#unfiltered rambly writings
mamawasatesttube · 7 months
this isn't like comics-fandom specific by any means, but one thing i do think about semi-regularly is that like. some people are so insistent on stuff being "for fun" so that they can justify never actually thinking about what they're doing, and that's... idk man. in a world where we are inundated with propaganda and bullshit all the time, media literacy, critical thinking, and reading comprehension skills are pretty important. and yeah like no one can have their brain running at max capacity 24/7 but you still gotta like... put in SOME critical thinking. otherwise you just get people being like SO WHAT if this comic is really racist??? you can't ask me to think critically about how it portrays characters of color!!!!! im just here for fun!!!!!! and it's just like. dude.
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hopelessfandomfreak · 11 months
holy fucking shit. that was one hell of a finale. I thought it was incredibly well written and well done, and I was mostly happy with the way everyone’s arcs ended. obviously I’m disappointed we didn’t get canon lokius, but at least there was no sylki, and loki and mobius both had satisfying endings (for now 🤞)
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mx24 · 1 year
the word "chaos" is used a lot in reference to the roaring so it could be related to that?
undeniably is. chaos ties in heavily to the Titans and their Greek mythological counterparts. fits in with the biblical themes too, of course, but yeah.
big ramble incoming.
so Chaos, in Greek cosmogony, is the void state before the creation of the universe. this same term is used in theology describe the abyss created between Heaven and Earth in the Bible
as an element in Deltarune, we know it is Jevil's. and his tie to the Titan's is mostly VIA his Devilsknife, which is visibly a scythe.
not goin too deep into it here but, in summary, the Titan Cronus had a scythe given to him by his mother, Gaia (Earth). he used it to eh... sever his father's (Uranus, Sky/Heaven) gonads, of which he tosses into the sea.
that's scythes, Titans, Earth, Heaven, and the ocean. the ocean is reoccuring in Deltarune.
it appears as the background in the Goner Maker, playing as audio when Kris falls into ??? Place (that barren area with the Titan eyes and black runny goop), Dark Fountains being water-like, Onionsan's mention of a song from deep below, and water being referenced by Jevil when he is violently defeated. the line of mention beinf "HELL'S ROAR BUBBLES FROM THE DEPTHS". roar, like the Roaring.
but also the usage of Roar is particularly interestin with Susie's Roar ACT, and also the fact that she is the only one that can wield the Devilsknife. we first learn of her as Suzy in the Waterfall area, and she dreams of being a "Susiezilla", which is a reference to Godzilla, a giant, ancient reptile who rose from water.
...getting off topic there, back to chaos.
the Greek mythographer Pherecydes of Syros interpreted Chaos (the abyss/void/whatever) as water. faceless, and dark. Dark Fountains appear to pulse like water.
Hesiod's Theogony suggests that Chaos was a place located below Earth, but above Tartarus (prison of the Greek Titans). fits in with how the DR Titans rise from the Dark Fountains, once balance is thrown. [ somewhat related, a more in-depth analysis between Tartarus and ??? Place. ]
now, a very particularly interesting one to me is the way Chaos is described in Roman poet Ovid's Metamorphoses (that word is quoted by Jevil WHILE he transforms into a scythe). in his writing Ovid describes it as this:
Before the ocean and the earth appeared— before the skies had overspread them all— the face of Nature in a vast expanse was naught but Chaos uniformly waste. It was a rude and undeveloped mass, that nothing made except a ponderous weight; and all discordant elements confused, were there congested in a shapeless heap. (source)
as i mentioned, Susie wields the Devilsknife, and seemingly has a connection to the ocean motif. the way Ovid describes Chaos with being a "rude and undeveloped mass", also fits with Susie's rude abilities and the rude element.
with her being a (likely draconic) reptile monster too, we can compare her to various biblical serpents such as the sea monster, Leviathan, a being that is known as an "embodiment of chaos". the leviathan is also often compared to other figures such as the Beast out of the Sea, and Hellmouth.
well. as of this moment this is all i can remember, but yes. chaos is undeniably connected to the Roaring, and a LOT of other things in Deltarune.
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birdsaretoddlers · 4 months
BTW I'm sort of half-heartedly taking part in Radiostatic Week 2024 so this week's Static Shock update might be late lol
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waffleweirdo · 1 month
A probably rambly attempt at describing my thoughts on revue starlight el dorado.
Spoilers for the entire game under the cut.
The sensation that I left with after finishing el dorado was just how kind it felt.
As I think about el dorado there’s a wellspring of what feels like endless energy and warmth.
There was a part of me who wasn’t sure how el dorado would manage to follow up gekijouban. It already felt as though there was a satisfying ending. A tragedy of ending and parting, but one which brings forth new possibilities and eventual reunion. But el dorado made me *feel* that. Amidst a harsh ocean, and yet another tragedy and doomed fate, I came away only being able to feel the kindness of the ocean and the dazzling gold of everyone’s el dorado.
If you couldn’t already tell this is my place to be as sappy as I want.
The truth is as much as I love revue starlight (and oh my goodness do I love it), I have a much deeper, darker love for theatre as a whole (I’m going to be corny too). Technical theatre has been my dream and to some extent, my life, for years, and hopefully far into the future.
That love for theatre has always been such a big part of why I love revue starlight, and why it is so significant for me. But I can’t even begin to describe how meaningful it is to see bgumi and tech get so much focus this time. I mean I’m tearing up writing this. It made me cry within the first five minutes of the game. It made me cry oh so many times throughout.
I don’t quite know how to describe it. In a way the production is depicted is ridiculous, probably awful to experience, and so far removed from any reality of high school theatre that I experienced. But I’m so many more ways, that I can’t even articulate because they simply overwhelm me with emotion. It is so incredibly accurate and uncanny to the central emotions surrounding tech and production.
It feels as though my past self, entrenched in high school theatre, where each production was truly all that mattered, and was filled with an uncompromising dream was stripped bare and exposed, hopes, regrets, memories and all.
Revue starlight always felt as though it was truly made with love and care, in a way that resonated so incredibly with my disparate, but somehow similar experiences.
And this… I mean… oh my god
Normally I try to approach revue starlight in fragments. Thinking about certain moments, certain themes, how x plays into y, etc. The overall brilliance is simply too bright. But truly el dorado is golden, overflowing with brilliance that surrounds me, that I can’t ignore. Possibly the only time something else has ever hit me this hard was gekijouban itself.
Honestly this is probably all gibberish, heck I don’t even think I’ve talked about any concrete plot moments. But ultimately I really, truly am overwhelmed with emotion.
I think el dorado was pretty neat
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crmsnmth · 5 months
To Me, You Are Everything
Per me, tu sei tutto. Everything that has been and everything that will ever be My world is your kingdom and I almost always smile at the queen
Il mio amore per te è immortale It will be here still long after I'm gone Nothing more then energy without any mass floating forever reaching out for you A piece of me that will never fade from existence
Do tutto quello che ho per te Just to see your mile or hear you voice None of it will ever be as important as you And I am not ashamed to say that in any way
Sei tu, sarai sempre tu I think I knew that from the very start There's no one who will ever compare to you I base every romantic relationship I have off of you And I'm always wondering why I'm alone
Metto la mia Mecca nella tua direzione and I pray that you hear my words but if you don't or choose to ignore them I guess that's fine too, if it makes you happy Because in the end, I think that's what I really want
A te, amore mio I raise my glass into empty air there hasn't been a person other then me around for days A toast to you, somehow managing to keep a chok hold on any memory of me
Per sempre, amore mio, per sempre. Mantengo la mia parola
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crmsnmth-journal · 5 months
4/13/2024 11:04 PM
I saw them both today, which is really weird. I guess I should explain a little since the last time I saw either of them was before I started this. There are two girls who randomly appear in this town. One looks exactly like ***** and the other is one I seem to always end up exchanging looks too. And I saw them both today at the alley. The doppelganger was bowling, and I swear she looks so much like ***** that the first time I saw her, I almost went into a major panic attack. Luckily, I realized it wasn't her, and my life could go on. But still, every time she appears, it always catches me off guard. The other girl, I swear I knew at one time or another. I just feel that somehow we know each other from some circle somewhere, or something. She's very cute, and I find it weird that I find her attractive. She's not part of the usual sectors I seek in looks on partner. In fact, she's almost the exact opposite, with long blonde hair, a face that somehow looks young and aged at the same time, and dresses in I guess what is the normal look for Central Wisconsin. And I always catch her staring at me, and she usually catches me. And there's always that quiet exchanged smile. And then poof, she's gone. It kind of irritates me that I haven't at least attempted to say hello, but I know the reason for that, and I'm not ready to really face that problem head on. Someday, I will. But not today.
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psalm40speakstome · 1 year
To overstimulated to post these individually so here are my thoughts when I started watching Lighter And Princess(which I’ve now finished 😘)
Lighter And Princess
It’s only been four minutes and I’m already so intrigued it’s ridiculous!
This is gonna be good isn’t it!
Episode Eighteen
Oof that was a slow slow burn wait for the kiss but when it finally came! Wowza! Gleeful shock was my primary emotion
Episode 21.
The way he nuzzle memorized her and said goodbye in the snow.
That head nuzzle was so emotional to me because you can see it!
His safe place and he’s saying goodbye….I’m emotional.
Episode 21&22
Sooooooo stressful!
So he goes to prison and the man who has done countless shady things and is indirectly responsible for two deaths is gonna be successful because he has power and wealth…..gaaaaaaaaah! I know that is probably the point they are making but I am still fuming! Because that is exactly how the world works and it’s just wrong!
Episode 23.
Owwww my heart this is devastating I can’t.
I get it but gaaah it’s so clear he wasn’t lying I wish she could have believed that.
Stressssssssss got worse! I knew Gao did terrible things but that was next level.
I don’t have any experience with what he’s gone through but I’ve had much trauma and been betrayed more then I’d ever imagine or have liked and it still makes me absolutely feral the way the normals expect us to just eat it and bear more weights so they feel comfortable and I don’t blame him one bit for making an enemy of her parents on purpose. What was the point of trying?
Why do we the victims have to prove again and again we are “good” people.
Not saying assault or cheating was okay but saying a little understanding would not have gone remiss.
Why is so easy to believe someone who has done a questionable thing(when in a terrible situation) is a bad person but a person who has done a million terrible things(but hid it slight better(with help)) is a good person!?
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therebaby · 2 years
9-12-22: i don't want your help (and we're a million miles away)
i feel... cold. not in the shivering-negative-degree-weather external type of frostbite-vulnerable-cold way, though the current climate really does not help in this aspect, but a sort of inward-facing iteration of a chill nevertheless. one that reaches its hands into your person, a frosty, lingering feeling that permeates the bone, seeps into the recesses, crooks, crevices of your body, leaving you feeling... ironically, hollow. it's not a sense of emptiness, per se, not a depressive numbness and carelessness like it used to be, god, i still feel things (well... sporadically. but it's far better than absolute nothingness), yet it's a force that leaves you almost... paralysed. this is a terrible depiction, really, but it's hard to recognise, and yet even harder to describe.
i'm trying to avoid cliched, cringe-worthy representations as far as i can, but... i can't think of another way to illustrate this feeling. it's like my being is... frozen, almost. i can feel my insides attempting to free myself of the cold, but the outside is, right now, frozen rock-solid. made of sediment-filled ice. impure. disposable. and because none of this is as it was, the void consumes me, and, maybe, in a way, i, it. i'll do what's necessary, of course, because i know what working with me in this state feels like and it's unfair to impose my burdens on everyone else, innocent as they are, but, at this time, it takes all of me to get things done. it's not like i want to be this way, but maybe i asked for it. 12-year-old me could attest to that. and i've always been one to revel in suffering, after all. i wonder where i get that from.
you asked me what was wrong. my answer is simple: i don't know. i've never known. it's been years. it's always been like this. it's a cycle, i know it'll pass. but, when it gets like this, it feels like this ongoing tidal wave of hopelessness, stagnancy, near-dissociation, a touch of guilt (about what? i have no idea either. still, it sits there, simmering, underscoring the lot) - i don't want to do anything, feel anything, be anything.
at this juncture, i've come to acknowledge that i... still exist during these times. i've not been reckless with my life, my consciousness, in years - as much as i wish not to admit it. (oddly enough, moving away from what i thought was a key characteristic of myself, albeit negative and a harbinger of terrible consequences, is far more... difficult than i thought. i haven't learnt to live without the thought at the back of my mind. i don't think i ever will. it'll always... be there; i remind myself of it - subconsciously, and consiocusly. it's self-inflicted, like it always has been. oh, how contradictory life and feeling can be) but to exist, as all things are in life, can be challenging, to say the least. i just wish you'd understand. i wish you'd allow me to work through it on my own terms. i don't need your intervention, much less your yelling, because i know myself. this has happened before - you know it, you've seen it happen. i know you're frustrated and, perhaps, afraid of what this might mean. i know better now. there's not much that can be done than sit through it and wait for things to thaw.
so here i am. trying. truly. i really wish, with everything i have, it was something you could wrap your head around, but i swear to god - i know how you work. it's not reasonable. it's not rational. it's a matter of weak will. i'm a useless, lazy daughter with her priorities all out of whack. and i apologise, from the bottom of my heart, for not being who you wanted me to be (... all the time? but that's a tangent to be explored at another time). i apologise for making it too obvious. i apologise for allowing myself to be this way.
but what if i don't want to be mentally, physically, emotionally exhausted after trying to pull myself out of it? what if i want to let it happen, because i know it's inevitable that it'll happen again, and again, and again? that it's a futile attempt to do anything about it, because trying to wriggle free does more harm than good? what would you do then?
i've figured it out, somewhat. i can do this alone. i can do this on my own terms. i always have. leave me be. you don't need to see this. i don't want you to.
you've never been of help in the first place, anyway, not in this regard. no one has.
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itsohh · 2 years
writing thoughts #2
ngl this is more of fustrated sorta post and I wanna start of by saying this is not directed at the r6s community in anyway. I firmly belive theres a huge amount of respect and care in the r6s community on tumblr that even with people I disagree on matters with, hold. in most cases (this is what I have seen at least) you r6s lot are all a delight to have
what fustrates me is other sorta uprising communities that have seen this real shift on how reader and writer sorta communicate. a real shift in how fandom sorta is these days and I can probably credit it to tiktok (its a shitty blow I know)
there was always sorta just this understanding between reader and writer. that fanficition is a hobby, we don’t get paid, its made primarly for the writer and then its shared. its always great to have feedback and to interact and have motivation. It’s like sharing your favourite toy with a friend and enjoying their enjoyment sorta thing yah know?
but these days idk its changed, I feel like in some communities that fanficition is sorta a demand these days, rather than just accepting whats out their I feel like people are exspecting things to be catered to exactly what they want with no care how it happens. let me break that down in certain ways.
the demand of repersentation
its something we critisize in media because thats multi million dollar companies who should be doing better. but in fanfiction idk it just feels :/. I can understand wanting something to fit you, speshly if its x reader. but its those random posts of people demanding there be more rep about said thing or even saying their disapointed in writers for not having it. and then they don’t even write it themselves. like its for the writer. if you want something like that, request it directly to someone, hell, write it yourself or even commision it. as the sole author of 2 tags I forced to get wrangled on ao3, people need to be the change they demand.
the demand of a certain fics
I see this huge uprise of people going ‘I want this fic where they: plot’ and its just a random post in the tags. like request it directly to someone or write it yourself. I love writing things directly requested to me cause its like you took the time to share that thought directly with me yah know? we make a connection in a way. its a suggestion, a request but making a post about it and shoving it in the tags and demanding it be written sucks, its removing the sorta connection a writer gets from a request and shows that they care nothing about actual writers but only whats written. its treated like content only
open critisism
I get maybe not liking something or whatever and having thoughts we all do. but people puting it in the main tag of the x reader where most likely the author is gonna see it really sucks, like fanfiction isn’t profesional in any matter. negative feedback on something that you don’t want any negative or constructive feeback is total balls. you don’t look at painting someone did for fun and then critisize it the same way you would on a professional art piece. let that person be happy! even if its bad just keep it quiet yeah?
but its not just readers I feel like that have changed its also writers. incorrect tagging is now the blight of my life. I speak about this mainly on ao3 as tumblr don’t have any requirements or specific options so like anything goes. people incorrectly tagging all the characters as / when its not actually a romantic relationship is killing me. please, just because you tag more doesn’t mean more people are gonna read it. then lack of tags, like I get not wanting to tag or whatever thats fine. theres options for that. like ‘author chose not to tag this’ but when people don’t tag that and then have one of the things as something that happens SUCKS, for example: major character death. I know it could spoil the fic which is why ‘Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings’ is there but not using that tag and then having said thing occur, its just not cool. It’s a lack respect to those who read your stuff. it takes like two seconds to correctly tag those big warnings.
then theres like people writing for stuff and they havent even seen any of the actual like source material like huh? I’m not fustrated so much about this one but more confused. like people writing about a character cause their hot but not like actually seeing how they are in canon? confuses the hell out of me, how do you know your getting their character right? like what? is it all hype? whats going on here? people seeing on picture of them and writing fan fiction, mate thats not the character ur writing for thats just ur oc in a skinsuit or at least your reducing the character down to basic archtypes and insulting whatever depth to the character there is in canon
overall its so discouraing looking to join a fandom and then seeing this. works treated like content and not the hobby that they are, lack of care for warnings
and like I know how it used to be once upon a time way back before ao3. (me using A/N is a remnant of the past that I will subject you to for the rest of my life) I feel like in some ways we are going backwards and in others we are going the wrong way. I’ve been on tumblr for a very- fuck its been 10 years- and I’ve seen some of this on the odd occasion before but like this is a new level. never have I seen the x reader tags so full of non x reader stuff like just random people saying whatever they want, I mean yeah the prn bots but like its just actual people destroying the tag system. if its not character x reader don’t tag it as yeah?
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sumerus · 2 months
twitter is really doing my head in my god
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noxtivagus · 2 years
i want my lover to be a writer
#🌙.rambles#don't mind me just another one of my hopeless romantic antics#i swear i'm not usually so open about that especially for the past year#actually nvm i've always been like this . i still write a lot the same way i used to when i was younger#but i've lost a bit of my carefreeness due to worrying too much abt how others may perceive me ? being afraid in a way#my creativity thrives when i just let myself be comfortable w my own self#the idea of love. n actually loving is so beautiful#it's far from perfect but i know what are my values n goals regarding love#n while i'd really love to have experiences while i'm young. yk indulge a little in my youth#cries in my studies are my priority . as it should be though. my work is very important to me#i'm not actively seeking for love but god if i find it somewhere n by chance it happens to be reciprocated. that would be lovely#that said i would like a lover that is a writer#n so we'd also fall in love deeply with each other's words. the other worlds in our heads#someone who'd love the little things. every shift in our voices. the way our eyes speak.#the moments in between the silences. each unfiltered thought and word. everything unsaid but known#someone who also loves life and themselves#wah i have to go now but i'm thinking of the things i've written n read#i want to experience them in my own way. someday#sob i wna get better at the piano n write songs#i wna write letters i wna hug you when you're crying i wna kiss you goodnight#10 years in the future maybe 🫠
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lovifie · 6 months
Newdad!Ghost and Newmom! Reader having their child’s first fever…
I did ramble a bit about this before having the baby, I hope you don't mind ❤️ Also, I have no experience with babies so I hope I didn't write anything completely nonsense
Fluff | 1076 words | Back to Masterlist
Simon Riley thought that he was no longer a coward.
That the years spent in the military were enough to make him a brave man.
That there was nothing left to make him stutter on his words or feel his knees wobble.
That's what he thought though.
Because ever since the second you came out of the bathroom, positive pregnancy test on hand; he's been terrified, elated but terrified.
Terrified of something bad happening, to you, to the baby, to him... The thought of leaving you alone terrified him the worst.
But nothing happened.
You were already in the last trimester, almost past your due date and everything was perfect.
Whenever you saw the nerves getting the best of Simon you jumped to console him, reassuring him everything would be fine.
He felt horrible, he should be the one taking care of you, not the other way around. So plush and round with his offspring, the baby already sucking your energy.
"Big fucking bairn." As Soap once called it before getting smacked on the back of the head.
It was true, nonetheless, but still.
It was one day, when he saw you wobbling your way to the kitchen that it finally set on his mind.
He was about to be a father.
And fuck if he wasn't going to be the best one out there.
Now that it was the third trimester he could finally put in his parental leave, going home to you and helping with everything.
He finally got to building the crib, fixing the leaky faucet, changing the clothes in the closet for the winter one.
Everything was ready.
He wasn't, of course; when the contractions finally started. And he panicked when you said it was too early to go to the hospital.
5:40. That was the rule you keep repeating.
40 seconds contraction, every 5 minutes.
But he still struggled to stay strong whenever you would groan, holding onto the sink to steady yourself to breathe.
Once he finally managed to get you to the hospital, everything became a blur. He barely managed to send your family a message about the baby coming, and when he went to notify his family, he simply sent Price a message that said: "Baby now. Hospital."
Everything went smoothly, pride overflowing from his heart whenever he would look at you. He was hypnotized by the baby; looking so much like you but his features still looking back at him.
He kissed your forehead, thanking you for reviving Simon Riley. The man he buried so long ago, now rebirth as your daughter's dad.
He could feel people coming in and out of the room but completely ignored them, too busy staring at you and the baby.
Gaz even made you laugh, talking about how he thought pregnancy brain only happened to moms and that he thought Simon must have hit his head on the way in.
The look of unfiltered fear on the four men when the newborn started fussing around from the crib made you laugh. They quickly turned to see what the threat was, only for the baby to start crying at the top of her tiny lungs making the four men jump.
"She must be hungry." You say, leaning forward and looking at Simon. "Can you hand her to me, Si?"
He immediately did, holding the tiny baby with all the care the mountain of a man could muster. Passing her to you, and turning to the men talking about decency and giving you privacy.
They walked out, Price dropping a kiss on your head congratulating you once more on the job well done, leaving you, Simon and the baby.
The three of you.
His tiny family.
That he would kill and die in order to protect.
So he found himself useless, looking at you trying to calm the baby down when she wouldn't stop crying and her fever would keep rising.
He was at the door frame, seeing you pace the room, cleaning the baby's face with a damp cloth. He could see it on your face, the worry, the exhaustion, the fear... How have you hidden it so well? How has he not seen it before?
"She's over 39°, Si." You say, voice trembling with the knot in your throat.
"Let's go to the hospital." He said, grabbing the baby bag and your coat, and opening the door. He could see your doubt, the fear of what taking the baby back to the hospital meant for you. "C'mon, mama. The sooner we get there, the sooner we'll be back."
He needed to be strong right now, he has laid back for long enough. He saw the little cracks on you and he was going to fill them before you noticed them.
Simon Riley thought he was brave.
But he has never been as afraid as when he was driving, baby in the car seat and you sitting beside him in the back. Silent tears sliding down your face as you apologised to the crying baby.
It made him want to skip every red light, get there as soon as possible, so the doctors could tell you that you made the right choice, that you did a good job.
But he would rather relive his nightmare of a life a thousand times before doing such a stupid thing of putting you both at risk.
He sees the way you hug yourself when the nurse takes the baby away, and he quickly engulfs you in a hug. Protecting you from the cold of the night, protecting you from every danger outside and protecting you from every thought inside your brain.
"Everything is going to be alright, mama." He says, kissing your head. Heart sinking when he hears you sob and hug him back. "Everything will be alright, this happens, babies get sick sometimes. It doesn't mean you aren't doing a hell of a job, alright?"
You sob on his chest, tugging his shirt on your hands.
"You are an amazing mother, love. You are doing an amazing job. Our little tadpole has the best mom in the world." He says, swinging softly side to side, rocking you, petting your head. "She'll be fine. She's brave just like you, love. She'll be fine. We'll be fine."
Because Simon Riley always thought he was brave, but as long as you two were alive; he was a coward and losing you both was his biggest fear.
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catboybiologist · 3 months
Hiya! I'm CatboyBiologist.
The unhinged, unfiltered side of @hi-sierra.
I'm a degenerate trans woman that posts thirst traps like this:
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I'm also a graduate student in molecular biology and outdoor enthusiast. The kinds of stuff I post here include:
Perspectives on biology and gender
Thirst traps, including tgirl tummyposting
Other science and technology rambles/essays
Fiction writing attempts
HRT explanations and perspectives, from the perspective of a transfemme scientist-in-training (NOT a medical professional)
Violently bisexual meltdowns
Attempts at comedy
Making my ADHD everyone else's problem
Hiking/backpacking stuff
Any other shitposts I think are appropriate for this trash heap
This blog is largely completely unfiltered bullshit-welcome to the dumpster heap! If there's any intention behind this blog, its to show the science-loving, outdoorsy, "clean cut" aspects of my personality, alongside the openly queer, degenerate tranny aspects to show that they can coexist. Welcome!
As a grad student, money is always on the tight side for me, so anything thrown at my kofi is appreciated. If you like what I do, consider donating a little bit:
Anyone is free to tag me or interact with me, in any way! This includes tagging me in tgirl tummy tuesday! I will never object to that outright, however, I may not interact back with everything. It's a combination of ADHD, and a few personal warnings/boundaries, like:
I will not reblog full NSFW/sexual nudity here, at my discretion. Feel free to still tag me in NSFW things, though! I just may not RB.
I often push the limits of SFW without crossing them. I tag racier stuff as #sierra nsfw, or common tags like #tgirl tummy. However, I slip up a LOT, so if you're a minor or uncomfortable with that, you have been warned.
I sometimes interact with transphobia, mostly to smack it down. I tag it as best I can as #cw transphobia.
For personal comfort, I will likely never interact with drugplay related CNC, sexualizing my bulge, or sexualizing teacher/student dynamics.
Assorted links, including where else to find me and previous pinned posts, are under the cut.
Other places to find me:
Reddit profile: main alternate place to find me, I show up on 196 and trans subs a lot.
Instagram page: less frequently, but consistently active.
Cohost page: mostly inactive, may change in the future.
Bluesky page: mostly inactive, may change in the future.
Fediverse page on tech.lgbt: mostly inactive, may change in the future.
Previous pin #1
Previous pin #2
Previous pin #3 (contains more links to guides and notable posts I've made)
Bonus tortoise! At the time of writing, he's in a pseudo-hibernation state and staying with relatives. But stay tuned for fall- his hibernation clock is backwards.
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r0se1111 · 4 days
Hi! If you’re still taking requests about Ford Pines (I am not normal about him) could I have him with maybe a reader who’s in their late 30s and is an author and loves to write him poetry and literally just be in all in love and shit.
I amferal
As are we all >:)
I'm a sucker for a little age gap so this is with post-portal GILF Ford.
The two of you meet when he's getting back into the swing of a "normal" life, or as normal as things can get in Gravity Falls. You had moved there recently looking for inspiration for your upcoming book and were browsing the local library on the hunt for some research material when your hand that was stretching up to grab a particularly promising looking book is bumped by another hand. Larger, much more calloused and- six fingered? You turn questioningly to look at the owner and that was the end of that for the both of you.
Ford is very excited to have another writer just in his circle, nevertheless as his partner. You two bounce ideas off of each other and inspire each other, all while making sure the other doesn't overwork themselves. Sometimes your various notebooks get mixed up in a moment of feverish notetaking, and it's common to find both of your messy scrawl on the same page, rambling on about plot devices and anomalies and daily occurrences and the like.
He gets a little... not necessarily insecure but worried about your age gap? Like you have so much ahead of you still and you wanna spend it all with him? After some concerned looks from you and gentle shoulder rubbing he finally confesses his plight and you almost giggle at his naivete (you couldn't imagine spending those years with anyone else, silly) if it weren't for the frown and furrow of his brow adorning his face showing how truly affected he was.
In an effort to reaffirm him of your certainty and affection, you do what you do best: Write. You had sheepishly written a few poems about Ford while crushing on him, and more after big steps in your relationship but had rarely revealed them to him, save for a few cheeky haikus. But big feelings call for big gestures, and soon you find yourself leaning away from the man during your daily writing-together-on-the-couch-time in an effort to keep his wandering eyes from seeing that the subject of your concentration was, in fact, him.
Once you finish, you write out the final draft on a little slip of paper and silently slide it to him one night before he has taken his glasses off. His amused chuckle turns into a soft gasp as he takes in your love poem to him. Then, it's your turn to gasp as he all but launches himself at you to cuddle, burying his grin into the warmth of your stomach.
Given this positive reaction you feel more comfortable writing him poems and even reading them out loud to him. Sneaking up behind him and whispering a few verses into his ear are a surefire way to get his blushing, syrupy sweet attention. He smiles at every line you write to him and it feels like standing in the sun, warm and slow and wonderful.
He feels inclined to return the favor with a few poems of his own. However much he stutters that "it's nothing compared to yours, dear" his unfiltered love as well as the pure talent of an experienced writer overshadow any questionable rhymes he comes up with.
Soon the two of you have a shared notebook where you swap poems. Sometimes you purposefully share them with the other, sometimes you leave them to be discovered in time, a little gift waiting for the eyes of your lover. It's just another way you show your love for one another <3
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crmsnmth · 5 months
They're All Going to Laugh at You
They laughed as they threw fists and boots like paper planes They laughed, blow after blow bruises in the shape of a boot They laugh, as a rib cracks silently and suddenly breathing is a little difficult I've grown tired of ER visits in the late night
They laughed when blood poured down covering the mouth in sticky red They laughed as I tried to stand Only to flop back down to the sidewalk They laughed and shoved me back down this beating won't last
But it will live on forever in my head
They laughed as I spit blood A few of my teeth feel loose to my tongue They laughed as I held on to the ground My head was dizzy and I didn't want to fall off the earth They laughed as my eyes dripped tears of pain and humiliation and I don't know which is worse
They laughed as I stood shaking on my feet putting fingers in my face They laughed to each other about maybe going in for another round The laughed as they turned away from me and headed back down the street I thought we were supposed to be friends
Because beating the adict is a better plan then helping him He's blood is five percent alcohol before I even take my first drink for the day I'll bleed out right here in this gutter
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