#uncle neil
willowbird · 2 years
If you’re still taking prompts, would you do another uncle andreil? I’ve read the one that’s up on ao3 and it’s so cuuute!! Could you maybe write about the foxes seeing Aaron and Katelyn’s kids having these two terrifying assholes that are Andrew and Neil just absolutely wrapped around their fingers?
Of course!
I think this was sent to me like... two years ago? ^_^;
Better late than never? I hope it was worth the wait!
Dan Wilds was not quite sure what she was seeing. It was entirely possible that she was actually hallucinating. Maybe, on the way into town, she and Matt had actually gotten in a car accident - and the bizarre apparition in front of her right now was just, like, a side effect of the anesthesia as the doctors fought to save her life.
Far fetched, sure, but that still made more sense than Andrew Minyard in a frilly, child-sized apron holding a child-sized plastic teacup daintily on its saucer.
"Uh," said Matt beside her - which at least meant she probably wasn't actively hallucinating. Unless Matt was a part of her hallucination, which, well, was still more probable than what she was actually seeing.
"Sorry," Matt continued. "Did we uh, interrupt?"
"Yes," said Andrew blandly, his expression it's usual apathetic emptiness that only made the whole scene that much more chilling. Despite this confirmation, though, Andrew still stepped back to let them into the house.
This is probably the beginning of some weird twisted horror movie, Dan thought as she stepped inside - trying but failing not to stare as she noticed that the apron said "Princess Chef" in glittery letters across the front. Six months from now they're going to find out my bones were artistically crafted into a new tea set or something.
As if he knew what she was thinking, Andrew met her eyes and - while maintaining creepily unblinking eye contact - lifted the teacup to his lips and took a sip.
Matt made a choking sound beside her that turned into anxious spluttering when Andrew turned his silent, serious gaze onto him next. It had been years since either of them were genuinely afraid of Andrew Minyard, but though they had become as close as family (closer, really, when you consider the "family" any of the Foxes came from...) there was still a sense of... apprehension that came about unbidden whenever Andrew gave anyone his full attention.
Well, other than Neil and Renee - they seemed pretty unaffected, but Neil was just as bad as Andrew and Renee was Renee so...
Matt attempted to cover up his awkwardness with a cough and a laugh that didn't help at all. Then he said, "So uh, was the tiara taken, Minyard?"
Dan's eyes went wide and she snapped her attention over to her husband, catching the very moment Matt realized what he'd just said and who he'd said it too.
There was a beat of heavy, static silence. Dan felt as though all the air in the room had suddenly become caught in her throat and it was slowly ballooning out until she would either before to release it or choke, the pressure building and building until she was too tense even to gasp.
Then Andrew said, "Yes. It was Piper's turn." He lifted his (again, and it cannot be stressed enough, child-sized) teacup, took a sip, then turned and walked away from the foyer. Just as he was about to turn down the hall, he paused and looked back. "Oh, and it's Minyard-Josten. Either get it right or use my first name."
Andrew was gone before that registered. Before any of that registered.
Two beats after he vanished, Dan wheezed, pressing one hand to her chest and grabbing onto Matt's sleeve with the other to provide additional support to her suddenly jellified knees. "What--?" she gasped, at the same time Matt squeaked, "He!?" Then, in tandem, they both looked at each other and said, "Wait."
"Tiara," said Matt.
"Teacup!" implored Dan.
Both of Matt's hands landed on her shoulders, his eyes wide. "Minyard-Josten," he whispered. Then he paused, frowned, and said more firmly and with greater awareness. "Minyard-Josten!?"
"Wow, that was... I don't know what that was, but it was definitely embarrassing. The twins can do sentences better than you and they're not even three yet."
Both Dan and Matt jumped, their yelps of surprise mingling in a jumble of inelegant noise.
Aaron Minyard stood in the entryway that led to the kitchen, drying his hands on a towel. He looked good, Dan decided as she forced her mind away from the fuckery of whatever fever dream just let her and Dan into the house. Years of practicing medicine rather than exy, of the more recent adventure of parenthood, had done a lot to change his outward appearance from his brother. Aaron was a bit rounder now, his hair longer and the curls of his blond hair full and wild in a way Andrew never would have allowed. He looked... friendly, warm - the complete opposite of his entire definition back when they were in college. Even with the bemused smirk he wore now, he had a very... fatherly vibe about him.
Of all the OG Foxes, they got to see Aaron and Katelyn the least. With both of them being doctors, and then very quickly parents only a few short years after medical school, they had a stricter schedule and much less mobility when it came to travel and visit availability. This would be the first time Matt and Dan would be seeing the twins since right after they were born, though they'd dialed in for a New Years zoom several months ago.
Matt cleared his throat, then grinned. "Aaron. Hey! C'mere man." Dan waited her turn. Then also hugged Aaron.
"Where is Katelyn?" she asked, both because she was genuinely curious and also because if she didn't ask that she was going to ask--
"What the fuck was Andrew wearing just now!?" Matt hissed in an urgent rush almost before she finished asking her own, much more reasonable question that definitely had a much less terrifying answer. "Ow!" Matt grunted with a pout as Dan smacked him in the shoulder. "I call spousal abuse! You were thinking it too!"
"I'll show you spousal abuse," she muttered darkly, then turned to Aaron. "But yeah, he's right. What the fuck?"
Aaron chuckled, then shrugged. "Go see for yourself. They're in the play room. It's tea time."
"Tea time?" Matt rasped, and now that Andrew wasn't there, the hilarity of the whole thing was finally beginning to dawn.
Dan looked at Matt, and could feel her own face stretching into a grin that matched his. "Tea time," she breathed. "With toddlers. Andrew... and Neil?" Dan made it a question, looking at Aaron.
Aaron sighed, and the familiar "oh that asshole" affectionate disdain was all Dan needed to know that Neil Josten (Minyard-Josten?) was also participating in toddler tea time. Dan met Matt's eyes, and the next second they were both half-tripping over each other as they scrambled down the hall that Andrew had disappeared down.
There was only one open door at the end of the hall, and Matt and Dan skidded to a stop right in the doorway, eyes wide and mouths in identical, open-mouthed grins - because no matter what was there it was going to be fucking once-in-a-lifetime.
And there. There they were.
Two adorable, cherubic little blonde toddlers sitting at a table that was surrounded by toddler-sized chairs, dressed up in what appeared to be a Ninja Turtles costume and an Elsa costume (both with tiaras). The Ninja Turtle was sitting on Princess Chef Andrew Minyard-Josten's lap, chattering away in mostly-unintelligible babble that Andrew appeared to completely understand. The little Elsa was sitting in her own chair, but she was turned toward the inhabitant of the seat immediately to her left, holding a tea cup up to it's large, inflatable snout.
"Neil. Josten," Dan croaked out, much louder than she meant to - startling the little girls but of course neither of the adults. In all her years knowing them she'd never been able to surprise Neil or Andrew.
That big flimsy head turned her way and Neil's voice, steady and unbothered, said, "I'm a tea-rex," as if it was the most reasonable thing in the world to say. Then, on Dan's way down to the floor, her knees giving way slow enough that she was at least able to grip the doorframe as she crumpled, he added, "Oh, and it's Minyard-Josten."
Some time later, once Dan had collected herself enough to look at them without fucking losing it (she had to leave the room twice - Matt just sat on the floor in a stupor for fifteen minutes until one of the girls brought him a teacup) she demanded to see the rings, which both tiny menaces instantly produced.
And, fuck it, she couldn't even be mad. Because here was Andrew fucking Minyard and Neil fucking Josten, married and having a tea party with a couple of toddlers - and if that wasn't the kind of personal growth and fulfillment that a Fox deserved she didn't know what was.
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fatalebridget · 2 years
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Neil Young 🎸🌎
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nmscuri · 2 years
Got this at the BN hardcover sale. Thank you @neil-gaiman!
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yourleftpinkytoe-blog · 7 months
Andrew is the favorite uncle. Not just for Aaron and Nicky’s kids but all the foxes kids are just obsessed with uncle Andrew.
None of the foxes understand why except for Neil. But that only because Neil is there when Andrew gets up at three am to answer a phone call from their sobbing niece, who admits for the first time out loud that maybe she isn’t a boy and “is that okay uncle Andrew”. Or when Kevin’s kid shows up at there house after getting in an argument with her dad and Andrew lets her rage and rant until it doesn’t seem like the end of the world anymore, then walks her home (hc: they live pretty close for a while cause their on the same team). Or when nobody can get Aaron’s twins to stop crying but as soon as Andrew is given a turn at trying to calm the babies they stop immediately.
The kids all love Andrew he’s the first one they go to with their issues, he’s the first one they run too when all the foxes are together, he’s the first one that they come out too if they’re queer(Nicky is so mad when his kid comes out to Andrew before him)
He’s just a really good uncle.
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kevindavidday · 5 months
i know it's been said a billion times before but neil from jean pov really did clear up the reason why andrew was so grumpy about being attracted to him 'cause neil's objectively annoyingly hot when he's being a cunt (which is all the time)
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hmmm-shesucks · 11 months
Andrew’s all about respecting someone’s no until it’s one of the foxes telling his nieces and nephews no. Then he could give less of a fuck. They own him. He’ll give them anything and everything. One of them asks for money, he sends double. Presents every time he visits. Parents say no? Uncle Drew says abso-fucking-lutely. As long as they aren’t hurting themselves (or others depending on the severity) he’ll do just about anything for them. He’s the worst about it with Aaron’s girls but it extends to the rest of the baby foxes as well. He is the favorite and he worked hard to get it. He is their confident, their safest space, their biggest advocate. He will drop anything and everything to be there for them. He’s walked off the court just to answer a phone call about homework problems. And higher power help them if someone makes his babies cry. Andrew Minyard is the best fucking Uncle to ever Uncle and you will not change my mind.
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frooogscream · 5 months
Every Con O’Neill character ticks at least three
•alcohol problem •manhandled by scary strong man (oh no😏) •shirtless scene •dad shaped (wholesome) •daddy shaped (sexual) •trauma •useless little worm •a homosexual •cool leather jacket •seductively smoking
…and then there’s Jim
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braedenhales · 3 months
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tereresrock · 2 months
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wake up children new uncle todd pic dropped
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glynrick · 8 months
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Binged The Bear recently and loved it then did some sketches of the cast.
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shebsart · 21 days
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That's her fun uncle!! That's his special little guy!!!
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e-rated-beardo · 14 days
Good morning, and welcome to another upset in the fandom. 😥
I've been seeing some very distressed and anxious posts from GO fans today and I've been online for less than an hour. I worry whether people are okay. (Some aren't. I know that. Shit.) ❤️❤️
I don't know how productions work and there's lots of great discussion with more insight elsewhere; in general people seem to agree it's too early to worry and the wording of that article is actually cause for hope. But if you worry, you worry. One sentence from me isn't going to change that.
Um. I don't know how to do this. And I realise maybe all of five people are even going to see this post? But. If you think it could help you to shout into a stranger's DMs (about this, or about something else fannish, or idk, social issues? French phonetics? Maths? We all know I like maths), perhaps I could help? I might not be online all day (I won't be), but I'll read when I am, and I do get notifications. I'm not a mental health hotline but I'm a person who's got intimate knowledge of what it feels like to feel like shit. And maybe that's enough?
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idk about yall but one of my most ever favorite aftg headcanons is that Andrew is really good with kids, and in the future when Aaron and Katelyn settle down and have kids, their kids will absolutely adore "Uncle Andrew", and he'll happily suffer through whatever sort of play the kids want to do with an as genuine and un-menacing smile on his face as he can manage, whenever he and Neil (and Kevin) come to visit
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thevaudevilledemon · 5 months
I made a small, incomplete, and ultimately useless timeline of Comics... enjoy
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eattherichplease · 2 years
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This is one of the many things I love about the Addams Family, and the main thing that resonates with so many people I think, including me.
Here we have Uncle Fester in season 2 talking about his (departed) brother Clump, that has never been mentioned before. And everybody is listening attentively and with great interest... Because they don't know the story and they probably didn't know about Clump either!
Not so many episodes ago, someone asked Uncle Fester what was his surname anyway... He confessed he didn't know. Uncle Fester doesn't know his surname!
This happens again and again! And not only with Fester. Everybody's placement on the family tree is dubious.
I realize this is made for comedic effect, but the implications are beautiful.
"But how can that possibly be?", you ask. "Hadn't it been established that Fester was Morticia's uncle?"
Well yes and no! You see, it changes from episode to episode.
Because it doesn't really matter!
The "Family" in "Addams Family" doesn't have the usual meaning. Family means "people we love and have history with". Hence the myriad of cousins and uncles of different races, nationalities or even species, all wildly different.
Blood relation is completely irrelevant in the Addams Family. The Addams Family is a found family, an assortment of weirdos drawn together by their shared interests, pathos and aesthetic sensibilities.
It is impossible to drawn an accurate Addams Family Tree. This is by design! It doesn't' matter! And it shouldn't matter!
The Addams family is, deliberately, and inversion of the nuclear family, an antithesis. It's horizontal, democratic, without hierarchies, it's open, it has no definite borders, the relations among members are fluid, and the glue that holds it all together is love not blood.
There are hybrids and monsters in the family, people from different races and sizes and colors - Morticia is coded Jewish, Gómez is canonically "Castillian" (read Spanish/Latino), Itt is Itt, etc, etc -It is all a huge metaphor! The Addams family is hybrid, international, interracial, immigrant, queer, weird and proud of it... in the US of the 1960's!
And it should be even more now!
This is why it is so shocking that there are no canonically queer characters in Wednesday (2022)! It makes no damn sense!
(Yes, I know, Eugene's moms -background characters irrelevant to the plot, an afterthought to fill a quota...)
It says a lot about how conservative/evangelical American TV has become over the last few years.
Netflix, you cowards!
Make the Addams Family queer and weird!
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whenmemorydies · 3 months
Help why am I rewatching ep 2x06 of The Bear like it’s a comfort blanket?
something something intergenerational trauma something adults self-medicating their way through mental health issues something something…
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