#united states news source
an-onyx-void · 9 months
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fashionsfromhistory · 11 months
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Wedding Dress
For her marriage to John A. Richardson on New Year's Day 1839, Susan Capen Everett of Boston, Massachusetts, was on the cutting edge of fashion. A dress very similar to hers, with a fringed neckline and sleeves had been illustrated in a fashion plate in the Petit Courrier des Dames only a month before. Susan must have brought the print straight to her dressmaker in order to have the dress ready in time for the wedding.
Historic New England (Accession Number: 1926.734)
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destielmemenews · 11 days
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"In the lawsuit filed in Hennepin County District Court in Minneapolis on Monday, the DHL eCommerce unit alleges that MyPillow is in violation of a contract that requires the Minnesota-based company to pay for all parcel delivery services within 15 days of being billed. The lawsuit says they reached a settlement in May 2023 that required MyPillow to pay $775,000 in 24 monthly installments starting in April of this year.
But the lawsuit alleges that MyPillow has made only partial payments on that settlement, totaling $64,583.34, with the last one received on June 6. DHL says it notified MyPillow that it was in default on July 2. The lawsuit seeks $799,925.59, plus interest and attorney fees."
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reasonsforhope · 8 months
"As countries around the world begin to either propose or enforce zero-deforestation regulations, companies are coming under growing pressure to prove that their products are free of deforestation. But this is often a far from straightforward process.
Take palm oil, for instance. Its journey from plantations, most likely in Indonesia or Malaysia, to store shelves in the form of shampoo, cookies or a plethora of other goods, is a long and convoluted one. In fact, the cooking oil or cosmetics we use might contain palm oil processed in several different mills, which in turn may have bought the raw palm fruit from several of the many thousands of plantations. For companies that use palm oil in their products, tracing and tracking its origins through these obscure supply chains is a tough task. Often it requires going all the way back to the plot level and checking for deforestation. However, these plots are scattered over vast areas across potentially millions of locations, with data being in various states of digitization and completeness...
Palmoil.io, a web-based monitoring platform that Bottrill launched, is attempting to help palm oil companies get around this hurdle. Its PlotCheck tool allows companies to upload plot boundaries and check for deforestation without any of the data being stored in their system. In the absence of an extensive global map of oil palm plots, the tool was developed to enable companies to prove compliance with regulations without having to publicly disclose detailed data on their plots. PlotCheck now spans 13 countries including Indonesia and Malaysia, and aims to include more in the coming months.
Palm oil production is a major driver of deforestation in Indonesia and Malaysia, although deforestation rates linked to it have declined in recent years. While efforts to trace illegally sourced palm oil have ramped up in recent years, tracing it back to the source continues to be a challenge owing to the complex supply chains involved.
Recent regulatory proposals have, however, made it imperative for companies to find a way to prove that their products are free of deforestation. Last June, the European Union passed legislation that prohibits companies from sourcing products, including palm oil, from land deforested after 2020. A similar law putting the onus on businesses to prove that their commodities weren’t produced on deforested land is also under discussion in the U.K. In the U.S., the U.S. Forest Bill aims to work toward a similar goal, while states like New York are also discussing legislation to discourage products produced on deforested land from being circulated in the markets there...
PlotCheck, which is now in its beta testing phase, allows users to input the plot data in the form of a shape file. Companies can get this data from palm oil producers. The plot data is then checked and analyzed with the aid of publicly available deforestation data, such as RADD (Radar for Detecting Deforestation) alerts that are based on data from the Sentinel-1 satellite network and from NASA’s Landsat satellites. The tool also uses data available on annual tree cover loss and greenhouse gas emission from plantations.
Following the analysis, the tool displays an interactive online map that indicates where deforestation has occurred within the plot boundaries. It also shows details on historical deforestation in the plot as well as data on nearby mills. If deforestation is detected, users have the option of requesting the team to cross-check the data and determine if it was indeed caused by oil palm cultivation, and not logging for artisanal mining or growing other crops. “You could then follow up with your supplier and say there is a potential red flag,” Bottrill said.
As he waits to receive feedback from users, Bottrill said he’s trying to determine how to better integrate PlotCheck into the workflow of companies that might use the tool. “How can we take this information, verify it quickly and turn it into a due diligence statement?” he said. “The output is going to be a statement, which companies can submit to authorities to prove that their shipment is deforestation-free.” ...
Will PlotCheck work seamlessly? That’s something Bottrill said he’s cautiously optimistic about. He said he’s aware of the potential challenges with regard to data security and privacy. However, he said, given how zero-deforestation legislation like that in the EU are unprecedented in their scope, companies will need to sit up and take action to monitor deforestation linked to their products.
“My perspective is we should use the great information produced by universities, research institutes, watchdog groups and other entities. Plus, open-source code allows us to do things quickly and pretty inexpensively,” he said. “So I am positive that it can be done.”"
-via Mongabay, January 26, 2024
Note: I know it's not "stop having palm oil plantations." (A plan I'm in support of...monocrop plantations are always bad, and if palm oil production continues, it would be much better to produce it using sustainable agroforestry techniques.)
However, this is seriously a potentially huge step/tool. Since the EU's deforestation regulations passed, along with other whole-supply-chain regulations, people have been really worried about how the heck we're going to enforce them. This is the sort of tool we need/need the industry to have to have a chance of genuinely making those regulations actually work. Which, if it does work, it could be huge.
It's also a great model for how to build supply chain monitoring for other supply chain regulations, like the EU's recent ban on companies destroying unsold clothes.
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bloghrexach · 4 months
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I🇮🇱 …. Has the tide changed? Has the world and their allies realized that it’s a losing proposition?
The really sad thing is that it took the lives of 40,000+ innocent civilians, fathers, mothers, children, infrastructure and more! — more importantl, this showed the hypocrisy of western ‘democracy’!!
By: LaillaB, Founder of ‘Reclaim the Narrative’, from LinkedIn …
“In the immediate aftermath of 7 Oct, Israel enjoyed widespread sympathy, especially from western governments.
Joe Biden rushed to Tel Aviv, to sit with the bereaved and to stand with their leaders.
Europe’s Von De Liar echoed the sentiment of “Israel's right to self-defence”, whilst UK’s Sunak even donned a Jewish kippah to demonstrate his commitment to Israel.
But look at the picture now. It has never been more isolated.
For six months, Israel has asked for the world’s understanding, trying to explain that it faces an exceptional enemy – one that hides underground, among and underneath a civilian population, and thinks nothing of firing rockets and missiles from hospitals, schools and mosques.
For that reason, foreign governments have danced to the propaganda and granted Israel patience.
But that has now run out.
And it’s not Israel’s perennial critics who are denouncing the country; it’s Israel’s friends.
In Britain, the WCK killings saw Lord Ricketts, a former UK national security adviser who earlier served Tony Blair, demand a suspension of arms sales.
Various Western allies have already cut off weapons supplies or are considering it.
Those governments are responding to a global mood they can no longer ignore.
Amid the slaughter and with famine looming, Israel’s allies must say enough is enough but their complicity and aiding and abetting will loom over them for years to come.
**Many Israelis are barely aware of the change: their media don’t show the war the rest of the world sees and deplores.
They are focused instead on the frozen failure to bring the hostages home – the focus of growing anti-Netanyahu protests.
**Israel is losing support globally, leading to the use force or threats to maintain the status quo.
Indeed there are no winners in war. But Hamas can argue leverage: it laid a deadly resistance trap – and the far right fascist government fell right into it.
“The conduct of Israel’s operations from north to south has been revenge-driven, not intelligence-driven," Abbas Dahouk, a former senior military advisor at the State Department and military attache in the Middle East, April 2024.
"Under my leadership, Israel will never accept any attempt by the International Criminal Court in the Hague to undermine its basic right to defend itself," Netanyahu, Telegram, April 2024. #Rogue …
Israel is now officially a pariah state on trial for Genocide!! … 🇮🇱
#reclaimthenarrative — 🕊🍉 — #TheGuardian … @hrexach …
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gremlins-hotel · 2 years
Yeah okay, so to anyone that might be freaking out about the Su-27/MQ 9 collision and if it might lead to a US-Russian conflict, honestly it’s really blasé compared to what it could be. If anything it’s funny.
The MQ 9 Reaper is an unmanned drone (UAV = unmanned aerial vehicle). Key word: unmanned. This would be a different story if this were an incident between two pilots. However, it’s not. It’s an incident between one pilot in a $30 million aircraft and a $32 million remote-controlled/autonomous-capable drone.
At most this footage displays the historic unprofessionalism and poor training of most Russian pilots. The pilot dumps fuel on the drone for whatever reason. That plume you see? Fuel dumping. And then the pilot attempts to physically hit the drone - which costs more than his own aircraft in conversion - in the propellor. The Reaper is basically a fly. The Russian pilot just attempted to spray it with Raid and then gave up on that and used themselves as the world’s most costly flyswatter. Make no mistake that the damage they could’ve inflicted on themselves is a real and dangerous possibility. If the pilot were smart (or perhaps better trained) they should’ve just used the Su-27’s GSh-30-1 30 mm autocannon platform. What a far more intelligent (and safer) idea.
See, in bird culture, this shit would be a dick move. Like what the fuck dude! I’m flying here! I don’t even have food! Pilot doesn’t even have the mind to use disrespect chaff or flares for style points. I know the Flanker has them. Big Сука Sukhoi playing stupid fuck fuck games at the wheel of whack-fuck. This is going in the United States’ cringe compilation.
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city-island-upstate · 2 years
Devil: Hey, so I took your soul last month.
Jack: No refunds.
Devil: Please, it's making me sad.
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thenewdemocratus · 3 months
Tim Miller & Adam Kinzinger: "Yes, Donald Trump is Dumb & Erratic As Hell'
Source:The Bulwark talking about Donald J. Trump’s political cult. Source:The New Democrat “Felon 45 didn’t even really like being president and no one is taking his ludicrous tariff plan seriously, but Republicans can’t stop tripping over each other to show him their fealty. Plus, Putin’s desperate trip to North Korea, Netanyahu shows his ingratitude to Biden, the national debt keeps growing,…
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shortsweetespresso · 2 months
okay, but on a serious note, as someone with a degree in history, this is a terrifying event. not only is this showing that our leaders and former leaders are not safe from an attack, but this attempt also happened against a former president that may will use this to his advantage. this man, a former REALITY TV STAR, knows how to play a crowd. he knows how to put on a show and manipulate people to be on his side. he already has an insane fan base who has ALREADY incited an insurrection attempt on the very government they CLAIM TO LOVE.
history loves a martyr, and a living martyr can make things worse. whether this was real or staged, it will be treated as real by every single news source that matters unless proven otherwise -- which could end up being proven years down the line. the right are already using this as a reason to vote for trump. I can't scroll through my facebook without people in every single group I'm in discussing this. all press is good press, especially to the right wing where they can spread their propaganda.
this night is going to be in history books. unless the American people come together, and EVERYONE who can vote against trump, votes for Biden (god help us), this night may very well be listed in the reasons fascism came to take hold of the United States.
you can read the reasons why World War I and II happened, and you can see the clear picture as all of those reasons are laid out in front of you.
Not to fear monger, but World War III's causes are already being laid out in front of us clearly, unless we can work together to stop it. Ukraine, Palestine, and many other places are already the places of first conflict. take a look around. read the news from all angles.
Vote. VOTE. V O T E. FUCKING VOTE. Biden is the much lesser of two evils, and it literally hurts to say that the president currently funding a Palestinian genocide is the better option, and the fact that I HAVE to vote for him in order to keep trump out of power is breaking me and everything I am inside. biden is funding it -- yet trump said he would help israel "finish the job"
donate to Palestinians. donate to the people of Ukraine. vote democrat in the 2024 election.
I'm sorry that this is not the most eloquently written tumblr essay, but I am terrified.
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an-onyx-void · 11 months
Israel presses into Gaza as pro-Palestinian protests spread worldwide https://www.npr.org/2023/10/30/1209380561/israel-presses-into-gaza-as-pro-palestinian-protests-spread-worldwide
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batboyblog · 3 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #24
June 21-28 2024
The US Surgeon General declared for the first time ever, firearm violence a public health crisis. The nation's top doctor recommended the banning of assault weapons and large-capacity magazines, the introduce universal background checks for purchasing guns, regulate the industry, pass laws that would restrict their use in public spaces and penalize people who fail to safely store their weapons. President Trump dismissed Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy in 2017 in part for his criticism of guns before his time in government, he was renominated for his post by President Biden in 2021. While the Surgeon General's reconstructions aren't binding a similar report on the risks of smoking in 1964 was the start of a national shift toward regulation of tobacco.
Vice-President Harris announced the first grants to be awarded through a ground breaking program to remove barriers to building more housing. Under President Biden more housing units are under construction than at any time in the last 50 years. Vice President Harris was announcing 85 million dollars in grants giving to communities in 21 states through the  Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing (PRO) program. The administration plans another 100 million in PRO grants at the end of the summer and has requested 100 million more for next year. The Treasury also announced it'll moved 100 million of left over Covid funds toward housing. All of this is part of plans to build 2 million affordable housing units and invest $258 billion in housing overall.
President Biden pardoned all former US service members convicted under the US Military's ban on gay sex. The pardon is believed to cover 2,000 veterans convicted of "consensual sodomy". Consensual sodomy was banned and a felony offense under the Uniform Code of Justice from 1951 till 2013. The Pardon will wipe clean those felony records and allow veterans to apply to change their discharge status.
The Department of Transportation announced $1.8 Billion in new infrastructure building across all 50 states, 4 territories and Washington DC. The program focuses on smaller, often community-oriented projects that span jurisdictions. This award saw a number of projects focused on climate and energy, like $25 million to help repair damage caused by permafrost melting amid higher temperatures in Alaska, or $23 million to help electrify the Downeast bus fleet in Maine.
The Department of Energy announced $2.7 billion to support domestic sources of nuclear fuel. The Biden administration hopes to build up America's domestic nuclear fuel to allow for greater stability and lower costs. Currently Russia is the world's top exporter of enriched uranium, supplying 24% of US nuclear fuel.
The Department of Interior awarded $127 million to 6 states to help clean up legacy pollution from orphaned oil and gas wells. The funding will help cap 600 wells in Alaska, Arizona, Indiana, New York and Ohio. So far thanks to administration efforts over 7,000 orphaned wells across the country have been capped, reduced approximately 11,530 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions
HUD announced $469 million to help remove dangerous lead from older homes. This program will focus on helping homeowners particularly low income ones remove lead paint and replace lead pipes in homes built before 1978. This represents one of the largest investments by the federal government to help private homeowners deal with a health and safety hazard.
Bonus: President Biden's efforts to forgive more student debt through his administration's SAVE plan hit a snag this week when federal courts in Kansas and Missouri blocked elements the Administration also suffered a set back at the Supreme Court as its efforts to regular smog causing pollution was rejected by the conservative majority in a 5-4 ruling that saw Amy Coney Barrett join the 3 liberals against the conservatives. This week's legal setbacks underline the importance of courts and the ability to nominate judges and Justices over the next 4 years.
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destielmemenews · 19 days
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"Trump Media ended the trading day at $16.98 per share, a 6% decline on the day.
The stock has fallen more than 75% from its intraday peak of $79.38 per share, which it hit in its Nasdaq trading debut in late March following Trump Media’s merger with a special purpose acquisition company."
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picturejasper20 · 5 months
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Wow... people having to identify themselves to a government because of they are part of a group that is seen as ¨other¨ or because they want to learn about a certain topic...where i have seen this before...
I don't know... maybe what it is considered one of the biggest red flags in steps of dehumanization of groups, mainly minorities?
Btw, this is what the people behind KOSA are trying to impose in all the United States of America.
[Image ID: News politcs article about USA politics that says ¨Kansas governor passes law requiring ID to view acts of 'homosexuality' online, vetoes anti-LGBTQ+ bill¨ /.End ID]
Link to the article: https://www.advocate.com/politics/kansas-veto-age-verification-gender-affirming-care-abortion
Edit: Since this gained more notes, for those who don't know KOSA is, it is a USA bill that was reintroduced on May 2023 (last year). It is called ¨Kids Online Safety Act¨ (KOSA for short). It has been introduced and reintroduced for a while now since 2022. It is meant with the intention to ¨protect kids¨ by restricting their use of internet by pushing age restrictions and people having to present their ID to use internet or access certain websites, quite similar to the Kansas state bill that got passed. Many groups and people have criticized this bill for the potential censorship it can come with it and do more harm to the kids than help them. Possible censorship that has been suggested this bill can bring is LGBT+ content, politics and news, mental health search, political and social opinions in general (adults included). What is more, it has been put into question the possible invasion of privacy for both minors and adults by having to share an identification to use certain websites. That people could get censored or doxxed by doing this.
As for the bill itself, there was a hearing earlier today in the Senate. ( April 17th-Wednesday). It could take a while before it gets voted and has to pass different stages. Then it would take months (18 months) to be implemented if it gets passed.
I'm not American myself, so i'm not sure how much i can do about this. What i do recommend is making calls to senators and people involved in pushing this bill to make clear your disapproval of it. Try sign petitions or just telling others about it.
Some sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kids_Online_Safety_Act https://www.stopkosa.com/ https://www.badinternetbills.com/ https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/02/dont-fall-latest-changes-dangerous-kids-online-safety-act
Website to keep track of the KOSA bill movements and cosponsors of the bill:
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bloghrexach · 7 months
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🇺🇸 … She said afterwards: ‘A FINAL SOLUTION'?
The US Ambassador to the UN spoke after she vetoed the Ceasefire vote in the UN:
“We will continue to actively engage in the hard work of direct diplomacy on the ground until we reach a FINAL SOLUTION.' … 🇺🇸 @hrexach
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inside0ut-dotnet · 3 months
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The Queer Liberation Library (QLL) is a digital treasure trove of over 1,200 LGBTQ books, providing a valuable resource for individuals across the country to access. This unique collection offers a diverse range of literature that celebrates and explores the LGBTQ experience in all its complexity. QLL has attracted over 50,000 readers, providing safe access to queer literature regardless of location or circumstances. Unlike traditional libraries, the Queer Liberation Library is specifically curated to center LGBTQ voices and experiences. With a focus on inclusion and representation, this digital catalog offers a wide range of genres, from fiction and poetry to memoirs and academic texts. While the collection is extensive, here are a few notable titles: "A Burst of Light" by Audre Lorde “One Last Stop” by Casey McQuiston: A contemporary novel with LGBTQ themes. QLL continually adds new titles to enrich its catalog and cater to diverse interests QLL was founded by a team of nine volunteers in response to state laws and school policies challenging books with LGBTQ themes. By providing access to a wealth of LGBTQ literature, the Queer Liberation Library offers readers the opportunity to explore diverse perspectives, gain insight into different lived experiences, and foster a greater understanding of the LGBTQ community. It offers free digital access to over 1,200 LGBTQ books for readers across the United States. Whether you are looking for resources for research, personal enrichment, or simply to broaden your literary horizons, this digital library has something to offer everyone. Representation matters, and the Queer Liberation Library plays a crucial role in amplifying LGBTQ voices and stories. Unlike many public libraries, QLL specifically curates books with queer themes or written by queer authors. By providing a platform for LGBTQ authors and their work, this digital catalog helps to create a more inclusive literary landscape and promotes greater visibility for the LGBTQ community. With over 1,200 books to explore, the Queer Liberation Library is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to learn more about LGBTQ history, culture, and identity. Whether you are a member of the LGBTQ community or an ally looking to educate yourself, this digital library is a rich source of knowledge and inspiration. 🌈 📚 Check it out HERE: www.queerliberationlibrary.org
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reasonsforhope · 8 months
Where can I find Free Palestine protests and Ceasefire protests?
A super international and continually updated list of actions can be found at Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network's:
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Calendar of Resistance for Palestine 2024
They list events by date, then alphabetically by country, then by city - and it's common for them to have dozens of actions listed for a single date, especially on the weekends.
The United States especially often has 40+ events on a single day, especially on the weekends.
Events are posted with links to the event info posted by whoever's hosting the vast majority of the time.
Look blow the read-more for a list of many of the countries that have been on this protest calendar, in alphabetical order, since I know so many websites/lists of actions are country-specific
*Obviously this isn't the only good source of listings for protest events - there are many others. This is by far the biggest/most international roundup I've found, though, so I started with this. If you know another good place for finding ceasefire protests/events, please feel free to add it in the notes, bc I'm planning to put a bigger roundup together once I find enough other sites
Countries that Samidoun has listed/does list protests for include (in alphabetical order):
North America:
United States
Puerto Rico (listed separately in anti-colonial solidarity)
Hawai'i (listed separately in anti-colonial solidarity)
SWANA Region (Southwest Asia/North Africa)*:
Turkiye (Turkey)
*Samidoun notes that "We know that these events are mainly international and that the Arab people are marching everywhere for Palestine – we will be honored to add more Arab events whenever we are informed!"
South Korea
South Africa
*Duplicating North African countries (well, Tunisia) here from the SWANA list btw
South America:
Australia and Oceania:
Aotearoa (New Zealand)
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