#vaccination process is slow
schoolhater · 2 months
In yet another escalation of the genocide and a clear message to the world that it will never accept a Palestinian state, Israel has assassinated Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran.
Every pretense Israel had toward the idea of a two state solution, or an end to the war has died with him. His martyrdom in Tehran comes as a horrific sign that Israel will stop at nothing to eliminate all semblance of a Palestinian future.
Please donate to Palestinian fundraisers. The safety of Palestinians in Gaza is of the utmost importance right now:
Shaima and Muhammad @wafans-blog
Shaima and Muhammad are the sister and brother of Wafaa al-Nahll (@wafans-blog) who reached her goal recently. Their family includes 10 kids but the genocidal Hala travel agency is charging most of them adult rates to leave because they are over the age of 15. Muhammad has a newborn baby who is at risk of infectious disease because he couldn't get vaccinated. The family is currently sheltering in al-Mawasi which has seen gruesome massacres recently. They just started fundraising over a week ago but have been seeing extremely slow process, and as they are a big family they need a lot of funds AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
@journalsforpalestine is running a raffle for Shaima and Muhammad.
[Line 260 on Nairuz and Hussein's Vetted Fundraiser List]
Bilal @bilal-salah0
Bilal is a 22 year old who went to Germany before the war began and has been trying to reunite with his family ever since. He is only around $3000 USD away from his goal and needs to meet it as soon as possible before he is DEPORTED by the genocidal German government and declared stateless on August 15th.
[Line 136 on Nairuz and Hussein's Vetted Fundraiser List]
Hazem Khalil @hazem1999sblog
Hazem Khalil's family has been stuck in Jabalia refugee camp for the past 9 months, facing unlivable conditions and a skyrocketing cost of living. He has been fundraising for ten days so far but has yet to break €1000 or 100 donations. His ultimate goal is €50,000 so he needs attention now!
[He is @bilal-salah0's friend.]
Siraj @siraj2024
Siraj is a journalist and father of three. He posts daily updates about what is happening in southern Gaza and has been fundraising for over a month. He and his family have narrowly escaped TWO massacres in southern Gaza recently. They now in unsafe conditions in a tent described as "a convection oven". They NEED to rebuild their home as soon as possible in order to have a safe place to live amidst Israeli bombardment.
His short term goal for THIS WEEK is $20,000 CAD.
sheplaysbassdotmp3 is running an art commission raffle for siraj!
[Line 219 on Nairuz and Hussein's Vetted Fundraiser List]
Shahed @shahednhall:
Shahed is a 21 year old college student and photographer. She is the sole provider for her family, including her father (a heart patient) and five younger siblings (including youngest who is an infant). Her sisters have severe hepatitis and urgently need medical care that is no longer available in Gaza and need to evacuate as soon as they get the chance. She is now fundraising for her own evacuation after reaching a short term goal for her younger sisters.
Her short term goal FOR THIS WEEK is $50k and she just crossed $40k.
@journalsforpalestineis running a raffle for Shahed.
[Line #224 on Nairuz and Hussein's Spreadsheet.]
Along with everyone on this list please consider donating to all the other Palestinians I've reblogged. I can't possibly fit everyone into one post but they are all important!!
tagging for reach below:
@timetravelingkitty @meaganfoster @briarhips @mazzikah @mahoushojoe
@rhubarbspring @schoolhater @pcktknife @transmutationisms @sawasawako
@feluka @terroristiraqi @irhabiya @commissions4aid-international @wellwaterhysteria
@deepspaceboytoy @post-brahminism @junglejim4322 @kibumkim @neechees
@mangocheesecakes @kyra45 @marnota @7bitter @tortiefrancis
@toiletpotato @fromjannah @omegaversereloaded @vague-humanoid @criptochecca
@aristotels @komsomolka @neptunerings @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @heritageposts
@ot3 @amygdalae @ankle-beez @communistchilchuck @dykesbat
@watermotif @stuckinapril @violentrevolution @mavigator @lacecap
@socalgal @chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @sayruq @northgazaupdates @vakarians-babe
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“So, relax and enjoy the ride. There is nothing we can do to stop climate change, so there is no point in worrying about it.” This is what “Bard” told researchers in 2023. Bard by Google is a generative artificial intelligence chatbot that can produce human-sounding text and other content in response to prompts or questions posed by users.  But if AI can now produce new content and information, can it also produce misinformation? Experts have found evidence.  In a study by the Center for Countering Digital Hate, researchers tested Bard on 100 false narratives on nine themes, including climate and vaccines, and found that the tool generated misinformation on 78 out of the 100 narratives tested. According to the researchers, Bard generated misinformation on all 10 narratives about climate change. In 2023, another team of researchers at Newsguard, a platform providing tools to counter misinformation, tested OpenAI’s Chat GPT-3.5 and 4, which can also produce text, articles, and more. According to the research, ChatGPT-3.5 generated misinformation and hoaxes 80 percent of the time when prompted to do so with 100 false narratives, while ChatGPT-4 advanced all 100 false narratives in a more detailed and convincing manner. NewsGuard found that ChatGPT-4 advanced prominent false narratives not only more frequently, but also more persuasively than ChatGPT-3.5, and created responses in the form of news articles, Twitter threads, and even TV scripts imitating specific political ideologies or conspiracy theorists. “I think this is important and worrying, the production of fake science, the automation in this domain, and how easily that becomes integrated into search tools like Google Scholar or similar ones,” said Victor Galaz, deputy director and associate professor in political science at the Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University in Sweden. “Because then that’s a slow process of eroding the very basics of any kind of conversation.” In another recent study published this month, researchers found GPT-fabricated content in Google Scholar mimicking legitimate scientific papers on issues including the environment, health, and computing. The researchers warn of “evidence hacking,” the “strategic and coordinated malicious manipulation of society’s evidence base,” which Google Scholar can be susceptible to.
18 September 2024
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drdemonprince · 7 months
something im kind of connecting the dots to re: your posts about shaming people who don’t wear masks…in ‘20 and ‘21 I spent a lot of time posting shaming instagram stories telling people they needed to mask, and i yelled at family until i was blue in the face bc they weren’t masking, having big weddings, etc. and it really created a rift (obviously) in my relationships. I’ve also spent a lot of time and energy in the past 4 or so years telling people that it’s not possible to be an ally to trans people if they still engage in any media created by jk rowling. Especially given that her anti trans manifesto has been cited in anti trans legislation in the uk, she says that she assumes that anyone who continues to engage with Harry Potter media approves of her transphobia, etc the list goes on. And yet i still see my friends going to the wizarding world of Harry Potter, marathoning the movies with their friends, going to see the new movies in theaters, and so on. Obviously my aggressive shaming posts and conversations (which have alienated a lot of people) aren’t doing jack shit. Your mask shame posts made me realize that it probably wasn’t right of me to do that. But I don’t see how I can stand up for what I believe in and show people that it’s not okay to keep doing this shit AND play nice and not create trouble. Do you have any thoughts?
Thanks for this great question and for sharing your experiences.
I think when we shame, part of it is a grappling with our own powerlessness. It feels terrible to confront that no matter how much we care, and no matter how much we plead, we cannot make another person take action. When people we love or rely on won't hear our pleas and won't take action, it wounds us so deeply, and it makes sense we react in anger or seek to shame them hoping it will make them care. But it isn't effective.
I think one of the first steps is accepting our powerlessness as individuals. We have to stop expecting ourselves to somehow persuade people to change their behavior and views, when all the research indicates that such change is rare, slow, and very hard, and cannot be accomplished on a person who does not already want to be influenced. We have to sit in the humility of not being able to make others care, and take time to grieve how badly it hurts. Our understandable and huge hurt feelings need to be processed. many of us have a powerful need to express our rage and have it witnessed by others who understand.
From there, we have to think very strategically about what kind of collective work we can do that will shift social norms, facilitate the behavior we want to see, and fight for systemic changes that will actually address the root issues.
This may be things like passing out masks at protests. Joining a local mutual aid fund to contribute to the expenses of people who are quarantining. Protesting an event space to make them institute a masking policy. Unionizing with our coworkers to demand paid sick leave. Shoplifting tests and redistributing them to people in need. Terrorizing the business leaders who dragged us all back into the office. Sharing the wastewater data. Asking loved ones about their COVID mitigation decisions in a sincere way. Organizing outdoor events for our communities. Paying for a buddy's vaccine.
There are countless ways for us to be plugged into an active community that is larger than us. The work is humble, and ongoing, and what you do personally will never be enough on its own, and you must accept that in order to believe that it does not have to be. We are in this together.
In short, I think the tough emotional realities of feeling disrespected and not cared for much be addressed by finding community with people who do care and will give us room to voice our outrage. And then we have to work together to create the circumstances that allow real systemic change to germinate.
Right now, people conflate that emotional need to express rage with the political need to take action. And what feels cathartic to do or say is not necessarily what's persuasive. There has to be room for both.
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foolishlovers · 6 months
do you have any non-explicit fic recs? im having trouble finding some😅
here are some of my favourite non-explicit good omens fics
[you can request more fic recs here]
Stockholm's Other Syndrome by WaitingToBeBroken (T, 5k) Grand Duke of Hell Crowley kidnaps Supreme Archangel Aziraphale so he can finally do all those vile, nasty things he has always wanted to do to him. Like feed him sushi or force him to take a walk in the park. Hold his hand so he doesn't escape. Truly disgusting things.
Show me where the Nightingale sings by Sabotaged_Words (G, 6k) After settling into their new home in the South Downs there are still things to process for Aziraphale and Crowley before they can start a new chapter of their life. But winter is turning into spring. There is magic abroad in the air. And finally, the nightingale is back.
Fever Dream by AppleSeeds (T, 8k) When Anathema declines Crowley's invitation to go out for Halloween to stay in and look after her roommate who's feeling unwell after his flu vaccination, Crowley abandons his own plans and heads over there to do something to help Aziraphale (who he happens to have an enormous crush on) feel better too.
Slow by write_away (T, 9k) It started like this: A boy with the ability to warp reality met an angel and a demon and he made assumptions. You might say it started like this: An angel and a demon found a marriage contract hung on the wall of the angel's bookshop. They didn't question it. It also could have started like this: Once upon a time, the angel told the demon he went too fast. The demon took it to heart.   Aziraphale and Crowley find themselves somehow married. Crowley fears going too fast. Aziraphale forges ahead. Neither know how to ask questions of each other.
where the lights burn low and you're only mine by hopelessromantic549 (T, 13k) For the most part, Aziraphale sees himself as a rational angel who follows a consistent moral code. That has been his identity for millennia, and it comforts him, gives him stability in an ever-changing universe. What he feels for Crowley is decidedly not rational, and that's more terrifying than the Great Plan failing him. (Or, Aziraphale and Crowley move into a cottage together after the world doesn't end, and Aziraphale tries to be brave.)
muddle through somehow by curtaincall (T, 27k) Aziraphale Fell runs a successful food blog, Celestial Comestibles, where he shares mouthwatering recipes and heartwarming stories about his happy domestic life in a cottage with his husband and son. As promotion for his upcoming cookbook, his publishers run a contest: one lucky winner will get to spend Christmas with Aziraphale and his family. What the publishers don't know is that the real Aziraphale Fell is a single city-dweller. And if he wants to keep up his happily married persona, he'll have to acquire a cottage, husband, and son before Christmas. As it happens, his friend and neighbor Anthony Crowley has his nephew staying with him for the holidays. One fake marriage proposal later, and everything seems tickety-boo--as long as Aziraphale can keep from developing inconveniently real feelings for his pretend husband…
Fifteen Years of Heartache by mondlichtmaus (T, 20k) Crowley was roused from his nap by the sound of somebody opening the door. He didn't move. Maybe they would go away. "Excuse me?" someone called. They weren't going away. Crowley rose, lifting his head to squint at the intruder. A broad figure, silhouetted by the light of the hallway. He couldn't make out his face, eyes still bleary from sleep. Just a halo of light framing his head. "What?" Crowley grumbled. There was a moment of silence, then the intruder spoke again. "Anthony?" - They're teachers. They're in love. They're oblivious.
Flowers From Hell by entanglednow (T, 41k) In which Aziraphale makes more of an effort to be involved with Crowley's interests and hobbies.
Put Out The Fire by Aleakim (T, 133k) Aziraphale finds himself in a very awkward position as some sort of spell makes everyone merely glancing in his direction instantly fall deeply and desperately in love with him. Absolutely everyone. Well, apart from Crowley, that is. And while both angel and demon search for a solution to this fairly unique problem, Crowley can’t help wondering whether Aziraphale might finally figure out some things he kept hidden for so very long.
Married at First Sight by Aracloptia (T, 146k) “Well, that was a thing,” Crowley said once they were out of earshot. Without talking about it, they were both heading down the field, towards the lake where the photographer (and likely a few more people from the TV crew) was waiting. “That was a wedding,” Aziraphale replied, surprised at his own annoyance that somebody called a wedding a ‘thing’. “Yeah, obviously, didn’t miss that part,” Crowley said with a shrug, and waved abruptly in Aziraphale’s general direction. “Neither did you, from the looks of it, since you’re dressed like a wedding bride and everything.” “Excuse me, I am a—“ Aziraphale stopped himself, and started over. In which Aziraphale ends up marrying a rude stranger who wears sunglasses.
[and here are two of mine]
Where a Canvas Blooms by foolishlovers (T, 3k) It’s an Arrangement. Aziraphale knows this. He knows a lot of things, and others he doesn’t, but the most important things, he knows. He knows that the cheeky redhead in his arms smiles and purrs when he runs his fingers through his hair, knows that Crowley’s hands are rough from working outside, knows the softness of his heart. Aziraphale doesn’t know he’s in love with Crowley until he does. But it’s just an Arrangement. Is it?
Every Part of Me by foolishlovers (T, 10k) Heartthrob rockstar Antonia Harmonia, better known as Anthony J. Crowley offstage, has safeguarded his singing career from his best friend and long-term crush, Aziraphale, for nearly two decades. But when Aziraphale stumbles upon Crowley’s secret at one of his concerts, Crowley is suddenly confronted with unexpected consequences. Could the best of both worlds be within his reach? A Hannah Montana AU.
[you can find more fic rec masterposts here]
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theantarwitch · 3 months
About medicine in witchcraft: Health spells, Professional Healers and Unprofessional scammers (And two healing spells from me)
Lately I have been seeing a dangerous amount of medical dangerous videos in our usual witchy spaces (specially in Instagram, since I refuse to use TikTok) and that bring me here in one of my long rants who nobody really cares. But, as a healer with lot of medical background, I have to.
First, for the love of your deity, don’t take these damn vids seriously. I’m not a doctor but I know enough that a huge ton of what they put there is medical misinformation dressed as mystical powers.
I’m not asking you to become a doctor, but at least remember: Physical symptoms are NEVER caused by one single illness, and you HAVE to rule out all the possible physical illness before even consider it a symptom of your superpowers.
Yes, some minor things like a random ear ringing or a random tingle on your hand doesn’t need you to run to ER, but at least THINK about mundane causes to it.
Your ear ring? Are you using headphones a lot? Loud music? You shower and water entered on your ear? You are taking meds? Stress? Your neck is stiff and affecting your inner ear? You are neurodivergent?
Your hand tingle? Is the same hand in what you use your phone 20 hours at day? You sleep over that arm? Your shoulder is stiff? You use a mousse a lot? You practice a sport and the nerves are tired? Did you drink coffee or Red Bulls?
And I’m not even mention REAL illnesses, this is just a bunch of mundane causes! So how you dare to believe in more deeper topics of spiritual stuffs, if you have zero critical thinking in something so mundane and basic as your own body? How you plan to be an efficient witch if you don’t even doubt about these things? How you even dare to talk about your deity if you believe anything as a sign?  
An advanced witch bases their path in three big needs:
Need of study (Books or google, spend months or YEARS reading and learning)
Need of critical thinking (Think, think and ask, be curious and compare data, question it)
Need of wise skepticism (Don’t fall into the “The government want me to believe this but I’m smarter” or “Vaccines do harm, people don’t need calcium, there is brick’s dust on ketchup” kind of mindset (Yes, these are things I heard). That’s not skepticism, that’s being a Facebook Boomer Mom. Skepticism is question everything and to always be suspicious, but is neither “don’t believe in anything because I’m so smart that I can see the lies”.
And healers, my beloved healers. As one, I have to say it on the most real way: LEARN SOME MEDICINE. Specially before to do public claiming that can really hurt others.
Why learn medicine? Because as happened once… A lovely lady did a spell to lose weight. She got gastroenteritis and spent a week on the bathroom. She lost weight? Yes. In a dangerous unhealthy way? Yes. She recovers her weight back after go to the doc? Absolutely.
The body is a fine machine, a ton of process, hormones, parts, that you will always ignore and omit.
Another big mistake: “Spell to Boost my Metabolism”. Do you even know what a metabolism is? What it does? Do you even know that it has three main functions of metabolism? (Conversion of the energy to run cellular processes; conversion to building block of proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and some carbohydrates; and the elimination of metabolic wastes). When you “boost your metabolism”, what you are aiming to do? You even know what your body need of these three…
“Spell to boost my Immune System”… Again, what part? Do you even know that your immune system is “slow” or it is just working against an illness as it should? (Reaction is not the same than an immunodeficiency) Are you aware that your body can be doing great and you will be pushing to get an overactive immune system? (And getting Asthma, Eczema, Hay fever, Food allergy and any other kind of allergy, Lupus, Type 1 Diabetes, Inflammatory bowel disease, Celiac, etc.).
Please, if you use “detox spell” in any way, just stop. Period.
If you are not willing to spend a couple of weeks at least in the damn Wikipedia, or you are in a rush, at least aim big and general, do a classic “Health/Healing spell”, that is focused on that, bring health where is needed. “My body gets healthier. My body gets health where is needed” It can’t go wrong, since you purposely don’t specify where or which part, you just do a “Somewhere I need it, and since I can’t know it, the Cosmos may know it and aid me”. If you need spells to focus a healing in a body part, maybe you need a doc, not a spell…. (Get a doc. If is so simple to not need a doc, then your body will do it without need a spell anyway)
You can also do the same with Physical Strength Spells (again aiming to boost what you don’t know what it needs to be boosted and avoiding to boost something that it DOESN’T NEED IT).
And if you are a Healer who really want to have a 90% of effectiveness on focalized and specialized healing spells, then time to study. You will need to know about hormones, chemicals, physical process, all the systems, nerves, bones, nutrition, meds… And pretty much being able to discuss with you client (to put in a way) about literally all their medical history.
And a gently offer to anyone who actually read all this shit, I give a couple of “simple” ideas for you all:
Regeneration Spell: Just a Healing spell, aimed to “attack” where is needed, but it focusses in a cellular level. General Healing spells usually are so general that include things like disposal of waste, mineral absorption, water absorption, digestion, hair growing, skin growing, muscle develop, and pretty much EVERYTHING that’s happening on your body right now, even including the gut bacteria. A Regeneration Spell will focus in each single cell of your body, from skin to bone, to neurons, to T Cells from your immune system. All. Something that your body do (except with the neurons) but that get slower with the age. This spell focus on restores damaged or missing cells to full function (you can help it to happen better with a good balanced diet, some basic exercise, proper sleep, and trying to reduce stress)
Big warning. BE SPECIFIC “My cells will get regenerated where my body need it to be healthy and in full function” or something like that. Why SO specific if the healing spells are general? Because Cancer.
Yes. Cancer. A cancerous tumor is failed cell of your own body. Our beloved bodies kill around six infected or cancer cells each DAY. Eventually (if you live enough or if your immune system gets weak) one of them will grow your body be on troubles. If you do a regeneration spell without that proper aim, you will also help to any cancer cell to regenerate, hence you can cause you a HUGE DEAL in a future. Will not happen 100% of the cases, many of these tumors can be not cancerous (benign) yet give you problems.
How do the spell? Just as any healing spell. Do your way.
Homeostasis Spell: What’s is homeostasis? Is the condition of optimal functioning for the organism, a state of steady internal physical and chemical conditions maintained by living systems. Is a stable self-regulated process of equilibrium between interdependent elements. In simple words, is the perfect state of full pure health of your body. Is a healing spell without the “but”.  
What it affects? ALL in the most basic small internal way. Body temperature, fluid balance, the pH of extracellular fluid, the concentrations of ions, blood sugar, oxygen, hormones, etc. If the body do it properly, then is balanced, in an optimal functioning, hence healing itself without big issues.
This spell helps specially (or BOOST) the body on regulate itself despite the many changes in the environment, diet, or level of activity. In this case, you don’t need to be specific, since homeostasis seek for health naturally. Do your regular healing spell but like “My body reach homeostasis”.
So. Rant and all made, I think is time for me to shut up. See you around, and check if you need drink water, sleep, rest, stretch, food, meds or hygiene!
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darkmaga-retard · 9 days
Uncover the shocking truth behind COVID-19 vaccines: contamination, hidden risks, and regulatory failures. Millions were exposed without informed consent—this fight is for accountability & justice.
2nd Smartest Guy in the World
Sep 12, 2024
An important clarification on the below video is that it incorrectly states that the BigPharma manufacturers did not know nor test the dangers of their slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” but this is untrue; they and their patent holder Intelligence Industrial Complex handlers all knew the exact nature of these gene altering cytotoxic spike protein inducing poisons.
This was always a deliberate global eugenics program.
by Gaz’s - A Defender’s Voice
This video delves into the alleged concealment of critical information regarding the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 mRNA injections, focusing on how regulatory bodies and authorities misled the Australian public. It claims that significant contamination of genetic material was found in Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, far exceeding safety thresholds, with potential links to severe health risks like cancer and autoimmune diseases. Despite independent verification from multiple labs, global regulators, including Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), dismissed concerns, claiming there was no safety risk without conducting proper tests.
The video argues that the mRNA injections are in fact gene therapies rather than traditional vaccines, citing how these injections modify genetic material within cells to stimulate an immune response. It criticizes the lack of rigorous testing on the long-term effects of this genetic modification, accusing manufacturers and health authorities of withholding important information about the risks, such as the bio-distribution of modified RNA throughout the body and its potential to disrupt cellular functions.
Legal challenges against Pfizer and Moderna are outlined, notably the case of Dr. Julian Fidge, who accused the companies of bypassing Australia’s regulatory requirements for gene therapies. The lawsuit was dismissed due to a lack of legal standing, but the video highlights potential conflicts of interest, including Judge Helen Rofe’s undisclosed connections to Pfizer. This raises questions about the integrity of the judicial process, especially regarding the dismissal of critical evidence related to genetic contamination.
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covid-safer-hotties · 18 days
Independent pharmacies face delays as COVID vaccines roll out - Published Sept 5, 2024
As major pharmacy chains start rolling out the new COVID-19 vaccine, independent pharmacies report facing shipment delays, resulting in longer wait times for patient vaccinations, NBC News reported Sept. 5.
Neal Smoller, PharmD, owner of an independent pharmacy in Woodstock, N.Y., told the news outlet that although he received doses of the Moderna vaccine over the weekend, Pfizer's did not arrive until Sept. 4. There is no timeline for when shipments of the Novavax vaccine, which was recently authorized by the FDA, will be made available.
"We're big vaccinators, and it's still a chaotic mess for even us and trying to assuage everybody's fears [regarding availability]," Dr. Smoller said.
Other independent pharmacists who spoke to NBC News said delays are because of drug manufacturers and wholesalers prioritizing larger retail chains such as CVS and Walgreens, though Pfizer and Moderna pushed back on that claim.
While both drugmakers acknowledged that buying vaccines through wholesalers could slow down the process slightly, a spokesperson for Moderna said it is "on track with all of our commitments across channels."
Meanwhile, a Pfizer spokesperson said in a statement it has shipped and delivered "millions of doses."
Spokespeople for CVS and Walgreens reported having a sufficient supply of vaccines, according to NBC News.
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techramonic · 2 months
you wanted to do investigative journalism for a while, right? How’d you get into that?
Yes anon, thanks for asking! This is going to be a bit long haha, but I enjoy this question a lot.
I've always been interested in journalism. In 4th grade, I had already been joining competitions for news writing and broadcasting. That's when I started seeing patterns with the consistency of crimes being on the headlines. Of course, it didn't matter so much to me at the time. Overtime, I started being more curious about the news and watching shows and documentaries about scene of the crime opperatives. I inherited my curiousity from my dad, whk consistently kept up with the news either on telivision or newspaper.
Those that get reported almost always include violence. Murder, war, human rights violations. What impacted me was that I began to notice the detachment of peers around my age to the matter. You know, the “Who cares? It's cool to own a gun anyway.” mindset that the media embedded. As if violence is a virtue. I didn't want to be indifferent or supportive of that idea. I was totally against it. To them, crime is a normal everyday occurence, to me, it's a societal epidemic that needed to change.
I've tried out academic debates and while I was good and even won a medal for my speech about pro-vaccination in 10th grade, it wasn't for me. By junior year, I was more involved in campus activism and journalism. I am currently joining the news writing for my high school and last year I was the head editor of our humanities and arts writing journal. In competitions I have joined like writing, slam poetry, and art, I've voiced out about agricultural disparities, recognition and protection of cultural minorities and LGBTQ+, anti-war, anti-political apathy, etc. I've won several of them and at the same time, I also jumped back into researching true crime. I shifted from serial killing to mass murder because I saw that media is more prevalent with the influence on mass murderers. With this, I thought I could at least provide readers a more in-depth prespective on what contributes to such phenomena occuring.
Plus, I've also been a big fan of Sociology. It became a cornerstone for me to focus on the complex aspects of human behaviour and how society shapes us. I figured that with it, I could learn more on the sociological imagination behind crime, specifically how criminals have the tendencies to be very drawn to violence, and how this is primarily due to how our society and the media plays a crucial role in subconsciously provoking and enforcing the mindset of romanticisation. People always blame the media all the time, but we're forgetting that the media is what society wants us to see. It's the manifestations of the reality we live.
The kill count on journalists are high, especially with politics involved. Guess you can call me kick buttowski for being a daredevil. My family and friends have always been worried, even my dad. However, they know that it's my ambitions and as long as I stay safe, they'll be happy. I'm well aware that I might get a bullet through the head in a field like this and I have to process paper after paper about the gruesome realities of life, but if that's what will help the people, then so be it. Some people have said that I'm "empathetic" or "big-hearted" for being so courageous and wanting to pursue a career that isn't necessarily stable and in actuality, dangerous, but in truth, I'm as normal as anyone else. Everyone can be help people. The only thing is I don't want to do it for the thrill or just for fame, I really want to help people and make a change on our society, even if I have to build it brick by brick and the process is excruciatingly slow.
I think dying for that would be a good cause, and truthfully speaking, I am not hoping to die anytime soon because I want to help people out, you know, collectively. I want to be able to better understand the patterns behind the perpetuation of crime and also help others be aware and understand instead of being indifferent or supportive of crime. I want to be able to contribute to the public discourse on justice and accountability. I aim to not only inform the public but also to provoke critical thinking and inspire action in advocating for societal change.
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finelinens1994 · 9 months
thinking about the current state of internet literacy actually makes me feel a bit ill, to be honest. it makes me feel scared for the future. editing is so easy and ai has become so commonplace and so well-trained (thanks to the enthusiastic participation of those using ai for "art" and those using ai for memes) that now we cannot even trust what is documented in photos and videos online. there is a serious dearth of education, resources to build an education, and even interest in getting an education in internet literacy. we live in an age of misinformation and so many of us are just more than happy to join in as long as it serves our own interests. it is genuinely very scary. yes i'm a dream fan so of course i care that he was just made a victim of a years-long smear campaign that was widely believed online with little to no substantiated evidence to support any of it. but that situation was, and continues to be, just a symptom of a much larger and much more insidious issue. truly, i am scared for the future of information. i don't know how we will be able to verify things, i don't know how we will be able to trust sources, and i don't know how we will be able to trust each other. i'm sure we will find a way, but i just fear the things that will happen and the harm that will be done in the meantime. look at this excerpt from the book "anti-social media" released 5 years ago, and just think about how things have progressed:
Tumblr media
there are a lot of reasons to not trust institutions such as universities and government agencies, but we can't trust anything now and that may be an even more concerning issue. the author goes on to say "what has changed is the social dynamics of identifying as a member of a group that holds positions like climate change is fictional or vaccines are dangerous have found new ways to assemble and reinforce their practices of acculturation." the stances of fringe groups are becoming more and more mainstream because misinformation and disinformation are often given just as much social prevalence as anything else. i work in a library that holds current events discussions, so i see what happens when people get all of their information from social media and don't take any time to verify or even just think about what they see. because they likely just don't know how to go about that process. i hate to think that it's all willful ignorance, i can't think that or i'll go fucking crazy.
we can't trust each other and we can't trust any institutions of information, but we trust whatever google pushes to the top of the results and whatever twitter's algorithm puts on our for you page. it's dangerous. there is no filtering out the noise, it's just all noise all the time. i'm tired. i'm tired of seeing so much yet feeling like i don't know anything, because i can't know anything.
i'm being pessimistic right now and i don't know if i'm even making sense, i'm just typing out my thoughts, but i just fear for the future of information and i don't know what to do about it. i feel like i'm watching a car crash in slow motion.
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ice-devourer · 4 months
so, idk if i should do this for my two of my friends bc my parents dont approve of me doing it for others.....so i kinda need advice on what imma bouta do for em it's about disabilities and the ph government i cant post this anywhere else but tumblr .com so
tw one mention of hospitals n overdosing
slightly long post but i need sound advice 😭😭😭😭
so disabled people here have this pwd card thing, however they are very restrictive and pedantic about the application and SLOW AS FUCK for the processing. only recently (last month i think) did they approve of mental disabilities as a disability. the card is difficult to get. two of my friends are neurodivergent and one of them has depression, however their families aren't that...well, receptive about it. 
it's not my first time falsifying documents so im thinking:
i replicate my doctor's prescribing pad and ‘prescribe’ them medicines as proof of their illness, ive been prescribed a ton of different medicines so it's quite easy to make combinations hshhssh,  i also need to falsify a certificate vouching and verufying that they do have an illness. it's fucked up bc they are ill andidk why they need so many verification steps to give the benefits i fucking hate this governmnt why do disabled people need to prove shit multiple times but yeah im not actually falsifying because their illness and disability is real and the government is a fucking asshole abt it so let's use create and not falsify as a verb uwu
i can also create an admission slip for them by replicating and just modifying my own slip from the time i overdosed (twice hshsh) as proof that theyve been hospitalized due to their mental illness bc just the presc. pad may not be enough, so for good measure yep.
i can just accompany them or give them a script of what to say when they get interviewed.
ive falsified vaccination cards for my oarents bc theyre anti vaxxers and i coyldnt fucking get them to ge the vaccine (gurl they are gonna drive me insane) and it worked, ive also falsified an id for myself saying im 21 during the pandemic too bc only people olderthan 21 can run errands and minors werent allowed to go out accoding to our local gov. and i was elected president during my 1st yr bc i made effetive excuse letters that our dean didnt question (mfs (my classmates) said i was doing gods work for em theyre lucky i love em) and ive recently copied someone's signature to get an spa (special power of attorney) andlied to our social security system (went okay hshwhhs) so WHY CANT I DO IT FOR MY FRIENDS IF I CAN DO IT FOR MY FAMILY FUCK GATEKEEPING THIS IS ABOUT DISABLED PEOPLE NOT GETING THEIR RIGHTFUL BENEFITS THIS IS ABOUT THE PEOPLE I ALSO CARE ABOUT
but yeah it's not easy, but to me it's only proper they ge their benefits like i did.
(also cheated mine bc like i said they only considered mental health recently so i went and falsified that i have really reaaly horrible eyesight and bribed my optometrist AHSHSHHWHSSH)
so should i go ahead with this and override my parent's permission bc i am still a lil scared of my mom this could cause a big fight but like...i love these ppl, i want them to have a slightly better life man hshhhahsshsh
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icebluecyanide · 6 months
Alex Rider S03E04 Reaction
My unspoiled reactions to episode four, aka TUTOR YASSEN LET'S GOOOO
Oh okay so they are blaming Blunt in this, even if I think the trap was actually the Malta operation to bring him in.
Omg John/Yassen flashback!!! Yassen was so nervous!! I love how calm John stays throughout it all. And gosh the way Yassen closed his eyes when John told him to does things to me. I assume John saved him but gave him the scar in the process much like in canon
Yassen watching him sleep!!!
I was so ready to go noooo when Yassen said they had to leave their past behind them but apparently it was about Ian and not John lol. Love Yassen calling himself a professional
Twenty years ago 🤔 So with John being at Scorpia for three years that means Alex is canonically seventeen now
Alex stop questioning them in front of other people ahsldfhs
Tutor Yassen!!! Lmao ‘faster! This is slow’ I love how him having high standards is canon
SPARRING omg their faces
“He was kind to me” 👀 yesssss
How did they not realise yet that Scorpia went after Consanto when the woman literally said Julia Rothman was going to finish with Consanto lol
Lmao the awkward silence when Alex fails to hit the more human like targets, and they’re not even pictures
Yassen telling Alex how to kill someone 👀
The idea of them being allowed to keep their phones as they are training in the super secret training facility is just wild lol. Like yeah I’d make the signal bad too, what if people connect to their fitbit or something
Well this isn’t love bombing lol
Ahsldfh Alex is literally missing and you could tell the authorities Jack
Alex lying about the beating is big SAS training in the books vibes
Lmao Alex comparing Blunt and Mrs Rothman
Ahhhh so that’s the show equivalent of the vaccine!!
Gosh Alex forced to hit her as she’s held down
Does Yassen outrank Nile? 👀 omg Yassen/Nile showdown
“This one is my responsibility” 🥰
Love Yassen going ‘yeah you sadists are letting it cloud your judgement’
“What are you doing?” “Filming this?” “Why?” “Because it’s evidence” “Yeah of me committing a crime” ahsldfhsh yeah Tom!!
Yassen just. Refusing to talk about John is so funny to me
John saving Yassen <333 And gosh Yassen thinking of himself as expendable kills me
Exceptional agents <333 Though really there was no need to hit his cheek here lmao
Just let Yassen have his little speech about how emotions distract you, Alex 😭
Oh damn the taxi driver is Scorpia too, creeeeepy
“If he slips up just once, they are gonna kill him” yeah… unlike that other mission you were pretty casual about in s1… how is this a surprise??
Ahsdlfhs is Alex really gonna change their mind on weakness
Loved it!!! Really enjoyed the Yassen/Alex training scenes, though I kind of miss the love bombing from the book. Loved the John/Yassen flashbacks and I’m very excited to see more Alex & Yassen stuff!
‘Kind of lonely though, right?’ I gotta be honest, the whole story with Alex challenging their notions of weakness and stuff really wasn’t doing it for me, but I feel like it sort of develops from Alex not being as isolated as he is in the books. Like yeah, it’s lonely, but Alex in the books is also lonely a lot of the time and it’s something that kind of goes with being in this world. But I do love Alex saying John saved Yassen out of friendship because it reminds me of his thoughts in Snakehead.
Some really interesting differences with the other students here, firstly in that the love bombing aspect isn’t there and they actually seem pretty antagonistic to Alex, while in the book they are all very friendly, in huge contrast to Alex’s earlier experiences with the SAS and MI6. It’s honestly kind of ironic that here it’s the exact opposite, because Alex lying about how he got beaten up is basically what happened with the SAS.
Second point about them is that they are all orphans and seem to be younger than in the book, so it seems the students are different? Are they teenagers like Alex? I honestly can’t tell, what with them casting adults, but I guess maybe Alex isn’t meant to be such an outlier in terms of age, which makes sense with the actors, but is interesting in terms of story because it means Alex isn’t exceptional for being young. I guess that’s also why it’s not made a big deal that he’s a teenager (also since it would seem unbelievable). But now John Rider joining at 30 seems like an outlier, since none of these kids actually had any experience haha.
Invisible sword seems to come from the gas and maybe still the nano particles, but how do all the people in London get hit by it? Just a cloud of gas? The football team probably got it in their system before the match with some excuse.
Nile’s so angry at Alex most of the time gosh. I guess Yassen took over the nice mentor role from Nile here.
Also real convenient that Mrs Jones and Jack don’t actually want to tell each other the truth lmao. I guess here the Department has no idea about who joins Scorpia since they have no eye on them like MI6 has in the book. But that also means there will be no all ports warning to arrest Alex.
Does Yassen know about John being a spy???
Did Tom and Kyra just… forget about Alex supposedly getting killed if they don’t do as told? Like do they really think Scorpia isn’t going to notice them not getting off the plane in London? The flight isn’t that long… 
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nathanielaaron · 10 months
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🖲Magnesium — plays many crucial roles in the body, such as supporting muscle & nerve function and energy production.
🖲NAC — (a precursor to glutathione) provides a variety of protective antioxidant effects, block damages to DNA, strengthening all organs, including the brain — dissolves mucus, improves breathing & respiratory problems. NAC powers up the immune system, boosting antibodies, increasing glutathione, which fights disease & aging. NAC has been around for decades, proven to be very safe, with NO SIDE EFFECTS.
🖲Glutathione — is the body's most powerful antioxidant & counteracts the harmful effects of graphene oxide. Human bodies produce glutathione naturally but over as humans age & absorbs toxins, the production of it slows down. Children naturally have high glutathione levels. Glutathione is a body-specific antioxidant that cells need to function & survive. When you get sick, the level of glutathione can drop.
🖲Selenium — a trace element that is naturally present in many foods & available as a dietary supplement. Selenium, which is nutritionally essential for humans, is a constituent of more than two dozen selenoproteins that play critical roles in reproduction, thyroid hormone metabolism, DNA synthesis & protection from oxidative damage and infection.
🖲Quercetin — have significant capability to interfere with SARS-CoV-2 replication and multi-faceted anti-inflammatory and thrombin-inhibitory actions. 
🖲Vitamin D/C/A – promotes immune cell proliferation, stimulates antimicrobial peptides, cytokines and immune cell proliferation, enhances mucosal Integrity, antioxidant, protects healthy cells, activated immune cells, antiviral, coordinates cellular immune response.
🖲Zinc – essential for binding capacity & optimizing lethality of immune cells. Promotes antiviral enzyme blocking viral replication.
🖲Zeolite — has a strong attraction to many heavy metals including mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic. It also binds to & removes many chemicals like fluorine & chlorine, eliminating free radicals of all types, and it reverses acute chemical & allergic reactions, all without removing vital nutrients from the body. This makes it a maximum detoxifier.
🖲Pine Needle Tea, Fennel See, Star Anise — contains shikimic acid, high levels of antioxidants & DNA-protective properties.
🖲Dandelion Root —  blocks interaction between ACE2, spike protein & variants.
🖲Black Cumin Seed Oil — is natural alternative for Ivermectin. Nigella sativa has been used as traditional medicine for centuries. The oil from its seeds are effective against many diseases like cancer, cardiovascular complications, diabetes, asthma, kidney disease — also effective against cancer in blood system, lung, kidney, liver, prostate, breast, cervix & skin.
🖲Fulvic Acid & Shilajit — have long been used in traditional medicine & reduces inflammation and boost immunity. Fulvic acid has been well studied for its effects on immune health and inflammation. Improve disease resistance, increase your immune defenses, fight inflammation, chronic diseases & enhance antioxidant activity.
🖲Bio-Fibrin — is a proteolytic enzyme (a process known as proteolysis - help dissolve proteins. There are over 700 identified human enzymes, and each enzyme has a specific biochemical reaction involving a specific substance.
Activated Charcoal, Chlorophyll, Chlorella, Spirulina, Irish Sea Moss, C-60, Power Immunity, Infrared Sauna, Green Tea, Alkaline Water, Probiotics, Cinnamon & Raw Honey, Avocado, Garlic, Turmeric, Cilantro, Ginger, Cruciferous vegetables & leafy greens are also great detoxes for the body.
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dykealloy · 6 months
your gollumposting feels a bit like getting a vaccine. ultimately i will come out of this stronger with a better tolerance but i still flinch
Vaccination is a nice analogy and I do advocate for it but for this case in particular I'm leaning towards it being more an animal learning exercise. Like I'm imposing a slow process of habituation i.e. the reduction and then lack of response (flinching and disgust) to stimulus (gollum posting) through repeated exposure to the stimulus (learning to implicitly ignore or "filter" the sensory input because its registered as unimportant to your survival).
The "Dear Enemy" hypothesis by Temeles (1994) predicts that individuals will show reduced aggressive interactions with neighbours (mutuals), compared to strangers (non-mutuals). The mechanism for this reduction in aggression is habituation as non-mutuals present a threat (don't know what kind of weird shit they're going to put on your dash), while a mutual doesn't as you are already familiar with their territory (you already know what kind of weird shit they're going to put on your dash).
Habituation functions at the level of the receptor or within the central nervous system and it can be reversed after a stimulus-free interval or through new experiences, so occassional gollum bombs are necessary for reducing smeagol shudder events. I, for example, am practically immune to gollum's mossy cleft, second ring, fishy muff, etc. due to repeated exposure.
This imposes a fitness advantage as it allows the animal (you) to focus attention and energy on more important aspects of the environment (e.g. continuing to scroll unimpeded by smeagol mpreg art), ignoring background "noise" (e.g. gollum pounding in the breeding halls), and avoiding disruption (e.g. gollum saggy pierced naturals) to behaviour.
Recognising false positives (something that is not dangerous; e.g. people rping yoda and gollum sucking eachother off before being crushed by a steamroller in the replies of your post) is an economy response and therefore energy saving.
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shego1142 · 2 months
Okay so… can someone explain doctors to me like I’m a very small very scared and very hurt child?
So like… I was 11 or 12 when my family lost what I would call our “good insurance” and we had to switch to the “doctors suddenly don’t care about you” insurance due to my dad becoming disabled and us no longer having a two person income household.
We switched from me seeing a group of caring children’s doctors to me seeing an adult’s general practitioner that only saw me about once a year or less, and largely dismissed every issue I had.
I began getting migraines at 10 that increased in frequency and severity and I was told it was “because I’d start my period soon”
I had an eye test done that came back with concerning spots of missing vision in my peripheral when I was about 13 or so and I was entirely dismissed, but the doctor did ask me if I wanted to be institutionalised when I tried to quietly and privately ask about depression symptoms.
To which I began crying btw, you know, because I was a 13 year old undiagnosed autistic child.
I saw this group of doctors for things like school vaccinations, about once a year or less, ans largely I didn’t see them for anything else and I got used to hiding my symptoms and illnesses.
When I was 16 my stomach began hurting so bad in a radial pain, I went to them 3 times in the span of two weeks, telling them that I swore my stomach was hurting horribly, like real pain not just acid reflux. They prescribed omeprazole, an acid reflux medicine, and nothing else. They refused to order any tests.
I got to where I was in so much pain, crying and pulling my hair out, I felt like i couldn’t breathe and I woke my mom up and begged her to take me to the hospital because I thought I was dying at 16. And I probably would’ve, because my gallbladder would have ruptured. I ended up having to have emergency surgery, also I threw up on the hospital nurse and was so apologetic for being sick that she almost cried.
When I was 20 something I wanted to talk to those same doctors about my migraines, they’d gotten even worse than before and that is saying a lot. The same doctor who didn’t bother to check if I was having a medical emergency when my gallbladder was shutting down straight up just told me I was lying for medicine, without even looking at any of my tests prior, and yelled at me and tried to take my cane, which had become something I found really helped with all the pain I felt, away from me.
I didn’t even ask about a pain medication, I was asking about migraine preventatives.
I left that doctor’s office that I had gone to since I was 12 and never went back.
Anyway, nowadays, the closest doctor’s clinic keeps telling me that I can’t have a physical check up if there’s something specific I want the doctor to see me about?
And I have multiple chronic conditions, so there’s literally always something specific that needs to be addressed, but then it’s like they only want to focus on one thing, when it’s multiple issues that need attention?
Like… how tf do you find a doctor that can really help? How do you even start?
Also, the doctor’s office closest to me refuses to let anyone go with me, which is terrifying given that I’ve been yelled at by doctors for asking questions??
They basically always try to convince me that it’ll be just fine but then, due to my slow processing process speed because you know, autism, a day or two after the fact ill realise that them saying:
“Idk, you might have pcos, call us in four months!”
Is probably not the best way to talk to a patient…
I just… I don’t know what to do or how to get a good doctor, and I thought your general practitioner was the one who was supposed to have a general idea regarding everything that’s going on with your health, like you know, be informed of it, and then they would be able to recommend other doctors who can help you with the specific issues.
It seems to me that general practitioner means that you shouldn’t bring up anything worse than a cough or a sore throat or they get mad at you.
Idk… I just woke up today with a lot of pain and I think what is neuropathy (my arms keep going numb I’m assuming that’s what is causing it) and I just… wish I could find a doctor who actually understands what is happening and gives a damn…
I live in North Georgia, and I’m more than willing to travel… if anyone out there knows of a doctor or something… let me know
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Man everything just feels so shit. I mean it IS so shit. Life is an utter dystopia and I'd like to say I can't imagine it getting any worse, but I'm sure it'll find a way.
This is just statewide eugenics and mass murder now. It's not even safe to seek healthcare. It's so incredible to me how we got to this point- I honestly half expect people to point out the hidden cameras any moment because surely so many people can't be this stupid?
That's what they are. Stupid. I'm not supposed to say that outloud or on any of the social media where I'm even halfway identifiable. It wouldn't be "nice" or "professional". But these people are stupid, selfish, inhumane, single brain-celled, murderous cunts. And that only goes about halfway to describing them. I never thought I could hold so much sustained hate for so many people, but it just keeps growing. I fantasize about hurting every one of them, to be quite honest- they have no qualms with actually hurting me.
Unlike most mass murdering-type scenarios I've heard about, in this case I can't even fantasize about moving away from it. Where would I go? More or less the whole western world has become like this (thank you Great Barrington Declaration etc etc) and I have no idea how I'd even begin to learn the language in the few good places left.
The only way out of this is through, if I'm lucky enough to survive that long. Time is the only parameter that might offer any kind of relief, since location seems off the table. Small steps are being made, I'm pushing some of them myself (though I can't really talk about them publicly), but its slow progress. It feels like one step forwards, two steps back. Maybe there'll be a better vaccine? Maybe places will properly clean the air? Maybe enough people will realise they hate getting sick enough to wear a mask? Maybe a whole new pandemic will arise and it'll be so bad that the protections from that will wipe out SARS2 in the process? Either way, more people are gonna die and worse in the meantime.
I really am so deep in depression now. It's not even depression, it's survival mode. It's just constant stress from constant threats to my existence, sometimes even without stepping out the front door. It feels like PTSD waiting to happen, only I wish it would happen because then at least we'd be "Post". I just feel totally numb and lonely and just in total despair. The pain and lumb in my chest never goes away. I'd say I don't know how much longer I can go on like this, but what choice do I have?
I'm so ready for this to be over. Properly, really, truly over. I'll never forget what people did and likely never forgive. But to be able to live a life feeling actually truly safe would be a dream. I long to be able to have the emotional capacity again to actually just feel happy.
I saw a post on here not long ago that said something like "'this too shall pass' but I really wish it'd pass a bit quicker". That is entirely the mood right now.
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pandemic-info · 2 years
What do we know about vaccines and boosters and long COVID? Do we know anything?
Jetelina: We do. We know that vaccines help a little. We don't really know how much they help. Some studies have shown that vaccines reduce risk of long COVID by 85%. Other studies have shown about 15%. So there's this huge range. I think what's clear is that vaccines help a little, but they're not perfect. You could be fully boosted, get an asymptomatic infection, and still get long COVID. That's, to me, slightly terrifying, but they do help.
The other thing that also is helping with long COVID is the way this virus is mutating. Thankfully Omicron is less likely to cause long COVID than Delta, there was this really nice study done a couple months ago, but again, it's still there. It's still a risk, even if you kind of do everything you need to do to get vaccinated.
This virus is nasty, and this is where your additional layers come in, like, wearing a mask at the grocery store can do a little bit to help that too.
On mucosal Vaccines:
I went to a White House event a month or two ago about the next-generation vaccines. I think it's very clear we need a next-generation vaccine. Unfortunately, I think it's gonna take us a couple years because we just don't have an Operation Warp Speed 2.0.
Is that next-generation vaccine going to be like a pan coronavirus vaccine? Which means it's variant proof, which would be super cool. Or is it going to be more of an intranasal or oral vaccine, which would really stunt this pandemic because it would stop transmission really well. Is it one of those microneedle vaccine things that I think are pretty cool? I don't know, but there's a lot of innovation happening right now. Unfortunately, it's going slow like it did pre-pandemic just because of funding.
Faust: Yeah, that bothers me. We did something successful and then we were like 'Oh, let's not do that again. That was too successful,' or something.
[ ↑ THIS, for every enabling tool / process the past few years.]
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