#ven is burning him. he hates it
fisherrprince · 2 years
hi hello i was thinking abt it bc of ur posts on vani and ven recently. what are ur thoughts on what bits of feelings vanitas gets from ventus. i am. curious tm
hello. you are in so much luck because I’ve been thinking about them somehow even more bc I just received a zine and also get to see them soon again with my friend. Hi. Hello
i tend to think it works like a sieve. Vani’s heart isn’t healed over, so it thinks it should still be getting feelings from the other part of it, which it does if they’re strong enough. He can get REALLY specific with them too — Ven’s happy because Terra gave him a strawberry tart. Ven’s relieved because he had previously been nervous but Aqua told him a story so everything is fine. — but he only ever gets the good feelings consistently (because that’s what he’s missing), and only gets the bad feelings if they overflow. At which point it kind of becomes dangerous for the both of them because they can get caught in a feedback loop of negativity and push it way worse than it needs to/they originally wanted to be and overstimulate each other just on pure Feels Angry or Feels Bad. Because!! Also! Ven can feel what vanitas does Only if it overflows from his side, only if they’re close proximity, and only the really nasty feelings. Most of them slough off into unversed or chimera unversed so this rarely ever happens, and it only becomes a problem when they’re too close and too busy and too upset. Like their boss fight. u could probably feel the nasty energy radiating off them
anyways I was getting off track vani can feel positive emotions from ven a lot and he can only really understand them when they’re happening and he ceases to really get it once they leave. His negativity reacts to ven’s positivity like fire and wood. It’s like depression+sisyphus’ eldritch madness. yaaaaay. Like this
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Vanitas genuinely hates him. For a lot of reasons not the least of which is it hurts him to keep being taunted and never given the reward. but in those moments of feeling happiness maybe he can pretend the feelings are his and cherish them for a moment…
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simplydannie · 3 months
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Written for and inspired by @grinnworld. Inspiration from their post here!
Set in an entire different AU, ever since the passing of their parents, Floyd has been raising the twins for the last three years. Now thirteen, Floyd is experiencing a lot changes… especially with Velvet.
It had been three years since the day…since the day their parents died.
Floyd was trusted to care for them, despite his tiny size, their parents trusted him because of how loving he was towards the twins…he really did care for them. Now they were thirteen, and life really didn’t prepare him to raise any thirteen year olds…GIANT thirteen year olds for that matter.
Veneer was much calmer than his sister. He didn’t demand much, except for the occasional attention. Velvet on the other hand was more of a handful, especially these past couple of weeks. Her mood was haywire, Floyd felt like he was walking on eggshells half the time around her.
“Alright, something simple for dinner, burger and fries?” Floyd had said one day.
“Okay!” Veneer exclaimed bouncing happily.
“….UGH…” Was all that came out of the girls mouth.
“What? Don’t want burger and fries?”
“….No…” Velvet exclaimed.
“…Um, okay…Oh! Mac’n’Cheese!”
“Yummy!” Veneer said again.
Velvet rolled her eyes, “No.”
“Oh double pepperoni!” The boy yipped happily.
“No! No! No! I don’t want anything! Stop pressuring me!” Velvet then stormed off and closed herself in the room. Veneer looked at Floyd with a confused expression and a rumbling tummy.
“….Sooooo what are we having?”
“Guys come on school!” Floyd walked down the hall calling out for the twins to hurry. He peeked in Veneer’s room, “Ven seriously?”
The boy was face down on his bed, mouth wide open and snoring, his alarm ringing and ringing next to him, “Five more minutes.” He pouted.
Using his hair, Floyd whipped open the blinds allowing for the bright morning sunglight to shine through. Veneer grunted and whined covering his face with a pillow, “Nooo, it burns!”
“Come on. Let’s get up sleepy head.” The small Troll then made his way over to Velvet’s room. Her bed was empty…but he could hear grunts and angered tones coming from her closet, “Vels?”
She barged out of her closet, tears running down her face. The young Rageon began throwing her clothes on the floor, ripping them from her closet, tossing them in mounds next to her bed.
“I HATE EVERYTHING! EVERYTHING! EVERYTHING LOOKS LIKE POOP! I WANT NEW CLOTHES! NOTHING LOOKS GOOD ON ME!” She sat down hugging her knees crying and crying. Floyd wasn’t sure what to do, he wasn’t sure how to approach it. Quietly and slowly he neared Velvet.
“It’s okay Vels. How about that dress you like?” He suggested.
“I already wore that!!!”
“Okay, okay. Take a moment and think what your favorite color is today, rememer that always helps you pic an outfit?”
Velvet was silent as she contiplated what he had told her….She calmed down as she dug through her pile of clothes, going back into the closet to change. She then came out an pink overall dress with a white sleeved under shirt underneath.
“There! See. Now lets go down for…..”
“I HATE IT!!!” She ran back into the closet crying.
The twins nearly missed the bus after Velvet had her little break down. At breakfast she couldn’t decide what she wanted, while Veneer happily munched away on his favorite cereal…As the twins were at school Floyd laid facing up towards the ceiling. He didn’t know what was wrong with her, why she was such on a rampage. Maye it was a phase? She was thirteen now. Maybe it was a mourning thing she was going through? She did love her parents.
“Rageons are definitely different than Trolls…” He murmured to himself. He heard the bus pull up front. Floyd peeked through the window to see the twins getting off….He already saw Velvet wasn’t having it, she must have had a really bad day. She flung her backpack to the ground and stomped her way towards the front door. Veneer was left trying to collect her things as he wobbled after her. The front door opened and slammed shut again as she came through. Velvet stomped her way up the stairs and straight into the bathroom.
“Oh boy…” Floyd heard a soft knock coming from the front door.
“Um….can someone please open the door for me?” Veneer’s soft voice came from the other side.
Floyd approached the bathroom in which Velvet closed herself behind. There wasn’t crying, but he could hear her heaving breathing as her anger slowly began to diminish. Veneer was behind him watching carefully…As the weeks went by he began to worry what was going on. Velvet didn’t want to hang out as much or do anything with him really…he began to feel lonely. Floyd slowly tapped on the door.
“…..What..” Her tone was stern and serious; she did not want to be bothered.
“Was everything okay at school?” He asked.
“What happened sweetie?….Are you two getting bullied again? Tell me who it is! I’ll go straight down there and- “
“No Floyd!”
“Then what Vels? What’s going on? These past week has been different. We’re worried about you….You know can talk to me about anything…Tell me anything…I’m here for you…both of you.”
“You can’t help with this one Floyd.”
“….I can try…”
Floyd sighed, “Okay Vels….” He began to walk away….
“….You wouldn’t understand…” Her voice came out again.
“What Vels? Understand what? I can if you helped me.” Floyd responded.
“It’s…..It’s a girl thing….It happened at school. My teacher and nurce talked to me about it.”
“…Girl thing?” Floyd lingered and thought; what could she possibly mean, what girl thing? He tried thinking, “Vel’s please help me understand.”
“Its something….that happens every month….”
“…Every month?…..….oh….oooooooh……..OH!” It finally hit Floyd. His exclamation caused Veneer to jump where he was.
“What happened? Is she going to be okay? Does she need to go to the doctor?” He began to asked. Floyd paced up and down in a panic.
“She’s fine. She’s fine. We uh, we need to go to the store. NOW! We need to get a few things…Okay, okay. Vel’s hang tight! Me and your brother will be right back!!” He called out pulling Veneer by his pant leg.
“What? Floyd why are you freaking out? What happened? Oh my god, is she going to die!” Veneer panicked.
“No. But if we don’t hurry then she’ll definietly kill us! Let’s go Ven! Let’s go now!!”
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vendoramachine · 8 months
random headcanons
velvet & veneer
pretty self explanatory. i needed someplace to dump all these stupid little thoughts. also, as the younger sibling of an older sister, these are all just me self projecting our relationship <3
- vel is mildly dyslexic and it’s been a sensitive topic for her entire life (yet she still makes fun of veneer for not being able to do math)
- veneer had both of his ears pierced, but his left ear eventually closed up cus he doesn’t wear his earring on that side (ifykyk)
- velvet’s anger issues has made her throw things at veneer on multiple occasions
“do you remember that time i accidentally hit you and you threw that moisturizer container at my head?”
- both had a very intense phase where they were obsessed with pokémon, specifically, team rocket
- jesse and james were both of their gay awakenings
- velvet always used to practice painting nails and doing makeup on veneer, that they never really grew out of it (she still does it for him <3)
- they never apologized to each other properly after getting upset with each other
“…you hungry?”
“…yeah. i’ll go with you to check the fridge.”
- strangely enough, vel asks to sleep in her brother’s bed if they don’t have anything going on the next day
- vel is one of them VIOLENT ASS SLEEPERS who kicks everything within radius, and her feet are always cold as fuck
“vel… vel, stop kicking me… v-velvet, YOUR FEET ARE COLD!”
- but ven is a blanket hog so they hate sleeping in the same bed but still do it cause it’s oddly comforting for them both
“veneer, it’s cold, bro… give me the- STOP TAKING THE BLANKET!”
- for some reason, they’re always coming at each other’s taste
- “i really don’t know what you see in ritz.”
“yeah? well, at least i didn’t fall for a random fan from the crowd.”
- their favorite places as kids were costco and ikea (don’t ask i just have a feeling)
- vel needed glasses as a kid, but she always hated how they looked on her, so she never wore them. ever. her eyesight is still lowkey shit.
- they both took violin and cello lessons as kids, but they thought it was mad boring and left (they don’t remember a single thing about it)
- velvet will fuck up a raw ass steak (so raw that you might as well give her an entire fucking cow), eating it with her bare hands like a wild animal
- as kids, they always talked about bailing each other out if one got arrested (but they both got arrested so that’s out the window 😻)
- “ugh, orange is so not my color.”
“girl, fuck you mean? you look better than all the bitches here.”
- ritz and orchid always go together to visit their criminal lovers in prison
- vel hates the feeling of gel, but does it for the aesthetic (veneer hates it too)
- veneer got his drivers license after vel, but she gets the WORSTTT road rage, so he doesn’t trust her and drives them everywhere
- vel has literally almost stabbed her brother with her sharp crown thingy
- veneer constantly asks his sis what he should wear because he’s too scared of being insulted
- both of their retinas have been burned by all the flashing cameras
- surprisingly, most of vel’s high school homecoming dates were men. nobody except veneer even knew she was a girl kisser until she turned sixteen
- they have matching robes. for sure.
- veneer is a shopping addict ( velvet carries his bags every time cus she thinks his complaining is annoying )
“ugh, my arms-“
“shut up. give me your bags.”
- vel had a giant ass rottweiler when they were in middle school that always scared the shit out of veneer, so that’s why he was so fucking scared of rhonda (velvet’s dog was really sweet tho 😢)
- ven coughs so hard from inhaling too much of vel’s perfume
- vel has a crippling fear of heights and veneer is the same with small spaces
- veneer is terrified of horror movies, and vel tells him to stop being a pussy (one jumpscare and you’ll see her clinging onto her brother)
- vel laughs her ass off every time her brother is mad because she can’t take his twink ass seriously
- these two turn into monsters when it comes to nintendo games (specifically mario kart)
- vel had the nintendo switch and ven had the nintendo lite
- they bought two so that they could have separate animal crossing islands, but ended up living on the same one anyways
- veneer loves the little clink that his shoes make
- never let either of them near cinnamon rolls. ever. (their asses will demolish entire buildings for that stuff)
i’ll probably add more to these later on, so watch out! i’m working on the requests, so watch out for those too!
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file (1)ALL-56-0190: most likely to
i've been sent this one a lot, glad i finally got around to it! this is a 'most likely to' tag game, where you answer which of your characters is most likely to do a certain thing as per the prompt. everyone's in the ring for this one!
thank you @the-golden-comet, @drchenquill, @urnumber1star, @willtheweaver, @ominous-feychild,
@paeliae-occasionally, @moltenwrites, and @gioiaalbanoart for tagging me!!
(warning: very long post)
1) most likely to faint
laszlo is pretty-fainting-victorian-woman coded, so i’d have to say him. sorry, bud.
2) most likely to enjoy art
if we mean creating art, it’s sunny (i hc she does nature/animal drawings in her spare time), if we mean appreciating art, it’s yaromyr (because he’s a softie and loves a good painting).
3) most likely to hate sports
daphne all the way. she has faked many sicknesses to get out of pe.
4) most likely to freeze if faced with something scary
either sunny or laszlo in the canon of their stories, but overall i’d go with ven.
5) most likely to eat the last bite of something
eira, he’s always got to have the last piece.
6) most likely to start an argument
so many of them. faye, sunny, sissy, sinon, danareth, eira, austine, maybe laszlo, and dulcinea, to single out some of the worst offenders.
7) most likely to own a cat
ven is a cat person for sure, theophania as well, though more in spirit, since it’d be hard for her to take care of one.
8) most likely to swim across a large river/channel without getting fatigued
possibly faye could do it with enough adrenaline, but sinon could fly over it…
9) most likely to not be a morning person and hates getting woken up too early
10) most likely to learn a subject a day before exams (and still nailing it)
darcy does it on the regular.
11) most likely to pick up a stray animal
faye, because she’s adopted many frogs, but darcy and laszlo would if given the opportunity.
12) most likely to fall for a prank
sissy’s entire life is a prank.
13) most likely to pull an accidental all-nighter
tie between daphne and dulcinea, they are not good at self care.
14) most likely to get stranded on an island and thrive
sinon, he could use the privacy.
15) most likely to get bullied by a random child
johnnie, but she deserves it.
16) most likely to win an athletic event
hnnngh, nobody?
17) most likely to become a con artist
theophania, although she doesn’t really want to (she often is, though).
18) most likely to get lost in their own home
danareth, for the sole fact that the miyokav castle is HUGE and he never quite got his head around all of it.
19) most likely to burn something while cooking
laszlo, faye, willow, and austine can’t cook to save a life.
20) most likely to stop a robbery if they see it taking place
nobody i think, it’s entirely likely that they’d all either think it’s a) not their place, b) the robber needed the money, c) think they couldn’t do anything or d) it’d be funnier if it happened.
21) most likely to not tell people they’re sick until they really need the help
laszlo and sunny in canon, willow, alastair, and theophania by virtue of their personalities, and ven (without meaning to).
22) most likely to crush on their villain/enemy
sasha (it’s the stockholm syndrome).
23) most likely to skip breakfast
all of the teenagers.
24) most likely to have a niche obsession
danareth and yaromyr, also alastair!
25) most likely to steal what they need on moment
all the dumaresq kids.
26) most likely to start a fight
sissy and sinon whenever the other is in the same room as them.
27) most likely to do something that they’re gonna regret later
*side eyes all the protagonists*
28) most likely to arrive ridiculously early
sinon and laszlo, those meticulous mfs.
29) most likely to be in a relationship for less than a week
daphne WISHES!
30) most likely to secretly be really good at music, but just not tell anyone
lady, but mostly because she has no one to tell.
leaving this one an open tag, feel free to use the prompts i was given or make up your own!
tag list for the sillies: (avoiding double tag but i may have missed some)
@wyked-ao3, @48lexr, @melpomene-grey, @thecrazyalchemist, @thecomfywriter,
@.moltenwrites, @yourpenpaldee, @glassfrogforest, @.the-golden-comet, @.gioiaalbanoart,
@.paeliae-occasionally, @.ominous-feychild, @.drchenquill, @tc-doherty, @corinneglass
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ellitx · 1 year
Chapter 17: Ludi Harpastum 2
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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁
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art belongs to: srr_yo
word count: 6.3k
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           Venti steadied his breath, trying to calm the adrenaline rush of his nerves and the palpitation of his heart. He strides long and fast, searching for a place with less crowds and far from the main venue.
           “Ven—  Venti— wait!”
           Your pleas went deaf to his ears. You tried to keep up with his pace but he was too fast. Even if he was dragging you along with him, it was getting too much for you. Your wrist hurts so much. And you can feel the stems of the flower bracelet piercing through your skin because of the tight pressure.
           “Venti!” You cried out as loud as you could. But it was useless. He just kept running away from the venue where you both were supposed to celebrate the festival together. You tried to free yourself from his strong clutch but it wasn’t budging.
           “Please stop, Venti!"
           The bard paused, finally stopping in his tracks. You gulped heavily, catching your breath from keeping up with him. The pain on your wrist suddenly became bearable – maybe because of how much you've been suppressing it for some time now.
           “What’s wrong? Why did you suddenly run away from the city?” You asked in between your heavy breaths. 
           Venti turned to look at you, concern written in his eyes.
           I don’t want you to meet them. He thought. 
           He wished he could say that and yet you'd have no idea what he means by it.
           "I just need to get some fresh air." He lied.
           Venti hates lying. He doesn't want to lie to you. It's like killing the relationship he had already established. To keep you safe, he would tell infinite lies if he had to. He does believe in honesty, yet his love for you is his supreme first principle.
           “I-is that so? I was worried we left Mondstadt when we were supposed to find a different game.” You pouted.
           Venti smiled, relieved that you didn't ask him more questions about his sudden shift of behavior. But he wasn’t relieved when he saw small trails of blood dripping down the arm he was holding. Venti, in great panic, released your wrist and gently cleaned the smears of blood ruining your skin. 
           “Shoot, I’m sorry, I… I didn’t mean to...”
           His gaze immediately turned despondent and miserable. He felt his knees giving up as drops of your blood stained his own palm.
           He asked himself. 
           Why is everything turning out this way?
           Venti was supposed to be enjoying this celebration with you and yet he himself was the one ruining it. Biting his lip, he fought the urge to cry.
           “I-I’m sorry, I...”
           He held your bloodied hand between his and healed it with Anemo. His chest stung. He can feel the marks on his chest burning. He can sense how hurt you are.
           How did I turn out this way…?
           His vision blurred heavily. Tears spilled over and flowed down his face like a river escaping a dam. No matter how much he wanted to hold back his cries, a small drop of tear fell on the back of his hand.
           “How… did I…”
           When did I make a wrong turn? What was my mistake?
           The more Venti thought about it, the more confused he got. How could he be so careless that he would end up hurting someone he loved? He was supposed to protect you, not hurt you.
           He only wanted someone to love and could be loved. However, he wasn’t able to become this person.
           “Venti, hey,” you cupped his cheeks and pressed your temple with his, gazing deeply into his watery emerald eyes as you hushed him. “It’s fine. It doesn’t hurt that badly.” 
           You reassured and tried to smile but the pain in your wrist made it difficult for you to do so. It hurts to see you smile through the pain. With hurry, he used more of his anemo vision to heal you. 
           “I’m sorry…” He apologized, his voice wavering as he turned away from you to hide his red face and disorganized visage.
           “Venti, don’t apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong." You assured him gently, pulling at his chin. "It's okay, you know?"
           "I'm really sorry," Venti whispered and averted his gaze, hiding his face from you.
           "No, please look at me. I'm right here." You smiled softly, taking his hands in yours again.
           "What if I'm no good for you anymore?" Venti asked with a trembling voice, still avoiding eye contact with you. "What if I've ruined everything we had?"
           Your breath hitched and at a loss for words he’d think of that. Is that why he was so apprehensive when he left the plaza? All this day, he’d been overthinking the relationship the two of you have bloomed. You pulled him in safe and tight and you wouldn’t let go for a long time.
           Venti’s breath was taken away, not from the squeeze but from the realization that your arms were finally around him.
           Carding your fingers through his short dark hair, you whispered in his ear, “You know I always love you. Even your imperfections.”
           Even my imperfections…
           He repeated to himself. Burying his head on your shoulder, he snuggled closer and he held onto your bare back. He pressed on the teal mark he implanted on your skin and traced it lovingly with his thumb. 
           The guilt is slowly eating him up. Every second, he fears you’ll know the truth he’s been hiding from you. Every minute, he fears Aether will approach you. And every time he thinks of these, he fears you’d leave him all alone, abandoned and deserted where he can’t feel your warm love anymore.
           “Come on, let’s go back to Mondstadt.” You helped him stand up and fixed his attire from his hat to his cape until he was well-kept and tidy. “You still have to take the title of Champion of Ludi Harpastum, don’t you?”
           It was an attempt to make it lighthearted and Venti appreciated it. Smiling shyly, he nodded and took your hand to embrace it with his.
           Briefly, a dark, wispy cloud eclipsed the crescent moon. For a few shadowy moments, it looked like there was a halo around the cloud, a dull aura of lunar luminescence. Lights were flickering in the distance as you walked with Venti back to Mondstadt.
           Even at this hour, the lively energy never seems to cease. The people are still crowded and much busier than a day. Now that the taverns were open, the men had flocked there to drink Angel’s Share’s signature wine. You saw a little cat girl, scolding a man with similar features as hers before she took the bottle from him.
           There is an air of celebration everywhere, from the sounds of merriment and laughter to the smells of food and incense. You feel a sense of joyous anticipation in the streets as if everyone is anticipating something grand.
           With each step you take, you feel like time has slowed down. Venti’s cape fluttered behind him as you followed his lead. 
           You hear the clink of coins as they rattled against each other or a jingle of jewelry as women walk by. You also saw people putting on makeup, choosing outfits, and doing their hair. Some wore robes while others dressed more casually.
           The more you lay your eyes on his back, the more your heart raced. 
           So warm…
           You smiled to yourself lightly.
           Our treasured celebration together. I hope I can make some fun memories with Venti.
           One moment the road is there, wide open and safe, the next there are loud noises, individuals flocking together and pushing themselves to push through the crowd to reach their desired destination. A little girl came rushing, her little boots pattering against the ground and crashed onto you due to your deep thought of admiration for what’s in front of you.
           It is the equivalent of looking without seeing, a form of loving blindness.
           The girl fell on the ground, dragging you along with her as her red hat fell off of her head. The sound of the ruckus didn’t cease and you turned around to see if anyone was hurt.
           She grumbled, rubbing her left shoulder while she tried to get up from the ground. You feel bad for being so distracted and seeing her carrying a big bag added more salt to your wound.
           “Are you okay?" You crouched to reach her height and assisted her. "I’m so sorry! Are you hurt? Do you have any injuries?"
           "No..." She shook her head before noticing that the contents of her bag had fallen out of her hands. "Oh no!" exclaimed her, as she quickly gathered the fallen item. From the ground was a ball with unique patterns and small rabbit-like objects.
           "Klee, I told you to stay close to me." A voice chimed in and you looked up to see a young man with pale blond hair and teal eyes. He knelt down and assisted the young girl, collecting all the bunny objects before keeping them inside the big backpack.
           Concerned, you assisted her in collecting the small toys, feeling bad for bumping into her and causing a commotion in the middle of the street. “I’m so sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going!” Your voice had a noticeable regret in it and as you grabbed the other toy bunny, another hand came in and took it before you could.
           It was the same young man. Fortunately, that was the last item and you didn’t have to worry about wondering where the rest went. 
           “That's ok! Thanks for helping, Miss!" She spoke up with a wide and bright smile as if the sun appeared before you in the middle of the night. She then turned her attention back to the young man next to her. "I’m sorry too, Albedo..."
           “It’s not me you should be apologizing to, Klee.” He shook his head and glanced at you. Klee’s eyes sparked an understanding of what he meant. She turned her head and fiddled with her small fingers, feeling shy to face the lady before her.
           “I’m sorry for bumping into you, Miss…”
           “Oh no, you shouldn't apologize for something like this. It doesn’t matter who is at fault here, we both made a mistake.” You smiled, trying to put an end to the tension.
           “You're right! Thank you, Miss!”
           “I'm glad you're alright. Are you doing well?" You patted her big red hat and she nuzzled into your palm, her heart beginning to warm at the fuzzy feeling she’s having.
           “Yes! I haven't seen you around this city yet, Miss. Are you from a foreign land?” Shaking your head, you offered her a sweet and shy smile. “I’m a Mondstadtian too. And it feels… new to me see the city so lively and full of life…”
           Unlike the previous city you’ve lived in where only cries and struggling to survive in the bloody battles endlessly echoed in your head. But you don’t want to ruin this joyful evening with your dark thoughts. It’s time to leave the past and move on.
           “Hehe, it feels great to finally meet someone so kind and nice. You even helped me gather all the things I needed for the Ludi Harpastum. This is the first time Dodoco and I ever felt so happy when playing with my friends!” Klee showed you her stuffed rabbit doll and you can’t help but coo at their cuteness. 
           She hopped and took your hand in hers while her already sparkling red eyes shone even brighter than you could imagine. “Klee and Dodoco want to play with you, Miss!”
           “I appreciate the thought but sadly I need to get going and reunite with my partner…”
           You turned your head, however, seeing the mass flock of Mondstadians celebrating and no signs of them dissipating was hard for you to find where Venti was. 
           I might get myself lost if I go there!!
           You internally cried. 
           “However, I don’t know the routes of this city…” you mumbled. 
           “In that case, would you like to tag along with us? We might cross paths with that partner of yours you have mentioned.” Albedo suggested. 
           “I would love to.” You nodded happily. “I’m [Name] by the way.” You held out your hand to him and the man was quick to grasp your palm into his own. Opening his mouth, he uttered his name, finally getting to socialize with someone else other than Venti.
           “Albedo, the chief alchemist working for the Knights of Favonius. It’s a pleasure to meet you, [Name].”
           You’ve been walking along the streets together with Klee and Albedo. Yet all this traversing in order to search for Venti was futile… 
           Ludi Harpastum is one of the most anticipated annual events the nation celebrates, as the little elf child has said to you, so searching for him through these crowded areas made it harder for you to squeeze through. Klee noticed how dejected you were and cheered you up by showing you her beloved friend, Dodoco.
           “Hee hee! It's me, Dodoco!" Klee voiced out for her friend and began to spin it around with her and yelped cheerfully. 
           "Dodoco’s going to be the mascot character at Ludi Harpastum this year! I'll be wearing the dress Mommy bought for me! Won't that be fun?" Klee explained to you about her friendship with Dodoco while you were both walking around the area, her small hand in yours so she wouldn’t get lost. 
           Klee’s so energetic, her bright smile is so contagious, and there's no doubt she has a lot of friends to play with. Albedo included.
           “For us freedom-loving bards, it is our journey and not our destination we must enjoy.” Under the spotlights, upon that stage, you spotted a man donned in Mondstadt’s traditional outfit with a lyre in his hand. His eyes glinted, grinning at his audience as all eyes were on him and the stage. “At least, that is what I believed for many decades before arriving in Mondstadt.”
           You turned to Klee and saw her eyes sparkle in wonder and awe at the stage play being held in the plaza. 
           “What perfect timing. Fortunately, we managed to get here on time to watch the play.” Albedo joined in, standing beside you. His eyes were focused on the actors, intrigued with his arms crossed. 
           “Play?” You questioned, tilting your head.
           “It’s an annual event during the Ludi Harpastum Festival where it depicts the beginning and history of the said event. If I’m not mistaken this one is called "The Wandering Bard”.” He explained to you.
           Your attention returned to the big stage. In the theater, you felt the brain of the screenwriter reaching out to the minds of the audience. 
           “One reason I've decided to stay is that I found Mondstadt to be perfectly faithful to its depiction by Alan the Bard, whose poetry inspires me the most. Its sweet and mysterious secrets are hidden in unknown spots, silently yearning to be discovered. However, if I'm truly honest, my stay in Mondstadt has been extended because of Ludi Harpastum, an annual festival in the city. What a delight! How could I miss out on such an occasion?”
           The actor’s words and emotions are asking questions in the way dreams do, always seeking a pathway to greater love and societal peace. 
           “I once heard a drunk Mondstadt merchant say that when Mondstadt was still but a small village, it was graced by the feather of a free bird, dropped by the beloved Anemo Archon. It was that feather that allowed Mondstadt to become the city it is today.” The setting changed, changing the scene to a mock copy of the plaza with a mimic of the statue situated far from his right.
           “Ever since, a commemoration has taken place every year to thank the Anemo Archon for his blessing. Over time, this commemoration grew to be the huge festival that we all know as Ludi Harpastum. Nowadays, it is fifteen days full of exquisite wine, poetry, music, flowers, and rituals. At this time of the year, the whole city bursts with joy and freedom.”
           It’s just as Venti has said to you, a fifteen-day event full of wine, artistry, and games for everyone to enjoy. Still, you are curious how this event began. You let all your attention to the stage right in front of you, blocking the loud noises of the crowds and cheers of the drunkards from the taverns, and let your eyes and ears consume every word spewed from the actors’ lips.
           “I'm sure that folks nowadays have forgotten about the original sacred aspect of Ludi Harpastum and might see it as a mere succession of lively events, no different from any ordinary festival. However, to us bards with a keen eye for detail, Ludi Harpastum is definitely the best festival in the mystical land of Teyvat. Even an outsider to Mondstadt like me can enjoy the feelings of freedom and independence that are unique to this city in just a short amount of time.”
           “But the true essence of the festival is not only how good the wine is or how beautiful the scenery is. That would be nothing compared to what Ludi Harpastum symbolizes to the people. Behind this joyous occasion hides a dark past even before Vennesa, the Lionfang Knight, founded the Knights of Favonius and became the Grand Master."
           From the other side of the street, Paimon and Aether were walking side-by-side with the little fairy carrying a load of street snacks. Taking a bite of her chicken-mushroom skewer, she gobbled it up whilst Aether squinted his eyes to see a crowd of people gathering. He can see colorful lights from afar which piqued his interest.
           “What’s going on over there?” He mumbled. Paimon hummed and raised an eyebrow not knowing what he meant, but quickly guessed it when she followed where he was looking. Gulping her food, which she could come back to later on, she floated over his head and expressed her amazement.
           “Oooh! That’s the play everyone was anticipating!”
           “Ludi Harpastum play? Isn't it too early for it?"
           “Well, it's happening now!" She exclaimed excitedly. “I didn’t realize it’s already nighttime and it had started already.”
           “Let us go then.”
           Aether and Paimon ran toward the plaza, passing by a group who were waving their hands and applauding the play. Just as they reached the theater, the actors were already starting to perform. 
             During that time, the aristocracy that ruled Mondstadt grew corrupt and abused their power. Gallant dresses and fancy suits sparkled, there’s no doubt only the high status of certain families are allowed to wear dreamy and expensive outfits. They walked side by side with their partners and one woman opened her fan and stared daggers at the commoners.
           Under their reign, Ludi Harpastum was transformed into an event enjoyed only by the wealthy elites. The head of the Lawrence Clan, Lord Lawrence, stepped forward and his long tail suit flapped along his strides as he settled both of his hands on his cane. 
           The commoners shivered at his presence while a few murmured under their breaths, whispering repulsive rumors to one another. But it ceased immediately when the Lord glowered at those pitiful peasants below him.
             It amazes you that such simple actions with no words can affect the atmosphere of the play. He dominates the other actors as if he’s asserting dominance. Well, it is his role to play as the head of that clan.
             The foremost clan among the aristocracy cared not for the enjoyment of the people and canceled all the games, leaving only the climax of the Harpastum. The crowd jeered, anger and bitterness were drawn all over their faces. From their reactions themselves, there is no doubt something controversial must have happened in the Lawrence clan.
           A political dispute? Tyranny? Corruption? You shall know soon enough.
           “However, only Lord Lawrence’s son, Barca Lawrence, had the right to touch that harpastum. Anyone else who dared even approach the ball would immediately face torture.” 
           On the young Lord’s hand was a colorful ball, perhaps the harpastum. Several commoners chased after Barca. They were after the ball than the aristocrat as if they were all desperate to take hold of it, but Barca drew his sword out and swung his weapon, and one by one they all fell down to their deaths. 
           “Tsk tsk tsk. You should know your place, plebeians. A mere touch on my Harpastum, you’ll be met by my sword’s blade.”
           The commoners who had been chasing after the ball scattered in fear upon seeing this display. On top of that, they knew he was an aristocrat; they were afraid to get close enough to him so the ball could roll away from them. 
           They were afraid the poor maiden would suffer and live a misfortune once the disgusting young lord brought her to his sick abode.
             You sneaked a glance at Klee and sensed she was trembling. Out of worry, you held her hand and gently stroked the back of the gloved hand back and forth to calm her. The little girl was taken aback by your small but gentle gesture, but a smile instantly replaced her previous fear. You whispered and reassured her that everything would be alright. 
           For a play like this, it might be too scary for young audiences like Klee. Maybe it’s best to go somewhere else…
             But upon encountering Vennessa the Warrior, Young Lord Barca quivered in fear. Her intimidating figure and her sheer death glare alone were enough for the aristocrat to surrender. But succumbing to her didn’t last long as the warrior had dearly hoped so because later that evening the young Lord returned. With a complacent grin, he spoke:
           “Your clan now belongs to the House of Lawrence! Those who dare defy the clan shall be slaughtered by none other than Ursa the Drake! If you wish to be free, then fight the dragon and the shackles will no longer restrain your humanity.”
           The announcement caused an uproar in the nation. 
           “This is unfair!”
           “You heinous murderers!”
           “You aristocrats are all pathetic!”
           “Give them a fair fight!”
           Despite the public’s holler of protest at his threat, his sadistic grin never faltered. The Lawrence family enjoyed every single second of the show. Their grins grew wider, baring their teeth and cheeks turning red. Their eyes shone with pure ferocious joy and cruelty, cackling loudly when Lord Lawrence released the wyvern from its cage and stormed Vennessa’s people. 
           His actions were met with howls of anguish and curses, but they soon came to realize that this was just another one of their cruel games. 
           Vennessa’s wrath burned brighter, her fiery rage igniting as she fought all monsters, slashing their bodies. She would take any power she could to slay the beast without mercy or hesitation. Though her strength was beyond compare, her opponents remained undeterred. They continued to mock her, even taunting her by killing her clan before her eyes.
           The remaining members of Vennessa's clan became desperate. All hope faded as they saw the battle devolve into a massacre. Her burning heart was fuelled by none other than anger and animosity. She pierced her sword into those monsters, slashing and twisting their bodies until they were burned to ashes. No matter how many enemies she killed, her rage only intensified.
           “I'm not going to let you get away with this!"
           Murderously foul glare was shooted at the tyrannical family but right then and there, Ursa the Drake stepped into the arena. Its giant and imperial figure may be intimidating but the gladiator never cowered. The dragon took a few steps towards Venessa and gazed at the young woman with its glowing yellow eyes. It roared, revealing its sharp fangs and serrated claws.
           Before Vennessa could jump in to protect her tribe from the draconic creature, teal feathers fluttered down from the sky and landed on her head. Instantly, a dazzling blue light filled the arena. Suddenly, it felt like time slowed down.
           The dragon was frozen in place and all its movements ceased as if time itself had come to a halt. Descending from the heavens came an angelic figure.
           "The hour is nigh! Children under the desolate sky, let the winds be your guide!"
           The angel appeared beside the dragon, dressed in white and adorned with a lyre. His bright, radiant wings flapped around his body as he descended, hovering over the arena. It was an unbelievable sight and a historical moment for the people of Mondstadt. Right before their very eyes was none other than the Anemo Archon, Barbatos, giving his people the freedom they sought and releasing them from the shackles of the Lawrence clan.
           The familiar name that left your lips rendered you speechless. 
            “I wonder who’s this Anemo Archon the little girl mentioned… just how long have I been asleep?” You muttered to yourself.
           “The important thing to remember is he’s a kind-hearted soul. He saved his people many times.”
           You looked back up to the stage and saw the actors prepare for the curtain call.
           That’s right. Venti said that to me…
           Confusion washed over you like a tempest, leaving you at a loss for words. Barbatos, now a god, beheld you with a solemn feeling. It's no wonder why you rarely see him. He knew that your connection, once simple and pure, had shifted in the wake of his ascension.
           Although the nightly wind was tender, wrapping you in an ethereal embrace, it felt suffocating. Shouldn't you be happy your little friend led the people to the path of happiness and freedom you desired from the very beginning? 
           As you gazed up at the stage play that was still ongoing, a myriad of emotions swirled within you. Awe mingled with a hint of melancholy, for you knew that your bond had undergone a profound transformation. Yet, beneath it all, you seek to find solace, come to reach a transcending mortal understanding, but it was not there.
           You feel heavy. Your head hurts, perhaps from all the noise and commotion of the crowd. You have to get out of here fast before something awful happens. Noticing that the curtain to the performance has been drawn, you push your way past the throng of people, fleeing the scene.
           It’s hard to swallow and digest the sudden information. Are things really back to normal?
           I need to ask Venti…
           You didn't mean to leave Albedo and Klee behind, but perhaps the strong and overwhelming emotion swirling inside you clouded your judgment. It wasn't intentional. After all, this was the first time you've visited the city since returning from your old city. It's not as if you planned to go anywhere else.
           On the spur of a moment, your heart leaped when someone grabbed hold of your hand. You felt a jolt of surprise as you turned around to see who it was.
           Not the Venti you know. This man is different— and a familiar one at that. Aether looked at you intently, his gaze full of concern. 
           "Are you alright?” He asked. You found yourself nodding.
           "It's good to see you again." Paimon, on the other hand, floated over you and spun around dancing happily. "We've been looking all over for you! We actually want to give you something." She eyed her companion, cueing him to hand the item to you.
           Aether gently cradled a small, intricately designed glass pendant in his hands, its delicate beauty gleaming under the soft glow of the street lamps. The pendant, once lost in the chaos of their adventures, had been meticulously repaired and restored.
           As they stood before you, their eyes filled with warmth and compassion, he extended his hand, offering the pendant with care. Its transparent surface shimmered, capturing fragments of light as if holding the essence of countless memories within its intricate contours.
           Paimon fluttered around excitedly, her voice bubbling with joy as she shared the tale of their arduous quest to retrieve the pendant. She spoke of their unwavering determination, braving treacherous landscapes and formidable foes, all driven by their steadfast commitment to returning this precious memento to its rightful owner.
           Your eyes widened with disbelief, your fingers trembling as you reached out to reclaim what was once lost. "This is..." Your eyes shimmered. As your hand closed around the pendant, a surge of emotion coursed through you. Memories flooded your mind, intertwined with a renewed sense of hope and gratitude.
           "We found your pendant and had someone we know fix it!" Paimon beamed, while Aether looked relieved. 
           The two of them were so enthusiastic, you couldn't help but smile. With tear-filled eyes and a grateful smile, you locked gazes with them, feeling an unspoken bond forged through shared experiences. At that moment, the fixed glass pendant became more than a mere trinket; it became a symbol of resilience, friendship, and the unwavering support that had carried you through the darkest of times.
           Embracing the pendant, you knew that its return signified not only the restoration of a cherished possession but also the affirmation that you were never alone in your journey. Aether and Paimon, guardians of your heart, had returned what was lost, mending more than just a shattered pendant, but the fragments of your spirit as well.
           "Thank you both!" You bowed and embraced them tightly, thankful for their kindness and devotion. "Hehe, we're happy to help you anytime, [Name]!" Paimon's chest puffed out, her hands over her hips while a smug smile donned her face.
           Aether looked at you, his eyes filled with genuine curiosity and compassion. "May I ask why this glass pendant is so important to you?" he inquired softly, his voice carrying a gentle warmth.
           Your gaze shifted to the pendant, your fingers tracing the intricate patterns etched upon its surface. You took a deep breath, summoning the strength to share your tale. 
      "This pendant," you began, your voice laced with bittersweet nostalgia, "is my memento of a time when my mother and father were still with me before the war tore our family apart."
           Aether listened attentively, his heart heavy with empathy. He understood the profound significance of cherished memories, especially those that symbolized moments of love and togetherness. 
           "I'm truly sorry for what you've been through," he whispered, his voice tinged with compassion.
           Tears welled up in your eyes, shimmering like the pendant itself. "When I hold this glass pendant," you continued, your voice trembling with emotion, "I can still feel their presence. It reminds me of the laughter, the warmth, and the love we shared as a family. It's a connection to a time that feels so distant now."
           The traveler nodded, a tender understanding reflecting in his eyes. "Memories hold great power," he said gently. "They remind us of who we are, where we come from, and the love that has shaped us. The pendant serves as a beautiful vessel for those precious memories, keeping them close to your heart."
           A moment of silence enveloped them, as the weight of their shared experiences lingered in the air. Aether's presence, unwavering and supportive, allowed you to feel heard and understood.
           "I believe," Aether finally spoke, his voice steady yet filled with empathy, "that the love and strength that your parents bestowed upon you will guide you through even the darkest of times. The pendant serves as a symbol of that love, reminding you that they are always with you, even if not physically present."
           Your tears flowed freely now, mingling with a bittersweet smile. You embraced the pendant tightly, finding solace in its delicate presence. 
           "Thank you," you whispered, your voice quivering. "Thank you for understanding, for helping me remember the love that still surrounds me."
           He reached out, gently placing a hand on your shoulder, offering silent support. In that shared moment, they found solace in the power of memories, the bond of compassion, and the unbreakable spirit that can emerge from even the darkest of pasts.
           “I’m sorry you have to see me like this.” Wiping the tears away, you turned away from them to hide the endless stream of your tears. It’s embarrassing to show them a vulnerable sight of you. 
           “Ludi Harpastum is really interesting…” Under the moonlight glow, the soft radiance of your figure left them breathless. Slender fingers caressed the floral bracelet and Aether and Paimon stood silent. “I never expected Barbatos to be the current Anemo Archon after the downfall of my father.” Such a solemn voice made the air bitter. 
           “Huh? I thought you already knew that.” Paimon tilted her head to the side, her arms behind her as she glanced at you caressing and clutching the ornament. Although you seem happy, she can’t help but feel there’s something troubling you. Her mouth parted slightly before letting out an annoyed huff and did her signature stomping.
           “Did Venti not tell you about this before?”
           An awkward and weak chuckle slipped from your pink lips just as you scratched your cheek with your dainty finger and glanced away from shame. “Not really… I only saw Barbatos once when Venti was away from the ruins.”
           Rather than shame, an indescribable emotion was saturating over your chest. Perhaps the idea of not being with your little wisp friend has gotten you a little emotional. Even if Venti is always there by your side, it feels incomplete— a puzzle piece that has suddenly gone missing from the complete image.
           Aether and Paimon stood before you, their usual playful banter replaced with an uncharacteristic silence. Something weighed heavily upon their hearts, causing a nervous hesitation in their voices. They exchanged glances, their eyes filled with a mixture of concern and uncertainty.
           Aether took a deep breath, steeling himself against the rising tide of anxiety. The truth he held threatened to unravel the fragile peace that enveloped your world. Yet, deep down, he knew that concealing it would only prolong the inevitable. With a determined resolve, he mustered the courage to speak the unspeakable.
           "Listen, there's something we need to tell you," Aether began, his voice tremulous yet resolute. Paimon, usually quick with words, remained uncharacteristically quiet, her eyes fixed upon you with a blend of worry and compassion.
           You looked at them, your gaze brimming with curiosity and a hint of apprehension. You sensed the gravity of their words, the unspoken weight that hung in the air. Aether struggled to find the right words, his voice faltering momentarily.
           "It's about the current Anemo Archon," Aether finally revealed, his voice tinged with unease. "The truth is... the current Anemo Archon is someone you know very well."
           Silence engulfed them, the weight of Aether's words settling like a fog around them. Your eyes widened, your heart racing with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. They knew, deep down, that this revelation would alter the course of your understanding of the world you thought you knew.
           Aether's nerves threatened to overwhelm him, yet he pushed aside his doubts, his fears, for the sake of honesty. 
           "The current Anemo Archon is—” 
           In the hushed embrace of the night, a deafening silence hung heavy in the air, suffocating your senses. The world seemed to stand still as if holding its breath, while the piercing blasts of fireworks shattered the fragile stillness. Each explosion reverberated through your being, mirroring the tempestuous storm brewing within your heart.
           Aether's words, like a blade to your soul, shattered the fragile sanctuary of your understanding. The truth, once hidden in the shadows, had been laid bare before you, leaving you speechless, your mind consumed by a maelstrom of emotions. Shock rippled through your veins, intertwining with a sense of betrayal that gnawed at the depths of your being.
           As the words sank deeper into your consciousness, a dark cloud descended upon your world. The bond you had shared with Venti, once an ethereal connection woven with trust and shared secrets, now felt frayed and tattered. 
           It was as if a string had snapped within you, severing the fragile bond and time you had spent with him. A friend and a loving partner you thought he was from the very beginning when you opened your eyes from your depths of endless slumber. 
           Your heart echoed with the weight of centuries, a crushing burden that threatened to drown you in despair. How could you reconcile with your lover you had revered with the shattered image before you? The pain of realization engulfed you, engulfed their once-unbreakable bond, leaving you adrift in a sea of conflicting emotions.
           Your breath came in ragged gasps, your trembling fingers reaching for the pendant that had once been a symbol of solace and belonging. Now, it felt heavy and cold against your chest, a painful reminder of the shattered illusions you had held dear. The tears welled up in your eyes, cascading down your cheeks as the weight of your emotions became too much to bear.
           You stood there, your chest ablaze with a searing pain that seemed to radiate from within. It was as if an invisible fire had ignited, devouring you from the inside out. Each breath you took was a struggle, your lungs constricted by an unseen weight, while your heart felt as if it were being pulled by strings, tugged in opposite directions.
           In the midst of your anguish, Venti, the beloved bard, finally emerged onto the scene, his face etched with a mixture of exhaustion and desperation. Panting heavily, he had searched tirelessly for you, his soul aching with an overwhelming sense of loss and longing. But when his eyes fell upon you, a shockwave of despair surged through him.
           His heart dropped, his once vibrant spirit dampened by the sight before him. There you stood, the girl he had watched over and cared for, now accompanied by Aether. 
           The bond he had forged, the connection he had painstakingly nurtured, lay shattered at his feet. His voice caught in his throat, his breath shallow, as a deep sense of misery enveloped him.
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taglist: @trust-the-oxygen @so-uncute
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cb-writes-stuff · 3 days
✂️ all
✂️: What is one of their worst memories?
Nauth: It’s only a vague memory, but… watching his parents be killed. He has nightmares, sometimes, but not very often at all. Even if it’s vague, it’s certainly not pleasant.
Ven: His dad chewed him out once for being pickpocketed on the way home from work.
Lynn: Watching through a keyhole, a father and mother yelling at each other. The only option: grab your sister, gather your things, and run.
Elvi: Leaving the city in the middle of the night, for no apparent reason! She still doesn’t know why Lynn did that. So weird…
Mela: [It hasn’t happen in the story yet, but.] Coming home to find it ravaged, tables overturned, belongings scattered on the floor, and her parents… They were alive. But very hurt. She could never forget their faces in that first moment she saw them.
Elial: Her entire childhood. Living on the streets is tough, and she did anything to get by. It didn’t always go well for her. It’s all a blur until she found the Gilded Palm—or rather, until the Palm found her.
William: There’s a girl back home that likes him. Shortly after announcing his intentions to join Enveil’s Company, who was passing through, and travel the world, she told him of her feelings. It hurt to leave her there, silently weeping.
Gloria: A stolen ring, a black cloth, a hot iron… Wyrd, the searing, the slow, torturing pain… …She hates to think of it, even now. She won’t.
Sils: It was dark and cold, even though the fireplace burned bright. She couldn’t feel anything.
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groriatrevi10xx · 9 months
Los días siempre empiezan agitados y luminosos para los Hechiceros, cada uno tiene un trabajo, trabajo y movimiento... Son días luminosos y de buenos augurios, piensan... En el Castillo pasa lo mismo, los sirvientes se mueven de un lado a otro, los Guardias vigilan y ayudan a los sirvientes a veces aunque no sea su deber, todo es normal.../The days always start hectic and bright for the Sorcerers, each one has a job, work and move... They are bright days and good omens, they think... In the Castle it is the same, the servants move from one side to another, the Guards watch over and help the servants sometimes even if it is not their duty, everything is normal...
Eso es lo que piensan.../That's what they think...
Hasta que ven a la Princesa correr rápidamente hacia su habitación, con una extraña alegría.../Until they see the Princess running quickly towards her room, with a strange joy...
No dicen nada, la chica en sí es algo especial.../They don't say anything, the girl herself is something special...
Brittany puede decir que este día es el mejor, así que cuando llega a su habitación, se encierra y salta de alegría.../Brittany can name this day as her best, so when she gets to her room, she locks herself in and jumps with joy...
¿A qué se debe?.../What is it due to?...
Había conocido a un Hombre, exactamente amable y lindo... Parecía estar buscando algo específico, pero no se lo dijo... Había sido tan bueno con ella, que también la había salvado de unos Cazadores que la habían atacado, la confundieron con una bruja..../She had met a Man, exactly kind and cute... He seemed to be looking for something specific, but he didn't tell her... He had been so good to her, he had also saved her from some Hunters who had mistaken her for a Witch...
Podría ser exagerada, pero su corazón latía... Quería volver a ver a ese Hombre, era como un sueño.../It could be exaggerated, but her heart was beating... She wanted to see that Man again, it was like a dream...
Un sueño que quería repetir.../A dream that she wanted to repeat...
Lo único que podía hacer por ahora era tirarse en su cama y abrazar una almohada, tenía muchas ganas de volver a verlo.../The only thing she could do for now is throw herself on her bed and hug a pillow, she really wanted to see him again...
Brittany sabe que mataría a su "Madre" si pudiera, su mirada muestra un odio ardiente.../Brittany knows she would kill her "Mother" if she could, her gaze shows burning hatred...
Y más aún cuando el Hombre que había conocido sonríe al escuchar hablar a su “Madre”…/And even more so when the Man he had known smiles when he hears his "Mother" speak...
Obviamente enamorado de la Reina.../Obviously in love with the Queen...
--Y esta es mi hija Teagan.../And this is my Daughter Teagan...--
Odia ese nombre.../Hate that name...
El Hombre le sonríe alegremente, eso la hace sonrojar un poco, pero recuerda lo que sucede a su alrededor… La furia regresa, solo furia dirigida a la Reina…/The Man smiles at her happily, that makes her blush a little, but she remembers what is happening around her... The fury returns, only fury directed at the Queen...
--Bonito nombre... Pero creo que ya nos habíamos conocido... ¿No te llamabas Brittany?.../Nice name... But I think we had already met... Wasn't your name Brittany?...--
Brittany no dice nada, solo se da vuelta... No quiere parecer grosera con el hombre que le gusta, pero necesita salir de allí... Logra agarrar una manzana de alguna mesa, susurra maldiciones.../Brittany doesn't say anything, she just turns around... She doesn't want to seem rude to the man she likes, but she needs to get out of there... She manages to grab an apple from some table, whispers curses...
La Manzana se vuelve negra, se pudre lentamente, perdiendo su belleza... Cómo desea Brittany que su "Madre" se pudra.../The Apple turns black, it slowly rots, losing its beauty... How Brittany wishes her "Mother" would rot...
Porque en los cuentos de hadas, la Princesa se queda con el Príncipe, siempre en los cuentos las Reinas son las malas... Siempre... No hubo ningún cambio.../Because in fairy tales, the Princess stays with the Prince, always in the stories the Queens are the bad ones... Always... There was no change...
Su "Madre" quería tomar su corazón como la Reina Malvada en el cuento de Blancanieves, Brittany no lo permitiría... Porque será ella quien le quite el suyo a la Reina.../Her "Mother" wanted to take her heart like the Evil Queen in the Snow White Story, Brittany wouldn't allow it... Because she will be the one who takes hers away from the Queen...
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****La Reina Umbra y la Princesa Teagan en sus 7-8 años.../Queen Umbra and Princess Teagan in their 7-8 years...****
Umbra: Es mia... {It's mine...}
Brittany {Teagan} es de {Brittany {Teagan} is from}: @askkassandragf-v-2
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Trick or treat!!
Oh no! What can I put together for trick-or-treaters?
It was more a punishment than a party, the ten of them sat around the a long table in a little used formal dining room in the castle at the Land of Departure, despite how much a gift being all together still was. Aqua patrolled like a guard making sure everyone was eating their roasted pumpkin seeds, drinking their pumpkin cider, and carving their pumpkins. Aqua's pumpkin had already been attended to, silhouette of a certain princess of heart the blue haired keyblade master had always favored over others flickering warmly, lit by a candle and a concentrated weak fire spell.
When Aqua had visited the Hundred Acre Wood recently (light duty they all took in rotation to make sure they didn't burn out always assigned to the same planets) she'd been cornered by hopping mad Rabbit, if the pun could be forgiven, which Aqua herself still wasn't sure it could be. She'd heard it first from Terra, then Axel, then Ventus, then Sora, each one having thought he was the originator and asking, "But was he hopping mad?" was a novel joke. Sora at least had the decency to look concerned Rabbit was upset and apologize for both the cause and Aqua being stuck in the middle before he started making fun. Vanitas had heard the four others make the joke and seen how frustrated Aqua was becoming, and perpetuated the pun on purpose. There was only so much Darkness itself could reform.
What had Rabbit so upset was all the keybearers stomping through his garden and pulling up every single pumpkin as fast as he could grow them, just to follow the rumor that there were sometimes potions to be found underneath. He didn't begrudge his friends any potions they could find, or even a nice round pumpkin or two when he grew more than he could ever use himself, but just to see his hard work quite literally tossed aside and turned to garbage didn't settle right.
Aqua had assured him that the Warriors of Light valued Rabbit's diligence and his pumpkins, and that every part of every single pumpkin was put to good use.
Every. Piece. Every. Pumpkin.
Pumpkins grown in the Hundred Acre Wood were part of the book and still existed in paper shreds littering the floor of Leon and Cloud's house until brought to full form in the real world, all suspended in time, not a single one rotted. There was quite a collection.
The keybearers would learn the value of pumpkin.
It was the right season for it at least.
The scent of pumpkin pie--though it also could have been the pumpkin bread--drifted into the room. Aqua would have to check the oven in a few minutes, right after she stopped Vanitas from cutting Ven's jack-o-lantern Chirithy in half for his own amusement. Up until that point Vanitas had taken pumpkin carving more seriously than some of the others, Roxas in particular. Roxas had just stabbed his knife into his pumpkin and left it at first, crossing his arms, leaning back in his chair, and falling into a sulking pout about how much he hated Halloween decorations (Some old grudge from a stint in Halloweentown back during his Organization days, Aqua would have explained to her later) until Axel leaned over and whispered something in his ear that turned him into a much better sport.
By the end of the day, stuffed full of pumpkin empanadas and making pumpkin potpourri, even Aqua's regrets were high, but a lesson was learned.
For a time at least.
Kairi and Sora were found guilty of hurling cabbages a few weeks later.
That was a much sadder party.
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43, 48, 49 for Ven? ^^
43. Can they handle stressful situations?
most things that stress out regular people don’t stress out ven at all. like, being held at knifepoint in an attempt of regicide is a silly saturday of adventuring for her. (it DOES stress regongar though. protects her always) but things that are stressful to her? (talking about her past, being vulnerable, looking in the mirror, etc) no she cannot handle those. at all. she tends to go catatonic. pretends nothing is real. gets the most dangerous ideas during that state.
48. How likely are they to go on a quest for revenge?
while she is married to a calistrian who would burn the entire world for her, it’s not very likely for her, she doesn’t care about almost anything and if someone took the one thing she does care about (regongar), she would probably just end her life, as depressing as it is.
49. Do they have trouble keeping their enemies and their friends straight?
uhm. i’m gonna be real with you i don’t know what this means. i’m not a native english speaker sorry!!!!! my gut instinct is like, do her enemies and friends turn queer around her. which is very fun to imagine but probably not what this means lol
edit: thank you dolly for explaining it to me haha. so, yes, the lines between enemy and friend are very weird for ven. mostly depends on how the person sees her tbh. she only cares if someone is entertaining to her, doesn’t matter if they want to kill her as long as she doesn’t get bored. so she doesn’t really see anyone as an enemy. but also, reg is her best friend and lover and he could never do anything that would make her hate him. yes she’s enabling a murderer but. :3. i rest my case.
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bunnyscar · 11 months
The Siliven's Request: Part 11
Alaine blinked as the memories faded, leaving her mind reeling with shock and horror. Staring blankly at the fire, she tried to process all that she had just seen and felt, all the pain, anger, and despair that Manas had gone through. She glanced at him. Though he avoided her gaze, she could see the ache in his eyes. She hesitated, feeling as though she should say something. But what could she say? Words felt meaningless in this situation, so she remained silent.
Finally, Manas murmured, “Well, now you know. Do you still think I can be anything more than a murderer?”
Alaine stood and walked over to the fireplace, standing in front of Manas so that he had to look at her. “Yes, I’m actually more convinced that you can,” she said firmly. After a slight pause, she added, “And I think Uncle Paine would agree.”
Manas studied her, uncertainty showing in his eyes. Once again, Alaine held out her hand. Hesitantly, Manas took it.
Ven stormed away from the city, his guards doing all they could to keep up. It was odd that he should leave the city so soon after visiting it, and without having accomplished what he had said he was going to do, but of course they could not speak against their prince. He had his reasons no doubt. But they did wish he would slow down, for not even they could keep up with his furious stride.
At last, Ven stopped at a crossroads. Panting, the guards stumbled up to him. His eyes were full of rage, and he did not seem tired in the least, despite having jogged the whole way. Hesitantly, one of the guards suggested, “Your highness, perhaps we should stop somewhere for the night?”
Ven turned on the guard fiercely, causing him to shrink back. But Ven only snapped at him, “Set up a tent then.” The guards quickly obeyed, erecting a small tent in a grove of trees near the road. Meanwhile, Ven paced back and forth, muttering to himself. When the tent had been built and one of the guards had started a fire, the other guard approached Ven apprehensively.
“Your highness, won’t you eat?”
Ven scowled, shaking his head. Then suddenly he grabbed the guard and demanded, “Tell me, why did I go to that city?”
Trembling, the guard stammered, “Y-your highness? You went to kill that girl, didn’t you?”
Ven stared, his eyes bloodshot. “What girl?” he hissed.
“Th-the girl that was with Manas,” the guard answered. “I thought you went to get rid of her, though you didn’t, so perhaps I was mistaken, milord.”
Ven shoved the guard away, causing him to fall hard on his bottom. “A girl?” Ven growled to himself, his face contorting with confusion and frustration. “A girl? I don’t remember any girl. You’re sure there was one?” he asked the guard, once again turning to him with savage eyes. The guard nodded fervently, terrified. Ven let out a howl of frustration.
“I don’t remember! Why don’t I remember? Manas was there, I was talking to him. Why, why?” With a cry of rage, Ven slammed a fist into one of the trees, cracking its bark. His mouth twisted into a terrible scowl, a look of pure hate and loathing burning in his eyes. “Manas,” he growled, “what have you done to me?!”
Link to Part 10:
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boyohazard · 2 years
About for Mobile!
- Valentine System, particularly Eddie, Wade, Ven, Gideon, Lucas, and Charlie.
- The body is 28 (we’re all the range of like 20-35)
- We’re white and American.
- We’re dirty commies, and we hate the cops and the military and the government.
- We’re all mlm/nblm, except for Gideon, who’s a big butch dyke.
- They/them and he/him are acceptable for all of us.
- We use the words “faggot” and “dyke” to identify ourselves, so if that makes you uncomfortable, you’re better off not following.
- OSDD, Autism, ADHD. Mentally ill as fuck.
- We love Rammstein, MCR, the Locked Tomb series, John Dies at the End, Star Trek (esp OS and DS9), and Resident Evil.
- We will love you forever if you tag us in posts about chickens, weird mammals, Deadpool, EEnE, Leon S. Kennedy, TLT, Rammstein, JDatE, Nog and Bashir from DS9, Muppets, drag, and things you think we would find funny/interesting.
- We hate Harry Potter and its fans with a burning passion. DO NOT INTERACT with us if you like/post Harry Potter. Just say you prefer your nostalgia over a mediocre children’s book series than the wellbeing of trans people, POC, Jewish people, and disabled people. Fuck you personally.
- I love my boyfriend so fucking much and I'm so gay for him. I love you, Static. I love you so much. - Wade
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afoolandathief · 1 year
Word find tag
Haven't done these in a while but recently was tagged by @winterandwords to find hold, fold, cold, and told and by @thegreatobsesso to find bury, burden, burn and buy
Tagging, if you'd like, @captain-kraken, @thatndginger, @andromedaexists & @talesfromaurea to find fox, fury, fire and fight
TWs below for alcohol, language, blood and death mentions, and references to an eating disorder:
Hold (Fire & Wine)
“How long has this been going on for?” he asked. Since before you and I last saw each other nearly a century ago. Since I realized I couldn’t be what everyone wanted me to be. Since I lost anyone who’d help me hold on to a modicum of self-control. He grinned, and it was harsh and mean and burning. “Must really fuck up your gag reflex.”
Cold (Something Wicked)
Caz had started drinking beer at age seven and spent most of his youth splitting bottle after bottle of ice-cold wódka brought from up north with his brothers. Now, one drink and he was spinning. Perfectly fine if the only alcohol you could get was in traces from the blood of the poor drunk you caught on the streets. Not so much if you wanted to save face in your favorite bar.
Fold (Those Horrid, Horrid Things)
He’d screamed and cried as Thor carried him from his house down to some remote dock. It should have alerted someone — even he knew strange men carrying kids in nets was one big, red flag. But Thor had avoided running into anyone in the surprisingly short amount of time it took to reach the ocean. He’d set Jormungandr down to take what looked like a piece of worn, gray paper from his pocket. He’d unfolded it, and unfolded it again, repeating until there was a worn, gray rowboat sitting on the shoreline. “Borrowed Skídbladnir from Freyr,” he’d said. “It folds out even bigger, but this is all I need to deal with you.”
Told (Yonder)
“So, you weren’t just yanking my nonexistent cock when you told me your city floats?” Thera asked. Logi nearly choked on the humid night air. “I — no, I wasn’t doing that,” he said, and raised an eyebrow. “You really have never heard of the Jotnar cities? So many ven come seeking refuge.” “No. None of Baetra’s fine military training taught us fairy stories,” she said.
Bury (Something Wicked)
Amber’s blood-orange lips twisted as Ember maneuvered a mouse in front of an ancient-looking desktop computer. A noise of disgust came from the back of his throat. “This guy’s family wants to bury him in an Elvis costume and wig?” he asked. “He was a famous impersonator and the family’s providing everything,” Amber called back, not taking her eyes off Jade. “Why do you care?” “Because I’ve got to look at it!” “Well, if it makes you feel any better, you get to be the one to incinerate him, costume and all.” Ember leaned back in his chair, a flare of something lighting up his ice-cold features for a moment. “Yeah, that does help,” he said.
Burden (Those Horrid, Horrid Things)
“Why are you here?” they eventually asked. “You had an out, Sigyn. You should have taken it.” She cupped their chin in her hand. “Loki Laufeyjarson,” she began. “Burden of my arms.” They twisted out of her grip. “I don’t want to be your burden,” they said. “And don’t give me crap about it not bothering you because you’re in love.”
Burn (Fire & Wine)
“I brought wine,” I said, setting the box at my feet. “Naturally. And also this -” I know what people like to drink. Call it a talent of mine. And I knew at parties he’d sip whiskey and try to sink into the shadows while his pretty wife teased and laughed. Expensive whisky, the kind with smoke and heat. But I also knew he hated the way it burned. That he craved sweetness, and when he drank, really drank, he wanted something that would black him out in only a few glasses. Thus, the blue Curaçao and white rum I was gesturing to.
Buy (Something Wicked)
Like any predator, Casimir Mraz alternated between stretches of starvation and gorging himself on blood and flesh. His financial habits were just about the same. When he got paid for a job, he’d buy new clothes and treat himself to expensive vodka. He’d let glittering watches and other pretty things hang off his arm for all to see. The lean times in between had been greatly relieved by the invention of the credit card.
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yzafre · 2 years
say you'll catch me when I fall | Finale
<< First | < Previous
Terra found it, the Keyblade graveyard – tucked behind a valley in the dry, barren land where he’d so often spoken with Xehanort.  As far as the eye could see gleaming, abandoned Keys sunk into the arid earth, a metal forest filling all but a single, x-shaped corridor through the field.
There he stood waiting, listening to the whistle of the wind until footsteps approached him from behind.  He turned, meeting Aqua’s somber eyes.  She hesitated, heartbreak and fear painting itself in the shadows of her face, and his stomach turned.
“I was told,” she said slowly, the words dragged out of her, “The Master was struck down.”
“Yes.  That’s right.  I was stupid and helped Xehanort do it,” he said.  She gasped and her heart seized inside his chest.  Pain shivered through him; he looked away, “The Master – he tried to hurt Ven.  I fought because I wanted to protect him, but… I was tricked.  Xehanort set the whole thing up.  All so he could awaken the Darkness inside me.”
He swallowed down a growing lump in his throat.  Grief bubbled beneath his skin, the eye of the storm of emotions, too many for him to make out.  It just burned, vibrating beneath his skin.
“You were right, Aqua, I did fall to the Darkness,” he admitted, “No.  I chose to let it in.  The Master was right to have me watched.  I went astray – but no more.”
“What else is Darkness but hate and rage?” Aqua asked, and he could feel her reaching out down the bond, felt the way she flinched back inches from touching the knot of chaos inside him, “Xehanort is feeding the dark fires within you – making you fight.  You’ll go astray again.  Tell me – how does that honor our Master’s memory, Terra?”
He looked away, heart aching.  Movement in the distance caught his eye.
When Ventus arrived at the Keyblade graveyard, Terra and Aqua were already there.
He could swear he heard a bell ringing in the distance.
They watched him approach in silence with heavy, forlorn gazes.  Each scrape of his shoes against the cracked earth rang infinitely loud.  After what seemed like hours, he finally fell to a stop in front of them. 
He tried to speak, choked on the words - cleared his throat and tried again.
“Xehanort wants me and Vanitas to fight and makes some kind of… x-blade.  But the Master said,” his voice broke, and he stuttered, watching as Terra flinched away as well, “He said we can’t let that happen, and he tried to destroy me for it.”
“X-blade?” Aqua repeated hollowly, voice wrapping awkwardly around the strange syllable.
“I still don’t know exactly what it is, but – it scares me to death.  Even just the thought of it.”
Terra rested a hand on his shoulder, “Relax, Ven.  We’re here and we’re going to take care of you.”
“I may have to fight Vanitas after all.  If I do, guys… I want you to – “
“The three of us can never be torn apart, alright?” Terra spoke over him, voice pitching up, “I’ll always find a way.”
They stepped closer, both of them, each wrapping a wing around him.  The feathers brushed against his arms, warm on his skin, as Aqua cradled his face, stroking a thumb softly, softly across his cheek.  Terra’s hand slid across his shoulder and wrapped firmly around his neck, gently nudging him closer.  Their feathers and faces were all he could see.
Ventus flared his wings in a wide sweep, forcing them away.
“I’m asking you: if you love me, just… put an end to me.”
His Flightmates gasped and looked fit to protest – but that was when Xehanort approached, Vanitas in his wake.  All three of them summoned their armor, ready to face this final fight.
You mustn’t fight, you must fly, a voice whispered on the wind as the dark Master monologued, but he couldn’t.  Not this time.
It all moved very quickly, after that.  His initial lunge was averted by Terra, who shoved him back as he sprinted into the fray.  The ground began to crack, to rise, Xehanort riding a pillar into the sky.  Terra stumbled, recovered, jumped, before Ventus lost sight of him behind the growing cloud of dust and metal.  The abandoned keys lifted from the ground, swirling around him and Aqua in a stream, cutting them off from their Flightmate.
Ventus snarled, spreading his wings and diving into the chaos.  He fluttered and dodged through the storm, rising as high as he could to try and get the lay of the land.  There was Aqua, her helmet having gone missing at some point to reveal her blue hair, a bright beacon against the growing shadows.  She raised her hand in a flash of light, and – there, an answer bloom of magic across the field, a barrier surrounding a moving figure.  The shield gave out beneath a barrage of flashing Keys, and Terra tumbled to the earth at Xehanort’s feet.
Snarling, Ventus dove, wings angling back, in, letting him fall faster and faster, Key flashing, until he slammed into –
The ground.
A foot planted in the middle of his back, sending him crashing to the dirt, pressing him down, trapped there; a hand twisted in his feathers, dripping with stinging, cloying Darkness as it squeezed, pulled, wrenched a wing backbackback.  The pain streamed down through the phantom limb, through his veins, straight to his heart like liquid fire.
This was nothing like the damage he’d taken before.  If the Unversed snagged his wings, the pain would sting like any other wound – and too much damage would see the wings faded from reality, with or without his input.  But a quick cure, or simply tucking them away would make the pain fade to a dull ache, and then quickly nothing at all.  This – this was different.
Ventus tried to fold the wings away into his heart, could feel the wings themselves try to give way beneath the force, to disperse like the magic they were.  The free wing flickered, pulled, disappeared, the weight disappearing from his back, but the Darkness Xehanort wielded wrapped around the other like a vice, keeping it trapped, tethered to physical reality.
The magjc pulled, burned, tore, until with a pop, a snap, the manifested surface gave away, pure magic ichor spilling into the air.
He screamed.
Beyond the pain, he thought he heard someone call his name, an enraged mirror to his tortured screaming, but it was hard to tell through the ringing in his ears.  His vision faded in and out.  Next thing he knew, he was staring down a long drop, feet and a limp wing dangling in the air, a hand around his throat.  He blacked out once more as the hand let go.
When he came to, Aqua was holding him close, and the light of Kingdom Hearts split the sky.
Footsteps drew near.  Ventus shifted, trying to push out of Aqua’s arm, but pain erupted from his damaged wing and nearly sent him blacking out again.  Blinking the stars from his eye, he turned his head to see a very familiar face.
“How ‘bout you leave the broken bird with me, so you can go have your little fight with Terra?  You can’t be too happy about him deep-sixing your Master,” the strange man from Radiant Garden laughed, an eyepatch covering his once-bleeding eye.
“Who are you?” Aqua hissed.
“You think you two have got some grand role to play.  As if.  You’re only here so that when I finish you off, Terra will succumb to the Darkness,” the man said, hefting his weapon, “So, who wants to go first?”
“Shut up!” Ventus snarled, clawing his way off Aqua’s lap.  He pushed to his knees, but barely got more than a few inches off the ground before pain exploded down his spine, sending him crashing back down.  Magic ichor stained the dirt as he gasped for breath, slamming a fist into the dirt in frustration.
“Oooh so this kiddo thinks he’s a full-fledged Keyblade wielder?” the man cooed, “He’s got the angry look down.”
“Go ahead and waste your time,” Aqua said, standing and stepping in front of Ventus, blocking his view, “Keep trying to drive us apart with your mind games.  It’ll never work!  Terra will prove to you he’s stronger!”
Aqua leapt forward, leaving Ventus behind.  He tried to push himself up, to join her, but every movement sent pain searing through him, blurring his vision until all he had were the sounds of fighting to go on.  When it finally faded, he was no closer to reaching his feet.
“I keep forgetting,” the man panted, “Don’t mess with Keyblade wielders.  But you know what?  That just means I made the right choice!”
Ventus heard Aqua’s quick foot-falls, then another pair, heavier, rushing away.
“What?  …Ven!”
Ventus heaved a deep breath, levering himself up on his forearms slowly, carefully.  Moving in inches, he managed to get his head up to face her, only the slightest bit dizzy.  A shadow approached her from overhead.
Before she could turn, Vanitas’s Key collided with her skull, sending her crumbling to the ground.  The ringing was back in Ventus’s ears, but this time his sight was perfectly clear.  Vanitas strolled over to her limp body, infuriatingly casual.  He kicked her shoulder, rolling her onto her back.
Ventus began scrambling, searching desperately for power to bolster him.  He reached down, pulling at the star within his chest, ignoring the way it made pain rippled out.  With a pop, his other wing unfurled, counter-balance to the seething mass of injury on his right-shoulder blade. 
Vanitas turned his Key, pointing the tip straight down at Aqua’s chest.
The Darkness rose greedily, embers jumping down the damaged wing from one wound towards the next, reaching for the other half of the pair, begging to seep down to the root.  Vanitas raised his blade, ready to strike.
Ventus snarled, reaching deep inside him for magic of the purest kind.  Xehanort cleaved the Dark from him to create pure Light, and now he would use it.
He dove straight into the well at the bottom of his soul, pulling and pulling until he reached the bottom, then pulling some more.  A tug, a wrench, a heave, and it was like a stopper came loose, light streaming from the depths in a tidal wave.
It rose, rushing and eager, and he guided it up, up, out, pushing it into his wings, more and more, till he felt like he would burst and then he kept going.  He ushered it towards the Dark eating at his wings, his heart, devouring it in turn, filling the manifestations until there was no room left, until it was too much, until they couldn’t hold any more.
He was luminous, he was infinite, he was, he was –
His wings ruptured, a single shattering before all pain faded away in a crystal-clear coolness that cascaded over him, the world sharpening into focus.  The wounds were still there, he knew, but it all felt very distant.  His radiance lit the land, pushing back the little creeping shadows, except – across from him, a Darkness resisted his blaze with its own dark fire.
He lit the star in his chest, summoning a Keyblade of light.  The Darkness would fall.
They clashed, again and again, the Darkness cackling wildly.  With every wound, more shadow poured from it, its mortal guise falling away until it stumbled back, the helmet fading away to reveal its face.
“You’ve done it, Ventus!” the Darkness cried, “Now that my body is about to perish… you and I will have to join together!  The x-blade will be forged!”
Shadows leapt from the Darkness as it reached for him, and the Light blazed brighter in opposition.  They pressed together, closer and closer, until they –
The Light touched down on the Station of Awakening.  The Darkness floated down, a great shadow from above, x-blade in hand.
Snarling, the Light leapt, clashed with the Darkness – no matter what, it would not succumb.  It would not allow this Darkness to persist.  It blazed brighter, brighter, and Darkness laughed, flaring its own aura in return.  Wherever the Light touched the Dark, it burned a way; wherever the Dark touched the Light, it obscured the radiance.  And so, they spiraled, closer and closer.  Their blades locked together, intertwined, pinning them in place.
“Our union is not finished,” the Darkness declared, “The x-blade shouldn’t stay broken like this.  Join me now, and we can complete the x-blade!”
Over the Darkness’ shoulders, twin glimmers, deep in the shadows, caught the Light’s eye.
In the void beyond, two stars blazed bright, their beacons cutting through the Darkness, all the more brilliant for it.  Their flames quivered, stretched, like great wings spreading wide.  As it watched, those bright stars began to waver, to fade; they were, they were –
Terra!  Aqua!
Ventus gasped, choking on the light flooding his heart.  In an instant, all sensation returned to him – the aches of his body, the trembling of his limbs, the raw, burnt-out magic pathways running alongside his veins.  He could feel the raw magic, still blazing from his spine.  He took a breath, then another, on every inhale pulling that power in, on every exhale sending it out, into the void, into them.
It was too much to bear alone, but together…
“I’ve got a better idea,” Ventus said, watching as those stars sparked brighter, fought against the Dark, “How ‘bout I destroy you both?”
Vanitas blinked, then laughed, brandishing the x-blade.
“The x-blade is made of your heart, too, idiot,” he sneered, “If you destroy it, your heart will vanish forever.”
“Whatever it takes.  Anything to save Terra and Aqua.”
Vanitas wavered, just for the briefest second, before setting his jaw with a glare, “Hmph, it’s always about your friends, isn’t it?”
“At least I have some.  I’ve become a part of their heart, just as they’ve become a part of mine.  My friends are my power – and I’m theirs!”
Ventus leapt, and the fight began.
I’m asking you, if you love me… just… put an end to me.
Aqua woke with a gasp.  Her head was throbbing, the bright, piercing light shining down from above only making things worse.  Wincing, she began to sit up, a small hand at her shoulder helping her along.
“Gosh, I’m glad you’re okay.”
Mickey?  What happened?  I was fighting that man, and then…
She lurched to her feet, stumbling slightly as a wave of dizziness overtook her.  Ignoring it, she scanned the area around here.  There, mere feet away, Ven stood, head lulled down against his chest, a large, unwieldy Key in his hand – one with a tarnished blade extending from the cross section of two silver-and-yellow keys, ones she thought she recognized as Kingdom Keys from her studies.
“Oh, thank goodness, Ven!  You’re safe,” she called, again, rushing to his side.  There was no response.  “Ven?”
He took a sharp breath, then Aqua only got the briefest glimpse of flashing yellow eyes before Ventus was moving, that unwieldy Key swinging in a preternaturally fast in an arc towards her neck.  Only Mickey’s quick intervention saved her.
“That’s not Ven!” he said, standing guard before her.
“Correct.  I am not Ventus,” the imposter replied, “His heart has become a part of mine, now.”
He strode forward, head held high, and magic spread from his back – pure shards of Light and Dark, swirling around his spine in a dizzying display before settling in the air behind him like a twisted mockery of feathers.
“This x-blade will open a door – one that leads to all worlds!  Then, Keyblade-bearing warriors will flock here from each and every one of them, to battle for the light within Kingdom Hearts.  And just like the legend says, the Keyblade War will begin!”
“Shut up!” Aqua snarled, summoning her own Key with a flick of her wrist, “I’m sick of your nonsense!  Give Ven his heart back!”
She’d beaten him twice before – she’d beat him again now.  Except –
He’d never had the x-blade, before.
Every one of her attacks was turned aside with the slightest of blows.  And even that was rare, with so few openings given – with the primordial Key in hand, his attacks were absolutely devastating.   Somewhere in it all, Mickey was knocked out of the fight.  Aqua could barely keep up.  A single swing covered the entire field, a single strike cracked the earth, and when he used magic, well…
Her back slammed into one of the many stone pillars dotting the canyon, stealing whatever breath his Aero spell hadn’t already taken.  Her vision swam, but even still she could see the mocking grin on his face as he stalked towards her.
“What’s wrong?  Giving up already?”
She scrabbled in her pocket, looking for a potion, an ether – anything.  All she found was the sharp edge of her wayfinder.  With a heaving breath that was halfway to a sob, she let her eyes slip closed.
Terra, Ven, lend me strength.
A beat, then a burn – Light, like a river, flowed into her, pure and strong.  She could feel it, anchored to Ven, streaming into her, into Terra, then back around again, an unbroken circle.
Vanitas stumbled, clutching his chest.  The cloud of glimmering dark and light crystals quivered, shattered, before the specks of dust left behind were sucked into Ventus, slowly forming the shape of familiar wings.  First came a pale expanse of white feathers, and Aqua’s heart leapt.  Then, as she watched, shadowed colors dropped down the feathers like ink, staining the white expanse until it settled into an ashy brown mass, dusted with black and white smudges.
Aqua hated how natural it looked.
Channeling the new-found power into her Key, she flew forward again.  This time, when their weapons clashed, she was able to dig in despite the shockwave that echoed out, and their blades locked.
“You’re – you’re just wasting your energy!” Vanitas said, but his voice wavered.  Determined, Aqua leaned in and pushed, and, with a gasp, he gave in.  She followed him back as he stumbled, striking again, and again.
Now, on equal grounds, the fight looked very different.
Vanitas was scrambling back, trying to buy space with desperate blasts of magic, when the tides of battle shifted again.  The x-blade shimmered, sparked, then erupted, causing him to drop it with a yelp.  Instead of falling, the Key rose into the air, the power spilling from it in shark spikes and blasts of magic rained down indiscriminately.
Aqua skipped back, crouching at the edge of the field.  Mickey appeared at her side, calling for her, but his voice was lost to the howling wind.  A flurry of movement came from above, and Terra crashed down to the earth heavily.  His armor landed hard after him, Terra’s Keyblade – not Earthshaker, but something very close – in its hand and moving fully autonomously.  Tiny Keyholes began to spark in the air.  In the middle of it all, beneath the self-destructing Key, Ventus’s body crumpled to the ground.
Terra’s head turned as he scrambled back from the armor pursuing him, and their eyes met.
Terra, what is –
I don’t know, are you –
Ven is –
We need to –
Everything went silent for a single breath.  All heads turned to the Key floating overhead.  Then, a horrible crack split the air, like reality shattering, as the weapon began to splinter.  A horrible whine picked up, growing louder and louder as the fractures spread, slowly at first, then faster.  The magic whipped up a storm, and Aqua had to dig her fingers into the dirt to not be swept away, tucking her wings away before the wind ripped her off the earth.  Across from her, Terra was doing the same, but Ventus, unconscious, began to drift away.
“Ventus,” Aqua yelled, her voice drowned out by the building scream; across from her, she could tell Terra was doing the same.  She tried to claw forward, but every inch of progress took an age.  Desperate, she turned to Terra.  He mirrored her despair back to her before, suddenly, his face fell into steady determination, deep as the mountain.
He coiled up and lunged, flying through the air and crashing into Ven.  They floated there, together, spinning in the air just beneath the self-destructing Key.  As she watched, he pulled Ventus close, mouth moving by his ear before he pressed his face into their third’s hair for one heartbeat, two.  Then, he twisted once more, and Ventus was sent careening into her.  As he slammed into her chest she latched on with a desperate grip, the momentum sending them both flying into the distance, moving away from the eye of the storm.  Looking to the center of it all was now like looking into the sun, Terra’s silhouette standing out in sharp relief.  With stinging eyes, she met his gaze one last time.
The x-blade gave a final wail, and the light blinded her.
Aqua awoke – warm, and safe.  Eyes still closed, she reached down inside her for her bonds.
Terra?  Ven?
No response.  Their hearts bobbed along in the void, present but dim and horribly, terribly quiet.
With a shuddering breath, she blinked her eyes open, “Where… am I?”
“You lost consciousness,” Master Yen Sid answered, and she straightened instinctively even as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, “Fortunately, Mickey found you and Ventus drifting in the Lanes Between and brought you back to me to receive proper care.”
Aqua sat up, turned – and abruptly had to lean against the wall behind her at the wave of dissonance that swept over her.
There was Ventus, next to her – The round cheeks, the bright hair, even his wings.  The shadows had faded from them, returning them to familiar white expanses, except for the tips of his feathers where streaks of brown and sooty gray lingered.
But despite it all, her bonds screamed that her Flightmate wasn’t there.
Swallowing down her confusion, she turned back to the ancient Master.
“And Terra?”
“I am sorry, but there was no sign of him.”
“I see.”
She turned back to Ventus, to his body, “What’s happened to Ventus?”
“The boy’s heart is sleeping.”
“When will he wake?”
Master Yen Sid sighed, “I could not say.  It is almost as though his heart has left.  Should it return, he may very well wake.  Should it not, then he may sleep like this for all eternity.”
She shook her head, swallowing down her instinctive aversion to reach out, brushing his hair from his face, “No.  I’ll keep him safe until he wakes.  Forever, if I have to.”
“I will tell you what your friend needs right now; it is not your protection,” Master Yen Sid said firmly, and Aqua recoiled, snapping her head around to stare up at him.  She wasn’t sure what he saw on her face, but when he continued, his voice softened, “He needs you to believe.  You see, Ventus’s heart hangs in the balance.  It sleeps in the place between Light and Darkness.  From all I can perceive, that means he will be looking for a friend – one who believes in him, to show him the way home.  Just as long as you love him, then Ventus will be able to find you when he wakes.  He can follow that love back to where he belongs – the Realm of Light.”
“Don’t you worry, Aqua,” Mickey said, bouncing over to place a bracing hand on her arm, “I believe in Ven, too.  Gosh, he’s been as good a friend to me as anybody.  And if both you and me believe in him with all our hearts, then he’ll have two lights to follow instead of one.”
“Three lights,” she corrected, “Terra.”
Mickey averted his gaze, “But… Terra’s gone.  Maybe for good.”
“No,” Aqua answered, pressing her hand to her chest, “He’s still out there; I’ll find him.”
The first order of business was getting Ventus somewhere safe.
When she lifted him, a rain of feathers dropped at her feet, scattering across the floor.  She froze, shifting him closer to her chest more carefully.  At the tips of his wings was empty space, gaps in the flight feathers.  She shivered, slowly, slowly, slowly shifting him onto her back, but even still, the pile grew at her feet.
With every step down the tower, his feathers fell away – not like the mourning feathers she’d seen falling from Master Eraqus, but truly falling away.  First the primaries and the secondaries, then the coverts, till even the scapulars fell, leaving behind only the skeletal structure of spectral wings. 
By the time she’d reached the exit, even that had faded, dissolving into specs of light.
Aqua stood for a moment, staring out at the inky sky above, studded with a thousand stars.  There had to be somewhere out there they could go – somewhere to shelter him, where he could rest.
“A safe place…”
Ventus twitched against her back, a soft glow briefly surrounding him as Wayward Wind flickered into existence just long enough to send out a piercing light, opening a portal before them.  With a sigh, the light faded away, and he went still once more.
“Alright,” Aqua said, forcing a smile, “If that’s where you want to go.”
Hiking him up higher on her back, she walked forward, through the portal.  The magic was blinding, the night she stepped into almost impossible to see in contrast.  As the path closed behind her, she blinked the stars from her eyes, waiting for her vision to adjust.  When it finally did, she gasped, the breath punching from her chest.
The Land of Departure was destroyed.  The very mountains surrounding their home were ripped from the roots, scattered through the sky as crumbling debris.  The only land left intact was the Castle itself, and the small courtyard in front of it.
There, in the center of it all, was the Master’s Defender.
It took some juggling of Ventus’s weight to reach down to it.  As she took it up, it settled as a heavy weight in her hand for a moment before sparkling, vanishing, as dust on the wind, that weight shifting to instead settle inside the star in her chest.  She could feel its allegiance clicking into place, its legacy falling fully into her hands.
With a heavy breath, she stood tall, ignoring the stinging in her eyes.  There was no time for that – she had work to do.
In the dark, every corner she passed seemed to carry ghosts.  The world had seemed so bright when she left.  She’d earned her Mastery, was given her first true responsibilities as Master, and Terra –
Oh, Terra.
Aqua placed Ventus in the central throne of the Castle, heading behind the chair as soon as he was settled.  When Master Eraqus told her of this secret, she never could have imagined she’d need it this soon.  But, sure enough, with the Master’s Defender and a burst of magic, the World began to shift and change around her, until all that was left were walls of gleaming white, glowing seal lines pulsing their way out from the only remaining throne.
She paused once more by Ventus’s side, glancing over at him.  She couldn’t bear to look at him.  His body was there, breathing, but – that wasn’t Ven, it just wasn’t.
He wasn’t in there.
With a shaky breath, she turned to leave, pressing a hand to her chest as she reached out for that distant, quietquietquiet star at the end of her bond.
Terra and I will be back to wake you up before you know it, Ven.  Wait just a little bit longer.
If she wanted to retrieve Terra, first she needed to find Terra.
Aqua sat just before the exit, legs crossed and hands folded, and let herself fall into the bond.  The familiar void surrounded her, her heart glowing below her.  Her bonds stretched out into the distance, Ventus’s faint and dim, Terra’s trembling and agitated, thrumming as she followed it along until she could feel him as she had many times over their journey.
For a long moment she hovered there on the outskirts, unsure, but – no, she could do this.  She must do this.
Aqua pressed deep, deeper than she ever had before, not stopping when she brushed against his heart but pushing, diving in, sliding closer and closer till they were collapsing, overlapping, a foreign storm surrounding her as she cast her body aside and she was running panting bleeding have to keep moving, don’t stop, not safe, buildings flying past and it was behind you, coming for you, just needed a moment to stop a moment to breath a moment to think why why whywhywhywhy
She gasped, barely managing to bring her head back above water, to distinguish her mind from the storm.
Terra, tell me where to find you.
A skip of the heart, fear recognition relief, Aqua, belovedbelovedbeloved, no not telling not safe stay away, flash of metal, being chased, armor defense inverted perverted, void staring him down from what once sheltered him
Where? She insisted.
Begrudging tired relieved, the dam giving in, city rising above, founts of light blooming into the sky, meetings and breakings and failure, the scrape of metal on stone, darkness as he needed to movemovemove
With a wrench, Aqua pulled herself from the link, slamming back into her own body.  She had her answer.
Radiant Garden.
It was night, when she landed.
She could almost believe the shadows were natural, but though there were no clouds the stars were all blotted from the sky.  Only the specks of light that naturally emerged from the ground and the flickering lampposts allowed her to see at all.
The streets were quiet, a stark difference from her previous visit, only the whistling of the wind blowing around corners.  Aqua strained her ears, searching for any clue, any sign of light – faintly, she could hear the bubbling of fountains in the distance, and then –
The quietest of shuffling, muffled footsteps, signs of life.  Summoning her Key, she stalked through the night, carefully creeping closer to the noise, pausing every now and again to re-orient herself.  Finally, she reached an alleyway and could hear frantic breathing just beyond.  She turned the corner, cautiously creeping towards the noise.
There was a yelp, a bolt of magic.  She summoned a barrier, the abrupt flash of light blinding her as a shadowed figure reeled away.
“Woah,” she called, reaching out comforting hand, “Hey, it’s okay!”
She blinked the stars from her eyes, staring down at an equally startled Terra on the ground.  He was panting, limbs trembling in the subtle way they did when muscles were strained beyond their limits.  Bruises were littered across his limbs, accented by several large lacerations cutting through them in key locations – areas that would normally be defended, she noted, if his armor was in place.
It wasn’t.
“Terra,” she repeated quietly, kneeling down, reaching for him, “What happened?”
Terra reached out in turn, grasping her hand, and she summoned magic, sending a continual line of Cures through their connection as he spoke, “After the x-blade exploded, I woke up here.  Only – I wasn’t alone.  My armor, it came alive.  Now, it seems to have a mind of its own.  It’s been hunting me, relentlessly.  It keeps saying…”
He trailed off, a troubled line growing on his forehead, before he shook his head, and Aqua squeezed his hand, drawing his attention back to her, “How did you get separated from your armor?”
“At the Graveyard, when I was fighting Xehanort – he separated his heart from his body.  He wanted to take over my body, use it as a vessel for his heart.  I summoned my armor, but I don’t remember what happened after that.  It was just… Darkness.  But then, there was this Light.”
“Ven,” Aqua agreed, remembering that burst of Light flowing through her, connecting her to him, to them.
Terra smiled, “Yeah.  That Light, I was able to push against the Darkness, to win against it.  I came back to myself, but when I did – the armor was there.  It hasn’t stopped hunting me since, and… I can’t make my Keyblade answer me.  And when I try to call it.. It just finds me faster.”
“Finds you?”
A heavy, metal footstep echoed down the alley, followed by the slow scrape of metal on stone.  Terra gave a full-body flinch, and she froze, slowly turning to peer over her shoulder.  At the mouth of the alley, the armor stood as a silent sentinel, light glinting off Terra’s Key and cape blowing in the wind.
Its head tilted, and for a breathless second she knew it was looking at her, through her, seeing every inch of her heart and everything she was and –
That gaze drifted away, dismissive, and the void instead focused on Terra.
The voice drifted in like a whisper, and that was all the warning they got before it was speeding forward, faster than it should be able.  Terra was prepared, rolling out of the way as sharp teeth slammed down where was he was sitting.  The second swing caught him in the chest, sending him flying into the alley wall, but the third – the third Aqua caught on her own Key, finally catching up.
“Stay away from my Flightmate,” She hissed, heaving back against the blow.
That pressing void focused on her again, striking against her guard over and over, determined to get through.  When it realized its efforts were futile, it disengaged, leaping back several feet.  Aqua slipped into a defensive stance, watching warily.
It shifted the Key to its shoulder, blade pointed towards them, where it morphed, transforming into a cannon.  Trapped in the narrow alley, they were sitting ducks.  Aqua’s heart skipped a beat before she turned, barreling into Terra who had stopped to gape.  They both went crashing to the ground, a beam of energy sailing inches over their heads.
“Since when can your Key do that?” she hissed.
“I can’t do that,” Terra sputtered, “How did it do that?”
Aqua glanced behind them – a dead end.  “We can’t fight like this – there’s not enough room.”
Terra went quiet before there was the rustle of feathers, and Aqua snapped her eyes over to him, instantly suspicious.
“He’s after me,” Terra said, batting his wings behind him, “I can draw him away – somewhere more open.”
She didn’t like it.  She really didn’t like it, but they didn’t have many other options.
“Okay,” she agreed, letting her own wings spread from her spine.  It was a tight fit, with both of them pressed side by side, but she could maneuver just enough to brush her primaries against his, “Be quick.  I’ll be right behind you.”
Terra nodded, stepping back and leaping into the sky with a great beat of his wings, squeezing them in then snapping them back out the instant he cleared the roof to carry him up and away.  As they predicted, the Armor instantly focused its attention on him, turning to chase after Terra’s retreating figure.
Aqua followed quickly, swift and light as she tailed the game of cat and mouse.  Terra was obviously heading for the top of the city – the same opening where they had fought the Unversed as a Flight, but half-way there something like a great rope stretched from the ground, wrapping around Terra and dragging him down.
Heart in her throat, Aqua dover for the ground.  When she arrived, Terra was dancing around the garden square as the Armor stalked after him, sending the Key lashing out after him like a whip.  She dove down, joining the fray.
Here in the open, the Amor’s mindless focus on Terra was its downfall.  Terra could bait it, guide it, drawing it into position for Aqua to take advantage of every opening.  She struck at it, again and again, until finally, finally, with a blow from behind she sent it toppling, slamming into the ground where it struggled against her weight, trying desperately to get back up.  A final twist, and her Keyblade pierced through the helmet, through the void inside, pinning it to the ground.  It twitched, metal screeching and scraping against itself as it spasmed, stretching its hand out towards Terra.
 Finally, it went still.
Aqua stumbled back from the blade, watching the pile of armor warily.  When it remained dead, she slumped in relief, turning back to Terra.
“It’s done.  You’re safe.”
Terra stared down at the armor, swaying slightly before his knees gave out from under him.  Aqua rushed forward, holding his shoulders as he collapsed to the ground, a hand going up to cradle his face.
“Terra!  Are you okay?”
He shuddered beneath her hands, leaning into her hands before flinching away, finally going still with one great sigh.
“Yes.  Thank you.”
“Okay,” Aqua breathed.  She squeezed his shoulders once more then, hesitantly got up to head back towards the armor, “We need to figure out what to do with this; we can’t just leave it here.  And we need to get back to Ven.”
“Ven?  …yes, where is Ventus?”
“Safe.  He’s,” she paused as she knelt down to examine the armor closer, “Well, he’s exactly where he wants to be.  Or at least, his body is.”
“His body?  I see, so his heart is lost again.”
Carefully, she ran fingers over the seams of the armor.  There was still magic inside, lying dormant.  Her Key was acting as a seal, but the moment she removed it the armor would spring to life again.  How did they deal with this?  If only the Master was still…
“No matter; the forging of the x-blade was a failure, anyways.”
How was she supposed to do this?  She was the only Master left.  It was her responsibility to keep them all safe, to keep the world safe, but…  She’d only just earned her Mastery, she’d as good as failed the first mission she was given – how was she supposed to protect everyone without his guidance?
“For now, there is just one loose end that needs to be addressed.”
She heaved a breath, pressing the heels of her palms into her eyes, pressing down the storm in her chest.  She was Master Aqua.  She could not falter.  She couldn’t let this win, she would give it no quarter… 
Aqua gasped, spinning to the side just in time to miss the teeth of a dark key slamming through the space she just stood.  As she fell into a defensive stance, Terra straightened, brandishing that twisted Key, the blue-green eye at its hilt flashing even in the low light.  White began streaking through his hair.  Amber bled into the blues of his eyes.
“Terra?  No – you’re,” she stuttered, heart sinking, pieces clicking into place, “It can’t be.  Terra defeated you, using Ven’s light!”
“And where is that Light now?” Terra’s voice rumbled, but it wasn’t his voice, not at all, purring in a cadency that was both familiar and horrible.  She grimaced, looking away, and Xehanort chuckled, “Terra was indeed able to suppress me, for a time; but where he thought I was defeated, I simply hid in the Darkness that Light cast.  Then, all I had to do was wait for that Light to dim.  I did warn young Terra – such bright lights can’t help but cast shadows on hearts such as ours.”
“Terra is nothing like you!”
“I wonder,” Xehanort mused.  His gaze wandered from her, down across the stone, over to the crumpled armor at his feet.  He reached out, stroking over the hilt of her Keyblade; she shivered as revulsion prickled over her skin.
“The armor – it wasn’t hunting Terra,” Aqua realized, “It was hunting you.”
“Ah, yes.  Terra was convinced he had eliminated me, but the detached Will he had left behind was not so easily fooled.  I really must thank you for dealing with it; it would have become quite an inconvenience.”
“Maybe I should free it, then,” she said, holding out her hand, prepared to summon her Key, to remove the seal on the armor.
“Perhaps you should.  But then, while it will certainly do its best to remove me from existence, it doesn’t seem to care whether Terra is destroyed in the process.  Are you willing to take that risk?”
She hesitated.  It, it wouldn’t – it was still a part of Terra.  She had to trust that, and even then, she could stop it, should the armor get out of hand. 
But if she was wrong, if she failed again –
Her hand fell.
“I don’t need it for the likes of you.  I am Master Aqua.  Now return my friend’s heart or pay the price!”
Aqua may have overestimated herself.
Her back hit the ground, knocking the breath from her lungs, and she desperately tried to see past the stars blooming in her eyes.
“And now,” Xehanort declared, raising his Key high above her, “Your light, too, shall expire.”
No.  No, not like this.  There had to be something, some way – she reached further in herself, looking for any drop of power left.  A distant star answered, like fingers slipping between hers.  Energy flooded into her heart, curling around the star in her chest, falling eagerly into her hands, and she immediately summoned it, pushing it out into the world.  
A Keyblade flickered to life in her hand, absorbing the blow.  She gasped, taking it in – Wayward Wind’s shape, the one Ventus always carried, with her own Rainfell’s motifs and teeth.  Rallying, she curled a fist around the hilt and shoved back, knocking him off-balance.  In his shock, he stumbled back – an opening she took advantage of.
“You…” Xehanort snarled, Darkness building around him.  It grew, solidified, until it formed a specter hovering behind him, dark eyes staring blankly ahead. “I will guide you to the depths of the Darkness!”
Thank you, Ven.
With Torrential Gale in hand, the fight was finally on equal grounds – and Aqua was winning.  Despite his Darkness, despite the way the world warped around them, despite the way his specter attacked from behind, she was winning.
“I’ll tell you one more time – give back Terra’s hear – AH!”
Freezing hands closed around her wings like a vice, tugging then squeezing till something cracked.  Gritting her teeth, she swung through her tears, twisting even as it made her spine acheacheache.  Her blow landed solidly, the specter flickering away.  At her back, her wings dissipated, folding back into her heart under the pain.
She stumbled, and Xehanort grinned, lunging forward – only to stumble, hand snapping to his head.  Light began to form around him, glimmering off his skin in stark contrast to the dark aura surrounding him.
He hissed. “Stop. Fighting. Back!”
With a yelp, his limbs were wrenched out, holding him in place.
“Terra,” Aqua gasped, “Terra, I know you’re in there!”
Terra grunted, twitched his hand.  Slowly, slowly, he brought the Key around until the tip pointed towards his chest.
“You won’t… use me for this,” he said, voice breaking, “Get out of my heart!”
The sharp teeth bit into his chest, light gleaming out.  The specter appeared again, roaring at his back as dark spikes ripped form its back, almost taking the shape of wings.  Together their eyes shone, dimmed, and went empty.  The shadow creature began to melt, falling into a pool of black at their feet.
Terra began to fall as well.
Heart in her throat, Aqua dove after him, barely remembering to summon her armor in time as she hit the black.
No!  The Darkness can’t have you!
Torrential Gale warmed in her hand, twisting, transforming, into something like Ventus’s board, magic propelling it further, faster.  They inched closer, closer, until finally her hand latched onto Terra’s wrist.  She pulled him in close, losing her grip on the Key – but it only drifted a short while before sputtering out of existence.  In her chest, her grip on that distant star faded like a sigh.
The cold enshrouded them.  It seeped through her armor, her clothes, biting at her skin like it wanted to reach her very bones.  She pressed Terra to her chest, knowing it would be only a cold comfort.  The Dark surrounding them was supernaturally quiet; even as she panted, trying to regain her breath, the sound only made it inches from her lips before it was swept away.
Above, the light they fell through began to dim.
I have to do something, or we’ll both be lost.
Determined, she ejected from her armor.  The cold immediately clung to her skin, numbness sinking into her fingers, but she wrapped the arms of her armor tight around his chest.  That could carry him, and with her wings, she could –
When she tried to summon her wings, they twinged, ached, barely stuttered into existence, rebelling from being pulled from their healing sleep.
There was no way she could fly like this.
With a little shivering sigh, she leaned into Terra, pressing her forehead against his as she cradled his face.  He was so cold.  So still.  She couldn’t….
“I’m with you.  Always,” she whispered, “Remember that.”
Pressing down tears, she pulled back and summoned magic to her hands, letting it wrap around the armor, propelling it up towards that ray of light, taking her Flightmate with it.  Around her, the Darkness grasped at her with greedy hands.
Ven, I’m sorry… I might not make it back as soon as I thought.  But I promise I’ll be there, one day, to wake you up.
Wait for me, both of you.  This isn’t the end for us.
I won’t let it be.
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laggingbehindreality · 4 months
7, 16 or 19 for the JoJo game?
ive been procrastinating on this for like a day bc of the fear of choosing boring answer but you know what. I am a boring person at the end of the day. I can at least be a boring person who gets things done and has fun with it.
7. Favourite Stand design? Least favourite Stand design?
Genuinely the toughest question because like,, to me this is a question of 'does the design work for what the story is trying to achieve' and not 'do i like how this looks' (even though the second interpretation is probably what the original question was trying to ask)
So. Favorite stand design.
Purple Haze is the stand of a traumatized teenager with anger issues who covers up deep insecurities with pedantic insistences on maintaining an air of the high society and formal college education that tossed him out to begin with. Of course the shape of Fugo's soul is a hunched over zombie that bleches disease and lashes out at the drop of a hat, but paradoxically values looks and cleanliness to the point of stumbling itself. This stand explains who Fugo is better than other characters describing him, it's the definition of what a good stand design should be aiming to achieve (in my opinion).
Least favorite. I don't know if this will be a 'controversial take' or whatever so please know that this isn't a hill I'm trying to die on, it's the example that most clearly jumped out at me while going through the list of all stands in JJBA.
Pearl Jam's design, to me, is entirely too fierce. Not to say that it doesn't work, it's perfect for the moment it's revealed (fix that spagetti!) but after we find out that the stand is harmless and beneficial, i think the stands should close their mouths to signal to the audience that they aren't agressive anymore. Like, I love me some sharp teeth, but there's that thing about how our brains interpret expressions, and the fact that the teeth are so sharp really makes it feel like these are little parasites that eat your insides rather than little tomato helpers that give you healthcare for the price of lunch. It's an extremely small detail, but it stuck in my brain for this long, so why not be pedantic, right?
16. Favourite ship(s)?
Squatizi, easily. I love that they're just fully, unapologetically in love with each other, and that they look ready for a long walk on the beach. One time I told someone on instagram that I hated narancia for killing them and they told me GOOD bc they were a narancia fan.
I also like. When Carne is also a part of squatizi. Squatizine. It frustrates me because even people who can kinda see it are like 'oh so Tiziano would talk to him right? And Squalo would be all defensive and worried for Tiziano's safety?' like,,,,, if i thought that was how it would go down, I wouldn't ship them. I think Squalo would be just fully enamored by Carne and after a few months of Carne slowly realising Squalo does actually like being with him and isn't secretly trying to make fun of him like Secco and Cio do, they do dumb boys-will-be-boys things like climbing tall rock outcroppings to jump into lakes from, grilling things really badly and arguing about internal temperatures and propane vs wood-burning, falling asleep in the sun after forgetting to put on suntan lotion and waking up looking like a pair of lobsters. Tiziano is the exasperated girlfreind third wheeling these two's extremely stupid bromance do you understand me
19. Creepiest moment / Stand / character?
This might be too tame of an answer but like. Enrico Pucci.
He's a priest, right? And everyone who is not in the protagonist's squad respects him for being a religious leader. The prison guards just let him wander wherever he wants, look into any prisoner's information and whereabouts, no questions asked. People outside the prison refer to him as 'father' because like, he's very obviously dressed like a priest, even if he's acting weird he's still an upstanding guy, right? He only gets in to the kennedy space center because someone saw him in line and invited him in after the ticket desk sold out. Everyone's just like, trusting the guy who is running himself ragged trying to bring about the end of the world, and only a squad of about ~6 prison inmates and Jolyne's dad are aware of how bad his previous actions were, and they had absolutely no idea how bad things were about to get until the final battle.
And then the final chase where Pucci is just,,, briskly walking to keep up with a sobbing child, so consumed with grief upon witnessing the death of a universe that he can barely get to his feet to run. Stressed me out a lot, yknow?
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saintlypsychopomp · 11 months
i fucking hate that ant hill
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Your grandmother burns her garbage in great, stinking piles that make you a little nauseous. When you’re twelve, you ask her why, and she looks at you like you’re stupid. Two weeks later, she looks at you (impossibly small, thin, and fragile, only coming up to your chin), and she motions for you, curling one bony finger (it’s gnarled like your mom’s, the same way their faces match).
“Ven paca, mijita." She’s got a funny way of talking. Like her words are curling and loping, like cats who don’t know where they wanna go. The words stretch too long, and your dad makes fun of her, and you hate him a little bit. He talks stupid too, or he did before he started mimicking radio announcers. You know you sound silly in both languages, but it doesn’t stop you from saying everything you think. 
You follow her (obviously), because talking back to grandmother isn’t very smart anyway, and you’re smart enough to believe in self-preservation. So you don’t really say anything; mostly, you just trot after her. Except sometimes you’re supposed to say things that would stop her from doing stuff, except that’s a very generous overestimation of your abilities.
So mainly, you do the smart thing and shut up.
“ves esto?” You do, because you aren’t that dumb or blind. Unlike what she seems to be a little bit convinced of (you aren’t too offended; she’s met your parents),
It’s an anthill, bigger than you’d seen in your fucking life. Except the time you saw that exact anthill and also fell in it. It only felt a little like you were going to die, so you shut up about it, unlike your idiot brother, “Uh-huh.”
It’s only a tiny bit of a surprise when she takes a coke bottle full of gasoline (there was a hole drilled into the lid; you remember that clearly for some reason) and pours it down their hill. It’s less of a surprise when she fishes in her pocket for the matches; you pull them from your own bermuda shorts (purple and ugly) and press them into her palm (it’s probably one of the only times she lets you touch her; you aren’t touchy people).
Grandmother (as she’s become in your head, tall and imposing despite being four feet and six inches [like your mother, impossibly frightening, topped the scale at four foot eight]) smiles approvingly and tosses a lit match into the ant hill.
You wish you could say it was horrible, but that it gave you insight into God and his whims; maybe that it was some defining moment for you. But all you remember is the feeling of your grandmother’s hand guiding you a safe distance away from the hill.
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Green and gold clashing?
like it tried to put it in the same spot in the next reset?
What happend to Cas? Why was he injred
More blood
Rae be carful
The earth and Quxis are like fighting over weather or not to place a village here
Fang? Isn't that Ven's fiancé
Only one sdie of the village is deytroyed? Did the pillagers leave before everything was burned?
Ulysses /neg
he's saying sorry?
Stairing at him with my litol eyes >:[
L+Ratio+No fish
Fish be gone lol
Bloppers are so funny
Conner you good?
Sad music started and Conner vanashed lol
His user is correct lol
We closed our spical eyes lol
Ohhh yeah, that...
Jamie has already yelled at him... cus he hurt Conner the dog
Fuck him
I hate Ulysses
He hurt a dog, I no like him
Dogoo is good :D
Thats not a good idea-
Aax, Ocie, and Ulysses arn't really friends-
Yeah, he probably would-
What Aax is, thats a loaded question-
I just got a reddit nots from r/fanfiction that said 'forgive me readers for I have sinned' lol
You did kind of throw wrench in their happy day, cus they found Aax and Athena that day
Wings? Eh
Libary perhaps?
Hi charles *uninthusiastically*
Ehhh, season 2 obsidian box, forgot that was there
The lighting changed
Bad box
Yeah yeah, get rid of it. That sounds good
We kicked the box and now our beans hurt
Yes moon we know that but it still hurt
Aura hug for Rae ( ^ω^)
We wish we had hands so we can give him a comforting pat on the head
Room bad?
Claustrophobia duo /j
Snow *we all dive into the snow*
yeah, Rae I get that, I feel the same way
Foxxi is an eppy boi
this was all hand typed
all i understood out of that was foxxy and now i want to watch fnaf
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