imsilay · 6 months
i think if König was a vampire he would breath on your neck and keep you pinned to him so he could relish the way your heartbeat increased like crazy at the times his lips brushed against your pulse. and his favorite thing to feel was your hot skin against his cold lips and your pulse that never calmed down if he was around. he wouldn’t care if it was out of fear or love. he actually enjoyed holding your trembling form in his arms. not that you could get away from his grip even if you hated it.
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Ok vampire hunter!König is hot but how about vampire!Engel with vampire!König who seduced and turned her?
König is the meanest vampire there is.
He never lets his angel become an independent, strong creature of the night; instead, he keeps her in his tower and “teaches” her, telling her she must never venture out because the world is a dangerous place and mortals are more cunning than she can even imagine, and Engel, poor fresh young fledgling that she is, just looks up at him wide-eyed and lips drawn into a thin line and believes everything he says.
And so there’s really no one to tell her that König is shunned by all the other vampires: he has a reputation, he’s more feral than any of them and always keeps to himself, never comes to the balls or burdens himself with the need to charm anyone or even dress properly, he’s like a relic from the past when vampires had to scour their meal from wherever they could get it, filthy docks or poor cottages in the hills, bothering lowly peasants whose blood tastes like dung. König lives in a time of war even though there’s peace now, and plenty of good blood to feast on, he has even killed some of his own – Engel really doesn’t know the full depth of the trouble she’s in... She couldn’t have bumped into a more unfit, berserk, depraved sire.
He always picks her meal for her: always fragile, meek women, dragged to the tower screaming and pale and filled with fear and horror: and he doesn’t even let her feed alone because he likes to watch. No one tells her that this isn’t supposed to happen: that a lamia’s meal is a sacred ritual, it's between her and the sacrificial lamb, and it's also a moment when a vampire is at her most vulnerable... But no: König watches her like a mortal would watch pornography or an obscene play, and Engel thinks it’s perfectly normal, she just wants to please her master, as difficult and hard as it is to do so at times.
And sometimes she feels this odd yearning – she was such a cute, well-behaved mortal, she had her whole life ahead of her, she never did anything wrong, and she never asked to be turned... (yes Engel keep telling yourself that) She just wanted to talk to this mysterious highwayman who walked her home when she got lost in the woods, who gave her the most intense hand-kiss she had ever received and after that, left her a blood-red rose on her windowsill every night... And now she finds herself here, in this ungodly tower with a monster – a monster she hopelessly loves and adores.
Sometimes the need to feed grows too strong and she floats down the stairs, helpless and weak, only to be met with König’s imperious form as he opens the heavy oak door and immediately catches on to what’s going on. His heavenly angel was about to disobey him; clearly, she doesn’t yet understand the danger she’s in (in truth König is getting pale even at the thought of her finding some other mentor, were Engel to leave him he would crawl into his coffin and never come out again).
So into the coffin she goes, without breakfast, and has to stay there alone until he's sharpened his knives. Only when dawn is already about to break, only after the sturdy old pine box echoes with her pitiful little whimpers, König finally joins her, gathers Engel in his arms, asks her if she has learned her lesson now, hmm? She must understand that this is for her own good: he’s just ensuring that nothing bad happens to her. After all, she's his responsibility; it was fated that they met. She’s exactly where she belongs; she has nothing to fear.
Then he feeds her himself: another taboo and a perverse act of him, and even sicker than anyone could ever imagine because König pushes them both to their limits, getting lewd pleasure out of Engel drinking from him until he's near the point of going into rigor mortis, groaning that she needs to stop (secretly wishing she wouldn’t… Not just yet…)
And König never tells her that their kind is supposed to sleep in their own coffins for a variety of reasons. He allows her to sleep in his, never even gets her her own, getting sick satisfaction from the way she curls up and clings to him like a pathetic, helpless human.
The only things he gets her are stunning, gorgeously large white dresses: pompous and flowy and frilly and so heavy she can’t possibly even dream of escaping while wearing those. The only time there’s a slightly more benevolent look in those piercing cold blue eyes is when Engel laughs and spins around in them, fresh blood on her lips, eyes outshining all the night stars...
She’s truly the most innocent, beautiful creature he has ever seen. He almost feels… what was it that mortals called it?
Ah, yes. Love.
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princessisfinethx · 5 months
An idea I keep thinking about. Vampire König x Human reader.
Mentions of blood, sex(non-con if you think about it but it's not depicted) gun mentioned not used, under the cut. But this is not your typical damsel attacked by vampire.
(don't tell my guy friend but I got my inspiration from the books he recommended me, Necroscope. Second book.)don't read those books if you like vampires; it will haunt you.)
Vampires can control people's minds, they lure them away somewhere secluded, drink their blood, then leave. That's what König has done the last few centuries. He finds a victim, hypnotizes them, brings them to an alleyway, or maybe his home, and then drinks their blood. If he's feeling pent up and his victim is horny, he'll fuck them as well. He's not picky, having male, female, trans, partners. Could he call them partners? No, he shouldn't.
He of course, makes sure that his victims are well fed and have drank something before he disposes of them. Like a blood bank perhaps. They give him blood, he gives them food and water. He knows sometimes the sex thing isn't what everyone wants so he's careful to pick his victims on that part, like if he can smell their arousal. But always, after sex, he erased their memory. He doesn't have to, but perhaps the human part of himself would feel guilty. It already does, he thinks bitterly.
So here he is in a nightclub, watching bodies dance across the floor as lights flashed across his body and face. He sat perched at the bar stool, a glass of wine in his hands. He was glad that he could still drink liquids. Though the thirst for blood always gnawed at the back of his mind. His eyes searched the floor, looking for someone, anyone, who was by themselves. Tonight, it seemed couples and friend groups ruled the floor.
He didn't waste much time, setting his half empty glass of wine down and leaving the loud club. His ears thrummed as the music no longer blasted in his ears, but the ringing didn't stop. He stood outside, then in his peripheral vision, he spotted a person sitting on the curb. You. Your outfit looked like the clubbing type, and your eyes were half lidded. Though you were sitting, you were swaying slightly, because you were buzzed.
He came up to you and tilted his head. "Are you waiting for someone?" His accent was heavy as he spoke. He watched your facial features shift as you registered his voice.
"I'm supposed to say yes." You mumbled. You hadn't looked up at him. He shifted and kneeled down beside you, waiting for you to look at him. The trick with hypnotism, is that the victim must look into his eyes. When he first discovered his ability, he would accidentally hypnotize people often. He was older now, and he has better control of it. "I don't know if they're coming anymore.."
König studied your face, tracing over your features. You were beautiful, in his opinion. Your hair framed your face perfectly, and your body seemed to only enhance your beauty. He nods and looks up at your eyes again, waiting. "Your friends abandoned you? How cruel..."
You snorted and shook your head. "No, they didn't do that." Your words slurred. "My Uber, I tried getting one but my phone died, after, it sent." You sigh and look down at your phone, then slowly turn your head. Your eyes met his. He had an alluring mix of green and blue eyes, they reminded you of marbles.
König stared up at you, watching you stare back. Then he spoke. "Come home with me, I'll take care of you." At this point, he knows he has you. Your eyes locked on his,half lidded and unmoving. There was a faint scent of arousal on you, but he decided he wouldn't fuck you. Some kind of guilt washed over him as he stared at you. Such a beautiful person who was alone, abandoned.
But then you looked away and hummed. "No thanks."
What the hell.
He stared at you dumbfoundly, watching as you let out a long yawn. You rejected him?? After he hypnotized you?
Maybe he didn't then? Did his hypnosis not work for some reason? He looked around, stood up and walked to a group of people. He pulled a guy aside quickly, ignoring his protests and looked him in the eyes. The guy froze and König spoke, "Go and punch that stranger."
The man turned and found the person, another male who was bigger than himself and right hooked him. The other man angrily punched back without hesitation, and a fight began to break out. Slowly, König's head turned towards you. You were clumsily standing up, and walking away. He watched then decided to follow behind you quickly.
So you were immune? Were you perhaps, also a vampire? König stopped you, standing in front of you and grabbing your face. "Hold still." He moved your lips and looked at your teeth. He stared, but your teeth shape didn't suggest fangs. They were normal. You groaned in annoyance and slapped his hands away.
"Let go of me you creep!" You shook your head but paused when he grabbed your face again. You looked up at König and he was staring you down intensely. As he did, you felt a slight headache surge through your head and you cringe. It happened before when you looked at him but you chalked it off as too much booze, not enough water.
"Come home with me." He said, more like demanded again, and you reached into your pocket.
"No!" You pull out your pepper spray and let rip across his eyes. He screamed and groaned, wiping them while you began to run back towards the club. He watched, the sting was already gone and his confusion was only intensified. You made it inside and shakily asked the bartender for help, who did so in a flash. They offered water and if you wanted to call the police but you denied the last, going with their first offer.
You were brought home, after getting your phone charged a little, you phoned your roommate and explained how you were attacked kind of. When you got back to your shared apartment, your roommate was outside waiting, with a gun.
You snorted, still in your buzzed state as you walked inside with her. "That guy is long gone, put the glock away." She seemed uneasy and started asking you dozens of questions.
You tried to give your full account of everything, but you were tired. You mentioned you kept getting a little headache but it was gone now. Then you mentioned how the man pulled at your lips to look at your teeth, which you were laughing about. Why was that so funny?
But your roommate looked terrified. You stopped laughing and calmly explained that you had the whole thing handled, and she nodded slowly. She helped you to bed and told you she'd need to talk with you in the morning. You thought you'd be getting a lecture of some kind, and you groaned at the thought.
As you drifted to sleep, you failed to notice the lurking figure looking at you through your 3rd story window.
((Lmk if y'all want more. Mama will provide 🧑‍🍳))
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latenightdaydreams · 2 months
Poll Time!
Master List ✍🏽
Story here!
Thank you to everyone who votes! 🥰
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nomizombie · 8 months
[But aren't vampires scary...?] // vampire!König x GN!Reader
cw: blood (obviously!), biting, some injury
[SFW] ; blood (obviously!!), mutual pining (?), human rights violation el oh el, könig has social anxiety, gender neutral, no usage of y/n [A/N] ; was thinking about vamp könig whos actually really awkward and not the cool vampires like in movies... in fact, other vampires would probably assume he was a werewolf with his size.
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You had never met a man like him, or more accurately, creature, like him.
He was terrifying, larger than life. His presence took up the whole room. Yet, it was invisible. Almost like he was transparent and you were the only one who could see him.
You met him at a bar. He didn't seem like he fit. Sitting in the corner, sipping on some cheap beer, observing everyone. Very out of place for somewhere like here.
You walked over to him of course. Seems like a guy like him just needs some company right?
It only took a few drinks before he dragged you outside. In some dinky alley, slamming your body against a wall and sinking his pearly white fangs into your neck. Sucking and slurping up your blood eagerly.
Quiet apologies in a subtle accent as he continued drinking and drinking. He gripped your body so tight, you couldn't move a muscle. As he bit deeper, the pain was so excruciating that you felt your consciousness teeter over the edge. One more second, minute, hour, he kept promising you.
By the time he was done, you were so lightheaded you felt like you were going to pass out, if not from the pain it would be from the blood loss. You struggled to even stand, swaying from side to side.
He apologised again.
"I-I am very sorry- It was, I'm starving you see? I'm so sorry-" You cut him off as you fell, leaning onto his body for support.
"Scheiße, did I feed too much?" His trembling hand gently lifted your face up.
You stared at him, half-lidded and woozy. Not good.
He immediately hoisted you up on his back.
"I'll take you to my apartment okay? Is that fine? I mean you don't really have a choice- Ah, you're too out of it to understand anyways."
Before long, you were laying on a couch in some living room you had never seen before. Still lightheaded, but feeling a bit more grounded, you sat up, observing your surroundings.
"König?" You called out his name. Difficult to say yet the more you said it, the more familiar it felt to your tongue.
He immediately appeared in the hallway, holding a warm towel, a mug, and some bandages.
"Ja? Are you alright? I'm so sorry-"
You fell back down again onto the couch. The room spun when you sat up.
"Oh gott..." He rushed over to you, almost dropping the mug and towel he held.
"Ah, it's the blood loss..." He sighed, "I was too excited, sorry."
He looked up at you through his brows as he dressed the bite. How could such a worrisome guy be the one who had you pinned against a wall for blood hours earlier?
"It's... alright." You winced in between words. It was still sore and throbbing even after- how many hours?
"What... time is it...?" You hissed as he cleaned the wound.
"Oh- Well, around two in the morning. Why?"
"It's that late already...?" You threw your head back in exhaustion.
Silence enveloped the two of you until you finally asked what had been on your mind since the alleyway.
"You're a vampire?"
"Ja." He said quietly, now wrapping clean bandages around the teeth marks.
"I thought... vampires were only in movies."
He shook his head, chuckling a little.
"I'm very much real, aren't I?"
You stared at him, squinting in the dark.
"Oh yeah..." you slurred. The alcohol and blood loss made for a deadly combination.
"Get some sleep, and well, I'm sorry, 'bout the uhm- biting." He stammered, pausing between words. He began to stand up.
"Wait-" Your hand shot out, grabbing onto his.
"S-Sorry?" His eyes widened under his balaclava. They were so emotive that it wasn't hard to tell what he was thinking.
The coldness of the room. The silence of the apartment. The darkness of it all. It was so stifling.
"Can you... stay?" You said meekly. Voice cracking from no liquids.
He couldn't speak, stuck looking at your pleading eyes and bandaged neck. After a few seconds which felt like much more, he finally remembered to respond.
"Oh- of course."
Plopping himself back onto the couch, he sat next to you as you leaned onto him.
Of course, he couldn't help but apologise again.
"It's okay. You said you were... hungry... right?" You looked up at him, he had his eyes fixed on the muted TV in front of the two of you.
"Still- I shouldnt have... I got too... excited. I haven't had fresh blood in m-months.."
"It's alright-"
You paused as you felt something dripping onto your right shoulder.
As you turned, you saw his face. Crazed. Salivating.
"I-I'm sorry it's just- thinking about it makes me..."
"My blood was that tasty?"
You swear you could've seen a small tinge of pink bloom on his face. It may have even reached the tips of his ears.
"No it's not.. I mean- Not yours particularly- I'm just starving..."
You grinned at him.
"I'm not tasty?"
He couldn't bring himself to respond and the sleepiness was returning to you. Vampires are supposed to be scary right? So why are you here, getting all nice and cozy with one? It was going to be a long night for the two of you.
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divider: @violetbudd
tysm for reading! :) might expand on this au as well as I alrdy have some ideas for a second chapter !!!
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bigboipyromaniac · 2 years
Can I please request vampire! König with a gender neutral s/o headcanons
warning: blood, one line of NSFW (?) -my big boy wants blood, wants a lot of blood -jk -he's not that hungry -ok maybe a little -he's really good at hiding the fact that he's a vampire -after 3 years together he would probably bring up the fact he's a vampire, he probably forgot to mention it -mostly because he thinks you going to get scared -I mean he's 6'10 who wouldn't be scared of him -would not bite you at all -he's too scared to lose you, but he's in the military, so I'm sure he won't run out of blood anytime soon -(plus I think he rather have you bite him but you didn't hear that from me) -if you worked with him he would try to convince you to work in a different field than him -mostly cause he doesn't want to see you get hurt but also so that you won't have to witness him eat -if you do end up working with him well you'll learn the secret quicker -would hate your twilight reference -(I'm sorry all I can think of for this headcanon is twilight) -he never watched twilight but once you force him to watch it, he would be very confused -but once he gets it he would also join in on the reference -also, the rest of the team would hate yall -"hold on tight spider monkey" and then run into the battlefield -ok I'm done with twilight -if you don't work with him -yall probably meet at the bar -some of his friends forced him to join a party after a mission -you saw him alone while his other friends were partying someplace else -so you strike up a conversation with him -and you thought that he was cute so you gave him your phone number -well at the beginning of the relationship he was very distant -you thought that it may be the fact that it was his first relationship in a while
-little did you know -but after a while, he's very clingy -like you can't leave without him -he's also like that one meme that looks like a cinnamon roll, would kill you anyways he's a cute boy and would never hurt you even if he's dying for blood
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harveywritings92 · 1 year
{Monster au.} R/n, singing while washing the dishes: Oh, you never see a vampire with a full grown beard, But a vampire can't see his reflection! So a lack of facial hair is unbelievably weird, 'Cause you'd think shaving would be out of the question.
{König and Ghost stare at her in disbelief while Gaz and Soap laugh.}
Soap (is a Werewolf), notices the two vamps staring: What? she’s not wrong! 
Gaz (he’s half siren-half human): For all the time we’ve known you two, we have never seen either of you shave once! And yet, the brief glimpses of side-chin we’ve seen are always smoother than a baby’s arse!
König: Hey we shave. It’s uh...It’s a hassle, but we shave!
Ghost: You mean I shave. The only thing you got going for you is that tiny patch of peach-fuzz you so lovingly call chest hair.
König:....*flips Ghost off.* Fick dich (Fck you).
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alrauna · 7 months
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Benjamin König (@sperber.illustrationen)
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zombieplaygrounds · 5 months
cw: vampires, afab!fem! reader x vampire! König, blood drinking, smut, oral sex, nipple stimulation, rough sex, implied man handling, not proofread
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Vampire! König was too cruel, had no issue putting you back into your place whenever you were being bratty. Called your love eternal, mentions how he has spent hundreds of years waiting for you. Your rich, delicious, bloody taste. As if you had asked for the overgrown leech.
Though, there were times you forgot the kind of monster he was, particularly when he had his cock deep in your cunt. He was big, bigger than you've ever had before. Reached all the special places in your cunt, enough to make you cry as your pussy suckled him from the inside. Absolutely fed his ego too, slapping your ass as he slammed brutally into you. Had no issue bullying your sore pussy for hours in end until you were degraded to nothing but a stupid, babbling, whore.
Moments like those you loved him. Did all the thinking for you. Loved when your pretty head was empty, made you all more compliant when he sunk his range into your flesh, mouthing at the delicious puncture wounds he had created into your soft skin. Even if you cried and squirmed a bit, the white ring of arousal that formed around his cock just showed your absolute love for him. Your devotion to your new master.
König wasn't completely cruel either. He sucked other things than your neck. Like your nipples. Absolutely loved starting there, they were so obviously sensitive, hardening when he even licked your breasts a bit. Loved making you cry from how hard he bit down on you, even when you tugged his hair it only made him groan and grinding his cock against your thighs harder. Even your clit was victim to his suckling bites. The frustrated bundle of nerves causing your cunt to weep tears of arousal around his tongue.
And after you had let him feast on your sweet nectar, he'd reward you with a nice cold embrace. Praising you for letting him use you in whatever way he needed, all while you whined and slowly came down from being cock drunk.
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sweet-thoot · 10 months
Behind The Eyes
Lockets of our boys, folks
Rudy first and Alejandro last, both faces at the other if we connect them-
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What if Engel wanted to be turned... but was really sad n scared to feed on humans? She's always been such a nice and helpful neighbor... now she has to KILL PEOPLE??? what would könig do?
I’m starting to develop so many soft feelings towards Engel, she seems so cute and harmless and well-meaning in every scenario even if she’s a crazy wacko stabber inside and makes the perfect companion for a menace like König... She’s trying so hard to be nice and good and always ends up in an awful amount of trouble, poor thing! (No wonder König is in love with her, she’s an absolute mess ^^)
I would expect she’s not like Louis from Anne Rice’s novels, the reasons for not wanting to hurt humans are not as deeply philosophical and existential as his, she’s just been conditioned so well to what’s wrong and what’s right that she snaps her mouth shut everytime it’s time for supper :(
But the thing is, König never allows her to kill anyone… He always brings her meal for her and kills them before her eyes (that’s perhaps why she’s even more traumatized and refuses to eat lol), he even has the first taste to check if what he’s feeding her is savory ❤️ So Engel never has to wrestle with the issue of killing her victims herself (even if she should! She's a vampire now and König is basically infantilizing her here), so what she does instead is develop an eating disorder of sorts.
König tries to find out if there’s something wrong with the meal he’s chosen for her, if she only prefers women, for example, or if she likes humans who have never tried alcohol, things like that. When he finds out it’s only her soft heart and last traces of human nature, König gets more or less furious. His angel is about to faint, she doesn’t even have the strength to get up in the evening – so of course he has to force her to feed at some point!
Things will have to get a bit tragic before Engel agrees that she has to eat – and it takes a while for König to understand he has to change his tactic to help her. Trying to force her to eat only results in a pouting, stubborn, angered little Engel who tries to flee him, but praising her every time she takes a sip results in her looking up at him with shining, compliant doe eyes. The minute he caresses her proudly and turns his voice from stern to soft and says she's doing well, that she's so beautiful like this and get's more pretty by the day when she drinks, Engel starts to do much better.
And then the day comes when Engel is whining, basically demanding to have her first kill, and König is at his wit's end yet again because he can't let her beautiful angel go preying on people, she has to be dependent on him for providing food for her...
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princessisfinethx · 5 months
Vampire König x Human Reader pt. 2
A/n: y'all really liked this one geez louise papa cheese. As promised I made another one. Didn't know how to end it but the next one I make will reveal why reader is immune to him. Also, I tried keeping to gn reader, if you guys like that lmk. If not I can change it to fem reader.
Warnings!: Mentions of SA, somnophilia hardcore mixed with dubcon, mentions of murder, sex mentioned a lot. Dark shit tbh I may have went a little too far- König is a loser sorry. Please heed warnings before reading I beg of you.
Minors DNI.
The window opened easily, he almost snorted at you leaving it unlocked. Though, he did climb your apartment building to get up here so maybe he was being an ass. He carefully stepped inside and immediately he felt strange. The legend that a vampire must be invited inside was a myth, he tested that before. But there was something about the air in your room that made his skin prickle.
König was huge, but getting through a window wasn't so much of a challenge for him anymore. He stood in your room and carefully looked around. You had lots of stuff, and it was messy. Some basket of yarn, a sketch pad, some make up on your dresser, posters all over the wall... It looked like a normal young woman's room.
His eyes finally landed on you and he swallowed thickly. You laid on your side, curled up slightly with your blankets lazily tossed over you. There was a stuffed animal near your pillows, watching you, watching him. He crept closer and walked to the side of the bed that you faced. Kneeling down, he takes in your face again. Staring at you as if you'll tell him how you could resist his hypnosis. Your rhythmic breathing however, told him you were fast asleep.
He reached up and used the back of his knuckle to pet your cheek. He wondered what you dreamed of, was it about him? Maybe it was nothing at all. His eyes scanned over your body, seeing the rest disappear within the blankets. Your thigh and leg however, poked out from beneath the blankets. He stood up, walking to the foot of your bed and slowly placing his fingers on your ankle. Ideas, millions of them, bad, good, selfish ideas ran through his head.
He always has his escape card, his hypnosis. He could do whatever he wanted and not feel as much guilt over it, but you... He had to be careful. Truthfully he could probably rule the world, the country at least. He was a powerful being with few weaknesses. He could have as much blood as he wanted, create his own servants and fuck who ever he pleased.
You could not be hypnotized, so if he took you, and you woke up, you'd probably scream. You'd be traumatized perhaps. His fingers moved up your leg. If he drank your blood, you'd be sore and you'd remember, because he can't hypnotize you. His fingers traced along your thigh, stopping at your hip. He wanted you, God if any, König wanted you so badly. He looked at his fingers resting on your hip, you only had panties on. He closed his eyes and tried to keep his hard-on tame.
Removing his hand, he stared at your sleeping form. He glanced to the side, looking at your stuffed animal, as if asking for forgiveness. His fingers slipped the blanket off your bottom half and he looked at your pants less form. He's decided, he won't drink your blood, but he would fuck you. He needed this. He had only met you two- three hours ago and you had tormented him. Slipping his boots off, his knees fell onto the edge of the bed. He got in all fours, hovering over your clothed sex.
He could smell you, your arousal. Were you dreaming of something filthy? He wanted to smile but he didn't. His eyes never left your underwear, and he laid on his stomach between your lazily parted legs. He rested them over his shoulders and was careful not to wake you. He was burley, and knew that rising too high might cause you to stir. He settled now, resting between your legs and staring hungrily at your middle. Then without moving your underwear, he pressed his lips to your sex and closed his eyes. Sweet, he thought. How were you sweet and he's yet to taste your juices?
His tongue eagerly pressed against your panties and it was then he groaned. It was more prominent now, like honey. He licks a strike up your sex and he hears you moan softly in your sleep. His eyes stared up at you now, but you remained asleep. He licked his lips and delved back in, humming in delight. His tongue swirls and he feels his hardened cock pressing painfully against his pants, against your bed. He kissed your thigh and then moved your cloth to the side, wanting to taste you uncovered. His tongue immediately finds your entrance and he swears his eyes flutter. You had jumped against him suddenly and he recognized that jump. He pulled away and his tongue went to his teeth- his fangs. They had came out without his realizing and he cursed. He didn't mean to poke you, not like that anyway.
Looking back up at your sleeping form, he sighed and moved up, slowly palming himself through his tan cargo pants. You could wake up, and find him violating you any moment ...and it thrilled him, sickeningly. He undoes his pants and pulls out his eagerly awaiting cock, finding the tip slick from suppressed arousal. He slowly jerked himself, looking down at you. He'll show you, that he always gets what he wants in the end.
He maneuvers your legs once again so that your thighs rested against his own, with you laying on your back and your head laying to the side. He moves the annoying piece of cloth once again and eyes your entrance, having mercy and lubing it a little more with his spit. Though if he were a little more psychotic, he'd make you hurt. Let you feel the dry press of his thickness as it opened you...but that was too far, he thought with an amused chuckle. He lined himself, watching his tip kiss at your sex and he shudders. He licks his lips, then-
Then you stir and turn on your side, mumbling in your sleep about taking someone's order wrong. König blinked himself out of his dark daydream. He was still standing at the foot of your bed, you were still clothed with the blankets hanging over your body. His member, though hard, remained in his pants and he frowned. Maybe he was losing his humanity far more than he thought. He let out a growl and carefully pulled the blankets over you, so that your legs were covered.
But as he looked at you once again, he felt the human part of himself tsking at him. He can't- no, he wouldn't. So he sighed and sat down on a chair across from your bed. Nonetheless, he wants you. And if he was going to win you over, he needed to do this by the books. He needed to flirt, he needed to give gifts, charm you, intrigue you somehow.
The arrogant part of his mind was twisting and turning. He has become so used to getting what he wanted, whenever. So the one thing he can't have, he found himself wanting the most. Like a spoiled brat, perhaps. But this was only a small part of it, that's what he told himself anyway.
For now, he stood up and nodded to himself. He's gonna go about this as human like as possible. But then there was the incident from tonight. He had been a creep, and you might remember his face. No matter, he'll just erase your mind and-
No, wait. Fuck.
He put his hands on his hips in frustration. This is gonna be difficult.
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latenightdaydreams · 4 months
Vamp! Reader and Human! Konig? :3 Riding him while drinking his blood hehe
König x Vamp!Reader (fem)
Master List
>cw: fem/afab, blood, p in v
1.4k word count
Since König retired from the military, he’s been seeking new thrills in life. Horangi told him about a ‘vampire’ club in the heart of Budapest. This piqued his interest; he took the almost three-hour drive one night and went looking for the hidden door to the underground club.
Dressed in black slacks and a black button-down shirt, his blonde hair slicked back and face shaved clean. König walks with a confident swagger as he sees a group of goth men walking down an alleyway. He follows behind at a safe distance. They arrive as a staircase that leads to a red door.
König approaches as the bouncer looks up at König, smiling at him, exposing fangs. König’s scarred face remains stoic.
“Have fun, handsome.”
König nods and enters the club. The music was loud and the lights low. He walks through the crowd of people to see a man sitting at a booth with two goth aesthetic women at his sides. His shirt was ripped open and their mouths were patched to his neck and chest. König lingered for a moment to realize what he was seeing. Small drops of blood drip from their lips as their hands explore the man’s body.
He turns and bumps right into you. You stare up at him and smile, flashing fangs as your eye’s onyx black. König studies you, trying to take in everything he can about you. There is something that is just calling him to you. His mouth drops open to speak, yet nothing comes out.
“You look like a lost puppy.” The sound of your voice is smooth and sensual.
“Your fangs look real…how do you do that?”
A soft giggle leaves your lips as you raise a hand to caress his arms. “They are real.” He reeks of sexual tension, lustful thoughts clouding his mind.
König laughs, his blue eyes trailing from your eyes down to your lips and cleavage. The tight black dress you’re wearing leaves little to the imagination. “So, you’re an actual vampire?”
“What? You don’t believe in vampires?” Your icy hands meet his.
“It’s just…hard to believe.” He looks at your small hand in his. Your skin is ice cold.
Another woman walks by with two marks on her neck, fresh blood trickling down as she’s led to the back by a taller male. “Are you all vampires?”
“Most, other than the donors that come.” You can smell how sweet König’s blood smells as you stay close to him.
“Humans that give blood to vampires willingly… isn’t that why you’re here?”
“I—” König gazes down at you. “Yes.”
“So, what’s your name?”
“König. You?”
“Y/N.” You grab his hand and walk in the direction the couple before was.
König lets you drag him, following you without hesitation, as if you’ve hypnotized him. You move past a red velvet curtain that leads to a long hallway of rooms. Moans and grunts can be heard from behind the doors. He can feel adrenaline rush through his body as you turn and open one of the doors.
Inside, the room looks like a motel room, a small couch and a queen size bed. He walks in and looks around. The lights in the room give a red hue to everything around. König hears the sound of the door's latch closing. He turns and looks at you, eyes trailing down your body.
“So, what do we do from here?” His voice is low, cracking as he feels an indescribable lust for you.
“I think you know…” you reach behind your back and begin to unzip your dress, “what we do next.” Your dress slowly peels away from your body.
König swallows hard as he sees your full breasts, supple body, and delicate curves. He can feel his pants tighten as his cock hardens. You walk to him, grasping his cock through his pants. A shuttered breath leaves his lips.
“Why don’t you get more comfortable?”
König nods, his hands begin to fumble with the buttons on his shirt, only unbuttoning it half way down before he begins to undo his pants for you. You push him back; he lands on the couch behind him. You’re surprisingly strong for how small you are. It arouses König.
His erect cock free, standing upright as his pants rest around his thighs. König reaches out to grab your hip with one hand, guiding you to him. You can hear the sound of his heart beating quickly, his blood flowing through his veins quickly.
You straddle his waist, your vagina lingering over his cock. His smell overwhelms your senses, you just want to bite down on him. A small moan leaves your lips as König leans forward and flicks his tongue over your nipple lightly, eager to please you and be pleased.
“You smell…so sweet König.” You grab some of his hair and pull his head back.
König looks up and sees your black eyes now tinted red, slowly lightening. He looks at you in amazement, always thinking the supernatural was false. Your pillowy lips press against his in a passionate kiss. He groans into your kiss as his hands pull you down to his cock.
The tip slips in, causing you to moan. Your cunt clenched around him, warm and soaked, ready to accept his cock. His hips thrusting up into you more, he feels as if he’s been overcome with lust. He can’t control himself. He has to have you.
König easily fell under your spell. Your eyes red from hunger. Hands resting on his chest as you bounce your body up and down on his fat dick. You can feel his pulse through your palm on him. It’s becoming too much to ignore.
His hands wrap firmly around your ass, guiding you through the motions. König’s eyes close and his head drops back, completely exposing his neck to you. There is no more holding back.
You lean forward slowly, listening to König’s moans. Your teeth come out, aching to sink into his flesh. Lips touching the left side of his neck, you sink your teeth into him. A loud groan leaves his mouth. König leans his head more to the right to allow you more room.
His blood fills your mouth, your eyes flutter back as the warm coppery taste of his blood consumes you completely. König’s fingers grip your ass tighter, thrusting up into you harder. The pain from the bite, your tiny whimpers into his skin…he feels a raw primal lust for you.
“Fuck, y/n…” König grits his teeth as his big arms wrap around your body and hold you close to him. The plopping sound of your ass slamming down on him.
Retracting your fangs from his neck, you pull away and lick the blood that continues to drip out. Your now warm lips kiss up to his jawline, leading to his lips. König can taste his own blood on your lips.
“More.” He begs, the feelings of you drinking him is almost enough to bring him to orgasm in itself. His cock slipping in and out of your velvety cunt, he’s found heaven on earth here with you.
You trail your kiss back down his neck, without warning you bite down again. A louder groan leaves König’s lips. Your hips begin to rock on his cock, his hands drop to his side and lets you drink from him and ride him.
König feels as if he’s entered a trance-like state. His cock experiencing the highest form of ecstasy, traveling through his body. You feel a rush of energy, your hips moving faster than humanly possible on him. He can feel his blood dripping down his body, your fangs deep inside of him.
“Y/n…I…” König can’t even speak as his hands grab the cushions of the couch tightly. A haze comes out his thoughts as he feels light headed. No more words, only moans leave König’s lips as his cock pulsates deep inside of you.
Your lips stay latched to his neck; his arms wrap around you as he cums. Reluctantly, you pull your head away from his neck. You desperately lick at the sweet drops that continue to pour out, dripping down his chest.
“You taste perfect, König.”
“You…” König can’t even speak after experiencing you. Can a human experience even compare after you?
A cold hand caresses the side of König’s face. His chest rising and falling quickly. He looks at you through half lidded eyes, completely enamored. “Can…can we do this again?” He almost begs.
“Absolutely.” Your hands cup the sides of his face. “You know where to find me.”
“I don’t think I can be without you…” König whispers as his eyes trail down to your blood-stained lips.
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liibility · 5 months
hello i‘m back from the dead!!!! please ignore all the military mistakes and the fact that your name is mug (im drinking tea)
cw blood? veryyyyyy slight allusion to nsfw i promise its barely there
A light breeze blew dust across the empty compound, sprays of blood and bodies dotting the shadowy area. König could feel his own blood slowly seeping into the leg of his pants where a knife had been stabbed a few times. It didn‘t matter much, though: the wound would heal soon enough by itself. More importantly—
"Mug, how copy?" He needed to make sure you were okay and heading to the extract point. Exfil would be there in three; all that was left to do now was get to the building where they‘d all be picked up.
A minute passed as he waited for your answer, but there was nothing; not even the slightest bit of static from your end.
"Mug, are you there?"
You were probably already there, he rationalized. Or maybe your radio had been broken after you‘d split up to empty the area you‘d been assigned to.
He couldn’t help the sinking feeling in his chest. Even if he wanted to ignore it, he already knew the reason you weren‘t responding.
He could see the building where you were supposed to already be from where he was, and he quickened his pace. Faint lights lit the way and König was grateful for them, even if they were mostly unnecessary. Another chilly wind gusted past as a cloud covered the moon, dimming the area significantly.
He stopped in his tracks and stiffened as something else floated along on the wind — something familiar. Blood.
Your blood.
Intense, unshakeable bloodlust bore down on him; he was unable to stop the way his limbs carried him forward. Cotton filled his brain, a muffling fuzziness robbing him of the ability to focus on anything else.
König didn‘t need his radio or the bad lighting anymore; the worryingly strong scent of blood told him exactly where you were.
Slowly, his steps sped up until he was practically running to the dark shape on the ground. Your heartbeat was weaker than normal, but it still resonated like a gong echoing in his head; sound bouncing endlessly against the hollow walls of his skull. Static came from his radio, but all of his senses were laser-focused on you and you only.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew you needed immediate medical attention. Obviously you were severely wounded, judging by the amount of blood on your gear and the ground
He knew that, and yet…
Looming over your prone form, his vision tunnelled onto the place where blood stained your uniform the most.
Distantly he heard the helicopter as it touched down, whipping up dust that flew into his eyes. He could care less about some dust right now, because someone had rushed out and grabbed you, hoisting your unconscious form over their shoulder. Doggedly, he followed where they took you into the helicopter, unblinking eyes still fixed on you. Your blood might as well have been running through his own veins; he could feel it, not as something he only could dream of, but tangible. In the flesh. Real.
It was on him, somewhere. Where was it? Where was it?
A pressure was on his arm, guiding him towards the helicopter. He gritted his teeth, fighting down the urge to snap this man‘s neck. Even as his teeth cut deep into his lips, it was all he could do to tamp down the bloodlust he felt. At this point, he wasn‘t even sure who it was directed at.
He felt too heavy to even think anymore, and he was grateful for that. It was bad enough to have to constantly be tasting your blood in the air without his mind telling him what he should do.
The heli took off, and he let his mind mercifully shut down.
König was so thirsty, he felt like he was going to die.
He couldn‘t shake your scent off of him. It stuck in his head, his nose, his mouth, and made him feel like he was going insane— moreso than he already was.
After the check-up he’d been forced to have with one of the nurses, and even after he‘d showered for a long time, it wasn‘t leaving. You‘d never even been remotely close to his quarters, so why did it smell like you‘d plastered yourself all over his wall?
He was sweating again, even though he felt like a shriveled and dry husk; his eyes darted around his cramped room frantically, wishing that, even if he knew he would never forgive himself, he could—
His gear.
His gloves had you— your blood was all over them.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
The sane part of his mind willed his hands to stop from reaching towards his dirty, bloodied gear.
But it was like his hand had a mind of its own, and there was absolutely no stopping the way he brought it to his mouth.
He might be the most pathetic person on earth, but the moment his tongue touched that tiny stain of blood, he knew he was ruined forever. Nothing would ever come close to the taste of you. There were no words in any language to properly describe how that minuscule amount of blood made him feel. His body suddenly thrummed with energy despite having just been out for hours. For the first time in a long time, his mind felt clear. He was a drowning man who‘d just surfaced and gotten a breath of air—
Only to go straight back under, deeper than before.
What would it taste like from the source?
There was no use pretending he didn‘t like that idea. He could feel his boxers getting tight, even after what he‘d done in the shower.
König was slipping.
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karinasrealgf · 9 months
it's not the best but I just had to type it out before I forget! it's just a small idea 🧙🏽‍♀️
You had heard him before he slammed his fists on your door. His breathing sounded painful and labored. His steps weren't fast on his way to your home. There was no sign that he was fleeing from someone or something.
You ignored him. Your first assumption was that it was just some prank from a group of teens who decided to try out if the rumors and stories were all true. The unknown human who was in your doorsteps, being the one to dare and disturb you. Sadly for them, it was too late. You were in your pajamas and in bed already. You didn't feel like entertaining the foolish human and his friends.
However, he continued to knock. He wasn't giving up until he was sure you opened the door and made yourself seen.
Calling the cops wasn't an answer. The pigs didin't have the balls to enter the forest and see if you were in trouble. Like how you heard last time from the soccer moms that were married to them. "Once she's dead, that's the moment we'll enter". You sigh, put on your long black robe, and make your way down to the front door. You were growing irritated with the banging. You nearly yelled out that you were on the way to open the door.
The sight surprises you.
The first thing that hits you is the scent of blood. A mix of others and his own. It smells good. It's so delicious that your fangs are ready to sink. It has you taking a step back and him taking one forward. The fear of you letting him die. It doesn't help that he's towering over your figure. It feels like you're trapped.
Blood, blood, blood,
You turn your gaze away from his hand and look up. His sharp blue eyes are fixed on your red ones. He doesn't appear to be scared. He's not stepping away and yelling out for protection. He's struggling not to fall on you as the pain continues to be unbearable.
"Please help me." The unknown pleads.
You don't say anything.
You pull him in and lock the door.
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harveywritings92 · 2 years
[Vampire AU: Ghost and König are being briefed on a mission via video call, when their human mate R/n wanders into the kitchen she is heavily pregnant, and starts searching their fridge.]
König: If you’re hungry Spatz I bought pickles, they’re on the bottom shelf..
R/n, grimaces in disgust: The baby doesn’t want pickles…
König, confused: Then what do they want?
[She searches the fridge in frustration, Ghost was going ask if she wanted one of them go out get her something else? When her eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas, The vamps watch in horror as R/n pulls out one of their blood jars; pops the lid open and starts drinking. The blood dribbles down her chin and stains the front of her shirt, when she done she wipes her mouth a notices her boys watching her in shock.]
R/n: What?
Ghost: I don’t think I’ve ever realized just how gross that really is. (to König) Get her back to bed.
König: Uh, Ja, Let’s go Spatz. *As he helping her to their room.* Do you want me to order you a pizza or something?
[König and Ghost were going have a very long conversation about this new development, and read up more dhampir pregnancies.]
Spatz means Sparrow.
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