#usually I struggle to write with such little prompt but it feels like today should have something to celebrate
wayfayrr · 5 months
So this was originally just going to be a post about how I've opened requests again but then I glanced at the date and?????
(totk too ofc - can't forget that either <3)
but it feels like I should do something to celebrate it? Seeing as the first fic I wrote was pretty heavily based around music - it feels fitting to do something based on it yet again
So if anyone has any songs they'd like to see as a drabble then send it in <3 you can pick a link for it or just see where the vibes of the song lead
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and just seriously - another thank you to everyone that's here, this year really wouldn't have been as good as it was without everyone who's made it so enjoyable
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ladyymiisa · 1 month
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summary: mornings with shouta might be a challenge, but you still love him unconditionally, even when he's being a total pain.
tags: aizawa shouta x fem!reader, fluff, shouta is an insufferable little shit in this so i’m sorry if it seems a bit ooc
author’s note: misa writing about someone who’s not hawks? absolutely crazy. anyway, eat up my children!! (i wish he would eat me instead)
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mornings with shouta can go one of two ways:
1. you wake up first, only to be sweetly persuaded into remaining in bed with him for another hour or so. this usually happens on the weekends.
2. you wake up first and are confronted with the formidable task of ensuring that your boyfriend gets out of bed on time to attend to his responsibilities as both a pro hero and a teacher.
today happens to be the second scenario.
“come on, shouta,” you urge, attempting to pull the blanket from his body, only to succeed in moving it a mere millimeter from his grasp. even freshly awake, his grip remains unyielding—a trait whose logic you’ll never quite comprehend.
with a sigh of frustration, you give the blanket another tug, this time applying more force. “your alarm has rung three times already. how much longer do you intend to lounge around?” you ask, your annoyance evident.
shouta remains silent and you find yourself sighing once again.
this won’t do. he should have been out the door by now, and you’re pretty sure nezu will give him another reprimand for being late once again. there’s only so much he’ll let slide.
with your lips pressed together, you silently watch shouta. you observe the steady rise and fall of his chest as he dozes off peacefully, without a care in the world. a few unruly strands of hair have fallen across his eyes, partially obscuring his face from view. perfect.
it's time to resort to plan b.
with your plan set in motion, you roll your shoulders, savoring the satisfying pops of your joints, then position yourself, ready for action. without an ounce of hesitation, you allow your body to collapse onto his like a ragdoll, face landing straight against his bare chest. this action finally elicits a response from shouta.
he grunts in disapproval, partly due to the unexpected impact of your body landing atop his own without warning, but makes no effort to push you away. instead, he remains there, defeated and motionless.
"get off." he grumbles, voice thick with sleep.
"only if you get up." you retort.
you feel the low rumble in his chest as he grumbles once more. a few seconds of silence pass, and just as you begin to think you might have won, his arms unexpectedly wrap around you, securing you in place.
this prompts you to gasp in offence and struggle against his grip, but your efforts are in vain. shouta has no intention of letting you go so easily, not when the warmth of your body nearly lulls him back into slumber. you let out a whine, lifting your head slightly to look at him.
the fucking bastard is smirking triumphantly.
with a resigned sigh, you allow your head to fall against his chest once more. something tells you that shouta won’t be the only one getting an earful from nezu today.
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skyward-floored · 4 months
For IAU requests… anything Four related? Sorry if that’s too vague lol
Don’t worry about it anon, being vague is fine! Precise prompts are fun too, but having some more vague ones adds some nice variety. And gives me the freedom to do stuff like this, hehe.
(Set when they’re all a little older. Four is somewhere in his early teens).
“Hey, um... Link?”
Four startled, nearly banging his head against that of the girl leaning over him. She jumped back, and Four blinked a few times, trying to focus on her face. Freckles swam into view, and Four finally recognized the girl as his friend Dot.
Friend, despite how his brothers tried to tease.
“Ah, sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you,” Dot apologized, and Four waved her off, yawning.
“‘S okay,” he mumbled, rubbing his eyes. “Did you need something?”
Dot hesitated, something odd shining in her eyes. “You um, really seem tired today, Link. Are you all right?”
No. “Yeah.”
Dot studied him a second, then leaned down, and lowered her voice so the other kids couldn’t hear her as easily.
“I... I heard your brother was in the hospital.”
Four swallowed as the familiar ache in his chest came back, and he looked at his desk as he nodded.
“I’m really sorry,” Dot continued, her voice soft. “Is there anything I can do?”
“No,” Four mumbled, not wanting to think about Twilight, still struggling to recover after a hit from a mysterious weapon had nearly killed him. Hyrule’s powers had had almost no effect on his injury, and they’d exhausted every option they had. And though Twilight was finally no longer on death’s doorstep, he still wasn’t healing like he should be.
He could easily slip back to a dangerous level, and if that happened again he might not have the strength to pull through this time.
Four swallowed. “Sorry. Thanks though. Appreciate it.”
Dot hesitated, but nodded, and patted his shoulder as the bell rang, signaling the start of class. She sat in the desk next to him like she always did, and poked his arm whenever he started to drift off, giving him a light shake when that wasn’t enough.
The school day dragged on, and dragged him with it, Four fumbling his way through his classes. Dot stayed at his side for all of them that she could, and the part of him that was awake enough to notice was grateful for it.
He’d barely slept the past few days, his emotions were a wreck, and on top of all that he’d had a nasty argument with Wild last night.
“He doesn’t need this right now!”
Four swallowed. All he really wanted to do was go back to the hospital and sit with Twilight, but instead he was stuck in school, currently learning about some math formula while his and Wild’s angry words rang in his head, along with the noise Twilight had made when he’d been hit and Four couldn’t stop thinking about how still he’d gone after he’d fallen—
“Mr. Forester, I asked you a question.”
Four blinked, and realized his math teacher had come up to his desk, arms crossed as her foot tapped on the floor. The classroom was quiet, and Four swallowed when he noticed everyone was looking at him.
“Mr. Forester?” the teacher reminded sternly, and Four swallowed.
“I’m... could you repeat that, please?” he stammered, and she sighed.
“I asked if you knew how to solve the problem,” she said, raising an eyebrow. “And I would appreciate an answer sometime this year.”
A few of his classmates tittered, and Four blinked the exhaustion out of his eyes, trying to remember if he’d actually heard her say the problem or not. His cluttered brain couldn’t focus though, too many thoughts and feelings clogging his usually sharp brain. The writing on the board blurred, and Four swallowed, looking at his desk.
He had no clue what he was supposed to be solving.
“I... n-no. I’m sorry,” he whispered, and to his horror, his eyes began to water.
His teacher sighed, and went back to the front of the class. “Disappointing, Mr. Forester. I expect more from you. Can anyone else tell me how to work these equations? Miss Castor?”
Someone else spoke up, but the words just buzzed in Four’s head, his throat tight as he stared at his desk.
His brother could be dying right now, and he was wasting his time sitting in a math class.
Four bit his lip as it trembled, flipping up the hood of his jacket. The argument with Wild wouldn’t stop replaying through his mind, the way he’d yelled and how Four had yelled back, and how he’d split in the middle of it and said things he knew he’d regret, but they’d felt so good leaving his mouth, and the way Wild’s face had looked so miserable as he’d run away, and how his father had just looked resigned to the fact that they were going to lose Twilight—
A hand squeezed his arm, and Four looked through his hair at Dot, her face sharply worried now. He swallowed rather thickly, and Dot suddenly raised her hand.
“Yes, Miss Gustafson?” their teacher asked as she turned around, and Dot stood from her desk.
“I think I need to take Link to the nurse,” she said firmly, hand still holding Four’s arm. “He hasn’t been feeling well all day, you can see for yourself he’s pale.”
“Are you certain?” their teacher asked, and Dot nodded, unwavering. Their teacher thought for a moment, tapping a finger on her desk. “Hmm. I suppose he has been acting unusual today... that would certainly explain some things. You may escort him.”
“Thank you,” Dot said with a nod, and she pulled Four out of his desk and out of the classroom before he could blink.
They didn’t go to the nurse’s office though, rather Dot pulled him to a small spot behind the stairs, one so small only a few kids could actually fit back here. Four and Dot fit fine though, and she tugged Four down to sit, rifling in her bag.
“Okay, go ahead,” she said, pulling something out.
“Go ahead?” Four asked, barely stopping his voice from wobbling.
“Go ahead. Cry. You were on the verge of breaking down in there, you’ve got to let some of it out or there’s no way you’re making it through any more classes today,” Dot said matter-of-factly. She held up a small packet of tissues. “So cry, please.”
Four let out a hollow laugh. “I’m not going to just start crying because you told me to, Dot.”
“It’ll help, trust me,” Dot urged, and her voice softened. “It’s okay to be upset, Link. Anyone would be with what you’ve got going on. Just cry for a bit, and then we can go back. We don’t even have to go to the nurse if you don’t want to.”
Four laughed again, but the sound was watery. “Dot, just because Tw-Twilight is in the, the hospital, doesn’t m-mean, I...”
For some reason saying it out loud made it all crash down on him, and Four’s voice broke.
He tried to keep talking, but his breath hitched, and suddenly he was crying instead, a sob hiccuping from his throat. Dot stayed quiet as she set a hand on his shoulder, and Four felt tears begin to drip down his cheeks.
She rubbed it a little bit, and Four hiccuped again, wishing in the back of his mind that he could split. Then only a fourth of him would be sobbing his eyes out in front of Dot, and this would be a little less embarrassing.
But his powers were secret, and supposed to stay that way. So Four continued to cry, Dot scooting over to sit more closely beside him, her hand warm on his shoulder.
He didn’t know how long they sat there, Dot patting his shoulder while he cried his eyes out, but it was long enough that he was sure their teacher would be suspicious.
“Y-you should go back,” Four finally said, shakily wiping his eyes on his sleeve. “You’ll be missed.”
“Oh don’t worry about that, I can just say you threw up on me and I had to clean myself up,” she shrugged, offering him a tissue. Four let out a watery snort, but took it, shakily blowing his nose. “Or that the nurse wanted to make sure you hadn’t infected me. Ooh, or maybe you were so delirious you begged me to stay at your side, and I was forced to forgo math in order to stop your feverish ramblings.”
“No way that would work as an excuse,” Four said, his voice still wobbling.
“It might, you never know.”
Four fondly shook his head, then sighed, feeling drained from all the crying he’d just done. He didn’t feel... better, exactly, but he felt less overwhelmed by it all. His head felt less cluttered at least, and he gave Dot a grateful look.
“Thanks Dot,” he said quietly, and she nodded, then gave him a quick hug.
“Of course. If you need to talk, or just... anything else, just ask, okay?”
Four nodded, and hugged her back. “Okay.”
They sat under the stairs a little while longer, trying to make Four look like he hadn’t spent the last half hour crying, and then Dot pulled him to his feet, and they went to the nurse’s office together. They at least needed an alibi for being gone so long, and it would be suspicious if Four was never seen going to the nurse. Even if he only felt sick because of worry.
Four sighed as they walked down the hallways, and Dot squeezed his hand, giving him a little smile. He somewhat succeeded in returning it, and his thoughts drifted back to Wild, and their argument.
As soon as he made it through the rest of the school day, he’d... try and talk to him. He owed Wild that much at least.
And... Twilight would want him to try.
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lace-coffin · 4 months
could you write something with Bubba Sawyer who's dating a s/o who is chubby(and ftm if that's all right) and they dislike how their body looks. It would be amazing if this included smut.
Bubba Sawyer with a ftm!chubby!Reader who’s feeling insecure (NSFW)
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I use he/they/she for bubba in my fics btw!
Both you and bubba were bigger guys, both having a soft layer of fat cushioning your body to paw at and whisper sweet nothings into on warm Texas mornings in bed. You loved Bubbas body, big burly and hairy, thick arms to carry farm equipment and to hold you when you need protecting from the harsh outside world. You wouldn’t change a thing about your partner.
So why couldn’t you extend that love to yourself? It wasn’t like you disliked fat people, your beautiful girlfriend was fat for Christ’s sake, all soft curves and smooth edges you couldn’t keep you hands off so why did you feel so gross about your own body? You adored it on bubba but on you it just all seemed…wrong. You didn’t always feel this way, some days were better than others and you’re working on accepting and loving your body but it’s such a struggle on days like these.
work around the homestead finished for the day you practically jump bubba once he’s kicked off her boots and wiped the sweat from her brow. Squealing in surprise and making a soft ‘oof’ noise from the impact they return the affection, sliding their thick arms around your middle and placing a soft kiss onto the crown of your head. There’s no missing the way you squirm in discomfort, shrinking under his touch and pulling away almost as if burned.
Instantly your partner is checking you over. Did she do something wrong? Are you injured somewhere? are you feelings sick? Placing their hand back onto your stomach they whimper, worrying you might need a trip to the doctor, the nearest one is so far out too..
Giggling a little at their motherly instinct you remove his hand from your stomach, guiding her hand and lacing your fingers together, pressing a kiss to their knuckles.
“I appreciate your concern honey but I’m not sick so don’t go worrying yourself about that”
Bubba lets out a relived breath, glad to know you won’t be needing to be hauled into the truck and driven out of town to the nearest doctor but if that’s not the issue then what..? Cocking their head to the side they sign “please tell me?”. If signs could have a : ( emoji you’re convinced it would be tacked on the end. She looks like a wet cat in the rain, sick with worry.
You sigh and relent, not wanting to admit what you’ve been dealing with but wanting to scare your partner even less. Seeing your reluctance he squeezes your hand in encouragement, prompting you to go on. Taking a deep breath and releasing you start.
“I haven’t been feeling good about my body, I’m usually fine with how I look but right now it just freels…gross. Like my skin doesn’t fit the way it should and my fat is sitting all wrong. I just don’t feel very handsome right now.”
The look that passes over your partners face can only be described as pure heartbreak and confusion. Shes thinks you’re the most breathtaking man in the world so why..? You’ve had bad days sure but never pulled away from him like this.
Seeing the expression plaster itself on their face in time real time makes you scramble to explain.
“It’s nothing you’ve done! I’m just having a shitty day, been feeling weird and out of it…I’m sure I’ll be ok soon”
You’re not sure whether you’re trying to convince bubba or yourself.
Nodding in understanding she signs again.
“How can I help? I love you”
“Love you to big guy! Just uh, do you mind if we hang out in our room today? I don’t really feel up to seeing everyone at dinner.”
Humming in agreement you make your way up the stairs, bubba squeaking out an embarrassed noise as you slap his ass that’s just sitting in front of you. It’s too tempting not to. She doesn’t take that lightly, grabbing you by the waist (once you reach the landing, they’re not trying to break both do your necks.) and slinging you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. You kick and struggle but you’re easily overpowered, not that you don’t love it, but what’s life without a little fight?
Bubba tosses you onto the bed, giggling at the way you bounce before landing. You spread your arms with an amused look and invite them to join you. Wasting no time he crawls into your arms, mask unfastened and slung to one side. Earlier into your relationship it had taken a lot of trust and work on both ends to get them comfortable enough to unmask around you but now it’s like it never mattered in the first place, you’ve made him feel so loved and worthy without the mask it makes her wonder why she was ever so adamant on keeping it on.
Sweet kisses between the two of you quickly turn heated and rougher, tongues gliding over eachothers messily, muffled moans caught between bitten lips. Thick fingers trail down your body, dipping below the hem of your shirt, teasing the soft plush skin there and asking permission. You wiggle under his hold, the fingers playing with your shirt ticklish, and give them a nod of confirmation. Wasting no time Bubba wrestles your shirt over your head only to be met with your binder, she gives a less than excited groan at the extra layer, signing “arms up”
You snort in response “yes mother” you reply sarcastically.
An unreadable look passed over his face, devolving into a smug smile.
“Mommy?” They sign out
“Hey, whatever you want, cutie” you joke back, helping them tug your binder off and taking a well needed deep breath. Delighted as always his hands fly straight to your plush stomach, grabbing handfuls in appreciation, fingers trailing along the happy trail peaking from your already damp boxers.
Suddenly hit with an idea, your partner pauses, snapping their head up to meet your questioning eyes.
“Can we try something new please? I have an idea..” she signs out shyly
Never one to turn away from a new experience you agree, nodding and squeezing his hand. You wriggle out of your boxers and throw them to the side, they can wait until later.
“I trust you” you smile back, giving them the go ahead to get started on whatever they’re planning. Humming in agreement he takes himself out of his boxers, already hard and happy to continue.
“Well hello to you to” you giggle, giving them a quick stroke, causing them to groan and buck into your hand. Huffing she readjusts herself, you spread yourself open for him and close your eyes, waiting for the delicious stretch of her inside you, but it never comes.
Slipping open your eyes in confusion you let out a surprised yelp as your boyfriend’s thick cock is slapped onto the plush surface of your stomach.
Bubba pauses for a moment, meeting your eyes as to ask for permission to continue their ministrations.
“Go ahead handsome, I’m happy to see how much you enjoy my body.” You smile back, leaning your weight onto your elbows behind you, keen to enjoy the show.
With one final nod he begins to thrust again, wet cock slipping over your soft tummy. The noises from their mouth are downright sinful, little gasps and moans making you squirm in your spot.
“There’s my good boy, hm? Gonna cum for me?” You lull out, a lazy smile on your face.
Your words of encouragement push them over the edge, with one final moan they release onto your stomach, warm and sticky.
“Fuck, you like it that much baby?” You giggle, petting Bubba’s hair, who’s now collapsed onto your dirty tummy in a panting mess. You receive a muffled groan in response. You’ll take that as a yes.
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football-and-fanfics · 2 months
When I Let It Out - Mason Mount
Who: Mason Mount, Declan Rice Prompt: Hyperventilating Requested by: anonymous Word count: 644 Warnings: contains descriptions of panic attack and hyperventilating.
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Mason wasn't one to easily talk about his feelings or emotions, never had been and still wasn't. Instead, he was used to keeping it all in and pushing it down. But at some point, in a big burst, everything spilled out. It always did.
Mason knew this wasn't the best way to go about things, and he should probably find a healthier way to deal with his emotions, but that was far easier said than done.
Today was such a day where he wasn't able to keep things in anymore. Mason instantly felt that once he stepped off the pitch after training today. He had witnessed one of his England teammates sustain a possibly serious injury, and ever since then, the foreboding tightness had settled in Mason's chest.
Mason stepped into the dressing room with the world feeling like a haze around him. The tightness in his chest only became worse, as if someone was pulling a belt tighter around him. He couldn't breathe normally anymore. Each inhale seemed to be blocked off and air could only reach his lungs in limited amounts. The familiar sense of panic that usually accompanied these episodes rose fast now.
"We're going in here for a moment."
Mason wasn't even aware at first of Declan appearing beside him and putting his arm around him to steer Mason into a side room. Declan closed the door behind the both of them to give Mason some privacy.
Mason almost gasped for breath now. "Take it easy, mate." Declan soothed. "Try to think about what you always do in these situations. You've done it before, and I know you can do it again now." Mason tried with all his might, but wasn't really succeeding yet. He stumbled over to the nearest wall and placed flat hands against it, leaning forward and bending his head low. No matter what he did, his breaths remained strained and high in his throat.
Declan watched Mason struggle silently for a little while. "Mase..." He finally started. The sadness for his friend sounded in his voice. "I'm alright," Mason answered softly, "I'll be alright." He seemed to have a little bit of breath back, although it was still far from normal. "I know that," Declan answered calmly, "but we do need to talk about this, please."
Mason slowly turned around, leaning his back against the wall now. He tried to keep the expression on his face neutral, but Declan saw through that right away. "This isn't good, mate," Declan said sadly. Mason meant to respond, but an involuntary gasp of breath took away his answer. He slowly shook his head instead. "Deep breaths," Declan guided, "try to take deep breaths."
Declan wished this was the first time he had to talk and support Mason through one of these episodes, but it wasn't. He knew exactly how Mason dealt with difficult or painful situations, how immensely hard he found that, and how his way of dealing with it surely wasn't the best way.
"I know what you want to say." Mason managed to get the words out. Declan nodded thoughtfully. "I'm sure you do." Mason took another shuddering breath. "Maybe it's time I start working on it." "I think so, too." Declan agreed. "Because this can't go on like this. This isn't healthy, mate."
Mason's breath caught high in his chest again. "But I'm scared of it." "Oh, Mase..." Declan stepped forward to rest his hands on Mason's shoulders. "That's what I'm here for. You don't have to do it alone. No matter how hard it gets, I'm going to be there for you."
Mason glanced up at his friend. The man whom he knew for basically all his life and who knew him so well. A sudden feeling of gratitude flooded through Mason. "Thank you," he whispered sincerely, "because I'm probably going to need the support."
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Request an imagine Writing masterlist | Mason Mount masterlist
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adrift-in-thyme · 1 year
Hello! If you are still accepting fic requests... I saw your "Legend is a sympathetic crier" post and it grabbed hold of my brain. Could you try a fic of that with Legend/Fable or Legend & Sky? Either one would be fun, I think!
Hi! Thanks so much for the prompt!!
I really wanted to write this with Legend/Fable but I don’t feel confident writing Fable as a main character just yet (I’ve seriously gotta play the games Legend’s in so I can write those two). But I went with Sky instead! I hope you like it!
Fic under the cut (can also be read on Ao3)
Wild’s latest memory is one of his worst.
At least, Legend thinks it is. He isn’t usually around for the aftermath of these kinds of things. Warriors or Time are always quick to usher the group away as soon as that faraway look comes into the champion’s eyes. But today the memory had come and gone with uncharacteristic speed, and there had been no time for an escape.
Legend hadn’t minded too much at first. He’s handled worse things than the reminiscing of an amnesiac, after all. But that was before Wild had crumpled, falling to his knees with his hands pressed to his face. That was before the wailing had begun.
Even now, that an eternity has passed, the sounds of anguish still split the air. Twilight has drawn the champion into his arms, but his shoulder does little to muffle his heartbroken cries. And with each passing second Legend’s chest constricts further.
A lump situates itself painfully in his throat and he struggles to breathe past it. He won’t cry–he can’t—not here. Yet, the tears are coming anyway, burning his eyes and trickling down his cheeks.
He balls his hands into fists, fingernails digging into flesh. Even the stinging pain does nothing to keep back the emotions rising within him. And they’re not his own, not even close—for goodness sake, he doesn’t even know what the memory was about—but they come anyway, strong and suffocating. He fights not to crumble beneath their weight.
Still, the sobs wrack Wild’s body and still, he stands frozen in place, unable to tear his eyes from the sight.
Somewhere off to his side Time leads the others away, saying something about privacy. Somewhere even nearer Wind laments their helplessness. But Legend hears them as though they’re miles away.
When Wild speaks, however, he hears the anguished words plainly.
“I forgot her. How could I forget her?”
He doesn’t know who this mystery girl is (though he may have a terrible, terrifying inkling), but it doesn’t matter. The statement on top of everything else is just too much.
It takes everything he has to walk away instead of running.
Putting some distance between himself and the others helps a bit. As soon as he’s out of earshot, the emotions begin to subside and the tears along with them. But the mere thought of the champion–of how he’d looked and sounded–brings them roaring back.
Legend kicks viciously at a small pebble, sending it flying.
It was only a matter of time before this happened–before someone started bawling their eyes out and he just had to follow suit. But it’s stupid, horribly so. He isn’t the one who should be crying. He’s the one who should be standing strong, keeping his walls up, and letting no one, not a single person, see how the pain of others affects him.
He reaches a small cliff and, with a sigh, flops down onto it. It’s a dismal sort of day though, overhung with rain clouds and fog, and within a second of sitting down his tunic has sopped up half of Hyrule’s water supply. Cursing, he leaps back to his feet.
Wonderful. Even nature is trying to make him cry. Or scream. At this point, he feels more inclined to go that route.
Instead, he settles for glaring into the mist. It doesn’t provide any satisfaction, but it’s something.
Anger is better than sorrow any day.
He jumps at the sound and whirls, reaching for his sword. Sky holds up a hand to stop him.
“It’s just me.”
Legend lets out an annoyed huff, sheathing his weapon. His thoughts are scattered now like seeds born on the wings of the wind.
“Yeah, I can see that now. Mind not sneaking up on me next time?”
Sky chuckles. “Sorry, I thought you’d hear me. I’m not usually all that stealthy.”
He comes to stand beside him, following the direction of Legend’s gaze from moments before.
“You were deep in thought though. I called you three times before you noticed I was standing there.”
Legend shifts, uncomfortably.
Three times? That’s a first. He’s usually much more attentive, often to a fault. “Bunny hearing” Fable jokingly calls it, and he can’t help thinking she’s onto something. Few sounds slip his notice.
“Well, what’re you doing here?” He asks, sitting down on the moist grass. Wetness be damned, he’s too tired to remain standing.
Sweet Hylia, why do emotions have to be so exhausting?
“Shouldn’t you be back there—” He jerks a thumb behind him— “comforting the person who’s actively breaking down?”
Sky settles down by his side and folds his hands in his lap.
“I can’t help Wild,” he says, quietly. “The fewer people around him right now, the better. Twilight and Time are with him and that’s enough.”
That’s good, Legend supposes. The champion is closer to the two heroes than he is to anyone else in their party. Still, he wishes something more could be done.
Well…what he wishes is that he could snap his fingers and all pain would just disappear—from him, from those he calls friends. That would be easier, much easier than sitting here and dealing with the whole lot of it.
…or watching it tear someone down into a sobbing, mess.
Hylia help him, his own problems are more than enough without him having to go and absorb everyone else’s. It’s like being a chu, oozing about, taking on any element they encounter, and spewing it out indiscriminately.
“It’s difficult watching something like that.”
Legend turns slightly so he can see the Skyloftian’s face. There’s something he can’t quite make out in his gaze, an emotion he thinks he should know yet can’t place.
“There’s nothing we can do,” Sky continues, almost as though reassuring himself. “But our hero’s spirits want so badly to take it all away. It just doesn’t sit right, leaving him with such a heavy burden.”
He meets Legend’s eyes now, a small, sad smile lifting his lips. “Especially when it feels like that burden has become yours.”
The tears spring back with a vengeance and Legend turns away quickly to avoid Sky catching sight of them. Not that it matters. He knows what the Skyloftian is doing, and he knows what it means. He saw him crying back there, he must have.
He slumps despite himself, curling in with his shoulders hunched. He feels very much like he did when Twilight and Sky saw him in his bunny form, caught in the trap of vulnerability and hating every second of it.
“I know it’s not my burden,” he mutters, testily. “I just…I can’t help it.”
Plucking a blade of grass he begins ripping it viciously into thin strands.
“It happens every damn time.”
Sky nods and there is a kind of comprehension in the movement. Somehow, it makes Legend feel worse.
First the tears, now an uncharacteristic outpouring of his heart. What on earth is wrong with him?
“It’s not a weakness you know.”
Legend gives a derisive snort. “I don’t see how it couldn’t be.”
“You’re such a kind, sensitive soul,” his uncle told him once, fondness in his eyes. But kindness and sensitivity are blatant invitations for hurt. That much has been drilled into his skull.
For a long moment, there is only suffocating silence. Then, Sky scoots closer. He’s warm, far more than the dreary chill of the wind or the bone-aching wet hanging in the air and seeping into his tunic. Still, Legend stiffens.
“I know it feels that way sometimes,” the Skyloftian continues. “But it’s what makes us heroes.”
Legend side eyes him. “Crying our eyes out makes us heroes?”
Sky chuckles. “Well, maybe not that specifically. You know what I mean, though.”
Legend sighs. He does, despite not really wanting to accept it.
“If only dealing with emotions was as easy as saving Hyrule,” he says, wryly, in a half-hearted attempt at bringing some humor into the conversation.
Sky’s face falls slightly. “Yeah…if only.” Then, he smiles, though it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Anyway, I guess the bunny form makes more sense now.”
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Legend snaps, sending him a scowl.
“It’s just like the rancher said, you’ve got a soft, little bunny heart.”
“Hey, now! You’ve got no right!”
Sky laughs, completely unperturbed by Legend’s pout. And even the veteran has to admit the sound makes the air feel lighter. At the very least, it’s better than the sound of sobs.
“Oh!” The Skyloftian suddenly jolts, reaching into his pouch. “That reminds me. I have something for you.” He presses a small, wrapped object into Legend’s palm. “I’ve been meaning to give it to you, but I couldn’t find a good time. I guess now is as good as ever.”
Legend peers down at it, curiosity peeking. But before he can begin freeing it from the handkerchief that envelopes it, Sky rises.
“Well, I’m gonna head back. Open that whenever you want to. There’s no rush.”
“Okay,” Legend replies, slowly. He watches with narrowed eyes as the Skyloftian turns and starts in the opposite direction. If he wasn’t suspicious before, he certainly is now.
Nevertheless, he makes himself wait until Sky is out of sight to peel away the wrapping. And then he freezes, breath catching at the sight within.
It’s a tiny, ornate carving of a rabbit.
It stands on its hind legs, so alert and lifelike Legend half expects to see it twitch its nose. Gently, almost cautiously, he runs a finger over its little head, feeling the smoothness of the wood.
Something wet and warm drops onto the back of his hand, and he realizes with a streak of frustration that he’s crying again. Cursing Sky, he swipes at his eyes. There’s no stopping it now that it’s begun, however. In the end, he’s forced to let the sobs rip through him.
And as the tears pour down faster than he can wipe them away, he closes his fist around the precious object and clutches it to his chest.
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sicknessbysalem · 7 months
Novemetober (Rescheduled) | Day Sixteen
prompt: waking up puking
hi yes sorry i died for a week. things were rough.
i swear i have other ocs. but something about making novak puke his pretty little guts out makes me happy inside. and i felt like that was a better thing to come back and write.
if you have any questions, comments, or requests, feel free to send them.
tw emeto, fever, exhaustion, seizure mention (but no actual seizures this time)
Novak stood on the sidelines of the football field, observing the players as they ran through defensive drills. As the defensive coach for the Mavericks, he felt a sense of responsibility to ensure the team was performing at their best. Whether it was the defensive line, the offensive line, or even himself. Novak wanted everyone to perform at their best, even in practice.
For himself, he was desperate to perform at the top of his game, even though he was sidelined. He had to do well. He needed to prove that it wasn't a waste to move him to the coaching position that was open when he couldn't play anymore, not safely anyway. And usually, Novak was good at what he did. He was tough, but not relentless. He was determined for his team to do the best they could do, even in practice, and would hardly accept anything else.
But today, he felt like he was failing them. Novak couldn't shake off the feeling of exhaustion that seemed to weigh him down with each passing minute.
The sun beat down relentlessly on the field, intensifying the heat and adding to Novak's discomfort. Despite the temperature, he felt a chill run through his body, accompanied by a persistent ache in his muscles. Novak rubbed his temples, trying to alleviate the throbbing headache that had been plaguing him all morning.
As the practice continued, Novak found it increasingly difficult to focus on the drills. His movements felt sluggish, and he struggled to keep up with the fast pace of the players. Every step seemed to take more effort than usual, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of fatigue that weighed heavily on him.
Still, Novak pushed through, determined not to let his team down. He gritted his teeth and forced himself to keep moving, ignoring the protests of his tired body. He couldn't afford to show any weakness, especially not in front of his players. He didn't even know why he felt so... bad. Yuliya had been sick, he took care of her. But surely, Novak told himself, that wasn't what caused that. It couldn't be. Not right now.
He checked his watch briefly. His heart rate looked fine. He didn't feel like he was really at risk for a seizure, so at least that was good. He sighed to himself, before going back to his clipboard and resuming his duties, taking off his sweatshirt in hopes to make himself feel at least a little better.
As practice dragged on, Novak's condition only seemed to worsen. The pounding in his head grew more intense, and a wave of nausea swept over him. He staggered slightly, feeling lightheaded and dizzy.
Despite his best efforts to hide his discomfort, one of his assistant coaches noticed Novak's struggle.
"Hey, Novak, you alright?" Kyle asked, concern evident in his voice.
Novak forced a tight-lipped smile. "Yeah, just a little tired. My girlfriend, she was sick over the weekend. SO I'm just a little worn out. Nothing to worry about."
But Kyle wasn't convinced. "You don't look so good. Maybe you should take a break, get some water or something."
Novak shook his head. "I'm fine, really. I'll tough it out."
With a shrug, Kyle reluctantly backed off, but Novak could tell that his condition hadn't gone unnoticed. He cursed himself for not being able to hide it better. The last thing he wanted, especially after the incident in July, was for anyone to be paying extra close attention to him. Even for a short time.
As practice continued, Novak struggled to keep his focus, his vision blurring at the edges. Each passing minute felt like an eternity, and he counted down the clock until he could go home and crash. Maybe that was all he needed, an early night and he would be fine in the morning.
Novak had hardly stepped in the door when his mom came out. She immediately noticed the fatigue etched on his face and the weariness in his eyes, he could see her worry on her face. The thought made him feel guilty.
"Novak, you don't look well," Marina said, her voice filled with worry.
Novak forced a smile. "I'm just tired, Mom. Yuliya was sick over the weekend, you know... I took care of her. And took care of Elya. I'll probably just go to bed early tonight."
Marina studied him for a moment, unconvinced by his explanation. She knew her son well enough to sense when something was off, and today, Novak seemed more than just tired.
"Are you sure that's all it is?" Marina pressed, placing her hand on his shoulder, "Do I need to call Willow?"
"I'm not going to have..." Novak couldn't make himself finish the sentence, "I'm fine. I'm just tired."
"Alright, słoneczko," Marina said, trying to hide her concern. "Why don't you sit down and rest? I'll make us some tea."
Novak nodded gratefully, sinking onto the couch with a heavy sigh. Marina disappeared into the kitchen, leaving Novak alone with his thoughts, trying to piece together why exactly he felt so fucking exhausted. He was tired, but it was more than that. Something told him it was much more than that.
Before he knew it, Novak's eyelids grew heavy, and he succumbed to the irresistible pull of sleep. Unaware of his own actions, he drifted off into a restless slumber, his body craving the rest it so desperately needed.
Yuliya's hands running through his hair are somehow incredibly comforting and makes his skin crawl at the same time.
He opened his eyes, staring at the living room ceiling. His head was pounding, the living room lights made him cringe and close his eyes again.
"You're sweating..." Yulia said, he heard the sound her her rubbing her hands on her leggings, "Do you feel okay?"
Novak mustered a weak nod in response to Yuliya's question, though he knew it was far from the truth. His body felt like it was on fire, and each movement sent waves of nausea rippling through him. Novak struggled to form a coherent response, his mind fogged by fatigue and the relentless throbbing in his head. He managed a weak nod, though he knew it wasn't entirely truthful.
"Just tired," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "Just need some rest."
Yuliya's brows furrowed with concern as she observed Novak's pale complexion and the sheen of sweat glistening on his forehead. She reached out to touch his cheek, her hand coming away warm and clammy.
"You're burning up," she said softly, her worry palpable in her voice. "I think you might have a fever."
Novak's stomach churned uneasily at her words, a wave of nausea washing over him. He swallowed hard, trying to push back the rising tide of sickness threatening to overwhelm him.
"I'll be fine," he insisted, though the tremor in his voice betrayed his uncertainty.
Yuliya's expression softened with understanding as she gazed at Novak with unwavering concern.
"Let's get you to bed," she said gently, offering him a reassuring smile. "You need to rest."
"I have to get Elya from-"
"Your mom took care of it," Yuliya said, "She's worried. Come on, lets get you in bed..."
Yuliya helped Novak to his feet, supporting him as they made their way to the bedroom. Novak's legs felt like lead, each step a struggle against the mounting exhaustion and dizziness.
Once they reached the bed, Novak sank down onto the mattress with a weary sigh, his body feeling heavier than usual. Novak laid on top of his sheets. He felt entiely uncomfortable, and though he felt slightly cold, he was sure the added feeling of sheets on his skin would send him into an overstimulated spiral.
Yuliya sat beside him, gently brushing her fingers through his hair, carefully detangling the ash blond locks that grew tangled from how wet they were from sweat.
"Do you want to change?" Yuliya asked.
Novak thought about it. And he thought about not changing. Just dealing with it. But, he figured he would probably be more comfortable. So, he nodded, forcing himself to his feet and grabbing a change of clothes. Yuliya looked away, occupying herself by picking things up off the floor. Her clothes, his clothes, she tossed them in the bin.
"I'll probably wash these when you fall asleep, okay?" Yuliya said.
Standing made Novak dizzy, he grabbed his dresser as he pulled on some comfortable clothes. He almost didn't answer, his brain not cooperating.
"You don't have to," Novak said, laying back down.
Yuliya sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing Novak's shoulder. Yuliya was the only exception in terms of his touch aversion. At least, to a degree.
"Try to get some sleep," she said softly, brushing a strand of hair away from Novak's clammy forehead. "I'll be right here if you need anything."
Novak nodded weakly, his eyelids already drooping with fatigue. He closed his eyes, hoping that sleep would offer some relief from the relentless ache in his head and the queasiness in his stomach.
Despite the exhaustion, Novak drifted in and out of consciousness. Each time he surfaced from the depths of sleep, Novak found himself enveloped in a fog of disorientation and confusion. His head throbbed with an intensity that seemed to reverberate through every fiber of his being, pulsing with each beat of his feverish heart.
His room is dark when he finally managed to pry his heavy eyelids open, the world swam in a dizzying haze before him. The room spun around him, tilting and swaying with each movement, leaving him feeling nauseous and unsteady, even as he laid down. He felt the weight of Yuliya behind him, her hand resting on the side of his head, as if she dozed off while lightly scratching the side and back of his head with her nails, as she always did. It was comforting, it made him feel better. Usually.
Now her hand just rested there, a surprinsingly comfortable pressure he could focus on that wasn't the nausea, wasn't the headache.
His stomach churned with a queasy unease, threatening to rebel against him at any moment. Novak clenched his jaw tightly, willing himself to hold back the waves of nausea that threatened to overwhelm him. Despite his best efforts, he could feel the telltale signs of impending sickness clawing at the back of his throat, a bitter taste flooding his mouth with each ragged breath he took.
Novak's limbs felt heavy and leaden, as if weighed down by an invisible force that sapped him of his strength and vitality. He longed to rise from the suffocating confines of his bed, to escape the oppressive grasp of illness that held him captive.
But try as he might, he found himself trapped in a state of being unable to muster the energy to move. He tasted saliva in his mouth, swallowing hard and shuddering against it.
The slight shudder must have woke Yuliya. He heard her behind him, heard her hum softly and sit up, reaching over him to turn on his lamp on his nightstand, Yuliya's concern deepened as she watched Novak struggle, his pale complexion contrasting starkly against the rumpled sheets of the bed. She could see the distress etched into the lines of his furrowed brow, the faint sheen of sweat glistening on his clammy skin.
"Novak, are you alright?" Yuliya's voice was laced with worry, her hand brushing over the side of his face, pushing back sweaty hair. He glanced at his watch, his phone was sitting on the nightstand. At least it wasn't that... she figured.
Novak couldn't even bring himself to shake his head at first. His throat constricted with the effort of holding back the rising tide of nausea that threatened to overwhelm him. Every slight movement sent a fresh wave of dizziness crashing over him, leaving him feeling light-headed and disoriented.
He tried to will himself to move, to push past the suffocating weight that pressed down on him from all sides. He needed to get up, to run to the bathroom, or to his desk, where his trash can was. Something, anything. But his limbs felt leaden and unresponsive, as if anchored to the mattress by invisible chains that refused to loosen their grip.
As the minutes ticked by, Novak's resolve began to waver, his breath coming in short, shallow gasps as the relentless onslaught of sickness tightened its grip around him.
"Novak.. Novak hey," Yuliya said, "What's wrong?"
Desperation clawed at his chest as he struggled to keep the roiling contents of his stomach at bay, his muscles tensed with the effort of holding back what he tried not to imagine was the remains of lunch and breakfast, and maybe dinner from the day before. He could finally move, briefly, only enough to cover his mouth with his hand.
"Shit," Yuliya said, starting to go to get up and grab something.
Novak shook his head. He needed to move, he tried to move. But he couldn't. That was when the panic started to set in.
Maybe he could just... breathe. Maybe he could settle his own stomach. Maybe, maybe.
But despite his best efforts, Novak could feel the telltale churn of his stomach intensifying with each passing second, a grim reminder of his body's relentless betrayal in the face of illness.
As soon as Yuliya set down the trash can, then he could move. He moved just enough to grab the bin. It was milliseconds vefore he started heaving, his body trying to purge whatever dared make him feel so disgusting.
Yuliya watched with a mixture of concern and helplessness as Novak's body convulsed with each violent heave, his features contorted in agony as he struggled to expel the contents of his roiling stomach.
She moved closer, her hand hovering uncertainly over his trembling form, wanting desperately to offer comfort but unsure of how to help.
"Easy, Novak," she murmured, her voice soft and soothing. "Just let it out. You'll feel better once it's all out of your system."
Novak could only nod weakly in response, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he rode out the storm of nausea that threatened to overwhelm him. He clung to the trash can with a white-knuckled grip, his knuckles turning pale with the effort of holding on.
With each retch and gag, Novak felt a small measure of relief wash over him. Each wave of sick made his stomach feel less tense and full.
At one point, Novak stopped briefly to take a breath. His body giving him a split second relief. But when the nausea kicked back up again, this time Novak knew he coulf make it to the bathroom. And make it to the bathroom he did.
He bolted, abandoning the trash bin, knowing there was more in his system. Sure enough, as soon as he was on his knees if front of the toilet he was vomiting again.
Yulia sat it the doorway. Wincing as Novak retched up more and more waves of sludge from his stomach. Waves of gods knew what. Yuliya moved a little closer.
Yuliya reached out a gentle hand to brush the sweat-dampened hair from Novak's forehead, her touch comforting.
Novak continued to heave for what felt like an eternity. But finally, finally he was left gasping, trying to catch his breath.
He looked at Yuliya, who offered a small smile.
“It’s gonna be a long night, my love…” Yuliya said softly. “But, I’ll be right here.”
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littledollll · 2 years
More stalking cause I’m quite an emotional wreck today so me and emery are re reading your fics
Another prompt~ r having anxiety and needing luci to come make them feel better. (Self indulgent fic I’m really struggling today )~ very tired shy anon🕊️
#shy anon
Where’s my angel?
(Little angel universe, side fic)
Lucifer Morningstar x little!angel!reader
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A/n: ya boy has a 3 hour car ride back home and I fell asleep 4 times writing this, If you see random spams of “jjjjjjjjjj” it’ll be gone tomorrow I’m taking a nap now.
To answer your question: I was in a server where the term “little one” was sooo overused and it tired me out when it was used on me so I figured it maybe did the same to other tinys (I was right) + It was just a special term for me and my tiny ones so it was a little different form the usual and “exclusive” to us:)
I can’t think of any warnings but then again I can’t rly think of anything right now so scream at me in the comments if I should add any.
Requested prompts: selective mute, anxiety and emery
Officially taking duty as hells messenger was your choice, you just wanted to feel useful though Lucifer reminded you time and time again that just your company and love was more than enough, even mazikeen agreed claiming that since you came around everything’s been a lot smoother, happy Lucifer means an (ironically) happy hell. Yet you wanted to do more than just- exist.
So when you insisted to take some role to help around Lucifer assigned you as a messenger, really all you had to do was (as the name suggests) bring and deliver messages across realms, it wasn’t that difficult most of the time. But then came days like this. You woke up small, you didn’t really know why but admittedly you didn’t always need a reason. The problem wasn’t that you slipped, it was the time you did.
You panicked, you had work to do but you couldn’t leave like this.
The more you submerged yourself in your panicked thoughts the less you could actually think, you were already small and your anxiety was making you slip further. You couldn’t even panic anymore, everything just left you. That tingling feeling that ran through your spine making you shrink from inside out. It was enough of an indication that there was no chance you’d slip out, and when you noticed you were alone you felt like crying, you cuddled up to Emery and October, October being the new addition to your piles of stuffies, a gift from Lucifer.
Nuzzling your face into the soft fur, you considered running around the kingdom until you found your Luci, but your anxiety was stronger, convincing you you’ve already used up enough of their time, they have a whole realm to run, you could handle one day alone like you had before. You hid under your mountains of blankets with embery and October, curling up and opting to just sleep the time away.
Lucifer of course noticed your absence, you’d usually be excited to get up and start working, they found your search for a mission unnecessary, but it made you happy, how could they take that away? They went to your little room, guessing that if you wished to be alone you’d be there, yet you weren’t, they made their way to your shared room. “Am I crazy or did the amount of blankets here double?” They asked into the air when they spotted your silhouette under the blankets.
You giggled thinking you were so sneaky and they obviously couldn’t hear you. “Greetings mr. silhouette, im looking for a little angel, very very tiny, I swore I heard an adorable giggle around this area, have you seen them?” They waited a beat and you held your breath so they wouldn’t spot you. “Huh, I guess mr silhouette doesn’t speak. Hmmm. Let’s see.. I checked under the bed, in the closet and behind the furniture, where could my little dove possibly be!” You giggled again, putting your finger over your mouth and very (not) discreetly said “shhhh” to both October and Emery.
“There it is again! I know it’s you tiny, and I’ll find you! If you don’t show yourself this instant I will tickle you for all eternity when I do!” You gasped. Quickly scrambling to pull the mess of blankets and peeking your eyes out while you held the covers over the rest of your face. “No way you’ve been there this whole time” you quickly nodded. “Lies! No way, I don’t believe it.” You pulled Your stuffies up from under the blanket as proof.
They glared at your stuffies and looked back at you. “They are such traitors” you shook your head pointing at them. “Oh only to me? I see how it is.” They moved over to the bed pulling the three of you into their arms. Immediately you relaxed into their hold. “What happened today, little dove? You didn’t tell me you slipped.” “didn wan bother..” Lucifer placed a kiss to the tip of your nose. “You could never. You know how much I love you and your company , tiny one.”
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floralcyanide · 2 years
Last Chance to Lose Your Keys
Austin Butler x Reader
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request: Can you write a fanfic we’re Austin is so madly in love with the reader and wants to be more then friends they start dating and have the time of their life while together. And the reader can be whatever you want and the story can also be who ever you want. But can the two have a kiss I the fanfic at times. by @austinstyles
warnings: from Austin's POV, gender neutral reader, fluff.
summary: Austin has some trouble with how he feels about you, but what he doesn't know is that you feel the same.
word count:1063
author’s note: hello hello! here's the 4th request for my 2k celebration! I hope everyone enjoys (:
masterlist | add yourself to the taglist here | 2k celebration prompts here | request a prompt here or in my asks.
"I've been thinking about you and me girl, and we've got something going on.”
You’ve got this. You’ve totally got this.
I brush off my button-up for the tenth time, trying my best to get rid of the non-existent wrinkles. I tousle my freshly cut hair a little again, studying my reflection in the mirror timidly. Shaking myself out, I take a few deep breaths before forcing myself away from the mirror and out of my bedroom. I quickly grab my keys and head out of the front door, trying to convince myself that my plan will go exactly how I keep imagining it. Today was going to be the day.
Trying to keep myself pumped up, I played some Elvis on the way to Y/N’s house. We were having a movie night like we always do every weekend, but this time it was different. This time, I’m telling them how I feel about them. Usually, I’m cool and collected, but whenever I’m around them, that facade just melts away. I find myself stuttering and struggling to find the right words to say. I get this fluttery feeling in my stomach, and my heart races every time we hang out. We’ve been friends for so long, and a part of me is afraid they don’t feel the same about me. But I guess we’re about to find out. 
When I pull up to Y/N’s place, my heart begins to thump wildly in my chest, and my palms start feeling clammy. I remind myself to take deep breaths, so I don’t get too overwhelmed. I force myself out of my car and make my way toward their front door. I stand there awkwardly for a moment, wondering if I should knock on the door and go through with this. What if they don’t feel the same? What if they laugh in my face? What if-
“Hey, Aus! You okay?” they open the door, their face falling in concern at my visible nervousness.
“Oh, yeah, of course! Just had too much coffee, is all,” I lie, smiling to cover it up.
Y/N steps aside for me to walk through the doorway, and I enter their place. They go to sit on the couch and motion for me to join them. There are snacks all over the coffee table, ranging from popcorn to sweets. I sit down on the couch but not directly next to them. They furrow their eyebrows at me for a moment but then focus their attention on the tv.
“So, what are we watching tonight?” they ask me, scrolling through the various streaming apps.
“I haven’t had time to think about that,” I say, “Maybe we can finish watching that show we started a few weeks ago?”
“Good idea,” Y/N says, opening Netflix.
I try to focus on the show, but my mind wanders anxiously. How do I bring up that I need to talk to them without worrying them? What do I even say? I can’t just blurt out, “Hey! I am lowkey in love with you!” I try to push away the thoughts, turning my attention back on the show. But still, my imagination keeps getting the best of me. For a while, everything seems fine. Well, to me, anyway. We’re into our second episode of the night when Y/N suddenly pauses the show.
“Are you okay? You’re acting weird,” they frown, studying my face for any giveaways.
“Of course I’m okay, and why do you say that?” I scratch my head.
“Because you have hardly said a word so far, you haven’t dug into any snacks, and this show always makes you laugh, and you haven’t laughed once.”
I sigh, running a hand through my hair, “I’ve been thinking about you and I. A lot.”
“What about you and I?” they ask, a concerned expression still etched on their face.
“I have feelings for you,” I gulp.
A look of realization crosses their face, and then a big smile.
“So you’re telling me the Austin Butler has a crush on me?” Y/N jokes.
“Yes,” I say, nervously looking them in the eye, searching for any hint of rejection.
“I have feelings for you too, I’m not gonna lie,” they confess, scratching the back of their neck, “I figured I’d have to hide it forever, but I’m glad I don’t have to anymore.”
“Really?” I ask, raising my eyebrows in surprise. They like me back?
“Yes, really,” they chuckle, “But the thing is, what are we gonna do about it?”
“I have a few ideas,” I say, feeling bold.
“And what are they?”
“This,” I say, moving closer to Y/N and grabbing the back of their neck, pulling them into a kiss.
They kiss back, and I try not to smile into the embrace. Finally.
The rest of the evening is spent watching the show and cuddling on the couch. We decided to take things slow and plan a first date, nothing too serious. A coffee date that following Monday is the final decision. We sit in the back of the coffeehouse, where it’s somewhat private, and we often sneak kisses when there’s no one around. 
“I like kissing you,” Y/N smiles when she pulls away from yet another kiss.
“I like kissing you, too,” I smile back, and it feels like there are hearts where my eyes should be.
That Friday, we went out to dinner and had a great time. When we leave, I sneak my hand into theirs as we walk to the car. They beam at me, their face bashful at the gesture. We arrive at their home, and I walk them to their door, our hands still grasping each other. 
“I had fun,” Y/N says, and I nod in agreement.
“We should definitely do it again sometime,” I say, looking into their eyes.
They lean into me, connecting our lips for the first time tonight. I let go of their hand, running my now free hand around the back of their head and through their hair. After a few minutes, we both reluctantly pulled away.
“See you later,” they say, smiling at me before heading inside.
I stand there momentarily, wondering how I should surprise them with another date. As I walk back to the car, I keep mentally pinching myself because I can’t believe this is real and they like me back. I never thought I’d be so lucky.
@anangelwhodidntfall @butlersluvbot @austinbutler17 @misspygmypie @mamaspresley @mirandastuckinthe80s @sodonebruh @lizzymizzy-blogg @defnotreadingfanfics12 @izzvoid @homebodybirkin2003 @thatonemoviefan @sarachacha @kittenlittle24 @alltheflowerstomav @tubble-wubble @annamarie16 @adoreyouusugar @amiets2 @mrs-butler @ari-nicole @austin-butlers-gf @feral4austinbutler @inlovewithchrisevans @shynovelist @mommy-maia @karamelcoveredolicity @thtguyovrthere @starry-night-20 @coldonexx @hangmanswhorey @mavericksicybabe @coco-bitch @bobthefishiesworld @emmymaehereeeeee @myguiltypleasures21 @rainydayz101 @finelineskies @cryingabtab @kaitaesupremacy @ash-omalley @latenighttalking13 @tom-whore-dleston @cece05 @poppet05 @every-dayiwakeup  @whore-for-hewitt @butlerslut @rosepresley @fangirl125reader
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polizwrites · 2 months
PoliZ’s WIP Update -  31 Jul 2024
A bit of a struggle to get the words out this week -  I touched three fics (1 new & 2 WIPs) - for a total of 1946  words.   
On Ao3, I posted: 
Chapter Six of A Little Bit Carried Away - WinterIron No Powers omegaverse fic  
The Bloom is Off the Rose -  No Powers AU ficlet with Tony meeting cute with Bucky & Steve (featuring cheating!Ty) 
Overflowing with Passion - Wartime Stucky PWP ficlet. 
On Tumblr I posted: 
Engaging with the Enemy - Bucky & Sam TFAWS scene retelling
I’m juggling  20+  active/semi-active WIPs with my current  deadline being the July Break Bingo, which runs until mid-August, and Hot Bucky Summer and Tony Stark This or That, which run til the end of August.  
See  below cut for what I’m working on/planning to work on - arranged more or less by bingos/challenges/etc.  As always, feel free to send me   prompts or plot bunnies as well as asks regarding  any of these projects  or any other WIPs I’ve got out there.   Interaction really helps feed the Muse and keep me motivated!
July Break Bingo [JBB_24] (runs 1-31 Jul  14 August) 
@julybreakbingo  is a fantastic any-fandom bingo event designed to spark creativity during the month of July - plus the first two weeks of August, thanks to an extension! I’ve combined squares with  multiple other events this month and as of today, I have 22 prompts filled and 1 in WIP form, with one or two more  potentially planned. 
* B5 - "Wanna practice?" -  filled this with  Practice Makes Perfect as a crossover with the Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF 261 Maybe One More]. It’s a Pre war Stucky getting-together ficlet that came in at 541 words.
* I5 - Engage - filled this with Engaging with the Enemy. A Bucky & Sam TFAWS scene retelling, it crosses over with the Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF 263 In The Meadows]. It came in at 356 words.
* G2 Hurt/Comfort - another Flash Fiction Friday crossfill, where I combined this with [#FFF262 Run Far and Fast ] for  Beating a Hasty Retreat, where teenage Steve & Bucky get in a scrape.  It came in at 410 words.
* G3 - "I can't breathe."  - see G3 above. 
* O2 - Betrayal fic - didn’t manage to figure out a crossover on this, so I wrote & posted  The Bloom is Off the Rose, where a note tucked into an apology bouquet Ty gave him leads Tony to meet two handsome florists.  It came in at 655 words and posted on Monday.  
Hot Bucky Summer 2024 [HBS_R2] (Ends 31 Aug)
More fun from the @buckybarnesevents folks - this time weekly challenges to create (usually NSFW) Bucky-centric fanworks!   Thanks to plenty of cross-filling with other events  (I’m looking at you, July Break Bingo)  I’ve submitted something for the first nine weeks and have at least ideas for the remaining three - now  to see if I have time/inspiration to write them!  
* Week 9 July 27th - August 2nd - FREE WEEK | Optional Prompts: WAM (Wet & Messy).  Posted Overflowing with Passion  this morning -  more wartime Stucky sexy shenanigans.  Post-Rebirth, Steve is very … productive when he comes, and Bucky is 100% here for it.  It came in (heh) at  571 words and crosses over with  BaBB: July: Bukkake,   BBB: B4 - Showoff  JBB: I2 - "I feel disgusting." + N1- "Are you done?" + Alt2 - Love as passion.  
* Week 10 August 3rd - August 9th --  “Shhhhhhhhh…” + Gagged  + Voyeurism - Working on Chapter 3 of  Coming Clean. Bucky’s POV - Tony blabbering about how he doesn’t want to come between Steve & Bucky - so the two of them shut him up in the best way.  Currently crossing over with my TSB_R8 - K5 - Misunderstandings  square and  TSTOT_24 -  Row 2: Omega Tony prompt - going to see if I can squish in any  Aug BaBB prompts.
* Week 11 August 10th - August 16th  “You look good like this.” + Kneeling  + Tied Down  +  Ruined.   Probably Chapter 3   of  The Business of Pleasure -  picking up with  Steve’s  POV?  It’s currently sitting at   71 words and I want to see if any Aug BaBB prompts fit.  
* Week 12 - August 17th - August 23rd  – “What should I wear?” + Nothing -  Got inspired by a song lyric to come up with a Greco-Roman wrestling challenge - if I go WinterIron I could squish in  TSB S4 - "Get it over with"  or  S2 - Tony's Poor Life Choices …? I will also see if any Aug BaBB prompts fit.
Hawkeyes Bingo [HB_R2] (Ends TBD) 
Working on this  Tumblr event - got a 3x3 card and am looking forward to creating more  Clint-centric content and trying my hand at a bit of  Kate Bishop fic as well!    
* A3 - Awkward Flirting – this might be a good entry into my first femslash fic with Kate/Yelena?    
* C1 - Magic -  Combined this with a previous Flash Fiction Friday prompt  [#FFF259 House of Cards]   for   Keep a Steady Hand.  Clint notices Bucky getting frustrated with a task and offers to help.  It came in at 632 words and will post to Ao3 possibly later this month.  
Build-A-Bucky Bingo [BaBB_R1] (Ends 1 Sep 2024)
Another fun year-long  event from the folks at  @buckybarnesevents!  Each month there’s a list of prompts and you choose (at least) one  each month for your card!  At twenty-four  fills and two WIPs with three months to go, I seem to be going a bit overboard …. 😁
* May:  Bucky’s Trigger Words -  combined this with last week’s  Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF251 Out There] for Just To Live One Day Out There - a Winter Soldier self-reflective ficlet. It came in at 312 words and will get posted to Ao3 Real Soon. 
* May:  Praise Kink - Filled this with Chapter Six of A Little Bit Carried Away, which posted on Friday. Alpha!Bucky and omega!Tony get to live out their sexy fantasies.  It came in at 1138 words 
*July: Sharing Clothes - Also filled this prompt with Chapter Six of A Little Bit Carried Away.  
* July: Bukkake, - see HBS Week 9  above
WinterIron Bingo Round 2  [WIB_R2] (Ends 16 Dec 2024)
Signups are still open for pre-made cards for Round Two of this super-fun bingo event! I have fifteen  fills and zero WIPs at the moment - setting this aside for the moment, as I have other time-sensitive events going.  
* Iron Soldier (One Bingo, One Fill) - looking at combining my Column B prompts: Matchmaker, Bucky Riding Tony, Stark Gala, Inside Joke and Threesome.  Still working on a plot - if you have any suggestions/want-to-sees - let me know! 
* I1 - A/B/O: Knotting  - see BaBB May: Praise Kink above.  
* I3 - Car Sex -  Have a fun ficlet in mind for this - some of the dialogue & such already worked out in my head.   Possibly combine with JBB B3 - "You're in denial." 
*I4 - SHIELD HQ - combined this with the Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF245 You Never Cared] and wrote Fathers Don’t Know Best  -  No Power AU with Bucky working as an analyst at SHIELD who stumbles across a late night visitor to the lobby.  It came in at 407 words and will get posted to Ao3 before the event ends.  
* N1 - Hair Pulling Kink -  thanks to a fun prompt from @scottxlogan  - I filled this square with Untangling Their Attraction - where Tony’s offer of assistance leads to mutual kink discovery (not as racy as it might sound).  It’s coming in at 544 words and will post to Ao3 before this event is over. 
* N5 - "I'm here for you."  - Possibly the next chapter of  Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion ?  
Bucky Barnes Bingo - Round Six [BBB - R6]  (Ends 31 Mar)
This amazing bingo event from the folks over at @buckybarnesbingo is back!  I have ten fills, no WIPs at the moment, but a coiple  more crossovers planned. 
* B4 - Showoff - see HBS Week 9 above.
* K4 - Last Times/Farewells - combined this with a previous  Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF257 Count The Days ] for  Short-Timing It - a pre-war (just barely) Bucky & Steve (Stucky if you squint) ficlet. It came in at 313 words and will post to Ao3 before the event is over.   
Warm and Fluffy   Bingo  [WFB]   (no end date)
Eight fills on my card, courtesy of   @warmandfluffybingocards  - need to try for another crossover or two!
* I2 - Vulnerable Drunk - matched this up with a previous Flash Fiction Friday prompt of [#FFF258 Milky Way Dreams]  for Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines -  a MIT-era Tony & Rhodey ficlet, where a drunk Tony shares a childhood dream with his best friend.  It came in at 318 words and will get posted to Ao3 at some point.   
On  other creative fronts:  I am working on a Ziggy the Vulture plush figure for a custom commission.       
If  you’re looking for one of a kind gifts for birthdays or other celebrations, check  out Stuffed With Character    over on Facebook for a full list of my designs (now over 150!).   These soft stuffed figures are  mostly Marvel and monsters, but I have some Star Wars, Star Trek, DC   and Disney figures as well. Plus I love to take custom design   requests  for any fandom!
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watercolor-hearts · 10 months
So if you can answerr the ao3 wrapped: 5 6 15 and 29 please 😊
[Ao3 wrapped – Ask me about my stories/writing this year.]
Hi 😊 Of course I can. Thank you so much for asking. Long post ahead because... I love talking about writing/my stories. 😂❤
5. Has a work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
Yes, Broken Hearts and Broken Dreams: 14 subscriptions, 2875 hits, 131 kudos, 5 comments, 9 bookmarks.
When I posted my first Lestappen story (not this one) I was surprised how quickly the hits and kudos count climbed. And then I realized Lestappen was the top ship. (For me it's always Maxiel so that's why it was surprising.) And in case of this story the big amount of feedback was also surprising because it's about non-planned pregnancy, abortion and it's... not about easy topics. But it was nice to see people liked it so much. (It's my number one story if we view them by hits count.)
6. Favorite title you used
I don't have artsy titles, I usually just pick something from the story and make it the title so they're really basic but I still can't choose only one so here are all my faves:
Battle scar; Broken Hearts and Broken Dreams; In Sickness and In Health; Blood, sweat and tears; and Home.
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
For sure I'm gonna take In Sickness and In Health/Depressed Seb AU with me into next year because I still have a lot of story ideas for it. I'm planning to finish at least one this year but I'm sure I'll write for this au next year too. Having this little universe means a lot to me. ❤
And I think I'll also take my Charlos mpreg/premature birth/male lactation story into next year because even though I stopped talking about it, I still want to write it (uni was a bit too much and I had no time to write. But tomorrow (now today because it's now past midnight as I finish this post) is my last day so I hope I'll be able to write again soon.)
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Now this is a difficult one because so far I've written 47 stories this year. (Big big thanks to Em and Nyx for sending me my first ever prompts and giving me a chance to start this amazing journey. ❤ And also big thanks to everyone who has ever sent me a prompt. It means a lot. ❤)
Now I'm gonna try and list as few of my fave lines as I can because I don't want to copy and paste all of my fave stories here but it's not always easy. 😂 (Mission (kind of) failed. Sorry.)
In Sickness and In Health
In sickness and in health, they say. Seb and Kimi knew it well.
“Just a little snack,” Seb said, heading to the kitchen. He knew he needed to eat but there were times when it wasn't that easy. But for Kimi, he tried. Kimi saved him, he’ll always try for him.
Seb was holding on to Kimi’s upper arm like he was scared Kimi would leave him alone. Not that Kimi wanted to do that. He would never leave Seb alone.
He knew his back would be dead if he slept there but, to be honest, the only thing he cared about was his lover on top of him, sleeping peacefully; a calm moment after all the storms of the last few weeks, even months. Therapy sessions, arguments, struggles with the food he was supposed to eat, and long nights filled with crying; it wasn’t easy. It’s never easy but now there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. 
Maybe I deserve all of this
“You know, when people see someone crying, they usually say something like ‘please don’t cry, it’s going to be alright’ because they… they don’t really know what to do when someone cries. Nobody really teaches you what to do.
“Can you… Can you take off your t-shirt?” George asked a few moments later.
“Already want me half naked, I see you, Georgie,” Alex teased, giving a quick kiss on George’s head before taking off his t-shirt.
“Just want to feel your skin,” George murmured, “And your heartbeat.”
“I wouldn't compare pain,” Alex said, “because it’s not something you can or should compare. It’s not about whose pain is worse. Everybody’s pain is valid and they deserve to get comforted if they want to.
We all have moments like this; when we’re vulnerable and just want someone to hold us.”
“And it’s one of the best things in the world when you have someone to hold you.”
I will kill you (but I will kill André first)
“Fuck,” Sam muttered under his breath, finally giving in and leaning back.
“Please wait with that,” André said, jokingly, making Jev laugh and Sam smile in disbelief. “I'm sure you could give a great lap dance to Jev but I don't want to see it. At least not this close.”
“I can't believe you, Lotterer,” Sam shook his head, laughing, “I fucking can't believe you.”
I'm breathing...
“Lewis, do I have to call a doctor?”
Lewis immediately shook his head. “No, it's okay, it's just… I just…” Lewis huffed as he tried to tilt his head back to open his airways more and let the air fill his lungs. He tried hard not to let panic fully take over his mind as the anxiety reached the top.
“Try to sit up,” advised Bono and tried to help Lewis by putting his hand on the driver's back, between his shoulder blades, to support him. “I know it's not easy now but try to breathe slowly,” the engineer advised as he caressed Lewis' back. “You can control your body. Trust yourself.”
The driver nodded, tilted his head back again, and closed his eyes to concentrate on his breathing. He felt like he couldn't get enough air into his lungs no matter how hard he tried or which breathing technique he used.
“You can do it, Lewis,” said Bono in his usual calm voice, “I know you can do it. Try to make these small breaths a little longer. If you manage to control your breathing, your heart will slow down too and then the strange feeling in your chest will go away.”
“Your heartbeat sounds like home,” Seb said, breaking the silence a few moments later.
“Really?” Kimi asked, surprised. Seb has always been the cheesier one, but after everything that happened, this hit really close to home for Kimi. 
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allsassnoclass · 2 years
2022 Writing Evaluation
I was tagged by the wonderful Bella @clumsyclifford (thank you for digging this up and tagging me first because i 100% was going to do it anyway lol)
also my pseudonyms are combined on ao3 so although this is my 5sos blog you will be hearing about my other fandom writing as well
1. number of stories posted on ao3: 17!
2. word count posted for this year: 124,269 on ao3, 23,433 for ask box prompts, so a grand total of 147,702!
3. fandoms i wrote for: 5sos, 1d, It (2017 and 2019 movies), Stranger Things, HSMTMTS, Cobra Kai
4. pairings: on ao3 we have some nice crisp muke, lashton, mashton, mashton (friendship version), cashton, cake, malum, narry, lilo (and then also kiaz and caswen (friendship(?) version) and reddie and hellcheer).  adding in the ask box prompts and we also have 5sos ot4, roylum, and lashton (friendship version)
5. story with the most kudos/bookmarks/comments: for all of those it’s technically my hellcheer fic, but for the 5sos ones hits and kudos are The Catch, comment threads is pas de deux! 
6. work i’m most proud of (and why): pas de deux hands down no question.  it’s my longest fic by over 20k!  i wrote it almost constantly from november to december and had a goal to post each chapter on christmas and the four sundays leading up to it and i actually accomplished that goal!!!! i’ve never successfully focused on one particular fic for that long, and it actually worked!!! plus, for such a long fic, i think i did a relatively good job of keeping characterizations consistent and sensical throughout, as well as finding little themes to carry through the entire fic (which i got lucky with tbh, some things that became running pieces of the fic were not planned out before, i just caught them as they were happening).  i haven’t read the fic back since completing it so it’s possible it’s not as cohesive or as good as i think it is, but i’m extremely proud of myself for it nonetheless.
7. work i’m least proud of (and why): right now, it’s probably when i watch the world burn.  i struggled with that one and in the end i don’t think it quite got to where i wanted it to, but i was on a time crunch.  it’s a lot different from what i usually write, but i don’t know if i made that transition to a different story style and topic as smoothly as i would have liked.
8. share or describe a favorite review you received: someone left a very long and gratifying comment on both Puzzle Pieces and its sequel Bedroom Activities back in February.  grey114 if you see this i love you.  it was really gratifying to get a comment on a piece that i love so much that was over a year old at that point, especially since they said it was a reread and they just touched on a lot of things in a really sweet way and that made me feel very happy to have written those fics.
also i know this doesn’t technically count because it got it today but amanda read when i watch the world burn (again, not my proudest work) and said that although this “isn’t her kind of fic” she said that that particular fic is the “biggest proof that it’s the writer more than the content or pairing” because she enjoyed it, which was really nice to hear especially when i’m not feeling the best about it.  it’s also just an insane compliment because i absolutely love amanda’s writing, and every time a writer i love also confirms that they really like my stuff it makes me feel good lol
9. a time when writing was really, really hard: the entire first 3/4 of the year, tbh!  i was in a big writing slump earlier in the year and it seemed to keep going forever, then I was super busy in the summer and simply didn’t have time.  i don’t think i hit my writing stride again until i let myself impulse-write for other fandoms.  i think that’s what i really started to realize exactly what it means to write what you love uninhibited, rather than writing what you think you should.  like. i have 10k of an angsty caswen at college fic in my drive that may never see the light of day because it’d be super long, but letting myself go to town on that with no expectations of necessarily posting it or even completing it was really healthy for me and extremely enjoyable, and it loosened all the writing mechanisms in my brain to get me back in a writing groove.
10. a scene or character you wrote that surprised you: hmmmmm let’s see.  honestly i was most surprised to write anything for hsmtmts or cobra kai, let alone something from johnny’s pov, but for 5sos stuff i was surprised to write so much feldy.  he became a pretty big player in pas de deux and when initially planning that fic i don’t think i realized how much screen time he would have.  ashton’s characterization in when i watch the world burn was also surprising.  i didn’t know when i started writing that he would be like that.
11. a favorite excerpt of your writing:  here’s a little bit of the ending of undeniable you
When Ashton fully wakes up, he can hear spring rain pattering against the roof.  The room is still blanketed in gray, but Michael is still glowing, even if Ashton only has a view of his bedhead from the way they’re cuddled together.  He shifts right before Ashton musters up the willpower to leave the comforting warmth of their bedroom and begin breakfast, as if he can sense that Ashton would rather spend the morning talking with him in appropriately hushed tones than leaving the cozy atmosphere that surrounds them.  His eyes are fuzzy and sleepy when he blinks up at him, but he smiles like he’s never been more sure of his place here.
12. how did you grow as a writer this year? i finally truly understood what it means to write for myself!!!! to write for the enjoyment of writing!!!! to stop holding myself to arbitrary standards of what fics i should be working on and how often!!!!!! this year i really let myself work on what i want when i want, and it really did wonders for me.  also, i discovered that for the most part outlining does genuinely help me
13. how do you hope to grow next year? mostly i want to continue to write what i want to write.  i want to maintain this peace and enjoyment of writing that i’ve found and continue to treat myself with kindness when it comes to this hobby and not let it become unpleasant.  that being said, i do also want to focus on individual projects more.  i think the key to ensuring these two things aren’t mutually exclusive is to find projects that i genuinely love and to add little bits in there for me to enjoy, like all of the minnesota references (and the csi miami reference) in pas de deux.
EDIT: I also want to start replying to comments this year! i might not reply to new comments on old fics just because i’d feel weird not replying to the comments before (and i have fics form 2016, so i feel like it’d be weird if i went back and replied to those) but i’ll at least reply to comments put on pas de deux onwards.
14. who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc)? okay i’m going to list four (4!!!) different people.  bella @clumsyclifford and annie @carouselstars have both been extremely supportive, especially while i’ve been complaining in the club nearly every day for the past two months.  they’re always encouraging me.  i also need to give a big shout out to megs @igarbagecannoteven and gregory @doomeddiabetic for being great sounding boards! pas de deux would not have been completed without megs helping me sort things out in the very beginning, and gregory is willing to talk shop about fandoms they’re not even part of.
15. anything from your real life show up in your writing this year? little things here and there!  it’s most prevalent in pas de deux, where i highkey projected onto both characters and forced them to exist in minneapolis.  i have been to mia and love all of the art pieces i mentioned in chapter 3. my favorite ballet is dances at a gathering.  i, like calum, must always remind people of famous minnesotans.  shayla is my favorite newscaster.  i watch csi miami and ncis when i need something mindless on in the background.  i namedropped my old tech director and ballet teacher in that one.  pas de deux is full of little hazel pieces lol
16. any new wisdom you can share with other writers? find what pleases you!  find what you enjoy, and don’t turn writing into a chore that you have to do, but rather a special treat to enjoy!  this doesn’t mean that it’s going to be sunshine and rainbows all the time, of course.  maybe you’re the type of writer who gets immense satisfaction from finishing a difficult piece, and that far outweighs the frustration and struggles to write it!  everyone is going to be different with figuring out what constitutes enjoyment, but that’s what helped me, at least.
17. any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year? i’m trying not to put too much pressure on myself but i really hope to finish three particular 5sos fics.  i think they could become my new favorites.  i also have a cobra kai fic that i’d love to write!  also, i really want to post at least one chapter of unmute, given that i didn’t do that this year
18. tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read:  @igarbagecannoteven, @carouselstars, @lifewasradical, @jbhmalumm, @lukemichaelcalumashton, @babush-cat if you’d like!
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umilily · 1 year
I saw your himeru nui!! Darling little thing...i also saw your big merch bundle!! I ordered a big bundle of merch a few weeks ago and it should be here by September! Mostly due to me having to buy from a overseas seller bc I got CN merch and all but I'm very excited nevertheless!
Anywhooo how are you? How are things lately? And do you have any writing ideas and prompts as of lately? I've been thinking about getting back into writing since I'm free now hehe
- shoe
Hey shoe :)
Congrats on being done! So was this your last year/semester in general or are you on holiday now?
Ah, yesss… he’s finally home <3 i was honestly surprised that the shipping worked so flawlessly. Usually my mail gets trapped in customs for at least a week, but i guess the people at the office were extra motivated and checked everything in just a day. What merch did you get? I never ordered anything from CN, but i can imagine the process must be complicated. I hope September and your package arrives quickly :) imo, waiting for mail is always both the most exciting and excruciating thing lmao
I am currently fighting with my dorm management to get the wifi fixed before the weekend. It’s a struggle. I got a bunch of lab reports to write until the end of next week and really need to get some work done over the weekend, so i hope they’ll take care of the issue today. Some more exams… the usual pretty much… counting down the days to my last exam and thus freedom…
As for writing, i have more than enough WIPs (what else is new), but mainly I am currently working on the next fic for the butler AU. Actually I have been doing so on and off since February, but I either had too much work or writers block, so it took ages. I’d say I’m about 75% there and I’ll be so glad once I’m done with this. I don’t even know anymore whether i like the fic or not, but I’ve put way too much work into it not to finish it, so I’m powering through. Other than that, i do want to write something for Kaname’s/oremeru‘s birthday. The fic was originally meant to be for tojou week back in may, but i was so busy during that time that i decided to just postpone it. Hopefully I’ll manage to finish it until the 7th. If not… oh well…
If you do get back into writing and feel comfortable to share, I’d love to read it! I could really use reading something other than scientific papers for a change lol
Anyways, hope you’re doing well, shoe, and enjoy your time off! It wasps nice to hear from you, take care! <3
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middenska · 2 years
Today’s prompt was from TikTok, username yourdailywritingprompt.
“Write a scene between two characters who are making something together.
Here are your rules:
1. They both have feelings for each other but haven’t TOLD each other yet.
2. Include a brief moment of physical contact.
3. Have one of the characters say “I love you” without saying those words.”
Here’s my response to the prompt, LoiYor infused steak ;)
I have been sitting on a Yorloid fic for SO LONGGG but I have no idea where I’m going w it so this prompt is a good idea for where it starts
Yor stood beside Loid, watching carefully as he took the pan off of the hot eye.
“You’ll want to take it off the heat right before it’s medium. It’ll keep cooking after and won’t dry out as quickly.” His forehead was powdered with sweat, which he quickly noticed and wiped off with his strong hands. He turned to his wife, asking, “Do you think you can do this?”
“Well, there’s no way to know but to try,” she responded, with reluctant enthusiasm. He nodded as he removed the cooked steak from the pan and placed it on the She attempted to replicate the steps, first cutting off some meat from the oversized raw steak. It was quite a bit thinner than Loid’s, but he didn’t seem to mind. She patted the steak dry, as he had, and seasoned it generously with the two seasonings- salt and pepper- on hand. She stifled a sneeze and continued cooking. She put the steak in the pan, and, hearing its sizzle, felt more confident. “I haven’t messed anything up yet,” she thought, “maybe I don’t have anything to worry about.” Loid thought the same. Though it wasn’t much, she got past cutting and seasoning, which was more than usual. He let himself look away from the food and toward his wife. Her face was fixed with concentration, her brow furrowed. She was staring so intently at the steak that it was cute. He caught himself beginning to smile and, contrary to what he believed he should have done, he let himself smile. He stared at her sleek and shiny hair, her glowing eyes, her supple cheeks and he enjoyed every second of it. He would have kept staring, but he was interrupted by the smell of smoke. Back in reality, he wondered just how long he was staring at her. He looked back at the pan to see Yor still basting the same side of meat.
“Yor, you’ve got to let the other sides cook!” He tried not to yell, straining his voice in the process. He quickly handed her the tongs from off of the counter. As she attempted to flip it on the thinner side, Loid saw the black bottom of the steak. He sighed and relaxed, realizing that nothing could be done. The steak was already so thin that if the burnt part was cut off, it’d be ten times as difficult for her to make anything edible. Its lack of girth was already the reason why…
“With the size of the steak, I can understand why you’re struggling. Let me help.” He stood behind her and placed his head on her shoulder. His hand fell on top of hers and began turning the steak over with her. “Let’s just use the edge for support.”
“Ah… thank you, Loid.” Her face warmed up with her husband that close to her. She would think normal couples did stuff like this all the time, so why did she feel so bashful? Loid’s face was a little pink as well, though he didn’t catch it. He let go and stood beside the stove again.
“You’re doing good.” He wanted to creep closer, to put an arm around her waist, but Twilight would not let him. Twilight thought that even that amount of contact was too much for a spy. But he had done similar things before with other women, so why was this different? Twilight was silent.
The rest of the cooking process was fairly painless. Yor’s face didn’t cool down until she finished cooking while Loid was a bit dazed himself. No matter, he would still try the steak. He scraped off the burnt bits, as the rest was quite well-cooked.
“How is it?” Yor asked. With a smile, Loid responded,
“It’s beautiful.” Whatever that meant.
The end! I almost didn’t finish it today because i was blanking for some parts ;b
Hope you enjoyed!
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years
(pov i forgot to write “have fun with the event” in my last message lmao whoops)
Okay but consider, #10 with Floyd please? i think it’d be cute!
(sorry this is the first time requesting writing from someone hkakdjaj)
anyway, i cant wait to read everything, (actually i can, take your time :]), have fun writing!
【 somewhere only we know 】
prompt #10: This wasn’t meant to be a date, but he had such a good time and now it’s 2 a.m. and he should really go back… (ft. floyd leech)
gender neutral! reader, 600 followers event ficlet
author's note: HI STRAWBERRY ANONNNN !! it's been a pleasure chatting with you so it's also exciting to finally be writing your request woo~ i had a bunch of fun writing this bc. i love writing floyd sm, and i'm real excited to see how you'll enjoy it so i hope you liked it hehe <33
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"C'mon Shrimpy~" Floyd giggled softly as he watched the Little Shrimp struggle to catch up to him. He was in his merform, so he had the advantage, but it was fun to see them try nonetheless. "If Shrimpy doesn't speed up, Imma leave you in the dust."
"You said that a million times already, and look at you now," They huffed, though he could see the slightest trace of smile. "You could run laps around me in your merform and yet you're still waiting."
"That's cuz I feel like bein' nice today."
"Uhuh," They finally caught up to him before he flicked his tail, smoothly sailing ahead of them once more. "Shouldn't we go back to the others?"
"The others?"
Oh. Floyd had almost forgotten about them.
They were all initially at the Atlantica Museum but it got boring real quick for Floyd. It was the same as he remembered when he was a little guppy. And it was boring. He needed some real fun so he staged a little Shrimp-napping. Just a little one. He was sure no one would mind if he borrowed the Little Shrimp for a bit, right?
So that's where they were now. He had taken them around the Coral Sea for a bit and now they were making their way towards Floyd's favorite spot.
"It's probably been hours now," They reminded, sighing before attempting to catch up to him again. "You're sure they aren't looking for us?"
"Nope!" Floyd said, his voice clipping at the edges from the clack of his teeth. They always felt longer when he was in his eel form. He gave them a big grin that he hoped was pointy and sharp. "I lefta message for Azul. Don't be such a party pooper, 'm tryna show you something cool here."
"I'm just worried about them," They said, flailing around as they spun in the water. "Azul said that Crow–"
"Meh, I didn't bring ya here to talk about Azul," Floyd frowned, letting his tail curl around their waist. "You're here to be with me."
"And I am here with you," They said, huffing. "Now stop squeezing already, my ribs are starting to hurt." Floyd tittered again at the frowny expression on their face. They were always so cute. He was right to Shrimp-nap them!
"Mm, maybe it'll be faster if I hold you 'n swim," He pulled Shrimpy closer. He could see them starting to protest. "But you said 's been hours! 'M tryna help here, Shrimpy. Plus I'm a big eel, I'll keep ya safe."
They scrunched up their face in contemplation before sighing, "Fine, where do I go?"
Floyd whooped before turning around, "Here, here~ Hold on to my shoulders ti~ght or else you'll be taken by the currents." As soon as their hands gripped at his shoulders, he did an experimental flick of his tail.
He heard the startled yelp they let out, "Wait Flo–"
Floyd made sure to place his hands over theirs before properly propelling himself forward. There was a screech from them, and he felt them squeezing for their life as he sped up even more. It was kinda funny to him, because usually he was the one doing the squeezing, yet look at him now! Being squeezed so nice and tightly. (Not that it hurt at all. He was stronger than them after all.)
When he finally slowed down, he could feel their head curled up right against his shoulder. He just couldn't resist commenting, "Curled up like that you're lookin' like a real Shrimpy now!" And maybe he should've anticipated the smack that was landed on the back of his head, but right now he couldn't even mind about that. He was too amused by their actions to think about being angry in any capacity! That was the magic of the Little Shrimp.
"C'mon, c'mon," Floyd tugged at them so they would be next to him. "The underwater breathing potion's supposed to run out soon, so we're goin' up!"
"Wait what?" They blurted, unable to keep their annoyed composure. "We've been wandering around that long...?"
Floyd chuckled as he brought them closer to the surface, "Shrimpy really has no awareness of their surroundings."
"You wanna talk about having no awareness?" They bumped his elbow with theirs. "I might've drowned if you weren't fast enough."
"But you didn't."
"...But I didn't."
Floyd broke the surface first, feeling the cool night air gently brush against his slick skin. They followed soon after, hair a mess from being underwater.
"What is this place?" They murmured and Floyd simply smiled. He didn't just swim that fast for no reason. The start of winter was when they would be the brightest after all.
"It's bioluminescence. Pretty, right?" Floyd said, letting clawed fingers trace over the glow of the ocean. "Read it in a book once, 'n I've been coming here ever since. Come, there's a lil cave to sit in." He slowly led them towards the cove, the water splashing gently against the sand; the motion causing the algae to flare brighter in pulses.
"This is amazing Floyd," They breathed and Floyd tilted his head.
Was it the lack of light, or did he really want to see the way their eyes sparkled at that moment? No doubt they had that look on their face, the same one they'd get whenever he showed them something particularly cool. It was the whole reason Floyd even bothered to take them around in the first place. He just...he wanted to see that look again. He placed a hand on their chin, tilting their face toward him so he could see.
They blinked, "What's wrong? Is there something on my face?" And maybe if Floyd wasn't so much of a coward— someone who hid behind easy smiles to hide his anxieties— maybe he would've kissed them right then and there.
But he was a coward, and a big one to boot, so he just smiled lackadaisically, "Just got some seaweed on ya, Shrimpy." They puffed out their cheeks and it startled a real laugh out of him as he watched them search their head for the piece of seaweed that wasn't even there in the first place.
"Floyd Leech I swear to the Seven-"
"Eh~ I brought you to my special place 'n you're getting mad at me?" He made a show of pouting, and he saw their expression flicker and- It wasn't long before they mumbled a promise to get him a treat when they got back.
They were so kind to him, the Little Shrimp was. And always so patient. It was something he liked about them. Another being the fact that they could be stern when they wanted to be. The hard stuff could wait. Confessing and kissing and all that, he would do it when he was feeling braver.
For now he sidled up to them, unwinding and coiling his lower body so that the light would continue to envelop them. It was late into the night, but that didn't matter to him. All Floyd wanted was to see that look on their face again. And again and again and again.
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thank you for reading the floyd shenanigans ! if you'd like to read more, check out my masterlists :D
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
A/N: yall know im a sucker for dadrry and writing another one was just so fun for me, i thought i would write more about them! so i decided to write more oneshots from that universe, you'll be able to find the stories in the masterpost i've created, link is just down below :) feel free to send me prompts about what you'd like to see happen in this universe!
PAIRING: husband!dad!Harry X Reader
WARNINGS: struggles to get pregnant
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Three minutes have never felt longer ever in your life. As you sit on the lid of the toilet, the pregnancy test laid out on the counter, an alarm set on your phone to signal when the waiting is over, but you already checked it about three times to see if it hasn’t stopped, because you were convinced it should have been over already.
“Come on, come on!” you mumble under your breath, legs shaking anxiously. Originally, you wanted to wait for Harry to do this, but you just couldn’t stop yourself, you needed to know. You’ve been feeling off all day and your period should have come yesterday, everything adding up to convince you that you’re finally pregnant. You’ve been trying for baby number four for about three months now, but all your previous tests came back negative and the more failure you had to endure, the harder it’s getting to keep your hopes up that you’ll get pregnant again.
This is gonna be the one, you know. You can feel the change in you and it has to be a baby. It needs to be or you’re losing your mind. Harry is picking up the kids today, they can be home anytime and you really want to welcome him with the good news, you could have your first appointment later this week, checking in on the little bean.
Your phone goes off finally, making you jump up from the lid as if it was on fire as you grab the test from the counter and check the result. However the excitement quickly turns into something bitter and painful.
One line.
There’s no question it’s only one. No faded second line, nothing you could hold onto and give yourself hope. It’s a negative test, meaning that you’re not pregnant.
“Fuck,” you sob as you break down crying, sitting down to the bathroom rug as you hug your knees to your chest. This was not how it was supposed to happen, you were so sure it’s gonna be positive this time! You’ve been trying for long enough to make you worried.
What if you won’t get pregnant again? You joked about three kids being your limit, but what if it really is? You think about how disappointed Harry will be if you tell him you didn’t get pregnant this month either, and you feel like you’re failing him, not giving him what he wants. But you want it too, you’ve gotten so into the idea of having another baby, having to face this failure will scar you for sure.
You cry and sob and whimper, gasping for air until your eyes turn red and your lungs sting. It takes several minutes to get yourself to leave the bathroom floor. Feeling like hiding from the world, you go to your shared closet with Harry and reach for one of his bigger hoodies that completely swallows your figure.
The front door opens and the happy chatter of your kids fills the house, following Harry’s deep voice. You quickly wipe your cheeks and try to rub your eyes dry, a pair of small feet thumping up the stairs and you recognize Ellie’s steps right away.
“Mummy! Are you here?” she calls out for you. Taking a deep breath you step out of the closet just when she barges into the bathroom.
“Hey, Bunny. Did you have a good day?” You force a smile to your face as you pick her up and hug her to you, a tad bit tighter than you usually do.
“Mummy, are you sad?” she asks, examining you with a worried look on her face. She is still wearing the dress you put on her for school, her hair that was once braided is messy, unruly curls bouncing around her face. She looks so much like Harry, though her eyes are definitely yours.
“No, just a bit tired. Everything is fine,” you smile at her, kissing her cheek. “Why don’t you go and change? Do you have homework?”
“I do. Will you help me?”
“Of course. I’ll meet you downstairs,” you tell her, putting her down and watching her run out of the room.
You want to head down too, but instead, you just sit on the edge of the bed, tears stinging your eyes again as you think about how long it’s been when Ellie was a baby and that if you
don’t fall pregnant again, you won’t get to experience having a baby again.
Ellie changes from her pretty dress, dropping it into the hamper like she was taught before she runs back down to get her homework from her backpack. The twins are in the living room, playing with the toys they brought from their room in the morning while Harry is putting away their lunchboxes in the kitchen.
“Where’s mum, Ellie?” Harry asks her, pressing a kiss to her head as he walks past her.
“Daddy, I think mum is sad,” she hums, sitting to the dining table to get her books and pencils out. Harry freezes, turning back to his daughter.
“Why do you think she’s sad?”
“She was crying when I went into your room. Is she sick?” she asks, worry all over her adorable face.
“I’m sure it’s fine. I’ll go check in on her. Keep an eye on your sister and brother, will you?”
Ellie nods as Harry heads upstairs, taking two steps at once. The room to your bedroom is slightly ajar and he hears your sniffling before he sees you. Pushing the door open he finds you sitting on the bed, your face buried in your hands and his heart breaks right away seeing you like this.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” He is quick to rush to your side, pulling you to his chest as you sob into his shirt. “Hey, whatever it is, we’re gonna figure it out. Just talk to me, please,” he murmurs softly, kissing the top of your head.
He gives you time to calm down and when you’re finally not sobbing you pull away, wiping your cheeks again. You probably look like a mess, your nose snotty, eyes puffy from all the crying you did so far, but he has seen you way worse before.
Without a word, you get up, walk into the bathroom and grab the negative test from the counter. Harry watches you like a hawk, his arm coming to curl around you as you sit back next to him, handing him the test.
“Oh baby…” he breathes out, putting it aside so he can hold you with both of his arms. “This is what got you so upset? It’s alright, we’ll keep trying, don’t stress yourself about it.”
“But what if I won’t get pregnant? What if I really did reach my limit?” you choke out, burying your face into his chest as he holds you tight. “I’m sorry I disappointed you,” you add in a whisper, but it’s like a slap across Harry’s face.
“Hey, none of that,” he sternly tells you, pulling away so he can look into your eyes. His hands cup your tear soaked cheeks as he looks down at you. “You could never disappoint me, especially not with something like this.”
“But you want this baby so much and I want it too, but we’ve been trying for three months and it should have happened by now…”
“Just because we got lucky the first two times, it doesn’t mean it’s gonna be the same now. Three months is not that long, okay? And we have time, we can keep trying, it will happen in its own time.”
“And what if it doesn’t happen?” you ask with trembling lips.
“Then nothing changes, we have three beautiful kids, it’s already perfect, with or without another baby.”
“You won’t be mad if I don’t get pregnant again?” you ask in a broken whisper.
“Oh baby, I could never. You already gifted me with three amazing babies and I’m so happy with what we got. Please don’t beat yourself up about this, I don’t want you to wreck yourself because of it.”
“I love you,” you breathe out, wrapping your arms around his neck as you fight your emotions to get you to stop crying already.
“I love you too, Y/N. So much. Just take it easy, it will happen if it was meant to happen, okay?”
You just nod, kissing his neck a few times before pulling back. You feel so relieved already, knowing that it was a mistake to ever think Harry would be anything but kind and loving towards you even with all the failures you’ve been facing.
“Why don’t you take a shower or a bath, I’ll help Ellie with her homework and then we can make dinner together, how does that sound?” he hums, gently rubbing your back.
“No, I want to help Ellie. I want to… I want to be with the kids,” you tell him pouting and Harry gets you right away. Focusing on them will most likely take your mind off of the negative test.
“Alright, whatever you want,” he smiles nodding, kissing your forehead.
You take a quick shower, don’t want to get too deep in your thoughts. Dressed in Harry’s hoodie and a pair of comfortable yoga pants you head down, finding Harry in the living room with all three of your kids, looking very much like they are plotting something.
“Hey guys,” you greet the suspiciously, their heads snapping up at your arrival.
“Okay, now!” Harry whisper yells and a moment later you’re under attack.
Max is the first one to throw himself at you, then comes Maddie and then Ellie, all three of them hugging and kissing you, telling you how much they love you.
“Oh my God!” you chuckle, kneeling down so they can reach you better, Max climbs to your back and Maddie is giggling as she kisses your nose. You look Harry’s way who is watching you with a wide smile from the couch.
“Daddy said you needed extra love today!” Ellie explains, laying her head to your shoulder.
“Ah, you are so sweet,” you breathe out, touched by the gesture as you hug them to you the best you can. “I love you guys so much,” you murmur into Maddie’s hair.
“And we love you too, mum!” Max laughs from behind you, hanging from you like a little monkey.
Letting them go is a little hard, but you need to if you don’t want to start crying again. Harry was right. Even if this fourth baby doesn’t happen, you still have such an amazing family, you have nothing to be sad about.
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Having late night snacks with Harry has always been your favorite especially since you’ve become parents. Once the kids are down and you have some privacy, you often use this time to love on each other, but other times it’s not what you desire.
You’ve been moaning about wanting fries all day to Harry and he was sneaky enough to get a pack of frozen fries on his way home. Ellie went to bed with no problem after Harry read her a bedtime story and the twins were tired enough to fall asleep fast as well. Now as you’re making your way downstairs, you find your husband standing in the kitchen, his gaze fixated on the air fryer that’s most likely filled with fries.
“Oh God, I’ve been thinking about this all day!” you groan, grabbing plates from the cupboard.
“I should be offended that I’m not the one on your mind all day,” he huffs, pretending to be hurt, but you don’t miss the smirk that curls the corner of his mouth.
“You are too! But fries beat you today,” you snort, but kiss his shoulder blade moving past him.
Soon enough, the two of you are sitting at the kitchen island with a pile of fries in front of you, munching on it like you didn’t have dinner just a few hours ago.
“This needs ketchup,” Harry hums, walking over to the fridge.
“Can you grab the mustard too?”
“Mustard?” he gasps, but grabs it either way as he walks back to his previous seat. “I haven’t seen you eating mustard in ages!”
“I know!” you groan. “But I’m really craving it.”
“Last time you wanted mustard as if your life depended on it you were pregnant with the twins.”
You both freeze at his words, processing what he just said. Slowly you turn to face him, dropping the fry you were holding.
“And also when I was pregnant with Ellie,” you add, your eyes growing wider.
“Have you… when was your last period?” Harry asks in a whisper, the food long forgotten as he hops off his stool and you follow him while doing the quick math.
“I think… oh God, I’m like five days late! That’s a lot!” you gasp, realizing that you completely forgot about your period. You’ve had a busy week with work and Ellie’s school project you’ve been helping her to put together, it totally slipped your mind that you should have gotten your period earlier this week.
“Do you have any tests you haven’t used?”
“Yes, I have one, come on!” you grab his hand and you run up to your bathroom as if it was a race.
Just as you remembered it, the test is in the drawer where you put about two months ago when you and Harry agreed that you’d take the baby project a little easier, not forcing anything after your breakdown. That worked so well that you kind of forgot about it completely, right until two minutes ago.
Harry stays in the bathroom with you as you pee on the stick and then set it to the counter, setting an alarm on your phone. The two of you sit on the edge of the bathtub, hands tangled together as you anxiously wait for the three minutes to pass.
“Baby, if it comes back negative, it’s gonna be alright, okay? Don’t want you to feel bad about it,” he reminds you, kissing the side of your head.
“I know. We’re good. I love you,” you say, using it as a kind of mantra to calm your nerves.
“Love you too.”
You sit in silence for the remainder of the time until your phone goes off and you share a nervous look.
“You check it, I can’t,” you urge him and Harry nods as he grabs the test from the counter while you squeeze your eyes shut, bracing yourself for another failure. “What is it?” you ask in panic when you hear nothing from him.
Harry kneels in front of you, placing a hand on your knee as he kisses your forehead.
“Baby, open your eyes?”
“I don’t want to,” you whine. “Just tell me!”
“I think you’ll want to see this,” he chuckles softly and it sends a shiver down your spine. Slowly you open your eyes and meet Harry’s teary gaze as he grins at you wide. Before you could ask anything, he holds up the test and you gasp right away.
Two lines.
There’s no doubt that there are two lines. It’s not even faded, you don’t have to talk yourself into believing that there’s a second one, because it’s obvious.
“Oh my God,” you whisper, tears rolling down your cheeks as you take the test from him and take a closer look at it. “I’m not just seeing double, right?” you ask laughing through your tears.
“No,” he shakes his head chuckling. “It’s definitely positive.”
“It’s positive,” you repeat, eyes meeting his. “I’m pregnant. Again!”
“Yes, you are!” he laughs before wrapping his arms around you, pulling you tight into his embrace, both of you crying happy tears.
“We’re having another baby,” you whisper in shock as it slowly hits you. Even though you’ve been trying and planning on it, it’s still shocking that now it’s become reality. You’re gonna have another one.
“I told you baby. I told you it’s gonna happen. I knew it,” he mumbles into your hair, kissing you everywhere he can reach as you take deep breaths to stop you from crying.
“And you’re just always right,” you chuckle, cupping his face to pull him into a celebratory kiss.
“Always,” he hums happily against your lips.
Thank you for reading! Please like/reblog if you enjoyed!
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