#us campus protests
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🇵🇸 Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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agentfascinateur · 5 months
In an era of equal rights, some chose to go backwards...
Ahead of the vote, a group of 25 Senate Republicans introduced legislation — the No Official Palestine Entry (NOPE) Act — that would prevent US funding from going to the United Nations and other organizations that grant the Palestinians “any status, rights, or privileges beyond observer status.”
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lasseling · 4 months
CCP Linked to Anti-Israel Protests on US Campuses in New Report
International donor networks behind anti-Israel protests in the US—and according to the findings, the Chinese (CCP) is deeply involved
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manichewitz · 5 months
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some photos i took from emerson college’s encampment for palestine. most of these were taken only a few hours before the boston PD attacked hundreds of protestors and brutally arrested 118 students, most of whom were poc, jewish, and/or queer.
anyone who spent any amount of time in the encampment will tell you just how much it brought us all together—there was always food, music, arts and crafts, and hundreds of messages of support written in chalk.
after the BPD was done brutalising us for peacefully protesting, they power washed down the walls of the encampment—all of these messages are gone. theyre trying to erase what happened, but they’ll never truly be able to. everyone saw, and everyone will remember.
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destielmemenews · 5 months
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"Dozens of counter-protestors, many wearing white masks and flags over their shoulders, arrived around 10:45 p.m. and attempted to dismantle the pro-Palestinian encampment that has overtaken Royce Quad since last Thursday. The agitators lobbed fireworks at the encampment and set off what may have been bear or pepper spray.  
Demonstrators on the pro-Palestinian side used umbrellas to shield themselves, and skirmishes broke throughout the night out as counter-protesters attempted to wrestle away wood pallets, plywood and metal fencing from the encampment."
"New York City Mayor Eric Adams said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Wednesday morning that police had to move in to Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall “for the safety of those children.”
He blamed outside agitators for the building takeover and said “There are people who are harmful and they’re trying to radicalize our children and we cannot ignore this.”"
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lilithism1848 · 4 months
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athymelyreply · 4 months
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A highly recommended read. Full text of article under cut
On October 7, I was not hiding with my child in the safe room. My house was not burnt to the ground, and my husband didn't blow me a last kiss before his killer fired a fatal bullet.
I was safely at home in London where I have lived for over 30 years when my elderly peace-activist parents, Oded and Yocheved Lifschitz, along with 77 others members of the community, were taken hostage, barefoot and in their pajamas from their homes in the kibbutz where I was born and raised.
Israel's hostages in Gaza: A matter of life and death
Israeli peace activists who lost loved ones in the Hamas massacre stand their ground
What we can learn from released Hamas hostage Yocheved Lifshitz
For the past 229 days, together with the families of the other of hostages taken captive which now number 128, we have taken part in the fight for the lives of our loved ones.
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A photo of the writer, Sharone Lifschitz's parents, Yocheved and Oded Lifschitz, who were both kidnapped by Hamas to Gaza on October 7. To date, only Yocheved Lifschitz has returned. Credit: Amiram Oren
In Nir Oz, my family's kibbutz, one in four people (117 in total), were either executed or kidnapped. We are still piecing together the events of that brutal day that Hamas terrorists and some Gazan civilians, perpetrated medieval levels of cruelty, driven by hate and revenge, blinded by radical religious ideology and super-charged with amphetamines.
Last month, at the "Seder in the Streets" event in New York, activist Naomi Klein spoke as if none of that ever took place. Instead, addressing hundreds who gathered for a combination Passover Seder and protest of the war in Gaza, she spoke of what she termed the "False Idol of Zionism", comparing Jewish support of it to the Israelites "worshiping" the golden calf and recalling Moses' rage seeing the spectacle.
Klein's interpretation seems to miss the point: Moses, unlike Klein, did not disengage. He did not give up on his people when they worshipped a false idol. Instead, without compromising his integrity and beliefs, he guided them through the desert for forty more years in their journey to become a nation. Klein, at this dangerous moment in history, is failing to lead her listeners to take responsibility, to engage and work towards a shared future in the region for Jews and Palestinians, one built on the preciousness of life on both sides and an understanding of the original intention of Zionism: the necessity for a safe home for the Jewish people.
"Seder in the Street" was also protesting the heartbreaking and ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza and settler violence in the West Bank. Many in Israel, like my parents, would agree. Yet their plight and that of the other hostages – most of them civilians, from a baby boy of one year to a man of 86 - are not mentioned at Seder in the Streets or other gatherings of far-left pro-Palestinian Jewish activists.
My father, Oded Lifschitz, who is 83, and his friends who are also hostages, all in their late 70s and 80s, have worked for peace for decades. My mother, Yocheved Lifschitz, was thankfully released after 17 days of captivity.
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Yocheved Lifschitz after being released from 17 days in Hamas captivity, in Tel Aviv, Israel in late October. Credit: Tomer Appelbaum
How much more effective these protests could be if activists abroad could act as a bridge between the pro-Palestinian movement and progressives fighting for peace in Israel?
Hamas, a terrorist organization which has been systematically stripping freedom, women's rights and democracy from the Gaza strip since 2006 are also strangely left out of the discussion. In fact, I see more criticism of the Hamas attack and crimes from moderate Palestinian voices than from prominent Jewish voices of the pro-Palestinian movement in the United States and Europe.
Klein is instead content in disengaging from Israel based on a distorted idea of Zionism and in so doing offers no solidarity with the moderate, progressive Jews living in Israel and for whom rejecting Zionism is irrelevant at this moment. Whether we like our government's policies or hate them as many do, Israel is home. Just as Canada is Klein's home, whether or not she likes the policies of the Canadian government or condones its mistreatment of its Indigenous population.
I consider myself pro-Palestinian. My family has always fought for a shared future for our two peoples, understanding this key point: our fates are interlinked. My parents have advocated for peace and equality for and with the Palestinians since the 1960s. We have united as a family to protest policies of the current Israeli government we find abhorrent. I wish for the Palestinians what I want for my own people: to live without bloodshed, in their own democratic state, as part of a negotiated two-state solution.
The facts are indisputable to Zionists and non-Zionists alike: There are about 7 million Jews and 7 million Palestinians living in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza. Jewish Israelis cannot be expected to reject the idea that they can and should have the right to live safely in Israel. Without Israel, where would they go?
Everyone who cares about what's best for the region must strengthen those who are working for a peaceful future. As my father always says, "You make peace with your enemies."
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A Palestinian family rides on the back of a donkey-drawn carriage next to damaged buildings in Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip, in April.Credit: AFP
Thanks to international efforts to formulate a plan for the "day after" the war in Gaza, we are potentially closer to a long-term political agreement to lift us out of conflict than ever before. To help facilitate it, American and European progressives must distinguish between religious fanatics on both sides and those working toward a path of justice and peace for everyone in the region.
We must differentiate the liberal American pro-Palestinian activists from those who justify Hamas atrocities as acts of resistance. The dominant current narrative of the American far left, including the Jews among them, unwittingly aligns with Iran, and with antidemocratic and illiberal forces.
Instead of fostering hate and promoting disengagement from Israel, progressives abroad should help those in the region regain a sense that another future is possible and advocate for a negotiated political agreement that would create a state of Palestine established alongside the state of Israel. It won't be perfect, but it will be a good start.
The work of advocating for a different, sustainable future, must start with a call for the immediate release of hostages as part of a long-term agreement, backed by America and its allies, including moderate Arab states, that has the potential to transform the lives of Palestinians and Israelis by rescuing them from this ongoing tragedy. To fail to do so is to fail not just the hostages and their families, but to throw all the people of the region further into the abyss and undo the inspiring work of moderate forces within Israeli and Palestinian society.
In this, our darkest hour, we ask ourselves, who is our enemy? My enemy is the blind hate that seeks to erase the humanity of the other side. All of us who are horrified by what is unfolding in Gaza should work toward empowering the people of the region to move away from our common enemy. That's not Zionism, but rather the religious fanaticism we have within both our societies – Israeli and Palestinian – that threatens to engulf us all.
Sometimes, I want to shout at the news on TV, to remind people that their indulgent engagement in hatred of one side is so futile, so self-congratulatory. We can do better.
As we bleed and grieve, and in the case of families like my own – hang suspended between hope and despair for the fate of our loved ones, we must seek points of human connection between Jews and Palestinians, we must fight, not against one another, but for a practical solution that dismantles the status quo so that we can all survive – and live in freedom and security.
Sharone Lifschitz is a London-based filmmaker and academic originally from Kibbutz Nir Oz, whose parents were taken hostage on October 7. On Twitter: @Lifschitz_sha
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The Republican Party is at war with the rest of us.
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anarchotahdigism · 5 months
y'all do not post or rb videos of people being arrested or doing cool leftist shit that would result in such talk about it, describe it in detail, but don't say precisely where or when or who unless specifically asked by those involved the US government will absolutely find those graphic pieces of evidence much more easily if you do. If you don't post it, they do not have it.
make sure to obscure faces in anything you do post or boost you can say you support something without having to document every single incident that the state will want to investigate---which it will people are still catching charges from 2020 because of stuff people posted then and now Read about the Ferguson Six.
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iwriteaboutfeminism · 5 months
A press conference with UCLA students on May 1, 2024, the morning after being attacked by Zionist aggressors and receiving no aid from police.
"But the police actually mobilized pretty fast after they [the Zionists] started shooting fireworks at us. Instead [of helping us] though, the police came with an EMS truck, took one of the counter-protesters to the hospital, and escorted that counter-protester to the hospital."
"Then they stood in a line and they moved forward a little bit more to kind of start dispersing whatever, and they pushed us closer to the Zionists."
"I will be clear that when I'm saying this, we don't want police on our campus. We don't want police to be the ones defending us. We assert that our people are the ones keeping us safe. The only reason that our people were able to survive last night was because we had street medics there, we had legal observers there, we had folks coming in from all parts of Los Angeles bringing in donations of water, saline solution, gauze- all these things, right. We keep us safe, right. We say that over and over and over again. We keep us safe. The police did not keep us safe and they will not keep us safe any longer."
"[The police] are proudly IOF-trained, ex-IOF soldiers, right. The LAPD trains with the IOF. [...] We see their actions as a direct extension of the occupation in Palestine. The brutality that is used here is learned there."
I am so proud of these students for learning from existing movements and building us up so much higher and wider. We learn from each other. We keep each other safe.
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agentfascinateur · 5 months
Was the UCLA fight a setup?
“With all due respect,” the mother asked. “Why should a Jewish kid have to go to another entrance?”
The dispatcher sounded apologetic: “Unfortunately, the police are not intervening with that right now. This is coming from the university.”
Neither the woman nor the dispatcher was identified. A UCLA official said police do not know whether the recording is authentic. Real or not, the tape was shared widely on WhatsApp.
All that because a child didn't want to use a different door...
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tumorhead · 5 months
Student Uprisings for Palestine 2024 Practical Info & Resources Saw this on Twitter and wanted to share them here. Download them before they get taken down! Cal Poly Humbolt Student Occupation Report Back from April 22 2024 - Click Here Worker-Student Action Committees of France May 1968 - Learn from history - Click Here Learn SALUTE:
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Best Practices Posters - Click Here for all of them (Red Clarion: communist essays and analyses)
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De-Arrest Primer - Click Here for all of it
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The Do-It Yourself Occupation Guide - Click here for all of it
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Do with this what you will. Free Palestine!
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Al Jazeera:
Washington, DC – A US senator has launched ad hominem attacks against a prominent Arab American community advocate during a congressional hearing into hate crimes in the United States, which have surged in the shadow of Israel’s war on Gaza. The Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday aimed to address the rise of hate crimes in the country.
But several Republicans dedicated their time to bashing college students who have protested for Palestinian rights amid the Gaza war, and many took aim at the event’s sole Arab American witness – Maya Berry, executive director of the Arab American Institute. “You support Hamas, do you not?” Louisiana Republican John Kennedy asked Berry. She unambiguously said “no” as she tried to refocus the conversation on the domestic issue of hate crimes, rather than foreign policy. “I’m going to say thank you for that question because it demonstrates the purpose of our hearing today,” Berry told the senator, suggesting that it effectively shows the rise in hate and dehumanisation she has been decrying.
[...] When Berry defended her support for UNRWA, which provides vital services – including healthcare and education – to millions of Palestinian refugees across the Middle East, Kennedy asked her one more time whether she supports Hamas. Although Berry had clearly said she does not support Hamas or Hezbollah, Kennedy said the witness could not bring herself to say that she did not back the groups. “You should hide your head in a bag,” he told Berry.
Shame on you, Sen. John N. Kennedy! Your treatment towards Maya Berry was appalling!
See Also:
HuffPost: GOP Sen. John Kennedy To Arab American Witness: 'You Support Hamas, Don't You?’
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mirkobloom77 · 5 months
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🇵🇸🏫 How Gaza is changing US campuses
🔸 An opinion by David Palumbo-Liu, on Al Jazeera
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destielmemenews · 5 months
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"“An autonomous group reclaimed Hind’s Hall, previously known as ‘Hamilton Hall,’ in honor of Hind Rajab, a martyr murdered at the hands of the genocidal Israeli state at the age of six years old,” Columbia University’s Apartheid Divest (CUAD), a coalition representing pro-Palestinian student organisations, posted on X.
The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) says that Israeli forces killed Hind Rajab, who had been on a call for hours with PRCS dispatchers as she begged for help after her family’s car came under fire in northern Gaza. She had been the sole survivor, but was later found dead, along with two PRCS rescue workers sent to retrieve her in an ambulance."
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