#unrelated but i'm LOVING adding 'so in that way' to the end of things right now
louisinart · 2 years
i am just so full of THOUGHTS and OPINIONS
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faith-forgxtten-land · 7 months
If I may oh-so-humbly request smth else:
Bayverse Leo x back scratches/shoulder rubs
How would Fearless react to a partner that is always ready and willing to help him release the tensions that leading his brothers and being a vigilante cause? Maybe his reaction to the first time his gf comes up behind him when he's sitting on the couch, frustrated at something and starts to knead the tightness from his shoulders?
Thanks again💙
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Balm | Leonardo
i'm not kidding when i had a plan to write something along these lines yesterday morning and started writing ideas in my notes app... also, hello, leo's eyes in this gif????
okay this one kind of got away from me i won't lie. even i'm not sure how it ended up how it ended up. so, i'm adding in little headcanons at the start to make up for my detour because i did not expect to get angsty and introspective and barely include what you specifically asked for...
warnings: kind of longer than i thought, i fear it drags. angsty, sad leo, nothing really? fluffy ish too. bad writing that's not proofread. everyone is 18+!! bayverse
summary: leo is tense and brooding but your delicate touch and kind words are what he needs
word count: 1, 375 (incl. headcanons)
he's not really expecting it at all
gets extra tense the first time and worries a little that his skin is too rough and his muscles are too hard for your human hands
meditation is the be-and-end-all of "relaxation" for him (and he has a tendency to see it as training and a way of pushing himself even if he enjoys it and it's good for him)
so having someone take care of him in such a tender way without any motivation beyond comfort kind of breaks his brain
his shoulders and neck are wrecked
your hands are so tiny on his body that means you have to massage a lot to reach every spot, right? right? he is obsessed now
feels a bit hesitant to ask for a while at first, but you spoil him and he's easy to read
becomes a ritual for the both of you after he's been out on patrol
but you like doing it any time for comfort and intimacy
it's become habit for you to massage or brush your fingers against his shoulders whenever you pass him by
definitely brings you closer together
Leo couldn’t remember the last time he slept. His head was pounding, an unrelenting percussion beating across his temples, and he could feel a wave of nausea crashing against his chest, a tell-tale sign that he’d been pushing himself too far. It was a sign that he tended to ignore (foolishly so, a mini voice that sounded suspiciously like Splinter chided). His hands trembled imperceptibly, and he gripped his knees to avoid acknowledging it a little longer.
He must’ve been really out of it because he jumped when he felt a pair of warm hands settle upon his shoulders. A burning shame fanned smoke that clogged his throat, a humiliation stitched into his veins that your touch couldn’t cleanse. “Leo?”
He couldn’t reply, letting himself recline and press gently against your palms instead. “Leo,” you murmured again, and he glanced at you tiredly, normally bright blue eyes hollow with exhaustion. You looked pensive and worried, brows drawn and eyes soft, wearing an old shirt he never wore anyway, and he wanted nothing more than to sooth the anxious lines of your face with the fingers that still grasped his knees. A fresh wave of guilt clawed its way into his gut and nestled there. He was worrying you, he knew, and now you weren’t sleeping either. He had warned you before you’d gotten together of what things would be like. Maybe you didn’t believe him at the time, and he wondered if this was the moment you realised and walked out (or he drove you away).
You’d come into his life when things had been eerily calm, and he’d stupidly felt confident that he could juggle everything and still have you, still indulge in something he had refused to let himself consider a realistic possibility. He knew Raph longed for acceptance and comfort and love, and that, despite his insecurities and anger and hurt, he would never stop dreaming of it. Donnie would envisage it quietly, usually agreeing with Leo’s dismissal of acceptance but privately yearning for it more than he’d ever let his family know (but Leo knew). Mikey wanted it too and wasn’t shy about it; he was so happy and sociable and sunny that it made Leo nauseous to repeatedly shut down dreams of the life he deserved. The thing that made Leo truly sick, sick with the world and with himself, was that Mikey truly believed, even after all these years, that he’d succeed in attaining it.
Leo thought he’d succeeded, thought he’d managed to find the thing that tore his brothers up inside without even looking for it (and that only made him hate himself more, something he would never – could never – bring himself to admit to you). You had only been dating a month, but God, he thought he’d found everything he had always refused himself. Love and acceptance outside of his family weren’t things Leo allowed himself to consider before. As a teenager, he’d meditated over and over to clear those useless longings from his mind. Then you appeared in his life out of nowhere like an apparition, offering solace and tenderness, and he didn’t want to refuse himself those impossibilities anymore.
Perhaps he’d been too hasty, it wasn’t like him to throw caution to the wind, to dive in headfirst. He hadn’t considered the implications enough, had been foolish to think he could be a leader, a hero, a brother, and a lover to you, and now here he was trembling and feeling sorry for himself with your sad eyes watching him and cutting straight to his core.
“Mikey got hurt,” he rasped. He’d let Mikey get hurt, he added silently, and somehow you must’ve heard him.
“Mikey is fine, back in one piece thanks to you,” you shot him a half-smile that made his heart stutter even at a time like this. “He was practically bouncing off the walls when his stitches were finished.” 
Leo didn’t reply.
You placed your hand against his cheek, and he clenched his jaw to stop himself nuzzling into its softness. “It’s not your fault.”
“They’re my responsibility and I failed them,” he said simply. They’re my brothers and I didn’t protect them. “Things are getting worse with the Foot Clan and I–” I don’t know what to do.
Your sad eyes were somehow even sadder, and it made his own sting. He blinked quickly. “You’re not infallible and invincible, Blue; your brothers know that, your father knows that. You do your best.” What happened when his best wasn’t good enough? You clasped his jaw tighter, somehow reading his mind again. “You’re more than good enough, you can’t control everything, and you can’t keep carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.”
The terrapin let you remove his gear, the heavy straps that had been digging into the hardened skin of his shoulders. You pressed soft kisses into the scales, and he closed his eyes at the reverence in your delicate touches as your nails trailed along his shell. “Everything will be okay,” you whispered, the heat of your breath soothing his still-trembling hands and warming his soul. “Your brothers are safe,” another kiss as gentle as moonlight, “I’m safe,” one more to the junction between his shoulder and neck that made his eyelids flutter, “and you’re the most incredible man I’ve ever known.”
Leo hated the shakiness of his breathing, torn between the urge to tense further and wanting to melt into your touch, as your fingers kneaded the strain poisoning his muscles. You pretended not to notice, movements heartbreakingly tender. Had anyone ever been this gentle with him?
“You do more than anyone could ever ask you to. Well,” you amended softly, a hint of fond exasperation colouring your tone, “anyone but yourself.” Your hands continued to work in tandem with your words, one a balm to the aches of his body and the other a balm to the aches your hands couldn’t wash away. “You do so much for this city, for people who won’t ever know it.”
The churrs that rumbled his chest were deep and Leo couldn’t do anything to prevent the unwinding of his limbs and the slowing of his anxious thoughts under the comforting weight of your affection and acceptance. He brought his hand up to clasp one of your own. You were so small it made his heart clench with fear and desire, and for a moment he felt that familiar feeling of inadequacy at his own monstrosity before you chased it away with a loving kiss to each fingertip. He swallowed thickly as you managed to tangle your fingers with his, your hands slotting together with ease. You smiled at him and kissed the top of his head, squeezing his hand, and he pushed himself deeper into your embrace. Looking at your joined hands again, Leo pressed his lips reverently against each knuckle, feeling like if Icarus had somehow managed to cradle the sun. He repeated the kisses once, then twice. Thank you.
You smile wider and he lets you lead him to his bed and your accepting arms.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 5 months
That theory in Riddle being sexually abused by a Doctor figure and the behaviours he depicted + the talk on unsympathetic victims... Kind of violently reminded me of Severus, and especially his Worst memory where the Marauders did what they did to him. Even his bond with Lily was this unhealthy dependency I think? Well not the right word. But Lily was the only thing keeping him sane and going I feel.
Anonymus: Adding on to the previous ask about Sev and Lily and unsympathetic victims. Do you think the Evans ever acted for Severus the way the weasleys did for Harry? A safe retreat? Do you think they ever tried to report Tobias? How do you interpret Sev and Lil's bond? I know a lot of the fandom thinks Sev was infatuated with her/ romantically loved her...but I often felt that Severus raised Lily to a holy Mary status, and that while he did in fact love her, it was platonic (in which case there is a comment to be made about the way platonic love between opp sex PPL is perceived and ridiculed)
I'm not the op of the post you mentioned, but yeah, Severus is a great example of an unsympathetic victim. Personally, he isn't a character I like all that much, but he is undeniably an interesting one. This turned out a little rambly, but that's what I got.
We don't know how SWM ended, but, yeah... not pleasant regardless of how far it went.
Severus was definitely a victim of abuse, both at his home and school and what he went through was awful. That victimhood doesn't excuse his treatment of students in his care. Like, I had a temporary position as an instructor for teenagers, and Severus' treatment of his students makes me want to throttle him a bit.
But as a child, as a teen — he definitely didn't deserve the life he got. Dumbledore has a tendency to turn a blind eye to abuse for various reasons, which ended up fucking a lot of people over, Snape included. (Tom and Hary too)
As for Severus' dependence on Lily, yeah, I think he was incredibly fixated on her. I agree with you that that fixation isn't necessarily romantic. Lily, was essentially Severus' first friend — his best friend. Lily was to Snape what Ron was to Harry in a way. The first person he felt he could trust.
I went through The Prince's Tale to refresh my memory on all of this, and I wanna talk about his friendship with Lily first, actually.
“. . . thought we were supposed to be friends?” Snape was saying, “Best friends?” “We are, Sev, but I don’t like some of the people you’re hanging round with! I’m sorry, but I detest Avery and Mulciber! Mulciber! What do you see in him, Sev, he’s creepy! D’you know what he tried to do to Mary MacDonald the other day?” Lily had reached a pillar and leaned against it, looking up into the thin, sallow face. “That was nothing,” said Snape. “It was a laugh, that’s all—” “It was Dark Magic, and if you think that’s funny—” “What about the stuff Potter and his mates get up to?” demanded Snape. His color rose again as he said it, unable, it seemed, to hold in his resentment.
(DH, 569)
Severus sees himself and Lily as best friends. He's happy when she dislikes James, but, he never makes any attempt to become romantic with her. It can be read either way, but personally, I like to read it as a close friendship.
(A little unrelated note about the above quote I saw someone mention once somewhere: Severus knows James fancies Lily, and warns her about it in that same conversation above, and It's interesting he raises Lily's potential romantic interest in James as a retort when she says she doesn't know what he sees in Mulciber. Is anyone shipping Mulciber/Severus? 👀)
I mentioned in this post how I believe Severus' Patronus is a doe because he sees Lily as his defender. Even after all these years. And I think, that too, can be about friendship. Because Liy was his first friend, his first defender. The fact that in SWM we see her step in to defend him suggests to me it happened before. That Lily stepped in to defend Severus, so when he calls for a guardian, in the form of a Patronus, it's still Lily.
And after SWM, Severus is less concerned about what happened to him, he's more concerned about losing Lily. That was the worst thing about that memory. Not his humiliation or assualt, but the loss of his first, and probably only best friend. I don't think he ever trusted someone else like he trusted Lily:
“I’m sorry.” “I’m not interested.” “I’m sorry!” “Save your breath.” It was nighttime. Lily, who was wearing a dressing gown, stood with her arms folded in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady, at the entrance to Gryffindor Tower. “I only came out because Mary told me you were threatening to sleep here.” “I was. I would have done. I never meant to call you Mudblood, it just—” “Slipped out?” There was no pity in Lily’s voice.
(DH, 571)
Is he a blood-purist who thinks Lily is a perfect muggleborn and therefore an exception to everything? Yes. Severus is in the wrong here about calling Lily a mudblood and thinking it's fine because she's a good mudblood, she's not like the other muggleborns. Lily has every right to cease her friendship with him over it.
But it's telling about his priorities the first thing he does is try to fix their friendship, to apologize to her.
Did he deserve to be hanged upside down and likely stripped in the middle of a large audience at school? Hell no. James probably didn't see it as a big deal, but it's so messed up I don't really know what to say, really. Like, I think Severus definitely fought back and wasn't always the victim of the Marauders, though. In the scene I mentioned above with Mulciber it's implied Severus and his Death Eater buddies are just as bad as James and the Marauders are. Their targets are just different. I think what James did is awful and inexcusable, but at the same time, I think, in the same way Tom Riddle hung Billy's rabbit to scare his bullies away, Severus tried to do the same, if less successfully. It's why he invented spells like Langlock (used in SWM on him) and Sectumsempra.
A lot of his demeanor is the result of abuse. He bullies and scares his students because he's mimicking his father, his abuser. he learned from him to control by force, with fear threats, and degradation. Because that's what Severus experienced as a child. Also, the fact he became a professor as young as he did, meant he felt had to force his students to take him seriously. Some of his first students probably saw him in his lowest moments as a student himself. So, he resorted to the fear and insults that his father likely used when he wanted to be taken seriously.
I truly think the loss of Lily's friendship is what stung the most about the whole ordeal of SWM. I mean, Severus has a lot of bad memories. I'm sure this wasn't the only time he was humiliated and assaulted. He was abused by his father. He was almost killed by Lupin as a werewolf during the prank. And then he joined a terrorist organization where he was likely tortured, where he likely watched people die. And in all of this, his worst memory is this one case of assault that I doubt was the only one? This doesn't make much sense to me, I think it's his worst memory not because of what happened to him, but because he lost his friendship with Lily over what he considers a "stupid slip".
And yeah, after Lily's death, in his mind, Snape raised her to a saintly status. He never has a mean thought about her, because he feels guilty over her death. He feels like he killed his only defender. So, of course, his memories of her are colored like she was perfect. That's how he wants to remember her so he can keep feeling guilty and hating himself over it. He feels like he deserves to feel that way. This is something you see with victims of abuse, they rationalize their abuse by convincing themselves they deserve it.
And Snape is a very bitter character who doesn't want to get better.
As for whether I think he found solace in the Evans household the same way Harry did with the Weasleys? The answer is yes actually. And there's some evidence for it.
Lily knew things weren't good at home for Severus:
“How are things at your house?” Lily asked. A little crease appeared between his eyes. “Fine,” he said. “They’re not arguing anymore?” “Oh yes, they’re arguing,” said Snape. He picked up a fistful of leaves and began tearing them apart, apparently unaware of what he was doing. “But it won’t be that long and I’ll be gone.”
(DH, 563-564)
And Severus mentioned later in that conversation how his father doesn't just not like magic — he doesn't like anything. Severus and his mother are very clearly implied to be abused by his father when his mother is mentioned. He doesn't describe much of what goes on at home, he tries to act fine, but I'm calling it abuse because of what it most likely is. Severus can't wait to leave home as an eleven-year-old. This isn't something that usually happens in healthy households.
Additionally, Severus spent enough time in their house it was conceivable he and Lily snuck into Petunia's room to find her letter to Hogwarts:
“You shouldn’t have read—” whispered Petunia, “that was my private—how could you—?” Lily gave herself away by half-glancing toward where Snape stood nearby. Petunia gasped. “That boy found it! You and that boy have been sneaking in my room!”
(DH, 566)
So, he probably stayed over with the Evans parents most of the day and only returned home to sleep. That's what I think happened. And, Lily's parents seem very kind and accepting of magic from what little we hear of them:
Lily glanced toward her parents, who were looking around the platform with an air of wholehearted enjoyment, drinking in the scene. Then she looked back at her sister, and her voice was low and fierce
(DH, 566)
“You knew?” said Harry. “You knew I’m a — a wizard?” “Knew!” shrieked Aunt Petunia suddenly. “Knew! Of course we knew! How could you not be, my dratted sister being what she was? Oh, she got a letter just like that and disappeared off to that — that school — and came home every vacation with her pockets full of frog spawn, turning teacups into rats. I was the only one who saw her for what she was — a freak! But for my mother and father, oh no, it was Lily this and Lily that, they were proud of having a witch in the family!”
(PS, 41)
I think Severus preferred the Evans house over his own. His own where his parents argued and his father abused him and his mother. Where his parents both worked and left him wandering the streets as a young child.
As for whether the Evans parents ever tried to report Tobias, we just don't really know. I'd say no. Domestic abuse in the 1970s was still largely unrecognized and not treated legally and medically like it is today. So, I don't think they'd have anyone to report to even if they wanted to. Especially with where the Snapes lived, which was essentially slums that the police didn't bother with anyway.
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centeris2 · 4 months
just played the update so you all get to suffer my thoughts
Gonna preface this with I fully support and want SSO to reuse and recycle events. I love when SSO went "we're decorating the mall and Silverglade Village again for Christmas! Not changing the quests even remotely!" I loved that, I loved the feeling of 'tradition' (or something familiar to look forward to) as it happened year after year. Not to mention it made things easier on the team.
Okay, now that is out of the way:
Camp Western
I'm sorry Camp Western but you were at a disadvantage because I was not in a mood for an event, I feel like we just finished the Spring Event and I'm so tired and do not have time or brain space for an event. I also have no inventory space so anything giving me player items is not something I want to do right now because my backpack only has so much space left. But I overall really liked the western event last year, and I was like 45 XP from hitting level 27, so gonna do it.
(Yeah, level 27. It's mind boggling, idk what happened.)
I am relieved Camp Western looks to have nothing new added to it, other than new gear (which I will skip due to the "no inventory space" thing.)
Now to the actual stuff:
I feel like all the stuff that made Camp Western really cool last year isn't there anymore. Which is hard to believe because nothing changed about the event.
Coming off the Spring Event where races gave you 800 horse xp, not having anything comparable feels... lacking. I'm sure their logic is "Camp Western has unlimited Horse XP because of the gold!" which is true.
But if I wanted to run around in circles getting 2 hxp per shiny thing, I could do that in the Hollow Woods, without the threat of things attacking me. There is also wisps, rune tablets, and crafting plants to pick up.
Want to grind gold for shillings? Also not Special anymore, I can do that in Hollow Woods harvesting light or around the map picking plants without being chased. Not that being chased matters for me right now, I ended up with like 70+ beast repellents last year somehow.
Want something to do with mini games for as long as you feel like being in game? Hollow Woods, again! Or anything in game that triggers a 'cut scene' now has the same basic mini game.
300 horse XP for collecting the horses around Firgrove? Ehh, why do that when I can repeat the races around the ranch, Firgrove, or anywhere else that doesn't involve getting chased by things. 300 horse xp isn't a lot anymore when you can repeat a race, or when past events gave 800 horse xp in a single race. 800 horse xp in like a minute, or 300 horse xp that requires trading an item (albeit one that isn't hard to get) and finding the horse and dealing with dangers and leading it back? Ehh it just...
Idk. I don't want to say past events were too generous and too easy in terms of rewards, but it doesn't feel as rewarding, ya know?
Additional caveat: I have like over 3k gold from last year and over 1k summer tokens because I did all the activities and token exchanges every day, so I am rolling in tokens. However! This is exactly WHY I did that! So I could go "ehh, I don't have the time/energy/interest in this event, I got enough tokens and gold to buy what I want if a pet comes out, and I can be on my merry way."
I do like that they've increased the stack sizes for things, so all my gold can be in one stack now (and I could condense my lures and beast repellents). I also do like that it is basically a repeat. Yes, I am still calling that a net positive.
I had other complaints but they were mostly bugs unrelated to Camp Western, like hot keys not working.
Oh I'm really glad they've just gone to "season tokens" rather than having every event every year have a unique currency. That was annoying. That's not new I'm just happy about it.
Also what is this weird black cloud thing that we can hide in. I don't understand it. Do the wolves lose interest if we pass through it, do we have to stay in it, does it only work if we aren't detected already? Why does SSO insist on having like 5 different versions of a stealth mechanic and they are ALL different.
TL;DR - The neat things they tested out with Camp Western last year they added to the game permanently, which makes Camp Western not feel special anymore because you can do basically the exact same mechanics elsewhere (possibly for better/easier rewards too oopS)
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amtrak-official · 1 year
Final update on the whole story I'm working on for a bit, I am just going to drop in a read more. I hope you guys enjoy reading it
Today is the 3rd Sunday of the Month, this means that the city of Saltpeter’s oddities, mistakes, and rarities have come together for Brunch, the national pastime of this peculiar crowd, among them are 2 librarians, a museum curator, a traveling beekeeper, a pen crafter, and about 20 other peculiar fellows. Take great note on the pair of drab brown haired people sitting at the very back of the train station restaurant. These boring sorts go by the names of Danny Jones and Danielle Jones and hold absolutely no relation to each other.
The thing about Danny Jones and Danielle Jones that is so interesting is not the fact that they share a birthday or last names despite being unrelated in any way other than a lesbian aunt 7 generations back, is the fact that these are the 2 most dull and boring individuals you will ever meet. Both have the personality of sliced bread and they aren’t much better in fashion either. There is nothing special about either Jones, they both live completely ordinary lives as shopkeepers on opposite ends of town. The most eventful thing either will do in a month is a Sunday Brunch. And yet both have managed to obtain a loving relationship with incredibly interesting people. And more interesting still is the fact that both are going to wind up dead at the end of the month.
Now to understand why this will happen, you must understand Saltpeter, importantly there are 4 cultural institutions in the city of Saltpeter, Firstly is the Library, it is one of the 3 which is actually known to the people of Saltpeter, and houses exactly 17,943 books and 67 are currently checked out. Next is the Museum of Maria Fernando, a town crazy lady who runs a museum on the way things used to be, this is the institution people like to forget, despite mattering quite a lot to the city, it has received exactly 17 visitors this month and stays afloat via Maria’s wife’s second cousin’s generous yearly donations in exchange for copies of old novels. The 3rd cultural institution is the rail station, it is on the route of the oldest train in the nation, the California Zephyr and is run by the best chef in the city, Leaf Ann Smith, capable of both killing a man and cooking in Omelette in under 20 minutes. Finally there's the Pen shop, they sell pens, specifically fountain pens, each are hand made by a Saltpeter craftsman, it made the list because we were paid 72$ to add it. If someone wants to stretch the definition of an institution, they could get it up to about 20 institutions and a playhouse worth of cultural amenities, but they would also have to include the brunch of the misfits of Saltpeter, which really shouldn’t be added on principle since it happens in Leaf Ann Smith’s train station anyways.
Now back to the Brunch, something very important is about to happen, There will be a rather large toast to the group. This is on account of it being the 3rd anniversary of the start of the groups monthly meetings. Somehow that is a point of pride among the members due to how it is the longest any Brunch group in Saltpeter has lasted after the Infamous Brunch fights 20 years ago. The Brunch fights were a rather dreary matter for such a pleasant pastime. 27 dead and 63 injured over a week. All because of bad French Toast at an upscale restaurant near downtown Saltpeter. And when I say bad, I mean bad, it was soggy, barely toasted, and didn't have any fruits except the one eating it. It's not even like Saltpeter doesn't have any strawberries, it was built on the largest strawberry farm west of the Mississippi. How do you fuck up French Toast that badly? How?
Oh right, the Toast to the Brunch crew, A tall woman in a Green Dress, a leather Jacket and Gold Hoop earings stands up, her hair is cut in a pixie cut. She grabs a Mimosa off the table and begins to talk. Hurricane Jane Rivers as they call her is many things, a lesbian, crazy, a storm chaser, dangerous, a purveyor of Pancakes, a painter and an aerial ace, but one thing she is not is consise. It would take 7 paragraphs to summarize her speech to that disparate group of oddities. In short though, she was thanking them for the best 3 years of her life. Little did she know, only half of them would see next month.
As her glass hits the glass of another member of the Brunch, a whisper rings through the air.
A tick of a second
And Bang, the train comes to a screeching halt outside the station, passengers get off as Leaf Ann Smith scrambles to hide her current mess of a Diner from the view of the wealthy tourists from downtown the tracks. The train is early for once. Precisely 17 minutes and 6 seconds early, something that should not have been possible given the fact that the train tracks were under repairs between Omaha and Saltpeter. And the train had a 2 minute delay when it arrived at the last station. This is all irrelevant if not to show how off guard it caught Leaf Ann Smith who usually manages to keep incredibly on top of the schedules of the train so she can run the station and Diner at once. Leaf Ann Smith is a busy Woman between the Diner, the Station and her time moonlighting as the union negotiator for between the carpenters guild and Sylvia Ink the sole crafter of fountain pens in Saltpeter and a person notoriously bad at paying their union dues.
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jadeacereigen · 8 months
i also always felt like the fandom depicting reigen's childhood as abusive and neglectful never really quite fit. i know that most of it is probably just projection, and it's something i really understand because i've done it before with other characters.
i feel like there's a difference between giving a character trauma that makes sense when taking their canon self into account and giving a character trauma for other unrelated reasons, like comfort or even for fun, to be able to explore the scenarios that would come with it. both are very valid. let the people do what they want, y'know?
but something i feel like people tend to gloss over sometimes is that parents can fuck up when raising you and still not be outright shitty evil people. they can judge you on your career choices and still love you. your friends can make an off the cuff comment that ends up sticking with you in a bad way without realizing, people can suck at showing they care about you while still caring about you, they can be imperfect just as much as you are. it's their first time on this earth too. and it doesn't excuse the times they may have hurt you or made you feel bad about yourself, but it's up to you if you wanna keep them in your life. everyone can change, but that's also up to them.
it gives reigen an added charm [or should i say humanity?], to know that he is a flawed person and that it stems from the things that happened when he was younger, and the people that were in his life, and to know that things don't need to be catastrophic for them to affect and/or change you, whether good or bad. it's a good thing to remember i think. to know that there's so many greys between the white and black. that he has layers. his experiences are very valid.
anywho. sorry for the long ramble i just had to get this out there hehe.
ask game time!!!! 25, 9 and 22
Oh my god no don't apologize you're so right. I agree 100% so I'm gonna answer with my own long ramble.
(Discussions of child abuse below, though nothing that's not present in MP100 canon.)
Yes, it almost feels like people want to dismiss all flawed parenting and strained relationships between parent and child as abuse. There's certainly something very wrong with Reigen and his parents' relationship but I'm gonna be honest, I don't understand how people can find redemption in Toichiro who literally beat up his own son but then at the same time demonize Reigen's parents for the crime of disapproving his life as a CONMAN.
Yes, Reigen actually helps his clients and refuses to take money for things he cannot fix, but he's an incredibly special case and his parents are like most people who have no clue that the supernatural is even real. I personally think IRL psychics are full of shit and prey on the naive and emotionally vulnerable. If I had a kid who quit their normal job and spent all their savings to become a psychic I would not be happy with them! I would hope I wouldn't be as cold and that they wouldn't live in fear of my messages to them but I would definitely be encouraging them to stop that shit and get a "real job". To think that his parents should support his choices in life when he's pretending to be a psychic with no additional context is wild to me. (Also, I can't find the translation anymore but Reigen says in the fanbook that his mom thinks he's being tricked into doing his current job.) Again, they could go about this in a much better way but this disapproval does not inherently point to abuse.
(Sorry this rant got very long so everything else is below the cut.)
I think the biggest thing that points to Reigen's parents not being as awful as they are in fan content is that even after Reigen gets publicly exposed for being a con artist, his mom does tell him to learn his lesson from this but she also takes the time to prepare him an apology, tells him that he should come home (instead of telling him he's not welcome home/disowning him) and emphasizes that she's on his side. Maybe you could consider that the bare minimum of a decent parent but this to me just doesn't feel like she's the hateful abusive mother so often depicted. She could be warmer about it but she's obviously super concerned and wants Reigen to know she cares about him regardless of his actions.
(As for his dad, all we know is that he and Reigen don't talk to each other at all and that he thinks Reigen is unemployed. This relationship is definitely worse than Reigen and his mom's but there's little to go off of in terms of if his dad is a terrible parent or not. His mom seems to think he's worried about Reigen and that would definitely not surprise me.)
In terms of how Reigen feels about his parents, in the fanbook he acknowledges that there have been misunderstandings from both sides and that he'd like to talk things out with them and visit them more often. That's such a real thing lots of people can relate to and I'd love to see that get explored! I want to see Reigen patch things up with his parents! Maybe I'll write out my stupid fic idea for it idk.
I also don't want to stereotype but I am from an East Asian family myself and grew up surrounded by others so I feel like it's safe for me to say that Reigen's parents really remind me of your typical older generation of Asian parents. (Reigen was born in 1984 so his parents would definitely be of the boomer ilk, potentially even the Silent Generation if they had him on the older side.) Reigen also says in the fanbook that his parents are very serious people. Oftentimes with that older generation they just don't really show their care the way you'd normally see it. There may never be any "I love yous" but they'll cut you a plate of fruit without you asking or remember the show you liked 10 years ago and assume you're still into it...
Of course, parental norms in a culture don't justify hurtful parenting. (I mean just watch Everything Everywhere All At Once if you want to see the pain of having a disapproving Asian parent despite knowing they love you and just want what they think is best for you.) His mom fussing over his job and his lack of a girlfriend may be a super "Asian parent" thing, but it definitely hurts Reigen's feelings and she should cut that out. So yeah, Reigen's parents could do a lot better in terms of making Reigen feel supported and loved regardless if they approve of his life choices or not, but Reigen wants to patch things up with them for a reason and I'm hopeful that they can all reach a better understanding with each other.
One thing I also wish the anime showed was that Reigen's mom talks to him on the phone after Separation Arc! We see that in this omake:
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Reigen definitely didn't tell his parents his phone number or his home address if his mom had to resort to emailing his business address just to talk to him. But I like to think that after Separation Arc he started letting his mom into his life a bit more...
God this was such a long rant, I'm sorry. One final thing before I get to your questions is that if we really need abusive parents to hate, Teru's non-present parents are ripe for the picking... Just saying.
(ask game)
I'm assuming you mean Reigen for all of these btw
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Gosh I initially thought he was just a silly goofy character who could be annoying and pathetic at times, but I enjoyed his presence on-screen. Then he got deeper in the Season 1 finale and showed just how much he truly cared about Mob... That part definitely got me shook. He only got better and better from there and now he's one of my favorite characters in the story.
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Jesus christ uh I definitely don't think he'd be a bad roommate and we'd probably get along just fine but I also think I'd annoy the shit out of him. I'm not the best at keeping my space neat and clean. Also the thought of meeting Reigen in person is actually terrifying... Reigen should never exist outside the world of fiction because his pure chaos would be too much for reality.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
Hmm I answered what I don't like last time, but I do like fics that explore his relationship with Mob or Serizawa. I also like seeing him confront more of his personal issues and grow as a person even if he gets a little hurt in the process-
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kawaiichibiart · 3 months
Matagot AU
In case anyone wants to know where this started:
Not sure how far I'm going to get into this AU, but I figured some of y'all would be interested. So... :)
First thing ya gotta know, I never plan for any ship in the lovesquare to be the end goal. Just not my thing, I don't like it. And in all honesty, whenever I think of the Matagot AU, I don't see any romantic relationships developing. Purely platonic friendship and familial love.
Because he knows he can change the way his costume look, it'd easy for Adrien to change his appearance to ensure no one makes a connection between Chat Noir and Matagot. The only reason Ladybug can is because of the bond they've developed and her knowing his identity.
↑ Unfortunately, despite them having revealed themselves, it wasn't the happy moment they both wished for.
And while some would have argued for Ladybug to take back the cat miraculous, seeing as Monarch was dead, she didn't want to. Even if she did, she wouldn't be able to.
There are many ways kwamis bond with their holders. Stories of "true holders" have circled around for centuries, people who had been "destined" to wield a certain miraculous. But the reality is that those so called "true holders" actually formed a sort of soul bond with their kwamis. A special connection between the two that added some additional protection to them and the miraculous. One of which is only they can remove the miraculous.
Plagg formed one with Adrien shortly before Monarch made his first appearance, and Tikki planned on forming one with Marinette but could never find the right time to bring it up.
Of course things aren't easy at first. Trauma aside, Adrien has a lot of trust issues and things he's internalized. As I mentioned in the linked post, people wanted someone to blame because Gabriel was dead. And who better than his son? A lot of blame was shoved on to Adrien to the point where things that were unrelated to Monarch and people being akumatized were also blamed on him: You got fired? It's Adrien's fault. Your significant other left you? It's Adrien's fault. You got expelled? It happened because of Adrien. You were robbed? Failed a test? Broke your grandma's favorite vase? It's all Adrien's fault. It happened enough that he began to internalize it and now feels like he has to apologize for literally everything. Because it's all his fault, right?
*Catwoman entering the Batcave with Matagot, each with a smoothie* Nightwing:...what ya got there, Catwoman? Catwoman: a smoothie
Bruce and Selina definitely get into "minor" arguments about her taking in a boy and teaching him how to break into places and steal.
Honestly, it's kinda fun not having to be hero in Gotham. Chat Noir and Catwalker were both heroes. Matagot isn't. Vigilante, anti-hero, either works. Maybe people back in Paris would question it. But, he can't really find himself caring. He will feel bad if it reflects badly on Ladybug though. He's not gonna stop but he'll feel bad.
Personal therapist Harley Quinn, most of their "therapy" sessions is just breaking shit with bats. Sometimes they're joined by Jason /Red Hood. Don't tell Bruce/Batman.
When Marinette makes her way to Gotham, it's part of a school trip that students had to pay for. The trip was divided so some students went to Gotham and some went to Metropolis. The reason she chose Gotham over Metropolis was because she had been visited by Wonder Woman.
Originally, Diana planned to train Marinette herself, but after learning that the holder of the cat miraculous ran away, she told her she'd help her get in touch with her friend, Batman. If anyone can help her find Adrien, it's him and his team. And, if she's willing, she'll talk him into giving her more training. With that, Marinette decides she's heading to Gotham.
Adrien avoids his old classmates and friends like the plague when they arrive. While they didn't really do anything, some of them did participate in blaming him for everything. If he sees one of the few he fully trusts is alone, he might talk to them. Might.
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lamemaster · 1 year
All of My Names
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Pairing: Maglor x Reader
Genre: Soulmate au-ish
Word Count: 3k
Summary: Love does not require conquering the heart, mind, body, or soul. It need not the bonds of marriage or profound confessions for it to foster. In your case, it bloomed even without the name of the one who became everything to you.
AN: I want to write something similar for Finrod too but different feel. I just looove the idea of lovers yearning for that true true love.
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“She hasn’t touched any instrument for years, what makes you think she would be welcomed in The Aetherius Conservatory of Harmonic Mastery? Only the greatest and the most superior ever have made it there. Not just any rock icon. It is a place that hosts the talented but also hardworking.” 
“You know she has made a name for herself. A star that prestigious organizations such as yours denied for so long but look now. She stands higher than any of your students. Even now you refuse to accept her. Then this is not about prestige, tradition, or her shortcoming but your own ego that prevents her entrance.” Danielle fumed as she angrily pulled off her formal blazer. There was little reason to respect these stuck-ups.
“y/n spent years writing and singing not for this recognition but for her own sake. I should have known better that this academy would rather raise twats that all walk the same path,” Danielle hastily picked up her belongings ignoring the atrocious huffing and puffing old coots on the other end of the table. 
“One day, y/n will be greater than all of you and that day you will be the ones begging.”
“Ms. Randall, we promise we will beg meticulously once your dearest y/n learns the difference between a singer and a musician.” the director added with a smug smile on his wrinkled face. It is the last thing Danielle sees before she slams the door on the director's face.
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“How could they do this? You have every right to study there. You have fame, money, and all the connections.”
You gently hold your fuming friend and manager’s hand in yours, “It’s alright Danielle. We are doing great even without the academy’s recognition,” your attempts to calm down your friend fail miserably.
 You have been part of the music industry for a decade now. What started as a roadside singing to raise money for your household somehow blew up into a worldwide career. Thousands of fans, multiple hits, and innumerable wealth but nothing could prompt you to touch an instrument. 
It was too painful. The very act of even thinking of strumming the strings of a guitar left you grappling with an open chasm of pain in your chest. It was longing too strong that even an inkling of its fulfillment might lead you crazy. 
Your songs had always been of longing and of love that you never experience but knew of so well. It was as if a past unknown to you lingered in the blindspots of your life. A mystery that causes every instrument to make you yearn for someone deeply. Someone whose name you cannot remember.
As the scenes of your window changed rapidly and as the wheels of your car spun, you found yourself scribbling in your notebook. A confounding unease plaguing your heart laid down on the blank sheet of paper.
Immersed in the depths of love, night and day,
But your name, I can't seem to convey,
The name that you do not know or remember but someday…if the stars align you will know him. He who seems to come alive the subtle brine in the air and the crashing waves of the sea.
Oh my love, oh my love,
Lost in the embrace of love's sway,
But your name, I can't find a way,
Oh my love, oh my love.
What would his name sound like? Would it ring loud like the reverberate of echoing drums or would it sting like the unrelenting strings of a lyre? 
Oh, I'm captivated by love's sweet spell,
Yet unable to express it, can't you tell?
In this longing heart, your presence I claim,
Lost in the realms of love's eternal flame.
You always felt it. A tug that threatened to push you over the edge of the world. The world that curved at its edges seemed to be a tightrope to you. You walk precariously as the forceful pull of something out of this world seems to follow you. Making every moment of living a restless dream.
Dreamed of the day we would finally meet,
To share my heart's secrets, so sweet,
To surrender my life, completely yours,
Whether you embrace it or close the doors
Whoever, it is that your soul longs for you love him. He who makes up the meaning behind every word written by you. He who seems to plague your dreams and reality. You have never heard his voice or looked into the depth of his soul. The only piece of his soul that you get to hold on to is a fleeting image of nimble hands plucking the strings of a lyre.
I've become enchanted, lost my mind,
Now my fate's intertwined,
No matter how the story unfolds,
Your name is forever within my soul.
At the mere revelation of those hands, you spent years scourging for musical stores, musicians, harpists looking for him. Any sign of the hand with a blackened palm. A hand that plays despite the pain of a lingering would or bloodied fingers. Years that have led to nothing. A void that leaves you weary of the instruments that he seems to love.
Oh, I'm captivated by love's sweet spell,
Yet unable to express it, can't you tell?
In this longing heart, your presence I claim,
Lost in the realms of love's eternal flame,
Oh my lo-
“Is it him again?” Danielle leans in looking at your sheet of scratched-out words. “The one whose name remains a mystery. The reason behind your rejection today.” 
“How did he play a part in this?” You vehemently defend the person you do not know. “It is my inability nothing of this is his doing,” your heart beats at the thought of the mystery man getting any blame for your own shortcomings.
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4 years ago~
Away from the winding roads and loud of the city you find yourself on the solemn beach unvisited by any during the cold months of winter. 
You wanted out from the cameras, fans, and fame that followed you everywhere. It was too much and you have left too little of yourself.  
It had been years since you first sang in front of a busy cafe or by the busy intersections, years since the eyes of industry turned to you, years since you grappled with the fame you never asked for and now you are tired. Maybe once you were happy but now a restless melancholy fills your heart.
The world seems to be bursting on its seems. It is then that you see it. A faint glimmer hidden in the depths of the sand. Your footsteps lead you to the barely visible lump in the sand that seems to tug you towards it. It's as if the festering restlessness in your chest is hooked to it.
Unraveling sand your hands pause a intricately carved lyre stares back at you and your heart stirs. “It’s you,” your breath comes heavy with the relief that fills you at its very sight. It was as if the world fell back into its place.
You reach down and carefully pluck the mysterious artifact from its sandy resting place. It was a lyre, weathered and worn as if it endured the passage of time and the relentless embrace of the sea. Its wooden frame bore marks of age, telling tales of a forgotten past.
Closing your eyes, you allow yourself to be carried away by the enchantment of the moment. And in that darkness, a vivid vision unfolded before you. You saw a pair of slender, bloodied fingers, their nimble movements plucking the strings of the lyre with effortless grace. The melody that emanated from the instrument was hauntingly beautiful, filled with longing and a touch of melancholy.
You could almost feel the emotions pouring forth from the ethereal music, touching your soul in ways you couldn't comprehend. The vision offered glimpses of a story, of someone who had played this very lyre with fervent passion and unwavering dedication. The fingers were worn, evidence of countless hours spent pouring heart and soul into the strings.
In that fleeting moment, you felt a connection, as if the music reached out to you across time and space. It was as if those slender fingers were reaching for yours, whispering a tale of lost melodies and unspoken yearning.
As the vision faded and reality washed over you once more, you opened your eyes, the lyre cradled gently in your hands. The weight of its history and the mystery it held felt both exhilarating and overwhelming. A mix of curiosity and trepidation coursed through your veins.
What stories did this lyre carry? Whose fingers had plucked its strings with such skill and fervor? Questions swirled in your mind, urging you to uncover the truth, to embark on a journey that would unravel the secrets hidden within the timeworn instrument.
As you walked away from the beach, the lyre cradled in your arms, you knew that this encounter was no mere coincidence. It was the beginning of a profound journey, one that would bridge the gap between time and hearts, and perhaps, ultimately, lead to a reunion with the one whose music had stirred your very soul.
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Love does not require conquering the heart, mind, body, or soul. It needs not the bonds of marriage or profound confessions to foster. In your case, it bloomed even without the name of the one who became everything to you.
Just a glimpse potent enough to uproot your life. A pain so profound that leaves you sobbing in the wee hours of the night. 
You find yourself standing in front of the mirror, tears streaming down your face. The image of those bloodied fingers, strumming the lyre, lingers in your mind. The ache in your heart intensifies as you long to know the story behind those hands, to understand the pain they endured and the melodies they created.
But deep down, you know that the lyre holds more than just a mystery to be unraveled. It holds a connection—a bond that transcends time and space. It is a bond that resonates with your own longing, your own unspoken desires.
Days pass, and the lyre becomes a constant presence in your life. It sits in the corner of your room, its strings untouched, yet its presence fills the space with an unspoken yearning. You find yourself drawn to it, spending hours simply gazing at its intricate carvings and imagining the music it once produced.
But fear holds you back. Fear of unlocking a power that you may not be ready to face. Fear of delving into a world where reality and dreams intertwine. The weight of responsibility rests upon your shoulders, and the thought of playing the lyre feels like opening a floodgate of emotions you may not be able to control.
Yet, even in your hesitations, your love for the lyre grows. It becomes a symbol of something more—a symbol of a love that transcends time and space. It represents the possibility of finding the missing piece of your soul, the one whose music has haunted your dreams.
Late at night, as you sit by the window, the moonlight casting a gentle glow upon the lyre, you find yourself talking to it, pouring out your heart in whispered words. You speak of your longing, your hopes, and your fears. The lyre becomes your confidant, a silent witness to the depths of your soul.
"You hold the key to my heart," you whisper, your voice filled with a mix of vulnerability and determination. "But I'm not yet ready to unlock the secrets you hold. I fear the intensity of what lies within, and I fear losing myself in the melodies that may awaken."
The lyre remains silent, yet you can almost feel its understanding. It is as if it knows the weight of your emotions, the depth of your love, and the significance of your connection.
Days turn into weeks, and weeks into months. The lyre remains a cherished companion, a silent reminder of the mysteries that lie dormant. You continue to resist the urge to play it, knowing that the time will come when you are ready to embrace the melodies that lie within.
For now, you find solace in the presence of the lyre, in the knowledge that the one whose fingers once graced its strings is out there, waiting to be found.
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As the years pass and time etches its marks upon your face, you find yourself sitting in a quiet room, the lyre resting in your hands.
With a gentle touch, you run your fingers along the worn wood, feeling the memories embedded within its grains. The weight of a lifetime's worth of longing and unspoken words hangs heavy in the air. You bring the lyre close to your chest, cradling it like a precious relic.
"I hope to meet you in another lifetime," you whisper, your voice trembling with the weight of unfulfilled dreams. "If not in this lifetime, then in the next. And if not that, then in the countless lives that follow. I will wait, for as long as it takes, for our souls to find each other once again."
A bittersweet smile plays on your lips as you think of the countless possibilities that lie ahead. In your heart, you know that the connection forged with the lyre and the mysterious musician it represents is not bound by the constraints of a single lifetime. It is a bond that transcends time and space, reaching beyond the boundaries of human understanding.
"I will be here, in whatever form you find me," you murmur, your voice carrying a steadfast determination. "Whether as a melody in the wind, a whisper in the night, or a soul intertwined with yours. I will wait, for our destinies to align once more."
With a final caress, you place the lyre back in its rightful place, a silent reminder of the love that knows no bounds. As you rise from your seat, a sense of peace washes over you. The longing that once consumed your every thought has transformed into a patient hope, a quiet assurance that your paths will cross again.
And so, you carry the memory of the lyre and the unseen musician with you, weaving their presence into the tapestry of your existence. You continue to live your life, cherishing each moment, knowing that somewhere, in a realm beyond your reach, your soulmate awaits.
And as you walk into the twilight of your life, you hold onto the belief that one day, in another time and place, you will finally meet the one who has captured your heart across lifetimes.
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In the realm of whispers and secrets, rumors spread like wildfire, and the tale of the crazed singer who died alone in a room next to a sole lyre took hold in hushed conversations and dark corners.
Whispers carried on the wind, painting a picture of a tormented soul who had dedicated their life to the pursuit of an elusive love. They spoke of a singer whose voice echoed with raw emotion, captivating audiences around the world, yet haunted by an unrequited longing that consumed them from within.
The story spoke of a secluded room, its walls adorned with memories frozen in time. Within that room, the singer was said to have spent their final days, surrounded by relics of a past they couldn't let go of. And at the center of it all, resting against a faded tapestry, lay the sole lyre, its weathered strings bearing witness to the melodies that had once danced upon them.
Some claimed the singer had become lost in their own labyrinth of love, descending into madness as they relentlessly searched for the one who had ignited their soul. They spoke of sleepless nights spent in the company of the lyre, fingers hovering over the strings, yet never daring to play a single note. It was as if the musician's heartache had become so profound that they feared unleashing its power upon the world.
As the rumors spread, the tale took on a mythical quality, intertwining the singer's story with that of the mysterious musician who had once breathed life into the lyre. Whispers of a soulmate lost across time reverberated through the corridors of imagination, leaving a trail of wonder and sorrow in their wake.
But amidst the rumors, one thing remained certain—the singer had found solace in their connection to the lyre. In that quiet room, their heart had beat in harmony with the instrument, pouring out their yearnings and desires, even if they were destined to remain unheard by mortal ears.
The story of the crazed singer and the sole lyre became a cautionary tale of unrequited love and the all-encompassing power of passion. It served as a reminder that even in the pursuit of something as elusive as love, one must tread carefully, lest they lose themselves entirely.
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Maglor awoke in the hallowed halls of Mandos, his spirit reassembled, with fragments of his soul intact. It was as if the very force of life had stitched him back together, remade from the ashes by you, who loved just a figment of him. He could feel your presence, the one who had captured his essence in your words and breathed life into his existence once more.
But as he gazed upon the fading memories of the mortal world, a profound sense of peace washed over him. He realized that even though your paths had not yet converged, the love that bound you was timeless and enduring. It was a love that transcended physical barriers and spanned across realms.
With every step he took, Maglor whispered words of hope and longing, sending his love out into the world and trusting that it would find its way to your heart. He embraced the knowledge that love, like a gentle breeze, would one day bring you together, merging your souls into a symphony of eternal harmony.
And so, Maglor strove forward, not with a sense of desperation or yearning, but with a deep sense of peace and anticipation. He carried within him the belief that your presence would grace his life again, in this realm or the next, as the currents of fate gently guided your paths toward a joyous reunion.
In the tranquil halls of Mandos, Maglor's words resonated with a newfound hopefulness, his voice carrying the melody of a love that defied all boundaries. And as he walked the paths of destiny, he knew deep in his heart that your love story was far from over.
He whispered your name, a gentle invocation of love and longing, sending his wishes out into the universe. For Maglor knew that as long as your souls remained connected, your love would endure, transcending time and space, until the moment when your destinies would align and you would finally find each other.
"Maglor, Makalaure, Kanafinwë," Maglor whispered his names, each syllable carrying a weight of significance. With every repetition, he made a promise to himself and to the universe that one day, he would reveal all of his names to you. One day, when the threads of fate wove together and brought you back into his arms.
Maglor yearned to open his heart to you, to lay bare the depths of his being, and to intertwine his destiny with yours in a timeless bond. He vowed to preserve his identity, to keep the flame of his essence alive, so that when the moment arrived, he could offer you the entirety of his existence. He understood that true love required patience and the willingness to wait for the perfect alignment of stars and souls.
With a serene smile upon his face, Maglor surrendered to the passage of time, knowing that it would bring you closer with every tick of the cosmic clock. He held onto the hope that one day, in the tapestry of eternity, you would stand before him, and he would share his names, his stories, and his love with you.
And so, he whispered your name into the ethereal winds, his voice carrying the promise of a future filled with the union of two souls destined to be together. Maglor cherished the knowledge that the day would come when he could look into your eyes and say, "I am Maglor, Makalaure, Kanafinwë. These are my names, and they belong to you."
He held onto the belief that one day, the universe would conspire to bring you into his life, where he would reveal all of his names, along with the boundless love he carried within his heart.
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sakuracoloring · 2 months
Cami's Commentary! #9 - Movie Rants + Jumpscare
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「ようこそ!」 。。。
Good morning/afternoon/night to whoever may be reading this! Sorry for not being very active these last few days :( I'm gonna be moving and so I have to pack my bags n say goodbye to my friends, yk? So that's been taking up a lot of my time. Anyways, it's time to hear me ranting >:)
Dirty Dancing: I watched this movie yesterday and WTF????? IT WAS SO GOOD!!!!! Like, it gives so much Sessão da Tarde energy and I love it sm (probably because it airs all the time on Sessão da Tarde lol)! Also, to y'all who aren't familiar with it, Sessão da Tarde (Afternoon Session) is a television program on TV Globo, probably the biggest and most popular TV network in Brazil, in which movies (mainly older movies) are shown from Monday to Friday during the afternoons :) If I had to describe it using 3 movies, I'd definitely say Dirty Dancing, Clueless AND White Chicks. (They really love White Chicks lol) That's the kind of movies they show (at least last time I checked lol)
To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything! Julie Newmar: After some time that my friend recommended it to me, I finally watched it and it was very fun :D I really loved the story and the characters, and honestly Noxeema was so real (though Idk if she's my favourite. Like, this is the kind of media where I really can't pick a favourite character lol) <3 If you haven't watched it yet, I definitely recommend!!
My Bodyguard: I finished watching it like an hour ago and wow! Definitely better than I expected. Also, something that I found really funny was how similar Clifford was to Luigi (from As Aventuras de Poliana, a brazilian telenovela based on the Pollyanna book series). Like, their blue eyes, the curly hair in THAT shade of brown, their overall body types as well. Even the personality lol, though Clifford was Luigi with less social anxiety. Also (unrelated to my little comparison) Matt Dillon looked so fruity in this movie, especially with that hair lol
Despicable Me 4: I watched it yesterday as a little goodbye hangout with my friends and as I expected, it's one of those movies that probably should've never happened and is just a way of milking the brand. Like, it was pure dogshit, but honestly so dogshit that it became funny at times (also did anyone else notice the BTS symbol on Poppy's phone case?). The only scene I actually liked though was the ending scene with Gru and the weird cockroach-fetish-having villain singing Everybody Wants to Rule The World (Tears for Fears) while previous villains danced along. It was very wholesome :3
Also, tell me they don't look alike:
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This is Nicolas Germano btw (brazilian singer) Every scene this cockroach fetish villain was in, my brain just went ''wtf he looks like someone'' but I just couldn't put my finger on it lol
Anyways, jumpscare time 😍😍😍😍:
So, I just opened up tumblr and the first thing that showed up to me was a post with a screenshot of an article talking about Matt Dillon apparently fucking girls in his trailer during the filming of The Outsiders n stuff, and so I went to the comments to not only find the source but to also see what other people had to say. And so I found the OP's comment talking about how they couldn't seem to get the link but they did share the website's name, and so I decided to search it up. No biggie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I searched it up, but I had gotten the order of the letters wrong so a bunch of websites on pension started showing up, and that made me realise ''something's not right'' and so I searched it up again, correctly. But then it just showed me this private all-girls school in Maryland(???) and so I was like ''huh?'', which made me search up the website name + matt dillon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ No biggie. But as I click on the first website that appeared, BOOM! Two porn ads. (Idk if that website focused on porn or if these just were ads) For like 5 seconds, I was in shock. ''How tf did I get here???'' is still a question I ask myself, and so I clicked off, very confused. Idk if that's the actual website OP found it on and these are just ads, but my eyes aren't very happy after this experience 😍
Thanks for your attention :3 It means a lot to me
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number 9...number 9...👁️👁️ (If u got this reference ily)
See you next time! ☆
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vetteldixon · 8 months
do you think seb could come back to F1 if the new regulations set for 2026 with the sustainable fuels happen? because he says said he didn't think he could come back if a change in sustainability didn't happen. so with a change like that... maybe? idk I am happy for him in general where it concerns his retirement this sport its getting more and more weird ? with the way F1 keeps adding street races and everything else and the travelling as well, away from family
as a fan, I would love it if he did and lowkey hope for it but I also realistically think he wont and he's kinda right for doing that but he always says he misses racing, whenever he goes to a race like he did in suzuka saying it hurt to be standinb there etc so who knows
i would love it too anon! i imagine the sustainable fuel switch is on his radar and his connections around a lot of teams in the paddock run both wide and deep so i'd be surprised if he isn't entertaining possible offers. i'm sure a major point on his wants list is still 'capable of winning races' which is naturally limiting and i don't know which (if any) teams would never consider him due to, let's say, non-racing factors. but i think there's bound to be some level of mutual interest to get him racing again. it may only be nominal for time being but *tired voice* life comes at you fast...
worth mentioning is that in 2026 seb's youngest son will be turning 7 and therefore almost certainly have started school full-time! the family factor has been brought up by both seb-hostile media and seb fans as if it means his new permanent station is by the hearth so to speak which from my personal observations and i think in general many parents find not very practical or desirable long-term (plus kids become more independent as they grow older of course). it's possible to strike a balance and is something that sounds imminently seb, so perhaps he decided try to be home especially to cherish the kindergarten days with his youngest in a way he didn't with the others but leave things open further down the road.
i'll note that 'it hurts to be standing here' is something i've heard quite a lot of drivers say particularly in indycar but i'm sure it's just as common in f1! i don't mean to say that seb isn't unique—his knowledge and zeal are unrelenting and beautiful—but rather that 'race fan' is a condition known to stay with its carriers until the end of their days... *cue sobbing over murray walker on his deathbed asking if seb's gonna be ok*
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delopsia · 1 year
darling del 💐💃
have you ever thought about incorporating rendezvous with toys into stories with the trio? a remote or app controlled vibrator with reader, are rhett and robby both controlling it? whose idea was it? i suspect rhett but who knows maybe robby just came back from deployment and was like “hi honey pies...” 😉 omfg maybe both reader AND rhett with toys in while robby controls them? wait i don’t know if rhett could function in public with a toy in... maybe they just keep that to home? and then they could really put him through the ringer 🫢 do robby and reader ever slick up a toy and just let it go inside rhett and sit back and watch their cowboy’s eyes roll all the way back while he cums untouched—or wait is he too sensitive for that? i feel low key feel like he’d actually pass out if reader ran a vibrator over the head of his cock while robby was fucking him... 🤔
*COUGH* does robby ever play with any toys himself with or without his partners?
SLIGHTLY UNRELATED BUT STILL VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION: has reader ever laid rhett and robby down in the same night like (slightly, because cleaning up and aftercare, etc, of course) one after the other? do the two of them have differing dildo preferences for when they want do get fucked?
*whispers* what a weird question to end on but please if this is not what you meant by blurb right now then just ignore; i have the occasional sauce-thought about these three but i never know if, when you say “blurb thoughts please, y’all...” 😌 you mean any blurb thoughts or like, nonsexual character lore blurb thoughts...
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omg omg hello lovely! 🌷I'm open to all of the blurb themes, sexual and nonsexual alike, whatever y'all wanna throw at me😔✌
Coincidentally, it works as good practice for me lmao. I'm trying to get better at jumping from theme to theme (so, like, finishing a borderline heart-wrenching blurb to hopping right into one that's going to have the Tumblr overlords striking me down with a mature rating)
waaaah okay, I have more thoughts than I can type 💃
Hear me out; I see your Robby just came back from deployment, and I raise you, Robby leaving for deployment.
His biggest curse with being on that ship is how difficult it can be to find a quiet place to engage in all the playful dirty talk; most of the time, he winds up in the corner of a bathroom stall, headphones snug around his ears, forced to be completely and utterly quiet while Rhett and Reader torment him. Pictures, videos, phone/video calls.
"D'you like the show, Bobby?" Rhett's purring, peering over his shoulder with that darkened gaze, seems to look directly through the camera and into Bob's eyes. Fuck the things he would do to squeeze that cowboy's pretty pale thighs.
The idea hits him about two weeks before his next deployment, brought on while he was shopping around for a replacement strap-on harness. The current one is cute, but lately, it's been leaving some painful indentations on the Reader's hips, and he's on the hunt for something that'll fit nicer. But there, on the front page, is an ad for an app-controlled vibrator, and an idea strikes him.
A few days later, a box is showing up at the door. Whilst Rhett and Reader are asleep, he sets them up on his phone. Runs through the usual deep cleaning and testing to make sure they work before tucking them into the toy stash. Doesn't really mention it until he's officially on the plane, typing out a quick, half-thought-out text.
Left you two a surprise in the toy box :)
It's a couple of weeks before he gets time to use them. It's hard to catch each other when they both have the time and are in the mood. But sooner or later, Bob's found himself in the corner of another bathroom stall, chewing on his bottom lip as he presses a little button on his phone. Knees weakening at the way Rhett's head tips back to thump against the pillow, lips parted with a whine. Has the worst damn time trying to switch to control the Reader's toy; doesn't think it worked until he hears a gasp and watches the camera shake in their hand.
Fuck Bob never lasts longer than a few minutes.
They forget to turn one of them off one night, and Bob jokingly presses a command to see what happens.
Rhett's never been so afraid of a goddamn vibrating box in his life.
It's figured out pretty quickly that Rhett can't function in public with a toy in. He's already bad at most social interactions; a slight brush against his crotch is enough to have him floundering. Quite unfortunate for the exhibitionist kink that's been brewing in him these past couple of years, but they do play around with him around the property. With the house being secluded in the woods, a decent ways away from the nearest neighbor, it's pretty easy for Rhett to wander out back to do some work with a toy in.
Sometimes he does it because he likes the fullness of it, others he's deliberately hoping that Reader or Robby will notice he's got it in. More than once he's found himself braced against that old Oak tree, grunting into the crook of his elbow as Bobby fucks him for all he's worth. And more than once he's wandered into the house, grumbling because nobody caught on to what he wanted, squirming into the Reader's lap and outright begging them to let him ride their strap.
Robby and Reader absolutely could just slick up a toy and let it go inside of their pretty little cowboy, but he's so, so fussy! They've spoiled him, and he's absolutely rotten! He's addicted to the closeness that comes with having them inside of him, thighs against his, holding him for leverage and touching all over. Just a toy is enough to get him off, but he doesn't enjoy it as much if that...makes sense.
He wants the person attached to the dick as much as he wants the dick inside of him.
But he can and will cum untouched with one of them inside of him. They tried cock warming with him once; didn't end well.
Ughhh Rhett would absolutely combust if Reader ran a vibrator over the head of his cock while Robby was fucking him :( The poor thing is so easy to overstimulate, reduced to shivering muscles and teary eyes with a few little tricks. It's so common for him to bury his face in the Reader's belly while Robby's taking him from behind or to snuggle into the crook of the Reader's neck while they fuck him missionary, stifling his little noises and hiding the tears brewing.
Omg omg yes, Robby absolutely plays with toys on himself, too. Maybe not at the frequency of Rhett and Reader, but fuck, he looooooves those small prostate massagers 🤤 it’s one of his favorite toys. He especially loves them when it’s just himself because it’s not quite as good as having an actual strap/cock in him, but he won’t pass up an opportunity to play with them. Though Rhett has recently gotten him hooked on letting them use masturbation sleeves on him.
The Reader has absolutely laid them both down on the same night!! It’s an entire excursion on its own, a lot of work and cleaning and setting up, but Rhett and Bobby are pretty good at kissing up on the other and opening each other up to take the workload off of the Reader. Rhett’s almost always first because he usually gets so turned on from seeing Bob get fucked that he’ll cum from the slightest thing. Really likes getting taken apart first and then getting to have a little show of Bobby dissolving into a puddle of whimpers and cries after the fact.
Bob's got a preference for average/smaller dildos; Rhett's cock is about as much as he can handle, and as wonderfully built as that cowboy is, he's not too fond of the post-sex soreness that comes with it. Something around six inches with a very, very typical girth is enough to make him happy.
Rhett is a goddamn size queen who isn't happy until he's limping the next day. It's so easy to tell his toys apart from Bobby's because they're so much bigger in every sense of the form. Longer, thicker, around eight or nine inches. There's a singular ten-inch toy that comes out to play every once in a blue moon, but he's got to be in a particularly whorish headspace for that one.
The both of them have recently discovered the joy of plugs, for after everything is said and done. Rhett's just a heathen that wants to keep Bob's cum and/or the Reader's cum lube inside of himself for a while, but Bob enjoys the extra minutes of fullness. It really helps him adjust back to the crippling emptiness that comes with having Rhett/the Reader pull out of him.
In the buying process, Rhett's vague requirements were no tails (Bob's been trying to sell Rhett and Reader on bunny tail ones for years. (double parentheses. It's because he already bought them. They're still hiding in the closet, in the packaging that they came in.)) and nothing glittery
...and he really should have been more specific because now he's got a cutesy little plug with a pink heart.
But that's okay because Bob fucked around, and now he's wound up with one that's modeled to look like one of those Valentine's candy hearts.
This is why the Reader is usually left in charge of buying.
Aftercare-wise, they're both relatively simple to deal with; Bob wants cuddles and a small snack to share (he will die defending his Ice-Cream Tastes Better Post-Sex argument), and Rhett just wants some head scratches and a long nap with his partners. It's so common for them to grow clingy, both toward each other and toward the Reader. Constant affection, sweetly spoken words, and kisses.
Which is exactly why the bathtub is so big in the house! All of them are too sore to stand, and nobody wants to be left out of the bubble bath! Someone's gotta set an alarm, though, because if you're not careful, it's easy to wind up spending a few hours in there on accident.
And it's anyone's guess if the boys are going to get hit with a second wind and pounce on the Reader or not💛
Again with me getting carried away oh my god
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macawritesupdates · 21 days
Wow so many updates you're killing it! I loved the latest chapter of cuddle it had so many great moments. Yuuji and Sukuna nesting together was adorable and I loved the scene where he pulled Yuuji into his domain for cuddles. The heat was beautiful go get that comfort Yuuji you deserve it. I also loved so many of the descriptions you used like Yuuji wiggling like a cat to get close to Sukuna. Yuuji thinking about how Sukuna has a relatively simple technique but has mastered it to such a degree that he is far more dangerous than sorcerers with much more complex techniques was really cool. It made me think about how some techniques are only as good as their user. Like how mei mei has a "weak" technique but she figured out how to use if so well that she's a first grade (I don't like her at all I'm just sayin). Or how Yorozu has basically the same technique as Mai but she's so much stronger because she puts so much more effort and thought into it. Or even Kenny who's technique is non combat based on its own he's so dangerous because of how well he plans things out. Sukuna's technique is simple and easy to understand but that just means he's got way more freedom in how he can use it. It's like having a highly specialized tool vs a simple but versatile tool. It's fun to think about. It's a little like how you can do basically anything in Minecraft because it's so simple but you have a lot less freedom in big complicated aa games which are more complex but offer fewer choices because theres a certin path the player is expected to follow. Of course all that freedom is completely useless if you aren't creative enough to make use of it. Not everyone can figure out how to build cathedrals or working calculators in a game. Not everyone could take a technique of cutting and earn the title of the strongest. Hmm went a little long on that bit lol. Anyway love Yuuji still being down to roast Sukuna but wanting to avoid any bigotry when he does. It's perfectly OK to throw shade at the man lord knows he deserves it but we will not I repeat not torment him over stuff he has no control over especially when his poor life choices offer so many other options for ridicule. I am such a sucker for a good cuddle so this chapter has definitely been my favorite so far 💗. I love Sukuna being such a bastard about affection he's figuring this shit out on the fly but he's got to be a bit of a dick about it. He can learn all kinds of stuff from Yuuji AND murder him in the domain apparently.
Hmm, as for suggestions for what happens next, I'm thinking we could have a fun morning after the heat. Yuuji seemed to think in the last chapter that his heat would end quickly, so where we go from here depends on whether he's right about that. If he is then I think next chapter should definitely have Sukuna teasing him about how clingy and cuddly he was during his heat while, and this is key, absolutely cuddling the shit out of him. I'm talking holding on with both arms purring and somehow still looking so smug while completely ignoring the hypocrisy as he refuses to let his brat leave the nest. Making fun of Yuuji for being a clingy little octopus as he does his best impression of a creeping vine clinging to a tree. If Yuuji's wrong and the heat is still going then I suggest some spice. I kinda wanna see pushy Yuuji domming from the bottom so to speak. He's in heat he knows what he needs and he's damn well going to take charge and get it. Sukuna can be along for the ride of his life. After that ends I wouldn't mind looking into these curse users some more are they working for Kenjaku? I almost want them to be an unrelated group just for the fun of adding a completely new group of unknown enemies for the plot but that would mean adding a lot of world building and motivations for these guys and this fic is a collective effort so other people would have to be interested. Until next time, thank you for writing and sharing with us!!
It always was fascinating to me that Sukuna's techniques were rather simple but used to a point they were so powerful. Also just the name of it "Shrine" always made it seem like there was so much more to it than just slash and burn. It makes me wonder if Sukuna was capable of a LOT more when he was at his height which makes it feel like Heian sorcerers had to be damn powerhouses compared today 8I
ALso good cuddles are nice and this fic had to earn its name at last with all the cuddles packed into this one! Had a TON of reader comments wanting cuddles hehe!
As for adding worldbuilding and plot...I'm ALWAYS excited when a reader adds something like that to the story! Helps to give it more direction and is often a very unique take <3 it adds things like the creep sorcerer and giving more room for bonding c:
Glad you are enjoying the fic dear reader!
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drc00l4tt4 · 2 years
Melvinborg x Reader ;;
❝ Experimental Fluff ❞ ( Halloween Special )
(( Yeah so the writing is inspired by how @thereaderinsertlady writes her stories of borg, and you should definitely go send them some love and check out their writings!! Super neat content <3
slight warning? the reader takes off their clothes in a non-suggestive way, but if that makes you uncomfortable then don't worry too much because it's towards the end, so you can enjoy most of it.
but the plot is;; You go into Melvinborg's lab and find a bottle of liquid on his desk, which you assume is tea (since it's right by his work, and he usually brings tea with him). Within seconds you start to feel side effects and realize that it is, in fact, not tea. ))
To say you were in shock would be an extreme understatement. Something like this is what happens in dreams you barely remember when you wake up, not reality- but here you were, in reality, having just drank lord knows what and are now experiencing side effects. Maybe that was on you for sneaking into your husband's lab after he left for just a minute to retrieve something- karma did seem to enjoy torturing you.
Within seconds of realizing you indeed did not drink tea like you had thought, you could hear footsteps approaching the lab. You practically scurried across the floor, almost tripping numerous times before managing to make it to the door and slam it shut.
"Wh—" You could hear a confused voice behind the door, followed by a very long sigh. "(Y/N), why are you in there? Better question actually- why did you slam the door as if you were hiding something?" Well of course he immediately realized you did something wrong, why would that surprise you? "I'm not hiding a single thing, I don't know why you would accuse me of such things!" You said dramatically, but judging from his voice you could tell he wasn't having it. "Open the door before I force it open."
"I- Well-" You struggled, trying to think of something- anything- to say so that he wouldn't pry you to open the door. "What if I'm naked in here? You don't know," You stated, and you could hear him start stuttering, "You better not be! There's chemicals in there that could harm you from direct contact, that's why I told you to stay out unless I'm in there!" That made you shiver, thinking you might've drank poison. ".. Well, uh.. for unrelated reasons, what was on your desk?" You asked.
".. Don't tell me you messed with my experiments." Melvin groaned, which only made you feel worse- and not just because the effects were hitting you. "I- Maybe.. Okay I did- but don't be mad at me-" You said quickly, getting more and more panicked. "Oh my- ghhh, okay," Melvin sighed, gently pushing on the door, "Just- open the door, I'll figure out an antidote, it's fine. It's fine." He added.
With a sigh, you moved away from the door and opened it, letting Melvinborg into the room with you. He took one look at you and his face immediately dropped, "Wh.. What did you-?" He frantically ran to his desk, his eyes landing on the bottle you had taken a sip of without a second thought. He leaned against the desk, putting his head in his hand, "You could have been poisoned from this, I hope you know that." He groaned, which made you feel even worse, despite you already hitting rock bottom of 'worse-ness'.
"Yes but-"
"I'm genuinely upset with you." Melvinborg interrupted, looking over at you with the most genuinely angery expression you've seen from him, "You know I don't like it when you go through my stuff. You're well aware of why." He added. "Yes I.. I know, I'm sorry.." You said, your voice very soft and quiet; despite you feeling like you were about to cry, your voice actually didn't shake as much as you expected.
Melvinborg let out a deep breath before moving away from the desk and starting to examine you. "You're lucky that I love you." He stated, sounding serious in his statement, but it calmed you down slightly. "So.. you're not mad?" You asked. "Oh, no, I'm absolutely furious." He stated, which made you want to crawl away in shame. "However, I know you went a very long time without coming in here on your own, and you didn't mean any harm in going through my things, so this is just.. a warning, I suppose." He added.
"That doesn't mean I'll forgive you easily next time though- if there is a next time, but I trust that there won't be." Melvin stated, finishing his examination on your lower half. You tried to speak, "There won't-" "Put your arms up." He interrupted. You did as requested and lifted your arms, letting him inspect you further. "Have any more orders to give me, sir?" You teased, which seemed to get a reaction out of him, but you couldn't see because he was currently behind you, "Yes, actually: be quiet and let me examine you." He joked- you could tell when he was being serious and when he wasn't, his voice was more light in a way when he wasn't being serious.
You suddenly felt tugging on what felt to be your hair, which you didn't expect. "Are you looking for lice or something?" You asked, joking. ".. Do you not know what you look like right now?" Melvin asked, which worried you. "No? You don't have any mirrors in here." You stated. "I do actually, they're just somewhere that they won't be broken." He stated, moving to his desk and pulling out a small mirror from one of the drawers. "Here." He handed it to you, so you looked at yourself through the mirror; and you nearly screamed.
Melvin wasn't exactly pulling on your hair, he was pulling on a new set of ears that you had. Upon more inspection, you even noticed you had a tail. "I- Wh- What did I drink-?" You asked, looking almost horrified; honestly you didn't look half bad, you were just surprised. "You drank what was supposed to be a transformation chemical. It was meant for animals to turn into humans but.. you can see that it also has the vice versa effects on humans. It is interesting though," Melvin explained, starting to inspect you again.
"Would it be easier to inspect me if I took off my clothes?" You asked, being genuine in your question. "Yes actually, it-" Melvinborg paused. taking a second before looking at you properly, ".. Don't. Don't take your clothes off, forget that I agreed to that." He stated. "Why?" You questioned, smirking slightly as you folded your arms. "It would be easier to inspect me that way, you know I'm right." You added.
"If you do that I'm at least giving you a robe." Melvin stated, moving away from you to go into the hallway attached to his lab. There was a closet there that also connected to a bathroom, so the robes were located there (and they were also there for the lab anyway, since he had seen you remove your shirt before, but never your entire outfit). You did end up removing your clothes while he was turned away, which caused him to shriek for half a second before quickly covering his mouth and looking away, "I— You need to warn me, you absolute menace!" He stated, looking down as he walked towards you, his robotic arm outstretched an extra length so he wouldn't have to get too close in order to hand you the robe.
You took the robe and put it on, the tail you now had was brushing against your leg, since the robe had pushed it against you. "Alright, the robe is on." You said. "Good, I do not want to have you fully unclothed in here." Melvinborg huffed, finally looking up at you and starting to examine your exposed skin. "So you'd want me unclothed somewhere else then?" You teased, watching him become flustered. "I- I will stop examining you and leave you stranded if you don't stop, you.. you pageless book." He huffed, crossing his arms. "Well you're taking sooo long, it's almost like you're doing it on purpose." You teased him further.
".. I'm leaving." Melvin glared at you and started walking away, but you quickly wrapped your arms around him, keeping him in place. "Nooo! Stay, I'm sorryyy," You pouted. "No, you teased me enough, I'm leaving." He huffed, trying to get out of your arms but failing horribly. ".. Did the chemicals give you super strength as well? Hold on," He gently tried to remove your arms, "I'm not leaving, but I need you to let go." He added.
You let go of Melvin and watched as he grabbed a few items from his desk; seeing him grab scissors and a small test tube made you cringe. He walked back over to you, cutting off a bit of the fur from the ears and setting it into the tube. He then wordlessly went back to his desk and set the tube into a sampling machine. "Alright, that's all I needed for the internal examination." He said. You smirked, ".. Internal examination you say—" "If you say what I think you're going to say, I swear."
Soon enough the results were back and Melvin had made an outline for an antidote to your predicament- however, it was nearly midnight, so you'd have to stay animal-ified until morning. Though, as the day went on, neither you nor Melvin seemed to exactly mind the fact you had been fluffed- if anything you both were enjoying it while it lasted. Well, at least Melvin was, he continuously asked for cuddles and hugs, moreso than he usually did, and he nearly instantly relaxed into your temporarily fluffy arms (of which became fluffy after a few minutes of continuous side effects).
"What if I just stayed fluffy forever?" You asked suddenly. Melvinborg was currently hugging you from behind and nuzzling into your neck, of which had also been fluffified (the only non-fluffed parts of you were your face and forearms by now). "Well I wouldn't mind," Melvin stated, currently more focused on giving you affection than anything else, "Besides, it's getting cold outside, it's helpful to have fur." He added, which earned a chuckle from you. "Helpful to me or you, cuddlebug?" You asked, hearing him let out an amused huff. "Both, actually." He responded.
After a minute more of simple affection, the two of you had laid down in bed, considering it was now midnight and you both had to keep a somewhat decent sleep schedule (though Melvinborg rarely ever stuck to that). This time, you actually cuddled him, which was something that happened rarely since he seemed to enjoy being the one to keep you close to him- you knew it was just because you were fluffed and he wanted to savor it, but he wouldn't admit that and you knew so.
"Even though I don't like the fact you decided to snoop around my lab, I can't say I'm mad at you anymore." Melvin stated, which gained your attention. "Really? Is it because you-" "It's not because I enjoy your affection when you're soft, no." He interrupted you, which only verified your suspicions. "Mhm, sureee," You teased. "Alright, you're sleep talking, go to bed." He stated quickly, resting his head against your chest and snuggling up to you. "I am not-" "You're so very sleepy, you should absolutely fall asleep, right now. Go to sleep." He stated, talking even quicker that time.
"Alright alright, fiiine," You chuckled, letting him stay as close as he wanted to you- which was actually very close, he was practically clung to you. "I love you." You spoke softly, gently resting your head against his. "I love you too, you.. dumby." He mumbled, seemingly tired himself which didn't surprise you. "I may be a dumby, but I'm yourrr dumby." You stated, hearing him chuckle softly. "Go to bed before I make you." He ordered. "Okayyy," You sighed, finally relaxing fully as you and him both fell asleep together. Honestly, you'd have to get him to make that concoction again.
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just-a-carrot · 1 year
Re: the line about other side stuff you want to do in the future. Honestly that's so fair and I relate sijdiasdji, I'm always personally conflicted about how much more I should do because if I could I would make an infinite number of side games asaisdsad BUT OBVIOUSLY I can't I am but one Creature. I will be waving my little flags of support for you, the potato, and the possible Many Other Carrots™️, because whatever direction you decide to take your work in I'm sure will be-- and is-- worth it. Your skills keep on growing and while telling all stories one may wish to tell is impossible, the ones you're able to tell will be worth it. OW let me feel seen in a way that no other media has. It's up there as one of my top favorite VNs, and for good reason. MANY good reasons. Anyyyyywaaays that's all to say ✨you're doing great✨ and keep on keeping on. Whatever comes of it will be amazing.
OH I MOSTLY JUST MEANT DIFFERENT TYPES OF OW SIDE GAMES THAT AREN'T RELATED TO OFW. like, i feel like i don't think i'll ever actually make another OFW side game because it's kind of self-contained and though i love thinking about it, i don't know if i'd have enough ideas to make another complete game. however, i'd still love to make other OW side games in general dkjfadsf unsure at this moment what they would be... but i have various Idea Kernels bumping and bopping about in the noggin. i also plan to do some sort of remaster of OW once it's complete -- there are CGs in the early arcs i want to go back and redo because they Pain Me now. also even some sprites kind of grate on me... guhh... at the very least, i want to make sure char designs and stuff are just made more consistent, as you can see where some of the early designs look a bit different to how i draw them now (mostly small details, though it's more apparent on some chars than others lkdjfads). coupled with that i'd love to do things like add some livelier scripting to some of the earlier arcs, as well as maybe even draw a few more CGs here and there. who can say. i also did that poll a while back about potentially adding optional iggy side images. i'm still thinking about that.
i think if i did return to OFW it would end up being something similar -- maybe a remaster type thing where i go back in and add some of the CGs that i didn't have time to do in the time restrictions but that i would have loved to add. then giving it the feature treatment like with OW by adding a gallery and other stuff. if i did that, maybe i would add some other little extra, like some extra scenes or hidden scenes. that could be a way to do a little bit more with the story without committing to a whole new game lakdjfad COMPLETELY UNSURE THO AND NO ACTUAL PLANS RIGHT NOW. i still need to finish the main game before any of this can happen LOL
as far as stuff completely unrelated to OW / future different games, i do have one idea i've been cultivating for a long time i'd love to potentially make into a game eventually. but i think it needs a bit more stewing time in the brain first. and i still have a lot i want to do with the OW world beforehand
HHHHHHH THANK YOU THO. FOR ALL THESE LOVELY WORDS AND THOUGHTS. i am really happy and touched if people can enjoy these characters and world... 🥺💕
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tekutiger · 1 year
For the past week or so, I've been logging in to Disney Dreamlight Valley again (after a 2 month hiatus 😅). They have a "Haunted Holiday Star Path" event going on right now. When it comes to games I genuinely like, I do actually have fomo and I hate it, lol. So, here I am 🙃
I've been playing a bit of catch up. Like, they added Beauty and the Beast! That was my favorite OG Disney movie growing up. And then Mulan came along and I was like !!! Okay now those two are my favorites (because I couldn't decide between the two).
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I also finally watched the live action Beauty and the Beast for the first time. It's been out for a while now, I know... I'm just slow when it comes to watching movies or anything on tv. In my opinion it was very well done! I'm not a harsh critic though.
I also watched the live action Little Mermaid and I really loved it. It gave the characters so much more depth, and displayed more marine creatures than I thought they would have. The actors put so much life and emotion into their vocals in their songs, I was very impressed.
And I touch on this a bit below, but being an octo-nerd, there were things about Ursula that they added to the movie, that was not in the original, and I was like holy crap! I wonder how many people are going to catch onto that? It's when she's shuffling through her ingredient cabinets to create one of her concoctions and her 'arms' (she refers to them as 'tentacles', probably because younger audiences will be like ??? if she says arms, but the correct term is actually 'arms'). They are acting independently from her because octopuses have nine brains. One brain in each arm and one in the mantle (head). So each arm thinks for itself. When she says she can't find anything, everything always gets lost, it's probably because her eight arms are putting things back on the shelves however they please and her main-brain (mantle i.e. head) isn't paying attention to keep track of it all 😅
Okay- weird thing that I complain about often to my friends cause we all play this, and unrelated to the live action movie. Eric, in this game, stalks me, and it's flippen weird. I think everyone who plays this has a character that stalks them though, as if it's in the programming and it's RNG of who it is. I say that because I'll go to Twitch and watch it happen to streamers, and they'll make comments about their 'stalker'. It's just somehow my 'stalker' ended up being Eric 🤷🏻‍♀️. For some, it's Kristoff. Others, it's Maui. I dunno... it's weird.
(For the record, I know they're all programmed to come and find you, but I mean- in this case, there's ONE specific character that follows you WAY MORE than usual.)
Anyone who knows me, knows I have this obsession with the Ocean (also space) and octopuses, and jellyfish... hence why I have the Ursula attire (she's the Octo Queen!). Her quest line, should you put out the moonstones and buy her bundle, is worth it imo, but I'm also biased as heck. I just find it ironic that I'm literally dressed like Ursula 2.0 and Eric stalks me more than half the time I'm in-game, lol 😓. The sound of his flute puts me in that state of like 🙀 -startled cat, eyes wide, looking everywhere, ducking behind furniture-
Ariel, go pay more attention to your man plskthx. I will give it to the live action production for the movie. The actor who plays Eric is handsome and plays the role well 👌🏻 (doesn't make me wanna hide any less though in-game 😑)
I totally veered off course of why I'm writing this post. My rambling is getting worse, akjdhjs.
SO. The star path...!
Last year when we got the first Halloween star path, if memory serves, I recall it not having any Tim Burton, The Nightmare Before Christmas items at all and being really bummed out about it. I figured it was because they couldn't get a contract signed, permission, copyright something or other. The game was still very new afterall.
There's a biome in DDLV named the Forgotten Lands and it's mostly purple hues. I knew the aesthetics would be perfect for The Nightmare Before Christmas if I just waited for it... and now this year a handful of items are in the Star Path event. I've been so ready.
Oh, and we also get... !!
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With the new items, I totally remodeled my biome. It's looking cute~
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Here's some better shots of a couple Nightmare Before Christmas outdoor furniture pieces (just a couple but they're big pieces). The notorious Skellington's Hill and the popular Frightful Fountain. 👇🏻
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And the great thing about this game is, we're just going to continue to get even more fun items and grow as the game develops. We also have the Christmas Star path coming up, at some point. Wonder if there's going to be some interesting items in that 🤔
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Oh yeah, I got a cutie Pirate Parrot from this Star Path too ❤️
One Final Edit: On Twitter they mentioned that they added an "AUTUMNBUNDLE" code. If you're playing and missed it, you can copy and paste that in for some furniture pieces.
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Should be in the Settings menu > Help > Code box (under 'import avatar') > hit 'claim' after typing it in.
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daggzandarrowsnew · 2 years
Prompt: Peanut finds out about Zelena and is upset that her parents forgave her, "it takes a lot of courage to try & change your life."
"A foot will come crashing through that ceiling one day soon," Regina sighed as she whisked the pancake batter, shaking her head at the unrelenting thuds from above as their children raced to get ready despite Robin having woken them all a good half hour ago, "I can guarantee it."
"You love the chaos," he grinned, catching her by the waist and stepping in close as he dropped a kiss upon her shoulder before resting his chin there, that handsome grin still visible in her peripheral causing her own lips to curve at the ends despite herself. 
He was right, of course he was right. All she had ever wanted was a house filled with the laughter and infectious energy of children. Ever since she was just a young girl herself, and though there had been a time in her life when such things had felt so out of her reach, here she was, a mother of 3 with another well on the way for them. She couldn't deny her adoration for their household and not to Robin especially. Still, she shrugged, feigning denial without voicing it and revelling in his low and delicious chuckle as he smoothed his palms over her round stomach.
"I can't believe we're doing this all over again."
"I know," she breathed, unable to hold her faux annoyance and shaking her head in wonder this time as she placed the mixture on the countertop and began turning slowly to face him when his arms loosened enough for her to do so. She laughed with him when her belly pressed into his, dislodging his sweater a little from his jeans before she lifted her arms to drape them over his shoulders and swirled her fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck. "Are you ready for it all again?"
His eyes moved lovingly over her face, studying Regina in the same way he always had, as though drinking her in before she disappeared. He grinned down at her, "With you? Always, my love."
Her smile matched his own before she was lifting herself onto her toes - heels had finally been relinquished when her feet had swollen and wearing them had verged on excruciating - and capturing his lips in a soft kiss, humming happily against his mouth when his hands rubbed gently over the small of her aching back.
"Eurgh, seriously!?" Roland cringed as he came bounding into the kitchen, moving instantly over to the cupboard to grab himself a bowl and some cereal, popping a frosted flake into his mouth and crunching on it as he set himself up at the kitchen counter and began pouring the contents into his bowl, "will you ever stop doing that?"
Robin had yet to let go of Regina as he pressed a kiss to her cheek before turning to their son and answering with a simple, "Nope," that had her laughing softly as Roland's eyes rolled - ever the teenager.
"I'm gonna move in with Henry, I swear."
"Good luck trying to convince him," Robin replied, his hands not leaving her until she was too far for him to reach as she moved to begin cooking the pancakes, "I'd say he's all set to ask his girl to move in with him."
Robin’s focus moved from his son to his wife, her look of horror apparently amusing to him with the way his lips curled before he nodded and told her, "He hasn’t told me outright, but he was moving some things around when I paid him a visit the other day. Clearing some space, that kind of thing."
"But they're too young!"
"Mom," Roland spoke next, a look of amused incredulity on his face as he pointed out, "they've been together forever!"
"And they are adults now," Robin added.
"Young adults," she amended for him, ignoring their laughter as she shook her head, so not ready for her first baby to take this big of a step. "He's twenty-three not-"
"What? Like fifty?" Roland sassed, pulling a snort of laughter from his father and a glare from his mother. "You'd still have him living here, tucking him in at night and reading him stories if you could."
Her mouth dropped open, spatula held frozen in mid-air as she looked from son to husband and back again, unable to come up with an appropriate response because, yes, actually, she would. Instead, she merely snapped her mouth shut and turned back to the pancakes, busying herself with their breakfast as Robin laughed sympathetically and moved towards her.
"Let's not upset your mother this early, Ro, hmm?"
"Aw," he groaned, his seat scraping against the floor as he pushed up and off of it, "you're gonna get all gross again aren't you."
"You better believe it, my boy."
"I am so out."
Robin chuckled, hands finding Regina's hips as he watched him leave before his chin found its place on her shoulder again. He squeezed gently when she remained silent and asked, "You okay, sweetheart?" and then, when she didn't reply, he assured, "we were only teasing, we didn't mean anything by it."
"I know," she replied after a long moment, because she did, of course she did, "it's just…"
She frowned as she transferred the first set of pancakes from the pan to a plate before turning to glance at her husband. Her eyes fell from his own, to his lips and back again as she swallowed and confessed, "I'm not ready for Henry to not need me anymore."
His concern faded from his face as an incredulous smile curled his mouth and he breathed a laugh through his nose.
Robin shook his head, dropping his lips to her shoulder to place a soft kiss there before lifting his head and finding her eyes once more. "If you truly believe that your boy, or any of our children for that matter, will ever stop needing you," he pecked her cheek, "then you are sorely mistaken, my love."
She didn't reply with words, but he could still see the doubt in her lovely eyes, the want to believe him but the inability to despite the closeness she shared with all of their children. It had been so very many years since she’d struggled with accepting her place in their lives, with accepting that she had people who cared for and worried for her and most days it was never a doubt in her mind now but every now and then, those old insecurities managed to whisper in her ear once more. 
“Besides,” he continued, swaying them gently from side to side, “he’s dropping a load of laundry by later this afternoon.”
Her fear broke with a breath of laughter as she rolled her eyes and replied, “Of course he is.”
“Where the hell did you manage to find this many!?" she feigned frustration even as a smile curled her lips because, sure enough, the moment she came to a stop beneath the mistletoe, Robin's hands found her waist and spun her around to face him, his grin smug and far too attractive in her opinion.
"I have my sources."
"Mmm," she hummed, hands sliding up and over his chest to wrap her arms loosely around his neck, "I'm sure you do, thief."
It began with nothing but a press of his lips to her own at first, a beautifully tender kiss that had her humming low in her throat as his hands moved to rub at the base of her back in a way he knew she adored with the strain of her pregnancy. He sucked gently at her top lip before slipping his tongue into her mouth when she opened for him and sliding it against her own.
They kept it slow, deliciously so, as they simply enjoyed one another on this blessed holiday because, despite their many years of being together, they were even more in love now than they ever had been.
"Every single time," Henry whined from the doorway, levelling the pair with an overly dramatic grimace when they parted with a wet smack and turned their heads to look at him. "I swear," he shook his head, "it's like you wait until I'm coming over!"
"You think I don't snog your Mom every chance I get?" Robin teased, pressing one last kiss to Regina's cheek before moving towards Henry and pulling him in for a tight hug with a chuckle at his son's expression, "because you'd be severely mistaken if that were the case."
"Yeah, well…" Henry cleared his throat with an awkward cough before looking to Regina with a sheepish smile curling his lips, "I brought you an early Christmas present!"
"I'm honoured," she replied with a deadpan expression before making her own way towards him and taking his laundry bag with a roll of her eyes as she pressed a kiss to his cheek. "You can come help me load the washing machine though," she instructed, glad to hear his footsteps echoing her own, "and tell me all about this little rumour I've been hearing."
"And what rumour is that?"
"I can't believe you told her!"
"She's my wife!" Robin defended as he watched mother and son enter the kitchen, the former with a rather evil little smirk curling her lips as she moved to stand beside him. His arm came up to wrap around her shoulders and pull her close – she wrapped one arm around his waist whilst the other came across her body to rest her hand on his chest – as he shrugged at Henry, "besides, she was going to find out soon enough anyway."
"I haven't even asked Grace yet though," Henry replied with a heavy sigh, "the moment hasn't yet presented itself."
"And it never will," Robin replied honestly, continuing at the twin frowns from both Regina and Henry. "You'll want everything to be perfect – the weather, the time of day, the setting – but the truth is," he lifted his free hand to rest it over Regina's on his chest as his thumb rubbed gently over her engagement and wedding ring, "any moment together will be good enough for the simple fact that you are together."
It was a long moment before anyone spoke as both took in his words but, as expected, Regina's head lowered to rest on his shoulder as she squeezed him around the middle affectionately and Henry replied, "You know, sometimes you're sappier than Grandpa C."
Robin's laughter rumbled freely in his chest as Regina's shoulders bounced with her own.
"But I guess you're right," Henry continued with a sigh, "I'm just putting it off for fear that she'll say no."
"Then you're not as intelligent as I raised you to be," Regina replied with a laugh as she straightened up once more but remained close to Robin, the hand on his chest dropping to rest on her stomach, "that girl is besotted with you."
"And she practically lives at your place already!" Robin added with an eyeroll because of the simple truth of it. "It's a rarity for us to come over and find you alone as it is. Just ask your girl to move in with you and be done with it. It'll be the best decision you'll ever make."
"Save for giving us Grandbabies," Regina pointed out with a smirk.
"One day, Mom," Henry laughed before they all startled a little at the sound of the front door opening having lost track of time.
There was the sound of the door slamming shut before they heard a pair of footsteps much faster and louder than the other as Roland called out, "Scar, just wait!"
"Roland?" Robin called, his frown just as deep as Regina's at the sound of their son's voice as both began making their way to the door with Henry following close behind.
Their youngest and only daughter was storming across the foyer, a murderous expression on her face that Regina knew to be inherited as she asked, "Sweetheart, what's wrong?"
But when Scarlett only ignored her, Robin instructed, "Answer your mother, Scarlett."
She let out a sarcastic laugh – a horrible sound coming from her angelic little body – before she turned with eyes full of rage and spat, "She's not my mother," levelling Regina with an awful snarl for a long moment before she took off at speed and ran up the stairs and out of sight.
Regina's heart was pounding in her chest, her throat tight with emotion as she looked from the space Scarlett had just been filling to Roland.
"What was that about?" Robin was the one to ask, his arm tightening around Regina for he could feel her trembling in his arms as Henry's hand came to rest on her shoulder, support from the only other person who'd ever uttered those words to her and knew how they broke her.
Roland looked from the stairs to his parents, apologetic eyes instantly finding Regina's as he explained, "She knows about Zelena."
"No…" Regina breathed as the tears in her eyes finally fell, "How could she-"
"She was waiting outside of school when we finished."
"She's back?!"
"She knows not to speak to her!" Robin and Regina spoke at the same time as Roland shook his head and moved closer to them.
"She didn't or, well, she wasn't going to. I think she just wanted to see her, but that idiot Eli saw her and shouted for Scarlett to speak to her 'witchy mommy'. I told her to just ignore him but then some of the others joined in and she begged me to tell her the truth on the way back," he shook his head dejectedly as he added, "I'm sorry guys."
"It isn't your fault, Roland," Regina replied with a voice heartbreakingly thick as tears glistened in her eyes. She patted Robin's hand – a quiet plea for him to let her go – before she made her way out into the foyer and slowly began to climb the stairs. Despite her heartbreak at hearing those words from Scarlett's mouth, she wasn't one to allow wounds to fester.
Regina sank to the floor with her back against the wood of Scarlett's door at her daughter's continued silence. They'd had many a conversation – or lack thereof – in this position for Scarlett had most certainly inherited the Mills' stubbornness, but Regina knew that this was most definitely one of if not the most important conversations they were going to have, active participants or not. So, with a hand taking comfort from the generous swell of her stomach, she began.
"Things were so very different before you were born, sweetheart. Your father and I almost lost one another too many times to count in the space of just a year. We had absolutely no idea what was going to happen from one day to the next except for one thing. The moment we knew that you were going to be coming into our lives, we understood that there was a bigger purpose for us and our family. We were supposed to be together, all of us.
"It was one of the hardest things we've ever had to do, coming to terms with what my sister had done to your father simply to punish me but there was never a doubt in anyone's mind that we wanted you." She swallowed thickly as her head thudded softly against the door, hearing no sound from within as she closed her eyes and pushed on.
"Zelena was allowed very little time with you once you were born and certainly none of which was alone time. We were always there, present and watching. Things were difficult but we made it work and then one day your father told Zelena that, though he would never like her, he forgave her." Regina allowed a wistful smile to curl her lips as she confessed, "Impossibly, I fell even deeper in love with him that day. It takes a lot of courage to try and change your life and that was what he was doing that day. He was putting aside every ill feeling – deservedly felt – and giving my sister the chance to change.
"She did change," she shook her head despite knowing Scarlett wouldn't be able to see it, "but not in the way he'd hoped. Without that hatred, without that burning anger in your father, Zelena had nothing to cling to but acceptance and so, with no idea what to do with it, she fled. I managed to track her down in Oz not too long after your first birthday and I told her that she was never to contact us again. We'd given her far more than she deserved already and still she couldn't see the right path. She didn't deserve you and you didn't deserve the hurt of her return for her to leave once again. It was unforgivable what she did.
"You are one of the most precious things in my life, Scarlett Marian Locksley, and the thought of giving you up as she had is absolutely unimaginable to me…but I know that I have let you down in not telling you this sooner. You deserve to know where you come from, to discover who you are for yourself with all of the facts. We only kept it from you to protect you, but I see now that it has only hurt you anyway and my heart breaks to think that I was the cause of that," she sniffed as tears fell from her eyes and trailed down her cheeks, "I truly am sorry, my darling."
Regina took a moment to compose herself, taking a steadying breath to keep from crying any further – she felt as though she could quite easily drown in her tears – before shifting forward onto her knees and opening her eyes only to find a swirling cloud of pale pink smoke forming. Scarlett's arms were around her neck before she was even able to see her face properly.
"I'm sorry for what I said, Mama." It'd been a long time since her thirteen-year-old had called her such a name and it had Regina's tears falling once more as she clung on to her girl as best she could with her bump between them, "I was angry and embarrassed, but I shouldn't have been mean to you. You are the best Mom I could ever ask for. I don't need anyone else."
Later, when Regina is able to let go of her daughter – though it's still too soon for Regina – they'll talk it out as a family and both Henry and Roland will explain to Scarlett that, though she didn't grow in Regina's tummy, much like they didn't, she grew in Regina's heart. It'll still take some time – and Zelena's disappearance once more – but she knows they will get there eventually for they have one another and that is where they were always meant to be. Every single one of them.
I am back in an OQ rewatch and writing my feelings so feel free to submit any prompts you may have :) I am open to writing Regina x Friendships too!
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