so sorry. 
And the timer reaches zero on the collar.
There’s a soft click.
Then nothing.
No explosion. 
The antagonist bursts out laughing, confessing that the “bomb” is a dud, was never going to explode, and since both Eddie and his s/o were too distressed to think all this through, they never even considered this as a possibility. The collar has been unlocked and Eddie’s s/o just kind of sinks to their knees in complete shock, and he can’t believe what he’s seeing. At first, he’s confused, wondering if this is all some sort of twisted dream, then he’s relieved because his s/o is safe, then he’s angry because what the hell was this?! He vows to get revenge on the antagonist and throws the collar away as he all but screams in rage.
Now alone, Eddie remembers his s/o is still on the floor, pale as a sheet and unresponsive. Kneeling down, he asks if they’re ok, tells them they’re ok, that this was all some sort of sick joke. When his s/o snaps out of their daze, they get mad and push him away, yelling at him for being so foolish
“You were just going to let yourself die with me?!” they demand.
“Yes!” Eddie responds, too overwhelmed to even know how to respond to this. 
“Why? Why would you do that?”
“Because I can’t go back to my old life! Not having known you! You think that I would just sink back into my old routine without a hitch? You think I would forget you? You think I’d just move on and live life normally? How could I do that? How? If I lost you, I’d have nothing, do you understand? Nothing. My life would be empty, more so than it’s ever been, and nothing could fill that void, not the way you do. No one has ever loved me, not even those who were supposed to! But you, you love me! I didn’t ask for it, and I don’t even deserve it, but you love me anyway. You make me feel valid, you make me feel like...like I exist, like I actually matter.”
His s/o is crying, and he’s crying, and they’re both going to be emotionally traumatized for a while. Sure, Eddie will get revenge but he’s also going to be having night terrors -- nightmares would be much better than what he experiences at night -- about his s/o dying in gruesome ways while is helpless to do anything. Sometimes, he won’t even be able to sleep because he doesn’t want those ghastly images in his head, and he’ll stay up holding his s/o as they (try) to sleep (they have nightmares of their own after this experience). 
He has to come to terms with his first real encounter with the threat of loss, a real loss. He never cared about anyone before because no one ever cared for him. He was used to being ignored, bullied and belittled, and he always had trouble trusting others because of how he was raised. He never had friends, never thought he would need friends because, well, he never had any. Forming emotional attachments was beyond him, as he never had such a relationship with his parents, and that is the first time children are supposed to experience attachment. If your parents don’t love you, you grow up feeling unloved, alone, and don’t understand what it’s like to be close to people, so you just push everyone away and look out for yourself. It makes you selfish just as much as it makes you feel lonely.
But now, Eddie has his s/o, someone who just kind of barged into his life and stole his heart despite his best efforts to not feel anything sentimental because being vulnerable meant he could get hurt, and he didn’t like the idea of forming an attachment only to have it ripped away from him due to the other person’s betrayal. In his eyes, love equals abuse, since that’s the only kind of “love” this Eddie seems to have ever experienced. 
It’s going to take a lot of time -- and patience -- for Eddie to deal with this, and he’s going to be watching his s/o like a hawk. They won’t be allowed to go anywhere alone, and definitely not at night. He’ll be very clingy, protective, maybe a little possessive but mostly protective. When he does eventually find a way to calm down, it will actually make him a stronger person emotionally, I think, because he will understand himself better, and he’ll understand the relationship he has with his s/o better. This experience has taught him -- in the most insane and unwelcomed way -- why his s/o is so vital to him, and while attachment like that is almost frightening because of the risk of loss, he doesn’t want to go back to his old life and be alone, being seen as some sort of joke by everyone in Gotham. He doesn’t want to go back to being isolated, left with only his thoughts to comfort him despite his dwindling sanity and self-esteem. He needs to have a reason to press on, and trying to be better than everyone just won’t do it anymore. He needs to be loved, loves to be loved, but is also thrilled to be able to give it in return, whatever the risks may be.
And you know the antagonist is going to be utterly destroyed by Riddlerbots. Or something. Something awful will happen to that person. We know that much.
Ugh, so let me know what you guys think! This is way out there in left field in terms of portrayal of Arkham Knight Eddie (or just Arkhamverse Eddie in general) but this idea has been stuck in my mind for so long now. Feedback is definitely encouraged and appreciated here because this is such an epic and crazy h/c. Constructive criticism is welcome. Just don’t be mean, please.
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charincharge · 4 years
Cruel Summer, Part 12
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cruel summer masterlist
AN: Writing has been slower this week with what’s been going on in the news. Hope the wait was worth it? 
Aelin wakes up cold and alone in her bed, and it’s a bizarre feeling. It feels like forever since she hasn’t greeted the day without Rowan beside her. It seems in his sleep, he can’t stay away from her, and each morning she’s woken with his arm draped over her chest and his nose tucked into her shoulder. She frowns, looking at the empty spot next to her and picks up her phone to see if he's texted. He hasn’t.
She does have about a dozen texts from Dorian apologizing for bailing on her last night. He reminds her that he wants to get laid this summer, too, and lets her know it was all worth it because he went home with some hot EMT named Sorcha. Aelin texts him a thumbs up and then switches back to Rowan’s message thread.
She rereads his last text and can’t help but wonder what his plans are tonight. She contemplates asking him, but ultimately concludes that it’s none of her business. He’d tell her if he wanted to. Instead, she texts him, asking when his next day off is so they can plan going to the park, which she thinks is innocent enough.
He doesn’t reply, but that’s not unusual for the hour. If there’s one thing Aelin has learned from sleeping over at Rowan’s it’s that he is not a morning person. In fact, he has a horrible habit of snoozing his alarm until the very last possible minute, when he knows he’ll arrive at the park exactly when it opens, instead of the ten minutes early he’s supposed to get there.
Aelin gets ready and lounges around her room until she hears the doorbell ring. She bounds down the stairs with a loud, “I’ve got it!” before swinging the door open. Elide smiles widely on the other side and throws herself at Aelin with a tight hug.
“Ugh, I missed you,” Elide says, pushing her giant sunglasses onto her head as she steps into the house.
“You two are adorable,” Evalin chuckles, giving Elide a hug of her own. “Missing each other, even though Aelin’s been spending nearly every night at your house this week.”
Elide raises an eyebrow and flashes her dark eyes at Aelin, who cuts her off with a blinding smile at her parents.
“You know us,” Aelin says, grabbing Elide’s hand in hers and pulling her towards the kitchen. “Adorable.” Aelin glances at Elide, silencing her swirling questions with a pleading glance. “Now come on, let’s go make margaritas.”
“Keep an ear out for the doorbell, please,” Rhoe calls out to his daughter. “I’m expecting an important package from the city, and you’ll have to sign for it.”
Aelin pauses. “Where are you two going?”
“Into town for errands, then a board meeting,” Evalin explains.
“Then to Aedion and Lysandra’s for dinner,” Rhoe continues. “You’re welcome to join, but we assumed you two would have plans tonight.”
“Right. We do.” Aelin sends her parents off with a happy smile and best wishes for her niece and nephew, and with that they’re gone.
Aelin walks into the kitchen, Elide trailing silently beside her. Aelin grabs the tequila and margarita mix and pours it into the blender with some ice cubes. The blender fills the silent room with its loud whir for a few moments, and then Aelin pours them two very large glasses. When she looks up, Elide’s head is in her hand as she leans over the counter with a wicked grin plastered across her face, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.
“You really think you’re going to get away without telling me who the guy is?” Elide cackles.
Aelin groans. “After my first marg. Please?”
“Nuh uh,” Elide says through her first sip. “You’ve been using me as an alibi! I think I deserve to know.”
Aelin begs her friend silently with imploring eyes, and Elide scoffs and takes another sip. “Fine,” she concedes. “Tell me later. I won’t forget.”
“I have no doubt.” Aelin salutes her tiny friend and grabs some tortilla chips and Emrys’s fresh guacamole from the fridge. At the sound of food, Fleetfoot wakes from her slumber and bounds out of her bed to circle Aelin’s heels. Aelin grabs her bed and takes it with them outside. Fleetfoot plops down and promptly falls asleep again.
The pair grab two lounge chairs and strip down to their bathing suits. Aelin’s wearing her skimpiest string bikini in an attempt to prevent crazy tan lines, but as she goes to tighten the strings on her bikini bottoms, she sees the bruises the same time Elide does.
Four fingertip-shaped blue-grey dots scatter across Aelin’s hip, with a larger one in the back. Aelin tries not to stay composed, but she can’t help but blush when she remembers the feel of Rowan gripping her hips from behind, his hands tightening around her with every pronounced thrust.
“So, you’re seeing someone… strong,” Elide chokes out through her poorly stifled laughter. “Oh come on, Ae, just tell me.”
Aelin stretches out on the lounge and takes a large sip of her margarita. “It’s Rowan,” she finally says.
Elide’s eyes look like they’re about to bug out of her head at her confession. “Rowan, Rowan? Like, my coworker Rowan? Rowan Whitethorn? That Rowan?”
Aelin’s brow furrows. “Why are you saying it like that?”
Elide shrugs. “I don’t know… he’s just… not your usual type? He’s so blonde! And shy.”
“He’s so hot is what he is,” Aelin says, wiggling her eyebrows, and Elide laughs outright. “And he is anything but shy in bed.”
Elide snorts. “I can see that.” She takes a long sip of her margarita, her eyes flicking down to Aelin’s bruised hip before staring back at her friend. “So come on, are you going to tell me about it, or do I have to beg for details?”
Aelin can’t help but gush. She’s been holding in all these details, because she knows she can’t tell them to Dorian. And now that Elide knows, the dam is ready to burst. Which is good, because Elide wants absolutely no detail spared. So, Aelin starts at the beginning.
She gives Elide a thorough description of their time together – the kissing booth, the kiss under the docks, how he gave her the most mind-blowing orgasm of her life by going down on her, how he makes sure she comes first (every. single. time!), how when Elide ran into them they were definitely buying condoms (which Elide can’t help but crack up at), how Aelin always thought she liked being on top best because she could control things, but there’s this thing when’s on top of her and hitches her leg over his, that he can reach a spot she didn’t even think truly existed.
“I swear, I think I blacked out the first time,” Aelin says, refilling their margarita glasses. “Or saw God.”
“It’s always the quiet ones,” Elide cackles.
“Is he quiet?” Aelin asks, and Elide nods emphatically.
“Oh my god, yes. He didn’t even make eye contact with me the first week,” Elide says. “Lorcan got some perverse pleasure out of forcing him into conversations. He was so petrified of him.”
Aelin smirks. “Lorcan, huh?” Elide takes a large sip of her drink, but her eyes glaze over with wistfulness. “How’s that going? And don’t deny it. You’ve both been pining for each other for years.”
“We have not!” Elide insists. “Lorcan doesn’t pine. He broods.” Elide giggles. “I might be having too much fun torturing him this summer.”
Aelin barks out a laugh. “Oh my god, tell me everything.”
“It was all actually Manon’s idea,” Elide confesses. “To make him so jealous that he’d break down and ask me out.”
“Manon, as in, Rowan’s Manon?” At the mention of him, Aelin can’t help but check her phone. Still no reply from Rowan. Aelin’s lips tug downward, but she forces them into an eager grin as Elide explains how she’s made Lorcan’s summer a living hell.
“So how did this all start?” Aelin asks.
“Well, I told Manon that I liked someone, had for years, and I thought they liked me, but they’d never asked me out, so I didn’t know for sure,” Elide explains. Aelin nods, listening to her friend babble about how Manon offered herself up as a constant companion – hanging out and enjoying themselves in all the places Lorcan usually frequents, the shitty dive bar he loves so much, the steakhouse on Main Street, etc. etc. Completely ignoring Lorcan’s presence and just having the best time the two of them.
“And how does Manon feel about Lorcan?” Aelin asks. She can’t imagine the two of them getting along, for some reason.
“Oh, they’ve never interacted,” Elide confesses. “In fact, I didn’t even tell her it was Lorcan I was interested in until this week. But we’re supposed to go to his bowling league tonight. You should come if you and Rowan don’t already have plans?”
Aelin loves bowling. For some reason, her hand/eye coordination only applies to bowling and mini golf, and she hasn’t been in forever. She’s thrilled to tell Elide she’s free tonight.
“We should take a picture,” Elide suggests, apropos of nothing. “We look fucking hot, and the internet deserves to know.”
“I didn’t know Lorcan’s nickname was the internet,” Aelin giggles, and Elide rolls her eyes and takes out her phone to snap some pictures.
Aelin and Elide spend the next hour finishing their pitcher of margaritas and taking selfies, trying to get the best angles of their cleavage and the rest of their scantily clad bodies for Instagram. Aelin finally decides to post one of Elide sharing her lounge with her, squished together, and Elide’s lips pressed against her cheek in a firm kiss while Aelin scrunches her nose and grins. She captions it, Wish you were here and then at the last second adds a question mark before posting it. The comments start coming in – each one a resounding YES. But, one name is notably absent from them.
Elide posts one of them cheersing their drinks with the caption: FRI-YAY. Aelin likes it immediately, and smiles when she sees that Lorcan likes it at the same time. She can’t help the small pang of jealousy that stirs within her. But she pushes it down and suggests they get into the pool. They’ve been sitting in the sun for long enough.
Aelin jumps in like a pencil, her body slicing through the cool water. Her feet reach the bottom quickly, and she pushes up and breaks through the surface. She sees Fleetfoot, at the side of the pool, barking her little head off. Aelin swims to the side and comforts the puppy.
“I’m okay!” Aelin smiles at the golden ball of fur. “Look, I’m fine!”
Without hesitation, Fleetfoot flings herself off the ledge and into the pool and swims directly to Aelin. It’s pretty much the cutest thing she’s ever seen. She and Elide take turns making Fleetfoot swim to them until the small dog tires, and Aelin lifts her out of the pool. She jumps right back in.
“You’re going to drown!” Aelin scolds, pulling her out again. The dog cries, and Aelin throws a sympathetic look to Elide. “I think I need to get out.”
Elide laughs and holds up her hands. “I’m turning into a prune anyway.”
As they get out, Aelin finally hears the doorbell ring. She remembers her dad’s package and wraps her towel around her waist before heading to the foyer to sign. But it’s not a delivery on the other side of the door, but the low-key brunette she spent yesterday with.
“Sam!” she exclaims, her arms crossing over her bikini-clad chest. “What are you doing here?”
Sam’s eyes stare into hers hard, and she can tell that he’s trying extremely hard not to look down at her chest, which she appreciates. She feels way too exposed in front of this practical stranger.
“I texted you earlier,” he begins. “But I didn’t hear from you.”
“Yeah, I’ve been in the pool…” Aelin explains, though the explanation is clearly unnecessary. She’s dripping wet and wearing a bathing suit. The situation seems pretty clear.
“I can see that,” he says, and his eyes finally flit down her body and immediately force themselves back to her face. She watches as his cheeks darken with a deep red blush, his freckles blurring into the flushed color. Flustered, he shakes his head. “You were just so nice to me yesterday, and I’ve been sitting in that empty house all day while my Aunt and Uncle are out, and I figured I could see what you were up to. But I’m sorry, you’re clearly busy. I shouldn’t have come over.”
“Sam,” Aelin chuckles lightly. “It’s fine. I had fun yesterday, too. Come on in.”
He pauses, unsure if her offer is genuine, but Aelin waves him in and leads him out to the pool where Elide is back in her lounger, with Fleetfoot splayed out beside her, drying in the late afternoon sun. Aelin drags up another chair for Sam, who leans forward to introduce himself to Elide. He then sits on the lounger and crosses his legs – one plaid pant leg over the other.
As Elide peppers Sam with questions about where he’s from and what he’s doing here for the summer, Aelin takes a moment to make another pitcher of margaritas and bring a glass back for Sam, who accepts it with a grateful smile.
“So, I hear you two are going bowling tonight,” Sam says, and Aelin nods.
Elide looks to Aelin probingly, and Aelin realizes Sam has probably just told Elide about the passing of his father, and how he’s expected to take over his family business come August. That’s what he spent the majority of dinner talking about last night, and it’s clear it’s weighing on him immensely. She can’t imagine having to take over a giant company at his age while also mourning the death of a parent. She internally sighs, knowing what she has to do.
Aelin smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “You should come, Sam.”
“Really?” he asks, somewhat surprised.
“Yeah!” Elide says, excited. “There’s a whole league thing tonight, so I’m sure you’ll meet a ton of people.”
Sam smiles warmly. “Why would I want to meet more people, when I’m with the two prettiest girls in town?”
Aelin rolls her eyes, but Elide laughs. “Just wait until you see Manon!”
As Elide and Sam chat back and forth, Aelin picks up her phone again. Still no reply from Rowan. She frowns. He’s gone on his lunch break already and has certainly looked at his phone.
“Expecting to hear from someone?” Elide asks, her eyes wide with innocence.
“No,” Aelin replies too quickly. “Just seeing what Dorian’s up to tonight.” She pauses. “He’s busy.” Aelin is grateful when Elide doesn’t call her blatant lie out.
Instead, the three of them sit in the sun for another hour, chatting about their favorite summer activities, until Aelin declares she should shower and get ready. Sam agrees to do the same and meet them back at Aelin’s at 8pm.
Aelin’s shower is a far cry from the last shower she had. She presses her fingers in the bruised spots at her hips and imagines they’re Rowan’s strong hands instead of her dainty ones. Her fingers slip over her wet thighs and between her legs, and she brings herself to pleasure quickly. It’s not nearly as fulfilling as when Rowan does it, she can’t help but notice. But, she also hasn’t been able to stop thinking about him all day, and she knew she couldn’t leave the house all worked up.
By the time Aelin is ready to go, Rowan still hasn’t texted her back. She’s not ashamed to admit it’s driving her a little bit insane. What has been keeping him so busy that he can’t even text her back? She decides that it’s been long enough that she can text him again. She takes a quick selfie, showing off her subtle cleavage and sends it off with a text asking how she looks.
As she and Elide wait in the foyer for Sam, Aelin stops pretending she’s not waiting for a text reply and keeps her phone out in her hand. Elide can’t help but comment. “You like him.”
“Who?” Aelin asks, distracted.
“The Chaol 2.0 lookalike who was here all afternoon,” Elide jokes. “No, dummy. Rowan.
“Of course I like him.”
“No, but I mean you really like him.”
Aelin shrugs. She does like Rowan, and she definitely missed him today.
“He’s nice,” Aelin says carefully. “We’re friends.”
“Who fuck,” Elide adds. “Usually when I’m friends with the person I’m sleeping with, it’s called a relationship.”
“Or, friends with benefits.”
Elide raises an eyebrow at her friend. “So, what, it’s just some dirty secret affair?”
Aelin frowns. “Affair sounds so tawdry.”
Their banter is interrupted by Sam’s arrival. He looks preppy as ever, and Aelin finally understands Elide’s Chaol 2.0 comment. Their coloring is fairly similar, and all dressed up for a night out, they both have a similar air about them. This is exactly who Aelin’s parents would want her to date. But oddly enough, he does absolutely nothing for Aelin.
Rowan finally texts her back while they’re en route to the bowling alley.
You know you’re stunning. His text makes her grin wildly.
The drive to the bowling alley is short, and soon they’re all piling out of their Uber and into the small dingy alley, which has never been updated. Elide spots Manon right away, and leads them over to her lane, where a bunch of people are huddled at a table with beers and pizza.
Manon hugs Elide, but her eyes narrow when she sees Aelin.
“I brought friends,” Elide says, “I hope that’s okay.”
“I did, too,” Manon says with a frown, and Aelin’s heart soars when she follows Manon’s gaze and it lands on a head of silvery hair making its way toward their table. It’s a perfect coincidence that she accidentally ended up crashing Rowan’s plans. Fate.
She smiles, making eye contact with him. His pine green eyes light up with desire upon seeing her, but he looks away quickly, tension filling his posture as he gets closer.
He drops two beers onto the table in front of them, and Aelin quirks her head in confusion as a pretty blonde brushes against his hand to take it. The blonde smiles at him and bats her eyelashes, thanking him sweetly for the beer. Aelin’s stomach turns.
“This is my cousin, Asterin.” Manon introduces the girl to everyone. Aelin has the urge to throw her arms around Rowan and kiss him, but she can’t with everyone around. Instead, she takes a seat at the table next to him, and tries to greet him.
But Rowan isn’t paying attention to her. His scowling face looks over her shoulder at Sam, who’s taken the seat on the other side of her.
“Sam,” he says with a small nod of his head.
Unfazed, Sam greets everyone at the table with gusto, introducing himself as the new guy, completely unaware to the extreme tension simmering beneath the surface.
“So, are we going to bowl or what?” Elide asks. Rowan stands up from the table quickly and grabs a ball, not looking back at Aelin. Asterin cheers wildly for him from the table, her gold eyes glowing at the handsome man getting ready to play.
There’s only one thing Aelin can conclude. She’s inadvertently crashed Rowan’s date.
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louiserandom · 4 years
I hear someone is taking prompts! How about MadaTobi, for whatever reason is most hilarious to you, getting stuck in a bathtub together.
creativity in times of crisis
Rating: M
Summary: Madara and Tobirama are stuck in a bathtub together.
It’s all their stupid brothers’ fault.
Read on AO3 or under the cut :3
“This,” Madara hisses, “is all your brother’s fault.”
“And your brother’s idea,” Tobirama points out. “Mine just provided the means to carry it out.”
“Nothing you say is going to keep me from killing him with fire and then decapitating him,” Madara growls, testing the restraints, again, though it was pretty obvious after their tenth attempt that they weren’t going to get out of this unless they explicitly complied with Hashirama’s wishes. “And Izuna, for that matter. Who needs brothers anyway.”
Normally, Tobirama would roll his eyes at Madara’s dramatics and jest about the inherent stupidity and crudeness of his statement. Normally, though, he wasn’t tied to Madara with thick, apparently semi-conscious Mokuton vines keeping them back-to-back in a godsdamned bathtub as Izuna’s idea of putting him and Madara in a corner to think about what they’ve done.
They’ve literally done nothing—except shout for a bit, and possibly hit each other a few times, and maybe lead to the partial destruction of the central market with a couple of overpowered jutsu. Such things happen, though, and are easily fixable, as Tobirama knows all too well from his frequent lab accidents. But no, Izuna had to propose locking them up together until they apologized to each other, and Hashirama had to take it one step further and render them motionless.
In a bathtub.
Honestly, Hashirama’s overreaction is bordering on impolite and as such, Tobirama allows himself a bit of self-indulgence.
“Agreed,” he says, “and I’m not trying to quell your homicidal tendencies for once but do leave Anija to me.” Were the Mokuton vines not suppressing his chakra, Tobirama would have flooded the room with killing intent, but for now has to contend with vivid imagery of Hashirama’s suffering as a satisfying anticipation of vengeance. “What I don’t get is the redundancy of cremation and decapitation done in succession.”
“Hm. You’re right,” Madara actually agrees with him. Truly, an event worthy of the history books. “I’ll decapitate him, then burn him with my Majestic Destroyer Flame,” he says cheerfully. “Izuna, I mean. You can have the overgrown tree.”
As if in answer, the Mokuton squeezes them tighter, making them almost wheeze, before returning to its previous state.
“Dumbass Senju!” Madara bellows, as Tobirama utters a heartfelt, “Fuck you, Anija.”
A spark of what feels like derision radiates from the Mokuton before quickly flickering away.
Madara and Tobirama both groan.
“Maybe the Hiraishin can work?” Madara pleads.
“We’ve established that this thing blocks everything save for our sensing,” Tobirama says, sighing in frustration. “Besides, I’ve tried every which way to activate it. Anija is sneaky. He’s an idiot but still a shinobi.”
Tobirama feels the pangs of Madara’s anger as he broods for a few torturous minutes before blurting out,
“I’m still not apologizing first, because that was a dick move that you pulled, and you owe me one.”
“What a ‘dick move,’ Madara,” Tobirama’s voice leaks sarcasm, “to imply that you harbor affection for cats.”
“You didn’t imply shit.” Unable to learn his lesson, Madara thrashes against their bonds once more in an attempt to physically assault Tobirama, apparently. “You all but fucking cooed over me and made fun of me in public, Senju, and you compared me to a godsdamned kitten!”
Tobirama turns out for a part of the ensuing rant, wondering whether this talent of Madara’s to shout continuously for extended periods of time—all in a single breath, too—is an ability inherent to all Uchiha, or just him.
Probably the latter.
“My hair is nothing like that messy, spiky monstrosity on that fucking fluffball,” Madara goes on shrieking, “and I am not cute!”
That marks the end of his rant, and really, Tobirama would take offence if only at the fact that Madara dared call a perfectly adorable kitten a monstrosity.
“Did you really have to resort to fistfights and fireballs to argue that point, koibito?”
“Yes, and don’t you call me that until you beg for my forgiveness,” Madara grumbles, blessedly quieter this time.
Tobirama scoffs. “Deal with it however you wish, Uchiha, I stand by my words.”
Madara growls. “If anything, I am handsome.”
There’s a pause.
“And beautiful, some might say,” Madara goes on, tone cautious.
“Of course, Madara.” Tobirama wouldn’t dream of arguing; he’s reminded of that fact every day as he awakens to Madara’s lovely smile.
“And… uhm… physically appealing—”
“Just say sexy, Madara. And yes, you are.”
“And,” Madara says, trying to shift against him but only making them tilt stiffly towards the wall, “definitely not cute. Just admit that, Senju, and it’ll do. And—ugh—I can’t glare at you. But know I am, in fact, glaring at you. With extreme disapproval.”
Tobirama can’t hold back a chuckle. “Fine, Madara, you aren’t cute,” he concedes, waiting just enough to hear Madara’s contented hum before saying, “you’re mind-meltingly adorable.”
“FUCK YOU, SENJU!” Madara’s peak volume is music to Tobirama’s ears. “I HATE YOU, YOU MASSIVE DICK!”
Tobirama can only do so much to keep his chuckles from turning into full-fledged laughter, and this finally breaks him. It’s a testament to how truly peaceful their lives have become in this village they’ve build, that they’re an hour into a ridiculous lockdown arguing about the level of Madara’s cuteness—or lack thereof.
Just two years ago, when the interclan war was still raging, this would have seemed impossible.
And yet, here they are.
“Mine’s getting hard,” Tobirama makes for a diversion. “You know it turns me on when you’re pissed off.”
Tobirama can only imagine the expression on Madara’s face. Priceless.
“I said—”
“I heard what you said, Senju!” Madara moves them an incremental bit again before sagging and giving up with an explosive sigh. “Not. The time.”
“Calmed you down, didn’t it?” Tobirama smirks.
“Fuck you.”
“I’d rather you do that.”
“Then apologize.”
And because Tobirama is never going to apologize for the truth, they both fall into belligerent silence.
“We’ll be stuck here forever, then,” Madara says some time later. “Dick.”
Because Tobirama is a man of his word, he stays silent, knowing his Anija would never actually let them die without food and water, at least. Too bad boredom might kill them far, far sooner.
“D’you think they’ve figured out,” Madara says suddenly, “that we realized we’ve been mistaking sexual tension for killing intent and aren’t seriously trying to maim each other these days?”
Tobirama attempts to shrug, unsuccessfully. “We’ve been careful. And the notion of fighting and liking each other at the same is definitely not something Anija can comprehend,” he laments. “Izuna may suspect something. After all, it would have been more logical to suggest locking us up separately, so we’d cool down quicker.”
“That bastard,” Madara mutters.
“Your brother,” Tobirama reminds him.
“And look what yours did!” Madara accuses in turn, making them sway a little. “I hate everything.”
Something clicks in Tobirama’s head.
“You know what,” he says, “you’re right. I should apologize.”
Ignoring Madara’s confused spluttering, Tobirama looks down to the vines wrapped around his arms and body, focusing all his attention and thoughts on them in hopes to convey what he wants.
“Uh, Anija’s Mokuton?” he starts, noting how the roots seem to stiffen as if in attention. “I’ve decided to apologize to Madara, and I believe it more productive to the, uh, apology process if I am able to do it face-to-face.” Tobirama praises himself for making it sound sincere. “As friends,” he adds.
The Mokuton vibrates with minute pulses of energy, as if considering his words, before unfurling a bit, even as it still keeps their limbs in its chakra-suppressing clutches and rearranges them so they’re sitting cross-legged facing each other.
The shock on Madara’s face is glorious to behold. As is the godawful (but still somehow appealing) tangled mess his mane had become from their scuffles.
“How?” Madara asks.
Tobirama has finally regained his ability to shrug. “Anija did say it’s partially sentient,” he says. The Mokuton sprouts another thin vine that pokes him in the chest, as if to remind him of his earlier decision. “Yeah, yeah, I remember,” Tobirama grumbles, swatting the vine away with his shoulder.
“Do you even realize,” Madara whispers, “how freaky that is?”
“Don’t insult it,” Tobirama chastises him, giving their restraints a worried glance and an apologetic smile. “Anyway, in the spirit of… the Magical Power of Hugs,” Tobirama invokes Hashirama’s sappy notion, “I would also love to be able to hug my.” He swallows heavily. “Friend.”
The Mokuton takes a longer time to think this time. Madara mouths, “Will this seriously work?” and Tobirama shushes him with a glare. Oblivious to the exchange, the Mokuton unceremoniously pushes them together into an awkward embrace.
Then, Tobirama seizes his chance and captures Madara’s lips with his.
They’re already pressed together with almost no space between them, blood still running hot from their fight, and enough hours have passed since their last bout of lovemaking for Tobirama’s arousal to ratchet up to aching in a matter of seconds. By the way Madara moans into the kiss, sliding his hands under Tobirama’s shirt and pulling him impossibly closer, he seems to be in a similar state.
Perfect, Tobirama thinks. Now he has to do is to wait for the Mokuton to process this…
Madara pulls away, almost forcefully withdrawing his hands to grip Tobirama’s shoulders, movements still somewhat restrained by the vines.
…but first, get Madara back on the right track.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Madara demands, breathing heavy and eyes glazed over.
“What does it look like?” Tobirama says, offering a smirk in place of an annoyed scowl. “Apologizing the best way I know how.”
“B-but,” Madara breathes, as Tobirama trails his fingers down his chest, down to palm the obvious bulge in his pants. “Uh. What.”
Tobirama huffs out a laugh. This ability to render his lover incoherent with a simple touch has long since become second nature. Granted, it works both ways, but Madara is, for some reason, much more prone to surprise attacks by seduction.
“Just trust me,” Tobirama says, leaning down to place a lingering, open-mouthed kiss on his lover’s neck, wrangling out a drawn-out whimper Madara would probably never admit to. “If you’d like me to stop, just say so, koibito.”
Madara doesn’t object to the endearment this time, and Tobirama counts that as a clear victory.
Tobirama shifts to place another kiss on the underside of his jaw, making quick work of divesting Madara of his pants so he can give his cock a firm stroke. This earns him a breathless moan from his lover—and no further complaints.
Madara drags him by the collar into another kiss, biting and sucking on Tobirama’s bottom lip as he fucks into his hand, getting just as lost in the pleasure as Tobirama feels. Hands, hot and demanding, run over Tobirama’s body, tugging at his clothes insistently, soon bordering on desperate. Madara’s cock grows rock hard under his touch, an enticing prize that makes Tobirama’s mouth water. It takes a monumental effort to keep track of the Mokuton that’s still twitching and twisting around their limbs with confused agitation, its grip getting weaker and weaker until—
Madara is busy sucking on one of Tobirama’s nipples, fingers toying with the other, when the vines grow stiff, then totally slack, and yank themselves away to all but fly over to the opposite corner. The motion throws them both off-balance, and Madara ends up sprawled on top of Tobirama as they scramble to untangle their limbs and get into a more or less comfortable position.
“What the—”
“It worked,” Tobirama says, smirking wider as the sound of Hashirama’s wail resounds through every single wall of the mansion.
“MADARA,” the idiot shrieks from somewhere in the distance, “NOT MY LITTLE BROTHER!”
Before Madara has the chance to yell back his retort, Tobirama Hiraishins them both to land on the softness of the futon back home, reeling Madara in to distract him from the ordeal with fervent kisses and wandering hands. Madara doesn’t seem to mind. 
He shifts his weight from hands to elbows, cradling them both with his hair, and deepens the kiss, it seems, with the sole intent of driving Tobirama mad with want. Madara moves with him, cock rubbing against his thigh as Tobirama thrusts back, chasing the delicious friction, his pants too tight, skin too hot, Madara’s touch not nearly enough.
“Good creative thinking back there,” Madara says as they break away for air before meeting once more for another bruising kiss.
“Do I get a reward then?” Tobirama asks, shivering with pleasure as Madara moves to mouth at his collarbone, sucking on the sensitive skin there.
“Oh yes,” Madara drawls, dragging his mouth down Tobirama’s chest to his hipbone with just the slightest hint of teeth. Finally, Madara frees his length, lips hovering over it, teasing, barely touching. Tobirama can’t quite hold back a groan. “I’ll show you how creative I can be.”
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my-oh-my · 4 years
silver bullets and red roses: chapter two
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hi! this is chapter two for my alex series. also, imagine rose with one of those old housewife accents from the 50s. ugh! the perfection!
Alex! Harry x Female OC
Warnings: PTSD, war scenes, disgusting straight white men who don’t respect women and their bodies, groping (?), violence - don’t read if anything makes you uncomfortable luv!
Word Count: 2k
Summary: Rose and Joseph Harrington save a group of men and a familiar face
previous chapter
next chapter
Rose and Joseph stood cautiously within Pegasus, assessing the terrible disarray becoming clearer and clearer to their vision. Men were clung to the top deck of the large grey naval ship for dear life, avoiding the oil slicked water at all costs. There were unlucky ones, swimming desperately through the thick black oil which stained their uniform and skin. Rose turned her attention to the clouded sky, the sound of planes whirring alarming her. She recognised by the shapes of the planes that one was an Allied and the other a Nazi fighter.
She understood now how certain noises had triggered her father into fits of rage. Her legs began to tremble and her body covered itself in a light sheen of sweat, the sound of repetitive gunshots drilling into her head. Oh God, please no, she thought to herself, her heart beginning to speed itself up, arguing loudly with the gunshots in her head. Pull yourself together woman, she took a deep breath – wiping her sweaty palms on her navy-blue skirt before grabbing the circular life raft hung on the side of the boat.
Pegasus began to slow down, coming close to the midst of the crisis. Men’s shouts beckoned Rose as she assessed the oil spill on the surface of the water. “We need to be quick, once the fighter jet gets shot down, this entire area will be up in flames – including the men” she shouted clearly to her father, who took into account her words before putting Pegasus to a stop. They were perhaps 20 metres away from the oil covered men flailing around in the water. Rose flung the white life saver into the water – catching the attention of a few men nearby to it. “Grab on!” she shouted, to which the men hastily obliged – grabbing onto the device whilst Rose began to pull the rope which glided them along the black water towards the boat. Others heard her shout and noticed Pegasus, their way out. Joseph grabbed on tightly to the drenched arm of one of the men in the water before pulling them into the boat. Gunshots continued to swirl around them all as the naval ship sunk further and further into the water, bringing more men into the oil slick. A group of perhaps 30 men crowded around Pegasus – desperate to be out of the water.
Joseph and a few other drenched soldiers helped more and more men into Pegasus whilst Rose directed the men to where to go to evenly distribute the weight and allow as many people on as possible. Rose lightly touched the arm of one man – pointing him towards the lower deck “please go under, I’ll bring blankets and such to warm you all up soon” she advised, looking at a few other men and guiding them underneath. “N- No, I- I can’t” a man stood in the corner of the boat, breathing shortly. Rose stared into his eyes which were fear-stricken, “Please, it will all be ok, we will be home soon” she pressed walking towards him, and placing a hand behind his back to guide him more comfortingly towards the lower deck, “no- please” he begged, tears mingling with the oil and salt water on his face. Rose felt a tang of pain from his pleads, to see someone so upset. “Ok, go up the bow, it will all be ok” she gave a small sympathetic smile as the man rushed up to the front. Rose sighed, guiding more men to the lower deck.
Rose’s attention completely disengaged from the soldiers and towards the sky. The Nazi fighter jet was going down – directly into the oil spill full of men. “We need to go, now!” she shouted to her father, who also watched the jet with streams of smoke following its two wings. She rushed over to the sides of the boat men were still crowded by, “Grab onto the ropes, tightly” she ordered to which they followed, men now hanging onto the sides of the boat. Rose hurried over to the steering wheel, starting up Pegasus and hearing her sputter and purr as she began to speed away from the deadly flammable area.
Rose didn’t dare look back, out of fear her heart just might shred into a million different pieces at the men she couldn’t save. The men who could not make it home. She couldn’t help but hear the screams, the terrible gut-wrenching screams, which got fainter and fainter as she drove Pegasus away from the disaster – towards home. “I think we are far away enough” Joseph spoke to Rose, who slowly steadied Pegasus to a stop to help the few men who were clung onto the boat inside.
At the utmost, Pegasus would be able to carry perhaps twenty men. But here on this fateful day – it carried 35. They had all squished together, a thick hot scent of oil and sweat fogging in the air, but no one minded at all – the thought of finally reaching home far more overwhelming.
Pegasus began to speed up again, everyone safely inside the boat, as Rose began to distribute the cotton blankets stored under the deck to the soldiers. She had also managed to find some old rags, which she soaked in fresh water and handed to them with their blankets to clean the oil off their faces.
Rose handed a blanket and wash cloth to one man in the corner of the lower deck, who did not thank her nor even look up at her – busy talking with the other men. She did not mind, she was interrupting his conversation. “Fetch me somethin’ to eat woman” he ordered sternly, still not looking at her but at the others around him, “I’m sorry sir, we do not have-” she replied, still handing out the blankets to others, “fuckin’ hell, bloody been through hell and you can’t even get somethin’ to eat” he sniggered to the other men, who all scoffed. Rose swallowed harshly, feeling guilt and a tinge of disgust. “I suppose I could think of something else I could eat” he spoke deeply, grabbing onto Rose’s wrist quickly. The men in the lower deck let out big boisterous bouts of laughter, watching as Rose was pulled closer to the man. The grip on her arm got tighter and tighter, surely leaving a faint bruise over the next couple of days.
Rose felt nothing but disgust at this point, his dirty actions and words sinking into her skin like the oil is to theirs. Despite her thoughts, she smiled lightly, staring into his eyes and grabbing his wrist with a mighty grip. “I think you could think a little harder and smarter” she retorted calmly, pulling his hand off of her. A round of laughter started around the boat again, as the man’s arm fell to his side and Rose continued to hand out the blankets.
“It would be for the good of Britain” he continued, standing up and rushing over to Rose and placing a arm around her waist. His touch made Rose want to elbow, punch and kick him on every part of his body, his body still covered in oil and water – staining her neat blazer. She could feel him place his head into the crook of her neck, his vile hot breath breathing on her before inhaling deeply through his nose. “Smell just like my wife” he whispered to her, Rose tensed up gently pushing him off her, “come on dear, don’t be like that” he pressed further, wrapping his arms around her again, even tighter this time. Rose dropped the blankets as the sound of the humming of Pegasus, his hot breaths and the shouts of laughter became like sirens in her head as she struggled against his grip. She was taken back to Dunkirk, to the Nazis that held her, constricted her. Her breaths became shorter, her heart quickened, her hands shaking – trying to push his arms off her.
“She said no, mate” a voice shouted from the opposite corner of the deck over the laughter. His voice was stern, but it was clear he didn’t want to fight – too exhausted. Rose’s mind began to clear again, as the man slowly loosened his grip. She gave his arms a hard push off of her, as she collected herself; straightening her skirt and blazer and picking up the blankets she had dropped. “Just tryna have some fun, mate. Tryna lighten up the mood a little bit.” the man replied, looking at the other man who had spoken out. Rose stood back up, looking past the man who had groped her shoulder at the other soldier. His face was still slicked with oil, his features only semi-recognisable, but it was clear to see his jaw was clenched – staring at the man.  
To Rose he seemed familiar, like a face she had seen before maybe once or twice, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. “Give her a bit of respect, she’s the one saving us” he defended, eyes never straying away from him. “You havin’ a go mate, she’s a woman. Only good for puttin’ out and making sandwiches” he shouted back, earning yet another roar of laughter. Rose’s eyebrows scrunched together, anger lighting a fire within herself. If only he had known that she was there too, she was the one that had saved his life from the Nazis, she was the one that risked her life too. “You’d be burnt to a crisp, you’d ‘ave bullet holes through you, you’d be like every other dead man at Dunkirk if it weren’t for her.” The man had stood up, pointing into the other’s chest. The sunlight seeping through the windows lit up his face, his features became clearer and Rose finally realised. Alex.
For as long as she could remember, the house next door to hers was always quiet. Every now and then she would go over to the white panelled house, their garden with neatly kept hedges and roses, to ask for some sugar when the Harringtons had run out and she was in the middle of baking a cake or the odd dinner party. She knew the Edwards fairly well, Mrs Edwards being a lovely and kind woman, Mr Edwards being kind as well – though it was clear he could be fairly stern sometimes and Alex. As a child, Charles and herself would sometimes go over to the house next door to play with him whilst their mother went out to do her shopping. She found that Alex was much like his mother, very kind as he always shared his toys and would let her be the seeker in a game of hide and seek. But as they all grew up, the only time she would see him was through her bedroom window at his which faced directly opposite and when she would go to the bakery – where he worked.
Alex had turned into a handsome young man. He had grown into his looks, adolescence giving him a strong jawline and facial structure. His brown hair a mess of curls on the top of his head with clean short sides, a single lock of hair always seemed to fall in front of his face. His eyes were a striking green, the colour of shining emeralds.
Rose swallowed her astonishment of his presence, watching the two men in front of her. Thwack. The slight gust of wind passed her face as the sound reached her eardrums. Rose opened her eyes to see Alex clutching his cheek, fire in his eyes. A riot of shouts filled the deck as Alex stood up straight, pushing the man.
“What’s going on!” Joseph shouted, stepping below deck. The men continued to shout as the man grabbed onto Alex’s uniform punching him again in the stomach, “Stop this right now” Joseph shouted again, gabbing onto the man’s back and pushing him of Alex. Alex stared at the man with fire in his eyes, breathing deeply and quickly with rage. “You. You either stop this at once or you get off my boat” Joseph warned sternly, letting go of the man. He turned towards Alex, slightly taken aback by seeing that it was him. “And you, upstairs” he ordered, turning around and marching his way back up to the top. Alex stared harshly at the man again before making his way upstairs. Rose stood, watching him as he walked, noticing the fair cut on his cheekbone which caused thick, blood to pour down his cheek.
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ichirakukpop · 5 years
Trick or Treat
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Genre: angst/fluff
Characters: You x Hoseok
Word Count: 1.8K
Plot: You really want to go trick or treating with your boyfriend, but an exam you forgot to study for (and an intruder), tells you otherwise.
TW: breaking in, a possible murderer, that’s it i think lol
“Come on Hoseok, it’ll be fun!” You pleaded, grabbing onto your boyfriend’s arm. “Are you kidding? We’re so old, it’ll be so embarrassing!” Hoseok replied. You were trying to get Hoseok to go trick or treating with you. You knew you were way too old for it, but it was free candy, how could you pass on the once a year opportunity? “Besides, Namjoon is hosting a Halloween party tonight, remember?” He stated. “Oh yeah,” you said in a dull voice as you let go of his arm to let him enter the kitchen on his own. “We don’t have to dress up do we?" Hoseok laughed as he stuffed his mouth with some potato chips before turning back to you. "So you wanna go trick or treating… but you don’t wanna dress up?" "Ugh,” you rolled your eyes. “I just want some chocolate. And some candy. And maybe even some chips–” Your list was interrupted when Hoseok stuffed some chips into your mouth. “There you go. Chips!” Hoseok smiled. You narrowed your eyelids as you started to chew, causing him to chuckle. Ding It was your phone. You took it out of your pocket and read the notification. Suddenly you froze and your eyes opened wide. Hoseok knew something was wrong by the look on your face– and when you stopped mid-chew. “(Y/N), what is it?” He asked, sounding concerned. “Is everything alright?" "I… I have an exam tomorrow,” you said without any emotion as you starred off into space. Hoseok starred at you looking more confused than ever. You held your phone to his face so he can read what was on your phone. “Psychology midterm tomorrow! Make sure to study!” Hoseok read out loud. He took a minute to re-read the sentence, trying to understand it. “Okay…” he said, backing away from the phone. “What’s the problem? Are you not ready or something? I saw you studying–” You quickly snapped out of your shocked state and frowned. “Ugh no, Hoseok! I thought it was next Wednesday, not this Wednesday– AKA tomorrow!”
Hoseok still looked a little confused and you just dropped to the ground with your hands running through your hair.
“I’m not ready.  I only have chapter one memorized… I can’t read half of the textbook in one night–”
“Uh, okay calm down (Y/N),” Hoseok said as he helped you up and lead your distraught self to the bedroom. “Just go start studying now, you have to at least try." "I can’t fail Hoseok! My GPA is already so bad. I need to ace this exam!” You whined as Hoseok sat you down in your computer chair. “Okay then you’re just gonna have to pull an all-nighter,” Hoseok helped you get out your notes from your bag as he tried to encourage you. “I’ll help you write out your notes and–” “No, thank you though. I won’t be able to focus with you here. Just go to the party–” you said.
“What?– but it won’t be fun if you’re not there, YN.” He whined.   You looked up at Hoseok with an unamused face. “Yeah, I’ll just go help Namjoon set up early,” Hoseok said, backing up before leaving the room to go grab his things. Before leaving, he came by the room once more. “Alright, I’ll see you later love. When I get back I’ll quiz you. Hoseok kissed the top of your head, "Good luck. Make sure to take a few breaks and don’t forget to eat!” A couple of hours later, you were still in your room studying. You only studied about a third of what you were supposed to. You were tired, stressed out, and definitely sad about missing out on Halloween. But it didn’t matter, nonetheless, you had to ace your midterm and you were determined to do so.
It was now 11 pm and you were completely drained. You weren’t finished studying, but you needed a short break. You headed to the kitchen to make yourself a cup of coffee. You waited for the coffee to brew and watched the steam as it floated up. You were so focused, almost in a trance as you watched the steam, that you didn’t notice the strange sounds coming from the front door. It sounded like someone was trying to open the door. Since it was only 11 pm, you knew it couldn’t be Hoseok. It was still pretty early for him to be home from a party. It couldn’t be trick or treaters either because your apartment didn’t allow trick or treating in the first place.
You were about to go look through your peephole. to see who it was but then you saw the doorknob turning completely. Whoever it was, they were trying to get in.
You ducked behind your counter. You weren’t all that worried because Hoseok was the only other person to have the key to the apartment. Whoever it was couldn’t get in. However, when you heard the door creak open, that’s when you knew you were in trouble. You quickly covered your mouth with shock and so the intruder wouldn’t hear your panicked breathing. You ducked further underneath the counter and made yourself into a ball to be small.
You heard a few footsteps walking around the living room and then to your bedroom. Tears suddenly fell down your face and you felt your heartbeat getting faster and faster. Suddenly, the footsteps stopped for a moment and you held your breath. You hoped that the intruder gave up, that maybe he thought that there was nothing to rob and he’ll just leave. But you were wrong.
You heard the footsteps getting closer and closer. The intruder sounded like they were looking for something specific–no, someone. You began to cry more but you had to keep quiet. You covered your mouth and tried your best not to make a sound. In your mind, you begged for Hoseok to come home. You also cursed yourself for choosing such a stupid place to hide. Why didn’t you lock yourself in the closet or something? smh fool lol jk The footsteps only got closer and eventually, it felt like the person was right behind you. You covered your eyes but kept a little space open between your fingers.
Out of nowhere, the intruder peaked from behind the counter to tapped your shoulder and you screamed. “LEAVE ME ALONE!” You shouted as loud as you could before quickly getting up to grab a wooden spoon from the counter. You held the spoon up to defend yourself and you cried as the person stepped toward you.
The figure was slender and tall. He wore all black and had on one of the same masks as those worn in the purge movies. You always thought those movies were stupid, but now you were living it. You were about to die. “Stop, please,” you cried. You didn’t know what to do so you just stood there and cried. The man didn’t move.
Suddenly, you heard a very muffled laugh. At first, you didn’t know where it was coming from, but then you quickly realised that it was from him. The laugh was loud and sounded very “hahaha” like. That’s when you accepted your fate. Out of nowhere, the figure fell to the floor, still laughing, while grabbing his tummy. His laugh stopped sounding so scary.
You wiped your tears and stared at him in confusion, still holding the wooden spoon in front of you.
“What the hell,” you asked with a sniffle, more confused than ever. You remained back and didn’t even think of going near the man. Although his laugh wasn’t evil sounding anymore, his new state scared you even more. Soon the man stopped laughing and sat up. He turned to you, possibly staring at you– you couldn’t tell because of the mask. He chuckled once more then grabbed the back of his mask to remove it. Hoseok’s face was revealed and he started laughing once again. You stared at him first with shock, and then with anger. You should have known it was your stupid boyfriend when you heard his loud ass laughter. “I hate you,” you said in a very monotone voice. You didn’t know what to think. “I hate you SO MUCH” you cried. You jumped towards Hoseok and started hitting him. Hoseok laughed and tried to protect himself from you, even though you weren’t punching hard. “I’m sorry,” he said in between his laughs, “I couldn’t help it!” Hoseok kept apologizing, and when you got tired of hitting him, you stopped. “Why would you do that? I actually thought someone was breaking in and I was going to die,” You shouted in his face in between some sniffles. “You’re so mean, I hate you SO much." Hoseok chuckled and pulled you into a tight hug. He kissed your cheeks as he apologized a few times more. "I’m sorry (Y/N), I didn’t mean to make you cry. I know you hate me, but do you think these will help you forgive me?” Hoseok lifted up a big bag from behind the counter and placed it in your lap. You looked at him, confused, before opening it. It was a bag full of candy. A whole big bag full of chocolate, candy, chips, even some granola bars and more. “What is this? How did you–" "I went trick or treating. It was pretty embarrassing. I got so many funny looks from parents and the kids would always hide their bags whenever I came near them. I don’t think the sound of ‘aren’t you too old to be trick or treating’ will ever leave my head.” Hoseok said in a very serious manner.
You laughed at his story as you imagined it. “But the party…" "I helped Namjoon set up a bit, but I left before the party started. I knew it wouldn’t be fun without you and I thought these would maybe help you feel better, since you know– you forgot about your midterm.”   You chuckled with disbelief as you thought about how kind Hoseok was– aside from his stupid prank. You put the candy to the side and threw yourself on him to give him a kiss. “Thank you Hoseok, I love you so much!” You said as you hugged him tightly as he slouched back rolling his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can’t have any of the candy until after your midterm though, so save the 'I love you’s’ for after you get your A.”
You laughed and hugged Hoseok one more time. You knew it would be hard to get an A, but you had to at least try. Not for the candy, but because if Hoseok, a grown ass man, could go out trick or treating for you, then you could get him an A.  
thanks for reading!! :) i wrote this last year around CHRISTMAS smh but our requests are open so send in any requests!  & we’ll be posting our old requests soon, sorry for taking so long to do them! :(
back like we never left😏
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jaehyunskitten22 · 5 years
Give It All to Me - Wong Yukhei
The time on your phone read 3:25 AM, yet with it being so late, you just couldn't sleep. Your mind, of course, decided to wander and eventually fell on your boyfriend, Lucas.
Initially, you thought that he was a fuck boy, and he couldn't deny that there was some truth to that statement, but he found himself craving to be in your vicinity at all times. He clung to you so much that he began to get weird looks from persons that would walk by on the streets, or patrons at a restaurant.
His infatuation only grew when he realized how caring you were, albeit shy and a bit reserved - and he found himself falling desperately in love with you. You grew to return his feelings once you saw that they were genuine and that he truly desired to be with you. 
And now, in the 7th month of your relationship, you had no regrets. Yukhei was an absolute gentleman. 
You decided to text him, barely registering that it was almost 4 in the morning.
You: Yukhei?
You waited a while for a response, but it was late and you couldn't say you were surprised that you didn't receive one. As soon as you reached out to place the device onto your bedside table, it vibrated in your hand.
Xuxi: yeah baby? You ok?
A small smile made its way onto your face and you typed your reply.
You: Yea just miss you
Xuxi: You miss me huh?
Rolling your eyes, you imagined the stupid little smirk he'd have on his face, as well as the tone of voice that would accompany it. Another message came in, though, before you could reply.
Xuxi: cuz I know I miss you baby
Xuxi: those thick thighs wrapped around my waist
Xuxi: the way you shudder and clench them as you cream all over my dick
Xuxi: not to mention the look on ur face as ur cumming... makes me come so fucking hard
You couldn't help but gulp as you read the string of texts, more affected than you'd like to be at the erotic messages. Dirty talk wasn't something you'd ever thought you'd find yourself liking, but Lucas managed to get it to turn you on. And then some.
You: Lucas...
Xuxi: baby r u touching yourself?
You: well no but.. I was hoping you'd come touch me?
Xuxi: omw
A small grin slid onto your face at his response and you sat back and thought about how you and Yukhei got where you were.
Saying that your relationship with Lucas wasn't hard wasn't very accurate, not because of the dynamics of the relationship but because of your looks.
There was always some person asking Lucas how someone like him could be with someone like you and this made it really hard to accept the he truly he had feelings for you. Not that you weren't confident with how you looked but... guys like Yukhei weren't typically attracted to you.
 When you told him this, all those months ago, and explained your reason for not believing him, he couldn't believe that you would even say that to him.
"Yukhei," You snapped, pulling your arm away from where he had managed to tangle your fingers.
"What?" He began to get angry, his voice raising as you looked away, "What's the problem?"
"I want you to stop playing with me like this!" You shout back at him, pulling away from his side altogether and sitting up on the couch in your small apartment. "You've gotta stop leading me on and pretending to like me because it hurts,"
You swallowed once you were done, the raise in pitch making your throat hurt a bit, but Lucas only followed you, forcing his hard body against your soft one.
"I'm not leading you on," his face contorted in confusion as he slowly shook his head, "I'm not pretending to like you, either. Where is this coming from?"
An exasperated expression from you met his confused one and you placed your index finger on his chest, pointing to him slightly, "Look at you, Xuxi," you spoke softly and he stared down at you while you gently traced a random pattern around his chest, "Guys like you don't like girls like me,"
You felt the exact moment that he stiffened, his breath hitching in his throat and when you looked up to meet his gaze, a new wave of anger was displayed on it.
"Girls like you?" His voice was gruff as it left his body, "What's wrong with liking girls like you?"
You looked away when he asked that, but he gently shifted your head to continue staring in your eyes.
"No, tell me." When you didn't reply, he continued, "I need you to tell me what's the problem with it, because I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember,"
Your eyes widened at his confession, but he held your gaze all the way.
"Lucas," Your voice came out in a breathy whisper, slightly questioning and he tilted his head sideways, "Do you really....?"
He nodded, a smile slowly gracing his face as your hand reached up to cup his cheek, pulling him down to meet your lips eagerly.
You snapped out of the memory when it hit you that the highlight of that very memory was currently on his way, and you rushed to the bathroom to fix your hair.
You didn't shower, but that was only because you had showered around 9 PM when you were getting ready for bed earlier that night. Your outfit was a pair of sweatpants and a white t-shirt, which was probably the least sexiest thing you could be wearing right now but you knew Lucas wouldn't mind.
Once you combed through your hair with your fingers and detangled it, you unlocked the door and decided to wait for your boyfriend on the couch.
A few minutes later he was there, and he quickly locked the door behind himself before shrugging his jacket off and leaving it by the door, rushing over to you by the couch.
"Hey," You smiled when he leaned down to kiss you, placing your arms around his neck and pulling him down to you. He fell next to you, his hands finding your waist to pull you in a straddle atop him, "Woah,"
"I missed you," He pulled away from your lips to stare into your eyes, hands caressing your sides.
"I missed you, too,"
A smile graced his lips and you found yourself smiling back and pulling him into another kiss. You could feel his erection through his pants and yours, so you began to grind on him, and he helped you, thrusting his hips up.
With a groan, he stilled you, "Baby, let's get our pants off,"
You nodded quickly, hopping up and getting the garment down your legs and Lucas did the same, but instead of sitting back down, he motioned you to sit. You did so, albeit slowly, wondering what he was going to do.
"Just sit down," He chuckled, seeing the confusion on your face and when you did so, he knelt in front of you, spreading your legs.
He met your eyes before slowly leaning in and licking you over your panties, a half moan - half scream escaping you. He smiled lightly at your reaction, his fingers massaging your clit through the material.
"Oh God, Yukh- please take them off,"
Instead of taking them off, he just slipped the flimsy and now damp material to the side, licking from the bottom of your labia and up towards your clit. Your breathing picked up a bit, but you were panting and squeezing your thighs around your boyfriend's head as he thrusted his tongue inside you.
Your toes and fingers curled, so Yukhei placed your hands in his hair and you tugged on his locks, his eyes rolling back as he removed his tongue and licked upwards to your clit. His index finger replaced his tongue, the digit sliding in with little to no resistance due to your arousal.
"Lucas, that feels so good," You whimpered when he began to thrust his freakishly long finger inside of you, "Ugh,"
Your boyfriend chuckled as he watched your legs shake, entering another finger and rubbing your clit with his other hand as he did so. You let out a load sob, the stimulation being too much for you. You could feel yourself nearing your end as Lucas sped up the pace of his fingers.
"Lucas, I think -," You stuttered, mind in a literal mess as you were overcome with pleasure, "I think I'm gonna come?"
"Hmm, are you?" He asked cooly and you nodded shakily, breathing out when his mouth descended onto you once again.
A few swipes of his tongue on your clit and you were spiraling into your orgasm, legs clamping around his head as they shook, pleasure shooting down your spine as Lucas licked at you through your release.
"You're so gorgeous, baby," He muttered, sitting beside you on the couch and pressing his lips to your neck, "So pretty. And all mine,"
Your boyfriend put you to lay on your back on the couch, holding himself up with one hand as the other fumbled to push his boxers down his thighs and legs. You tried to close your legs, but Lucas held them open with his legs as he fumbled to roll a condom over his hard member. 
"Nuh-uh," he shook his head, pulling your panties down your hips, "Legs open for me,"
Of course you obeyed, and soon Lucas was rubbing his tip against your clit. Your legs trembled slightly due to over-stimulation, but he only leaned down to kiss you. Sighing into the kiss, you wrapped your arms around him, and he slid into you in one swift motion, groaning once he was completely sheathed in your warmth.
Yukhei wasted no time, pulling out and thrusting into you sharply, your hips pulling away at the sudden pressure as you whimpered. He shushed you, grabbing your hips and forcing himself inside you.
"You're going to be my good girl, right?" He whispered, running one of his hands through your hair and then cupping your cheek, "You're going to take this dick, right? No running,"
"I'm going to take it," You shivered, and Lucas leaned down to kiss you once more.
"I know you are," He praised, "Because you're my girl and I'm yours,"
Humming in agreement, you deepened the kiss, but Yukhei pulled away abruptly.
"Say it," He pleaded, his hips picking up their pace as he became suddenly vulnerable, "Please say it - Say I'm yours,"
Lucas placed his head in the crook of your neck, hips hitting an area deep within you that had your toes curling, your body begging for release.
"You're mine, Lucas," Voice extremely breathy, your hand reaching down to rub at your clit in a desperate attempt to reach your peak - which worked, "God, Yukh -!"
The literal wind was knocked out of you, Yukhei's thrusting helping you to ride out your orgasm, as he tried to reach his.
"Xuxi, baby," You called, mouthing at his neck, leaving marks in your wake even though you know you shouldn't have, "Are you coming for me?"
He grunted and nodded, a look of pain coating his face as he chased his release.
"C'mon, Xuxi. Fill me up," You keened into his ear, his breath hitching, "Aren't you going to fill me with your cum? Please,"
He pushed into you as he came, filling the condom and shuddering as he did so. You wrapped your arms around him and he fell on top of you, your hand coming up to swipe at his hair that was now damp with sweat.
"I love you," He whispered, voice coarse and you leaned down to seal your lips over his.
"I love you, too, baby," You replied and Lucas hummed in satisfaction, removing the condom and disposing of it before returning to lay on top of you, burying his face in your cleavage. 
"What time do you have to get up?" You questioned and he shrugged.
"The dreamies practice tomorrow because they're comeback is pretty soon," He explained, face still smothered against your breasts, "If I'm going to practice, it'll be after noon... Maybe evening,"
"Make sure your phone isn't on silent. I don't want Taeyong mad at me for having you occupied,"
"Hyung loves you. He'd never be mad at you," Lucas' head raised, "Me on the other hand..."
You giggled at that and Lucas looked at you with a fond look.
"What is it? Why are you looking at me like that?"
"You're just... so beautiful,"
You snorted, peaking over the couch to seek out your panties, but your boyfriend gently nudged your face back in his direction, your eyes meeting once more.
"I'm absolutely serious, Y/n," You could hear the demand in his voice, paired with sincerity, "Stunning isn't enough to describe you. You might not be perfect, but you're absolutely perfect for me and you're all I'll ever want,"
His words made you tear up and when he reached up to wipe at your cheeks, you leaned into his palm.
"What did I do to deserve you, Xuxi?" You whispered and he chuckled softly, responding with a shake of his head.
"You deserve the world, Y/n," He pecked your chest, directly over where your heart was, "I just wish you thought the same,"
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ptersparkers · 5 years
happy father’s day (the adventures of y/n stark)
summary: a regularly updating collection of vignettes that detail the life and adventures of y/n stark, a self-proclaimed baker, thrill seeker, and an all around good person.
a/n: hey, folks! i’m back with another fic for this series after a (tiny) hiatus because i was away with friends for the weekend. also i just want you guys to know that i recently started a job so that’s hindering my writing time just a little, but i see your request!
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“Do we have enough cheddar and mozzarella cheese?”
“Yes, Dad,” you said as you rolled your eyes. “I’ve made grilled cheeses before. I made sure we had enough yesterday so Morgan and Peter get some too.”
“Okay, okay,” Tony said, putting his hand up in mock surrender. “I know you’re thoughtful but so am I.” You chuckled and pushed the grocery cart towards another aisle.
“That’s true. What time is Peter coming home?”
“Two, I think. I asked him to pick Morgan up from her friend’s house and it’s a ten minute walk.”
“Tea,” you said nonchalantly, putting a bag of Cheetos in the cart.
“Don’t tell Pepper I let you eat those,” he said, putting his index finger to his lips. You copied his movements and shared a laugh afterwards.
“Do we have apple juice stocked up? I don’t think I remember seeing it.”
“In the back. I had to hide it from Thor so he couldn’t drink it,” Tony said. “God knows he chugs that like it’s water.”
“I mean, I felt that,” you said as you walked through the first register that was open.
“O-Oh my god,” you heard the young girl, about your age, say as she saw you and your father from begin the cash register.
“Yes, yes, it’s me,” Tony said playfully.
“Y/N Stark!” she blurted. “And Tony, too.” Tony feigned being offended, which made the young girl blush. “I-I’m sorry, I just think you’re really cool.”
“Cooler than my Dad?”
“You just won my heart,” you said, putting your hand over your chest.
“Would it be okay if we got a photo together?” she asked shyly.
You looked at your father. “Care to do the honors, geezer?”
“Whatever the daughter wants, the daughter gets,” he said and shrugged while taking the phone from the girl behind the register. Tony gave you a thumbs up before paying for the groceries and walking to the car.
“I’m awesome,” you said as you shut the passenger side door.
“Yeah, but not as awesome as me,” Tony said with a wink.
You got back to the compound earlier than Peter and Morgan and began putting away the purchased goods in the fridge and pantry. Soon after, you could hear Morgan’s feet running across the wooden floor, giggling as a laughing Peter walked behind her.
“He’s funny!” Morgan exclaimed when she approached you. You halted putting away the food and bent down so you were at Morgan’s level.
“Not funnier than me, right?”
“Definitely!” You tapped the tip of her nose with your finger and she laughed, to which you picked her up and placed her on your hip until you were finished unpacking the groceries.
“Aunt May says hey,” Peter said as he sat in front of the kitchen island. “She’s gonna spent Father’s Day weekend with her parents so I’ll be here until Sunday night,” he explained.
“Ugh, boys are so gross, aren’t they?” you said, winking at Morgan.
“The grossest,” she said, confirming with a nod. You both bursted out laughing, leaving a pouting Peter.
“Oh, don’t be like that,” you said. “I’m making us all grilled cheeses later. Custom, of course. When Pepper gets back from her meeting, I’ll start making them so we can sit back and relax until it gets dark.”
“Good, because I’m starving. A growing boy needs grilled cheeses,” he said, patting his stomach.
“Peter, you stopped growing a year ago.” Tony walked in and put his hands on Peter’s shoulders.
“He won’t stop growing until I tell him to stop,” he commented.
“Growing into a dumb bitch,” you muttered.
“Can I have a grilled cheese with some chicken?” Morgan asked. “Like the way you did it this weekend.”
“You, my friend, gave great taste,” you said as you handed Morgan to your father.
“You both get your love of food from me,” Tony said. “Morgan, can you go change into some pj’s for me?”
“Can I do it alone?” she pleaded with wide eyes.
Tony smiled and nodded. “Of course, honey. Pick something you like and come running back, you hear?”
“Okay!” Morgan yelled as she ran down the hallway.
“So, Pete,” Tony began. “How’s May doing? I haven’t seen her since last month and I want you guys to come back and have dinner with us.”
“She’s been good!” he said. “She’s been really swamped with this proposal at work, and then her friend came to stay with us for about two weeks. May’s been really busy but I’m sure she’d love to come over.”
“She’s with her parents this weekend, right?”
“Mhm,” Peter said as he bit into an apple that was in a fruit bowl.
“I’m home!” Pepper said, emerging from the corner and taking off her heels. “I’ve turned my phone off, which means we are not going to be disturbed until Monday.”
“Grilled cheese?” Morgan asked as she scampered back into the kitchen.
“I’ll get ‘em started,” you said. Tony walked to your side and handed you the bread, taking the slices out and putting butter on the sides. You have him a quick smile before going to work.
“Anyone want some strawberry banana smoothies?” Pepper asked as she pulled the fruits out of the fridge.
“Make me two,” Peter said as Pepper laughed. “What? You know I love fruity drinks.”
“How about you, Morgan?”
“Just a little,” she said, stretching before Peter helped her sit on the counter top.
“Dad, can you get a few plates for me?”
“Do I have to do everything around here?” Tony joked as he rolled his eyes, making you burst of laughing.
“Hey! I’m making you my famous grilled cheese. It happens to be the only thing I make that you and Morgan like.”
“I’m in the mood for nostalgic foods,” he said with a shrug. “Plus, you make a killer sandwich.”
“Whatever you say, Dad. I’m gonna plate these and meet you guys outside,” you said, jutting your head to the sliding glass door Peter was walking out of. “I’ll have the sandwiches on a tray in a jiffy.”
“Okay, kiddo,” he said before kidding the crown of your head. “Don’t burn mine!”
You balanced all the sandwiches comfortably on a tray, making sure you turned off the stove and that none of the plates would fall off as you made your way to the pool area where Peter and Morgan splashed around. You grinned at the two, thankful that Peter had never complained about keeping Morgan company when he was asked or when she begged him to play. 
“Sandwich time!” you yelled, grabbing the attention of everyone who was preoccupied. Morgan yelled in excitement and swam as fast as she could until she reached the steps of the pool, not bothering to wrap herself in a towel. Peter followed suit and wrapped his towel around his waist and Pepper came from behind you with Tony by her side. 
“None of them are burned. I’m impressed,” Peter said, mocking you. 
“Next time I make you food, I’ll burn it just for that comment,” you replied. 
“Don’t tell Daddy, but it’s better than his,” Morgan said in a not-so-quiet whisper. You laughed and Tony feigned being offended as Pepper shook her head at his antics. 
“Okay, jokes aside,” you began as you handed out the plates, “I want to get cheesy for a second.”
“Oh no, Y/N’s getting cheesy,” he said, holding his sandwich up for emphasis. 
“As I was saying,” you continued. “This is my father’s world and we’re just living in it. But, I can’t say that I’m disappointed because I’m really happy that he’s the man he is today. Iron Man or not, I don’t think this world would be any better without him in it.
“It’s funny, you know. I remember when I was twelve and he refused to buy me a flip phone because I wanted it only to fit in with the girls in middle school. I think that was the first time I realized he wasn’t going to hand me things just because I want it. I think that’s one of the best lessons he’s ever taught me; that it’s important to know what you want and figure out a way to achieve it. I’m still trying to understand that part, but I know I’ll get there.”
“To Tony,” Peter said, raising his smoothie before everyone clinked glasses.
“You know,” said Tony, “I never imagined myself having a stable family who would love me as much as I love them. Morgan and Pepper, you’ve given me so much joy in the last decade. Peter, I’m honored to be your mentor and to have someone as intelligent as you to work with. Y/N, I’m truly lucky to be your father. Never in my life have I loved anything more than you.” 
“I’m crying,” you said, both literally and ironically as Tony pulled you in for a loving hug. “Happy Father’s Day, Dad.”
Tony smiled down at you. “I love you, kiddo.”
@kath94210 @sessi03 @olliekookie @edgyhargreeves @simonsbluee @meraki--me @sleep-i-ness @amourski @zaynjawy @captainlarsonn @katiemcrae @holyhellthatbook @madeismyname @bands-and-shietz @janndishstuff17 @janndishstuff17 @knightofreaders.
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sprnklersplashes · 5 years
The One Where Robin Gets Bronchitis
Sometimes, true love isn’t always epic kisses, breaking curses, fairytale weddings and romantic dances.
Sometimes it’s pushing your girlfriend away from you because you have viral bronchitis but she has no sense of self-preservation and keeps trying to kiss you.
(fluff, pure fluff friends)
Robin buries her face in her pillow as she hears the door close, Gideon leaving for work. On her bedside sit roughly five different kinds of medicine (she’s far too tired to give a real count) and a litre bottle of water, as well as a basin beside her bed despite knowing she won’t throw up. That’s what happens when her best friend-slash-roommate is an overprotective hypochondriac whose Mum Friend instincts kick into overdrive when someone is sick (especially when that someone is Robin, the girl he’s been looking out for since they were toddling around Storybrooke’s playpark together).
She lets out another cough, pressing her tissue to her mouth.
“You look like St Therese,” Hope says, casually as they can with five hairpins between their teeth. Since it’s entirely their fault Robin is in her tired, fevered, miserable state, Robin Facetimed them once she woke up to make them feel as guilty as possible. Now she’s curled up on one side, away from the harsh light of her window, her phone propped up by a stack of books and wearing the cat onesie she bought herself as an early Christmas present, all while huddled underneath her comforter.
“Who?” she asks.
“St Therese. You know, the French saint who died of coughing blood. Her last words in her diary were something like ‘wow there’s a lot of bubbly stuff on my mouth right now’. Or something.”
“Or something,” Robin agrees. “Anyway, I’m not coughing blood. I’m coughing mucus which is arguably worse.”
“What colour?”
“What?” they sigh. “My dad said that you can tell a lot by the colour of your mucus.”
“Your dad grew up in the 1800s and wouldn’t know what antibiotics were if you threw them at his face. He probably threw little lavender bags at you when you got sick.”
“You know, technically you’re shit talking your future father-in-law there,” they remind her. Robin pulls a face at the camera as Hope slides another hairpin into their black locks before pulling them apart. “And for your information, it was rosemary.” They look down for a second, biting their lips like a nervous child, which in a lot of ways, Hope still is. Or at least in Robin’s eyes. “I’m sorry, Rob.”
“Don’t worry about it, H,” she replies before letting out another cough, making Hope flinch. “Just hope your date with Melody was worth it.”
“It was,” she replies, a pink blush on their pale cheeks. Robin giggles and looks beyond the phone screen to her bedroom door, where the scarf she lent Hope for her date is hanging on a hook. Hope swore up and down last Friday their bout of bronchitis was over and begged and pleaded (and admittedly, screamed a little) for their parents to let them go out with Melody that night for their two month anniversary. They had agreed, on one condition, Hope wrap up a warm as humanly possible. And since their scarf was lost in her Bermuda triangle of a bedroom, Robin had agreed to let Hope borrow one of hers, only after making Hope look her in the eye and swear they were better now. And they did.
And now she’s here.
“Was there a goodnight smooch?” she pries, giggling again. She’s pretty sure the fever is causing her to regress to a schoolgirl.
“I don’t kiss and tell,” they say coyly, only to have realisation slowly dawn on them. “Um… I’m just going to check up on her. See if she’s… you know…”
“Caught your disease?”
“It’s not my disease!” they squeak indignantly, standing up and putting their bag on their shoulder. “Anyways I have to go. Mom will arrest me if I’m late for class again.”
“Can she do that? Is that in her jurisdiction?”
“No idea and I don’t want to find out,” they answer. “How do I look?” They gesture to their outfit; black and pink hair tucked into a deliberately messy braid, graphic t-shirt and paint-splattered denim dungarees with a plaid shirt over it. Complete with winged eyeliner and dark lipstick.
“Gorgeous,” she tells them. “Gorgeous and gay.”
“That’s the look I was going for. Anyway, chug orange juice and go to sleep. Because you look like shit and I don’t want you to look like that. I’ll see you later, Rob.”
“See you, Hopey.” Hope clicks off the call and the screen goes black. Robin puts her phone to the side, groaning as another coughing fit makes her bed shake and brings up more mucus. Green again. Lovely. She pulls the blankets tighter around herself, pressing her face into her pillow and begging Zeus (who she knows is real, god damn it) to just either fix her messed up body or let her go the hell to sleep.
She hates being sick. She always hated it. When she was younger her mum had to wrestle her from the front door, Robin all dressed in her school uniform and insisting she was going despite her chicken pox/vomiting/fever/whatever was wrong with her this time. She can think up a million and one deep explanations for it or she can be blunt and honest; it’s boring. Storybrooke even on a good day, as much as she loves it, is boring with its small town and days planned out to the second, two restaurants, one bar and one nightclub that barely qualifies as a club. But when she’s sick and confined to her bed, she finds herself desperate for anything to set her free, even just to stand in the woods and shoot arrows at a tree for half an hour.
When it’s clear sleep isn’t coming, she pushes herself out of the bed, her comforter still wrapped around her shoulders like her brother with his cape in the Enchanted Forest. She stuffs as many of the pills and medicine in the pocket of her onsie as she can before grabbing her water and making her way to the living room. She had planned to get a glass of juice from the fridge as well, but all she can do is collapse onto the couch and pant, the short walk from her bedroom to the living room having used up what little energy she had.
She grabs the remote and whacks on Netflix while chugging her water. Hopefully, a season or three of Brooklyn Nine Nine can distract her from herself.
It’s three hours later when Alice comes in and by then she’s feeling at least fifty percent worse. Her chest is aching, her throat is raw from coughing and despite the fact that she’s only gotten up once to get the carton of orange juice from the fridge (the glasses are up too high and getting one would involve breaking her blanket cocoon) and refill her water, she’s spent the last half an hour trying to catch her breath. In short, she’s miserable, and not even the human ball of sunshine she calls a girlfriend can make her feel better.
“Good afternoon, the beautiful light of my life, how are we feeling today?”
“I want to die.”
“No you don’t.” She plops down the plastic bag on the sofa and takes out her so-called remedies. “I brought you chocolate… I brought you headache pills… oh, and Hope told me to get you this.” She chucks a bottle of something blue, wincing a little when it hits her face. “Sorry, my love.”
“It’s fine,” she says. “My reflexes aren’t great right now.” She takes a look at the bottle, grateful when she sees Hope told Alice to buy her a smoothie and not some Enchanted Forest cure-all made from tree bark and frogs or something. “Thanks, Al.” Alice settles herself on the couch beside her, kicking off her boots and tucking her legs up underneath her. “How goes the dog shelter?”
After the whole curse business was over with, it wasn’t long before Alice realised she needed a new job. For one thing, real estate in Seattle is a bitch even when it’s a cursed neighbourhood and your landlord is Michael Banks, but there was more. Alice wasn’t a fan of having nothing to do, and she wasn’t used to it either. Her dad had kept her days in the tower choc-a-bloc full of activities (if her old diary is anything to go by, she barely had time to breathe). And despite how good she was at the beignet truck; that was only part time and it wasn’t capturing her imagination like Sheriffing did for Emma or teaching did for Snow. So when she saw an advert for a vacancy at a dog shelter, who was she to say no?
“Oh, it’s fun,” Alice says. “Lots of little puppers. We think Matilda’s nearly ready to give birth.”
“No way,” she says, taking a drink of the smoothie. Nectar of the gods, she thinks. “I remember when she first got pregnant. And you still don’t know who the father is?”
“Nope. She’s a frisky girl is our Matilda.” Robin chuckles and plays with her comforter. Alice turns to her, giving her the big, sad eyes she thinks only Alice is capable of, somehow wise beyond her years and innocently childlike at the same time. “How have you been, love?”
“Fine,” she sighs fondly, taking her girlfriend’s outstretched hand. “I sent some e-mails, I watched TV, I’ve been staying hydrated, I scolded Hope for making me sick-”
“Oh it’s not her fault,” she tells her. “Not really.”
“Uh, she lied and said she was better and then put my scarf around her bacteria ridden neck,” she points out. “I think that makes it her fault. Speaking of, have you heard from Melody at all today?”
“Melody as in Hope’s girlfriend, Melody?” Robin nods. “Can’t say that I have, why?”
“Because if our little Hopey planted one on her then the little mermaid probably has what I have.” She lets out another cough as if to prove her point. Thanks, universe, she thinks.
“You should really stop meddling in her love life,” Alice points out, opening the chocolate she’s pretty sure was meant for Robin and breaking a square off for herself. She then sheepishly hands her the bar and Robin takes it, unsure if she should be eating chocolate in her condition but hey, can’t hurt more than the bronchitis already does.
“I don’t meddle,” she says through two squares. “I’m just… you know… giving guidance.”
“Of course you are, my darling,” she says. “Now why don’t I make you some tea?”
“Ugh, please,” she sighs, not realising how much she wanted a cup until Alice had mentioned it. “Honey in it?”
“Anything for my honey.”
Not five minutes later they’re on the couch together, Alice pressed into Robin’s side. She feels kind of bad for not putting her arm around her, but again, that would involve breaking her blanket cocoon and she’s just not up for that. She can’t even hold her hand since both of hers are stuck inside the blanket and wrapped around her mug of tea.
If there’s an award for worst girlfriend ever, she wouldn’t win it per say, but she’d be a contender for sure.
Alice doesn’t seem to mind though. Not when she’s pressing kisses along her blanket-covered arms and shoulder and runs her fingers through her hair. Combined with Robin’s own illness-induced exhaustion, it’s almost enough to send her to sleep right on that sofa. Alice must have picked up on that, because she feels her lips, gentle and delicate, against her cheekbone and for a moment it’s nice.
And then it’s not.
“Woah, woah, wait,” she says, half wriggling away from her. Alice draws away quickly, her blue eyes wide, and if Robin wasn’t confined within a blanket, she’d kick herself. Their joint curse may be broken, but that doesn’t mean that the after-effects of what Gothel did to her father’s heart doesn’t hang around Alice and bleed into every other relationship she has. Robin wastes no time in pulling her hand out of the blanket and grasping Alice’s softly and gently squeezing it. “Hey, hey it’s okay. I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I’m sorry,” she replies, a telltale flame of anxiety in her eyes. Robin’s thumb moves in soothing circles on the back of her hand, something that tends to bring Alice back to her. “I’m sorry I didn’t-”
“Alice,” Robin interrupts, caressing her cheek. “It’s not your fault. It’s mine. It’s just… this is crazy contagious, babe. I don’t want you to catch it.” Alice’s bad mood breaks immediately, her normal, crazy, wonderful smile gracing her face and Robin can breathe.
“Well you know, my love,” she begins, walking her fingers up her arm. “All that time in the tower gave me a wonderful immune system.”
“Did it?” she asks. “I’m not sure that’s how it works…”
“It is,” she says, resting her chin on Robin’s shoulder and looking up at her, all big sparkling eyes that scream “butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth”. Robin wonders how many times Rogers had to deal with those eyes.
“Maybe. But I don’t want to risk you getting sick. Okay babe?” And that’s what makes Alice nod and settle for resting her cheek on Robin’s shoulder, playing with her fingers gently, linking and unlinking them. Robin can’t stop a small noise of contentment in the back of her throat as she leans against the sofa, maybe, hopefully, finally getting that sleep she’s been craving all day.
Until Alice kisses her cheek again. Exhausted as she is, she thinks (hopes) that it’s a hallucination brought on my her drugged up, over-tired mind, until that stupid girl she’s in love with kisses her again, higher up this time, landing on her cheekbone.
“Alice!” she groans, opening one eye. Alice smiles bright as the sun and innocent as a rose. It’s adorable and it makes her briefly forget what she was going to say. Briefly. “Stop.” Her girlfriend pouts as Robin presses a finger to her cheek and pushes her back. “I’m contagious.”
“I’m sure you’re not, Nobin,” she says, rubbing her arm. “And maybe I won’t mind…” Her fingers crawl up Robin’s arm like a spider and before her muddled brain can register what’s happened, Alice kisses both her cheeks and manages to sneak a peck on her lips before Robin slaps her face away.
“No,” she orders sternly, poking Alice in the chest. “Or you’ll get sick too and I am not dealing with you being sick.”
“What’s wrong with me being sick?” she asks indignantly.
“Nothing,” she replies, taking a sip of her smoothie and neglecting to mention the time Alice got the flu and begged Robin to call the hospital, convinced she was dying. It was only her own lack of strength that stopped her from walking there herself. She turns on her side and looks up at her girlfriend, in all her unruly hair, wide eyed goofy grinned glory. Everything she loves. “Al… please. I just don’t want you to catch this. It’s not fun. Believe me.” She strokes a stray lock of hair away from her face and pokes at the dimple in her cheek. “As much as it is taking care of you, I don’t like seeing you in pain.” Her face softens and she leans into Robin’s touch. “Okay, babe?”
“Okay, my love,” she responds, tickling the inside of Robin’s hand with kisses. “Now come her, let me cuddle the nasty bronchitis.” Robin nestles her head into her favourite pillow (Alice’s lap) and sighs as Alice begins gentle running her fingers through her hair. She feels herself slipping further and further away, the sleep she’s been desperately craving finally coming as the sound from the TV fades to white noise. She makes a mental note to thank Alice for coming over to see her.
If she’s not sick by next week.
Robin winces as Alice lets out another hacking cough, followed by a long, pained groan. She sounds vaguely like a wounded animal. A wounded bunny. Robin came over the minute Alice called to cancel their date tonight, letting her dad go off to his shift at the station. She tied Alice’s hair back and even came prepared, giving her the hoodie she just loves stealing before making tea and switching on the TV for her.
She’s going to be such a great wife, she thinks proudly.
“So you’ll never guess who has bronchitis,” she says into the phone teasingly, sitting on the edge of the couch, her phone wedged between her shoulder.
“Okay let me guess,” Hope says on the other end. Of course she called Hope the second she found out what Alice had. “Could it be your girlfriend who, despite repeated warnings that you were a contagious little bitch, smooched your face like there was no tomorrow?”
“I do not have bronchitis!” Alice snaps weakly, burying herself under the blanket. “It’s just a little cold-”
Robin turns her phone on speaker just in time for Alice’s bi-hourly coughing fit, complete with green mucus staining the tissues.
“Yeah that sounds like bronchitis, babe,” Hope says on the other end of the phone. “I would know. I started this whole debacle.”
“Oh speaking of, how’s Melody?” Alice asks, half sarcastic. Robin clamps her hand over her mouth to muffle her laughter. “Papa said he saw your Ariel at the pharmacy yesterday.”
“Melody’s awesome,” Hope says flatly. “Melody’s doing great. Don’t worry about Melody. Anywho I have to go. Lacrosse practice.”
“Knock them dead!” Alice tells them between coughs.
“Do not knock anybody dead,” Robin says sternly. “See you later.”
“Bye. Tell your girlfriend she’s a dumb lesbian.” Robin laughs as the dial tone rings in her ear.
“Hope says you’re a dumb lesbian,” she says as she sits down beside Alice. Alice curls up tighter under her blanket, her face barely peeking out.
“Hope’s the dumbest lesbain,” she says, about as mean-spirited as a kitten eating a lollipop. She groans again, so high and so long that it borders on wining, and Robin tries and fails not to find it adorable. Even if the saddened look on her face does tear at her heart.
“Okay, come here. Come to Robin.” Alice shifts and shimmies in her blanket burrito until she’s semi-upright, enough at least for Robin to cuddle her and kiss the fabric of her hood (not her face, as she knows). Her bony shoulders poke against Robin’s chest as she tries to get comfortable and her hand pokes out of the sleeve to take hers.
“You were right,” Alice admits, playing with Robin’s fingers. “I should have left you alone.”
“Well… not leave me alone, per say,” she replies, nuzzling into her head, feeling the wild mane beneath her hoodie. “Having you around sure helped me get better. And who else was going to make me tea and bring me chocolate?” She feels Alice’s smile, despite her burrowing so far into her jumper that only her eyes are visible.
“Nevertheless,” she begins, her voice scratchy and teetering on sleep. “I promise I’ll listen to you from now on.”
“No you won’t,” Robin says fondly, kissing the tip of her finger and tapping it on Alice’s nose. Her face scrunches up and her eyes flutter shut. Her shoulders drop and Robin knows she’s fast asleep by now, but that doesn’t stop her talking. “And I wouldn’t have you any other way.”
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watcher-ofthe-sky · 5 years
But it will Never be Enough
Summary: She kneeled before them and pleaded, “Please, I beg of you! You can kill me in return after that if you want.”
 Dimaria raised a playful eyebrow as she heard the desperation edging the voice.
 “What’s her story?” Brandish asked.
Sorano x Ultear. One Shot. Slight Dimaria x Brandish.
Me: I don’t ship Ultear with anyone.
Also Me: Let’s dig out all the rare pairs.
Alright, so who was it again that dragged me into this ship?
I suck at picking Titles so excuse me for that.
“You must be pretty desperate to come to me for help,” Dimaria said.
Sorano looked up at her. She was sitting on her throne which was made for each member of the Spriggan Twelve. An amused smile was playing on her lips as she gently tapped her fingers on the armrest.
“You are the only wizard on Earthland capable of doing that,” Sorano replied.
“Now, now, that’s too much flattery,” Dimaria chuckled.
She studied the white-haired mage in front of her. She would be lying if she says that she isn’t intrigued. How rare is it, after all, to come from the other side of the world in front of one of Spriggan Twelve and request something like that.
“I have searched everywhere. Gone to every Time Wizard to ask this. No one else can do this. You’re the descendant of Chronos-- the god of time himself. It’s all facts and not flattery.”
 Sorano saw the half-lidded eyes slightly glinting. She gulped. She was afraid; the magic power coming from the other woman was of another level. It was a suicide mission. If the other members of Crime Sorciere would have known that she was serious about actually doing it, they would have never let her come. Therefore, she didn’t tell anyone.
 But she knows that Erik knows. He gave her an almost pleading look before she slipped away. She knows that he was hearing her so before leaving, she gave him a soft yet determined look and thought
 I am sorry but I have to do it. It’s the only way. I have to do it for her.
 She snapped out of her reverie and saw Dimaria still looking at her before parting her lips slowly and saying, “And what if I say no?”
 “Well, then I go back,” Sorano shrugged. “There is nothing that I can do.”
 “I like your nonchalance. How casually you are standing here in front of me; because there is so much that I can do,” Dimaria said in a haughty voice which comes in her God Soul. “I can ruffle your feathers and tear them apart one by one. You do understand that now, don’t you, sweet Angel? They don’t call me Valkyrie for nothing.”
 Sorano felt a chill running down her spine, palms sweating.
 “Who are you tearing apart now?” a bored voice called from behind.
 Sorano jerked, slowly turning around to see a green haired girl walking towards them. Her immense magic power reaching them from a distance. Jellal was right, these wizards of Alakitasia were out of charts. She could only imagine what could happen to her. In what ways she would die.
 She sighed and reminded herself,
 If I could see her for one last time in return, then it’s all worth it.
 “Oh, Brandish!” Dimaria exclaimed, a genuine smile now rippling on her face. She kissed her as she sat beside her.
 “Well, this girl here wants to see her girlfriend.”
 “All this sappy romance; I couldn’t care less,” Brandish said monotonously.
 “Of course, you don’t.”
 “How would you feel if someone you loved disappears in a realm that is out of your grasp? You cannot mourn them because they are not dead, but you have to suffer every day because they are not with you anymore.” Sorano cried.
 She kneeled before them and pleaded, “Please, I beg of you! You can kill me in return after that if you want.”
 Dimaria raised a playful eyebrow as she heard the desperation edging the voice.
 “What’s her story?” Brandish asked.
 “Ah, that explains.”
 Sorano looked at them, surprised.
 “Do you know her?”
 “Everyone felt her Last Ages. Very few realised it. Time wizards of her calibre are very rare, I’ll give her that. But—” She smirked and raised Sorano’s chin with her foot, “Your sweetheart has stained my world. You see, it was supposed to be mine and mine alone. Her presence has tainted it and I am very angry.”
 Angel stared at them, unwavered, ready to accept whatever cruel fate will be bestowed upon her.
 “Nevertheless, I will consider your request,” The blonde said finally.
 Sorano couldn’t believe what she has heard. Her heart started pounding loudly.
 She asked, “And what do you want in return?”
 “The cost of this? We will see about that later. Or you will see that later.”
 She knew that Valkyrie would try to pull something off after this is over, but she couldn’t care less. All that mattered right now was that she will be able to see Ultear.
 The blonde sat back again and smirked. “Ready?”
 Angel nodded.
 Dimaria clicked her teeth and suddenly everything around them turned still. So still.
 “Go ahead,” she gestured to the door.
 Sorano turned around and ran outside.
 “You won’t let her slide so easily, would you?” Brandish asked.
 “Of course not, honey. I have something else planned for her,” Dimaria replied.
 “Ugh, I can’t bother myself with so much work. But,” Brandish looked at her, “Sometimes I like your this ruthless, evil side,” she said and kissed her girlfriend.
 Sorano stopped as she finally came outside the palace in the open ground. She closed her eyes and whispered, “Ultear.”
 Suddenly she heard footsteps as someone materialised before her. Dark purple-black hair and brown eyes came before her vision. She didn’t realise when she has started to cry.
 “Sorano,” her name echoed as it escaped Ultear’s lips.
 “Ultear!” she cried as she saw her girlfriend. She wanted to run towards her and throw her arms, wrapping her in an embrace and never let her go again.
 Except her legs weren’t moving now.
 She tried to move but her entire body was frozen now. The tears that were rolling down her cheeks were not dropping.
 She was just standing like a spectator in this Valley. She was still. So still.
 Somewhere she heard a dark chuckle.
Ultear wrapped Sorano in a big hug.
 She saw the struggle that the other was having. She knew that Sorano wanted to scream, “I cannot move, I cannot speak!”
 “Oh, love,” she said as she cupped Sorano’s face and rested her forehead on hers.
 “You didn’t have to go this far, hon. Do you realise how dangerous it could have been?” she said.
Sorano could only stare at her back in return.
 “I know that we cannot see other… but I am here and always will be around you. I exist in this valley but I am time itself. I could only project myself in this realm but I am everywhere, every time, everything.”
 The falling leaves stopped mid-air.
 Dimaria stood from her seat, walking down a frozen Sorano and Brandish.
 “I know you’re already here,” she said.
 A thought projection came into existence. Ultear stood before her
 Sorano wanted to cry out loud. This was worse than dying. Ultear was in front of her, more alive than she ever will be, and yet, she cannot touch her. She was allowed to see her but not feel her. There are so many things that she wanted to say but all she was allowed to do was listen.
 I missed you, she whispered, but it was all useless.
 “That’s more than cruel,” Ultear snapped.
 “My, my, is this how you talk to someone from whom you want help?” Dimaria said.
 “It’s just a matter of minutes, anyway!
Ultear kissed Sorano, trying to savour each and every moment; remembering how her skin feels against hers; trying to save everything before they turn to ruins.
Sorano looked at Ultear desperately, trying to memorise everything: the way her soft brown eyes glow like all the light belongs in them; the way her hair falls on her hair.
 But it was not enough.
 It will never be enough
“I think that’s enough for now,” They heard Dimaria’s voice echoing.
 They looked at each other, eyes hungry, hearts welling up; breaking.
“Yes, and in those minutes, you are not allowed to do your magic. You won’t undo my spell and let her move in the Valley.” Dimaria said. “That’s my end of the deal.”
The Time Mage slowly untangled their arms, their threaded fingers and slowly moved backwards.
 “I love you.”
“For once, please,” Ultear pleaded.
 Sorano saw Ultear’s Projection crumbling to dust. She tried to move but her frozen body did not comply.
 Suddenly, her throat found her voice.
“I love you, too!” Ultear heard a loud cry.
 She smiled to herself before she became an abstract again.
[A/N]:  Yeah, I know, it does not make any sense but I had fun writing it. Reviews are much appreciated.
@ftlgbtales @femslashfairies
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another-sonic-blog · 6 years
it had always been you
Sonic Forces AU/ One-Shot/ ShadAmy:
Amy woke up filling a bit dizzy. From what she recognized she was at  Rouge's living room and as her sight got clear she noticed Shadow the Hedgehog was tied down to the chair he was currently sitting in. His head down, asleep.  She turned her head to the left and saw Sonic sitting with his legs crossed. She turned to her left and there was Rouge, who looked at Shadow with a worried face.
"What's happening?", Amy whispered slowly but this caught the blue and the white's attention.  "Oh, Amy dear! You have finally woken up. Good, we are going to need you to help us to calm down Shadow when he wakes up", Rouge said as she noticed that Shadow began to move his head in discomfort.
"Boy, he is going to be so angry when he wakes up", Sonic added.  "I am the one who is going to be really mad if you don't tell me what's going on!", Amy was about to lose it. The last thing she remembers was drinking a cup of coffee with Rouge- "HEY, DID YOU DRUG ME!?", Amy stared into Rouge, feeling a little bit betrayed. She wanted to stand up and leave but she found out soon as well that her hands were tied down behind her back.  
"Sorry sweetheart, I swear we will explain everything once Shadow wakes up"
"Then, you better start talking before I blow up your house", Shadow had suddenly woke up, red eyes who could kill if they could stare for a second at Rouge then at Sonic.
"Well, how do we start...um you kinda, well used to, kinda, well no, you actually-"
"Ugh, you both are dating for like two years now but somehow you ended up losing all of your memories of you two together.", Rouge cut of Sonic out of pure frustration. Just like the couple, she also had her questions on how the couple came up to be this way.
"I am not in the mood for your jokes Rouge...and Sonic", Amy was done with the situation. She thought at first that this could turn into a funny joke later on in the future, but now they are making things up like Shadow and her dating, yeah that would never happen. This is-
When the words left their mouths Shadow and Amy looked at each other.  The second their eyes met, they instantly looked away in disgust.
"This ain't a joke. You guys were dating for two years, very much in love. Heck, Shadow even asked me to be his best man at your wedding", Sonic looked over at Shadow who had an "I can't believe that just came out of your mouth" face. Sonic responded with a "No, yeah you actually said that" face.
"We don't know how it happened. You guys 'broke up' suddenly a week ago and then-"
"Oh yeah, the day you two broke up Shadow showed up at my doorstep crying while holding an empty bottle of vodka", Sonic interrupted Rouge, who had enough of him already. "COULD  YOU SHUT UP FOR A SECOND?"
Rouge was about to stand up and hit Sonic in the face but he suddenly stands up and left the room. He just flew out of the house, leaving the door open and more than anything, leaving the others speechless. "Did that bastard just ditch us?", Shadow was reading to break free and go hunt for Sonic but his hearing skills made him realize that he was coming back with his super speed.
"Ok, listen up", Sonic said as he showed up in the room again, but this time holding up a green Chaos Emerald. "The day Shadow came to my house drunk, he was mumbling stupid things. I couldn't really understand most of the things he was saying but one thing I understood was that he wished they both could forget they dated...somehow, his wish most of been so strong that he triggered the Chaos Emerald I was hiding in my house", Sonic finished and Rouge had also stood up in realization. "Meaning that the only thing he has to do is to wish for them both to remember!",Rouge high five Sonic but their happiness was soon destroyed when they noticed Amy's and Shadow's emotionless faces.
"Yeah, that's not going to happen", Shadow didn't think about it for a second. "Agreed", Amy said as she stood up from her chair as she had successfully freed herself from the ropes tying her down.
"How did you even do that?", Sonic asked her surprised.
"What do you mean?"
"How did you free yourself from the ropes? I tied them pretty tight"
"Oh, that...Someone actually taught me-"
That's when it hit Amy, a very clear memory from the past.
. . .
"I still don't understand why I have to do this, you know I can defend myself", Amy said as she was uncomfortably tied down to her kitchen chair.
"I am aware you can protect yourself, but defending yourself also means to know how to get out of situations you don't want to be in", Shadow sat down in a chair, facing Amy directly. "If you are going to be dating the ultimate life form, then you must know the basics...now concentrate and listen to me"
. . .
"I am leaving", Shadow's voice brought Amy back to reality. He had also broken free from the ropes that were tying him down. He began to walk towards the door and as he opened the door, he heard a soft voice.
"Wait Shadow...Don't leave"
Amy's voice hit him like a truck, and his mind took him to experience a memory from the past.
. . .
"Shadow, don't leave me"
"Amy, you know I have to...I am sorry I am making you go through this", Shadow didn't dare to turn around and face her. The last thing he wished was to see Amy's begging face. He knew that it was hard for her, once a month he had to leave for another gun mission. Sometimes he will end in the hospital and whenever he would wake up, Amy was there.
"I apologize, I know it must be hard for you...I'll understand if one of these days you decided to end our relationship", Shadow said in a clear voice. He finally had the courage to face her, only to find a shocked expression.
"...Don't ever say that! We are in this together...I'll wait for you now and forever"
Damn, he was so in love.
. . .
"Damn it", Shadow whispered as he let go of the door knob's and walked back to his seat.  "So, are you going wish to remember?",Sonic asked.
"I don't know if it's for the best...we broke up for a reason. It must have been a really good reason. For me to be in that state as Sonic says...I don't think I want to remember", Shadow stated and looked at Amy.
"I think he is right...Maybe remembering is not the best idea", Amy added.
"You guys don't understand... you two are meant for each other", Sonic said as he took a moment to look at the couple. . . .
"I don't think we are meant for each other", Amy looked down to the ground confused. She felt a strong hand lift up her chin, making her look straight into Shadow's eyes.
"It doesn't matter if we are not meant for each other...it matters if we want to be with each other"
. . .
"Why did we break up?", Amy asked as she looked at Rouge for answers. "We don't know...the day I went to your house you were crying and told me you broke up with Shadow. But you didn't tell me why", Rouge looked to the floor then to  Sonic who added, "Shadow couldn't even say proper sentences the day you two broke up."
"What if we start from the beginning? How about when you two both met? You must remember that", Sonic changed his voice tone and getting into a more positive perspective.
"Space Colony ARK", Shadow answer in a quiet voice in which Amy agreed quietly.
"Alright, Amy what is the first impression you got of Shadow?", Rouge asked.
"Well, I thought he was a very mysterious guy with a dark past and problems. I understood that at first but whenever I tried to talk to him, he will just push me away, insult me and just ignore all my efforts to be his friend. Later I understood that he is just a natural jerk"
"As if you had the best personality. You are temperamental, hot-headed and naive. You only care about Sonic and your only motive in life is to be with him and-", Shadow got interrupted by Sonic who stood up again from his seat in a realization of the truth. "That's it! You both forgot your dating history but your feelings are still there!"
"What do you mean?"
"Amy, the reason Shadow was always mean to you is because he is love with you"
. . .
"You are in love with me? Stop joking around", Amy walked away from Shadow who had told her to meet him. "You always treated me so bad", She added.
"I know, it also baffled me. But I after thinking a lot...I had come to the realization, that my actions were just a facade in order to hide my real feelings towards you...Amy, all of this time...it had always been you"
. . .
"Even right now he is totally in love with you, he was just jealous of Sonic all of this time. He wanted your attention so the only way he could get it was to annoy you all the time"
Rouge brought both hedgehogs back to reality. Little by little, they were starting to be more aware of their situation. Amy took a moment to appreciate Shadow's features, he looked up trying to void eye contact. For some reason, she knew that his feelings were genuine. He was in love with her.
"You tend to talk too much Rouge", Shadow gave the bat a killer look but Rouge didn't show any sign of being afraid.
"So, you really love me?"
"Ever since the ARK"
"If we loved each other so much...then, why did we even break up", Amy questioned but her inquiry was more to herself.
"I am not sure if we should remember...we could start over. If you want", Shadow walked towards Amy, looking straight into her eyes.
"No...there was a reason why we broke up...I want to know why...Shadow if you love me...then please, do this one thing for me", Amy looked at Shadow with pleading eyes and that's when he knew he couldn't refuse. He walked over to Sonic who instantly gave Shadow the Chaos Emerald he was holding.  When he grabbed a hold of it, he closed his eyes and made his wish come true.
. . .
Amy never imagined Shadow could be capable of hurting her this much. It pained her in the deepest part of her heart.  The imagine of Shadow kissing another girl will never leave her mind. It will haunt her forever, but it right now it wasn't the time to cry. She didn't care at the moment, she only cared to speak her mind. Now that Shadow had come back home, she decided that it was not even worth the fight. She was going to leave and that was the end of it.
"Why the suitcase?", Shadow asked her intrigued, she always told him whenever she would leave town for work but this time she didn't.
"I am leaving", Shadow simply responded as she headed to the door.
"Well, when are you coming back?"
"Never. Shadow, I am never coming back"
"What?", Shadow couldn't process the whole idea. In his mind, there was no home if Amy wasn't with him.
"I am leaving you Shadow! I am breaking up with you"
"But why?"
Amy wanted to tell him, to scream at him, to slap him. But at this point, she was already emotionally tired. She was not having any of his lies anymore. She just wanted to finish this and hopefully, Shadow will end up hating her as well.
"Because I can't keep living with a monster like you! I never loved you, I was just dating you out of pity... but now, I realized that was a huge mistake because every morning I would wake up and see you next to me I feel so...disgusted. Finally, I am aware of that. You are a living weapon made for destruction, you are cold-hearted...and I could never love you"
. . .
As soon as Amy remembered, she walked past Shadow and headed towards the door. Opened it and just left. Rouge looked at Sonic who also looked at her in bafflement. Rouge hurried up and followed Amy, Sonic took the hint to stay and look after Shadow who looked like he could faint in any moment.
Today was going to be a long day.
. . . . . . .
Two days passed and Sonic and Rouge had finally some time for themselves to talk about the black and pink couple. They met at MoMo Cafe, Rouge greeted Sonic who waved back at her as he took a sit in front of her.
"So, how's Amy?", Sonic asked her as he took a sip of his coffee.
"Heartbroken, devastated...Never seen her like that but I don't blame her.", Rouge said simply. "How's Shadow?."
"I honestly have no words to describe how bad he is...he is dead. He doesn't want to do anything, No sleeping, no eating, I even get scared sometimes and make sure he is breathing", Sonic didn't want to think about Amy's situation. It pained him to just imagine seeing her in such state, but seeing Shadow in his worst state was also painful to watch. "I honestly can't believe Amy said all of those awful things to Shadow", Sonic added.
"Well, if he had never cheated on Amy, they wouldn't be in this situation in the first place", Rouge knew that this was something they shouldn't be discussing since it wasn't their problem but she wasn't going to let anyone put the blame on Amy.
"What? Shadow never spoke about that...he just said Amy suddenly broke up with her"
"Well, seems like he was too embarrassed to tell you about it"
"Shadow, cheating on Amy?... I don't believe, somethings going on here"
"What do you mean?", Rouge asked intrigued already opening her mind to the countless possibilities.
"Shadow will never cheat on Amy...I may not be best friends with Shadow but I know for a fact that he wouldn't act this way if he didn't love her...Shadow would be incapable of putting Amy in any sort of pain", Sonic said as he put his coffee down and looked at Rouge who was about to speak. "You are right...Also, Shadow is brutally honest...if he had done something wrong he would have admitted it", she added.
"Shadow has made a lot of enemies these past years but whoever that is, he must be aware that Shadow is not someone who can be taken down easily...you have to attack him where it pains him the most...his weakest p-"
Sonic and Rouge looked in shock, figuring out who was behind this but also very scared of the outcome.
. . .
Sonic had only one job to right now. That is to snap Shadow of whatever mental breakdown he is having. Amy could be in danger right now and although Rouge had already made her way to her house, he still was worried about her and their situation. Glad to know that everything was a misunderstanding, but preoccupied for their safety.  He arrived at his house and opened the door immediately. The lights were off and Sonic found Shadow laying emotionless in the sofa, staring into the ceiling.
"Alright Shadow, you gotta stand up", Sonic demanded but there was no answer coming from the black hedgehog.
"Come on Shadow, you might be in danger!"
Still no response.
"Amy could be in danger right now while you-"
Sonic didn't even get to finish his sentence as he felt the red striped hedgehog run pass him at super speed, exiting the door.
"Yeah, I should have started by saying that"
. . . . . . Shadow got as fast as she could to Amy's house.  His heart skipped a bit when he saw the front door opened, he was fast to enter the house. He found Rouged laying down on the floor unconscious, and Infinite was standing right there, holding Amy by the neck. She was almost out of breath, but she still managed to whisper his name.
"Well, well, seems like my plan got ruined...your friends figured it before you two...seems like the saying is true...love blinds you", Infinite held Amy's neck with a stronger hold, enjoying every single moment of watching Shadow suffer because of pain inflicted on the pink hedgehog.
"If you put her down right now, I swear I won't break your neck", Shadow told him with a cold stare, in which Infinite could let out a small laugh before releasing Amy's neck.  Shadow let out a relieved sigh at the sight of Amy breathing again.
Shadow then felt Sonic's presence into the house ready to assist him.
"It was nice seeing you torture yourself, very satisfying. It was all worth it...and I only needed one clone of you to destroy you...Next time, I'll come with more"
Infinite knew that he would never be capable to defeat Shadow in a one to one fight. A good leader knew when to fight and when to retreat and now he was opting for the second option.
Just like that he disappeared.
Sonic checked on Rouge while Shadow checked on Amy. Rouge had already gained consciousness and Sonic helped her to slowly stand up on her feet. They both looked at each other and then at the couple in front of them. Smiling, they knew that their job there was done as it was time for them to give the couple some alone time. They left the house quietly, knowing that they will know about the details later.
Shadow delicately held Amy in his arms. Amy had tears on her eyes as she began to apologize over and over again.
"I am so sorry Shadow. So sorry, I said such terrible things to you! But the anger got the best of me. I really thought you had cheated on me with someone else. But everything was Infinite's fault. I am sorry for not realizing sooner.  For not giving you a chance to explain nor trying to ask for answers", Amy moved in front of him, staring at his beautiful crimson eyes, which were red from trying to not cry.
"You don't have to apologize. I am sorry as well for not trying to find out a way to fix our relationship. I let my own insecurities overtake me and just assumed that everything you said to me was true...but you were just hurt and in pain. I am so sorry I didn't realize that there was something else going on", Shadow hugged Amy who also hugged him back.  Not wanting to let go of each other, afraid that if they did, they might never feel each other again.
"I am so sorry Shadow, I will understand if you need time"
Shadow didn't wast any more time and placed a kiss on Amy's lips. He kissed her hands and then her forehead.  "I don't need time, the only thing I need is you...Amy, all of this time...
it had always been you"
. . . . . . . .
A/N: I feel like I could have made a better ending but I don't want to make this any longer. I wish to dedicate this story to @Spikeeeee who gave me this wonderful idea! Thank you so much and I'll work harder to improve my stories~
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The Depths - A Fan Statement
Part of the Lost Statements Series:
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Statement of Jack Miller, regarding an encounter on Lake Superior in his childhood. Statement number 9971202, 12th February, 1997. Basira Hussain recording.
Statement Begins.
I’m not sure this is the kind of story you lot want, but it’s the story I have to tell. I’ve been sitting on it since I was a child. I’m not really sure what compelled me to tell it now, but I saw a piece about the institute on some website about the paranormal and I knew I wanted to come in and share my story.
My parents were both American expats, and every summer they would take me and my siblings to visit our family in the states. They had a cabin not too far from Lake Superior, and we would spend as much time as humanly possible out by the lake. Some of my aunts and uncles had boats and those would be the best times. They would haul us kids out behind them in a rubber tube doing their best to send us into the water. I loved it, every minute of it; until I was probably seven or eight. The water stretching out to the horizon, and the deep blue depth were as familiar as my family. The lake had always felt safe, like home to me as a child.
That was until I found out just how big it really was.
That year a friend of the family had joined us at the lake. I don’t even know whose friend he was, really. I don’t even remember his face any more. But I remember what he said to me.
We were waiting for my aunt and uncle to finish getting the boat on the water. I remember it so clearly, he told me: as large as South Carolina! 1,335 feet deep, ‘who in the world knows what could be living down there?’ Sounding for all the world like he was just so proud to have some knowledge to impart to the younger generation, all while stinking of beer. What a terrible thing to say. I couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Soon my child’s imagination had populated the entire lake with monsters, and dangers, and all manner of terrible things. When it was my turn on the inner tube I didn’t want to get off of the boat, thoroughly convinced something would grab me and pull me down and down and down, until I would never see the light of day again. I started crying, and no matter how much my family tried to convince me I wouldn’t get on the inner tube. I didn’t even want to be on the boat anymore, spending my time on the shore reluctantly playing in the surf with the younger cousins. I even had nightmares.
My parents soon got fed up with it, done trying to gently coax me back onto the lake. Wishing to soothe their irritation I reluctantly went out on the boat again. I was soon talked into being pulled behind the boat on the inner tube as well. All the time, I could just… feel the vastness below us; that deep, dark unknown, waiting for unsuspecting prey. But I dutifully got into the inner tube. I actually had fun again, for awhile; until it got so rough I was finally flung from the tube and into the open water.
I hit the water pretty hard, it knocked the wind out of me with a loud thwap and I sunk like a stone. I struggled to get my bearings. I tried kicking out to propel myself to the surface but it didn’t seem to work, I couldn’t seem to find it. I twisted around and around looking for a hint of light filtering through the water. But there was nothing. It was dark in all directions. And I was sinking, sinking deeper and deeper into the dark. I struggled as I sank, desperate for air. I might well have been struggling against the hand of god for all the good it did.
And as I started to sink I felt something behind me; something with a different… density than the water around me, something big. The first hint was all the hair on the back of my neck standing on end, even in the water. That creeping feeling, absolute certainty something is right behind you. A shiver shooting down my spine as the temperature of the water around me dropped. As I writhed and struggled in the dark it crept ever closer until I knew it was inches away from touching me, my skin tingling in anticipation of it.
I was dying, I knew I was dying, and I wasn’t going to find the surface. There was only one option, my oxygen deprived brain soon concluded. I had to turn around and look at whatever was behind me.
I regret it. I should have let myself die there, rather than having to live all this time with the knowledge I have.
I turned slowly, edging on unconsciousness. It wasn’t just big. It was everything. It stretched out on all sides into everything and nothing. Its vastness stretched out on either side of me as if to embrace me, pull me into it. Yet it had no idea I was even there, so insignificant and small I was. Right before the impossible nothing everything enveloped me I finally opened my mouth and started to scream, and scream, bubbles streaming out of my mouth in no particular direction.
I was still screaming when they pulled me out of the water. Still screaming in between desperate gasps for air and coughing as I lay on the dry deck dripping dark pools of water. It took ages and ages for me to calm down. I tried to tell them but they all brushed it off. According to them I had simply blacked out when I hit the water the wrong way and it was just some sort of trippy near death experience.
But I can assure you it was no such thing. Whatever I encountered that day was real. I have had to live with the knowledge that our universe holds thing so incredibly large that there is no way our existence can even matter since I was so young. I never went back, the next year I begged and pleaded until my parents agreed to let me stay with friends of mine rather than go back to the lake, but I know its still down there, waiting for someone. Waiting for Me.
Statement ends.
. . .
Ugh, I don’t know why I bothered to do this. It still feels terrible. It didn’t make anything better. I… Stupid tape recorder, who’s even listening now.
You know, it wasn’t too bad here. Before. Even if I was a prisoner and had a literally evil boss. Everything was in motion, we were working towards something. Now it’s like everything’s stopped, at the worst point in time. Tim is dead, Daisy is… gone. Melanie’s losing it, Martin is off doing what ever and Johns in a coma. And we’re… under attack. Not yet, but it’s coming. I just hope we’re ready when it happens.
Happy now? I hope it’s satisfying.
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iluvsexyvoltageguys · 7 years
Make Me
Fandom: Star Crossed Myth (Love 365)
Pairing: Scorpio x Reader
You walked towards the door, but when you got close to him, Scorpio grabbed you by both shoulders, shaking you slightly. “Take it back.” He glared at you.
“Which part? When I called you an overgrown man child or when I called you an asshole?” You smirked.
His grip tightened on your arms, but you met him head on. Stepping forward, forcing him to back up, your eyes meeting his. “Make me.”
He spun you, slamming you up against the wall with a force he would’ve never thought he could use against a woman. He wasn’t joking around anymore and for a brief moment, you were slightly afraid.
However, you knew in your heart that this was the secretly sweet, lovable Scorpio who would never hurt you. And damn you to hell if his dominant side wasn’t the sexiest thing ever.
You knew you should not be turned on by his act of violence, but you were, in a bad way. Mostly because you were confident he would never actually hurt you.
Scorpio didn’t know what had come over him. He had just roughly put his hands on you, a woman he thrived on hating, but still, very special to him. This was not right, in any way, shape, or form.
He loosened his hold in shock, but you whimpered when he tried to let go. When his hands held onto your skin again, you gasped and he took a moment to notice your elevated breathing, the way you were shifting your hips, your tongue tracing along your lips to wet them as if you expected him to kiss you.
“Scorpio…” You said softly.
“I said shut the fuck up woman.”
You only had a half second to appreciate the breathy tone he used when he said that before you were overcome by the feel of his lips smashing against yours. He held them there, still for a few moments that felt like hours, until you let out a breath and moaned.
He kissed you again, open mouth to open mouth, his tongue slithering through your lips to fill you with the warm taste of him. If pushing against the wall was confusing, this kiss was even worse. And yet, it was something he had thought about doing for a long time, and if you were enjoying it, he wasn’t about to stop now.
You couldn’t help it, you moaned again and Scorpio squeezed your arms before dragging his hands down to grasp your wrists, which he promptly pinned against the wall. He tilted his head, moved to kiss you again and at the same time laid his body flat against yours. With your back against the wall, literally, and Scorpio kissing the thoughts clear out of your head, you were just desperate for more, you had to feel him but he was controlling your hands.
You freed one of your legs from his oppressive force and wrapped it around his waist, pulling his hips flush against you and then breaking your mouth from his, gasping for air and clarity. “Jesus, fuck, Scorpio.”
Free of your mouth, but now dealing with his throbbing cock pressed against your heated pussy, Scorpio tried to form a complete sentence.
“_____…what…what are we doing?”
Your eyes were playful, but hooded with lust. “You started it.” You smiled.
He smirked, both hating and loving how you could never stop being contrary. “I did. I’m…sorry, I don’t know -” He mumbled.
“Just shut the fuck up and do it again.” You half whispered.
“Yeah…good idea.” He said and kissed you again and again and again, releasing your wrists so he could cradle your face in his hands, tilting your head whichever way he needed it to get the best angle. You took advantage and tried to run your fingers through his hair.
You then moved your hands lower, snaking under his shirt to feel his flexing abs and warm skin. The intoxicating scent of him made you dizzy. You thrust your hips against his, and groaned when he bit your lip.
His lips were on your neck now, then your ear. “I can’t fucking stand you woman. You make me wanna stab out my eardrums so I don’t have to listen to your shit.”
You grinned with a sense of childish pride as if his reaction was your intent all along. “But not your eyes, right?” You asked.
“Hell no, you’re so…so sexy.” His voice was full of lust.
“And you’re not as hot as Leon, but I’ll take it.” You said with a smirk. And just like that, he was back to being actually angry with you.
He wrapped his hands around your throat and met your eyes. “Don’t fucking mention him right now. Don’t do it. Keep his name out of your fuckin’ mouth.”
This was exactly what you wanted, you needed him angry and volatile because that Scorpio, he was only ever that just for you. You used your hands on his hips to pull him even closer as you rubbed the front of your body against his.
“Make me. Put your name in my mouth instead. Be a fucking man for once…and make me.”
Scorpio literally growled and kissed you harshly, teeth clashing, tongues missing their mark as you both became wild with arousal fueled by rivalry. Both of you felt it and there was no stopping what you both knew was happening next.
You pulled off his shirt and unbuttoned his pants with hands trembling from need. You quickly grabbed a hold of his hard cock and sighed, “Motherfucker.”
Scorpio just nodded in agreement and pulled down the front of your shirt. With no bra on, as usual, your breasts popped out, your nipples standing at attention, chest heaving from your breaths. He bent to lick at a peak and soon let his teeth close around it. This lit a whole new fire inside you and you released his cock to undo and yank down your pants, taking your thong along with it.
Moving to the other breast, Scorpio tried not to be distracted by your exposed bottom half, but failed. He pulled back to look at you, his cock jumping around, eager to know what you felt like on the inside.
You pushed him back and peeled off your shirt to stand naked in front of him now. He reached for you suddenly, pulling you down to the floor and then shoving off his pants when he got there. You spread your legs to hold him and when he pressed the head of his cock against you, you whined and took two quick breaths.
“Look at me.” He ordered.
You dragged your eyes away from his sexy body and met his gaze.
“I’m not stopping until you tell me you hate Leon.”
You laughed, wrapping your arms around his back and shoulders. “I hope you’re free for the rest of your life, because that’s never gonna happen.” You said.
“It is. I’m gonna make you feel so good…” He trailed off, pressing a few inches of his cock inside as your soft pussy gave way.
“Oh…oh, that is good.” You moaned.
“So good, _____, I’m gonna make it so good that you’re not even gonna remember his name.” He pressed in just a little further, not all the way, but he made contact with your g-spot and held still.
“Mmm, Scorpio, come on.” You begged.
“So good, so good you’re gonna be beggin’ for more when I’m done.” God he sounded so sexy.
“You know…I almost believe you.” You widened your hips and tilted them until you pulled the last few inches of him deep inside your warmth.
“Fuck.” Scorpio felt frozen, unable to take action because you were everything he’d ever imagined and then some. Your words in his ear sparked him back to life.
“I’m waiting, or should I go back to the mansion and find Leon to finish the job?”
He let his cock drag down through your heat and then pressed in again hard and deep, nearly blurring your vision in the process. “Don’t make me tell you to shut the fuck up again.” He glared down at you.
“Do it..it turns me on. Don’t go easy on me.” You plead.
Scorpio continued to pump his hips between your thighs and couldn’t stop the laugh that came out. “Why are you like this with me? I know you can be nice, I’ve seen it.”
You returned his smile and grabbed his sides, letting your palms ride the wave like fluctuations of his body working against yours. “You’re fucking sexy when you’re angry, that’s why.” You answer.
“I hate that I like you, I hate that I want this with you.” He said almost to himself.
Your face fell in frustration and you pushed at him until he fell onto his back and you straddled him, returning his cock to your cunt so quickly he hardly noticed you had parted at all. You leaned down to face him as you started to rock against him.
“No you don’t, Scorpio. You need a woman like me, someone who doesn’t put up with your bullshit or blow smoke up your ass.”
Scorpio’s mouth fell open as you overwhelmed him with sensations, the expert rolling of your body on top of his, your fingertips along his jaw, your mouth so close to his without touching, your words that he might have to admit could be true. He said nothing, but only locked eyes with you.
“Admit it.” You told him. “Tell me you need a woman like me.”
He challenged you right back, as always. “Tell me you hate that fuckin’ lion.” You softly laughed.
“Not a chance.”
He grabbed your hips with both hands and stopped your movements. With his feet planted on the floor, he thrust up from the bottom, forcing you to take even more of him, even harder than when he was on top. You moaned and threw your head back, reveling in his forceful fucking.
“You sure? You’re not ready to say it?” He asked.
“No…no…Goddamn…ok, not yet, but don’t stop.” You breathed out.
He smirked, thinking he might actually win this one, eventually. Sliding one hand along your stomach, he continued to fuck you roughly from the bottom and now put his thumb over that sensitive nub at the top of your cunt.
“How about now?” He asked.
“God, Scorpio... Don’t you dare fucking stop. Just…ugh…fuck!” Your hips pumped in time with his and your hands came to clutch at his hard chest, grabbing and fisting at his skin as you came hard.
In your weakened state, he flipped you easily, burrowing his hips between your still shaking thighs once more and continuing his relentless pace.
Sure, you had just cum, but he knew you could go again, whether you wanted to or not. But you did want it, spreading your legs and arching your body to get even more skin on skin contact with him.
He grabbed your wrists and held them down against the floor. He pumped his cock into your folds, hitting every spot perfectly each time. The pressure of his hands against your wrists, the power of his strong body, his devilish smile and messy hair, you were close again in no time and Scorpio knew it.
“Tell me and I’ll make you come again.” He said softly.
You were about to fall, perhaps unwillingly. You had wanted this, but you hated that he knew what he could do to your body. Still holding you down, still fucking the stubbornness from you, Scorpio came down to kiss your throat, slowing his hips only slightly.
“Tell me and I’ll admit that you’re right, that I need a woman like you. That I need you.”
That was nearly enough to make you cum, just hearing that. “Ok, ok. I don’t like him.”
His chuckle was deep. “That’s not what I need to hear.” He licked up your neck, finding your ear with his teeth. “You don’t have to mean it, just say it, just for me.” He whispered in your ear.
“Are you gonna mean it when you say you need me?” You asked.
“Yes,” He breathes in your ear, “because it’s true.” He kisses your neck again.
“Alright.” You breathed shakily. His grip tightened, his hips sped up again. “I…I hate…” You started to say.
“Come on. Just for me.” Scorpio said.
You felt the tension under your skin start to peak, the warmth spreading through your body. You gasped out his name. “Scorpio…I hate Leon.”
He let go of your hands and held your face in his palms, pressing his forehead against yours as you started to cum again, squeezing him tightly.
“I need you, ______. You’re right, I need you in my life.” He breathed heavily.
You were still cumming when he released inside of you and you held him against your chest as he huffed out a few final breaths of exhaustion.
SCM Masterlist
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queseraone · 7 years
Maybe One Day - Part 5
The world is a scary place right now. Sending love and hugs and peace to you all. ❤️❤️❤️ 
 A collection of one-shots of Jay Halstead as a dad. Because we all need that in our lives. Co-written with @halsteadpd
When canon gives you lemons, you make fluff…
Catch up here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 
Erin’s cell phone buzzed on her desk and she quickly grabbed for it, not wanting to distract her colleagues. But the noise still caught Jay’s attention. As she checked the message, he watched as her face fell, then shot her a questioning look. She nodded her head in the direction of the break room; they’d never needed words to communicate, even less so since they got married. Erin and Jay could read each other like a book.
Jay followed his wife into the break room, quickly closing the door behind them and glancing back through the window at the rest of the team. “What’s wrong?”
Erin leaned against the counter and sighed before answering. “The sitter cancelled for tonight. She has the flu.” They had had a date night planned for weeks. It was just dinner and a movie, but with three kids running around—not to mention their heavy caseload—it was often difficult to find time to spend just the two of them.
“What? Are you serious?” Words weren’t necessary, the pained look on her face was answer enough. Jay covered his face with his hands, running them up and through his hair in frustration. “No no no, this can’t be happening. We need this babe.”
“I know, I know, I’ve been looking forward to this all week.”
Jay moved closer to Erin, his arms grasping hold of the counter on either side of her, essentially trapping her there. He leaned in close, pressing his lips against her neck, kissing the sensitive spot below her ear. “I swear, having three kids is the world’s best birth control.”
Erin shivered at the feel of his hot breath as he whispered against her neck. “I know, it’s been forever. But the kids...”
“Can’t we find someone else to watch them?” Jay continued to pepper kisses along her neck.
Erin pulled back quickly, stepping out of his embrace. “I can’t… ugh I can’t think when you’re doing that.” Jay shot her a smug smile. “Someone must be able to do it. We just need to ask around.”
“Honestly, I’ll beg at this point,” Jay admitted with a grin.
While Erin started calling everyone they knew, Jay headed back into the bullpen, scanning the room for possible babysitters. Antonio was out of town visiting Eva in Portland, and he knew Voight and Olinsky had commitments at the club on Friday nights.
“Hey Ruzek!” Adam’s head snapped up when he heard Jay calling his name. “We need you and Kim to watch the kids tonight.”
“You want us to watch five kids?! Three of whom are Halsteads?! Sorry man, the last time we watched your little devils Kim wouldn’t have sex with me for a month!”
“Please man? Erin and I need this date night like you can’t even imagine.” Jay pleaded.
“You need to get laid that bad, huh?” Jay just shot Adam a look. “Seriously we couldn’t even if we wanted to, I’m coaching Em’s hockey game and Kim has to take Lucy to ballet.”
“Kev? How about you?” Jay asked desperately, glancing over at Atwater.
“Sorry Halstead, I would if I could, but I’m hoping to get laid tonight too.”
Jay ran his hand down the back of his neck, as he made his way back into the break room in a huff. He hoped that Erin had had better luck than he did—the look on her face told him she hadn’t.
“I tried Will and Natalie, Gabby, Platt, Herrmann, anyone and everyone I could think of. I’m so sorry babe, but I think we’re going to have to reschedule this.”
“No!” Jay practically shouted, desperation was evident in his voice. “There has to be someone else. I need this Erin.”
She ran her hands through her hair as she racked her brain one more time. “I know!” She exclaimed suddenly, pulling her phone from her back pocket and quickly typing out a text.
“Wait, who is it? Who are you asking?”
“Just a second.” The ping of her phone alerted them to the quick text back. “Perfect. Kelly can do it.”
“Wait Kelly?! As in Kelly Severide?!” Jay’s eyes grew wide as he exclaimed in surprise.
“That’s the only Kelly I know.”
“Your ex-boyfriend Kelly Severide?!”
“Jay, that was a lifetime ago.”
“It’s still kind of weird,” Jay countered, before huffing in exasperation. “Fine, fine. You’re just lucky I need sex so damn badly. I hope this is worth it.”
“I mean we could still reschedule—” Erin didn’t get to finish her sentence as Jay approached her and brought his arms around her, pulling her close. His lips found her neck again as he pressed himself against her. Erin’s breath hitched in her throat; his closeness and the thoughts of what they would do later was enough to distract her. “Tonight it is.”
The doorbell rang just before six o’clock. One person Jay thought he would never see on his doorstep—let alone to babysit his kids—was Kelly Severide. They quickly shook hands in greeting before Jay led him through to the open kitchen and dining room.
Erin had just finished serving up the kids’ plates so Kelly would only have to go through the hassle of feeding them. She smiled when she saw him enter the room and walked over to give him a hug. “Kelly, thank you so much for doing this. Jay and I really appreciate it.”
“No worries Erin, it’s no trouble at all.”
“So you remember Ben, Zach and Maddie, right?” Erin waved toward the table where the kids had just started eating their dinner.
“Kelly!” Ben exclaimed when he noticed his presence in the room. He slipped out of his seat and ran to give him a hug. While Maddie quickly followed suit (she was at the age that she wanted to do everything just like her big brother), Zach stayed behind in his chair. The seven-year-old was shy and hesitant to approach his parent’s friend.
“Hey Zach, remember—Kelly’s a firefighter! Isn’t that cool buddy?” Jay tried his best to pique the little boy’s interest; he wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving if he knew Zach would be nervous the whole time. They all watched as the shy little boy slowly nodded his head before approaching the group. He didn’t hug Kelly like Ben and Maddie did, instead pressing his back up against Jay’s leg, quietly observing.
Jay and Erin waited around for a few more minutes until it seemed like Zach’s nerves had dissipated a bit. Once they saw the kids settle back down at the table with Kelly, they kissed them all goodnight and threw on their coats.
“Call if you need us,” Jay said, clapping his hand against Kelly’s shoulder. “And remember, bedtime is nine o’clock!”
“And no junk food or you’ll never get them to sleep!” Erin shouted as they made their way out the door.
“Can we have candy after dinner?” Four-year-old Maddie asked from her seat at the table, mere moments after Jay and Erin had left the house.
“And maybe watch a movie?” Zach added quietly, his voice barely above a whisper.
“You heard your mom, she just said no junk food.” Kelly reminded gently.
“Yeah but if you give us candy, we’ll be extra good.” Ben added mischievously—the eight-year-old was definitely Erin Lindsay’s son. “If not, we’ll be extra bad.”
Kelly sighed as he weighed his options. He could give them sweets and have three perfectly happy and well-behaved kids, or deal with three little devils rebelling every step of the way. “Okay fine. First finish your dinner. Once you’re all ready for bed we can have some candy and watch a movie. But we’ll keep this our little secret, deal?”
“DEAL!” All three kids shouted in unison.
The three Halstead children quickly finished their meal. While Kelly cleaned up in the kitchen, the kids got themselves washed up and in their pajamas. “Okay everyone ready?” Kelly looked over to the three kids settled on the couch, ready for a movie. So far everything had gone smoothly. The kids didn’t protest brushing their teeth or doing anything else he asked of them so he got the TV ready for a movie. “Which movie would you like to watch? Shrek? Or maybe Aladdin?” He pulled the Netflix home page up on the screen.
Ben snatched the remote from Kelly’s hand and started scrolling through the options. “This one!” He pressed play before Kelly could even see what the little boy had selected. As the intro to the movie played, the music was instantly recognized by Kelly, followed by the images inside of a boy’s bedroom.
“Are you sure this is age appropriate?” Kelly asked. He had seen the movie a couple of times and knowing the number of jump scares, he was sure the kids would never fall asleep.
“A kid at school told me about it. He said he watched it with his Dad. There’s Insidious, Insidious Chapter 2 and 3, and then Insidious: The Last Key!” Ben explained as if it was the most obvious thing ever.
“Insisdus?” Maddie asked, not being able to pronounce the word.
“Insidious, Mads.” Ben corrected her. Zach sat in between his siblings, watching the screen. The ominous music and sight of a ghostly looking woman had already scared him, and he jumped when the title popped onto the screen and the music grew louder. He looked at his big brother and saw how excited he was; Zach wanted to be just like him, so he would try to be brave and face the movie as well.
As the movie began playing, his heart started beating erratically. Zach wished more than ever that his daddy was there to hold him through the scary parts. He looked over toward Kelly who was slouched on the couch next to Maddie. She was resting her head against him, her eyelids drooping. It was way past her bedtime; the little girl would be fast asleep any second. He got up off the couch and walked over to Kelly before pulling himself into Kelly’s lap. He felt safer when he had the firefighter’s arms around him and got comfortable to watch the movie.
Meanwhile, Jay and Erin had enjoyed a leisurely dinner at Au Cheval. It was one of their favourite spots—they had the best burgers in the city. They sipped their drinks and talked about recent cases and the kids’ upcoming events before heading to the movie theatre. Jay glanced at his watch and smiled knowing that his kids would all be sleeping peacefully by now.
After they bought their tickets and settled in their seats at the back, Jay and Erin played along with the on-screen trivia quizzes. It wasn’t long before the theatre had filled up and the movie started playing. But neither Jay nor Erin could focus on the screen; they only had eyes for each other. Their hands were roaming and eventually it just became too much.
Jay grabbed Erin’s hand, yanked her up from her seat, and pulled her along behind him to the parking lot. He couldn’t even wait to get her into the car; Jay pressed her between himself and the passenger door. As he ravaged her neck, his hands ran down along her curve and he tried to sneak them under her dress.
“Jay, we’re in public!” Erin hissed in his ear.
“It’s been too long Er,”Jay groaned against her neck as he quickly glanced around the parking lot. “Come on, no one can see.”
Whatever resolve Erin had left vanished when Jay managed to push himself even closer against her. She pushed him off of her and opened the back door with a wink, letting Jay help her up into the backseat.
They were lucky the parking lot was dark.
It was closing in on midnight when Jay and Erin finally crossed the threshold of their house, faces flushed and clothes disheveled. They were surprised at the sight before them—their children were in tears as credits rolled on the TV screen. Maddie was the first to notice them, quickly removing herself from Kelly’s arms and running towards her dad, arms reaching up for him. Jay crouched down to her height instead and let her little body crash against him.
“What happened?” Erin asked as she looked at each of her distressed children.
“We were just watching a movie and—”
“A movie? Kelly it’s almost midnight.” Erin said defeated as she went to check on her boys who were still sitting on the couch.
“What movie were you even watching?” Jay asked as he picked Maddie up and rubbed her back soothingly. Her cries had quieted a little bit but she still sniffled against his shoulder.
“Ummm… Insidious…” Kelly supplied, running his hand along his neck, suddenly nervous.
“Kelly, you’ve got to be kidding me. It’s a PG-13 movie!” Erin exclaimed from her perch on the couch where she sat rocking a terrified Zach in her lap.
“Ben said a kid from his class watched it so I thought it would be fine.” Ben had made his way over to where Jay stood holding Maddie and wrapped his arms around his father’s legs. The little boy was shaking and Jay tried his best to comfort both children simultaneously.
“M-Maybe we can h-have more candy and-and f-feel better?” Zach hiccuped from Erin’s lap.
“More candy? I don’t think so sweetheart, it’s time for you to get to bed.” Erin replied looking down and wiping the tears from her son’s face.
“Daddy can we sleep with you tonight?” Maddie asked hopefully.
Jay sighed and shot Erin a look of defeat before pressing a kiss against the top of his daughter’s head. “Yes, of course you can baby.”
“Okay guys, go with Daddy, I’ll be there in a minute, okay?” Erin gave Zach a kiss before handing him off to her husband. Jay was quite the sight as he walked toward the staircase carrying Ben on his back and holding Zach and Maddie in each of his arms.
“You guys are getting heavy.” Jay chuckled as he made his way up the stairs.
Kelly spoke again after Jay had left with the kids. “Look Erin, I’m really sorry. But your kids are so damn persuasive!”
Erin had to chuckle at that. “Yeah, they’re certainly their father’s children.” She couldn’t hide the redness that flooded her cheeks as she remembered just how Jay had persuaded her earlier. “Well it was great seeing you Kelly, thanks again for helping us out here, you have no idea how much we appreciate this.” She walked Kelly to the door and gave him a quick hug before locking up and turning off all of the lights around the house.
When she had finally made her way upstairs to the bedroom, Erin was met by the sight of all three kids cuddled with Jay as he read them a story. He hoped it would distract them from the scary images they saw earlier and help them to fall asleep. Erin smiled, quickly changed into her pajamas and made her way into bed, settling under the covers with her family.
After Jay had finished reading, the kids insisted that Jay’s bedside light stay on to scare away any monsters as the whole family settled down in the king-size bed. The kids were spread out in between their parents: Zach’s head was resting on Jay’s shoulder; Ben was laying flush against Erin, and Maddie was stretched horizontally across the bed, touching both of her parents. It wasn’t long before all three were sound asleep.
Jay and Erin locked eyes over their kids’ heads, smiling as Erin’s gaze directed Jay toward the bathroom. Quickly and quietly, they got out of bed and surrounded the kids with pillows before sneaking into the bathroom, closing the door behind them.
“You sure they’re gonna be okay?” Jay said as he stripped down.
“Yeah, they won’t even notice that we’re gone.” Erin said. She peppered Jay’s lips with kisses as she reached to turn on the water and pull him into the shower behind her. Steam soon covered the mirror and the shower door.
Back in the bedroom, Zach woke suddenly, opening his eyes and quickly noticing his parents’ absence. He sat up and looked over at his brother and sister who were still fast asleep. When he heard a noise, Zach got out of bed and made his way over to the bathroom door, turning the handle and pushing it open. “Daddy?” He looked around the bathroom but didn’t see anything. The steam was thick but he could make out Jay’s silhouette in the shower. “Daddy!” He called out louder.
Jay cursed from inside the shower. At the sound of his father’s voice, Zach smiled and released a breath of relief.
“Yeah bud?” Jay popped his head out of the shower, grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist. Water trickled down his toned body as he made his way over to his little boy. “What’s wrong little man?”
“I woke up and you and Mommy were gone.” Concern was evident in the little boy’s voice.
“I’m sorry bud, I… uh… I just needed to take a shower.”
“Where’s Mommy?”
Erin stood in the shower attempting to relax—the image of Jay’s wet body wasn’t helping her at all. She subconsciously licked her lips thinking about him. As she peeked through the steamy glass, she watched as he went into ‘Daddy mode.’ That didn’t exactly help either.
“Mommy’s just uh… washing her hair, buddy. She’ll be out in a minute,” Jay answered slowly, running his hand along his hairline, willing all thoughts of his naked wife from his mind.
“Why were you in there together?”
“I was um… I was helping Mommy with, um… something.”
“With what?”
“Hey uh, how about we go back to bed, it’s late.” Jay let Zach grab his hand and pull him back out toward the bed. As Jay followed, he turned and shot a desperate look back at Erin as she too stepped out of the shower. Jay settled Zach back into bed before he grabbed a pair of boxers. As he was drying off the remaining drops of water, Erin walked into the bedroom, a smile on her face.
They both moved to their respective sides of the bed, making sure that there was at least one light on—Zach had already fallen back to sleep. Jay grabbed his water bottle from his bedside table, taking a sip—he needed to rehydrate—as he heard his wife’s voice: “Hey babe, remember what you were saying earlier? About kids being the greatest cockblocks?” Erin mumbled sarcastically.
“Mom, what’s a cockblock?” Ben asked sleepily opening his eyes a little as he rolled over.
Jay choked on his water as Erin bit her lip in an attempt to hide her laughter.
“Go back to sleep Ben.”
Please let us know what you think! We’re taking requests, so hit us up if there’s something specific you’d like to see! Everyone’s Daddy Jay dreams should come true! ;)
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