#unorthodoxal fantasy
daosizsangha · 4 months
I am making a card game! right now I playtest it with my friends time to time, hope I can print the elements for the next art market in my area.
the the core idea is that these are swap cards, but they are playable! you only need a weapon card, a character card and a d12.
probably will make a print to play version on itch.io when I'll be confident with this.
(thats not a final art btw)
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smellyrottentrees · 2 months
Unorthodox Ships Tag Game
It has been a week, but I’ll still thank @the-golden-comet for tagging me!
Rules: post five overly specific ship dynamics for characters in your story/stories.
Ga’avan the Mighty
1. Woman convicted of a felony x guy who just follows her around all the time and calls her a witch
2. Woman convicted of another felony x cowboy with depression
3. Cowboy with depression x literally the most elegant woman to ever walk the earth
4. Someone’s shoulder x a literal ax
The First Emperor
5. Really rich guy with too much time on his hands x fish man with attitude problems
Gosh I don’t really dwell in the lands of romance so this is hard for me. But I have a lot of characters who are either extremely minor or have relationships outside of the plot that do have even goofier dynamics. But let’s keep things relevant to what is actually publishable.
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linksthoughtbrambles · 7 months
Part 16 of Adventure Log+ (sequel to Link's Thought Brambles - much better to read in order, both also on ao3). Warning for strong language and violence. Trigger warning for intense fire. Disclaimer: The content of this chapter is fiction only, and is not intended to contain advice or instructions for surviving hazardous conditions involving fire.
Yes, yes-
“Off, off, off, off-”
“I got it, I got it-“ Fi?
I look upon your plan with trepidation.
"Hehehe" What else is new?
"What's funny?!"
"Sorry, Beraya, it's the sword." The last thing I need is Beraya thinking I find her shoulders funny, and yeah, Fi, I know-
The moisture is a double-edged sword.
"Kh- shh, Tass."
Zelda already made us swear not to run into the flames. It'll give us some extra time in the heat, act like sweat, and some of it will be gone from the wind before we even get there.
Unless something surprises you, master. Fire is unpredictable, and the heat capacity of water can be deceptive.
Look, Zelda thinks it's better this way. I'm going with it.
If steam becomes trapped against your skin-
It'll scald. YEAH. I know. There!
“Bloody mail- I needed a refit anyway.”
“You got it, Beraya—soon as we’re back.” Faster, Link, faster for $*#@’s sake!
“Shh, sh sh sh- Tass!  Link- perhaps we- kh- oughtn’t ride any further.”
“It’s up to you-“ thereFINALLY- “arms through-“
“-arms through.“
“Yes sir, I have the rest, I have it!”
“The horses should come back here when we dismount.” I hope.
“They may bolt with us still riding.”
Hope not hope not “They might.”
“Huiru, Reida.”  They better- good they’re listening not that I’d expect them to ride into fire without at least something, something SOMETHING to help, dear Hylia, and at least they already have face cloths, just have to douse them-
“P- princess!  We- shouldn’t use these-“
-but it won’t last long-
“Sir Margil, I appreciate the sentiment-“
-not in all that heat.
“-but there are more important things than Link and I’s spare clothing.”
“It feels- like sacrilege.”
“Indeed not.  Hylia would much prefer her symbol to keep you safe than for you to perish in the smoke.  Think of it...“
To the well, Link, help Cohl, water water water “I got it-“
“...Think of it as a ward protecting you.”
“…Yes, Princess.”
“I got that, Margil.”
“Thanks, Aree.”
“I can’t believe I’m wearing something you sewed with your own hands, Princess.”
“I admit kh- when I fashioned Link’s tunics, I had no expectation of their being used as facemasks.  Ah- but please, don’t fret, Sir Liff khm-khm.”
Zelda’s susceptible.  She coughed a lot at Miss Morsels’ too.  Not that I think that stench was as nasty as smoke.  “Princess- I again recommend-“
“That I remain with Sirs Bennent and Lahs, and I again decline, Link.”
Amazing she can smile at me in all this, I don’t think I have it in me.  “I figured.”  Nope- smile failure.  “I had to ask.  Beraya, your turn!”
“Yes, sir.”
Sitting, good, she’s taller than me.
“More, Cohl.”
“Coming, Sir Link!” “I’m done, I can help.”
“Thanks, Daile.”
“Get the horses, too.”
“D- damn.  Yeah.”
It feels like hours but it’s been minutes, only minutes, how many people are dying while we do this?
Lucky there’s no malice here, unlucky no surface water, only a deep well but the people ran and that’s good, good, stalls empty, no horses, no walking corpses, no corpses at all, no-
“All good.”  Stop brooding, Link, you’re not helping anyone, more water- “You’re next, Princess.”
“I’m done!”
Varniro “Good, help with the horses.”
“Yes sir!”
Here I go dunking my last tunic in water it’s for her for her I don’t know why I feel this matters but I do.  “Okay, Z- hold this- get ready.”
"Not the socks."
"Heh. No, not the socks." I don't want to know what boiling water feels like in my boots, either.
Face crinkled, I always like that face on her.  “Look up- yeah.”  Hair wet, get every fricking inch of her clothing, careful, just barely wet the bandage outside only outside only.  Wet bandages bad news…
“You good, Cohl?”
“I got some slopped on me pulling it up so fast.  Top’s not there yet.”
“I got you.”
Liff and Cohl look out for each other.  Good.
“I believe that’s sufficient, Link.”
“I want you soaked.” …Oh s$&%, Link.
Keep pouring the water, keep pouring it, clearly no one gives a crap or possibly even noticed your ridiculous slip.
…Except Zelda.  A single-eyebrow raise.  She’ll tease me later.  I hope.  Later.  Hope for that.
“I’m good!”
“Me too, Sir.”
“Alright, almost there- get the horses as best you can.  Manes and tails especially, but we won’t take them all the way in.  They’ll run after that.  Lahs- Bennent- I’m serious.  You see something headed your way that’s not us, you retreat immediately and at full speed.  Make for the logging village if you can- get word to the castle faster.  If something cuts you off, head to the Royal Lab.  Got it?
“Got it, sir.”  “Yes, sir.”
Link.  Look them in the eye.  “If not…“
“We’ll bring his body back, sir.”
“…Yes.  Thanks.  Oereb’s family will thank you, too.”
Zelda’s face.  Wish I could hold her now.
Oh.  My turn.  Just nod, let Margil get you.
Feels good. Not clean exactly.  But maybe a little less disgusting than I was.
“Your bandage, Sir.”
“Yeah.” Hand over it should be good enough.  Pat some water… just on the outside.
Less good now with the water in my pants.  That’s going to chafe.  Priorities priorities priorities.
Good to have my eyes closed.  Just for… a minute.
“Eh- hey, Reida, could you help me with this?”
“Ah- ah.  Yes, alright.”
“… Uh.  Thanks.”
That’s how they seem to me, but maybe I’m biased, they answer to other Sheikah, not to me, Zelda, too, ideally, but they seem not to take her orders seriously in combat like they think they know better and maybe they’re right but I don’t think so, I think they f$(#ed up with those riders, Zelda, Zelda was right, they should’ve broken off, let her fire.
Maybe I’ll talk to herOH more pants water- later.  About them.  See if she agrees. “Think I’m good.  Thanks, Margil.”
“You’re welcome, Sir.”
Pretty sure Zuho would’ve jumped to help us prep, not stood around being watchful with his nose up in the air, he’s not like them. She’s surrounded by us, this is not the time to stand still, this is the time for speed, speed, oh.  Facecloth.  “Thanks again.”
And the buckets have stopped.  “Ready?”
“Yes Sir!”  “Yes.”  “Ready.”  “Ready, Sir!”
Nods, nods.  “Princess?”
“…Mount.  We ride-“
Horse horse
“-as close as the horses will allow.”
Good boy- sorry.
“We go the rest of the way on foot- at a run.”
About your rider.
“We enter Serenne if at all possible.”
So, so sorry.
“We slay any monsters.”
I wonder... if you understand.
“If our kh- enemy is the fire itself, we shall help them fight it.”
It hasn’t hit me yet.
“If the blaze is too fierce, we shall evacuate all we can instead.”
But when it does-
“We remain together unless Link or I order otherwise-"
-it’ll be like always.
“-and we avoid extreme heat, smoke, and flame. Onward!”
I’ll have another hole inside.  “Everyone ride astride each other. Hup, boy!”
“Go, Tass!”  “Hyah!” “Hyup-“  “Hhh.”
A hole where the first person died under my command. 
Zelda.  Beside me.
I don’t want her back exposed even to our own soldiers.
And there’s a shudder.  Our own soldiers.  Vayden and Carok guy.
I want to know someone really Goddess-damned well before I let them have a clear shot at Zelda’s back.  Or mine, for that matter, but at least if it’s me I’ll react fast.  Not that she isn’t fast…
But I’ve never seen her do the Thing.  Better to assume she can’t.
My Goddess.  The south's all but an inferno, what happened here?
“So much!”
I’ve never, never heard Beraya like that before-
“Easy, easy, good boy-“
“Good, good Tass!”
“Hey hey hey hey shh- Tass-“ got him
“Kh- khh-“
got him “shh- shhhhh” soothe him Link “shh-“ just enough give her a few seconds “shh, shh, easy- easy-“ he is so done, rolling eyes- “dismount, everyone- now- yes- gooood boy, good, easy-“ she’s off let go lethimgo-
Good they’re all off ��On FOOT!  We GO!”
She’s alright she’s so fast like me running beside me and Dear Goddess it's warm even here! In there the plate mail would’ve baked half of us alive and even the water won’t last us long-
-amazing the horses got us so close to the treeline they’re not lit here not yet outer edge dark silhouettes monsters?  Trees bushes rocks maybe or crouching things could be could be do I see horns
“Yes!”  Screaming where where nothing nothing nothing nothing
“Yes, Princess!”  “Ahhh!”  “Gh.”  “Mkh.”  “Kh- kh kh- khh“
Coughing more, please, please don’t let her drop-
Does she see them does she I SEE “THERE!” MoblinmoblinmoblinnoFASTERLINK NO YEHHHHHS ZELDA GO DOWN GO DOWN
It does but an arrow through its eye gave that kid seconds he needed and now Terial, Aree, great shots, it must be a red, it’s on its knees already and LIFF, yes, he’s fast too and- there goes its throat.
“You hurt?!”
Kid’s shocked he’s shocked answer Liff come on
“I- I- I h- ad to come back!”
“We are here to kh- help- what happened?”
Zelda- he may not be able to
“Here- I got you.“
Kid’s filthy and shaking but seems sturdy enough now Liff pulled him up.
“They- they told us to run, but I had to come back!  Something’s wrong- at the next farm, too, everyone’s just waiting in the wheat-“
“-and there’s not enough water and we could see the fire got worse!”
The other kids.  “How did this start?”
“Monsters.  They just- came.  Out of nowhere-“
…What was that?
“Oh, F$*%.”
“Sir- Princess- that sounds like a lynel.”
“Your dad-“
“Yes, sir.”
“We go. In.”
And fast, my Goddess-
“Kid, go back.  The others have horses?”
“Okay.  Don’t lose those.”
Liff’s sharper
“The horses want to bolt,”
than I gave him credit for.
“you’re better off on them than not, alright?”
Nod, Link, he has spooked-face
“Y- yeah.”
like he thinks he might’ve overstepped.
“Just- go and don’t come back here- ah-“
I really, really don't mind, people can't be constantly asking me about everything.
“-unless someone you trust fetches you.  And-“
Unless he tells the kid to do something stupid.
“-if you see anything off, just run.  Uh…”
And Liff’s looking at me.
Because which way?  Which way is safe?  “…Head south by southeast so you’d just barely scrape the farm at the foot of Salari hill in that direction.  Then…  make for the royal lab.”  They can defend themselves better than the logging village, so… safer… maybe.
“O- okay.”
Didn’t have to tell him twice.  He’s scared to s#$&… wait, shuffling chuchu LEAP Linkwhathe- “Rkh!”
“Ah!” “Move, kid!” “Move!” “Gkh!”
“Eh-“ “Ff-“  “Blasted-“  “Move, move!” “Fire-”
Fire chuchus here?!  “In- in, everyone, the town!  Go, kid!”
Watch him go watch him go, DAMN the wood’s dry pine needles like flammable fricking carpet, back up "Back up, back up!" watch the kid they’ll pull ahead but I’ll catch up almost almost almost trees he’s out all you can do Link you can’t escort him all the way back and if there’s anyone left alive in the town they’re in just as much danger and more
Her eyes so good there it is a boko-
Varniro Genenko careful bad shield arm
Red.  DownMORE
“KGGGH.”  “KHG.”
They always sound so disgustingly happy
“Gh- ah!”
Happy to maim- Margil
Good skewered blue not dead-
-now it is.
Happy to kill, too.
Not like Margil.
His face is not happy right now.  Bokos smile when they kill.
“They are kh- here awaiting those who flee.”
“…Yeah.”  I hope there are people left to run.
There’s more I see them waiting on the road at the edge of the houses some behind moblins those are moblins three red blue blue, at least two bokoblins, horns, little horns sticking up show them-
Yes.  Shh- there they are.  One two three- four five.  Eyes out.  Look.  All of you scan.  Zelda?
They- are- looking- inward.  We quiet, we surprise them.  Yes.  Good.
Spread out.
No- Zelda.  Stay with me.
Liff and Cohl again.  Good.  Huiru creeping crouched, Terial with Margil- Aree with Beraya, Daile with Genenko, Varniro with Reida, a pair, okay.  Huiru’s alone but he clearly has a method.
Six pairs.  Five monsters.  So far.
We’ve got THAT one.
Sh sh sh… she knows.  She knows.  Quiet.  The fire’s loud, but- doesn’t mean it couldn’t hear us at all, a snapping branch, a cough-
…please don’t cough.
Hot.  Even here.  Hot.  Smoke. Careful. Pay attention to your skin, Link-
I will endeavor to notify you of any sudden changes in your skin, master, but I have no method by which to measure your surroundings.
Thank you.
Her fists just balled.
She wants to cough.
Hurry, hurry, the flames, hiding the footsteps, careful but quick careful but quick-
Closercloser right in the back the spine wait for it, for the others.
Zelda- yes.  Turn.  Face out.  Watch my back.  I watch yours.
They’re- almost- nowTHROUGH
Almost all Daile Beraya Liff got theirs where’s Huiru
Varniro’s he didn’t surprise it but they’ve got it
MORE “MORE!” Main road, there!  She’ll follow you Link, go take it out, it's hot but you're okay-
Fighting I hear it on the edges monsters at the next two roads too they have it trust them THIS one- “HhhaaHH!”
“Kh- khmkhm-“
StaybackZelda I’vegotit “Grk- hh!” the armpit slice it can’t raise its shield SLICE- THRUST
“Kh- hh.  The smoke.”
“I know.  I know, I’m so sorry- Zelda- it’s your dec-“
“We keep going.”
I thought so but heat smoke “ON RIGHT!”
Sheturned heardboots it’s breathinghard but didn’tgrowl feet loud anyway SLIDE underitsguardLinkSHINSyes
Yeahthathurtdidn’tit Zelda YESOH ROLLLINK
Damn she nailed that but it almost fell on me it’s prone proneTHRUST- THRUST
Dead? D-NO THRUST-twist-
Stay still.
Dead- wh?
Margil and Terial
“Another moblin, down!”
Good Terial’s hand on his mask though he feels it the smoke
Goddess if we hadn’t soaked ourselves I’d’ve been soaked by sweat instead and dehydrating fast.  How long til it steams off?
Link? You see steaming with your eyes and you grab Zelda and make everyone back the hell off.
Realistically, she'd probably notice it before me.
There are the others.  Around the sides of the houses.  Here!  Yeah, here- let’s not split up.  Don’t see Huiru yet…  Cohl- Liff.  They’re looking, too.
…They don’t see him.
Yeah Cohl, I don’t know either.  Just shake your head, Link.  Zelda?
“All- kh- together.”
Alright, she’s pointing that way she’s right she’s right less fire we can’t stay in this long south is an inferno north we can at least last a while- Huiru, he should’ve come out over here somewhere anyway, hurry, hurry, but look look look look lots of movement flickering shadows things flapping in the wind from the fire no other people yet not yet- easing, easing  it’s not as bad over here, the fire worst in southwest maybe glow and smoke but it’s quieter this way too careful something could hear
“Kh… KH.”
Zelda, is your cloth still wet?
Quietly “Cloth- wet?”
Nodding, good, good- mine is so hers should be too just checking just checking can’t kill smoke with a sword can’t protect her.
Liff and Cohl fell in naturally checking around each house opposite directions it helps we can move faster.
Less and less and less, still hot but cooler here-
Those houses- not flaming-
That’s a yes, we check, Liff and Cohl check that house, Reida and Varniro, check that one everyone else watch watch watch eyes all directions- watch the fire too, embers, it won’t be long they’ll catch
“Khh.  Kh.”
It would be insane for someone to hide in a closet or something with fire in the town it shouldn’t be that, either they’re hiding somewhere they can see out or they’re unconscious or dead or the house is just empty
No one moving all up and down road, far as I can see Zelda shaking her head, too-
Bodies?  Bodies no bodies they all run?
Head-shakes.  Nothing in that house.
No. Not that one either.
“Gg- khhh khhhh.”
And Terial’s coughing too and there’s still no Huiru here, two roads over.
I know that jaw- clench.  Like right before she gets in the pool at the Cathedral.
“We go.”
Alright.  Just point, Link, the less talking the better, that way everyone, west.
Where the fire’s louder maybe talking fine, here just not, lets us breathe through our noses anyway eyes peeled everyone going going going
Behind us?
Beraya- Liff- keep looking back.  Okay?
“Ah!” “FF-“ “S$&#-“ “Kh-“
WOAH that was some pop- Reida looks a little singed but okay, flames more, hotter, some of these houses completely ablaze lucky lucky the paths aren’t too narrow never seen Serenne before wouldn’t’ve known hotter inward we circle circle around where's-
Here we all are, hunted deer watching, listening.
It can’t be that close hardly any louder but maybe wrong, never seen a lynel never heard one either if that’s what it is, Daile’s the only one.
Still… listening.
Roaring.  Of fire.
I'm dryer already.
More dark houses.  Zelda?
That’s a yes and opinion established we check the survivable houses- pairs- Liff, Cohl- Varniro, Reida- Daile, Genenko- Margil, Beraya.
“Quick, Margil, we’re good- go.”
Can’t say I blame him, I’ve been having them flank Zelda the whole-
“Khh.  Kh.”
-time, but speed!  Don’t think I should leave the archers out here alone.  We stay.  We watch.  Should I call out?  If someone’s hiding they might just come out and if monsters do at least we’re not walking into an ambush, they’d come to usOH no.  Oh, Link.  Could the lynel hear me if I yell?  The fire might drown me out if it’s among it but I just don’t know and we could sure hear it roar- “No shouting?”
I concur, master.
You’ve been quiet.
I am endeavoring not to distract you, master.
I… can see why.
I will take this opportunity to notify you your blood oxygenation levels are still within an acceptable range at 99%.
Uh.  Good!  I bet that would mean more to Zelda, but I can guess…
100% is desirable and indicates excellent breathing.  Below 90% is dangerous.
What about Zelda?
              I can measure no one’s but yours, master.
Right- right.  Let me know if it changes, okay?
I plan to, master.
I bet hers are lower than that. 
It is likely everyone’s are lower than yours, master, considering your pristine physical condition.  I speculate your associate Terial is suffering most.  I recommend removing both him and the Princess from this environment as soon as possible.
Yeah.  Me too.
“Kh- kh.  Khh.”
A few more houses.
…I sure couldn’t tell where that came from.
Could be around the corner.
That’s comforting.
“Khhh kh.”
Smoke so thick southward.  Even looking down a clear path, hard to see.  It… wasn’t that much louder, though.
“Ahm.  Ahkhm.”
“Terial, you good?”
“Khhh- akm.  Yeah, it- doesn’t agree with me.”
Me either, but it’s getting to him already.
“Kh- kh.”
At least Zelda’s doesn’t seem to be getting worse quick like his.
I think they’re almost done.
A lynel shows up, you don’t let Zelda anywhere near it, Link.  You make her run.
Not that I could MAKE her do anything.
“Ahm.  Ahehehm.”
Wow.  Am I just- falling into old habits or something?  She’s right here.  “Princess?”
“Lynel, you leave.”
A long look.  Something odd there, something I don’t like.  Her eyebrow crease.  Can’t see her mouth or nose, but- worried?
“I- understand.”
Wow.  Well, good- and Margil and Beraya, also good.
Except also not good-
-because they’re shaking their heads.  “Bodies?”
Oh.  No bodies either, so… still good. 
Beraya.  Squeeze her shoulder, Link.
The others – also coming.  Except- no, no, there’s Varniro, too.
Closer.  Closer.  Okay.  “If a lynel surprises us, the Princess is to retreat.  Margil and Beraya, you’ll escort her.”
Nods all around.
I’m really amazed she just agreed to it, but-
“Khm.  Kh- khm.”
-I’ll take it.
Let’s move.  “Cohl- yeah, watch on that edge, Reida on yours.”  Corners, corners.  “We’ll move a few streets up and start again on the houses.  Any of you find bodies?”
“No, sir.”  “No.”  “No.”
“Two.  On- the street that way.”
Don’t let your face fall with your heart, Link.  Did you think everyone would escape this hell alive?  “…We do this as fast as we can- try to find anyone who’s left.”
“And- kh-kh- discover… where those missing have gone.”
Chuchu-  Genenko’s got it, he’s got it aaaand one and two- there it goes already back up back up while it pops-
Chuchus do just spring from the ground.  Like the… Dead Hands.  Is that what happened here?  They just sprang up, lit things? OH- “Back!”
Backupbackupbackup thereyougo manhandlingZelda sorry
HOT- "fffff!"
“Akhhhhh- khhhh ghghm.”
Damn.  Maybe.  Fricking chuchu jelly explodes.  Probably wouldn’t see it lying around.
Check behind- clear.
They’re not too hard to kill but you have to know to run when they start puffing up.  A good pop or two with a pitchfork and a sprint the other way would do it but of course you’ve set the nearest house on fire.
“Kh- khh.”
Maybe that’s why so few bodies.
It’s inconsistent.
“Ahhghm- dammit.”
Some houses not lit.
Could be why.  No chuchu pop-ups there.
But fire ones, here?  They’re supposed to live in hot places.  Eldin.  Never thought to ask father.  “Hey dad, do fire chuchus REALLY stick only to the slopes of Death Mountain?”
Has he even been to Death Mountain?
He must’ve- Oh?  Waving waving Cohl?
Stop, everyone.
“Khhh khh.”
Okay- Zelda, with me- we’ll look.
Wow.  Wow.  Yeah, good eye, back-slap for you come on- come on everyone here- the well.
Buckets.  Lots of them.  Wet.  Recently in use, and no bodies.  Right?  Am I crazy to be happy about this?  Zelda?
No, no I’m not crazy because she looks at least a little relieved.  Someone was fighting the fire and not that long ago.  Lots of someones.  That’s- yeah.  Cooler here.  Less flame.
Slightly less grim faces.
We go- further-careful check each way check, is that a bokoblin tooth?  Teeth?  A horn?  They did fight back and yes that’s another bucket rolling around- another one there… on fire, now…
Back toward the east- anything?
Eyes every way, everyone.
I think I do see a few more monster parts.  No people, though.
Alright everyone- yeah- spread on the street again we don’t quite fit I don’t like it Margil, Beraya?  Yes, thank you.  Princess’ back.  This section seems pretty quiet, pretty cleared out, but still…
“Kh- khm.  Kh.”
Steam.  They doused things.  Pump- there.  It really can’t’ve been that long ago, can it?  Not if we still see it like that.
“The pump.  We refresh our facecloths while checking the area- quickly!"
“On it!”
Woah “Wait, the handle- hold your hand near it first, Genenko.”  He was totally just going to grab it-
“It’s not hot, I’ll try it.”
Oh good.
“Thanks, Varniro.”
“Find your pairs.”
“Yes-“ “Yes, Princess-“
Finger to your lips, Link, they’re talking louder… they got the message.  Quiet checking of those houses and alleys- oh no. Beraya.
Her face, Link.
Her family’s house- would’ve been southeast.  Where the fire was worse.
She already realized.
Can’t just ignore that, say something, just- quietly- “Beraya?”
Shaking her head.  “We couldn’t have.”
“They might’ve got out.”
A strange, small smile.
She thinks they’re probably dead.
And Terial just dunked his whole face in that bucket.  Good.  He seems to need it more than the rest of- ”SH”$&%! ZELDA CORRALHERCORRALHERSHIELDSHIELD WHERE
Aree!  Her arrow through its neck- Terial- Zelda wants to step out and shoot but no, no, that almost hit me and it could hit her, too- damn that thing was quiet.  They usually give themselves away with the squealing.
“Where the hell did it-”
“The house.”
I saw her breath catch.
Closer, it’s closer, I know.  Closer, eyes eyes out Daile?
Daile miming crouch crouch everyone down down LIFF, yes, YOU, DOWN! Zelda I want to just curl up in a ball around her but that won’t help anyone Daile’s looking at me eyes that way eyes that way he says-
There.  Far.
But visible.  Half turned away from us between houses and the hood on that further well, between smoke.
Okay.  My Goddess.  That has to be a lynel.  Because it’s not a horse.  But- it moves almost like one.  Bright red mane, way too wide and thick not a horse not one bit.
Move- goodDaileagrees everyonemove STAYDOWN butmove move move move behind the next house holy f#$& don’t turn around now, don’t- face that way face that way face that way Margil Beraya flank Zelda thank you yes- oh.  Okay.  Daile.  Staying crouched behind the well.  Looking at me.
He’s right.
We have to take it out.
The mystery of the missing people doesn’t matter much if they can’t come back.
Zelda?  I go.
…It’s like the earth’s breath stops when it does that.
I want you completely out of its eyeline or even possible eyeline.
You, Margil, and Beraya… and Liff and Cohl.
Glad I saw him about to talk, Holy Hylia this is not the moment to find out how good lynel hearing is.
S&$#.  Genenko’s bad arm.  He has to stay, too.
You can do this, Link.  You can mime.
Genenko- you- Zelda, Margil, Beraya, Liff, and Cohl, you all look for the missing people.
The missing people.
Ahhh now you get it.
Okay.  Daile.  You and me.  On point.  But- yeah.  Agreed.  We flank it.
Yeah.  You that way.  Me this way.
Okay, Link.  Your father told you how to fight these.  Just- plan.  Archers stay at crazy far range if they can and you have to be ready to f$&$ing run.  No bunching up.  Everyone at different locations.
Terial, my side. Aree, Daile’s side.  Varniro, my side.  Reida, Daile’s side.  Like this.  Spread out- Daile, then Reida, then Aree.  And for my side, me, then Varniro, then Terial.
I’d tell the archers to take rooftops if there wasn’t fire involved.
There are… more flames by the lynel, too.
And… We can't go into that soaking wet. We'll have water boiling against our skin. Facecloths only, because we have no choice.
And Fi's not arguing with me.
Okay. Everyone- face cloths only.
And of course the pump makes sound.  Does the lynel know what a pump sounds like?  Does it know that means people?
Hopefully not.  I don’t hear anything rushing toward us.  Still… keep it down, Genenko.
Terial went already- Aree next.
Fi, anything I should know?
Your oxygenation level is unchanged, master.  But the area into which you propose to head is inundated with smoke.  Your facecloth cannot protect you from asphyxiation, nor from carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulf-
Wait, from what?
Forgive me, master.  Harmful gases.  Your facecloth cannot filter them.  It will protect you from burns and solid particles only.
We have to go.
O- oh.
Did you believe I would argue?
Yeah, kind of.
No, master.  The beast must be felled.  If one arrow would be sufficient to do so, I would suggest the Princess simply take aim and fire at first opportunity.  But the beast would charge, and I believe you wished to avoid that scenario.
Yeah, yeah I did.  She’s- she’s not ready for that.
No.  She is not.
I… kind of thought you’d argue with me there, too.
Ohhh there you go again with one of your weird silences.  Only this time I have no clue at all why.  At least I usually know what it is you’re trying not to tell me.
Ah- my turn.  Damn, I went turned-in-like.  That happens sometimes when I talk to you.
Thus my efforts not to distract you, master.
Thanks.  For the moment, though… just trying to creep low across the square and use the water.
I don’t see it anymore.  It could easily come closer, though, just down another road.  The facecloth wow needed that.  The water… isn’t cool like well water really should be.  It’s warm.  But compared to what’s up here, it’s refreshing.
Nothing for it.
You all ready?
Everyone’s smart enough to look scared.  Probably more than they otherwise would be since they’re not used to fighting unarmored.
Reida almost looks angry.  Maybe that’s how she preps herself for a nasty fight.
Or maybe she’s pissed because I assumed she’s willing to take on a lynel.  I’m treating her like our own soldiers.  But Zelda’s not stopping me, so I think I’m okay to do so for the moment.
Okay.  We go.  Now.
Try not to worry about Zelda, Link.  Small smile.  Hey- I managed one this time.  Oh- there’s those balled fists again.  She’s- struggling.  Struggling not to cough.
Please- be okay.
See you soon.
Around the house.  Keep watch.  Wh- nasty thing- bokoblin heart.  Pretty sure I see a moblin horn way far off, too.  Wins for the missing people of Serenne.  What-
Wish- wish I hadn’t seen that.  Wonder who it was.
Who they were.
If- we run into monsters and we fight them, it’ll hear us.  Daile sure didn’t-
“Kh- m.”
-want us making any sound.  Though granted, he’s not the one who fought lynels.  It was his father.  But seeing a fight happen from far off is better than nothing.
Father did say they have amazing hearing.  And eyesight.  And sense of smell.  That there’s almost no hiding from them, not unless you’re real far away.
Must be why.  Why the people are gone.  They may all have fled into the trees.
And been slaughtered by the monsters waiting there for them.
Of course.  Of course.  Line the trees with moblins and bokoblins, where it’s darker and harder to see they’re there, especially the bokoblins that just look like boulders in the dark until you get close.  Then send in the lynel and those fire chuchus.  Let them light the town up.  Let the lynel kill everything in its path and claim the place as its territory, forcing people to run because between it and the fire there’s nothing they can do.  Then they get slaughtered in the ring of trees.  Boko riders pick off the few who escape to the fields-
The fields.  My Goddess.  They sent kids there.
And we didn’t kill all the riders, we didn’t, one blew right past us!
“Kh- m- m.”
My Goddess, my Goddess, there’s nothing I can do now nothing I have to find them later have to tell Zelda Goddess forgive me!
The sooner we take this lynel out the sooner we can help them.
The boy was alive.  He was alive and he came back to help, right?
He did, right?
…Did he say that’s why?
He didn’t but he went back willingly.  Yes.  Yes, he said they still had the horses.  They were… okay when he left.
That’s a Moblin hand sticking out from behind that house.
Okay.  It’s too close to our path, we have to take it out.
Your bow, Link, don’t make Terial cross in front.  Here we go.  Here we go- there’s its head, turned awayOHit’sturning SHOOT- sunk!
Dammit, LOUD moblin-
Varniro bowling it over it’s yelling take it OUT it’s too loud-
The lynel louder did it hear did it hear?  It’s not right on top of us not yet- what was that sound?  Moblin-?  Varniro has it the arrow screwed it up real good go go go ANOTHER, LEAPOVERTHISONELINK head it off, get it before it’s near Varniro- arrow thunked hit wood Terial missed WOAH!missedmemoblin STRIKE STRIKE STRIKE STRIKE STRIKE
Not dead not yet black moblins tough kill it shut it up YES good shot Terial SWIPE-
AH!  Ittriedtoheadbuttme?! Good its face is in the dirt- NECK.  It’s done.  Right?  Twist. Spine-OH!  REALLY?!  Hylia, get its-
Head.  Another good shot- crunching?
Crunching wood smash???
Moblin dead- other one too- there’s no roaring but somehow that’s not comforting they don’t look comforted either what was the crunching?  Let’s go but this way, backward, around these houses, I have a feeling I just have a feeling it heard it knows and I could be wrong and if there are more monsters this way it’ll hear that too anyway and there ARE, blue boko right there, back up
The lynel different that was different
“You hear that?”
I swear it heard
“Is it starting?”
kill the boko kill it
slice slice shield bash it bashbashbashbashbash
SLICE SLICE THRUST- THRUST!  It’sgoingdown it’sgoing but I hear it hoofbeats it knows it knows send them backward Link!
Varniro, Terial, retreat!  Behind me behind me go go go go go go go go go NO NO I stay, you go!
That was chuffing it’s close GO!  Yes, good good go, now I back up, back up, straight though, straight, I think it’ll see me but not them at least not at first and they can take up other positions and more wood smashing it’s close what is it doing ANOTHER smash-
“Khm.  Khm- kh.”
-that was close ANOTHER what is it doing THAT was a piece of wood flying over my head a beam, a piece of a beam, the houses, it’s smashing the houses, what’s left of them, does it think we might be inside or is it just angry?
My Goddess I feel like I can hear it thinking, its breath is so loud.
Zelda?  She’s probably not looking at the slate.  She shouldn’t be.  She needs to be watchful-
THERE I just saw it whatever it’s using around that bend right there back up so slow Link so soft so it can’t see you not yet not yet no advantage I’m in the wrong spot and Daile’s not here to flank it though he’ll catch on and move, he will-
“S$&#!” “Sounds bad-“
“We continue.“
“Yes-” “Yes, Princess.”
Yes YESLINK It’sheavy it’ssoheavy ittakestime takes time to stop don’t panic clear your eyes you have a moment you HAVE IT and THEREITIS RIGHT THERE SKIDDED TO A STOP JUST LIKE A HORSE
Mount it!!!
“Kh- m- m- kh.”
FLAMING ROOF my Goddess get off get off ihhhtFALLING!! ShoulderHOT HOTHOTHOTHOTHOTHOT noLink moveyouHAVEto it’llcrushyou theclub HOOFbeats
ROLLROLL NEVERMINDTHEHEAT oh GODdess ff hurts rightwhereIwas whereIwasagain itsaim perfect mountingitworked butcarefulcareful-
That was different,wh-
Fathersaid hesaid whenitjuststands burstofflame magic magic they’remagic thefire it’ll burst anysecondKEEPRUNNING
“HH!”  “Did you?!”  “S$&*#!”
“It appears-“
“-as though the lynel has been engaged.”
Sh- sh$# singed keep running anyway
get your bearings for a second
it hurts but there’s been way way way worse the heat I think if my back'd been soaked like earlier I'd've lost all the skin all the skin
more FIRE I hear it
It’s pawing the earth-
DAILE!- no, no, hotwe’ll both be on the same side mime mime, I’ll circle around!  Hope he saw that, go right Link go go go go go hot that pawing sound again what is it OHNO IT BLEW BY I MOVED IT BLEW BY WHERE I WAS IT’S AFTER DAILE
Please let him have dodged that please, straight back Link we’ll flank it as long as Daile made it PRONE HE’SPRONE
NO YOU DON’T!  HEY!  HEY LOOK AT ME I’M RIGHT HERE THAT’S RIGHT it has a bunchhot of arrows in it already I didn’t even realize couldn’t see Terial must’ve been going nuts on it from somewhere and CLUBOVERITSHEAD DODGELINK DODGE BACKFLIP BACK AGAIN
Your blood oxygenation level is dropping!
YES, Daile!  Sword in its flank
Seek to exit the smoke!
“Sirs- kh- hh.”
“The next well-“
“-this way.”
Yes yes Daile- he’s up and it’shot looking at me again and CLUBNO BACKFLIPaaAAAH!
H-head.  Good, Link, you’re good, justhot- hit wood, not hotstone
you’ve had worse way way worseMOVEMOVE!
SMASHINGwood HOTalloverme BURNScrawlout crawlout GODDESS!  Shakingground so close how did it miss-
95% and dropping!
Yesyesyes different hotdirections someoneELSEonitsback Reida it’s ReidaYES SWORD, LINK, RIGHT THERE!!!
Ohhhhitdoesn’tlikethat upitshorse-chestandthrough hotpullout backu- NONO rollunder!
CLUB HolyHylia itstillthrewme and I washot almost behind it, Daile good flank-swipe, arrowsarrows lotsmore Reidawentflying gettingup helpVarniro, itsbelly rightthere hotTHROUGH!
Waveringwavering it’shot whining.  Another arrow and another- what-?
IKNOW!!! HOTmy HOTclothes HOTmaskoffoffOFF!
HOTroll ROLL YOU TOO VARNIRO HOT if theHOT houses HOTweren’t here
HOTwe’d’ve gotHOT hit head-on and YES FI Hyliahelpme IKNOW
HOTTerialdown? Don’tHOTknow
crossstreetHOT CROSSLINK RUNRUN FIREBALLHA!missedme HOTHOTHOT CRUNCHING bashingHOT throughtheHOThouse togetme BACKFLIP EARLYLINK be somewhereHOTelse andHOT dotheThing thebowthebowslowitdownslowitall aimaimaimaimaimaimaimaimaimperfectshotbeperfectFIRE
Here HOTthey all come
To finish you offHOT
That’s HOTnot a battle cry
Not anymore
Went forHOT the throat
HOTThe others justHOT- through.
Think- I’llHOT take a breather.
“Kh- khh.”
YES, master, exit the heavy smoke!
It’sHOT down.
HOT.  Too HOT too hot thingsspinning backoffbackoffcooler
I almosthot feel sorry abouthot this one
“It’s the same here…”
hotBecause it seems more like an animalspinning
hotAnd less like a monster
It didn’t seem happyhot to kill us
hotNot like bokoblins
But nohot way
“Kh- hh.”
hotNo way
It washot it or us.
Andhot this village
Or what’s lefthot
“Sir Liff?”
of it and its people.
“Hello down there!”
Too hot what’s she-?
“How fortunate.”
“What- Huiru!”
Yeah. Hot. Yeah- it’s-
“I’ve been following the well system, Princess.”
“We’d thought you lost.”
hotNot now.
“Haha.  I was for a time.”
“But now I’ve found you.”
We regroup with the others.  They’ll’ve moved.
“Indeed.  Huiri-“
We succeed, we returnhot.
“Yes, Princess?”
Not saying it again.
“Is there wind below?”
We’re leaving.  Hot.
You want to stay behind and wait, stay behind. Hot.
hotWow.  Get your hotf$&#ing priorities straight.
Grantedhot the apothecary would pay an ass ton for any lynel part of any kindhot.
“Kh- have you seen anyone down there?”
But I am NOT waiting aroundhot here-
“A few bodies.”
-for it to disintegrate.  Hylia help me.
Damn- damn, speaking ofhot priorities- Hey- that well back this way first, everyone.
“Kh. I- see.”
Fresher, cooler water for the cloths, it’s too hot not to-ohhh-spinningagain noo no no- stay up, Link
“Please join us above, Huiru.”
Master- you are at 91%
“Yes, Princess.”
Terial?  Terial- Daile!
“Continue to be watchful, everyone.”
Yeah yeahhot help him spinning- out, out everyone OUT north north now!
“It sounds as though the battle has ended.”
You goodhot Aree?
“We kh- shall await the others.”
“As you say, Princess.”
Come onhot yeah yeah got you gothot
Surehot hope now f$&#ing moblins jump us now.
Cooler This way!
The air is better here, Master.
Heh.  Yeah.  I could tell.
Part 17 coming soon (I hope!).
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joncronshawauthor · 4 months
The Impact of Gene Wolfe's "The Book of the New Sun" on Fantasy Literature
When pondering the vast, often impenetrable wilderness of fantasy literature, one cannot help but stumble upon Gene Wolfe‘s monumental series, “The Book of the New Sun.” Often hailed as a masterpiece for its intricate narrative and deep thematic complexity, this series has cast a long, ominous shadow over the genre. It’s the kind of series that lures you in with its promise of escapism, only to…
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quotesofmorons · 6 months
"Yar I've eaten my fair share of planks in my day."
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thereadingcafe · 1 year
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inventorymessblog · 2 years
# Mili # 6021 por Mili Miklos Via Flickr: Blog: Mili Mix (sponsors ads in comments) ■ Hair❤Unorthodox Yonce Hair ■ Hairbase-SIIX// Arabian Hairbase ■ Mesh Head-GENUS Project - Genus Head - Classic Face W001 - Mocap ■ Ears-L'Etre - Basic mesh ears 2018 ■ Eyes Applier-AG. Bliss Eyes ■ Face applier❤Be.Raon - Shai[Lelutka/GENUS] Chocolate (older item) ■ Body applier❤Be.Raon - Deluxe Body [Chocolate] (older item) ■ Mesh Body-[ INITHIUM ] KUPRA HD BOM ■ Tattoo-Tattoo "Sherekan1953" (fem)_by GoK ■ Face Piercing--SU!- Face Piercing Set 01 ■ Hoops-7;] Halo Hoops ■ Necklaces-7;] Decade Multi Necklaces ■ Romper❤:::insanya::: RomperSleeves - Solids .......... Facebook Plurk Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Instagram
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dilftaroooo · 10 months
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Being perverted strikes naturally within Gojo, so when the idea of being a step brother comes to mind during sex he can’t help but act upon the roleplay. You think he’s gross for it, but his questionable passion for it keeps you engaged (oddly enough).
☆word count: 6.3k+
★tags/tw(18+): dark content + stepc*st roleplay + foot f*tish + toe sucking (f!recieving) + dubcon (because reader is unsure at first) + reader is college-aged/gojo is 28 + squirting + age gap + vanilla sex + pubic hairs + scent kink + implied ass eating + hesitancy + reader is afab using she/her pronouns + mentioned latex kink + use of 'satoru-nii' + established relationship + gojo is a lil' mean + and sassy + lots of kissing + nipple play + creampie + getting caught having s*x + exploring kinks + praise kink + pet names + skull fucking + gag reflex + snot + we're talkin' 'big beefy whore with black compression shirt' gojo here + reader is a bit inexperienced + questions of certain kinks.
☆a/n: hey alexa, play 'poundtown by sexyy red' ayyye come suck a bitch's toooes. enjoy y'all, this shit nasty af.
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You’re not a kink shamer.
You understand the sexual thrills of getting off to something that turns one on to the point of fulfilled ecstasy–weighted breaths and skin coated with a sheen of sweat from the unorthodox fantasies that provoke the human mind and manipulate the human body, keeping them bound to the shackles of pleasure as their perversion engulfs them whole. It feels beautiful–ethereal, dare you say, and you get that. Who wouldn’t want to feel blissfully satisfied just by mere thought alone? 
Now, exclusive of the deranged fetishes involving children, scat, or whatever fucked up shit out there that's befitting for a lowlife, you would say that you're a pretty open-minded individual. Always tolerating the naughty anecdotes told by your friends’ concerning their past hookups, distinctively remembering the giggles you all shared when reciting one of the stories from a particular friend that had them clad in a latex suit, lips decorated with ruby red, and three-inched heels coming into contact with the cheek of their previous partner as they squirmed in shameless arousal.
‘It was pathetic to see, but I’d be a liar if I said it didn’t get me going…’ And that mutuality between both parties is what makes it even more fun. They both get a kick out of something they enjoyed, so what’s to hate about it?
You’re not a kink shamer–not at all.
You and your boyfriend of a year and four months, Satoru Gojo, always carried the qualities of a couple depicted in unrealistic romance movies: the nuzzle of the nose that tickled your cheek before delving in for a peck, the surprise hugs he’d startle you with as you prepared an early morning breakfast, as well as the intertwined fingers while you both make your way to his favorite bakery (his kisses are even more sugared after scarfing down the kikufuku he’d order no more than a minute ago).
You always felt like the princess to his prince, stumbling over your gown to keep up with his hurried footsteps as you both venture through the gracious evergreen of a mythical forest. You have no time to remove the pastel violet and pink petals slotting themselves in your locks since your hand remains occupied with Satoru’s, moving exquisitely to the melodic song of the nightingales. It was a dream from a childhood storybook.
Moreover, what was revealed in public was, undoubtedly, the same in the comfort of your bedroom, living at your university’s on-campus apartment that you shared with two indifferent roommates. He would frequently stop by after work to spoil you with his affection. Always asking how your day was and whether or not you finished your assignments.
He was a tad bit older than you–twenty-eight and going, but you didn’t mind the age gap, it gives you all the more reason to tease him for his ‘old’ age, to which he responds with a pout and furrowed eyebrows, ‘Oh, how mean! Who would’ve ever thought that my darling angel could be such a devil…?!’ He’d say with faux anguish. He knows you’re only playing around–such the jokester.
Though, he couldn’t say the same for you in bed. Protected by the warmth of your sheets, you relished at how accustomed your body and soul were to his heartfelt transactions, vanilla-flavored sex, so sweet and tasteful on your tongue as he kissed you with want. Tongues twirling a sensual dance as your lips combine in rhythmic harmony. You also loved it when he coos in your ear, reminding you of how you’re so good to him before wrapping his lips around puffy areolas in a way that makes you writhe.
He’s so gentle with you. Handling a fine china cabinet with the utmost care, he makes sure he touches you in ways that wouldn’t break your fragile body. And when your nude skin presses against his as a result of his thrusts to your core, he reminds himself to get you moaning in his ear and get your hands gripping against the muscular curvature of his back.
It feels good. It always feels good. So, why does a part of you feel…bored?
The love is there, you won’t question that. When you come, you feel as though you’re one with the stars. And above all, he praises you. It’s nothing new, but in this context, you like to be his ‘pretty girl’ whenever the tip of his nose pushes against your wet clit. So, why do you feel like something is missing? You don’t know.
You haven’t been in many relationships. The last one you remember was in high school, dating a boy who only loved you out of teenage fever, and you shamefully admit that you reciprocated his confession. You were both young and unknowing of what the aspects of ‘love’ really meant. You never went past the boundary of hand-holding and cheek-kissing, so it remained stagnant until the moment you both broke up.
None of it was mutual, however. You can recall how distraught you were as you bawled in your mother’s arms, asking her what you did wrong while she soothed you with maternal pets to the crown of your head. That being said, it’s safe to say that you really don’t know what’s missing from you and your boyfriend’s intercourse–like, really.
But, thankfully, Satoru makes up for what you lack, telling you not to fret since he knows a lot and letting you know how much he’s been wanting to get to this point of intimacy with you–wanting to whisk his girlfriend away from the comfort zone that you’ve grown so attached to.
Satoru is without exception, enthusiastic to portray more during times of intercourse, yearning to teach you more than just the fluffy, domestic sex you both indulge in. It’s lovely and all, bleh bleh, whatever, Satoru gets it, but, man, what he wouldn’t do to see you on your knees, between his sinewy thighs parted for your form as he hovers above you, your head tilted upwards to take in his thick shaft through wet lips.
He’d make sure his red, throbbing tip hits the back of your throat so he can hear that sickening gag scurry out your mouth paired with the sloppy froth of your saliva slapping against his heavy balls with each quick thrust. He’d be too occupied to find the snot dribbling from your nose revolting because you’d be taking him in so deep.
That’s forever been his little fantasy–that amongst the vast amount of others. And to try each and every one of them with you would be a delight.
After you confessed to Satoru, you couldn’t help but notice how peculiar his ministrations started to get. It was gradual–starting with spanks on your ass to eating said ass. You’ll even bring up the time he used your feet to get off. It caught you off guard, you’d admit.
That day he had you pliable–on your knees with the left apple of your cheek flushed in the pillow beneath you and arms resting idly on your sides as you allowed your enthralled boyfriend to take the lead.
You assumed he was just gonna spit on your already-soaked pussy before massaging your puffy clit in the teasing, clockwise motions he likes to test you with, cock oozing with leakage before languidly gliding upwards to push in-between your cunt lips, but what you didn’t assume he’d do was trace his slimy precum against the soft skin of your toes to then rub his tip across your soles.
You tried to retract your feet away from him (toes wiggling in the process which had them accidentally graze across his balls. You could’ve sworn you heard him hiss) and protest his weird behavior but Satoru was already three steps ahead, firmly gripping both feet and nearly squishing them together if it wasn’t for the thick base of his cock preventing them from touching.
Each thrust he made ached with raw fervor and fuck him from being incapable of suppressing his passion because he couldn’t help but look down and see your cute pussy pucker and asshole twitch. What a sight for sore, cerulean eyes. Just as sore as your ass after he slapped it with an ever-so-firm hand, silently thanking his calluses for the rough impact.
He found it adorable how your shimmering entrance craved for insertion, winking rhythmically at him as though it’s saying, ‘Please fill me up, ‘toru! ‘M so lonely without you…’ (he chuckles to himself at the personification when done in a high-pitched tone).
But your pussy always gets his attention. You have another hole too, ya’ know–one that sits right above it, unused and virginal. Just imagine his excitement as he leans forward, cock still buried at the innermost part of your feet, to take a closer look. He’d smile at your coyness when you felt his hot breath blow on your skin, unsure of his next move.
In this new position, he can trace the faint smell of sweat emerging from you, and God, does that turn him on. More than it already does. So of course he had to steal a taste, trailing a fat strip of saliva against the rim, you squeal at the warm and wet feel of his tongue touching a place it had never been before,
“S-Satoru…what the fuck!” You jolted before moving from your position, migrating to any spot as long as it's far from your lover. You’ll never forget the sleazy look on Satoru’s face as both corners of his rosy lips tilt upwards for a cocky grin–yuck.
It grossed you the fuck out.
Not in a way that antagonizes your boyfriend, you love him too dearly to feel as such, but in a way that questions his morals. Why on earth would someone like Satoru want to be minimized to using the bottom of your soles for pleasure or savor the briny taste of sweat that builds up around the tight ring of your ass? I-I mean, you excrete from there, for God’s sake! That’s gross, especially in a place where the sun doesn’t shine.
You understand that he likes doing it, but why? How could something so perverse and dirty get him hard so quickly? Where’s his shame? His humiliation? His guilt? Were they not present whenever he sneaks a lick at your toes?
Perhaps you are trying to understand–who wouldn’t want to indulge in their lover’s feet, to caress the tough surface of their heels, and lead up their toes, to draw soft lines against them with plush lips as their medium before dipping them inside the wet cavern of their mouth and sucking the small digits before swirling their tongue and–ugh!–no! No, no, no, that’s sick! How can one do such a thing with ease? You can’t possibly imagine that.
But you’re not a kink shamer…right?
Your question remains unanswered, though, as you’re interrupted by Satoru’s moistened kisses trailing down the curve of your neck. You must’ve been in your daze for quite some time considering that the camisole top and loose shorts you lounge in took their positions on your bedroom floor. 
“Come back to me, baby.” You hear your boyfriend murmur and you deliberately oblige by running your digits through the white sea of his mane, wild and free as your fingers feather against his roots. He hums with love before leaving a kiss that's sloppier than the previous one. It starts with your usual routine, with soft and tenderhearted sex.
He pecks at your clavicle and you whimper in return as silvery lashes tickle the most sensitive areas of your skin. The passionate atmosphere continues to flow within the four walls of your room–containing your moans and your kisses and your touches, reverberating them in your heated figures while filling you both with distinct pleasure. It was good so far.
“Have any ideas in mind for tonight, sweetheart?” His voice is muffled as he joyfully sucks at the skin between the valley of your breasts, teeth clasping over the hot flesh to induce a mark darker than what your skin tone provides. You hold onto the fabric of his black shirt, soundlessly wondering why he is still garbed in unbreathable polyester while you remain bare save from your panties.
Lolling your head to the side in thought, you dwell on his question. Should you have something in mind? This isn’t the same as getting asked where to eat for dinner, per se. And owning to your inexperience with sex and fetishes, you’re incapable of bringing anything to the table in this sense.
You open your jaw, mouth filled with saliva due to the raunchy actions performed by your boyfriend onto your supple body, ready to speak your retort as you lick your chapped lips in preparation, but, Satoru knows you better than you know yourself.
“Yeah, I know you don’t,” It’s like he was born to study you. Your eyes travel to his person again, orbs resting upon Satoru’s scalp as you wait for him to finish. “Nothing in that gorgeous head of yours. It’s okay, though. I don’t blame you. I know an amateur like you wouldn’t have anything planned.” 
As might be expected, your brow raises at his comments slightly glazed with a patronizing drip, it’s gotten your attention, all right, as you turn your head to glare down at him. He’s sucking on your nipples this time and you forge a jerk but don’t falter, perked up by this newfound attitude from your loving partner.
“Oh?” You start and it carries the same uppity weight as his tone. “And I suppose you have it all figured out?”
He nods right after gazing up at you with arctic globes saturated with a heavy rush of sincerity and you can already feel the dreamy sigh materializing in your throat but never emerging. Satoru immediately sniffed out the indignance behind your words like a trained bloodhound. He rises from his spot upon your heaving chest to travel his way to the swoll of your chin, apologizing with a quaint kiss. 
“I do,” His smile is affectionate. “You know I always do, sunshine.” You gasp once something hard nudges against your squishy thighs before poking the outermost part of your panties.
“-Always think of something for that little cunt.” It isn’t long before it's cast to the side for clear access to your glimmering slit, doused in slick because your boyfriend had a remarkable way of handling you. He didn’t miss the embarrassed mewl of his name when he used filthy words.
He also didn’t miss the pull of air you took in as his thick finger swept up your bodily remnants, coating the fingertips of his middle and ring finger. You voluntarily buck your feeble hips in desire for him to push through your entrance but you know he wasn’t going to give it to you that easily. “You know, it gets me going when we do stuff like this when others aren’t around–when we do something so forbidden.” 
“Forbidden…?” Each syllable muddles your tongue as you ponder on its meaning: something that typically isn’t allowed or accepted–you’re not unaware, it’s a simple word, but is that the word he meant to say? “Why would it be forbidden? You’re my boyfriend, are you not?” Unless there’s something you’re unknowing of.
Perhaps he has a wife that he kept hidden in the shadows of his past. What if one wife turned into several wives? Maybe he’s a bloodthirsty murderer, ready to indulge in his next killing after getting you to trust his charming blue eyes and pink-liped smile. You don’t exactly know what the forbidden aspect of it all that he’s keeping from telling you-
You hear him ‘tsk’ and you assume it was meant to be taken seriously but it seems covered in mockery.
“Hah, Boyfriend? Have you no shame?” And he chuckles deep and grimy. “Don’t act like don’t know, dear.” You honestly don’t. “What would our parents think if they saw you, my sweet, little sister, grinding her greedy pussy against her older brother’s fingers?”
Oh God.
Gritting your teeth for an evident cringe, you hurriedly toss your head to the side to break eye contact (how did he even manage to hold it for that long despite what he just said?!). There’s no way he’s doing this. Out of all kinks…
“For the love- Satoru. Stop, that’s fucking-” A sharp whine halts your sentence, stressed to the point of exaggeration. You don’t bother looking back up at him, already imagining his brows creasing with complaint at your disgusted remark.
“Ehh, what happened to ‘Satoru-nii’?” You almost would’ve forgotten the fingers sketching light circles on your sensitive button, going in for a pinch before tapping it aimlessly due to its slippery surface.
You clench your thighs together but Satoru’s heaping form prevents you from doing so. He’s a big mass of muscle reminiscent of a bull–broad shoulders along with thickened veins peeking through tough skin in the forms of streams, carrying the pulsing blood flow of adrenaline and transporting through each significant section of the body to energize his raging carnality.
“Are my fingers dwindling your vocabulary already? I just started using this pussy, sugar plum.”
A part of you wanted to believe he was joking–trolling like he usually does on literally every occasion. He knows how acquiescent you were in situations like these. So easily obedient to follow his golden rule when clinging to his hip, taking full advantage of your attributes to get you to do the perverted shit that spoiled his brain to corruption.
Of course, there’d be times when you’d retaliate, shouting out a brief ‘no’ before leaving the conversation unfinished, but it’s okay because he can butter you up to your good side. Use his words and his hands to do the convincing. Satoru has attributes of his own too.
But gazing into his eyes and seeing how aquatic blue dissolves into crimson red, only driven by lust, tells you he’s serious.
You look off to the side once more because staring at your nightstand is more soothing than staring at your deviant boyfriend. Out of all kinks, why this one?
“I don’t,” You close your eyes in an attempt to rid yourself free from his piercing glare. “I have no clue what you’re talking about.” You weren’t about to do this. You weren’t about to play into his wicked fantasies of being a relative of any sort. That doesn’t sound appealing at all.
“Don’t be like that, babe.” He mutters softly as if other people were in the room, prying with open ears to catch whatever dialogue is being transmitted between the two of you. A fingertip taunts at your sloppy entrance, just barely shoving past its tight grip. Sexual anticipation surged through your core at his ministration (his giggles at your hopelessness didn’t help you any). “You won’t know unless you try. Come on, do it for me?”
He’s too cute to refuse when your peripherals pick up his bottom lip raising upwards for a pout and feather-like lashes fluttering over glossy, blue orbs. Practically, begging you to follow through with this look alone–if only he wasn’t so handsome and used his charm against you in every way possible. God damn it-
“You’re sick, you know that?”
“Then you’re my antidote.”
You exhale in defeat since you unfortunately realize there’s no way out of this. Satoru’s too adamant to get you to play along with him, it’s insane. Turning your head to fully face him, which feels like the one-millionth time you’ve done so, you look him in the eye before aiming at the button of his nose, upturned and perky. Mentally getting ready to produce the God-forsaken words you are about to utter.
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” You start and the way Satoru’s face lights up like a kid on Christmas irks you. 
You still feel mortification swirl in your skull like second nature. Your cheeks feel hot and it hurts–were you really about to do this?
Satoru was still teasing you to no end. Teasing that doubtlessly wet pussy with expertise. He was killing you by not giving you what you craved, only remaining on the surface as he waited for your verdict. Just one more push, one more shove and you’ll get there.
“And why is that?” He inquires.
Your bottom lip quivers with hesitation before an erotic groan escapes you. He’s so close to putting them inside. “Because you’re-” You pause to wait for a sliver of courage to finish your sentence. You’re not sure if you can-
“...I’m?” He continues.
You both catch on to the shaky breaths you’re letting out, two separate bodies feeling two separate emotions, one agitated and the other electrified.
“You’re my,” You tense but Satoru loosens. “-my b-brother.” He’s the Cheshire cat as of now. You wail once two fingers invade your thirsty hole, entering with a mushy squelch.
“And what is it that we’re doing, huh? What is it that we’re doing that would be so revolting to the public eye, hm? Tell me.” Can he stop pushing you already, for crying out loud?
“You fingering my, my,”
“You got it, keep going.”
“...fingering my p-pussy.”
Satoru cherishes your hesitance and rewards you, his obedient puppy. 
Digits curl upwards in search of that sensitive g-spot resting amongst your gushy insides. If applied enough pleasure, he’d be able to see how your back arches off your cotton sheets. Your mouth opens for a silent scream as the force of his fingers supports the buildup of liquid passion, pounding the area in addition to his palm rubbing your stiff clit the deeper he goes.
“There you go, my sweet girl, my gorgeous, little sister.” He fingers you harder and sucks at your erect nipples–when did they get so hard? As a matter of fact, when did your body feel so hot and needy? As though you’re deprived of something. 
Your boyfriend sucks at your tit before biting the small nub, grazing his teeth along sensitive skin for a chomp, causing your hands to fly to his head and grip the fur of his undercut, all while wincing in pain. He retracts his head with your nipple still in his mouth, giving it a stern tug like an elastic rubber band. You would have cursed him out if it wasn’t for the fingers still beating at your nether regions.
“Ah, S-Satoru!” He bites harder and you remember his request from earlier. “Satoru-nii.”
As if you hear a winner's buzzer, he hums in approval and releases before gorging his lips around the other one, gently guzzling it this time, skillfully whirling his wet appendage around the nub in combination with hungry sucks. He unloosens with an obnoxious, wet pop!
“M’so glad your mom married my dad. If it wasn’t for that, I wouldn’t be able to take care of my little sister’s pussy like how I’m doing now. Wouldn’t that be so sad?!” He inquires gleefully. “I’d be so miserable–jerking myself off to meaningless porn when I could be stuffing my big dick deep inside your aching cunt. Hearing you moan out how much you love your older brother for making you squirt your sticky juices all over me. You even got your hairs trimmed in the way you know I love.”
The sound of fabric grinding against fabric fills your ears as he maneuvers his head to reach down to your pelvis, stuffing his nose on top of the shortened pubes, his mouth hangs dangerously over your clitoris.
He takes in a deep breath like he’s smelling the fresh air of healthy trees and freshly cut grass, basking in your heady scent while feeling his cock go rigid in the plush of your mattress. 
Too aroused to feel embarrassed, you buck your hips so you can finally get his mouth on your itching button and he finally compels, switching between sucking in your clitoral hood and tonguing your labia. Satoru moves his fingers faster in hopes of provoking your climax. He knows your proximity by noting the way your thighs tremble and toes spread across your sheets.
You finally get to the stage you’ve been craving since the beginning of this session. Releasing your fluids onto your awaiting boyfriend, the grip at the nape of his neck more powerful than before, you squeal a brief ‘Satoru-nii!’ as he proceeds to lap at your overstimulated pussy. He’s now sparkling with your juices. Satoru sits up on his knees after wrapping his buff arm around the width of your shoulders to hoist you up and get you closer to his thighs, your figure remains seated as you process what he wants you to do–he wants you to suck him off.
So you lean your sweat-stained face over his clothed member and unwrap it like a Christmas present you’d save for last because it's so big. His cock springs up rudely and smacks at his now naked abdomen (when did he take off his shirt?) with a loud clap. His abs are so detailed and his pecks puff out in pride while he looks down on you, like his little servant.
He controls the length of his cock with a stern hand and traces ivory white lipstick over the plump of your mouth, a hazy web of precum connecting to your upper lip.
“Wrap those beautiful lips over my cock, darling angel. You know it makes me happy to see you stuffed full with my dick, no matter the hole.” He cheeses when he hears a quick scoff come out of you.
You listen anyhow, swallowing the tip of your big brother’s rod, hallowing your cheeks like a skeleton to circling your tongue around its rosy circumference. You feel your remaining cum dribble onto your bed when you hear him make a guttural moan from above. Clenching his ass cheeks as fingers place themselves on top of your head like an armrest, laying idly as of now.
“Oh shit, baby, yeah, just like that. Keep sucking me off juuust like that.” He bucks his hips impatiently once you decide to devour him up to the mid-base, continuing the actions of sucking in your cheeks to tighten around his cock. “Fuck!” He mewls before chuckling humorlessly.
He stares down and you look up. Your eyelids roll back til they’re just below your brow ridge to catch sight of azure undertones. You were just about to wonder why he was tittering until pressure made its way to both sides of your head. When his pearly white smirk twinkled under dim lighting, that's when you knew-
“Hmphh,” The noise was pitiful when subdued by the heavy weight of Satoru’s cock.
“Hold still, pretty girl.” He coos before pushing his hips back and applying the same manner to your head as he controlled you effortlessly and then thrusting forward and forcing your head to do the same. His balls slap on impact with your chin when he buries himself deep into the hot cavern of your throat, you have your nostrils planted on the silvery wisps of his pubes, reeking of potent masculinity. He leaves you in that position, powerless as he ignores the smacks to his meaty thighs.
“Hold it,” He warns. His voice is pitched below the Earth’s surface. “Gotta teach you how to please big bro properly.” You fight hard as his tip keeps irritating the thing that hangs at the back of your throat, trying to oppose your body from naturally activating your gag reflex but it ends up being fruitless. Your throat convulses as it bulges with his cock print and you cough out an ugly sound. Your vision blurs once you feel your eyes start to water up. You want him to move back already!
“Good.” It’s like he heard your thoughts because he finally retracts from his perfect spot lodged in your gullet. His swollen tip tickles the surface of your lips as you gasp several breaths of air. Just what was he thinking? You could’ve puked!
“What the hell was- mmph!” Halted by another intrusion of his cock burying itself in the pits of your throat, you muffle out a sound of surprise. You couldn’t believe it.
Satoru starts, “Less talking from you, sunshine. I wanna hear you slobber on my dick. Think you can do that for me?” He quickens up the pace of his thrust, going at the speed of someone walking. You gag disgustingly at each thrust and you can feel snot starting to leisurely slip from your nose (just what he wanted to see).
“That’s a messy girl, my messy sister. Got you, hah, so worked up you even got snot dripping from your nose and your spit running down my balls. Oh, you don’t know how much I longed for this.” He resumes his praises and tips back his head for a howl, feeling himself approaching his end as he hears you glurg, glurg, glurg on his veiny member.
“Oh shit, shiiit…!” Suddenly, you’re abruptly pushed off of him, freeing your esophagus from the restraint. Your back lands on the bed with a thud, your landing protected by your doughy comforter. Satoru stands motionless as he recovers from edging himself to oblivion. Biting his lip, his cock twitches up and down before it gradually remains unmoving.
You don’t even remember it happening, but you’re already restricted underneath Satoru’s panting body, thighs folded backward for a mating press, squeezing your squishy tits together, and feet perched on top of his shoulders. He takes his infamous spot between your legs, his overworked hands, decorated in calluses and scars, cuff around the underside of your knees.
He gifts you a heated kiss on your lips. “‘Toru-nii-” You say while struggling to keep up with his tongue. He breaks away from you and the string of saliva snaps into two.
“I hear you, baby, want me inside you already, I know, hear you loud ‘n’ clear.” His tip finds your entrance and it's sopping wet tenfold. He’s never seen you so needy in his life. He pushes in slowly and smoothly. Relishing your moans as he delves within you inch by inch, his thick cock stretching you out deliciously. You squirm in lascivious desire each time he enters you.
“I know, sugar, I know…” He soothes you upon hearing your sobs go up an octave. His head rests at the empty spot next to your neck and his hair tickles the crevice. “Almost there.”
As soon as he sinks deep in your warm cunt, he pecks your cheek with a softness that resembles duck feathers in a pillow before plummeting into you. A pornographic squelch resounds through your room.
“Hnn, T-Toru-nii is, so deep, ah, in my pussy!” You yelp. He’s so glad you’re still following his gross footsteps. So dazed by his cock hitting every ridge nestled within you.
“Yes, that’s right, little sis. And you’re gonna be a good girl and take it for me, right?”
You give a nod, “Yes, I will. I always will. Just f-for you.”
“Mmm, that’s right. That’s what I like to hear.” 
He inclines his torso backward, finding his attention on the feet placed at each side of his shoulders, more specifically, the one to his left as he grabs your ankle with ease, stroking the bone and putting your pedicured toe between wanting lips, your french tips hitting the roof of his mouth while lapping at your salty skin.
His pelvis hammers into you at a steady rate in combination with the gushes emerging from both sexes, it's so damn loud, you’re quite sure your Resident Assistant will come banging at your door frantically, telling you to lower it down because of the noise complaints that lead to your room.
You giggle, not just at the thought but at how much it tickles to feel Satoru’s tongue swirl around each toe.
“Satoru, that tickles.” You quip and the aforementioned man stares at you with knowing lids, purposely tasting your soles which have you trying to take your foot away, but the position you’re in makes it impossible.  
You feel as though hours go by as your older brother pushes on with fucking you silly and having a makeout session with your foot. His v-line collides with your poor pussy on every steady beat and you can’t help but let your earlier accusations fall from your mind like slippery soap.
The revulsion, the distaste, the discomfort–all of which were confined in a silk-woven case, trapped and compacted hitherto its evolution of approval. Although tentativeness plagues its cycle, the result remains beauteous as a cherry red butterfly protrudes through the rotten surface of the cocoon. The successful escapee finally swarms the sky with a setting sun.
It feels good. You feel good. Your pussy feels good as your step brother pounds it with intent–with purpose. You wiggle like a fearful worm ready to be eaten once the need to release creeps up slowly.
“My little sister always manages to feel so good. This pussy is just gripping me so fucking tightly and-” He stops abruptly and so do your moans as you hear your front door creak open.
The sound of jiggling keys and the chaotic trembling of plastic bags alert both your ears as you hear the door slam shut accompanied by a relieved sigh. You glance at the digital clock on your nightstand–‘10:35 PM’. One of your roommates is back from work. Coming home to rest easy from their enervating shift, she wants nothing more than to take a scalding hot shower, laze in her bed, and listen to nothing but silence as she drifts off to sleep.
But before those temptations come into play, she first wants to check up on you to see if you’re still in your room. Walking up sluggishly to your door, she raises a hand to prepare a few knocks while you and Satoru both stare wide-eyed at the shadow that occupies the crevice beneath your bedroom door–still like Michelangelo's statues.
“Hey, (Name), you in there?” The pause is long as you look up to Satoru and see his gaping mouth transform into a smirk before turning your attention to the door.
“Uh, yeah, I’m here. What’s up?” You ask, slightly hoping that your answer will satisfy her queries on your safety before retreating to her room.
“After work, I took a quick trip to the store for some wings and frozen pizza if you’d like some. Even got honey-barbeque-” You smile at her gentle antics. She remembered your favorite flavor.
“Oh, thanks, I really appreciate th-oh!” You’re stopped once Satoru resumes pounding your sloppy pussy. You cover your mouth in an attempt to conceal your yap but a strong hand grabs both wrists to cuff them above your head.
“Keep talkin', sis. Can’t leave mom pondering, now can we?” He whispered with precaution. That devious little-
“H-Hey? Are you okay?” The squishy slaps of both Satoru’s precum and your wet fluids compose a cacophonic symphony. Shit, if he keeps going, you’ll- 
“Yeah, m-mhm. I-I’m, fuuuck, fine.” Satoru grins maniacally above you his hot breath pasts your cheek and into your ear. The tip of his cock abuses your cervix as he compacts you tightly under giant muscle, arms littered with bulging purple and blue veins as he keeps you steady. His pubes tickle your clit whenever his hips kissed yours. Both breaths were getting heavy.
“Are you sure, you sound…sick.” Her words were laced with worry as she stood there, unmoving. “Do you need for me to come in?”
Satoru finds her naivety hilarious but decides it's time to break the barrier. He does so by raising his hips to an exaggerated extent before hammering back into you, the sound much louder than before as clapping fills the atmosphere. He guarantees your roommate will pick it up. Which she does.
“Wait, are you-” She gasps when she hears your sobbing moans echo in her ears. “Oh my God.” You’re too fucked stupid to give a reply when she blurts out an embarrassed ‘sorry!’ before taking hurried footsteps away from your door.
“Guess we scared her off, huh?” Knowing damn well he was the one who only made the effort to let your roommate know you were being pounded to oblivion. “Think she’s gonna tell everyone about this? Tell everyone how her son and daughter ruin the family name because we were caught fucking each other in your room?” He’s quick to pick up in your roleplay.
“Hnngh, I don’t know, ‘Toru.”
“I’m quite sure she will. What do you say, sweet girl, how about we both give a real reason to soil the family name and let me come in this pussy?” His thrusts start to stutter with each filthy word–cream drips from your cunt and down to the tight rim of your ass. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you groan quietly.
“Answer me now, sweetheart, or Satoru-nii is gonna-”
“Yes, Satoru, fuck. Please come inside me, please, ‘don’t care about anyone in this family but you! Come inside me, Satoru-nii!”
With that being said, he fulfills your wish by giving you one, big thrust and stilling his cock deep in his little sister’s pussy to pump his hot seed in increments. Whimpering loudly as he does so. His face contorts in the cutest grimace that you wish you could smooch. You heavily breathe in unison until he pulls out of you (fingering his remaining cum back into your fluttering hole).
He kisses your cheek, then your forehead, and lastly your lips before saying, “You did so well for me.”
And it’s after this session that have you thinking–‘perhaps you do get it’.
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anakinsdove · 4 months
𝐘𝐞𝐬, 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 «𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐»
pairing: anakin skywalker x fem!padawan!reader
summary: Your master is horny and frustrated, he looks for release at a nasty gloryhole in coruscant... only to find out that that perfect pussy he's fucking belongs to his padawan.
c/w: gloryhole mentions, p in v, masturbation, power imbalance, blowjobs, good pounding (very nasty idgf im sorry im horny)
discord - twitter: anakinsdove. -PART 1-
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𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧! 。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。Love you
𝘄/𝗰: 3,231
1 week ago
He does look lovely standing there, he’s talking to master mundi and master kenobi, broad shoulders and a serious expression on his face, but you know it’s all a facade, the minute you two are alone again he’ll go for a round of twister and maybe if you’re lucky pizza and movie night… he’s like no other Jedi, and you wouldn’t want it any other way, he’s unorthodox, impulsive and he can get under people’s skin easily.
He has a charm you haven’t seen anywhere else in the galaxy in your entire life, but you don’t know many things, he added a little bit of color in your life, he has thaught you things and to see life in a different way, he’s naturally good at everything he does… it’s insane.
“Whatcha thinking about?” You were so caught up in your own thoughts that you didn’t see him move next to you
“You” you say simply and he chuckles
“You’re still impressed by that move? I told you Y/N it all about the wrist” your eyes sparkle at the memory of him tearing droids apart in your previous mission, only a few hours ago
“No, not that-” “Be right back, I have to give the council a report of our mission” he ruffles your hair and leaves
Your eyes follow him until he dissapears in a crowd and you sigh, attachment is forbidden, but how can you not get attached to Anakin Skywalker? there are many rules you’d break for him, he’s your master and it’s wrong, but still… you can’t help but think of him late at night when you touch yourself, your fingers rub tight little circles on your clit as you try not to give in sleep and you can’t help but mutter “Anakin…”
You’d ruin everything for him, You’d give him everything you are, everything you have… and it kills yourself to think he might not want it.
But you’re wrong
Because Anakin Skywalker is utterly and obsessed with you, he wants nothing more than to bend you over and stuff you so good with his cock, that’s his ultimate fantasy, but he must not give into his instincts, Until…
Present day
His arms wrap around your waist in the darkness… you shouldn’t have done that, does he hate you now? Is he disappointed? Does he not love you anymore? That thought is unbearable.
“Calm down, I can feel the anxiety dripping from you” “I’m sorry….” “No, You’re not” And he’s right, why should you be sorry for? For him filling you up tonight? For giving him the best orgasm of his life… you, his padawan.
“I don’t want you to be sorry Y/n” you turn around and your pretty eyes look up at his silhouette, even his shadow is beautiful “Why not?”
His fingers squeeze your waist experimentally and you can’t help but sigh, his touch relives a deep ache in your heart and possibly between your legs.
“Was I the first man to fuck you tonight?” His voice is low and dangerous and you nod stupid “Because I saw you with your legs spread and in display for everyone, If I arrived 2 minutes later someone else would’ve ended up fucking you, didn’t you think of that when you chose to fuck up with my mind?”
You feel like crying and he sees your eyes water, you’ve humiliated yourself and he doesn’t want you, you have betrayed his trust…. “No master… p-please I’m sorry…” he wipes your tears away with his thumbs “I said I don’t want you to be sorry… I want to fuck you again and this time I want you to watch” your breathe heaves and he kisses your forehead reassuringly “I’m just surprised that’s all… I didn’t know you had it in you…” his fingers unbuttoned your shirt swiftly and he removes it, the sight of your cleave is doing more for him than it should “Can I fuck you? Can I do it again this time because I want to?” You nod desperately and he turns you around pushing you against your clothing drawer… he turns on your pretty table lamp and your eyes fixate on the picture over the drawer, it’s a picture from last summer, anakin and you smiling as he carries you… an innocent moment so far of what you’re doing right now.
He spreads your legs and pushes into your lower back signaling to arch your back deeper, you hear fabric breaking and you know your panties are gone forever “Holy shit…” you look over your shoulder to see his expression lust and hungriness written all over his face “My cum is still dripping out of you… it’s dripping down your thighs” you look down and confirm what he says, his cum has been dripping down your thighs since the walk back to the temple… he spits over his fingers and you scrunched your eyes shut when he wraps his arm over your front and rubs your clit deliciously “And so fucking wet” “Master!” You cry out louder than intended and you hear him smirk, his hips move with abandon against your ass, he grinds his painfully hard cock over you bare skin, you don’t understand why his pants are still on…
“All you needed to do was ask… I would’ve fucked you so long ago if I knew you wanted me as much as I wanted you” his fingers move faster and your brain turns off “What-“ “Fucking brat- you dont even want to know how many times I had to stroke my cock to the most unsatisfactory orgasm, when all I had to do was going to your quarters late at night and take you, don’t you want your master to feel good?” He moans against your ear, his confession fueling your desire as it drags you closer to the edge, you move your hips back against him and he growls, he wants to be the one in control.
“Fuck me please- fuck me I can’t take it anymore” you practically mewl when his fingers dip inside your creamy cunt, come hitter motion hitting your spongy spot deliciously, this is worth every consequence this could have in the future. “You’re going to take what I fucking give you, nothing less and nothing more my padawan, understand?” He says with a condescending tone and gives a kiss to your ear
Anakin underestimated his own arousal because he feels like cumming in his pants right now, his breathing is heavy and his eyes close… then he removes his fingers from your cunt leaving you empty.
“No!” You cry out and he has to shut you up, he dips his fingers inside your mouth making you taste yourself “I know it tastes heavenly love, I fucking know it” your eyes roll back into your head at his dirty words, you’re soaked by now.
He pulls away and sits on the edge of your bed pulling you into his lap, his fingers squeezing your breasts over your bra when he says “What do you know about sucking cock sweetheart?” Is he serious right now? He took your virginity only a couple hours ago! it also makes you giggle because of his vulgar words.
“Nothing” you say honestly and he nods “Good” already pushing you to the ground and on your knees, his fingers unzip his pants desperately tugging them down with his boxers too, his cock slapped against his lower stomach… it looks painfully hard and begging for your touch.. you practically zone out looking at it and you can’t help but be amazed that it even fitted inside you, this is your first time seeing it, ironically.
“I’ve dreamt about fucking this little mouth” he says breathlessly and his thumb traces your lower lip as you look at him with a pouty look… “I’ll guide you through it okay?” “Please…” he smirks at this, he knows how whiny you can be, so having you under control brings him satisfaction as your master.
“Spit on it- good good… now w-wrap your hand around my- Fuck!” He hissed as you stroke him inexpertly but still feels so good, it’s probably because it’s you, everything feels good with you, it makes him curl his toes “I thought you didn’t know anything about this.. Ah fuck…” he closes his eyes as he gives into the pleasure for a brief moment and opening them again when you mutter an unexpected confession “I gave a handjob once…” “To whom?!” He says offended but has to close his eyes again as you milk him his own precum and your spit making the nicest lube, you look at his cock with some sorry of fascination at the slimy sounds its making “L-“ “Don’t fucking tell me” he hisses and pushes your head down “Now suck on it sweetheart nice and slow…” you give the head a little kiss and kitten lick the shaft slowly… nice and slow and you can clearly see his abs constricting due the pleasure “It’s only right im the one who teaches you this” his voice is husky and it holds so much lust and you roll your eyes at his cockiness “Your master had to be the one to teach you how to blow someone Y/n… but most important I’m teaching you how to please me” his words are doing something to you and you can’t help yourself but to grind against his boot that he previously angled for you to rub yourself against it… you moan around him and he needs more.
“Just a little bit more sweetness, you kitten licking my tip feels amazing but your master needs you to take a little bit more okay?” You nod clumsily and his fingers tangle in your locks pushing you a little lower so you can take him deeper, your inexperience shows when you choke around his cock… if you only knew how good that felt, his breath heaved as he mutters a strangled “Good girl- good girl, you’re making your master feel so good” his praise sends shivers down your spine and he carefully thrusts up, hips moving up slowly as you furrow your eyebrows in concentration but you choke again “Ah.. fuck, nice and slow love… nice and slow take your time, I’m don’t going to hurt you”
He moans and groans as your lips wrap around him nice and tight, you’re mouth is warm and it feels perfect, just like everything about you, his thrusts speed only a little bit “Do- do you remember that time where I let you skip training because you wanted to go out to the mall?” You nod… that’s the only thing you can do when you’re this cock drunk… your eyes close and you let him move your head up and down as he pleases “I was a good master, I did a favor for you yeah?” Your eyes water as his cock hits the back of your throat “Now I need you to be a good padawan and let me fuck your mouth, okay?” You whimper around him and he groans… nodding desperately he smirks “tap my leg if it gets too much and breathe through your nose” he holds your hair in a ponytail and starts thrusting nice and hard up your mouth, his tip bruising the back of your throat, your whimpers and moans are muffled by his cock as it makes you choke, you look up at him and his eyes are closed mouth agape as he moans… your own desires can’t be ignored as you keep grinding against his boot… the best way to describe this feeling is euphoria, you can’t even hear your own thoughts because they’re overpowered by the pleasure sounds your master is making and the disgusting sounds your mouth is making… your bringing him close to ecstasy.
“Shit!” He cries out and you realize breathing is no longer important in this situation, you want to please him and that the only thing that matters, he holds your head down as your nose rubs against his pubes, your own eyes rolling back “Yes yes yes yes yes” anakin is too far gone in the pleasure, his eyes roll back as a bead of sweat falls from his forehead, he growls and pushes his boot harder onto you clit “I’m gonna- Fuck im sorry I can’t help it!” You want to protest but it’s too late, his hot cum is already filling your throat. “That’s a g-good g-good… f-fucking girl- ah! My padawan” he spasms and finally lets go of your head… his cock pulsates inside your mouth and your release him and you see him shake… his breathing is heavy and he sees the tears streaming down your cheeks… he smiles, like a genuine smile that shows love and appreciation
“Thank you Y/n… oh shit that was amazing” you beam at his praise as usual, he really knows how to push your buttons.
“Master I want to cum” you pout at him, he has been teasing you but not actually giving you what you need and crave “What have I taught you about patience?” “That is overrated” he curses himself and takes you into his arms laying you down on the bed. “Fine… I’m going to fuck you” he rolls his eyes as if it was annoyed to do such task and you tickle his ribs at his teasing… he laughs and loses strength as he falls on top of you… you look up at him, you’ve never been this close before, his eyes are piercing into your soul… Anakin closes the gap and for the first time he kisses you… he moans into the kiss, it feels so right and your lips don’t move for half a second… he holds your cheek delicately and you kiss him back with as much love and desire as him.
“I can’t believe it took me so long to do that” he whispers and you give him your brightest smile “alright ass up” you giggle and he bops your nose and slides a pillow under your hips for a better angle “How do you want it love? Nice and slow or… master I can’t walk I might need to skip training today?” He mocks your voice and you give him an unamused look, if he can tease you you can also tease him.
Your legs wrap around his waist and you pull him closer “alright I get it… spread your legs for me” you do as he says and he taps his cock over your clit repeatedly, you can’t help but throw your head back, it’s so sensitive by all his previous teasing it makes you whine “I know you want it sweetheart, its just, you look so good when you’re needy” “if I knew my master was this cruel if would’ve gone to master kenobi instead” his eyes widen and his brows furrows “No” you expected him to laugh but it angers him “You’re mine, no one else’s” he positions your legs over his shoulders and slides in… your soaked cunt is pulling him in and your tightness pushes him out.. he chuckles when you shudder under him “So- fucking big” your eyes furrow prettily and your eyes roll back as he fills you up for the second time tonight “Yeah? You’re so fucking tight” his hips moves against you nice and slow, you feel every bit of him, your gummy walls massage his tip, he moans and hides his face on the crook of your neck…
Your gasps and moans are music to his ears, the prettiest a sound in the galaxy, unfortunately his noises are muffled by your skin but you want to hear him cry out… maybe another time… he groans and nips at your skin sucking and marking you “You feel so good inside me master… you fill me up so good, no one could make me feel like you do” his eyes shut tight as your words struck a nerve, you feel his hips falter as he loses his rhythm… you giggle but soon his thrusts become forceful as he hits your g spot with precision
“Shit!” “language” he teases and chuckles against your skin, you pull his locks painfully tight as he hisses “You like it? You like how deep I’m inside you? This time I’m able to look at your pretty face” he kisses you once again, your legs hold him tightly not giving him much space to move and fuck you harder, it’s your fault he has to be harsher and manhandle you
Your velvety walls constrict around his cock and he pulsates and pulsates, he feels his balls tighten… his cock kisses you cervix again and you cry out as you attempt to push him away “I know it hurts… don’t worry I’m going to take care of you” your arms tangle over his neck as your nails dig into his back and scratch, leaving little moon shaped marks all over his skin, he changes the angle and pounds you deeper, you didn’t know it was possible… this time his pubes rub deliciously over your clit “you’re not fooling anyone love, you like it rough, you like it nasty and even dangerous, showing yourself to everyone in a nasty gloryhole in coruscant, why would you put yourself in that situation baby? Huh? You liked the smell of sex and everyone having sex around you? Is that it? You’re as much of a pervert as I am, because if you’d come to me sooner I would’ve fucked you in your comfy bed like the pillow princess you are”
“Master!” You near your release and he’s been holding his for about 5 minutes now, he trembles over you but he can’t stop, he needs to please you “You’re gonna cum sweetheart? I need you to cum, you been milking your master’s cock the entire night it’s only right I make you cum too”
Your cries fill the room and your eyes roll back, it’s a sight for sore eyes “Thank your master Y/n, thank your master for fucking this creamy pussy”
“Thankyouthankyou-“ you moan incoherently “I’m going to fill you up sweetheart- what a good little p-padawan” your climax hits the both of you like a bus… making you grind against each other tiredly as your moans die down eventually, only heavy breathing is heard…
When you both grow quiet and only the sounds of an average late night at coruscant fill the atmosphere you wrap your arms around him, you’ve never seen anakin this tired before, he always has enough energy for a battle but seems like pussy is his weakness, you clench around him involuntarily and he whimpers
“Thank your Y/n this was… fuck it was”
“Me? Thank you for being a pervert” you beam and kiss his forehead “it was truly amazing… thank you master” he chuckles
“Me? A pervert? You’re a nympho princess, after everything I’ve taught you in all these years the only thing it stuck you was my cock” you roll your eyes at his comment
“Now you know how Master Kenobi feels” but then you think a little bit more about your comparison and you cringe anakin laughs against your skin
“You’re lucky you’re beautiful”
You smile brightly at him “youre pretty”
“Only pretty? C’mon sweetheart I want to be beautiful”
“Fine.. you’re beautiful” he gives your neck a little kiss
“Can you sleep here tonight?” You nod “Great because you leaving means I’d have to pull out”
“Don’t mention it, you’re my best friend!” Anakin gives you an angry look even though he knows he’s joking, he wants to be more than that, and actually he already is… And with a kiss he shuts you up…
masterlist 𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗱𝗼𝘃𝗲 © --- all rights reserved. no reposting/translating/ copying will be tolerated.
dividers - @i92-93
(Hello! I want to credit @anakinsbbgirl for inspiring this stories, she’s insane and I love her)
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tallyowlpress · 8 months
ABOLISH THE MONARCHY (in this brand new TTRPG)
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Guillotine: Crown of Blood
Harness heretical magic, discover cutting-edge technology, and overthrow the crown in this Gothic fantasy TTRPG.
GUILLOTINE: CROWN OF BLOOD is a TTRPG where you can -- and should -- destroy the Crown. Use magic. Use wit. Use weird new technology, forged by your own hand. Use prayer, even if it's unorthodox. Use rhetoric to win hearts and minds. Or just beat the shit out of them. It's up to you.
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Fact Sheet:
FUNDED IN JUST SIX HOURS!! Plus, we've unlocked our first stretch goal (character generation tables!)
Runs on the Powered by the Apocalypse system.
Based on games like Armour Astir, Heart: The City Beneath, Monsterhearts, and Monster of the Week.
Play as members of a Cause, against an oppressive Crown of your own making -- then play as the antagonists during a Villain Turn where you can torment each other's characters, or otherwise advance the plot.
Ten unique playbooks.
Includes weird magic, talking your way out of trouble, strange gods, and a worrying amount of blood.
Mechanics that let you become unhealthily obsessed with your friends, lovers, rivals, and political scapegoats. The more you interact, the more you understand them: for better or worse.
BONUS: Use Martyr moves to permanently remove your character from the narrative, irrevocably changing the fabric of the city, the revolution, or even the laws of physics!
All you need are some friends (or at least fellow travelers) and you're good to go! Do you have what it takes to destroy the Crown? Will you destroy yourself in the process? There's only one way to find out.
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maniculum · 6 months
Had a baffling interaction a couple hours ago, and I think Tumblr is probably the best place to find an explanation.
I’ve mentioned on here that I have a side job at a bookstore. Today, I heard a customer make the assertion to her companion that the novel Frankenstein is “basically fanfiction”. (I don’t think this was meant as negative, but couldn’t say for sure.)
I asked her about it when she came to check out, because I had to know what that was about, right? She recounted the origin of the book — the Shelleys, Byron, & Polidori challenging each other to write horror stories, etc. I assured her I was familiar with the history, but just wanted to know why that made it fanfiction.
She said, “well, it came from a horror writing competition.”
At this point, I felt I had pushed about as much as I could in this scenario — as anyone who’s worked a customer-service job knows, when customers say nonsense at you, responding in a way that doesn’t upset them is difficult, and you kind of have to be ready to just nod and smile. So I said something along the lines of, “I don’t understand the connection, but as long as it makes sense to you.”
She chose not to elaborate further and left with her purchases.
So now I’m asking Tumblr because I figure this is the best place to find people who are familiar with unorthodox understandings of fanfiction.
Is it because it came from a competition? (This is the most sensible explanation I can think of, but that’s not saying much, because I see no link between these two concepts.)
Is it because it’s horror? (I know people get weird about genre fiction sometimes — last year someone told me they thought “Fantasy / Science Fiction” and “Young Adult” were different terms for the same genre.)
Is it because it was written for fun? (I know that the vast majority of fiction is — to a greater or lesser degree — written because the author enjoys writing, but maybe the customer doesn’t know that?)
Is it because it was written, for lack of a better word, socially? (By which I mean, is the story of its writing significant in that the initial intention was for Shelley to show it to her friends? But of course this is a group of published authors, and authors hang out to talk about & show each other their work all the time… maybe the customer wasn’t aware of that?)
These are the only options I can think of, and none of them have any link to what makes something “fanfiction” in my understanding. I’m just extrapolating from the fact that apparently the relevant distinction has something to do with it being a horror writing competition. Am I missing something? Tumblr, please, help me with this.
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0tivez · 1 year
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synopsis: a perfect student can get in toruble every now and then too, right? except this time, you get into trouble with your famous bachelor professor satoru gojo for an unorthodox reason, and he'll make sure you make up for it
characters: gojo
warnings: female reader, student reader x professor gojo, semi-public sex, age gap (early 20s to late 20s), oral (female + male receiving), very light power play, dub-con (maybe?), unprotected sex, degrading/praising, breeding. mdni
wc: 4.3k
note: yes, this is my dark fantasy of being accepted as a mean looking emo bitch. no, i'm not in love with my professor. emo sluts rise (emo=reader wears all black and has dark makeup lol sorry couldn't pull a wattpad) it's our time to have steamy office sex with 2d men. see the end for more notes!
you know, i don't really put in songs, but what the hell. this one's for the emos
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"oh, i have an appointment with professor gojo today" you tell your friend as you lay your lunch tray onto the table.
"for what?" she asks, her motion following yours. you two sit comfortably on the wooden chairs.
"i don't know. my grades, i guess? but my grades are fine, so i don't really know" you answer in confusion, and stab a big piece of chicken.
"well, i wish he would call me in his office"
"what?" you almost choke on your food. you look at your friend with big, dumb eyes. you wouldn't have been this surprised if she confessed to murdering someone, and you shouldn't be surprised at her confession either. yet somehow, you are.
"satoru's kinda hot, isn't he?" she responds, scrunching her nose. "he's also, like, extremely smart and funny"
"he's fucking old"
"um, no he's not? half of the school has bag of bones for professors, satoru's like... what, 30? i've fucked older"
"still, so inappropriate" you shut the conversation down. sure, you two had joked about how hot gojo is, and sure, the idea did entertain your mind, but it's between you two, a very private inside joke. you feel exposed this way, and the last thing you need is having that image of your professor in your mind as he lectures you about god knows what later today.
"i bet he fucks like his age too" she smirks across the table. you turn your head around anxiously to see if anyone's heard you two, but the loud cafeteria outweighs your little dirty convo.
"shut up!"
"girl you know damn well-"
"let's talk about this after i get scolded today. i don't want to worry about this man anymore"
it's 5.40 pm. where is he? he was supposed to meet you after class, yet he's nowhere to be found. and you're there standing in shame, as students pass you by, probably wondering what happened for you to be waiting like a stray kitten by his office.
of course, it's nothing to be ashamed of. god, you don't even know what you're supposed to be ashamed of yet! but here you are, cold sweat down your neck, hands nervously moving up and down your arms as you wait for time to pass.
that's how you are. quiet, nervous. yet most people have a different image of you; a colder, meaner image. it's difficult for you to socialize, so you stick to your two friends you made ages ago for your in-class interactions. for classes, you opt for quietly listening to your lectures rather than being interactive, even though you know it's not the right way, and you want to be social. that's why most professors rarely remember your name or your face- not that they're eager to know you anyways. that's why it's so confusing. what did you do to get called like this? how did he even know your name?
"ah- sorry for being late" gojo rushes next to you. his tall figure guides you to the narrow hallway where his office is hidden in. he quickly unlocks the door, and waits for you to enter first. "sit, i'll be back in a couple minutes" you nod.
once he turns around, you quickly observe his clothes. he always knew how to be stylish, even though his clothes are always basic. you figured it must be his fit figure that makes anything he wears compliment him. he's always clean and rich looking; never would he wear a wrinkled shirt. the female students would anticipate warm weathers, where gojo would sometimes wear a tight, black t-shirt and jeans. not today tho. although the weather is warm, he's wearing a light blue linen shirt with black jeans, complimented with a thick, leather belt. his shirt exposed his contoured collarbones, and arms exposed with an expensive looking watch to complete the look. and his face... god, his face.
he shuts the door behind you. you're left for your own thoughts. sitting down is uncomfortable for you, the only thing you can hear is your heartbeat. the building is empty, you can faintly hear students speaking from outside. you get up, and look around his office. it's filled with thick, leather covered books. interesting, you wouldn't assume he's into reading by looking at him, or hearing him speak. it must be professional deformation. papers are scattered around on his desk. everywhere else except for his desk is tidied and clean, but his desk is a warzone.
the door opens.
"hi, hello, sorry for making you wait. hope you didn't miss me too much" gojo paces toward his desk.
you shake your head. "it's alright, you must be very busy"
gojo stands over his desk and gathers some papers in his hand and puts them aside. "well, it is difficult to be the fun one in this department, y'know?" his blue eyes focus on yours for a moment, as he waits for a reaction from you. you chuckle in response.
gojo pulls out a paper from the batch and sits down. he raises the paper and looks at you. he calls your name. "correct?"
just the way he said your name sends chills down your spine. god, in that moment, you truly wish you would be more active in class, only to hear him call your name.
he reads the paper quickly without putting it down. he looks like a kid doing it, yet you feel as if you were in front of a judge.
"so, interesting. you know your grade, right?" you nod.
"i-is there a problem? i thought i did good"
"oh, you did, definitely. this paper is very impressive. i enjoyed reading it." he smiles at you. "the only problem was, i had no idea whose paper i was reading the whole time"
you sit there silently. where was he heading at? he didn't call you in just to tell you to be more active in class, right?
"i mean i did know, i know how to read, but there wasn't a face you know? our class is pretty small, so i know most people. but you, who are you?"
"excuse me?" you manage to let out.
"you don't speak much in class, don't talk to anyone else in class, yet you never skip a class. and then boom! you write out this paper"
"am- am i being accused of something, sir?"
gojo looks amused. he grins, and rests on his back, crossing his arms. his muscles show up, is he trying to look intimidating? is he trying to get a confession out of you? cheating? stealing?
"no, nothing at all. i'm just curious. it's important that i know my pupils. talking to strangers affect my performance too"
"i- guess i'm more of a listener" you feel so small in front of him. this is embarrassing.
gojo gets up and walks to the chair across you.
"but you see, you don't look friendly either."
"i remember seeing you in class and thinking 'wow, she really doesn't wanna be here' which is new to me, cause i'm fun!" now you're sure he must be offended or something.
"sir, if that's the issue, i'll be more active from now on" you just want to leave. whatever it takes, leave.
"but why?" he ignores your suggestion. "why hate being with me?" gojo leans in to be closer to you. his long legs and big body help him be closer to you, despite the small coffee table separating you two.
"there's not a reason, sir. i don't hate-"
"i'm used to being popular among female students, y'know?"
this time, it's your turn to giggle.
"i'm sorry, is this what it's been about? you're offended that i'm not attracted to you?" lie. you're crazy for him. maybe that's why you're extra shy around him. but somehow, a wave of confidence washes over you in this moment. maybe it's the sincerity of him, maybe it's the ridiculousness of the situation. but whatever it is, it made you get a fiendish chuckle from your professor.
"it just doesn't happen. do you hate me? did i do something to you?"
"no, sir, i'm just a shy person"
"why the face?" he points at his own face, and makes a sulky face that you think is supposed to be mimicking your face.
you shrug your shoulders and smile in disbelief. "it's just my face! sir, if it matters to you, i think you're great. i enjoy your lectures, and i promise i'll be more active from now on" you wave your hands and get up to leave. gojo follows after you.
he lays a hand on your shoulder to keep you still.
"that's not it, is it? you missed something"
"e-excuse me?" what the fuck is wrong with this guy?
"tell me i'm handsome" gojo looks into your eyes. his piercing gaze makes you freeze in place. his face is too close to yours, you feel even more embarrassed to know he can see you blushing.
"t-that's not very appro-"
"oh come on! i know you want to say it" he smiles.
you are a hypocrite. if this was any other person, you would have been scared shitless. yet here you are; heart beating fast, empty minded, an uncomfortable wetness growing stronger.
the sexual tension is so strong. you feel nervous, whatever you say will break the tension or make it reach its breaking point. and you don't know which one you prefer.
you stay silent.
gojo looks into your big eyes, face so close that you wonder if he'll kiss you anytime soon.
"if you're not gonna admit, i'll help you with it" he steps back. "sit on the desk" he orders, voice dark and strong. you stand in disbelief. gojo walks over to his desk while slowly taking off his watch. "you comin' or not?"
you walk over to his desk and sit obediently. your legs are closed, your nervousness can be read from your posture.
"don't be shy, you're in good hands" gojo suddenly kneels and places his palms on your knees. he looks up at you with puppy eyes. "may i?"
you bite the inside of your cheeks and nod. you unbutton your pants and rest your palms next to you. satoru grabs the hem of your baggy jeans. you lift yourself as satoru easily takes your jeans off. your baby pink, cotton panties are exposed in a comical way. satoru laughs at the contrast; your heavy and dark makeup, resting bitch face, and all black clothes hide pretty pink underwear under it. and satoru feels like one hell of a lucky man to be able to witness this.
satoru slides his hand in between your legs and lightly separates them, exposing your sopping panties. satoru's delighted to see you as excited as him. after all, you seemed scared at first.
his soft, juicy lips lay soft kisses all across your plump skin as he makes his way up to your panties. his demeanor suddenly changes, and he rips your panties beastly. one hand lowers your body further to reveal your folds better. satoru doesn't wait another second.
gojo licks your folds, all the way from your hole to cilit. his tongue masterfully dances around the delicate skin, and runs around your clit. your shy moans fill the office room. you cherish the view below you. his broad shoulders are about to rip through his expensive shirt, white hair buried between your legs, long fingers gripping your legs firmly. he plants a firm kiss on top of your clit that makes you shiver. he sucks on the delicate skin and leaves it with a tiny plop sound. he continues untill you're a moaning mess. and god, you hate to admit this, but she was right. he knows how to fuck good.
"gosh, do you do this to all of your students?" the sudden adrenaline rush takes over you, but the embarrassment follows quickly after. for a second, you're scared he'll get mad and stop, but he doesn't.
"i don't. but don't think you'll be my favorite student after this or something" he looks at you with half lidded eyes.
his warm tongue fucks your wet hole until you feel weak in your knees. you wonder how good his cock feels if he can entertain you this much with his tongue. his tongue pushes inside your hole, letting your sweet juices roll down to his throat. he's so amused at how much you're enjoying yourself, it makes his excitement only grow harder. in a few seconds, he'll fuck you till you can't walk out his office.
"s-sir!" you squirm with his touch.
"yes?" he looks up in a mischievious manner and makes gesture at you, as if you were raising a hand to speak. you roll your head back and laugh before grabbing his hair and pushing him back in.
satoru lays a flat tongue on your clit. the pressure is enough to make your legs twitch. he holds himself there for a moment, waiting for your to beg for more. and you do, you really do.
satoru runs his tongue up and down on your clit, making the pointy tip of his tongue push the skin further as he runs his tongue back up with each lap. the pointy tip draws circles around your clit, around and around. god, he feels so good. he might even cum if he continues more. it's the first time he's ever felt so good giving head to someone. your helpless little squeaks, your shy face and confident hand buried in his hair...
knock knock
you quickly turn around to face the door
"professor gojo? i brought the books" a male voice calls. "can i come in?"
gojo gets up with a sinical smirk on his face, and gently pushes you by your back down.
"give me a second!" he shouts at the door as he takes off his belt and lays it under the desk. he sits down on his chair and calls you down with his two fingers. you instantly obey, kneeling down to his knee level. gojo pushes his chair further under the desk so that you can't be seen. you quickly unbutton his jeans before gojo calls the man inside.
you grab the hem of his underwear and push it down to expose his hard cock. it's dark, your view is limited, but you make the best of it. you hear footsteps get closer, so you hold your breath. you hesitate, you're terrified of getting caught.
"so, about tomorrow's meeting..." a faint voice fills your surroundings. your heart beats fast, and your hands shakily grab his tip.
gojo's surprised at this hesitation. maybe you really do need some help after all. he pretends to listen to what the man is yammering away about. he sneaks his hand down to table and cautiously pushes your head to mouth his length. the sudden push startles you, but it gives you the push you needed.
once gojo's palm leaves your head, you start slowly taking in his dick. you hear him exhale casually, before he responds to the man. he's big, so it takes you a while to fully take him inside. you pull your head back, and lick along his cock.
"...so i figured we would go with another plan..." gojo continues. once you swirl your tongue around his tip, licking the thick precum, finally getting a taste of him. you hear his voice shake for a second. satoru pretends to cough. he must be sensitive on his tip, you figure, and focus on teasing his tip.
you start rubbing his length where your mouth can't reach. every time you release his cock, you quickly swirly your tongue on his tip so that he shakes slightly, making him shift in his chair to not expose your affair to the clueless man. you repeat: suck, pump, release, twirl. suck, pump, release, twi-
satoru spasms on his chair once again as your tongue touches his tip. you think he's cumming for a moment, but those thoughts disappear once you feel a strong hand grab you by your hair, pulling you away from his cock.
"see you tomorrow, satoru" the man says before he leaves the room. with the door closing, satoru pulls back. in a moment, you find yourself picked up like a cat and sat on the table.
"you think you're funny?" gojo growls. "teasing me like that? in front of my colleague?" his eyebrows are furrowed and jaw is clenched. he looks terrifying.
"i-i thought you wanted me to-"
"getting spoiled, hm? do you need to be disciplined?" it's almost as if gojo was searching for a reason to be mad at you, to fuck you like you mean nothing to him.
before you could respond, gojo discards your crop top and leaves you bare chested and cold. satoru can't decide whether the twitching of his dick is caused by the shock of you not wearing a bra to meet your professor or how arousing your perky, plump tits look in front of him. whatever it is, it's enough to make his beasty look go darker.
gojo hisses with what feels like frustration. he wants you, he wants you now, and he cannot waste another second. in a moment, you're pressed down onto the desk, on your chest with two strong hands pulling your ass up high. the wooden desk is warm, yet the hotness of your body combined with the cooler desk makes your body shiver. it doesn't help that gojo's teasing your entrance with his tip either. you whine under his touch, signaling him to go further in. he's amused at your neediness. you want to use your words, but you end up only being able to whine and groan. it's cute, adorable. satoru wonders how you'd be once he's done with you.
"what should i do?" gojo teases. he places his tip in your entrance, only for your hole to stretch enough to take the head in. the feeling is overwhelming even now, and you know it will hurt once he fully inserts himself.
well, they don't say curiosity kills the cat for no reason.
"p-please, f-fuck..." you whisper, tears pooling in your eyes slowly as frustration and tension grow bigger.
"hm? what was that?" gojo leans in closer to your face, making his cock enter a little more. you whimper with the new feeling. it's more painful, yet somehow very intimate.
"p-please..." you quietly respond again.
"we talked this through. speak up, don't be shy!"
you squeeze the papers scattered on the table, trying to from words, but your mind is blank.
"embarrassed? if it helps, princess, no one can hear you" gojo whispers. the irony. gojo satoru, the nonchalant extrovert that warns you in a craven tone; and you, the shy, anxious little girl, soon screaming your lungs out, begging him to fuck you.
"god, just fuck me!" you scream. it's the start gojo needed, and finally, he can unleash himself into you.
gojo slides his length inside without waiting for you to adjust to him fully. your walls stretch and shrink within a second, as he pulls himself almost completely before entering himself fully once again. your wet hole takes him fully, squeezing every inch of his thick cock. your walm, velvety walls make gojo dizzy with pleasure. his voice switches from manly groans to helpless whimpers. and you, gosh, you're a complete mess. your hair falls over your face, but you're too busy getting railed into oblivion to pick it up. you helplessly grab the edges of the desk in an attempt to gather yourself, but it's no use. the only thing you can do is scream out his name, the only thing you can think of.
"fuck..." gojo hisses into your ear. he grabs a fistful of your hair, finally opening your face. he grabs you closer to his chest and holds you in position by your throat as he uses his other hand to help you catch the rhythm of his thrusts. your back instantly arches, and you need to hold on to his tighs to not fall off. you gasp for breath as he mercilessly pounds into you behind your back. the slapping sounds are too far away from you. your vision gets blurry. it feels good, it shouldn't feel good, but it does. he moves as if he wants to hurt you, to take revenge. he's ruthless, contrary to how softly he kissed your cunt and how sweet he called your name earlier.
"yeah? feels good, hm?" gojo turns your face to his. your wet eyelashes, red cheeks wet with tears, mouth shiny with saliva... what a view he had. and him; his white hair always perfectly in place is now all over his forehead, sweat glistening his long neck, and tight muscles showing under the thin fabric of his shirt. and his eyes... his eyes screaming wildly, violently; yet his gaze is soft and caring. gojo realizes too, as he loosens his grip on your neck, and slows down his tempo. you inhale, cheeks puffed up and head slightly tilted back. gojo takes advantage of the vulnerability of the moment. satoru's soft lips lock with yours in a passionate kiss. he holds your chin in place, and you help him by grabbing his wrist. his tongue dances over yours, and all over your lips. wetness covers your lips. it's messy, you both miss your lips as satoru continues thrusting, but it's more romantic this way. you're both craving each other, something neither of you had realized before this exact moment. your heart beats even faster for a second, as you want to be like this forever. even with his most violent desire, he's so caring and romantic. you know it's all meaningless, that none of these matter, and that your affair will meet its end once he decides he's had enough. so you want to be in this moment forever.
"don't stop" you breathe in his mouth and look into his eyes. satoru's cock twitches inside you, his pace slows down. he slips himself out. did you say something wrong? did he realize what he's doing?
you look at him, confused. satoru's face is impossible to read, he just stands there looking at you. the sudden silence makes you anxious once again. you back up and hit your leg into the desk.
satoru grabs you by your leg as you almost lose your balance. he gently pushes you down by your shoulders and sits you down. he lowers his body before grabbing your knees and making you wrap them around his hips. he unbuttons his shirt but doesn't take it off. his toned abs are finally exposed. you examine every curve on his body, his chest.
satoru locks his lips with yours again. he's softer now. it's like he's known you since forever, like his tongue knows how it's supposed to move inside your mouth. this time, you don't shiver, but a warmness follows down your spine. you cusp his cheek as you deepen the kiss.
there you are, warm light framing your bodies under the sunset, bodies locked. where you end is where satoru begins. your bodies move in harmony. he gently rolls his hips into you, and you lift your hips to meet his. not leaving each others' embrace for a second. what happened so suddenly? is this the beast you were so scared of?
"yes... yes..." you moan into his mouth.
"yeah? you like it, baby?" he asks with a soft voice. you move your head and bury it into his neck. you grab his broad shoulders under his shirt tightly, making sure you're gentle. but you can't help it, you're about to snap. you dig your nails into his skin. he pants and moans into your ear. his voice gets shaky, he sounds so pathetically needy. you realize he needs you as much as you need him.
satoru holds you closer to his chest and embraces you as he fucks through your climax. his steady pace strengthens the tightness down your abdomen. you feel the tingling travel all over your body, as you beg satoru to continue.
"you close, baby? want me to finish inside you, hm?" he asks with a raspy voice. he already knows the answer.
"sa-satoru..." you breathe into his skin.
"look into my eyes" he calls your name. "fuck, look at my eyes"
you tilt your head and meet his glassy, baby blue eyes. he looks so vulnerable in this moment. satoru kisses you once more before he rests his forehead onto yours. his steady pace doesn't change, as you both wait to reach the end.
the knot inside your body tightens and tightens, until it's impossible to stand it. your body spasms under him, and you can only call out his name.
"satoru!" you squirm, not leaving his touch for a second.
"come on baby, cum for me" he pants. "my pretty little girl, you're doing so good"
you let out one last shaky breath and lose control. you shake and spasm, but satoru holds you tightly in place. he rides your climax, as he chases his own. he plants soft kisses all over your face as you lose your mind. your whole body's tingly, mind fuzzy, and numb. you stay there, watching satoru's breath get faster.
you grab both of his cheeks and look into his eyes. you don't look away or move, you hold him in place. his shiny eyes look into yours, amazed at how beautiful you are, how pretty you are for him. and how you're his, in this moment, he's yours.
satoru moves hips further once more before his thrusts stop. his moves come to a full stop. he doesn't avert his gaze, as he slaps his hips into you once more. the warmness washes over you as he empties himself deep inside you. satoru whispers your name, followed by a shaky moan. he stands still for a second, lets his cock rest inside you for a moment as you both stand in silent. he's lost in your embrace, and so are you.
all your anxieties from earlier wash away. he's right, he definitely made sure you like him. and all the papers you ruined, the ones he's supposed to show his students, he will have to think about later.
"you really are very handsome"
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gojo's comeback might have taken shorter than mine, but hey, better late than never right? lol anyways, sorry for the long wait and sorry, this isn't the unboxing smut. i suddenly felt the urge to write another jjk teacher/student fic but it's a little more legal now at least. i'm also obsessed with gojo again. hope you enjoyed your meal! (ok but why do my snopsises lowkey eat harder than the fic itself)
this was... easier than i thought it would be. i missed writing so much and haven't felt this much fun and ease writing anything in such a long time! i'm so excited for jjk season 2 and the manga's progress. i think this is another jjk summer yall. also, i'm doing an unofficial internship this summer! so, since i like being active when i'm busy with daily life stuff, who knows, i might become active again
hope you guys liked it! see you next time you horny emo slut ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ
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The one that blew by.
Part 15 of Adventure Log+ (sequel to Link's Thought Brambles - much better to read in order). Warning for strong language and violence.
@newtsnaturethings beta-read this chapter! Thank you very, very much, Newt!
“It’s fire- I’m sure of it!”
“Indeed, Sir Margil, though it did not appear so earlier.”
“So much-“  “To see it this far out!”  “Goddess.”
Goddess is right.
Can’t say that.  “It’s Serenne.” 
“That- could be the whole town.”
“We won’t know until we’re a lot closer-” to her family- “but the fire’s…” massive- “in that direction.”
“Link is quite correct.”
I’m ‘Link’ again.  “Erl- or whoever he actually was- could’ve been telling the truth about fire spreading on the plain.”
“If he was, we shall likely be forced to retreat.  The season hasn’t been particularly dry, but these past few weeks have seen little rain in this area.”
That silence.
They’re scared.
They’re knights and warriors, but you can’t battle fire with blades.
Well.  Not effectively.
Daile’s as stony as he’s been this whole time- except at that first house.  Beraya’s smile still missing.  Margil’s wide-eye.  I don’t know Varino well at all.  That could just be his face.  Or he might already have a brick in his armor.  The others-
The others.
Thanks to those Sheikah half-masks, those two are a total mystery, but the Hylians are tired for sure.  Bad time to be tired.  Maybe the scared is good.  Alert and tired is better than asleep and dead.
No, no, you can’t be asleep if you’re dead.
I’m tired, too.   “Ahem.  Keep a sharp lookout, everyone.  Eyes all about.  You see open flame, you shout it out immediately.”
“Yes, sir.”  “As you say, Master Link!” “Yes, sir!” “Uh-” “Sir!” “Yessir.” “Yes, Master Link.”  “Yes, sir Link.” “Yes, general!”
“Liff, what the #$(%?”
Yeah, what the #$(%, Liff?
“You’re a nitwit, that’s what!”
“But he IS one!”
“Don’t make it weird-“
“You’re the one making it weird!”
“Hmm.  Hm hmm.”
At least Zelda can still find things funny.  “Sir’s enough, thanks.”  Stop it, Link, stop grimacing.
“Kmph- eh- khh.”
“Z- Princess?”
“Are you alright?  Do you smell smoke?” I don’t yet, but I expect to soon-
“Khh- ah- km.  Gm.  I am- well, thank you Link.  I do not smell smoke—yet.”
“Do you need water?”
“I have plenty, thank you.”
“It is-“ “Holy…” “It really IS.”  “Serenne…”  “Are you fricking seeing this?” “Hylia-“ “-to the lab-“
“Preserve us-“ “No way, couldn’t be.” “Hell.”  “Beraya?” “P-Princess-“
“Lift us from these sands…” “I’m fine.”  “Princess, we ought to turn back.”
“Beraya, your family-“ “Why is there so little smoke?”  “No.  Not unless we’re forced to.”
“I know.”  “But- your safety, Princess!”
“But what if-“ “You heard her- she said no.”
“No point guessing- we’ll find out.”  “Master Link, SURELY you must see-“
“Princess Zelda isn’t mine to command, and she’s not yours either.” She’s hers.  “…We’re hers.”
Dark looks.
“Sir Beraya.”
“Yes, Princess.”
“It sounds as though you’ve family here.”
“Yes, Princess.”
“Please be assured we shall not abandon them unless forced.”
“Sir Margil’s father lives just northwest-“
“Bera- ugh!”
“-of the town proper, as well, Princess.”
“Please, Princess, I know we cannot cater to our families.”
“I shall do everything in my power to see as many survive this as possible, Sir Margil.  That includes your father and your family, Beraya.  May I ask whom?”
“…My sister Miriah lives here with her dear friend Paulotta and her daughter Aeryn.”
“…Within the circle of trees.  Just on the edge.  South by southeast.”
Not too far off the way we’ll approach
What if the treeline’s lit?
We won’t be able to cross if it is.
We shouldn’t even consider entering if it is.  Not if we value our own lives.
Zelda’s life.
Seggin.  Seggin said Zelda and I had to survive.  Which… obviously.
He also basically said we couldn’t be coddled.
Pretty sure I don’t consider ‘not running into a blazing townfire’ to be coddling.
Pretty sure I don’t care either way.
I’m not leaving people to die in there.
I have to ask.
I have to tell her, too.  Tell her I can’t.  I can’t turn away from it even if she orders me to.  Either the fire stops me or nothing does.
“Hph.  So quiet, my knight.”
Oh Goddess.  Now is NOT the time to relive the last time she called me that.  “I’m going in there unless I physically can’t.”
“As am I.”
YES! No. “You’d be safer-“
“I’d be useless.  No, Link.  No.  There is no more time to wade into shallow waters and hope in stillness.  I must move.  I must move to aid my people.”
“…I had to say it anyway.”
That smile.
“I know you did.”
So warm.
So smokey.  “I smell it, now.”
“Listen up, all!”
“We’ll enter Serenne and give aid where we can!  Anyone alive, we get them out.  Monsters?  We slay them.”
“Let me make two other aspects of this clear for all of you, including Sir Link.  We are not to separate.  This group remains as one unless I say otherwise.”
“If we encounter the man we know as Erl, we attempt to capture him for questioning.”
Oh- oh woah, I don’t like that idea, we should-
Wow, Link.
Should what?  Let him go? 
I’d have no problem dragging his ass somewhere for questioning.
It’s because of Zelda.
I don’t want him near her.
This… is clearly my issue.  Quit being a nervous dumbass, Link.  Zelda just slaughtered dozens of monsters with you.
“Kph- khm.”
Yeah.  I smell it too for sure this time.
She- water. Okay.
Flame.  “I hear it.”
Wish I knew what would happen if my pouch caught on fire.  Does everything inside it disappear forever if it burns?  Does it just reappear and dump itself all over the ground?
I have to figure this stuff out somehow.  Because clearly the war we thought was coming is already here.
We’re at war.
?!! “Zel- where?!”
Her EYES, wow- but “PRINCESS-“
“AYE!” “YES, SIR!” “YESSIR!” “Khh.” “YES-“ “D- amn bowstring-“
Glad they listened to her.  Sheikah loyalty to the royal line- I hope.  Still not leaving Zelda’s melee support in the hands of total unknowns.  Margil and Beraya’ll keep her safe.
Hope Varniro knows what the hell he’s doing up here with us.
“Reds first.”
They’re coming FAST.
“They shall end swiftly.”
Four reds?  Hard to seeWOW!
“One- khm.” “Wh?!” “AH!” “Holy HELL?!” “P- OH!” “MERCIFUL GODDESS!”
DAMN- amazing shot
“PRINcess!”  “HA! Wh?!” “COHL DID YOU SEE?!”
even for Zelda!-
This is going to be so much easier-
“Two.”  “Hhh!”  “HAH!”
SO MUCH EASIER with Zelda here.
Stop grinning, Link.
You probably lookWOW-
“Three.”  “MARGIL-“
Then again-
“Too far.  Blue.“
That’s a grin on Daile, too.
“Just-“  “Wow-“ “Khm.  Stubborn.  Again.”
Blue down!
“Praise the Goddess herself!” “Four.”
I’ll take it.  “SPEED, Gir-!” NOT Rionee,“GO, BOY!”
Good tone, carries, tell Beraya later-
Good horse- good boy, keep listening for me, okay?  Here they come.
Except not all of them.
“Yes-“ “Five-hhh.” “H- YES!!”  “Oh- MY-“ “Skies-”
Zelda’s crippling them.
“Not five yet.”
Just one-shotting reds on horseback and ONE
NOO Link, don’t start laughing – “DON’T KNOW!” But I can’t blame him for wondering.
Five down already-
They’ve caught on- shields up.  Zig-zagging.  “TAKE THEIR SHIELDS!”
“YES!”  “YES SIR!” “MPH!”
“CHARGE!”  Pull ahead, ahead, pull way out!
Hope those other archers are good enough to miss US far off.
Maybe Fi.
Yes, master?
Sorry.  Was thinking to myself.
How encouraging.
Arm straight right.  Ignore Fi’s snark.
No snark intended, master.
Uh-huh.  Concentrate.
IT WON’T HURT YOU!  I should’ve warned Varniro.  Noted for next time.
Concentrate.  Everything into the sword.  I heard that squealARCHERS INCOMING! SHIELDS!
Come on, Varni- hh.  He’s slower than Daile.
They didn’t say anything but they’re doing it.  Maybe they’ll get to those far-off archers quick.  Unless Zelda snags them fir-
“Si-x… no.”
One de-horsed and concentrate here they ARE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! DE-HORSED HE’S OFF HE’S ZELDA’S OR-
-what color was that?!  Yellow?!  New!
Daile saw it, he saw too, that was a nasty NASTY- looking club-
Don’t turn-
-let the archers finish it off, you’ll screw it up otherwise-
“Wh?!  Khh-hh.”
Wooden shields bad some of the others DAILE YES RIDER DOWN
this one right in front, huge bone club
AGAIN Link, arm straight out, the energy, concentrate, yes it telegraphs but the reach-
It sees it sees it’s charging EARLYNOCHOICE AAAAH- HPH-HH! Dammit still horsed, behind me- Beraya-!
“HH!” “LINK!”
That was f-ing close how is it so strong?!  It’s keyed onto me good good let’s go, around for another pass and NOTTHEHORSE“PSH!” It’s too smart too smart it’ll take the horse’s legs out if I get close again-
Can’t get close…
…on the horse.
MY SHIELD cracked-
In one hit?!
It’s way too strong it shouldn’t beCLUBSHEILD “AH-K-H-HH!”
Another arrow sunk
 “THIS WAY!  HEY!!” Margil and Beraya “YEAH, ME, ME, NOT THEM!” still with Zelda “WHERE- HEY!!” RUN LINK still flanking RUNRUN a little messy “HEY!!” she’s unpredictable, independent, trying to stay near me isn’t sheSLASH!
ANOTHER arrow, thank-you Zelda-
RIGHTBACKATYOU SWIPE SLASH cluUUB! “Rr- rrh-!” How is it this strong, it’s difficult, difficult to keep its club away from my face and it shouldn’t be like that, this one is so different, even the silvers aren’t like this FOOT“AHH-HH!” UPUPLINK DON’T STAY BOWLED OVER ROLLROLL
My goddess its club in the dirt my head was just there”RRR-!”ITSNECK
No more head.
And there it goes.
Aware, Link, aware-
Far.  Run, Link.  Does he know whistling?  Try.
Zelda, archers, they’ll get the shieldless ones-
Daile still horsed, he’s got one but he’s far- Varniro?   On foot?  The two Sheikah- approaching Zelda-
Some of ours definitely dehorsed.
Hyup, boy!  Well-trained.  Still must be weird, a complete stranger and then all this-
Zelda- okay-
Regroup- toward others, like she is, help mop up-
“Sirs, I am WELL, TRULY, go to the others’ aid!”
“But-“ “Princess!“
Can’t hear-
Breaking off- they’re unpredictable, too.
New line- circling wide.
Trust her.  Hyah!  Finish the bokos off.
Daile’s- about to go down- or is it?  Mine wouldn’t drop.
Hup! Toward Daile, boy, fast!
He sees me, pretending not to, the pounding’ll give it away though, it will- yes it’s turning, nasty spear, bone again, out-reaches me by far, but Daile is smarter.
Ride ride ride, boy, fast, that’s right look at me look at me not Daile TURN BOY NOW TURN-
Squelching.  Daile-?
Yes.  Sword through its head.  Dropping.
Everyone else?
“TO ME!”
To her.  Daile- you’re real good.
No, I mean it.
“You good, Beraya?”
Because you’re still alive.  Did you get hit?
“Yes! You?”
Good.  Think your shield is still here?
“Just a scratch- some dinged plate.”
Yeah, maybe.
“Keep it that way, Margil.”
Keep scanning, Link, in case something decides to pop out from the grass and screw with Daile.  Hope he sees the shield.
He does.
Okay- let’s go.  Back together, take stock.
“Not quick enough- TO ME!”
Sorry, sorry- yes- YES PRINCESS!!
Speed speed speed sorry Daile
“More- do you see them?!”
hurry Link
“Indeed, Margil.”  “ARCHERS!  FIRE AT WILL!”
“The Sheikah!”
What the f&#$ are they doing?!
“Hold- HOLD!”
“Princess!”  “They’ll reach us!”  “SHEIKAH, BREAK!  BREAK!  KHh.”
“Hylia’s light!”  “I- khh- SHALL FIRE!”
Hit hit hit HIT HIT HIT S#$&
She’s right no time she’d be prone prone open back vulnerable more arrows ONE DOWN not enough- move move MOVE
“Oh- oh!”
She’s drawing, S$#%, she’s right but I didn’t, didn’t at all want her in close combat again and definitely not like this, horsed, so different, no training no training NONE the bow the bow the bow?!
Wh?  “ZELDA!”  Goddess, they’ll bowl her over “TURN!  TURN BACK-” No time it’s standing again “N-NoAAH!” I’ve got you, got you by the ankles you piece of-
“Tass! Easy-“
Tass hit holditBACK!
“Easy- Mm- MM-HH-“
“Easy, Tass-”
“That’s it- go!”
where- sword?!-
PUNCH “SHUT IT!” THEREITIS! Zeldariding outofrange GET IT-
ABOVE- “H-UGH-“ skewered  “KH-“ itsarms ITSARMS “ggh-GHH-“ CAN’T “WH?!” blood- limp- arrow!  Zelda?  Next one move on move on move on move on she circled back still moving yes keep moving Zelda keep moving Beraya Margil good good lots of arrows- our archers- ours-
The Sheikah?  Circled behind?  Behind enemy- fine out of the way fine they’ll take a few out-
The one- the one that blew by me- where is it?
Where’s its horse?
No- not now.
She’s firing again.
Not near our people.  Too risky.
My turn.
You’re fast Link, you’re fast, you can do this, they’re all engaged all the bokos but the one that passed you, could be behind Zelda check check- nothing- keep going she’s looking too, she’s smart, she’s smart she knows, she knows too, one’s missing some of ours, some of ours missing too
Daile dear Goddess did he make it?  Can’t know can’t he was on foot slow can’t tell
Near- that’s not Margil it’s Genenko needs support, arm limp sword to the sky Link-
Hylia preserve us- lift us from these sands- NOW!
It’s down it’s down Genenko sword through its throat who else who else-
The boko’s horse- mine.
Woah- woah, woahWOAH girl, woah!  I know, I S$@% holy F%*$- SWING-
Dammit Link watch the f-ing grass for ankle-stabbing bokos, it’s dead it’s dead now, ignore the ankle, it’s working, it’s fine for now-
No horse it bolted oh well GO legs S$*% that hurts not worse though not worse than the melee nowhere near actually but that silver’s near and he is NOT getting the jump on whoever that is who JUST FELL OFF THEIR HORSE NO NO NO JUMP LINK LEAP AAAAAAAAAH-
It’s dead.
Good- good, up, go!
G- ood.
Every direction, Link.
Eyes eyes eyes all around count count- none?  “EYES!  COUNT!”
Must have.
Zelda- Z”ELDA!”
“LINK- kmp!”
“I AM!”
Please be more “REPOOORT!”
Wow, couldn’t even see him in the dark and the grass.
Daile, man, come-
On foot, difficult- did my horse make it?  “AREE HELP HIM OUT!”
Oereb.  Bennent.  “REPORT!”
It’s not a rank thing-
Yeah, Link.  She knows that.  Look at her face.
Her face… “Alright.  RIDE OUT IN PAIRS!  SCOUR THE AREA!”
Pretty sure I know what they’ll find.  I should… try to find my horse.  He’s probably downed.
That- red sky.
Serenne’s next.
Whether I have a horse or not.
Serenne’s next.
“Khm- kh.”
Follow this link to read part 16.
Follow this link to return to the chapter list.
Follow this link for my masterlist.
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romanceyourdemons · 3 months
i think i might be onto something with my hypothesis that manic pixie dream girl stories and bodice rippers of the “kidnapped by the pirate king” variety occupy near-identical literary niches. making sweeping generalizations to note parallel tropes, both frequently start out with a depressed and aimless protagonist trapped in a shallow, materialistic, panopticon-like world. this world has robbed them of gender expression in a way that is meaningful to them, leaving them emasculated or disconnected from femininity and thereby alienated from the most fundamental parts of themself, and from any feeling of control in their life. enter the pixie or the pirate [or the dark wizard, or their cousin the mafioso]. this person is unorthodox, with an unrestrained attitude and gender expression so extreme as to be taboo—neon-colored hair or a glistening bare chest, skills and mannerisms that shock and entice. this person becomes obsessed with the protagonist and spirits them away into the pixie/pirate’s wild, taboo-breaking world. they violate the protagonist’s consent but never truly go against the protagonist’s will. often, they force the protagonist to affirm their (the protagonist’s) gender—requiring her to wear a silk dress to dinner, where he will treat her like a lady, or forcing him to commit some minor criminal act far out of his comfort zone that leaves him feeling powerful and masculine. the protagonist is transformed by the pixie/pirate’s attentions, becoming a part of that alluring outside world, and in return they are able to tame the pixie/pirate, if only a little. often, the final climactic moment of the story is when the protagonist is given a choice—something absent from their life before—and they are able to decisively make it—something they could never bring themself to do before. gender affirmed, identity developed, romance found, the protagonist ends the story a content and fully-realized person thanks to the pixie or the pirate, who has done virtually nothing in this story but act to bring the protagonist there. it’s the same fantasy for two different genders. we need more pirate kings with blue hair
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pedgito · 8 months
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Chapter Three: Forbidden Fruit
Chapter Summary: Mr. Miller receives your assignment in it's full detailed exposé and despite his reaction, doesn't seem as pleased as you anticipated. It leads to a tense interaction that lands you in his office with more questions and confusion. [4k]
[student/teacher relationship, age gap, no outbreak, power dynamic]
Chapter Warnings: fem!reader, professor!joel miller (his teacher persona is v different from outside of the classroom, so if he seems slightly ooc....close your eyes), dom!joel, sub!reader, reader is a little obsessed with joel (and delusional), background tess x joel, inappropriate relationships/actions, masturbation (m), confrontations, joel manhandling reader (kinda roughly), panty ripping, one (1) forbidden kiss
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Joel takes the plunge into the assignments the following night—it was a small class so he knew it wouldn’t take a large chunk of time, a couple hours at the end of his day and he’d have it out of the way and grades posted before the following morning. It was always easier to do things this way, hidden away in his office to force his focus and block out the rest of what was going on. 
He flies through the assignments with a detailed precision, giving proper and full notes on things he thinks the students could work on or tweak, give some personal thoughts on creativity, and allow some encouragement where it was needed.
But, your name sits in the bottom of his inbox, bold lettered and unread—he saved it for last.
He could lie and say he didn’t do it on purpose, but he’s come to thoroughly enjoy your writing, so he pushes it off until it’s the final thing he has to grade that night. He knows Tess should be arriving home soon, so despite his want to give you his full, undivided attention—he intends to give it a quick skim.
Joel knows there’s no real notes he can give you. You always had a clear idea on your work, so meticulously planned out that it reminded him of himself in a way.
He takes a sip of the quickly dissipating bourbon in the cup sitting on his desk, ice clinking against the glass as he clicks on your essay and watches it expand onto the screen.
He likes to jot down his thoughts on paper as he goes, making it easier to format and type as he replies—he grips the pencil tight, reading the title of your essay.
                      ill-suited innocence 
In a crowd she finds herself searching, looking for him. Days and days of tense glances and inappropriate thoughts—he must share them too? While she can’t be bothered by the fantasy of mythical creatures and things that only made sense in fiction, she did believe in the fantasy of wanting what she couldn’t have. Him.
Much older, wiser—grim around the eyes and a deep sorrow that burrowed its way into his chest and made home. He couldn’t fix himself, but she could. At least, she thinks she could.
Joel straightened his back, leaning into the screen to assure himself he wasn’t misreading. It was…an interesting take on the assignment he gave you, but he’ll bite. He’s used to your stuff being a little more unorthodox. 
Something along the lines of forbidden fantasy? A tale of love? It wasn’t his particular choice of fiction but he wasn’t opposed to it. He squints, reading more.
He drops the pencil for a moment
Their lives mundane and unassuming, they traverse through life with little enjoyment. Two sides of the same coin and he was too oblivious to realize. He offered smiles and kind words, guidance that seemed from a good place but only allowed her to feel more misdirection. He was an enigma, difficult to decipher and she craved him.
And though he tries to fight whatever attraction he may feel, she can see it in his tense gaze. The lingering touches he leaves on her body. Secret meetings, talks that allowed themselves to be more deep than should be allowed. He was allowing her in little by little but she needed more.
She just had to ask, so she did.
Joel feels a tightening deep in his gut that wasn’t there before, reading between the lines of text and allowing faint glimpses of memories with you to match themselves with the words—his brow furrowing under the guise of…anger? No, frustration. He shouldn’t be equating his perfectly…appropriate relationship with you to this. In fact, it shouldn’t cross his mind. But, it does.
All of this from a dream? He could lie and say he wasn't intrigued, but that wasn't the case.
Joel doesn’t expect the full 180 turn as he glances down at the chunk of text that follows.
“You’re my student,” He whispers to her, “I can’t allow this.”
She bites at her lip, noticing the subtle click of his heels as they hit the floor, back them against his desk as she takes a seat, plastic cup full of pencils falling to the floor but neither of their eyes leaving each other.
“You can,” She encourages, “I’m hardly a student anymore. I’m a friend. We’re friends, right?”
And given his ability to let her in so easily, he also considered her a friend. Naively. He’s gotten himself into this position and he can’t find a reason to not give her what she wants—what he wants.
He captures her lips in a searing kiss, much less polite than a friend would, her fingers quickly undoing his belt—
Joel feels his cock hardening under the confines of his slacks, clearing his throat slightly. He should stop reading—he knows he should. The glaringly obvious lines being crossed are blurred for a moment. He shouldn’t have led you on like this, allowed you to cook up some depraved illusion of what you thought things could be.
Because they couldn’t. That wasn’t what this was. Joel had told himself over and over—he was helping. He didn’t think you’d take advantage of the scenario like this. Still, he finds himself loosening the buckle of his belt as well, unzipping his pants enough that he can stuff his hand into the tight space between his bare cock and briefs, palming himself impatiently.
And he skims—words sticking and fading in his mind. It starts of with a slow, sensual make out and a messily described handjob that has his cocking throbbing with every tight stroke he pulls at his shaft, eventually tired of fighting the tight space he’s allowed with his slacks making it impossible to move, he leans back and pulls his cock out far enough that he has free, unrestrained range. The bourbon glass leaves a sweat ring on the oak of his desk but Joel can’t be bothered, he scrolls down further, taking in the last few scenes that allowed him a full idea of just what exactly you thought was going on between the both of you. Or, what you wanted to happen.
He allows himself a moment to slip out of his headspace and imagine, selfishly.
Bent over the desk, items scattered to the floor he pulled at her skirt, something she wore necessarily—easy access, she whispered against his lips before he bent her fully over the desk, chest pressed against the solid wood.
Joel imagines it vividly, his breath quickening as he tugs at his cock in rough, fast strokes and pictures it—you, bent over his desk and your ass presented to him like a prize and how good it would feel to squeeze the flesh between his hands. He knows your sounds would be sweet, divine, and it drives him wild. 
He’s thought about you before like this, hand wrapped around his cock, but never in full detail as you’d written out.
And then he slips his cock inside of her, a small gasp of, “Just like that, professor.” falling from her lips and it only spurs Joel deeper into his despair, tugging himself until he feels his orgasm creeping up on him, a churning in his gut that feels too good to quit and he reads out the last few lines, as he comes deep inside of, recklessly and without much decision making.
He thought you were smarter than this. Expected more out of you.
There’s a creak of a floorboard down the hall that sends his world crashing down on him, dampening his orgasm almost immediately as he scrambles to shove himself back inside of his slacks, buttoning and buckling his belt hastily as he clicks out of his browsers and feigns exhaustion, Tess’s fingers curling around the doorknob as she peeks her head in, watching as Joel’s fingers circled the glass of liquor.
God, he hates her.
Not you. Tess.
He figured his reasoning was valid, but truthfully—he just couldn’t stand her any longer. He's been battling the decision to go through with his divorce, but this seemed like as big a sign as ever. It's the unbridled rage he was tired of harboring around her, trying to act like things were fine.
Nothing was fine and his life was imploding.
He was lusting after a student and worse, he know you were after him—actively, clear in the boldness you showed through your assignment. 
He thinks back briefly on the video call that he shouldn’t have allowed, your question that seemed…vague but unassuming. Had you planned this the entire time?
Was he just that stupid to not see it?
“Coming to bed tonight?” Tess asks hesitantly.
Joel offers a clear and concise, “No.”
He wasn’t sure if he could even sleep, contemplating over how to handle this…situation.
He couldn’t allow it to stray further.
It would damage his career and ruin his life.
But truthfully, he felt like he’d already reached that point, so what did he have to lose?
You wake up on Monday with a deep pit in your chest, knowing that grades were posted that morning. You knew it was a risk, being so open with him—but he couldn’t fail you. You followed the parameters of the assignment and made sure to clear the few questions you had with him.
Part of you is expecting another email from his private account, wondering his thoughts beyond what he would address appropriately. But, the moment your eyes drag along the screen, still blurry from sleep, you feel your heart stop.
0/100. A complete failure.
No comment besides—Rewrite and resend immediately. No extension. Due by the end of the day.
Your jaw clenches in frustration.
Oh, you were not being ignored that easily.
You storm into his room later that day during your free hour for lunch, knowing he’d be saddled up at his desk eating his own lunch. 
You couldn’t even think about eating, full of anger and annoyance that kept you full and ready to strike. He can hear your footsteps before you approach and is wiping at his mouth with a napkin when you stop at his desk.
He holds a hand up, face steely and emotionless.
For a moment, you think he might break. Crack a smile and say it was an excuse to get you here.
Instead, he has your essay printed out and ready to shove at you, your fingers curling around the stack and crinkling the edges. 
“You can’t fail me,” You start tensely, “I did your stupid assignment and I followed the steps you asked for.”
“I expect a new one by the end of the day. Appropriate to the topic. End of discussion.”
You scoff, not daring to look at the glaring zero he drew out on the paper just to prove a point. It lands in the trash as you throw it down, “No.”
Joel’s chair squeaks as he rises and it startles you slightly, and suddenly he’s invading your space, the muscles in his neck tightening as he pointed an accusatory finger at the trashed papers.
“In what situation did you think any of that was appropriate to write and send to your professor?” Joel asks, noting the way you blink quickly, backing away slightly.
He almost…feels bad? No. He quickly wipes the thought away as more anger crosses your face, eyes dilating in rage.
You lean in slightly, thankful that the halls were quiet around this time of day and that you had closed the door behind you. 
“You started this,” You argue, “You crossed that line when you messaged me on a private email. Telling me that you liked the time we spent together. I’m your student—maybe you should’ve taken that into account first.”
His fist clenched at his side, almost to restrain himself, knowing he’d rather shove that finger into your chest and blame you. But, you were both to blame. And he even more so. Still, he doubles down.
“Rewrite it or I’ll fail you for the entire semester.”
Your mouth gapes open, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“That’s…completely unfair.” You settle, voice softer as you drop the act. “I just—”
“Rewrite it.” Joel responds firmly.
“Mr. Miller—” You begin, trying to find a feasible way to get him to listen.
“Or I fail you.” He says with finality. “You’re lucky I don’t take this to the board.”
Which, he never would. He’s just as much at fault. But, he’s taking his frustration out on you. An easy target, slim pickings. 
You weren’t playing into that though, not now.
“You won’t,” You challenge him, “because if you do—I can assure you, you won’t appreciate the results.”
It was a threat. Cold and plain.
“Rewrite it,” He reiterates again, his voice softer now. “I have to submit these assignments at the end of the semester and if—that cannot be in there. I need a real essay. Real. Not some fucking delusion.”
It’s the first time he’s talked so…out of term. It feels like him, the real Mr. Miller.
Fine—you’ll write the goddamn essay as he intended. You roll your eyes and Joel relaxes slightly, seeing your defeat as you settle your shoulders back.
“I want it on my desk by the end of day.”
Sure, you could manage that.
If anything, it gave you more of an excuse to drag out his torture a little longer.
You spend the entirety of his class working out a new essay, bullshitting your way through an hour of class and typing up something feasible enough to get you a decent grade, knowing that his views of you were already tainted. But, that didn’t matter. 
You had plans.
When evening rolls around and classes are finally done for the day, you make the long trek across campus to his class, finding it empty but spotting the light in his private office is still on, a low and muted orange that shined through the window. You approach slowly and knock on the door, hearing his muffled greeting on the other side.
You peek inside, noting his position as he rests with his fist pressed against the side of his face, seemingly nursing a headache as he rubs the fingers of his free hand over his forehead and sighs, closing his laptop as you hold out the small stack of papers for him to grab. He does, skimming through it briefly. You toss your bag off your shoulder and rest it in a nearby chair, standing quietly.
“Something bothering you?” You ask politely, hands crossed over your front as fiddled idly with your fingers, “Mr. Miller?”
He looks up tensely, eyes darkened and foreboding.
“What did you mean earlier?” He asks suddenly, reading your essay with a careful eye. Scribbling something down before he pushes it away, fingers clasped together under his chin as he gives you his full attention. “That I wouldn’t…appreciate the results?”
“Oh, that was—”
A threat. He knows it. You know it.
And he voices it.
“It was a threat, wasn’t it?” He asks coarsely, his voice sounding rough. 
He seemed worse for wear, with good reason.
The dignified squeak of his chair is like deja-vu but you don’t back away this time, turning to him as he rounds his desk—his tie is gone, starch pressed shirt unbuttoned to a dangerous degree and his belt is missing, your eyes tracking it in a nearby corner where it’s slung over an empty chair. 
He allowed you in here, the small glimpse of his relaxed state. He wasn’t shutting you out necessarily, which was good. But, you still felt unwanted. It was almost like he was dangling a myriad of fruit in front of you, ripe for the taking, but riddled with poison. Forbidden.
He grabs your wrist suddenly, tight and gasp-inducing as he pulls it up until it’s level between you both, right at chest level and you’re waiting for him to let go, but he doesn’t.
“Tell. The. Truth.” He says pointedly, a small jerk of your arm with every syllable as he pulls you undoubtedly closer, “I want to hear it.”
Instead of admitting that you did openly threaten him, you switch gears.
“What? That I want you to fuck me?” You ask innocently, pulling your wrist away harshly. “Joel, come on—don’t act like you haven’t thought about it.”
His name is like a gut-punch, a reminder that he gave you that information under the idea that you would keep it safe, but now you were using it against him.
“Don’t—” He warns and your hands press into his crisp button-up, scrunching the fabric in an effort to wrinkle it, feeling the solid press of muscle under your hands that makes your mouth water, eyes widening slightly at the touch and for a split second, he allows it.
He had to escape the situation before he acted on something he would regret.
“Get out.” Joel responds through gritted teeth, shoving your hands away harshly and in turn, forcing you back a few steps with the urgency of it. “Now.”
Still, you step closer, chest against chest as you can feel the distinct bulge in his slacks against your front, tongue clicking in your mouth as you cocked your head to the side mockingly, a finger tracing along the buttons of his shirt until you can curl the tip of it around the hem of his pants.
“You can do it, you know,” You offer, “You could fuck me right now and I wouldn’t tell a soul, not even your wife—or…ex-wife? I’m not sure since you never wear your ring.”
Fuck this and her smart ass mouth, Joel thinks.
Joel’s nostrils flare and he snaps, backing you into the wall by his hand pressed against your chest, the bookshelf beside you shaking with the force. His hands creep up your neck, pressing rigid against the skin and he keeps you there, trapped.
“I can feel it,” You tease through strained vocal cords, his finger squeezing against your neck–not quite cutting off air flow, but the pressure is there and you feel it. It makes your head swim, squirming against his hold as he shifts closer, body pressed against your own firmly, “is that why you asked me to turn the paper in by the end of the day? You wanted me here, didn’t you? I guess my essay did strike a nerve after all.”
The laugh that follows is sickening, a grin appearing under his sneer. His fingers move up a few inches to grip your face. Hard. Squeezing until he feels the solid press of your cheekbones under his thumb and he speaks, so quietly into the space you can barely hear him, “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
Your eyes drift to his, his head tilting up slightly away from your ear that he had whispered into and there’s glint in your eye. It’s exactly what you wanted. You wanted to burrow yourself under his skin so he couldn't get rid of you.
He feels your fingers continue to trace along the seam of his shirt, tracing over the bumps of the material until you meet his slacks, pressing your palm flat over his cock, hardened under the material and straining–and he can’t help the way his breath intakes sharply, the full body restraint it takes to not rut into your hand. He knows he has the upper hand here, but with the small amount of effort it takes to break his revere for himself, he doesn’t know how much longer he can keep this up.
“I would,” You nod slowly, eyebrows furrowing as he tightens his grip with your admittance and in turn, you squeeze him just a little harder. He hisses and leans in, letting go of your face to return to your neck–he isn’t squeezing this time, but his hand is a solid presence. You move, he moves. And if he doesn’t like how you move, you would end up exactly where he wants you to, “Come on, Joel. You read all about it. I can do so much more than whatever your wife is doing—isn’t that why you reached out to me?”
“Don’t—stop saying my name.” He warns, trying to keep what little line of professionalism he had between you there, unblurred. “I reached out to help. As your mentor.”
“Well, I’m sure there’s a few things you could teach me.” You say sweetly, the deft sound of his zipper being undone by your hand, popping the button on his pants, “Joel, please.”
He stops your hand in it’s decent, fingers tracing along the hem of his underwear before he’s gripping your arm and turning you with little resistance on your end, front pressed harshly against the stucco wall, a sharp gasp emitting from your throat as he crowds you in again, whispering harshly into your ear, “Mr. Miller. Not Joel. You don’t get that privilege. And stop talking about my fucking wife.”
You moan brokenly at the feeling of his cock pressed against your ass, skirt riding up your thighs and you were sure—positive that Joel could see the fabric of your underwear clinging to your hips from how high up and mused your skirt was now, but he can’t take his eyes of your face, anger emitting from his own and suffocating you like a blanket.
You were pressing his buttons just right and he hated it.
“So, no marital troubles then?” You pester him and he shuts you up immediately, palm covering your mouth tightly as his free hand grips at the hem of your underwear at your hip and tugs—yep, he saw them. Some soft color, all lacy, meant to be attention-grabbing. And if Joel couldn’t have you the way he truly desires, he’d make you wish you could have it even worse than he wanted it. “You—huh, you can’t even wear your wedding ring, Mr. Miller—don’t lie to me.”
He pulls at the material of your panties until they’re riding up your ass slightly, pulled tighter against your cunt and the drag of the material against your clit is almost unexpected. He’s pointedly avoiding touching you so intimately, teetering on the edge of not enough and too much.
“You thought it would be that easy?” Joel asks testingly, jerking your head slightly when you don’t answer. You figured it was redundant but clearly not. You mumble against his hand, overwhelmed by his touch that all you can do is nod, forehead pressed against the wall as he breathes down your neck. “You’re mistaken.”
There’s a distinct rip of fabric as he removes his hand from your mouth quickly using his hands to grip your panties in tight fists, tearing it apart as it falls from your body and you think he might just do it—shove his slacks just far enough down his thighs and slip inside of you, bring an end to all of your suffering.
And his own.
Instead his fingers tighten around your forearm, spinning you in his hold and shoving the ripped fabric into your hand, leaving you bare under your skirt and exposed and Joel doesn’t mistake the wetness on the material. His fingers linger over your palm and you scoff, adjusting your skirt and slightly skewed shirt.
“Keep them,” You challenge, shoving the material into his chest before he allows them to drop to the floor, eyes trailing your departing figure as you reach for your discarded bag, “a gift for your wife—you know, the one who you avoided to spend time with me. Right?”
You want the words to linger and sting, bag slung lazily around your shoulder as you depart for the door, ignoring the quickly approaching footsteps. Joel, unbeknownst to you, had already pocketed your panties, torn to shreds in the pocket of his slacks. But, the words cut deep and he can’t leave things like this and allow you the final word.
Joel yanks the strap of your bag and backs you against the office door, the wood rattling against your conjoined weight as his lips press against yours in haste, messy and uncoordinated but your brain quickly assess what’s happening and joins, your lips parting to allow his eager tongue into your mouth. His kiss is biting and furious, mean and full of nothing but tense emotion. It’s months of suffocated lust pouring into you, out of him, and you swallow it down eagerly. His hand holds your chin forcefully, sloppy exchanges of spit and forceful bites, a battle for dominance that Joel quickly won out on.
And you think that maybe that comment was the final straw, that he might just give you what you want, but your delicate moan that slips into his mouth as chase him, his head pulling back slightly at the noise—it had him falling back to reality, right on his ass.
There wasn’t any line left to cross anymore. He’d obliterated it.
“Don’t threaten me again,” He warns, “ever.”
There’s one solid shove against the door as your head hits the surface gently, his touch quickly dissipating and his disheveled appearance a tell-tale sign in your mind. He was fighting his own battle and losing terribly.
“Of course,” You agree sardonically, “Mr. Miller.”
The silent click of the door is deafening and Joel retreats to his desk, punching a fist into the solid wood, the papers of your assignment flying to the floor. He can't be bothered to pick them up or even allow them the proper glance they deserve.
Because you—in his mind, don't deserve it.
And he's not going to give you that satisfaction.
It's unprofessional, but he'll allow it this once. It only takes a few quick clicks and he's adjusting the assignment out for your new one.
Poof. Gone. Like it never existed.
But, the grade is unchanging and he knows that will make things tremendously worse, but he can't be bothered to care anymore.
You'd be back and that's exactly what he wants.
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diejager · 11 months
Lt. Simon “Ghost” Riley
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Reminder : My blog contains dark/yandere content and have 18+ fanfics, so MDNI with NSFW fics. I also do fluff and angst. All my works are fiction : I don’t own any of the characters I write for; there might be triggering subjects - please see the warnings before reading. None of the gifs or visuals I use in my fics are mine.
Your consumption of media is your responsibility and yours alone.
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[dark, fluff, yandere, nsfw(*), angst, request]
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Phantom Frost Line* |
Price announced that a new Sergeant - Sergeant Winter - would be joining their Task Force. You’re a new face, unknown to Ghost and he isn’t too keen about the news; you’re too nice, soft and innocent, you’re too normal to be trustworthy. If he can’t find faults in your character, he’ll find some in your skills, specializations, anything until he’s prouvent wrong, and you safe for his "family".
Big Brother (*) | r
You're - (Name) Riley - his top priority, his baby sister.
Your Number’s Up (*) | d
Pairing: Ghoap x Ghostface!reader
Johnny’s caught the attention of more than his Lieutenant.
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Childhood Friend | f,d,y,r
You know him as well as he knows you - or so you thought.
A Fantasy* | d,y,r,a Choice
The portal malfunctioned and you were sent elsewhere - in another universe.
Failed Escape* | d,y,r
In moments of fear-inducing adrenaline and hope, you’re driven to escape your captor, but all of your efforts are thwarted in the end and he isn’t as forgiving as he says he is.
Halloween Party* | d
Pairing: cannibal!Ghoap x fem!reader
You follow two men into their car and bed with the promise of a good time.
Surprise Visit* | r,d Pairing: stalker!Ghost x reader
You know these streets like the back of your palm, yet you’ve never once caught the man in black with a staring problem.
You Trust Your Brother, Yeah?* | r,d Pairing: Stepbrother!SImon x stepsister!reader
You have a rather unorthodox relationship with your stepbrother. Though he is a caring and gentle teacher in things you aren’t familiar with.
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Fluffy sex* Wraith* Mask prank Idea: cannibal and kidnapper Ghoap*| d Stay, Pup* | r Soft!Stepdad!Simon* | r,f Saloon | f No Escape | r,d,y The Past* | f,r Tall!reader* | f,r One bed trope | r,f
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