#update from the anthill
trancylovecraft · 9 months
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SEQUEL (Yanplatonic Demon! Arthur A. Angel x Okumura! Reader + Exwires)
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• Ooh. Not good for all three of you.
• I headcannon Shiro as insanely protective, Possessive and Manipulative in general so this really isn’t gonna be a fun time.
• You are Rin and Yukio’s sister, The youngest triplet of the children born from the union of Satan and Yuri. You, Just like Rin, Have inherited the blue flames unlike Yukio. Your heart being sealed within the hilts of twin daggers.
• Shiro’s tendencies started on The Blue Night. When he had held You, Rin and Yukio in his arms for the first time he had grown a fondness for the three of you.
• Not like he’d ever admit it though, Shiro didn’t want to take care of a bunch of demon’s brats. Especially Satan’s, He had plans to get out of here and you three weren’t going to convince him otherwise.
• It’s only when Mephisto catches him in his bet, The one where he couldn’t back down from any demon (Including Nephilim) That he’s now forced to take care of them.
• He’s pissed, Furious beyond words. Mephisto had fooled him, His plan had worked and now he was forced to take care of Satan’s spawn as apart of his bet.
• Though something unexpected happens. He grows fond of you all, Becoming the primary caretaker amongst the monks at the convent. And sure enough, He grows attached
• You are the princess of the family, Both because you’re the youngest and because.. You remind him of Yuri both personality-wise and the way your smile just causes flashes back to her.
• Due to this, You’re spoiled to high hell. Plushes, Toys, Pillows and food. Everything you could ever want would be handed to you, Thankfully being able to be paid by his wage as a paladin.
• You get away with lots too, Often being the one to take the blame for your brothers when they screw up because.. Shiro just cannot stay mad at you when you smile at him like that.
• You also get a room to yourself unlike your brothers who had to share.
• Though this comes with drawbacks such as his protective aspect going CRAZY. Like Shiro will not let you outside of the convent without him, Not even trusting Rin or Yukio.
• Shiro might even go as far as to convince you that you have an illness. That's why you cant leave, Why you’re so spoiled! Shiro may even put a few of his familiars up to “convince” you, Kin of Astaroth you cant see due to not having a temptaint.
• Rin, Is the second most spoiled though its like comparing an anthill to a mountain when next to you.
• Rin gets more spoiled in privileges such as freedom to go wherever he wants (as long as he keeps Shiro updated via text every half hour) As well as actually being able to go to a normal school unlike you being home-schooled and Yukio doing his exorcist stuff.
• Though Rin does have freedom, Shiro has installed trackers on all of his devices and makes sure that he’s being safe. Sometimes if his paranoia was up, Shiro would follow him. If any demon tries to get near him then their heads would be off with a single shell of his shotgun.
• Knowing Rin though, He gets into a lot of fights. Shiro only wants to keep Rin safe so its only natural that he never sees any of his opponents again. Maybe in a news article but don’t worry about it, He was sketchy enough so he was bound to get into trouble eventually!
• Yukio is an interesting case.
• This is where Shiro’s manipulative tendencies really start to shine, Teaching Yukio since he was a toddler about demons and how to fight them. Though the reason Shiro does it is.. For a different reason than in canon.
• Yukio gets taught to look out for both You and Rin, Gets basically indoctrinated into Shiro’s own tendencies and made to believe that this was for all of your own goods.
• This makes Yukio the peacekeeper. Since you and Rin both look up to him, You both believe him when he tells you that Shiro just wants the best after you both come to him about your suspicions
• That doesn’t mean there isn’t any love for him though. Shiro teaches him to wield a gun to make sure he can defend himself and his siblings while he is away. Shiro isolates Yukio from others, Shura being his only companion since she's Shiro’s disciple.
• Kuro, Being Shiro’s familiar is often assigned to trailing you all and giving reports on your wellbeing. No secret is safe when Kuro is on the case.
• You all often get treated with days out, Shiro enjoying spending time with his kids. Parks, Carnivals or playgrounds. Wherever you all go, Shiro makes sure to keep an eye out due to all the horrid men in this world.
• When you all were little, Swear to god this man had a three-calibre baby holder. He thought it was funny but the pictures make you cringe inside.
• If you all ever do get suspicious and try to run away, Then Shiro would get absolutely pissed.
• His own children, The kids he had raised trying to get away from him? Unacceptable. With his skills and connections as the paladin it wouldn’t be difficult to find you all again, Easy dragged back to the parish by the tails if he has to.
• You’d all be grounded to high hell. Bars on your windows, Thrown into the same room so its easier to keep an eye on you all. The monks at the parish grow weary but they can’t argue against the paladin, Who threatens them with their jobs if they snitch.
• Shiro makes sure to off any person who could’ve hurt any of his kids, Easily covering it up and moving on with his day.
• He tries to make it up to you all, To try and make sure that you all don't fear him. You don’t, Right? He’s your father, You shouldn’t be afraid!
• In truth you all are horrified. The man who raised them was a monster, Committing deeds only revealed to them now and ones that made them want to throw up.
• You are crying, Unable to accept the truth as you hide under your covers. Rin lashes out like a cornered animal, Yelling so angrily but deep down he is terrified. Yukio is in denial, Insisting that there must be some explanation for why Shiro had been acting like this.
• When Satan possesses him and he dies in a burst of blue flames, He can only hope that he did a good job. That his children, And only his will be safe.
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kinnato · 7 months
First ever fic cause i’m so bored and i don’t wanna do HW, It’s 4 AM, I’m tired, and gay so this is what you’re getting. Don’t interact if you’re homophobic or other stuff i don’t care what you think on this ship. Won’t update again probably, fic was ended early on cause i’m TIREDDD, also was not proof read so sorry if the grammar isn’t 100%. 1k words.
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The rumbling of thunderous strikes plague Los Angeles, it streaks across the ever darkening night sky, painting the sky a violently beautiful blue. It highlights a certain mansion, home to an actor, but if you ask him he’s not ‘just an actor’. He’s an award winning director and actor, hot people can be talented too. The smell of rain is running through the house, the hearing of the puttering-pitting rain drops on the window, begging to be inside. A young man stirs awake from the light of his phone on the bedside table buzzing, a light flashes from the notification displaying the actor’s wall paper. It displays a blurry photo of a portal, the camera was shaken when it was taken as if it was hit.. perchance by an ex yakuza member?
The man tries to ignore it, but as one says ‘curiosity killed the cat’ and if one receives a notification in the middle of the night what’s the harm in waking up a little the actor believes as he stretches up, his hair falls on his face covering his eyes. He runs his hands through his soft brunette hair pushing it back as he stretches his back hearing cracks, the soreness of such leading into a slouch, but he puts his back up straight as he licks the dryness of the night off of his lips and grabs his phone. A few unsuccessful annoyed attempts at Face ID due to it being so dark, his phone unlocks and he sees the notification. The actor listens to it it.
“Johnny, my apologies for texting you so late into the night, may I stay for a while until my flight goes? Signed, Kenshi Takahashi.”
There’s a verdant green around the text message, Kenshi is adamant about not buying an IPhone due to the obscene cost. Johnny chuckles quietly to himself, of course Kenshi would use a voice message like he would a letter, that stubborn man would rather get blinded again then give up his manners. Johnny sends an audio message back, he clears the night time gunk out of it with a few ‘m-mms.’ and drinks water to lubricate his larynx. After all of this he still sends a voice message that sounds like Johnny just stirred away, in which he did.
“Kendoll you already know you are welcome at any time baby. Love Johnny.”
He shorthand mocks Kenshi’s manners, ignoring the fact he causes a blush like a anthill reacting when boots step on it. As if clockwork, the sound of a doorbell echos throughout the house, hitting its way to Johnny’s ears. Johnny stands up quickly and rushes not even taking in the darkness of the house, ignoring the need to turn on lights due to the harshness, he wraps a soft velvet robe with the initials ‘JC’ on the back. It was soft and smelt like lavender, the texture of the velvet like an enrapturing warmth in the coldness of the home, well… it’s gonna be home once Kenshi steps inside.
The unprotected feet feel the bitter cold of the floor as Johnny practically limps tiredly to the door. He’s “busted as hell”. He has dried drool on his chin horrifyingly matching his unshaven stubble and eye bags from tirelessly working on his ‘Mortal Kombat’ script.
His hand opens the door and he meets Kenshi. Kenshi is wearing a button up shirt, and pants. He’s drenched in rain water, his blindfold still on tight as ever.
“Thank you, Johnny.” Kenshi says as he walks inside and closes the door. The lighting still streaks every once in a while. Johnny chuckles handsomely at this man is in disarray. “Rough night with the ladies?”. Johnny jokes as he takes Kenshi’s hand. He leads the blind man throughout the house to a bathroom to dry off.
“No, just my flight to Japan got cancelled.” Kenshi spoke, his voice gruff from coughing out from the cold. “Still wearing my gift huh?” the actor chuckled as he noticed, when they get to the bathroom Johnny braces as he turns on the lights. He grabs Kenshi’s hand and places it on his cheek. “I haven’t forgot what you’ve done for me, but” a short silence comes. “where’s Sentō?” Johnny says confused, it’s attached to the blind man almost always. “Sent through TSA before hand so I won’t get jumped by the agents if I try to get on with a sword. “Oh, alright how the hell did you get here?” Johnny asks confused, Kenshi doesn’t respond.
“I want to remember your face.”
Kenshi spoke quietly as his hands slowly start tracing Johnny’s face. Johnny’s face reflects the shortest wavelength back at Kenshi too embarrassed to talk. Kenshi felt the warmth spread to his palm, he doesn’t comment on it and continues tracing Johnny’s face with his hands.
“Kenshi you’re gonna catch a cold, you’re still wet.” Johnny speaks, then Kenshi drags his thumb over Johnny’s lips to hush him. “Shh..” he breathes out, he feels the grooves in the man’s smile lines, the soft hair on top of his head, the ridge on his nose, and the growing stubble.
The taste of anticipation lingers on Johnny’s tounge, he lets the blind man explore his face, taking time with it. “Am I as pretty as you met me?” Johnny chuckles out, Kenshi groans but still continues tracing his face. He pulls his hands away and starts to take off his clothes, Johnny respectfully looks away. “Johnny, grab some of your clothes for me.” Kenshi says, Johnny goes quickly. His eyes already accounted for light as he turns on the lights on the house with the help of his alexa
Johnny comes back with clothes, his heart pounds in his chest as he sees Kenshi naked wrapped in a towel in front of him. “Wasting no time I see?” Johnny jokes and pins Kenshi to a wall, clothes in his other hand as he smirks. “I can practically smell your shit eating grin Johnny, give me the damn clothes.” Kenshi laughs out as he smiles along too.
“You can eh?” Johnny cocks a brow and puts his head into Johnny’s neck smiling, Kenshi feels it.. and some nips from Johnny.
“Watch it!” Kenshi laughs out as he kisses Johnny’s forehead. “Man I missed you, do you really have to go? I can help y’know I did beat you.” Kenshi just sighs. “Johnny I have to fight for my clans honor, besides you have a movie.” Johnny groans and he almost angrily hands Kenshi his clothes as he un pins him and leans on the counter looking away for Kenshi to change. “Alright alright sexy face, just promise me you’ll stay in touch.”
Kenshi gets changed and leisurely relaxes on Johnny. “Fair.” Kenshi and Johnny away quietly to the rain and thunder as they eventually creep into bed, cuddling eachother until they fall asleep intertwined in love and comfort.
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tuesday again 9/26/2023
six sentences or less, bc having a physical form has been super duper extra fun this past week
i like Chappell Roan very much as an artist/performer/media personality (and have previously featured tuesdaysongs Pink Pony Club and Red Wine Supernova), but i do not like her new album The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess very much as an album. it is not very good to listen straight through as a work. very high high and very very low vibes all over the place, three different kinds of club bangers interspersed with torch songs. After Midnight both sonically and like, vocal delivery? reminds me a lot of modern paramore?? chill but danceable, a canonically bisexual song.
what would we fucking do without Riptide Publishing and their batshit insane (lovingly) catalog? The Glamour Thieves by Don Allman is the platonic ideal of a "one last job"-style heist book, in gay urban magic/paranormal wrapping paper. had remarkably good action sequences, buckets of atmosphere, excellent pacing. i read it in one sitting and was up until 3AM. my library doesn't have the other two in the trilogy, so i'm impatiently waiting until there's more fun money in the fun money budget
JT is an orc on the way up. He’s got his own boutique robotics shop, high-end clientele, and deep-pocketed investors. He’s even mentoring an orc teen who reminds him a bit too much of himself back in the day.  Then Austin shows up, and the elf’s got the same hard body and silver tongue as he did two years ago when they used to be friends and might have been more. He’s also got a stolen car to bribe JT to saying yes to one last scheme: stealing the virtual intelligence called Blue Unicorn. Soon JT’s up to his tusks in trouble, and it ain’t just zombies and Chinese triads threatening to tear his new life apart. Austin wants a second chance with JT—this time as more than just a friend—and even the Blue Unicorn is trying to play matchmaker.
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the latest Felix Colgrave and partner Zoë Medcraft video has big madeline vibes. in a big giant anthill all covered in vines lived twelve billion ants in many straight lines. love to watch an ant carry off an entire head of garlic
the next g/enshin update is rapidly approaching and that's about all i've been doing the entire time i've been sick. toodling around and finishing off stray quests here and there, accidentally discovering i never engaged with a fairly major quest, exploring nooks and crannies for stray chests and puzzles.
i did an extremely tiresome quest chain and rejuvenated this big tree that you can see from three other in-game nations which is pretty cool. i wish it looked slightly less like a nuclear test cloud?
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this monarch butterfly of a claymore-wielding woman will be released in late winter/early spring hopefully and i Must have her. this game is so good to me re: women with giant swords
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fallow week. i hope to GOD i will have the energy this week to make these fucking couch covers i want them to be Done
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convexicalcrow · 1 year
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k I finally got around to updating the region map to include the places relevant to The Lost Prince AU. Some places, esp the tribal lands in the west, aren't relevant to this particular branch of the story, but if you're unfamiliar with how far these places are from each other, here's a sense of it for you. <3 Djesdjes to the Faiyum is ... 11 days travel? by camel? if I am remembering my notes correctly. If that helps give you a sense of distance.
Also excuse there being sand where it says Mountains, bc there are Definitely Mountains there in my AU, just not in this version of the world. Neos Apollonia is situated on the Siwa Oasis (iirc) (it's an oasis of some kind iirc), but that has its own story. That city is fictional. The Copper King's mines are fictional. The tribal lands are also mostly fictional, since the tribes that do live out there are fictional, as is the tribe that lives on the Green Mountain. Everything else is a real place, just borrowed for this particular AU.
As for city rulers, Pix rules the copper mines, Pearl rules Djesdjes (bc why not), Sausage rules Khemenu (bc Hermopolis is Hermes' city), and Joel rules Waset (bc it's Diospolis, Zeus' city). Much of the copper mine's inspiration came from Old Pixandria and the Anthill that Pix never finished. I liked the idea of it being more of an underground civilisation, protected from the desert heat, and ofc it's copper mines, it's what Pixandria's famous for.
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bocceclub · 1 year
okay actually I decided to try it for fun and the conlangers kinda went off with constructing etymologies and shit. sharing the results of my quick and dirty experimental place-name construction and how I arrived at it so said conlangers can nitpick me.
Starting name: Merwan
Name given by the local Thaish people to a range of low, glaciated old mountains along the southeastern coast of the Isle Varnaan. It’s supposed to mean “anthills” or “ant nests” in an older dialect. I’ve been wanting to update it so it follows the (loose) conventions I’ve established for Thaish phonology and syntax. The Thaish language family is very-somewhat-slightly inspired by Old Irish and Proto-Celtic, with some Proto-Brythonic thrown in just because.
So, starting out - establish the name we want means “ant nest” (I’m going with nest to avoid the repetition of hill/mountain).
Ant: I want the Thaish word to translate literally to “biting thing”.
Nest: I’m making a word that can mean nest, den, lair, etc. Used in reference to animals, usually never to humans unless in a negative sense ( “scurrying back to his nest, is he?” ).
Dedicated conlangers won’t like this but I just played with sounds until I hit on something I liked and which sounded internally consistent.
Wead = ant, lit. “biting thing”, from Proto-Thaish eathi, “to cut”. Shares a root with ead, the word for river.
Imin = nest, from Proto-Thaish eimiini, “to hide”.
Thaish word order is subject (n) + descriptor (adj) so this comes out as imin wead.
Thaish also likes compounding place-names, so we end up with Iminwead.
According to Thaish conventions, a place-name always includes a prefix that tells you what kind of place it is (Dan for a mountain, Ead for a river, Tir for a city, etc). That gives us Dana Iminwead. In the case of mountains, the descriptor can also be used alone by modifying it into a plural noun with the suffix -a. Now we have Iminweada as well.
Old South Varnaanite Thaish: Dana Iminwead, Iminweada
For realism’s sake, I want to simulate what happens with real languages over time. I’ve decided that modern Thaish has trended towards simplified vowel sounds, and heavily favors consonant-heavy forms, the Varnaanite dialects especially. In Modern South Varnaanite Thaish, Iminwead has been condensed to Minwed, dropping the vowel at the beginning of the name.
So we end up with: Dana Minwed, Minweda
Honestly, I feel like this isn’t too bad for my first real attempt at a fully constructed word. It keeps the spirit of the original but (to me at least) also feels more in line with the linguistic conventions I’ve come up with. 
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antvnger · 1 year
Hello Ant-Friend anon here. I was the one who send you the message about the Anthill in our garden and my little brother.
Thank you so much to all of you for your nice words. I showed them to my brother and read it to him. I know you guys aren't the real ones but I kept this for myself as a little white lie.
All of you really made my brothers day and with that also mine. It helped so much. So again thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. You guys really made me tear up most of all because of the sweet and nice words you all said about my brother. I also loved the quote "You don't need to save the world to be a hero. Sometimes you just need to find someone who can and tell them please do something" This is so poetic.
I'm also so proud of him for trying his best but also that he came to me instead of getting himself in much more danger. He is really a hero and so smart for his age. He always sticks up for others and tries to help where he can but also knows when he has to get someone because it's nothing he can deal with on his own.
You should have seen his face how it lit up when I told him that Scott and Hank had a little message for him and how he started to jump around the house screaming "I'm still an Ant-Friend."
The both of us got to work immediately and did everything that you recommend. My brother even had the idea to put a barrier tape around the hill so no one would get close to it. and the ants can work in peace. He also decided to put the food close to their hill for now so they don't have to spend so much time to find food and can use this for their rebuild. It's just so adorable. We also had some help from our two neighbors and some friends of us who helped us collect everything we needed. We called it Project Save The Ants and even made shirts for this. Nothing special just some old white shirts were we wrote and drew on it. But we had a lot of fun and I love our friends and neighbors for jumping in and helping us.
We also got in contact with the parents of the kids and they apologized and made their kids apologize too. My brother said he would forgive them but he didn't want to be friends with them anymore. At least for as long as they are bullies and treating others like they did there.
So this was a little update. Everything's fine again and now my brother wants to become the next Ant-Man when he's older.
((Thank you so much for the update! I’ve been thinking about you and your brother all day today, and if we didn’t hear anything soon, Scott was gonna scream into the tumblr void hoping you’d see to get an update.))
What a sweet boy, I’m so glad things are better for him now! And I was happy to give him that message! It’s all true. He’s such a hero, and he’s definitely still an Ant-Friend. And someday, I know he’s gonna make one awesome Ant-Man. He’ll surpass me and Hank both. Thanks for the update, and give your little brother a hug for me!
@og-ant-man I know you’ll wanna see this too.
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tonkiwork · 2 years
Grounded game
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#Grounded game how to
#Grounded game update
#Grounded game Patch
Many enemies can kill you in just a few hits even when you're wearing armor. This is an exciting part of Grounded, but combat as a whole needs some balancing at launch. By lining spike traps and bottlenecks for home defense, players can push back against their six-legged (or more) foes.
#Grounded game how to
Enemies will attack your base, meaning how to build it is more than a cosmetic choice, unless you're playing in Creative mode. Given that you're just a centimeter tall, insects such as beetles, spiders, and even ladybugs are transformed into wild beasts you must always account for. From simple doors and walls to basketball courts and reading rooms, you're free to build to your heart's content, so long as you're willing to defend what you've made. The most exciting part of Grounded's crafting system is its already expansive base building mechanics. The game's earliest moments will be spent chopping down blades of grass and plucking pebbles and plant fibers from the earth to make a simple axe, but soon, your toolbelt expands to include other handheld objects like spears and torches.Īfter that, you'll learn how to make different armor sets, each offering different stat bonuses which can positively affect things like your defensive abilities or how long you can go without eating or drinking. The game's open world, The Backyard, is full of interesting secrets to discover and, of course, plenty of objects to craft. The premise is a strong one and Obsidian wastes no time building on it. Shocked to awaken as something smaller than an ant, the now-standard survival game ramp introduces players to its world of massive anthills, fearsome spiders, and grass as tall as buildings - or at least, that's how it all appears from your perspective. In Grounded, one to four players are shrunken down to a centimeter for reasons that aren't yet clear. Grounded Early Access Review: Big Ambitions The developers have a lot to be proud of right out of the gate with the Game Preview/Early Access version of Grounded, and even as it's clearly lacking in some areas - namely story and polish - it's easy to see the small offshoot team at Obsidian has crafted something adventurous and wonderful. Obsidian also has a few other titles in the works, including Pentiment(which is slated for a November release), Avowed, and the sequel to its 2019 role-playing game, in The Outer Worlds 2.With Grounded, Obsidian walks back years of survival games moving ceaselessly toward dreary post-apocalyptic worlds and instead imagines a colorful little-big sandbox where insects are intimidating behemoths.
#Grounded game Patch
There’s a full list of patch notes that gets into all of the details, and also states that “The “Save Game” interface now allows importing Steam saves into the Windows Store version of the game.”Īs of February 2022, the multiplayer survival game had reached 10million players overall, with the title being available on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.
#Grounded game update
The most recent public test 0.14.0 update includes several additions: pet gnats, cookery building, the ability to convert games to custom games, and a revamp to armour and weapon upgrades. The director also teases “a lot of surprises and a lot of mysteries” ahead of its release, and it will “fully uncover why you’re in the backyard, and how you’ll get out of this mess”. Brennecke states that the team is currently in the process of putting the “final touches on everything”, and that it will be the game’s “biggest update ever”.
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h0wdyydee · 3 years
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sorry for not being so active lately! I’ve been really busy with school and personal life but here’s a little snippet of the next thing im working on!
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meep-morp-s · 3 years
Febuwhump 5- "Let me see", Bly
They’re on opposite sides of the jungle when it happens. Only a day after they had parted ways on their flagship, and Aayla had told him be safe, Bly was flat on his back with a ringing in his ears and the breath knocked out of him.
He blinked the spots out of his vision until one reshaped into a helmet and armor with 327th gold and medic crimson. Wally tugged off Bly’s chestplate and tossed it aside. In the corner of his eye, he could see a burnt and bloody hole made the plastoid armor utterly useless. He groaned. Wally, always the optimist, takes this as a good sign.
“Commander, good, you’re awake. Try and stay that way.”
He does better than that. He grabs a branch and pulls himself up. He focuses on his breathing rather than the fiery pain blooming across his chest. Wally seems hesitant to let him march on, but he dutifully wraps some bacta around Bly’s chest and allows him to continue leading the assault.
“I’ll contact General Secura and let her know we’ll be late to the rendezvous.”
“No. We won’t be late, so there’s no need to contact her.”
“But in your condition–”
“She has enough on her plate, she doesn’t need to worry over nothing.”
Wally lets him be for a while. He marches away to look over other wounded with a promise to check up on Bly’s condition intermittently.
Without a functioning chestplate and doubtful that one would be able to fit over the bandages, he has a private run back to the supply train and grab him a handheld shield emitter. While he’s waiting behind cover, dually strategizing on how to push over this hill to the next Separatist outpost and how to push past the growing pain that is muddling his thoughts, Aayla calls.
He hesitates to answer. She’ll see he’s hurt immediately. Instead, he taps out a text message update of his platoon’s progress and that he’s too busy to talk.
She’ll understand. And she won’t have anything to worry about.
She calls again for updates each day. It’s standard practice, after all, but that only compounds Bly’s guilt. She’s getting more suspicious by the day, even when he switches from written communication to having his captains relay all pertinent information. His injury and its condition is not relevant. Bly’s status at all should not matter too much in the overall campaign; clones die every day, even commanders from time to time. That doesn’t stop her from asking after him each time.
His men stubbornly refuse to spill the beans on his injury. They don’t want her to worry, either. Considering how much they start to worry over him is evidence enough that Aayla doesn’t need to be bogged down by this, too. There’s nothing she can do from miles and miles away in any case.
When they are three days out from the rendezvous Wally regrets to inform Bly that the bacta was only able to do so much in protecting his open wound from the spore-filled air. He has an infection.
He can’t lead his men the next day. Not because he doesn’t want to, or because Wally pulls the medic-outranks-all card, but because he can’t march up an anthill without wheezing. His arms scream with every small movement, let alone lifting up a blaster. And his chest…
It burns. What skin is left is an angry red and surrounds a wound that seems to somehow grow larger instead of healing closed. The jungle is eating away at him as surely as it eats at his men’s spirits. The way worry probably eats away at Aayla right now.
But still, he does not tell her. There’s still another two days to go. Things could turn around, the beginnings of a fever Wally is checking him for could break, he will be fine by then.
The resistance his remaining men encounter the day before the rendezvous worries him. Will they even make it? Will Aayla, if she’s encountering the same forces of droids? The worry is enough to break him out of his fevered delirium for long enough to defend himself when droids break the front lines. Wally returns to his side, shocked to find a droideka in pieces next to Bly’s unconscious form.
Wally makes the executive medic-outranks-all decision to call the General.
She’s doing good time and is only a few miles out from the rendezvous point. A bad feeling has been eating at her for this whole trek through the jungle, and she hopes it will ease as she gets closer and closer to Bly’s side. The plan to flank the Separatists from either side was a good one, using what little forces they’ve been allotted, but still manages to have the one flaw of keeping her away from her Commander.
The feeling comes to a climax with a call from his chief medic Wally. She reroutes her platoon before even ending the call.
There are still a few dozen droids pestering their defensive position against a hillside and Aayla sweeps them away. Then she marches to the camp where the wounded are. Bly’s captains try and deter her and she sweeps them away (much more politely than she handled the droids, but with the same determination).
Wally is his last line of defense in front of his tent, though she doesn’t understand why. Bly is hurt, but doesn’t want Aayla to see him. How is she supposed to know how serious it is? The fact that he wouldn’t do this if it wasn’t serious is what worries her most.
“General, Commander Bly is resting. Maybe you could see him after we’ve transferred him to the medical frigate?”
“I’ll see him now,” she insists.
She’s sure it’s the pleading look in her eyes and not the stern voice that convinces him. All the same, and opens the tent flap and steps away to give them some privacy.
Aayla sees him laying on the ground for only a second before she has rushed to kneel at his side. “Bly,” she gasps. His eyes flutter open as she cups his sweaty cheek. His tattoos still glisten brightly.
He recognizes her and flinches. “No, you can’t,” he catches his breath. “You can’t s-see me like this.”
“Why? Don’t you want me here?”
“More than anything,” he agrees quickly. “But now, now you’re worried about me.”
“Of course I am,” she sighs. His chest, where she was told he took the hit, is covered by a thin blanket. She reaches to slip it down and Bly grabs her writs, hissing at the pain the movement causes. She gets a glimpse of angry red burns up his shoulder.
“Let me see,” she says softly.
Bly frowns, looks away, but lets go. She takes a deep breath before pulling away the blanket and, oh, it is not good. It must show on her face because Bly’s breathing picks up.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t see it coming.”
“Don’t apologize.”
“I didn’t make it to the rendezvous.”
“That doesn’t matter.”
“The campaign–”
“Doesn’t matter,” she insists. For the first time Bly’s eyes focus clearly, and sadly.
“You know it does.”
Aayla sits back, and her hand slips to rest at Bly’s wrist to feel his pulse. It is steady, despite everything.
The first part of the plan was to cut through the Separatist forces on either side of their territory, crossing paths in the middle. With their combined effort and command, they would storm the city they had under their control and free the citizens. Every day they postpone would put more innocents in danger.
Bly coughs deeply. He hacks, chokes, and spittle dyed red spots his lips. Tears pinprick the corners of his eyes and his hand hovers shakily over his chest. Aayla sends him love and comfort in the Force and wishes she could do more. She would ask but… she knows what Bly would ask of her.
“Alright,” she holds his hand and his face now, looks into his golden brown eyes. “I’ll go, with our men, and take the city. You’re staying here with a lookout squad and Wally. I’ll return in a few days when the ships come to pick us up.”
“I might not make it until then,” he says in blunt honesty.
“You will. You must,” she declares. Aayla bends forward to kiss his forehead. She can see a peek of the night sky through holes in the tent. It is quiet and calm for once, though it won’t stay that way for long. “We’ll head out in the morning. Until then, you can’t get rid of me.”
Bly doesn’t seem too bothered by that. He closes his eyes and rests.
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abugeatbugworld · 3 years
More Ant Headcanons 🐜
I touch on a lot of these in one of my stories which is still a work-in-progress. Someday I'll finish that bad boy, but right now Leave Her Alone is priority. And I haven't updated that one in over a year so :')
🐜 Flik and Atta were in the same class growing up. They got along okay until about fifth grade and were even partners for a science fair project infamously known as the Exploding Mushrooms Incident, which went horribly wrong due to Flik secretly tampering with it in an attempt to "improve" it and resulting in it (literally) blowing up in their faces. After that Atta refused to speak with him for a while, partly due to the fact that he cost her her perfect report card score, but mostly because at that point the other kids started to notice something different about Flik and it wasn't cool to be his friend. She started to be nicer to him again after his parents passed away and her mom basically made her, but their friendship wasn't truly solidified until one fateful day...
🐜 The summer after seventh grade, the grasshopper gang, at this point led by Hopper's father, showed up to Ant Island earlier than expected to pick up their offering. In an unfortunate series of events, Flik and Atta ended up stuck outside the anthill together and came face-to-face with a young (but just as mean) Hopper, Molt, and Thumper. Okay, Molt wasn't mean. He was just along for the ride. Of course it was Flik's quick thinking and wit that saved the two of them, and after that him and Atta remained good friends (aka Atta considered him a friend and Flik was hardcore crushing on her in secret) for a while. However, eventually the stress of Atta's royal responsibilities combined with Flik's unfavorable reputation among the council members led to them growing apart in their late teenage years, mostly as a result of Atta distancing herself from him. The events of A Bug's Life begin when they're both about twenty seasons (the ant equivalent of years) old.
🐜 Cornelius was Atta's private tutor for royal affairs, and he was hard on her to the point of being borderline emotionally abusive. The only reason she made it through her childhood somewhat unscathed was because she had her secret therapist, Dr. Flora, to help balance out all of his harsh words with her kind and encouraging ones.
🐜 Also, Cornelius and the Queen 100% have a not-so-secret thing for each other, which made Atta even more resentful toward him and also made her feel like she couldn't be honest with her mom about how he was treating her. After all, Atta's dad passed away from an illness just after Dot was born, and ever since then she just wanted her mom to find someone who makes her happy.
🐜 My personal favorite: Flik used to help his mom out with nursery duty before she died, so he knew Dot when she was a baby. He was her favorite nursery worker and she pronounced his name like "Fwik" 🥺 She doesn't remember this when she gets older, but he does and it's part of why he feels so affectionately towards her <3
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plummyplums · 3 years
do you have anymore head canons on the weaver kids, sam, or travis?
Taking this as an opportunity to update my headcanons from before! I'll only be listing anything new that wasn't in that post and/or things that were changed :3
The kids are all afraid of thunderstorms for various reasons (reminds the twins of Mary and they're sensitive to noise, Lillian doesn't like water/being wet, reminds her of her death, Cal is sensitive to noise, Benny hates seeing his sibs upset + irrational fear)
Both Twins
Reasoning for why they wear masks is up for debate. I'm thinking one of them has some scars that they cover and the other wears a mask so they're not the only one.
They like bugs! They can often be found watching anthills or looking at a cicada or something.
Touch starved
Very protective of their things, as they easily form emotional attachments to objects.
Never attended formal schooling since Mary kept them hidden at home. Since they didn't get much in the way of homeschooling, they're strictly street smart outside of what they can find in books.
Their uniforms are hand-me-downs.
Hate the cold, reminds them of the night they died
Get anxious if separated for too long
Afraid of dogs, but will never admit it
Full of 12-year-old pride and stubbornness
Has a short temper and generally cold demeanor
Particular about his appearance, especially his hair
Semi/mostly nonverbal, prefers to write than speak. Plus it gives him time to think about and perfect what he wants to say.
He actually uses very eloquent, pretty language
Possibly has poor vision, maybe even partially blind? His No Way Out design has his visible left eye stitched shut, so I got an idea.
Sleepy lad but also a night owl; during life he’d sleep in until 11, take naps during the day, then wouldn’t sleep at night. Plus, eternal bedhead. Still likes naps, just tends to sleep in random places. If not for the others waking him up he'd probably sleep half the night away.
He's got some serious social anxiety problems
Loves games
Seemingly endless energy
Though rabbits are her favorite, she loves all animals (except for bugs, no bugs, ESPECIALLY no spiders)
Poor night vision, leading to him having a mild fear of the dark.
Was pretty popular in school; best on the track team, good at yo-yo tricks, funny and outgoing, everybody loved him.
Extremely talkative in life, but as a ghost, he's nearly mute, mostly repeating things people have said around him.
Afraid of heights, but would try to play it off cool if caught.
Nonbinary, mainly use they/them but kinda pronoun indifferent
Surname is Parker
Likes picking up random things they find, they tend to keep things in their sweatshirt pockets
Studied psychology, wanted to help people
Has a stuffed cat they were gifted as a baby and still love
Good at tennis, badminton, volleyball, and similar sports
Only played Wick at the insistence of their friends
Childishly stubborn and impulsive
Never thinks of the consequences of his actions
Determined, he won't leave a project unfinished, even if it sucks to do
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noordzee · 3 years
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The next ten days of August in my Book of Days project!
11- Watched a really interesting zoom lecture by a childhood classmate about local architecture! 12- Went on a walk with a friend who was having a rough time. 13- ok so there’s a video of me at age 2 toddling along and then stopping dead to point and stare at an anthill and yell “BUG!!“ and anyhow that morning there were a bunch of ants on the path and I stopped dead to stare, because some impulses just don’t change. 14- My friend got a flat tire, and I discovered many mysterious things about car maintenance I had never bothered to know about. 15- Reading The Hidden Palace by Helene Wecker and searching for a respite from the summer heat. 16- When I get really into a book there’s nothing that’ll stop me from devouring it! I’m actually really good at reading while walking. 17- Started a banana bread, discovered the bananas were WAY too gross, and on advice from my mom it turned out I’d done just enough already to smoothly pivot to chocolate chip cookies. 18- A friend visited from out of town and along with another friend we spent the day walking all over town, including through the local wading pool. 19- Not much on my plate at the time, and then my work computer decided to churn through some slowww updates. 20- Let myself do some dreaming about the future and how it might change.
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leporellian · 3 years
ive had to rewrite this bc tumblr hates me but blorbos! ok so leporello OBVIOUSLY who i've met but learned many new facts about from you such as his name used to be catelion and hes jewish. also figaro who uh.... gets married and another character from that opera whos a girlboss. i also wanna say someone from warrior cats but you seem to like a bunch equally, and there's your ocs ofc but i don't know enough about them to name them which is my greatest shame
yess leporello my most beloved Character of the Ever
figaro sure does Get Married LOL. love how the figaro opera girlboss isn’t specified bc that leaves it open ended. i think figaro and susanna are definitely on my list of All Time Favorite Opera Characters and are definitely my most favorite opera couple, but marcellina is the most Blorba From The Shows bc nobody else Gets or Cares About her like i do so i’ve claimed her as my own. i have a licensed degree in marcellinology. (also bc you liked don giovanni i HIGHLY recommend marriage of figaro bc yaknow, Same Guys et al)
i have a bunch of warrior cats i think abt to the point i couldnt like, give you a solid Favorites List but mudclaw is my warrior cats blorbo. he’s so... shakespearan
my ocs are so funny half of them are running around having a miserable time in away from anthills (which. god i need to update) and the other half are having a worse time in you-are-starclan. oh and i guess the novel i’m writing counts also but those are essentially Opera Character Personalized Editions so idk if they count. they’re not having a good time either tho
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away-from-anthills · 3 years
this is, tentatively, a blog where i'll host away from anthills: antstar's unraveling, along with info about the characters themselves, art related to the story, and so on. away from anthills is a multi-chapter warrior cats fan story that focuses on themes of power, seeking approval, belonging, and corruption.
i have attempted to write warrior fan stories... several times in the past lol but i really think i'm going somewhere with this one. this is a bit of a passion project for me, so don't expect continuous scheduled updates as might be the case for some of my other creative projects.
i also run @lost-at-fourtrees (my design blog) and @ensemblecomic (a weekly-updated webcomic). feel free to check those places out too!
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witchnotabltch · 4 years
🐜 Ants in magic 🐜
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So I've been researching a bit on this because it came to mind one day, but there isn't really any info out there about it :( !
So, after searching the web forever, i thought I'd share what information i was able to find + my own associations that i got from doing a bunch of research on ants :) and as always, feel free to come up with your own as well, mine aren't set in stone rules that you *have* to go by!
Uses for anthill sand/dirt
Strength, power
Ants are extremely strong and powerful for their size. They have the ability to carry between 10 and 50 times their own body weight! The amount an ant can carry depends on the species, though. For example, Asian weaver ants, can lift 100 times their own mass!!
Ants are super successful in so many ways, from the houses they make, to the roles they all successfully fill in the colony, and the fact that some are literally queens! (And also, many types of ants have many queens!) so I personally think they've got that successful energy :)
Like i mentioned above, many types of ants have many queens in their colonies (ex. Pharaoh ants), so imo, it makes sense to use them for this association! if you can get anything from any of those kind of ants, it would be a great ingredient (imo at least) for representing royalty 💜
Self explanatory, but i associate them w this since they're all huge communities that all rely on each other to survive, definitely an amazing ingredient to have for magic having to do w/ community or anything else of that sort!
Agression & Defense
Again, self explanatory! I'm sure most of us are aware that many types of ants (fire ants, war ants, etc.) Are very naturally aggressive and defensive. They're filled w rage and protective thoughts constantly, ready to defend themselves and their community at any second. Very potent ingredient, would be ideal + potent for any type of baneful magic, any wards and protection, and defensive magic.
Hard work, Energy, Motivation
Same reasoning as success! Ants are very hard workers and have lots of jobs they do everyday, so i think this is a good association to coin.
Life, Growth
Ants play an very big role in the environment! Ants turn and aerate the soil, allowing water and oxygen to reach plant roots. Ants take seeds down into their tunnel to eat the elaiosomes that are part of the seed, and these seeds often sprout and grow new plants! 💚
Because ants have been found almost everywhere on earth, and they've established themselves in at least 15 countries! They're quite the little travelers :)
And remember, you don't have to use the hill. a dead ant would work just as well as (and would probably be better if you can find it, that way you don't mess up their work! Although, please find it naturally/buy it ethically sourced so you're not just killing a ton of ants in the name of magic.) dirt/sand from an anthill, just use whatever you can get your hands on :)
1. Research. Pleaseeee research dangerous ants before you do this if you plan on doing so, so you can watch out for them. Some ants are very venomous, so please be careful, and use common sense while doing this.
2. If taking sand/dirt from a hill, don't take from the top or middle. Take from where they mostly ignore, and from an area on the edge where it won't collapse the whole hill!
3. When you're done, try to leave something in return, like a bit of hard candy (crushed up so they can carry it) or something like honey or sugar if you'd like to give them something natural. This is optional, but seems like the right thing to do since you're taking a piece of their house 💀 that way you at least gave them something in return that will help give them the energy to repair what you've taken. Anyways though, i will update again this if i think of anything else in the future, and i hope this helped, even if just a little! happy witching loves 💜💜
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vagrantblvrd · 5 years
The one where Geoff is an ~up and coming photojournalist or what have you.
Not exactly gung-ho so much as done with everyone’s shit and he’s not as careful about things as he should be, given the kind of place he lives? (Starts out in Liberty City and all the wrong kind of people to make enemies of.)
Somehow he runs into Burnie who is so goddamned amused by this asshole, right?
Smartass who doesn’t care whose toes he steps all over with his pieces  -and they’re all about the corruption and whatnot in the city and how it affects people there. Incredibly smart and also super goddamn stupid at the same time.
Has this reputation that has the news outlets and whatever else leery of hiring him on, so he’s freelance with a site/blog on the side that gains traction over time. Gets him this loyal following who trust him not to lie to them or obfuscate and such and gets by well enough for himself.
(Laments the fact no one will hire him on because what the hell? And Burnie laughing at him and telling him people in LC are afraid of someone like Geoff, honest men and all that in a city like that? Yeah, no.)
Knows he’s a hypocrite for being BFFs with Burnie and his people, but they’re the best of a bad lot or however you want to put it. The Roosters well-known for what they do, who they are and all that.
Burnie and his people keep an eye on Geoff who’s more interested in exposing the assholes who lie to the world about who they are – corrupt officials and businessmen and all that and has no reason to go after the Roosters, right? (Assholes, sure, but they’re upfront about it. And also this component to them that’s vaguely Robin Hood-ish in some ways. Sure as hell don’t try to bankrupt the little guy out of greed or petty vindictiveness and so on.)
Anyway, anyway, Geoff finally kicks over the wrong anthill and makes the wrong kind of enemy that has someone trying to kill him. Burnie and his people intervening and suggesting – gently – that Geoff maybe go elsewhere until things cool down in LC?
Mentions Los Santos that has Geoff laughing himself sick because it’s like Burnie wants him dead no matter what he says, but Burnie just rolls his eyes and arranges things to get Geoff the fuck out of his city.
He gives Geoff the name of one of his people out in Los Santos, this idiot of a kid who headed out there are few months before. Hacker/thief/pain in Burnie’s ass all the way from England.
Stupid as fuck and hey, maybe check in on him from time to time to make sure he hasn’t gotten himself killed?
And that’s how Geoff meets Gavin, right?
Gets the door slammed in his face when he goes to check on him the first time like he promised Burnie, at least until he tells Gavin Burnie sent him and then it’s.
Goddamn it’s annoying as hell.
Gavin being a little shit who eyes Geoff like he’s an idiot when he realizes who he is. Of course Burnie’s mentioned Geoff, who does he think dug up all the dirt the Roosters have on Geoff?? He just didn’t recognize him without that stupid mustache of his.
Also, the bruises and such don’t help. (Attempted murder will do that to you, though.)
Geoff’s got this shitty place to stay, and Gavin’s isn’t that much of a step up?
Gavin’s got all this security Geoff’s place doesn’t and a better view and Gavin gives up on trying to get Geoff out of his place after a while. (Figures Burnie wouldn’t be best pleased if Geoff gets himself killed a week into his move to LS and this way he can send Burnie updates on Geoff with less work on his part.)
And then Geoff starts getting to know his new city, right?
Finds out all these interesting things that make it into his articles/blog posts and he’s smarter about it, but feathers still get ruffled.
And then!
Geoff’s been out of town digging up leads on a story hes working on and goes back to his own place for once and comes across some asshole who broke in while he was gone?
Geoff’s tired as hell and not in the mood to give any fucks and realizes the guy’s either there to rob him or kill him, because of course.
“Hey, quick question,” Geoff says, because someone trying to kill him isn’t a new experience by now, just.
Wow, okay.
The guy with the gun stops talking in the middle of his little monologue or whatever he was doing (something, something, blah, blah blah?) and stares at Geoff.
At least, Geoff assumes the guy’s staring at him. (The mask makes it a bit hard to tell for sure.)
“What the hell is up with the mask?”
Dramatic bastard in a dumb jacket and fucking Halloween mask like the shop on Vespucci sells, you know?
Poor Ryan – because of course it’s Ryan – is just. Offended because one, does this asshole know who he is? And two, the mask is a Choice. (Unironic one at that.)Anyway.
Ryan’s not there to kill him so much as check on Geoff as a favor to Gavin?
Gavin had to run to Liberty City as a favor to Burnie and called in a favor of his own with Ryan.
All this backstory between the two of them since Gavin got to Los Santos Geoff never gets the full story about?
At most he gets snippets here and there, all, “Oh, yeah, someone hired him to kill me, and “Bastard shot me,” and “Jesus Christ, Gavin, would you give it a rest? I said I was sorry.”
Geoff is rightly Concerned about all of that and doesn’t know what happened or how much to tell Burnie because where would he even fucking start?
Also? It’s pretty clear whatever happened in the handful of months Gavin was in Los Santos before Geoff got to town that Gavin and Ryan are totes BFFs in the most alarming way?
Yelling about a fucking coin for whatever reason and Ryan threatening to murder Gavin over everything that would have any sane person running for their damned lives but Gavin is just :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD about it while Ryan is *SIGH*.
They’re confusing as hell, is the thing.
Also, Ryan takes to hanging out at Gavin’s place all goddamned time too when he’s in the city.
Casually mentions this asshole or that one putting a price on Geoff’s head and maybe avoid dark alleys until Ryan can “take care of it” and so on?
Geoff being “Jesus Christ,” because never has he heard someone be so creepy/menacing in such an offhanded/nonchalant manner?
But true to Ryan’s word, whoever is trying to kill Geoff that week kind of…doesn’t? (Geoff doesn’t know how Ryan “takes care of it” and is smart enough not to ask.)
And after a few close calls – Ryan can’t be there all the time and shit gets past him no matter how good he is – he drags Geoff to a shooting range. Puts a gun in his hands, arms crossed and tells him to show him what he can do.
Because, look.
Geoff was in the military and while he’s got no love for guns these days there have been enough people after his head he should maybe rethink that?
Geoff just looks at Ryan like >:( and deliberately misses the target all “Oh, no,” woes is him guess he’s a lost cause and maybe they can get the fuck out of there?
But no.
Burnie likes Geoff for some godforsaken reason. Gavin likes him.
Ryan…tolerates him.
The last thing he wants is for Geoff to get his dumb idiot self killed because he’s stubborn as hell.
They stay at the range for hours until Geoff gets tired of it and actually bothers to aim? And okay, yeah. Not a marksman like Gavin or anything – and Geoff would like to be surprised about that bit of information, but he’s not, really, given some of the stuff Gavin and Ryan have let slip in passing – but he’s not the worst shot Ryan’s seen.
“Target practice,” Ryan says, and it sounds like a threat, which of course it does because Ryan and they end up with these regular ~dates at the shooting range until Ryan’s satisfied he won’t shoot himself in the foot or something.
And then!
Gavin drags him down to this community gym – rundown neighborhood and awful color choices for the décor when they get inside? Who the fuck puts orange and purple together anyway?
But, okay, but.
Geoff is fascinated at how awkward Gavin is once they get there? This little asshole dragging Geoff out of bed as ass o’clock in the morning and not taking ‘no’ for an answer and surprisingly strong grip.
In all the time Geoff’s known him Gavin’s been fairly confident as a whole, you know? Total asshole but one who knows his shit and everything, but the moment they get inside the gym and this guy comes over to greet them, he gets flustered.
And, oh, does Geoff ever take notice of that, like he takes notice of the way the guy’s face lit up when he spotted Gavin. (INTERESTING.)
Geoff watches the two of them fail-flirt for a while until some asshole comes into the gym and yelling about something? Sounds annoyed as hell and super assholish?
Geoff’s expecting it to be trouble – an annoyed client or customer or whatever. Expects this Jeremy kid to have to soothe some douchebag’s ego or boot him out of the gym for being a douchebag, but no.
Because Jeremy and Gavin seem super delighted at this asshole who walks over, some kid with this scowl on his face ranting about something Geoff’s not really paying attention to and that’s how Geoff meets Jeremy and Michael.
Finds out Gavin dragged him all the way down to the gym Jeremy owns/runs and Michael sometimes helps out with – lot of local kids go there to stay off the streets and fuck knows Jeremy’s an idiot who needs all the help he can get, right?
Anyway, anyway, Gavin dragged him down there to get the two of them to knock him around a bit on the mats. (Oh, sure. It’s supposed to be for self-defense or whatever bullshit they tell him? But really, it’s Gavin being passive-aggressive about Geoff drinking his good coffee or spilling his loose tea the other day or something. Definitely not the asshole being worried about him and trying to keep him safe or anything, God no.)
Whatever it’s almost worst the bruises and sore muscles to watch Gavin and Jeremy completely fail to notice they’re super into one another. (OR that Michael’s waiting for the two of them to get their shit together because it’s pretty clear they’re also into him, and he’s stupid enough to like them back and Jesus Christ, Geoff, you have no fucking idea okay. NONE.)
And like.
Geoff being introduced to all these assholes and their asshole friends and realizing he’s got more contacts/friends in Los Santos on the wrong side of the law than ever before and Burnie laughing at him when he tells him so during one of their phone calls, because fuck Geoff’s life.
(Not like it matters in a city like Los Santos anyway, but. Still reason for some level of concern. Or something. Whatever.)
The thing where someone really wants Geoff dead and there are Dramatic life and death moments in which he gets a little shot/stabbed and so does Ryan.
They have That Moment where they’re looking one another in the eye and are like, fuck because they have FEELINGS for one another and also have been dating for some time down without realizing it?
And then Gavin and the others have to rescue them – which, talk about embarrassing – and also :O because those little shits had a fucking betting pool on how long it would take Geoff and Ryan to realize they’re an old married couple at this point.
(Michael being ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  about it when Geoff and Ryan give him these LOOKS because talk about pots and kettles, assholes, but hey. Not his fault he had the bad luck to fall in love with a pair of oblivious assholes, and also do they want in on that betting pool or not?)
Whatever, Geoff’s life sucks anyway.
He’s still out there writing his news stories exposing assholes who deserve it because of course he is, but he’s got standing ~dates with the fucking Vagabond at the shooting range several times a week on top of that.
(And if they stop off for dinner or a movie on the way or head out to Del Perro Pier or somewhere else other nights, that’s no one’s business but their own, and also shut up about it.)
Gavin drags him to Jeremy’s gym where he gets beat up o the regular by those assholes – sometimes they bring in some of Jeremy and Michael’s kids who are the real hard-hitters down there and Jesus, his fucking shins.
Somewhere along the line Jack gets sent to Los Santos – Burnie’s concerned about Geoff, he really is, what with all these assholes bullying him around - and also, maybe, some Rooster-related business going on out there he wants someone capable to run.
And then Lindsay and Trevor and all the others and Geoff gives up pretending his life is in any way normal, especially when he gets his own place after a while.
His lease on his old place ran out and he can’t stay in Gavin’s spare room forever, you know?
He is a little surprised when he realizes Ryan moved in to his new place at some point, though.
“Hey, quick question,” Geoff says, because he’s actually okay with the fact he’s totally lost control of his life since coming to Los Santos. “When did that happen?”
(Okay, so that happened before all that, but let him have this, okay? Please.)
Ryan rolls his eyes because Geoff’s kind of dumb, and then smooches? Because really, Geoff.
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